#i never make comics like this this is hard af
monkiinart · 1 year
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sometimes he gets a bit homesick
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raveartts · 2 years
Sorry, I just love making This Guy self harm
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lazyjellyfish300 · 6 months
DD pt 3 part 2 of 2
Fem reader x Miguel O'Hara who is your Uber driver
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This art was commissioned to accompany this chapter by the incredibly talented @/ejpuki on Instagram. Please go support the original artist!
Pt 1 , Pt 2 , Pt 3 1 , Part 4 , Part 5
Synopsis- fem reader drinks too much and the bartender calls a random Uber for her which happens to be Miguel O'Hara himself. Her friends suck and ditch her. There's a lot of tension on the ride home...
TW: MINORS DNI, some blood, little.violence, suggestive content ,age gap (reader 26, Miguel 34), this one is a sad one, inspired by the original comic
Over the next few days you two text back and forth and talk on the phone. You feel so happy and excited about this budding romance between you two. It's been so long since you felt safe enough to let yourself catch feelings for a guy. You flood his phone while he's at work. Miguel isn't used to someone texting him so often but it's kind of cute how you update him on every little thing that's happening in your day and he has to try not to burst out laughing in the break room at some of the Instagram reels you send him. 
Your text convo: 
Miguel (pookie 🐻❤️) : Why tf would you send me a video of a banana cat with that sad music 😂😐🤨 and who is that white guy that's always randomly showing up at the end of videos with that whistle tune playing? 
You(amor ❤️): it's a meme babe you don't get it😂😂😂 it's supposed to be random, that's what makes it funny af. And that's Josh Hutcherson. You've never seen or read Hunger Games?! 
Miguel(pookie 🐻❤️): no, I haven't. Your sense of humor is a little broken I'm afraid. 🤨 You kids and your memes. 
You(amor ❤️): my sense of humor is just fine 😂LMAO you're only like 8 years older than me. 😂 we're watching it immediately! And we're going to Barnes and Noble to get you a copy. 😇 
Miguel(pookie 🐻❤️): hmmm fine.😌 When would you like to, cutie? ❤️
You(amor ❤️): This weekend please? ❤️❤️❤️
Miguel(pookie 🐻❤️): I'm so sorry, I'll have Gabi with me. But she'll be at her mom's next weekend. Can we do it then? ❤️ 
You(amor ❤️): that's okay I totally understand! ❤️ Yes please! I'm so excited ❤️ I miss you... 
Miguel(pookie 🐻❤️): perfect. I miss you more. ❤️
Next Friday
Miguel drives to work, his heart like a dead weight in his chest and his mind racing with different scenarios on how he's going to tell his boss he's had enough. This isn't what he signed up for. The project he was overseeing at work was trying to create these "special abilities"in humans. One of the test subjects passed away this week and he'd be lying to himself if he said it wasn't messing with his head. He had nightmares about her. She couldn't have been older than 19. Her blue eyes frantic as she realized she might not make it off the lab table alive. Her horrified screams ringing in his eardrums. Miguel's fist clamped tighter around the steering wheel as he choked back a sob. He felt this was his burden to shoulder alone. He knew he was falling for you steadily now, and he didn't want you to go crazy worrying about him. He knows you love to try and fix people, a lot of times to your detriment and couldn't stand to see you in that position or live with the fact that he put you there. 
 He really didn't care for his boss, Tyler Stone either. Tyler Stone was the 6'3, blonde haired, blue eyed, egotistical vice president over Research and Development at Alchemax. He and the other higher ups just spent all day figuratively (and possibly literally) sucking each other off in boardroom meetings for the hard work everyone underneath them was doing. He was a businessman, not a scientist, and it became clear to Miguel that profit came first for him over scientific discovery and advancement, and his cronies shared the same philosophy. 
Miguel faced the man now, sitting in his office. Tyler sighed and walked over to his decanter set that sat in the corner of his office on top of a polished mahogany drink cabinet. 
"Care for some bourbon?" He asked, rolling up his sleeves.
Miguel pinched the bridge of his nose and nodded, closing his eyes for a moment. 
"It pains me to hear that you're wanting to leave, it really does." Tyler says as he pours the bourbon in two short, square glasses. 
"I chose you because I believed you could handle it. Your track record doesn't lie, Miguel. You were top of your class at Columbia University. I've seen your research and read your thesis that you did with them. You know Dain was actually the one that submitted your nomination to me when I was looking for someone to promote?" Tyler hands the glass of bourbon to Miguel who murmurs a low thank you. 
"My point is, if you leave, I got no one to replace you, and that makes my job even more tough." Tyler takes a sip of his bourbon and makes a small face. "I'm going to bat for your little science project every time I meet with the board of directors. I'll be honest with you, they're ready to trim the fat." Tyler's blue eyes bore into Miguel's over the rim of his glass. "But I tell them that this process, is worth the wait. We won't have these superhuman abilities lined up for purchase on shelves tomorrow. But give or take a few years we will be the first to break 100 bil in quarterly revenue when we roll this out to the public.  My point is, I'm willing to do whatever I gotta do to keep this project afloat because I've ran the numbers, I've seen what guys like you and Dain can do. It's a worthwhile investment."
Miguel takes a sip of his bourbon and winces. Fuck it, he downs the rest of the whiskey, his throat on fire. He holds out his empty glass to Tyler who takes it and goes to refill it, his back turned to Miguel.
 "I'm sorry...." Miguel finally says. "I've made up my mind. I'm flattered that you think I'm the right person for this job, but I'm telling you, I don't want to be the guy who all of this is riding on anymore. I'm not gonna gamble if people's lives are the chips."
Tyler's face went dark and he started tapping the side of his glass, his back still turned to Miguel.
Since when did this fucker grow a conscience? He knows he wouldn't be doing this job if he wasn't getting paid for it either right? He'd given Miguel and his team resources that any group of scientists would give their left kidney for. It was thanks to him in those board meetings that those ungrateful bastards even still had a job. And now their hang up is human test subjects? 
Tyler handed Miguel back another glass and said nothing as he watched Miguel down it. Miguel winced again as he finished his liquor, throat still on fire and cheeks starting to flush. 
Tyler turned back around, looking at the now setting sun on the horizon. "I'm afraid I can't let you go." He said calmly. 
Miguel raised an eyebrow, then suddenly his face turned white when Tyler held up an empty vial of Rapture, his back still turned to him. Tyler spoke again, his back still facing Miguel. "Alchemax is the only distributor of Rapture. Leave if you want, but I'm going to have to be forced to let the board know and involve law enforcement when they realize one of their silly little scientists couldn't keep his hands out of the cookie jar and became a needy little addict." He took a long sip. 
"You're not gonna make me look like a weak little bitch in front of the whole board. I don't lose, Miguel. You're not gonna fuck this up for me." 
Enraged, Miguel shot up, shattering the shot glass in his hand, blood gushing out of his fingers. "You fucking piece of shit!" 
Tyler remained calm. "You wanna hurt me? Go right ahead. I used your sign in to get this vial from the lab. The access history and empty vial next to my dead body will just deepen the hole you dug yourself. Either do as I say, or throw away your freedom right now and kill me before you even had a chance to see your little girl go to Prom." 
Miguel paused. This fucker was playing chess with him. Tyler took another sip. "It'd be a damn shame if you did. Especially about that new slutty girlfriend of yours. Did you even get to find out what her pussy feels like?"
That was it. Miguel threw his chair against the wall, the wooden legs splintering into the cabinet Tyler was leaning up against, a neutral expression on his prick face as he sipped more bourbon. 
Miguel turned and left the office, and slammed the door so hard the receptionist let out a small squeak of terror as Miguel tore down the hallway, rage seething out of his ears. 
  "Aaron?" Tyler asked in his cold expressionless voice. 
A short, balding man in his mid-thirties with green eyes and thick black rimmed glasses stepped out from behind a two way mirror in the corner of Tyler's office. 
"You rewrote the code in Machine A-2099 in sector 8, right?" 
"Yes boss." 
You hummed happily as you lit a few of your favorite vanilla almond scented candles on your coffee table. You went all out with a smorgasbord of treats for your movie date night with Miguel including popcorn, gummy worms, Milk Duds, Pretzels, M&Ms, beef jerky, and root beer floats. As soon as you got off work, you cleaned the whole apartment top to bottom and put fresh sheets on the bed. You checked your phone anxiously.
Text convo: 
Miguel (pookie 🐻❤️): Good morning beautiful ❤️ how'd you sleep? Have a great day, I'll be at your apartment at 8 pm. 
You(amor ❤️): you just made my whole morning!🥰🥰 Good morning handsome! I slept great! I'm so looking forward to movie night tonight. I have a bunch of treats and goodies for us to snack on too. 😇
Miguel (pookie 🐻❤️): that sounds wonderful, baby. ❤️ Driving to work now, I'll text you when I get there but I'm not going to be able to talk much today. I have a meeting with the boss and a bunch of other stuff related to the project I'm overseeing. Just wanted to let you know not to worry ❤️ I'll call you at 6! 
6 pm came and went and you felt sick to your stomach. 
You(amor ❤️): Babe? Everything okay, I tried you twice. 
You (amor ❤️): Miguel? It's 9 pm. Are you okay? Please just call or text me to let me know everything's okay...
It was now 10 pm. He wasn't coming. Your stomach lay in knots. You had called him 28 times with no answer.
What's happening? Is he cheating on me? Did he get into an accident? Is he dead on the side of the road while I'm hundreds of miles away and can't do anything?
He gets busy at work but he always, always checks in with you. You can't help but fight back tears at his untouched root beer float sitting next to yours. You knew going into this that you had to jump, knowing you were gonna fall and he might not be there to catch you. Well, here you were with a small dagger in your heart on what was supposed to be your second date. You couldn't help but let yourself get in your head. His rejection of you this time confirmed everything you feared about yourself. You laid down on the couch and sobbed quietly to sleep. 
That same night at Alchemax
Miguel's painful screams reverberated off the tiled floor of the genetics lab at Alchemax. The tall powerful man he was, was writhing on the floor in agony. It was as though his blood had turned to acid. His whole body felt on fire. Please God, if I'm supposed to die right now just take me already. He hadn't felt pain this intense ever before in his life. His eyes turned bloodshot, foaming at the mouth as his saliva bubbled and splurted out in incoherent gasps. 
Aside from his screams, the machine responsible for his pain let out a low beep. Miguel knew that a copy of his original DNA sample was logged into one of the gene altering machines that he set up when he was first put in charge of Tyler's superhuman project. He knew that as long as he had a drop of Rapture in him, he'd remain an addict defenseless against his new dependency Tyler forced on him. He had tried in vain to rewrite his current biology back to the original, but Tyler was one step ahead. Tyler knew nothing about science or how DNA worked, but it didn't take much to convince Miguel's bitter, jealous subordinate, Aaron Delgado to sabotage the machine. Very little was known about what type of effect that might have on a human, so there was a good chance he'd just die. Just what they wanted. Aaron and Tyler's smug faces entered the lab, watching Miguel suffer and taunting him, even pouring up another round of bourbon while they waited for the show to end. Yep, he'd be dead in just a few more minutes. They had an alibi and a cover up ready to go. They'd post his job opening by Monday and then they could pretend like this never happened. Miguel suddenly became still, his chest seeming to freeze in place, no longer rising and falling with his normal breathes. 
Gabriella, my little girl...I'm so sorry....I love you more than anything 
His eyes became glassy with tears. He was on his way to finding happiness with you too, only to have the rug pulled out from under him, now he was going to die here, alone. And those who killed him would never know justice behind their corporate wall of privilege and greed that would surely protect them. He uttered your name, his lips barely moving before his eyes fell closed and saw only black.. 
Pt 4 coming soon! Thanks for the support 🖤
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tarjapearce · 10 months
A thought on Miguel
Ya know? Every time I see Miguel I think.
Man, this man needs a hug even if he says that's he's fine cause we know he's just bulshitting himself big time. Like, he's broken, his life was shit and the little thing that actually made him happy disappeared in his hands before his eyes.
Sometimes I think that Gabriela was that inflection point where he just realizes "Maybe  just maybe I can try happiness." (Cause c'mon. In the comics dude is abused emotionally by his own mother. Always comparing him and belittling him. And we know what happened to Gabriel. and his step dad is shit. )
Sometimes I like to think that Gabriela was his redemption to all those terrible bad years prior the incident. She was his purpose. And when he saw the chance, he didn't even hesitated into dive head first into it. His biggest mistake. Although pretty much understandable. None would overlook the chance of being better or happy or do things differently, right?
Sometimes I think He just wanted to be the father he never had. He just wanted to be the role model he never had, be that safe place for someone else that he never got. And that's why I think most of us empathize with him. Mostly for not saying all of us, (Kudos if you don't ♥️) have had situations that resembled Comic Miguel and Movie Miguel's life.
And when he loses Gabi, that's a turning point for the bad to him. His main motivation to be better, happier is gone.
Instead, he kinda twists that purpose Gabi gave him to protect the Multiverse he knows. Not that he doesn't care for the Spider Society members. He knows that all of them are there because they are more capable of handling themselves. They don't need protection, but they do need a role model, someone that guides them into not fucking up like he did.
That's why he is all grumpy, tired, emotionally drained and mentally exhausted. Cause he learned the consequences the hard way, but the rest is just cool about it. (Not cool in the 'I don't care way' but more like Just 'tell me what you need me to do and I'll do it, but my way' sort of thing.)
He didn't have the proper time to actually reflect on his mistakes, not that the multiverse is giving him any break though, He is Spiderman. He just knows that his mistake CANNOT be repeated. That's why he turns even more irritable, angry, fearful, all stemmed from self loathing for failing.
The man is depressed af. And we know, he overworks himself, he berates his own mind by watching over and over the screening videos of him and Gabi, he perpetuates guilt, but he cannot waver, cause he is a role model (A self imposed one) for the rest. He's not yet he is a martyr. He's not because he shares the common goal to keep Multiverse safe, but he is since said need to keep multiverse safe rooted from his big fuck up.
But dude has a savior complex. (I think this one suits better than martyr, dunno.)
And when Miles show up and does his thing, he sees all his convictions, motivations, his purpose, everything that drives him, threatened. And that's why lashed out the way he did on Miles.
That's his breaking point. I do not agree in the things he said to Miles though, we all know that he was just self projecting big time a good chunk of that dialogue. But he just wants to contain Miles at first, but the more Miles fights, the more everything he has worked for crumbles. An act of despair and fear disguised as anger, I like to think.
He is stunned cause damn, the menace to everything he has known and built so far just escaped from his hands before his eyes and again he was unable to stop it. (Another failure for him.)
He's a walking contradiction. Mistakes for him are not an option, but he can't help but make them along the way. Like most of us. And I think that's what makes him the most human among other Spiderman. And hopefully we can see more of him and how does he deals with all of that in the last movie.
But yeah, that's just my take on him.. Might be wrong, might be 🤡 or obvious but yeah. Needed to get that out.
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shipandrunforit · 7 months
Dropping some Heartsteel head cannons I have bc these thoughts won’t leave me alone and I’m curious how much they are going to tie in magic with this (bc Kayn and Ezreal still have their powers)
Kayn and Rhaast
Was a street kid growing, something happened that lead to him being orphaned and living on the streets for a few years
Accidentally released rhaast while trying to steal things from a museum, Rhaasf was not happy about having the situation and tried to leave but Kayn didn’t let him go out of spite.
Two slowly grew to be friends but aren’t the healthiest of friends with Kayns ego feeding into Rhaast, especially when their on stage, and Rhaast has a tendency to voice and pressure kayn to follow through on intrusive thoughts or actions.
Rhaaat was the one who thought of them entering the music industry (wanted everyone’s eyes on him) and so they worked their ass off to get into the industry.
Rhaast also enjoys the dramatics, got very board sitting in the weapon for years and enjoys putting on a show and being a show off.
Was sort of like those Disney kids from the Mickey Mouse club, was how he got into the industry at such a young age. (Also could be why kayn calls him the pop star Prince, is bc he was everywhere for a while).
Is an orphan and is being raised by his uncle
Not sure how he got teleportation when he doesn’t seem to have the gauntlet but he very much loves using his abilities to jump around the city and do parkour.
Would probably also use it to sneak out at times either to hide from his old manager when he was in trouble
First time he did this in front of the boys was bc he was too lazy to walk to the kitchen and he scared the crap out of K’Sante, still make jokes about it.
The dog sleeps in his room, was also the one to name the dog.
Good af editing, especially on computers
Started out as a dj and went to music school and even taught his brother a few basics of being a dj as well.
Still had a falling out with his brother bc he saw how bad the industry was and didn’t want Yasuo to get involved. Led to them having a fight and haven’t really talked since
Is very into mythology and folklore (is why for his section of music video we see the azukana spirt. Is also partially bc I have no fucking clue how else to tie that part of his backstory into this).
Boys played a prank on him by switching his coffee once, long story short they all (including Rhaast) collectively agreed never to do this again bc of how terrifying the results of this prank where
Yone is one of the best drawers in the group besides Sett and the two talk about animations sometimes (Yone animated the fox in his section)
Has made the boys Dino nuggets at one point
Is a big fan of comics, animation, and pfp fighting games
Did the drawings for his section as well as the animations for the background (am referring to that scene in the end of the music video)
Dad was a boxer who left when Sett was young
Sett also knows how to box and worked as a boxer for a bit as well as a bouncer maybe. Rap was more of a hobby but when he got signed onto a record label he switched to doing it full time
Punched the paparazzi bc they were harassing his mom
Favorite anime’s include jojo’s bizar adventures and one punch man
Meet Apjelious before Heartsteel at a meuseum that showcasing a new planetarium exhibit. Two hit it off and are now dating.
Aphelios and Alune
He and his sister were involved in choir when they were younger
Alune went off to college to get her degree in business in management and aphelios went stayed home and did his music.
Aphelios lost his voice either due to medical reasons or because of an accident, Alune transferred to a closer college to be with her brother when the news broke out.
Aphelios had a hard time getting further in the industry, was often discredited or people wouldn’t want to work with him bc it was “too much of a hassle”.
Was nervous for his sister to meet Sett only to realize the two get along great and would 100% commit crimes together
Is also a gamer and will do dates with Sett that’s just them playing video games or Sett listening to him ramble on about movie or video game scores.
Aline was very chill with the boys breaking into the studio bjt did tell them not to break anything (spoilers, they did and she was not happy about it).
Alune is the older sibling and will tease her brother and the other boys and is not afraid to fight them if push comes to shove.
Has written and preformed a lot of songs before Heartsteel
Used to work on songs with his ex boyfriend but the two spit up due to the strain working together put on their relationship
Is the relationship expert in the group and will give the others advise or flirting or planning dates or anything else they need help with if they ask.
Loves going to the gym with Sett, might have been how the two of them meet in the first place. They got to talking about music at one point and when they found out the other was looking for someone to collaborate with they decided to work together.
Spot for one another when in the gym
Is the other mom friend of the group but a lot more chill, let’s them get away with more things then Yone would
Is good at filming and old school editing. He and Ezrael did most of the did for the music video and let the others scribble one what they compiled then approved it.
Was against the coffee incident and straight up left the building when it happened.
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gattnk · 3 months
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Terence and Scarlett, the youngest Deans in this Golden School's history. What kind of future do you think they'll bring?
I'm back on track my lovelies! Or rather, I never really left the AF train: I just needed some time to plan things out. I've sketched out the rest of the school staff, but I'll give priority to finishing chapter 5. Not gonna lie, I only finished these two first because I fell so in love with their designs I couldn't resist sharing them sooner!
Back in the early days of my production bible, I established the Golden School would offer other courses unrelated to guardian angels/devils; both the comic and S2 of the show inspired this concept. I came up with five faculties in total, with a pair of canon teachers at the helm of each. This is how Terence and Scarlett became my Academic Deans of the Tech and Support faculty.
Tech and Support is an engineering faculty: they're the mechanics behind mascots, vehicles like auto-spheres and motor-spikes, and pretty much every piece of angel/devil infrastructure on Earth. I chose Terence and Scarlett specifically because they're the least established teachers we see in canon. Simply put, they were the only teachers with enough wiggle room to fit the bill.
I took a long, hard look at what Terence and Scarlett were supposed to be in the series: the young, hip, hot new teachers in town when they first show up in the movie, the kind that make their younger students swoon and maybe stir some love trouble indirectly with their presence. I could definitely work with that!
Terence's original design looked like the kind of guy who brings an acoustic guitar to a college party, which is a very... 2000s kind of "hot". He needed an upgrade, stat. So I went on a quest and found that hunks are in vogue now, which is fine by me! And so a hunky engineer he became, with a high-visibility coverall, work boots, tool-bags and a helmet. He got to keep some stubble and his long hair (tied up in a ponytail for safety reasons) as a recall to his original design.
Scarlett's original design screams femme fatale, which is great for eye candy but not very practical when handling machinery. So I decided to gear her properly: strong-material overalls and shirt, work boots, welding gloves and safety goggles, protective horn cuffs, short hair and no jewelry (seriously, avoid wearing dangly bits like loose hair or jewelry when you're in a workshop). Properly geared women in STEM are, or so I'm told, pretty hot :v So mission accomplished!
While Terence and Scarlett's role in my rewrite is no longer to act as a romantic wedge between Raf and Sulfus, I ended up giving them shared traits with my Raf and Sulfus redesigns. It has a narrative purpose I won't disclose for now, but if you were wondering why they feel like grown-up genderbent versions of the protagonists, now you know.
Their new colors are pretty much a mash-up of their canon palette and my usual colors for angels and devils. I wanted to subvert expectations a bit however, so I gave Terence a red halo and wings and Scarlett blue horns and wings. They're the same hue as each other's eyes for entirely aesthetic reasons.
Honestly, it's been real fun so far to work on the teachers! I love working on side characters, there's more room to explore in terms of design because there's less expectations surrounding them.
I'll Fly With You (rewrite fic) Art masterpost
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lovingherrscher · 1 year
Playing Honkai Impact with the BSD men (Dazai, Chuuya, Kunikida and Fyodor)
Note: Crack, OOC even maybe, random ideas at 2AM while I do the Honkai grinding. Might do a Genshin version later if I feel like it. Genre: Crack, fluff, if you squint hard enough there'll be 4th wall breaking and some spoilers for Storm Bringer.
Is willing to play with you, and he is kinda bored so he needs something to kill time in the office when he's not sleeping or messing around with Kunikida.
SUPER, like, super lucky. First 10 dorm supply and he already got 3 S-Rank Valkyries????
Man makes you question your luck because just 10 roll in any banner and he WILL get all the rate-up character, weapon or even stigmata.
"F2P btw"
That certain player who skips the story just to play the game.
Said that he's gonna read it later but never will. Too lazy to do that, but does read the comic/manhua version when you brought that up.
But he does read Elysian Realm, including the main story.
Is a simp for Elysia and the other Seele aka Veliona.
Got them at SSS with full gear as well.
Man also got Stygian Nymph at SS2 like how-
Sometimes when he's too lazy or bored he'll throw the phone to you or Atsushi to help him with the daily tasks.
HATES, absolutely hates Otto with a fierce passion. Will switch to Chinese VA if he had to or simply unplug the headphones when he doesn't want to changes VA back and forth too much.
Man started you by almost jumped out of the bed when he first heard Otto's voice in Memorial Arena.
Was suprised af hearing Welt's voice too. Will use that as the reason to 'persuade' Kunikida into playing the game.
"Hey Atsushi-kun, help me a bit will you? Just skip the materials event and play enough to reach 600 BP points and you're good to go!"
With that said, he threw the phone to his subordinate and immediately went to lay down on the couch. Poor Atsushi knows nothing and was fumbling with it for a good while until you took Dazai's phone from his hands.
"It's alright, I will do it for him. You can get back to work, sorry for that, Atsushi."
Is okay with it actually because he does want to relive some stress, and because you told him to cut out on the cigarettes so he needs something that can distract him.
Enjoys the story enough to play the game with you. That is, until he read Void Heavens & Diane's Sojourn.
Was crying at the part when Herrescher of Void told Fu Hua that Kiana's existence is built upon lies and that she only exists to serve as her vessel.
He cries for the whole night in your arms because that reminds him of what he's been through back then. He was lucky enough that he is, actually a real human being. Still, deep down sometimes he wishes he could be a normal person, for if weren't because of Arahabaki inside him, he wouldn't had to suffer like that.
Didn't touch the game for a whole week after he finished Thunders over Nagazora.
Cries even harder after the end of Theater of Domination and the birth of Herrescher of Flamescion.
Immediately whale for Kiana. He whaled so much in just ONE DAY that Hoyoverse had to contact him and ask is he sure that he wants to continue the transaction.
He had all Kiana's battlesuits at SSS and with proper stigmata sets + weapons for them.
Did whale for Himeko as well because why not? Aunt Himeko deserves it ❤
Those doesn't left even a dent in his black card. Will let you whale as well, as long as his princess is happy ❤
"You have quite the collection there, Chuuya. By this rate they're gonna give you a Kiana golden statue as a gift."
"They are?!"
Chuuya widened his eyes in suprise. He didn't expect to get anything back, he just wanted to see Kiana's growth, for he saw a glimpse of himself in the valkyrie. He admires those with a strong will like that, maybe it was a part of his younger self who admires the heroes in those stories which he convinces himself that he will never become someone like them.
"Well, they might be. I heard that a company use to sent a wedding ring as a token of appreciation for their most loyal customer." (*)
Absolutely not. He "will not waste his time on such things."
Too busy to afford a hobby, no?
But when Dazai shows him Welt's voice?
He was so suprised his jaws could fall off right there on his desk.
Still not going to play because he insists you that his schedule is already packed. But he will listen to you when you ramble about the game though.
Might ask you to lend him your phone so he can read the story at one point.
He bursted out at the last bubble universe in In The Deep where Welt, Herrescher of Reason turns his back against humanity instead of fighting for them like he always did.
He was scared that he might become like that. Sasaki and the Azure King case still haunts him. He was afraid that one day he will be like him when he is fed up and let his ideals consumes him.
Please hug the man. He deserves a vacation and someone who'd be there for him.
Honestly, he isn't too fond of the idea of playing games and such.
Will try because of curiosity when you show him Otto's voice.
Does read the story properly, and whilst he shows no interests in the valkyries, he find the Overseer amusing.
Is one hell of a lucky man as well.
When he saw Dazai in the Memorial Arena rankings, he'd starts a race to beat the other. He does owns enough valkyries and equipments, but if he felt it isn't enough he'll whale just to beat Dazai. Of course that's the same case for our beloved detective.
Isn't happy after he finishes Kolosten and Thus Spoke Apocalypse. He doesn't understand why does Otto have to go so far for Kallen.
Is amused again when he saw the fake Otto in A Post-Honkai Odyssey though.
Eventually will quit the game after Otto is gone because it no longer amuses him.
(*) This actually happens iirc I've read an article about a game company in China sent their most loyal player a ring upon their wedding as a token of appreciation after all the money they spent for the game.
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infernothechaosgod · 7 months
you know it truly amazes me how you can't do practicly anything on tiktok or search the thing you like without getting absolutley shat on
Like I'm feeling a little in the mood for rottmnt angst A lil bit of that kick in the gut, and I can't go 3 minutes without one of those made in 5 minutes max videos that's just background video and text over it Saying shit like "Yall need to stop with the rottmnt angst it's getting annoying" or "the rottmnt angst artist need to chill out" or even better "The rottmnt fandom needs to stop the angst it's just a show for kids"
First off, if angst isn't your thing, you can block it or just scroll pass it OR you know what if youre feeling like a little shit you can hate read it or whatever but keep the comments TO YOURSELF
Second off I checked what the content of most of these people is And it's always goddamn always those 10 second background videos with text over it
nothing more
I dare these people to even try to draw the shape of leo's head, or write out something more than 40 words I accualy dare them. do it.
Also the same goes for shipping over there
Let's say you see a legal completly normal ship you don't like Example let's say leo x usagi or raph x mona
What you wanna do is scroll or block it
NOT make up info to make others stop shipping it, I'm sick and tired of people non stop saying that usagi or mona are adults or that their entire characters are being love intrest in the fandom's eyes Because if you look at any of the fanfic's or fan content of those Yeah it's easy to find content where there love intrest's but it is hard to find content where there ONLY love intrest
People love mona so much for the fact that she's a badass warrior who loves her planet and people they often give her more backstory focused stories that explore how she would feel depending on where the writers story will go or already went, I have never seen anyone maker her just a typical love intrest (witch honestly suprised me)
Usagi? People have more free will with his interpretation's so he has many many diffrent faces backstories, personalities but often people make him focused on something in their stories, examples being, getting back home, protecting others, getting over something, fighting in battle nexus and exploring how it would be Etc. Etc. That mixed with being a love intrest
The only times when these two can be seen as just love intrest and nothing more is in
Edit's/tiktok content where everything is short af (and even then sometimes people give em backstories and their own lore it really amazes me sometimes lmao)
short (usualy) tagged as fluff without plot fics on ao3 (witch you can litellary tag out SO easily)
Little comics/some art pices That HAVE VERY STORT LIMITS
also this might suprise you it really might but DRAWING IS HARD AND TAKES ALOT OF TIME SAME GOES FOR MAKING THE IDEA UP
And when it comes to their ages we all know there not adults, littelary where did anyone mention mona being an aduly ever, and the only times when usagi and leo accualy interact is when there in similiar if not the same ages
(in 2003 usagi and leo are close friends and Both teens, in the early comics there both adults when they first meet, even in 1987 version there both shown to be close if not the same age, the ONLY TIME where leo and usagi have very diffrent ages is in 2012 and honestly i have a little theory on why specificly that version had them be you know that but that's for another post)
Seriously what the fuck is tiktok's problem with any form of fanon content? You want the fandom to die? It aint gonna happen, you either get used to some bad stuff existing there and there and ignoring it (reporting then ignoring it if it's really bad) OR you keep quiet OR you will get banned by alot of creators after crying in their comments, then cry when you can't find something they made anymore
Tiktok man, good for daydreaming to the sounds, looking at edits and for some art trends but litellary can't let anything else exist on there or else you'll explode
(Also I bet if some of the fanon angst made it to the accual show they would deepthroat that shit right up and call it writing of ceuntry)
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namitomoon · 6 months
Why Scott Pilgrim dating Knives was WRONG:
(Disclaimer: I assume most people who read the comic/watched the movie/anime DO understand why it was wrong but I still felt like writing this short post because 1) some people still don't get it, 2) I'm bored and on a SP hyperfixation arc so I felt like writing stuff up so here we go)
Scott Pilgrim is kind of a douchebag at the beginning of the comic. It's not exactly hard to perceive it in the way his friends treat him. They don't hate him but they seem to be a little cold to him, as if they're tired of his antics.
For them, Scott dating a teenager while being a 23 years old adult isn't something ground-breaking for his friends that changes the way they perceive him. Rather, it's something they fully expect of him, which is why they are actually quite pissed off but don't really shout or yell at him.
If you notice the early chapters, you can see that most of the people of Scott's social circle dislike him a bit...except for Knives, his teenager girlfriend. And that's the thing. Knives REALLY loves Scott, she idolizes him, her eyes shine when Sex Bob-Omb plays, she tells him everything about her school and so on. Nobody doubts Knives is head over heels for Scott...but it's not the other way around.
You see, there's a reason Scott Pilgrim went specifically for a teenager. Stephen Stills says it out loud on the last volume in case you still missed it (get it, Stills...still, nevermind): It was easy for Scott. It was easy for an immature douchebag like Scott to impress an immature teenager with his whole "cool band dude" schtick. And Scott wasn't stupid. He knew. Which is why he did it. And his friends weren't stupid either, which is why they pressure him to dump Knives.
And you can see the after effects throughout the entirety of the comic: Knives is traumatized. But she is deeply traumatized. Scott dumped her in a pretty cold and abrupt way, then she found out he two-timed her...and yet, she is still deeply in love with him. The fact she becomes a sort of "Scott Evil Ex" serves as a way to warm us to the idea that Ramona is also a bad person by the way.
She finally lets him go of her heart by volume 6, almost a year later. But that won't erase the wounds Scott left there. For Knives, Scott was everything, a cool af boyfriend she enjoyed hanging out with. For Scott, Knives was just "a cute Asian chick" he got because that's literally all he could get. And even if she gets a boyfriend or husband (or well, girlfriend or wife) that actually respects her...she'll probably carry that trauma for the rest of her life.
And that is why it was wrong for Scott to date Knives OR ANY TEENAGER for that matter. Between an adult and a high schooler there is a huge gap in terms of maturity, worldview, objectives... Don't even get me started on power disparity. A high schooler lives with their parents, an adult probably has a full job and salary (although this angle was never explored because Scott is a fucking leech that lives off Wallace's goodwill)
It was never about the age gap (mainly). Yes, perhaps in many jurisdictions it's perfectly legal for a 23 y/o to have sex with a 17 y/o. But you still shouldn't. There is a potential for abuse, manipulation, power imbalance and traumas. O'Maley made Knives a 17 y/o and not a 15 y/o probably to make it less evident and leave it up more to the reader...and then apparently most readers, as O'Maley said in an interview, didn't really caught on. Hell, some people might even argue that the age gap as THE problem itself was a red herring. It was the reasoning. Which is why his final kiss with Knives after she is finally 18 felt so awkward on both sides. Because the age itself was never the main problem, it was the manipulation aspect.
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aydaptic · 7 months
Sorry if you've already answered this before but I'm new to the fandom and I found your account through your web-comic and I was wondering what is it about Gavin that you like so much? Why is he one of your favourite characters in dbh? (I've noticed that he isn't much of a fan-favourite in this fandom 😔)
This'll be a long post, but you asked (...and I'll happily answer!) I'll add some descriptions for context. At the top of my head, I can think of 21 reasons why I like his canon equivalent.
1. He's charismatic
Gav gives off an energy that makes it easy to hang onto his every word. I can quote all his lines by heart and I like listening to Neil Newbon (in this specific role) talk. I remember some of Kamski's lines as well -- also mo-capped/voice acted by Newbon -- but Kamski doesn't have nearly as much charisma as Gav does.
2. He's expressive
Ppl who 'talk with their hands' are more charismatic. Gav is all over the place in the break room if you stick around. Hand gestures capture people's attention as they emphasize what is being said.
3. He doesn't think androids are alive (...so in his eyes, the way he treats them isn't wrong)
"Could always try roughin' it up a little. After all... it's not human." - Gavin Reed, The Interrogation
That means he wouldn't rough up a human suspect. This alone justifies his unpleasant attitude towards androids. Hank -- who treated Connor way worse than Gav ever did -- changed his mind. Nothing says Gav can't do the same.
If Alexa suddenly said she was alive, the vast majority wouldn't take it seriously (if any at all.)
4. He's sarcastic
"Congratulations on last night, very impressive." - Gavin Reed, Waiting For Hank...
5. He has dark humor
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6. He looks down on people that pay for s*x
Quote above. You don't call someone a "pervert" if you agree with their actions. The Eden Club, in particular, is immoral AF... bc those androids don't have a choice. Gav doesn't care about them being androids, but he still looks down on the guy who paid money to get laid, and I applaud Gav for that. Especially when said guy also had a wife and kids.
7. He has valid concerns about androids taking jobs
Anyone who says differently is either in denial, uninformed, or never had a job they were scared to get fired from. There's already been an uproar about ChatGPT and that's nothing compared to how advanced Detroit: Become Human androids are. The unemployment rate in this game is 37% -- higher than it was during the Great Depression and C*VID -- and androids are the main cause.
I've seen a lot of ppl ask this question:
Q: Why not just buy an android and have them do your job for you, then? You get the money anyway bc it's your android!
A: Bc, believe it or not, the vast majority of men want to work. This is a strange concept to grasp for a lot of ppl. I admire Gav for being one of those men who wants to do it themselves. Letting someone else do your job is taking the easy way out.
8. He's a hard worker
Gallery: "...Ruthlessly ambitious, Reed will do anything to advance his career, even if it means treading on other peoples’ toes."
9. He's ambitious
See the quote above.
10. He doesn't sleep well
This isn't just a headcanon. He has literal bags under his eyes. Just knowing he doesn't sleep well already has me asking, "why?" It's interesting.
11. He puts his feet on the table
After Connor interacts with him in the break room, Gav will go to his desk and do this. I'll go into detail about why this contributes to my liking his character in the very last point.
12. He calls Hank out on his alcoholism
As much as most of us love Hank, he's not in a good space mentally. Showing up drunk/hungover to work should not be tolerated. It not only puts coworkers, but also civilians, at risk. Hank should be in therapy instead of working at the DPD until he gets his life sorted out.
13. He calls Fowler out for giving Hank special treatment
"You won't get away with it this time." - Gavin Reed, The Interrogation (after Hank pulls a literal gun on a human coworker AKA Gav)
So Gav has brought it up to Fowler before and is about to do it again. Ties into the point above. What Hank does -- like assaulting a literal FBI agent -- shouldn't be tolerated.
14. He's a control freak
I gravitate towards ppl and characters who take charge. Those who like being in control and know what they're doing. I'm a control freak myself, but I'd prefer to let someone else take the reins as long as I agree with their methods. I like it when ppl know what they want and act on it. Gav does both.
15. He's protective of his coworkers
I was unsure whether or not to add this as I guess it can be seen as a subjective theory and not an objective fact.
Gav only ever steps in with the gun in The Interrogation when Con uses aggressive force on Chris Miller by tearing him away from the deviant. Con did this after disobeying Gav 3 times. So yeah. Gav is justified for stepping in. Hank, on the other hand, isn't justified for pulling a gun on a human coworker. I see this scene as Gav protecting Chris from Con who is showing signs of deviancy.
16. He can't wink
17. He pouts a lot
Again, endearing.
18. He swears like a sneezing kitten
Same as the two points above.
19. He doesn't like Connor
I don't like Con, either. Yeah. We exist. Personality types like Con's "let's be friends" attitude and constant positivity pisses me off. Before anyone comments that the player decides Con's personality... no. Only to an extent. There are several instances where the player has no say whatsoever. Some of Con's pre-determined responses annoy me.
20. He has great fashion
Big fan of leather jackets.
21. I like him bc I'm a narcissist at times
He's essentially the male equivalent of me to the T. I'm only an asshole internally, though. We love (or hate) characters we relate to. I relate to every single point except 17 and 18 on this list.
There you go :)
His OOC fanon equivalent has a huge fanbase -- especially on Twitter/X and Tumblr turning him into a blushing teenage girl -- but it seems like I'm the only person who can't stand that OOC portrayal of him. That said, I adore his canon equivalent in all his asshole glory.
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thegreymoon · 3 months
Eternal Brotherhood
LMAO, so all their ridiculous posturing in the street was actually a secret code 🤣🤣
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They are such idiots 🤣🤣
Oh, so Si Yilin is the OTP with Ka Dan?
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Interesting and hilarious! I can get behind that!
I like him but she bores me senseless. I've seen people hating on Ning but at least she's funny. Ka Dan has been such a cardboard cut-out so far, it's super hard to relate to her.
LMAO, A-Xiu's ridiculous ass dressed up as the princess, didn't it 🤣🤣
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The assassin is a WOMAN??
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Who do we have so far?
Baichuan and A-Xiu's boss? 🤔
I am not happy with either of these choices.
LMAO, his constipated ass is already in love as if he had never seen a woman before in his life 🤣🤣
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Sorry, Si Yilin, sucks to be you 😂😂
Really gorgeous!
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Also, Baichuan showing up at the prison is suspicious af, but also looking like a misdirection.
For now, my money is on the boss being the assassin.
LMAOOO, Ka Dan escaped 🤣🤣
Looking forward to more of her trickery!
When does she start using her brain, though?
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Or is she going to wait for Si Yilin to rescue her after she betrayed his trust and escaped?
She was seriously intending to slit her own throat??
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And here my stupid self thought that she was conning them into giving her the knife so that she could murder them 😑😑
And of course, it was Si Yiling who had to save her, smh.
I can't stand her.
LMAOOOOO, he's an idiot and there is no woman, but, girl, you really need to grow some standards 🙄
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Facepalming forever 🤦‍♀️
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What I can't figure out yet, though, is whether he's subconsciously self-sabotaging or if he is deliberately trying to make himself as obnoxious to her as possible because he thinks nothing good can come out of her loving him.
He's been shot by an arrow through the chest but let's worry about her spraining an ankle, smh.
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And now he has to carry her despite the arrow through his chest because she is too delicate to walk on her own two feet on anything but a perfectly level road, and is also apologising for the "disrespect" 🙄
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I cannot.
LMAO, if he's not careful, Lord Lu will mistake his nonsense for actual flirting and then he'll be in extra trouble 😅
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Seriously, though.
I know that my yaoi goggles are perpetually glued on, but even the average viewer must see that all their interactions so far have been sexually charged, right? The intent might be comic relief, but the sexual innuendo is 100% there.
I MEAN!! 🤯🤯
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If this was a Western show, there would be a bajillion kinky fics on Ao3 within a day of this airing!
It's not even subtext at this point.
LMAO, Si Yilin wishes 🤣🤣
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LMAO, what even 🤣🤣
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I thought he would get Baichuan or Ning to dress up, not put on lipstick himself 🤣🤣
Anyway, for this to work, Lord Mu Qi must be really invested in the peace talks being a success. Yikes.
Also, I have to wonder if Lord Lu was to see him like this, he'd be more or less inclined to kidnap and abscond with him to the North, peace talks be damned 🤣🤣
Mu Qi is really invested 😅
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He is definitely playing along.
I'm curious if Lord Lu is behind the attempted assassination and that's why he's insisting on seeing "her" because he knows she can't possibly be there.
I'm so glad he's not an idiot and I'm absolutely going to be shipping him with A-Xiu 😋
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Also, I love Lord Ge to bits 🖤
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badly-drawn-pidgeon · 2 months
Idk unpopular opinion it is, but I'm really disappointed by how bland of a villain Phobos ended up being. The hype up in the comics is done really well, where even letting the reader learn about his very existence is a gradual process. His first in-person appearance felt exciting to me... but the more time I spent with him as a character, the more frustrated I'd become.
[rant from the pov of low media literacy incoming]
Thing is, he just... doesn't seem to have any depth as a villain, or generally as a character. There doesn't seem to be this much going on for him aside from being this Very Evil Person. Don't get me wrong, I don't think he needs to be in any way sympathetic (although him being essentially a victim of systemic gender discrimination is a great plot point that the narrative completely flushes down the drain in the line of "yay girls power, we've shown that nasty male his place" message), but if you want to have this evil af bad guy, being evil in itself is not enough to make them a compelling character.
You can make your villain charismatic - which Phobos isn't, because he acts like a noisy, entitled, perpetually pissed teenage brat at almost all times. Sure, he's pretty, but looks alone can carry you only this far. And it's especially frustrating when you see that he can be charismatic if the authors are trying. His first appearances are sort of cool in both arcs he shows up in. Heck, the "you're not like Yan Lin, you're like Nerissa" dialogue was one of the coldest things anyone said in the entire comics series (imo). So the wasted potential adds fuel to fire.
You can also make your villain entertaining - which again, Phobos isn't. His very identity is a magical tyrant prince and the narrative doesn't try hard to make it any less generic, although having these evil flower minions and evil flower powers was a nice step in that direction. His relationship with Elyon feels emotionally lacking compared to that between Elyon and Cedric. His relationship with Cedric is straight up frustrating, because it's a never ending circle of Cedric messing up, getting punished, begging for one last chance and being reluctantly granted it. Just let the narrative acknowledge that Phobos has hots for Cedric at this point, because otherwise it's incomprehensible to me how a guy who turns people into poisoned plants for the tiniest offences would be able to put so much trust in a jobber of this caliber. Alas, their potential romance is never canonically expanded on, and it's a shame, because this could actually make Phobos entertaining by showing a more human side of him. For completeness, let me also mention that he doesn't get any humor going on for him either.
Finally, you can make your villain straight up intimidating - when again, Phobos isn't. If I recall correctly, we don't really see him hurt any meaningful character permanently (or am I wrong?), although that scene with Elyon's clone gets messed up in hindsight, when we learn more about how astral drops work. He doesn't honestly feel like a great horror villain candidate either, and I also don't find him really relatable to real world evils (Thomas Vandom is great at this) - even his manipulation of Elyon feels barebone, with Cedric doing all the interesting work.
Oh, and don't get me started on the cartoon. He still doesn't have any personality outside of being a hissy asshat, but now he also has an evil looking Shadow the Hedgehog color palette and an evil looking castle. So you don't have any doubts that he's, you know, evil.
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stitched-cosmos · 2 days
Art Vent (Why I haven't been posting + looking for advice)
I'm so sorry about not posting recently, I've made so much art but I'm so scared to post any of it due to AI. I've always been scared of posting my art because I was scared of people taking off my watermark and claiming it as theirs. The invention of reverse image search calmed my nerves and I finally started posting my art.
This is until recently, AI art isn't new but it's getting better and recently something happened that scared me. I'm not saying who the artist is because they're a NSFW artist and my blog is 16+, but I'm a fan of an artist and I saw some of their art and thought to myself "This is beautiful, I'm surprised I've never seen this before" and I found out that it was because it wasn't drawn by them, it was AI-generated. I, someone who's been a fan of them for ages, couldn't tell it wasn't drawn by them even after finding out it was AI-generated and that's scary AF to me.
They're a popular artist and luckily people in the comments made me aware it was AI... But I'm not popular. If my art style gets taken by AI, no one will know that's my art style and the only way people will know it is mine is if I find it and comment on it.
This leads to another problem, the art program I use doesn't automatically record speed paints so if I get asked for proof it's mine, I can't really provide any, and if I do, that speed paint can be taken and used by "proof" by other people.
I've put AI filters on my art but it doesn't look as good and the best looking one (IbisPaintX) you need to pay for (which I don't have the money for). I know free tools like Glaze and Nightshade exist, but I cannot use them as their requirements are pretty high and WebGlaze is invite-only.
So now I'm trapped in a catch-22:
I can post my art without anti-AI measures, but risk people taking my art and impersonating me which will make my paranoia worse.
I can post my art with anti-AI measures, but making it look bad IMO, maybe not be able to post certain pieces due to increased file size, maybe make it hard to read if it's a comic, spend hours going through all my art putting anti-AI measures on all of it and risk people developing an AI that can bypass that.
Post my art but only on private accounts (prob what I'm gonna do). On private accounts, I can authorize people and make sure they're not an AI "artist" but I will not be able to interact with the fandoms I'm part of and my paranoia will cause me to worry that I've misjudged someone.
I don't post my art at all. If I do this, I'll probably make all my accounts private, delete art on places I can't make private and probably post exclusively on Toyhou.se where I'll only approve people I know IRL. This will mean I can't post about my fandoms or OC's and I love talking to people about my hyperfixations and interests :(
I wish I didn't have to even think about this but with people making entire accounts dedicated to impersonating people using AI and people specifically going to Toyhou.se (my main platform) to look for art to feed AI is really scaring me and making my paranoia worse by giving me more to stress out and worry about. Even posting this is scaring me because I'm scared AI people will see this and comb through my art to feed to AI.
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martiwikiwi · 4 days
I've been wanting to do this for a long time so not even sorry.
Dark fantasy. Hagan knows the Church of Twilight has never been a safe space for him but after so many years serving faithfully the church, how is he supposed to escape from his past and start anew? All he knows is killing demons. Queer stuff: Hagan is sex-repulsed biromantic asexual and will talk about asexuality now and then. Chorus is his aromantic hetero bestie and there are two more queer characters to join the party yet. Free on Comicfury. On hiatus until 12th June.
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Comedy. Short comic about a group of queer friends trying to solve the mystery of the missing queer books in the public library. Queer stuff: Selwyn is your monster fucker bisexual. Moon, also bi, asked him out like 5 times and got rejected every time. They are now besties. Beltane is super gay for Moon. Available on my Ko-fi in digital.
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Fantasy slice of life. A compilation of four short comics about prince Fireopal and their queer family. Queer stuff: Everything. Look at them. Their mere existence is a threat to the system. Available on my Ko-fi in digital and printed.
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[2021] ELLIS
Urban fantasy. A queerplatonic romance between a demisexual non-binary werewolf and a bisexual human who find themselves in an awkward situation when they both have a crush on the same unknown student. Queer stuff: Demi enby will think very hard of how is the romance they want only to conclude amatonormativity sucks so they'll make their own rules. In the meanwhile, bi boy will cry and paint a horrible oil painting of some flowers before becoming the best friend ever. Currently saving money for printing. You can read it for free on Comicfury.
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Older stuff under the cut!
Fantasy. A boy's love story of three lonely souls looking for a family. Queer stuff: One prince gay, his lil bi bro and his future bi husband. Available on my Ko-fi in digital and printed.
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Dark fantasy. A young cleric is devoted to fighting the system of a world ruled by violence and fear. There will be a lot of menstrual blood. Queer stuff: This is the most aromantic stuff you'll ever read because the main character couldn't care less about that shit. Also, both other characters are bisexual af. Free on Comicfury.
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Fantasy. A story of a silly sorcerer and a sad cleric made during a certain drawing challenge that took place in October 2019. Queer stuff: The silly sorcerer is very bisexual and the sad cleric super gay. They'll go friends to enemies to lovers. Available on my Ko-fi in digital.
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Dark fantasy. A story of a very unlucky child who tries his best to repair his own mistakes, but it means he will have to break the promise he made to his best friend. Queer stuff: This child is so trans they even transform into a werewolf. 70 pages free on Tumblr. Full comic on Ko-fi.
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NOT ENOUGH? Well, here you have an archive with all the short comics I've been posting on Tumblr since 2015. You'll find from watercolour and ink tests to ideas I have for longer projects and short queer comics I made for pleasure but also rejected scripts from anthologies. Also fan comics and comics that did make it to anthologies.
Finally, all my comic work together in a post. Happy Pride!
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00queasy00 · 2 months
9 Fandom Folks To Get To Know Better
Thanks for the tag @cealesti!! :3c
Three ships you like:
oh god this is hard okay okay uuhh the ones on my mind rn 1. tomarrymort / soulseeker (hp) - i find them so iconic, you know? their ideals, their parallels, their similarities, there seems to be new things to discover about them at every turn, just keep putting them in situations and watch them wreck havoc. the soulseeker fandom is filled with so much amazing amazing people so kind and creative, i feel like i have accidently stumbled upon the holy grail, the paradise that never ends <3 2. radiodust (hazbin hotel) - i ship them as literally the queer-coded villains that have nothing in common, yet they bond over being the meanest hottest couple in the hotel together and know the ideal make-up brands to go into territory battles in. theyre like two drama queens on different ends of the spectrums. i like them toxic, i like them dramatic af, i like them in pink and red hahaha XD 3. lawlight (death note) - tbh im fairly new into the ship, despite being a longterm death note fan :0 i was more into mellodramattic before lawlight era hit me recently lol. i love how people, pretty much, turn them into their personal anime yaoi dolls and force them to kiss lol.
First ship ever:
uuummmmm im thinking hetalia ??? XD uh England and America <3 i can never get over the angst. the sunshine gay and the grumpy gay dynamic.
Last song you heard:
La Vie en rose (alastor cover) by Paranoid DJ Please check out PARANOiD DJ's fan songs for hazbin / helluva, theyre so good!!! The Lucifer, Alastor, Stiker, and Verosika songs are my faves!
Currently reading:
Vicious Circle by Bakuko, cyberslut404, estnedo I barely started chapter 1, so no thoughts yet besides I am excited to check this story out !! The Emporer and The Star by wynnebat I am rereading this story <3 I enjoy it so much and the confusing and deadly feeling Harry is having with his Seer abilities.
Currently watching:
I am actually watching a few things rn, I jump around a lot depending what I am watching with who: -Gurren Lagann - my lovely partner never seen it! i had to change that! one of my fave fave core animes. -Toilet-bound Hanako-kun - a comfort show with gorgeous. gorgeous designs and a fun twist of traditional ghost folklore. -Heartstopper Season 2 - my wife loves the comic, so here we are. -Trolls Dreamworks Movies - watching with friends <3 the designs are so adorable and are very fun! i am always so blown away with how creative the team uses different craft textiles throughout the movies! the second and third movie are my fave <3 theyre like an hour and half long each! fairly short, but i HIGHLY RECOMMEND for a good time!! -Harry Potter Movies - watching with friends on saturdays <3
Currently consuming:
Water!! Stay hydrated folks!! <3
Currently craving:
to listen to magnus archive from the beginning again -- but rather wait for the whole story to be revealed first before restarting it again x_x
Tagging (no pressure!!): @raehb336, @i-dream-of-libraries, @liquidluckandstuff, @laserswordtraining, @chaos-bear, @theonceandfuturequeenoftarts, @tommarvoloriddlesdiary, @isalisewrites, @cloverwoodss, @kagariasuha @duplicitywrites @crowcrowcrowthing and whoever wants to join! if you havent been tagged and see this, I TAG YOU! come join its fun :3
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cleverthylacine · 2 months
I'm not well versed in Transformers, but who is your favorite Autobot? What's one thing that if Hasbro called you up right now and said they would do whatever you suggested, you tell them?
My favourite Autobot is easy because I don't like most of them very much. I love Decepticons.
It's either Jazz or Ratchet or Rodimus, depending on the phase of the moon and whether my brain is in RavWaves mode or Deadlock mode.
Jazz and Ratchet and Rodimus are all people who probably would have been Decepticons if it weren't for a stroke of fate.
I also love Rosanna, but she's a civilian and she's been in like 3 things, one of which almost everyone hates.
The problems with Autobots:
they tend to use the same colour schemes which makes them hard to tell apart
many of them are boring af
the Decepticon movement was a legitimate revolution against an extremely bigoted and oppressive government, and the Autobots were the liberals who patted them on the hand and said "we can do this the nice way" even though most of them were from social classes that were literally disposable.
some of them are fucking fascists
some of them are just such goodie two shoes rule bound characters you have to laugh (Star Saber in anything other than IDW was probably the robot version of Sheldon Cooper once)
It's really only in TFA that I don't think Optimus Prime is a giant hypocrite. I don't hate him. I think he's an awesome character. I enjoy him a lot! I also write a lot of fic where he gets his aft handed to him, at least verbally.
But I don't really sympathise with him. Because even when he's unfailingly sweet, like in TFP, he's still...a part of the problem, not the solution.
In some series the Decepticons did become horrible and genocidal, which is wrong, of course, but that led in IDW at least to both sides playing atrocity chicken.
In other series the Decepticons are anti-human mostly because we're in their way and we like the Autobots. In the Bumblebee movie they never even wanted to come here, but they had to--it is Prime's fault that their war came to Earth.
If Hasbro was willing to do whatever I said I would ask them to create a series of all the femme characters most people don't know about. And not make them teeny tiny Core Class dolls. (I own a few of them because they're cute, but.)
I would get them to include Ravage now that ES has confirmed her for a femme. (She is ACAB, assigned cat at birth.)
This would also include:
Esmeral, who should really be a leaderclass because her husband is the size of a small planet (from the Victory manga)
General Strika, who is the least feminine female character in all of transformers and a butch goddess of war (from TFA and Beast Machines)
Botanica because she's cool AF
Rosanna and her evil twin Flipsides (Rosanna's in KP but both of them are in... TFA, I thought? For a heartbeat.)
Howlback (done like her twin sister Ravi, with biped-to-quad transformation that does not involve extra limbs hanging off, because both MMC and Xtransbots have done it just fine) from the Cobalt Sentries who never got a show
Lyzack (from Victory -- the twin sister of Leozack who defends the home front and is a teal and pink seeker)
Nautica (from the IDW comics, who is the most adorable of nerds even if she is Ravage's unwanted aemula/kismesis/hatecrush until they make friends)
the Megatronia combiner which includes Megaempress, Trickdiamond, Lunaclub, Flowspade and Moonheart)
Minerva (yes there's a legacy but it's tiny and they made it a walgreens exclusive)
Clobber (from Cyberverse)
Nightbird (G1 not ROTB)
Termagax (Megatron's mom from the IDW 2019 series)
I have nothing against Elita-1, Arcee, Windblade, Chromia, Moonracer and Slipstream but some people can name hundreds of male characters and only those six and not even all of them.
If I was also G-d of the Transformers franchise as a whole, I would revive Kiss Players, cut out all the bad sex jokes and dropped panties of teenagers, rename a few things -- we do not need a base called "the spiral vagina" -- and take the plot we were actually given in between sex jokes, which was very cool, and write it all out as a comic/story/cartoon. They did the plot in the last few episodes of the radio show after kind of leading up to it very slowly between dirty jokes.
Everyone says Kiss Players is the worst thing Transformers ever made. I'm sorry, that's RID 2015, which is a Transformers show for the "Blue Lives Matter" crowd where the entire plot of the show is to find all these low-class Decepticons who are from denigrated castes that escaped from a prison ship and throw them all back in jail. Like seriously fuck you very much.
I will take perverted panty jokes over asskissing the cops any day. Besides some of the stuff that looks so bad and gross looks so bad and gross because it is--you're not supposed to be down with it, you're supposed to guess that a certain person is being groomed looooong before she figures it out. and the main human characters are actually Secretly Lesbians
I'm sorry this is way more info than you asked for but this is my main hyperfixation other than thylacines, fossas, small wild cats that can't eat you, and other cute weird predators.
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