#i need to feel the sun on my skin or soemthing
brainrotdotorg · 1 year
my brain is fried i need to go outside
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itsthewritergal · 3 years
I was worried - Odd One Out part 4 - Weasley!Reader x D.M
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 
Draco had searched the castle, high and low. Every single place Y/N and him had found last year, yet she wasn’t anywhere to be found. Draco didn’t expect to find her in the Common Room, he cursed himself silently as it now seemed so obvious that she was here. She stood by the large windows looking out into the depths of the Black Lake, she really loved the views from the Common Room.  She’d even persuaded Draco and the others to move the nicest sofa over so that she could watch the lake as they spoke. Draco of course wasn’t very happy about it all, but once Y/N asked he gave in instantly, somehow she had wormed her way underneath his skin, much to his friends amusement of course. Draco slowed once he realised she wasn’t alone, there were a few first years gathered around the window next to her, her voice rung through the common room
“And on the sunny days the sun shines through the window and it casts this beautiful light all through the room” She said with a kind smile, Draco grinned as he remembered the words he had spoken to her on her first night
“But the Gryffindor’s said we were bad” One first year said
“They said we’re with You Know Who” Another added
“Well they’re wrong” Taylor said with a pitiful smile at Y/N
“Completely wrong, you chose your own path. And here you can be anyone you want” She said ignoring the look from her friend, Y/N’s eyes landed on Draco who stood leaning against the wall with a goofy look on his face. She grinned at him then turned back to the first years
“Anyone?” One asked “Anyone at all” Y/N said “You know when I got sorted last year I begged the hat to change its mind. But the hat knows best, I’ve made friends who I know I’ll have for life now. And i wouldn’t change it for the world” She grinned
“Y/N?” a girl said “You’re a Weasley, what do your family think of you being a Slytherin?” She asked, Draco knew there was no malice behind the words but he saw how they cut through Y/N’s facade for a moment
“They know this is the best place for me” She said with a faltering smile
“Last one to the dorms is a slimy frog” Taylor said quickly bursting into a run towards the dorms. The first years laughing behind her. Y/N was left alone. Her attention turned to Draco who moved closer to her,
“I thought they were my lines” He smirked
“Shove off, I was only comforting them” She said
“The hat should have put you in Hufflepuff you’re so soft” He laughed as he pulled her down onto the sofa with him, she landed on his lap with a huff
“You’re an idiot” She said clambering off of him and placing her next to him with her feet laying on his lap
“I’m an idiot that’s been looking around the castle for you” He said, the worry appearing back on his face
“Why would you do that?” Y/n said
“Cause I was worried about you” Draco said gently
“I’m fine” She said tiredly
“You don’t have to lie to me” He said brushing a strand of hair from her face
“I’m used to it, I’ve had it all summer” She said quietly fiddling with her fingers, Draco placed his hand on top of hers stopping her from pulling at the skin around her nails.
“You’re staying with me then next summer” He said firmly
“I couldn’t do that to your family that’s not fair” “Mother loves you, it would be an honour” He chuckled
“ooh already getting an invite to the manor, where have I gone wrong” Blaise laughed as he landed heavily on the sofa
“You don’t look like Y/N” Crabbe laughed
“That’s enough” Draco snapped, he caught the way Crabbe looked at Y/N and it made his skin crawl. Y/N shifted in her seat
“I’m going to go to bed, I’ll see you guys in the morning” She hummed tiredly
“Night” Draco said with a smile.
— — — — —
Y/N had heard about the Buckbeak incident, it had been all over the school by lunch. Typical Draco she thought making a mountain out of nothing, Pansy had apparently been doting on him all morning in the hospital wing, Y/N was sure Draco loved all that. She told herself not to be jealous, that she and Draco were only friends and he saw her as only a friend, but the thought of Pansy all over him made her angry. Really angry. She walked into the Great Hall for dinner with a scowl on her face, she had lied to her friend and said it was because of her bad grade in potions which was partly true; Snape had been particularly rude and horrid to Y/N today. Her scowl deepened when she saw Pansy sitting with Draco with her arm around her shoulder, and Draco’s arm in a sling. Y/N sat a few seats away from Draco, who tried to get her attention as she sat down. Y/N noticed the looks she got from Draco and her other friends but she decided to ignore them.
“Does it hurt terribly Draco?” Pansy doted on him, Draco replied but Y/N didn’t bother to listen. Instead she pushed her plate a little away from her and walked out of the great hall, she heard some whispers, but that was nothing new to her. She was a Slytherin Weasley having people talk about her was practically her birthright. The Slytherin common room was practically empty, with a few students getting ready to head to dinner. Y/N sat herself down on her favourite sofa, and settled her mind on getting her potions work done.
“Missed you at dinner” Crabbe said sitting down next to her, Y/N looked around for Draco, Crabbe and Goyle had always given her the creeps. Y/N didn’t respond “Come on Y/N, talk to me” He begged, the tone made her skin crawl,
“I’m busy” She said simply, she had hoped Crabbe would get the message, Draco would have noticed the fear in her voice, but he wasn’t here
“Do you not like me then?” Crabbe said, Y/N left Crabbe on the sofa and sat herself down at one of the desks at the side of the room, Much to her disappointment Crabbe followed her and sat opposite her
“I can help you with your homework” he offered
“You’re bad at potions, so no thank you” She said with a tight smile “I Can still help” He argued
“No” She shut him down, turning her eyes back down to the work in front of her, only for her leg to get kicked by the boy in front of her “What?” She asked scowling at Crabbe “Why don’t you like me?” He asked “You should go out with me then i’d show you” He said
“Don’t you understand what no means?” Y/N snapped,
“woah Y/N” Blaise said walking into the common room, with Draco and Pansy following “You alright?” He asked
“He won’t leave me alone” She snapped angrily, feeling her emotions bubble up at the sight of her friends
“That’s not true” Crabbe argued “She was leading me on”
“Why don’t we go on a walk?” Draco asked Y/N
“No thanks, it seems like you’ve got your hands full with Pansy” She snapped turning on her heel and storming off to the dorms.
— — — — —
Y/N was up early, sitting in the common room already dressed for the school day ahead. She watched the giant squid as it swam up and down past the windows. Her fingers played with the frayed edges of her knitted jumper, it reminded her of home. She didn’t feel a home at Hogwarts this year, the sofa dipped next to her pulling her out of her thoughts.
“You’re up early” Draco said gently
“Yeah” She said not once looking at him, she didn’t want to or need to. Although the sling caught the corner of her eye, she wasn’t going to dote on him as well
“Crabbe was out of order, I’ve sorted him out” Draco said draping his good arm across the sofa behind Y/N
“I was handling it” she snapped
“I was only trying to help Y/N” Draco replied
“Right well I should go and sort out my books for the day” Y/N knew it was a bad lie but nothing else had come to mind
“Have I done soemthing?” Draco said impatiently
“No Draco you haven’t” She said not daring to look at him, scared that she would break apart
“Clearly I have because You’ve been avoiding me” Draco snapped “I’ve noticed, ever since yesterday you’ve barely said two words to me”
“You’re making things up Draco” She replied turning with a scowl plastered on her face “Y/N,” he said seriously “has someone said something?” “It’s nothing” She said gently
“I know you too well for that to work” Draco said taking a step towards her, he towered over her. She hadn’t noticed just how much he had grown before
“I don’t like it” She said quietly
“I’m going to need more than that darling” he said
“I don’t like seeing Pansy all over you, she’s acting like you’re hers. It’s pathetic” She snapped
“You know what Pansy is like darling, pay no attention to her” Draco said “I don’t” She defended herself
“There’s something else Y/N, I know there is” he said gently coaxing her back towards the sofa
“Last night when Crabbe was being weird with me, I couldn’t do anything. I felt so powerless, I didn’t like it” She said
“I won’t let anything like that happen to you again. I promise” Draco said
“Does your arm hurt badly?” Y/N asked gently her fingers brushing over the sling
“not really, I just wanted to see how much homework I can avoid doing” He chuckled, not admitting how much he adored watching Y/N gently touch his hand,
“Nothing’s going to happen to Buckbeak right?” she asked
“No, I don’t want anything to happen to him. It’s why I haven’t told my parents yet” Draco said gently “Promise you’ll try and stop them if they do anything”  She said gently
Draco brushed her face with his good hand. A smile graced his lips,
“I promise”
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tangyvanilla · 4 years
Spoilers for a fanfic I'm writing, but I'm assuming no ones gonna read it all anyway, so heres the chapter that was making me 😤🥺
He breathed in again, hands in his back pockets as his looked at the blue of the morning sky.
He felt a sudden worry that took over him, he looked around for anything that could be a danger to him. There was nothing but his porch and his house. He then looked out into the field, he eyed his fathers old barn and felt a twinge of guilt again. He chose not to think of it and carried on looking for signs of trouble.
Then he heard it. His name echoed through the barriers of trees. His heart quickened, squinting his eyes he saw something moving. It was fast, and coming straight towards him.
He backed up towards his door, reaching back to the handle in reassurance.
As it got closer he saw what it was.
At first he relaced as he realized he was in no danger, but then he remembered that there would be no reason for him to be running this fast to his home. He started to worry for Hanzos safety and if there was anything following him.
It took him a second to realise, Hanzo was glowing a quiet blue. Sparks flying at every step.
"Hanzo!?" He called to him, confused and concerned.
"Jesse!" His voice was sore, he sounded exhausted and terrified.
Hanzo finally came to a stop, about 20 meters away. He bent over panting, the glow never faltering.
"Han what's going on!? Are you okay?? Is there someone chasing you?" Jesse raced forward to help him but he was stopped still by Hanzos flat hand.
"Stop. Dont come near me" He panted, voice breaking that made Jesse heart crack.
His right up lifted arm was glowing brighter that the rest of him, Jesse realized that he couldnt move. He didnt care if it was from shock or soemthing greater, he just knew he wasnt gonna let that stop him from trying to help.
As Hanzo looked back up, he noticed one more thing. Dark red blood was covering his clothes. It dripped from his face and hands, his hair hardened to his cheeks.
"Hanzo please" He pleaded under his breath, sqeaking like a hurt dog.
"Dont come any closer!" He sobbed, his voice dry from crying and screaming.
"I want to help you! Is that not why you came here!?" Jesse tried to push forward.
Hanzo stood up straighter, still hunched over slightly. His arms still raised infront of him as a barricade.
"Then why!?" Jesse raised his arms out in anger, pushing his head forward with might.
"I...I needed to see you" More tears streamed down and mixed with the red blood.
"Then let me help you!"
Hanzo let his arms fall "no" He tried under his breath, tired and scared, needing Jesse more than ever. He bent down hopelessly and covered his face with his hands, weeping quietly.
Jesse could move again and in doing so he flew towards his best friend. He knelt infront of him to aid him, hands going up to Hanzos wrists.
"Han please, I need to help you. You're all I got. Please tell me what's wrong."
He just grieved harder into his hands, bending down even more.
"Hey hey hey, no no, stay with me. You gotta calm down ok? Just breathe with me ok? Han? Breathe." He placed his hands lightly on Hanzos shoulders, feeling for their rise and fall.
Jesse started to breathe loudly, slowly, in through his nose and out of his mouth, trying his best to listen for Hanzos breathing.
Eventually he felt his chest rise and fall more prominently, a good start.
He scooted over like he had done the night before and gripped his shoulders securely. "Everythings gonna be alright, ya hear? Were gonna work this out and and were gonna be fine, just take it slow." The sun was beginning to rise.
Hanzo reached over and grabbed at Jesse, clinging on to his shirt. It may be stained from blood but he didnt care, he had loads of them to spare.
"Han? Are we calm?"
"I..don't want to hurt you" Hanzo went to release his hands but Jesse reached for them with his free arm and kept them in place.
"You're not gonna hurt me Han, you could never hurt me." He leaned over a kissed his temple, staying for a a while to help ground him.
"Please, I'm unstable, I could do anything, I dont want to lose you too" He breathing started to quicken again so Jesse just gripped his shoulder harder.
"If you were gonna hurt me, you already would have"
There was a prolonged reticence. The sun was half way over the horizon, golden rays stating to flow onto the fields.
The pair were still in the shade but not for long.
He started to stand up and Jesse followed, hands going back to his shoulders.
Hanzo lifted his hands infront of him, his back still hunched in shame.
Blood still dripped from his palms, all he could do was stare down at them.
"I did something awful..." He whimpered, bending in on himself more.
Jesse looked hin up and down. He had never seen him this distraught. He realised how much blood there actually was and furrowed his eyebrows.
"Hanzo. Who's blood is this."
Hanzo wailed as a sun hit them both, their skin turning golden in the mornings light.
Birds started to chirp again and the breeze came back. Nothing but the songs of blackbirds and the rustle of leaves made any commotion.
Hanzos cries bounced from tree to tree, birds flew in fear out into the sky.
Hanzo eventually ceased crying again, his hands shaking and reaching for his partner.
"They made me do it. They forced me to. I had no choice" Jesse held onto his quivering hands and held them still.
"You are still you, you are Hanzo Shimada, you would never hurt anyone. You are so brave and strong, you're clever and you've never let anything get to you before. Who got hurt?" All Jesse knew is that Hanzo had hurt someone badly, he assumed all the blood that drenched him was not his own. He knew him well enough to never hurt someone he loved on purpose, but he wasnt sure how anyone could hurt someone that much without wanting to.
Then he remembered what they had talked about. They both became emphatically silent as realisation took ran down Jesse's spine.
"Gen-" He saw how his words made Hanzo cringe and stopped in his tracks. "Is he..ok.." he knew he wasnt by the state of him, but it needed to be asked.
Hanzo shook his head timidly, his lips pulled back in remorse.
"Damn" Jesse turned his head at looked at the sun, it had fully risen above the horizon, now looking down over the land.
"What's going to happen now?"
Hanzo looked up, his eyes were no longer sparkling. They were empty, just a greyish blue staring back. His scleras reddened with heartache. Tear stains clinged under his sunken in eyes. Blood splatters dried around his cheeks.
"We're going to leave this morning. I wanted to see you before I left. They made me... do it in the dead of night to avoid trouble. I'm going to miss you so much" He choked out his words in pain, leaning his head forward.
Jesse met him halfway and leaned his forehead against his.
"Fuck." He sneered. "Will you be back?"
Hanzo closed his eyes. "No, it's not likely."
Jesse closed his eyes with him, his face scrunching to stop tears from falling. "Hanzo I want you to know this. No matter what you do, or who you hurt, I'm still gonna like you just like I always have. Theres nothing you could do that could possibly deter me. You are my closest friend, my only friend. You gave me happiness when I really lacked it, and I thank you so much for it. I really appreciate you. So please, for me, stay strong. Be the Hanzo I know you are, and will always be in my eyes. Its gonna take a long time for you to forgive yourself for this, this is no small crime. Although you may have the blood of your kin on your hands, you must not let this kill you too. I've seen grief. I've seen what it does to people. I don't want that to happen to you, not on my watch." His voice started to crack, as tears slowly began falling. Hanzo began to cry with him, his mouth pulled back to show his teeth. They didnt realise but their fingers had intertwined while he had talked.
"You will get your justice. It may of been your hands that hurt him, but it was not you who made the decision. Please remember that. You're gonna hate yourself so much, and that's okay, you're gonna cry and scream for a very long time, and that's okay. You're allowed to miss him. But its your job to honour him. Remember him, celebrate him, dont let his memory go."
"Do you think well see each other again?" Hanzo pressed his forehead deeper into him, wanting to be as close as possible.
"For definite. We are soulmates after all. I don't know where, I dont know when, but I know well meet again, some sunny day" Jesse smiled, his eyes still scrunched from crying.
Hanzo coughed a laugh "Did you just quote a really old song??" They both started to cry again, from both sadness and happiness.
They both quietend up, both opening their eyes slowly.
"I'm gonna miss you" Jesse glowered.
"I'm gonna miss you too."
They sat in silence, holding hands, listening to each others breath. The morning birds sang for them, the sun giving an auspicious golden glow to their surroundings, the light breeze falling through them for the very last time.
"Hanzo?" He perked up, their eyes closed once again.
"I love you"
"I love you too"
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AU: preview
Jungkook+namjoon+ ot7 (f+a+ s)
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Warning ⚠️: smut,angst,fluff,abuse
Plot: Y/n has moved back home to Korea after leaving Abruptly to study in japan after her love of her life , left her when she had needed him most to dry. Blocking her and leaving her homeless and lonkey. She started a new life never looking back ,Now she is back after 2 years , under a new identity and with a new improved life, dating a hot shot newly debuted idol and producer . What she doesn’t know is now she’s back home her new world will collide with her old . Which version of herself will win. Which man will complete her .
I remember the mornings where I felt alive . When I woke to the soft sheets and warm sun rising on the bay and creeping into my room. The sun blossoms seemingly within easy reach, brilliant petals extending ever outwards into the rich blue. It is the splendid blossom of the sky that warms our days. No matter how beautiful the sun rise was against the Han River , nothing was comparable to waking up beside him. He truly was the more beautiful man I ever laid my eyes upon. It was as if Aphrodite herself carved him and sent him down to me ... and only for me .
Yes, I remember the mornings beside him. When my beating heart was meant for more than it could ever now . When my lips trembled only in pleasure instead of tears. When my eyes only knew tears of pure bliss. I remember when I was wrapped in the arms of the only man I could ever love.
I remember when he completed me.
“ do you ever think of what our kids would look like ?” He asked me tracing his index finger across my chin , as if he was tracing a maze. He never could keep his hands off me . “ I always hope they have your face, so beautiful yet so strong “ he smiled cupping my cheek as he kissed my nose softly . I smiled wide as I begin to snuggle in closer to her chest allowing him to engulf me completely.
“ to be honest I think of for FAR to often” I explained. I laughed before I turned my face completely toward him, he smiled staring into my eyes as if he were looking at a galaxy. “ I just know anything we created together would be perfect . Because they would come from you. The most perfect man on earth “ I gushed . He rolled his eyes before pulling me entirely on his lap and begin to kiss my neck . Feeling him kiss me so softly on my neck and jaw left me feeling warm and wanted . My heart was on fire .
“ I could never imagine a world without you. I hope you know this y/n.” He whispered against my skin. “ I know I wouldn’t be able to breathe ... to attempt a life where you didn’t come to me . I couldn’t even imagine . “ he spoke softly .
I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his head to mine . I could feel his words, I knew what he meant . I knew it so well. “ I love you so much you have no idea.... you complete me “ I spoke calmly.
He chuckled slightly . “ I complete you?” He smirked . I smiled before slapping his chest . “ did I say something funny ?!” I scoffed .
“ baby believe me ... I couldn’t agree me “
I look outside the window as the rain pours down outside this old town coffe shop, it’s funny how thinking back to a warm embrace from a love that is no longer mine , brought me such solace on such a rainy day. It shouldn’t bring me anything now .
“ babe?” Namjoon spoke softly as he placed his arm on my shoulder bringing me closer to him. “ you been starring at the rain for a moment , your coffee is probably cold now “ he smiled softly . I shook my head turning away from the window . I felt silly looking back on soemthing so trivial . Especially when I had such a great mad beside me . One who didn’t leave . “ I’m sorry joonie, was thinking of some things from my older days . Old memories .” I shrugged brushing the moment off as unimportant.
“ any you would like to share ?” He smiled eagerly .
I laughed before leaning over to kiss his check softly before turning my back toward the window and back to my cup of coffee and the loving man beside me . “ no baby I don’t , just wanna focus on us and our date.”
I still remember though. I remember you ...
Jeon jungkook.
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Humans are Space Orcs “The Slime”
Hello everyone, sorry I have been busy and haven’t posted as much as normal, but it’s been busy and will be for another week. However, I wanted to give Krill a little screen-time after Sunny became so popular. So this one takes place before she joined the crew. I hope you like it :) Fell free to question message, comment ask, give ideas and prompts. 
The conference hall for the Galactic Assembly hall was awash in chaos. Captain Vir sat wide eyed next to krill (temporary representative of earth while the ambassador was away). The Assembly members argued over each other raised voices becoming even more agitated than the ones before.
“ORDER, ORDER I SAY” A loud hammering broke through the noise, and the gathered assembly took to their seats eyes wide with fright.
The chairwoman folded her posterior appendages to the front, “I will have order. Panic will do nothing for us. As it seems, the Gromm’s home world has been overrun by a virulent plague. Unfortunately, we are not sure of the exact nature of the disease. Before their scientists could come to us with their discovery all communications had gone dark….. We fear we may have lost them.”
“That’s not right.” The entire assembly hall turned to look at the human. Krill sunk behind the desk in embarrassment.
“You have something to say, human?”
Captain Vir looked awkwardly down at the desk for a moment before taking a deep breath and standing up, “Well aren’t you going to send someone. The CDC or a hazmat team, you can’t just leave them to die out there, can you? Not if there is soemthing that can be done.” The entire hall rumbled with assent to the human’s words.
The chairwoman leaned back eyeing the human, “Tell me than, what makes you qualified to make such suggestions.” The hall grumbled again
“Well, I come from a world that has had a ton of plagues and diseases as you know, the black plague, Spanish influenza, smallpox, bird flu to name a few. And every time that happened, someone came in to help. Take Ebola as an example, a hemorrhagic fever originating near the Ebola River that, as the name suggests, causes massive internal bleeding with fever. It is so contagious that you can catch it through contact with bodily fluids, from dead bodies, and (After a particular mutation) through contact with the air. It has somewhere between a 50-90% fatality rate without treatment. And despite that, when outbreaks happen we don’t just leave those people to die. Volunteer doctors and nurses went in with hazmat suits to take care of those people. Some of them died, some of them caught the disease, and others saved a lot of lives.”
The room was surprisingly quiet. Krill was surprised too, they knew humans to be a warlike species, but they hadn’t known them to be so…. Caring. To risk death to help those who may not be saved?
“A touching story, Captain, but how does that help us?”
Captain Vir crossed his arms, “If I can contact Earth, and find someone who is willing to help, I will personally fly them in myself to provide security.”
“Why did you agree to this?” Krill wondered uneasily watching as the captain and the rest of the volunteer medical team began strapping on their hazmat uniforms. Behind his clear plastic mask, the captain grinned fogging up the glass face, “Because, someone’s gotta do it, and besides, humans have the best immune systems this side of the galaxy.”
Krill grumbled slightly, “Maybe to earth diseases, which are disgusting, but not to alien diseases.”
“I thought you were a surgeon, not an infectious disease specialist.”
“I still went to medical school.” Krill grumbled, “Now remember captain, stay safe, and keep clean. Make sure to follow any and all decontamination procedures. Don’t touch anything if you don’t have to. Keep your feed on, so that I can see what’s going on. Maybe I can help. Also, remember to keep you-“
“Respirator on and gloves on at all times, yes Krill, I’m not stupid. I don’t want to die either.” Next to him, the other volunteers from his crew were strapping on their weapons making ready for entry.
Krill was still nervous watching them board the shuttle, and, through the cameras, their descent towards the Gromm homeworld. All around the world other crews would be doing the same thing.
“Approaching the first settlement at about 23% west. There seems to be no signs of life thus far.” Krill watched as the captain stepped around a strange plant and continued walking as he narrated for them. The feed wasn’t great, so it would be a help. “No movement, no alarms, nothing.” They moved over a rise and made their way down another hill reaching the settlement in about twenty minutes, having parked themselves at a good distance from the settlement. “Looks like we have our first body.” The captain said grimly crouching down and peering with his helmet cam at the shriveled corps dried into a husk under the sun. “This thing looks F***ing mummified.” The captain mumbled walking in a wide circle around the body to get it from all angles.
Krill had to agree with the captain’s assessment. The average Gromm was about three times the size of that body, with considerable mucus tissue covering most of its body. If it had died out in the sun, It was likely it had just dehydrated there.
One of the medical team began taking samples from the corpse as the rest moved closer to one of the buildings. Captain Vir took point next to the rest of his team protecting the medical staff as they softly shoved the door open.
Every human within sight left of a collective gasp.
“Ewwww f***ing disgusting.” One of them muttered. The captain made a noise in the back of his throat before, “Oh shit, I… Don’t know if you can all see, but the room is, absolutely….. Covered in slime.” With the medical team, they ventured into the room. It was dark enough Krill had trouble seeing, but the captain’s narration kept him aware, “There are at least 10, maybe 12 bodies in here all resting in pools of slime. It looks like it’s splattered the walls, there is even some on the ceiling. I can feel it through my boots.” He crouched down next to one of the bodies and ran a quick scan, “This one appears to be dead.” Krill squirmed a little in his seat at the disgusting sight, bulging eyes and a flaccid expression like the creature had just been deflated somehow.
“I GOT A LIVE ONE” Someone called.
The captain turned his helmet to look, and they all rushed over to a body in the corner. The creature was barely alive, eyes rolling against its chapped skin, “Water.” It pleaded. Someone, heading the plea left the room and came in with a bucket filled to the brim with water. The creature had no real mouth to drink like a human, so, instead, they dumped the bucket of water over the creature’s deflated form. Immediately, it began to look better, perking up and swelling to a proper size. It took a gasping breath, but seemed to sick to do much more than that. Immediately it began oozing at a furious pace.
“What the hell.” The captain muttered. Krill pressed closer to the screen. He had never seen anything like it. The average Gromm didn’t produce more than a quart of slime per day, but it was quickly loosing water even as they watched.
The humans began immediate procedure in helping the creature filling another tub full of water, and then dumping the Gromm into it covering themselves in slime during the process. The idea seemed to be working, though it would only be a temporary solution.
They continued on from there going from house to house, finding many dead, some still clinging to life, and all in need of water. Captain Vir kept track of everything he saw and everything the medical professionals pointed out. He went into most of the houses first and cleared each room before allowing others to follow him.
They were taking a look at one of the bodies when it happened. It was dark, and eerie, the house appeared to have been painted in the slime. No lights were on, and there were few windows. Captain Vir was scanning one of the subjects when it happened. The Gromm sat up and made a horrible screeching noise.
Vir leaped back, and tipped over something.
Krill heard the tearing. And then the cursing. “F**k, it’s inside my suit f**K.” The feed cut out.”
Krill sat at the consul shaking, body racked with panic. It was sure the captain’s suit had been breached, and he had been exposed to the pathogen. Second hands reported that he had been quarantined and was being observed….. Symptoms had already begun to appear, though the specifics were kept to a minimum.
Just then the camera turned on, and the captain appeared in the feed. He was smiling, but looked shaky. The plastic of the tent around him revealed a single entrance, a bed, a bucket, and a few other supplies, “Well….. I’ve been exposed to whatever this thing is. Whatever it is its fast acting.” He reached up to wipe his eyes, “About three hours after exposure, my nose started to run, and my eyes started to water.” He swallowed and wiped his mouth, “I’m not feeling anything else, no fever, no nausea, no sore throat, so perhaps it won’t be that bad. I’ll keep you updated.
Krill sat, furiously examining the samples that he had been given trying to figure out what exactly the pathogen’s purpose was. He wasn’t an expert in this area, but he knew enough that he thought it might help.
Behind him, the feed clicked on. The captain sat there looking an absolute mess. He was sniffling and wiping at his face every few seconds. His hair was disheveled, and his clothes were damp, “So…. It’s getting worse. Uh,” he wiped at his face, arm coming away covered in stringy slime. “It’s like, I was sprayed with CS gas, or ate a ghost pepper without the burning….” Tears trickled down his face in a steady stream, and as he spoke, it sounded like he was trying to speak past a mouthful of water, “I’m covered in my own.” He swallowed, “Slime. The medical team has been using me for its samples. The rest of the Gromm appear to be stabilizing. As long as you keep them in water, they seem alright, but we keep having to refill the water because they use it so fast. A few others are showing signs of improvement, thousands more have died.” He wiped at his face again, “And I have run out of tissues for the tenth time now…..”
The captain leaned against the edge of the frame. His cheeks were sunken his eyes were ringed with bags. He was no longer wearing his soaked shirt. He wiped at his face in vein, “Well, we have a name for it Viral Hyperactive Ectomucsacytosis, I just call it ‘The Slime.” He leaned over and spit into the bucket, “Which means that it’s a virus that causes hyperactivity in the exterior mucus membranes. So on the Gromm, who have mucus membranes covering their bodies, it’s almost a death sentence. They produce mucus until they have no water left to do so, and then they dry up. For humans it also attacks exterior mucus membranes.” He wiped at his head, “Luckily it doesn’t seem to affect the lugs or the intestines, but” He motioned to himself, “As you can see, it attacks the eyes, the nose, the mouth and…… well there are a few other places, but I’ll let you use whatever medical knowledge you have to guess those…..” He sighed, “I’ve stopped wearing clothes, because I have nothing dry left.”
He held up his arm, “As you might know, saliva and other mucus is about 90% water, so I am excessively dehydrated. They’ve started a wide boar IV on me just to keep up with the water loss.” He sighed, “I haven’t peed in almost 24 hours. I’m dizzy, and keep forgetting what I’m supposed to say. Since they gave me the IV I’ve been feeling a little better.” He sighed again, “My skin is dry, I feel cold, and they are worried about organ failure if I continue to loose water. Oh, also I have a massive headache.”
Captain Vir stepped aboard the ship two weeks later wearing dry clothes and looking relatively chipper. The planetary crisis for the Gromm had been reduced by the brave humans who had volunteered to come and aid those that were left alive. Millions had died in the plague, but with excessive amounts of water, the Virus had run its course. Anyone and everyone who received sufficient care during that time survived and recovered including Captain VIr.
Certain settlements had figured this trick out before their brethren and had taken to the water as soon as the outbreak had shown the symptoms that it did. They found other settlements that had not been touched by the plague, but they were often far outside city limits and had no real way to contact anyone. Many of the Gromm would remain permanently affected by the disease causing a dysregulation of their usual slime production.
Disease free, Vir was back to his normal self, and had decided that your average runny nose was nothing compared to “The slime”. A runny nose didn’t usually cause dehydration, organ failure, headache, and muscle cramps.
Krill, to himself, was very impressed with the humans. It hadn’t taken very long for Vir to find his volunteers, and no one had through twice about helping an entirely different race. They had come in on the hundreds, and had saved an entire planet from the brink of extinction risking their own lives in the process. At least 25 humans out of the hundreds sent had been infected, and all had survived without continuing issue.
Humans are a strange race, bred in war and shaped by pain, and so they fear nothing. They don’t fear sickness, or death, but they believe in survival. This idea is engrained so deeply that, even against logic, they will risk their own lives to lift up the lives of others.
No other race sent volunteer envoys onto the face of the Gromm planet, no other species suffered the sickness. It was humans, and humans aloe willing to risk death to save a species not their own.
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starkerdayss · 6 years
Dark Fantasy!AU Peter is Tony's locked princess :)
Peter knew it was wrong. He was supposed to hate him, and don’t get him wrong, he did. At first, he did. He fought him, kicking him in the balls, in the face, in the ribs. Of course, his strength was no match for the man, but nobody could say that he had gone with him willingly. 
But now, things were different, and he had gotten oddly attached to the room he was locked in, the landscape, the beautiful birds that stopped at his window every morning, as if wishing him a good day. His feelings for the man had also taken a turn. He was nice, he gave him food, he gave him books to read, and things to clean himself. He was a good man. Besides the whole ‘I’m obsessed with you so I’m gonna lock you in a tower for the rest of your natural life’ thing. 
Peter was a prince, in line for the Danish throne. Enphasis on the word was. He had left all of that behind when Tony had come along and had quite literally made him disappear. He had switched his prince-like clothes with village clothes, making him pass as normal, or as a servent that worked on the tower for the people that often crossed the bridge close to the castle he was locked in. Nobody recognized such a young face as the heir, so, nobody had said or done anything. Peter didn’t want them to. 
If the man had a sexual obsession with him, he never acted on it. Apparently, the villan was evil enough to kidnap him, but not to the point where he was going to rape him. Tony was a good man, Peter knew this deep inside him. But, something fiery in him maded him want Tony to act on it. Peter wasn’t gonna say no, that was for sure. 
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He was going to turn twenty one soon, and he was old enough to make his own decisions (as far as that could go in his situation). Tony often took him to the lake when it was a rainy day and he was sure nobody was going to leave the castles, making him wash his face and his body. Tony sometimes got into the lake as well, but only after Peter. He truly never forced Peter to be naked and wet at the same time as he was. 
Peter had been having wet dreams about that since he was nineteen, and he couldn’t shake the images out of his mind every time they were in the lake. He would look at Tony from the corner of his eye as the man washed himself, half turned around (commanded by Tony), and he would feel his cock start to twitch in interest at the mature sight. He was sure Tony had spyed on him before, so, he decided to put on a show the next time they were on the lake. 
The next day was friday (according to Peter’s solar calendar) and when the day finally settled, it was extremely foggy, not a single animal could be seen from his window, and the tower was humid. He was sure that day was lake day. 
He was cleaning a little his chains when the door suddenly opened, the rusty key making it way louder than it needed to be. Peter’s heart started to be faster almost immediately. The excitment almost crippling inside him, his hands already sweaty at the imagery of him holding something so precious like Tony’s… member. 
He stood up quickly, making the man frown. Peter never acted with rush on Lake day. 
“Are you okay?” asked the man, looking at Peter up and down. The boy nodded and looked down at his chains, signing for Tony to take them off already so they could be on their way. “You look impatient” 
“I just- I haven’t washed myself in a long time, I want to be clean” lied the boy before extending his hands as the man approached him, still a frown plasttered on his face, which soon turned into an apologetic grin. 
“Yeah, you know I can’t take you on the sunny days. Too many people outside” 
“It’s okay” Peter rushed into saying, his voice higher than usual, his eyes fixated on the man’s. His wrists were finally free, and almost automatically, he grabbed the man’s clothes. It was the protocol. That’s how they did things. 
The lake wasn’t so far away, so the walk was mostly them talking about what Peter was going to need until next Lake day. He always asked for some food, fruit mostly (it kept him in shape), hopefully some new clothes, even when he knew Tony was in no position to get none, and sometimes he asked for another book, or something where he could write. He was always granted those. 
But this time, the petition was different.
“I want to stay with you… in your chambers” 
The man stopped dead on his tracks and turned his head to the prince. “What?” 
 “I- Can’t I? One time? I want to sleep on a bed. I haven’t slept on one since I was seventeen” 
“I-I’ll think about it” he whispered, continuing his way towards the lake. His mind was occupied with thoughts. If Peter wanted to sleep in that bed, then, where was Tony going to sleep? He couldn’t leave him unsupervised, but he also knew the boy was soon gonna turn twenty one, and he had always given him shitty gifts for his birthday. Maybe if he bahaved, he would think about it. 
Before they even knew it, they were standing at the edge of the lake. Tony sighed and slowly let Petr go, only to grab him by the shoulders and start undressing him. 
Peter’s mouth was dry, his eyes closed in anticipation. This was the best part of this day. Feel those hands roaming slowly down his body, stripping him from his dirty clothes. But, he let himself do something he had never done before. When Tony’s hands reached his waist, Peter moaned. It was shy and highly submissive, but he was sure Tony had heard him. 
“What was that?” asked the man, his hands stopping with Peter’s torso naked. His eyes were wide and fixated on the boy’s scalp as he breathed slowly. 
“I’m in pain” he muttered quickly, realizing immediately that it was a stupid thing to say. 
“My- my arm” 
Tony walked closer and almost sticked his chest to Peter’s back, only to look at the limb. It was white, as usual. So many years of no sun. But it didn’t look like it was injured. 
“Maybe I just hit it or something” he rushed again, hearing the man’s affirmative sound, rubbing softly on the boy’s skin. His body only inches from him. He finished undressing the boy and glanced briefly at his round and perky ass, shaking his head. He couldn’t. 
“Get in the water” 
Peter complied immediately, turning around and staring at Tony’s brown eyes for maybe two seconds too long before walking towards the water and going deep. He started to rub himself with water, a splashing sound filling Tony’s ears as he concentrated on the grass. 
The boy rolled his eyes. He couldn’t put on a show if the man wasn’t looking at him. He looked around and saw a small rock. He grabbed it and played with the water (so Tony wouldn’t think soemthing was wrong) and with bravery, he hit a little above his anckle, screaming in pain and letting go of the rock inside the water. 
The man raised his head and looked at Peter alarmed, a small river of blood forming down Peter’s body. “Peter? What happened?” 
Peter winced in pain and as he looked at the blood, he got an idea. He slowly started to fall down, until he hit the water, purposely avoiding the rock he just let fall. He was pretending he was passing out due to seeing the blood. Tony didn’t even strip off his own clothes, getting in the water immediately and picking Peter up from where he was half floating. 
“Peter. Peter!” 
The boy slowly opened his eyes and looked at the man. “Tony…” he trailed off, his voice barely a whisper. 
“I got you, you hear me? I got you” 
Peter bit his lip and looked deeply into his eyes. He slowly reached forward with his hand and put it behind the man’s head. He waited a few seconds while the man stared back. He swallowed thickly and smiled, before bringing his head down and kissing him. 
(part two coming tomorrow!)
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shysneeze · 7 years
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Wet Dog (Sirius Black x Reader)
Request:Heyy! I was wondering if you could do a Sirius x fem!reader version of Whoolly Jumper. Maybe where reader is in Gryffindor and her and Sirius don't really get along but then while she's smelling the potion she smells campfire, leather and when she says wet dog, the guys all look at Sirius in shock. 
Warning: Cussing, my writing, injury etc
Author's Note: This is probs shit, never written a Sirius imagine but here you go :)
"Watch out, (Y/L/N)."
(Y/N) stumbles to the side as Sirius Black strides ahead of her into the potions classroom, followed swiftly by his apologetic friends. She can only roll her eyes as she follows, giving Remus Lupin an exasperated look as he pats her shoulder sympathetically. She’s already preparing herself for a long afternoon. 
"Don't you look ravishing today, (Y/L/N)." Sirius mocks as she takes her seat in beside him. "Bed head and all."
"What can I say, Black.” She smiles mockingly sweetly. “ I got my inspiration from you." 
Watching his smirk fall is one of the most gratifying things (Y/N) is sure she’s capable of. As school player and obnoxious prick, a title given to him by the girl herself, Sirius Black is not someone (Y/N) has ever found herself get along with. 
A prank gone wrong in their earlier school years, leaving her the undeserving victim of some nasty boils, destined them to a life as enemies, who’s day’s revolve around their petty banter and scathing remarks.
“Of course you did.” Sirius recovers. “I am dashingly handsome.” 
“Whatever you need to tell yourself.” 
Sirius goes to reply despite Remus’ warning nudge to his side when Slughorn begins to explain the lesson, approaching the cauldron in front of the class as it bubbles above the flame, letting off a pinkish steam. 
“Amortentia.” He begins with a smile. “Can anyone tell me what it is?”
“A love potion, Sir.” (Y/N)’s replies with a raised hand. 
“That’s right, Miss (Y/L/N).” Slughorn beams. “Well done.” 
“Show off.” “Sirius coughs. 
“Not my fault that you’re feeling threatened.” 
Remus long sigh is loud enough to have them both temporarily sheepish as Slughorn continues to explain the lesson, either ignoring or obvious to the way Sirius and (Y/N) have begun to bicker the minute Remus’ disappointed look faded.
Only once the class has dispersed to take turn at smelling the infamous potion do they let up, separating with mirrored glares to different cauldrons let bubbling across the room. 
Her sour mood is soon overshadowed by the same buzz as everyone else. Amortentia’s unique smell makes it a fascinating potion, and like most, (Y/N) can’t deny her excitement at getting to decipher what it smells like to her, or rather, who.
"Well, (Y/N)?" James Potter nudges her side once together at the front of the short queue. “What do you smell?” 
“Give me a chance, boys.” She chuckles. 
Remus has the decency to look apologetic, though his eyes carry curious glint to them much like James’. Giving him a knowing look, she turns with a small laugh to lean forward over the bubbling cauldron, inhaling deeply, and expectantly. 
It takes a moment for them to hit her, to diffuse into separate, identifiable scents rather than the initial confusion that causes her nose to scrunch. Behind her, James and Remus exchange a curious glance, finally a glimpse into their mysterious friend.
“Campfire.” She confesses first. “Leather and... wet dog?” 
She pulls back with a grimace, a disgusted look twisting at her expression. Behind her, James’ jaw has slackened and Remus’ brows have pulled into a confused frown that has concern prickling at her skin. 
"Did you say wet dog?" Remus asks.
"Yeah.” She grimaces. “Do we know anyone with a dog?” 
"No!" James interrupts. 
His eyes betray him though, already staring across the room towards Sirius. She follows his gaze with a questioning frown. She’s about to question Siriu’s relevance when she spots Lily beside him, smirk finding her cheeks quickly. 
“I suppose you smelt Lilies?”
“Ha- yeah.” James laughs, almost mechanically. “Yeah.”
“Hm.” She grins. “How did I guess.” 
“I wonder.” Remus joins. “Not like he talks about her all them time.” 
“Of course not.” 
 Their worried looks still hold though, eyes darting between each other warily. She tries to dismiss it though, weird behavior isn’t uncommon amongst the infamous Marauders.
She focusses her thoughts instead on who on earth might smell of wet dog.
She’s not sure what she expects, walking into he empty hospital wing in the dead hours of the morning, but Sirius Black certainly wasn’t even a consideration. She peers down once again at the parchment clutched in her hands and inhales sharply as the pieces come together. 
She’d been reading in the common room as is her usual weekend tradition, forgetting time and not sleeping until the sun is creeping in the windows, when a scrunched ball of parchment has appeared from thin air and fallen into her lap. On it, an almost illegibly scrawled out request for her to come to the hospital wing, ASAP.
"Sorry." Sirius sighs. "I didn't know who else to message and I knew you'd be up..."
"It's fine. “ (Y/N) assures. “What’s wrong? Is Remus okay?”.
Sirius’s brows pique before he’s grimacing again at the movement, cracking the slow healing gash on his forehead. Moving closer at the sound of his hissed breath, her own breathing halts for a second as she catches the real issue in the light of one of the dim candles.
He’s grasping at his side with one hand, the other clutching at the table he’s sat on.  Through his torn short, she can see the crimson stain of blood seeping through the fabric and coating his fingers. She can see him grinding his teeth in pain, breathing in sharply before forcing out a question.
"You know?" He asks. “About Remus?” 
“Yes- what happened?”
“He’s a friend.” She explains quickly. “I figured it out- what happened to you?” 
“He’s fine, but he got me pretty bad.” 
He’s so flippant about it, as if it’s happened a million times before and he doesn’t care, but (Y/N) face freezes in disbelief. Her next question bursts out so loud she’s grateful for once that Madam Pomfrey isn’t here.
"You were out with him?”
"You said you knew!" 
"That Remus is a werewolf.” She exclaims. “Not that you were out there with him- do you know how unsafe that is?”
His chuckle at her reaction is short lives as it sends a ripple of pain through his side and has him hunching over with a chocked out groan. She’s coming forward instantly. steadying him upright again. 
"Merlin." She exhales " Take your shirt off, Black."
His lips twitch into a smirk.
"Awfully bold tonight, aren't we, (Y/L/N)?"
"Sirius, you are bleeding.” She warns sternly. “Don’t tease me right now.”
He nods, grunting as he peels his shirt off, revealing the source of all the blood, a jagged gash running down his side, the skin around it dotted with deep red bruises, not yet given the time to turn that signature purple colour. 
She’s quick to riffle through a few cupboards for a healing kit, grabbing some sterilising alcohol and a cloth, soaking it silently as he watches on, a mixture of mesmerised and concerned. 
"Um, this is going to sting.” She warns, blowing some strands of hair from her face frantically. “Like a lot.” 
“I’m a big boy.” He assures. 
“Fine.” She says. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
His body jolts the minute she touches him, breathed hissed through his teeth as he grasps for soemthing to hold onto. She reaches out for his hand with her free one, clasping it in her own and squeezing reassuring. He meets her eyes at the feeling, taken aback by the way their hands fit so perfectly together. She gets lost there for a second, in their little moment. 
“There.” She clears her throat after a moment. “I did warn you.” 
She pulls away to go for the bandages, the absence of her hand in his causing a sinking feeling in his chest he’s never felt before. He can tell she’s avoiding his eyes as she begins to bandage his wounds. 
“Thanks.” He says. “For doing this.”
“You’re an idiot.” She mumbles, moving away to inspect her handiwork. “I hope you know that.”
 "Care to explain how it happened though?"
He contemplates it for only a moment, realising how contradictory it would be to lie after what she’s seen, what she’s healed for him. His body slumps slowly with a sigh. 
“Remus is our friend.” He starts. “We couldn’t let him go out there alone, so we- me, James and Peter- became animagi to help him out every full moon.”
“Because he isn’t bothered by other animals...” She exhales upon realisation. “That’s really clever.”
Her frown eases, the harshness of her voice disintegrating with the newfound respect that warms her chest. She steps forward again, looking up at him sheepishly. 
“You’re not that much of an idiot.” 
“I don’t know.” He jokes. “I lost control of my animal form and startled Moony.”
“Still.” She assures. “It’s very admiral of you to do that for a friend.”
“No one deserves to go through what he does.” Sirius shrugs. “If I can help even a little, it’s my job to do so.” 
She finds herself smiling at this new side of Sirius Black, a side that’s sweet, gentle. She shakes her head in disbelief as she runs a hand down his bandaged side, gently. 
“What’s you’re animagus?” She asks friendlily. “Please tell me its a chicken.”
“Ha, you wish.” He holds his side a she laughs. “I’ll have you know, I’m man’s best friend.”
“A dog.” He explains with a soft smile. “Big scruffy looking thing.”
She stills her hand on his torso, barely noticing how it’s wandered across his skin, resting on his shoulder before she pulls it back. He begins to frown at her slackened jaw and wide eyes. 
"Oh my god."
"What is it?" 
"Wet dog!" 
He blinks at her, standing with a frown, groaning as he pushes himself from the table to glare at her. 
"Well that's just rude."
"No, in the amortentia.” She exclaims, fingers curling in her hair in frustration. “Leather and wet dog.”
"Fuck sake, that was you?” She rambles. “Are you serious?"
"Last time I checked that was my name, yes."
"Fuck off, Sirius." She snaps. "I can't believe I like you of all people."
It’s like it all comes down at once, the reality of the night, no longer clouded by each warm touch and lingering gaze. Sirius Black is a player, an obnoxious prick and the subject of an affection she was sure she’d never feel for him. 
She goes to turn away with a scoff and a disappointed feeling in the pit of her stomach when, behind her, Sirius lets out a sigh and his hands are tugging her back by her waist, twisting her around until she’s stumbling into his chest. He holds her gaze, eyes full of questions as their lips are frozen millimeters apart. 
She finds herself nodding, reading him perfectly enough to know what he’s asking. Then, their lips are clashing in a kiss, their bodies stumbling backwards until hers hits the wall behind her. It’s all so rushed, finger curled in hair and heavy breaths. 
She has to force herself to pull back, his lips chasing hers as she gently forces him back and with a pant. His fingers are still curled around her waist, but his eyes are as wide as hers. 
“What- what just happened?” 
“I’m pretty sure we just made out.” He admits. “And it was pretty fucking good.”
“No, no we can’t start doing that.” She decides. “I’m supposed to hate you.” 
“Why!?” He bursts. “You can’t seriously be mad at me for something I did when I was fourteen.” 
“I had boils for days.” She hisses. 
“I was fourteen!” He retorts. “Merlin, (Y/N), I can’t believe I like someone who holds such a grudge.”
She freezes, breath catching nervously in her throat as she looks up at him again. 
"What did you smell in the potion?”
"Old books and flowery shampoo." He admits. "Your  shampoo."
"How do you know what my shampoo smells like?"
His blush is something she’s never seen before. It creeps up his neck and reaches the top of his ears instantly. A bit of her she’s no longer able to ignore observes how sweet it is, cute even. 
"I notice things..."He mumbles. "I'm very observant."
"Well your smells were all nice smells.” She argues. “Wet dog... why did it have to be you.”
He's smirking again, a smirk that she’s always dying to wipe off his face, but never before has she wanted to do so by kissing him, never before has it been so infuriatingly attractive... although perhaps it has, perhaps all that hatred has been hiding something else. 
"Can kiss you again?" 
She doesn’t recall nodding until they’re kissing again, his hands moving from her waist to cup her cheeks, his hands warm on her skin as they were in her hand. His lips are gentle, so much more so that she’s ever imagined and she knows they’re something she’ll never be able to live without again. 
"I'm sorry I pranked you when I fourteen." He apologises. “I didn’t know how else to get your attention.” 
“You thought boils were the way to go?” 
“I know right.” He grins. “Apparently all I needed to do was get my self badly injured.”
“Oh shut up.”
“You like me though. “ He teases. 
“Yeah.” She sighs, pulling him in again. “I do...”
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infelixxanima · 6 years
do you take fic requests becuz it’s me that anon from a while ago who spammed you and cas about Vitoria fucking Cas and I like need that fic so bad gimme that explicit bottom cas top vittoria smut gimme lmfao pretty please
Listen here you little addict…
Of course I will write it. 
Here ya go~
Warning: Contains aforementioned smut lol. It’s not good I got restless during the last bit but here ya gooooo
       “Vitto we a-ah, we can’t–” 
She’s absolutely persistent. She said she wanted him and granted, it’s not as if they’re somewhere obvious. In their own motel room but they’re supposed to be meeting the Winchesters and–
Vittoria grabbed him by the back of the neck, pulled him down slightly, and dragged her tongue over his lower lip. Pure shock crosses his features and she comes in for a kiss, and licks her way into his mouth, as if she feverishly had to taste all of him. That thought makes him blush. Makes him hard. 
       “Vitto we don’t have time–” he tries to stress, most part out of pure concern for their time limit, the other simply worried that at the rate she’s going, he’s not going to be able to walk afterwards. 
      “Thank goodness this won’t take long then,” she whispers into his ear, maneuvering Castiel. His protests dies on his lips when the back of his knees hits one of the chairs and he falls back into it. The female before him looked like a predator, dangerous, prowling. Her blue eyes never left his as she spoke.
        “I can’t leave here, without having you. I can’t ever go five minutes without thinking about you. Sometimes I want you when I know i can’t and I sitll think about it Cas.” 
She sinks to her knees, between his, and pushes them farther apart and his heart begins to pound. She’s never been this forward or fast with him. They’ve always taken their time, kisses and whispers and touch and holding but it’s like she doesn’t have it in herself to just wait. 
She’s never done this either and Castiel would be lying if he said he didn’t get lightheaded and hard the second she kissed him. She shows no shame, only hunger when she leans forward, pulls the zipper on his pants. His mouth works like a fish out of water, at least to tell her that if her knees start to hurt she can get up at any time but she makes a noise and fucking drags her tongue across the denim of the jeans he’s wearing, along the ridge of his cock and Castiel actually has to curse. 
Her tongue is wet and hot and she drags it along the bulge of his dick as slowly as she can, and he twitches against her overeager tongue. Her fingers pop the button to his jeans and she gives them an impatient yank. She’s rutheless in her actions and all Castiel can think is I want to give her what she wants. When he’s semi free of his jeans and boxers, Vittoria doesn’t just fucking wait at all. Like perhaps she had been wanting it too long, Castiel only has enough time to grab the arms of the chair the second her mouth sinks down around him. It’s hurried and sloppy and his brain almost shorts because it’s just enough to get him wet. She sucks hard and long and Castiel’s head falls back on a wrecked groan. That seems to fuel her when she stands and straddles him. She’s in a bossy mood that much is for certain. But one thing Castiel knows is that she’s definitely trying to kill him, made prominent by the fact she whispers into his ear, “Push my panties to the side, and let me fuck you right here.” 
He’s blushing, there’s no way he can hide that but he tries. Attempts to bury it in her shoulder as his fingers press between them, run over the soft silk of her panties and he finally takes note how dripping wet she is. He hisses, cock jumping when she pulls his hair, forcing him to look at her with wide eyes. 
       “Push them to the side,” she repeats softly, “So I can ride you.” 
Trembling fingers do just that and he tries to say soemthing, forumulate a sentence but she reaches down between them too, grabs the base of his dick and holds it as she presses it against herself and slowly slides down onto it. 
Castiel groans, feels his whole body tingle and thrum with pleasure. 
     “Fuck Cas,” she moans, “Should’ve been riding you like this m-more often,” she pulls herself up and slide back down and the face she makes does nothing for Cas except make him want to submit to her. Give her everything. It’s lewd, how wet she sounds every time she moves, the smack of her ass against his lap as she rides him with no reservations. She holds him close, pulled in by his hair, held there by her bruising kiss. 
      “A-ahh! Vitto–”
     “Mmnn Cas,” she purrs, “I like you like this. You get all whimpery and twitchy and you start to beg me for more,” she slows her pace and begins to grind her hips down on him, “Especially when I get you buried balls deep and you turn pink all up through here,” she kisses along his cheek and ear, “–And here–” she drags her tongue along his jaw and his neck. 
       “You’re--” His words taper off into a desperate noise and it lights some sort of fire in Vittoria’s eyes. Her fingers slide up the sun kissed expanse of his neck and holds it, not tightly, but enough to garner his attention. His eyes have no where else to look but her. She’s debauching him in the best of ways and he loves it. Needs it more than he knows how to express. His legs spread and he slides back in the rickety chair and she leans forward over him. She presses their foreheads together, makes him look between them as she slides up his cock before sliding back down, wiggling until she could get him all the way to the base. She does it a few more times before she picks up her speed. One of their phones is ringing and Castiel wildly flings a hand out to throw it into fucking Narnia but there’s a glitter in her eyes that he instantly knows and tries to cut her off but she’s fast.
She presses her hand to his, taps the button and suddenly Dean Winchester’s voice rings out into their little motel room. And to his horror and extreme arousal, she bites her lip, and starts to ride him again. He’s got no choice now, he’s got to talk to Dean. 
         “H-hey, we’re o-on our way!” 
     “What the hell is taking you guys so long?! We’re starving!” 
Vittoria’s hot breath on his ear was distracting him and when she sucked it between her teeth he almost lost it.
       “Yeahheardyaonourway--” he never ended a call so fast. Vittoria took that as a sign, the way his hands gripped her ass tight told her all she needed to know. 
The both came, hard and fast, Castiel burying his face into Vittoria’s shoulder as she buried her teeth into his. When he could finally breathe properly, and was sure when he opened his eyes he wouldn’t see two of her, he brought his hand up to her neck and brought her down to him in a kiss. A softer kiss and almost like a switch had been flipped, she relaxed against him and kissed him back.
When they parted, Vittoria stared down at him, biting her lip, a little more in control of herself. The marks on his shoulder will fade but they look so pretty against his skin.
      “Oh Cas, I have to bite you more often.” 
She kisses the marks, his neck, and his lips one more time before chuckling. Castiel groans softly and grinds his hips and she shivers. He’s hard again. Damn him. 
      “We have more time,” he reasoned, ducking his head, pressing his lips to her neck, “It’s not like their starving.”
       “Oh,” she purred, “I agree.” 
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aliciavspinnet · 8 years
i was tagged by @owvlery (thank yeee)(for this but also i am enjoying ur anon hour with the coffee theme cause lol)  >tagging @fjrebolt @mollyprewett @nexvilles @artemxis @fleurrdelacour @jilys  @jamespottuh @dementvr and anyone else who would like to complete these funky questions (tag me)(so i can intrude on ur personal lives plz) 🐝rules: complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. when you’re finished, tag people to do this survey. have fun and enjoy! 1: are you named after someone? nopity nope  2: when was the last time you cried? erm i suddenly can’t remember anything in life (maybe within the last week)(like i saw at least one movie i am fairly certain i cried in)  3: do you like your handwriting? ya (altho i get annoyed when trying to do artsy stuff sometimes cause i tend to slope up or down when there r no lines to draw on)(that’s not really handwriting tho more like my ability to write in a straight line idk)  4: what is your favourite lunch meat? this is a weird question – chicken? is this meant to be for in a sandwich? or just meat u like for lunch? (all i can think of is how i hate most meat people put in sandwiches so idk) (i’m probably gonna be a vegetarian some day lol)(even tho that’s a stupid idea cause i’m low on iron)(idk stay tuned)  5: do you have kids? hahahahahhaaa nope i am still a kid (tho not legally)(cries)(i have had to fill out too many forms recently)(i don’t like being responsible someone halp)  6: if you were another person, would you be friends with you? yes i’m freaking amazing (lol idk it might get boring if we were like clones cause we’d have exactly the same ideas) (or would that be interesting) (who the frick knows?)  7: do you use sarcasm? lol m8 who do u think i am? ofc 
8: do you still have your tonsils? yeappo 9: would you bungee jump? i like the idea of thrills like i am an adventurer and thrill seeker but heights r a nono for me like i struggle going up the sky tower and stuff so i probably wouldn’t be able to get to the platform but i feel like it’d be a sick life experience tho  10: what is your favourite kind of cereal? there is this stuff called berry berry nice and i loved it as a child and still love it (also weet bix is a must have in the pantry also)  11: do you untie your shoes when you take them off? i do atm i go thro stages (i am a capable human rn)   12: do you think you’re a strong person? i am weak but not weak willed (altho my mind is a sieve) (but like i am strong in character i reckon) (just don’t ask me to lift heavy objects) (plz) (my arms will snap) 13: what is your favourite ice cream flavour? cookies n cream can take my soul (but also with rly fancy ice cream u gotta love like mango sorbets and stuff)  14: what is the first thing you notice about people? um? i’ll get back to u i sorta don’t really know – i mean i guess their general appearance if i meet them in person ??  16: what is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself? my crappy skin can go screw itself ty  17: what colour pants and shoes are you wearing now? lol i just woke up i have no pants or shoes on (funny story i just went into the kitchen to get an apricot (yum) and then there was a random man in our garden (i think he is here to fix the pool filter) and he looked like he was gonna try and come in and talk to someone about our filter but i didn’t want to interact with him pantless so i ran past the window cause also if he saw me he’d expect interaction)  19: what are you listening to right now? melanie martinez is rocking my new stereo (or boombox)(lol i love that word)  20: if you were a crayon, what colour would you be? i don’t care about the colour but i want a pretentious name (like idk mermaid mania but it’s just a nice blue for the sea)(okay i looked up crayon colour names and i wanna be Permanent Geranium Lake)(it’s red)(wtf)  21: favourite smell? ahhh help!! how do i chose (i’m just gonna list off a few) cinnamon, lavender, the sea, vanilla,  22: who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? my mum’s friend who answered the phone when my mum was driving and it was a very awkward conversation (and i still brought a crappy plate holder because of it)(whyyy)  23: favourite sport to watch? waterpolo probs cause i used to play and i love it  24: hair color? like a light brown ? (i wanna dye it pink)(like bright pink)(it could look terrible but i sorta wanna do it)  25: eye colour? like brown but also could be hazel cause there is a little green tint sometimes  26: do you wear contacts? when i rly need to see and i wanna swim or soemthing (but i have to be desperate)(they suck the life outta my eyes and general being)  27: favourite food to eat? apple crumble is my go to for this question cause it’s my true love  28: scary movies or comedy? quality of movie not genre is what i judge by (also depends what mood i’m in)(but i’m up for both)  29: last movie you watched? la la land (wozah)  30: what colour of shirt are you wearing? urm it’s a alice through the looking glass shirt (i still haven’t seen the movie)(but i love the books)(and someone brought it for me)(and it’s the perfect pajama top) it’s white but there is blue on it too
31: summer or winter? gimme that long summer break with the beach and the sun !! (it’s officially summer now guys btw)(cause the shape of my bikini has been completely seared onto my body)(whoops: how not to be sunsafe with kate)  32: hugs or kisses? gimme them hugs plz  33: what book are you currently reading? too many books i h8 myself  34: who do you miss right now? my best friend has been away (and away from wifi) for a bit and i miss talking to her  35: what is on your mouse pad? lol (no mousepad sry kiddos)  36: what is the last tv program you watched? friends ? maybe ? i think i watched an episode when my friend came over recently  37: what is the best sound? woww this is harddd i love weird laughs honestly everyone laugh is so so precious also i love the sounds of nature and summer and the beach (also music is a quality sound)  38: rolling stones or the beatles? aghjsdk okay well i love both but the beatles and i have a longer history so i’m gonna have to choose the good ol sargent pepper’s lonely heart’s club band  39: what is the furthest you have ever traveled? aussie (it’s gonna be a shook to the system when i have to be on a plane any longer than 3 hours)  40: do you have a special talent? i won the last catch a marshmellow in ur mouth competition against my siblings? and i am the master of do everything the last minute (idk)(i’m pretty good at reading people i guess?)  41: where were you born? haha here (nz)(oh and let’s pretend it wasn’t hamilton)
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