#i need help so baf
dkskaoaalal · 2 years
I'm so tired. I feel like I'm nothing to the one person in my life who was supposed to be there with me through everything. It's all over. It's still over. Nothing is changing, especially how I feel. It hurts so much every day. I'm so tired of feeling like this and idk how to change. The number of nights I end up crying thinking about us, and about you, and about your new life, and the future we don't have anymore and will never have. Wondering what I'm doing and why I bother. I do it for you, and sometimes I find some motivation to grow and heal from the fact that I'm here, so I may as well try to stop suffering. But when I'm up too late, I wonder why. You made me promise, and I did because I love you, but if you don't feel the same way, why am I trying?
Why couldn't you just talk to me? Why didn't you want to try to make things work? I know you tried, and things were hard for you, but I tried so hard to make them easier, and instead of working with me, you just quit. And now I'm the guilty one for making you try so hard for so long and not getting anything out of me and it looks like I never tried, but I asked you so much and so often to help me in specific ways that you just. Wouldn't. You wouldn't listen to what I needed, you just tried to help in your own way, which is something of course, but at a certain point, is it?
And now. I keep trying to ask for help, and you always say you'll be there for me, but you never text me back. I keep making an effort to make plans, only for you to cancel again and again. I'm so tired of being ignored and blown off for days at a time only for you to turn around and worry that I'm mad at you when I can't respond to the text you sent me two hours after I went to bed until noon because work was busy. I'm tired of feeling stupid. I keep trying to ask if you'll go to this movie with me, and you can't even tell me yes or no. Every time I bring it up you just stop texting me back until the subject changes. I know I should take a hint, but you always turn around and tell me not to put words in your mouth. How am I supposed to not do that when you won't speak to me? I have to make some sort of assumption.
I'm so tired of not knowing what to do and always always always being wrong and never getting an answer when I ask you for help and guidance on what to do. You keep hovering in my life, making me feel stupid and leading me along just to watch me trip and fall so you can pick me up and tell me how much you care before you go home and ignore me for another week. I know you don't know what you want, but it's clear that it's not me, so why keep doing this to me?
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gisellecnz · 3 months
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"Oh my gosh- oh my gosh! Satoru, what do I do!?!? He won't stop crying!" You yell through your phone. It's been days since Satoru was on his overseas mission. Your baby couldn't stop crying all day and you were getting worried, his face was turning red. You went to the doctors and said there was nothing wrong with your baby. You were left with no choice but to call Satoru to ask help if he knows anything.
"Uh- I don't know! Give him a pacifier or something!?!" It was clear that Satoru was also getting worried. He keeps on blabbering earlier that he wants to go home already ever since he heard about was what happening to your (and his) baby.
"That doesn't work! I already tried everything! I fed him, changed his diapers, gave him toys and everything else!" You were panicking so much on the phone that you didn't notice that your baby has started crawling, and was going near to the laundry basket that you haven't taken to laundry yet. And ontop was Satoru's shirt. It seemed like your baby was familiar with it, and immediately grabbed the shirt to snuggle with it. And he calmed down when he smelt Satoru's scent.
You looked away for a second from your phone and realized your baby was nowhere to be seen in your sight– "oh fuck- Satoshi where are you!?"
When you finally found him you sighed in relief, "Oh thank goodness, don't scare me like that....Ah- wait- Don't touch that...!" You tried to get the unwashed shirt of Satoru's away from your baby but you realized that he stopped crying.
Now you know the reason why your baby was crying all day.
"...Satoru, you might wanna see this."
"Ha? What happened? I also can't hear him crying anymore, did he stop?"
"Yeah, look." you switched your camera to the back camera. "..That's your shirt he's hugging with. "
"... P-papa... "
"I get it, Satoshi misses you. He hasn't seen you all day and he can't find you anywhere." You were waiting for Satoru's response, but all you can hear is sniffles from your phone.
".. Satoru? You okay?"
".... That's it. I'm going home. If my baby needs me, then I should be there right away. "
"No way you're crying because of that... "
a/n: this is a very very very quick drabble that's why it's so baf😭
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creepycranberry · 1 month
Same people different circumstances: Pt 2
Pt 1
Warnings: not proofread, baby babble, flying toys, fluff, not proofread
You and Eddie had fallen into a rhythm, he came over most weeknights for dinner and would sometimes stay over when he accidentally stayed too late.
He would usually sleep on the couch or on the recliner chair in the nursery if Winnie was being particularly fussy. It was nice to have him around again, though the question of what your relationship was hung heavy over the both of you. You ignored it for the most part but late afternoons were spent watching Winnie and Eddie exist together like it was so natural and sometimes, just for a moment, you let yourself believe that nothing had ever happened. This was just how things were, this was the life you got to live.
Eddie had been around plenty of kids, but this was slightly different. Because babies weren’t technically yet kids. Steve’s son was about three months younger than Winnie. He wasn’t talking yet, he said baby babble and that was it.
Winnie had certain words down.
Her new favorite being “no.”
Every opportunity she had to use this new fancy word she took. Whether it was a whine over it being bedtime or a simple answer to a question or a shriek when bath time inevitably came around, no was said. No was said with such vigor that somehow it managed to cancel out the no’s she was told by you and Eddie.
And a no mixed with her now being able to walk was almost impossible to deal with at times.
It was a bath time tantrum that caused a slight emotional breakdown for you.
Eddie had a date tonight, which already put you in a somewhat sour mood, despite the fact that you were the one to suggest it.
You felt bad that he was giving you so much of his life, and while he didn’t mind it was eating away at you. You guys weren’t a couple and you weren’t exactly at a point in life where dating was a priority and you wanted him to be able to have fun and go out. It wasn’t fair that you keep him with you to help take care of your kid.
So he was out with Delia, who he had met at work when she went to get some maintenance done on her car.
You had found her number in his wallet when grabbing some cash to tip a pizza guy the other week and you had encouraged him to call her.
And now both you and your daughter were in a sour mood due to his absence.
She had already all but refused her dinner, but what she did decide to eat was mushed into her shirt so you had told her it was time for a bath And now you were sitting on your bathroom floor while Winnie repeatedly said, “no mommy! No baf!” While she played with her bath toys on the floor.
“Come on, baby, please?”
She shook her head, her signature pout finding its way to her lips as she began to cry in frustration.
“No baf mommy!” She insisted and you sighed.
“What do I have to do to get you to take a bath, Winnie-Bear?” You asked and she huffed.
“No Baf!” She reiterated and you groaned.
“Come on, baby, take a bath and then we can watch Bambi or Eeyore and then Eddie will be here to put you to bed and tuck you in and read you a story.” Winnie shakes her head again, “Winifred Lane you need to take a bath!” You snap and her bottom lip juts out and she begins sniffling.
“I’m sorry, baby, I just need you to-“ you’re interrupted by a Little People Horse figurine hitting you in the eye.
“Mean mommy.” She wails.
You can’t help but cry too.
Throwing was another addition she had discovered recently but she hadn’t quite gotten the concept of aim. It was likely she hadn’t meant I throw it at you, she was just frustrated and didn’t know what to do with it.
And the rational part of you knows that but the shock of it causes you to start crying too, covering your eye.
You simply stand up, trying to hide your misty eyes from Winnie as you walk out of the bathroom, leaving her standing there, wailing.
And That was the moment Eddie just had to walk through the door.
“What’s Wrong? Where’s Winnie?” He asks immediately, using the pads of his thumbs to wipe the tears from your cheeks but you don’t want it. You’re too overwhelmed, you don’t want to be touched or talked to or to hear your baby sobbing from the other room.
So you just point to the bathroom and then walk around him.
When Eddie goes into the bathroom Winnie is red in the face and crying so hard she can barely breathe.
“Aw, sweetheart.” He mumbles, “breaking my heart.”
He sits on the floor by her and holds out his arms, she climbs into his lap and sobs into his chest. He tries to sooth her the best he can, patting her back and humming ‘Winnie Lane is in my ears and in my eyes’
He stands to pace around the small bathroom, continuing to pat her back.
“What’s wrong, girlie?” He asks her.
“Me-mean mommy.” She sobs.
Eddie shakes his head, “she’s not mean, baby, she’s just tired. I think you’re a little tired too.”
The mere suggestion makes her worse, “no daddy! No bed!”
Eddie freezes, “you don’t have to go to bed yet, baby.”
She looks up at him with her red face and dramatic pout and Eddie melts, holding her as close as possible, “and I’m Eddie. Not Daddy. I know they sound similar but they aren’t-“
“No.” She shakes her head, still hiccuping a little but calmed at the knowledge that she’s not yet being sent to bed. She points a chubby finger at his chest, “daddy.”
She says it like it’s the most obvious thing.
“Sweetheart, why are you calling me that?” Eddie smiles.
“Mamá Lena.”
The old Cuban woman must have just assumed. She had always liked Eddie so it made sense he supposed.
“Do you want to color?” He asks her, changing the subject in hopes of distracting her so he can check on you.
She nods and almost throws herself out of his arms.
He sets her up in her high chair with a coloring book and some crayons, helping her pick out a coloring page before quietly heading down the hall to the bedroom.
The lights are off but Eddie can make out the faint outline of the bundle of blankets on the bed, the unmistakable snuffles coming from it make his heart squeeze.
“Sweetheart?” He coos softly to you but you just sniffle again. He sits on the bed, kicking his shoes off before putting his feet on the bed cause he knows it drives you crazy, “come on, can you sit up for me?” He reaches to the nightstand and flicks on the lamp.
You peek your head out of the blanket and he frowns at your tear streaked cheeks and at the one eye that seems redder than the other.
“What happened, sweetheart?” Eddie says softly, wiping away your tears with his thumb and moving your hair out of your face.
“She just got so upset, I just wanted her to take a bath but she was fussing and whining and I snapped at her and she started to cry and she threw a toy at me and it kind of shocked me and I just couldn’t do it and then you got here and I must’ve looked like the worst mom in the world but I just-“
“Hey,” he scooches closer to hold you better and you rest your forehead on his bicep,”you’re a great mom, you just got a little overwhelmed and I wasn’t here to help like normal, it’s okay.”
You scrunch your eyebrows together, “why are you back so early?”
Eddies eyes widen and he avoids your gaze, “just got tired.”
He sighs, “I hated it. She was great, she was fun to talk to but then I just kept talking about Winnie and I hated leaving the two of you here and disrupting Winnie’s normal and by the end she just told me to go home.”
“I’m sorry.” You mumble, picking at your thumb nail.
“Why are you sorry?”
“I feel like I somehow ruined your date.”
“You did no such thing.” Eddie sighs, “and from what I can tell it’s good that I came home when I did. Apparently all hell breaks loose when I leave for too long.”
You scoff and roll your eyes, allowing yourself to lean into him a little bit more, “we did miss you though.”
“I missed you, too. Let’s get some ice on your eye.”
“It’s fine, Ed's, it's not even that bad.” You shrug, wiping your nose with your sleeve.
“Nope. Just in case.” Eddie stands up and holds your hands to pull you up into a standing position.
You groan but get up and he holds your hand all the way down the hall.
“Mommy!” Winnie’s little arms reach out to you and you pick her up, holding her close.
“Hey, Winnie-girl.”
Eddie walks up to the both of you with a cold pack, inspecting your eye, “she’s got quite the arm. Should sign her up for softball.”
“And let her get a concussion or sprain her ankle? Over my dead body.”
Eddie chuckles and shakes his head, holding the ice pack to your eye. Winnie reaches out to see what he’s got, jumping at the temperature.
“It’s cold, Winnie-bear.” Eddie informs her, using your nickname for her.
The three of you migrate to the couch, Eddie holding Winnie, “she still needs a b-a-t-h.” You sigh.
“Maybe it’ll go smoother with the both of us.” Eddie offers and you shrug.
“Maybe. Hey Winnie? How about that bath, baby?”
Immediately she pouts, looking at Eddie to save her. When he doesn’t do anything she wraps her little arms around his neck and holds on tight, trying to distract him with a cuddle.
“Come on, after your bath I can read you a story and we can cuddle in your chair.” Eddie says and she shakes her head, “well then I guess you don’t want the new story I got you.” He sighs, “oh well. Maybe I can it read it to mommy since you wrong want to-“
“Baf, mommy?” Winnie perks up and you smile.
“Come on baby.”
She lets you give her a bath and dry her off. She picks out her pajamas and then pulls herself up into her chair, looking at Eddie expectantly, “sto-y, daddy?”
You look at Eddie with raised eyebrows, “daddy?”
“Uh, yeah I uh- miss Lena said something I guess. I tried to correct her earlier but she said no and-”
“So long as you stick around I don’t give a damn what she calls you.” You assure him, leaning your head into his shoulder, “that’s all up to her.”
Eddie nods and maintains eye contact with you until Winnie lets out an impatient huff.
“I’m coming, Winnie Lane.” He smiles, swooping her up into his arm and attacking her chubby cheek with little kisses.
You leave so he can put her to bed.
After about a half hour Eddie wanders into your room, eyes slightly droopy. You scorch over to give him room and he flops down on the bed next to you.
“Come here often?” He quips, laying on his side with his head resting on his hand.
You laugh and shake your head, “not at all.”
“Damn. So I just got lucky, huh?”
“I guess so.” You shrug.
“How’s your eye?”
“It’s alright. It doesn’t hurt. I don’t think it will bruise.”
“That’s good.”
“How was the date other than what you told me?” You inquire and Eddie exhales deeply, leaning back onto your headboard.
“It wasn’t bad. She was fun to talk to, the restaurant was nice. She could just tell that I had missed you and Winnie and she was sweet about it, but she told me that maybe dating wasn’t something I wanted to do right now.” He explains and you nod.
“So I guess you’re done with dating for the moment?”
“No.” Eddie shakes his head and you involuntarily pout.
“What do you mean? You said you hated leaving Winnie and that you just needed to-”
“Well I figure if I’m dating Winnie’s mom I’ll get to see her more.” He shrugs, a sly grin overtaking his features.
You pause slightly for a moment, you feel the blush creep into your cheeks and you have to really try not to stutter when you clarify, “Was that an ask out?”
“Depends on whether or not you’d say yes.” Eddie smiles, fiddling with his rings.
“yes.” You say a bit too quickly for you liking, “I mean- yeah, sure.” You think for a second more, “but if it doesn’t work out you have to still be there for Winnie. I would forgive my-“
“I'm not gonna leave you sweetheart. And I would never dream of leaving her.” Eddie reassures you, pulling you closer into him and kissing the top of your head.
He doesn’t say the rest of what he’s thinking, which is that he had spent a year just wishing to have you back. There was no chance he would be letting you go anytime soon, or ever.
You nod and look up at him, wide eyed and smiley.
He looks back at you the same way and leans down, kissing you on the cheek.
You pout a little and Eddie smiles, knowing where Winnie got that habit from, “what?”
“Yes, sweetheart?”
“Can you grow a pair and kiss me for real?” You sigh and Eddie laughs.
“Nothing I’d rather do, sweet girl.”
He leans down and brushes your lips with his, you can feel his grin and smell his cologne and shampoo.
You wanted to bathe in that smell, to have it around you all the time.
And Eddie would gladly make sure you could always have right there with you. He would always make sure that he was right there with you.
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naturesapphic · 6 months
Can you please do alcina having to punish her bratty little but Like her little was very overstimulated please and it's a comfort ending!! THANK YOUUUU
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Mommy!lady dimitrescu x fem!little!reader
Warnings: spanking, hurt/comfort, soft mommy alcina
“No no no! I don wan baf!” You shouted as you stomped your feet down harshly. You’ve been acting bratty all day and alcina just had about enough of your attitude. She doesn’t understand why you’ve been acting like this but she needs to know why. “Come on princess. Be mommy’s good girl and take a bath. It won’t be long princess I promise.” She said softly as to help you calm down from your tantrum, but that didn’t seem to work. You got one of your rubber duckies and threw one at her chest.
Alcina was surprised at your actions and she didn’t want to be the bad guy but something must be done about your behavior. “That’s it little one.” She snarled and stood up and grabbed you by the arm, leading you to the bedroom the both of you shared. “Over my lap. Now.” She demanded and you shook your head no. “N-no please mommy! I-I’ll be a good girl please!” You begged her and she felt her heart break but you needed to be taught a lesson. “Don’t make me count to three.” She warned and you whimpered as you walked over to her and she bent you over her knee and started spanking you.
She spanked you ten times and made you count each of them. By the end of it you were crying and trying to get off her lap. She laid you on your stomach and went to get a cold washcloth to put on your reddened cheeks. “I’m sorry I had to punish you draga but you have been a very bratty girl today and I had to teach you a lesson. Now please tell mommy what’s going on. Mommy can’t help you if she doesn’t know what’s making you feel this way.” She said softly as she caressed your butt gently in a non sexual way. You couldn’t exactly explain why you were so ill today but you felt like this all day and you didn’t want to be a bratty girl but you just couldn’t help it.
“N-Nu feel good…u-up heres…”. You try to explain to your mommy and she’s trying to understand you. “Do you feel sad or mad?” She asked you and you said both. She thought for a moment more and said “do you feel irritated and feels like nothing is going right?”. You nodded your head and Alcina understood what was going on. You were overstimulated. That’s why you were irritated and restless today. “I understand now baby. It’s okay. Mommy is here. Why don’t we give you a bath right quick and put on our matching pjs on and I can read you some of your favorite books. How about that my little bat?” She asked you and you gently nodded, wanting to do those things and you wanted to be your mommy’s good girl again.
“Good girl.” Alcina said as she put you in the bath and let you play for a while before getting you out and drying you with your favorite fluffy towel. She put you in a little bat onesie and alcina put on her big bat onesie. You giggled happily and hugged her legs indicating that you wanted her to pick you up. She lifted you up in her strong arms and went back into the bedroom and went over to y’all’s book shelf’s to let you pick out your favorite books. Once you selected them, she laid you down on the bed and she got in next to you, letting you lay on top of her breast as she read to you until you fell into a deep sleep. She kissed your forehead gently and covered the both of you up. “Sleep well my little bat. Mommy loves you and she always will.”
A/n: I hope @yourcoolistjennifertillyfan enjoys this and I hope the rest of y’all enjoy it too! Requests are still open for all of my characters including of course Rhea ripley/Demi Bennett. I have my own buy me a coffee page! You can give me a dollar and it will help. I also have some different commission types I will do so here's my page to look into it :) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/naturesapphic Requests are open for yeehaw!wanda, country!wanda, and any other southern variants of Wanda or Natasha! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y'all!
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babyhatesreality · 2 years
Baby Burrito
Pairings: Daddy!Stucky x little f!reader
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Summary: Your daddies come up with a clever way to help you get through one of your sensory challenges. 
Warnings: SFW Agere (SSC), f! reader, reader is named but name used sparingly, pet names, angsty baby (getting her fingernails and toenails clipped), fluffity fluff fluff fluff. 
You wiggled your little butt in your chair, sighing happily. The delicious taste of Papa’s mac and cheese lingered on your tongue, washing away the icky broccoli he’d made you eat too. You had eaten all your veggies, your eyes flicking to both your daddies to see if they’d noticed. All veggies gone meant cookies!
“Atta girl,” Bucky said, reaching over to gather your plate and giving you a kiss on the cheek. “You ate all your broccoli without complaining. I’m proud of you.”
“Tank you! Cookies pwease!”
They both chuckled at that. “You’ll get your cookies later, princess, I promise,” Papa said, leaning back as Daddy took his plate too. They exchanged a brief glance that you missed in your delighted wiggling before Bucky took the dirty dishes to the kitchen sink. 
Steve leaned forward, his elbows on the table and his hands folded. “Okay, princess, we’re going to change up the routine a bit tonight,” he said to you, watching you carefully for your reaction. You stopped your wiggling and tilted your head to him, curious as to what he meant by that. “We’re going to go take a bath now, okay?”
“Is bedtime?” you asked, suddenly nervous. Baths always came right before bedtime and bedtime was terrible (in your little mind, anyway). Steve shook his head, then looked quickly over at Bucky, who was hustling to load the dishwasher, before focusing back on you. 
“No, not bedtime yet, it’s too early,” Steve reassured you, smiling when you sagged in relief. “But Daddy and I are going to give you your bath now, then afterwards you can pick out a movie to watch and we can have cookies. Does that sound good?”
“Yeah! Is good!” you cheered, not clueing in to the look they exchanged again. “I wove cookies,” you said smugly, very happy with how this evening was panning out. 
“Yeah, we know you do, Trouble,” Bucky teased over his shoulder, before drying his hands and coming back to the table. “So be a good girl during bath time tonight and you can have all the cookies you want, okay?”
“Well, now, I don’t know about ALL the-” Steve began, but you interrupted him with a loud scream of delight. 
“Hey, hey, inside voice please,” Steve gently reprimanded, reaching out towards you across the table. You stopped the joyful yelling but kept the butt wiggles, eager for bath time to get going. Steve chuckled and came to get you. You squealed in delight as he lifted you onto his hip. You were halfway to the bathroom before you realized Bucky was right behind the two of you. 
“Daddy, you gonna take a baf too?” you asked. 
“I’m gonna help Papa give you a bath, Little Bit,” he said, reaching out to boop you on the nose. You giggled a bit, but something was off. Usually one or the other of them gave you a bath- they were both big super soldiers and took up a lot of space, so having all three of you in the bathroom at once was usually not a thing. Unless...
Your gaze suddenly swung to Steve, who noticeably picked up his pace. “Papa, we gonna take baf?” you asked anxiously, worried that something was afoot. He didn’t answer you until all three of you were in the bathroom, and Bucky closed the door, standing in front of it. Your eyes widened in horror. No...it wasn’t time....it couldn’t be time to do it again....
“We also need to trim your nails, baby,” Steve said softly. 
You began wiggling with all your might, but you were held fast in the arms of Captain America. You might as well have been trying to move a tanker by leaning against it. You flailed, trying to escape, but it was useless. “I don’t wike it!! I don’t wike it!!” you yowled, twisting madly as Steve tried to lean his face away to escape getting clocked like last time. 
You HATED getting your nails trimmed. Didn’t matter that neither Steve nor Bucky had ever hurt you doing it, didn’t matter that your nails were accidentally scratching you on the daily now. Every time it happened, it made you feel as if your teeth were being peeled. You hated the sensation and would do anything to avoid it. 
Bucky stepped forward, gently wrapping his arms around both you and Steve, creating another barrier between you and your freedom by pressing you in between them. When you couldn’t even wiggle anymore, you resorted to your overly theatrical wailing, slamming your head into Steve’s shoulder in despair. 
“It’s okay baby girl, it’s okay,” Bucky whispered in your ear. “We’re gonna try something new that will help, okay?”
“Don’t wanna!”
“I know you don’t, precious, but we have to,” Steve murmured, pressing his cheek to the top of your head. “We can’t have you getting hurt with your scratchy nails, can we? You’ve got claws like a kitty cat and you’re getting all scratched up.”
“I like kitty cats! Am Katie Cat!”
“We know you are- you’re our special little Katie Cat,” Bucky said, stroking your cheek. “But you’re not a kitty. You’re our little girl and we can’t let our little girl keep getting hurt.”
“Not hurt!”
“Yes you are, that scratch on your arm hurts, doesn’t it?” You growled something unintelligible, unwilling to lie and say that it didn’t hurt. You knew how they felt about lying and after all, it did sting. “And Papa and I want to try something new for you that we think can help. Will you let us do that? Please?”
You turned your teary face just enough to peek at Bucky with one eye. “Wha you do?” you asked, before sniffing mightily. Bucky reached under the sink as you tensed up in Steve’s grip- quite an accomplishment seeing as you were already tense. Bucky came back up with a soft, yellow, fuzzy blanket. Despite your nerves, you perked up a bit. It was pretty and anything that was pretty immediately had your interest. 
Daddy held out a corner of the blanket to you, and Papa released his grip just enough to let your little hand reach out. It was so fuzzy and soft...and heavy. “It’s a weighted blanket,” Daddy explained, taking another small handful and rubbing it along your hand so you could feel the smooth texture. “How about we wrap you in the blanket, all nice and cozy, and Papa snuggles you real good? Huh? I’ll go real fast and it’ll be over before you know it. What do you think, baby bear?”
You looked back at Bucky, then at Steve. You let out an exhausted whimper and pressed your face into Steve’s shoulder again. He immediately began rubbing your back. “it’ll be over so soon, princess, then we can watch movies and eat cookies. And you can snuggle in your new blanket. Okay?”
“Don’ wike it, Papa.”
“I know, baby, I know. Your new blanket will help and I will hold on to you the whole time. Are you ready?” 
Knowing that there was no way you were getting out of it, you sighed heavily and over-dramatically, hoping it would at least get you a few more cookies after having to endure this torture. “Fast, pwease,” you whispered to Bucky, before turning your face back into Steve’s neck. 
Steve rubbed your back consolingly as he sat down on the closed lid of the toilet. He quickly stood you in front of him and Bucky wasted no time draping the warm, sunshiney, weighted blanket around you. Before you could even whimper at what was happening, you were cocooned in the deliciously soft yellow blanket and back on Steve’s lap. 
But your eyes never left Bucky. He was getting out the little trimmers, moving quickly but gently so as not to scare you even more. He knelt in front of you and Steve, holding out his vibranium hand to you. It was almost too much, having to give your hand over so he could...you didn’t even want to think about it. “It’s okay, baby bear,” Bucky said soothingly. “Daddy’s not gonna hurt you. Let me have your hand, please.”
It took everything you had in you to extract your hand from the safety of the blanket and peep it out just enough for Bucky to see. He smiled warmly. “That’s my girl, being so brave,” he said encouragingly. He took your hand in his vibranium one. They had learned that even if you were trying your hardest to be good, you would sometimes twitch and jerk away when you felt the clippers. So Bucky used his vibranium hand to hold yours, in a non-painful but still vicelike grip. You squeezed your eyes shut and turned your head into Steve’s chest when you saw him bring the clippers up to your hand. 
“Doing so good, bunny,” Steve whispered, keeping his warm, safe arms around you. You were trying as hard as you could, but everything inside of you was telling you to wiggle out of his arms and run away. A tear escaped your eye and you sniffed as you felt the clippers do their work. It didn’t hurt- Bucky never ever hurt you- but you still just absolutely hated it. “See? One hand down. I’m so proud of you, baby,” Steve said, kissing the side of your head as Bucky let your hand go. 
“All done,” you tried to declare, yanking your now trimmed nails back into the safety of the blanket. “All done, Daddy. All done. We done.” Maybe if you said it enough, they’d believe you?
“Not quite done, angel,” Bucky said, trying to smother his smile at your attempts to get out of this. “But you’re doing really good. What kind of bath bomb do you want after this?” he asked nonchalantely, as his hand slipped into the blanket to find your other one.  
“Um...” you said, distracted when you felt him find your untrimmed fingers. He kept talking, trying to get you to focus on him.
“We got a pink unicorn one, and we have a purple one that smells like grapes, and we have the blue one...”
“Um...blue and pink one?” 
“Stevie, we have a blue and pink one, don’t we?”
“We sure do.”
“Would you like the blue and pink one, baby?”
“Yes, pwease.”
“Okay, blue and pink it is. And guess what? Hands are all done,” Bucky said proudly, letting your other hand go. You looked at your now trimmed nails in wonder as Bucky smiled smugly at Steve, proud of himself that you had barely noticed his ministrations while you’d been thinking about bath bombs. Steve winked at him. “We’re almost done, kiddo, you’re doing so good,” Bucky said. He chuckled as he reached for your feet. “You look so cute wrapped up in your fuzzy blanket. Do you like it?”
“Um...yeah,” you said hesitantly, rubbing your cheek on the soft material. 
“You look like a fuzzy little duck,” Bucky teased, trying to work fast so you wouldn’t notice. You giggled a bit, but then Steve came up with the real winner. 
“With you all wrapped up in this blanket, you look like a Baby Burrito,” Steve said, hugging you a bit tighter and nuzzling your cheek. That made you explode into laughter- something neither of them had ever heard from you while going through the hell of trimming your nails. 
“Baby Burrito!! I a Baby Burrito!!” you squealed before laughing again. It sounded so funny! You kept repeating it over and over. Papa joined in your laughter, and Daddy took the opportunity to race through your last couple trimmings while you were so thoroughly distracted. “Daddy?”
“Can I be a burrito in your army?”
“Of course you can.”
“I Private Baby Burrito!”
That made all three of you laugh uproariously. Before you knew it, Papa was starting to unwind you from your new burrito wrappings. Alarmed and suddenly anxious again, you snatched it back and flung it around yourself. “No! I a burrito!” you said, trembling when you remembered what was happening. 
Papa smiled indulgently at you. “You can be a Baby Burrito again after your bath. Don’t you want your pink and blue bath bomb now?” Your head whipped around to find Bucky sitting crisscross applesauce in front of you, grinning to beat the band. He held up his empty hands- the clippers had disappeared. 
“You’re all done, Private,” Bucky said, enjoying the moment. “Time for bath and then movie and cookies.” You looked back at Steve in astonishment for confirmation. He smiled at you too. You couldn’t believe it. You were done? And you....had laughed during it? It was over? You sagged in relief against Steve’s chest. 
“I WOVE being a burrito,” you mumbled in your bliss. Steve and Bucky laughed again and quickly got to work on bath time. A little while later you were in the living room, having drug your new favorite burrito-blanket out with you and wrapping yourself in it so snuggly that Bucky had to pick you up and put you on the couch between them as you couldn’t move. You managed to pull your hands free when the cookies came out, though. Ah, this was the life. 
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imnotacryptid · 2 months
Alexei Orlov | Callsign Kit
Call of Duty OC! I really enjoyed doing all the research to pull together his backstory details, and now I know that the British Military has a website dedicated to archiving like every kind of weapon ever, their uses, and when they were popular and why, which is incredibly helpful <3
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Read below for Lore!
Alexei was born in Russia, but his parents move to Manchester when he’s 10 years old. He experiences a lot of neglect as a child, often left on his own, and tends to get into fights easily. He joins the BAF at 16 for the bed and regular meals. He excels within the structured routine and expectations of the military (it’s the undiagnosed autism) and moves into special ops by the time he’s 24 years old.
He joins the SAS and specializes in reconnaissance, sometimes functioning as a sniper when needed. He possesses an ungodly amount of patience, and crawling face-down for several kilometers doesn't bother him because of the repetitive motion. His keen eye for detail and ability to sketch out markers and guesstimate accurate distances lends him well to the role. 
When he is 26 he is sent on a mission as a part of a task force to remove a drug kingpin in a city near Novosibirsk (chosen for his speciality and fluency in Russian) who has been making efforts to amass weapons of war. The objective was to find evidence on his supplier and then take him out. Things go wrong when intel provided to the task force does not account for the amount of men and the heavy guns they already had. Alexei’s own reconnaissance revealed slightly more men than expected, but the rest of the forces had been hidden, so the squad had thought they were prepared.
They are taken captive after being overwhelmed quickly once they move in on their target, and comms are jammed. Most of the task force is killed, but Alexei is used for translation purposes as he and what is left of the rest of the squad are tortured for information. Pretty soon the kingpin realizes that they won’t break/don’t know anything helpful to him, and discards the rest of them. Alexei had his tongue cut out in frustration by his captors when they could not extract information, and believing that the blood loss will kill him quickly enough, they move him into the pile to be burned with the rest of his squad that night. They were messy however, and missed the artery in his tongue. He manages to crawl into the shadows and eventually further into the woods where the bonfire has been set up. He packs his mouth with snow and ice, and once he makes it far enough away, cauterizes the wound. Once he makes it to Novosibirsk he receives medical treatment, and is then debriefed.
He enters back into the SAS once he finishes his recovery, partially because he doesn’t really have anywhere else to go, and partially because during his recovery when he is on leave, he desperately misses  the lack of routine.
His callsign is ‘Kit’ which originates from several different places. It starts on one of his first mission swift the SAS, where he has to sit for so long in one spot in the middle of winter watching the target, that a group of feral cats curl up with him because of his body heat. He ends up scaring his Lt. half to death when he’s late back to base because of it, and his squad will never let him forget it. They start to call him ‘Kitty’, and additionally because of his silent tendencies, even around base, when they’re looking for him  they’ll call “Hereee kitty, kitty, pspsps” As though they’re calling a cat. 
Also, because of his tendency to doodle on his clothing, he often gets asked by other soldiers and higher ups that are unfamiliar with him ‘What the hell’s up with his kit,’ which becomes another double meaning for his Callsign.
At this point, and especially after his escape from capture, he’s learned to deal with the nicknames, and from those he is close to in the SAS, he appreciates the jokes. His squadmates don’t even think about it, and will shout from the common area kitchen “Want some Coffee, Kitty?” and Alexei, who has just introduced himself to a new soldier as ‘Kit’ will just have to sigh and accept it. (One time an FNG tried to call him p*ssy as a joke, but Alexei just decked him then and there, and that was the end of the matter. He didn’t get in trouble despite his Lt. standing right there watching, because the man essentially told the FNG that ‘hey man, you were kind of asking for it at that point’).
Common attributes/symbols: Prefers the AW Covert, AW50F and compact Glock 19, and a Fairbairn–Sykes fighting knife when in close combat. Tends to scratch doodles into his kit when he’s bored, and many of his clothes he wears on duty have cats, birds, and bugs sketched on the sleeves or on the thighs of his jeans.
Common activities/hobbies: He likes to keep track of the stray cats he sees around whatever base he’s stationed on in a small notebook organized by color, breed, and type. He also is often listening to music (when he can get away with it/when it’s appropriate), leaning towards mostly russian rap like Miyagi, Truwer, and Markul*(his favorite).
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stocious · 1 month
weekly tag game!
thank you for tagging me @jrooc! 🫂🖤
Name and A03 handle: kaka, commonthugs
Current Location: sitting on my ass chef 🫡
Favorite picrew (don't have one? you can skip this or do this one)?
i had to scroll through my picrew tag but i like this one!
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What's one thing you want in a picrew? more sidecuts and more horns. always more horns.
Favourite thing you’ve created (or seen created) for the fandom? i haven't done much i'll be honest. mostly i'm just here screaming at all of you. but i like my magic!mickey au i did with sky.
Why is it your favourite? it was very easy to write! like, i was just kermit typing that shit out, and the world just came to me. i had no questions about it.
Did it come easily or was it hard to create? very easy. i stared at my two words and like an hour later i had a whole world in my head. i didn't even get to type out everything i had seen up in the ol' noggin.
Last ao3 fic you commented on? according to ao3 it was light my fire! 🫡
Biggest WIP heartache you’ve ever experienced? gonna echo jess here - things byond mistake. OUF. i still love it though.
Favorite trope or head cannon you like included in a fanfic? grumpy!mickey with a soft heart, dorky!ian, sports apperently, slow burns, resolving the conflict™, but i'll slurp anything up really.
Least favourite? gonna echo jess a little here too, i don't like when in an au they just get together right off the bat. i need to pine and scream and stay up all night to see what happens next. it works sometimes, but mostly i want slow burns to slooow burn.
Secret or surprising kink or trope? a/b/o, never thought i'd get it but here we are. other than that i was never picky too be honest. i'll read anything (and i mean that. i'm in the wierd shit channel @ fic club. and i like it.)
Describe how you feel after you’ve created something new? mostly i'm just baffed i actually managed to finish something. then i'm excited of course to share it. i'm that bitch who updates every second after i hit post.
Top hype man you have that always helps you get across the finish line: sky! @transmurderbug they're always so helpful and even if they don't know what i'm talking about (ehehhe) they always offer to help and talk it out. sky gets me.🖤🫂
It's been a bad day, you turn to the fandom and you _____? bury my nose in a comfort fic, like cg, tipdig, dad, swa, bsn, ycbm, it depends on the mood.
tags below the cut!
if you wanna do it, you've been tagged! @transmurderbug @sleepyheadgallavich @creepkinginc @celestialmickey @mybrainismelted
@crossmydna @energievie @blue-disco-lights @wehangout @suzy-queued
@mmmichyyy @vintagelacerosette @heymrspatel @gallawitchxx
aaand anyone else MUWAH
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vay99 · 11 months
Levi x reader
Dancing in the rain
Anime/Manga: Attack on Titan
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"Hanji that's the dumbest idea ever." you groan in frustration. Your friend has been trying to convince you to confess to Levi, as she always does, but today's plan is just ridiculous.
"But (y/n), dancing in the rain is so romantic." she squeals, nearly crushing your bones as she hugs you. "We're talking about Levi here. Levi. The clean freak. I'd like to live." you push her back by her shoulders. "Anyways I've to go."
"To help shorty with the paperwork~ Uuuh why don't you-" Hanji gets shut up by the door you close behind you.
As you're walking to Levi's office you try to calm your nerves, even though you're part of Levi's squad and like his right hand he never asked to do the paperwork together. Usually apart from each other, so as you arrive at his office you knock on his door.
"Come on in (y/n)." Levi's voice invites you, how he's able to tell your knock apart from the others still amazes you.
*1 hour later*
/Damn I hate paperwork, should I follow Hanjis plan? Dancing in the rain is fun, what if we'd even kiss? Those lips... /your thoughts trail of as you stare at Levi. Snapping out of your trance as you hear Levi groan.
"Hanji really did hide her paperwork under mine. That titan loving maniac." Levi hisses, reorganizing everything.
"She really must have a death wish." you mumble, but Levi heard it. "What was that?" he raises an eyebrow at you.
"Nothing. Just thought we need a little break don't we?" you try to change the topic, and it even works. "Good idea. Let's return those papers to the titan freak." he grabs the papers, walking towards Hanjis office.
"Heeey Hanji." you knock on the door and open it right away. "Do your own shit." Levi greets his 'friend', dropping the papers on her desk.
"Aaah thanks Levi, how genuine of you." she fakes a smile, Levi is already on the way out of the room Hanji makes some suggestive gestures, pointing towards the short captain and you. While you're waving your arms wildly, trying to stop her, Levi turns around.
"Tsk. You two spend too much time together. Shitty glass you have a bad influence on (y/n)." he locks eyes with you. "Let's go." "Sure." you blush a little, his strong gaze is one of your weaknesses. "Have fuuuuun~" Hanji sings, but you close the door real quick, earning a confused look from Levi.
"Why don't we go outside and get some fresh air." you scratch your neck, walking towards the door, until a hand on you shoulder stops you. "(y/n) it's raining. Do you want to catch a cold?" he asks, a note of concern in his voice.
"No, but..." you look down /I know it's crazy and stupid and will probably get me killed but I really want to dance in the rain with him so screw all sanity/ "... a bit fun won't kill you." running off with his jacket, he had hung lose over his shoulders.
"Oi! Come back you little brat!" Levi shouts after you as you run down the hallway. Eren and Armin are standing between you and your goal. "Let me thew!" you run towards freedom, the rain washing away all of your worries. "Give me my jacket back you little brat!"
"She'll get killed." Eren gasps, watching you running around with Levi's jacket, who's still under the save roof by the way. "Let's get out of here." Armin agrees, running off.
"You need to relax a bit! Come on, the rain is so relaxing." you smile at the owner of the jacket, which you still hold in your hands.
"I say this one last time. Give. Me. My. Blanket back." Levi says calm but with a Stern voice, sending a shiver down your spine. By now your clothes are drained and glued to your body. "Or what?" you ask with a cocky voice. Baf decision. "Or else you'll get a punishment." Levi informs you, and it was then when you had two options; continue to tease him and risk it all or, give in and accept the punishment which will probably be cleaning something.
"Uuh~ I didn't know you were kinky~" Not even too seconds after those words fell of your lips Levi is already standing in front of you. Snatching his jacket out of your hands he puts it on before grabbing your wrists to prevent you from running off.
"One last chance for you to come back inside. Or else you'll be sleeping outside tonight." he warns you, what a lame punishment. "I just wanted to have some fun. Come on grumpy, let's dance a little." you try to dance but he's to strong so your arms ain't moving just a little.
"You're unbelievable. Childish. Why did I chose you as my right hand again?" he asks.
"Because you need someone who knows how to have fun. I mean Hanji and Moblit are a good example." you answer casual, as if you're not in the worst case scenario you've thought about.
"You're spending too much time with her, tsk." he hisses, letting go of your arms, turning his head away. "And barely with me." he whispers that part so quietly that you nearly didn't picked it up.
"I can have fun with her, I can forget about all the pain we're going threw for a while. It's nice to do something stupid and childish from time to time. Dancing in the rain is real fun and since you've been overworking yourself... I just thought you might need to get your mind off everything." you confess, feeling him letting go of your wrists.
"Idiot." Levi chuckles, placing one hand on your waist, the other lifts up your chin. "Yeah yeah I know, let's go inside to do the stupid paper work." you groan, not noticing his soft expression.
"We came here to dance, right? So let's dance." Levi takes your hand in his and starts to lead. Never in a million years you would've thought that he's such a good dancer, so elegant and smooth. You're drained by the rain, body's closer too each other than the clothes they're wearing.
"Is that what you wanted?" Levi whispers into your ear. "Kinda, I didn't know that you could dance like this though." you admit, facing him and his handsome face. That's even more handsome threw the rain. This man is deadly.
"We did what you wanted, how about we do what I want now?" he smirks a little. You escape his sting gaze by letting your eyes wander, which leads to you noticing that Levi wears a white shirt. That's now see through. Oh his body is build by a goddess.
"You'll have enough time for that part later. Why don't we start like this?" Leaning in he captures your lips with his. At first you let out a surprised squeal, not fully believing what's happening right now. After the shock you close your eyes and kiss him back, causing him to smirk against your lips. Sadly you have to part again, leaving both of your breathless.
"Let's continue this in my room." Levi whispers against you neck before kissing it softly. "We need to get you out of these clothes quickly before you catch a cold sweetheart."
Waisting no time Levi throws you over his shoulder and carries you back inside, while you're thanking Hanji in your mind for giving you this idea in first place
/Thanks hanji for that idea, you're the best/... Not that she won't hear that the plan was successful this night, no, of course not. (Warning: Sarcasm)
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angelsanarchy · 1 year
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Alkaline: Euronymous x Y/N Series CH 3
Tagging: @ophelialaufey @madamemaximoff06 @forever-not-gonna-sink @ajmiila02 @liquidsmoothdomme @shady-the-simp
Oystein couldn't help but be a little anxious about the upcoming auditions of their new vocalist. He knew that there was a certain sound he was looking for but so far, no one had even come close. He practiced in his room at his parents house, somehow his other two band mates had both gotten flu so he wanted nothing to do with them until they were done puking their brains out.
"Oystein! Come give us a hand please." His Mom called up the steps and he glanced out of the window to see Y/n had parked the grocery delivery car in his driveway. She bounded out with a huge smile on her face, greeting his sister who gave her a hug. She was always very sweet to his family and he couldn't help but smile seeing that she had quite a few bags in her car. He placed the guitar gently on his bed before bounding down the steps and practically ran into Y/n as he exited the house.
"Oh! Hi Oystein." She smiled brightly at him handing him a bag.
"Hey, what's the damage today?" He glanced around her and noticed his mom had gotten way more than she needed.
"Bit more than usual but I just assumed your mom was throwing a party or something." She continued to pull bags from the car and stack them on the steps.
"Not that I know of." Oystein looked through the baf he was holding and froze when Y/n stopped to touch his hair.
"Wow you dyed your hair!" She pushed the pieces from teh front of his eyes and he watched her look it over.
"Yeah he wanted to look evil." His sister came down the stairs making Oystein roll his eyes.
"Oh yeah? Evil huh? I don't know if it makes you look evil but it does look pretty good. Very dark, very metal." Y/n matched the hand gesture that his sister threw up. Oystein was proud he had taught her that but even more surprised when she matched the gesture.
"I was just looking for change. Evil isn't hair color. It's a state of mind." Oystein cleared his throat, thrusting the bag he was holding at his sister to climb the steps.
"Don't I know it. It takes one hellish ghoul to help his mom with the grcoeries. Damn you to hell!" Y/n teased with a push but he grabbed her hand stopping her.
"You work in customer service. I'm sure you've wanted to slit the throats of tons of clients before. All those rude drunks that come into the shop, try and play grab ass or the ungrateful house wives who tip you with critisim instead of actual money when you carry all these groceries up their mansion steps." Oystein could feel her breath on his chin and she looked up to stare at him.
"Slitting someone's throat takes a lot more effort than you would think. I don't have the time or energy to be homocidal. I've got bills to pay, cute evil guitarist to visit." Y/n smirked making Oystein match her smile.
"Oystein, please don't breath on Y/n! I don't want you getting her sick." His mother had interuptted them and she took a step back.
"I'm not sick mom. They're the ones who are shitting themselves."
Y/n cringed hearing about his bandmembers.
"Soda crackers work wonders for that. Hopefully they can work it out." Y/n grabbed the last bag and handed it to Oystein before shutting her trunk. His mom had passed him the money to give her and she smiled taking it.
"Thanks so much. Have a wonderful week!" Y/n waved up at his mom as she walked inside.
"We're getting a new singer this week." Oystein said quickly wanting her to stick around for a few minutes.
"Cool! It's about time you got someone who actually knows how to sing." She ribbed.
"Does that mean you'll come to one of our shows now?" Oystein tried to get her to come to one of his shows in the past but she had never agreed.
"You know I work like a dog. I don't get a lot of time for concerts." She frowned.
"So what you're saying is I'll have to catch you on an off day?" Oystein asked making her snort.
"I wouldn't hold your breath for one of those. I can't remember the last time I took an off day." She stood in the door of her car and he rested his hand on it.
"Come on, you've got to find a little free time. How am I supposed to bring you to the dark side if you never make time for me?" Oystein stepped into her space and she leaned into him.
"Why do you want me to come to one of your shows so bad? You know I would stick out like a sore thumb around your friends." Y/n asked curiously. She was not a metal head or loud and erratic like the majoirty of the people he ran with. They were off the wall and wild, she was pretty calm and self described boring.
"Maybe I just like spending time with you." Oystein was surprised when she rested her hand on his chest.
"Why would you want to spend time with me? I'm alot harder to sway than you might think." He savored the feeling of her touch on his chest, the bit of hair she twirled on her fingertip was distracting.
"I don't know, I think I could figure out something." Oystein wanted to kiss her. He wanted to pin her to the hood of the car and suck bruises to her throat until she cried but a shrill yell from the steps startled him.
"Mom said not to give Y/n butt cooties!" Oystein blushed. Y/n laughed dropping her hand from his hair.
"GO INSIDE!" He yelled making her sprint back in the door after spitting her tonuge out.
"Let me know when you guys have another show and I'll see what I can do." It wasn't a promise or an acceptance of his invite but the little bit of hope she hung in the air was something he was willing to hold onto. He stepped out of the way of her car door and pushed it shut for her once she was inside. She gave a soft wave as he watched her drive out of his driveway. He never gave a shit about what most people thought about him or his music but he wanted her to watch him play so badly, he couldn't think straight.
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remusslove · 2 years
It's time for the little one's nap!reader but daddy!Theo ended up giving her too much candy which resulted in a little!reader being super excited because of the amount of sugar.daddy!mattheo,daddy!draco and daddy!blaise don't know how solve the problem
Too much candy~ the slytherins
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Includes: age regression, poly!slytherins, cg!slytherins, little!reader, and tooth rotting fluff
“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” You chanted running towards mattheo. He smiled before effortlessly picking you up. He hoisted you onto his hip as you tried to wiggle out of his grip.
He peppered kisses on your face before letting you down. “Why’s she so energetic today?” Mattheo asked watching you run around in circles.
“Gave her a bit too much candy” Theodore chuckled. “Cmon love it’s time to go home” Blaise called out to you. You ran towards him hugging his waist since he was so tall. He held your hand as you all began walking back home.
“You better hope she calms down Theodore, her nap is in an hour” Draco said. “Doubt it. remember the time Pansy gave her 5 pumpkin pasties and she didn’t calm down until 2 hours later?” Mattheo added causing them all to chuckle.
“No baf! No baf!” You chanted giggling loudly. Theodore sighed chasing you around the room once again. Mattheo chuckled at your antics while Draco was making you another bottle.
“What do we do she won’t calm down” mattheo asked Draco who was sitting right next to him. “I’ll go make her another bottle” Draco sighed getting up from the bed. He grabbed his coat from the rack before going down to the common room.
5 minutes later, he came back with another bottle. But, this time it was different. He laced the bottle with a sleeping enhancement. When he was down in the common room he ran into Adrian. “Hey Draco, how’s tiny?” Adrian asked giving Draco a handshake.
“She’s good a bit hyper right now, how you doing?” Draco asked with a slight chuckle. Everyone knew you were a little, during the year they all developed a nickname for you. Tiny was the name, and you loved it.
“Good. Hey theirs a slytherin party next Saturday since we won the championship if you wanna come” Adrian suggested. “Alright I’ll ask the boys but I’ll see you tomorrow for quidditch practice” “later” Adrian said walking back to his girlfriend.
You shook your head with a giggle trying to squirm out of Blaise’s grip. “Settle down love” Blaise said holding on to your waist tighter. “Nooo! Wanna pway!” You whined. “I don’t know what to do Draco, she’s still hyper and it’s been an hour and a half” Theodore said worriedly.
“She needs a nap Theo, we just need to give her something to help her sleep” Blaise said matter of factly. “Draco just give her the bottle you have” mattheo said not moving his eyes off his book.
“Here bunny, drink this and we’ll give you more candy ” Draco said handing you the bottle. You grabbed the bottle and drank it slower and slower as the charm started to work on you.
You let out a tiny yawn before snuggling into Blaise’s chest. They all let out a sigh of relief. Not another minute after, you were fast asleep.
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heeseongism · 2 years
I need all kind of thoughts about hoon
listen ive never been into public sex but with hoon... 😵💫
just imagine going to a restaurant with him and his friends but ofc you being the needy partner you are, can't control your hormones. however hoon being the amazing bf he is, helps you by sliding his fingers into your pants and relieving you.
he lightly slaps your thigh as a warning before cooing in your ears with a sickly-sweet voice "you better quiet down if you don't want everybody around to know what a mess you are right now baby. Allowing me to finger your needy cunt in public just because you couldnt wait to get home hm?"
before you can let out another noise sunghoon pulls his fingers out of your sopping pussy making you sigh with relief, only to bring his wet digits up to his eager lips, circling his tongue around his fingers whilst maintaining eye contact with you the whole time.
"Poor baby can't take anymore hm?" He smirks, running his tongue over his lips as he stifled a chuckle at your pathetic state. Locking eyes with you as his fingers creep in between your legs once again
"Shit” you mutter to yourself feeling your face getting hot again, the feeling of hoons fingers sliding into your entrance once again with such ease causing you to shiver. You gasp as he whispers in your ear “Faster this time hm?”
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just-jordie-things · 5 months
i've been brainrotting to hard these days😭 thoughts on husband nanami who treats his wife like an absolute goddess please (i need him so baf it hurts)
-🫧 anon
oh lawd nanami is the ultimate husband material !!
he COOKS and he cooks well. he's always experimenting in the kitchen- trying to make your favorite meals even better. i've prolly said this before... but if you get him a cheesy kiss the cook apron, he will wear it. (he'd keep anything you could ever give him)
he seems to know when/where you're acey and exactly how to soothe it. need a massage? he's already sitting you down. heat? ice? he's gathering it up as soon as he sees you stretching the sore muscle. he's so perceptive and eager to help... swoon
i think that he'd be supportive if you wanted to work- nanami is a feminist!!!- but honestly... he's happy to be the breadwinner for his pretty little housewife. providing for you and spoiling you becomes his favorite thing <3
speaking of spoiling... he's the kind of husband to gift you beautfiul, luxurious jewelry. he's keen on your tastes, always keeping an eye out for your favorite colors, jewels, designs... he loves to make sure his lovely wife has the perfect accessories to decorate herself with <3
there's never a moment he's not swept away by you. he makes every day feel like your wedding day again <3
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eggcompany · 7 months
Just A little Hero
Bakugou regresses in the middle of the week. So unusual! Thankfully he's got Caregiver! Hizashi and Daddy!Aizawa to help him and take good good care of him.
Age Regression, (little Aizawa but only mentioned), cuddling, and Littles Are Known Universe
“Ei?” Bakugou said in a feather light voice that nearly no one else ever heard. He was sitting on the edge of the bed swinging his feet not paying attention to the book sat open beside him. 
“Yeah? What cha need Kitty?” Kirishima answered, not pulling his eyes away from his laptop screen.  
“Um… I need Baba.” Bakugou said and kept swinging his feet and looking around at the different posters around the room. 
“What?” Kirishima said and whipped his head around to look at the blonde. He didn’t know if he’d heard his friend correctly. 
“I need you bring me to Baba. Can’t get to him by myself. Need help.” Bakugou said again in the light kiddish voice again. He said in a way that seemed like Kirishima was the one saying strange things. 
“Katsuki what’re you talking about? Are you like going to pass out or something dude?”
“Oh… no. No, I'm fine. I’ll- I’ll go by myself. I’m sorry Kiri.”
“No no just wait here. I’ll get Aizawa Sensei.”
“Bakugou, Kirishima has informed me that you’re not feeling- Aw hey baby, come on. Let’s get you back to Baba. Lucky for you he’s been in the mood to take care of his little Pompom.” The older man said as he pulled the young blonde up onto his hip. He smiled and tickled lightly at Bakugou’s chest. The boy laughed and locked his ankles on his Daddy’s opposite hip. Aizawa adjusted his hold so that he had one arm under his bottom and he had most of the little’s weight on his hip. 
“‘Anks. ‘M kinda code. Will Baba get a baf wif me?” Bakugou asked as he laid his head on Aizawa's shoulder as they made their way to the dorm where the two teachers shared. Aizawa stopped and felt Bakugou's clammy hand. 
“Yeah Pompom, Baba will give you a bath. I have to go talk with the other teachers so be patient with Baba.” Aizawa explained as he unlocked the door and walked in. Bakugou let out a whine. 
“I’ll be good. But will Baba get a baf wif me? Wanna snuggle.” Bakugou explained and looked around the room. He was familiar with the space, as were most students due to the fact that the littles came to be cared for and the caregivers came for advice. 
Aizawa called out once for the blonde with a short ‘Zashi!’ And set the babe down on the couch. 
“We’ll see, sweetheart. How do you feel? You usually don’t regress in the middle of the week. Did something happen?” Aizawa asks and kneels down on one knee in front of the boy. 
“Monoma called me stupid. Made me sad.” Bakugou said shyly. Aizawa sighed and patted the little’s knee. 
“Thank you for telling me. You’re not stupid Bakugou. You’re a very smart young man. Some people are mean huh”
“Yeah daddy some kids are meanies. That means they’re weanies too. Meanie weanies.” 
“That’s right. They’re weanies.” Aizawa agreed before patting the boy's knee again and waking to his husband's office. 
“Hey little Pompom, you need some Baba time? I haven’t seen you in a while!” Hizashi said as he finished straightening out his shirt. He hadn’t been wearing one in his studio so he’d thrown on the one he'd worn all day. 
“Baba! Baba baba baba!” Bakugou said excitedly and made grabby hands at him. 
“Yeah let’s get you into some nicer clothes and we can watch a movie or color or do whatever you want.” Hizashi said as he lifted the young man up onto his hip. Bakugou was wearing a sports jersey and basketball shorts. He was probably going to go running or go play in the regular gym with the other boy's. 
Bakugou whined and shook his head as he wrapped his legs around Hizashi's hip. 
“Wanna bath.” He said and sniffled. 
“You wanna get a bath? Okay! We can totally get you all scrubbed clean. Do you want bubb-“ Hizashi said. Bathing was good too. It always scratched a certain itch in his chest just to wash and touch the baby and clean him all up. That went for all the littles that came to him for baths or diapering. 
Hizashi started walking to their bathroom. He would need to get the little's basket from under the shelves. Each babe had a special basket of soaps and towels and scrubbies that they liked. 
“No Baba needs to get in the tub too.” Bakugou said and wrapped his arms around Hizashi's shoulders.  
“You want me to get a bath too? Do I stink?” Hizashi teased as he grabbed the green basket from the shelf and set it by their tub. 
Bakugou shook his head 
“No baba get baf wif baby.” He explained and looked down. Hizashi smiled. Bakugou was still fighting his true headspace. It was… small. Not an infant but tiny. He usually fought it and kept himself floating around toddler age. However he was getting better. He always had his names though. Bakugou, Pompom, baby. They helped him say what he wanted or needed. Praise helped him too. 
“Oh… aw you darling little thing. Have you been trying to stay big? You don’t need to be any bigger than you feel you need to be. Do I get to have Baby tonight?” Hizashi asked. Easing Bakugou smaller was key to getting him there. 
“Is it kay if Baby here?” Bakugou mumbled out. 
“Of course honey. It’s always good to see Baby. Now I need to lay you here for a moment while I get everything ready.” Hizashi said as he grabbed a few towels. Bakugou sat down on the floor for a moment as Hizashi slid out a towel on the floor for Bakugou to lay on. 
“Mhm. Nub ou baba.” Bakugou said and yawned. Hizashi laid him down and started to fill the tub. 
Once the tub was nearly full he pulled down the sleeping boy's shorts to reveal a pair of pink sparkly star bikini panties. How cute! Hizashi thought as he pulled them down. He soon pulled the boy's shirt up as he stirred awake. 
“Baba?” He said in question. Hizashi smiled at him and put all his big boy clothes in one spot on the floor. 
“Time for the bath! Can you sit up for baba?” Hizashi asks as Bakugou yawns and smiles. 
Hizashi sits him up and Bakugou keeps himself up. 
The older blonde pulls his own shirt off, exposing his scarred thin chest. He stood up and pulled down his sweatpants, leaving him in his small black briefs. 
“Alright in the tub now, let’s get you all warmed up and clean, little man.” Hizashi said with a smile. He lifted the boy up for a moment by his under arms as he stepped over the edge of the tub and sat down. Guiding the boy to sit between his legs. 
“Okay my sleepy little bug, I’ll wash you up so you can rest.” Hizashi said. He hoped Bakugou would doze. 
One thing about Little Bakugou Katsuki, he was a playful little thing when he was bathing. 
Hizashi got to work. 
“No don’t pull baba’s hair! That hurts! That hurts me baby. You don’t wanna hurt Baba. Don’t do that.” The older man said as Bakugou giggled and splashed as he had a fistful of Hizashi’s long blonde hair. 
“Sweetie, darling, baby doll, please don’t dump that ou- oh yeah we will have so many bubbles.” He said as Bakugou flipped the bubble soap over and squeezed more than half the bottle out. Bakugou had whined that he wanted them so Hizashi let out half the water so the rest could fill with bubbly water. 
“Baby you have to get dried off, you’ll get cold. Just hold still so I can get you all dry then you can have your blankie.” He tried as Bakugou ran around the bathroom giggling and dripping wet. 
Soon though the explosive little was dried off and tuckered out. He had on a pair of his thick cotton boxer briefs and was laying on his baba’s chest. Well his face was buried in his baba’s chest. 
He was sucking lightly on the man’s left nipple. Hizashi was watching some cooking program on the television and enjoying the warm little hand that was resting on his right pec and the sweet sleepy little sniffles the boy let out every once in a while. 
Sure his teeth were digging into his sensitive flesh and his nipple would be bruised and tender tomorrow but it was worth it to feel the baby so close and so sleepy sweet. 
Hizashi was rubbing up and down Bakugou's bare back trying to get him to stop biting down when Aizawa came in and giggled a bit. 
Hizashi shot him a glare. 
“Shut it, Sho. It fucking hurts. Some of us don’t have a whole set of tits like you.” Hizashi angrily whispered at the dark haired man. Aizawa grabbed his house clothes from the closet to change out of his costume. He hung up his scarf and undid his belt. 
“I do not have tits and it can’t hurt that badly. He looks so sweet, how can that ever even hurt he’s just sucking.” He said flatly as he looked at the boy's scrunched up nose. 
Hizashi was taken aback by the comment. How dare Sho belittle his suffering! 
“Oh just sucking, you try it then. I need to clean up the bathroom and grade. He’s almost asleep anyway.” Hizashi said and sat up, supporting the boy's head so he didn’t bite off his nipple. Bakugou creaked open his eyes and released his teeth. Hizashi sighed with relief as Aizawa pulled in a fresh pair of underwear and sweatpants. The dark haired man slipped beside his husband on the bed. 
“Whatever, ya big wuss.” He said as he lifted the boy so he could rest his head on his daddy’s chest. 
“Daddy?” Bakugou said in a sleepy confused voice. Aizawa shushed him and brought his face over so he could latch on. 
“Baba‘s gonna be back soon. You can lay here with daddy. Sh sh sh.” Aizawa comforted and drew up a blanket over the both of them, he tended to run cold. 
Only a half hour later Hizashi returned. He was thankful he did most of his tests on the computers. He walked into the bedroom as quietly as he could. Aizawa's jaw was clenched and he was taking labored breaths. 
“Oh you look a bit uncomfy. It’s just sucking isn’t it?” Hizashi asked as he walked over to his husband. 
“Shut. Up.” Aizawa gritted out and glared at the other man. 
“But he looks so sweet and it can’t possibly hurt that much.” Hizashi mocked as he pulled out Bakugou's pajama pants and large red riot shirt. 
“It hurts so much. How can you even stand this at all? I’ve seen you let Denki do this for hours. What in hell's name is the appeal? I’m going to have bruises.” Aizawa complained as he sat up, cradling the boy's back and head. Bakugou yawned and nuzzled Aizawa's chest hair a bit.
“Because my dear little dumpling, it’s a caregiver thing. Now hand him over he needs to really go beddyby.”
Hizashi bent down and plucked the boy from his husband's lap. He held the boy under the butt with one arm and hugged him with the other. 
“Ugh, he pulled my hair too. Not even gonna mention how he kept his knee pressed on my di-“ Aizawa complained as he stretched out his back. Hizashi interrupted him as he pulled Bakugou's pajama pants up over the little's hips. 
“Bite your tongue. Baby doesn’t need to hear icky words.” Hizashi reminded him as he smiled at Bakugou's face and scratched at his tummy. Bakugou giggled and Aizawa sighed. 
“Whatever.  He kept his knee crammed on my thing.” Aizawa complained and walked over to where Hizashi was pulling the shirt over Bakugou's head. 
“I’m getting a bath. Night Pompom, see you in the morning.” Aizawa said and bent down to kiss Bakugou's forehead. The baby smiled and giggled. 
Hizashi kisses Aizawa's cheek and picks up the dressed boy and puts him on his hip. 
“Oh so handsome! What a handsome boy! Now to bed with you Kitty” Hizashi says as he sips on his sandals and carries the still drowsy boy up to the dorms and to his room. 
Kaminari and Mina were sitting in the kitchen when they walked past. 
They waved and smiled and Hizashi nodded at them, they both had books pulled open in front of them, no need to bother them. 
Hizashi opened the door and held the baby with one arm as he pulled back the blankets. Bakugou started wiggling and clinging onto to the older man when he started to lay him down. He started crying and clawing at Hizashi's back. 
“Baba? Don’t wanna go! Want baba! Baba!” Baukugou sobbed messily. And used all his strength to hold onto Hizashi. Bakugou always had a needy clinging way about him when he got that small. 
Hizashi stood up and bounced the boy and swayed left and right. 
“Okay okay, breathe Katsuki. Breathe child.” Hizashi said and sat on the edge of the bed and bounced on his feet until Bakugou calmed. 
The young man was breathing heavily and crying and clinging but he was a bit calmer. Hizashi kissed his temple and whispered against the soft blonde hair. 
“You don’t wanna go to bed in your room? You don’t wanna be in your bed? It looks so nice and cozy though. I’ll tuck you in.” Hizashi offered and rubbed up and down Bakugou's back. He sniffled and let his grasp loosen. He rubbed his cheek against Hizashi's shoulder. 
“Nooo! Wanna sleep Baba, Daddy!” He whined and let out a small hiccup before sobbing. He wanted love. He needed to be loved up on. 
“You wanna sleep in bed with me and daddy? Are you sure? You know daddy has to get ready for bed like you do.” Hizashi asked. He wasn’t about to try and explain that daddy was little too but he wanted Bakugou to understand that Aizawa had to get washed up and fed and put to bed too. Bakugou sniffled and nodded, still teary and breathing shortly. 
“Wan baba daddy beddy.” He said in the smallest voice Hizashi barely heard it. Thankfully his hearing aids picked up the whispered breath. 
“Okay. Okay baby. We’ll see if daddy’s okay with it.” Hizashi said and picked the boy back up. And walked back to the door.  He walked back past Mina and Kaminari and waved at them again. Though this time Mina came up to him. 
“Hey Mister Yamada, is Bakugou alright? He seemed off today in class. Is he… uh… regressed?” Mina asked and whispered the last part. Kaminari was watching from the kitchen too. 
Hizashi rubbed the boy's back and nodded. 
“I admire your concern Miss Ashido, young Bakugou is having a bad regression right now. But that’s why we live in the dorms. We’ll get him tip top in no time. Have a nice night Miss Ashido. You too Young Kaminari!” Hizashi said and used one hand to wave to the electric heir in training. He waved back and Mina walked back to the kitchen. 
“Night Mister Yamada. Night Bakubro” Mina said and went back to sipping her tea. 
Hizashi smiled and walked back to their apartment. He heard Aizawa still in the bathroom and carried the still clinging boy there. 
He knocked lightly before entering. 
“Zashi? I’m almost done in the bath. Did Bakugou go to sleep alright?” Aizawa asked as he blow dried his hair, he faced away from his husband. 
“Um… well thing is….” Hizashi said and leaned against the door jam. Bakugou whined and Aizawa turned. 
“Oh?! Oh do you still need some snuggles?” Aizawa said and quickly laid his hair dryer down and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around his hips. Hizashi smiled and looked down. 
“Well actually Baby wants to sleep in our bed tonight and he knows you have to get ready for bed too. Are you okay if he sleeps in bed with us?” Hizashi asked and Aizawa thought about it for a moment, he chewed his lower lip before asking the only question he thought mattered. 
“Um… I think… I think that would be okay. Do I- can I still…. You know.” Aizawa tried to say. Sure he was stoic and a true solid confident man to many people, but in the presence of Hizashi in their home, he was nothing but a self conscious little kitten.
It warmed Hizashi's heart and he nodded and smiled. 
“Yes my sweet little dumpling, you can still be little. I’ll go get him settled in the crib so I can come get you ready. Make sure to brush your teeth and use your nighttime eye drops. Be a good boy.” Hizashi told him and walked out of the bathroom toward the nursery that was right next to the bedroom. There was a door connecting them so it was usually open so they could hear. 
“Okay ‘Zashi.” He heard before he made it far enough not to hear the sink running. 
“Okay Baby, can we put you in a diaper just in case? We don’t want you to wet the crib, do we?” Hizashi asked as he put the babe on the changing table in the nursery. Bakugou pouted and whined. 
“Noooo. Baby beddyby daddy baba!” He said and kicked his feet. Hizashi thought for a moment. Oh he thought he would sleep all night in the crib. 
“Sweetie it’s just until I get daddy ready for bed. You should wear your nappy to our bed too. Just lay here till we get everything ready. You can still sleep in our beddy.” Hizashi explained and rubbed one of Bakugou's ankles. He settled and thought for a moment. He was small, thoughts took a long time. 
“Otay. I sleepy.” Bakugou said and yawned. 
He laid still and pliant as Hizashi pulled off his pajama pants and underwear. He wiggled a bit when the older took a baby wipe to him though. His skin seemed a bit red in the crook of his groin. 
“Baby did that hurt or was it cold?” Hizashi asked. If it hurt he’d make sure to put extra diaper rash cream there but if it was cold he’d go on as normal. 
“Ouchy” Bakugou whined and pouted. Diaper rash cream it is. 
Hizashi made sure to be as gentle as he could, applying a thick layer of the white cream to the boy's thighs and groin. Then the powder and Hizashi bent to get the right size diaper. He looked through the drawers for a moment before only coming up with pull ups. He didn’t know they were out of diapers that size. Well most of the boy's wore the same size so it made sense. 
“Honey bun, are you okay with a pull up tonight? You can tell me if you make a mistake during the night. I don’t want you to sit in a wet nappy.” Hizashi told him as he pulled that padding up to his thighs. 
“Mhm” Bakugou hummed and lifted his hips a bit to help Hizashi slide the material over. He quickly pulled up the pajama pants too and folded the underwear to keep near the changing table. 
Hizashi picked up the tired boy and laid him down in the crib. He pulled up the soft blanket that was folded at the bottom and Bakugou snuggled in. 
Hizashi turned on the stare projector light and left the door ajar. He made his way to their bedroom where Aizawa was standing naked digging through his drawers. 
“Hey dumpling, why don’t you just let me do that. Go get a pull up from the closet and I’ll get your clothes.” Hizashi said and touched his lover's shoulder gently. 
Aizawa nodded and walked to the closet where his own diapers and pull ups were stored. He got one and sat on the edge of the bed, folded pad sitting in his lap. 
Hizashi pulled out a pair of Shota’s loose cotton shorts and decided against a shirt. 
He turned back to the tired looking man and sat down next to him. He rubbed his broad back for a moment before kissing his shoulder and patting his back. 
“Here, stand up and I’ll pull them up for you. It’s only for tonight Dumpling, you’ll have me all to yourself tomorrow night.” Hizashi said as he held the pull up down so Aizawa could step into it. Then the shorts and Hizashi made sure he tied the dark haired man’s shorts up so they didn’t come off in the night. 
“Go ahead and get cozy I’ll turn all the lights off and get Pompom.” Hizashi said and kissed Aizawa's cheek. 
“Kay.” He mumbled and climbed into their bed. He got comfy under the covers and closed his eyes. 
Hizashi walked through the flat turning out all the lights and making sure his equipment was turned off for the night. He walked into the nursery. 
“Baby, come on time to go to bed with baba and daddy.” He whispered as he picked up the sleeping boy. Bakugou didn’t wake until he was being laid down next to Aizawa. 
“Daddy! Warm.” He said excitedly as he cuddled up to Aizawa's chest. The older man whined in response though. 
“Zashi… can you sleep in the middle? I wan cuddles too.” He said and gave Hizashi the sorriest puppy dog eyes he could muster. 
“Yeah yeah Let me find my hair tie. Dumpling, do you want anything done to your hair?” Hizashi said as he quickly braided his hair down and tied it off with a small rubber band. He had to braid his hair at night or else it would be a total rats nest when he woke up. 
“no thanks Zashi.” Aizawa answered and pushed Bakugou away from him so Hizashi could lay between them. 
“Okay, leave me a space! I’m not that skinny.” He said and Bakugou made grabby hands at him again. 
He organized them so that Bakugou was on one side of him, cuddled up under his arm, and Aizawa was in the other, leg thrown over his own and face buried in his temple. 
“Night papa, night night daddy” Bakugou mumbled sleepily. 
“Night Pompom, night Zashi” Aizawa said and reached around so he had one arm over Hizashi's chest. 
“Sh sh sh goodnight babies, Now let’s sleep.”
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cf56 · 2 years
My thoughts on episode 4
SPOILERS for season 3, episode 4 of the Animaniacs reboot
This review will have less substance than the last one because I just don't have as much to say. You can skip the next paragraph if you just want to hear my thoughts on the episode.
It's only been four days, and I've already gone insane. It's killing me to be separated from the fandom. I see the snippets of discussions and the filtered posts I can't view and I just desperately want to be a part of it all. Participate in the discussion, share in the same emotions. If that wasn't a factor, I'd have absolutely no regrets about watching one episode a day. Especially after typing up my reviews, I find that one day is the perfect amount of time to thoroughly digest each episode and prepare myself to watch the next one. I don't feel myself chomping at the bit to watch two or three episodes a day. I don't even think I have the time to do that and also keep doing these reviews. The only reason I want to go faster is so that I can return to the fandom sooner. There's six more days and six more episodes. The emotions are super mixed, though, because while I desperately want to exit my self-imposed prison, every day that passes is also another day closer to the end of Animaniacs for me. Do I go faster and get back to the fandom, but risk less thoroughly enjoying the last season of Animaniacs? Or do I keep watching slowly but risk missing the most active period this fandom will likely ever have again? THIS is why shows need to be released weekly. It's a dilemma I can't solve, and it leaves me feeling anxious and detached all day, thinking about absolutely nothing else than all of this.
What? The episode? Oh, it was decent.
Here's a closer look at the three abominations:
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Could these be the animals the Warners are based on? I think a gold earring suits Yakko well.
"Do they watch us when we go to the bathroom?"
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Only once, Wakko.
I loved Yakko's expressions and animation here.
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I found it cute to see Dot looking at her spider with such love. An underrated, consistent part of her character through the original and the reboot is her fascination with keeping creepy little horrors as pets.
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POOR BABY! Can't you see he needs his chicken tendies?!
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I just got this joke. There were actually three spiders, Dot already lost one, and Andrew Garfield was forgotten.
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Sad to see how far seniority gets you in this field, because lord knows Dr. Scratchansniff has never helped a single patient.
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Like I said about the previews, Yakko is super cute in this segment!
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The ambulance driver said they were going to make another stop, and Wakko's daily activity was never followed up with like Yakko's and Dot's. Is this implying Wakko ate so much at the hot dog eating contest that he had to get an ambulance?
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It was a pretty funny segment that felt like the classic Scratchansniff-Warner cartoons you'd see in the first half of the original series.
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It still confuses me, though, how they said they were listening to fan feedback for season 3, but they still didn't bother to make Scratchy more fatherly like literally every single fan wanted. We went from Scratchansniff willingly taking the Warners in his car on trips to being upset that they happened to join him in an Uber because he chose the wrong option in the app. At least give us a few moments that show he has some care for the Warners- like when Wakko starts to cry, have him feel bad and willingly give in to going back to the restaurant instead of the Uber driver doing it. During the best parts of their relationships in the original series, he was considerate towards the Warners' feelings and asked about their hobbies. Have him show some interest in Dot's pets or Yakko's passion for yodeling. The segment doesn't have to go any differently overall. Just a few caring moments would make all the difference. The decision to revert Scratchansniff to being a typical cartoon antagonist for the Warners was universally panned in the original and it baffles me that they still carry it forward to this day. No one wants to see that.
The Pinky and the Brain segment was good but nothing special. I'm getting a little sick of the same old formula for the reboot. Why not start a couple episodes off with Pinky and the Brain and end with the Warners? Or any other combination of segment order you could do. The formula in the reboot has always been either Warners-PATB-Warners or Warners-(sometimes some other segment)-PATB.
I find it interesting that this is their normal cruising attire:
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I thought this part was an interesting symbolism for the two conflicting human ideas on climate change. Do we stick around and try to salvage what's left of our original home, or do we just try to bail Earth and start over in the stars?
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My favorite part of this segment was how it all instantly devolved into total nonsensical chaos in about one second.
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Poor guy will never get his revenge :(
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It was a decently funny segment. Not much more to say about it.
The episode was good. It didn't stand up to the last one, but I didn't have any major complaints that ruined the whole thing for me. There wasn't really a major musical number in the entire episode. I think they've been too light on the music so far this season. The Warners have only had two songs in six segments, and only one of them was super great in my opinion. Take advantage of these characters and legendary voices while you have them.
This episode was definitely worse than episode 3, but it's hard for me to decide between this one and episode 2. Episode 2 had a better PATB segment but a Warner segment that didn't do much for me like this one did. By virtue of me being a Warner fan first and this episode having some very cute moments with them, I think I have to put episode 4 above episode 2. Despite the lack at even an attempt at a song.
My current ranking of season 3 episodes:
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 2
Episode 1
I encourage you to participate in the discussion on this post if you have anything to say about episode 4 or those that came before it, but don't say anything about the episodes that come after. Pretend like you haven't even seen them. I have to thank my friends in the replies who humor me every day and discuss each episode without spoilers. You two are the only reason I'm still semi-sane. Without you, I'd feel completely isolated.
I don't know if I'll cave and start doing multiple episodes per day. This takes a lot of willpower, but for now I'm still tentatively planning to tough it out.
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attapullman · 6 months
Mo-Mo, I swore I was gonna wait for this but I just couldn't help it (lol).
After seeing those photos of young Royal and Cecelia in the promo shots, all I can think about are those damn home movie tapes (lol). We saw Cece's pregnancy journey with Rhett, but what about when the precious lil bean got older?
Royal's personal favorite home video was when Rhett was about ten months old and he brought him down to meet the horses. Royal was holding him in one arm and Baby Rhett was reaching up to pet the big stallion's snout when he suddenly snorted and scared Rhett, two seconds later the baby spit his binkie out and screamed "FUCK!!!!" in his lil baby voice........that was his first word (lol).
Cut to two years later when Rhett was two and Perry was being a little asshole at the dinner table. Cecelia's trying to get the kitchen cleaned up and Royal's making sure the boys finish their dinner and Perry's tattling on Rhett because of something stupid. Royal just cuts in and goes "Perry, nobody likes a tattle-tale", cue baby Rhett going "Yeah nobody does Pewy" and Perry dumping his whole plate of spaghetti all over his brother (lol).
Oh but that's nothing compared to that summer when it was bathtime. Cecelia would haul out the big metal washtub and scrub the boys outside. Royal was running in and out of the frame chasing Baby Rhett, who by this point was running butt naked all over God's green earth and loudly declaring "NO DADDY! NO!!! NO BAF FOR ME!!!!!"
Or the exasperated looks on their faces when Rhett came running up to them one day and Royal caught on camera poor little Rhett going "Daddy, Pewy pushed me in da pile of horse poop." Of course Perry's denying it while their grandfather, Royal's dad, is yelling for Perry to "get yer fuckin ass over here".
"The Great Leaf Pile War of 1996" was pure gold though. The dog was involved and had Royal and Cecelia rolling for hours.
Rhett, Kayce Dutton and their best friend, Wes Redwood (a very well known rez brat from over the hill and Joy's little cousin) filmed themselves at ten years old, singing along and dancing to Lil Jon's "Get Low" at ten years old in the bed of Royal's truck. In the background you can hear Royal yelling at'em from the garage to "stop singing that fuckin song". Years later when they were all at Montana State, some of Rhett's Delta Tau brothers helped him, Kayce and Wes recreate the video. Cecelia sent him a text when she got it with only one word in response "Dumbasses" (lol, she did the same thing when the boys lip synced to Awkwafina's "My Vag").
Mo-Mo please enjoy this hilarious little slice of life from the Abbotts and if you want any more, please let me know, I'm always happy to pick from the orchard (lol).
Mary, I needed this hilarious slice of life so much today! I'm actually rolling at Perry being told off for being a tattle tale because he has SUCH tattle tale vibes 🫢
Thank you for sharing the gems that are your mind!!
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kiankiwi · 2 years
An Absolute Tantrum - continued
Summary: You take care of Elvis and his sore throat after you get him home from the studio (someone requested I continue my last tantrum piece)
Elvis groans as he stirs against the leather back seat of your car realizing he'd fallen asleep and he's being pulled out your car. "I know, I know. Mama's so sorry lovie. But unfortunately you're such a big boy I can't carry you in." Elvis grumbles, shuffling along inside with you, "not a big boy. 'm little mama." You smile, placing your hand on Elvis' ushering him into Graceland
Once you get him inside and close the door, Elvis makes a beeline toward the first seat he sees and curls up on the couch, refusing to get up. Apparently going all the way up the main staircase to the master bedroom is too far for him right now. You sigh, realizing how ill he probably really feels and card your fingers through his hair lovingly. Elvis sighs relaxed, his eyes staying closed. "Baby, don't you want to go upstairs to Roxy and get cozy?" He groans. "No mama, S'eepy." You nod. You can't force him to go upstairs if he doesn't want to. You certainly can't carry him. No matter how much little Elvis would to be parked on your hip as he followed you around Graceland.
"Alright lovie. Sleep well." You whisper and leave the room, getting all the medicines and ingredients together to make Gladys' famous chicken soup.
*The Next Day*
Poor Elvis didn't awaken till the next morning. And the poor thing felt even worse when he awoke. He felt like he was swallowing razor blades, he had a cough and he was now stuffed up.
You were reading in the kitchen when you finally saw Elvis again. Upon finding you, he dropped to his knees and placed his head in your lap, whimpering. "Feel yucky, mama." You sigh, quickly feeling Elvis' forehead for a fever.
"Oh, I'm so sorry baby. C'mon bubba, let's go get you some tea." He nods, holding his hand out to you as he walks with you to the kitchen.
You had managed to get him to drink a cup and a half of tea and it seemed to help him a bit but since he had been coughing a bit now and he was also complaining of a headache you had decided it was time for some medicine.
Dr. Nick had given you a liquid tylenol to be given by syringe for whenever Elvis was sick in headspace so that's what you had planned to give him. But unfortunately, he had seen you loading up the syringe with the red gross liquid.
"No, mama. Mm-mm." And with that he sealed his lips shut and refused to look in your direction as you came at him with the medication. "I know it doesn't taste good bubba but it'll be done so quick and it'll make you feel so much better.." He shook his head. "Mm-mm."
You had attempted to poke the syringe through his pursed lips but any time the syringe came toward him he'd move out of the way in any direction, the rascal.
"Elvis. Honey, please be a good boy. You need this medicine bubba." He shook his head, eyeing the red medicine in the syringe. You sigh. "Bubba, the faster you take this the faster we can go take a bath and then watch your cartoons..." His eyes soften at the compromise. "'Toons in the baf?" He asks. You nod with a smile. "I think that can be arranged... only if you take your medicine though."
Hesitantly, Elvis opens his mouth for the oral medicine. "Good boy, baby. Thank you." He grimaces at the taste. "Swallow it lovie and we'll go upstairs." He swallows the medicine and proves it to you by sticking his tongue out as he opens his mouth wide. You smile. "Good job, E. Now c'mon." He nods taking your hand
Two hours later, after a long 'baf' and a few cartoons, Elvis was snuggled up in bed with you with a bowl of chicken noodle soup on a bed-in-breakfast tray. His eyes lit up when you had told him it was his mama's recipe.
Elvis eyes the spoon, nervous to ask for what he wants. "Mama, could you?" You nod. "Sure, lovie." You spoon him a few noodles but to your surprise he yelps and spits it back into the bowl. "Ah, mama, ha!" (As in hot)
You tsk. Of course you had forgotten to blow on the hot soup and possibly burnt Elvis' tongue. "Oh did mama forget to blow on it. Mama's so sorry love. Here." You spoon up another mouthful and make a big show of blowing on it before offering him the spoon again. He accepts it that time.
"T'ankoo for caring for me." Elvis murmurs as you two are laying together later. You play with his hair and peck his forehead. "Of course bubby. That's what mamas for. I love you E." He smiles, half asleep. "Love 'oo too." He whispers.
There we go :) I really enjoyed this one and I think it turned out super cute @arianatheangel-girl thank you for the request! If you have any more please let me know! <3
@mooodyblue @ellie-24
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