#i miss this on fire garbage can of a site
sparkofthevoid · 1 year
Me yet again attempting to return to tumblr so I apologise for anyone who follows me because I have gained so many fandoms and so much autism
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microsuedemouse · 1 year
hey? hi? I am unexpectedly emotional about TMNT 2003 season 1 episode 9 Garbageman?
the boys are shown to be good friends with their local unhoused population, and they bring them supplies (an effort often repaid with interesting or useful things these folks have found on the streets and think the brothers might like) as well as watch out for their safety
so of course when unhoused people start going missing, the boys begin investigating
also, and this feels significant: there's a sort of leader figure amongst the unhoused population refered to only as 'Professor.' he's a very intelligent and well-spoken older black man, and his outfit includes a colourful kufi cap. he and Donnie talk about science and Donnie offers to lend him an interesting book; he's also later shown teaching his peers about the big bang around a fire
the Professor is also, notably, the character who responds to being kidnapped and told by the Weird Villain that they're all here to Do Labour with the firm proclamation: "I'd rather be a free man, living on the streets, than a slave in your stinking empire."
additionally, the aforementioned villain tells these people that they're "human garbage - no home, no purpose, no value." he claims to have given them new purpose (Doing Labour). the moral of the episode isn't stated outright, but very much argues that these people absolutely do have value and are completely deserving of dignity and respect, like the brothers have been showing them without question from the beginning
after the villain is defeated, the Professor and the other unhoused folks actually decide (by vote!) to stay where they are, because there's shelter and food freely available to them here now, with the Bad Guys out of the way. the 'here' in question is a large waste disposal site, and these folks are accustomed to making do with what others have thrown away, so they feel they can find everything they need right there. it's not perfect but it does reward them the dignity of a safe place to call home!
this is all couched in the corniness and the goofiness you would of course expect from a 2003 TMNT cartoon, but... I feel like there was some very genuine thought, and compassion, that went into writing this episode. I'm feeling Emotions I didn't expect
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scaredshadowsswap · 1 year
SCP Personnel and Snooping
In the SCP Foundation, there are loads of secrets, and it’s natural to be curious. However, not every senior researcher will let you view information above your clearance. Here’s what I think you could get away with.
Clef is tough. You can hypothetically get away with anything, but he won’t make it too easy. If you ask him personally, he’ll give you a different answer every time, and any version of his stories could be true. If you try to use his clearance to view something, he might laugh and help you, or he might report you. His motives are…generally unclear, so while you could hypothetically figure something out, think about how he could possibly react. You’ll probably eventually realize that he is a very clever manipulator, and will say whatever he can to try and prevent you from searching for information not meant for you. By the time you realize, it’ll probably have worked. He’s not gonna react the way you think he will, but consider how me might react anyway. Don’t think for a moment that he believes that you’ve “punished yourself enough by learning this” or any of that garbage. If you screw up, he’ll come up with some creative punishment on top of the paralyzing fear or whatever natural consequence came of it. If he thinks you’re prying for something that extends beyond the realm of “being curious”, he might shoot you right then and there. For example, looking for SCP-001 is just basic curiosity, and he’ll stop that soon enough. Looking into MTF dockets and reading every piece of information on them is suspicious, and you will die. You have no reason to be there. Also, if the Foundation ever figures out, he’s not gonna get in trouble for your actions. He’d most likely lie if it paints him in a better light. He’ll sit back and laugh as you get demoted.
Kondraki is known for water cooler gossip, so he gets how enticing information like that can be. He probably won’t care at all and won’t try to stop you, unless you put him at risk of getting in trouble. Things like using his clearance or looking through his desk will get you in trouble for sure. Other than that, go wild. He’s definitely found out stuff he wasn’t supposed to, so he’s not gonna get upset if you do the same. However, he’s not gonna help you run from the consequences of your actions, either. Whatever the consequences are, you get to deal with them by yourself. Kondraki takes a very “hands-off” approach to this, which gives him deniability. He didn’t see you do anything, he won’t say anything. One of his earlier assistants died after looking at a cognitohazard. When he was interviewed, Kondraki simply stated: “Dr. ████ fucked around. Dr. ████ found out.”
Gears will absolutely not help you learn anything you’re not supposed to. The Assistant Director of Site-19 did not get there by being lenient with restrictions. That being said, I’m not sure Gears would catch on that easily to what you’re doing. He’s generally emotionless, which doesn’t mean he can’t read others’ emotions, but it means he could miss tiny details that make you look suspicious. With Clef and Kondraki, there’s no way you could hide the fact that you’re looking into Foundation secrets. With Gears, he would probably miss it, whether that be due to his ability to comprehend emotions or sleep deprivation. Just don’t get caught, and you’ll be okay.
Glass is reporting you and then firing you immediately. I’m not actually sure if he has the power to fire anyone, but he will make sure it happens. The reason is simply because the information he works with is heavily confidential, and although it can be accessed in some situations, Glass’s morals stand strong. Unless he gets a direct order demanding anything else, he keeps strict confidentiality on what his patients tell him. You accessing any of his files is a huge breach of trust for his patients, and even if the specific file wasn’t confidential, there is no way Glass’ll trust you enough to work with you anymore. If you’re trying to figure out something about an SCP…why? You don’t work with them. If it’s an SCP, Glass’ll probably just talk to you. Maybe he’ll file an incident report, but at least he won’t think that you’re breaking the trust of others.
Shaw will outright tell you stuff you don’t have clearance for. Considering they have clearance to pretty much everything, you just need to ask. However, you’ll probably have to explain why you wanted to know, and that can get embarrassing sometimes. If they’re putting you with Shaw, they’re expecting you to keep them in check a little, so you probably wouldn’t be the snooping type to begin with. Shaw doesn’t really report to anyone, so go wild I guess. It’s up to them if you get in trouble, and I don’t think Shaw would do anything unless you were acting super suspicious.
It’s hard to find out any information as a researcher. As a Task Force member? They don’t even tell you vital info about the things you’re trying to contain. Strelnikov won’t report you for looking at stuff not meant for your eyes, but don’t think for a moment that he’s okay with it. He believes firmly in loyalty, and that loyalty means blind trust sometimes. If you’re looking at files above your clearance and he catches you, he’ll assume you don’t trust him or the other agents on your team. How can he trust you if you don’t trust him? Your next missions will be dangerous because he doesn’t trust you.
Rights is gonna be disappointed. She’ll be calm about it, but she’ll probably put restrictions onto your electronics and stuff. She may or may not fill out a report depending on what you looked at, but she’ll tell her friends about what you did, so you’ll have to deal with random people knowing what SCP you were researching. If you looked at the MTF dockets for information on an agent you had a crush on? You’d never live it down. Shaw would loudly proclaim your love in the cafeteria, and then everyone would know. Regardless, she gets where you’re coming from, but you need to understand that the rules are in place for a reason, so do not expect any help from her when you’re trying to break them.
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alaetoiles · 1 year
modern!poets + driving
i cant stop thinking abt these 😭😭 HELP
ugh u definitely know neil is never ever going to drive anywhere ever. got his license first out of all the poets, but absolutely refuses to drive places. would rather walk 45 min in the sweltering hot sun to get to the park than drive 10 min. he's trying to prove something but no one rlly knows what LMFAO
+ asks everyone for rides during the peak of summer cause he nearly passed out from a heat stroke while walking once
todd vs driving his mom's old minivan. that hunk of metal is busted beyond normal wear and tear but todd is forever convinced that his car is near mint condition. always takes 10 extra minutes to park bc his car is so fucking big 😭😭 designated driver for group trips bc his car is the only one that can fit everyone
+ he always says "i told u so" when his car is actually useful
ever seen one of those cars whipping it through a parking lot narrowly missing several small children? yeah that's definitely charlie. only knows where the gas pedal is, absolutely no breaking or slowing down. "bad drivers never miss their turn" is what charlie embodies. at least his car is always nice and cold though to distract you from your impending death via his driving
+ silly drink guy, always has a silly drink in his cup holder (sometimes it's a week old, nearly moldy starbucks matcha drink)
pitts is the most careful driver of the year, always at speed limit, follows code of conduct to a tee despite everyone in the car hating him for it. cares wayyy too much abt the opinion of whoever is in the passenger seat; will let the passengers dictate the ac settings, aux cord, windows up/down is all up to the passengers, he is just driver.
+ HIS SEAT SETTINGS ARE SO WILD. he's siting with his spine perfectly straight, head hunched slightly over the wheel to ""see the entire road""
knox took his test seven times. Seven. passing is passing though. even though charlie is an objectively bad driver, knox is somehow always worse. first one to get into a crash & first one to total his car. no one rlly knows how or why he is so bad at driving...who gave him a mfing car PLS
+ has a "hype" playlist for driving, except he's banned from playing it while driving bc during both accidents he's been in, the playlist was at the crime scene.
world's biggest mystery is cameron's car bc how can someone be so outwardly neat and organized by drive in such a chaos fire of garbage??? car floor has not been seen in years, actively pushing trash and wrappers off the seat to be able to sit in cameron's car. dont even mention the crunching noises that happen whenever u try to get in/out of the car bc of the shear amt of trash in that man's car. funnily enough, only the driver's side is ever perfectly clean,,, u think he does it to spite the poets? LMAO
meeks is the perfect carpool buddy: an absolute delight to be in his car. equipped w everything u could possibly need in his little hybrid prius. only good vibes and fun times in his car. also meeks loves driving!! will take u anywhere u want/need to go; willing to drive far to do things + loves to go on late night drives with the windows down and music blasting
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thatndginger · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes Tag
the lovely @avrablake tagged me in this game and oh boy am I excited!
I'm gonna tag @touloserlautrec @writeintrees @ryns-ramblings @mariahwritesstuff and an open tag (no pressure, of course!) I'd reccomend trying this site if y'all don't keep an entire wall full of incorrect quotes like me lol
Without further ado, the Shapeshifter trio (and friends):
Carlisle: Kerr was raised by raccoons. Carlisle: I found him digging around in my garbage can and decided to take him in as my own. Carlisle: He still yearns for the trash.
Jay: Well you see, the explanation is perfectly simple and scientific. It was because shut up. Shut up is why.
Kerr: What can I say? I’m charming and irresponsible. I mean, irresistible.
Jay: Kerr & Warrick are gone so I'm gonna cut all the sleeves off my shirts. Gabe: Why? Jay: They're pretty much 85% of my impulse control.
Carlisle: I hate to tell you this, but one of you was adopted. Warrick & Kerr & Jay: … Warrick: Only one...?
Adrien: I want to kiss you. Kerr, not paying attention: What? Adrien: I said if you die, I won't miss you.
Kerr: Isn't it weird that people kill mosquitoes just because they're annoying? Warrick: Damn, if people did that to each other, Jay would've killed us years ago.
Warrick: It's not like I try to blow things up, exactly. It just sort of happens. You've got to admit though, fire is fascinating.
Kerr: [about Warrick] I found him, he’s in a gutter. Jay: Well go put him back.
Jay: Apparently I have “behavioral issues” and am “too defiant”.
Kerr, looking at his watch: It has been 2 hours and sixteen minutes since I’ve been insulted. Kerr: It’s been about 5 seconds since I’ve been assaulted, but let’s not talk about that.
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Hi Wqa! The "about Wqa" link doesn't work for me. I'm not sure if it's a problem on my side, but I thought I should let you know.
The link doesn't seem to work on mobile and that's a tumblr problem, unfortunately. Nothing I can do about that. The programming on Tumblr is hot garbage, and the app programming is a whole dumpster fire of hot garbage. This is what the "about WQA" page says, in case you were still wondering:
Writing Questions Answered began in 2013 when I saw a need for a writing blog focused on answering questions. By fall of 2017 I had more than 30k followers and an inbox bigger than I could manage. I was frustrated and I closed the blog for a year, but I missed it and reopened in February of 2018.
If you’re wondering about me… I’m a published indie author who has been writing seriously for over 30 years. In that time, I’ve written tons of fan-fiction, lots of bad poetry, hundreds of original short stories, eleven novels (currently working on #12), articles for indie author publications/web sites, posts hosted by other indie authors, and thousands of writing-related blog posts over ten years time (with hundreds of thousands of notes between them).
I try to answer every question as quickly as possible which is typically anywhere from a few days to ten days after I get it. It just depends on how full the inbox is. I answer questions in the order they are received unless they are time-sensitive or relevant to a recent post. Please be patient with me as I’m only one person and am here on volunteered time. I’m also human and ND, so sometimes I misunderstand questions or make mistakes. Please remember to be kind when that happens. ♥
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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fluffy-critter · 11 months
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
We have several announcements to make and they're pretty big huge huge announcements today we're figuring out that you're sitting there annoying our son on purpose and threatening him all day and we know it's four and we know who so going after the source this is so damned annoying we're not tolerating it anymore even though we're devastating your forces and he's been hoping for it because he wants a new motif cuz you're playing as a piece of s*** now
Referring John remillard from several companies today and one of the big companies said he's leaving is
*dirksen company and we have a list of companies that he's going to until 3:00 p.m. and we listed them last night but these are in addition to it and they're smattered throughout filling in the half hour slots so we don't have to see him and if he misses one of them we issue warrants and he's pretty sure it's the max cuz the max the ones going after him. This company is responsible for packaging most foods and he started to try and change packaging over into kelp so he can harvest kelp to become Giant and we don't want him doing that and because he's screwing around with the mail and he's screwing around with rent and he's screwing around with FedEx and other things we're going to take it out on him and we're going to fire his stupid ass I'm going to take it out in him and we're doing it now and we are launching many attacks and we are going after them and pulling them out there's a huge affair and it's going on now it's also a huge number of people giving our son trouble about all sorts of dumb things that they're making him do and he's forced to do and we're going to make them pay for it because you're an embarrassment to your kind doesn't really cut it anymore cuz you don't care but what it does is it alerts us and we send people in and we get you or Max sends people in and grabs you and pulls you to the incinerator. Now you don't care and you act like it because you say you're already enemy combatants which is fine but you can be shot on site for doing that and we're taking this out on you today and a lot and we are hoping that the max finally start continuously attacking you cuz right now you're recovering and you're trying to get people here with massive fleets and you're beating up people overseas and it was that break that they used as an advantage and they keep saying it too you take a break and sit around and they go after you. They keep on making an analogy to our son he comes in here and sits around it goes out and you get your ass kicked every time and others are trying for your positions cuz I see you falling this company's gigantic it has subsidiaries everywhere and including Kai's fiber and other places that Arnie worked at and we are going after them with gusto but we are signing off on this one today if he fails to show up he's going to be under criminal charges for about $550,000 crimes about 80,000 of which he committed personally and will send it off the mac and they'll issue warrants usually they issue about 3/4 of them the first day and the rest they have to try and find someone or they find out they're dead so they go after you for it
*pharma it's a pharmaceutical company and it is gigantic it's a monstrous pharmaceutical company it's number three on Earth and the reason why it's so big by comparison is that it produces all of its own medicine most of them have subsidiaries and you have to go after all these little groups of people and it's different clans even different races of the same type of trumpster and we go after tons of them all the time but this one is huge and it's all clones and they're all going down and sick and tired of hearing from your piece of garbage we're taking it out of him and the idiot just sits there smiling and grinning like it doesn't even know what's happening he's a stupid f*** that guy he's got it all based on some sort of misconstrued emotional response our son's supposedly makes and the emotional responses he's making he wants to kill you John remillard and you seem to be really stupid about it like you don't understand what killing is and you don't understand what he means you don't understand what he's saying but what English is for any of that simple s*** can people explain to you while they're killing you they say you're so obtuse to us so we just end up killing you and you don't seem to understand what we're saying while we're killing you the sword or the bullets are going in you and they're saying do you get it now what we're saying is stop that or we shoot you and you don't seem to get it a sunset it too he's so rude and so lame so obnoxious and so mean you're going to make sure he's not getting anything so tell me I said you keep on making these damn noises and I can't help it I said no you're saying it to me f****** fruit and if you say it to him it's doing the same thing to me it's just not as Stern he goes I got to ask you how long do you think you have to live when you're running around saying all the stupid s*** to everybody who's shooting you. He says back I don't think I have that long this is why do you keep doing it moron and he shoots him. He says I guess because people shoot me and I get angry I said what are you him for real and trying to do his act you want to take over his body and stupid s*** like that or take over his identity and you don't do it and it doesn't matter you're not a real inventor he's a real inventor he has the background this is this meeting was piece of s*** and he also sits there taunting people all day long saying that they're doing stuff and he got people to do things and all the stupid s*** so going after him for that too and you can't stand it so we're sitting here waiting for two parcels and it's impossibly long how long you guys take to get stuff somewhere normally is bad but this is ridiculous and you have a whole bunch of people who think they get stuff by bothering us so we go out and we take tons of this stuff. There is some confusion and he was a little confused and couldn't remember the package was there and we said that John remillard is making people do stuff and he thought that he wanted him to deliver the package and then we said he probably is against it so he went and got it and they list what it is on there but our son showed him he said this bike is pretty good it goes fast it gets you there and it can pull my weight he was astounded because our son looks big and it was a he didn't want to go inside cuz he thought there are other people maybe and he's pretty good he's pretty big it looks like he's talking you know here's a bike cuz people's lab and they make they make they harass people who deliver batteries and so it's nice it's nice to deliver it and he's going to have a tough time with John Green boulevard it makes a little harder for right now there's so many people going after him they'll be a field day
They're two different batteries with two different keys and it looked different which is good so we're going to encourage him to charge it
Now there are a few things wrong with how people do things and we insist that you don't and we see our son's frustration didn't raise your ours. The battery came in it's not charged at all if you don't know if it works and we're going to go through that stupid process possibly and it's annoying and you people are very annoying and we're going to help him out right now we do hear you you're stupid so we're sending you a strong message very shortly
Thor Freya
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your-dietician · 2 years
23 Documentaries You Can Watch About Saving The Planet
New Post has been published on https://medianwire.com/23-documentaries-you-can-watch-about-saving-the-planet/
23 Documentaries You Can Watch About Saving The Planet
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Whether it’s meat, fashion, waste, or any other aspect of taking care of the world around us, we all have room for improvement.
The Plastic Age (2015)
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This short documentary from i-D begins with a man showing off fossils and relics of ancient civilizations that he has collected. He then pulls out a box of plastic he collected off a beach in Hawaii, and points out that just like there was the Iron Age and the Bronze Age, modern humanity’s legacy (our “fossils”) will be plastic. 
Revolution (2012)
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Foundation Features
Documentarian Rob Stewart examines how younger generations are leading the charge in sustainability and tackling the climate crisis. Other films are good at outlining specific issues, but Revolution is a great documentary to watch if you also want to see solutions in action.
The Great Invisible (2014)
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Gigantic Pictures
Touching on the oil rig explosion of 2010, I saw one review of this documentary suggest that people instead watch the 2016 film Deepwater Horizon. The reviewer, I think, missed the point of The Great Invisible, which is not to focus on the explosion itself, but everything surrounding it. What about the oil industry led to the disaster? How were the Gulf Coast residents affected for years afterwards? 
The Great Invisible may not be as action-packed as Mark Wahlberg’s Deepwater Horizon, but it’ll teach you much more about real-world systemic issues that are destroying both human and marine life. 
A Fierce Green Fire: The Battle for A Living Planet (2012)
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Zoetrope Aubry Productions
Interested in the history of the environmental movement? This series examines multiple aspects of climate conservation, from animal activists to water conservationists and many more groups that have been fighting for change for decades.
Waste Land (2010)
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Midas Filmes
Artist Vik Muniz travels to Jardim Gramacho, which was at one point one of the largest landfills in the world. Highlighting the catadores (“pickers”) who separate recyclables from the rest of the trash, Muniz creates portraits of the workers as he learns about their lives. After selling the artwork, the proceeds are given back to the catadores.
Jardim Gramacho is located in Rio de Janeiro, and as the filmmakers point out, the famous Christ the Redeemer statue has his back to the landfill. The site received 7,000 tons of garbage every day at its peak, and it had to close just two years after this documentary came out due to toxic waste leaking into the surrounding marshland.
Watermark (2012)
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Mongrel Media
Featuring stunning cinematography from natural and manmade water sources across the world, Watermark examines our relationship with water and how we can do better.
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (2014)
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Appian Way
Cowspiracy focuses on the negative impacts the animal industry has on the environment. While the film has received some slight criticism for claiming that the animal industry is the “biggest” contributor to global warming (most scientists agree it is the burning of fossil fuels), Cowspiracy still does an excellent job of shining a light on how unsustainable many of the animal industry’s practices are.
The True Cost (2015)
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Life Is My Movie Entertainment
Exploited labor, unsafe—sometimes even fatal—working conditions, and pollution are all consequences of “fast fashion.” The True Cost takes a look at how exactly that shirt at our local department stores can cost so little.
For solutions to issues in the fashion industry, take a look at ReDress the Future below.
ReDress The Future (2021)
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Deadbeat Films
The True Cost points out some key ways the fashion industry has gone wrong, and Mikaela Loach’s ReDress the Future examines how it can get back on track.  Loach calls out the designers and innovators who are putting in the effort to improve the fashion industry by way of recycled materials, ethical labor, and more. 
Documentaries like this series are key, because they remind us that sustainability doesn’t have to feel like you’re giving up things you love. Taking care of the planet and ensuring workers aren’t exploited may take more work, but ReDress the Future reminds us that it’s worth it.
Before the Flood (2016)
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National Geographic Documentary Films
Mother Nature may be old, but Leonardo DiCaprio still loves it. After finally winning his Oscar for The Revenant, he used the end of his speech to talk about global warming. And the following year, Before the Flood was released. The film smartly and openly uses DiCaprio’s fame (amplified by his Oscar win just months earlier) to draw focus to global warming, and how we can protect endangered species and indigenous people. 
The 11th Hour (2007)
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Warner Independent Pictures
Also starring Leonardo DiCaprio, The 11th Hour came out hot on the heels of Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth. Similar to Before the Flood, this documentary talks to over 50 politicians, scientists, and environmental activists about how the future of our planet is in danger.
An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
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Paramount Classics
Though the trailer for this 2006 movie can feel like an overly dramatic teaser for a disaster blockbuster, keep in mind that it came out at a time when far fewer people were in agreement that climate change was a severe issue than they are today. Though the movie is more concerned with convincing people that global warming is real than honing in on specific solutions (when compared to something like Gasland or Cowspiracy) this documentary is still crucial in raising awareness for environmental action.
Gasland (2010)
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As documentarian Josh Fox travels across several states in the US, he talks to residents, politicians, scientists, and gas industry executives about fracking.
Mission Blue (2014)
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Overfishing, plastics, and melting ice caps are having a devastating impact on our oceans. Marine biologist Dr. Sylvia Earle searches for solutions in this Emmy-winning documentary.
The Green Planet (2022)
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This series is narrated by David Attenborough and examines different types of plants, as well as how we interact with them. The series stresses the need for humankind to change its relationship with plants so that we can “make this an even greener planet,” in Attenborough’s words.
The Earthshot Prize: Repairing Our Planet (2021)
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Prince William and Davide Attenborough collaborated on the foundation of the Earthshot Prize. The prize, which is one million pounds in grant money, is awarded to one environmentalist each year for their efforts in sustainability. The series follows the scientists competing for the prize, and how their technologies aim to save the planet.
“The Earthshot Prize is really about harnessing that optimism and that urgency to find solutions to some of the world’s greatest environmental problems.” —Prince William
I Am Greta (2020)
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I Am Greta details Greta Thunberg’s rise to fame and her passion for environmental action, but it also explores how Thunberg is often toted as a “mascot” for global warming. She is open about how she occasionally feels exploited, and the movie is a good reminder that, while younger generations are often the most sustainable, we shouldn’t leave saving the planet just up to our children.
The Biggest Little Farm (2018)
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John and Molly Chester leave the city of Los Angeles to purchase an abandoned farm just an hour away. They spend the next seven years trying to restore the land into a sustainable farm and a habitat for local wildlife. If you’re interested in seeing solutions, The Biggest Little Farm is a good place to start.
Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things (2016)
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If you’ve ever wished that you could get rid of everything excessive and get down to only the things you absolutely need, Minimalism is a great place to start. Society can often encourage overconsumption, but a focus on just the important stuff reduces our carbon footprint, pollution, and that feeling that we never have enough.
Our Planet (2019)
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Another series narrated by David Attenborough, Our Planet puts a spin on the usual style of nature docs. As more and more natural habitats are harmed by human activity, traditional nature documentaries can give a false feeling that the Mother Nature is doing just fine. Our Planet explores stunning ecosystems and beautiful animals, but always reminds the viewer how climate change is impacting those species. It’s a brilliant way to celebrate nature without forgetting that it’s in danger.
Chasing Ice (2012)
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Submarine Deluxe
National Geographic photographer James Balog uses the powerfully simple tool of time lapse photography to show changes in the world’s glaciers.
Chasing Coral (2017)
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In this documentary, Chasing Ice director Jeff Orlowski moves from James Balog’s documentation of ice to the divers and scientists who are studying coral reefs and their disappearance.
Which other documentaries have motivated you to make a change? Let me know in the comments!
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darcelle-medlyn-qut · 2 years
Week 8 | Development
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This week my partner and I started brainstorming our ideas as we were allocated site 1. At the end of class we had to casually present our initial ideas for feedback.
We discussed what we both resonated with, finding we both were thinking along the lines of kinetic sculpture. We thought conceptually we could work with Barrambin meaning 'windy place' in Indigenous language. We started sketching and discussing materials that might best suit the project - focusing on minimum environmental impact and organic materials taken from the site that could be potentially returned. To surmise, these are some dot points on our thoughts and ideas
Kinetic sculpture on site 1 - potentially something that cascades down the hill or is situated in the newly planted trees.
Kinetic motion created from wind - maybe something that hangs in the trees (newly planted patch or some of the surrounding patches on site 1 if any)
Hanging installation based off wind chimes OR based of a pinwheel mechanism.
Organic matter from the site including sticks, branches, flowers, bamboo and bark.
Fallen sticks and leaves were used as firewood and kindling for indigenous people to create fires.
Recycled materials? Reverse Garbage in Wollongabba
Kinetic movement has the potential to create soundscapes
Soundscape that imitates the sounds of the park
Organic shapes based off local wildlife like birds
When we presented the idea, we found that it was very similar to many other groups and through our discussion we found that the newly planted trees would not be fully grown in the time period. The challenges that were introduced were how we would create a hanging installation with a site that has lots of open space. Then how is our proposal going to differ from that of other groups. Finally the WHY was missing from our idea. WHY should this exist and how does it speak to the space. Our initial ideas need will need to provoke a lot more research and thought, though at least we started talking about it and getting the cogs ticking. It was beneficial to be able to verbalise our plans with the class so we could get an idea of how it would be received. At least we can dig deeper now, iterate out ideas and start researching in the right direction and find what will be actually enhance our site.
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ABOVE | Images we downloaded off the internet (Pinterest) of garden pinwheels and wind chimes for inspiration. We were leaning more towards the wind chime side of things.
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ABOVE | My initial sketches, and brainstorming
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Alexander Knox is a Melbourne born and based sculptural installation artist who graduated his Graduate Diploma of Fine Art (Public Art) at RMIT in 2003 (Knox, n. d). Knox specialises in monumental kinetic light installations that can be found around Melbourne and other cities in Australia, including Brisbane (Ten Cubed, n. d). I came across Knox earlier in the semester after watching a lecture and am mesmerised by his practice and folio of work. Triforms (Knox, 2020) is a kinetic light sculpture installed at St Kilda Road in Melbourne. This work is elusive with little written about it, having never seen it in person I can only be astonished by the sophisticated multiple, organic forms through the screen. The cylindrical forms create a sense of physicality, due to mass and negative volume. The forms resemble wasp nests, Knox is known for taking inspiration from the natural world (UAP, n. d). While a different direction in terms of material, the idea of organic forms that reference nature and the site is something Laura and I have discussed with our own proposal.
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Ana Mendieta (1948-1985) was a multi-faceted Cuban artist who was renowned for her performative, ephemeral, conceptual works; most notably her Siluetas Series (Mendieta, 1973-1978) (The Art Story, n. d). Mendieta's work focused on the intrinsic relationship between the body, nature, and spirituality through a feminist lens (SAAM, n. d). I have always loved Mendieta's Siluetas Series, the artist embedded her silhouette into the earth. Mendieta would photograph her work to document it and then let it dissipate back into nature. while there are over 200 different silueta image, I particularly love Untitled (Image from Yagul) (1973). The artists own body is veiled in flowers, situated in a shallow grave eluding the the natural cycle of life (Abby, 2015). The idea of ephemeral artwork that allows nature to takes its course is informative for our project, as we ideally want to use materials from the site that can be returned to the site. The holistic and spiritual nature of Mendieta's work provokes me to conceptualise a work that connects to the land and pre colonial history of the site without harming it.
0 notes
earthstellar · 3 years
Rewatching Transformers G1 S2: Episode 1: Autobot Spike
Yes, this is where the Surprised Ratchet meme image comes from:
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This episode has a lot going on including near-death of a human character on screen, body horror/a Frankenstein plot, and some genuinely unsettling scenes mostly made creepy due to the combination of some interesting dialogue/voice acting and typical G1 Quality. 
And Spike shoots Starscream in the ass mid-flight, which is fantastic. 
He also shoots his dad, which is less fantastic. 
Being a horror nerd, I love this episode, so here we go! 
Gonna put this below a cut because I’m taking a lot of screenshots here:
You can watch the whole episode on YouTube here in 4 parts, if you want to watch along! 
Alright, so it opens with Sparkplug trying to create “Autobot X”, which is straight up just a Frankenstein’s Monster of autobot parts. It’s weirdly creepy, and vaguely reminiscent of the infamous Ratchet-Megatron fusion in the Marvel comics.
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I want to point out that Sparkplug says “I wanna see what I can do with a lotta spare Autobot parts and some human ingenuity” before the reveal shot above, and that’s horrific if you think about it for more than like, three seconds. 
It also may have been the origins of the MECH plot line in TFP, actually! Very similar body horror type thing going on. Anyway.
It works briefly, but it flips out and has to get shut down. 
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Ironhide fires a laser, problem solved, nobody’s worried. They put Autobot X in storage, because surely a rampantly aggressive seemingly sentient pastiche of random Autobot parts is nothing to worry about. It’s fine. 
Wheeljack is like, hell yeah, I’ll help you work on it later. Which is when we get the Surprised Ratchet image, because yeah, I bet Ratchet’s freaked out a little since this thing is made of SPARE AUTOBOT PARTS. 
Then we’re swept immediately into a fight with Megatron, as many Seekers as you can fit in frame at one time, and Soundwave. 
For whatever reason, Bumblebee shows up driving through a bunch of partially blown up missile/rocket components, with Spike in the driver’s seat. Even Spike is like, dude, why are we here? And Bumblebee is just like, I mean, we couldn’t NOT show up. lmao
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Unsurprisingly, Bumblebee gets shot-- In alt-mode, with Spike inside. Uh oh. 
Megatron leaves, because Frank Welker can only voice so many characters at once, and our attention is turned to the carnage. 
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Ratchet is like, sure, I can fix Bumblebee right up! Meanwhile, Ironhide is like oh god, oh my god, is this how you hold a human??? Is it dead??? Optimus is gonna be pissed. 
So Optimus rolls up like, listen, take him to the hospital, come on. Ratchet lets him in the back of his ambulance mode, and Prowl goes with him so that he can throw his emergency lights on to give the illusion of a police escort, ensuring the drive is even quicker. 
(I miss the days when Prowl wasn’t a total asshole.) 
It cuts pretty quickly to Spike in an operating theatre; Apparently getting shot by alien space lasers isn’t conducive to human health: 
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It cuts again to the attending physician standing at Spike’s beside, presumably in ICU although they appear to be in a private room, with Sparkplug on the other side of the bed. 
The doctor says “Hmm, if only there were a way of separating Spike’s mind from his body while we work...” Which, uh, what? What surgeon says that? You can sort of already do that in actual human medicine, it’s called an induced coma. 
But sure, we need exposition here, I get it. The screenplay here is tight. Sparkplug says he has an idea...
Back at the Autobot hangout, things seem fairly chill, considering. 
Ratchet is welding Bumblebee’s ass in alt-mode, while Bumblebee complains about how long it’s taking. lol 
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Meanwhile, Wheeljack and Sparkplug somehow have Spike hooked up to a Ghostbusters colander helmet, which will hopefully transfer his mind into the malfunctioning/in stasis Autobot X frame. Yikes. 
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It works! Spike is now also Autobot X. We will call him Spike X for short. 
And for some reason, Spike saying “D-Da-ad?” with this faceplate expression is incredibly funny to me, while also being really weird and creepy: 
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However, this is only cool for like two seconds, at which point Spike X truly starts to lose his shit. 
It gets real creepy here, with Spike X saying in a very oddly flat inflection “Why? Why did you do this to me? Why?” and it’s pretty wild. There’s even a mild strobe effect for a few frames. 
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Sideswipe and Sunstreaker try to help calm him down, but Spike X throws them both across the room. 
Optimus is like, oh shit, we made a giant metal teenager. Stop him, but use low power, because if the Autobot X frame is damaged too much, then Spike’s consciousness may not be able to be returned to his actual human body. 
Note that Optimus says this in a pretty relaxed way, then levels a shoulder mounted cannon straight at Spike X, which is incredibly funny. 
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It quickly gets deeply weird and creepy again when Spike X is temporarily able to talk with his dad, and states that “it’s hard to think, like something is telling me to do... bad.... things!” Yiiiiiikes. 
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He gets it under control again, apologises to his dad for the outburst (I think it’s OK, Spike), and Optimus says that he’s cool to stay at the base and he’ll be taken care of while his human body heals up. 
However, oh shit, the Decepticons have found out that Spike now has an Autobot frame-- And they know he’s unstable. 
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Starscream tries to roast him, but Megatron’s like, shut up nerd, we’re gonna make Spike X turn against the Autobots! It’s a good plan, I’m serious! 
Back at the Autobot base, Ratchet is still welding Bumblebee’s ass, and Bumblebee is still complaining. Wheeljack hooks up Spike X with some network television, and he’s watching... Frankenstein. Because the six year old kids who are the intended audience of G1 may not be familiar with the source material for this episode’s plot, I guess, which is fair. (Frank Welker nails it here as Dr. Frankenstein, but that’s unsurprising, because he always nails it. I think he’s also voicing Frankenstein’s Monster, but I haven’t checked the credits.)
Obviously, this isn’t a great thing for Spike X to be watching at this particular moment, so he freaks out again. 
Wheeljack and Sparkplug come running, and somehow Sparkplug is covering ground faster than Wheeljack. It’s fine, don’t worry about it. 
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Ratchet’s progress on welding Bumblebee’s ass is interrupted by Spike X breaking through the wall and seemingly flying away. lmao 
They just sort of stand there, like, well, we lost him, I guess. 
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Bumblebee is like, alright, gonna go get my boy. 
So he drives out of this massive crater, and Ratchet is like, wait! Your radio transmitter still doesn’t work. (Apparently their radio transmitters are located in their asses. Fascinating.) 
Spike X sits on a cliff and says “what a drag”, which, yeah. Being a Frankenstein space robot would be cool if not for the immense psychological damage this is absolutely causing. 
However, he also calls himself a “walking garbage can” in a completely genuine put-out tone of voice, which absolutely sells that this is a teenager in a giant robot body and I laughed, I won’t lie. 
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Some of Megatron’s cronies locate him and hold his position. 
At the same time, Bumblebee shows up and tries to talk Spike X down from a random destructive rampage. 
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He throws Bumblebee off the cliff! And Megatron’s squad is rolling up. (Well, flying up, anyway.) Uh oh! 
Spike X is like, hell yeah, bring it. More ass to kick. And it turns out his arm mounted cannon works, because he shoots Starscream directly in the undercarriage and says “YEAH, MAN!” and it’s so genuine. 
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This is the perfect reaction to being a teenager in a giant robot body and just suddenly being able to shoot lasers and kick ass. Look at how happy he is, that he just shot Starscream in the butt mid-air. It’s awesome.
Unfortunately, the Seekers do actually beat him up, although Spike X puts up a good fight. 
Megatron then takes advantage of his further weakened state, and swoops in to pitch a classic “Join Us” speech. Spike X calls him “Megacrumb”, which is probably acceptable because he’s absolutely concussed by this point. 
Megatron is willing to overlook this for the sake of teaming up. 
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Bumblebee eavesdrops, and drives away-- But Spike X gives Megatron a handshake, and agrees to “make them pay”. Oh shit! 
For some reason, Optimus and Ironhide are back at the rocket facility to watch a launch. Because I guess whatever, this whole situation is chill, let’s go watch rockets? IDK 
But either way, Optimus roasts the inferior quality of human technology, while Bumblebee just drives up on site despite Military Police levelling sniper rifles at him in order to report that Megatron is taking advantage of Spike X’s inability to think clearly. 
Optimus says “I feared something like this might happen”, which, if that were the case, why not take actions to prevent it, maybe? Not the strongest Optimus episode. 
To be fair though, Ironhide transforms and is already driving off before Optimus even gives the order to roll out, so I guess Ironhide either really wants to kick some ass or cares slightly more about Spike X’s wellbeing. He has no dialogue here, so we can only guess. 
They get there, with even more Autobots who showed up at some point in the rapid scene cuts here, and Spike X is super unhinged-- Charging his weapons, he starts speaking in a more strained and angry way, and engages the Autobots! 
He hits Optimus with what appears to be a chest laser? It’s hard to see. But it’s super effective: 
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Optimus pleads with Spike X to calm down, but Spike X straight up pulls MEGATRON IN GUN MODE out of his sub-space and shoots Optimus directly in the faceplate. Damn! 
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The Seekers and Soundwave drop in, and start rapid firing on all the Autobots present. 
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We get some great shots of Megatron in his gun alt-mode as he tries to convince Spike X to keep attacking. Optimus and Bumblebee hide behind cover, attempting to bring Spike X to his senses long enough to disarm him. 
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Suddenly, Wheeljack and Sparkplug roll up; Sparkplug attempts to talk some sense into Spike, too. 
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Optimus and Bumblebee are at a loss; If they take out Spike X, the damage might take him out for good. 
However, Sparkplug fails in his efforts to talk to Spike X; He SHOOTS HIS DAD AND KNOCKS HIM OFF THE CLIFF. 
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Can you imagine if they put an ad break here? lmao 
Luckily, he has like, a claw machine arm, and he catches his dad before he becomes a human smoothie. 
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This shocks Spike X badly enough that while he still has Megatron in gun mode, he takes a few pot shots at the Seekers and the Decepticons decide it’s time to bounce, so Megatron bails too. 
He apologises for almost killing his dad, his dad is like hey no beef man, and it cuts to them in the hospital: 
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Sparkplug takes his son’s body back to the Autobot base (that sounds worse than it is), and they prepare to transfer him back into his body. 
What’s extra funny here is that he nervously laughs and says “Hope you fixed this thing up good, Ratchet!” And Ratchet says absolutely nothing. Not a word. 
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It’s a success! Dad and son hug, totally not even addressing anything that happened this whole episode, because that’s a job for a therapist. 
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Ratchet, who continues to not really care about any of this, tells Wheeljack “You know, I could probably repair that mess, but I think it’s best that I don’t.” (This is a play on what Wheeljack said earlier in the episode when he offered to help Sparkplug fix up Autobot X to begin with.) 
I love how tired Wheeljack looks. LOL
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Spike, now recovered, leaves us with a great question to close out the episode: “I wonder what it’d be like for a robot mind to be transferred... to a human!” 
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Depending on what kind of kid you were, his question was either imagination fuel for fun humanformer ideas, or was a blatantly bad question indicating he learned nothing and providing nightmare fuel trying to imagine one of the Autobots losing their shit in a human body the same way Spike lost his shit while inhabiting Autobot X. 
Anyway, great episode! 10/10 Scary, funny, creepy, Starscream got shot in the ass by a teenager. 
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
And tbf when is tumblr not a hell hole? At least its getting better (with pornographic content being banned from the site, giving me access and many others access) and honestly if you know how to avoid some stuff, its a pretty good site for fanfics
Look I hate to toot my own horn but my quiz series started because I was so fed up with the lack of good story telling - I don’t even like to hype up my writing that much. However, after seeing my the godless garbage fire that was the rest of the content on that site? It had to be done.
There’s Never Going Back, The Proxy Trials, The Proxy Chronicles, and Room Without A View are the only good series I have seen this far (give or take a few others I cannot remember the names of.)
I actually miss pornographic content on tumblr—mostly because of the artists! I don’t like the spam bots, or the “I’m so wet come fuck me im I’m your living room rn” or general degeneracy (not that sex is inherently degenerate, you know what I mean), but nsfw artists used to thrive here!
My problem with tumblr is the discourse you can find in almost any space and the pure amount of BS you’ll find on literally every spectrum of every topic. Like I once saw someone say “China, the country is evil, so all chinese people regardless of where they come from deserve what’s happening to them” (paraphrased, but that was the core of the message. Speaking in regards to Anti-Asian hate crimes that have sky rocketed in the past year.)
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jojosbabe · 3 years
I think i need to update my rules on my blog here.
So here they are.
These are boundaries i need to address and put because i feel like i didn't really make much of a rules post. Plus i feel i need to state these rules and boundaries because i have been having some weirdos on my blogs before and i wanna make sure its safe. Not just for me the admin but also anyone else on my blog.
Please respect the following.
DNI if you are a minor and not allowed or not comfy with nsfw content. I can not stress this enough. All my content is aged up or is for mature audiences
DNI if you are a j*nadio,g*omis,or j*otkak shipper. (Any other ship regardless whether i like it or not is fine,tho im not fond of josuyasu because i genuinely see them as bros and fam so its weird to me they are not problematic so they can stay,so as long as they respect i dont see them as romantic to each other.i dont do avpol but the fans are not problematic for the most part so eh more less not my cup of tea but their fine. But those other ships are not cool with me) we do not do probships here. 🚫 if you even dare ship i*c*st or any of that shit. To the garbage can you go. Get off my blog and never return. AGAIN IF YOU DO PROBSHIPPING. GO AWAY PLZ.
DNI if you are against lgbt rights and the community. No this doesn't mean disagreeing with a ship or hcs,politely disagree and move on. Dont go throwing slurs at me or others because you got pissy with me or my followers hcs. This means actual problematic behavior and homophobia,transphobia,etc. So in other words no TERFS ALLOWED BITCH! NO IFS ANDS OR BUTTS. You can disagree with a hc,you do not throw slurs at someone for having said hcs. You absolutely do not have to like my hcs,but you do not throw your homophobic,transphobic,sexist bullshit at me or anyone else karen.
I will not tolerate racism or racist behavior towards him or me or anyone on this blog regardless of their ethnicity or background. You got a problem kyle? Theres the door. We dont do that here. Regardless of what you think or say. I will not tolerate that behavior FROM ANYONE. Thnx. (My irl boyfriend is a a moc and bipoc. So this is especially important for me to say. I shouldn't have to. But i will anyways)
I am only human man,i dont post as often,and i make mistakes. Go easy on me im still growing and learning as much as y'all. Whatever grace,dignity and respect is left on this hellsite. Please keep it. So if i make a mistake,i apologize in advance.
I like some villains in jojos. No i do not condone their actions. I can't believe i have to put this. But still. I do not condone the actions of jojo villains,i do want them to get their ass whooped and learn their lessons. But i love to explore ideas that are dark and not for the faint of heart. Or explore and idea of where they get betterish and have fluffy happy good times. So again if you are squick with this and or are a minor. DO NOT FUCKING INTERACT. Thnx
I do self shipping. Majority of the time. All my shipping is mostly self shipping anymore. So if you dont like that content. Do not follow me.
If you are caught disrespecting me,my followers,or anyone else on this hellsite. I will block,report,and fire the biggest muda and or ora on your ass. So please respect the wildlife here.
I don't do askboxes anymore due to harrassment i got in the past on this site. I also can't for the life of me fix my messages. So i apologize in advance for this.
If i missed anything let me know.
But i think that should cover it and sounds reasonable. But for any reason. If Anyone don't feel comfy here for whatever reason. Politely and please inform me. Maybe i can discuss it with you. If i share anything from someone that is problematic and harmful. Let me know asap, i will remove the post.
And you don't have to follow me for any reason just because im a jojo blog. Follow me because you like the content i make or share. Thank you.
But thank you for your time.
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geekkatsblog · 4 years
Making my heart race for 45 minutes every week season 17x5 or like everyone else likes to call it Grey's Anatomy.
Now before I get started I was idly scrolling through Instagram instead of studying like I was supposed to and I was recommended a Grey's Anatomy confession site to torture myself (because most of the time I feel irrationally sad after reading when I see my faves being bashed) and I was a good few confessions in when I noticed that someone had taken a part of lasts weeks review word for word and submitted it. I never really thought I would have to but I beg please don't do that. Confession sites tend to make my heart race and when I realized it was my words that were used I was already in the comments, none of my opinions in these are final so I'd rather not have my words posted anywhere else where people can't see the complete picture. Its definitely fine to use it as inspiration but Please do not post my reviews anywhere else, or at least ask first.
*Now finally onto the review*
All in all the episode was like I expected in terms of outcomes however Grey's has got to come up with another genetic disorder besides Alzheimers, because this is yet another doctor with the gene. Not much happened besides the main event so let's hope I don't talk all over myself again.
Catherine Fox and Jackson Avery
Refuses to wear the mask like the pig headed woman she is. Her especially should take no risks because as it was pointed out in the episode she is immunocompromised. She didn't actually appear in person but I thought I would mention her part in the episode because it gave us Richard and Jackson scenes which I have grown to love and appreciate because they're always wholesome the one they had tonight on systematic racism was great and one that I hope managed to educate viewers on the situation. It's great to see Jackson have someone there who has a parent figure there to listen calmly. Catherine as great of a mother as she is in my opinion sometimes she can come across as an eccentric aunt. I'm glad Richad managed to tame the wildcat and convince her to wear a mask with his sexual promises. We've lost enough Grey Sloan staff and family from it so far.
A hopefully temporary resident at the fake beach where nothing is real. Unfortunately there were no new visitors at the beach. Like I stated last week, I'm not entirely sure if we'll see anymore of the greats such as Mark Sloan, Lexie ect but there's still a chance next week although it seems like she might be waking up, but like I always say with Grey's expect the unexpected She may or may not be out of the deep end yet but I'm just thankful for the few glimpses we got to see George and Derek grace our screens again the nostalgia was great. However as much as I enjoyed seeing them again, I want Meredith to wake up I miss her, she may not be as fun and quirky as she used to be in the earlier seasons but without her working in the hospital it's hard to deny that something's missing from the episodes.
(Here we go again.) 😔
This triangle has been going strong for a long time almost too long, and once again they flipped the switch its always back and forth. A few episodes ago she was begging Owen for forgiveness and now she's telling Tom they have a future. I feel like she needs some time to process what she's really feeling most of the time it seems like she's confused and fair enough it all happened so fast the time between her being with Tom and Owen expressing his still lingering feelings to her but now she needs to make sure that the decision she makes now is the one she actually intends to stick with.
On another note Tom seems to be out of the woods, for now at least which is great when he asked for his son I was a little concerned for a bit I wasn't sure if he was really going to make it. He's a douche and a hard ass but he has the potential to have a great character development, so I'm glad he got another chance. And my comments about wanting Helm to be his new protege remains in that small scene they had last week something just clicked with me and there's also the fact that she wanted to treat him despite the risks.
Owen was here as a filler basically, and to reinforce the love triangle again.
Jo Wilson
Is thinking of switching specialties, if Ben can do it like changing sweaters why can't she switch? I do think it will be a good fit for her the way she has been fawning over the babies of recent it was either that or give her one of her own which in my opinion I don't think she's ready for. But even in all of the excitement I can't help but think that she's only looking at the cupcake and rainbow side for now because although it's awesome being the first one to hold the babies and everything, not every delivery goes well sometimes the babies don't make it or in other cases the mothers die I hope she's ready to face that side of the package as well.
Just mentioning as well that I love the friendship between her and Schmitt. It was an unexpected but pleasant pairing one of which I'm looking forward to seeing more of in the long run.
On the other hand if Jo switches this gives us more of a chance to see Carina as well because she was signed on a a series regular yet we don't get to see her enough except for on Station 19 and on there she's only Maya's girlfriend. I hope it changes soon and they give her more of a plot or something.
Not much relationship content other than Link finding out about her and Koracick's fling and he took her going into the hospital before the end of her maternity leave quite well. They are one of the healthier relationships in Grey's. Right now at least things always get trickier later.
I'm glad she went in though it let Koracick know that he still had people who care about him and she managed to make Teddy who everyone was treating like garbage as well feel a little better.
No Winston today but we got a lot of Maggie content which was great. She was the moral support once again but today I was fine with it I always enjoy her moments with Bailey and at least she was able to be there for her seeing that Ben was MIA and Webber was busy taking care of her patients along with Jackson. Once again a very needed conversation between her and Bailey and I loved that she still went to comfort her despite the fact that rehashing her own mother's death had to be painful to do.
(Thanks for ruining My Girl for me Grey's now instead of feeling happy I'll forever think of Bailey saying goodbye to her mother.)
We all know that whenever Bailey starts spouting out her feelings and asking for help and advice things are about to go down.
Before we get completely into it I'd just like to express my disappointment in the fact that Ben literally dropped everything took the aid car to save his in laws no questions asked then dropped off his mother in law at the hospital with Covid and left his wife who has anxiety without even checking in. I know he's a first responder as well and he isn't allowed into the hospital that easily either but geeze no other phone calls or messages to check in?. He better have been stuck putting out a huge fire or something equally as bad, besides being him being hurt himself at least.
Another foot note to appreciate Bailey primping before her facetiming with Ben. Go get it hun. Their relationship be cute as usual.
Then the big revel her, mother has dementia, yet another doctor with the alzheimers gene. The moment between her and Meredith was heartwarming to be honest it's a foreign thing seeing them so close and having life conversations still but it's something I hope we get to see often they've had them as semi rivals/ semi friends long enough.
It was hard to see her have to say goodbye and the fact that her father couldn't be there to tell his wife any final words and be there to hold her as she passed made it worse, his wife that he was married to and loved for so long had to die without the comfort of her husband by her side and her daughter could barely hold her hand because of the bulk of her suit, then one of the saddest parts was that she possibly didn't even know what was happening to her. But thankfully Bailey could have been there to sing to her and keep her calm, a lot of people don't even get that much of a chance during the pandemic their loved ones die alone.
The moment I saw the conversation with her dad and the way she was only half listening I knew she was going to blame herself at some point over what happened, it remains to be seen if Maggie's speech worked or if she's going to continue to blame herself. Like I stated before I love the conversation her and Maggie had. One of the reasons why I haven't stepped off the Grey's Carousel is because they touch on topics that others don't cross they aren't afraid to touch the important and controversial things.
I was too being sad over her mothers death at first but I also want to talk about her and Webber's friendship he immediately postponed everything to be there for her, he took over her workload and still made sure he was there in time to be there and support her when she watched her mother flat line.
The pandemic has always been real to me but somehow seeing the names of those that passed at the end was surreal I found myself just staring at the screen for a few minutes later reflecting on everything.
Next week is the winter finale and I have no idea how it could get anymore dramatic than it already is. There's been so much already but Grey's always manages to surprise me. Then after that episode it's back to nothing until March 😭😭😭.
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love101imagines · 4 years
This Love
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(sinan | imagine)
request: Omg u should totally do the trope where the reader pretends to be dating the character and then they acc fall in love ? Maybe with Sinan or Osman? I think prompt 20 from the spring list is good for that
tags: @girl-looking-out-window @imtoolazytothinkofacoolname
prompt used: 20. Can you...please pretend to be my date?
“I need one of you to pretend to be my boyfriend.”
Five heads stared at you in disbelief. When no one replied to you, you rolled your eyes.
“You know Ali right? Tall, blonde hair, friends with Burak, once hit Kerem during basketball?”
“Yeah.” They all replied while you walked into school.
“Well he’s friends with my family and he has a crush on me. I keep turning him down but he doesn’t stop and he’s almost crossing the line to becoming a stalker.”
“Why don’t you tell him to fuck off?” Eda asked.
You sighed. “I already have, but he still insists that we should go out since we are both single. Besides, he isn’t that bad, we’ve both known since we were children. He’s just...”
“Horny?” Kerem said.
“An asshole.” Sinan added.
You turned left on a corner in a hall. “That’s why I need one of you to pretend to be my boyfriend. It’ll only be for like, a week, while I try to find out what girls have a crush on him and set them up. So?” You asked once you arrived at you class’ door.
Kerem smiled sadly at you. “I would but I don’t think I could manage spending time with him without pinching him in the face.”
You nodded. “You’re right, you’ll end up killing him. Osman?” You asked hopefully.
He ate one of his hazelnuts and gave you one. “I have a lot of things to do already. With the bussines I really don’t have time to date, sorry.”
“Shit.” You mumbled as you made your way over your desk, already knowing that Ali would sit down next to you once he arrived.
Işik seemed to have an idea as she spoke fast and happy. “Sinan can do it!”
She pushed him to sit down next to you while she sat down next to Eda. “What?” He said dumbfounded.
You looked at him with a raised brow. “Did you listen to anything I said?”
“I did. It’s completely ridiculous that in order to make a guy stop bothering you, you have to pretend to date someone else.”
“Well, I’ve tried everything else.” You let your head fall down to your desk. “I’m fucked.”
“No! Sinan can pretend to be your boyfriend.” Işik said again.
“No offense...” You started.
“But.” Sinan added annoyed.
“You hate romance. I’m doing you a favour.”
“You’re doing yourself a favour because deep down you know that it’s a shitty idea and you don’t want to do it either.”
You thought for a moment before seeing Ali talking with Mr. Kerif in the door. You had to do something quick before being stuck with him.
“Sinan.” You said pleading as he got comfortable on his desk to sleep. “Can you please...pretend to be my date?”
“I won’t do it.”
You shook his arm lightly. “Please. I’ll buy you lunch every day we fake it. You only have to act like you were my boyfriend but you won’t have to buy me gifts and that shit. We don’t even have to go to dates.”
He sighed while rubbing his eyes. You fixed a strand of hair that was falling against his forehead as he stared at you.
Işik celebrated with Eda as Kerem and Osman started teasing him. You rolled your eyes at them and hushed them, trying not to make Sinan uncomfortable now that he had accepted to do it.
Day 1
It was the day after Sinan had agreed to fake being your boyfriend and you were talking with Işik and Osman when you saw far away Ali talk with Burak, stealing a glance to you a few times. Before he could try to talk to you, Sinan appeared wrapping an arm around your waist.
“Smooth.” Kerem said once he appeared with Eda.
“Thanks.” You said to him while Ali walked away from the two of you.
Day 2
“Here’s your lunch.” You said handing Sinan a döner kebab.
He sat down next to you in a school bench with the others. Işik was eyeing both of you suspiciously.
“You would make a cute couple, you know that?” She said and you chuckled while he rolled his eyes.
You noticed Ali and straightened your posture, your hand reaching for Sinan’s. “Showtime.”
“This is so dumb.” He said.
“Just deal with it for a few more days and it’ll be over.” Eda said.
You played with the paper where your food was wrapped and while the others keep talking about something else, you placed your head on Sinan’s shoulder. You felt him tense for a second but then he relaxed.
“Did you hear about the teacher who was fired for making out with the students? I heard he had to leave Istanbul.” You said.
“You mean the one who made out with Eda?” Kerem replied.
The girl hit him in the arm causing you to laugh. When you finished, you moved out of Sinan’s embrace and went to throw away your paper in the garbage. When you came back you expected Kerem or Işik taking your place in the bench but only Sinan’s bag was there, which he left on the ground once you came back. You sat down and continued talking with your friends with Sinan’s arm around your shoulder, only this time, you didn’t notice Ali had already left before.
Day 3
“(Y/N)!” Ali greeted you as you sat down on a chair in your music lesson. “I haven’t seen you lately, how are you?”
“Hey Ali. Sorry, I’ve been busy with homework.” You said taking out your notebook.
His friends were waiting for him in the room’s door, Burak eyeing Eda who was talking with Kerem in the row behind you. Osman was probably selling some homework and Işik was asking the teacher some question, Sinan nowhere to be seen.
“I heard that Yildiz has a crush on you. But, Hilal too. I think you would make a great couple.” You said grinning when he blushed at the mention of Hilal.
He scratched the back of his neck. “Maybe, but I still wanted to ask you...”
A loud noise made you and the other students look at where it had come from. Sinan had dropped his bag, rather loudly, on the chair next to you before sitting.
Ali seemed surprised. “So, it’s true that you two...”
“Are dating? Yes.” You answered holding Sinan’s hand and interlocking your fingers.
“Two weeks now.” He added. “You should try to flirt with someone who’s available.”
When Ali left, you stopped holding his hand. “That was rude.”
He shrugged. “I thought you wanted it to be realistic.”
You rolled your eyes, your hand cold instead of the warmth you felt with him.
Day 4
“You’re late.” He pointed out.
You sat down next to him and started to braid your disheveled hair. Sinan grabbed your bag and started taking out your books and pencils to help you, something which made your heart flutter.
“I didn’t hear my alarm. Did you have breakfast?” You asked seeing the flask he usually had was nowhere to be seen.
“We didn’t see much.” He said passing you his notes, which was unusual.
You smiled at him. “Thanks. You didn’t answer my question.”
You started writing down what was on his notebooks while he shrugged. “I had some tea.”
You furrowed your brows. Once class finished, you grabbed your wallet and his arm and made your way to the school’s gates with him behind you.
“What are you doing?”
“I didn’t have breakfast either. Let’s skip class and eat. I can pay you.” You offered as you made your way outside school.
You let go of his arm, even though you didn’t really want to, but still kept close to him, your shoulders touching even if you were smaller than him.
“You don’t have to pay for me anymore.” He argued.
“I invited you.” You said as you ordered two börek and passed him one. “So good.” You mumbled munching on one as he smiled softly.
You two stood like that for a while having breakfast watching people walk past.
“I understand now why you are faking with Ali. I wouldn’t do the same, but you don’t want to hurt his feelings.” He said after thinking it carefully.
You nodded. “Yes, but thank you for all of this. I know you didn’t want to and Işik pretty much forced you. But it’s been nice spending time with you.” You said smiling at him.
You made your way to school, his arm wrapped around your waist and you talking about what you had done the day before without noticing the look he was giving you.
Day 5
“Ali! I already told you. I’m dating Sinan.” You basically yelled at the boy in the school yard, a few people glancing your way until you both gave them a nasty look.
“I can’t believe you are dating that freak. He burnt down the school theatre last year.” Ali said like you were a child.
You rolled your eyes. “It wasn’t the whole theatre. Besides, I like him. A lot.” You said honestly, surprising Ali with your answer and yourself too.
You realized that you had to end it when the line between fake and real got blurry, so you had to go and speak to Sinan right now.
You sighed. “Look, Ali, we’ve known each other since we were five. And I don’t think we would...”
He interrupted you by grabbing you forcefully by your neck and kissing. You furrowed your brows and immediately pushed him off of you.
“What the hell?” You said in disbelief.
You were about to give him a rant about consent and him being crazy when a shout made you two look away.
“What are you doing?” Sinan said coming between the two of you.
Before Ali could answer, Sinan had already thrown a punch on his nose, starting a fight between both of them. You stood there speechless until you heard more students come to watch the fight and you came back to your senses. You grabbed Sinan and held him back with the help of Kerem who had also arrived and Burak helped Ali to his feet.
“What is going on?” Miss Ayse asked as Sinan held onto you for support.
“He’s an asshole.” Kerem replied but you only watched Sinan’s face covered in a few bruises and blood coming out of a cut on his brow he had probably done when Ali threw him to the ground.
That’s how you ended in the infirmary with Sinan siting on a stretcher and you cleaning his cuts standing between his legs.
“You didn’t have to punch him, look at you. I had it under control.” You said grabbing an alcohol pad.
He winced slightly. “He just grabbed you all of a sudden and you seemed so...”
“Weak?” You scoffed.
“Uncomfortable. And I got jealous. I thought that maybe you would end up liking him more than me.”
You placed a bandaid on the cut on his brow and gently caressed his cheek. “Why would I like him more than you?”
He leaned into your touch and shuggred.
“I don’t like him...I like you. If I didn’t, would I be here patching you up?” You said smiling softly with a small blush.
He looked up at you while you avoid his gaze and looked out of the window.
“Then I guess we weren’t faking it after all.”
You laughed before holding his hand and sitting down next to him.
“I guess not.”
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
The Tumblr Beta Version: an objective analysis
I was tempted to just type “it sucks.” And while that is an objective analysis, it’s not exactly helpful. I’ve sent several requests to @staff and @support to restore my account to the old tumblr dashboard format, and received the same automated reply twice now. I’ll copy/paste it here so everyone is on the same page:
(lol, I had to go back and edit this, because apparently the beta version doesn’t display block quotes on the dash. So I’ve also put the block quotes in italics... hopefully it’ll display properly... note after editing: nope, it doesn’t display italics either... how the heck am I supposed to differentiate quoted text? I’ll start each quoted bit with an asterisk, I guess...)
*Thanks for reaching out about the beta dashboard.
*We're currently testing it out, and your account seems to have been selected to take part in the test. Thanks for your patience while we work on it! At this time there is not a way to opt out of testing. You may see your Tumblr experience return to normal as we continue testing.
*In the meantime, check out some of the new features available only in the beta dashboard:
OKAY TUMBLR, IF YOU INSIST, though I would MUCH rather have back all the functionality I personally invested into this website through xkit... you know... making the site ACTUALLY FUNCTIONAL. Let’s see what this beta version has given me instead of functionality:
*Change Palettes: Go to the person icon, then click "Change Palette." You'll find the classic Tumblr blue, dark mode, and a few other color palettes for your dash.
So I tried out all the color palettes. In addition to the ones mentioned here, there’s one that’s trying to look like a green screen terminal that gives me flashbacks to the early 80′s. There’s a reason we stopped using green screen terminals... Another one is “canary yellow.” It’s very yellow. The “classic tumblr” isn’t actually classic tumblr... all the post boxes are dark blue with grey type, not white with black type. And all the other colors are the insanely bright fluorescent of the new Dark Blue standard tumblr scheme. Which means links are practically invisible unless I highlight them. It’s migraine inducing. The one theme with a light colored background is called “Concrete” or “Cement” or something like that and even that only works for about half an hour before the migraine aura really kicks in. I just want my Old Blue via xkit back. You know, what tumblr actually used to look like. I don’t want any of these horrible color palettes. None of them work for me.
*The new "meatballs" menu: This is where you can copy the post link, unfollow the Tumblr who made or reblogged the post, or report a violation to our Community Guidelines.
I could do all of this from the user menus with xkit, too. I don’t regularly report violations or have the urge to block people I have chosen to follow. Why on earth would I want to do any of this? And why would I want these features located directly beside the post link copy feature? 
You know what I do miss? I miss the xkit timestamps feature. I didn’t have to hover dangerously close to the KILL IT WITH FIRE meatballs menu in order to see when a post was made, and in this era of disinformation and misinformation spreading around this site faster than Covid-19, being able to see when a post was ORIGINALLY created is a far more useful feature than an easier way to block people. For reference: I currently have three blogs blocked. Two of them are pornbots. One is a nazi. If I don’t want someone’s content on my dash, I don’t follow them. This “feature” is entirely useless to me.
*A quick note: Pagination is not supported in this beta test, but we're collecting feedback to send to our engineers.
THIS IS THE ABSOLUTE WORST. This beta test might actually be tolerable if I wasn’t trapped into endless scrolling. If I could page through my dash, refreshing it every ten posts or so. You know why? Because once I scroll about 30 posts down my dash, tumblr starts overheating my laptop under the load of ALL THOSE POSTS. Things start malfunctioning-- it takes longer and longer to load new posts the farther I scroll. And the keyboard navigation (both page down and hitting J to advance to the next post, and even just using the down arrow to scroll as I read a long post) freeze and stop functioning. One of my laptop fans has actually begun to malfunction.
You know why this wasn’t a problem on the old version? If the data load got to heavy, I could open a post in a new tab, click view on dash with xkit, and voila! Brand new tab! I could close the malfunctioning tab and everything would be refreshed to normal! But without pagination, THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE.
Also, after reblogging a few posts, the beta version of this site breaks, and doesn’t open a post tab to add commentary or even tags. It just... reblogs the untagged post with no warning whatsoever. You know... that’s really really not cool. I tag EVERYTHING. Well, almost everything. The tags are the only way to keep track of the 40k+ posts on my blog. And warn people that I am posting potential spoilers, or other specific content. It’s REALLY inconvenient to have to either immediately go to my blog to edit the post and add tags, or even comments. The alternative is to scroll up to open individual posts I want to reblog in a new tab, and then reblog directly there. Ironically enough, THOSE pages actually open with xkit installed, and everything (surprise!) functions perfectly there.
It’s perfectly reasonable to understand why this specific issue has limited the number of posts I reblog. Reblogging content should not be this much of a hassle. Creators have been complaining for a while that reblogs have drastically slowed down, and I think making it even more annoying and difficult to reblog posts will not help this problem.
Also, with xkit enabled, there’s a function that auto-loads images as you scroll, so the images are always visible BEFORE they appear on screen. I don’t have to look at the colored boxes and wonder if this is a post I’ve already seen or something I should sit and wait for. Don’t even think about watching tumblr videos. Loading priority is given to the ads that you cannot pause or dismiss, so that video loads and plays in choppy two second bursts instead of being given priority. Since that’s the content I am actually here to consume, it kinda makes me want to do the opposite of patronizing anyone who advertises here with graphically intense ads. And then when you scroll away, with xkit, gifs and videos you’ve scrolled past STOP loading and playing, which I think might be contributing to the intensity of the resource hogging that’s literally melting down my laptop.
And for reference, I have a pretty decent little gaming laptop. A blogging platform shouldn’t be driving it to the brink of frying itself. I didn’t realize just how much xkit worked to streamline this and provide basic functionality to this site.
*And lastly, if you're an XKit user, know that the XKit team is working hard to update things on their end to make it compatible with the beta dashboard.
And this doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of what I’ve lost without xkit. And this is a really REALLY garbage response to user complaints. “Oh, yeah, sorry we made our site suck even worse, but those nice people who do our jobs for free will surely fix our garbage soon!”
Dear wonderful people at @new-xkit-extension, I love you, and I miss you, and while I wish xkit worked with this beta version I’ve been forced into living with, I truly feel for y’all who are trying to deal with this nonsense on behalf of all of us.
And to the folks at Tumblr... maybe try to just... make your site actually more like xkit. You know, actually functional. None of these special new features are useful or functional to me. I respectfully request for a fourth time to be removed from this inane beta test.
Give us OPTIONS. Let us display ALL THE TAGS without having to click a button. Let me have back my Activity+ that actually allowed me to interact with people from my dash! That showed me real-time inline notifications in a way that I could reply to with a single click! Bring me back to my column of open messaging conversation icons so I have easy access to the people I talk with throughout the day instead of closing them all every time I refresh the page. I already feel socially isolated in freaking quarantine, please stop shutting off all my avenues of communication!
Let us have pagination! I mean, maybe it wasn’t the best idea to force heavy users of this site into a beta version that doesn’t allow us to opt out until your engineers had actually figured out how to make it work in a very basic way.
*Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with!
(one final quick note... I’ve only been back on my dash long enough to make the parenthetical edits-- i.e. adding italics that don’t display and then adding the asterisks at the beginning of each section of quoted text, and already my laptop is overheating again. For reference, I originally typed this entire post from within my tumblr inbox page-- which still functions normally with xkit-- and spent over an hour on it. My laptop was fine the entire time. Clearly the issue is this beta version of the website. I will never forgive tumblr if y’all fry my literal only portal to the outside world at this time. PUT ME BACK TO NORMAL NOW. THIS IS ABSOLUTELY INFURIATING AND ENTIRELY UNACCEPTABLE. Thanks)
(oops apparently i lied... when the asterisks and the previous final note failed to display, I thought that seemed suspicious, and realized that I literally needed to refresh my entire dash in order to see edited changes. Funny how xkit enabled me to do that in real time, which is just another bit of functionality I’ve lost with this beta program. Please guys, this is really, really not working for me at all, just put it back.)
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