#chapter 23 has been giving me ISSUES
plummets from hanging chandelier
the stupendous wonderful amazing @drsmer has been hard at work creating the most devastating musical mashup known to humankind. AKA, a playlist for my fic Spider's Web With Strings Attached.
found on Spotify, this crushing whirl of every emotion is here for listening and daydreaming pleasure. I can attest that I have listened to it many times over.
musical devastation can be accessed HERE
enjoy :D
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mintmatcha · 5 months
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Inevitable Things: chapter five
Aizawa x reader fic
cw: cisfem reader, no quirks, office au, miscommunications, slow burn. full tags available on AO3 (linked in masterlist)
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Fridays are the only day you carve out time for lunch. Less than coincidentally, Fridays are also the only day lunch is catered.
“Here-” Izuku jams his bowl of take out into Katsuki’s face. “Does it smell like there’s peanuts in here?”
Bakugo Katsuki, Izuku’s fiance, is only half as ornery as he looks. A premature wrinkle has formed in between his brows, a sign of his almost constant annoyance. His straw colored hair is a sharp contrast to his deep red eyes, currently narrowed in disgust.
“Get this shit out of my fucking face,” he groans. “I’m not a fucking allergy alert dog-- I can’t smell peanuts.”
“To be fair-” Ochako interjects through a mouthful. She’s the opposite of Katsuki: dark hair, round eyes, a smile so sweet that it makes your teeth hurt. Her cheeks are always flushed, spots of broken blood vessels spattered like freckles. “Peanuts do have a smell.”
“Did you ask him to smell for penis?” Denki says, too loud to be genuine. “Kind of homophobic to ask a gay guy that.”
Both men give him identical deadpan stares.
“That’s just his fucking country-ass accent.” Katsuki brushes Denki off and turns back to the curly haired man. “Why would chicken have peanuts in it anyway?”
“The o’l.” Izuku stresses.
“The what?”
“Some places use peanut o’l.”
“Say oil.”
Izuku sneers a bit in return, smoothing out the curves of his accent. “Oy-I’ll.”
“Jesus christ, I’m marrying a hick.” Katsuki leans back in his chair and meets your eye with a jerk of his chin. “Can you believe this?”
You snap back into focus. Your own lunch is untouched, fork still in its little plastic wrapper. Hunger nips at your stomach, but nausea wins over today. The cafeteria isn’t very busy, but in the next couple minutes everyone will start pouring in. The lot of you arrived early to get the best seating-- a little couch and coffee table in the corner, a perfect place to eat and people watch.
“Oh, yeah, uh- Izuku, they have an allergen free option.”
“Well, yeah, but-” He tilts his head as he talks, watching you with those wide, green eyes, like he sees something just below the surface. “It doesn't have chicken-- are you good?”
“Yeah, you.” Katsuki fingers a piece of Izuku’s food and pops it into his mouth, much to the man’s dismay. “You’ve been making that sad little face all day.”
You pout a bit harder at that. Shit-- you thought you were being subtle. You haven’t been able to walk this whole Aizawa thing off yet, despite all of your attempts. No amount of emails, meetings, and other petty office bullshit managed to distract you from the absolute shock and humiliation of… whatever that was.
Embarrassment? You’re certainly not the prettiest girl in the office, but embarrassing? That makes your gums ache, like a punch to the nose, and it makes you feel dirty, like the fall to the ground afterwards.
“You’re doing it again.” Ochako points to your face and it’s apparently sadness. “What’s going on?”
You hem a bit, before condensing it the best you can.
“I’m having issues with a guy.” What an understatement.
A collective glance is shared between the group.
“Touya again?”
Again, Touya haunts a room he’s never been in. You debate what to say. If you admit to it being someone new, they might start sniffing around and jump to conclusions-- though Aizawa would certainly be the last assumption they would make, you still can’t risk it. Besides, you don’t need a gaggle of 23 year olds dissecting your every move. They’re going to jump to some stupid conclusion, like you’re dating Toshinori, if you aren’t careful.
“Yeah, it’s Touya,” you lie, as sheepishly as you can. “Oops.”
“Jesus Fucking Christ.” Katsuki rolls his eyes so hard that you imagine his brain must hurt. “Again?”
“Shh, just tell us what happened,” Izuku urges, elbowing his partner rather sharply.
“I don't know where I stand with him. It's so-- Ugh, I thought things were going to start going well and then it was just ice cold.” You press your palms into your eyes and sigh. The pressure feels good and helps with the remnants of your hangover. You need an electrolyte drink, stat. Maybe another fucking drink too. “And I’m not even sure why I’m surprised because it’s ice cold a lot.”
When you look up, Ochako is offering a hand, palm up and open. When you take it, she giggles a bit, squeezing gently.
“I think you need to prioritize yourself.”
Denki nods in agreement, cheeks stuffed with food. He’s finished his meal and started stabbing bits of yours. You just push the whole bowl towards him in defeat and slump down into the couch.
“Stop giving men who treat you poorly the time of day.” Ochako says. “When you let them in again and again, you’re basically, like, giving them permission to do this stuff.”
“Yeah!” Denki says through a mouthful. “Cut that fucker off! Don’t even talk to him!”
“Oh, I dunno--” You glance between them. “I think that’d be mean.”
Conflict makes your head spin. It’s so much easier to roll over and take whatever people give you, negative or otherwise. It’s what made your relationship with Touya work-- and it’s what’s allowed you to stay in this job for so long.
“Good!” Denki says. “He deserves it.”
“You deserve to be a little mean and a little angry when people treat you poorly.” She smiles again, wider this time. “Grow some balls. Stand up for yourself.”
“Yeah! Balls!” Denki agrees.
You suck on your bottom lip and turn the idea over in your head. Are you even angry at Aizawa? Or just hurt and confused? Right now, those things may as well be the same thing-- they certainly burn the same in your chest. Cruelty isn’t your usual indulgence…
But it’s someone else’s.
“What do you think?” You turn to Katsuki, who’s been scrolling through twitter for a bit now. His face doesn’t change when he speaks, locked into a general annoyance.
“I think you should kill that fucker.”
You turn to Izuku, the rational one of the couple. He shrugs, straw in mouth and completely unamused.
“Oh, I also think you should kill him,” he says, tone matching Katsuki’s.
Not helpful.
“Listen--” Katsuki leans forward, elbows on his spread knees. He uses a fork to articulate as he speaks. “I’m the expert on being a cunt-”
“-we don’t use that word!” Ochako grimaces.
“And it’s the most freeing and addictive thing you can be.” The tongs of the fork point directly towards you, as sharp as his gaze. “More people should be cunts more often. The world would be a happier place.”
Ochako gasps. “I don’t agree with that at all!”
“Oh please, miss goody-goody,” Katsuki sneers. “You wouldn't need to go to kickboxing five times a week if you let your anger out day to day like a normal motherfucker.”
The girl of the group puffs out her cheeks, but does not argue back. Izuku pats her shoulder affectionately. His food is still untouched, but his free hand guards it from Denki.
“I'm telling you. Try it out. You’ll like it.” Katsuki leans back into his seat. “Or don't. Your life.”
“Question-” The other blonde pipes up. “Did you, like, do something?”
“I mean, like, was there a catalyst?” “A fight or a date or-?”
You know exactly what drives Touya away everytime, but Aizawa is a new beast. Did you breathe wrong or--
“Oh, I uh,” A realization hits you. “I ignored a couple texts, I guess.”
Suddenly, you’re very aware of the outline of your phone and how it presses into your pocket. If there wasn’t a chance of you flashing the group pictures of their boss, you’d check it immediately, but you can’t mentally handle the risk.
“What an overreaction,” Ochako sighs. “Dump him forever and move on-- Mr. Hizashi and his wife-”
“We aren’t like that.” Ugh. You love Hizashi, but the trio relationship isn’t your speed. “Besides, I don’t like blondes.”
The two toe-heads of the group roll their eyes in a practiced synchrony. Ochako’s smile changes a little bit, something tighter and brighter; is she excited that you aren’t interested? Interesting and a bit gross: she’s too young for that. They’re more than ten years older than her-
(How old is Aizawa? He went to school with Hizashi, so he’s at least 38-- but you could have sworn there were whispers of his fortieth last year. You’ll have to snoop.)
“We’re in agreement. Be a cunt, move on. The end.” Katsuki turns away from you, done with this topic. “Izuku, just fucking eat it already.”
The boy takes a deep breath and runs his fingers through his curly hair. “Well, alright, but if I get hives, you’re the one who has to deal with me.”
Be mean.
You’re written it on a sticky note and placed it under your computer monitor, like some sort of fucked up mantra. The mere idea of it feels antithetical to who you are at your core; you enjoy helping people, you love making the world better. That’s why you work like a dog for the company-- you know it’s improving the lives of its customers. If Toshinori wasn’t sick, you know he’d be doing even more too.
On the other hand, being nice has led to your own detriment many times. Touya has hurt you, your parents, and now even Aizawa. And you can’t even blame Aizawa, can you? Texting him was your mistake--
You rest your forehead against your desk. There’s still a sticky spot from when you spilled your coffee yesterday. God, yesterday feels so close and yet so far away. How does a man yoyo between yelling at you, sending you his weiner, then telling you that you’re embarrassing? The idea of ‘always wanted you’ goes flying out the window.
Just as you try and put yourself to work, you hear it. The familiar lopsided stomp. Fuck, it’s him, probably looking for his afternoon coffee. He’s been by much less than usual, a fact you’re very grateful for, so you haven’t even thought about the pot since before lunch. You glance over and see it’s empty. Crap.
As you start to get up, the sticky note catches your eye again. Be mean. That’s right. Why are you popping out of your chair for this, this, this--- total fucking cunt? Your chair squeaks with the force you sit down with. You try to embody Katsuki with your face - furrowing your brow and yet keeping your mouth unaffected-- and your worst nightmare turns the corner.
You keep typing and hope Aizawa doesn't notice that it's the same words over and over again, hit in the same rhythm. P-e-a-n-u-t-O-i-l P-e-a-n-u-t-O-i-l P-e-a-n-u-t-O-i-l P-e-a-n-u-t-O-i-l. He waits a long moment, then clears his throat louder. You don't gift him your attention until he grumbles something under his breath, shifting his weight on to his other leg. Just as he begins to say something, you interject.
“I had more important things to focus on,” you lie. “You can figure out how to brew coffee, Mr.// Engineer.”
You throw in that last bit without thinking, but the bite rolls so easily off of your tongue. It’s nothing like your usual tone, but it feels so, so right. From the corner of your vision you can see his literally reel back, blinking hard,
“That’s how it’s going to be?”
You don’t respond. P-e-a-n-u-t-O-i-l P-e-a-n-u-t-O-i-l P-e-a-n-u-t-O-i-l P-e-a-n-u-t-O-i-l. Your fingers shake from the adrenaline boost. Ochako was right; don't even give this man the time of day.
“It's going to be like that?” He yanks the pot from its stand. “Fine.”
You have to muster all of willpower not to grin as he starts slamming open the drawers and scrounging around for supplies. It takes a whole ten minutes before he presses brew, then another five before the pot is almost half full. The whole time he grumbles to himself, leaning his whole weight against the flimsy table.
This is good. Too good. The vindictive rush of power feels almost sexual in the way it satisfies. Teeth dig into your lip as you hold back a smile even harder.
Embarrassment? You'll show him what embarrassment really means.
Finally, he pours himself a cup. He doesn't fill his thermos nearly as much as he normally does, most likely trying to leave as quickly as possible. Just as he starts to turn, you get up out of your chair and walk over. You take one of the little disposable cups from the stack and take your time adding three sugars and two cream, each one at a time, as he lurks there. Then, you pour the coffee, thick and oddly gritty into your cup. You finally meet his eye when you take a swig.
Aizawa’s face is set hard, small eyes narrowed even tighter. His lips are screwed up with annoyance, wrinkling his low bridged nose. Pissed would be an understatement. Just as you brace for another yelling match, he turns away, marching down the hall.
“Enjoy the fucking coffee.”
Oh, Katsuki was right. Being mean tastes good.
….This coffee, however, does not.
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minkyungseokie · 6 months
第一章| Getting the Job
warnings; age gap love(R: 23, S:39, T: 50), gxg, throuple, controversial age gaps, random German and Scottish pet names,
note; first chapter! Idk how many chapters this’ll have. I know it’ll include moodboards, smaus, blurbs, and specials that you guys can request!
note2; I don't really like Bianca, so she won't be appearing a lot in this series. I don't hate her, but I don't like her either. If you have an issue, don't complain, just stop reading ❤️
Taglist is open, but only for 19 more people
note3; I decided to give her cochlear implants because I want too. She’s deaf now
fc; imleslie(on a Chinese Instagram app called Xiaohongshu)
Come Talk to Me
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Susie huffed, looking down at the sheer amount of paperwork she had on her desk. She wanted to grab a bite to eat, but she had so much to do and she needed a lot more help than what the employees around her can provide. She pulled out her phone and texted her husband, Toto, for some advice. She was a strong independent woman, but even strong independent women need a bit of advice from their spouses sometimes.
And what she got from him was beyond helpful.
A personal assistant.
She was going to hire a personal assistant to help her around the Academy. The list of requirements wasn't long, but it was specific and the requirements that were listed were important for the assistant to have or they wouldn't work well together. Susie typed out the application furiously, making sure that all her requirements were stated clearly and made sure that whoever was filling out the application knew what they were getting into. She made sure they knew what they would be doing, an estimate about the schedule, and what she expected of whoever applied.
Susie finished up and posted it to the F1 Academy website. She also made a Instagram post about it that was a joint post with the official F1 account and the FIA account. With a sigh and a satisfied smile, Susie closed her laptop and put it in her bag.
Now all she had to do was wait for the applications to roll in. She didn’t expect too many since a lot of people were only interested in watching F1 or were, since the fans were mostly men, protesting against the F1 Academy.
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Y/n looked at the link that her sister, Rachel, had sent her. Y/n had told her that she needed a new job after finishing college and Rachel had sent her a bunch of applications to different jobs. They were all just random jobs she had found on the internet, which led to where she was now.
She was staring at an application to be a personal assistant to some billionaire's wife who was the leader of some academy for girls who like driving glorified go-karts. It paid more than any of the other jobs that Rachel had sent applications for. Y/n mumbled on her thumbnail, pondering whether she should aim high and apply for the PA job or should she just go for what she knows that she would be able to get.
Y/n was deep in thought when she was startled by the loud sound of her FaceTime ringtone, which happened to be one the songs from her brother's group. "Ah, shit!" Y/n yelled, nearly falling out of her chair, "Who the fuck?!" The dark haired girl growled, grabbing the phone off the table. "Hello?" Y/n answered, "Hey, Y/n. What are you up to?" The deep voice of her younger brother exited the phone as she set it up so he could see her.
"Ah, baby brother! How are you? Loving the new comeback." Y/n said, standing up to grab a bottle of water from her fridge. "I'm great. The comeback has been good so far. Have you heard the entire album?" Felix asked, "Yeah, of course." Y/n answered, sitting at the table once more. The two of them sat and talked about her brother's most recent comeback before the conversation turned to her.
"So, what've you been up to?" Felix asked, shoving what seemed like a chip into his mouth, "When did you get those?" Y/n questioned, pointing to the box of fried potato sticks. "Ah, Chan bright them to me a bit ago." Felix answered, shoving another one in his mouth, "Well, I was thinking..."
"Uh oh."
"Shut up, Lix. Anyway, I was thinking that now I finished University, I should get a new job. One that fits my expertise better, you know? So I asked Rach to help and she sent me some applications she found online..." Y/n said, looking at the open webpage. "Yeah?" Felix spoke, urging her to continue her words, "She sent me one for some F1 Academy. It pays well and I fit the requirements, but..."
"But what?" Felix urged, "I don't know what the F1 academy is and it's in Monaco." Y/n sighed. "Where's that?" Felix questioned, "It's, like, right beside Italy, I think." Y/n answered, "Okay, so what's the issue? It sounds like a good opportunity." Felix said. "I don't want to move away from our parents and sisters." Y/n set her head on her hand, using it as a way to keep her head up, "I don't think mum and dad would want you to hold back for them. Neither would Rachel and Olivia. They would want you to go. They wanted me to go." Felix spoke up.
"Felix, that's because it was your dream. Your dream was to be an idol, so of course they weren't going to hold you back from doing it." Y/n groaned. "Y/n it doesn't matter whether it's your dream or not. It's a better job opportunity for you until you're able to start modeling the way you want." Felix suggested.
Y/n thought about it. It would be nice to make money until she finds a modeling agency that wants to sign her because waiting around for something to happen won't make her any money. She needed to pay rent and keep herself fed, plus, from what she researched about Monaco, they did not collect personal income tax or capital gains taxes. There were no property taxes in Monaco, but rental properties were taxed at 1% of the annual rent plus other applicable charges.
Monaco sounded like a dream. She really didn't think that places like that existed, but knowing that she'd keep every penny of her hard earned money sealed the deal. Y/n applied for the PA position and closed her laptop, "Okay, now to wait." Y/n let out a breath as she looked around her house.
There was no way she wouldn’t be getting the job. She was once an extremely popular Formula Two driver before she ended up quitting. She had met the likes of so many old Formula One drivers who were excited to see her race alongside them when she was ready, but she unfortunately couldn’t continue due to her mother not having enough money for her to have a seat and unfortunately no sponsers wanted to sponsor her.
Y/n stood up and threw her water bottle away. She hadn’t kept up with Formula One since she had left Formula Two and she was kind of curious how her friends from karting and F2 were doing. They were obviously doing better than her since they refused to keep in contact with her, but it’s alright. She could barely remember anything about them anyway so it didn’t matter. It did when she was younger though.
After she left and they stopped talking to her, she felt like everything was falling apart for her. She was living in the UK at the time, but decided to come back to Australia to be near her half siblings and step mother and start her career in modeling or something in the industry. Of course, her plans to model next to the likes of the Hadid sisters or other popular models, had fallen through and she had only become famous as the half sister of Felix Yongbok Lee, the freckled cutie with a deep voice of the famous Korean pop group, Stray Kids.
Y/n pulled out her phone and ordered some food, hoping that it wasn't a bad decision to put in only one application for a job that might be out of reach for her. 
Oh well.
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It had been a week since Y/n had sent in the application and she had been waiting for the call back. She was sitting on her couch, staring at the large flat screen TV that was playing a Sidemen Reacts video that popped up on her feed while shoveling hwachae* into her mouth when the sound of another song from her brother's band rang through the air. Y/n picked up her phone with the spoon hanging from her lips and looked at the screen.
It was an unknown number. Y/n didn't usually answer the calls of numbers she didn't know, but something within her told her to answer it, so she did. After pausing the video, Y/n hit the green button on the screen and put the up to her ear, "Uh, hello?" Y/n answered, accent thick. "Uh, hello. Is this Miss Y/n L/n?" A sweet feminine voice that was paired with a Scottish accent, asked, "Uhm, yes. This is her. How may I help you?" Y/n asked, setting the bowl onto the table and sitting up straight. "Yes, this is about the application you put in for the PA position at the Formula One Academy." The woman said.
Y/n sat there for a hot minute before her eyes widened, "Oh! Yes, ma'am. What about it?" Y/n asked, "I wanted to call and let you know that we are interested in having you in the position, but first we need to schedule an interview. Is there a specific time that you're available?" The woman asked.
"Uh, I'm currently living in Australia and not moving to Monaco until a next month." Y/n said. Truthfully, she didn't want to being that up, but she knew that it would be suspicious if she scheduled the meeting so far away. She knew that the fact she was living in Australia could possibly ruin her chances of securing such a good job, but she just didn't have it in her to lie to the very sweet sounding woman.
"Okay, um, I'll be right back. Hang on tight." The lady said, "Okay, ma'am." Y/n said. Once the woman put her on hold, Y/n put the phone on speaker, muted herself, and continued to watch her video until she heard something from the woman on the other line. 
"Uh, hello?" The woman's voice spoke up. Y/n paused her video and quickly unmuted herself, "I'm here." Y/n spoke up. "Okay, so, we usually wouldn't do this, but we really think you'd be a good fit for the position, so I'll tell you what. Save this number. My name is Susie Wolff. Once you're moved into Monaco and finally settled down, give me a call." The woman, Susie, said. "Okay, thank you, Mrs. Wolff. I'll call you once I'm in Monaco." Y/n said, "Alright. See you then. Bye." Susie said before hanging up.
Y/n looked down at her phone with wide eyes before jumping up and onto her couch with a large smile, "I got it! I got it!" Y/n cheered loudly, jumping up and down as if she was a child on a super bouncy bed. "Holy shit, I have to let Felix know." Y/n said, jumping down from the couch and grabbing her phone, which fell out of her hand after she jumped up onto the couch. Instead of calling him, she texted him since she never knew his schedule.
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누나- Noona? 아, 누구세요?- Oh? Who are you? 현진- Hyunjin 릭시에게 전화기 좀 주실래요?- Can you give Lixie the phone please
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎… ⋙
Y/n quickly went to the room that held the boxes that she would use to pack away her things and smiled. It was never too early to begin packing.
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Susie cheered. She had finally found the person she was looking for after a week. She was super lucky that she had decided to continue searching through the online applications rather than giving up on looking at the mediocre applications and deciding to hold a hiring fair or something.
Not only was Y/n L/n the most perfect candidate for the PA position, but she had the most relaxing and attractive voice Susie had ever heard other than her husband's.
Susie cleared her throat and looked at the work she had on her computer. She had never been as excited as she was now other than the time when she found out she was pregnant, had Jack, and started the Academy. Okay, she had been this excited before, but this is different. She can tell that she was going to be good friends with Y/n and shoe couldn't wait to work with the younger woman.
This was going to be fun
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@evie-119 @exotic-iris13 @alliwantisadonut @cheyxfu @xoscar03 @sunnylikesfrogs
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jaegeraether · 7 days
Sunsets and footballers (Part 90)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (68) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (23)
Masterlist (other parts here)
Due to popular demand, I'm going to post a chapter bi-weekly, every Thursday and Sunday night until we hit Part 100!
“For someone so independent, you’re very needy,” Jordan chuckled.
YFN pouted, looking at her watch again. “They’ve been gone all fucking day. Surely that’s a bad thing?”
The slightly smaller woman shrugged. “Not necessarily. I mean, what if they’re just tying everything up with a pretty bow to make sure that it’s all sorted today? With both Lucy and Leah speaking, and then our testimonials, along with Ridley and Alexia, and your injury report, surely that’s enough to have Kristie locked up for the foreseeable future.”
Kristie. She never wanted to hear that name again. Lucy had no intention of letting her be in the same room as her, and Leah had offered to go as a character witness, knowing that her fame would make them realise how important of a case it was.
Jordan reached out and squeezed her hand. “It should be an open and shut case. Especially seeing as you didn’t want to go for the harshest punishment.”
“I just didn’t want her doing it to anyone else. She needed to know it was wrong.”
“Some jail time and community service will definitely get the message across.”
“And restraining orders…” she murmured. That had been Lucy’s non-negotiable.
“Leah there is going to throw a spanner in the works too. Her platform is massive. No one in their right mind will want her publicly speaking about how Kristie got away with her friends being stalked and then assaulted to the point of this.”
She gestured to YFN sitting up in the hospital bed.
She squeezed her hand. “Thanks for being here, Dory.”
Jordan’s little smile took over from her serious, friend look. “Of course, mate. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”
A few minutes later Lucy’s doctor returned, or rather, her doctor too.
“I’m sorry for the delay,” he said as he stood next to her bed with a gentle smile. He was one of those men that you were always comfortable around. The benevolent type. “The scans are good - better than I expected given your… history.” Another smile, though this one was sympathetic. “Would you like the good news or the very good news first?”
She felt herself let go of tension she didn’t realise she’d been holding.
“Save the best for last.”
“Very well.” He put the scans up on the light box and pointed to her collarbone. “The second surgery went well. The screws are holding, though I’m afraid I need you in the sling to keep it immobile for the next 4 weeks or so..”
She sighed, though knew it was the case. Her Christmas was officially in a sling.
He continued. “Unless there’s an incident, or any issues with pain, I won’t need to give it a check-up until just prior to Christmas, and then I’m hoping to have you out of it for the new year.”
She smiled and nodded. “Well, that’s positive…”
He moved onto the next two x-rays. “Your forearm and wrist are healing well, though I’m afraid the cast will need to remain on for the next 6-8 weeks. We’ll give you a check-up when we get rid of the sling. Your jaw is also healing nicely, I know the bruising has been persistent, but expect it to be gone in the next week or so..”
“I can handle the cast,” she chuckled. “My shoulder is just in need of a good movement.”
She’d just wanted to swing her arm around, to roll her shoulder, instead of having it stuck where it was. It was a level of frustrating that bordered on pain.
“There are a few small massages that you can do to help, though you’ll need to be quite gentle with them, and careful not to shift your collarbone too much.”
He handed her a sheet with the exercises.
“Lucy can help with these. Any issues, give me a call.”
“Thank you,” she replied, gratefully. She was always grateful at the opportunity for Lucy to touch her more.
Jordan took the sheet interestedly and looked over it.
“Now onto your ribs. They’ve been thrown around a bit…” he looked at her with eyebrows raised and she blushed, knowing full well that she’d been abusing them a little too much with Lucy. “…which I understand.” He was politely giving her an out. “You already had several past injuries and you’re very limited with your movements given your state, and so it’s understandable that your ribs are catching the brunt of it. Though, you’ll need to be more mindful. No overexertion. No twisting yourself. No…excessive movements.”
To his credit, he did seem entertained by it.
“I think you should call Lucy and tell her that directly,” Jordan joked.
YFN’s mouth dropped open, though he and Jordan shared a good chuckle at her expense. She made a mental note to not tell Lucy so that she didn’t lose any part of her sex life.
“Now onto your kneecap…”
She braced herself for bad news, but how could it be, when he’d said the worst of it first?
“It was only ever a minor crack, however I wanted you to keep your full weight off of it as you can’t exactly use crutches. I’m going to keep the brace on, however you can walk on it again.”
She grinned – her first thought being that Lucy was going to be so happy. She could picture her face lighting up now.
“Now don’t overdo it. Don’t put all of your weight onto it at once. Place your foot on the ground and ease your weight onto it. It’s a slow process, but you need to build that habit up so you’re not overdoing it. The brace will be on for another few weeks, and I’m hoping to take it off just before Christmas.”
No brace for Christmas. Lucy was going to be thrilled.
“Hoping…” he said again, making sure she understood that it was only a possibility at this stage. “…and you can take the brace off for showers now, just don’t put all of your weight on it in the shower.”
No more garbage bags. She nodded. “Thanks, Doc.”
They finished up with him, getting her scripts for medication and some more information. Lucy, ever the anatomy fanatic, would want to know every detail possible. Especially because it was her.
She walked slowly to the car, relished the feel of being able to use her legs like legs again. She was officially The Little Mermaid.
She groaned the relief for her hips and lower back as she did so, knowing this would take a lot of strain from Lucy needing to carry her around.
She slipped into Miles, Lucy’s car, and Jordan slipped into the driver’s seat. The footballers had taken Leah’s Mercedes as it was lower to get into and Lucy hadn’t wanted her dropping into the seat and struggling to get out.
It was later in the afternoon now, and she looked at the time, wondering why it was all taking so long.
“Celebration dinner?” Jordan asked.
“Why do I feel like you all had this planned already?”
“Maybe. You know Lucy…”
“Has she messaged you?!” She looked over at Jordan who seemed to barely be able to see over the steering wheel. She gave a sympathetic smile. “No, sorry. But the table is still booked, so maybe we should see if they make it? I would suggest Katie and Caitlin but they’re not in town. Most of the girls are with their international squads. We can ask Alex but Jill is in Manchester. There’s a few other’s in town.. LJ and Keira, maybe?”
“Oh, that’s an idea!”
Jordan gave them both a call. LJ wasn’t available, however Keira and Georgia were. They met them at the Italian restaurant Lucy had booked and made a night of it. The girls joked about how they’d be in trouble if they were caught eating carbs when they were in season, though YFN had convinced them that they’d deserved it after their hard fought victory over the Netherlands. The more she got to know Keira, the more she got along with her. She opened up slowly, though at the end of the day, they both thought similarly, and had a similar sense of humour.
It was also one of the first times she’d been close and in intimate conversation with Georgia since she’d caught the first kiss between her and Lucy. They spoke about the game, Scotland, how much they needed to win by, Lumos and the interviews. The three footballers had a good catch up now that they all played for different teams, and they saw less of Jordan.
The two opted to skip dessert as they’d apparently already been too bad, though once they saw Jordan and YFN’s desserts, they couldn’t help but try a taste.
When their dinner was ending, she checked her phone and her stomach sank.
“Still nothing?” Jordan asked, seeing her reaction.
She gave a sigh. “No. You?”
She shook her head.
“Doesn’t usually take this long, surely?” Georgia asked. “What, are they hand delivering her to jail?”
“There must be a good reason…” Keira comforted. “Either way, we have time to do the interview if you want?”
They were being efficient, with Keira offering at dinner to come over and do the couch interview that YFN had suggested was best to ease the ‘Wonze’ fanatics of the internet. She still didn’t know Keira well, though she could see that she’d offered partly because not only did she want to get it over and done with, as she hated interviews, but she knew YFN needed a distraction from the current legal situation that Lucy and Leah were tied up in. She called Bridget and Emily to see if they were available last minute for the interview. They were more than eager, as she knew they would be, though still offered them extra pay for the inconvenience.
After dinner, they made their way to Lucy’s and settled in, Bridget and Emily setting up for the interview while she ran through queries with Keira prior to it.
“Did you read the questions and prompts I sent..?”
She hadn’t expected her to, as the interview wasn’t supposed to take place until later in the month, however things seemed to be working this way for her for some reason.
Keira nodded, asking questions and YFN couldn’t help but be impressed at her eye for detail.
She’d said that Jordan and Georgia didn’t have to stay, but they’d insisted, wanting to catch up on lost time.
The interview went for just over an hour, though it was exactly what she’d wanted. Keira had not been tense at all, and she was proud of herself for creating such an environment. To be fair, she even felt like she’d flirted with her a little, which had surprised the Australian. She’d never seen an interview with Keira so comfortable before. Hopefully that would suppress the ‘Wonze’ fanatics who’d been sending her so much hate on social media.
Keira took photos for their interview, while she answered Georgia’s questions about the content process. She had very little content outside of the Lionesses as she played at Bayern Munich and they weren’t exactly known for their social media. They didn’t have time for another interview that night as the girls had training the next day before flying out to Scotland, and needed to get rest.
They all left, though Jordan stayed with her. She looked at her watch as they walked out of the door. 8pm. She hadn’t heard from Lucy since 7am.
She sighed, dropping her hand in defeat. Jordan gave her a cuddle. “They’ll be home soon..”
She cuddled into her friend, allowing herself to relax when her phone buzzed. She jumped immediately and grimaced at the pain that shot through her body as she grabbed for her phone.
Joe calling…
At this time of night?
“Hey, Joe,” she answered, feeling awkward calling her that.
“Hello, YFN. How are you?” Her voice sounded as soft and regally calm as ever. It was comforting to her.
“I’m doing well. It’s late – is everything okay?”
“Oh, yes. I was calling to check in on the hearing today. Did it go well?”
She wondered if she’d used any of her influence to help the situation. Her voice suggested that perhaps she had, though just a little.
“Luce and Leah aren’t home yet. They’ve been gone for over 13 hours.”
“I see. It’s not unusual, though. I’d like an update when they’re done, please. I need to make sure this is all wrapped up so that you’re safe.”
Seeing as you don’t want the security team I offered, she could practically hear her saying. Catherine was worried about her, which made her feel loved. She’d never had that from a mother figure beyond her grandma. Her heart softened.
“Thank you…” she said, gratefully. “I’ll let you know when I know. Also, I had a check up today. Everything is healing well, and I can now walk, albeit gently.”
“I read the report you sent through,” YFN could hear the smile in her voice. “I was very happy to read that. Hopefully you can be moving a bit more freely by the new year.”
“Fingers crossed!”
She gave a light laugh. “Mine certainly are. Now, I was thinking about the Gala event this week that Lucy and Alessia are doing this week. We’re a bit on the back foot with everything since there’s so much going on, however I was hoping that the timing will work out to have our own Lumos event this week, on Friday or Saturday perhaps. Do you think we could get any high profile players in that time?”
“How many were you thinking?”
“Ten maximum. I don’t want the focus to be lost if there are too many.”
“Well, Lucy will be with me for a little before headed back to Barca. Most girls will be back with their teams by then. I think I can get Jordan Nobbs, Leah Williamson, potentially any players from the WSL, and also perhaps… perhaps…”
She pondered. “Perhaps… Alexia. That’s a big maybe, though.”
“Alexia would be the white whale, if we could get her on. Otherwise, it sounds great. Perhaps some other nationalities too, if you can?”
“Coaches too?” She asked, trying to think who would be available at a moment’s notice. “I could ask Sarina. Emma. I could get Caitlin for Australia, Katie for Ireland, Yui for Japan, Ashley for Canada, or similar if they're not available?”
“Brilliant. I do hate to drop this on you last minute, though I have been wanting to get it done before the rush prior to Christmas. If you could look through availability and give me a date and names, I’ll work on booking a location for Friday or Saturday so we can start promoting it.”
“Consider it done.”
“Thank you, YFN. About tomorrow night, I have a location to meet. I’m assuming Lucy will be coming also?”
“I think Leah and Jordan have a right to be there too.”
She could practically hear her nodding. “I’ve sent the location and time to Mark. I have an aircraft departing at night for you. I’ll put you all on the manifest. You may need to clear it with the Lioness management.”
“Leah will handle that…”
“Perfect. I’ll send you the flight details.”
“Cath-” She cut herself off. “Are you sure about this?”
“There’s only so much hiding I can do. This is an unnecessary evil, unfortunately. You’ve been through too much already. I won’t have you fighting him too. I’m hoping to finish this once and for all with him tomorrow night, though from then on, my intention is still to be the silent partner while you are the face of Lumos. Has anything changed for you in regards to that?”
The empathy in her voice had YFN feeling comfortable. Comfortable enough that she could have said no, and Catherine would have accepted it without question.
“Nothing has changed on my end. I’m just very eager to get us onto a schedule where I’m not chasing my tail with interviews and events.” She chuckled. Catherine shared in her chuckle.
“Oh, I know. I’ve been hoping the exact same. It’s good to hear we’re on the same page, though. We’ll speak more tomorrow night. Until then – keep me posted on the hearing and anything you need at all, let me know.”
YFN and Jordan fell asleep on the couch, their feet overlapping under the blanket they shared as their heads were at opposite ends. She wasn’t sure how long she slept for, however she was woken by a warm kiss to the cheek and Lucy’s deep, comforting voice. “I’m here, little one. Everything’s okay.”
“Luce?” She mumbled, half asleep. She opened one eye, followed drearily by the other as she looked at her favourite person. Her expression was peaceful, which calmed the Australian.
She looked down at Jordan who was sitting up with Leah next to her, the two talking quietly. She looked back at Lucy.
“What happened?”
“It’s done, little one.”
She tried to prop herself up, and Lucy helped her, wrapping a strong arm around her waist to pull her up into a sitting position. “It took that long?”
“The incident happened in Spain, so we were delayed due to that, however someone pulled some strings for us.” Catherine. Lucy gave her a knowing look. “Without her, this would have been dragged out for weeks.”
“It’s done?”
She nodded as she reached out to stroke the yellowing bruises on her jaw. “Jail time for a period. Community service for the rest, as you didn’t want her to be stuck in there for the maximum time. Restraining orders for life. She won’t be attending any games in the future. And she apologised. It’s done.”
“Mainly to me, but yes. She cried a lot.”
“That must have been hard…”
“Yes and no. I don’t like seeing someone upset, but she did hurt the person I love so… my empathy was not there for her. I’m just happy it’s all over.” She leant forward and gave her a soft kiss on the temple. “What did you two get up to, love?”
“We had dinner with Keira and Georgia,” Jordan said from across the couch.
Leah gave YFN a smile. She looked tired.
Lucy was caught off guard. “Oh?”
“It was great,” she reassured, putting her hand under the collar of her shirt, and on that strong collarbone of hers. “I did my couch interview with Keira after it.”
Lucy looked impressed, though like she had questions for when they were alone. She didn’t blame her.
“And?” Jordan prompted.
“Oh! And Lumos wants to host a public event with 10 female footballers in London this Friday or Saturday. Are you all free?”
“You know I am,” Lucy murmured, leaning her head against hers.
“I’ll be in town.” Leah answered.
“You already know I’m in.” Jordan agreed, looking at Leah. YFN hadn’t realised until just then that it must have been a while since they’d done something like that together in public.
“And I messaged Riddles, hoping to get Alexia if she’s back in town…”
“Mmn. I’m sure it’ll all be perfect. You’re good at the last minute organising,” Lucy teased.
She rolled her eyes. “And whose fault is that?”
She gave an innocent look. “I have no idea what you’re talking about. But I do wonder how the doctor went today? I have an email titled: ‘No funny business.’”
Jordan cackled. Actually cackled. YFN blushed, a little embarrassed and frustrated that she had to tell her. Lucy didn’t understand. Bless her, she was incredibly smart, though a lot less quick for these types of situations.
“Everything is healing well apart from my…ah…ribs. They’ve not been having the rest they should.”
“I believe he said they’ve been ‘thrown around a bit’…” Jordan offered.
Lucy clicked and gave a guilty look. Before she could speak, YFN jumped in, trying to distract her with ten different things to keep her mind away from limiting sex with her.
“But everything else is healing well… hoping to be out of the sling by the new year and the knee brace by Christmas. Also, I can officially walk.” She gave a proud smile. “No more looking for the wheelchair in Scotland, Luce. I’ll be the one-armed flamingo with the Australian flag.”
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autumnshighlady · 4 months
I've Always Liked to Play With Fire (part 27)
summary: the long awaited wedding is here
warnings: IC slander, mentions of vomiting
word count: 5.2k
a/n: i haven't updated in months and i am so sorry, my life completely spiralled again and someone very close to me passed so it has been rough and i have not been coping well. enjoy this chapter, we have about 4-5 more left in this story
part 1 // part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10 / part 11 / part 12 / part 13 / part 14 / part 15 / part 16 / part 17 / part 18 / part 19 / part 20 / part 21 / part 22 / part 23 / part 24 / part 25 / part 26 /
read on ao3
Your stomach churned as if readying to unload what little breakfast you had eaten all over your skirts. The room seemed too small, too tight, bustling with servants whose sole focus was on getting you ready. The air was thick, choking your throat as you tried to breathe deeply. No matter how hard you tried, your lungs would not expand fully. The chattering voices of the servants, who were once silent shadows working under the dark cloud of Beron Vanserra’s rule, was drowned out amidst the noise in your brain.
Desperately fanning your face, you were lightly scolded by a young servant with bright red hair brushing out your eyebrows. “Don’t do that, my Lady!” She chided gently. “You’ll ruin my masterpiece!”
“Sorry…” You muttered, forcing your hands back to your sides. It had been a long time since you had worn a full face of makeup, and you had missed it greatly. The redhead servant had lined your eyes with kohl, smudging out brown and gold shadows on your lids. Your cheeks had been blushed and bronzed to perfection, and a thin, nude sheen across your lips. 
At your apology, she looked shocked for a moment before the tenseness left her shoulders and she relaxed. Your heart ached for her, and for everyone who had worked for the past few centuries under Beron. His harsh rule would be a wound that only time would heal for many. It was evident in the behaviour of everyone in the palace – the surprise when simple mistakes were brushed off after an apology rather than a lashing, the rising warmth of the atmosphere in the palace that had once been silent and cold. Sure, Eris still ruled firmly and it would take a while for everyone to realise he was not his father. But little by little, the icy walls of the Autumn Court were beginning to thaw.
“Wedding nerves, I guess.” You said casually as a set of dangly gold earrings were placed on your ears. Never before had you had this many sets of hands tending to you. A tall male was carefully working on your hair, twisting a loose braid across the back of your head and artfully arranging the rest of your loose hair. Several times, you had attempted to sneak a glance in the mirror to see the full look, but too many servants stood in the way.
“It is certainly a big day for you, my Lady.” The redhead servant agreed, finishing the final touches on your face. Her hands were soft and delicate, light as feathers as she blended any smudges her expert eyes sought out. “An unusual event for the court, too.”
You tensed slightly. “I know it’s not your typical wedding or anything–” you began. But her soft chuckle interrupted you.
“Forgive me,” she said softly. “I did not mean for it to come across that way. It is a new beginning for everyone, and this place could do with some change. The only ones who have an issue with your marriage and title are the old courtiers and males stuck in their ways. But us servants do not share those beliefs. You have our support, my Lady.”
Your heart warmed at her kind and open words, and a smile found its way across your face. “What is your name?” You asked.
“Adelaide, my Lady.”
You gently grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze. “Thank you, Adelaide.”
Adelaide smiled, dipping her head respectfully before grabbing her supplies and beginning the cleanup process. As the busy hands of the servants began to slow, you realised that the moment was approaching faster and faster with each moment. Finally, you took a deep breath, and when the servants retreated their hands for a moment, you shifted to face the large mirror across from you.
Awe filled you as you took in their work. Your hair was styled beautifully, leaving only a few soft strands framing your face while the rest curled down behind your shoulders. Your eyes were striking, the various jewellery you donned designed to match beautifully. Tears welled in your eyes as you finally drank in the sight of your dress. The soft white fabric had red roses and vines embroidered on the bottom of the skirts as well as the bodice. The sleeves were loose, gathering around your wrists in just the right way. The neckline was a modest V shape, complimenting the emerald necklace sat on your chest. For just a moment, your heart ached knowing your mother would never get to see you married. It made more tears well up.
“Now, now, what did I say about ruining my masterpiece?” Adelaide chided, taking a cloth and dabbing under your eyes to catch any stray tears.
“Sorry,” You winced, forcing your tears back. “You guys have done an amazing job. Thank you, all of you.”
The servants grinned proudly at each other, bowing their heads as they cleaned up at the speed of light. “Your escort should be here shortly to walk you down the aisle.” The male servant who had done your hair said. And then just like that, they were gone. Leaving you with your own thoughts.
Your heart was racing. After all these weeks of planning, it was finally here. You weren’t sure why you were nervous – you loved Nesta and Eris. This wedding, this moment of time, was everything you had worked for and more since your arrival in the Night Court. Every sacrifice, every hard choice, had all led to this day. Yet it hardly felt real, even as you stood in your wedding dress, staring in the mirror in awe of your reflection. Countless hours had been spent helping the staff decorate, tasting hundreds of food samples for the menu, sitting bored out of your mind with Nesta and Eris at various meetings regarding not just the wedding, but the official crowning ceremony as well. All of that led to this very moment. And you were sure you were going to vomit.
Thankfully, a familiar voice sounded in your head, halting your rising stomach juices. Please don’t throw up on your dress, I can feel your nerves from here. Nesta scolded. At the sound of her voice, you felt yourself relaxing a bit.
I make no promises, you replied. How are you so composed right now? I’m freaking out.
She snorted. I can tell. Are you forgetting I spent practically a decade training for this thanks to mother dearest?
Right. How could I possibly forget that?
You’ll be fine. We’ve made it this far, a wedding is nothing.
I wish I could see you right now.
Soon enough, love. Just wanted to check in. I’ll see you at the altar.
Ok. I love you.
I love you, too.
Your heart sung at her words. Hearing Nesta say she loved you was like listening to the most beautiful song you had ever heard, one you would never get tired of. The three of you had agreed to keep dresses a secret, saving the big reveal for the aisle. You were itching to simply run out of the room and seek out Nesta and Eris, desperately wanting to see them before the wedding. 
A knock at the door interrupted your urges, and you shook your nerves off as the wood swung open to reveal Lucien. Your jaw dropped as your friend entered the room dressed in heavy green robes with gold accents and a long cloak. His hair was intricately braided back, accenting his chiselled, handsome, face. Lucien smirked at your reaction. “I know, I look hot.” He said, chuckling. 
“This is the fanciest I’ve ever seen you dress.” You scoffed.
“Take it all in now, honey. Because it won’t happen again.”
You rolled your eyes. “As High Lady I order you to dress this nicely more often.”
Lucien let out a laugh. “I will defect to Winter Court if this new title keeps inflating your big head like this.”
Your cheeks hurt from smiling at this point. A comfortable silence settled over you and your best friend as Lucien looked you up and down. His voice was full of wonder as he spoke. “You look amazing. Truly.”
“Thank you, Lucien.” You said as you smoothed your skirts. The room began to feel stifling again as you realised he was here because it was time to walk down the aisle to Nesta and Eris. “Oh gods, it’s time, isn’t it?”
Lucien nodded, extending his arm towards you. “Yes. As much as it’s fun to see you freak out over your own wedding, it’s time to get it together. Your partners are waiting.”
You took one last glance in the mirror to make sure nothing was amiss before stepping off the pedestal with shaky legs, grabbing onto your friend’s arm. “Lucien?” You said tentatively, your voice sounding far away as you tried to calm your breathing. “Don’t let me fall.”
Lucien’s voice was gentle. “Never,” he assured you. So you clung onto his arm, willing strength into your body as you lifted your chin and followed him out of the room.
Nesta steadied her breathing, thankful she had put on a brave face for you during your brief exchange. Truthfully, she was just as much of a wreck as you were. True, her mother had spent years priming her for marriage, but this was not what Mrs. Archeron had had in mind for her eldest daughter. For a split second, Nesta contemplated laughing at the image of her mother’s face as she looked up at the from Hell, crying out in horror at Nesta marrying two faeries, one of whom being a female. It would turn her in her grave for sure.
The servants that had scurried away a few moments ago, leaving Nesta with a few blissful minutes of peace before a guard would come to fetch her for her entrance. You and Eris had pressed if she was really okay walking down the aisle herself, considering you had Lucien and it was custom for Eris to walk alone. She had shook off the concerns, insisting she was more than capable of doing it herself.
But looking in the mirror at her red lined lips, beautifully coronet braided hair, and satin dress with a straight neckline, long sleeves, and gold detailing, she couldn’t help but feel like a child again. A little girl who wanted her mom and dad to hold her hand and tell her they were there for her. Not that either of her parents ever had, and for years Nesta convinced herself she didn’t care. She thought she was loved by them at first, too young to know that some types of love could be bad. And then she became tied to her mother, a moth trapped in the twisted spider web of a cunning woman’s plans to groom her young daughter to please men that rivalled her father in age. Her father had let this happen, not once standing up for her or pushing back on her mother’s harsh disciplining. Just like Cassian had with Rhysand.
Nesta shivered, as if shaking off the mere sound of Cassian’s name in her mind and pushing it as far away as possible. The Illyrian general was aware of the wedding most likely, as formal invitations had been sent out to all of the courts. At first, Nesta and you had pushed back against the Night Court being invited. “As much as I do not want them near us, I cannot do that,” Eris had begrudgingly told them. “It is customary for all court leaders to come and bend the knee to the new ruler, or rulers in our case. If they do not, it will tip the already shakey diplomacy scales within Prythian. But fear not, I added a personal note to their invite saying they were expected to come after the wedding ceremony. They will sneak in as we begin the crowning and acknowledge our leadership and then leave. They will not be here long.”
No reply was received, but Nesta knew some of the Inner Circle would be coming. Feyre was likely too pregnant and too ill to attend, and there was no way Mor would be talked into attending, much to Nesta’s relief. Rhys would have to attend, as would Amren. She had no idea as to what Azriel was currently doing, but her stomach churned at the possibility of Cassian and Elain being there. She prayed that they would elect to stay home. Nevertheless, Eris had assured her the dragons would be there behind the throne as they had been upon the wedding announcement, ready to intervene if needed.
As the clock ticked, Nesta felt those hateful thoughts swimming to the surface again. They had quieted in the past few weeks, letting her have peace from her own self hatred. But doubt began to fill her, and suddenly her dress was stifling. 
She did not deserve to marry you, or Eris. Nesta was not worthy of your kindness and strength, nor Eris’s help and protection. Cassian had always mocked her for expecting to marry a prince, and not a low born bastard like him. But perhaps she did belong with someone who merely echoed the hateful things her own mind said to her.
Nesta wrung her hands together, practising her mind stilling as her thoughts threatened to consume her. But a gentle knock on the door broke her trance, and she straightened her back and smoothed out her skirts. After making sure she was composed, she said firmly, “Enter.”
It was not a guard who opened the door, but the familiar face of Lirilla. Her wavy auburn hair had been decorated with golden bits of hair jewellery, a red ribbon woven into the long braid that went down the back of her head. Her eyes were bright, her once skinny-figure now more filled out into the beautiful green gown she wore. “Hello, Nesta.” She said, closing the door behind her.
Nesta’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Is something wrong? Aren’t you supposed to be at the ceremony right now?”
Lirilla shook her head. “Everything is okay, my dear. But I come bearing an offer. One that you do not have to take, but I would be honoured if you did.”
Nesta cocked her head, but nodded for Lirilla to go on. “My son mentioned you were walking down the aisle alone, is that correct?”
“Yes.” Nesta said tightly. “I have no family here to give me away, so I will walk by myself.”
Lirilla took Nesta’s hand, rubbing gentle circles along her palm. “Forgive me if I am overstepping, but Eris tells me your relationship with your father was nonexistent, and your mother unpleasant. He said nothing more, but I also know that you were once human. And difficult parents or not, being given away at the altar is a common practice in the mortal lands. Am I correct to assume that?”
Nesta nodded stiffly, forcing the lump in her throat back down. No matter how many walls she put up, Lirilla could see right through her. “You know, I have always wanted a daughter who I could walk down the aisle.” The Lady of Autumn continued. “I understand you claim to be confident in walking yourself to the altar, but I know there must be some part of you clinging to that tradition from your old life. I would love to give you away, if you will have me.”
Nesta was glad she was not wearing heavy eye makeup, because a single tear escaped down her cheek. “I would like that very much.” She said through a choked voice. A mother’s love was something so foreign to her. All she knew of it was a twisted, cruel version that could not be considered any type of love. But the kindness in Lirilla’s face filled that void inside of her that her own mother left.
“Then let us get on with it.”
Nesta happily took her arm, allowing Eris’s mother to lead her from her room of solitude and towards the throne room. The closer they got to the large doors, the more the buzzing liveliness of the ceremony began to seep into her bones. She could feel the energy, the excitement of not only her mates, but the crowd as well. The stream of music began to fade as they reached the door, Lirilla nodding to the guards who spoke in whispers. She turned back towards Nesta as silence overcame the hall. “It is time,” She said softly.
Nodding, Nesta clenched tighter around Lirilla’s arm. It seemed like an eternity of waiting encapsulated in mere seconds as she waited for her cue. She took deep breaths, taking comfort in that bond within her that glowed with the presence of her mates.
Finally, the soft whistle of a flute rang from behind the doors, the start of the entrance music. She counted the seconds in her head, and after the 53rd second mark, the doors opened and she stepped through them.
A crowd far bigger than she had expected stood up. Candles and red, green, and gold flowers lined the aisle, similar decorations scattered across the throne room from every lamp, chair, and table. But Nesta did not look at the people, nor their dragons standing proudly behind the three thrones, their heads arching in through the open space. Her gaze was focused on the male at the altar underneath the archway of branches.
Eris was dressed in the most elaborate set of robes Nesta had ever seen. Gold and red draped his shoulders, a green cloak flowing behind him. A long sword rested on his hip, and a crown of gold sat atop his red hair. Her breath hitched in her chest at the sight of this male, her mate who had done so much to help her escape her prison in the Night Court. She almost stopped walking, but a gentle squeeze on her arm told her to keep going. She felt all eyes on her as she made her way towards the altar, but they were like whispers in the wind fading behind her, nonexistent as she focused on the male ahead of her. The soft music rang in her ears, a beautiful blend of notes that captured every emotion in her chest.
When she came to the end, Lirilla released her arm, giving her a soft kiss on the cheek before taking her seat in the front row. Nesta could barely breathe, barely move as Eris stood mere inches away. Eris smiled softly, his eyes tender as he took in the sight of her wedding dress. He extended his hand, which Nesta gladly took. His warm skin on hers brought her back to reality, snapping her out of her trance. He guided her up to take his place on his left side, just as they had practised.
With one last longing look at each other, Nesta and Eris turned to face the crowd, hands joined as they waited for you. 
Right on time, the guard nodded to Lucien as you rounded the corner, signalling that Nesta had taken her place at the altar and it was your turn. The tune shifted slightly, and you knew it was the two minute and forty second mark you had memorised as your cue. With one last reassuring smile from Lucien, you stepped through the open doors and into the throne room.
Your entire body was both numb and on fire as you took your first steps on the aisle. Never before had you been so grateful for Lucien holding you, for you would surely collapse without his support. You ignored the hundreds of eyes that studied you as you approached Nesta and Eris at the altar, their dragons behind them in the distance. Zorzîmril purred as she saw you, and your lips twitched with a laugh as a few guests flinched at the sound. The tune of the music carried you down the aisle, and with each step you took towards your mates the more confidence you felt. Everything you had done to escape the Night Court had been worth it, and this outcome was far better than anything you could have dreamed of.
Finally, you reached the end of your journey. Lucien bowed his head and kissed your hand before taking his place in the empty seat beside his mother. Your eyes pricked with tears as you drank in the beauty of your mates, from Eris’s elaborate robes to Nesta’s simple yet elegant gown. They looked perfect, and you were relieved that you had not seen them before the ceremony for you surely would have collapsed.
You took Eris’s extended hand, positioning yourself on his right side. After scanning the subjects before you per Eris’s prior instructions, the three of you turned towards each other, Eris stepping back slightly so a triangle could be formed and allow you to hold each other’s hand.
Behind you, a priestess stepped up under the archway, her blue robes shining in the light of the sunset behind her. When you snuck a glance at her out of the corner of your eye and saw familiar red hair and teal eyes, your eyes shot open.
The priestess was Gwyn.
You baulked, surprise evident on Nesta’s face as well momentarily. Eris simply winked, and you bit your tongue to refrain from scolding him for all these surprises. You snuck a glance at Gwyn in shock, and she simply let out a smug smile before composing herself and lifting her chin to address the crowd. A squeeze from Eris’s hand urged you to compose yourself as well.
“Citizens of the Autumn Court,” Gwyn’s voice rang clear and strong through the throne room, and pride swelled in your chest. When you had first met Gwyn, she had refused to leave the library. For her to do something like this for you and Nesta was a testament to the nymph’s bravery. “We are gathered here today to witness the marriage between Eris Vanserra, High Lord of the Autumn Court, and Lady Nesta Archeron, and Lady (Y/N) Dreamfyre.”
You felt Nesta almost go giddy with excitement, and you squeezed her hand. You hadn’t heard your last name in ages, and now it was about to change entirely. It was bittersweet – a farewell to your old life, and the start of a new one.
“It is a day that marks a new era for the Autumn Court,” Gwyn continued. “One that marks the reign of a High Lord alongside two High Ladies. May the Mother bless this day and send good fortune to all within the realm. In the sight of the Mother, I hereby see you these three souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words as you bind yourselves in magic.”
In unison, you, Nesta, and Eris all spoke the words you had memorised weeks ago. Words that would be sacred on your lips, a seal of the promises you made to each other. “I am yours and you are mine from this day until the stars collide and eternity comes to an end.” From Eris’s palms, an orange flame emerged, curling around your left wrist and Nesta’s right. It was soft and warm against your skin, flickering gently. A silver flame from Nesta found your other hand, wrapping into it and Eris’s as well. It was colder, like the soothing waters of a creek. You took a deep breath, summoning the power of life within you that you had been practising for the last few weeks. 
Bright white light emerged from your palms, tinted with flicks of blue as it eagerly wound itself with Eris’s flames in your left hand and Nesta’s in your right. So the three of you stood, magic entwining and singing a celestial song. Life, death, and fire mixed together, purring against your skin as it hummed. On your ring fingers on both hands, a small tattoo appeared. It was a delicate vine with leaves, wrapping around the finger like a ring. The same appeared on Nesta and Eris’s fingers – a symbol of your marriage, one that could never get lost or fade. 
As the light of your entwined magic faded, your throat was thick with emotion as you gazed between Nesta and Eris with nothing but love. Gwyn’s voice continued proudly. “It is time for the exchange of vows, which have been written personally by each of the individuals before me. May you speak these words honest and true in the light of the Mother.” With that, the priestess stepped back slightly, giving Eris a nod before shooting you and Nesta a wink.
Eris cleared his throat. “Many males may envy me, for I have the two most beautiful brides in Prythian before me,” He began. “It is a dream of many to marry the perfect partner, a dream that most people are not fortunate enough to achieve. I am blessed to have not one, but two partners and achieve this dream. But Nesta, (Y/N), you are not just my brides. You are my mates, my equals, the force that binds me to this world and allows me to open my heart up.”
Eris turned towards you, amber eyes glowing with pride as he spoke. “(Y/N), you have a strength that rivals the foundations of the earth. Your selflessness and resilience through hard times is something I intend on admiring until the end of my days. You make this world a better place, your presence is like the sunlight that emerges over the mountains on the morning of winter’s chill. I am honoured to have you as my mate, and I will love you until the end of time itself.”
You could no longer hold back the tears that now flowed down your cheeks. Eris was staring at you with such intensity you felt like you were going to burst into flames right there and then. Long gone was the cold mask of indifference that he had sewn onto his face to survive in the harsh reality of Beron’s court. Everyone in the room could see his vulnerability, his love, how he was willing to open up that part of himself for the world to see.
Eris then turned to the other female beside you. “Nesta, you are as wild and untamable as the sea. A force of nature with a determination that inspires me to make change happen in a world that pushes against you. You have been through so much toil and conquered everything in your path, and you have my utmost respect and admiration. I am honoured that you have trusted me on this path.”
You saw Nesta’s face tight as she tried to conceal her emotions. Her lips stretched into a smile, her eyes giving everything away. You took in a deep breath, knowing it was your turn next. The words had been rehearsed in your head for days, playing in your head on a loop. Normally you hated speaking in public, and the thought of talking about your feelings in front of such a large crowd. But it all fell away in the background, and you spoke confidently. “Nesta, I don’t know how I would have gotten through these last few months without you,” you said to her. “You have been my rock ever since I met you, and within the first few weeks of our time together I knew we would blaze through this world like a wildfire. You are strong, you are smart, and I will love you until there is nothing of me left.
“Eris, you have proved yourself to be the most selfless male I have ever met. I love your witty remarks, your sharp mind that is never still for a moment, always conjuring up various ideas and schemes. I love you, and I cannot wait to begin this new chapter with both of you by my side.”
They gently squeezed your hands, the action sending a warm sensation down the bond. The dragons cooed gently from behind you, the rumble echoing throughout the vast chamber. Beside you, Nesta took a deep breath. It wasn’t a secret that she was the most nervous of the three of you to speak her vows. It was difficult for her to say how she feels even with just the two of you, let alone in front of an audience.
But her voice was strong as she spoke, no hint of hesitance of nervousness. “Eris,” She began, her grey eyes meeting the High Lord’s amber ones. “When we first met, one of the things you told me was ‘like calls to like’. I thought that you were simply referring to our powers, but I now realise that it reflects our relationship as well. You match me in mind and soul, and I owe you a debt I can never repay. Both of you.” Nesta turned her blue-grey eyes towards you. “(Y/N), you saved my life. You picked me up when I was at my lowest point, you helped me turn things around. You showed me that life was worth living and gave me the strength I needed. I love you, and my life would not be the same without you.”
Tears swam in her eyes, making you choke up. You glanced at Lucien in the crowd, who was looking at you both with pride in his eyes. Beside him, Lirilla was dabbing at her wet eyes with a cloth. 
“In the name of the Mother, by the power vested in me, I declare you wed.” Gwyn said proudly, voice ringing out clear as day. “Citizens of the Autumn Court, I present to you: Eris Vanserra, Nesta Vanserra, and (Y/N) Vanserra.”
Cheers arose from the crowd, filling you with happiness. Initially, you had expected a strained crowd, filled with disapproving whispers. But if they existed, they were easily drowned out. Leaves fell softly from the ceiling like confetti, and the dragons roared as one. Eris pulled your hands, and the three of you pressed your foreheads together. You were all grinning happily, and the High Lord stepped back for a moment and you pulled Nesta in for a kiss. Her soft hands cupped your cheeks as yours rested on her waist, her lips pressing sweetly into yours as the crowds cheering continued. It was a brief kiss, but passionate nonetheless. Your heart sang as Eris kissed you next, his slender fingers lifting your chin up to meet his mouth. Your insides melted at the pure love pouring from both kisses, mind spinning as you stepped back while Eris moved to Nesta and kissed her in the same manner.
Scanning the crowd, you say a sea of happy faces. It seemed even those who had sneered weeks before had either come around, or learned quickly to put on a happy face. But something tugged at you, urging you to look further. And then you saw them.
At the back of the crowd stood Rhysand, Amren, Azriel, Cassian, and Elain.
taglist (comment if you want to be added): @queercontrarian @kitkat-writes-stuff @moonfawnx @sevikas-whore @weird-and-wise @jemandderkeinenusernamenfindet @kingshitonly @ladyofcherries @eerievixen @readingwritingwatching @peacecoffeeandflowers @a-frog-with-a-laptop @shadowqueen25 @lana08 @highladyofillyria @rachelnicolee @ladespedidas @little-darlingo @manonblackbeakquidditchteam13 @demirunner @terorovaerangi @hauntedandhopeful  @younxii @microwaveallthedemons @fanfictioniseverything @lovra974 @maddietheshoe @peaceandcrackers @emy1-99 @lostinfantasyworldsbi @issybee0611 @thoughtfulshepherdmongerkid @belledawnidk @whhyyynottt @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @littlebbb @piceous21 @sevendeadlyshins-blog @searchingford  @marigold-morelli @thesapphiclibrarian @nikovasbitch @chasing-autumns-chill @the-sweet-psycho @honeysuckle-daydreams13 @red-bees @daughterofthemoons-stuff @bloodicka @blackgirlmagicforever @writeroutoftime
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gofancyninjaworld · 9 months
The OPM Manga in 2023
By the numbers:
23 updates (most 14 days apart, shortest interval: 9 days, longest: 33 days).
662 pages (range 12 - 41 pages, mean page count: 29 pages).
Volumes published: 2 (Volumes 28 and 29). 1 bonus chapter included in Volume 28 -- Olfaction.
By the story:
Psychics and Temper Tantrums (chapters 176 - 184)
Well, the Monster Association is behind us but the fallout from it is slowly beginning to settle. Most of the heroes are now back at work and some of the consequences of a world that's increasingly scared of monster attacks are beginning to show up. The first quarter of the year was taken up with Tatsumaki's temper tantrum -- and Saitama once again daring a strong person to do their worst -- it's like he didn't learn his lesson with Garou, which disappoints me. [I love Saitama, but when brains were being handed out, he was not at the front of the queue.]
That said, even though I did not care one whit for Tatsumaki throwing Saitama around (it wasn't terrible, but really it could have been condensed into 1-2 chapters), the start of the Psychic Sisters arc was fantastic, and its ending was very interesting. I made a nuisance of myself at the start of it, pestering everyone in earshot with my excitement that Tatsumaki was taking Fubuki into her confidence to try getting Psykos out rather than trying to do everything herself.
Her complex feelings of disappointment, betrayal, and the sense that she'd made a mistake were some of the most complex and nuanced we'd seen in the story. She may be paranoid and misanthropic, but she's not crazy: there's a basis for her actions, and being knocked back just when she'd taken the risk of opening up was harsh. Unfortunately, Tatsumaki's default response is rage.. and I'm not going to waste time on recounting what happened then.
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I felt pain for her here.
The end as well, expanding as it did on Tatsumaki's thoughts about how she'd accidentally woken Fubuki's psychic powers by scaring her so badly and the guilt she felt at having made her sister a target, was great. Her feelings about Blast are great, as this is the first time we get what she actually thinks of him. I still want her to learn that Blast doesn't work alone -- it'll blow her mind. The session ending with her giving the Fubuki group a chance to grow stronger and prove themselves is a fantastic development.
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Even when she's giving someone a chance she still has to be scary.
Schemes (chapters 184, 187 - 191)
I really love how seamlessly the Psychic Sister arc flows into the next big theme: that of schemes and threats to the Hero Association's future. ONE has done a lot of work reworking the webcomic story so that the storyline is a coherent whole rather than two-three apparently unrelated storylines. Fubuki taking advantage of the chaotic aftermath to extract Psykos while securing immunity for her sister, and Tatsumaki brazenly using the HA's need to keep the rich clients sweet to scupper an investigation into Psykos's whereabouts was all clever. However, they're just amateurs and their antics played beautifully into McCoy's hands, who leveraged the crisis to make himself appear indispensible to the HA, thus making it very hard for him to be removed, even as he works to implicate the Hero Association in scandals (many of which he's running).
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You can't call McCoy hasty: this guy has played a good long game.
The Hero Association is already having issues recruiting new heroes as they're going to Neo Heroes, which is also pinching existing heroes. However, it's not 100% going McCoy's way. Something I started praising in my review of chapter 173 is the greater self-efficacy of the characters in the manga. Sekingar and Sicchi haven't just been sitting on their hands watching McCoy sell the HA down the river. They've teamed up with Child Emperor to find out what he's really up to.
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I think that this is the best cover of 2023: a collection of individuals who embody heroism, whether or not they're recognised as such or work in 'regular' ways. Well, there's one impostor…
Critically, they're not assuming that the Neo Heroes are necessarily evil: they want to understand what this outfit is actually doing. After all, heroism is heroism, no matter what guise it takes. To see that Sekingar has so earned Metal Bat's respect that the latter follows him into the heart of danger did my heart good [1].
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Please, my poor heart, it'll burst if things get much more awesome.
Ninjas, Ninnies, Nintendos (193 - 199, ongoing)
That Blast has some connection to the ninjas from Sonic's Ninja Village has been clear for a long time in the webcomic. [2] However, it is only here in the manga that we're getting a full explanation of what that connection is.
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Yes, yes, my partner may be a monster but he's a useful monster.
The intertwined story of Blast and his attempts to reach his former partner, Empty Void, who was also running a horrifying 'school' for grooming boys into assassins, and that of Flashy Flash and Speed o' Sound Sonic isn't done yet, but it looks to be reaching at least one turning point. It's a pity that the fan translators stopped translating the cover text because that for chapter 199 was incredibly pertinent: 'Staring at the back of a friend you used to stand shoulder to shoulder with.' Sonic has so much to process.
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And like that, Sonic's world has been turned upside down.
Since Blast has an ongoing relationship with Empty Void, we get troubling questions as to how long Blast had known about the Village and whether he disapproved, or had been content to ignore it as long as he had his partner by his side and found his talents indispensible. It's going to be interesting when those two meet! Also, if Blast is hoping to reverse Empty Void's monsterization, he'd better hope that the guy isn't like most people who became monsters. Most ex-human monsters *want* to be that way and there doesn't seem to be a good way to undo it. Well, maybe if you chop them up, have Phoenixman (oops, he seems to have lost his powers) resurrect them, then shock them incredibly hard, that might work. It's unlikely that anyone present can deduce what happened to Gale Wind and Hellfire Flame, much less put all the working parts of that together.
Still, they're going to try. This *is* going to be interesting. Also, potentially heartbreaking.
Genos: the disciple returns to his duty
Unlike the webcomic, Genos has not been completely absent. He's been quite busy: helping Saitama recover their apartment, meeting the Hero Association to discuss important matters, and also, hanging out with Saitama as a friend rather than as a disciple. It's been fun to see that he's finally ditched his flip phone for a smart one, heheh.
Nevertheless, it's not until Dr Kuseno finishes his new upgrade that Genos sets foot in Saitama's house, formally reporting for duty, so to speak. I praise Saitama's self-discipline and good sense in not breaking eye contact and in politely ignoring his disciple's new-found exhibitionism until he had the sense to put a shirt on [3].
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Less positive, it's been painful to see that Genos is frustrated at how he doesn't seem to have grasped the kind of growth he's looking for and is unsure whether Saitama truly sees him. It's not been helped by Saitama trying to reassure him, pulling his best 'Reigen' face and instead made everything worse. There are two interesting shames, which will surely be built on at some point. 1: We see Saitama seeing Genos's strength but he doesn't say anything. 2: Genos is right that the strength that comes from within is different from that granted to one by upgrades. We see in another chapter from Nichirin, that having artificial parts is no hindrance to pulling out that great inner strength. The funny thing is that Genos has shown that kind of strength before, when he was fighting Elder Centipede, but he doesn't know it.
Ah, despite everything, those fools are no better at speaking to each other than they were before! It'd be hilarious if it weren't so tragic.
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Rarely have the words 'open your mouth and solve your problems' been more apposite. Sadly, that's exactly what they don't do.
Garou: the other disciple tries to learn duty
Now this really threw a lot of fans for a loop -- ONE making clear that he's aware of how young Garou actually is. It was very easy to read Garou as a guy in his early twenties, but strip away the pretensions and he's really young. His over-simple understanding of what was wrong with the world and his over-large sense of responsibility to fix it are thoughts of a teen. It's just a good thing that teenagers don't have world-shattering power, and so can be extreme and wrong without hurting anyone. But it has really jarred with a lot of fans.
I may be giving Bang the side eye as he implements his idea of reformation (apparently, it involves hitting Garou over the head often), but the sense of lightness Garou feels at having a reliable mentor, the relief he undoubtedly feels at having a way to work his crimes off -- being a social outcast may seem cool in a 'reject-the-corrupt-world' way but it gets old fast -- and being able to contribute meaningfully to the dojo's re-establishment is palpable.
His life is sure to start sucking again soon, but for now, it's a joy to see him.
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Let him gambol for now. Go Garou!
King: ugh
Sorry, King just irritates me some days and this was one of them. Not because he was running around trying to find someone who could help him: that was fine. But because, unlike the webcomic, once Saitama told him to work out, he's continuing to stick around and play videogames. In a world where everyone is trying their best to make sense of their world and help themselves in some way, however imperfect, the sight of this poster child for mediocre white men overpromoted for looking the part continuing to laze about just pisses me off.
Let him start helping himself and I will praise him.
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He's been told what to do but he's not doing it.
This year, ONE said: here, my children, I have brought you a pint of homo milk. Drink. What else are we to make of Fubuki triumphantly cradling Psykos as she makes a clean getaway?
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This has to be the smuggest 'got the girl' face I've ever seen.
Or Blast continuing to call Empty Void his partner, despite everything that the guy has done, including turning into a monster? He wants him back so badly, and though he says it's strictly professional interest, we think the man doth protest too much.
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And then whatever's going on with these two:
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Flashy Flash, you ain't got no business calling Blast soft when you're handing Sonic tissues and smiling at him.
Fandom Follies
Do we need to do this? Yup! This year, we discovered that a lot of dudebros who have been against the idea of romance in OPM have just been shippers afraid to come out and own it. The sheer number of Saitama x Tatsumaki fans has been incredible. Nothing wrong with SaiTatsu but the obnoxiousness of fans new to shipping has been hard to tolerate. Learn some manners, folks!
[1] I think this is great foreshadowing of something Forte says later in the webcomic to paraphrase, risking your life for another hero is something you do as a favour for a friend, not because someone's declared themselves the boss of you and ordered it. It's nice to see Sekingar embodying that ideal.
[2] It's hard to believe it, but to this day (chapter 149), Blast is not yet seen in the webcomic. At this rate, he'll show up at the very end to get jobbed by God (no ID), but not before giving an over-long exposition about what he's been up to. That is, if he's not already dead, only nobody knows yet.
[3] I can see SaiGenos shippers worried that my saying that it's good that Saitama isn't taking Genos up on his obvious attraction means that I might be disapproving of the ship. That is not the case. I'm going to assume that most of us here are old enough to vote, enter into contracts, and pay taxes and so can think of things with nuance and context. A fandom that needs the reassurance of canon to decide what's permissible is a weak, timid, and pallid imitation of one, and one I want no part of. For certain, we're here to discuss the story as it exists, but please, we're also here to consider and explore scenarios and make works that cannot and often should not exist in the canon because they are FUN. Even more pertinent, ONE is on record as LOVING that fans spend their time and creativity doing things with his stories. So please, don't allow any in-universe discussions on what is helpful or unhelpful in the story affect what you draw and write! PLEASE SHIP! Gimme!
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ecstasyhighway · 6 months
YOU & I | an ellie williams fanfic series
this is a fic that will be posted and mostly updated on wattpad @ecstasyhighway this ff is heavily based off of you the netflix show and inspired by a ff on here which i cannot remember who wrote it but if yk lmk so i can give proper credit.
there is not smut in this little part here but its a filthy ah fic that will become darker as it goes on.
MEN DNI - 16+ i fear (im 17 so if u feel uncomfortable reading from a minor who will be 18 at the end of the year then u dont have to read this i really dgaf.)
ch 1 ch 2
silly story and more ff info under the cut
Ellie had seen you walking around the music store she worked at... her attention automatically shifted from the customer in front of her to you. Your hair, your curves, your eyes. Everything about you was just...
"hello? did you hear me?" the woman raised her voice slightly to get her attention,
Ellie snapped out of her thoughts and focused on the clearly irritated woman in front of her.
"yea my bad, what was that..?"
The lady rolled her eyes and started asking questions about guitar lessons for her son or daughter or some shit, she wasnt really paying attention to the nonsense floating from her mouth.
"yeah, im not the one you go to about that, uhhh my buddy Jesse is in the back, he can help you"
"thanks" and with that, she headed towards the back, muttering words under her breath.
Ellie's attention quickly turned back towards you. She examines you closely. Watching you grab a vinyl from the shelf, Call Me If You Get Lost, is what you had grabbed. Ellie wants to walk over to you, and talk to you but shes scared. What if she says the wrong thing? What if she freaks you out? What if you think shes a weirdo.. She turns away to stop looking at you, her cheeks are red and shes shaking, she is just so nervous and she's not even planning on talking to you... She puts her face in her hands and begins to calm herself down.
"Hi! hello"
A voice chimes from behind her, she turns around and a lump forms in her throat.
Its... you.
YOU & I | ellie williams.
this is a DARK fanfic. Based heavily off of the show you on netflix and inspired by a fanfic I saw on tumblr. This story has adult themes, sexual themes, stalking, thoughts of killing (no actual killing just thoughts), themes of hate, ellie has slight mental issues (obv shes stalking) age gaps (only 3 years and they're adults). idgaf how old u are this is dark and you have been warned, i am not responsible for any type of reaction you may have to this as ive given you a warning. I will give warnings at the beginning of chapters that might be too dark. again you have been warned.
important - ellie might be a tad ooc, shy!ellie, switch!ellie if you squint. this is a lesbian ff.
reader is afab and 20
ellie is 23
modern au
jessie, dina, joel, tommy, maria, most of the main tlou cast is in this (not everyone will be mentioned or even really have a place in the story, just know they are present)
based in New York (obv)
i am not a professional writer, im simply a girl who writes shit when shes bored, do not expect me to have an upload schedule. I get drained v fast and i want to enjoy writing, its not a job with deadlines. so with that my grammar might be bad, spelling might be ass and if there is any math it will probably be wrong, it might be written in third, or first person i be fuckin up with that but yall will be fine.
YOU & I | ellie williams.
story created and written by @ecstasyhighway
tlou and the characters belongs to Neil Druckmann and Naughty Dog
the story of "YOU" belongs to Netflix
Story was ib by a ff i saw breifly but i don't remember who wrote it so, if yk pls lmk so i can give proper credit
uhhhh yeah enjoy ig and i do appreciate any supportive criticism as i am not a professional writer and shit could just be wrong.
also im new to tumblr fanfic writing so yeah 😭.
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edai-crplpnk · 1 year
Temari was pregnant on her wedding day: A Naruto Timeline analysis
[usual disclaimer: I love studying canon timeline but no one's headcanons have to be bound to it just do what you like bye]
Note: for simplicity, I gave years numbers, the Kyuubi attack/Naruto's birth are in 2000 and the other dates are based on that
Fact 1: Gaara is at least 20
In Gaara Hidden, one of the councilmen tells Gaara "You've steadily grown, and reached the age of twenty" and Temari and Shikamaru are in the process of choosing their wedding date in this novel as well, so the Wedding has to happen later than that.
We know from the data book that Gaara is from the same school year as Naruto, and born in January, so he is born in January 2001. (In Japan, the school year is from April to March of the next year and the children in the same class are the ones born during the same school year, not civil year. If you want to know why I say that data books are based on school years, not civil years, flick me a request and I will happily do so! Just not here because it'd be too long.)
We can conclude that the wedding is in February 2021 or later.
Fact 2: Shikadai graduates 15 years after the 4th war
There is no indication that I've found in canon material about when the Boruto events happen, but we can read in this interview that Naruto Gaiden happens 15 years after the last chapter of Naruto. (We will have to assume that "last chapter" here means chapter 699, not 700, or else all the new gen has spent 15 years being teenagers at the academy.) Naruto Gaiden opens with Shino telling the class (Shikadai is there) that the graduation exam will be in a week.
The issue here is that chapter 699 happens in October (Minato says happy birthday to Naruto in chapter 691 the same day, and we know from the data books he was born in October) and the graduation is presumably in March (again, that's one the school year ends, and Itachi is also said to graduate "in the springtime" in Itachi Shinden). So it could mean either 15,5 years later, or 14,5 years later.
The 4th War happens in October 2017 (Naruto turns 17 during it, that's the age the data book gives us).
We can conclude that Shikadai graduates either in March 2032 or 2033.
Fact 3: Shikadai graduates at 11
It is the minimum age as per the law (it is said in Itachi Shinden, this law is made shortly before the Rookie 9 graduate: “now that it was a time of peace [...] it was no longer possible to graduate in a short time [...] no matter how talented Sasuke was, he couldn't become a ninja until he was eleven years old”).
It is the age at which all the Rookie 9 graduate (they are said to turn 12 during the first year of naruto and 13 during the second, again, I can give more details about data book ages in another post if needed).
The naruto wiki tells me that the Naruto data book says he is 12 for the Chuunin Exam, but the scan I have of the data book do not seem to indicate any age that I can find?
So this is not 100% a fact that I have found a canon material number about, but it's the most logical possibility (he's not allowed to graduate younger, there's no reason he would graduate older, this is what happened to the previous gen, and this is what the whole fandom seems to believe, so, yeah).
Similarly, everyone seems to agree that his birthday is September 23, I have not found where that comes from yet, but I have to assume it does come from somewhere. If you know please tell me!
[Edit: apparently it comes from a bonus calendar in the Shounen Jump issue 6-7 of 2019 but I haven't found a scan yet.]
We can conclude that Shikadai was born in either September 2020 or 2021, depending on the graduation date.
If Gaara Hiden and the wedding were in 2021, Shikadai cannot have been born in 2020, so he has to be born in September 2021. If we imagine that Gaara Hiden takes place right after Gaara's birthday (the earliest date) and then Temari and Shikamaru got married on the month that followed, Temari would have been 2 months pregnant, and this is the minimum she could have been.
Your honour, they have sinned.
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demonslayedher · 5 months
do you have any headcanons for the reincarnations/chapter 205? :D
First off, when I read that chapter I was like... "I can't believe it's over... what a ride... BUT WHAT DID I JUST READ????"
Also, since canon only describes them as "descendants" and "a person who..." and never says "reincarnation" I don't technically think of them that way... although that is hard to do after the Obamitsu promise. My main issue with this is looking backwards; it's simply a matter of preference that I don't like thinking of Tanjiro and Nezuko as reincarnations of Sumiyoshi and Suyako (and I especially prefer to keep Yoriichi and Tanjuro as separate people), because I like the straightforward interpretation of inherited memories as something unique to this world.
So that being said!!
The modern day kids have really grown on me. : D Touko is my favorite. I have written some headcanons for them which I have tucked into fanworks that I'll link below.
--The Kamado family house was given to the Hashibira family, so Aoba still has ties there (although he doesn't live there). This is also why the Kamado boys live in the city. Theory expanded on here.
--If they are indeed reincarnations, then Kotoha was reincarnated as Aoba's mom, but she's a divorcee. Aoba's canonical younger brother has a wilder personality. I had a really nice time playing with Aoba interacting with his mom in this short fic, which also refers to the above theory and has interactions with other characters in the fallout of the blue spider lily failure.
--The Kamado family is so removed from their old charcoal past that they just FORGOT to give the oldest son a charcoal related name
--Touko inherited Zenitsu's wide range of strong emotions and expression. Although the women in their family are known for being nice and sweet, there is always what is called the "Agatsuma Demon Gene." However, it's unclear which great-grandparent this came from. There is no mention of Nezuko as a demon in any of "The Legend of Zenitsu" so Yoshiteru is convinced she was a demure girl who needed to stay out of the sunlight for health reasons. These are referred to in this collection of fanart/doodles of the Chapter 205 cast, as well as in this comic that was drawn before Volume 23 came out, so we were still under the impression that Kanata considered Touko his girlfriend (canonically, he does not, that evil flirt).
--More fun doodles of Touko with Zenitsu's expressions and Yoshiteru with Nezuko's expressions here
--Yoshiteru has Marfan Syndrome.
--This isn't so much a headcanon as an observation, but I love what Iguro being a chef and having a good luck snake emblem says about how he's been freed some his past. So I said that all at the end of this post about snake analysis as it relates to Iguro.
--I just kind love that Kiriya and Yushiro are friends???
--I don't know how I feel about the "they get together every year to do Kagura in the Breath styles" thing that was added later. It just doesn't seem to fit well with everything. First, the need for Breath technique is gone, so if Tanjiro decided to simply not teach the next generation, that would have been a fine statement. After all, they just keep the earrings in a framed box now. Second, it would imply that they all might recognize each other from having met every year. Touko would happily anticipate meeting her favorite gymnast every year, and she and Yoshiteru would both already have met Aoba plenty of times, as would Sumiyoshi, who supposedly only meets him when they are both sulking about being in trouble. Maybe they wouldn't recognize each other out of the context of being in the shrine for Kagura once a year, but those kinds of events usually take all day to set up, conduct, and then have a party afterward with lots of interaction. Plus, who was even around to pass on some of those Breaths??? And what kind of move is Thunderclap and Flash for a full Kagura dance???????? So my headcanon is that Touko has stayed home from it for the last few years, Yoshiteru has mostly just hung out with his distant cousins, Aoba's little brother is the one who has been doing it lately while Aoba has been busy as a student and then career botanist, and the dances are staged throughout the day at different times, so Flower Breath and Insect Breath are never around the same time as Thunder Breath so Yoshiteru never even encountered the girls. Also, the Corp had other survivors!! Maybe they're the ones who have been retaining most of these traditions in place of characters who did not survive to leave descendants!
Well that one turned into a rant. Anywayyyy.
--Reincarnated!?Shinobu is Giichi's babysitter and she finds him overly talkative, because irony is fun. (Also in fanart)
--Reincarnated!?Makomo is Reincarnated!?Urokodaki's granddaughter (also in the same fanart collection)
--Toujurou's dad has trouble keeping students in the kendo dojo, because bringing in KimeGaku elements is fun
--The cops take their coffee really, really sweet; it's totally loaded with sugar
Enjoy the things I linked!! They have more of my thoughts and fun with them!! : D
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strangerquinns · 11 months
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Deadly Reunion| Chapter 23
Eddie Munson x female!reader // a stranger things apocalypse au
summary: You and Eddie have been best friends since childhood. But when the outbreak happened five years ago, you were torn from one another in the chaos. but now you’re left alone, after your group was killed by another radical crew, leaving you to seek out what was once home. // zombie apocalypse Hawkins set in 1993
warnings: angst + adult themes w/ descriptions of violence, blood, torture + other zombie apocalypse related issues (no use of y/n)
word count: 2.4k+
⪻ previous chapter | next chapter ⪼ | stranger things masterlist |chapter one
“Will you fuckin’ sit down, dude!” Gareth shouted toward you, reaching across to grab onto your arm, keeping you from getting up from your hospital bed.
It has been a few days since you woke up after the encounter and attack while out for a sweep. The shock over the fact that you’d come face to face again with Wendy rocked you. There were moments that you felt it was all a hallucination and it was a girl that resembled Wendy. But you knew Wendy. She was like a sister to you, your best friend, and you knew it was her. The fearful look in her eyes flashed back in your mind whenever you lay there alone at night.
But now you were done with sitting and waiting in the hospital wing. Your body was still tired, and your ribs still hurt any time you moved too quickly, but you were sick of it at the end of the day. There was also something happening that Eddie wasn’t telling you about. You knew it after you woke up again and saw that he wasn’t beside you like he’d promised. And whenever you brought up the topic of the radical group or any progress, he clammed up and became quiet.
Until Gareth slipped up.
“Gareth let me go right now,” You spoke, with a hardened tone to your voice as you glared back at him.
“No. You need to get back into this bed, you’re still recovering, you can’t just run out of here.”
“Did you honestly think I was going to sit here after you just told me Hopper’s plan? No!” You yanked your arm back, causing Gareth’s grip to slip, reaching down, and grabbing the IV out of your arm.
You quickly ignored the trickle of blood that moved down your arm, letting out a hiss as you felt the pain shoot up your arm.
Gareth cursed as he watched you, reaching up and grabbing at his dark curls, “Dude! Are you fucking kidding me right now!”
You moved around Gareth and walked around him, holding tightly to the hospital gown that you were wearing. It was faded, thing and a little too small. But that wasn’t something that was a worry of yours at the moment. Instead, you pushed past Gareth and walked out of the wing with a trail of blood drops falling behind you.
You ignored the looks and whispers as you passed people through the halls, the hardened and angry look on your face made it so no one stopped you as you pushed past them. With the bruises and cuts on your face and the fresh blood dripping down your forearm – you were sure you were a sight.
It wasn’t long till you were on the same floor of your room that you shared with Robin. Though you spent most of your nights sleeping out in Eddie’s trailer, all of the little you had was still within the dorm room. The door was left unlocked as you pushed to open it but quickly noticed Robin sitting on the edge of her bed. Her head snapped up at the sound of the door, her short brown hair pinned back from her face, giving a better view of her blue eyes and freckled face.
“Jesus fuck!” Robin snapped as she rushed to stand from her seat, moving toward you and grabbing at your arm, putting pressure down on your still bleeding wound. “What the fuck are you doing here? You’re supposed to still be in the hospital.”
“I was tired of being there,” You spoke, “Also, Gareth told me that Hopper is pushing the attack up?”
Robin’s eyes met yours for a second, before darting away, as she moved toward the desk that sat along the wall at the end of her bed. She rushed to look for some supplies before grabbing some gauze and bandage wrap. The fact that Robin was keeping her eyes down and wasn’t saying a word was giving you a clear answer. She grabbed onto your arm, working quickly to clean it, before wrapping your arm up.
“I’m guessing Eddie didn’t tell you,” She spoke once your arm was wrapped.
“Eddie not telling me things seems to be an ongoing trend,” You scoffed, before stepping around her to grab a spare of clean clothes.
You nearly ripped off the scratchy, paper-thin hospital gown from your body before changing into your own clothes. You sighed softly at the warmth you felt as you pulled on an old sweatshirt you had. It also covered up the ugly bruises, a new one forming from ripping out your IV.
“Hopper held a Town Hall a few days ago and spoke of moving up the attack after your crew was ambushed. Eddie told him about how you recognized someone from the attackers. That made Hopper even more worried, so we’re going sooner rather than later. He doesn’t want that information to be used against us.”
“What information?” You asked turning toward her, a confused look coming across your face.
“That your friend now knows that you’re here…with us,” Robin spoke,
“I don’t understand, I thought this entire time that she was dead. I-I…I walked past her tent; it was on fire…I assumed…” You sighed heavily and ran a hand over your face.
“Well, we only have a few more days till we head out toward the old mall. A small number of people are already keeping watching.” Robin sighed heavily with a shake in her voice. “Honestly, I’m scared shitless.”
“More reason for me to not be in a hospital bed,” You searched through your bag and grabbed a pair of your old, worn-down boots. “Where is Hopper now?”
“Most likely downstairs. The cafeteria has sort of turned into a headquarters, it won’t be hard to find him I’m sure.” Robin spoke, “You’re not honestly thinking of coming with us are you?”
“Of course, I am,” You answered, not even looking up as you put on your other boot.
“You are still in recovery, and guessing that you came running in here with blood running down your arm, I’m guessing you weren’t cleared?”
“I’m not sitting by while the rest of you go out and fight. Not when I can be of use,”
“You’re not of use with broken ribs!” Robin shouted slightly, talking animatedly with her hands, the rush of her words indicating she was getting worked up. “You were out for a week, that isn’t something that should be taken lightly.”
“I can do this.” You spoke with conviction, standing and moving toward your friend.
Your best friend really if you were to be honest with yourself. Robin became a very important person to you along with many others in this Camp. The connection to them was stronger than at any other time in the past. These were people you’d known your whole life or have grown to care for. This was a family you weren’t going to give up easily. So that meant, you were joining the fight, not sitting on the sidelines, and waiting.
“I can do this, Robin. I can.” You spoke, softening slightly as you looked at her. “You all mean the world to me; I can’t sit back and wait for you all to come home. I’m another person who could be there to help. Also, these fuckers took from me, and I am going to make sure that they never come back from this.”
Robin stared into your eyes and searched your face for something. But she sighed heavily and sagged slightly. She knew there was no changing your mind.
“Eddie isn’t going to go for this, you do know that right?”
“Eddie isn’t the boss of me.” You shrugged with a teasing smile, “But he knows that nothing is going to stop me or change my mind.”
“He’s going to freak the fuck out,” Robin chuckled, trying to lighten the mood and remove this heavy weight that sat on her chest.
“Probably,” You agreed, before moving to wrap your arm around Robin, pulling her into a hug.
You ignored the ache in your ribs as the pressure of her body pressed against yours. Robin's arms wrapped around you as well as the two of you stood there.
“Come on, let’s go and join the boys.” You pulled back, lacing her fingers with yours, before heading out the door.
When the two of you stepped into the busy cafeteria you saw the change that Robin was talking about. The tables were pushed together into more of a linear setup. Maps, documents, notebooks, pens, empty coffee mugs, and beer bottles cover the tables with people moving about quickly throughout the large room. Your eyes scanned through the crowd of people, seeing both new and old faces of those who volunteered to defend the camp.
But a mass of dark cascading curls caught your attention. You pulled Robin in the direction of the table that Eddie and Steve were hunched over with a few others. The closer the two of you got, the more you could hear them talking amongst each other, words overlapping with the other. Argyle looked up when he noticed movement coming toward their table. Seeing you standing and coming toward them was the last thing he would’ve guessed.
“Holy fuck, dude,” Argyle spoke, his dark eyes widening as he took you in. The sweatshirt you wore nearly swallowed your frame.
The tattered jeans and large sweatshirt were worn, surely, to cover up the bruising. But it didn’t do much. Argyle couldn’t keep his eyes off your face, seeing the black eye. The bruising stretched down along your temple and cheeks. The bruising was a mix of purple and dark blue, with a yellow hue around the edges. It was brutal and it caused him to flinch back as you got closer.
But Argyle’s exclamation snapped everyone else at the table away from what was in front of them. The others looked up and wore the same look of shock across their features.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Steve asked, his dark brows drawn tightly together.
Eddie turned around quickly, before cursing and rushing toward you. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here to help,” You spoke with a firm tone, seeing out of the corner of your eye as Robin took a few steps away from you.
“You’re supposed to still be in bed,” Eddie spoke, his voice dropping to a harsh whisper, anger quickly filling his doe eyes. “Resting…recovering,”
“I’m recovered,”
“Like fuckin’ hell you are!” Eddie yelled, before taking a few deep breaths and speaking again with a lower tone. “Like fuckin’ hell you are.”
“Gareth let your little secret slip, I knew something was going on whenever you came and saw me. You aren’t really good and hiding a secret, Eddie. You give it clear away that something is up.”
“It doesn’t matter that I didn’t tell you,” Eddie gently grabbed your arm and pulled you out of the cafeteria, away from the crowd.
The two of you walked down the hallway outside the cafeteria, the low rumble of voices disappearing the farther you two walked away. With each step, you started to feel more and more tired. This was the most you’d been on your feet in over a week, and you were starting to feel it. But you covered it up, ignoring the fatigue clearly taking over your body. Eddie stopped and turned to face you the moment the two of you reached the end of the hall.
“You need to go back to the medical wing,” Eddie spoke, “I’m not fuckin’ doing this with you.”
“I don’t remember asking you for permission at all.” You moved to cross your arms at your chest. “I already had this fight with Robin, and I’m not really in the mood to do it again.”
“You’re so goddamn stubborn,” Eddie sneered, his hand angrily moving through his hair, gripping tightly on the dark curls. “I’m already scared out of my goddamn mind about this.”
Slowly you watched as the anger slipped away from his face and instead replaced with fear. You stepped closer to him and placed a gentle hand on his cheek, bringing his eyes back to you.
“This is real now.” Eddie spoke as he leaned into your touch, “And Hopper wants to push forward with nearly half not prepared. I’m scared we’re not going to make it out of this.”
“Being scared is normal,” You spoke softly, “I’m scared. But I also am not going to sit this out either. We try our hardest to come back home.”
Eddie closed his eyes and leaned his side against the hall, reaching to grab your hand and hold it against his chest. You stepped closer to him to where you felt his warmth against you along with the familiar scent of coffee, cigarettes, and musk.
“I’m not sure Hopper is going to let you,” Eddie spoke. “But I have a feeling that’s not going to stop you either.”
You shook your head slowly. “I’ll take whatever strong-ass painkillers Gareth has down at the medical wing. Wrap my ribs tightly and stick by you – or within eyesight, I promise.”
Eddie reached for you, his hand moving beneath your sweatshirt, caressing the tight bandages around your ribs. You bit down on your lower lip to muffle the hiss as you felt a small twinge of pain.
“You’re not fully healed; I can see it. It’s clear all over your face that you tired and I saw the flinch from me touching your ribs.”
“Please, Eddie,” You pleaded, “Please.”
Eddie closed his eyes before pulling you closer, if possible, before pressing his lips against your forehead. The two of you stood there pressed against one another not speaking a word. The warmth of Eddie’s touch against your skin comforted you as the two of you stood there.
“We should get back,” Eddie whispered against your hair, “Steve and I are finishing up the points of attack. Hopper wants them by the end of the day.”
“I’ll come and help,”
The two of you pulled from one another, Eddie gently grabbing your hand, and leading you back toward the room.
“I love you,” You spoke, looking up at him.
Eddie turned to you, stopping outside the door, and smiling slightly down at you. “I love you too, now – let’s get rid of these fuckers.”
Ok..ok...we're coming to an end. I am for sure ending this at no more than thirty. The "big fight" is going to be roughly 2-3 parts. Depending on how many words I want per post. please comment, reblog + like if you enjoyed it!
@mopeymopeymouse / @aris-house / @brxkenartt /@akiratoro420
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boiohboii · 2 years
The Tattoo Sleeve (Neymar Jr. Soulmate au)
Chapter 1
I am currently sleep deprived, so I am really sorry for any mistakes.
I hope you enjoy, and please let me know what you think!
Warning: curse words
Taglist: @itzz-me-duh
"I need something to cheer me up that doesn't come from a vending machine," y/n took a seat beside the young children "you got any ideas?"
Three pairs of confused brown eyes looked to their left, seeing a white coat before tilting their heads up to see an unfamiliar face. Anyone passing could feel the peculiar atmosphere; the young lady having a relaxing aura while the three boys looked uncertain of the question itself, much less how to answer.
"Don't worry," reassured y/n "I am a doctor here, my name is y/n."
With a look to each other, the three decided to trust the long piece of clothing along with the card hanging on her neck, and introduced themselves.
"You boys have such nice names." Cooed y/n.
"Thank you."
"We are not babies!"
"Don't talk to an adult like that! Papa and Mama told us to be nice."
The two brunet boys reminded her of tom & Jerry in that moment, they were currently arguing about whether to be polite or to not trust strangers. Both rules taught to them by their parents, and both were correct - well, some would argue about always being polite rule, but that's not the current issue.
"A hug." A timid reply came as the blonde boy admired his swinging feet.
"Well, who's the lucky person that you hug?"
"Papa and mama," Lucca smiled. "My grandma too! She gives the best hugs!"
Y/n smiled at the small boy's enthusiasm as he talked about everyone that has hugged him with a wide grin on his face.
"What about me?!" Exclaimed Thiago. "I hug you too!"
"Yeah, but you're shorter than me!"
"Hey! My brother isn't short! He is big and strong!"
A laugh escaped y/n as she watched the three boys argue over the fact that a person is short doesn't mean they aren't strong. Oh they are so cute! I want to squish their cheeks so bad!
Going through her pockets, y/n searched for a few candies to give to the boys as a thank you for cheering her up, she always loved talking to kids they had the most genuine and entertaining conversations, especially with each other. However, as she was digging around she felt a smooth, slightly wet smudge on her fingertips, no no, please god I don't want to stay in a small cubicle for 10 minutes to reapply anything!
Looking at her wrist, the concealer's tone was bright and clear against the white sleeve margins, y/n groaned and rolled her head backwards.
"Miss, are you okay?"
Came a small voice, making y/n realise that the three boys have stopped their back and forth and watched her intently, not sure if they should move away in case she wanted to rest; Davi remembered his mother telling him of how hard doctors work and study to be able to help him, or if she was hurt and they should call someone.
"Ahh yes," y/n smiled reassuringly. "Just my coat got a bit dirty and I have to go change."
She wasn't about to tell them that her connection to her soulmate was writing on skin, and that her soulmate was obsessed so she had to wake up nearly before all and any gathering or meeting or work appointment by 3 hours to cover up tattoos that her soulmate placed on his skin with no consideration of the consequences that will occur to her nor her request at 23 years old asking him to please, stop.
Yes, she was and still is bitter about it, she can hold a grudge. (She, in fact, can not hold a grudge for more than 2 hours.)
"Is that a tattoo?" Mateo frowned with knitted eyebrows as he tried to get a better look at the drawings under her sleeves.
Wide eyes and a stumped smile on her face, y/n nodded, wondering how such a young boy knows what tattoos are. Well, there is internet everywhere. However, unlike her thoughts, the little boy had recently been obsessed with his father's right arm, looking at the black ink with the occasional question.
"Papa has that!" Raved Thiago as he looked at his brother and friend with shinning eyes and a wide smile. He had rarely seen any women with tattoos, only a few and he has no idea why, but it was something new to him and it made him want to sit with the doctor for much longer.
"Yes! Uncle Leo and papa have tattoos!" Gushed the blonde boy with his friends before asking y/n if there was more.
Not seeing any harm in showing three little boys the small uncovered part of her uncontrolled tattoo sleeve, she lifted a bit of her coat, just a layer really. And as soon as she had done so, the only blonde gasped as his eyes widened, freezing in place.
He looked familiar, very oddly familiar, and she knew that, she knew that she saw him before, she saw him nearly everyday in black ink on her forearm. She was desperate for the thought in her head to be wrong, to just be her mind playing tricks on her or for her to just currently be going through a romantic drought that she is making things up.
But, she was so, very wrong.
"That looks like papa's!" Davi exclaimed as soon as y/n showed her arm.
Well, holy shit. I am not insane. I'm right!
Oh. I 'm right.
Chapter 2
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rorywritesjunk · 7 months
Let’s be one another’s present tense
Buggy ‘rescues’ you from an abusive situation, and after a less than stellar introduction, he has you audition for his crew to keep you safe. You want safety, security, and joining a circus seems like the best idea.
Rating: Soft NC-17 for this chapter. Warning: Sex happens but nothing graphic, hence it's soft. Someone gets upset, there's miscommunication, a fight, they resolve it. Communicate!! A/N: Richie makes an appearance. I love that cat. These two are working out the kinks (haha) of this part of their relationship now.
Title comes from “Crater Lake” by Lady Lamb
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6 + Chapter 7 + Chapter 8 + Chapter 9 (NC-17) + Chapter 10 + Chapter 11 + Chapter 12 + Chapter 13 + Chapter 14 + Chapter 15 (NC-17) + Chapter 16 (NC-17) + Chapter 17 TAGLIST: @lostfirefly @neuvilleteismybby @fluffybunnyu @sinning-23 @the-angriest-angel @ane5e @fanshavegottensotoxic @honey-deerling
Chapter 12
You did as much research as you could on aftercare, safe words, and other things you could do in bed. There were a few freaks you trusted to talk to with this, ones that took no issue with you sleeping with the captain, but mostly because you kept quiet about the times you caught them in various states of undress and other mischief throughout the tent so they happily answered any of your questions which you reported back to Buggy (without giving a source or how you gained such knowledge).
And Buggy, though still a little wary of the mere thought of you ever being in pain from him, had no problem with talking dirty with you. He already did it enough before, but now the stakes were higher. You loved it when he overstimulated you, talking about how he planned to absolutely wreck you while your favorite thing to do was edge him, telling him he needed to listen, to be a good boy if he was going to cum, and yea, it was a nice start. 
He wanted to try something different now, about a month into this. It was in the middle of the day when both of you should have been working but instead Buggy had you in the bedroom, naked in his lap while he was still clothed. Your back was to his chest as he kept your legs apart, letting you sink onto his cock slowly. It was totally fine were it not for the bedroom door being left opened, giving anyone who walked by a full view of what was happening.
Buggy asked first, of course, he wanted to make sure you felt comfortable with this, and you were but every time you heard voices coming down the hall you squirmed in his arms, clenching around him nervously, until the voices disappeared and it was just the two of you again. No one came to the captain's room during the day, and generally no one walked by the room anyway, so the thrill of potentially getting caught like this was exciting for him.
“I knew you weren't some stuck up chick, babe, since you sleep with a dirty pirate every night, but I didn't think you'd get off on someone seein’ you like this.” He murmured into your ear as his hand moved between your legs while using his arm to keep you spread open. His fingers grazed over you, pulling a gasp from your lips as you tried to move under his hold. “Now, now, why are you so impatient, hm? Gotta take it slow.”
“S-Stop teasin’ me, Buggy.”
“Aw, babe, just doin’ what you do to me.” He chuckled as his other hand slid up to your neck, pressing his thumb against your throat. “Maybe just a lil bit meaner, though. You do such a good job teasin’ me, using me as your fuck toy whenever you want, but someone’s gotta put you in your place.” He applied pressure to your throat carefully, waiting for your reaction. Your hand went to his wrist, but not to remove his hand from its position, you just pushed against it, trying to get him to tighten his hold. Buggy swore softly, thrusting his hips up into you. “Cupcake, babe-”
You let out a whine, your attention on the open door. You heard approaching footsteps, fast moving ones that were headed for the room. Buggy tightened his hand around your throat as his hips started moving faster as he groaned in your ear. The pleasure was distracting for the both of you, but the approaching footsteps were getting closer and you heard voices. You whined, reaching back towards Buggy’s head to grab his hair for his attention.
“F-Footsteps, babe, someone’s comin’.” You choked out, biting back a cry when Buggy’s cock brushed over that sweet spot inside of you. You gripped his hair, tugging harshly on it. “B-Babe!”
“And? Let’em see the Captain fuck you.” Buggy growled into your ear. “They can see what you get up to since comin’ here. They’ll think I just use you as my personal fuck toy, probably think that’s all you’re good for.”
The footsteps came closer, someone was calling for Buggy, and you were suddenly tapping on his hand, gasping out something he couldn’t quite hear but the hand on your throat was gone, slamming the door shut. You squirmed in his arms, trying to get out of them, so Buggy lifted you off his lap while you stumbled away, rubbing your throat as you glared at him. He was surprised, not sure what he did, so he took his shirt off and handed it to you so you were at least dressed.
“D-Don’t say that kinda stuff, Buggy!” You snapped at him as you covered up while he just stared at you dumbly, trying to recall what he just said. He wasn’t sure what was upsetting you, so he gestured to you, shrugging his shoulders.
“Gonna tell me what it is that set you off just now?” He asked. “‘Cause I don’t know what I said.”
“Don’t make it sound like I’m useless, okay?!” You sniffled. “I-I don’t like it. I'm not useless.”
Buggy looked confused, wondering why you thought that. He scratched his head, frowning as he looked at you. “I don’t think you’re useless, babe. It was just somethin’ to say.”
“I don’t like it, even if you don’t mean it.” You mumbled as you wiped your eyes, refusing to look at him. “I don’t want anyone to think I’m useless.”
“Okay, so, you get that out of your system? I won’t say shit like that again.” Buggy sighed. “And you’re not useless. You help out a lot around here. If anyone says you’re useless I’ll take care of them.” He looked you over, grinning as he took in the sight of you in his shirt. “Should we continue or…”
“I’m taking a bath. I don’t feel like it anymore.” You sniffed as you went to grab some clean clothes to change into. Buggy sighed. He felt bad you were upset but how was he supposed to know? He didn’t think something like that would have upset you. 
“Fine, I’m going to go check on everything.” He mumbled as he grabbed a new shirt to wear, pulling it on before heading to the door. You hurried over to him, grabbing him by the arm. 
“Please don’t leave me, Buggy.”
“Babe, I’m not leaving you-”
“No, I mean, I… I want you here, now, please? Please, I don’t wanna be alone.”  You bit your bottom lip, looking down at your feet. Oh, you were upset. Buggy nodded, touching your shoulder carefully before you leaned into him, wrapping your arms around him as you let out a heavy sigh. He kissed the top of your head, hugging you tightly as you buried your face against his chest. 
“Sorry, babe, didn't mean to upset you.” He sighed. “Just sayin’ words.”
“Dumb words.” You mumbled, shaking your head. He tried not to roll his eyes as he rubbed your back. He didn't mean what he was saying, just like you never meant what you said. 
“Should I make you a cup of tea or something?” Buggy asked, running his hand up and down your back slowly, trying to get you to relax. “We still got that minty shit you like.”
“Uhm… yea, that'd be nice.” You looked up at him and stood up on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “I love you.”
“Even when I upset you?”  He sighed. “And make you cry?”
“Yes, because you don't mean it.” You told him. “And you said sorry.”
“Right? I did, didn't I.” He looked rather proud that you pointed that out. Sometimes he still didn't, thinking some things weren't apologizing for, but he didn't want to see you upset, he didn't think much on what he was saying to you in the heat of the moment, it was just words spilling out, and he kind of liked the idea of someone walking in on the two of you, but not you spread out like that. It was just…a scene.
“Cupcake, babe!” Buggy’s eyes lit up and his hands went to your cheeks, holding your head still and startling you. “Babe, scenes. We can make scripts of what we want the other to say so we don't have this happen again!”
“Scripts?” You squeaked softly. “I don't… know… would it take the fun out of it?”
“Cupcake, it's not fun when you're upset.” He told you as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “No, this is perfect. I'll write what I want you to say and you write what I'm going to say.” He grinned, patting your cheeks with both hands. “I am a genius.”
Buggy kissed you on the forehead once more before leaving you to go make your tea. 
You didn't see Buggy until dinner, so yea, you were admittedly upset he didn't come back. You dressed and went to the kitchen to get your food, ignoring Buggy when he waved you over to sit next to him. Instead you walked out to go have privacy, finding a spot near Richie's cage to eat. The lion reached through the bars, trying to steal some food off your plate so you tossed some into the cage for him.
“What the fuck, is the lion better company than me?” 
Sighing, you looked up at him as you took a bite of food. “I wanted a break from everyone.”
“Even from me?!” Buggy shrieked. “Why?!”
“Because you didn't bring me back my tea!” You told him.
“I had captain shit to do!” Buggy shot back.
“Your fucking body splits apart, your hand could have brought it to me!” You snapped at him. “I just needed you, Buggy, I was upset and I needed you!”
“Well, geez Cupcake, how the fuck was I supposed to know?!” Buggy demanded. “You could have said something! I can't read your fucking mind!”
You stared at him, wondering why you two still sucked so badly with communication. You thought you were getting better at it but maybe not.
“I was crying in your fucking arms, Buggy.” You hissed as you got to your feet suddenly. He took a step back as you pointed at him. “All I wanted was for you to come back to the room!”
Buggy pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment, trying to choose his words carefully before he looked back at you. He took a step towards you, backing you up to the bars of Richie's cage, trapping you between his arms as he looked down at you. He almost backed down, seeing the sudden fearful look in your eyes, but instead he leaned down until your noses were almost touching.
“I'm sorry, Cupcake.” Buggy began as he locked eyes with you, flinching when Richie licked his fingers, hoping for more food. “I should have checked on you but Cabaji had important news to tell me. I still have to oversee the crew.”
You swallowed heavily, hating how close he was to you in that moment because you were upset at him, but whenever he got close like that, preventing you from moving away, you wanted to kiss him. Something about the bit of fear you had in these moments also… turned you on a bit, but only in the heat of an argument.
Swearing softly, you leaned towards him and kissed him, ignoring your noses bumping against each other. Buggy wasn't quite expecting that but he leaned in anyways, pressing you against the bars, only to jerk away when Richie kept licking his gloved hand, wanting attention.
“Dammit, Richie!” He grumbled as he pulled you away from the cage. “Stupid lion.”
You grinned, shaking your head as you looked up at him. “I'm still upset, babe.”
“Then why did you kiss me?” Buggy grumbled as he removed his glove, wincing at how damp it felt. “Gross cat.”
You shrugged, suddenly looking everywhere but at him, not wanting to make eye contact. “Umm… just… wanted to…”
“Babe, Cupcake, communication.” He insisted. You crossed your arms and looked down at your feet. Buggy reached under your chin, tilting your head up so you would look at him. “No, no, you need to look at me when you talk to me, babe.”
You swallowed heavily and nodded, biting your bottom lip, trying to think of how to tell him that hey, not only do I like you telling me how you like to fuck me, I like it when you scare me like this too.
You weren't really sure how he'd actually take that, especially how upset you were earlier, but ever since you met him there was always a little thrill whenever he'd back you into a wall, trap you between his arms as he spoke to you. It was never threatening, but his presence, the way he spoke, always gave you a little shiver of fear whenever you were in that position and you loved it.
“I just… like it when you… do this.” You said, gesturing to him, though he looked confused at your words. “When you, uh, do this, like, corner me or trap me between your arms to talk to me… I like it. It's a bit of a thrill because… I don't know what you're going to do.”
He was silent as your words sank in, trying to understand what you just told him. This wasn't meant to turn you on, it was meant for you to have your attention on him, nothing else. It wasn't meant to be threatening or hell, even arousing for you. He just wanted you to focus on him, which you did, especially when he did this.
Buggy grinned, leaning forward and backing you up to the cage once more, giving your chin a squeeze. “That so, babe? You like me doing this, cornering you like a little mouse, hm? Maybe I should- dammit, Richie!”
He jerked his hand back once more, the lion staring innocently back at Buggy behind you from his cage. All he wanted was some attention, and if there were people there then he damn well deserved it. Grumbling, Buggy wiped his hand on his jacket before glaring at you as you held your hand over your mouth, trying not to burst into giggles. 
“Don't you fucking dare laugh.” He warned, but you snorted suddenly before laughing. Buggy crossed his arms, annoyed but slightly relieved you weren't as upset as you had been. Maybe the two of you just needed to talk this out some more.
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jujumin-translates · 5 months
★ Main Story | Act 13 - Budding Spring | Chapter 23 - International Minister of Arts and Culture
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Kazunari: Ah, the livestream started!
Muku: Is Citron-sama really going to walk the red carpet?
Kazunari: All I’m seeing is overseas celebs so far~.
Kumon: I’m getting kinda excited!
Misumi: There’s Citron~!
Muku: Waah, he’s so dignified and cool…!
Tenma: He really does look like royalty like this.
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Kazunari: I’ll snap a commemorative screenshot~.
Taichi: Is the interview in English? It’s crazy that Citron’s speaking without an interpreter!
Guy: This is a good opportunity to showcase the Kingdom of Zahra to notable figures in the culture and entertainment fields. It is most effective to communicate with those people in their own language.
Guy: Citronia has acquired foreign language skills to a certain degree for diplomatic purposes.
Banri: Even so, he’s completely different from the usual Citron.
Banri: Can switchin’ to a different language really make that much of a difference?
Guy: In his position, you must have a good outward appearance to a certain degree.
Guy: However, when he speaks Japanese, he is able to somewhat let his inner personality out more.
Banri: Yeah, I think he’s lettin’ it out a lil’ too much…
Tenma: I’m kind of surprised that he’s been able to keep it in at all.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Citron: 《As the people of Zahra have become increasingly more interested in them, we would like to invite many excellent theatrical and musical performances from overseas to the Kingdom of Zahra.》
Citron: 《I myself belong to a Japanese theater company called MANKAI Company, which has performed overseas in the Kingdom of Zahra.》
Citron: 《Based on that experience, I believe that we can be of great help in terms of support for overseas companies.》
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Citron: 《We hope to have many new encounters through this.》
Arts Festival Participant A: 《I have not yet had the experience of visiting your country. I have always hoped to have an opportunity like this someday.》
Citron: 《We look forward to your visit. We have many theater fans among our people, and they will certainly give you a very warm welcome.》
Arts Festival Participant B: 《I have heard much of your success, Prince Citronia. My impression of the Kingdom of Zahra being a more open nation has strengthened thanks to you.》
Citron: 《A little wanderlust can be very useful sometimes.》
Arts Festival Participant A: 《Hahaha. Right, I will be starting a new project to combine theater with the latest in AI technology and--.》
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Citron: …Phew.
Citron: (I’m almost through with the greetings.)
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Citron: (After all, if we look beyond Japan and Zahra, we can see that even if we just limit our scope to focus on theater, there is still a diverse range of development all around.)
Citron: (It is stimulating to actively go to places like these.)
Citron: (A whole new door, huh… That reminds me, I wonder if everyone in Spring Troupe watched the broadcast.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
TorORo has entered the chat.
Saku: He said MANKAI Company!
tsuzuru: It’s pretty amazing to hear your name mentioned at an international arts festival
Curry: citron’s here
tsuzuru: I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I’ve read “TorORo” and wondered who that is
taruchi: skill issue
UC: Aren’t you in the middle of the arts festival right now?
TorORo: i amn on a rake!
Curry: break?
taruchi: the gap’s insane
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tsuzuru: That’s our Citron-san
Saku: But it’s kinda a relief!
tsuzuru: It’s like you were a whole different person during the stream
UC: There was a lot of excitement in the company LIME chat too. They were all watching from the lounge.
TorORo: evenb thouvgh we’re aparnt, it is likeb we arbe in rhe same confessional
taruchi: confessional lmfaooo
[ ⇠ Previous Part ] • [ Next Part ⇢ ]
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ranposbabe · 9 months
Infidel | Johan Liebert x Reader
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Chapter 23
Guilt can wash over someone strongly like a wave crashes over a rock. Yours just happens to be closed off like those ornaments of a ship inside a bottle.
Except of it being intact it’s a shipwreck in a perfectly still bottle. You wonder if it will ever crack.
“She simply walked into the water and never came back out.” Mr Fox spoke with his rather husky voice that sometimes was hard to understand.
“It’s not uncommon for prostitutes to kill themselves it’s just simply reacurring over time.”
“I’m not upset about her killing herself.” You shake your head, continuing to stare out upon the dark water.
What even was her name ? Bella or Stella ? You’ve come all this way from your apartment to a beach who knows how many miles away and for what ?
You’d rather sit within the moldy walls at this stage.
Mr Fox was a man who worked alongside your father for many years. As of late you hadn’t seen the man. As a matter of fact you never even seen him drinking in the pub let alone alongside those drunks.
You knew he was no issue when it came to who to partially blame for your father recently being the man that he is.
But you weren’t sure why your father gave him the nickname Fox. Perhaps he was sly as a Fox but those words were only slurred by your father whenever he drank.
You never took his word sober so why would you then.
“I’m irritated because I didn’t see this coming.” You kick a pebble as if you were a child throwing a tantrum. “This is just evidence.” You hold back the urge to groan. If you weren’t wearing a cast your fist would’ve been clenched.
“I’ve lost my focus.” You roll your eyes, only now truly seeing the somewhat bigger picture.
“Was there any focus to begin with ?” Like your father he’d say these idiotic rhetorical questions to give the appearance of having the upper hand. You weren’t falling for it. “You’re uncomfortable. But then I suppose when are you not ?” A sincere yet tired smile was briefly evident on his face.
“I’ve been confiding in others as of late.” You slightly gave in. “One of these others has stood out to me.” You spoke quietly, no longer daring to keep your head up.
“You know about the fire of the shed, yes ?” You ask, already knowing the answer. His slight nod confirms your assumption. “It’s been on my mind as of late.”
You did feel somewhat bad about the fact that you completely forgot that the man even existed. You didn’t even know the mans real name. You never asked. Not out of awkwardness but rather out of lack of care. You doubted you would even interact much to even say his name thankfully.
“I’m not really interested as to why he’s mentioned in the file but rather the illusion as to how could he be ?”
“Who is it ?” “I’d rather not say.” You spoke for once much hastily. “Why ? Are you protecting him ?” He raised a brow. He wasn’t genuinely curious. He was just seemingly amused by the distant look in your eyes. Mr Fox could tell just by a single glance at your glossed over eyes that who ever you were currently thinking over was a constant thought in your mind. Perhaps maybe even if you yourself were unaware of it. If he guessed right now he’d say you were thinking of a young man that thoughts were also filled of you.
“No.” You want to stop yourself from speaking. You never want to speak again. It’s still far too early. What time is it ?
“I just get the sudden sense that saying his name out loud would be wrong.”
You’ve spoken too much.
“Have you ever said his name aloud to others ?”
It was obvious now. You simply mix up guilt and annoyance. “Drive me home.” You sigh, waking off as you were no longer amused by the splashing and chaotic waves. After all, it was no stream.
“I’m going back to bed.”
If you wish to be added to the taglist please comment below to let me know!!!
TAGLIST: @nimuelis @meigalahadovna @sugaredpersimmon @thesimpupthesky @sarcastic-cookie
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mikhailwrites · 7 months
Soaring Ever Higher 5 - Ghoap/Ace Combat 7 crossover
Previous chapter | This Chapter on AO3
Maybe you should manage your expectations befor the one-night stand? Yeah... someone should probably tell Ghost...
AN: I've put together a companion post with some explanations and whatnot so if you're getting a little lost, you can give it a shot, might help you.
 They lay in bed, side by side. For a long moment, they don’t speak. Then Ghost asks what he considers an easy question. “So, what’s with those three strikes on your plane’s tail?”
“What’s with the skull mask?” John retaliates. Apparently, Ghost’s question was much less innocent than he thought. Fair enough.
“Touché,” Ghost smiles without elaborating further. However, he does change the topic. “How about your jet? You said you rescued that thing. Why?”
“Actually… I needed it. I had a mission that required stealth beyond the usual means. Americans were willing to lend us a Raptor, but it didn’t cut it, especially since I also required something faster, with greater range but capable of carrying heavy payload. The YF-23 was the only thing in existence that fit the bill.”
“The hell did you do?” Ghost turns his head, clearly interested.
“Classified,” Trigger shrugs, then gives a sly grin and elaborates a little, “but it included a submarine.”
“Wait a second… you’re… not serious. That was you? The madman that sank the nuclear sub with a jet? Singlehandedly prevented another World War?” Simon’s brown eyes are wide as he stares at John. Shit, he had no idea.
“I can’t neither confirm nor deny…,” John’s smile is confirmation enough.
“Alright, you needed that thing then. How about now? Is it even safe to fly it?” he did hear the mechanic back on the base. Now, Ghost might not be all that knowledgeable about fighter jets, but he does have some experience with using prototypes. They’re very rarely reliable.
“It can be… challenging. It’s still a prototype, it has its issues, and the maintenance costs a fortune, especially since there’s only a handful of engineers familiar with it. Still, I happen to have the best engineer on the base,” Trigger confirms much of what Ghost suspected.
“Right. Well,” Simon gets up and starts to gather his clothes, “be careful out there. Would be a shame to lose you.”
“Shame for RAF or yourself?” Trigger smirks, stretching on the bed, and displaying all that impressive physique.
Ghost smiles as he shakes his head. “Why not both?”
“Where are you going, anyway? Have somewhere better to be?” John frowns as he watches Ghost dress.
“Look, this has been nice and everything, but I know how it goes. Don’t wanna wait around for things to get awkward,” Ghost says casually, putting his boxer briefs and socks on.
John looks at him momentarily like he’s some puzzle waiting to be figured out. Then, snorts in barely contained amusement. “We’ve seen each other naked; I think we’re way past the awkward point, Simon. Stay if you want to. Or I can go if you want to spend the night since you paid for the room.”
“You okay with me staying?” Simon cocks his eyebrow, pausing with a tee in hand.
“Nah, I’m just the sort of lad that does things he’s uncomfortable with. Get back here, you English cunt,” he outstretches both his arms in open invitation.
Ghost looks at him with feigned offence, but he climbs back onto the bed and pretty much tackles MacTavish with his sheer bulk.
They stay the night. Curled around each other, shagging once more in the wee hours of the morning. It’s a slower and gentler affair the second time around, and the touches and kisses afterwards make something in Simon’s chest resonate in a manner that has him concerned. He doesn’t panic; such a thing was trained out of him. Instead, he pauses his thoughts and inspects the feeling and the whole situation. It doesn’t look too good.
He doesn’t really know Trigger; what he does know damn well is that he cannot form this sort of attachment. Especially since they’re both military, most especially after one bloody night together, that would be just stupid. So, Ghost doesn’t. He acknowledges the feeling before he wills it away. His mind is clear and focused as he falls asleep again, with John’s arms around him, his hot breath on his neck, and the faintest smell of campfire and cologne that’s too nice for men like them hanging in the air.
Trigger returns to the base and earns some wolf whistles as he walks on the tarmac. He’s got a reputation and staying in the city overnight means he scored some. Which, to be fair, he did, it’s just that the lads haven’t got the faintest idea.
John walks into the hangar, not in the least surprised that the lights are already on and there’s a clicking and clanging of a mechanic doing their job.
“Did you even sleep?” Trigger asks when she puts away the welding gun. He recognises the part she’s working on: it’s a wing flap.
Avril straightens where she stands, taking him in. “Sure, but I like to start early, you know that. All the tools are still in place, so I can pick and choose. But… I get a feeling I should be asking you the same.  Are you gonna enlighten me? Who is he?”
Trigger is suddenly very occupied with checking the non-existent scratch on the stealth coating. “Who is who?” he feigns ignorance.
“Oh don’t play dumb with me! Who’s Mr. Six-foot-two?”
“Just an acquaintance, we met briefly on the last mission. I helped him out, he promised to buy me a drink as a thanks, so he did,” John shrugs.
“Well, seems like that’s what he did... thanked you. Properly, not just with a drink,” she chuckles and dodges a dirty rag Trigger tosses at her.
“Christ, what’re ye, twelve?” John shakes his head and fastens a bolt that really doesn’t need it.
“Look me in the eye, John MacTavish, and tell me you did not, in fact, fucked him. Then I’ll rest my case,” Avril puts her hands on her hips and looks at him expectantly.
“Och what are ye on aboot? Cannae the lad go for a drink?”
“Did you, or did you not?”
“Well..,” he pauses. It’s not worth lying to his friend. “Kinda.”
“What? What do you mean, you muppet? Kinda?”
“We... och hell’s bells... we... aye, we did.”
Avril’s face blooms into a shit-eating grin. “I knew it! Damn, he looked like a good lay. You gonna see him again?”
“I dinnae ken, maybe? He’s SAS, not exactly an everyday occurrence his sort working with us.”
Avril whistles. “SAS? Damn, so... was he a good lay?” she nags at him, all smiles and winks.
“Yer not gonna leave it, will ye? Okay, fine. Aye, he was good. Better than, actually. Happy?” John rolls his eyes, feeling the slight heat as blush creeps on his face.
“Yeah, I’m happy now. And you’re, too, that’s what I like to see. Does the SAS man have a name?”
“He does, but... I can’t tell you, it’s not common knowledge. But his callsign is Ghost, and aye, I’m serious. Couldnae make that shit up if I tried.”
Avril looks at the landing gear cover, at the Gray Ghost. “Funny,” she says, but the tone of her voice is thoughtful when she returns back to her work. “Got a feeling it wasn’t just a one-night stand.”
Trigger doesn’t deign that with an answer. But truth be told, he has the same feeling.
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w33nies · 1 month
Qué Maravilla CH.13- 'Somewhere That's Green '
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Previous Chapter Miguel O'hara x SpiderReader rating: E for Everyone bby warnings: Aplogies in advance for this shit is long as fuck. I didn't know where to cut it because I have attachment issues. hella use of google translates + angst, bad words + proofreader? I hardly know her summary: exposition + dramaaaaaaa
------------ Ch.13 - Somewhere That's Green -----------
Miguel O’hara could barely hear himself think. Odd considering how it was currently deathly quiet in the lab. This lab that was full of traitors and strangers. His divided attention was to blame for that. Here he lay on the ground, flat on his stomach mere inches away from the source of his plight.The stubborn walking, talking thorn that had been lodged in his side for the past who-knows-how-many-hours. Who could’ve predicted that this a short-sided, naive little boy would pose such an imminent threat to the sanctity of the entire multiverse? Or that just when he had him, things would go from horribly wrong to horribly worse. That at the most inconvenient time humanly imaginable Doc Ock, of all people, had to show up and. Or that when he finally had Miles Morales in his clutches, their tussle would send a multiversal-travel-watch tumbling straight into the hands of said super villain. (One that Hobie had brought with him, he thought to add. So really it was his fault, not Miguel’s for manhandling a teenage boy ). 
Of course. Of course. Of fucking course. Just what he needed. More fuel for the fire that was his scalding migraine. 
Notice how he said more. There would be no inferno to contribute to if it weren’t for his second conundrum…
Miguel was off his rapture and his body was not about to let him forget it. How long ago was it since his last dose? He holds his head in his hand as he strains to do the math in his head. Though quickly gives up. It simply didn’t matter anymore. ‘Too long’ was the only answer his brain could muster through the mental fog. His head hurt so much that it practically blinded him. His body burned. Like he was sitting in a vat of lava as it slowly ate away at his muscles. He feels his forehead to confirm his suspicions. It was so hot you could practically fry an egg on that thing. When he pulls his hand away he finds palms drenched. Has he always been this sweaty? He couldn’t stop panting like a dog in a boiling car. How embarrassing. He attempts to steady himself with both palms on the ground, but finds his arms trembling as he exerts all his strength just to hold himself up. 
God was Miguel tired. As a result he was succumbing to his spiraling emotions, further exasperated by the ever raising stakes. Logic and reason were slowly giving way to rashness and impulsivity. Even the proud man could admit that much to himself. There was no doubt about it. 
Miguel O’hara was slipping.
Is this what dying feels like? He’s pretty sure this is what dying feels like. 
“Oh where are my manners?” Jonathon turns to the group of heroes, who have all now hastily pulled on their masks at the sight of the Doctor. 
“Everyone, this is Dr. Olivia Octavious. She’s the head scientist and CEO of Alchemex.” Jonathon proclaims proudly, barely able to contain his excitement in his lanky, beanstalk like body.  
“She oversees the atomic research division here at. The greatest mind New York has to offer. You should know that she got hired as lead nuclear physicist  at the age 23! After she graduated top of her class at-”
The woman raises her hand to stop him. 
“-Jonathon. Jonathon. We've been over this. Liv or Olivia will do. Thanks for the glowing introduction nonetheless,��� she chuckles pridefully “I should really have you open for me at my next conference.”  The woman’s eyes shift to the feeble puppy in his hands, her gaze grows distasteful. She forces a smile through clenched teeth. 
“And how did this little...bundle of joy fall into your hands.” 
“Oh! That’s because of this bright young man over here.” Jonathan points to Miles Morales of Earth 1610, who is now shoving Miguel further away from him in order to come to a complete stand. 
“Doc- I mean Olivia, I know you’re close with Mac Gargan, but you should know there are some egregious animal right violations happening under his-”
The distorted robotic tone catches the scientist off guard. He turns towards the source, Miles G. Morales of Earth 42. The boy loudly clears his throat, swiftly swiping his hand back and forth in front of his neck. The unspoken message is clear, ‘STOP TALKING.’ The move causes Dr.Octavius to raise a brow. 
“Don't worry guys, it’s okay!” Jonathan places his palm over his heart in earnest. “She’s one of us. I can personally vouch for her.” 
“I know. Can you just …stand over here please?” Miles-42 requests. The others hum and nod their approval, motioning for him to back away. The scientist cocks his head, not dissimilar to the manner of a confused puppy. 
“What? Why? I don’t understand.”
“You and I are both Jonathon.” Ocatavious frowns as she clutches the device closer to her person, calmly striding towards the heroes. She stops just short of Miles- 42 and glares with newfound interest 
“We meet again Prowler. Though, I can’t say it’s a pleasure.” 
“Don’t worry, the feeling is mutual.” 
“Hmm,” she hums through her displeasure. “I take it you're the one who led this group of-” she takes another disgusted look at the spiders “-foolish goons into my lab? Or do you have another lame excuse for me?”
“Funny thing, actually!” Gwen interjects with a nervous laugh. “We were actually just, uh, we were actually just heading out!” 
“You are?”Jonathan and Prowler say in unison. Though only Jonathon’s disappointment is evident
“Oh, were we now?”  Miles-Spiderman mumbles to aloud sardonically.  
“Yep! Oh yeah! Totally! We just need uh …” Gwen points towards the watch “...that and then we’ll be out of your hair!” 
Olivia scoffs incredulously, “All of this over a watch? You’re going to have to do better than that.” Octavious secures the gadget to her wrist and promptly starts fiddling with its interface. “What? Is it going to do? Allow me to walk on water? Teleportation? Or will it give me the winning lottery numbers for tomorrow?”
The entire room is inundated in an uproar. “Wait! Stop! NO! NO! NO!  Don’t-”
All interjections cease as the air around the doctor suddenly warps, giving in to conjure up a portal. 
Olivia stumbles backwards “What in the world?
Before her is a wormhole of sorts. Made of luminescent levitating rings. Each layer looking as though it’s been shoddily cut out from a punk rock magazine. Her breath is heavy and shaky as she creeps towards the oddity. She tentatively puts an arm in, pulling out immediately in response to the odd sensation that ensues. Olivia studies her test arm carefully, flipping it front to back as she wiggles her fingers. It seems…normal. 
She then takes a step in. 
Everyone yelps as they leap to action. You find yourself in front, running forward to grab her but missing by a mere milliseconds as she and the portal disappear in a flash. You end up clumsily wrapping your arms around thin air, looking down at your empty hands dismayed. Before you can even consider your loss, you’re immediately tackled from behind by the spiders who have also hastily ran forwards with reckless abandon. The only ones spared are Penni, who's robot comes to a screeching halt just a hair shy of the collision, and Peter who braces himself with his hands outstretched against the bodies. May Parker gurgles happily from the safety of his chest, finding excitement in the frenzy. You, Noir, Margo (Spyder-Byte), Gwen, Miles-1610, Porker, Hobie, Pavitir and even Miguel aren’t so lucky. Finding yourselves collapses on the floor in a miserable dogpile. You all groan in pain. 
Suddenly, a slight buzzing noise can be heard from behind. Everyone abruptly extract themselves from the onslaught to whip around just before another portal shows. The doctor comes. 
“WOW! Was that- Did I just-” She fumbles over her words, starstruck. “There were so many channels! So many alternate timelines!  And I was in Brooklyn but not this Brooklyn, of course. I saw the future. I saw the past. This is-” She pauses to stare at the watch in astonishment before looking at the scientist in awe. 
“-A device for dimensional travel? Jonathan? You made this?” 
“I wish. It was all from these guys.” He says as he points with his thumb at the spiders. 
“I see,” she pulls her wrist closer to her chest territorially. “I think I’m going to hold onto this if you don’t mind.”
“Actually we do mind.” Miguel strides forward, holding his hand out for the device. Olivia just stares at his open palm and laughs.
“I mean, It would be a shame to let such science go to waste. Science is a collaborative sport after all. ” 
Miguel utters a deep guttural sigh. “Ay dios mío lady. Look, I really don’t have time for this. I need to get home and I’m going to let you in on a little secret as to why. In case you haven’t noticed…” Miguel makes a sweeping gesture to the glitching nonsense that litters their surroundings,“...The entire multiverse is in imminent danger and I am the only one here who’s even remotely willing to stop it.” He turns around to the group, but he only looks at you.
 “It doesn’t have to be that way though.”
You’re unable to gauge his facial expressions for the mask. And it's a struggle to discern whether he’s singling you out as a cry for help or because of his anger. It seems he is scrutinizing you in the same fashion. The prolonged gaze you share as you both work to decipher where your relationship stands.  In the next instant, O’hara abruptly clears his throat and returns his attention to Dr.Octavius. 
 “You can play a part in not only saving your universe, but everyone else’s. Not only for every person in this room, but for everyone and everything you care about. Please.” She continues to stare at him, unmoved. He brings his open palm closer to her with emphasis. 
“If you don’t give it up I’ll have to take it from you. Don’t make this any harder than it needs to be. ”
“Hmmmm.” She pretends to ponder his offer, theatrically tapping a finger against her chin. “Nothing worthwhile ever comes easy…” 
She directs her comment towards shadows behind her. 
 “...Isn’t that right,  Mr.Gargan?’ 
It’s low, gruff voice responds. One laced with a thick Spanish accent. “Así es doctora.” 
Miguel groans as he pinches the bridge of his nose. “Oh, Tienes que estar bromeando.” 
Slow mechanical thuds precreed the man before he steps into the light. What emerges is man or a… cyborg of sorts.  Apart from his steel legs, each technological addition was decidedly non-human. His left arm was replaced with a metal lobster-like claw, and from his back a massive scorpion tail with a stinger that sits high above his head. All of which were composed of a series of mechanical plates, colored in a shade of green so dark it bordered on black. His human real estate was littered with dark tattooed markings, like the kind you would find on a poisonous insect, trailing from the bellybutton to his neck. His buzz cut head is the only unaltered part of him. (You can’t tell if your mind is playing tricks on you or not, but the markings appear almost…fluorescent in the dingy light.) To top it all off, he sports a black leather jacket with metal spikes and ripped denim shorts that stop at the knees. 
 “Aye dios mio.” The man huffs, lifting up his giant Spruce colored leg to kick a piece of the rubble off his path.  
“Look at all the mess.” He lets his arms fall limply to his side in exasperation,  pausing to cast a scrutinizing eye to the intruders. The sea of spider emblems and distinctly colored morph suits mar his rough face with distrust. He laughs scornfully at the sight. 
“I don’t suppose these are any of your men, Sergei?” he speaks towards the entire room, though clearly not talking to any of its occupants. 
 “Hah! You are correct bug.” The deep, husky voice responds from the cover of the shadows. Its tonality being distinctly Eastern European.
Scorpion scowls,  “I told you not to call me that.” 
The disembodied voice emits a deep booming laugh. 
“It is true, no?”
The voice’s holder presents himself to be a large imposing man, easily surpassing Gargan’s towering frame by a good several inches. His long dark hair slicked back to reveal a striking face, complete with an unruly, yet maintained full beard and mustache. He sports a vest of his own. Though his is composed of both brown leather and gray steel. The collar is fully lined with animal fur, almost mane-like with the face of a lion etched onto its front. On his hairy chest rests a necklace made of large beast-like teeth. Long metal wrist cuffs cover his forearms, adorned with bones. In a similar fashion, small animal skulls cover his knees and elbows like braces, secured with an abundance of twine. His cargo pants are held up with a well equipped utility belt, including a pair of excessively large knives that sit atop hip. 
“No. That is in fact not true,” Scorpion asserts defensively. “You have disappoint me, Kraven. I thought  feral swine such as yourself would know all of the laws of nature.” 
“What is it I call you then? Insect? Worm? Vermin?” The bearded man jests, struggling to contain his amusement. 
“NO! Scorpions are- they’re- I don’t know-” 
Kraven roars with laughter, courteously patting the bumbling Scorpion on his back as he strides forward. Leaving Gargan a stuttering, angry mess behind him. 
 Sergei takes a big, dramatic whiff of the air as he leisurely strolls around the room. Eyes closed and arms ever so slightly stretched out as one would do when inviting the sweet comforting sensation of sunlight. After making his rounds, he kneels to methodically run his fingers over the claw marks embedded in the ground. (Battle marks. From a beast perhaps?)  
He diligently digs through the slew of rubble, pausing abruptly in it’s midst. He yanks a thin cable from the debris with a snap and inspects the gadget on his open palm. He scoffs, shoving the mystery contraption  in his pockets. 
 He feels around the leftover spider web residue, which leaves a sticky substance on his thumb and forefinger. He finds himself pinching them together then pulling them apart with decent resistance as if dipped in a strong adhesive. 
Finally, small crimson drops on the ground catch his eye. He lightly dips his hand in the substance, admiring the way it sits on his fingertips. (Fresh blood,Superficial wound). First he brings his fingers to his nose to smell. (Metallic,Type: O+) Then brings the substance to his mouth and tastes. The room is full of audible gags as the man smacks his lips thoughtfully. 
(Human blood, Zero traces of drugs).
“Hmmm. I see…” Sergei mumbles to himself
Kraven gradually rises to his feet, unsheathing a large silver knife from the holster on his belt. He wipes off the damp stains of its previous use against the fur of his vest. Though he only succeeds in decorating the blade in faint red streaks. 
“And what do you see Kraven?” Octavious asks like a teacher to a child, her head tilted amusedly with fingertips pressed firmly together.
Sergei brings a finger to his lips with a ‘shhhhh’ as he holds up the mic wire. A slight smile appears on his lips.  “You have been…compromised.” 
“Ey!?” Scorpion exclaims, baffled. 
“Impossible,” The doctor derides. “Are you sure it’s not one of ours?” 
“Positive.” Kraven shoots a stink eye at the spiders and the Prowler.
“That has nothing to do with us.” Miles-1610 insists, with a wave of his hands. 
“I’ve literally never seen that before in my life,” Pavitir affirms with a palm to his chest and a shake of his head.
“Wired mics are so last century,” Margo quips with crossed arms. 
 “Maybe, ” Kraven says unconvinced. “But this…” The main points to the small details in the wreckage with his knife (outside the glitching, interdimensional, warped madness), “...This is the remains of battle and a fresh one at that.” He lifts his stained fingers, further emphasizing his point. 
“All these damages, but few casualties…” he thoughtfully rubs his tinted digits together.  “These will serve as formidable opponents.” He points his imposing knife towards Miguel, a sinister smile tugs at his lips.
“Leave the big one for me. I’'ve been looking for a new trophy to decorate my walls.”
Miguel O’hara frowns under his mask, straightens his posture to maintain his intimidating frame. You notice his legs slightly tremble under the stress. 
“I’m afraid you’re going to have to keep looking,” he huffs weakly. Without thinking, you briskly walk to his side and wordlessly steady him with a hand on his back and his arm strung around your shoulder. He doesn’t say anything, but you’re sure him squeezing your bicep is his way of saying thank you. 
The man cackles loudly. He quickly resumes his demeanor with a satisfied sigh, using his blade to casually pick at the dirt underneath his nails. 
 “Do not let my appearance of youth fool you child. I have been on this Earth for over seventy rotations. And in that time I have struck down many men. Women. Children. Even my own father. Believe me when I say, countless have stood before me as you did, claiming to be the ones to end my carnage. But alas…” The man reaches across his body and unsheaths another massive knife from it holder
“...No one has managed to escape me yet.” 
The Hunter makes a show of twirling the blades at dizzying speeds with ease before seamlessly transitioning to his true fighting stance. 
“Allow me to show you why.” 
 Olivia clears her throat loudly. “Now,  Now, Kraven..” 
The rugged man mumbles a series of curses in his native tongue, rolling his eyes as he begrudgingly turns his head around. “Now, now what woman?” 
“Let’s hold off on the violence for now. I believe It’s imperative that we…” she pauses as she considers her choice of words“...gather Information.” She taps on the interface of the watch she holds hostage. “I myself have some questions I would like answered. The fight comes after.” 
“What good is information for me?” Kraven opens his vest, showing off a sash with numerous vials of bright green serum vials that sit just above his right hip. Rapture vials. Miguel stiffens at the sight, it takes everything in him not to pounce on the man right then and there. 
“With this, I take down whole army if I want to. What use is negotiation to one with power? You ask me to waste my time?”  
“I…Have to…I need to…Get. That.” Miguel murmurs in shaky breaths, jutting his chin towards his drug of choice. 
“Miguel. No.” You whisper back vehemently, “What if it’s not the same? How do you know it won’t kill you?” 
He only responds in desperate pants. His eyes glued to the small ampoules of bright green. 
“Part of the hunt involves strategy.”  Olivia reprimands sternly. “With a name like ‘Kraven the Hunter’ I figured it was you whole M.O. but well, maybe all those enhancements I’ve been giving you have gone to your poor little head.”  She provokes with a condescending laugh.
“You dare to lecture me about strategy?” Sergei snaps with a scowl that bares his front teeth. “I have tamed nature itself. I am on the verge of conquering the human will. Soon enough, once this city of fools chose me for leader, no?”
 “Sí claro,” Scorpion scoffs. “Only because I pull the strings for your little campaign.” 
“We pulled.”  Doc Ock corrects, shooting a stink eye at Gargan before continuing. She purposefully  talks lower now so the others in the room have to strain to hear. “And if you want to keep it that way, you’re going to do what I tell you to. You know why? Because you’re replaceable. I can make any puppet I want into the Mayor. You know that right?” 
“Puppet? Oh, no no  no. You are mistaken.”  Kraven opens his mouth for further retort, before shutting it soon after. He strokes his beard with an exaggerated sigh. 
“Well, I guess this puppet will have no choice but to go to the press. Tell them about everything, they’ll listen to anything I say. You know that… right?”
Olivia frowns for a minute before relenting. “Fine. For now.” She closes the gap between them to loudly whisper in his ear. “Just know if you speak to me like that again, I’ll put you down like the dog you are.”
 “Only a fool such as yourself would try and teach a learned one.” Kraven growls in her face. 
“Speaking of a perro,” Scorpion digresses, pointing at the dog in Jonathons hands. “That belongs to me.” 
The scientist pulls the pup away “Uhhh. I-I don’t think so?” he sputters nervously. 
“Don’t be estúpido princessa. Look under the ear. What do it say? Something like, subject -24DD huh?” Jonathon checks the flap under the ear. Sure enough, in purple faded ink ‘subject - 24DD.’ 
The clawed man smiles knowingly, “That means it’s mine.” 
“NO! You’re going to kill him!” exclaims Jonathon, retreating further away . The Prowler subconsciously inches toward the confrontation out of alarm. 
“Kill him? Of course not. It’s too valuable to kill.” 
Jonathan doesn’t budge despite his survival instincts going into overdrive. He can feel the dog tremble and whimper in his arms. “He’s not an it. You’re- you’re sick, you know that?”
“I’m sick? Imagine me. Sleeping at home asleep in soundly in bed only to be woken up by so many alarms that I think I in the Purge. Only to see that some morons  not only have trashed my lab-” 
“-our lab-”  Octavious interjects. 
“-but you have also cut power to my testing area and released and kidnapped my test subjects.” 
Miles sucks on his inner cheeks, puckering his lips with regret. He re when he threw an electric charged punch to the control panel to free the animals. ‘Damn,’ he silently curses ‘Maybe I probably should’ve been more careful.’ 
“Well I say good!” 
“Well, what do you rather do huh? How about you get dog and I get the pig to use?” Gargan laughs loudly at his own proposition. “It has been long  while since I’ve had any pork.” 
“You don’t deserve pork!” Porker cries, jumping onto Noir’s shoulder for higher ground and shaking his tiny fist in the air
The hunter chuckles as he reclines on a pile of debris, nonchalantly scraping at the excess calluses on his hands 
“Your pleas of mercy amuse me. Tell me, does the mutt not have worse chance if outside in the city? Isn’t it a… how-do-you-say-in-English,” Kraven twirls his knife as he translates the words in his head. “...Ah! It is a natural selection, no? Here at least we concoct plan to make him stronger. A beast worthy of the hunt. An valuable tool for war.” 
Olivia sighs unenthusiastically, “I hate to agree with him but does have a point Jonathon.” 
“Would you prefer we use human subjects? Would you volunteer yourself or your family for such a cause? ”
“Well- I mean-no-” Ohnn stammers “But that doesn’t mean someone else won't! I mean-” 
“-Jonathon we all have to do unsavory things sometimes for the sake of innovation. The Sciences require, for lack of a better word… sacrifices, Mr Ohnn. Sometimes it’s time, sometimes it’s money, sometimes it’s lives. Most of the time, it’s all of  the above. It is a necessary evil, but the ends justify the means.” She puts a hand on his shoulder, putting on her best display of sympathy. 
“So please Mr.Ohnn, give Gargan his dog back.” 
Scorpion walks towards Jonathon, arms outstretched ready to receive, but Jonathan once again turns away 
“No me pruebes, cabrón.” Scorpion threatens with narrowed eyes
Jonathon looks down at the puppy in his arms. He’s shocked to find that at some point in the chaos, the dog has fallen asleep. It’s bandaged eye nestled in the crook of his neck as it snores softly. He mulls over his options with the creature in his sights. Giving up the pup was a guaranteed death sentence, but what would they do to him? Sure they had them outnumbered now, but there was always after. After everyone left. After everyone goes home to their respective lives and he’s left to his own devices. What would they do to him once wasn’t protected anymore? What about after?  Nobody ever thought about it after.
 Jonathan Ohnn exhales the breath he didn’t realize he was holding. His shoulders relax as he closes his eyes. This headstrong meekness of his  was exactly why he had a hit out on him in the first place. He was already a dead man walking. 
But if he is going to die regardless, he’d rather dig his own grave then be left to rot. 
“No.” Jonathan finally asserts. Under the villains’ vicious gazes the scientist immediately shrinks into himself. 
“I’m sorry but I-I can’t give him up. You can’t have him.” 
Olivia Octavious scowls. “Jonathon, you have a bright career to look forward to. I’d hate to have to take… disciplinary action over a mutt.” She laughs, the notion sounding ridiculous even to herself. 
Jonathan takes a nervous gulp. “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you hurt another animal.” 
Prowler now stands right at Jonathon’s side. Miles and all other spiders circle closer behind them.. 
Olivia’s eye twitches fervently, “Is this some kind of joke?”
“Nope.” Prowler holds the briefcase up high in the air and pulls out one of it’s brightly colored vials. 
“Missing something?” 
Octavious' face turns vicious. “Why you-” she tries to grab it but halts at the sound of another voice.
“And this!” On the other end of the room, Miles holds up the goober. Octavious, Scorpion and Kraven squint at it dubiously 
“You threaten us with a… a SD Card?” Gargan asks with genuine confusion
“Does the name Peter Parker ring a bell?” 
The eyes of the three criminals all widen in shock. 
“I have everything on here. The confessions, the documents, everything.” 
“We’ll leak it!”  Miles G. shouts, so intensely that the distorter in his helmet takes on a new grating frequency. “Everyone will know exactly the kind of people you all are. Your careers will be over.” 
The villains stand there in a stunned silence, though the doctor is quick to  regain her composure. 
“Do it.” 
“I’m serious!”
“So am I.”  
She apathetically drops her lab coat and ties her hair in a high messy bun. Suddenly, long tentacles-like appendages begin to extend from her back. Each shooting out heedlessly in different directions like large limbs in desperate need of stretching.
“Look out!” Prowler grabs Jonathan, shoving him out of harm's way. Everyone else frantically scurries around to avoid being hit. 
When Jonathon unshields his face he sees a woman suspended a good few feet in the air, held up by a series of gargantuan rubber insulated robotic tentacles stemming from her back. Green goggles sit over her eyes, totally obscuring them. The smile on her face is menacing 
“Liv don’t tell me you- you’re-”
“-Don’t call me Liv. ” she calmly reproaches, her fists clenched at her sides as she glares downward at the timid man. 
“Call me Doc Ock.” 
Scorpion and Kraven assume defensive positions behind her, their respective weapons are barred in hostility. 
 “I told you so.” Prowler chides in a not-so-subtle murmur to the scientist. 
 “Yo-You don’t scare me” Jonathan says apprehensively. “Once the Bugle gets wind of this they’ll-” 
All the villains burst with laughter. Their loud, patronizing howls and cackles echoing off the lab's high domed ceilings. 
“He take to the Bugle,” Gargan mocks in a high pitched timid voice. “Oh no! Anything but The Bugle!”
 “Stupid, stupid man.” Kraven shakes his head in a manner almost sympathetic. “Who do you think owns the Bugle?”
Jonathons immediately face drops. “No…No you don’t.  Y-you're lying.” 
“I can see the headline now.” Doc Ock extends a hand to the sky in a sweeping motion, as in reading the words off a theater marquee. “Deranged Local Scientist Teams Up With Third Rate Villain to Undermine Brooklyn’s Beloved Elites.” She cackles loudly at her mock title.
 “Uh, Uh” Scorpion shakes his head. “Too wordy.” 
“We how-do-you-say… workshop it, no?” Kraven elbows Gargan payfully, both still reeling from his fit of laughter
“Well the point is…” Olivia raises her hands to redirect the straying conversation, resuming her malicious gaze directed towards the feeble man. “Noone is going to listen to a nobody like you. You’ll be laughed out of town before they even put the story to ink. You’re a joke Jonathon. Now why don’t you do the smart thing for once and hand over the stuff before we make your life a whole lot harder for you.” 
Jonathan stands in place wordlessly, still as a statue as he stares at his shoes in idle contemplation. Suddenly his head snaps up with a sudden sense of urgency. He turns to face Miles Morales of Earth 1610. His free hand outstretched towards him. 
“May I?” he asks. Miles reluctantly walks over and passes the goober. As he fidgets the chip in his hand. Both Miles’ hovers concernedly, blocking Jonathan from harm with their bodies. They mutter their concerns as he distractedly fiddles with it. 
 ‘Careful. Careful. Please be careful.’ 
After a drawn out, contemplative silence. The scientist firmly grips the SD card in a tight fist. He straightens his back and holds his chin high with newfound resolve. 
“Give the man his watch…” he phrases carefully, as if defusing a ticking time bomb with his words alone, “...and then you can have this chip.” 
“What!?” Miles-Spiderman shouts at the same time the Prowler cries “Dude!?” 
Olivia stares at the ceiling thoughtfully, “Throw in the briefcase as well and you have a deal.” 
“I’d rather shit in my hands and clap.” Miles G. smacks the side off the case for emphasis as delving into a long winded flurry of insults in spanish. Much too fast for the non-native speakers in the room to catch on. Though Miles' eyes widen with an ‘Ooohhhh.’ Miguel snorts amusedly. Scorpion’s face sours. 
“You think eres una mierda caliente, huh!?” Gargan leaps forward, launching his stinger directly at Prowler, who reflexively blocks it with the briefcase. The brightly colored poison from his stinger seeping down the front of the container. 
“Será mejor que elijas un dios y ores,” the giant man jeers in his face through gritted teeth. Miles-42 forcefully pulls the case from the clutches of his stinger, taking a quick moment to ensure the safety of the content inside. He gives subtle sighs with relief upon seeing them still intact. 
“Prowler please!” Jonathan pleads from the sidelines. “It’s not worth your life!” 
“No way cabron!” He shouts, taking a swipe at Scorpions face with his steel claws, missing by mere millimeters. “We lose this, we're back at square one!” 
 “So this young man can go home and save his father!” 
“Then what about us huh? He gets to go home and play hero while we’re left here with nothing?” Gargan makes a swing towards Miles' face, but misses. The boy immediately retaliates by smacking him in the face with the briefcase. The cyborg creature stumbles sideways from the hit.
“Then we’ll do it again! We’ll find another way to stop them! But right now we have to negotiate!”
“Negotiate with them? They’re one of the people who put a hit out on you Jonathon! They’ll kill you regardless!”
All the villains recoil in confusion. The claw hand Gargan had poised for a counter attack halts mid air. 
“Well, This is news to me.” Octavious announces, utterly baffled.  “Why in the world would I put a hit out on Mr.Ohnn?” 
“For the collider, obviously. Don’t play dumb. He hid the blueprints and you wanted them for yourself. And you said you wanted them, and I quote, ‘By any means necessary.”
Octavious scoffs dubiously. “I will admit I was displeased by his gatekeeping of valuable information,  but I did in fact not put out a hit on Jonathon. That is far too messy for my liking.” She wipes her hands on her metal corset from which her robotic arms stem, as if the mere thought stained her hands. 
“What a bold-faced lie,” the boy spits.  
“I could say the same about you young man.” She moves him towards via tentacle. “Tell me, how did you manage to get into this lab?”
“I snuck in. And you can thank your awful security for that. Half the officers are either asleep, or high. I practically walked in here. ” 
“Right, right, so let me get this straight,” She messages her right temple with a pained expression on her face. “You had to break into my lab in order to carry out a hit I  ordered for you? What sense does that make exactly? You aren’t a very good liar are you?” 
The young man scoffs, tucking the briefcase under his arm defensively. “It’s not like You never liked making my job easy for me.” 
 “But you think I would make it harder on myself by proxy?” She guffaws. “I may be a little crazy, ” she squeezes her fingers together for emphasis. “But by no means am I that short sighted.”  “Literally and figuratively.” She snorts, pointing to her goggles. She gives a long winded laugh and is the only one to do so. 
“Booo!” Noir heckles. 
“Get off the stage!” Peter Parker echos. 
“You can lie all you want” Miles sneers, “but Prowler showed me himself-”
“-Ahh I see what this is,” she chuckles gleefully. “You’ve been double crossed by your own mentor, young man.” 
Dubious, Miles G. Morales waves a finger in the air. “Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. Don’t you dare try to spin this one on me-” 
“-Young man, have been called many things. Mad, crazy, insane, even a killer. All of which are true I suppose. But let me tell you one thing,” she travels closer with her tentacles high in the air, before lowering herself to be face to face with his mask.
“In this line of work, no matter how thorough or strategic or exact or conniving you believe yourself to be, you can only bury so many bodies before you start leaving a trail.” She stares unforgivingly at the purple l.e.d’s where she knew his eyes sat behind.
 “Of course I’m sure your mentor already told you that. Unless, god forbid, you’ve been primed to be his fall guy this whole time.’ she chuckles to herself as she turns to face the boys. 'That would explain his sudden ‘retirement’, wouldn’t it.’
Scorpion nods with a hum. Kraven proudly grunts as he crosses his arms.
That ‘retirement’ was your fault,” Miles G.  fumes. “He would never do that to me. I know you think you’re slick. That you’re so smart with all your mind games, but those don’t work on me.” Even the distorter can’t disguise how his voice cracks with emotion.  “I know who you are.”
“Awww.” Doc Ock coos unsympathetically “I believe you two have much to talk about later don’t you.” 
Miles G. Morales seethes silently. He racks his enraged brain for a retort, but comes up empty. 
 “Welp, that takes care of that. Onto the next. ” Olivia dusts her hands off theatrically, shifting her gaze back and forth between the Prowler and the scientist. 
“What’ll it be boys? We can get as bloody and complicated as you want, but I think you know deep down that all roads lead to Rome.” 
Miles clenched fist twitches on the case. He can feel Jonathon’s pleading gaze, which he doesn’t dare return. The weight of the conversation gnaws on his chest like a parasite. 
“God this is so stupid.” Miguel mumbles to himself and he holds his head in his hand. Exasperated at the thought of becoming an unwilling participant in a novela when he came here simply to do his job. He brings his hand up to his mouth to amplify his voice,  “You’re an idiot if you’re actually considering negotiating with them, kid!” 
Miles G. tsk’s noisily  “Who the hell asked you man? Shut yo ass up, viejo!”  
Miguel mumbles angrily to himself, as you pat his back reassuringly. ‘Last time I try to help somebody.'
Miles-42 once again resigns himself to his turbulent thoughts.  He looks around all anxious eyes fixed on him. All bodies stiff with anticipation, ready to jump into battle if he initiated such. Being forced to unravel this conundrum in front of an expectant audience brings him a sudden feeling of claustrophobia. What was he supposed to say? What did they want him to say? 
He stares down at the dented briefcase in his hands. Uncle Aaron would never set him up…would he? 
With a deep sigh Miles begins opens his mouth. 
Only to find himself cut off by the sound of revving engines. Within the next instant, a blur of motorcycles soar through the air. One after another, before noisily screeching to a halt in the center of the room. 
“Pues, hablando del rey de Roma, " Scorpion declares. 
The caped man who dismounts his bike is clothed in shades of green and purple. The pregnant woman, who remains seated, wears red, black, and yellow. Each of their bikes are colored to match their respective color schemes. 
“Jess! Where have you been?” Miguel callouts, attempting to hide how he’s using you as a crutch as he inches towards her. “I called you like a hundred times.” 
“I saw,” she nods in the direction of Aaron Davis. “I was going to call you back but I was quite busy, obviously. You always had a talent for calling me at the most inconvenient time.” 
He scoffs, “Don’t be ridiculous.” 
Everyone, including yourself, murmurs and hums in unison. 
“I mean…” Peter concedes with a shrug. 
“Well…” Pavitr starts. 
“She’s not wrong,” Penni states. 
“See, cuz I didn't want to be the one say it” Margo adds.  
“Told no porkies I’m afraid,” Hobie remarks. 
“I still have the scars,” Porker whispers with a shudder. 
O’hara simply grumbles aloud. “Unbelieve.” 
“Don’t test me Miguel. Before you stress out my baby” 
Miguel raises his palm with snark, “You do 360 flips everyday on a motorcycle that can stick to walls like a tree frog. I’m sure it’ll be fine.” 
“Oh Prowler.” Olivia interjects in a sing-songy voice. “Mind answering a few questions? We need you to settle a score between us two.” She says pointing between herself and Miles G. 
Aaron stiffens at the deceptively nice tone. “What do you want?” he asks in a robotic tone similar to Miles, though his is much deeper and possesses significantly much more vocal fry. 
“It’s about the job,” Miles-42 explains. “About the hit she put out. She’s trying to lie and say she didn’t do it. But we know that’s not true because you showed me yourself.” 
Aaron bites his lip beneath his mask as he chooses his words carefully “...That…is what I told you…” 
“...But?” Olivia interjects.
Davis just sighs, “I’m sorry, Prowler.” 
“You’re kidding.” The young Prowler asserts, even chuckling to invite room for dissent. Though it never comes. “You’re actually serious? Why?” 
“You don’t trust me? Is that it?” Miles begins raising his voice emphatically. “After everything, do you really not trust me?” 
“Don’t be like that Prowler.Of course I trust you. We ride or die. You know that man.” 
“So why didn’t you tell me? Am I just a scapegoat for you to fall back on.” 
The elder Prowler lets his shoulder’s slump with a sigh, his head hanging from his neck dejectedly. 
“Man of course not. I would never do that to you. This is for your own good.” 
“Who decides that!?” Miles snaps, wildly throwing his arms in the air.
The grown man sighs once again. “I sorry, Prowler. I’ll tell you when this is all over.” He speaks with finality that sends the young Prowler’s agony over the edge. 
“No! You tell me now!If it’s not these guys then who put out the hit? What do you gain by lying to me.” 
But Aaron Davis just shakes his head. 
“Who  Prowler?” Scorpion creeps forward barring his clawed hand and his stinger poised to attack. “Don’t make me ask again.”
Aaron scans the room from top to bottom, his gaze lingering on the various pieces of tech that litter the war torn lab. “Not here man. Not now.” 
Miles-42 raises his brow. “What? You didn’t let them wire you did you?” 
“...Not me…” he concedes, pointing a swirling finger around the room. The villains all share looks of disbelief. 
 “Impossible,” Olivia sputters incredulously. 
“It sure is. They offered me double to rig it myself. ”
Miles lurches toward his mentor, his claws splayed ready to fight. His voice ripe with anger. “You think I care who hears? I clean ‘em out too, all by myself if I have to.” 
“Really now?” Aaron shifts his gaze to Jonathon. “Yet you couldn’t bother to finish the mission.” 
“That doesn’t matter!” Miles shoves him, forcing him to back up into the bike. “Who is it?”
The elder Prowler scrutinizes the boy. He raises his hands submissively as if to surrender, before  shoving Miles aside, claws bared as he makes a beeline towards Jonathon. The scientist yelps, bracing himself for the attack only for it to be intercepted by Miles-Spiderman. The young Prowler takes this moment to launch an attack from behind but Davis dodges in the knick of time, all without even turning around. Sending the young boy tumbling into his doppelganger. Davis skirts around the fallen boys toward the scientist, but is smacked in the ribs by Miles-42. By no means was it a good hit, but it didn't have to be. It was his weak spot. He deliberately targeted the injury that had forced Uncle Aaron into retirement. The elder Prowler grunts in pain, crumpling towards his injured side. Miles-1610 takes the opportunity to web his feet to the floor. Davis struggles against the restraints before he kneels to the ground of exhaustion, gingerly touching his side.
Miles activates his claw, it’s purple light running up and down its mechanical veins as it whizzes with power. The young Prowler stands tall above his uncle, looking out on him with contempt. 
“Names. Now.” 
Other villains circle. Still on the sidelines, but obviously hungry for action. If Miles doesn’t do him in, they surely will. 
The man whispers weakly to his nephew. “Miles-” 
 “-Tell me!” The young man screams. “You owe me!”
Aaron lets his chin fall to his chest with a quiet exhale, “...It was all Vulture’s idea.” 
Olivia tsks softly “I should’ve known.” 
Scorpion's face darkens “Aye aye aye,” he mutters as shakes his head. 
“Traitorous scum.” Kraven mumbles arms crossed, with each hand now possessing a death grip on the handle of each his blades.
“Who else?” The boy snarls, “You told me there were multiple.” 
The man looks up apologetically at the young boy. Even though he was surrounded by some of the worst villains Brooklyn had to offer, they were not at the forefront of his mind right now. He never feared them the way others had, his greatest fear lied instead with his nephew. Not a fear that the boy would hurt or surpass him, but a fear of letting him down. A fear that had now, sitting here staring up at his broken nephew who he saw as a  son, had been fully realized. 
Davis lifts his head towards the young Prowler, but can’t bring himself to look him in the eyes. He runs through the list of names dryly. 
“...Electro…Sandman…Mysterio  and...” 
“Don’t be shy. Spit it out ” The Hunter threatens brandishing his gleaming blades
Davis looks at Miles. He hoped, somehow, that the boy would be able to feel his remorse behind his vacant mask. “Prowler I-” 
Miles grabs him by the collar. Aaron immediately throws his arms up to disarm the boy, but then his hands drop limply to his sides. 
“...And Fisk .”
Miles drops his collar in shock. Aaron slumps to the ground defeatedly, groaning as he holds his wounded bones. 
“Ahh Of course. Vulture and Electro have always been close, no?”  Kraven reflects, lightly scratching his beard with his blade. “Electricity and telecoms make a fierce pair.”
“Beck always wanted to steal my recipe”  Scorpion muttered, his face flushed red as he attempted to quell his simmering rage 
“And they’re gonna come around here any second,” Aaron warns. “They’ll be coming for us all.”
“I’m counting on it.” Olivia remarks, reclining midair against the tentacles with a relieved stretch and a sigh. “Three against…” She takes a moment to count her opponents with her fingers, clicking her tongue as she does so, “...against twelve? It’s just so unfair don’t you think?” 
Meanwhile, the young Prowler trembles with rage “...Wilson…Fisk?” he stammers. “You took a job…from Fisk?” 
“Look, I know how you feel. I don’t want to work with him either but-”
“So why did you!?!” Miles-42 attempts to shove Aaron’s chest, but the man swipes his hands away. 
“Since when did you become a sellout!?” 
Aaron sits up straight, grunting from the pain as he does so. “Do you know what we could do with that kind of money? I could get you and your mom so far away from here-” 
“And leave Brooklyn?” Miles shouts, taken aback. “Are you kidding? You’re trying to get rid of me?” 
“This kinda life…things have a way of catching up to you. Physically. Mentally…Things are getting pretty bad right now, man. I just want you to lay low a bit. Get you a college fund, get a nice house in the suburbs. A girlfriend. I don’t know. Somewhere safer. Somewhere that’s green…nah, mean?” 
“Suburbs? Green?” 
He isn't sure which part upsets him more. The part about life he never asked for the notion that he couldn’t be the person his Uncle thought he was. The person he wanted him to be. But all of it is together is more than enough to make his heart sink like a stone. 
“Something like that yeah” Uncle Aaron continues, his head bent with guilt. “I know you try to act tough like these things don’t get to you, I know you don’t want to talk about it but I know you. You don’t think I notice how you isolate yourself? How you lock yourself in your room after every job? How you stop eating? Even your mother notices. It worries her man, and honestly, it worries me too. ” 
“You didn’t feel bad the first time you killed somebody? So I have some moments, but bounce back. I’m different now. I’m grown.” 
The man points to Jonathon “Then what is he still doing alive? Why didn’t you finish the job? You had more than enough time. ”
Miles-42 suddenly stiffens “That has nothing to do with-
“-You don’t have the stomach for this, son.” 
Miles is stunned into silence. Aaron hardly ever called him son unless he was absolutely serious.  
“You’re so like your father that way. Maybe that’s it. Maybe I thought if I could make you more like me, I wouldn’t see him every time I look at you. My mistakes. My failures. How I failed to save him… I thought I was saving you and I thought the only way to do that was to make you like me. But I’m starting to realize-” he scrubs his hand down the front of his mask with a dejected sigh. 
Miles G. braces himself. “...Realize what?” 
“I let you down man, ” he huffs out. “You’re not built for this. I’m sorry son. You just aren’t that kind of guy.” 
The young Prowler recoils violently at the assertion like a slap across the face. It takes him a second to recollect his bearings. 
 “I am built for this! I can do this! I didn’t come this far just for you to chicken out on me now!” 
Aaron Davis raises a single finger towards the meek scientist. 
“Then finish the job. Right here. Right now.” 
With one look at the nervous Jonathon and the feeble puppy, the boy quickly finds his answer. 
“But he hasn’t done anything wrong!” He gestures to the man passionately, “Why don't we just….go after people who deserve it?” 
“Let me tell you something, son. It is a dog eat bitch world out there.  You try new things, people get hurt. You keep your head down , stick to the script and play the game.” He jabs his finger into palm for emphasis. “Not knowing when to quit, that’s what got your father killed and I don’t want that for you. ”
“The Game? What if I’m sick and tired of playing.”
“Then you play it sick and you play it tired.” 
In a sweeping motion, Aaron Davis kicks Miles’s ankles causing him to trip to the ground. The man then springs to his feet, making another attempt on the scientist's life. The young boy hastily grabs his leg only for Davis to kick the boy squarely in the chest. The elder Prowler is mere inches away from grabbing Jonathon when, out of nowhere, a massive sandstorm abruptly pushes him back. The cruel wind blinds the entire room. Everyone struggles to anchor their feet to the ground, squinting and covering their faces with their hands and arms. Many are skidding against the current despite themselves. The violent breeze and its particles biting against them like hundreds of tiny paper cuts. 
“Look out!” 
The elder Prowler dives towards Miles, just in time to save him from the massive bird-like creature barreling towards him. As the creature rises above the storm, the destructive wind suddenly ceases. Above then stands a man suspended mid air toward the ceiling, his body bobbing up and down as his wings flap to maintain the height. Each of his feathers shaped like large serrated blades, attached to a kind of backpack that would usually hold a parachute. Underneath he wears a large aviator jacket. To cover his face he wears a pilots helmet with a massive metal beak where the inhalation mask would usually be. His mouth, the only visible part of his face, sits in a large scowl. 
“You’re a dead man walking, you know that Prowler?” His voice is gravelly, yet authoritative as he cracks his leather-gloved knuckles. 
Nearby, a large heap of sand begins to rise, slowly taking the form of a man. His immensely robust build is shown off by a tight fighting, striped green shirt. His wide, square face grimaces with conviction as his left hand transforms into the shape of a spiked-mace ball. 
The next two pairs of individuals appear at the same time. One gentleman materializes from a cloud of smoke, with a crystal ball for a head nestled on a violet, velvet floor-length cape stemming from an emerald and gold technical marvel of a suit. The other man zaps from place to place at the speed of light before settling on a spot next to the sandman. This man’s face is shrouded in a brilliant evermoving electric display in the shape of a star. His eyes glowing a bright, blinding white underneath. In a similar fashion, his clenched fists surrounded in sharp voltaic fixtures of his own doing, probably as a mindless product of his fierce demeanor. The black vest he wears is decorated with electrical wiring and lightning motifs. 
The last man to enter dons a fitted police captain uniform. Black slacks and a white collar button up adorned with badges and emblems bordering on militaristic. On his sizeable, heavyset body sits a head far too small for his frame that it’s almost comical. His broad calloused hands rest on the two guns against his belt. He saunters in definitely, head held high and face riddled with immense loathing as if being forced to traverse through a landfill. 
The uniformed gentleman eyes the room and it’s occupants cautiously before landing on the young Prowler. Upon seeing him, the man gives a wicked smile. Miles-42 gives a hostile stare of his own. 
“Gentlemen! So glad you could all make it.” Octavious resumes her titular posture as she presses her fingertips together. “Hope it wasn’t too out of the way.” 
“Skip the pleasantries with me Olivia,” Vulture chastises, spit flying from his mouth as he does so. “We all know what we’re here for.” 
“Look around you Adrian. You’re clearly outnumbered. Despite us having an obvious score to settle, the odds are significantly better for us if we team up…for now at least. You know what they say, the enemy of my enemy…” she jostles hand between them, implying the rest of the expression.   
“Do this for us and maybe we can forgive some of your…transgressions.”
“You knew we were coming, and yet you chose to stay? ” Electro crosses his arms, sparks flying haphazardly off his being.  “I know a trap when I see one.”
“Maybe. Maybe not” Scorpion leans against the wall, inspecting his clawed hand. “But what choice do you have? Really, hidalgo? ” 
Vulture sighs grudgingly, descending from the skies with a thud. “Fine. But the moment this is over…” he points to Olivia and then himself. “...We’re going to have a nice, long talk.”
Octavious smiles in the face of the obvious threat. “Why off course. Anything for you Mr.Toomes.” 
“Hmmm, so I guys it’s finally time then.” Kraven meets Miguel’s gaze, smiling with glee. “Why don't we settle this as is common in nature?”
Kraven strides to the center of the room, Miguel peels himself from your grasp to do the same. Sharply exhaling out his nose with each laboured step until they meet in the middle. Kraven is almost a whole foot shorter than him. Though Miguel's imposing nature definitely adds to the bearded man’s obvious anticipation.
“Finally ready to fight now that mommy’s let you?” Miguel teases with a snort. “Just know that I’m not going to make this easy for you.”
“Good.The tougher the kill the better the taste,” he grins upward into Miguel’s face. “Any last words?”
Miguel thinks for a moment before slowly leaning forward, bringing his voice to a soft whisper. 
“They’re arachnids.” 
“What?” The hunter asks, bewildered. 
“Scorpions aren’t insects, they’re arachnids. There’s a difference.” With a smug smile he points to the spider emblem on his chest. “I would know.” 
Kraven’s smile fades. Before he begins to softly chuckle, which turns to a laugh, which delves to full amused howls. The display is so ostentatious and ridiculous that Miguel eventually chuckles as well. 
The hunter wipes the tears from his eyes, boldly placing his hand on his shoulder. 
“You,” he takes a moment to catch his breath “You are a funny one.” 
“‘Yeah well,” he smiles. "I just had to clear that up before I did this.” 
Miguel suddenly grabs him and launches him towards the other side of the room. Kraven manages to recover quickly, immediately pivoting so that his feet land on the ground and jams his large blade into the ground. The knife screeches as Sergei skids to a halt
The grin on his face is massive as he rises to his feet.  “This will be a beautiful death.” And rushes towards him where the battle commences. 
You startle Jess when you suddenly grab her by the arm. “You need to help me keep an eye on Miguel.” 
She turns her head to watchs the two men fiercely exchange blows. Miguel expertly ducking and dodging. Eyes read with rages and sweat seeping through his suit. 
“Are you sure we won’t be more helpful elsewhere? He’s fighting just fine.” 
“Yeah, for now. But you know about his Rapture addiction right? He’s been a loose cannon all day. I give it thirty seconds before he does something stupid.” 
She tilts her head skeptically. “He has the strength of three spidermen combined. I’m sure he can hold his own.” 
“It’s not the fighting I’m worried about.” 
She hums thoughtfully, “Touche. But we can fight and watch at the same time.” She loudly revs the engine of her bike.
“I’m taking Mysterio. Are you coming with me or not?” 
“Do you even have to ask?” 
She gives you a fleeting smirk before you both leap into action. 
“Is it starting? I think it’s starting.” Peter tightens the straps of his baby holder. “Hold on let me stretch first, I don’t exactly run like I did 20 years ago.” He bends backwards, concerning cracking noises echoing from his back. 
“Good thing I had a light lunch, huh, picklebutt.” He plants a kiss on Mayday’s head and pulls her homemade mask down even further. 
“Don’t sweat it Peter” Pav takes off his wristlets that act as his yo-yo and starts winding it up. “This’ll be eaaaasy.’
Hobie playfully punches Pav’s shoulder. “Dig the confidence big stepper.” He attempts to give him a noogie, but Pavitir dodges. Causing them to delve in a light-hearted  impromptu sparring match full of laughs and giggles. 
“How should we spilt this up?” Penni wonders, typing purposefully of the holographic screens  from the cockpit of her robot. “Rock, Paper, Scissors?” 
“I call Electro!” Margo shouts, extending her pixelated electric arm that acts as her webbing, propelling herself forward towards the fight. 
“What! No Fair.”  Penni yelps, barreling after her “You’re going to have to share!”
“What? Can’t hear you from all the fight I’m doing!” Spyder-byte shouts playfully, already ducking and weaving attacks from her villain of choice 
“Gimme the bug!” Porker shouts, pointing to Mac Gargan “Mess with the pig, you get the hands.” 
Gwen frowns “Porker, pigs don’t usually have-”
“-I’ll take ol’ bird man over there, ya hear? ” Noir declares. “That rabble rouser is begging to be scrapped!”
“I’ll take that sad, tortured, lonely, miserable, decrepitat sand guy over there.” Pavitir nods over at the sandman, abruptly stopping his yo-yoing to reflect. 
“I almost feel bad. Look at him. Behind those eyes sits a wounded soul.” He sighs earnestly before resuming his giddy nature. 
“Anyways! Hobie! Wanna help me out with this one!” 
Hobie smirks “Wot? Me? Don’t let me bog you down bruv. Surely you can handle this lot.” Brown laughs to himself, leisurely tuning the pegs of his guitar, “If you happen to find yourself in a bind, just get to leggin’ it. I’ll tap meself in.” 
“Hobie.” Gwen reprimands disapprovingly. “I’ll go with you Pav,” she offers, patting him on the back. 
“Guess that leaves the Doc to me.” Peter announces, finally finishing his geriatric stretches. “You wanna take this one with me Miles? For old times sake?” 
The boy shakes his head, turning his attention to his doppelganger, whose gaze firmly fixed on his arch nemesis. 
“I’ll help you take KingPin- or- er- Fisk I mean.” 
“Don’t bother,” The young Prowler rejects. “Focus on the watch. And Jonathon. This is personal.” 
“Personal?” Miles-Spidermn reflects on the KingPin in his own universe and his own personal slight against him. It takes a moment for the parallel to reveal itself to him. His eyes widen and his jaw drops at the revelation. 
“Wait, wait, wait. You don’t mean…” he points a tentative finger at the man, who is now gleefully whipping out a police baton. 
“...Is he the one who-” 
“-Yeah, ” Miles G. responds curtly. “That over there is the man who killed my father.”
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