#i need my movation back
miradawhissu · 1 year
Making a new pfp ig
Tr6yfyftdtbfbjfuf I don't know where to start.
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somehhuuuhh · 2 months
Some old stuff (drawings, animation, ect)
I'm going to yap about it alot and there's going to alot of old art so yea
(Tw- wounds, slightly suggestive???)
Some Swap outfits 🩵
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The one on the left👈, I was thinking about what would swap wear sometimes as a casual outfit and also I was thinking about classiccherryberry (classic x fell x swap). I got the outfit idea from an outfit from Pinterest sadly I deleted the reference so yea sorry
The one on the right 👉, it's him as a mafia. At least I was trying to make him look like a mafia. I got the idea from a classiccherryberry art that they were mafias and it was a ploy thing which I really love. (Sadly I can't find the artwork fr some reason but if I find it I'm going to edit it in) oh and in that artwork Swap had this tattoo on he's arm and I was trying to do in my art but it looks like crap...
Sans undertale drawings :D
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On the left 👈 again me thinking of classiccherryberry but i was also thinking of another outfit that he could wear with his boyfriends and OF COURSE I HAVE TO MAKE HIM CHUBBY!!! Like look at him you can not tell me that he gives the best hugs ever >:T
On the right 👉 I was just experimenting on my artstyle after seeing a TikTok video where they use a cartoon artstyle and they use dots as eyes and I thought it was pretty cute. You can clearly see that it didn't work out for me but still a cute artstyle
Some random headshots
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There's not much to say they just random drawings of some characters
For the lust one I was just trying to find a design to them. I love to think they wear lipstick even though they don't have lips. They are just silly like that
For the Horror drawing....um is he scary? I tried to make him scary I think
Blueberror!!! Man i love that dude. I should draw him more...
Passive Nightmare is just so sad so I drew him beaten up and sad. Gosh this dude needs a break, he just six!!! For the love of God. If anybody hurt him I'm start my villain arc
I redrew this one frame from the original comic of Horrortale and it was Horror Papyrus. I like the horror Papyrus he needs more love
🐈Cat break🐈
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I love cats :3
I also love Inkmare :D
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I keep seeing inkmare as yuri and it's adorable so I wanted to doodle them. I didn't really have an idea but I thought why not have Ink annoyed Nightmare. Ink is touching Nightmare boob's to annoyed her :D
Nightmare will probably beat up ink and then make out ʕ ◕ᴥ◕ ʔ
Yay a random animation
This animation that I will never finish. It was supposed to a animation meme where my sonq and my ocd with a Gravity Falls audio behind. Idk I just lost the movation to finish it
A dusttale comic kinda
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For some reason I didn't give him any dislodge. Just pretend he's saying the most insane thing from a broken man OKAY. Idk why I didn't add anything, ig I couldn't figure out what would he say to Napstablook
So like the idea of this comic is that Napstablook is probably the only one that's alive because he's a ghost and stuff. This where dust finally defeated the human where they won't come back. Eventually Napstablook will notice that everyone is gone, they will wander around trying to find someone until they find Sans. I like to think that before Sans committed Genocide they at least know each. Napstablook was somewhat happy but still knew some was up especially since Sans being covered in dust.
Dust of course attack them but it isn't very effective cuz he's a ghost. Napstablook didn't really want to attack Sans, he's makes music not a fighter. So he give Sans mercy until Sans give mercy back and have mental breakdown...yay good ending kinda
For a bad ending Napstablook fight back and Sans gets very injured and Nightmare just comes out of nowhere and take Sans soooooo good ending for Sans just bad ending for Napstablook because they all alone.....so yea sad
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yesimilkdamilkman · 6 months
Someone send me a request, I need my movation back up!! (send dark stuff too!)
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commitmee · 1 year
Có lẽ tôi cần một cái đồng hồ bấm giờ để đảm bảo rằng hoạt động của tôi nằm trong quỹ thời gian hợp lý. Tôi cần kiểm soát hành động của mình chặt chẽ hơn vì tôi lãng phí quá nhiều thì giờ vào việc vô kỷ luật rồi.
Một danh sách các hoạt động chính trong ngày và quỹ thời gian của nó là không đủ với tôi.
Tôi thực hành song song
1. Nhắc bản thân nhớ mình cần kỷ luật hơn (nâng cao tâm lý, sử dụng giấy ghi chú) + nghiêm khắc một cách mềm mỏng với bản thân (theo dõi mức tập trung của bản thân, nghỉ ngơi hợp lý) + gợi ý các hình ảnh tương lai nếu cố gắng (động lực hình ảnh)
a. Danh sách hoạt động chính trong ngày (thời khóa biểu)
-> b. danh sách công việc chính trong ngày (dựa theo các mục hoạt động chính, sắp xếp ưu tiên, hạn chế số lượng công việc có thể làm thực tế) (sổ ghi chú Weekly, Daily)
-> c. các đầu mục / bước nhỏ trong từng công việc:
+ phân chia công việc (cụ thể nhưng tối giản) với Notion
+ todo list app Task
+ tiện ích mở rộng Forest chế độ Block web
+ Pomodoro với Focus sessions app Clock hoặc web Tomato Timer, Pomofocus
+ tính năng Timer trong app Clock (điện thoại) cho các công việc cơ bản hơn nhằm hạn chế thời gian ngẩn người của mình. Vd: đánh răng, lau nhà,...
+ Hoặc vừa làm vừa đánh boss kiếm xu với web / app Habitica
Tổng kết lại, bên cạnh việc mong muốn làm việc có kế hoạch hơn, tôi đang thôi miên bản thân đừng mua 7 cái đồng hồ Dretec mỗi cái gần 3 cành về chỉ vì không lựa được màu (cùng 2 cái đồng hồ để bàn hình hộp và hình hộp chữ nhật mua kèm sticker).
Maybe I need an arlarm makes sure I use my time right. My indiscipline have to be controlled (by me) cause I wasted time in it.
A list of main activities of the day and its period of time is not enough for me.
I practice those the same time
Remind that I need to be discipline (recall it, use note) + soft strict (tracking practical efficient time, take rest and make sure I'll back to my work again) + paint (future) image that how cool I am if I work (visual movation)
2. a. Make a main activities of day / week list (schedule)
-> b. Make a main job list (base on a. activities, prioritise them, limited amount of work, make sure I'm not a power-illusion person)
-> c. Have steps for each job:
+ tell what the difference between want-to-do task and need-to-do task with Notion
+ todo list with Task (Window)
+ Forest extension, Block web mode
+ Pomodoro with Focus sessions of Clock (Window) or Tomato Timer, Pomofocus web
+ Timer setting on Clock (phone) for basic task like brush teeth, clean house,...
+ Or work while fight boss make coin with Habitica
In sum up, beside desire of being better, I'm hypnotising myself that I needn't 7 fk expensive Dretec study timers just because all their item selections are too beautiful (and 2 table clocks with stickers).
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soldierallen · 5 years
Sooner. Part 1
Plot: Bucky's been wanting to propose two his longtime girlfriend and everytime he tries to something gets in the way.
(Only a 1/3 series don't get too attached)
"Hey doll can you... come over here for a minute." He said as he fixed them a dinner in their living room with candlelight roses
"Wow what's all this for?" She smiled getting closer to him kissing his cheek, "I just wanted to make you feel special you know you're my world I want you to know how great and wonderful you are" she kissed his lips lightly as he kissed back, they let go to eat dinner, this was it just as he was about to pull out the ring the phone started to ring
She got up answering the phone on the wall "hello?"..."bucky they need you ar the tower it's important" she hung up the phone he huffed getting up shoving the ring back in his pocket
"Why do we even have a house phone, we live in 2019 the world is filled with technology self driving cars and vacuum cleaners that vacuum for you! Carol I just wanted it to be us tonight" He was a little mad that they were interrupted, she laughed "buck, you do this everytime I think it's cool like older times, vintage" she got closer to him rubbing his chest lightly as he sighed his metal hand on her hip
"I'll be back" he kissed her slowly not wanting for it to end leaving without another word,
A month had passed he was ready to try again,
Walking in central park he smiled holding her hand as she pushed up her glasses that kept falling down her nose cause she was looking at the "scary" birds ducking her head every once in a while scared that they were going to get stuck in her hair, "I'll protect you" "you always have" she kissed him her hand on his neck both of his hands on her waist, one hand slide into his pocket about to pull out the ring when suddenly, a bird flew right at them causing her to immediately start running and screaming, causing bucky to burst out into laughter running after her
One month later, this was it his final moment he opened and closed the ring a billion times it felt like, he's had this ring for three months once a month he's tried convincing himself to do it but something always got in the way.
She leads him to a coffee shop he doesn't recognize where they are..
"where are we?" He asked, "wow how could you how dare you?" Still confused he looked at her
"This is where I first saw you! You and Steve were across the way at that bar outside" she pointed to the window across the way, and I prayed for that long haired man to come inside this coffee shop so I could possibly get his number, and when he didn't walk in, I walked out across the street to the bar" he smiled remembering the night he always thought the first time she saw him was at the bar, when really she was looking at him from somewhere completely different
"So why are we here?" He asked with a smile on his face
"Because I love you and i wanted to show you how I saw you for the first time oh and they have amazing coffee " She put her head on his shoulder she wrapped his metal arm around herself "I'm safe when I'm with you bucky" he kissed the top of her head "I love you to" he then touched his pocket for the ring, nope... he pulled his arm off of her checking his other pocket... nope, that feeling in his stomach erupted did he lose the ring? He checked his jacket pockets, nothing. Panic settled in quickly
"hey what's wrong??" She saw him start to panic she knew what that looked like she didn't want to alarm him too bad she gently touched his hand squeezing on it tapping on his skin "everything's okay" "relax, whatever it is we will fix it, did I say something??" he nodded his head no, trying to calm down he felt the tapping on his hand knowing he was panicking
"I lost something I thought I had it in my pocket and it's gone"
"What was it?" She asked
"The stress thing I use sometimes when I start to panic you know?" He lied to her for the first time, it felt weird and strange.
"It's okay I am here" she rubbed his arm lightly, they went home he tried to calm down but he couldn't he tried for her but she knew when this happened to him he was in his head and it was hard to get him out. Just then he opened his drawer, and there it was he immediately calmed down, he hated himself for ruining their night over the ring.
"Bucky LOOK I found it" she yelled finding his stress ball he thanked her giving her a kiss "I'm sorry for acting like that" "I know babe it's okay it's scary sometimes.. but I'm with you"
another month passed, finally this is it. Four months today's the day he proposes. This is it the proposal. Nothing will stop him
"Okay I've been waiting for this moment for years, months even" he prepared his speech, she opened the door to the bedroom dressed for their day out
"Let's get this show on the ROAD!" she yelled, they left their home walking around New York city going into stores their favorite restuarant they saw a play everything was going smoothly, nothing could go wrong tonight.
The lights of times square lit up the streets, it was midnight the moon was out but It felt like 2pm, and that's when the lights flickered on every building, a threat seeing an avenger pop up from every corner, Wanda, Steve, Tony, the list goes Bucky shut his eyes in annoyance
"Marry me" he turns to her, her body completely shuts out every sense every noise everything around her seems to go silent, her body drops to the floor Bucky immediately grabs her she sees his mouth moving but thr words she can't hear them,
"No no this can't be happening not today" he put pressure on her stomach, she was coughing her ears finally coming back from the shock she heard sirens and loud screams footsteps everything seemed heightened "hey baby can you hear me??" He questioned "hey buck" she felt herself slowly getting weaker she put her hand on his cheek her eyes started to water from the pain "no no don't, stop." He tried to get her to stop but she wasn't
"I love you bucky barnes, I always have we've been together for three years now?, God has it been that short of time, I feel like I've known you since forever" tears streamed faster both tears mixing together he kissed her forehead "I love you and you're going to make it don't give up on me don't do this to me, I need you okay?" He said putting so much pressure he screamed for Steve to get an ambulance a doctor anyone he yelled
"marry me caroline" she cried harder which made her feel weaker "yes" he pulled the ring out putting it on her finger they kissed when she pulled away to cough up blood "no no no" finally an emt pushed bucky out of the way they surrounded her body putting pressure getting her prepared for the ride
"I love you baby" he yelled with tears on his cheeks "I love you" she said, they put her in the ambulance
"tell him I would've loved to be his wife" she said with no movation
"You tell him that" the emt said.
It's been a few hours bucky's head is spinning his lungs are tight he's covered in her blood, his hands and his grey t shirt sweater are covered in dried up blood. He hated himself for putting her in danger. There comes in the avengers well some
Steve Natasha and Sam
"What's going on buck" Steve said
"She's going to die and it's everyone's fault because I couldn't propose because you couldn't stop them she has a bullet in her stomach she's struggling" he cried
"James it's okay just breathe" nat said sitting next to him "I can't just breathe when she can't breathe, she's apart of me... three years of taking care of her when shes sick with a cold when she has an asthma attack when she's hurt, I'm there and the only time she needed me I couldn't stop it I didn't see the bullet coming neither did she" he hated himself.
The doctor finally came out, after hours of surgery, "can I talk to the fiance in private" the doctor swallowed thickly eyeing his chart in his hand, "we're all family here doc.." Steve rubbed his chin not ready to hear the news.
"Miss Andrews got hit in the pancreas, she lost a great amount of blood we were able to revive her until her body started to reject the treatment" bucky felt his stomach turn into knots his eyes get watery he wasn't ready to hear this, not her she didn't deserve this.. no one did but her specially.
"We lost her, we're so sorry for your loss." The doctor felt genuine, "can I see her" the doctor looked at the surrounding people "family" he nodded "just the fiance" he said everyone nodded their heads as bucky's heart bested loudly in his ears he knew something in his heart he had to see her know that shes gone.
He took those foot steps slowly behind the doctor seeing a few nurses and a doctor rushing into another room a few residents watching, he walked Into the room not prepared her lifeless body on the hospital bed, "mr barnes?" It was the emt from the ambulance he looked at him, he handed him a letter "while she was with me she talked about you and I thought maybe you would need this" he handed him the letter, to keep the patient up the emt usual starts conversation and that's what he did and these were the things she said about "her" bucky
He sat on a chair across from her lifeless body the blood hadn't fully drained from her, she just looks asleep he thought he read outloud to himself and her body, "my bucky he's so kind, you know he proposed to me tonight" he sad smiled he wasn't able to enjoy her laugh anymore "God I have to get back to him I can't leave him, I wasn't suppose to die tonight" he started to cry "I'm falling asleep...it's hard to fall asleep without him some nights I lay awake thinking he's in an unknown location and what if he dies and I don't know but now it's my fault glen? Gary you're Gary? he's Gary my bad John" his tears fell all over his lap his hand reached out for hers he could've swore he felt her touch him back, "tell that man I would've loved to be his wife I love him and I wish i could've saw the day I would walk down that aisle and kiss him" he stood up and kissed her forehead "oh caroline what am I gonna do without you hun.." he wiped his tears on his sleeve his covered in blood hands leaving marks on the paper.
"You really wanted to marry me, as much as I wanted to marry you and we couldn't have that I walked around for 4 months with that ring in my pocket I could've did it so much earlier but it's all my fault, it's my fault your gone if I would've proposed sooner" he cried angrily at himself, the doctor coming in telling him he had to go they had to prep her for removal.
Them wheeling her away was his last straw, when he got into the waiting room he left not even caring about nat steve or sam,
He approached a bar sitting on a stool his hands still covered in blood, shirt too, he was a wreck his hair everywhere he hasn't felt or looked like this in years, he saw a figure of a person standing next to him they sat next to him on a stool he looked for the first time it was a women, he did not care
"You don't look so good" the women said, "please leave me alone" was all he said she backed off with her hands in the air "just because something happened to you doesn't mean you're allowed to be a dick" she begin to get up when he put a hand on her aggressively "I just had to watch my fiancé die in my arms I think I'm allowed to be mad" her demeanor became soft "I'm sorry, I was having a shitty day I thought talking to someone would help" "her blood is on my hands and on my sweater I'm in pain she's dead I'm alone nobody knows what am going through right now" she nodded "I'm y/n, talk to me I'm a complete stranger tell me things you wouldn't tell someone you know go for it"
he got up from his chair going to the bathroom he washed his hands and his face pushing his hair back his eyes felt heavy the tiredness finally got to him.
"You wanna hear it, you give me no judgement no input unless I ask for it do you have yourself a deal?" He said with a hand out for an agreement which she took and they headed to a booth across from each other her and his beer bottles clashing "start off with your name" she asked
"James Buchanan Barnes apart of the avengers and I just lost my girlfriend of 3 years to a gunshot wound to the pancreas and my fiancé of three hours." She nodded her head "y/n fox I work for the GCPD and my boyfriend of 4 years cheated on me with my best friend yesterday I lost my daughter 2 years ago she's been missing ever since" he clashed his beer bottle with hers "well we're in for a treat." He said taking a sip of his beer.
"You start" he said.
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misteria247 · 5 years
I've decided to cancel Main Olidia's story arc and basically get rid of Main Oli. I'm doing this because:
Her relationships ending are hitting too close to home with my own real life relationships at the moment (only I haven't snapped at anyone like her).
She's got no attachments anymore. She's literally completely alone at this point (even though I know that it's my fault and at the time it was what I wanted before my life went to hell and back).
I lack movation. In all honesty at this point I'd rather eat fucking razor blades then continue this arc.
She's no longer really needed tbh. Why keep Main Oli around if she's not needed? Having her around and not being needed for anything is giving me anxiety and stress.
I can't do it anymore. I've given up. There's no point in continuing when everything in my real life is falling apart as we speak.
All in all bad timing, stress, mental and emotional exhaustion and many other things is why I have cancelled this story arc. I see in point in continuing when all it does is give me stress, make me think about things happening in my real life rn and just not caring anymore.
I'm sorry if I messed up anyone's plans for future rps with Main Oli. But I can't do it anymore and I'm not going to.
I hope you understand my decision and respect it.
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Leveraging technology for academic achievement Several years back, when there was no internet, accessing study opportunities was difficult. Sometimes we stumbled on them when the deadlines had passed. Today, thanks to technology, we can get scholarship alerts the minute they are launched from any corner of the globe; we can also have access to infinite resources that empower us to apply. What more if one is a part of an academic mentorship program like the one Open Dreams runs, with technology at they center? Birds of the same feather don't only flock together - with their sense of focus and common purpose, they inspire and energize one another to great lengths of achievement. This is even truer when the movation and the passion are innate. Yesterday, Ndi Denis, touched down at the Copenhagen Airport where he will be studying Power Electronics (with specialization in renewable energy) at the University of Southern Denmark on a fully funded scholarship at the graduate level. The 2017 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Graduate from the University of Buea, who has been part of the Open Dreams graduate mentorship program for 3 years was very proactive and determined to crystallize his dreams. In a message to the OD Family, he had this to say: "I can't explain the emotions I have looking at my success now but if I had the courage to keep applying for scholarships despite numerous rejections, it was because of the energy, enthusiasm and commitment of other Open Dreams Scholars which kept inspiring me. I wanted to give up severally but getting the testimonies of others kept pushing me to try one more time. Today I can see my dreams coming true. I remain grateful to the Open Dreams Family for all the support and assistance when ever I needed them" Dreams do come true. #HALIAccessNetwork https://www.instagram.com/p/CTKfIeiN7Se/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pigeonacademic · 7 years
pipermccloud So far, i've made other alien species for the gems to interact with; some they've fought, some they're neutral with, others they've aided (or been aided by) and some they've opened trade with
thegemnants that's cool! i think it's really neat for the gems to actually be involved in intergalatic affairs with other species. considering how much of the universe they must've combed through, it would make sense for them to have at least met ONE species as powerful as them.
pipermccloud Yep! Could also be a reason why they need a lot of planets and why they had to quickly churn out half-baked gems for the war
pipermccloud Because resources were low by fighting an even bigger war
thegemnants in my fic, red diamond once commit genocide against an entire species which the gems were allied with, and because of that, the gems were ex communicated from the Union... which is one of the reasons why red diamond is so awful and yeah, if there were other aliens, it would make sense why the gems need more resources
pipermccloud The Union? I haven't heard much of REd Diamond Are you going to make a post on it? I need to go downstairs to check on my sisters real quick
thegemnants The Union is just a generic term I'm using to refer to the alignment between the other aliens :P and i do think you've seen red diamond, i'm probably going to draw some more intimidating pix of her
pipermccloud ! ^-^ I've seen her before, and she does look like she'll crush you if you so much aas look at her funny
thegemnants yep! because she did that horrible atrocity to the alien species, gemkinds reputation tarnished. but it doesn't end there, because red diamond was also exiled from the gempire as a whole. not just because she commit that genocide, but because of how she did it-- forcing fusion with the other 4 Diamonds.
pipermccloud BIG YIPES
thegemnants So, Red Diamond was cast out, and took her Court with her, vanishing to create her own empire. And she was gone for millions of years before returning, stronger than ever. There's more to it than that, but yeeeeah, that's red diamond's story :'D
pipermccloud DAMN SHE'S HORRIFYING Suggested nickname for her: The Red Death
thegemnants absolutely! :D Sometimes I wanna call her Blood Diamond, which is an actual term! but, you knooooow gems dont have blood :'D
pipermccloud Pfffft! True So, how is her empire like? I bet she was real rough on them now that she was on her ow n
thegemnants it's a dystopian hellscape where gems are shattered for showing the slightest bit of disrespect or noncomfority. yellow wishes she had the heart to be this intense. the only gems free from red diamond's wrath are her pearl and her zirconia, because they've been so brainwashed that they would never even THINK of doing something that would upset their diamond.
pipermccloud sent a GIF
holy cow- So, she's a dictator basically, a warmonger?
thegemnants HellllLLLL YEAH!
thegemnants and the thing is, she and her court live entirely on ships she leaves nothing left of the planets she harvests Gems from
pipermccloud OOH o-o She makes them go ka-boom. Out of not wanting to leave a trace, leave any resources for the others or just because of sadism?
thegemnants mostly just wanting to be undetectable now, what if i told you, that in my fic, there's someone worse than red diamond :'D
pipermccloud Okay, how can anyone other than Space Satan herself be more terrifying- I'm curious how o_o
thegemnants So, you may be wondering this, not just in fic sense but just in SU canon general.
thegemnants Where did the Diamonds come from? Well, a long time ago, a burst of magic born of the gap between universe brought life to a planet of carbon. Not of carbon-based minerals or carbon-based organisms, but purely of the element Carbon. "I want friends, I want friends," she cried, this living Carbon.
pipermccloud O-O
thegemnants So, from her body, she created 5 children: the Diamonds. Red, Pink, Blue, Yellow, and White. "But it's not enough" So, after a while, Carbon sent her children out to make "more friends" Thus, the first Gem Colony was created "But it's not enough, it will never be enough"
thegemnants So, the Diamonds continued to spread out, taking planet after planet, creating Gem after Gem
pipermccloud O_O
thegemnants However, after a supernova, the Diamonds were seperated from Carbon. Even though she no longer had her grasp on them, the Diamonds were still terrified of what would happen if they didn't please her. So they kept grabbing planets and making Gems.
pipermccloud holy cow
thegemnants But then, guess what? When Red Diamond was banished, she went to the other side of the universe
pipermccloud what
pipermccloud CARBON
thegemnants SHE TOOK A BIG BITE OUT OF IT AND ABSORBED BILLIONS OF GEMS INTO HER BODY and when i say absorbed, i mean they are digesting forever inside of her while being completely concious and part of a hivemind so yeah, carbon is the "final boss" of the fic
pipermccloud I cannot find a gif for the life of me to express how horrific that is So, Cluster but over 90000 holy shit
thegemnants Yep! And that's the entire reason why Yellow wants the Cluster. What better to take out a planet-sized monster than a planet-sized monster?
thegemnants It probably would've only served as a distraction, though.
pipermccloud How many gems know of Carbon's existence? For the newer ones, is she regarded as a myth?
pipermccloud Also, what does Carbon look like?
thegemnants oooh, carbon being a scary myth that agates used to scare new recruits is actually a really good idea!
pipermccloud :D
thegemnants originally i was gonna go with a 'just diamonds know', but very, VERY old gems probably know, too and carbon is like a giant, black planet, slightly larger than earth, with a face a fucked-up nightmare face and she reflects no light have you heard of hellstar remina? that's what i'm envisioning carbon to look like, but all dark and stuff
pipermccloud I haven't actually, but holy-cow, imagine her eclipsing Homeworld..a dark shadow falls across the gempire, and wait-does it have TEETH AND EYES-
heres a picture of remina from hellstar remina basically something like this mixed with the face of an elderly woman
pipermccloud !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pipermccloud sent a GIF
You got an eye for nightmare fuel
thegemnants awww thank you ;w;
pipermccloud She's VERY terrifying, both in personality AND appearance Red Diamond is practically Mother Thersa compared to her, isn't she?
thegemnants pretty much! :'D even red is terrified of her at first red wanted to pull a "mommy, my siblings were mean to me! aren't you going to punish them?" but when carbon took that nice, juicy bite out of homeworld she immediately went to "WTF MOM THIS ISNT WHAT I MEANT!"
pipermccloud Classic mom, always misunderstanding and doing things her own way-
pipermccloud Is it likely she'll take a bite out of her own kids too?
thegemnants they'd have to do something reeeeeally bad for that to happen, so while possible, not likely not that it's much of a solace, considering she'll still breath down your neck and cause constant anxiety with her moon-sized eyes staring down at you
pipermccloud eugg I feel so sorry for all the Diamonds even Red And this also just gave me an idea for art! How many Diamonds did Carbon have again-
thegemnants 5, but she could probably make more if she wanted. she just chooses not to :D
pipermccloud "Okay, five's enough for me, this bunch is getting out of hand."
thegemnants not to mention, since she literally turns parts of her body into the diamonds, it would probably hurt a lot huhuhu
pipermccloud Ooh, planet-version of labor pain I'm going out on a limb here and guessing she likes Red better than the others? thegemnants Well, in her eyes, Red DID come and find her, even if it wasn't actually intended. So, she probably liked Red the best. Speaking of RD's dystopian style gempire, how much does it differ from Homeworld?
thegemnants i guess it's just really... tight. homeworld as we see it in the show seems pretty bland and generic as far as alien empires go, but in my fic, i want it to be like a mirror of earth where some things are similar but the things that are different are so vastly different that its hard to wrap your head around it. (not saying that my version is better, im just not a fan of the way this show is handling its mythology)
thegemnants Whereas Red Diamond is just a complete warrior culture where none of the members have any free time at all (except for RD's Pearl and Zirconia)They're always training, training, training, working, working, working. Ship builders and engineers and mechanics have to be constantly on their toes, since the Court lives solely on ships Soldiers have to be constantly sparring one another until exhaustion cycles into movation Sapphires have to novelize any and all visions Mages have to work on spells, Tourmalines have to work on maps, Agates have to constantly supervise, etc etc etc There is literally no room for anything else
Architect wise, how do the ships look inside and out?
thegemnants big enough to be cities, but inside, it's mostly just angular and grey monotonousness. but the gems in RD's court are just so used to it that they can tell the slightest differences in these highly-similar locations to find their way around and yes, shattering always is a fear sans those higher-up, who are the only ones allowed to show any sign of slack Do they have a uniform or is it a variety, as long as it allows them to function?
thegemnants it's all uniform per gem race, although, i suppose somewhat thankfully, red diamond does like to get fancy with it thegemnants I feel like she'd prefer to stay sedentary unless she has a reason to move. Although I also think she has a room where she goes when she's upset where she just fucking beats up statues to get her stress out.  @ufolotus
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