#i might need to actually get Spotify for this haha
plummets from hanging chandelier
the stupendous wonderful amazing @drsmer has been hard at work creating the most devastating musical mashup known to humankind. AKA, a playlist for my fic Spider's Web With Strings Attached.
found on Spotify, this crushing whirl of every emotion is here for listening and daydreaming pleasure. I can attest that I have listened to it many times over.
musical devastation can be accessed HERE
enjoy :D
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khytal · 1 year
ok gamers I rewatched tristamp one more time in order to write a post about the soundtrack, and some of the stuff I found blew my socks off (even though I've seen every episode like 6 times) so buckle up because oh my god. oh my god
this will cover most of both volumes of the OST (which you can find on spotify), with a focus on wolfwood, and a little bit of vash, meryl, and the eye of michael
...and a very thorough breakdown of "drain arm" :)
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notes before I get into it: -I won't be analyzing the plant song because I. already wrote an entire separate thing about that haha (a link to that doc will be in the replies section of the notes if you're interested)
-you won't need to know anything about music theory, because I'm just pointing out where certain themes come up (with the exception of "duet", but I'll explain terminology there). timestamps will be included so you can listen for them as you read
-if you're obsessed with the OST like I am, most of this probably won't be anything new x) but I hope it's enjoyable regardless
-my credentials: I was a pianist for 10 years and an oboist for 7.5 years and I only had 1 semester of intermediate music theory but I got to analyze the 1st mvt of tchaik 5 and I think that permanently altered my brain chemistry
-the tracks I recommend being familiar with to have a better grasp on this post are: -> "whistling/blues harp in the wasteland" (vash's leitmotif) -> "reality" -> "childhood memories" -> "duet" -> "human subject" (eye of michael, or EoM, leitmotif) -> "drain arm" (technically optional)
-please don't take any of my interpretations/speculation as fact! you are absolutely free to come to your own conclusions I just have a lot of thoughts about the soundtrack lol 👍
here we go :]
EP1: -you can hear a variation of the plant song in "immigrant space explorer" (0:36-1:00)
-vash's leitmotif is first heard in "no man's land" (0:41-0:48)
-only about half of "mystery man" plays, and his leitmotif (0:38-0:51) is actually cut from the scene so it's not heard at all
EP2: -"escape" has vash's leitmotif from 0:18-0:31. they also took out the lyrics in the episode's version of the track x)
-it's possible that we'll hear "might is right" or a new arrangement of it if we get to see the rest of the nebraska family in future episodes, since there were posters of marilyn. I think people largely associate the song with EG the Mine but due to the track title and the fact that it first played in this episode, I feel like it's more about the nebraskas
-I'll talk about "childhood memories" in ep12 because it's related to rem's themes
EP3: -the plant song can be heard in "compatriots" (1:01-1:11)
-"reality" is first heard here, right before the episode in which wolfwood is introduced. keep this in mind for later :')
EP4: -"undertaker" has a dissonant sax part (0:48-0:54) that's similar to the one found in "irritation" (1:05-1:11), but it's an ascending passage rather than descending. it doesn't show up anywhere else so it might become a motif we'll hear in the future, but there's no way to know until the next part is released
-"planet zaji", from 0:55-1:04, has that one part from "time left" (1:02-1:09). it's heard while wolfwood's spinning the punisher around but I think it's just something that sounds cool, and you can't really hear it anyway because of the sound effects/dialogue. if zazie gets any additional themes in the future I might have more to say on this
-vash's leitmotif kicks in in "hungry !" (0:21-0:43) when wolfwood introduces himself at the end of the episode. I really like this track I hope we'll get to hear it again x)
EP5: -I don't think there's any meaning behind "shadow" borrowing from "worms network". I'm pretty sure it was just for mood (and to be fair it is a cool track)
-you can hear vash's leitmotif at the beginning of "boy and vash". this is the part where vash is escorting rollo back to the village
-"cyborg" introduces a new 4-note pattern (0:07-0:14) that I'm calling the eye of michael leitmotif. if hearing this reminds you of episode 6 then you already understand what I mean
-"dud" has vash's leitmotif as well (2:20-2:59), which starts playing when vash is begging rollo to wake up after wolfwood kills him
-only a small part of "human subject" (0:25-0:35) is used for the final scene, right when the windmills start turning. using the EoM leitmotif as a sendoff to the empty village is. really haunting
EP6 (this is a long one I'm sorry): -the EoM leitmotif can be heard in "reborn" (0:09-0:14, but it's easier to hear in 0:26-0:30). this is the opening scene where wolfwood guns down the deserter
-they do reuse "worms network" when livio first opens fire on vash but that's more for mood in my opinion. you could say it hints at zazie monitoring the sand steamer though
-we're probably going to hear "the desert rogue" again when the bad lads gang shows up in a future episode, possibly with a new arrangement for brilliant dynamites neon (this is one of my personal favorite tracks actually. it's a shame they didn't get to use the whole thing because 0:45 to the end is really cool)
-"boyhood" contains the EoM leitmotif and it's very in-your-face in this song (1:15-2:19). in the episode itself the track gets cut at around 2:10, but in the OST the piano motif from "orphanage" can be heard one more time right at the end of the song at 2:18-2:20. which is an evil thing to do. anyway
-"nicholas the punisher" is an arrangement of "reality". let that sit for a second, maybe go listen to those two tracks or something.
okay so we can look at this in a few different ways:
-> the end of episode 3 is of course a reality check, supported by the corresponding track being titled "reality" (even though it's fabricated by nai: to suggest and then prove to the people of no man's land that vash is indeed deserving of the $$6mil bounty; and to tell vash that his presence will pose a threat to humans). you know who else is supposed to be* grounded in reality? the pragmatic nicholas d wolfwood, who's introduced at the start of episode 4 *tristamp wolfwood hasn't quite found his resolve yet, as shown by his hesitation when livio appears
-> in the scene where "nicholas the punisher" is heard, vash is insistent on rescuing livio while wolfwood pushes back and says it's too late for him. he's clearly wishing he wouldn't have to eliminate livio though, and with "reality" as the foundation of this song, it presents wolfwood's inner turmoil in a new way for the audience: vash, who is physically right there trying to persuade him that there's still hope for his brother, vs his role as "nicholas the punisher" in sound, in his mind, and the "reality" that developed along with it (death is/can be a mercy, and sometimes it's necessary to sacrifice one life to save many)
(I also want to add that while legato's dialogue shows he intended for the orphanage to be eliminated through livio's death, it seems wolfwood didn't even realize that killing livio would mean more kids would be taken by the EoM for experimentation. he thought he had to choose between livio or the children, but it was a "test" of loyalty; and legato was attempting to obtain said loyalty by force)
-> outside of the episode, if you were to just listen to this track within the OST it's very representative of his character. contrary to "undertaker", which is fairly laid-back and....honestly kind of playful (and equally reflective of wolfwood's personality, when he's relaxed), "nicholas the punisher" is a more somber and contemplative piece. the fact that it's built on "reality" already suggests that he's someone whose beliefs conflict with vash's; and even without knowing that, both of wolfwood's themes contrast with the energy of "vash the stampede" quite clearly (even if I personally don't consider that track to be vash's official theme, it's still associated with him). I think it's really interesting that vash, the quieter one, has more raucous songs while wolfwood, the one with a sharp tongue, has calmer tracks :)
you might be wondering if "orphanage" is in "nicholas the punisher" and the answer is......yes, but actually, no. but kinda if you're delusional like me. this little pattern from 0:29-0:42 in "orphanage" is found in the low brass from 0:57-1:11 in "nicholas the punisher" (although it's in a different key and has a slight variation in the 2nd half). it's not quite the same, but both phrases start by going down a half step, then down a P5 interval (D->C#->F# for "orphanage", F->E->A for "nicholas the punisher"). lastly the sand steamer's leitmotif (I guess) is also present but that's. obviously because this is happening on the sand steamer lol
-"whom to kill, whom to let live" is just a faster/more tense arrangement of "orphanage" with saxophone over it. starting at 1:07 you can hear the worms leitmotif (1:31-1:34 in "worms network")
I can't say whether or not legato is already represented in the OST because he's currently not associated with any unique tracks, but they might tie the dissonant saxophone passage from "irritation" to him. it's first heard when legato stops wolfwood from escaping the facility, and as far as I can remember it's not played anywhere else. if he plays a bigger role in the next season, which I'm sure he will, I'll be keeping an ear out for this x) (I only mention the sax thing because I don't think he's represented by the sax solo that plays in "whom to kill, whom to let live")
EP7: -a little more of "the desert rogue" is heard when the bad lads make their way onto the sand steamer but it's very hard to make out over the gang yelling in the background lmao
-we're treated to the entirety of "human subject", for the scene where livio briefly returns to himself. if you somehow weren't convinced that those repeated 4 notes had anything to do with the eye of michael, this is the last instance where it's heard: the moment livio's overcome by whatever brainwashing was used on him by the EoM
-I think most people associate "time left" with ep12 but it's first played in this episode and I believe that it was primarily composed with the ion cannon sequence in mind (though a majority of the tracks in the OST only play once for specific scenes, with some songs being cut short and getting different parts played across 2+ episodes. "irritation" and "human subject" are examples of this)
EP8: -this one's a little hard to hear because the 1st note is implied in the C drone but vash's leitmotif starts at around 0:09 in "complicity" and runs all the way to 1:06
-it's also in "home" (1:38-1:57), playing at the moment luida hands vash the red coat :)
EP9: -I've talked about this before but I really like that there's 4(?) measures of polyrhythm (2 or more differing rhythmic lines that are played within the same time signature) when vash joins in, before the brothers come together on the same even rhythm. you can see how vash's quarter-note pattern doesn't line up with nai's quarter-note triplets, and in fact, neither of them ever land or start together:
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(for the sake of comprehension I wrote it out with a faster tempo to stretch the polyrhythm part over 8 bars instead of the slow tempo/4 bars. I'm not sure what the official tempo is. I think a sane person would write it at a faster tempo so that the part doesn't look stupidly cluttered but a good musician would be able to play it regardless. anyway-)
it sounds even more stilted because vash is playing on the offbeat. polyrhythm's such a great way to represent the brothers' relationship because it seems so chaotic but both lines are still in time together, following the same beats. they're so different but in the end they're still brothers who (are trying to) understand each other. and I love that vash is playing secondo, a more harmonic/supportive part, while knives has primo, where the melody/ornaments are. it says a lot about their personalities :')
since I don't know what the original sheet music looks like I can't say if this is true but you can hear that the plant song at 1:03 is played in octaves (2 notes that're the same pitch with one higher than the other). because of the nature of a duet, and the fact that this was played by the twins when they were little, the octaves were probably split between the parts. so vash was playing the lower octave of the plant song with his right hand, and nai played the upper octave with his left hand (we don't get to see this because it cuts to nai playing the song alone at that point). also: vash favors his right hand while nai favors his left
-now for something far less interesting: "last run" is a medley combining "ethics and morality", "compatriots", and "millions knives"
EP10: -"a cruel sight" seems to be unused. it was probably intended to lead into "bio-power reactor" in the scene where meryl and roberto meet elendira in the tank (given that it ends the same way "bio-power reactor" starts), but they cut it and just played a version of "bio-power reactor" without the melody
-elendira's themes ("elendira the crimsonnail" and "which is the monster?") seem to have some lyrics that're most audible in the beginning of the tracks but they're almost impossible to make out without some kind of editing software, which I don't have lol. they're already very quiet in the background and they echo, on top of sounding like they were put through autotune
also this is entering speculation territory but it makes me wonder if elendira's theme is going to evolve with her. we've seen some concept art with her having a more teenage appearance, so I think it'd be really cool if the vocals also changed accordingly
additionally she doesn't have the EoM leitmotif anywhere but she DOES have a proper 4-note chromatic pattern that descends from D in "which is the monster?" (1:32-1:35), which is the same note that the EoM leitmotif starts on. if we consider EoM's broken chromatic passage to represent the failed experiments, then elendira, with an actual chromatic passage in her theme, is a success
-"meryl's regrets" is ALSO an arrangement of "reality" :') this is the track that plays during roberto's final moment, which was. you know. the consequence of meryl running off in pursuit of the truth. the "reality" roberto had warned her about several times prior to episode 10. interestingly, while "nicholas the punisher" expands on the original track, "meryl's regrets" is a reduction--it's mostly just the baseline with some notes here and there. she doesn't have a theme yet, but 1:23-1:33 might be something we hear again if/when she gets a track associated with her
EP11: -"nicholas and meryl" is an arrangement of "boy and vash", with erhu echoing vash's leitmotif. I think it's a neat way to show through music that both of them are here because of vash :]
-the tracklist goes slightly out of order at this point for some reason. after "memory retrieval", "memory of geranium" is what plays in the final memory, when nai decapitates rem
EP12: -"memory of rem" is a combination of "childhood memories" and "memory of geranium". "childhood memories" is also found in "knives's piano", which is based on "duet". one fun way of interpreting this is that the "childhood memories" part of the duet is actually from rem, if she was the one who taught the twins how to play piano, which would make "duet" a musical representation of vash and nai's roots (pun intended. sorry). this also suggests nai misses rem, with how often he plays the piano, even if he thinks he hates her.
but "childhood memories" can also simply be seen as a theme that's associated with rem, nai, and vash's brief time together x)
-okay this is the part where I get to rant about "drain arm" because THIS SONG was literally the reason I decided I needed to rewatch stampede. I was listening to "drain arm" a couple weeks after the finale aired and I heard vash's leitmotif near the end and I was like "NO WAY!!!! HOW DID I MISS THAT"
as it turns out, it was cut from episode 12.
not to worry though, I still have plenty to say about it. even if I'm a little disappointed. just. a little.
-> from 1:13-1:25, you can hear vash's leitmotif in the cello. this DID make it into the scene, and it plays when vash rises through the clouds
-> 2:44-3:10 is where some of the lyrics from vocal version of "millions knives" play: "remember how / we used to be / no turning back / sky's (skies??) falling down". although you can't actually hear the "remember how" in "drain arm" (at least not without blasting the song into your ears, which I don't recommend), it starts right when the image of vash and nai sitting in the geodome appears
-> we finally get the plant song at 3:36, when the condensed energy starts to leak out/charge. and then after it fires, but before nai dives into the beam, we hear "I still care for you" (3:44-3:52). and while it's originally from the vocal version of "millions knives", in the context of the scene I think it's a sentiment from both brothers: vash, who pleads for nai to let go and releases the energy away from him; and then knives, desperately reaching for the cube because he believes the success of his plan will ensure his family's (and especially his brother's) safety, the only ones he's ever cared about
in other words: plant song in cello = vash -> "I still care for you" -> continuation of plant song in low brass = knives. they're connected by this single sentence
-> knives's leitmotif (I didn't talk about it because it's only found in songs that signal his appearance, so it's really obvious, but yes he's got one of those) plays at 4:03 for the "nai is dead. you killed him" exchange
-> it goes back to a variation of the plant song at 4:29 (I LOVE the piano at 4:40-4:49 btw. it's so good. I could cry about it. probably)
if you've read my plant song analysis you might be wondering how to tell when it's being associated with the name millions knives instead of the plant race. since we know that a good chunk of the songs in the OST were written like a film score, the visual context (and/or the song titles themselves) can clue you in. "drain arm"'s use of the plant song is meant to highlight that vash and nai aren't human, so it's the latter
-> now here's the part that was removed, probably due to the runtime: vash's leitmotif in the cello again, from 5:03-5:09. if you revisit the part right before nai lets go of the cube, you'll hear that it skips these 6 seconds and goes straight to knives's theme ("but that's the plant song!" yes. we'll get to that in a sec). this missing bit right here?? fucks me up EVERY time. it's the most mournful his leitmotif has ever sounded, appropriately so, and it's absolutely criminal that it wasn't included. especially because knives's theme, the plant song melody, follows it up on violin as the cello continues to play a line in harmony.
and it's knives's theme because in this moment it's about him dying, not the plants. they spent a whole season tricking us into thinking that the plant song was knives's theme, and then they used it to send him off.
-> and then july city explodes o7
as much as I'd love to hear "drain arm" again for another chance to let the weight of vash's motif come through, I think it's too intertwined with this scene to be recycled. like. maaaaaaaybe they could use it for fifth moon if that's supposed to be the climax of the next part but they kinda?? already did the "fire a really big laser at the sky" thing? anyway yeah I'm totally normal about "drain arm". so normal
Extras: -the punisher and the double fangs have these cool sound effects when they transform and it kinda makes me think that their guns are built from lost tech, if the punisher's laser cannon wasn't evidence enough of this
-there's no equivalent of "sound life" in stampede, and I don't think there's going to be one. however, I do think that it would make a lot of sense if rem taught the boys how to play piano, because we could get something like:
-> rem asks vash about the plant song (the memory in ep12) -> she gives the boys piano lessons -> she helps them compose "duet"
-they didn't use "stampede out" for this season but I really hope we'll hear it in the next part. I know it's just a longer version of "escape" but it's a fun song :]
-this is. obvious but you can hear "gate" in "millions knives". no idea if they'll put "gate" into more songs, especially for vash now that he seems to have some control over it
-there's also something kinda fun with key signatures too: -> "millions knives" is in b minor -> vash's leitmotif is in d dorian (of course this changes depending on the key signature of whatever track it's used in) -> "undertaker" is also in d dorian -> I think songs associated with no man's land/humanity are usually in some dorian scale or specifically the key of a minor but this is solely based on jeneora rock since july city had its own unique theme so I'm not totally sure yet. "duet" is in a minor by the way -> "nicholas the punisher" is in d minor. if "undertaker" is tied to humanity (which is tied to vash) then "nicholas the punisher" is linked to the other side: knives, through the EoM. it adds another interesting layer to the contrast between wolfwood's two themes, but I don't consider this to hold any meaning lol -> I WILL say that b minor is the relative minor of D Major, so having knives and vash's songs be written in those keys was likely deliberate. and what makes it really interesting is that to get d dorian, you take a D Major scale and lower the 3rd and 7th notes by a half step
-I'm not 100% sure but I think plucked piano strings were used to create the low, scratchy string sound effect in some of the songs (one example is literally at the beginning of "irritation"). I think it's really cool that piano is everywhere in the soundtrack, but not necessarily by hitting the keys
-I am unbelievably excited for livio's/razlo's themes because they have the opportunity to do some REALLY COOL things with the music for them. we might not get them in part 2 (though I think we will) but whenever it happens I'll be so ready for it >:)
and that's all!! o(-< thank you for reading! if you actually took the time to go through all of this with the soundtrack pulled up, I'm. impressed. i think. anyway I'm a big fan of OSTs with strong storytelling and tristamp's OST is no exception :]
if you've got questions, feel free to ask ^^ I definitely didn't cover everything I just picked out whatever I thought was worth mentioning. which was uhhhh quite a bit x)
(also again if you're interested in reading the plant song analysis I did it's in the replies section of the notes 👍 I recommend reading it on a computer though)
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darlingdarkly · 4 months
🥳🍾 Ok, if you encourage me, then I'll go ahead - though I would hate to distract you from FWTD (Haven't read it yet, I'm still too focussed on 141 and can't cope with splitting my attention too much.) Feel free to ignore this, no pressure.
Would you be interested in hearing about my favourite passages of NYNY, like chapterwise, in case you don't find that boring? I enjoy sharing favourite parts because I find fascinating to see what exactly caught other people's attention and what they like best - especially when it comes to the authors themselves. 🤗
Are there passages you love and are specifically proud of? Like for example you had one sentence/passage/setting in mind and felt the need to create a whole chapter, story or even world around it?👁👁🧠💥💋
(Is that too private to ask? In case you wouldn't want to answer (in public), just let me know.🤫)
((It might sometimes take me a bit of time to answer but I would never NOT react at all sooner or later. Hope that's not too frustrating a prospect...👉👈))
Enjoy the day/night 🤘
YESS OMG! Ok so I’d love to answer this with you but it’s gonna be lengthy LMAO so I’m gonna drop it under a read more 😅
Ok so I’ll give you a little secret about where the idea for him came from in the first place. I came up with this idea back in December of last year, a new movie came out on Netflix called “The Killer” it follows this hit man around who botches a kill and then the people he works for try to clean it up by taking out him but they end up really hurting his wife and so he goes rogue and takes out everyone who had anything to do with the job. His final target is this rich guy who put up the money for the job and he finds out he goes to this fitness club and he goes there while he’s working out to get access to his house. The fitness club/ bougie gym in question was called “Baliquinox” and while I was sitting there watching it the idea came to me and I literally stole the name of the gym and reused it as like a little homage to where the idea came from.
And thus personal trainer Johnny was born! When I sat down to actually write it I had three main scenes I wanted to write, their first ever introduction where he picks her out or part 1, the scene in part four where they fuck for the first time (let me tell you that scene lives rent free in my head for months!) and the ending (specifically like the last paragraph) your girl wrote that WHOLE fic with just those three scenes in mind at the start. Everything else, literally all of it was thought up on the spot.
Funny enough the whole FitBit present he gives her was thought up as I wrote that part. I heard a commercial on Spotify for it, did a little more research and saw all the potential it had. And I had no idea when I wrote it in just how big a part it was gonna end up being in parts down the road. It was kinda just improvised haha
Two of my favorite little tidbits!
The first is in the second part when he’s sitting her down and asking her all kinds of questions that get increasingly personal to the point where she thinks he’s fucking with her (because he is) but I wanted to show that he’s intelligent enough to masquerade his gross intrusiveness as part of his job and then when he’s got you suckered he drops the facade completely and reveals his true intentions. It’s the first of Johnny showing you his true colors and I absolutely loved writing it, it was such a blast and I really enjoy writing manipulations like that. And then when reader heads to the locker room to recompose and dress she has her mind set to set him straight and draw some boundaries which when confronted by them Johnny just pliantly agrees and makes her feel kinda small for making such a big deal of it but we all know he’s pulling the wool over readers eyes again.
Secondly! I loved the morning after the club incident when she wakes up and she’s in Johnny’s bed and she can’t remember anything and Johnny writes the narrative for her and plants a seed. It’s really all it takes. He tells her that it’s OBVIOUS she was drugged last night and there’s no way she can go back home because she’s in DANGER!! (A danger he created the whole time) He played her right into his hands, swept her right off her feet without her even protesting because he’s helping her and doing it for her own good.
A man like Johnny is hyper intelligent and hyper dangerous. When he has his sights set on something he wants he will get it every time because he’s not afraid to play outside the lines. There are no boundaries and no limitations, there’s just the object of his desire and the obstacles in between him and it. And when you’ve walked into the trap and he’s got you, it won’t even seem like a trap. You’ve just suddenly gained a boyfriend and he’s moved you into his home and the sex is amazing and you never have to care for anything ever again. He’s just all in one move wrapped you up into his arms and secured you and it’s where you’ll be for the rest of your days if he can just keep manipulating things in his direction, which is much easier now that he’s got you right where he wants you.
This became so lengthy omg haha but I love him so much! He’s obsessive and he wants you all to himself and he’ll do anything to get it! Please, feel free to reblog this and tell me your favorite parts or add onto mine or discuss!! I would love it! 🫶🫶🫶
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kisskisskys · 7 months
Hey, hope you’re doing better… time will make things better, believe me. Just here to give some advice ig, I don’t if it’ll be useful or not, but here I go.
First of all, you are not a bad person. You couldn’t know he was an abuser at all, none of us could… Even if there were signs or not; abusers tend to be good at hiding them… Also we never really know a content creator/celebrity/influencer/etc. We just don’t. The person who they show us can be just a part of them or a completely made up “show” persona. So, it’s not your fault for not knowing and admiring/loving him while you didn’t know. You did nothing wrong at all.
Now that you know, you can do smth abt it. If you want you can give away stuff you have of him (like merch) or use it in privately (as to not show any more support for him). Please don’t burn stuff or throw it away in the trash just to make a point; it really helps no one, you’ve already payed for it, you can’t take the money back, so better give it another use—reuse, reduce and recycle pretty much.
This will be controversial, but you aren’t a bad person for liking something that was made by a bad person. I know this is the “separate the art from the artist” conversation… but just here me out: sometimes I think it’s really not the sin everyone is making it out to be, as long as you try not to support the “artist” (content creator and his music in this case) any longer and acknowledge that the artist is bad, I think you are okay.
You aren’t tainted, bad or somehow it means you are an apologist. It really doesn’t. Just be cautious with it; not saying this like in a “hide that you like him so ppl don’t realize you like him and so /know/ or think you are bad person”, but more in the “some people might be triggered by him and because of what was reveled it’s probably best to try not to support him anymore”.
Support always meaning giving him more money, expanding his voice, introducing more ppl to him and his music, etc.
That said. You can still listen to his music if you want. Again, it’s not a sin or reflection of who you are; it doesn’t make you bad by association or bad at all. Just try to listen it in other ways to not give him any more money or any more of a platform.
You could listen to his music on ytb, many channels have uploaded his stuff and since they are not official acc’s I don’t think he gets any money from it. You could download his music and listen to it outside Spotify or whatever; you can do so from ytb with YouTube Convertors :) You could also listen him from SoundCloud, just make sure the /file/ you listening wasn’t uploaded by the official band (if they even have a SoundCloud acc?).
I wanna add. Just like this could be a “separate the art from the artist” conversation, ig it could also be a “death of the author” one. You are free to take whatever you want from his art, it is yours now and having that doesn’t make you bad because he is bad. Doesn’t really work like that.
Lastly I guess, it takes time to grow out of an attachment to someone. So please give yourself time, be kind to yourself… It will happen eventually, believe me.
In the meanwhile, specially if you feel too guilty about listening to him or watching his content, you can look for alternatives. There’s plenty of recommendations going around rn, both for similar music and streamers to listen/watch instead; so you could look into those. Yk what they say: nothing like a new hyperfixation to replace another B) haha Idk if anyone has ever said that but sometimes it works like that.
Hope you feel better soon. I do. Hope you get to forgive yourself if you need to? I don’t think you did anything bad, but sometimes we feel like we did regardless… so I hope you found forgiveness if you need it. Remember to be kind to yourself and give it time.
Best of luck. Sending good vibes to you too 🌟✨💫🌸🌻🌱
Thanks so much Anon, that is actually really helpful advice. Luckily, I have other content creators, it’s just hard to go from being obsessed and worshipping him to crying in bed because he is a bad person. I don’t have any merch, but I wanted the records for record day, but I kinda didn’t think it was a good idea anymore… At first, I was trying to distance myself, ignore it cause it hurt to much to think. What I was doing yesterday was keeping myself constantly busy so I didn’t get the chance to think at all. Now I’m kinda accepting it and a little step forward I’ve seen myself take is instead ignoring videos bashing Wilbur on TikTok, I watch them and not avoid them. It’s baby steps but it’s something. I used to use YCGMA to fall asleep, but stopped two nights ago coincidentally, I haven’t dreamed, or haven’t had as vivid of dreams that I’m used to. I basically conditioned myself to be obsessed with him, and not I need unconditioned myself.
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mad-aims · 1 year
I got tagged
Sorry this is a bit late, I've been really poorly. I'm still feeling a bit crappy but fortunately (or unfortunately might be the case here), I've perked up a little bit.
I was tagged by the amazing @eomma-jpeg <3
Last song: Well according to my Spotify, it is Stuck With You by Huey Lewis & The News: Here
This is one of my favourite love songs ever, it's just so cute and catchy.
Currently reading: Bet you can't guess! haha
It's none other than Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. Its like my favourite novel ever.
Current fic: Right now I'm reading an Aziraphale/Crowley human AU called Recommended Reading by Feral Tuxedo Here. I've just finished rereading Fledging by them too; another human AU where Aziraphale and Crowley are both single parents. Here
I'm also going to reread In The Meadow (A MillNai fanfic) by @eomma-jpeg again at some point too because it's just gorgeous! Here
Currently watching: I'm not particularly watching anything at the moment, although I'm thinking of rewatching Good Omens season 2 again. Got to do my bit make it get a 3rd season! My angel and demon need their happily ever after!
Next on my watchlist: Hmmmm.... I might probably catch up with the new Rurouni Kenshin anime and My Happy Marriage. Also might watch that One Piece movie just because, (I don't even like One Piece) and catch up with that new season of Ragnarok (that Norwegian norse god show).
Current obsession: It's a bit of both Trigun and Good Omens. Probably more Good Omens right now. Just because when I first watched it, I was going through a real bad patch in my life. It was the one thing I really got into, after reaching a point where I thought I couldn't enjoy anything anymore. It turned my lifeless shell into something a bit more well alive! So it holds a very special place in my heart.
As for Trigun, liking it has led me to re-enter the trepid waters of Tumblr and I've made friends with some really awesome people. One of said people has tagged me in this here thingie. Also, Vash will forever be one of my favourite characters, I see a lot of myself reflected in him. He's always going to be my blorbo, along with Meryl, Milly and Knives (and Wolfwood god rest his soul).
As for my tags I don't have many friends (unless you count all the bots) so I'll just tag the followers I think might be actual people: @veilder @stradivariholmes @suwisuwii and @maulsveenus
Can I also tag @eomma-jpeg again too? Haha
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eldritchsurveys · 3 months
What was the last song you listened to? >> Daywalker by Mars God, a song that was on my Release Radar that I actually liked. I do like it when Spotify throws in random artists with like 500 total listeners, I've discovered some real winners that way.
Are you one of those lucky people with 20/20 vision? >> I assume that I am; I haven't been tested in like a decade but my eyesight has always been fantastic.
Do you share your birthday with a celebrity? >> I don't know, probably.
Have you ever made a complete fool of yourself in public, on purpose? >> Probably. Grey was really good at just completely flouting social convention and doing silly shit in public. It helped that we were friends with someone of the same disposition, because then we could do weird silly shit together. Is there a magazine you get monthly? >> There is not.
What is the last thing you read? >> The last book I finished is Craig DiLouie's Episode Thirteen, which I think is incredible and completely tailored to me specifically. The last book I read any pages from is The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah, which is so oppressively bleak and dread-filled that I can only read like two chapters at a time. It's interesting and I like the way it's written, but the feelings are just Too Real for me to immerse myself in for long.
Is fashion one of your interests? >> It definitely is, but not in the "I know everything about it" way -- more in the "every time I engage with anything related to it I find it immensely interesting and exciting". I do have a favourite fashion house, which I imagine isn't something everyone has, haha (it's Hassidriss 🖤) Describe your current outfit: >> Charcoal grey joggers with lil embroidered flowers on them + grey undershirt.
Are you currently pleased or annoyed with your hair? >> Neither. It's freshly buzzed so I don't have to think much about it at all for the next couple of weeks.
Have you ever wanted to be famous? >> Maybe as a child, when I didn't have a full idea of what it meant.
If you were to move out right now, do you think you would be successful? . Are you overwhelmed with the thought of the future? >> I am.
Do you prefer to pay in cash or credit cards? >> I prefer to use a card just because it's convenient and less fiddly (and there's no change involved -- I hate having coins rattling around everywhere). Cash is definitely easier to keep track of because it's tangible, but I have never really had much of a problem keeping a mental track of what's in my bank account either, so. When was the last time you hung with your friends and what did you do? . When was the last time you spoke to the last person you kissed? >> I speak to Can Calah almost constantly.
Your opinion on people who live every day like it’s their last? >> I don't have an opinion on people who do that. Like, whatever works, yeah? I have an opinion on the concept, though, which informs why I don't do this -- I think it is healthy to remember one's mortality, but not in the sense that it constantly informs everything a person does (which leans into neuroticism), and I also think that living every day as if it's one's last day interferes with one's ability to reckon with potential long-range consequences. Naturally, you'd be more reckless and daring if you know you're going to die. You ever hear those (possibly apocryphal, but it's still a highly plausible outcome) stories about people who get a terminal diagnosis so they spend all their savings or something and then they end up living for 10 more years and they're like "oh fuck, I need that money now"? I mean, I assume people who subscribe to the viewpoint we're discussing aren't doing shit that dramatic, but, well. IDK. It's just a weird way to live, I think. I do think a combination of "remember you might well die tomorrow, shit does happen, tell people you love them" and "but you're also alive right now and that's not nothing, and you might also live to be 85 so maybe eat your vegetables and do some stretches" is most suitable for me.
Where was the last place you went out to eat and what did you have? >> Well, I was at Pride yesterday and I got a (pretty damn good) sandwich from a food truck there. That counts!
Is watching TV a big thing for you? >> It is. I'm always in the middle of multiple series.
Have you ever heard the belief that all Canadians live in igloos? >> I have not heard that. Who believes that?
Where do you download your music from? >> I don't download music anymore, because I have a Spotify subscription. However! I did recently find a tool that allows one to download music from Spotify. So I absolutely did download my entire Liked Songs playlist a few days ago (mostly so I could finally play it on Audiosurf, which I dearly missed playing, but also it's always good to have a backup). Sparrow told me about the Internet Archive, so I have to remember to check that out whenever there's songs that either aren't on Spotify or stop being on Spotify suddenly for whatever reason (I realised when I was downloading my songs that Blind Guardian's Nightfall in Middle-Earth is just... gone, now??? What the fuck, man, that's my shit!).
Do you ever use the aid of Google Translate? >> I do.
Is there anyone in your life who is unhealthily addicted to something? >> I'm not sure this is anywhere near as common as scaremongerers on the internet (or people who go "haha omg I'm soooo addicted to Starbucks 🤪") would have us believe. Which is funny because on the flip side there are still addictions out there that people refuse to take seriously, which leads to stuff like the insane proliferation of gacha games and lootboxes. What a country this is. ANYWAY, no one I know is addicted to anything that I'm aware of. Habituated or otherwise dependent, sure (caffeine is a big one here), but that's not quite the same. What’s that one song they constantly play on the radio that you hate? >> Thankfully, I never have to deal with this again.
Do you know someone who is creepily possessive? >> I do not.
Have you ever been your friend’s shoulder to cry on? .
Are your teeth perfectly straight? >> They are not.
Do you think you’ll eventually find that special someone? >> It is really hard for me not to deeply wish for a connection like this, despite how implausible it seems. Grab your keys and tell me what each one is for. >> I only have two keys and they're both for my house (one is for the back door that goes to the mud room+the garage door and the other is for my individual unit).
Do you have any money on you right now? >> I have about 14 bucks in my zip pouch.
Have you ever written a fictional story? >> I have, many times.
What is your wine of choice, if any? >> My dream wine is a 2Cab, but that is not common and it's hella expensive besides. I like peppery reds (obviously, lol) and I also like reds with a lot of body. I like crisp fruity whites but I also like a buttery Chardonnay sometimes. Honestly, I think I'm pretty versatile with wines, especially compared to others.
Is your shower big enough to fit two people into? Ever done that? >> It's a tub-shower combo, so yeah, easily. I don't do that, though.
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aclosetfan · 1 year
Heyyyyy, how are you doing? I hope you are doing well and life gets better and better with each day for you. just saw your post with your H/Cs about the girls. I was wondering if you have some of the boys too?? Maybe something you haven't mentioned before, and/or would be unexpected to some fans.
Btw, you are probably my favourite writer in the fandom. I usually don't re-read fics but Until Do Us Apart has my heart, ksjdhhdgghj. You can't imagine how much I cried when I first read it 😭 When I find it, I will definitely read it again (when I have free time).
Bro ngl, forgot i wrote that (AGAIN), re-read it, and after i got past all the typos i missed and fell into the story, i was like WHAT!? I couldn't have written that! Like who?? Me?? That was too sad. too heartbreaking. I hate it. I want five more stories just like it. thnxs!!
here's the link so everyone can be sad too :) just ignore all the fucking typos
lmao anywayyy! Three h/cs for our fave boys. I've forgotten what i have and have not mentioned, so if these are just repeats, sorry in advance. Like with the girls, my headcanons don't vary often! Once I've characterized them, they're pretty much characterized lolol
On paper, he's not a good leader. He's condescending, bossy, lazy, and the biggest asshole, but where Blossom needs a plan for everything, Brick is quick on his feet and doesn't mind Boomer and Butch straying from the plan. He doesn't direct every action, and because he's better at taking shit in stride, his brothers are also better at acting independently. By contrast, Bubbles and Buttercup are well-trained and don't act until directed, which drives Brick up a wall. He's definitely an "I told you what needs to be done, so figure it out already" macro-manager.
Boy band/girly pop junkie, but he'll go to the grave before anyone finds out, except everyone knows. He's bad at hiding it. He claims all the k-pop shirts he owns were bought as a joke, but his spotify is linked to Butch and Boomer's, and they know how big of a swiftie he is. (or like in-universe equivalent lol)
He's depression barbie all the way, which isn't a new h/c I just want to reiterate that mentally he's not doing well and is a gremlin about it. His brothers routinely remind him that he does, in fact, have to drink water.
If not for him, his brothers would have killed each other by now. He's not any more responsible than the other two, but he is a grounding figure. He has, overall, earth-sign-middle-sibling energy. He's the one who remembers to take out the trash, not because he wants to take out the trash, but because the trash just needs to be taken out, and he's standing there anyway. This headcanon is actually hard for me to convey with words. Basically, he's the one keeping the trio together. Good second-in-command guy.
Sure, Brick broods and Boomer whines, but Butch is the brother staying up at night yearning for something a little bit more than the life they've got. I think he'd be the brother most easily persuaded to "go good," not Boomer like I've seen. He likes his reputation as the big tough monster of the trio, but a small part of him knows it's all just a front and that he'd like to be respected as a person. With that in mind, it's easy to see how he could be angry angry angry. He's stuck, he wants more, he's doing what he's made to do, he loves his brothers, he wants to leave them, he feels directionless, lost - - - might as well workout to distract himself, maybe start a fight.
planes, trains, and automobiles bbbyyyyyyyyy. Autism be damned, my boy can work an engine (both real and of the model variety)
i feel like i've already said everything I've got on this kid haha, but I don't think I've mentioned that, like Bubbles, he's good with small creatures, but where she focuses on the cute ones, he's obsessed with rabid raccoons and fucked up looking opossums. He has an opossum hidden in his bedroom named Trashcan. Also very interested in Bugs(tm).
Went through an "emo" phase, except he was a total poser about it, which caused considerable tension between him and Brick (goth boy extraordinaire), and wore bad eyeliner. Then, immediately after, went through a surfer boy phase, then a cowboy phase, and then a, well . . . basically, Boomer's always trying to find himself because he doesn't think Himself is good enough (he hasn't had his Kenough moment yet), and is desperately seeking other peoples approval.
Boomer may not know who he is quite yet, but to his brothers, he is crinkly-eyed smiles, breezy laughs, warm hugs, and cold hands with an innate ability to make them feel like they're people worth loving. He may not like it, but he's the baby brother through and through.
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sacredflorist · 6 months
Get to know the mun
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What made you pick the current muse(s) you have ? I always like to say the muse chooses, I don't choose them 😂 But of course, I always write characters I love! If we're speaking about Aerith's case, I wrote her for a few years and I had a lot of fun, and I felt like writing her again. She's such an interesting character to explore because she's very complex :3
Is there anything you don't like to write ? I don't write smut ? This is the first thing that comes to my mind, but also extreme violence or physical abuses. It's not my cup of tea at all!
Is there anything you really enjoy writing ? Everything that allows me to deepen my character! Very strong feelings, for example. Anger, sadness, love... anything thing, but when they feel strongly, it's always very interesting to write! And I also love to explore parts of the canon that was briefly mentioned but not shown, for example.
How do you come up with headcanons ? It's very random, actually 😂 Sometimes, it's because I'm playing the game and it makes me think of something, sometimes it's because of something that happens in a thread, sometimes it starts with discussing with irl or rp friends... it really depends!
Do you write in silence or do you play music ? I mostly listen to music because I think it's relaxing and it allows me to concentrate, even if sometimes I'm too passionate about the songs I'm listening to 😂 I like to make playlist for my character, too! It's always interesting, and I love listening to my mixes on Spotify, too, depending on the mood of the thread.
Do you plan your replies or wing them ? I mostly wing them, but sometimes when I read someone reply, I might have an idea right away so I note it in the drafts. It doesn't mean I'll keep it in the end, but I often do.
Do you enjoy shipping ? I do, but I prefer to ship with people I talk with ooc at least a bit. It really is just for my own comfort, nothing personal haha! And I prefer to have a small number of romantic ships because I love to explore different kinds of dynamic. I'm open to it though of course, and I absolutely adore my ships :3 I like when they come naturally through interactions, these are the best kind 🥰
What's your aliase/name ? Sam
Age ? 28 but 29 very soon 😂
Birthday ? In late March hehe!
Favorite color(s) ? Red ❤
Favorite song(s) ? It's very hard to pîck one! But I'm a Swiftie so I'll go with a Taylor Swift song! These days I'd say it's "my tears ricochet" 🥺
Last movie you watched ? I'm pretty sure it's The Eras Tour when it was released on Disney plus! I saw it before but I needed to watch it again, and that full version haha :3
Last show you watched ? I did a Cardcaptor Sakura rewatch for the first time in so many years LOL
Last song you listened to ? "Watermelon Sugar" by Harry Styles
Favorite food ? I'm a seafood girl! Anything with seafood, and sushi too! These always make me happy!
Favorite season ? Summer! When it's warm and comfortable in the evening, not when it's humid though 😂 Swimming late in the evening is the best though!
Do you have a Tumblr best friend ? I do and I'm vey grateful. I don't think I need to name them, they know who they are ❤
Tagged by: @origami-assassin, thank you 😊 Tagging: YOU ;D
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kowaindar0u · 7 months
i present: yuichi's playlist! [spotify] [youtube]
(as of 3/14/2024)
as with most of the playlists i make, some songs are readily applicable, some just have the right Vibe, some are sorta funny... and in yuichi's case, there's a lot of a rain theme going on lol
(also, some are ones from my own tourabu mood playlist that i just had to bring over)
because i've always wanted to do this i'm gonna go through all the songs and maybe explain why i put it there or something?? yolo! playlist guide under the cut lol
i recommend having this going while you listen!
most songs (on the youtube version) have lyrics/translations where available!
there's a lot of kpop don't judge me lol
Dreamcatcher - Full Moon this is a song from dc to their fans on their first anniversary lol, so the themes of a somewhat-new bond are pretty relevant!
Seventeen- Campfire do i even need to explain? sobs this song makes my heart warm ... just thinking about yuichi & all the toudans sitting around a campfire having *sniffles* precious moments... ; A;
Rihanna - Umbrella LMAO this one is very on-the-nose but also just thinking about it's hilarious, i couldn't resist. (plus like... it's a jam. also lyrically it actually does fit!)
Dreamcatcher - Boca be prepared to see a lot of dreamcatcher w/me, they're my Favorite(TM). anyway Boca is about protecting someone from harsh words (better translation is "if those thornlike words / start to hurt you / i won't let them open that boca (mouth)") AND has a very rainy/stormy atmosphere which makes it perfect. yes i know my toudans are Sword Warriors yes i still want to protect them as best i can!! (it's more about like. bullying and hate but yknow. similar sentiments...shhh...)
The Weather Girls - It's Raining Men ...............i don't think i need to explain myself on this >.> (THO HAHA IMAGINE IF THIS WAS HOW SWORDS MANIFESTED IN HIS HONMARU i'm dead)
ToppDogg -Annie (Anniversary) another 'anniversary' type song, i think it speaks for itself. saniwa💙toudans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clean Bandit - Rather Be lyrically, yes!! being a saniwa is not an easy or peaceful job by any means but yuichi wouldn't want to be anywhere else <3 also the song makes me think of rainy/cool moist days!
Seventeen - Home seventeen shows up a decent amount too, but what can i say? the songs fit lol. saniwa-toudan relationships might not always be 100% sunshine and rainbows, but... they are home, no?
Twice - Feel Special GOD. this song came out while i was very into tkrb a few years ago and so that plus the song itself made me actually cry when i first watched it lol. it's so fitting though, i think from toudan or yuichi's perspective. for yuichi, he clearly struggles with his self-worth, and is...well, he's no stranger to a breakdown. but ... he's got so many touken danshi around him who love him
Girls' Generation - Talk Talk no explanation needed methinks! <3 just comparing a love to the rain
SF9 - The Beat Goes On okay this song is just like... pure beach episode, everyone gathering in the sunset and having a great time being free with each other. i include it on so many playlists where i just want to imagine a joyful time with the whole cast of whatever, it just has to go here too, even if you'd be hard-pressed to get yuichi on a beach lol
Yuju - Play this is just strictly for the vibes. i don't know that yuichi has someone who dipped and hurt him like that (but it could be interesting i guess lol). the song just is perfect for the rainy atmosphere
Dreamcatcher - Piri i told u prepare for dreamcatcher lol. anyway this song is literally about like... depression and getting to a point where you need a lifeline. very yuichi, unfortunately
New Politics - One of Us another "do i even need to explain?" song ;u; it's definitely on my tkrb playlist lol. also the lyric video is kinda fun lol imagining it as different toudans at the table
Gfriend - Summer Rain just very nice rainy vibes.
Super Junior - Why I Like You this song (the whole album really) has always given me rainy/humid vibes. but also... love <3 (ofc not necessarily romantic in yuichi's case! but yknow what i mean)
Flo Rida - My House almost a joke addition but like... also almost not a joke LOL
David Cook - Come Back to Me okay this song is tkrb playlist because it's like... 100% kiwame send-off vibes. i initially added it after watching hanamaru, thinking about kashuu sending off yasusada, but i think it also suits most sendoffs very well. i wanna cry. sobs....
SF9 - RPM So I don't have a good reason for adding this to yuichi's or my tkrb playlist other than it makes me think of using time travel to go on a mission. also i just REALLY like the song... and listening to it with the rain going is mmmwah *chef kiss*. just imagine a team going up to the [time travel device] all ready to fucking GO, looking all badass in the mist and shit. and then PPEPWWW they go! and now they're ready to fuck shit up (to un-fuck the timeline)... it's the VIBES AGAIN
Darren Hayes - Bloodstained Heart no words needed <3
Dreamcatcher - Over the Sky another anniversary fan song from dc! this song just makes me so happy and like. energized. spring time. anime conventions. so it's on my tkrb playlist, but it's also a sweet and fun song so, yknow, puts it on.
Ravi - Lean on Me is this yuichi talking to a toudan? or a toudan talking to yuichi? or ? who knows, but either way, i like it. sweet and reliable.
Seventeen - Thanks just... a song about being so grateful to know and love someone.
Major Lazer - Cold Water (the one song with justin bieber i listen to unironically lol)
Seventeen - Holiday oh man just LISTEN to it, even without the lyrics it's just like. fun!! party!! chill!!
SF9 - Bibora a jam. a rainy jam. but also maybe some parts of it speak to yuichi.
Jinsoul (Loona) - Singing in the Rain KNK - Rain Super Junior - Raining Spell for Love Strictly for the vibes.
JBJ - True Colors oh man. this song makes me cry too. my heart...
Starley - Call on Me Another song that I think explains itself lol
Dreamcatcher - Reason yet another anniversary song from deukae but it fits. through all the triumphs and hardships, despair and joy, the toudans in this citadel have become his whole reason for being and they inspire him to keep going and do better and be someone they can depend on and be proud to call their saniwa.
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Moar cause I wanna know (if not previously answered) and love your music takes (and all others): 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18 ❤️❤️
12. A song you feel should be higher up Lol kind of several but You First by Paramore is 96th and I feel like I've listened to it a lot more haha, plus it has some kicker lyrics and is just a banger
Karma's gonna come for all of us And I hope, well I hope, I just hope She comes, comes for you first, oh
Turns out I'm living in a horror film Where I'm both the killer and the final girl
13. The song with the most peculiar sound (to you) Oooooh okay so it doesn't seem peculiar to me anymore bc I've listened to it so much, but Two Scenes by San Fermin bc of weird and ever-changing time signatures, as well as almost like two fully different songs in one (as the title suggests) that then merge into one and there's a recurring kinda like 'meep' sound for lack of a better description hahaha that runs throughout the album and is noticeable here during several parts plus san fermin is typical rock band instruments with also a violin, trumpet, and bari sax (instead of bass) and it's very cool but also probably weird the first time hearing it
On the other hand, one that I've listened to a lot and still feels... not peculiar in a bad way but the percussion/instrumentation of it and the chords and timing is still super interesting to me is Working for the Knife by Mitski
15. Most danceable track This Hell by Rina Sawayama babeyyyy It's such a groove and it kind of actually has a dance that Rina and the dancers do on tour which is super fun and I poorly attempted to learn before the concert lol And just- with lyrics like these how can you not wanna dance?
God hates us? Alright then, buckle up, at dawn we're riding
Getting ready for the night Damned for eternity, but you're coming with me into the afterlife This hell is better with you We're burning up together, baby, that makes two 'Cause the devil's wearing Prada and loves a little drama, ooh-ooh This hell is better with you
Don't know why we're here, but might as well get down and dirty That Satan's looking thirsty, not even he can hurt me
Got my invitation to eternal damnation Get in line, pass the wine, bitch, we're going straight to Hell
16. A song everyone should know aaaaaahhhhh i don't know haha as much as I want great music to be heard by more people I'm also kind of protective about a lot of it - there's a lot of really good music I don't want ruined by people with like ill intent or whatever maybe Damage Gets Done by Hozier feat. Brandi Carlile I feel like it's a great song, especially a great driving song, their voices are just insane together, just big and free and soaring, and with lyrics that can just add to the banger of it all or really strike something if you feel like going deeper with them
17. Saddest song The Great Escape by Patrick Watson Eternal depression mood
Bad day Looking for the great escape
Hey child, things are looking down That's ok, you don't need to win anyways Don't be afraid, just eat up all the grey And it will fade all away
Spotify Wrapped ask game!
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morvantmortuary · 1 year
I had meant to finished these particular collages for pride month, but better late than never! I hope you're doing well and that your drive back to Louisiana wasn't too stressful. (And I hope now that your AC is fixed that it cools down your place pretty quick!)
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Whether it's platonic or turns into something more romantic, I can see Ezra gravitating towards Hex, especially after his soul searching trip (because now that he and the urge are co-existing without any issue...well. He needs a few friends to be able to handle it).
But seriously babe, thank you so much for your continued support and thank you for letting me play around with your blorbos every now and then!
(Also the next set of collages that I made may cause some...problems within the group?)
thank you so much for thinking of us, babe!! I’m sorry it took me a minute again :’D I got that Last Year of Funding brainfog on top of all the fun things that happened when I first got back lmao
I can definitely see Maxi and Rora noticing Ez gravitating Hex’s way first and both of them giving him a 👀 nudge at some point, but Hex at first is just like “Haha yeah, he’s cute but I’m sure he’s just being nice, he’s a chill guy” until finally Rora’s pointedly like “so show me some photos from last weekend” (the last time they all hung out, be it in Jersey or Greymoon) and Hex is like “oh sure—“
and then realizes most of them are of Ezra or that Ez is in his immediate vicinity in most of his selfies
and Maxi’s like “aren’t you the one who’s supposed to be good at this sorta thing?”
and Hex is like “bro if you don’t stfu—“
which leads to weeks of quietly stalking Ezra’s insta, spotify, any other socials he might have, just to test the waters but also to get a sense of what he likes (because he’s definitely cool with the Devil thing, but y’know, they need to have something in common when they’re not both gutting people)
and then the next time they’re in a group setting he makes a point to sidle on over to him and try to be smooth about it (whether or not it actually is smooth is directly proportional to how much mezcal he drinks beforehand bc being confident is v much a front when it comes to people who aren’t going to be basement fodder later)
I think they’re v much on the same wavelength, being sensitive in their different ways, and I can see them both being a good support for the other one given their particular challenges :’D (Hex at some point is going to blurt out the “oh by the way if I like you too much my family curse might make me try to kill you so just FYI” whereas I see the twins being a bit more… measured? about that conversation?)
but I’ll get right on to that next one you sent, bc that’s also very fun :3c
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erisenyo · 2 years
8, 17 or/and 22 for the bts of fic writing game?
8. Do you listen to music while you write? If so, share a song that’s been inspiring you lately.
I do! Almost always soundtracks for the actual writing though (which does hilarious things to my Spotify Wrapped). Most recently I've been vibing with Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (for like...a year haha) but I love the How To Train Your Dragon soundtrack and I wrote most of These Things Written to the Titanic soundtrack which...might have impacted the vibe in placed haha
17. What fic are you most proud of?
This is really hard to answer, I'm proud of so many different things about each of my fics!
I'm really proud of the way I was able to weave the Zukka story into canon for Burning Bright. Tackling original plot and intrigue and all the post-canon exposition was really challenging and I'm so pleased with how it turned out in To Open Every Door to Night, To Meet Each Rising Sun, and I'm really happy so far with how all the flashbacks are working in To Cleave These Root We've Made.
But if I had to pick one (which clearly I already cheated at) I'd pick Of Tea and Turtle Ducks (and the Turtle Duck Guy). I was trying out a new kind of narrative distance, it was my first time trying to show Zuko solely through Sokka's POV, it was my first modern AU, and I had the vague idea Zuko working through his feelings toward Ursa via ducklings and it all came together so much better than I could have hoped it would when I first started planning! (Really, those ducklings blessed me with their development stages haha)
22. Have you cried while writing a fic?
I actually cried when I wrote, edited, and every time I reread Chapter 30 of These Things Known. The tragedy of the fire siblings, Sokka desperately trying to keep all his friends together and okay but also needing to complete the mission--it gets me every time haha
For this Behind the Scenes ask game!
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cleoselene · 1 year
my vinyl wishlist of shit that’s not ever been on vinyl
1. Tori Amos - Scarlet’s Walk.  THIS MIGHT BE RELEASED THIS YEAR.  But it might be bullshit.  Plz don’t be bullshit, PLZ.  This album was released in 2002 which was a “dead zone” time period for vinyl.  Ditto goes for The Beekeeper and American Doll Posse.  But I fear the haters may delay those releases a lot, especially The Beekeeper.  I would like to fight everyone who made Tori hate that album, because it’s fucking gorgeous.
2. Taylor Swift - The COMPLETE Midnights.  I am not even going to call it the ‘Til Dawn Edition because tbh I feel like before she releases the whole thing on vinyl she is likely to tuck another song or two onto it and make it the 24 Hour Edition or something.  Someone on the swiftiemerch comm theorized that the eventual full vinyl release of Midnights will be 26 songs -- 13 songs on each LP.  Right now she has 9/13 written so I don’t think this is outside the realm of possibility.  Whatever the eventual track count is, I WANT IT.  My entire feelings on Midnights as an album changed when I heard it on a proper record player.  The production sounds SO much better.  It feels more detached in digital formats and I feel a much stronger connection to the songs on vinyl which is why it’s KILLING me that the 3AM/’Til Dawn tracks that are among my faves are not yet on vinyl!  I’m actually so into vinyl now I canceled my spotify account (tho partly because Amazon Music gave me 3 free months for ... buying a record, haha) because I’ve become that kind of snob who finds the experience SO much richer.
3. Leighton Meester - Heartstrings. CRIES because this will never happen but this little album is so luscious and beautiful and actually some of Midnights feels like a sister to Heartstrings.  “Labyrinth” in particular has that same dreamy vibe to Leighton’s album, which she described as “dreampop.”  I LOVE IT PUT IT ON VINYL AND PUT OUT ANOTHER ALBUM PLZ LEIGHTON
4. Literally any album by The Amazing Devil.  This is a possibility I think, more than Leighton’s at least, but as they’ve never released any physical copies of their music whatsoever, it’s also a long shot.  BUT JOEY, I KNOW YOU’RE ON TUMBLR: PLZ GIVE US YOUR BEAUTIFUL MUSIC ON VINYL.  YOUR SONGS WERE MADE FOR ANALOG.   I have a NEED to hear “Farewell Wanderlust” in all its vinyl glory.
5. Lil Nas X - Montero.  How the fuck did this not get a vinyl release?  And you know Nas would have put together the coolest, most stylish packaging for a deluxe vinyl!  This is a genre-defining album and it is a fucking CRIME that it’s not on vinyl!
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autumn-equinox-04 · 1 year
3, 10, 16, 17, 19, 28, 43 of the asks
okay these asks are actually kinda very fun..
3) What was the last song you listened to?
the last song I listened to was. wait no hold on I remember this. OH. chronically cautious by braden bales. and I didn't even need to check spotify for that!
10) How tall are you?
....I don't like this question. all I will say is that I am above 5ft (which is an accomplishment already) but hoping praying wishing to get a sudden growth spurt because even one inch will be an improvement atp
16) Want any tattoos? What of?
ooh I've never really thought about this before. I think maybe, when I'm older, I might consider getting a tattoo (provided my parents don't kill me of course- #desikidproblems) of maybe like a small dragon? behind my ear or something? it would have to be subtle and tasteful for sure
17) Want any piercings? Where?
well, I already have my ears pierced but I might consider getting like one or two more? cause I've seen some really cool earrings but you need multiple ear piercings for those :(( also, mayyyybe a nose ring. sometime in the distant future
19) Do you have a best friend? How long have you been friends?
being completely honest, no. I mean, I have plenty of close friends, whom I love dearly, but nobody who I would consider to be the one and ultimate Best Friend™ (and yes, I have given a lot of thought to this)
28) How are you, really?
thanks for asking this one haha :)) I'm doing okay mostly, just sleep-deprived/stressed and a little sad at times but my exams are over so things will get better!
43) Do you have siblings? How many?
yes! I have a little sister (who's very annoying and makes me want to punch something at the best of times but I still- grudgingly- love her)
thanks for the asks, I love receiving and answering them! also sorry it took so long :((
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gureshinlover · 1 year
More of JAMROCK translation! Second part is a short one for Tamausagi’s and Ten’s introduction it’s really fun~~
The links to the drama track on youtube and spotify are here
Translation of [Prologue: TRACK02] on below:
[Prologue: TRACK 02]
Ten: Pow! Pow! Oniisan, you heard the broadcast just now!?
[TN: He’s calling him oniisan because Tamausagi is older, not because they’re related]
Tamausagi: Haha, dear customer, don’t move around while I’m washing your hair please?
….Stand still you idiot
Ten: Ah? You said somethin’!?
Tamausagi: Ah no, nothing
Ten: Is that so? Anyway, ahhh this can’t be real… Vibes are getting great! Pow! Pow!
Tamausagi: Hahaha, if you move any more, you might get hot water on your face?
Ten: But how can I get calm! It’s a Reggae audition hosted by Oneness!? Actually, why are you so freaking calm!?
Tamausagi: After all, haven’t there been countless Reggae tournaments organized before.
I’ll be massaging like this, alright~
Ten: Ah~… But Oneness organizing is for the first time y’know~? That’s still somethin’ amazing! Even for me, it’s something pretty special
Tamausagi: Dear customer, you seem to be liking Oneness a lot
Ten: Liking... Nah, it’s RESPECT!
Oneness brought Reggae to this messed up country—I was shivering in that moment…! Weren’t you the same!?
Tamausagi: Well, at that time, I was still in primary school. I just thought “Oh cool”, I didn’t get that enthuasiatic. By the way, aren’t you around the same age as me?
Ten: Haha! Even so, I felt somethin’ inside as a kid! In my heart!
Tamausagi: Heh…
Ten: You don’t look interested~! By any chance, you haven’t felt Love & Peace with Reggae yet!?
Lemme show you then! With my song!!
Tamausagi: Ah no, I don’t need it.
Ten: Don’t say that~ I’ll sing a bit so listen ok? Ahem…
Ah but, somehow, did you increase your strength? Ah..OW OW OW! STOP STOP! MY HEAD IS GONNA BREAK!!
Tamausagi: Oops, I’m really sorry. I’m still not used to massaging
Ten: *sigh* C-Can’t be helped then! Okay Okay
Tamausagi: By the way, customer, you’re famous right? I once saw you getting introduced as  “Street reggae’s young prodigy, Hakumo Ten” on TV.
That feeling talking just now, you’ll participate in this tournament too right?
Pheww~, so you really know about me? I’m getting embarrassed! Well, it’s like, who’s gonna join if not me, and people around me don’t leave me alone too yknow!
Tamausagi: Is that so… Actually, I’m thinking whether I should join too
Ten: Huh? Seriously!? Even though you looked like you didn’t have interest at all!?
Tamausagi: Having interest and participating in it are totally different stories right?
Ten: Aah, you might be right! However, winning even though you’re not interested, Ragga Clash isn’t that easy y’know?
Tamausagi: …Thanks for the advice
Ten: Haha, you’re interesting. Ha~h, got it, so it means you’ll be my rival huh! Meeting somewhere like this must be predestined! Nuh-uh~
Tamausagi: Then, I’m washing off the bubbles~
Ten: Gah!? Wait, it’s getting in my eyes!! The hot water!!
Tamausagi: That’s why I told you not to move~
Ten: Eh, I was standing still—
Tamausagi: Alright, alright, it’ll end soon
Ten: Yeah man…
Tamausagi:  — How does it feel like this?
Ten: Ohhhhh!! Wicked! It’s burnishing my dread!!
Man, you got great talent! And also such charisma! Allow me to call you by your name for the next time!
Tamausagi: Thank you so much. Then next time coming to the store, call me Tamausagi.
Ten: Usagi-chan huh~ What a cute name
Tamausagi: Don’t call me like that please.
Ten: Eh? It’s a no? Then, saying the first part, “Tama”! Haha, this time it’s like a cat!
Tamausagi: It’s even worse than “Usagi-chan”.
Ten: Eh~~
Tamausagi: Call me “Tamausagi” please.
Ten: Hmm, can’t help it then… Then, nice to meet you, “Tamausagi”!
Tamausagi: Yes, nice to meet you too. Then, about the bill—
Tamausagi: ! shut your mouth… Ahem, what happened?
Ten: Oi oi, it’s the worst! Look at my phone!
Tamausagi: tch, what the heck—
 Translator: Zeuzey
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writers-ex · 1 year
spider 2shin?!?! why didn't they save y/n that's so mean 😭😭😭😭i thought at least yuna would've hmp also ryujin stealing a kiss 👀🫣🥵 that's hOT THAT's HOT !!! hgnfjfhdjxhdhsndjdjsjjs excited for the next installment!!!
also yoo!!! YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU LIKE PJO!??? i love pjo 😭😭😭😭 i remember waiting for the release of the last book of the series that was a sequel to pjo i read it bc i loved pjo so much skdjdjsjsjdjs
also !!! i like dancing as well we have a lot of stuff in common 💗💗💗 i mean i'm not good at it but i wanna get back to dancing as exercise hnghhh i had itzy's not shy and it'z summer memorized before as well as bp's playing w fire idk if i still do now hnghh hopefully i find the time again but wow i can't imagine dancing and singing in front of an audience i'd be too embarrassed you're so nrave for that😩
ALSO ALSO!! u right frozen 2 slayed!! icb disney deleted the video that they made for THE promotion of disney+ here probably bc the one w inti the unknown got millions of views (3M last i checked if i'm not mistaken??) compared to their other videos to promote their shows hmp!!! there's only one out of three left (https://youtu.be/1tcFWWkjKjc)
thankfully someone recorded the one that got millions of views (a member of my fave grp was there too he sang w one famous actress and another power vocal who won a tv competition) bc i downloaded the hd version of the video but deleted it bc i didn't think disney would delete another video 😭😭😭 (they deleted janella's version of How Far I'll Go that she sang for moana's release years ago bc it got more views than the original/american version so there's only one video left of that performance which is on wish bus😭😭😭)
https://youtu.be/FbeaY3BHXVA wAIT NO IT's BACK?! IN THE OFFICIAL CHANNEL?! i have hope for the disney+ performance then 🥹 but it might take yrs dafuq
https://youtu.be/RbIy7RVM9OQ this one has the third performance which is so cool bc zack performed in a historical site within the capital city (i live in the greater area of the city lmao)
you won't be able to save these performances in the spotify playlist i'm afraid hngh
also last !!! thank you for the well wishes for ppop 🥹 yea you said it right haha it's just my way of contributing to helping ppop rise hngh no pressure at all but if you or anyone else is interested here's a ten min vid of a fan organized event that i didn't get to attend bc it happened on sunday and sunday is family dayy (we passed by the venue event on the way home but i didn't see anything :(( one of my fave gg made a surprise appearance after having just performed somewhere else they appeared last "KAIA" in the interview and all of this was for free no fee for artists they willingly went to perform for fans 🥹🥹🥹)
ahhh!! thank u for listening i'm gonna give y'alls a break from the links and stuff this is my last for a while hahaha
- 😚
i will write the pt 2 of the spider!itzy y/n revenge plot when i have time and if i dont within a month plz remind me T^T anyone actually- im dead serious plz remind me i will forget
I LOVE PJO!! i read his stuff during the pandemic and it began my comfort series, i'm stoked for his next book and the disney show <333333 i am a camphalf blood camper and felt a connection with jason bc glasses buddies unite :)
and dang i just learned twice TT, bts's bapsae, pentagon shine (THATS MY SONG), and skz miroh but i've been forgotten them :,)
i gotchu here are the links to some amazing performances <3 and darn :,) i'll make a youtube playlist for myself then hehe the moana one isn't working btw T_T
link one
link two
link three
and NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you're welcome to keep spamming ik life gets busy and rough but the ask box and my dms will always be open if you need a pick me up or smol drabble or just to say hey :3 i gotchu boo
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