#i miss him. but also. i dont like the direction the story is implied to be going
soft-spooks · 11 months
oh god i havent looked at youtube all day today have they massacred my boy
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roobylavender · 9 months
i missed that class what dont you like about starlins rendition of their relationship?
(and also like, DID you think he did something in particular well or was it all…meh
the crux of my issues in this regard stems from batman #416. in the post-crisis era you began to see this way more lopsided depiction of bruce and dick's relationship wherein the former was portrayed to be almost.. bitter that dick had moved on to establish his own life. and it stood in great, great contrast to the bruce of the pre-crisis era, who was certainly devastated at the realization that dick was growing up, but also very intent for him to find his own happiness and way in life. they would have their disagreements on occasion (e.g., bruce initially disapproving of dick dropping out of college, bruce immediately taking leadership of a situation where the titans were involved when dick was better equipped to handle it, etc.) but the outcome of those situations was never outright bad yknow. bruce was very much capable of recognizing where he might have overstepped and subsequently stepped back to let dick have his own space. and i think initially max allan collins expanded on that dynamic in the post-crisis era in interesting ways by juxtaposing bruce's desire to see dick flourish against his own constant fear for dick's life. so instead of mike w. barr's comedic and lighthearted backup stories in early 80s tec where bruce disguised himself to keep an eye on dick's shenanigans and assure himself everything was going alright, you got this more serious confrontation within bruce with regards to his position as a parent. i don't think a lot of people read it that deeply but i've always viewed batman #408 as one of the most sensible depictions of that dilemma. the general complaints tend to be that this issue robbed dick of his pre-crisis decision to retire robin on his own, and i'll concede that as a worthwhile concern. but i don't think it's esp damning what with the implication that bruce no longer wants to be the person indirectly making the decision for dick to continue to be in this line of work. their moment at dick's bedside is less about bruce robbing him of the decision and more about him saying, if i let you still be robin, that's a direct reflection on me, bc i'm the one who got you to do all of this originally. i'm the one who put you directly in harm's way. if you're going to do this from now on, you need to do it on your own terms. you need to decide for yourself that this is who you want to be, without your relationship with me even being a factor.
it's a moment contributive to that delicious dynamic between them wherein every decision bruce takes to service dick's agency is inevitably read the wrong way by the latter to imply that he's not valued or not worthy of being seen as bruce's equal (and before the hounds pounce on me this obv does not include the increasingly abusive depiction of their relationship as the 90s progressed). that is an unavoidable dilemma when you're simultaneously someone's ward/adopted son and also their partner-in-crime! dick wants to be bruce's son and to be entitled to all of the love and care and protection that that entails but he also wants to be bruce's brother, his equal, his confidante, the one person he trusts more than anyone else in the world, etc. it's a tough place to be! it is paradoxical! and i'm so, so open to seeing that explored and think the way collins attempted to approach it in #408 was marvelous. but the way starlin (and other writers as well) totally swerved right in #416 to create this sudden resentment in bruce that dick had grown out of needing him was.. so utterly bizarre. like completely out of left field in a way i don't understand why people don't question it anymore bc in light of everything in the immediate fifteen years prior to the crisis it makes so little sense. their relationship with each other was so valued, bruce was so anxious to see dick establish himself while nonetheless maintaining a protectiveness over him, but it was all very much in good will even if he could overstep on occasion. it had all of the potential to allow for a very nuanced, empathetic exploration into the dilemmas of parenthood and esp when you are someone like bruce who has to forever live and contend with the crime of taking kids with him out onto the streets. bc he has to feel guilty! there is no escaping it. this is history, done and dusted forever, can't go back in time, so on and so forth. whatever harm comes any robin's way he has to live with as in some part being traceable back to his own actions. and i frankly believe that would be far more likely to evoke grief and anxiousness and concern than it would be bitterness that his son is charting out his own life
#as to do i think starlin did anything well. hmm#i like that he was able to acknowledge that jason's parents were loving people despite their circumstances#it didn't matter that willis was a criminal. what mattered was that he loved his family and would've done anything for them#which was a rare concession from starlin bc his writing could be pretty classist elsewhere#but at the same time idk sometimes i read it back and it's like. i don't think he was actually as classist as winick was ultimately#like it's been a While since i reread the starlin issues#but you could tell he believed jason's demise was less about his social class and more about being unable to fully recover from#or process his trauma as a result of the life he'd lived and the things he'd experience. hence the garzonas saga#and even in a death in the family the question is never about whether jason is acting out bc he's criminally inclined#bruce explicitly says he doesn't think he's given jason enough time to mentally and emotionally recover and that's why#he suspends him. so even starlin knew it was about the trauma first and foremost#and i mean that somewhat goes in line with his reasons for wanting to kill robin to begin with#he thought robin was symbolically representative of child abuse#in that it wasn't the conduit through which a young boy should necessarily grow#and ideally? the way to explore that in a medium that Requires the existence of child vigilantes#would have been to make the distinction that while there is always going to be some danger to every robin at the end of the day#what made the danger to jason distinct was that robin didn't work to resolve His trauma specifically#what robin did for dick is never something it could have done for jason let alone tim. there were too many other factors at play#so if this dilemma had been approached that way rather than starlin pursuing a blanket robin is child abuse ideology#that was subsequently picked up by other writers. then i think we might have gotten somewhere quite interesting#but anyway yeah so he's not my most hated by any means. there are parts i love there are parts i hate#ultimately at the end of the day winick will always be a gazillion times worse#outbox
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misterradio · 5 months
okay here are some tron 2.0 thoughts TEE HEE....... you have been Spoiler Warned for REAL!
tron fans talk abt this game with me okay 🥺
THIS GAME IS BEAUTIFUL .... MWWWWWAH!!!!!! i just love all the different environment designs, the color coding that went into the different computer systems was really cool too. my main takeaway is that the visuals Rule.
the npc designs were cool too but i kind of wish there was More variety (visually as well as voice acting)... but i really enjoy the design direction here ::-) why so many bald antagonist though? lol (AND WHY SO MANY MEN?)
In regards to gameplay i felt like it was pretty standard? i ended up using the basic disc weapon for most of the game because switching weapons takes Way too long if youre actively fighting, which is kind of a shame cuz there are so many weapon options... i did really enjoy the energy claw though 👍also the light cycle racing SUCKED and there was a graphical glitch that made it so that a bunch of visuals to my cycle were missing so i couldnt even enjoy the new design that was hyped up lol. as complicated as gameplay felt up front it definitely felt much better as it went on so it was pretty good.
game progression was very straightforward which i didnt expect..? go do this and then do that, etc. i thought it would be more open. this isnt rlly a complaint bc at least i wasnt lost or anything.
finding all the build notes was thankfully not hard but i enjoy poking around as much as i can in games already... and i liked the mechanics of searching archive boxes and being able to read emails between people ::-) YAY NOSINESS !!! despite finding all the build notes i still didnt end with the highest version i couldve...🤔 no idea how that works then...
moving on 2 story...
all the characters felt a bit flat so that was unfortunate... i wouldve liked to see some more emotions from everyone, bit more personality, etc...
i dont rlly know where jet's attachment to mercury came from, is he in love with this girl, if so why?? im thinking that since she was the first program to really reach out and help jet, that he latched on to her. but as the player i was kind of neutral on her SORRY although her design is cool
i was in disbelief that lora died and i was thinking she would just have been digitized and b in the computer somewhere? and there are allusions to her at least being superficially present in the program ma3a/ma2a etc (they have the same actress ^^__^^) but neither jet nor alan mention this which really shocks me??!!!??? thats your deceased mom or wife can u show a bit of tenderness or something..... maybe this can be cooked up more in an AU or something . idk i was really hoping she (and yori) would be around. i held on to hope for so long ✊️
OBVIOUSLY WISHING TRON WAS THERE... but omg alan being in the digital world shocked me so much i really liked that HEHE. him wearing tron's outfit was fun. i saw someone else in the tag say this, but if tron is "retired" then where is he?? INQUIRING MINDS WANNA KNOW !! he and jet werent very fazed by being digitized which surprised me buuut they also have to adapt fast given the urgency of their situation..
i felt rlly bad that thorne died SNIFFLE SNIFFLE jet and alan just watched a real guy die in front of them thats MESSED UP!! he was really cool too i enjoyed the corruption concept ::-) i was really worried the three fcon employees were gonna die too but im glad they implied that they could be repaired and manifested again.. (what is the word for un-digitized..?)
evil ma3a was really cool 👍 tbh all the antagonists are cool except im neutral on the kernel. i was confused that he was red i thought he was evil like in the original movie with the MCP's soldiers.. but i think hes just a guy who happens to be red. and also trying to kill u but just bc you (jet) are a freak of computer nature and should not be there. thats fair. i enjoyed his boss fight too.
THE FCON MONSTER WAS RLLY COOL HOW AM I NOT SEEING ANY FANART OF THEM.... ::-( i have to fix this... ALSO I WISH they had dialogue. like are they even aware of their situation. missed opportunity !!
okay thats all i can think of now.
WAIT UM I READ THE COMIC CONTINUATION(?) the ghost in the machine AS WELL and i dont have many thoughts on it bc it was really confusing BUT i did enjoy the layers of horror and unreality which i really did not expect. was also expecting the titular ghost to have more to do with lora (SIGH I REALLY WANNA SEE HER AGAIN) but it didnt but thats okay. i really liked the art of the first book specificaly.....
do any tron fans also like soma (2015) haha just wondering [TWIRLS MY HAIR
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alebrijediscordico · 2 years
With the sudden surge of people on tumblr finding out about Goncharov (1973) after all these years, ive been waiting eagerly for someone to talk about the differences in terms of essence many of the big scenes have in the spanish dub, only to just keep waiting for Days. Like yall don't understand, is like watching a completely different movie!
An example of that is how many scenes that had this grim yet epic vibe attached to it, suddenly become melancholic and help nail deeper the tragedy aspect the whole story had.
Like that one scene in the bridge, something about the way they translated the dialogue and some very colloquial phrases from english to spanish makes me feel like this isnt just a dub but something from here. Or the market scene, you can even hear they put effort into translating some of the background chatting, which is just fucking amazing. And dont get me started on the last scene, right after the whole narrative with the time/clock reaches it peak (in both movies i lose my mind over it, you have no idea)
But, what gave me the idea for this post was this... very specific way they translated that one famous exchange near the climax, you know the one:
"Of course we're in love, that's why i tried to shoot you."
"If we really were in love you wouldn't have missed..."
It lives rent free in my head. It feels affirming, but at the same time is like Goncharov doesnt want to go near a direct "Yes, i love you". And she's in disbelief because of that.
But when we look to the spanish dub...
"Te amo, eso es obvio, por eso te disparé."
"Y aun asi, la bala perdio mi corazón, tal como tu..."
It feels... so much different. It implies Goncharov didn't just try, he shoot, with no second thought, just like the way he said he loved her. But he missed, like an opportunity to have her heart.
And yet, more than disbelief, this time she's... disappointed. Like she was fully expecting for him to not miss.
I could rant more about all of this, but there's just... So much more, and most of it is little things that you don't notice at first unless 1) you know the language and its nuances, and 2) You've also watched the original movie in its native language and picket up the themes from the narrative.
(And i also could probably talk about how brilliant was from the one's in charge of the spanish dub of sublimely sliding in the movie some of the humor found in latino/mexican movies from that period, knowing that the official dub was made around two decades after the og came out.)
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syrupspinner · 1 month
i just completed Aerial_Knight's Never Yield 
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can you believe some places dont include the apostrophe in the title? like it's not proclaiming who spearheaded Never Yield, its a statement
my only experience with runners, as a genre, is through bit.trip. I beat the first game and played a bit of the second. this game, which I'm gonna call AKNY for short, is honestly a pretty good second example.
the controls make a lot more sense that bit.trip. I remember complaining that duck was down but kick was Y so I had to switch to keyboard or something. in akny, you've got the colour-coded cardinal directions, which applies to both the dpad and face buttons: up is high jump (obstacles you need to high jump are always red), left is midjump (yellow), down is duck (purple), and right is sprint (blue). straightforward, easy to nail in a split second, this is good. it's a little silly that you have two jump buttons, because yes there are obstacles colour-coordinated to mid that you can clear high, but it's still pretty elegant with how simple it is to grasp
the plot is... uh, minimalist. there's no dialog, so here's what I've got. you've got the main character, who i just kinda called Runner in my head. he escapes from a tube in a lab and spends the rest of the game dodging the authorities about it. there's also another guy, implied to also be from the same tube situation, who I called Swords cuz he's always got some swords floating around him. Swords is king of the streets or something, he's the strongest guy around, and Runners out to take him out and claim the crown. that might be wrong, especially since it seems like the sequel is more fleshed-out, but the story isn't all that important anyway. watch the cool guy do something cool and then play a level about it
I really dig the style. if anything's gonna sell you on the game, it's the vibes. the music is ultimately a bit simple, but they're all really solid hiphop instrumentals. the design is... it'd call it comic-like, but it's more like a graphic novel almost. it's not vibrant but it's still colourful, y'know? oh, speaking of style, I love the level where you're running up a building and you've got this really funky camera angle, added such a cool visual flair. 
that's kinda it! the game is pretty short, I beat the campaign in like 2 hours I think, and a lot of that is from killing myself when I missed that stupid coin in the school level. y'know when people call a fighting game character honest? that's what this game feels like to me. it's as stylistic and badass as the budget let's it, and I respect the hell out of it. totally worth playing.
and then there's endless mode.
I understand this was added in an update. you run laps around a gym dodging randomly spawning obstacles. youve gotta play for, according to my research, 30 minutes straight of this for all the achievements. woof. so... I just kinda got to it. it took me three days, across... I'd guess three or four hours of attempts. I put kitboga on my other monitor and reached the world's stupidest zen state, just reacting to the obstacles. if you wanna keep track of your progress without pausing all the time, I'm pretty sure it took me about 165 laps. thats a bit egregious. there's already an achievement for 30 laps, which I think works great as a threshold of basic capability. like, if you can do 30, you can do it forever, kinda like how crypt of the necrodancer only asks you to get a 10 run win streak before saying "okay it wasn't luck you can do this forever if you wanted to"
not enough to ruin the game by any means, especially since it's optional. this game has a great soul and fun gameplay to back it up, absolutely worth trying out! just a heads up, don't expect triple-a polish, keep your expectations realistic for an under-the-radar indie.
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connorhasaknife · 2 years
big theorypost for episode 3 of hunter the parenting
there was a lot in this episode! goddamn, not even just for d either. i have a lot of stuff for d, kitten and potential foreshadowing from pyotr. specifically pyotr, there's some cool stuff there that i've been thinking about. schizoposting commence BIG D more fuel to the idea that the credits sword/d's sword is a title being manifested in the fact that he clearly summons it and desummons it in the episode, and the fact that he does nothing which lines up with the legend thing
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also lol get shat on idiot
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where did his sword go? where did it go. it was flung in this direction. where is it. where is it dont have much else for d this episode other than that nothing contradicts the theory. it isnt less plausible, but it does only get a little bit more plausible unless ive missed things. there'll probably be shit next episode there is also the fact that he doesn't seem to know how to use an icepack- or, alternatively, he was a beast-like changeling that finds chewing on it comforting? it would line up with how he deformed last episode, but i've been considering a d fairie custodes characters (krakus, potentially waamudes and custodisi) changeling thing which might work. We'll See! KITTEN
byeah kitten is a werecat check THIS shit out
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he's punched by a vampire who just committed diablerie and he's like, completely fine, which would make sense if he's a werecat considering how massively powerful shapechangers are in wod.
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here's kitten with clear back hair. you may say connor those are blur lines you do animation you should know this WRONG idiot, the next few frames confirm it isn't as he uh
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he's either a bastet or the worlds most dedicated catboy.
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also, his 'hissing' is translated, which would make SENSE considering that bastet have a language that sounds like animal noises but is, like.. speech. i say bastet but i mean every shapechanger ever. now that we've clarified that kitten is a bastet, what does this mean? wouldn't he be hunted by the team? WRONG
before i ramble about what this means, i first need to clarify something. bastet come in tribes- most tribes are built around big cats, like lions and tigers. kitten clearly isn't one of those. even in this more catlike form, he's still very small compared to what you would expect from a bastet of any other tribe. he also lives in europe, alongside a fae.
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the ceilician are a commonly thought extinct tribe of bastet. commonly found in europe, they allign themselves closely with the fae- they are smaller and weaker than most other tribes of bastet, but are exceptionally fast, intelligent and skilled with blades. due to their close proximity with fae and fae-aligned creatures, most ceilicians are skilled with some form of magic. they're also unusually skilled with computers... mmmmyeaaah but im sure it means nothing the more i theorise about this the more i feel like i'm losing iiit aaaaaaaaaaaa PYOTR
firstly; pyotr put kitten in the Shovelhead Hole to turn him. like almost certain about this, he even implies he's going to kill kitten (by turning him). pyotr horny moment
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in the eyecatcher its explained how the sabbat crew got embraced. pyotr, the nosferatu and scrungly meow meow, got embraced during a deep sea mining operation. a nosferatu being embraced. underwater the concept of antediluvians is a muddled one, particularly in old world of darkness where everything has been retconned and where original books are hard to come across. what IS concrete though is the relationships that certain bloodlines (hah) have with their antediluvians. it's always absolutely awful, like completely without fail. for example, the malkavians were driven mad and are essentially waiting for malkav to eat their consciousness and assume control of their bodies. the nosferatu have a particularly bad relationship- to make a long story short (let me know if you want me to explain the lore in another post lmfao) the nosferatu antediluvian wants to kill every single nosferatu for being ugly and ruining his reputation. he's enlisted a group of nosferatu to hunt down and kill every remaining member of the clan. he can't do this himself, because he's sleeping like every other antediluvian. he's currently sleeping at the bottom of the pacific ocean, according to the gehenna (vampire apocalypse) sourcebook.. where, uh pyotr was embraced, apparently? why was a nosferatu EMBRACED down there??? of all things he should have died, what the fuck was the sabbat doing too? something fishy is going on here. maybe he was recruited to kill off a group of nosferatu, but that makes.. less sense? i don't know. something's going on there but i dont know what because i'm stupid.
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also he ended up dying because he diablerised everyone, lol. eat shit enjoy the extra souls in hell pissboy
yeah thats it for now. let me know if anyone has anything else to add. loving how the werecat theory actually ends up helping the d fairie theory. if any of the ogre poppenang staff is stalking the tag ily so much babygirl please canonise my theory <3 tysm
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tangledstarlight · 3 years
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oh all of this silence and patience (oh im pining in anticipation)
listen it’s still august in some timezones so this totally counts as posting something in august okay? okay! i hope people like this, it took me far too long to finish, but also special shoutout to the wonderful @ourstarscollided​ who really helped me with the whole first section of this fic, without her i truly would still be working on it, so thank you eunice, you’re the best!💜 okay enjoy! 
the first firefighter!luke fic for anyone who wants to read that first, though it can be read alone: ao3 / tumblr
also on ao3!
lil disclaimer: i’m still not a firefighter and i also know that they dont use fire poles anymore but lets just ✨pretend✨ for the visual okay. this takes place between part 4 and 5 in the original fic!
trigger warnings! lots of swearing, implied sexual content.
RATED T –– there’s no graphic scenes but there’s a lot of kissing and fading to black, so rating might change if anyone needs me to 😬
Word count: 6,072
“Look who it is!”
Julie feels a grin pull up on the corners of her mouth as she spots Luke’s station captain coming around the end of one of the fire trucks Julie is walking between, sending her a wave of the clipboard she’s holding. “You’re here early.”
“Yeah, class ended early and I thought I'd pop over to see if I could get some extra time with Luke,” Julie shrugs, holding up the pale grey burlap bag that Alex had packed their food into.
And there’s a sympathetic look that crosses over Harrison’s face, because she knows that the younger woman knows she’s in charge of Luke’s shifts and the reason why Julie comes over every Tuesday to have lunch with her boyfriend.
Because that’s why she was here. To have lunch with him like she did every Tuesday between her classes and when the fires of LA would allow. Sometimes Alex would text her to stop by to pick up a packed lunch for them, sometimes she made something herself, sometimes they just ordered in. The food wasn’t really the point, it was just getting to spend some time together. Julie had never really thought about it before, but there was always something, someone, somewhere, trapped or hurt or on fire. Luke was a very busy person, and it meant sometimes their lunches got interrupted by blaring alarms and him pressing a quick kiss to her lips before rushing off.
Tuesdays were apparently very busy days for a firefighter.
“What’s the master chef prepared for you this week then?” Harrison asks, crossing her arms and clipboard across her chest and lifting one brow, “Y’know Alex used to cook for us, he’d send Luke in every Saturday he was on shift with all sorts of goodies.”
Julie bites her lip to try not to laugh at the exaggerated sigh that leaves the older woman's lips as she shakes her head sadly. There was something about Vivian Harrison that just— put people at ease. The first time Julie had officially met her there had been a warm hug and teasing remarks and there was just something that had viscerally reminding Julie of her aunt Victoria that it was kind of impossible not to like the station captain after that.
“He was pretty busy so it’s just some sandwiches,” she wrinkles her nose a little before smiling, “I’ll tell him how much you’re missing his cooking though, I’m sure the blame will fall completely on Luke.”
Harrison laughs, and tilts her head slightly as she shrugs, “That boy of yours is just very easy to blame.”
She feels a sudden flush to her cheeks at ‘that boy of yours’ that she hopes can be played off by how warm it always is in the station. She can see Harrison’s lips twitching, like she’s about to say something teasing, but Julie is saved from it by two people walking past them and a change of mind.
“Morales, can you tell Patterson his lunch is here.”
“Sure thing Cap,” one of the guys says, shooting her a wide smile that Julie feels compelled to return quickly before he’s rushing off, past the fire engines and up some stairs. And Julie’s about to ask Harrison if they’ve been busy today and if she’d found time to visit the farmers market they’d talked about last time, but another voice interrupts, and Julie hadn’t even realised the other guy hadn’t followed his friend.
“So you’re Patterson’s girl, right?” The blonde asks, eyes scanning her up and down in a way that makes her want to hide behind someone. There’s something vaguely familiar about him, probably because she’s seen him in passing for the last couple of months but never talked to him. Which wouldn’t have been weird if most of the other people in the station hadn’t introduced themselves the first time Luke had invited her to one of their station parties, and made an effort to talk to her whenever she'd stopped by since.
“Yeah, I’m Julie,” she smiles politely, trying to put emphasis on her name. She doesn't mind being known as Luke's girl by people at the station who have actually made an effort to get to know her. 
“Right, right, nice to meet you Julie. I’m Nick, I’m sure Luke’s mentioned me,” he grins, teeth showing and shoulders pulling back like he’s expecting her to — what? Clap? A small furrow works its way between her brows as Nick starts up a conversation without even waiting for her response and she suddenly understands what Luke means about him. Because he has mentioned the condescending, stereotypical blonde frat boy before, and never in a good way. It was mostly followed by some very creative swear words and a mumbled ‘he’s going to get either himself or one of us really hurt one day’.
She tries to follow along with the conversation, nodding politely and laughing whenever Harrison forces one out, but Nick only seems interested in talking about himself, and normally she can feign interest, but right now all she wants is to talk to one person in particular.
There’s the sound of too many voices heading in their direction and Julie turns around, eyes searching for one person, but all she’s met with is a collection of firefighters she vaguely knows and tries not to let her disappointment show too clearly on her face.
“Wow Molina, don’t look so excited to see us!” An elbow nudges her side and Julie glances up to see Carrie Wilson has appeared in the place that Nick had just stood, eyebrows raised and a blinding smile as the other blonde frowns from behind her, still trying to carry on his conversation.
“No! I am glad to see you all it’s just—” Julie starts, eyes a little wide as she looks at the other girl because Carrie had only ever been nice to her, but Luke had a lot of stories about the blonde being ruthless and rude to people she was mildly inconvenienced by.
(One of Luke’s favourite stories was about Carrie loudly telling some girl that Nick was flirting with how he had used the same lines on her two months before. Luke told it every chance he could get, sparing no details on the look of horror that has taken over Nick’s face.)
“You’re here for Patterson,” Carrie cuts her off with a wink, elbow nudging her lightly again, “Don’t worry, we all know. He should be down soon.” There’s something about how she says it that raises more questions than answers for Julie, furrow between her brows and mouth opening to comment when Carrie just nods her head behind her, and Julie turns around to spot Luke.
It’s impossible, Julie knows it’s impossible, but she could swear time slows down. Like she’s in some rom-com movie where the main character sees their love interest for the first time.
Only she’s not in a film, she’s stood next to a fire engine and trying to care about what the people around her are talking about and it’s far from the first time she’s seen the love interest. But the world still feels like it’s in slow motion all the same as she looks up as Luke calls her name from the second floor, grinning at her from over the banister and holding up one hand in that universal signal for ‘wait’.
And Julie waits, not that she could really do anything else with the firehouse blurring at the edges and Nick's voice fading into the background. Focus entirely on Luke.
She’s never seen someone slide down the pole before, didn’t even know that they still used them in firehouses, but Julie’s pretty sure it shouldn’t be as hot as it is. Though, she supposes, it could just be Luke. His hand wraps around the metal and Julie swallows as her eyes are drawn to his arms, to where his top pulls tight and his forearms are on show. If this was a film, there’d be some stereotypical song about sex playing in the background right about now. All her slightly hazy brain can supply is the chorus to Lady Marmalade on repeat. His legs wrapped around the pole, ankles crossed and thighs pressed together, comes into view as he slides down the metal, all cool and in control, and Julie's throat goes dry.
She knows how much strength it takes to slide down a pole. Her and Flynn had taken a few pole dancing classes a few years ago in an attempt to add some sort of exercise into their day. Julie can still remember how much her arms ached and the bruises that littered the insides of her thighs after even the simplest of moves.
It was hard, and Luke was making it look so easy.
His feet hit the ground, and even though she’s too far away to actually hear it, she’s pretty sure they must make some sort of thudding sound. Because that’s what happens, right? You slide down the pole and your feet hit the floor with a thud that shows you’re ready for action. Only Luke isn’t going off to put on his uniform and fight a fire or save a life.
He’s walking towards her, suspenders swaying and smile widening and eyes never leaving her face.
And look, she knows that she’s seen Luke fully naked, fresh out of a shower or panting on his back. But seeing him slide down that fucking pole in his white t-shirt, suspenders by his knees and hair a mess? Hottest thing she has ever seen. And he knows it if the way his teeth sink into his bottom lip as he gets closer is anything to go by.
“How long did it take you to practice all that, Patterson?” Carrie asks, and Julie can hear the teasing tone in her voice and would normally enjoy seeing Luke stammer and blush, but right now she’s the one feeling too warm and is pretty sure if she started speaking right now all that would come out would be a high pitched noise.
“About the same amount of time it takes you to do your hair,” is his easy reply and Julie watches as Carrie rolls her eyes, hair flipping over her shoulder, and because he’s momentarily not looking at her, Julie tries to pull her thoughts together. To get a hold of herself. This is not the first time she has seen him in his uniform, she has seen in him in far less, and she will not turn into a blushing mess right now!
“Alright you lot, back to work!” Harrison interrupts before anyone can say anything else, and everyone starts walking away, some nudging Luke as they go, some giving her a wave, and she thinks she must smile back, at least she hopes she does. Her brain is still very much focused on Luke and how his thighs probably looked coming down that pole without the heavy duty trousers. “You tell Alex I’m still a fan of the flapjack he makes,” Harrison says as she walks past, dropping an eye into a wink and giving Luke a look she doesn’t understand.
A tense smile pulls at Julie’s lips that she hopes comes across as genuine and not just her unable to speak because of her incredibly hot and infuriatingly knows it boyfriend.
“You alright, Jules? Looking a little flushed, need me to get one of the EMT’s?” Luke asks, all innocence and anything but subtle as he rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet, teeth still chewing on his damn lip.
“Just—” she clears her throat, trying to glare up at him, but already knowing it’s ruined by the heat in her cheeks and how she can’t stop staring at his arms. God, she hasn’t been this distracted by his arms since their first date. Blowing out a breath, Julie drags her eyes away from where his arms are crossed across his chest — which, she’s like, 80% sure he’s doing on purpose right now, the little shit — and up to his face just as he raises an eyebrow at her.
“It’s just a little warm,” she finally manages to get out, raising her hand that’s clutching the reusable grocery bag too tight, “Alex sent me with lunch.”
Luke’s eyes light up at the mention of Alex and food, hands dropping from his chest to eagerly reach for the bag and Julie can’t help but giggle at how quickly he can switch from cocky to cute.
“Swee-et! Alex is best,” he grins down at her, drawing out the first syllable of the word and bobbing his head at her. “You wanna eat outside?”
Julie doesn’t respond, just nods her head and links her fingers through his empty hand, letting Luke lead her out of the fire station and to the little grassy area outside. There’s already a blanket on the ground, two bottles of water and a warmth spreads through her for a different reason as Luke pulls her down to the ground and spreads out the food Alex has given them.
They get an hour.
An hour to eat lunch and curl up together to talk and giggle and try to keep their hands visible at all times. It’s both her favourite and the most tortuous hour of her week so far. And Luke’s just leaning in to whisper something in her ear, his breath against her cheek sending shivers down her spine when the alarm starts blaring from inside and his head drops to her shoulder with a sigh that mingles with her own groan.
“I gotta go,” he mutters into the fabric of her t-shirt, and she can imagine how his lips would feel brushing against her skin if they were somewhere else right now.
“I know,” she sighs and carefully moves her shoulder so he has to lift his head up, eyes apologetic as they meet hers. “Be careful?”
“Always am,” Luke smiles gently at her and then he’s getting up and leaving her on the blanket and feeling the loss. Julie watches him go, knees pulled up to her chest and blowing him a kiss when he turns around to wave one last time like he always does when the alarm inevitably ends their lunch date early.
Which normally Julie was fine with.
He was at work. He had a job. He had an important job.
Running out in the middle of lunch was fine. And it would have been fine today, if he hadn’t slid down that damn pole and filled her head with all sorts of ideas and left her fidgeting in her seat. It doesn’t help that Luke clearly knows, if the way he presses a kiss to her forehead and mutters a sorry, eyes a little wide and promises to see her later.
Which is all well and good, but Julie can’t help but feel like he did it on purpose and wonders if there’s a way for her to make him feel just as flustered as she had an hour earlier.
It takes her a while to form a plan of revenge, and then it takes a while longer for her to gather all the things she needs. And okay, maybe at some point she forgets why she’s doing all this, and then Luke mentions the pole at the station and how it makes his muscles ache sometimes as he says he’s going for a shower and Julie remembers the sight of him coming down and redoubles her planning.
The hard part comes when she has to pick a day. Because she can’t lure him to her house, not while her dad is working odd hours and her brother is home and Victoria still has a tendency to show up unannounced. Which leaves finding a time when his apartment is empty.
Not an easy feat when Reggie works from home part time, and can’t actually be trusted to stick to his word when he says he’ll be out and Alex has a weekend routine he’s hard pressed to change and likes to get home from work and relax. Plus she has to check when Luke isn’t working on a weekend, which turns out to be the easiest part, because it turns out Harrison really likes her and was happy to schedule Luke a weekend off when she asked.
Sure, she could have enacted her plan while one or both of them were home too but, well Julie knows the boys are all very close, and she knows that they’ve accepted her into the closeness with welcome arms. But she’s not sure she wants to have sex while they’re eating leftover lasagna down the hall. Feels a little too close for her liking. Plus, she has a plan that might end up involving their bath and she’s not sure they’d want to be there for that.
So Julie bides her time. Changes her mind on what clothes she wants and practices different poses on her bed at night and drops little hints about a weekend alone together.
Alex makes plans first, announces that he’s going with Willie to an out of state kids skateboarding competition to help cheer on Willie’s little proteges. He makes a big deal out telling them all the dates and how they had plans to go to some couples spa on their way back and how his restaurant would be ‘more than happy to supply any meals for two that you two might want’.
It had gone over Luke’s head, just nodding and asking about the competition. But Julie had gotten the hint.
And then a few days later Reggie said he had ‘big plans’ with her dad and brother of all people. He’d said it one afternoon when she’d stopped by to see Luke before his week of night shifts, how they were going to go camping so her dad could take some photos for a project and Reggie could teach Carlos to fish, and then he’d dropped his eye in a dramatic wink when she’d asked if that was the same weekend Alex was also away.
(Julie knew that she probably should have found it a little weird how often Reggie seemed to talk and hang out with her family, but the first time she’d gotten home to find him sitting at the dining room table, helping her dad edit photos and offering to order pizza, had felt strangely right.
Like he had always been a part of their family.
Luke had asked her once, a few weeks after they first started dating if it was okay. If she didn’t mind that Reggie had seemed to attach himself to her family. He never explicitly said anything, but she’d known him long enough by then to see the hints, the secrets she wasn’t aware of yet. Of lonely childhoods and something lacking. The hints that he’d found that with her family. And even if she hadn’t been fine with it already, she wasn’t about to stop Reggie. The Molina’s had never been shy about taking in lost souls.)
So apparently she hadn’t been quite as subtle as she thought she’d been with her hints. Both boys clearly conspiring to get her a weekend alone with their best friend. Julie’s just glad that Luke clearly hasn’t noticed. Or if he hadn’t, hadn’t teased her about it.
And that their apartment is empty when she uses her key to let herself in on Friday evening, Hotdog already waiting by the shoes for Luke, head tilted as she looks up mewling softly in disappointment.
“Sorry sweetie, he’ll be home soon though,” Julie mummers, bending down to scratch behind the cat's ears before stepping out of her shoes, which Hotdog happily moves to sit on top of instead. “Be sure to make a big fuss when he gets in so I know, alright?”
Hotdog doesn’t respond, just fixes her eyes back on the front door to wait for Luke, and Julie moves further into the apartment, laughing quietly at the plate of brownies Alex or Willie have clearly left out for them on the counter, blushing slight as she reads the short message scrawled on a post-it note,
‘Don’t mess up my kitchen ;)’
She tries not to let herself think too hard or long about how clearly they all knew about her grand plans for the night. And the next day, and hopefully the whole weekend if things went according to plan.
Picking up the plate on her way through the kitchen, Julie shrugs out of her coat to leave on the back of one of the kitchen stools, because if Luke missed her shoes in the hall, he won't miss this, and she’s really hoping he’ll get the hint to head towards his bedroom. By the time she’s made it to Luke’s room she’s lifted the cellophane off the plate and taken a bite from one of the brownies. Definitely Willie who’d baked them, he was always doubling up the chocolate content. Where Alex was experimental in the kitchen, Willie was a traditionalist who believed chocolate was the best way to set a mood. Julie couldn’t really fault his logic as she moves into Luke’s room.
His room looks the same as it had the first time she’d seen it. Only now there’s a bottle of her perfume on his dresser, and some of her clothes on his ‘laundry’ chair, and polaroids of the two of them stuck in the corners of the photo frames of him and the boys. And Julie knows if she thinks about it, that her room at her dad's house is also littered with pieces of him as well, and she knows it’s only been a few months, but it feels like years. Like her life had been full of all these little gaps she’d never noticed until they were filled with Luke.
Putting the plate down, she starts moving around his room. Pulling out the firefighting coat he’d brought home a few weeks ago because he’d found a rip in the shoulder, rooting through his wardrobe for the plain blue cut off she’d seen the last time she was over and laying them out on his bed. Tilting her head, Julie mentally puts together her outfit one more time. Shorts, suspenders, Luke’s cut-off, coat, maybe the shoes? She bites her lip and decides to come back to it, to see how everything looks on.
It’s strange, Julie thinks as she clips one side of her suspenders to her shorts, how nervous she is about this. It’s not like this is the first time they’ll have slept together, but it is the first time she’s done anything like this. Dressed up in something other than a pretty dress for dinner that he’d taken great care of taking off her.
What if he didn’t like it? What if he thought it was weird? What if he got home and was too tired to do anything? He’d been at work all day, after a long week of working, maybe she should change her plans and do it tomorrow night? What if—
She cuts her own thoughts off with a groan, sitting down on the end of Luke’s bed to take a breath and fiddle with knee high sheer socks dotted with little stars that she’d ordered online. Logically, Julie knows that Luke will like this, that he’ll look at her with those eyes of his that can’t hide a single emotion and smile at her slowly and call her beautiful.
Because he’d been complimenting her since their first date, and every day since. Little things and big changes and all the between. He really did seem to like her just as much dressed up and with make-up on as he did when she’d just woken up on a morning with her hair a mess and pillow creases still on her cheeks.
And that in itself was scary.
Because he liked her for her and didn’t need her to change. She’d never really dated anyone before who didn’t want her to be less invested in music or spend less time with her family or who didn’t like Flynn or even one guy who thought she should try a different scent of shampoo. They’d all been relationships littered with red flags, big and small.
But not even Flynn could find a real warning sign about Luke. Maybe he was a little co-dependant on his friends, but neither of them could say anything because they were a little co-dependant too. And maybe he could be a little over enthusiastic, but he also knew when to give her space. He had a stable job and good friends and was cute and lived in a nice area and he had a cat.
And, once upon a time, he had had a similar dream to her.
One of the things Flynn had managed to dig up on him during her ‘background’ check was an old low quality video on youtube of three boys in a garage playing instruments that looked too big for them but taking the whole thing seriously. Voices cracking on the cover of Summer of ‘69 they were playing, but Julie had seen the way they grinned at each other, at the way a younger Luke had bounced around the small space and Reggie had rocked on his feet and Alex had thrown a drumstick in the air and caught it again. They were kids, but they were talented and it's at that moment that Julie realises Luke was right. They could have made it.
She wonders what would have happened if fate hadn’t intervened in the form of a fire. She’s pretty sure Luke has wondered the same thing too. He doesn’t talk about it much and Julie’s never sure how much to push because he seems happy in his life and choices. And plus, if it hadn’t been for a fire in a record store, there’s a chance they wouldn’t have met.
Julie frowns a little at that thought as she rolls on her second sock over her knee and stands up, straightening out her shorts and twisting the side of Luke’s cut off up and tying it into a knot. She’s never been the biggest believer in fate since her mom died but she thinks there’s something a little like fate that’s pulled them together. And she thinks they’d have met with a fire or without a fire, with music or without.
She wrinkles her nose at herself in the mirror at that thought, rolling her eyes at how cheesy it sounds even to herself. Fate and destiny, who did she think she was? They were just two people lucky enough to find each other.
An alarm goes off on her phone to tell her she’s got half an hour before Luke is due home and this is her last chance if she wants to change her mind.
Tilting her head a slightly to the side, Julie takes in her high waisted shorts, red suspenders dangling by her thighs, the way her t-shirt cinches at her waist and reveals just a strip of skin above her shorts where she knows Luke likes to rest his hands when he pulls her close. She’d taken extra care with her curls and all she had to do was apply some lipstick and touch up her eyeliner and she’d be ready.
It’s Flynn’s voice in the back of her head as she tucks curls behind her ears to lean a little closer to her reflection and, as she pulls back, smacking her lips once before letting them rest in a pout, she can’t help but reiterate it, “I do look hot.”
The front door shuts and Julie can hear Hotdog meowing and Luke’s muffled voice down the corridor as she’s pulling his coat over her shoulders. It’s far too big for her, hanging below her knees and she has to roll the sleeves up three times to free her hands, but the collar smells like smoke and metal and Luke and his last name is written across the right hand side and his station across her back.
That was the part that Flynn had said would really get him — his name on her. Luke wasn’t exactly possessive, but she and Flynn had agreed there was just something about it that was A Lot, in a good way. (Unlike buying a pole and installing it in Luke’s room for a weekend, that was A Lot, in a bad way. Her plan had gone through many different phases before settling on this one. Luckily, it was also the cheapest.)
“Jules?” Luke calls and Julie bites her lip as she carefully climbs on to his bed, and kneels in the middle before changing her mind and crawling off the other side to stand next to it instead.
“I’m in here,” she calls back and she hears something dropping to the floor, probably his bag she guesses, and then his footsteps sounding down the hall.
Julie’s glad she opted for the shoes, just simple black heels, but they give her an extra lift and something more for Luke to look at as he opens his bedroom door. She has one knee slightly bent and resting on her toes, coat sleeves hiding the way her hands are balled up at her sides and one shoulder raised a little higher than the other as she tilts her head at him, biting her lip.
He freezes in the doorway, mouth partly open like he’d been about to say something only to get lost somewhere between his brain and vocal chords as his eyes seem to lock on to the coat she’s wearing before traveling down to her bare legs and Julie watches him swallow, adam's apple bobbing. Just as his eyes get back up to her face she moves one hand to tuck her coat behind her hip and hook her thumb under her suspenders in a way she’s seen him do countless times.
And it gets the reaction she wants, his eyes zeroing in on her hand and tracing up the line of red that covers her chest. Luke’s tongue darts out to swipe across his bottom lip as he blinks and finally drags his eyes back up to her face, pupils blown wide and she watches as he lets out a heavy breath.
“Hi,” she breathes out, and almost immediately regrets it. She's trying for sexy but thinks it just comes across as gasping. Which she hopes she’ll be eventually at some point tonight, but would at least like to be touched a little first.
“You—” Luke starts, and his voice is rough like he’s not used it in hours so he swallows again and Julie’s momentarily distracted by the way his throat moves before his speaking again, “Is that my coat?”
“Maybe,” Julie shrugs, turning slightly so she can pull at the collar of the coat to peer down at the name stitched in the fabric, “Oh look, it does say your name. Would you like me to take it off?” She blinks up at him with a soft smile.
Julie doesn’t know if it’s the smile or her words or just everything about the moment, but Luke lets out a low groan and before she can even blink he’s stood in front of her, hands on her hips and fingers brushing against her strip of visible skin, just like she knew he would. And she’s thankful for the heels all over again when it gives her the little extra height that means Luke doesn’t have to bend down quite so far to brush his lips across her cheek.
“You’re fucking gorgeous,” he mutters, lips ghosting along her jaw and Julie has to rest her hands against his chest to steady herself as her legs already feel wobbly. If she didn’t love him, she’d almost hate him for how easily he can affect her.
“Luke,” she whines as he continues to avoid her lips and trails one hand up his chest to wrap around his neck, fingers winding into his hair to tug lightly which only results in making him huff a laugh against the skin below her ear before giving in and pulling back.
“So,” he starts, press a light kiss to her cheek again again, “fucking,” he kisses the corner of her lips, “beautiful.” And he finally presses his lips to hers, soft at first and then she nips lightly at his top lip and he flexes his fingers against her hip, tugging her a closer with her suspenders to deepen the kiss.
Julie walks them backwards until the backs of her knees hit the edge of his bed and Luke takes the lead from there, lowering her down without breaking the kiss. He pulls away just enough to gasp for a breath, and she looks up at him, chest heaving and takes her chance to start her own teasing trail of kisses up his neck and across his jaw.
“Fuck,” he mutters and Julie smiles as she sucks lightly at his neck and sees the red mark her lipstick has left behind. She just hopes it lasts long enough for her full plan.
“This was because of the pole thing a few weeks ago, right?” Luke asks a few hours later as they lie in the middle of his bed, blankets half pushed to the floor and Julie’s spent the last five minutes kicking her legs back and forth to try and dislodge the reminder from covering her legs without having to turn around or sit up. She’s perfectly comfortably lying on her front, licking chocolate off her fingers from one of the brownies that Alex and Willie had been correct in leaving for them.
“Maybe,” she tries to shrug, but it’s awkward in this position and she quickly gives up to just look at him from under her lashes with a smile.
Luke laughs, his fingers trailing up and down her arm and over her shoulder a few times before he sits up slightly and leans over to press a kiss to her shoulder, “If I’d known it would cause such a reaction I would have slid down that pole in front of you months ago.”
“It might have still taken us months to get to this. Your roommates have very annoying schedules,” she shakes her head sadly and she thinks her hair has to be hitting him in the face, but he doesn’t say anything, just carefully gathers it in one hand to drape over her other shoulder, his lips still brushing soft kisses across her skin.
“Yeah. I’d get rid of them if Alex didn’t feed me for free and Reggie didn’t get us so many free tickets to stuff,” he sighs, breath blowing against her skin as his nose nudges over her shoulder blade until his lips follow and his rest his chin on her shoulder, and all she has to do is turn her head a little to find his eyes on her lips. “Though it would be so worth it for weekends like this.”
“Guess we should just make the most of this one first, huh?”
It’s a little awkward, and Luke must be uncomfortable with his torso twisted like it is, but it’s easy to kiss Luke, and to roll over until she can push him back down until his back hits the mattress and she can hover over him instead.
“You sound like you have a plan,” Luke comments, and his hands rest on her hips, fingers tapping against her as he looks up at her with those damn eyes of his. The ones that can’t hide a single thought or emotion. And all she can see is love, and okay yeah, probably a lot of lust.
“There might have been some bullet point list involved,” she shrugs one shoulder, her hair slipping over as she moves and Luke’s fingers flex against her, squeezing one hip as he lets out something that sounds halfway between a laugh and a groan.
“That shouldn’t be this hot,” he shakes his head, but his eyes are still shining and Julie loves him.
So she tells him. And kisses him. And wonders if it’s too soon to suggest they spend all their weekends together forever.
69 notes · View notes
Weird q..but i really dont understand why most fans hate season 4, especially the last episode. Why? I think it gave us a deeper look on both sherlock and mycroft! I felt it tells a lot about mycroft how he had to step in and take control of things ever since he was a kid himself. Also he is not a robot or a killer. Also redbeard thing. It was an appropriate deep psychological trauma (cause most shows usually disappoint in that area). I am not trying to impose my opinion. Just want to understand
Hey Nonny!
It’s all good, and I totally respect your opinion and how you enjoyed S4! It’s totally okay! I know that there are quite a few who got a lot of of S4, and who genuinely enjoyed it.
Sadly, I am not one of those people, and I’ll try to be as diplomatic a possible in my response, but PLEASE know that I don’t think you’re “terrible” or “stupid” for liking S4 because I DO get passionate sometimes in my responses, and I’m just merely speaking as someone who studied the series very closely for quite a long time before S4 aired, and as someone who knows Day-One-ers (ie., people who watched Sherlock on its day one airdate) who also are a large majority of the people who did not like S4. This is just me simply stating why I didn’t like it, but it’s different for everyone.
Stating what I DO like: The acting and cinematography of the first two episodes were brilliant for what they had to work with, and I’ve never faulted any of the actors for the flaws of S4. And for TFP, they did the best with what they had to work with.
That’s… pretty much all I really liked about S4.
Now, here’s my problems with S4:
Nothing made a LICK of sense to the narrative that they were telling in Seasons prior. 
This series was always based a bit in reality, and suddenly everything became comic-book rules: X-Men villains, shitty “redemption” arc, destroying favourite characters just for drama, ludicrous physics, explosions that only destroyed one small room in an apt where in previous episodes one explosion destroyed an entire block, etc.
Sherlock was OOC.
Mary was being built up to be a fantastic villain? Ah, nope, here’s the lacklustre twist where tee hee Mary’s just an assassin with a heart of gold that still emotionally abuses Sherlock and John and just won’t fucking stay dead.
And speaking of this, the DVD’s make NO LOGICAL SENSE unless she was planning to kill herself
AND she tries to make her death equatable to Sherlock’s??
Everyone was RIDICULOUSLY out of character in TFP, I’m so sorry: Mycroft is a bumbling coward for the most part, Sherlock disregards John when he gives the Vatican Cameos warning, the Holmes Parents are assholes because Mycroft COULDN’T SOLVE A PROBLEM WHEN HE WAS 12?? ARE YOU SERIOUS???? And that creepy Moriarty / Eurus thing, and LITERALLY they’re implying that EVERYTHING HAPPENED BECAUSE EURUS DIDN’T GET A HUG. Like, I’m so sorry, but that’s lazy writing.
And don’t even get me started on the ridiculousness of the entire character of Eurus. She LITERALLY had X-Men powers, and like… just nothing made sense. Her involvement in the entirety of S4 MADE NO SENSE. Why go back to prison if you can get out?? WHAT IS THE POINT?? AND I repeat: She did all this because she didn’t get a hug. Yes. I’m oversimplifying, but at the base level, that’s what it was, because she wanted Sherlock’s attention. Welcome to the club, kid, stand in line, everyone on the SHOW wants his attention.
The ENTIRE plot of the first 2 seasons got wiped out all because it wasn’t Moriarty who was interested in Sherlock, but Eurus?? What… What about Carl Powers?? Like…. the ENTIRETY of season one and TGG makes no sense now, because of that one 5 minute scene where Eurus “enlists” Moriarty. I… ugh.
The SUDDEN tonal switch from kind-of Sherlock to James Bond, for some fucking reason.
And on that note, how terribly lazy and cheap TFP looks in comparison to the other two episodes. The whole episode looks like it was filmed in a small house with 4 identical rooms.
EVERYTHING that was etablished in 2 episodes prior were COMPLETELY forgotten when Mary was “shot”.
The complete character assassination of one loyal blogger John H Watson in favour of Mary for some fucked up reason, even though AT HIS OWN WEDDING HE COULDN’T STAND BEING AROUND MARY. I’m sorry, but I don’t believe for one damned second that John would EVER forgive Mary for murdering his best friend after seeing what it did to him. That’s not love from her, and that’s NOT John’s character EVER in the ENTIRETY of the series.
And speaking of character assassinations, Molly’s character being devolved to S1E1 Molly, where instead of giving her agency like they were doing with her the ENTIRE series, so much so that Sherlock picked up on her dominance enough to give her a big role in his mind palace in HLV and TAB, only to make her a sad little self-insert Mary Sue pining for the main character, and in turn made Sherlock a TERRIBLE human being for MAKING HER say what she did. It’s gross.
AND speaking of Molly’s character, they’ve been setting up Mollstrade since as early as ASiB, but I guess that plot line got shafted. Look I LOVE Hopkins, and I am ANGRY they didn’t give her more than 3 fucking lines in the entirety of ONE episode after HEAVILY promoting her actress and character, but they essentially reduced her to a piece of ass for Lestrade to chase. AND THAT’S NOT HIS CHARACTER EITHER. EW GROSS.
The constant plot holes being gaped wide open, and the Chekov’s gun moments where they bring up shit but do nothing with it!! 
TD-12? Nope, just a lame reference to a story we like. 
John got shot at the end of TLD with a VERY REAL FUCKING GUN? Nope, it was a dart gun. 
John not suddenly knowing how to be a doctor.
The TGG one I mentioned up above. 
What was in the letter? And who was Anyone??
Moriarty essentially being erased as anything other than a hired thug and had no part whatsoever in Sherlock’s history. 
Eurus… Just all of her character is asinine. 
Everyone in T6T suddenly not knowing John’s the blogger, which is in direct contradiction to literally the entire series. 
The AGRA plotline was ridiculous, in the end.
Baby? What baby? It was only there when convenient.
They dropped whatever plotline they were going to do for Mycroft: He was being set up as either dying, or the villain.
Redbeard. I’m sorry, I disagree with you on that. Mofftiss is trying to tell me that a little boy fell down a well and went missing, and that WASN’T the first place searchers / the police wouldn’t have looked? Sorry, no. And then. AND THEN his parents just… go along with this thing where Sherlock shuts down and they DON’T get him therapy? Yes, I agree the mind is a funny thing, and we can be traumatised into forgetting or dissociating from traumatic events. I GET IT. But… like I don’t believe the Holmes are so heartless as to just never grieve or have memories around about their supposedly dead daughter. It’s another OCC thing for me.
John’s cheating.
Disappearing and reappearing characters, like this scene, and the entirety of the aquarium scene.
Mary and John being terrible parents
What… who was this girl on the plane? What? Like I know WHO, but if she’s supposed to be Eurus talking to Sherlock, why don’t we see Eurus… talking to Sherlock? I … Ugh.
Sloppy camera work that some believe was intentional, but if it wasn’t, jesus c’mon.
The RIDICULOUS amount of 4th Wall Breaking. Like… even the actors didn’t give a shit.
Essentially, everything on this list here and in this blog tag here.
And everything mentioned on these three posts:
T6T: 10 Revealing Things That Haunt You Late at Night 
TLD: 10 Revealing Things That Haunt You Late at Night
TFP: 10 Revealing Things That Haunt You Late at Night
There’s SO much more I can go into, but please go through my “something’s fucky” tag in that last link.
Notice how probably 90% of that has NOTHING to do with “johnlock not becoming canon” because the Johnlockers get MONSTROUS accusations as to THAT being why we didn’t like S4, even though it was, like critically panned by the GENERAL AUDIENCE who have NO investment in the series other than “I liked it in the past”.
Two of my fave YouTubers have interesting (not perfect, but still good) takes coming at the series as casual viewers:
‘The Day Sherlock Died’ by The Closer Look
‘Sherlock is Garbage, and Here’s Why’ by hbomberguy
So it’s NOT just Johnlockers. I’ve talked to Sher1011ies at 221B con who didn’t like S4 either, because most of them realized how shitty Molly was treated in the last episode. So yeah, a big middle finger to those who think I dislike S4 because of  “no Johnlock”. No, I disliked it because I need my stories to make logical narrative sense. I disliked it because I love John and they ruined his character all for the sake of drama and because Moffat has a “hurting Ben” kink. I disliked it because Mary should NOT have been “redeemed” because she was an abuser. I disliked it because Moriarty was turned into a cartoon villain, even though he was already overused in the series. I disliked it because the core of the show – the FRIENDSHIP of Sherlock and John, and their solving mysteries together – did not exist at all. I disliked it because John got sidelined. I disliked it because TFP was a ridiculous episode that, if you replace ANY of the characters, it wouldn’t make a difference, because it didn’t feel like an episode of Sherlock. I disliked it because everyone was OOC.
Anyway. Sorry. One too many accusations my way over the past 1100+ days LOL.
As for your assessment of TFP, I’m going to have to respectfully disagree with you. There was no growth and actually it implies something far more sinister: That the Holmes are and were terrible parents that gave no shits about their daughter, their traumatized son, and expected their eldest to essentially be a parent. It implies that Mycroft, at 12 years old, orchestrated the ENTIRE Sherrinford thing… Look I can suspend my disbelief, but there’s limits, and this is one of them. A LITERAL CHILD. Perhaps Uncle Rudy had a hand in it somehow, but then why not shit on Uncle Rudy? Why is Mycroft blamed for it all?
Look, I don’t doubt Sherlock had a traumatic experience regarding “Redbeard”. But then why play into the fact that he was a dog? Why bring another character into the series just to have a gotcha moment? Because Mofftiss wanted a “Shyamalan twist”, that’s why. They threw EVERYTHING away for a twist ending either because they GENUINELY thought it was good, or they got tired of doing Sherlock. ALL of TFP is LITERALLY a really bad plot twist because reasons. TFP makes no sense to the ENTIRE narrative structure of the previous 12 episodes. It erased EVERYTHING from the previous episodes, and coated it with a gross closing by a character no one wanted in the series, and then tried to convince us that it’s a new beginning – “a journey they had to go through” – but it SOLVED NOTHING.
Anyway. I have big feels about S4, and the only way I can enjoy it is to watch it subtextually, but even then, I cannot sit through TFP without cringing. 
That said, Lovelies, please do not attack Nonny for enjoying S4! I know you guys won’t, but Nonny came out with an olive branch and they just want to understand why the fandom is passionate about S4′s… whatever it was. We can have a civil discussion about it, and point out – without attacking – why S4 is universally panned. It’s okay to like things no one else does, and Nonny was respectful to me in this ask! 
So with that, feel free, lovelies, to express why YOU didn’t enjoy the series, or why you did! I’m interested in both “sides” / pov’s whatever :)
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rokhal · 4 years
What do you think is the worst part abt Jason Isaacs writing for Robbie in avengers? Im almost finished reading all his comiks after a suden hyperfixation binge bc MAN i love this kid and like, i dont super hate his writing personally, but its still definitely very hit or miss for me- like rhe stuff during race of ghost riders was good imo (ignoring the bastardisation of blaze) but everything else feels like isaacs writes robbie too woobified? Like he feels too much like your perky marvel teen hero, like wheres his anger! His quietness! His brooding! Sure robbies powerful as hell but hes not like THE most supreme powerful best ghost rider ever he didnt even want this gig originally! IDK im just, let the kid be fucked up again !!!! Let him have some issues!!! Also wheres gabe!!!!!! Anyways sorry for rambling i would just like to know thank you :]
*Jason Aaron lol, easy mistake to make tho
I think you’ve hit the nail on the head, there. Jason Insert Old Testament Name Here, Mediocre White Guy From Georgia, completely ignores Robbie’s extremely difficult living situation, the struggles and trauma implied in his backstory, and how his canon character expresses his response to those challenges. He writes Robbie like a nice naive kid, struggling with the weight of unaccustomed responsibility and seeking mentorship, a classic protagonist he probably believes his young readers will identify with, not knowing that Gen Z is already hardened and cynical and disgusted with adult authority.
He writes Robbie like bootleg Jaime Reyes.
Gabe is missing because Felipe Smith’s choice to include a developmentally-disabled character is terrifying to most writers and I don’t think we’ll see Gabe written in character unless Felipe Smith or some actual genius with a strong commitment to research or actual life experience interacting with people with disabilities gets the reins. Like, nobody wants to be Sia directing Music.
The other reason I think Gabe is missing, is the same reason Eli was missing for most of Robbie’s term in Avengers: Jason Aaron doesn’t like writing relationships, especially previously-established relationships. He fucking deleted Noble Kale from Danny Ketch Ghost Rider because he felt Noble Kale’s presence ruined Danny Ketch as a power fantasy. (Either that, or he has religious hangups about writing possession.)
Aaron does not write grounded stories. Smith!Robbie was an extremely grounded character who faced genuine real-life problems. Like old-school Peter Parker, Robbie had to deal with rent and work problems and shady money-making opportunities and temptation and family medical problems, things readers can understand and relate to. Jason Aaron’s stories are beyond this kind of thing. They deal with Heaven and Hell and angelic conspiracies and vampires and a vast kaleidoscope of magicocosmic plot threads that exist only long enough to inspire a memeable splash-page.
tl:dr Jason Isaac is a hack who is unable to conceive of comic books as anything more complex than power fantasies, thinks a Ghost Rider is just a scary-looking superhero with cool powers, and thinks family connections are boring. Robbie Reyes and his world are completely outside Aaron’s skillset.
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spaceysp · 4 years
Whats ur opinions on the crimson arc so far? do you like how its going? any theories in what would happen next? im sorry if its a lot, i just miss your rambling
oooo thank you so much for the ask! its so nice that you actually like my rambling qwq youre too kind!
and YES, the egg arc, i havent really talked about it since the red skeppy arc, but i have been (mostly) keeping up! i am a true unabashed bbh apologist, its so fascinating how persuasive he can be, he manages to keep me rooting for him despite all logical conclusions pointing to the egg actually not being all that great for the smp. i love the way he revealed that he was under the influence of the egg, and that he implied that he gave in to the crimson after skeppy showed no signs of getting better. honestly, my biggest gripe is how the small red skeppy segment played out, there was a perfect opportunity to loop techno into the arc while also not directly facing him with the egg, skeppy becoming another refuge in his cabin like ranboo, and techno trying to figure out whats wrong with him. also, the bathwater solution was... a little confusing, but honestly, i dont blame either of them for red skeppy devolving into an almost comedic side-arc, skeppy doesnt seem to really enjoy that kind of roleplay and bad clearly got too emotional when dealing with those topics, so im glad they changed it up for the sake of their own comfort. 
and while i love the arc and how its going, one of my biggest flaws is being overly-critical, so i cant help but be a bit hesitant when it doesnt go the way i think it should. again, totally a me problem, because honestly, its going great even without heading in the direction i thought it should. i love how they bring in lesser focused on “side characters” to the story, giving them development and time to shine, in contrast to how as soon as tommy and tubbo got involved herds of people were ready to call out the arc. in any sci-fi universe, though i enjoy some ridiculous and far-out concepts, at its base i most appreciate it being realistic enough to, in a certain universe or fantasy, it could be real. i like the alien aspects to still follow a set amount of rules, rules that cant be broken without completely skewing the original idea. most of the “rules” for the egg go as follows, you either like it or hate it, it turns blue things red, and red things white, enough time with the egg will convert you into liking it, obsidian and holy water can slow its spread. now, i, like a few others, suspect some of these rules, like the holy water, of being over-exaggerated to bring an advantage to the eggpire, but i think the rest of them are pretty solid and shown in the canon. so, my problem with tommys involvement is that he directly contradicts one of the rules, like every other overpowered mary sue protagonist. i know bad probably wrote this in and there will be an explanation or plot point or whatever, but it still irks me, especially when hes also threatening to break another rule, that the egg cant convert him into liking it. this is obviously setting him up to be the “main character” or “hero” but i honestly hope he just leaves it alone. he wont even take the threat seriously, and there are many better alternatives like puffy or awesam. i know most people are hoping for puffy as the main hero, and it would make sense! she follows all the rules, while also finding ways around the eggpire and trying to stop them. 
overall, i love the way they use the environment to their advantage in storytelling, i love how its not another basic man v man conflict that, in the end, depends on how stacked you are and your pvp skills. i love that theres mystery in how the egg even appeared, and how different people are used in the story. some things feel a little hasty, but only small things. not to mention bads incorporation of fanart. its really great and people should be giving it the appreciation it deserves, deffo one of the best plots on the server. again, tysm for the ask, i went on a LONG time about this oops.
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charmspoint · 3 years
🎤, ✍️, 💕, 💋
A many much :0 lets go!!
🎤 - What phrase/word do you use way too much?
From the
from the mouth of my beta
Tumblr media
i had to cut down on throats bghjbggj tho i think now i just have the same problem with the word blood, jhgjhgj apparently i am a very body focused writer. I also think i use a lot of different phrases describing breathing or getting choked up...or being near tears...i need to cheer up these works!!
✍️ - Name one of your writing quirks
I feel like sometimes i write prose like i’d write poems which i think does give a uniquely flowery feel to my stories but...i always worry it will stray too much in the other direction and become annoying to read. I like to describe feelings the way they...feel? So emotions are always very descriptive as well. I like it when i can get a good rhythm in the story, it feels nice.
💕 - Your easiest/favourite character to write
That varies a lot depending on what fandom I’m currently into, rn I like writing Satoru and Suguru the most cuz there's THERES SO MUCH HERE, the goddamn drama never ends. It’s very fun, I like having two characters i can just dig through however i want and for once i feel like i like both parts of the ship more or less equally. Tho i also enjoyed writing Toge cuz....there’s nothing on him so nobody can tell me i got something wrong lmaooo same applies to Suwa and Takeuchi, there’s little content so headcanons have little to restrain them, it’s v fun to build backstory with like two starter blocks
💋 - How do you build up a relationship? (romantic, platonic, or otherwise)
Stares at my works in blind panic
I think they just exist?? I think a lot of my works are more established rather than getting together. Most of the ones I could count under getting together are one shots and most of them i dont have any strong feelings for jhvbhjvh thats mean but i dont love all my kids the same 😔
I feel like what’s important to me is like just normal stuff. I want characters to have funny conversations with each other, i want them to bounce off of each other well. The suffocating quality of your dying breaths was the first time i felt like i got a good handle on dialog and it’s very much because of Chuuya’s and Dazai’s banter. I want the characters to trust each other and show it, i want them to be comfortable with each other. Side hugs, fist bumps, shoulder bumps, slinging over each others shoulders, lots of tactile, silent intimacy, be it platonic or romantic. And when the other is taken away, i want them to miss them like they lost their own damn lung. I want to create a sort of dynamic that’s comforting and familiar, where one character is a home to the other, a place where they feel safe and loved and accepted. Idk do i actually manage to do that tho hjhvh I feel like ‘building up a relationship’ implies several chapters of slow burn but that has never been my thing hjbhjbjj I’m not much for excessive pining, i prefer established relationships a whole lot and sometimes one kind of relationships just melds into another in a way words cant describe but i hope it can be felt. Sometimes you just melt to being the others heart you know? I’m not very helpful with advice hjgbjhg i need to think more critically of how i do things it seems XD  
Send me a writing style ask
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wittynameme · 4 years
update to the “a confession” feasco.
if you dont k ow what im talking about just look up “a confession” on my page and read all the way through . (its an unorganized mess im so sorry)(my name is chloe plz ignore that.
f:For the racist thing- A country with two different races might have a bad history with each other. So generally the country that got the beat down the most is gonna hate the other, so that country's people are gonna be racist and against them. With the stealing thing- Animals steal eggs and what not all of the time. Also with artifacts the governments take those and preserve those for the future. Racism is bad I understand that because it usually is because of someone's skin which is wrong to be against someone for there skin tone. Stealing is also bad, like robbery and shoplifting and so on
me:you do realize that you just used like , three natoriously rasist talkinhg points used by kkk members all the time right?
me:you think that humans are naturally rasist because of a war and the winners tell the story and the losers are bitter about it? in this case the losers of this "beat down" being africa?the "rasism is natural" thing . the "africa is just bitter" thing.or are you sayig whights were the victims? which in that case is the "whights are being attacked" thing
f:Both aren't necessarily wrong actually
we are not like dumb animals, we have the ability to know when we sis something wrong .yes animals steal but the full grown people who grave robbed thoghs tombs did so because they thought they could and should have known etter
and the "its for there own good were just keeping them safe" thing implies the people we stole it from wont take care of it. even if they dont its not our call cause the mummys are not ours, its not like they want the artifacts any less tha we do
So you're saying we shouldn't take artifacts and preserve them and let people destroy them and sell them off.
Chloe it assumes we just love these mummys more than they do and were scarered they will hurt it so that completly justifies us keeping it from them.we should ask permission first 
That's what they do
Chloethe whole "its for preservation" thing is exactly what the british museum said when people lobied for the artifacts to be moved to and african museum.
africans fuin and sell there artifacts as trinkets?thats ALSO a rasist sterio type.
That's just how the world is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Chloe no it isnt you have been fed propaganda and you dont even know itall the things you said have been used by the kkk constantlyits like ypur reading right out of there apologetic s book.
I don't see the problem in that. I'm a person of history. Does it help to mention that my preferred ideology is Socialist-Imperialist. Does it also help to say that I'm also Atheist/Satanist. I'm also a Republican and conservative. I also see things from abroad. I also believe history should be preserved at all costs.You sent Today at 12:18 AMif you knew the hystorical contexts of the arguments you just used i dont think you would be usseing them
What are you talking about?You sent Today at 12:20 AMi litteraly just said where the "were preserving them" argument comes fromYou sent Today at 12:21 AMand if you love the accurete preservation of hystory than you must be anti confeterate right?sent Today at 12:21 AMNoYou sent Today at 12:22 AMthe confeterates literraly flodded public schools with confeterate propaganda and tried to pass laws that forsed american nationalism to be taght in schoolYou sent Today at 12:23 AMand banned any books deemed"against the confeteracy"You sent Today at 12:23 AMmost of the confeterate monuments are from the 60sYou sent Today at 12:23 AMas a fear tacticYou sent Today at 12:24 AMnot real authentic confeterate statuessent Today at 12:24 AMOkay..You sent Today at 12:24 AMthe flag we assosiate with the confeteracy is actually very resentYou sent Today at 12:25 AMcan you guess who poularized the confeterate flag we see today?You sent Today at 12:25 AMa literal kkk dragon who adopted it as a symbol of the "opressed whights"sent Today at 12:25 AMThe Confederate flag is not popular, the Confederate battle flag isYou sent Today at 12:26 AMthats what i was talking aboutsent Today at 12:26 AMOkYou sent Today at 12:27 AMmost of the people who say they are modern confeterates adopted the flag and lable as something to stand under for a more modern political agenda , usually whight nationalism.You sent Today at 12:27 AMbut the spin it as "were being opressed by minority groups"sent Today at 12:28 AMTo a degree yesYou sent Today at 12:28 AMthey dont want to preserve hystory , they whant to preserve this weird fantacy world where the 1940s were the good old days , there perseptions of hystory.
What's wrong with ww2?You sent Today at 12:30 AM.....uh people diedYou sent Today at 12:30 AMthere was a warYou sent Today at 12:30 AMa war of the worldssent Today at 12:30 AMWell yeah that's what happens in warYou sent Today at 12:30 AMgermany , italy, and japan were ruled by horrible dictatorssent Today at 12:31 AMWrongYou sent Today at 12:31 AMehy do you just say that like thats normal??? like thats a good thing?sent Today at 12:31 AMKinda yeah
wtfYou sent Today at 12:32 AMyour a nazi lover?sent Today at 12:32 AMNoYou sent Today at 12:32 AMi thoght you said you were americansent Today at 12:32 AMI amYou sent Today at 12:32 AMthen tell me you hate nazis
No, I don't hate any ideology
but you hate the one that caused the halocaust more right?
millions of peole died it shouldnt take you that long to type "yes"
No I look at them negatively, it was some horrific things they did but they never did anything to meYou sent Today at 12:36 AMso what !You sent Today at 12:37 AMthat they have never done anything to you!You sent Today at 12:37 AMthay never did anything to you because your whight conservitive and not jewish
say itYou sent Today at 12:38 AMsay the halocaust was bad and hitler was evil
say the halocaust was bad and hitler was evilsent Today at 12:40 AMYou know Judaism is just a religion. Yes the holocaust was bad. Hitler was good at bad, just depends on how you look at it.Jimmy Goodson sent Today at 12:40 AMGood and bad*You sent Today at 12:40 AMhe was evilsent Today at 12:41 AMIn some aspects yesYou sent Today at 12:41 AMwhy wont you say it? why do you beat around the bush?Aa
Because he did some great achievements toYou sent Today at 12:42 AMwhat the fuckYou sent Today at 12:42 AMlemmy guessYou sent Today at 12:42 AMthe train thingsent Today at 12:43 AMNoYou sent Today at 12:43 AMno he did not that is a rumor satrted by neonazi groups-You sent Today at 12:43 AMthan what!You sent Today at 12:43 AMwhat prey tell could pissibly be worth so many lives? you scare mesent Today at 12:47 AMHe United a shambled country. He fixed the economy of Germany. He put Germany back on the world stage. Helped stop hunger and joblessness in Germany. He made the first super highway. Because of him Europe is a prosperous place. Without him NATO wouldn't be a thing. And so on.
you think communist germany was a thriving economy? even if it was that would be outshadoewd by the mountain of dead bodyssent Today at 12:50 AMWho ever mentioned communist?You sent Today at 12:50 AMand the second bit?You sent Today at 12:51 AMnato was made to stop him??????You sent Today at 12:51 AMto stop the red scurge?sent Today at 12:51 AMAll of that was before ww2 (for the top part), Germany was fascist.You sent Today at 12:52 AMand what is the deffinition of fascismsent Today at 12:52 AM...You sent Today at 12:53 AMa dictator who tortures and brainwashes people , opressing the right of others.You sent Today at 12:53 AMisYou sent Today at 12:53 AMnotYou sent Today at 12:53 AMasent Today at 12:53 AMNo...You sent Today at 12:53 AMgoodYou sent Today at 12:53 AMthing a dictator who tortures and brainwashes people , opressing the right of others.You sent Today at 12:53 AMisYou sent Today at 12:53 AMnotYou sent Today at 12:53 AMasent Today at 12:53 AMNo...You sent Today at 12:53 AMgoodYou sent Today at 12:53 AMthingsent Today at 12:54 AMYou got the fascist thing wrong but okayYou sent Today at 12:54 AMyou missed the other 4 texts following it but oksent Today at 12:55 AMThat's not the definitionJimmy Goodson sent Today at 12:55 AMI also don't see the problem in a dictatorshipYou sent Today at 12:56 AMand you call yourself an americansent Today at 12:57 AMI never said I call my self anything I never said I call my self anythingYou sent Today at 12:58 AMso you just hate everyone then?
No I see everyone as equalsYou sent Today at 12:59 AMequally ok to murder in the persuit of money and metirial growth?
equally ok to murder in the persuit of money and metirial growth?You sent Today at 1:00 AMyou can see why im upset right!sent Today at 1:00 AMThat would be different thenJimmy Goodson sent Today at 1:00 AMYea I seJimmy Goodson sent Today at 1:00 AMSee*You sent Today at 1:01 AMwell you just said it was fine the halocaust happened because hitler ultimatly ended up creating economic ad political grrowth That was before ww2 and yes the holocaust bad.You sent Today at 1:04 AMwhy did you not just say that in the first place?
I said that sometime beforeYou sent Today at 1:04 AMyou cant call a horse a horse when you see a horse? I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the fact you shrug at the holocaust discusts me
the fact you shrug at the holocaust discusts meYou sent Today at 1:06 AMi hope you never hold any knind of power
Okay?Jimmy Goodson sent Today at 1:07 AMI have my own country technicallyYou sent Today at 1:07 AMwell its not americasent Today at 1:08 AMIt technically somewhat owns America I have my own flag, ideology, religion, currency, map, and so on
(he then directs me to this link after i ask him what the fuck hes talking about)
this guys actualy insain
i need a hug.
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insertdisc5 · 5 years
homestuck epilogues stuff
thoughts about the homestuck epilogues, as in, spoilers and theories and things ive noticed by reading it over twice and talking with friend @kravicle while they were reading
this is just a list of theories me and krav came up with ok. also stuff u might not pick up in only one read? we’re just spitballing here 
> just didnt see proof they weren't the same lmao, we only get john+terezi's messages from both timelines and she could have gotten messages from both meat!john and candy!john
>time is fucked on her end also so (shrugs)
>(terezi meeting meat!john) "something else is different about him. different, somehow, from how she thought he’d be when she imagined they’d next meet. under all the gore, he smells... too fresh."
JOHN: what does that mean?
>"In multiple realities, all [John] wanted for her was this. To be home safe, with all their friends. And now that she’s here, she’s lost."
> (meeting Meat!roxy) "Terezi’s head is filled with stories about a different version of Roxy—the polar opposite of the one standing in front of her."
DIRK’S PLAN PART 1 (free will)
>maybe plans to get Actual Free Will thru ultimate godhood??? also explains why he feels okay with removing free will from his friends- for him, this isnt real free will anyway?
>(dirk talking about kanaya) "What WAS she thinking? What are any of us thinking, really? Who’s doing the thinking, and who’s having the thoughts?
The more you study the question, the more it seems all concrete forms of accountability go up in smoke. Her original thoughts were never that important, and the significance of the idea that she was the one authoring them was always a bit overrated. My mission is to someday clear this all up for everyone. Remove the ambiguity, suck the mud out of the water. It’ll be a lot better that way, trust me."
>to old callie, dirk's plan "[john’s] ultimate sacrifice was made to put the missing keystone in place and avert the supreme dissipation of all that shall be considered to hold truth, relevance, and essentiality."
>although narrator callie thinks this world has some sort of actual free will. says "[john should kiss terezi etc]. it’s wrong to contradict one’s true thoughts and feelings. irrational. unbecoming of an existence governed by free will."
>his plan to give everyone/ultimate gods “free will” will end up destroying canon????
DIRK’S PLAN PART 2 (complacency of the learned, ultimate self)
>complacency of the learned, 12 people attaining ultimate knowledge (=ultimate self), and turning "either insane or evil"
> (candy ending, rose’s POV) "The thoughts in her powerful brain race. What will they name the planet? How long will it take for the ship to arrive? Once the new race has established an advanced enough civilization thousands of years from now, who will the lucky kids be? The ones who get the chance to play what will arguably be the most important session in the history of Sburb?" 
>finding more people to attain ultimate godhood???
>dirk asks terezi to come with him and rose at the end of meat, along with john's body (implied that she did accept-callie!jade points and dave thinks she points both to dirk+rose and john+terezi, callie doesnt prove him otherwise)
>dirk wants 12 ultimate gods for each aspect????
>"If your perception expands beyond the meat sack of your body, then are you really an individual anymore? Why shouldn’t we become gods? Why shouldn’t we become one God."
- (callie speaking) "[John] is simply being barred from ignoring his true thoughts. even without the aid of a juju, he is fortunate enough to be blessed with the only true form of divinity. to be released from the prison of nonsensical inhibitions which so often psychologically hobble the more primitive forms of life."
>callie is probably an ultimate god, terezi should be?? with rem8mb8r?
>dirk probably doesnt know hes in a story/that he has an audience (us) "How can I respect a fucking pronoun when nobody can even hear me?”
>does dirk control people by using you-ness? using 2nd person to control, 3rd person to narrate?
>”JADE: and where there is an identity, there can also be an agenda.”
>part of the black hole, a utopia, place removed from reality/canon in some way??? WEIRDO DREAM BUBBLE????
>cut off from canon in some way- dirk and rose cant get to ultimate godhood anymore, john cant use retcon powers
>candy!john mentions multiple times he doesnt think of him and his friends as "real"
>sky in candy!timeline described as more vibrant (VS pre-sburb being described as muted)
>CALLIOPE: we’re all going to be very, very happy. I trUly believe that. ^u^ 
>ROSE: Oh Kanaya, you’re right.
ROSE: We are going to be so astonishingly happy!
>ROXY: omg
ROXY: were gonna be SO freakin happy!
>Dirk in Meat: "Cherubs are fuckin’ weird, I’ll totally concede. Still not sure what makes them tick. What they idealize, what they really want. It all comes across to me as a little cloying. Perfection to them is a sweetness beyond comprehension. Sugar so potent it’s poison to us. To our bodies, to our souls. Like the place she was operating from was a realm of self-construction. A bubble of pure, phantasmal confection."
>end of meat!callie can see into candy!timeline ROXY: they stay home all day with the blinds drawn paintin some weird ass shit on the walls
ROXY: its not as bad as it sounds i promise
ROXY: some of it is like
ROXY: weird and violent??
ROXY: like lotsa nasty purple blood and um
ROXY: nudity????
ROXY: yeah yikes
ROXY: but MOST of it is cute stuff like... various combos of all of us being happy and gettin married and shit
>obama’s here. god i need a minute
>dirk told gamzee something??? 
“DAVE: wheres dirk
GAMZEE: tHeRe’S nO nEeD tO wOrRy AbOuT hIm. :o)
GAMZEE: YoU’rE gOnNa GeT wHaT’s BeSt FoR yOu. He ToLd Me ThAt, AnD i’M gOnNa MaKe SuRe HiS wIsH mAkEs LiKe A mOtHeRfUcKiNg MiRaClE aNd GeTs TrUe.
GAMZEE: YoU dOn’T gOt AnY nEeD tO gO aNd CoNcErN yOuRsElF wItH hIs MoRtAl FlEsH bOdY oUt HeRe In ThIs CaNdYcAnE wHiRlPoOl BeYoNd ThE iNfInItE bLaCk WiNk Of ThE wIcKeD sInGuLaRiTy, My NiNjA.
GAMZEE: a SaCk Of MeAt AnD bOnEs In OnE lIfE oR tHe NeXt Is OnLy A mEaNs To ThE fInAl ToTaLiTy ThAt WiLl DaMn AnD rAiSe Us AlL iN bRiLlIaNt ApOtHeOsIs.
GAMZEE: In ThE oNe TrUe LiFe We AlL fLoW fRoM tHe OnE tRuE pEn,
GAMZEE: aNd EvErY hEaD rOlLs DoWn ThE pAtH tO tHe OnE tRuE hAnD.”
> dirk before killing himself:  “ It is the very last moment of narratively consequential action that will happen in this whole, barren world. “
> dirk teaching men about "combat, philosophy, life, love." (jake, dave, obama, not said explicitly but also probably gamzee????) what is UP with that
>gamzee also wanting to teach kid tavros about combat philosophy life love, “to behave the way a mentor does”
>re: john “Your complete lack of remarkability, specific motivation, drive, opinion on where to direct your own fate—these deficiencies are exactly what made you so useful, so susceptible to being endowed with the you-ness I’ve borrowed to satisfy my purposes.”
>at the end of meat, callie in jade's body in candy timeline kills lord english and gets big powers or whatever. cherub stuff
>terezi gets a text at the end of Meat, we dont know from whom (candy!(vriska)?)
>john left letters for everyone in Meat but no one’s found them yet?
>snapchats were probably before the split 
>this whole post makes both me and krav sound like we’re been talking about this for 24 hours straight (we did)
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jaimetheexplorer · 5 years
I brought down by niks latest interview.Saying "J never needed redemp.He was a guy who certain circumstances in his life e.g. Kingslayer so then he needed to redeem himself bc he did this horrible thing when killing the Mad King. Then N said the redemp arc where he had to be good guy, stay with Bri etc that's not GOT.You cant erase ur prev life.Jaime bel that redeem urself meant redeeming his past and he couldnt. He can't cut off who he was.The idea of leaving C alone is impossible to him" Wtf?
2/2 Downhearted anon. Just that interview makes no sense. In prev season interviews, wasnt Nik wanting Jaime to escape Cersei for good and be with Braime forever, like he was the biggest Braime shipper??? I dont understand. Does he think ppl don’t remember stuff? Its a shame theres no way to ask him about this.
Dear Downhearted anon,
I have to admit I read only a short excerpt from that interview, so I might have missed some of the other content, but, from what I read, this is what I can say.
There are different layers to his comments, IMO. One is the take on the story, and the other is the justification of the writing choices. And, as much as I might vehemently disagree with the former, what I take issue with is the latter.
When it comes to the take on the story, we have to remember that he has to talk about the actual content of the show. The show, unfortunately, did go with the idea that Jaime is essentially doomed to never escape his past. I do not believe that is his arc in the books for many reasons, and I think it was extremely underwhelming, nihlistic and unsatisfying even just taking the context of the show into account. But, unfortunately, nihilistic and unsatisfying is what we got. The show was aiming for romanticizing incest and abuse romantic tragedy with JC, in the end (I actually think there was a far more disastrous chain of events at play, which required multiple OOC developments for multiple major characters just to arrive to Jon killing Dany - but that’s a longer story), and it is what it is. He has to talk about the reality of the episodes, not the alternatives.
If you take most of Nik’s comments, and go back to read D&D’s and Cogman’s interviews from the past, you’ll notice that it’s mostly stuff that’s lifted straight from their quotes, even down to the language: “good guy/bad guy”, “he doesn’t have a redemption arc”, “it’s just life, and he has made some mistakes”. I don’t know whether this is because he had a “final season” briefing with them and came around to see things their way and agree, or because he was told this is what he was supposed to say about the story, or because even though he doesn’t agree with it, this is what was written in the end and so this is what he talks about. His reasoning for saying these things is anybody’s guess and kind of beyond the point. But, where before he used to have his own take on the character and his arc, he’s now basically regurgitating the party line.
For my part, I never completely disagreed with the idea that Jaime does not need redemption per se. Jaime doesn’t need atonement for slaying the Mad King, for sure. He needs recognition for that. He needs atonement for a other horrible things he’s done, but even those (e.g., pushing Bran, the incest) are more about moral gray areas areas than villainous behaviour per se, since he’s never committed atrocious acts just for his own selfish gain, or for power, or because he enjoyed hurting and killing. More importantly, I have always seen Jaime’s story as more of an identity arc, where redemption is just one component. In that sense, I can agree with the take that that he is a “complex character who, at times, has made some terrible mistakes”. Jaime is not, and never was, a straightforward villain who needs to atone for his sins. He’s a much more complex and layered mix of sins and honour, and goodness and idealism turned bitterness and cynicism, and a messy product of living most of his life in toxic and abusive environments who, in some situations, has committed some horrible mistakes that he needs to own up to and face the consequences of, and who is trying to redefine and reinvent himself in the aftermath of some life-changing events such as losing his hand, meeting Brienne and growing disillusioned with Cersei. 
The problem is that, while D&D preach about Jaime being a complex character who does not need a ‘cheesy’ linear redemption arc, they also, in the same breath, justify an ending that shoves him precisely into a clear, black-and-white, simplistic category (”he just accepts he is a hateful man”) or display the psychological depth of a 5th grader (go check out their take on the sept scene in their Oxford Union Q&A and their inability to think in any more complex terms than “good guy/bad guy” or to understand that not all “bad” actions are equal). They’re not deep writers, and that shows painfully in their execution. But I can understand the “no need for redemption” arc, from a theoretical/philosophical perspective.
What I take far more issue with is justifying writing choices by attempting to play the realism card, or the adult writing card, or the “this is GoT” card, basically implying that everyone who dislikes or criticize it is being unrealistic, immature or unsophisticated for not accepting the only inevitable outcome to a story (I wrote a twitter thread about it this week). Just because your story has decided to depict things in a certain way, it does not mean that that is the only realistic option for the story, and that people who expected/wanted/hoped for something different were fooling themselves, let alone that it had to be written that way because that is how life works.
Sure, there are people who fail to break away from their (abusive, traumatic, toxic, what have you) past and move on, but there are also plenty of people who do, and who end up thriving. One outcome isn’t any more realistic or true to life than the others. And, while some might think this is a hyperbole, it is highly irresponsible, IMO, to say that being unable to escape toxicity and your past is “the way things are”, when there might be people out there who do struggle with trauma, toxic and abusive relationship (or know people who do).
On top of that, it is rather silly to imply that we were expecting some unrealistic, too-easy scenario, where Jaime flipped a switch and totally erased his past overnight. That implication is misguided, at best, and dishonest, at worst. We put up with four entire seasons of show-only “non-linear” storytelling when it comes to Jaime, and were incredibly patient with it. Wasn’t the point of those four seasons precisely to show that life is complicated and he couldn’t just let go of his past so easily? We watched that. It happened. Nothing about this was easy or unearned.
Had we been shown a Jaime who was 100%, stupidly and completely devoted to Cersei at every turn, cruel, evil, selfish and not caring about the innocents, of course expecting an outcome where he just leaves it all behind for a honourable wench or what have you would have been a ridiculous expectation to have. Indeed, back when Jaime did come across as that kind of character, nobody was expecting anything from him. He could have died with Cersei under those bricks and most wouldn’t have cared.
Instead, for years, we were shown a Jaime that did struggle between his toxic past/Cersei and his honour and, far more often than not, we saw his honour win out. While I can see an argument for saying that didn’t guarantee an outcome where he did break free of his past for good, it’s not like like there was no buildup or seeding for the more positive, less nihilistic alternative. So I don’t find it so far fetched to have expected the events of S7 to be the last straw that finally tipped the scales completely to the other side (especially considering how 8x02 was written very heavily to imply just that or, at the very least, did not seed any doubt).
By Nikolaj’s own admission in TONS of interviews, he had been fighting with D&D for years because he expected things to move in a certain direction and kept getting frustrated when they didn’t, or when they confused him. He wanted the exact same things we wanted for Jaime and in his relationships with Cersei and Brienne since SEASON 2. He might have resigned himself in the end to having lost the battle, but he behaved exactly like us for years. So, assuming he believes what he is saying, if I could talk to him, I’d ask him how is it that he got the same feeling of “expectation” for something that in the end never came? Maybe because the seeding for both options were there all along? Maybe because, if the seeding for both options were there all along, the alternative isn’t so far fetched and inconceivable after all? Maybe because if the alternative isn’t so far fetched and inconceivable after all, then what we got isn’t the only inevitable way this could go down? Food for thought.
Of course, I want to believe that he isn’t that tone-deaf and unsophisticated as an actor (and a writer) not to realize that the only problem with the way Jaime and JB were written in S8 was not the fact that they didn’t get a HEA. Ignoring the writing quality, for a moment, and just focusing on the writing choices, there were literally dozens of ways of writing a story that ended even in a similar tragedy (EVEN with Jaime dying with Cersei), that would have been far better and more satisfying than what we got. The problem isn’t that Jaime didn’t declare his everlasting love for Brienne or that he didn’t stay together with her. The problem is that we patiently waited through all the buildup and seeding mentioned above, for years, for a relationship that ended up being butchered within 30 minutes, destroying literally everything it ever stood for (first and foremost trust and respect - I am not going to list everything, but Jaime trying to sneak out without so much of a goodbye and being completely indifferent to her pain after she vouched for him and saved his life multiple times was not only OOC, but completely unnecessary to the plot, unless it aimed to destroy the foundations of their bond, way beyond the romance).
To conclude, I’ll leave you with GRRM’s own words, when asked about Jaime’s redemption arc that he, unlike the show, has explicitly stated he wishes to explore:
“I want there to be a possibility of redemption for us, because we all do terrible things. We should be able to be forgiven. Because if there’s no possibility of redemption, what’s the answer then?”
The show decided that the answer is that we don’t escape our past. We are doomed from the beginning and any attempt to change and move on is eventually futile (and that ended up being true of nearly every character in the show, not just Jaime). But that doesn’t seem to be at all the stance GRRM has on this whole thing, and I would dare anyone to tell me that GRRM’s vision and his writing are inferior, too easy, or less realistic than what we got from the show.
There’s no guarantee that Jaime will survive in the books, or that he and Brienne will get a HEA (although I do not rule it out at all).  But the fact that the man who invented these characters and this world has a different stance on Jaime and redemption automatically invalidates any nonsense show people can say about how this was the perfect and only way it could end, and that expecting anything different from this series was wishful thinking.
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thegoldenavenger · 5 years
i know someone has to have done this meta before but! spinel in the steven universe movie and duets!
spoilers for the su movie! (and a sentence spoiler for the su season 6 maybe)
first, she interrupts the crystal gems dueting, ending their song and not even attempting to harmonize with them. 
then, in who we are spinel tries to bring back steven’s (her best friend’s!) theme of “here we are in the future and everything is wrong” but she missed her cue.  steven is done with his pity party and has joined with bismuth, lapis and peridot.  spinel wants steven to be happy and have fun but she can’t quite understand how to do that.  she wants to join in with the singing but she missed the part where steven crosses over from point a (sad) to point b (ready to plan) and because she doesn’t have the development yet to understand growth and change.  
it’s noticeable that through the rest of the duets between steven and the crystal gems he’s trying to reform she doesn’t try to sing again. perhaps she took steven’s “we’re done singing now” as an order.  she is always trying to participate though, of course she is, as steven’s best friend. who doesn’t try and involve themselves in their friends’ lives? but she doesn’t know how to start a friendship, only how to be in one.  
that isn’t her fault obviously, since she has never had time to develop those skills.  a flash of her post!pink state comes back when steven tries to leave without her, an obvious trigger.  when steven and amethyst sing “no matter what” spinel patiently waits in the background of most shots, trying to get steven’s attention or having fun watching his accomplishments, but she does have a quick frown when steven reaches out to spin amethyst.   and it’s very noticeable that spinel isn’t in or is late to shots where steven and amethyst touch.  
still, as steven’s friend she shows a willingness to be amiable to steven’s other friends.  because you try and be nice to your friends’ other friends.  but she never tries to duet with any of them. even in who we are she tries to sing steven’s part. so she can sing with steven. she’s not interested in singing with the crystal gems, even if that’s the chorus he needs to hear, and even if that’s the only way to sing with him.
(spinel is very supportive of what steven wants to do! “you wanna climb it?” “you can do it steven!” even though she’d be enabling him, or putting him into a dangerous situation) 
it’s when independent together happens with pearl and fusions that really sets spinel off though.  seeing garnet fuse doesn’t bother her because sapphire and ruby aren’t steven.  she even likes garnet, the only gem she initiates touch with.  garnet is just as new and purposeless as her. a blank slate if you will.  
the greg & steven fusion hits spinel so hard for the same reason it hits pearl so hard! steven is no longer there to be her best friend.  garnet gets into the show because she’s learning how to be independent together but spinel does not know how to do that.  garnet flies off with lion, leaving spinel behind, again bringing up her original trauma.  there’s no room for her in the duet and she doesn’t even try. 
both steven and spinel’s arcs are about change. 
finally steven reaches out to spinel for spinel’s second song of the movie drift away which is almost a duet with pink--but spinel has to sing it alone.  there is no pink to duet with now.  spinel’s reversed-sounding theme perfectly encapsulates spinel’s inability to look forward, her stagnation and focus on the past. 
she finally gets a chance to duet with steven.  found is when steven and spinel finally sing together.  but they’re still very much not on the same page.  with notes of other friends in the undertones and spinel very much ignoring steven’s message with the song (namely that on earth spinel will have a chance to find someone else to heal with) to double down on best-friending steven. spinel still sings after the duet is over. 
and she very quickly bends over backwards to fit a betrayal into her mindset. she was there when steven found out he couldn’t store the rejuvinater in lion’s mane. but that’s not relevant to her regression, so she makes up a story that validates her anger. 
incidentally, it’s sweet that she sets up the puzzle pieces for steven to help garnet remember truth, since garnet is the only gem spinel sort of liked. though she quickly throws that away, since garnet was never spinel’s real friend anyways. 
spinel once again does not try to duet with garnet, even though garnet is directly addressing her with the lyrics in true kind of love.  “stuck in the middle of fear and shame / everybody’s looking for someone to blame / like it’s a game” 
that’s a direct call back to spinel’s “i’m the looser of the game you didn’t know you were playing!” and also the building blocks of spinel’s and steven’s battle with the “i dont want to play” “it’s not a game” “i came here to take my anger out on a bunch of strangers” it’s a perfect opening for spinel to duet with, even if it’s more antagonist singing but she will not.  
“and now i am better than win-or-loose / there’s a new direction that i’d like to choose” is direct set up for steven’s and spinel’s main conflict. that is: needing to change. 
i havent touched on it yet, but the beginning of the movie is complete antithesis to the themes of steven universe: changing. everything changes, what makes earth amazing is that everyone grows and changes.  steven opens the movie up by saying he wished everything would stay the same.  spinel grants him that wish. 
in change steven is also explicitly opening his song up for spinel to join in! but she can’t make a change.  she says it herself “when i change i change for the worse!” she is terrified of change, she has no faith in herself.  after venting her anger, spinel finally sees that she doesn’t know how to really be friends with someone.  
no body ever said spinel was pink’s friend.  just her playmate.  steven was the only person she had a chance to be friends with.  and she kind of messed that up.  
now she realizes she needs focus on herself before trying to insert herself into steven’s life.  
in come the diamonds! obviously the movie ends with bookends! the diamonds singing let us adore you to steven.  they’re all harmonizing together, showing that theyre actually working together now and communication.  very different from the forced synchronization white diamonds made happen with her brilliance.  
now when they sing let us adore you (reprise) spinel gets her duet. her parts of found fit in perfectly with the new let us adore you and she effortlessly switches parts, as do the diamond trio. i know a lot of people had (valid) issues with the diamonds just picking up spinel but in context of the musical cues in the movie it really works 
finale is of course the final bookend to the movie, steven’s leitmotif and here we are in the future shining very clearly.  in a huge bombastic final musical number, again it’s very obvious that spinel isn’t included.  neither are the diamonds, for that matter. because none of them know how to actually get a long with steven!
(that makes it very cool that she’s in the su6 intro, because it implies she and the diamonds have grown and changed and are now able to get a little closer to steven!!
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stigmaframe · 5 years
An Analysis on Sentients
cuz why not, they’re my favorite bad guy faction cuz they’re so alien and interesting. granted some of the shit we find out sorta demystifies them, but i still like em
so back in the very start, a given Archimedian, which i think is an Orokin term for scientist, named Perintol created a type of terraforming machine, its base form was a black star-shaped entity, no bigger than a hand. it looked rather simple, seamless, and matte. its insides looked gelatinous and glossy. its designed with the ability to change its physical properties on a level microscopic if not molecular. this would be useful because they were to be used to reach and Terraform Tau, the journey to which is described as perilous.
the Terraforming Machines would collectively travel the path, adapting and propogating environment around them as they go, with the specific purpose of not only making the Tau system habitable for the Orokin, or rather, the humans, but they would also build an interstellar rail with which the humans would travel to Tau.
based on the Mag Prime lore, we know that the Terraforming Machines at least finished the interstellar rail. and the Terraforming machines adapted to such an extent that they evolved...and they evolved to such an extent that they literally became sentient, self aware, thinking machines.
and whats especially remarkable is the fact that they are, in some odd form, alive. they went from being dynamic adaptive machines to thinking and living machines, quite comparable to the potential positive outcome of the Geth in Mass Effect 3.
the machinery that makes Sentients function is exactly the same as when they were simple Terraforming machines, the only difference is the forms they take. they are physically diverse and regulated by a unique life force. considering the terminology Hunhow uses, each distinct unit is considered a piece of a full Sentient body. but at the same time, that body is commanded as though the individual units are drones and thus require direction by a host or “regent” of sorts.
every Sentient unit is linked to a regent. and every regent is linked to a singular master regent, which im assuming is the Sentient Mother that Natah mentions. Hunhow is the regent to all that comprises his body, including Natah, who is a regent herself. because of this, he can invade her thoughts. however because of Natah’s own regent status, i dont think her mind can be overriden indirectly, specifically indirectly. then again, it could simply require a powerful regent to perform such a thing.
its not very easy to know all the things a Sentient can possibly do, but one thing they absolutely cannot do is adapt to the properties of the Void. Archimedian Perintol put in this flaw as a safety measure, because he knew that such an adaptive machine could evolve to intelligence, which is something that the Orokin forbade. so no matter how hard they try, the Void would always compromise their structures. but whats interesting about this is that not only is the void poison to Sentients, it also makes them sterile, incapable of further propogating. for beings that can travel the Cephalon Weave(which is the digital network of the Cephalons), this is a very odd flaw to have.
so at some point during their Sentient status, they learned that the Orokin were responsible for the bad state of the Origin System, whatever that be. and they concluded that the Orokin would bring ruin to the Tau System as well, the place that the Sentients call their home. it is unknown if a prior conflict transpired, but either way, the Sentients went to war with the Orokin. its likely that they attacked first. and seeing that they now have to fight, the Sentient regents reconfigured their bodies for war.
speaking of which, thats how Sentients carry out tasks. they reconfigure themselves to be fit for such tasks; a Battalyst cannot do the things a Conculyst can. and there might be constraints to what configurations regents can conjure up. for example, there is yet no evidence suggesting that Hunhow knows how to configure Mimics or Teralysts, not to mention the form of the dead tower-size regent outside the plains. this is not to say that he is incapable of learning.
so the Sentients are at war with the Orokin. they sent their regents through the rail into the Origin System to battle, this unfortunately rendered them sterile. but they continued to slaughter the human forces. then the scales tilted in the favor of the Orokin when they unleashed the Tenno.
as revealed in The Sacrifice, Ballas had been conspiring with Hunhow, who was likely leading the other regents in the war. Hunhow knew about the secret of the Tenno. so he forms a plan to use the Tenno to destroy the Orokin, and then the Tenno. he used one of his offspring, a Mimic specialist named Natah to infiltrate the Orokin ranks, likely with help from Ballas. she is reconfigured not only in form, but identity as well. she becomes the Lotus, guide to the Tenno. she was placed somewhere in Lua.
Hunhow allowed himself and his forces to be destroyed, to give the Orokin a false sense of victory, a sense that the threat was over. considering that he could neither recover nor replace the fragments he lost due to his sterility, this was a very hefty sacrifice, even for them. his remains were sealed in a tomb in the oceans of Uranus. however he only feigned death; his life force was never completely destroyed, and there was enough living mass left of him.
System are either all destroyed or driven out back to Tau. and humanity celebrates. but Lotus, still following her original directive, gets the Tenno to kill off the Orokin for good. she was supposed to then silence the Tenno as well, but i guess her Lotus identity compromised the identity of Natah, and she betrayed her race as a consequence.
so the Lotus recalls the Tenno faction while another regent drops down on Earth to decimate Orokin establishments, resulting in a conflict with Gara and the Unum, from the telling of this story, we the players learn that Sentients are weak to sunlight and radiation, and that kuva can make sterile Sentients fertile.
this regent attempts to consume the kuva of the Unum but Gara sacrifices herself to destroy the regent’s mind. all of its body falls upon the plains, the material properties of which being altered by the terraforming attributes of the pieces.
even though the regent is dead, his life force is still present within the pieces of his body. a given warframe was assigned to stand guard and make sure this life force doesnt arise again, but it overwhelmed the warframe and consumed it, turning it into Revenant. and with Revenant out of the picture, the life force was free to manifest, reanimating a broken Teralyst corpse and a bunch of supporting Vomvalysts. these are ghosts...zombies...shadows of what they once were, and are thus dubbed Eidolons.
one thing that ive noted about the Teralyst variants at least is that, while they are autonamous, they are not actually aware. unlike the Teralysts, the Vomvalysts actually can attack you directly with intent. none of the Teralyst’s attacks are direct, except for homing-based ones. its a brain-dead entity swiping at flies. its able to perform its given functions, but it’s not coordinated at all. it wanders with no specific destination, and it attacks no specific target. its missing its regent. it doesnt know that, but it does feel that something is missing. compare that to the Ropalolyst, who knows what its trying to kill, who knows that it exists to watch over the gas city.
i wonder though, is it possible for one regent to claim the remnants of another. could Hunhow perhaps link up with and become a host to the wandering Eidolons? it would be an interesting idea.
so time passes and the events of the game happen. being that as a Sentient, Hunhow can configure his body parts to whatever is necessary, he forges armor and a sword for the Stalker, not only granting him Sentient abilities but also allowing Hunhow to speak to him via the sword so they can do their tenno murdering together. its implied that Hunhow’s mind is housed in the sword itself, which is peculiar since the Stalker, with Hunhow, was in the void. but also, when the warframe broke the War, Hunhow disappeared for a time.
by Octavia’s Anthem, it’s revealed that he hid within the Cephalon Weave. i find this rather odd; if it is so that his mind was completely separate from his body, then that brings Sentient meta into question. if a regent can move his mind anywhere else, even if it contradicts proximity, then there’s something to the Sentients we just dont know yet, it implies that their links are metaphysical. Hunhow, while being directly in the Weave, used a cephalon to protect his fragments...who were in the friggin Void, the interdimensional hellspace of the story...he was even able to manipulate the Weave such that he made Datalysts. its known that Sentients can control technology, but this is overpowered as hell. the whole linking aspect is one thing, but they can link to Sentients IN THE VOID FROM WARFRAME CYBERSPACE.
we know Hunhow is purged from the Weave but we currently dont know if he’s alive or dead. but Natah, that’s a weird one. she was in Lua, which she had(as Lotus) moved to the Void. we dont know if her chamber had some sort of protective aspect that kept her alive, or if Lua simply had properties that didnt follow the rules. but either way Natah, as Lotus, remained unharmed for some reason.
but more than that, she is a Mimic-based regent. her particular form was such that it could imitate the likeness of humans. now whether or not this was on a molecular level is worthy of debate, but its clear that she had the spitting image of Margulis. that is extremely efficient. what if Natah had the power to assimilate Warframes and Tenno? that would be very scary. she tricked the Tenno, Ballas, and Alad already. what more is she capable of?
well i guess she is capable of turning organic matter into Sentient matter, as evidenced by Ballas’s current state. and not only that, the Sentient part of Ballas obeys Natah’s command, and so she uses Ballas as a watcher and seeing through his eyes. Natah also partnered with Alad V to create the hybrid Amalgams, a possible future for the Sentient race, one that is unburdened by the weakness to the Void. if it isnt clear already, Sentients are dangerous.
and to add to that, the master regent, the Mother that Natah mentions, is a living ship outpost that can consume debris and probably convert it into more Sentient mass. so the Mother is not only a ship, its a factory. one of the things it has built is the Ropalolist. and it was likely through Natah’s knowledge of the Tenno and warframes that it was configured to negate warframe abilities. thats insane. whats even more insane is that the Ropalolist that we fight is only a means for Natah to assess our threat level. there are probably worse things to look forward to in Tau, such as Teralysts that ARENT Eidolons.
so to summarize, Sentients are a mistake. its a shame that the only Sentient that was on our side is now against us. unless we can unite the factions or perhaps even get Man in the Wall to help us, we’re probably fucked when The New War drops.
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