#i put it under the cut but incase it doesn't work
alduinsbanes · 2 years
🌹, 📙, 📀, 🥝 for Severa, ❌, 🧡, 🌠, 💗 for Cecilia, 🍑, 🍋, 💙, 🌸 for Irene and 🔥, 🌀 for someone of your choosing! 😌
Thank you so much Virgil!!! <3
🌹 How easy is it for them to connect with others and make friends? On the flip side how easy is it for them to make an enemy of someone? Are they the kind of person who hangs around the food table at a party and never talks to anyone or are they the type who can talk to anyone?
Severa is kind of introverted and can be shy so it can make it hard for her to connect with people right off the bat. Once she opens up she’s pretty good at making friends! Like when she first joined the Companions she was very aloof and standoffish, but once she got more comfortable she was more willing/more comfortable trying to make friends with the others. At parties she’s definitely the person who hands around the food table and doesn’t talk, but if she’s with people she knows she’ll hang close to them.
📙 What kind of subjects (of conversation, of discussion, in school or whatever) does your OC find interesting or engaging or that they can talk for hours about? What kind of stuff do they just find fun?
She can go about her adventures for hours. What she sees, what she finds, what happened along the way all that stuff. She loves to share that with others and loves to hear about others adventures in turn!
What things bore your OC to tears and they couldn’t care less about? Why?
Gossip/drama. She literally could not care less and it bores her to no end. She doesn’t get the appeal of inserting herself, even indirectly, into other peoples drama.
📀 How easy is it to shock your OC? To confuse them? To lie to them, to manipulate them? How are they with feelings of trust? Can your OC be trusted?
She’s seen a lot it can be pretty hard to shock her honestly and she doesn’t get confused particularly easily. When she was younger she was easier to lie to and manipulate but she’s not as naive now she can usually tell when she’s being lied to or someone is attempting to manipulate her. Severa can be very trusting most of the time. She wants to trust people but some people just aren’t trustworthy and she tends to trust her gut on stuff like that. Severa herself can be trusted though she would never turn her back or betray someone who trusts her.
🥝 What does a bad mental health day look like for your OC? Walk us through it with them. What kind of things can help them out of this slump and what kinds of things comfort them when they start to feel like this?
Severa has dealt with anxiety most of her life and then trauma added PTSD to the mix (though I doubt its called that in tes thats what it is). So her bad days can be really hard for her and it can be hard for her to admit that she’s struggling. Before when she was having a hard time she kind of shut herself away from everyone and tried to deal with it alone, which only made it worse. These days when she’s struggling she talks to Irene. She’s a healer and understands and has the resources to help her properly, but even just talking to her helps a ton. It’s good to finally get all of the hurt and fear out in a safe place.
❌ What kind of things would end any relationship for them? Is there a history behind why these things bother them? Could they ever take someone back despite this? If so or if not, why?
Cheating. There would be no talking about things, no trying to save the relationship, it would immediately be over. She’s never been cheated on before, but she’s seen the hurt it’s caused to others and would not tolerate it. She could never take back somebody who did that to her. To her it’s the ultimate betrayal in a relationship. 
🧡 Who is your OC’s favourite person? Why is this person the top of their list and have they actually met them (an idol or rolemodel or celeb can be someone’s favourite after all!).
Farkas! She really feels like she can be herself with him and just let all her walls down without judgement. Even before their relationship this was the case.
🌠 Who was your OC’s first friend? Do they remember them or are they still friends now? Talk about some of the people your OC has lost contact with over the years. Do they have any regrets about losing these people and would they revist them if they could?
Cecilia’s first friend was/is Severa! They’re cousins (mom’s are sisters) and they’re only about 6 months apart so they’ve always had each other and have always been the best of friends and still are, even as adults! Cecilia has lost some contact with friends. She had made a couple in the legion who she lost contact with when she was drafted to Skyrim or after she left the legion. It makes her kind of sad sometimes that she lost contact with these people, but she feels its for the best as she wants to put her time in the legion behind her. She also has friends that she grew up with in Skingrad. Over the years they grew apart. Most of them were other nobles and they became very snobby and she didn’t like that so they grew apart. She doesn’t regret it, but its always sad losing friends.
💗 What would your OC say is their best feature? Why? What do their friends / family / lover(s) / people they know think is their best feature and why?
Her ambition and confidence is what she considers her best features. It keeps her motivated and generally if she wants something done she gets it done without losing that motivation. For her family and friends it varies on what they view as her best feature. Her parents also think her ambition is her best feature. Severa thinks its her loyalty her the ones she cares about, etc.
🍑 Where is your OC’s favourite place to relax or calm down? Recount a story of their time spent in this place! What makes it so special to them?
When she’s stressed she likes to sit on the banks of the White River outside of Whiterun and just watch the water. It’s calming for her. There’s nothing in particular that makes it special to her, just the sights and sounds of it make it calming and make her favorite place to go when she’s stressed especially because she lives right near it so it’s close to her when she needs it.
🍋 Does your OC act petty and jealous easily? What sort of things make them feel like this and do they experience guilt for getting so worked up? How do they deal with these emotions when they get them? If your OC doesn’t feel like this often, why not?
Irene is not a petty or jealous person at all. She’s very chill and trust the people around her. On the occasion she does feel like this it makes her guilty. She does not like feeling that way at all. When she feels like this she’ll usually take a step back find a place to relax for a bit by herself.
💙 What did your OC want to be when they grew up and why? Did they have any lifelong dreams or ambitions they never got to work on or are they currently working to achieve this dream? Has their life taken a very unexpected turn and put all these plans on hold for a while or have they given up on any dreams?
She actually wanted to be a bookkeeper as in she wanted to sell them and what not. She loved reading even as a kid and thought that would be a great job choice for her. Of course she did not end up going that route or anything near it for that matter. As she got older that dream kind of faded not for any particular reason she just wasn’t feeling it anymore but she’s very happy with what she does now.
🌸 What does your OC’s voice sound like? Their laugh? Are they good at singing? Do they have an accent?
She does have an accent! She’s a Breton, but she was adopted by and raised by Severa’s family from a very young age (1 or 2) so she has a Colovian accent rather than what most people are used to hearing from Bretons. Her voice is on the higher side and she’s kind of soft spoken, but she has a loud happy laugh! She is not good a singing though and she doesn’t try.
I’ll answer this one for Kari!
🌀 Where is your OC from? Where were they born? Do they still live there, if not why did they move? If they still live in the area how has it changed since their childhood? How many places has your OC lived in and where has been their favourite?
Kari is from Skyrim, the Rift to be exact. She was born on a small farm a couple miles outside Riften, but was orphaned at a young age and left and the farm became run down and abandoned so it has changed. She doesn’t live in Riften anymore, she stays with Severa and Aela in their home in Whiterun. Riften and Whiterun are the only two places she’s lived and she’s more than happy where is and has no plans to leave. So far she’s had a much better experience in Whiterun so she would consider that her favorite.
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auspicioustidings · 2 months
Farah doesn't know how to approach Kate about it, but Kate can tell when someone is staring at her and trying to work up some courage so she has some mercy (only some, she lets Karim sweat first) and tells her to come to her office.
Honestly she was sort of waiting for the other shoe to drop, but she's nervous about what Farah is bringing to her. She likes the woman, it would be a shame if she turned out to be a bigot. Imagine Kate's surprise when Farah's issue with Alex isn't that he is trans, but that she is wholly unexperienced with eating out a cunt and would like lessons. Farah has always exceeded at everything, will she fuck be finally getting Alex Keller into bed only to be mediocre and fumbling.
It's funny in a way to watch as she works herself up talking about how much of a disaster it would have been had she not found out completely by accident and thus went into the situation without practicing first. "I would rather die in battle than be bad for him. I wouldn't even have went into it with the right equipment and I would have had to give up my command over the dishonour of it all."
(we are getting NSFW below the cut my cuties and it's been a while since I've written it so if you don't think it's good kindly keep your mouth shut and scroll <3 )
So Kate calls her wife and asks if it would be ok for her to teach the commander of a rebel force to eat pussy and take a strap like a good girl and her wife just whines at the images that has given her and tells her she'd better give a detailed description tomorrow.
Farah is a quick study and is willing to get messy, but oh that rebellious streak. She doesn't take suggestions or requests well, she needs orders and Kate Laswell is willing to give them. She's got this girl pressed between her legs and isn't letting her up for air, instead humping her face until she learns that she only breathes on the good will of the pussy she is pleasuring. "Need to get that clit nice and swollen so you can learn to suck his cock properly, get to it soldier."
Kate laughs when she goes to start stretching her out only to find she is dripping wet. Three fingers sink into her with a squelch with no resistance. "Me or him you're thinking of?" Farah snorts because they both know the answer is Alex, the only person that's seemingly oblivious to how much she wants him is him. Although Farah thinks that she would like both. Maybe once she gets that man in bed, they can go on a double date with the Laswells.
She wants to learn everything about putting the harness on just incase Alex hasn't done it before. Her pussy is swollen with need and throbbing in time to her heartbeat but both her and Kate are professionals, so they take the time to have a discussion on strap styles and common issues even while Farah is panting and drooling all over the thick plastic of the cock Kate is showing her. "Don't worry, still get to put your deepthroating skills to work." She was mostly joking but Kate is delighted to find how good she actually is at it. Farah comes up for air, tears streaming down her face and saliva forming a line between her mouth and the cock and admits without any shame what so ever that she got Ghost to teach her when she still thought Alex was cis.
"He teach you how to take it too?"
"He tried."
The wry look in her eyes makes Kate laugh. She could imagine how difficult Ghost would have found Farah as a student given that he seemed to like obedient and desperate mutts. Farah was neither, she would top from the bottom until she was forced into submission and while Ghost had no doubt tried, he was more inclined to breaking brats than the likes of this woman.
Kate has no such problem. She knows that the trick to someone like Farah is outlasting her. So she flips her over onto her hands and knees, gives her shoulders a firm push to have her arms collapse out under her and pumps the strap into her in one fluid thrust right to the root. The ripple of muscles is gorgeous as she fucks and fucks and fucks and Farah refuses to give in control. Even presenting like a bitch she is strong and ready to seize control back at any moment. But Kate has stamina and just keeps pressing into her in the perfect rhythm to send her into an orgasm that makes her quiver violently.
She can't help to give into temptation. When Farah's body gives away that she is going to have another, Kate slides her fingers around the strap and pushes it in with her fist wrapped around it still. The woman under her absolutely howls at that and Kate feels the orgasm from the inside, feels the warm, wet walls of her cunt squeeze her fingers in waves.
It takes a lot, more than Kate has ever given anyone. Anytime she throws Farah's limbs around to get her into a new position she is still poised and ready to fight. She still holds back on her orgasms instead of fully giving in. She takes the slaps to her clit with hisses through gritted teeth but still refuses to just relax and let go.
She could almost smack herself when she finally figures it out. It's been hours, both of them are exhausted and panting and will no doubt be sore tomorrow. And as a last ditch effort Kate presses Farah's knees about her ears, leans down and looks her in the eye.
"He's going to love it Karim. He's not going to be able to get enough of your tongue and then he's going to find heaven in your pussy."
Finally, fucking finally, Farah Karim melts. Goes boneless and pliant, let's the final orgasm run through her almost languidly. It's fascinating to watch how her body seems to changes, goes from hard and aggressive to soft and willing.
Kate rolls off of her and just lays on her back with her eyes closed panting. She doesn't move when nimble fingers undo the harness and pull it off. She can barely do anything but give hitched little breaths when a warm tongue gently laps her pussy, no longer so worried about doing well and now just enjoying the meal. The orgasm is the last her body can give and she grins when she wakes up with Farah passed out between her legs having been equally as exhausted.
Alex Keller is a very lucky boy.
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wexhappyxfew · 3 months
Okay but to add to the Kennedy x Bucky Stalag thoughts, Kennedy grounds Bucky and gives him a sense of an anchor. Just like you said Shannon, he has someone he wants to take care of and whoops he’s just realized he’s in love.
But then… what’s this? The flip side, Kennedy also realizes she’s in love. All of a sudden these feelings are bubbling up for this protective, empathetic, caring man who is watching out for her and who has sorta been on her radar but she’s never really taken the time to notice. He’s holding her hand and listening to her talk about her trauma. And all of a sudden she realizes she’s not alone in this mess and she has someone who wants to watch out for her specifically because of who she is (not just that she’s a woman) and she wants to watch out for them too. She cares about all the boys in the 100th but this is different.
Please ignore if this is not the vibe, but this is where my mind went👉🏼👈🏼
HI SUNSHINE ANON!!!!! <3333333 i saw this in the early hours of the morning before work and it positively made me so so happy and i was so excited to answer it!!! PLEASE KNOW. this is absolutely the vibe!!! you really seem to understand the dynamic between kennedy and bucky and it makes me so happy to see people express that through their analysis, depiction and dissection of these two. so truly! THANK YOU!!!! <333333 please enjoy my ramblings! i put it under the cut too incase i get lengthy haha (which i tend to do).....
kennedy ALSO realizing she is in love is HUGE. because let's dig into kennedy and her past for a moment - because we've done that with judy (and it is a heavy influence for) and it's only right we do that for kennedy (i feel the need to do it for annie now too haha).
KENNEDY THOUGH -- she comes from a wealthier background than most - we've seen the mentions, mom set her up with a few guys at the country club, had a fairly good childhood - pretty happy and joyful, attended parties and charity events with her family, she came from good things to say the least. a few other worthy mentions - kennedy was in love once before, she knows what it feels like to be in love and to be heartbroken - she protects herself (naturally). she grew up with all brothers, so she knows how to stand up for herself too when things aren't right.
SO, with bucky entering the picture - and most importantly, her realizing that she is in fact IN LOVE with bucky - takes a lot for her. she doesn't trust too easily and when someone is sticking their neck out for her, she usually is always questioning it. just like when she dumbs down bucky in that one fic where he said she could rest in his bunk after a nightmare - he was just being nice, kennedy says. she doesn't give herself really enough credit for things like this. and bucky blows that out of the water for her. and shows her that she CAN be loved.
i love your wording - this protective, empathetic, caring man who is watching out for her and who has sorta been on her radar but she’s never really taken the time to notice. HEAVY on the 'sorta been on her radar'. kennedy isn't blind. this definitely is on ideas for writing but, when she first met bucky, it was before their first practice run when kennedy became a waist gunner for him. he was all sweet as peaches, shaking her hand, offering some compliments on her shooting skills. and she remembered hearing about him before seeing him and so once she saw him, it sorta ticked in her mind like hm i like this guy, but nothing more. and then bucky was just always there - even when she moved to silver bullets. bucky was just....there. and so when his few attempts at expressing himself towards her don't go as planned, she distances a bit in a way. not entirely, but she thinks that if she gets too locked into the idea of them possibly even being people that work out with one another, she would never go back.
until bucky goes down. and she does too. and they're in the stalag. i would consider it their moment that just changes everything for them. because kennedy realizing like i am in love with this man and there's no stopping at this point, she absolutely makes it well-known. because let's be for real - she's hella protective over him right back. would 100% fight people for him (and he'd be proud as anything watching her). but....no doubt, her recognition of being in love with him makes her realize a whole lot more about life than before (and more moments that she shrugged off too).
also can i just-
She cares about all the boys in the 100th but this is different.
this is my favorite piece of the ask sunshine anon. like. YES. EXACTLY. kennedy is a fiercely protective and loyal friend. you don't mess with her. and she loves all the 100th boys with her every being - like: her and brady got drunk one time on schnapps and then bet each other to ride bikes at 2 in the morning with bessie to supervise them (bessie took them both back to barracks to tuck them into bed), kennedy and buck are VERY like-minded and have shared drinks before, kennedy has even helped hambone learn how to dance and not feel weird like!!!! BUT WITH BUCKY. it is a whole different ball game (literally lmao no pun intended). it just is. and she doesn't know why. until she realizes that. shit. she loves him. a whole lot.
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
Love the idea of healer Fire. What if Tigerclaw suggesting Fire prove it by taking one of his lives? And Fire comes back and stares down Tigerclaw
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ok!! here are my ideas for healer/ex-healer Fireheart (which i am very tempted to add to the au)
this is long (and rambling) so im putting it under the cut v
Just as a note: Fire's reasoning for joining the Orders is slightly different than in canon, Fire wishes to join because he wants to be free from human influence "cats aren't pets anymore! I don't get why /humans/ get to be in charge!". He is exited and fascinated by the idea of a community of cats built by cats, and run by cats. He wants to be a part of something like that! His idea of the Orders are a bit idealistic though, he dreams of them being some lovely cat utopia where cats can thrive and be at peace, he doesn't focus on the tales of their battles or the cat blood spilt in the forest beyond the human village...
When Fire joins the Order he is still made Bluefrost's apprentice (that orrr I could make him Redtail's apprentice instead....), and things go as normal for a bit.
But Fire often questions why the Orders need to fight, and why he needs to fight other cats for seemingly petty reasons (this is canon to roc either way). Fire is also a friendly guy (he is such an orange cat), he likes to make friends with other cats in other Orders (at least the ones who don't mind his kittypet origins)... he hates the idea of having to fight them one day...
During this time Fire also continues to have dreams from the Stars... he is often visited by a wispy blindingly white cat who speaks of great power and great futures... This all confuses him and he seeks comfort and answers in Spottedleaf who serves as a sort of older sister role
he likes spending time in the Healer's den and learning about herbs and the Stars. He doesn't tell Spotted about his dreams at first, he instead asks Spotted a LOT of questions about her dreams, prophecies and how communication with the Stars works. He has a feeling that his dreams are something more, but he doesn't want to say anything incase he is thought to be crazy for claiming he is regularly speaking to Order ancestors (especially since he is an ex-kittypet).
Eventually though Spotted catches on and gets him to tell he about his dreams... She realizes that he is not only talking to an ancestor, he is talking to an extremally ancient and powerful one. This along with Fire's interest in Spotted's other Healer duties makes her ask him if he wishes to be her apprentice.
I think Fire thinks on it for a while, but he decides to do it, maybe he is pushed towards it by Blinding Moon (Moth Flight)? I like the idea of him enjoying being a healer and actually taking an interest in it though! If he was Bluefrost's apprentice, I think she would be slightly unhappy about this at first as she saw a heir/future leader in him, but I think Spotted would tell her that she fully believes that Fire's destiny as a prophecy cat involves him being a healer. which would make her agree. If I made him Redtail's apprentice I would have it to Red dies around the time he is asked if he wants to be a healer, maybe he dies very soon after and the trauma of this is what finally pushed Fire to switching to being a Healer.
After this I think that the plot would stay close to the same, but Fire trains as a Healer apprentice. Spotted dies, Fire is left Thunder's only Healer, and is then given his Healer title by Spotted's spirit at the Moonstone, she tells him that Yellowfang can continue to teach him the rest of what he needs to know, but he is now a full Healer.
Cinder still trains as a Healer apprentice and becomes a healer, if this was an actual book this just means more Fire and Cinder being Yellow's children content!!! and also more Fire and Cinder bonding!! (i love the idea of them being like siblings)
Since I am making Fire have the Scottish fold cartilage disorder, he would also probably spend a lot of time learning about different remedies and Healer techniques for making his chronic pain more manageable. I like the idea of him sharing some of his fave mixes of pain relief herbs with Cinder and Bright after they experience their injuries that leave them with their own chronic pain.
Fire stays close to Bluefrost and sees her decent, he can tell she is having a mental break and is most likely experienceing the beginigns of a deterioration of the mind due to old age as well... He spends a lot of time trying to help her as her Healer and friend, but there isnt much he can do, and she wont take much aid. However because of Fire caring for her so much and staying empathetic towards her Blue decides Fire is the only cat she can trust.
I love the idea of Blue just finally starting the "im making a new cat Second" speech, and Fire feeling relived... only for her to say that HE is going to be Second. The outcry and horror that would result in this!! OH the DRAMA
Blue would refuse anyone's input. she would just hide in her den after this and would leave Fire to the chaos she had started.
Fire would end up trying to do a lot of the Second (and leader) duties (which i think he was already kind of doing, bec Blue was out of commission) but most cats refused to accept him as the actual second. His life would be absolute hell for a while, Sand and Shrike (after Swift's death and Fire and him bonding) would back the poor guy up though...
He would only really prove himself when Blue died and he went to the Moonstone to ask the Stars to tell him what to do next. I dont think he even thought he counted as a true Second, so he went to ask who should lead, only for the Stars to grant him his 9 lives...
I love the idea of him proving he's an actual leader by losing a life, though maybe his leader mark (diamond/star on chest) would be enough??? Either way the other Orders would contest his position so much, it probably would take Fire loosing a life to get them to shut up. Star Talltail would probably believe it though.
Anywayssss they're is a lot of potential in this, a lot of drama and rule breaking would happen... the Stars would really just show how hypocritical they are bec they would break their own rules to make him a leader.
I think as leader Fire would probably do more of a combination of Caretaker and Healer duties rather than Warrior ones as well. Caretakers can become leaders and they arent expected to stop doing their Caretaker jobs so, I like the does of Fire kinda becoming a Healer helper/Caretaker!
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confessions-sm · 2 months
Thinking about how good parents are with their kids and comparing it to Spooky Month parents..
Lila - Great parent - She worries about her son, Skid, whenever she thinks there's a threat to him. She genuinely loves her son and wants what's best for him. She validates her son when he needs validation and comforts him when he needs comfort.
Skiddad - Dead parent - He's dead soo..
Jaune - Great parent - She worries about her son, Ross, whenever she thinks that he's in danger. She genuinely loves him and want's what's best for him. We don't really know much about how she parents but from what we've seen she's a good parent.
Aaron - Great parent - We really do not know how he parents but it must be good!
Carmen - Bad parent - She doesn't care for her son, Roy, or his wants. Carmen doesn't care about Roy's actual wants and needs but what she thinks he wants and needs. Also, she let's him hang out with his uncle.
Richard - Bad parent - He's the same as Carmen.
Pump and Susie's parents - Neutral parents - They're away for work, that's understandable. However, they don't even check up on their children through call. I'm sure that if something were to happen to their kids then they'd be worried if they found out, but they'd have to check in on them to find that out.
John - Exe-parent - Hope fuckin' died so..
Imma give my own opinion about the parents/ramble about them but I'm scared that it might be annoying so I'm putting it under the cut incase you all want to ignore- /gen
It's long btw
Lila's case is just like Father Gregor said, I wouldn't call her great because she's there emotionally but not... responsibly??? I dunno how to say, but she has the support of a loving one but not an actual parent, considering the ammount of time he's by himself at 8-11.
Skiddad might be alive but either way he's not there so. Peace. 🤝/j
Jaune and Aaron may be good yet not great parents (or Jaune atleast) for the same reason as Lila, she's not exactly 100% responsible. In Tender Treats she only seemed to remember about her son in the end, despite knowing that there was a killer walking around town. Considering Aaron's personality and how him and Ross acts like they might be close.
Carmen and Richard does cares for his son, but also forces their own morals, lifestyle and expectations on him way too much, which I'd call an accidental bad parent. Maybe not bad people, but definitely bad parents. Also there's no confirmation that Roy's parents knew about his uncle's "habits" or that they even interacted, so I don't put much faith on this.
Pump and Susie's parents are also accidental bad parents because they definitely like their children, but also messes up on not being present in their lives.
John.. I'm 100% sure he was an awesome dad <3
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The Red Knight Part 1
(Few survive the Laxarus pit unscathed but Jason Todd was always a special case so somehow its worse.
Jason couldn't move... He couldn't breathe.. It was as if the world was trying to silence him all over, destroying him from within and dragging him to his knees.
Or the Laxarus pit has some spicy ectoplasm in it that doesn't take kindly to back to life Jason. And who put the Ghost King comes to guide this way word soul.... And gets a new Fright Knight.)
. Aka I write a DP X DC fic
Jason breathed heavily as he sat down on his sofa. Silently counting to 5...than 10...than 20...he wasn't sure for how long but when it was over he took another breathe.
This one easier than the other.
These episodes, if you could even call them that came frequently. Moments of his day where he'd suddenly lose all sense of reality. Like the world had pulled the rug out from under him, taking all the air with him. It had been harder with his helmet, just having something covering his face at first had been a nightmare.
But Jason had gotten through it. Now he felt safer having that layer between his head and whatever came launching at it.
He sighed, he was doing that a lot lately and got to his feet. As much as Jason would love to sit around his safe house and complete his 5th re-read of Pride and Prejudice. Gotham never slept so he had work to do.
Jason got to his feet, getting his gear on in record time and headed out the door. Gotham was chilly and the smell of smoke and screams cut through the air before fading into the background. It was a typical night, if you could call anything in Gotham typical.
He stopped a mugging here and there. Getting an old lady to smile at him before she beat the mugger with the purse Jason had returned to her. Gothamites were something else and Jason knew whatever he could've done to the guy was nowhere near as bad as this.
Man he sure loved this city sometimes.
Jason grabbed some coffee, the baristas didn't mind so long as he paid. And even than, no one cared at this time of night if the Red Hood himself sipping coffee in their shop, especially when the man tipped well.
Though the idea of someone calling the GCPD on him was enough to make him laugh. It got him some odd looks but no one dared to comment, he had a reputation after all.
And was very much armed.
He gave a nod to the staff and left without a word. Taking a different route incase someone actually decided to try something.
While it had been humerus, Jason wasn't in the mood for it. The coffee had done its job of waking and warming him up, but being awake meant he was alert to his own body.
Which had decided to turn on itself yet again.
Jason winced as the piercing pain in his head became more apparent. It felt like someone was trying to smash it open, he could say that he knew what that felt like. His body started to feel heavy, and with the gear he was holding he felt like he was carrying a mountain on his back.
Jason sighed, it was probably for the best he was done tonight.
And that would've been it, dragging himself back to his safe house and passing out on his sofa.
But fate never liked to do what Jason wanted it to do.
Because his change of route had lead him right into the path of a dealing. Where someone was trying to deal drugs to someone Jason knew just by sizing them up was a minor.
Jason froze at the sight.
He had one rule.
One damn rule... No dealing to kids.
The familiar feeling of anger flooded into his system, but this feeling was more than it had been years ago. Every single hair on Jason's head was standing on end, his body tensing like a spring ready to recoil.
Anger no... Rage rolled off him in waves.
Jason couldn't remember when he moved but before he knew it he had the dealer on the ground. Someone was screaming, something was breaking but Jason didn't feel any of it.
He felt like he'd truly come alive. His sore and tired body sharpened like a knife as he continued his onslaught. Jason lost all sense of reason, all sense of time, he wasn't even sure what he was doing or why.
It was like he was being pulled along by strings.
He felt someone come forward and he turned to strike but they took his arm before he could land a blow. Their was a gentleness to it he hadn't expected.
"-Hood, Littlewing can you hear me?"
... Dick?
Jason looked up... But that couldn't be right he was taller than Dick right? Had lorded it over his older brothers head that he had outgrown him.
"Jase, hey, you with me? I'm here, I'm not going anywhere."
They were on the ground?
Why, was Jason on the ground? And why was Dick holding his arm?
The smell of blood hit him and he froze.
The feeling of the world rushing back to him, hitting him like a truck and he would've fallen had Dick not caught him.
Jason was shaking, their was blood on his hands... Why was their blood on his hands? He didn't even notice he was shaking until Dick held him, could feel the tremors running through him.
"Oh Littlewing... Its okay."
That's when Jason saw the body.
Or rather part of the body because Dick had gently but firmly moved his head away so he couldn't see it. Any other time Jason would've snapped at him but this time he was greatful he didn't have to look at it.
At what he had done.
The rage was gone, evaporating into the breeze leaving him scared and shaken. Somehow even with his new height Dick managed to haul him up into his arms with ease, gently rocking him like he was a child having a bad dream.
But Jason didn't have the strength to argue or insist he could walk fine, he was exhausted. And so he rested his head on Dock's shoulder as the world went dark.
Dick looked at him in worry. Catching his brother in the middle of a pit rage wasn't what he wanted to see tonight. Or ever if it was up to him, he hated seeing Jason look so powerless and scared afterwards.
Hated how his eyes glowed green with so much pain and anger before melting into terror.
Dick took off to Jason's safe house, it being the closest thing to them and took out the master key he had on hand. He gently undid Jason's gear, leaving him in a t-shirt and jeans, bundling him in the one blanket he owned and ruffling his hair.
He would have to call Bruce, but he would prolong that for as long as he could. He knew the dealer was dead on sight, but Bruce would care about that more than he did.
All Dick had wanted was for his brother to be safe.
He'd failed him once, never again.
Elsewhere, a certain halfa's eyes opened. He looked around in confusion.
He had heard a cry.
As if a soul was reaching out to him in desperation before it vanished. It wasn't the first time but he was getting antsy and concerned.
Just who was this lost soul?
Part 2
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decayingflames · 5 days
So I figured out a whole bunch of notes for my Tomura x Reader College Au fic. It is a quirkless AU as well.
I put them under the cut because a) it's long and b) incase someone doesn't want to read 'em ^^
○ Tenko/ Tomura is adopted by Inko
● Izuku is his little brother
● Inko's husband is dead and she never remarried/ got a boyfriend
○ Tomura is his gamer tag/ online persona
○ On paper is Tenko Midoriya, but has the option to go back to his birth surname Shimura (isn't sure about it)
○ Computer Science Major with a focus on Video Game design
○ Has a Gengar onesie
○ Y/N is an art major focus on graphic design
○ From a small town (nervous about city life)
○ Touya lives with Rei and his three siblings
● Rei got full custody from Enji
● Enji got charged with abuse/ neglect, but family paid to have his jail time reduced to a couple months
● Rei has a restraining order for her and the kids
○ Has some nasty burn scars from the abuse
○ Second year student
● Possible Majors: Music with focus on guitar, Music with focus on producing, Undecided (trying out electives/ getting GenEds out of way), or Social Work
○ Shuichi Iguchi is human
●parents love him, but have neglected him a bit
● Spinner is his game tag/ online persona
○ Tenko's childhood/ current best friend
● Has a massive crush on Tenko, but didn't realize it until Y/N came into the picture
○ Man games in a TMNT Raphael onesie
○ Either goes to trade school on Tenko's college campus or Majors in Computer Science with a focus on data analysis
●Side gig as a dragon V-tuber
○ Atsuhiro Sako (Compress) is a theatre professor
○ Jin is his boyfriend
○ Has adopted Himiko
○ Himiko Toga was adopted by Compress after being taken away from parents at age 10
○ goes to the same middle school as Ochako (developed a crush)
● Goes to the same highschool as Ochako and gets a crush on her new friend Izuku (still crushing hard on Ochako)
○ Helps her dad out with his plays/ enjoys sitting in on auditions
○ Trying hard to get Atsuhiro and Jin to get engaged/ married
Random notes:
○ Inko thinks Izuku might be poly halfway through his freshman year of highschool because he's close with Shoto, Katsuki, and Eijiro.
● Even though the boy says he's crushing on Ochako
○ Izuku's favorite fictional show character is All Might and still has all the merch
○ Izuku does have a crush on Ochako, but also his childhood friend Katsuki and eventually Shoto
○ Tenko doesn't like Katsuki
○ Tenko and Touya have a slight tiff later because Izuku and Shoto become friends and Touya doesn't like Izuku/ doesn't think he's good enough for Shoto (absolutely ships them)
○ Izuku is friends with Ochako and Himiko
● Tenko gets used to weird dinners when he's home because of Izu's weird friends
○ Inko tends to invite and befriend Izuku/ Tenko's friends parents so ◇possibilities◇
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onlygenxhere · 11 months
I know you're posting this already, but I still opt for the Dash & Lilly AU. Unless you don't want to give us spoilers. Then please talk about your fic ideas since they absolutely count, and I'm excited to hear about them. 👀 Or do both if you want!
I think it's safe enough to just share the beginning of the next chapter. I would love to post faster but I'm not writing faster and I'm already "worried" I'm going to catch up to this posting schedule before I'm finished. Under the cut incase anyone doesn't want to read anything before next week.
Luke - December 19th (it's the same morning Julie has the talk with her dad and goes to church) Luke woke up at the stupid hour of six thirty on a Sunday and lay there staring up at his ceiling until the glow-in-the-dark stars, someone, Reggie, had put up shortly after they moved in started to fade in the growing light outside. He’d stayed up way too late reading last night trying to get tired enough to go to sleep and still it was probably one before he’d drifted off. As busy as he was trying to keep himself, not working at the diner and not being able to play his guitar was really messing up his internal rhythm. Not to mention this Christmas being all out of whack with his parents out of town. He knew he should just get up and do something since he was apparently done sleeping but he wasn’t sure what that something should be. He didn’t want to make any noise fixing breakfast yet. Reggie had said ten, not eight. He could write, or read, or scroll on social media but all of those things required him to move and there was just something wrong with the idea of moving right now as he stared up at his ceiling… thinking about her. Even with only the few details he had all he could think about was Julie. He wondered if she was thinking about him.
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inklore · 1 year
hey lauren! i just wanna say i’m absolutely in love with every single thing you write to the point of obsessively checking your blog at least twice a day to see if you’ve posted anything new. your writing style is so wonderful you can’t help but feel as if you’re quite literally living inside the story. one of my favourite things you’ve written is heavy metal love - i was so sorry to hear you weren’t currently planning on continuing it but i was wondering if you would ever consider sharing what direction you had planned for the story to go? since it ended on such a sad note, i would love to hear how you had intended for things to work out in the end. it’s totally fine if you don’t want to, i just wanted to ask nonetheless :) thank you for sharing all your incredible work with us, you have no idea how happy it makes me 🥰
hello darling! this ask has warmed my heart and made my entire week. thinking of anyone waiting for me to post? loving my work that much? is so hard for my capricorn brain to wrap around because i'm so hard on myself and the work i put out into the world. but as someone who aspires to make this a career someday i'm literally squealing, so thank you sweet angel 💖
and as for heavy metal love, which still holds such a soft spot in my soul, the end goal was for eddie and reader to end up together. like no matter how much angst and pain i put them through first they would always come back together. i'll put some spoilers under the cut incase not everyone wants to know how it ends, because someday i may finish it.
ok so as we know the last we see of them a big fight happens and said fight and ex drama is going to lead to reader and eddie not speaking for a few weeks, reader going through her usual angst of 'i'm better than this i don't even like him' and 'fuck i really like him'.
i was also debating on having her go back to her ex for a bit and her absolutely being miserable and severely missing eddie to the point that her and the ex get into a nasty fight and he rats her out to her parents. thus leading to another confrontation and her mother being a cold hearted bitch, threatening her with money being taken away and abandonment and etc.
leading reader to take her fathers car and ditching the mansion and running to (you guessed it) eddie.
feelings are shared, eddie loses that v-card, and they both kind of make a promise to each other that it's just them. the outside world doesn't matter, money doesn't matter. it's just them because being happy and having nothing is better than being miserable.
i also really liked the idea of eddie making her finish out college and then she moves back to hawkins where he's working and the two live in a small little shack that's nothing compared to where she grew up, but they're both happy as hell and bang on every surface so like win!
but who knows if that's how it would have ended because i'm constantly changing my mind and never know where a story is going until i actually start writing lmao. but they were always endgame <3
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lowhangingfruit123 · 1 year
The 100 March Season Unforgiving II
Alright lets go finally felt angsty enough to vent about that tub of lard who spoke such pure unrefined brainrot to my face. As before press the keep reading if you wish to know the full story (heh writing this like a clickbait journo) or just move along with your day.
Oh and the topic will be about communism, if you have faced such people before then you'll at least have a level of familiarity with the situation you'll read
How the conflict started has since been lost to me but I vividly remember the rest of the conversation when they had decided to commit to their vocal chords an answer I really found funny to this day. This begotten gutter muppet from new york, the epitome of the idiocracy firmly incased within the garish americana cultura. Spoke to me that "Stalin wasn't a dictator" and never had I ever had felt what I could only loosely describe as PSYCHIC DAMAGE when that fool uttered those words.
and from then on I get to tackle some intricate topics that ,sadly because of their pride in being an advocate for communism get quickly switched out so they don't look further bad.
Like for example capitalism birthed the usage of commercial use of computers, I highly doubt that a society that does not give a damn about what new sensation a common man could enjoy and would put that computer for something that serves a better purpose than an entertainment machine. I don't even think video games would exist either if it weren't for capitalism because of it's main purpose "to entertain people" under the assumption that "you're wasting valuable computer parts to waste time fiddling with funny pixels on the screen" screams inefficiency and waste of resources that the computer parts used to make the video game machine will probably get repurposed or have anything of scrap value taken away. The next topic that I wanted to expand upon before I was rudely switched out by that mongrel was the idea that without capitalism cellphones wouldn't exist, especially for something like in today's standards. Under the purview of a utilitarian outlook of a communist government, YOU having time to fiddle with games or tweet about how bad a certain politician is, is something that the commies find "inefficient" when you could be serving the greater purpose of working for the great country like in the mines or some factory with the funny green nets. That's for the former the ladder of which will just get you killed for the most part funny how that works.
I find it hilarious as well when they kept on thinking that capitalism will not exist because "we removed the root of all evil! M o n e y" when infact people will just resort to bartering, and thats how money started off as well coins infact.
they also claimed that communism is good for the environment and im like "??????" have you seen the emission charts about china? I swear UN is a waste of money.
and also crimes, because their ideal communism world doesn't have money, people wont steal stuff and I just kept laughing. It was refreshing to see someone from the server stepping in for me and speaking how "thats the dumbest thing i've ever heard" and this was before they saw "STALIN WASNT A DICTATOR" schtick. Good god they had no idea what kind of caliber the idiot they were talking to.
As if we were handpicked by the vice army general to use the premium graded caliber of idiot, depleted uranium, probably in this case it worked more either as depleted cranium or depleted brain cells.
and to answer why "--communism world doesn't have money, people wont steal stuff" is stupid, its because you are assuming people will not adhere to their human instincts, of greed and of jealousy.
after the convo was cut short because of how much the commie was getting lambasted by half the server at that point, that their friend from the mod team had to swoop in and be their knight in shining armor. Was funny because they recommended to them the negative XP song the one about women. Literally the song described that commie girl from new york word for word was hilarious knowing that their "FRIEND" recommended the song to them. The absolute obliviousness that dumb mod guy had to pick that song not knowing how much of a good insult song that was to them. the worst part is knowing that commie girl thought it was a good song because their friend recommended to them, and im like "nah he may have more braincells than you (which isn't hard since any is better than none) but he didn't have enough braincells to realize that he just off-handedly insulted you by recommending you this song."
0 notes
under-sedationnn · 3 years
the arcana: main six reacting to injured! reader
anonymous: Could u do m6 reacting to mc coming home injured? I want some hurt/comfort >:))
Warnings: talk of being injured, blood. if that bothers you or tiggers you in anyway, please scroll away! i want this to be a safe place, only :)
thanks for the request anon!! i hope you enjoy!! <3 requests for the kissing prompts and physical affection prompts are STILL OPEN. please send them in with the character of your choice (which could be any character from any series i write for) and i will create an imagine!! thanks and happy reading!!
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- tries his very very best to stay calm
- you can see panic bubbling under the surface
- faust is on high alert
- slithers around your shoulders and squeezes you for a hug
- "friend! hurt!"
- doesn't immediately ask what happened, just gets you to a comfortable place to be cleaned up
- then, and only then, will he brave to ask what happened to you
- or who did this to you
- wipes the blood from your skin with very gentle swipes
- winces when you wince, and apologizes profoundly
- "Y/n, how did this happen? i thought you were just taking a quick trip to the market."
- "i fell in the market, tripped over a stone"
- "and nobody helped you?"
- in this case he's disappointed with the bystanders, but does not become angry
- in a situation where someone hurt you?
- oh god
- "Y/n, how did this happen? i thought you were just taking a quick trip to the market."
- "yeah, well, somebody had their eye on the same apple i picked up. somehow, though, they managed to push me to the ground and steal it from my hands."
- i don't even think he would know what to say
- and asra is not really the type to march out into the streets of vesuvia and seek to challenge the one who hurt you
- but he would certainly hold a grudge against whoever it was if he did find out
- and would feel absolutely awful about letting you get hurt
- his mind would race about the possibility of losing you again
- because he simply can't handle it
- and what if that person had been particularly violent or malicious? what if you had been taken??
- you'd have to comfort the hell out of him to make sure he knows that you're okay
- "asra, hey, i'm fine! i can handle myself, you know that"
- "you're right, and i know you're right. it's just hard"
- "it's still hard for me, too. the market still makes me a little nervous and i got caught a little off guard, is all"
- that would make him feel better
- would finish patching up your wounds and would make sure to bring you to julian the next day if they were too bad for him to fix or needed stitches
- would also create a special brew to help with the pain and ease you to sleep
- "why don't i go down to the market tomorrow?"
- "why? so when you pick a fight over apples, i can pay you back for all of this high quality medical treatment?"
- "well of course, surely you didn't expect all this tender love and care to be free" *wink*
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- panicked doctor mode enabled
- immediately begins checking you over, asking questions
- something tells me it would be a head injury of some sort
- "oh darling, what happe- you're bleeding!"
- "julian, i'm okay! it's just a little scratch"
- "no no no you might need stitches, come sit down. i'll go get my kit!"
- there's really no use in arguing
- he has cold ass hands, so he tries to warm them up before he begins suturing the wound
- tries to be gentle, and his expert hands move quickly without any snagging
- "so, how did this happen?"
- his voice is literally trembling
- "well, i was in the clinic grabbing the list of ingredients we need for our next grocery trip and there was a puddle of... something on the floor. i slipped and hit my head on the corner of your desk"
- immediately thinks it's his fault
- like "oh shit i should have cleaned better that could have killed y/n and then what would i have done-"
- doesn't necessarily voice this, but you can tell by the silence that follows that he's feeling really guilty
- would kneel for you, head on your knees
- "y/n, i am so sorry"
- "juli, it's really okay, i should have watched where i was going"
- "i'll make sure to clean better from now on, okay?"
- would guard you throughout the night in case of concussion
- nurse juli <3
- but let's say someone had put their hands on you
- would patch you up the same way, and apologize profusely for not being there with you
- tuck you into bed and fetch mazelinka to keep an eye on you throughout the night incase of a concussion
- would most definitely be self destructive and seek that mf out
- maybe not successfully, but would try his hardest
- "i'll be back in the morning, get some rest"
- "I can find them myself if I want to, you know"
- embarrassed blush
- because he KNOWS you can take care of yourself
- "of course, but right now you're hurt. as your partner, i will do what must be done on your behalf darling"
- probably shows up the following morning with battle scars of his own
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- the guards found you in the garden, passed out in the maze
- blood trickled down your arm, a large gash marking your bicep
- ran you up to the palace and immediately to the medical wing
- them]n nadia gets word
- the calm, collected queen act disappears
- abandons anything she's doing, anybody she's talking to
- "we will finish this at a different time, i have more important matters to attend to"
- she is so worried and it's honestly adorable
- very much giving "where tf are they?" energy
- god i love her so much
- anyways um
- asks the nurses over and over what happened, if you're okay, etc.
- watches the physicians and nurses like a hawk as they clean the wound and suture the cut
- and they're so intimidated lmao they never come face to face with her literally ever
- brushes your hair back from your face as they do so
- holds your hands
- would demand that you be brought to her sleeping chamber
- so that's where you wake up! how cute
- she's laying beside you, her brows furrowed
- maybe even her eyes are a little hazy
- "y/n, sweetheart, do you remember what happened?"
- patiently waits for your answer, you're still a little groggy
- you were either attacked by an animal and passed out from the fright
- or you were attacked by an armed person and was knocked out
- either way, the guards are on it
- nadia isn't letting whoever or whatever did this get away without a fight
- the palace is meant to be a safe haven for you
- for the both of you
- "well, don't you worry, we'll take care of that"
- you try to sit up but she won't let you
- "oh no, you must stay down, y/n. you are possibly concussed from the fall"
- "oh okay, sorry"
- "is there anything i can get you?"
- the countess of vesuvia, serving you in your time of need
- "just some water would be nice"
- "of course, i'll have some brought up right away"
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- i literally feel like he would just start crying straight up
- cause like he has some problems anyway
- he big sad boi
- and you coming home to the hut bleeding from a gash in the arch of your foot is not helping
- picks you and carries you to the bed without a word
- just starts examining the cut
- inanna is also very concerned
- she licks the blood from the cut, she's trying to be helpful
- meanwhile muriel is stumbling around the hut looking for anything to stop the bleeding, disinfect it, bandage it, anything
- but he's not the best about keeping that stuff in stock
- keeps looking back at you with worry in his eyes
- he doesn't know what to do
- "muriel, let me see if i can contact asra. maybe he or julian can bring me a salve. i'm pretty sure i'm gonna need stitches"
- low-key makes him feel worse
- cause he feels like he's unable to care for you and keep your safe
- even tho this was just an accident
- he's breathing really fast, his anxiety creeping
- agrees anyway, but goes to get them himself
- "i'll be back soon, just keep this piece of cloth pressed against it"
- cause you're bleeding like a lot
- inanna stays behind
- he returns very quickly with julian in tow, though he doesn't look happy about it
- leaves the hut without another word
- julian gets to work immediately
- "so, you cut your foot i see"
- smartass.
- "yeah, muriel always tells me to put on shoes when i walk in the woods but i love to feel the grass beneath my feet"
- julian chuckled at this
- "and i'm assuming you, what, stepped on a rock?"
- "...yeah, sliced it right open"
- after julian is done cleaning up the cut, he tells you to just stay off of it for a while and make sure it doesn't get infected
- once he's gone, muriel trudges back into the hut
- "muriel, baby, it was just a cut it's not a big deal"
- but his eyes look hurt, and you beckon him toward the bed
- "hey," your hands on his cheeks, "i'm okay, really"
- "sorry, i just got scared. blood is still a trigger for me and since you got hurt in my woods, i felt like it was my fault"
- "muriel, of course it wasn't your fault"
- he really needed a hug
- after this instance, he made sure to keep medical supplies in the hut and you promised to try and wear shoes in the woods more often than not
- "i'll try my best to be more careful. deal?"
- sweet lil smile
- "deal."
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- "oh my god, y/n, what the hell happened??"
- you were tending the garden
- without her supervision
- and the garden sheers might have sliced into the palm of your hand
- deep
- brings you over to the sink and runs water over the cut, covering it with a towel when the dripping blood had been washed away
- girl is on the move
- cause she knows what to do! love that
- low-key a main reason why julian managed to live as long as he has
- pepi is curiously perched atop one of the counters, peering down
- finds her personal first aid kit she had stashed in the bathroom
- guides you over to sit on the counter while she tries to figure out what to do
- "damn, you really cut yourself, y/n"
- "sorry! i think i just got a little carried away"
- she giggles at that, though she is still worried about the fact that it won't stop bleeding
- gently wraps the cut in gauze and adheres it together
- places a kiss to your fingertips
- "all done! no more gardening for you!"
- "hey, why not?"
- "well you don't want that cut to open back up again and again, do you?"
- "no"
- "alright then," she smiled, moving to put away the first aid kit again, "and we're going up to the palace medical wing first thing tomorrow morning to make sure it's not infected"
- eye roll
- "yes ma'am" you mocked
- even though you know it's just because she loves you
- "but since you got hurt, you want me to bake you some cookies?"
- "only if you let me eat the dough!"
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- good god do i love this man
- but he is so self-absorbed it's actually insane
- and I feel like he wouldn't even notice at first
- cause he's too focused on himself
- gazing into the mirror without a care in the world when you walked in
- "y/n, thank goodness you're home, how do you feel about these pants?"
- you just hobbled to the nearest seat, hand resting over the gash on your knee
- mercedes and melchior were lazing across a rug at the base of his mirror, their attention set on you
- "u-um, yeah, they look good"
- literally just trying not to bleed out, over here
- "good? oh really, now, y/n don't they look amazing?"
- "yes, they look ama- ow, damnit"
- then he turned around
- immediate shock and worry! oh no oh no y/n is hurt!
- mercedes and melchior walked over first, whining as they took in the cut, brushing around the edges
- lucio raced over, squatting down in front of you, and began examining the cut
- "hey, hey, what happened?"
- "i accidentally tripped on my walk in the garden and scraped my knee on the cobblestone"
- he was lightly touching around the cut, gauging how sensitive it was
- when you flinched he stopped, looking into your eyes with a soft "sorry"
- "i think i need to go to the palace infirmary"
- "oh there's no need, i can take care of you!"
- you were not convinced he could take care of you, at least not well
- "uh, lucio, are you sure?"
- he looked slightly offended, at that
- "you know, y/n, i did fight in battles at one point. i have not only tended to my own wounds, but the wounds of others, as well"
- you giggled at the thought
- "much to your protest, though, i'm sure"
- he moved to the small cabinet of medical supplies in the ensuite to your bedroom, returning to your side with it in hand
- "at points, but i don't mind helping you in the slightest"
- for all of his antics, his soft side was enough to make you fall in love all over again
- and although i know he would take care of you in literally any situation, i can't say for certainty that he would stick around and place nurse lucio for long if a person had hurt you
- attacked you
- much like nadia, the guards would be sent out without a second thought, lucio leading the pack in the search for you aggressor
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Pretty please with sugar on top share smut head canons for the captain? 💖
ofc i love taking suggestions please ask me if you ever want any suggestions.
i know this seems a bit obvious but warning smut below the cut 16+ please <3 (i know that does absolutely nothing and people under 16 are still going to read it i just put it there incase anyone complains) if anyone of the actors want one of their ff down ill take it down
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captain smut head cannons (these are personal opinions talk to the hand <3) if anyone announces they want it down it goes down
actual smut h/c:
- i feel like the captain (realistically) because he is from ww2 era would not have many kinks to be honest I just feel like he would be really soft and passionate when it come to that but i also definitely feel like he would get a bit frustrated if you teased him or did too much foreplay. he would just get really impatient and is totally not the type of person to be ordered around, oh no he does the ordering around and no one can change my mind.
- at first when you started talking about it he thought it was such an improper thing to talk about between you an you left it, but eventually when you started dating he came o terms that you could probably never get married and do things the proper way so he approached you and talked to you about it
- praise kink. both receiving and giving. talk to the wall
- i know damn well that swagger stick gets some form of use, whether its on him or his partner
- will get really embarrassed when anything or any new suggestions get brought up, remember he is from the ww2 era, he probably doesn't believe in premarital.
-absolutely a Dom leaning switch. he worked in the army for gods sake he's always in charge so if you ever tried to tell him what to do in bed he'd probably throw a fir because he's so used to being in charge but every now and again hell allow you to top him/ dominate him.
-slight pain kink, something about the danger of being hurt thrills him a little with the adrenaline.
-(edit) i just thought of this, my mans probably has an overstimulation kink or like longer sessions e.c.t.
aftercare h/c:
- he's such a caring person after having sex, I'm sorry but if he hurt you he would probably regret it sm even if you said it was fine, he would be worried about you
-because you cant wash up or anything and everything eventually restores to its original position that it was before if feel like the two of you would just lay there and talk about like to be honest i cant think of much else that he'd do for after care, because obviously, he literally cant touch anything.
-hair. he would play with your hair, no matter the length (sorry if you don't have any :(,)
a/n thanks for reading sorry anon if this didn't live up to your expectations i tried lmk if there is anything i can do to improve and you can always request stuff remember <3 ty anon foe the request
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chil2de · 3 years
Hii! It's me again, the "teasing mom's broyfriend" anon. I just- you about killed me with that sequel. Hot doesn't even begin to describe it, really 🥵🥵
I have more :))
Megumi knows. He knows what a slut you are, knows you've been fucking his father behind his and your mom's back. He knows you only got with him to provoque his father. He knows all of that. And yet, he can't let go of you. He won't do his father this favour.
He avoids going to your mom's house with you as best he can, bc he just can't stand the two of you doing this to her, the poor woman doesn't deserve it. He never touches you when you come back from your mom's, bc he just knows you've been with him. There is, however, an exception. The only thing that can make him help you tease his dad is when they fight.
When it happens, Megumi goes visit your mom with you, and whenever she can't see it, he makes it a point to touch you a little more than would be appropriate in front of Toji. The mix of Megumi's hands all over you and Toji's warning glare could probably make you cum right then and there. Once, when your mom was out doing grocery shopping and Toji stayed behind with the two of you, Megs was all to eager to fuck you, make you scream his name, all for Toji's benefit.
Oh, you do so love it when they fight. You know you should hope for peace and harmony between father and son, but you have much more fun when they are at each other's throat.
You wonder what you would have to do to have both of them filling you up at the same time...
ugh okay sorry if this post is just a massive wall of text i had to cut down on spacing because i kept reaching tumblr’s limit on characters, and uh... incase you couldn’t tell, shit’s about to get serious if i wrote this much LOL this probably looks so clunkyyy :(( i apologise but i have like a line left or two? so i’ll compress everything by saying a massive thank you because this would not have been possible without your sexy ass intellect. i was seriouly fucking dying writing this, it might be the first or second piece i’m genuinely proud of and i thank you :) i hope you enjoy it as much as i did writing it
this piece makes sense as a standalone, but works a lot better if you read the previous piece! read my disclaimer here if you’re new <3
w.c: 2.8k / characters: 15k (incl spaces) and a special thank you to my beloved anonie. couldn’t have done it without you ❤️
day and night: two.
your bedroom door shuts with a quiet ring. you can only slump down against it, knees held into your chest. your thighs are still quivering like a poor little lamb.
as you move to type out a text for megumi to not come over, there’s a faint knock at the window. your heart burns, throat clogged and knees weak.
you don’t know if you can get up. hell, you don’t know if you should get up. there’s another few delicate rips against the glass and you manage to stumble over in fear of attracting toji’s attention.
“megumi?!” you mouth his name in alarm, dismay crawling onto your features.
your boyfriend gives you a dead once over, noting your matted hair, smeared mascara and weak posture.
of course he knows.
you can discern it clearly from the way he refuses to meet your gaze.
“can you just let me in?” he whispers, tone flat as his index motions over to the lock of the window.
you don’t know what to do.
after all, you’ve still got toji’s cum flowing inside you from earlier.
you fumble backwards, moving to allow his lanky figure to slip inside. megumi manages to hoist his leg up and over, squeezing inside with ease. he closes the window shut behind him, pulling the curtains.
“m-megumi? what are you doing he-“
he doesn’t have time to waste.
megumi knocks the wind out of your lungs as his cold hands seize the sides of your head, stealing your lips for a kiss. he tugs at your bottom lip, tongue drinking you in for a couple of moments like you’re the last meal he’ll ever eat.
“shit.” he hisses, pulling his face back and screwing his eyebrows in mutiny.
oh, but if you didn’t love the way he looked at you like you were pure filth.
“you taste like him. it’s disgusting.” he spits, wiping his delicate lips with the back of his hand.
he knew, but there was always a part of him that wished you wouldn’t submit yourself to the likes of toji. he just had to see it for himself.
“come on, megumi-chan~ thats no way to talk to your girlfriend, is it?
your mother doesn’t deserve this. megumi doesn’t deserve the heartache, either.
megumi can’t see anything but the spitting image of his father all over your body, licking and fondling all the same crevices that he has. but he can’t get enough of you. he can’t stop, can’t turn away from you. he knows that at the end of the day you're spoon-feeding him phrases he wants to hear.
but you’re so good to him.
your pussy fits him like a glove. your hand intertwines with his perfectly. your head is the perfect size to cuddle onto his chest.
there’s something about you that makes you more addicting than nicotine.
bony and slender fingertips ghost over your thighs. you can’t help the squeak that hiccups from you. megumi raises an eyebrow in scepticism before flipping the hem of your miniskirt up.
he scoffs, slicking his long middle finger against your hot cunt.
“don’t hold it in.” he reprimands you, flashing a grimace as you squabble with him.
“b-but toji-“
“but what? am i not good enough for you?”
you swallow thickly, chanting a small prayer before allowing toji’s cum to drip out of your pussy. you shiver, goosebumps licking your skin when you can feel the warmth of his seed ooze and coat your soft thighs. you can’t avoid the burn of megumi’s regard as he watches the cum slowly flow out of you.
he’ll make you want him.
megumi can’t fully comprehend why you keep running back to his father instead of him, why you choose toji over him. like father like son, it evokes a bubble of magma in the form of competition and jealousy.
he’ll make you beg for him. that’s for sure.
“get on the bed.” he whispers, tone cold and even. there’s no warmth to his voice, even with his usual monotonous tendencies you can tell you struck a nerve. it makes your stomach churn, butterflies swooping in and adorning your vital organs.
like a moth drawn to a flame, as though you have no mind of your own, you step backwards until the back of your knees kiss the metal frame of your bed. megumi towers over you, pushing you backwards as he crawls in between your thighs.
the crisp ring of his zipper sliding down clashes against the room. why should he undress himself properly for the likes of someone like you?
“there’s no point in prepping you. i think you know that.” megumi sighs, relieving his twitching cock from the confines of his painfully tight boxers.
you can feel the avarice swirl in your abdomen, cold fear stilling in your veins at the mere thought that you could get caught by toji at any second. it makes your fingertips tingle and stomach churn. when you wail a needy whimper, megumi only shakes his head before plastering his icy cool hand against your wet lips.
a part of megumi wants to let all hell break loose. if he allows you to moan as you please, it won’t be just toji hearing your cries of ecstasy. knowing your mother, perhaps she’d be a little glad to know that your boyfriend is meeting your needs sufficiently. whereas toji?
it puts him in a predicament. from a bystanders point of view, toji has no right to storm in here and to shriek at megumi for blowing your brains out.
because he’s not your dad.
he’s not a paternal figure in your life. there’s no right for him to say what you can and cannot do. he won’t hold that kind of reign over you like your mother does. and megumi likes that. he relishes the idea of toji being forced to listen to you babble megumi’s name, to mewl and cry for him to hit it deeper whilst he can’t do anything but complain.
it’s not like you haven’t heard your mother with other men plenty of times. it’s only natural, right? hell, she’ll probably gossip with you about it.
a carnal desire glosses over megumi’s steel blue gaze. like a wolf waiting to pounce onto a hare. he can see the way your thighs squeeze, how you gulp before him with those doe eyes of yours. you’re practically purring underneath him. for once, megumi gathers the reasoning to understand why his father finds you so intriguing. there’s nothing better than having your own toy melt and oblige under every command.
your boyfriend’s hand finds its way to your chest, where he rests the palm flat underneath your breasts. he steadies himself, using you as leverage as he guides his dick through the cum stained mess of your cunt. your heart pounds in anticipation, drool coating the back of your tongue as your pussy throbs around him. he manages to fit his tip in, dragging the enlarged and sensitive muscle against your walls. your ankles flutter around megumi’s waist, lower body strength trembling as you attempt to pull him in further.
“m-megs- please..”
“what?” he screws his eyebrows, staring you down. you can’t find the words in you to plead for him.
“what the hell? why act all coy now?“
“that’s not how we do things around here, is it? so spit it out. i won’t get what you’re trying to say otherwise.”
megumi slips his dick out, grinding against your clit as his torso flushes against yours. he pulls you in for a quick kiss, enough to relinquish his appetite, but not enough to taste the filth that corrupts your sweet and innocent lips.
“those cute little whines of yours won’t help you, either.” his breath flickers against your skin, sticky tongue licking trails as he works to mark up your neck. you can feel the tears prick your eyes already. you’re suddenly hyper aware of your heartbeat pounding in your ears, how it throbs against your cunt and the droplets of perspiration trickling along your skin. you can feel megumi’s pulse heavy against your clit, the way his dick twitches as he smears the tip through the folds of your slick. it’s slowly driving him insane. but that’s okay. even through the static that bounces around in his skull- he knows that you hate it more.
after all, your boyfriend knows best.
your fingernails soar around to megumi’s back. you want to scratch him, but you can’t access his toned skin through the layers of his jacket. instead, you’re left fumbling and scrunching the fabric like a feline with an insatiable desire to itch its claws.
“megumi- please, it’s too much-“ you huff through laboured breaths, peering up at him through tear stained eyelashes.
it’s almost enough to make him melt. almost.
“what is?”
he shifts himself back up, grabbing his dick and slipping only the tip in once more. he allows you a few centimetres extra before dipping back out and repeating the process again. megumi’s gaze locks with yours, as though he’s asking ‘is this what you want?’
“s-stop teasing me.. just put it in alreadyy~” you choke out a groan of frustration, ready to slam your hips down onto the full length of his shaft.
“why should i?”
“megumi, i swear to god- if you don’t fuck me right now-“
“-or what? you’ll go to my dad? good luck, when you couldn’t even fulfill your duties as being his toy.”
so fucking humiliating.
the way megumi instantly stands up and proceeds to stuff his still hard and leaking dick back into his boxers.
he’ll deal with it later.
you’re left stuttering, unable to form any coherent words, thoughts or insults to spew back at him. legs wide open, cunt empty and glistening in the blue tint of the moonlight.
he leans over, swiping some of your excess drool with his thumb before dipping it into your mouth. he half expects you to lick at his thumb, convince him to stay a little longer, but his skin sits in your mouth like a forgotten thermometer for a couple of seconds.
“if only you could see your face right now.” he hums, tone flat with a certain mockery.
sometimes, as the days pass, you can notice his resemblance growing closer and closer to toji.
the following day
you haven’t left the quarters of your room for the entire day. you’re stuck in bed, face mushed into the confines of your pillow. you’ve always held high regards of the fact that your libido isn’t necessarily extremely high, but when you’re promised dick just to be neglected of it? shit feels like you’re in heat. you can’t go to toji, because you’re mother’s home. not only that, but he’d be sure to teach you one of his lessons. you’re already shivering thinking of the conversation with him, how you’d even try to dig out of that hole you were already so deep in.
you can’t call megumi either… at least not for now. you sigh wistfully into the pillow, kicking your legs about on your bed as you hiss a groan of turmoil.
there’s a sudden knock at the door that snaps you out of your haze. it leaves you pumped, blood coursing through your veins and you shoot up like an attentive little puppy about to be taken for a walk.
“it’s open!” you clear your throat, humming.
the disappointment rocks your features so clearly that it’s embarrassing. it’s just your mother.
“you okay? thought you died in here, baby. lunch is ready, and your lovely megumi-kun came to say hello.”
“megumi? that’s nice. did he leave a message or anything? like he just dropped by to say hello or-“
“hm? oh, no. he’s having lunch with us.”
“is everything okay, dear?”
“yeah! yeah, i’m good. sorry, i spaced out a little bit. small headache, that’s all. i’ll change clothes and i’ll come out to eat.” you dismiss your mother, keeping in the hyperventilation you’re about to undergo. she gives you a small glance of concern before returning to the dining room to serve her guests.
“(y/n)! we were just talking about you!” your mother hums, gifting you a smile of warmth and radiance as she pours drinks into some cups.
you can feel toji’s mocking stare dig holes into your skin.
you can fucking feel it.
you can imagine him saying it.
at the six chaired table, you scurry to sit the furthest away from megumi and toji. your mother shoots you a sideways glance, motioning for the seat between toji and megumi. you swallow thickly, awkwardly striding over to take a seat.
your knee accidentally knocks into toji’s and you instantly utter an apology.
“you should be.” he mutters underneath his breath, disguising the words as a sigh.
“so? you said you were talking about me?” you straighten yourself, perking up a semblance of cheerfulness and perfect innocence.
“oh, right! toji was just telling me how stuffed you were yesterday!”
your lids flicker in shock and you abruptly stare at toji, whose half lidded jade green eyes slowly land on yours before locking to meet your attention for a few seconds.
“sorry, what?” you stutter, finding it difficult to believe the situation.
“you know, the food? are you sure you’re alright, honey? you’ve been acting strange since this morning.”
“i’m fine, i swear. just some painkillers would be nice.”
when your mother turns around to rummage for some painkillers, she emits a squeak of alarm at the lack of them.
please. you’ll do anything to get out of this predicament.
“are we out? i can go grab some-“
“-no, that’s okay. i’ll head out. i need to grab a few extra things for dinner anyway. you three, make nice with each other!”
when the door shuts, you realise you’re out of options.
you can’t run away.
“so, megumi. how’s eating up after my leftovers feel?”
“leftovers? because one woman wasn’t enough for you?” megumi scoffs, averting his gaze.
“it’s not my problem that your woman came running to me. doesn’t that say something about you?”
“like what?”
“like, you can’t fuck her properly?”
“i can’t fuck her properly? but you’re telling her to keep your cum inside her? don’t you care what’ll happen if she gets pregnant?”
“see, megumi. she’s on birth control. you didn’t know that? and besides, if i didn’t know any better-“
toji finally allows you his undivided attention, staring right through to your soul.
“-i’d think your little girlfriend here likes walking around with my cum inside her.”
you’d be able to run a butter knife through the tension hanging in the air. the room holds its breath, and as do you in compliment of trying not to set things off into a piping hot mess.
“isn’t that right-“
your fight or flight response kicks in at the malicious tone that coats toji’s tongue. you swallow thickly, throat parched and lips cracked.
but fuck.
if it isn’t the most arousing thing- the two of them squabbling over you.
toji screws his face at you, features lighting in a mix of awe and delight.
“really? you’re seriously enjoying this?” toji hums with mockery, eyebrows perking at your unusual behaviour. he can smell the sweet nectar of your arousal slicking against your underwear.
you abruptly stand up, ready to leave.
megumi’s hand curls around your wrist. he slings your hand behind your back, slamming you over the table. some silverware and plates clatter and dash against the hardwood floor.
“answer the question, (y/n).” he hisses.
you whimper a soft whine. there’s no way you’re answering that.
“get your fucking hands off of her.” toji barks, kicking his chair back.
“try me.”
something washes over you. a premonition, say. that if you don’t speak up, someone will end up seriously injured.
“i can’t choose between you two. i just can’t. so i think it’s the best option if we just stop this completely.” you sigh, prying megumi off of you. his stance relaxes and you wince at the pain in your spine. you rub your wrists in slight agony, refusing to meet either of their gazes.
“it’s been fun, but i think it’s time to draw the line-“
“no.” toji remarks offhandedly.
“huh?” you contort your face in offence. there’s something thick on megumi’s face, too. it almost looks like determination?
“i said no.” toji reiterates, taking a stride towards you.
his index and thumb caress your chin, tilting your jaw up to look at him.
“i don’t care how long it takes. whether it’s me or him-“
“-i’m making you choose.”
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kanjukucompany · 2 years
【A3! Translation】 Golden Hathi (8/11)
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previous chapter / next chapter
(translation under the cut)
(glitch text ignore)
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Chikage: ....So, if you have any spare parts similar to this, please let me know.
Inda: ....Understood.
Inda: It's an emergency remodeling.... But with the opening day so close, we can't afford to keep the show as is.
Inda: So I'd like to trust you with the remodel.
Izumi: Thank you so much!
Inda: For now, I'll lead you to our warehouse.
Inda: Here is all of our maintenance tools and parts used during renovations.
Inda: Feel free to use whatever you need.
Izumi: Will this do, Chikage-san, Tasuku-san?
Tasuku: There's a bigger selection than I expected. If we combine them, I think we can make something good.
Chikage: Agreed. This has all the tools and parts we'll need.
Izumi: (That's a relief...! I'll leave the rest to you two!)
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Chikage: First, I think we should dismantle the foundation.
Tasuku: Then I'll attach this hose here.... There we go.
Chikage: Yes, just right. Let's use this part too.
Tasuku: ....I'm glad I dismantled the dorm's washing machine before. Thanks to that experience, I'm coming up with ideas for this remodel.
Chikage: Pfft, is that so. You couldn't fix it that time though.*
Chikage: At any rate, thank god the elephant's hollow.
Tasuku: So you want to put it in there, right. Okay, this way and...
*machine clink*
Tasuku: I never thought my hobby would come in handy like this.
Chikage: And to think it wasn't acting.
Chikage: ....Heh, you sound like you're having fun, Tasuku.
Tasuku: I could say the same about you.
Chikage: I am having fun.
Chikage: I've been called the 'repair guy' of the troupe, and I've fixed, built, and modified a lot of different things. I enjoyed every single one of them, though.
Tasuku: Well, the same goes for me too. At first, I didn't think you had such a hobby, Utsuki.
Chikage: Just incase you weren't aware, I'm a boy, too.
Tasuku: 'Boys' aren't that old.
Chikage: You're a real demon, y'know.
Chikage: Anyway, do you really think we could build an entire stage someday? The two of us.
Tasuku: No, if you're involved, the stage will end up with all kinds of noise and flashing lights.
Chikage: And to think I liked you, Tasuku.
Tasuku: I've felt the same about you too until recently, Utsuki.
Chikage: Everyone seems to think we're just two guys who like lighting things up.
Tasuku: Seriously, it's a real nuisance.
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Taichi: Ah, Tasuku-san, Chikage-san!
Misumi: How's Elephant-san doing~?
Chikage: We did a small test run, and there doesn't seem to be any problems.
Misumi: Really!? Yay~!
Tasuku: How's the script?
Azuma: We thought about it and decided to change the standing positions along with a bit of the dialogue.
Hisoka: But there's no major changes.
Chikage: I see. We don't have much time to change too much, after all...
Taichi: We still have to tell the performers about the changes and have them memorize them in time.
Izumi: (It's only small changes, and if it were just our troupe it'd be easy, but when you add dozens of performers on top of that...)
Tasuku: In that case, let's go onstage first.
Omi: Well, originally, we were allowed to look around the theme park on the opening day as thanks for this...
Omi: So there's no problem with our schedule.
Tasuku: Right. Do you guys have the script memorized?
Misumi: Yep!
Taichi: 'Course I do!
Hisoka: Sudden changes like this are the norm for us.
Azuma: As well as I can.
Izumi: Then, I'll make the suggestion to Inda-san!
Chikage: Let's get to work, Director-san.
*referencing bridegroom battle royale event story (i think)
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so i've been endlessly bugging my friends with two psychonauts aus for like the past Since Psychonauts 2 Dropped AND IT'S BASICALLY PSYCHIC DION. BECAUSE I REALLY LOVED THOSE THEORIES ABOUT DION BEING HYDROKINETIC
i decided i Needed a psychic dion au but ALSO a reason for him to still be Like That in canon. and with that i've been working on is dion's mindscape; Dion's Deep Dive. This is a LONG talk so it'll all be under the cut!
edit: oh my god i can't believe i didn't include one of the things that started it all take it
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It takes place during Psychonauts 2, which I extended to last about a week rather than just one day. Raz has already visited his family in the Questionable Area, and returns to the Motherlobe devastated that everyone seems to hate him so much. Was what he did really that bad? Was he unforgivable to his own family?
It's the third day in the Motherlobe, but before the Casino Mission. During class Hollis teaches the interns about Mental Health check ups; diving into a mind and looking for problems. Used by Psychics to really get in there incase there are some nagging issues, Raz decides that he can try and use this to figure out how he can maybe make his family not hate him so much.
Since Augustus is the only Aquato who's genuinely supportive of Psychic stuff right now, Raz goes to him and asks if he can try out a mental health check up on someone NOT YOU DAD SOMEONE ELSE HAHA for a """""class assignment"""". Augustus drags in Dion, and while he tries to put up a fight, secretly still feels bad about his treatment of Raz and eventually gives up. Also Augustus put his foot down that too.
With the okay given to dive into Dion's mind (and Augustus' supervision on the outside), Raz heads in to try and find out just what he did to make Dion absolutely despise him. And getting in...
Raz appears in an auditorium, landing on the huge stage within. The seats are empty, but he recognizes the figments at the very front being his family. They're all performing various tricks, but there are two people missing; him and Dion. Turning around, there are countless death defying acts set up, each more dangerous than the last, rising up to the very ceiling. Behind them are dark blue curtains, that hide--
It seems Dion DIDN'T leave him alone, suddenly knocking Raz down before walking in front of him. The odd part is... He's missing his face, now just pitch black. They talk to each other for a bit, but Dion has a short fuse, and doesn't really enjoy having to discuss his cruelty. It feels like they're getting to a reason, something beyond the fact Raz ran away, but it doesn't go anywhere.
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Eventually Dion kicks open a trap door underneath, and sends Raz flying into the depths...
And suddenly landing in a clearing in a forest, surrounded by beginner acrobat training areas, Raz meets an unreasonably young 7-year old Dion.
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For some reason he still acts like he's older than raz (and will NOT accept anything else), but is much kinder and playful. Rather than being clueless to the curse, Young!Dion simply doesn't believe in it. Leaving Raz with that shocker, Y!Dion continues on to say that he's sick of running through the same course of boring acts and wants to aim bigger, but Older!Dion has been hogging everything.
Y!Dion knows that there's something in the mind that will "give him everything back", but O!Dion has thrown it somewhere that grows further by the day for 'the greater good'. Raz agrees to help Y!Dion find it, and eventually, Raz realizes that what he's looking for isn't just a key or some path that leads to the stage.
He's about to make Dion remember he's a Psychic.
Before he can fully unleash all of Dion's psychic abilities that he's bottled up and gotten rid of into the confines of his mind, tried to hard to forget it that he lost it all, O!Dion seems to have predicted that Y!Dion and Raz would try to unlock the Psychic part of Dion, throwing Raz out of Dion's mind before he can do it fully. He hasn't done it fully, but the damage(?) is done. There's a small leak of Psychic energy now returning to Dion.
Back in reality, Raz tries to talk with Dion, but he's having none of it, feeling violated and knowing this was all a stupid fortune teller trick and storming off before he can continue. Raz hasn't learned the full extent of just how bad messing with a mind in deeper ways is, but he knows that he's royally fucked up.
THAT ISN'T THE END OF IT FOR SURE! Raz still has unfinished business in Dion's mind, and is going to take a second trip in there, I just have to get all these finer details figured out. Tbh I think I might write this out as a proper fic one day. Maybe post it on AO3 idk if you guys enjoyed Let Me Know <3
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whattodowithkpop · 3 years
Blind Senses (Ravn)
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Title: Blind Senses
Pairing: Reader x Ravn (Oneus)
Genre: Fluff, Spice, Superhero AU, Enemies to lovers, Soulmate AU
Word count: 2,543
Writer: Kpopmadness (Ju)
There is a lie that every parent tells their child, we hear it when we get scared at night. We are reminded of it over and over again. 'Monsters don't exist' Monsters aren't under your bed, they aren't in the closet, they aren't trying to get in your window. The doors are locked, the window is sealed shut, everything is fine.
The only thing I was worried about when I was little was who my match was; Every child is born with a soul mark, it's the tell of where your soulmate will touch you for the very first time. But when you are touched by your soulmate, the birthmark will turn a bright shade of pink and purple before withering away. Your soulmate having been found.
My birthmark encases my right wrist, a common place for people to have their soul mark. I often forgot about my mark until I looked down and saw my one marked wrist. But every now and again a flutter would slice through my stomach at the thought that one day, that mark would be gone. And I would have found my other half.
When I was 15, my childish dreams changed forever. A science plant exploded suddenly. An experiment gone wrong. There was an orange smoke that rose from the ashes of the building, its angry smoke rushing toward our city. I still remember seeing it outside my bedroom window a second before my mother rushed in with my father and hurried us down to our basement. My father boarding up the windows and doors to block the smoke out. Screaming could be heard outside, ones of fear and agony for those who didn't get inside in time.
In the wake of that science experiment, we were left with mutants. People caught in the smoke developed supernatural powers. Some of these people developed a spiked aggression, using their powers for the worst. That is how my father died. He and a group of scientists were working on a cure for the genetic mutations. But some didn't like that. A group of mutants set up a bomb in the basement of the plant, angry that someone wanted to take their power away. Take away their sense of control.
I still remember being home with my mother when we saw the black cloud with angry flames fill the sky. The earth shaking slightly in its wake. Dread and grief filling us, knowing exactly where the explosion came from. On that day, my life, my goals, and how I viewed people with these special powers, changed.
Alarms ring through the large building, the sound jarring and disorienting. I stand my ground at my station and continue working quickly. I enter a series of commands into my laptop. My fingers shaking violently.
Red lights flash and the sound of people running down the halls fills the small room. I take my lab coat off, the room sweltering. The screen on my laptop shows a loading bar, making me tap my foot impatiently. I was so close to finishing this, it would change how we see mutants. It reversed their DNA to go back to normal, their powers vanishing. The work my father started would finally be complete and I would have a sense of closure.
The lights and alarm cut out, leaving me in blackness except for the screen of my laptop. I suck in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. I was putting my life at risk for the sake of this experiment, but I had come too far to stop now. Eventually, blue lights come on, slightly illuminating the room. When they do, the loading bar on the screen is almost done, my muscles tense. Then the laptop suddenly gets slammed shut, making me jump back.
"Did I interrupt something?" A deep voice asks coldly, his palm firmly on the laptop to keep it shut.
"That's government property." I say firmly, but my voice cracks.
The man smirks at me, seeming amused by my weak attempt at a threat. Like me saying it was something the government owned would make him remove his hand from it and leave in fear.
"Yes, well, you and your government should really stop trying to cure something that doesn't need a cure." He glowers.
"And maybe we wouldn't have to look for a cure if you people weren't destroying families and killing the innocent." I shoot back, anger rising in my chest and filling my veins. My thoughts going to my father.
The man hesitates, his eyes showing a sort of concern and sympathy for my words. I take my chance and make a dive for the laptop, trying to jerk it out from under his strong hand. The man grabs my right wrist, stopping me.
"Do not try it." He snarls, his grip on my wrist horribly tight.
He slowly removes his hand from my wrist, my eyes widening and a gasp escaping my lips when I see my wrist. My soulmate mark shined a bright purple, matching the mark on his hand, then both marks slowly began to fade. Our soulmate marks disappearing. We had found our soulmates.
I stare at the man in front of me, both our eyes wide in disbelief. We were on opposite sides of a war, yet we were meant to be together. Suddenly, everything goes black. At first, I think the lights in the room have gone out. But it's my vision that disappears. I fall to the floor, my legs unable to support me. Panic grips me. I've gone blind.
"Don't worry." The man says soothingly. "I only took your sight away temporarily. Your vision will return in 10 minutes, that's just long enough time for me and my team to escape."
I take several deep breaths, trying to soothe my heart that pounded in my ribs. I spread my fingers out along the cold tile floor, trying to feel for something, anything. That's why I jump when I feel warm hands incase both my hands, making me cower away from the touch. But the grip holds firm.
"I hope we meet again." The man says. His tone sounding like he really meant that. "Maybe then it will be under better circumstances, soulmate."
He squeezes my hands before letting me go, his footsteps fading into the distance. Leaving me to recover my sight slowly, with a swirling heart and mind. I thought he had left, then I hear his voice again.
"By the way, just because I think we should know this for the future, my name is Ravn."
3 Years Later;
"No, we have to finish this." I demand as I follow my co-worker around the lab. The earth shaking beneath us, making everyone scurry around the room. Anxiety levels high.
"Well then you finish it then." My co-worker snaps irritably. "We don't want to die here. Unlike you and your obsession with finding this dream cure."
"It's more than that." I plead. Pushing my way through people pushing passed me in panic. The earth giving off another tremble while bright flashes of red light flash outside. Heavy rain pounding against the building like fists.
"You say that and he always comes for you." My co-worker says, whirling around to face me. His eyes raging.
I pause, my brain looking for an excuse. Any excuse. Ravn had come for me and the sought after cure for three years. No matter what I did, no matter how much I tried to hide, he always found me. His devilish smirk always reappearing.
"We're so close though." I say quietly. More of a reminder to myself than to anyone else in the room. Not that they ever listened to me. The population had given up on trying to find a cure a long time ago.
My co-worker sighs, rubbing his temples. "I know this experiment is the only thing of your father you have of him." He says, his tone softened. "But they won't stop chasing you and trying to tear you down. And they are outside as we speak."
I look over my shoulder to the large glass window behind me. Flashes of light and tremors in the earth reminding us that these weren't from natural sources. But from people. People who could control the weather and even create earthquakes to topple a building in seconds. And their leader, my soulmate, just waiting for them to break through our defenses.
"We're evacuating." My co-worker says, pulling my attention back towards him. "Come with us if you want. Otherwise, you can stay and talk to your boyfriend."
I feel a surge of heat course through me, flushing my cheeks a scarlet color. I couldn't find my voice in time to deny that he wasn't my boyfriend before my co-worker hurries off with the rest of my, supposed to be, teammates. At this point in my journey, I was used to working alone and everyone thinking I was crazy for trying to fix something that everyone else had just adjusted to and given up trying to control.
I set my jaw in determination and whirl back to my station, opening my laptop and entering the code. I watched the clock carefully as I worked. The world around me seemed to fall away as I worked, being used to Ravn coming for me to stop me from developing a cure. Our relationship having grown in a strange way. We were soulmates, but we were also enemies.
The lights in the building flicker off, just like they had three years prior when I first met Ravn. My heartbeat picks up but I keep working, knowing I still had a few valuable minutes before he showed up. My laptop gives out a series of beeps, making me step back in surprise. I stare at the screen in shock.
"I did it." I whisper under my breath, a smile spreading across my face. I found the cure to return the mutants back to their normal DNA.
"We really have to stop meeting like this." A familiar deep voice says behind me.
I whirl around and press my back against the counter's edge, trying to hide my laptop screen from his sharp eyes. Ravn stood a few feet away from me, his dark hair dripping wet from the rain. His black trench coat leaving pools of water around his boots.
"You say that, but you seem to enjoy chasing me." I reply, trying to keep my tone even. I slowly reach my hands behind my back to find the USB with the cure downloaded on it, pressing it firmly against my palm for safety.
Ravn's eyes flicker to my hands that were behind my back, his eyes taking on a cautious look. "You just can't give up on that cure, can you?"
"Someone has to keep trying."
Ravn chuckles, stepping closer to me. Making my muscles tense. "Give me the USB, sweetheart." He says dryly, extending his palm towards me.
I stare at him, how could he know?
"I'm not stupid." Ravn says, as if reading my thoughts. "I know you found the cure. Please, give it to me."
"Why is it so bad that you could all go back to your normal lives?" I ask, my voice pleading as I slide my way down the counter as Ravn comes closer.
"Because some of us have nothing to return to." Ravn answers calmly. "You would be taking away the one thing people feel they can control since they inherited their powers."
"You don't use your powers for anything good though." I argue.
"That's not true and you know it." Ravn replies. "We aren't all like that. Even if you gave the cure to some of us there would be others who would refuse to take it and would continue to wreak havoc. You take away the good people with powers you're left with the bad and you won't be able to defeat them."
I pause, that thought never having occurred to me since I took over my fathers work. The population of people with special powers had grown. 40% of the worlds population had citizens with some kind of power these past three years.
"The cure." Ravn says again, extending his hand out to me once again.
I stare at his hand, the hand that once held his soulmate mark, just like my wrist once did. Despite all he said, I still held onto the USB tighter and turned and ran from him. I knew how stupid of a move it was, it was pointless when Ravn could strip away human senses. But I still ran, and I almost got to the door when my vision disappeared, immersing me in blackness. Making me fall to my knees, the USB still clutched in my hand.
I feel Ravn's hands encase my waist, picking me up off the tile floor and taking me to the closest counter to let me lean against it. My vision a milky white.
"You know running from me does no good." His voice sounding as if he were a bit hurt by my actions.
"This cure is all I have." I choke out, still clutching the USB in my palm. My hands trembling.
Ravn seems to freeze, his breath fanning across my cheeks that were starting to streak with tears. "This cure is all I've known since my fathers death." I gush, unable to stop the words from tumbling out. My mother having completely shut down since my fathers death. Her attitude cold and isolated from me.
"It's all I have."
Ravn touches my eyes, wiping the tears away but also giving me my vision back. I'm alarmed by how close he stands to me, our eyes locked. His brown eyes hold a sadness to them I had never seen before. A sort of sympathy that had faded from people's eyes long ago when it came to me.
"It's not all you have." He whispers. "It never has been."
I stare up at him, words freezing in my throat. Before I can form a response, his lips press against mine. His hands cupping my face. I suck in a breath in shock, but soon my eyes close and my arms snake around his neck, pulling him closer to me. A sense of completeness washing over me.
Ravn slides his hands down to my ribs, picking my up and setting me on the counter. His body between my legs, his hands going to my thighs as he grips them firmly. I feel my fingers uncurl their grip on the USB, it clatters to the floor. My fingers weaving through Ravn's hair instead. His lips tugging at mine in a sort of desperation, both of us craving each other after being deprived for years.
The cure fades into an obsession that melts into my past, something I had chased thinking it was all I had. When my life had the chance to start over with Ravn and actually do something to help others. He had known something all this time that I never had. We were on the same side, I just wasn't willing to accept it. My senses blinded. And it took him to uncover them.
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