#i need to know his pov so bad... i need to know mikeys pov so bad (again)
pavlovers · 2 years
you cannot tell me this man politely sat here like this the entire time his full role in the plot was revealed to us like 💀
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wolfhard13 · 6 months
Clingy boy<3
Mike Wheeler x fem!reader
Warnings: Fluff, clingy, cute and love<3
Pov: Mike Wheeler being clingy to you.
♧ When Mike's clingy, he gets clingy like really clingy
♧ HE LOVES to hold onto your arm and your waist and snuggle his head into the crook of your neck
♧ Mike likes, no, adores when your clingy too because it gives him an excuse to be clingy back
♧ Mike grew up not receiving much affection as a child so I image he's touch-starved so give him all the love he deserves<3
♧ His favourite thing to do is cuddle with you and you play with his hair and I think he grew it out a little so you'd play with it more and he really likes it
♧ He doesn't really know how to say 'I love you' because he didn't grow up with it so he expresses himself with touch and quality time
♧ Mike likes when he's clingy and you allow it and youre not ashamed like your proud of it and you show him off and you encourage it like you put your arms in his so he can cuddle it or hold his hand and put it in your lap or his
♧ Mike tends to get a little possessive when he's clingy like not in a bad way just like he doesn't let you go anywhere without him and he constantly wants to be with you 24/7 (and you better give him the loves he needs<3)
♧ He likes to come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist when your with your friends and drag you away, giggling because he stole you and now your his
♧ He would totally deathstare any guy who would stare or look at the both of you and feel a little insecure so you have to reassure him and make sure he knows your his and his only and obvi let him be clingy all he wants<3
♧ Mike's a sweet boy and deserves all the love in the world<3 I love you Mikey<3
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afreakingdork · 1 month
You Are My Sunshine, My Only Moonshine - Chapter 9
RotTMNT x Reader
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I am constantly blown away by this chapter art by @yamin-yups
Rated: Teen and Up Audiences
Relationships: Michelangelo (TMNT)/Reader, Michelangelo (TMNT)/You, Donatello (TMNT)/Reader, Donatello (TMNT)/You
Warnings: POV Second Person, Gender Neutral Reader, Anxious Reader, Introverted Reader, Stuttering, Aged-Up Mutant Ninja Turtles, Romance, Love, Love Confessions, Falling In Love, Unrequited Love, Rejection, Aromantic Asexual Michelangelo (TMNT), Bisexual Donatello (TMNT), Pansexual Leonardo (TMNT), Lesbian Cassandra Jones | Foot Recruit, Demisexual April O'Neil (TMNT), Implied Cassandra Jones | Foot Recruit/April O'Neil/Sunita, Endgame Donatello (TMNT)/Reader, Romantic Love, Platonic Love, Panic Attacks, Sexuality Crisis, Agoraphobia, Social Anxiety, Happy Ending, Fluff
Synopsis:  You’ve lost most of your life to anxiety and fear. Now, in your late 20s, you are desperate to reclaim it and during one such outing you encounter the sun personified. With his and his similarly celestially inspired family, will you finally reach your goal or will you lose yourself along the way?
This chapter contains reference to body dysmorphia. Remember that what you feel is completely valid, but we can sometimes see ourselves differently than we really are. Please keep yourselves safe.
Also available on Ao3
First 💛 Previous
“Maybe we take a break from going out into the packed public for once?” Mikey was upside-down, but compensated by holding his phone the opposite way. 
It put him right side up in the video chat, but the view was extra blurry. “Is that… okay?”
“I’m the one suggesting it!” Mikey stuck out his tongue, but his reflection seemed to confuse him on which way the appendage should go. “It’s been awhile. I haven’t been able to see you.”
“Yeah… well…” Though for you it would have been predictable, Mikey hadn’t felt the firsthand effects of your setbacks yet. 
Panic attacks always caused you to withdraw into yourself. 
You weren’t supposed to.
There were times when it was easy to keep going.
Others, such as now, left you homebound for as long as society allowed.
The push to normalcy now included your thoughtful friend.
“Do you know after my tremors went away, I spent months avoiding art because I was afraid of how it would look?” Mikey told you casually. 
You weren’t sure what he was talking about.
You tried to recall something about tremors, but came up short.
You wanted to ask more, but there was a more startling aspect than the content itself.
You couldn’t believe there was ever a period where Mikey avoided art as he had been nothing, but a loud proponent of all its merit.
“Because I knew my level and then… I didn’t. I knew I’d have to get back there. It was like riding a skateboard, but needing to take that time? For a second time. Chancing the bad result? It was like my healing was one thing and then by doing that it would show me just how much further I still needed to go. Like that dude with the cat and the box. I didn’t want to open it and find out. I couldn’t do it.”
“Isn’t the saying… something… about riding a bike?”
“We were skateboard tots!” Mikey rolled over and with it so did his camera, inverting the image.
You nodded lightly.
“I switched up crafts. Started new ones that weren’t so finger focused. Pour paints and candle work!” He made grabby hands at the lens as he fixed his phone angle.
“Something low key…” You hummed where you were sitting at the foot of your bed.
“Yeah, something quiet, calm, and… oh! Oh yeah!” There was another flip, but this one was out of excitement.
“D-don’t… bust through a wall…!”
Mikey appeared within a flurry of static. “Did you just make a Kool-Aid Man joke?”
“I make jokes!”
The wattage of his smile turned up to a blinding degree. “Well then I’ve got just the wall to bust through!”
“No.” Donnie glowered over his shoulder.
“Please!” Mikey bounced his plea with his head straight up to the ceiling of the garage you were currently in.
An oddity in the subway, but something you imagined had to exist based on logic, your eyes were openly roving around the tidy depot.
“Absolutely not.” Lifting out from under a hood and minding his head, Donnie craned an elbow to the engine block he was working on. “You know you’ve been banned.”
“One time!” Mikey groaned.
“No!” Donnie felt the need to rip off his leather work gloves to throw an unencumbered finger in Mikey’s face. “You were banned once after crashing eleven separate times!!”
“Eleven?!” You squeaked.
Mikey flipped back and forth between the two of you, obviously caught in who to address first. “My driving is fine!” He chose you and then flipped to Donnie. “I’ve changed!”
From the duffel that was slung around your body, you had already been clinging to the strap as it gave you something comforting to hold on to. With the new knowledge that you had almost been driven somewhere rural by someone with that kind of driving record, you now scooped up the entire sack to soothe yourself. 
“Forget that.” Donnie flicked his gaze to you. “You’d need a full crash suit to survive him.” He then folded his gloves into a pair and went to check his tool box.
You wilted further.
“We’re already packed!” Mikey rounded a new argument. “This is going to be our big, no-stress, relaxing getaway and you’re making it exactly not that!” 
“That’s unfortunate. The bus station isn’t far.” Donnie knelt down to get a wrench.
“And how’s that going to work!? We get dropped at some station and walk to the cabin!? You know it’s in the middle of nowhere!” Mikey stepped up to throw menace over his brother.
Donnie smelled it a mile away and lifted his head, pouring twice the malice. “Oh, you want to play?”
Mikey gulped and nodded his head once. “Let us borrow a car, the tank, a shell cycle, whatever! You’re being unfair!”
“Your planning is poor.” Donnie was slow to get on one knee. “You’re ill equipped.” To the other, he got a foot under him. “You’ve informed no one.” Rising to his towering height above his brother, he loomed. “You walk into my garage, where I am in the midst of my own personal and much needed zen in the form of refurbishing my newest baby and expect me to drop the keys of another into your hands knowing full well that you have destroyed more vehicles on more occasions than I can count on our joined mutant fingers and toes because you just so happened to suddenly decided that you needed to take a weekend trip with your friend of which whom you have a similar slapdash scheme going on with to go to our family’s cabin up north on a whim!?!”
Having watched Donnie not take a single breath, you backed up nearly the same distance that Mikey’s head had shrunk down into his shell.
“Y-yes?” Mikey peeped.
“No.” Donnie said the word firm and quiet, but punctuated it with a tap to Mikey’s plastron which caused the stiff turtle to fall over. “Now leave me to my work.”
Only a shell laying there, you leaned forward to look over Mikey without compromising your spot.
Donnie swung his wrench and moved over to a creeper with the intention to disappear under what looked like a turtle-themed moon buggy.
“You-” Your voice echoed in the garage and you tensed up.
Mikey’s head emerged from his shell to peek at you.
Donnie halted his motion, but didn’t turn.
“You… um… could… come with us?”
You watched Donnie’s lips wobble with disdain.
“N-Not a-as a d-driver! Y-you said…”
In a loud pop, all of Mikey’s limbs emerged. “That’s a great idea!!!”
In a smooth rotation, Donnie both turned and lifted his wrench with a threat.
Mikey crab walked several paces away.
“I’m disappointed.” Donnie sent a glare in your direction. “If your thought is even-” He caught a glimpse of his wrench. “-5/16ths as moronic as his then you are banned from the garage itself. Know that, would you still like to continue speaking?”
Gaze plummeting, your heart tried to escape and you screwed the whole of you shut to keep it inside.
Your entire body shook with the force of your nerves and you had to wait until your BPMs dropped to a manageable limit before you could manage speech. “You… said… m-much needed… so maybe… the trip would… well… be calming… for you too?”
There was a clink of metal hitting the ground.
You were banned from the garage.
That was fine.
In theory, it wasn’t.
In theory, you were mortified.
Despite your best efforts, you had never been banned from anything.
Now you were.
A glaring dark spot on your permanent record.
Was Mikey a bad influence?
“You do say driving gets your mind off things…” Mikey said with a sudden supportive starkness.
You kept your gaze firmly rooted to the floor in shame.
“Also hold up!” In a slap of feet against concrete, Mikey righted himself. “You take a few of those things back, Don! I may have pushed the idea through, but it was not poorly planned or ill equipment or whatever you said! Y/N worked crazy hard on putting together everything in the short time frame I laid out!!”
You twitched.
“There’s maps, multiple trails marked, a calculated amount of water, with extra rations, flares… Like do you think this other bag is mine? Heck no! I’m not bringing anything! Both these bags are Y/N’s! They’re both stuffed with… stuff! Like-like!” You felt Mikey come over to you. “How you contacted the ranger’s station to tell them we’d be in the area? I’ve never even thought of that! We’ve never done that have we, Dee?”
Donnie continued his bout of silence that you didn’t dare look upon.
“What else…?” Mikey slapped his forehead. “I mean, come on! I can’t even remember it all!”
“I… got that satellite phone… you were pretty excited… about it.” You mumbled to the ground.
“With the backup batteries, Donald!” Mikey hummed a self-important sound. “The backup batteries!!”
The garage made it very clear that Donnie was walking over to you.
You bounced ever so slightly to garner the courage to meet his eye.
“Who did itinerary?” Donnie asked. 
“Me.” Mikey remarked casually.
“I assume food too?” Donnie’s voice was heavy with judgment. 
“Nope.” You could see a swoop as Mikey folded smug arms.
“That’s not quite…” You cleared your throat. “Mikey… shared his… favorite dishes that you… all make…when you… go.”
Donnie dipped into your eye line and you startled.
He’d bent at his waist and come down at a perfect angle.
You stared with warped lips.
“How long?” He narrowed his gaze.
“T-the trip?” Your gaze wobbled.
Mikey opened his mouth and Donnie threw out an arm that, by the sound, must have slapped the younger in the face.
“Yes.” Donnie kept his hand in place.
“Tonight… tomorrow… back Sunday?”
“Is that a question?” Donnie’s head tilted.
Mikey grunted, annoyed.
“No…” You got out, quiet.
“You agreed knowing full well you’d be alone with him?”
Slapped with a similar heat from the first time you’d realized that fact, you gave a tight nod.
‘We have separate rooms!’ Mikey mumbled through closed lips with surprising clarity.
“And that’s okay?” Donnie disappeared.
You chased him up to find he’d released Mikey and was waiting on him for an answer.
“It’s a no brainer.” Mikey nearly rolled his eyes. 
Donnie’s brow lowered, unsatisfied.
“Yes, it’s okay because it isn’t a thing.” Mikey huffed around his clarification.
“I suppose… I’ve been persuaded.” Donnie looked down thoughtfully and you watched him trace back to where he’d dropped his wrench.
Mikey jumped into the air with a sudden bout of energy and caught your hands to spin you.
“Y-y-yay!” You stutter, stalling on the rotation.
“Cabin, here we come, baby!” Mikey cheered. 
“I need my things!” Donnie barked. “And you.”
You jolted. “Y-yes?”
“You will send me triplicate copies of your plans.”
“S-sure…” You spastically patted yourself down for your phone.
“I refuse to engage with either of your antics.” Donnie’s own appeared in his hand. “I am no third wheel. I am coming because I will apparently have to deal with your whining otherwise and because I am not in the mood for the lecture from Nardo and Raphael when they return.”
“Have they texted yet?” Mikey peered over Donnie’s shoulder.
“No. Security detail means one must pay-” Donnie suddenly dropped and ducked through Mikey’s legs in one fluid movement. “-attention. This is why you weren’t requested.”
“And why didn’t they request you, hm?” Mikey pushed his lips into one corner of his mouth.
“Because…!” Donnie trailed off with widened eyes. “My talents lie elsewhere! Enough interruptions. I will drive and then you will leave me be! I am to have my zen! Is that understood?”
“Yeah, yeah, crystal.” Mikey finally did roll his eyes.
Donnie took a few steps away as you found your phone and held it unsure of how to send him the details.
“He’s totally going because he heard ‘yakiniku’ when you mentioned we were making my favorite foods.” Mikey walked over to you with a smirk.
You watched Donnie take an irritated pause before continuing on to get his things.  
The ride in the tank had passed with booming music and a tour from Mikey that you only visually participated in because you were terrified to move about the cabin. The younger seemed not to notice as he explained parts with stories more than function. Donnie alternatively, had shades on that further marred his calculated expression and he said nothing as the studious driver.
Leaving the city and entering scenic woodlands, you were soon left to admire the views until you eventually deviated off the road toward the cabin. Tracking it with the little local map you had found, you busied yourself in the comfortable way that most people disliked on road trips: silence in a cozy bubble all your making.
There didn’t have to be talk, that’s what road trip mixes were for.
You only made exceptions for car games. 
You liked that they had simple rules and there were little stakes to be had. 
You only wished cars were safer modes of transport.
There was also something to be said about environmental impact and the culture of automobiles in America, but other than that, you found them nice.
Pulling up to what you imagined was a quiescent place, Mikey could not be restrained a second longer.
Out of the tank in a flurry, you watched through the windshield as his form screamed straight up the cabin’s steps. “He doesn’t do great on car rides, huh?”
“Sitting still for too long? Michael?” Donnie rose from the captain’s chair.
You gave a small smile and gathered up the few things you’d taken inside with you. Your actual bags were stored in an outer compartment and Donnie waited for you as a safety net as you made the harrowing steps down the tank ladder and to the ground. Landing with little fault, you joined him in getting the luggage until Mikey tore back over to grab some of the load. He talked loudly of dust that had accumulated and Donnie griped at him that it was obvious they’d need to clean.
You fondly watched the two bicker and set-up became the next directive. Throwing back plastic sheets that coated furniture, Donnie had a multitude of inventions to clear the space quickly. You had to run to the windows to release the dust tornadoes formed. Making it out mostly unscathed, you then helped Mikey hang bug nets. With the late Spring weather warming the air, soon everything was prepped and Mikey did a little closing dance number, capping off the preparatory part of the trip.
“Swimming hole time!” Mikey cheered and then turned knowingly on Donnie. “Then BBQ and prompt lights out so I can make a lumberjack breakfast first thing!”
“We’re grinding beans… we roasted…” You offered softly. “Uh… Coffee… beans… that is…”
“Oh yeah, I forgot we took that class.” Mikey chuckled. “You almost fell into that sack!”
You squashed a noise of distress at the memory.
Understanding the schedule, Donnie dismissed himself with a turned foot and headed to one of the cabin’s many rooms. You were left to look about the quintessential log cabin where the huge living space and connected kitchen then butted up against a row of doors. They spoke of many rooms that traced the back of the cabin and then up a staircase to a second floor. From what you could see, there were about eight rooms in all. The entire cabin then had a wraparound porch that extended into the wilderness. It was land that both belonged to nature and not, but Mikey had been cagey about revealing property lines. 
“Welp!” Mikey folded his hands on his hips. “Your boy needs to get wet before he explodes.”
You gawked at him.
“Seriously!” He was looking out over the cabin with a vacant stare that held a sort of unhinged quality. “First the car, then stuck inside? This is not an inside trip. if I am not unleashed in the next, oh I don’t know… 2 minutes, I’m going to lose it!”
“You got those trail maps?” He turned, both looking through you and not at.
“I color coded the one to the watering hole. Orange, obviously.” Mikey approached with a waggling brow ridge. “I saw you in the car, keeping perfect pace. It was awesome.”
“Just to s-stay b-busy!”
“Uh huh! Your smile said otherwise! You’ll meet me there then! Same way!” He patted your shoulder once with a whack before bolting out the door.
You stared after him now knowing why he’d chosen to travel in his swimsuit.
Looking down at your road trip ensemble, you still felt sure of your decision to take the few hour drive comfortably.
There was a noise of a door opening and Donatello emerged, changed into a casual outfit punctuated by purple swim trunks.
You stared at him and felt a little like a caught fawn.
Donnie took you in before his gaze dulled with understanding. “He ditched you.”
“I’m… going to meet him.”
“He always does this.” Donnie responded dismissively. “You should have seen him in time out as a tot.”
“One minute in time out for him was comparative to thirty for the rest of us.” Walking around a large kitchen bar, Donnie studied the rations.
You took a few steps toward him for the sake of it.
“He’s so impatient.” Donnie murmured, poking several waters aside to find a carton of juice boxes that Mikey had insisted on. He quickly tossed the set into the fridge. “He’s not even an aquatic turtle.”
You sort of wished you had done more research past looking up pictures of their species.
“You’re losing daylight.” He emerged from the fridge. “Or are you not swimming?”
“I-I am…!” You squeezed a fist to your chest. “Are… you coming too?”
Donnie blinked slowly at you. “No, why?”
“Oh…” You shouldn’t have assumed. He’d already told you otherwise. “Sorry… your bottoms… I thought…”
“Board shorts.” He punctuated the words with an odd accent.
You gave an unsure nod.
“I’m glad their sign was translated.” He glanced down at himself.
“Sorry…” You murmured when he made no further movement and quickly left to avoid any awkwardness.
You weren’t sure what you expected.
It’s not like you wanted to exclude Donnie.
You knew that pain too well.
You also didn’t want to make him feel unwelcomed.
You were painfully aware of that too.
He hadn’t wanted to be a third wheel and you had made it a silent mission to keep that from happening.
Something else you’d experienced in the past, you’d been the unwilling chaperone on more than one occasion just to satisfy parent’s minds. The good one, in their minds, you had always been ditched and the feeling wasn’t one you cared for. Shoving past the bygone era, you were seen now and you tried to relish that.
The sun’s attention was a fickle thing, but you were getting more use to losing Mikey’s. Something you thought should scare you, instead you felt your friendship with Mikey was stronger than ever. You no longer feared losing him in the same intangible way and you weren’t sure if you should crop that up to Mikey’s feelings about you. Instead it felt as though you’d reached a better status quo where Mikey’s running off felt more like the sun moving on its predetermined rotation. It would eventually round back to you and in that way you expected Mikey’s claustrophobia even if you hadn’t known about it.
You picked a room at random and rummaged through the duffel that you placed on your bed. There was a woodsy smell that teetered on musty in a way that spoke of it being well lived in even if its occupants only came every so often. You had your own little stand up mirror, nightstand, dresser, and a closet though you doubted you’d use anything past the first. Pulling out a single slick piece of black fabric, you double checked the door was closed before changing.
The perfect swimsuit was one you hadn’t imagined you’d find. Not one for flashy things, you only wanted a muted cover that also happened to cover you. Water did unimaginable things to fabrics and you hated the way it clinged. You wanted something you could disappear in, that brought no unnecessary attention, and could be forgotten on your end. Finding it in a matter of minutes into shopping as opposed to the years it took when you were younger, the item had even been on sale.
Stepping into it and pulling it up, you shimmied into the fabric and turned for that same show stopping image you’d seen in the changing room.
What stared back was an image of allure.
That was wrong.
That’s not what it had looked like.
It had covered you.
It hadn’t accentuated anything.
It was simple.
You squirmed, changing angles in hopes that it would get better, but each only revealed more.
What had changed?
You’d purchased it this week.
Were you hallucinating?
Was there something in the wooden walls?
Had the tank crashed and this was you playing out some morbid purgatory?
You pinched yourself.
A sting bit your forearm and you threw your gaze back at the mirror for the unwilling shapes it concocted.
This wasn’t right.
You wanted to swim.
There was no way you could.
Miserably turning away from your image, you rooted through your bag for a cover up. Finding one in some oversized t-shirt you’d brought for comfort, you held it and hated that this wasn’t the way you imagined it would be employed. You figured it’d be a back-up pajama top and not something to hide your shame away in. Clinging to the fabric, you hastily pulled it over your head with an imaginary clock ticking away because Mikey was waiting.
You were ruining everything.
Stumbling out into the living room, you found yourself alone.
Momentarily thrown, but shaking off how Donnie wasn’t a priority right now and the guilt that came with that, you went for your pile of maps. Finding the trail one with the orange lines, you gathered some shoes and careened down the porch.
Buzzing insects mocked your sloppy descent as you rotated the map to be on your course. Following it more than your way, you took the necessary inlet and folded its winds to a drawn T. Bushes and trees concealed you, but the splashing of what was beyond reached your ears faster than you’d hoped. A journey not long to its destination, you slowed as you came to the final bend. You could hear Mikey blabbing presumably to himself as he hooted before resounding sloushes followed. In your mind he jumped off some kind of ledge, you took a deep breath before making the final steps leading to the watering hole.
Somewhere quaint if you had the perspective for such a thing, a tree towered comfortably overtop a sizable pool. One mucked up from algae as the little stream feeding into it didn’t stir the water near enough, you watched roiling green as Mikey emerged with a flip of his wet hair.
“Y/N!” Mikey shouted happiness. “You made it! Come on in! The water’s fine!!” He swam backwards as if giving you room.
The guilt was staggering.
No, Mikey.
I won’t be swimming today.
My body looks like shit and I can’t stand it.
I’ll watch you though.
Have all the fun.
You deserve it.
Signing off your name, you slunk forward only to clip a sight of mixed purples.
Donnie craned his neck back to view you from beneath a large sun hat he’d put on. Sitting on a few rocks that made up the closest edge to you, his lids lowered in a way that said he was reading you like a book.
Hating how he did that, you squeezed the bulky hem of your shirt and walked up. “Uh… M-Mikey…?”
“A-yup!” He stopped splashing to hear you better.
“The… um… car ride… sort of took… more out of me than… I thought? Would it be alright if-!”
“You don’t have to swim.”
You blinked wide and over to him.
“If you don’t want to, don’t!” Mikey continued on. “Let’s compare: are you upset I’m swimming when you don’t want to?”
“O-of c-course not!”
“Then why should I care in the reverse?” He fell back and floated, eyes closed, on his shell.
That was right in a way.
Sweet in another.
You wished you’d put together the same reaction.
Inching closer, it felt like pouring water into an overtaxed bucket.
Another guilty drop in your damnation.
You’d seen your friend in a bad light.
Shirking all the more, you toed off your shoes and let your feet lay flat on one of the worn rocks. It put you near Donnie who’d become the moon on a sunny day’s backdrop. He shined upon the same stone and illuminated its age. The rocks were older and wiser than you’d ever be. They never worried about getting wet. They only knew how to exist, something you wished came as easily to you. Sitting down because you needed more of you to drink from the stone’s wisdom, you kept a lowered head to the water’s edge. It sloshed in a beckoning way and you imagined it too would feel good in a different way. 
You really had wanted to swim.
Imaging your tears would do little to fill up the pool while also overflowing it, you heard a tepid sigh beside you.
Eyes wide and shooting up across the pond, you then turned to where you’d sat down next to Donnie.
Someone who you mistakenly forgot about during your pity party.
How was that for a third wheel?
“It’s always something with you.” He spoke softly.
“Sure is.” You gave an awkward laugh.
“That’s…” He made a little concerned noise. “… I didn’t mean it in a cruel way.”
“You didn’t have to. It is.” You threw your legs off the rock and threatened to drown your toes in the water. “It’s a cruel fate. I’m…” You remembered yourself. “Sorry. Nothing. What are you doing here?”
“My species is aquatic.”
You snuck a glance. “You’re pretty dry then.”
“You are too.”
You frowned deeply and watched Mikey pick up a sun drunk grin as he spread his limbs out to float on. “I don’t know why I feel like this. Everything was fine before…”
“With what?”
“This…” You threw a hand over yourself. “Stupid ugly swimsuit.”
You could feel Donnie’s gaze linger.
“Just trust me.” You folded your legs against yourself.
 “I’m not sure I do.”
You squinted at the glistening water before looking at him.
“I barely know you.” He responded simply, waiting there.
“In what?” Your ugly side was leaking far beyond the reach of what your shirt could cover. “I didn’t think you trusted me. You may have been wrong about me being bad, but that wouldn’t make you less suspicious. So it’s not that. What’s left? The swimsuit sucks. It’s not like you wanna drool over it. I don’t want anyone too. I wanted to swim.”
Hearing your wish aloud, you pressed hard on your chest with your legs.
You could flatten out your entire form if only you were malleable.
“The water is opaque. I can alert Mikey and we’ll turn away so you can get in.”
You felt too far gone for solutions.
You weren’t worth the trouble.
Burying your chin into your knees, you stewed.
“You know how many times the others have made fun of my board shorts?”
You told yourself you didn’t care.
If that was the case then Donnie didn’t either. “Hundreds, though it might be my attitude when wearing them. I like the excuse. To have my day off and not worry about pleasantries. To not have to tailor myself to others. I can tell them to shove it. It’s my day off and how I look isn’t anyone’s damn business.”
Sounded like an odd hill to die on.
“Everyone should have those days.” Donnie craned his arms behind him and leaned back to soak up the rays he was in.
The tree overhead was clipping your light.
Donnie was free. 
Mikey was free. 
Head lifting a little, you pondered your friend.
He’d needed to get out and he did.
Now he was a vision, glowing amongst the pool.
In contrast there was you, wadded up and tossed away without even giving yourself the chance.
Another terrible reminder that this was the point.
This was what you were trying to avoid.
This was what you were trying to learn from.
Mikey didn’t even have to do anything to be himself.
He just was.
Instead of his usual bustle of light, he shined by matter of existence.
That was why you chased him. 
You wanted that. 
Staring at him until sun spots mucked up your vision, you turned the mass to Donnie.
Beside you in the same pose, he was more calculated.
He had to put on his wares.
His was an unseen struggle you hadn’t considered.
No one gleamed quite like Mikey.
That didn’t mean they didn’t shine in their own right.
Donnie’s darkened scales only threw prisms in a different way.
The cool moon’s glow.
Letting your legs fall, this time your feet drew to the allure of the water.
Just out of reach, you stared hard, making sure the pair would keep their eyes closed.
The both of them were still as if asleep, but you waited past whatever insect was chirping before you slowly tugged your hem out from under you. Emerging without more than the sound of rustling fabric, you rolled your shirt up around your waist. The next move was one harder to conceal, you threw a desperate glance at your friend.
Water rocked the resting Mikey like a babe and you wanted to feel that too.
You wanted to be nestled by the sun’s glow.
You wanted to feel weightless and have those burdens removed.
You yanked the shirt over your head and dropped it to your side.
Donnie stirred at the sound, but didn’t open his eyes.
“It’s… It’s okay… I’m not… okay… but I think I… I don’t want to care…”
He cracked a lid and stared skyward.
“It looked so different in the store.”
“How so?” He asked a whispy cloud.
“It looked… I don’t know… covering? Like it didn’t… show any bits. Like it… hid them away.”
He blinked slow and comfortable. “I’m a designer, you know.”
“Genius Built Apparel. Where fashion meets function.”
You stared on.
Of course he was. 
He also built a tank and a legion of dusting robots. 
If this were any other family you’d think he was pulling your leg. 
You’d seen more than enough to believe. 
Most of your stare came from the cocky name. 
Though even that made sense. 
Donnie was a carefully constructed sphere. 
Who were you to take away his gloating? 
He tilted his head just enough to glimpse your face. “I’m serious. I’ve dissuaded Mikey from many a faux pas.”
You shook your head.
“May I?”
“What?” You switched to eyeing him.
“I can take a clinical eye. Examine stitching. Find your err.”
You bounced one of your legs.
You did want to know where it had all gone wrong.
You could theoretically fix it then.
Wash this all away in the water you so desperately wanted to get in.
“You won’t make it weird?”
“I don’t drool on the metaphorical clock; you were right about that, but I understand your concern. I have accosted you before.”
“Different kind of weird. That was mean weird. You were a jerk weird.”
Donnie chuffed and it rolled down his plastron.
You watched it fall into his lap before forcing your gaze back to his face in a rush. “Promise… Promise I can pull your hat down if you… do anything.”
“I won’t so a simple enough agreement. Sure.”
“Go… ahead…” You folded your arms to your sides, obviously nervous as you listened to his clothes move.
In a twist, he was examining you and he gave a faint hum.
Not wanting to see exactly how he saw you and growing miserable, you stared into the water.
You could throw yourself in and be done with it.
“Here.” He spoke.
You moved to the sound on instinct and found him pointing to your hip.
His eye was indeed one you imagined a tired scientist gave the samples he was cursed to study.
You immediately relaxed. “What?”
“This ruching here is meant to cover cellulite when the fabric gets wet. When dry it acts a similar concealment, but the way the strips are sewn are for the first purpose.”
“Oh…” You tilted your head to look.
“Thing is, it’s also leading lines.” He didn’t get any closer, but he mimed tracing the seams of the fabric that curled around your hip and beneath where you were sitting. “It’s meant to direct the gaze to certain assets.”
 You blew out an annoyed breath.
“Dressing room mirrors, where I imagine you first saw this, aren’t slapped on walls without thought. They're engineered with angles and lightning to make clothes look as flattering as possible.” He brought his eye to yours. “Where did you see yourself today?”
“There’s a… mirror in my room.”
Donnie’s lip twitched with distaste. “That floor length one?”
You nodded.
“Dad uses that one to feel tall.” He sneered openly. “It tilts up from below, the worst possible perspective.”
You blinked a few rapid times.
“It took the ruching and blew it up.”
“So it’s not… that bad?”
“It’s anything, it's tasteful!” He spoke with an irritation that said that should have been obvious. “It fits your body well. Does it have a certain allure? Yes, I’ve already spoken of assets, but it is not a piece that invites unnecessary solicitation.” 
“Assets, assets. What are you, an ass man?” You retorted automatically. 
“There is nothing quite like sinking your teeth into that soft, inviting flesh.” He took your response and held it between his teeth.
In a blink, you saw an imaginary Donatello around your hips pointing to the fabric and on contact with the thought your face exploded.
“I say generally speaking, of course.” He clicked his tongue as if scolding you and turned away toward the water.
You were too hot.
Throwing yourself forward, you submerged as indelicately as possible into the water.
Sinking like a stone into the silence, your burning flesh was quickly soothed by a cold lap.
A sweet embrace, you kicked to the surface and emerged with a pathetic gasp.
Never graceful, you shook yourself free of clingy drops and spun back around to view the rocks.
Donnie was staring up at the sky again and you sort of hated him for it.
You’d swim with Mikey.
Spinning around, the other turtle was not only longer floating, but you couldn’t locate him at all. Quickly worrying that you had toppled him in your dive, you swam forward. “Mikey?”
Quieting to listen, you didn’t hear anything past the faint roiling of the water against its container.
Thinking he must have dove, you looked down to find Donnie’s earlier comment to be a correct one. With the water murky to a fault and a new fear cropped up. You had no idea what was in the water and you immediately darted for the closest shore. Something several long feet from Donnie, it was a sort of marshy landing that rocks from below steeping up to meet. They were covered in a slime that clung to your feet and had you pausing until you heard an off-toned lap behind you.
You whirled around with wide eyes and found a sea monster waiting for you.
Something matted with algae, it groaned pathetically and you sucked in enough air until the balloon was full enough to scream.
“What!? Who?! Where?!” The creature splashed with Mikey’s voice.
He’d been captured by another mutant.
You turned to get out of the water with some intention of getting to the tank.
It had to have missiles or something.
Anything to help.
You’d take a bowling ball launcher at this point.
Catching grip with one foot, you hoisted up the other. The many rocks acted like a disjointed ladder and your entire torso emerged from the water before one of your feet slid. The moment it happened felt like you were falling out of time. In slow motion, you knew your face was one of surprise. You painted an open expression where the imminent terror that you were falling couldn’t catch up as neurons to save yourself from the action. 
Your mind knew, but your face didn’t know that you were going to crack your head open on the rocks you just slipped on.
Two voices.
Too far.
Something skewered your side as the first injury of many.
Hoping only to black out on that first step, you willed your possessions to your friends.
You didn’t bother hoping they would remember you. 
You only hoped that they could make some use out of your worldly imprint.
No matter how small it was. 
Water rushed to greet you and shoved you away. 
That wasn’t right. 
That was the wrong direction.
Water swayed like waves. 
The equal and opposite reaction wouldn’t come until you fell in. 
Why had it preemptively come for you?
Your arms dangled heavily from gravity and you forced your eyes from wherever they had gone.
The monster was right in front of you. 
Its face was one of Michelangelo.
Green sludge caught in his blackened locks and his worried expression peered out from between a small part. 
He had you by the waist and was holding you up in the air. “Are you okay!?”
You were a loose toy strung up.
Flopping down, lifeless, you were a doll that couldn’t close its eyes until it was laid down.
A second deafening splash came as you hung there.
Mikey’s lips were moving awfully fast.
“Did they hit their head?!” Donnie’s voice broke through.
“No! Above water the whole time! Donnie! They aren’t saying anything, I don’t-”
“Shock?” Donnie wondered, but he never came into frame.
Where was he?
Mikey jostled you as one might bounce a colicky baby.
It was pulling a string on your back and you hacked on contact. 
You wheezed, forcing air in where terror had torn it from you. 
You fought. 
Not Mikey exactly, but the situation. 
It strung your arms back. 
It shoved your torso forward. 
It threw your head skyward. 
You gasped, alive. 
You saw blue.
It was the sky.
You hadn’t died.
Mikey had saved you.
You came down from your arching to translate your joy. 
Mikey’s face slid into your vision and he was the picture of a boiled red tomato dotted with summertime spots.
He was looking at you. 
He had ogled you. 
He was embarrassed. 
Your blood pressure plummeted twice as fast as it had when you thought you were about to die.
This was worse.
This time you heard yourself scream as you lashed out.
Water flew up as if to welcome you, to bring you where you were meant to be. 
Returned you to that place where you weren’t an object to be viewed.
You were a person floating free.
Liquid carried life.
It supported it.
It didn’t have it.
Vertigo struck you as you moved within a blink. 
In a disorientated spiral, your lids fell heavy as your inner ear tried to correct the imbalance. 
There were no longer hands around your waist. 
Something clicked like an engine uselessly turning over. 
Weary, you realized you were standing in a safe spot in the water. 
You drew up the dreary blinds of your curtain and found a muscled arm thrown out protectively in front of you. 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!!!” Mikey cried, loud and desperate.
“What the hell was that then!?” Donnie’s voice rang close.
That firm limb tucked you further behind someone. 
You were being shielded.
A squabble happened in front of you, but you only looked down at the jade appendage acting as your guard rail.
You touched the arm and it felt familiar.
“Don-nie?” Your voice came out synthetic.
His was the body you were behind and his face appeared in a whip of his head. “Are you alright? Can you swim? I’ll move.”
“I’m not…?” You weren’t swimming.
You weren’t doing anything.
You were standing in the water. 
You looked past Donnie and glimpsed Mikey with a faint blush still stuck to his cheeks.
“Y-you…!” It felt accusatory on your lips.
“I’m sorry!!!” Mikey screeched.
“Turn around, dummy!” Donnie growled hot and was in motion.
You were soon ushered into a spin with an indelicate hand to your back and all but rushed over to the rock you had jumped off of.
You heard a splash of what you assumed was Mikey growing distant behind you. 
You hoped that would cool him off. 
“You ready?” Donnie’s voice appeared like it was newly there. 
“For what?” You were already used.
What was left?
Was it time to take out the recycling?
“I’m going to lift you up. Your shirt is right there.” Donnie instructed. 
“My shirt…” You were forlorn.
It was your back-up comfort item.
“Ready?” Donnie asked again.
The water rocked you and you barely bumped his firm plastron. 
You nodded dumbly.
Your hips were taken in what you read as a clinical way. 
You were barely bounced once, then twice, in a way that ballet dancers got momentum to lift their partners. 
Sure enough, you were lifted cleanly out of the water.
Only this time you felt well handled.
You weren’t swung around like a toddler holding up their favorite doll.
A child who cared for his toys put you on a shelf.
When your knees touched down, you drank in the life of the rock and scrambled for your shirt.
All the things that had just occurred crashed into you.
Shoving your head through the hole, you yanked the shirt down your body as you were already in motion. Forest floor digging into your bare feet, you didn’t need the map to retrace your steps. You followed the single, winding, prickly path and emerged out by the cabin only to fly inside it. A sanctuary amongst the unrelenting woods, you left a rotting drip trail as you entered your room. Your door clattered from where you had thrown it open and you ripped your duffel bag to shreds to get to its confines.
Pulling on layer after layer, you could see Mikey’s blush with each piece of clothing.
He’d looked at you.
You shoved your feet into a third pair of socks.
His gaze was amorous.
Into a thermal that was very much against the season, you ran out of clothes and stormed the dresser.
There were oversized men’s clothes that struck you as maybe being Raph’s and you thanked their huge size.
You put shirt after shirt on.
Mikey had said, point blank, that he wanted to see how far his feelings went.
Why were you so stupid?
You screamed.
Raw and uncut.
Tearing at your larynx, you ripped a few too many layers off as they impeded your melt down.
You needed space to breathe.
You needed to be swallowed whole.
Stumbling out to that accursed mirror, the shape you found there was a frumpy one.
Smiling a teary look at it, you watched it warp your face into one of dismay and you cried.
Where had you last felt okay?
It wasn’t here.
Moving around the room you searched for it.
That intangible something that would help.
Knocking everything over, you finally got a hold of a much too large pillow and hugged it to your body.
It was large and not at all as firm as you wanted.
You needed a hard wall.
You needed that unrelenting nature.
You weren’t something to be judged with heat.
You needed a cold light the sun couldn’t supply.
The wall knocked.
You spun around with your pillow defense to find the back of a head waiting there.
“I come as an emissary.” Donnie spoke slow and methodical.
“You can-!” It wasn’t Mikey.
Your pillow fell slack into one hand.
It wasn’t Mikey.
You let it drop with a thump to the floor.
It wasn’t Mikey.
“…come in.”
You took a wobbly step to spread out your clothed legs in hopes of keeping yourself upright.
Donnie didn’t move.
“You can… come in…” You repeated, not sure if you had gotten the first phrase out.
“No…?” You took another step and saw how Donnie was clearly beyond the boundary of your open door.
With his back to you. 
Not impeding on you in any way. 
“This is your space.” He spoke it like a finality. 
You stared at the knot of his mask tails and tried to place what you felt.
“Being out here with us…” Donnie let the sentence hang before he lowered his gaze to the floor. “I want to… respect that much.”
“Why’d you say it like that?”
“I prefer the term ‘sanctum,’ but I couldn’t fit it in.”
“A sacred place…?”
The back of his head nodded. “My lab is supposed to be one.”
Sanctums weren’t places to be invaded.
If they were then they were violated.  
He understood.
Is that what you felt?
Even his mania in the beginning had been one you made sense of.
Was that why you hadn’t complained?
No, you were rewriting history from your current perspective.
It was also the only one you knew.
It was one where you envied one man. 
It was where you once feared another. 
Now their roles were reversed. 
You never had to explain your misery to Donnie.
You didn’t have to make him understand.
He was the moon.
You rushed towards him.
Donnie heard the footsteps and made it about half a turn before you reached him. “As… I was saying, I talked to Michael and come in his stead to-”
You collided with that unrelenting wall of plastron. Finding an odd hinge between the front of his shell and the back, you did your best to tuck into that space and weaseled under his arm. You felt it rise above you, out of your way and a rotation brought you more towards his front. There you felt him stop to take your over-clothed form in.
“I’m sorry!” You choked on tears, rooting the sound as deep against Donnie’s wet clothes as possible.
He let your misery hang for exactly one second. 
Then he surrounded you in a soft moon glow.
He pulled you toward his chest and you burrowed closer to him.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I completely overreacted. It was just too much… Too much attention… the way he looked. He said… I thought he wouldn’t… I didn’t want…!”
A hand pet through the layers of your back.
Even and careful.
No further connotation other than to soothe.
Squirming to get your arms out from where you were crushing them, you wiggled them free to embrace him.
You squeezed a sigh right out of him.
“I know.” He spoke into your damp head. “I know…”
You nodded and basked in the tide. Pulled by the moon’s orbit, the waves rolled in and out with a sway. A gentle rocking, you were cast a comfortable drift by it. This was the one you had longed for from the swimming hole. Here, you floated amongst sturdy shores. Held safe, the guiding white light poured around you. One that pushed back against the darkness, it shone on you. Lucky to be in its reach, it wasn’t the type you soaked up. It instead washed over you in a cleanse. Feeling lighter and a little stifled, you extracted yourself from moisture to moisture.
Everything around you from your leaking face to the clingy pond water was soaked and you frowned down Donnie’s body. Standing in a little pool mostly created by him, you wanted to stick your tongue out at it, but you feared the bacteria clearly clinging to your skin.
“The cabin is yours tonight.”
Before you could register the words, you felt him strengthen his resolve with a puff of his chest.
“I don’t want to hear complaints otherwise.”
You wanted to pout.
“I checked the systems when we were doing our preliminary cleaning. The water will be hot. Shower, bathe, do whatever you’d like. We’ll be staying outside.”
You gave a faint nod to the wet floor.
“We’ll grill and I’ll make you a plate. Preference?”
You shook your head. “I don’t… feel like eating…”
“Bland it is.”
Now you were pouting.
“Yeah?” Your head felt heavy.
“I still have a message from Mikey to deliver.”
“I really don’t want to hear it.” Irritation brought you to look at him.
Donnie took you in with a sort of smile. “You’ll want to.”
You dropped your features in a way that said you didn’t believe him.
“He said he’s not ready to talk as he’s having his own crisis, but he’ll let you know when he’s ready to apologize.” Donnie tilted his head, almost amused.
You blinked straight out of your bitterness to stare openly.
Donnie gave a single knowing nod.
“Enjoy your shower.” With one last sweep over you as if to check you were all still there, Donnie turned and headed for the door.
Watching him go, you saw the faint amber hue of sunset.
“It’ll all work out.” Donnie tossed just as he grabbed the knob to exit.
You turned and stormed straight to the bathroom. Drowning in clothes and scum, you locked the door tight and turned the shower knobs to their highest setting. Leaving the water to warm, you started removing your outermost shirt. As soon as it hit the ground you felt possessed. You tore off your clothes with each subsequent layer removed at a faster and faster pace. You needed to be freed. You needed that ridiculous protection off of you as soon as possible. All of it soiled, you stripped down bare and left your feet for last.
The moment they were naked and pressed to tile, you leapt into the old style tub. Instantly boiled by the too hot water, you let it scorch you with clenched teeth at first until the burn seared and you adjusted the dial for something reasonable. Still a lobster in a pot, you scrubbed your skin until you thought it might flake and then doused it in suds until you couldn’t see its color. A sea of white foam, the second scrounge came through, washing the detritus away.
Pickled in the process, you emerged and greedily took up every towel in the room. It meant toeing around the disgusting mound of clothes you’d left, but Donnie had said the cabin was yours. Until tomorrow when you’d clean the place up, you instead mourned how you hadn’t even brought your toothbrush in with you. Scowling at a fog coated mirror, you cracked the door and watched the steam leak out.
Chasing it with your ear, you didn’t hear anything, but there was a distinct lemon scent.
You followed the smell into the hall where you quickly placed it was cleaner. The floor had a sheen to it that spoke of a recent mopping. The clean line ending abruptly at your door said exactly who the culprit was. Donatello had snuck back in to clean and you were thankful for it. He’d left your sanctuary untouched and instead set a stool just outside the door. 
On it was a stack of comfortable looking clothes and a note.
‘Keep your room or upgrade. I recommend the one upstairs, second bedroom on the right.’
You folded the note along its lines and placed it back on the offered clothes. You then gathered the lot and took it with you along with a brave face as you entered your room. You barely looked up as you salvaged what you could from your duffel. Carrying the mostly limp sack, you then moved to follow your recommendation. It led you through the darkened cabin and up the winding wooden stairs where the door in question was closed. Knocking on it out of politeness, you found it empty and slipped inside. It was decorated similarly, but clearly different. Comfortable in its own sense, you went about your nightly routine as best you could and thanked the space for not having a mirror. Growing more weary by the second, you thought vaguely of meat as you instead pulled back the covers.
Sinking in and imagining charcoal lighting the men’s faces, you settled down into the welcoming embrace of bed.
You eventually got up and padded across a tiled floor.
Pulling out a single slick piece of black fabric, you double checked the door was closed before changing.
The perfect swimsuit was one you hadn’t imagined you’d find.
What luck, you thought, as you slipped it on.
Stepping into it, you shimmied into the fabric and turned for that show stopping image in the changing room.
It was perfect.
It covered you in all the right ways.
Finally, the piece you’d been looking for.
Smiling and striking pose after pose, you saw a hand wave above the curtain.
“Come in!” You called to it. 
Sanctum’s were only to be entered with permission. 
“Silly.” You looked over your pleasing image once more. “Is it still a violation if I request it?”
“I guess not.” Instead of drawing the curtain back, Donnie slipped through it.
Tucking himself a strong wall behind you, he looked into the mirror at you.
What looked back held no heat, only appreciation.
“Do you like it?” He checked with you without passing judgment himself.
“I do…” You smiled.
He gave one of his own, though subdued, and flicked his gaze down. “Look here.”
You lowered your gaze to find him kneeling behind you. With his head popped out around your hips, he was looking up at you in a way you liked quite a bit.
You felt powerful.
You were a light bright enough for him to want to project.
“This ruching here has leading lines.” He didn’t touch you, but his hands ghosted over you along the fabric’s pattern.
Your lips parted and your chest filled with heat.
A celestial body was meant to look on.
You were safe. 
“May I?” He asked you once again. 
You were glad and responded with a breathless, “Please.”
His mouth opened a dark orbital maw, a new moon, which then glinted into a teeth-filled waxing crescent headed in its trek to sink into your soft flesh.
You jolted the moment the teeth supposedly hit their mark. 
You stared into the dark abyss and saw drifting images of sharpened grins. 
You were dizzy.
A sheen of sweat to you, you tossed back a cover. 
The black hovel above you took shape as logs in the cabin ceiling. 
They lined up like thick thighs appearing from where board shorts had hiked up. 
Begging for a taste.
Awareness struck with a sharp inhale.
Fully awake and doused with dread from your dream, you voiced your despair with a whisper.
“Oh no…”
💛 NEXT 💛
I swear I handed this to my betas over a year ago... @tmntxthings and @thepinkpanther83
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ze-maki-nin · 2 years
ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ. . .
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Please do not repost my work/ideas on other websites!
N/A | I decided to do the ‘they’re the type to’ things with the Tokyo Rev characters cause ✨yes✨
Reader | They/Them but in 2nd POV so You/Your
Hinata Tachibana is the type to buy sweets before she comes home so she can spend the rest of the evening with you cuddling on the couch while watching your guys favorite show
Emma Sano is the type to think of you whenever she’s out with the other girls as they shop, go to a cafe, etc. if she sees something she thinks you might like, or it reminds her of you, she’ll take a look at it and possibly buy it
Mikey Sano is the type to be picky on what he eats unless it’s his favorite, however if you made him something then he’d be over the moon happy and eat every last crumb, no matter how good or bad it tastes
Naoto Tachibana is the type to hate physical contact and touching anything remotely dirty, however he makes an exception specifically for you, allowing you to hug him and hold his hand without needing to spray you down with disinfectant first
Ken 'Draken' Ryuguji is the type to buy you a single flower before he comes home from anywhere, it can be a rose or a tulip, he doesn’t know much about flowers but the nice old lady he buys them from helps him choose
Keisuke Baji is the type to be protective of his hair, not letting anyone touch it, no matter how close I’d friends they are, however he would let you touch or play with his hair in a heartbeat if you asked
Takashi Mitsuya is the type to unconsciously make his practice/demo clothes in your size so you can try them on, he usually makes them in whatever size he thinks would fit a mannequin he has but he’s started to make them in your size so you can model them for him
Nahoya 'Smiley' Kawata is the type to be passive aggressive and a bit rude/blunt to literally everyone that he meets, however when around you hes more sweet and sugar coats his words a bit to lessen the blow of some bad news, he doesn’t want to unintentionally hurt your feelings
Souya 'Angry' Kawata is the type to be a bit loud and rude like his brother to protect himself, hiding his real self however when we around you this facade cracks a bit and he becomes more quiet and shy, he’s sweet and likes to just sit with you
Chifuyu Matsuno is the type to hide the fact that he likes soft and cute things cause he wants to be seen as ‘manly’ and strong and not ‘weak’ however he can’t help but fawn over the cutesy things when around you as you two look at photos/videos or passing by a shop making him a bit embarrassed
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skcirthinq · 11 months
This week's bout of... Artistic hyper-fixation is brought to you via "I May Be Invisible ,But I Still Look Good" by @dandylovesturtles .
So, here we go!
This story seems to be (rightly) pretty popular in the fandom, but rundown in case you don't know it: After the kraang, the turtles are turtle-ing and Leo gets his soul cursed outta his body. Shenanigans ensue!
Featuring (in addition to me trying out like. So many different rendering styles) (image 1) The turtles find something upsetting in the alley, and give Leo an existential crisis by demonstrating intangibility.
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(2) Leo uses the power of family to activate his ninpo in order to portal to (3) Arizona! Where there's bonding moments in the sunset.
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And (4) POV you are the villain in the last act.
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Bonus sketches under the cut!
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(5) Raph carries Leo's soulless body out of the alley. (6)Assorted scenes from the fic: Raph hearing Leo after days. Mikey seeing Leo and having a heart-to-heart. Donnie giving shell-rubs on the roof. Leo loses his voice, and is having a real bad time after coming out of spooky cave in Arizona. (7) The sketch of the sunset render from above. (8) Leo had a Real Bad Time in spooky cave, and needed a hand. (9) And when he came out of his extended severe panic attack, he promptly fell through the bed and slammed into the floor. (10) REINFORCEMENTS! Casey Sr. needs to test out whether Leo really is invisible and intangible.
The story is real close to ending, so it's a great time to read it! Go!
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/this is super random, ignore me, I just wanted to say
I keep thinking and coming back to the Raph POV part from the beginning, where Raph notices some things about Leon, and one of those things is that apparently Leon showers with cold water, and it just blows my mind a little every time. It's such a tiny detail but it instanty gives you the scale of the Guilt ™ Leon's carrying. I love me some depressed guilty oldman, refusing any and every little comforts he may have at any turn. ♥ It made me picture two scenarios:
Raph catching Mikey spying on Leon, probably barely hiding, with a timer in hand, and Raph's like wyd?? and Mikey's like Shhh, watch!.. and he starts the timer when Leon goes shower and stops when he leaves the bathroom, and it'd be like 3 mins tops haha. If he showers with cold water, he probably also has a soldier-like habbits about it being super-quick mb?;
Leo somehow gets to know about it and he knows, he knows Leon actually still loves hot water, and that it's some kind of punishment or something, and it annoys him for some reason, so he organises a sudden random SURPRISE family trip to some youkai hot springs or something so he can enjoy Leon squirm a little and then drop-kick him into hot water probably. xD
Hot showers are probably just one of many things that Leon doesn't allow himself to enjoy. The first time he turned on the hot water it was just... heavenly. But then he couldn't help but think about Mikey and April and Donnie and Raph and all the other people who had died never being able to experience these simple pleasures/creature comforts again due to his own inadequacies, and he just. immediately turns off the hot water. Like, it does not feel right to allow himself to have this. It doesn't feel fair.
Thank you for this concept though. God. Family spa holiday. They all need this so bad.
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0mysticmidnight0 · 7 days
Mystically Broken AU - Chapter 9
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Donnie's POV:
It was quiet. These walls were thick. That much was obvious. I was given food. But I never ate anything. They took my tech. Making weaponry for them. Against my will.
Honestly, I didn't mind if they killed me. I couldn't care less. I've experienced life's ups and downs and I've accomplished centuries of work no one can replicate. I've done all I could. What else could I live for? No one would miss me. I was a criminal. Not them apparently.
I thought of them. Mikey, Leo, Raph, April.. and.. Dad. Dad.
I touched the huge scar on my right arm, covered by a makeshift gauze. Shivering once I felt the sting or memories flashing back.
I hissed in pain at the thought. The way they were so eager as well. Like I was just lab experiment for them. Testing my own tech on me. The glowing purple whip zapped around. I hoped they were satisfied. Then they could leave me alone. With food I'll never eat, with clothes I'll never change into, with memories I wish to forget.
That voice. That high-pitched tone.. happy go lucky. But it sounded distraught. Could it be?
He held me tightly. Hugging and I happily hugged back. It was an appropriate occasion. He wasn't alone though, I lift my head to look at.. them. Oh, they look wonderful.. elegant in such high-quality apparel. They smiled. I couldn't get it out of my head. I paused before..
"cough, cough. So.. you came too. You look.. stellar."
"Don't look too bad, yourself."
I wanted to argue, to say I looked terrible in my current condition. But their happy smile made me stop. They were being genuine.
"Raph and Leo need us! Come on!"
Right. Leo and Raph. They were likely going to be contained using.. MY tech. How unoriginal.
We make it to the battle ground where Leo and Raph were holding their own against the police force which were using MY TECH! Getting their grubby hands on them and.. EUGHHH!
"Time for some RAZMATAZZ!"
he jumped in the fight.. albeit carelessly.. he moved with such flexibility.
They were supporting my weight. They held onto me. Being careful, so gentle.
We needed a way to deactivate all that tech..
I remembered bringing something. I show it to Donnie. It was his tech gauntlet. His eyes lit up. He grabbed it, with a lot of excitement (ignoring at how it was slightly stained with coffee which was definitely not my fault.)
With a few taps of a button. They were deactivated. Though that didn't mean we were done yet. Once Leo and Raph got some breathing room, they started attacking full force.
Cornered and defeated.
We were taking a breather. That was until we heard a loud laugh. Familiar yet.. worrisome.
I know we didn't get much of Mikey and Raph but everything is being rushed. 😮‍💨😮‍💨
This story really had a lot of potential if I had tried harder but after this series will end, I might make short FICS about em and how their doing, maybe even a mini series focussing more on the YANDERE part since they aren't really.. y'know.. yanderying right now.
Btw, i was considering killing Donnie off.. but oh well! A trick to use for the future. 😋
Yours truly,
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tmntxthings · 2 years
hi! can you do a rottmnt x sibling!reader where splinter wasnt able to rescue them from draxum and so the reader grew up to be draxums assistan, i need the sibling angst
has a bonus they have a redemtion arc like draxum
Lost & Found
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author’s note: anon, i think you’re a absolute genius, this might be super long (I’m writing this before I start heh) honestly there are a lot of ways this could play out, but I’m going to hone in on your request for some sibling angst and let that take me where it will! thank you so much for requesting c; hope you enjoy~
p.s. >.< i haven’t finished season 1 on netflix (I’m rlly close tho like episode 23 I think) sooo im kinda lost in the sauce with ‘draxum redemption arc’ life’s been super busy as of lately I hardly have time to write much less watch the show *cries* but I shall find out what you mean sooner or later!!!
warnings: angsty angst, cursing, violence, abuse, sibling!reader, comfort ending
> part two <
[13 years ago]
After Draxum had injected him with the ooze, there was only so much time Lou Jitsu.. no, Splinter had left. To escape, to grab the turtles and each one was in a different capsule. Splinter was weak, he didn’t have time, and had barely broken into the fourth’s when Draxum burst into his lab. Lights were flashing red, everything was so loud. Draxum was quick to block off the last cage, that held the fifth child, the final turtle. Splinter didn’t want to leave you. He hurt everyday knowing your fate was in the hands of the lunatic named Draxum. And yet he had hope, that someday, you would finally be reunited with your brothers. But they weren’t ready, none of them were. Splinter was too old now, he had run out of time. It would be up to them, Splinter decided, when they finally showed him they were ready, and capable of facing you. Because Splinter knew that whatever you had turned into, it would be something completely different than his sons. A powerful mutant under the influence of the mad scientist and manipulator, Draxum.
。・゜・(pov change: you)・゜・。
[the present]
You knelt before your creator. “I’ve got a mission for you,” you kept your head bowed, knowing the consequences of looking up too soon. You had been on the receiving end of many ‘lessons’ and you were too old to be beaten for anything other than failure. And that was something that only happened on rare occasion. “Get rid of the pests that keep interfering with my work.” Draxum sounded irritated. It was unusual, he normally didn’t seem phased by anything, and if he had a tone it was arrogant and full of smug confidence. “Yes Draxum,” you rose to your full height. Looking up into those cold, calculating eyes that had raised you. “Don’t disappoint me.” If you fail I will squeeze your shell until another crack forms. You could read between the lines, hear the underlying threat. “I won’t.” you muttered as you turned your back on him, leaving the Hidden City, going into the human realm. New York City is a real piece of work and that’s putting it politely, you thought as you emerged into an alleyway. The smell of trash flooding your senses. “Alright fellow turtles, prepare for your demise..”
。・゜・( pov change: everyone )・゜・。
“This is greatttt,” Leo said sarcastically. Waving his ōdachi around making little portals. He was utterly bored. “Sometimes Leo, heroes have to wait for crime to happen,” Raph was leaning down over the edge of the rooftop looking down at the streets below. “In any case, isn’t that a good thing! No crime means no bad guys,” Mikey said rocking back on his heels, nonexistent eyebrows waggling at Leo. His older brother rolled his eyes, “then what are we here for let’s go back to the lair!”
“Hold on I’m picking up something,” Donnie said looking down at his wrist tech. Leo waited a whole 5 seconds before complaining, “yeah a whole bunch of nothing!” Raph shot a look at Leo, telling him to shut up silently, the blue turtle only stuck out his tongue. “Bingo!” Donnie’s wrist tech flared up in a flash of color, “What was that Leo?? A bunch of what??” He goaded his twin, smiling smugly. “Let’s hear it Don,” Raph prompted not wanting to waste anymore time. “Two streets away, northwest, someone’s breaking into-“ “Bla, bla, bla time to goooo!” Leo cut Donnie off and waved his sword into a big circle. “Oh no no no, it’s only two streets awayyyyy~!” Donnie yelled out as they all fell into Leon’s portal.
“That was fun,” Donnie grumped, while Mikey snickered. The portal had put them 7 streets away from their target, and effectively ruining any sort of hero work that night. “Look if I don’t practice how am I gonna get better at it,” Leo said thinking he was being pretty logical. “How about practice before an actual patrol? Huh? Ever thought about that my dumb dumb of a brother?” Leo peered over at Mikey and started mimicking Donnie’s voice. Mikey had to hold in his laughter, hand slapping over his mouth loudly. “Enough you two,” Raph chided, “it’s already over with let’s just get back to the lair, we’ll try again tomorrow.” When Leo grabbed for his sword this time, Raph stopped him, shaking his head, “practice on your own time like Donnie said,”
“Tch,” was the only reply Leo could come up with. He wanted to say something like, you guys are just jealous my power is ten times awesome-er than everyone’s combined. But he held himself back, somehow, someway. Who was he kidding, “you guys are ju-“
Something whizzed past Leo’s face connecting into Mikey’s and slamming him back and onto the ground he skidded a couple of feet before coming to a stop. “OW!” Mikey groaned as his brothers came running, a collective “Mikey!” yelled out in worry. They formed a circle around the youngest, “What the fuck was that?!” Raph said as he looked around for any signs, any clues to what had just pummeled his little brother. “Felt like a fist to me,” Mikey coughed as Donnie knelt down over him, making sure he was okay and then helping him up. Leo was on guard too, “why don’t you pick on someone your own size!” he barked out. “You saw it??” Raph said still searching, only giving Leo a glance. “No but I’m guessing whatever it was chose Mikey for a reason,” Leo explained, eyes narrowing in on a billboard.
Raph nodded his head and they were off, both jumping up and weapons drawn for anything that was on the other side. “Huh, nothing,” Leo commented as Raph huffed in frustration. The moment they had left Mikey’s side, Donnie had a matter of milliseconds before he was thrown back on his shell. The air being knocked straight out of his lungs as Mikey’s eyes widened and yelled for his brothers as he threw out his mystic kusari-fundo hoping to wrap whatever it was that kept throwing them to the ground. But as the chain wrapped around its target Mikey hadn’t been prepared to be jolted forward at such speed, he was practically half-dragged, half-flying after whatever he had caught. “GUYS,” he screamed in panic as he zoomed forward, leaving his brothers in the dust as they called out for him to let go. But Mikey didn’t listen and when he finally landed on a rooftop, somehow on his feet, he was tense, and more than a little scared to be facing whatever this was without his brothers.
You looked down at the chains wrapped around your torso. Bright orange, your shell facing your opponent not worried in the slightest. “I see you’ve stolen something,” you commented and Mikey just held onto his weapon tighter. “Borrowed actually,” he corrected- a turtle?! Mikey blinked and his grip loosened immediately. He saw the state of your shell, his stomach rolled, his own shell tightened as if he could feel your pain. You felt the slack and turned only your face. Black bandana waving in the wind. “You” Mikey said stunned, “you’re like us!” He couldn’t help it, a smile of recognition replaced his frightened features. You scowled, not returning the sentiment. One second you were yards away from Mikey and the next you were throwing him onto the rooftop again. He cried out in pain, “I’m nothing like you.” And even though he was hurt, his innocence was too pure to be shot down. “But you’ve got a shell, and a bandana,” he groaned out as he forced himself up. Noticing you had released yourself from his binds the moment you had him on the ground.
“Get away from our brother,” Raph hollered as he came down as a huge red figure of power. You side stepped, letting the cement feel his wrath instead. So the orange wasn’t the only one who stole. A purple drill came next, you jumped into the air it missed your feet by centimeters as you came back down, your eyes widened in surprise for the first time this fight, as you didn’t touch the ground but went through a blue circle. Suddenly blue was all you could see, and you activated your power, a black shadow surrounding your body and time slowed, you watched as the portal ended and the blue one was ready and waiting with a sword held out. You landed with grace, crouching immediately but you didn’t need to, while in your power form you were faster than all of them combined. You kicked the blue straight in the groin, feeling somewhat irritated that he had gotten the best of you for a split second. He went down as you continued to move, not wanting to be caught off guard again, you went back to normal form after you put two rooftops in between you and the four.
It was a stare off. All but the Red had felt how powerful just your fists and feet were. It was his turn, and then you would destroy them completely. “What do you want!” Raph roared, angry that he hadn’t been able to protect his little brothers. “Nothing from you,” you let your voice be carried by the wind. Unable to find such passion like the Red one, no one but Draxum could make you howl like he just had. In fear and anger, in anguish and pain. You took a step forward, all but the Red flinched. You found that quite funny. “Then just leave us alone,” Raph begged, standing over Mikey and Leo while Donnie stood a little staggered next to him. “I’m afraid I can’t do that,” you said taking another step forward. Why were you wasting time like this? Answering his buffoon questions, for what? You gritted your teeth from your own condescending thoughts. “Why?!” The red exasperated. “Because,” you glared reaching for the sole tantō (short sword) behind your shell. You only unsheathed it when necessary, but all these questions were grating your nerves, “I was ordered to.” And maybe that was what pissed you off the most. As you lunged forward eyes seething with pitch black rage.
Raph braced himself calling onto his power to create a shield from the shadow that was hurtling towards him faster than anything he had ever seen. He tried to keep his eyes open, but at the last second he flinched closing them tightly hoping his shield would hold. “Boys?” Splinter said in confusion. They had all just been saved by Leo’s well-timed portal and if it wasn’t for the near death experience he would have boasted about it proudly. Raph fell back on his haunches, his weapons dropping limply from his hands. Mikey was the first to recover, “Dad you’ll never guess what just happened!” Bruised everywhere he exclaimed, “we met another turtle!” “Met?” Donnie shook his head, “that Michael, was not a meeting, that was a blindside!” He had to hold his side wincing when he raised his voice.
Splinter fell back into his recliner. “So you finally crossed paths,” it had been a weak whisper. Silence stretched on after that as Splinter relived that haunting night. Where time hadn’t been on his side, not enough to save everyone. “What do you mean dad?” Raph asked, breaking the silence. “The night I rescued you all and myself from Draxum’s lab, I hadn’t saved everyone that night,” his voice sounded far away. The brothers all looked at each other, shock and confusion written on their faces. “Are you saying, that we just met our sibling out there tonight?” Donnie expounded, eyes bugging out. Splinter nodded. Another collective silence. “Well, they wanna kill us,” Leo put plainly, trying to get up. “No they don’t!” Mikey said defensively. All three of his brothers turned on him with crazed expressions. “I’m serious! You heard them, they were ordered to come after us!” Mikey had his hands out as if it were obvious. Splinter kept silent, Leo looked doubtful, while Raph and Donnie both shook their heads.
“It doesn’t matter Mikey, if Leo hadn’t portaled us outta there, we would’ve been turtle soup.” Raph said, and he wasn’t joking. “Yeah but, maybe if we talked to them, showed them that Draxum isn’t their real family, then maybe-“ Mikey was cut off by Donnie, “No. Mikey listen to yourself! You wanna go back out there after three of us got pummeled and Raph was about to get sliced?!” Mikey’s cheeks puffed out in frustration, they weren’t listening to him. “…maybe Mikey’s right,” Leo pipped up looking at his little brother. “What if one of us had been left behind?” Splinter winced. Leo paused, continuing after awhile, “shouldn’t we at least try?” Donnie scoffed, “try what exactly, reason with the trained killer of a psychopath who wants us dead?!” Mikey nodded. Raph blew out a long breath. “Not anytime soon,” he said giving in, he couldn’t help it, looking at it the way Leo had put it. He’d try. “Once we are healed a hundred percent and Leo practices his portals more… then we can try talking,” Donnie glared at them all. “If this backfires I don’t care if it’s my last dying breath, I’m saying I told you so,” with that he was off to his lab. Mikey smiled to himself, hoping this would work, that you would listen, and see that they were your real family.
After Raph’s orders were carried out, all of them healed up to the max, and Leo did practice on his portaling, it was time. “So how’re we gonna find them??” Mikey questioned as they all exited the manhole, Raph the last out and covering it up. “The Hidden City,” Raph said, since they knew who was behind your strings aka Draxum. “Righttt,” Mikey agreed. “We’re breaking into Draxum’s,” Donnie explained further for his little brother to catch up to speed. They all knew he had zoned out when the plan was being discussed, Mikey was too excited. Which had all of his older brothers worried for the impending disappointment they all expected. “Alright, breaking into Draxy’s,” Mikey said rubbing his hands together in mischief, finally up to speed.
They went the same route they had came when April had been with them. It seemed like they were always trying to rescue someone from here, first Mayhem, now you. All the turtles peered down into what had been an exploded lab last they left it. Now it was fully refurbished and off to the side you came into view.
Horror. Raph tried reaching for Mikey to cover his eyes, but it was too late. He had seen, your limbs were spread far apart, vines wrapped tightly around your wrists and ankles. But what held all of the turtles stares was the thick vines that were in a vice-like grip around you torso, around your shell. Draxum appeared from a doorway. “Not tight enough?” He commented as your head hung to the floor, but as the grip tightened around your shell you gasped, head lurching up once more. This had been going on for days, ever since you had returned, since you had failed. “Why are you being punished,” Draxum questioned as you panted in pain, it was getting to the point where you would pass out. “ANSWER ME” his voice raised in authority and anger, “I-“ the vines tightened again and you finally screamed out in agony. New streams of tears flooded down your cheeks. “Say it.” He seethed, “I f-failed you,” you sobbed. Head falling in front of your body unable to keep it raised any longer. “You are pathetic and weak. You expect me to believe those pests outsmarted you?” He spat in disgust. “They had mystic weapons,” you tried to explain, you hadn’t realized how vital the blue one could be for escape. You were paying for it now. “Excuses,” Draxum shook his head, “I gave you a mystic weapon, I trained you and this is the result I get?” Your head was swimming in pain, it was becoming hard to breath and you knew what was coming next, the sound haunted you in your sleep. Crack! “Please!” You begged, knowing it was useless because you had been through this before, “I’ll do better, I’ll get them next time just give me one more chance!” You’d say anything, promise anything if it meant you could save yourself from the living nightmare you were experiencing.
An fiery orange chained whipped out of nowhere and snagged Draxum up and off the ground. “Leave them alone!” He cried out, tears pouring down his own face as he yanked his weapon backwards, continuing to pull Draxum away from you. Raph’s fist was three times its size, and punched the sheep yokai, slamming him to the floor of his lab. Donnie and Leo were quickly cutting away at the vines that held you hostage. Leo catching you before you fell to the ground. “Let’s go!” Leo called out as Donnie positioned himself defensively, his mystic tech aimed at Draxum’s figure that was still on the ground. He turned and faced the turtles he had created, his face pure fury, “Y/N!” He bellowed and that was the last thing you remembered before you slipped into unconsciousness.
[one week later]
“They should be waking up any moment now,” a not so familiar voice said informatively. “But when exactly??” someone whined. “They’ve been through a lot just give them time,” someone else chided. “Look” another voice said, and as your eyes moved underneath your eyelids, listening intently and very much awake, you realized they must’ve noticed you were up. “Hello?” you squinted open one eyelid, and orange was so close you could see down to his esophagus. “Mikey, give ‘em some space!” red said exasperated as if he had said it a million times already. “What did I tell you guys, any moment!” purple said as a matter-of-factly. “We get ittt,” sighed blue. All of them had curious eyes on you, the red had one weapon drawn, and purple had a finger hovering over a button. Blue had his arms crossed and orange was still in your face. “We saved you!” He explained, “from Draxum’s crazy” “psycho” “sadistic” “ass.” They all had a word for your creator. And they all seemed to be waiting for you to say something or do something. You slowly opened up both eyes, “please back away orange,” you phrased it as nicely as possible but the frown on his face couldn’t be missed. “Told ya,” Raph chuckled, silently putting away his weapon. “So how old are you?” “And what kind of turtle are you?” “What’s your mystic power exactly?” “Are you hungry?” Mikey pitched in last, recovering from your first sentence to him. It seemed to be the only question you would acknowledge as you nodded slightly. The rest looked at one another, with wary expressions. “Where am I?” you decided it was better to be the one who asked the questions. “In-“ a hand slapped over Mikey’s mouth. “Why don’t you go get them some pizza?” Raph said. “Oh right! Be right back!” He said bouncing away. The three older ones sighed in unison. “Look Y/n,” you blinked no one but Draxum had ever used your name. “You’ve gotta answer our questions first,” the red one claimed.
You wondered if you were fully recovered. Because if so, you’d rather just leave than have to sit through an interrogation like this. You could feel the unwelcomeness roll off these three. But as you did a mental check, you knew you would have trouble using your power and making a speedy escape. So you sighed, admitting defeat nonverbally. “I am 13 years old, a diamondback terrapin, and to put it shortly speed,” Donnie went to say he wanted the longer more detailed version because he obviously had gotten that. But Raph stopped him. You were Mikey’s age. Raph couldn’t believe it, how polar opposite the two of you were, and it crushed him to think how Mikey might have been in your place. “I see,” Raph murmured. “Now my turn?” You asked, prompting for an answer to your earlier question. “We’re in the sewers!” Mikey answered coming back into the room. Leo face palmed himself. “What?!” Mikey exclaimed, “they deserve to know!” and he handed you a plate stacked high with slices of pizza.
“Well I guess we’ve got a lot of catching up to do,” you gave Mikey an inquisitive glance as you stuffed your face. You hadn’t eaten in what felt like ages. Raph and Mikey both smiled at the sight of you eating heartily. “Because we’re family!” Mikey explained as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. And that had you swallowing, you looked around the room, these four were your brothers? “Draxum never told you?” Donnie asked quietly, and all you could do was shake your head. You kept looking all around, like suddenly everyone in the room looked different looked more familiar. And you hadn’t realized it when one tear streaked down your face. “Family?” You echoed. Draxum had never used familial terms between the two of you. He was your creator and you were his creation. Black and white, plain and simple. You always believed you were on your own. The thought of a family, it was too good to be true. “Yeah!” Mikey cried, the instant he saw the tear go down your cheek. And space bubbles be damned! He leapt on top of you hugging you close, “you’re our family!” Mikey said and the rest of the gang piled in, more tears were shed, even from Donnie. It was a miracle you thought, and maybe finally you could be happy, here with your family.
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Snippet of 5th division Takemichi!
This is just a little drabble, like a snippet on a story that for know I only have notes about but I'll write someday. I just have 2 oneshots and one chapter to finish for starting with the wips that are just pages of notes for now, yuhu!
(promising this to myself)
I read a fic a few months ago with this idea and well, it was hilarious and I started thinking in what type of AU this could work, one trying to also save everyone and go to the plot of the different arcs. Did I say before thatt Tokyo Revengers is my Roman Empire? I wasn't joking. The other wip I have is time-leaper Manila Izana going through tenjiku arc. Fix it fics that, like canon, will be heavy on the angst but with happy ending (yes, me, doing happy endings, I know but did I say it will be heavy on the angst? Because the Izana one... He needs to learn a lot, oopsie)
For understanding the drabble, a few basics:
It's based on an AU where Takemichi jumps to the day when he met Mikey after shaking hands with him in Bonten. And let's pretend our dear Michi actually catched up Sanzu's name and was thinking in something more than Mikey for a second, okay?
Things happened and after saving Draken he asked to be put in the 5th division because reasons (Sanzu, knowing that Mucho is a traitor, knowing that well, he knows a lot about conspiracies that will happen in Toman so maybe this is not such a bad idea even if he's scared of his captain and vice-captain, right?)
A lot of things will happened for get to this point, but after some months of Sanzu knowing about Takemichi being a time-leaper, he finally opens up with the truth about tl0 (yes, he's a little shit and doesn't say anything for months but he has trusting issues, okay? Let him alone xD). Obviously, there will be chapters with Sanzu's POV, for plot reasons (not because I love writting his mental breakdowns, nops).
So... I think that's it. Ah, this conversation is happening in some point of Tenjiku arc, I'm still deciding what to do with this arc, but Takemichi changed enough things. So Mucho goes to Tenjiku alone and now Sanzu is the captain of the 5th division. With Takemichi as a vice-captain, poor crybaby.
Warnings: NONE! I almost don't believe it myself, but this is just comfort. Because it's a small scene that came to my mind and made me smile and I'm having a soft day, so I thought, why not write it?
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(he's so pretty and I'm so normal about it, yeps)
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At this point, Takemichi already learned a few things about his captain and how to tell the subtle changes on his expressions. He was sure Sanzu hided even more under the mask, but it wasn't that easy to see him without it. So he could see that the other boy was more absent, that his eyes weren't really looking at anything. And Takemichi had a hunch about the reason, he was just trying to find a way to talk about it without getting punch. Or worse, to be honest sometimes he still find the scarred boy a little too unpredictable.
“You know, some days when I wake up, I'm not even sure what time line is it. And I'm always afraid to discover the truth, to discover I fucked up and went back to Manila. Or Bonten.”
Some days, he still feels Mikey's body getting cold on his hands. Or see him getting pale with Emma doing the same. Dead inside in the hospital, the same empty eyes Takemichi saw in that abandoned bowling-alley. But that's an image the other doesn't need, the scarred boy has his own nightmares with Mikey on it. Absolute void in those darks eyes, more than he's able to imagine.
Sanzu gives him a weird look that already feels like a victory, he's looking at him. That's something, right?
“For what you said, I'm sure that Bonten wasn't that bad.” The pinkette snickers. “But, yeah... I get what you mean. It's like anything feels...real.”
The last part is almost like a whisper, like he was afraid of confessing it.
“Exactly.” The blonde smiles brightly, he knows he shouldn't be this easy to read, but he can't really avoid it. “It feels nice to have some one to talk about it that actually understands. With the rest of people that known before, I was always afraid they'll start thinking I was going crazy for saying this type of stuff.”
Aquamarine pair of eyes wide with the last words, like he suddenly understood what his vice-captain was trying to do. What he did, actually.
“I still hate you. Don't start thinking we're friends or some shit like that.”
It sounds almost like a bark, but Takemichi knows better after the last months. So he just laughs, happy with being able to cross another one of his captain walls. He promised to both of them, that he'll save him too.
And he will. Because this time, he'll save everyone. This time, he actually understands what is happening with Mikey.
So he'll save everyones asses, even the ones that don't want to be saved. Specially that ones.
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Top 10 black dragons members! (Since today is their day and we need something to forget the other depressing events of today)
10. Takemichi. Ok ok I know we're starting off with the mc but look he was announced the leader of the 11th gen and then it was completely forgotten about. He has 0 feats as the 11 gen leader, he literally gave us nothing. I actually think he forgot he was even in charge of them.
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9. Hakkai. So we see Hakkai in the black dragons in exactly 2 timelines. Firstly we see him lead them down a very dark path (Kisaki's fault) and secondly we see him turn traitor and fight against them (100% right choice). He didn't exactly do anything wrong from a plot pov but from a black dragon pov he was a terrible member.
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8. Shion. Leader of the 9th gen as he likes to remind us. He was pretty bad as a leader though, I mean this is the gen where the black dragons ended due to him losing against the toman founders and then losing territory to the Haitani brothers. So yeah not a great run as leader.
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7. Izana. He started off with good ambitions for the black dragons, he just wanted to make Shinichiro and protect what was dear to him. Unfortunately after Shinichiro mentions he wants Mikey to take over after Izana he leads the black dragons down a rather bad path, completely destroying the ideals Shinichiro had tried to implement.
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6. Taiju. Although he did help to revive the black dragons and did a good job with turning them into a fearsome gang he didn't exactly uphold the first gens morals and legacy, actually he did such a bad job Waka and Benkei tried to murder him over it (well at least that seemed to be one of the reasons).
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5. Koko. A very important edition to the 10th gen, without him and his money making skills the 10th gen likely wouldn't have been as successful. He also seemed to take on a leadership role often and was also the elite guard captain.
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4. Takeomi. Now I know he's very hated in the fandom but we can't ignore how crucial he was to the 1st gen black dragons. Nicknamed the god of war he came up with many of the first gens fight plans and strategies. He was an important part of the first gens successes.
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3. Wakasa & Benkei. Ngl I can't separate these two, it feels unfair to put one above the other when they mainly seemed to fight as a duo and have the same roles. Both were important to the 1st gen black dragons and mainly seem to have been the muscle and fighting power behind the black dragons. They're both also fiercely loyal, even years later hitting Shion and getting overly annoyed at Taiju because of how their generations went against Shinichiro's dreams.
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2. Inui. He actually doesn't have many feats in the black dragons despite being in the most generations. But his loyalty and dedication to the gang is arguably the biggest we've seen. He got arrested for them, did all kind of crimes for Izana and Shion, founded the 10th gen, put everything he had into protecting the 10th gen including being willing to commit murder and then got Takemichi to start the 11th gen. He dedicated his whole life to the black dragons.
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1. Shinichiro. The man, the myth, the legend. Was there any doubt in him being first? The one who decided to found the black dragons and start it all off. It was his moral code and leadership that made the black dragons into the strong gang it was known as, setting it up to be a powerhouse for many generations and inspiring multiple delinquent's even after he left.
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yellowhollyhock · 26 days
thinking about how the dynamics would be different if Venus hadn't been separated from the turtles
Raph would be the most similar. He treats her the most the same as how he treats his other siblings. Raph has his circle of people he is extremely protective of and devoted to; he can't have that level of responsibility towards everyone of course so if you're not 'in' you're 'out' (not (necessarily) in a malicious way). When he first meets Venus she's 'out,' but after he sees her fight at the park and realizes she'll put it all on the line for their family, he makes the mental switch to 'she is now my sister and I will care for and protect and make fun of and spar with her' pretty seamlessly. It would be fun though if she'd always been there, they would know each other really well (they're both quite observant about people) and the sort of 'twin' dynamic they have would increase. I can imagine them finishing each other's sentences, probably purposely in a way that derails or contradicts what they know the other was trying to say. It's a fun little game for them and everyone else is so confused
Leo is always trying so hard to impress Venus. He has so much doubt about himself and the way he leads his brothers; I think he's as excited as he is terrified to have an outside perspective. If he had known her forever, though, this aspect of their dynamic would be completely gone. I don't think he'd be as prone to seek her advice. On the other hand, when she gives it anyway he might be more likely to listen. Leo is so full of anxiety, it would be really interesting to see how he is with her if he were as comfortable as he is with his brothers (ie grew up together). He'd be more competitive with her, less performative, and they would definitely bond (more) over dream walking. If we're assuming Venus still learns magic (which I am because otherwise that's too much change for my brain to handle atm), he would learn with her, and even though he'd be more openly competitive, I feel he would also be more comfortable and okay with it being her thing if he doesn't have the same propensity for it. Also because of her encouragement he would lean more into. Idk how to explain. His speeches and catchphrases and just, The Way He Is. Venus is very supportive in general as a person and Leo specifically just really needs pep talks sometimes.
Donnie wouldn't have the same rivalry with her I don't think. Magic vs Science would be more of a fun intellectual debate. Which it often is anyway, but because of the situation there is this underlying bite. Donnie is defensive of his position as the smart one on the team, and also defensive of his relationships with his family. If Venus had been a cohesive part of that group from the start, there'd be no reason for that defensiveness. Venus can also be cutting with him; she misses her old life, it's a lot of change to take in, since he picks on her he's an obvious target for lashing out. I could see them still going at each other just because they are both, well a bit verbally vicious for the fun of it sometimes, but it'd be a very different kind of thing. And considering how Donnie is with Leo and Raph, and how Venus is with everyone ever, I definitely see her being very protective of him and him really appreciating having a Big Sister who does not let the bad guys be mean to him
Michelangelo. If they had been siblings from the start I think these two would get very into each other's interests! They share a lot as is, especially in particular their interest in 1) protecting animals 2) not sure how to explain this, peace? seeing the enemies' pov? social justice in general maybe?
but anyways, Venus would get into media by proxy and maybe even occasionally have a segment on the Sewer Hour. Mikey would be super into magic, and even more into the idea of Venus being good at it. They would dance all the time and make weird foods. I think if they'd grown up together Venus would have more of a soft spot for Mikey, letting him get away with stuff even when she disapproves. On the flip side when she puts her foot down Mikey would take it more seriously compared to how he responds in the show. Where I see their interests diverging is, Mikey would still be hanging out with Donnie figuring out how to make stuff go Faster and watching tv or something like, while Venus is more likely to spend time sparring or practicing other sports with Raph and Leo. Also I don't think Mikey would really like meditating. He might be better at it if he learned it earlier on, but it's definitely not what he'd choose to do with down time
Splinter is interesting. He does favor her in the show and it very much seems to stem from the situation (she lost her family, she's in a foreign country, he also probably has mixed squishy feelings about the idea that she could've been and was in fact this close to being his kid and yet he didn't meet her till she was practically an adult, and for that matter a more mature adult than his children who grew up with him). Same as with Leo (only different), I feel he wouldn't be trying to impress her as much. Other than that, they would still become very close-knit like they are in the show. Like he is with all his kids. It is also interesting to think about how Venus would respond to his insistence on hiding if it had been her whole life, and with her brothers' influence. Thinking about how she responds to Chung I (in the single very brief time we see of them interacting), I feel she would be very similar to Leo where she thinks of it as part of their training and takes pride in it. When they get older I could see her starting to see things Raph's way more, especially since I'm sure her and Raph would talk about it often. But I still feel ultimately she would always try to uphold Splinter's wishes even if she might disagree
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yume-chin · 1 year
First meeting
I know it's a trivial chapter but I wanted to create a starting point for all future rottmnt postings.
Request: No
Warning: Mention of arguing with parents, mild bullying and bad English
Genre: She/her
Pov: You and the turtles meet for the first time.
Version: RotTmnt
Total words: 2466
Leo: 620
Raph: 458
Donnie: 609
Mikey: 619
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Leo
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You walking the streets of New York trying to clear your head and let off some steam. As often happened, even today you had a nasty argument with your parents. Nothing important, they just don't seem to fully understand you.
As you passed in front of a dark alley you hear moans of pain.
Your first instinct was to run away but you quickly stopped and rushed to help the injured person. If that person is sick, you can't leave them in trouble.
Arrived at the point where you had heard the moans coming you expect to see a wounded boy and instead your gaze crosses with that of a creature with greenish skin and a blue shell.
You stand there looking at him for a few seconds until you snap back to reality and rush to his side.
"Don't worry, everything will be fine, I just want to help you" you try to reassure him.
The guy in front of you doesn't seem to have the same ideas as you but he still lets you approach and touch him.
You look at it carefully and after a while you look around. "Can you walk a little longer?" the boy nods and you help him to stand up and stand.
"I'll take you to my house so I can bandage your wounds" you try to walk but the boy stops. "I can't get in the door, too many people would see me"
You start looking around until you notice the fire escapes.
"We'll go through there then" you indicate. The boy nods and then you help him up to your window.
"One last effort and we'll finally be there" you encourage him and then help him enter.
As soon as inside you make him sit on your bed and then run to the bathroom of your room to get a medical kit. You check on the fly that everything you need is there and run back to him.
"I warn you that I'm not a nurse but I'll try to help you as best I can" the boy nods and you start treating him.
While you were still intent on disinfecting and treating his wounds the boy took courage and spoke “thank you for the help you are giving me”
You are a little surprised but you smile at him "that's okay"
"Aren't you afraid of me?"
"should I? are you going to kill me? I ask because in these conditions I don't think you could do much" you chuckle
The boy fell silent again.
"However can I know your name?"
The young man looked at you for a moment and answered shortly after.
"My name is Leonardo, but everyone calls me Leo"
"Oh so nice to meet you Leo, I'm Y/n" you smile getting a smile back.
"Anyway, I'm done with this, I patched you up as best I could, now try not to get yourself into trouble, Leo" you scold him.
The boy laughed "I'll try, but I'm going now, my family will be worried" he went to the window
"okay, it was nice to meet you, come and see me sometime" you smile at him.
Leo stopped walking out and walked over to you giving you a big hug "I sure will, and thanks for everything for your help, I owe you my life"
"Exaggerated!!" you giggle releasing then the embrace "take care of yourself" you caress his arm.
"I will, see you Y/n" he gives you a last goodbye with a wave of his hand and then goes out the window.
Well, from an evening that you needed to ease tensions you ended up helping a giant humanoid turtle, everyday things if you want-
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Raph
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Today was a tiring day. School, training, studying... The only thing you wanted was some rest but of course you weren't allowed that.
You returned home late and had just stretched out on the bed when suddenly, from your brother's room, located next to yours, a loud and annoying noise does not start coming out. His trombone.
Exactly, your brother joined the school band to play the trombone but he's still a beginner, so the melody he produces is more like a mix of off-key notes.
By now tired and exasperated the only thing that occurred to you to do was to go up on the roof to read a book.
So you leave the house until you reach the top floor where, thanks to a staircase that leads to the roof hatch, you don't go up to the roof with a good book in hand.
You sit down not far from the trapdoor and start reading but shortly after you start hearing a voice coming from not far away.
Being on the roof you found it something very strange and, assailed by curiosity, you decide to go and check.
As you thought, not far from you you notice a large shape. Too big to be a normal human being.
Paying closer attention you notice that the figure in front of you has spikes on its body and a shell.
After a while, the figure you were staring at notices you and lets out a frightened scream.
Taken aback you whirl around to see if there was anyone trying to attack you from behind but not noticing anyone you turn back to the huge figure.
"Why did you scream?! I thought there was some person ready to attack me! Are you crazy?!"
The boy seems to be shocked by your reaction.
"Everything is fine?"
"Aren't you afraid of me?"
You look at him confused "Should I?"
"Well, look at me, I'm a huge mutant turtle, everyone who sees me thinks I'm monstrous!"
"Oh my, monstrous is too heavy a word. Maybe it fits better -particular-. let's say it's not every day you have such an encounter with a giant mutant tortoise" you chuckle "and anyway there is nothing more monstrous than my brother playing the trombone. Seeing is believing!"
"No no thanks, I take you word for it" You both burst out laughing.
"However, nice to meet you, I'm Y/n"
"And I'm Raphael, but you can call me Raph"
"Cool name!"
"Thank you"
Suddenly you hear a voice calling your name.
"Oh! I have to go now, hope to see you again Raph!" you smile at him.
"I'll come back to see you then"
"Good! See you then!" you wave to him before returning to the building.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Donnie
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It was a Sunday like any other and since you had finished all your homework for the week, you thought about spending an alternative morning.
You're a big science buff and there's no better place for you than to go to the New York City Science Museum.
It wasn't the first time you went to the museum but you can say with certainty that every time you entered there you felt the same emotions as the first time you entered through the main door.
You woke up early in the morning to get ready. You've decided to wear a purple sweatshirt, your favorite sweatshirt. You took the keys and hurried out so you could be among the
first to enter.
As soon as you entered, you didn't waste time visiting the rooms of the museum that you knew by heart by now.
As you walked you started looking around. You had the feeling that someone was staring at you.
You tried to ignore the sensation and continued your visit until the sensation got worse.
You turned around again and this time you saw a guy staring at you, and the first thing you noticed was that he was wearing the exact same sweatshirt as yours.
You stood there looking at him for a while and then gave him a slight wave of your hand to greet him smiling at him.
You turned around again, andcome back to look at the wonders on display at the museum. You walked quietly for a few more minutes until a hand touched your shoulder making you jump.
You looked at the one who touched your shoulder and you saw the boy from before.
"I wanted to tell you that you have a nice sweatshirt"
You smile at him "Well, thank you"
“I am Donatello, or Donnie, whichever you prefer”
“Nice to meet you Donnie, I'm Y/n” you extend your hand.
You see that he stays looking at her for a while and then hesitantly grabs her.
It's only at that moment that you notice that it had a particular appearance but you didn't start investigating.
"Am I wrong or do I think I've seen you here before?"
“Probably, I come here often”
"Science buff?"
"Yes and not only" you giggle looking into his eyes
"Really? What else are you interested in?”
“I also love technology and engineering”
“Woo, you are the first person I meet who has the same interests as me”
“Well, I'll consider myself one of a kind then,” you chuckle.
“How about finishing this museum visit together? Always if you want to be clear!! I don't want to force you to do anything you don't want to!!”
I burst out laughing at his flustered reaction and it made him relax a bit.
"Of course I like it, you're too nice to say no" You smile at him.
And so you spent a quiet morning in each other's company. You have discovered that you have many other things in common, between passions and personal tastes.
It was a very pleasant morning.
When you get to the exit you have looked at each other.
"Well... we finished the visit huh"
“How about we meet again? Another walk like this, nothing demanding, always if you want!!”
You gently grab the sleeve of him sweatshirt  "Donnie, don't worry" you smile at him "I would really like it"
“How about next Sunday at 09 in front of the technology museum”
"Certainly! See you on Sunday then!"
"See you on Sunday"
You say a last goodbye and then part ways and everyone goes back to their homes, with the excitement of the next meeting.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥Mikey
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You left school relatively late, had extracurricular classes and were exhausted.
The only thing you wanted to do was go home and lie down in bed.
At least that's what you wanted to do until you passed the arcade.
You tried with all your might not to fall into temptation and to go straight to go home but in the end you entered with the premise of playing only a few games and nothing more.
You went straight to the coin change machine and put in a $5 bill. You waited a few seconds until the tokens were dispensed.
You grabbed them and headed to your favorite game.
You inserted the coin and started playing attracting some boys curious about your skill.
Game after game you were winning many tickets for prizes but suddenly you got stuck.
You heard a very familiar voice. It was the voice of one of the bullies at your school.
They personally never did anything wrong to you but they were well known for their barbaric ways of relating to people and their squalor in stealing money from smaller boys to spend it in the arcade.
Tired of their attitudes you took your points by putting them in your backpack and leaving the game halfway through and headed towards them.
“Hey you!”
The two bullies turned to you.
"What do you want little girl?"
"Forget that poor boy"
“These are none of your business! We let you go because you're a girl, but if you poke your nose into things that don't concern you, we'll beat you up!"
“Oh? Really?"
"Yes, really! So go ahead, are you still in time!”
"Come on then!"
"You wanted it!"
The two boys threw themselves at you but you easily managed to throw both of them to the ground.
You have practiced karate and self-defense since you were little, that's why you were able to defend yourself with great simplicity.
The two looked at each other panicked and got up quickly trembling.
“Don't think we're going to run over this thing! Next time you won't be so lucky!” and in a very short while they were running away in fear.
You immediately turned around and helped the boy who had been surrounded by the two bullies to get up.
"Are you OK?"
“Yes, thank you very much”
"Don't thank me, the important thing is that you're fine"
“You were amazing to knock them out!”
"Thank you but I really didn't do anything that"
"However, nice to meet you, I'm Michelangelo but you can call me Mikey"
“I am Y/n”
"Sounds cool!"
“Is that wrong or is it a skateboard?”
“No, you're not wrong, it's really a skate”
“Why don't we go to the skate park together sometime?”
“I like it as an idea!”
you suddenly remember the stitches you put inside the backpack.
“Mikey, come with me!”
You take his hand and drag him to the pick-up point.
"Hi, I would like two of those" you indicate two sachets with stickers.
The guy behind the counter hands them to you and you hand one to Mikey
“Here you go, they are skateboard stickers, I hope you like them”
“I-I can't accept them! You won them, they're yours!"
“Yes, you can accept them! Take them as a sign of our new friendship."
The boy looked at you for a moment and then smiled and grabbed them.
"Then thank you"
"You're welcome"
You're gaze falls on the clock.
"Hate! It's very late, I have to go home!"
You quickly grab your backpack.
“Tomorrow night I'm going to the skatepark, hope to meet you there! Bye bye Mikey”
You wave at him and then run out and run back home.
I'm too excited to release these one-shorts.
I love RotTmnt too much and I needed to write something for them.
I hope you enjoy them! ʚ✩ɞ
A big hug ♡
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Tell Me What You Want - TMNT Drabblish
POV: A greatest virtue is used against a brother. Trauma is hard. Recovery is harder.
“Wasting time, can’t waste-“ 
“You’ve been resting-“ 
“I’m fine. I can work! I ca- I-I need too-“ 
“No, Donnie, you don’t-“
“Like shell, you’re fine-“ 
“I need to- I need-“ Their panicked brother freezes up, breath caught in his throat as he finally stopped fighting Mikey’s entrapping hug. He sends his older brothers pleading looks, a sheen of tears threatening to fall. “What do I need? What do I do?” 
“No one here’s going to make you do anything-“ 
“Would you get it through your thick skull-“ 
“Not useless! I’m good! I can!” 
“Come on, Don!”  
“Please! Please- I’ll listen! I’m listening! I-I can do it! Please-” 
Raph’s patience snaps. “But you’re NOT listening!” 
Donnie clamps his mouth shut in pure horror, and Leo spins towards the brother radiating fury. “Raphael!” 
“But he’s not!” Raph snarls, gesturing roughly at their younger brothers. “He never does!” 
Donnie flinches away from him and clutches Mikey tighter, breaths escaping in sharp gasps. “-Sorrysorrysorrysorry better do better sorry sorry-” 
“Raph. Clear your head.” Raph shoots Leo a dark look and then stomps out of the room, leaving the messed-up argument behind.
Leo turns back to their hyperventilating brother, stepping forward and reaching out a hand, purposely softening his tone, “Donnie…” 
A sob breaks free; the tears make their escape. “-no, pleasepleaseplease- listen, I’ll listen! Better- better, learning- don’t hurt me- I’m sorry-!” 
“Donnie, no one’s going to hurt you.” Mikey swears as he nuzzles against his plastron, trying to keep their hysterical brother grounded in the moment. “We just wanna help.” 
“Help, help- I help. I help.” Donnie begs desperately, voice choked. “I can. I can.” 
“We know.” Leo whispers as he keeps his hands at his sides. “We know, little brother. And we can help too. Like how we helped get you away from those tests, and the ones hurting you. Do you remember that? Do you remember where you are?” 
“I…” His eyes dart over his bedroom. “H-Home?” 
“Yeah.” Leo soothes as he slowly approaches the bed. “You’re home. Because we helped you. Do you know why we did that?” 
Watery eyes scan his. “H-had too?” 
“No.” Leo lays a gentle hand on his shoulder. “Because we wanted too. We wanted to help you. No one made us. We chose to. You know why we chose to?”
“Be-Because-” Donnie blinks away his tears, looking towards Mikey as he tried to recall the words from the many conversations before this one.
His little brother smiles up at him, and a shaky arm closes protectively over the smaller carapace, unconsciously bracing himself for the nonexistent consequences of a wrong answer. “Because we’re brothers?” 
“Exactly.” Leo’s smile is equally as warm and he squeezes affectionately. “And you don’t have to do anything here. You can do what you want to do, and no one will be mad at you for it.” He pauses, and then quickly adds. “As long as it’s safe. We want you to be safe.”
“You need stuff. I have to-” 
“We need you.” Leo interrupts firmly. “We need you to be safe, and healthy. That’s why we ask you to rest. That’s why when you don’t listen, we get scared, and why we sometimes get upset.” He meets his gaze. “Do you understand why that is?” 
“It’s bad?” Donnie whispers weakly. 
“Because we love you.” Mikey fills in immediately, looking him in the eyes. “And we never, ever want to see you hurt, because it hurts us. Like Raph. He doesn’t mean to yell. He’s just scared.” 
Donnie hesitates. “Scared?” 
“So scared.” Mikey concurs. “He’s not mad at you, and he’d never hurt you for this. He’s just upset because he doesn’t know how to help.” 
Something familiar sparks in brown eyes and he shifts to push Mikey off of him. His younger brother obediently disentangles himself as Leo steps back, in case he needs some breathing room. To both their surprise, he leaps to his feet and sprints out of the room without a single word. 
Startled and slightly panicked, they both follow after, and are throughly shocked to see him plant himself on the couch beside the sulking Raphael. Raph bolts upright, and they stare at one another, one contemplative and the other uncomfortably uncertain, and then Donnie wraps his older brother in a hug. 
Raph’s body tenses at the unexpected show of affection and Donnie tightens his grip, leaning his cheek against the top of his head. “It’s okay. I know you’re not mad, and you won’t- h-hurt me. I- But it’s okay. Because we’re brothers. And you’re upset, but not mad.” 
“Donnie, I…” Raph faces away, staring down at the floor, stiff as a board. “Don, you’re not there anymore. You know that. You’re not.” 
“I’m home.” Donnie closes his eyes, relaxing his posture, “I’m home. With my brothers. I’m resting, but I’m okay. It’s okay.” 
“Did Mikey tell you to do this?” Raph grumbles into his shoulder, raising an eye ridge at the youngest as he leans into the hold. Mikey grins and waves his t-phone, brandishing the fact he is absolutely taking pictures. 
“No. I…” He’s quiet a moment. “…Wanted to.” 
Mikey lowers the t-phone in surprise as Leo almost slumps over in relief. Raph finally reacts, circling his arms around his younger brother’s shell, holding on just as tight to the brother that they risk losing every time that he gets lost in past horrors.
“Fine. Only ‘cause you want it.” 
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missshezz · 2 years
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Title: Lost & Found
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings: None apply
Tags: Angst, Drama, Follows Here’s Negan (TWD tv universe), grief, shock, parental suicide, you POV (2nd person narration) as a kid. Negan is not a bastard here. Deals with death.
Word Count: 1300 words
Summary: Negan finds you after burning his house down
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The flames greedily consumed your house. You stood there as everything you owned in the world was consumed in the blaze.
You were only gone a few hours.
A quick run into town to search for baby wipes, formula, and diapers for Mikey.
You couldn’t help the Vipers were out on the prowl and needed to hide.
How your mom managed to get around the block you setup in case she took notion, you didn’t know.
Somehow, she had, and managed to get into the garage where all the gas dad stockpiled when things started getting bad was.
I should’ve waited for Mrs. Hinkley to get back from her mercy mission.
I should’ve waited for nighttime to go scavenging.
I should’ve given her the last of her medicine so she’d’ve slept the whole day.
So many should’ve’s you could’ve done.
Things you would’ve done had somebody told you to do them.
Nobody was there, though.
It’s just you and your eleven-month-old brother, Mikey.
Your cousin, Ashley took off with Mrs. Hinkley’s granddaughter, Nina after the government instituted worldwide lockdowns to slow the spread of the disease.
Not that it worked.
Your older sisters got sick and were taken to the hospital.
Neither of ‘em got better.
You overheard Grandpa Joe tell Mrs. Hinkley that their bodies were taken to the crematorium.
You figured he told her the truth given the cloud of smoke always in that vicinity.
Grandpa Joe, Uncle Ed, and Auntie Barbara took sick then and also went to the hospital.
They never came home.
Your other cousin, Raymond got himself killed by the Vipers when he refused to give ‘em the medicine he bartered for.
And your dad?
Well, he either went and got himself bit while he tried to get your mom’s medicine or he got killed like Raymond by the Vipers.
You didn’t for one minute believe what Mrs. Hinkley said.
Your dad wouldn’t’ve left you to take care of your mom and Mikey.
He might’ve been a jerk at times but your dad always took care of you and your siblings.
Nope, far as you were concerned, your dad got killed. It was the only reason you’d accept for why he didn’t return home when he told you he would.
There was a loud groan a split-second before the roof of your house caved in.
Plumes of smoke and ribbons of bright orange flame billowed up towards the moonless sky in an almost hypnotic dance.
Burning plastic, wood, metal, and another, foul stench stunk up the air.
You didn’t dare think ‘bout what that last smell was.
You’d be sick if you did.
A twig snapped behind you.
Your heart leapt into your throat as you imagined it being one of them.
You didn’t know if that was the right word to refer to them by. You’d heard ‘em called loads of things: infected, biters, walkers, creepers…
To you they’re just the unfortunate.
A buncha people who hadn’t figured out they were dead.
Your dad told you the only way to kill one of ‘em was to either shoot ‘em in the head or stab ‘em between the eyes.
You hadn’t had to do that.
Until now.
How you’d accomplish it, you didn’t know.
Your dad took the only guns your family had with him when he left, your knife wasn’t sharp enough to cut paper, and you had your baby brother — who you wisely decided to take with you rather than leave home with mom — strapped to your back.
You slowly turned, terrified of what — not who ‘cause the unfortunate weren’t people anymore — you’d find.
A guy with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire wasn’t what you anticipated. Eyes as dark as yours stared first at the flames devouring the last section of your house before shifting to you.
“What happened, kid?”
Shame smothered your fear and panic. What kid wanted to admit their mom burned their house down ‘cause the voices inside her head convinced her too?
Your mind works feverishly on an answer he wouldn’t call out as a lie. You settle on, “It was an accident,” because it seemed safe enough.
He doesn’t believe it, though.
Not for one minute.
And he ain’t afraid to let you know he doesn’t buy your story.
“An accident, huh?” He pointed to a large red can in the middle of the yard. “That gasoline pour itself out? Light itself?”
Your shoulders droop.
Your eyes lowered to the ground.
Tears blurred your vision.
You tried to hold ‘em back.
Be a grown-up.
You aren’t an adult, though.
You’re a kid.
You shouldn’t be dealing with any of this.
You should be somewhere safe, protected by your folks, and doing everything you can to help them as they struggle to survive in this strange new world.
There wasn’t anybody else there, though.
Just you.
“My mom,” you mumbled into your chest. “She got real sick after she had Mikey. Heard voices that told her to hurt herself. They told her to do it.”
“What the fuck?” Shock and other things you couldn’t identify vibrated in his voice. “You saying your mom is in there?”
You nod as another groan pierced the silence. You looked back just as the walls of the house tumbled inwards.
More smoke and flame billowed forth.
Mikey, quiet throughout everything, whimpered.
He’d start fussing for feeding or changing before too long. Thankfully, you found formula, diapers, and some clothes in the house you hid from the Vipers in.
You just had no bottles to put the formula in or a way to warm it.
Mrs. Hinkley probably has a few bottles in her place I could take, you supposed as you murmured softly to Mikey to quiet him.
It wasn’t lost on you that an infant depended on you for his sole survival.
A twelve year old kid shouldn’t be raising one.
It wasn’t fair.
Not that life was, you realized as the man released a heavy sigh.
No, it was cold and cruel.
Much like this world.
“C’mon, kid.” He placed a surprisingly gentle hand on your shoulder. “Time to go.”
“I don’t got any place to go.”
“Nobody around here will take in a couple of orphaned kids?”
“Mrs. Hinkley probably let us stay with her but she’s off on one of her mercy missions. Don’t know when she’ll be back.”
If she’d be back.
This world taught you there was no guarantee on people coming back.
From the corner of your eye you spotted a few ramshackle figures coming up the street.
Attracted by the fire and the smell you refused to acknowledge.
The man must’ve caught sight of ‘em, too, because he said curtly, “You’re coming with me then.”
Every lesson you were taught about strangers screamed through your head.
Don’t go with ‘em being first and foremost.
Something, though, convinced you to trust him.
“Where we goin’?”
“As far from this shithole as we can get.”
He led you over to the motorcycle parked in your best friend’s driveway.
Kylie and his family got sick same time as your sisters.
Were probably taken to the crematorium with them, too.
“It’s just Negan, kid. And this?” He indicated the bat he slid into a special pouch. “This is Lucille. And she is awesome.”
You didn’t know why a baseball bat was so awesome, but given you had a knife about as useful as a pencil against a gun, you figured it made sense.
Nothing else did.
“Hop on,” Negan told you. “And hold on tight.”
You did as told.
Wasn’t like you had much choice.
You were just a kid, after all.
A twelve year old one.
With a baby you now gotta raise.
‘Cause your mom burned your house down.
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you mentioned finding lots of TLR fics. can you give me some to read. preferably, you rank them as most recomended to least (like fluff and healing to lots of gore and angst ) also! if it's dead dove please tell me, i'm shit at reading tags and have accidently read a couple even though i don't want to
The Last Ronin becomes a discord Admin by MelonPalooza - you probably already read it, funny as hell, bit angsty but sense it’s the last ronin all of the are
To know Peace (you got to let go) by Deadpool1763492 - Mikey taking care of the baby turtles with 1 or 2 flashbacks to him and his brothers
Brother, lay down your weapons by MisterUncanny - not to bad so far, starts with the ending of the last Ronin then brings in the rise crew and Casey Jr
Blood orange by StarBound_Seraph - like the previous one but with it’s with another illiteration of his brothers that isn’t rise, it also was created before the previous one
Beyond Death, there is home by thatonefandomjumper - literally the afterlife, you see each brother reach the after life and waiting for the others
Finding Peace by Ammo_Writes, Ammo_Writes_Turtles(Ammo_Writes) - only one chapter currently, set after TLR, Mikey’s in a coma, in the pov of 2003 Donnie in the chapter
Sunset Linings by Iamheretemporarly - 2012 bros are teleported to the last ronin universe and deals with Ronin bleeding out
Ashes to Blood, from Ghost to Brother by Ammo_Writes, Ammo_Writes_Turtles(Ammo_Writes) - Donnie’s back from the dead because of Bishop
Dearly Beloved by FracturedRain647 - Casey and Aprils wedding after Raph died
Just as it never should be by AlphaGuardian16 - 2003 meets TLR Mikey
Group therapy with doctor feelings by Plutodragon - rise Mikey kidnaps a bunch of people from apocalyptic timelines (ronin included) and forces them into therapy, think the second chapter is in Ronin’s pov (I’m counting this)
The Finer Points of Turtlenapping by Ammo_Writes, Ammo_Writes_Turtles(Ammo_Writes) - Ronin gets teleported to the past, prevents the foot from attacking his home, kills every foot member but Hiroto, kidnaps Donnie on the way
An imposters lies by JustMakeLeftTurns - more time travel, Ronin warns his past self and brothers about the future, Past Mikey has a breakdown
Peepaw Nightmare Blunt Rotation (PNBR) by RyantheLoser_reallyitsme - 2003 Raph, 2012 Robo Donnie, Rise Leo, and TLR Mikey all end up in the same universe but everyone but Donnie’s fucking knocked out and Mikey and Raph are bleeding out (Mikey needing more medical attention than Raph though), only 2 chapters so far
Know Peace by less_depresso_more_espresso - rise Mikey gets teleported to Ronins universe, Ronin thinks he’s a robot, Rise Mikey gets pretty injured after that and loses his arm, Rise Mikey forgives Ronin for believing his a robot and ignoring him during his fight with Hiroto, brings Ronin back to his universe, Hypno thinks Ronin was hot after he nearly kills him, Ronin has a fucking breakdown interacting with Rise Splinter, Ronin hallucinates… something that I can’t remember, yeah a lot happens
A Survior’s Guilt by Justalittleobsessed - Mikey wishing he died instead of his brothers
YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT LOVE MEANS (and it's killing me) by Writing_In_Denial - 2012 AU Version of the last Ronin, Mikey’s brothers fucking leave him, Mikey only has ice cream kitty left, Mikey kills Rocksteady on accident, Bebop kills himself with Mikey’s help, Mikey changes his mask color to black and makes himself a new weapon cause his is tainted with the blood and death of Bebop and Rocksteady, ice cream kitty dies, Mikey gets caught in an explosion and meets his dad, his brothers try to go find him after seeing the news
εἴδωλον (morning arrives, you hear from below) by absenthium - splinter lives, Mikey starts pretending to be his brothers for him, Mikey loses his sense of identity, actually fucking made me cry, he didn’t have to do that but he did
To be young again by Ms. Dragon Reader - another 2012 Ronin AU but this time it’s on fanfiction net, Mikey dies and gets sent to the past, Karai is actually nice in this one, Mikey talks to her in his dreams, Mikey can go up on the surface earlier than his brothers and accidentally becomes leader, his brothers miss how he used to be before Ronin took over his past self, Ronin actually gets into a life threatening injury and has a choice to go to the afterlife with his brothers or back to the present, chooses to stay alive and wake up, finds spike and gives his to Raph, etc, etc, Mikey’s kills the shredder, it’s not as violent or sad as the other ones and the only reason it’s at the end is because it’s on fanficton.net and it’s been a while since I read it
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jinlizz-dragondrama · 6 months
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The Future
Chapter 19
3rd Person POV
Everywhere you looked there was fighting, explosions, and The Kranng Army advancing ever closer. A Turtle was injured, holding a picture of a happy family, no longer a teen but a man who has seen so much destruction and death. Leo is being held up by a young boy. Running and pushing forward, no turning back it hurts too much.
"I've got you Sensei," The boy says
"You're a lifesaver, Casey Jones," Leo says out of breath
"I learned from the best. Come on, we're almost there." Casey JR says lifting his mask up
New York 2044
The Kranng Army has gotten stronger and grown in numbers with each passing day. Not even the military withstood their undying assault.
From behind the duo mutant kranng dogs chase after them but they are stopped by Mikey, the youngest turtle now looking like the oldest with hair but has balded at the top.
"Bad dogs" Mikey shouts
"Impeccable timing, little brother. Very dramatic."
Casey JR places Leo down to assess his master's injuries.
"Help him, Michaelangelo. He's hurt bad."
An explosion not far away is heard with a familiar "Boo-yah".
Down jumps another turtle clad in a torn purple lab coat, goggles no more but a glasses visor sitting over his eyes, and an angry red scar crosses his face, an upgraded turtle shell adorns his back, and the now hidden sun reflects off a silver band on his finger, a wedding ring?
"The first group of Kraang have been dealt with but more will come. And Aqua is handling the second but I don't know how much longer she can do it. What's the plan?" Donnie says.
"Where's Violet?" Mikey asks
"Right here!" A small female turtle appears from behind some debris and dirt.
"We've got more Kranng coming fast, westbound and eastbound. They are taking out The Resistance left and right." The young turtle worriedly.
"That's it. The resistance failed. The Kranng won. But...but it isn't over. We've still got ninjas' greatest weapon...hope. That and a badass mystic warrior. Mikey, we need a time gateway. " Leo says while turning his attention to his younger brother.
"It'll take everything I have."
"I know but this is our last chance. It's our only chance"
A sound that shakes the ground, a figure falling from the sky at super speed crashing into the area beside them. Donnie goes to check it out, removing the rubble a hand emerges, a familiar one with a similar silver wedding band.
"Aqua?!" Donnie shouts as he desperately removes the rubble.
A little assistance is given when pink tentacles push the rubble off her to reveal a half-mutated woman.
"You can't get rid of me that easily" She chuckles and groans while holding her side.
"Whatever you need to do, you need to do it fast," Donnie says while bracing her as she stands.
The young female turtle rushes over to Donnie and Aqua making sure the older woman is OK.
Mikey starts to make a portal and Casey looks on confused and scared.
"Casey listen, the Kranng first came to our planet through a Mystic doorway. The key that opened the doorway looked like this." Leo flips over the picture, draws on it, and hands it to Casey.
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because Mikey's about to send you....and Violet back in time to the day the key was stolen."
"Wait he's gonna what?" Both Casey JR and Violet say.
"The people that stole that key opened the doorway for the Krang. You two have to find it before it happens. Find the key, and stop the Kranng."
A huge Krang suit stands before them.
"They found us!" Casey JR says
"Mikey!" Leo shouts
Mikey was successfully able to open to portal but at a cost. A blinding gold portal is left in the wake of Mikey's sacrifice. No time to mourn the loss.
"I'll hold them off, go kids...GO!"
Aqua using her last ounces of strength pushes away from Donnie to use both her powers to rip it to shreds. Her eyes glow a bright blue, her body hums from the amount of power she is using and her body illuminates. Leo pushes Casey into the portal and runs towards the battle-attacking Krang soldiers, but a red beam blasts onto his body and disintegrates him.
"No!" Shouts Violet, her eyes wet with tears.
"Ugh," a wet cough and droplets hit the ground turning. Looking down Aqua sees a tentacle piercing through her chest stabbing her mutant heart. Body slowly falls, tears falling as she smiles at the two turtles she loves so dearly. Her body crumbles to the ground, warm blood puddles around her, and her powerful glow dims, lifeless.
"Aqua!! No, no, please no!" Donnie shouts as he cradles her, stroking her short hair, a flash of a memory.
"Why are you cutting your hair babe?"
"It's too much to manage and besides it gets in the way when I kick your ass, so I can't see your look of defeat"
"Scoff, come here you"
A kiss and memory gone
Tears streamed down his face, placing his love gently down to the ground, closing her now lifeless purple eyes. Walks over to the young turtle and hugs her tightly not wanting to let go but knowing he must. Putting a picture into her utility belt, pulling away stroking her tear-stained cheeks.
"Live for us"
Falling that's all Violet felt, falling further and further away from him.
The portal closes, and the purple-clad turtle returns to the woman holds her close, and closes his eyes while holding the hand that bears the ring they share. Accepting his fate, soon they will meet again...
Author's Note
Sorry for the extremely late update, I've lost a bit of inspiration with this fanfic and was thinking of not finishing it. Haven't had much of a spark. If you'd like me to continue this fanfic give it a like or reply. I read all your comments, I guess I need that extra push. Love you guys 💜
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