#i neeed my emotional support fics
Hi! Hope you don't mind me asking but do you know any good fics where Peter gets threatened/bullied by an SI employee and Tony comes to the rescue? tysm for your time and feel free to ignore this ask if I'm bothering you 💙
Oh! I love getting asks like this! There's nothing better than being able to track down some fun fics and share them with others! In this case, I KNEW I had read things like this before but I couldn't put my finger on any of them. So. I went for help. Haha. I asked the Irondad Readers and Writers Discord if they knew of any fics that fit the bill. And oh boy, did they come through! I read every single one of them before posting this and they are all so good!! I hope you enjoy! Don't forget to kudos and comment!
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Fic Recs Below the Cut!
A Big Security Issue by FotiBrit
Rated G
When Peter lost his Stark Industries Staff ID, Tony handed the kid his own. That was never an issue, until Peter had to check in at the front desk.
The Incident by Blasphemmky
Rated T
He watches the usual throng of people enter into the building, scanning their ID badges with Theresa before heading to the elevator. Scientists and engineers and representatives, all of them familiar.
Until a kid makes his way to the reception desk, a threadbare backpack slung over his shoulders. John cocks an eyebrow, watching him. The boy can't be more than 5'5. A tiny fucking pipsqueak. 
Bullying by Emily_F6
Rated T
When Peter gets an internship with Stark Industries, he's excited to learn as much as he can...until one of the other interns sets his sights on him.
Excuse You, That is My Emotional Support Intern by Neicy286
Rated T
It started with an invitation. The invitation. If there was a real world equivalent to the Wayne Gala, then the Archimedes Gala was it.
In which Peter is invited to a gala, and someone's a big fat meanie. But Tony fixes it though.
Be There (To Clear the Fog) by pandaluna
Rated G
Five times Tony heard Peter was in trouble and jumped in to fix the problem, and one time there was nothing neeed fixing.
Tony's intern just seems to always end up in some kind of trouble and he feels like he has to help since he picked the kid on his own. That's it. There's nothing more to it, of course.
On another note, Spider-Man is seemingly going through mood swings that Tony has no idea how to deal with, so he just throws food his way and hopes it makes everything better.
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I'm usually asleep the times Ao3 goes down😭😭
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mibooview · 6 years
Mi amor - Omander fic (Ander/Omar) (AnderxOmar)
Ander sat on his bed. Phone in his hand. He just texted Nadias phone, asking if Omar could talk to him. Because well, he doesn’t have a phone anymore himself. But after one hour there was still no answer. So he guessed either Nadia was busy and she didn’t read it or it was too risky at this moment for Omar to be on the phone. Ander sighed and layed down on his bed. He looked up at the ceiling. The moonlight from outside was tinting his room in a hazy light, which was not helpful for his depressed and sad mood.
His day had been shit. He overslept and arrived just on time at school, unshowered and still not quite awake. In school they had another class project to do, which was just adding to the stress they already had with exams and all that. After school Guzmán asked him if they could talk. And even though Ander was really not in the mood, he agreed, because he knew how much pain Marina’s death brought to his best friend. So he listened an hour to Guzmán talking about her and all the memories and how he should have done more. prevented it somehow. How she didn’t tell him about her pregnancy. And Ander wanted to be there for him, but his mind was just not able to concentrate that much and he was tired and he just wanted to go home, crawl in his bed and sleep. Or cry. Whatever he felt like. After he calmed his best friend down so he wasn’t crying anymore, he made his way home. But on his way, he tripped over and fell face down on the floor. His face started to bleed at the cheek and his knee hurt like a bitch. So he walked slowly home because every step was hurting. And now he was certain. When he would come home, he would definitely cry, not sleep.
When he was finally putting his key in the door and made his first step inside, ready to go straight to his room, his father appeared in front of him. He was still mad about Ander quitting tennis and he used every chance he got to try to talk him into it again. But Ander refused. To be honest, he did miss it. But not playing itself, no. He missed it because it was the only thing that really was his, that defined him, what he was good at. But now he didn’t have anything. Nothing he was good at. Nothing that said something about him. So he felt a little lost. But that didn’t mean that he wanted to go back to playing. When Ander didn’t say anything to his fathers idea to just play some friendly games in the summer time and doing a bit of training while school was on, his father went on and asked about his face and knee. When Ander looked down his body, he saw the blood strains on his jeans where his knee was. „Dad, can I just go to my room?“ „Did you get into a fight?“ „No I did not.“ „Ander. Don’t lie to me.“ „I tripped over okay? I fell. I didn’t fight. I would look worse then, don’t you think?“ His father raised his eyebrows at the tone of his son. Ander sighed. „Sorry dad. I had a really shitty day. Can we talk later?“ His father opened his mouth and Ander just kew he wouldn’t be understanding. But then, to his surprise, his father nodded and turned around. Ander looked after him stunned for a few moments, but then quickly went to his room.
He undressed and put an old baggy t shirt on and went straight to bed, not even bothering to wipe away his blood. He layed there what was probably for hours. Just laying and thinking. Looking outside, looking at his fairy lights he has in his room. Looking at the little picture of Omar he kept on his bed side table. Omar. He wished he would be here. Hee wished he would put his arms around him. Hug him. Hold him. So Ander could feel safe and secure. He didn’t know what it was, what made him feel that way. Maybe it was the many changes that happened over the last few weeks. Maybe it was because Marina’s death. Maybe it was because Omar couldn’t spend any time with him, besides 10 minutes per day. Ander needed support. Emotional one. But he couldn’t get it. Because Guzmán was busy with his sister’s death. His dad was no option at all. His mum was a bit more understaning, but he knew she would tell his dad. And Omar was not available. Ander knew Omar would help him, would listen to him, would try to give him some sort of advice, but they were not able to talk. Ander felt the tears again. And he just let them flow. He let them soak his pillow. He adverted his eyes from the picture and looked out of his window again. He watched the clouds going by and the sky changing. Watched the sun come in front and behind the clouds. He felt sorry for himself and usually he never felt that way. Usually he tried to swallow it down and not let it get to him. But today he just couldn’t. He couldn’t concentrate on anything else than his lost feeling, his yearning for Omar and his feeling of being alone. That’s when he decided to text Nadia. Maybe Omar could talk for just 10 minutes on the phone. Hearing his voice or just texting with him would help him a lot right now. He sat up and wiped at his eyes before typing out the simple words. „Hey Nadia. Is Omar free to talk maybe?“ When he didn’t get an answer, he started to cry again. And he felt so sorry because he understood. He really understood it, that Omar’s family was different and that it was complicated. But he just wished that today Omar could be here. That Ander could just text him „Come over please?“ And Omar would be here in 15 minutes. Lay down in bed with him and let Ander cry and hold him until they fall asleep. But a few hours later, it was eleven thirty and there was still no reply. Ander decided to go to bed and just try to fall asleep and forget about his worries. He wrote another text.
„Nevermind. Good night.“
The next day, Ander was woken up by someone shaking him awake. „Ander. Ander?“ It was his mum. „Hmm. Yeah?“ „It is 7:30 am.“ Ander sunk his face back into his pillow. „Are you okay?“ He turned his face and layed on his cheek. „Mama.“ „Yes?“ „I don’t feel good. Can I stay home today?“ His mum looked surprised. „You weren’t ill in like two years.“ „I know But now I am. Please can I just stay here?“ His mum looked unsure, but when Ander got tears in his eyes, she quickly nodded. She moved her hand to his hair. „Is everything okay?“ He nodded. No. Nothing is okay. „Do you need anything? Tea? Breakfast?“ Ander shook his head. „Thanks no.“ „Okay. If you need anything, call me okay? I will come home then.“ Ander had to smile at that. It felt like he was a young child again. „I love you mama.“ He didn’t know why he said it. Maybe because he neeeded to tell someone, anyone. Maybe because he wanted to hear it back. Maybe he wanted to feel loved. „I love you too mi hijo.“ Ander gave her a weak smile, before laying his face on the other cheek and closing his eyes again. He heard his mother leaving the room.
When he woke up again, it must have been noon already, because the sky was darker and the sun was hidden. Ander layed in bed the whole day, watching the sky just like yesterday. He didn’t move. he didn’t eat or drink. He didn’t feel like standing up or going around in the house. Usually when he was alone at home, he went to the garden or the living room to watch TV on the big screen. But not today. Or yesterday. He just wanted to lay here. At 5 he heard his mum coming home again, probably coming home earlier because of him. She knocked on his door, but he didn’t feel like making a noise so she would come in. But she came in anyways. „Ander?“ „Hm?“ „How are you? Better?“ „No.“ „Did you eat?“ „No.“ „I will make you something.“ „I’m not hungry.“ „Ander you have to eat.“ „I will throw up then. Please don’t make me. You know how much I hate it.“ He heard his mum sighing. She didn’t know what to do. „Well tell me if you need anything.“ „Okay.“
It was later in the evening when there was a knock on his door again. Ander didn’t make any sound, knowing his mother would come in either way. The door opened. „I’m not hungry mum.“, he said while looking out of the window. „Well good then that I am not your mum and won’t make you eat.“ Ander smiled faintly but didn’t turn around. „You alright?“ „Mhm.“ “Usually you are more excited to see me.“ Ander closed his eyes and tried to swallow his tears down. He didn’t want to cry in front of him. He heard him approaching. „Ander?“, worry was laced in his voice now. Omar sat down on the edge of the bed. He looked at Andar, who looked outside of the window still. „Hey.“ Omar put his hand on Andar’s head and then on his cheek when no reaction came out of it. „Andar? Can you talk?“ „I don’t feel like talking.“ „What happened?“ „Nothing.“ „Then why are you acting like that?“ Ander shrugged his shoulders. Omar was quiet for some time, he also didn’t know what to do. „Can I do something? What do you need?“ And just at that question, Ander felt the tears springing to his eyes again. „Ander..don’t cry. I..I.“ Ander closed his eyes. „Can you hold me? I just want to be held by you.“ Omar nodded and immediately took his shoes off. „Of course yes.“ He stood up and layed down on the bed behind Ander and put his arms around his boyfriend. He pressed a kiss at the back of Ander’s neck and then let his face and lips linger there and tightened his arms a little more. „Okay?“ „Okay.“, Ander responded. They layed like that for probably an hour, maybe a bit more. Ander just bathed in the feeling of having Omar here, it was everything he wanted for the last two days. And now he was here and had his arms around him.
„How did you get in?“, Ander suddenly asked. „Your mum let me in.“ „You actually knocked on the front door?“ „Yes. Your mum knows about us and you weren’t answering my texts.“ Ander sighed. „I forgot to look at my phone sorry.“ „You forgot to look at your phone for a whole day?“ Ander nodded. He expected Omar to ask what was going on, but he didn’t. And Ander realized that Omar was giving him time, he wanted to tell him when he was ready. Maybe because his own father was always urging him to tell him everything. Ander turned around to be able to look at Omar for the first time since he arrived. Omar smiled at him gently. It was that smile that was rare, with his usual serious look. „Thanks for coming.“ Omar smiled. „I was worried. You asked if I could talk and Nadia was busy in the shop and couldn’t look at her phone. And then you didn't reply anymore after that weird good night text. And you didn’t come to the store for two days. I wondered where you were.“ „I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you worried.“ „I know.“ „How did you get away from home?“ „I said I have to do a school project and it’s with a muslim girl. So she cannot come to our home. He understood.“ Ander smiled sadly. „Thanks for lying for me.“ Omar nodded. Ander looked at him. At his bushy eyebrows, at his nice brown eyes, his short hair, his dark skin. Ander pushed his face closer to Omar’s chest. „I had a really shitty day yesterday and when I came home, all I wanted to do was to lay down, so I did. And then I just didn’t stand up anymore. I just layed here and watched the sky.“ „The whole time?“ „Yes.“ „Why?“ „I don’t know. It has something calming.“ „No. I meant why you layed here?“ „I…I don’t really know?“ „You don’t know?“ Ander shook his head. Omar caressed his neck and hair. Suddenly he felt wetness at his chest. „Hey..hey.“ He put his hands on his cheeks and lifted his face. „What is on your mind? Tell me?“ „I just.. I have so much stress at school and I don’t even know what I do it for sometimes? And I…I know I said I wanted to quit tennis. And I am happy that I did, because I really hated it. But I feel so lost Omar. Tennis was everything in my life, for my whole life and now it’s gone and I just..I don’t know who I am anymore. I was always good at tennis, I was known for it. I was Andar the tennis player. Now I am not.“ Omar looked at Andar’s hair, heard him talking in his teary voice. „I get that. It must be weird to loose something that was in your life for so long. But Ander. You will find a new hobby.“ „But I might not be good at it.“ „You will.“ „How can you say that? I was just good at tennis, nothing else.“ Omar let out a laugh. „You are good at many things, Ander.“ Ander scoffed. „And what would these things be?“ Omar moved them, so he was on top of Ander. He layed his arms next to his head and put his hands on his face. „You are good at being there for people. You are there for Guzmán, for Polo, for me. For your mum when your dad is yelling at her again. You are good at standing up for what you believe in, like at the party when they were talking about the gay people. You said something and stood up, I was a coward and just laughed along. You are good at loving. Nobody ever gave me the feeling you give me, the love you give me, the support and understanding you give me. The hope and the security. The effort. You want me, you want to keep me and you try your hardest. You give others a good feeling. And you are good at getting what you want. You got me after all.“ It was the first smile Omar got out of Ander this evening. „You also told your dad what you wanted. Or what you didn’t want. You stood up for yourself and made a decision. Something that I cannot bring myself to do. And I am so proud of you for that Ander. I am happy for you, that you can now live the life you wanted and Ander. You will find that life. You will find that way that leads to it. Because you are strong and ambitious. It might seem like you lost everything now, but you will gain again.“ Ander looked up from his spot at Omar’s chest with tears in his eyes.
„Te quiero.“ Omar smiled at that. „Better now?“ Ander nodded. „Thanks for that, really. Thanks for coming, thanks for lying to your dad, thanks for saying all that and thanks for caring. And I already did gain something. You.“ Omar made a face at that, because it was such a sappy comment, but he smiled from one ear to the other anyways. „Ander. You are the best thing that happened to me in a while. Don’t beat yourself up. You are worth more okay?“ Under nodded. Omar wiped at his eyes gently. „I love you too by the way.“ Ander smiled cutely and Omar couldn’t resist to press his lips against Ander’s. It was a gentle and slow kiss. A kiss that said „I love you“ and „I’ll be there“. It expressed love. „When did you eat for the last time?“ „Yesterday morning.“ „Well in that case, I will make you something.“ „Thought you won’t make me eat.“ Omar laughed, happy at the fact that Ander made jokes again. „That was before you were better and before you said you ate the last time more than 24 hours ago.“ Omar pressed a kiss to Ander’s front head and stood up. Ander loved that feeling. That Omar was here and went to his kitchen to make him food, just like a normal couple. But Omar came back in a few seconds. „Your mum said she will make something for us.“ Ander smiled. „She is probably happy that I say yes to food.“ Omar laughed and shook his head. „Got everybody worried hm?“ Ander looked away. „Hey it’s okay. You were not feeling well. But Ander?“ „Hm?“ „Next time please remember to look at your phone okay? I want to at least know that you are alive.“ Ander nodded. „Okay. I will. Promise. Can you come back and cuddle me some more?“ „Yes. That I can do.“ They layed back down. Looking at each other and having their arms around each other. „I’m sorry that I cannot be more there for you. If my dad wouldn’t be so..so strict and if I would come from a different family…“ „No. Don’t think like that. It is like it is Omar. But we manage don’t we? We are here together now after all no?“ Omar nodded but he still looked like he blamed himself. „This was not your fault. I’ll admit, I wanted you to come here last night or even just talk to you on the phone, but I know you couldn’t and it’s alright. It’s just the way it is. But we will find a way. I am sure of it. I won’t let you go.“ „I won’t let you go either. Thanks for accepting this.“ Ander smiled. "Where is this cut on your cheek from?" Ander laughed softly. "I fell on the street." Omar laughed and pressed a kiss on the wound. "Quitting tennis and getting clumsy immediately hm?" Ander rolled his eyes.
„Hey boys.“ Ander’s mother knocked on the door and came in. Omar wanted to scramble back up but Ander stopped him. „She saw us before, it’s fine.“ „Oh don’t worry about me. It is all okay with me.“ Omar smiled thankfully and if he was honest it felt good to be able to cuddle his boyfriend in front of somebody. „I made you some sandwiches and a fruit salad. The sandwich is with chicken Omar. And also some juice.“ Omar thanked her, happy that she knew enough about his culture to not offer him pork. „Thanks mum.“ „I um..I heard from Ander that you don’t have a phone?“ Omar looked down, embarrassed because this woman was probably not getting why his father would take away his phone in 2019. „Yeah. My father put it away.“ Ander’s mum got a phone out of her pocket. „This is my old phone. I’l pay for it, so you two can talk a little more yeah? Just hide it well please. I don’t want any stress with your father.“ Omar was speechless and so was apparently Ander. „Mum..“ „I know how hard it must be to not be able to talk and I know you think I am not supporting this relationship or whatever. So here I am..trying to convince you. And Omar you are welcome here anytime. And please tell me if you need anything.“ „Thank you. I am really so grateful for that. I don’t really know what to say.“ She just smiled. Ander stood up and hugged his mum tightly. „Thank you mum. Thank you so so much. This helps us a lot.“ Omar watched happily. „No problem hijo. Well I will leave you two alone again now.“ With that she went towards the door, but before she stepped out of the room, she turned around again. „Thanks for fixing him Omar.“ Omar smiled. „Gladly.“ She closed the door with a thumbs up. „Wow she is really nice.“ Ander nodded thoughtfully. „Well I guess I thought too low of her.“ Omar looked at his phone. „I will put a different name for you so if anyone finds this phone, they won’t know.“ Ander nodded. „We can chat again. In the nights. When your father is sleeping or when you are at school.“ Omar looked at Ander and nodded. „Then I can be there for you.“ „And I can be there for you.“, he said back. Omar nodded happily and they smiled at each other brightly at the thought of being able to talk again. „Tell me next time you feel like this okay?“ Ander nodded. „I will.“ „Promise?“ „Yes mi amor.“ „Oh mi amor?“ „Too much?“ Omar shook his head gently, his eyes full of love. „No. It’s fine.“ Ander nodded. „When do you have to leave?“ „Omar looked at the clock. In like two hours maybe?“ Ander's eyes lit up. „What do we do then?“ Omar looked at Ander with mischief. Ander rolled on top of Omar. „Later okay? I want to have two hours with you that feel like we do this 5 days a week.“ Omar smiled. „Okay. So first a movie? With cuddles? Then the other stuff.“ Ander chuckled. „Sounds good.“ Omar took the food from the bedside table and Ander got the remote for the TV. They ate in silence while watching the movie at first. But then they began to talk about everything they never had the chance to tel each other. The movie was in the background now and after the credits rolled they shifted their focus on „the other stuff“. They cuddled afterwards and whispered „I love you’s“ to each other.
When Omar walked home that night, he thought about how he never thought he would turn into such a sap. He always thought, he will marry a woman that his parents found and he will never be in love. But even if he imagined him falling in love, he never thought he could be so romantic and sweet. But he smiled at the thought. When Ander layed in bed that night, he smiled while watching the sky outside. before getting some sleep, he typed down a message.
„Thanks for being mine and being so amazing. I love you good night.“
This time the response came in a few seconds.
„I love you too and I am thankful for you. Good night and sleep well. Tell me if anything comes up mi amor.“
Ander smiled at the name and fell asleep with a smile on his face and a warm feeling in his chest.
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phoenix--dxwn · 8 years
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Not Easy
Noctis Lucis Caelum X Reader (with a little bit of brotherly Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto)
Request: Omg i love your writting???? It is so amazing?? You just neeed to write one with Noctis I beg you
Word Count: 5120 (it’s a long one fellas)
A/N: This is going to be an angsty fic so be warned!!! I don’t even really know if I would classify it as angsty… it’s more sad than angsty…??? Though there may or may or may not be a twist at the end…. Oooooppppsss!!! It’s also like… in between Kingsglaive and before the beginning of XV. Which as a disclaimer I’ve never watched Kingsglaive?? I’ve only watched like snippets of it in like AMV’s and shit. Also I kinda teared up during this??? LMAO IM SO LAME HAHA. I hope you guys enjoy! I LOVE Noctis. He is my fave. But Nyx is creeping up on me and he isn’t even in the game??? I JUST NEED A PERSONAL FIC WITH HIM AND NOCT PLS Well… not technically… IM CRYING NOW OKAY??? ALSO THERE WILL PROBABLY BE AN EPILOGUE?? IF Y’ALL REALLY WANT IT THAT IS. SO SEND ME AN ASK ON WHETHER OR NOT YOU WANT IT! Also I gotta give a big shoutout to @thatonedaydream // @luvleekaotix-imagines and @ladyscientia for always putting up with me and having them look at my shit sooooo yeah. there’s some iggy fluff in there for youuuu!
It all started after King Regis saved you from the invading empire of Niflheim. You were a small child that didn’t have a family anymore. General Glauca had come and wreaked havoc upon your city, and it was ultimately decimated. You had nowhere else to go. King Regis had found you crying out in the middle of a burning street, trying to call out for your parents. But no one called out for you in return.
Your tiny body had fallen to the ground, giving up all hope for your survival. You were an orphan. But no one was coming to get you. Body numb, you didn’t even realize when a pair of strong hands picked you up from the ground and into their comforting arms. The only thing you could remember was crying into the man’s shoulders for what seemed like hours with no end.
When you got to the kingdom of Lucis, Regis immediately introduced you to his son, Noctis. He was about the same age as you, maybe a year or so older. You didn’t say anything for a week or so. You didn’t care to. Noctis kept trying, however. He wanted to make you feel at home. He wanted to make sure that you still had a family. Even if it wasn’t blood, the people of Lucis were your new family. The pair of you grew close. You did everything together. You were inseparable.
It was inevitable that you would end up falling for your best friend. A part of you knew it was wrong, but you were human. You couldn’t help it. You had feelings, just like everyone else did. You knew that things were going to end from the start. He was a prince… and well… you… were you.
As you became more comfortable with the thought of having a new place to call home and a new family, you and Noctis came up with grand plans and ideas for your future. You wished it hadn’t gone the way it did, but things just happened to go that way. He had duties as prince, and though you were working closely with the King and Cor, you knew things weren’t going to last.
Even though the pair of you had mutual feelings for each other, it was destined to never work. Especially with the Oracle around. But no matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t hate Lunafreya. She was perfect. Luna had a heart of gold. She was the most pure person you could think of. And her duty, was to support the king. To support the Chosen.
After the betrothal was announced, it felt like your heart was ripped out from your chest, thrown on the ground, ripped apart, and someone was stomping on all the broken pieces then thrown into a fire to burn into nothing. You were laying in your bed, crying so hard you didn’t even notice when Noctis came into the room, pulling your broken body into his arms.
You sobbed into his chest and looked up at him, your eyes filled with pain.
“Why did it have to be like this…?” you whisper in between sobs.
He looked down and sighed.
“I don’t know. I wish it wasn’t…”
You sat up a bit, trying hard to not look him in the eyes.
“You know what this means right?” you ask quietly.
“Yeah… I do.” he croaked.
You wipe your eyes and look him in the eyes, immediately regretting that choice. You loved his eyes. You loved the way it complemented his hair… the way they lit up whenever he saw you. You shake your head from the thoughts and take in a deep breath.
“Whatever this is…” you say motioning between the two of you. “Can’t continue. You.... you’re going to marry Lunafreya. And you’re going to be so damn happy with her…” your voice cracks. “And you…. You will love her with all your heart. And you will forget about me and what we had. Our feelings for each other…” you stopped and shut your eyes tightly.
Noctis looks away, tears threatening to fall at any second. He takes your hands in his own and hold them tightly.
“I’m not going to forget about this. About us. I could never.” he begins.
“You have to, Noct.” you reply harshly. “She’s your fiancee now and there’s nothing I can do about that. And no matter how hard I try, I can’t fucking hate her because she’s perfect. And she is perfect for you. She’s the Oracle. You guys are… destined to be together.” you stutter.
Noctis shakes his head violently at the word.
“No! Fuck destiny. Fuck all of this. Luna’s great. Don’t get me wrong but… I don’t want to marry Luna. Alright, you know how I feel about you… I didn’t want it to come to this…”
“Well it did” you cry out. “It isn’t and it wasn’t ever going to work. We both knew that from the beginning. That’s why… that’s why we never actually dated, or kissed. It was to save us both some heartache. God, how could I be so stupid…?” you pull your hands away from him and pull your knees up to your chest.
“Hey…. you are not stupid. We’re human beings. We can’t help our feelings. We can’t control them. We had a connection. We grew close. Neither of us can be blamed for that.”
You knew he was trying to reassure you. But it wasn’t working. You knew you had to distance yourself from him. You felt like it was the best thing to do. The two of you hoped that Regis would change his mind. Knowing Niflheim, the treaty wasn’t going to work and the wedding wouldn’t ever bring peace. But you also feared that nothing was going to change Regis’ mind.
“You gotta to let me go, Noct.” you whisper.
“You know I can’t do that.”
You shake your head and look at him.
“You have to. Please. I don’t want to be in even more pain by you fighting for this. No matter how we look at it, we aren’t going to get our way. The world is a cruel place.” you taper off and begin to play with your hands.
“I don’t want to… It’s not going to be easy… It’s not going to be easy for me to break your heart.” he confessed.
“Well you need to. Just as I’m going to have to break your heart by telling you to move on. To forget. And to love.” you get up from the bed and open the door, signalling Noctis to leave. He gets up from the bed and walks over, looking down at you. He shakes his head a little and pulls you into a strong embrace, knowing very well that this could be the last for a long time.
You rest your head in his chest, then look up at him.
“I wish you the best, Noctis. I really do. No matter where you are, or who you’re with… I am going to support you, and I will always give you my love..” you give him a half-hearted smile and gently place a kiss on his lips.
Noctis holds you close to his strong frame and gives you a broken look.
“I will always love you, (Y/N). I always will. Don’t forget that. Ever.” he says before walking out.
You lean against the entrance of the door, putting your head against it. You walk back into your room after Noctis is out of sight. You close the door and walk to the edge of your bed, sitting down on the ground and bring your knees up to your chest, finally releasing all of your sobs into the night.
You hear a small knock on your door but you didn’t answer. You continued to sob into your knees. The door cracks open and Ignis comes into the room, closing the door behind him. He walks over to you, sitting next to you.
He wraps an arm around you as you lean into his body, holding onto him for dear life. Ignis was like your big brother. He took care of you. He always made sure you were okay, that you felt like home. You were close with him. He knew how you felt about Noctis, and he knew that he felt the same way. He helped the two of you express your feelings towards each other. Ignis was the one to always ensure you were safe, that you were completely sure that you wanted to work with Cor to protect the King. He helped you recover when you first got to Lucis. Before you even met Noctis.
“Shh…” he cooed gently. He stroked your hair and kept humming softly to help calm you down. “Things… will be alright.” he reassures. “I promise you. He isn’t going to forget about you. No matter how many times you tell him to do so.”
You look up at him and wipe your eyes again.
“Why can’t it be different…?” you whisper. “Why did it have to be like this…? Why did it have to happen to me?” you began to cry out again.
Ignis sighed and shook his head.
“I wish I had a better reason than the world is a cruel place. Sometimes… things aren’t going to work out the way you want. But you can’t let that stop you from living your life. I know, it hurts now. And it will continue to hurt for a while, but you must realize that Noctis is going to be going through the same emotions that you are feeling. You cannot think that he isn’t feeling the way you are simply because he is going to be married. However, the both of your lives will continue to go on. With or without each other. In spirit, you will be there for him, and he will be there for you. And no matter what happens, he will love you unconditionally. And he will hope the best for you. And you will do the same. That is how love works, (Y/N). Please understand that if he had a choice, he would choose to stay with you.” he tilts your chin up to look at him. “You will find someone. You will find someone to love you just as much as Noctis loves you. And you will love them as much as you love Noctis. Believe me. If we could have it any other way, you two would be together. But sometimes, people miss each other. And that is the case we have here. Don’t let it get you down. It will hurt. And it will sting. And it will stay with you as your first heartbreak. But you can make it through anything. I know you can. Don’t ever let him see you break or fall apart. It will only make things harder on the both of you.”
You sniffle and nod a little, smiling at the man sitting next to you. The brother-figure in your life. You weren’t sure what you would do without him.
“Thank you, Iggy. I mean it. You don’t know how much that means to me. I don’t know what I would do without you.” you cry a bit and hug him tightly, taking in his words to heart. You weren’t going to let him see you fall apart. For your sake and his. You couldn’t. You would let yourself have an elastic heart. And even though this marriage would pull and tug on your heart, you wouldn’t snap. You wouldn’t allow it.
Ignis continued to hold you until you fell asleep. He picked up your small figure and tucked you into bed, kissing the top of your head.
“Things will be alright, (Y/N). We are all here for you, even Noct.” he whispers in your ear before leaving. He sighs and looks at Gladio.
“She going to be okay?” he asks softly.
Ignis looks down at the ground before looking back at Gladio.
“I hope so. She’s got to be focused. The treaty will be soon. And we will not be there to help. If (Y/N) is killed… I don’t know what Noctis would do. Or any of us for that matter. (Y/N) is family.”
Gladio nods slightly. Prompto walks out of his room when he hears two familiar voices chatting away in the dead of night. He yawns and rubs his eyes, looking at the pair.
“What’s going on?” he asks, sleep still tainting his voice.
Gladio sighs and looks over at Ignis.
“(Y/N) and Noctis… they’re having a rough time right now.” Gladio says sadly.
Prompto frowns and nods a bit.
“Are they gonna be okay…?” he looks over at Ignis. He looked tired from staying up with you until you were asleep.
“I sure hope so… We need our prince focused, and we need (Y/N) focused for the task that is ahead of her. I can’t help but feel like this is partially my fault…” Ignis begins.
Prompto interrupts before he could go on.
“You can’t think like that Ignis. How the hell were we supposed to know that Regis was going to marry off his son to Luna? I mean… I don’t think any of us knew what was going to happen in the long run. Don’t beat yourself up.” he reassures.
Ignis simply nods his head.
“Well, I suggest we get some rest. We have a long journey ahead of us.”
Gladio and Prompto both nod, heading back to their rooms.
The next morning, Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis, are outside waiting with you for Noctis to come out before you say your goodbyes. You smile at the men, trying to convince the them and yourself that you would be okay. Gladiolus gives you a gentle smile, pulling you in for a tight hug.
You sniffle a bit and return the embrace, knowing you’re going to miss how much you two used to horse around. Gladiolus had a special place in your heart. He was the king’s shield. You worked closely with his father and the two of you had a special bond. Mainly due to the fact that you always made him promise to keep Noctis alive. Even so, you couldn’t help but feel like you were never going to see them again. And maybe you wouldn’t. Who knows what could happen?
“Be safe, Gladio. I’m counting on seeing you guys again.” you say weakly. “Don’t let Noctis fall out of the Regalia, okay? He’s got a fiancee to see and a wedding to do…” you smile but the words didn’t come out as happy as they could’ve.
Gladiolus looks at you with a sombre look in his eyes.
“Are you going to be okay? I think I’m more worried about you than the prince right now.” he replies quietly.
You simply nod your head.
“I’ll be okay. I promise. Don’t do anything stupid.” you laugh a bit.
He gives you a smile and nods before letting you go say goodbye to the others.
You walk over to the blonde, with hair that resembles a chocobo butt. You smile at him and hold out your arms. He gives you a sad smile and runs into your arms. You chuckle a bit, knowing how much you would miss his humour and all of the photographs he took of all of you back in the Crown City. You would miss the stupid comments and the silly puns he would always crack.
“I’m gonna miss you, Prompto. Don’t do something stupid that would get you killed, alright? And take lots of photographs. I want to see them all. I want to see all of your adventures while you’re on the road. And for godsake, go get yourself a girl. You deserve someone who will love you unconditionally. Someone who will love you even if you are from Niflheim.” you whisper. You give him a loving smile and kiss his cheek. “You really should tell them. You’re family. They aren’t going to shun you, alright?”
He nods and wipes his eyes.
“Thanks, (Y/N). You’re the best. And.... I’m really sorry about everything. I wish it were different. I really do.”
“Me too, Prompto. But it isn’t. I’ll live.” you give him another tight hug before making your way to Ignis.
“Hey Iggy.” you say, tears now longing to spill out. Goodbyes were hard for you. Especially since you never got to say goodbye to your actual family. Now that you have a chance of saying goodbye, it felt like you were losing another family. You couldn’t help but feel emotional. They took you in like it was nothing. They loved you unconditionally. You fell in love. You made new bonds. And it felt like it was all crashing down around you.
“I’m gonna miss you so much.” you sob. The emotions rushed out of you like a flowing river into the ocean. “Please be careful. Don’t lose your glasses. Whatever you do, make sure Noctis goes through with the wedding. And keep watch over Gladiolus and Prompto too. And make sure you always have enough ingredients to cook meals. Don’t starve--” you tried to keep going but Ignis cut you off.
“We’ll manage, (Y/N). You do not need to worry too much about us. I need you to be concentrated. The treaty is coming up soon. You must be prepared and focused on the task at hand.”
You take in a deep breath and nod, before crying again.
“I feel like I’m losing another family… Please… don’t die on me. I don’t think I could live through that again. I didn’t even get to say goodbye to them… and now that I’m saying my farewells to you it’s like…” you couldn’t finish your sentence.
Ignis grabbed you by the arm and pulled you into his body, hugging you as tight as he could. Prompto and Gladiolus saw this and gave each other a nod, walking over and giving you another hug. This time in a group setting.
“You aren’t losing anyone, (Y/N). We may not be here physically, but we will be with you in spirit. Always.” Ignis pledged.
“Yeah and you can always call us! And we can write each other!” Prompto adds.
“Who knows? Maybe even after the treaty happens you can come meet us somewhere.” Gladiolus chimes in.
You laugh a bit and nod, wiping your eyes off.
“You guys… are the best.” you respond. “I love you guys. Don’t ever forget that.”
They give you their best smile back and pull away when they see Noctis coming down the steps.
You look up at him and give him a broken smile. He walks down to you and the others disperse. He embraces you with all his love, and it felt like he wasn’t ever going to let go. It had hit the both of you that this was it. It was finally coming to an end.
“Don’t die.” you whisper into his chest. “Don’t you dare fucking die. And don’t do something dumb. Stay safe. Eat your vegetables. Get some sleep. Keep going no matter what happens.” you pull away a little, your arms still around his waist. “Love Luna with all your heart. Do whatever you can to live a happy life, because that is what you deserve.”
He reciprocates your broken smile. He was leaving his true love. He didn’t want to love another person, but it was his duty as prince. It pained him more than you could know.
“If there’s anything I need to tell you… It’s that I learned it’s not easy breaking your heart. And… that I’m always going to love you no matter what you say. No matter who I am with. Nothing will be the same. No one will ever come close to you. No one has what we had.” he begins.
You sniffle and smile up at him, the words stinging your heart.
“Don’t die on me. Keep yourself safe. Keep my father safe. I want to see you again. So… please. Promise me that you won’t die.” he holds up his pinky to you.
You laugh a little and shook it with yours.
“I promise.”
You give one last hug to the rest of the boys and wave as they set off in the Regalia after Noctis spoke with his father.
“(Y/N), a word?” Regis calls.
You nod your head and follow him outside the Citadel.
“No matter what happens during the treaty, promise me that you will not come to save me.”
You pause and look at the ground and shake your head slowly.
“I can’t promise that, sir. Noctis is going to need his father. And if you die, he deserves to say goodbye. Therefore, I cannot promise that. I could never forgive myself. This is what I’ve trained for. I’m ready to die for you, for this kingdom.”
Regis sighs, knowing he wouldn’t be able to change your mind. You were always stubborn. It couldn’t be helped. As the Imperial soldiers started making their way into the Citadel, you kept watch over everyone you could. General Glauca, Ravus, Ardyn, and Iedolas entered last, and your eyes instantly narrowed.
King Regis and Iedolas began to speak, but Regis knew the treaty was never going to happen. But you and the rest of the Lucian guardsmen and Glaive were at a disadvantage. Aldercapt drew a gun on Regis, and before you knew it, all hell broke loose.
Swords were materializing within seconds, the power of the crystal beginning to show. It only fueled Iedolas’ dream of taking the Ring of Lucii. General Glauca then began to attack the royal guard, using all of his strength to get what Aldercapt wanted. Blood began to paint the floors of the once clean Citadel. You watched as Clarus Amicitia was thrown to the wall. Glauca threw his sword and it went right through him. You cried out as flashes of your family being murdered filled your head. You wouldn’t allow him to kill anymore people. You begin to evacuate the King, and push him through the doors to safety.
You give him a nod before shutting the doors. In your heart, you knew you wouldn’t be able to take Glauca down. But you could hold him off enough to have Cor get Regis out of the city. Cor tried to talk you out of the plan, but you insisted. You weren’t going to let Noctis get married without his father being there. You weren’t going to let Regis die without letting his son say goodbye first. This was your duty. This is what you wanted to do. This is how you would repay your debt to everyone in Lucis for taking you in. This is how you would show your gratitude for everything they have given you.
You narrowed your eyes at the man in front of you. This was the man who slaughtered your parents. The one who took away your home. There was no way in hell you were going to back down, even if you were afraid. A part of you wanted the pain to end. A part of you wanted everything to be over. The suffering of never getting the chance to say goodbye to your parents… the pain of trying to be happy even though the love of your life is marrying someone else. The pain of knowing that things weren’t going to be the same no matter how anyone looked at the given situation. But their lives would go on without you. It had to.
You promised Noctis you wouldn’t die on him, and you were going to do your damn best not to. But you couldn’t let your fear cripple you. Not now. You were going to make it out alive, even if it was by the skin of your teeth. You were determined to make it out. To see them again. But you couldn’t deny the possibility that death was imminent.
Your sword materialized and you gripped it tightly, shaking slightly at the outcome that was going to happen. Glauca tilts his head slightly at you. He shakes his head slightly and leaps toward you, his sword clashing with your own. There was no denying that he was immensely stronger than you, but it wasn’t going to stop you from buying the King enough time to leave. You managed to push the big man back while maintaining your composure.
“You’ve taken EVERYTHING from me, and I won’t let you take away any more. So you will have to get through me if you want to move on.” you growl. You take in a deep breath before readying yourself for another attack.
This time Glauca came at you with more force than before, making you slide back. You grunt at the impact and try to hold him off. You duck under his sword, allowing you to not be cornered by the strong man. You begin to use magic on him, hoping that it would weaken him to some degree, but it didn’t seem like it was doing anything. You cursed under your breath before moving back once more.
You lunged at Glauca and went for his legs, wanting to incapacitate him by having no leg support. You managed to knick through his armour, but only slightly. You moved back once more and took another defensive position, bracing for the hit. Glauca jumped high into the air, landing with such might that it caused you to fall to the ground. You frowned and tried to roll out of the way, but Glauca managed to pick you up by the neck.
You materialized your sword once more from the ground, managing to stab Glauca in the chest. It caused him to stumble a bit, but not before he impaled you with his own greatsword. He drops you to the ground and pulls your sword out of his damaged armor, dropping it to the ground alongside you. You looked up at the ceiling, your hands covering the gaping wound that made a home in your abdomen. You shut your eyes, tears streaming down your face.
It was finally over. All those years of having an empty hole in your chest. You were going to be whole again. You were going to see your family again. You smile to yourself and open your eyes again, a bright light beginning to form. You were ready.
You take a photo out of the pocket of your uniform. It was a photograph of the five of you together, laughing together in the gardens. You hold it close to your chest. You hoped it was enough time. Though you may not have done much in the long run, you felt like you did your duty to the fullest. You have repaid your debt by giving your life. That’s all you could’ve asked for.
“I’m with all of you, always.” you say with your last breath. The light engulfed your body, and when you woke once more, you were in a dream-like state. You saw your parents, watching over you.
“Hey baby. We’ve missed you.” your mother began.
“We’re so sorry for everything that has happened…. We’ve missed so much.” you dad croaked.
You tear up and shot up, taking them both in your arms.
“I’ve missed you guys so much.” you cry out. “It’s over. I’m… free, right?” you question.
“Of course, sweetie. You are free. Free from pain, free from all the nightmares and torture.”
You smile at them, looking down below you. You would be watching them from above, as a guardian angel.
“Noctis…?” you ask. “Are you there…?”
Noctis looks around, realizing that he’s dreaming. He looks over at the voice calling for him.
“(Y/N)? What… what’re you doing?” he questions.
“Well… I couldn’t keep my promise.” you confessed. “I’m sorry. I tried the best I could… I guess it just wasn’t good enough. I just wanted to tell you that even though I’m gone physically… I’m going to watch over you and the others. I told you that no matter what I’d be there in spirit… so here I am.”
Noctis immediately wakes from his slumber. He wanted it to only be a dream, but he couldn’t feel your presence anymore. He frowns and wakes the other three up.
“What time is it, Noct…?” Ignis begins. “Is everything alright?”
He shakes his head.
“I… I don’t know what time it is. I don’t care….”
“What is it, man?” Prompto urges.
“(Y/N)’s gone.” he simply states. Noctis looks down at the ground, tears staining the floor.
“Noct… I’m so… sorry.” Gladio apologized.
“We all are, dude.” Prompto puts a hand on his shoulder.
The time had come. When the Chosen would give himself for the world, for the people. Everything had been taken away from him. His friends, his betrothed, his true love… even his father was taken away even though (Y/N) had sacrificed themselves for the King… it was all for nothing…
Noctis was finally going to see everyone again. He could finally embrace you in his arms once more. He could be with his family. He could be with his friends. Everything was going to be okay.
He closes his eyes and lets the light engulf him. When he opens his eyes, you were standing there alongside everyone else who were waiting for him.
“Welcome home.”
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