#i meanwhile am not shocked that a company is trying to make more money with their company
navree · 5 months
“so you people in charge of a business are gonna make a business decision about your business to increase business revenue for your business and grow your business while focusing on your business”
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zilabee · 2 years
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[John] was a creative producer, was productive, and got a lot of work done in a short time. He’d wake up in the morning five minutes before you would and he’d be shining your shoes. I’m serious, literally shining your shoes, really manic. [...] The most important thing I learned from him was to follow through, to finish what you start. If you say you’re going to send someone a postcard, send a postcard. He always followed through.
-- an interview with Harry from about a week after John's death
"I wasn’t a very close friend – no one was a very close friend to John other than the Beatles."
-- a little audio clip from 1984
There's no way to hide if you're Ringo. John could walk around invisibly. I walked down the street with him many times and if he wanted to be invisible you just wouldn't spot him.
- - Harry, interviewed 1982
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“George was talking about how wonderful the whole thing was going to be, trying to convince Harry to join the company,” Mr McLean recalled. “It was all great until Harry said, ‘The only thing is, I don’t think I could be managed by a gay man.” (Mr. Epstein’s sexuality was known by many in the industry at the time.)
Incensed, Mr Harrison gave his assistant a nod. “In a heartbeat, Harry was out of the house.”
-- the gay architects of classic rock, (courtesy of @harrisonstories)
“...we are all sad and sullen and standing around the grave and George goes, ‘Fuck You.’ And we are all shocked, and we thought he was having some kind of angst. And then he says, ‘That was always my favourite song: ‘You’re Breaking My Heart, Tearing it Apart, Well Fuck you,’ so then we all joined in and sang it.”
-- Mark Hudson, talking about Harry's funeral
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"I am sending you this note to encourage you to be strong and positive. I was very privileged to know your Dad whom I knew as a lovely guy and a great talent. [...] Sending the very best vibrations to you, love Paul."
-- a letter Paul wrote to Harry's son, encouraging him not to die of cancer
To my mind, he’s an almost equal mix of Paul’s talents and John’s damage. […] Nilsson is Paul without the drive to achieve, to show off, to show up. He’s Paul without the bossiness, a Paul more interested in being John’s buddy than his equal…
-- article on Hey Dullblog
I do have one thing with, uh, Harry and Paul, and that was from a hotel in Paris where it was Paul and Linda, and Harry and my mom, Diane. The four of them were in a hotel room in Paris, and my mom had a reel to reel tape recorder, and she was just recording everything that they were doing, and Paul started playing Blackbird on an acoustic guitar - before the White Album came out, no-one had ever heard it before. And Paul just started playing it, and singing it, and then Harry started singing along, so there's a recording of Harry harmonising with Paul on Blackbird. Uh, before the white album even came out, which I thought was pretty amazing.
-- Harry's son, Zak, talking on a podcast
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“Ringo was the beat behind the beatles, and they're called the beatles, and he was the beat. [...] When he plays you hear him, he's there, he makes things that drummers will be copying for a hundred years. I mean he is that good.I hate it when guys say you know, "is he really a good drummer?" Are you crazy!? Are you nuts? The guy's amazing and he plays drums better than anybody.”
- - Harry, interviewed 1982
“Well first of all he said he was a better drummer than Ringo, which is impossible.”
- - Harry, interviewed 1982, talking about Pete Best
[Late in his life Nilsson's accountant cheated him out of most of his money.] Ringo Starr bought a modest house for the family to live in. [...] Meanwhile, Yoko Ono sent a sizeable check to provide what she called "seed money" for his next project, with a very sympathetic letter, saying: "I know you are an exceptionally clever man, and pretty soon you'll hit the gold mine again, be your cocky self, and become obnoxious to all us mortals! Get Going!"
Nilsson: The Life of a Singer-Songwriter, by Alyn Shipton
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anthonybialy · 2 years
Devalued Money Is the Root of All Evil
Making money worthless is almost impressive.  Turning paper that once embodied affluence into kindling while trying to make everyone rich is extraordinary in its way.  The inability to buy much didn’t even result from sabotage, I’m pretty sure.  Financial titan Joe Biden didn’t just stop at wrecking the value of the economy: he actually crushed the power of the thing used to obtain other things.  The commander-in-chief is a military genius if commerce is our enemy.
Bills remain valuable if you run out of paper towels.  Lots of basic goods remain tough to find and buy for some mysterious reason.  Meanwhile, digital funds float away like gossamer in the ether.  We were supposed to be enjoying our futuristic cyberworld where the mere idea of being rich is all it takes.
Federal economic experts think there’s no way to go broke as long as the presses operate.  Performing labor in order to receive compensation is for suckers.  Primitive earlier generations were so unenlightened that they thought trading created value to address needs.  Modern geniuses wonder why anyone has bothered to ever work.  Democrats try their hardest to ensure the dream.
Your leaders who tried making you rich by conjuring checks presume money never changes value.  It buys stuff, silly.  Never pondering where it comes from is like presuming any gender can have babies.  As it turns out, modern reasoning is not as sophisticated as those generating notions would like to think.
We all pay thanks to those who truly think it’s just a matter of government issuing enough funding to create prosperity.  You just know they tip like six percent.  It’s sadly obvious why their solution to both federal programs and personal handouts is always to send out more.  Unlike the fuel they refuse to tap, the well is running dry.  Fundamentalist lunatics who believe Washington is the source of income, prosperity, and joy refuse to believe more could ever equal less.
Human motivation makes handing out unfunded prizes tricky.  Unhinged fanatics who trust Washington over their own shopping skills are unable to grasp the essence of supply and demand, including when it pertains to currency itself.  Increasing the supply surely won’t spread poverty.
Congress meanly won’t vote to lower prices.  I just wish there were a natural way to do the job representatives won’t like consumers negotiating with a variety of sellers competing for business.  The free market is much crueler to enterprises, unlike the unfortunate certainties provided by forcing citizens to buy junk.
The only beneficiaries of coercion are companies that don’t need to impress customers to get cash.  For people who hate greedy capitalists, Democrats sure do love guaranteeing massive profits.
I am also shocked those who fundamentally don’t understand what finances are spread poverty.  Thinking having to work is heartless misinterprets the transaction.  Shutdown lovers enjoyed grandstanding about the economy being more important than people when people exchanging things is all an economy is.
Thinking the government can provide everything neglects that little bit involving where stuff comes from.  Politicians always compensate for not thinking things out by deciding what you need while being funded by parasitism.  But at least their products suck.  If you like government work, you’re in a rather lonely focus group.
Sending out checks makes recipients wealthy.  The White House is certain, and their math legally can’t be incorrect.  Why ever work?  And why not send checks for a million dollars?  An extra concentrated dose of free cash will surely stimulate the economy in ways cruel profiteers could never imagine.  I can’t think of a single catch.
Getting something for nothing is liberalism’s core.  Not getting anything is liberalism’s result.  The conflict between idea and reality defines a most empty presidency.
Making others work for free is the new way of embracing compassion.  Canceling student loan debt means students learned they can use a product without paying for it.  The item’s shoddiness is the buyer’s problem.  Every product provided as an alleged right forces someone else to toil on behalf of others, which violates a pretty important amendment.  And softness on crime is nothing more than thieves who don’t generate value taking from those who do.
A personal example doesn’t necessarily inspire.  Biden has spent his rather unproductive career bossing around others while grifting.  The embodiment of inspiration believes government initiates everything worthwhile, including economic progress.  Meanwhile, the very thing used to purchase other things isn’t even valuable anymore.
The only thing worse than claiming Florida suffers from cruel conservatism as they gain electoral votes is trying to explain why liberalism fails.  Everything Biden believes is being disproven.  Even worse, it’s by Biden.  Liberals should loathe their erstwhile savior just for that.  The pushily duped ought to be furious at themselves for believing it was possible to get away with such preposterous attempts to circumvent earning.  Wise kindergarteners grasp what a president in his ninth decade doesn’t.
Why learn when you can double down on delusions?  Blaming diabolical corporations for coping with his policies is exactly what to expect from this presidency.  Prices all just jumped at the same random time which happened to coincide with the inauguration of a thoroughly liberal president.
The collusion behind prices jumping universally shows a disturbingly sophisticated level of planning amongst commercial competitors.  If an observer didn’t know better, it might appear that the one entity that actually doesn’t allow customers to shop elsewhere.
Open negotiation requires working instead of waiting for magnanimous dispensation.  Worthless politicians wonder why all this free money buys less and less.
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jaesvelvet · 3 years
muse — watanabe haruto
warnings: lowercase,grammartical error,spelling error
pairing: haruto + fem! reader
words: 2.3k words
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目が合う 目が合う
ほど美しい my muse
my muse is so beautiful
that i can't breath
just by meeting her eyes
haruto widens his eyes when you stand not so close beside him. your presence could make haruto cloud nine. your laugh could make haruto smile like a fool and your lips, if the world free from any rules, he would like to put his lips onto yours.
as you felt someone watching you, you turn around only to see some male's back, walking away from you. haruto fastens his pace to go to the dance practice room with hands full of snacks, he doesn't want you to think of him like a creeper, staring at someone without any particular reason.
"oi, what takes you so long?" mashiho asked the younger
haruto smile, he gives the oldest snacks that he bought from yg's convenience store. he gave all of the members snacks and water that he bought with his own money as punishment for losing rock paper scissors.
they all minded their own business, felt too tired of having chat with each other, they have gotten no rest since morning, practicing for their upcoming debut. all they could think now is their comfortable bed. but as much as they want to rest, they need to get this choreo neat and perfect to amaze the audience.
but haruto, his mind could think of you. you with silky hair and always wear your favorite white converse whenever you came to the company. it's unbelievable how you made him go crazy about you since he never felt falling in love with anyone. but when you step in the dance practice room and greeted them with a big smile on your face, that's the time where haruto felt you are so cute and making his heart fluttered
knowing your personality, haruto felt you are his type, he is completely head over heels for you, and he hates how he can't speak even a single word towards you when he realized his feelings. he felt so stupid.
"you guys!!" you entered the dance practice room with your infamous smile. behind you, lee youngsang, your father followed you into the dance practice room and put his belonging on the couch.
"i give you all 5 more minutes and shows me your result" said lee yongsang, or treasure's dance teacher or your dad more specifically.
as the leaders of the group, jihoon, and hyunsuk yelled out a 'yes teacher!' as a response, but once again haruto felt the cloud nine in his body, seeing the person he likes talking to doyoung, you always laugh whenever doyoung make the dad jokes, although haruto and the others find it not funny and lame, you being the easily laugh person, always laugh at doyoung's joke and it successfully made haruto smile like an idiot.
"who are you smiling at?" haruto flinched, truly shocked by asahi sudden appearance.
"no one, i remember when jeongwoo fell the other day, it's still funny till now" he answered coolly asahi can't know his big secret although he closes with asahi.
asahi nodded and left haruto alone, haruto sigh, relieved as the oldest trust his little lie.
"ruto ya" you called him
"i watched t-map yesterday, and i heard you like collecting butterfly necklaces"
"um yeah, that butterfly necklace is cool you know" haruto's heart flutter when you said you watched t-map, it means you knew how loud he is, a bit embarrassing but felt happy when you knew what he likes through t-map.
"you know– your style is cool and your fashion sense too, what about you wear something cute?"
"um yeah, that butterfly necklace is cool you know" haruto's flutter when you said you watched t-map, it means you knew how loud he is, a bit embarrassing but felt happy when you knew what he likes through t-map.
"why don't you try to wear something cute?" you asked
haruto scrunched his face. wear something cute? like what? like doyoung's all-red outfit? or junkyu's koala pajama?
"wear this. i made it myself, i made for you cause i remember you said you like collecting butterfly necklace" you handed it him a white pink bead necklace with a butterfly locket
haruto smile widely and couldn't help but chuckled at your cuteness. oh, how he wishes he could hug you right now
"thank you y/n, i'm gonna wear this," he said and wear the necklace on the spot, seeing you laugh happily made him happy. love turns someone crazy.
"okay guys that's enough of a break" the teacher yelled, making all of the 12 treasure members turn to their positions. haruto smile as he saw you mouthing 'fighting' to him.
haruto stares at the bead necklace with love in his eyes, he smiles when he thought you made this while thinking about him who loves collecting a butterfly necklace. he felt appreciated for the moment.
suddenly the door open, showing junkyu with his koala pajamas, entered the room with a towel on his shoulder and wet hair.
"i felt like i could sleep till next week" the older groaned, throwing himself to his bed, ready to sleep.
haruto didn't reply, he also felt tired from all day practicing, he turns his body facing the wall, ready to sleep but junkyu's question made him awake.
"do you like y/n, ruto ya?"
"what are you talking about hyung?"
"we all know"
haruto gulped
who we?
treasure members?
if yes, he is doomed.
"no, how can i—"
"you guys could make a cute couple"
"go to sleep hyung, we got to get up early tomorrow" haruto said, not want to continue this topic.
junkyu let him off, he also wants to sleep right now.
today is the day, where they need to record their debut song, but in the japanese version. when haruto turns to record his part, you enter the studio with your favorite potato snack.
you smiled at haruto who's now in the recording room, haruto returns your smile and starts practicing his rap before record it as he wants everything to go perfectly.
you still smiling at haruto, secretly adoring how cool he is while working, noticing jihoon looking at you with a smirk on his face, you quickly change your focus to the snack you bought
you don't want anyone to know your crush on haruto because they're gonna debut soon, and rookies can't date. you felt butterflies whenever haruto talks to you or smile at you, although you're the one who always starts the conversation, yet haruto never failed to make your day better
you noticed how haruto always awkward whenever you guys having a conversation and it made him cuter! thinking he must be awkward with a person besides his members
"ready, haruto?" the producer asked through the mic
haruto gives thumbs up, showing he ready to show off his skill to you although you know how good he in rap through ygtb.
he starts rapping in his native language, making you surprised, amazed at how his voice got so much deeper than rapping in korean.
"y/n cover your mouth, i'm afraid if fly flew into your mouth" jihoon joked, making all of the members laugh at you, you frowned at him but of course jihoon, being jihoon,  he keeps teasing you more and more.
"it's cute how you flirt with haruto with the bead necklace"
"i wasn't flirting!" you backup yourself
the members gave a sly smile at the youngest, obviously didn't trust all the words that come out from your mouth.
"yeah, but your dad said you took the class for the necklace, and you hate beads since they're so small and hard to do anything with it" said jihoon
you sighed as you can't think of another reply, because all of jihoon said is true.
"am i being obvious?" you finally being your true self towards the olders
hyunsuk nodded
"we can already tell you like haruto— the way you talk, see, and smile to him is different whenever you with us beside you only do bead necklace for him only," hyunsuk said, faking his tear at the fact you didn't give them your handmade bead necklace.
"haruto must know about this too, right?"
"nah he doesn't" junkyu replied
"why are you so sure?" you asked
"i was his roommate and i can tell he clearly in love with you, he slept with your necklace yesterday and we all notice how he smiling like an idiot whenever you around"
you couldn't help but smile at junkyu's statement
"you know y/n,his part in 'boy' he wrote himself. and guess who is the lyrics dedicated to?" yoshi asked
"to you of course," mashiho replied
"seriously?" you turn your head, facing haruto who now rapping to his part.
"what does that mean?" she asked
"it means, my muse is so beautiful that i can't breathe just by meeting her eyes" asahi spoke, grinning at the youngest
the members start teasing you, making you turn all red. you cover your red ears when haruto gets out of the recording room. haruto frowned when he saw you covered your ears, did his rap didn't impress you?
jihoon and hyunsuk who sit in front of you could only smirk when they saw how fluttered you are.
as usual, you only sit on the couch looking at the twelve boys practicing so hard for their debut, your dad keeps correcting their choreo and makes sure they all dancing in synchronize or they need to repeat all over again.
you felt pity for them, but they need to practice for a good result. you keep your eyes on haruto, ah, how charming is he? the way he laughs whenever the others making a joke.
"okay, take 5," said the coach, making them all lay on the floor, catching their breath. you smiled as you take fruit juice from your bag pocket to give to haruto but your dad snatches it away from you and innocently drinks the juice.
"how thoughtful my daughter is? brought juice for her dad" said your dad, continue drinking the juice. you scrunched your face, you want to yell at your father but you decided to not make a scene, instead of doing what you have in your mind- which is throwing a punch on your dad's arm, you push him and leave the dance practice room with a frowned face.
jihoon and hyunsuk laughing, knowing their coach purposely doing that to tease his daughter. meanwhile haruto just finds you sulking is cute(not fully knowing what happen), he just wants to squish that tiny girl.
hours later, you come back to the practice room after wandering around the company. you surprised that they still practice although it's 8 pm. they should head home, right?
as you want to ask your dad when will they go home, a groan, making everyone froze and look at haruto who already lie down, holding his ankle. you quickly go to him and check his ankle
"i think he sprained his ankle," you said and help haruto to stand–with the help of the other of course. haruto winced as the sprained feet touch the floor, without saying anything you took off haruto's shoes and socks, taking ice packs from junghwan who go to the store when hyunsuk ordered him to buy ice packs
"wait, i get the first aid," you said and left making all of the members, including your dad to look at haruto
"what?" haruto asked
"i know you like my daughter kid, just confess i'm tired of answering her about you every day," he said
haruto widen his eyes
"just confess ruto, i'm 100% sure y/n accept you," hyunsuk said
"if you still not sure, please take a look how fast y/n go to you when you sprained your ankle and the fact she only made beads necklace only for you" jihoon added
hearing their words making haruto smile shyly, she likes him back...?
seeing haruto smiling like an idiot, they all left the practice room as you arrived with first aid in your hands. you ignored the sly smile on others face, haruto's ankle is now more important
you kneel in front of him carefully bandaging his ankle
"you need to rest, no practice, walking making a late recovery," you said
haruto smile
"thank you y/n, i appreciate it" he said
you nod as you can't think any of response, you worried about haruto's injury, their debut only a month away
"i like you" his sudden words making you froze, slowly you look up, facing haruto
"what did you—"
"i like you" he cut you off
you pin the bandage and stand, making haruto look up at you. your smile making haruto's nervousness faded away.
"that is so sudden? i thought you could make it more romantic?"
haruto froze, feeling regret confessing to you without anything special. he needs to give a good impression as a boyfriend! - you could do better haruto! he thought. he apologizes to you in which you reply with your beautiful giggle.
"i'm just playing with you" you said and take a seat beside haruto, taking a brave move, you rest your head on his broad shoulder.
"but really, i'm sorry for confessing unromantically"
"ruto, the rap in your debut album is amazing, and that's the most romantic thing someone ever done to me. thank you" you said while smiling, thinking about his rap.
haruto scoffs, he knows so well yoshi said this to you because yoshi is the one who knew the rap is meant for someone he loves.  however, he also wants to hug the older as he 'helps' his feelings towards you.
"let's go home, you need plenty of rest" you said, helping the boy to stand up
"can you come to my dorm? i need someone to take care of me, i can't walk it will cause a late recovery someone said" haruto said in a teasing way making you slap his arm, laughing at his words
"i will make sure dad send me there tomorrow"
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themaribatpit · 3 years
Saturday Challenge: Double Crossover
Written by: The Maribat Pit   Prompt: Double Crossover Rated: M rating just to be safe (sexual references, mostly because of some very unsavory things Lila thinks and implies about Marinette.) Marinette x Jason Phantom of the Opera (specifically Hush Jason, from 2020′s Death in the Family).
A/N (Maribat fangirl): There is going to be a lot of class salt, Lila salt and some heavy duty character bashing.  I’m going to be upfront, there’s characters being called harlots. A/N (DC fanboy): My S.O. and I pretty much did karaoke while writing this.
Paris, 1875. Marinette worked in her parents bakery, while she loved her family dearly, she was dissatisfied with her current lot in life. She wished to become a singer, and everyday as she walked in the streets of Paris to bring flour to the bakery, she would stop and stare at the Conservatoire de Paris. The enchanting music and singing could be heard even in the streets.
Listening to music always reminded her of her favourite fairy tale told by her father, the one about  ‘Angel of Music’. She would sit on the street across the Conservatoire, close her eyes and listen to the beautiful music emanating from it. Once she tried to sing along, but passersby would be swift to yell at her to stop. They described her voice sounding like a rusty hinge.
Upon her 15th birthday, her parents presented to her a once in a lifetime opportunity. They had presented her with an approved application to the Conservatoire, they had saved enough money for tuition and would be sending her there to chase her dreams as an opera singer. Marinette held her parents tightly, thanking them constantly for the amazing opportunity.
That night, Marinette was unable to sleep, she was beaming with energy and excitement. She could not believe how her luck was changing, how she would be going to the musical academy of her dreams.
The next morning however she would be in a nervous panic for her first day of lessons. Running about the home, getting prepared, packing her bags. She even forgot to eat breakfast, she ran out the door with a croissant in her mouth, much to the chagrin of her parents.
However, her dream academy soon became a waking nightmare to her. She would be tormented daily by all her peers, especially one Lila Rossi, the prima donna of the academy. Every professor would sneer at her low birth, and did nothing when the others tried to sabotage her standing at the Academy.  She tried to keep her head held high, even as everyone else looked down on her for being a baker’s daughter. Marinette ignored the comments and rumours about how she was able to attend the prestigious academy.  Rumours that she dared not repeat, about how she and her parents must be criminals if they were able to afford to send her to the academy.  
It wasn’t enough for her to be stuck in the chorus, Lila Rossi wanted to make sure her place as prima donna of the academy was ironclad. A couple of the teachers felt that she was growing more temperamental, more complacent, and their eyes began to wander for a dancer to take her place.  The other dancers were unwilling to take her place, all except for Marinette, who saw it as a shining opportunity.  For Lila, this simply would not stand.  
The one time Marinette found a pair of scissors that had been used to cut the laces on her pointe shoes.  The same scissors that were missing from her sewing box days earlier. She decided that the time had come to confront Lila once and for all.
Marinette confronted her just before rehearsals began, scissors in hand, in front of everyone.  “Is it true?” she called, everyone turned to look at them.
“I don’t know what you mean.” Lila gasped.  She looked down to see her wearing her worn out slippers, before looking back up at her face.  “You do know you’re meant to be wearing your toe shoes now, right? The show is in a few days.” she reminded her.
“I do,” she breathed, “I also know it was you, you’re the one who cut the laces on my pointe shoes.”
Lila gasped and stepped back, everyone else was shocked by the accusation. She looked away for a moment, and squeezed her eyes shut.  Marinette knew the trick well from their acting classes at the academy, she was getting ready to make it look like she was crying.  “Why? Why would you accuse me of something like this?” she made sure her voice wavered as she spoke, “what reason do I have to sabotage a background dancer’s shoes?”
Marinette knew she had lost the battle before it had even begun, every dancer would move to protect Lila and her crocodile tears.  Lila was the prima donna, the daughter of a diplomat, and she had the entire academy in the palm of her hand.  “Perhaps there was some mistake,” she muttered, walking away from her classmates rushing to defend Lila’s fake tears.  It was useless trying to explain that the scissors were stolen from her, and that this was an elaborate setup.  It was her word against Lila’s, as the directors tried to command the dancer’s attention, Marinette ran.  
Once again, she tried to keep her head held high, it wasn’t as if anyone would believe her when she told them about Lila’s machinations.   She made a habit of keeping her costumes and pointe shoes hidden.  On occasion bringing them home whenever she visited her parent’s bakery, somewhere that little saboteur would not even think to look for them.
Months later, tragedy struck again when she received a letter informing her that her parent’s bakery had been burned.  Her parents, her hopes, her dreams all burned to ash in one night.  It was made worse by the fact that one rehearsal, Lila snatched the letter out of her hands and read it aloud for the entire company of dancers and singers to hear.   She assumed that it would be some kind of love note, probably preparing to spread rumours about Marinette sneaking off into the night with a mystery lover.  Instead, Lila simply made a show of pitying Marinette, “poor thing, it’s worse than I thought.  Unless you can find a patron to support you, your days at the academy are going to be numbered.”
Just as the theatre managers had arrived, Marinette fled, keeping her head down as tears were welling up in her eyes and blurring her vision.  Since the day she arrived she had been mocked, humiliated, tormented simply so that one girl could have the adoration and sympathy of her fellow performers.  Through all the salacious rumours and lies, she tried her best to ignore them and carry herself through it all.  The loss of her parents, their bakery, and now Marinette’s hopes and dreams, it was all too much to bear.  
Marinette ran to an empty music room to cry her heart out, she sat right against the wall, knees curled up to her chest and sobbed into her legs. In this state of absolute despair, she began to sing a song of her favourite fairy tale that her father would sing to her whenever she had a nightmare.  She sang a soft, painful prayer for the Angel of Music and a farewell to her lost parents. “Think of me, think of me fondly, when we say goodbye…”, her singing was hoarse, off key, full of sorrow.
The more she sang, the harder she cried. Soon to the point that she could not complete the song. However, a disembodied voice sang the remaining verse for her. Marinette paused from her crying to look for the voice, it felt as if it came from everywhere and nowhere. It was hypnotising, elegant, enchanting. She walked out of the music room to try to find the source of the singing.
“Come to me, Angel of Music.” The voice sang, in a smooth tenor voice, luring Marinette as if she was a moth attracted to a flame. The voice led her to a musical hall, reserved only for the academy’s annual showcase. She turned the door knob, to her surprise, the door was unlocked. She peeked her head through the door to see a cloaked figure playing the organ, the source of the enchanting voice. “Insolent girl, this slave of fashion. Basking in your glory.” The figure angrily sang “Ignorant fool, this prima donna.”
“Angel of Music, is that you?” Marinette tentatively asked the figure. The figure stopped playing, and turned around to face her. Marinette was taken aback by the figure, he was a tall man, wearing a red mask on the left side of his face. Another distinctive feature other than his magnificent voice was the white streak of hair and piercing green eyes.
“You are unlike any of the fools in this academy. You did not join this academy for fame or fortune. No, you came here because of your love of music.” The figure told her. He took a deep breath and composed himself, straightening his jacket. Then he raised an arm, reaching out to Marinette. “I am your Angel of Music, come to me Angel of Music.”  Marinette walks forward and accepts the Angel’s hand, thus beginning their first musical lesson together.
Marinette’s talent and ability in music skyrocketed with her extra-curricular lessons.   Her mysterious patron was also the one continuing to fund her education at the academy.  Meanwhile, no one else had the time to spread rumours about Marinette, not when there were rumours of a ghost haunting the Conservatoire.  
Unbeknownst to Marinette, she was the key to establishing control over a very profitable endeavour for her mysterious patron. The managers were being extorted to the tune of 20,000 francs and requested that box five remain open.  This money was nothing to them, especially when the sons and daughters of the wealthy and powerful were attending.  Very few had seen Jason’s face, and if they did, they would draw back in fear.   It was the result of a boyhood accident that left him changed and altered in more ways than one.  Taking control of the Conservatoire was merely the first step in taking control of an entire city.  This girl, Marinette, was the key to captivating their attention.  She would hold their attention and adoration as the rising star of the academy, drawing their eyes away from his growing influence and power.  Using talents and potential that they had cast aside, twisting their own hubris against them.  
Months later, everyone in the academy worked towards its annual showcase for its patrons, the nobility and all family members of its students. Lila had grown bored of tormenting Marinette, and had moved on to other victims.  She had her other dancers and singers wrapped around her little finger, and all eyes would be on her at the annual showcase.  
At last the day of the annual showcase had arrived, Lila sat at her personal preparation room, after all she would be the star of the show. She walked over to her wardrobe and opened it, she then screamed in horror to see her dress tattered and in pieces.
In the days leading to the showcase the Director of Conservatoire de Paris had received threatening letters demanding 20,000 Francs, box 5 to remain vacant and worse of all to replace Lila Rossi with some baker’s daughter. Director Bourgeois scoffed at the threats, tossing the letter away.
The next day during the rehearsal for one of the ballet numbers, students and teachers paid no mind to the threats that were outlined in the letter. Until one of the dancers looked up and gasped in horror. The other dancers looked up to find the stagehand hanging from the rafters. The theatre soon bursts into screams of fear as they all see the dead body of the stagehand.   Director Bourgeois ordered all faculty members and students present to remain silent of the murder. This prestigious institution could not afford such a scandal this close to such an important showcase. As the Director inspected the body, he found a letter titled to him attached to the corpse of a stagehand.
Director Bourgeois read the second letter with shaky hands, it read “Monsieur Bourgeois, good day to you. It seems you did not take my threat seriously. I present to you this corpse to show my sincerity. I see you have a young daughter, pray that no harm would befall her. I shall reiterate my demands, 20,000 francs, box five remain vacant and Mademoiselle Marinette shall replace the harlot Lila Rossi.”
Director Bourgeois collapsed into his chair, wiping his sweat. Until he heard a scream from outside his office. He ran out as fast as he could to see Lila Rossi confronting Marinette. Crocodile tears flowed from Lila’s eyes as she accused Marinette of sabotage, purposefully doing so in front of the Director's office.  
“How could you Marinette?” Lila wailed, “Whatever your reasons, how could you do this to me? To the Conservatoire?”
Marinette merely said “Lila, don’t you stay in a private room with guards patrolling the hallway outside?” She shrugs, “I was in my dormitory last night. Besides, how could anyone sneak into your room at night, unless they were a phantom?”
Director Bourgeois goes pale at Marinette’s implication, he had to intervene quickly, before the situation got worse. He attempted to placate Lila, “Now now mademoiselles, I can’t punish anybody unless we have solid evidence. As the saying goes ‘the show must go on.’ Signora Rossi, as you are currently unable to perform, I’m afraid Mademoiselle Marinette will have to take your place.”
Marinette’s eyes widened at the offer given to her, she could not believe it. Director Bourgeois himself offered her the star role for this year’s showcase. It is all as her Angel of Music said would happen. She accepted the role wholeheartedly and thanked the director profusely, she skipped back to the musical hall to begin rehearsals, now as the main lead.
Lila’s jaw dropped to see the director siding against her, how he gave away her role to that peasant without any hesitation. She clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, she stomped her way back to her bedroom to begin scheming the ultimate humiliation for Marinette. She was so distracted with her rage, she had not noticed a shadowy figure following her.
Lila planned to show the entire Opera house just who Marinette was, little more than a filthy peasant who got lucky.  She was supposed to have packed her bags and left months ago, after her parents and their pathetic little bakery burned down.  “This Opera Phantom had a lot of nerve calling me a harlot, when Marinette is probably his little harlot.” she muttered harshly in the darkness.  She searched the costume room for the lead actress’ dress, a long flowing gown that brushed against the floor.  It was made with the finest fabrics that money could buy, it almost broke Lila’s heart to sabotage it.  She would rather die than see it worn by some peasant girl, a pretender, a talentless sham of a performer.  Before she can lay hand on the dress to destroy it, a gloved hand reaches out and grabs her by the wrist.  A voice interrupts her, “What do you think you are doing with that?”
Lila slowly turns around to see a grotesque figure staring at her.  In the candlelight, she was horrified by the person she saw. The left half of his face was severely burned, almost completely disfigured. His bright green eyes flared with a fury that genuinely terrified Lila as the figure glared at her. She immediately drops everything and screams, as she runs out the door as fast as her legs would carry her, wailing and screaming how the ghost is trying to kill her. “He’s there, the Phantom of the Opera!” she wails as he chases her down. The Phantom pursues his prey. Just as Lila runs around a corner, the ghost is there waiting for her. She gives another horrified scream, falling to the floor and trying to crawl in the opposite direction. “No no no, please don't kill me!” She begged as tears blurred her vision.
Her howls and pleas of mercy attract nearby students, teachers and guards. They all arrive to see Lila screaming like a maniac on the floor, alone and raving about some ghost hunting her down. “The ghost is real! He is real I tell you! He’s going to kill me!” she sobbed. As Lila was being escorted out of the academy, gossip spread like wildfire. Within hours everyone would be talking about how Lila had lost all of her sanity because of the ghost.
They had no other choice at that moment, the show had to go on.  If they wanted the night to go smoothly, with no one noticing anything strange or peculiar, they had to meet the Phantom’s demands.  Marinette stood there, centre stage, with all of Paris’ most influential in the audience. She began to sing her show stopping aria.  
As she glided across the stage and looked out into the audience, her eyes searched for the man in the red mask.  She liked to imagine her Angel of Music beaming at her with pride, without him, she would still be that sad little girl crying in the music room.  She sang as loudly and as clearly as she could, hoping that her voice would pierce the heavens clearly enough for her mother and father to hear.  
As she reached her crescendo, she peaked with an E6. Her voice echoed across the entire hall with the sharpness and perfection of a veteran soprano singer. The audience collective dropped their jaws at the spectacle. Marinette ended her aria with a bow, and the theatre erupted with a thunderous round of applause.  
Jason watched from his seat in box five, with a self satisfied smile on his face.  From that day forth, he would see to it that all eyes were on her.  
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tealincubusspeckles · 2 years
Pedestal Called Love
!!!WARNING: emotional abuse, petty parents!!!
Am I too old to write diaries? Maybe, but sometimes it seems that people see James and put him on a pedestal. 
I have been to company parties where I have to pretend I don’t hear the whispers and looks of others. Similar to the attention I received under my father’s eye, I had to be mindful of everything I said and did. Ignoring others who say James is more capable than I am, how I am not fit to be at his side, and how we were using each other. According to gossip, James used me, his girlfriend and potential successor to Anderson Toys, as a means of getting an interview for the CEO position even though his degree was from a local community college. Mind you James had to alter and fabricate such things in order to seem legitimate. Gossip also says that James pretends to be engaged to me to fend off potential women and matchmakers trying to take the empire of Anderson Toys. We are engaged only because James wanted everyone to know I am his, he can be possessive like that since selfishness was a trait training taught him. Very few and often quieter commenters like to say, all I am is James’s pet whom he dressed up for company outings because I am unable to dress properly for official occasions. They don't know I am the one who will use my own money and commission or Erik or other dressmakers to make things for me. Nor do they know that I often refuse or gift James small things back if he ever buys me anything. The truth is I often have to tell James that him staying by my side and caring for me is enough. Meanwhile, others say I made James engage me because I helped him get a position or that I pay James to pretend to be with me because I am lacking. They would harshly say I lack in my looks, my money, or my cleverness. To think I graduated high school and came into the business world with petty children in adult skin is truly laughable. 
I understand I am no beauty pageant goddess and I am no Einstein, but to be talked down often makes my blood boil. They will never understand how I can call James a perfect person but not desire to be him. No one will understand not wanting to be perfect according to society. I wanna be myself and discover who that is, I want freedom. But, there will always be a conflict in me since I was raised to please others. I fight myself daily telling myself I am fine the way I am and I don't need to be reminded how I fall short of what society expects, of what my father expects. Emotional pain is deeper and unseen to the human eye, even if you claim you went through it people might say, “it’s just in your head”. People like to see and empathize with the physical pain of things, the scars of having parents should have never been parents in the first place. Fortunately or unfortunately for me, my father never did anything beyond disciplinary guidance. I was never touched where I shouldn’t have been, and feel sorry for those who have. Disciplinary action for my father was pulling my hair, pulling my ear, slapping my face, kneeling on rice for about 30 minutes to an hour, a belt or ruler against my wrist, and belts against my back. My mother would always seem shocked by these things if they happened in front of her. But, she would often not bring it up to my father if I told her. I was always grateful for the times she would tell my dad off making them explode into arguments allowing me to run away. Sometimes my dad followed me until he felt his discipline got across his message to me. Some part of my brain likes to say I see my father in James sometimes and that is why I was attracted to him in the first place. In all honesty, I can’t say that wasn’t the case. But, James doesn’t hit me or punish me like that. James is careful with me and only removes my senses when he senses I am in the mood for it. James is attentive to others since he was always taught to observe and take action when he had to.
What hurts my heart the most is how often all those comments fail to see how they isolate James. They put him so high and cater to him because he has access to a fruitful position. They think throwing themselves at him will give them the attention and favor they care about and fail to see James. Everyone only sees James for what he can do to them or for them whether it be in the company or in the bedroom. They don't see that being on a pedestal is lonely and cold. Nor do they see how expectation so high is suffocating. My father tried to make me reach a pedestal too and all I remember was the face of failure, disappointment, and self-loathing for myself. I wasn’t allowed to experiment or have dreams because my father often told me those were a waste of time, putting my head in the clouds, and how I will only get recognition when I am gone. It was humiliating and painful the way I would have to tug out my heart, bite my tongue, lie to myself, and smile for the cameras that my father would put me in front of to show off when I did well. I was placed in karate, tap dancing, piano, and summer schools at places to help ensure my grades were maintained to be part of the top three of my class. I rarely had dates because as my father said “other people of no position were a waste of time” or “your mind should be on your studies”. If I did manage to find someone, I had to have my parent's approval. If my parents or mainly my father didn’t approve they were scared away from me by my father. How? My father was a petty man who made friends or paid off some teachers to monitor my actions in school and ensure my head was in my studies. If it seemed I was slacking because of someone then my dad would pick me up from school, find the kid I was interested in, and shame the kid publicly in front of the school. For years I felt like a rat at a carnival show expected to do tricks until the crowd who was my father was satisfied. 
James had received punishment far harsher than I did for things his parents considered transgressions that I am often left speechless. They wore him down to be a diamond spike among society and left him in a position where he had to feel in control to feel validated. My existence pulled the rug from right under him because I treated him like an equal, or a friend. I often told him what is the fun in being right when life is so short? A sentiment I had gotten from Suzu and I am greatful for my friends who gave me small breaks from my puppet strings. I had to say such things because James was not above or better than me. I saw James as an equal because, like me, he sought refuge in my grandfather’s outstretched hand. Unlike me, who was ready to become a puppet to my father, James had his brothers to remind him of who he was. For that, I will be forever grateful for his brothers and treat them as my own for the rest of my days. Others fail to see how James's success is not something he could accomplish on his own. Sometimes I wish to tell those who put James on a pedestal to reevaluate their eyes. James is not a person born of just hard work, he had support and above all stayed true to himself. A self who just wants a really good book, a nice garden, a cup of something warm, and a sunny day. He is a man who tries his hardest to not be the selfish man his parents taught him to be. James is a man who is observant and around me relinquishes his control and title to just exist. I am not a slave to this man nor am I controlled by him. The days where we play master and sub are far rarer than others would have you believe. For there are days when I have to tempt this man myself to get him out of working his brain into oblivion. So pardon me for saying, James is not as great as you think he is. He is just good at observing what society expects a man to be and you don’t know him like I do. For there are times when James, who plays the role of master, needs a break to. Others don't see the side were James is the one who needs comfort and a reassuring hand. He is a living be and only wants affection, so stop chasing him as if he was a fine glass of wine and realize you need to make yourself a better person. If you think James is perfect there are others out there who society deeems untouchable but they are just like you and me. They are living beings, too.
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dreams-in-blk · 3 years
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15 years ago, back in the early 2000s, I was dating a genius makeup artist, sparkle and light incarnate, the brilliant colorist Rhonda Jackson. Rhonda would often have to intervene in makeup disasters, as they were happening on the sets of professional gigs. Models near tears, and brides near meltdown as they confronted do-or-die makeup situations.
It was shocking in 2005 how ignorant and cavalier most makeup professionals could be about darker skin tones. In my experience, almost all white makeup artists just completely messed up the faces of deeply melanated black women. And older camera technologies were notoriously inacurate with blue undertones. A combination of don't know and don't care, a dearth of good colors and a lack of understanding about how to apply what colors there were most often resulted in giving darker hued Black women grey ghost-like masks that made them look like zombies.
So, fast forward to today and same problem: professional black models, some of the most recognized and celebrated, whose skins show Blue undertones under intense light (it's an evolutionarily protective adaptation against UV radiation that also happens to be gorgeous. And the reason 'black don't crack')
These amazing women still have to stomp in with their own makeup and foundations to professional shoots! Wow! (Just goes to show you how dumb racism makes us!)
Let alone the everyday challenge you face today just trying to look professional and create a more elegant, so-called "nude" daytime look. Which, in terms of color can be even more challenging because, you have to completely rely on your base coverage. And maybe there still aren't enough good foundations for the range of richly-hued Black women out there (opportunity alert!). I don't know. And if you're going for a daytime professional look you can't just throw bright color on top to hide a terrible foundation. All this, now in the context of even more pressure to keep that look tight. But, Thank Goddess there are many more black-owned beauty brands than there used to be tho.
Now, why am I concerned. Some regular chocolate cis, no-toppings-added serial monogamous fully-binary "he/him:" Well, I very well may end up with beautiful blue-toned daughters or nieces someday. If I'm lucky. How am I gonna help them? What if I'm a single dad? What about you single dads out there now? What do you say? Dude! Do you even know what an undertone is? Let alone a blue undertone. Seriously! We're supposed to know s*** like this now.
Lucky us. Enter black-owned companies like MENTED (finally)! And I'm sure there are others. Hell! I'm new here. So, I'm going with the Black-owned first. We can check the MAC counter later.
Here's a first primer: Be prepared for complexity and variation. It gets tricky real quick. There's depth, chroma and contrast levels. There's the oily/dry continuum to consider. Plus something called "oxidation"! 🤯 F*** if I know. Yo. We might need to develop some AI powered app for this: Where that Future/T.I. money at? Where my Georgia Tech Urkels? Meanwhile...do your best.
1. Know your undertones.
2: Completely woke/geek out and read: an excerpt from the Routledge Companion to Beauty Politics which was just released. The second essay (available as a preview) Neoliberal Beauty by Rosalind Gill is a mind-bomb! 🌋🤨🤯🤬🥃 Whew!!
3: Go deeper: Riddle me this. What's the difference between the undertones displayed by the skin of these three stunning Black women below? "Bruh, close your jaw." "What?" You don't know." It's ok. Neither do I.
Something about hot and cool overtones. But that's all I got. So. How about for now we just stick to known facts and say that the answer is "Black is beautiful!" - rp
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tooweirdforyou · 3 years
Chapter One » Target
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A/N : obviously my starting out isn’t going to go well but I’m sure it’ll get better, hopefully. Let’s just hope! And enjoy!
and I know I mentioned who would be included in here, but I’d like to know your thoughts if there are any characters you wish to have as love interests! :> it’s so I can confirm and get an idea.
Masterlist | Chapter Two
“[Name] [LastName]? I heard her father passed away last week.”
“No way, the [LastName] corporation is bound to fall without their CEO, what’s going to happen now? Is she going to take over?”
“She’s so young, I doubt they’ll hand everything to her. She doesn’t have the backbone to handle it.”
Walking past the gossiping pair, you tilt your head to the side and after a minute of walking, your shoulders relax and you heave a sigh.
“People don’t have anything better to do but gossip.” You thought, expression holding a look of disinterest, as you glance down at your necklace.
The only memory you had of your mother.
It was a simple, small and cylinder-like key, silver and hooked onto a thin silver chain. As if it was some sort of screw, in other words. Too bad you never found out what the key actually led to or unlocked.
Not like you actually looked around though.
If it wasn’t the last thing you had of your mother, you probably would’ve thrown it away by now.
Tucking the necklace inside your shirt, you make it to an ice cream stand on the street and stop in front of it, standing behind a tall ravenette.
It seems like it’ll be a while before the male would choose something though. You purse your lips and look to the side. ‘Maybe I should just go..’
“Oh, my apologies, miss. You can go on ahead, I’m actually waiting for a friend, I’m not in line.”
You look back to the male and found the freckled face smiling at you kindly. Blinking, you glance at where he was standing and where the vendor was, and felt a blush creeping up onto your cheeks. “Oh..”
‘So i’m just stupid.. idiot.’ You internally curse yourself before nodding at the tall male. “Er.. sorry. Thanks.”
He merely chuckles and waves it off, returning to his phone that was in his hand as you move ahead to the vendor behind the stand.
“What can I get ya?”
You ponder for a few seconds before stating what you wanted from the ice cream vendor. Once the salesman gets your desired ice cream, you hand the cash over to him and take the ice cream.
Gripping the fabric of your mask, you pull it down to your chin to reveal your face and lift the ice cream to your lips.
Thanking the man, you walk away and just as you proceed to take a bite, a sudden loud crash interrupts your process. ‘Gunshots?’
Screams erupt from people around, some quick to start running away, others freeze still in fear at the sight.
Before you could even do a thing, shouts are heard and running figures chasing after a speeding bike.
“Ace, it’s time to go!”
Amidst the shouts and screams, the motorbike pulls up near you and the freckled man from before is quick to hop onto the back, behind the one driving. “Marco? What happened?!”
“I’ll explain later, just get on!”
“Hey! Stop right there!”
“Don’t shoot, you can hurt the civilians!”
The blonde behind the drivers seat, his hair a little messy and half-lidded eyes, held a cigarette between his teeth clicks his tongue and revs up the gas. “Shit.. hold on!”
Just before they drove off, you made direct eye contact with the blonde for a brief second before he broke it.
With that, the bike begins to drive off with speed, the men in white-clad police uniforms with guns strapped on their backs continue to chase them before stopping in defeat once the motorcycle was out of sight.
“Damn it! We were so close to capturing one of the Whitebeard members!”
“Forget about it, we need to get back to headquarters. Let’s go.”
The men began to retreat back, you just standing still in shock at the event that just occurred and ended in like five minutes.
‘What the hell?’
Slowly biting your ice cream that was melting in your mouth and a bit on your hand, you look back at where the bike had disappeared to.
Your mind wanders back to the blonde from before. “What was with that look?.. Did he recognize me?..”
Muttering to yourself, you continue to eat your dessert, deciding to make way back to your place, before your father’s assistant could lecture you.
‘This is why I don’t leave the house.’
“Miss [Lastname], you’re back early this time.”
You plop yourself onto the couch of your living room once you made it and laid down, heaving a heavy sigh. “Yeah.”
Pulling off the black mask around your ears, you laid it on your chest and shut your eyes.
“Any particular reason?” The raspy, deep voice asks from the hall, coming into the living room and standing at the entrance, his eyes taking a look at your sprawled form on the couch.
Sitting up slightly to get a better look at the assistant, you watch him stare just as intensely back at you with his sharp dark eyes.
The male was dressed in dress shoes, black slacks and a ironed white button up, with the sleeves pulled up to his elbows. He had rounded, silver thin framed glasses that rest just above the bridge of his nose. His tousled black hair brushed over his eyes a bit, and if you didn’t know better, you would’ve assumed Axel was a CEO owner himself.
But he was nothing but an assistant to one. Or, formerly was. You were surprised he still stuck around after your father passed.
Keeping the eye contact for a few more seconds, you shut your eyes and turn onto your side, facing the backrest of the couch. “No, just didn’t feel like receiving a lecture from you.”
The scoff that escapes his lips is heard as his footsteps come towards you.
“You deserve my lectures, you always seem to forget them.” He says, picking up the mess of magazines on the coffee table and stacking them neatly together.
“I can’t forget something I don’t bother remembering, so— ACK!”
Axel is quick to roll up one of the magazines and whack the back of your head without hesitance, a slight scowl on his lips. “Perhaps you should start remembering then!”
You sent a glare to the older male and rub your head to soothe the pain, keeping shut to prevent yourself from possibly getting even more hurt.
“Now, come on. Get dressed so we can get going to meet the lawyers.”
Furrowing your brows, you look at him in confusion, watching him place the magazines away onto the shelf. “Lawyers, what for?”
He tilts his head behind him to glance at your expression. “Your father’s will. To confirm your inheritance of his belongings so you can be given all his things.”
“Ah....” You then lay back down with force and groan out. “No way! I don’t want to handle all that! Why don’t you just take it?”
“Take everything that the owner of the [Lastname] company owns? No, thank you.” Axel mutters, pushing up his glasses with his index finger from the side.
“You don’t want it?”
“I don’t think I’m capable of handling something like that, much less when I’m not supposed to in the first place. Besides, my hands are full with taking care of a helpless, troublesome, lazy-ass toddler.”
“Oh? Who?” You smugly feign innocence whilst turning away, causing Axel to roll his eyes as he brushes a gloved hand into his black locks of hair.
“Funny. Now, if you don’t get your ass up, Miss [Lastname],” he clears his throat loudly. “We’ll be late to discuss your father’s will with the lawyers.”
“You’re so mean sometimes.. what kind of assistant are you?”
Ignoring your sulking, Axel proceeds to walk away to start the car, but not before releasing a soft sigh at the female.
“What am I going to do with you?..”
- meanwhile
With the Straw Hats Crew «
“What do you think, Luffy?”
The navigator looks to their captain on the end of the dining table, rolling up the newspaper in her hand after reading the headlines aloud.
The male was busy shoveling meat into his mouth to listen but merely nods. “Sure! *omn nom* Sounds like an adventure!”
“God, you’re hopeless...”
The archaeologist lets out a little giggle. “He never ceases to amuse.”
“If we get our hands on that treasure, we can have everything?” The long-nosed questions, crossing his arms and the taller, Afro-wearing man laughs. “Yohoho~ how exciting!”
With the Heart Crew «
“The chance to have everything you could desire..”
“Wealth, power, love..”
The big polar bear in an orange-clad jumpsuit hums. “Should we try to acquire it, Captain? It won’t be easy.”
The doctor / leader of the group leaned against the wall silently, arms crossed as he thought about it, the newspaper headlines laid across the table.
“We’ll have to come up some plans to get it, considering we’ll have to make contact with her somehow.”
With the Kid Crew «
“To get the chance to have all power and money in the world, huh?” The red-head smirks dangerously as he listens to his right hand discuss the newspaper article.
“Think this through, Kid. Won’t be easy to capture the girl, and I’m sure we aren’t the only ones looking to get this treasure.” The masked blonde warns, but the red-head wasn’t listening.
“How unfortunate for her to have to experience such a thing, but I will get my hands on her and that treasure, no matter what it takes.”
With the Whitebeard Crew «
“I see..”
The tall, older, white haired man comments as he sits in his chair, hands resting in his lap.
“We actually drove by her on our way here after the run-in with the police. Eating ice cream.” The blonde says, shifting his weight and resting a hand on his hip.
“And you’re positive it was her?” A tall orange-haired male questions, wearing a yellow foulard.
The freckled man nods, smiling a bit. “I’m sure. She stood behind me in line, thinking it was to get ice cream.” He laughs lightly at the memory.
Another voice chimes in, belonging to a rather beautiful man with a sexy deep voice. “Well, if it truly is her, I guess we won’t have to look far. Question is, how we’ll get in touch with her again.”
The older, bigger man in front merely laughs. “Not a problem, my sons. Leave it to me.”
With the Police «
“It’s a danger to have that so carelessly around, if it lands into the wrong hands, we can have a tragedy.” The rice-cracker eating leader states, arms crossed as he stares hard at the picture of the female under the headlines.
“So you intend to confront her about her father’s belongings, then?” The old man on the couch of his office asks, picking his nose with disinterest.
“E-Excuse me, sir.. but would it be in the wrong hands.. if Miss [LastName] is supposed to inherit her father’s things?..” the pink-haired male shyly asks, sweating a little bit in fear of having interrupt the two.
“We don’t know for sure, that is why I insist we should hold her here for questioning and her intentions!”
With the Revolutionaries «
“It’ll be interesting, to say the least.” The blonde with goggles around his top hat hums, a smile present on his lips as he leans back in his chair.
The brunette female with a bright smile just sighs. “Thats for sure. No doubt that everyone will be having their eyes on that one of a kind opportunity. What should we do?”
“My, my, imagine being able to wield such power! No wonder her bounty is so high in the black market! Going for over a billion beli’s!” The extravagant purple haired man exclaims. “I must meet her face to face!”
“Ah— Achoo!”
Sniffling, you rub your nose and let out a sigh, groaning slightly.
“Oi, you better not be sick, Miss [Lastname]. We don’t need you to be catching a cold at this time. I’m not going to be taking care of you.” Axel warns, eyes lingering on you and you huff in annoyance.
“Shut up, Axel..”
taglist : @deputy-videogamer
a/n : hi! I’d love to know what you think of this so far and what you think of Axel! I might post this on Quotev as well but I can’t say for sure.
So it’s not great, but not horrible, but regardless, I hope you enjoyed it! :>
not proofread-
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Of Moons, Millionares and Mothers Part 3: Storkules in Duckburg! aka THE INCREDIBLE STORKULES TERRIBLE BUT WELL MEANING ROOMATE OUT OF MYTH
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Hello all you happy people! And welcome and welcome back to Of Moons, Millionares and Mothers, my look at the season 2 arcs of Ducktales! This arc was paid for by WeirdKev27 and I truly enjoy his support. if you want to know how to commission your own reviews or to get a guarnateed review of me of your choice from me a month, stick around to the end. I realized that shoving all my plugs in up top may be driving people away and while I DO make them because I want to make a living off this, i’ts not fair to those of you who simply can’t afford to buy a lot of extra shit like myself to keep shoving it in your face. 
Previously on the Louie Inc Arc, Louie, after believing he had no skills and it was a matter of when not if he ws going to die, found his talent: seeing all the angles and thus being Sharper than the Sharpies. With newfound confidence and a chip on his shoulder from Scrooge saying he could one day be a bigger success than Scrooge himself, founding Louie Inc as a result. But what is Louie Inc? Does he actually have a plan or a bunch of buzzwords. And what does STORKULES, MANLY GAY OUT OF MYTH have to do with any of this? Join me under the cut to find out. 
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We open with Louie giving Scrooge his sales pitch that is essentially...
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Naturally Scrooge buys none of it. I mean he’s somewhere in his hundreds, he’s probably seen about 80 thousand pitches that amount to “I have no plan but give me money anyway”. There’s a reason there’s a Butch Hartman shaped crater on the lawn from where he threw his ass out. 
Scrooge does mentor the lad, or at least attempt to pointing out he needs an actual product or service (Louie rejects the idea of a lemonade stand as too easy), or as he puts it “Find a problem and create a solution”. 
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While the basic PRINCIPAL isn’t bad, find something people want or need and provide it, phrasing it that way sounds like “find a problem people are having and exploit the shit out of that problem for fun and profit.” Granted that IS a guiding principal of business, it’s just not something an uncle should be teaching his kids. They should be teaching them about the anime and cartoons they grew up with as I do with my niece and nibling. 
He does show him a valid example of this in action in the form of Donald. Turns out Donald has found a good way to make money while he looks for a job, can relate: since Duckburg is facing a housing shortage, likely because several square blocks probably get destroyed by Scrooge’s Adventures, Glomgold’s Schemes, Superhero Battles, whatever creation went horribly wrong for Gyro, etc at least once a week. So he’s taken it upon himself to offer up the spare room to whoever can rent it.. and to steal Scrooge’s chandelier which even when caught he still takes anyway. Scrooge.. you called the guy a god-damn moocher in the season premiere, despite the fact he lives there soley because YOU offered and because he’s you know, being responsible and staying by his boys so they have their father figure around. So yeah I feel he’s doing this partly out of spite as is the McDuck way. I mean if your going to call him a freeloader just for being a responsible parent, then he’s going to take it up a damn notch.
Scrooge proceeds to laugh off Louie wanting a million dollars and gives him a dime instead because of course he was. Seriously Louie there are two other billionaires in town who are FAR dumber and far more easily swindled. Just go get star up capital from them. Hell with Glomgold all you’d have to do is tell him it’d upset scrooge and he’d literally throw money at you. Or give you a shark full of money. He needs the shark back though. He’s family. 
Meanwhile Donald prepares for his new tenant and finds.. THE INCREDIBLE STORKULES! Who to his mounting horror as he realizes it, IS the new tenant. And who throws him into the sun. Cue credits. 
So after Donald somehow survives being thrown into the sun, Storkules explains why he’s here: Zeus responded to his son playing the lute a lot like any rational reasonable 
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No of course he responded to the “crime” of “playing his instrument a lot” with sending a swarm of harpies on the town then blaming Storkules for it and casting him out. What’s most shocking is not the action, this is honestly him staying the course of being a fucking disgrace, but that Zeus somehow ISN’T the biggest asshole i’ve dealt with this week. No that honor is reserved as always for this bitch:
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Keep in mind she manages to be this obnoxious in only TWO scenes. Also keep in mind I had to put up with Julie for a MUCH larger chunk of the previous two volumes I covered before volume 5 yesterday for my Scott Pilgrim Retrospective and she is ALWAYS like this and you now feel my pain. 
This does create a problem though: Zeus casts Storkules out until he’s a responsible adult.. and thus paints Storkules as the bad guy... in a situation where the only other person in the story sent a swarm of HARPIES down at him for simply playing his music too loud. It just dosen’t work as a catalyst: Storkules objectively did nothing wrong. The only person he annoyed was a person who clearly dosen’t love, respect or like his son in any way shape or form anyway and essentially assaulted him and a bunch of innocent people via harpie and then cast him out. Zeus is an abusive asshole and i’ts weird the narrative sides with HIM and not our well meaning doofus. Zeus being an asshole with harpies is not a bad catalyst for the episode, and the harpies being unleashed is used well.. it’s just not a good catalyst for THIS story to try and portray an abuser as in the right. And make no mistake Zeus is a domestic abuser: he had his son mind controlled to try and MURDER innocent people, something Storkules begged him not to do, sent a swarm of creatures after him for the crime of playing his music too loud and in his next episode manipulatives Storkules sad emotional state for personal gain. Why would you try and paint THIS jackass as in the right?
Speaking of painting this jackass in the right sadly.. this episode does not do my boy donald justice. In most episodes he’s pretty nuanced and i’ts fair enough he’d be frustrated by Storkules as a roomate. Storkules has little sense of personal space, breaks his stove thinking theirs hydra in it, makes a mess of the kitchen making them a meal, and in general clearly dosen’t know how to live with a roomate much less in modern society. He has valid concerns and the episode COULD have used it that way.. but he’s also horribly impatient with Storkules. He refuses to get the guy just hasn’t had to live in a modern society and dosen’t know HOW to function in it and instead of helping him just gets mad again and again and gets really pissed when it’s clear Storkules dosen’t have a job and didn’t consider paying rent. He’s not WRONG to want him to pay Rent, despite what ironically the musical Rent would try and have you believe, but he dosen’t have any patience with the guy. And stork isn’t nearly coming on as strong as he normally does. The worst he does is cook the guy lunch and bring his donald fan art with him. Which we don’t see but I am assuming is mostly naked. What i’m saying is for once that while still bombastic, Storkules isn’t trying to force a relationship/friendship on him and simply wants to learn t be an adult from his best friend.. and Donald isn’t bothering teaching him.
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Asking for rent or for him not to destroy the stove is fine, but not explaining WHY he needs either of those things or why he needs boundaries, he makes a roomate list, isn’t helping the guy. And this would be fine... but the episode dosen’t call Donald out on it for no real reason. It feels like it’s setting up for a “you should learn to wokrk with someone instead of just screaming at them aseop” that never comes and like with Zeus takes his side because shutup. I’d also LIKE to say this is the only time the writers reduced one of the cast to a caracture of themselves.. but I can’t.  Several episodes in season 3 forgot Louie’s character development and another episode in season 2, The Duck Knight Returns!, somehow reduced both Scrooge and Dewey to parodies of themselves with Scrooge SOMEHOW, despite Della as stubborn as she is being in his care and by his side for decades and Movies bein ga huge business, not having seen a movie since the 1920′s and not knowing how they work and Dewey being reduced to just hyperactive moron. It isn’t as common as other shows like say Regular Show, The Loud House or, for the exact reason I lost intrest, Rick and Morty, but I still expect better, especially since they went into this season KNOWING Donald would be gone for half of it and this would likely be one of his only spotlight episodes. 
Back at the good part of the plot, Louie is having a company meeting aka already treating Huey and Webby like his employees. Webby of course is glad to sign on, if little help in actually coming up with a product while Huey just wants to nope out. And if your wondering why Dewey isn’t involved Louie outright says he’d make a bad employee and while Dewey rises from his bed to object.. he stops halfway to opening his mouth and concludes he has a point. Best gag of the episode. Louie being louie easily cons Huey into staying by making Webby his charts officer. 
So the three have a corporate retreat at Funso’s... granted they don’t have a product but Louie figures this might help. Huey.. still wants out of this and suggest since they already spent what they had on ski ball “Company over?”. It’s clear that Huey just sees this as another one of Louie’s short sighted schemes... and while he’s not ENITRELY wrong, Louie has genuine ambition.. he just has no earthly idea what he’s doing and is shooting way too high.. but for understandable reasons. 1) He’s 11 at this point. 11 year olds aren’t great at business strategy or reinging it in. 2) he wants to live up to what Scrooge said to prove he can be successful and really be worth something like his mom was. 
But sometimes fate throws you one and the harpies bust in. And while Louie wants to do nothing and hope they go away Huey and Webby spring into action.. as does Storkules, who had to leave but warns donald there’s Orzo in the slowcooker and to not open it “LEST THE PASTA FAIL TO ABSORB THE BROTH!” Which is just.... Chris’ best line dleivery the episode. He says it like he’s saying the title of an old Stan Lee and Jack Kirby comic, i’ts wonderful.
So our heroes defeat them and Louie steps in to charge for the service and quickly comes up with a company idea and name “Harp-B-Gone” (A Subsidary of Louie Inc). Louie hires Storkules on the spot. Storkules proudly tells Donald he has a job the next day and goes off to it. What follows is our heroes hilarously shooting a commerical with Storkules playing a baby to promote themselves so they can help who needs it. They just need to find out what they want.. and thanks to the JWG and the harpies stealing it find out they go after people’s most treasured posessions   Cue Ghostbusters-Style Montage
And this isn’t just me saying thing. The Rewriting History Entry (Which as a series weirdly stops around mid-season 2 and I don’t get why frank hasn’t gone back and finished it since) states they specifically based this whole operation on ghostbusters and the entire sequence of our heroes cleanin up the town reminds me of it. The highlight of it is a glomgold cameo where he’s kidnapped.. and refuses to pay so Louie just lets him go. And were this an innocent person who couldn’t afford it, i’d call him a monster.. but it’s glomgold. he brought this on himself.. and also sues himself for it. Wonder if he won. 
So with their stars rising, our heroes get booked on the hottest show in town: Dewey Dew-Night! I had honestly forgotten there was a Dewey Dew-Night segment in there, and delighted I get to talk about this recurring bit.  It’s one of the shows funniest runners and just perfectly FITS Dewey: of course the most egotistical and energetic of the kids would not only want to be a late hnight host but make up his own show. I also love the slow evolution of it: it started as something everyone clearly knew about but he stlill tried to keep hidden, slowly escalated to him allowing the rest of his siblings (Webby very much included) and the giant man who stalks his uncle in, and by later this season he’s putting the show online in the web shorts and gladly shooting it into space, with Season 3 having him spend the first half of let’s get dangerous making a documentary that includes an episode of the show featuring Darkwing. It’s a small thing sure, but it’s the little things like this that make the show special. 
The show does reveal a problem though as it turns out they’ve GOT all the harpies and while Storkules merely wanted to help, Louie points out they need more to keep a buisness going and naturally never bothered to ask Storkules just how many there were. They need SOME plan to get going. Webby submits a legitamte and great idea, training the harpies as she’s been trying to do in the background of the episode and aside from a hole in the floor they are starting to listen. But Huey is an ass about it and not only shoots it down saying let’s keep the dangerous creatures contained, even though A) he has no idea WHERE they’ve been kept so he can’t verify it’s safe, and since i’ts Donald’s Closet no no it’s not. and B)There’s no where he knows of to keep them. He isn’t aware of the other bin till next season. and C) it’s not ehtical to keep creatures locked up forever epsecially since while the harpies are dangerous they arent��� MALEVOLENT and are clearly acting on instinct. oh and for D) at least she has a plan to keep the company going instead of just wanting to end this and cash out. 
Which Huey tries to.. but naturally Louie spent all their money on...
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So their broke.. and Storkules has no rent money and feels like a failure despite having done NOTHING wrong. We do get a clever little nod to Disney’s hercules though “I”m not a hero, i’m a zero”. Webby rightfully glares at Louie who decides to fix it... by sneaking into Donald’s house that night to free the harpies. 
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Though to the shows credit it’s a VERY bad idea, and Storkules coming in mid attempt and congradulating Louie when he lies about checking the door gets the kid to come clean. And it’s a nice character moment: He could still go through with it.. but it’s clear he realizes just HOW low he was about to sink to save his own skin and that as much as Storkules WANTS a paycheck and deserves one, it’s not worth hurting people to get it. Louie tries to justify after this.. but can’t. 
Unforutnately Donald took a lot of stupid pills this episode, yells about his no pets rule and frees them instead of you know, THINKING for five minutes.
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So yeah NATURALLY Donald is an angry shit about it , refusing to actually TALK to Storkules about this or maybe admit this is partly HIS OWN FAULT. Yes their both at fault, Storkules shoudln’t of shoved a bunch of harpies in a closet. That’s a classic blunder. But Donald still opened it and isn’t called out on taking zero responsibility. Huey sees the fracas and just takes down their days without an accident placard, good stuff and he and webby arrive to help. Donald fights with Storkules and Storkules worries about loosing his friend.. lead to them going after the thing he values most aka donlad and hyjacking the house boat, though the kids manage to get aboard. 
As Storkules saves Donald, Louie realizes the most precious thing he has is  his merch and willingly gives it, and his buisness up to save everyone. It’s good character stuff and shows that despite his problems with greed, Louie IS a good kid and will do the right thing. It’s what seperates him from the Rouges Gallery the family faces: He has FLEXIBLE morals but he has morals when it comes down to it. So everyone tosses the stoff to help direct the hapries and make it home tying them up. Donald has a heart to heart with Storkules and agrees to help him find another place, but still considers him a friend and they hug. Awww.  One intresting thing I DID find out from rewriting history is they originally fully intended to have Storkules STAY on the houseboat. He was going to be a permenant member of the household, at least as far as Season 2 was concenred and plans were made for several episodes down the road: the whole bit with him in “The Golden Spear” was simply because he lived there, he was going to be the one Della met in the houseboat, obliviously guilting her about what she’d missed, and he was going to set off the kids subplot in “Whatever Happened to Donald Duck?”
This ended up not happneing for logistical reasons: Frank, and I swear this was the term he used, felt they already had the perfect Himbo in Launchpad and it was just too much HImbo energy for the two to coexist without one taking the others screen time or neither getting a lot. 
The next reason was having a god around simply broke the story: He cited the gilded man from “Nothing Can Stop Della Duck!” as a specific example. There were just too many hoops to jump to have him not break any story he should be around for.  Finally with Della being added to the cast soon there simply wasn’t room in the main cast. Della brought it up to 9, Storkules would make it 10, and as i’ve gone on about the show already had trouble ballancing it’s cast, something Frank admitted to. Adding him would both be too big a stiatus quo change and be one on top of the massive one of Della joining the cast. So he was dropped back to recurring and only showed up one more time. And while it was the right call I am dismayed he didn’t show up for the whatever happened to donald duck subplot and it does feel very weird he never adresses Donald being gone despite, at least for season 2, apparently living in Duckburg. Otherwise though as funny as this wouldv’e been.. yeah it was the right call. 
Scrooge returns... having been absent all episode because otherwise it wouldn’t work and easily saw Louie loosing it all coming.. but gives him a can of lemonade for his troubles and comforts the boy. The heart of htis arc and what makes it work at it’s best.. is these two. Scrooge GENUINELY wants to help Louie see his potetial successor in buisness: oh sure adventure wise he’s throughly covered.. but Webby, Dewey and Della all are more focused on the addventure part and that’s where their passion and talent lies, Huey’s better at science and given his close frinedship with fenton and how much that part of things seems to truly inspire him, i’ts what he was born for, and Donald just wants a regualar life and can’t manage his own life much less a company. 
Louie is the only one in his family whose the right fit to inhereit that part of his legacy and I feel that’s why he takes a special intrest in him and webby over the other two: While he loves all of them and will clearly again leave a piece of his fortune and empire to all of them, Webby is the most like him, as we later find out not coincidentally in the slightest, when it comes to adventuring and curosity and a love of exploration. But Louie is the most like him in other ways; He’s cynical, money driven and passionate. Scrooge simply wants him to be as good a person and buisnessperson as he can be and is trying to push him in the right direction. And does so here by pointing out that failure isn’t a huge problem..it happens, comes with the terriotiry and as we’ve seen with life and times, even with portions of it clearly not happening in this universe, he failed a LOT to get here. What matters is that he tries and tries to do it the right way. 
Scrooge also sympathizes as he was buying a lemonade company in cape suzette, giving Louie the can as a present... but laments there’s no cheap effective way to deliver the lemons. Louie notices the harpies going after the can after he throws it and Webby controlling them with it and muses that theyd idn’t think about what THEY wanted.. nad rightfully gets punched across the lawn by Webby, whose had to spend an entire episode having her surrogate brothers talk down to her and ignore her valid ideas. She dosen’t even open her eyes she just bops him one.
So we end with Scrooge having enlisted the hapries, Louie trying to take credit again and both realizing they might just steal the lemons instead of work for them. Ha ha ha their going to get so sued. 
Final Thoughts: This one was mediocre. It has some good points, Louies arc continues to fascenate me, Huey’s done with this shit attitude is hilarous, and Storkules is at his best in this episode: his crush on Donald is toned down from this..
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To this
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To the point I could see shipping them off this one if Storkules episode didn’t have him do eveyrthing short of .. well see above.  So it’s not WITHOUT merit: I love me a ghost busters style plot, there are great jokes and Chris Dimatopolis is a gem as always. Glad he’s getting work after this show on Invincible and hope he gets to play Darkwing again some day. But the Donald stuff and the fairly predictable plot drag this one down. I’ts fairly obvious they’ll run out of harpies, Louie will have spent the money and they’ll somehow get free. It’s not a terrible episode but it’s it’s sandwiched story wise between two straight up classics on both sides: the previous two episodes were even better than I remembered and the next two are incredibly good: Whateve Happened to Della Duck?! is one of their finest hours and The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck, while not making my best of list for the series as a whole is still one of my favorites for the season.  It’s just disapointing this one wasn’t nearly as good as I remmebered and it’s understandable why I forgot almost all of it, unlike the previous two episodes. Thankfully as I said better’s over the horizon.
NEXT TIME ON OF MOONS, MILLIONARES AND MOTHERS: I’m taking a break for a week. One of two weeklong breaks for the arc, the other being the first week of July where i’m on vacation anyway (Though i’ll be doing the episode I would’ve done for that week the week before to keep the pace up, so no worries),
 As for why, it’s my utmost honor to announce GOOF WEEK! Goof Week is a weeklong celebration of Goofy’s birthday. The idea came about because as I do for the big three, I intended to just do a shorts special. But Kev , the guy who made this very review possible, suggested doing the two part Goof Troop pilot. And since kev pays for a house of mouth episode a month anyway and thaks to you lovely people I hit my patreon stretch goal to review the goofy movie, I figured “why not make a week out of it. Hence Goof week. So next week we’ll have a review of the two part pilot for Goof Troop, the special Sports Goof, the House of Mouse episode Super Goof, your regularly schedule shorts spectacular, with The Goofy Movie for the grand finale! yaaahoooooieeee! 
When we come back i’ll be shuffling episodes around slightly so I can do the Della comics from the Ducktales Tie-In Comic before her debut and in time for Donald’s own theme week in June, i’ll be saving “Whatever Happened to Della Duck?” for the week after Donald Week. Instead next we get a fun wild west adventure as Scrooge tells a story of his outlaw days, his tension with goldie and his encounter with a certain robber baron as John D Rockerduck FINALLY makes his screen debut. Yee-Haw!
If you liked this review, subscribe and follow for more and consider joining my patroen, patreon.com/popculturebuffet. I have exclusive reviews, my most recent duck based one being an obscure carl barks story about wigs and the boys attempting to murder a guy with a blow gun, and your contribution helps me reach my goals and thus gets everyone, patreon or not, a bunch of neat new reviews. If you get me to 20 dollars a month, i’m currently at 15, EVERYONE will get a monthly darkwing duck reviews, reviews of the two remaning ducktales 87 mini series including the origin of GIZMOOOODDUUUUUCCCKKKK, and a review of the Danny Phantom movie The Ultimate Enemy. And with the month running out NOW’S the time to join. YOu’ll also get to pick one of the shorts for my Donald Duck birthday specail next month, so if you want to join in NOWS the time. But wether you can or you can’t, thank you for reading, i’ts been a pleasure. 
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sombreboy · 4 years
Corrupted | yandere!myg
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▎ 18+ ▎ xtremity; 6 ▎ pairing: yandere!myg x y/n ▎ genre: smut, mafia au ▎ word count: 5.8k ▎ warnings: toxic/possessive behavior, myg cuts kth, oral(f!rec), cursing/dirtytalk, unprotected sex. 
You're the sweetest of fruits, the aura of purity surrounding you sparks a fire within Min Yoongi that has him utterly smitten with an obsessive need for you in every way possible. He brings you into his world as his personal secretary, but in reality he doesn't need it. What he craves with his entire being is to corrupt the pure angel that is you with his carnal desires.
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Min Yoongi.
The most powerful and renown of men within the mafia realm.
Feared by companies, feared by men, desired by women.
He's extremely intelligent and a delicate planner, loyal to the bone if you've earned it & utterly merciless, thus have grown to become what people would call an invincible man. No one dared to try to play him at this point. Many have tried, and they'd be politely greeted with their boss' heart on a silver platter. And word travels fast
With a flick of his wrist he could end anybody's opportunities and connections.
Everyone wanted to become his ally, because if you can't beat them, join them, as they say.
And with power, comes responsibility.. And a disgusting amount of wealth.
Dirty cash, yes. But money is money to him.
Throughout the years he'd been building his empire, starting from the bottom until he's so high up nobody could dream to get even remotely close to his level.
But something was missing in Min Yoongi's Life.
Even with this incredible amount of power, which he loved... He loved it, the power kink he's developed ingrained within him along with other questionable ways of getting his adrenaline pumping.
But he's grown quite bored of the one night stands. Those girls were already dirty, corrupted and let him do whatever he wanted. They were gladly a whore for his cash, and it was a fun time killer for a while... But it's grown oh so dull.
As if fate was on his side (hah), his world was turned around when he was going through the sent in applications for the position to become his personal secretary. He technically didn't need it, but 'some work load off his shoulders' didn't sound all too bad, as his right hand Taehyung had urged him to finally do something about.
He sighed in disappointment as he flipped through the resumes. To be honest, he didn't bother to read most of them, and simply took a quick glance at the photos provided of the applicant.
''Hey boss, did you look through the apps yet?''
Taehyung carefully closed the door behind him before strolling up to stand next to Yoongi's large office chair, bending slightly to get a view of the papers as well.
''I am currently, as you can probably tell.'' Yoongi answered, a mild annoyance in his voice as he crumples up one of the papers into a ball before throwing it at Taehyung, whom only scoffs in amusement.
''What about this one? She's very qualified.'' Taehyung continues as he leans over the desk to point at the woman's previous experiences.
Yoongi sighs, ''She's perfectly qualified, but if you look closely you can also see that she's worked for one of our competitors. Can't trust that.''
Taehyung raises his eyebrows followed with a quiet 'ah', skimming through the stack of papers himself in silence.
That's when Min Yoongi suddenly leaned forward in his chair, causing it to shriek out by the sudden movement, startling Taehyung.
''Let me see that one again. Go back.''
Taehyung's eyebrows were drawn together in confusion, but he did as told and went back to the one resume his boss seemed oddly interested in. He picked it out of the stack, and quickly Yoongi snatched it from his hands to put it flat down on the desk in front of him.
''Boss, she's not qualified at all...''
Yoongi fished out his reading glasses from his pocket and put them on, bringing the paper closer to his face to get a proper look at your face. His tongue snaked out to wet his lips, a common habit of his when in deep focus. A new feeling came to life within his usually so monotone soul. Well, it wasn't new... He knew exactly what this emotion was.
''I want her here by tomorrow, Taehyung.'' He said as he handed the paper over to his right hand man.
Taehyung was shocked, and it was obvious in his expression, ''T-tomorrow? That's such a short notice, Yoon-''
''I'm sorry, but did it sound like I was asking you, Mr. Kim? Tomorrow, 9 a.m Sharp. I shall have her desk in order for her outside of my office by then.''
Taehyung looked at your photo as he licked his lips in thought. He's seen this look on his friend-... boss this way only once before. And it didn't end well, because he ...'let her go', as he'd been told to phrase it.
''Yes... I'm on it, right away.''
Yoongi observed his right hand man exiting his office, a fire burning up in his core as he clasped his hands on the table whilst staring blankly into nothingness.
This time he wouldn't make the same mistake.
This time he'd have more self control. He's certain of it.
You were over the moon when the news reached you over the phone, a certain Mr. Kim personally congratulating you for being hired as the secretary for the Mr. Min Yoongi himself.
You'd been throwing out resumes everywhere, and never in a million years did you expect to hear back from this one. It was a long shot, but turns out that miracles do happen.
''Thank you, thank you for this opportunity, Mr. Kim!''
A vibrating chuckle echoed through the call, ''Don't thank me, Mr. Min personally asked me to hire you.''
You remained silent, not able to properly register what was just said.
So Taehyung continued,
''He also requires you to be available to start right away, tomorrow. 9 a.m.''
You choked on your own breath, ''Tomorrow? That's..''
''A very short notice, I'm aware. But there is no room for negotiation, so if you would please accomodate to his wishes...''
You nodded, blushing when you realize he can't see you, so you croax out,
''Y-yes, It's no problem. I'll come tomorrow.''
Taehyung giggles, this time sounding a lot more lighthearted,
''9 a.m, don't be late. Good luck- I mean... Congratulations. It will be a pleasure to work with you.''
And with that, this Mr. Kim hung up on you, leaving you in the silence on the other end.
A wide smile spread across your face as you went to bed that night, excited for new opportunities and a higher paycheck.
8.45 a.m
You anxiously stepped into the grand building entrance, dressed in your favorite work appropriate outfit.
It was simple, really; A cream white dress-shirt fitted to your curves with a flattering v-neck, matched with a black waist high pencil skirt that ended just above your knees, topped off with a pair of cute, black low heels.
You were greeted by a handsome young man standing by the front desk, confidently striding over to you with a box-shaped smile on his lips as he reached his hand out to grab yours,
''Good morning, Miss L/N. Im Kim Taehyung, you spoke with me on the phone last night. On time, even a little early. You're putting in a good impression already.'
You bow before accepting his hand, which he shakes lightly before letting go. He gestures with his hand for you to follow him into the elevator.
Standing there, he presses the button to the floor on the very top, watching the doors close before redirecting his attention to you,
''If you have any questions regarding any matter, don't hesitate to ask me. It is my job after all.''
He looked almost apologetic, and you shoot him a soft smile,
''Thank you. I'm curious, actually...''
''Anything at all, I will do my best to answer you.''
''Well,'' You shift the weight on your feet, ''I don't really know much about secretary work... And I'm quite nervous that I won't live up to Mr.Min's expectations.''
Taehyung's smile softens, a vague hint of concern in his eyes. He puts his hand on your shoulder in reassurance,
''Don't worry too much. That's why I'm here, to teach you and guide you. We know your experience isn't as high as it could've been, but Mr. Min insisted for it to be you.''
You look up at him with confusion, ''Why did he insist?''
Taehyung bit his lip, knowing he probably said too much. He shook his head with a dismissive smile,
''I believe he saw potential, and the fact that you have no past experience means we don't have to worry about other companies being behind you to try to get at our company.''
You froze for a second, his choice of words kind of didn't make sense to you. But before you were able to say anything else, the elevator doors opened.
Taehyung let his hand move from your shoulder to the small of your back to guide you out of the elevator, ushering you to walk next to him.
He halted at a big desk in the lobby outside of an office with a big sign hanging on the door,
Mr. Min Yoongi.
You put your purse down on the big desk. Your desk. It was a lot fancier than you imagined, and the large office chair looked extremely comfortable and high end, almost like a throne.
Meanwhile, Taehyung knocked on the office door to your new boss and carefully opened it, leaning in to announce your arrival. He came back out, nudging his chin in the office's direction,
''He's waiting for you.''
''Oh, I better head in then. I'm nervous...'' You straightened out the pencil skirt while Taehyung walked up closer to you with a reassuring smile, placing his hand on your shoulder once more before speaking,
''Good luck.''
And with that, he returned to the elevator, a small wave thrown your way before the doors closed on him.
You took a deep breath, straightening your posture before carefully opening the door, peeking inside.
''Don't be shy. Come in.''
Closing the door behind you, you finally let out the breath you've been holding. He beckoned for you to come closer,
''Have a seat.''
You sit down in front of him, hands clasped in your lap as you finally get a good look at the man you're now working for.
He was incredibly good looking, pale clear skin, blonde hair that was neatly styled to frame his face. He was dressed in a very expensive suit, definitely personally tailored to fit his frame like a glove.
His eyes, however, were completely unreadable. Beautiful, yes, the feline-like shape and intense stare piercing through you like a sharpened knife, but there was no indication of any emotion whatsoever.
Until his lips curled up in a gummy-like smile, instantly softening his entire expression. He was almost too beautiful.
To be honest, you had expected somebody older. Much older, considering the grand Company and it's reputation (which you didn't know that much of, but you did a tiny bit of research before getting here.).
''What are you thinking about?'' He interrupted your thoughts.
You smiled shyly, looking down at your lap, twiddling your fingers anxiously,
''It's silly...''
He leaned forward, his chin resting in his palm as he keeps his gaze fixed on you with genuine interest,
''Tell me.''
You nod, one hand running through your hair to put strands of it behind your ear. The action alone had Yoongi's chest erupt into fireworks, mouth already watering at the flustered state you're in. He loved feeling so powerful, the status difference between the two of you so apparent.
''Well, I was just thinking that you weren't at all how I imagined the Min Yoongi to be.''
He tilted his head to the side, a smirk playing on his lips,
''Oh? Then what did you imagine 'The Min Yoongi' to be?''
''I kind of imagined you as an old man, considering..'' You gesture around you to emphasize, ''All of this. How did you manage to create all of this at such an age.''
He scoffed, amused, ''Understandable.''
''It's just impressive, is all.''
The praise hit him differently. He's never heard his success to be described as 'impressive', and he's sure you wouldn't say that if you knew the things he'd done to get here. But still... When it came from your lips, he almost felt proud.
''And now you're part of it.''
A long moment of silence followed, Yoongi simply keeping his eyes on you as if he's dissecting you with his eyes. You slowly started to feel fidgety, not sure what to do or say in this situation, and he was thriving off of it. The uncertainty in your eyes, the way you kept playing with your hair. He finally broke the silence by pulling out a stack of documents from his desk drawer and dropping it in front of you with a loud thud, causing you to jump in your chair.
''I want you to digitalize these documents for me and then send them to my e-mail. Everything is set up for you on the computer by your desk, and if you have any questions just call for Mr. Kim or give me a knock.''
You were surprised by the sudden change from conversation to business, but you stood up and took the Heavy stack of documents into your arms, bowing politely at your boss,
He placed his hands on his hips, clacking his tongue once in disapproval,
''In here, you're to address me as Sir... So, try again.''
You exhaled quietly, his entire change in demeanor making you feel both weak and excited at once,
''Yes, sir.''
He nodded, a flick of his wrist to usher for you to leave.
''Good girl. Dismissed.''
You bowed once more, a blush on your cheeks before hurrying out of his office to get to work.
Yoongi threw himself back against the backrest of his chair with a groan as soon as the door closed behind you. Hissing curses to himself as he looked down on his lap, the strained fabric caging his prominent erection had given him hell Throughout the entire conversation. How did you affect him so greatly?
Fuck, he wanted you so badly already.
He wanted to take this slower. He really did. Give you time... Enough time to maybe love him too.
But he's so incredibly impatient.
''Min Yoongi... Control yourself.'' He whispered to himself as he palmed himself through the fabric of his dress pants, a soft, vibrating groan rumbling in his chest at the thought of you on your knees underneath his desk.
Just a little more patience.
You were finally getting the hang of this, but you sure hoped he didn't expect you to finish this entire stack today. It was way too much.
You leaned back into your chair with a sigh, glancing over at the Clock.
Crap, you hadn't eaten lunch yet! And the day just literally flew by.
Just as if on call, Taehyung waltzed out of the elevator with a big boxy grin on his face as he came up to you.
''Hello, secretary. I was gonna ask if you've had your lunch yet? Me and some coworkers are having some takeout on the floor below if you'd like to join.''
You were almost about to say no, but then your stomach protested,
''Actually, that would be Lovely. I'm starving!''
You got up and walked towards the elevator with Taehyung before halting, glancing over at your boss' office.
''What about Mr. Min?''
Taehyung shrugged, ''He never eats with us.''
You pout, ''Do you ever ask?''
Tae looks guilty, ''Not lately.''
''What?! I bet he's super hungry too, I'm gonna ask.''
You strode over to the office door without a thought, not listening to Taehyung's protests in the back before knocking and opening the door without waiting, peeking in to simply see the back of Yoongi's chair facing you.
The chair turned around slowly, the very same handsome man as you saw this morning looking slightly less put together in a way staring back at you. Something was different, yet not.
''What can I do for you, y/n?''
''I-I was just... gonna ask if you wanted to come with me and Tae- Mr. Kim downstairs for lunch...If you're not too busy.''
You didn't know why, but the air felt thicker in his office, and you felt as if you shrunk underneath his gaze.
He licked his lips in thought before nodding,
''I'll be right there. Go ahead without me.''
You couldn't help but smile, giving him a nod before closing the door, heading back to Taehyung, who's looking at you dumbfounded.
''He rejected you, didn't he? I told you he-''
You held up your hand to silence Taehyung, a victorious smile on your lips,
''He said he's coming, but we could go ahead.''
Taehyung's jaw dropped before breaking into an amused smile, ''No way...''
Yoongi stood up from his chair, taking a moment to take a good look at himself in the large body mirror on his wall. He ran his fingers through his hair as to fix the slight mess he'd caused. How inconvenient that you'd walked in on him just after he'd relieved himself off some well needed stress.
How couldn't he, you drove him mad, his body is aching for you already.
He was surprised that you'd asked him to join you for lunch, and part of him was thrilled. This was a good step, a good development. You must already feel something for him. You're closer to being wrapped around his finger.
As he made his way down to the staff room, he saw you sitting with his other employees, chatting and smiling. You looked gorgeous.
But Yoongi was boiling at the way you smiled, because it wasn't directed towards him, but towards his own right hand man, Taehyung. And he had the audacity to smile back, sitting way too close to you.
The entire room fell silent when they noticed Yoongi's presence, he casually sat down across from you at the table, as the space next to you was already occupied by Taehyung.
''W-welcome, boss.'' Jung Hoseok exclaimed with an uncertain smile.
Yoongi nodded in acknowledgement,
''What are we having?''
You smiled widely, completely oblivious to the tension between the others at his presence, pushing forward a takeout box in front of him,
''Chinese! It's delicious, try it!''
Yoongi scrunched his nose. He hadn't had takeout in years, accustomed to a more expensive taste at this point. But it was you... You offered this to him. The others anxiously shared looks, knowing that if they were the ones who would've so casually offered this to him, he wouldn't have reacted all that kindly.
''Thank you.'' He simply responded as he opened it, grabbing a pair of chopsticks before calmy diggin into it.
Everyone's eyes widened, but as soon as Yoongi looked up they hurried to continue eating and chatting as if their stern boss didn't just THANK the new employee.
You smiled, ''Good, huh?''
Yoongi nods, saying nothing as he chews his food. He almost looked harmless, cute even with the way his cheeks puffed up when they were full of food.
You turned to Taehyung to continue a conversation that you had going on before Yoongi's arrival. He listened in, and it was purely business talk, but the way you were leaned in and so casually addressing his by his birth name had Yoongi's blood boiling once again. This was no good. His right hand man knows that you were his, his only. HIS. He better step back on the casualty.
Taehyung didn't. He smiled back, conversing way too nicely the entire lunch, and it did nothing but spur Yoongi's possessiveness on.
He's too far gone. He knew that. There's no way he'd be able to wait longer, he needed to claim you before anyone else did. At least that's how it felt in his world.
Yoongi put his food back on the table when he finished, taking a sip of his water before standing back up, making the chair scrape and screech against the floors which silences everyone once more.
''I'm heading back. Thank you for the lunch.''
Everyone bows and nods at their boss, including you. He gives Taehyung a piercing glare before saying one last thing,
''Mr. Kim, stop by my office when you're finished.''
''You asked for me, boss?''
As he's done countless of times before, he steps inside of Yoongi's office, striding over to stand in front of the familiar desk. He kept his hands in the pockets of his dresspants, swallowing tightly as to where his adam's apple bobs heavily. He knows it couldn't be good.
''Sit down, get comfortable.. Why would you act as if I'm a stranger to you, hm?''
Taehyung hesitantly sits down in front of Yoongi, whom is sitting frozen in Place with his hands clasped together on the table before speaking once more,
''Mr. Kim Taehyung. You're my right hand, aren't you?''
Taehyung nods.
''But first and foremost, you're also my friend, correct?''
''So you're loyal to me, no? You'd do anything to prove your loyalty?''
Taehyung didn't like where this was going, but he nodded with a confused expression.
Yoongi suddenly lunges forward, a tight fist grabbing onto Taehyung's collar to pull him forward over the desk until their faces are merely inches apart.
''Then you will understand why I am doing what I am about to do.'' Yoongi growls out.
Taehyung reaches up to claw at Yoongis tight hold, gasping for air,
''W-what the fuck Yoongi... Let go!''
Yoongi holds him in an iron claw grip as his other hand reaches to grab onto Taehyung's wrist, then lets his collar go. Taehyung gasps for air, not registering when Yoongi pushes Tae's palm flat down on the desk Surface and holds in in Place as he reaches for something in his desk drawer.
''Boss, what is this about, w-what are you– FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK!''
Taehyung whines out in pain when Yoongi had pulled out a small, golden plated knife and didn't hesitate for even a second before letting it chomp down at the tip of Taehyung's ring finger. It was just enough to cause immense pain, a bleeding, but not so much that it'd be noticeable in the long run. He had considered taking a whole finger, but since Taehyung was his closest friend, he felt generous.
Yoongi let go and sat back down in his chair, calmly watching Taehyung hiss and curse as he hid his finger to keep pressure in the fabric of his shirt. He looked up at his boss with anger, and fear, and Disappointment.
''What the fuck was that for, YOONGI?!''
Yoongi clacked his tongue as he cleaned off the blood from his knife with a napkin,
''For overstepping boundaries.''
''I OVERSTEPPED BOUNDARIES?!'' Tae yelled while staring at the knife.
Yoongi stared up at Taehyung, ''You're being too friendly with what's mine. You know I don't like that.''
Taehyung scoffs, ''YOURS?''
''Seriously, I'm worried about you Yoongi, and I stay by you through it all. But what if you end up repeating the same shit you did four years ago? I already see the way you look at y/n.''
Yoongi's eye twitched at the reminder, stopping his movements of cleaning the knife, ''Watch your mouth. That's none of your business.''
''Isn't it though? I'm your right hand, I'm supposed to give you my advice if needed.''
''You're supposed to keep your mouth shut if you want to keep your job... And your fingers.''
Taehyung admits defeat, and sighs, ''Anything else?''
Yoongi shakes his head, ''As long as you understand.''
Taehyung gets up and walks towards the door, looking back at his friend...boss, one last time with a concerned expression,
''Just... She's too pure... Don't repeat the same mistakes.''
Yoongi's jaw clenches,
''I'm different now. Dismissed.''
Yoongi had kept his fair distance the following week, letting you simply do your job. Everytime he saw you interact with any of the other employees, he was seething. He kept his eyes on you as often as he was able to, just watching you work. The way you'd tuck your hair behind your ears, to the way your nose scrunched when you were focused.
His chest fluttered, his soul burned.
His flesh craved yours.
You were the sweetest, purest person he's ever encountered, and he knew this was the fact from the very moment he saw your face on that photo. He could tell, he knows people, their faces. You were so innocent, filled with hopes and positivity.
Everything he wasn't.
The desire to corrupt your purity was more intense than ever, and he'd decided; tonight he was gonna indulge in what he's been craving. And he always gets what he wants.
Suddenly life didn't feel so dull anymore. Honestly, ever since you joined, every day has been anything but dull to Yoongi. He almost loved the torture he put himself through by not just ravaging you on day one. Watching you, pining for you. It was new, this Alien feeling of wanting something so badly.
But patience was at an all time low, it was time. He needed you.
You answered your office phone,
''Mr. Min's office.''
A dark, familiar chuckle echoed on the line,
''Hello there, angel.''
A nickname your boss had given you the past few days... Angel. You were still not used to it, a blush on your cheeks at the petname.
''H-hello sir. What can I do for you?''
You were kind of confused why he decided to call your phone, he was literally in the room behind yours.
''There's so much you could do for me, angel. But let's start with you coming into my office, I need you.''
You furrowed your brows, ''You need me? I'm already working on the documents you just gave me–''
''No, no. This is much more important.''
''I'm waiting.''
Yoongi stood up as soon as he heard your footsteps approaching, striding over to you as soon as the door opened, pulling you in to push your back against the door to force it closed behind you. He towered over you like a predator, instantly making you shrink down into a prey.
''S-sir, what are you doing...''
Yoongi's pupils were blown wide, breaths shallow but Heavy as he stares at you,
''I need you....Fuck, angel, only you can help me.''
You shrink down further, almost slowly sliding down the wall. Yoongi lets you, and as you sit down in a squat he's dropped down to his knees with you, his palms pressed against the door as he leans closer to your face,
''Do you think you could help me?''
You look down at the floor, heavily blushing,
''I-I'm not sure what you mean...''
He grabs your chin to direct your attention to his face, the expression on your face of fear mixed with confusion makes his cock twitch.
''Do you need me to spell it out for you? I've wanted you since I first laid eyes on your pretty face. I can't contain myself any longer, I can't... stay away from you.''
Your mouth falls open in realization, your cheeks reddening even further. He stares at your plump lips before leaning in to Place a soft, experimental kiss. He groans at the taste,
''You're so sweet. Too sweet. Too pure, aren't you?''
You exhale sharply, and he withdraws to look at your obvious expression.
''Are you... untouched, my angel?''
You hide your face in your hands, heart racing so fast it feels like it's gonna burst out of your chest. But you nod.
Yoongi feels a wave of this incredible urge once more, his cock hardening even further at the thought of ruining you completely.
''I'd be your first...''
He stands up, pulling you up with him as he leads you to his desk and lifts you up on it, spreading your legs for him as he steps inbetween to pull you in for Another kiss. He whispers into your lips between chaste kisses,
''I'd be your first... And your last... Your only one... You wanna be mine, angel? Hm?''
You feel the heat rushing through your body, the familiar burning sensation rushing down to your core growing more intense with every kiss.
''Tell me, angel.''
You nod, whispering a breahy 'yes'.
He groans into the kiss as his hands pull your skirt up over your ass pushing himself closer to grind his clothed erection against your clothed core. He nips at your lips when he hears your small whines, and pulls back with a frustrated noise rumbling from his throat,
''As much as I love teasing, I have basically been teasing myself for days waiting for this very moment.''
He drops down to his knees in front of you, spreading your legs further as you lay back on the desk. He swiftly pulls your panties down to expose your tight little slit for him, and he licks his lips in anticipation, no longer able to wait.
''Mine.'' He whispers, moreso to himself before giving your clit a kiss. You Breathe out quietly, and he dives in once more to let his tongue taste you.
''Mine.'' He repeats with a soft moan as he alternates between licks and kisses, finally drawing out more noises from you. It still wasn't enough, though. He wanted you to be a screaming mess for him, begging for more.
''Delicious and soppy, all for me.''
''yes, yes..'' You whimper out, not able to focus as you put your arm over your eyes to hide in shyness. Yoongi easily slides one finger into your cunt while still licking at your clit, moaning once more when he feels your pussy already tightening around his finger.
''You're gonna cum already, angel? Have you ever been fingered before?''
You shake your head, ''Not by...somebody else..''
''Oh, my dear...'' Yoongi chuckles before sliding a second finger in, curling them slightly to provide a pressure towards your sensitive spot as he finds it. You buck your hips against his fingers as your moans grow louder, and your cunt gets soppier and dripping down to his knuckles until there's a wet puddle growing on the table.
''My good girl loves this... Look how fucking dripping wet you are.'' He growls  out, speeding up his fingers whilst licking your clit faster. You whine out when you finally cum, back arching and pussy pulsating as it contracts in a vice grip around his fingers. He keeps fucking you with his fingers, digging deeper to draw out the most beautiful sound of your painful whines of overstimulation.
''T-too much....'' You cry out, but he continues.
''But you feel so fucking good, it sounds so sexy when you whine for me..''
''A-ah s-sensitive, Sir, sir.....!''
Yoongis lips curl up in a wicked smile, finally pulling his fingers out of you, smearing the wetness on his fingers over your clit as he slowly rubs your sensitive nub in circles, drawing more twitches from your body. He fucking loved it.
''Oh, you're so precious.''
He stands up again, admiring the view of your totally messy wetness.
''Now...'' He pauses while he unbuckles his belt, pulling his pants and underwear down to his hips to pull his painfully hard erection out, ''I'm going to claim what's mine.''
You spread your legs further when he positions himself between your legs, lips agape and breathing heavily while looking up at him, ''Please...''
His lip twitches as if he wants to smile at your current state, so fucking beautiful. And all for him.
''You want my cock that badly?''
You nod, ''Yes, please...''
''Your first, last, and only...'' He hisses out when he lines himself up with your entrance, finally pushing himself in without letting you adjust properly. You cry out, a mix between pain and pleasure in your voice, the perfect sound in Yoongi's ears as he moans softly with you.
''Your cunt feels so fucking good already... And it's all mine to use.''
He places his hands on your waist to pull you down a Little until your ass hangs off of the desk, giving him the perfect angle to thrust himself into you roughly, drawing more moans from your throat.
''I'm gonna use your little pussy every single day from now on, this is the only thing I want you to do for me from now on. Nothing else. I'll get a new secretary. All you gotta do is be mine.''
You nod, chanting out 'yes' with every snap of his hips becoming faster and rougher. His eyes are blown wide with desire and admiration at the way your body sinfully bounces beneath his ministrations.
''I love you. I love you, I fucking love fucking you.....'' Yoongi growls out, making a point out of every word with a thrust, the wet soppy noises of his skin slapping against yours like music to his ears.
His cock hardened further inside of you, reaching spots neither your or his fingers ever could. You cry out , arching your back for him when you feel your second orgasm building inside of you like an incoming wave.
Yoongi slows down when he feels your pussy tightening, lifting you up to carry you. He sits down in his large, throne-like chair with you on top of him, you leaning over to Place your palms on his shoulders to keep yourself in Place. He roughly grabs your ass to Bounce you up and down on his cock, the raw strength in his hips and arms making it more than easy for you to ride him.
He nips and kisses at your breasts, leaving small love marks here and there and admiring the way your skin bruises from his lips. He grows greedier, fucking up into you with less rhythm as he feels his own high reaching him,
''I'm gonna fill your little pure pussy up with my cum, angel. Your first. Your only. You're mine, baby, you're mine. Tell me.''
He growls as he bites your neck, this time definitely rougher than before as he listens to the beautiful noises of your pain, pleasure and incoherent attempts of telling him that you're his. Your cunt squeezes him tightly when you cry out as you cum for the second time.
Good enough, this is exactly the state he wanted you in.
''Mine.'' He snarls out before holding your ass in a bruising grasp,  pushing you down on his cock whilst bucking his hips up into you, stilling when he cums in hot, pulsating ropes to fill your pussy up at last.
He hisses out curses and praises, staying like this for a moment as he litters kisses all over your neck and chest.
You're like a ragdoll on top of him, breathing heavily and whimpering when he rubs circles on your bruised ass.
Yoongi nudges your head to make you look up at him, your cheek pressed against his chest as your doe eyes stare back up at him.
You smile, your usual small, precious, innocent smile, and he can't help but give you a gummy smile back.
His hands move up your back to play with your hair, leaning in to place a kiss on your forehead and inhale your scent before whispering,
''You belong to me now.''
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© sombreboy 2020. Do not repost, edit or translate.
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redqueen-hypothesis · 4 years
private getaway ➳ victor li (mlqc)
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➳ PAIRING: reader x victor li (mlqc)
➳ WORD COUNT: 3665
➳ GENRE: slightly suggestive, fluff
➳ SYNOPSIS: victor abducts you in the name of a holiday and is more nostalgic than you’d expect.
➳ REMARKS: tbh i feel like this was badly written, no smut but we all know victor li wouldn’t just let time alone together go by without doing the dirty. i hope the fluff is enough to make up for it, nonny!! i’m also sorry if you wanted a headcanon and i ended up writing a fic instead. i forgot i can’t write fluff akdjfsdk.
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“Are we there yet?”
“No, but we’re almost there.”
That conversation has been repeated for hours now, ever since Victor whisked you away (more like abducted) you from the main entrance of your company building after a long working week and announced that the two of you would be going on a short holiday. Much to your shock, Anna had simply smiled politely at Victor as he bundled you into his car, wishing the two of you an enjoyable vacation and assuring you that your work would be taken care of. It was only later that you discovered that Anna had been roped into Victor’s schemes from the very beginning - the betrayal!
“You’ve said that for a while now.” You mumble, clutching onto Victor’s hand tightly as he leads you down a windy pier. You’re blindfolded with one of your silk scarves, Victor has been careful in ensuring that you haven’t been able to find out the slightest clue about where the two of you are headed. “Are you sure you’re not trying to kidnap me?”
A small snort. “How much money would I earn from doing that? Not enough to make the attempt worth it, I would say.” Victor’s voice is warm and deep, and when you strain your ears just a little, you can hear the sound of waves washing over a beach. Somewhere near the sea, perhaps?
“I’m priceless.” You answer indignantly, pulling at his hand and nearly stumbling when you trip over Victor’s feet. Wood creaks beneath your feet with each step. “I would be worth a lot of money.”
“But I’m the one who’d have to pay if you did get kidnapped.” Victor retorts, and you almost tell Victor he’s actually being romantic... almost. Before the words escape you, however, Victor is suddenly pulling the blindfold off your eyes. “We’re here now.”
When Victor had mentioned that he would be bringing you on a short holiday, you hadn’t expected this.
“Victor, this is... this is amazing!” You gasp, looking over at the view before you. The white sand of the beach runs into crystal clear water that stretches on as far as your eye can see. Connected directly to that strip of untouched beach is he open air villa that the two of you are currently standing in, watching the waves lap gently at the shore. “We’re going to be staying here?”
“No, we’re just passing through - of course we’re staying here, idiot.” Victor answers bluntly from where he’s inspecting the kitchen. It’s luxurious and fully stocked with fresh tropical ingredients, some of which are colorful fruits you’ve never seen before. You hope this means Victor is going to be the one cooking for you. “This place is a holiday beach resort.”
You can’t wait to change into some more comfortable clothes and go splashing in the sea. There’s a small jacuzzi pool carved from shining blue stone attached to the villa that you’re dying to try, but right now the blue of the ocean is much more enticing. It’s been so long since you’ve last seen the ocean for non work related reasons, you think. “This really is the perfect holiday location! And here I thought you didn’t understand the meaning of the word ‘vacation’.”
“My vocabulary is sufficient, thank you very much.” Victor sounds mildly amused as he steps up next to you, one hand shading his eyes from the orange light of the sunset. “I take that you like it?”
“Like it? I love it!” You laugh excitedly, grabbing his hand and squeezing it tight. Victor lets himself smile at your enthusiasm, if only a little. “It’s a beautiful place, really! Why isn’t it more popular? I don’t see anyone around.”
He turns to look at you with an amused expression, as if the answer is the most obvious thing in the world. “This is a private resort, dummy. Of course there’s no one else here.”
“Private resort?” Just how much money had Victor spent on this so called small holiday? The sounds of dollar bills flying away echo repeatedly in the back of your mind and you almost feel dizzy just trying to imagine how much this must have cost. “Victor, call an ambulance.”
“There aren’t any roads here, dummy, we’re on an island that’s untouched except for this building and the staff quarters nearby. I thought you should have been able to see that.” Victor looks at you like you’re the silly one. “The resort uses private helicopters in case of emergencies. Why, are you feeling unwell?”
“I just might faint under the weight of all this extravagance.” You mumble, but wrap your arms around Victor’s torso and stand on tip toes to kiss him on the cheek. He shivers ever so slightly in your hold. “Thanks, Victor. I appreciate it.”
“You should.” Victor mutters, but there’s no real bite behind it. “Let’s go see the sunset down by the water. I heard it’s a good view.”
You’ve missed the feeling of having sand between your toes and splashing about in the shallow water near the shore. Swimming pools have nothing on mother nature, you decide, picking up a seashell and admiring its silvery shine.
“Don’t you think it looks like a small fish?” You ask, holding it up for Victor to inspect when he stops next to you, bare feet in the water. He peers at the shell in your hand, looking like a debtor trying to discern the validity of some assets.
“It looks like a shell.”
“You have no creativity. Some things don’t need to be expensive to be pretty.” You huff, pressing the seashell into his hand anyway. His fingers wrap around it, holding it tightly in his palm. He’s about to open his mouth to reply when you tug excitedly at his hand. “Victor, look! The sun is huge!”
Your eyes are wide with wonder as the setting sun touch the horizon. Liquid orange ripples across the water’s surface, setting the sea alight with flames and washing it in a warm glow, until you can’t tell where the sea meets the sky. The corners of his mouth pull up at your tangible happiness, he’d let you see a thousand sunsets more beautiful just to see you smile like this again. “The sun is always the same size, dummy.”
“Yeah, but it looks big now.” You retort, fishing out the camera that you’re wearing on a strap around your neck. “I need to take a picture and upload it on Moments. Gosh, Lucien would definitely love to see something like this.”
The expression Victor eyes you with almost makes you laugh. “The shady scientist?” If you didn’t know him better, you’d think he’s angry, but you know he’s just sulking. You giggle, a little amused at his obvious dislike for the other man, and decide to tease him just a little.
“Hey, don’t call my friend shady! He’s a very renowned neuroscientist and an important consultant for Miracle Finder.” You correct, taking a few snapshots of the sky before you. You’re no photographer, but you know enough from your experience in filming to take a good photo. “Ahh, the pictures look great. Victor, it’s your turn!”
“My turn? What for?” Victor looks mildly confused, but you tug him to the end of the walkway by the hand. There, the sunset glow washes over his face, the soft light diffusing the sharpness in his eyes, the usual cold set of his jaw. “There, just right! Now, smile!”
“God, Victor, I said to smile, not look like I handed up a late report.” You laugh, peering at the bummed out expression that you’ve captured with your camera. Victor looks just a little flustered when you raise the camera to him again. “Come on, smile for real this time!”
“I don’t just smile for pictures.”
“But you look handsome when you do.” You tease, and see Victor’s face soften in response to your words. It’s not quite a smile, but it looks warm, almost happy. “Don’t say stupid things.”
Just before you can take the picture, however, there’s a loud flapping sound and you flinch back in surprise at the flurry of wings. When your eyes blink open, you’re greeted with a totally unexpected sight.
A seagull is perched on top of Victor’s head, squawking loudly. Meanwhile, Victor looks like he’s frozen himself in time with his own Evol, lips firmly pressed together in a thin line.
The seagull peers down at him. Victor looks up to meet its eyes. It squawks again and Victor winces.
“Wow, Victor, I didn’t know you brought me here just to introduce me to your mistress.” You can barely keep the giggles out of your voice. The glare that Victor shoots you is positively deadly. “Don’t laugh.”
“I’m not.” You say, but your voice shakes. “You know, I can see why it took such a liking to you. The two of you are very much alike.”
Victor looks bewildered. “What? How am I similar,” he gestures at the bird nesting on his head, “to this thing?”
You only pause for dramatic effect. “You’re both known for shitting on people.”
Victor groans in exasperation at your grin. “I do not shit on people.”
Unable to resist, you turn the camera to him, hands almost shaking uncontrollably with suppressed laughter. Victor’s expression goes flat when he realises what you’re intending to do. “Don’t you dare-”
“That’s it, get back here.” Victor brushes the seagull off his head and bears down on you, while you shriek with laughter and dash back down the beach as fast as you can. Try as you might, however, Victor’s strides are far wider than yours and in no time at all he’s caught up to you, wrapping his arms around you from behind and lifting you clean off your feet.
“Delete that.” He demands, trying to reach for your camera, but you hold it over your head with both hands, still giggling breathlessly. “No! Do you know how much the paparazzi would pay for a picture like this? I can imagine it on the front pages of the newspapers already, ‘Victor Li finds true soulmate at last’!”
“If they’re smart, they wouldn’t. The LFG has shares in majority of the news outlets in Loveland.” Victor retorts as you wave the camera about. “And so should you, since your company is funded by the LFG as well.”
“You’re too fair to drop us over something like this.” You laugh breathlessly at Victor, who simply sighs. “Don’t think that praising me now is going to get you a bonus. Hand over the camera now, before I make you.”
You arch an eyebrow, still giddy with adrenaline and excitement. You haven’t laughed this much in a long time. “Oh yeah? How are you going to do that?”
“How am I going to do that?” Victor repeats after you, voice suddenly dropping to a husky whisper. You swallow at the near predatory look that flashes in his eyes, hesitating for a moment. “Uhh, I mean you could just ask nicely, and if I were feeling generous, I might give it to-”
Before you can so much as finish your sentence, he’s pulling your head down to meet his lips in a hungry kiss. Your eyes fly wide open with shock before you melt against his mouth, camera long forgotten. His teeth tug at your bottom lip, urging his tongue into your mouth and fingers stroking at the bare skin along your ribs. Gasping at the searing heat of him, you try to break away for air, but Victor’s fingers only slide up the back of your head to press you more firmly against him, unrelenting.
All consuming.
It’s only when you beat against his chest with your fist that he releases you, your lungs heaving for air and mouth drunk on the taste of him. “Just like that,” Victor murmurs, his voice a raspy baritone as he plucks your camera out of your boneless hands. You can’t even find it in you to argue, all the fight sapped out of you. “I’ve missed doing that.”
“What are you-” You gasp as Victor lowers the two of you to the ground. Your back is pressed against the sand of the beach, waves lapping at your feet, but before you can say another word Victor’s mouth is back on yours again, hot and wet and desperate, like he can’t wait another second to taste you. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, drawing him as close as you physically can, the hard planes of his body pressed against yours through the thin fabric of his shirt.
“Mmn...” You breathe against his mouth, legs wrapping around his waist, grinding subtly against the hardness in his shorts. Victor lets out a low sound at that, eyes filled with an emotion that you can only describe as hunger as he hovers over you. Just as he tilts his head down to press kisses down your neck, however, you’re interrupted by a strange grumbling sound.
The two of you still at the sudden noise, and your cheeks burst into flames.
“Pft...” You look up to see Victor trying to stifle his own laughter and scowl, slapping both your hands over his mouth. “Hey! Stop laughing!”
“Let’s head in for some food. I have some new recipes I want to try.” Victor is still wearing a smile and damn, because you won’t even get enough of that expression on him. It softens his face, brings out a gentle light to his eyes that is far too rarely seen, and makes your heart stumble in your chest. Still blushing, you grab his hand and pull him towards the villa so he won’t see the colour on your cheeks.
“Hurry up then, I’m hungry.”
He laughs, a clear, boyish sound that doesn’t suit his business persona at all. “I could tell.”
“Oh, shut it!”
Dinner is a lavish affair of delectable fruits and local spices that you’ve never tasted before. Victor does something along the lines of a hibachi restaurant, cooking right in front of you and serving the food fresh from the pan. It’s clear he’s been practicing in secret, there’s no hesitation to his movements even with all these foreign ingredients. Your heart warms at the knowledge but keep your mouth shut about it, knowing Victor would be embarrassed if you were to call him out on it.
Gods, you love this man so much.
As the sky falls dark, you sit at the kitchen island in the dim candlelight, washing down your dinner with a tropical fruit juice mix that Victor had blended for you while scrolling through a list of activities available to you here on your phone.
“You decide.” Victor had shrugged simply when you’d asked him about your itinerary. You couldn’t be more excited.
“We could go snorkeling tomorrow, oh, or fishing!” You tell Victor brightly as he washes the dishes at the sink. Hopefully in one of these options, he’ll just have to go shirtless, you hum to yourself contentedly. Best vacation ever. He turns around to raise an eyebrow at you, looking dubious. “I doubt you have enough patience to hold a fishing rod for a few hours.”
“I do too.” You pout, setting down your phone to watch him work. The simple white button down he’s wearing only accentuates the strong lines of his back and the broad shoulders he has. “And besides, it won’t take that long for the fish to bite unless you scare them all away with that glare of yours.”
“Maybe if we throw you in as bait we’d be more successful and catch a big white shark.” Victor flicks you on the nose and you whine, rubbing it ruefully as he keeps the pans on the shelves. “Fine... I’ll think about what to do when tomorrow comes. What do you want to do right now, though?”
Victor ponders this for a moment, leaning against the kitchen island next to you. “Hmm... you brought your bathing suit, am I right?”
“I didn’t know we were going to the beach, wait... this is why you were asking for my measurements awhile back, weren’t you?”
He shrugs, although there’s a playful glint in his eye. “You don’t have any evidence. Either way, there should be a bathing suit in your luggage. Put it on and we can go down to the jacuzzi. Or if you want,” the look in his eyes darken ever so slightly as he looks down at you, tracing your body, “you could always go naked. There’s no one to see... but me.”
“I’m going, I’m going!” You beat a hasty escape for the bathroom before your face can spontaneously combust. “You better not have bought something weird for me!”
As you disappear into the bathroom, Victor lets out a low laugh, running a hand over his face. “Ahh... that silly girl.”
There’s a fond smile on his face.
You sink into the water with a contented moan. “Ahhh, this feels good.” When you look above, head tilting back to look at the night sky above. The stars twinkle back at you, like handfuls of diamonds scattered across the heavens above. “This has been a great start to my holiday.”
“It takes very little to make you happy.” Victor observes as he steps into the water next to you. He’s dressed in nothing but a pair of black shorts, strong arms and well honed physique exposed for you to appreciate. You grin, lacing your fingers with his and pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek. “I think I’ve already been given plenty. Thank you for this holiday, Victor.”
“It was nothing, really.” Victor replies, his voice a low rumble in his chest next to you. When you glance up at him, he’s looking at the stars overhead, seemingly lost in thought. “I don’t really enjoy holidays much, except when I visit France, but today with you... wasn’t so bad.”
Victor must be in a nostalgic mood, you think, enjoying the warmth of his body next to yours. The holiday brings that out in him, the fact that there are no paparazzi around and there is no LFG to worry about. You like having him all to yourself.
“Just admit that you like my company.” You laugh, resting your head against his shoulder. The water is pleasantly warm and scented with rose petals, something that you’ve come to realise is his signature touch during your time together. As unromantic as Victor’s mouth is when it isn’t on your body, the rest of him is surprisingly adept and careful when it comes to setting a romantic mood, sparing no expense when it comes to bouquets, scented candles, silk sheets. It’s something that you would never have quite expected from him, and yet it’s part of what makes him so lovably humane.
“Well, I think the fact that I married you says quite enough about that.” Victor snorts. You feel him run a thumb over the wedding band on your ring finger and you grin, lifting it out of the water so that he can see it. “I’m so glad I didn’t swallow it together with your proposal souffle. I might have backed out of marrying you if I had more time to think about it.”
“You must have been in shock when you agreed.” He looks at your joined hands, and suddenly lifts it to his mouth to kiss away the water droplets clinging onto the back of yours possessively. The two of you are already married, and yet it still sends heat burning at your cheeks. “You’re stuck with me now, though. You can’t just break a marriage contract.”
“You mean a wedding vow. You were so handsome on that day I must have forgotten my plan about running away from the altar.” You giggle, and Victor’s eyes soften, scooping up a flower from the water’s surface - a peony, and tucks it behind your ear. “I would have chased after you even if you did.” His eyes sweep over you, painfully tender. “There. Beautiful.”
It’s only then that you realise how close the two of you are, his breath dancing along your cheeks and nose, his cheeks flushed from the warmth of the jacuzzi. He looks so open in that moment, his usual stoic walls down for you to enter and so you do, cupping his face and pulling him in for a kiss.
Victor’s a possessive lover, always has been, and the way he takes your lips for his own is no different. He doesn’t just claim them, he ruins them, tasting your mouth like you’re one of his sweetest deserts, tongue probing every corner and crevice of your mouth so that you know that you belong to him. You sink into his embrace, water swishing around you, and Victor groans, lightly nipping at your bottom lip with his teeth.
“I’m the most fortunate man in the world to have met you.” He says, hoisting you into his lap. In the pool, it takes almost no effort at all, and you’re left straddling his rock hard thighs, bracing your palms on his firm chest. His gaze lands on your bruised, swollen lips, running the pad of his thumb over it gently. “Beautiful.”
“Stop saying cheesy stuff and make love to me.” You laugh, grinding down teasingly on the hardness you can feel against your thigh and your grin widens when Victor lets out a hiss. He pinches your ass in retaliation and you squeal. “Here I was trying to set the mood and you went and ruined it. You had better be prepared for what you’re getting into.”
When he kisses you under the heavens once more, so fiercely it steals your breath away, one last thought crosses your mind before he takes even that away from you: that everything to do with him, you regret none of it at all.
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redisriding · 4 years
The Right Swipe - Chapter Seven
A Court of Thorns and Roses Modern AU Fanfic
All character’s belong to the wonderful Sarah J Maas.
Tag List: @superspiritfestival @duskandstarlight @perseusannabeth @courtofjurdan @omg-aelin @keshavomit @rainbowcheetah512​ @queenestarcheron​ @mis-lil-red 
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“Are you nervous about tonight?”
“Of course!”
“I want you to like them.”
“Feyre,” Tamlin said, catching her wrist to stop her as they walked along the street towards the Weaver’s Cottage. 
Feyre looked up at her tall, handsome boyfriend. He had dressed impeccably tonight, in a dark navy suit and crisp white shirt. His golden hair was pulled back into a long ponytail. He radiated control. Totally at odds with the jittery nervousness that Feyre knew she exuded.  She placed her hands on those broad shoulders of his, to centre herself. 
“I am going to love your sisters. They’re your family, and I love you very much.”
A thrill went through Feyre at those words. They were still so new to them. Whispered in bed for the first time only a few nights ago. 
She hadn’t known what love felt like until she met Tamlin, but now she knew for sure that was what she felt. 
It was electric. 
Like standing on the edge of a cliff about to jump and not know whether you were going to plunge into the icy depths below or soar into the sky. It was the adrenaline that kept her on edge. 
It was what it felt to be alive. 
She smiled back at Tamlin, “You truly are the best, you know that, don’t you? I cannot put into words how you make me feel. I love you.”
“I think you just did,” Tamlin said with a chuckle, before leaning down and pressing his lips lightly to hers. 
Feyre broke the kiss a moment later, swatting away his handsy protests. “Come on now,” she said, linking her arm through his, “Let’s go meet my sisters.” 
Thankfully, they were the first to arrive. It allowed them to get settled at the table, and for Feyre to order a large glass of wine before Elain appeared, followed soon after by Nesta. 
Introductions were made, Tamlin graciously kissing both sisters on the cheek while Feyre swept both her sisters into hugs. “He’s very handsome,” Elain had whispered in Feyre’s ear while they embraced. 
The conversation that followed once everyone was seated was polite if awkward. Everyone muttered general comments about how good the food looked and what they were debating ordering. 
Feyre knew a cross examination of Tamlin was coming, but her sisters held off at least until the food was ordered. 
As soon as the waiter had disappeared, did Nesta begin her assault. 
“Tamlin, Feyre tells me you work for Spring Court Developments?”
“I own the company actually.” 
“Wow, that seems like an impressive thing to have achieved for someone so young.”
“I started working straight out of college and worked my way up.” Tamlin’s hand found Feyre’s leg, he began brushing lazy strokes up and down her thigh.
“You didn’t inherent the company from your father?”
“Well I—.”
“I thought I recognised your family name, and then when Feyre told me who you worked for…”
“I work for myself, Spring Court Developments is my company.”
“Gifted to you by Daddy.”
“My father trained me from a young age. It was always his intention that I would take over the company as my own.”
“That’s still very different from building the company up from the ground on your own, like you told Feyre.” 
Tamlin’s hand stilled on Feyre’s leg. “Spring Court Developments has expanded exponentially under my command.”
“Perhaps, but if it weren’t for your father’s money you would not be in the position you are now.”
His fingers began digging into the flesh of her upper thigh. “I’m not going to apologise for the hard work of my parents.” 
“The hard work of your parents is not the issue in question here.”
Tamlin’s lip curled up into a snarl.
Feyre knew he was holding his temper on a short leash. 
Perhaps, gripping it as tightly as he gripped her leg. 
Feyre tried covertly to shake him off, she was going to have bruises tomorrow if he didn’t realise his hold soon. But Tamlin remained oblivious to her attempts to escape his grasp. 
“Tamlin,” she hissed but he didn’t notice.
His attention was focused totally on Nesta, the vain in his forehead twitching.
“If you are suggesting that I am some sort of wastrel who just lives off my parent’s money and does no work of my own, you are sorrily mistaken.” His voice was controlled, icy, but there was no mistaking the rage that bubbled just beneath. 
Tamlin didn’t pause to listen to Nesta’s comeback. “If that were the case, then I would have run my father’s company into the ground by now,  instead, I think you will find that Spring Court Developments is thriving. It is a very different beast from the company my father started all those years ago, but I promise you it is very much my company.”
Elain and Feyre exchanged a worried look, as Nesta took another swing. “Do you think your father would be proud of what you’ve turned his company into?”
The growl Tamlin emitted wasn’t enough to stop her though. “The company your father started all those years ago focused on building affordable houses for young families in a growing city. The company his that son runs today is more concerned with forcing those very families out of their homes so the land can be used to build condos for business men who don’t even live here.”
Something like realisation flashed across Tamlin’s face, reducing his boiling temper to a simmer he could once again exert control over. “And whom, may I ask, do you work for?”
“Amren and Associates.” 
“Lawyers.” Tamlin breathed, sitting back in his chair.
Feyre frowned, looking between Nesta and Tamlin. Clearly there was more going on in this conversation than she understood. She made a mental note to ask Tamlin about it later.
The waiters appeared at their table with their starters, giving Feyre the perfect opportunity to change the direction of the conversation. 
“Elain,” she said, louder than she had anticipated, but both Nesta and Tamlin’s focus snapped to her, “tell us about your date last night.” 
“Oh yes!” Elain’s face lit up, blushing slightly as she picked at her food. “Last night was my second date with Lucien. It went really well.” 
“What did you guys do?” Nesta asked, her attention now focused on Elain, she ignored Tamlin who continued to brood in her direction. 
“It was so lovely, he brought me for a walk through the Velaris botanical gardens so we could watch the sunset and then we went and got Italian food.”
“Brought you to the botanics? It sounds like he has been really paying attention when you talk,” Feyre said. 
Elain blushed, “I had told him that I loved the botanical gardens, but I don’t think he realised quite how much until we got there.”
“Did you go all Elain on him?”
“All Elain?” Tamlin asked. 
“I can’t help it, I see flowers and I just start spilling everything I know about them,” Elain said.
“That must have been quite boring for him,” Tamlin said, taking a bite of his roll. 
Nesta’s head shot around to look at him, her mouth open as if she was going to rebut his comment, but she caught the warning look the Feyre shot her in time and refrained from saying anything. 
Elain frowned. “I don’t think he was bored…at least he pretended to look interested.”
“Some men will do anything to get laid.”
Elain put down her fork and blinked at Tamlin, “We haven’t had sex.”
“But he wants to.”
Elain blushed furiously, whatever she was about to say next died on her tongue as her mouth opened and closed like a fish. 
It was Nesta who jumped in, “Is that why you got Feyre her job, so she’d sleep with you.” 
Tamlin swallowed what he was chewing, shaking his head. “No, don’t you listen?”
Feyre froze at the tone he used towards her sister. Nesta too had gone ridged, it was shock, Feyre was sure, at being spoken to like that, that prevented Nesta from replying. 
The gap in conversation however allowed Tamlin to continue. “I said, some men are like that, but not all men.”
“I don’t think Lucien is like that,” Elain murmured but Tamlin ignored her. 
“I knew when I met Feyre that she would have slept with me if I asked. She was clearly the kind of girl you could get into bed if you bought her dinner.” 
Feyre’s head whipped to look at Tamlin. She never knew that he thought about her in such a derogatory manner, let alone speak out loud about her like that…and to her family. It was mortifying. Tears sprang to her eyes.
But Tamlin continued, “I’m a very spiritual man, I listen to a podcast series by a priestess, her name is Ianthe, you probably don’t know her. The podcasts are for women but I find I get a great deal out of them. I learn about how women think, how they feel, and how I can attune myself to the needs of women.” 
Nesta stared at Tamlin, blinking, clearly trying to suppress a laugh. 
Feyre felt hot, her breath shaky as the tears still burned at her eyes. 
“One of Ianthe’s seminal works is about only giving yourself sexually to those who you connect with spiritually. I knew within moments of meeting Feyre that she was someone I could give myself to in every way.” He looked down at Feyre then, with that soft smile and loving eyes that cracked something in Feyre’s chest. The hurt that she felt immediately disappeared, and as Tamlin’s hand began moving on Feyre’s thigh again, the sticky heat became something altogether more pleasant. 
“I practice what is called no fap.”
Nesta choked on the water she had been taking a sip of in an attempt to regain her composure. 
“What is that?” Elain asked. 
“I abstain from masturbation.” Tamlin said plainly, “So that first night, when I spilled my gentlemen's mayonnaise into your sister, it was like being elevated to another plane of existence.” 
Nesta seemed to be having some sort of break down, her eyes wide, she gawked at Tamlin, her mouth appeared to be forming the words “gentlemen’s mayonnaise” over and over. 
Elain meanwhile had turned a shade of puce. 
There was a long pause, before Feyre decided to push through the awkwardness. With a long drink from her wine glass she launched into an excruciatingly detailed monologue about her day in the gallery. When she finally finished, the main course had arrived and normal, first meeting, chitchat resumed. Everyone was keen to stay away from topics that risked igniting tempers again. 
As the waiters cleared their main course, Nesta turned to Elain and asked, “So what about the other guy you were seeing, is Lucien in the lead at the moment?”
“Azriel?” Elain shook her head, “No, he’s still very much in contention. We’re actually having dinner together at the weekend.” 
“So you’re finally going to meet your mysterious man?”
“Yes, although he’s hardly mysterious at this point. I feel like I know him with how much we talk.” 
“Do you know where he’d taking you yet?”
“No not yet, he said he’d send me the address before hand. I think he wants it to be a surprise.”
“Make sure you turn your location on, so I can see where you are.”
“I always do.”
“I just worry about you, especially when you’re with strange men from the internet.”
“A bit of a slut are you, Elain?” Tamlin’s words cracked like a whip through the air. Tempers which had cooled during the course of their dinner immediately reignited. 
“How dare you speak to my sister like that,” Nesta hissed, her top lip curling back to expose her teeth. 
“It would explain why you look like that,” Tamlin said, gesturing to Elain. 
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Nesta was on her feet now, voice rising. People at other tables looked over to see what the disturbance was. 
“Let’s not make a scene now Nesta,” Tamlin said condescendingly. 
“How dare you! You know, I let the stuff earlier slide because you were talking about Feyre, disgusting as it was, it’s your relationship and who am I to get involved in that, but to speak to Elain like that, when you don’t even know her—.”
“Oh please, pretend all you like that you’re defending your sister’s honour when we both know—.”
“You disgust me,” she said drawing herself up to full height to sneer down at him, “Feyre, you know I love you, and I know that I can’t tell you how to live you life, but I refuse to sit here and listen to this for another moment. I’m leaving.” Grabbing her bag, Nesta pivoted on her heel and stormed out of the restaurant.
“Very dramatic your sister,” Tamlin said, watching her go. 
“Emmm…I think I might go after her,” Elain whispered. 
Feyre just nodded at Elain, how could she allow her sisters to be spoken to like that and by the man that she loved. They didn’t deserve that, especially not Elain, after everything she’d been through. 
True, Tamlin didn’t know about that stuff, but it was still at best a reckless thing for him to say. At worst, it was cruel.  
It would be a wonder if his words didn’t send Elain into another downward spiral, and just when she seemed to be pulling herself up from the depths. 
Nesta was right to storm out. Feyre only hoped that the sisters would lean on each other for support tonight. 
“Talk to you tomorrow,” Elain whispered as she kissed Feyre on the cheek, her hand stroking her hair. 
“Okay,” Feyre whispered, unsure of her ability to form a complete sentence, to say what she wanted to say to Elain, to comfort her, without breaking down completely. 
Elain gave Tamlin a curt nod, which as Elain went, was as good as sticking her middle finger in his face, before hurrying out of the restaurant. 
After a moment’s calm, a waiter appeared to check if everything was okay. 
Tamlin ordered a banoffee pie for dessert. 
They sat in terse silence as Tamlin ate it. 
Bite by painfully slow bite. 
 “Your sister’s are certainly spirited,” Tamlin finally said, after they eventually left the restaurant. 
Feyre trailed behind him as they walked down the street to where he had parked his car. Her leg hurt from where he had dug his fingers into it during that first confrontation with Nesta. It had been almost dead when she first stood up after Tamlin had, after what seemed like eons, decided it was time to go home. 
Now she couldn’t keep up with his long strides. 
“Oh for heavens sake Feyre, hurry up,” he snapped when he realised she was behind him.
“I—.” Her voice died on her lips, as he turned around to wait on her. One eyebrow raised in question. In challenge. 
Feyre took a deep breath to steady herself, for a moment she felt brave standing up to Tamlin, “You hurt me.”
“Don’t be ridiculous Feyre, I didn’t hurt you.”
“You did, when you gripped my leg earlier it really hurts, and I know it’s going to bruise tomorrow so don’t tell me you didn’t hurt me when I can’t walk.”
Tamlin’s eyes went wide, he was in front of her in two strides, cupping her face in his hands pressing kisses to the corners of her mouth. “Feyre, baby, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I would never hurt you. It was an accident.”
The tears that Feyre had held back all night suddenly began flowing down her cheeks.
“Shhh, Feyre please don’t cry.”
“I know you didn’t mean to hurt me,” she hiccuped, “but you did.”
“It was an accident. I didn’t mean to. I would never hurt you baby, you mean everything to me.”
It was all coming out now, the confession that he had hurt her, the tears that she had repressed all night. She needed to get it all out. “Why were you so awful to my sisters?” 
“Nesta was very rude to me.”
Feyre frowned, thinking back on the evening. Was Nesta rude? Or was she just being her brutally blunt self? “She wasn’t rude, she was looking out for me. She wanted to get to know you and to understand your intentions with me.”
“My intentions with you…Feyre, I didn’t want to do this now, or here.”
In one moment Tamlin was standing in front of Feyre, his hands holding her face gently as he wiped the tears from under her eyes. The next he was on the ground, kneeling in front of her, pulling a little black box from the inside of his jacket. 
Someone shrieked in the distance. 
Feyre didn’t realise what was happening until he flipped open the lid to reveal the biggest diamond she had ever seen. 
Could he be?
Surely not?
“Marry me Feyre.”
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Mirror [Heart of Steel]
Heart of Steel - One Shot
Do not read before you finish the series.
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Bucky swore the winters got colder and colder every year. It made his travels more difficult and miserable. He never complained though. Who would he even complain to? He was on his own, traveling the world, living by his sword.
It had snowed in last night, making the dense forest peacefully quiet. Some would consider it eerie, but not Bucky. The snow muffled his horses steps, making it even easier for Bucky to hear his surroundings.
The main path through the forest was just beyond the ridge.
But Bucky never took the main roads, preferring to keep to himself and lessen the chances of running into company.
He could hear the carriage before he saw it.
It was quite the company. Both in front of and behind the carriage were five or six knights, escorting the carriage through the thick forest. There was a crest on the flags and armor of the knights, but Bucky was too far away to make it out.
Bucky figured it was a duke or priest, perhaps even a wealthy noble.
He didn’t really care and paid no mind, continuing on his journey discretely.
But then he heard the call.
His horse’s ears perked up at the sound, knowing it wasn’t natural.
The sound was meant to be concealed, making the naive just hear it as one of nature’s normal sounds.
But Bucky knew better.
Bandits and pillagers and mercenaries used it as signal and code before attacks, a way to communicate with each other without warning their victims and prey.
Bucky was far too familiar with the noise.
He wanted to ignore it, to mind his own business and continue on.
But his horse neighed and bobbed its head, almost even nudging its body in the direction of where the carriage had just passed.
“They’ll be fine,” Bucky muttered to the beast. “They had a dozen knights with them.”
But the horse ignored his command to move forward. Sometimes the animal knew Bucky more than he knew himself.
The carriage was most likely outnumbered. The attack would be a massacre. 
Whether the pillagers wanted money or blood or coition, they would get it no matter what. 
The nobles were doomed, not standing a chance.
Bucky growled in frustration, but gave in.
His heels dug into the horse’s side and he guided it in the direction of main path.
The horse instantly responded, jumping into a gallop.
Bucky heard the screams and clashing of metal first. The fight was beyond the ridge and he couldn’t see the fight yet. The attack had moved quicker than he could’ve predicted.
When his horse broke the line, he found the chaos. A tree had been chopped down, blocking the path in front of the company – stopping them from escaping. Their carriage was flipped onto its side. Knights were already fighting the pillagers. There were women trying to make a run for it, somehow having made it out of the carriage alive.
But Bucky didn’t notice these things first.
Instead, he noticed the banners, the flags, the armor.
This carriage belonged to Midgard.
His heart immediately sped and his eyes raced around looking for her y/h/c hair. She would be fighting, she wouldn’t have made a run for it.
But the Queen of Midgard was nowhere to be seen.
Bucky snapped out of it then and joined the fight, unsheathing his sword and taking out of the pillagers one or even two at a time.
His presence instantly got the enemy’s attention. Many shifted their attacks onto him. 
Meanwhile, one of them had tackled a woman to the ground, a servant or a lady-in-waiting. The man was now trying to rip her dress open. The woman was helpless, begging for him to both stop and trying to fight him off of her.
Bucky jumped from his horse and ripped the man off of her, slitting his throat just a second later.
The woman gasped at the sight.
Bucky lowered his sword and helped her to her feet.
“Run for the bushes. Stay hidden until it is safe,” his words were strict and brisk.
But the woman was in shock and only stared into his face.
“Go!” Bucky scared her back to reality with the raising of his voice.
She yelped, but finally did as she was told.
Due to the distraction, Bucky turned to find another enemy attacking with his sword already raised and coming down upon him.
But just as Bucky attempted to block the swing and defend himself, the man’s eyes widened and his jaw went slack. His movement was completely halted and he fell to the ground. An arrow was sticking out of his back.
Bucky looked up to find his savior, but found no one.
The fight was starting to die down. Either the pillagers had been taken down or they had made a run for it, scared of the challenge they hadn’t expected.
A few yards away, there was a young man fighting three men at once.
He was holding his own, but Bucky went to his aid nonetheless.
The young man mistakenly put his back to one of the assailants as he fought another. It could've gotten him killed if Bucky hadn’t rushed forward and took him down. Meanwhile the young man had killed the other two.
But he knew he had made a mistake turning his back and quickly whipped around to face his third enemy.
Bucky froze when the man finally turned.
But it wasn’t a man. He was merely a boy –  couldn’t be older than 17 or 18 years of age. A boy that Bucky swore couldn’t be real, for he looked to be plucked straight out of his childhood and memory.
“Steve?” Bucky muttered quietly.
The boy’s brow furrowed.
Then Bucky’s mind finally seemed to clear. “Prince Joseph?”
The boy blinked and opened his mouth to clarify.
But it was stopped by someone putting a sword to Bucky’s throat from behind him.
“Drop your sword,” a feminine voice spoke harshly from his blind spot.
“Isabella!” The boy chided.
Bucky kept his sword in his hand put his left arm up in an innocent motion.
The blade pressed harder against his throat with the movement.
“His armor holds no insignia. He could be one of them,” she hissed.
“He saved my life,” Joseph explained.
“And mine, Your Highness,” another female voice chimed in meekly. It was the servant girl.
“Turn around,” the girl commanded, keeping the blade against his throat.
Bucky did as he was told, but refused to drop his own sword.
What he was met with was mirror image of Y/N. The girl – no older than 14 years of age – had Steve’s blue eyes and dark blonde hair. But everything else was Y/N.
The sight shook Bucky to his core.
“You should be careful who you threaten with your sword, Your Highness,” Bucky warned lightly with a teasing glint in his eyes.   Now that he could see the actual blade, he could also see that it was covered in blood, proving that she had very much used it and most likely killed many men today.
“And you should watch your tongue, drifter.” The princess showed no fear.
Not only was she wearing light armor, but there was a bow strapped across her chest and quiver of arrows hanging from her shoulder.
Bucky glanced at the fletchings and realized they matched the one that was now in the back of the dead man who almost killed him.
The princess had saved his life.
With a swift flick of his wrist, Bucky caught Isabella off guard and maneuvered her sword into the air, catching it was his left hand.
Isabella was taken by surprise, but quickly recovered. In the same motion that Bucky held the two swords at the ready, Isabella had grabbed an arrow from her quiver, knocked it on her bow, and pointed it at Bucky’s chest.
Bucky smirked at her defiance and persistence. “Now that we have proven that if I wished to kill you, I would have… Shall we all put down our weapons?”
Without waiting for them to agree, Bucky thrust both swords into ground, handle up.
“Isabella, please.” Prince Joseph urged and stepped around Bucky to his sister’s side.
She finally lowered her bow, but kept the arrow knocked. “Who are you?”
To their surprise, Bucky then kneeled before them. “I am Sir James Barnes.”
Both of the royal children froze at the name, their eyes going wide.
“Impossible,” Isabella breathed.
They know who I am? Bucky thought.
“Mother’s knight,” Joseph stated boldly. It caused Bucky to raise his head and look at the prince. “We met. When I was just a little boy.”
“Aye,” Bucky nodded his head.
“Please, stand, Sir James.” Joseph ushered.
Just then the rest of their escort came hurrying back to the Prince and Princess.
“Your Highnesses, are you hurt?” Bucky could tell by his armor that it was a Knight of Howl, King Steven’s most skilled and dangerous battalion of knights.
“We are fine,” Isabella answered.
The knights and servants eyed Bucky, wondering if he was what was left from the attack.
“This is Sir James Barnes,” Joseph explained.
Everyone murmured to each other excitedly, knowing of the famous knight.
No matter how much he tried to fade away, Bucky’s reputation lived on. The stories seemed to have only multiplied since he parted from Y/N.
“I heard the signal of the pillagers. I came to give aid,” Bucky explained.
“It is much appreciated, sire.”
“What are you doing in these forests?” Bucky asked.
“We are on our way to visit our uncle in Zamora,” Joseph answered.
“Anthony?” Bucky blurted without thinking it.
“I believe you mean King Anthony of Zamora,” Isabella corrected with narrowed eyes.
Bucky looked around at the group who had survived the attack. Only half the knights remained. It seemed only the Knights of Howl made it.
“I shall escort you for the rest of the journey and assure you get to your destination safely,” Bucky declared. He left little room for arguing.
“We would be eternally grateful,” one of the knights bowed his head. They were no fools. The safety of the Prince and Princess was of the utmost importance. They would do whatever it took to insure they remained unharmed.
The group broke apart, collecting their weapons and horses and… their dead.
Bucky whistled and his horse came trotting to his side.
Isabella eyed it for a moment. No one was paying Bucky much attention any longer.
“Persephone?” She asked with quiet curiosity.
Her tone and attitude toward Bucky had seemed to shift now.
Bucky winced at the mentioning of his past horse. 
Y/N truly had told her children all about him.
“Nay, that beast died years ago. This is Bravo.”
Isabella frowned. But she stepped forward and stroked the horse’s neck. It nickered happily and nudged her face affectionately.
Isabella laughed lightly.
Bucky felt sick from the sound. Just like that, she looked exactly like her mother.
It was almost as if Bucky was being taunted.
A servant boy walked up with a horse – the princess’. An all silvery-gray stallion that was so clean and bright that only a princess would ever be seen riding it.
It seemed the carriage was only for the Isabella’s ladies-in-waiting and a few servants. She had been traveling on horseback.
“Will you ride beside me, Sir James?” Isabella asked innocently.
Bucky cleared his throat and nodded, “Of course, Your Highness.'
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They made camp a few hours later, before the sun got too close to the horizon.
Now it was night and they had their tents up and a few fires scattered around to keep them warm and alert to their surroundings.
Isabella had surprisingly remained quiet throughout their journey.
But it left Bucky plenty of time to observe both her and her brother.
Isabelle was not a child, but still not yet a woman. However, her beauty had already made itself known and Bucky could only assume how stressed it made Steve, even now.
Joseph had the same kind heart that Steve did, but the sharpness and consciousness of his mother. He would make a great king, that Bucky knew.
Isabella grabbed the open seat next to Bucky at one of the fires.
He bowed his head slightly, “Your Highness.”
No one seemed to be paying much attention to their princess, too busy having conversations amongst themselves or being on the lookout.
A comfortable silence settled between the princess and the knight. The crackling of the fire was their only focus for a moment.  
“My mother,” Isabella muttered quietly. “She told me…about the two of you.”
Bucky’s eyes flickered to her awaiting gaze, shocked by the confession.
“I am sorry for my rudeness earlier,” she added.
“You protect yourself the way your mother once did,” Bucky sighed, clearly not offended by her prior behavior.
“And how is that, Sir James?”
“With coldness and distrust. I do not mean it as an insult, Your Highness. It did well for her.”
Isabella smirked. Perhaps it was the firelight or that was she was educated in royal etiquette and kingdom affairs, but the princess seemed much older than her age.
Bucky could on assume princes and kings would be begging Steve for her hand in marriage any day now.
“Do you not wish to know what my mother told me of you?” Isabella practically whispered.
Bucky didn’t answer. Instead, his jaw flexed and he stared into the fire.
“He’s not as fond of the stories as I am,” Isabella’s gaze flickered to her older brother, who was sitting on the opposite side of the fire and speaking to one of his knights. “Our father is his greatest hero. To him, there is no better man. He does not like the idea of mother loving any other man but him.”
Bucky finally looked at the princess, a warning in his eyes. “Why did your mother insist on telling the two of you tales of me?”
Isabella smiled at the question. “She wanted us to know the difference between love and duty. And how only a few of us are fortunate enough to interweave the two.” She sighed, “I think she wished to prevent us from falling in love with someone we could not have. She was trying to protect us. Something no one had protected her from when she was our age.”
It hurt him to hear.
He cleared his throat in attempt to fight of any emotions. “And your father… Does he speak of me?”
Isabella frowned. “Not like her. Never like her. But he did once say he was a fortunate king, for there was someone who protected the love of his life before he could meet her and protect her himself.”
Bucky chuckled bitingly. But he had nothing to say to that.
“Do you still lover her – my mother?” Isabella whispered.
“Yes,” Bucky answered without the slightest hesitation.
The proclamation seemed to break the young princess’ heart.
“I am happy to have met you, Sir James. I am reminded that my mother had another life before she became Queen, before she had me.”
Bucky’s eyes turned sad. “I am happy to have met you as well, Your Highness.”
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Y/N stood on the balcony of her bedchambers. It looked out onto the entire kingdom below. Her fingers gripped the bannister.
Then she felt a kiss to her shoulder and a strong pair of hands wrap around her waist.
“They will be fine, my love,” Steve whispered into her ear before kissing her neck.
“They could have been killed, Steve.”
He gently forced her to turn around and face them. “But they survived, completely unharmed. They have been trained well – you have trained them well. They are not helpless.” He kissed her forehead. “Furthermore, your brother practically sent a small army to escort them back home.”
Y/N chuckled at that.
“I have missed them. Two weeks has felt like two months,” the queen admitted.
“It is the same for me.” Then he smirked. “But I have enjoyed having you all to myself.”
There was a knock at the door. A servant walked in.
“Your Majesties,” they bowed. “The Prince and Princess have just reached the kingdom’s gates. They are home and safe.”
“Oh, thank goodness,” Y/N whispered with a hand over her heart.
Steve grabbed her hand, “Come.”
Y/N practically tackled her two children when they arrived at the palace doors.
“Mother, we are fine. I promise,” Joseph tried to calm her as she squeezed him tightly.
“Yes, mother. Do not stress,” Isabella added. 
But Steve was pulling his daughter in his arms already and kissing the top of her head.
“And, mother, we brought a surprise…” Joseph nudged.
Y/N looked over her son’s shoulder to find a familiar face. Well, it was the familiar face of a boy who had now become a man.
“Peter!” Y/N gasped, rushing forward and wrapping the squire into a hug.
But he was a squire no longer. He was a knight. But not just any knight, he was the personal guard for King Anthony of Zamora.
Peter chuckled and when he escaped her hug, he lowered himself to a knee and bowed his head. “Your Majesty, it is good to see you again.”
“None of that,” Y/N urged him to his feet. “My God, you are no longer a boy.”
Peter smiled. “Hopefully I have not changed too much.”
“Yes, let us hope not.”
“King Anthony wished for me to escort Your Highnesses back home safely.”
“But will you not stay for at a few days? You must rest after the long journey. You simply cannot return home so soon,” Y/N begged.
Peter agreed easily.
Joseph and Isabella looked rather proud of themselves for making their mother so happy. It brought a smile to Steve’s face as well, seeing his wife so elated with the reunion.
Steve brought the attention back to his children. “Did you look after your sister?” He asked his son.
“More like I looked after him,” Isabella chimed in.
“Shall I tell them how Sir James managed to disarm you and steal your sword in one move?” Joseph teased his sister back.
Steve and Y/N looked at each other.
“Sir James?” Y/N gasped.
Then Joseph and Isabella shared a worried look.
“Did uncle not tell you in his letter?” Joseph asked.
Steve frowned. “He left that part out, it appears.”
“If it were not for him, who knows what would have become of us,” Isabella spoke quietly. “Father, Mother… he saved us.”
Y/N was trying to control her breathing.
Her eyes went to Peter’s, needing someone else to assure her the children were telling the truth.
Peter was tense, but gave a small nod.
Steve sensed Y/N’s distress.
“Go get settled,” he ordered his children. “The feast to celebrate your return will start soon.” “Come, Your Highnesses,” Peter urged, sensing the tension. He escorted the prince and princess to their wing.
“How is it possible?” Y/N whispered when she was alone with her husband.
Steve sighed, not having an answer.
“I owe a debt to a man whom I can never repay. A debt which seems to grow longer and longer – now it involves my children.”
The queen was silent. Her eyes were glazed over as she was in deep thought. 
“Y/N,” Steve whispered. “Y/N, please look at me.”
She did.
“Are you alright?”
“I…I do not know,” her hand went to her chest. “I am…feeling…a little faint.”
Steve did not blame her. He took her hand gently and started guiding her back to their bedchambers.
“Lay down for a moment,” he instructed as he pointed to the bed.
She opened her mouth to protest.
“Please, Y/N? I will wake you when the feast is about to begin.”
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Y/N woke up, feeling like a fool for the way she reacted. The last time she had seen Bucky was just after Isabella had been born. It had been almost 15 years.
She never thought she would even hear his name again.
But the man she once loved – the man who had once protected her – had saved her children. The children she bore with a man that was not him.
It seemed like he was her guardian angel, protecting what she loved most, even after she had abandoned him all that time ago.
Y/N wished she could see him again and thank him. But she knew better. Bucky would never step foot into Midgardian country ever again.
Throughout the feast, Steve left his queen be, allowing her to process her emotions and thoughts in peace. He took on the responsibility of entertaining their guests.
Peter sat on the other side of the Queen, upon her request.
She managed to pull herself together enough to ask Peter questions about his life.
But her old friend knew that there was something off. And he knew what.
“When I saw Sir James riding alongside Her Highness, it felt as if I had gone back in time,” he told Y/N quietly.
Y/N glanced at her daughter, who was dancing in the middle of the room and laughing carelessly.
“The Knights of Howl said he stayed by her side for the entire journey, watching over her,” Peter added. “When he walked into the courtyard, I swear he half expectedly you to come running out of the castle as you once did.”
Y/N did not know what to say.
“I miss him too,” Peter finally confessed. “I know it is nothing to the loss that you have suffered, but miss him I do. He was the closest thing to a father I ever had.”
The queen still said nothing. But she reached forward and gripped his hand, giving him a sad smile.
Her eyes told Peter everything she could not say.
A few days later, when Peter was finally making his leave, he was surprised to find the king making his way toward him. Peter had already said his goodbyes to the royal family earlier.
“Your Majesty,” he bowed his head.
“Peter, I must ask you a favor. I do not know if it is possible, but if anyone can accomplish this, it is you.”
“Of course, Your Majesty.”
“I need you to get this letter to Sir James.”
Peter was taken aback by the request. He froze, but quickly recovered. “I will try my best, Your Majesty.”
Steve gripped his shoulder. “Thank you for looking after my children.” Then he smiled sadly. “And for bringing my wife such joy. She was very happy to see you again.”
During his short detour, Peter wanted nothing more than to open the letter. But he couldn’t possibly disrespect the King of Midgard in such a way.
But every lead he got on Bucky’s location ended in disappointment.
Bucky didn’t want to be found, so he made sure he never was.
It had been almost 3 weeks of searching, Peter had to get back to Zamora. He couldn’t avoid his duties as King Anthony’s personal guard any longer.
Peter was sitting by the fire in the small camp he’d made for himself.
The scroll King Steven gave him was sticking out of his saddlebag, mocking him.
“Damn it to hell,” Peter muttered as he shot to his feet and grabbed it before he could change his mind.
He undid the seal and his eyes flashed across the letter. 
Sir James Barnes,
I feel as though you have given me a debt of which I can never repay. You looked after Y/N time and time again. I expected her personal guard to keep her safe and protect her with their life. What I never expected was for you to do the same for my son and daughter. I wish to tell you that if there is anything I can do for you – I beg of you – please ask. I could give you the world and it would not be enough for what you have done for my family.
Peter winced at ‘family,’ the thing that Bucky could never have with Y/N. 
Then the tone of the letter changed.
However, I imagine the only thing you could ever want from me… I have already taken for myself. For which, I do not expect you to ever forgive me. But I promise you one thing, I have tried with all of my heart to love her as she deserves, to make her as happy as one could possibly be. I believe I have been prosperous with my efforts. I am hopeful that it makes a difference to you, perhaps makes you less hateful towards me.
But I have lived long enough to accept that I do not deserve your forgiveness.
Just know that the King of Midgard will grant anything you desire for keeping his most beloved treasures safe.
I hope this letter finds you well, if it finds you at all.
Peter stared at the words again. Then he shifted his gaze to the distant horizon. The moon was full and reflecting off of the snow, making the night as bright as ever.
Sir James Barnes did not protect Y/N for recognition or reward. He had done it because he loved her. 

And saving Joseph and Isabella? Sir James had done so, not for the glory or compensation, but because it was the right thing to do. He had always helped those who could not help themselves. Peter took in a deep breath and bent forward, placing the letter over the flames until they caught onto the paper.
The knight watched as the words caught fire and he didn’t stop watching until they were ash.
Bucky would find no comfort in the king’s words.
Peter knew that.
I don’t think I’ve ever written anything so quickly in my life. I was just really fucking inspired.  Please, please, please tell me your thoughts and feelings. 
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dweetwise · 4 years
yes hello i am back on my bullshit again, presenting you yet another felix x ace! (also i’m taking the creative liberty to call the ship riconti because it sounds like a cheese or something and i found it funny) anyways, this one is just me thirsting over the oktoberfest skin through ace, ft. some suggestive language but no nsfw!
word count: 2781
Felix X Ace: Clothes make the man
The whole thing starts as an offhand comment.
"—I mean, it's clearly tailored. He pulls it off,” Ace is telling Meg, who has been complaining about Felix's stuffy suit and even stuffier attitude for five minutes straight. “But it's so impractical!” the girl argues. “Wasn't he on some kind of field trip when he was taken? What kind of guy wears a suit to that?” “I don't know, but I'm not going to complain about free eye candy,” Ace smirks, and Meg rolls her eyes. “Oh yeah, I forgot rich snobs are your thing. Sucks you can't scam him for his money in here,” Meg snarks. “Excuse me for having taste,” Ace shoots back. “I wish I had a suit like that. Do you think it's Gucci?” “Burberry,” an increasingly familiar voice answers from behind him and Meg whips her head around to look at its owner, eyes wide in shock at having been caught gossiping. Meanwhile Ace, liking to think he has more self-control, schools his face into a pleasant smile and slowly turns around to face Felix. “Would have been my next guess,” Ace says, trying not to let it show that he's mentally slapping himself for essentially thirsting over Felix when the other was within earshot. “I like the cut. You've got good taste.”
He’s feebly trying to save some of his wounded ego, but probably ends up laying it on too thick. Felix fidgets a little, maybe not used to getting compliments, before he seems to catch himself. He meets Ace's eyes and the hint of a smirk tugs on his lip.
“Wish I could say the same,” Felix says, pointedly looking at Ace's flamingo sweater, before turning around and walking away and leaving Ace to gape at the unexpected sass from the normally serious man. “I take it back, I like him!” Meg snickers beside him.
The Entity seems to share Ace's enthusiasm for Felix's fashion sense, and only a few trials in Felix is already in a different suit, this one a grey plaid.
“Hmm…” Ace pretends to mull over when they're working on a generator together. “Did you see something?” Felix asks, hurriedly glancing over the top of the machine to try, in vain, to spot the killer. “I think the navy blue suits you better,” Ace smirks at his own pun. “Though the plaid certainly makes a statement. Shame that statement is ‘I'm a grandpa at thirty years old’.” “You know, in my job, gold is really only used for trims. Any more than that is just tacky," Felix deadpans, not even sparing a glance at Ace's obnoxiously golden silk outfit. “And it's thirty-eight.”
Ace doesn't bother suppressing his grin over the fact that Felix seems happy to go along with his silly banter.
It becomes sort of an inside joke between them, and when Felix shows up to the campfire in a porn stache and driving gloves, Ace chokes on a laugh.
“I’m sorry, is this an 80's theme party?” Ace jokes. “Careful you don't end up on a propaganda poster with a stache like that.” “Why are you wearing an eye patch?” Felix immediately shoots back. “Is this the 16th century? Should we break out the rum and set sail?”
Ace hears Quentin snort beside him.
“It's a pilot outfit,” Ace argues, pulling his jacket with the pin-up print tighter against himself defensively. “No, mine is a pilot outfit,” Felix deadpans, and Ace can't really argue, not when the other is wearing a bomber jacket and pilot glasses and leather gloves. “Yours is a blind truck driver.”
Bill coughs out something akin to a laugh on the other side of camp and Ace bites his lip to stop himself from doing the same.
“Can I borrow the shades some time?” Ace forfeits the argument, and Felix smiles just the tiniest bit. “Sure.”
And Felix actually follows through with the promise, switching sunglasses with him when Ace later complains his own don’t go with his outfit. It’s a pretty cute gesture, like they were close friends or even a couple, and when Felix snorts and tells him he looks ridiculous it just serves to make Ace smile brighter.
It’s not like the exchange or the ones before it mean anything, it’s just harmless joking with the occasional flirt. Ace still thinks Felix is attractive, but he doesn’t have any illusions that the man would be into him like that, with what having a girlfriend and unborn baby back home, not to mention Ace having a good ten years on him in age. Still, he appreciates that Felix goes along with his cheeky comments, at least not grossed out by or taking offense to Ace’s flirting.
He only gets to keep the shades for one trial, because the Entity has blessed Felix with another outfit for Ace to offer his unsolicited opinion on.
“Oh my god,” Ace comments when he spots the horrendous, grease-streaked mop in place of Felix’s normally expertly styled hair. “Are you a closet hipster? Is an avocado smoothie going to fall out of the hat?” he quips, eyeing the fedora that is, in Ace’s humble opinion, vastly inferior to all of his own hats. “I needed a disguise to lay low for a while, and what better way to hide in plain sight in a big city?” Felix defends his unkempt hair and dirty t-shirt. “What’s your excuse?” he shoots back.
Ace glances down at his generously open shirt—gold again, just to annoy Felix—and tacky sequin pants.
“Vegas, baby,” Ace grins. “If you’d ever been, you’d know.” “I’ve never been happier to say I haven’t,” Felix chuckles. “I don’t think I could handle more of… whatever this is,” he says, gesturing to Ace’s outfit. “When we get out of here, I’m definitely taking you,” Ace quips. “I just want to see you cry over all the flashy satin and fake gold.”
Felix doesn’t roll his eyes or make a sarcastic comment like Ace expects. Instead, he stares blankly in confusion for a few seconds, before his expression settles into a smile Ace can’t quite place.
“Alright,” Felix simply says, and combined with the soft smile it’s enough to make Ace nervously look around camp for a distraction. “Hey, Kate!” he hollers, spotting the songstress braiding Meg’s hair. “You got a hairband for our friend and his questionable hair style over there?”
He ends up regretting the question as soon as Kate insists on braiding Felix’s hair and the normally standoffish man, somehow, goes along with it. He can’t believe he’s jealous for someone getting to touch the grimy, unkempt strands, and it sure as hell doesn’t help that Felix seems to like it. Kate looks thrilled to get to spend some quality time with the man, chatting about this and that and taking way longer than necessary to make the hairstyle, and Ace ends up walking away and pestering Dwight to play some cards with him so he can at least win at something.
His win streak over the poor boy is interrupted when Felix later sits down with them, gesturing for Ace to deal him in, and Ace can’t quite hide his pleased grin that Felix would rather spend time with him than the beautiful girl who just played with his hair for half an hour.
“Better?” Felix asks him, turning his head to display the most pathetic French braid Ace has ever seen, ending in a ponytail that’s barely an inch in length. “Much better,” Ace says, definitely referring to the company and not the state of his hair, and even the normally diplomatic Dwight gives him a weird glance over his cards after taking in Kate’s handiwork.
Only a few trials after the incident, Ace has the pleasure of spawning together with Felix in one of the Yamaoka maps. When he sees a horrendous checkered pattern from the corner of his eye, he knows he’s in for a treat.
He quickly turns to face the man, nearly tripping over some shrubbery as the Entity decided to place him in some inconvenient bamboo. He meets Felix's eye, opening his mouth to start a snarky comment, when his thoughts come to a complete halt upon seeing the entirety of the outfit.
“Well? Get it over with,” Felix demands, crossing his arms self-consciously and—lord have mercy—blushing a little.
Ace's brain is reduced to white noise in the equivalent of ‘hhhHhhHHhh’ while he just stands there, feet still in the stupid bamboo, and stares.
Felix's hair is now an impeccable undercut, a few loose strands framing his features beautifully, and the perfectly trimmed stubble adds a rugged charm to his handsome face. The vest is stylish, a navy blue similar to the suit Ace likes, and the checkered shirt shouldn't work with it but it does, and there's even a matching handkerchief in his breast pocket. Ace's horny brain immediately goes to hanky code and shut up brain it's in the wrong pocket—
Ace mentally shakes his head and looks at Felix's pants instead. And that was a bad idea, because he’s wearing fucking. Leather. Pants.
Again, it should look ridiculous, but Ace feels himself start salivating at the idea of them hugging Felix's ass—ugh, focus!
The pants have small ribbons on the sides and the entire ensemble is so goddamn adorable and sexy that he can't even deal. And Ace has seen a lot of handsome men during his life, mostly in the mirror, but right now, Felix takes the cake.
Felix's attitude shifts from embarrassed to curious when Ace isn't immediately opening his big mouth like usual.
“If this is how all Germans dress, it’s a tragedy I’ve never been,” Ace flirts, his dick having taken over his brain and his mouth running on autopilot.
Instead of insulting Ace's panama hat and favorite pink shirt, Felix clears his throat and averts his eyes.
“You don't look too bad yourself,” Felix mutters, cheeks heating up again as he twiddles with the cuff of his shirt.
Ace idly wonders if the bamboo bush is big enough for them to make out in without being spotted—brain, focus! The guy is just being polite, no need to jump his bones!
They've got the usual back-and-forth out of the way, but Felix still isn't moving to start the trial, regarding Ace warily and fidgeting, and he's just so fucking hot—ugh, he needs to say something, doesn't he?
“God, the things I'd let you do to me," Ace thinks while he says ‘We should find a generator’ because he's not going to creep Felix out any further—
Felix chokes on nothing and his face flushes bright red, and Ace belatedly realizes his brain got its wires crossed and he definitely said the first bit out loud. Shit, that was definitely out of line, and if Felix hasn’t been offended before he sure as hell should be now.
There’s a screech from his left and Ace has never been so glad to take a bonesaw to the shoulder as when the Nurse teleports next to him and interrupts their awkward conversation, Ace finally running out of the goddamn shrubbery while clutching his injured shoulder. Strangely enough, the Nurse doesn’t follow him as he runs up to the temple, and soon after he hears Felix yelp instead, the killer chasing him around the shack.
Damn, now he somehow needs to make it up to Felix both to apologize for his foot-in-mouth syndrome and for him taking the Nurse off Ace’s back.
Unfortunately for them, the Nurse isn't playing around this match, and when she returns to tunnel Felix right off the hook, Ace barely even gets the chance to yell out a “Move!” and throw himself in the way of the attack, much less talk to him about what happened earlier.
Soon Ace is walking back into camp, the second to last to have been sacrificed, only Claudette remaining in the trial and trying to find the hatch. He's already prepared an apology, and hopefully he'll be able to joke it off and Felix won't be weirded out by him. Well, at least not more than usual.
But then he spots Felix talking to Dwight by the edge of the camp, and Dwight freezes mid-conversation upon seeing Ace, before his face twists into a—smirk? Since when has Dwight smirked?—and he says something to Felix before taking off, walking over to where Steve and Ash look to be engaged in a game of tic-tac-toe.
Ace doesn't even have time to ponder why Dwight suddenly seems like he knows way too much, because Felix is approaching him and he knows this is a make or break it situation.
“Dwight seemed awfully smug, huh?” Ace jokes to buy himself some time after his carefully crafted apology flies out the window when he sees Felix’s serious expression. “We need to talk,” Felix says, looking and sounding every bit the stern businessman Meg thinks he is. “Yeah, alright,” Ace agrees and tries not to deflate too much upon essentially being shut down before he can even try to make things right.
As he follows Felix out into the woods away from prying eyes, he considers whether it's even worth apologizing if their friendship is done with anyway. He just hopes this won't cause unnecessary drama within the group, the others sure as hell don’t need to get involved.
His train of thought is interrupted when he's suddenly pushed against a tree, letting out a startled yelp that he’ll later vehemently deny. Shit, is Felix going to beat him up?
An arm wrapping around his hip is finally enough to pull Ace out of his racing thoughts, and when he looks up at the man he finally realizes that Felix is definitely not upset with him, and his eyebrows shoot up into his hairline upon seeing the clear bedroom eyes thrown his way.
“Is this not okay?” Felix asks, his dark gaze faltering from insecurity. “Naw, baby, just took me by surprise,” Ace practically purrs, a lazy grin spreading over his face as the familiar confidence returns, his hands running over Felix's shoulders appreciatively. “I thought you were upset with me from before, not that you'd take me up on the offer.” “Well, I—” Felix starts, clearing his throat self-consciously. “I've wanted this for quite some time, and Dwight said you probably wouldn't be opposed, so…”
That's what they were talking about? And Dwight convinced Felix that Ace is down to fuck? Shit, he needs to get the kid a fruit basket or something to thank him.
“He's definitely not wrong,” Ace says, trying for a seductive look but probably ends up leering stupidly from the anticipation instead. But apparently it gets the job done, because Felix pulls him tighter against him and leans in for a kiss.
And okay, wow, apparently he wasn't lying about really wanting this, because there's an urgency in the way he practically devours Ace's mouth, letting out an appreciative groan when Ace parts his lips and encourages him to deepen the kiss.
So maybe he should be worried about Felix's girlfriend or his sudden interest in men or whether he's looking for more than a casual fuck. But Ace has never been good at thinking certain things through and he's not about to start now, not when he has a breathless and flushed Felix pulling away from the kiss and looking at him with lust-blown eyes.
“I've wanted to do that for a long time,” Felix breathes, the corner of his mouth quirking up into a half-smile. “You really should have just asked,” Ace smirks, a little amazed that he managed to miss all the signs, because there’s nothing subtle about the way Felix looks at him now. “I was working up to it,” Felix argues. “But then you started practically eye fucking me—” “I was looking respectfully,” Ace corrects, causing Felix to snort. “You stood in a bush and drooled, and then propositioned me,” Felix points out. “Yeah, and you liked it so much you blushed like a virgin and started flirting and took the killer off of me—which, thanks for that, by the way—” Ace starts. “You're welcome.” “—and… why did I think you were mad at me again?” Ace realizes. “No idea. I thought it was pretty obvious why I dragged you here to ‘talk’,” Felix emphasizes, gaze roaming appreciatively over his body. “Well, what are you waiting for?” Ace encourages, flashing his signature smirk in challenge.
And Ace learns that no matter how much he likes Felix's outfit, getting to help Felix out of it is even better.
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ceescedasticity · 4 years
Jin Guangyao’s hoarding problem, version 2, part 2
This isn’t so much “not a fic” as a “tell-don’t-show” fic. Not sure there’s a word for that.
(This next section starts out very dark, but just remember: in a more canon timeline, every one of these add-ins died in agony!)
Tingshan He (per novel canon) is a minor sect; its leader He Su speaks against Jin Guangshan's appointment as Chief Cultivator, and for some reason the appropriate response to this is considered to be arresting the entire sixty- or seventy-person on fabricated charges of conspiring to kill Jin Guangshan and giving them to Xue Yang to be turned into animated corpses. (What the hell.) He Su tries to negotiate for mercy for the elders and children; when none is forthcoming, he calls Jin Guangyao That One Insult, and then Xue Yang cuts his tongue out and throws him in a cage of corpses in front of his screaming family. Jin Guangyao in canon is like "…I'll leave you to it," and goes back to one of his innumerable other tasks. May or may not be the same tongue Xue Yang serves later.
(Also, novel-verse, and I am still not over this, this is before Xue Yang wipes out Yueyang Chang. He's still the person who was willing to kill dozens of people over a finger, but we'll never know if he would have actually done it without this example of 'respond to insult by eradicating sect'. Anyway. This is drama-verse Xue Yang, who found his influences and made his choices a long time ago.)
Here, Jin Guangyao goes to put up some silencing talismans between this outer part of the Dizang and the inner part where his high-value prisoners are. He doesn't want to subject Wen Qing to listening to all that — he might someday, if he needs to prove a point, but that's all the more reason not to do it randomly. Besides, Wei Wuxian can't even sit up but he might still come up with something stupid to do if he heard too much screaming, since apparently he's so very concerned about random collateral damage.
He has a thought. He comes back. He tells Xue Yang to hold off on killing any of them for a bit, he wants to do a finer check.
Jin Guangyao picks out a few members of Tingshan He.
He Lei is a cousin of He Su's, and currently the youngest surviving disciple at ten. Hasn't spoken since her parents died in front of her.
He Jian is her older sister. She is twelve. Has a Jin brand on her cheek; missed her parents' deaths while passed out.
He Zhi is their older brother. He is fourteen. He doesn't have a functional tongue anymore. Was technically present when his parents died, but very distracted; also got his face clawed up a bit.
He Gangfen is in his sixties, and has been responsible for training Tingshan He's beginner disciples almost since there has been a Tingshan He. He sees almost all of them killed horribly before Jin Guangyao makes him an offer.
He can save these last three disciples. All he has to do is — voluntarily — give up his golden core. —And convince Wen Qing to do the surgery.
Wei Wuxian's agreement isn't necessary, obviously.
It's not a pleasant conversation.
He Gangfen is so far past caring about Wens or the Yiling Laozu it doesn't even come up. Wen Qing points out there is absolutely nothing guaranteeing Jin Guangyao will keep the kids alive past the surgery — that "saving" them might even mean killing them quickly. He Gangfen says there's everything guaranteeing they'll die horribly now if he refuses, so please. Please.
Wei Wuxian, who has been staring at the ceiling trying to pretend this conversation isn't happening across the room, has a moment of insight and blurts out his conclusion. There is something — not a guarantee, but there is a benefit for Jin Guangyao in letting the children live.
Because what's he going to do as is, if Wei Wuxian or Wen Qing start outright defying him? Kill them? Oh no. Terrible. Hurt Jiang Yanli and deal with Jiang Cheng's reaction? Maybe threaten to do experiments on Wen Ning oh wait. The children would be accessible, disposable hostages.
Which is better than what He Gangfen was hoping for honestly, that might even be long-term, so please.
Being in this situation with accessible, disposable hostages is not remotely appealing, but. But.
Wei Wuxian tells Wen Qing he won't ask her to do this but if she wants his consent she has it.
The surgery is a success.
(Jin Guangyao is polite enough to remove He Gangfen from Wen Qing's workroom before administering the coup de grace. He Gangfen thanks Wen Qing and Wei Wuxian first.)
The kids… well. Jin Guangyao had more criteria than just age — that was important, but he wouldn't have gone through with the idea if they hadn't met other requirements.
Not too proud to beg.
Not already trying to swear revenge.
Naive enough not to be instantly suspicious when he asked them if they'd like a chance to save their little/big brother/sister. (They don't know about He Gangfen, much less about their broader purpose as hostages. They think he couldn't come up with any easier way of obtaining menial servants for the Dizang.)
Not more scared of Wen Ning than Xue Yang. (You have to be an idiot to be more scared of Wen Ning than Xue Yang, but a number of people still manage it. Shocking.)
It doesn't hurt that the oldest one, the boy, can't talk.
The older two for sure should be able to remember Sunshot, and all of them should know the blood-curdling stories of the Yiling Laozu (they had better, Jin Sect spent money making sure those stories grew), but exposure to Xue Yang makes even that less frightening. They're cautious, and Wen Qing in particular is trying not to let them close, but — connection is happening.
All according to plan.
(There is something Jin Guangyao has not planned for: Do you know who's not very scary at all even without Xue Yang for comparison? Who is also a prisoner of the inner Dizang, inasmuch as he's hardly ever allowed to leave, at least? Who is also doing a lot of menial chores, and who might end up providing guidance for someone else doing them? Who never had much power to act with cruelty or kindess, before, and who's seen a lot more cruelty than kindness, but who lately has spent a lot of time listening to Wen Qing and Wen Ning and Wei Wuxian? Who certainly wouldn't say no to a boy almost his age respecting him and wanting to spend time in his company?)
(Mo Xuanyu, that's who.)
Wei Wuxian meanwhile is experiencing mixed feelings about his new previously-owned golden core. He feels better. He feels much better. He can tell he'll feel better yet when he's healed more, which is happening, now. He also— Well, he's hoping even more that Jiang Cheng never finds out about the transfer, now, and he wouldn't have thought that was possible. It feels less strange and more his every day, but when he thinks about it— Well. It's upsetting.
So he hopes Jiang Cheng never finds out. He hopes Jiang Cheng can forget him, now. Maybe Jiang Cheng can be happy now. He knows that last one's a long shot, but he can hope.
(Jiang Cheng is… well, he'd not worse off than the usual universe, exactly. Jiang Yanli is alive! Just — he had to face her, with everyone saying he's the one who killed Wei Wuxian and he sort of was, and with his having left her lying there when she wasn't actually dead, and she didn't say anything that sounds like a recrimination but what must she be thinking. She must be so disappointed in him, she's just too kind to say anything. And he doesn't have the distraction of obsessing over Jin Ling, since Jin Ling is still with his mother.)
(As for Jiang Yanli… Jin Guangyao is not, in fact, trying to ensure she's seen as fragile and mad with grief, and not taken seriously, and that she's afraid to push back too much because they might take Jin Ling away, or Jiang Cheng might overreach trying to back her up. She's not on Jin Guangyao's agenda at all at the moment. It's just that very few people in Jinlintai have ever taken her very seriously, least of all the Sect Leader, and 'mad with grief' seems like a reasonable explanation for her turning up in Nightless City so most people are believing it with no extra effort necessary, and Madam Jin thinks she's terribly fragile and wants to protect her, and of course Jin Ling's welfare is everyone's highest priority so if it would be better for him to be elsewhere, well, that's an option. And Jiang Cheng would back her up in a heartbeat, of course he would, but Jiang Cheng is… well, Jiang Yanli thinks he's at least as mad with grief as she is, and she's not sure he'd be careful enough, if it came to any kind of confrontation.)
(Jin Guangyao is, really and genuinely, uninvolved with the incident wherein a Jin disciple attempts to treat Jiang Yanli's 'madness' with musical cultivation and succeeds only in causing heart palpitations. Well, he's involved inasmuch as the disciple's musical cultivation was based almost entirely on spying on Jin Guangyao, but he's unaware of that until the situation blows up. Happily everything is blamed on the disciple's lack of skill and hubris for attempting such a delicate feat as musical cultivation with no proper training. Since it's not like even the adulterated music is supposed to cause heart palpitations, it probably was lack of skill. And it's very embarrassing for Madam Jin, who decided to let an amateur try rather than ask Jin Guangyao, who would have been happy to help.)
(The most important consequence of that incident is how the cultivation world spends a while gossiping about the complexity and difficulty and potential dangers of musical cultivation, so a few months later, when Jin Guangyao proposes Nie Huaisang could play a little of the Song of Clarity, and Nie Huaisang says he's flattered by San-ge's confidence but he's much too poor a student for that. The trip to the Blade Hall doesn't go smoothly by any stretch of the imagination, but as many disciples come back as don't and they do get the sealing done, so… as well as could be expected, maybe.)
(It doesn't make much of a difference in the timeline of Nie Mingjue's decline. It makes a bigger difference in Nie Huaisang's emotional stability and interpersonal support network.)
(Back to the Dizang.)
As anticipated, as soon as Wei Wuxian is well enough to move around/work, he's ordered to work on reconstructing the Stygian Tiger Seal. As a safety precaution, any time Wei Wuxian has his hands on the half-Seal, at least one the Hes will be moved to some unknown location — usually He Lei, as He Jian and He Zhi both have enough facial scarring that people would be likely to take note of them, but He Lei doesn't even talk so Jin Guangyao can just leave her with the scullery drudges for a day or so, or even send her to Moling. So, using the half-Seal to immediately blast out isn't an option. Refusing isn't an option.
But that's okay, though. Wei Wuxian has a plan. He is going to reconstruct the Seal — with safety features this time. No one said not to do that. The whole process is so intuitive and hard to pin down not even Xue Yang can really tell what he's doing. And he is still depressed and mad about the whole situation so that shouldn't give anything away.
(Xue Yang suspects he's up to something of the sort… but telling Jin Guangyao would spoil the game. And CQL-verse he doesn't have any pressing revenge to get to at this point; might as well do some fun adversarial collaboration! In between sneaking out and making trouble just to keep anyone from getting complacent.)
Wen Qing doesn't have anything much to do at the moment. She decides to see if she can get Wen Ning a little more movement back in his facial muscles. If he can move all his fingers, there's no reason he shouldn't be able to move his face.
Mo Xuanyu sneaks a bunch of bamboo slips out of the supplies of the disciples guarding the outer Dizang so He Zhi has something to write notes on.
Jin Guangyao is only getting busier, really.
(Up next are Nie Mingjue’s last breakdown and JGY’s marriage, but I still can’t decide on the order.)
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neomikey · 3 years
Contributing to the #RyukoPrompts this month (albeit belatedly), Final Fantasy 14 with my wife and sister-in-law has been helping us to get through the lockdown!  After all our time spent running through Eorzea, original adventures inspired by our time playing came to mind...and I thought to write one out.
Enjoy~!  :)
The following story’s canon is questionable,
both with the in-game lore and how the characters are presented.
Viewer discretion is advised, void where prohibited,
see store for details, careful of wet floor.
Her voice was calm and crystalline.
Hear.... Feel....
The air was warm.
Hear.... Feel....  Listen....
There was great weight to her tone and a quiet urgency.
I am Hydaelyn. I know all...see all...I have seen you...and you are needed.
You will be required for a great task.  One of which you must not fail, for to do so would bring great ruin.
The task which you have been given is monumental – you will help to stop a primal where no one else can.
My words...keep them.  Remember them. Heed them.
You must not forget, Muto. You must not forget.
Muto blearily opened his eyes.  Outside the world was waking.  Light was coming in through the window, still orange as the sun started its journey above the horizon.  Birds were already in song, announcing to the world that they had survived the dark night.  Windows were beginning to light as the people of Gridania awoke.
As he lied in bed, something urgently tugged at Muto's mind.  Something desperate. Something important.  His eyes shot open.
He was out of toilet tissue.
This was the fourth attempt that Hydaelyn had made to spur the Hrothgar toward his quest.
Stumbling out of bed in his boxers, he rushed for the door and threw it open. Rushing across the small house, he passed by another white-furred Hrothgar and a tired-looking Lalafell who were sitting at a table with mugs.  On the side of the beastman's in large block lettering had originally been “#One Brother,” but the number had been messily scratched out and replaced by “#1st”.  It was a gift Muto had made while still learning to read and write Eorzean.  The Lalafell, meanwhile, had a tankard large enough for a Roegadyn filled to the brim with coffee.
“Just one morning,” Lalinu sighed, “I would like for him to be decent when he comes out of there.”
“Muto is not naked,” Tahro observed.
“A marked improvement,” the Lalafell admitted.
The door to the back was flung open and Muto rushed out.  A minute later, he rushed back and stood before them, eyes wide with excitement.  “No more emergency!” he announced.
“...I'm sorry?” Lalinu asked.  “Wait, no, forget I—”
“Muto thought there was no more toilet tissue, but Muto was wrong!”
“You were wrong about something.”  She went to have a drink of coffee.  “How about that.”
“Tahro buy,” Tahro informed him.  “Tahro also fill up larder.  Get groceries. Get good deals.”
“While somebody was out playing adventurer.”
“Muto is real adventurer....” Muto insisted.
“If you got sustainably paid, you could be considered a 'professional' adventurer.  Just like how I'm supposed to be a 'professional' accountant.”  She had another drink of coffee.  “Though I currently lack the dignity that comes with such a position.”
“Muto think Lalinu is great!”  He grinned brightly, hoping the smile would affect her mood.  It remained as dark as her coffee.
“Muto need a good job,” Tahro informed him.  “Get good money.  Money not lasting.”
“He's right.  It's not.”  Lalinu swiveled in her chair, then hopped off. She walked across the kitchen to where her desk was set up, which was a little lower than the Hrothgars' knees.  She sifted through the stacks of papers, brought up one, then put on her glasses.  “After your last trip to...hold on....”  She squinted and leaned in, then removed her glasses and sighed.  “I can't even pronounce half these names....  Anyways, your exploits are currently not economically self-sustaining, even cutting back on everything – including feeding that beast in the barn – and your queen's 'adventuring grant' won't last forever.”
“Muto need to do more,” Tahro gently informed Muto.  “Cannot keep doing light duties.”
“Grand company have nothing but light duties for Muto!” Muto protested.  “So many adventurers in Eorzea!  So many legends!” He put a hand to his chest.  “But Muto is legend in heart.”
“We know how great you think you are,” Lalinu said after another drink of coffee, “but until you make that a reality, you're under a ticking clock.”
Muto looked above himself.  “...where is clock?”
Lalinu gave a throaty sigh of frustration, but Tahro spoke up in her stead. “Lalinu mean...get big job...or no more adventuring.”
It looked for a moment like someone had slapped Muto, as his expression went from shock to heart-rending sadness.  His ears drooped, his tail went limp, and he looked like he was about to cry.  However, the moment was brief, as moments later, his ears went back up, he brought his fists near his chest, and he bore a determined expression.
“Muto get help!”
The world was warm and comfortable.  She was a ball.  A warm, fluffy, pink ball.  All was well in the world.
And then she woke up.
“Miyu, hey...!”
“Come on, it's time to get up.”
“Don't 'nuhhhh' me.  You asked me to get you up.”
A pink tail emerged from the blanket ball and began to angrily swish.  “That was before it was morning....”
“I even let you sleep in a little,” Ryuko said, poking Miyu through her hammock.
The blanket ball tightened.  “Then you can let me sleep in more.”
“If you sleep in more, you're going to miss all the good jobs.”
“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmhh.” The blanket ball loosened and Miyu's head poked out.  Her hair was skewed to one side and only one eye was open.  “You know how unfair this is.”
Ryuko stood before her already clad in her dragoon armor, leaning on her spear.  “Oh, I know, but Eorzea isn't gonna help itself.”
“Why not?”  Miyu tucked herself back into the blanket ball.  “Seriously.  People treat us like their servants sometimes.  Like...picking mushrooms a little outside the city's walls.  'I'll give you 50 gil to get ten for me!' Get them yourself! Seriously, the creatures outside are not bad if you don't bother them.  We have other things to worry about, we're not here to do your chores for you.”
She heard the Au Ra's boots walking away.  “Technically speaking, that's exactly what we're here to do – do whatever people pay us to.”
“Well, some of us have standards....”
Ryuko's boots came back.  “Are you getting up?”
“In a moment....”
There was a pause. “Moment's up!”
The carbuncle was dropped into the hammock and immediately starting rooting through the blanket to find an opening, while Miyu's limbs flailed.  “Ack! Twitchums!  No! Stop!  Off!” His nose found Miyu's face, then eagerly started licking. “TWITCHUMS!!”
The hammock twisted from all the activity, dumping Miyu and Twitchums on the floor, followed by the blanket, which fell and draped over half of Miyu's face.  Ryuko did her best to hide her amusement.  “Glad you're up!”
“That was meeeeaaan...!” Miyu whined, pushing Twitchums away.  He was trying to jump up on her chest to lick her face, both because he loved her and because it was time for breakfast.  He was a bright, shining topaz color, indicating how thrilled he was to see the Miqo'te.
“You asked me to get you up,” said Ryuko as she turned and headed for the door.
“I'm asking you for less next time...” grumbled Miyu.  She stroked Twitchums's head, making his tails twitch in delight.
“Go and get ready soon!”  Ryuko waved from the door.  “I'm sure you're gonna get a great job today!”
“It's Declan,” he said, flashing a bright, sly smile, “but you can call me 'Dec.'”
The Viera lady looked to the Miqo'te less than enthused.
“Y'know, I'm kinda big around these parts,” Declan went on.  “I took out some primals singlehandedly, you know.  Like Titan?  Yeah, that was me.  I even took his crystal, just because I felt like it.  I sold it for a million gil, even though I didn't need the money.  Did I mention I was rich?”  He flashed the Viera a bright smile again, who returned a flat stare.
“Declan,” said someone behind him.
“Not now,” he said, waving the person away.  “Okay, okay,” he went on to the Viera, “I've got a secret...but you've gotta promise not to tell anyone.”
She just stared.
“I...am actually one of the original Warriors of Light.  I know!  I know, but it's true!  I was there when Bahamut broke out.  I was actually right by Louisoix's side.  I told everyone, 'Get out of here and I'll protect you!'  I was gonna save everyone, but Louisoix decided to hog the glory.  He totally stole my idea.”
“Not now.”  He leaned against the wall, still eyeing the Viera.  “So, I wouldn't call myself a 'legendary hero,' but some people do.  I just was trying to do what was right, y'know?  However, I'd love to have lunch with ya.  I know this lovely place near the Steps of Nald.  My treat! You like Lalafell cooking?”
The lady sighed. “I'm gay.”  Then she walked off.
“All right!  All right, that's fine!  Hey, you do you!  Just making polite conversation!”  She wasn't stopping.  Declan sighed, his ears lowering a bit, then looked to a nearby man in a hooded white robe with glasses.  “What do you think, Bo?  You wanna try?”
“No, Declan...” he wearily sighed.  
“Awww, you're no fun....”  Bo hadn't been “fun” ever since he had become a white mage and swore a vow of celibacy.  Declan ran his fingers through his hair, then turned to face the young, dark-skinned man.  He had a metal-clad grimoire hanging from his belt and waiting with his arms crossed.  “Yeah?”
“About time.”
“I was doing important business, thank you.”
Enzo took a hardboiled egg out of his pocket and bit into it through the shell. “Does Kijhon'a know about this 'business?'”
“Hey, I was just being friendly is all!  Just making a lady feel welcome!”
“Sure, whatever.” Enzo tilted his head.  “I've got a lead on a job.  A big one, and I could use your help.”
“Ehh?”  Declan arched a brow.  “Well...maybe.  Maybe.  What's it paying?”
Enzo inwardly cringed.  He knew this might be where things fell apart. “Technically, it doesn't.”
“Not interested,” Declan immediately responded.
“It's a Garlean facility,” Enzo went on.  “It's currently lightly guarded.  I've got a lead on—”
“Ehh....” Declan gave a dismissive wave, then walked off.
“You can have a share of whatever we find inside!” Enzo called after him.  Declan turned a corner, then was gone.  Enzo's ears flattened, while his hand went to the ring on his necklace and rubbed it while in thought.  As much of a blowhard as Declan was, he did have considerable skill, which was exactly what Enzo needed right then.
Enzo popped the rest of the egg into his mouth.  If Declan was out, what other options did Enzo have?  His sister, sure, but he could guarantee she would say “no” straight-out.  This wasn't something that he could entrust to just anyone at the grand company either, as secrecy and decorum would be needed, and the grand companies documented everything.
There was an idea.  Not the best one, but it would work...enough.
Miyu waded through the crowds.  She was running a little behind, both because she had been tired, plus Twitchums had decided to take his time with “doing his business.”  What made this situation all the worse is that it was Tuesday, meaning that all the week's fresh jobs were just posted. Miyu mused that maybe this week, people were still recovering from the last one and weren't likely to be out there this early.
Seeing the grand company's building, her heart sank.  She was definitely wrong.
A large crowd of adventurers clustered in front of the building.  Some were crowding around the posting boards, while others were waiting in line to talk with representatives.  It was always surprising to her how most of the larger races hardly ever stepped on the smaller ones, particularly the Lalafell.  If she were a giant, she could see herself being lost in her own world, but then again, it was likely taught to them from a young age to be mindful of the small ones.
Getting to the board, she likely wouldn't find too many good postings left. Her best bet would be to wait in line with everyone and to see what someone of her rank could get.  Given her record of...nothing big or impressive...it likely wouldn't be much.  But she had been consistent, at least!
Speaking of which....
Someone who was determined to be an adventurer, even if he just got duties picking mushrooms, was a Hrothgar she was always happy to see.  Regular as ever, she always saw him in line at this time.  While waiting, he was looking to the large postings, reading them and slowly sounding out the words to himself as he did.
“Muto!” Miyu called, jumped, and waved.  Despite her best efforts, it was all for naught.  His full concentration was on trying to sound out “tyrannic coeurl.”
Miyu knit her brows, then knelt down and gave Twitchums a stroke from head to tail.  “Eee!” squeaked the carbuncle.
“Where's Muto?” she asked. Twitchums's tails went up.  “Wheeeeere's Muto?” The carbuncle eagerly looked about, his nose snuffling at a surprising speed.  His tails flicked about wildly as he concentrated, seeking out his quarry, until his eyes locked on the Hrothgar. “There he is!”
Twitchums shot off like a bullet.  He nearly collided with a Lalafell as he went past, snaked through the crowd, and the next thing Muto knew, there was a carbuncle who was so happy it was bordering on gold pawing at his leg.  It took Muto a moment to realize he knew this carbuncle, then broke into a wide smile.
“Oh!! Is Twitchums!!”  He bent down and scooped up Twitchums, who eagerly went to wash Muto's face.  “Are here alone?  Is not good to be alone!  ...wait, is Twitchums here to be adventurer?!” The Hrothgar became incredibly excited.  “Oh!! Muto teach you everything!!”
The carbuncle's ears flicked, then wriggled out of Muto's grip and ran back towards Miyu.  The Hrothgar followed his path, then brightened up.
“Is Miyu!! Hello!!”
“Muto!” Miyu called over the din of the crowd.  “Wanna adventure together?”
“Miyu and Muto be party?”
“Yeah!”  She nodded.  “Let's party up!”
“Join Muto!!”
The crowd was thick and unmoving, and prodding a couple Hyur's in fur-trimmed armor to ask to get by only got Miyu dirty looks.  She then eyed a nearby street lamp, shimmied up it, then – at Muto's encouragement – leapt straight for him.  He caught Miyu, and after a bit of shuffling, she crouched perched on his shoulders while holding onto his horn for support.  She could feel the glares of the Hyurs who initially spurned her, and simply playfully swished her tail back and forth at them.
“Hello!” Muto greeted the Elezen representative.
She blinked in surprise at seeing the Miqo'te perched on top of the Hrothgar, but neither of the pair paid it any mind.
“Badges, please.”
Muto passed hers down to Muto, then he placed them onto the counter, smiling brightly to her, hoping his smile could at least pass on to this person.  As it turned out, working customer service did not make the Elezen feel like smiling.
“Okay, two one-stars.  Are you working together?”
“Muto and Miyu make best team!” Muto affirmed.
“Uh huh.  All right, we have plenty of one-star jobs.  If you're interested in working locally, there's a farmer who has had some kobolds spotted near her farm.  It looks like she'd love to have some able-bodied adventurers on hand to scare them off...or permanently deal with them if it comes down to it.  Until they make a move, though, she would love to have some help harvesting her crops.  That will be 200 gil and 50 points towards your next rank.  Sound good?”
Muto perked up, happy to have work at all, completely forgetting what Tahro and Lalinu had said earlier.  “Muto think sounds g—”
“Wait...wait, wait, hold on.” Miyu's tail began to angrily swish.  “You're dealing with two one-stars...and you're giving us farm duty? That should be a zero-star job!  We qualify for at least a two-star.”
The Elezen gave a weary sigh, and in her best customer service voice, she repeated what she had many times before.  “The stars in your rank do not accumulate when doing jobs together.  You can only do jobs at your current rank or below, except in special exceptions.  Those exceptions are when requested specifically by a higher-ranking adventurer or in times of great peril.  Is there a third member to your party who is above you in rank?”  She paused only long enough to see the tell-tale facial expressions that said “no.”  “Then in that case, you'll have to take one of the one- or zero-star jobs, and at the moment, this farm job is the best one I have to offer you. Tuesday jobs are first-come, first-serve.”
“Muto think that sounds gr—”
“Come on!” Miyu pleaded, leaning further down and out, yet somehow keeping her balance.  “Do you know how long we've been working?  How much we've been trying and trying to rank up?  We've been grinding for who knows how long!  Week after week doing these one- and zero-stars, just wanting a chance at a two star!  Just a chance to make an impression, to show how truly amazing we are!  Haven't you ever wanted just a chance?  And here you are, the only person able to give us – us great adventurers with greater promise – that chance we need.  You are the gatekeeper and we are horses, only wanting to get through the doors, wanting to gallop on our way through to the beflowered fields promised to us.  We want to truly spread our wings in the skies of—”
“If I give you a two-star, will you stop the monologue?”
A paper was shoved towards Muto.
“Next,” she called, looking past the pair.
Muto and Miyu made their way out, looking over the assignment.
“M-mee...” Muto sounded out.  “...meerk...meer-ka-haynt....”
Finally hopping off his shoulders, Miyu leaned into Muto and dragged her finger along the page.  “Merchant seeking protection along road from Gridania to Ul'dah.  See, says here they're departing tonight and are looking for at least two guards.  Well...with you, me, Twitchums, and maybe some friends, I'd say we have this one in the bag!”
A fairy flew by, making tinkling noises and illuminating the page before flying off.
“Muto did not bring bag....” said Muto bashfully, suddenly worried about his bag-less status.
“No, it's...ahh, nevermind.”  Miyu had tried explaining metaphors before, including cracking the joke “I never metaphor I didn't like!”  In response, Muto had given the smile that said he had no idea what Miyu was saying, but he was very happy that she was enjoying herself.  “Either way, we have an actual two-star! Sheesh, trying to give us farm duty, pff, go eat a chode, we're adventurers, not bloody farmers.”
“Muto sometimes get bloody when doing farm work!  Weeds are spiky....”
“That's why you wear gloves, Muto.”
“Muto strong.  What does not kill Muto make three mistakes – not kill Muto, make Muto stronger, make Muto angry!”  He grinned, showing off his teeth, then punched into his palm.  “Muto kill and eat, just to show how tough Muto is! Weeds taste bad, though.  And make tongue bleed.  But Muto show them.”
“Muto, please don't say not killing you is a mistake.”  Miyu rubbed at his arm. “The world would be less without you in it.”
“Oh, Muto not leaving!”  He flexed hard and showed off his bicep.  “Muto too strong for that!  Plus Muto have Miyu!”
“And Enzo?” said another voice.
“Enzo?” Both Muto and Miyu looked over.  The Hrothgar immediately reacted upon seeing the dark-skinned Miqo'te.  “Oh!! Muto have Enzo today!!”
Enzo was leaning against a nearby building with his fairy Eos fluttering near his shoulder.  “Meowdy.”  His cool demeanor was quickly replaced by mild panic as the ground shook and a shadow overtook him. The next moment, he found his feet off the ground and himself in Muto's tight embrace.  “Hrrk!!”
“Enzo, hey!” Miyu greeted him.  “You already go through the line?”
“Muto, let go.”
Muto did.  Enzo took a moment to get air back into his lungs and straightened out his coat.  “Good to see you guys too.  Bit...less tight next time, hey, Muto?”
“Muto sorry.” He grinned brightly, showing off his fangs.  “Just happy to see Enzo!”
“Always mutual.” He flicked an ear, then took a boiled egg out of his pocket.  “Egg?”
“Okay!”  Muto took it and shoved it into his pocket.  “Have later.”
Enzo brought out another.  “You?”
Miyu lowered an ear.  “I'm...fine, thanks.”
Enzo shrugged, then bit into the shell.  “To answer your question, no, I haven't gone through the line.  I don't need to.  Came here to get some help, actually....”
Miyu squinted, suddenly very suspicious.  “You didn't 'need' to go through the line?  What, did you get a job elsewhere?”
“More or less.” He quirked a brow.  “You two interested?”
Muto looked down at the paper in his hands.  His ears went back slightly as he concentrated, trying to decide.
“Well, first off, what kind of job are we looking at here?” asked Miyu.  “This have a ranking?”
“It's...an independent venture.”
That term – sometimes called an IV – was always a bit scary.  Adventurers may come upon a task that needed doing, and instead of going through the paperwork of posting a job and seeking additional adventurers in an officially sanctioned job, they sought to resolve the problems themselves.  Once the IV had finished, it was documented, submitted, and appropriate ranking points were assigned.
While in the past, adventurers had said certain troublesome events were “IVs” to give themselves an excuse, the grand companies quickly put harsh restrictions and punishments into place.  Extremely foolhardy ventures – such as trying to assassinate a foreign dignitary and potentially starting a war – were punished so severely that getting put to death was an option.  Retroactively saying something was an IV as an excuse for causing trouble or damage was severely punished, with it not uncommon to to lose one's adventuring license entirely, or at least a few ranks.  The same punishment went with falsified IVs.
IVs were always a gamble, though.  While the grand companies could at least guarantee payment and ranking points, there was no such guarantee in an IV.  Even if adventurers barely made it out by the skin of their teeth, if they accomplished little or had nothing to show for their time, they would likely get little in regards to advancing their rank.  However, the benefit was that IVs were not limited by rank or the number of adventurers allowed to join, meaning a great amount of money and advancement could be open to anyone.
“Go on...” Miyu said slowly.
“Not just yet. This's a hot job, big reward, and shouldn't be too tough, but I first need to know if you want to join me.”
“Sounds too good to be true.  Where'd you get this?”
“Long story.”
“Shorten it.”
“I've got sources.  Good and reliable ones.”  He reached into his pocket, dug around, then made a face.  He pulled out a white rat, which looked at him with wide, curious eyes, then handed it to Miyu.  “Hold this, would ya?”
He then pulled out a rolled-up communique.  “A little chocobo told me about a nearly abandoned facility that's ripe for picking through.”
“'Nearly' abandoned?”  The rat scampered to Miyu's shoulder.
“A couple leftover guards, they're basically just babysitting the place now. Easy pickings.  And you don't have to worry, they're not 'good guys' by any stretch.”
Enzo motioned with his chin at Muto's paper.  “What rank's that mission?”
“Oh!” Muto held out the paper proudly.  “Is two-star! Miyu is best ne-go-shee-ater!”
Enzo got a lopsided smile, proud of their accomplishment.  “Well look at you!  You're moving up!”
The rat climbed up to Miyu's head, where Eos flitted near to investigate. “We're looking at 700 points for this job.”  Miyu then snorted derisively.  “She was trying to give us something with 50, can you believe that?”
“Yeah.” Enzo shrugged.  “It's kinda unfair to us lowbies like that.”  He took a moment to look between them with a twinkle in his eye. “...but what would you two say to a four-star?”
“...I'm sorry?”
“Shhhh!!” Enzo and Miyu hissed at Muto.
Muto clapped his hands over his mouth, while Miyu recomposed herself. “Okay, this is definitely sounding too good to be true.  How is it a four-star?”
He moved the hand holding the communique, showing the emblem stamped beneath.  “It's Garlean, but don't let that scare you.”
“Don't let that scare me?!  Just the Garlean empire, nothing threatening....” Her sarcasm was interrupted as another thought came to her.  “And what's the pay?”
“A third of whatever we find over there.”
“And what should we expect to find?”
“That's all a bit—”
The unseen hand of Hydaelyn nudged Muto's memory.
Muto gasped and clapped a hand heavily on Miyu's shoulder.  “Oh!! Muto remember!!  Tahro say to get big job!  Or Muto have to stop adventuring!” He shook Miyu, making her head bounce about and dislodged the rat. “Is Muto's big chance!  Show Tahro!  Show Lalinu!  Show queen!  Show the world!”
“Muto help Enzo!”
“But what about our job tonight?”
“Muto know math!” He was excited to share his academics.  “Four is bigger than two!”
“He has a point,” Enzo chimed in.
Miyu looked between the two.  They were both looking at her with wide, expectant faces.  She gave a heavy sigh, then poked a finger into Enzo's chest.  “All right...but we're trusting you!  If this IV is a bust, you're going to be the one to pay the gil, all right?”
“Sure, yeah, that's fine!  Let's say...500 gil if things don't pan out?”
Miyu squinted.  Her shrewdness was kicking in.  She knew she could negotiate for something a great deal higher, but Enzo was a friend...and she was curious exactly what they would find in this Garlean place anyways.
“And you, Muto?”
“Huh?”  His attention had gone to Eos, hovering above Enzo's head.
“Is 500 gil acceptable?”
“Okay!  Umm....” He held up the paper with the two-star adventure.  “Should Muto share?”
“Oh, that?” Enzo shrugged.  “Yeah, just pass it along to someone else.”  He turned to Miyu.  “So...out in eastern Thanalan, there's this Garlean lab....”
While Enzo explained the job, Muto looked down at the two-star adventure, then to the crowd.  He saw a frustrated Au Ra wandering away from the company building.  It was the telltale sign of a poor adventure...and Muto had the solution.  He wandered away, while Enzo continued his explanation.
Its breath was thick, and stank of blood and meat.  Its lip were curled back in a permanent snarl,  showing every single dagger-like tooth, while ichor-like saliva dripped from between them.  Its teeth were literally the subject of horror stories, capable of piercing flesh and bone easily.  Its jaws were powerful enough to crunch all manner of alloyed metal, whether it was armor or the side of an airship. Each claw was like a curved saber, able to rend its prey to pieces with a single swipe.  Its muscles were beyond natural, fueled purely by aether and pure menace.  Its kind had killed countless and would kill countless more.  “Nightmare” was not enough of a description for the beast.  To be seen by one was to already be counted as dead.
It was an odd stroke of fate that a behemoth had ended up in the care of Muto.  It was a hassle to care for, but nobody wanted to take it for domestic purposes, Muto refused to give it to those who intended it for battle, and him and Tahro seemed to be the only ones to whom Smoothie seemed to listen.
Pupil-less eyes swiveled onto Muto as he approached, carrying a fresh pig carcass behind him.  Smoothie growled, and even in the warm climate, a cloud of breath could be seen.
“Muto got you nummies!”
He tossed the pig over the top of the cage, where it slipped through the bars before falling.  Smoothie caught it in its jaws, and bit down, causing a small spray of blood against the side of its enclosure.  Muto leaned against the outside of the stall, his tail swishing back and forth contentedly as he watched the behemoth feed.
“Are hungry, neh?  No worries!  Muto off to do big job!  Can get even bigger pig next time!”  He reached through a patted one of the behemoth's horns.  “But am sorry, is in Thanalanalan.  Smoothie is too big to go on airship!”
There was a loud crack of bone and spray of viscera.
“Awww, don't be sad!  Muto is sorry, but will definitely try to take Smoothie on next big mission!  Will try to get one in Gridania!  Muto knows Smoothie likes hunting for deer!”
Smoothie shook its head, flicking droplets of blood across Muto's armor.
“There you go! Now you behave!  Muto loves you!”  He kissed his fingers, then put them to Smoothie's horn, before absently wiping away the blood.
He walked to the neighboring stall where his chocobo was caged.  For some reason, it was always wide-eyed and nervous.
“Hello, Legbird! Time for adventure!”
The desert sun was high, but it barely reached them.
The storm had been sudden and filled with rage.  The world was roaring.  Wind violently whipped the sand about, shoving them about as their chocobos struggled onward.  Enzo led the pack, all while keeping his grimoire open, its pages emitting a barely visible light.
Each of them wore caps that had been customized to fit over their cat ears, while goggles protected their eyes and scarves covered their lower faces. The chocobos had been given similar head protection, with glass shielding over their eyes and an insulated covering that went over their beaks.
Enzo held up a hand to halt.  With one hand holding the grimoire open, the other reached into his pocket, then withdrew a scope.  He scanned in the distance, tapped a switch a few times, then grinned to himself.
Turning to the others, he gave a thumbs-up and enthusiastic nod.
“You'd think there would've been something in the weather report.”
“I said, you'd think there would have been something in the weather report!”
The other man gave a helpless shrug.  He only heard half of what was said, but agreed with the sentiment.  Things had been miserable ever since the main arm of the Garlean empire had pulled out.  Insurgent forces had set up a fantastic base there in Thanalan, which was to be a hub of operations.  However, due to a lack of resources – both material and personnel – and with the staff already there, it instead became a self-sufficient laboratory.
It was a risk having a lightly guarded Garlean base so close to Ul'dah, but it was a calculated risk.  They were able to glean bits of intel regarding Ul'dah to occasionally send back to Garlemald, while the handful of scientists continued their research.
All the while, they held onto hope that the Garlean empire would make a push into central Eorzean lands once again, they would have a seat of power in Thanalan already ready for them, and everyone there could finally return to their lives in Garlemald.
Admittedly, life hadn't been too bad.  It could be boring, even.  The guards took shifts in their camouflaged watch box, nestled under an outcrop of rock that disguised the entrance and gave them shade.  Cooled air piped in from the main facility made even the hottest days pleasant. All the while, the scientists continued working on...whatever it was they did.  Something about crystals...of course.  It was always crystals.
This sandstorm had rattled the guards, though, because their schedules depended upon sandstorms.  Every time there was to be one, a cart would either leave or return with supplies hours before a storm hit, which would then hide the tracks leading to the base.  Sure, someone could follow the cart, but they had had training and tools to help them detect when they were being followed or spied upon.  This system had been working for them for years.  However, the sandstorm predictions had been inaccurate before.  This one, though, was particularly harsh.
One of the guards squinted out through his view port, then turned to his comrade.  “I thought I saw movement!” he shouted over the rush of the storm.
“There's a lot of movement!”  The man smiled.  “It's the sand!”
He just got a flat glare in response.
A Miqo'te stumbled through the sand to the shelter of the overhanging rock.  It wasn't much, but it was at least some kind of shelter.  Her face was bare and grimacing, and she held her hands over her ears to prevent sand from getting in.  She drew close against the wall and tightly pulled her knees to her chest with her eyes closed.
The two guards looked to each other.  This was a problem.  They could wait out the storm and hope she left once it had passed.  However, if she stayed there long enough, she might take notice of the disguised doors.  They had done what they could to keep up maintenance, but years with only what scant supplies they could get from Ul'dah without raising suspicion had left some telltale chipping, uneven edges, and a silhouette if you knew what to look for.
The guards pantomimed to each other about what to do.  One was silently saying they should kill her, while the other one was pleading to leave her alone.  Their silent argument was becoming more heated, until they heard her speaking.
“Please...! Please help...!”
Their hands froze mid-conversation.
Was she talking to them or praying?
A large stone punched through the wall of the watch box, hitting the one guard in the face, rocking his head back and into the wall, where he slid to the floor.
“Witch, you're about to—!”
The remaining guard took up his rifle, wrenched open the door, and ran into a wall of armor and muscle.  Muto picked him up by the face, slammed his head into the rock wall, then let him fall.
Twitchums was low the ground, wearing his own pair of custom goggles.  Flecks of energy came off him, fresh from manipulating the earth.  Miyu walked over and eagerly petted him.  “Good boy...!”  He eagerly twitched his tails, then sneezed, sending out sparks.
Within moments, the sandstorm was gone, revealing Enzo in the midst of it.  He brought up the grimoire, blew off the remaining sand, then clapped it shut. “That's always a fun spell...!”
He opened a pouch, allowing Eos to fly out and perch on his shoulder.  Muto, meanwhile, raised up the goggles and lowered his scarf, then looked to the body at his feet.  “Muto hit harder than meant to....”
“They're bad guys,” Miyu said, doing her best to empty out all the sand that had collected in her robes.  “It's okay.”
“Should Muto kill?”
“Yeah, go ahead,” said Enzo disinterestedly.
“No!” Miyu shot him a glare, then looked up to Muto.  “Only kill if you have to.”
Enzo sighed, looking up.  “You know they're gonna wake up eventually....”
“Yeah, but we don't have to be murderers!  We're better than that!”
“And what would you suggest?”
Miyu thought a moment, then snapped her fingers.  Not even a minute later, thanks to Twitchums manipulating the sand, the two unconscious guards were buried up to their necks in the sand, and thanks to a magic marker, each one bore three whisker marks on their cheeks.
Miyu handed the marker back to Enzo, who put it back in his pocket.  Enzo procured an egg from his pocket, did his best to dust off the sand, then bit into it.  “So inside, there'll likely be a small leftover contingent of guards, but they're not on active duty, so we hit them hard...and after that'll just be the scientists.  We should be able to deal with them.”
“'Deal' how?” asked Miyu, squinting at Enzo.
“Just trust me.”
“No killing.”
“Trust me.”
“Muto trust!” offered Muto.
“Muto trusts me,” repeated Enzo.
“Mmmmm....” Miyu stayed squinting for a long moment, pointed to her eyes, then pointed to Enzo.
“Oh, stop that,” he said, carelessly waving her away and stepping past.  “I'm not a monster.”
“Muto is not monster either!”  He seemed eager to share that bit of information. “Am beast.  Is like monster, but with better manners.”
Going inside the wrecked watch box, Enzo found a keypad.  He unrolled the communique, then tapped in the code.
“Anything complicated?” asked Miyu.
“Just an alphanumeric code,” shrugged Enzo.  “It's literally 'G1234.'”
Hitting the final key, there was a heavy “ch-chunk” from the outside wall, a hiss, then the rock face slowly slid open, revealing the way inside. The interior was a mix of rock and metal with bright lights evenly spaced along the ceiling, with occasional signs marking the way to various areas.
“You take point, Muto,” instructed Enzo.
“You stay in the front and protect us,” Miyu clarified.
Muto unsheathed his axe, Miyu and Enzo opened their grimoires, and slowly they started down the hall.  They froze as they heard approaching footsteps.
“Nar,” came a sleepy grumble, “I swear, if you're coming in to use the can again—”
She emerged from a side door, where her eyes met Muto's.
Muto smiled.
The lady pulled her head back just in time to avoid the axe swinging down.  Se turned and started to run towards a security alcove.  Muto grabbed a hand axe from his belt and lobbed it at the retreating woman's head.  The axe whirled end over end, before it impacted into her head...with the handle.  She stumbled, which was further exacerbated by rising stones.  Twitchums was at Miyu's feet, hunched down, glowing, and growling.
The guard recovered just in time to see a charging Muto bearing down on her, and the last thing she saw was a fist the size of her head flying right at her face.  She was knocked back into a rack where a number of cards were hung, knocking them all to the floor, then fell to the floor herself.
There was a door next to the rack.  The large squad of guards within and the three adventurers saw each other.
“Uhh....” said everyone.
The guards grabbed their rifles and Muto slammed the metal door.  He pressed himself hard against it, while feeling the guards behind it hammering on and slamming into the door.
“Muto cannot hold forever!”  There was the sound of gunfire and divots appearing on the door.  “Muto does not want to get shot!”
Enzo's eyes went to the pile of cards on the floor.  “Help him with the door!” he ordered Miyu.
“Twitchums, go!” Her command sounded in the carbuncle's mind.  Twitchums turned red, a chunk of the bare rock wall came loose, then flew forward to help pin the door in place.
Sifting through the keycards, Enzo found the one he was looking for, slotted it into a nearby console, and his fingers danced across the keys.
Deet. Click-ck.
“There. You two can stop.”  He looked flatly to Miyu.  “And without killing.”
“Thank you,” she chirped.  Twitchums went from red to a light topaz, twitching his tails gleefully.
Enzo rolled his eyes, then began sifting through the pile of cards.  “You know, trying not to kill anyone is going to make going through here that much harder.  We're here to finish a mission, not make friends with literal villains.” He turned his mouth.  “...and how many bloody duplicate cards are there?!”
“Muto wouldn't mind making friends....”  He crouched near the unconscious lady. “Should Muto take her back?”  He started contemplating if it would be easy to add a new friend to the loot they would be taking back.
“Don't,” Enzo said, distractedly, “she probably has diseases.  There!” He was finding card after card with A, B, and D, but only then did he find C.
There was a lot of yelling behind the locked door.  Muto looked to it, then pointed his thumb to it.  “Should Muto open door and quiet them?”
Enzo groaned and started off.  “Come on,” coaxed Miyu, gently taking his wrist and leading him on.
As they walked the halls, it was rather obvious the place was unfinished.  Garlemald had sent what supplies they could, but when the supply route had been disrupted, those who were left there made due with what they could. The base had seemingly been integrated into a cave system, and many walls had been left exposed to the rock surfaces beneath.  A surprising number of halls ended up going to dead ends.
It helped with navigation, as construction had prioritized lighting in areas where people worked or traveled.  There were occasional maps posted, though most had been minorly vandalized, both because many of the places on there had never been built, the staff did get bored, and it wasn't like any Garlean officials were there to stop them.
“We're aiming to go...here.”  Enzo pointed to a large circular room.  “This's where their main project should be.”
“Wait, there's a project?” Miyu guffawed.
“Well, yeah.” Enzo raised an eyebrow.  “What, you thought it was just a no-name lab we were going to loot?  Take some cool science equipment, take the Garlean empire down a beg?”
“You didn't specify!”
“You didn't ask.”  Miyu made a strangled noise of frustration, with her tail shooting up behind her in annoyance, while Enzo went on unabated.  “It's a little bit of navigating, as you can see, but that shouldn't be too bad.  Thanks to my friends—”  He fanned out the key cards.  “—it'll be a straight shot through.   Here, though...we'll be passing by the main lab.  We'll likely be dealing with quite a few scientists then.”
“Muto need to deal with?”  He looked between Enzo and Miyu, unsure how he should define “deal with.”
“I've got this,” Enzo said coolly before confidently walking on.  Miyu squinted judgmentally from behind him while Muto looked about wide-eyed.  He'd never been in a secret base before!
Eventually, there was noise ahead.  Enzo looked around the corner, then sighed in frustration.  There were so many more down there than he had anticipated.
“The scientists?” asked Miyu.
“The scientists,” confirmed Enzo.  Miyu crossed her arms in thought, followed by Muto doing the same, imitating her.
“It would be a bad idea if we were to go in with weapons swinging,” Enzo sighed. “They could trigger an alarm or could fight back.  I'm sure there's plenty of Garlean fighting tactics in their heads....”
“Muto fight them all?” offered the Hrothgar.  “Muto is best at fighting!”
“No,” Enzo and Miyu said at the same time.
They stood there together in silence, thinking on how best to proceed.  As they did, Enzo noted Eos floating past his vision.
Miyu was looking down at her feet and saw Twitchums staring up inquisitively at her.
Muto looked between his companions, confused.
It was an average day for the Garlean scientists.  They had several crystals hooked up to various electrodes, screens with graphs, and nearly incalculable amounts of data pouring through their system.  It was entirely normal.  Almost boring.
And then there was a fairy riding a carbuncle through the lab.
Twitchums burst through the door, running as hard as he could, while Eos did her best to steer him.  They specifically darted between and near people's legs, leaving a trail of chaos.  Under chairs, over tables, through carefully calibrated equipment.  One scientist went to bar their way, but Twitchums jumped on his face, then springboarded over a handful of others behind him.
Twitchums was having the time of his life.
Eos looked bored.
While the scientists had been going about their business in labs and walking in the halls, they were now clustering together, trying to capture this wild animal.  People were crowding into the lab, aiming to block the doors or to help catch the carbuncle.
Eos piloted Twitchums for the door, and with a kick of her heels, urged him to ride as hard as he could.
“Ready?” someone asked.  They had a labcoat spread out, ready to use as a makeshift net.  Twitchums and Eos drew closer, and they weren't stopping.
There was a fierce roar behind them.  They stumbled and turned back to see a Hrothgar towering over them, fangs bared, eyes fierce, and axe in hand. Twitchums jumped over the startled scientists onto Muto's shoulder. Looking to the crowd of people, he twitched his tails in satisfaction.
The fire shutters slammed down across all windows and doors, trapping all the scientists within the lab.
Enzo shoved the keycard in his pocket, withdrew another hardboiled egg, then popped it entirely in his mouth.  “Tha' wash ee-ee....”
“Twitchums, you were so good!” Miyu cooed, walking over to him perched atop Muto's shoulder.  Eos took flight, dutifully resuming her place by Enzo's side.  Twitchums hopped down from Muto's shoulder to Miyu's awaiting arms, then eagerly licked her face.  Enzo, meanwhile, nodded to Eos and she nodded back.
After that, it was no problem continuing through the facility.  Behind the fire shutters, the trio could hear the trapped scientists banging and shouting.  Twitchums walked alongside Miyu with a proud step, satisfied with the chaos he had caused, while Eos hovered along stoically.  Muto followed along, though occasionally stopping and pressing his ear against one of the shutters.
At one point, he pulled back his fist, about to bang back, but Miyu caught his arm and lead him on.  “Leave them alone for now,” she gently goaded.
Cables and general wiring grew more and more condensed as they continued along the hall. Enzo's pace picked up as they grew closer.
“You never told us about what we're specifically trying to find....”
“It's condensed aether,” Enzo casually said.  “Pooled and experimented on. Basically, a certain crystal.  All I want from here is that, and literally everything else here can be yours.”
“Ohhhhh...!” Muto's eyes were wide.  “Muto get secret base...!”
“Probably...not,” Miyu corrected.  “Ul'dah is more than likely to come down hard on this place.  This is in their jurisdiction and is a matter of national security, so they'll likely have their army take it over and conduct a thorough investigation.”  She quirked a smile.  “However, before they get here, there's nothing saying that if it's not nailed down, you can't take it...!”
“It's mostly rivets here anyways...” Enzo observed.
“Muto get so much stuff...!”
The hallway wound around, until they arrived at a heavy industrial door with a console to the side.  Above the door in large, block letters was “INCUBATION CHAMBER.”
“What...form is your aether?” Miyu asked hesitantly.
Enzo slid the D card through the console, his fingers danced across the keys, and the door hissed open, followed by two more doors.
The chamber within was enormous.  It was a large concrete dome.  The floor of the chamber was almost entirely sand, with raised platforms going around the perimeter and a walkway leading straight into the middle.
“There we are....” Enzo said, smiling to himself, confidently walking in and starting down the central walkway.
“Enzo, what's going on?” Miyu demanded.
“Just here for the aether is all.”
At the end of the walkway in the center of the chamber was something organic.  As they drew closer, they found it was...a creature.  It was short, fat, large, and fleshy.  It was reminiscent of a large brown toad, in that it's head seemed to take up most of its body.  In fact, the party wasn't sure where its arms and legs were.  It had brown skin, four deformed horns that wound about in random directions, and large bulbous eyes that stared in different directions.  It looked incredibly dumb.
“Hack!” it noised.
“What...is that?”
“A massive repository of experimental aether,” Enzo said matter-of-factly. “Drawing upon the streams deep within the planet, they twisted and gave the energy form, and it's what you see here.”
“They created a creature?” Miyu leaned over, trying not to step on the sand.
“In a sense.”
Twitchums leaned in and sniffed eagerly at the thing, nose to nose.  One eye briefly looked to the carbuncle, then back to staring at nothing in particular.
“Wait....” Miyu squinted at him.  “You want us to take this thing with us?  It's huge!  And, y'know, alive!”
“Oh, that won't be a problem.”  Enzo motioned to the creature.  “Muto, please kill it.”
“Okay!” Muto eagerly agreed.
“What?!” Miyu protested.  “No, don't!”
“Okay!” Muto eagerly agreed.
Enzo sighed, then turned to Miyu.  “I can tell you for a fact it's in pain.  It's not sentient, it's not a person, it's a thing that would be best for everyone if we were to end it here.”
“How do you know—?”
“You'll do no such thing!” came a voice over the speaker system.
The three immediately readied their weapons and looked around.
“Up here...up here...!”
“Oh!” Muto eagerly pointed to an observation room high up with large windows.  Inside was a tall Roegadyn lady in a lab coat speaking into a wall-mounted microphone.  Muto happily waved to her.
“What you're doing here is wrong,” Enzo shouted at her.
“Who are you to decide what is right and wrong?” the lady snarled.  “We gave PP0 life only technically speaking.  It has no idea what it is, nor does it care.  It knows nothing, feels nothing, except what we tell it to.  Sentient thought is beyond us to create anyways...which works out well for you bleeding heart types, doesn't it.”
“PP0?” Miyu asked Enzo.
“Oh...wait, you don't even know what it is?!”
“Not...exactly,” Miyu responded.
“Well!” The scientist paused, then hit a few keys on the nearby console. The multiple doors at the entrance slammed shut.  “In that case, I need to tell you! It's really exciting!  We haven't had visitors in years, so this is actually pretty nice to get to see somebody new for once!”
Enzo glared flatly at the Roegadyn, then sighed to himself.  He gestured for Miyu and Muto to come with him, then hopped off walkway to the sand and started towards a door at the opposite end of the room, presumably which led up to the Roegadyn.
“See, we were kinda stuck here, since Garlemald kinda got cut off from us, and we're all, 'What do we do?'  But then we found that with our set-up, we could hypothetically infuse aether energy from our reactor into something! Wasn't tough at all! So at that point, it's like, 'What can't we do, y'know?' Well...I mean, not much, we're all stuck here, but then, then we get this super cool idea, right? And we sent out a secret communique back to the empire asking for this one thing, and we didn't think they were going to, but they did!”
They got to the walkway in front of the door, then Enzo swiped a cardkey through the console.  He blinked when the display came up with the error “INCORRECT CLEARANCE.”  Confused, he tried again.  That was supposed to be the maximum clearance card.
“Things...okay?” Miyu asked.
Enzo just furrowed his brow and tried another card.  INCORRECT CLEARANCE.
“I mean, it took awhile, but they delivered it, and we were super excited!  A scale from Bahamut!  Like, who'd have thought, right? But, I mean, doing genetic stuff with Bahamut isn't anything new, but now we get to!”
Miyu's eyes went wide.  “Wait...Bahamut?!”
While Muto didn't entirely understand everything going on, he understood at least that. “Uh oh....”
“So we have some cloning technology, which was kinda-sorta based off the Allagan process, and, c'mon, that stuff is ancient, and we only kinda-sorta understand it, but we were able to modify it and use the modified aether to infuse into Personal Project 0 – or PP0 – and that's where its nickname came from – and I know it's not the best acronym, but Garlemald isn't exactly here watching over our shoulders for the best naming conventions – but I guess he also has those giant peepers – but anyways—”
A small pile was forming at Enzo's feet.  There were a few suspiciously large money pouches, three full-sized books, a collapsible staff, a surprising number of keys, a melon, three cartons of boiled eggs, a light back-up robe, a few squirming malboro hatchlings, several keycards, a unicolt figurine, a wind-up soldier, and a few flowers with attached tags labeled “Corpse.”
“WHERE'S THE BLOODY KEY?!” he snarled.
The guards continued banging on the door of their barracks, hollering for help, shouting threats, and making noises of utter frustration.
In front of the door was the pile of keycards.  Towards the bottom was a key labeled “E.”
“—but anyways, it was nice to have visitors, but it's kiiiiiinda our policy that intruders aren't allowed to leave, or at least leave alive, and PP0 has never had proper combat testing, so this is probably where you're going to die. I'm sorry, but not really, but also am.”
She tapped a few keys and the entire room began to hum.  Moments later, the sand began to bubble.  Large amounts of air were getting pumped in beneath the sand, causing it to go from being a settled, solid mass to a liquid. Muto had been standing in the stand, quickly began sinking, then jumped up to the walkway.
His axe was immediately readied.  “No worries!” he said with an eager swish of his tail.  “Miyu and Enzo are safe!  Muto protect you all!”
What they thought had been a whole creature ended up being only its head.  It began to raise, attached to a long neck.  Massive claws burst through the sand, struggling to raise up its large body in full.  The tips of the wings were visible next, with one wing much smaller than the other. Thick cables emerged from the sand as well, plugged into the creature's arms and back.  The dragon's proportions were all wrong, with some muscles incredibly large, while others were noticeably underdeveloped.  Once it had climbed to the top and its body was fully visible, the sand stopped bubbling.  The artificial dragon stood nearly as tall as the dome.
The three stood there wide-eyed, ears lowered, and with bushed tails jetting out from behind them.  Twitchums had gone from growling and being a deep red to whimpering and turning white.
“Muto...maybe not able to protect...from that.”
Without the body moving, the head spun around on its neck to look down at the adventurers.  Its body then slowly lumbered around to face them. Energy flowed through the cables and its bulbous eyes went red.
“Behold!” the scientist bellowed into her microphone.  “PEEPO!!”
“HAAAAAAAHCK!!!” it roared, then blinked an eye.
“Mew...!” mewed Miyu.
“This could get messy, so if you'll excuse me.”  A fire shutter slammed in front of the large window.  A few cameras positioned around the room blinked to life.  “Make sure to have good deaths.   This is all getting recorded for our records! PEEPO, KILL!”
Peepo's neck glowed before letting forth a jet of flame.  The group scattered, feeling the white-hot heat on their backs.  The wall where the flames had hit had partially melted the metal and crystallized the scattered sand.
“I can't believe we're about to get killed by something so stupid-looking!” Miyu yelled in aggravation.
“If you had just let Muto kill it, we wouldn't be here!” Enzo snapped.
“Whatever Muto did, Muto sorryyyyyy!” Muto wailed.
They were running across the sand for the exit door.  The exit may have been blocked by several locked doors, but with Enzo's keycards, they could at least escape.
Muto gasped.  “DOWN, NOW!!” He palmed the backs of Miyu and Enzo's heads, then fell forward, making them faceplant into the sand.  Peepo's tail whooshed just over them, then impacted heavily into the wall.  Enzo rubbed the sand out of his eyes, then his ears went limp.  The console in the wall near the door had been destroyed.
“It's him or us right now,” Miyu sighed defeatedly.  She looked back up to Peepo and whined to herself.  She always hated fighting dragons.  Twitchums pressed himself up against Miyu's side, both for comfort and seeking instruction.
“Muto choose us!”
Muto got to his feet, axe in hand, then charged Peepo.
“Muto, wait!” Miyu looked agog to the Hrothgar, then to Enzo.  “Does he seriously think he can beat that thing?!”
“Maybe....” Enzo took in the room.  “...but more importantly, he's keeping its attention off us.”
Muto rolled out of the way as Peepo went to smash down with its claws.  Muto swung down, his axe biting in deeply in the back of Peepo's hand.  In return, the artificial dragon's neck glowed again, then spewed down fire at Muto. The Hrothgar knew the creature had limited mobility when using its breath weapon and darted for Peepo's legs.  The stream of fire followed him, until it started to cook Peepo's feet.  Being right by the artifical dragon's backside, Muto swung back and took a couple hacks at Peepo's tail.  In response, the dragon went to heavily sit down, aiming to crush Muto.
Sand was tossed up and hung in the air briefly.  Silence had descended upon the cavern...until a fierce battle cry pierced the din and Peepo bucked. Muto had climbed several cables and was hacking at its back.
Enzo stood with Miyu, Twitchums, and Eos against the wall watching the fight ensue.
“Kinda impressive...” he mused.
“That's what you're thinking during all this?!” Miyu snapped.
Peepo flapped its mismatched wings desperately, trying to dislodge the attacker.  It craned its neck to see and possibly bite Muto, but couldn't quite reach.  It finally settled with launching itself back and slamming its back into the wall of the dome.  The room shook violently, with dust falling from the ceiling.
“Muto!”  Enzo called.  “Are you alive still?”
Peepo did not seem in distress anymore, and was repositioning itself to try and get a better view of what happened to Muto.
“Enzo, Muto hurt!” the Hrothgar called.  “Muto...really hurt!”
“Go.”  Eos flew.
The Hrothgar was lying in the sand, with his leg badly damaged.  His axe was just out of reach and he looked terrified.  Peepo, meanwhile, was waiting for the dust and sand in the air to settle, trying to spy Muto.
Eos found Muto, then flew in front of his face.
Eos slapped Muto across the face.  It was a tiny fairy, but she hit hard.
“Ow!”  He rubbed his face.  “Was mean!”
“Are you still hurt bad?” called Enzo.
“Huh?”  He looked down.  Any blood and damage to his leg was now gone.  Eos had channeled her healing energy when she had made contact.  “Ohhhh....”
“Keep fighting him!” Enzo called.
“And don't die!” Miyu added.
He grabbed his axe and rolled out of the way as another jet of flame scorched the sands.
“Its aethereal energy is too complex to hold steady on its own,” Enzo said, rubbing his chin.  “So the cables—”
“Attack the cables?” Miyu interrupted.
“Go for the connection ports.”
As Muto and Peepo battled, they could see that when it had rammed itself against the wall, several ports had been damaged and cables had fallen away. They briefly spewed aethereal mist before the emergency shut-offs initiated.  While the cables had been heavily insulated to keep in the aether, the ends were less so to allow for flexibility and movement.
“Get 'im, Twitchums!”
The carbuncle, while still scared, was bolstered by Miyu's command.  It gave a fearsome squeak before launching itself forward.  Sand began to gather in the air, hovering next to him, and coalescing into crude spears.
Muto was flung across the room and hit the wall hard enough to leave a crater in the concrete before falling to the sand.  He lied there groaning, bones shattered, life leaving him.
Eos flew over and kicked him.
Healed, Muto grabbed up his axe and charged again at Peepo.
Twitchums drew upon Peepo.  It was so, so much bigger than expected.  Miyu's voice directing him in his mind steeled his courage and pushed him on. With the artificial dragon's attention on Muto, Twitchums had a clear shot along Peepo's arm.  The sand spears launched forward.  Several missed, impaling into Peepo's arm, but a few hit home.  Cables came lose, briefly spewing aethereal mist, before stopping.
Peepo's head swiveled to look to Twitchums before a thrown hand axe hit it in the face.
“NO!” Muto scolded.  “Fight Muto!”
“Stop! STOP!!” pleaded the voice over the speaker system.  “You don't know what you're doing!”
“We're winning,” Enzo observed with a smirk.
“No, you don't understand!” The Roegadyn was in a panic.  “This is years' worth of research and experimentation! You'll destroy everything! And if you—”
Muto was airborne and Peepo plunged its hand at him.  The Hrothgar just barely missed it.  The artificial dragon's sword-like claws thrusted deeply into the concrete dome.  Unsure if it had grabbed him, Peepo squeezed, then yanked back, ripping out a huge boulder of concrete and wiring. The room's speakers went immediately silent, all camera lights dimmed, and the lights about the room began to flicker.
“Hit it faster!” Enzo instructed.  “Burn it down!”
Twitchum heard Miyu's command in its mind, and gave a mighty squeak.  Sandstone spears materialized and flew in violent waves at Peepo's back.  The creature's attention was divided between what was happening behind it and the very loud and angry Hrothgar.  Peepo's actions were also becoming more and more sluggish, as less aether was pumped into it.
A jet of flame followed Muto as he charged directly for Peepo.  He was barely staying ahead of it.
“Muto also have flame!” Muto roared.  “Flame is inside!”
Cable after cable was severed from Peepo's back.
“Flame is Muto!”
He jumped.
“Flame is friends!”
The final cable was severed.
“Flame is hotter than dragon's!”
His axe went straight into Peepo's chest.  The artificial dragon stood there stunned and wobbling as the last of its aether had dissipated. Muto's axe was lodged deeply in Peepo and refused to come out.  Muto took the opportunity to push his feet off the creature's chest, pivot off his axe handle, and launch himself upwards.  He reared back his fist and uppercutted Peepo in the chin.
The artificial dragon dissipated into aethereal mist.  A moment later, Muto's axe hit the sand, followed by Muto, landing in a crouch.  He stood to his full height, thumped his chest, then gave a bestial roar of victory.
“MUTO!!” he announced.  “WIN!!”
As the echo died down, Enzo muttered, “It was technically Twitchums who killed the thing....”
“Shhh,” Miyu whispered back.  “Let him have this....”
Enzo's attention went to the aethereal mist.  He squinted, waiting for it to start...and there it was.  It all began to come together to form a crystal.
...and then the lights went out.
“Ehh?”  Miyu looked around.  “Twitchums!  Light!”
The carbuncle's forehead gem lit up.  It was in the middle of the room, looking around confusedly.
“Everyone okay?”
“Muto is fine!” announced Muto, somewhere in the darkness.  “Muto and friends have great victory!  Oh!!  So many stars!!  Muto and friends level up for sure!”
The dome lit up in red.
Enzo was crouched in the middle, holding a crystal.  Miyu was against the back wall. Muto was on his hands and knees, looking in the sand for a trophy from the fight.
“That...can't be good,” muttered Enzo before shoving the crystal into his pocket. Miyu found herself wondering exactly how he had so much space in that pocket.
“AETHEREAL OVERLOAD,” came an announcement outside the room.  “UNABLE TO CONTAIN.  200 SECONDS UNTIL MELTDOWN.”
Something that many of the base's workers had feared was that many basic safety features had never been implemented into the base's hasty construction.  For example, there was the matter of being unable to access overrides for locked doors and fire shutters from within the affected rooms. Another big issue was that of the base's power.  Since the aether was not being pumped into the PP0 project anymore, it was instead getting pumped in massive quantities back into the reactor.  It couldn't handle it...and there was no way to either stop the flow of aether or shut down the reactor.
The exit doors made a noise, then despite being damaged, partially opened.  It was big enough for all of them to get through, if barely.  At least it had been built in the emergency systems that in the event of a catastrophic failure, everything would be automatically opened.
“GO GO GO GO!!” shrieked Enzo, making a mad dash for the exit.
All of them ran across the sand, kicking up clouds behind them.  Enzo, Miyu, Eos, and Twitchums had no problem getting through the gap.  Muto threw his axe through first, then went to squeeze past...and became stuck.  He struggled, but barely budged.  Instead of fear, he looked confused.
“Is Muto getting fat?”
Enzo had been running ahead, but stopped to run back.  He and Miyu grabbed Muto's wrist, and pulling together, got him dislodged.
“120...119...118,” counted the speakers.
Down the halls they ran, with Miyu glaring at Enzo.  “You have so much explaining to do,” she demanded.
“I didn't know this would happen!” Enzo insisted.  “In case you haven't noticed, I'm also fleeing for my life!”
“You're paying us double!” Miyu snapped.  “If I die, it'll be triple!”
“Oh!!” Muto had a revelation.  “Loot!!”
“Please, Muto, now is not the time for—”
He skidded to a halt in front of a computer console.
“No, leave it alo—!”
He grabbed the sides, groaned, and pulled.  Nothing happened...then with a terrible shriek of protest, the metal ripped from the wall.  He held the console over his head and started running again.  “Okay, Muto good!”
Down the halls they ran.  Emergency lights pointed the proper directions to the exit. They passed the labs, which were now empty, as the shutters had retracted and the scientists had escaped.  A few tried to remain behind to rescue their data, but others had pulled them along, telling them their lives were worth more.
The halls wound round, until they could see daylight ahead, blocked partially by the last remnants of fleeing scientists.  “There!  There!” Miyu eagerly pointed forward.  “We're gonna make it!”
“It's them!!”
Some scientists stopped, considering trying to fight them off in revenge for ruining all their research.  However, the prospect of remaining in an exploding base urged them to quickly leave.
Catching up with the scientists, the crowd fanned out into the Thanalan desert.
People were running as hard as they could.
They couldn't put enough space between themselves and the base.
There was no shelter.
Sand dunes were the best they could find.
There were screams. Some dove for the ground and covered their heads.  This would be huge.
And then nothing happened.
What was to be anxiety and fear for their lives turned into confusion, then frustration.  There wasn't going to be an explosion.  The countdown system had been implemented, but must have been faulty.  There was no danger.  And it was a bit too perfect for there to have been a countdown with a round number like 200 seconds.  Everyone was safe.
And then all attention drew focused on the small party of adventurers in the middle of all of them.  Muto was still holding the ripped-out computer console above his head.  Then there came the noise of several rifles cocking.
Miyu nervously laughed, “Eh heh...!” then raised her hands.
Enzo, meanwhile, squinted at everyone.  A dark expression came over his features.
Miyu elbowed him, then hissed, “Do you wanna die today?  Put them up...!”
“Muto's hands are up!” declared Muto cheerfully, still not putting down the console.
“Do you have any idea...” said a guard approaching them, gun pointed at them, “...what you have done?”  His cheeks still had the drawn-on whiskers.
“To be fair,” Miyu squeaked, “we were kinda hired to?  I-it was nothing personal?”
Rifles were raised, safeties were removed.
A mushroom of fire erupted from the base, shooting debris and sand into the day sky, blocking out the sun.  A visible shockwave went out, kicking up sand and knocking a number of people over.  There was a climbing roar, which was then followed by an explosion of blue flame that erupted from the base's entrance.
Chaos had taken control of the crowd once again, before everyone had calmed once again.
“Buh-bye!”  Muto was up on his chocobo, alongside the others on theirs.  The console had been awkwardly shoved into the chocobo's pouch.
Enzo looked over the group and gave a smirk.  Not saying another word, he put on his goggles, pulled the reins, and headed off into the desert.
“You can fake your own deaths here if you want!” Miyu said with a wave.  “Start new lives!”
They didn't stop.  The chocobos were running.  Moments later, Enzo began the spell to again create a sandstorm.  Their tracks would be covered and hopefully, they would never see anyone from the base ever again.
Silence descended over the base's staff.
“I forgot my Triple Triad deck in there...” lamented a guard.
Standing in Ul'dah at the airship station, they gathered around their pilfered crystal.  The sky was darkening, as the sun was just disappearing behind the horizon.
“So in the end...it wasn't anything special,” lamented Enzo.
“It's just a normal fire crystal?!” groaned Miyu.
“Anything special about it?” she demanded.
“I mean...it might have a bit more of aethereal concentration?” shrugged Enzo.  He passed over his scope.  “But if you look at the aethereal mapping on it, there's literally nothing out of the ordinary.  You could find this in anything.”
“But you said—”
“I know what I said,” he grumbled in aggravation, “but despite them altering the aether they were pumping into...that thing...it ended up having absolutely no effect on the crystal it left behind.”  He wiped his face frustratedly, then pushed the crystal away.  “Honestly, you two can keep it and turn it into the grand company, have more 'proof' of this whole misadventure.  Put it right beside that console Muto grabbed.”
“Thank you, Enzo,” Miyu said quietly.  “But you really don't have to.”
“I'm going to,” he insisted, “and I'm going to pay you too. Just as agreed.”  He rolled his eyes.  “Though...that might take a bit.  All my money was kinda left in the base....”
“Take whatever time you need, all right?”  Miyu gave a consoling smile.  “I'm sorry this all happened like it did, but we...made some kind of difference, right?  And this should get us some advancement, at least!  I mean, once we document it all.  Right, Muto?”
They both looked up to the Hrothgar, who was standing with the biggest smile on his face.
“Why're you so happy?” asked Enzo.
“Muto go on adventure with bestest friends!” declared Muto, barely able to contain his glee.  “Muto and friends fight bad guys!  Muto and friends defeat dragon! Muto and friends—”  He made an enthusiastic explosion noise. “—blow up secret base! Muto and friends real adventurers!  Real heroes!”
Enzo, despite his disappointment, smiled.  “Well...I'm glad you guys had such a great time.  Sorry you missed out on your other mission.”
“Is okay!” Muto said with a bright smile.  “Muto helped Au Ra!  Muto help community!  Oh!” He remembered something incredibly important.  “Muto now can have egg!”  The hard-boiled egg Enzo gave him hours ago had been sitting in his pocket the entire adventure...and was likely destroyed, but that didn't stop Muto's enthusiasm.  He reached in, then looked confused.  Grabbing a hold, he pulled out a wadded piece of paper.
While Enzo explained the job, Muto looked down at the two-star adventure.  If they were doing something else, then it would be a waste to hold onto it.  He saw a frustrated Au Ra wandering away from the building.  It was the telltale sign of a poor adventure...and Muto had the solution.  He wandered away, while Enzo continued his explanation.
“Are okay?” asked Muto.
“Ehhhh....”  She shrugged.  “My fifth week in a row with a zero-star.”
“What is rank?”
“I'm almost to my first level,” she shrugged, “which kinda is awful, because I was doing adventuring for years before. Just...it never got documented and there's such a backlog with level appeals.”
“Oh!”  Muto held out the paper with the two-star adventure. “Muto have solution!  Au Ra friend can have adventure!  Is two-star!”
She blinked, taken aback.  “Wait...really?”
“Uh huh!”
“You're sure?”
“Uh huh!”
“Because I know how hard it can be to get these kinds of missions if you're not leveled up...a-and if you don't want to, you really don't have to, it's okay!  I mean, of course I want the mission, but it's fine if you'd rather not—”
“Muto!” called Miyu.  “We're leaving!”
“Oh!!  Coming!!”  He absently shoved the mission in his pocket, then ran after the others, leaving a confused Au Ra behind.
“Muto...have mission.”
“I'm sorry?” asked Miyu.
“Muto still have mission.”
“You what?”
“Muto still have two-star mission.”
“You what?”
“Muto not mean to!”  He held out the paper, crumpled up, covered in smashed hard-boiled egg and eggshell shards.  “Was accident!”
“Muto screw up again?!”  He looked absolutely terrified.
“No, no!” soothed Miyu.  “It's okay!  Just—”
“Where is the mission again?” asked Enzo.
“Ummmm!!”  He opened the paper and did his best to read. “Um...um—”
“Gridania!” cut in Miyu.
“Do you have everything you need?”
“I think so?”
“Are you sure?”
“Um, yeah, sure!  Wh—?”
He shoved the fire crystal towards Miyu, who took it confusedly. Enzo's grimoire was thrown open.  He channeled his magic, then uttered the words, “Oovoo javer!”
Space folded around Miyu and Muto, and not even a moment later, Enzo was there on his own at the table.
They were only a little late.  Not even twenty minutes later, the two adventurers were on the merchant's carriage with Muto blowing a melody into a bone flute, serenading his companions and the darkening sky.  The mission was only beginning.
It was utterly still and dark.  There wasn't a single noise in the house.  It wasn't because it was abandoned, but because he chose for his footsteps to be silent.
A light source was approaching, illuminating the neighboring room. Instead of trying to hide from it, Enzo waited and crossed his arms confidently.
A young dark-skinned lady entered the room holding a lit lantern. She saw Enzo, then deeply frowned.
“Thanks for letting me know you're home...” grumbled Emory. “Where were you?”
“Oh, out,” Enzo shrugged.  “Nothing big.”
Emory scowled at him.  “I know that look.  What did you do?”  She sighed with frustration.  “Who did you kill?”
He put up his hands, palms out.  “Nobody this time!”
“Don't you lie to me!  How many was it?”
“Seriously, Em, it's not actually not a lie!”  He gave a wide grin.  His teeth were pointier than they had been earlier.  “You should tell your brother what a good boy he's been!”
“Oh, shove it...” she grumbled.  “What did you do?”
“Wanna see something amazing?”
She just raised an eyebrow.
He reached into his pocket, where he had a small portal to the Void, and withdrew a crystal, then set it on the nearby table.  It glowed a dull red and was lined with veins.  Emory looked at it, and moments later, recoiled.  The shadows cast behind her from the lantern twisted for a moment before resuming that of a normal lady.
“What did you do, Enzo?” she snapped.  “What is this?!”
“Aether!”  His grin widened.  “Can't you tell?”
“You know exactly what I'm talking about!” she snarled.
“Oh, come on, Em!”  He nudged the crystal, making it spin in place.  “Just a little crystallized aether!”
He noted the shadows behind her were growing and darkening.  Spiky protrusions were twisting and forming in the dark.
“Fine, fine,” he lamented.  He flicked the crystal to spin it the opposite way.  “So I have to say the people of this plane can be absolutely brilliant and incredibly stupid.  They had no idea what they had.  They were taking aether from the planet and corrupting it.  Corrupted aether is nothing new, sure, but the way they were doing it was...certainly unique.  They absolutely ruined it, depriving it of being aspected, while maintaining the energy and refusing to adapt to any other aspect.  And then they channeled it through a remnant of Bahamut, who was able to amplify it so much more than I thought possible.  Even with just one of his scales.”
“How'd you get it?”
“Ohhhh, you know....”  His tail flicked playfully.
“Do not make me ask again.”  Emory glared.  “Or I will make you tell me.”
“My friends just helped me get into a Garlean base is all!”
“We don't have 'friends,'” she stated flatly.
“I like to think Miyu and Muto are.”  He received a withering glare from Emory.  “Oh, come on, I don't consider them as equals! They're just useful!  Entertaining too.”
He picked up the crystal and turned it about, so that both he and Emory could get a better look at it.
“Anyways, I don't entirely understand everything those mortals did to the crystal, but long story short, they basically created something that is outside the six elements.  And I'm not even talking about unaspected aether.  I'm talking about technically a seventh element....”  His smirk grew wider.  “...which should provide for some interesting possibilities.��
“Do whatever you want with it,” grumbled Emory.  “Just keep that thing away from me.”
“Oh, this thing?”  He held it out just a hair more.
Emory glowered at him, then turned and left in a huff, leaving the room.  It was pitch-black in the room once again...save for a glowing pair of red eyes.
Thanalan Desert.
“I have a suspicion...” murmured the gentleman to himself.
“What kind of suspicion?” asked an eager Miqo'te.
“I believe....”  Hildibrand suddenly gave a wide sweep with his arm.  “...that there was an explosion.”
The two of them were standing at the bottom of a crater, surrounded by debris.
“And where there are explosions, there are crimes.”
“What about Bahamut?”
A finger was thrust into the sky.  “He is the greatest criminal of them all!”
Some of the debris moved.  The finger was lowered and pointed to it.
“A clue!” both of them said together.
A hand eventually came forth from under the rubble, followed by a ragged sleeve.
“Yes, sir!”
“We must assist!”
They crouched next to the hand and pulled away concrete, stones, and all manner of debris.  A Roegadyn lady in a torn white lab coat lied underneath.
“Who...?” she croaked.  “What...?”
“My lady, you have stumbled into the authorities!”
“We have authority?” asked Nashu.
“Absolutely!  All of Eorzea is ours to patrol and to bring justice to!  And you, my lady!”  He dramatically pointed down to the scientist.
She just stared blankly at him.
He knelt next to her, then reached for her hand.  “...are most obviously the victim of a terrible, terrible crime. Pray, tell me...who did this to you?”
The Roegadyn looked at him blankly as her thoughts started to come together.  What were the names the Hrothgar said?
“Muto,” she finally managed.  “Muto, Miyu, and Enzo.”
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