#i might just be in love w cody
superior-07 · 1 year
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why are boys and hands so hard to DRARWWAK
um anyway they’ve taken over my brain 😕 sketchy noco while i complete other things… also sorry but wtf is noah’s hair idk how to draw it
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p4nishers · 2 years
remember obi wan kenobi?? man was he gay
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 3 months
If you are still doing your followers celebration I got something for you 😉
To me this fits the Clones so well. There is so many pairs you could do of brothers being there for brothers (I'm talking strictly brother like, not clone shipping).... Like Rex/Cody, Fox/Thorn, Rex/Cody/Wolffe.... Anyways my ask is for you to take this song and do whatever you want with it, with whatever clones you feel this fits to make a brotherhood kinda story of your dreams lol. If you're up for something like that. 💙💙
Thank you @callsign-denmark for such a brilliant request.
I hope I did this song justice: Brotherhood by Miza, Rosendale.
It was such an emotional song, and maybe that's just me, but it really felt emotional.
I apologize for the delay in posting, things got hectic, this week. Like really crazy. I apologize.
Love oo,
Warnings: Following Umbara arc, mentions of deaths, trauma, grief, pain, guilt, survivor's guilt, I think that's it, if I miss anything please let me know.
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Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
Kix sat on a cargo crate in the hangar, his face in his hands, as he tried to come to terms with everything that happened, with the betrayal of a Jedi, the loss of one of Hardcase, the loss of so many men. 
A shuddering breath escaped from his lips, as he tried not to let anyone notice the tears that were sliding down his face. His eyes shifted from the pile of armour in front of him, slowly focusing on the bodies of his fallen brothers he’d been unable to save. 
No one realized or really knew the sort of toll it took on him knowing he failed them. No matter how hard he tried, how he used all his might to save each and every single one of his brothers, only to fail them, one by one. 
To save so few in comparison to the ones he lost was an overwhelming feeling of defeat and loss. 
Life wasn’t fair, most of the men who lay there with a nondescript sheet over there, hadn’t even been able to live. Most were shinies, never even having a chance to step foot in 79’s or learning how connected you could feel to someone who wasn’t even your brother, simply by holding that special person in their arms. They’d been bred to fight and to die, that’s all they’d known. 
Every one of those men, who were now lying on the cold durasteel floor not even ten feet from where Kix sat, learned only one thing from the moment they were brought out of the growth chambers to the moment of their death: what it was to feel pain. Pain from training, pain from fighting, pain from seeing their brothers die, pain from not eating enough, pain from not sleeping enough. Everyday was pain for them, up until the moment of their deaths. 
Kix took in a shuddering breath once again as he rubbed his eyes, fighting back the tears that were so desperate to escape. 
Jesse had been watching his vod for a few minutes, he could see the turmoil radiating off him, he slowly walked over, taking a seat beside him wrapping his arm around Kix as he pulled him into his side.
“It’s not your fault, vod.” 
Kix didn’t respond to Jesse’s statement, simply wiping his tears as Jesse continued.
“None of the lives lost was your fault.”
“It was my job to save them.”
“It was your job to try your best, and I know you, vod, you always do your best.”
Kix broke down in Jesse’s arms, unable to hold back the unending upheaval inside of him. 
Rex watched from afar, his heart breaking for his vod. Kix didn’t deserve to suffer, he didn’t deserve to have feelings of guilt for the loss of his brothers. 
It wasn’t Kix’s fault. 
It was his own fault. At least that’s what he kept telling himself.  
After all, as Captain, he was the one responsible for sending his men out, all those men’s deaths, all the pain and suffering Kix was dealing with, what all his brothers were dealing with, this was all on him. 
He headed towards his office, paying his respects to his fallen brothers. He simply wanted the confines of his office, he didn’t want to be reminded of more deaths he could be responsible for; every single one of his vode’s faces he looked held the possibility of death in the near future. 
He was near his office when he ran into Fives. It still stung seeing Fives without Echo, and now he lost Hardcase too. It was just too much, it was all too much. 
Fives could see Rex was struggling, he stood in front of him preventing him from moving on. He knew his ori’vod well enough to know he’d never actually discuss what was wrong, but the least he could do was try to get him to open up. 
“Rex, you okay?” 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” Rex took in a deep breath, before he even had the strength to look at Fives in the eye. 
“Come on vod, it’s written all over your face. Talk to me.”
Rex propped himself against the hallway, rubbing the back of his neck as he leaned against the cold steel wall, hoping it would somehow give him the strength to talk. He leaned his head back looking at the ceiling, noticing how meticulous those cleaning droids could be, even cleaning the ceiling. He closed his eyes and for some reason he couldn’t explain, his mouth just started moving. 
“I’ve lost so many good men, Fives. And each one of those men died, because they were following my orders. Not anyone else’s. Mine.”
He simply shook his head, he didn’t want to hear it right now from Fives, it was taking all his strength to just do his best to keep the tears back as he continued talking.  
“I’ve been in so many skirmishes, but I still remember each one of my brother’s faces and number. Bellow, those lost in the battle Hisseenian and Christophsis, Hevy, Flash, Cameron, Lucky, Denal, Koho, Buzz, Gearshift, Redeye, Mixer, Hawkeye, Kosmos, Charger, Longshot, Echo …” his voice trembled, there’d been so many deaths and he was responsible for each one. How many more could he bear, and now with how devastating Umbara had been. His hands trembled as he wiped a tear. 
Fives gripped his shoulder, it wasn’t the Captain’s fault, he knew that and somewhere in the back of Rex’s mind, he’d known that too. Fives took a deep breath and offered the only consolation he could think of. 
“We’ve all lost brothers, Rex. We’re all grieving, and feeling guilty for not being the ones lying on the floor beside them.”
“It’s more than that,” Rex shifted his head and looked at his brother, “I’m responsible, you  - - you didn’t send them to their deaths. I did. All those lives lost … because of me. Because I failed.”
“That wasn’t you. None of this is your fault. You weren’t responsible for their deaths. You were following orders. At the end of the day, we’re all just following orders, vod.”
Rex scoffed “To our deaths.”
Fives nodded in agreement, as he squeezed Rex’s shoulder, “At least we’ll meet it together then.”
Rex chuckled as he looked at Fives and nodded, “True. Alright, Fives. Off with you.” He motioned with his head down the hall, the overwhelming emotions finally simmering back down below the surface, “I’m sure you have somewhere to be.”
“Yes, sir.” Fives saluted and carried on his way, hoping at the very least he gave his brother some comfort. 
Main Master List   | Star Wars Jukebox Roulette |   AO3 Link
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(Hello, mod Loupy Mongoose here! I decided that it could be fun to try a "Pokemon IRL" blog, centered around Jamie! ^w^ Special shoutout to Moddy--They run their own Pokemon IRL blog, @riggspath, and inspired me to attempt my own. Go check it out!)
Blog Rules:
1: I'm treating this blog as if Jamie and Cody are interacting through a computer/Tumblr ("Rotomblr"?). As such, I am uncomfortable doing "face-to-face" interactions. (They will be available for that kind of thing later on ToVaJ)
More to come as I continue, lol
Um. Hi. I'm Jamie Wild Rennard, a 27 year old woman. I have been told that trying a blog could help me get better socially. Not that I really care to be better socially. Pokemon have always been my friends, not people. But whatever, I'm curious. I'm not great with words and stuff, but my lovely husband Cody has agreed to help me with editing and learning the ropes, so I'm sure he'll make it pretty! (Cody here! When I get the chance, I'll get or make a header for her as well! ^-^)
Uh... What should I say? I'm not great with people. Maybe that will be different behind a screen, but It's hard to know right now.
That's all I got for now. Uh. Bye.
Cody here! Jamie has reluctantly agreed to accept questions! Just respect that she might not give straight answers. She tends to keep to herself around strangers. I can answer too, but I won't answer for her in respect of her privacy, most of the time. ^^ (All answers will be run by her before posting. This is her blog, so her comfort matters most here!)
Oh, and we'll try to get to all of the questions, but I can't guarantee it. Apologies in advance to those that go unanswered! Also some of our life details are... not fun... so please understand we may be sensitive about some stuff. <3
And to keep things clear, I'll be talking in green, like you see here!
We'll keep this updated! Have a wonderful day~!
-Depending on how deep into their stories I get, there may be mentions, discussions, and depictions of violence and blood in the future. Jamie's story is much more physically trying than Randy's.
TAGS -#JCart = Artworks "done" by Jamie or Cody -#JCphoto = Photos "taken" by Jamie or Cody
Modded by @loupy-mongoose
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eldritch-nightmare · 1 year
saw that ur rq's are open and i LOVE your blog so:3 may i request ticci toby w a reader who looks up to him like a big brother?? platonic ofc !!! maybe they like . even copy some stuff he does (general gestures he might make, his vocabulary, hell maybe even his choice of weapon, etc) bonus points if you manage to add angst!!! have a nice day and make sure to drink water !!!
a/n: aw, i'm glad you like the blog!! you make sure to drink water too <3 i was gonna have a short little angst drabble at the end but i couldn't really figure out how to word it and i didn't wanna force it so i just turned the idea into those little kinda sorta angsty headcanons near the end.
toby w a reader who looks up to him like a big brother
warnings: platonic obvi, gn reader, overprotective behavior, mentions of injuries, brief mentions of injuries, death, and murder.
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Honestly, he probably thinks you're weird as hell when you start following him around like a lost puppy.
Toby doesn't let people close to him, so he definitely tries shooing you away for a good few months before he ultimately realizes you're not gonna leave him alone.
He's not 100% sure how he feels about you viewing him as an older brother figure. I mean, obviously he's fine with it considering Sally views him as one as well but... Sally's dead. You're still alive and kicking.
He takes to the role immediately though, even if he doesn't realize it.
Whenever he's out completing missions, he always brings something back for you be it a snack or a book or some random trinket he thinks you might like.
He'd definitely have to sit you down and tell you not to copy his gestures and whatnot because while he understands that you don't mean any harm by doing it, it does make him feel uncomfortable, especially if you're copying his tics. That's a no-go. Don't do that.
His vocabulary is actually pretty safe. He doesn't swear much, only when he's under immense stress or if he's really angry, so you won't hear him saying fuck anytime soon. Unless you're around one of the others.
Which, speaking of, he does not want you hanging around certain creepypastas. He definitely has a long, comprehensive list on who you can and can't hang out with.
Eyeless Jack, Sally, Cody, Liu, and Natalie are safe. Spend time with them all you want. Nina, BEN, and Helen are on thin ice, but if you like them then go ahead. Stay the hell away from Jeff, Laughing Jack, and Candy Pop, specifically. They are all terrible influences and he immediately goes into Protective Big Brother Mode whenever they're around.
It goes into further detail than that, but just to give you the gist of it.
If it isn't obvious by now, Toby is going to be extremely protective. Like... to the point where you may even consider it to be overbearing.
He's also going to default and worry over every wound you may have, even if it isn't anything major. He isn't trying to be suffocating or anything like that, he just can't stand the thought of you getting hurt.
Real fucking hesitant to let you near any weapons. If you show any type of interest in wanting to do what he does, he will shut you down immediately. It's not happening.
And if you already do what he does, then, well... he's still not going to be okay with it. He'll watch you like a hawk if you're carrying any weapon.
He's definitely going to feel as if he can't be vulnerable when you're around. You see him as this cool guy, and he kinda feels like he needs to keep that image for you so he doesn't disappoint you. The whole 'older sibling can't be vulnerable' mentality is burned into him at this point.
And if you ever get like... severely injured? Oh boy, you can bet your ass Toby will personally hunt down the person who hurt you if they aren't already dead.
It'll take Toby hours, maybe even days to calm down depending on how long it takes you to wake up. Slender will literally have to force him to eat because Toby will simply refuse to leave your bedside.
I don't think Toby would show it to you often, but he does view you as a younger sibling to him now. It's probably something he doesn't even want to admit because he's scared that if he does, you'll be torn away from him just like Lyra was.
All he knows is that he can't watch another sibling die in front of him. He simply cannot. So just bear with his suffocating protectiveness and don't put yourself in any unnecessary danger.
He certainly isn't the perfect role model for you, but he'll try his best to be the big brother that you deserve to have.
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mamirhodessxox · 6 months
His Strange Addiction (Part 10, Final chapter.)
(Other parts can be found on my masterlist)
This might be a short chapter aswell but I also wanted to get this out of the way :) this is my first ever completed story & i feel like I’ve make a lot of progress after writing for this FF, I’m really happy some people took their time to read this even if it is a little shitty :) I’m grateful for my mooties who have read this & reblogged it, I hope you guys enjoy this Final chapter of HSA
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Cody Rhodes x Fem Wrestler!OC (Melina Reyz)
Desc: It had been a few months since Milena finally gave birth to her & Cody’s first daughter Ivey Rhodes, due to Milena’s postpartum depression things were tough at first but eventually she finally spoke to someone and expressed her emotions in a more healthy manner.
Content: Mentions of smut, childbirth, an anxiety, therapy & Depression, Fluff, Angst, Girl dad Cody, Abandonment issues, happy ending :)
🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @agent-dessis-posts @adollonyourshelf @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41 @harmshake @femdisa @kabloswrld @claymoresofinfamy23
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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Cody & Milena finally had their daughter Ivey Rhodes, she was the cutest thing they have ever laid their eyes on & automatically they got used to being parents, Cody loved being a girl dad, Ivey was all he ever talked about, at work, during his promos, interviews, at home, anywhere Ivey was always brought up in a discussion. Ivey & Milena revolved around his universe, especially Milena.
Just a few months ago after giving birth she started experiencing postpartum depression which was normal for a mother just after giving birth to her child, Cody had took notice that she had been experiencing a lot of anxiety & her past emotions from before the pregnancy making a mix in her mental health which at first wasn’t good, Milena had been overthinking a lot & often freaking herself out and having random emotional outbursts most days, he also took notice that she was having problems focusing on herself sometimes instead of the baby, she needed a support system & despite Cody being one of her biggest supporters who’s always patient with her she needed a professional to speak to.
One night after certain activities Cody was in the middle of aftercare & cleaning her up & all of a sudden heard a sniffle & looked up at his wife only to see her tearing up which made him put down the cloth he had in his hand and immediately pulled her into his arms “What’s wrong sweetheart, what’s on your mind?” She frowned & stuffed her face into the crook of his neck as she began crying & didn’t breathe in a proper manner. Cody gently grabbed her face “None of that baby, you need to breathe okay?” He guided her through the breathing process and once he knew she was calm enough he got her to open up “Now what’s got you so upset hm?” Milena furrowed her eyebrows and wiped off her eyes taking a breath before she spoke, “I just— I don’t w-want you to leave me, i-i know I can be a major pain in the ass but I-please don’t leave me.” She whimpered out but he shook his head & ran his hand through her hair “Oh angel I could never, it’s never crossed my mind and it never will baby, I promise. We have a lot of good things going on right now, we just had a beautiful babygirl, we’re still freshly married, I’m never ever going to make that mistake again alright?”
She nodded & let out a short sob before he frowned and held her against his chest while sitting on the bed, Milena had been horrified of him leaving her again since the moment Cody & her got back together, after everything over Bianca Cody had became more patient & gentle with her once he took to notice she hated being alone, whenever he got out of bed before she woke up she would often panic & tear up until she saw him come back upstairs, if he was at the store for an hour longer than usual while she was at home she would begin to overthink & scare herself, she would often need reassurance from him over this issue.
The next day Milena stood in the kitchen holding Ivey in her arms, her & Cody decided it would be a good day to relax & sit back since fall had just hit & it was pretty rainy out, He was standing by the stove making lunch & would keep at eye out on his two girls. Milena stood by the door pointing out the rain and mumbling to the baby & smiling whenever Ivey would coo or giggle and flap her little hands around. Cody set the lunch on the table & went over to his wife & daughter “What’s got you all giggly huh?” He asked ivey in a stern joking way as he took her from Mils arms so she could go eat “It better not be a boy young lady, we’ll be having a lonng talk.” Ivey giggled and clung onto her daddy while he sat over at the table with Milena & held the baby at the same time.
“I think I should talk to someone.” Cody perked his head up and blinked a few times at the sudden words from his wife and then smiling once he processed what she said “If that’s what you think is best for you then go for it, I think it’s a good idea baby.” She smiled meekly & took a bite of the sandwich he made for her, for the remainder of the day they discussed her options of therapy & ultimately chose on a professional psychologist after searching resources. At first Milena was excited and eager to talk but then next week rolled by for her first session & she was scared.
Cody sat in the car with her as Ivey was in her carseat in the back. “Hey.” He called out to her softly and she looked over at him with a fearful look as if she was a dear in headlights, “Your gonna do great alright? It’ll be over before you even know it, I’ll be out here when you come back alright?” She nodded & gave him a quick kiss and waved at Ivey before leaving the car & walking into the office & signing a few papers before she waited, and waited, and waited. “Rhodes?” A soft voice called out and she immediately perked up and smiled as she was called for “Hi! I’ll be your therapist, you can call me Cassandra, how about we get you settled in my station and get you started?” Melina smiled meekly nodding her head as she was guided into her therapists office which was immediately welcoming her with open arms, tapestry’s hung on the walls, mood lights surrounding the room & the sound of water coming from those tiny water fountains that laid upon Cassandra’s desk.
Milena sat down & Cassandra sat behind her desk and smiled “So, Tell me about yourself Milena, what do you do everyday?” Milena huffed out a breath & Fidgeted with her hands nervously “I— Well I used to do women’s wrestling but I ended up resigning for now since I just had my firstborn a few months ago, I usually spend most of my days with my husband Cody, our friends & obviously our daughter.” Cassandra nodded as she listened thoroughly “Well congratulations, So, I know your probably very anxious and nervous so I usually like to get this part out of the way very quickly since I know opening up on certain things can be difficult & from what I’ve gathered this is your first time attending therapy?” Milena nodded her head with a nervous smile “Why don’t you tell me about what’s bothering you? You mentioned you just had your first child & usually after giving birth mothers experience postpartum depression, do you think you’ve been experiencing that a little bit?”
She huffed out a heavy breath and nodding “Well- I never really paid attention to postpartum because most things I should be feeling I’ve sort of been experiencing even before I became pregnant, I- me and my husband had a rocky relationship at first, we originally dated in 2013 until 2015 he broke up with me since we didn’t have much free time to see each other because of our different work schedules & then in 2023 we got back together, I started overthinking about things like the possibility of him leaving me again especially when there was another woman around who was constantly starting problems, I often experience anxiety, especially now after having our daughter I feel like he’s going to leave me at any moment, I sort of um- freak out when I don’t see him in bed with me when I wake up, I get really freaked out sometimes when he’s at the store for a long time while I’m at home. Before I was pregnant & during my pregnancy i would have random emotional outbursts.”
Cassandra hummed and set her pen down before twining her hands together & clearing her throat “Well I’m really glad you came Milena, I’m very proud of you for opening up & I’m sure your husband is very proud of you as well, it’s not easy to express your emotions and concerns and I can tell this was a very big step for you, From what I’ve gathered it seems that your guys’ past breakup & fights are the root of this issue, what your dealing with is the fear of Abandonment, You’ve grown so attached to him & gave him all of your trust to him now and that can be scary sometimes & make you worry & it is absolutely not your fault. What we’ll be doing for the next few weeks is coming up with some ways to conquer this issue, help set up boundaries & hope for the best. How’s that sound?” Milena smiled nodding her head in agreement as she clearly liked that idea.
For the next few weeks Cody had noticed her change in attitude & overall mental health, she seemed more calm & less uptight and anxious, whenever someone upset Milena she would look down and just focus on her breathing and keep herself calm and collected.
Cody & Milena were at home & he laid on the floor having tummy time with Ivey & chuckled everytime she would stretch out her tiny body “Ooohh big stretch! My goodness babygirl that was a really big stretch” he grinned and picked her up and cooed once she did the baby scrunch before he held her against his chest, Milena found it adorable that he was such a big strong man and would hold a baby the size of a small teddy bear compared to him, she was so tiny compared to him that they started calling her “bean” Cody would walk around the house as he talked with Milena about how her therapy is going & whenever Ivey would sneeze Mils would smile and press a gentle kiss into their daughters head.
Milena was glowing to him, she seemed to be in a better and healthier mindset & he could tell she was happier & less down. He loved watching her be a mother to their firstborn, The way Milena always spoke to Ivey as if she could understand the words her mama was saying, always having conversations & interacting with the baby, “Look at you in your cute little bow!” She smiled and would laugh at her daughter giving her that adorable heartwarming gummy smile.
Once it was finally time to put Ivey down for bed & the two did their night routine for the baby Cody gently held his wife’s hips in his hands and smiled before kissing her deeply as they just got to their bedroom “You look so gorgeous baby..” Milena smiled into the kiss & hummed softly while her nails ran down his arms softly as his tongue slipped past her lips and moved against hers “Let’s have another baby hmm?” He moved his lips against her neck as he ran his hands around her breasts giving them a gentle squeeze before pressing her down against their shared bed & spending most of all night making love & enjoying the presence of each other.
Milena & Cody were finally where they wanted to be as a couple, he was so proud of her for everything she’s put up with, whether it be Bianca, the pregnancy, her mental health struggles & being a mother he knew she would kick ass at it.
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xtripleiiix’s Masterlist
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sparklingdemon · 2 months
hmmm........ that one ask i got about fallen leaf's thoughts abt other pokepastas got me thinking about cody's opinions of other pokepastas, too………
(ramblings under the cut bc i'm silly)
note: i'm only doing my thoughts on the kanto pokepasta trainers bc those are the most relevant to cody. cody is indifferent to characters like lost silver gold bc they just simply do not care about them as people.
glitchy red: it's probably obvious that cody wants to keep their distance because being in proximity to glitchy red would probably glitch out THEIR sprite as well and they do not want to find out what that feels like, but it's clear that underneath the surface is a vehement dislike for glitchy personally that cody refuses to explain. glitchy would probably be confused because it seems like the two would have a lot they could connect over (a fear of their players, a hate for the modern generations of pokemon, etc.) but cody believes that they are better than glitchy and don't want to be brought down to his level, and they're insulted that he would even compare himself to them. (though if glitchy knew cody's entire history, he'd immediately lose any sense of solidarity with them. cody knows that, which is why they wouldn't want him to know. they'd rather have glitchy feel sorry for them rather than have him actively hate them, bc deep down they Are afraid of what glitchy can do to them if he really wanted to)
fallen leaf: same deal as glitchy but somehow even more weirdly personal - cody considers fallen leaf as indirectly responsible the glitch that caused red/leaf to assimilate. hacker cody and fallen leaf's hacker knew each other, and hacker cody took inspiration from the beliefs of fallen's hacker. they chose not to fix the glitch when you choose leaf because of that, so cody probably vents a lot of that frustration onto fallen leaf even though it's not her fault that hacker cody knew her hacker. fallen feels sorry for cody but ultimately decides that they're a pretentious rude asshole who blames others for their own issues. fallen still holds love and hope for the world of pokemon despite all her trauma and she resents that cody couldn't feel the same way
blue tears: cody's own blue has some (justifiable) motive to want to kill them, so it would barely surprise cody at all if one day their own blue just decided to skip the pokemon battles and go straight to stabbing them w a knife. unfortunately for BT!blue, cody is carrying pokemon to defend themself with and he is not. the MOMENT cody senses murderous intent from blue he's getting a thunderbolt sent his way because cody isn't too shellshocked to react in time like red in blue tears was. and if necessary cody WOULD fistfight blue even if they get cut in the process. cody is too damn scared of death to go down w/o a fight - which might actually surprise BT!blue, who just expected his "rival" to be as unexpressive as ever
steven [strangled red]: on a superficial level, cody hates how similar they look to this guy. (original the character™ with long hair who's wearing red's clothes happens to describe both cody And steven) cody is weirdly meta-aware of the fact that steven is someone's OC and not a canon character to the games, but if they actually met him face to face in-game? they'd be scared shitless of him. cody was lucky that their own charizard was too polite to attack/kill them, but s!3v3n can and Will sic his charizard on anyone he doesn't like - this boy has literally sent his charizard out to strangle his brother to death, and his whole thing in door's open is that he will still kill you whether you win or lose against him, so. cody wants nothing to do with that mess. cody already has enough charizard-related trauma, they don't need any more lol
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crushedsweets · 1 year
Maybe some creeps stick around because slender wants to give demons reasonsss to stay. Like for example, more creeps means more people to keep ghosts entertained, means more friends, means no need to leave?
Helen could stay cos yk food, roof over his head, judgement free murder zone- and slender could keep him around because the demons like when he paints them.
Maybe Ann likes to experiment with medical stuff with Cody or something? Which then keeps her happy AND gives them more things like poison to kill normies off which big boss man likes. Idk cos like I don't know the relationships between all your versions ykyk😜
But what I'm SAYING is maybe the normie murderers can contribute by keeping the demons content and not wanting to explore or whatevsss. And slender is grand w it cos yk his sheep stay in their pen
I lobe lore(the sequel)🫶
MMM TRUE.. honestly for helen i might just make him some weirdo who sources blood on the dark web and he meets ben/jeff thru there. maybe he's not really a killer, but he has a fucked up interest in gore and has no issue with creating art thru unethical means regardless ? that way he's not really a killer and it gets to stay underground and not on a ton of news outlets, but he still keeps the core part of his character (bloody.. painting . .). and he gets to still be in the story. and maybe the proxies like using him and jack to get rid of the occasional human remains, since they dont really wanna keep it around ?? .. maybe cody is also a dark web freak... maybe he runs experiments on corpses and meets jack since jack works as a human remains disposer...??? and then they find out hes really good with chemicals and has access to cholorform, etc. TBH might just make cody a pharmacist LOL.
ok im realizing i might have to make the dark web just a central part of the lore because ive mentioned it a million times now, and its not like theyre gonna be chatting abt murder on facebook.
so the main 'hubs' for everyone .. the forest, the the town, the city, and the dark web . city would have people like liu, jane, helen, cody, tim/brian, nina. the town(suburbs and rural) has people like toby, natalie, jeff, liu. the forest (rural and trees) has toby, kate(the proxies in general), jack, all the supernatural ppl. then the dark web has all of them because theyre all . ummm... hmmmm....
also loved the sheep staying in the pen comment its so true actually.
lobe lore anon u r doing me wonders here
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kevinsdsy · 4 months
hi, first lucas anon from earlier here and honestly i am BAFFLED, FLABBERGASTED @ the anon reaction that my ask elicited. i wasn't expecting him to be someone's favorite character! (??) i was merely curious to why lucas showed up more in your au than, for example, cody or xavier or ananya who are in jeremy's closer friend group, so i was trying to ask without bashing him in that ask; thank you for answering ! it's clear to me now.
(re: my ask, i was merely worried that he was going to become friends with jean in the au when we haven't gotten any real closure in tsc yet! i don't find him triggering but a potential friendship w jean in any fic makes me (personally) feel wary which is also why i asked you about yours. this has nothing to do with your lovely au, and is just a general tsc fandom opinion of mine: while i wouldn't compare him to luther either or consider him a villain, i think it's disingenuous to say that he didn't play a bigger role in jean's sexual assault at the end of the book and i noticed that people wouldn't even call it sa (grayson....literally bit... him.....) when defending lucas' actions. people see that lucas isn't well-liked and assume there is no critical thinking involved whatsoever, even though it's not unreasonable for someone to feel put off by his character !)
hiii omg wait if you’re asking me why lucas was more in the au than cody, xavier and ananya i actually do have an answer for that. it’s because i’ve assigned him to shawn’s friend group– like i guess we’ve all noticed i’ve given shawn a big role even tho we know (basically) NOTHING about him so like lucas is just more interactive when it comes to shawn. assigning lucas to shawn was just easy because it’s a character name i actually remember since i keep forgetting who had smaller appearances 😭😭😭 (there are also a few interactions between shawn & jeremy + jeremy & lucas because i consider them more teammates than friends but obviously thats my own interpretation)
also i was definitely not planning on giving jean and lucas a friendship actually. i also mentioned it in the replies under your inbox, but i actually don’t think it’s appropriate for me to push the way jean handles his feelings towards lucas and especially for a social media au— i genuinely will leave that up with nora since she knows all these characters the best.
i do thank you for pointing out some of the other characters tho!! i will try to include them more <3333 (it really is harder to include so many characters than one might think tbh 😭)
and also i’m sure the other anon wasn’t feeling ill towards you and was i think lucas’ role in the situation might have sparked up a lot of discussions???? but also i havent come across them i didnt know about the luther comparison nor did i know people are saying it wasn’t sexual assault… because it definitely was.
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hyperfixationgoddess · 10 months
Hey, everyone! I know it's been a hot minute, but I have an idea for a fic that I'm probably never going to right, but I thought you guys might like to hear about it anyway!
The thing is, I love crossovers. Even if there are just crossover elements, I'm happy. So, here's what I've come up with:
Star Wars: The Clone Wars w/ Spider-Man Elements!
An independent Kaminoan scientist is doing independent experiments on spiders. One day, two of their spider experiments escape.
The corridor that lab is in is a good shortcut to some of the training centers, and CT-5555, aka Fives, and CT-1409, aka Echo, happen to be using it as the spiders are out.
They both get bitten, but they don't think anything of it. They go to training as normal.
Come nightfall, Hevy, Cutup, and Droidbate are in a panic because something is wrong. Both Fives and Echo have fevers, not so severe that they need the medbay, but still worrying.
Come morning, they have ✨ spider powers✨
Here's what I imagine their powers will be, and possible weaknesses they have.
Organic webbing, like Toby Maguire.
Venom shock, like Miles Morales in Spider-Verse
Stickiness, obviously
Super strength
Spider sense
Enhanced senses
Fangs like Miguel O'Hara, but smaller
Enhanced metabolism
Lack of thermoregulation
Sudden aversion to mint and vinegar
Also organic webbing
Super strength
Spider sense
Enhanced senses
Venomous fangs that retract (I read about that in an MCU fanfic that I can't remember the name of)
Invisibility, also like Miles Morales
Enhanced metabolism
Lack of thermoregulation
Sudden aversion to mint and vinegar
I would also like to note that when they are feeling overwhelmed, cornered, or protective, they are liable to go a little feral.
Anyway, they figure out their powers with the help of their batch, and keep everything completely secret from everyone else. So, at the time of their Citadel exam, they're a lot closer.
Except 99, of course. He helped raise everyone. And Clone Force 99, eventually. Fives and Echo, and the rest of the Dominoes, love those kids. Fives and Echo help them feel not alone.
However, both Fives and Echo are overstimulated, because Bric is an asshole, so they aren't at the top of their game. Hevy decides they should take a calculated risk, and they throw the exam
(in my opinion, this just speaks for their faith in Shaak Ti)
Anyway, they pass the exam the second time around and get sent to Rishi. The twins still keep their powers a secret, but they still train with their powers.
When the invasion of commando droids comes knocking, Echo and Fives' spider senses clue them in, so everyone survives! Yay!
The twins do go feral, and they go a little crazy with the webs, but the first wave is pretty much obliterated by the time Cody and Rex show up. It is stressful to clean up all the webs. Luckily, the rest of the Dominoes distract Cody, Rex, and all the others on Rishi
Anyway, everyone survives so all of Domino squad joins the 501st
Eventually, the Dominoes trust the legion enough to tell them about the spider situation, and everyone loves it!
At one point, Hevy pulls Rex aside and is like, Fives and Echo see boundaries differently, so they were afraid to cross yours by asking, so I'm gonna ask for them. Wanna join us for a nest pile at some point? Because that is a thing they do at least once a week.
(also, that lil interaction is my way of saying I headcanon Fives and Echo as neurodivergent)
Also, once the Bad Batch gets out into the field, the Dominoes absolutely follow their missions, cause they're so proud.
Echo and Fives have told Rex all about them, so the 501st gets to work with them a lot sooner.
As Jesse is leading the Batch to the barracks they'll be sharing with the Dominoes, they hear the Dominoes talking about how proud they are of the Bad Batch and that they really hope the Batch wants to do nest piles like when they were cadets but if not they'll respect their boundaries, blah blah blah
Hearts melt, and a nest pile happens, of course!
And of course thanks to the spider senses Echo doesn't get captured, Umbara doesn't go to shit, the chip situation happens differently, and Order 66 doesn't happen!
Thanks for reading! If anyone ends up making something out of this, let me know! I'd love to see it!
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awlimagines · 1 month
Hello! I‘m a big fan of your works but unfortunately I am extremely shy and can‘t muster up the courage to really comment or anything. I just wanna say I appreciate your stuff a lot, a wonderful life is one of my biggest comfort games and unfortunately I don‘t see as much content for it as I‘d wish there was, so seeing you write about it always brings a smile to my face :^)
Also while I can‘t say I wanna kiss him badly I‘m glad to see more Daryl appreciation, I love my best friend Daryl he deserves more appreciation LOL (we love weird freak men here)!
Sorry to drop off a request like this but if you‘re still taking rqs: Bachelorettes & Bachelors helping the farmer with painful period cramps? I know this kinda takes out the ambiguity of the farmer‘s assigned gender at birth sorry haha ^^“ (I myself suffer from painful cramps unfortunately hence I‘m a fan of this type of x Reader stuff haha)
Have a good day and keep on going, but remember to take breaks too from time to time (•w•)/
Sorry, it took me a while to get to this!! It made me really happy to see when I was feeling so sick though!! <3
Fortunately, I've never experienced period cramps to the point I couldn't function. I've been blessed that mine have always been relatively manageable without many issues. My husband is very supportive of anything I need (even if I just want something and not actually a need). Having said that, these might be pretty vague and light on details just because I don't have a ton of specific experience beyond friends who had conditions that made theirs terrible.
Also, I don't mind writing for a specific gender. It just seems fair, for the most part, to keep it as vague as possible so everyone can enjoy it. So, I keep it as gender-neutral as possible by default. Please, please send me any requests you have! I do my best to write the ones I receive and enjoy them greatly. :3
Anyway, enough rambling from me. Each bachelor/bachelorette is below the cut!
How They Help You with Painful Period Cramps
She only vaguely understands the pain you feel. Cecilia was blessed with light periods devoid of cramps. But, what she lacks in experience, Ceci makes up for in sympathy. During your periods, Cecilia divides her time between working at Vesta’s farm and helping at yours. If you try to protest her working so much the young woman chides you about learning to accept help when needed. Ceci also quickly gets Vesta on board, and you join them for meals each time to limit your cooking. Both women offer you suggestions to help alleviate your pain.
When Gordy encounters you curled in a ball, his first instinct is to fetch Dr. Hardy. You quickly explain that it’s unnecessary; this is a regular occurrence. The silent artist stares at you momentarily, absorbing your explanations before quietly excusing himself. While the thought of his abandoning you during such a time stings, you try to comfort yourself. You’re surprised when Gordy returns within a few hours and apologizes for taking your horse. He was in a rush and didn’t think to ask first. Gordy asks about pain medicine and a heating pad as he unloads various snacks and drinks from the Mineral Town General Store. He insists you tell him immediately if you need anything else.
At first, you feel annoyed with the scientist as he rambles off the biology behind your pain. You soon realize the lecture is helping to keep Daryl calm as he assesses the situation and how to assist you best. Beyond some measly chocolate he had on hand, he is not much help the first time. Daryl makes up for this the second time and is prepared with various remedies that might help you feel better. Before long, he has your cycle memorized better than you and is always ready with the things that help you best. He doesn’t offer much help with your cattle but rambles ideas about a watering system to reduce your work for crops.
Despite your pain, you find yourself more concerned about Flora. You were explaining how terrible your pain was through gritted teeth when Flora agreed. You couldn’t help but blink in shock at the archeologist. She said she felt the same during her period but just focused on work and tried her best to ignore it. Flora seemed surprised when you offered suggestions and shared your resources to help her. She doesn’t want to take from you. This soon becomes the most extensive argument of your relationship before you both eventually agree on a system to support each other. Flora dotes on you and consistently makes sure you have everything you need while you gently remind her it's okay to take breaks and take care of herself as well.
It hit unexpectedly when you were spending time with Gustafa at his yurt. Even through the pain, you felt embarrassed and stuttered out an apology, planning an exit to your farm. The musician caught on quickly to your pain and offered supplies. You were shocked to find the man so well prepared, and he explained that having female friends and keeping extra became a habit to try and help. Gustafa steps outside to give you privacy. He soon offers to have you stay, and he can fetch you anything you might need from home. Regardless of your decision, Gustafa is supportive. He admits to being a bit hopeless in the kitchen but does his best to wait on you hand and foot. He insists on handling any errands you need to be done and hovers if you want to do farmwork in case he’s needed.
You quickly learn that the life of the rich is different from what you expected. At the first mention of your intense period pains, Lumina has already arranged a meeting with Dr. Hardy to guarantee there are no medical causes of your pain. Lumina also insists on you staying at the manor under her care, and with Aunt Romana as backup, it doesn’t give you much choice. They both casually tell you Sebastian will tend to the farm with Takakura until you recover. It isn’t until you explain the guilt of putting more work on the butler makes you feel worse that she relents. Instead, Lumina focuses on learning your favorite dishes and bringing them to you throughout each period. She also masters the art of getting you to accept expensive remedies.
Despite living with two women, you can tell Matthew is uncomfortable talking about your period. It doesn’t stop him from assisting however he can. Like Cecilia, he does more work to help you at the farm during your periods. While he seems most comfortable helping with the physical labor, Matthew does his best to cook meals for you. He’ll also mumble out suggestions to try and help with the pain. When you discover Matthew has been asking other female residents on your behalf, his face turns red like a tomato. He avoids looking at you as he grumbles about it not being a big deal if anything helped you.
Molly experiences cramps, though she admits they’re not quite as painful as yours. She shares remedies and methods to help from the vast social network of her city friends. You weren’t thrilled with her idea of spa days when Molly first arrived at your farmhouse. The blonde gently bullied you into giving them a try with an adorable pout. They quickly grew on you as you sank into the hot springs and relaxed with Molly. The worst days of your period soon become filled with the hot springs, good food and drinks from the cafe, and plenty of conversation with Molly. While your pain may not be gone, her support and company help make it more bearable.
You both slowly realize there are times you never see each other. It turns out Nami suffers similarly to you and essentially just holes up at the inn as she becomes irritable. You tentatively offer suggestions for the things that help with your pain. A sigh of relief escapes you as Nami returns the gesture with her solutions. You’re surprised when you drag out from your bed during one to find Nami at your door. She offers to share the homecooked food the doting Lou made. Nami and you soon have a system alternating between the farm and the inn. You both find comfort in knowing someone else understands your pain and struggles and can provide support.
Rock has the best intentions, but you can tell he never paid attention to sex education in school. The blonde surfer understands almost nothing about periods. You're annoyed at his appalled look when you have to explain the menstrual cycle and the source of your pain. The feeling doesn’t linger long when he calls asking if you prefer lemon or lime at the store for your products. You can’t help but laugh as you hear a female worker lecturing him in the background. Rock has to be gently reminded not to eat all your snacks, but he always comes around with new movies from your favorite genre to watch while you cuddle together.
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shamrock313 · 2 months
Emma Roberts and Cody John
This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Please take everything you read with a grain of salt. Enjoy!
EMMA POV: 6 of Wands + 3 of Cups (rev) + Empress = 6oW indicates a bright future for her and Cody. Success in love. Chance to fulfill relationship goal. So, we're all aware she's engaged and she has been before, so there's a chance for her to actually go down the aisle. Very happy w/ relationship.
3oC (R) asks if she really wants to be married especially if its to him. "ensure that you are not masking your feelings w/ superficial cheer". Basically, be honest with yourself and don't put yourself in a place where you feel you're not truly happy.
Empress is of course about motherhood, so I cannot confirm if she will have a child for Cody, but she might have a chance to whether it's natural or with a surrogate/IVF. Stable, serious, committed relationship. Again, this card represents marriage / pregnancy.
CODY POV: 4 of Swords + 7 of Cups (rev) = 4oS means that he takes time away from her to reset himself. Alone time. Taking a break. Puts a lot into this relationship. Tired / burnout. Often disagreeing with one another that he has to walk away, be with his thoughts, and ask himself if this is what he wants.
7oC (R) Chaotic and confusing love life. Lacks clarity about relationship. Constantly 2nd guesses himself. I think he also may be wondering if they're really going to go down the aisle too.
Dynamic: Knight of Cups + Page of Swords (side) = KoC Romance, attraction, being in love with love, and unrealistic expectations on love. PoS (U) Emotional needs not being met. Small / petty disputes may turn into bigger conflicts. Again, they really need to see if being married is the right choice for them. (Rev) Argumentative / communication issues. Lack of honesty / there is a liar within this relationship.
Cody as a Person: The Magician (rev) - So, I don't know anything about Cody. I know he's an actor, he's with Emma, and that's it. I've never seen any of his work. Anyways, tarot says he's indecisive and insecure. "May swing from overconfidence to self-doubt". People probably don't even know about this side to him. "He's a pretty face that is insecure with himself".
Okay, pause. What you're about to read next is Emma as a person. Now, ya'll may not believe in tarot and some may read this for entertainment, but when I tell you I had to stop and laugh. OMG. This hit every nail on the head. Get your snack and drink ready.
If you are a fan of this woman, don't read this. Just go ahead and scroll pass this and find some other content.
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Emma as a Person: Knight of Swords (rev) + Death (rev) + Temperance (rev) + Queen of Wands (rev) = KoS (R) she is reckless and acts before she thinks. Impatient and aggressive. Mood swings / outburst are what makes her relationships hard to remain stable. Being around her makes people feel nervous and uneasy of what she may do or say next.
Death (R) indicates that she's living in the past. Caught in a loop of negative thoughts. I did wonder if she recreates Evan moments with Cody. Does that make sense? Like does she take Cody to places or do activities that her and Evan use to do? Most of y'all have been in the fandom longer than I have so, if you know let me know.
Temp (R) - Erratic behavior. Brings an air of chaos. "Emotions can be seen as unpredictable as a roller coaster. She's always up and down. Beware of her presence and keep your distance". Again, makes you feel uncomfortable. Things she may say, makes you feel unworthy and she only does it to better herself. If she ruins your day, that means to her she's gonna have a great day knowing she upset you.
QoW (R) she is overbearing and manipulative. Only cares about herself. Domineering, insecure, and emotionally draining.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Until The Very End -(WITS Sequel)
A/N: None of you bitches told me today was the 26th how am I supposed to know I have to post a new chapter Anyway, HAPPY 1000TH POST!! -Danny
Words: 2,301
Previous chapter // Next chapter Listen to: 'Photograph' -by Cody Fry
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When Rose Granger-Weasley was born, they discovered Ron was the overprotective father of the whole lot. Not even Erick had acted that way with his babies. Hermione found it exasperating, but to Ron, that little girl was his firstborn, and nothing was going to stop him from keeping her safe.
If they were packed with children before, now it was definitely overwhelming. Fred had a good reason to be losing his mind over it, there was always a baby or a toddler he had to be mindful not to step on or sit on accident.
Regulus, who was the eldest child, hadn't changed much after his talk with Mel. He was a kid still, so she wasn't expecting him to change his behaviour, he was too young to grasp it all. However, he seemed a little bit uneasy about attending Hogwarts now.
Emily Flint, on the other hand, couldn't wait to go. She was determined to be as good as her father to the point of claiming she'd be a Headgirl too. She wanted to be in Slytherin like him, but Erick had advised her not to force herself into a house where she might not belong.
"You should let the hat do its work, love," He'd told her. "If you talk too soon, you'll be trapped in a house where you're not comfortable."
"Listen to your father, he should know," Mel teased him. "He became my friend out of boredom and before he knew it he was dragged into our mess."
"Yeah, worst decision of my life," he mused, kissing the top of his son's head, who was sound asleep in his arms.
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Matthew John Potter was born on January twelve, also known as Erick's birthday. Naturally, Mel and Harry asked him to be the godfather.
Erick was more than pleased, he was ready to take the boy under his wing and guide him through life. What that meant, no one knew, but Mel trusted he'd do a good job anyway.
Amy Flint was born in February of the same year, the fifth—and last of their babies, according to Anne and Erick.
Then, to everyone's surprise, Fred and Joseph decided to get married. It wasn't that they weren't expecting them to last, they'd been dating for almost a decade, but since they lived together and didn't seem to have any interest in getting married, it wasn't exactly anticipated.
Fred's wedding, in spite of what he'd promised when they were younger, was as elegant as any other, if not more. Joseph was firm on having the best of the best in every aspect, and Fred let him do his thing since he wasn't an expert at weddings.
"If it were for me, we'd just hire some bloke to marry us in our apartment and that'd be it, but Jo finds that, er, what did you call it, love? I just know it was a bad French insult to my person," he teased.
"You won't ruin my day, Weasley," Joseph replied unbothered. "I've been dreaming of this since our first year together."
"Wow, that's faith," Mel grinned.
"Oh, don't say that like you didn't dream about getting married to Glasses since you were a kid!" George exclaimed. "You probably talk to Harry once and you started to design the cake."
"She wanted me to be her best man, actually," Harry spoke from his place in the rug, he'd been playing with his twins quietly until that moment. They were starting to show signs of wanting to walk, so now they had to always be watching over them when they were awake. "She wanted to marry Prince William."
"Thank you for that, Glasses," she groaned, falling back on the couch and hiding her face behind a cushion. "I'll never hear the end of it..."
"Blimey! Princess Mel of England—has a ring to it, lady."
"To think you almost got to be Lady Dumbledore for real!" Fred chortled.
"Shut up, you two," she scowled at the twins. "It was a nice thing to imagine as a child. Either way, when I first dated Harry, I don't remember thinking about a wedding. The most I would picture was Hogsmeade dates and holding hands in front of everyone once Skeeter left us alone..."
"Skeeter's no longer a problem now, is she?" George taunted her. "You guys are disgustingly sweet in public nowadays."
"Well, Georgie, being close to dying really changes your priorities," She joked.
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"Look at this one!" Mel laughed, handing the picture to Ginny. "Look how tiny we look next to Charlie!"
The redhead laughs as she looks at the photo Mel's showing her, it's from the 1994 summer, the year of the Quidditch final, before hell broke loose. "Sweet Merlin, look at Charlie's hair!"
They're looking for old pictures of Joe and Fred for the ceremony, and Mel's the only one who has pictures of the both of them at Hogwarts. Mel looks at the images and it's been so long since she sat and look through them, that now she's able to see how much they've changed. 
Her fourteen-year-old self smiles at them, waving enthusiastically at the camera from where she's standing behind the burrow's sofa. Sitting there are Fred and George, and they're scribbling something on parchment, probably the pricelist for his inventions. Her face is much rounder than it is nowadays, though, in a year's time, Mel knows that will change. 
The trauma and growth spurt are bound to sharpen her features, but she remains innocent and sweet in that photo, forever enjoying her summer with the Weasleys and Harry, the boy she has a crush on.
As she looks through the album she starts to think about Hogwarts again, and it amazes her just how much she'd almost forgotten. The spring days sitting under that huge tree by the lake, the late night studying with her friends in the common room, and how could she forget the meal times with Fred and George making her laugh until she choked on her pumpkin juice!
It was all so long ago... a whole decade of experiences and changes, and yet all those memories came back to her as easily as a spell. Her fingers grazed around the soft features of that young Mel, so full of life, with a soul so whole and bright she could take down dementors by just standing there—not quite true, but now it felt like that had been the case—and her eyes teared up a bit.
"Mel, what's the matter?" Ginny asked worryingly.
"Sorry," she sniffed, hastily cleaning her face. "I just... I remembered how young we were when we met—it's so strange... knowing we were once that little, and at some point, I just... forgot."
Ginny looked at her with a soft and understanding smile. "It is strange, isn't it? It's hard not to forget how it felt to be that small... especially someone like you, I guess, holding all that power... hard to believe you were once a little girl, right?"
Mel stared at the picture for a while. She didn't know how badly she loved that little girl until now, and she felt guilty when she thought of the times she'd been embarrassed to have been her. Why, when little Mel had been all that was good in the world? 
She looked at herself with the same eyes her Uncle Lu had at the end of her third year at school, what a remarkable little thing she was, with eyes so smart and clever she looked like she knew more than she let on. No wonder adults were always a little on edge when she was around.
A little girl's squeal brought her back and she looked up. Harry walked into the drawing room holding Emmie's hands as she marched into the room with clumsy feet. Luna walked right after them with James still safely tucked in her arms. 
"Look at her go!" Ginny said proudly. "Hang on, Harry, don't pick her up yet!" She reached for Mel's old camera on the coffee table and turned the baby and her father. "She looks so cute!"
Mel watched as her daughter moved across the room holding tightly to Harry's fingers. He had a huge smile on his face as he encouraged his daughter to keep walking, glancing at Mel from time to time to point Emmie in her direction.
The young mother slipped off the couch and knelt to receive the toddler in her arms, which only encouraged Emmeline to walk faster. Harry almost tripped trying to keep up. Mel laughed and held one hand out for her daughter. "Come along, love, you can do it!"
Ginny took the picture then, the moment Emmeline crashed against her mother's chest and Mel fell on her butt, laughing as much as the baby. Harry helped her to sit up, smiling proudly at his daughter's accomplishment. "She's got good legs," he grinned. "Might be a good climber just like you."
Mel laughed again, cupping her daughter's cheek and beaming. "As long as she learns to not fall on her head, then it's fine."
"Dad!" Emmeline squealed, reaching her chubby little arms to try and pull Harry closer, he sat next to Mel on the rug and kissed Emmie's head, brushing her hair back. 
"What's this?" He grabbed one of the pictures and smiled at it. "Look, Mel, Emmie looks so much like you here!"
He showed her the photo, it was them on her ninth birthday, with icing on her cheek and the roundest cheeks she'd ever seen on a little girl. Harry had one arm around her shoulders and his fingers had icing the same colour as the one on her face. Little Matthew had the same bright emerald eyes as him.
"Yeah she does," Mel beamed, holding onto the toddler and kissing the top of her head. "I hope she gets to be just as happy as I was, too."
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Once a month her mother, Remus and Tonks offered to look after the twins and Matthew so she and Harry could go out with Hermione and Ron. They left Rose with Ron's parents and left to spend a whole day in London.
First, they considered going to Diagon Alley, but they didn't want to risk finding Skeeter there, she'd been trying to get a glimpse of Rose and Matthew as well as the twins, and even though they didn't have the kids with them, they didn't want to be disturbed.
So instead, they walked around the muggle city and took Ron to the movies.
"Heard Professor Sprout is planning to retire," Hermione mentioned as she grabbed a fistful of popcorn. "Might be a good idea to mention it to Neville, don't you think?"
"Doesn't he have his own apothecary near his grandma's house?"
"Yeah, but his grandma's really old now, and I mean really old," Mel pointed out. "So it'd be a good idea for him and Hannah to start thinking about their future."
"Thinking about their future?" Ron made a face. "Not like their lives revolve around Neville's grandma..."
"Oh, you know Neville only lives so out of the way to be close to her," Hermione admitted with a sigh. "I agree with Mel, that's why I mentioned Professor's Sprout possible retirement. I think, Mel," she leaned forward and gave her a careful look. "That if you talk to her, she might consider writing to Neville to ask if he's interested."
"I don't know if I even need to do that," Mel shrugged. "He was one of her best students, maybe she's already considering him to fill the spot."
"Wouldn't hurt to make sure of it," Hermione insisted.
"Been years since we went to school and you still look after him," Ron teased her, though his voice was affectionate. "He's a grown man like all of us, Mione, he can do things himself if he wants to."
Hermione sighed and shook her head. "You're right. You're right. Sorry, it's just... sometimes I think I still see him as that little boy that used to hide behind us during potions."
Mel giggled, understanding her feelings. "Lately I've been thinking about our time in school as well... the other day I had this dream that I had fallen asleep and everyone had gone to class, but I couldn't find the classrooms, it was as if the entire castle had changed it's hallways and staircases, but I was sure they looked exactly the same, it was me who'd forgotten the directions... and then I looked at myself as I passed next to a window and saw myself in that old Gryffindor uniform?" She smiled. "It felt strange to be wearing it again, even if it was a dream."
"I don't miss wearing those stupid hats," Ron scoffed. "Or the ties..."
"The ties were lovely," Hermione argued. "I liked our winter cloaks and the scarfs were really thick and warm."
"I liked how you looked in your uniform," Harry told Mel with a grin. "Especially the Quidditch one."
Mel lightly hit his shoulder and he laughed, she shook her head. "Isn't it weird that next year Regulus will attend Hogwarts? He'll be part of a house, and use the same uniform, and he'll go to the same classes we did, but it won't be like our time there at all."
"He's definitely a Gryffindor, though," Ron added.
"Yeah," responded the other three.
"I think that makes it just as exciting for us as it will be for him," Hermione said, smiling giddily. "Everything will be new to us in a way."
"Yeah, a first year with no three-headed dogs and giant games of chess," Ron smirked. "We never got to know what that was like."
"We should get him an owl for his eleventh birthday," Mel nudged Harry's arm. "He's got Padfoot, so I don't think a cat's a good idea."
"Padfoot gets along with Grey just fine," he frowned.
"Grey's an old cat, he's too tired to fight him," Mel replied humorously. "A young cat would most likely try to murder Padfoot and Padfoot would probably sit on them until they suffocated."
Harry laughed. "Fine, an owl it is."
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Next Chapter—>
@dee123ksha @vampiregirl1797 @siriuslysirius1107 @stardusthigh @mikariell95 @vernon-dursley @thesuitelifeofafangirl @tomshollandz @reverse-hxlland @hamiltonwc @omiwashere @t-rexs-world @21bruhs @dielgonacoffee @thelastpyle @cedricisnotdead @greengarsstuff @aconfusedslytherin @talksoprettyjjx @avengersz-biotch @23victoria @moonhoonie @raajali3 @peachyaeger @espressopatronum454 @i-am-scared-and-useless-bisexual  @na1ven3vy
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lemoneste · 2 years
W the clone trooper cantered bad batch episodes etc and W me LOVING the good old Clone Uprising AU’s I got to thinking: wtf would Boba be doing if there was no empire(or at least no Palpatine empire) and then I came to the conclusion that he’d just probably be his regular nightmare self and undo all the hard work the clones are trying to do like
Cody: … what is this.
Some poor clone: it’s ah, - well it’s a decapitated head wearing a crown-
Cody: yes for fucks sake I can SEE that, but WHY.
Clone: it…came with a note.
Note: “Now that you’ve decided to make yourselves rulers, I thought you might like a crown to finish the look. I didn’t have enough time to snipe the crown so the head came with it. Enjoy power, shitter. - with love, Boba”
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bellysoupset · 6 months
I was listening to the song “Last Kiss” by Cody Johnson the other day. It made me think of Vin & Wendy, and how grateful I am that they’re trying to make it work. I love those two 💗
This might be one of my favorite asks ever?? Just that you were listening to a song and thinking of my OCs 🥺🥺 music is such a huge thing for me, so I'm sooo moved.
I gave it a listen and its so good! I love country (even if its apparently controversial to lol) and this was SO them!! The freaking angst.
I really need a fic that covers them struggling w/ the distance, but they ARE gonna make it work or so help me.
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l13bg0tt · 8 months
@ronald-speirs tag game
Favorite place in the world you’ve visited?
Ooooh probably somewhere in the Kananaskis region, maybe Barrier Lake. That's where my mom and I like to go paddleboarding 🫶🏻
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Something you’re proud of yourself for?
I think I'll have to say how much I got my act together school-wise this year. Last school year I really struggled mentally, I was very close to dropping out. I was dealing with throwing up from my anxiety almost every day.
My favourite professor actually just recommended me for grad school which I am very proud of! (i had his class this school year lol) It has made me change up my life plans for the next couple of years but I am honoured that he thinks highly of me, so I must do it... Nothing feels as good as academic validation 😭
Favorite books?
The Long Walk by Richard Bachman (Stephen King's pseudonym) and With The Old Breed by Eugene Sledge <3
Something that makes your heart happy when thinking about it?
this is hard lol the first thing that came to mind after daydreaming about being w my special girl was piglets
Favorite thing about your culture?
Yikes... hockey..? wait no, not rn... Terry Fox perhaps?
When did you join the HBO War fandom? What was the first show you watched?
Joined the fandom this year! First show was Band of Brothers.
Have you read any of Easy Company’s books? If so, which ones were your favorite?
So far I have only read Sledge and the start of Leckie's!! My mom got me Webster's for my birthday and it only recently came in the mail, so I'll be starting that this weekend.
Favorite HBO War character and your favorite moment with them?
how dare you ask me this. i suppose luz... i love him in the background of every scene but the major scenes that come to mind are "got a penny" duh, "ooooklahoma" and the way he be looking in episode 8
Do you make content for any fandoms, if so; what sort of content?
I make historical war content on tiktok (huge hiatus while I attempt to get my degree lol) @506thpir and might bring some of it over here
Favorite actor/actress and your favorite film of theirs?
ugh it used to be Woody Harrelson until he pulled some conspiracy theorist BS so I suppose Miles Teller in Whiplash (or the Spectacular Now lol)
Favorite quote/s that you wish to share with others?
Unfortunately I'm not like that... I don't have one. I can actually only remember "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." - Wayne Gretzky 🤣 (no NOT Michael Scott)
Random fact your mutuals/followers don’t know about you?
Ich habe in der High Schule Deutsch gelernt und spreche immer noch ein bisschen. Ich versuche Spanisch für meinen Liebling zu lernen 🙈
If you’re a writer, do you need a beta reader (say yes so I can be your beta reader 🤭)?
omg we are nowhere near ready but if that day comes i will let you know
Three things that make you smile?
my silly lil crush
people wearing cool outfits
Any nicknames you like?
List some people you love to see around on tumblr!
@liptonwashere @executethyself35 @mutantmanifesto @footprintsinthesxnd @ronald-speirs @malarkgirlypop @land-sh @cody-helix02 and soooo many more I forgot to edit this part before publishing the draft 😭
What would you do during a zombie apocalypse?
Everything I could to keep my loved ones safe lol sorry boring
Favorite movie?
I'll just go with She's the Man for the sake of brevity
Do you like horror movies?
yuh but i really prefer it when they're actually decent
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