#i might do a proper character sheet for them
yamperjellety · 1 month
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This is a few weeks old, I also kinda noticed that my artstyle changes once in a while☠️
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thegempage · 1 year
i drank coffee and just played a shit ton of powerwash sim so i am, for once, tired at 1 a.m., so while i'm going to go to bed now, future opal: draw some new btd ref sheets
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NSFT Alphabet: Matthias Czernin
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Does my little dance while screaming
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Let the man recover first! No really, he needs a second to recover and come back to reality. He would be very into bathing right after, he will though enjoy skinship and needs to be given affection from you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Matthias, after the fire burns half of his body, tries not to think about it. Bad enough looks at Louis who looks perfectly undamaged while he is ugly. You have to tell him what you like about him, sit him down, and tell him your favorite parts of him. On you though, he likes your legs. Idk he seems like a legs or thighs guy
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
I don't think he's a cum inside guy, he can when lost in the moment, but he rather cum on you so he can wipe it off or cum on the sheets that need to be changed anyway
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I think he would like dollification, listen, something about the control and trust you give that he can appreciate. He could dress you up, put the proper makeup on, tying you to the rope to hold you in place. The process is probably what gets him going before even the play starts, admiring his work.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Virgin, sorry not sorry taking his virginity 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Would say riding or doggy style depending on his mood but also a mating press (i think it hot dbbdbd)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Serious but he might laugh a bit if you are the type to be really happy during sex. It is endearing 
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I think cuz of the fire he has no hair (though i think he was one a bush not groomed)
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
Matthias prob is the romantic type but he has no experience in this field so be patient with him. Give him a chance, he is trying.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I think he has out of curiosity but then just didn't do it again because he couldn't cum and it annoyed him
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Dollification but also body worship (giving). But also he probably no idea what kinks are until you lol
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bedroom, he is a private person
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Idk whatever plot i makeup tbh
He would try impact play but the second he hit too hard that was enough for him
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Giving. He needs to work up to receiving because of his dislike towards his body.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He is a building-up kinda guy but if you catch him on one of his bad days, he can be fast and rough. 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
No, and yes, you get the quickies on him. Blowing him because you definitely can have an oral fixation around him
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
He is willing to try anything so long as you respect when he says no 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
One or two rounds, listen HE IS TRYING gotta edge him
T = Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
He would like using toys on you only but you could try it on him when he is comfortable with trying to be submissive 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He has to edge you, you outlast him and he needs you to crumble
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Matthias tries to be quiet but is actually very vocal, very flustered when you point it out too
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Matthias is naturally dominant but he is giving. I say naturally because he needs something he can control, something stable that won't force him to change unless he allows it. But he does become open to be the giving submissive, now he is giving you his trust and control over him. It helps to praise him through it too, he needs that reassurance from his partner that he doesn't have to be perfect. Matthias has to be shown he can enjoy himself without worry.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
It's good just let him fuck you okay
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
I don't think at first he has a high sex drive, it is probably very low. It's about average when you become his partner though
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Out like a light lol but it is the best sleep of his life.
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shall-we-die · 9 months
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{"You're so hot..."}
Nope, not that kind of hot... you're so sick, you have a fever and now, they have to take care of you.
↬[Fandom]•⊰ {Obey me!}࿐
↬[Characters]•⊰ {7 brothers}࿐
↬[Warnings]•⊰ {None}࿐
☰[Main list]•⊰ ────┈┈{0013}┈─╮
╰┈➤Likes/Reblogs are appreciated࿐
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—Lucifer:"You're so hot."
—MC:"yeah, I know... you finally admitted it~"
—Lucifer:*Slaps their forehead gently.* "Idiot, you have a fever."
—Lucifer:*Looks at them with a fatherly gaze as he sighed* "Come here, I'll take you to your bed."
• Lucifer will most likely keep an eye on MC to make sure that they don't collapse due to exhaustion. He would try to keep MC comfortable and hydrated, while also constantly checking if MC's sickness is getting worse or not.
• If MC's temperature is still too high, Lucifer would try to force them into bed to make them rest and recover. He would be very protective and even overbearing at times, but it's all for the sake of their wellbeing.
• Lucifer will take good care of MC when they are sick. He will make them the most delicious and comforting soup, and if they are feeling really hot, he will gently place a cool, damp cloth on their forehead.
• He'll try to convince them to rest and get some sleep, but if they don't listen, he'll simply stay by their side and make them feel comfortable until they do. If they have a bad fever, he may even hold them close in bed to help bring their temperature down.
• Yes, It's difficult to force MC to rest. It's hard for him not to lose his temper at times like these and let slip the side of him that is as cruel as he's prideful. He wishes to be by their side at all times, though, and if it is necessary, he will carry them to bed himself.
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—Mammon:"You're so hot."
—MC:"yeah, I know... you finally admitted it~"
—Mammon:*Blushes* "W-Wh-what?! Hey human, the great Mammon is the hottest person in this room!"
—MC:"awww funny..." *Sneezing*
—Mammon:*Panics again* "Don't worry, human! The great Mammon is here to take care of you!."
• Will panic...
• When Mammon's favorite human is feeling under the weather, he's sure to take great care of them. He'll make them some hot tea or their favorite soup, bring them blankets and pillows, and make sure their environment is nice and calm. He might even make the bed with extra-soft sheets, and if they still won't rest, he'll hold their hand and sing to them until they get some well-needed shuteye.
• When MC is sick and has a fever, Mammon will be the first to offer to take care of them. He would make them cozy in bed or on the couch, fetch them a blanket or two, bring them food and drinks, and generally pamper them however they need.
• He'd also stay by their side as much as possible to monitor their health and make sure they're okay. Even though they're probably already exhausted and want nothing more than to get a good night's sleep, their stubborn nature would make them reluctant to rest, but Mammon would insist that it's necessary.
• And when they're better, he'll dote on them even more, making sure they get the proper rest and care they need to fully recover.
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—Leviathan:"You're so hot."
—MC:"yeah, I know... you finally admitted it~"
—Leviathan:*Pulls back his hand that was on your forehead.* "I—! You!...I mean...you have a fever! Idiot Idiot Idiot!"
—MC:"Hey! Why are you running away?! Levi!—?!?!"
• Leviathan would be extremely worried for MC. he'd make sure MC gets plenty of rest and take care of them by making meals and checking on them every few hours. he would also make sure to keep his s/o hydrated and make sure to keep them comfortable.
• In the event that MC has a particularly high fever, he would likely take them to the human's doctor in Devildom (Solomon) to make sure they get medical attention and any sort of medicine they may need. he would never want to see his s/o get severely sick.
• When MC's temperature is high, Leviathan will become even more protective of them. If they are stubborn to the point where they refuse to rest, he will forcibly force them to rest. Maybe he'll even offer them a hot drink or a warm towel on their forehead to try and cool them down. He'll do this all because he cares about their well-being.
• And surely he'll give you some Anime-therapy.
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—Satan:"You're so hot."
—MC:"yeah, I know... you finally admitted it~"
—Satan:*smirks* "of course I do, kitten."
—MC: *Blushes*
—Satan:"Stay here, I'll go to bring you some medicine. I read about this kind of sickness before."
—MC: *still blushing*
• Satan would be concerned for their health, but he would also be a little annoyed that they aren't taking proper care of themselves. He would try to make them rest and feel better by making them some tea and maybe a little soup.
• He would also take on the bulk of the chores around the house, so that MC can spend as much time resting as possible. And of course, he would cuddle up close to them and try to keep them comfortable and comforted.
• Satan would be very worried about MC's wellbeing. He may insist that they should go to the doctor, but if MC is stubborn, he would rather keep them at home and take care of them himself. He would bring them some kitten to play around, and to help with the discomfort. He would make sure that MC gets plenty of rest and that they are comfortable.
• He might also hold their hand or brush a strand of hair away from their face, all in the interest of comforting them. He would be very gentle and loving until they are feeling better.
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—Asmodeus:"You're so hot."
—MC:"yeah, I know... you finally admitted it~"
—Asmodeus: *Raises an eyebrow* "Oyah? What I just heard?... darling you're so sick, I'm going to call Solomon."
—MC: *Sits there like a good human, because they learned a good lesson.*
• This is the first time he's paying attention to someone else... and that's something new for Avatar of Lust. Asmodeus may get quite protective of MC when they're sick.. always making sure they're alright even if they refuse to take rest. He'll keep checking on their condition and will offer to do anything for them to help.
• He won't cook them meals, but hs helps them rest in bed, maybe he'll just take care of every household task MC had that day so they can relax.. whatever he can do to make them feel better...
• Asmodeus won't let his little human be alone while they're sick. He'd order them something to eat and then spend time with them in the room, keeping them comfortable with hugs and forehead kisses.
• If they're stubborn about getting rest, Asmodeus would tell them that he's going to keep them company for as long as possible, but that he needs them to rest. It would be a cute moment if they fell asleep in the Avatar of Lust's arms...
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—Beelzebub:"You're so hot."
—MC:"yeah, I know... you finally admitted it~"
—Beelzebub:"no MC, you're not Shadow Goose Burger." *Said calmly.*
—Beelzebub:"I mean... you're sick, right? I'll call Luc—"
—MC:"No. I'm going to my room."
• When MC is sick and has a high temperature, Beelzebub will do everything he can to make them feel better and take care of them.
• Beelzebub will make them hot tea, give them warm blankets, rub their back to alleviate their discomfort, and cook them delicious comfort food that is good for them. (He really tries not to eat them alone)
• He will stay by their side and make sure they are well cared for and comfortable. Beelzebub will do everything in his power to make sure that his s/o rests and recuperates from their illness.
• He will also check on them frequently to make sure that they are resting and getting better. He will be very caring and tender towards them, and will do everything he can to make them feel better.
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—Belphegor:"You're so hot."
—MC:"yeah, I know... you finally admitted it~"
—Belphegor: "...?"  *Yawns*  "whatever.....zzz"
—MC:"...hello? You sleep?... come on..."
• That could be quite the challenge for the youngest child, but here are some ways Belphegor can try to make MC feel better. Like, Cuddling all day long; The heat and body contact could help them rest better while comforting them at the same time.
• He makes them some warm tea and biscuits. This could give MC some energy and strength to recover faster while also being comforting to them. And he gives them kisses to keep them distracted from the pain and discomfort. The power of love can be quite powerful, and the warmth of a kiss may soothe them.
• When MC is so sick, Belphegor kinda becomes obsessed with making them feel better as quick as possible. Not to mention that he wants to spend as much time as possible by his side to make sure the MC is comfortable.
• Belphegor will make sure MC takes some tea or medicine and that MC is wearing warm clothes. And Belphegor himself will be the one who's going to spoon them. It must be a sight to behold.
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shesjustanothergeek · 2 years
His Love
|Aegon II Targaryen x Fem!Reader|
Part One
Master List of Series
Summary: Being a bastard born in the slums of Flea Bottom was all you were known for. Not the streak of white you had in your dark hair, the violet ring around your pupils, or how your sharp tongue and skills with the blade resembled your father, Daemon Targaryen. You were just a bastard, nothing more, but to him, to Aegon Targaryen, you were everything. You were his love.
Author's Note: This is based on the depiction of Aegon in HBO's House of The Dragon and not the books, though I do change some details about his character here and there. I fully recognize that he is a horrible person in the show, especially, but it still makes me want to fuck him just as badly. Please give me hate for this, so I know what to add to the story to piss you Aegon haters off. Toodles!
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Chapter Warnings: Graphic depictions of childbirth and complications, death, reference to sexual assault, Aegon speaking inappropriately to a minor.
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Screams echoed throughout the dark streets of Flea Bottom, the sound emanating from one of the many brothels that occupied the townspeople and even certain royals. The usual moans the whores had listened to were gone, replaced with their encouraging words and the shallow pants of a woman in labor. The establishment was closed for the night, which was unusual. They were always open, even on holidays that were supposed to be observed in silence, but this, they believed, was far more important.
One of the fellow women was giving birth to the firstborn daughter of Daemon Targaryen, a bastard.
"Push Elaina! Push!" the Madam commanded, holding her sweating hand.
The whispers of the other girls were the only thing Elaina Black could hear, even over the pound of blood through her ears. She had taken all the proper precautions to avoid this, but it seemed the Gods had other plans for her. Elaina had been the private whore of Daemon Targaryen, reserved only for his cock. Typically, the Madam would refuse such a demand, but he was a prince, and only the best were given to the Highborn.
"I can't," she whimpered, tears streaming down her temples. Unable to hold herself up, she lay on her bed, legs held open by her fellow girls. It had been hours, and the babe had not breached the canal. She was exhausted, sweat coated all her limbs, and she had given up on the birthing chair.
"You must!" A young girl to her side whispered, dabbing her forehead with a cool, damp cloth.
"The babe is stuck," the Madam said, her gruff voice turning into a soft, worried sound. Her callused hand rubbed her stomach.
"I-I need something, anything, for the pain," Elaina cried, her whole body feeling like she was lying in a bed of flames.
"I am sorry, sister, but it might harm the child," a girl holding her leg spoke. Elaina grunted, baring down and pushing with all her might with a scream. She felt as if her eyes were going to pop out of her head with force.
"Yes!" The Madam shouted. "Yes! Yes! Keep going, Elaina! It is moving!"
"Oh Gods," she groaned, attempting to roll on her side, but was held down.
The Madam had a bright smile as she stuck her hands inside Elaina's canal, feeling the soft hair of the newborn as it slid forward. She could feel the child's head moving against her pelvis, creating an indescribable pain. A few more contractions and the babe would be free.
Elaina tossed and turned, gripping the stained sheets and nearly ripping them in half as a soft tuft of brown hair appeared. She screamed, her back lifting as she bared down, knowing that would be the last push.
A searing pain surged through her body from her core, traveling up her spine. She felt like she was being ripped open, all her insides tearing apart and coming out with the babe.
"Good. Good," the Madam soothed, the cry of a newborn echoing in the room. "You may rest now, Elaina."
And Elaina tried, she did, but the contractions did not stop. She kept pushing and pushing. The sighs of relief all the whores let out were all that could be heard. They left Elaina to tend to the babe, ignoring her raspy breaths. Though they were still in the room, she felt so alone and helpless, lying there with her legs spread open. She assumed her body kept pushing for the afterbirth, which was something to be expected, but she didn't think it would happen so soon. She felt her body pop like a plug pulled from a drain, which she assumed was the placenta exiting her body. She finally relaxed, her body exhaling all her pain and tension.
"May I see them?" Elaina asked softly, barely containing any energy.
The women finally turned to Elaina, and the newborn swaddled in one of their arms. Their faces all paled, the Madam passing the child to another girl as she ran to her parted legs.
"Wh-what is the matter?" Elaina looked down, seeing a pool of blood between her thighs. She sat up, finally gaining the strength to move before someone could push her down as she saw her organs.
She nearly fainted in shock but willed her eyes to stay open. She could not be done until she held her child.
"My baby," she whispered, but nobody listened, everyone panicking as they tried to get Elaina's internal organs back inside. "My child," she shouted, finally finding her voice. "Give me my child."
The young girl holding the still crying babe looked to the Madam, asking permission. She nodded, hands wrist deep into Elaina's heat.
Finally, she got to hold her child, numb to the poking and prodding of people's hands inside her. She wrapped her arms around the small bundle, the child as if knowing they were in their mother's arms instantly calmed. Elaina shifted the blankets to see the babes sex, smiling to herself.
"A girl," her trembling voice whispered, covering her daughter back up and whispering her name. "My beautiful girl."
She rubbed the soft lanugo hair on her head, noticing a small block of skin lighter than the rest of her scalp, white hair growing from it. The newborn closed her eyes at her mom's soft stroking, a yawn escaping her tiny mouth, smacking her gums. She knew that her daughter would have a piece of her father with her, even if she never knew him. Elaina had never felt such love for another being in her life. How could such a small thing make her feel this way?
She was oblivious to the panicky talking of the Madam and other girls, a few entering and exiting the room with different supplies. All that mattered in the world right now was her daughter in her arms, her eyes slowly opening as she stopped stroking her head. Rings of violet wrapped around her pupils, almost sparkling in the candlelight.
Suddenly, the babe was removed from her arms, and Elaina shouted, attempting to jump out of the sweat and blood-soaked sheets, but was shoved down by four women. Her daughter's cries mirrored her mother's, wanting to be in her warm embrace again.
"Where," Elaina's breath caught in her throat, realizing how exhausted she was, "where are you taking her?"
"Elaina, calm yourself." She ignored the girl's words demanding her to hold still.
"Give me my baby! Give me back, my child," she screamed, but no one listened, holding her down with all their strength.
"I need to stitch you up, Elaina! The babe tore you down to your arse!" The Madam shouted, getting frustrated with her violent squirming.
"I do not care! Give me back my child!"
"Restrain her."
"We are trying, Madam," the four girls responded as Elaina managed to free a leg and kick one of them in the face.
"Get her Milk of the Poppy, now."
It was only mere moments before a whore came in with a small glass bottle, asking another girl to help her open her mouth as she poured the liquid. Slowly, Elaina began to calm, her thrashing coming to a halt as her mind left the realm. Her child still wailed its deafening cries, never ceasing even as her mother settled.
"There, there little one," the girl who had taken her cooed. "It's alright. Your mama will make it out alright. I am sure of it." The babe continued to cry, almost as if she could sense her lies.
"Lyra, shut her up or leave the room," the Madam said, her voice returning to her routine. Lyra chose the latter, closing the door quietly behind her as she rocked the newborn in her arms.
The infection took Elaina Black in three days' time. Even though they managed to stitch her together, her insides still kept coming out. It was as if her body refused to heal without her daughter's presence. The Madam refused to let the child see her dying mother for fear that she would somehow make her sick, but she could not handle seeing her in that state. She felt like a failure. Letting one of her whores get pregnant in the first place was shameful enough, but her dying from said pregnancy under her care was terrible. She was supposed to take care of her girls, and she failed.
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It was early in the morning, a week after Elaina's death, and all the brothel women were confused about why the Madam decided to call a meeting instead of letting them sleep. They all gathered around in the small room they designated for meals, waiting for Madam to address them finally. She was babbling to the bundle in her arms, letting her play with the finger she was swirling over in her face.
"I called you all here today because word has gotten to me. Rumors that some of you have broken our unspoken agreement to keep the child safe," she spoke, her eyes never leaving the babe.
"Madam," Lyra spoke up before anyone else could dig them a deeper grave. "We would never put the child at risk. Whatever whispers you have heard are false."
Madam hummed in response, finally looking at the frightened girls. "You all know her parentage and why she should be kept out of your mouths, and yet," she paused, looking at every one of their faces, "someone has spoken, and word has made it to the Red Keep." They gasped, knowing what this could mean for them and their business.
"The child is my concern, and I want no word of her to anyone. Do you understand?" The sternness in her voice was enough to make even the strongest of men falter. "Or I will have you all kicked to the streets."
They all nodded without protest, knowing that she would follow those threats. Madam took a breath, turning around to dismiss them as she kissed the babes forehead wordlessly, her purple-lined iris' glinting up at her. She knew she wouldn't be able to hide her from the royal family forever, but she would try. She'd be damned if she failed you too.
Several Years Later...
You giggled as you ran along the Streets of Silk, a mischievous grin plastered on your face as you dropped a few apples from your tiny arms. A few City Watchmen chased after you, and their shouts for you to halt fell deaf on your ears. You weaved your way through the crowds of people like a snake in the grass while the guardsmen ran through them like bulls, bumping into almost everyone they saw.
It was easy for you to get away, slinking down an alley and hiding behind a corner in your dark cloak. You turned, making sure the men ran past before you stepped out of the shadows, putting the rest of the apples into your brown satchel but leaving one out to eat. You took a bite, smiling triumphantly that you had gotten away with your crime as you skipped back to your home in Flea Bottom.
You had just reached the back entrance of the brothel you called home, always listening to what Madam said as it burst open, revealing an incredibly drunk patron as you fell to the dirty sandstone, the cloak of your hood dropping.
"Ouch," you cried, rubbing the back of your head from where it hit the ground. All the apples roll from your bag.
You looked up at the man, only to realize it wasn't. It was a young boy, barely looking at the age of ten and three, with a leather patch over his left eye and tears in the other. He, too, had a cloak of his own, now pushed back and revealing hair as white as snow. It took you a moment to comprehend what that meant, a young boy with hair like that, but then you realized, quickly scrambling up into a clumsy bow.
"Your grace, I-I did not mean to-"
A hard shove knocked you back to the ground, but this time you caught yourself staring at him with an angry look. You knew you couldn't do anything to him, he was royalty, but that did not stop you from trying.
"Get away from me whore. I have had enough of you." The prince rubbed his tear-stained cheeks with his sleeve as you attempted to get up again, but he pushed you back down, stepping on your hand as he ran away.
It was your turn to cry now, the pain and anger mixing as you whimpered, clutching your hand to your chest. What had you done to offend him so dearly? It was his fault he ran into you. Maybe he could have seen you if he wasn't such a baby. You did nothing wrong. You had half a mind to chase after him for hurting you the way he did as you got up, debating if you could catch up to him in time. You probably could. He was a selfish, pampered palace ass, not a street rat like you.
"A bit young to be whoring yourself out, aren't you? But I suppose it never hurts to start young." A tall but stocky man stood in the door frame, eyes roaming your body. He had the same white hair as the boy from before, only shorter and curly and reeking of sweat. You stepped back, trying your best not to scrunch your nose up in disgust at his smell.
"I am not a whore," you spat, putting your hands on your hips. He crossed his legs, still leaning in the doorway as he observed you, an almost calculating look on his face.
"Ah, my apologies then, dear maiden. I only meant whore in training," he said with a smirk. You scoffed, fixing your pouch as you knelt to pick up the red apples on the ground.
"Hardly. I do not whore myself, nor will I ever."
"A pity," he said, crouching down to be level with you, "for I would love to see your body once fully grown."
You grabbed the last apple, ignoring his comment and putting it in your bag as he placed his hand over yours, staring into your eyes. You grew uncomfortable at his unwavering gaze, heat rising to your cheeks as he ran his fingers through your white strand of hair, comparing it to your eyes. If you weren't any brighter, it would seem like he was about to kiss you. He hummed to himself as if he was inspecting a relic he did not understand.
Your name being called sharply moved your gaze from his, standing up as you shoved the apple back into your satchel. The prince stood up, his knees cracking as a part of his tunic moved, showing an indentation of teeth in his skin, and suddenly you remembered why he was here in the first place.
"I am coming, Ma." You brushed around the stranger, his fingers ghosting your arm, sending gooseflesh throughout your body. "I brought us some apples," you offered in peace as she clutched you to her bosom, hiding your face from his.
"Thank you for your patronage, my prince. I hope on your way home, you and your brother offer the upmost discretion of your time here." She stroked your soft hair as you peeked, catching his eyes for just a moment before Madam pulled you closer. "After all, it was a joyous celebration of Prince Aemond becoming a man, and special memories like these are best kept close to the heart." You knew she was trying to protect you, as she did with any man or woman you met on accident, but this time she spoke in riddles.
A thick air of uncertainty hung between them before he responded. "Of course, Babette, I would not dream of soiling such a memory with loose lips," he replied, walking away with a curious expression. "Though," he said, causing Ma to tighten her grip on you, "I must admit, your daughter has the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen." She nearly suffocated you now, shoving your face in between her breasts. "The hint of violet in them, oh, how exquisite. They remind me of my own," he turned to her with a devilish grin, "or perhaps someone else who has frequented this brothel, my Uncle, maybe?"
You weren't ignorant to his words, you knew what he was implying, but you did not have any of the same features of Daemon Targaryan. You did not have the same silver hair as him, nor the purple irises he has. You would hardly call yourself related.
"Thank you, Prince Aegon. To have my daughter be compared to the likes of royalty is the highest compliment of them all." Ma bowed her head stiffly. "Now, if you will excuse me, I have a business to run."
Before he could utter another word, Madam shut the wooden door, locking it with the keys she always kept on her swaying hip. She released you, crushing your small frame with her large one.
"Oh, I love you, little one," she let go before smacking you on the side of your head. How many times were you going to get hit today? You didn't want to know. "Don't you ever talk to a stranger again, or else I will have to send Lyra to be your chaperone." You tried to squirm from her firm grip, but she tugged you closer.
"Ma, I cannot breathe," you complained. She laughed, nuzzling her face into your neck.
"If you can speak, you can breathe," she said plainly, waiting a moment before letting you go. "Now, what did you say about some apples?" You smiled, showing her the bag as she took it off your shoulder. "How did you get all of these? I did not give you that much coin."
You giggled, looking away as you tossed the money she lent you. "I am very good at haggling, Madam." She sighed, knowing you must have stolen them, as she pulled you into another hug, kissing the top of your head.
"Oh, my sweet girl, whatever shall I do with you," she jested. Half scolding and half praising that you managed to get a dozen apples on your own without getting caught.
You ignored the loud moans and squeaking beds from the rooms above, going to the cramped kitchen. You stood next to Madam as she began peeling the skin off the apples, handing you a knife to do one. Ma had made you gather some ingredients throughout the week, but she did not tell you what she was planning. She knew how much you loved this dish.
It was your mother's favorite, too, so she should have known. Madam did not make it much for her, though, as she was just one of her many whores that came and went. She did not care for Elaina until she realized the prince had taken a liking to her. He had brought in most of the brothel revenue at the time, and when Elaina fell pregnant, she was angry. Any appreciation Madam had towards her was gone. She thought Elaina's stupidity would surely bring her to ruins under the realization that she would have to refuse prince Daemon now in fear of the bastard child's life, but the Gods seemed to favor her when another prince decided to frequent the halls. He made up for any loss in profits.
Madam did not want to lose you; she had grown quite fond of you over the years and knew the girls under her care did too. She didn't want to turn Aegon away, for that was a risk she could not take, but your safety came first. She would have to be more thoughtful about this. Madam would need to pull some strings and ask some favors of people to make sure you were either hidden or not here when he came. That was the only way you could remain safe.
"Ma, will I be a whore when I am grown?" Your question nearly caused her to faint, shocked something like that would even be on your barely-of-age mind.
"No, sweet thing, you will not," she answered curtly, cutting off a big chunk of fruit instead of a peel. You paused your actions, pursing your lips in thought before asking another question.
"What will I be then? Like you?" Madam sighed through her nose, putting the apple down on the cutting board.
"If you want, yes." She placed her hands on her wide hips. What had Aegon said to you? "Why do you ask, sweet one?"
You mirrored your caretaker's actions but didn't reach her eyes. "I-I do not know, Ma. It was just a silly thought. It does not matter." She could see you recoiling within yourself, hugging your young body. Her urge to comfort you overpowered any worry she had as she softened her posture and voice.
"It is not silly for you to have thoughts. Do not ever let anyone say that to you. Everything you think or feel is valid." You furrowed your brows at her, confused at where this sudden sentiment came from. "But do not worry yourself with thoughts of the distant future; you still have the breasts of a toddler." Madam pinched your slowly stretching skin as you yelped and swatted her hand away, chastising your guardian. "Now, go to the cellar and fetch me the items you got at the market this week." Your face brightened at finally knowing what Ma was going to make you.
"Apple Muse! Oh, Ma, I love you so much," you squealed, wrapping your arms around her in a bone-crushing hug before running down a hatch. Madam smiled, though it did not reach her eyes. For now, she was worried about the thought of your future. 
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I know, I know— such a boring chapter. No smut, which is crazy for me, but don't worry, it'll get nasty eventually. On that, I can promise you. ;)
Master List of Series
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diardri · 14 days
Dia's FFXIV Art Reference Notes, A possibly long post
Hello! I made this as a thread on my twitter but I might as well post a version of it here. For the record this will be a thread linking to the resources I use when drawing commissions or fanart, I have not made Any of these and whenever I can I will note the creators and link directly to their resources.
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GPose Reference First and foremost, if you're drawing a WOL or ordering a commission of your WOL the most important thing is to take a proper reference GPOSE. I use the method in this post, to make sure I got all the angles. Clean refs are super important when drawing armor/intricate outfits so take care to take simple standing poses like the one in the tweet above. Cool dynamic poses might be fun but they're not really useful for referencing.
Gear/Weapon Reference
If you need good references for a weapon/outfit that you don't have a GPOSE for, I recommend using the attire website
This is a japanese website maintained by @/chiyo_asa on twitter and if you've ever looked up a piece of gear in the lodestone you've almost definitely come across their pictures.
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This is a super rough translation in english of the menu of the website. While it is in Japanese it's very easy to navigate and all the pictures in the site are super high quality and very useful for referencing.
This is my number one source for gear references I haven't taken myself
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The "mirapuri" button afaik is for glams they made themselves that they want to showcase.
An important note about this site specifically is that I believe it's currently undergoing an overhaul so Some weapons/gearsets might not be completely transferred in yet.
That being said, the majority of sets from dungeons/crafting/alliance raids/job gear sets etc are sorted like so, which makes it super easy to look for.
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There IS also a search function but I'm pretty sure it works only for japanese input.
NPC reference sheets
@xivrefsheets Offers really detailed resources of npc models. They also occasionally accept requests on their ko-fi (closed at the time of writing this)
These are super useful and really high quality, especially for some of the boss refs they've done. As someone who doesn't use anamnesis I go back to their refs very often
Convocation of the Fourteen refs
Maintained by @/Igeyorhm on twitter this site has a nice list of Ascian refs per character in addition to some lore bits for each of them. Also some very useful closeups of the Ascian clothes.
Even more NPC and Boss Refs
I believe maintained by @/MlNRATHOUS on twitter, this site has a really nice array of major NPC and boss references in various angles and with colourpicks for skintone and hair which is super useful. I use them a Lot
Lalafell centric refs
Norirow Note is a super cute blog that showcases glam items/ weapons/ chocobo barding and more.
It is NOT meant to be an art reference, however if you play a lala like me, I find their showcases useful when drawing gear on lalas.
Even if you don't use it as an art ref it's a super cute blog that's just fun to go through AND fully translated in english so I recommend just having a fun time reading through it anyway.
Bonus- Au Ra Scales.
I literally found out about this today but @/saficchi on twitter has made a super detailed angled ref sheet for both male and female au ra scales and I love them for it
Bonus 2 electric boogaloo- TextTools
I use this to import 3d models of specific weapons into CSP if I'm drawing them.
I don't know how useful this is for other art software but it's saved my ass from freehanding titania weapons so in the thread it goes
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That's the full list of refs I personally use, if there's more that people want to add please feel free to do so in the comments. I hope it helps people out in their creative endeavors!
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streaminn · 10 days
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Note! Prices can change and vary depending on what is being commissioned! None of these are concrete
+10-15 usd per person
+5-10 usd depending on the background
Note: There can be additional charges due to paypal fees
And you can ask for more examples! Please Dm for more info and all that jazz :^)
Can Draw!
pngtuber models
character sheets
horror, gore (not excessive)
Might Draw (We’ll need to talk about these requests)
full on furries (not so experienced)
excessive gore/horror (same excuse as above)
honestly, if it isn’t in the Can Draw, let’s talk about it.
Will not:
hate art
anything political
if it crosses my boundaries
Terms and Service! (this is a long one)
The client may ask for progress updates every 2-4 days, if not longer, should the commissionee not be in contact.
The art may take longer than the estimated time the artist gives. Should that be an issue or concern, the client must tell the artist.
In commissioning the artist, the client acknowledges that the artist is a student and that this is not the artist’s full time job, and the client should not expect the artist to be able to treat it as such.
The client may not, in any way shape or form, use the art in a commission product for NFTs, no matter how much they offer to pay the artist. Should NFTs be made of the art without consent, the client gives full consent for the artist to take legal action against them.
The client may make minor edits to the completed commission (e.g. cropping, adding text/borders, changing brightness/contrast/hue/saturation…
The client may use/reupload the commission for personal/non-commercial use, but only if proper credit to the artist and a linkback to any of the artist’s social media is provided.
If the commission includes characters that do not belong the client, additional credit to the owner(s)/creator(s) of said characters must be provided when using/reuploading for personal/non-commercial use.
The client may not use the commission for any commercial use unless discussed with the artist beforehand.
^ Should the client use the art for commercial use, provided the artist’s consent, the artist will receive an agreed-upon percentage of the sales profits.
The client MUST credit the artist for any usage of the art on any platform.
The client MUST ask the artist if they want to use their art as a reference, and proceed to credit each time the reference is used. REVISION POLICIES Once the coloring stage begins, the only major revisions permitted are details that the artist may have missed and was specified by the client in the order while the commission was still in the sketching/lineart stage (e.g. a missing tattoo that’s essential to the character’s design).
If the client is unsatisfied with the commission, the artist is willing to discuss and make minor edits as stated prior (e.g. adjusting colors). However, the artist will not redraw the piece and expects full payment, as the client should have specified in the sketch stage changes they wanted to be made.
The client may not hire another artist to adjust the image without the commissionee’s consent.
The artist is willing to edit the image post commission for the commissioner, but may charge a small fee depending on what is being asked of them. Upon commissioning the artist, the client automatically agrees to the terms of service provided, as it is assumed they have read them.
…and that’s about it? Just don’t expect me to be obligated to draw something and we'll figure something out. Not to mention that depending on how much commissions i’m getting and how busy i am, the art will take atleast a few days to a week!
If you got references, provide them! It’ll help alot. You can also ask for progress updates, just don’t mind me accidentally not seeing the message bc this is tumblr and I don’t get notifs for some reason.
as of rn, im accepting payment through ko-fi and paypal
But ye! That’s about it, thanks for seeing this yall. If you want to see more examples, simply look at the tags below in my account!
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rendy-a · 3 months
If your interested i would like to request a self aware au where the player instead of possesses Ramshackle instead of Yuu
My first thought is that I don’t understand this request.  Possess the actual building of Ramshackle?  Then I thought it might actually be funny if the Player were stuck in the building Encanto-style.  Feel free to drop in a new request if this isn’t what you were looking for.  Until then, enjoy this silly idea.
The Dorm Magical
All the characters in Twisted Wonderland had an innate sense for when they were being observed by the Player.  It was a feeling so sublime that it was the only thing a character craved.  One day, they stopped receiving that feeling as they did lessons, went about the storyline and even engaged in event stories.  These were all the Player’s favorite times to grace them with their notice!  It was deeply disturbing to them (could you have quit playing the game?) until they noticed that feeling again within the walls of Ramshackle Dorm.  Now this unique dorm isn’t just the home to the odd students Grim and Yuu but also the only place left on campus to experience the notice of the Player. 
Nothing matters anymore unless you can do it in Ramshackle or take it to Ramshackle.  Riddle brings every perfect-scored test to casually hold up to the walls, hoping you’ll take notice.  A suspicious number of movies being filmed by the Film Club seem to use old houses as a setting.  If any odd floorboard squeaks or movements of doors happen, all the club members merely clap and declare that the Player is so good at ad-libbing. 
Epel bursts into the lounge of Ramshackle and Grim nearly chokes on a bite of tuna.  “Nya!  What’s the big idea barging in here like that?” he asks between coughs.  Epel holds up a spelldrive trophy enthusiastically, “We won the tournament!”  Yuu smiles at him indulgently, “Great job.”  Epel shoots him a puzzled look as though to say, ‘Why are you talking to me?’  Then he turns about the room, holding the trophy aloft until a beam of sunlight from a window seems to shift and hit the trophy perfectly.  Epel grins as though the Player had personally awarded him that trophy.  “Awe, shucks!” he beams while grinning like a fool.  Then, he suddenly seems to recollect somewhere he needs to be.  “I…I should probably get this trophy back now before Leona notices its missing.  See you later Player!”  He makes awkward eye contact with Grim, “and…I guess Yuu and Grim too…”
It’s not just students, so many classes seem to be held in Ramshackle dorm.  The same students that used to try to sweet talk teachers into holding class outside on sunny days are now suggesting they can concentrate so much better in the quiet Ramshackle dorm.  Staff are surprisingly fast to agree.  There is now a sign-up sheet in the faculty lounge to reserve a Ramshackle day.
“Turn to page 101 in your textbooks.  Today we are covering proper methods of distilling potions,” Crewel begins his lecture.  A hand raises, “Professor, couldn’t we learn this better in Ramshackle?”  Crewel lets out a long-suffering sigh, “There aren’t even potion making facilities in that dorm.”  Another hand raises, “But Trein got to have history there twice this week already.”  Crewel pauses for a moment considering that petty argument.  “Screw it,” he finally replies in an arrogant tone, “Grab your things.  We are moving this class to the kitchen of Ramshackle.”  A cheer erupts from the masses.
Rules had to be made preventing transfer to Ramshackle.  Crowly is very firm on this; if he can’t live there, no one else can either!  The few times in the main story where people stay over are the highlight of those student’s year.
Vil slides his hand gently down the banister of the staircase as he descends and lets out a satisfied sigh.  “Stop stroking my house,��� Yuu retorts in an annoyed tone. “For the duration of the VDC training camp, it’s our house,” and continues to lightly run his fingertips along the wallpaper with a dreamy smile.
The guest room is the most coveted invitation on campus.  Students would gladly jump over any number of couches and tables for the honor of being trapped in the corner of the Ramshackle guest room.  Even Riddle is happy to cut class, dress up in his Halloween costume and stand idly by. 
Deep in the corner of the room, Sebek stands on two small squares of open space.  He paces a single step backwards and forwards.  He’s been trapped there for at least an hour, yet he still sounds at the peak of happiness as he exclaims, “THIS DECORATION REMINDS ME OF THE THORN FAIRY HERSELF!  WHAT A MAGNIFICENTLY APPOINTED ROOM!”  The door blows open slightly in a breeze and Sebek preens as though receiving an approving wave from the great Player themselves.  Ah, what a moment to be alive and trapped in a room.
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senanatheskenana · 1 year
What Genshin Guys Are Like In Bed (NSFW)
These aren’t exactly proper smut but please, Minors, don’t engage it still has descriptions of sex!
I would be willing to go into a character on a more specific level if anyone would be interested. It of course does not need to be NSFW :D
Kaeya loves to tease you. So much that he'll act so oblivious, to the point where he makes you literally tell him exactly what you want him to do to you. He'll sometimes act a little patronising when you get frustrated. Be ready for irritating foreplay before he becomes the one who gets needy. He's so eager to please once that happens
Diluc will either be gentle and restrained or completely feral without realising it. He's got a pretty average, maybe slightly low sex drive so it takes a little for him to drift into that sort of mood. That's usually seeing you in all your elegant glory or getting into some sort of altercation with Kaeya or the Abyss. If he's gentle you'll get a huge amount of compliments and praise- his hands will not miss an inch of your skin as he worships it. If he's angry he won't take it out on you with words or any sort of degradation. Most of the time his actions become harsher- his thrusts get faster and harsher, and he might even leave fingerprint bruises on your hips if it was a particularly stressful day.
Venti can be pretty insatiable- usually at the most inconvenient times. He'll try his luck anywhere he can get away with. That includes but is not limited to: the top branches of the tree at Windrise, the huge statue of him in Mondstadt, and the vineyard at Dawn Winery. He's showy if you're into it. He's sort of playful about it, he'll be giggling and grinning while you both try to stay quiet.
Albedo has a very low sex drive, so I feel he'd only ever be in the mood if you bring it up. He's also very curious about what things you like the most. He intends to explore every part of your body to see how it works. He remembers all of these places too so that he knows how to better satisfy you. One of his favourites is just having you on his lap while he works in Dragonspine because it keeps you both warm and unites you both in a way he absolutely cannot get enough of.
Xiao seems like the type to accidentally break the bed during sex. Not because he's rough but because he's gripping the headboard to keep himself from hurting you. He tries to be gentle with you but it doesn't always work and sometimes he ends up losing the battle and wakes up tangled in the sheets with your hips and neck covered in bruises and hickeys.
Childe treats every moment with you like it could be his last (Because he knows it might be). He's fervent, unrelenting and frantic like a teenager, complimenting you with everything he can think of. Childe breaks the bed from sheer overuse and thinks of it as an achievement. He also gets very cuddly after sex so dont hope to leave his arms for a couple of hours.  
Zhongli always exhibits a great amount of control over himself. He's gentle and soft with you. It's romantic when he towers over you and tells you everything he thinks of you because undoubtedly it will be something wonderful. He likes to hold your hands above your head, intertwining them as he intertwines you. He also carries you to the bath each and every time.
Kaedehara Kazuha
Kazuha treats every moment with you like it's poetry. He needs to take his time and memorise each part of you. He admires you, and savours you like a windchime in a hurricane. Sex with Kazuha doesn't seem as much a sexual act as it does a romantic and sensual, uniting one. When he feels you, he doesn't only receive sexual pleasure but also soulful pleasure that spreads between you both.
Thoma is someone who is just so happy and grateful to have you do this sort of thing for and/or with him. He genuinely cannot think of anything but you during those moments. I imagine a constant stream of praise and thank you's spilling out of his mouth during any sort of activity you do for him. His whole body heats up too and if he isn't careful he could burn you by accident.
Arrataki Itto
Itto's already pretty empty head goes completely blank during that. He doesn't say anything but groans and mumble swears under his breath as he fucks you. He's another boy whos likely to break the bed from pure brute force. He thinks that's really amusing actually.
Gorou tends to overthink this type of thing. He wants to make sure that you are comfortable. He always tells you a safeword in case, and he never concerns his own please until he's gone down on you. He needs to be absolutely sure that he's pleased you before he can help himself to you. That’s especially hard since he gets worked up easily. He really tries to make it special for you both during those moments because you don’t always have a lot of time to do them.
Kamisato Ayato
He can get wrapped up in his work and forget about his needs so sometimes you might need to come to him. He's someone I think would enjoy cockwarming like Albedo because he can do that and do his paperwork.
Tighnari gets oddly flustered at the moment and actually ends up rambling unless you stop him. He's quite nervous so try to guide him through it. It's a little ironic since I imagine him having a pretty normal, maybe even kinda high sex drive. If he gets too needy you guys might even go at it in the forest, but he'll be a little anxious about being found before losing it completely
He isn't mean but he's stern. He likes to be in charge and won't leave a bratty S/O unpunished. It's not anything actually bad. He's likely to edge you until you apologise. He wouldn't break the bed but that might be because he's more fond of taking you against a wall
Oh, he is so bratty. He would probably call you teasing names and pick on you for how needy you look when he edges you. He's mean during it but he gets surprisingly gentle in the aftermath. He won't mention it but he'll run you a bath and make you a drink. He'd prefer it if you never brought it up.
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kryannoy · 9 months
are we having fun yet?
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genre: nsfw, smut characters: sub!gojo x dom!reader summary: only toys, chasing it with his hips warnings: use of sex toys (dildos, vibrators, nipple clamps), orgasm control, overstimulation, bondage
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The bed was a mess. Ruffled sheets, some corners are tugged off, wet and stained. All because of this tall, lanky man's doings.
But all because of you who turned him like this, sprawled and desperate. Whining and squirming for more.
"I fucking hate you right now!" He hisses. You've been at it for hours now. His asshole is stuffed with a plug and you're dangling a vibrator above his hard and aching cock.
"Yeah? But your movements show otherwise," you reply. You're sitting in between his spread thighs while resting your chin on your hand, watching his hips bucking up for more of the vibrating pink toy.
Poor Satoru. Every time he moves his hips up, the dangling vibrator keeps moving too. He couldn't get a proper orgasm like this. He pants but he's still working hard to chase his selfish desires. However, you're seeking for more entertainment.
You set down the toy after pressing it down on his cock for a moment, making Satoru yelp from the sudden pleasure. He watches you with curious eyes but couldn't help to feel nervous that you might leave him untouched like this. It's not the first time you've done something like that.
He was so glad that that wasn't it. You pick up two smaller oval-shaped pink toys and place them on either side of his angry cock. Then, you take some nipple clamps that have ribbons and bells on each clamp, both are chained together. His chest is heaving as you hover over him to put on the nipple clamps. You attach one on his left nipple first and the cold metal causes him to flinch away. You chuckle at him and attach the second on his other nipple.
"S-Shit . . ." He mutters from the stimulation. You feel his legs are closing under you for some friction. His red cheeks and drooling lips are so endearing to look at, plus the newly cute ribbons clamped on his nipples. You brush his bangs out of his face and kiss his forehead before leaning away again. Oh, your sweet gesture complementing your cruel actions driving him crazy.
You turn on both vibrators at a low setting first and his back arches almost immediately. He moans as his body squirms left to right. He can't do much because you've already bound his hands above his head to the bed.
You watch him writhe a little more before setting the vibrators up to the highest, not letting him catch a breath. He moans loudly and almost all of his body is lifted off the bed.
"Haa . . . . mmm," he lets out the deepest groan coming from his chest then a high pitched cry. The bells from the nipple clamps jingle harshly. All of it is music to your ears.
"Fuck! Baby, please! I'm gonna cum . . . Ohh, gonna cu—!" He cut himself off with thick white liquid spurting out nonstop from his cock, painting his pale abdomen. "Cumming! Cumming!"
"Hmm yes, I can see that," you say, unbothered but turned on by it, of course. You don't stop the toys though nor slowing it down. You don't give him a chance to ride his orgasm out, instead you pull out the plug and replace it with another that can vibrate too.
"No, no, no, no!" He shakes his head roughly, ruffling his sweaty white hair. "Pleaseee! No more!" His begs go into deaf ears as you switch on the dildo in his ass.
His hips start thrusting the air as his head tilted and his pretty blue eyes rolled to the back of his head. His hands are red from tugging on his bindings. Soon, his cries turn into a mix of laughing.
"More! Haa . . . Please, fuck! Stop!" His words are contradicting each time you aren't sure what he truly wants but it makes you smile devilishly.
"Don't worry, baby. I won't stop. Not after you came with my permission."
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nunalastor · 3 months
Title: The Fallen and The Falling (aka TF & TF)
Pairing: Adam / Lucifer
Author: Cursed Mod
Rating: PG
Word Count: 714
Summary: (A Drabble Compilation Probably)
This is one of many parts of an ongoing series that I'm writing about Lucifer and Fallen Adam. Other character and ships may appear. Who knows. I sure don't.
Warnings: Features aspects of Folk Catholicism specifically of the Latin American variety. Mild body horror and nonconsensual body modification.
No, this isn't beta'd or edited. Enjoy and ignore the formatting I'm on my phone.
Dust settled and the celebrations were in full swing, yet there was a stillness in the air immediately around Lucifer despite all of the faint music and chatter around the hotel and the city as a whole. This was what it was like to be winner, but the taste of victory was bittersweet on his tongue. There was still something he felt needed to do.
Lucifer allowed his feet to take him where they'd left Adam's body with a simple sheet covered him, though a breeze had started blowing that away. This was when Lucifer realized that this need was absolutely morbid, especially when he sat down next to the body. His intention to pull the sheet back over, maybe recite some words or humor heaven with the proper prayers. Something nice, something respectful. Maybe cover the body in a little bit of dirt before some cannibal came around to eat it.
Instead, he found himself marveling at Adam's face. The man looked as he always had, from the moment He formed him from the warm clay of the earth. Lucifer gently started tracing the slopes and curves on Adam’s face, was it wrong to admire such delicate work? Was it wrong to want to feel for the fingerprints of the Maker himself?
Adam's face still felt so soft and warm. He looked as though he were just sleeping off a long night, not devoid of the precious gift of life. Lucifer hummed as his traced Adam's soft lips, then skipped up to poke the tip of his nose, then slid his fingers to tap his closed eyelids and swooped his hand to push his hair back.
That was when the clay softened, and to his horror and amusement, horns grew peeking up from the soft locks, like those of a lamb. That was... probably not good.
Naturally, through his slight and growing panic he kept messing with Adam's structure, oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck! This was not what he wanted. He patted down the horns and held his hands down to make sure that they didn't pop back up, only for them to shift and change larger following his hands as he pulled them away. Lucifer grimaced and decided to pull the sheet right back over Adam’s face again. Maybe if he pretended it didn't happen nobody will know what he’d done. He glanced upward; half-expecting that thought to be challenged immediately but it wasn't.
“You’re a real fucking pain, you know that?” Lucifer said, dusting his hands off, the warm sticky feeling of clay bothering his hands. He more or less used the opportunity to wipe his hands on the sheet as he tucked it in under Adam more securely, “You know, it's funny. This might be the first time you've ever been tucked in.”
Why was he talking to the dead guy now? It was probably just nerves. Definitely, only nerves. On top of that, Adam’s body still felt warm. Was it because he was clay? Lucifer certainly did not recall Lilith ever feeling like that, nor was he responsible for her changes when they were cast down. Maybe it was because she never died. Lucifer settled into a kneeling position before Adam his pride clawing at him not to do this, but guilt overwhelmed him. He looked upwards again and folded his hands in the way that all perfect angels should.
“So…” Lucifer glanced around, as if somebody was going to show up and tell /him/ he was praying wrong. “Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine.” He squinted harder upwards, “Do.. Do I do the response myself or…?”
Lucifer froze, his back tingled with a soul dropping chill, something was happening, he stayed frozen. He knew praying was a goddamn mistake even as a joke. There was a brightness about himself that clashed with the warmth exuding from Adam.
Then he heard the response, it came from under the sheets bored reciting of it at that. “Et lux perpetua luceat eis. Fidelium animae, per misericodiam Dei, requiescant in pace. Amen.”
Adam’s body sat up and immediately their foreheads crashed into each other with a forced that knock them both back from each other.
There was silence, and then there was screaming.
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alby-rei · 4 months
Growing Pains: Hand-Washing Clothes (IkeVamp; Sebastian & MC)
Prompt: Write a story all in dialogue, must include characters washing clothes. Characters: MC/You, Sebastian Word count: ~350 words Tags: Pre-relationship, Humor, MC is new to the housekeeper life a/n: Wrote this a while back as a warm up. When I saw this prompt, Sebastian came to mind instantly. I imagine they would've had this convo early on in MC's "recruitment". Figured I might as well show I'm still alive and writing! Consider this another entry in Memories of the Mansion. Back to Masterlist
“Why must Arthur always come back with blood stains on his collar?”
“If the blood makes you uncomfortable, I can do it instead.”
“It’s not so much the blood as it is the implication of what he’s doing.”
“Ah…yes. I can see how that would be unsettling.”
“When did you get used to washing blood of everyone’s clothes?”
“Hmm. Hold on, let me hang this to dry while I think…it didn’t long, maybe two weeks? I started working at the mansion after Sir Isaac joined, specifically because of his…side-effects to his vampirism. Blood wasn’t something that particularly bothered me, but it did take time to get used to the smell of Rouge in the kitchen.”
“I see… Aha! Finally got the spot to come out. Comte doesn’t pay me enough for this.”
“He pays you?”
“Good point. We should both demand a raise.”
“Speak for yourself, I’m perfectly content as I am.”
“That’s because you have access to all of his money as his butler.”
“As do you. You know he’ll never say no to any request you make. You may as well make good use of that.”
“If there’s anything I would ask for, it’s a proper washing machine…were those not invented yet?”
“If they were, we would have our own.”
“Ughhh. No dishwasher, no washing machine. Next thing you’ll tell me, the vacuum cleaner wasn’t invented yet!”
“…Sebastian, when was the vacuum cleaner invented?”
“For the last time, just because I’m from the 21st century, doesn’t make me a walking, talking Google search engine.”
“…Worth a shot.”
[Bonus scene]
“Now then, back to work. We’ll never get to washing the bed sheets if you’re this slow with the clothes.”
“There’s more?!”
“And then the linens, and then the—”
“And you’re telling me you did all of this by yourself before I came along?”
“Yes, as to be expected. I wouldn’t want our esteemed guests to be burdened by manual labor when they should be focusing on their work.”
“Most of them aren’t even employed! They just sit around and…actually what do they do all day?”
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Domestic life with the book guys featuring the Twisted series by Ana Huang
*In honor of the fact that I have been so stressed my period came a whole two weeks early (live, laugh, love) please enjoy the absolute outpour of content this following week :)
Alex Volkov (Twisted Love by Ana Huang)
If we are going strictly off of Alex's character in Twisted Love it can be safe to assume that he is not going to be warm and mushy. This does not mean that there won't be any larger than life proclamations of love (I mean this man dropped 40k easy on a painting just because his girl wanted it), but he isn't going to be doing anything over the top in public
Following the previous point if you are expecting PDA I hate to tell you the most you'll be getting is maybe some light hand holding and a very quick hug
If there is a book man who is the definition of introverted I so see Alex fitting that description
He may not tell you he loves you verbally, but there are other ways he shows you. He might keep your favorite snacks in stock at the house so you never run out. He is going to have all of your favorite games and movies at the house so if you ever want to stay in you're able to.
Now if we're going off of Alex's character development throughout the Twisted Series and further on we can tell Alex is slowly coming out of his shell. He is still severely introverted, but he clearly is getting better at mild PDA.
Alex is as Taylor Swift would say Midnight Rain and he honestly just needs someone who will either be an absolute ray of sunshine or loves to dance in that rain (metaphorically speaking of course he would never actually want to dance in the rain for fear of getting you sick)
As we can clearly tell that man is constantly dropping a pretty penny on whatever you want. Looked a little too long at the purse in the window and boom it's wrapped up on the table when you get home. Mention wanting to read a book ONCE and he has it delivered in hardback (it's also autographed duh)
As far as like living together domestic life this man is spotless. He doesn't leave dirty dishes, dirty clothes, literally anything behind. He keeps control of his life in the form of keeping everything clean, orderly, and planned out.
This clearly follows into the bedroom because this man is never ever going to give over control. "Oh he might be a switch" No. Nope. Never. Don't see it happening sorry.
Alex is clearly not a very words of affirmation person, but quality time seems important to him. He will never admit it, but he is a cuddler like big time. Short of it being a quickie this man is not having sex with you and not getting his cuddles afterwards. Would he rather die than admit this to anyone ever? 1000x yes However as clean as this man is he is not laying in dirty sheets.
He wasn't given a proper upbringing and spending time with you doing mundane tasks around the house heals part of his inner child. You need to go to the grocery store? He's right there pushing the buggy. You need to wash dishes? He is ready to dry and put them up.
Rhys Larsen (Twisted Games by Ana Huang)
This man is about as protective and possessive as they come do we need to revise the chapter on him threatening to burn down parliament? *enter swooning here*
He is a sucker for safety because if anything happened to you that he could have prevented everyone better be praying
PDA is all based on timing. Rhys can read a room and he knows when he gets to let them know you're his and when it's not appropriate
Rhys is former military and he has gone through a lot. This man is a shell of who he used to be and the book clearly showed us that, however Rhys is the perfect example of how if you are broken once before that you won't remain broken forever. He struggles with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), technically it's known as C-PTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). He is so used to giving up control to follow orders that sometimes he just needs to be reminded he's human and that regardless of the outcome everything will be okay.
He loves going on vacations where you can just get away from the world for a while and turning off the buzz of everything going on
As a way to cope with his C-PTSD Rhys uses drawing to relax. You'll often find little scraps of paper around the house with his sketches on them.
It's hard for Rhys to open up, but when he does you understand it was well worth the wait
Say what you want, but I firmly believe Rhys is a switch. This man could truly go either way and I think it depends on the situation. He doesn't have very many "no's" but if anything could seriously hurt you he is not down for it. He is covered in enough scars left by others that he would never want to take a risk that could leave you with that same lifelong reminder.
This man is the kind to show up at 3am with a dog he found on his way home and how he's only allowed to stay for one night and you end up keeping the dog forever
His phone screensaver is literally a photo of you and the dog because let's be real he can't pick a favorite
This man is a slut for emotional intimacy
If you told him "Oh I got you this cause I remembered you liked them", "I heard this song and thought of you", or "I thought you might like this" he is going to be thinking about it for forever
Rhys is going to make it well known that you're his girl
Josh Chen (Twisted Hate by Ana Huang)
*I have to say Josh is my least favorite, but I will try to do him justice*
This man is a doctor (and a bit of an ass tbh) so he would not trust anyone else to take care of you, if you get sick it's Dr. Chen to the rescue
He loves bringing you random food at work, but he also has a really tight schedule being a doctor and all so if he can't deliver it in person he will have it waiting on you when you get home
Let's be real Josh's personal life is a little bit of a mess and I wouldn't expect anything different from him on how he would keep a house. There would be rumpled clothes all over and the bed might never get made. He would pick up his trash, but if the dishes didn't make it in the dishwasher they were simply waiting till next time to get done.
Now Josh is nothing short of a playboy for the most part so the idea of him settling down will definitely be an adjustment.
Due to Josh being a doctor and still working to pay off his student loans he can't really afford fancy vacations or expensive gifts. Josh really loves just eating cheap takeout with you and watching movies
We all know Josh isn't the best with his words and is really hot headed, this often leads to Josh more so apologizing and a rather decent amount of makeup sex
Josh is the definition of all out rough, break your back like a glow stick sex. He's going to degrade you and yet have you coming back for more every single time. He's cocky and quiet honestly he has a few good reasons to be
He is more likely to fuck now and ask questions later it's just the Josh Chen way
Emotionally intimacy? Josh doesn't know her (maybe a little) but this man is more likely to have you open up to him before he ever opens up to you. He's been betrayed by some people who were incredibly close to him before and he will be damned if he makes that mistake ever again
Christian Harper (Twisted Lies by Ana Huang)
Rhys and Christian are big buddies so it makes sense that they are going to be extremely similar, but different in their own little ways
Christian has little use for moral code and much less what society deems as correct, but if you deem it correct than he is going to break his back bending over backwards to make that happen for you
Christian is the grumpy cat of the group. Sassy, grumpy and yet just the perfect combo of attractive to have that attitude forgotten (almost)
He runs his own security company and if you think he goes overboard for his clients you have no idea how overboard he will go for your safety
He is the definition of a German Shepard boyfriend; looks scary, fiercely protective, and is willing to chase down the mail man if he threatens you
Christian is a make his own rules type of man. If you're uncomfortable or upset he doesn't give a single crap he is going to do what makes you happy
You know this man makes note of everything single thing you like; your favorite drinks, your favorite movies, which friends annoy you the most and why (Christian is an honorary girlie he loves all the tea)
This man is petty to the T
If something small annoys him he is going to remember it until the day he dies
Opening up is hard for Christian and I think it would take a lot to get the point where he is open to freely sharing information with you
He is more likely to tell you about something that bothers him on a small day to day basis than telling you the big stuff from his past
Christian knows that he is the physical embodiment of big dick energy and does not disappoint
I really don't ever see Christian not being dominant, but hey I could be persuaded to think otherwise given the situation. I just don't personally see it
This is a man gives off the vibes of being downright obsessed. If you made cookies that tasted like straight up saw dust he would eat them all to see you smile before you would be able to pry the truth about how bad they were out of him
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123puppy · 4 months
(Im)proper Meeting Part 2
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Characters: Angel Dust, Lucifer Morningstar
Lee!Lucifer Ler!Angel Dust
Note: Now it makes sense to add tickling.
Update 2/17/24: I might add/fix this up at some point. I always was impatient writing these particular parts because I like to get to the fun parts. I'll try to keep in as much as possible, I just need to 'polish' some of it so I can stop thinking about this like I made a mess of a fic XD
Lucifer felt very comfortable this morning. Not that he's not ever comfortable, but his pillows are extra soft today and he slept through the night without waking up and possibly never going to sleep from restlessness or nightmares. Maybe both.
He did not wake up, once.
And he didn't want to start now, nuzzling his cheek into the pillow and smacking his lips.
A sharp intake of breath makes him freeze. Since when can his pillow breathe? He forces his eyes open and is greeted by white instead of red. He doesn't have a white pillow.
Lucifer reluctantly detaches his face from the fluffy white cushion to get a better look at what he's holding.
"Mornin', cutie" Angel mewls.
Who in hell's name is this!? How did this sinner end up in his bed!??? Did they-?
One hand is placed over Lucifer's mouth while the lower set of hands cup his rosey cheeks, guiding his face towards Angel, eyes blown wide in his panic
"Deep breaths, doll." Angel's breaths are exaggerated as he stares into the smaller man's eyes. Lucifer follows his breathing, and though it took a few minutes, he began to settle down. His body is still suffering the aftershocks, frame trembling as he continues to stare at Angel Dust with severe unease.
"First things first, we didn't fuck so you can rest easy," THAT got Lucifer to breathe properly and sag all the way down on the bed like a puddle. Angel snickers, "Second, you can be pretty convincing to get someone into bed with you just by being adorable. Very cuddlebug material."
Lucifer covers his face in shame, ears flushed. " I am so sorry, I shouldn't have forced you like that, I never sh-ack! Hehey!" The shorter male yelps as his side gets a sharp poke, immediately throwing his hands down to shove the appendage away.
Angel noticed the reaction but needed to focus on important matters."Ya' didn't do no such thing. I jus' couldn' say no to a precious face like this~" He grasps Lucifer's cheeks and squeezes them. The blush returns full force and the man squirms in his hold. "And I got to sleep in the most comfortable bed with the softest sheets to boot, so it's a win-win on both parties, baby!"
Lucifer grumbles and Angel can see the remnants of sadness from last night shimmer in his eyes. The Porn Star frowns, then remembers what he did earlier and grins.
"Ya know, I can't help but notice how jumpy you were when I got you on ya' side." He sees the panic in the King's eyes and his grin widens.
"Y-You startled me is all!" Lucifer pulls away from Angel's hands. He doesn't look the sinner in the eyes, fidgeting. "I...," He swallows, "... haven't been in physical contact in a long time. I mean, uh... I-I..." He mumbles and Angel leans forward.
"What's that?"
Lucifer goes red again. He just can't stop blushing today! "I'm sensitive okay? Its been so long, I'm not used to touch."
Angel looks at Lucifer with a soft smile. "Well, maybe I can help with that."
Lucifer's eyes widen. "I-I don't think that's necessary."
"Not what you're thinkin', hun." Angel chuckles, edging closer to the nervous fallen angel. His smile turns mischievous. "This is 100% vanilla."
"What do you me-" Angel's top set of hands scuttle along Lucifer's sides. "Wait waitwaitwaitwaitwaihahahait!"
"Ohhh so the King of Hell is ticklish." Angel creeps his nails up higher and pokes at each individual rib, causing the shorter male to curl forward, trying to cover himself. "Ah ah ahhh," Angel's bottom set of hands find their way to Lucifer's exposed hips and presses the pads of his thumbs against the soft thin skin. The shrill laughter that comes out is almost enough to stop the assault as Lucifer jerks at the sensation, bucking and thrashing on the sheets.
"Ohohoho my gAHahahahahad nohohohoho I cahahan't!"
"Already tappin' out?" Angel lightens his touch and brings out his third set of arms. He uses his top set to grab Lucifer's flailing arms and presses them above his head. The middle set of arms gently drag up his sides, pushing up Lucifer's shirt. The shorter male seized at the feather light touch to his sensitive skin and squeaks with each nail that drew patterns at the sides of his tummy.
"Dohohon't!" He wiggles around and cries out when Angel teases his belly button, drawing circles around it. "STAHAHAP!" He squeaks out, unable to keep the desperation from his voice, cheeks pink and eyes popping wide open.
"Don't stop?" Angel cooes, "So you like it when I dooo this?"
A shriek emits from Lucifer when Angel plunges his finger in his navel, wiggling rapidly. Pin prick tears appear at the corners of Lucifer's eyes, back arched as he kicks a pillow across the room. "NO!" He did not like that, he wanted to yell that out too to get his point across but squeaky laughter is all he can muster as he bucks and kicks about.
"Okay, okay I'll go back to this then." The wiggling stops and Lucifer drops on the mattress with a whine "That betta'?" The smugness in his tone has Lucifer thinking about setting the archnid on fire if he had enough mind to concentrate without that damn finger sending him into panicked fits of giggles.
"NohohoHOHO!" The King cries out.
"You gotta make up ya' mind," Lucifer hiccups before a shriek comes out when Angel wiggles his finger again.
It felt like an eternity to Lucifer before his laughter goes silent. That's when Angel slows his assault, removing his finger from the bright pink area all around Lucifer's navel, pretty much petting Lucifer's belly. Which is miles better than what he endured a moment ago.
He doesn't know how long it's been but he's not going to complain getting free belly rubs. He should tell the sinner to stop and leave his room this instant, but his tongue proceeds to poke out between his upturned lips in a form of contentment. He was a weak man to receiving affection.
"Holy shit," The Porn Star places a hand over his mouth, unable to contain the starstruck look on his face at the King of Hell practically melting under his touch. He's released Lucifer's arm a while ago, but the smaller man never moved them from where they've been pinned. He's practically stretched out, welcoming every bit of attention he got. It isn't long until a strange rumbling sound draws Angel's attention. He felt it, in the King's chest where one of his hands lay. It could be him just hearing things but his fingers are vibrating where they rest. He is! The King is... purring!?!?
Angel stops altogether, stunned as Lucifer's stirs from his trance, face pink from exertion, hair stuck out in all directions from tossing and turning in his laughter induced state.
Lucifer peels his eyes open and tries to glare at the Spider Demon, but he's too relaxed to work his best growl that comes out to be a whine.
Angel snickers, "Is that your way of asking for more, shortcakes?"
"Oh my God, you're too precious-"
"Shut. Up."
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
hnnnn in my soft era so could i perhaps request a skz reaction to you prepping a whole self care day for them 🥺 like face masks massages everything cuz i love them
stray kids reactions to their s/o preparing a self-care day
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genre: fluff
word count: 0.8k
warnings: extremely fluffy
please like and reblog if you enjoy :D
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if there's anyone more deserving of a self-care day, it's bang christopher chan. he's a workaholic, it's in his nature. it's admirable but you want him to have some time for himself. so when he finally has some time off for some quality time with you, you've got a whole pamper session planned out. face masks, delicious food, and pop on a feel-good movie. if you ask him though, his favourite way to relax is by cuddling and/or making out with you. depends on his mood but it's cute either way. it's always a self-care session just by being with you, you don't even have to do anything special for him ;-;
lee know
minho is into skincare routines and eagerly wants to be that couple who do it on each other. he mainly wants to see you with one of those fluff hairbands on because he says you look adorable. he will take lots of selfies of you both with them on because he's cute like that. when it comes to actually applying the products to your face, he's not going easy on you. can be quite brutal and also starts laughing at you because he makes your face look all strange with a mixture of products on #donttrusthim #menacetosociety
changbin will marry you on the spot if you suggest giving him a massage. he goes to the gym every day and works hard on his body. massages are always appropriate and always needed. he will literally melt if you ask him if you can massage his back and he will make happy binnie noises and have that cute smile on his face awww. just the whole routine of it, especially if you use proper massage oil, makes him feel so relaxed and refreshed. he will also return the favour and want to massage you too he's really good with his hands
hyunjin is all heart eyes when you reveal to him you planned a self-care day for the both of you. sheet face masks: on. sad, emotional romance films: on. tissues: ready. let's go. yes, hyunjin likes to spend his self-care day with you by indulging in his emotions and crying over fictional characters. he has you watching the notebook or me before you idk something to make you both bawl. it's so fun, 100% recommend. he's got a cute little candle lit and he's holding you close for comfort. it feels very... hyunjin in there, that's for sure.
hannie just wants to laze around and do nothing. that's his self-care day. because he's always doing something. it's very rare that he actually gets a mental break from things. cuddles are very important to him so he might pop on an anime or a cute little movie whilst being snuggled up in your arms. will 9 out of 10 times fall asleep like that. he's just so comfy and relaxed and your comforting presence creates the perfect mood for sleepy time. you both fall asleep with each other :( it's an adorable sight.
this fluffy boy is having the best time of his life. he has so many ideas for a self-care day that he actually doesn't know what to do first. fluffy blankets and plushies are obligatory. felix wants to binge-watch a load of comfort movies, mostly disney and marvel, you get the idea. he just wants to snuggle up with you and be near you. you both will talk through all the movies and make fun of everything that's happening. for the sadder moments, of course, the laughter will stop and you both will hold each other, holding back tears.
seungmin's idea of a self-care day consists of you, a good book and an unlimited supply of tasty snacks. you knew this, and so preparing a pamper day would be a piece of cake! just laying back with a cup of coffee, you leaning on his shoulder, reading the latest best-seller; he can't imagine being more at ease with life than he is now. it warms his heart that you wanted to day a self-care day with him. he will shyly thank you and shower you with extra love because he really appreciates your efforts.
i really do see jeongin going out in his pyjamas to the grocery store in order to get some snacks for your self-care day. only if you come with him, of course. he's so excited when you mention the idea to him. he feels like it's been a long since he's spent one-on-one time with you. being busy with promotions for their latest comeback and whatnot, he loves to take any opportunity he can to chill out with you. this man is really into marvel so a marvel marathon is not too much of a shock. you guys don't go to sleep until the very early hours of the morning.
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The Apothecary Diaries
S1E16 First Watch
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Here's where I watch The Apothecary Diaries for the first time and give my thoughts, analysis, predictions, and occasionally I stumble into a joke.
To start at the beginning:
Episode 1
My character/locations cheat sheet
Suiren - Jinshi's attendant
Lakan - mysterious officer
Basan - an officer who works in the palace
Jinshi is deeply divided on whether he should have allowed Lakan access to Maomao. He's going to feel pretty guilty if things go badly.
Jinshi explains the details of the case of the metalworker's estate to Maomao. She's always interested in a mystery.
Jinshi: What's with all the sudden enthusiasm?
Dude is asking a question he knows the answer to.
Solving mysteries is where Maomao shines. Jinshi knows this better than anyone. It's one of the things that knocked him head-over-heels for this lady. But he's a little ticked at how easily Lakan was able to hook Maomao's interest. Lakan who hasn't even met Maomao yet, knew exactly how to lure her out. Perhaps Jinshi was hoping that Maomao would refuse, and release him from the deal he made with Lakan. Why did he agree to this? Jinshi is supremely uneasy with all of it.
As the conversation progresses Jinshi takes a more comfortable position on the couch, no longer bothering to behave as a proper palace official or even an employer in front of Maomao. Rather his pose is more like the casual sprawling one might do with family or friends. Jinshi is so persistent in how he stays open and inviting to Maomao, even in his body language. In this scene, Maomao is kneeling properly at the low table. Her body language is formal.
Lakan had provided an address to follow up with the mystery if it intrigued Maomao.
Maomao: How well prepared. It's like he anticipated this happening.
I do not like this at all. This Lakan is too good at maneuvering Maomao and Jinshi.
Maomao request a day off to look in to the case, and Jinshi is not happy. Not because she's missing work around the residence, but because she walked so willingly into Lakan's well laid plan for her. He's probably also pissed at himself for allowing this, but apparently Jinshi really wants to know the rest of Lakan's courtesan story. Jinshi can't see what Lakan has planned, and he's very worried about Maomao. Suiren is completely fine with Maomao leaving. Smiling and waving? Is she actually happy that Maomao is leaving, or is she looking forward to drowning her in work when she returns? I can't read her yet. I miss Lady Gyokuyou and the Jade Pavilion ladies who were so sweet.
Basan. Another mystery. Damn those golden eyes! Who else had eyes like that?! Maomao said he looks familiar, and he does, but like who? Gaaaaah!
Basan is suppose to escort Maomao on her investigation, and he's still acting like an ass, and I'm still wondering when I can see Jinshi fight him again. Maomao says she can tolerate his bad attitude, since she views him as harmless. That's good, because sometimes with trauma, especially from sexual trauma, aggression can be a trigger. I don't like that she has to just put up with this guy's pissy attitude.
Fuck me, Basan and Gaoshun?! Well a blood relationship between the two at least explains why Jinshi and Gaoshun feel comfortable letting this guy go all around the palace with Maomao. Is Basan a child of Gaoshun or like a nephew or something? Is this going to be enough for Maomao to at least question if Gaoshun is a eunuch or not? No. The answer is no, but she should!
Of course Maomao solves the mystery that was left by the metalworker for his sons. A majority of this episode is spent unraveling this mystery, but as far as I can tell the details aren't important to the larger story, so I'm not going to bother describing the twists and turn of it. Basically we get to see how a father would rather go to extreme lengths to create a puzzle for his sons to try to solve upon his death, then give them words of encouragement or advice while he was still alive. The youngest son tries to reconcile the family by passing on compliments he heard his father say in private and never directly to his children. Maomao wisely bows out of that bullshit, but suggests they seek medical treatment from Luomen if they develop symptoms like their father had.
On the return trip, Basan gives Maomao a considering look. Perhaps he's starting to see how brilliant and capable she is? Maybe he will try to rein in his bad attitude where it comes to Maomao? Or maybe... he will fall in love with her! I don't know why I'm looking for more drama from this show, it's already angsty enough. Even so, maybe a romantic rival would help push Jinshi and Maomao past the standstill they've come to.
Lakan is back. He thanks Jinshi for Maomao's work, which I understand within the context of this show, but it still pisses me off. It smacks of misogyny as it's a subtle way of affirming Jinshi's ownership of Maomao, and demonstrates Lakan's lack of respect for women and servants.
Lakan then goes on to explain what happened sounding far too pleased, like he's already gotten everything he wanted. Jinshi knows all of this is part of a stratagem from Lakan, but what his goal is, is yet unclear. Jinshi doesn't know what happened on Maomao's outing (in his head he refers to her as "the apothecary," here which I find odd). She never reported back about her findings. And maybe that is what has Lakan looking so smug. He's uncovered that truth that Maomao is Jinshi's courtesan in name only. And even though Jinshi may be trying to hide what he feels for Maomao from Lakan, I'm sure Lakan is aware. Maomao is a soft spot to attack or control Jinshi.
Jinshi notes that Lakan is very good at discovering people with talent. And now his attention has landed on Maomao. He talks about the three sons each finding their proper place, and I can't help but think that Lakan believes "finding one's proper place," also applies to Maomao and Jinshi. It's possible that Lakan is insinuating something to Jinshi about him not being in his proper place; perhaps he knows something about Jinshi's true identity. But more likely Lakan is thinking that Maomao is not in her proper place here in Jinshi's residence. Lakan gave her a test and he was delighted by her ability to pass it. Does he intend to remove Maomao from Jinshi's employ? This guy is definitely not done with Maomao.
Lakan: The late metalworker's creations were absolutely remarkable though. There was this simple looking metal piece, that when combined with a ritual utensil... it looked truly magnificent.
I don't know what that thing is, but Lakan's scuzzy look combined with Jinshi's disgust is enough to tell me it's something terrible. What kind of ritual are they talking about here? Jinshi straight up lets us know that this is beneath him. What kind of ritual would be something that someone in Jinshi's position would never use? Jinshi knows that Lakan knows that this is not relevant or appropriate. Lakan so very clearly said it to see how Jinshi would react. And Jinshi is doing his best to hide his thoughts and reactions, but I get the feeling that Lakan can see everything. I can only guess based on the way my stomach feels nauseous watching this exchange that this item is used for something heinous like slavery or rape. Props to the storytellers here for freaking me out. I hope I'm wrong and the horrid thing is a spoon rest.
Lakan: I simply can't abide good talent being kept buried. ... Those who possess genius should receive the appropriate praise and attention.
He's going to take Maomao! Stop him Jinshi!
And Jinshi is actually VERY interested in Lakan's method of decreasing a courtesan's value. Is it that Maomao still owes money at Verdigris House? Is this time now at Jinshi's residence just boughten time, and not the end of her contract? Is this why Jinshi wants to know how to bring her price down? Does Lakan know that Maomao may still have a debt to Verdigris House?! Does he plan to buy out the rest of her time?! Hell no! I won't accept that! What the hell is happening?!
Lakan doesn't want to admit to the fucked up thing he did to that courtesan, so he tells Jinshi to ask Maomao how to reduce her price. This guy is terrible. He told Jinshi his messed up story then left off the part that Jinshi most wanted to know, with a promise to tell him if he could have a chance to test Maomao. Which Jinshi agreed to. When Maomao fulfilled her part, Lakan goes back on his word and refuses to say. Utter trash. And Jinshi let himself be sucked into Lakan's game. I hate all of this.
Then Lakan leaves a beverage for Jinshi's "serving maids," i.e. Maomao. WTF. I am so creeped out by this guy.
Lakan: Farewell. Until tomorrow that is.
Yeah, we're not getting rid of this guy any time soon.
Jinshi collapses the instant Lakan leaves. Yes, Jinshi is going to have to continue to deal with this nightmare who keeps making Jinshi's life difficult, but what is really bothering Jinshi is that he knows he fucked up. Lakan came to see how interested Jinshi is in his concubine, and baited him with his own story about a courtesan. And Jinshi showed him, that he is actually very interested in Maomao. Jinshi also let Lakan take Maomao's measure, knowing this guy has a knack for determining and using such talents. Jinshi is definitely going to blame himself for putting Maomao in this guys sights.
Gaoshun makes a request of Jinshi, that we don't get to hear about, but in the very next scene Jinshi is changing his clothes and asking Maomao to help him with some makeup so is he planning to go out in disguise somewhere? Is he going to visit the annex (one of these episodes will show me what it is!)? What did Gaoshun say to Jinshi? I guess we will find out next time, since that's where the episode ends!
I'm so creeped out by Lakan, but it feels like we are about to get into some plot stuff now, so I'm excited for that.
To start at the beginning:
Episode 1
Next Episode:
Episode 17
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