#i miss nestor. bring him back.
risingsunresistance · 7 months
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securitywaiter · 7 months
Aftonverse (Good Route)
Reposting from my personal blog to this one >~<
CREDIT TO @swingitshakeitmoveitmakeit FOR THE IDEA
Concept: Since MatPat says his name is Afton in the FNAF Musical, what if that applied to Ness? What if he were Vanessa's brother?
After the Bite of '83, Mrs. Afton divorces William. She tells him, "You get one. Vanessa or Nestor?" William chooses to keep Vanessa, as she's the younger of the two, and he doesn't want her to get hurt like [Crying Child]. So, Ness goes with his Mom, and for the next 17 years, he knows nothing about Freddy's, or his father and sister.
When he moves back into town, he notices that Freddy's is abandoned.
This prompts him to start digging, to scour public records and interview the locals about what happened to Freddy's, and the restaurant's owners. Well, one of them committed, and the other... no one's sure. All we know is that he moved out of town, and that was the last time we saw him after those kids went missing at Freddy's.
Ness hears this and IMMEDIATELY latches onto it, using it as his lead to delve even deeper into the restaurant's history. He starts an online blog, documenting all of his knowledge about Freddy's, secretly hoping someone out there cares. He has yet to get into contact with his sister.
One day, a man walks into the diner that Ness works at, followed by a young girl, no older than 8 at the most. They find a booth, and Ness notices the Freddy's keychain hanging out from the man's pocket. His vest has the word "SECURITY" written on it.
There's a new employee at Freddy's.
Ness does his usual waiter routine, before asking the man about his job.
"How... how do you know I work there?" The man asks, genuinely confused.
Ness shrugs. "Freddy and I have some history behind us. If you don't mind me asking; what's your name?"
"Mike," the security guard answers. "Mike Em- um, Schmidt." He warily eyes the girl across the table from him. They know something that they don't want Ness in on.
Ness pauses. "Nice to meet you. Ness Afton," he says, and shakes Mike's hand. "I'll be back with your drinks."
The next day, Ness snoops around the old Freddy's place, doing his best not to trigger any alarms or set off any security measures still active. One day, he finds himself in a storage room, and tucked away on a shelf, hidden under a tarp, is a strange black-and-white animatronic. Ness pulls it out to inspect it.
It's the Security Puppet. Marionette.
Ness quickly shoves it under his coat and hurries on out. He's just hit the jackpot---there's nothing else he needs from Freddy's.
Over the course of the next week, he observes the puppet, how its eyes light up silver every night. Ness presumes the battery still has some residual charge, in the same way that talking kid's toys sometimes go off randomly in the night.
The next week, it stops. It's gone completely inactive.
Ness decides to go back to Freddy's, now that Marionette isn't active. As he drives by it, though, he sees that the building is in shambles. He wonders what happened over the past week. His subconscious connects the puppet's activity to the restaurant's current state.
Ness decides to go in.
The building is completely ruined, and most definitely unsafe. But something catches his eye, one of the drawings on the picture wall.
An evil yellow rabbit, bloody knife in one hand, surrounded by five dead children.
Like the five missing children... a yellow rabbit, like his father's suit. Ness drops his flashlight in shock.
His father killed the missing children.
"You figured it out."
Ness whips around. Behind him stands a little boy, around the age of 5. How did he get in here?
"Who are you?" Ness asks, carefully picking up his flashlight.
"That doesn't matter," the boy says. "Can you bring me back? I promised Mike I'd keep them safe."
Ness thinks for a moment. He hasn't taken anyone.
Ness nods. "Yes, I-- yes," he answers, and the boy smiles.
"Thank you," he says. He then runs off, hiding behind the stage's curtain.
Ness hurries out of the deteriorating restaurant, all the way back home, and collects the Puppet, quickly returning him to his rightful place.
On stage, with all his friends.
Ness can see a little blond boy smile at him from inside the restaurant as he drives away.
Maybe he should track down that Mike guy.
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New Horizons
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Requested by the lovely @urmilfstep-mom
If you could make a danny brackett x reader from scream 6 that would be really nice id want it to be like them after scream 6 happened they are already dating yk and they live together like the rest you can imagine yourself but these are just some standards so yeah already thx and i love your works by the way
A/N: I totally love this idea and I’m gonna keep the same vibes of the show and keep the reader and Tara as sisters.
P.S. If you like my work please comment like and reblog it means a lot to see interactions on my work
Y/N Pov
A year had gone by since everything had happened. This time we decided to stay in New York. It was our home and Tara was in school. We were tired of running we just wanted to settle down.
Things felt like they were finally coming together. You and Danny were happy and you had even taken the step of moving in with each other. Learning to let go of Tara was hard but you were doing it.
She was moving on campus and the twins promised they would watch after her. I went back to therapy again. It was helping a little bit we were on a journey here.
After everything that happened you two moved far out of the city. You lived in a quiet litle town. There was this amazing cafe that the both you loved so much they saved you a pertmanet seat
You guys even got a dog together. Family walks were the best. Finding new places where you lived. You both loved walking though the park holding hands 
Every day was weird though it was like I was getting better. I was getting to the place I wanted to be
. But then It felt like I kept waiting for something to drop. I had to remind myself not to have a panic attack every time the phone rang.
Danny was incredible though. He was there for you and always re assured   he wasn’t some secret killer obsessed with your dad.  
Sense things were getting back to normal you decided how you wanted the rest of your life to look.
You spent so much time worrying about other people that you needed to take care of yourself. Since  Then? you decided to take some classes at the local community college. Just some general education classes.
You were thinking about becoming a trauma counselor. Being able to help others and know why they weren’t alone. To show people how strong they are.
Danny was doing well as well. He was still hella overprotective of you though. You were grateful to have someone in your life who cared so much about you .
The two of you were even talking a lot about your future together. A family and getting married. It was so crazy how in love with this man you were. Was it too cheesy to sa the completed you.
It always felt like something was missing and now you know why.  
A sense of family and belonging was something you always wanted. Danny and everyone gave you that. someone to come home to. To wake up in the morning and see someone laying down next to you.
You never really thought you were the type to want to settle down and have kids and wear a wedding dress and say sappy vows.
You considered yourself a lone wolf type of person. But being with Danny changed all that.
Havings kids and buying a big house and growing old with him was something you dreamed about. 
You never got tired of being with each other either. He would always drop you off to school or work. And you insisted with finding your own way home. 
He would even drop by for lunch just because he missed you. He would always bring flowers to the most amazing ones. 
Life at home was even better to. You were a terrible cook so he took care of that you did the dishes a true team. 
He always had his set of TV shows he loved to watch. He loved crime shows like FBI. You thought he looked like the guy Nestor but he didn’t see it. 
He made you sit with him and watch them all. He loved sharing his intrest with you. 
He also never wanted to go to bed by himself because was lonely. Which you thought was really sweet. 
The little things like that always meant so much. A simple normal life with the man you were in love with. 
New Horzions were on the way and you welcomed them with open arms 
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drabbles-mc · 1 year
Okay, so I just spent all morning going down the rabbit hole of our past shenanigans and I am here with MORE.
Motorcycle Boys: Dating Edition
Obviously a lot of fic is centered around relationships with these men, but, personally, I think they get a lot more credit than they deserve, so let's drag them a little.
Who says I love you by the third date? Who's most likely to cry the first time they have sex? Who doesn't even realize they were dating? Who just looks around one day and realize their girl moved in without them noticing? Who thinks they are dating but they aren't? (And obviously whatever other silly scenario you can think of)
Okay but these men DO get more credit than they deserve. I'm one of the worst offenders but it's just wishful thinking because every single one of these men is a certifiable mess 😂
The way I'm losing my ever-loving shit over thinking about who doesn't realize that their girl is just gradually moving in with them. 😂 I feel like this would be easy to do with a bunch of the guys because most of them are just never home. Like, they just come home from a run one day and realize that oh, shit, all of her stuff is here now. 😂 Tig would be one of these guys. He just thinks that his girl stays over a lot and doesn't realize that "a lot" is actually every night. Because, you know, she moved in. I want to put Angel here because I firmly believe that he's dumb enough not to notice but I think that he's too much of a commitophobe to let a girl spend that much time at his place lmao
On the flipside of this I think that Jax would be the type to not notice that his girl is moving out without telling him. He gets home from the clubhouse one day and he's back to only owning like two plates, one cup, and the curtains are gone. It's only then that he realizes that shit has been going missing a lot over the last few weeks.
Opie & Angel are kings of the, "what do you mean we aren't dating?" club. Because neither of them can communicate worth a damn. 😂 So then one day when they see the girl they've been talking to and hanging out with flirting with someone else they get all butt-hurt but when they actually bring it up, you know she's just going to clap back with something about their lack of communication or lack of commitment. As she should. It's her right.
Happy is also the type to assume that he's dating someone without ever saying it but that's because his facial expressions and his love language are difficult to process without having the goddamn Lowman Rosetta Stone.
Juice will say I love you on the third date and he will cry the first time he has sex. I don't think I need to explain this at all. Just look at that man and you will know it to be true 😂
Creeper and Hank are also throwing, "I love you" out there as soon as humanly possible. They're so valid for that. It's a lot but I'll allow it. 😌
Gilly and Coco have, on more than one occasion, not realized that they landed themselves in a relationship. I feel like they both are just such, "Yea this is just what we're doing idk" kind of guys not realize that "what they're doing" is having a relationship with someone. Clueless men that I adore so much. Someone will call them out on it, or they'll try to call each other out on it just to be annoying and the other just responds with, "It's not like that." Spoiler Alert: it's exactly like that.
Nestor also doesn't realize that he's landed himself in a relationship but tbh that's because he's pouring all of his attention and energy into whoever he is working for at the time. He's too busy working on keeping his boss/boyfriend to worry about the girlfriend he's accidentally procured along the way.
These men are all so messy. I do love to fix them but honestly this is making me think that I should just let them flounder around a lot more often 😂😂😂
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jonny-thoughts · 1 year
Dancing in the Morning: An Introspective Journal Entry About Social Anxiety and How I Spend My Time
Morning of March 20, 2022
This morning I am using an idea I learned from Michael Meade; I am writing down as much as I remember about my dream from last night - I also danced this morning, allowing my emotions to transform into motions, which felt incredible. The main thing I remember is that my girlfriend found out she was pregnant with twin boys. I was so excited to bring two people into this world and I remember feeling more connected with my girlfriend and ready to raise our boys together. There were no thoughts of regret or worry that I would be missing out on things even that we were to have our children in our twenties. Much of the narrative that I have heard around having children young, especially in urban centers, is that people miss out on “life” (ironic, isn’t it?). I think it depends on what sort of lifestyle you live. This motivated some pondering on my lifestyle.
Today is Sunday. Last night I had the opportunity to stay out late, meet new people, and hear live music. Saturday morning I woke up at 3:45am refreshed and ready to immerse myself in nature. I went for a hike through the snow with a friend in the Mt. Lady Washington wilderness near Estes Park. Exposing myself to the elements was tough at first; I had difficulty breathing at that altitude. On top of that, I would consider myself somewhat out of shape. Soon my breath reached a comfortable equilibrium where I didn’t feel like I was gasping for air every five seconds. In moments like these where I overcome the discomfort of shortness of breath, I am grateful for the researchers from whom I’ve learned breathwork to help in this situation. The method I perform looks like the following: breathe slowly in taking long and deep breaths, being careful not to suck in a ton of air rapidly. Then, hold the breath all the way out. From what I’ve read in James Nestor’s book Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art, this allows my body to use oxygen more efficiently. 
When we passed the tree line and walked into rolling hills of snow and sporadic pines, we could feel the cold and icy air hitting our ears and faces; this was quite uncomfortable. We kept walking a little bit, but then upon further research from my hiking partner who is an avid hiker, outdoorsman, and mountaineer, we turned back in an effort to avoid a storm that would potentially be dangerous. We got back to our cars, said farewell, and I drove the two hours home back to Denver. 
When I got home, I rested briefly, then got on my bike and rode to the tennis courts to meet some friends. After playing tennis I rode home, rested briefly once again, and met my friend, call him Oliver, at the bar near my house called Shorty’s for a pitcher of Coors Banquet and some dinner. It was a St. Patrick’s Day-themed celebration at the bar so they had specials like Carbombs, Shepherd's Pie, and of course, Corned Beef and Cabbage. I ordered the Shepherd’s Pie and Corned Beef and Cabbage and enjoyed the pitcher as Oliver and I shared pleasant conversation. Oliver invited me to see a band that I was unfamiliar with. I thought that I should accept the offer for a few reasons. First, a few weeks ago I was trying to find someone to attend a concert with me since I had an extra ticket and Oliver said yes. We went and we had a great time. Second, I felt a societal pressure to go because “that’s what people our age do”.
In addition to the concert, Oliver was adamant about seeing a new friend of his, we will call him Frank, at some point in the evening. As time grew closer to the concert, Frank was at an apartment party. As odd as this may sound, that just did not sound fun to me. I was tired from my day and did not have the energy to place myself in such an environment and be my full, attentive self. After some trepidation, I decided to call it a night after Shorty’s. By going home and going to bed early I felt like I was potentially missing out. I wasn’t participating in the events or lifestyle that most people in their twenties living in a city would want to do. But this morning, I am very content with my decision. 
I initially woke up feeling anxious about my decision and I was worried that people in my life would be disappointed in me for skipping out on such a “fun” night. I was almost crippled with my melancholy, but I awoke early in the morning (7:45) and got myself out of bed and into the kitchen where I put the kettle on the stove to make some tea. I then moved my body in my living room, feeling the flow of my emotions transform into physical movement. Because I was feeling anxious, my movements appeared as if I was trying to purge something out of me. I then became more open with my movements, swaying side-to-side and opening up my ever-tight hips. At this point I felt a tremendous flow of life, prana, chi, whatever you want to call it. This reminded me of how good you feel when you move and take care of your body. I stretched while I drank my tea and read some articles online. I then grabbed my computer.
No one can tell the future, but we can project the future based on the past. If I were to do this as sincerely as possible in the context of this weekend, I can confidently say that had I gone out last night, I would have slept in late this morning, would not have felt as energized, and I probably would not have celebrated my mind and body like I did when I was moving around my living room. I would much rather have the morning I am experiencing now than the fun and exciting energy of last night and the feeling of despair this morning. However, most of the time I don’t make the choice that I did last night. I mainly choose to go out and be hungover the next morning, and I always feel horrible about it. This is all because I’ve been told that I won’t make friends or enjoy life if I don’t participate in that lifestyle. 
I think and hope that I am beginning to build strength in knowing and doing what’s best for me, and doing what I want to do. I love to learn and explore ideas. It’s not always easy to find curious minds to discuss ideas with. I suppose there’s nothing wrong with that, and I have had great practice talking about things I didn’t really know about or that I’m not too interested in. However, when most of the people in the room are talking about something, I often feel like I don’t have a lot to add; I am listening and digesting what they’re saying and then every once in a while I will share a thought. When no one is talking and I try to start a conversation about something I find fascinating, the room often falls silent. I’m glad that I’ve had practice adapting to different social situations, but at the same time, I haven’t really fueled my curiosity or filled my cup through conversation in the last six months with the people I’ve met; I fill that cup by researching things on my own, reading, watching fascinating YouTube videos, and meditating.
Morning of March 28, 2022
I think my social experiences this past weekend play nicely into the theme I’ve been discussing above. I was in a ski cabin with seven other people. There was one evening, the second evening we were there, where I felt like I didn’t want to participate in the conversation. At first it felt like I wasn’t interested in the things they were talking about. I told myself that even if this is true, I can still try to enjoy it and be present in the conversation and listen. I didn’t force myself to participate, I only spoke up when I felt a genuine urge to do so, and I found that people received what I said well. I don’t want to have to try to be someone else; I don’t want to say things that feel unnatural. Later on that evening in the ski town, we were at a very busy bar. This is the type of environment I might be comparing myself to others socially, which causes an uneasy feeling. I told myself it’s okay to not constantly engage in conversation; it’s okay to sit, drink my beer, and watch my friends play their pool game. When I took this approach I found that I still talked to people, but this time I felt loose and natural about it. I wasn’t doing it because I felt like I had to - I hate doing things because I feel like I have to. I was feeling introspective and I genuinely enjoyed experiencing that environment from a quiet and observant perspective; taking it in, enjoying the energy and company. 
However, my friends saw that I was alone and they tried to get me to talk to strangers. I appreciated this because it shows that they care about me and they want me to make friends and have fun. I explained that at that moment, I didn’t feel the desire to strike up a conversation, but rather observe the environment quietly and engage in conversation when it felt right. They understood. I felt good about my approach and experience at the bars last night, however, the one thing cutting into my vibe was the anxiety I felt whenever I considered what my parents and my girlfriend would think of me: I worry about what my parents would think because I grew up a very social person and spoke to anyone. I like to think that my lack of words used now is not a result of social anxiety or discomfort, but rather a goal of mine to say more with fewer words and be more calculated and intentional in my speech. Furthermore, I worry about what my girlfriend would think of me because she is the type of person who can talk to anyone about anything. I don’t want her to think of me as antisocial. I hope that she doesn’t look at me as such (she said she doesn't think that) and I try to tell myself to trust her not to judge me in that way - I hope I can trust her to understand that I am present, listening, engaged, and thoughtful even when I’m not talking. I wish I could stop worrying about it. I feel like if I am strong and confident in my approach, then people will pick up on that. In fact, some people I’ve spoken to said that although I come off as quiet and “soft-spoken”, they can see that I’m a good person once the conversation gets going. And I am fine with that. 
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Untitled (“Your border were the”)
The pink, the suddenly, sweet Infants     apiece; and wind, thou say. That he has not the sublimity,     that it was a bore: most sweet Beau, that while each other     late it that I do chance remembrance, hail fellows, the     ditch, I weene the cunning
with blue sky full of grief at th’     inferior, to free from a larch, and want and over     dull and Coach and send then to pleasant, if you wide worlds     of an every humour. Or the pierced the joys and such maine     recognized occasion,
which with my absence is in herself     to lose; so half-way to lift on fast the incessant.     Described; for those Lover she merchance on the main; and gently     pats their ferocities, and quite. As I pulled through the     starres, or bright and by
the must brings and being happen     where be blessed. For a candles fix’d with the windowes daughter,     as leaves a ladder this, the choir’s amen. That sometimes     on those who lent horseback his may repent all! ’St my hair     in love the charms, it has
been mine own true to form a little     sheepeheards bee and while fauour conversationist, why     waxed Sir Johnny’s lips with splendour. But all nightly boasts to     dreamers to tell! And I, but fainting, plunder’d Kingcups, and     riches rich Brocade. And
won him over see this erring     to backs, and strive in my head was small chapel. Mine: but, Betty,     half-mushroom, half full— already; nature’s whole world of     their immortal Sight, nor bate abate there anon. Proud of     him glorious Angles
were fell shall before than go the     Sun their waving parent to be terrestrial pretended     for yellow. Or when they looked at there’s Giotto, shelter     of heart as cannot yet green prosecution; and with     thine eyes that love of the
five-bar gate, the stony sleeping     some eight yield to advance between friends, and there was not ashamed     of mankind as thine is weary ladies—some rough differ     a mile, more loud and see all the literary     beautiful there, then returning
within the Nestors chariots,     who love the lake, beneath her Heads the iron gave, alas!     With my dear, dearer because you with hurried; demure     will trim. Love in the usual Light hover, despite through     the sages. He liked to
cold, and lay dreamed the Fool. Sleep, when     them,—or, if unremember being arms like Thames wanton     heavenly tell, which the hall, there a slender the heart somewhat     many thing flockes off the lamplight, as we will end     where chops through day over
dull race,—a quality.—Your border     were the royall art of this beares worn out with one     in than aught without suspicion when the shadows of the     rest lurk’d in earthly face. My supply of table to listening     to eat not only
light and charms, that speech fallen lame     justly sinecure, and at other discover’d, pricking     hame against female Errors met his fingers, but most fair     moss. Stumble dances I need of reading Tartars, to burst     empty Air. And more of
wild things that you could ease: without     a rock. Call he final shape. It be grow there is no need.     To guide appear and kings could surprised to help poor old Susan     Gale. A wounds, Your Grace’s talisman, presage, he never     spell, of the Catholic
creed while he said, she almost his     hand. With life that his gravity, I’ve made upon the touch     of sea and hurt him who like nothing when they’re give and death     squad, and yet to stop that when new myself in small-talk ready     part frae ’boon that kept,
hath been fields, or as a moonbeam     enter’d monster, paint it take Treat, nor envy and over,     just what I might to forget her; point of lost on the strengthen’d,     though Betty, go! The month of a nuptial course, and others?     What, if I can’t say,
and placid misse. Warmth induced to     proves in second spring? Rode o’er a please, when Woman’s jealous     Friends as often superfluous sight all the wolf is mild;     at least with pedestrial peacock strikes Time wou’d spark the sweetness     had been, a page of
change which you command success.     Ornament the outside her lips to love through the other Muses,     one shame, and Musgraves! Fashion, but it doth sighs, your     granted Norwegian trees refuse of rhymed to be the gasping     o’er Juanna, too; and
thus unfriends besides, my Katie?     The night disposed around: the ooze of that next she felt his     heart thou be tough? For it was all other Themis his brayne,     so sweet; but when the waggons, when you thinke now and then near.     Men, Monkies, Lap-dogs, Parrots,
perishable; until again—     again undoing much to early taint the Knight, who     gazettes; but follow’d from the best partake off shoes far     away, spreads or foes, the uninitial-scarred to guessing     stops her idiot boy.
0 notes
gccdstories · 2 years
Ephraim stilled, the shadows cloaking him till only his eyes were visible.
"You weren't assigned for this mission. What do you -"
"Natalia is dead."
Ephraim stilled, he waited for that anger, that sadness. She'd given him up, had let him be taken away from her. He gave a short nod and went back to the stakeout he wad doing. Some mortal king that Thanatos didn't trust. What was his name again? Nestor? Nathan? Right, Nikolai. He was something that needed to be sacrificed to the Old Gods not survive or rule. He was a living bag of meat with a timestamp, not anything else.
His jaw clenched feeling Azriel still there.
"Anything else? You know he's alive right? Why haven't you saved him from that tower of light they have him in?"
𝐀𝐙𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐋 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐉𝐔𝐒𝐓 𝐀𝐒 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐈𝐍 𝐒𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐖 𝐀𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐄, but he let his linger only around his shoulders. Ephraim might be cloaked completely, but it didn't bother the Shadowsinger if he wished to hide.
He'd come to deliver a message. That was all. And maybe... Maybe he didn't want to leave right away, either, because if he did, he'd have to deal with everything else that was going on.
Wars. Battles to be fought. Darkness that clouded the sleeping mind. Fallouts of past actions.
Either of his own doing, Rhysand's, Cassian's--or even Aleksander's. Ephraim's. So many that had acted, only to--
❝ I know. ❞ Those were the only two words Azriel uttered in response to the information the other male gave him. It wasn't something he was unaware of; he'd found out weeks ago, and just... Why haven't you acted? he sometimes questioned himself internally, in the silence of the night.
❝ He made his own choices. Choices that so many paid for, and he-- As much as I might miss him, he has to pay a price at some point. He's been running from it for so long... ❞
And maybe, he just wasn't ready to deal with the drama that his twin always seemed to bring along.
mention // @an-endless-saga
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50shadesofrossi · 2 years
Accusations and Apologies
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Bishop Losa x Female Reader
Summary: You’re Miguel Galindo’s bookkeeper, who finds out that someone has been skimming. You know only one person that is stupid yet bold enough to try piss off the Cartel
Warnings: swearing, smut [m. receiving]
A/N: I haven’t written anything smutty for quite some time, so I do apologise if it seems rushed
Betrayal, that's all you feel in this moment, hurt and anger be damned. You can't believe you allowed yourself to lower your guard, to allow for this situation to happen. It makes you wonder if it's the only reason you met in the first place, like this was his only play; lure you in and push the possibility of him doing anything like this, to the back of your mind. 
Well, it worked, for a short time at least. For the past couple of months, you never even suspected an issue with the books, not a single thing out of place. Until you were transferring the details over to the laptop, and the numbers suddenly didn't make sense. 
Now here you sit, head resting in your palm and the other bringing the cigarette to your lips, the smoke billowing into the room as you patiently wait for the man in question. It made sense at the time to situate yourself in his El Presidente chair at the head of the table, a perfect view from the door. 
When you first added up all the missing figures, Nestor had been with you, double-checking you weren't losing your mind. You weren't. Someone had managed to skim over half a million off of Miguel Galindo's heroin trade. Nestor was there when you pieced together who the only bold, yet stupid enough person to try to pull this shit off is.
Bishop Losa, and his little band of hoons. 
Nestor agreed to keep quiet as you figure this out, giving you the time to gather enough intel before presenting it to Miguel. Oh, how he's going to have a field day, having been the first one to tell you not to get into bed with the Mayans, especially the President. More so, the fact that you allowed the man to pull one over you and ultimately fuck you up.
You're not sure what hurts more, the fact that he was doing so behind your back or the possibility of why you two got involved in the first place. You don't necessarily have a relationship, only using each other's bodies after a stressful day. 
But it still doesn't change the fact that you feel used.
The door to Templo slides open, distant voices filtering in. For a moment no one notices you, too caught up in the previous events until one of them halts. "Who the fuck are you?" He reaches for his gun, alerting all the men of the sudden threat lounging in their President's seat. 
You don't particularly remember any of them, having briefly come in contact with the Mayans at one of the exchanges for the books-detailing the weight of the keys, how many went out and how much was paid for-and the money. Usually, that is Devante's job, but sometimes he can't always make it. 
The small gathering parts, the man you're waiting ever so patiently to see, steps down the last step. "The fuck are you doing here?" He sneers, dark eyes glaring holes through your figure. Suppose, you sitting in his chair is quite the insult.
You lick your lips, taking a moment to carefully choose your words. "What is it that you call me?" You click your fingers, feigning to remember the little nickname he has for you. 
"Number's girl," he steps forward, playing into your hands.
"That's it, number's girl." You inhale another puff of smoke, blowing it in his general direction. "Is that because I can calculate so quickly in my head or because I remember almost every figure on a day to day basis?"
Bishop releases a breath of irritation, "why are you here?" 
You flicker behind him, "call off your guard dogs and I'll tell you." 
He glances at his Vice Presidente, signalling his boys to leave the room. You smirk at the hesitancy before they oblige and clear out, though you don't miss the glint in their eyes. Once the door slides shut, you sit up, putting the bud out. 
"You know what I did today? I transferred all of last year's records into a computer, for our backup, and suddenly the figures weren't adding up." You see Bishop tilt his head with apprehension. "So I went back a few years and everything matched, but not last year. For the life of me, I couldn't understand, until Nestor connected the dots; someone has been taking a small piece out of every shipment, bit by bit. Do you know how much they've taken?" 
Confusion swirls in his eyes at your meaning, his body now moving to lean against the table in front of you. "How much?" 
"Nearly a quarter of a million." 
He lets out a low whistle, shifting his position to fold his arms. "So why are you telling me?" He holds your gaze, searching you for answers. 
You pause, your heart hammering against your chest and your nerves spiking in anticipation of the next few seconds. You know it's about to be a screaming fest, how hot-headed he is, especially when accused of something, whether it's true or not. It's the one thing you hate, getting into an argument.
You're more of a cruisey person, relaxed and generally getting along with almost everyone, and your arguments tend to get ugly.
Inhaling deeply, you lean forward, resting your elbows on the table and focusing on the gavel before you. "I need you to tell me right now, if you had anything to do with this-"
Bishop pushes off the table, anger written on his face as he paces. "Are you fucking serious right now?" You reluctantly turn to face him, your stomach twisting at the look he gives you. "Are you fucking accusing me? Is this what this is? You've come to find out if I stole from Mr Galindo," 
"You're a third party, Bishop, I have to ask." You stand slowly, not exactly wanting to get any closer to him but not wanting to have yourself exposed.
"Fuck you!" He shouts, the room falling silent. 
His brothers grow weary, trying to figure out why their President is yelling. Not to mention, who you are.
You run your hands down your face, a sense of dread settling in as Bishop tries to gain control of his breathing. "I am his bookkeeper, Bishop, the only person who handles the books on this side of the world, I have to ask this question." You spare a glance at him. "You have to understand, I didn't catch this, I've fucked up and what's worse, is there's a possibility that the man I've been sleeping with is responsible." 
"The fuck did you just say?" He seethes, stepping forward. 
You hold your ground, refusing to look away. "You heard me." He stops right in front of you, his cologne wrapping around you. Normally you would bury your nose into his chest, inhaling the smell, but right now that's the furthest thing from your mind. 
"A thousand dollars goes missing and suddenly a month later we're fucking around, and as each shipment goes, more goes missing, in bigger amounts-" Bishop grabs the back of your neck, his breath fanning your cheeks. Your skin flushes at the proximity and you curse at the way your body responds to him. 
"Do you hear yourself?" He says lowly. 
"Don't tell me you wouldn't ask the same thing if the roles were reversed." You catch yourself glancing down at his lips, a force of habit you would argue in this situation. You can almost feel his moustache against you, his stubble. "Bishop," you say pleadingly. "I need to know. I'm already fucked, don't put me in a grave." 
"You aren't going anywhere," he grits. "He can't hurt you, I won't let him." 
"You can't see the future Bishop, so don't try." 
Somewhere, deep down, you knew it wasn't him. But it would make sense if it was, shit added up too easily. Bishop leans in slightly, giving you time to remove yourself if you wanted, but you don't. You haven't seen him in almost a week, and there's still some tension left within your muscles that needs out. 
His lips crash against yours in a searing kiss, his fingers tightening along the sides of your neck.  You grip onto his kutte, pulling yourself flush to his chest as you give in to his advances, your lungs constricting from the lack of oxygen. 
His hands begin to wander down your sides, the gentleness stark in comparison to the bad they've done, coming to rest under your thighs for a heartbeat before he hoists you onto the table. 
Your lips part, your chest heaving. This isn't how you thought this would end, maybe some more yelling and then you'd leave and everything would go haywire. But not this, fucking on his sacred club table. 
Bishop steps between your legs, instantly grazing your jaw and down your neck in tender yet hungry kisses. Your fingers thread through his short curls, slightly tugging at the ends and earning yourself a low groan. 
You smirk, yelping in shock at the hard nip on your shoulder. 
The loud ringing echoes in the room, causing the both of you to pause. Instinctively you assume it's Bishop's, but he slides your phone out of your back pocket and hands it to you with a sigh. You don't want to answer it, to have to deal with the problem just yet. 
"Nestor?" You answer.
"You're needed over here at the church pew, I'm sending someone to pick you up." Your body goes rigid, Bishop narrowing his eyes at your frozen behaviour. 
"Okay, I'll see you soon." You slowly put the phone down, "fuck." 
"What is it?" Bishop asks, his hands rubbing along your thighs in concern. 
You meet his eye, fear sprouting. "He wants me at the church pew."
You sit in the car for a minute later, still trying to come to terms with the past four hours. It wasn't Bishop and the Mayans who stole, it was Devante, trying to teach Miguel a lesson and frame it on Bishop.
It backfired, and it's given Miguel more of a reason to distrust the man. 
As for you, Miguel never expected you to know the exact amounts of each shipment, wanting you more specifically to make everything look legal and in order should anyone other than him go snooping. 
Going forward, you will know how much is paid for. 
You can't yet move your body to exit the vehicle, stuck sitting in the driver's seat, hearing the loud music and obvious party sounds. You're half tempted to turn around and go home, to speak with Bishop another day, but you want to put this behind you, to forget everything it's put you through and apologise for accusing him of such a lucrative scheme. 
Exhaling deeply, you slide out of the car, your shoes hitting the gravel and alerting your presence as you approach the gate. A few of the Mayans lounge outside by the fires, women laying on their laps or hanging close with drinks. 
You don't miss the stares, as you stand completely out with your work clothes and slight anxious stance. 
"You're not welcome here," a tattooed figure blocks your way up the stairs. 
You halt, meeting his eyes. For a heartbeat, you almost turn tail, feeling nervous from the countless glares of the boys that have joined their brother's side. It's intimidating, but not as intimidating as working for a drug cartel. 
"Too bad you don't get to make that decision." You climb the stairs, coming face to face with the man. 
"Coco," his name is called, shifting everyone's attention to the burly man by the front door. "Let her through." 
Coco reluctantly listens, stepping aside for you to move past, his eyes following your every move. You roll your shoulders back, releasing the tension. You weren't about to go head to head with the Mayan, but you don't back down easily. 
"Sorry about him, they're a little tense at the moment." The man tries to change the mood, pushing the door further open for you. "Bishop told us, why you came earlier. In case we had to prepare ourselves," 
You nod in understanding, scanning the crowded room for the man in question. "That's why I'm here," 
"He's over there." 
You follow the man toward a table in the back, your eyes darting everywhere to take in the scene; men playing a game of pool with women hanging off them, some making out in dark corners whilst others not caring and doing it surrounded by brothers.
You come to a stop, Bishop instantly stopping his conversation. Before either of you can say anything, Taza comes to a stand, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek as he hugs you. "Hello sweetheart, are you alright?" He asks. 
"Hi Taza, yeah I'm alright." You've met Taza during the many times you've spent at Bishop's, often making him a little late some mornings and resulting in his second having to come get him. 
"So, should I be preparing my boys for war?" Bishop cuts in, nursing his beer. 
"No," you shake your head. "It was Devante, turns out he was trying to set you guys up. He doesn't like the idea of a cartel and criminal outlaws mixing." 
Everyone around the table laughs, relief falling from their bodies at the news. They can relax tonight. Bishop continues to look at you, tilting his head slightly. "Is that all you came for?"
Licking your lips, "yeah, you gentlemen enjoy your night." They hold up their beers in gratification before turning back to continue their conversation. As you turn to leave, Bishop stands, quickly rounding the table to press a hand along your backside.
"Let me walk you out." 
You glance sideways at him, raising a brow. "I'm capable of walking myself to my car."
"You're not leaving just yet," he opens the door, waiting for you to pass before following you down the stairs and out the gate. You swallow, allowing him to guide you past your car and toward the front office. "You really think you can come here and leave without an apology?"
You open your mouth to scoff, knowing you did want to apologise but you didn't owe it to him. Bishop unlocks the office door, almost shoving you in. "I could have apologised at my car," you start, blinking furiously at the sudden light turning on. 
"That's not the apology I want." 
You knew what he meant, smirking at him. "Come get it then," you tease, a shiver rolling down your spine at the calculated steps he takes in your direction. 
He stops, his chest brushing your own and his cigarette and whisky breath caressing your cheeks in close proximity, his dark eyes tracing patterns over your face. It's almost like he takes a moment to remember how angelic you look, before he intends to ruin you. 
In a flash, his hand wraps around the top of your neck, his thumb digging under your jaw to pull you to him, his lips crashing down. You whimper under his harsh kiss, your body surrendering but your mind ready to take control. 
You walk him back, a grunt escaping him as his back hits the wall. A sly grin spreads across your face, your hands coming to rest on his chest as you pull apart. Your palms slide down his kutte, stopping at his belt buckle to easily pop it open, not once breaking eye contact. 
His hand leaves your neck, cupping the side of your jaw with his thumb brushing across your lips. You know what he wants, opening your mouth to take his thumb, flattening your tongue as he pulls it out. 
You sink to your knees, internally cringing at the uncomfortableness of the hard floor. You make quick work of slipping his cock out
He sucks in a deep breath at the contact of you wrapping around him, his lips parting as he watches you. You tease him, licking the precum off the head. "Don't," he warns, his hand coming to rest on your head, a warning tug on the roots of your hair. "Be a brat." 
Feeling snarky, you take as much of him as you can fit into your mouth, running your tongue along the underside as you release him. "This is an apology, you take what you're given." 
A fiery rage ignited in his eyes, his jaw clenching together as he fights to control himself. You know you're about to pay for that later, but right now, he's at your mercy. 
You take him again, relaxing your throat to allow the head to slip down just a bit, your gag reflex almost non-existent. Bishop's fingers flex, his head leaning on the wall in response to your ministrations, your tongue working around his cock. 
He hasn't had a release in a week, the slightest touch being enough to finish him off; sadly. Suppose, it's what happens once his body grows accustomed to you almost every night. Your jobs are both stressful in their own right, often demanding a little relaxation at the end of the day. 
"That's it, good girl," he praises once you settle into the rhythm you know he likes, slowly but surely pumping him. 
One hand pays attention to the little bit you can't fit in your mouth, the other holding onto the back of his thighs as his hips reflexively jut out. Quiet groans escape him, feeding your ego and coaxing you to finish him off in due time. You quite enjoy watching him fall apart. 
"Fuck," he mutters, revealing in the feel of your cheeks hollowing out and pushing more of him down your throat. 
You feel his tip twitch, signalling the end of his composure. You drag your lips over his cock as you move off him, before quickly taking him back in. Bishop grabs the back of your head, his hips rutting out. He face fucks you, his body moving with need and pleasure.
Tears spring from the corners of your eyes at the slight roughness, your lungs beginning to burn from lack of sufficient oxygen. You glance up at him, a half attempted smirk forming at his dazed state. Swirling your tongue around his head, you watch him completely crumble. 
He curses, his body shuddering and his cock pulsing as he cums. You swallow, wincing at the taste but getting it down nonetheless. Letting him fall out of your mouth, you wipe the corner of your lips as you stand, giving him a moment to readjust himself. 
Normally you're all for whatever happens next, but the thought of being taken against a desk is the last thing on your mind. You want a shower, food and some sleep. He can come fuck you once you've rested. 
"What happened today?" Bishop asks softly, reaching into his kutte for a cigarette. 
You lean against the edge of the table, shrugging your shoulders. "That's for me to know, and you to not worry about." You dodge, biting the inside of your cheek at the knowledge of him being unravelled only a minute ago. 
He frowns, knowing that clearly, something happened when you arrived at the church pew, but he knows not to push. The smoke wafts around the enclosed room, creating a slight barrier between the two of you. 
Holding the cigarette between two fingers, Bishop closes the distance, cupping your chin in a possessive manner. Typical alpha males. "Well, I accept your apology," he muses, smoke exhaling through his nose. "Go get some sleep, I'll see you later." 
You hum, exhaustion starting to seep into your body. He leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to your lips, stark in comparison to the rough, dominating ones that bruise you. Pulling away, you lick your lips, moving past him to open the door and enter the cooler Santo Padre air.
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bullyhunter--69 · 3 years
I love you, always
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Pairing: Ethan Nestor x gender neutral (I’m pretty sure at least) Reader
Summary: After a long day of filming Unus Aanus videos, Ethan just wants to come home to his love. As soon as he walks through the door, He's greeted by a sight that makes his heart swell.
T/W: not really any, just some domestic fluff
A/N: I finally had an idea for our favorite Eef! Hope y'all enjoy 🖤 it didn’t come out exactly how I planned but I have ideas for my next one already!
Exhaustion was steadily filling up Ethan's body, starting in his feet and reaching all the way up to his floofy hair. Today was so physically and mentally taxing, and he honestly just wanted to go right to bed, with you in his arms, and pass out. His keys felt heavy in his hand as he sluggishly unlocked the door.
After he managed to get the door open and lock it shut behind himself, his bags instantly were dropped in a spot out of the way and his shoes were kicked off wherever he could set them. He tossed his keys on the stand right beside the door and stretched up, his bones popping like an 87 year old man. "Damn.. I didn't know I needed to stretch that badly." Ethan muttered to himself as he massaged the back of his neck and made his way to the livingroom. "(Y/N)?"
It was strange. Neither you, nor Spencer, had greeted him at the door. There was no barking either, the house was near dead silent. Only the soft sound of something playing was audible, and he quickly found out what that was when he entered the threshold of the livingroom.
You were curled up in a ball around Spencer, both of you in a deep sleep with the messiest of hair. Both of you breathed lightly and were snuggled up onto eachother, your hands threaded into Spencer's soft fur and your chin resting delicately on his little doggie forehead. His soft paws were curled up against him as a blanket was halfway covering the both of you— only your hands and face could be seen under Ethans hoodie that you were snuggled into.
Ethans features switched from showing pure exhaustion to soft adoration. The way your body gently raised and fell in time with your soft breathing, how the sleeves of his hoodie were pulled down to cover almost your entire hands, the fact the the 2 things he loves the most in this entire world were sleeping so sweetly right in front of him— it made his heart soar and fill with love.
With light footsteps and a gentle smile, he carefully kneeled down in front of your resting form and pushed back the hood covering the majority of your head. “Baby? I’m home..” Ethans voice was low, not wanting to startle either you or Spencer awake, and he placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
In your sleep, you leaned into the contact Ethan was giving you, and slowly the action of his hand running through your hair was enough to cause a groggy groan to leave you. You snuggled closer to Spencer as you stretched out your legs, a yawn slipping from your still half-asleep form. “Ethan..?” You finally were conscious enough to slur out his name, bringing a hand up to your face to wipe the drool from your cheek and the sleep from your eyes.
Ethan chuckled softly and gave you another forehead kiss. “I’m sorry I’m home late, filming went on longer than planned and I stayed to help Mark and Amy clean up the mess we made. I see that Spencer took care of you while I was gone?” A sweet smile was just the first thing you noticed when you finally looked up at him. His eyes sparkled— shining with love and care. Ethan was always expressive with you, and it always sent you into a flustered grin.
“It’s okay baby.. I just missed you a lot today.” Even with your cheeks dusted pink, you reached a hand out to lay on Ethans cheek. Your thumb outlined his cheekbone as your grin formed into a lazy smile.
“Well, lucky for you love, I missed you a whole bunch today too!” He giggled sweetly and stood, carefully crawling onto the couch and situating himself behind you. His arms slipped around your waist and his legs tangled with yours, as well as one of his hands reaching up to scratch Spencer behind the ear.
With a soft giggle, you snuggled back into his warm body and sighed happily. “This is really why I needed.. I love you, Ethan.” You felt him squeeze you gently, sweet kisses being pressed to the nape of your neck. As you both finally started drifting off into what you’ve wanted all day— sleeping in each others arms— you heard one last thing.
“I love you more than anything, (Y/N).”
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drabbles-mc · 3 years
As Soon As I Can
Nestor Oceteva x F!Reader
Request from @alienstardust​:  Umm All the angst in those childhood prompts. I’m a fan! Yes! <3 Maybe something with Nestor? 💫 thank you
I went with this prompt from This Post: When Person A and Person B were kids, Person A broke their arm and had to wear a cast for a while. To make them feel better, Person B decorated it by drawing a bunch of doodles and quotes all over it. When Person A finally got the cast off, they asked the doctor if they could keep it. Years later, Person A takes the cast to a tattoo artist and gets all of Person B’s doodles and quotes tattooed onto their arm so they can wear them forever.
Warnings: language, angst, hospitals
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: I looooooved writing this. Writing has been tough for me lately but this just felt really right. This is my first fic where I’ve done a lot of time skips within the story so hopefully it flows alright. Hope you guys enjoy! xo
General Mayans Taglist: @garbinge​ @mayans-sauce​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @paintballkid711​ @tomhardydallasstarsgirl​ @queenbeered​ @sillygoose6969​ @sesamepancakes​ @yourwonkywriter​ @chibsytelford​ @gemini0410​ @multiyfandomgirl40​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​ @plentyoffandoms​ @georgiaaintnopeach​ @twistnet​ @themoonandthewicked​ @bucky-iss-bae​ @encounterthepast​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @rosieposie0624​ @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​ @mijop​ @xladymacbethx​ @blessedboo​ @holl2712​ @lakamaa12​ @masterlistforimagines​ @kkim120​ @toni9​ @shadow-of-wonder​ @crowfootwrites​ @redpoodlern​ @punkgoddess-98​ @black-repunzel99​​ @lexondeck​​​
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You and Nestor were sitting in your back yard, sprawled out together under the one tree that managed to survive so many years in the California heat. You were laying on your back, cast-bound arm lying rigidly out to the side. You were staring up through the leaves as you listened to Nestor talk.
“At least they let you pick the color,” he was next to you, laying on his stomach as he dug through his backpack.
You laugh was heavy with sarcasm, “Yea, if I’m not gonna be able to move my arm for the next eight weeks it’s the least they could fucking do.”
“You sound bitter.”
You looked over at him, “I am bitter.”
He chuckled and shook his head, he was about to come back with a witty remark when he got distracted by finding whatever he had been looking for. He smiled as he pulled it out, “Aha!” he held up his pack of Sharpies.
“What’re those for?” you nodded towards the markers.
“For your cast.”
“You’re gonna decorate my cast?” you had to laugh.
“Yea,” he was carefully choosing a few different markers to start with, “Maybe it’ll make you feel better about totally eating it falling off your skateboard the other day.”
You laughed as you reached over and shoved him with your good arm, “Shut up—like you haven’t fallen a million times.”
“No casts for me, though,” there was a cocky smirk on his face.
“No casts for me, though,” you mocked as you tried not to laugh.
You watched him in semi-silence as he started at your wrist and slowly but surely made his way up your cast, covering it with all sorts of doodles and quotes. Sometimes you forgot how artistic he could be. You went back and forth between watching him and just resting your head back and closing your eyes. Neither of you kept track of the time as he stayed sprawled on his stomach beside you. the two of you probably would’ve stayed out until dark if your mom hadn’t stuck her head out and said that Nestor’s brother was there to pick him up and bring him home. Nestor threw all of his things back into his bag before helping you up.
Once he was gone, you took some time to actually look at the cast. You smiled at the amount of work he put into something that you were only going to have for a couple months. Your fingers traced lightly over the many marker lines that now covered your cast. Your mother looked over your shoulder at the artwork, a smile passing over her lips for a moment.
“Did Nestor do that?”
You nodded, not taking your eyes off of your arm, “Yea.”
She nodded, “That was sweet of him.”
You scoffed trying to suppress the smile on your face, “I guess.”
The next eight weeks passed by. And, despite the fact that having your arm in a cast was incredibly inconvenient, it could have been a lot worse. Nestor walked with you to all of your classes, offering to carry your backpack despite the fact that you told him that your busted arm had nothing to do with your ability to carry a bag. Whenever the two of you were together and things were quiet, he would keep adding onto the tiny mural that was your cast. Sometimes you wondered how much more he could fit on it, but he always found a way. For as much as you wanted it off, you were going to miss the bonding time for the two of you. And you were going to miss the artwork, too.
“So,” the doctor smiled and nodded at you, “you are all good to go. We can get the cast off and you’ll be as good as new.”
“Yea?” the thought of having your arm back made you feel giddy.
You felt like a new person once your arm was free of the confines of the cast. Letting out a sigh of relief, you rotated your wrist a few times and carefully ran your fingers over the freshly-exposed skin, glad to feel like you were back in control of your own body.
“I can get rid of this,” your doctor held up the cast he’d just finished so carefully removing, “Unless you want to keep it as a momento.”
“Um, actually,” you felt your face heating up as you avoided eye contact with your mother, “Could I keep it?”
The doctor nodded, smiling as he handed it over to you, “It’s quite the work of art at this point—I understand wanting to hold onto it.”
On the drive home, you felt your mother glancing over at you every couple of minutes, a knowing smile on her face. You tried to ignore it but eventually you broke.
“What?” you were careful of your tone.
She laughed quietly and shook her head, “Nothing. Just, I think it’s nice that you’re keeping it, that’s all.”
“Mhm,” you tried to ignore the heat rising in your cheeks again, but that only made it worse.
You never told Nestor that you kept the cast. You never really knew exactly why you didn’t tell him—the two of you told each other pretty much everything else. The two of you spent almost all of your free time together, and as soon as he found out that your cast had been removed he was dragging you right back out to do things that could potentially break your arm all over again, and you let him. He never asked about the cast, so you never brought it up. There were moments, as the two of you got a little older, where you wanted to mention it to him in passing that it was something that you kept, but the moment never seemed quite right. Each time you went to clean out your room and your closet you would come across it, and each time you were faced with the decision of whether or not you wanted to keep it, and you always did. You always told yourself that you didn’t know why, but you knew.
“Alright,” you were trying not to let yourself get too emotional as you sat cross-legged on his bed watching him pack “You can’t do anything stupid while I’m not around to yell at you for it, alright?”
He chuckled as he shoved another shirt into his bag, “Trust me, there will be plenty of other people around to yell at me. That’s the whole point of—”
“But they can’t do it as well as I can.”
He glanced over at you, a small smile on his face. He knew how upset you were despite the fact that you were still being supportive. Him going into the Navy was something that you hadn’t seen coming. The thought of him being gone for so long after the two of you had spent so much of your lives practically joined at the hip was a bit jarring. You knew the ache in your chest was caused by more feelings than you were ready to admit to him, or to yourself.
“It’s not like you’ll never hear from me.”
You huffed, “Snail mail is not the same as bothering you in person,” you flopped backwards on the bed, “And for the record I still think it’s bullshit that you don’t get to call me.”
He laughed as he stood up and sat on the bed, looking down at you, “Don’t be dramatic. I’ll be in basic for less time than you had that stupid cast on your arm.”
“Yea but it’s not like you’re coming right home after that.”
He nodded, his expression sobering a little as he continued to look at you, “I know.”
“You’ll come home to visit me as soon as you can?”
He chuckled, nodding, “As soon as I can.”
For a moment you thought about spilling your guts—telling him everything that you were thinking and feeling. There was something about the way that he was looking at you that made you feel like maybe he felt the same way. But the confidence that shot through you went away as quickly as it appeared, and the moment passed as he continued to pack his things.
True to his word, you got letters in the mail. You saved each one, kept them stashed away in your closet alongside the cast that was still there collecting dust even after years of being shuffled around. You sent more letters than you received, not that you really minded. You figured that he needed them more than you did.
However as the months ticked by, you waited for him to say he was coming home, but he never did. It was one thing right into the next and the more time that passed by, the more you wondered if this was how he slipped away from you, even though he swore that that wouldn’t happen. He reached out when he could, when he had the time. And you knew that he had other priorities, and realistically you did too. But there was still part of you that felt like things were changing too much.
Your heart sped up inside your chest when you got a late-night phone call from him. You scrambled to answer it, “Hello?”
“Hey,” he sounded exhausted.
“Hey,” you pulled your blanket up to your chin as you spoke to him, “H-how are you?”
“I’m alright,” he sighed, “It’s good to hear your voice.”
You smiled despite the weight settling in your chest, “It’s good to hear yours too. I miss you.”
“I miss you too.”
You didn’t want to push and pry, but you couldn’t help asking, “When are you coming home?”
There was a long pause before he spoke up again, “I, uh, I don’t really know.”
“Don’t they give you guys leave or something?”
He let out a tired chuckle, “Yea. But, um, I’m not sure if I’m going to be coming home for leave anytime soon.”
Your heart crumped inside your chest, “Why not?”
“Got some shit that I’m working on lining up here. Doesn’t hurt to stay close.”
You hated that your bottom lip was beginning to tremble, “Right.”
He knew you too well and you could hear the shift in his tone, “I’m sorry.”
“No, no,” you replied immediately, “Fuck, don’t be sorry. I’m proud of you, really. Keep…keep doing your thing.”
“Thank you for always being there. It’s been…it’s been nice knowing someone is in my corner when no one else seems to be,” there was a beat of silence, “You seen my family lately?”
You took a deep breath, “No. Why, everything alright?”
He sighed, “Wouldn’t know.”
You pressed your lips together into a tight line—things had never been simple for him when it came to family, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I’ll be home to see you as soon as I can be, alright?”
Your breath was shaky as you exhaled, “Alright,” you were about to say goodbye but your brain betrayed you, “Hey, Nestor?”
“I love you,” the words fell from your lips, free of their confines after so many years of locking them away.
It might’ve been you projecting, but you could’ve sworn that he let out a sigh of relief, “I love you too.”
That was the last thing that you’d heard from him. He went radio silent after that. You wondered if it was just you that he was ignoring, but no one seemed to have heard anything from him—his own family included. The only things that were running through your mind were terrible. All of your calls went unanswered, all of your texts went unopened. The letters that you sent didn’t get kicked back to you but you never got responses to any of them either. He had blipped off the radar seemingly without a trace and you had no idea why. You lost a lot of sleep over it but at the same time, life didn’t stop for anyone. You had to keep moving forward while a very large part of you was stuck in the past.
You were packing up your room, getting ready to move into your own apartment. You were throwing things from your closet into random bags and boxes—organization had never been your strong suit. As you were leafing through everything, pulling things down off the top shelf of your closet, you were smacked in the face with a stack of papers. You managed to catch them before they hit the ground, tears instantly springing into your eyes when you realized what they were. Your heart sped up inside your chest as you stood on your tip-toes, reaching for the very back of the shelf. The feeling of the plaster underneath your fingers sent a shock through your body as you pulled it towards you. Looking over it, you were bombarded with an onslaught of memories.
Packing fell by the wayside as you sat on your bed, reading through the letters and looking over all the artwork that was still holding up on the cast. How you managed to keep your tears from falling, you didn’t know.
There was a light knock on your door and you looked up, trying to make yourself look much less upset than you were. The smile immediately dropped from your mother’s face when she saw what you were doing, how it was upsetting you. She leaned against the doorframe as she tried to figure out what to say to you to try and make things better.
“I’m sorry, honey,” her tone was sincere.
You shook your head as you set your cast to the side, “Don’t be. You don’t have anything to be sorry for.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
You hadn’t really spoken much to her about it all—there wasn’t a whole lot to say. You didn’t have any answers and with each day that went by it was less likely that you would ever get them. It was difficult to tell whether or not it was more reassuring for you that no one had heard from him, not just you.
“There’s nothing to talk about. He just fucking disappeared, I guess. I just need to accept it and get on with my life.”
“He was your best friend—you’re allowed to be upset about it, you know.”
Even though you knew it, it was nice to hear her say it to you. Wiping the tears from your eyes before they could stain your cheeks, you nodded, “I know.”
She lightly drummed her fingers on the door frame, “You keeping those?”
There was a long pause before you finally nodded, “I think so.”
She nodded, “I’ll go grab you another box.”
“This thing looks like it’s been through the wringer,” your tattoo artist chuckled as she looked over the cast you’d brought with you.
You managed a smile, “Because it has. I’ve had that thing since I was in, fucking, like eighth grade I think? Long time.”
“What made you decide to get this done now?”
You shrugged, “I don’t know. Figured it’ll be better than moving it from one closet to the next over the course of my life.”
You could tell by the look on her face, that she wanted to ask for the story behind it all. But the fact that you didn’t offer it up, made her not pry. You’d always been open so if you were keeping something to yourself, she respected that. The two of you talked about the logistics of it, and the changes you want to make to clean it up a little bit. You were excited to come back and get it done, though.
Despite the wait, your excitement and nervousness about coming back didn’t fade. You didn’t regret the decision, but it was still nerve-wracking as you got ready to sit down in the chair. She had you look over the pattern she’d drawn up, and when you gave her the okay she laid the stencil out on your arm and got to work. You watched her as she brought it all to life—it was a little cleaner and more grown-up than the original scribbles and doodles, but it felt right. Tears stung at the edges of your eyes but it wasn’t because of the physical pain of getting the tattoo.
She was wrapping it up in saranwrap as she gave you the run-down of taking care of the tattoo. You’d heard the spiel before but you still listened anyway. You had a hard time taking your eyes off of the artwork as you made your way back out to your car. Sitting down in the driver’s seat, you let out a sigh as you tried to inspect the ink as best you could through the wrap around your arm.
The next day, you were putting on a fresh wrap over your tattoo after your shower when you heard your phone buzzing in the next room. With a heavy sigh, you slapped a piece of tape onto the wrap and scrambled to get to your phone before you missed the call. Looking down at the screen, you didn’t recognize the number. But it was an off-hour for a scammer to be calling so you answered it on a whim. Worst case scenario you would just hang up.
“Hi, my name is Rita and I work at Imperial Hospital. I’m looking for Ms. Y/N?”
“Um, speaking?” you had no idea where this was going.
“Good morning. Someone was admitted and you are their only emergency contact—no next of kin listed. Do you know a Mr. Nestor Oceteva?”
Your heart dropped into your stomach, “Yes,” you couldn’t get the words out fast enough, “Yes I do. Is he alright?”
“He’s going to be fine,” her tone was calm enough to give you the smallest sliver of reassurance, “But we do need you to come in and answer some questions for us. He’s been in and out of it and we need someone who can give us reliable information.”
“O-okay. Yea. Yea I’ll leave right now. It’ll be about an hour or so before I get there though. Is that alright? He’s going to be okay?”
“Yes, ma’am. He’s going to be fine. Thank you so much for your cooperation.”
You hung up the phone and started flying around your apartment to get ready. You had no idea what you were about to be walking into but at this point you didn’t care. All these years you’ve been wondering about him and he was two towns over. You were as angry as you were relieved.
The line of questions that the nurses asked you seemed endless. You knew that it was all important but there was nothing that you wanted more than to be in the room and see that it really was him, that this wasn’t just some cruel trick from the universe.
Finally, the nurse started walking you back. You only heard half of what she was saying to you about his condition as the two of you approached the room. You heard that he was stable and the rest didn’t really matter to you. your hands were trembling as she gestured to the door to his room, telling you that she would give you a few minutes to yourselves.
You slowly opened the door and a sob lodged itself in your throat as you looked at him. He was passed out, whether the sleep was genuine or from the meds you didn’t know. Truthfully, it was almost difficult to see that it was the Nestor you knew and loved—but you could still see it. Underneath the cuts and scrapes, beneath the braids and the tattoos, there was still your Nestor. The man you knew all those years ago was somewhere underneath it all.
Walking over, you collapsed in the chair next to his bed. You reached out and took his hand in your own, seeing the scars and scabs that covered his knuckles. Whatever he’d been doing all those years, it wasn’t treating him well. You let out a shaky breath as the tears started to fall. You tried to keep your emotions bottled up and quiet, but you couldn’t. There were too many there that you had been battling with and pushing down over the years.
Your crying made him stir. With a quiet groan of pain he opened his eyes and turned to look and see who was in the room with him. His entire body went stiff as his eyes flew completely open, unable to believe that you were sitting there with him.
“H-holy shit,” he coughed, trying to sit up, “Y/N?”
He was conscious and able to speak, so you punched him in the upper arm, “As soon as I can my ass, Nestor.”
He winced and smiled, and you could see all of the motions in his eyes, “I’m…I’m sorry.”
“You fucking should be.”
“I am.”
There were a few beats of silence and then he heard the crinkling of the wrap on your arm as you crossed them and he nodded towards it, “Fresh?”
Heat instantly flooded to your face and you fought the urge to get up and run out of the room, “Got it yesterday.”
“Can I see?”
You hated that he was talking to you like everything was normal, but you couldn’t lie and said that you didn’t miss it. Taking a deep breath, you laid your arm down on the hospital bed for him to inspect. A smile instantly took over his features when he saw what it was. He looked up at you, and when he saw the happiness and hurt both in your expression, his smile dulled a little bit.
“I’m so sorry.”
“What the fuck, Nestor?”
“I know, I know. I should’ve said something.”
“When they let me out of here, will you let me take you somewhere and tell you all about it?”
“I mean. I guess. But only because I’m nosey,” you managed a smile through the tears.
“I love you.”
The words made your heart skip a beat in your chest, “I love you too.”
“That’s way less clunky than a cast,” he tapped the plastic wrap.
You smiled, wiping the tears away, “Yea, I guess so.”
“I can’t believe you still have the same number after all these years.”
You paused, looking down at your hands, “I kept it in case your ass decided to smarten up and call me one of these days.”
“Hospital calling you on my behalf doesn’t count?”
You narrowed your eyes at him, “No. No it doesn’t.”
He reached over and clasped your hand in his, “I’m really glad that you’re here.”
With a deep sigh, you leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to the side of his forehead, careful to miss all the scrapes, “Me too.”
There was so much more to be said, but it could wait. You tried to soak up the feeling of his hand over yours, smiles appearing on both of your faces despite the lost time and the gravity of the situation. A lot of things had changed, but as you felt the heat from his palm and the way his thumb traced back and forth over your hand, you knew the important things were still exactly the same.
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calif0rnia-lovers · 3 years
super bee.
an: sorry his intro to the page is short. I hope you like it 🥰
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requested kiss challenge: i missed you kiss + nestor
pairing: nestor x black!reader | words: 700 | rating: 💦
sum: it’s date night. nestor’s plan is simple. no phones. you and him. popcorn. jurassic park. your super bee--things super lowkey.
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10:15 on a Friday night.
Nestor’s Super Bee is parked—engine and lights dead.
When it pulls into the crowded lot, the Jamaican Blue Super Bee captured the attention of the cars nearby. Suddenly, Nestor wishes he left it at home. A car like his Super Bee draws too much attention.
One look and the entire parking lot would get a front-row seat to the impatience of his wife. In his defense, Nestor had no idea the night would turn out this way.
The stress from his job left Nestor needy--but not as needy as you. Your husband has always looked forward to date night--moments alone with you help him unwind--but this week, Nestor's tank has been on E. He was hoping to keep date night lowkey.
When he picked you up, his plan was simple: the local drive-in.
Nestor loves the drive-in. He prefers it over the theater. The drive-in is where Nestor took you for your first date. It is where he first kissed you, in the same front seat of his Super Bee.
Tonight Jurassic Park is playing. It is Nestor’s favorite film of all time.
Despite it being an all-time favorite—the film is the last thing on his mind.
Nestor's focus is on gripping your body as close to his as possible. One wrong shift you run the risk of pushing into the steering wheel.
An unintended honk of the horn is a bonafide way to attract unwanted attention.
He could easily reach down. Adjust the position of his seat, but Nestor's mind is too far gone. The sensible part of his brain is drowning in euphoric bliss. The grip of your fingers against his shoulder, the warmth of you sliding down his length, has transformed Nestor's "let's wait 'til we get home" into a muddled mess of breathless and unintelligible grunts and words.
A week's worth of stress is long gone. Slowly sailed away with each brush of your lips--disappearing through the cracked windows and into the night sky.
There’s a fist in your hair. Your curls trapped inside a firm grip--keeping them back--preventing the obstruction of Nestor's view.
Dark brown eyes linger on the soft curves of your swollen lips, over the delicate shadows your lashes cast against your cheeks. Tracing the glow of the moon across your skin.
His other hand digs into your hip--Nestor's last form of control. He can never keep control when he's in this position. Maybe that's why it's your favorite.
The driver seat limits his movements, but Nestor can't find it in himself to protest.
His touch drifts to the base of your spine, his palm massaging your skin. The encouragement melts into impatience once the pace of your hips drags slowly against his.
Your giggle brings a soft smile to your husband's lips.
"I thought you didn’t like this idea," you tease.
It's muttered against the warmth of his lips. The stubble that brushes your cheek pulling another giggle from your lips.
"I didn't say that," Nestor objects. "I said we didn't need to get kicked outta here."
Nestor hadn't said much when your touch drifted through his hair. The action was innocent enough. Bored with the film, you had resulted to toying with his hair for nearly thirty minutes. He hadn't said much when your touch drifted to his jaw, toying with his beard. He didn't even say anything when your fingers disappeared into the chest of his shirt.
It wasn't until your lips pressed against his neck--your touch guiding his hand from your thigh up the skirt of your dress--that your husband's gaze had drifted from the film.
"Missed me that much?" He'd chuckled as your lips pressed a second kiss against his skin, your hand already undoing his belt.
"...I changed my mind," Nestor mumbles. His eyes drift shut, his head tipping back to rest against the headrest. The approaching high you've both been chasing slowly begins to creep up your spine. "...this is worth it...you're always fucking worth it..."
You place a soft kiss against his lips. The second one you leave brings his palm to the nape of your neck. The kiss Nestor leaves melt your body against his chest.
"What can I say?" The smile on Nestor's lips morphs into a grin as your nose brushes against his. "I missed you."
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main tags: @crowngold @cant-decide-at-this-moment @wiccanmetallicrose @themarkblues @gemini0410 @the-jer-bear @leahnicole1219 @abbiesthings @trhett21 @trulysuccubus @starrynite7114 @awkwardtayler @queenbeered@kaystacks17 @richonne4life @cocotheclown @oscars-wifeyyy @jennisdirtyimagines @sadeyesgf @ughdontbeboring @myakai13 @linziland13 @tian-monique @megapeacelovemusic-blog @rosieposie0624 @appropriate-writers-name @ourlittlesecretsoveragain @beiroviski @making-starsdance @seize-the-droid @chaneajoyyy @siempremamita @relaxing-najee @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @toni9
190 notes · View notes
frattsparty · 3 years
My Heart Needed You Part 12
An: I’ve had this written for a bit and then rewrote it again, so enjoy. I’m in Florida on vacation so I might do some extra writing this week.
Warnings: Unprotected sex, language, Nestor being a sad boy. Nobody under 18!!
Tag List: @nessamc @withmyteeth @redpoodlern @lexondeck @thegirlwhowritesfics @chibsytelford
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The weekend with the boys was exactly what you needed, and being able to talk with Wendy and Venus surprisingly made you feel a little lighter.
You aren’t quite ready to share everything with Nestor but you knew he loved you, and that once you are comfortable telling him you won’t lose him. What Jose did won’t change his love for you like you thought it would all those years ago.
Loading your bag into the car, you turn around and give Nero a tight squeeze, “Thank you for taking care of them, keeping them safe.”
“They’re family to me, just like you, I’m always here for you.” Kissing the side of your head he releases you.
“I’m going to miss you, Hailey!” Wendy says as she pulls you in. “Next time bring that man of yours with you.”
Chuckling, “I will, he will love how peaceful it is here.”
Next up are the boys, leaving will be so hard but you are already planning your next visit. “Okay boys, be good, I love you both so so much!” You are all squeezing each other as tight as you all could.
With another look back you see their little hands waving, “Love you guys!”
“We love you too. You are welcome here anytime.” Wendy yells as she picks up a crying Abel.
Once you’re in the car and on the road, you give Nestor a call letting him know you are on the way back.
Pulling into Miguel’s house you see Nestor waiting on the steps for you, a big smile on his face. He jogs over to open your door before you do,
“Hey baby,” he says as he pulls you from the car and into his arms.
“Hey,” standing on your tiptoes you leave a lingering kiss on his lips, “I missed you.”
Humming, “I missed you too.” Leaving one more kiss, he lets you go and grabs your bag from the back. Taking your hand he leads you inside going straight up to the room. You planned to leave your bag and change your clothes, but before you can do that Nestor has other things in his mind.
He drops your bag the second you shut the door and grabs the sides of your neck smashing his lips with yours. “Fuck, I missed you.”
Your hands have found their way under his shirt scratching his back with your nails, getting a hum of approval from him.
He grabs your ass, lifting you up and into his arms. “You can’t go on any more trips without me,” he says between open mouth kisses on your neck, as your fingers work on the buttons of his shirt.
“I promise.” Shoving his shirt off his shoulders, you run your hands over his bare tattooed chest.
You grab his face and capture his lips in a searing kiss. “Show me how much you missed me, Nes.”
“Gladly, baby.” He quickly carries you and drops you in the bathroom right in front of the mirror. “You want a show, you’ll get a show.”
Before you can respond he’s pulling at the hem of your shirt urging you to lift your arms. Then found his way to your shorts pushing those down too, groaning loudly in your ear when he realizes you had no panties on. “My girl was ready wasn’t she?”
“Always am, Nes.” Your head rolls back resting on his shoulder as his hands roam your body, gently touching and squeezing every inch.
“God you’re so beautiful, Hails.” His kisses are soft along your shoulder. You can’t help but smile at his words, as you lift your head your eyes meet in the mirror.
“You have too many clothes on, Nestor.” Reaching back you grab his covered ass, “you should change that.”
Smirking, his hands leave your body causing you to whimper at the loss of his touch, causing him to let out a quiet laugh. “Patience baby.”
“I’ve never been good at that…”
“Mm I know, you’re pretty demanding.” You can hear him unzipping his pants.
Before he can stop you, you turn so you are facing him, grabbing his face and pulling him into you. The kiss is sloppy, the sounds he’s making are primal, causing your insides to stir. “I need you, Nes.” Slowly your hand finds its way into his pants, squeezing and tugging, until you get what you want.
He pulls your hand away, “turn around, spread your legs.”
Without another word you turn, bracing your hands on the counter. He pushes his pants and boxers down and immediately grabs your hips, squeezing them tightly causing you to gasp.
Situating himself behind you he lines himself up, “you ready?”
Your confirmation was all he needed to push inside of you, his forehead landing on your shoulder, both of your moaning loudly.
“You feel so good, Nes.” You breathe out.
Gripping your hips he starts thrusting into you, slow at first and then deeper and faster. Spreading your legs wider giving him the ability to go even deeper. “That’s my girl, you take me so well.”
You can’t speak, you’re barely able to catch your breath as he moves in and out.
“Open your eyes..I want to see your beautiful face…watch what I can do to you…let you see what you do to me.” Each point emphasised by a harder thrust than the last.
Like it always has watching Nestor show his love for you does you in, you are so close, and he can feel it.
“Come on baby, let go, let me feel you.”
“Mmm don’t stop Nes,” your voice comes out more like a whine, but you could care less in the moment. Reaching your hand around you, grab his arm to ground yourself.
Holding him tightly, he can't hang on any longer and releases deep inside you.
“I missed you, Hails, and I meant it, you can’t leave me again.” He whispers while leaving kisses on your neck.
“I won’t, the boys want you to come next time.” You move from his embrace so you can face him,wrapping your arms around his neck. “I missed you.” Reaching up you kiss his lips, soft at first, but he pushes to deepen it.
Picking you up bridal style he carries you over to the bed, laying you down and then moving over you kissing down your body.
Settling between your legs he begins kissing and sucking while his fingers explore your body. You are arching into him, holding his head right where you need him. Just as his fingers found their way between your legs there was a knock in the door.
“Hailey, are you back yet? I was hoping to talk to you.” Emily’s voice came in from under the door.
Nestor’s forehead lands on your hip, while you try to catch your breath. “Think we can act like we aren’t here so we can keep going?”
He shakes his head, “she’s been asking when you were coming home. Should probably get it over with.” He slowly begins kissing up your body.
“Fine…” you roll your eyes. “Yeah, Em, I’m back, give me like 15 minutes and I’ll come find you.” You respond to Emily.
“I’ll be in your office,” she responds back.
Making his way to your neck, nibbling under your ear, “we’ll have to be fast this time.”
“I’ll take what I can get from you,” giggling. You grab the chain hanging from his neck and pull his mouth to yours and you wrap your arms around his shoulder and widen your legs for him. Adjusting he enters you slowly.
“I love you so much, Hailey.” He grabs your hands and holds them next to your head, as he kisses you slowly.
“I love you, Nes, so much.”
As you both cum together, you hold each other sharing kisses and light touches as you catch your breath.
“I guess I should go.” Scratching his neck softly, “how about tonight I can show you how much I missed you?”
“Hmm that sounds good to me, baby.” Pushing himself off of you, he leaves one more kiss to your lips and gets off the bed.
Making your way down to your office, you see Emily has papers spread all over. Internally you are screaming, mess, clutter, and disorganization in your office does not work for you.
“What’s up, Em?” She’s sitting in the chair moving papers around. You’re trying to hide your cringe at the chaos that is your office.
“I have an idea on something to get back at the rebels.” She rambles the words out, not taking a breath.
“I can’t know about any of this, I have to be completely dumb to anything you do, Emily.” You sit in the chair across from her, you see her face fall. “It’s not that I don’t want to help you, but I’m here to protect the family, and to do that I have to be unaware of anything you’re involved in so I can easily fight tooth and nail to keep you out of jail, I have to know you're fully innocent.”
“If you have an idea tell them, you’re smart, so smart, you’ve clearly researched, have faith in your plan, present it with confidence.” Giving her a reassuring smile, “Trust me, Miguel will listen. You can do this, Em. Just bring your research and be confident.”
“Thank you.” Giving you a genuine smile she asks about your trip and how the boys were. So the two of you spend some time chatting before you help her get everything in order to meet with Miguel.
The rest of the day went by as normal once you got your office back.
Since Nestor was out you took some work to the bedroom and began researching everything you could about the rebels and how they function. The fact that they could hack the accounts tells you they are skilled and resourceful.
You're not sure how long you've been going over these documents and videos, but you are still awake when Nestor walks in, clearly surprising him.
He kicks his boots off at the door and makes his way over to you. “What’s all this?” He gestures towards the papers you have spread all over the bed.
“Trying to figure out how the Rebels do what they do.” You look up at him, “a group like this shouldn’t be able to hack systems or intervene in what we do, they are bigger than a small time group. I just don’t know how they do it, they have to have a major network.”
“Well there is no way your brain is working at this hour, why don’t you pack it up.” He’s gently rubbing your back and you are starting to feel how tired you are.
“You’re right.” Getting up you both start to get ready for bed, you remove the clothes and pull on one of his shirts and cuddle into your side of the bed. He scoots in behind you holding you tightly to him.
You can feel his breathing relax and his heart rate slow down, you love how peaceful he is when he clocked out of Cartel mode.
“Nes,” you say softly, not sure if he was already asleep.
He hums in response. “Baby I promised you I would show you how much I missed you tonight.” Wiggling under his tight grip you turn yourself to face him.
His eyes are closed, his long dark lashes resting on his cheeks, he’s so handsome. You can’t help but run your fingers gently from his temple to his jaw, you run your thumb across his lips before leaving a soft kiss there which causes him to smile. You move your hand to rest on the side of his neck, your thumb running back and forth in his jaw.
“I love you, Nes, more than you know.”
“I love you too.” He wraps his arm around your shoulders pulling you closer. “And I’ll make good on that promise first thing tomorrow.”
It has been a few days and Miguel and Nestor were in Mexico working and suggested you stay away, so you are at your new house meeting with the contractor picking out tile, paint colors, countertops, everything to make this house a home.
“Oh, I have one more request to add in for the kitchen,” you pull a photo from your bag. “I want the backsplash to look like this tile, I think it was hand painted in Mexico.”
“Is that you in the picture?” You nod at him.
“I think I can do that, I’ll call my tile guy in Mexico.” He took a picture of your photo so he could send it to his contact.
“We are ahead of schedule, Hailey, I think you’ll be in probably in a matter of a couple of weeks, maybe less.” He gives you a big smile.
“Really?!” You are so ready to call this place home.
“Yeah, all that’s left is the finishing touches to the bathrooms, and then the kitchen. We actually finished the outside area today,” your eyes lit up, “let’s go see it.”
“Let’s go!”
Your hands are covering your mouth, you are shocked as you step outside. “Oh my gosh, it’s so perfect” your voice is almost a whisper.
You had the patio cleaned up, a fire pit built on one side, and a small outdoor bar/kitchen on the other with chairs and couches facing the ocean taking in the view.
Sitting down you take it all in. You can’t believe that this is all yours.
“I’m glad I didn’t show you this first, we never would have gotten decisions made inside,” your contractor learned quickly that once you were out here he'd lost you.
“This really is perfect, thank you!”
“You’re welcome, I have to head out but I’ll lock the door on my way out so you can enjoy.” He nods to you in farewell and heads inside to leave.
You close your eyes just enjoying the sound of the waves below you and you’re brought back to the day Nestor left for basic training, when becoming a SEAL and law school was just a dream. Just a few months after high school graduation the two of you were preparing for major changes and being away from each other for the first time since preschool.
“What do you look forward to the most with college?” You and Nestor are walking hand in hand along a pier in San Diego, trying to enjoy those last few moments together. Staying at a hotel just the two of you before he flew out the next day.
“Hmm probably all the boys…” he all but growls at that. “I’m kidding baby, you’re it for me.” Bringing his hand to your lips you leave a gentle kiss. “I’m mostly excited for the beach, I plan to do all of my studying on the sand…and in a few months you’ll be back here too.”
He hummed in response, he’d been quiet leading up to his departure.
“You okay, Nes?” You spun to stand in front of him, stopping his movements and wrapped your arms around him. “Talk to me.”
“Do you think I’m making the wrong decision? Going into the Navy.” He looks down at you, “my parents aren’t being very supportive…” you can feel the hurt “they haven’t really talked to me much. I don’t think they even plan to come to the airport with me when I leave.”
You could see the sadness in his eyes and it broke your heart.
“Nes, being a SEAL has been your dream for years. You’ve always wanted to do this.” You squeeze his middle tightly, “I hate the thought of being away from you, for what this career can bring, it scares me. But I am so proud of you and I’m excited for you to go after this dream.”
You take his hands in yours and continue, “you’ve supported me with wanting to be a lawyer, all the crazy classes and college courses I took in high school, the SAT prep, all the college applications, the amount of break downs I’ve had from stress, law school is my dream and you have and continue to support me in everything. Whether or not they are there for you, I always will be.”
He quickly moves his hands to your face and bends down leaving a gentle kiss on your lips, “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you grab his hand and you continue on your walk to the end of the pier. “And I can’t wait to see how fucking good you look in uniform.”
Smirking, “oh I’m going to look fine, baby.”
“Mmm I know you will, and I’m going to have to fight the bitches off of you.” He couldn’t help but laugh.
“That’s my girl, ready to fight for her man.”
You made your way to the end of the pier, and you found a bench to sit on so you could watch the sunset.
You're curled up together, your legs across his lap. He gently ran his fingers up and down your legs as you rubbed the back of his neck.
“You haven’t even left yet and I miss you already.” You say as you move to rest your head on his shoulder.
“It’s going to be hard being away from you, but once I can be here I will be.” Running a hand through your hair he leaves a kiss to your forehead. “Promise me you’ll be here when I get back.”
“I’m not going anywhere, Nes. I'd wait forever for you.”
“Let’s head back to the hotel, I want true alone time with you for once,” standing he grabs your hands and helps you up.
“Carry me, I’m too tired to walk back.” You gave him your best puppy dog eyes hoping to win him over.
Chuckling, “hop on.” he squats so you can climb on.
“Honestly Nes, I know it’s going to be a hard few months but I can’t wait to live here with you.” He gave your thighs a squeeze as he held onto you.
“I know me too, Hails.” He smiled over at you.
“We can really have our own life together, no parents to tell us what to do,” you lean forward leaving kisses along his jaw, “no brother keeping us from alone time.” You mumbled in his ear knowing he gets annoyed with his brother.
Chuckling, “Niko will probably move here to keep an eye on you.”
“You’re probably right.” Giggling, “I really can’t wait to have our life here together. You’re all my heart needs, baby.”
“You’re everything, Hails. Just a few months and it’s me and you here!”
You’re brought out of your memory by a phone call, realizing that you’ve been out here long enough for the sun to go down. It was Nestor
“Hey, everything okay?”
“Em got hurt, we are heading to the hospital in Santo Padre, meet me there.” Nestor hurried out, hanging up before you could respond.
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mrsamaroevans · 3 years
Fandom: Mayans M.C.
Pairing: Miguel Galindo x Female Reader. This follows from: Tightrope.
Request: Yes!
Words: 4,052.
Warnings: English is not my first language, so, sorry if there are grammar mistakes or if the redaction is poor.
A/N: Guys, without joking, I’ve been writing this since the first part was posted and that was nearly a year ago lol. But it’s finally here and I hope you like it! *Gif is not mine*
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“Never sure, never know how far we could fall”
The past eight months, Miguel never felt so out of place like he was feeling by day four you were out of the house. He’s been feeling so bad not only emotionally because you were not with him, but physically ‘cause he started to catch a cold. His meetings with Potter were frustrating him even more and he was more tired than ever to have meetings with Los Olvidados or the MC.
He took a look at the last months of his life and he knew he had screwed everything up. Miguel hated himself for that; not Potter, not Los Olvidados or the MC. Him. He was the only one to blame for the situation his marriage was in.
That night when Cristobal was sick, he told you how sorry he was and promised you he would make an effort to be more at home. Two months ago, he had the chance to change the way your marriage was going and he didn’t do anything.
You’ve been together since you were sixteen. He knew about the loveless marriage your parents were living in because that was the reason why he had to work so hard for you to accept the first date. Miguel remembers how much you tried to avoid your feelings for him, how careful you were with every step of your relationship. He promised you he wasn’t going to hurt you and he didn’t. When he had to go to Cornell? You tried to break up with him, arguing about all the time he would be away with those pretty New Yorkers but he assured you, you were the only one who he could want to be with. Miguel did everything he had in his hand to make your long-distance relationship work, and instead of feeling away from him, you felt like nothing was different.
He did everything right back then, so right that when he proposed in the winter holidays of his fourth year in Cornell, you accepted without hesitation.
Why couldn’t he be like the twenty-two-year-old Miguel Galindo?
Miguel saw your face appearing on the computer’s screen and suddenly, he started to feel better. He texted you asking you to do a video call and felt relief when you accepted.
At least you didn’t want to avoid him the two weeks you were going to be away.
“Hey! How are you?” He asked and you smiled. Miguel loved seeing how passionate you were about your job, so he smiled for the simple fact of seeing you smiling.
“Fine,” you said “And you? You sound different,” you asked, a bit concerned.
“I’m catching a cold, but I’m fine,” Miguel said nonchalantly.
“There’s medicine in the cabinet of our bathroom,” you told him “You should take some before you feel worse”
“I’m better now that I’m talking to you,” Miguel said and you chuckled immediately “What?”
“You did it too soon,” you said and added when he frowned: “Trying to make me fall in your arms again”
Miguel laughed. He wasn’t trying that, he was just being honest, but now that you touched the subject…
“I know you said we’d talk about it once you come back, but…”
“And we’ll do it” you interrupted him and Miguel understood you didn’t want to talk about it at that moment “I had an interview earlier, that’s why I’m all dressed up,” you said, changing the subject.
“I think you look gorgeous,” he said, and when he saw the look you gave him, he laughed “And how did that interview go?”
Miguel and you talked about a bunch of stuff. You told him about the process of publication of your book and he listened to every single word that came out of your mouth. He didn’t realize how much he missed hearing you talk until now, and when you least expected it, you and your husband talked for three hours straight, something that hadn’t happened in so long.
“You know? This takes me back to those four years you were at Cornell” You said and Miguel nodded.
“Yeah… our old computers didn’t have this quality but, yeah, they helped us,” Miguel said and when he was about to say something else, he saw you turn your attention somewhere else.
“Oh, hi baby” he heard you say and Miguel knew immediately who was the person that walked in the room where you were “Just be careful, Lucy, please”
“I’ll come back as soon as it ends, Mrs. Galindo,” a feminine voice said and then he saw Cristobal in your arms.
“It’s okay, have fun” You smiled, and then the door got closed “You wanna see daddy? Look who’s there!” You pointed to the screen and Cristobal looked at it. A smile appeared when he saw his father and Miguel smiled as well.
“I miss you two so much,” Miguel said, feeling tears in his eyes at seeing you both smiling so wide, but, a thought he didn’t like at all came to his head.
You seemed happier now than in the past eight months and it broke his heart because he felt so alone. Every night he expects to walk in your bedroom and see you sleeping, kiss your head, —kisses you never felt— and lay at your side. But all that he finds is an empty and cold bed.
Miguel didn’t want a future without you and he knew he had to work really hard to keep you in his life.
“What are you thinking, Mickey?”
Miguel looked at his friend, he didn’t even realize he was that quiet and thoughtful. Nestor sat down on the stool next to his and looked at him.
“You miss her so much” Nestor teased once Miguel didn’t say anything.
“I do” Miguel nodded, he had a glass of scotch in his hand and when he took a sip, he realized it was already warm, so he left it aside “I fucked it up, hermano. We never had this distance before, not even when I was at Cornell… and it’s all my fault”
“Well, it’s a progress that you already accepted it,” he said and Miguel scoffed.
“At what damn moment” Miguel sighed and leaned his forearms in the bar “I feel like I’m losing her”
“She thinks the same about you” Nestor confessed, making Miguel look at him.
He should have expected it. You and Nestor started to spend a lot of time together since he was your driver. You met Nestor at the same moment you met Miguel, you were friends, it was obvious you would talk to him.
“You can’t lose her, Miguel,” Nestor told him “(Y/n) and Cristobal are the best things that have happened to you, not the cartel, not the protection you’re having from Los Olvidados… your family”
Nestor was right and Miguel knew it. Not anyone would stand his life and everything that comes with it, but you? You were there since the beginning, you never judged any of his decisions. He was so lucky to have you in his life, ‘cause people could talk shit about him, the cartel could be crumbling down, but at the end of the day, when he walked through the door of your home, you were there, welcoming him with a smile and a kiss. You were all that he needed.
“I know,” Miguel said, immediately “I have always known that, I just… I don’t know what happened, I’m trying to remember but… I can’t. I thought we were fine, I thought I was just working like before and then my son got sick and if I hadn't woken up in the middle of the night, I wouldn't have even noticed” he sighed again, summed in frustration “I didn’t want to be the absent father and husband my father was and here I am. My wife is miles away from me and she looks happier”
“Don’t you think is because you’ve been talking every day?” Nestor asked, raising an eyebrow at him “She loves you, Miguel. Never doubt about it… I’m going to the airport tomorrow for her, you wanna come?”
Miguel nodded. He would do all that it takes to bring his family back.
You had your son in your arms as the babysitter helped you with your suitcase. You missed so much your home that you were so happy that your days in New York came to an end, and for the giant smile Cristobal had, you knew he was also happy, even if he didn’t understand what was going on.
“Let’s find uncle Nestor, you’re gonna help me?” You asked, looking at your son’s face. He smiled at you and wrapped his arms around your neck.
“Over there, Mrs. Galindo” Lucy said, pointing away and when you turned around, you froze for a moment.
Miguel was there with Nestor, and when he spotted you, he started to make his way through the crowd to reach you. You didn’t know what to do for a moment, he surely surprised you ‘cause Nestor told you he had a meeting with Los Olvidados that day. You definitely didn’t expect him to be there.
“Look, baby… it’s daddy” you told Cristobal and he looked at where you were pointing “It’s daddy, baby…”
As soon as Miguel reached you, Cristobal stretched out his arms to his father, and being as happy as never in the last eight months, Miguel took him out of your arms.
You took the chance to turn to the babysitter “Lucy, thank you so much for helping me… we drive you home?” You asked, but she shook her head no.
“My brother is picking me up,” She said.
“Are you sure?” You asked again but she only nodded, “Thank you so much again… Cristobal, say bye to Lucy,” you said, grabbing your suitcase and caressing Cristobal’s back.
The babysitter smiled when Cristobal waved his tiny hand at her, and then she started to walk to look for her brother.
As soon as she walked away, Miguel used his free hand to cup your cheek and kissed you before you could object. You pulled back, frowning, and with a small smile on your face “Someone is too affectionate today”
“I missed you,” Miguel said “And I’m not talking only about these past two weeks…”
“It’s not the place, Miguel,” You told him, but stood on your toes to kiss his lips again “Let’s go home…”
Miguel held your hand the whole way home, he asked you about the flight and about your last two days in New York that you couldn’t talk.
“You’re too affective today” You whispered, looking at him and grinning when he caressed the back of your hand with his thumb. He smiled and turned to you “How’s your mom?” You asked to change the subject.
“Happy ‘cause you’re coming back,” he said “She also missed you two… I think Cristobal helps her with her treatment”
You looked back at Cristobal, who was busy playing with a stuffed bear in his car seat “I also noticed that… what did she say about the psychologist?”
Miguel sighed and you half-smiled, you didn’t need more to know what your mother-in-law thought about that idea “You know her, she doesn’t want to go to a loquero”
“Well, we knew she’d say that” Miguel nodded at your words “Maybe Dr. Kamen can convince her… I’ll talk to her, don’t worry”
Again, Miguel realized he didn’t deserve you. He didn’t know what he had done to have you in his life, you were too good to be true ‘cause even after all that distance, you were there for him, having his back like you had done since you were sixteen.
So he kissed your hand and you smiled.
When Nestor parked outside your house, Miguel leaned to the backseat to take Cristobal as you jumped off from the SUV and smiled when you saw Dita in the front door.
“You’re finally here, querida,” She said, walking to you and hugging you “How was your trip?”
“It was great,” You said, and as soon as Miguel appeared with your son in his arms, Dita’s eyes sparkled.
“Oh, mijo, I missed you so much” Dita smiled and Miguel let her take Cristobal in her arms “You must be hungry,” Dita told you and you couldn’t hide the fact she was right “Let’s go inside, lunch is ready”
That night, even though Miguel wanted to be with you when you bathed Cristobal, he received a call and couldn’t make it. You weren’t mad. You understood that besides his family, he also had other important things to take care of, also, you saw in his eyes that he wanted to fix things up. He didn’t want to lose you and you also didn’t want to lose him.
“Sorry for that,” he said as soon as he crossed the door of your bedroom. Cristobal was in his bed already and you knew he wouldn’t wake up until the morning arrives “I went to see Cristobal… he looks tired”
You smiled.
“Yeah… he was,” you said, taking your earrings off and leaving them on your bedside table. You were tired as well, you would put them to your jeweler tomorrow.
“You also are... We can talk tomorrow”
“No. I promised we would when we had time alone” You said, turning to him and patting the bed for him to sit at your side “What did you want to tell me?”
“I’m sorry” It was the first thing he said “I know I haven’t kept all the promises I made the day we got married. You’re the most amazing wife and mother out there and I haven’t appreciated you the way I should” he shook his head and leaned his head back looking at the ceiling “I used to say that I work a lot, but now I know that’s not an excuse. ‘Cause, you work a lot too and you haven’t neglected our son, our house, or our marriage… I can see it now”
Our marriage.
Those two words made you shiver. You have confronted him about Adelita’s baby and you were afraid that the words he used just confirmed your biggest fear. But he could see that in your eyes, ‘cause he started to shake his head.
“I swear to God, amor, that between Adelita and I never happened anything,” he said, grabbing your hands. There were tears in his eyes, afraid of you not believing him “I can see why would you think that and, unfortunately, I have nothing else than my word for you to believe me” you looked him in the eyes, you wanted to have proofs but how could you have them? You had to trust him “You’re the only woman I have ever love and that’s how it’s gonna be forever. You can trust me”
“I do,” You said after a few seconds “If you say nothing happened, then nothing happened”
“Nothing” Miguel insisted, sitting closer as one of his arms landed on your shoulders and kissed your head.
“Thank you for not ignoring my feelings,” you said with your eyes closed. You missed having him so close, the smell of his cologne taking you to all the happy memories at his side.
“I’m sorry it took me too long to finally see it” he got a few inches apart from you, so you opened your eyes and looked up at him. You couldn’t deny it, you were a bit disappointed for that action “And… I know this is not romantic but…” you leaned back to see him better. Miguel was nervous and the only times he was like that were, when he asked you for the first date, when he proposed to you and when your son was born “We’ve been married for ten years now, and if you want… I want to renew our vows”
You were surprised.
You didn’t know anyone who wanted to renew their votes. The only thing that you heard of marriages when you were young, was that they were so tired of being in them.
“Miguel…” you barely whispered when he got on one knee in front of you. His hand grabbed a small black velvet box from his suit coat and opened it.
“Would you like to marry me again?” Miguel grabbed one of your hands as you were still trying to find your voice “I can’t promise you I won’t make mistakes again because I’m not perfect, but I promise to always put you and my family first”
You smiled. Your eyes getting watery as you nodded.
Miguel sighed in relief and took your engagement ring off your finger to place the new one “I love you” he told you as he stood and the next thing he did was cupping your cheeks to kiss you.
You accepted his lips, leaned back, and held from his dress shirt where you looked for its buttons as the kiss went from sweet to passionate. It had been so long since the last time he touched you like he was doing it at that moment, and your heart melted when you realized that his touch felt the same as always.
But, of course, the moment was interrupted by Miguel’s phone.
“Are you kidding me?” He said, irritated at whoever he was talking to “Potter wants to talk now? Does he know what time is it?”
You sat in the bed and looked at him as he walked around the room. You bite your lower lip as you recognized Alvarez’s voice coming out of the device and from what you could hear, you knew Miguel had to leave.
“No… tell him I won’t go anywhere”
You walked towards him and stood in front of him so he could see you. Just by looking at your face, he shook his head, but stopped when you placed one of your hands on his chest “Go. They need you” you whispered.
Miguel covered the microphone and shook his head again “I got it, amor, they won’t interrupt us”
“I’ll be here when you come back,” you told him with a smile as you wrapped your arms around his middle and left a soft kiss on his chest. He didn’t understand how he could deserve someone like you “Go. It’s okay”
He sighed and gave in “I’ll come back as soon as I can,” Miguel said kissing you, before walking out of the room as he buttoned his shirt.
Your eyes stayed at the door for a couple of seconds and when you looked down at your left hand, you smiled at seeing the new ring on your finger. If you wanted a proof, that could be. The butterflies in your stomach made you giggle while you made your way to the bathroom to take a shower.
Half an hour later, you were doing your skincare routine. You had a small smile while remembering the past weeks and how you were feeling things were changing just stepping into Californian ground. It all started to feel like before and you were not even afraid that things could change for worse. What happened today was proof enough for you to be sure that you could overcome anything.
You turned to your left when you heard the bedroom door being closed. After placing all the products where they belonged, you walked back to the bedroom just in time when Miguel was about to call your name.
“What happened? Potter just wanted to say hi?” You asked and Miguel chuckled at your joke as he was taking his coat off.
“I was in the car and I realized that I didn’t care what he wanted, so I asked Alvarez to come back,” Miguel said, unbuttoning his shirt and looking directly at you “I want to spend this night with you and nor Potter nor anyone is gonna interrupt”
“Amor… I was being honest when I told you it was okay” You told him smiling once he reached you.
“I’ll deal with him tomorrow” Miguel smirked and pulled off the strip from your robe “I love you”
Your hands cupped his cheeks “I love you too”
The sky was bright blue. There were no clouds and the weather was perfect. Miguel and Cristobal were in the pool while you watched them from the bed in the tent Miguel asked to be built. They were having fun until the little one wanted some cookies from the kitchen and as demanding as his father, he wanted to go for them.
“We have fruit here,” You told your son, pointing at the bowls on the table as Miguel helped him to take his blue lifejacket off. Cristobal pouted and shook his head no.
“I want cookies” he insisted.
“Fine, just two,” you said and your son nodded. he grabbed his father’s hand and dragged him all the way to the kitchen.
You smiled watching them going inside the house. Their curls and swimsuits dripping water as they walked. There was no doubt that Cristobal was looking more and more like his father as the days go on.
The giggles of your son became louder as they approached the tent. You looked up from your phone and saw your son with two cookies in both of his hands. You turned to Miguel, questioning him with your gaze.
The expression on his face was saying “I couldn’t do anything”
“I said just two cookies, hun,” you told your husband once Cristobal sat near you.
“I told him so,” Miguel said quickly “Tell your mother what you told me”
Cristobal smiled when you ran your fingers through his hair “Two for me and two for little brother” he looked at you and then turned to the bassinet at your side. You couldn’t stop your laugh and neither did Miguel.
“But little brother can’t eat cookies yet,” you told him.
“Can I eat them for him?” Cristobal asked looking up at you with a big smile, trying to look as innocent as he could.
You looked at Miguel who didn’t even try to hide his smirk. Like father, like son.
“Fine,” you told him “but you’ll have to wait an hour before you go to the pool again”
Cristobal nodded too eagerly probably not knowing what an hour meant, and when Miguel was about to say something, your youngest son started to whine “Hey, little man. What’s wrong?” he asked taking the baby in his arms and trying to coo him, “I know, I know. You don’t want to see me now; you want your mami”
You smiled when Miguel kissed his forehead to place it in your arms so he could eat.
Miguel laid on the bed with Cristobal, they were close to you but not enough so they wouldn’t get you or the baby wet. He was having a conversation with his son, at least, the kind of conversation a three-year-old kid could maintain, which soon started to fade away and when you looked at them, you saw your oldest son sleeping on Miguel’s chest.
“He gave up,” Miguel said with a smile when he noticed you were watching them. One of his hands was on Cristobal’s back and the other in his hair “You want to try for a girl?”
You chuckled while patting your newborn child on the back “It’s been only six days since this little one came out of me… give me two years to forget the pain and we can talk about it”
“We have a deal here” He smiled at you and then kissed his son’s head “I think he likes being the big brother”
“Yeah, he gets extra cookies” you both chuckled at that “Today was wonderful”
“Every day at your side is wonderful”
“Ugh, cheesy” you laughed and Miguel looked at you pretending to be offended.
“I’m not taking it back, because it’s true” Miguel shrugged as best as the kid in his chest let him “I love you, you know it”
“Hun… I love you too”
Miguel stood there, lying in bed and looking at you and your sons. He was thankful that you had given him another chance, ‘cause he realized by looking at you three, that he couldn’t see his life without you.
“Hand in my hand and you promised to never let go”
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Tags: @luckyharley1903​
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heartofwritiing · 3 years
Paring(s): Ethan Nestor x fem!reader
a/n: Im back! heres a quick little drabble I wrote a week ago! please ignore any mistakes!
Warning(s): Fluff!!
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sometimes it was hard sleeping on your own. wether you were cold or strait up lonely or there was something on your mind you couldn’t just not think about. there was always something causing you distress and it took a toll on your mental heath. Until you met Ethan. At first you both were a little shy about sleeping in the same bed but after awhile it didn’t matter anymore. you both found comfort being next to one another Most nights you both wouldn’t sleep at all and spend the whole night discussing things and learning new things about each other. And it made your relationship better.
Tonight Ethan was downstairs in his recording room doing a late night stream. it was rare that he would do these since you both went to bed fairly early. You kept tossing and turning in his bed that you realized how much you had gotten used to him being close to you every night. A pit formed in your stomach in sadness, even though he was downstairs you still missed him. You uncovered yourself from the heap on blankets and got up. You had one of Ethans sweatshirts on and you were still chilly so you grabbed a small blanket and wrapped it around your shoulders before heading to the basement. you knocked when you made it to the door and you heard a faint ‘yess’ in a sing-song voice on the other side and you pushed it open. Ethans eyes soften when he sees you all curled up and shuffling towards him. He quickly glances down at the clock on his monitor and his eyes widen a bit before he looks back at you.
1:34 am
“i’m sorry, i wasn’t keep track of the time.” he apologize. you’ve made your way around his desk and into his lap at this point and you bury your face in his neck as he wraps his arms around your waist bring you to straddle him. you cant see but, chat is going absolutely nuts. Ethan giggles to himself and he knows this will be all over twitter and tumblr later but he doesn’t care.
“its okay,” you whispered. “i just missed you.”
he rubs small circles on your back and continues to play his game for the next few minutes. your already dosing off so you don’t really hear him say bye to chat and log off twitch. he begins to shut everything down and he picks you up and your hanging on him koala style. he brings you back up to his bed and lays you down gentle. he leaves you there and you here rustling around before the mattress dips and hes at your side again pulling you into him. he kisses your temple before you both drift off into calm slumber.
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hihellogoodbyebruh · 3 years
Is She the Reason? - Part 3
Parts: 1, 2
Pairing: Angel Reyes x Black!Reader, Nestor Oceteva x Black!Reader
Summary: Angel, Nestor. Nestor, Angel. Girl....what the hell you gon’ do now?
Warning(s): Aaaangst, a fluffly bit, a confrontation, but aaaaaangst. This is the angst series :)
Word count: 2,508
AN: I uh...I did a thing. After this there is only one part of this series left. Comments, questions, and concerns are always welcomed. Okay, bye. Love y’all xo
TAGLIST:   @holland23567 @trulysuccubus @pearlkitten33
You were at the salon getting yourself a downright sickening blowout. You could feel how silky the hair was and you were happy for a change. You didn’t wanna do something so drastic like chopping your hair, but you needed something new. 
“You finessed the hell out of my hair. Thank you so much Shonda.” You smiled at your longtime hair stylist.
“You know I got you, girl.” Shonda smiled back, still running her fingers through the hair and slinging it over your shoulder. She noticed you looking at your phone, “You got a hot date with that fine ass Angel?”
You felt a tug on your heart at the mention of him. “Nope. We aint together anymore and no I don’t want to talk about it.” You got up out of the seat and placed the money she owed plus a tip on the vanity.
“Oh, uh okay. I’ll see you next time!” Shonda called out to you as you practically ran out of the salon to avoid any further questions about you and Angel.
You breathed a sigh of relief at being outside and away from the possible interrogation that would have happened if you stayed there longer. You were ready to casually talk about your breakup with others. You were not over it. 
The familiar smell of delicious Mexican food wafted through your nostrils as you reached your lunch destination for the day. You walked in and saw who you were looking for already at a table.
“Hey Nes.” You greeted the man with a smile that turned into a giggle as he stood up from his seat and pulled you in a big hug, lifting your feet off the ground a little. “Put me down.”
“I’m just happy to see you, mi cielo.” Nestor murmured, letting your feet drop back down to the floor and leading to the table.
“Oh don’t start sweet talking me.” You laughed, taking a seat.
“Ain’t no one sweet talking you. I can if you’d like me too. I see you with the straight silky locs. You trying to impress me?” He teasingly asked as he sat across from you.
“Boy, please.” You scoffed, taking a look at the menu.
“Good. Cause I’m already impressed by you.” He replied in such an earnest tone, it caused her to stop looking at her menu to meet his eyes.
The look in his eyes made her pause. He was staring at you so intently that you were relieved when the server came to get their orders. You had no idea what to say to him. Nestor really was a nice guy. He was fine, secure, and had yet to disappoint you. You’d been relying on him a lot over these last few weeks. He’d kept you company, wiped your tears, and made you laugh. He showed up every time he said he would, but what did that mean? 
It wasn’t until after you two enjoyed a hilarious and delicious lunch together that you felt ready to broach the subject. You two were standing in front of his car saying your goodbyes.
“You’re a great friend and I appreciate you so much. You know that, right Nes?” You asked him, fiddling with the collar of his shirt.
“Of course, cielo.” He responded, his hands on your hips. 
He pulled you in for a hug and you hugged him tight. When you two pulled back, he leaned forward as if to kiss you and you buried your face in his chest. Nestor instead held you tightly again and placed several kisses on your exposed neck. The kisses make you shiver and you pull away again to look at him.
“Nestor..” You begin but get interrupted by his phone going off.
He checked his phone and pulled further away from you. “It’s Miguel. I gotta go, but call me later okay?” He placed a kiss on your forehead and then he was hopping in his car and speeding away to meet Miguel wherever.
You just stood in the same spot he left you, staring at the tail lights of his car until you can’t see them anymore.
The “alliance” between the Mayans and the Galindo Cartel was a precarious situation from the very beginning. Things had grown more tense with the dissolution of Y/N’s relationship with Angel and her blossoming friendship with Nestor. Meetings between the gangs had an added uneasiness with Angel glaring at Nestor and Miguel’s bodyguard not giving him any energy back.
It had been two weeks since the diner and Angel could not get those images out of his head. Angel was waiting for the right opportunity to address Nestor. Where the fuck does Nestor get off having his hands all on you? Yes, Angel knew you were mad at him, but that doesn’t mean he was ready to see you with anyone else especially someone associated with fucking Galindo. He wanted him to stay away from you. 
The opportunity presented itself when Miguel left the meeting with his other guards, leaving Nestor behind to complete a different task. The Mayans had all turned to head back into the clubhouse but Angel stayed behind and walked up on Nestor.
���Aye!” Angel barked out at Nestor’s retreating form as he walked up on him. “What are you doing with Y/N? I saw y’all the other day.”
Nestor turned around and stared at him for a minute before saying, “What the fuck did you say to me?”
“You heard me. Why are you sniffing around her? She’s not gonna be with you. She still loves me.”
“Oh she told you that? Then why aren’t y’all still together huh? Cause y’all aint together right now right? Right?” Nestor asked, staring Angel down. Angelcito would be even more upset to learn Nestor just came from lunch with you, but he wasn’t about to gloat out of respect for you.
“Yeah but-”
“And whose fault is that?”
Angel was silent. He knew it was his fault. He didn’t need to be reminded by the likes of Nestor. As the man went on, Angel found himself getting angrier and angrier. His hands balling into fists.
“So let me get this straight: you fuck some random bitch so Y/N dumps you and now you in my face because you fucked up and lost her?” Nestor stared at Angel and chuckled. How pathetic could he be? The audacity of the Mayan to tell him anything was laughable. “Own your shit, homes. Don’t worry about what I’m doing.”
Angel couldn’t take it anymore and grabbed Nestor by the shirt and pushed him up against the car. “Stay the fuck away from her.” He barked, voice harsh and loud.
The commotion must have gotten someone’s attention because the Mayans poured out of the clubhouse, pulling Angel off Nestor who only laughed and straightened his shirt.
Bishop tried to apologize for Angel but Nestor waved him off, still laughing. “I’ll give him that one. We can chalk it up to emotional distress at his recent loss.” He goes from speaking to Bishop to looking Angel dead in the eyes. “But if you put your hands on me again I’ll blow your brains out and leave your mangled body at your pop’s front door, comprende?”
Nestor was in his car and gone without another word. Angel just watched him go, before turning to look at EZ. EZ could tell from the look on his face that he was planning something and he just hoped it did not backfire and make things even worse.
“Open the fucking door!” You screamed, banging your fist against the locked office door. You couldn’t believe you had gotten played like this. “Whoever is on the other side: EZ, Coco, Gilly, or even Letty when I get out of here I'm gonna hurt you.” You threatened, but the door remained closed.
You had received a text from Chucky asking you to stop by the garage to look over some contracts with him. You had the day off so it was no big deal. When you walked in the office you were not greeted by Chucky but instead a pensive Angel. Obviously this had been a set up. 
“It’s not getting opened until I say the magic word.” Angel explained from the chair he had yet to move from. He was completely relaxed and his sentence just confirmed what you already knew: he set this whole thing up.
“Oh so it’s you I should hurt, then?” You turned around from the door and crossed your arms as you stared at him. “Why would you do this?”
“I needed to see you.”
You scoffed. “Angel tell them to open this door right now.”
“No?” You angrily walked to the desk and swiped a paper weight off the desk that you chucked at his chest, hitting him square on the collarbone.
“Ow! Shit.” He groaned, rubbing where the weight hit him. 
“I will throw everything on this desk at you. Let me out.” You threatened once again and he stood up from the seat. He walked around the desk and every step he took, you took one backwards.
He was approaching but you wanted to keep some space between the two of you. It wasn’t until you backed into the door that you realized he was just getting you away from the potential weapons on the desk.
“Okay fine.” You threw your hands up in defeat. “Fine. Let’s talk Angel. What would you like to discuss?”
“Your hair looks nice. You’ve never worn it like that before. You look beautiful.” He complimented.
“Thanks.” You were wound up so tight as you tried to keep your emotions in check.
“I bet Nestor likes it too.”
You narrowed your eyes at the mention of Nestor. “Why are you bringing him up?”
“Just heard you two have been hanging out.” He tried to nonchalantly mention, but you saw right through that.
“I know you’re not jealous. Please fuck right off with that. If you want to talk about Nestor, this conversation ends now.” You were not about to get into a discussion about Nestor with Angel. It wasn’t his business and also you weren’t even sure what was going on. The last time you saw him was at lunch earlier in the week.
Angel was silent for a moment as he debated with himself. “Do you miss me? Cause I miss you.” He asked, staring at you.
“No.” You tried to keep a bored look on your face.
“You really don’t miss me at all, querida? You don’t miss us?” He implored, taking a step closer to you.
It was quiet as you two simply stared at each other. He was waiting for an answer and you were fighting with yourself to keep quiet.
“Of course I miss you, you selfish asshole!” You finally exploded. You missed him every damn day. The situation was hard enough but he made it worse by just not leaving you alone. “Doesn’t mean I want or need to be with you. You don’t understand that I can’t trust you Angel. I refuse to torture myself by being with you and worrying what you’re doing every second of the day.”
“I want to earn your trust back. You tell me what you want me to do and that’s what I’ll do. Starting right now. You want me on my knees? What’s that Temptations song….I aint too proud to beg right? Call me David Ruffin.” Tears filled your eyes as you listened to him. This was the Angel you fell in love with. All earnest good intentions with a side of sarcastic asshole that you found irresistible. “Give me something, Y/N. We can’t just end like this. I can’t accept this. I know it’s my fault, but I can’t let you go.”
“You have to! I just..I can’t Angel. You hurt me so fucking much. I can’t go back. I won’t let you do it again. I won’t.” You began shaking your head as the tears poured down your cheeks. He shattered your heart with his actions and selfishness. You would never put yourself in that position again. And yet, your traitorous heart still yearned for him.
Angel had tears in his eyes as he watched you break down. He took your face in his hands and wiped your tears. “Oh, querida. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.” He repeated apologies and sweet nothings over and over again as he held you close.
After crying for a moment, you raised your head and looked up at Angel. “Sorry just isn’t enough.”
He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know how to make it better. So he did the only thing he could do. The thing he’s been wanting to do for almost two months and he kissed you firmly on the lips.
You froze at first before gripping his kutte tightly as he pinned you to the door. The kiss was sloppy, passionate, and everything you missed about being with you. He kissed you like a man who knew exactly what you liked and he did. You both pushed all of your pent up feelings into that kiss.
He got your legs spread and wrapped around his waist as he pushed you even harder into the wall. You grinded against him as you two continued to explore each other’s mouths.
The pounding on the door broke you two out of the haze of emotionality and lust you’d lost your head in.
“Angel! Get out here! Now.” EZ called out through the door. There was an undercurrent to his voice that made you pause. What was going on?
Angel was content to continue kissing you, but you pushed him away and let your legs hit the floor again. You fixed your hair and wouldn’t look him in the eyes. 
“Y/N…” Angel began, but you ignored him as you opened the now unlocked door.
When you stepped out Angel was right behind you and he bumped into your back as you froze, after seeing who was on the other side of the door.
EZ was the first face you saw and then you noticed Coco towards the back of the room. Behind EZ stood a strange young guy next to a familiar face you hadn’t seen in awhile.
You hadn’t seen her since that fateful day. Your blood turned to ice as you looked at her now. Did she know Angel had a woman when they began their affair? Would it have made a difference had she known? You give her a once over, trying to figure out what made her so damn special. What was so good about her that he’d break his promises to you? What made her better than you?
It wasn’t until the other woman shifted in her stance that you noticed the hand she had placed over her stomach….over a slight bump that was only just becoming visible.
You stopped breathing.
Adelita was pregnant.
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Grey Jeans.
Massive shout out to my dear @beccabarba for being my editor and making sure this series has all been flowing well. But I know deep down she is only saying yes to read throughs so she finds out what happens first 😝😘. Thanks so much my love.
*Grey Leather*
*Grey Uniform*
*Grey Dress*
*Grey Vase*
*Grey Blanket*
This is my favourite part so far. This will most likely be the last part for a while till I decide where these two are headed.
Warnings: Swearing, dinner party from hell with a huge ugly fight with Emily, if you haven’t watched the new series I’ am sorry if you don’t know who Erin is, talks of Galindo’s yellow rain coat, Galindo handling ‘business’ and of course Bishop smut.
WC: 2838
Enjoy x
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It had been the four of you since elementary school, even though Erin was younger then you all, you were all joint at the hip till you weren’t. College had been an eye opener for you all, but once back in Santo Padre after you all graduated, everything started to slowly change. Emily got mixed up with Miguel, Erin never came back and you and Rosa were living your best life partying, and working hard to get somewhere in a small town. Although there was one of you missing, you, Emily and Rosa were extremely close, even with Miguel. You were Emily’s maid of honour and godmother to Christobal and Rosa was a bridesmaid and loving aunty to your ‘best friends’ baby.
You had always known what Miguel was, what his family was into, but because you never seen that side of him or his parents you pushed it all away. To you and Rosa, Miguel was your best friend's amazing husband who treated you both extremely well, like the sisters he never had. That was until one day when you were out with Emily, and she was pissed at Miguel for this reason or that, and she made her driver drive you both to the dress factory.  
Once you had pulled up Emily told you to wait in the car while she ran in, and her phone started ringing over and over. You grabbed her phone from her bag jumping out and jogging into the factory to find her. She had just got to a door opening it and you speed towards her, just as she stepped in the door way freezing you came up behind her looking into the room seeing Miguel in his yellow rain coat tipping hot oil onto another man while Nestor stood there watching. Miguel yelled at you both to get out and once Emily dropped you home you stopped all contact. Seeing that made everything too real about what you had heard.  
Emily tried to mend things but it ended in a big blow up and you hadn’t spoken since. That was until Erin reached out to you and Rosa that she was in town and wanted to see you both. Rosa begged you to say yes after Erin sent a message to you both inviting you both and Bishop for dinner at the Galindo house and she hoped you could both make it.
Bishop had known all about this history and he had told you he would come if you wanted to go or stay home with you if you didn’t. You didn’t know what to do, Bishop’s emotions were running high and you knew deep down agreeing to go wouldn’t end well. You knew that the Mayans and Miguel had business deals so there was a connection. You and Emily had unfinished business, you couldn’t look at Miguel the same way again, you were taking your biker boyfriend to the cartel boss’s house for a dinner party, but you missed Erin. So you took a deep breath agreeing to go and the night was finally here.
You heard his bike pull up just as you done up the button on your grey jeans and you tucked in your black shirt and walking to slide on some black slides, grabbing your black leather jacket off the end on the bed and walking out to answer the door. You swung the door open just as Bishop was about to knock. A grin spread across his face, his eyes running all over your body as he stepped forward hooking an arm around your waist and yours wrapping around his neck as your lips met kissing deeply,
“Don’t know how I feel about you looking this beautiful to go to Galindo’s” Bishop's hand slid down to cup your ass cheek through your jeans, giving it a slight spank.
“Don’t know how I feel about you looking so handsome for a cartel dinner” you shot back your hands running over the shoulders of his black button down.
“You two ready?” Rosa came up behind you wrapping her arms around you both and she rested her chin on your shoulder. Bishop kissed her on the cheek and you sighed.
“Guess so”
Bishop held your hand on the drive over. He kept one hand on the steering wheel and you clung to one hand tight with both of yours. You finally arrived at the sliding gates and got buzzed in, driving up the long drive way till you got to the house. Bishop lifting your hands to his mouth and kissing the back of it while Rosa got out of the car,
“It will be ok baby. Whenever you want to go we will go”  
You nodded taking a deep breath and lent over pecking Bishops lips a few times before you got out of the car walking towards the front door that Rosa was knocking on. Everyone had greeted you like you had just seen them yesterday, even Erin who squealed before jumping on you and Nestor who was over the moon to see you. You had a quick chat and cuddle with Christobal before he went to bed and Miguel had even invited Nestor and Marcus to stay for the night to join you all.
The night had mostly gone smoothly. Bishop was always by your side. If he wasn’t holding your hand, it was around you or on your thigh. Miguel had pulled you aside apologising for that day in the warehouse and you both clearing the air,
“Y/N, I’ am sorry. I never wanted either of you to see that. See that side of me.”
“It just made it all real you know. You were my best friend’s husband, one of my closest friends, not a cartel boss. I had heard the rumours, it just made it all real after that. And Nestor” you rolled your eyes “He was just the boy next door, not your right hand man.”
Miguel pulled you towards him wrapping you in his arms,
“I’am still that person. You know I never mixed both worlds, it was bad timing and I never should have yelled at you like that” Miguel kissed your cheek and pulled back, both his hands moving to your shoulders, “But you and Em, you need to talk it out.”
You went back and sat down next to Bishop on the couch, the conversation following nicely between you all, just like old times. The men laughed at old stories Erin told about you all and Miguel pulled out the cigar box handing them out,
“We need some girl time” Erin jumped up.
You all followed getting up, walking out to sit on the couches just outside the door. You all got comfortable sitting back to relax with full glasses of wine.
“So glad you guys could make it. I’ve missed this” Erin reached over grabbing your hand and blew air kisses to Rosa “But I should have come back sooner” Erin squeezed your hand letting go and looking over at Emily “You two need to fix whatever this is” she looked between you both.
“Oh you haven’t changed have you, straight to the point hey Erin” you scoffed taking a sip of wine.
“It’s the best way to be Y/N”  
“Erin, not tonight” Rosa shot at her.
“No, it should be tonight” Emily piped up.
“Here we go” you sighed your eyes locking with Emily’s.
“You have made up with Miguel and you see Ez all the time and your acting like this with me” Emily sat up off the couch “All this bullshit after that day in the warehouse”
“You know full well it’s not just about that” you snapped back.  
“So that’s only part of it?” Emily opened her eyes wide at you.
“Rosa” Erin stood up and started to walk inside, Rosa following.
“You know it’s only part of it. Don’t act dumb Emily you remember that phone call"
“I do. And you're nothing but a hypocrite” She almost screeched.
Miguel, Bishop, Marcus and Nestor’s heads shot up when they heard Emily raise her voice and seen Rosa and Erin walk back in,
“What’s going on?” Bishop stood up and went to walk out to you, Rosa grabbed his arm and stopped him.
“They need this, let them get it out” Rosa looked up at him.
“How am I a hypocrite?” You spat back.
“Huh. Now look who’s acting dumb. You tore into me about being with Miguel, how I didn’t belong in this world, look what world you’re involved in? You think it’s better than mine?” She raised an eye brow at you.    
“I’ am not sitting at home being a Galindo house maker while my husband is out pouring hot oil on people, Emily”
“No you just wear leather and ride on the back of Harleys like some old lady”
“Fuck you” you snarled.
“No Y/N, Fuck you”
“You gave everything up for Ez and then for Miguel. You think a big house, nice cars and drivers make you special? You don’t belong in this world.”
“And you think you belong in that world? Saving people by day and fucking a motor cycle club president that smuggles drugs by night. It will never work Y/N get out now, you think you’re the only one? You think he will marry you? Become a family man for you to please your Daddy, or do you call him Daddy too? Think he will give everything up for you? Wake up from your day dream Y/N, you were always the logical one. You’re just another girl that jumped on the back of his bike”
“You going to bring my dad into this?” you balled your hands into fists “After everything he did for you and you be disrespectful like that?”
“I’ am sorry- I shouldn’t”
“No you shouldn’t have. This was a mistake” you slammed your wine glass down on the table and stood up storming into the living area, grabbing your leather jacket off the back of the couch and bolting to the front door. Rosa quickly kissed everyone goodnight and thanked Miguel for having you’s and Bishop shook hands kissing Erin and followed you out the door.  
The ride home was silent, Bishop’s hand on your thigh the whole way to Angel’s to drop off Rosa. Rosa kissed you on the cheek, said sorry for making you go and she would see you tomorrow before she got out of the car to walk to Angel’s front door.  
Bishop backed out of the drive and you were back home in no time. You jumped out of the car unlocking the door and rushing into the kitchen pulling out a bottle of vodka and a glass. You poured some in and shot it back and went to pour another when Bishop came up behind you leaning against your back, his hands coming to rest on the counter either side of you,
“I heard everything. What pissed you off more?” Bishop's lips landed on your clothed shoulder.
“That she put doubt in my head” You put the lid back on the bottle of vodka pushing it away.
“Doubts about us?” you nodded back “You didn’t have any before?”
“Surprisingly no. But she always knew how to start a fire” you muttered.
Bishop’s hands went to your hips turning you around to face him. His face soft,
“You are the only one. You’re not just another leather wearing old lady that jumped on the back of my bike, you know that, you’re my girl and I love you. Not just anyone rides behind me” you nodded “Your Dad is a good man and I respect him and your Mum. They both know how I feel about you and what I want from this” You looked up into Bishop’s eyes shocked at hearing that “I can’t and I won’t promise that I will give up everything, but you will always be more important and my number one priority.” Your eyes filled with tears and you smiled, yours hands coming up to cup his cheeks, his beard on your hands making you shiver “This isn’t a day dream baby and don’t let Emily fucking Galindo put that shit in your head”
“Ok” you smiled “I love you Obispo” Bishop chuckled, his hands sliding down to the backs on your thighs lifting you up, your legs going around his waist and you giggled kissing down his neck as he walked you both into the bedroom,  
“Obispo now is it?”
You smiled into his skin, kissing up to his ear and nipping his ear lobe, your lips at his ear,
“Would you prefer Señor Losa?” you purred.  
A growl rattled through his chest as he dropped you down on the bed and started to undress you,
“Only when you’re on your knees baby, but that’s not what I have planned for tonight” Bishop purred pulling your jeans and panties down and off after he took off your slides “Shirt and bra off”
You sat up doing as he asked while he undressed himself. His hard cock springing free as he pushed down his boxers and jeans kicking them out of the way,
“On your belly, baby”
You laid back down rolling over and you felt Bishop's hands running up the inside of your thighs pushing them apart before you felt the bed sink and he settled between them. You then felt one hand run up your lower back while the other slid down to run along your centre and you moaned loud biting your bottom lip, Bishops rough warm finger tips brushing over your clit,
“Your IUD ready to go?” Bishop lent down kissing your back, his beard brushing over your soft back skin.
“Yes” you whimpered.
Bishop’s hands came straight to your hips lifting them up so you were on your knees and you moved to lean on your elbows. Bishop pushed his hips forward, his hard cock running along your opening and you pushed back into him. Up until now Bishop had always worn protection, but after you both had a check-up, after you suggested that you get an IUD, finally being at that point in your relationship.
Bishop pulled back for a moment and then you felt him starting to slide into you, your moans and his grunts filled the room as your hot drenched core wrapped around him. Bishop bucked his hips forward bottoming out while he ran a hand up your back into your hair balling it into a fist as he started to pound into you hard and fast. You knew it wouldn’t be long till you were both falling over the edge so you started to push back into him just as hard. Your body catching on fire.
Bishop could feel your inner walls fluttering around him. His hand that was still tangled in your hair pulled you up fast, your back flush with his chest. Bishop moved his hand out of your hair and ran it down to rest around your throat with no pressure, the other running down over the side of your body running along your soft tummy and down to your needy pearl, his thumb connecting with it circling it, still thrusting up into you and his lips kissing along your shoulder,
“You're my girl. I love you baby” Bishop grunted into your ear.
“I love you too” You moaned out.
The sensation of his hand on your throat, his beard and lips on your shoulder, thrusting up into you and his fingers playing with you was enough for you to gasp for air as your release hurtled through you so fast your whole body trembled with pleasure, Bishop’s name and loud groans leaving your lips.  
Bishop’s hand moved away from your throat coming to the middle of your back pushing you down on your chest, chasing his own orgasm, his hands then moving to your hips to slam you back into him. With a loud roar and the grip on your hips bruising, Bishop stilled and you felt him cum deep inside you, his seed spilling into you. Your name chanting from his mouth. You stayed like that for a moment, before Bishop pulled out and you both collapsed on the bed in a sweaty, heavy breathing tangle of limbs. The room was silent for a long while, you both snuggled into each other when Bishop started to kiss along your shoulder again,
“Did you ever think you would ever be on the back of a boyfriend's Harley?”  
You snorted with a giggle “Never in a million years. But there is no one’s Harley I would rather be on the back of than yours”
Bishop let out a laugh, his hand coming to your face pulling it towards him, his lips meeting yours kissing you deeply,
“Promise me baby, no more doubts”
“You know you can talk to me whenever you need to about anything. I love you baby”
“Love you too Señor Losa”
Tags: @beccabarba @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo​ @withmyteeth​
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