#i picked fandoms with a lot of popularity so you can make sure to mute the stuff you don't like
howtohidethat · 5 months
Hi! This will be a blog dedicated to making sure everyone has the best fandom experience possible.
It can be really uncomfortable to come across certain ships, tropes, kinks and fetishes. I frequently suffer from that problem.
Unfortunately, the way the internet and apps work now (commonly referred to as Web 2.0) means a lot of things are served up to us based on what the code "thinks" we want to see. (This is commonly referred to as "an algorithm" but that's just a word for any set of instructions for a program.) This means that people who are just going about their business and properly tagging their fanworks will often have their work served to people who do not want to see it.
Luckily, a lot of sites have started offering filters or ways to remove the chance of encountering things you don't like.
Here are a few common sites mute/block pages
Tumblr Content You See
X (Twitter) Mute/Block Menu Mute Keywords Search Result Moderation
BlueSky Moderation
Wattpad Adjusting your Content Preferences Guide to Muting a User
AO3 (Archive of Our Own)
How to Mute a User on AO3 (Muting is for when you don't want to see their stories, whereas Blocking is for when you don't want them able to comment on yours) Create a Site Skin Skins FAQ Guide to making Site Skins Permablocking Specific Tags - Site Skin by Eli0t Premade Permablock Tag List Resource ✅RECOMMENDED How to Use Filters to "Exclude" on AO3 (If you have a lot of exclusions and you don't want to re-enter them every time, try Bookmarking the page after you've entered all your tags. It saves them all!!!) Highly useful AO3 CSS Accounts
@highlight-ao3-tags ✅RECOMMENDED (this is a really useful easy beginner way to make your own skin! You just fill in the spreadsheet, and it generates the CSS code FOR YOU. No messy coding required!)
@ao3css Wonderful blog that takes questions about different AO3 CSS questions. Great resource for when you're looking how to do stuff.
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topknotstrunk · 2 years
Review Everything 6 - Arcane
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My experience of League of Legends is limited to one LAN party at a friend’s house where I tried the game with a group of my friends and a subsequent basement video game party where I tried the game a second time on my own.
I wasn’t a fan.
Outside of TF2 which I almost exclusively played on Mute and Overwatch which I played almost exclusively with no mic, I have never been a fan of video games where you have to talk to the other players with your voice. Getting screamed at, insulted, and sexually harassed aren’t my idea of a fun time. So when I was introduced to the screaming chaos that was a LoL lobby I noped the fuck out pretty quickly.
All this to say I give exactly zero shits about this franchise outside of this show.
Which I kind of think was the perfect way to watch it. I had zero hangups about the way the adaptation was handled because I don’t care about LoL at all, so I got to enjoy this as just a standalone cartoon with no fandom baggage.
I really, really enjoyed Arcane. I’m not sure what the technical term for this kind of animation is, the hybrid of 2D and 3D style popularized by Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse, but I’m very excited to see it grow and evolve, and this particular iteration of is was perfect for the story being told. I mean, just the fact that every single character had their own body type and facial structure was really impressive, it’s not the kind of thing I expected from an animated video game adaptation.
I’m honestly struggling to come up with things I didn’t like about the show. It’s so well animated, the story so tight and neat, the setting to intriguing, the worldbuilding so well integrated, there’s a lot to love about Arcane.
If I had to pick one thing I didn’t like about Arcane it would be this: Jinx is maybe my least favorite character in anything I've seen this year. But that's because I find the hot and crazy child woman trope to be tiresome and not engaging, not because she's necessarily written badly. Any other negative things I would have to say would be similarly nitpicky.
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Like, this was a pretty constant distraction for me throughout the show but it was more funny than anything else.
In Summary: I really enjoyed Arcane for its Worldbuilding, story, and most of its characters, and am looking forward to a second season. It’s unfortunate that one of the main characters is a trope I hate, but that would be like complaining about Batman being in a Batman movie.You can gripe all you want but you had to know it was gonna be that way going in. The rest of the show makes up for that one character for me.
Overall: 8/10
🌟 Check out more of my Review Everything Project here.
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secret-engima · 3 years
Tagged by @ladykittenfair! Thanks!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What is your total AO3 word count?
1,303,694 (whoo boy)
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Including crossovers:
Fairy Tail
Halo (video game)
Horizon Zero Dawn
Vinland Saga (anime)
My Hero Academia
Genshin Impact
Pokemon (that one is not on my AO3 but was on FF)
KHR (again, not on my AO3 but on FF)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Deleantur (Erased But Not Forgotten)
Blood of My Blood (That Was Shed on the Throne)
Reunion of Hand, Shield, and King
Everything Ends (Then Begins Again)
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to anyway ^^;. A lot of times, if there’s a massive influx of them on a popular fic I get overwhelmed and forget to respond to them, or if there are really short ones, I’m not sure what to say. I’m always afraid I can only say “thank you!” or “glad you enjoyed!” before it sounds rote and insincere even though I mean it ever single time.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Off the top of my head? Easily Sanctioned Solitude, my Halo Reach fanfic from forever ago. I binge wrote it after finishing the game the first time and since it’s canon compliant (in what happens to the MC anyway), I’d say that’s my angstiest. Runners up are probably... the Sun Dies (Night Rise) verse in general and Blood of My Blood verse? Even if those have happy endings? Idk, I have a lot of fics that are heavy on angst, but I usually try to have hopeful/happy endings? Or at least bittersweet ones.
7. Do you ever write crossovers?
Sure! I like doing crossovers, they’re really fun, that and universe fusions where it’s more “two settings are actually in the same world and always have been” than a more straight laced “two separate fandoms meet” crossover.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
A few times. I’ve been blessed with nice reviewers for the most part, but I’ve gotten a little bullying, and I’ve also had someone accuse me of supporting the use of child soldiers because of something that showed up in a fic of mine, which came out of nowhere for me because- what? That’s like saying mystery writers support murder because it’s a central part of their plot. But whatever.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope. I’ve written romantic pairings and I think one or two makeouts? But never out and out smut. Have no interest in ever doing so either. 
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, but there’s always a chance I suppose, since I have so many and people can be cruel like that.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! Never officially. I’ve done a lot of back and forth with buddies on discord about ideas, but ultimately only one of us is the one who sits down and writes it out, so I don’t think that counts.
12. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
         I’m supposed to pick????? Idk, it depends on my mood and the fandom. I have a few OTPs for a fandom usually, and other times I’m flexible with who I ship. Luna/Noct is a pretty solid ship for me in FFXV, but I’ve also indulged in Luna/Nyx, so I don’t know if I can call either my OTP. Fairy Tail my OTP is absolutely Jellal/Erza, though there are several other ships that I suppose count, because I would literally never ship either member in the pair with anyone else.
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
...Depends on if you count by posted or just in general??? First fic I ever posted was for Pokemon.
14. What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Okay that’s. Complicated. My favorite fic I’ve ever written is one I’ve never posted, but it’s my favorite because it’s what really got me into writing and into enjoying making stories. But if we count posted fics, then my top five are probably...
1. My FFXV triad of Nox, Deleantur, and Everything Ends. I count them in a bundle, because originally it was just Everything Ends, but then as I expanded that one’s headcanons, Deleantur and Nox were formed and split off from it at roughly the same time, so they all very much have similar themes and a similar “core” for where their angst comes from.
2. A Melody of Second Chances. ngl this fic will likely never be finished, but not from lack of trying. But you don’t spend 6+ years writing a fic if you don’t love it enough to cry over it in frustration. So.
3. Blood of My Blood verse. I had the basic concept for this almost as soon as I finished the game, but at the time I thought posting something so off the wall would get me flamed. Took a lot of nerve to post it after I did finally write it, and the reception of it always makes my week.
4. Amongst Untrodden Ways. There are other fics I’m currently writing that I’m more enthusiastic about atm, but I learned a lot writing this fic. I did with AMOSC as well, but with the Fairy Tail fandom, I felt more comfortable in expanding on my own world building instead of mix-matching fanon and canon I’d seen before. That and Wren is such a fun and unique character for me, since she is mute and has to find alternate ways of speaking. That, and I get to focus on the Raijinshu, who are some of my favorite side characters (not counting Jellal of course). How can I not add it to my top 5?
5. Worlds Unseen (Calling You and Me). This fic *still* does not get the attention I want it to, even though I understand why. It’s such a weird crossover, but I’m so proud of how I mix up the chapters and try to align the story beats.
I have no idea how many people I’m supposed to tag, but uhhhh @sparklecryptid @wolfsrainrules @a-world-in-grey have at it if you want!
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unibrowzz · 4 years
Mod (finally) reviews all 67 winners of the Eurovision Song Contest Part IV: The 1980s
Ah yes, the 80s. One of my favourite decades for music overall, and one of the only decades in Eurovision where I wouldn’t immediately jump at the chance to change most of the songs that won, the other decade being the 2000s. 
But at least with the 80s there was more quality songs per year, whereas the 2000s was mostly drivel.
I also count the 80s as being somewhat of a turning point in the contest’s history, and by that I mean it always seemed to me like it was the decade where the UK really began to stop caring. Most people know the song that won in 1985, but nobody knows what won in 1986. Everyone knows Johnny Logan won twice, but couldn’t name his second song. Everyone knows Celine Dion competed, but can’t remember if she won or what she sang. 
That and countries also started experimenting with more modern sounds and outfits towards the end. The early 80s is just an extension of the 70s I swear. 
But that’s enough of all that, how do I find the winning songs?
1980- What’s Another Year?
Country: Ireland
Artist: Johnny Logan 
Language: English
Thoughts: Ah yes, the song that makes every 50something woman in the UK and Ireland all doey-eyed and rosy cheeked as they remember back to when they were a teenager watching this on TV and drooling at the lovely looking sad Irishman singing his sorrows into the microphone.  Or that’s my experience with this song anyway. Another experience is that most vintage fans I know tend to dislike this song on the grounds of it beating out [insert song here] Everyone has their favourite from 1980 since it was honestly a pretty strong year, but even though this song isn’t my first place for that year I can still clearly see why it won. See, 1980 had a lot of pop songs, so a slow, sad song like this one was bound to stand out, whether it was popular or not. Luckily for this one, it turned out to be a popular choice. Other songs wouldn’t be so lucky… Back on track though. Like I said, this is a very sad and melancholy song with sad and melancholy lyrics, which not only made it stand out in its year, but also made it stand out amongst other Eurovision songs of its time. It’s strange to think, but at this point in the contest’s history there hadn’t been a winner with lyrics so solemn and personal. See, in modern Eurovision, every other song is the artist baring their soul about their horrible ex-boyfriend, or their depression, or past abuse, or whatever, so knowing there was a period where songs like that were so rare is just… surreal to me.
Is this my personal winner for this year? This or Greece tbh, I don’t mind this one
If no, what is? Greece- Anna Vissi- “Autostop”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 23rd
1981: Making Your Mind Up
Country: United Kingdom
Artist: Bucks Fizz
Language: English
Thoughts: Ah yes, the UK winner that nobody really likes, but the BBC still forces at us anyway because they’re proud they came up with a gimmick that everybody remembers. Or maybe it’s not that well remembered, but nobody would know that because we’re reminded of it every year. This song is… alright. Just alright. The first listen of this one is always the best, because after a while it just gets kind of annoying. The singing ESPECIALLY starts to grate you for a while. Even in the studio version the two girls sound unbearably shrill and whiny, and I’m not sure if that’s their fault or the songwriter’s (since if I remember correctly only one of them was a professional singer). I’m seriously convinced there’s no way for a female vocalist to pull this off without sounding terrible.  Again, this one’s perfectly fine and serviceable, but that doesn’t mask the fact it’s still the worst UK winner and the worst winner of the 1980s too. 
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? Portugal- Carlos Paião- “Playback”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 58th
1982: Ein Bißchen Frieden
Country: West Germany
Artist: Nicole
Language: German (Translation: “A little peace”)
Thoughts: This song gives me a really warm, nostalgic feeling, and I don’t know why. I mean, I know this one did well internationally, so it’s possible I just heard it as a kid, but given how I grew up in the early 2000s, “Eurovision is a shitty freak show full of weirdos from the USSR who gang up on the UK and don't vote for us on purpose” era Britain, that’s highly unlikely. Anyways, this is such a warm, fuzzy kind of song. It has a lovely… round-the-campfire, singalong kind of vibe, like this is meant to be sung by a load of long haired hippies with flowers in their hair and CND symbols drawn on their cheeks. And it’s… … Also kind of bland. If you’ve been reading my personal winners so far, you’ll have noticed I definitely have a soft spot for old German entries, so it’s a shame I find the one song they actually won with to be so… generic. It’s like they got tired of being unique so decided to send the same saccharine fluff everyone else was sending, and guess what, it paid off majorly, because this song was a huge hit at the time. Something about that kind of bothers me, like, out of all the entries they sent, it’s the one that’s the most “Eurovision-y” that ended up winning. And there’s something depressing in that.
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? United Kingdom- Bardo- “One Step Further”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 50th
1983: Si la vie est Cadeau
Country: Luxembourg
Artist: Corinne Hermés
Language: French (Translation: “If life were a gift”)
Thoughts: You want a tip on how to stand out amongst Eurovision fans? Say you like this song. Probably won’t make you very popular, but you’ll stand out at least. I will confess, I, too, was part of the hate-wagon for this song. Like most fans I knew, I’d complain about how boring and uninteresting it was and how it, ahem, “robbed” so many other entries, and how basic it was, et cetera, et cetera. But… honestly? It’s not even that bad. Sure I had other favourites from 1983 (the ones I could stand watching anyway, the host that year was so unimaginably terrible I gave up watching halfway through. I DARE you to watch the whole thing without wanting to neck yourself), but this song gets way more hate than it deserves. I honestly don’t think this song is half as bad as I made it out to be myself, or as bad as the fandom makes it out to be. It’s got a decent melody, some solid vocals, some appealingly 80s instrumental, like there’s a lot I like here. …Until you read the lyrics and realise they’re almost as half-assed and lazy as All Kinds of Everything’s, but I digress. Did I prefer other songs from that year? Of course. Am I going to complain about this one winning? Nah. It’s alright. 
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? Sweden- Carola Häggkvist- “Främling”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 41st
1984- Diggiloo, Diggiley
Country: Sweden
Artist: Herreys
Language: Swedish
Thoughts: Whenever I was a younger fan I used to describe this song as being drunk-dad-at-a-wedding-music performed by three sentient Ken dolls, and I still stand by that statement. And I don’t really know how else to describe this one. It certainly has its charm, and it’s still a likeable song, but it also feels very… vapid. Like if this song were a person, they’d be a bit of a bimbo. And I mean, the song’s about how the singer’s oh-so-happy and prancing down the street in his brand new shoes, so that’s probably a fair description. Part of me wonders if that’s down to old Eurovision songs being vapid in general or if it’s down to the schlager genre itself requiring songs to be kinda neutered and happy-go-lucky, but even though I do like this song, it does come off as being a bit bland. A bit by-the-numbers and playing-it-safe. And I don’t mind songs like that, but I’d rather they didn’t win, y’know?
Is this my personal winner for this year? Not really
If no, what is? Italy- Alice & Franco- “Il Treni di Tozeur”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 15th
1985- La det Swinge
Country: Norway
Artist: Bobbysocks
Language: Norwegian
Thoughts: Ah yes, the song which finally hauled Norway into first place after years of being a regular last-placer. Maybe the UK should take some notes instead of blaming Brexit. Or Russia. Or Iraq. Or anything other than their own apathy, for that matter. But this is about La det Swinge and not the UK, so what are my thoughts on it? Well it’s… It’s the kind of song I imagine my mom and aunt would sing at a wedding if they ever attended one. It’s a very fun song, a little cheesy, sure, but it’s hard to not like a song that’s this upbeat and cheery.  And yeah I know it’s because it’s schlager and that’s generally a really cheerful genre by default, I touched on that in the review above, 
Is this my personal winner for this year? This or Israel
If no, what is? Israel- Yizhar Cohen- “Olé Olé”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 14th
1986- J’aime la Vie
Country: Belgium
Artist: Sandra Kim
Language: French
Thoughts: This song is an enigma because I’m an absolute slut for 80s pop, yet, for some reason, I find this song painfully average and uninteresting. Now, I’ll get it off my chest and say that 1986 was also a painfully average and uninteresting year, and most of the time I just felt myself remembering the singer more than the song, and even then I struggle to remember what some of the acts even were. It was just such a boring blur of a year I’m surprised the juries even managed to stay awake to pick a winner. And I GUESS you could argue that this song is so upbeat and peppy that it woke them up, but that doesn’t excuse how bloody generic it is. Like, this is the most generic 80s song you can imagine, and not in a good way. It feels more like stock music than an actual publicly released pop song. Had it not won, I doubt it would’ve stood out to me at all; it would’ve just faded into the background with all the other muted, 80s-coloured mush from this year. Basically, there’s a reason the singer’s age is the only thing noteworthy about this song.
Is this my personal winner for this year? Not really
If no, what is? Luxembourg- Sherisse Laurence- “L’amour de ma vie”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 49th
1987- Hold me Now
Country: Ireland
Artist: Johnny Logan 
Language: English
Thoughts: Ah yes, the superior Johnny Logan winner.  And I’m not sure why everyone forgets this one because Mother of Mercy this song is in another league entirely compared to the other schlock Ireland’s won with. Like this is their best winner, no competition. One of their best songs overall as well. One of the best entries from the 80s, one of the best winners of the 80s, one of the best winners… Yeah, I really like this song.  I’ll admit to sleeping on this one for too long myself, always dismissing it as some boring Irish ballad to go with all the other boring Irish ballads they somehow managed to win with (we’ll get to that later), and always agreeing with people who said XYZ country (always Yugolslavia) should have won instead.  Basically I learnt the hard way to never judge a song on its country and genre. But one day I found myself in the midst of a revisiting trip, going back to winners I didn't pay much attention to, just to see if there was anything I’d missed the first time round. And something about the lyrics in this song resonated with me a lot more than I thought they would. In a strange way, it made me feel older; like I’d grown up and was able to relate to the words in a song and appreciate it more than I could when I was younger. The line “what do you say when words are not enough?” especially hits harder than it should; as someone with autism I tend to find showing emotions difficult, even in virtual conversation where I’m not using my voice or face, because… Well, what do you say when your words aren’t enough?
Is this my personal winner for this year? Yes
If no, what is? N/A
Personal ranking (out of 67): 2nd
1988- Ne Partez pas Sans Moi
Country: Switzerland 
Artist: Céline Dion 
Language: French
Thoughts: Telling people Céline Dion won this thing is a new favourite hobby of mine, just to see the confused reaction. And that’s the most interesting thing about this song because it’s… fine, I guess? It’s a perfectly serviceable 80s power ballad, but there’s no bells and whistles to make me sit up and declare it any better than just “okay”. It’s basically the ballad equivalent of J’aime la Vie from 1986, in that it’s extremely 80s and also in French, but there’s nothing to make it that memorable aside from the singer herself. And even then this isn’t the song that made her famous anyway. Even her singing doesn't make this one stand out, partially because the song doesn't do anything special with it, and partially because she just blends in with all the other good singers of this era. And that’s kinda sad to think about.
Is this my personal winner for this year? Hmmm....
If no, what is? Greece- Afroditi Frida- “Clown”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 22nd
1989- Rock Me
Country: Yugoslavia
Artist: Riva
Language: Croatian
Thoughts: So this is another song it really took me a while to get into (there’s lots of those, trust me) and one that was very briefly in my top three overall favourites. It’s slid down a few slots since then, though I would still say it’s… Somewhere in the top 15.  I don’t really have a lot to say about this one, if I’m honest. It’s just a good, fun, solid song which stood out in a very dull and ballad-saturated year, nothing more, nothing less. The lyrics are nice too, being about a bored musician who learns to love music again by teaching himself how to play pop songs to entertain his friends. That’s a unique subject and I can imagine it resonating with a lot of people who’ve fallen out with a hobby they used to love because they took it too seriously (providing they either speak Croatian or have looked up the lyrics, of course). I mean, it resonates with me at least. All in all, I just like this song for its message more than anything else.
Is this my personal winner for this year? No
If no, what is? Portugal- Da Vinci- “Conquistador”
Personal ranking (out of 67): 9th
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fatebreaking-a · 4 years
Tagged by : I am a thief. ( Stolen from @starthieve​ ) Tagging : steal it from me.
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
( I will not, I will pick all my muses, how dare- I’ll leave everything except this blog + my other Sona blog out, for length’s sake.) long post, so it’s under the cut.
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My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES-ish / NO. ( people who like her like her, and people who don’t... really don’t. )
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO / MAYBE ?
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO / MAYBE ?
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  — lol. I take inspiration from canon, let’s put it that way.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  Your local patron saint of lost causes, a heroic entity who has overcome betrayal and judgement to become an existence that can save the world. Also she’s tall and strong and hot and nice, what more could you want? Huh? You want more than being hugged by a 6′4″ lady??? Sona can also be in various countries, and can participate very easily in fluff, angst, and all sorts of other types of threads.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  Lots of angst and drama, a bit of a loner with a distant vibe. Having no etwahl and not playing music kills the interest and ‘usual interactions’ for a lot of people, and being mute & not jumping to telepathy can make threads dry and slow. Being a ‘sexy boob lady’ ( u g h ) also has painted her in a certain light - I’ll never forget that someone said that ‘ofc everyone ships with Sona, she’s the village bicycle.’ I’ve made her exceptionally strong ( almost overpowered ), and that doesn’t jive with people sometimes - shoving in all these themes that I personally like and crafting an interesting story of a divine / demonic seer witch who doesn’t know what to do with herself, is finally ‘too strong’, and finds power distasteful... The themes can be a little depressing and cold, even when she acts nice. And seeing “Even though she feels nothing, she still acts nice” in character can feel... tiring. A mute is not an easy person to write with, and I don’t shy away from trying to give the impression that ‘waiting for Sona to communicate can be tiring’ - because I want my readers and mutuals to feel the kinds of things she goes through everyday. While I try to make the blog accessible, Sona has a speech disability, and that can be tiring.
Also that she doesn’t act like a fancy noble... I don’t know. I feel like the way that I write her is very, very different to the fandom’s impression of her, and that leaves people disillusioned. “This isn’t what I expected or signed up for.” She’s just not that person... And because she doesn’t speak, a lot of prompts are off limits. I’ve also recently reset because I wanted to emphasize that she is patient, grim, and secretive while still being kind. I’ve toned down her tendency for mischief a lot, she used to be an absolute gremlin.
A lot of these things also apply to my other Sona blog ( @virtuous-dignity​ ), where she is extremely structured and self-confident and a bit of a recluse, so while she’s much much nicer, she’s also a complete hardass. It’s rough stuff, especially since I make sure to point out, “hey this Sona practices music over 8 hours every day.” “Hey this Sona finds it morally wrong to play music for small audiences.” There are certain traits that just cut ideas in the bud.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  I played Sona a lot in bot lane. Multiple years of sexist remarks, shitty writing, and bad characterization made me frustrated. A lot of things were left unexplained and the etwahl felt like too much of a focus that I could not answer, “who is Sona besides a musician with a fancy instrument”. She has to be someone, right? But we never get to that in the story ( nor in the apparent upcoming lore rework either... ). She has to be someone, her being a famous musician is not everything. So I forcibly tossed aside the music part, especially to also prevent accidentally being pulled into ‘your music is so pretty’ plots. Plus: I wanted to write a character with an internal conflict who was going through some things but wanted to be nice anyway - I believe in that idea a lot. And I wanted to write a character that, tbh, could ship and flirt and just... be flirty and easy going more ( hah! didn’t work out so great now! ). My first canon characters were a ‘left by the void Malz’ dealing with his sins and Ori, who I talk about below, and neither were really great for getting that flirty vibe out. I also really wanted to emphasize that... Well, to be blunt, that if I wrote Sona as sexually promiscuous, that wasn’t a bad thing. That ‘being sexy’ and ‘sex positive’ did not equal ‘objectified tiddy witch’ and ‘perfect candidate for oppai mouse pad’ and other things I’ve heard directed at me in my league experience. Many, many things. Ugh. It kind of did end up turning into a thing where Sona herself draws an interesting line between ‘haha I can tell everyone’s looking at me with those eyes and it’s the fucking worst’ and ‘ok but I trust you and am in bed with you, so I want you to grab me’ - but that’s getting more into ns/fw topics so I’ll leave it there. 
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  All my characters tend to be expressions of myself, as well as answering important thematic questions, like “What does it mean to be rejected by your home and no longer have a place”, and some other stuff. I usually go back to that. Plus, exploring concepts around abandonment and loneliness is something I do a lot with her - feelings of neglect and disillusionment, and ideas surrounding “do I need to like someone or be liked by someone to treat them with dignity”. ( virtuous-dignity, on the other hand, was created because I wanted to write something as soft and uwu as possible, and then it turned into something about ‘balancing dignity for oneself with duty to others’ and handling those kinds of conflicts. )
I also really do enjoy, on some level, turning people around on these characters. “You made me care about character x” is such high praise.
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My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. ( idk, how many of you think robots are hot- )
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. ( I think people downplay Ori’s intelligence a lot, but Riot also casually implied she did open heart surgery on herself so??? )
Are they underrated?  YES / NO.
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO / MAYBE ?
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO / MAYBE ?
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  — hahahahahahaha. hah. hah. Sorry. Everything I write is divergent by default.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  A genius inventor and cute spherical robot duo who speak to other robots and shoot lightning, run around acting cute, and try to save their city one step at a time - all while dealing with deep existential dread and fighting off a fate that decrees Ori’s death. Between ‘pancake bot’ and Ori being an accidental flirt, there’s plenty of variety and development here as my oldest canon muse. Not to mention that the blog ‘grows’ and ‘changes’, and in the last year, Ori has taken to dying her hair pink ( because Vi is cool is why, just don’t let her near a rifle or she’ll try to imitate Cait ). I also regularly think about / draw different hairstyles and clothing styles. Ori is very much ‘alive’, the most so out of the three muses on this blog. A human that has the memories of being a robot, trying to live on and live a good life. Also, there are bird, angel, and time themes. So many clocks. Mega clocks!
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  Deep angst and existential dread, because she knows her fate is to die and she’s cheated time. Themes of dysphoria and other troubling topics abound. Being stuck in time loops, thinking she’s an aberration, needing crutches because her legs stop working, etc.
Also, removing the fact that she is a robotic automaton is a bunch of the appeal of Ori. Or well, it’s what makes her character ‘interesting and unique’ to many. Without that, she is ‘yet another Zaunite’, as the thing that made her most interesting was her death and rebirth. ( Nevermind that her entire story is that she’s a selfless person but- I’m supposed  to act like she’s bad, right? )
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  Hey remember when institute of war was a thing? And then when it wasn’t? And Ori’s lore was “died to a turret shot trying to be a champion”... and then it was up in the air for two years?
That’s why. If no one else will love her, I will. She deserves better. And then the lore became close to my lore so I rewrote everything a second time trying to stick to the themes I had.
Ori’s thematic question is, “What do you do when you don’t recognize yourself anymore? How do you get back to ‘okay’ and what do you do from there?” It’s a pretty dim question that has a lot to do with body image, but also to do with abandonment and neglect, and  just dropping out of people’s lives. I think that’s something that people can really relate to. I originally wrote her on a multi with a ‘post void Malz’, who was dealing with the trauma of being puppeted around for years and all the things he had done, trying to get back to ‘okay’ without getting killed. More below:
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  Themes as noted above, Ori is super cute, and a lot of my art & general ideas. I’ve kind of turned these three characters in borderline OCs and keep developing them as they grow... Sometimes I think the stories and concepts I’ve written have outgrown the fandom. And thinking about her, and how she would live, and what her story is... mmm.
Also, the themes I write... I think they matter. Maybe it’s not obvious to anyone but myself, but writing a character who feels dysphoria and hates their body for ‘betraying them’... is relatable. It’s not nice. It’s not simple. But it’s relatable and it matters. Ori’s theme on this blog has a lot to do with “fighting a fate that says you’re going to lose and defying expectations” as well as “coming back from something wicked and rotten in your psyche/body”. And I do write some other skin verses for her but they’re all adapted to meet that theme. ( For example, in SG, she rises to guardian after finding out she’s fated to become a dark star and fights that fight alone, because ‘hell no she’s not going to go dark’. This was 5+ years ago back when there were theories SG and DS were same universe. )
Mostly it’s writing about these themes of expectation and reality. Overprotective parent, absentee parent, dealing with trauma... All my writing is like that. It can make my characters seem overly tragic, yes, but these ideas are not so far gone that they’re completely irrelevant and beyond belief. I’m sure many people have experienced emotional exhaustion and problems with body image. Even though I do write ‘polite but ready to fight’ characters only... Well, I believe in exploring and expressing these kinds of problems. Inner conflict and all. But also fluff! Fluff is really nice! Talk to her about pancake robot.
I also really do enjoy, on some level, turning people around on these characters. “You made me care about character x” is such high praise.
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My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO. ( post rework??? oh my god )
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. ( hard to consider ‘martial’ characters strong when Xer/ath and Syn/dra exist )
Are they underrated?  YES / NO. ( she’s a little overrated, isn’t she?  )
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO / MAYBE ?
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG.
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO / MAYBE ?
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL.
How strictly do you follow canon?  — I still draw from old lore with her big four blades of doom and ‘reviving’ with the help of Raka ( though I leave it vague / easy to gloss over ). I also had a lot of ideas about music and rhythm and tradition before the update ( drums were a big thing for her, so strong percussive beats and motions reign over the more silk and ribbon dances that flow more, drawing on things like Zelos existing, Lito’s lessons & harsh behavior, and her own internalized habits of trying to calm herself ), so I draw on those a ton. For me, the progression is ‘classic’ -> ‘infiltrator / nightblade ‘ -> ‘aviator’ all as one timeline. Also wrote her as being ‘missing in action’, which makes the awaken cinematic weird. I also really try to emphasize that she’s an emotionally stunted wardog with scars and not ultra pretty, so.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  A world traveler and a wardog, you can find her anywhere, any time, ready to kick some butt and enjoy the local food. Her simmering fury is a counterpoint to her relatively muted demeanor and adventurous spirit. However you may find her, there’s a definite charm to being flown up above the clouds to watch a sunset and talk. She will fly you where you need to be.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  I’m a little stuck on old lore and writing Lia as a character that has “left behind” her past and is pretending to be dead does make certain interactions tough. She’s also a deeply stunted character, emotionally, and I write her ten years of experience as having chilled her to a cold, ever burning ember rather than a passionate flame. Also, ‘aviator’ is kind of weird to handle for a lot of people.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  This one is really simple. When this blog started, the only splash where Irelia was smiling was the aviator splash. That’s it. That as the whole reason. “I want her to be happy and have found her happiness.”
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  I will admit that Lia is the character that I give the least attention to out of these three, and part of it is because I don’t really do flirting or shipping with her as much. She’s not one to reach out to others, and there are a lot of popular Lia blogs to the point that when I, as a multi, write with someone... She probably isn’t the first pick.
But I just... want her to be happy. That’s it. As I mentioned with the Ori section, what I’ve worked out for her has kind of outgrown the fandom itself, she’s become a different entity. Her themes largely involve recovery and finding oneself anew, and writing a character that is passionate about others while still being cool-headed is some of the variety I need. Because Lia is ace/homosexual, she sits out on a lot of the flirty content, but the chances I get to write her being romantic and caring... my god. Just a few posts back and forth with @unholyshe​ ‘s Akali and a So/na I used to write with....... Unforgettable. ( On that note go follow @unholyshe​ what a good writer, gosh dang. ) It’s these small interactions I find intensely compelling, and having a ‘quiet intensity’ and really thinking about her body language...
Also it’s nice to write a character with little secret agenda, who is just straightforward. “Will I enjoy kissing you? Only one way to find out. ‘It was okay.’ “ A ‘the only way forward is through, just do it’ attitude is refreshing.
Learning to write all three characters helps me write the others: The little things I think about that are specific to each person really help me out for the others. The depth of using body language from Sona bleeds into how Lia uses body language, and how Ori doesn’t ( even common ticks ), etc etc. Ori’s blunt, observational style of speaking ( telling you that you look good like it’s an observational fact ) helps me understand how to be straightforward with Lia.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES …? / NO. ( sometimes I do get very anxious abt it, esp. since I’m so divergent and do things like ‘so/na is one part succubus lol’ )
Do you frequently write headcanons? YES / NO. ( do excerpts count? less headcanons and more musings, since I’m on like 5+ years with 2/3 of these. )
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO. ( time is not a thing but I used to write a ton, my drabble energy goes to novels now )
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO. ( this is why you see mobile posts from me constantly, and so many excerpts / musings ).
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO. ( It’s what I want but it can also be disillusioning / disappointing to people so. Dunno. Anxiety. =/  )
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. ( It takes me a bit to warm up to a character again, but yes. I know my writing is not bad but I can be a little insecure about it. )
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. ( Very. I cry a lot and I get upset pretty easily. Sometimes I end up being really cold instead but idk. )
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  — To a point. Sometimes criticism is irrelevant or meaningless, or is just personal taste. “Sona shouldn’t be that strong” isn’t helpful ( but thinking about ways to pare down the complexity is good! ) Sometimes I get criticism that is the equivalent of tasting a chocolate cake and going, “It should have been vanilla, I like vanilla better.” That’s cool, but that has nothing to do with the taste of the chocolate cake I made. ( Ori as a human isn’t interesting, talk more about Sona & the etwahl even though it’s broken, Lia flying doesn’t make sense, etc - these are foundational flavors, so what can I do? ).
Also sometimes people make comments that make me feel they’re just being petty / catty and not sincere. I’ve seen quite a few hypocritical comments and it’s hard to take them seriously. So, yes, but ‘to a point’... Mostly I take suggestions, which I then talk about for the muse. Exploring those ideas. Unsolicited criticism is... hmm. In my experience, about half of it isn’t constructive. And from the wrong person, it can sound judgemental. 
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  — Of course? I love asks. Always. Great. Awesome. If I have a chance to draw to answer these asks, even better.
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  Not really. I’m divergent, they probably disagree because they have a different vision for the character. I’ll be honest here and say I’ve had enough people tell me that “my portrayals are not what they expected” that this can be... disheartening. I usually have a good reason for 80% of my hcs. If we’re talking in IMs though or just conversing, I’m totally fine with it. This comes back to unsolicited criticism - to be a little blunt, some people just straight up don’t know what they’re talking about. And given that I put a bunch of effort in trying to make sure most of my headcanons can be glossed over, so it doesn’t cause conflict and my ‘ultra grim take’ doesn’t cause the end times... I dunno. I’d rather that someone tell me “the kind of interactions they want”, so I can lean into that direction. If you just want fluff, I can leave most of my darker hcs for So/na at the door... But you need to tell me that, so I can work with you. 
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  — just leave? huh? I mean, I already know people disagree. If you’re not rude, then we’ll just move on and be chill. Otherwise... well, we won’t be chill and you can still go, but I’ll consider you a dick. I don’t expect everyone to agree with “Ori is a human”, but why bring that up to me?
This is why a lot of the time, when people talk about characters and my muses, my brain defaults to “Well that has nothing to do with me.” Why should I invest any time being upset that people are disappointed with my portrayal or I’m not what they expected. It’s exhausting. People have some really strong opinions about Lia and Sona sometimes, but... ‘that has nothing to do with me.’ There’s no point in trying to convince someone to try your flavor of ice cream when they’ve already decided what flavor and toppings they want. It just leads to tremendous insecurity. I should not have to argue that ‘my portrayal is worth paying attention to’. 
Ugh. I might be too sensitive about this. There was a point where people really got in the habit of saying, “this is how character x is” ( not their muse ), and it felt like someone trying to enter my kitchen. It did not feel like a suggestion or an idea. It was an assertive, “this is how Irelia is” by, say... a Ry/ze or Ken/nen blog or something. That felt extremely isolating and alienating to me, because it felt like I could not participate in that conversation at all. Or stuff after. I had to sideline myself, because... that has nothing to do with me or my interpretations. Ofc griping at them is wrong because I know they mean, ‘this is how I see it’, but ye. I’m short tempered and easily upset. Working on it.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  — um? bye? hello?
god I used to go “ ok that’s cool you don’t like my portrayal, here are some other great So/na blogs that I love” but I realized that I was directing someone who felt the need to tell me my portrayal or character is bad to those people... and no. no no no. I still feel a little guilty about it, because thinking I directed a toxic person to my duplicates...  yuck.
If you don’t like the characters, or you don’t like my divergent takes, that’s fine. I get it’s not for everyone. Just unfollow me. You’re not paying me. You’re not under any obligation. To an extent, i don’t mind being critical of the character, but there’s a difference between being critical and being hateful to someone’s muse? And it depends a lot on how close I am with a person. For example, I think Sy/las is a complete scumbag and I hate him, but I don’t go yelling that to every Sy/las blog I see. C’mon.
Another bit of salt but it’s... kind of a sad topic, really. There are some characters people love to hate, whereas other ones get the ‘protection squad’. And in general it’s really disheartening to see someone shittalk Lux every two weeks, but go ‘these other champs are off limits’. If you have that attitude, it makes me think you’ll shittalk my characters the moment they get popular ( COUGHIRELIACOUGH ) and that’s kind of sad. And mean. So general advice on this is: Probably just don’t tell someone you hate their muse, you know? Idk. Everyone has their own tolerance level too so. meh.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  Somewhat.  Not much to say here, sometimes I am very tired, sometimes I comma splice like a madman, sometimes I overuse hyphen dashes to avoid deciding whether to use a comma, period, or semicolon - like this. I don’t need an editor. English is my first language. But if there’s something egregious or you have tips, let me know? I’m someone who looks up grammar rules regularly, and breaks teh rules just as regularly. Knowing when and how to break grammar rules is useful. Though I do tend to... overuse something once I’ve learned it. Hyphen dash, I’m looking at you.
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   — Yes and no. I’m chill, I can be a little overly passionate, and I’m pretty quick to apologize... But I have certain moral standards and if you break those, you’re done. Also I can be a vengeful bastard. I try to give as much benefit of the doubt as I can and many chances, but I’ve noticed that I really... have a sour attitude towards a lot more people than I expect. Sometimes people who are very well liked, just because they said or did something that ticked me off. Luckily, I have the special skill of not being a jerk even if I don’t like you, and overall trying to be nice to most people, so it usually won’t matter. 
Ah and I can be a little selective in who I talk to / play favorites a bit. I’m a busy person with an adult life and a stressful job, I only have so much patience. I skip from “tolerating it” to “leaving”, and that can seem like I ghosted, but that’s not always the case. Just better to leave than to pick fights. I have some pretty strict standards and harsh opinions. Short temper. Vengeful. Alas.
Somehow people think I am very nice and baby, so take that for what you will. Pft. I just want people to be happy and feel comfortable and okay. Wrong is wrong, blah blah blah ok I stop now.
That’s about it, congrats for filling out!
( If you managed to read all this, with 3 full muses... Let me know, I want to hug you??? )
4 notes · View notes
phoenix-downer · 5 years
Hello! I haven't played KH III yet but I plan to. I have come across some really hateful posts on tumblr and even twitter about Sora and Kairi being together. It appears some people are really upset that Sora and Riku didn't become a thing and have downplayed Sora x Kairi's relationship as something as forced and not having chemistry. I had no idea this was even a thing. Can you tell me where this hostility came from? I thought it was obvious that they had feelings for each other.
Hello! Thanks for the ask! There’s a lot to examine here, but I’ll do my best to try to tackle the whole issue with tact and empathy. Light/very vague spoilers for K/H/3, E/ndgame, and F/M/A follow (with slashes so they hopefully don’t show up in the tags).
First of all, I’m so sorry you’ve stumbled across those kinds of tweets and posts. If I could, I’d shield everyone from having to deal with such hatred and negativity about something they enjoy. Doesn’t matter what you ship; no one deserves to deal with that level of toxicity. 
Imagine going into a room and hearing people talk loudly about something you love, talk about how much they hate it and how much it sucks. Doesn’t make you feel very welcome, does it? But that’s exactly what’s happening here - you’re not the only one who’s noticed this. I have had to block or mute so many people because of the kind of bashing you describe. People purposely tagging their hate so that fans can see it, saying nasty things and picking fights in a way that makes you wonder what they get out of being so cruel and vicious. 
I’ve seen it so much that I’m extra sensitive to it now too; I block much more quickly than I did in the past. And I would advise other people to do the same. You don’t owe anyone access to your social media. They’re not entitled to your time or energy, either. You don’t owe it to them to read their hate. By blocking them, you take away part of their audience, you take away their attention. And the thing is, they want that attention. They want to make other people angry and miserable because they’re angry and miserable. And you don’t have to give them the satisfaction. 
Sadly, because twitter and tumblr have such poor moderation, no one running these sites is doing much to stop these people. In fact, the platforms even encourage that kind of behavior, because the loudest people get the most attention. So that encourages and emboldens the kind of nasty behavior you’re seeing.
Now, this is not to say there is never room for criticism, because there is, but that is a very different thing from what you’re describing, which is plain old bashing. Criticism and critique are offered in the hope that something will improve; bashing is done to express pure vitriol, and it isn’t productive for anyone. It might feel good in the moment, but in the end it just leaves people bitter and empty. 
There are plenty of people critiquing K/H and how the games went and how the various character arcs unfolded and how the relationships developed, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Shutting down all criticism isn’t healthy; it should be allowed and encouraged, as constructive criticism leads to healthy dialogue, both with other fans and with S/quare E/nix. And Square has listened to fans in the past; they’ve fixed issues with gameplay that occurred when 1.5 and 2.5 were ported to the PS4 and converted to 60 fps, for example.
Neither is there anything wrong with venting to a close friend in a private setting - DMs, PMs, on your personal blog or twitter account with the ship you’re criticizing censored somehow so that everyone who likes it doesn’t have to stumble across your venting. Heaven knows I’ve had to vent a lot to stay in the fandom without lashing out. The issue is when someone thinks it’s okay to force their anger and negativity onto other people who don’t want to see it or hear it. 
So the question is, why are we stumbling across such strong feelings? Because it’s clear people feel pretty strongly about all this. 
I don’t think there’s an easy answer as to why this is happening, but I’ll take a shot at explaining what might’ve happened all the same. I’m sure if you asked someone else, they might give you a different answer, and it’s worth getting multiple perspectives. This is just my two cents, and naturally, it’s going to be biased towards my experiences and preferences. 
The shipwars in the K/ingdom H/earts fandom have been nasty for years. From what I can gather, they got really bad when KH2 was released, though I’m sure there was probably drama before then. S*kai fans and S*riku fans did not see eye to eye on how that game went, and it’s all been downhill ever since. People on both sides have been mean and nasty, I’ve seen them be nasty, hurling insults and slurs and accusing each other of awful things to the point that the question of “who started it” is pretty much moot at this point. A more productive question would be, “how can we end it and get along, or at least start treating each other better?” 
Now, since I ship S*kai (obviously), I’ll share why this is such a touchy subject for me personally. I’ve been in fandom for a while now, and something I’ve noticed is just how much fans tend to hate female characters because of sexism and internalized misogyny.   
I was in the M/C/U fandom before this, and Sh*ron’s actress got death threats around the time C/ivil W/ar came out from angry shippers. And then P*ggy’s actress has likewise been harassed after E/ndgame came out by, again, angry shippers. I was a big F/M/A fan back in the day, and W*nry got so much hate from, you guessed it, angry shippers. I remember a friend back then rolling her eyes and bashing W*nry, and when I asked her why she hated her, she couldn’t really give me a clear answer other than that she was “whiny.” 
Heaven forbid a female character not be completely perfect. 
Over and over, I saw this pattern repeating. A female character gets hate because there is a popular alternate pairing that she “gets in the way of.” Even before I had the vocabulary to talk about it, the hatred just struck me as very gendered. I never saw that level of hatred for any of the male characters unless they were written to be hated (hello Shou T*cker). And I was likewise harsher on female characters than on their male counterparts. It took me years to realize what I was doing and to try to put a stop to it. 
So then I came to the K/ingdom H/earts fandom with all that background and baggage, dealing with years of people hating characters I liked and looked up to and identified with, and I saw the same thing happening again. Yet another female character getting nasty hate because of her gender, because she dared to like a boy who was shipped with another boy. Because she dared to fall in love. How dare she have feelings, how dare she be feminine, how dare she wear pink and have a flowery Keyblade. How dare her strength of heart be stronger than her physical strength. There is only one kind of strength that matters, and it’s how hard you can kick someone’s ass (wrong, wrong, wrong, and one look at the whole power of friendship thing this series revolves around would tell you that). 
How dare K*iri not be an instant expert at fighting, which is cruel and ironic because if she was an instant expert at fighting, everyone would be crying Mary Sue. How dare she sass and tease S*ra, she’s such a bitch. Oh, she doesn’t tease him as much in K/H/3 and is more gentle and supportive because he’s going through hell and nearly loses everything and she knows he needs her support now more than ever? She’s a complete pushover! 
See what I mean by how hard people are on female characters? K*iri can’t win no matter what she does. She could have the best character arc ever post K/H/3 and people would still find something to complain about. That’s not to say I don’t have issues with how she’s written, I just think the criticisms against her tend to be way overblown. There aren’t enough discussions about how she could improve moving forward (though I have seen them, and thank you to those of you who do have them!), instead people just write her off completely as useless and worthless and want to improve her character by… dropping her out of the story completely (and yes, I’ve run into someone who actually thought this would be a good thing and always felt the need to talk about it, and it absolutely drove me up the wall). 
And worst of all, she can’t win because S*ra fell in love with her. Really, it’s ironic that she gets as much hate as she does for something S*ra did. She had no control over S*ra falling in love with her, and yet she is absolutely despised by people because he did. She isn’t “good enough” for him apparently, whatever that’s supposed to mean.  
I share all this to explain why I was so sensitive to the issue coming in. I saw the same thing happening I’d experienced time and again and I was so exhausted. So tired of it. I didn’t want to deal with it again, and I was on my guard right from the start. Especially because it’s so normalized in online KH communities to bash K*iri and S*kai. The major ones, too, with lots of people and a wide range of (or lack thereof) of shipping preferences, not just dedicated shipping groups. Try to go an entire discussion without seeing it come up… it’s a lot harder than you might think. 
At first I tried to be patient and understanding. Other people have different tastes, and I wanted to be understanding of that. But after years of watching the bashing happen, my patience ran thin. I was sick of seeing it enabled in major K/H communities, sick of seeing mods refuse to put a stop to it, or worse, low-key join in with the bashing, sick of having to put up with so much negativity when all I wanted was somewhere to discuss something I enjoyed. Some people seemed almost gleeful, almost eager in their bashing; any time K*iri was brought up, they felt compelled to express their hatred for her. They were more obsessed with her than her actual fans were; felt more passionately (albeit negatively) about S*kai than some actual S*kai shippers did. 
When I reached that point, the point where I was tempted to be negative and snappy and rude, I knew I couldn’t engage with certain people anymore. So I stopped trying. I searched for S*kai fans here on tumblr and stuck with them. I didn’t want to add to an already tense situation, and thankfully, there are other people who feel the same way (but more on that later). 
And on the S*riku side of things, some of them have shared that they have been told nasty homophobic things for shipping S*riku. And for many of them, I’m sure S*riku is a way of expressing their identity, a way of exploring their feelings and expressing them in a safe, welcoming way with fellow fans who get what they’re going through. Representation has gotten better in recent years (though it still has a long way to go), but back when the K/H games were first coming out, things were different, and people had to take what they could get from canon and run with it if they wanted to see more content that represented them. 
I’ve also seen a few people say that certain S*kai fans went out of their way to message them and rub what happened in K/H/3 in their faces. That kind of gloating is bound to upset anyone, yikes. Canon has become the new gold standard for shipping in the last decade or so, and it has sadly been weaponized in the ever-nastier ship wars, when really, a ship’s value shouldn’t be based on how “canon” it is but on the joy it brings to people. 
So yeah, we have a situation where enough people on both sides were treating others poorly that everyone got defensive, because how could you not when people keep attacking something you love, especially if you feel strongly about it/associate it with your identity? And that made people more likely to lash out, and when they did, people got even more defensive, and the cycle repeated, over and over and over again. 
And you know how I mentioned I sought refuge with likeminded fans? I think that happened all over the fandom. People seek out those who will support them and support their beliefs and form identities and communities based around them… and that’s a double-edged sword.
On the one hand, it’s great to get so much support, especially if you’re seeking refuge from a particularly nasty ship war. Having a safe place to vent and unwind and finally get to talk about what you love without fear of getting hate over it is awesome.
On the other hand, things like echo chambers, confirmation bias, groupthink, and the false consensus effect flourish in those kinds of situations. If all you hear is that XYZ pairing must be canon or will be canon in a future game from the group of people you’ve surrounded yourself with, and everyone enthusiastically agrees because everyone ships the same thing you do and of course no one is going to rain on that parade, it can come as quite a shock when a new piece of canon comes out and doesn’t align to your expectations. Especially if you’ve spent years expecting canon to align with your expectations. 
We lose something when we can’t engage in healthy dialogue with people who disagree with us. Our perceptions get warped, our memories might even get warped, and what we could’ve sworn was canon… we might be surprised to see wasn’t, when we revisit the source material with a more critical eye or listen to someone who sees things differently than we do. 
But how can we have that healthy dialogue when there’s been so much bad blood? How can we listen to each other when there’s no trust? It’s nearly impossible, so instead we reinforce the beliefs and ideas our own communities already hold fast to, and the cycle continues. We draw lines in the sand separating “us” vs. “them” and don’t give each other a chance. Not only does this alienate people on opposite ends of the shipping spectrum, it also alienates multishippers because they’re considered “traitors” to both sides, and that is an uncomfortable place to be. 
I think that’s why you find the whole thing so jarring. I’m guessing you might not be as heavily involved with the fandom as I am, and have thus been largely immune from the perils of echo chambers and confirmation bias. So for you it must seem really weird that something that seems clear to you is so contentious to other people. I don’t say this to throw shade at anyone, because I know the same thing would’ve happened if the pairings had gotten switched around. It’s more of an observation of a phenomenon I’ve seen happen over and over again throughout the years. 
So all of that is to say, things are tense because of all these backgrounds and experiences and histories people bring into the fandom. No one exists in a vacuum, and things were already tense before K/H/3 even came out. K/ingdom H/earts has been such an important part of many people’s lives and growing up experiences that they feel a deep connection to it and almost a sense of ownership of it. It’s a shared story, a shared experience. It belongs to all of us, in a way, and yet it’s still N*mura’s baby.
And that’s where we run into more issues. How much say should fans have in a work of art? Does the creator get the final say in interpretation, or should she accept that once her creation has been released into the world, it’s up to other people to interpret what she meant? There are no easy answers to these kinds of questions, and they’re widely debated and discussed (see: the whole death of the author debacle). 
However, while I think feeling a sense of ownership and investment in a piece of art is totally fine, it crosses the line when it gets into the realm of entitlement. By this I do not mean asking for more representation, because that is a perfectly good thing to ask for; I mean demanding that the creators cater to your whims… or else. I mean contacting people who worked on the game on twitter and demanding they change the story to make it “right.” I mean directly telling one of the VAs you want her replaced because you thought she did a bad job. And yes, I am talking about actual stuff I’ve seen happen in this very fandom. All of that has also left me with a bad taste in my mouth, and other people I’ve talked to have felt the same. 
That being said, shipping in and of itself is not the problem. For every nasty tweet and bashing post out there, there are plenty of kind and good people who are just there to enjoy their ships. Lovely artists and talented writers and skilled gif makers and editors creating a wealth of beautiful content for something they love. People who would never harass others for their shipping preferences and are disgusted by those who do. Unfortunately, they’re not the ones getting the attention, and they’re probably not the ones you’re going to run into if you ship a different ship, as they tend to stick to their own spaces out of courtesy and respect. 
This means that the people you are more likely to run into are the ones who want to pick fights. The ones who bash and stir up drama and tell people to kill themselves for shipping XYZ. While there are plenty of people being cruel and nasty and toxic, there are good people in the fandom too. Kind, caring people who will see you as a person first and not an XYZ, even if they don’t agree with you on everything. They’re quiet(er), because kindness isn’t usually flashy and showy, but they’re here. You just have to know how to find them.   
Thanks for the ask! I tried to answer this as fairly as I could, based on my observations and things I’ve been stewing over for a while now, so I hope it sheds more light on the situation. 
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annakie · 5 years
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An Annotated Mass Effect Playthrough, Part Five
Will we make it off the Citadel in this update??
List of Posts: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Flux is my favorite bar in all of the first game, I know there’s not many to choose from, but I like the music best, everybody’s clothed, everyone’s having a good time, there’s slots upstairs for entertainment, there’s dancing, and plenty of space to chill out in.  Also the color scheme is great.  It looks particularly great now with the graphics mod improvements.  
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Doran gets a nice glamour shot here.
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I’m a tattle tale who always turns this guy in.  I agree with Kaidan...
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Also I really love Rita’s quest with her sister.  She loves her sister, Jenna  wants to be helpful, even Doran’s like “Hey I’d love to give her her job back.”  Everyone here is pretty wholesome.  And Jenna gets one of the best surprise appearances in ME3 if you do things right.  ME1Recalibrated fixes the bugs with her quest, too!
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Speaking of bugged quests, Hello Conrad!  ME1Recalibrated fixes Conrad’s bug, and even if it doesn’t, ME2Re does.  The only bad thing about that is it makes his apology for accusing you of something you maybe didn’t do make no sense.
Everyone else was sure Conrad would turn out to be evil, too, right? Instead making him into just a big lying dummy with an advanced degree was a great move.  I was kinda hoping he’d show up in the Citadel DLC.   
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Harkin is JUST the FUCKING WORST.  I’m always tempted to let Garrus cap him in ME2 because what a waste of air he is and doesn’t learn his lesson.  
This is also maybe the most overt place where FemShep experiences sexism.  I mean, don’t get me wrong, there’s some pretty shitty sexism sprinkled throughout the games (as discussed a bit last post) but ugh this guy, if I could shoot him this game, I might.  At least on renegade playthroughs.
Speaking of Garrus...
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Finally, an alien who wants to hang out with us.
As primarily a Kaidan-romancing gal, who tends to keep up with the Kaidan Alenko tag, especially back in the heyday of tumblr, for a while, loving Garrus was... difficult.
In October, when I was finishing up my latest ME3 playthrough and also cleaning up my blog, and also rewatching Doctor Who and thinking a lot about Rose Tyler and Martha Jones, I posted a long thing in a post about Kaidan and Garrus and badly behaving fanbases, which I don’t feel like typing again.  Here’s the whole thing, but I’m going to pull a part of it into here.
I love Garrus, so much.  And I was thinking with this whole parallel DW rewatch / Mass Effect replay think I’m doing right now how both Rose Tyler and Garrus Vakaraian are characters that were ruined for me for awhile due to their respective… overly enthusiastic fanbases who a small percentage of were dicks to people who loved other characters.  The Kaidan tag (and from what I understand Thane got some of this too, but not nearly as bad) was a pretty hostile place for awhile (and yeah I used to regularly check the Garrus tag too and there was a small amount of tag-invasion there but uh, like 5% of what the Kaidan tag got) which made loving the character of Garrus a lot harder for awhile.  But when actually watching seasons 1 & 2 / the end of 4 of Doctor Who, or actually playing the ME games, those characters are awesome.  
Fanbases can be amazing or terrible, and time and time again I think you start to realize that no matter how great a fandom is, there are going to be a few people who can only enjoy themselves by feeding on drama, or on lifting up what they love by stomping on other people/characters/plotlines.  
It’s not fair to characterize everyone who loves a popular thing as someone who does this.  It’s also hard to avoid completely because there will always be jerks, or young/new people who don’t realize what bad form they’re showing.  I did learn by trying to fight it for a year or two, that responding might help that one person not do it again, but it’s not going to stop overall.  
Anyway, don’t be a dick about the things you don’t like.  
It’s sad that even thirteen years past the release of ME1 and eight years past ME3 some people still need to have this fight online.   It’s basically impossible to enjoy like, any non-curated Mass Effect space online because of pissing contests or people spouting the same boring opinions.  Which they’re entitled to.  I’m just real tired of “Kaidan is boring!” “Ashley is a racist!” etc with no further depth of thought being given.
The ability to mute / block people and get away from the worst of it is one of the reasons I’m still on tumblr.  Especially always mute/block “confessions” blogs.  Yeesh.
I’m glad Garrus is here, and I’m glad he’s on the team.  What’s funny though, is that people tend to forget that Garrus like, wasn’t really all THAT popular of a character before ME2.  I know I was only in the fandom for a year before ME2 but I dug in pretty deep in that time.
It wasn’t until he gets his face blown off and starts talking about Old Times that a lot of people started to REALLY like him.  He’s still great in ME1, but not like, elevated to god-tier that so many people did post ME2 release.  But in ME1 he IS neat because he’s really malleable.  Probably the companion who can have the biggest personality shift depending on your choices.
Also, I remember a time when the people who wanted to romance Garrus were like... outliers?  I remember thinking “GARRUS?  As a romance?  That’s... weird.  Who would do that!?”
OH HOW I WAS WRONG.  But that was before reach and flexibility.
Hey I even have a Shep that romanced Garrus in ME2 and ME3.  And I loved it!
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Were I to replay a different Shep, she’d be my first choice.
So yeah, I love Garrus, I keep Kaidan in the squad all the time in ME1 and the other spot I try to rotate everyone else somewhat evenly, but you’ll see plenty of him.  Then ME2 he’s by my side most of the way.  And an awful lot in ME3, too.  But I’m happy for him to get crushed on by Dr. Michele and glad to see him and Tali find happiness in ME3.  SO that’s the path we’ll be going down if we get that far here.
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I love the Destiny Ascension flyby moment on the Citadel, and it’s so easy to miss.  Also really hard to get good screenshots of.  Thanks Flycam.  Don’t pay attention to the untextured wall in the first pic, just look at the pretty lights!
Let’s go get another squadmate!  This time, a not-as-initially-friendly alien!
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What an amazing entrance for Urdnot Wrex.
“Do you want me to arrest you?”
“I want you to try!”
Hell.  Yeah.
Here’s where the somewhat in somewhat evenly comes in.  I probably do favor Wrex and Ashely in the squad in ME1 a little because... well you know what’s coming for Ash and Wrex you get the least amount of time with by far of the other companions.  Also, he’s just... great?  A tank, with some biotics and a shotgun... okay well so am I as a vanguard, but Kaidan has just enough tech powers for us to muddle through where we need to when Wrex is in the squad and he’s so much fun to have around.  His “Fuck you, I don’t care” attitude is great, and his growth story throughout the trilogy is one of the best arcs a character gets, imho.  I just really love Urdnot Wrex.
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This is a real nice flight control office you’ve got here, C-Sec.  It would be a shame if someone planted a bug in it later, since literally anyone can just walk on up here uncontested.
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This entire area really is so pretty though.
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I always pump points into Paragon as much as possible from as early on as possible, and saving these poor guys’ lives is one of the big reasons.  They don’t need to die.
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Ash usually still stays in the party up to this point, though sometimes it’s Garrus.  Fist is still a dick in ME2 but he doesn’t need to die here, sorry Wrex.
...raise your hand if you still occasionally forget to pick up Emily Wong’s evidence and have to reload.  I remembered!  ...once I was almost out of Chora’s Den and had to turn around this time.
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Kaidan?  Kaidan my love?  My darling... perhaps YOU shouldn’t be the one standing in the middle of the corridor with no barrier or protection?  (I suppose I could scooch over but then I’d look less badass for these screenshots.  Naaah.)
It’d be a shame if someone properly lit the corridor so we could see what’s going on.
But hey... TALI!  Tali Tali Tali!  The first quarian we see, and only one for... awhile?  Is there another quarian in this entire game? I’m trying to remember and seriously can’t think of one.
Anyway, I love Tali, but another character you really need to ignore their most rabid fanbase portions of.  Yikes, Talimancers were really something back in the day.  The biggest problem I have with Tali being in the squad is that normally she’s REALLY useful against Geth and... not so much against just about anything else.  She gets sidelined on my team more than I wish she would.  Especially since she doesn’t show up until very late in ME2 and late-midway through ME3.
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Finally, the proof we need.  And the game continues to introduce new concepts to us with the Conduit and we hear the word Reapers for the first time.  We also get a loredump on the quarians and the geth.  
Tali’s voice doesn’t have quite as heavy of an accent in ME1 as it does in 2 and 3.  I guess we can assume she’s lost part of it while on her pilgrimage?  Picking up the local dialects a bit?  The next two times we see her she’s just spent a lot of time with her own people.
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Tali’s suit and omnitool look SO GOOD with the updated textures.
I swap Ash out and Tali in at this point, and usually finish up a few more quests along the way.
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Ah, Septimus.  You lovesick fool.
Honestly, the very best thing with Septimus is to bring Garrus here if you’re gonna romance him, have Garrus laugh at him for coming undone for love and then... well, ME2 and especially ME3 happen.  But still.  Septimus... always needs a kick in the pants but will get around to doing the right thing.
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Hey here’s a cool thing ME1Recalibated does -- Morlan carries a Squad Iconic Armors stock, so you can always find tier-appropriate default look armor for you and all the squad.  Very cool of you, Morlan.  You are currently my favorite store on the Citadel.  Now stop sending me spam, I didn’t sign up for your mailing list.
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Look, I have questions about what exactly Xeltan told the consort and how... all that... works... but... I don’t think I actually want to ask them.  Just.. let’s all shut up about all of it, it’s over now.
BTW, according to one of the novels, Councilor Anderson finds Ambassador Cayln super annoying.  I need to re-read that book.
OK fine... I’ll go talk to the Council.
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Coming at ya with Actual Proof and a quarian tagging along to back up the claims, the Council is ready to listen.  And while not surprising that it’s finally time to become a Spectre, the actual ceremony is really well done.  With the swelling theme music blaring, and all three councilors stressing what a big deal this is and what will be expected of you, you really feel the weight of this moment.  People take notice.  Although apparently later, Kaidan or Ash get an entire televised event around becoming a Spectre, I guess there’s no time for that right now.
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It definitely feels like the game so far has been building towards this moment, not only with POUNDING it into your brain about who Spectres are and why they’re so important and letting you know you’re being evaluated... but it feels like there’s been a shift in the game after this moment.  It’s A Big Deal.
I didn’t finish all the sidequests on the Citadel yet, they can wait, I’ve been here long enough.  Let’s go check out the new cool stuff we can buy.
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ME1Recalibrated adds in this Spectre Armor.  Eeehhhhh... no thanks.  We’ll stick with Onyx.
I did cheat myself in a bunch of credits and picked up Spectre weapons though. This ain’t no tryhard playthrough.  
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Well OK, we can finish ONE more quest.  Thanks, startlingly loud and triumphant music queue that’s never used again!
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Man, this would be SUCH a good pic of the Normandy if... the airlock didn’t go straight through the ship.
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We’ve got a ship of our own!  And most of our squadmates to put on it!
Sucks for Anderson to be sidelined, though.  We already love you, Anderson!
It’s cool to get a bit more of the Saren & Anderson backstory here for real.  Still, I enjoyed the book more.  Maybe I’ll do a re-read of all the ME books here soon.
Udina... just keep being you, I guess.  
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Okay, whew... we made it off the Citadel.  Now I gotta actually play some more to have more updates to post.  Might be a few days.  Have to actually go back to work tomorrow. :p
Let’s probably do like one sidequest then go get us an Asari!!
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geometragic · 4 years
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 & 𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄;  𝘔𝘶𝘯 & 𝘔𝘶𝘴𝘦 - 𝘔𝘦𝘮𝘦.
Fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OCs still can make it somehow work with their own lore and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multimuses pick the muse you are the most invested  in atm.
Tagged by: The amazing @illdivine​ ! Thanks a bunch for tagging me ! ^^ Tagging: @extravachance​ @grandordergirl​ @kimintsugi​ @royaltywritten​ @daitoku​ @pragmarage​ @teniras​ @deviilscry​ @foolslaugh​ @wrathlead​ and anyone else who’d like to do this meme ! ^^
My muse is:   canon /  OC  / au / canon-divergent / fandomless /
Is your character popular in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK.
Are they underrated?  YES / NO / IDK
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO
Were they relevant for the main character?  YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG (( He was one of the poster boys for Sengoku Basara 4, so...that counts for something, right ? XD I don’t think that Sengoku Basara really has a protagonist, though. Just a bunch of different characters. ))
Are they widely known in their world?  YES / NO (( I’m putting ‘yes’ if only because Mitsunari, who never remembers anyone, remembers who Katsuie is. XD I think that, in general, some characters know Katsuie and others don’t ? ))
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL (( Bad in-universe, somewhere in between neutral and bad in the fandom. ))
How strictly do you follow ‘canon’? — I’d say that I follow canon pretty strictly ! Though I do add my own headcanons. ^^ I need to update some of my pages so that they’re more in line with canon, though. Especially Katsuie’s modern verse, now that the Basara Academy anime has been out for over a year... XD
Sell your muse! Try to list everything that makes your muse interesting (in your opinion) to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —   Katsuie comes off as really normal and very chill at first, which lets him easily have a first meeting interaction with most muses without angering them / fighting them / killing them / etc. But the more you delve into his thoughts and the things he does, you can see how warped his mindset is when it comes to certain subjects / people. ^^ And he’s a depressed emo kid, so I'd imagine that a lot of people on Tumblr would connect with him over that. XD 
Now the opposite. List every reason why your muse might not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom think?).  —   Back when SB4 first came out, Katsuie got a lot of flak for his creepy obsession with Oichi, which is admittedly pretty bad. Since she’s, you know, married, and Katsuie’s willing to go so far as to kill Nagamasa, her husband, for a chance (?) to be with her. Not to mention Katsuie’s anime route, where he gets himself kicked out of the Oda clan, destroys his own hopes and dreams in the process by killing everyone in the Azai clan (Nagamasa, Oichi, and Maria), and finally gets mercy-killed by the former shogun. Yikes. ^^; I’m honestly surprised that, in my five years roleplaying Katsuie, no one’s sent in anon hate to me because of Katsuie’s behavior. (Unfortunately, a former rp partner of mine once got anon hate years ago for shipping Katsuie and Oichi. ;u;)
𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐓𝐎 𝐑𝐏 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐄? —  Katsuie’s actually my very first muse ! ^^ I started writing him at the end of my senior year of high school. I think I’d been into Sengoku Basara for a year or two at that point, and I’d been reading translations that people were making for SB4. I’d also been following Sengoku Basara roleplayers / ask blogs (there were several active ones around back then), and I really enjoyed reading their interactions, so I wanted to pick a Sengoku Basara character so that I could roleplay with them, too ! I tried writing for a couple of potential muses in private to test them out, but it felt most natural to write for Katsuie, so I went with him as my first muse ! I probably chose him because I’d gone through a bunch of not-so-fun stuff in high school, so I saw Katsuie going through a bunch of not-so-fun stuff in the Oda clan and sympathized with that.
𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐊𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐎𝐈𝐍𝐆?  —  To my knowledge, I’ve been the only one roleplaying Katsuie semi-consistently over the past five years ? He’s just such an interesting character to me —– it’d be too sad to close this blog and not see anyone’s Katsuie interact with other people’s muses anymore. ;u; It’s something I’ve been a little worried about recently because I know I’m going to be more busy in the future, since I’m (hopefully) going to finish up my research this year, get my master’s degree next year, and then go straight into a serious full-time job. I don’t want to give up rolepaying, but if I get too busy next year... >.< 
Also, playing the mobile game Sengoku Basara: Battle Party every day helps ! And my rp partners are awesome. ^^
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could help them get more comfortable with you.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / IDK
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day?  YES / NO
Are you confident in your portrayal?   YES / NO
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO
Are you good at accepting criticism about your portrayal? —  Yeah, I’d say I’m pretty good at accepting criticism !
Do you like questions which help you explore your character? —   Yeah ! I’m happy to answer whatever questions everyone has about Katsuie ! ^^
If someone disagrees with a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why? —   Yeah, because it’s interesting to see how other people view Katsuie ! From my point of view, if someone disagrees with one of my headcanons on Katsuie, it means that they’re interested enough in him and have thought about him enough to have their own opinions on him. It’s so so so so difficult to get anyone interested in muses from a series as niche and JP-only as Sengoku Basara, so I’d honestly be happy if someone cared enough about Sengoku Basara and Katsuie to disagree with me on my headcanons for Katsuie, as strange as that sounds. XD
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it? —  I think my answer to this question would be basically the same as the last one. I probably wouldn’t change my portrayal at this point, though ? I’ve had it for a long time and I’m actually really happy with it. ^^ Probably the only reason why I’d change my portrayal is if someone found / made more translations of the games that Katsuie is in (SB4, Sumeragi, Sanada Yukimura-den, Batopa, etc.) and I found canon details in the new translations that really clashed with details in my portrayal. In that case, I’d change my portrayal to match with canon.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it? —  That’s fair, honestly, especially when it comes to things Past!Katsuie / Kaioh has said and done, and even just things Default!Katsuie has done. Katsuie’s a really messed-up dude, and his views on things can be really twisted sometimes. And hey, if someone hates Katsuie, at least that means that they care about him on some level, right ? XD Apathy is the one thing that really kills my muse.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors? —  Sure ! If they can find them. XD I edit my drafts A LOT before I actually publish them, so usually I manage to catch all my mistakes, although the occasional mistake slips through every so often. Hemingway Editor is honestly a lifesaver when it comes to finding simple spelling errors and helping me write my sentences so that they’re a reasonable length and don’t have too many adverbs / phrases written in passive voice / etc.
Do you think you are easygoing as a mun? —  I think so ! ^^ I just want to roleplay my muses and have a good time watching them grow and form relationships with other muses, that’s all. If there’s something I don’t like, I know to mute / unfollow / block / etc. and move on. Life’s too short to get involved in drama.
𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵’𝘴 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵, 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘧𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘶𝘵!
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astudyinimagination · 5 years
Warning: long post ahead.
So I’ve been reminded recently that Luke/Mara is one of my favorite ships, going strong for… 13 years now? That’s how long it’s been since I first read the Thrawn trilogy, holy cow…
Anyway, Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade. Gosh, they’re so CUTE. I mean, pretty much even when Mara was all “IMMA KILL YOU” and Luke was like “Okay, but have you considered: you’re actually probably a decent person and I like you already?”
I mean, seriously.
I’m forever salty that the old Lucasfilm writing board or whatever it was that controlled the old EU didn’t let us have enough Luke/Mara (Zahn was gonna write a book about them doing a family trip with their son! We were ROBBED, I tell you!). But what we did get of the two of them was that they adore each other, that they complement each other well, that they’re a badass team, and that they help each other heal.
Ding-ding-ding! That’s the sound of all my Optimal OTP boxes being ticked off.
Over the years, I’ve come up with a lot of wild AUs, most of which never fully see the light of day, but I always work in Luke/Mara because… you know, I’m contractually obligated. My as-of-yet-unwritten-just-thought-out stuff for the Obi-Wan adopts Mara AU (The Hermit and the Orphan) is my favorite, because Luke and Mara actually grow up together as best friends (not excluding Biggs, mind you!) and sort-of sweethearts. Also, there may or may not have been a time that they snuck up on Jabba’s palace to graffitti it and then ran the heck out of there. They Never Speak Of It, but Obi-Wan knows they did SOMETHING stupid and dangerous that one time, he just doesn’t know what.
But I’ve been thinking recently about a different sort of AU, one that, for the first time out of ANY of my AUs, is actually focused on the two of them.
A lot of Luke/Mara AUs make their relationship serious a whole lot earlier than Hand of Thrawn, right? A popular scenario is that they get serious soon after The Last Command. Which is all good stuff, don’t get me wrong. But I’d like to see more (and maybe they do exist and I just haven’t found them yet) fics in which Luke and Mara meet DURING the Rebellion. During the timeline of the films.
And there are different directions to take this, of course, but the one I want to do is much the same as Hermit, wherein she discovers on her own that Palpatine stole her from her parents and murdered them. (This, btw, is the backstory for Mara in that oneshot I did a while back for a prompt wherein Mara is a siren and Luke is ace and doesn’t understand why the Rogues go goo-goo-ga-ga over her.)
So Mara eventually joins the Rebellion as a defected Imperial agent. Imperials do defect to the Alliance sometimes; it’s not unheard of. The Falcon gang—Han, Chewie, Luke, Leia (and Artoo & Threepio)—are assigned to be Mara’s probationary team. (Han gripes initially but he and Mara hit it off pretty quickly.) Luke eventually adds her to the Rogue Squadron roster and the Rogues are delighted to have someone new to adopt.
And then the Rogues are on a mission and things go very, very sideways. And Mara has to use the Force to save the day somehow.
And it makes sense to Luke now, why he always had a funny feeling around her. He’s still very untrained, mind you, and he didn’t realize that he was picking up on the presence of another Force sensitive, albeit a very muted one—Mara naturally doesn't want the Emperor to have any inkling of where she is.
The Rogues keep her secret. They sometimes discuss what Luke and Mara might be able to do together, everything from serious questions to telekinetic ball games.
But then one day, somebody outside the family finds out.
Mara gets hauled before a tribunal, and some people are wanting her to be locked up or even executed, but the Rogues and the Falcon gang step up and say no. They’ve seen Mara’s heart, they know she’s a good person, they know they’re in no danger from her, they’re not gonna lose a sister. Not this way.
So Mara ends up in the clear and… she was already starting to heal, but this was big. She knew she’d be as safe from the Emperor as she could be in fighting his rule and she’s got the opportunity to get back at him, but she never thought she’d find a family here.
And then the Battle of Hoth happens.
Luke had already told Mara that he was going to go check into a possible living Jedi Master; Mara’s skeptical but wishes him luck. And no, she doesn’t go. She doesn’t want to think about what a Jedi Master might have to say about her, if one would even speak to her at all and not just try to kill her outright and eliminate a potential threat. Instead, she goes with the rest of Rogue Squadron and tells High Command that Luke is following a lead on a living Jedi, and she’s therefore out of the action for most of ESB…
Except that she has flashes of visions of Han and Leia and Chewie in pain. But they can’t be anything to worry about, right?
Until she feels Luke’s pain, in the present. However far away she is physically, they’re close by this point, they’ve done what training together they could, they communicate telepathically sometimes, and she can feel his pain on Cloud City. It’s only a comm from Leia that prevents her from taking off on a wild goose chase to find him.
And it scares her, how bad Luke looks and feels, like he’s been through Hell and back, and he’s Luke, he’s the irritatingly sunny farmboy who never gives up, that’s his schtick, he’s not supposed to be like this.
She’s the broken one.
He’s not supposed to be broken, too.
Mara stays with him a lot while he’s recovering. After one night of sensing his nightmares, she bunks up with him. Totally chaste. She’s there to help him sleep. (And it works, because of course it does. This is still shippy fic. You are going to get the Person A sleeps with Person B to help them through the night trope and you are going to LIKE IT.)
And eventually, in the midst of planning Han’s rescue (and Jabba’s downfall), Luke opens up to Mara. It’s the kind of secret that is begging, screaming, to be told, and if anyone could understand what he’s feeling right now, it’d be Mara.
And the sad thing is that Mara feels more kinship with Luke now than ever.
So, here’s a sidebar: I LOVE the Luke/Vader subgenre of fic in the fandom. It’s just—*clenches fist*—SO GOOD. I love the trope of villainous fathers with heroic sons, and it started with them. And if the heroic son helps the villainous father redeem himself, even better.
But here’s another thing: I’ve also been writing heroic daughters being in conflict with their fathers for a long time. It was years before I understood what I was doing—I was working through my own real life issues. And the thing is that here and now, years after that understanding, I’m still writing that dynamic.
The closest thing Mara has to a father is Palpatine. And, more or less, that’s how she thinks of him. He is the man who raised her. He raised her, and trained her a little, and made her his assassin.
And he also kidnapped her as a baby and murdered her real parents.
All that love that Mara had for him turned to hatred, and there is no hatred more powerful or more complicated than the kind that used to be love.
And yet, she still thinks of him as her father. She can’t get away from that.
But like hell is she going to let Luke go through what she’s going through if she can help it.
Darth Vader, the man Palpatine used to encourage her childhood fear of, is the Anakin Skywalker she’s heard snatches of stories about while running around the galaxy with Luke and the Rogues.
And maybe there’s a chance that he’s not as far gone as everyone would assume.
So she takes a ship and uses her old Hand code to get herself docked in the Executor. Vader definitely wants to know what this is all about, because that code is specific to Mara herself, the one Emperor’s Hand who went truly rogue. And she tells him straight up that, look, she doesn’t care about him one bit, but she does care about Luke Skywalker. She’s never gonna be able to get to know her own father (slipping that in to let Vader know why exactly she left), but if Luke still wants to have a relationship with his father, she wants him to have a shot at that.
(At some point during this conversation, Vader threatens Mara, and she’s scared, yes, because she knows he’s more powerful, but she points out: “You just tortured your son’s best friends and cut off his hand. You have a long way to go in the goodwill department.” He doesn’t need to be hurting or killing yet another of his son’s friends.)
He wants to know what she has in mind, then, and she tells him straight up: get Han back. She says outright that if he doesn’t do it, she and Luke and only a handful of friends are going to go rescue Han because the Alliance can’t spare anyone else, and she doesn’t like those odds. Vader has the resources and they don’t: send people to Tatooine to free Han and the slaves and overthrow Jabba. As a goodwill gesture, it’d be pretty weighty. 
She gives him a private comm number and says that if Han’s returned to them safe and sound, she’ll try to help him and Luke meet somewhere just to meet. Has to be totally neutral ground—she’s not gonna help Vader capture his son. But she’ll help them try to have a conversation more or less like normal people if they’re both willing to try.
“Why are you doing this?”
“If you knew Luke, you’d know why. I want him to be happy. And even after everything you’ve done to him, and to the people he cares about… he still wants his father.”
And Vader comes through. Han is freed, and the slaves are freed, and there’s rumors that Jabba’s corpse was fed to his own rancor.
Mara tells Luke what she did. At first he can’t believe it, he starts throwing around things like how could you’s, but in the end he listens. And he’s not sure what to do. He knows that Mara’s intentions were pure, but how can he hope to think the same of his—of Vader?
But also. Vader freed Han. And the slaves. And took out Jabba, one of Luke’s oldest and most cherished wishes.
After a long while of going back and forth with himself about it, Luke agrees to a meeting under truce, only as long as Vader will honor it.
The meeting does happen… and I have no idea what happens from there. Especially because… well, look, Anakin definitely had every right to be the one to kill Palpatine, and I don’t want to take that away from him. But also… I really want Mara to see Palpatine one last time. I want her to look her father in the eye and tell him every way he wronged her.
So I have no idea how this ends. I want it to be a happy ending, of course. Sad endings are for one-shots that you don’t have to commit to. But I have no idea, after several weeks of thinking about this, how this ends.
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sometimesrosy · 5 years
Just had a fight with someone on twitter that used to be a really good friend, but lately just became impossible to deal with. I even had her muted and tried to keep our friendship (she was the first person I met on twitter and because of her I made amazing friends there) but she just started acting as if she was better and above everyone. Like when there was a fight, she’d pretend to be the better person while indirectly making us feel dumb or things like that. Now we just fought because I, +
+ in all my goodwill, retweeted something Bellarke-related from an account that even used to pick up on me at a time I had a different @. Anyways, tweet was completely harmless. My friend comes and says I’m wanting to be friends with this horrible person (she really did say some horrible stuff she got reported for), that I’m defending her side account because I said she hadn’t done anything wrong now, that I was being ridiculous by defending her, etc etc. All because she told me she was going +
+ to get her reported soon, which I said sounds like witch hunt, which is what some people do to her (my friend). She doesn’t realize she’s a hypocrite because she blames and makes fun of people for half the thing she does, mainly being “delusional”. I swear, stan twitter is something else. So, how do I keep my sanity? She’s become really toxic but she doesn’t seem to even want to see that. How do I deal with this? Keep my distance until things calm down? Keep my distance forever? I’m confused.
Honestly, that sounds WAY too exhausting. This is one of the reasons I have distanced myself from fandom, because it seems to me that a lot of people are in it for the social drama... not the fictional drama. They like to have someone to fight, and if you step out of line, it might be you. ESPECIALLY if their past fanwars start dissolving and no longer offer a challenge. They need to fight SOMEONE. 
That is what happened to me. After the bc-cl fanwars died down, the bellarke fans who used to stand together over shipwars started turning on each other. I disagreed with some popular and influential bellarke fans over meta and they turned around and started calling me names, setting up anon hate sites, went to other platforms, talked about me on group chats, cut and pasted me to drag me, etc. I didn’t toe the line, I didn’t fall in with their dogma, and so I became the enemy. The target.
Here it sounds like, “You have to be on my side and agree with me all the time or you’re my enemy. I am righteous and have the right to call people out but if you call me out, you are my enemy, and I will turn on you.”
For you, it’s over socializing and fandom, for me it was over meta and identity. 
People like that don’t like their authority challenged. They don’t allow themselves to be wrong because their self worth is wrapped up in being right all the time, even if its’ just about fiction. Which none of us even know the end of yet. And you already said that she tries to make people feel dumb whenever they disagree with her, and that, well, that’s control. Agree with her, or you are dumb. You also say she disparages OTHER people, on a regular basis, for their ideas that she doesn’t support. I’m going to say that she isn’t JUST becoming toxic. She’s always been toxic. The difference is that now the toxicity is being turned on you.
TBH, this is one of the tells of who a person is. Pay attention to how they treat people who they disagree with, because even if they agree with you now, if your relationship continues and grows, you will ultimately have a disagreement. And the way they treat the people they disagree with will someday be the way they treat you. 
You challenged her. You challenged her righteousness. You pointed out her hypocrisy. You supported the “wrong” idea/person. You are moving into the wrong team. You should never have given that person the benefit of the doubt and you should never have criticized your ‘friend’ for being a hypocrite. She expects you to follow her lead, and not think for yourself. Whoever she likes you should like. Whoever she hates, you should hate. Then you will remain on her team.
You could always apologize and make nice and kiss up to your “friend.” I bet she doesn’t have a problem with people who agree with or support her like good followers. You can give up your concept of fairness, for HER concept of fairness, which looks like “fairness= I win.” You could make sure that she approves all your future ideas and thoughts, make sure you get her permission.
Clearly. That’s not what I would do. Because what I did was say, “Excuse you, I do not need your permission to have my own thoughts. Good bye.” And then just, like, walk way from the argument. Which did not end when I did that. Unfortunately. Because I was now the enemy and her team went after me. And after me. And after me. Until I actually stood up and faced her down. And actually got mean and aggressive. She didn’t let me just walk away and mind my own business. And it doesn’t seem like your friend is allowing you to do that either. 
I don’t know if your friend will do that. I hope it’s not the same person, but I am aware it might be, because it’s the same M.O. But there are a lot of people who behave the same way. They’re called bullies. And if the bullies are on your side, it’s fine.... for you. But when they turn on you, you find out what it’s like to be one of their enemies.
She didn’t change. She’s the same as she always was. You just gained enough independence to be seen as one the threats, and you no longer seek out her good opinion, which makes you dangerous to her. 
You can try to mute or unfollow and just stay away from her. If she doesn’t decide to target you, maybe you can get away unscathed. Good luck. 
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robininthelabyrinth · 6 years
Fic: The Beginning of Wisdom - Chapter 9 (Ao3 link)
Fandom: Flash, Legends of Tomorrow Pairing: Leonard Snart (Len) & Leonard Snart (Leo), Len Snart/Mick Rory, Leo Snart/Mick Rory, Len Snart/Mick Rory/Leo Snart, Leo Snart/Ray Terrill, Len Snart/Barry Allen
Summary: In which Leonard Snart is twins.
(the life and times and loves of Len and Leo Snart)
"Have you seen him?" Leo asked quietly, after they’d held each other for some time. They both had excellent internal clocks, of course, but they never functioned right when they were together; that time always seemed to go on forever and yet never be enough. "Mick, I mean?"
"Of course I've seen him," Len snapped, though his vehemence was muted. "I go there practically every day –"
"As yourself?"
"...as Leonard."
"So, not really."
"No," Len agreed. "He always knows it's me, of course, but I don't feel like I deserve to be me around him."
Leo held him close. "You do."
"I hurt him."
"He's forgiven you."
"I haven't forgiven me," Len said. "And if I were you, or Mick, I wouldn't."
"Luckily, you're neither of us," Leo said, shaking his head. He knew that Len would never have held it against Leo or Mick if it had been him that'd been injured and they the cause, not for a second: it was only himself that he ever blamed for not taking the blow meant for another. "You should see him. As you."
"I'm trying," Len said.
I'm scared, he did not say.
"I'll come with you," Leo decided. "Both of us. That'll help."
Len pulled his head back and frowned at him. "The risk –" he started.
"Nothing we haven't dealt with before," Leo said. "Unimportant. We need – I need – to tell him about Ray, before anything else happens."
"Because Mick's first."
"You're first. Then Mick." Leo frowned. "And Lisa, but Lisa's on a whole different scale."
"Girl," Len agreed.
"Sister. I know plenty of perfectly nice, perfectly understandable girls."
"Yeah, and outta all of 'em, you like one: Lisa."
Leo decided not to dignify that (correct) statement with a response.
Mick, when he heard the story long after visiting hours that same night, burst out laughing.
"Don't do that," Len said crossly, rearranging his blankets and making sure his pillow was appropriately fluffed. "You'll hurt yourself."
"Stop fussing, boss," Mick said, cuffing him fondly upside the head. "My skin flexibility's back up, I can laugh all I want. And it is funny."
"It is not," Leo said. He might have been pouting.
"It really is," Mick said, shaking his head. "Don't worry, I don't mind. This Ray business, I mean."
"You – don't? You don't even know what my intentions towards him are!"
"You don't even know what your intentions towards him are," Mick pointed out. "That's what happens when you try to decide things using only half your brain."
Len smirked at Leo, who made a face back, conceding the point.
"And no, I really don't mind," Mick said. "You're a lot to handle, Leonard Snart; I always figured I'd have to share a piece of you one day. As long as he ain't awful..."
"He isn't," Leo said.
"Open to determination," Len said.
"'course, that does raise the question, don't it?" Mick continued thoughtfully.
Two sets of eyes blinked at him.
Mick settled down into his bed and reached out both hands, pulling an unresisting Leonard Snart down beside him, one on each side.
"I know this might be a new experience for you," he said, "but relationships are two-sided."
Another blink.
"He likes you, Number Two," Mick clarified. "But as you well know, that doesn't mean he'll like the boss. Lots more people like you than him, Two."
Leo frowned. It was true, of course, that he had many more acquaintances than Len – his industry supported that sort of thing more than Len's, as all of the backstabbing in the fashion world was purely metaphorical rather than very, very literal. And even before that, back in school, when people had known about them both, he had been the more popular because he had been the more charming and outgoing one...and yet...surely...
"Look at you," Mick laughed. "Each one of you with the same confused little wrinkle between your eyes. Did you guys really think that anyone you really cared about had to care about you – both of you – equally in return? Or would, just automatically?"
"Worked with you, didn't it?" Len grumbled.
“I’m not everyone.”
“It’s ‘ain’t not everyone’.”
“No, boss. It really isn’t, I swear. And anyway, atrocious grammar issues aside, you know that most people like just one person at a time, right?"
Well, yes, but it didn't apply to them, surely?
"Besides," Mick continued. "I don’t see what the problem is, though: only one of you likes him, right? So what's it matter if he only likes one of you?”
“That’s not the point,” Len said.
"What a mess," Leo sighed.
"Can we even trust him enough to reveal the truth to him without him squealing?" Len asked.
"I think so," Leo said. "But I'm biased."
"I'll analyze him, then," Len said.
"Analyze," Leo said. "Not threaten."
"Before you get to putting the cart before the horse," Mick said dryly, "didn't the boss just scare him away?"
"Oh. Right. Crap."
Mick started laughing again.
The Leonards looked at each other and rolled their eyes.
(Leo noted approvingly how relaxed Len was with his head on Mick's shoulder, just the way it ought to be. They might not be fixed yet, but they were on their way, slowly but surely.)
Now, normally, they operated on a "he who screwed up is he who fixes it" approach, but in this instance they decided that Leo would probably have better luck sweet-talking Ray back into the job and thereby make himself available.
Leo sent flowers – Ray had once confessed that he liked them dreadfully, even if they were stereotypically girly – and an apology note, and asked Ray to meet him in his office.
Ray arrived with a smile.
"I know I said it in the note, but I really did want to apologize for what happened last time," Leo said.
"It's fine."
"It really isn't."
Ray shrugged. "No, it's – really, it's fine. Actually, to tell you the truth, I'd kind of been wondering when we'd get to see Hyde again."
Leo blinked. He hadn't been expecting that - nor did he know what to do about it. "Hyde? What do you mean?"
Ray had a way about him that when he blushed, he positively glowed. It was a Ray thing, not a model thing; by this point, Leo was familiar with enough models to say that with confidence.
He was glowing now.
"I – oh – er – you didn't know – I thought – can we forget I said that?"
"No," Leo said. "Please explain."
"It's just a joke," Ray said. "Among the models you use most. It's just, you know, you have mood shifts sometimes, you know, like, bipolar?"
"That's not how bipolar disorder works –"
"Right, I keep forgetting you did a BA in psych. You know what I mean, though, right? Sometimes you're an asshole with a heart of gold, sometimes you're a well-meaning sociopath with a friendly smile, Jekyll and Hyde."
Leo blinked. "Wait. Which one's Jekyll and which one's Hyde? They both sound – unflattering."
Ray's glow goes up by several watts.
"I mean, everyone has their own preference, honestly?" he said with a shrug. "The sociopath is Jeykll, because he's there more often - plus, you know, not really a sociopath, just charming as hell, but you can tell he's not really interested in anything you're saying or feeling, you know? - while the asshole is Hyde because we only see him once in a while. I usually prefer Jekyll, since I click really well with people who tend to be more distant and analytical about their emotions, but a lot of the models really like Hyde's whole aura-of-danger combined with a sort of secret-inaccessible-inner-friendliness thing. I don't know, it's just a bad joke. Models have a lot of those."
"Huh," Leo said.
"It doesn't mean anything," Ray said hastily. "It's not like I actually think you have an alternate personality or some sort of evil twin hidden in the closet –"
"I usually prefer the couch," Len, who had never been able to resist a good entrance line, said, poking his head up above said couch. "No one ever looks there."
Ray spun around and his jaw dropped.
His mouth moved, and sound came out, but it wasn't really coherent. His hands twitched in the air like baby birds that had just leapt out the nest and abruptly realized they never learned how to fly. He was utterly dumbfounded.
"I thought we agreed I was going to tell him," Leo said mildly. To be fair to Len, that had really been an irresistible set up.
Len smirked. "Hyde is better than Jekyll any day," he said with a shrug. "Do you know in the original movie version, it was pronounced GEE-kull instead of JEK-uhl?"
Leo, who had watched said original movie with Len, rolled his eyes at this bizarre attempt at flirting. Having found Mick at an early age, Len had never had to learn any flirting skills, real ones rather than the cons he ran on marks, nor had he ever had any interest in picking any skills in that field up – Leo was the one who interacted with people, after all, not Len, so why bother?
Len rolled his eyes back. He had no idea why Leo said his flirting was so terrible – puns and unnecessary movie trivia always seemed to work well for him, and the way Leo would sometimes cough down his hand that it was out of pity for a pretty face with an empty head was entirely uncalled for.
"There's two of you," Ray finally squeaked.
"Quick, this one," Len said.
"Shut up. You get yourself a quick one if you want one," Leo said. "I happen to prefer glowing."
"I noticed that..."
"There are two of you!"
"I think we broke him," Len said thoughtfully. "Oops. Sorry."
Leo gave Len a Look, receiving only a smirk in return.
(He'd never admit it, but he was maybe slightly regretting how he first reacted when Len brought Mick around. In his defense, he'd never thought that he'd be in the reverse situation – not that that was a defense.)
"Am I – is this a hallucination?" Ray demanded. "Did I get drunk and start seeing double or something? Are alternate universes real?!"
"I approve of that fact that that's your go-to thought about what's going on," Len said.
"No alternate universes," Leo said patiently. "Just twins."
"Identical twins," Len added. "In case you hadn't noticed."
"Very identical," Ray said faintly.
"To be fair, you and the other models managed to spot some differences, apparently, with your Jekyll and Hyde analysis," Leo said. He's still not entirely sure about what to do the 'well-meaning sociopath' part of that analysis. "Which puts you ahead of most people."
"Most police, certainly," Len drawled.
"But –" Ray said, clearly too distracted to pick up on Len's hint. "If you're twins – what's your name?"
They blinked at him.
"...Leonard Snart," Leo said. "That hasn't changed. Why would it have changed?"
"Then, what's his name?"
"Leonard Snart," Len said.
"If it makes you feel better,” Len adds generously, “I go by Len while he goes by Leo. People get really insistent on using the nicknames for some reason.”
Even Lisa preferred them, though she did have a tendency to call them both Lenny that they thoroughly approved of.
"Oh," Ray said. "Is that why you got so angry when I called you Leo the other day? Because you were actually Len?"
"Long story," Leo said hastily.
"Which one of you –" Ray hesitated. "Never mind."
"I'm the one you've been interacting with," Leo said. "Not Len."
"I'm the one that pointed out that we’re married to Mick," Len said, a touch of acid in his voice. "Though, just so you know, we both consider ourselves bound by that."
"I see," Ray said faintly.
"Would you like a seat?" Leo asked, a little concerned that Ray was going to fall over. "You've had a shock."
"Yeah," Ray said, scrabbling for a chair. "Good idea."
"You can have some time to think about this –" Leo started, only for Len to interject, "But in the meantime, you can't tell anyone."
Ray nodded slowly. "Because – the police don't know?"
Leo gave Len another Look, this one triumphant. Len rolled his eyes – fine, maybe Ray wasn't as slow as previously assumed.
"That's right," Leo said.
"And – wait. All those times you've gotten stopped and questioned..."
"He wasn't lying when he said they had the wrong man," Len drawled, looking quite pleased. "Just not being entirely truthful, either."
"You're a thief?"
"A very good one."
"...oh. That's a lot to take in."
"Why don't you take a few days off to think about it?" Leo suggested. "I know this isn't exactly what you thought was going on."
"I mean, I think I always kinda thought you were a thief?" Ray said. "Some sort of James Bond-the Saint kind of deal, with the fashion stuff as a cover. I mean, that many policemen in that many countries can't all be wrong. I'm kind of happy you aren't, actually."
Leo smirked. This wasn't going as badly as he had feared.
"I think I will take those days off, though," Ray said, rubbing his face. "I – I mean, I knew you were with Rory, and I thought, you know, maybe you were polyamourous –"
"Or willing to cheat, at least," Len muttered, causing Ray to flush.
"– but I admit that I didn't consider – I didn't even think about there being two of you."
"Okay," Leo said. "Totally fine. You need processing time. Just, you know..."
"Don't mention it to anyone?"
"Right. Sorry."
"No, it's fine. I understand. I think."
Exit Ray, stage left.
"Well," Leo said. "That went – not unlike a trainwreck."
"Sure thing, Jekyll."
"Shut up, Hyde."
"What do we do if he only likes you?" Len asked, abruptly changing gears. "And not me?"
"I don't know," Leo confessed. "I mean, when I thought Mick was just yours, I figured he'd just take up some of your free time and I'd find someone to fill mine, but now we both have Mick as well...there's a sadly limited number of hours in the day."
"Well, you were doing a pretty good job of interacting with him mostly during your work and a little bit after work hours –"
"Yes, but presumably he'll want more at some point. Wouldn't you?"
"We'll see, I guess," Len said, a little doubtfully. "When Mick and I are out on a job, maybe..?"
"Ah-ha!" Leo exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at Len. "You are planning on working with Mick again, despite everything."
Leo made a face. He hated it when Leo was right, but he thought to himself that perhaps he was. Len had somehow slid back into thinking of jobs as Len-and-Mick instead of just his own, all without him noticing.
The healing power of time.
Leo, for his part, was just happy that Len would stop working with that awful pair of psychotic lovers he sometimes teamed up with, Scudder and Dillon. Leo never trusted them about anything, and certainly not with Len's safety, but he trusted them even less now that Len didn't have Mick to back him up.
"Not until he's all the way better," Len said, conceding the point. And yes, damnit Leo, he'd do something about Scudder and Dillon; there was no need to look at him with that half-worried-half-smug expression. "At least not any jobs in Central. Maybe some outside as a way of warming up..."
Leo grinned.
Len, realizing, grinned back.
Neither of them could resist a good set-up.
"You know,” Leo drawled, relishing the moment. “If you’re looking for an expert in warming things up –"
Len threw one of the couch pillows at Leo, which they both agreed was the correct response.
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ahdriking · 6 years
jw but i see mentions of this discord everywhere... what is up with that
uhhhhh idk i guess it’s popular 💁
I mean personally I much much MUCH prefer engaging with fandom/people via discord than over tumblr, so the rise of discord in popularity and the number of people venturing in to see what it’s like and then staying (cos cough cough discord is better than tumblr cough) is probably a drive behind the increase in mentions. Discord is a pretty multipurpose and yet really functional (fuck u tumblr) platform; it’s not been designed with a social media type/popularity contest blogger demographics or functions in mind-- it’s essentially just chat servers, with different channels for different purposes, that is originally and still most specifically for gamers, so the fact that the format is SO VERY DIFFERENT to tumblr and a million times more functional, and that followers/notes and popular contest things arent a thing is actually super??? liberating??? especially creatively. 
On tumblr, at least most of the time, i’m trying to sell myself and my work to viewers, trying to get notes or exposure and expand my audience-- which can come at the cost of creative inspiration, as a writer, and freedom (there are things i feel (or used to feel) that i couldn’t write cos i’d upset people or drive away views). On tumblr ANYONE can see the stuff i create and the things i say, especially people who have a bone to pick with me, or suffer from an anti mentality and feel the need to shout at me about it, and some a lot of the time this has led to fandom drama-- something that, since migrating to discord, I HAVENT EVEN FUCKING REMOTELY MISSED. Idk when fandom became so obsessed with being as safe and careful and sweet and soft-- all things that equate to ‘popular’ 90% of the time-- as possible, but i fuckin hate it, i want nothing to do with it, i’m here to have a good time, not to be obsessed with making sure everyone else is, AND ON DISCORD I DONT HAVE TO. Sure there can be beef between people, sure sometimes i don’t like shit someone says and they might not like shit i say, but thats fine, u can mute the channel and go talk to someone else, or never venture into places for pairings u dont like, or block users or leave servers AND GO AND MAKE YOUR OWN SHINY BRAND NEW ONE like i did.
On discord I’m basically chatting to a bunch of people from all the fuck over the shop who share many of my passions and interests, and also those who don’t, but i’m building actual relationships and friendships with these people, having actual conversations and sharing ideas and hc’s and discussing au’s and bouncing ideas back and forth-- which has lead to a lot more passion in my writing, and a lot more interest in general fandom ongoings (like the big bang i’m helping run) than it ever did on tumblr. It feels like a much healthier, happier and saner environment-- of course there’s been dramas, but at the very least i’ve learned from them and have been much more practical and safe in my approach and discussions, and have in fact curated my own space where i can kink in peace, and where others can kink in peace, without the moral microscope of popular fandom fixed on us. 
I mean the way I see it, Tumblr is ultimately a popularity contest, and it becomes a vacuum for toxicity, with a ‘hot take of the week’ or growth/follower obsessed mentality, which becomes really exhausting and creatively stifling after a while. No shade to people who prefer tumblr fandom, you do you my dude, i think tho for me having experienced a chat room/group chat form style of fandom, and having gotten to know some awesome people from it, being able to easily keep track of convos, and to make much more personal relationships than i’ve ever been able to on tumblr is a huge HUGE deal for me, and it’s why i’ve sort of migrated to discord as my main form of fandom (if you’re wondering why i havent been super active lately :’))
Anyway that’s my explanation for discord becoming super popular. If u wanna join, for my server at least (the ‘kinky’ server ;))) hit me up for an invite.
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yuto-mizuguchi · 6 years
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♡ ONF #YOU_COMPLETE_ME Fuse Support Step-by-step Tutorial  ♡
Hello Fuses! ONF are finally coming back with their 2nd mini album ‘You Complete Me’ on June 7th, so I have decided to make a very detailed tutorial on how you can help make this comeback as successful as possible to thank our boys for being such loving beings and for working so hard to keep Fuses happy (and to show them how much we have missed them duh). It is the time for fuses to do their part and make ONF complete! (see what I did there)
Also don’t kill me I didn’t have time to make a banner for the tutorial
This tutorial will include:
YouTube MV streaming on PC and phone/tablet
digital streaming
voting on music shows
digital downloads and buying physical copies
If you have any questions, suggestions or complaints, make sure to hit me up on tumblr chat or send me a direct message on @ppangyuto.
Lets’ get started!
1. YouTube MV streaming
YouTube views are important for many music shows and count as a part of digital points for award shows in the end of the year.
Pick a browser you are going to stream the MV with and read the following instructions. Google Chrome is currently the best option for this (you can download it here btw, it is completely safe) but it would be great if you could use more browsers and stream with all of them at the same time. That’s of course if your device allows it.
Do NOT reupload the MV on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook or any other social network or website. Make sure to put the LINK everywhere, especially if you are sharing gifs or snippets. Every view counts. If you see more than 30 seconds of it shared on Twitter (usually) without the person providing the link as well, do not hesitate to politely ask them to delete the tweet and report it as spam if they refuse to do so. Use as many devices as possible.
Streaming guidelines for PC:
Do not skip the ads! WM and ONF do profit from them.
Log in to your YouTube account to like the video and leave a few positive comments. That will count as one view, so after watching for the first time make sure to log out and then continue streaming following the guidelines. If you have more accounts, hit like button on each one of them.
Do not use the Incognito mode, it freezes the views. If you notice that the views have been frozen for a few hours, report it to YouTube as “PLAYBACK ISSUE” and do not panick. It is said: “To make sure that all views are validated, as view count goes higher, YouTube updates less frequently and might occasionally freeze above 300 views to assure quality view count. This is the normal operation in YouTube videos.”
You can open as many windows per browser as your internet connection allows but the videos should not be lagging too much to ensure view counts.
Do not refresh the page. Instead, search manually for the MV and stream only the official one uploaded on ONF’s channel. When you type in ‘ONF’ on YouTube, at the moment the first suggestions are ‘ON/OFF’ and ‘mixnine’ . What we want to do is get Complete MV there.
Your volume should be at least 50%. If you have more tabs opened at the same time, mute your device and not the MV itself to avoid the chaos.
Watch it from the beginning to the end without pausing or fast forwarding.
Clear your cache every 10 minutes and cookies every 1 hour. To avoid this step, just check out the history/cookie/cache cleaning extensions I have listed below.
[TIP!] You could reply to a lot of positive comments under the MV so people come back to it again. Worth a try! Do not forget to report malicious comments.
[TIP!] If you have an active YouTube channel, put the MV as your featured content (my channel > video manager > channel > featured content).
**You can create playlists, but do not include only Complete MV. If possible, create a playlist in this order: ON/OFF MV - Lights On (Performance ver.) - ON/OFF (Practice ver.) - Complete MV x3.
If you are going to leave your device on overnight to stream even while sleeping or while you are away (recommended), download the following extensions for your browser:
Auto HD For YouTube
Cache Killer
Super Auto Refresh
YouTube HD Plus
Empty Cache Button
YouTube High Definition
History Eraser
Super Auto Refresh
This will help you do the following: always stream MV in quality above 720p, refresh (not hit the replay button, this is because you cannot manually search for the MV while sleeping or when you are not there duh) and erase your history and cache. The last extension should be on even while being on you device. Auto Refresh MUST be set at 10 minutes (about 5 minutes for the MV and 5 minutes break: YouTube might validate the views faster like this).
Streaming guidelines for phone/tablet:
Do not skip the ads! WM and ONF do profit from them.
Log in to your YouTube account to like the video and leave a few positive comments VIA BROWSER. Do not use the YouTube app. That will count as one view, so after watching for the first time make sure to log out and then continue streaming following the guidelines. If you have more accounts, hit like button on each one of them.
The volume should be at least 70% so if necessary, use headphones.
Watch it from the beginning to the end without pausing or fast forwarding.
Do not refresh the page after the full stream. Instead, close your browser and then search manually for the MV and stream only the official one uploaded on ONF’s channel .
Clear search history ever 1-2 hours.
2. Digital streaming
Since I am not familiar with streaming, I have found a few very useful tutorials:
How to create an account
How to purchase a MelOn pass
How to stream and download
How to create an account and get a free pass (PC)
How to create an account and get a free pass (Phone)
Free link compilations
How to stream using free link
How to create an account and get 10 free passes daily in 13 steps: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4
How to create an account
How to get a free pass (1)
How to get a free pass (2)  
[TIP!] Search for streaming pass giveaways on Twitter, there could be some Fuses or other fandoms willing to help us with this comeback. Please do not join such giveaways if the passes are for a specified group that is not ONF, that is just mean.
Streaming reflects on some music show charts.
Show Champion: Naver, Melon, Bugs, Genie
M!Countdown: Mnet, Melon, Genie, Bugs
Inkigayo: Melon, Genie, Bugs
3. Voting on music shows
**Digital Score - Streaming + Downloads **Broadcast Points - Views on show performances
MV VIEWS - 25%
**Netizen’s preference - Online votes
Voting period: Tuesday 00:00 KST - Sunday 23:59 KST
How to vote? I have made a detailed video tutorial on how to vote on Show Champion a while ago for FY!COSMICGIRLS . Click here.
**Social Media Score - MV Views **Popularity Vote - Online Voting Points
Voting period: Friday 14:00 KST - Monday 09:00 KST
How to vote? Use your Mnet, Twitter, Facebook and Kakaotalk accounts to vote on MNET’s voting page once a day per account.
**SNS points -MV views
How to vote? Click here for a detailed tutorial by CLCPENTAGON.
Do not reupload the performances and watch them only on music shows’ official YouTube channels as the views count as points. Use the same watching method as for the MV.
If you are able to, watch the performances through their official websites and music sites as well.
The Show
Naver **All music shows have Naver channels, just type in the program name In the search box. (더쇼 / 쇼챔피언 / 엠카운트다운 / 뮤직뱅크 / 음중 / 인기가요)
4. Digital downloads and buying physical copies
Please only download and stream music from these sites: Melon, Naver, Mnet, Genie, Olleh, Bugs
**Purchasing from iTunes and Spotify does not count to the charts
[TIP!] Mass streaming boosts up ranking, so try to stream together with other Fuses at the same time.
[TIP!] Title track is the one being ranked on the charts, so stream it more frequently than the rest of the album.
Buy ‘You Complete Me’ on iTunes as soon as it comes out.
‘You Complete Me’ is ONF’s 2nd mini album that comes in one version. More info about the album here.
Only purchase physical copies of the album from sites that count towards Hanteo and Gaon charts: KPopTown, YesAsia, DVDHeaven, KPopMart , Synnara , KTOWN4U.
**Other sites are fine if they contribute to the charts. You have to check this before making the purchase. ** Also check out: To K-Pop Fans outside South Korea - a Guide for an International Order (tutorial by Synnara)
[TIP!] If possible, please pre-order the album because it will help contribute to the first week sales. Pre-orders end on June 7th at 12AM KST.
5. Promoting
Other than sharing the MV, you can also help by doing the following:
1. Leave positive comments and tap hearts on comeback V LIVE. There is a safe software called Nox App Player you can use to tap hearts automatically. I used it for the previous comeback! Here is an updated tutorial.
2. Search for 온앤오프 on Korean news sites:
3. Watch ONF videos on Naver.
4. Retweet wm_on7off and wm_onoff. Use #온앤오프, #COMPLETE and #YOU_COMPLETE_ME hashtags whenever you can.
5. Participate in various support events. Here is a 1st Anniversary Project by ONF STATION.
6. Share the MV with your friends and ask them to support the comeback as well.
7. Donate for support projects by fansites if possible and support fellow Fuses’ edits, fanart etc.
Thank you for reading! Let’s make this comeback successful together  ♡
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franeridart · 7 years
This might be too much to ask but I broke my laptop and only have access to mobile and I'm dying to know what I'm actually missing but I can't check would you be able to describe it? Sorry I know this is annoying ignore it if it's too much trouble
It’s not annoying so don’t worry about it, but my posts should all be visible, now? At least my app doesn’t give me the option to request a review anymore… if you can’t see them still they’re all (aside from the one I posted earlier) backed up on my wordpress blog! You can see them from there without me needing to describe them~
Anon said:Franeri-san what dimensions do you usually use for your canvas? When I draw I end up making the canvas too small, so when i zoom in to make details it becomes pixelated. But I also don’t need my canvas too big because I won’t be able to proportion it;; it’s a visual thing… Ah I’m rambling sorry
I use a 6000pxx5000px with a 4px brush, usually, but I really rarely use it all, mostly it’s just like, corners of the whole thing. I tend to draw a lot of things on the same canvas before switching to a new one - that said, personally I can’t draw properly if I don’t zoom in above 100% (usually I work at 150% or 200%, more for details) so I’m really not the right person to ask this haha
Anon said:I saw that profanity is now being blocked more heavily by safe search so our good, good but foul mouthed Baku may be the reason your stuff is hidden. You’ve probably already heard this but I thought I’d let you know~
Rip so I heard orz though let’s not give our Baku all the fault here, I swear a lot by myself too haha I’m my own ruin, seems like - thank you for taking your time to share the info, anyway!!
Anon said:I’m really happy about your blog not being censored seriously. CAUSE YOU MAKE WONDERFUL DRAWINGS THAT FILL MY HEART AND I WAS STARTING TO PANICK. Keep up the good work~. 🖤
And I’m really happy you can properly see my blog, you sweet sweet cute and adorable anon!!!!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:Hello! First, I love your art and your headcanons and stories! I am in love with bakushima half because of you, you beautiful tart. Second, about Bakugo’s laugh, holy crikey, of course he’s loud and explosive. The boy is a ball of stress and anger and when he laughs for real, it’s rare and takes effort. But like, can you just imagine when his explodo-kill mask cracks his face turns red because he doesn’t want to laugh. But THEN he barks out a laugh and everybody’s stunned and then he just SNORTS
YES!!!!!!! Oh my god yes that’s an hc I have he definitely, definitely snorts when he tries to hold back his laughter it’s so effin adorable I die every day a lot bless that kid
Anon said:Who tops of in your opinion in Bakushima?👀
Maybe either, maybe neither, depends on many things but mostly on how I don’t ever ask myself this question for any of my ships so I got no answer for it at all ever - instead we should ask ourselves the important questions, like who opens the water bottles between them (Kirishima when Bakugou’s palms get too sweaty and Bakugou’s forever resentful about it), who kicks when they sleep and who always ends up sleeping on the floor because of it (Bakugou’s the restless sleeper, poor Kirishima), who takes way too damn long in the bathroom goddamnit Kirishima get out of there already I swear to go——-
Anon said:your blog makes me really happy just keep doing you you’re like the best thing
Thank you so much holy smokes!!!!!!!!!! *O*
Anon said:wait wait wait wait! is Bakugou the one teaching Shark Kirishima sign language?? then does that mean Kirishima learned to sign ‘I love you’ from Bakugou!? (Q/)////(\Q)
They’re learning together!! They have an online dictionary and follow online courses, so Kirishima kind of looked it up for himself at first - he was signing it as love instead of really like thoug, which made Bakugou indecently flustered so in the end, yes, he was the one to teach him how to properly sign it :D
Anon said:Will you still be updating this blog?
Sure will! The wordpress one is just a backup thing!
Anon said:wait so question: in the mer au, does kiri know jsl from before? because the way he reacted to bakugou first attempting to sign at him looked like he recognized it but you said they both had to learn? does he react like that because he recognizes it as bakugou actively trying to communicate? (btw this au is So Good i love how kaminari is just “why are you like this” at kiri but his Gay Ass cant be swayed)
I’m glad you like it!!!!! And nope Kiri didn’t know jsl from before, but mers do have something similar to a sign language (there’s deaf and mute merpeople too, after all) so he recognized it as Bakugou going “I want to talk to you and this is the best way to” - also, he’d never seen a tablet before and Bakugou was showing him an explosion on it to make him understand and instead he went “what is this SORCERY” and got excited about a gif. Good, pure kid. I had no clue how to add that in the comic in a fast way tho so let’s leave it at him being happy they found a possible way to communicate haha
Anon said:Hi Fran!!! Hace you reas the theoriws aboyo kiri o kaminari Boeing traitors? Si you know where they came up? I’m lil bit lost even tho I’m up with the man lmao ALSO pls more maki-chan
So pretty much at some point in the middle of a meeting Present Mic mentioned how there probably was a traitor between them that kept on feeding the villains infos about UA, and the fandom of course got interested in that!! Who could it be? They started thinking it through and for some reason the theories that ended up being more popular are about it being either Kaminari, Kirishima or Hagakure - I don’t think any of these are true, but if you google search “kaminari traitor theory” or the same with the other two names you should easily find the posts explaining the theories and where they come from, if you’re interested!
Anon said:omg fran i haven’t watched/read bnha but still solely bc of your art i am IN LOVE with kirishima. he’s such a pure being I feel like crying every time i see him??? like i just watched the first opening of the anime and you bet i watched the 5 seconds kirishima gets over and over. like all the bnha kids seem great. i am somehow extremely motivated to read bnha now thanks to your art. BUT OH MY GOD KIRISHIMA I LOVE HIM SO MUCH WHAT EVEN
You picked the best fave you could ever pick, anon!!! Kirishima is the BESTEST boy, purest and brightest and energetic and actual sunshine and also super strong and resilient and kind of an ass now and again but in a good way he’s GREAT I’m IN LOVE with him good job your intuition is perfect
Anon said:I love all your art, but especially all your self indulgent stuff bc first off HELLS YEAH DO THE STUFF THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY and another is it feels like self indulgent stuff for me but I’m not the one making the thing… So like… It’s Good™ BUT YEAH ANYWAYS I LOVE YOUR ART AND YOU AND YOUR ART MAKES ME HAPPY TBH I HOPE YOU’RE HAVING A LOVELY DAY
AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH also this is super nice to know because sometimes being self-indulgent is all I can manage to do haha r i p but at least now I’ll know you, for one, will like it!!! That’s nice!!!!!!
Anon said:If you were ever bored and wanted to do more of your mershark au thing I wouldn’t be mad at all ! 😝 your art is so cute and easily recognizable and I really enjoy it! Stay beautiful lovely Fran!
!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I really, really think I will!!!!!!!! :D
Anon said:I bet if denki tried to do the “if i jump at ______ they will most certainly catch me” with bakugou, bakugou would just let him fall
Oh my god no Bakugou’s reflexes and instincts are too fast and automatic the actual reaction at seeing someone run and jump at him would be without thinking trying to explodo-kill them don’t jump at him Kaminariiiii
Anon said: What to you think of a school dance bnha concept thing???
I read a bakushima about it once and I DIED so actually A++++ great perfect amazing concept I love it
Anon said:I gotta know,what do you think of the “Dabi is Todoroki Shouto’s brother” theory? i personally feel like that 1’s the most likely theory to become a legit thing but im curious
I talked about this on my main just the other day!! And added something about it earlier through another ask! But generally I think it’s believable, and I wouldn’t mind it being true :D
Anon said:But, what are your feelings about this chapters? And Kirishima? God, I love him even more and want him to be happy, but Im also dying to know what happened to him in his past!!
I CRIED I love that boy so much I swear it’s getting ridiculous I’m so so proud of him and how far he’s come and I just want him to be happy??? I do want to know his past tho!!! I’ve just been asking for this for, like, eight months!! I hope next one will be the one I’ll finally learn about my child tbh ;–;
Anon said:Fran you should totally do bnha and haikyuu calendars
………………..boi that sounds like a lot of work, anon. Like, it’s an interesting idea, but also my lazy ass is telling me no way no what the heck go to sleep instead r i p
Anon said:Have you ever thought of an eraser mic fusion?
I’ve drawn it already!!
Anon said:fran i?? i love the way you draw smiles?? idk i was just going through your art and i realized that holy SHIT i really love the way you draw smiles. like each smile is different and has its own specialty. esp bakugo’s smile I LOVE HOW YOU DRAW HIS SMILE!! like usually it’s not really noticeable but then there’s that slight quirk of his mouth (see what i did there?) and it’s so perfect. idk dude i just REALLY LOVE THE WAY YOU DRAW SMILES
THIS IS SUCH A CUTE ASK I DON’T KNOW HOW TO ANSWER HELP ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you????? so much??????? I’m glad you like them cause honestly I love drawing people smiling and laughing, it makes my heart smile too~
Anon said:Theres a bnhaStuck blog in the works ;)
That’s? Nice! I guess!! I hope whoever’s working on it will have fun with it!!
Anon said:Fran this last BNHA chapter hurt so bad. And then I saw your mer-Kiri and it cheered me up!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m glad I could cheer you up cause honestly I felt that pain a whole damn lot too ;A; let’s hope Kiri won’t have to suffer much more in this arc #sob
Anon said:im crying fran, my hard bby kiri in the latest chap,,, my baby boi, i know that i wanted to know more abt him but,, keep my baby safe pls oh goodness gracious… (and as usual ur bootiful art keeps me alive)
I mean nearly all the character arcs we got are damn sad so it was obvious Kiri’s was going to be too, but still ;A; don’t make him suffer too bad Hori I beg u ;A;
THANK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO MUCH OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:!!!!!!FRAN!!!!!! YOUR MER!KIRI AU!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I’m glad you enjoy it!!!!!! 
Anon said:I love your work 😍. You are the only one who makes comics About my favourite ships. I check your web everyday If you post something new. My fav ships are I.waoi, bok.uroo and bak.ushima. Love your work 🙂
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you!!!! holy smokes!!!!!
Anon said:Do you have an OC for Boku no Hero Academy?
The closest things to bnha ocs I have are the fusions, right now, but there’s a couple of asks in my inbox about a bkkr kid… soon……..
Anon said:Quick question, I want to read haikyuu, I’ve watched the anime already and I was wondering how close the anime follows the manga, like how bnha is basically identical, is it the same? Or is there a bit of difference *^*
I’m SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME FOREVER TO ANSWER - I bet you already found your answer elsewhere, but anyway the anime is pretty much exactly the same as the manga!!
Anon said:Back on the topic of hq!!! I find it funny how people ask about bok.uroo so much as if you dont like them anymore when they’re literally still your header, like if you didn’t care for them they’d think you’d change it to bakushima or something
I’ve literally thought about changing my header so often but then I look at it and I’m like….. my kids………… I can’t do this………………. not yet…………………. same for my icon tbh haha I love them too much rip
Anon said:Okay but what if Kirishima makes a really stupid pun and Bakugou just turns away with a curse and he’s just covering his mouth and quietly giggling into his hand because even he can’t believe he found that funny, and that is SHAMEFUL. And Sero in the distance is just looking at him, all disappointed. Quietly judging the fact that Kirishima and Bakugou are practically meant for one another.
You wanna know the best thing the absolute best thing? My very first bnha comic was something eerily similar to the first part of this ask! Only Bakugou was the one to accidentally make a pun - I’d link it but honestly my style was ridiculous back then so not happening, just know that I’m 100% sure that post is the reason why I keep on drawing bnha comics about puns, my very first post set the path for all the others to come hah a curse I don’t actually mind
Anon said:are you planning on starting another series? like the bokuroteru tattoo shop au you did (it was real dandy and rad) it was what made me find your blog, so i was wondering if you have any future plans for anything similar. i really like your blog lots, i hope you have a nice day!
Right now I don’t actually have any idea orderly enought to make a proper series out of it, rip - maybe in the future, tho! That one comic was fun to make, after all!! And thank you!!!!!!!!
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