#i missed kenma and yamaguchi more than i thought i did
dira333 · 1 year
Open up - Tsukishima x reader
Requested by @shoulmate - kind of part two to "Friends"
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He had not known how bad he was at opening up to people until he left Karasuno.
The comfort of being a third year, of being familiar with the habits and quirks of his classmates and, especially, the people in the Volleyball Club, had tricked him into thinking he’d be just fine in College.
But he wasn’t fine. He was far from being fine.
Where it was relatively easy to explain to himself that what he was feeling was only natural, he couldn’t bring himself to tell Yamaguchi that he missed him.
His constant presence had become a comfort he’d taken for granted.
He missed Yachi, her bubbly personality, and even her almost predictable bouts of over-worrying. But he supposed that Yamaguchi missed her even more, now that she was studying in Tokyo. 
He even missed - and that was something he’d never tell anyone - he even missed the monster duo. Training was too quiet without their constant fights and with no one there to challenge him like those two had, he felt himself falling into a rut. 
Three months into College he caved and called Kuroo, nibbling on the nail of his right thumb as he waited for the Call to connect, the habit he’d picked up from Yamaguchi a sick kind of comfort.
“You’re lonely.” Kuroo summarized the moment he finished his explanation. “That’s not surprising.” 
He wanted to argue against it, but even he knew that it would make him sound even more childish. He’d been the one calling after all.
“It’s hard for everyone. To be a first-year again. To lose so many friends.”
His voice sounded a bit hoarse for a moment and Tsukishima remembered with a start that while he and Yamaguchi had always been in the same year, Kenma and Kuroo had always been one year apart. 
College must have been especially hard for him if he still felt like that about it.
“As nice as it is to know that I’m not alone, I didn’t call for that, you know.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Kuroo laughed. “But do you really need my advice for that? You know what you got to do, right?” 
He scowled at the thought.
“Right. Yeah. I was just hoping-”
“You were just hoping I had something else up my sleeve? Sorry. You still need to talk to people. Open up a bit, Tsukki.”
“Don’t call me that.”
1. Find someone on your team. Maybe there’s someone you already know. Or someone you could look up to.
“Kyoutani, right?” He asked the older boy, despite knowing perfectly well that this was his name. God, he so wanted to be somewhere else right now.
“Yeah, so?”
“I was wondering if you’d be up to train.”
“Why would I?”
“We’re on the same team?”
He fought against the urge to pinch his nose. This guy was even worse than Kageyama.
Wait. Kageyama.
“Well, I wanted to train my blocking technique. But if you think I’m too strong for you, I’ll find someone else.”
“The fuck you just said?” Kyoutani is right up in his face now, baring his teeth. “I’ll wipe the floor with you!”
“Great. Tonight after practice?”
“You bet.”
Kyoutani did, in fact, wipe the floor with him.
But he pulled him up at the end of it, looked him over like he contemplated throwing him into the dumpster outside, and nodded.
“I can’t train on Mondays or Fridays. We can do all the other days. Just don’t talk too much.”
2. Find someone in one of your courses. Someone who needs help studying or someone who can help you study. Yes, Tsukki, such people exist.
“Watari, right?" He asked the boy, vaguely remembering the name from some assignments.
“Ah, yes. And you’re Tsukishima?” 
“Yes. We’re in the same Biology Class.”
“Yes, I’ve noticed. You went to Karasuno, right?”
“Yes?” He narrowed his eyes at the other boy. Where was this going?
Watari’s smile did not waver under Tsukishima’s glare. It was unnerving to talk to someone so calm. It reminded him of Sugawara and he’d learned long ago that that calm demeanor could be flipped like a coin.
“I went to Aoba Johsai. I remember playing against you.”
“Oh. But you’re not in the Volleyball Team anymore?”
“No. It felt like the time for me to try something new. Besides, I’d flunk all my Classes if I tried to focus on anything else besides the Course material.”
“About that…” Tsukishima started, already cringing at himself. “I think I could help with that.”
After one Monday and one Friday spent with Watari, Tsukishima was ready to admit he’d never become a teacher.
But the other boy was a lot less annoying as a student than the Monster Duo.
He could see himself keeping this up and it was kind of nice to talk about Volleyball in between studying.
3. Find someone else. Be a bit creative. You might learn something new about yourself. 
This is the hardest part.
He didn’t want to talk to the people he meets in the cafeteria. Or the people watching his Volleyball Matches, even now that he’s got to actually play on the court.
He didn’t want to think about the internship he’d going to have to suffer through next semester.
Weren’t two new friends enough, he asked himself when he’s alone in his room, studying, reading, listening to music. When he endures Watari struggling with memorizing things, or Kyoutani’s way of talking during their training.
Aren’t two new friends enough, he asks himself when he walks through the library one day only to find… you.
He’s neither quick nor small enough to duck behind a cart or another person and you spot him almost the instant he recognizes you.
And the way your face lights up cuts a piece straight out of his heart.
“Tsukishima.” You walk up to him where he’s frozen on the spot. “What a coincidence to meet you here. How are you?”
“Hrrm.” He makes, his tongue unable to unknot himself. You nod.
“I don’t want to keep you, but if you want, we could go for a coffee and catch up?”
He’s unable to say no. And not in the way that his mouth won’t open, because that too, but even if he could speak, he couldn’t say no to you.
But he can and will protect himself. He’s promised himself that.
Back as a first-year at Karasuno, when he had a crush on you and realized it was never going to be reciprocated.
Back in his second year at Karasuno, when you stopped coming to their games, and he only ever saw you in passing or heard you mentioned in conversations.
Back in his third year at Karasuno, when the hallways were void of you and he didn’t even have Ennoshita around to hear about you. When even the pain of not having you sounded better than the void you left behind.
“How’s Ennoshita?” He asks as soon as you take a seat.
“Good, I guess.” You puff out your cheeks and blow at your coffee and he wonders if you know how adorable that makes you look. “Haven’t talked to him in a while. Didn’t think he’d forget about me so easily now that he has a girlfriend.”
He chokes on his drink.
You hit him on the back, but it does nothing to ease his mind.
“He- girlfriend- Ennoshita- you?” He chokes out and you pull your hand back to muster him.
“Yes. He has a girlfriend. Is that surprising? I did think he was rather popular with the girls in Karasuno but no one ever confessed to him.”
“Yeah, because everyone thought the two of you were a couple.” He can’t help his snark and regrets it the moment your eyes widen.
“They did? Why?”
“Because you two were so close. Why wouldn’t we think that?”
He bites his tongue the moment the words are out of his mouth.
You’re frozen in motion, eyes wide, mouth open until you close it with an audible click.
There’s something like understanding in your eyes and he’s ready to grab his drink and leave when you put your hand on his arm.
“Did you think I was dating Ennoshita?”
“Again, why wouldn’t I think that?” He asks but it’s lacking the usual cut of his tone. He just sounds tired now.
You heave a sigh, so deep it seems to come from the bottom of your soul.
“Ennoshita was right after all. I should have confessed to you.”
Now it’s his turn to freeze in his seat and he’s a bit ashamed to say that he forgets to breathe for a moment.
“What?” Is that really his voice speaking?
“Everyone of my girlfriends said that I should wait until the boy makes the first move and looking back, especially after what you’ve told me, they probably had Ennoshita in mind when I was always talking about you. I just… I thought you were interested in me and I was interested in you and I was just hoping you’d confess.”
“I’m sorry.” He says and you shrug. 
“We can’t change the past, right?” Something changes in your eyes and he holds his breath, realizing it will probably shake his core again, whatever you’re going to say next.
He’s right. 
“So, what do you say?” You cock your head and grin. “Are you free tomorrow? For a date? Just to make sure there are no more misunderstandings?”
Kuroo calls him on Saturday and he barely makes it out of his room to accept the call.
“Bad timing?” The older boy asks and TSukishima huffs. “We’re having a watch party, but I’m not missing much. I’ve seen Jurassic Park a million times.”
“Oh, a watch party? So you made some friends?”
He leans against the wall next to his door, thinking of the people inside.
Yamaguchi, who’d called to let him know he was done missing him in silence and that he was coming over Saturday, no matter how he felt about it. He was very much okay with that.
Watari, who’d jumped at the idea of a watch party, especially after he heard the name of the chosen movie. “We can point out all the inaccuracies and review at the same time.”
Kyoutani, who’d needed a bit more convincing.
“You know, they say it’s good for team building, but if you’re above that-”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m coming. But I don’t want any mediocre snacks, alright?”
The door opened next to him as he was talking and you squinted at him.
“Everything alright?”
“Yeah, just talking to Kuroo.” 
“Oh, alright. Tell him I said hi.” You blow him a kiss and step back inside, leaving him flustered in the halfway.
“Kuroo.” He said, voice hoarse yet again. “You don’t happen to have some advice  for communication in a relationship?”
“Don’t laugh. I just don’t want to mess this up.” Again, he adds in his mind.
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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trans-ace-lee · 1 year
Wow Fantasstic Baby
Author's Note: The title is a reference to this song Fantastic Baby - BigBang and was inspired by a post by @ticklishfanart about Tsukishima's milky legs. Warning: This is a tickle fic, so if that's not something you want to see, feel free to ignore this post.
I've read the manga in full twice and own the whole manga set, so I think it's a crime I haven't written for Haikyuu yet. Enjoy this hellhole of a fic that I came up with at work and mostly wrote on the bus to and from work and at work in corners of breakrooms.
Mutuals tag: @otomiya-tickles @italeean @giggly-squiggily @myreygn @ticklygiggles @duckymcdoorknob @jettorii
Tsukishima likes to say that he enjoys massages. Yamaguchi, the bastard, likes to give him back massages during intense study sessions under the guise of trying to put him to sleep.
Additionally, Akiteru refers to him as a stick of bamboo, saying that he needs to learn how to “loosen up” a bit. He doesn’t like to admit it, but he is a stiff person. Since throwing himself into volleyball, his muscles ache all the time, so massages are also welcome to relieve his pain.
And he would like to say he’s enjoying the leg massage that Kuroo had offered to give him, but he’s too busy cackling to pay attention to how nice it feels.
“Really, here?” Kuroo asks while kneading into his calves as Tsukishima debates actually slamming his fists onto the ground. He didn’t even know that calves could be ticklish, let alone garner such a big reaction out of someone.
“Staahahaap,” Tsukishima begs, trying to yank his legs out of Kuroo’s grasp.
He doesn’t need to turn around to know there’s a smirk on the latter’s face. “But this is for your own good.” Kuroo pauses to skitter his fingers from the back of Tsukishima’s knees to just below his butt. “It’s not my fault you’re so ticklish. Plus, I kind of want to keep tickling you.”
Tsukishima fully smashes his face into his arms to hold back a scream.
And to Tsukishima’s utter, utter horror, Kuroo doesn’t miss his reaction.
“Oh? I always thought you had a nice ass, but I didn’t expect it to be so ticklish,” Kuroo says.
The sound that comes out of Tsukishima at the comment doesn’t sound human. “Damn, your ears sure turn red fast, don’t they?”
“Fuhahuck,” Tsukishima replies, giggling like the rattling sound of a snare drum when Kuroo starts pinching all over his ass. He’s thankful that they’re the only ones in the gym. Maybe personal practice was more useful than he originally thought. “Naaahahat there. Stohohop.”
“Not here?” Kuroo switches to spidering along the bottom of his butt, every once in a while, sneaking a hand to his inner thighs. “You sound so happy though.”
Lies. Straight-up lies. He’s not happy, he’s dying. Here lies Tsukishima Kei. Maybe Yamaguchi will miss him.
“Fine. I’ll move,” Kuroo says, digging into the back of Tsukishima’s quads.
In Tsukishima’s defense, he does not shriek…that loudly.
“Is this a good spot too?”
“Gohoho somewhere else,” Tsukishima pleads, feeling a mostly foreign wetness building in the corner of his eyes.
“Hmm? But I did what you asked…All right, I’ll be nice.”
Tsukishima already starts to regret asking Kuroo to move spots since he’s figured out that begging Kuroo to stop is falling on deaf ears.
“Ass, inner thighs, or hamstrings?” Kuroo asks.
Resisting the urge to roll his eyes or yell in frustration, Tsukishima settles on trying to compromise some more. “Thahaat’s not fair. I’ll piihick somewhere else. Ahahanywhere else.”
“Anywhere?” Kuroo hums, “Sorry, but you picked the wrong choice, my dear.”
My dear? Wrong choice, his ass. Tsukishima decides that he will be getting Kuroo back tenfold after this is all over. From what he’s overheard when Hinata babbles, Kenma should be willing to deluge Kuroo’s worst spot or spots.
He hopes it is spots.
The thought of revenge stops at the feeling of fingers scribbling all over the back and inner parts of his thighs and all around his ass. He’d like to think, but it tickles so much that he doesn’t register that the loud sound he hears is coming from him.
“Awww,” Kuroo coos, “Was that a snort I heard? Who knew you could look so pretty underneath that constant frown, especially in those cute little shorts.”
Tsukishima curses the volleyball shorts they have to wear. Right now, he’s wishing that they were just a tad longer. The electric feeling shooting up and down his legs leave him paralyzed.
Even if he wanted to pull them away, the thought of doing so is almost physically painful, so he can only lay there and laugh until he can feel tears dripping down his face. He doesn’t bother begging or pleading and just sticks to crying.
Part of him thinks laughing so hard for so long feels nice because he hasn’t laughed that much since middle school. Sometimes he finds himself chuckling when Yamaguchi makes funny faces when he’s thinking or snickering every time he looks at Kuroo’s bed hair and when Kuroo smirks at his opponents from across the net. Maybe he even laughs when he sees Kuroo messing around with Bokuto and Akaashi.
Well, shit. Tsukishima figures that laughing and maybe tickling is okay with Kuroo and Yamaguchi. But only them. 
When he's tickled by Yamaguchi it reminds him of being a kid, before everything that happened to Akiteru. Okay, he might consider being tickled by his brother in the future. In all his pessimism and cynicism there's hope in there somewhere. That bright-eyed kid is still a part of him. 
With Kuroo, he finds himself melting. It's warm and sends clouds of floating, fuzzy sensations to fill his head and heart. 
Home. The feeling of home he decides. 
Kuroo's dexterous fingers are both torturous and comforting. It takes nearly every ounce of willpower in him not to beg for more instead. 
…What is wrong with him? Beg for more?
There are a couple of spots on Tsukishima’s butt that have him shrieking. It’s a high-pitched sound, reminding him of a younger, more innocent him. And, yeah, nope. He can forget about thinking again.
“I think I like this spot,” Kuroo says, pinching and wiggling his fingers in Tsukishima’s inner thighs.
Tsukishima slams his legs shut and traps Kuroo’s fingers in between them. He cackles even harder than when Kuroo was tickling his calves when this ordeal first started. “I dohohon’t,” he babbles.
“Look at you.” Tsukishima can hear the mock sympathy and slight pout in Kuroo’s voice. “Is someone too weak to handle a little tickling? Poor thing, taken down by a couple of fingers.”
He wants to push Kuroo’s hands away, but he settles on covering his face instead, not bothering to wipe the fresh set of tears out of his eyes.
“That cute face of yours is so red right now. It’s very pretty looking.”
His face heats up more at the comment. Besides volleyball, he’s not the kind of person who goes outside. Although he knows it might be nicer to study in a park or outside a café, he prefers the comfort of AC in his room or in a library. He feels pretty. So pretty. He’s been approached by girls or, more or less, Yamaguchi has been approached by girls, saying how handsome he is.
But for some reason, when Kuroo says it, it hits so much harder.
Tsukishima is ripped out of his thoughts by fingers dancing on his hamstrings midway down his thighs. More high-pitched giggles spill out of him as he grows weaker and weaker by the second.
After a few rounds of Kuroo dashing from each spot and sneaking a couple of swipes up his feet that leave him flinching despite feeling like putty, small hiccups break through his laughter which has almost gone silent.
The tickling stops almost immediately. Tsukishima takes the chance to roll over and somewhat flop on the ground with all the grace of a beached whale. Gasping for much-needed air, he shuts his eyes until the moisture dries from his face and his breathing evens.
Although he's flushed and tired, there's this buzzing feeling in his head. He's washed in a glow that spreads from his heart to the rest of his body. A small smile graces his features.
It's softer than normal. Different from the smirk he wears during volleyball matches or the bored one that stays on his face during classes.
"So…" Kuroo starts, breaking the silence, "Since I've gotten a chance to touch that ass, can I have a chance to have all of you?"
A snort bubbles out of Tsukishima's nose, which turns into another laughing fit. 
Kuroo wives his left hand in front of Tsukishima's face. "Still feeling ticklish there, giggly?"
"That was awful. If the rest of your pickup lines are that terrible, I can't imagine the rest of you." Kuroo’s smile wobbles a bit. "But luckily for me, my brother's advice to loosen up and make more bad decisions has grown on me, so I think I'll take you up on that offer."
Tsukishima chuckles once more when Kuroo feigns to punch him in the chest. "Y-you aren't allowed to scare me like that," Kuroo replies, helping Tsukishima sit up.  
A soft smile works its way onto Tsukishima’s face as he says, "Well, I guess you're just going to have to get used to me getting you back for teasing me all the time."
Kuroo only smirks at him, and Tsukishima has to resist the urge to kiss Kuroo silly.
Wait what?
"Oh Kenma," Tsukishima sings, snickering when Kuroo’s face morphs into a mortified expression. 
He starts full-on laughing when Kuroo bolts out the gym door with a see you later that ends in a note that rises at the end in a pleasant high-pitched tone. Tsukishima wants to hear the sound again once he gets his revenge. 
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hanemiso · 2 years
okok back to watching haikyuu hehe
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A Little Extra Love (Atsumu x Reader) Oneshot
Atsumu & Oikawa
Atsumu: KAWA
Atsumu: What’s up?
Oikawa: I have a challenge
Atsumu: Another one?
Oikawa: ….I hate you
Atsumu: What’s the challenge?
Oikawa: You have to text your significant other in the group chat and ask if you’re unlovable
Atsumu: Huh? Why?
Oikawa: To see how Y/n responds! You said she’s always seemed distant
Atsumu: Well that’s true but..tricking her like that feels mean
Oikawa: Come on! If it goes wrong, just tell her it was a challenge!
Atsumu: …Fine
Atsumu: But if this goes wrong, I’m blaming you
In the ‘VolleyBROS & VolleyHOES’ group chat
Atsumu: Am I unlovable?
Hinata: What? Of course you’re lovable!
Yamaguchi: Where is this coming from?
Yachi: Are you okay, Tsumu?
Osamu: What happened?
Suna: Why are you asking something like that?
Sugawara: Did something happen with Y/n?
Atsumu: No not really
Akaashi: That’s not a definite no
Bokuto: Are you okay Tsum Tsum?
Osamu: @Y/n
Y/n is online
Osamu: What the fuck did you do to my brother?
Y/n: What?
Kenma: Back read
Y/n: Atsumu, why are you asking if you’re unlovable?
Atsumu: I just…
Atsumu: Sometimes it’s hard to tell if you really want to be with me
Y/n: Why didn’t you tell me you felt that way?
Atsumu: I didn’t want to bother you
Y/n: You’re never bothering me
Iwaizumi: I have to side with Y/n on this. She never stops talking about you
Kuroo: Yeah. Whenever she hangs out with Kenma and I, she talks about you nonstop
Kiyoko: She rants about all the cute things you do
Yachi: And works overtime for weeks in advance so she never has to miss one of your games
Sakusa: She even asked the team for advice on how to confess to you before you two started dating
Hinata: And she asked Bo-san and me about what you would like for a first date because she was afraid of messing it up
Yamaguchi: I got her a shirt for her birthday that says AtsuY/n Supremacy, and she wears it all the time
Atsumu: I’ve never seen her wear it?
Y/n: I wear it to sleep sometimes. I was too embarrassed to wear it in front of you…
Atsumu: You? Embarrassed?
Suna: Do you really not see the way she blushes when you smile at her?
Atsumu: I do that because I just want to see her smile back
Y/n: Your existence makes me smile
Sugawara: Bold Y/n is superior
Oikawa: Agreed
Y/n: Everything you are and ever will be is perfect to me.
Yachi: That’s really sweet
Y/n: Your sarcasm
Y/n: The fact that you never shut up during the movies
Kuroo: Calling him out I see
Y/n: How you complain about me hugging you but always pull me back if I try to let go.
Kenma: That’s? So? Cute? Like adorable
Hinata: Ikr
Y/n: The moments when you’re truly honest with me
Y/n: You’re insecurities
Y/n: Your fears
Y/n: Your achievements and your shortcomings
Sakusa: Are you just listing things for fun?
Y/n: I love you for everything that you are.
Atsumu: You do?
Y/n: I know I don’t say it a lot, but I do. Nothing in this world matters more to me than you.
Osamu: As it should
Suna: Samu pls
Yamaguchi: Stop interrupting the moment
Y/n: I’m not good with words
Bokuto: That’s true
Y/n: I can’t read the room for shit
Kuroo: She really can’t
Y/n: I’m not perfect
Iwaizumi: Who is?
Oikawa: Me
Sugawara: Not the time Kawa
Y/n: I’m far from it really
Hinata: She’s roasting herself?
Kenma: I think she’s getting to the point
Y/n: But every broken part of me loves you
Y/n: And that won’t ever change
Y/n: Atsumu?
Osamu: He’s crying
Atsumu: AMN NTO
Iwaizumi: So is Oikawa
Hinata: If it makes you feel better we’re all crying
Yachi: Kiyoko i need a hug
Kiyoko: omw
Yamaguchi: can I say the thing now?
Akaashi: Please do
Yamaguchi: ATSUY/N >>
Kuroo: Double agreed bro
Suna: @Y/n come get your man. His crying is so loud
Atsumu: FUKC YUO
Y/n: Hey Atsu?
Atsumu: yeag?
Atsumu: *Yeah?
Y/n: Get cleaned up. I’m picking you up in twenty minutes.
Akaashi: I thought you only live like ten minutes away from each other?
Y/n: I’m picking up ice cream first
Atsumu: Strawberry?
Y/n: You know it
Y/n: Oh. Pack a change of clothes too. It’s late so you can just stay the night
Atsumu: Movies?
Y/n: Harry Potter or Game of Thrones?
Sakusa: Game of thrones isn’t a movie
Atsumu: Omi let me enjoy this moment
Atsumu: I vote Harry Potter
Y/n: Which one?
Atsumu: Half blood prince
Y/n: You literally hate that one
Y/n: Then why do you want to watch it?
Atsumu: Because it’s your favorite
Y/n: ahguy YOURE SO CUTE
Kenma: I think you broke her
Y/n: Im fuen
Akaashi: You couldn’t even spell ‘fine’
Y/n: let me live kaashi
Y/n: Why don’t we watch Chamber of Secrets then. We both like that one.
Atsumu: Okay. When are you getting here?
Yamaguchi: Impatient
Oikawa: I would be too
Iwaizumi: You’re always impatient
Y/n: I’m outside.
Atsumu: I’m coming!
Kuroo: That’s what she said
Hinata: He said that too
Sugawara: Why are you like this?
Kenma: We’re ALL like this
Y/n: Like what? Dramatic?
Sakusa: You couldn’t leave without roasting us?
Y/n: I do it out of love
Atsumu: She does! The second I got in the car she said “Buckle up, bitch.”
Y/n: It’s not my fault you got in and said “Where’s the ice cream, scrub?”
Akaashi: How are you two together?
Iwaizumi: The same way Oikawa and I are together
Oikawa: IWA-CHAN
Hinata: And Yams and Tsukishima
Yamaguchi: I was gonna say he’s not that bad, but you right
Y/n: Why are you acting like I never say it?
Atsumu: You’ve only said it over text and call!
Y/n: Oh
Y/n: I’ll start telling you more often, honey
Osamu: Simp
Y/n: stfu do you know how much I’ve put up with you ranting about Suna over the years?
Suna: I want to hear this story
Y/n: I’ll send it to you later
Y/n: No one calls my boy a simp except me
Atsumu: That’s me! I’m her boy!
Kenma: Guess he’s just gonna ignore that she called him a simp
Y/n: oMG if yuu could sae his faxe
Y/n: Hes bkushing si mucc
Y/n: im gobna cri
Y/n: *Y/n has sent an attachment*
Bokuto: HES SO RED
Sugawara: How is this so wholesome??
Atsumu: HSUT UOP
Y/n: I will when you can spell it
Atsumu: SHYT UP
Atsumu: SHUT PU
Y/n: Atsumu Miya, ladies and gentlemen
Y/n: Well, I’ve got ice cream to eat, movies to watch, and a boyfriend to cuddle, so I’ll be going. See ya losers
Y/n is offline
Atsumu is offline
Iwaizumi: Always gotta throw in that last insult
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newronantic · 3 years
so this is mostly gonna be for myself to keep track of my favorite fics i’ve read, but hey if anyone else wants to check some of these out then thats great
MHA one is up!!
ill keep updating this as i read more, feel free to send me suggestions!
plain as day - emleewrites
In which Hinata has spent the better part of the last twenty years putting his heart and soul into volleyball, hoping to be recognised, to be noticed. And yet he spends all these years also thinking of himself as rather plain, beyond his lack of height and bright hair, and not really noticeable at all.
In Transit - Mysecretfanmoments
Hinata finds that he likes standing close to Kageyama on buses and trains. It doesn't mean anything--probably. Maybe.
I like the way your clothes smell - Mysecretfanmoments
Power outages, ghost stories, and the presence of a certain orange-haired boy lead to bad decision-making on Tobio's part. He'd planned to keep his crush a secret; the universe has other plans.
Chaotic Neutral - akaraka
Who's this Kageyama person on twitter and is he gay?
1: Anonymous: see title
2: Anonymous: curry king
3: Anonymous >> 1: It's the curry king, obviously. Have you been using his memes this whole time without knowing who he was?
4: Anonymous: 1) Hinata Shouyou's boyfriend 2) See above
jellyfish - mysterytwin
At the beginning of his last year at Karasuno High School, Hinata Shouyou starts a list and calls it THINGS TO DO BEFORE GRADUATION, all with high hopes that he’ll be able to complete it before his time runs out.
Try This On For Size - CloudMonsta
A lot changed for Yamaguchi Tadashi over the course of high school. He started trying on dresses, for one.
The Great Yamaguchi-Tsukishima Split (Capitalization Necessary) - WyYeuw
"But no, the current situation isn’t normal. This situation requires the full attention of the team.
No, what’s really concerning this time around, is that Yamaguchi is the one ignoring Tsukishima.”
Yamaguchi confesses. Tsukishima fucks up—like, really fucks up. The volleyball club notices and loses a week’s worth of practice.
Terrarium - sausaged
He's practically a professional at being proactive (lies, lies, and lies when it comes to Iwaizumi).
At this point, is he really happy with just staying best friends forever? Will he be writing journals and collecting rocks forever (he will, he knows, but that is aside from the point)?
Can he really tag his Instagram photos with #YOLO if he doesn't actually put that phrase into practice?
A story about Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime, plants, and rocks.
They Say it Rain Diamonds on Jupiter - exsao
"You're in love with him."
Hajime considers denying it. He considers deliberately choking on his drink to express surprise, to create a distraction by spitting onto the man in front of him's pristine white shirt and causing a commotion. Instead, he swallows his mouthful of soda and heaves a small sigh once his mouth is free.
"Yeah," he says instead.
He's never been good at lying, anyway.
bait and switch - Stylographic_Blue_Rhapsody
Oikawa's university volleyball team knows he's in a long-distance relationship with someone from high school. They imagine a sweet-faced girl that matches his sarcasm with patience. They are so incredibly wrong.
my heart is where it’s always been - foreverautumn
Iwaizumi places his phone down carefully.
Oikawa. Pining after someone. There’s no way.
(Iwaizumi knows he shouldn’t care who Oikawa might have feelings for, but within the span of three days, it’s somehow the only thing he can think about.)
Beautiful People Will Ruin Your Life - todxrxki
Kuroo Tetsurou runs a private Twitter account where he's constantly tweeting about how desperately in love he is with Kozume Kenma. Little does he know that Kenma sees all the tweets and keeps referencing the account in an attempt to get Kuroo to confess to him. / Or, five times Kuroo didn't notice Kenma hinting about his private Twitter account, and one time he finally did.
the things that get caught in the valves of his heart - ghostpot
Emotional competency is not exactly Kuroo's strong suit. Kenma finds it quite amusing.
Accidentally In Love - todxrxki
Kuroo frowns, but then slowly, the corners of his mouth lift up into a smirk. "Well, if it's so unbelievable, why don't we give it a try?"
Kenma glances up at him curiously. "What do you mean?"
"Let's do the 36 questions to fall in love," Kuroo says, still smirking stupidly. "If we don't fall in love, then you're right, it's bullshit. But if we do somehow..." Kuroo waggles his eyebrows. "Then I win." / Kuroo decides he and Kenma should do the 36 questions to fall in love as a joke, but they both start to realize they might actually be in love already.
the galaxy is endless (i thought we were, too) - cosmogony
TW: major character death
Kuroken AU where the last words your soulmate will say to you appear on your skin when you turn 16, and how Kenma and Kuroo learn what this means over the course of their lives
even if you’re ahead for a bit, i will catch up - ghostpot
Kuroo first confesses when they're sticky-fingered, wide-eyed kids, and subsequently every day after that. Kenma takes a while to come around.
you’re the brake lines failing (as my car swerves off the freeway) - ghostpot
Kenma thinks that Kuroo looks ugly with his head bent against the arm of the couch like that. Then Kenma thinks that he wants to marry him, and is promptly thrown into the 5 stages of grief.
teach me the way home - icespyders
“Don’t go far off, not even for a day, because —
because — I don’t know how to say it: a day is long
and I will be waiting for you, as in an empty station
when the trains are parked off somewhere else, asleep.”
Kuroo and Kenma grow up in transit.
in this universe - crossbelladonna
Living with Kuroo is sometimes, just like this. It always feels surreal like he's living half a world and a lot of things rush by too quickly. Kenma feels like he'd watched him come and go in a blink, eyes wide and wordless as the shared space went snug in an instant and far larger in the next.
All this, and a glass of water.
Beginning’s End - todxrxki
Somehow over the course of Kenma's lifetime, he’s never really had an opportunity to miss Kuroo. He’s always been there. Even when they went to different schools, Kuroo would meet him afterwards so they could walk home together, shoulders brushing, Kuroo occasionally taking the opportunity to guide him when his nose was buried in the newest video game. The thought of Kuroo not being there anymore is uncomfortable, to say the least. / Kozume Kenma's third year and the changes the year brings in himself and his relationship with Kuroo Tetsurou.
All I Want for Christmas is You - todxrxki
“Kuro,” he says. “You’re a single guy.”
“Yeah, great, thanks for pointing that out.”
“And my parents already know you, plus they already know you like guys or whatever so… what if you pretended to be my date for Christmas dinner?” / In which Kenma recruits his housemate and best friend Kuroo to be his fake date for Christmas.
just to miss the sun - rosevtea
Everything begins to implode when MSBY Jackals outside hitter Bokuto Koutarou crashes Akaashi's livestream.
Operation BokuAka - kazzydolyn
After spending two whole years watching Bokuto and Akaashi pine for one another, the rest of the Fukuroudani Volleyball Club has had enough. When everyone meets up for a reunion dinner, the team decides to play matchmaker and finally get the two of them together. Unfortunately, their plan starts to fall apart when they discover that Akaashi is already dating someone. And apparently so is Bokuto. What a strange coincidence.
bitter - silvercistern
He accepted his classmate's chocolates gracefully, then declared his lack of interest with as much dignity as he could muster. She deserved the courtesy. At least she'd acknowledged that Valentine's Day was all about her, and not about him in the slightest.
Because if any of these girls had taken the time to actually get to know him, they’d quickly realize something even more important than his lack of interest in girls.
And that was that Akaashi hated sweets.
In Another Life - LittleLuxray
TW: major character death
Sleeping didn't come as easy as it used to. Bokuto knew this, and now Akaashi did, too.
The hospital AU that no body asked for, but that I took upon myself to write.
120% yes - pissedofsandwich
in reply to @bokkun_official 
Congratulations! In celebration of your historic engagement, please DM us so we can send you a free membership code with a 25% discount on every fourth purchase!
Kissing Ace - karasunovolleygays
It happens right after training camp.
Akaashi Keiji has a secret he has guarded since he was a child. He won’t go so far as to call it a fear, but more of an aspect of himself of which he is horribly mortified. No one on the team knows about it, and Akaashi does his best to keep it that way.
But years of dodging hugs and casual contact come to naught in the blink of an eye and the swipe of a hand.
daisy rings and frivolous things (i am deliriously in love with you) - gabstar
Akaashi Keiji is in love. Bokuto Koutarou is a star. Everyone on Fukurodani has a gambling problem.
The MSBY Black Jackals Read Thirst Tweets - isaksara (syailendra)
Sakusa’s eyes are very dark naturally, sucking in all surrounding rays of light and crushing them in his pupils. For an athlete, he is rather pale. His lips look very pink in comparison. Atsumu is suddenly catastrophically aware that in this instance, ‘accent’ is a euphemism. “Good enough for your Olympic-size ego, Miya?”
(In which Atsumu realizes that he is attracted to Sakusa Kiyoomi in the most inconvenient way possible.)
A Liar’s Truth - internetpistol
In which Sakusa Kiyoomi is raised to believe that gay people go to hell but then takes one look at Miya Atsumu and thinks, then why the hell did God make them so fucking hot?
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ilydenji · 4 years
Please do a pt 2 of toxic traits that had kenma, kageyama, and Tsukishima. Please make it fluff in the end🥺. I loved it
❝toxic pt. 2❞
↳haikyuu boys toxic traits part two
characters: kenma kozume, kageyama tobio, tsukishima kei
warnings/tw: toxic relationships
a/n: I'm so glad you loved the first one !! I hope this is good enough afndjsmsj
(this kinda long sorry lmfoaodjrnf)
part one here
kenma ;
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-its been a few weeks since the two of you had talked properly.
-you did what he wanted, you had broken up with him.
-it felt weird going back to your regular life as if nothing had happened. as if you didn't spend half a year with him.
-it did hurt when you realized he didn't even care. that day when you walked away from him, you doubted that he gave it a second thought.
-but, unknowingly, the whole situation was slowly eating kenma up with guilt.
-after your breakup, he briefly had talked about it with kuroo and that’s when he realized how much of an asshole he really was.
-he missed it when you watched him practice, apparently, the other members of his team did too.
-“where’s y/n? are they okay?” lev would ask the most.
-“they broke up idiot- if you’re wondering how they are ask them yourself” of course, yaku would hit him for even mentioning them.
-up until now, kenma never noticed the little things that you did for him. how you would praise his hard work after practice or a game.
-how you would softly comb your fingers through his hair while playing games. or how you would bring him lunch every day in case he forgot to eat.
-not only that, but he started missing the little things about you as well.
-how your nose would scrunch up when you laughed,
-when you would hold his hand, you’d always rub circles on his thumb.
-how you would hum when playing with his hair.
-all those things, why hasn’t he realized them before? why did he let you go?
-why did he hurt you so bad?
-he wanted to— no, he needed to apologize to you.
-he wanted to be with you again, though he didn’t really think he deserved you anymore.
-he wanted to try anyway.
-you received a text from him in the afternoon. you were hesitant to answer. what could he be asking for? his hoodie that he left a month ago?
-when you finally decided to answer it, it read-
-“Can I please talk to you.”
-he wanted to talk now? he had a chance weeks ago. months even.
-you just sighed and texted back saying yes. he asked if he could come over and you agreed, maybe things would end off on a better note? you’d be lying if you said you didn't miss him.
-when kenma came over, he looked different than how he usually did. he didn't have his psp and he didn't use his phone once.
-he slowly walked to your bed and motioned you to sit next to him.
-“I’ve been a big fucking asshole to you, y/n. I'm so sorry I treated you like that.” he would start.
-he ended up apologizing for everything and told you he never realized how much care relationships need.
-“you deserve so much better. it’s selfish of me to even consider the fact you’d take me back but. I missed you a lot, I'm so sorry for hurting you.”
-you wanted to be with him again, to hold him and tell him it’s alright.
-instead, you rest your hand on his shoulder with a squeeze.
-“it's okay, it’s fine. I messed up along the way as well.” you’d start. kenma kept the same stoic expression he usually had. but you can tell in his eyes, he was hopeful.
-“but maybe we don’t belong in a relationship. maybe not yet at least.”
-kenma understood what you meant.
-in the end, the two of you had agreed that to ever get back into a relationship again he had to work on letting himself be vulnerable around you.
-he had promised to be better for you, and wait until you were ready to be with him again. although you had promised to be with him sometime in the future, the pang in his chest didn't fully go away.
-the day ended with him in your arms, comforting him.
-his arms were wrapped around you, his head in the crook of your neck.
-“kenma, I still love you. you know that right?”
-kenma didn't exactly answer. instead, he pulled you closer to him. you could feel his smile against your neck.
-you both still loved each other but decided to take it slow this time. not wanting to hurt each other.
kageyama ;
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(reader is into photography bc that's the only thing I could think of I'm sorry lfmsoakedjdnsn)
-it’s been a few days since his last game, where he basically told you that you “clearly didn’t love him”
-in those few days, kageyama couldn’t explain what he was feeling.
-he always had trouble expressing his emotions. so he often ignored them.
-but this time, there was a pit in his stomach that just wouldn’t go away. whenever he looked at his phone he would be tempted to call you.
-he wasn’t so sure if that was a good idea, but the silence was killing him.
-one day during practice he had asked hinata if he had seen you.
-hinata nodded and told him you were out in the courtyard doing club activities.
-kageyama didn't know you were in a club? though, he hardly payed any attention to that stuff.
-he wondered how he could be so clueless, you two have been together for months.
-that day, he skipped practice. that on its own was a whole different story.
-he managed to find you outside, taking pictures of the flowers and anything remotely interesting you could find.
-but no matter how mundane, kageyama didn't fail to notice the smile you had.
-he recognized that look in your eye, that was the look he had whenever it came to volleyball. how could he have not realized how happy your little hobby made you?
-he wanted you to be happy, to see you smile with so much passion like that.
-kageyama approached you cautiously, trying not to scare you.
-“what do you want kageyama?” you started. it startled him a little.
-you didn't need to turn around for you to know he was there. hinata had texted you that kageyama was coming, of course.
-“Nothing... I just.. missed you I guess” he sat down next to you. neither of you had talked, it became awkward fast.
-“so... you like photography? I didn’t know”
-“of course you wouldn't.”
-kageyama cringed at the words. you weren’t wrong in the slightest, he had been ignoring your interests for the longest and he feels like such an ass for it.
-“I'm sorry for not paying attention” he stated. you nodded at his words. but that wasn’t enough for him.
-“I should’ve payed more attention to you, it’s my fault I got so caught up in my own head” still, you didn’t say anything but you did turn your attention to him. progress he thought.
-“I should’ve realized that this, is just as important to you as volleyball is to me.” he rested his hand on top of yours. in return, you squeezed his a little. he smiled softly.
-“I’ll give you more of my attention from now on. okay? I'm sorry y/n. I love you, I really do.” he finished. and that’s what you wanted to hear.
-you wanted him to acknowledge his wrongs and apologize. you knew kageyama struggled with his emotions sometimes but he would eventually come around.
-you rested your head on his shoulder.
-“did you really skip practice for me?”
-“of course I did”
-by the end of the day, kageyama had learned that relationships aren’t just a one-sided thing. that you cant constantly be supporting him without him supporting you.
-he promised to you that no matter what it is that you would do, he would be right by your side cheering you on.
tsukishima ;
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-the days had turned to weeks, and tsukishima was barely paying any attention to you. after your little fight, it was clear that he wouldn’t say a word until you said something first.
-but you were scared to.
-how could you not be? his teasing crushed your self-esteem.
-you would notice things about yourself that you never saw before. picking at your skin for the tiniest imperfections.
-or even trying to change your appearance in any way you could to seem different, but in the end, tsukishima didn't pay attention.
-but someone else did, yamaguchi. he was close to tsukishima and knew what was going on.
-he was the first one to comfort you after your fight with your boyfriend. he promised to you that the things he said weren’t true and he never meant it.
-yamaguchi was slowly replacing tsukishima as the days went by. still, the two of you remained friends.
-“I think you should talk to him, y/n. he misses you I know it” he told you one day. he was on his way to practice and asked you to come with.
-you didn't know if that was really true but you decided to put your trust into him.
-instead of going into the gym yourself, you waited for practice to end nearby. you didn't want to be a distraction.
-when practice did end, tsukishima and yamaguchi ended up being the first ones to come out. yamaguchi was smiling as he yelled out for you. tsukishima stayed silent.
-walking towards the two made your anxiety rise. it was nerve-wracking honestly.
-the three of you ended up walking to the gate before yamaguchi told you that he had somewhere to go first and he’d meet you two later.
-after that, it was just the two of you. you noticed how although his house was in the opposite direction, he still walked with you. you smiled a little at that.
-“So what’s up with you and yamaguchi?” he said bluntly. the abrupt interaction kinda scared you a little.
-“Nothing, we’re just friends. why?”
-“nothing. I just don't like seeing you all friendly with him.”
-“Are you jealous?”
-“I guess so”
-his words were so blunt it left you confused.
-you asked him how he could say something like that when he’s been ignoring you for days. and not only that but just straight-up bully you.
-tsukishima stayed silent at that. he had stopped walking at this point, and so had you.
-“listen. I'm sorry for saying those things to you, I was just stressed and took that out on you. I never meant to hurt you y/n, I mean it” you knew tsukishima wasn't the type to talk so openly about how he felt.
-he probably meant it.
-it doesn’t take away the fact that it hurt you. you told him what his words had done to you, that you had tried to change yourself for his approval.
-at this, tsukishima brought you into a hug. he held you close to him, softly petting your hair.
-“I'm sorry y/n, I’m sorry for taking it too far, for making you think so low of yourself. I promise you I never thought those things about you, I was just mad. I should’ve never taken it out on you.”
-at this point, you didn't know if you should be happy about it or cry.
-“it hurt tsukki.” was all you said to him.
-“I know. I'm so sorry y/n, I understand if you cant forgive me.” he pulled away from you to move your hair away from your face, leaning in to plant a soft kiss on your forehead.
-“I understand that I’ve hurt you. you don't need to forgive me. but please know that I love you so much.”
-afterward, tsukki ended up walking you home, holding your hand the rest of the way.
-he knows things might not go back to being the same, but he’s willing to work on letting you past his walls, being nicer towards those he loves, you especially.
-you know old habits die hard and that relationships aren’t always easy. but this was a journey you both were willing to take. both learning from each other to make sure this never happens again.
I'm really hoping this is okay uh- I tried to make this as wholesome as I could but continuing the theme from last time. I might have to just make fluff has for these three after HANDFJDNN (i’m also very sorry for my terrible english @(*$@*(24)
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beccascribbles · 4 years
hi! can i ask for a scenario where ushijima, tsukki, kenma said something maybe out of the line that hurt your feelings and you just give them the silent treatment or become distant?? then like how they'd react to it and stuff :) thank you vm, have a good day 🙈
a/n - sorry this took me so long to write (and post). anyway, i hope you enjoy it. it was my first time writing for kenma so i'm not sure if i portrayed him right but let me know what you think!
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"you're acting like a child," he sighs, pushing you away from him. your arms fall to your sides, missing the feeling of ushijima's warm body. "stop being so clingy. it's annoying"
you knew he was honest, but there is a time and a place for him to voice his opinion on your affection, and in front of his friends was not one of them
all you had wanted to do was give him a hug in greeting. yes, you may have stayed attached to him longer than was necessary but you had barely seen him all day
"okay," you say, turning on your heel and walking away. you don't even bother saying goodbye, too hurt and annoyed to bother
ushijima's brows furrow in confusion as he watches you walk away. tendou is watching the scene with wide eyes, fighting the urge to snicker
"did i do something wrong?" ushijima questions, staring after your receding figure. tendou finally does let out a snort, quickly slapping his hands over his mouth when ushijima turns to look at him
it is semi who gives ushijima's shoulder a squeeze in reassurance, though his eyes hold slight judgement as he says, "you hurt their feelings because you were being too blunt. you should probably apologise"
ushijima nods and then follows after your figure, his strides lengthening to catch up with you
his hand, warm and large, encloses around your own as he catches up to you, matching your pace
you remain silent, choosing to ignore his presence beside you
the silence settles between you, heavy and unwanted. though his mouth opens to form words, he can't bring himself to say anything. maybe it's his stubbornness, but he can't see how his words may have hurt you when they were the truth
"now who's being clingy?" you mumble angrily, yanking your hand from his grip and increasing your pace. your arms cross over your chest so he can't take your hand again. this increase in pace doesn't bother him and he easily matches it
he is persistent, irritatingly so. when he follows you into your room, you almost snap. instead, you silently fume, collapsing onto your bed and turning away from him. he watches your figure, expression holding slight confusion
"why are you ignoring me?"
you stay silent, stubbornly staring at the wall instead of him. when the mattress dips slightly under his weight, you scoot closer to the wall. his frown deepens
"what did i do wrong?" he questions, and you let out a sigh at how oblivious he is. "i was just being honest..."
your scowl deepens, especially when you feel him rest his hand on your back soothingly, rubbing circles into it. it is ushijima's turn to sigh as he looks at you
"i'm sorry if my words hurt you," he admits, the words causing you to turn slightly to look at him. his expression is as stoic as usual, though his eyes soften when they meet yours
"i just wish you had more of a filter sometimes, toshi," you explain, sitting up and leaning back against the headboard. you hug your knees to your chest, head tilting to look at him. "i know you tend to say what you're thinking but i sometimes wonder if you understand how what you say can effect other people. you called me a child, clingly, annoying. that's hurtful, toshi. you probably didn't mean it like that but you did hurt my feelings. i hadn't seen you all day and, when i hugged you, you told me that?"
"i'm sorry," he says again, a slight frown to his face as he considers your words. his arm wraps around your shoulders, pulling you into his body. "i'll try to think about my words before i say them from now on"
he hugs you tight, and you relax in his hold, savouring the closeness
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it's normal for him to send a teasing remark your way, just as it's normal for you to return the favour
however, today, his words hit a little too close to home, targeting an insecurity he wasn't aware of
you were frowning down at the maths sheet in front of you, brows furrowed as you struggled to work out the problems
you never usually felt inferior in terms of academics, but, right now, as you struggled to work out what was relatively simple maths, it started to grate at you
tsukishima wasn't really helping the issue. he seemed oblivious to your stressing, leaning back in his chair as he nodded his head along to the music
his eyes slid over to you, to your figure scribbling away on the paper. he pulled his headphones off, shooting you a teasing grin (though this went unnoticed by you)
his voice, light and teasing, cut through your focus, the words immediately putting you on edge
"if you focus any harder, you're going to be even more stupid than you already are"
your lips pursed but he went on, oblivious to your discomfort
"i can actually see the last bits of your intelligence leaving yout skull." this was punctuated by his finger giving your forehead a poke
you flinched away from him, a scowl lining your features. mumbling under your breath a number of unflattering things, you gathered your work and shoved it into your bag
"where are you going?" he asked, sitting up straighter in his chair, eyes filled with confusion and a bit of concern
you ignored him, pushing open the classroom door, deciding to head to the library to get away from him
for the rest of the day, tsukishima's attempts to speak to you were met with stony silence
so, naturally, he got annoyed, pissed off, and decide to ignore you to
it got to the point where both of you were simply staring through the other as if they weren't there when in a group situation, which was awkward for everyone involved
it was kageyama who told you to get your shit together, while hinata and yamaguchi could only agree
"i will when he apologises for being a dick," you said to kageyama, while tsukishima's eyes narrowed into a glare
"what the fuck," he snapped. "you've been giving me the cold shoulder all day and it's somehow my fault? bullshit"
you spun to face him, arms crossing over your chest. you spat, "you called me stupid when i was stressing over my math work. was i supposed to say thanks? fine. thank you, kei, that was really fucking helpful"
"what?" he blinked, looking at you im confusion. yes, he had teased you. but, he assumed you would know that he had been joking. if he had thought you were struggling, he would of helped you
as this was happening, your friends had edged away to give you some privacy. this was why tsukishima felt fine in admitting this to you
"if i thought you were struggling, you know i would have helped you." his hand reached out to take your hand, finger stroking your knuckles as his eyes met yours
you let out a frustrated sigh, your resolve crumbling. "i know... sorry for being a bit of a brat about it. i should've just told you that you had hurt me"
"yeah, you should've," he teased, pulling you closer to him. his lips pressed against your forehead in apology for getting annoyed at you in. "but, it's fine"
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when you came over that weekend, he was busy gaming, like he usually was
ordinarily, when you walked through the door, he would start to wrap up the game, saying goodbye to who he was in the call with
today, however, was slightly different
he was playing a particularly difficult story game, which he had been struggling to complete all week (his choices, much to his frustration, kept getting the character killed)
therefore, you could understand why he was engrossed enough to only give you a simple greeting, a nod of the head
expecting him to only take an hour at maximum (you were content to just be in his company), you relaxed on the bed and pulled out your phone. two hours later, he had still not said a word to you
you sat up on the bed, moving towards him to drape yourself over the back of his chair, resting your head on his shoulder
"kenma..." you said, drawing out his name slightly, "are you almost finished?"
"urgh, just fuck off," he sighed, shrugging your arms off of him. "can't you see i'm busy?"
"fine," you snapped, stepping away from him and heading towards the bedroom door. you pushed it open and let it slam shut behind him
for a moment, you paused, waiting to see if he would react, maybe realise what he said was wrong. instead, the room remained painfully still
when it became clear he was not coming out to find you, you straightened and walked out of the house
kenma didn't realise you were avoiding him for a couple days until he picked up his phone to see no messages from you
it became clear that you were making every effort to avoid him when you made no effort to see him in person
he got so confused as to why you were clearly distancing yourself from him that he went to kuroo
it was after talking with his friend that he realised he had been insensitive and rude
however, you were hard to get alone, using every excuse avaliable to you to get out of spending time with your boyfriend
the whole thing was frustrating, to say the least. he missed you (though don't expect him to openly admit it)
it took him saying 'i'm sorry' rather loudly in a public area for you to turn to face him
your pause gave him the chance to grab your hand, to keep you anchored to him in case you left again
"sorry, are you?" you asked, head cocked slightly. "not a nice feeling, being ignored, is it?"
you would admit you were being a bit bratty, but, to be fair, he deserved
naturally, kenma didn't bother to reply, but it was fine, the gentle way he squeezed your fingers and the quick kiss he brushed to the side of your head more than enough to convey his apology
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kuroos-moon · 4 years
『  Mistaken Kisses 』
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a/n: i really suck at reading word per word huh, my eyes kinda missed accidentally 🤠✨ anon i apologize for being trash pls i’ll make it up to you anytime 😭 
part two | atsumu, sakusa, kenma
pairings: oikawa x reader, tsukishima x reader, sugawara x reader, kuroo x reader
warning/s: slight angst (for all except Suga), language
☾ Oikawa Tooru
leaving the gym late at night and the first thing he sees is you being kissed by someone else
short-circuits, wanting to lash out and sink into the abyss out of depression at the same time 
it’s the ultimate heartbreak for him rlly and it manifests into ugly annoyance and anger
He watches you push him off, his hand twitching to slap the guy in the face as hard as he serves. “Kunimi-kun, can you hand me that ball over there,” he says, his junior quick to follow his demand at the rare occurrence of his serious demeanor. 
One minute you’re cursing at the person and the next he’s on the ground, groaning in pain with a bloodied nose, the volleyball now bouncing off somewhere. You look to the source and freeze when you see your frowning boyfriend who looked so disappointed in you. 
He only walks off as if he hadn’t seen anything, with you practically jogging in long strides to catch up with him. 
“Toru, I know how you must feel but I didn’t want it either!” You try to reason with him but he pretends to not hear, tightening his grip on his bag as he continues to walk away. 
You grab him by his wrist making him stop to look at you, “oh, y/n-chan didn’t see you there! Why’re you here, did you finish so soon with your other guy?” His smile doesn’t fool anyone at all with his eyes cold and piercing. 
“You saw how I pushed him away! He kissed me out of nowhere,” tears start to gloss your eyes, normally it would stop him from acting childish when you guys fought before but right now, he simply can’t shake off the feeling of betrayal. 
He scoffs, “how would you feel if I have other girls kiss me?” 
You glare at him, knowing fully well how childish and immature he could be but this was a tad bit too much. “I wouldn’t like it all! But I didn’t let him kiss me, you saw so yourself! Don’t be so difficult!” 
“Are we done here?” He spitefully says, withdrawing his arm from your hold. You watch him in disbelief when he actually walks away again, leaving you there.
To your surprise though, he turns on his heel and makes his way over to you with a frown, muttering under his breath and all you hear was “stupid, stupid, baka, everything’s so stupid.”
“Are you alright?” He asks, a small scowl on his lips as he refused to look at you. “I was surprised when he grabbed me, Toru, I really wouldn’t do that to you,” you manage to choke out despite the lump in your throat, and he looks at you in alarm.
“I know, I know, I’m sorry,” he coos, tucking locks of your hair behind your ears before cupping your face.
“It’s getting late, let’s go home, yeah?” He smiles, before you both walk in the dark streets hand in hand.
☾ Tsukishima Kei
first off, what the actual fuck
he stands still, unconsciously clenching his fists by his sides as he watches you push off the guy
“I’m sorry, I was dared to,” he explains and you hold the look of disgust, frightened when you finally see Tsukishima 
in a heartbeat, the person who kissed you was on the ground, having been kicked by Tsukki out of nowhere 
“Tsukki!” You hiss, going up to his side immediately while he looked down on the guy clutching his side. “Ah, gomen, gomen, did it hurt?” He says with false sincerity, a taunting smirk playing at his lips and you actually fear for what he was going to do next. 
“Tsukki, it’s fine, let’s just go,” you tug on the white shirt he wore, fresh from practice thus the sweat. He momentarily scans your face and he could tell you were frightened and disgusted all at the same time, but what was this bitter feeling he felt? 
Unreasonable jealousy that’s what. 
He sighs before wrapping an arm around your shoulders as he brings you inside the gym, leaving you in the care of Yamaguchi for a while before he exits the gym once more, grabbing the poor kid by the collar. 
“Who gave you the fucking right to kiss my girlfriend?” He sneers in a low chilling voice, scoffing at the terrified expression he wore. “Pathetic,” he tuts before letting him go, deciding it was best to check on you first. 
You’re both in the changing room now, and he had you drink water while he stood shirtless before you. “Next time you should really wait inside,” he tells you, the image burned to the back of his mind that was no good for his temper at all.
“I’m sorry Tsukki,” you guiltily say, looking down at your feet. It actually bothered him so much to have seen you being kissed by someone else, but he knows how none of it was your fault, he really does, that’s why he felt so bad for being slightly irritated at you but he can’t help it. 
“Whatever, let’s go,” he says, finally putting on a shirt and not waiting for you to stand up as he leaves the room first. 
☾ Sugawara Koushi 
this baby’s lit up face as he makes his way over to your classroom contorts to a look of pain once he sees you
before the ache grew he had already assessed the situation though, seeing as how you’d pushed him off cursing
but what the fUck he is anything but chill 
doesn’t really show though as he makes his way over to you, hand resting at the small of your back
You instantly feel safe and secure, looking up to meet his soft eyes on yours, he wanted to reassure you that he understood and that he wasn’t mad at you one bit, it still kinda sucked though. 
“Koushi, he suddenly did it, I don’t know why,” you explain and he strokes your hair, “I know, don’t worry about it,” he smiles. He instantly looks at the pathetic excuse of a guy before you, and the still smiling Suga spooked him out. 
“Why’d you kiss her though, h/n-kun?” He politely asks, and you questioningly look at him, like how is he so calm and like?? not loud?? You’re very much aware how he is when he explodes. 
“I’m sorry man, I just kinda thought she’d like it,” he sheepishly says, avoiding his eyes. You’re both caught in surprise when Suga chuckles, and it almost sounded legit if not for the cold and vicious look pointed at him. 
“Daijoubu, daijoubu,” he says, making his way over to him, and you’re beyond confused when he sticks out his hand, the naive boy stupidly accepting it. 
“You better not come anywhere near her again though,” he warns, his voice dropping low and cold as he looks him straight in the eyes. “I won’t do it again, but we’re classmates so- ow,” he winces. 
You glance down at their hands, noticing how his was obviously being squeezed tight and hard by Suga himself. “I get it, I get it,” he huffs, taking his hand away. “Geez,” he mutters, eyeing Suga darkly before he walks off, and not soon after, he stumbles to the ground because of Suga’s stuck out foot. 
“You didn’t even apologize to her, where are your manners?” He frowns, “dirtbag.” 
Suga took you to an isolated hallway after that, doting on you, and once you’ve assured him you were fine and all, you’re embraced in a warm long hug. “It must’ve pissed you off, Koushi,” you say, guilt behind your voice. 
He merely hums in approval, running his hand up and down your back. “It did, I really really wanted to beat him up but,” he sighs dramatically, and you raise a brow. “I don’t wanna be a bad guy in front of you,” he offers a shy smile. 
☾ Kuroo Tetsuro 
like Oikawa, he would practically stop functioning for a while like what even- what tf in the world is he seeing
he could’t process it, you’d never do that to him but it hurt him so much
quick to catch on that it was without your consent though as you struggled to push him off 
needless to say, i think we all know how Kuroo with his towering height and buffed build could be scary and intimidating
“It was a prank, a harmless prank bro!” He defends, panicked as he was pinned to the locker door behind him with Kuroo clutching on his collar. 
“Harmless?” He repeats with a tone of disdain, and you could practically feel his shiver at Kuroo’s words while you watched their exchange. “Kuroo, please don’t start something,” you touch his arm hesitantly, worried about your teacher’s pet and perfect-deportment boyfriend. 
“I’d never,” he grins sadistically, yanking him before slamming him back to the locker. “Tetsu!” You hiss, trying to pull at him but it did absolutely nothing. “I swear it was just a prank, I planned to kiss any girl- 
“And out of all the girls you decided to kiss mine?” He almost growls, and they both had a resemblance of that of a predator and its prey. “Tetsu, stop it!” You demand, and he does, immediately letting him go and scoffing when he runs away. 
“Calm down,” you hold both his hands in yours, and his dark eyes look at you. He remains quiet, taking you with him as he walks off to the empty volleyball court. 
“Are you mad?” You hesitantly ask, looking at his back as he turned on the lights, “furious,” he shortly answers. He really was fuming mad, no matter how rare he got angry, the incident a while ago was like a stab to the chest for him. 
“I’m sorry,” you mutter, feeling small as you stood still in your spot. He halts his actions though once he hears you, “I wish I could turn back time to avoid him but- 
“Sweetheart I’m not mad at you,” he cuts you off, guilt consuming him as he reflected on his actions a while ago; not once had he asked if you were okay, instead he succumbed to his anger and disregarded how you felt. 
“You’re not?” You ask, looking up at him, and he sighs, “come here,” he opens his arms, and you’re more than happy to rush towards him. “I’m sorry for losing my cool,” he says after you practically threw yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his torso. 
“I’m sorry you had to see that,” you mumble against his chest, and he clenches his jaw, the mere memory of it making him feel hurt and angered at the same time. “It wasn’t your fault, but it totally sucked, I’ll give you that,” he groans, burying his face in your shoulder. 
“Let’s get you home so you could brush your teeth thrice, and then let’s make out,” he grins. 
General Taglist [Open]: @noyasbitchh​ 
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haikyuuphilia · 4 years
can i request the boys as classic vines from back in the day? sometimes i miss 2014 man 😔✊🏽 in my head kuroo & bokuto made them all the time😩
ajlsdfjk YES OF COURSE!! this is really chaotic and i spent WAY too long on it
also quick warning that most of these aren’t clean lmao
haikyuu characters as vines
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→  HINATA: oh my god he on X games mode
→  KAGEYAMA: he needs some milk
→  YAMAGUCHI: mother trucker dude, that hurt like a buttcheek on a stick
→  TSUKISHIMA: i’m a bad bitch, you can’t kill me
→  TANAKA: what the FUCK is up, kyle? no, what did you say? step the FUCK up 
→  TANAKA to KIYOKO: i love you, bitch. i ain’t never gon stop loving you... bitch
→  NISHINOYA this bitch empty. YEET
→  TANAKA, NISHINOYA, & YAMAMOTO: *moving in sync* it’s all around the world just la la la la la
→  SUGA: so i’m sitting there, barbecue sauce on my titties
→  DAICHI: miss keisha? miss keisha? oh my fuckin god, she fuckin dead
→  KIYOKO: “has anybody ever told you you look like beyonce?” “nah they usually tell me i look like shalissa”
→  YACHI: “i’m lesbian” “i thought you were american”
→  TAKEDA: is there anything better than pussy? yes, a really good book
→  UKAI: “dad look, it’s the good kush” “this is the dollar store, how good can it be”
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→  OIKAWA: when there’s too much drama at school, all you gotta do is walk awaAaAaAay
→  OIKAWA & IWAIZUMI: oikawa: so basically, what i was thinking was um *iwaizumi punches him* aw fuck, i can’t believe you’ve done this 
→  IWAIZUMI: what’s better than this? guys bein’ dudes
→  HANAMAKI: happy crismus. it’s crismus. merry crisis. merry chrysler
→  MATSUKAWA: we all die you either kill yourself or get killed
→  TERUSHIMA: so no head?
→  FUTAKUCHI: it’s britney bitch
→  AONE: hi my name’s trey i got a basketball game tomorrow. i’m point guard, i got shoot game
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→  KUROO: *nae naes to heart and soul*
→  KENMA: completely giving up. starring Me, Me, Me, and introducing Me
→  LEV: hurricane katrina? more like hurricane tortilla
→  KUROO & BOKUTO: two bros chillin in a hot tub, five feet apart ‘cause they’re not gay
→  BOKUTO to HINATA: hi. i’m renata bliss and i’m your freestyle dance teacher
→  BOKUTO: what up i’m jared i’m 19 and i never fucking learned how to read
→  AKAASHI: ... good evening
→  USHIJIMA: “who’s the hottest uber driver you’ve ever had?” “um i’ve never been to oovoo javer”
→  TENDOU: there is only one thing worse than a rapist. boom. a child
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→  ATSUMU: on all levels except physical, i am a wolf
→  ATSUMU/OSAMU: hey everybody, today my brother pushed me, so i’m starting a kickstarter to put him down. the benefits of killing him is that i would be pushed way less 
→  ATSUMU and OSAMU: *atsumu shoots gun* osamu: “this is why mom doesn’t fucking love you”
→  OSAMU: can i get a waffle? can i please get a waffle?
→  ARAN: they ask you how you are and you just have to say that you’re fine but you’re not really fine
→  SUNA: “and they were roommates” “oh my god they were roommates”
→  KITA: country boy, i LoVe yOu... blehh
→  SAKUSA: “you know what? i’m about to say it.” “say it.” “i don’t care that you broke your elbow”
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hinatas-sunshine · 4 years
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Synopsis: How you met them at a young age and how things are in high school with them
Genre: Fluff
A/N: I’m sorry for all my Kuroo content sheinckwnf but thank you guys for all the love recently & my requests are open! I hope you guys are doing good I love y’all KITHES ❤️
Extra A/N: SURPRISE!!! I just hit 50 followers so this is my third post for today as a thank you for all the love 🥺 (Ik it’s not a lot but it’s still a milestone)
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• You two met when you were in the same class in middle school
• He was so happy when you sat next to him in class so he introduced himself
• You introduced yourself back and from then on would do your work together, eat lunch together, and tell each other funny stories
“Oikawa how do you get your hand stuck in a candy jar?”
“It was traumatizing we don’t talk about it y/n!”
• You, him and Iwaizumi would hang out at after their volleyball practice
• You often scolded him for being rude to Kageyama - he wouldn’t ever stop sadly and you had to hit a volleyball to his head
• You picked up some volleyball skills while spending so much time with him and he would make you do extra practice with him
“Oikawa I wanna go home!”
“Five more minutes!”
• It was never just five more minutes
• Anytime you hung out with Kageyama and helped him practice his serves Oikawa wouldn’t talk to you for a few hours
• Until he realized you weren’t going to bother to apologize and he said sorry for over reacting
• He did have a crush on you and you had one back but you always ignored it for the sake of your friendship
• High School rolled around and your friendship remained the same, but his popularity grew along with your feelings after many summers together
• Of course he liked you back but he never caught on much to your dismay and would constantly be a play boy
Iwa: Another crying girl shittykawa?
Y/n: you’re a pig, Oinkawa
Oikawa: Y/N? IWA? 😔
• You forced him to apologize to the girls he’s hurt in the last, and one went as far as slapping him
“You deserved that oinkawa.”
“Y/n-Chan I did not 🥺.”
• You still pressed a cold water bottle to his cheek and laughed
• He complained about it not being funny and kept being dramatic about the whole thing
• He shut up when you gave him a kiss on his his red cheek
“Oh? What has you so quiet now?”
• You began to regret your words as you noticed a smirk starting to grow on his face
“Y/n-Chan, my lips hurt too.”
• You scowled at him and shoved the water bottle at his puckered lips
“S-shut up shittykawa!”
“What has Iwa-Chan done to you?”
• you slowly took the water bottle back and closed your eyes and kissed him holding his face in your hands
• His shock was obvious but nevertheless he pulled you closer and kissed you back
• Your attempt to pull away didn’t work, he had waited for this moment for so long you weren’t going away so easily
• After you laughed and punched his chest he pulled away
“I’ve been wanting to do that for so long.”
“Then why didn’t you do it sooner loserkawa?”
• Needless to say, he dropped the whole playboy act but it didn’t mean his fan girls went away
• Iwa spiking a ball at the back of Oikawa’s head if he talks to them too long
“I love y/n i was just being nice!”
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• You were Kenna’s gaming buddy and when Kuroo met you he thought you were so pretty
• didn’t mean he wasn’t a lil shit tho
“You can’t play with us today! Kenma is helping me with volleyball!”
“Oh...I can help too?”
• Kuroo was so excited to have another player and while you guys played volleyball a lot you still got them to play other games
• Kuroo liked to pretend you were a princess and save you all the time 🥺
• But you’d ruin his ideas by saving yourself because you had an independent woman mindset
• Please his poor little kid heart couldn’t handle it
• When you guys grew up you decided to not play Volleyball but rather be their manager!
• Coach allowed you to play with them when they needed an extra player and you and Kuroo always went head to head
“Y/n won’t be able to do anything without me as middle blocker!”
“I have Kenma as my setter lick my foot Kuroo!”
• Yaku and you were the unstoppable moms of the team
• Lev had tried to hit in you resulting in a Kick from Kuroo AND Yaku
“Captain Kuroo more like LOSER Kuroo!”
“Y/n I’ll fire you as manager.”
“Coach likes me too much to let me go!”
• Everytime you two bickered Kenma always got you two to be quiet by mentioning something about you two’s feelings or saying “if you wanna kiss then kiss already”
• One particular day you were walking to practice earlier to sort through some stuff for Coach and were stopped by a few boys who were skipping class and roaming the hallways
“I’m sorry I have to get to the gym.”
“You would have so much more fun hanging out with us though, no?”
“No, I’d rather not.”
• Kuroo having seen this while heading back from the bathroom came to your rescue
“I think you guys should go.”
• Kuroo’s towering figure was enough to make the boys scramble off
“Thanks for that rooster head.”
“Of course, now little me got to fulfill his dream of saving a princess.”
• Your face turned a bright red before he realized what he said
“I mean- uh- well it’s like- hmph I just-“
• You cut him off and kissed his cheek making his face even more red as he rubbed the back of his head
• He went back to class blushing and practice was a whole different thing because Kuroo got shy around you CDHWINFOW
• Kenma already knew because you spilled the beans to him hehe
“Kuroo if you don’t stop simping you’ll creep y/n out and she won’t like you anymore.”
“She won’t wHAT?”
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• You met him and Yamaguchi when he helped you get back at the kid who kicked your sand castle
• Since then you two have been connected by the hip and everyone knew that
• You two would walk home together hand in hand, he would tease you about your height, he would also hold you back from throwing hands
• You were a rowdy kid honestly and he was the calm one, maybe that’s why you two were so close since opposites attract
• With both of your aggressive natures you two often argued and that lead to Yamaguchi having to help you two make up
“I don’t wanna make up with four eyes.”
“I don’t wanna make up with a little boy.”
• You two really were a handful for the shy boy
“Yamaguchi wouldn’t wanna go with a meanie like you Tsukishima!”
“I’m nicer to him than you are!”
“Are not!”
“Are too!”
“Guys 🥺”
• You two would forget about it later in or would apologize by buying each other a snack
• When you guys went to high school and they tried out for the volleyball team no one really knew about you
• Until you showed up at a game cheering like a psycho for Tsukishima and Yamaguchi
• He sent you a glare for that last one and you looked off acting like you didn’t just say that
• His team teased him for your cheering and he just brushed it off saying you were just his friend
• After his first game you walked up to him only for him to put a towel over you head and dragging you away talking about how embarrassing you are
“You love me Tsukki.”
“....You wish y/n.”
• He was glad the towel over your head didn’t allow you to see him because he was blushing hahcjwijfie
• You took the towel off and kissed his cheek
“You played well and I know you have more potential.”
• He kept his normal grumpy face
“You grimlin do you not smile?!”
• He laughed lightly making you smile and hook arms with him making him walk with you as you talked about the game
• The team was minding their own business but Yamaguchi didn’t go without noticing his best friends small smile
• everyones heads snapped from Tanaka’s pointing finger and looked at Tsukki’s red face
• Suga scolded Tanka and yelled at him for pointing
• Tsukki then walked home with you after the game but not before he stopped you
“Thanks. For coming today.”
• You raised your eyebrow at him, smiling
“I wouldn’t have missed your first high school game”
• He rubbed the back of his head looking off hoping you wouldn’t see his deep red cheeks for the hundredth time today wondering, what was wrong with him today?
• You made him look at you before standing on your tippy does and planting a kiss on his lips
• Good job y/n you broke him 😾 you noticed his frozen form and waved a hand in front of his face and then giggled walking into your house before he quickly began heading home
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roanniee · 3 years
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Let's try this again🤸🏻
Also Idil vibes strong on this one. I can't say Gil bc Gil calls Ate Sel smth specific like she does with me.
Ship the @mythos-blogs Crew
ps. here's the server <3
Baby Sam is very hard working and focused on whatever she's doing that sometimes, she forgets to take care of herself. So, I see Sugawara Koushi with her perfectly, someone caring and understanding, but knows better than to let her overwork and tells her when enough is enough. The both of you do struggle with a few things, and when you fight or have insecure moments, you sit down to talk about it instead of shouting at each other. Overall, a really good match I say.
Baby Sam also kins Oikawa and I ship Oikawa hardcore with Suga LMAO
Me. That's my wife <333
Okay but for realsies. I ship Idil with Bokuto Koutarou. Bokuto and Idil would be just... soft love. I see dancing in the rain, bathtub relaxation hours together and cuddling in bed. Idil knows that Bokuto is a busy man, and Bokuto knows he is a busy man. But that doesn't mean that they were gonna let the relationship go. Oh no. Those two will hold on like a cat with his claws on the couch. A really really soft, supportive and strong love.
I actually had a hard time with Ms. Zizi. See, I haven't interacted with her much. But, based on the interactions of hers that I see on my tl, I can see that she is very playful but also can be serious. Hence, why I say that she'd be amazing with Kuroo Tetsurou. Kuroo is playful and an overall gremlin, but he's very caring ang knows exactly when to be serious and how serious. He'll help her with anything he can help her with, but he also knows when no to because it's something Zizi needs to do for herself. Likewise, Zizi knows when to be cheery to make Kuroo smile, but also when to sit and talk to Kuroo about a delicate matter. They'd both ground each other, while matching the same playful energy.
anyways hehe. Gly. Lovely, sweet, Gly. She's very caring, but my god does she also enjoy chaos. Hence, I'm putting her with Hoshiumi Korai. We all know Hoshiumi is a little gremlin with a heart of gold. The way these two are together would be immaculate. They're chaos together, but even with all the chaos, they have time to look at the other to make sure they're okay. PLUSSS! Hoshiumi will always unconsciously be touching Gly, just to make sure that she's there. Gly would unconsciously make sure that Hoshiumi is in her peripheral vision too.
Ooooh Raya! Raya is so damn sweet and caring and uplifting. I love her sm. Hehehe anyway I ship her with Tsukishima Kei. The Tarot cards said so, and so did the zodiac signs. SKSKS Anyway! Yes, a really good match. Raya's got a really good head on her shoulders, but I see her watching all the chaos from the sidelines, much like Tsukishima. When they're together, they'd start the chaos and then sit back and eat popcorn as they watch the world burn.
Ate Laine? Some will definitely say Kita, because it's Ate Laine, but I say Hirugami Sachiro. Hirugami would be such a good man for Ate Laine. I imagine them sitting down in the living room, books spread out on the table. Just silence while studying, but every now and then, one of them would look up to look at the other, smile and then return back to what they were doing. Ate Laine makes sure that Hirugami takes breaks and Hirugami makes sure that Ate Laine isn't stressing so much. Just so cute honestly.
Ah, Adult Sam. Hmmm. Adult Sam is a whirlwind of chaos and sweet, sweet angst. I definitely see them with darling Yamaguchi Tadashi. I see them in bed, Sam on his laptop, and him just hugging them tight when something they were writing was choking them up. But, Sam is just overall an amazing person that they deserve someone so sweet and caring like Yamaguchi. Obvi, it is reciprocated, and I see such a sweet love in the works.
Oooh. Alice.
Melian and Matsukawa Issei would make a very interesting pairing. Both independent yet still co-dependent on each other. Melian knows how to calm Matsukawa after a tough day at work, and Matsukawa knows how to keep Melian from stressing. Matsukawa would also hype Melian up so much?? Like any outfit Melian wears, Matsukawa's right there telling them how good and amazing they look and how well they matched the outfit up. Honestly, just a very functional household and I love that.
oh oof Lavi. I want to say Meian but for reasons I cannot disclose, I won't say that for now. I will say though, that she will be so good with Dabi. Lavi has a few things she needs to work on, and Dabi is always there for her. Actually lbr, they both have issues to work on, but I feel like together, they'd overcome that. I feel like they'd?? Actually be so understanding of each other that it shocks and confuses others bc?? hello it's Dabi?? but yes, a really good match.
Me <3
Severus Snape. Ate Tes is chaotic. I'm sorry but her default in the server is chaos, especially with the bot around HAHAHAHA but anyway! Severus would be so good to ground Ate Tes, keep her from getting a little too chaotic BUT ALSO, he can help her when she's not taking care of herself. She also helpes him with his potions, and it makes the job easier on him. But of course, Severus is a slytherin, and most of the time he'd be the one inciting the chaos and we just don't know it. Anyway, Ate Tes is honestly so wonderful and I love her sm and she deserves someone to tame like the serious, bratty, angsty Severus Snape. <333
Nozel Silva. Nozel and Ate Sel. Oh gosh what a thought. Nozel is....arrogant, prideful, and he sees himself as someone more important than others. But, the man does know respect and he does care for people, especially Ate Sel. I have no doubts that Ate Sel can make that man kneel and follow her wishes, but I also know that Ate Sel would not let this man get away with his arrogance and pride. Nozel cares for her a lot. She's his partner, the carrier of the future of House Silva, and the only one that has caught his attention. He loves her, and that man would drop nearly everything for her.
Eris! Eribabe and Ojiro Aran. Idek why. But the vibes would be so immaculate. I see road trips and early morning dancing in the kitchen to an indie song one of them is hyperfixated on. I also see late night walks to the convenience store, holding hands and just silence? Basking in each other's prescence. Eris definitely steals Aran's sweaters to the point that Aran buys two of his sizes so he can interchange them. One to give to Eris when the one she took doesn't smell like him anymore. Love all over the place.
Mel. That's it.
Okay but also, I see Iwaizumi Hajime. I was thinking about Suna but the more I think back about the things I know about Ali and our interactions, I see Iwa. I feel like they'd understand each other so much. And the love isn't seen much, not because they don't love each other, but because it's something they need to say really. It's more shown in the touches and kisses and cuddling. They know that they love each each other, and that's enough for them.
Honestly I want to say Kuroo but.
Kozume Kenma. Gwennie works so hard and stresses so much. Her sleeping sched is unavailable lmao. Kenma would be so good for her because he knows how it is, to be stressed and not have an actual sleeping sched. I feel like they'd be good together. In all honesty, they'd probably take care of each other more than they would themselves but no one is complaining really.
I ship you with...
Azumane Asahi. Why? Because you remind me of Noya sometimes. Very energetic, a little bit of low moments and just a ball of sunshine in general. Asahi is perfect for you, Mija. He'd be able to just connect with her in ways others just don't understand. People would say that Asahi is too...soft? They'd say someone like Daicho or maybe Bokuto would be better for you, Mija, but really, he's perfect. Asahi and Gil. He balances her out in so many ways, even if no one else can see it.
Ushijima Wakatoshi. Really, the two of them are perfect. Stoic, quiet, can be chaotic. Very protective, even if the two deny it. Nia, you and Ushi are like...pillars? Support? Quiet, unmovable, but still, everyone knows you're both there, and you don't really leave people's minds. I see the two feeding off of each other's energy, especially when it comes to protecting others that they care about. (Looking at you, Lavi) I see hours where it's just her watching him playing in the background and he just looks at her, smiles, and then goes back to playing. It's really cute.
MAIA! HI! We haven't interacted much, I'm so sorry for that sweets. bUT BUT BUT!!!!
You're so sweet and caring and loving??? I really see you with Miya Atsumu! I see Tsumu bugging you to take a break and give him attention. BUT! I also see you?? Bugging him, telling him to get off the court or he's sleeping on the couch HAHAHA I feel like you two really just? Connect. Both playful, both caring, both are busy with their own things so there's not too much expectations that cannot be met for now. Idk I really see a love that's always there, no matter how busy they get.
I love Devon and their writing so much??? Omg. Yknow who would be amazing with them? Akaashi Keiji. Akaashi is very articulate and just overall book smart in my opinion, and I see that him and Devon would fit so well. He is Devon's personal beta reader HAHAHAH BUT!!!!! Devon also watches Akaashi edit and points out anything that he missed. I see days when they're just sitting there, talking softly to each other that the sound of typing was louder. But that's okay bc you both are content and happy and in love.
I just met you not even 24 hours ago hehehe HIIII
I will not lie.
I asked for help from Ate Sel HAHAHHAHA
But!!!! She says Ukai Keishin, and honestly I see it. The nsfw-rp channel is the reason why and I'm not saying more HAHAHAHA I see nights when it's Keishin and her just? Idk having fun and being kids bc lbr that man can be a kid sometimes. I also see them taking care of each other in unconventional ways, ways that would not be okay for others, but it's her love language with him. V v v domestic.
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frogtanii · 4 years
hq boys as the crimes they’d commit
warnings: CRIMES, crackfic, probably many typos idk i’m so tired lmaooo, cursing, drinking ??? idfk 😩💦
an: and i did this for what?? inspired by hq hcs royalty @sugardaddykenma @hina-wit-da-glock (AJSKSJ SORRY FOR TAGGING Y’ALL IF YOU SEE THIS, IT IS DEF NOT UP TO PAR W Y’ALLS WORKS ILY)
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sawamura daichi- insurance fraud!! somehow this is such a dad crime to commit?? dadchi didn’t try (dumb excuse, how do you accidentally commit insurance fraud smh) to commit insurance fraud but at one point in his late-thirties, he was very very broke and was already working as much as possible so, he decided to fake an ankle injury, as you do, and filed a bunch of claims which made him bank. daichi kept doing it until he was able to quit one of his jobs and buy himself a really nice suit and a rolex (uhhh 🥵). he somehow never got caught tho and to this day, none of his friends know how he was able to afford a tesla on a cop’s salary (sorry daichi but acab 😔✨)
sugawara kōshi- child abandonment!! ok you can try and fight me on this but i feel in my bones that suga absolutely despises children. he can tolerate ages 10+ but anything younger than that, he will punt them into the next dimension. the thing is, people just assume he likes kids because of how good he is with his team which is why his aunt begged him to babysit his nephew taro. taro was being an absolute brat when suga took him out for the day and he was 👉👈 this close to snapping. he put taro down for like 3 seconds to pay for their ice cream and when he turned back, the demon spawn was gone. he panicked, running around the park looking for taro when it turns out, taro was just bent down behind the bench. some random karen called the police and suga has never craved murder more.
nishinoya yuu- arson!! you CANNOT tell me nishinoya doesn’t have a ~murder~ playlist that he listens to to get himself hype (me too noya, me too). one night, he got a lil too hype listening to start a riot by duckwrth and watching demolition videos on youtube. he snuck out of his house to an empty shed like 30 minutes away and maybe... lit it on fire while genocide by lil darkie played on a speaker nearby. what he did NOT anticipate was the absolute size of the fire so he freaked out and called the firefighters who promptly called the police. he didn’t want to get grounded so he called daichi to bail him out. daichi still told noya’s parents 😔.
tanaka ryūnosuke- vandalism!! tanaka had been on alt tiktok and saw a group of cool friends spray painting an abandoned building. he thought “that’s cool, lemme do that!” but then he realized he had no friends (AHDGS JK I LOVE TANAKA). he asked nishinoya who was grounded from the arson incident and he knew he definitely couldn’t ask daichi, suga, asahi, or enoshita so he decided to go it alone. that proved to be a MASSIVE mistake. he got the supplies, arrived to the building of his choice (thanks saeko :3), and decided to spray paint a huge p3ni5 in bright red paint. he finished “successfully” and zoomed back home. what he didn’t realize with his two-and-a-half braincells is that he signed his glorious piece with his full name. the cops were at his house the next morning...🧍
hinata shoyō- forgery!! hinata did NOT think that forgery was even a crime. how was he supposed to know that he wasn’t allowed to copy his mom’s signature on a permission form! all he wanted was to go to an overnight training camp 😿
kageyama tobio- attempted murder!! kageyama swears it sounds worse than was and he is absolutely incorrect. what happened was so much worse. he and hinata were having a competition to see who could hold their breath the longest underwater (you can’t tell me they haven’t done some dumbass shit like this) and kageyma lost almost instantly (he has the tiny lungs of an asthmatic). he didn’t want hinata to notice so he held hinata’s head under the water for like 10 seconds. suga walked in though, saw hinata thrashing around in the water and immediately called the police. kageyama never forgave him.
tsukishima kei- cyberbullying!! first of all, i had no idea you could get arrested for cyber bullying!? that being said, neither did tsukishima who spent 80% of his time making fun of people online (and on his real account!! bold). eventually one of the people he bullied (hinata) reported him on instagram and his very lame account was deleted (pls don’t bully people online 😤).
yamaguchi tadashi- shoplifting!! andjksh this is so funny because this scenario has happened to me and i can just SEE this happening to poor tadashi. yamaguchi gets super late night cravings (and usually tsukki will walk with him at like 3 am 🥺 nEWAYS) so he’ll sneak out and walk to the mini-mart near his house. one night, he was so tired but also super hungry so he went onto his nightly routine and basically sleepwalked into the store. he picked out his favorite chips and candy bar (which are sour cream&onion lays and milky ways in case you were wondering 😌✨) and just... walked out the store without paying. the store clerk was mysteriously missing so yamaguchi made it all the way home, ate half the bag of chips and passed out without realizing what he’d done. once he did, he cried for 2 hours straight.
kuroo tetsurō- telemarketing fraud!! kuroo originally did telemarketing fraud as a joke?? like he was trying to prank call someone pretending that they had lost their information and they actually gave it to him??? he was mildly concerned but even more excited. he did it over and over again but he never used the info for anything. to this day, kuroo literally has a notebook full of credit card numbers and bank account passwords but he refuses to use it because he believes it’s ✨wrong✨(but it isn’t wrong to take all that information in the first place under false pretenses, not realizing that once people find out, they are forced to close credit cards and accounts but go off self righteous king). once he brought the book up to kenma and he offered to sell it on the dark web. now kuroo feels less bad about what he’s done! :D
kozume kenma- computer crime!! pfttt this one seems kinda obvious but what do you expect from kenma :). he spends so much time on the internet, he’s definitely picked up some less than legal skills that still help him now 👀. kenma did little mini crimes like getting into other people’s wifi but his crowning achievement was when he hacked into the minneapolis pd website and had it so when you opened the page, a black lives matter screen came up. he never told anyone that it was him who did it but he thinks it’s the best he’s ever done.
yaku morisuke- racketeering!! yaku, the feral king, ran an underground gambling ring in the basement of nekoma (do they have basements?? who knows! i don’t!) during his third year. the only reason it didn’t get shut down was because coach nekomata took a portion of yaku’s profits whenever he won (which was literally all the time). everyone on the team has lost money to him which is why they never play with him anymore. they won’t even let yaku play monopoly 😔.
haiba lev- indecent exposure!! poor lev’s head is so empty, he tends to fall for whatever pranks his senpai’s do to him. this time kuroo had somehow convinced him that in order to grow his schlong, he had to run outside naked for 10 minutes because the moonlight had special growing properties. lev was a lil scared ngl because he was already superrr tall and didn’t need to grow his height (or his dick ((boy is hung)) but poor lev is insecure) but he did it anyway. long story short, an old woman saw him parading around the neighborhood naked and called el policia. 0/10 dick did NOT grow and had to spend a night in jail naked 😿
aoba johsai
oikawa tōru- prostitution!! KAKKAKA iwazumi made fun of oikawa for being so shitty and said that he couldn’t pick up anyone if he tried. flattykawa took this as a personal challenge and went out onto the street, asking people if they’d have sex with him. with the way he was asking (and the way he was dressed), people assumed he was a paid w h o r e and someone eventually reported him. iwazumi had to pick oikawa up from the station- he never let him live this one down.
iwaizumi hajime- battery!! it wasn’t technically battery but oikawa is a lil bitch and overreacts (at least in his words -_-). the amount of times iwa-chan has beat the absolute shit out of oikawa is uNREAL. he just can’t handle the stupidity sometimes so he just smacks the crap outta him. not for real for real but the way oikawa reacts, you’d think a murder was occurring. one time, shittykawa screeched so loud, they got a noise complaint -_- hajime hates it in these streets.
matsukawa issei & hanamaki takahiro- conspiracy!! issei and hiro have a secret blog where they discuss conspiracy theories and such but one day, hiro found an article that explained how jfk’s death was an inside job. he sent it to issei who began to theorize how HE’D do it. that devolved into a massive thread on their blog of how’d they murder a president which blew up and caught the attention of the cia who sent the a letter telling them to quietly delete the blog. they did because they were terrified but they kept the letter and now it’s framed in issei’s apartment.
kyōtani kentarō- assault!! baby is an angry little boy but for all the right reasons. he was at a bar (when he’s all grown up, duh) and he spotted an absolute drunk creep hitting on a girl who clearlyyyy did not reciprocate his feelings. kyōtani, being the respectful king that he is, went over to the guy, pulled him by the jacket and beat. the. shit. out of him. while the bartender was happy with the fact that the creep was out, he was not impressed with the damage to his bar. he just sent kyōtani out who casually adjusted his leather jacket and rings, and hopped on his motorcycle to ride away into the night. i am the FATTEST simp for this man ONG 🥴
ushijima wakatoshi- stalking!! poor ushijima has no idea how intimidating he can be. he was on a train late at night after practice and the woman sitting across from him left her purse sitting on the seat. being the gentleman that he is, he took the purse and followed her to return it. the only problem is that the closer he got, the faster she ran and when he tried to speak (yknow with his scary, deep, baritone voice), the woman screeched and called the cops on him because he was a “strange, big man who was following her home.” when the police showed up, ushijima was painfully confused and just held up this tiny ass purse in his massive hands. the cops laughed.
tendō satori- ???!! no one knows what crimes (or how many 😳) tendō has committed but each of his teammates have different ideas- ushijima: “i don’t believe tendou is capable of committing any sort of felony. well, maybe murder”; semi: “of COURSE he’s capable of crimes??! do you know how many times i’ve seen him come into the dorm with a suspicious stain of red on his sweater?? *shudders* if i end up dead, tendō did it...” in actuality, the only crime tendō has committed is ~drugs~ but he’s not bouta tell his friends that.
goshiki tsutomu- would be a VICTIM!! my baby tsutomu would NEVER commit a crime!!! i love this man with my everything and the only crime he’s committed is being too damn cute 😤🥺
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passerine-writes · 2 years
Minecraft Neighbors - Level 11
Warnings: Mentions of insecurities and negative thoughts/body perception
Word count: 2131
Apologies in advance! The mini series is going to have to get switched up a little bit when written into the full story, apparently my lack of time perception is warped even when writing, haha!
Back to Masterlist
Today was not okay. And neither was the next week.
My father still wasn't talking to me, and it was clear that he had gone back to drinking more since my surgery. Mom was constantly trying to keep the family together, but at this point, I didn't even want to be home. I decided to crash at Noya's house for the weekend, he could tell I was stressed and offered since he's also the closest I'm to out of second years aside from Tanaka. The bald man joined for the weekend too however, so the three of us pigged out on snacks, watched movies and played video games. It was exactly what I needed in all honesty. Kenma and I didn't get much sleep though, we had become so accustomed to falling asleep on the phone with one another that it became difficult not to. So instead we constantly texted one another until we got tired enough to pass out.
My mom and I ended up having boy talk and she absolutely adores Kenma, it was funny explaining to her what exactly an undercut was and she was so confused but over all, she was happy. She smiled brightly as I gushed about Kenma and all of the things I adore about him and even said she wanted to meet him in person at some point.
I tried talking to my father, okay correction, I tried tolerating being around my father. I didn't see the point of me apologizing. Plus he's breaking the steps of his sobriety and all of that fun stuff, I miss having a dad. Yeah, Daichi is amazing, and I absolutely love him to death, but it's not the same. He's my older brother, not my father, and I don't expect him to try and act like a paternal figure. Despite that, he's done a better job in the last week than my father has in the last few years. Yeah, I know, parents grieve after their child comes out and everything, but I want my Dad back. I want back the man who used to sit and watch a movie with me, who allowed me to stay up super later so we could finish our shows, who would hold me close while I was crying. Not the man who turned back to alcohol after twenty years and blames me for it, who yells at anything I say because he's unpredictable, who only cared when I was injured because it required surgery.
The second week back to school was easier than I predicted it would be, thankfully we worked out physical therapy to be on the weekends, so Daichi and I didn't have to worry about driving on the weekdays with practice and what not. What I wasn't expecting was Yamaguchi to approach me at the end of practice, with an overly nervous expression and fidgeting hands.
"Hey, Yams, everything okay?" I slid over a bit to signal him to sit down beside me, which he hesitantly did.
"Uh, y-yeah! I guess I just had something to ask you?" I cocked my head, the peculiarity of this situation enticing me but also raising my internal questions.
"You don't have to be so tense, kid. I'm not gonna bite like my brother might. What'd you wanna ask me?" He huffed out a nervous laugh at my phrasing before trying to find his words.
"Uh, I uh, h-how did you know? How did you know you were different than what the world is saying is normal?" I paused at his question.
"Well the fact that you're reaching out and asking for advice shows where your thoughts are at. For me, I didn't have the most conventional or standard way of finding out. I made online friends because I didn't feel like I had to pretend. I didn't have to pretend to be feminine or straight. Honestly, one of my biggest fears is letting people down and I was scared of doing just that when in reality, I just wanted to be myself. I knew I felt different when I was younger, but I never had the words to put it together. So, I hid. I wanted to try and be that girl in the picture my parents had painted in their heads, but really? It made things worse. So I stopped hiding. It was hard and terrifying, and it still is. When I came out as bi, my parents held onto a hope that their 'daughter' would marry a nice young man. When I came out as non-binary, it went as well as it could. But what even is 'normal'? Everyone should be normal in their own ways, not by a set of rules. Sure, I'm still figuring that out myself and still struggling to believe it because there are days where I don't feel normal.  What I'm getting at is, it's okay to not meet everyone's expectations, because you're not letting them down. The only way you could do that is by intentionally hurting people along the way, and you aren't that kind of person, Yamaguchi." His eyes started welling with tears as I reached the end of my sentiment, clearly not expecting all of that.
"I- Thank you." I smiled softly and ruffled his hair.
"You're welcome, so if you don't mind me asking, what prompted you to talk to me?" His mouth opened and shut like a fish out of water for a moment, his eyes nervously darting across the gymnasium.
"I think I like Tsukki, in a more than best friend way." I smiled to myself and nodded.
"There's nothing wrong about that. I kinda had a feeling you had feelings towards him but I wasn't completely sure until you just told me."
"Y-You knew?" He all but squeaked.
"I only had a feeling, do you ever get that feeling that you just know someone is gay or bi?" He nodded along with wide eyes. "The nick name for that is a gaydar, and typically only gay or bi people have that." His eyes went as wide as saucers and I could practically see the puzzle pieces falling into place. "Well, you go help clean up. And don't worry yourself sick, I won't tell anyone. If anyone asks, I looked lonely and you figured you'd say hi for a bit and we just got caught up talking. This is just between you and me until you're comfortable with people knowing." He nodded once more and bid me goodbye.
Well, that was interesting.
Once I got home, I retreated to my room, since I was finally trusted to go up the stairs now and was no longer sleeping on the couch. However, I immediately logged onto my gaming set up and joined Kenma's live. He was playing on our main shared world, and by the looks of it, he just started. I started my own stream as well and joined the world.
"Hi Ken Ken!" I almost heard his soft smile before he answered.
"Hi Sawa. Back to streaming now?"
The chat blew up, people asking why I was on a hiatus and where I went. Thankfully, my gaming set up didn't have a camera so nobody saw me grimace at the thought of my knee and it's appearance.
"Well, to answer everyone in the chat, I'm basically part cyborg now!" Kenma and I laughed together as the chat blew up. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I had to!"
Fake it until you make it.
"I had a knee injury about a year ago, which is actually the reason that Ken Ken and I met I guess. My brother got Minecraft for me as a 'feel better soon' present. But my first surgery was messed up so I had to get another one done, which is the reason why I had to get another one and I had to sleep on the couch for a few weeks which is why I was on a brief hiatus."
The chat blew up again, people hoping I make a full recovery and that I heal quick, they're glad I'm back, etcetera. But I got lost in thought again. My mind returning back to the four ugly scars decorating my knee cap. I despised them. They just served as a permanent reminder of so many things. My phone buzzing brought me out of my thoughts. Thankfully, the stream didn't catch on since I was fighting mobs, everyone assumed I was focusing, aside from Kenma.
From My Pudding Head 💞: Are you alright love?
To My Pudding Head 💞: Yeah, I'm alright <3
To My Pudding Head 💞: Do you think we should tell people on our streams? Idk about you, but I've already gotten plenty of people asking in my chat
From My Pudding Head 💞: Sure, would you like to do the honors?
I smiled a bit and went back to talking in my stream.
"Sorry everyone! I got a text, but I'm back!"
The chat started going on about how it had to be Kodzuken and I texting each other.
"Speaking of Kodzuken, Ken Ken! C'mere!" I could hear him sighing out a laugh through the headset, a part of me warm and fuzzy. I crouched in front of his Minecraft skin and changed the perspective to third person. "I know I've already said this today, but happy one month anniversary." I tossed him a cat spawn egg that I found and I could practically hear the people in the chat screaming through their messages.
"Happy one month anniversary, love." He tossed me a wolf spawn egg and crouched as well.
"I think we should address the stream comments now." He laughed but agreed and told me to go first. "Alright, so first up, yes we have been together for a month. Why didn't we tell people? Well, one week into dating I was sorta hospitalized so there's that but also personal lives and whatnot I suppose. Uhhh, let's see.. Oh! Have we met in person? Yes we have actually and no, I'm not disclosing his name so hush. When did I realize I liked him? Uh-" I cleared my throat awkwardly, my face flushing pink.
"Yeah Sawa, when did you realize? I'm curious." I could just hear how cheeky he was being.
"I'll tell you later, in simple terms? Months ago. Okay Ken Ken, your turn."
"So you two are officially mom and dad of the server? Sawa, you can answer this one." My heart fluttered at how he simply respected my boundaries about who to tell and who not to tell.
"For anyone new here, I am actually non-binary and use they/them pronouns! I'm not a female so I can't be the mom. But I'll take parent or 'ren' for short, so I guess we're the parents of the server."
"Oh.. block." I laughed at Kenma's lack of hesitation to block to response. "I'm trying to find non-repeated questions. How did I react to Sawa being in the hospital? I was worried but it's understandable I suppose. Hmm, who's taller? Uh, Sawa looks taller but we're actually the same height. When will you two see each other again? I'm not sure at the moment."
After he answered his questions, we both ended our streams and switched to FaceTime, both of us relieved to have some peace and quiet after the stream blew up. It was peaceful, we made light conversation here and there, and continued playing our game.
"Hey, about earlier.. are you sure you're alright? You seem distant." I smiled softly at his attentiveness and how much he cared, but on the inside I was scared. I have all these secrets piled up that could make him want to leave at any moment. So many questions in my head from over thinking and worrying, negative plagues filling my head and spreading after just a drop. And that's all it took, one drop multiplying into a lake, filling an ocean that I wish I could ignore. "Y/N?" My head shot in the direction of Kenma, realizing I spaced out.
"Sorry, got lost in thought. Yeah, I'll be alright. How has your day been though?" His face softened even more but didn't push which I was silently thankful for.
"It was okay, I miss you though." His voice was delicate as he spoke, his compelling monotoned voice holding a bit of emotion.
"I miss you too. I really hope I can see you soon."
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sylphid187 · 3 years
Coming Home, Taking Flight ‐ Chapter 1: Touchdown, Japan
A look into Hinata's return to Japan, his interactions with his friends, and how he makes it into the MSBY Black Jackals.
Reposting Chap 1 in text format.
His plane lands on an early morning, the sun just about to rise, as if it's rays were greeting him and welcoming him back.
Hinata Shouyou steps into Sendai Airport with a big smile and a feeling of euphoria. After two years navigating through the sands of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Shouyou was finally home. Two grueling years of trying his best to master the sands, to stand on his own two feet, for the chance to compete with the monsters that were waiting for him here. He was finally confident enough to say that he knew how to stand on his own on the court. He no longer needed to be branded as anyone's accessory, and he's finally found a way to fight his own battles.
He was ready to show the world that Ninja Shouyou was finally home where he belongs, and the first thing he has to do to make that happen...is to head to baggage claim.
Hinata navigates the airport with ease, as he successfully locates his things, and makes sure to double check that nothing is missing. He didn't want a repeat of when his money got stolen in Rio, so he takes ample time to check that he has everything, before making his way to the arrivals bay.
It feels odd to Shouyou. The sensation of finally being home, but also the feeling of starting something new once again. Here he is back in familiar territory, and after two years of making a name for himself on the beach, he is once again a complete stranger to those in the world of professional indoor volleyball. But that's okay. Shouyou's used to not being in the spotlight, being the decoy, the odd one out. He'd just have to find a way to make sure he makes an impression on the court.
He's just exited through the arrivals gate, baggage in tow, and about to grab his phone from his pocket to send a message to his mom regarding his arrival. Suddenly, another body barrels into him and envelopes him into a big, tight hug.
"Nii-chan! Welcome Home!" Shouyou doesn't even need to look to know who it is, and he immediately hugs back. For two years he's missed this. Two years of missing his little sister's birthday, her entrance to Niiyama Girl's High School, her volleyball tryouts and her overall presence. It feels like ages since Hinata has seen Natsu, feeling as if he's already missed so much in the short two years he's been gone. The thought of missing all of her newest milestones, and of not being able to see her whenever he came home at the end of the day, just makes Shouyou tighten his hold on her.
"Natsu. I missed you." He tells her, while eagerly lifting her up with ease. She's gotten much taller, her smile still bright and her eyes still sparkling like they used to.
"I missed you too Nii-chan." Natsu pushes away a bit, still being held up by her brother, and smiles wide. "Nii-chan you got a tan!"
Shouyou grins and lets out a laugh. "And you got taller! Unfair! You're probably going to end up taller than me!" He puts her back down, waits for her feet to properly touch the floor, and ruffles her hair with his other hand, full of affection. He notes in relief that Natsu still loved the attention from her big brother. He won't mention it out loud, but he's happy that, at least, hasn't changed.
He breaks their little moment together, when he notices that Natsu is alone. "Wait, I thought mom said she couldn't come to pick me up today? Because of work?" he asks her confused, he was already ready to book a taxi to make his way home. Shouyou didn't want to burden his family knowing that his flight would arrive extremely early.
"She couldn't." Natsu says with the grin never leaving her face. "Someone else is here to pick you up Nii-chan, I just got mom's permission to tag along."
As if on cue, not one, but multiple footsteps could be heard rushing towards them. "Hinata!!" Shouyou looks up and can't help his smile from widening even more.
"Yamaguchi! Yachi! Saltyshima!" He hears Natsu laugh at this.
"Seriously? I show up here for you and that's the first thing you say to me? I should have stayed home. Tsk." Tsukishima crosses his arms but a smirk is definitely etched on his face.
"Aw don't say that Tsukki!" Shouyou grins back. How he's missed this, bantering with Tsukishima.
"Don't call me that."
"Saltyshima it is then!"
The other two Karasuno alumni then immediately rush in between the them to give Hinata each big hugs. Yachi hugs him first, complete with the tears of joy in her eyes as she revels in seeing her friend again after two years. Yamaguchi hugs him next, laughing and joking at his height and new tanned look. "I can't believe how tall you've gotten Hinata! You're not so small anymore!"
"Yama-yama! I missed you! I hope you kept Slatyshima in line while I was away." Shouyou sees Tsukishima's eyebrows raise, and he just grins. Yachi and Natsu are chatting in the sidelines, while noting how Shouyou has changed so much in two years.
"Where do you even get these nicknames." Tsukishima sighs.
"Don't worry Saltyshima! I made sure to buy a special souvenir just for you." Shouyou grins.
"Oh god." Tsukishima sighs.
He hears Yamaguchi laugh again at their playful exchange, before they each begin to help him carry some of his belongings. "Now come on you two, I know you missed each other" Yachi starts "but we have to get going now, we have to drive the Hinatas' back home!"
"Awww you guys are driving me?" Shouyou exclaims, and then his smile softens. "You guys didn't have to. I didn't want anyone to go through the trouble, really."
"We wanted to." Yachi assures him softly. "Did you really think we would let you travel all the way back home by yourself?"
"Besides, we had to fight Kenma-san for this chance so..." she says with a grin.
"Wait what?" Shouyou asks, confused. He looks over at Natsu to ask for answers, but she shakes her head and replies. "Don't worry about it too much Nii-chan. They were able to reach a pretty good compromise."
"Compromise for what?" he asks again, but no one seems to want to answer him.
"Don't worry about it." Yachi tells him again with a wink. "That's something for you to look forward to."
Yamaguchi grins and chooses now to butt in. "Think about it this way, Tsukki loves you enough to drive for you, Hinata."
Shouyou looks over to the side and he's pretty sure he sees Tsukishima twitch. "Awwwwww Saltyshima!! I knew you loved me!" Yachi and Natsu giggle in the background as Tsukishima lets out a huff.
"First off, Yamaguchi shut up." a small, practiced 'sorry Tsukki' could be heard in the background. "Second, I only agreed to do this because everyone else was worried you'd get lost somewhere if we left you to find your way home on your own."
"Alright Tsukki, whatever you say. Whatever gets you to sleep better at night." Shouyou grins. 
"Let's just go before I leave you here, you shrimp."
Yachi laughs as she pats Tsukishima on the back, and tells him in a singsong voice. "He's not a shrimp anymore."
Soon enough, they eventually get to moving and continue to walk and talk. Once they make it to the car, with Tsukishima driving, Yamaguchi in the passengers seat and the two females and himself at the back, Shouyou can't help but look around the scenery outside. It's finally hitting him that he's back in Japan for real.
Japan's scenery passes by them in a blur as they drive past, and Shouyou begins to ask his sister about how she's been in school. Natsu is ecstatic to tell her brother all about her volleyball games in Niiyama. "You should have seen me Nii-chan! We're going to make our way to Nationals just like you guys did!"
"We should play together some time Natsu! I can toss for you!" He exclaims in excitement. The idea of playing the sport he loved with the sister he loved made Shouyou extremely happy. Getting to share his love of the sport with Natsu was something he was very much looking forward to. 
"I can't wait to see that. Think you can toss better than the king now?" And even when he's driving, Tsukishima could still look smug through the rearview mirror.
Shouyou laughs. "I don't think so, but I've been getting some practice in, these past two years. That, and the Grand King taught me." The thrill of playing with Oikawa-san in the beaches of Brazil will never truly wear off. And Shouyou will happily boast about that fact that Argentina's very own Oikawa Tooru had been one of the people who'd taught him the basics of setting. That, and Oikawa-san's image of his face hitting the sands mid-dive, will also be forever imbedded in Shouyou's memory. 
The conversation eventually drifts away from volleyball and Shouyou begins to ask his friends how other members of their old Karasuno team have been. He briefly wonders if he'd have the time to properly visit everyone during his short stay in Miyagi before his tryouts, but knows this might be best postponed at a latter time, when he is better settled in. The last thing he would want is to rush a reunion just because he had no time available at the moment.  
"Suga-senpai is a teacher now, and Daichi-san works for the Miyagi Police Force. They're living together now, I think?." starts Yamaguchi. It's no surprise to all of them that their captain and vice-captain eventually ended up together. Even during high school, the two were already considered as the pseudo parents of the team. 
Yachi then claps her hands together before continuing "Asahi-san's new line is supposed to be out soon too! And Nishinoya-san is still travelling I think. I've seen most of his photos on social media!"
"Am I the only one surprised about Tanaka-san and Kiyoko-san?" Tsukishima states. "Is no one going to mention that?"
Shouyou can't help but laugh at that "Now you're just being mean."
"So are you telling me that it didn't surprise you when you found out?" Tsukishima looks at him from the mirror and raises an eyebrow.
"Well...." It's true that the mentioned couple was definitely one of the most surprising, but Shouyou likes to think that Kiyoko-san would definitely balance out Tanaka-senpai pretty well. 
"It definitely surprised me! Can't believe he actually did it." says Yamaguchi with a grin. 
"I can't believe she said yes."
"Again, weren't you guys just as surprised?"
"Oh yeah, definitely." agrees Yachi with a small laugh of her own.
"I rest my case."
The drive home continues as they laugh and reminisce, and soon enough Shouyou feels himself drifting off. The tiredness suddenly overcoming him as he slowly begins to fall into slumber, and let out a yawn. He faintly hears teasing coming from Tsukishima, while Yachi and Yamaguchi are telling the latter to let him get his rest. As he continues to lose consciousness and let sleep overtake him, he feels a head rest on his shoulder and forces his eyes open for a few more minutes, only to see Natsu looking up at him.
"Welcome home Nii-chan." she tells him softly.
"Glad to be home Natsu. I missed you tons." He tells her, as he slowly reaches up, with his other arm, and pats her head. "I'm proud of you, and I hope you're ready to have me back. Because I have two years worth of memories to make up for."
Natsu smiles wide. "Of course Nii-chan. I missed you tons too. Things weren't the same without you." she leans into his side a little more before speaking again. "I can't wait to watch you play in the league." she tells him softly. Seems like Natsu was also starting to drift to sleep. Shouyou is unsure if any of the others are still talking at this point, but he figures they're probably also giving the siblings some time to catch up on their own, even if it was just for a little while. 
Shouyou chuckles. "I have to show up to tryouts and make it into a team first Natsu."
"You will. You'll make it, I know you will." Natsu says with certainty.
"If I do, you'll be the first to know, I promise." He tells her. His eyes are beginning to close now. It's feels like it's been ages since he's had a moment like this with Natsu. Shouyou wants to revel in it, just a little longer.
"You mean WHEN you do."  Natsu tells him again, firmly. "Believe in yourself more Nii-chan. You're Hinata Shouyou, and people are about to see just what you're made of."
Shouyou already knows the team he wants to be in, knows the capabilities of the players in the Black Jackal's roster, and knows the names and faces to some of those greats. Shouyou knows within himself that he is good enough, he just has to find a way to get others to see how high he can fly.
He smiles as he lets Natsu's words of encouragement and comfort wash over him. How lucky he is, Shouyou thinks, to have the best people surrounding him in this life. Natsu is right. He's trained hard to compete with the monsters of today, the last thing he has room for is self-doubt.
As Shouyou fully lets his thoughts drift, and his body give in to the lull of sleep, he feels his sister already drifting beside him with her head still on his shoulders. In the background, he thinks he hears what sounds like a camera clicking, and is sure that either Yachi or Yamaguchi has taken a photo of himself and Natsu while drifting. 'I should ask to see that photo later'
This warmth and comfort he surrounds himself with, and the excitement of the days to come are Shouyou's continuous reminders that:
It really was great, to be back home.
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
can o request one with tsukishima and a second or first yr manager.... they like each other but since tsukki is a salty ass he said some insulting things to her which resulted to her becoming distant and scared(???) of him HIHI. FLUFF ENDING PLS
caught in the moment
Tsukishima Kei x fem!reader
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𝕤𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥 - 𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕥
[a/n: yes yes yes!! Thank you for requesting anon, I hope you don’t mind but I’m going to make this a multiple part fic...this was a very inspiring prompt 🥺 ugh just look at him :(( I luv this boy so much ❣️I feel like this is cannon Tsukki behavior, he would definitely go too far with teasing the person he likes since he’s so emotionally unavailable sometimes. This actually has an angsty ending but it will get fluffy, I promise. I hope this isn’t too bad...I’m not super cofident with how it came out.  Anyways, here you go! enjoy! -yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´-]
Being the team manager of a bunch of highly energetic boys was definitely a challenge. Thankfully, you weren’t alone. Having Kiyoko and eventually Yachi by your side. You joined once school had started up seeing that you had used to play volleyball in middle school. A very promising wing spiker that was rumored to do very well, possibly even play in pro teams. That all changed in your last game of the season. You had landed a bad spike that was easily received. Once you had landed back on the court, distracted by your loss, you landed very wrong and injured your knee. You had slowly recovered with painfully long hours of physiotherapy but you had to always wear a brace on your right knee just to keep it stable. You hadn’t played volleyball since. You desperately wanted to but you were afraid to mess up again. So you decided to ease back into the sport by being a team manager. Then, you met him.
Tsukishima Kei.
He was a big, big, big pain in your ass. Especially after Coach Ukai came on board. He had learned of your success as a wing spiker and occasionally as a middle block, and had you help out Tsukishima and Hinata. Hinata was ecstatic, he didn't mind since he used to practice with the ladies from the community center but the same couldn’t be said about Tsukishima.
He scoffed and asked how a shrimp could teach him how to block. You quickly shut him up when you had successfully blocked out one of Asahi’s spikes. That didn’t mean he was compliant. He was far from it. Always putting in the bare minimum and it irked you to no end...but, yes there’s a but, there was times where you could see how happy he was to have gotten a good block. His expression didn’t really show it but it was all in the eyes.
Oh how you could get lost in those pools of gold.
He definitely took notice. He wouldn’t admit it but, he admired you greatly. He knew about what happened in middle school. He saw the limp in your step.He also saw you practicing with Hinata and the third years during lunch or after practice. He hated how inferior he felt around you. Despite being permanently injured, you had a smile on your face. No matter how many times you had to repeat basic instructions for setting up to block, you still believed in him. You smiled when he accomplished something, even if it was something done with minimal effort and you tell him, ‘See, I knew you could do it!’ He hated it, not really, but he did. You were also very attractive. Adorable eyes and smile, a dangerously enticing body, and sharp tongued. He thought it was hot that you could keep up with his wit.
Then it started happening. His heart would beat faster whenever you smiled at him. It would beat wildly when your shoulder brushed against his arm. He would feel fuzzy and warm at your praises. Sugarawa had taken notice to the longing glances you both shared when the other wasn’t looking, the blush that would tint your cheeks when the tall blonde would lean down to tease you. So, of course, he told Asahi and Daichi. The captain just shook his head. Of course he was intrigued but it was none of his business. Asahi felt the same but he was definitely more open to fan-boying over the two first years.
Tsukishima had also realized that he didn’t like when someone flirted with you. Whether it was Tanaka and Noya messing around or what he was scowling at in the current moment.
You were blushing and stuttering because of Nekoma’s captain. Rooster head was wooing you with a copious amount of flirty remarks and compliments. Along with that owl headed loud mouth from Fukurodani. You had caught the eye of many during the summer training camp. Especially when you walked into gym #3 in those spandex shorts and a Karasuno pull over.
“O-Oh!” You had squeaked, “I didn’t think anyone would be here.”
“And why are you here so late, chibi-chan?~” And that’s when it started. He had just come in for his towel and was asked to stay and practice and you walked in before he could answer.
“So? What do you say Tsukishima?” Bokuto turned to the blonde who sighed.
“We just had a whole day of training, why would I want to practice more?” He took off his glasses and cleaned them with his towel.
“That’s a great idea! You could learn a lot from these three, Tsukishima-kun! More than you could from me.” You had clasped your hands together, grinning. Akaashi seemed a bit taken aback that you had even noticed him.
“What do you mean? Are you a coach?” Bokuto had leaned down a bit, his face a bit too close to yours.
“W-well no b-but I help him and Hinata practice their blocking.” 
“You help them with blocking?” Kuroo was intrigued, if you were helping them then maybe you were pretty good.
“Not well enough.” Tsukishima scoffed.
“Yeah well maybe you’d learn something if you put in the effort.” You retorted, arms crossed and eye brow quirked.
“Well since you think you’re such hot stuff, why don’t you take my place and practice. I’m heading to bed.” You rolled your eyes at his words and that’s what you did. You explained your situation and you practiced in a 2v2. You and Bokuto vs Kuroo and Akaashi.
After a couple of rounds, you all sat around to cool down.
“So why haven’t you joined the girls team? You’d do really well there.” Akaashi asked as he gulped down some water.
“Well, I-I actually don’t know. I haven’t really thought about it.” You shrugged. You weren’t exactly lying, you hadn’t really thought about it much.
“Liar.” Kuroo chuckled, a knowing smirk on his lips. “It’s because of that Tsukishima jerk, right?”
“What-what’re you talking about?”
“Oh come on! I saw the little looks you give him. How he gets a little flustered when you praise him during a game. I’d say that you have a crush on him.” Your reaction was priceless. Wide eyes, furious pink across your cheeks and mouth opening and closing like a fish.
“Oh ho ho! You have a crush!” Bokuto chuckled loudly. “(Y/n) and Tsukishima sitting in a tree! K.I.S.S.S.I.N.G!”
“Leave the poor girl alone, Bokuto.”Akaashi spoke in a bored tone, smacking the boy upside the head.
And thus started the endless teasing. During day training and the extra training in gym #3. Tsukishima didn’t like it one bit. You were paying less attention to him and more to the two over-zealous captains. He had a grimace all through breakfast when Kuroo called you over to join Nekoma for a change. He watched as you happily chatted with the team, laughing at jokes, blushing at Kuroo’s shameless flirting, even getting Kenma to look away from his phone and have a conversation about Animal Crossing, exchanging info so he could invite you to his island.
He was pissed, and it didn’t go unnoticed.
“What’s wrong Tsukki?” Yamaguchi asked as he sat right in front of his scowling friend, playing with the food on his tray.
“(Y/n)! Is that all you’re eating? Here have some more grilled fish!” His scowl grew deeper as he watched Lev place pieces of fish in your bowl of rice, not missing the blush on your face when you stuttered out a thank you.
“Nothing Yamaguchi, I’m fine.” He basically growled as he pushed his seat out, forcefully picking up his tray and throwing out the untouched food, making a point to slam the door open and marching out.
“I wonder what’s gotten into Tsukishima.” Daichi frowned as he took a seat with Suga and Asahi.
“I think I know what.” Suga had a sly look on his face as he gestured over to you and Lev. The both of you conversing excitedly about something. “I think he’s jealous because a certain first-year manager is getting attention from the other teams.” The silver headed setter giggled. A look of realization washing over their features.
That jealous anger had definitely affected his playing. His usually calculated movements were off and he was awfully distracted. They had lost match after match and those punishment dives took a toll on everyone. You had taken it upon yourself to convince the managers that it was a good time to cut up the watermelon that was donated by a parent. They quickly agreed, the thought of a sweet and cool slice of the fruit enticing them as well.
“Alright boys! Break time!” They all had sped over to grab a slice of watermelon from their respective manager.
“Thank you, (y/n)-san.” Daichi smiled. The others following in suit, thanking you and grabbing a slice of the fruit.
“Thanks shrimp.” Tsukishima plucked the last piece from your outstretched hand, his fingers brushing against yours and smirking at the blush he caused. “What’s wrong? Do I make you nervous?” He leaned in closer, so close that if you had moved an hair closer, your noses would have brushed.
“Pfft...as if.” You turned away, leaving him amused as he stalked away
Training had ended on another sour note, chests heaving after another round of of punishment dives. You changed into shorts and a t-shirt again and made your way back to the gym.
“Hey Hey! You ready for more training?” Bokuto jumped excitedly. You guys had been in the middle of another set when Lev came bounding in, followed by Hinata and Kageyama.
You decided to take a break and help Lev with his receiving.
“Lev, you’ve gotta bend your knees lower. Loosen up, you’re too stiff.” You instructed from beside him, lowering yourself as an example.
“That invitation to train with us is still open, you know?” Bokuto’s words made you perk up and turn to the doors, and sure enough, there stood the tall blonde.
“I just came in for my shoes.” A fake smile painted his lips as he scratched the back of his neck with his free hand, meeting your eyes before you quickly turned away.
“WHAT?! You’re turning down training with the captains of powerhouses? No fair!” Hinata whined.
Tsukishima ignored him completely. “What’s wrong (y/n)? Did they finally get annoyed with you?” He scoffed.
“N-no...I’m just taking a break.” You spun the ball in your hands.
“I’m sure. I mean, I bet those short legs of yours must get tired easily.” He snickered. No one really laughed, they were unsure if he was actually insulting you or if he was playing around.
“My legs are perfectly fine. Even if they are short, I definitely jump way higher than you.” You smirked. You had grown accustomed to his teasing and to take his words with a grain of salt. But this time, your words seemed to have hit right in his inferiority complex.
“Then why’d you ever stop playing? You’d be doing us a favor by joining a team so I don’t have to hear your irritating complaints about how much I suck but I guess that’d be hard with a bum knee. I mean, you can barely even walk without limping.” He hadn’t really thought about the word vomit that was leaving his mouth. He was just letting out his anger and jealousy. He didn’t notice that you started crying. He had gone too far. His eyes widened ever so slightly.
“(Y/n)...” Lev asked carefully, placing a hand on your quivering shoulders.
“You know why I complain, Tsukishima?” The fact that your voice was so steady and venomous sent shivers down his spine. “I complain because I care about you! I know you can do better than how you’re doing now. I also know that if you don’t put in more effort, Ukai is taking you out of the starting line up! And I know it’s going to hurt me seeing your potential go to waste because I-I...” The stale silence that followed made everyone uncomfortable. No one knew what to do. Comfort you or reprimand Tsukishima.
They watched as you let the ball drop from your hands and you slumped to the exit. “I’m sorry for causing a scene. I’m going to bed. Goodnight everyone.” Kuroo flinched at how broken you sounded. He couldn’t blame you. The guy you liked had basically just called you annoying and teased you about a major insecurity. They watched as you left the gym, shoulder shaking as more tears made their way down your cheeks.
“Not cool man.” Was all Kuroo had to say as he followed you out. Concern clearly etched on his face.
“Tch...whatever.” He gritted his teeth and walked out before hearing Yamaguchi call for him and charge in his direction.
“(Y/n)...”Kuroo called out to you. You were leaning against the outside of the gym, hand clamped over your mouth. He approached you with open arms, an embrace being exactly what you needed. You slumped against him and buried your face into his chest. “For what it’s worth, I think you’re amazing.” You chuckled weakly.
“Thanks Kuroo...”
Back with Tsukishima, Hinata decided to scold him about how he should be more careful with his words and how he should go apologize. As much as he disliked the orange haired idiot, he agreed that he owed you an apology. So he made his way behind the gym, peering around the corner when he heard Kuroo talking.
“There’s no need to cry. Those ugly tears aren’t fitting for a beautiful girl like you.” He cupped your cheeks and wiped your tears away. Unlike compliments before, there was no playful tone in his voice.
Your heart thumped wildly in your chest. There was no doubt that you had feelings for Tsukishima but having someone as handsome as Kuroo inches from your face was definitely making you feel some type of way. You bit your lip as you looked into his eyes, they were sincere. Then looking down at his lips. His eyes searched yours before he noticed where your gaze was. His own eyes looking at your plush lips before meeting your gaze once more. His thumb ran over your bottom lip and nudged it from its place, stressed between your teeth. You both leaned forward, caught in the moment, lips meeting in the middle. Melding together and moving in sync. Your hands moving around his shoulders and into his hair, his arms pulling you closer into him.
Tsukishima’s heart stopped once your lips met, looking away when neither of you pulled away from each other. His heart hurt. Next to being deceived by his brother, this really hurt him. He thought you had liked him. Was he wrong? Had he gotten his hopes up? He frowned at the confusion and betrayal that filled his body. Walking back to the dorms with a heavy heart and slumped shoulders.
When you and Kuroo had breathlessly pulled away, realization set in.
“This isn’t-I’m sorry, I don’t...I uhmm...”
“Relax. It’s fine. I know you don’t feel anything for me. And after that, I know I don’t either.” He scratched the back of his neck.
“Excuse me! Are you saying I’m a bad kisser?” You gasped in an over exaggerated manner. Hand over your heart.
“Yeah, pretty much. In fact, that’s probably one of the worst kisses I’ve had.”
“Oh ha ha.” You laughed flatly. A slightly awkward silence followed. “We’re good right?” You asked unsure.
“Of course we are, chibi-chan, I know you have goo-goo eyes for that big mouth idiot.”
“Just how confused are you? I like Tsukishima, not Bokuto.”
“Oh my god. Goodbye. I thought you were going to bed. It’s definitely past your bed time.” He ran a hand down his face in playful annoyance. Sighing when you were out of hearing range. “You really are something, chibi-chan.”
Back inside the gym, Hinata was ranting about  his teammate.”I don’t understand how he could be so dense.”
��You’re one to talk.” Kageyama snickered, although it went completely over his head. “But I guess he realized that he was rude and went to apologize.” Kuroo froze.
“He what?”
“He went to apologize.” Hinata repeated.
“What’s wrong?” Bokuto cocked an eyebrow at his friends abrupt worry.
“Uhh a few minutes ago, I think. He went right around the corner. Why?”
Kuroo groaned and slapped his forehead. “He probably saw it.”
“Saw what?” Lev asked as he absentmindedly tossed the ball from hand to hand.
“I kissed (y/n).”
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sparklygoblin · 4 years
I've been really into the concept of past lives recently, and I thought it would be really fun to post my take on the Haikyuu pairs, and past lives/historical au's. So here is some steamy, self indulgent T R A S H! This is going to be pretty flawed and there is definetly some movie references in here as well as some historical inaccuracies but I did my best. Also there are no happy endings because I thought that might be pretty unrealistic based on treatment of actual gay men in history.
TW: Suicide, Hate Crimes, Gun Violence
Iwaioi is obviously reminiscent of Alexander the Great and his "best bro"😏 Hephastion. Oikawa was the Grand King, destined for greatness from the moment he was born. Iwaizumi was born among corpses and dirt, exiled to Oikawa's kingdom, a twelfth son, useless. He lived as a lonely peasant, starving, until he joined the king's guard. He liked to tell himself he trained with Oikawa because he admired Oikawa's hard earned skill, and he believed that right up until he died at the end of the prodigy, Kageyama's blade. After intercepting a strike that would've inevitably killed the Great King. He falls, looking into Oikawa's shocked eyes, bright, and full of tears as he cradled Iwa to his chest. Iwaizumi merely sighed, still unable to touch the man he loved, lest he ruin his life by exposing his feelings. He dies to the violent, primal screams of his love, and he becomes distantly aware of a missed opportunity, as Oikawa's reciprocation of Iwaizumi's feelings becomes more obvious with each throat tearing wail. It's clear that he will die without Iwaizumi, but everyone already knew that.
Daisuga has just graduated in the summer of 1967, and they've been stealing moments with each other from the moment Suga transferred to Daichi's school sophomore year. And Daichi hated himself for it, he was quarterback, and he had the prettiest girl in school. So why was he so smitten with this nerd? This delicate pretty boy made his blood run hot and his heart skip. He was in love, and damn it if Suga hadn't made it obvious that he felt the same. Daichi had to put a stop to this before someone found out and it ruined his life. Suga heard it from a freshman, the handsome senior, Daichi was going to marry his girlfriend, Michimiya Yui. It made it so much easier to go to Vietnam when he won the draft lottery system. Daichi came to apologize only to find that Suga was gone. Forever. He wrote. Suga ignored it all. Daichi talked with Suga's mother every weekend hoping to collect any information he could, until the news finally broke, Koushi wasn't coming back from 'Nam. Daichi married Michimiya with an empty heart and dead eyes, the fact that they found Suga's corpse clutching one of Daichi's letters replaying in his mind as Michimiya read her vows. They had three kids, Daichi killed himself on what would've been Suga's fifty first birthday.
Kuroken has been side by side for years, Kenma serving as prohibition criminal Kuroo's right hand man. Kuroo has never shown interest in a woman, the rest of the gang doesn't say a word though their suspicious glances between him and Kenma speak volumes. And they're absolutely right, Kenma is everything short of a mob wife. All pretty hair and violent tendencies, Kenma values no one's life, not even his own, but he can't help but value Kuroo in a such a loving way. They die together, when everything falls apart and the feds are chasing them, bullets shatter the car, ripping everything but their hands apart. Those will stay intertwined forever.
Ushijima was okay with his job, he lived such a sparse simple life, and it was enough for him, the life of a holy man. Until he saw Satori, a young man no older than him, residing in a dark hole of the desolate mental facility he was blessing. The sisters merely dismissed him when he inquired as to why the man was in there in the first place. So he took upon himself to talk to the boy and get to the bottom of this. He didn't mean to fall in love with the beautiful, unhinged and unholy Tendo. He didn't mean to commit the ultimate sin, to forsake his faith, but he couldn't bring himself to regret feeling what he felt for Tendo. The only thing he actually regretted was never protecting Satori the way he wanted to. Never scooping his love in his arms and running away from that foul life. The tears that caught in his throat when he came to Tendo only to find him bald, scarred, and permanently empty, shook him to his core. They dug in his brain and ripped out everything dear to Ushijima, they tore a part that beautiful mind all because they couldn't understand it. Ushijima swallowed his tears, and mustered his courage, he was going to save Tendo now, even if it would cost him his soul. His big hands wrapped around Tendo's throat, and didn't release until Tendo's empty eyes went out. He died years later in a prison cell. Maybe he and Tendo could have each other, in the next life.
The village did not like Nishinoya, nor did his family. He for the life of him, could not be modest and quiet like the rest of the puritans. He did not go to church, nor did he read the gospel, he ran about in the woods, tricky and mysterious. The governor's son, Asahi, can't help but be entranced, he is a scholar after all. And he only follows Noya into the dark wood for "scholarly" purposes, he definetly wasn't thrilled when Noya pinned his large body against one of the dark twisty tree trunks deep within the wood. Asahi comes to two very troubling conclusions that night, the village was wrong, Noya was not a witch at all, and Azumane would never be able to keep himself away from Noya not matter the cost. It was over for them the moment they were discovered, Noya wrapped in Asahi's arms. The villagers convinced themselves that Asahi had been put under a curse by Yuu, despite Asahi's violent objections, and surprisingly brave declaration of love. Noya smiled softly as they touched the torch to his feet, and as the flames ate the innocent man up, Asahi screamed begging the whole village to burn him instead, Yuu was innocent take him instead. Asahi stayed only long enough to press a gentle kiss to Yuu's now burnt face, just to show the villagers their love was true and deep, not the by product of some cheap curse. While they were all in shock, he slipped into the dark wood, and never was heard from again.
Hinata considered it an insane stroke of luck when he secured a third class ticket aboard the ship of dreams, the Titanic. He bid his mother and Natsu farewell, hoping to secure a job in the new world, and make enough funds to secure them a passage to America one day. His shipmate is horrible though, all cold blue eyes and pompous attitude, until one night when Kageyama surprisingly offers Hinata a drink. Not wanting to refuse, they obviously get smashed drunk, and with pretty pink cheeks, Kageyama grabs Hinata's face gently. " i jus' think no guy should be so damn beautiful" kageyama whispers sleepily, and maybe it's the liquor, but Hinata doesn't hesitate to lean in and initiate a kiss. When Kageyama doesn't pull away, Hinata crawls into his lap. They fit like puzzle pieces and now Kageyama can't even imagine wanting to kiss anyone else. They make plans to take the new world on, learning fairly quick that they are stronger together. And then there's water and panic and Kageyama and Hinata are trying to rush a gate because Jesus, there are kids down there. Just because they are poor doesn't mean they deserve to die, but unfortunately someone seems to think otherwise, because the gate remains in place. They finally stop when the water is up to their waists, and a sad looking elderly woman tells them they've done what they could. Tearful children and somber mothers nod in agreement, and it is unsaid that they would go to their respective beds and try to rest so that they might go in their sleep. They lay together on the top bunk and even as the water slips above their heads and they begin to die, their arms hold tight, and Kageyama mouths one last "I love you" Hinata's fingers in his hair the last thing he feels.
Bokuto is in love with an heiress across the lake, he's never met her but is sure she is made for him. Akaashi is in love with a rich man right next to him, but that man sees Akaashi as no more than his lowley servant. Akaashi is in love with Bokuto, maybe that is why he involved himself in that horrible mess. He was always getting involved in horrible messes for Bokuto's sake. It was the height of Gatsby era glamor, and Bokuto, though he never did really like parties, was always throwing them, insisting Akaashi rather than work the parties, served as his right hand man. Akaashi always knew Bokuto was hoping he would meet his heiress at one of his parties, and if it made Bokuto happy, Akaashi hoped she would show up too, no matter how much it would hurt. And eventually she did, along with her husband, and she broke Bokuto's heart after a very miserable and short lived affair, for her it was nothing, but Bokuto always fell so hard and fast, he was distraught. Akaashi acted on instinct, pulling Bokuto into his arms no matter what line he was crossing, and smoothing his hair in attempt to sooth the crying man. Things became clear to Bokuto then. His tears ceased as he breathed in Akaashi's soft scent, wrapping his arm around the beautiful man's waist. They were in love then, finally on the same page for a blissful few months, until Bokuto's affair was made public, and he was found beaten to death in an alley. Despite all of his generosity and glamor in the past years, Akaashi and Kuroo were the only guests at Bokuto's funeral. Akaashi never recovered from the loss, he knew Bokuto wouldn't have wanted him to do it, but that didn't stop the smile on his face as he smashed the heiress beneath his tires.
Tsukishima had been protecting Yamaguchi for as long as he could remember, always getting in fights and taking beatings to protect his beautiful best friend. He knew boys weren't supposed to be pretty, he knew what happened to boys like Yamaguchi in the eighties, but that didn't ever stop him. Not even when Yamaguchi worked up all his courage and told Tsukki he loved him during their freshman year. Tsukki was angry at Yamaguchi for saying that, because he felt the same and he knew that he had to hide it if he wanted to survive. His controlled slipped for a second when Yamaguchi pressed their lips together gently, Tsukki allowed himself to dream one last time before he yanked himself away. He immediately began hurling slurs and abuse at Yamaguchi, things he knew would send the other boy running. And it did. But soon Kei felt an unexplainable urge to go after him, a sinking feeling that something horrible was gonna happen. Yamaguchi did not cry, he held his chin high, no matter how hard the boys hit him or cut him. He didn't care if he died but he wasn't gonna do it staring at his feet like a kicked puppy. Kei found him like that, full of fire and courage as he stared down his abusers. The love he felt made Kei's legs shake, and he knew he'd do whatever he could to save Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi smiled with too much glee for a dead man as Tsukki forced his way to his side, gripping his hand. There were eight of them, with murder in their eyes, Tsukki knew before he even got to Yamaguchi that they weren't making it out of this one.
Lev and Yaku find each other in 1700s France, Lev is a soft pretty boy, living a luxurious life in the aristocracy. Until he is thrown to the wolves after the loss of his parents, he is ten when he spends his first night on the street. He is nearly taken by a brothel right away, until he is saved by a particularly feisty thirteen year old street rat, Yaku is half his height but serves as his protector nonetheless. They pass the years protecting each other, growing to love each other, but never daring to hope for more than that. As many people in France were at the time disease riddled and starving, so were Yaku and Lev. Of course Yaku went first, he made it all the way to eighteen before he succumbed to his disease, clutching a crying Lev, comforting him even on his death bed. After that, Lev made the mistake of having hope, he joined the revolution in honor of Yaku. He just wanted to make the world a better place, a place where Yaku could've survived. He died bleeding from a soldier's bullet on a barricade, but he was warm, all he saw was Yaku, holding him, carrying him into their next life.
Yahaba always talks and Kyoutani might be always listening, but it's hard to tell. Until Kyoutani murders his whole family in 1978. He shows up at the gas station him and Yahaba always have their one sided coversations at to find Yahaba working the counter like he always is. He ignores Yahaba's greeting and begins frantically explaing his situation and motive, all while Yahaba looks on in shock, this is the first time Kyoutani has ever spoken to him. When he asks why Kyoutani is telling him all this, he simply sighs dismissively and says "you're my bestfriend", and that's enough for Yahaba. Clearly he's crazy, a cute boy he's never spoken with is in the back of his car and they're leaving the country. All because Kyoutani actually was listening and not only that, he viewed Yahaba as the most important person in his life. They had been in love from the first one sided conversation they had, and that was becoming clear now. They get caught, sent to different facilities, Kyoutani gets life, Yahaba gets a lighter sentence for being an accomplice. Though they never see each other again, Yahaba always writes letters, and for once, Kyoutani writes back. They spend their lives finally having a two sided conversation, their love never even flickers, and for them, that's enough.
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