#i never expected to turn this into a vent account as well but
lazycats-stuff · 1 year
Batfamily x male!reader
So, this is the last part in the Court of Owls reader. PART 1, PART 2 and PART 3
Summary: (Y/N) can't stand being in the manor anymore. So he plots his escape, but he never expects the help from one of the residents.
Warnings: escape, (Y/N) being done with the family, talks about bad mental health, this is so rushed I'm sorry, I wanted to just write it.
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(Y/N) didn't know what to do any more. He was still in that cell and the boys were trying even harder. He doesn't remember when he was in this bad place. Where he doesn't have any motivation or just any passion.
He never wanted to be in that place.
He was once in that place once before. He just disappeared from Bruce's and Talia's lives and he was lost. He was young, his parents being complete opposites and he was at the crossroad. Who does he follow? His father, the hero that everyone loves and does good? Or his mother who is one of the best assassins in the world?
He shook his head. No.
He made his choice from the moment he disappeared. He was going to be what he wants to be. He won't listen to either of them. He will be his own person.
But now?
He felt trapped in a psychological sense. He knows he will never conform to Bruce's and Talia's wishes. No matter how hard they tried. When did he fell like he had no way out? When did he feel like his mental health was decaying? Even before the so called crossroad?
Before he met Harvey and the others, it wasn't good. But after meeting them, he felt better. They didn't judge him for he did and Harley gave him that help he needed. According to her, the Court was just a vent to let out that anger.
That made a lot of sense.
But from time to time, he did wonder about his life with Bruce. What would be his codename? Would he be another Robin? Or would he wear the bat symbol?
It has been a couple more weeks. (Y/N) wasn't giving up, however, he was allowed a bit of freedom. Every 2 or 3 days one of them would walk him out to the garden. Damian was the one who volunteered the most.
He also took notice of shifts in the cave. They never really left him alone, there was always someone there.
He sighed as he read one of his books. How was he going to escape?
" Master (Y/N)? "
(Y/N) lifted his head at the familiar voice. Alfred... (Y/N) liked Alfred. He didn't push (Y/N) like others. His only concern was that (Y/N) ate and drank enough.
" Hey Alfred. "
" How are you doing today? " The older man asked, stopping in front of the door.
" Okay. "
Despite the fact that (Y/N) liked Alfred, he doesn't give him anything he could use against Bruce. Nothing. You can never know.
" Well, that's good. You will have about 2 hours from the moment I let you out. "
(Y/N) turned his head, frowning at the British man. What the hell? What does that mean?
" What? "
" You have around 100,000 dollars here. Also, there is a ticket booked. I heard you know French, so there is a ticket for Lyon. A friend of mine will wait for you and drop you off at your new apartment. There will be a document from the bank with your bank account. It will enough for a year or so. "
(Y/N)'s mouth dropped to the floor. Holy shit. What the hell?
" I suggest you say your goodbyes to your friends here in Gotham. "
(Y/N) stood up, quickly hugging the man. He can do this.
" Thank you. " (Y/N) whispered, letting some tears fall out.
Alfred just patted his back.
(Y/N) quickly visited Two Face and Harley. All the visits ended in tears and sobs. (Y/N) had to say goodbye to the only good father figure and a good friend.
Pamela wasn't able to say goodbye. She was far too broken to do that.
(Y/N) sighed as he dropped the bag on the floor of his apartment. It was a simple place, with necessities. He was happy to have a TV. He took a quick glance at the envelope on the dark table.
He was going to take a look at it later. Right now, he was going to enjoy his new life. He smiled for the second time in a long while.
Now he was free.
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shinso x reader
angst, breakup, jealousy, general heartbreak sadness, smau
its been a month since you called it quits, and shinso goes through your instagram late at night.
a/n: keeping tabs on him is what made me feel sane, to be honest. this one is a hugeeee vent and i hope you enjoy <3
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1:02 am
he knew that realistically, he’d only hurt himself. social media doesn’t snitch on you when you stalk your ex, not unless your stupid or desperate enough to like an old post or hit ‘message’. and he knew you two weren’t talking right now.
it was a messy, messy breakup. to be fair, no breakups are seamless and fair. but yours was beyond just plain messy. feelings were unorganized, old sweaters tossed all over the floor in despair, and both your accounts were completely cleaned out online. he hated deleting his posts for you. but he only did it after he saw you do it first.
shinso was starting to hate his phone. mostly because so much of it was haunted by you. old texts, albums made for you, playlists of your songs together, but there was something about his and your instagram accounts that made it so hard. it was probably because social media is the place to share tidbits of your life- and a year of his life had been with you. but its over now. now what?
he couldn’t sleep tonight. he wanted to hear your voice. he called you twice and no answer. he knew deep down you were asleep, that you didn’t like staying up as late as he did. he wondered if you were dreaming about him.
he missed sleeping with you, so much. he missed getting to snuggle up next to you and drift off in your warmth, begging you to stay in bed with him the next morning. you were always an early riser. even on days you were apart, he missed calling you late at night. he missed falling asleep on the phone with you, not caring how bad it was for his battery life to do so.
he just fucking missed you.
he wondered if you missed him too.
after hearing your voicemail play out, basking in the sound of your voice apologizing for not picking up- knowing that that apology wasn’t meant for him anyway- he clicked instagram. his friends were up and active, spamming texts into the groupchat he was smart enough to mute. he knew they meant well, asking him for the details of your split and offering to spend time with him, but shinso preferred to hurt alone. maybe its because he knew that none of the people that cared about him could be you.
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[y/n]_username: smileyy
xx_yaomomo: CUTEEEE
alienqueen: HAIRCUT REVEAL??
heartz4uraraka: BABYYYY
he scrolled through your posts, looking at the comments your friends left for you. you got your haircut, something that shocked him. you always loved your long hair. you always loved him. thats two things gone.
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[y/n]_username: on the edge
xx_yaomomo: had so much fun w u <3
ejk1rishima: yall [y/n] would not stop slipping 😭
[y/n]_username: @ejk1rishima SHUT UP
he knew his friends were your friends too. it was unfair of him to expect them all to suddenly drop you the way he did, but he never expected it to sting this much.
shinso knew that rooftop. it was the roof of your parents apartment complex. you used to take him and him alone there, claiming it was a spot you only wanted to spend with the people you love. he knew all the little stories, like when you were eight and you threw up over the edge of the building after eating too much ice cream, or when you had your first kiss with him at 2am.
it was a spot just for you two. at least, thats what you told him.
that spot was now filled with other people you loved. he knew it was selfish of him to hope that that place in your heart remains for him and only him, but he also knew it was wrong.
he wanted to be selfish so fucking bad.
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[y/n]_username: <3
shotdrki: beautiful <3
shinso turned off his phone.
he felt a knot form in his chest at the sight. he could put two and two together, seeing you with flowers, your favourite flowers, and someone else calling you what you are. someone that wasn’t him.
shinso knew why he had to end the relationship. he needed to focus on himself, on his hero career and he knew he couldn’t love you under those conditions. it broke his heart knowing he broke yours, knowing this was what he had to do in order for you to be better off.
she deserves better. he thought.
but it also drove him insane thinking about you being with another guy. it drove him crazy wondering who out there was going to be with you. who out there is telling you they love you, who’s holding you and fucking holding your hand.
it just couldn’t be him.
he couldn’t help himself, unlocking his phone and opening your messages. he removed the heart next to your name, only so that when he would call he wouldn’t be tricked into thinking you were still together. god knows he can’t go through that heartbreak again.
[y/n]: i wanna be yours forever
[y/n]: i love you ♥️
shinso felt the memory of your love roll down his cheeks.
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my-unorthodox-life · 6 days
okay can i vent for a minute? get real personal with all y'all?
i've been a tumblr user since i got my first tablet at age 12, over a decade of having at least one active blog (usually more) so it's safe to say i've both gotten my fair share of hate and found ways of using this app to benefit me and keep me detached from this hate
currently i have 4 active blogs, my main where i do the typical reblogging and updates on my fanfics, this one where i post like a proper blog and reblog jewish things that matter to me, my mental health recovery blog where i talk about my eating disorder and ptsd, and my adult one where i reblog fun sexy stuff and chat about the struggles of dating as sex positive people with trauma.
all very important to me and all have various levels of anonymity when it comes to knowing about me as a person. some have my name, some a nickname, one just my age. plus various tidbits so people know what to expect from my posts and what we can chat about, basic blog rules essentially
in the past few months as antisemitism has gotten more and more common place i of course get more anon hate, i don't turn of inboxes since i do get nice stuff from time to time, and that's kind of the territory of running a blog (i had a trans rights one in the age of kalvin garrah, i think i'll live)
out of those four blogs the one that gets the most antisemitic messages, i mean full paragraphs of truly vile ramblings that read like a nazi fever dream, is the one for my mental health recovery. a blog that i block all but mutuals on, meaning either a stranger or someone i've interacted with is sending these messages
i've started replying to them, cause i feel if they want to be mean and make a fool of themselves i might as well let everyone see (poor guy keeps sending me weird reviews of "my" wattpad fics. i've never had a wattpad account but this doesn't seem to stop him), but what gets me is that blog has the least personal information on it. no name or nickname, no hobbies or interests listed, nothing about what i do for work beyond "pet care", and the only mention of my religion or politics was one post that joking about how my mental health often gets worse around the high holy days (very demure, very mindful)
and yet that's the blog that gets straight up death threats, not even disguised as anything else, just straight up calling me a pig who deserves to burn. not the personal blog where i've posted about israel and palestine, or about dating while religious, or hell even this one that might as well be a "i'm a sensitive jewish minded person! thoughts?" blog.
no the one blog that people feel safe harassing is the nondescript recovery and relapse blog. that's where people feel comfortable.
and it makes me sad, not because of what was said, but because it *was* said. that there's people out there comfortable enough in their bigotry to go up to someone and spew vile hate like it's nothing, but only of course if they can't put a name or face to the person they're talking to
what this reminds me of is when i was in high school i had an art teacher who didn't stand for antisemitic jokes, and there were a lot in my school. one day a kid just asked him "Mr.Dexter, are you a jew?" and his response really stuck with me. he said "It doesn't matter, maybe I am, maybe I used to be, maybe my wife is. But you shouldn't not say mean things just because you don't want to get in trouble, you shouldn't say them because you know it's wrong. If you didn't know, you wouldn't ask."
and i think that really sums up all these trolls i've seen running through jewish blogs or even ones that casually mention it, they know it's wrong but the aren't saying it to a jewish face, they're just saying it to the idea of judaism
these people wouldn't walk up to you on the street and look you up and down and say half of what they feel comfortable typing, but here where they can not only hide their face, but seek out a target that has hidden their own they've found a way to give themselves free reign to say and do whatever they want. to them it's not a person on the other side of the screen, it's the strawman caricature of a jewish person, out here just for them to yell at to get whatever anger they have out of their system
of course there are some people who would say truly despicable things to a random person on the street, but cmon is that person really on tumblr hunting through buzz words to send hate?
anyways i know the compassionate thing to do would be to pray for them to heal what's hurting them so bad, but yanno what, they can suffer a bit first
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britishassistant · 11 months
Bc I love badass yuu moments
I can only imagine if Villain!yuu got one of those.
Like, some other supervillain is trying to take their Territory and it would be a job to the league to take care off, but Crowley put them in charge just to prove something but THEN
This new villain kidnaps one of the first years or yuuken and Yuu goes full on super-badass-villain mode, noone tortures theirs, maybe, sorta, kinda, only friends!
Without any super powers Yuu banes the other villain like the goddam badass they can be and the boys are just .... "that was hot" "oh God I wish that was me"
Anonymous said: When things do go Villain!Yuu’s way, it helps cement that despite their pitfalls they ARE still Crowley’s chosen heir. A new gang try’s to edge into Yuu’s territory and start causing more devastating damage to the city? The next day news reports that old warehouse that the group was using blown to Timbuktu and all the gang members are now being treated for injuries that would have killed them outright if whatever caused the damage wasn’t so scarily precise. Those state officials that were swindling the water treatment plant? They can never work a job ever again with the shear amount of evidence of other crimes they’ve committed being leaked through their own social media accounts.
Thank you for the asks, dear anons!
“Well, aren’t you a sorry lot?”
Jack snarls, twisting in the ropes tying them all to the central pillar in the car park in such a way that the material digs in even harder into Ace’s stomach.
“Agh, quit, you ass-!” He’s barely able to gasp out alongside Deuce’s groan and Epel’s muttering of “Tight, tight, too tight!”
Ortho doesn’t say anything. Hasn’t since one of the guys who took them hit him with some kind of tazer-stick-thing.
The villain just chuckles, strolling around so he’s got a good view of Jack. “Really, when I heard the Supervisor was the Night Raven’s heir, I expected some panache, some machismo from the trusted minions they left guarding their lair. Not…this.”
Epel lets out a wordless growl of rage.
Ace is very aware of the pizza sauce stain on his pants, the beer he spilled on his shirt giving off a wheaty smell.
But he’s never been very good at keeping his mouth shut.
“And I expected that the biggest guy here would actually get his hands dirty rather than hide behind a buncha meatheads,” He calls out. “But I guess we’re all getting disappointed today, huh?”
There’s a pause, and then the sharp click of dress shoes against the concrete.
“I don’t know if the minger here really has the room to criticize, does he boys?” The supervillain makes a show of looking around the hired muscle pretending to lounge about the room, waiting for their mandatory laughter and agreement. “Especially not after the gaffe he pulled.”
Ace glares as this asshole gives him a truly unpleasant smile.
“A-Ace?” Epel says, peering at the side of his face.
“Oh? You mean they don’t know?” The villain mock-gasps. “Well, listen up kiddos, because this is how your little buddy well and truly fucked you over.”
“You bastard—!” Deuce growls, riled up already.
“There he was, ready and poised to hit some button to seal us in or shoot us or unleash whatever toys the Supervisor has tidied away.” The villain boasts dramatically, “But, in the hour of your deepest need, what does our friend here do? Does he act to protect the lair, his comrades?”
Sebek is turning red in a way usually reserved for those who insult his “Malleus-sama”, glaring furiously between Ace and this guy.
“No! Instead, our ginger minger abandons his duty so he can shove some whiny tot into an air vent!” There’s a raucous chorus of laughter and jeering that sets Ace’s teeth on edge. “And then he let himself go down trying to keep you boys from grabbing her! I’d be moved to tears, if it wasn’t so hilarious!!”
He feels his jaw grind so hard it hurts.
“What sort of moron sacrifices himself so a brat could get away?” The villain looms over Ace. “Some friendly advice, newbie. The infant and her sippy cup aren’t going to save you.”
The gob of saliva that hits him in the eye stings.
“Better that than going around with a face like some kinda freakish overgrown rat.” He snarks, the smirk on his face almost a snarl. “Seriously, have you ever even looked in a mirror? Or wait, my bad, is this what you look like when you’re actually trying to look normal?”
The laughter cuts off.
It’s fast enough that Ace feels the ropes shift as the others look around.
Blinking to try and clear his vision, Ace glances up.
The villain’s face has gone a deep puce, blood veins bulging in his forehead, eyes, and neck, a fearsome grimace turning his expression truly bestial.
“Tazer!” He snarls.
“But boss—!”
“Tazer!!” The villain roars, spittle frothing at his lips.
Some muscle-bound chump scurries up with his tail between his legs, offering that black stick that took Ortho out so easily.
It whines as the villain jams it on, sparks crackling off the end.
“A rat, am I?” The villain mutters, advancing on Ace as he presses himself back against the pillar. “A rat?! You dare…I’ll show you. I’ll show you what a rat looks like, you miserable, squirming vermin!!”
Ace can’t help yelping as he sees the baton come down, eyes squeezed shut—!
There’s a shout and a…caw?
Ace cracks one eye open.
The villain is clutching his baton hand, dripping blood from deep gouges into the meat of his fingers.
Staring after a huge, familiar black bird that’s flying off with the baton in its talons.
“Di-Diavolo!” He hears Deuce call out.
He watches as Diavolo soars up into the rafters, and merges into the darkness above them. Darkness, he realizes with a start, that has somehow grown teeming with thousands of beady eyes and rustling feathers.
Black birds.
Hundreds upon hundreds of them, staring down at them from the walls and rafters with an intent that sends chills down Ace’s spine.
“Wh-what the hell?!” Yells one of the thugs.
“You know, Ace,” Comes a voice that could be called nonchalant if it wasn’t for the slight tremor in its words. “You can be really cool when you let yourself be.”
Ace can’t help the grin that curves across his face even as he want to break down. “Like you’re one to talk!! What the hell took ya so long?!”
Yuu gives a tiny smile, and huffs a small, wry laugh.
Then the expression drops from their face, and the Supervisor glares imperiously down at their enemies.
“And you.” The click of their high heels is as sharp as their tone. “You’ve got some nerve, attacking my lair, hurting my minions.”
The villain scoffs, attempting to slick his hair back as he turns to face them. “The Supervisor, I presume? I’m—”
“I don’t care.” The Supervisor cuts in. “You’ll be nobody once I hand you over to that detective waiting outside. Nice guy, even bothered by a small timer like you.”
“Small timer?!” The villain growls, sweat beading his brow. “How dare you?!”
Grim lets out a low, growling cackle from where he’s lounging across Yuu’s shoulders, looking menacing for once in his life. “Yeah, rat-face! A rodent like you better bow down before the great Grim-sama!”
The villain bulges in anger, tremors wracking his frame.
The thugs advance on Yuu, brandishing pipes and knuckle dusters.
“Alright, guys.” The Supervisor rolls their neck as Grim rises to pounce. “Lab rules. This’ll get loud.”
At those words, Ace’s eyes automatically shut again and he turns to press his face into Sebek’s shoulder, as he feels Epel press against his.
There’s a cacophony of caws and the rattle of their dropped cargo. The blinding blasts of light and BOOMS of the charges detonating flash against his eyelids, feeling the foundations tremble under him.
He opens his eyes to see the goons on the floor, groaning in pain.
The villain is the last left standing, heaving in outrage before charging at the Supervisor with a reckless, infuriated scream.
Grim rears up and unleashes a torrent of fire in the bastard’s face.
As he stumbles away, scrabbling at the flames on his hair and clothes, the birds descend upon him in a flurry of sharp beaks and talons.
With a yell he swats out, attempting to drive off the flock. And some of them do retreat, descending on the thugs that were trying to get up.
Creating an opening for the Supervisor to drive the baton into the villain’s throat with ruthless efficiency.
There’s the whine of electricity and a high-pitched scream.
Ace watches as the bastard topples to the ground.
The breath rushes out of him.
“Human!” Sebek shouts, blowing out Ace’s eardrums. “Quit resting on your laurels! The robot needs medical attention, urgently!”
“R-right!” Yuu straightens, rushing over with a pair of bolt cutters, babbling as they saw at the ropes. “I-Idia’s waiting back at the lair to fix him up, we’ll go out the back so we can avoid the detective, and the heroes. Diavolo and company will make sure these jerks aren’t going anywhere we don’t want them, and meet us back at the lair later. I don’t think they can arrest birds, so it should be fine?”
“Right. Let’s move.” Jack still has the burr of a growl in his voice as he shakes off the ropes, turning to Ortho besides him and scooping him up gently.
Epel is scavenging a pipe while Deuce is already up scouting out their escape route. Sebek begins bickering with Grim over whether he has to call him “Grim-sama” now or ever, taking a protective position at the rear.
Yuu falls back alongside Ace, offering a shoulder for him to lean on.
“Elena’s alright.” They mutter to him quietly. “She was in a bit of a state when she found me, but she’s home safe and sound. I promised we’d call in the car so she could hear you’re all okay.”
Ace can’t help the small grin that quirks his lips. “A~ah. At least that turned out okay. It’d be a real pain if she got herself kidnapped after all the shit I went through.”
Yuu smiles, broad and real. “Mr. Martin and Mr. Jon are very grateful to you, you know. I think they’re going to give you a present. A homemade sweater perhaps.”
“Geh!” He scowls at them. “What, is that some kinda punishment?! If they wanna reward me, I’ll take cash. Or food. Either or, I’m not picky.”
“The hell you sayin’, yer bein’ picky right now.” Epel interjects ahead of them.
Ace blows a raspberry. Jack lets out a chuckle and Yuu giggles next to him. Ortho somehow looks more like he’s sleeping than he did before. Sebek and Grim’s argument is reaching new levels of volume. Deuce is holding the door open to where the escape vehicle is parked outside on a double yellow line.
Ace lets himself be hustled into the car, and enjoys the moment of comfort and safety.
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brooklynisher · 6 months
The Spine Hc Fluff Relating to Peter Walter VI
Only Human has me thinking about how much the robots care about VI and that brought me back to my ORIGINAL Spine headcanon :)
Here we go again
Also, this is so much longer than my angst hc post (granted I still leave a fair amount of angst in this one too. It's more like a continuation if anything)
SO. Since Peter Walter I passed, The Spine has always held on tight to this, "Got to be the perfect robot" mentality, and it would take him a hot minute before he finally let himself loose. He held himself accountable for his own flaws and punished himself "rightfully" so. By the time Peter passed, The Spine was very sympathetic to him. He felt that even though Peter couldn't force him to be perfect, the least he could do was live up to his expectations. And so he did.
For that reason, the other Peter Walters never really had much of a problem with him. It almost seemed like he was a flawless machine. However, part of his "flawlessness" was simply not being around. He spent most of his time shut down. Only turned on when somebody needed him for something. After all, you can't mess anything up if you were never there in the first place. Right?
In comes 2009. Where the bots start having successful street performances. By now, The Spine didn't know VI all that well. He was always busy, quiet, and The Spine was still in his bad habit of "sleeping" all of the time. Though he was there when VI was officially granted ownership over the robots, that was about all of VI he got to see.
But because of the more frequent performances the band had to do, The Spine was forced to stay on for longer. Before, the robots' caretaker would've been responsible for most of what the band did, but oddly enough, Peter VI decided to let the band make most of their choices. Yay for autonomy. Nay for work. But overall, the robots were pretty happy with this opportunity. Though, it was a bit strange to The Spine. It was nice that he was given the opportunity to express himself, but he was hesitant to take it. He wasn't sure where he'd be crossing the line, so he kept a lot of his songs about exactly what you'd expect: Being a robot.
Captain Albert Alexander in particular was a tough one to write. It was easy for him to summarize the legend and give it a melody, but he felt like it was wrong. After all, a song about a legendary pirate sounds like a children's song, doesn't it? The Spine isn't supposed to indulge in something like that. But after seeing Rabbit's new fascination with this song and the man it was about, he couldn't just scrap it. He tries to justify himself by telling himself that he wrote this song on Rabbit's behalf, but he still feels guilty. And this guilt would create a lot of heat and pressure building up inside of him.
Eventually, VI notices that The Spine has been acting slightly strange. When VI checks on his systems, he notices he's been overheating and that the pressure levels in his systems are abnormally high. He'd call in The Spine and decide to "Downgrade" him by reinstalling steam vents into his spine and head.
The Spine is caught off guard by this change. Partially because of how short the process was compared to the upgrades Peter Walter I did, but also because the design wasn't as human-like as before. It was less "perfect". He was surprised that VI chose to downgrade him. He was surprised that VI was willing to make him less perfect if it meant making him feel better. The Spine had thought it was the other way around. That his feelings didn't matter if they got in the way of perfection. He still held on to these thoughts in memory of Peter Walter I, but he was starting to feel a bit more comfortable with Peter Walter VI at the time.
The Spine doesn't have too many personal moments with VI after that, but he has begun to pay a bit more attention to Peter's behavior. He noticed that he was not nearly as serious as he expected. Compared to I, VI was significantly more fun to be around. Even if he didn't talk all that much. He noticed how patient he was in repairing the other robots. He noticed how much free reign he gave everyone over their own lives. It was less of an inventor-robot relationship, and more of a father-child relationship he had with the robots, despite being significantly younger than them. The Spine wondered if he could get this same treatment. but he never wanted to test it.
Still, he had a bit of a fantasy about it. Imagining all of the experiences he missed out on as a younger robot with VI there instead of I. He'd be gifted toys, watch cartoons, read whatever he wanted, play with his siblings, all of those "childish" things. Because he'd like to believe that VI would let him. The treatment Rabbit got (pre-Red Core) could've been his treatment too. Though these are all just in his head, he found himself growing more attached to VI because of it. So when VI accidentally blew off his face, it was a big deal to The Spine.
When he heard about Rabbit's upgrade, he found himself more elated than he expected. He was of course really happy for Rabbit and was very proud of her, but more than that, this was the act of Peter Walter VI. This wasn't like The Spine's upgrade which was essential for his physical state only, this was for Rabbit entirely. An upgrade as major as Rabbit's isn't easy, and it's not something he needed to do either. He could have just fixed her core, said she could live with being a "man", and move on from it, but he didn't. He cared about the way she felt, and her point of view on life, and he wanted to make her happy. So he went out of his way to completely redesign her body just so she can feel more comfortable with herself. He had to be an angel. But The Spine couldn't know for sure. After all, it's more than possible that he was the exception. It's happened before. It could all be just one giant test to see if The Spine can hold himself accountable for his own immaturity.
It was easier now than ever for him to slip, but he still stood his ground. He didn't want to be caught being what he wasn't designed to be. He didn't want VI to reveal that he was secretly trying to get The Spine to break this whole time. But little did he know, for every time The Spine refuses to behave the "wrong" way, Rabbit slips a few of his secrets into Peter's ear.
Peter himself has been trying to find the best way to approach The Spine about his trauma. He knows from experience that perfectionism can be stupid difficult to drive out of people. He wants to be slow about this. In The Spine's case, there's no such thing as a single solution that could make everything better. This would take a lot of development.
He starts with books. He tries to publicly read encyclopedias about all of The Spine's secret obsessions, hoping that he might ask him about it or at least try to correct him. It takes a lot of patience, but eventually, The Spine asks him a question about what he's reading, and he offers to read it to The Spine. He was reading to The Spine about something he knew he loved. It was quite the healing experience for him, though he wouldn't realize how therapeutic it was until afterward.
From there, Peter has put in the effort of making The Spine feel involved. He would personally invite him to family game nights, bring him along to outings, buy souvenirs for him, and even invite him to do the boring work with him.
He wanted to make sure The Spine felt loved. He wanted to make sure The Spine felt like he belonged. But most importantly, he wanted The Spine to embrace the inner child that he's been hiding away for so long.
Peter always had to prepare himself whenever he needed to have an actual conversation with The Spine about his issues. He can give really good advice, but he has this tendency of introducing good advice with unintentionally rude sentences, so he doesn't want to hurt The Spine by saying something that was meant to be nice, only to come off as very mean. Words are not his strong suit, but he'll learn a couple of things if it's good for his loved ones.
The Spine becomes very very fond of VI, so much so to the point where he might even accidentally call him dad. It's all very comforting to him.
Things will never be perfect, he still has a lot to improve on, but they've gotten significantly better since the beginning. The Spine often finds himself happier than he was before and a lot more inspired now that he will not be ridiculed or punished for his ideas and desires.
These days, The Spine and VI remain close, but they've gotten comfortable enough with each other to the point where things start to simmer down. The Spine has found himself indulging in more passionate hobbies, and Peter has returned to his main line of work. It keeps them both busy, but it doesn't take away any of the good memories Peter made for The Spine, as well as all the other robots in the manor.
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auroradiation · 10 months
I'm so sorry about the harassment you're getting on twitter. These people really must not have problems to get so upset over some drawings. Your art is lovely and they're jealous and full of hate.
I have seen a few posts going around calling for you to get mass reported so please do take care. Maybe consider locking your twitter for a while to deter the trolls. You don't deserve any of it and I'd hate to see you get suspended over this hate campaign.
If someone could spend this much effort to write fanfic for my ship I would have an endless list of fanfic to read!!!
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Sorry, it's just that when I first got into the Terminator fandom I thought hey this is a very popular American movie franchise! I bet there are tons of food to enjoy and a lot of friends to meet!
And it turned out to be one of the most barren fandoms I have been to.
But it's ok. I can draw fanart myself. I have lots of good ideas and I know I can draw very well. I don't care how many notes or likes my post will get either. I love these characters and I have never expected to gain any attention from doing fanart.
I was so happy! Even if no one cared about the art in which I had poured my heart and soul. I spent 40 hours on that John, Sarah, and T800 driving on a car illustration you know. What if no one liked it! I gave a part of myself to the things I'm passionate about, which was rewarding enough.
Until some stupid doodles of dogear and boots went viral, and the wrath of X rained down on me. How was I supposed to know this is the stuff X people are into?
The worst part for me is that people still don't seem to care about the characters I draw! Everyone in the retweets is like "Me n who" or "This is sooo *ship name* coded." The ones who accuse me don't really care about John too, otherwise they would be canceling Dark Fate for brutally murdering him and showing his bleeding corpse on the big screen.
I mean I probably wouldn't feel so bad if Terminator were a really prosperous fandom that had a lot of fan discussions and content, better if someone would ship John and T800 with me. But no, I'm starving here and a mob is tearing down my door while I'm trying to cook some food for myself. It's just so unfair.
Anyway, sorry for venting so much. It has been a stressful week. Thank you for telling me about what's going on. I didn't know you could lock your account before. I hope this will save my account.
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lifeneedsrot · 4 months
⚓️listen up buccaneers! This ship has been real mismanaged lately, but I run a tight ship here. Our main account is starshipsys, and this is our VENT and NSFW account. Expect lots of barely censored triggering topics on this account. I’m talking NSFW as in gore, not porn, but there will be horny textposts. That’s not what this account used to be, but it’s what it is now!
Our system used to be split in half, with one half on the other account, and the other half on this account. That’s not how it’s gonna work anymore. We’re ONE crew, and we won’t be having any mutinies here. I will listen to all crewmates but ultimately I’M the guy in charge, got it? This account is for ANYONE in the system to use. It’s where we put the gross stuff that we don’t want to share on our main. If we’re following you, either you post stuff we want to see, or you’re a friend we trust.
We are proship and proendo. I don’t give a shit what you believe in or how your system formed. I don’t give a shit what you’re into because we’re into weird shit as a coping mechanism, and we’re not about that gatekeeping lifestyle. We are willing to befriend ANYONE as long as they’re respectful and don’t cause us harm. I don’t care what you’ve done or believed. I only care who you are now and how you treat me, my system, the people close to me, and the people close to you. Close meaning both in proximity and in intimacy. We don’t bother engaging with obvious bait and arguments that would get nowhere, so don’t bring discourse here.
With all that being said, here’s a list of alters and what to expect, as well as the ideal way of interacting with them. We are not used to the tumblr tagging system, but I’m gonna try and get us to start tagging things as “[insert alter name] starshipsys” to make it possible to filter certain alters out or search for certain alters in particular. Unless otherwise specified, all alters enjoy being talked to about whatever they’re saying.
🧤Agate, they/them. 8. Childhood trauma venting, general fears and anxiety, sadposting. Please talk to them, avoid sexual subjects and violent subjects.
🪩Boppie, they/them. 21. Wanting to do drugs, wanting to go to parties, generally very bad life advice and unhealthy coping mechanisms. They won’t be able to have a very deep conversation with you, but love talking to people.
♠️Cole, he/it. 21. Venting about lost relationships within the system, references to self harm or alters attempting to self harm, weird sexual stuff about being turned on by sharp objects piercing soft flesh. He holds a lot of autistic symptoms, and doesn’t talk much.
🐰Daisy, she/her. 7. Hypersexual syskid, yes they are real, but we’re not comfortable sharing anything she wants to say anyway. You can only talk to her if she talks to you first, and you cannot engage in any of her sexual nature unless you have our simplyplural and a safe alter is fronting alongside her. Trying to sexualize her without explicit permission from a safe alter and HER will result in us never talking to you ever again.
🔭Estella, she/they. 21. Mostly just frustration with classes. Feel free to talk to her.
🐁Fobi, it/she. Nonhuman adolescent. Panic attacks, triggering situations we experience in real life, irrational behavior in an attempt to prevent abuse from happening again (IE disfiguring yourself out of fear that being attractive will result in sexual assault). Please try to talk to it and calm it down, if Fobi is fronting we are probably in an immediate danger.
🦇Grim, it/any. Nonhuman adolescent. Romanticization of abusive behaviors, fawning stress response. It wants to be abused in every way. Try to reassure it that it can be loved without being abused.
🌺Haven, she/he. 21. Mostly just rambles about the people we love, affection towards friends, maybe even soft hornyposting. She likes talking to people, especially if you’re our friend. He might even make a post about you if you talk to him.
✏️Indigo, they/them. 12. Probably vents about not being able to achieve our dreams and life goals we had when younger. Get them talking about a special interest and they’ll adore you. Sex repulsed, don’t bring that up.
🎊Jynx, she/any. Ageless entity. God complex posting, torture threats, and domination fantasies (sexual and nonsexual). She is actually friendly, despite how mean she presents herself as, and desperate for the approval of others.
🍠Kakxyl, he/any. Ageless entity. He is the alter that changes the roles of other alters, and will talk about everything all of the other alters talk about, but from an outside perspective. He won’t engage in conversation if he’s busy.
🫐Lynx, he/any. Ageless entity. Not much, really. Probably won’t post at all. He can barely communicate, and generally him fronting means we’re experiencing a wide variety of emotions, specifically from an emotional attack on either the inside or outside.
⚓️Maverick, they/he. 21. Goals for the future and plans, as well as general venting about daily frustrations. Assume they’re talking to another alter unless they’re talking directly to you.
🍥Nyan, he/she. 6-8. Whatever kids complain about when they don’t have trauma, idk. Please talk to them and try to cheer them up. If you bring up anything traumatic, though, we will be very upset with you. He probably won’t even be allowed on this account anyway.
🚀Oscar, he/him. Nonhuman adult. Vents about how awful all of our relationships and the people we love are. He specifically holds the splitting towards hate symptoms of BPD whereas Haven and Grim hold splitting towards love. Don’t take what he says too seriously, he is intentionally trying to push you away because he is afraid you’ll abuse us. Don’t talk to him unless you’re in a sane enough mental state to deal with him.
🩵Present, she/it. Nonhuman adult. Sad posts about our relationship with an ex, and attempts to comfort other alters. She likes when people talk to her, but can be a bit of a downer.
🥀Quasiren, they/them. 17-19. Venting about relationships in an attempt to build a codependent relationship with someone. They love when people talk to them.
🥩Raptorse, it/its. Nonhuman adult. Vorny (vore+horny) posting, hunger. Doesn’t hold conversations very well unless they involve food.
🎆Starbound, she/any. Ageless entity. Rage posting, threats to hurt herself or others, general aggression. If you weren’t the reason she fronted, feel free to talk to her. If you are the reason she fronted, you should probably wait about thirty minutes to an hour after she starts fronting. You can ask her if you made her front.
🪱Tazelein, he/any. Ageless entity. Torture posting, threats to torture, horny posting, romanticization of literally every bad thing ever. Yes, every bad thing ever. Yes, even that. He doesn’t represent our “true feelings” about anything, he mostly just provides a source to point to for our intrusive thoughts. He will say some fucked up shit to you, but he loves people very much, and hates death.
🕊️Utopia, they/them. Ageless entity. Weird philosophical or religious nonsense. Will probably try to convert you to whatever religion they’re making up right now.
🦠Vitriol, it/its. Nonhuman adult. Hatred for the system, disgust for all alters, will talk about everything we’ve ever done wrong. Wants to push people away to protect them from us. Won’t want to talk to you, most likely, unless you directly triggered its fronting.
🕸️Webber, they/any. Ageless entity. Abandonment issues, trust issues, soft bondage, probably some hornyposting. Will love talking to you, but tends to ramble and send very long messages.
🔥Xray, he/him or xe/xim/xis. Primordial god. Generic and vague complaints about our daily life. Likes to cut to the chase in conversations and be very direct.
🌲Yarrow, they/it or yey/yem/yeir. Primordial god. Long rambles about various alter’s mental states, similar to what Kakxyl may post, but with the purpose of informing outsiders rather than changing the perspectives of alters. Yey want someone to listen to and talk with, but might stop replying spontaneously if yey get particularly invested in documenting something.
🌊Zenith, ze/zer/zers. Primordial god. Positive things, sexual things, and general bragging about our life and our successes. Ze loves people and would love to talk.
As a general rule, only talk to alters that you’re comfortable talking to. No, this is not roleplay. We have disabling DiD, and yes it is diagnosed. If you do something to upset us, we will tell you directly before we publicly vent about it.
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spikeinthepunch · 2 years
Well, I didn't expect to be sitting down an deciding to write a lengthy personal post about the app, Vent. But its shutting down for good in literally two days. If this was any other situation where it slowly just became inactive but stayed up, I wouldn't mention it. But an app shutting down for good is a big deal, and I'll cross my fingers that I get sent the data I requested.
Vent is an app I feel like everyone seems to be aware of but left and forgot after its boom in 2016-2017. no one really says that they use it, most left it after that period. its pretty well known for weird and absurd kin posts and drama and other nonsense. having been on it since it launched, i saw... so much. so so much.
Having gotten to it around age 16, that app houses a huge amount of personal posts I made on an app I considered the best place to dump some of the most private, venty things. Boy does it catalogue a huge series of development and mental growth. And above all stands as a lesson to myself on how to manage such personal things around others online. What is to be said isn't me forcing a lesson on the reader, but just expressing what I learned- because in those teenage years it was easy to want to have all my online friends involved in seeing my vent posts. That Age on tumblr, that culture around validation and mental illness- I wanted validation and post interactions. I vented a lot, teen years sucked- this seemed fine to do from my unaware mind but it caused so much tension, stress, and drama in my closest relationships that I still wish hadnt occurred- but can accept that behavior years later... i was just a teen, it wasn't surprising. Getting your bestest friends in a private closed circle of venting is not as good of an idea as you'd want it to be, to say the least. Especially when you're teens and dont have therapy.
But that is to say- Vent became its best to me when I closed it off entirely to everyone except for one good mutual I had gained purely through Vent, and eventually one key IRL friend. Me, two other people. That was it. It turned into a diary for years after I chose to do that and it had been very useful for me. One or two people I didn't mind getting a glimpse into things, especially after i matured and learned to...better control and understand how to vent in a healthier way. It was somewhere I went to maybe once a month, maybe less frequently, to just... throw out a huge post documenting my feelings and important thoughts from the last many weeks. Great big summaries I'd have no energy to split up into a priv twitter thread, or post on public blogs.
Growth. So so much growth. So much in all those posts and all that time. Almost 8 years of my incredibly personal thoughts sit on that app and it sucks knowing that place will be gone for good. There could be a miracle but it seems unlikely.
For those never on the app, or stopped using it ages back- Vent has been a mess for a long time. It has gone through various changes in hopes of keeping it alive- for years its just been all over the place. It barely functions most times. It's been limping for years now and it was always a joke to me that it hadn't gone down yet. It seemed inevitable- and here we are! Gone on the 28th of Feb, and it was only stated a few days ago. And theyd been promising they had an alternative..
Losing things like this sucks, because it is a part of the internet. People love to say nothing truly goes away on the internet- and thats just not true. Time and time again we lose apps and websites with no backups or way to view them reliably. Newer age technology makes this especially harder to preserve. While I and others have requested our data, there will be hundreds if not thousands of accounts left to vanish after Vent shuts down, especially given the incredibly short notice.
So, RIP Vent, you were already dead for some years anyways. But I appreciate what I made of it and its a shame I can't think of any place where I could keep this kind of diary up still.
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ambiguouspuzuma · 1 year
"Morven Patterdale," he processed, scanning her ticket. "You aren't related to the Patterdales, are you?"
"No." As far as Morven was concerned, she was the Patterdale, but other people never saw it that way. It was always all about her brothers: one a bestselling author and columnist for the Times, the other a newsreader and radio host with an award winning podcast. They were hardly royalty - but plenty famous enough to leave her in their shadow for the rest of her life.
It was strange, being the disappointing child. The normal one, at least, or at most - average, in a household of anomalies. The ordinary fruit of extraordinary seeds. Sometimes Morven felt like the poor, neglected Fanny Imlay in a household of Godwins and Wollstonecrafts, a family of Shelleys and Byrons and Lovelaces. On a family tree alight with blossom, she was the branch that hadn't bloomed, the only undeveloped bud.
It was odd how often that came to be the case. Political dynasties, acting dynasties, even descendants of some actual dynasties: success bred success, as if was some genetic trait, or at least spread through the alternative means of nepotism. Or perhaps it was just the same fertile starting point, the same nature and nurture, being born with the same silver spoon to feast on the same dishes. Her dentist's brother was a banker. Her solicitor's sister ran an accounting firm. People from the same start often found their way to similar ends.
Her life was easier, in a way, being a Patterdale. Morven had never wanted for money, or attention - always having that claim to fame, that famous name, the connections and the anecdotes that those without them viewed with awe. It was not so bad, being the runt of a dominant litter. Such people always landed on their well-heeled feet. Either that, or they died terribly young. Like Imlay, or poor Rosemary Kennedy. Genius might know how to beget genius, but it was clueless when it came to caring for the mortals in its midst.
"Oh, good," he said. "I can't stand them, myself. They're both so utterly boring. It's like the blood in that family runs dry."
That was new. Normally, if Morven confessed to her heritage, she was bombarded with tributes, oh, I loved such-and-such, can you tell him I'm his biggest fan, the sins of the brother visited on the sister. Sometimes she wondered if they were even genuine, or if people felt that it was expected of them, as if she would somehow be disappointed if they weren't suitably star-struck. It was unbearable. Like Clinton, it was better to deny she had any relations at all.
But she hadn't encountered the opposite. On refusing a connection, people felt free to share their contrary opinions, to vent their own boredom with her family's ubiquity. That was... refreshing. She turned back. "Go on?"
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rosethornewrites · 2 years
10/27-11/7 NR, E, & M reading
The usual
Not Rated:
a little wiser, by LadyKG
He nodded absently, it seemed some things they just couldn’t change.
Feeling fingers lacing through his own he caught Lan Zhan’s gaze. Yes, some things they couldn’t change… but was that so bad?
even wildflowers wilt., by cop_ulate
Wei Wuxian was tired. And when a person is pushed past their human abilities, they snap. It just so happens that Wei Wuxian snaps at the Guanyin Temple.
My Boy Builds Coffins, by enbysaurus_rex (19 chapters)
Lan Zhan, Lan Xichen, Lan Qiren, and their mother flee to Yiling when the boys are children. Lan Zhan discovers a penchant for coffin making.
Based on the lyrics to the song "My Boy Builds Coffins" by Florence and the Machine
For You Anything, by Preludian_Staves
They make an agreement.
the place farthest from goodbye, by LadyKG
It was a stupid idea. And that was precisely why he did it.
defending gravity, by LadyKG (2nd in a series, 6 chapters)
The hairpin was warm under her hand.
She half expected it to be cold. But it lay heated in her palm, the deep green of jade reflecting with the light of the lanterns and candles in the room. With care she ran her hand over the repairs made. Yu ZiYuan was not one for poetic symbolism or metaphors. Never had been. But this… this felt like something significant.
Cool as Jade, Warm as Amber, by halfdemonvash
In his partial defense, Wei Wuxian didn’t set out to buy something scandalous when he headed into town.
Birthday, by MajiLovePrincess
Wei Wuxian enjoys a day with his family, but while his husband prepares dinner, his lap is the most comfortable place to wait.
Such as Fire, by edgarallanrose
“How old are you?”
The girl turned her lamplike gaze on him, seeming to fully see him for the first time. She screwed her mouth to the side, sizing him up.
“How old are you?” she countered.
“I’m—” Wei Wuxian paused. “Well, I’m going to be…”
She grinned slowly, widely, revealing broken and missing teeth.
“Wei Wuxian,” she croaked, “how old are you?”
A cold autumn sky. A cabin in the woods. A ghost in the lake. Wei Wuxian celebrates his first birthday post-resurrection, and all the horror that comes with it.
give me the burden, give me the blame, by halfdemonvash
After a slew of intense nightmares, Wei Wuxian tries to make a talisman that'll give him a night of dreamless sleep.
It doesn't go as planned.
Accidental Confessions, by Dixielis
Jiang Cheng has the worst day of his life when he realizes that Lan Wangji has a thing for his brother. Chaos ensues.
I'm Still Here, by halfdemonvash
Wei Wuxian would not say he was a vain man. Prideful, certainly, but he’d never considered himself vain—after all, he’d willingly gotten himself branded in order to save a young woman from being scarred forever.
But he still can’t help but compare.
Or: Wei Wuxian has time to reflect on his new body.
Start Again, by halfdemonvash (2nd in a series)
He restrains himself from reaching for something that isn’t there. The aching, cold center of him, the black hole punched through his body where his golden core used to reside. But then Lan Zhan touches him and whispers to him, tells him to reach, and Wei Wuxian resists until he can’t anymore and then—it’s there.
Not his golden core, but a golden core. Or rather, the bright seed of one.
Or: Wei Wuxian chooses Suibian over Chenqing. It does not go as planned.
YEYE NONCONNED A TWINK?!?!?! (How Lan Wangji's Vent Account Became Twitter Famous), by Pancho
When Wei Wuxian activated his array, what he least expected was to end up thousands of years in the future. And yet, there he was, buffeted by strangely-dressed pedestrians who glared disapprovingly at him as they passed.
Or: Wei Wuxian accidentally travels into the future and finds his happy ending.
Not Rated:
Second Summer, by Anonymous
“So, this is awkward,” says Wei Ying, with a little laugh. It sounds fake. “But I think you have mistaken me for someone else.”
A year after the mysterious death of the Jin heir, Lan Wangji runs across the secret, long-lost, amnesiac love of his life while on a night-hunt.
When Heroes Fall, by Srihaan
When Wei Wuxian fell to his death at cliffs of the Nightless City, coming back was the last thing he had in mind.
Guide Me Home, by geethr75
When Wen Qing realises that being in the Burial Mounds is killing Wei Wuxian, she decides to approach Jiang Wanyin for help. Little does she expect the result of that decision.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
The Communication Effect, by draechaeli
If only there was more communication, or the right kind then everything would be all right. Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi might be bad when it comes to talking to each other about the important things, but they are still leagues better then the older generation that use communication like swords: concealing, revealing, and striking as they please for their own gain. From apologies, to misunderstandings, to sieges, to rumours and gossip, to cold wars, to lies, to civil wars, Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi navigate the world together once their brothers make sure they’re engaged before the classes at Cloud Recesses are finished.
This fic is finished at 186k in 37 chapters + 3 extras
Heart of the Beast, by WaitForTheSnitch
“Wei Ying?” Nie Mingjue prompted him gently. “Where are your parents?”
“They went on a night hunt,” Wei Ying said, a bit evasively.
“Your parents are cultivators?” Da-ge asked in surprise. “Did they leave you here while they hunted? When did they go on their night hunt?”
“Four summers ago,” Wei Ying said a bit uncomfortable.
“Four summers ago,” Nie Mingjue repeated. “What are your parents’ names?”
“My mama is Cangse Sanren and my baba is Wei Changze,” Wei Ying told him, and recognition registered in Nie Mingjue’s eyes.
“Wei Ying,” Nie Mingjue said, sounding a bit regretful, “Your parents aren’t coming back.”
Or, Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang run into Wei Ying while in Yiling and decide to bring him home. And it changes everything.
Because of Wen Qing, by QteCuttlfish
What if Jiang Cheng had chosen to support Wen Qing, the Wen clan remnants, and most importantly, Wei Wuxian? Follows CQL/Untamed canon. Canon Divergence from Episode 20.
blur the gracious moon, by FullmetalChords
He’d once thought that Lan Wangji was his zhiji, someone who fully and completely understood the depths of his heart, who could love every crack and dent in it…
And look where that mistake had left Wei Wuxian. Bound, drained, and abandoned in a part of Jinlintai that has never seen the sun.
Wei Wuxian is taken prisoner after liberating the Wen labor camp. Brought to the Cloud Recesses to serve his penance, is it possible for him to find his way back to the light?
(“Come back to Gusu with me,” but messier.)
Contains trans!WWX and eventual mpreg.
Safely hidden in Gusu, by Aleaneah
Lan Wangji had just finished his three years of seclusion.
However, that doesn't mean he had finished his mourning and grieving.
How could it be otherwise, when his heart is dead ?
One day, a friend(?) come to him, scheming behind his fan.
And his world regain a little of its colors.
Bloodsport, by SkullFeather3063
Before Jiang Fengmian could find him an orphaned Wei Wuxian was rescued by Baoshan Sanren. He was raised up in the celestial mountains by people who loved and adored him, looking forward to the day he got to descend and follow in his mother's footsteps.
Confident in his abilities but lost in his knowledge of this new world, Wei Wuxian decided to attend the educational event at Cloud Recesses to integrate himself into the Cultivation World.
Here was where his story began, where love first blossomed, and a new world was forged for the two youths.
This is a story about love and what people will do to get a taste of it...
travelers through the empty gate, by stiltonbasket
Ten years after eliminating the Jiang and Nie clans, Emperor Wen Ruohan is dethroned by a young demonic cultivator from the outlands of Yiling, who surpasses him in both talent and cruelty. Where Wen Ruohan burned his enemies, Emperor Yiling raises his from the dead, and sends them through the imperial city to hunt down every last remnant of the Wen clan that tries to evade his clutches.
The last thing Lan Wangji wants to do with the Yiling huangdi is marry him.
Unfortunately, his family's fall from grace leaves him with no other choice.
With You, For All Our Lives, by Starlight143
In an attempt to secure a good future for her daughter Cangse Sanren betrothes Wei Ying to Lan Zhan. When they die this one action changes everything.
Keep Holding On, by abCEE
As they reached an inn and Wei Wuxian got them a room with three beds, the world seemed to have frozen for Jiang Yanli when her brother suddenly fainted and Jiang Wanyin was just fast enough to catch him before his body could hit the floor.
"Wei Wuxian!"
In which after the Lotus Pier Massacre: Wei Wuxian was greatly injured by Zidian, Jiang Yanli left the inn to buy the medicines and food, and Jiang Wanyin distracted the Wens.
(With a bonus of Wei Wuxian knowing the title of the song and more things ensued inside the Xuanwu Cave that may or may have not involved Lan Wangji's forehead ribbon)
Canon diverged from there.
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allys-diary · 1 month
shenanigans :: ally week 2024
Hoooo boi howdy ya girl is 30 and let's be so real right now…at so many points in my life I wasn't sure if I was gonna reach this age, but also I had so many expectations of what life would look like for me once I got here and…
Let's just say it's not a perfect match 🙃 But also I honestly wouldn't trade it for anything. Instead of trying to chase a "dream" that was thrust upon me by constantly comparing my life to my parents going "Goddamn when they were my age, I already existed and I was a whole menace", I decided to set out to heal inner wounds that I didn't realize were there until I revisited those areas in my life and there were places that stung when they were touched.
But that's gonna be a story for another vent post, this is just gonna be a place to show y'all everything I've gotten up to on the days leading up to the day itself.
Everything below the cut because pictures ahead
First we kicked the week off with something very on brand that just had impeccable timing: Sanrio-themed Krispy Kreme donuts
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tbh the flavor wasn't all that amazing, but it was still fun (and messy lol) to eat them…also no, I didn't finish them all by myself, I split them with my mother (I did claim the Kuromi one tho). And unlike Froot Loops that all just had the same flavor across the board, these ones actually had different flavors with every donut, so that was fun, too.
While of course I would never be so vapid enough to say that this is all happening because it's my birthday week, there was also the amazing little happenstance of one of my favorite bands releasing new music and this was the week I found out that Marianas Trench is coming out with a whole new album.
The rest of the week was honestly pretty uneventful because I spent most of it at home working and ticking off items from my onboarding list, so really at least half of my free time during this week was spent sleeping 🥴 I did go out after my shift towards the end of the week though to grab some food & coffee with my parents but that's about it.
And then once the weekend hit, my whorish ways got the better of me and I decided to 'pspspspspspsps' in cursive over on my main/more active account and suddenly Tom content was conjured into existence (thank you Paris Olympics and BBC)
I finally got my lil mitts on the chili pepper Jellycat plush, along with a lil Squishmallow HugMee
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It's the lil yellow donkey. And that's probably the last Squishmallow I'm getting (because space issues) unless I find Ximena the Winking Mango (for obvious reasons)
Overall it was a pretty chill week. No tears, no annoying ghosts from the past trying to kill the vibe (well unless you count a bitch ass teacher from Junior Year, yeah I'm looking at you Jonas), and only the slightest hint of existential crisis.
Now I got a whole lotta things I wanna do before I turn 31 so…lemme just get that todo list all together 🥴
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weabooweedwitch · 1 year
Hey I gotta agree with the other person plz get away from ur mother. Ur honestly too talented and capable to let someone drag u down like that. I rlly believe you’ll be so much better off away from her. Half of your problems are literally directly caused by her and the other half are propagated by her. I wish you the best bc this world is so already hard to navigate and ur mom is making it way worse than it needs to be.
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Aw thank you sweetie that honestly means so much to hear 🥺 and honestly I had childhood trauma so I've always kind of had mental health issues but sometimes I just sit and think of things she said or did to me that arguably directly contributed to specific complexes I have and behavioral issues
Like I used to say "I'm sorry" all the time, and kinda still do, when other people would tell me bad news they were going through and like to this day I feel some sort of personal guilt when I can't help someone, because like, I would be an actual child and I'd be in the car with my mom while she was driving and she'd be venting and I was "the rock" I was "the least difficult child" I was "the mature one" and she would basically use me as friend and therapist a lot and she would be going on and on for significant amounts of time about things I literally didn't understand and wasn't really appropriate to tell me
"--and I'm so tired of my coworkers, they whisper to each other sometimes and I JUST KNOW they're talking about me, I swear some of them are only there to fill quotas, and then this bill ran through early and my check bounced and my account is overdrawn"
"I'm really sorry mom :( I don't know what a check bouncing means though"
"Oh well it means--" bitch ya shoulda stopped right there like she literally told me about adult issues and adult financial problems that were quite literally beyond my understanding and I would feel helpless that I couldn't fix or help all these problems she had and I felt BAD and I felt GUILTY and I would just apologize all the time to the point I had friends kind of get mad I apologized so much
I would repeat conversations I had with her to other people sometimes even professionals like therapists and they'd tell me she was wildin out and I'd get mad and tell her "yeah well my therapist that you like so much and you think is doing such a good job told me it's unrealistic to expect you to change and I should just try and work around your behavior" "yeah well thats only because he heard one side of the story, if he spoke to ME he would be on MY SIDE" and repeat that 'one side' argument infinitely until I still never know if I'm just an overdramatic whiny little baby or if my feelings are valid (and I do legitimately have emotional issues and stuff so, yeah I can sometimes have issues, and those never really got solved either, just mocked I guess)
I'm just like. Afraid to turn my back on her because every other day its a new problem. The other week I hear her on the phone, she's saying she didn't realize it was still around, was it gathering interest, how much is it now, and afterwards I ask her and it's an old car she had some sort of payment or whatever on and she now owes, what I assume to be thousands. And she's had several cars since that one and even our current car is falling apart. It's at the point she makes a small mistake and I'm in instant rage mode because it's like GIRL CAN YOU EVEN DO ONE THING FOR ONE WEEK WITHOUT-- like I'll literally want to actually shake sense into her but like she's 58. She's like this forever.
I'm still mad about that pill thing that happened. She took tons of pain meds without even really counting or leaving space in between doses "oh because i just wanted the pain to stop" to the point where I called poison control and they said she was lucky to not be getting sick and then i get off the phone and she. Doesn't even care. "I knew what I was doing, you're overreacting, you need to be on medications for this" like, it. It makes me want to scream because she's constantly trying to force me to have pity for her, years and years of venting and complaining to the point I WOULD TELL HER TO HER FACE I DIDNT CARE AND SHE WOULD STILL KEEP TALKING, but then when I actually bring up legitimate concerns or issues like her almost POISNING HERSELF she has the fucking NERVE to say that to me???? I have an actual completely valid legitimate concern and you have A LICENSED PHYSICIAN TELLING YOU DIRECTLY "yeah I'm extremely surprised you're not in significant digestive distress and throwing up" and she tells me I'm OVERREACTING???
Like. I sit and I think. So much of my life involves her SILENCING me? I'll try to have an adult conversation to fix our issues because unlike her I've actually had therapy and she'll just "im done talking about this, every day you're nasty, you don't get to speak to me like that (even if I'm being nice and just pointing out her issues), what about all the times YOU did XYZ" like to feel like I could literally hand her a glowing hot pink chemical "this will literally give you cancer" and she would reply "no I had a friend in high-school who says this is a multivitamin" and she'd drink it. You can have EVIDENCE and multiple people telling her she is wrong and she either SHUTS YOU DOWN AND REDUSES TO TALK AT ALL or she just outright tells you you're stupid and wrong and emotional and have issues. Like. No wonder I don't trust myself. No wonder I have anger issues that are getting worse. She will literally NEVER listen to me. She will text me on my phone to fetch her water just because she had a headache but I can literally be so congested I'm struggling to breathe and she LET THE LITTERBOX ACTUALLY MOLD WHILE WAITING FOR ME TO RECOVER SO I COULD DO IT like. I love her but I hate her and I'm embarrassed and ashamed of her. But she also IS competent in the sense she kept me and my sister alive as a single mom but I mean, she also gave both of us huge issues and I kinda wish she had put us up for adoption
And it sucks because she has her old childhood trauma and mental health issues too. But I can't help but wish that my father had never lost custody. He may have had some ups and downs over his life but he was at least able to maintain better than my mom. Like for example he blew through a lot of his savings by getting a hobby racing cars at a racetrack and now doesn't really have anything, but like, at least he had that money to spend to begin with. My mom has to dip into a 401k whenever she actually has one. She will basically have to keep working until she can't sit in a chair anymore. I fear becoming her, or at least, more like her than I already am.
Just. Oof. Trying to take things one step at a time, but also considering other options for the future, and of course I have nice people like yourself offering advice and support and that's helpful in of itself ❤️ hopefully all of us can have some personal peace in this wild hectic world of ours 😩
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pastthebutterflies · 2 years
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I posted 436 times in 2022
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413 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 411 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#the owl house - 136 posts
#the owl house spoilers - 87 posts
#miraculous ladybug - 51 posts
#ronan tag &lt;3 - 39 posts
#lydspeaks - 28 posts
#rise of the tmnt - 24 posts
#bnha - 20 posts
#gravity falls - 20 posts
#amphibia - 19 posts
#tmnt - 18 posts
Longest Tag: 93 characters
#okay but consider: violet gets bit and is nowhere near as concerned abt this as she should be
My Top Posts in 2022:
If Belos recognized Luz, does that mean he knew Lilith too?
15 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
Through the Vents to Grandmother’s House
Part one of a silly little au I’ve had in the back of my head for years now. Webby and the triplets have swapped places in a sense and yes, I would absolutely love to ramble about this au, thanks for asking!
When Webby first arrives at McDuck manor, she can’t quite believe her eyes.
The main foyer alone is enough to make her jaw drop, never mind the rest of the house, including her bedroom.
When Granny went missing, Webby wasn’t sure what she had expected to happen. Most likely, she would have been shipped off to one of Granny’s former partners from her old business until she had been found and safely returned home. She could have stayed with Mr. Drake or maybe Doctor Hooter, from accounting.
However, what she hadn’t expected (not today, not yesterday. Not ever, if she was honest) was to be dropped at the doorstep of Scrooge McDuck, patriarch of the renowned adventuring family, the richest duck in the world, and, apparently, dear old friend to one Bentina Beakley.
She clutches her suitcase (the only thing she had been able to pack in time) a little tighter as she stares up at the driver who had picked her up- a talkative, red-haired man. Launchpad, apparently- and who Webby was pretty sure was the Della Duck staring down at her from the doorway.
“Hey, kiddo,” Della said, awkwardly waving at her like she wasn’t quite sure what else to do. And yeah, that was most definitely her, Webby had heard her voice enough times on Granny’s old radio, reliving adventures from her childhood, to know.
Now though, that same voice, usually so excited and lilting, is tinged with nerves Webby didn’t know she posessed. Della and Launchpad exchange a glance that Webby is pretty sure she isn’t supposed to catch, then look back to her. Launchpad clears his throat.
“So! If you’ll follow me, Mr. McD has a room set up for you until we find your grandm- ack!” Launchpad winces harshly as Della’s elbow meets his ribcage, sharp enough that Webby can practically hear the thud from where she stands.
“Let’s find that room, huh?”
They trail down the hall and up a flight of stairs, then circle through a maze of more hallways, all lined with lightly swinging doors, until they reach the only one still locked tight. Here, Launchpad slips off, leaving Della with a small, rounded key and a nod to Webby, his lumbering footsteps fading behind them.
“You can decorate however you want,” Della says as she turns the key in the lock. “I don’t know what you were able to bring, but we can pick up whatever you’re missing, or see if the boys have it, they won’t mind.”
“The boys?” She asks. Webby knew Della had sons, but after continuous threats from old enemies of Scrooge’s, they had largely been kept from the public eye. Rumor had it they sometimes popped up in town, but nothing substantial had ever come from it and, by now, no one knew them well enough to recognize the three if they did.
Della brightens. She lets the door swing open and together, they step inside.
“My sons,” she explains. “They should be in their rooms right now, finishing their lessons, but you’ll see them later. Dinner is in a few hours, take some time to settle in and explore if you want.”
It’s a bigger space than Webby is used to. At home, her room was at least half the size with her bed in one corner and a cluster of shelves stuffed with books and old notepads under the window. It was small, but it was hers and some nights, if she was quiet, she could hear Granny sparring down the hall.
Now though, the silence is deafening and she is reminded all over again how utterly alone she is here. Della and the others, as nice as they appear, weren’t her grandmother. Granny may have trusted Scrooge to look after Webby in her absence, but Scrooge has yet to show his face, much less help her or Granny get back where they belong.
“Hey,” Della says. She kneels and gently rests a hand on Webby’s shoulder. “Your grandma is a tough lady, we’re gonna bring her home.”
Della’s tone is sincere, polished off with a small smile, different from the ones she’s seen in photos over the years. More genuine, like it has been reserved just for her. Something about it tells Webby that she means it. Della, and the rest of the family, she hopes, are going to help her fix this. One way or another.
Webby just isn’t sure how long she’s willing to wait.
Della leaves Webby to her devices soon after.
Her bag is slumped next to the door. She hadn’t had time to pack much before Launchpad had arrived, so she mostly has clothes and a few odds and ends she remembered to take before she left.
She drags it across the carpet and to the dresser, laying out shirts and skirts and sweaters in neat rows like she would any other day. The room, even as she fills it with her presence, feels cavernous and overwhelming, like she could shout and hear the echo all through the night, a stark reminder that, no matter how nice it may be, this room, this house, isn’t where she belongs.
Tears well up in her eyes as the realization hits her. Webby slumps against the dresser, pulls her knees to her chest, and sighs. She keeps her eyes shut tight against the tips of her knees. Granny has never been the type to disappear, not without a good reason. She’s gone on long trips before, sure, mostly to help old friends out of a bind. But she always came back and never would have left without telling Webby. What happened today- it wasn’t like her. Granny had left the night before, she wasn’t supposed to be gone longer than a night.
But only Launchpad had been waiting when Webby had returned from school.
There was a mishap, he said. Granny was gone. No one knew where she went, much less where to find her. Granny was, for all intents and purposes, gone. Webby doesn’t quite know what to do with that.
Suddenly, before Webby can sink further into the hole she finds herself spiraling into, a creak echoes across the room. She freezes.
Granny raised her with a stark paranoia surrounding the rest of the world. Every bump in the night had been a risk if left unchecked and Webby had given endless lessons on self defense as a result. Blocks to kicks to flips, drilling her over and over again until Webby could fight a grown duck in her sleep.
See the full post
19 notes - Posted June 30, 2022
The way Luz stuck the bandaid on I just- Them.
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28 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
Shave it-
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30 notes - Posted October 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
If Hunter doesn’t get a happy ending I Will start throwing rocks.
53 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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My Mind and Me: Selenator's POV
Before I start my review, I just want to say that I rarely use Tumblr nowadays as I am mostly active on Twitter. I do not know why but for me, Tumblr used to be big for like pop music fandoms during my early teenage years (we kind of treat it like Facebook back in the day where we beg our batchmates to reblog our posts for more clout lol). But I've migrated to Twitter after that because of how big and active the Selenator community is there. So, I am so sorry Tumblr.
Anyway, I hope everyone who reads my review is doing truly well and fine.
Recently, Selena Gomez just released her documentary My Mind and Me on the Apple TV+ streaming platform and she has given us fans 2 months free of Apple TV+ so that we can stream (and also cry*)
*will reveal later
Before I actually start my review, I just want to give a back story as not a lot of people know that I am a long-time, loyal fan of Miss Gomez:
So, I've been a Selenator for 12 years now, became a fan on September 2010 after I watched the A Year Without Rain music video that was featured back then on the old YouTube homepage. I first knew her through Wizards of Waverly Place (duh; and also thought she's Filipino, but turns out she's Mexican) and the Falling Down music video which was shown in the local music channel back home. Everyone in the family and friends know that I am a fan.
So... that's that.
To start, I already know that there will be a documentary coming after I saw so many tweets from SG News accounts saying that Selena went back to her old elementary school back in Texas and some students say that they're shooting a documentary. Another sign that I also know that there will be a documentary is that, the year after the Revival Tour, there were rumours going around saying that it will be turned into a concert film. I actually held on to that rumour (because I have a feeling that it's going to come true) because I never got a chance to go to the Revival Tour during its Australian leg (my city got skipped 😭, hoping one day she'll come back like what she did with Stars Dance Tour*)
*She actually planned to do a concert in my city during the Stars Dance Tour, but sadly, it got cancelled to prioritise her well-being.
When the teaser dropped, I kind of have an idea on what to expect in the movie. I already know that there's going to be some emotional moments with regards to her Lupus treatment and also her mental health, which is a topic that she's very vocal about (that's why I said at the beginning that I'm going to cry).
So, a few days have passed and I have finally watched the documentary and here are my thoughts about this.
If you have not watched it yet, don't go past this. Lots of spoilers
Overall, the documentary was very eye-opening. As someone who has been stanning Selena for over a decade, I have never got to know her this deep.
The entire documentary is very genuine and honest. I am so proud of Selena to have that courage to tell her story and as a fan, I am honoured that this documentary has helped me to get to know her even better.
The following scenes were somehow my favourite parts (some of them don't but will say my personal reactions to it):
Revival Tour backstage scene This scene hits close to home and I can somehow relate to her. I also get these negative thoughts from time to time and I try my best to brush them off, but then there's still this invisible sensation that the thought will still linger in your mind... so basically, you'll still think about it and it'll somehow get worse to the point that it'll make you feel bad about yourself as you think of it more. That's what I assume she felt when she vented those thoughts to her friends (also, good on her for speaking out those thoughts). I actually cried during that scene because I feel very sorry that she gets these negative thoughts from time to time and also the fact that the media still associates her with something/someone else and not just by herself! and as a fan, it FRUSTRATES tf out of me.
Raquelle Stevens After I watched the doc, I am in awe of how Raquelle is such a good and loyal friend to Selena. She is really concerned and cared for her throughout her journey and she stayed with her throughout. Because honestly, it is definitely hard to find real best friends like that. Like, they'll still be there for you no matter what happens. But then at the same time, I am having second thoughts. Because, there was this one scene in the doco where she just walked in the hotel room and just ignored her, not acknowledging her presence. I do hope this is not intentional. But, when I watched that scene, I'm like... "Raquelle, you did not just do that?". Although it was this one scene, I was a bit annoyed because I actually had those moments where I just feel invisible around my friends or even to people.
Treatment scene The scene where Sel's getting treatment via IV just breaks me. The one before that scene happened is where I cried because she was in pain and it was very sad for her to go through that. Like, she did not deserve it. Also, the part where Selena mentioned about her Nana not wanting to accompany her because she'd seen the process enough just breaks me because although she wanted to be there, she cannot bear seeing her granddaughter in that state and this is also something that hits close to home.
Press interviews scenes BOI, I can feel Selena's emotions during those scenes and I totally agree with her, some questions are just very basic and answers can be basically searched on the internet. Like, everytime some SG news acc posted a video of Sel doing a Q&A with this magazine or company, majority of the time, I don't get to watch it because I already know that most of the questions are just very vanilla basic and repeated and honestly, they are so tiring. New generation of fans can watch it, but I know Selena's maturing and she wanted something more than "What is your favourite food/colour/etc?"... like, dig a little deeper and talk more about her advocacies and stuff.
Off-camera/IRL Selena scenes It was actually nice to get to know her roots in this doc. Where she went to school, the people that she get to talk to in the neighbourhood when she was a kid, the actual house she grew up in. It was very genuine to see what Selena is like. It was very nice to see some home video footage as well! The last time I saw it was back in 2011 during the We Own The Night Tour as some video footage used to be the opening visuals for that tour. (I watched it religiously as my way to prep for the Stars Dance Tour, but it got cancelled)
WE Foundation in Kenya I knew during those scenes that... that is where Selena is the most happiest and I love seeing her in that state. I can see it in her face that the Kenya trip was a big breather for her (with Raquelle keeping her grounded at the side, which is very kind of her to do) because not only that she gets to work with the girls but also take a break from the very busy lifestyle.
Again, the doco was very beautiful and exceeded my expectations.
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xxsabitoxx · 2 years
So I just- Iguro finally getting competition for Mitsuri's love an attention and just the MESS that'd go on with that, like they're very clearly hitting on her and making their intentions known and now Iguro has to fight for her hand in love and how'd that all play out?
Oh boy
He felt foolish right away thinking he was the only one who found her beautiful
He never expected a new recruit to be so bold, absolutely oozing confidence as he began sweet talking Mitsuri
He also felt quite foolish for thinking she wouldn’t fall for this new recruit the same way he had fallen for her
Mitsuri was one of the most approachable Hashira, no one was scared to speak to her — they respected her regardless
Obanai didn’t take this into account despite pinning after the love pillar for so long.
“I mean, why wouldn’t she fall for him? He was so open about his intentions!” Obanai groaned, venting his anger out loud to Sanemi. “I mean, you’re the dumb-ass for silently pursuing her. She’s ain’t no mind reader.” Sanemi seemed completely bored. “Help me.” He glanced over at Obanai with a confused expression. “Huh?”
Instead of being upfront with Mitsuri his new goal is to ruin the other man’s confidence
He uses Sanemi to essentially bully the man pursuing his Mitsuri 
The thing is, it doesn’t work. This new recruit seems to have no regards for his life because he goes right back at Sanemi
Sanemi ends up removing himself from the situation, he’s not interested in fighting Obanai’s battles when he is more than capable himself.
Obanai goes out of his way to send Mitsuri letters and gifts as well as invites her out for meals often
It’s going well until the new recruit tags along
“I figured he could join us!” The pink haired girl was oblivious to the death match both men were locked in. “That’s fine, Kanroji. A warning would have been nice though.” Obanai broke away first, staring lovingly at her. “I’m sorry, he joined last minute.” A smirk crept up the new recruit’s face. “Oh, so he’s the inconvenience.”
Unfortunately for Obanai, the new recruit becomes part of his life
It all boils down to whoever Mitsuri wants.
What neither men realize is the fact that Mitsuri is already set on Obanai. The new recruit never had a chance.
Mitsuri is just too sweet to turn anyone away and she likes his company. Though it probably comes off different in their mind.
It honestly takes months for Obanai to get fed up enough as confess before the new recruit does
“I’m in love with you.” She stopped mid-slurp to stare at the man. “I-iguro?!” She nearly choked on the food in her mouth. “I’m sick of that bastard thinking he can have you! I-i really mean it. I love you, Mitsuri.” She was steadily turning bright red. “Oh, Iguro! You’re so sweet! I love you too!” A wobbly smile pulled at her lips.
See, it wasn’t that hard! I’m kidding, Obanai nearly died
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cloudninetonine · 3 years
I have more thoughts, but first I wanna thank you for indulging in my crack mind, so thanks! I don’t expect fics, and I just enjoy expanding and creating more concepts since they’re vague and allow more creativity to flow in. Blasphemous, but have some Sympathetic Hylia agenda. I was thinking about the implications in the lore and manga. Hylia is canonically a goddess only in name. She didn’t create life, the worlds or anything; all of that falls under Din, Nayru, and Farore. Her only purpose was to protect the triforce, which she fails in doing so. I think that affected her in being more callous and cold. She can’t afford to fail even though her failure seemed almost unavoidable. She can’t use the triforce against a demo lord, and in the manga she’s looked down and isn’t exactly believed by others about what will occur with demons taking the land, which kinda makes since(but if an celestial being told me demons were gonna come then i would listen) The bond between The golden goddess seems very detached, as long as the triforce is protected and safe then everything is okay, not accounting for the lives of land they built. All the gods & goddesses are pretty apathetic to the pleas of people, and it’s surprising that Hylia even tries to save them, but I guess she got pretty attached to her “home” // Yandere starts when you fall into not-hyrule yet and meet the repressed and awkward first! link from the manga. Not yet chosen by Hylia, and you bond with this not hero guy, and he mostly bonds with you out of pity because clearly you’re just beggar who hit her head and starting spouting nonsense, probably insane, and it's also spreading because clearly this isn’t a logical choice, but Link has never a person of logic. You meet Hylia while wandering in this soon to be apocalyptic world (honestly imaging a large crack in ground as the Demise and his demon begin their conquest and quite literally come from the depths of hell to take over) and Hylia is attempt to spread word without being “do not be afraid” but it hasn’t really worked yet. You accidentally blurt out “Zelda” confusing her, since clearly she is not this “Zelda”. Hylia, in my opinion, isn’t exactly the brightest, but she tries her best. Link and Hylia meet, bonds grow, and life goes to hell when Link is left to rot in the dungeons, changing him to a more colder and repressed man. Hylia is more desperate and growing more tired and frustrated that everything against Demise is proving to be futile. The one person who seems to keep together is you, but their love is stifling and you're starting to forget why you’re even here—why are you even here? You bleakley realize that your fantasy life isn’t very great and that you might die or be stuck in this well intended gilded cage by your loved ones. You create, indirectly and unknowingly, an ocarina as a self indulgent gift that gets blessed by Nayru: the ocarina of time. In the end, you die and everything is futile, or you thought before you woke up. Regret is strong as you recall the fact that 1) you died 2) your love ended in bitterness and hatred 3) you’re apparently alive while your lovers aren’t. You never did find out why you were there in the first place either. Bittersweet, but Hylia thinks “Zelda” as name because you called her that, or “Lia” affectionately before your relationship turned cold and bitter.
Now I have an au for tethered au called Replaced hero/kill the hero au. You do get reincarnation but you look nothing like you first did, so imagine the angst and shock and relief when you walk around and see a link with a copy of yourself that hylian, and then they walk past you, never looking back. Maybe you were never enough. Sure you look nothing like you used to, but your ears are still round and maybe you do behave differently but you died! How can anyone behave the same after going through something like that? dirven hy spite you decided to fuck it and give hylia a piece of mind by taking and venting on her incarceration: Zelda… only to attached when you realize both of you have been abandoned by the same person. You take the place of the hero, while confusing him because where was his journey? only to forget because his “goddess” was next to him and took priority. Hylia is smug, but also internally panicking because who the hell is this odd human? You and Zelda are busy flirting and ignoring the fact that you were originally planning to kill her. It’s going to be a bit of a shock to both the Chain and Hylia, because if that's you then who are the “(y/n)”?
@yandere-linked-universe Because I gotta tag you for this stuff.
I love the concept of the Player (If you're not talking about the Player I apologise!) being a basic kick-starter to the story! A voice of reason for those who are losing to it! After all, it's just a game, right? Maybe the Player is just here to get the show going, help Hylia, help the hero, help Hyrule! Right?
But then it starts to get....dark.
The first hero had experienced a traumatic experience like no other. Their Goddess is now just a former husk of herself, this isn't supposed to happen, right?
They're up in the sky now, cold, tired, watching the clouds below as people weep In the background. Hyrule is lost, they're now on what will later be dubbed Skyloft and Hylia is just distant. All you really have now is your Ocarina.
You die,
But then you're not dead.
Thus begins the events of the Replaced Hero.
Honestly I love it!
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