#noctis lucis caelum oneshot
A Day Off
Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy XV.
OC: Lillian Nox Fleuret is the third princess of Tenebrae and the youngest sister of Ravus and Lunafreya. She is an Oracle. Following the attack on the Fenestala Manor, King Regis rescues Noctis and Lillian and takes them back to Insomnia. She and Noctis grew up together in the Citadel before moving to the apartment in their first year of high school. Their friendship blossomed into love over the years, and after realizing their feelings for each other, they began dating.
This takes place two years before the game. Both Lillian and Noctis are 18.
M.E. July, 754.
"Noct... Noct! Get up. We need to clean your room before Ignis comes." Lillian announced after knocking on the still-sleeping prince's door and inviting herself.
Noctis groaned and snuggled deeper in his blanket. He mumbled a few incoherent words then the room fell into silence again. Lillian sighed and refrained from jumping on him and dragging him out of bed, "Wake up It's afternoon, Your Highness." she tried not to trip on the piles of clothes thrown on the ground and went to open the window.
A hand got out of the covers and patted blindly around it. Once he found his phone, he switched it on. Lillian sat on the bed and looked around her. The prince opened one eye, read "13:56," and then put his phone next to his pillow. He sat up after removing the blanket from his face, "'morning, sleepy-head." Lillian chuckled at his bed hair. She let her fingers tangle in his messy locks and started fixing them. He grunted a greeting and leaned closer to her as she gently combed his hair. It was a habit that he loved. Moments like these made him forget all about his responsibilities and bask in her calming scent.
"I told you to sleep early... Have you completed watching season two yet?" He had told her that he had started the second season, and they made a bet whether he could finish it in a single day.
Eight episodes. Each episode is an hour long. It was safe to say that he had won the bet.
With his eyes still closed, Noctis grinned. "Yup. All of it. Slept at four am... I feel like shit, but it's worth it," he finished with a yawn. His voice is still deep with sleep.
The Oracle shook her head at the prince. He can be silly sometimes. "Don't do that again, please. You look lifeless," she removed her hand from his hair, and he pouted in protest, "Now get your ass up. Ignis is coming at five, and we still need to clean your room."
"Right," he sighed, then smiled, "can I get a 'good morning' kiss?" He tugged at her sleeve, his other hand reaching for her face, cupping her cheek.
Lillian chuckled, then planted a soft kiss on his forehead, making his heart flutter. He sighed happily. Truly, nothing made him happier than these peaceful moments with his princess. He watched silently as she gave him a small smile before getting up from his bed.
"Your breakfast is on the dining table. I'll go get the cleaning supplies that we need." She tied her hair up so it wouldn't bother her during the cleaning. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Noctis finally getting up, running his hand through his hair, and stretching. She left Noctis' room and went to the kitchen when she realized her first mission of the day, waking him up, was complete.
Looking through the cabinets, she gathered several plastic bags for all the trash lying on his bedroom floor. Just as she pulled out a cleaning detergent, Noctis entered the kitchen, rubbing his eyes as he sat on the dining table's chair. "Thanks for the food, Lilly," he said with a smile, before eating the pancakes.
"Hm? Oh! No problem, Noct," She said dismissively, waving her hand. With the supplies in her hold, she went to start the cleaning.
"I'll be right there once I'm finished," he called over his shoulder.
"Okay!" Was her reply.
He sat there, chewing on the chocolate-covered pancakes, then his thoughts drifted to Lillian. Ever since Ignis reprimanded and threatened to take him back to the citadel, Lillian volunteered to help him. Well, in this case, help Ignis since he was the one who would usually clean up after him.
"Ignis already has enough on his plate," Lillian said one time, "You shouldn't make his life miserable with your mess!"
Noctis promised her to try to keep his room as clean as he could because he felt guilty and didn't want to be separated from Lillian — who would stay in the apartment while he went back to the citadel. Emphasis on Try... He just couldn't help it! He tried but failed. All the royal training and political reports made him neglect to tidy his bedroom.
Once he finished, he got up and downed the strawberry smoothie. Ignis had asked Lillian to keep an eye on Noctis' dietary habits. He hated vegetables, but he hated upsetting Lillian even more. And so he ate every meal she prepared for him. He also noticed how she tried to make the greens delicious for him. She was constantly coming up with new recipes that included vegetables to make eating them more fun for him.
He adored her so much for doing this.
He cleaned his cup and plate, then hurried off to his room. He was greeted with the sight of a full laundry basket containing all the clothes he had tossed around.
When Lillian noticed his arrival, she handed him a garbage bag and said, "I'm gonna put these clothes in the washing machine," she then hoisted the hamper by its handles and added, "This is the last time you bring food here, understand?" She spoke with a stern tone that caused Noctis to avert his eyes sheepishly.
He nodded, "Understood."
Soon after that, she left, leaving him to his task. The young man looked around his room, empty packages of several snacks and bottles of juices scattered all over the floor and the desk. He glanced at the digital clock next to his laptop, "2: 13 PM," less than three hours remained until Ignis arrived. Thankfully, his room was not as wild as it used to be.
He nodded, ready to prove his independence to Ignis and Lillian. With this mindset, he began, starting with the floor, "Let's do this."
Noctis proudly smiled as he admired his now sparkling clean room.
Lillian cleaned everything thoroughly, from the floors to the walls to the windows, and Noctis assisted her.
He turned to Lillian, her keen eyes looking for any spot they might have missed. Noctis draped his arm over her shoulders and pulled her close, side-hugging her, "Relax love," he chuckled, "The room is spotless. Even Iggy would be taken aback by how it looks."
Lillian returned the side hug by wrapping her arm around his back and nodded, "Yeah," she smiled when he kissed her temple and muttered a sweet 'thank you.'
"I promise to keep it as clean as possible. I won't let your work go to waste."
"That's right! Plus, we did it together, Noct," she looked up at him and smiled. She turned to the digital watch, "We still have thirty minutes before Iggy comes... Until then, I'm going to take a shower."
Earlier that day, she had cleaned her room and their living room, not that there was much to clean; she always kept things organized. And now, after cleaning Noctis' room, she was worn out. She figured a nice, hot shower would relax her muscles and clear her thoughts.
The prince smiled mischievously and said, "Mind if I join you?"
He faced her, hands moving to her hips as he pulled her flush against him. She blushed, and he smirked; He loved teasing her.
"No, I don't mind," she said, smirking at his surprised expression. Pushing away from him, she made her way to the bathroom. "You'd better hurry, though. We don't have much time."
Noctis looked at the doorway. He chuckled; she had caught him off guard. He didn't expect her to agree. With a cheeky smile on his face, he rushed after her.
Ignis raised an eyebrow at the flushed face of the young princess and the prince's satisfied smile and decided not to ask about whatever had happened. Something told him that he was better off not knowing.
He nodded in approval after touring the apartment and then placed a folder on the coffee table.
"This is a report on the current situation between Insomnia and Niflheim, have a look at it later," Ignis then turned to Lillian, "Nyx asked me to let you know that he'll drop by tomorrow."
She smiled in excitement, "Alright!" It had been two weeks since she had seen the Kingsglaive, and she had missed him. Helping the Glaives around Insomnia's borders was a job she loved; she always looked forward to it. According to Libertus, she had made their life much easier by taking care of the Daemons and them fighting off the imperial army.
Ignis smiled at her enthusiasm and glanced at Noctis who was looking curiously at a bag he had set down on their kitchen counter.
"I had time earlier and decided to bake some desserts," the advisor adjusted his glasses, "I'll take my leave now-"
He was cut off by Lillian, a frown on her face, "What?! You can't leave just yet! I'm going to make us some coffee and eat the dessert together, so please take a seat," and with that, she went to prepare their drinks.
Noctis looked at the princess, a look of admiration on his face. The sun was setting, and the apartment was bathed in orange rays giving it a cozy atmosphere. A gentle smile on his face as he watched her prepare cups and a plate to display the pastries. The comforting smell of the coffee filled the air, and Noctis exhaled a contented sigh. He wanted to hold on to these moments when nothing mattered and the whole world seemed tranquil.
Ignis cleared his throat, snapping Noctis out of his reverie. They both took a seat at the dining table, and Lillian joined them after bringing them the food.
"This tastes amazing!" Noctis exclaimed as he took a bite, "But something is missing...right, Lilly?"
She nodded, "Yeah, it almost tastes like the one we had in Tenebrae," she hummed in delight and added, "This tastes so good! This is what happiness tastes like," she giggled, and Noctis nodded his head in agreement.
Ignis sighed slightly in disappointment before taking a bite. At least he was close this time. He watched silently as Lillian and Noctis chatted about some series he had stayed up late to watch. He listened to them and made a few comments here and there. The trio kept talking about random topics until Ignis checked his watch and told them that he had to leave.
After wearing his shoes, he turned them, "I'm glad to see that you're doing well. I'll return in two days to go over the report with you."
"Right," the prince said as he leaned against the wall, "Thanks for the dessert, Iggy," he said with a small smile.
Ignis nodded and then addressed the princess, "Be careful tomorrow, alright?"
"I will. Don't worry," Lillian assured him.
"Good. Have a good night, then," and with that, Ignis left.
Noctis locked the front door and followed Lillian into the kitchen.
"Maybe we should leave these to Prompto..." She muttered as she placed the pastries in a paper bag before putting them in the fridge.
He took their empty cups to the sink and washed them. "I'll invite him over for some gaming tomorrow."
The young Oracle sat on the sofa and sighed. She watched Noctis dry his hands with a paper towel before sitting beside her. He opened his arm, and she rested her head on his chest, his arm hugging her frame as he placed his head on top of hers. His other hand sought hers and intertwined them.
"Are you all right?" Noctis spoke softly after a moment of silence.
"Mmhmm," she closed her eyes and listened to his heartbeat. "Just thinking."
He had an idea about what she was thinking and sighed, "... Another vision?"
The Oracle took a deep breath and started, "Yeah, and as you already know, I can't talk about it."
"I know, I know... Is it that bad?" Noctis inquired.
Lillian nodded, and he sighed heavily. He didn't want to think about the future but from how somber Lillian looked every time she had a vision it just made him nervous. But he knew that as the future king, he had to be strong for everyone's sake. To avoid ruining the mood, Noctis changed the subject, asking, "So, when do you think Nyx is coming?" He will worry about their future later; for now, he will enjoy every moment.
When he mentioned her best friend's name, her smile returned, "Certainly around noon. I intend to heal as many Daemons as I can," she stated with a determined tone.
"I know you will," he chuckled, lovingly caressing her hair.
Lillian glanced at the report Ignis had left on the coffee table; they could review it tomorrow. "Do you wanna watch a movie?" It was still too early to go to bed.
"Sure. Any suggestions?"
"I heard 'Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki' is pretty good!"
"If you say so," with that, Noctis and Lillian moved to her room. After turning on her laptop and getting comfortable on her bed, the couple started the movie.
A/N: And there you have it! It took me a while to write this one, and I'm happy with it.
The series Noctis was watching was "Alice in Borderland." I was watching the 2nd season- which was a masterpiece by the way, then thought to myself to include it here.
'Wolf Children: Ame and Yuki' is one of my favorite films, and I figured that it was the perfect movie for them to watch.
I'm planning on writing more one-shots of Lilly and Noct's life together before their journey.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and have a fantastic day/night!
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linkemon · 5 months
Mayhem (Noctis Lucis Caelum x Reader) [Soulmate AU]
Friendly reminder that English is not my first language. You can check my Masterlists both in English and Polish here. Consider supporting me on Ko-fi. You can also check out my commissions if you’re interested.
Other oneshots can be found here.
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"ꜱʜᴇ ᴡᴀꜱɴ'ᴛ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴘᴀʀʀɪɴɢ ʀᴇꜱᴜʟᴛ ʙᴜᴛ ꜱʜᴇ ᴋᴇᴘᴛ ʜᴇʀ ᴘʀᴏᴍɪꜱᴇ. ꜱʜᴇ ʀᴏʟʟᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ ʜᴇʀ ꜱʟᴇᴇᴠᴇ, ʀᴇᴠᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛᴀᴛᴛᴏᴏ ᴏɴ ʜᴇʀ ꜰᴏʀᴇᴀʀᴍ. ᴛʜᴇ ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ ʟɪɴᴇ ꜰᴏʀᴍᴇᴅ ᴀɴ ᴏʀɴᴀᴛᴇʟʏ ᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ 'ꜰᴀʀᴇᴡᴇʟʟ'."
ᴀᴅᴅɪᴛɪᴏɴᴀʟ ɪɴꜰᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: 1. ᴍᴀᴊᴏʀ ꜱᴘᴏɪʟᴇʀꜱ ʀᴇɢᴀʀᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛꜱ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇɢɪɴɴɪɴɢ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴀᴍᴇ. 2. ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ꜱᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇ ᴀᴜ, ᴡʜᴇʀᴇ ᴍᴏꜱᴛ ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ (ᴛʜᴏᴜɢʜ ɴᴏᴛ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴏɴᴇ) ᴀʀᴇ ɢɪꜰᴛᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀʙɪʟɪᴛʏ ᴛᴏ ꜰɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ꜱᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇ.
— You lost! Show it! — Gladio shouted right next to [Reader's] ear.
— You cheated — she gasped, clutching the wooden sword.
— All's fair in love and war!
— We're not at war, we're just doing training exercises — the little girl replied.
She wasn't happy with the sparring result but she kept her promise. She rolled up her sleeve, revealing the tattoo on her forearm. The black line formed an ornately written "Farewell"
— I was hoping for something better.
— Do not get smart up. You don't have the skill yourself yet.
— It won't be easy to find a soulmate with something like that. I hope my skill will be better.
The girl didn't want to admit it but she was thinking exactly the same thing. Many people were given simpler instructions. She has always dreamed of a timer or a red thread. They didn't require much attention. Meanwhile, she was given a word that anyone could have said to her.
— Maybe I'll hear my soulmate say goodbye to someone? Or will this be a slogan describing our entire relationship? You know... we'll be such a nice couple that we won't want to be apart?
[Reader] stared at the three friends who had come to the training ground. She was glad Noctis wasn't with them.
She thought no one would come here in the middle of the night. She had been able to avoid meetings over the past few days but it seemed like that wasn't the case this time.
— I don't want to talk to you.
She swung her sword, practicing the sequence.
— Listen, you can just sit here for me but he doesn't want to go anywhere without you...
Gladiolus didn't finish his sentence because Prompto kicked him in the ankle with all his might.
— How can you say such things to a girl? — Prompto was outraged. — Sorry, I have to send a text message quickly. — He took out his phone.
Ignis looked at the other two and sighed. He adjusted his glasses. He felt the need to do this whenever he got irritated.
— Why are you avoiding the prince?
— Damn it! We all know why. We are not making idiots of ourselves.
King's Shield was tired. He wanted to put the whole trip behind him. Altissia was far from Insomnia. They had a long journey ahead of them and he felt like he was babysitting Noctis instead of preparing for it.
The prince insisted that he wanted to see [Reader] at his wedding to Lunafreya. He proposed it to her and she awkwardly excused herself and they haven't seen each other since.
— Wait... so we know why she's avoiding him? — Prompto frowned in concentration.
It took him a few seconds to understand what Gladiolus was talking about.
— Aaah... That's what you mean... — He tapped his forehead lightly.
— Let's end this circus. You're coming with us. Even the king said it was a great idea.
— He didn't give me an order.
[Reader] knew she was arguing like a little child but she had a hard time hiding her reluctance.
— Stop being so selfish! — Gladio knocked the training sword out of her hand.
He did it easily. He surpassed her in terms of physical strength. Not to mention his skills were next level.
He froze the moment he saw her face. The moonlight helped him see tears in the corners of his eyes. She turned her head to wipe them gently.
He felt guilty.
They had been friends since childhood.
— Damn it! — He pinched the bridge of his nose. — I'm sorry, okay? I'm just... fed up with it.
Ignis didn't say anything. He looked at him reprimandingly and Gladio realized that he was in for a good sermon. Ignis took an embroidered handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to the girl. She accepted it gratefully.
— It's not your fault... none of you... Let's be honest, neither is it Noctis's fault. But so what? Should I be a bridesmaid at a wedding I don't want to see? Watch someone I've been in love with for so many years get married? Congratulate my rival with whom I never stood a chance? I want Noctis to be happy but... that doesn't mean I have to watch it all.
The girl felt all the emotions she had been carrying since the announcement of the engagement slipping away. Grief gripped her heart and the words stuck in her throat. Her fingers tightened around Ignis's handkerchief. There was a deafening silence, broken only by the night chirping of crickets.
The friends looked towards the entrance. She followed their gaze.
He stood there.
— We'll leave you two alone — Prompto suggested.
He hoped [Reader] wouldn't find out that he was the one who notified Noctis via text message. Otherwise he would be in big trouble.
— I think we need to talk — said the prince.
— You didn't overhear everything? — she asked bitterly.
Blue eyes stared at her intensely.
— I want you to tell me about it properly now.
— NO. — She sat down on the stone wall. — Do you know why? Because it doesn't make sense. I won't change anything.
— You know...
— I know! You are responsible for Lucis... And you will be king one day... And you love Lunafreya... And we need this marriage...
Noctis looked at the brightly shining moon above his head.
It was as if in its light he could no longer hide anything.
He felt he had failed as a friend.
He knew for a long time. He just never wanted to let that thought come to the fore. It was easier to push it to the bottom of his mind and tell himself it was just a delusion. He was afraid to face a feeling he didn't reciprocate.
— [Reader], if you had told me earlier...
She felt a pang in her chest. He had no soulmate skill. Fate didn't decide for him. He chose Luna of his own free will.
— I wouldn't change anything. You love each other and I want you to be happy but please — she took a deep breath — don't make me go there. My heart can't bear it.
In her imagination she saw a beautiful bride. Blond curls were tied up in a high bun and the white dress rustled with every step. The Oracle held a bouquet of her favorite blue flowers as she looked for her fiancé.
Her fingers gripped the stone tightly.
He could give an order if he wanted.
— Then stay... but promise me our friendship won't end like this.
The prince felt that the thread that had connected them for a long time was breaking. He wanted desperately to save it, even though he felt it was over. All the years they spent together were gone.
— I promise that I will come after the wedding, together with your father, when I get myself together a bit. — She headed towards the exit.
— Farewell — he said with a slight smile.
She glanced briefly at the tattoo that had been with her for many years.
She didn't answer him.
— What is it about? — Noctis asked.
Ignis entered the room with a newspaper in his hand.
— Read it.
The Fall of Insomnia , said the headline. Gladiolus read it aloud, feeling growing anxiety.
— Is this some joke?
The prince wanted to tear out the newspaper and make sure he had heard correctly.
— There was an attack. The Imperial army has occupied the capital — Gladio continued. — The Treaty Room flashed brightly. Explosions were also heard. When the smoke cleared, the king was found... dead. — Gladio looked up.
— No... But... Wedding... Altissia...
— I know. That was the plan but... all the headlines in town can't be wrong.
Ignis looked at Noctis with regret. There was no way there could be a mistake.
The boy felt his heart beating fast and a cold sweat break out on him.
— Liars! — he shouted. — We have to check that.
— Shall we turn back? — Prompto assured.
— Yes.
— Betrayal! Protect His Majesty!
[Reader] managed to kill three opponents before she fell to the ground. Lights flashed all around and a loud explosion deprived her of hearing.
She put her fingers to her chest in surprise. A red, sticky liquid flowed from the deep wound. She tried to make a sound but was interrupted by darkness.
— Maybe these will be the last words you hear from him? He'll see you and decide it's time to say goodbye or something — he laughed.
— Gladio, I'm going to kill you!
— I'd like to see you try — said the new, short, dark-haired boy.
He poked his head out from behind one of the pillars and curiously walked to the middle of the training ground.
— I think it's time for me to introduce you to the spoiled prince. Noctis Lucis Caelum and his titles that I don't feel like listing...
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mildlycuriousdragon · 2 years
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ffxvficrec · 3 months
by SelinaKuroneko "Angelgard is full of mysteries, it is said to contain magic and that creatures are born in its depths." From the first day she looked at the bay of Galdina, she never stopped tormenting her. Cereza then decided to take the royal vessel with his companions for a short tour on the sea and take a look at this island which contains many secrets. But she’s not ready for what she’ll find there in this place. Words: 1158, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 5 of Queen Blue Sky Sapphire Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Reader , Original Lucis Caelum Character(s) , Cid Sophiar Relationships: Noctis Lucis Caelum & Reader , Reader & Other(s) , Chocobros (Final Fantasy XV) & Reader Additional Tags: Mentioned Noctis Lucis Caelum , Mentioned Prompto Argentum , Mentioned Ignis Scientia , Mentioned Gladiolus Amicitia , Mentioned Chocobros (Final Fantasy XV) , Reader-Insert , Friendship , Boats and Ships , Adventure , Caves , H2O: Just Add Water References , Mako Island (H2O: Just Add Water) , Mako Island Inspired , Crystal - Freeform , Sea , Angelguard Island , Necklaces , Oneshot , One Shot , One Shot Collection
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majormiles · 5 months
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in desperandum by Milu_i
🌿 Final Fantasy XV
🌿 Noctis Lucis Caelum & Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII
🌿 Teen | 8.8k | oneshot
🌿 No major warnings
Niflheim, on the brink of loosing the war with Lucis, sucessfully invades a reception and cuts off all Lucian leaders of the military and royal house from the ouside world. All except for one. And Noct, alone and desperate and at wits' end, only has a small family heirloom to back him up.
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inkyclive · 1 year
⇀ about + rules!
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hi hi! welcome to my final fantasy blog! a few things to note:
you’ll mostly find content relating to final fantasy vii remake, final fantasy xiv, final fantasy xv, and final fantasy xvi here.
this blog contains dark content and is 18+ only! minors do not interact. i will block you if i find you.
this blog is not spoiler free!
this is a side blog, i interact from @inkykeiji!
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⋆ i don’t take requests, but i do take prompts/suggestions, if you’ve got any you’d like to send my way! however, while i’m willing to receive prompts at any time, i’m quite picky about the ones i write/turn into oneshots! i reserve the right to refuse any prompt regardless of the reason. you can find the characters i write for below!
⋆ this blog is strictly 18+ only, minors do not interact. please have your age or an age indicator somewhere on your blog before interacting with me. moreover, if you interact with me off anon and do not have your age or an age indicator clearly visible on your blog i will not answer your ask and you will be blocked!
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⋆ please be aware that this blog contains dark content. i try my very best to tag everything appropriately, but if there’s something i’ve missed or something you’d like me to tag, please let me know! additionally, i always include content + trigger warnings at the top of all of my posts/fics!
⋆ for a list of potentially triggering subjects you may come across on my blog and their corresponding tags, please click here! <3 please, please be safe. if any of the topics mentioned are harmful to you, please blacklist the appropriate tags/don’t follow me/block me. your safety and happiness relating to your online experience are extremely important and your responsibility.
⋆ i only write female!reader as it’s the only reader i feel comfortable and confident writing! it’s also important to note that i tend to write the reader as a soft baby/brat (because that’s what i am ehehe). she is usually very girly and feminine. if that’s not your cup of tea, that’s cool! it just means my work may not be your personal taste <3
⋆ i almost exclusively write AUs! this means that the majority of the time my fics will be set in eos / valisthea / modern day, but void of anything mystical/magical.
⋆ i love using cute platonic nicknames (and i love having them used on me!), with the three i use most frequently being bb, sweetpea, and luvie!! if you’re uncomfy with any of these just let me know and i’ll be sure not to use them with you! <3
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫!
noctis lucis caelum, regis lucis caelum, prompto argentum, clive rosfield, joshua rosfield
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imaginefan · 4 years
Between Princes
Noctis Lucis Caelum X Reader
Word Count: 1090
Requested: @thatcucumberwhore
Request: Noctis Lucis Caelum x male reader. Reader is the heir to the Empire and the secret lover of Noctis. Noctis and reader want to start a coup so that reader can replace his father and so the world of Eos knows peace. Fluff if possible aswell. (And no prophecy and no Ardyn please, just happy stuff)
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Some would say being a Prince was hard work and you'd be inclined to agree with them if your father actually trusted you to make any decisions on your own, you found that when you made a decision he's swop in out of literally nowhere and change everything to better fit his image of the world he wanted but much like the world you had tired of war and everything it involved, you didn't see a point to the war that you were fighting you could easily live in peace with the leaders and people Lucis but your father didn't want to share, he wanted to own everything.
That was where the plan to overthrow him came from, you had decided that you had enough of it and you approached the prince of Lucis, Noctis Lucis Caelum about your plan and it would have been harder to convince him if you weren't already dating, your plan was to convince your Dad that you should marry into the Lucis family so that when Noctis became king you could be able to kill him and take the kingdom for yourself. This was accepted on most fronts, you marrying Noctis you'd both been dating since you were young and had even thought about making it public (since you were in a position of power in The Empire Noctis could marry someone that he wanted to and still make a political move) before this plan was brought forward and everyone wanted to trick your father into giving up everything, Noctis had spoken to his father and had come to one conclusion that there was no guarantee that he was going to hand the Empire to you before you were married, you needed to find a way to get your father to give up the Empire.
You walked knocked on the bedroom door of the Oracle smiling when she opened the door "Oracle." You greeted her with a smile and she rolled her eyes. "Don't start that (Y/N)." She said as she pulled you into the room "how are you and Noctis?" "Good, that's actually why I'm here." You answered. "Oh, are you going to go public?" She asked with a smirk on her face. "Sort of but we need you and your brother to help us before that." You explained. "Ravus?" She asked. "You two could convince my Dad to give me the Empire." You answered. "Why do you need that?" She asked. "Don't pretend that you don't hate the way that my father runs this place, we are going to change it but the only way that this is going to work is if we can get my Dad to give me the power that he has." You explained. "We should talk to my brother," Luna said and you nodded.
You knocked on Ravus' office door and opened it before he granted permission to do so "Hello Ravus." You smiled as his sister walked in behind you, staying by the door to make sure that no one else tried to interrupt. "What do you want?" He asked. "Is that any way to talk to your prince?" You asked, he only glared at you and you smirked. "So you know how you hate my father... You want to help me overthrow him?" "What are you up to?" He asked. "I'm sick of meeting my boyfriend in a dark corner, so we're going to get married." You answered. "And this is going to overthrow your father?" He asked. "No, you are. I have to take a trip to 'convince' them to take on this plan." You explained putting quotations around the word convince. "You are going to come with me and when we come back you are going to tell my father that they will refuse the marriage unless there's something more in it for them."
"So you convinced him?" Noctis asked as you both laid in his bed at the Citadel. "Not yet, Ravus is going to do that for me." You answered. "Ravus? Are you sure?" He asked. "He's a very good actor and if all else fails he'll do anything to give his sister the best life." You answered. "No offence but a loveless marriage for peace is not the best life." You muttered as you patted his cheek. "Are you sure that this will work?" Noctis asked as he turned over to look at you. "I'm sure that Ravus is going to make it work." You promised pressing a kiss to the top of his head as you pulled him into a hug.
When you got home you weren't expecting what Ravus had planned, your Dad didn't say anything when you walked into the throne room "I think it went well." You shrugged, his eyes moved to Ravus. "It went terribly." He corrected "they are now demanding that we give them something more worthwhile." "Worthwhile?" He asked. "They described him as a petulant child, if this marriage is to happen they want something more," Ravus answered. "My lord if I may." Luna stepped forward. "There is still time to get what you want, we all know that your son is not fit to lead so instead you give the impression that he leads, you perform the ceremony to hand over the Empire and he will the empire to you in his absence and then once he gets Lucis he gives it all back to you." "Mmm." Your father hummed as he looked at you. "Don't mess this up." He warned.
Everything moved quickly from there two ceremonies, two fake deaths and an invitation later and your father genuinely thought that he had won, he walked into the large throne room, you sat on the throne leant back relaxed. "Good work son." He smiled as he walked towards you but before he could get to close you gestured for the Glaive to take him. "You're under arrest for crimes against the crown," Noctis said as he appeared next to you. "You can't arrest me, I'm the Emperor!" He yelled. "No, I'm the emperor, remember." You smirked. "You betrayed me!" He glared. "That would imply that we were on the same side once." You shrugged "Bye."
"A lot is going to change now." You mumbled as you sat on Noctis' bed cross-legged. "Second thoughts?" Noctis asked as he stood in front of you. "Never." You smiled as you pressed a kiss to his lips. "We'll do this together." He promised and you nodded. "For now, we have time to make up for."
Requests and general question!
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randomfandomimagine · 7 years
You’re A Jerk (Noctis x Reader)
Character: Noctis Lucis Caelum
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Categories: Reader Insert, Female!Reader
Title: You’re A Jerk
  Suggested by anon:
during a fight Noctis gets angry at his s/o (who has a crush on Noct but have yet to confess) because they weren't focusing, and didn't trained as much as Noctis and the boys (idk i guess Gladio) have told them, like he's very hard on them and scold their s/o who end up feeling embarassed and guilty but then later on he make up for it? 
Suggested by @wennbergbabe:
A fluffy one where Noct spends all day teaching you how to sword fight and it ends with you guys cuddling on the beach
He was late, but he was there. As attractive as usual as he walked my way.
“Sorry I’m late…” Noctis sighed, his brow furrowed.
Just that told me that his day hadn’t gone too smoothly and his duties as prince were irritating him deeply.
My boyfriend walked closer and barely even looked at me as he passed me by and went to pick up his sword. He tossed me my own wooden sword, which I immediately caught first try. I sighed as I feebly glanced at it and loosely held it, letting my arm fall at my side.
Noctis never allowed me to use real swords when we trained, allegedly too scared that we would hurt ourselves during our sparring.
As he positioned himself in his fighting stance, I knew there was something wrong. Something had upset him during his meeting, he was different that day.
There was no playful and flirtatious smile or glance as he prepared to train, there were no silly comments, no nothing.
Perhaps his duties as prince were far too great for him, perhaps he was overwhelmed and he was just fed up. Whatever the case, that was not the mood I usually saw Noct in.
Reluctantly, and hating to see him in such a mood, I acquired my own fighting stance. He didn’t even give me time to blink before he swung his sword at me.
Squeaking because of the sudden movement, I moved my weapon in a reflex to block his attack. I frowned as I stepped back, taken aback by that aggressiveness.
Our swords collided with one another, time after time, until Noctis finally managed to see a flaw in my attack as my movements were too open, and he took advantage of that by pointing his sword to my neck menacingly. He had won.
I still carried my sword in my hand, but in a real fight he would kill me before I could swing my weapon at him.
“Again” Noctis blandly said, impatiently as he retreated his sword and waited for me to get ready.
I took a deep breath, not really enjoying our training anymore, and acquiring an alert stance once more.
Noctis immediately attacked, nimbly moving and advancing as tough we were fencing. The sound of wood hitting wood echoed around the spacious room, along with our elaborated breaths and our shoes squeaking against the marble floors.
“C’mon!” Noct yelled in frustration. “Wake up, Y/N!”
I was doing my best, but I was no match for Prince Noctis himself. After all, I was just now starting to learn how to use a sword and he had known for years.
Also, he had never been so hard and demanding of me before in any of our training sessions. I was starting to regret asking him to teach me.
I gasped when Noctis pulled the same move from before, using my open movements to win the fight. Except for the fact that this time, he hit his sword against mine with so much strength that it knocked mine away from my hand.
He had also hit my hand when he did, making me yelp in pain and clutch my sore hand to my chest. Noctis was still too agitated to notice.
“Focus, Y/N!” He shouted at me, upset about my poor skills. “If this were a real fight, you’d be dead!”
“I’m learning!” I defended myself, embarrassed and slightly guilty that I couldn’t be as good as he was.
“Well, maybe you should try harder so you can finally learn!” His eyes harshly pierced me, almost disappointed. “I can’t always be there to save your ass!”
I furiously kicked the sword and gave him my best glare before angrily facing my back to him.
“You’re a jerk!” I shouted at him, storming off outside the building.
I sat at the long staircase outside the palace, trying to get over the scene. I was more sad than angry, to be fair. I only stared at my reddened hand and wondered what would happen between Noctis and me after that.
I was actually waiting for him to come back and apologize, and even then I would play hard to get. He hard embarrassed me and hurt my feelings and wouldn’t get away with it so easily.
Trying to see his perspective, I could understand that being a prince was stressful. That he could sometimes lose his temper and burst like he did.
But that didn’t mean he could leash out on me like that when I had nothing to do with it!
“Hey” Noct’s voice said behind me, just as he sat down next to me.
I didn’t reply nor look at him, pretending he wasn’t even there. I was so mad, he had no right to act like that. Even if he was angry because of something, it didn’t involve me and he shouldn’t have taken it out on me.
“How’s your hand?” At least he had noticed after all.
I wanted to make him feel bad and say ‘it hurts’ but I resolved to keep giving him the silent treatment.
Noctis leaned forward slightly to take a look at it himself. I caught a glimpse of a wince in his face when he noticed the area between my thumb and my index finger had reddened there where it hit me.
“Sorry, I promise I didn’t mean to hit you” The guilt was tangible in his voice as he spoke slowly and cautiously. “I just wanted to disarm you and…”
I remained strong in my silence, not even bothering to look at him still.
“I’m a jerk…” He sighed, allegedly annoyed with himself.
I still didn’t reply, but I vehemently nodded to let him know he was right.
“I was angry because of that meeting, and watching how you still aren’t ready…” Noctis made a pause in which I supposed he was trying to find the right words to express himself. “I just want you to learn because I’m so scared that something might happen to you”
Finally, I looked over at him in spite of myself.
His expression was one of regret and filled with apology. His eyebrows knitted together, a small pout in his lips and a sad expression in his blue eyes.
I wanted to forgive him, but I also wanted him to learn the lesson. So I stood up and started to walk away.
“Look” Noctis quickly held me back by my wrist not to hurt my hand. “I’m really sorry, it won’t happen again”
I didn’t move, standing completely still. Truth was, I didn’t know what to do anymore, how to act. Noctis was the one that kept trying instead.
I allowed him to place a hand in my waist, setting it there and slowly sticking closer to him until our sides were resting against each other. His prudent and cautious gestures told me that he was analyzing my reactions first.
Seeing as I didn’t really object, he leaned to the side and placed an arm under my knees. I frowned, wondering what he was doing, and opened my mouth to ask.
Before I could, whoever, he had swept me up into his arms so he was carrying me bridal style. I found it an endearing gesture, until I remembered something.
“Noct, what are you doing?” I exclaimed, holding on to him the best I could. “Your-your leg! Noct, you’re gonna hurt yourself!”
I knew that ever since he was younger his leg was sensitive due to an old injury, which explained why he walked funny. And also why he couldn’t carry too much weight.
Staring at him, I analyzed his expression as I absently wrapped my arms around his neck to have some support. His face was an expressionless one, mysterious and baffling.
“Noct!” I shook him, earning a glance from him at last. “Put me down, why are you carrying me?! Your leg-“
“There are more important things than that, Y/N” He said, with the most loving glance he had ever given me. Which was saying something. “And you are one of them, one of the most important things to me. Now shut up”
Even though I was nibbling on my bottom lip, trying not to melt at the romantic statement, I shook my head in frustration.
He could be so… so… ugh! That boy, he got on my nerves as much as he made me fall in love with him.
I knew he was so pigheaded that he wouldn’t put me down until we did. He was determined to show that he cared more about me than himself in that silly but romantic gesture that would probably hurt his leg a little.
Resigning myself to be carried by him, I sighed and rested my forehead against his cheek. Noctis leaned into the touch as well.
He took us both back inside and only put me down once we were back at the spot we were in before, carefully putting me to my feet and lovingly staring at me. We were back where we had been sparring and I had stormed off from.
Once we were both standing, facing each other with matching questioning looks, my boyfriend piped up.
“I’m sorry” His hands sneakily grabbed mine, moving finger by finger until they completely wrapped my own. “I shouldn’t have snapped like that”
“You must have been really fed up with that meeting to get so angry” I frowned, trying to put myself in his shoes and allowing myself to forgive him at last.
I knew how much Noct struggled with his royal duties, how much he hated them sometimes. I was still a little angry at him, but I understood his situation.
“That’s no excuse” He held my glance as he shook his head in disagreement. “You should always be treated like the princess you are to me”
Chuckling a bit, I pecked his cheek tenderly before resting my head on his shoulder.
“That’s right” I paused for a moment, yet I bent down in spite of myself to pick up my sword. “C’mon, let’s continue”
“No we won’t” Before my hand could touch it, Noct’s got in the way and held me instead. “We’re gonna take a break, you’ve earned it”
I sweetly smiled at him, intertwining our fingers and letting him take me to the other side of the room. There, he casually plopped down on the floor and tugged at my hand so I did too.
Not even giving me time to get comfortable, he had already wrapped his arms around me as soon as my butt touched the floor.
“See?” Affectionately and lazily, he nuzzled his nose in my neck. “This is much better”
Gingerly and charmingly, he took my sore hand and lay the softest and lightest kiss on the reddened spot that sent butterflies to my stomach.
“I love you, Noct” I tenderly caressed his hair, also leaning my head on his.
“Of course you do” He simply replied, and I could picture how a smirk grew on his lips even if I couldn’t see it.
“You’re a jerk” I had to laugh, no traces of anger or hurt in my voice that time.
“I love you too, Y/N”
We spent the rest of the afternoon sitting down on the floor of the training room, cuddling and chatting. It was the best time we spent in that room ever.
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offbrandassassin · 3 years
Sent By Cyberlife
[FFXV x Android!Reader]
Words: 9885
You're an android in the land of Lucis and you have thankfully deviated, yet still have android tendencies.
You had the human sensation of falling. Yeah, right now you were falling through the air at an alarming rate. You think... 75 mph? This was surprising as you'd never expected to be falling when you 'woke up'. What happened? Who put you here? Why were you falling? Hmm.
You stared at the ground. It was becoming closer by the second. You knew that you had to break your fall soon or else you'll be smashed to pieces, and you don't think Cyberlife can locate you in time. Thankfully, all android cops now come equipped with a parachute for situations like these.
You activated the parachute and watched as it opened up. You 'felt' the rush of the wind come to an abrupt halt instead get replaced by a soft breeze. This is good. You went from 75 to a survivable 20. The ground drew closer and all you had to do was properly land.
Well, in a perfect world that is.
To your dismay, the parachute snapped off and down you went. The wind blew violently and you wanted to sigh. Seriously? The parachute failed? Was it not properly attached to your body? Cyberlife needs to work out these kinks.
The ground was even closer and you decided you'd try to land. Twisting your body to make your back face the ground, you used your arms to over your neck and your head. You weren't going as fast as before, so you had a high probability of surviving this, though the chance of being unscathed is highly unlikely.
Closing your eyes the ground met your plastic body and a giant thud rang through the air. The impact made you skid and come to a complete stop. Robotically, you opened your eyes and did an internal scan to assess the damage. To your surprise, you harbored no serious damage. You were perfectly fine, save for the minor cuts and 'bruises'. You moved your hands in front of you and saw that the dirt had revealed your synthetic skin. The familiar pink color returned and you no longer had patches of white.
You sat up from the ground and took in your surroundings. Around you yards and yards of sand and stone. It looked like a desert. You summoned up your internal GPS to figure out where you were, but the GPS read 'no signal. You tried to access the space satellite to atleast figure out what country you were in, but nothing turned up. This was perplexing. Where exactly were you? There should be no way you wouldn't have been able to figure it out.
In no time you made a lot of progress. Since you didn't have to worry about food, water, or energy, you could traverse the plain without any worry. Although, the desert seemed to be more of a tourist spot as it wasn't at all that big. If a person were to theoretically be in the middle of the desert, all they had to do was walk in a straight line for an hour and huzzah, a road. And that's where you were. You found a road and decided to see where it would take you. Civilization couldn't be too far as numerous cars kept passing by you, going in both directions.
You kept walking. The only sounds were of your feet hitting the sand and the occasional car engine. You kept walking for miles. Thankfully, you hit a parking spot and saw a group parked there. Getting closer, you could see every detail of the car. It was black and looked really expensive. It lacked a roof, but you guessed it could alternate between roof and no roof anytime. Near the car were four men who wore all black. One of them was blonde, the other was buff, one wore glasses, and the last one wore a thick black glove on his right hand. They were talking with each other. They seemed to know this place well.
Wordlessly, you walked up to them. The closest one to you was the one wearing the glasses. He had his back turned to you and you reached up to tap his shoulder. Your pointer connected with his right shoulder in a delicate manner. The man ceased listening. He turned around when he felt the action and looked at you with a questioning gaze. His eyes glanced at the digits on your jacket but redirected them back to you within a second. The man had strangely styled hair, well, strange socially, but you didn't know the customs around here so who are you to judge?
“Hello. What may I help you with?" He said with a british accent. Oh so he's from Britain? Or is this place Britain? His friends stopped conversing with each other and turned to look at you, too.
"Hello. I've come to ask if you know where I am exactly. You see, I'm not from around here." You looked left and right and back at him. "I don't recognize the scenery." Looking at each one quickly, you were able to do a full facial scan. You were surprised when all of them came back negative. Who were these people? Why weren't they in your database?
He nodded with a smile and told you that you were at Prairie Outpost. He pointed to your right and said that a couple miles down there is Longwythe Outpost. You can get food and rest up over there. This person had a polite and dignified way of speaking, you noted.
"Thank you, Mr.."
"Scientia. Ignis Scientia."
"(Name). Thank you, Mr. Scientia."
"My pleasure."
He extended his hand and you gently shook it with a smile, or as much as a smile you can. You barely understood the smiling part, but it was starting to grow on you. He smiled back at you and broke off the handshake.
With a wave, you began to walk in the direction he pointed at. Thankfully, it wasn't back from where you came from. While walking you pondered where in the world Longwythe was. You have never heard of it before. Every geographical location on Earth mentioned nothing of a Longwythe. Nor did the people's database hinted of anyone being called Ignis Scientia. Just what exactly was this place?
It was starting to get dark. However, this shouldn't impair your ability to keep going. You were equipped with night vision. Traversing in the dark was no hassle. For hours you were left to your own devices. Your situation is hindering your mission. As of now, it's been to catch a rogue deviant who has taken his freedom too far. You were created after the Android Revolution, in order to help the equality process. More deviants meant more criminal activity. Human and Android. You were basically a female Connor.
The sun fell and all that was left was the dark, and maybe the little light the moon provided. This time, there weren't any cars that flooded your eardrums. It was all quiet. Too quiet. You thought about what you were going to do after reaching the outpost. You'd get in contact with Hank or Connor, who can hopefully locate where you are; maybe even pick you up.
You walked, not tiring at all. The temperature began to drop, but you didn't feel a difference. With all your spare time, you searched deep within your database. Literally nothing turned up. Nothing! Almost through humorous desperation, you decided to look up the name on Google. Almost immediately you received answers. Ignis Scientia is the Royal Advisor and best friend of Noctis Lucis Caelum.
Now this was getting somewhere. You try to retrieve every piece of information, but something became alarming. Everytime you tried to gain more information, it seemed to be fleeting, as if something doesn't want you to know. This was frustrating as it provided a solid obstacle on your mission. Fuck!
Sighing, you stopped thinking about it and continued on your path. There was no time to dwell on it. To occupy your attention, you started doing your coin tricks.
The night was quiet and peaceful. There was no cars and no disturbances. Just a gentle breeze in the air.
Well, until a car rolled up from behind you that is. The engine got louder and louder, only when it was right next to you did it stop to a low purr.
You turned your gaze to the car right next to you. You stopped walking and recognized them with ease. The expensive black car! In it was the four odd men. Ignis Scientia was driving. Said man looked at you with a kind smile, slight concern laced on his features. You smiled back at him and waved.
"Greetings, Mr. Scientia. How may I help you, tonight?" You asked, slightly tilting your head to one side.
"Hello, (Name), I was actually wondering if I could assist you." You looked at him quizzically.
"Oh? How so?"
"The night is perilous. As you know, there are daemons that prowl about. The nearest rest stop isn't for another couple miles. Would you like to accompany us?" The offer was kind and caring, but what striked you odd was the mention of 'daemons'.
"Mr. Scientia.."
"Ignis is alright."
"Okay, Ignis... May I ask you a question?"
"I hold no objection."
"What is a 'daemon'?"
You could tell by the look on his face, well, all their faces that they weren't expecting such a question. They looked at each other, than back at you. They wondered if you were joking. The naive look on your face told them you weren't. Just like that, their minds were set.
"Okay! Get in." Rattled by the notion, the boy behind Ignis spoke up and gestured you over. You looked at him with scrunched up eyebrows. The brute next to him got out of the car and motioned you inside.
"I..." You tried to protest and wondered what's going on. Out of nowhere, they just tell you to hop in. Humans are very interesting.
"Well! Come on! The daemons are going to come out!" The blonde got out of the car and pushed you into the backseat with playful urgency. Following behind you was the brute and off Ignis sped when all of you got in the car.
The blonde get up from his seat and turned to look at you. With a unrepressed bewilderment, he asked you a question; "So, (Name), how do you not know what daemons are?"
"Yeah, been wondering that, too. You don't seem like the kind of type to stay indoors." The brute said right next to you.
"It does seem pretty strange." The boy on your left states.
You nod in understanding and explain that you just never had the luxury of being told. You said that you weren't from around here and that this place was all new to you. They listen intently and accept your response.
Unbeknownst to you, the man on your right noticed a faint blue glow on your right temple that was currently being covered up by your hair. He wanted to move your hair to see what it was, but decided against it as that would be beyond awkward.
"Hey, Noct. There's a haven over there. Let's camp for the night." The brute suggested to his best friend.
"Sure. Ignis, pull over."
Said brunette drove the car to the side of the road. Slowing down, he put it in park and out of the automobile we went.
"(Name), want to stay the night with us?" Noct asked you. He looked genuinely concerned for your well-being. How kind of him.
"If that's alright with you."
"Not a problem."
You nod and thank him.
The blonde walks up from behind you and says 'hi'. You turn around and greet him.
"How can I help you?" You say to him kindly.
"Aww. It's alright. I don't need anything. We haven't formally introduced ourselves yet. I'm Prompto." He points to himself. "The big guy is Gladio." He points to the brute. Said man looked up from what he was doing, which was setting up the camp, and nodded. 'Sup?' He waved. Prompto then pointed to Noct. "That's Noct. He's kind of our leader."
"Hey." The leader replied.
Lastly, he pointed to Ignis. "And as you already know that's Ignis." "Charmed." Said the sophisticated individual. Ignis was near a pot and beginning to prepare a meal for his friends. He seems to enjoy what he's doing.
Putting on arm around your shoulder, Prompto directed you over to the campfire. Gladio was already finished setting up the tent and various chairs. Him and Noct were sitting in their respective lawn chairs. They greeted you when you walked over and you sat down in the open area void of lawn chairs. You didn't really mind the rocky floor. You had no need of comfort.
"Sorry (Name), we only have four chairs.... Hey! You can sit on mine." Prompto invited. You looked at him in gratitude and gently shook your head.
"It's fine, Prompto. You should keep your chair." Prompto pouted at your words, yet didn't protest any further when you showed how content you were on the ground.
This was about the time Ignis finished cooking. He handed everyone a plate, including you much to your dismay, and they immediately dug in. Ignis saw how you sat on the floor and offered up his seat. You politely declined and he insisted. After a while of pestering you gave in and switched spots. Ignis finally began to enjoy his meal, although you felt bad for acquiring his seat.
You scanned each of your friends around the campfire. You could tell by the expressions on their face that they enjoyed what Ignis had made. You looked at the meal and concluded that it seemed to be some sort of soup. You wanted to taste it, to try it out like the others, but you were incapable of enjoying something like that. You were also incapable of digestion. Something like this could ruin your circuits. With persed lips, you put the dish on your lap. You did not require sustenance to function. You hope this wouldn't elicit a feeling of offense from your companions.
Noctis was the first to notice that you weren't eating and piped up about it.
"(Name)? You alright? You haven't touched your soup." His friends stopped eating their share and looked at you upon hearing his statement. He was right. You haven't even taken one bite.
"It's good, (Name)! Ignis made it." Prompto told you.
"It's not going to hurt ya. You need to eat." Gladio encouraged.
"Please, do have some, (Name). It's very unhealthy if you don't." Ignis said gently. It was strange that they were this apprehensive about your decision to not eat. Something told you that they don't know about who you were.
"It's fine. I really shouldn't eat anything. I'm dreadfully sorry. I can't." You try to explain carefully. They weren't buying it and each of them looked at you with worry. Your LED flashed yellow for a split second. Gladio noticed the sudden change but didn't comment on it. Instead, he focused his attention on why you weren't eating.
"Please (Name)? We promise it's good." Prompto pleaded.
"Yeah. You can't leave it to waste." Noctis supported.
"You mustn't starve yourself, (Name). It's not healthy." Ignis tried to reason.
"You're only making it worse on yourself. You shouldn't do that." Gladio backs up.
Did they not know that androids couldn't eat? If they did, the food would destroy the android from the inside out. This would be terrible for your mission. You looked at them and still held firm. It's best if you didn't eat. Even if the food looked good.
"I can't. I'm not made that way." At your statement, they deflated and looked at you with such unease that it sort of destroyed your core processor. You were a new deviant. You barely understood human emotions, so seeing this was overwhelming a bit.
Wordlessly, Ignis got up from the floor and walked up to you. You looked up at him and he knelt down in front of you. Gently, he took the spoon in his hands and scooped up some soup. You stared at him questioningly. He lifted the spoon and brought it to your lips. With a pleading gaze, he carefully said; "Please, let us help you." You saw the look in his eyes. It held such urgency. You knew you wouldn't be able to get out of this one. Humans were so persistant. You guess that what made them charming? Thankfully, CyberLife thought about situations like these. In your plastic body is a chamber for unknown substances. The problem is that it can't take up many things. You hoped that a couple of bites would be enough to satisfy these men.
With a sigh, you reluctanly opened your mouth and in went the food. Your companions started to feel a sense of relief, and Ignis kept 'feeding' you. With every bite you could feel the chamber begin to get fuller. This continued until the bowl was half-way empty. At the loss of soup, Ignis paused and took the bowl. He smiled at you, sincerely grateful that you ate something. You grinned back at him. Well, you tried to. It's still pretty hard. Your friends each seemed more visibly relaxed after the whole ordeal. You, however, were thankful Ignis stopped before something bad could happen.
It was quiet. Noct was playing on his phone, Gladio was reading a book, Prompto was fiddling with his very interesting-looking guns, and Ignis was cleaning up the dishes. You got up to help him, and together you and him were able to clean up twice as quicker. He thanked you for the assisstance and you responded with a fullhearted; "My pleasure."
You returned to your spot on the ground. Ignis tried to protest but you were able to convince him to take his seat back. With reluctance, he sat in his chair and glanced at you with uncertainty.
Again silence. You spent this time to think about how to stop rogue deviants. You looked over your memory bank and thought about any possible motives. Abuse? Panic? Love? There wasn't enough evidence to prove a solid motive. You were sure that Hank and Connor can handle themselves, but sometimes they need an extra hand. You couldn't really do much in this place, and wasting time was not in your programming, although you will do that because you want to.
"So (Name)." Said Prompto, breaking the silence. You looked at him, signalling he had your attention. He continued. "Any plans when you get to Longwythe Outpost?" You nodded a bit.
"Yes. I was planning to try and get in contact with my partner, Lieutenant Anderson. He and Connor probably have no clue of my whereabouts." You tell them.
"Oh, in that case. Here." Prompto hands you his phone and tells you to try to call your friends. You thank him and input Hank's phone number. It rings and you put it on speaker. You and your friends wait as it tries to go through. Much to your surprise, someone picks it up.
"What do you want?" The gruff voice of Hank Anderson brightens you up.
"Hank! It's me! (Name)!" You reply with enthusiasm.
"(Name)? Where the fuck have you been? Connor and I have been looking all over for ya!" He says with clear relief in his voice.
"I'm fine, Lieutenant! I am just far from home."
"Get home, (Name)! And that's an order. Connor is losing his fucking mind. Reed keeps harassing Connor. I told him to fuck off but the prick keeps coming back."
"Speaking of Connor, where is he, Lieutenant?"
"He's around here somewhere. Connor! Get over here!... Okay. There he is."
"What's going on, Lieutenant?" Connor's voice eminates from the phone.
"It's (Name). I got her here on speaker."
"(Name)! It's Connor!" Said Connor, a trace of anxiety in his voice.
"Hello Connor!"
"(Name)! You have no idea how happy I am to hear you. What happened to you? Are you safe?"
"Yes! I am fine. I have met some people on my travels. They have been helping me. And, I am not quite sure how I got this lost. I was hoping you'd help me out here."
"Of course, (Name). Where—" Suddenly, a giant mess of static interrupted your conversation.
"(Name)! I—you're.... king up! Where....—you?"
"I'm—" More thunderous static.
"Fucking androids!" Reed's voice echoed through the air.
The conversation ends and you try to get them back. It proves futile when the phone gives you an error message. Shit! You were so close. You wonder how you'll get out of this place. You give Prompto back his phone and they look at you with a hint of concern.
You sigh and contemplate what your next move is. It's a good thing you can think clearly.
"Hey (Name)?" You direct your eyes to Noct and signal him to continue.
"I've been meaning to ask... What do the numbers and letters on your jacket mean?" At his question, his friends stared at you intently because they were thinking about that too.
"Yeah, it seems pretty strange to have that on a jacket." Said Prompto.
"I have been pondering that, too, ever since we met." Ignis.
"Same here." Gladio.
You gazed at the numbers sewn on the right side of your jacket. RK450. #638 768 921 right underneath it.
You directed your gaze back at the four who were looking at you expectantly.
"This is my model number." Wait. They paused. Model number? "I'm a type RK450. A female rendition of Connor, the RK800 model."
Stop! What? Female rendition of Connor? RK450? Huh?
"What's a.. Model number?" Noct mumbles in confusion.
"What's an RK450?" Prompto joins in.
"The model number is the type of Android I am. I am the first of my kind; a prototype. I was designed alongside RK800 to assist in police work. As of now I am currently on crimes related to deviants. Deviants are androids who have 'woken up' from their programming. However, I take on cases related to deviant homicides. Crimes committed by, or on deviants." You explain to them. It takes them a while to process what you just said. It's silent and you can tell by their faces of utter bewilderment that they have no idea what you're saying.
"Wait... You're an 'android'?" Noct says with scrunched eyebrows.
"Affirmative. I was designed for police work."
"What exactly is an android?" Ignis questions.
"An android is synthetic machine designed for various tasks. We were made to contribute to the human population. However, as of weeks ago, androids have become the newest intelligience."
"You're an... Android?" Again, he questions. You tilt your head slightly. You get up from your spot on the ground and bow slightly.
"Yes. Hello. My name is (Name). I am the android sent by CyberLife." You speak your silly phrase that all police androids say to new people.
They widen their eyes. They seem to be in a state of disbelief.
"What? You can't be a machine! You look too human! Of course you're human." Prompto tries to reason. You grin at him.
"That's kind of you to say, Prompto." You express your gratitude.
"That Light on the side of your head, then. What is it?" Gladio finally mentions after staring at it. Upon hearing Gladio's question, they look to the side of your head, and sure enough, there is a faint blue glow.
You move your hair away and reveal your LED. They could see clearly that it was a small circle.
"It's my LED light. When it's blue, it signals that I am stable. When it flashes yellow, it's telling you I am currently alarmed, or feeling inner conflict. When it's red, that means that I am in serious distress and I must be helped."
"See? You can feel and be happy! Of course you're human!" Prompto tries to convince you. You giggle at his statement.
"Well, I guess that's pretty cool." Noct says, still processing the information you gave them.
"That's pretty awesome! We have a friend who is an android! Wait! Is that why you didn't eat?" Prompto inquires.
"Yes. I am unable to eat, or else it will affect my circuits." Ignis tenses up at your statement.
"I am terribly sorry about forcing you to eat, (Name). Please, accept my apologies. I did not know." Ignis says with guilt in his voice.
You waved him off. "It's fine, Ignis. It was very kind of you, all of you, to care for me." They beamed at your words.
"So—what can you do, (Name)?" You look at Prompto and take out a coin.
"Coin tricks!"
"Oh?" Noct inquires.
"Watch! It helps to test my motor functions."
With quick and swift movements, you tossed the coin from one hand to another. You rolled the coins over your knuckles and even caught the coin with your middle and index finger. Just like Connor.
Your friends marveled at your skills. For the rest of the night you showed them what you could do.
"How are your abilities on combat, (Name)?" You hear Ignis from behind you ask. You have been in and out with the group for a whole week now. They haven't seen your hand on fighting as you have been busy doing other things. Recently, Prompto suggested you stay with them as you didn't really understand the land of Lucis. (Mostly the daemons part.) The blonde, being a technophile and all, always looked at you with amazment when you would do something 'android-y' as he would say it.
"I have been programmed with many hand-on-hand capabilities. I specialize in the use of firearms and have proficient aim. However, I am also capable of melee combat." You tell him.
"Really? Well let's see." Gladio interrupts.
"This seems like a good spot to train. Hey Noct," said prince directed his attention to his friend. "Why don't you have a one-on-one with (Name)? See the extent of her programming." The man suggests. The prince contemplated his proposal and agreed.
"Alright. Let's do it."
You got into stance with Noctis in front of you summoning his Ultima Sword. You decided against using a weapon of your own as you wanted to fully show your prowess. You analyzed the blade and determined that it was an easy grab as it had a lot of nonsense attached to the handle.
"Remember: no holding back." The royal called out. You nod at his words and prepare yourself.
Mission Objective: Defeat Noctis.
You looked at him blankly and he decided to make the first move. With a sharp swing, he lunged at you with fierce momentum. Your hands connected with his blade, stopping the attack. With the use of your right hand, you grabbed the cross guard and swiftly disarmed the male. Kicking his outstretched right leg, Noct fell to the ground, weaponless.
However, it wasn't over yet. With a strong jump using his left leg, Noctis did a flip backwards and recovered his ground. The Ultima Blade disappeared from your hands and reappeared into his. Noctis then flung his blade at your face and faded into a blue crystal. You whipped out your gun and hit the sword into the air. You put the gun back into the holster and saw as Noctis warped to his sword, grasping it tightly and started attacking you with it in the air. You dodged every swing. Noct finally lands and he continues his relentless barrage of attacks. You dodge every single one of them. Luckily for him, he was able to use his left arm to punch you across the face. The movement whipped your face to the left, yet you whipped it back calmly and with such speed that it would've gave someone whiplash. Noctis saw this and persed his lips in suprise but kept at it.
In his brutality, you found an opening. He swung his arm to your right and almost hit your face. The blade was inches away from your right cheek. This was the opening. Tightening you hand into a ball, your fist collided with his chest. The impact caught the prince off-guard and made him stagger a bit. He coughed harshly. Using this moment of weakness, you charged towards him. Your left arm went under his right arm and your right arm went over his shoulder, it was wrapped tightly against his neck. Your right hand grabbed a hold of your left bicep, putting Noct in a chokehold. With a twist of your core, you slammed Noct on to the ground, strangling him.
The prince struggled in your grasp, yet was unable to break free. You held on tighter. Noct, in a moment of slight desperation, summoned a dagger. Twisting his right arm he tried to dig it into your stomach. Seeing his plan, your arm let go of the hold on his neck and grabbed the dagger. You wrestled it out of his hand and pointed it down to his neck. The dagger dematerialized and he threw you off him. You jumped back, regaining your balance. You held up your arms in a defensive stance, Noct got up and summoned a sword.
"That's enough." Gladio says, putting himself between you and Noct. You returned back to your casual stance and Noct got rid of his sword. Your blank stare became one of concern and you walked up to Noct.
"Are you alright, Lieutenant? I didn't cause any lasting damage did I?" You asked him with worried eyes. Ever since you were told Noct was the leader of the group, you started referring to him as 'Lieutenant'. It just felt right to you.
"Hmm? Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. That was pretty good defense back there. Is your head okay?"
"Yes, androids don't get whiplash." You smile at him and he nodded at your statement.
"That was so cool!" Prompto ran up to you and started talking about the fight. "You should spar with the big guy next time!" Gladio perks up at this and laughs.
"If it's not too much of a hassle. I'd be happy to." You say, accepting the challenge.
"Alright. But I'm not going easy on ya."
"I don't want you to."
You have been with the group for about three weeks. In no time you have become one of their most valued friends. They taught you more about human emotions and you told them about your detective lifestyle. Slowly, you became more and more human, yet still had your android tendencies. They were so proud of your progress.
Currently, you and the Chocobros were taking on a dungeon. This particular dungeon had one of Noct's Royal Arms so it was best if all of you got it over with.
Halfway through the dungeon, you encountered a Treant. These beasts were basically overgrown mandrakes that have yet to succumb to the rot of death. You encountered a very strong one in Malmalam Thicket, a place where hunters weren't allowed. You weren't a hunter, you were a police android.
You and the bros attacked the Treant with viscious ferocity. You were equipped with your gun with infinite ammo and a sword. You switched from each weapon when the moment called for it. However, you prefer the gun mostly. You stood a couple feet away and shot at its eye. Gladio came up from behind it and blindside struck the tree with his Greatsword. The Treant roared in pain and batted the area around it in rage. It was able to land a hit on Noct and Ignis but it didn't do enough damage to stop their onslaught. The duo link-striked and toppled the treant. The beast became vulnerable. Prompto ran up to the enemy and with a barrage of deathblows from the group, they were able to put the enemy into critical condition.
"Alright, guys! We're in the home stretch." Prompto called out.
The Treant got up from the ground and cried out in desperation. The bros were relentless. They stabbed and striked it with their swords. Ignis sent Noct an enhancement which gave Noct a fire power-up. His sword dealt massive damage to this Alpha Treant and it tried desperately to kill the bros while it still could. You shot at its legs to incapacitate the creature. It flinched and you can tell it was so close to its demise.
With a warrior cry, the Treant screamed out, sending a giant vibration within a 20 foot radius. It hit the bros head-on, confusing them. Shit! You say inside your head. Your friends were having trouble attacking the creature. Each swing they did was a miss. Using this moment of weakness, the Treant began to swipe at your friends.
Its hits were ferocious. The Treant was able knock them farther away from it. Your friends fell, but recovered to their feet quickly. Unfortunately, the Treant's confusion still affected them greatly. In their clear disorientation, they began to attack you. Dodging Noct's sword from behind, you focuses your eyes on the Treant. It continued its rampage and attempted to claw at your friends again. You trained your gun and fired on its legs. It fell and started hissing loudly. You directed your attention back to your friends who were getting closer to you.
You sidestepped to avoid Ignis's daggers and noticed Gladio coming from behind. You grasped the handle of your sword and parried Gladio's greatsword. You held your sword in the air, stopping Gladio's downswing. It was now a struggle to overpower each other. Gladio pushed hard on your sword, the blade drawing nearer. With difficulty, you held strong but couldn't stop the greatsword as it became closer. You gritted your teeth. In his eyes, you could see the clear effect of the confusion. He couldn't decipher that it was you.
Gladio distracted you too long.
You weren't able to dodge the combined assault of Ignis's daggers diving into your shoulder and Noct's sword plunging into your back, revealing itself through your stomach. Prompto shot your head. The bullet entered your skull, but you were lucky it didn't put you into immediate shutdown. It didn't end there, the surprise attack from behind slackened your grip, causing Gladio's sword to drag down across your chest. Flinching back, you now had two daggers plunged into your left shoulder, a giant hole from a sword in your stomach, a bullet in your head, right shoulder, and on your right side, and a giant, deep, diagonal scar that ran across your left shoulder down to the bullet wound. Each injury gushed out pools of thirium. You were glad that you didn't feel pain, but sort of vaguely scared at the same time.
1:45 minutes until Shutdown.
Your blue blood soaked your clothes, and dripped on the ground. To add insult to injury, the bros finally snapped out of their stupor. They blinked, but it changed and their faces donned a look of absolute horror when they saw your condition... When they saw what they have done to you. You didn't look at their horrified expression, instead your eyes trained on the Treant who was recovering. Not wasting a minute, you shot at it multiple times on the head and body. On the 6th bullet, the Treant fell to the ground for the last time.
Mission Complete: Treant dead.
The words ran across the top and you collapsed on the floor.
Your friends screamed in unison. They ran up to you and Ignis helped you sit up. Ignis locked eyes with his daggers that dug into your shoulder. His breath caught in his throat and he carefully made them disappear into his armiger. You opened your eyes and saw how each of them were looking at you with scared expressions. Ignis gripped your arm tightly. Your blue blood stained his clothes, but he paid no mind to it.
"It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay." He says softly and quickly. He tried to comfort you, but was also trying to comfort himself.
Gladio saw how your LED light was flashing a bright bloody red. He could feel his insides twisting, he tried to choke down his fear and keep a strong face. He tried to look calm, but his eyes told it all.
Noctis gritted his teeth and stared at the puncture wounds. He saw how his blade pierced through your stomach, giving you a gaping hole. He clenched his fists and narrowed his eyes. He was so infuriated with himself. How could he do this to you? How could they let this happen to you?!! Each one of them felt a monster of guilt that knawed at their senses. Prompto looked visibly disturbed. He was shaking uncontrollably. He took your hand in his and held it tight, as to remind him you were still here.
“It's okay, (Name)! We stocked up on this!"
Prompto said with a strained smile. "Noct! Use a potion!"
Noct swiftly took out a Hi-Potion and slammed it against your chest, breaking it. They looked at your wounds with a sense of hope, expecting it to be healed instantly.
They waited, but the crippling anxiousness started to seep through when they realized... It wasn't working. It dawned on them that no matter how human you may be you're still an android, and can't be healed like one. In those three weeks they've known you, it never occured to them that you couldn't be fixed like they could. They needed a mechanic. The problem is that you were ahead of their time. You needed parts and chemicals they didn't have. Who knows what happens after you're critically injured? There's no CyberLife store in Lucis!
"What's wrong, Noct? Try it again!" Prompto said with a quivering voice. He couldn't fathom the idea of a potion not working. You were too human! Why won't it work?!
Noct's eyes downcast and was hidden by his bangs. With fierce aggression, he pulled out
numerous potions and hit you with it. Potion after potion he tried desperately to revive you, but potions don't work on materials. Noct swapped from potions to Elixirs, Mega-Potions, Phoenix Downs, anything that was suppose to heal you, but nothing worked.
0:30 seconds until Shutdown.
You breathed out and thought about the severity of your injuries. You knew you needed to get to a CyberLife store now or else you'll have to be shut down. Directing your eyes from your stomach to your friends, you could see their terror. Their stress readings were off the charts. You reached out with your right arm and grasped Noct's shoulder gently. You saw how alarmed and panicked everyone was. You wondered; Why? Why were they so scared? What made them this way? Noct's breath hitched at your touch. He gazed into your eyes and saw you staring back. You tilted your head to the side, quizzically. Your eyebrows scrunched up and you muttered out: "Are you okay, Lieutenant?" At your words, Noct's eyes began to water.
Shutting Down...
Your eyes closed and your body slacked in Ignis's arms. Your LED died to that still gray that Gladio began to hate.
"(Name)?! (Name)!!" They cried, attempting to shake you awake, but it was all in vain.
Prompto fell to his knees next to Noct, who was stilling staring at where your eyes were. He couldn't see them. It hurt. Prompto hugged you close to his body. He weeped silently and felt the comforting presence of his friends as they all mourned for their beloved Android friend. They didn't even get the chance to apologize.
When they were able to compose themselves, they opted to give you a proper burial. Gladio held you bridal style all the way back to the car, careful not to damage you any further than they already had.
--> 3 days after the incident <--
The bros tried to get Cid to revive you, but you were way too advanced for Cid, and even if he was able to fix you, he didn't know how to create thirium, so all his progress wouldn't have mattered.
The bros were having trouble accepting that you were gone. You did this all the time to them. You would disappear to retrieve something then come back, all happy and normal. They wouldn't admit it, but they were waiting for that time to come.
You opened your eyes to see the clear skies of Lucis. Sitting up from your spot on the ground, you see that you are somewhere near Lestallum. Your predecessor was unfortunately destroyed, so CyberLife decided to send a new one. This shouldn't affect the investigation.
You got up and began walking to where Malmalam Thicket was. That place was the last place you saw your friends. It has only been 72 hours, how far could they be?
Mission Objective: Find Noctis, Ignis, Prompto, and Gladiolus.
You trudged forward, only stopping in Meldacio Hunted HQ to acquire a new sword. Thankfully, your predecessor sent the rest of its money to you, making this way easier. You kept on your path to Malmalam Thicket. You thought about your cause of death. Puncture wounds to the shoulder, bullet winds to the leg, side and head, a giant stab in the stomach, and a long scar the went from shoulder to side. You lost a lot of thirium, so there must be traces of it at the scene. It sucked that you had to go through with that. That Treant was, as the humans say, a total douche.
Wait. Where did you come from?
CyberLife doesn't exist in Lucis. There is no way your memories could be transferred, there is no way there could be another you in Lucis.
How on Earth did you get here?
You stopped in your tracks and stared blankly. It's a good thing that you can kind of come back. If you died here, CyberLife and everyone else would've lost you forever. You still had a chance to find your way back home.
You continued your walk and in no time you were able to reach Malmalam Thicket. You gazed at the sign: "NO HUNTERS ALLOWED!" It read. You were no hunter. You were a deviant. Luckily, transferring your memories still made you a deviant.
You entered the Thicket. The forest was armed with many daemons and other weird creatures. You made quick work of them. Pushing away bushes and various other pieces of plantlife, you finally got to the spot. You scanned the area. You spotted a pool of dried thirium. You walked over to it and knelt down. The thirium levels were high here, almost as if even after your shutdown you continued to bleed out. You formulated a scene in your mind. When you turned off you laid there with the four. The group stayed with you for an hour, maybe two, then Gladio carried you to the car.
You gazed at the ground. There was the trail of thirium that you guessed led to the car. You concluded that the bros probably went to Cid to see if he could repair you. You being here meant that his efforts were pointless.
You decided you weren't getting anywhere by staying here. You got up from the floor and left for the entrance. You had a long walk ahead of you.
--> One Week Later <--
The mental state of your friends was barely improving. The group went on numerous hunts to distract themselves. Most of the hunts consisted of killing Treants, which they gladly accepted as an act of vengeance.
Gladio was the first to act healed, yet he could only barely keep his full composure. He was more brutal in his swings. He trained heavily, as to prevent any other future disaster. He attacked Treants with a rage that his friends hadn't seen before. Not that they minded about what happened to those overgrown mandrakes.
Ignis would stare at one of his recipes in his book. After your demise, he ripped it out as to not remind him of what it meant to him. Even though the page was seperated from the book, he couldn't bring himself to fully dispose of it, so he kept it with him.
Noct used a lot more aggression when dealing with Treants. He wanted to make them pay for what they made them do to you. Though, no matter how many hunts they did, it never felt like true revenge. It just wasn't enough.
Prompto found barely any joy in tech anymore. You were the most marvelous advanced piece of technology in all of Lucis. What could compare to you? He still tried to lighten the mood by cracking jokes, but he could feel how strained his jokes were, and how dry his friend's laughs were.
You were still trying to get to Hammerhead. Not having to rest was nice, but the walk is just really long. You made a lot of progress in that week though. You would often think about how your friends were doing. You never got around to analyzing their phones to remember phone numbers, so it was a major inconvenience that you couldn't talk to them.
Oh well. Hammerhead was only a couple more miles away. You could talk to Cid and Cindy. They had your friends' contacts stored on their phones.
--> One Hour Later <--
The giant sign in the sky was the first thing you noticed. HAMMERHEAD. You were very close. Your journey would soon come to an end. You hoped the bros didn't miss you too much.
It took a couple more minutes, but you finally reached the pitstop. The familiarity of the building was enough to give you a sense of euphoria.
Taking step on the premise, you scanned the area. Cid was sleeping in his lawn chair, which is odd for humans since it is mid-day. Cindy was in the garage working on a car. Upon closer inspection it looked like she was working on the Regalia. This made you grin. The bros were not far away. They need their car to get to far places, so they wouldn't stray too far.
You walked over to the working mechanic and tried to get her attention. She popped the hood up and was trying to fix whatever was ailing the royal car. Her back was turned to you and you went with tapping her shoulder.
Your pointer finger lightly pressed on her shoulder a couple of times, before retracting and placing it back to your side. The blonde girl  muttered a "Hmm?" And turned around to check who it was. When her eyes landed on you, her neutral expression shifted into one of pure shock and happiness. You smiled at her and waved.
"(Name)! But how?! Y'all are okay!!!" She ripped off her gloves and threw her arms around you. You hugged her back with equal enthusiasm.
She broke off the hug and looked at you with starstruck eyes.
"How are yah back? The prince said yuh died." She asked astonished.
"I'm... not sure myself. My predecessor was unfortunately destroyed, so Cyberlife uploaded its memories into me and sent me to replace it. This shouldn't affect the investigation." You tell her. She raised her eyebrows in confusion.
"CyberLife? There ain't nothing like that 'round here."
"Exactly. That's why it's so weird to me. There isn't a CyberLife in Lucis to mass-produce me. It's very odd." You tapped your chin in thought. There is no plausible explanation for your reappearance. You racked your 'brain' for something, yet couldn't think of anything.
"Well, doesn't matter. I'm just glad yer alright." She breathed out.
"Same here. I still have to return to Hank and Connor, I doubt they have replaced me because I was equipped with a type of software that can't be replicated too often. I cost a horrendous amount of money. I'm practically irreplaceable." You expain to her.
"Interesting! Y'all still haven't let me checked out your circuits, (Name). We have to get around to do that sometime." You giggled.
Cindy slapped her forehead in realization.
"Ah shoot! We have to get your friends back here. We need to tell them the good news!"
"Affirmative. Do you have their contact?" You asked the blonde.
"Yeah, right 'ere." Cindy took out her phone and tried to power it on. The screen flashed the dark image of a drained battery and shut back off. "Shucks! My phone ran out of juice. Hold on, girly. I'mma ask Paw-Paw." Cindy put her phone back in her pocket and went over to her sleeping grandfather. Gently, she shook him awake.
"Paw-Paw. You gotta get up. We need to use your phone. Where is it at?" Cindy asked the old mechanic. Cid slowly opened up his eyes and yawned.
"Huh? Uh--" Cid takes out his phone from his back pocket and hands it to his granddaughter. "'Ere it is. Whatcha need it for?" He asked her in a groggy voice.
This is when Cindy smiled at him and sidestepped out of the way, giving her grandfather a clear view of why. He directed his gaze towards you and his eyes widened in clear bewilderment. "Well I'll be damned." He muttered to himself.
"You're back to your old functioning self? How in tarnation?" He looked so dumbfounded. Seeing you here, alive and in perfect condition confused him greatly. "Girly, I worked on you day and night to help that Prince. Nothing worked without that blue blood. They even tried to collect it from the ground, yet were stumped when it disappeared into thin air. Did you fix 'er up, Cindy?" He questioned his granddaughter. She shook her head.
"No. Not me. She just waltzed in all new and all. Not even she knows where she came from." Cindy explained. Cid stroked his chin in thought.
"Strange seeing 'er again after a week of knowing her being deceased. I reckon the boys will get a kick out of this."
"Yeah. We gotta call 'em first."
"Go ahead. This will get them really riled."
Cindy opened her grandfather's phone and looked up the contacts list. He clicked on Noct's contact and dialed the number. The phone rang for a bit until the boy finally answered.
"'Ey, Prince. How ya feelin'?"
"Your ride's all taken care of. Come swing on by to get it."
"That's all. Bye Prince." Cindy hung up the phone and gave it back to her grandfather.
You tilted your head. Why didn't she tell them you were fine?
Cindy saw your puzzled expression and smiled.
"I wanna surprise them when they get here."
You nodded in understanding and beamed at the idea. Humans loved surprises! What better to surprise your friends with your presence? Well, you think that's why they would want to see you. You still were learning about human attachment, but luckily you were programmed to understand human unpredictability.
-->One Hour Later<--
While waiting for your friends, you conversed with Cindy and Cid for an hour. You showed them some android components and some coin tricks. They were amazed at how far technology could go. They wished they had that type of capability. The mechanics told you about how the four were doing, and how they seemed more broken without you. Cid told you about how he tried repair you, but you were too complex of a machine for him. You thanked him for trying and he waved you off with a smile.
From a distance, you detected four pairs of footsteps heading your direction.
"They're here." You whispered. The mechanics turned around and sure enough Noctis, Ignis, Prompto, and Gladio were entering Hammerhead. Cindy ushed you into the garage and told you to hide. She gave you the keys to the Regalia and said she'll tell you to come out.
Cindy walked up to the bros who greeted her kindly.
"Hiya everyone. How ya'll doing?" She asked them.
"Fine." Noct said a bit sadly. He and the four still carried this downtrodden aura. They still haven't fully recovered from the ordeal, and being here brought some bad memories that were still fresh in their minds.
"Where's the Regalia?" Noct looked around the compound. His car was nowhere in sight. Cindy gave a small laugh.
"It's 'ere, Prince. I just gotta get it out of the garage," Cindy couldn't contain the sly, knowing grin that grew on her face. The bros noticed how unusually happy she was and looked at her questioningly. She cocked her head to the side, facing the garage, and called out..
"(Name)! Can ya get the keys to the Regalia?"
Pause. This was your cue.
"With pleasure, Cindy." You responded loudly from the garage.
The bros' heart stopped at the sound of your voice. Anything happening around them was ignored completely. All they could focus on was the garage, where they heard you.
You exited the garage and came out to the open, full view in front of your best friends. In your hands were the keys to the Regalia. You locked eyes with your companions and you smiled at them. Their eyes widened at seeing your form and Prompto stopped breathing.
It was silent. Eerily silent.
Cindy and Cid looked on in amusement.
You waved at them and began to carefully walked towards Cindy. You handed her the keys, she thanked you and went to the garage, still glancing from behind her back at the scene.
"(Name)..." Ignis breathed out.
"Hello, everyone." You say happily.
"(NAME)!" Prompto shouts with struggle. His face is slightly red and became teary-eyed at the sight of your smile.
The blonde ran to your side and enveloped you in a hug. You returned the gesture and he began to cry softly.
At this point, the other three snapped out of their stupor and sprinted over to you. You broke off the hug and greeted everyone else.
"(Name).. Welcome back." Ignis told you.
"Good to be back."
Noct gritted his teeth and was next to hug you with such ferocity that if you had to breathe you couldn't. You returned the gesture.
"...I'm sorry..." The lieutenant says. His voice slightly muffled and partly broken. You didn't respond, just kept hugging the prince. Ignis went up to the two of you and joined in. Prompto did the same thing, and then Gladio wrapped his arms around the four of you. It was one giant group hug. You were being smothered by human affection and honestly it was really heartwarming. Your friends apologized over and over. No matter how many times they said it, they felt it didn't truly express the guilt they shared.
The hug got so tight that your thirium pumper had trouble pumping with all the pressure. Funny enough, if they didn't break away soon, or atleast loosen their hold, they were going to kill you again.
"Ahh. Okay. Can't breathe—well, thirium pumper is struggling. Let's break.." You cough out, a little out of breathe. Thankfully, the bros seperated and you were able to function properly. You made an exaggerated breath and giggled a bit.
“How—how are you here? We had to... Bury you..." Prompto said shakily. He struggled to say his sentence. The word revived too many fresh memories that he couldn't handle. His friends slightly flinched at his words. It too reminded them heavily about what only happened a couple days ago. The wounds were still healing.
"My predecessor was unfortunately destroyed, so CyberLife uploaded its memories into me and sent me to replace it. This should not affect the investigation." You say your android line.
Your friends eyeballed you in slight bafflement, yet they soon recovered as they sensed that you didn't have the answers.
"Does this mean... You're immortal?" The lieutenant inquires.
"In a way... But everytime I 'die', bits of memory are lost. So, if I die a consecutive amount of times in one sitting, I will forget who I am. Only by then will I be truly dead." You say with clarity.
"Well... We'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen again." Gladio says with a smile.
"Indeed. Gentlemen, we must wear our ribbons at all times. Under no circumstances do we take them off. Understand?" Ignis declares. Various words of agreement rang through the air.
By this time, Cindy already had the Regalia out of the garage and drove it next to the four. She exited the car and tossed Noct the keys.
"She's all set. Glad to see y'all reunited!" She tells you and your pals.
“Glad to be reunited." Noct says with a newfound edge of happiness that he hasn't felt in more than a week.
"Shall we get going?" Prompto asked his friend.
"Definitely." Noct heads over to the Regalia and opens the door to hop in.
His friends follow suit and they all get into the royal car.
"Come on, (Name)." Noct called out from behind the driver seat. Before they went into the automobile, you turned to Cindy to thank her for her assistance.
"Coming, Lieutenant!" You called back. You had no idea how happy hearing you say the words 'Lieutenant' made Noctis.
"Thank you, Cindy. You were an immense help." You hug her.
"Aww shucks, girl. You're making me blush." She says with a grateful smile. You break off the hug. "Anytime, (Name). Y'all come back soon now, ya hear?" You wink at her and nod. Waving goodbye, you get in the car and Noctis comes in after you.
You squish bewteen Noct and Gladio. The familiar feeling of you being in the middle relaxes your friends greatly. Ignis puts the car in drive and leaves Hammerhead. The road trip gave the four a sense of nostalgia. At that moment, Prompto went back to his happy self, Ignis is at peace and feels like coming up with a new recipe, Gladio feels determined for the future with all the progress he's made, and Noct feels more confident in himself. Almost simultaneously, they felt at ease. Joyful even.
For the first time in over a week, they felt content.
For the first time in over a week, they were going to sleep soundly tonight.
For the first time in over a week, they were happy.
And there was you. You had no idea what effect you had on these four. You sat between them, blissfully unaware of why their dopamine levels were so high. You still didn't understand human relations. Though, a part of you knows exactly why.
The End.
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thevanillerose · 3 years
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Nobody really knew how much pressure he was under.
They just took one look from the outside and figured that it was easy. Figured that it was a piece of cake, being royalty. A prince. Revered, even as his kingdom was crumbling.
To add to it though, there was you. Noctis always felt like he was at boiling point trying to pull everything together, because all he truly desired was to make you his queen, and rebuild everything from stage 1. He didn't care how much he had to abandon. He simply wanted to sit on the Insomnian throne with you right there by his side.
It wasn't exactly a normal infatuation he had. He realized that much. It was hard to ignore his own actions, the way his nails were digging into his knees and his teeth were gritting and grinding behind his lips as you sat up-front in the car and chatted so happily with Ignis.
He should have seen this coming. He shouldn't have let you take the front seat, he should have simply made you sit sandwiched in between him and Gladio. Prompto could chat away like his life depended on it. If he had done that, if he had simply done that, then he wouldn't be on the verge of reaching forward and strangling Ignis while he drove, without a care for where that would send the car careening when he let go of the wheel. Dying in a flaming wreck almost seemed preferable to enduring this.
Watching and listening bitterly while the two of you chatted, that was all he could do. It was innocent stuff, but Noctis saw right through the glasses wearing fellow, who pretended he was so suave and gentlemanly and yet seemed to be so clearly trying to steal you away from him.
Well...he could try. But in the end...in the end...Noctis would get what he desired.
As the sun set below the horizon, Ignis pulled over at one of the Cleigne pit-stops and encouraged you to get out with a gentle hand upon yours. As you took his glove against your palm, you were blissfully unaware of the furious staring that Noctis was directing towards the two of you. He did always have a slightly disgruntled look to him though, so maybe it wasn't so obvious. Either way, he was pissed.
“...” His eyes scanned creepily, in contrast with his stiffened posture, as he watched you going towards the cafe with the others in tow. They were all following you like dogs, all trying to act cool and chatty. Noctis was fifth wheeling and it hurt like hell.
He ended up going into the bathroom and as soon as he was facing a mirror he couldn't help himself. One glimpse of shaggy midnight hair and his fist shot out, slamming against the slightly dirty reflection and immediately smashing it in a spider's pattern. His lowered head only breathed out calmly, eyes glaring right ahead at the bloodied crack he'd formed.
Noctis didn't feel a thing. He'd noticed that recently too. In battles, be it with damn roadside Daemons, or the damn Magitek soldiers, he didn't seem to notice any pain that was inflicted upon him. Perhaps that was something to be grateful for, but it was frightening. The world outside of you felt numb. You were the only thing he truly felt for...
That was why the others couldn't compare in the slightest. What did they envision for you, hm? Prompto, probably figured you'd both go off and run some backwards Chocobo ranch in the middle of literally nowhere. Ignis, he'd be as boring as ever, only cook and hold more doors open for you. Gladio? He was such a brute that it was hard to imagine him being romantic, even if he fancied himself as hot stuff with that open leather he wore.
No...what Noctis was offering was unbeatable. He knew that to be true, as he emerged from the bathroom, clutching his bloodied knuckle with his other hand. He knew it still as he approached the four of you at the counter, ominously so.
What were you all talking about? What did it matter? Hah...yes it really didn't count for anything. None of it did. Prompto's stupid jokes and irritating little jingles. Ignis and his relentless insistence on being a smartass who could 'teach you anything'. Gladio and his ceaseless flexing.
None of it would be of any consequence to Noctis in the long run. He ate his chips and forced a smile, blaming a fluke for his fresh injury and drowning himself in ketchup and health potions. All the while he was planning it out inside his head, and admiring your figure as you sat there in the stool.
Soon enough, you'd have no need to sit on such a tatty, dirty thing. Instead, you'd be living lavishly. A throne, not a stool. Only one man beside you.
His fingers pinched and crushed the last chip he was holding before he'd even had the chance to eat it. None of you saw it, so busy with your meaningless conversation, but he was smiling. Widely, insanely, his teeth showed and his eyes glimmered like he were a living cartoon.
He'd destroy them all, kill them in brutally fitting ways, his revenge for all this suffering they had so obliviously inflicted upon him. He'd make sure they paid a dear price for screwing him around, and he'd also ensure that you never so much as spoke of them ever again...
Then, when all was said and done, you'd return to Insomnia together. Just the two of you...
Strange...it was such a distant memory... Had it really happened? You weren't sure.
You could recall faint glimpses of a past that seemed to have happened. Fried foods at heartwarming pit-stops, the chatter and laughter of friends around you. Flashes of blonde and freckles, the glint of perfectly positioned glasses and the touch of a warm, large hand on your shoulder. Long drives through the rain, arches of stone stretching overhead...
Was any of that for real, or not? Again, there was no answer that could be given to you. All you had were these vague jigsaw pieces that didn't seem to fit anywhere in the puzzle that Noctis had constructed for you. All you were truly aware of was the abandoned, forever darkened cityscape around you, and him of course.
Your prince...no...your king.
He circled around behind your throne, his pale hand deftly snaking down from ornate carvings to your shoulder blade, and finally up to your jaw. He tilted your head up, and once again you were greeted with the sight he showed you every day. Noctis made sure to remind you of this, so you never attempted to ruin what he had worked so hard to build for the two of you.
Bodies. Dangling, hanging like marionettes. They were limp and their clothes were torn, but Noctis had ensured their faces were not ruined. He wanted to make it clear to that part of you, that part that was still so desperately clinging to a past you could never live in again, that these people were gone.
“...And they're never coming back, [Y/N]...” he breathed out in a low and sultry tone, lips meeting your ear before a chaste kiss was placed upon your cheek. Noctis stepped around again, letting go of you just so he could grip the arms of his own chair and slide down into it. Right there next to you, in the confines of this grand hall that may as well have been a gilded cage.
He was your king, and you were his queen. Just how it was always meant to be...
♡ ~ WRITING COMMISSIONS ~ ~ PATREON ~ ~ KO-FI ~ Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not own anything except my own writing. All properties belong to their respective creators.
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renohasbigtits · 4 years
Ignis Mpreg/ Father Headcanons
What started it all :)
Mpreg Ignis but he has a Restaurant
Iggy’s twins are like 👀👄
Let us take care of you
Ignis’s Cravings
People really need to STFU
Ignis’s Supported by His Uncles 💙
Ignis’s two Moms 👩‍👩‍👦
Iggy’s baby gets a sibling:)
Ignis is a great mom but you knew that right?
Ignis becomes a single by choice and we support him 👏
Mpreg but Ardyn is the father
Prompto, Noctis, and Gladio watch a very pregnant Ignis like a hawk
Why do you guys hate Ignis’s Uncle?
Bookfair (Father Ignis)
Prompto Mpreg/ Dad Headcanons
Mpreg Prompto
Work I couldn’t find a category for
Ignis’s Overprotective Uncles
Ignis Uncle Headcanon
Who has a Dad sneeze and who has a kitten sneeze? Read to find out 😈
Chocobros x S/o (or Y/n) Headcanons
Will you please stop going near the Demons?!
There S/o is a prankster
You have no filter
Chocobros favorite Squishmallows 💙
Bad weather on a boat? GET ME THE HELL OFF!!
Chubby Ignis Headcanon
Ignis’s S/o who hand flaps when there excited (Stim)
Chocobro reactions to their S/o taking there prosthetic eye put (gif reactions)
Chocobros who’s S/o swears
Chocobros pet nicknames for you & Your pet nicknames for the Chocobros (individually)
Does the Chocobros Iike Bugs?
There S/o likes Mr Beast
Ignis w/ a Autistic S/o
How does Ignis help his Autistic S/o, who has a Meltdown?
Gladio w/ a Autistic S/o Headcanon
Chubby Noctis & S/o Headcanon
Chubby Noctis loving his S/o
Chocobros reaction to their S/o saying ‘I love you’
Chocobros saying ‘I love you’ to you for the first time
Chocobros reaction to being suprised kissed
Chocobros asking you out
Chocobros killing a spider and then getting a kiss <3
What the Chocobros would like to see their S/o wear
What nickname would make the Chocobros blush
How the Chocobros would Propose
How would the Chocobros ask for Attention?
How ticklish are the Chocobros?
Chocobros learning that their S/o is ticklish 😈
Chocobros reaction to their S/o asking them to cuddle with puppy eyes and open arms
Chocobros reaction to their S/o not waiting kids
Which type are the Chocobros? Steal a kiss of Ask for a Kiss?
How would the Chocobros cheer up there S/o?
Chocobros reaction to their S/o falling asleep in there arms
Chocobros reaction to being walked in on naked (SFW!)
Ignis helping his S/o with there period
Chocobros x Autistic Reader! Series (CANCELED!)
Meeting Ignis
Meeting Gladiolus
Ignis baby’s Noct and Prompto when there sick
Chocobros reaction to their S/o making a questionable joke (Gif reaction)
Out of the Chocobros, who’s the MemeLord?
Chocobros with a bilingual S/o (Spanish sorry)
Chocobros w/ a S/o who’s amazing with Animals
Chocobros reaction to their S/o suprise forehead kiss
Chocobros reaction to their S/o who kisses their Knuckle
Chocobros w/ a obvious crush
Chocobros Child Headcanon
The bro’s favorite spot to be kissed and his favorite spot to kiss
A tough S/o doing something innocent
Chocobros reaction to their S/o kissing the tip of there nose
Chocobros + Ardyn reaction to their S/o sitting in there lap (Gifs)
Chocobros + Cindy reaction to getting killed by their S/o in Among Us
Chocobros + Ardyn reaction to their S/o pulling them into their lap
Chocobros + Ardyn, how are they as the imposter, best to worst?
Chocobros + Ravus on a gender neutral reader coming out to them as Aromantic Asexual
Cloud, Noctis, Prompto Male Reader who’s weak by nature
Chocobros reaction to Lipstick mark by their S/o
Chocobros helping their menstruating S/o
Chocobros reaction to their S/o sending them a text saying “I’m hungry”
Omegaverse ffxv
Omegaverse Chocobros HC (SFW)
Omega Ignis nesting uwu
Non Chocobros
Cor and Nyx are underrated Bois 🥺
First Kiss with Ardyn
Polyship Chocobros HC
Non Romance
Chocobros + Regis & Cor meeting a Spirit Animal
Chocobros and how good are they at Mario Kart
Ignis + Ravus interaction with a Female Friend  https://theignishypehouse.tumblr.com/post/661068090760626177/hi-if-requests-are-open-could-i-please-have-a
Ignis + Ravus and spirituality https://theignishypehouse.tumblr.com/post/661322600308457472/hi-its-me-again-d-sorry-for-all-the-asks-i-hope
Final Fantasy 7 Headcanons
Final Fantasy 7 Children Headcanon’s: https://theignishypehouse.tumblr.com/post/656271056436412416/final-fantasy-7-child-headcanons
Turks + Rufus when they find out you’re pregnant
Cloud, Reno and Rufus with a friend who can shape shifting  https://theignishypehouse.tumblr.com/post/665256644951834624/hello-id-like-to-request-a-headcanon-for-reno
Who do you like? Reno x Rude Oneshot https://theignishypehouse.tumblr.com/post/665860448392970240/like-bro-i-dont-care-about-the-content-but-could
Patched up. Reno x Rude https://theignishypehouse.tumblr.com/post/665938869486747648/saw-the-last-request-the-reno-and-rude-thing-and
Celebrating your birthday with Reno Headcanons https://theignishypehouse.tumblr.com/post/666861600812171264/hi-could-i-request-headcanons-for-celebrating
Reno calmly you during you’re anxiety attack https://theignishypehouse.tumblr.com/post/667131212818776064/hi-could-i-request-either-a-oneshot-or-headcanons
Reno taking care of an injured reader  https://renohasbigtits.tumblr.com/post/667223228999172096/could-i-get-reno-headcanons-for-reno-with-an
Rude taking care of an injured reader https://renohasbigtits.tumblr.com/post/667408592013606913/could-i-get-a-headcannon-thing-for-rude-with-a
Reno with a ftm s/o
Turk Dating profiles
Work with Reno :)
Sick Reno
Turks parenting style
Trans Mpreg Sephiroth Headcanon (Sephiroth x Angeal)
Happy Holiday (Reno x Reader protonic)
Locked Away (Poor Reno lol)
You are the father! (Implied Reno x Aerith)
Reno gets locked up for our amusement part two (Sorry Reno again)
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Day 01: role reversal
Rating: T
A/N: My entry for another @lightisdays2k lightis week (2020) yaay! hope you guys like this short fic (2.3k+ words) i’ve written. i’m sorry if i got some of the original plot wrong BUT this is my own au, so deal with it. lol
"Princess Claire Farron, as one of your Father's will before he…" 
Silence soon cut through the halls by the sudden pause.
"...died," the future queen of Bodhum finished the sentence for him as her advisor. 
She's seated in a black throne wearing the royal crown and a long black dress carefully embroidered with pearls, making her look more regal yet daunting. Her pale aqua eyes looked sharp, ready to slit the advisor's throat standing before her. 
Why were they afraid to say the word? Whatever they say would not change that her father's gone.
She had read her father's last will before he got killed, and one of them was having assigned a royal guard - like a bodyguard - for her, which she knew, and her father knew, she didn't need.
The advisor fidgeted in his place and cleared his throat. What a sore to look at! 
She huffed but stayed silent as she was taught to listen. She waited, tapping her black heel against the black marbled floor.
"A-as I was saying, your highness…"
"Cut to the chase," she cut him off, clicking her tongue. 
"H-His late majesty wanted you to have someone to look after your back."
Just as she thought.
She scoffed which echoed coldly across the wide hall making everyone silent and their breathings shallow. 
"I told you I don't need a bodyguard. I'm afraid I’ll end up saving their asses instead." 
"I-I know, Your Highness. But they've come a long way, so if you would kindly let me bring him before your presence and meet him." The advisor bowed gallantly.
The princess tapped her fingers against her seat as she thought for a moment. Then she said, "All right."
With that, the advisor bowed again before he walked away.
She sighed, pissed.
A minute had passed, but for Lightning - the name she began to call herself since her mother died from the same war her father had been killed - it was forever. 
The huge double doors pushed open and a sound of footsteps clad against the floor, echoing through the stillness. Slowly, the advisor appeared from the shadows along another stranger, who was also wearing black. Their face hidden in the dark as the only light serving the throne was the one coming from the huge windows, but it still wasn't enough to brighten the place for its high ceilings.
"Here he is, Your Highness. Let me present to you Sergeant Noctis Lucis Caelum." Her advisor stepped aside to make way for the Caelum guy who stepped forward, revealing his face through the light. His hair black and spiky but it reflected blue as light touched it.
He bowed with grace and authority before her. "Your Highness."
"Leave us be, Sazh," Lightning said, referring to her advisor, who, then, silently took his leave.
"What made you come here, Sergeant?" She asked, her voice flat. She straightened in her seat.
Noctis slowly raised his body, lifting his gaze to her. His dark blue eyes shone yet his face, unreadable. But the princess admitted that she didn't expect for her would-be bodyguard to look so well and young. She, maybe, was expecting something rougher and older.
She smirked to herself. He looked like a total weakling. Her father never really knew her and what she wanted or needed.
"I was trained to look after Your Highness. The King had chosen me."
Now she wanted to laugh. Her father never mentioned anything about him or someone he would train to look after her. 
"You do know, rather, must know, that I don't need anyone to look after me," she leaned on her seat, crossing her legs.
"I understand. But it is my duty--"
"Thanks for your service, Sergeant. And for your loyalty, but I am sorry to send you back this instance…" she trailed off as an idea hit her. The corner of her lips pulled up into a slight curve. "Or maybe you can go look after my sister for me, since I don't trust the man assigned to guard her. Then report it to me the next morning. Your choice."
The sergeant paused and looked at her carefully. After a moment, he sighed, "All right."
"All right, what? You're going to leave?"
"I'll look after you and your sister," he said slowly, stressing each word.
"What? I didn't mention-"
"I told you, Your Highness, that I was ordered by the late king to look after you. And as you commanded, I'm going to look after your sister as well."
Lightning huffed, glancing down as she thought for a moment. She had to do this for Serah. She couldn't brush the idea of her sister developing feelings towards her bodyguard whose name was Snow Villiers, as what the rumors said. Though, her sister disputed that it wasn't true, however she didn't trust her this time. I'm sorry, Serah.
She lifted her gaze back to the sergeant and said, "All right." 
* * *
The smell of roses wafted in the air. Closing her eyes, Lightning basked in its scent and let it embrace her. The rose garden was the only thing her late mother left as her remembrance. So, she made sure to look after and took care of it herself. It had become her favourite place to go to in the palace. It felt like her mother was there, and never really left.
Reaching for a rose, she heard a faint rustle among the bushes. She stopped. Her senses told her she wasn't alone.
"Who's there?" She called, turning her body slowly. "Show yourself. I know you're there," she said  when, whoever was behind the bushes, didn't come out. 
Then a pair of black boots appeared, the Sergeant revealing himself. 
She crossed her arms, shifting her weight on her other leg. “What are you doing here?”
The sergeant shrugged.  "Watching you?"
Lightning squinted at him and drawled, "Watching, huh… Well, it looks like you're stalking, by hiding in the bushes." 
"Since you said that you didn't like me to watch over you. But I shan't fail the late King of what he ordered me to do as a promise, so I decided to do it in secret."
She scoffed, shaking her head once. "You have a weird sense of humor, aren't you? Besides, we all know he's dead so whether you keep your promise or not wouldn't matter."
"No. A promise is a promise."
"Are you going against me, Sergeant?"
The sergeant straightened his back and bowed slightly. "Forgive me, Your Highness. I do not intend to."
"I am, as you call it, Your Highness. So whose orders are you going to follow?"
"Whoever rules the Kingdom."
"And that's me."
"And your father…"
Lightning gave him a sharp look. This man's testing my patience.
"May I ask a personal question, princess?"
She regarded him a moment before she nodded her head.
"Why is it like you're going up against what the late king wishes for you? It's for your own good."
Her hand balled into fists. Her jaw rigid. "He never knew what's good for me. All he cared about was the Kingdom. And now he thought he knew what I needed? Where was he when I needed him the most?" She then sighed sharply, closing her eyes. Her heart hammering wildly inside her chest. And she thought she revealed too much.
Shooting a glare at Sergeant Caelum, she waited for him to say more or for him to scold her that she got her father all wrong. She wanted to know if her father really cared about her, but all she got from him was a nod of understanding. How disappointing.
They turned silent and still. None made a move. Yet the silence was disturbing, when a gentle rush of wind blew past them, making the rose rustle, as if her mother was urging her to say something. But she’s lost for a moment. What shall I do, mother?
The sergeant cleared his throat, stealing her attention. "Then... will you just let me do what your father wishes this time and watch over you?" 
She sized him up for a moment. Her mother raised a queen that could defend the kingdom, not to be looked after. "On one condition. Defeat me in a spar."
* * *
Lightning took him to the training grounds. In her hand was the Blazefire Saber, her personal weapon which the gods had given her on her 18th birthday.
"Where's your weapon?" She asked when she saw Sergeant Caelum holding nothing.
Without uttering a word, Noctis held his hand, palm open in front of him and then a sword materialized into thin air.
Her grip tightened on her gun-blade, her brows furrowed. She looked at him grimly.
The sergeant swung his sword and placed his body in a stance. 
With a faint huff, and stillness surrounding them, Lightning charged first, swinging her weapon to him which he countered with his sword. 
His sword, Lightning thought, was not unexceptional. Surely, an ordinary person wouldn't be able to gain it. Her eyes flicked to his dark blue ones, feeling an unexpected force. She broke out from the contact and was thrown backwards, the sole of her boots glided against the smooth wooden floor. Good thing she had her balance in check, or she might be thrown off.
"Who are you?" she uttered, almost like a whisper, looking at the man with disbelief. Where did her father meet him?
The sergeant stood straight, his sword disappeared as he placed a hand on his chest and bowed. "I do not wish to fight you, Your Highness. As I told you, I'm here to watch over you."
"Yaah!!!!" Not giving him the chance to utter another word, she launched at him. And in a blink of an eye he vanished into thin air and appeared right behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulled her close to his body before she could make the fall; her sword fell from her grip. She grunted, and gritted her teeth, trying to hide the pang of embarrassment and humiliation. She's the queen, she must be better. Do better.
"Let go of me," she grunted between her teeth, and the sergeant did so, gently.
"I told you, I do not wish to fight you," he said.
She turned at him, frowning. Her pride refused to speak to him, but the way he held himself only humiliated her more, and was telling her to act how a royalty should.
She held her chin high despite being shorter just a few inches than him. "All right. I can see you’re fit to watch my sister. But not me. I can handle myself."
"I've sworn my life to you."
Lightning paused. Sworn his life. Normally, all of her soldiers had sworn their lives to her, but he, this sergeant, the way he said those words carried such weight as if he’d been preparing all his life for this. To serve their kingdom. Or worse, to serve her, solely.
Not wanting to give up to him yet, she sighed. "Yes, I know. And that means watching over my sister. She needed you more than I do."
The sergeant, intently, stared at her. She shifted on her weight and about to glance away when he spoke, "I know. But how am I going to look after you?"
She chuckled, which sounded like a scoff. She couldn't believe this guy. "You don't need to look after me. I thought we had an agreement that you'll look after my sister."
"Yes, but you are my priority. Don't make me stop now."
"You're stubborn, are you?"
Then the words, she had been wanting to ask, just slipped off her tongue. "How could you have the ability to materialize a sword and teleport? What are you?"
A faintest smile touched the sergeant's lips. "You are curious it seems, Your Highness."
She didn't like the way he’s looking at her. And that smirk.
"No. I'm not," she tilted the corner of her lips then she spun around, turning her back on him and started to walk away. However, she felt his presence behind. Urgh! She wasn't going to live like this with someone following behind her.
"Stop doing that, you're creeping me out!" she said, sharp.
She heard him smirk. "My apologies. If you want we could talk."
"All right. Tell me how you got the power then I'll let you look after me. Don't leave one bit of information." 
"Certainly, Your Highness. I got it from a near death-experience when I was young. We have been attacked from the war ten years ago…."
Lightning could still remember it, she was eleven and that’s when her mother died. 
Bodhum had been at war against Niflheim, wanting to get their hands on the crystal, which they won. But the enemy kingdom attempted again,  two years ago, which her father had sacrificed his life for. And in her reign, she vowed she would not let what her parents sacrificed to go to waste. She would protect the Kingdom and the crystal as her life. But this sergeant, listening to his story… Etro had blessed him and gave him a prophecy of protecting it - the crystal - thus, her father had chosen him. 
But why him? And not… me? 
Was it also the reason her father tasked him to look after her?
"It was a curse. I know that someday, I'm going to pay its price and sacrifice my life for it… But I'm ready," he said, finishing his story.
She stopped walking, and looked at him. If that was so, and he was called to protect the crystal… she had made her decision.
"No, you're not cursed," she said, "because I need you. And you're not going to die… because who will protect me, then?"
Her face turned soft and then... she smiled. 
And thought, ‘I have to protect him with my life.’
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absolutelynoct · 4 years
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Noctis is disabled & falls in love with Ignis at a coffee shop. Will his insecurities about love take over? Or will Ignis be able to conquer them?
Through It All: An Ignoct OneShot on Ao3:  
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ffxvficrec · 6 months
by Whatever_It_Is_Im_Not_Interested I just want somebody to manage to like my idea so much that maybe this AU can get its own writing? I don't trust myself enough to write a whole story for this honestly. Words: 260, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Final Fantasy XV , Final Fantasy XVI Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Clive Rosfield , Noctis Lucis Caelum , Prompto Argentum , Ignis Scientia , Gladiolus Amicitia Additional Tags: Please can somebody help me write this idea , SPOILERS FOR FFXV AND FFXVI
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chocobroness · 5 years
One shot for Death’s Rebirth AU.
Intresting concept...
He knew the world.
Those born before him would say otherwise but Ignis knew the world.
He knew what happened, what will happen, what will never be and what is a certainty.
It was not arrogance. No.
It was Truth.
A certainty that was always there.
Before his birth, before the world’s existence.
He knew, when he didn’t know. And he didn’t know when he knew.
But still he watched, silent.
With eyes that Saw the world in a way that could not be comprehended.
He recalled when his life givers started to distance themselves from him. So disturbed by his actions.
Or lack thereof.
He spoke no words. For what could be said that could be understood?
He Saw what no one could or wanted to see. For reality opened itself to him. Eager to please.
Heard what could only be heard by him. For the dead wish to be remembered.
They feared him. And so he was introduced to his uncle from Lucis. The older brother of the one who held him in her womb.
His new guardian.
He never heard from them again. His life givers. His uncle never mentioning them. Face fixing in anger and disappointment when they were mentioned to him.
But he Knew.
Knew that they disavowed him. Feared him, pulling away from him at the sensation of what he truly was.
They didn’t know, but those who don’t understand always turned away.
They were nobles who were acknowledged for the older brother’s connections to Lucian Royal as an advisor to the king.
His uncle loudly turning his back on them in response for this action despite their excuses. Bringing their worth in the noble circles down to nothing.
He had two younger siblings that knew nothing of him.
But he Knew.
He Saw.
He Recalled.
His uncle didn’t comprehend him. Yet treated him as an equal.
Spoke to him as one.
Told him of what he felt and thought.
He didn’t understand. Ignis knew. But he still acknowledged.
In some small, insignificant yet potent way, his uncle acknowledged this Truth. And did nothing to make him change his ways.
Ignis ...respected... him for that.
Though he was not understood. It was always acknowledged that he was a prodigy.
‘Prodigy - a person, especially a young one, endowed with exceptional qualities or abilities.’
A pretty word to place on a young soul when they do something that adults feel they shouldn’t do at such a young age.
He was a prodigy.
They used that to excuse every strange thing they perceived he did.
But he simply watched.
Silent but knowing.
And people still turned away.
Still unable to understand the scope of what he truly wasn’t.
Then with time, and age, he was introduced to the king.
Introduced to his uncle’s world.
And introduced to Him.
Introduced to the prince.
He was younger then him. (But who was truly older than Him?)
Eyes full of naïveté and purity. (As a young soul should be.)
The eyes of a bright and happy child, one might say.
But there was something else there.
A part deeply embedded into the prince that Knew what he was.
And Ignis simply held out his hand.
And the world responded as Noctis held it tightly in his grip.
Titan, ever steady and strong, awoke for a brief moment and watched the skies. Searching for what was not There
Ramuh, storm filled and observant, pulled back his storms to allow passage for what was not Seen.
Leviathan, angered and untrusting, calmed the tides for the ship that has not and would never, but continue to, Pass.
Shiva, wandering and alone, bowed her head and allowed her ice to protect her from what was and will be Inevitable.
Ifrit, dead yet undying, burns in fires that were never his, awaiting for the World that must never be come to an end.
And Bahamut, the false god king, took breath. Hiding from what could Never be Escaped.
And Ignis, the End, the Natural Beginning and Parent of all souls, passed or born, looked into the prince. The one It made (but didn’t) to master Him and rule with It by his side.
And spoken was one word that was so insignificant.
But so painfully awaited.
Unexpected by all but the prince who deep within Knew.
Just like how Ignis Knew.
And the World, awaiting and kneeling, acknowledged this one simple Truth.
(Opinions and reblogs.)
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ktzuki · 5 years
Ahhh your Cor headcanon is so cute!! ! Can I get a headcanon with each of the Chocobros getting jealous when Fem!Reader spends time with the rest of the group if that makes sense?? I have complete faith that whatever you come up with will be AWESOME
thank you!! i love compliments so much alskskskdkdkdn and im sorry if this isnt what you had expected, so dont feel put back to request again !! i freaking loved writing this, especially ( unexpectedly ) iggy&gladdy ! i wanted to make each boy a tiny bit different and how i think they’d act, but instead of putting the femc with the whole group, its one of the bros. anyways, i really do hope you enjoy this, and hopefully you leave a message on your thoughts ?
tag list ; @blindedstarlight @thechocobois @flopity-flips @hanalwayssolo @amberswordlilies @gladio-to-meet-you @inconsistencys @dilly-dally-drabbles @the-altissian-authors @ff15trashgoldenslumbers +msg me to be added!
p r o m p t o a r g e n t u m :
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will feel down ALL DAY
thinks about the worst
like you leaving him + going for his way better friend noctis
princes >> of course!
he understand why - he wasnt good enough for you
to him, its not like he looks good or is real smart
wont be evidently jealous but he feels it on the inside
“It’s okay. You don’t have to force yourself out of pity, chocoboo.”
he’ll think if he can even call you that anymore
instead of feeling lots of jealousy, he’s completely down and depressed
absolutely craves your hugs and kisses more than anytHing
his self confidence goes from 100 to 0 in a span of 5 seconds
“You really do look better with Noctis.”
in a few days, though, after DYING without your love and affection and in general, yo u ,
and after getting loads of advice from big bro gladio,
prompto will hunt you down
will muster up A L L THE COURAGE IN THE WORLD just to pull you away from Noctis
he asks to talk to you
best pack yourself heaps of tissue, because then you’ll find yourself with a crying chocoboo trying to get the words “I miss you.” out without stuttering
hes adorable&cute in every single way, so please treat him right, because you are his reason to keep going !
n o c t i s l u c i s c a e l u m :
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gets completely SASSY with you
“What? I can’t hear anything. I can only hear royalty, like myself.”
won’t be able to look you in the eye
will puff his cheeks out 11 / 10 times you see him
its so cuTe 
you just want to touch them
big round marshmallows pls
but if you take 2 steps, he’ll take 4 back
gets the behaviour of a stray cat
“Isn’t Gladio your new prince now?” >:(
noctis will sort of compare himself to Gladio, like …
‘ I’m not tall enough. ‘
‘ I’m not that bulky either. ‘
‘ Does she love me because I’m a prince …? ‘
thoughts + noctis has to be the worst combo
he ends up believing them
and it puts him in a H O R R I B L E mood
his fighting skills drop -100000
cant think straight either
in all honesty, he needs you
its like gladiolus without iris
or ignis without his recipe books
or prompto without cindy
or wiz without his chocobos
noctis is just incomplete without you
can only function when hes 100% that you believe in him :((
he needs words of encouragement from you only
is too shy to say anything to you so ya gotta make the first move my guy
and when you do, he blushes the brightest red
and his smile is wide, all because of you
he really missed you
now you’re all his >:)))
youre his light to the darkness, so please walk tall with him to the happiest of places !
g l a d i o l u s a m i c i t i a :
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he notices you’re abit buddy buddy with iggy lately
literally has an eye of an eagle when it comes to you
“Where’s my girl at?” … “Ah. She’s with Ignis right now.”
wonders what you’re up to
cooking? he can’t do that at all
which is probably the reason why youre not cooking with hi m
so you’re doing it with ignis
and n o t h i m
and n o t h i    m
it takes a while for gladio to process it before any emotions flood in
then, he get the most jealous he’d ever been
he feels oddly pissed at ignis for snatching you
tries to calm himself down and to think properly
gardens with iris…
reads his book…
goes hiking…
spars with noctis and prompto…
you know, the typical stuff
then he’ll sit somewhere comfortable + think
he doesn’t feel pissed / jealous anymore
because ignis doesn’t have ill intent
and he knows you love the Shield
so, he’ll do anything to get you back to him
… w/o being obvious !
gladio will try hard to get good at what you like
so you can both do it together
“Hey babe. Look at these sexy Leiden potatoes I just picked up.” >;)
gordon ramsay jokes 24 / 7
you can tell what he’s up to, and its vEry hiLaRioUs 
he practices cooking only when you’re asleep
or when he thinks, at least
you’d watch him try his hardest for you
very ver y dedicated
will have alot of bandages and cuts, 
but won’t stop
very tired eyes
on the outside he looks dead
on the inside, his flame for you is ablaze and fiery
big boy gladio manages to make his first meal for the gang
he’ll sit with you to see how you’d like it
when you smile at him, he gets happy
like his hard work really payed off
“Cook with me next time…” and looks away, “please.”
from then on, you two are the bosses of the kitchen >:D
gladdybby gets very dedicated for you, so please appreciate him to the fullest !
i g n i s s c i e n t i a ;
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tries to get his duties done
despite his slight jealousy of prompto
iggy knows himself he’s not the fun, bubbly type everyone adores like blondie
will ask himself loads of questions
this is not a problem he’s ever encountered before
“I should get myself to be more like Prompto, then.”
thinks of himself as bland, and in need more ‘ flavours ‘
maybe you’re bored of being with him?
he doesn’t want that but he’s fully convinced at this point :(
his cooking stats go down in a jiffy
his feelings and thoughts are like spilled water
he doesn’t know what to do
sad burritos left , centre , right
will not let his jealousy (more like confusion) overcome him
no matter what 
if you ask him, however, he’ll admit to it
he’ll somehow stop during fights to think about you
because he’s not near you as much, his focus will pretty much always be on you
it’s like he thrown an ice flask onto himself 
“Hey Noct… Did I perhaps do something to upset her?”
just like how noctis confides in ignis, it happens the other way too
but very rarely
which means this my dudes is serious business > : (
ignis is mesmerised by you
somehow, he’s the cheesiest man you’ll ever find 
but he’s very subtle about it
he’d look at you, clean his glasses, then look at you again
“She’s still as beautiful as before I wiped my spectacles.”
legit after two days of not being showered by his goddess + being pushed by the boys ( they just don’t like eating sad burritos ), ignis will talk to you
you fully understand his problems and his confusions
you explain that you were asking prompto for tips on guns + practising with a fellow gunboy
ignis loves your motivation to do well
“Ah, I see. Guess I was thinking wrong. Silly me!”
the bros don’t enjoy eating sad burritos, so please keep ignis out of the thought train and confusion by loving him to the fullest !
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