#i noticed i have some songs from last year so i hope i dont get those <33 its ok ill just use music from the youtube wrapped
bubblellop · 2 years
I'm gonna do what I did last year!!!!!! Send me a number from 1 to 101 and I'll make an art piece based off of the song I get !
Yep yep u can send as many numbers as u want (as long as they are in separate asks) and I'll do all of them !!!!
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plomegranate · 11 months
i love palestinian and arab culture so much.
my grandma wearing thobes around the house and making us tamriyeh. my cousins wedding when we all wore thobes and keffiyehs and took photos downtown and we danced with someone playing the guitar on the street and this lady stopping us to tell us we all looked so beautiful. walking the graduation stage in a thobe. the girl who liked to guess arab peoples ethnicities telling me "you're wearing tatreez... do you want me to write 'palestinian' on your forehead?" the keffiyeh my brother keeps on the drivers seat of his car.
my dad sending me off to my last semester of college with 2 pomegranates and a jar of palestinian olive oil. my cousins wife coming up with new ways to make zaatar and cheese pastries. me and my grandma sitting on the floor and making waraq 3neb- my job was to separate the leaves so she could roll them easier. my mom sending me and my brother to school with eid cookies for my teachers and tasking us with delivering some to the neighbors. my aunt glaring at me and piling more food on my plate and then asking if i was still hungry (i wasnt). my mom always telling me to invite my friends and cousins over for dinner and asking me what they like to eat. my family getting my dad knafeh instead of cake for his birthday. the man who told me i made the "best fetteh in the western hemisphere".
the man in the shawarma shop who gave me my fries for free and baklava i didnt order because we spoke about being palestinian while he took my order. the person on tumblr who i bonded with because we are from the same palestinian city. the girl i met on campus who exclaimed "youre palestinian? me too!" because i was wearing my keffiyeh. the girl in my class that showed me the artwork about palestine her dad made and donated for fundraising. the couple in the grocery store who noticed my palestinian shirt and talked with me for 20 minutes and ended up being a family friend. the silly palestinian kids i tutored sighing in disappointment when i told them i was born in america because they were hoping that id have been born "somewhere cooler". my friends family who bought me dinner despite me being there by chance and having met me for the first time the day before.
the boys starting uncoordinated dabke lines in my high school's hallways. the songs about the longing and love for our land. the festivals and parties and gatherings where everything smells like shisha and oud. memories of waiting in the car for an hour as my parents talked at the doorway of their friends homes. my cousins and i showing up at each others homes with cake or fruit or games as if it was the first time we ever visited even though we always say "you dont have to".
kids stubbornly helping to clean and make tea after a meal while being told to go sit down because they are guests. the necklaces in the shape of our home countries. people hugging and laughing and acting as if theyve known each other for years because they come from the same city or know people with the same last name. the day i finally got to bully my friends into letting me pay the bill because i had a job and they were still students. my moms friend who calls us every time she's at the grocery store to see if we need something
palestinian people are so resilient and hardworking and charitable. they love their culture and their community and are so quick to share and welcome anyone in. everyday i am so thankful and proud to be part of such a warm and lovely culture
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myobsessionsspace · 23 days
Hi! I hope you dont mind this. I recently was informing myself more about bts and their past experiences, and i’m very probably wrong but i noticed how a lot of members (all of them, actually) have talked about and showed more or less some struggles, such as jimin, or v when he looked really numb and lost during official events, or yoongi, except for jungkook (and maybe jin?).
Except for that time when yoongi told us he sent jungkook a message saying he loved him (which makes me believe jungkook was going through a hard time), or others “small” episodes, jungkook himself never expressed a specific period of time where he was struggling for whatever reason, and it shocked me to hear him saying in ays that he doesn’t feel like writing his own songs because he doesn’t have much to say. To me it looks like he maybe downplays/avoids talking about his own hard feelings and times, despite probably being one of the members who struggles and struggled the most (his unreleased song being a good example, in my opinion), but i still came here to get another point of view because i feel wrong for being so introspective and making psychoanalyses about him. Maybe my curiosity is having the best of me and that’s all this is about🙏. But really, the way he can go through the most gut wrenching moments and still smile on stage or lives makes this whole thing really interesting to me and it’s more of an appreciation and empathetic thing than anything else.
We saw him saying he doesn’t think he really has a worth, saying he’s not good at everything and has a lot of flaws, we saw him sad during last year’s lives on weverse, but i can’t find anything where he really shared something regarding his own sad and depressed feelings, despite him being such a sensitive individual and being… human, which means he definitely has had hard times.
Do you think there was a specific year/time when jungkook looked sad or different from the cheerful and happy jk we know, and what’s your opinion on him not really sharing it? I hope again my question doesn’t sound inappropriate or rude in any way, i don’t want this to come off as invasive or wanting in any way to force jungkook to express his personal struggles. And really, excuse me if i just missed content and i’m asking things i could easily find myself. I appreciate you so much.
Hi Lovely!
Thank you so much for this ask! It’s sooo juicy 😍
I’ve been mulling over it for a while because it’s something that I could talk about without ever stopping. It’s an ask that could allow me to get into the evolution of Jungkook from trainee days to now, you know.
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It’s an ask that I could talk about and ‘compare’ (I hate that though, comparing people 🙈) the members and their different approaches to music when it comes to their group and solo work and how theirs to has evolved.
I’m not gonna lie I felt a bit defensive for Jungkook during his solo era. Something the fandom loves to do is ‘ours are better than yours’ with others, even within their own members, they like to be like ‘our group has the most song writing credits’ which leads to comparison with other groups, which leads to comparisons within the group and members solos etc.
When Jungkook’s turn came around I feel like there was a lot of expectation. I can only imagine what Jungkook himself felt.
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Jungkook & Songwriting
‘and it shocked me to hear him saying in ays that he doesn’t feel like writing his own songs because he doesn’t have much to say.’
To this point I think it shows what I’m saying, the expectation and comparison. I think because BTS have always been lauded as involved in their music, because it was something that wasn’t really the standard to kpop for their generation and those before, there’s always kind of been an expectation of them? But I don’t know if it’s because JK is one of my biases, but I feel like he was more ‘vilified’ for an album comprised of songs written by others and solely in English
The thing is though BTS do and have had much more creative control than a lot of kpop groups of their generation and the generations before, it’s not as straightforward as that. I don’t want to diminish anyone’s contribution or years of work, but it would be worth noting how one can get a songwriting credit. The rap line write their own bars, so for any song rap line have a rap verse, that’s an automatic songwriting credit.
Within a song making process there can be so many hands involved and points where tweaks are made, sometimes people can all get together and think tank the creation of the song lyrics, leading to the core group of writers, then through the recording process when tweaks are made more songwriting credits get added etc.
Or someone could write a song and due to the song being their baby not allow for many changes made apart from maybe by one producer, leading to only one or two song writing credits vs 7 song writing credits on one song.
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Jungkook’s solo & group contributions
Each song would have a story behind it as to the level of contribution from JK (and other members) but it wouldn’t change the fact that he’d be entitled to a songwriting credit. For example ‘Dreamers’ was a song already done and sent to him for recording, but through tweaks made in the recording process Jungkook earned a songwriting credit.
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Songs for ARMY
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Whereas we know songs like ‘Still With You’ ‘My You’ were Jungkook’s babies and songs with only credits for Jungkook and the producer.
Isn’t it interesting the songs that Jungkook has the most involvement, if not primary involvement, are the songs about ARMY?
Jungkook has said that he like Jin, don’t hold on to negative emotions. They deal and move on.
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However it seems like there’s one emotion that’s always remained constant and true to Jungkook, his love for army. I mean this man was so confident in this that he tattooed ARMY. He grew up with army, they supported his career and cheered him on, he’s said it’s because of being in the group and the group being successful that he’s been able to experience things such as the travels and activities in shows for army and the delights 🥴 of twinkies.
Not only is it easy for Jungkook to speak to army via lives etc it’s easy for him to speak to army via songs. It’s not a feeling he wants to process and move on from.
A Dramatic Shift?
‘and it shocked me to hear him saying in ays that he doesn’t feel like writing his own songs because he doesn’t have much to say.’
Is that all he said?
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Where Jungkook talks about wanting to focus on displaying his vocals and focusing on different songs to display them rather than focusing on songwriting
I think I again maybe it’s a combination of comparison and expectations?
He has spoken before of his wish to try singing different stories not his own
If you don’t do anything at all, please have a look at this post and watch the live & video in it, if you want some understanding about Jungkook from Jungkook himself.
Thoughts for Another Time
‘Except for that time when yoongi told us he sent jungkook a message saying he loved him (which makes me believe jungkook was going through a hard time)’
I actually have a whole separate theory about this moment right here. I’ve talked about it with others in the past. It’s something that would need a whole separate post to get into.
Do We Delve Too Deep?
‘i feel wrong for being so introspective and making psychoanalyses about him’
I think it’s the human condition to want to understand. I think it’s not an issue when you want to understand someone, someone that interests you, someone that brings you joy with their person and their talents. I think where you, myself and others have to be careful, is when we go from wanting to just understand someone to judging someone. Being disappointed in them for not living up to our expectations. When we thought we sussed them out and they don’t follow the path we thought made sense based on their past actions and our understanding of them.
With Jungkook, because we are not privy to the inner workings of of his mind, his emotions, his motivations, his day to day, it’s not fair to him as a human to be disappointed when he doesn’t do what we expect based on what he’s done in the past, based on what his members have done, based on what his fans expected.
It’s ok, I think, to sit and think on topics like this but I don’t think it’s ok to then project feelings onto someone because of it. They are our feelings and we need to understand why and then figure out what good they do to hold onto them? What it means going forward if those feeling hold value to us, do we still support, follow, invest or do we adjust our thinking or involvement? That’s what we have control over.
The kind of person Jungkook is
I’d like to preface this by saying I am one person on the internet. Same as anyone else, with no more or less access to him than the majority of us. The same media I consume is what is available to us all. His lives, his interviews, his songs, festas, memories, bombs, episodes, shows, documentaries etc.
All my inferences are from these, not Jungkoook himself, not a company insider, not a friend of a friend of the members, a sister of one of the members siblings friends 🤡 my opinion and opinion only 😅.
He is who he is. He says what he says. Even the members at times feel like they want to dig soul bearing emotions out of him
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They’ve been saying for years
When is Too Much, Too Much?
‘Do you think there was a specific year/time when jungkook looked sad or different from the cheerful and happy jk we know’
I don’t think looking to the past and nitpicking, microanalysing etc to point out where he looked the most miserable etc would do good to anyone. Being there in the moment, if we were, we would be trying to show him our love and support, empathising, seeing it to make ourselves not feel as alone, to see him as human etc.
For me to do that now for no reason as to just point out that…he’s…human? Well I think we should already know that. I do think Jungkook really was vulnerable and as open as he could be as an idol with millions of viewers during his lives of 2023.
That, I think, was one of the biggest windows into Jungkook the person, more as who his is now, the adult and not who he was when he was 19, 22, 24 etc. There were so many nuggets that could easily have been missed amongst the fun of the karaokes and cooking and eating etc.
I would advise you or anyone to, whenever you have free time, just pop in one of his lives, start from Feb and work your way through whenever you have a free moment (I know you said you have been 💜).
‘We saw him saying he doesn’t think he really has a worth, saying he’s not good at everything and has a lot of flaws, we saw him sad during last year’s lives on weverse, but i can’t find anything where he really shared something regarding his own sad and depressed feelings, despite him being such a sensitive individual and being… human, which means he definitely has had hard times.’
The thing is with this, in my opinion...when have any of the members been completely and utterly specific? We get little sentences or conversations here and there where we can refer to, but if it’s one thing I’ve come to realise about BTS is that they are good at letting us in without really letting us in. The hardships they have shared tbh can be generalised to each of them, struggling with idol body image, tough schedules, dance routines, being in their heads. Yes some members have spoken about their mental health struggles more than others (Namjoon & Yoongi), they’re not learning dance routines as quick as others or being confident with their dance (Namjoon & Jin).
But they’ve also all talked sometimes as a group of struggles, general to the group as a whole. I think if Jungkook didn’t share their sentiments, he would have said he didn’t?
Did we really know that they were on the verge of splitting until they said so on stage and then afterwards. We know of the few fights they tell us about and then those are the only ones they refer to for years after, and we can count them in one hand, vmin dumpling fight, namgi throwing laundry fight, hopekook and banana fight…?
When watching something like their last Festa Dinner, where the others talked, shared, poured out, like it’s been said in the past, when his hyung hurt is when he hurts. Maybe it is that he didn’t/doesn’t struggle with the same things that the other members struggled/struggle with. Being a trainee and an idol is all he’s ever known being with his hyungs, his friends, family, working, travelling, enjoying good food and good drink is Jungkook. Namjoon (David Quinones and producer Tony Esterly) writing a song like ‘Begin’ to capture Jungkook’s essence?
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Source: Doolset Bangtan
We know that Jungkook started trainee life in 2010? Born in 1997, ignoring Korean age system he’d have been around 13? I think we can guess the general kind of hardships pre 13.
Then once trainee life started we’ve heard him talk about having to learn to share, having to learn to dance and sing plus schooling where he probably had people either teasing him for thinking his was ‘a hotshot’ or wanting to be his friend because he was a trainee then a famous idol or constantly filming him, picturing him and gossiping about him? Away from home, constantly aching and exhausted, not knowing if he’d make it.
He has done vlogs where he talks about seeing his parents after a long time and how happy he was, he’s shown how happy he was to celebrate his graduation with his hyung and more interested in hanging out with them, than celebrating with his fellow schoolers. He’s talked with Jimin in a live about how after dance training he found a new passion and considered giving up being in the group.
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Blog of his time in The US getting extra dance training & Part 2
It seems like with Jungkook he is someone to focus on the good, instead of the misssing his family, he talks to fans about the happiness in reuniting, instead of the difficulties of schooling he talks about the gratitude in having his idol career be successful enough to not be concerned with not being the best at school etc.
So I’d say over the years he has with little sentences here and there talked about his hardships but they probably don’t stand out as much because he, maybe through conscious effort, tells it to fans when there’s a positive to take from it. Like you also noted: ‘still smile on stage or lives makes this whole thing really interesting to me and it’s more of an appreciation and empathetic thing than anything else.’
He Is Who He Is
I wrote this at a point when I wanted people to understand a bit more about Jungkook, yes it’s in relation to his bond with Jimin but mainly focuses on Jungkook’s personality
Introvert, introvert, introvert!
He’s taken his MTBI several times through the years and one thing that has always remained consistent was his introvertion. talking about others, talking about ARMY maybe comes more easily to him than talking, writing and singing about himself?
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He himself takes stock in his MBTI and seems to feel it does reflect him.
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Music Is His Love & Passion
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when all the members got to design their rooms, this was Jungkook’s design. Music is his love & passion through and through
When you want to make Jungkook happy, give him a karaoke mic and leave him be.
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Suchwita - Jungkook Karaoke Special
I don’t think we have to worry for a long long time about not getting new music from Jungkook, songs written by others, songs written by him, songs about others’ experiences and songs about his own, we gotta just
‘Let Him Kook’ TD;LR
Jungkook is as complex a human as any other member but more often than not, a typical introvert, one to live in the now and man of few words.
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Vulnerable, raw Jungkook. Listening to the song made by ARMY for BTS after their pause in group activities. Jungkook feeling with ARMY on world tour. Jungkook with ARMY on white day.
Ask him to write a song about ARMY and he can give you 10 but ask him to release a body of work that reflects him through and through, the perfectionist that he is, the introvert that he is, the experiences he’s had that he’s moved on from…as he said, there’s plenty of time for more from him in the future.
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After his billboard number one’s for ‘Seven’ his debut solo single
He seems to not be someone to dwell on the sad and the hard but to deal with it and move on. He seems like someone who wants to share the good with people, not have people sad for him, in his songs he seems to want to reflect this hence his songwriting being more in that vein.
He like struggles like everyone else, has hardships like the others, has lows etc but his personality seems to not see the point in sharing to the extent some may want or get from the other members.
The reason we love each of them is BECAUSE they’re not the same, right? Right!
There is soo much more I could say (as one of my biases I could talk about him all day!) but tbh I needed to post this as is, because I was starting to obsess over this ask and letting it snowball🙈
Maybe we can come back to some points and tackle each separately one day. Thank you again lovely!
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hellfiresmaster · 2 years
i would absolutely be in love with something inspired by the song Judas (80s ver) by Gemyni. (not sure if this counts as a request)
I love this request so much (and the song). And I'm sorry it took me forever :( but I hope you like it! i am also clearly unable to write a short request sorry aljsifjdsjfhsg
Exit Stage Left
Eddie Munson X Fem!Reader
Warnings: reader and eddie dont like each other but are actually so in love (help), heavy make out, (vaginal) fingering, squirting, a little degrading and praising from our metalhead, pining sort of
Word Count: 1.4K
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"Please welcome Corroded Coffin!" 
The static-filled mic radiated through the small space. The Hideout seemed to be more packed than usual, well, more than the five regular drunks that used to hang around, that is. Tuesday nights were always your favorite. Always hanging around the bar, twirling a cheap plastic straw in your watered-down drink until your favorite band took the stage. Corroded Coffin and a particular lead guitarist that always managed to catch your eye. 
Eddie Munson. Despite being a total asshole most of the time towards you as far back as you can remember, you always considered him sort of a friend for some reason. Suppose you could even call it that. To be honest, you didn't know what to call it; apart from the secret meetings in the forest a couple of times for some weed and an occasional smoke every summer, it was like you didn't even exist to one other. But despite the bickering and unintentional flirting, Eddie made his way under your skin. It was a rarity to see past his harsh exterior, always having his walls up around everyone else, but Eddie offered you glimpses every now and then. Each stolen glance and smartass remark had you falling more and more for the metalhead over the years.
"If you wanted an autograph, all you had to do was ask, sweetheart?" A voice jolted you from your thoughts when you noticed Eddie leaning against the bar beside you.
"You wish, Munson." His sly grin pierced through your tough facade as he chuckled under his breath.
"Well." He paused and slid closer to you; the scent of weed and post-concert musk intoxicated every last one of your senses as you tried your best to keep steady and focus on the drink in front of you. "Aren't you gonna tell me how badass I looked up there?" 
Eddie's tone was arrogant and obnoxious as usual, it should've annoyed you, but you found yourself turned on by it. Asshole, you thought to yourself. Eddie leaned in closer, barely grazing the side of your body, forcing you to direct your gaze toward him. His hair was slightly matted under his bandana, a clearly worn-out Metallica shirt clinging onto his chest and ripped somewhat in the middle, offering a view of his chest and the ink that adorned it. He knew exactly what he was doing. Damn him. Eddie's hand waving in front of you broke you out of your haze. 
"Still got that guitar, huh?" You were desperate to change the conversation to keep Eddie from seeing the effect he was having on you. But Eddie brushed it off.
"I overheard you talking with the bartender. I can give you a ride, you know?" You glimpsed towards the bartender, who gave you a shrug and smirk as he looked at Eddie. "I just gotta get my keys, and we can head out the back." He walked towards a door behind the stage to see you still standing by the bar. "Come on. Stop being a brat; let's go." You reluctantly sighed and nodded as you followed Eddie through the back area of the bar, pretending as if those words didn't just affect you. "So you wanna grab some coffee or something?"
"Now?" His question caught you off guard. "Why would you wanna get coffee with me?"
"I mean, we're friends, so it wouldn't be such a crazy idea.....and who knows, that doesn't sound too bad for a date either." Eddie chuckled to himself while keeping an eye to ensure you were still following him.
"Friends? That's a bit of a stretch." You snickered as Eddie stopped suddenly and turned towards you, clearly irritated with your tone.
"Oh, don't play games with me; you came to my show in this shit hole bar, and you're coming backstage. I don't know about you, but that sounds like you might have a thing for me, sweetheart." The words coming out of his mouth annoyed you more than you cared to admit. 
"I can't stand you, Munson." Your tone was stern as you stopped walking behind him in the narrow hallway, but the way Eddie was staring back at you instantly had you softening under his touch. Your cocky stance faltered long enough for him to step closer toward you making your back lean against the wall behind you. 
"You're lying to yourself. And you fucking know it." He moved closer, pressing his chest against yours, sliding his hand to grab your ass, and then moving down to your thighs. "I still remember what you felt like, tasted like. Even those sounds you used to make just for me." He whispered softly. You were pressed against the wall, the heat between your bodies filling the air between you, making it difficult to think straight as he consumed every single one of your senses. "I bet if I touch you right now, you'll soak my hand with how wet you are for me." You bit back a whimper, threatening to escape when you felt his hand slither around your waist, teasing at the waistband of your panties under your skirt while his lips ghosted over your neck. 
"Beg. For. It." He whispered in your ear through gritted teeth, lingering briefly between every word. The low tone of his voice and the warmth of his breath on your cool skin sent shivers through your body. You didn't say a word, your pride preventing you from begging for the thing you wanted most at that moment.
"Hm. A shame. You're so pretty when you're desperate for me." He continued as his hands withdrew from your body. A slight panic surged through you when you realized he was pulling away—your back arching slightly towards him out of pure instinct, practically burning for his touch again. Before you knew it, you gripped his shirt and drew him back towards you into a bruising kiss.
"Stop teasing and touch me already, Munson. Before I change my mind." The smirk that spread across his face was captivating; he really had no idea how beautiful he was. But there was no time to dwell on that now, not when his hands were already hiking your skirt above your hips and pulling your panties clean off in one move. 
Your hands tangled in his flowing curls when you felt his fingers skim over your folds, gathering up the slick. Slowly, he slipped two fingers into your cunt, making you groan at the stretch as his thumb worked your clit. Eddie began pumping in and out of you as you mewled and squirmed against him.
"You look so fucking beautiful like this. All fucked out on my fingers. Needy little slut. I can just imagine how good you'd look taking my cock so well." He groaned at the mere thought of it. 
Eddie's ring-adorned fingers wrapped around your neck, pressing harder with every thrust of his fingers. You could feel the imprints of each ring already making their mark on you, which only made your eyes nearly roll into the back of your head.
His fingers moved inside you as he dragged them along your walls until you were mewling, clamping down on him, showing just how close you were.
"Eddie..I feel like...I fuck." 
Eddie couldn't believe the sight before him, you of all people letting him touch you like this; it felt like a dream. A dream he never wanted to wake up from. Your clit throbbed, aching for attention as you began to gyrate your hips on him, desperate to feel more. He practically moaned in your ear at the feeling of your cunt pulsating around him, fluttering as he curled his fingers toward that tender spot inside you again and again. 
"Are you gonna cum, sweetheart?" You would give anything to wipe that cocky smirk right off his face, but the building pressure inside was too much to bear. All you could do was nod and whimper, desperate for him to give you the relief you so desperately needed.
"Fucking slut wants to cum all over my fingers, huh? Go ahead, baby. Cum. Cum for me." Your vision went blank as you felt yourself finally let go. Eddie wrapped his arm around your waist to hold you up as you leaned against him, moaning and body jerking from the force of your orgasm. Your juices sloppily leaked over him and covered your thighs and his forearm as you came down from your high. When you finally gathered the energy, you glanced up to see Eddie adoringly gazing back at you, chest heaving with the biggest smile on his face. 
"So, what now?" You breathed out as you adjusted your skirt, and Eddie readjusted but still kept you nearly pinned against the wall.
"Oh, I'm not letting you go just yet. You still owe me a drink."
mini taglist: @wetwilliam02 @luvmunson86 @mariesackler @canonatypical @roanniom @theoncrayjoy
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 8 months
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My Old man's tale about benetint (product) & review:
in summer 2008 i was 14 & my best friend's family took me to Vegas w them. she had only just moved to my school for 9th grade & i hadn't met her older sister til this trip. She was 21 & soooo insanely beautiful like if barbie was a hollister model she had the look so refined in every sense, i was dazzled by her.
& she was so sweet to us, my friends parents went & did their own thing so the whole trip we spent with her but she wasn't annoyed about it at all she seemed content to hang w us & protect us from vile men along the strip.
On this trip i went to sephora for the first time. hadn't heard of it before. it had huge windows so everything was glowing from sunlight & it was sooo overwhelming. my friend's sister liked this brand benefit so i picked out a little starter kit that came w bad gal mascara, high beam highlighter, booing concealer, and benetint.. Let me tell you for the next year i cherished this kit like it elevated me a new level towards Prestiged Adult Woman status. but the makeup was noticeably nicer quality for sure! from my memory at least.
the thing i remember most was benetint cus i wore it soooo much for the rest of the summer & beyond, i stretched that tiny bottle as far as it wld go cus i luved it sm.. but after it ran out i never tried to use it again idk just being a teen moving onto the next thing. But lately i jst rly wanted a goood lip tiiiint cus i dont wanna b wearing lipstick or gloss all the time its too much i just want chapstick but i like a little more color too.. usually i wld use lip liner but it always felt like it wld smudge off so quick n its kinda drying.
so i tried benetint again bcus i remember it being so easy to put on n then just forget about, it didnt get on ur clothes or teeth or nothin. after wearing for a couple weeks i can say this is still tru! i rly like it, very convenient, chapstick goes gr8 over top so my lips r never dry from it. its kind of expensive but it lasts a long time , for me i dnt have much makeup rn so felt nice to get st i actually use ^^ the taste & smell of it are mildly rosey, rly brings me back to those times..
being in vegas those 4 days w my friend n her sis are definitely a core memory for me it was totally surreal. i wish i had photos still but no clue where to find them, my friend's fb account got hacked years ago n had to get deleted, so many photos gone </3 we stayed at treasure island & across the street was this huge mall that was repeatedly playing an ipod commercial with the song Shut Up & Let Me Go by the ting-tings, like... ON REPEAT, ALL DAY & ALL NIGHT, so that song gives me the wildest flashbacls like i'm literally There. In the august heat. i can smell it like. its amazing thank you advertising :)
this is not an ad btw i mean obviously LOL i honestly just got thinking so hard about vegas '08 after purchasing The Product. oh yeah there was thunderstorms too... i went to hot topic at the mall which was wild for me since they didnt have one any where near my town.. i got some shorts from hollister i remember, also a rarity. friends sis got me my first ever drink, a peach daquiri...just one <3 it was such a nice break from my woeful home life lol i wanted to live in america so bad after this xD
thats my story...o and benetint is chill i mean i genuinely wanted to recommend it to ppl who want st simple it looks rly pretty cus until this i was struggling to find anything worthwhile. theres other shades too. Yup. Thanksyou for reading my LiveJournal Entry tonight minasan ^_^ Hope you're well x
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selkieioe · 6 months
read: playlists are super down below so keep scrolling!!
Our Life: Beginnings & Always.
Hello Hello! Welcome to my first ever post on tumblr that just had to be about my ultimate top tier favorite visual novel of all time..Our Life: Beginnings & Always or OL:BA for short.
This game has such a special place in my heart that im afraid I’ll forever be attached to it because at this point it’s not even a phase anymore lol. I still remember that heated summer day of scrolling down on my steam shop out of boredom and i kept getting recommended OL:BA but back then i really couldn’t care less and would not even spare a glance on it until i got so fed up of it popping up in my recommended for the next few days that i decided to finally check it out.
Reading what it was about made me curious but what really got me downloading it was because of the customization of our character/characters.
And finally into the game i was! I remember when the story started, i was very surprised already by the environment, narrative and world building of the game. It truly felt like i was part of it and i didn’t get bored at all. In fact right from the start i was hooked already!
I loved ALL of the characters that was introduced, i love the fact that it was SO multiple choice that it felt like you were really integrating yourself/oc onto the game and that you’re not just forced to say the same thing as a different choice or feel as though your options are limited. Its definitely a game that you’re supposed to replay over and over because its just that fun!!
And as someone who has never had a great childhood and adolescence, absentee parent, chaotic household, unsupportive friends, want to be understood (you know…this and that) i was so happy that this game was doing that and it genuinely gave me hope to live despite going through the darkest of times in my life :)
This game has changed me into a better person and made me want to be the best version of myself that i want to be in the future! I will infinitely recommend this to anyone who wants to have a feel good game/read (+1 it will make you cry!!)
Anyway enough yapping 💀 Time to get to the point.
Here are some playlists i made dedicated to the lovable characters of OL:BA that i personally listened to during my walkthrough and may relate to their route/lore ;)
read: playlists are super down below so keep scrolling!!
the og love interest!
summer with cove holden.
this playlist is the epitome vibes of the game (growing up with them and having fun, making memories.)
from beginnings to always with cove holden.
spoiler alert!! MARRIAGE DLC WOOOO!! really love this one cuz its all full of cute romance and wedding songs. i also put some songs that i think mc and cove would have when they get kids :3
DEREK IS JUST SOOOO AAHHHH He’s my ideal man and i KIN him so bad you dont even know!!!
derek suarez crushing on you.
THIS PLAYLIST. IM TELLING YOU. one of the FAVES i made!! the pining, secret crush on mc for a loong time, the angst GOSH. so cute. every song in this plays a part on each moment with him i swear
5 years after baxter ward.
one thing i noticed about our life is it lacks certain angst aspects when the baxter dlc didn’t exist YET back then. like i LOVED the fight between mc and cove in mcs room and i wanted it to escalate more ngl just cuz i LIVE for angst! but if you want to get real hurt you should choose baxter. this playlist focuses more on the last step of his dlc and its full of taylor swift songs.
baxter ward.
honestly this playlist is catered more to his vibes, his character (i listen to this playlist and i imagine edits of him lol) but i guess some songs are related to his story/lore? i made this waaay before 5 years after baxter ward and when the baxter dlc didn’t exist yet and we all just knew him to be as the new neighbor in sunset bird but people like it i guess so here it is xD
anyway thats all for OL:BA series! GB Patch is cooking up Our Life Now & Forever and it’s not released yet! just on demo on steam and itch! i already have a playlist for it but so far i have only made Qiu Lin (one of the leads of the game) i also have a privated filo inspired playlist for baxter if you want to listen to it let me know so i can put it up in public!
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gordonzola-ramen · 8 months
My mutual @alectricblue tagged me in this game tag! I normally dont do these, but I thought it'd be nice to get to know me more (and also meet y'all if you wish to participate)!
It will be long though. Sorry
1. Were you named after anyone?
Was originally gonna be named Andrea after a ballerina my grandma liked! Sadly no one remembered her well, not even grandma, so I don't know much about her.
My deadname was simply just chosen bc it was easy to pronounce, as well as my chosen name Diego (it's what I would've been called had I been male), although when I chose it for myself I liked the JoJo character Diego Brando so there was some correlation there.
Funnily enough, people think I'm nicknamed Lio after the Promare character, but I hadn't met them yet.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday. At 11pm. Watching OR3O's One Piece song. It was nostalgic ok
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. There's an absurd amount of reasons I don't want them, although not a single one is because I dislike them. I've had to babysit many kids and they've all been very sweet.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Oof, my recent sports is taking my dog for a walk. But I used to like volleyball and kickball! And reluctantly played soccer and did swimming! Sports give me a lot of anxiety and i'm not sure why.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I do a lot of teasing and lighthearted banter that can sometimes be considered sarcasm?
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes! Or anything outstanding like cool hairstyles or visible tattoos.
With online people, I mostly recognize them by pfp or a vague mental pronunciation of their username.
7. What's your eye color?
Dark brown?? Or black??
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Honestly, whatever makes me think more. Unhappy endings tend to do that more though, so I guess scary movies! But of course it depends on the mood, sometimes I just want a nice story to cheer me up.
9. Any talents?
I've been told I am talented at the piano! And music in general, although most of my skills feel less like talent and more like just studying the thing.
10. Where were you born?
So I was born in the US, in Florida, but my entire family is from Costa Rica and I just happened to be born while my parents were studying abroad. I don't remember much from the US though, I came back to CR with my grandma in my first months because she was less busy than my parents, and then they came to live here again. So in my eyes I've been a true Costa Rican since always hehe
11. What are your hobbies?
Playing the piano! Also drawing sometimes (I like to color more than draw, but unless I get my hands on a coloring book I can't do that unless I draw), playing videogames (mostly RPGs and visual novels), and doomscrolling.
12. Do you have any pets?
YESSSS my beloved dog Mia!!!!!!!!!!! I love her so much, she escaped her abusive home and we found her while walking around a plaza, said hi, and she followed us home. She's been with us for 8 years now and I adore her. Reference below because how can I not show her off:
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13. How tall are you?
Excellent question. I forgot but I'm average if that helps!
14. Favorite subject in school?
It changed over the years, in senior year it was English because we had my favorite teacher! I knew him for years because he has a literature club I partook in, so I was very happy to have classes with him. Plus, we saw the Oresteia, which goes tremendously hard especially when your teacher geeks out about all the symbolisms.
Apart from that, computer class! We barely ever had it, and almost had it cut out entirely in senior year, but the few times we did I really enjoyed programming and practicing typing! And when we didn't do anything we could play so.
15. Dream job?
I want to make my own videogame! So I'd say a game developer, although being a part of any videogame, especially RPGs, would be a dream come true.
Well thank you for reading, I hope that was some insight, it was very fun to reply!
Tagging section (no pressure to do it at all, you can also do it if you're not tagged who cares)
@skyllion-uwu @thefrogswhospoke @gorgeousuare @chronologicalimplosion @fishy-lilic @smoothedsmoothie @mx-mind @montied @aspirationatwork @jhofoyitchg @derkhue @mellomaia @federalfazbear @mcfinnigan @mutantsgurls @foxounderscorecube @sweetnessfollowsmp3 @mildredtefoneck @oh-my-stars1969 @unfullbucket @fluffnfuzzxoxo @electriceel69 @scottigyn @stressedsilverware @sapphicrobotenjoer @antjellies @milk1non-tolarantes @ovalbrain @chocokhaos @markdiegamer @astralix13 @atheist-xmas @blktomekurata @monstar-dreams @glass-duke @c--eam @laooneart
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goldenj0 · 2 years
okay first of all I am so beyond proud of you!!!!!!! no one deserves this more than you and I just love you so much. I'm having such a proud mom moment right now.
can I get a fluffy brother's best friend with rafe cameronnnn??? maybe they are going to the same college (he is no more than like, 2 years older) and her brother asked him to look after her for him and he starts falling for her, and her him (even tho she totally had a crush on him in like her pre-teen, early teenage years because who wouldn't?)
summary — you are in love
pairing — brothers best friend!rafe cameron x fem!reader
warnings — a few seconds of sadness but a whole lotta fluff and a kiss or four later!
author’s note — megan i adore you and your support and it means the world to me and i did change it up a bit, hope you dont mind!!
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Love was cruel with two blue eyes and sandy colored hair, who also happened to be your brothers best friend.
Bright eye and a school girl crush, with your heart on your sleeve. Having listened to Taylor Swift on repeat growing up, you knew this is what love felt like.
Over the years you fell harder for him each day. It was how your name sounded rolling off his tongue. Always going out of his way to make sure how your day was and checking in on you. Rafe always made you feel important even when you felt like you didn’t.
And maybe you thought he started to feel the same way, but then senior year came around and football and senior parties took over his life and that left you in shadows, only ever getting the small waves in passing and a forced smile as you turned to walk down the other way.
The memories of him were all you had to hold on to.
A year later, freshly graduated and a freshman at UNC you felt like you could conquer anything— including the blue eyed boy that you were madly in love with.
A week later with no sightings of him, you we’re excited that maybe just maybe, you could start over and forget about him, but the universe had something else in mind.
Loud music, too many bodies and maybe the promise of a kiss would completely wipe the idea of him out of your memory.
Too wrapped up in your thoughts, your tan body collided with the back of a figure, “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t—“
“y/n?” The Taylor Swift songs started speaking.
The universe for sure hated you became you looked like a deer in headlights trying to gather your thoughts and form a sentence or coherent thought.
“Rafe?” Eyes trailing up the tall figure, noticing the changes and how much he’s grown from the last time you saw him.
The last few times he’s been home you had successfully avoided him at all costs making up lame excuses to be out when he was over. And for awhile it worked.
“Hey, how’re you?” Wrapping his arms around your waist, home, “Been hoping I’d run into you.”
“Oh yeah, well I’ve been busy with school and getting settled and yeah.” Flustered and upset at the thought of never having the one thing you wanted.
Rafe was star struck. He couldn’t remember what you looked like. Of course he kept up with you on Instagram and occasionally seeing you on other peoples snapchat stories, but you were a work of art that a picture couldn’t capture. Rafe Cameron couldn’t remember when it happened, but he fell hard for his best friend’s little sister. Too caught up in his thoughts he didn’t register that you stopped talking and started waving a hand in front of his face.
“Sorry, I, uh, can we go talk somewhere quiet?” The million dollar smile that you fell in love asked you. “Somethin’ I need to tell you.l
All you could do was nod and take his hand when he offered his up. Following him through the crowd and out of the house to a more quiet part of the backyard he took a seat and patted the empty next too him.
“So I uh, shit okay,” Raking his fingers through his messy shaggy hair, trying to find some composure that was nowhere to be found. “y/n, I need to tell you something.”
He knew. That’s all that filled your mind. Rafe Cameron knew that you loved him and he was here to let you down gently because you were his best friends little sister.
“Have you ever had those feelings? Y’know those feelings that you shouldn’t have but you do?”
“I uh have some of those for someone I shouldn’t and I don’t know how to tell her.” Picking his head up and meeting your eyes.
“Oh.” Swallowing the tears that were threatening to spill, stupid feelings, “Have you thought of just telling her.”
“I’m in love with you.”
“Yeah just like that.” Forcing your water lined eyes shut and picking your back up.
Rings littered fingers grabbing your cheeks to meet his eyes, “I’m in love with you.”
Millions of emotions and feelings running through your body as you process the words you yearned for, for years from the boy you’d been in love with since you were twelve and he was thirteen.
“y/n? Can you say something?” Nerves crawled under his skin, “Shit, I shouldn’t have said anything, I just —“
The lips he craved to feel for as long as he could remember were on his begging for entrance to his mint and beer mouth. Cold and nimble fingers met his warm and flushed cheeks as you pour everything into this exact Taylor Swift moment.
Pulling away from the best feeling, “I’m in love with you too.” Pressing your lips against and feeling him smile against your pillow like lips.
besties!! @r0und3bitch @mackenzielovee @cutesouls @onmykneesforrafe
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nijigay · 1 year
hiiii :3 I noticed ur one (of a few) ppl who ships boniji on tumblr, and I wanna know if you know any accounts/artists who ships them so I could follow them to satiate my boniji fixation >.< Also, some bocchi x nijika questions I wanna personally ask: what songs do you recommend that reminds you of them? Also, what are some boniji fanfics you recommend/like? I probably already read most of their fics but I wanna know what others like. Lastly, ur personal boniji headcanons if you don't mind sharing... 👉👈
I only ask blogs rarely cuz I'm shy so no need to answer immediately...
I'm just brainrotting over boniji so much! im so normal about them (◔‿◔)
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AWAWAWA i love boniji like so much like too much like its become my main personality trait!
but youre right!!! it feels like boniji fans are mostly japan natives and there dont seem to be many english speaking boniji fans! ohhh i wish there was more of a following! imagine a boniji zine in the west! i would pay money to get involved with that
im kind of embarrassed about shoving my ships in ppls faces all the time and this might get long and its just me like rambling about my OTP so like .. gona put it under a read more lol. seriously this post is like almost 2k words long thats longer than my average fanfic chapter
i hate to be a shill but im going to be a shill for my fic recommendations:
ive been working on a lowkey corny boniji hanahaki fic on AO3 and some other oneshots, so maybe you would be willing to check my own stuff out?? (if u want .-. im really amateur with this stuff despite being an art student lol) its been on hiatus for like half a year but im just adhd af and keep restarting. im still working on it frequently tho and im secretly hoping to start updating on a consistent basis soon. but i also liked fics like "Midnight and Daydreams" and "Bubblegum Detergent" and "A Sellout Night" and "Just Enough to be Enough" and "A Kiss is Not A Cure". MANNN i remember that last one fucked me up bad when it was posted. it was only the second ever dedicated boniji fic and like I LOVE angst but with how small the sample size of fics was at the time it was like AUFHAUIJKADGF. all those fics are super super good though! i also love the third one, i love the trans bocchi HC personally
umm as far songs songs tho, i guess the ones i associate with boniji most are:
"veil" by keina suda, i remember drafting some animatic for an angsty AU of Hitori living on post-Kessoku
"STEP&CLAP" by yoshino aoyama (aka yoppi aka bocchis VA <3), i think yoppi making the song speaks for itself but its a rly cute song and i love thinking of Hitori and Nijika like tap dancing to it?? check out the rest of yoppi's debut album too!! her voice is so pretty and i was so happy finding out that there are 11 songs with her voice, instead of the 1 from the anime
idk why but i also think of them a lot when listening to PMMM's ost by yuki kaijuri, like "desiderium" and "not yet" and "mada dame yo"? these r kinda a stretch though but idk!!
i also like compiling music that reminds me of them into spotify playlists, if youd like some inspiration for your own! this one and also this angstier one
i have a lot of boniji headcanons but i feel like its hard for me to like list them all in one spot because they usually come to me with context during relevant conversations?? but ill list whatever i can think of!:
this ones not necessarily boniji but i was thinking about it like an hour ago, but i really like the idea of Seika being a huge boniji supporter. like in the source material she already finds Bocchi really cute, so I get the impression she would really like to be an older sister figure for Bocchi (and probably gets jealous of Kikuri for holding that spot in Bocchi's life lol), and so Nijika being a potential love interest for Bocchi would make Seika double down hard on supporting boniji. she'd probably be the one who brings Bocchi up to Nijika more than Nijika would bring her up to Seika?? i also like to imagine that for Seika she has a similar complex to Yoyoko. but instead of "Bocchi is stealing my spot as Hiroi's younger sister figure," it would be "Kikuri is stealing my spot as Bocchi's older sister figure" LOL . if that makes any sense at all
this ones actually taken from a japanese twitter user, but they moved on from boniji after the anime ended. but they had some headcanons that REALLY stuck with me. my favorite was the idea that Bocchi and Nijika both have inferiority complexes with one another. iirc their (translated) words were along the lines of "Bocchi thinks of Nijika as a pure, comforting light in her life, one that could be muddied if Bocchi got involved with her. On the other hand, Nijika thinks of Bocchi as a reliable hero who outshines an ordinary girl like her." i just REALLY like it. it also reminds me of this conversation that Yoppi and Suzushiro had on the BTR podcast, about Bocchi and Nijika's first meeting! like nijika literally brought light into Bocchi's life awdsfsgdhgfjh
actually that same user above also made a tweet that is the reason why i associate Keina Suda's "veil" with boniji! they made a tweet about an AU idea, where, in the event that Nijika would ever pass away, Seika would give Bocchi her ribbon, which Hitori would wear from that point onwards as she continues to play music to honor Nijika's memory. they also suggested that in the opposite event of Hitori passing away, Nijika would possibly do something very rash out of despair but thats dark hahaha!!!!
i kinda think this goes without saying and i think its actually a fairly common HC for BTR characters in general, but I can definitely see Bocchi being trans
I like to imagine that shortly after Volume 2, Bocchi and Nijika would probably have another conversation
eventually, i'm sure if Bocchi and Nijika pursued a relationship that they'd eventually move in together (or like into the same room? if Kessoku Band had a sharehouse?), and since both Bocchi and Nijika tend to be minimalistic with their room decor, their shared room would again become filled with a ton of Ryo's clothes and items and instruments, like how Nijika's room at Seika's apartment is
i think they'd both end up being really touchy with each other, especially when nervous? Bocchi kind of already does this when she's in new places (eg bringing Kita to Shimokitazawa, or going to FOLT for the first time and being dragged by Nijika), but I think it would grow to them finding comfort with each other?
idk if this is necessarily a HC but i really like how Bocchi and Nijika emotionally support each other, even in source. Nijika is shown to have a really good read on Bocchi (to the point of Bocchi worrying that Nijika is actually a psychic), knowing Bocchi's common thought processes, and picking up from Bocchi's mother during her first visit to Kanazawa that karaage chicken can bring Bocchi out of her anxiety attacks, and seems to be the only character who actually comments on Bocchi's growth as an individual and actively tries to facilitate it; but she also doesn't lovebomb Bocchi with praise, striking what seems to be a good balance for pushing Bocchi but also being a reliable confidant for her too.
one of my favorite details from the anime that i really feel doesnt get talked about as often as it should is when Nijika finally notices that Bocchi is guitarhero! she definitely wasn't the first to notice (Seika noticed first, but it seemed like Seika only knew about guitarhero via Nijika. When she notices that Bocchi's playing sounds familiar, her thought process immediately goes towards wondering why Nijika isn't noticing, and then she just tells them to get back to work) but she was the first one that Bocchi admits it too. but my favorite part is how Bocchi says that she wanted to change and grow as a person before telling them the truth, and she says that she especially wanted to grow before Nijika in particular found out! its just really cute, i love how Bocchi was worried about disappointing Nijika. and i like how, after some growth, Bocchi's dream turns from "becoming popular" to "making Kessoku Band the best band it can be" which is like almost basically the same as Nijika's dream! and so it's really nice when Bocchi doubles down on that goal by not remotely entertaining the idea of leaving Kessoku Band, even when goaded by promises of popularity.
last headcanon! because i ran out of thoughts and just came up with this on the spot. but i also like the idea that as the years go on, Bocchi and Nijika in particular may kind of become more similar in personality. i mean, they'd definitely still be distinctly them, but i like to think that Bocchi would eventually start picking up more optimistic habits and stop grimacing all the time, while Nijika would eventually become a little more lax and not reflexively try to dismiss her own negative feelings via looking at the silver lining. i thought of that when Nijika kinda dismisses her family dynamics with her mother's passing and her father's neglect after Kessoku's first real performance, as well as Nijika seeming to admit after inhaling Bocchi Dust(?) during her and Kita's Kanazawa visit that some of her optimism is performative
ok another one Nijika seems to have her art skills commented on sometimes so i like to imagine she has doodles of Bocchi in her sketchbook (alongside everyone else but mostly Bocchi). like think of like Miles Morales drawing a ton of Gwen Stacy like that kinda deal but with Nijika drawing Bocchi. and like Bocchi finds the sketchbook and Nijika freaks out and Bocchi actually doesnt look bc she doesnt want to do something wrong. but then Ryo or Kita take it and look instead and then show Bocchi and Bocchi melts into a flustered puddle
wowwow this got long! sorry! i really mean it when im like OBSESSED with these two like i think ive thought about them on a daily basis ever since the episode aired where Nijika bought Bocchi a cola. isnt that cute, too!? she picked up on Bocchi's favorite soda so quickly! and her buying a box of energy drinks for Bocchi despite not understanding why at all! girlfriend behavior
i really really want to make more boniji content, i'd like to be more active in posting my fics and drabbles and drawings, someday soon. right now most of my boniji content is just illegible sketches in my sketchbook lol
also thank u so much for like sending this ask im like BEGGING internally all the time to be given the chance to talk about them! i dont think theyre like a rarepair or anything, especially with them seeming to be like the second most popular BTR ship in japan, but i do think that not many people talk to them in the english side of the fandom! theyre super super cute and have really good chemistry.
this entire post is probably like a total carwreck i hope its even readable
ill also use this post as an excuse to post my own HCs for a Kessoku Band's relations chart. it's a bonus for reading this far. i'm sorry for draining 22 HP from you with this brain dump
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jeridoesntdourls · 2 months
until i finish up the updated character intros to my LIs i NEED to talk about songs i associate with them because there are patterns and if i dont assign everyone an oh hellos song and a disco elysium track shoot me on sight because that is not me. This ended up so long, I'll do the oh hellos on another post. If any of this is interesting to you, PLEASE consider playing the game. PIRATE IT THOUGH, the original team was fucked over and no longer receives any money from the game itself.
Precinct 41 Major Crime Unit (Sea Power)
“Here comes the cavalry…”
To me this track was always a weird one, it’s both confrontational and hopeful at the same time. Knowing you have people beside you and they’re all dipshits. Still, you can see the dawn on the horizon.
Ignus Nilsen Waltz (Sea Power)
“You were born in the year ‘07, in the last year of the Commune of Revachol, right before it fell. In the Old Military Hospital, on the ground floor where people usually came to die, during a snowstorm. The Revolution had about one year left to go and the fires were still burning bright. There were explosions in the blizzard. This was 44 years ago. You are 44 years old. The bloating might never leave your face, but beneath it -- you still have some years. You still have some hope.”
God I need you to know I love this song so much. A visage of things that have gone, reminding you that you carry a past but it’s not over yet. Failure after failure, revolution and change, a lullaby to quell the pull of the present and to help you carry the weight of a future so bright it burns you to look at it. On your feet now, there’s still time.
Off We Go Into The Wild Pale Yonder (Sea Power)
This song can only be discovered if you can let go of your past lover and continue on as a broken, discotheque lunatic. You loved and you were loved but it’s gone now, nothing waits for you back there. Change hurts more than stasis but it’s more than worth it.
Krenel, Downwell, Somatosensor (Sea Power)
“God… Please”
I only discovered how much of a banger this was after I finished the game and went back to the soundtrack, I was way too worried about letting Kim die to notice it the first time- SPAGHETTI FUCKING WESTERN IS ATTIS TO A T.You are putting yourself in danger to protect these people, looking down the barrel of a gun and putting everything you have into making sure you and your partner get out alive.
Saint-Brune 1147 (Small Pinewood Church) (Sea Power)
“Something that had walked in our midst, watching us stumble for hundreds, if not thousands of years, until it decided to interfere -- interfere in the course of our history. "We were supposed to come up with this ourselves!" the man was reported to have screamed at the innocence...”
The Heilist church is mainly inspired by own issues and past but Disco Elysium is such an influential game that I’m sure some of Delores Dei’s influence must have seeped in. With that comes the age old question, why doesn’t God interfere?
La Revacholiere (Sea Power)
“You are a violent and irrepressible miracle. The vacuum of the cosmos and the stars burning in it are afraid of you”
Medeas route is filled with a lot of moments where you have to look at things that are larger than you, God and mankind itself, the history you’ve made. You only know how to live violently, how to burn through it all, the suffering alone doesn’t make you holy though, but what you do to change it is a good start.
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blacknidstang · 11 months
Tagged by @juststartingtobebrothersagain 💜
Ask game bellow the cut ✧⁠◝⁠(⁠⁰⁠▿⁠⁰⁠)⁠◜⁠✧
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope. But my nickname, Ashi, is taken from a nursery song if it counts
2. When was the last time you cried?
Actually half an hour ago. I was rereading some part of Franny and Zooey for thousandths time and it always gets me
3. Do you have kids?
No and i never will
4. What sports do you play/have played?
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I have always been pathetic when it comes to sport. However i am both a good runner and swimmer but i only do those recreationally. I can't handle stress of racing. I've tried basketball and volleyball and i have been incredibly tragic like a wet miserable cat.
I try not to because it really creates communication issues especially with added language barriers. With some friends tho, we have shared sarcasm i believe so it works
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Hmmmmm... Their gaze. And whether they notice me or not.
7. What's your eye color?
Dark brown
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Neither exactly? I don't vibe hard with jumpscare horror but i do love bad devastating endings, not in tragic movies but ones that are meant to invoke discomfort.
9. Any talents?
I think i'm a good speaker in person. I have been the constant project presenter since 10th grade till end of my masters. I also think, or hope, tha i have quite an imaginative mind. Also whenever i'm making one of those huge 1000 puzzles i usually can grab one single piece and figure out where it belongs. I used to get mocked for this bc but hey if i take pride in that 😤
10. Where were you born?
Somewhere in middle east.
11. What are your hobbies?
Drawing, writing, hoarding academic papers (especially regarding religion and mythology recently), digging through all sorts of true crimes, unsolved cases, internet mysteries, fucked up cults. Puzzles and riddles, i also used to be so invested in Notpron (an insane & amazing internet puzzle) & i went to level 50 something & am planning to get back too. Also just grabbing internet courses related ro physics, geometry, astronomy for fun, i used to be a theatre kid but it's been some years since ive been a part of.
12. Do you have any pets?
No unfortunately :(
13. How tall are you?
148 cm/4'10 :D
14. Favorite subject in school?
In school it was geometry, biology, art, literature, and english. In my undergrad i took an anthropology course unrelated to my own degree which was the best experience and in my masters my favorite subject waw something i can roughly translate to architecture analysis.
15. Dream job?
I am somewhat having my dream job right now in a game design project with coolest people, but on the other hand i know big industries are literal hellscape when it comes to game and animation so i dont know really. I do wish to later in life go for phd, at one point i was fearing i'd be permanently a student djeujsisi but i think being a researcher/scholar of some sort is kinda awesome.
No pressure here @lilacpaperbird, @nameslikeguns, @stray-with-a-muffler , @hurricanejane, @fathercain1999, @laurasashtray, @sexwithag, and anyone who wants to do this im quite shy with tags
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hermitcraftx · 7 months
hm. i guess its hard because everything in my life for like years has been touched by wilbur, even in ways he wasnt directly involved in. i started watching him when i was 15 and he got me through the worst times of my life/the most suicidal years. id gotten fresh out of being groomed and a two year abusive relationship when i stumbled onto the dsmp and almost immediately i latched onto crimeboys. it was a ray of… well i wouldnt say hope or light but god i projected so hard onto both of them. i saw my little brother and myself as my brother and i. his september playing guitar video would be on loop on my phone for hours. i emulated him- both as a system w dozens of wilbur introjects and as a person. i picked up one of my favorite bands (los campesinos!) from him. i put a l’manberg flag up on my wall and i wrote shitty poetry. i have a faded wilbur ylyl shirt and it has weird shit on it and the whales are faded and it smells odd but it was one of my favorite shirts and i would wear it for comfort and. i picked up a british accent from him when i get tired. i bought round pink tinted glasses to look like him. i picked up how i dress from him. i picked up his speech mannerisms and quotes and i made him my transition goal until it was hard to see where i ended and wilbur began. ive been putting off removing all the songs from my playlists and likes because i dont want to look at them but today mine/yours came on shuffle while i was drivingband i genuinely got so nauseous i had to swerve to skip it. ive been doom scrolling and contemplating whether techno knew or not or if he would never know or god forbid. he was okay with it and idk. really sad that the man that saved my life is a piece of shit. especially since last year i was in a really bad relationship with a guy and i noticed some similarities between. the situations and god i feel so awful for making this about myself when he did AWFUL things to shubble. i just hope all the women can get peace but its like 2:30 am and all i can think abt is. god. what a waste of time
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madisonrooney · 5 months
it was embarrassing to do and im still cringing about it but last night after closing at work, they were playing some disney channel playlist and wherever i go came on and i had to ask one of my leads to skip it bc it was triggering for me. i hope they didnt think "oh boohoo amanda is triggered by the finale of hannah montana??," if anyone even knew thats what it was from, and yah the finale was hard enough for me but my abusive friendship was getting bad around the time of the finale and the show was like the last thing i had. i told myself if i was gonna kill myself, which i was considering, i would wait till after the show ended bc i just loved it that much. things just got worse and worse from there. ive RARELY listened to that song in the last 13 years. if it ever comes on in a friends car, i ask them to skip it.
but part of why im embarassed is also bc i often have to tell leads, managers, and coworkers at work i cant handle certain things bc of autism and anxiety and im mostly just expected to suck it up bc i dont have a disability accommodation on file (tho ive been fighting for one for NINE MONTHS) and im afraid they think "oh she cant even handle hearing a song?? what would she do if it came on while we were open? shes not cut out for this" when the truth is if i was in public or whatever i wouldve figured it out, but i figured it wasnt a tall ask for it to be skipped so i figured id go for it.
im probably overthinking it bc maybe only the one lead noticed, its not uncommon for them to skip songs partway through so maybe no one else thought anything of it, and she seemed fine about it. i even told her "hey ik this is a weird request"
but. anyway. im proud of myself for saying something and feel...weirdly confident/valid in knowing that it still triggers me and that i asked her to skip it? like obvs thats not a good thing that it triggers me but i feel like my coworkers have not been taking me seriously lately (probably will rant on that more later) and to be able to be like "uh yah hannah montana actually is very connected to my trauma and when i was suicidal and im not gonna deny it just cuz you think its no more than a kids show" feels validating. not to mention after what went down at el cap a few weeks ago
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allthegothihopgirls · 8 months
Were you named after anyone? i was named because of an actor with a very specific spelling of a common name, but not after them.
When was the last time you cried? idk, it miiiiight have been watching yellowjackets.
Do you have kids? my cat.
What sports have you played? i've dabbled in everything from tennis to competitive bowling. i did netball for the longest though, around four years i think.
Do you use sarcasm? i try not to as much as i used to, but definitely.
What's the first thing you notice about people? if they have cool hair or piercings. especially if they have the same ones as me.
What's your eye colour? green. i had blue eyes when i was really young, and then they went hazel, but now they're just green. The only hint of brown left is in the freckles i have in my irises
Scary movies or happy endings? scary movies for sure. i can rarely enjoy media that ISN'T horror-related. idk what the appeal is for me but i just love spooky stuff.
Any talents? meaningful ones? no way. i can fold my tongue into a 4 leaf clover though. also being able to recognise most songs from just a few seconds of audio, i think that's a talent.
Where were you born? australia!!!
What are your hobbies? oh god i have so many. being insane about twd. doing art, all of it. decorating my over-decorated room (latest addition is glow stars on my spinny fan) skateboarding (SOOOO beating the uncoordinated allegations). crocheting, knitting etc. getting obsessed with video games for the perfect amount of time to 100% them and never look back. listening to cool music and making my silly little playlists. talking people's ears off. running a mediocre fandom-obsessive tumblr blog. overall just being the coolest guy ever.
Do you have any pets? YEAHHHH!!!! my awesome big cat alden (did not name him after a walking dead character, i would neeeeever) i also have fish, and i'm getting hermit crabs VERY soon!!!
How tall are you? i think i'm just over 6'0. most of the time i'm in my platform docs though, so by general consensus, way too fucking tall.
Favourite subject in school? I loooooved my arts, but couldn't bring myself to take them into my final years, some things are just supposed to stay as hobbies. i do like all the sciences though, which is what i'm ACTUALLY doing.
Dream job? sitting around and being the special-est guy in the world... what do you mean that's not reeeealistic?? i guess if i HAD to pick an ACTUAL job, i'd love to work for NASA. TAGS TAGS OH GOD I DONT KNOW WHICH ONES OF YOU WOULD WANT TO DO THIS!! @xolborsaysstuff @radio-ctrl-faggot @khris0l0gy @princeofpittsburgh NO PRESSURE!!! HAVE FUN!!
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 5 months
Hello there 🙏🫶 I just want to share this rn with you..... 💌 Recently i have developed a crush on a girl. She is so wonderful and we talk every day & i feel so giddy LOL. I don't even know her face😭 I am so unsure over alot of things & it is both mortifying & exhilarating to experience .. & thats the fun if it..omg.. recently i feel like so many friends are having crushes i wonde r your thoughts on this..
also i forgot how to flirt entirely so i dnt even know if its noticeable to her at all that im interested that way since i havent been bold enough LOL any advice on signaling this to her is appreciated i feel like13 again likeso clumsy LOL its so exciting too omg wishing you a beautiful day when u reaD this i hope it;s fine to send this to u i know u like your inbox used as a confessional but i'm still shy HAHA
AWWW💞💞💞 happy for u Anon :]....Ues it seems lately many people have been finding new love, i noticed it too the past few weeks :o I've only had that feeling a handful of times over my life, its a special one cus it can be quite fleeting depending on how fast things move, treasure it🌟 altho W/ me and slimbo it lasted ages so by the end of it when we finally confessed love i was FRIED from haveing butterflies in my stomach for so long lol i was losing my marbles over it. anywyas--
Honeslty im BAD at flirting like. i have noooo idea how to make a move , slimbo n i both tried to keep it .pokerface. for years because we're like, i dont even know, we're stupid we were almost enemies for a while. there was a timespan where we were SOOOO competitive and whenever we tried to play games we'd fight so much and i'd end up crying LMAO im laugjing so hard typing this cus we're not even like that now. Like as soon as we got together we became the ultimate harmonious team of considerate affectionate lovers but the courting phase was such a trainwreck lmao. i love it like its beautiful it all worked out, but yeah i suck at flirting i am swagless in that position🧎‍♀️
Altho when it's irl i definitely at least try to Thot it Up, concoct minxy outfits , move in a charming way, one of my most successful tactics has been attempting to orchestrate accidental voyeuristic scenarios for them to catch in their peripherals lol. but you have to be reeeeally subtle to pull that one off ;] i guess mostly i just try to talk to them a lot !! and be thouggtful. send telepathic uncondtional love. SHOW THEM SONGS!!!!!!! if its an internet thing, maybe u can watch movies or youtube videos together. be inquisitive and ask her lots of questions ^_^ one thing that always drew me to slimbo is how curious they are and their #intellect.. But everyones different so just feel it out day by day thru communication💓💓💓
hhope that helpes in some way.. its ok to feel giddy and clumsy im sure ur crush just wants to get to know the most authentic -you- so dont stress too much about specifics ^u^ Enjoy your weekend love ~ ~ ~ P.M.d.9
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adrienschat · 2 years
About Me Tagged
So, I’ve been tagged in a few posts by @summerfrwrks @lady-de-mon-coeur @sub-text & @rosie-b (ily guys thank you for being patient), and I decided to put them all together lmfaoo 
WIPs Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
The Wall Between Us (miraculous fic)
Golden (3rd edit - mysterious demon comes to town, a girl confronts her grief)
Stitches (poetry book)
Winterville School for the Talented and Gifted (paranormal romance)
Random music & animations
Barely Seen the Light of Day:
I have it kinda planned out but my alt-marinette au lmfao
Strikes at Midnight (fantasy novel I’ll never finish, but it has like 100k words)
Open Caged Bird (Webtoon I started like a year ago...)
three ships:
adrien/marinette (in ANY FORM)
....... Drarry (dont block me i know hp is problematic etc etc)
those silly gays from our flag means death
first ship:
Probably percabeth? 
last song:
Cannibal (Nathan Apollo)
last movie:
currently reading:
The Dark Prince (i’m on like page 30 because i’m a dumb slow reader)
my Python textbook
the picture of dorian grey
random fanfics i love
currently watching:
Orange is the new black
currently consuming:
right now i’m having a smoothie
wish i was having DIET COKE
currently craving:
rules: list five things you never get tired of writing. it can be tropes, themes, characters, phrases, whatever brings you joy. then tag five people!
1. LESBIANS!!!!!!
2. BISEXUALS!!!!!!!!!!
3. slightly spooky
5. Dramatic irony
About Me
1. Are you named after anyone?
I actually named myself! I was 7, getting adopted, and i hated my birth name so i switched it to Julia (not named after anyone)
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday during my singing lesson (i’m sorry K, i hope you read this and know i’m sorry lmfao). I cry a lot
3. Do you have kids?
nooooooooooo but i love kids and i love my niece and nephews.  someday i’d like to be a mom! 
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Yeah but tbh i think it’s more like a teasing sarcasm. i don’t like to make people think they’re stupid 
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
How they’re feeling in a situation
sense of humor
6. What’s your eye colour?
Dark blue! Some people have asked me if I have brown eyes but only in dimly lit rooms lol.  
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies with happy endings my beloved. Finding love despite the horrors. etc etc 
8. Any special talents?
Projecting myself onto characters
i’m not good at most things i do, but i have a talent for doing what makes me happy
9. Where were you born?
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing music, novels, fanfic, and poetry
languages <3 (I speak Spanish fluently, ASL & French pretty okay, and a bit of german)
video games
crafty stuff (i used to crochet and knit a lot)
11. Have you any pets?
two kitties hehe. they’re under my “thea” and “dorito” tags. thea’s legal name is cool ranch. 
12. What sports do you play/have played?
just gym, no sport 
but also i did do cross country back in high school 
13. How tall are you?
I’m 6′ lmfao. I love being tall, it calls forth the short lesbians (this is a message to short lesbians to talk to me)
14. Favorite subject in school?
i liked math, which is ironic since i’m an editor/writer for work
15. Dream job?
I’m getting a master’s in software development rn, so i reeeeally want to create beautiful video games. 
Who I’m Tagging
Don’t feel any pressure to answer all or any of the questions! Love you guys <3
@castles-in-the-eyre @keyboardnonsense @asukiess @lesbitorte @fantasybuff3186 @juliuli @fragileizy @everythingisubtext @dorkylovespepsi @chatdc @talkstoself @doksangs 
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