#i need to do other things but i dont WANT to.....
asapeveryday · 2 days
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Pairing: Nika Mühl x Reader
Warnings: smut, cheating (not on reader tho!!)
Summary: having a crush on someone who’s taken is complicated. Doesn’t stop you though! (I’m sorry)
A/n: was gonna be a Paige fic buttttt I’m in a Nika mood. ALSO PLS DONT HATE ME FOR THIS. It’s based off of a request +this song, I thought the concept was entertaining. I love Nika and her bf. This is fiction. Pls chill on me.
HER BREATH, harsh against your neck as she presses herself against you is enough to make your head spin.
She’s leaning half her weight on you, laughing against your skin at how you stiffen up. To Nika, it’s probably because she’s gross and sweaty. She doesn’t know it’s more because her touch prompts you to think thoughts you can’t shouldn’t think of her.
“You’re slow today.” She says cheerfully. “Don’t tell me you’re slacking now, baby.”
You almost shudder at the pet name but recollect yourself. “Since you’re so pumped up you shouldn’t need my support.” You scoff, playfully shoving the Croatian girl off of you. She fakes a stumble but gracefully catches herself.
“Careful! If I get hurt then you’re gonna hear from Geno.” She smiles.
You just shake your head, grinning to yourself. “Your bitching and moaning is ten times worse than the old man.”
The two of you walk around for a while. This was your usual routine, running your favourite trail twice a week, then walking for a bit before grabbing a bite to eat. Routine or not, it also happened to be your favourite part of the week.
Why wouldn’t it be? Seeing Nika like this; tight shorts stopping mid thigh, sports bra exposing her toned body and flashy belly piercing, hair pulled into a tight ponytail, giving you perfect access to the beauty that is her face.
Running with her meant being able to look at her without others around to notice, it meant listening to her breathing quicken and slow, or holding your own breath when she’d slightly pull up the edge of her shorts to examine the accumulating colour on her already tan skin.
To say you had a crush was an understatement.
“So,” you say, breaking the silence. “when’s your next game?”
Did you know when the next game was? Of course. You knew when all her games were.
“Day after tomorrow.” She grins, tilting her head signalling you to prepare for a question. “Am I gonna see you at this one?”
“Nika..” you force out a sigh. “Such bad timing. I have a thing.”
She raises her perfectly shaped eyebrow now, the look in itself is not alien to you yet still incites a drop in your stomach. You hate disappointing her time after time.
“Seriously? How do you manage to have a thing every single time I have a game?”
You shrug. “I’m sorry, Niks.” You frown, not lying. “I wish I could go,” again, not lying “but stuff just keeps coming up.” ok, now you’re lying.
She doesn’t say anything, just eyes you suspiciously.
“I might be free after though.” You sneak in hopefully.
“Fuck yeah!” She squeals, slapping your back. “Cus’ when we win imma need you right next to me partying.”
You smile at her hand on you, at her happiness with your presence.
“Wanna go eat now?” You ask. “I’m starving.”
A car pulls up by the curb the two of you walk through and lets out a slight honk.
Now Nika’s face scrunches up. “Oh (Name), totally my bad, I forgot to tell you I’m going out to eat with my man today.”
Fuck your man. “Thats okay Niks.” You say. “All good.”
“It’s alright anyways. I’ll be seeing you Friday night after we win, and hey, at least try to watch the game online!”
And with that you watch her scurry off towards the passenger seat and happily jump in, kissing her boyfriend on the cheek and buckling her seatbelt. Her boyfriend waves at you slightly, aware of your friendship with Nika but not so aware of your infatuation. You want to scowl, but you force a smile.
You’re there standing, watching as the car pulls away and starts on the road. You don’t miss how Nika turns around to hold your eye until the car fades out of your vision.
You don’t know how much longer you can do this.
How much longer can you go on with this? With overthinking every lingering touch, restraining yourself at the sound of her voice, finding ways to run into her, knowing her schedule, being there for her wins and losses, wishing ill on her perfectly boring friendly boyfriend.
With every stride of her muscular legs beside yours, matching your pace, synchronized breathing, eyes meeting each other on perfect timing every time, you refuse to miss how she begs for your presence at important events. She refuses to miss how you freeze at the sheer mention of her partner.
She’s moody when you arrive at the bar. It’s different from the usual post-game celebration spot, less frat-like and more artsy. Warm lighting, hip hop blasting, decor littered fittingly with NBA and WBNA players.
You can see her clearly, leaning against the bar with her arms crossed, her drink half full on the counter behind her. She smiles when Paige shoves her playfully, but it fades as soon as the blonde turns her back.
You swallow the thought that she’s like that because she thinks you’re not gonna show. You know if you encourage things like that, it’ll only get ahead of your better judgment.
That being said, you were sure to dress exactly how she likes sexy. Hair done with intricacy that almost warranted a breakdown, makeup natural and with intention, clothing showing off how hard you’ve worked on those long runs. The way her lips slightly part at the sight of you is enough to short circuit your brain.
Ignoring how her friends seem to share looks at your presence, you slide up beside her as smoothly as possible before taking a sip of her drink.
“Good game.” You smile.
“You watched it?”
“I always do.”
“Yet you never come.” She scoffs.
“I can’t.” You say through gritted teeth, and it’s the truth. If you saw her play in real life it’d only make you want her more. “But I’m here now.”
You bump shoulders with her. “I’m here to celebrate my Nika.”
“Your Nika, huh.” She turns to you, lips turning upwards into a dangerous smirk.
Before you can respond, Paige is beside you. Her cheeks are unnaturally pink and she’s laughing up a storm that only screams intoxication. “Last I heard this was a team celebration.” She grins. “We love you and all, but why’re you here?”
You’re embarrassed and unsure what to say, but Nika immediately speaks up.
“Cus’ I want her here.” She quips, not too hostile but still enough to get the message across. With her quick words and beautifully furrowed brows she’s practically written BACK OFF in sharpie on Paige’s forehead.
“Aight, aight.” Paige chuckles, hands raised in surrender. Her teammates just shake their heads, and soon enough everyone disperses.
Getting drunk with Nika was a rare but amazing once in a while occurrence. She was not the type to be irresponsible, but the two of you were approaching a dangerous zone after an hour or so of talking and drinking. She couldn’t get a word out without laughing, and you couldn’t stop bouncing your leg to distract yourself from pouncing on her right then and there in front of all the other college kids.
“Have you ever thought of cheating?” She finally manages to hack out between giggles. You’re in a daze at the question, it’s too much to handle combined with her flushed face and batting eyelashes.
“Cheating…like on my partner.”
“Pfft, yes, who the fuck else?” She throws her head back. “Have you even dated? I never see you with anyone.”
“I’ve dated.” You say curtly, downing your drink and ordering another. “My last girlfriend was five months ago.”
“You had a girlfriend when we met?” She asks, eyes wide.
“I did.” You scoff. “We broke up, hic, like a couple weeks after you and me started running.”
“Huh, weird timing.” She mumbles. Your heart literally skips a beat, and you almost choke on your own spit.
“What’d you say?”
“Nothing, nothing.” She rushes, waving her hand dismissively. A beat of silence passes between you and her.
“I have thought of it.” You sigh. “Of cheating, I mean. It’s kinda why I broke it off with the last girl. I felt bad.”
“You’re better then me.” She grumbles, rubbing her forehead.
“Oh?” You smile teasingly, leaning into her slightly. “Trouble in paradise?”
“He’s great.” She says, the words a frantic mess leaving her mouth. “He treats me good. I just have….” She says, trailing off.
“I just have doubts about him. And interests in someone else.” Nika exhales, lips attaching to the rim of her drink and eyes flitting to yours. She’s saying something to you with her expressions alone, dissecting her words was a whole other job.
“And does this person share your interest?” You mumble, shifting in your seat.
“I dunno.” She shrugs. “I see em’ a lot. She looks at me like she’s interested, but she doesn’t get too close.”
“She doesn’t?”
“Nah, she doesn’t.” Nika shakes her head ever so slightly. “I’ve tried to get her with me more. Y’know, good seats at my games, drinks with my friends. She’s always busy.”
You can’t help but shudder at how she licks her lips in between words as her eyes search your face for any sort of reaction.
“Maybe she’s thrown off by that boyfriend of yours.”
“Do you think if she knew the boyfriend wouldn’t stop me, she’d still give it a chance?” Nika says slyly,
“Hm.” You say, legs pressing together. You can feel your pulse in your pussy and it’s getting hard to ignore. You consider your options before settling with “with a grand gesture to prove it, I don’t see why not.”
“Grand gesture, huh.” She leans into you, her lips just grazing your ear. “I might have something in mind.”
And with that, you’re on your feet and being led by hand through what feels like masses of people. You almost stumble at one point, head slightly spinning from the alcohol in your system and the speed she’s pulling you, but she doesn’t stop. There’s a twinkle in her eye that excites you to your core.
You’re embarrassed immediately when you enter the washroom and there are two girls by the sink touching up their makeup. You and Nika stand by the door excruciatingly awkwardly, her hand tight around yours.
The girls notice the shift in the air, or perhaps it’s Nika’s hazel eyes shooting a glare only opposing teams usually see that causes them to exchange a knowing look and leave as swiftly as the two of you came in.
In an instant her lips are on yours. You find yourself wishing you weren’t so drunk, you’ve only been fantasizing about this kiss for the five months you’ve known her and the three months prior you noticed her around campus. Despite the speed you hope to remember every breath in excruciatingly slow detail.
It’s a rush so aggressive you wonder if she’s making up for lost time. Your back hits the wall for a moment before you’re hoisted up onto the sink. When you let out a gasp she finds opportunity to meet your tongue with her own, deepening the kiss.
“Do you actually want me?” You whisper between kisses, feeling her brows furrow at your question. “Or is this just something to get back at your little boyfriend.”
“Don’t even start.” She snaps, pulling away from you ever so slightly. Her calloused hands are firmly planted on your hips, and her lips are hovering just above yours. It’s impossible to for you to hold any eye contact at this proximity, but she doesn’t struggle at all. “Why d’you think I always want you with me to celebrate n’ not him?”
You just shrug, feeling a wave of discomfort wash over you now.
She places a chaste kiss on your lips, different from the ones before. “I’ve never asked him to come with me to a bar with the girls. I’ve never asked anyone who isn’t on the team except for you.”
Now her kisses are trailing down your neck, she’s licking spots softly before sucking on the supple skin so tenderly, unmatched compared to the earlier feverish pace. “I’ve literally been begging you to come to my games, babe, begging.”
Now you scoff. “Are you serious? Do you think that makes it obvious you want me?” You say, attempting to keep a steady voice though it’s so hard when she’s nipping at you and tainting your skin purple and pink with lovebites.
“I’m sorry.” She whispers, her breath now warm between your thighs. “Can I make it up to you?”
You stare at her, pouting. You want to say no so badly, you want to push her away and tell her she’s awful for this, but you know you’re no better. You know your touches linger too long on her back, you know the way you think about her makes you just as guilty, which is why when you see her begging between your legs there’s no possible answer you could give other then yes.
And with the utter of your approval Nika is diving headfirst into the current you’ve both been swimming to avoid, her skilled hands holding your skimpy underwear to the side as her lips plant kisses near and on your pussy. You open your legs wider for her, and to thank you her tongue swirls manipulatively around your clit.
The bathroom is starting to blur through your vision, throwing one hand over your mouth to stifle too-loud-sighs while the other hand grasps Nika’s brown hair.
With every huff, whine and jolt she sends through your body you feel a growing sensation in your core. The brunette girl laps at your folds, sucking on your clit while her fingers tease your entrance. The combination of her fingers and mouth turn your sighs to whines and quiet cries of her name.
“See how sorry I am?” She mumbles between your legs. “So, so sorry baby. I shouldn’t be playing with you like that and assuming you know what I want.” Nika smiles, every word spoken sending shivers down your spine.
“S’okay.” You exhale. “Don’t stop.”
Once her fingers find the perfect pace she rises to meet your lips. Her kisses are passionate and messy, you couldn’t care in the slightest though. With every bite of your lip and curl of her finger you feel closer and closer to the edge.
“You close?” She whispers, and you nod timidly in response. Nika gives you the sweetest smile as she pumps in and out of you, your breathing is frantic and somehow in sync with hers. You think about how many times you’ve been so synchronized, but never like this. She bares a triumphant look, maintaining eye contact when you climax all over her fingers. Nika presses sweet kisses to your lips and you bask in the realization of what has just happened.
For a moment, just a moment, you forget she belongs to somebody else, because in this moment she is yours.
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zeldasnotes · 7 hours
𝖑𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 🦇
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🦇 Lilith in Capricorn wants position & status and can be shamed for demanding the same respect and position as men. Example: Hillary Clinton & Kamala Harris both have this placement. Women are often expected to seek status by being a wife so women with this placement can awake a ”Wtf she think she doing?” reaction in men.
🦇 While Lilith most times shows a strong interest, fascination or even obsession with the sign or house its in or with the themes of the planet it aspects it can also show complete rejection of it & not wanting anything to do with it.
🦇 I dont know why but I never felt the need to be bitchy towards men who have their Lilith on my Moon. I get a ”you are not like other men” feeling with this aspect. They dont trigger my fight or flight response. Something very unique with this synastry aspect.
🦇 A lot of Moon conjunct Lilith people physically resemble the Moon in some way physically. Ive seen a lot of them have Moon shaped eyes or a round face & very rounded features, sometimes super shiny hair.
🦇 Lilith in the 11th house might be fixated with the ”in crowd”. Might hate them but at the same time watch them. Its giving Janis Ian from Mean Girls. They often have a past friendship with someone from the in crowd.
🦇 Lilith can show what you hate in society and feel a strong need to rebel against. Lilith 2nd house might rebel against stuff being done to their body(like vaccines),having to pay taxes, might shoplift and refuse to pay for things that are not their fault they need. Like tampoons for example.
🦇 Ive also noticed with Lilith 7th house people want to find something wrong with your partner or even convince themselves they dont love you. People might say stuff like ”He is only with you bc you have money” or something. Its like people are bothered by seeing you be loved.
🦇 Madonna is a good example of a 7th house Lilith. She is often shamed for liking younger men while its considered normal for men to be with younger women.
🦇 Lilith in Libra and the constant triangle drama??? Triangledrama EVERYWHERE. Why does every guy you meet seem to have a crazy ex or a female friend trying to get him? Or a coworker who wants him? Or a mother who competes with you?
🦇 If you have Sun conjunct Lilith you might represent what your dad dislikes about himself. You represent a part of him that he wants to keep buried deep inside himself and being close to you might remind him too much of this. This can make him your first bully.
🦇 With Lilith in the 2nd house there was often early experiences with money restricting them which lead to an inner bitterness which is often not noticed until you hear them talk about money. The reason they werent noticed by others might have been because they didnt have the clothes, phones, makeup or other material things that others had. The epitome of ”I wasnt ugly, I was just poor”
🦇 I find it interesting how many people with strong Lilith placements Ive seen literally live out the myth by being thrown out of ”the garden of Eden”. Most times thrown out by a friendsgroup, a community or neighbourhood. And this was a huge turning point in their lives.
🦇 Lilith in synastry 🤝 they confessing after 10 years they had a crush on you.
🦇 Lilith in Aries when undeveloped can make them very competetive with others of their gender especially concerning how the body looks. Comparing their bodies to others. Might have a trauma with people comparing their body to someone close to them like a sibling or even their mom growing up.
🦇 Lilith in Aries might also assert themselves and being quiet in the complete wrong situations. Might often end up thinking ”Why didnt I stand up for myself” or ”I shouldnt have overreacted”.
🦇 ”The girl he told you not to worry about” aka the one who touches his Lilith. I hate writing this but Ive seen this sooo much. Men talking shit to their girlfriend(their eve) about a woman they have Lilith synastry with.
🦇 Sun conjunct Lilith is basically like having a flashlight shining on your dark side so that everyone can see.
🦇 Lilith dominant women(women with a dominant Lilith energy in their chart no nobody is saying its your dominant planet omg) often get blamed for a mans lust for them. Might hear stuff like ”you were looking at him” ”you seduced him”.
🦇 Lilith reminds me of Saturn a little in the way that you need to learn to handle the energy which is hard but when you do it you will be so powerful and own that energy.
🦇 Having Lilith harshly aspecting Sun or Ascendant is getting shit whatever you do. Especially when its the square or opposition. Someone comes up to you and hits you in the face, people will call you crazy and aggressive if you hit back and a pussy if you dont hit back.
🦇 Lilith in the 8th house needs to understand that some things cant be controlled/hold onto. They often experienced situations in their youth where they were powerless.
🦇 Lilith in Virgo can be gossips because of their strong need to criticize. They need to say whats wrong with stuff. This can results in some verbal attacks and some very strong opinions on people.
🦇 LILITH CONJUNCT VENUS IN SYNASTRY: can mean Lilith shouldnt be attracted to Venus. Venus might not even be their type but Lilith will find them beautiful anyways. This can be very confusing for the Lilith person because Venus represent everything they shouldnt like or arent allowed to like. Lilith might be from a rich family and Venus is from a poor family for example. Can also be an age difference especially where the woman is older and the guy younger so its considered taboo. This one will be painful if Venus is in love with Lilith because Lilith often see Venus as someone socially unacceptable in some way. (10th house synastry can change this tho, because if yall have 10th house synastry he will want to parade you around like a damn trophy LOLLL). Lilith might want Venus as their side chick. They also always seem to bump into eachother when the Lilith person is in a relationship.
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vexwerewolf · 1 day
hey, I saw a post reblogged around hating the whole idea of no kink at pride and wanted to understand why that was, but noticed the comments were turned off, so I'm asking here. for reference I dont know very much about the subject and had the general idea that pride should be an all ages space, BUT (the but is very important) since I dont have much knowledge on the subject and can see you are very opinionated around it, id like to know why that is your stance from, well, someone who actually holds that stance.
No pressure to answer I simply want to understand why others hold this stance, the potential history behind it and if I am looking at things the wrong way, a chance to change my opinion
I hope all of this comes across correctly because im not trying to start internet discourse, just learn and have a well rounded understanding of a subject before taking a more solid stance
CW: discussion of sex, homophobia, kink, common anti-kink lies
Okay so if you're not read up on queer history, you have to understand that "deviant," "indecent" or "degenerate" sexuality is an accusation that's been used to repress queer people for pretty much as long as the concept has existed. It has often extended so far as to encompass any form of sex that isn't missionary cishet boning for the purpose of procreation, but it has always and by definition encompassed any and all ways that queer people have sex.
Now, I want to be clear that the LGBTQ+ community is not entirely about sex. Our community touches love, passion, art, gaming, basically every sphere of human experience, but it also includes sex. A lot of queer people like to have sex! Queer people, however, are judged for having and enjoying sex in a way that straight people simply aren't.
It's important to note that the concept of "degeneracy" is a vital component to white supremacist repression of queer people, because it inserts the necessary moral proposition that allows sex between two consenting adults to be labelled as harmful. As cynical as I am about the general public, it's actually pretty difficult to convince the average person that gay sex is something the government needs to repress in and of itself; any argument to this effect needs to come packaged with an additional, vaguely credible concern about social corrosion.
This is much easier to do with kinksters, because kinksters are weirder-looking than shirt-and-slacks queers (who, to be clear, are equally valid). But it's still difficult to make the average member of the public balk, because they'll say "well that sure is freaky but so long as they're doing it in private, who gives a shit?" So long as the people you're trying to stir up hate against aren't doing anything illegal, the average member of the public is gonna think you're the weird one for digging into other peoples' private sex lives.
Thus, the easiest avenue of attack is Pride, where it isn't in private. But it's a fucking deceitful canard. Straight people never have to answer for public displays of their sexuality, which are often far more gratuitous than some dude walking around in a pup mask.
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bakudekublogblog · 22 hours
i feel so greedy and gluttonous for even suggesting this but haha what if bkdk crumbs in the leaks tomorrow hehehe
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zenitsus-lightning · 2 days
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- ,, 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐯𝐚𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
SUMMARY -> satochoso x reader (choso x satoru x reader) where satoru is on a long mission. its just you and choso at home,and its really... quiet without satoru. you miss him - that's obvious, but choso misses him more than he'd like to admit. he acts all tough and acts like he doesn't really miss him, but its pretty obvious that's a lie.
A/N -> wowoowowow my first jjk fic!! i hope this is good and i havent proofread this so there might be mistakes, and i cant even bear to read my own writing anyway cuz wtf its so cringey reading my stuff and i dont like this too much anyway. and i havent written anything in ages so i might be a lil rusty... also i never specified the readers gender (I THINK) so gn!reader!!
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Dating the strongest sorcerer obviously came with challenges. He'd be away constantly on missions, which were life or death, meaning you didn't see him as often as you'd like. One good part about it though is that he never came back beaten or bruised. All the curses he fought were nothing compared to him - like ants he'd tread on.
Luckily for you, you were never alone when he was gone. You had some very good company from your boyfriend. Well, your other boyfriend, because you had two. Of course Satoru was one, but the other was Choso. His tough guy exterior always meant he never showed signs of missing Satoru. He usually just went around with his usual schedule and comforted you if you were missing the sorcerer.
So Satoru was on another one of those dreadfully long missions now. You weren't worried about anything happening to him, of course. You just wanted him home soon. It didn't look like the mission would allow that, unfortunately.
The house felt empty and lifeless without him. He would often follow you around everywhere, accompanying you, or Choso, in whatever mundane task you set yourself to. His energetic voice would be the only thing breaking the silence.
It felt odd not having that voice accompany you as you were regularly sitting down in the living room. You could only really sit there in silence, head in your hands. The room's silence was awkward and almost deafening.
Of course Choso was sitting on the opposite side. He could barely take the silence. He looked at you, wondering if he should say anything. You did look like you needed a bit of comfort.
So he clears his throat, leaning toward you.
"You okay?" He mutters. He's not sure how to start a conversation.
"Yeah," You respond, turning your head to look at him. "are you?"
"Yeah," Choso says. Fuck, that was awkward. He curses himself in his head and decides to ask something else. "are you missing him?"
"Of course I am." You sigh, but you smile at him.
Choso always likes to make out that he's a big tough guy that never misses his boyfriend when he's on a long mission. He can handle himself, he can do everything himself, he's fine without him. He's independant. But you don't buy this for a second.
"Are you?"
"I'm fine." He says. He answers a little too fast. "I mean - I'm fine without him. I can function without him."
Yeah right. You raise an eyebrow at him skeptically.
"Yeah right. I see the way you mope around when he's gone." You say.
It's true. He does mope around when Satoru's gone. There's no more voice in his ear narrating everything he does, teasing the life out of him, when Satoru is away. It seems so silent, so lifeless. He can't help hanging his head.
"Fine - but you mope around as well." He doesn't even try to defend himself at this. If you can call him out for moping around, he can too. He crosses his arms.
"Yeah, but I don't pretend I don't miss my boyfriend." You retort.
Maybe he does miss him a lot. He doesn't like to look clingy or needy, which is why he always denies that he misses Satoru. He just decides to change the topic. You've won that one.
"He's supposed to be home today, right?" Choso says. He doesn't like to admit it, but he's been counting down the days.
"Is he?" You say, perking up. It feels like forever since he left.
"Yeah. I checked this morning." He says.
"And when exactly is he home?" You question further.
"... Late. He's going to be home late." Choso says.
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It feels like forever since that conversation with Choso. What time is it now? 6 PM? It feels pretty late, but not that late. Time just seems to drag on no matter what. You're just waiting for the sound of the door handle's click and for it to swing open and have Satoru's voice call out.
You're imagining it. You've imagined it - the door swings open, he calls out, and you and Choso run into his arms and-
Your thoughts are interrupted by the click of the door handle. You perk up - Choso does too - and you both get up and head toward the front door. The door swings open, and the familiar tall figure of Satoru strides in.
He's instantly greeted by your arms swinging around his neck. He loudly chuckles. He doesn't even seem fazed by the sudden hug. He wraps his arms around you in return, kissing your cheek.
You can't see him, but you know he looks up for Choso. He eyes him under his blindfold with a smirk.
"C'mon." Satoru says, lifting his arm out while his other arm still hold you.
"No." Choso says, crossing his arms. Satoru pouts.
"Pleasseeee? I can't have a hug with my favourite partners without my favourite boy."
Choso mutters something under his breath. Despite this, he approaches with his arms outstretched. Satoru's face lights up. He literally grabs Choso's wrist and tugs him into the hug. He looks delighted.
The hug lasts a while. That's because nobody wants to pull away. Nobody wants out of the hug. It's amazingly quiet. Choso isn't complaining and Satoru isn't going on about how much he missed both of you. It's just dead silent. You're just enjoying each other's company.
But you have to let go eventually. Satoru eases his arms off you and Choso.
"Now, what have you been up to while I was gone?" Satoru questions. But he sees the looks on your faces and his smile grows even wider. "So you missed me so much you didn't even go out?"
Choso crosses his arms.
"Aw," Satoru grins. He looks so proud of himself. "But I think I'm gonna go unwind. You'll be fine without me for a little, right?" He says, looking between you two.
"Yeah," Choso responds.
"Great. I'll be back in a few minutes." He says, grinning.
As he walks off, he pauses just after walking past both of you. He turns on his heel and goes back to the both of you, kissing your cheek and then Choso's. After this, he turns back around and leaves to go unwind.
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rikigai · 7 hours
off and on— sim jaeyun
pairing: boyfriend!jake x afab!reader
genre(s): angst, smut
content/warning: cursing, unprotected sex (pls dont!), hickeys, makeup sex, jake calls reader doll, toxic relationship, creampie
word count: 1.3k
author's note: it’s been such a long time since i’ve written something but here i am, finally deciding to post thiss. please lmk if i missed any warnings + not proofread!
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“THEN GO FUCKING FIND SOMEONE ELSE” you scream into your phone before ending the call with jake on the other end, slamming the phone onto your couch’s cushion. tears begun to stream down your face, recollecting what had just happened.
earlier in the day, you were walking around campus with jake by your side. classes had just ended and you two were making your way to his car. on the way there, you two ran into some of your batchmates. 
“you two back together again?” asked theo. “probably are” belle mumbled under her breath. you weren’t stupid enough to not notice what had been happening around you, but you decided that keeping your mouth shut would be the best out of your options. “ah, no no. y/n and i are just friends now, actually” jake responds, quickly letting your hand go. you subtly look at him in disbelief as you two walk away.
when you two were at a distance far enough from belle and theo, you came at jake for what he said. “you know what, i’m taking the bus home, ‘friend.’” you said in a sarcastic tone, walking off before jake could even snap back at you. he proceeded to his car, slamming the car door close in frustration. 
the ride home was silent, at least to you. you sat by the bus’ window, staring at everything that had passed by. sounds of conversation around you, of cars driving along the highway surrounded you but all you could hear were jake’s words that kept repeating and repeating itself, almost like a broken cd.
you got off at the stop nearest to your apartment. you walked a block and finally reached. as soon as you got home, you plopped onto the couch, physically and mentally exhausted from what the day had brought you. suddenly, your phone rang. it was jake. he called you to fix things, but it had only gotten worse from there. “listen, y/n. it was a question i didn’t expect. i just didn’t want them to think-“ jake said over the phone. as much as you were tired, you still had gotten yourself worked up over the lame excuse jake was about to make. “didn’t want them to think what?” you monotonously said. “i didn’t want them to think that we’re an off-and-on kinda couple. i wanted them to-“ he continued before you cut him off once more. “oh quit the BULLSHIT, jake. YOU know yourself that we are off-and-on time and time agai-“ “OH WILL YOU STOP CUTTING ME OFF Y/N? YOU NEVER LISTEN. maybe we wouldn’t keep FIGHTING if you weren’t fucking bipolar.” he said. “THEN GO FUCKING FIND SOMEONE ELSE” you responded. call ended.
and there you were, crying on the couch. you stare at the wall you had in front of you, then at the plant that stood by the window, then at the carpet laid out on the floor, then at your phone that was previously slammed onto the couch. the tears in your eyes burned and you began to sniffle. 
bzzzzz. your phone lit up.
bzzzzz. you phone buzzed again.
“i’m otw rn to urs. we need to get this shit over with”
it was jake. he wanted to fix things with you when all you could do was stare at his messages and continue to cry. you didn’t respond nor open his messages. it wasn’t that you didn’t want to, there was no need to anyway.
not after long, you heard three soft knocks on your wooden door. “y/n?” jake called out. you get up to walk towards the door, wiping your tears away and fixing your hair. you open the door to see your boyfriend, standing there. jake looked down on you, seeing how red and puffy your face had gotten. without saying a word, you walk back into your living room, and before you could sit back down onto your couch, jake says “y/n, i’m so sorry.” you could feel tears forming in your eyes, blurring your vision. he walked closer towards you, rubbing your back and running his fingers through your loose ponytail. his touch only made it worse. you couldn’t contain it anymore.
you burst out sobbing and faced jake, burying your face into his chest as you let out all the frustration, anger, and sadness. your shaking only made jake even more worried, pulling you closer into his embrace. “i hate you, i hate you” you cry, muffled. “i’m sorry, i’m sorry. i love you” he repeatedly would say, leaving a kiss on your forehead. he then left pecks on your tear-stained cheeks. you were still so caught up in the pain you felt. you quietly mumble “fuck you, jake. fuck y-“ when he brought his lips onto yours. you were shocked to say the least, but not in a bad way.
his hands found their way onto your waist, lifting up the loose shirt you wore, while yours were rested on his shoulders. it wasn’t just a kiss anymore.
jake’s lips made its way down onto your neck, leaving traces of red everywhere. “there’s no more denying you’re mine now, right? friends don’t give each other hickeys, do they?” he said with a smirk plastered on his face. his hands slid down to your hips, toying around with the waistband of your bottoms. he looked at you, waiting for your response before taking them off. you eagerly nod as he slipped them off, leaving you with only your top and bra on.
it wasn’t long until both your shirt and your bra were found somewhere discarded on the floor, along with jake’s clothes as well. your hands were positioned by his nape as you two continued to kiss. he lifted you up, wrapping your bare legs around his torso. he brought you two to your room.
jake laid down onto the mattress, bringing you on top of him. you straddled his hips, feeling how hard he was. you pulled his boxers down, revealing his cock that was leaking with precum. you pump it a few times before lining it up with your entrance, slowly sliding down and taking his length in. your eyes squeezed tight as his hands pressed down on your hips, his cock sinking deeper and deeper into you. “sh- shit” you curse out.
you take some time to adjust before you begin to slowly move your hips. you lay your hands flat onto jake’s chest as he thrusted into you from below, following the movement of your hips. moans escaped both jake’s and your lips. he gripped tightly onto your hips, guiding they way you rode him. 
jake flipped you over onto the bed, with him now on top of you. he lined his length once again, entering your cunt and he gave it one deep thrust which sent a wave of pleasure all throughout your body as his cock hit a spot which made your legs feel numb. his breath hitched as he continued fucking you from below. you moaned his name out with the sounds of the creaking bed filling the room. jake picked the pace up with your legs shaking. you could feel his cock twitch inside of your walls as his thrusts grew sloppy. 
“fuck- i’m close jake- ah-“ you stutter, feeling your high coming in.
“cum for me, hm?” 
you came undone as jake continued to drill himself into you. he reached his high, piping his hot cum into you, filling you up. he pulled out with the white fluid spilling out. he pushed it back in with his fingers as he rubbed your clit. you let out a whine, still sensitive from your orgasm. jake plopped down beside you, panting.
“friends don’t have makeup sex, do they, doll?”
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a thought about kabru and mithrun and their time in the dungeon. (I love kabumisu but this is more about their canon relationship)
I have seen several people say that they dont think that kabru really cared about or liked mithrun. that he was just doing things cause he had to, etc. but I feel like this ignores something pretty cool about kabru. Kabru always has an inner monologue going on, one that we get to see.
several times when we see kabru doing nice things we can see that his inner monologue doesnt actually match. we see him kindly doing things that actively distress him several times. we as an audience are made very aware when kabru is doing something he doesnt really like.
so what kind of an inner monologue does kabru have when he performs caring tasks for mithrun? does he think about the advantages of having mithrun or the canaries on his side? does he think bitterly of mithrun? does he think about how much he hates this? the worst he thinks is "to think I'd get roped into this for the sake of that lot." and "this isnt seeing to his needs, this is nursing!" pretty early on in their journey together. this is while he is still digesting the full picture of mithruns condition and all the things hes going to need to do, the full weight of the situation now apparent.
after this, all we see is compassion. him thinking he would like to make mithrun something nice to eat, even if it wouldnt matter to him. him empathizing and reflecting on how not having desires would be really rough. him coming to understand where some of mithruns quirks, like his sense of direction, come from.
by the end, he has trusted mithrun enough to tell him about laios, and mithrun has given him all the information he has been searching for for YEARS.
and this is just the dungeon. kabru continues to involve himself with mithrun when its not his problem anymore. when really, he should be doing anything but. and after everything is done, if he truly did not care about mithrun, he has NO reason to do anything he does in chapter 94.
they are FRIENDS okay??? Kabru cares about him. it isnt just obligation. ty.
as far as mithrun goes, he gives kabru information, he asks him what he wants to do with that little smile (doesnt wait for his squad), slaps him out of his panic attack, and then kabru is the person he eventually confides his true desire to.
theyre FRIENDS and Im tired of people acting like they dont even like each other just bc they dont like the ship. you dont have to ship it, but if you think these 2 didnt drastically change each others lives in a positive way and that they dont care about each other...you maybe need to read again.
and also I think a lot of these takes veer on dehumanizing mithrun. like how could kabru even like him or see him as a friend when hes like that. like do yall forget mithrun was busy keeping kabrus ass from getting killed. or the way he perceptively sees straight through kabrus bs every single time until kabru finally tells the truth? I know kabrus confession to laios is a lot more emotionally intense, but laios isnt the only character that forces kabru to be honest.
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I wonder what the end goal of the fucking bans are. Like even if you are virulently transphobic as staff there needs to come a point where you realize you're literally banning the only portion of this website that is using it as it is intended.
Like. Do you WANT this thing to just be bots and racist uncles reblogging each other? Does that look good to investors at all?
Inb4 "omg you dont care abt the transphobia?" I do care but like. Realistically trans women are dispensable bc theres not a lot of us around in the space. It doesnt make sense to alienate the userbase keeping the website relevant.
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drdemonprince · 1 day
woof. your recent posts really resonate with me especially now that im making more gay and trans friends, im meeting so many cool nonmonogamous trans people that seem to have casual sex with basically all their nonmonogamous trans friends and like. its almost giving me a complex where if i think someone is cool and want to be friends with them, even if im not attracted to them, i have a perception that the only way to befriend them is to pursue them sexually. or that if they dont wanna fuck me when they fuck all their other trans friends that means there's something wrong with me (again even if i don't particularly want to fuck them!)... i love being trans and poly, and i love having more trans and poly people in my life, but sometimes i think about this one reddit comment where a dude said he noticed his gay friend had way more fun at straight bars than gay bars bc at straight bars he wasn't worrying about his appearance/body image/validation/sexual prospects
yeah honestly i get this so much and it's a very dismaying swirl of emotions to have. i don't like fucking friends. at all. it actively makes me feel unsafe and like i'm only useful to someone insofar as i'm satisfying a desire for them. it makes me feel more disposable. plus im insanely jealous if i have an actual emotional connection with someone i'm fucking so i wouldn't do well in a whole poly queer mish mosh of dear devoted friends who also sometimes bang. i would be plotting the downfall of the people i was most primed to view as a threat and sowing discord between people and shit. not good.
i also think it is a little fucking concerning when people only date/have sex as their sole way to make friends, and are only friends with people they want to fuck. this tends to create a very homogenous friend group that is heavily restricted based on desirability politics. it's also just really objectifying and unsustainable.
now i must say!! this is very much in the minority of poly people -- poly people are generally fucking AMAZING at being friends because even as just their buddy they treat hanging out with the same degree of intention and care as they would going on a date. they can hang! they want to go out and do things! they're more practiced in building a new intimacy of *any* kind than most monogamous people are.
it's just that there are some weird culty up their own ass bad boundaried polycules out there, in the same way there are abusive, codependent, jealous, miserable fucking monog couples.
but even tho most queer and poly people are more ascended than that, yeah, there is a weird unsettling constant self-evaluation that can happen in spaces where fucking almost anybody is theoretically on the table. some of that is a problem in how people treat one another, and some of that is just insecurity in between your own ears.
i get it fully. im hyper conscious of myself and how i imagine im being perceived and how people are seeing me when im out in queer spaces. and most of it is me being fully insane and making myself miserable based on nothing. because literally who cares who is attracted to me in that space and who isn't??? what matters is what i want in that moment, and my behavior, which i have control over. i should be able to just float around smiling at people and dancing and chit chatting and if someone is feeling my energy and we can talk, great, if they try to make it sexual when i dont want it to, i can just walk away. like it fully does not need to be that deep.
but it's a hard internal hurdle to overcome and every time someone hits on you, ignores you, misreads your identity, etc it can be used by your mind as fodder for The Narratives and The Insecurities and make things worse and it really has to be an intentional practice to not do that to yourself.
if you can bounce along carelessly in the straight club because you're not worrying about how people see you, you can bounce along carelessly in the queer club and not worry about how people see you. literally treat queer people the same way you'd treat straight people who seem perfectly fine but are not your problem and not a focus for you. you can stop trying to mind read the intentions of every queer person and stop sizing yourself up in their eyes and not worrying about who is fucking who and who is in love with who and who is secretly jealous but pretending not to be. and just. hang out. and feel things out. and exist in your own body and pay attention to what interests you and what you are experiencing rather than how they are experiencing you.
i say this as a reminder to myself!!
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callmeagardengnome · 2 days
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𓆩 bless me 𓆪 - chapter 3
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w.c - 2.5k
pairings - demon!ateez ot8 x receptionist! fem! reader
genre - demon au, hint of royal au, possible yandere themes (?), romance
sypnosis: as hell's receptionist, you only wished to talk shit and stay out of trouble. yet, you happened to be the one that the two social clans in hell start fighting for.
not proofread!
previous / next
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It had been a week since Yunho’s visit and you still hadn’t gotten back to him yet. As the days go by, more and more Halas were protesting, making Hell feel more overwhelming than usual.
As you walked through the office lobby, you noticed an unusual silence that had fallen over your colleagues. Walkers gathered in small groups, their faces pale and their eyes wide with shock. Whispers of horror shared between them and you felt a cold dread settling in your stomach.
“Did you hear? They killed them all..” one demon muttered to the other.
Your heart dropped, what were they talking about? You made your way up to your office, wanting to drop off the stuff you were carrying. As you reached your door, you saw Wooyoung sitting on the floor of your office, clutching his arm. He looked up as you entered, his expression pained.
“Wooyoung? What’s going on?” you asked, quickly moving towards him.
Wooyoung sighed deeply, wincing as he moved. “Shit- I need help,” he said, his tone unusually serious. “Things have gotten worse, those bastards went too far.”
Your eyes scanned him, “You’re hurt. Let me see that.”
Wooyoung hesitated but eventually showed you his arm, revealing deep cuts and grazes littered all over it. You gasped, shock flooding you as you took in his injured state. “How did this happen?” Without waiting for an answer, you grabbed a first-aid kit you had in your desk drawer and began to clean his wounds, your hands trembling.
“It was a massacre,” he said quietly. “They killed anyone that was protesting, both Halas and Walkers.. they didn’t just try to stop the revolt, they tried to obliterate it.”
You glanced up, surprise and concern crossing your face, “How did you even get out of that?”
“I got lucky,” he flinched as you cleaned a deep wound. “I was late for the protest.. when I got there I saw Eternals murdering demons left and right. I managed to escaped with a few cuts.”
“Few is an understatement.. but sure,” you said as you wrapped a bandage around his arm. “Are your friends alright?”
“You said you didn’t care about them,” he chuckled softly. “They’re okay though, they stayed in the house the entire time.”
“Good,” you finished bandaging his arm and met his eyes, your heart heavy with grief and anger.
You took in the whole situation. The Eternals had just slaughtered demons mercilessly, their brutality being far worse than you imagined. If the Eternals were willing to go to such lengths, what else were they capable of?
Wooyoung’s gaze locked onto yours. “I know you dont want to pick sides, ‘____’. But things have changed. We need you, I need you.”
You opened your mouth to protest but Wooyoung cut you off, “Please. You have to help us, especially when so many of us are dying.”
“Wooyoung, I don’t want to get involved in this,” you said, feeling guilty. “I have enough on my plate just doing my job.”
“Demons are being murdered left and right- don’t you want to stop that?” Wooyoung’s voice was desperate, his eyes begging you to understand.
Before you could respond, you heard a voice, “Ahem.” Confused, you turned to look at the door. Standing there, was an Eternal you didn’t want to see, Yunho.
“Good evening, Ms ‘____’,” he said with a courteous nod. “May I come in?”
You felt a shiver go down your spine. “What are you doing here?” you demanded.
Yunho smiled, though it didn’t reach his eyes. “I thought I should check in on you. After all, we did have an important conversation.”
Wooyoung tensed next to you, “‘____’, who is this.. Eternal.”
“We’re familiar with each other,” Yunho replied smoothly, entering your office without an invitation. His eyes glanced at Wooyoung’s bandaged arm. “I see that you’re helping a Hala.”
You stood up with a puzzled look. “Yeah? Because he got hurt by what your demons did.”
“You make it sound like a bad thing,” Yunho shrugged, his tone indifferent. “We were simply sending a message.”
“You’re joking right?” Wooyoung exclaimed as he rose from the floor. “You just killed thousands of demons and you claim that it’s ‘sending a message’?”
“Did we not kill enough?” Yunho questioned, his eyes narrowing on Wooyoung. “How many more should we wipe out to stop you Halas?”
You snorted, “Genocide is your plan to stop the Halas?”
Yunho’s calm demeanour didn’t waver. “In a way, we’re helping the Halas. Fewer demons mean less job competition, right? The Eternals are bringing peace to Hell.”
“Peace?” Wooyoung spat, his voice rising. “How are you bringing ‘peace’ when you’re fuelling the very revolt you claim to be stopping?”
You placed a hand on Wooyoung’s arm, trying to calm him. “Wait, Wooyoung-“
He brushed your hand off as he stepped closer to the Eternal. “How stupid are you to come in here and tell us you’re not the bad guy? Right after you murdered my demons.”
Yunho’s eyes turned cold, “Please watch your tone, Hala. I suggest to not push your luck.”
Wooyoung straightened his back, refusing to back down. “And I suggest you take your ‘threats’ and shove them up your ass. The Halas won’t be bullied by Eternals anymore.”
“Okay that’s enough,” you said, stepping between them. “This isn’t helping anyone. Yunho, please leave.” The silence in the room was deafening, a complete change from the brash argument earlier.
Yunho’s gaze landed on you, “The Halas can’t protect you from what’s coming, but we can.” Yunho said with his voice low and dangerous. “I’ll be waiting for your answer Ms ‘____’,” he added.
With that, Yunho left the office, the door closing behind him with a loud thud. The tension in the office lingered despite him leaving. You couldn’t even begin to process the entire interaction that unfolded in front of you.
Wooyoung was seething, his fists clenched on his sides. “How do you know that demon?”
“He wants me to join them,” you replied, your voice shaking slightly. “He told me that the Eternals needed help.”
“And you’re considering it?” he questioned, the disgust on his face was evident.
With the mass execution, the obvious choice to side with would be the Halas. However, the Eternals made it clear that refusing them would lead to severe consequences - the threat hanging above you like a dark cloud.
Every part of you screamed to protect yourself, to stay out the conflict. Yet, with each passing day, the Eternals’ tactics became harder to ignore. You wanted to help the Halas but aligning with them painted a target on your back.
You hesitated, “I don’t know..” You paced around your office. “They might kill me if I don’t.”
“They want to kill you?” he scoffed. “They need to stop threatening demons. Especially you.”
You stopped pacing and turned to face Wooyoung. “They’re the Eternals, what else are they gonna do?”
The both of you stood in a comfortable silence. Wooyoung tried to calm himself down, fidgeting with one of the pens on your desk.
“You still don’t want to pick a side, huh?” Wooyoung glanced around the office, eyes darting before finally settling on you. “Can I ask you something?”
You blinked rapidly, “Sure..”
He took a deep breath. “They were the ones who approached you right? Not the other way around?”
“Yeah, Yunho came to see me..” you nodded, unsure of where he was going with this.
Wooyoung hesitated, chewing his lower lip. “…I think you should do it.”
“What?” Your breath got caught in your throat.
He stepped closer to you, his voice becoming more anxious. “Join them. You could pretend to be on their side- you can tell us whatever they’re planning. In a way you’re not on anyone’s side.”
Your heart pounded in your chest. “Wooyoung- if I did that I would be on your side. Do you have any idea what you’re asking? If they find out, I’m dead.”
“Do you not see what they’ve done to us?” he pleaded. “You know this isn’t right. We need information, leverage or anything that can help us.”
You tried to steady your racing thoughts. The idea of deceiving the Eternals filled you with dread. Sure you were a demon but you despised the idea of lying. Still, the image of Halas being massacred weighed heavily on your mind.
“I don’t know if I can do it..” you admitted.
Wooyoung put a hand on your shoulder, “I wouldn’t ask you if I didn’t think you could do it.”
You looked into his eyes, seeing the desperation for help. As much as he annoyed you, you felt pity towards the demon. You’ve never seen him more serious than he was today.
“Fuck- I’ll do it,” you said finally, running your fingers through your hair.
“Thank you so much, ‘____’.” Wooyoung quickly pulled you into a tight embrace. “You’re doing the right thing, I owe you big time.”
Just as you were about to respond, the door of your office swung open with a fit Hala stepping in. The moment Wooyoung saw him, he let go of you before hugging the Hala. “San, what are you doing here?”
“I was trying to find you,” San replied. “I asked the rest about your whereabouts and they told me that you might be here.”
“Thanks for looking for me,” Wooyoung released him before turning to you. “San, meet our dear Receptionist.”
“I’ve heard about you,” San shook your hand as he studied you, his eyes flickering up and down. “I’m guessing you were the one who treated him?”
“Yeah..” you chuckled softly before continuing. “Nice to meet you, I’m glad Wooyoung has friends that look out him.”
“Likewise,” San smiled, his eyes showing gratitude. He shifted his attention back to Wooyoung. “We need to head back, the others are worried about you.”
Wooyoung was about to object but then nodded reluctantly. “Sorry ‘____’, I think it’s better if we head out first.”
“Of course,” you said, shooing them off. “Get back to your friends, they’re probably shitting their pants right now.”
As they moved towards the door, Wooyoung glanced at you briefly, “Stay safe Receptionist.”
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You returned home, settling onto your couch. Today’s events took a toll on you, making you feel sluggish - and it wasn’t evening yet. Your mind raced rapidly with what you just agreed to.
Fear and doubt crept into your thoughts. You never wanted to pick a side. Yet here you were, technically working for both sides. What have you gotten yourself into?
You eventually rose from your couch and started to move to your room. You fell right onto your bed, sinking into it, wishing that you never had to get up. “Am I doing the right thing?” you whispered to yourself, slowly drifting into a slumber.
The blistering sun made its appearance once again and you woke up not realising you slept with your work clothes on. You decided to take the time to write to the Royal Palace about your decision:
Dear Excellencies,
I hope that this letter finds you well. I’m writing this to humbly accept your invitation to help the Eternals. I hope that my efforts will be useful in your cause.
Yours Truly,
Receptionist, ‘____’.
You didn’t mean anything in the letter but it suddenly felt.. real. Too real. As if you were selling your non-existent soul to the Eternals.
You slipped the letter into an envelope you had, placing your signature kiss stain on it.
Running over to the post-office, you saw grotesque images wherever you went. Avoiding them proved to be difficult when blood splashes, body parts, even organs were scattered around the streets.
You mailed the letter to the Royal Palace, hoping that they won’t read it soon. So many things had happened already, you weren’t sure how much more you could take if they responded quickly.
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You were eating breakfast when you heard a knock on the door. You froze in place, your heart pounding loudly. “That better not be the Eternals. I swear I might lose my shit-“ you muttered under your breath.
Your stomach clenched as you approached the door, each step feeling heavier than the other. When you opened it, a tall figure stood there, his presence dignified yet oddly calm.
“General Mingi,” you exhaled, recognising the Eternal. His eyes locked onto yours with authority.
“We received your letter,” Mingi said, his voice composed. “I’m here to escort you to the Royal Palace.”
“Right now?” you asked hesitantly. “I didn’t even pack a gift-“
“No need,” he replied instantaneously. “The Eternals do not like to waste time. We value efficiency. It would be best to leave now.”
You nodded, a puzzled look appearing on your face. “At least let me change..”
“For what?” You caught him off guard. Mingi’s eyes raked over you unapologetically, tilting his head. It seemed like he was about to deny your request but then he relented and sighed. “You have five minutes,” he said unwillingly.
You hurried to your room, feeling Mingi’s gaze still lingering on you. You closed your bedroom door before quietly changing into something more appropriate for a meeting at the Royal Palace.
When you returned, Mingi was waiting patiently at the door, his expression unreadable. He gave you a look-over, nodding in approval before gesturing you to follow him. “You’re fast right?” he asked.
“I’d like to think so..” you took a deep breath.
Hell didn’t have a mode of transport unlike the human world. It wasn’t that advanced. Over the centuries, it was vital for all children to learn how to run properly. Especially since demons relied on the speed of their feet to get to all the areas in Hell.
As Mingi led you to the Palace, you struggled to keep up with his hasty speed. You watched the familiar streets go by, making the Palace feel more detached.
The Royal Palace loomed into view, its grand towers and gates casting large shadows. Your mind kept wandering back to Wooyoung and his eyes when he asked for help. You hoped that the both of you made the right decision.
“You’ll be meeting with Yunho and the other Eternals,” Mingi said, breaking the silence. “You should prepare yourself for whatever they might say.”
You nodded, swallowing hard. “I understand.”
“Don’t be nervous,” Mingi’s expression softened subtly. “You made the right choice. Trust us.”
The Eternals were powerful, but could you really trust them? Judging by how they were willing to slaughter thousands of demons for their benefit, what’s stopping them from doing that to you?
Mingi led you through the impressive corridors of the Palace with ease. You saw Eternal workers scurrying around, stress obvious on their faces. Soon enough, you found yourself standing before a large set of double doors. You felt your pulse quickening and you began to back away instinctively before Mingi started to knock on the door. He pushed them open, revealing a throne room with a few Eternals, including Yunho.
“Welcome, Ms ‘____’.” Yunho said with a faint smile on his lips, his eyes meeting yours. “We’ve been expecting your presence.”
“I get it, Yunho.” You clenched your jaw, trying to calm yourself down. “Let’s just get started.”
Yunho’s smile widened, “Very well. We have much to discuss.”
You stepped further into the room, feeling the Eternals’ eyes on you. This was it. There was no turning back.
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author’s note: AHH i hope yall enjoyed 😭 pleasee provide feedback if theres anything you think can be improved! make sure to like and repost to continue to support me!
series taglist [OPEN] - @binchanluvrr @hiddlestandom @avantalem @hecateslittlewitchling @iarayara @thunderous-wolf @jaerisdiction
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*falls dramatically onto the floor of your askbox* kc dyou think aradia ever feels guilty for starting the apocalypse on her planet and getting a bunch of people killed or dyou think she even considered it her fault since she was urged by voices of the dead
nah i dont really think so. with her understanding of Timeline Stuff i think she probably gets that like, if she hadn't introduced the game to her friends, all that would have happened was that they would have been killed with the rest of their planet, creating a doomed timeline. I get the sense that the mere presence of the frog ruins on alternia indicates that the game was already there and already prepped to send the meteors, whether the game was actually played in a given timeline or not.
that said i think there are a few things she did in service of that end that she might feel guilty about, even if they were required to keep the timeline on course. biggest example off the top of my head is putting sollux to sleep, causing him to lose time, accidentally killing his lusus by falling in mind honey which gets in his mouth, and putting him in range of the vast glub, which eventually kills him.
like, in this convo with vriska, she seems kind of snappy and maybe genuinely hurt by the insinuation that she's trying to trick him or lie to him,
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(even though that's like, sort of literally what she did in coaxing him to come to the window and not telling him that the game would cause the apocalypse, even though she knew that before they started playing.)
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which, imo, speaks to a degree of internal guilt coming out as denial. not to mention that even though it obviously pushes sollux away from wanting to participate, in the end she can't help but be honest with him here anyway.
tl;dr: i think at the end of the day she'd realize that there wasn't any other way she could have done things without dooming the timeline, but that doesn't mean she doesnt feel bad about it AT ALL, or have ANY regrets. i just think she doesn't let them get in the way of doing whatever she needs to do to keep the timeline on track.
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b1adie · 3 days
blade probably knows how to do a cool ass backflip and has been waiting for the past few years for an opportunity to do a backflip in front of other people and look cool but he just can't fucking find a situation where he would need to do a backfiip while in front of other people and it's one of the things bothering him the most
maybe he forgot about his dream to pull off the coolest backflip and he's just angry about it and doesn't know why
i looked at this last night and i love it so much i almost dont even want to answer it bc then i wont be able to see it in my inbox every day but i think it deserves to be free in the world and bring joy to others…
i hope when he finally tries to backflip he messes up and breaks his spine and has to lay there while his curse heals him and he slowly uncrumples
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freshlove-sturn · 3 hours
house on the cape.
based on last friday’s video bc im obsessed with it. (events that happened in the vlog may not be in order just so the story flows how i want, also might add or get rid of some things for that same reason ofc). definitely gonna be multiple parts if yall like it so please let me know!!
summary: when the triplets come back home from la, they reunite with their favorite summer tradition, staying in the house on the cape. amidst all of the familiar laughter, and reminiscing on old memories, y/n can’t ignore the feeling stirring in her heart. something that went deeper than friendship. as she grapples with the fact that her feelings for her lifelong best friend, matt, are more than what’s just at the surface, she must learn to navigate and balance the unspoken feelings, and the gut wrenching fear of risking it all.
a/n: sorry guys but i think im scrapping all my old fics. i just have lost interest in them and i dont want to give yall something that i just half assed yk. i just need something new 😖🙏 don’t hate me pls. also i didn’t proof read and i never do so hopefully this all makes sense LMAO
“BOYS TRIP!” chris shouts through the house.
the triplets are back in boston from being in la. i’d be lying if i said that i didn’t wish that these visits would last forever. being across the country from my best friends sucked.
“oh yeah , and you’ll be there too. you’re one of the boys.” chris points at me, smiling before loading the car with our bags.
“chris please never say that again.” i cringe, but fail to keep in my laughter.
“i agree. that was disgusting.” nick chimes in.
“just wanted to make sure you know you’re included.” chris throws his hands up in defense.
“thanks.” i smile and shake my head before getting in the car.
we were staying at their house in cape cod, something all of us looked forward to each summer growing up.
we arrive at nate’s house to pick him up. after the group effort of showering him in compliments for his new hair cut, we get back in the car.
sandwiched between nick and nathan, i check the time on my phone. nick grabs my wrist and moves it out of the way to give himself a better view of my lock screen.
“that is such a cute picture.” he says admiringly. it was a picture of matt and i. the picture was taken from behind while matt gave a piggy back ride back to the car because my feet hurt from wearing heels to madison’s concert.
“you took it.” i laugh.
“i know. i really out did myself huh.” he hypes himself up. i smile and roll my eyes.
once we get to the cape house, we unload the car. all of our bags scattered haphazardly throughout our respective rooms. the same rooms each of us have stayed in for years. nate with chris, nick with matt, and me, having been the only girl, with my own room.
“let’s go to the beach!” nate walks out into the kitchen, clapping his hands together.
the beach was just within walking distance. matt and i fell behind the rest of the group.
“i’m so glad you’re back.” i tell him.
“me too. i missed you.” he replies.
“i missed you too.” i admit. “a lot.” i look up and meet his eyes. we just stare at each other for a second. we didn’t really need to say anything. it was almost just a mutual understanding that each other were our favorite person.
if only he knew the extent.
the only person i’ve confided in about my feelings for matt was nate. which was precisely why he kept shooting me knowing glances anytime matt and interacted. nate swore that he knew i was in love with matt for years, before i even knew myself.
i can’t exactly pinpoint when i fell in love with my best friend, but i do remember when i realized.
matt and i sit together in the hammock string between two large oak trees in the backyard of the cape house. the gentle breeze swaying us back and forth softly. the sun was going down just to the right of us. beautiful pink and orange hues paint the sky.
“i could stay right here forever.” matt breaks the silence that had fallen between us.
“me too.” i reply softly.
“oh hey i have something for you” he digs his hand around in his pocket and pulls out a baby pink seashell. he hands it it me.
“i’ve never seen a pink one like that before.” he tells me as i admire the gift.
“me either. i love it. thanks matt.” i smile sweetly at him.
“of course.” he returns the smile.
i feel the heartbeat in my chest racing and my cheeks heating up. the feeling i had been carrying around with me for quite some time became abundantly clear.
i was in love with my best friend.
when i got home that night, i tied a string around the shell, and wore it as a necklace. and i haven’t taken it off since.
end of flashback
that was back when we were 16. 4 whole years i’ve gone hiding my biggest secret from the one person i told everything to.
our gaze was interrupted by chris. “jesus, yall are some slow pokes” he hollers back at us.
we both laugh and pick up out pace.
soon we arrive at the beach. i’ve always loved the beach. it truly is my happy place.
especially when i’m with matt.
nick snaps pictures here and there.
“oh my gosh matt look! this is just like your tattoo!” i hold out a shell to him.
“oh shit you’re right.” he holds out his arm, revealing his tattoo.
“that’s sick.” chris admires the similarity while nick takes a picture.
later that night, we all sit in the living room debating on what movie to watch.
“chris im not watching planet of the apes again. we’ve watched it like 9 times already.” nick argues, shutting down chris’s pleads.
“how about grown ups?” matt suggests.
“yes i love that movie.” nate agrees.
“that’s fine with me.” nick shrugs and starts typing it in.
“is that good with you?” matt leans down to where i was sitting in front of him, his voice soft and genuine.
“yeah that’s good with me.” i tell him.
he smiles and pats the spot on the couch next to him, gesturing me to come sit up there with him. i stand up from my spot on the floor and sit down next to him. he drapes a blanket over the both of us.
about an hour or so into the movie, my eyes get heavy. i lean my head on matt’s shoulder, to which he responds with wrapping his arm around me. this was nothing out of the ordinary. there’s pictures going back to when we were in preschool of the two of us practically fused together passed out on the living room floor.
suddenly, a gentle shake of my shoulders woke me up from a sleep i hadn’t even known i fell into. my eyes flutter, slowly regaining focus. when they do, i’m met with matt’s gentle blue eyes.
“hey, you wanna go lay down in your bed? i don’t want your neck to be sore.” he asks, genuinely concerned for my comfort.
i look around, everyone else appeared to have gone into their rooms.
“yeah i probably should.” i say through a yawn.
matt grabs my hand and helps me stand up from the couch. we walk down the hallway. my room came before his and nicks.
“goodnight matt.” i say, slowly turning the doorknob.
“goodnight y/n. see ya in the morning.”
i toss and turn in bed, unable to fall asleep. i stand up from bed, and leave my room. slowly making my way to the kitchen to get a drink, careful to not wake anyone up.
i open the fridge and grab a water. before i can take a sip, i hear a familiar voice behind me.
“can’t sleep?” the sudden breach of silence made me jump a little. i turn around and see matt. he was leaned up against the door frame. his sweatpants falling dangerously low on his figure, his arm under his shirt itching his shoulder, exposing his midriff.
“nope. you?” i set my water down on the counter.
“hm mm” he replies.
we stand in silence for a few moments before matt breaks the silence again.
“wanna go to the beach?”
a/n: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LMK IF YALL LIKE THIS. SUGGESTIONS ALWAYS WELCOME AND MY INBOX IS ALWAYS OPEN 🙏 i’m using my old taglist, so lmk if you want taken off or added to it!
taglist: @honestlybabymiracle @pepsiimaxx @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattestrella @luvmxtt @rac00ns-are-c00l4
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crippled-peeper · 2 days
I really like your content but a lot of the things you say do come across as ableist to me, especially in posts where you're angry— like you're judging someone for making their "entire online presence and personality about DID" even though it's an identity disorder, isn't that the whole point of the disorder?? It's a massive part of peoples lives, though you probably already know that
I get being angry but it's just sad to see one disabled person judge another disabled person for making a blog dedicated to their disability. Surely you would understand the need to do so?
I guess I'm mainly bringing this up because I personally dedicate blogs to my DID and it feels a bit like an attack on me as well, though I understand you were likely only targeting one person your words have bounced out and hit other people and I wish for clarification on your thoughts. Do you genuinely think it's bad to have blogs dedicated to disabilities / disorders or were you just angry?
((sorry if this doesn't make much sense, or if it feels like I'm taking things too personally))
literally nobody said you can’t blog about your disabilities. me telling you to stop armchair undiagnosing me and telling you to stop fucking wailing and screaming at me because I don’t want to be called “singlet” because I’m not one is not me telling you to stop blogging about DID.
I simply think it’s fucking hilarious if you make your entire online presence about your DID and how special and important it makes you to only turn around screaming “YOURE INSANE!!!!!!!!” and “YOURE FAKING!!!!” and “YOU DONT HAVE DID I HAVE DID AND I DISAGREE!!!!!” like I’m supposed to give a fuck what you think of MY BRAIN because you have a fucking blog about YOUR DID
If you’re offended by me telling you to stop literally fakeclaiming me then fucking unfollow me. I don’t owe you infinite compassion and mercy and understanding while you’re stomping and crying and throwing a fucking tantrum about how much of an evil liar faker I am. I don’t fucking care
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persephonesgarden30 · 15 hours
Car's Outside but i dont want to go tonight(A s6 Sterek Ficlet )
" Okay what is it with you?" Stiles quipped throwing his hands up in the air balancing himself by grabbing onto the chair next to him in the tiny motel room
" What do you mean what is it with me ?" Derek asked turning to face him
" You've been acting so strange ever since I saved your ass from the FBI" Stiles stated
" I'm not" Derek said walking over to the other side of the room where his bag was kept
" Yeah right, you haven't said one word to me since you came, not even a thank you! " Stiles called out annoyed
" Alright, Thank you" Derek said rummaging through his bag
Stiles scoffed before saying " Yeah real nice Derek. I end up saving your ass from the FBI and hurt my toe doing so , but you can't even stand to be in the same room as me "
Derek sighed rolling his eyes " I didn't ask you to save me "
" Yeah well that's too bad, I'm not the kind to just let people I care about be in trouble. I'm sorry if I didn't want you dead!" Stiles called out
Derek turned around clenching his jaw.
" What the fuck are you so pissy about huh? " Stiles said slowly walking up to him " Was it because, I a human saved your ass, not once but multiple times ? Or is it because I managed to find you even when you wanted nothing to do with me or Beacon Hills?"
" You don't get to throw your attitude at me big guy" Stiles took a step closer poking a finger in the middle of Derek's chest earning a glare from him
" If anyone " Stiles said his voice laced with anger " gets to be angry. It's me."
" You left." Stiles said looking up at Derek " You don't get to come here and throw your attitude at me when I'm the one who risked my fucking FBI Internship to come and save you " He said as Derek just looked at him with the same stoic expression he always had .
Derek walked an inch closer before looking down at Stiles's lips " I didn't ask you to. You did that on your own" he said looking back at the familiar brown eyes which were looking at him with anger
" Don't blame me or hold me responsible for decisions you make " Derek replied looking back down at his lips before looking at his eyes
Stiles grabbed the front of Derek's shit balling it in his fists " Listen here Derek because I'm not going to repeat myself. " He said looking between his eyes.
" I saved your ass and the least you can do is be a little fucking grateful." Stiles said raising his eyebrows
" So I suggest we stay civil until we part ways tomorrow, then you can go do whatever the fuck you want and becomes a mass murderer for real." Stiles said as Derek looked between his eyes and lips
" and I'm not ever going to make the mistake of helping you again " Stiles said letting go of his balled up shirt pushing him back before turning to walk away
Derek glared at Stiles watching him limp slowly to the bed before swallowing hard and walking up to him.
" And to think I knew you" Stiles scoffed grabbing his things and heading to the door.
" Where are you going?" Derek asked following him
" Wherever the fuck I want" Stiles quipped turning to face him as his back faced the door " What is it to you?"
Derek remained silent while Stiles rolled his eyes and turned to open the door when Derek's hand reached over stopping it.
" You can't go " Derek said as Stiles slowly turned around
" Why not? You need an alibi in case you decide to go on a murder spree?" He asked as Derek remained quiet .
Stiles scoffed trying to move Derek's hand from the door when Derek grabbed his wrist pinning it to the door when Stiles grabbed Derek's shirt with his free hand .
" What the fuck do you want now" Stiles called out
" I didn't ask for this ." Derek replied glaring at Stiles
" I've heard that twice already, which is why I'm leaving , I don't need to be around someone who isn't grateful that I saved their ass" Stiles quipped
" My cars outside, I'm leaving " Stiles said pulling Derek closer in an attempt to threaten him
" I didn't ask for this, I didn't ask you to help me, I didn't ask to be saved " Derek said looking between Stiles's eyes
" I know !" Stiles yelled getting angrier " You didn't ask for shit, you don't need anyone !"
" I need you!" Derek called out breathing hard as Stiles looked at him in surprise " I didn't ask for any of this . I didn't ask to have this feelings for you. I didn't ask for you to be the one to save me."
Stiles loosened his grip on Derek's shirt a little but not letting go looking at him curiously trying to make sense of what Derek was saying.
" I didn't " He said swallowing hard " I didn't want to bring you into this, have you risk your life. I ..I blame myself for you injuring yourself " He continued
" But I didn't." He paused " I didn't ask to have these feelings for you. To care about you. So deeply. That it scares me."
Stiles looked between Derek's eyes which now he's a hint of sadness as he continued " I can't lose you Stiles. "
" Derek." Stiles said pulling him closer " Don't push me away. I care about you a lot and that's why it drives me crazy everytime u push me away. Why do you do it ?"
" Because everyone around me gets hurt" Derek said looking at Stiles
" Bullshit" Stiles said " If you care about me, and trust me. You need to know that I can take care of myself "
Derek looked down at Stiles's lips before looking back up at his eyes as he closed the distance between them capturing his lips in a slow tender kiss as Stiles pulled him closer.
Stiles pulled away for a second looking at Derek .
"Stay with me " Derek said his thumb grazing Stiles's cheek
Stiles nodded and that was all it took before Derek grabbed his thighs carrying him earning a surprised noise from Stiles before carrying him to bed
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analoceits · 11 hours
i love DLAMP as a dynamic however i find it viscerally boring when theyre all boyfriends that have a completely normal relationship but also boring when they are just besties. i need them to be Insane and weird.
moceit is in an on-and-off again that could be straight out of a sitcom with how bullshit the dramatics are. they are so divorced and also married. this somehow does not effect the rest of the polycule.
janus keeps trying to break up analogical. virgil and logan both think this is him flirting. this pisses virgil off, and makes logan blush. logan and janus have made out abt this before. virgil and janus almost did but virgil panicked, bit him, and ran away.
moxiety and royality are both very VERY cute qprs. prinxiety arent dating or a qpr but they do occasionally make out. usually after sparring or after heated arguments. no one knows why, and no one plans to ask.
virgil one time, for sillies put out official polycule roles for everyone on the fridge. patton was the cook, roman was twink, janus was gender transer, and logan was tax-filer, before virgil scratched it out and replaced it with "poor little meow meow". the chaos after shouldve been expected.
(janus's official role is Gender Transer bc her being genderfluid made both virgil (bigender, she/he) and logan (transfem, they/she) realize they may Not Be Cis.)
remus isnt in the polycule but he has Something going on with every non-roman member of the polycule. no one can quantify exactly what, but it is Something. roman covers his ears and goes "LALALALA" when anyone brings this up.
roman AND janus both have an official Boyfriend Leaderboard. they are both permanently at the top of each others leaderboards because "mutually assured destruction". somehow, this causes very few problems.
remy has had a Thing with all of them. all of them really want to ask abt adding him to the polycule, but none of them know abt remys Things with the others so they dont know if its appropriate yet. remy knows and finds this fucking hilarious.
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