#i really DO want to spray them down with freezing cold water. it's cold out too so it'd be that much better
marlenesluv · 1 year
break. (LN)
summary: lando is on break with his girlfriend, but he can’t seem to stop training.
warnings: angst, some small fighting, one cuss word, suggestive at the end but no actual smut.
type: blurb
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for all posts! ^
summer break for formula one drivers were generally filled with excitement, beaches, yachts, and alcohol. getting tanned by a crystal clear pool while reading a book. sure, that sounded nice, but your boyfriend had different ideas for his break.
no, not mountain climbing, or visiting family, not even sleeping in. lando was determined to train all day, every day, leaving you with no boyfriend for days at a time.
you would go to sleep with his side of the bed empty, maybe waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, one of the few times you got to see him. when you awoke, his spot was cold, probably up for hours now. no doubt running, or lifting weights, possibly using the simulator.
trying to get lando to stop was futile. he was stubborn and eager to win after break. and of course, you wanted him to win as well. not that it mattered as much to you as it did him, but you loved how happy he got when he won.
his face red, but smiling down at you from the podium while he sprays you with the champagne. for days he would be happy, until the next race. he would say that now he needs to win the next one. you didn’t care if he won, as long as he was safe and came home to you.
and now that he was home, you saw him less, it seemed. you had texted kika in hopes of getting her ideas. she, of course, being the sweetheart she is, invited you and lando to go to italy with them for a month. when you asked lando, he simply said, “no, can’t afford that distraction.” kika frowned on the phone, understanding fully how stubborn these drivers got.
so that brought you here, watching yet another old emma chamberlain video while drinking your dr.pepper. it was comforting, but what would be more comforting was if your boyfriend would come spend some time with you.
you paused the video, letting the frame freeze as emma was driving in the car, and you got up to find lando.
when you walked into his gaming room, you saw him on the simulator, exactly where he was hours ago.
“lando?” all you received was a small ‘hm?’
you stood at the door, your heart dropping a bit as he was too focused on his track.
“are you hungry, love? we can order some pizza and watch a movie.” you looked at him as you spoke and as he paused his track.
“i’m really not all that hungry, you can order some though, maybe i’ll have some later when i have time.” he sniffed, drinking some of his water and grabbing another from his mini fridge by his desk.
that was the issue. you could order pizza alone. watch a movie alone. go to sleep alone. how many more things were you expected to do alone?
“right, okay. have fun, lando.” you spoke, sarcasm dripping from your voice as you slammed the door before he even got a chance to open his mouth. of course he knew he wasn’t spending as much time with you, but he didn’t know really how long it had been since he had given you a kiss, a hug, hell, even had sex with you.
you did though. one week ago you got a walk-by kiss on the cheek, a hug about two weeks ago, and sex was a month ago. a whole month and he didn’t seem to notice.
you quickly slipped your shoes on, grabbed your purse and keys by the door, and left. lando wasn’t far behind, opening the door as your car pulled out and down the street.
“fuck…” lando muttered as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. he suddenly realized that it was eight thirty at night, dark out and he hadn’t spoken to you once that day. hell, when was the last time he spoke to you, he thought, running his hand through his hair has he grabbed his keys for the other car.
you however, at this point, were in the mcdonalds drive through and paying by the time he had drove to your spot, exactly where you drove next, not knowing he had left the house.
your spot was this beautiful cliff, overlooking the city. it had one swing to sit on and a little table near it for drinks.
once you arrived, bag and drink in hands, you walked over to your swing, only to find it moving. as you neared closer, you saw curly brown hair. you sighed, letting your shoulder drop.
seeing lando was much better than some weird stranger, but you weren’t in the mood to talk.
like he had heard your inner thoughts, lando patted the swing beside him, “we don’t need to talk, we can just sit, if you’d like.” he peered up at you as you bit your bottom lip, something he always intervened when he could. he’d pull your lip out with his thumb and would tell you to stop, how it drove him crazy.
you nodded and sat, an hour had gone by as you both just sat and listened to the sounds of nature surrounding you. the food was finished a while ago, of course you bought food for lando, you were upset, but you always wanted to help him. you figured you would take it home, to his gaming room, no words spoken, as you went to bed.
but here you were: comfortable silence and slight swings with the night breeze.
“why did you come out here?” you asked, turning to look at lando, seeing his eyes look sadder than usual.
“i’m so sorry. i didn’t realize how much i have been absent, i-“ you cut him off.
“you didn’t realize, lando? seriously? your day consists of running, protein shake, workout, simulator, shake, more running, a shower, and sleeping just to wake up at five in the morning. but you didn’t realize? don’t fucking pull that.” you shook your head releasing a mix of a laugh and scoff.
“i know. i know i’ve been the worst boyfriend this past month, and i’m sorry, and before you say anything, i know sorry doesn’t fix it. but please just give me a chance to fix this summer break?” he questioned, voice trembling.
“are you gonna cry, lan?” you asked, voice softer as you furrowed your brows.
“wha-what? no. no of course not. i just-“ he sniffed, rubbing his nose as your eyes welled up. you understood how stressed he was. he shouldn’t be ignoring you, but this is his job. you could try to make sense of it, but you would just get a headache.
“lando, don’t be dramatic. i’m not going to break up with you. i was going to ignore you but…” you trailed off, smiling as he laughed, making you laugh a bit.
“i was thinking, maybe we could go to spain? carlos has his whole house free, besides himself, daniel, and his cousin.” he asked, looking hopeful.
“mm, that’s a nice offer.” his heart dropped, thinking that was a ‘no.’
“i’d love to go, lando. but no excessive training, or i will seriously never sleep with you again.” you teased as he gasped.
“we must fix this, come on, we are going home. i’m going to show you just how much you mean to me.” he got up, holding his hand out as you took it and walked to your cars.
the last thing you heard before lando got in his car, was, “race you home! last one there doesn’t get to cum tonight.”
which, unfortunately, didn’t click for a few seconds, making you jump in your car. and unfortunately again, you got him last, of course.
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
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jellyfishsthings · 2 years
Warnings: minors do not interact, smut, male!masturbating, fem!character no use of y/n, remus being a simp
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Remus sighed as he closed the door and left his keys on the table along with his towel. His eyes fell on a message that was left in the refrigerator.
Hi Rem,
A new lead was found in the case I am working on. I will come home late. Don't wait for me.
Great, another day at home alone, he thought bitterly. Sure his father tried his best to be home early and since his mum died he had to work twice as hard to make ends meet, but he missed having someone to share his dinner with. He took a long calming breath and his mind wandered to today's travel at the beach.
His cock was aching so hard. Just remembering how good she looked in the navy blue bikini that hugged her curves perfectly. He shook his head, trying to chase away that thought. He opened the refrigerator reaching for a frozen pizza and put it in the oven. I should take a bath. A cold shower to be specific.
Going up the stairs he started rummaging for new clothes as a text notification sounds from his phone. Thanks for coming with me to the beach. I really liked it, I hope we will go again sometime. Say hi to your dad for me! He liked the message and opened his camera roll. New pictures of the two of them filling all his phone screen. And… there she was, a smile lighting up her face, sunglasses adorning her somewhat sunburned face that was being framed by her windblown wet from the sea hair. She was wearing that white towel around her shoulders hiding some parts of her beautiful frame along with that navy blue bikini that was in stark contrast with her skin and seemed to mock him.
If he knew that he had to drive the two of them to the beach for one hour just to see her happy, he would do it again a hundred times in a heartbeat without second thoughts. That's what friends did right? Oh God, who was he kidding? He hasn't been thinking about her that way for a long time. Regaining her trust and reforming their friendship that has been violated by all the hurtful stuff they said to each other while they argued on account of their academic rivalry, was the best decision he ever made. Just the fact that she had been complaining to him about the scorching weather and convinced him to get their swimsuits to go to the beach was enough to prove that point. She wanted to spend time with him and felt comfortable to be around him only in that damned bikini that has been haunting his thoughts for the past few hours.
He removed his swim trunk and sprayed himself with freezing water, hoping to get rid of that painful boner but to no avail. He turned up its temperature and put the shower head in its hold, which was installed high in the shower wall. He got a hold of his cock and started teasing himself with his fingers trying to put an end to his torture. But instead images of her floated in his mind. Her lounging in her towel under the umbrella away from the sun while reading her book. Turning her head at him and looking pleadingly with a slight pout to convince him to take a dive with her.
His hand sped up its movement as he drifted back to that exact moment, to how happy she looked when he made to get up, how she grabbed his arm and dragged him into the sea. The way her body moved as they splashed each other with the cold water and how she started wrestling him after he pushed her into the water. After they had gotten cold they headed towards the shower, he let her shower first, a gentleman as always, unable though to remove his eyes from her. Staring as droplets of water run down her form. How they made her top stuck even more to her breasts leaving next to nothing to his imagination.
His movements now were even harsher. Rougher and faster, hips buckling, grinding in his hand, as soft moans along with grunts left his mouth due to the memory that played out in his mind's eye. She kissed his cheek after she was done and ran back to their umbrella to get her towel. Watching her from behind as her ass bounced, he decided to chase after her. Running at full speed he caught up to her in seconds. Wrapping his arms around her, his left hand accidentally resting in her right breast while the other held her hip in place drawing her even closer as she struggled to get free of his grip on her, while her laughter along with whines of his name left her mouth.
He threw his head back and his mouth opened as loud moans escaped and filled the tiny bathroom. Eyes permanently closed, losing himself in the pleasure of his own hands, trying to trick himself into thinking that he was deep inside her. Fucking her good, only a few days before the full moon, like now, chasing one orgasm after the other. Penetrating her in all positions for hours to no end and filling her with his cum until it ran down her thighs. He wondered…Would she be tight? Would she scream his name at the top of her lungs or whisper it, the way she did when he applied sunscreen, per her request, in her back and massaged it afterwards, as she scrunched her face in pleasure and said his name in such a hushed tone, like a dirty secret, falling asleep afterwards, because she felt so content? How heavy and full her perky breasts and her round ass would feel cupped in his hands? How would she taste? In how many ways could he make her cum? How many times? How would she look when she did? How would she like to be fucked? He was so close now.
He tried to steady his body by resting his free hand on the shower wall. He bit his lip to contain some of the sounds he was emitting as he came, but the sound of her name with many profanities accompanied echoed in the empty house.
"Fuck" there has no denying it any more. He was attracted and so impossibly in love with his best friend. He was in for a long torture, with his trusted hand and his occupied mind from the thoughts of her in such seductive and inappropriate ways.
Bip bip
Food's ready, thank God. He was starving.
word count: 1.118
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 11 months
If you’re taking prompts: jily + “I’m gonna jump right in with my heart first” (lyrics from heartfirst by kelsea ballerini)
omg jily!!!!!
"I'm going to jump right in."
"You really shouldn't do that," Remus replied to one of his best mate, holding him back. The Black Lake, no longer iced over, flowed right in front of the both of them, waves crashing on the shore.
"No let him, I kinda want to hear the noise makes when he jumps in," Sirius said, lounging against a rock a few meters behind the pair. Peter sat beside him, eyes darting between his three dormmates.
James swayed back and forth, standing on the shoreline in only his pants. Cold March wind pricked against his skin. The last thing he wanted to do was jump in the lake, but she was watching.
"Jump in heart first, you pussy!" Lily Evans shouted, even though she was standing right next to him. "A bet is a bet and you are a LOSER!"
His mind flashbacked to the stupid bet he made with the girl he had been crushing on forever. Betting who would win Slughorn's Valentine's Amortenia contest was stupid when he was betting against the best potions student, but she was talking to him, so he made the bet. And then he lost said bet. Now he was standing here, nearly naked, about to jump into nearly freezing waters, just to maybe impress her.
"Fuck me," James said.
"I will not be doing that," Lily said.
"Me either," added Remus.
"I will if you need me to," Sirius said.
James responed by raising his middle finger at his best mates. He turned to Lily instead. "Count me down."
Lily nodded, "Three, two..."
James bellyflopped right into the Black Lake on one. And it was fucking cold.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," James shouted over the laughter of the people he considered his best mates. "Cold, cold, cold, cold," James chanted as he worked his way back to the shore. On the shore, Sirius was bent over laughing, Peter slapping his back. Remus was just shaking his head.
Lily, however, was smiling directly at him. Green eyes shining despte the dreary weather. "Here," she offered, casting a warming charm on his body as he made his way out of the water.
James' body turned from an icicle to an hearth with her charm. "Thanks, Lils."
And with his thanks he shook his head, spraying freezing droplets of water onto her.
"Fuck you, Potter!"
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asherloki · 1 year
The Dating game
Stephen strange x reader
Long request from @anadlockfan
Fluff warning perhaps!
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It was a serene morning for y/n. As she sat by the window with a cup of coffee in her hand. Light breeze making her swing with it's rhythm a bit.
There's was a WhatsApp Messege in her phone and she picked it up to find a message from her mother , "coming to meet you darling". This made y/n freeze for a second or two. She doesn't mind her parents coming to the city but it is different now, they're coming to talk of her marriage. It's been the topic of conversation between them for a long time now. And the problem was she lied, yes when she got irritated she straight up said, "I have a Boyfriend and it's pretty serious". Now it was a big lie to cover up. The coffee cup grew cold as she paced through the floor, trying to think of a solution. Trying to call friends for advice, she took her phone again and the recent dialled number was of Stephen's. Stephen? Yes Stephen! It struck her, her friend Stephen strange could help. Stephen is her friend since she moved to bleeker street, the only thing was she actually fancies him. But for now she needs a fake boyfriend, and he's perfect. She called him hoping he agrees,
"Hello, morning y/n". He replied from the other end.
"Oh Stephen, I need help". Y/n answered.
"Oh is everything alright?"
"Yes, I'm coming okay, I need to say it face to face".
"Yeah but listen...."
She hung up on him, desparate to solve the problem. On the other hand Stephen stood staring at his phone, holding his cup of morning coffee. wong brought him back to reality from his daydream,
"You dropped coffee on you?" He asked.
"What? Ah yes, just tried to recieve the call".
"You always get nervous around her, you even dropped coffee on you."
"No it's for the rush".
"Rush to pick her call." Wong argued.
"It's nothing like that".
"Whatever.." he shook his head and went on.
After 15 minutes y/n arrived at Stephen's doorstep, he opened the door and welcomed her inside with a smile,
"I need to talk" y/n said , and his mind wondered around for clue, what does she need to talk?
"Anything important? You okay?" He tried to play it cool but the sweaty palm of his knew it all.
"Oh I'm fine, don't worry" she shrugged it and then stood with a serious look.
"Want water?" Stephen said raising a glass of water.
"Did you just brought it by magic?"
"Yes I did"
"Oh, sorcerer for a reason, anyway I don't want it."
"Then can I have it?" Ofcourse he needed to calm his nerves down, Stephen never admitted he's always had a crush on y/n. Always. So he started sipping that water, whereas y/n took a deep breath and finally spoke,
"Stephen, I want you to be my fiance."
Stephen choked on his water, he coughed and water spray out of his mouth, he almost choked but he was saved, physically, in his mind he was still dizzy, trying process what he heard.
"Stephen? You're okay?"
"I.." coughs "fine" takes deep breaths "wh-what did you just say?"
"I know, it's a weird request but please?"
She explained him everything, and all he got is that her parents thinks she has a serious boyfriend which she wants him to pretend to be.
"Oh" he replied.
"So? Deal? I just need this one day from you Stephen."
He stared at her pleading with puppy eyes. A day with y/n? A dream for the sorcerer.
"O-okay". He agrees.
"Really?" She asked excited "thank you so much ". And with this he hugged him. Stephen was already in a messed up state and that hug made it Messier.
Then he got infront of his mirror to get ready and so was she, ready for the big day and mean while her parents arrived.
"Hey my dear" said her mother and embraces her, "oh nice to see you after a long time".
"Yes mum you too".
"You doing well, are you eating properly?" She He asked worriedly.
"Yes I am, oh hey dad" y/n went to her father who stood behind her mother and gave him a hug,
"How are you my princess?" He asked.
"I'm good dad."
"Wait you're all dressed up are you going somewhere?" Her mother asked.
"Oh, yes..um with ... You know.. m-my..."
"Your boyfriend?" Her father asked in a little serious tone.
"Yes, him" and then her phone rang which meant he's here, "oh he's here, you guys sit and I'll be back in a few hours."
As she waved them and was about to step out her mum thought of asking, "darling? Could you ask your boyfriend come over too, after your date?"
Now why's she making it more difficult for her? Thought y/n. Perhaps it was difficult even more for Stephen to act cool, he's always nervous around y/n, and now her parents?
"I'll ask him". Y/n assured, and stepped out.
"Make sure he agrees" her mother called from outside. Where her dad was on the window watching Stephen standing infront her house and then y/n joining her.
"Spying on your daughter?" Y/n's mum asked her dad, joining him to the window.
"In a way yes, what do you think of this guy?" Enquired her father.
"Looks dishy, she always had a thing for good looking men."
"Isn't a little older? They don't look same age do they?"
"She also has a thing for older men." Replied her mother.
And finally y/n and Stephen started walking together,
"Thanks for doing this for me" she thanked him, yet she needed ask him another big favour.
"Welcome, and don't thank me for it, I am happy I could help." And he tried to keep his sweaty palms behind his.
"Let us hold hands, we need to make it look real." Saying this she took his hand and Stephen's heart gave a tug, ofcourse he knew she might get a hint he's actually nervous around her. Whereas y/n knew Stephen was older has bigger responsibilities so this one chance, she wanted to fullfill her little desire to walk hand in hand with him like a couple.
"My my Stephen, your palms are sweating." She remarked.
"Yes I'm sorry you don't have to hold if..."
"It's okay " saying so she took his palm and held it. Stephen gulped visibly, his nervousness was doubled and also lessened with her touch.
"So it's almost lunchtime" y/n said to make the awkward silence disappear.
"Oh uh" he looked at his phone and replied, "yes it is, are you hungry?"
"I am, couldn't have a proper meal today for all this sudden arrival of my parents."
"Okay, then let's go there, we can have our lunch and..." Stephen stopped not knowing what to do next.
"Then I need another favor" interrupted y/n.
"Another?" Asked Stephen in surprise.
"Yes, I'll tell you everything but lunch first please, I'm starving."
And they went inside to the Italian restaurant and ordered their lunch.
"So you were talking of another favor?" Stephen said before taking a spoon full of his meal.
"Yes, you'll have to meet my parents".
Choked, almost, again, poor Stephen.
"You okay? Why does this keeps happening to you, take it". Said y/n offering his glass of water.
He drank and swallowed his food and then took a few deep breaths before stating, "why do you keep asking weird favours?"
It sounded harsh but he didn't mean it to be,
"Well I'm sorry, I thought we were friends." Said y/n.
"Ofcourse we are but... I..." He didn't know what to say.
"I understand Stephen, but please for me, this one time." Her hand reached his, gave him a little squeeze. Stephen felt his heart on his hand. For once? He could be her fake boyfriend a hundred times, it's just he's nervous.
After finishing their lunch Stephen offered to pay for it but y/n insisted on paying for her own meal and him for his meal. Now was the time for the final round of the dating game.
The walked hand in hand to her house and he froze when he reached there,
"Come on Stephen why are you nervous?" She asked leading him inside.
"What if they don't approve of me?" His real concern came out.
"Pft, as if we're really dating, why do we care?" y/n said, which made Stephen realise the reality, again, "even though I hope they do" she continued in rather softer tone. Stephen wondered what is she implying to say,
"Because you're a nice guy, a good friend, and everyone should love you... I mean like you".
*Awkward y/n*
They entered and her parents welcomed both of them, Stephen stumbled at doorstep while entering, apparently he was never this nervous, not even while fighting Thanos. He sat on the couch and answered everything her parents asked. Looking down. As if he really needed their approval.
"So Dr strange, it was nice knowing you." Said her father pating his back.
"Same here sir" he grew a little comfortable with them, and made eye contact this time.
"Oh don't call me sir".
"Okay, Mr y/l/n."
"Are you two really serious?" Asked her mother. This time they both looked at eachother, unspoken words, hidden feelings, all were clear the way they looked at eachother. Without thinking Stephen nodded, "yes, I am... We are".
Y/n still stared and her parents looked at her for an answer,
"I...yes" she uttered.
"Y/n?" He called out, "I love you" he said, finally infront of her parents. They were stunned yet happy and for y/n? Well same, her smile said it all, "I love you too Stephen." Was her reply.
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
Currently thinking about Venti and creator who gets really cold. Even though Mondstadt is in the north, ever since Barbatos cleared the snow from the land with the winds it never got particularly cold, but it does get chilly in the winter. Recently, however, this winter has been quite lukewarm courtesy of a bard and his love for his god.
fr though I can totally see Venti going "Oh, my creator doesn't like the cold? Ok Mondstadt is warm now" and permanently changing the climate for them. The creator would probably spray him with water like a naughty cat and tell him he can't mess with people that much. In that case, he'd fall back onto plan b and insist that he must be with the creator at all times so he can surround them in a personal bubble of warm air whenever they're outside.
-Venti anon
Aww that's cute, I'm absolutely the type of person who can handle 95-100 degree weather easily but as soon as it's below like 65° I'm not going outside, so mood
But fr he'd do that and you would have to catch him on it, cause if you don't notice and tell him to cut it out, Mondstadt's not having a winter, and since there's already no season changes in game you're really gonna have to rely on intuition—
But Venti just adamantly following reader around, you just know he would be in the bubble with them, claim that it could only work if he was at the center of it, and then he gets to provide you even more warmth by hugging you at every given opportunity, so a win/win really
He'd probably be super paranoid during the colder winter months and wouldn't even want you outside though, bubble or no, you're staying right there by the fire in bed with him, wrapped in his cape or maybe even wings, doted on every second, provided warm meals and as much skin to skin contact as you'll allow (of course he uses the situation as an opportunity come on)
If you have to go outside then maybe take a Pyro vision holder with you, obviously he's not happy about it, but it's better to be safe than sorry if it becomes too cold to even think of being able to conjure a warm breeze
And of course Dragonspine is out of the question, anything you need from there other people can get, you're staying right here in temperate Mondstadt with him, no question about it
(he says that, but you absolutely know he would fold if you really really wanted to go, but not before a frankly insane amount of preparation and precautions)
It also gives him an excuse to bar you from Snezhnaya, no reason to go there and risk your discomfort, if you really want a change of scenery so bad he can take you to Sumeru and maybe Liyue
If we knew anything about the Pyro Archon this would be a perfect opportunity to include her cause they canonically don't like each other, or at least he doesn't like her, so it would be an all out no limits war on who gets to warm the creator up, Venti would fight tooth and nail to secure that spot from anyone, especially the people he dislikes
But mid-winter cuddle sessions, I love it, it's so soft, I might actually have to write that because I've been perpetually freezing for the past couple of days now that the temperature has started to go down in mid December might I add
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Hey there
I just wanna so a question
The other day I was out with my mum and i was wearing a hoodie
It was really hot out and because of this I got really mad
Everything became annoying to me
Like every sound became too loud and that sort of thing if that makes sense
I just wanna know if over sensitivity to heat has anything to do with autism or am i just really dramatic
Thank you :)
Hi there,
I also have a hard time in the heat. I find unbearable. I’d rather be freezing cold.
I found an article going over heat intolerance and autism. Here’s a excerpt:
For those with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), this problem can be exacerbated. This is because many people with ASD may experience hypersensitivity and heat intolerance.
Hypersensitivity can make the feeling of sweat, warmth, and uncomfortable clothes even more unbearable. While not everybody with autism struggles with this, hypersensitivity is a relatively common symptom of the condition.
The article will be below in case you’d like to read more.
I also found another article listing some ways to cope during hot weather:
1. Water, water everywhere
Keep water, or herbal tea, or anything drink-wise that is non-soda based and caffeine-free with you at all times. Sip (don’t gulp) at regular intervals. If the heat is unbearable, simple tricks like sucking an ice cube can also work; it will cool you down and keep you properly hydrated. Try and avoid anything sugary or carbonated, as that can sometimes make you sweat more or even induce anxiety.
2. Let us spray
Do you have an old spray bottle or an atomizer? Fill this with cool water and use it to spray your hands, face, neck and head if the heat feels like it might be too much for you. It’s very refreshing and as the water evaporates, you will cool down.
3. Inhale “cool” essential oils
If you can tolerate fragrance, make up a blend of cool-smelling essential oils that can be inhaled from a tissue or handkerchief at regular points. Peppermint, eucalyptus and tea tree are all great ideas — they’ll clear your head and cool you down.
4. Adapt your clothing to suit your ASD
I hate the feeling of having my arms uncovered outdoors, even in extreme heat, so I’ve had to adapt my clothing accordingly. I’ll only really ever wear long sleeve shirts in light-colored, lightweight fabrics. I won’t ever wear shorts for the same reason, so I’ll switch to linen trousers or light jeans if I can.
5. Protect your eyes and your head
Sunlight and ASD can equal problems with sight and vision. Always have good quality sunglasses, and a few pairs so you’ve got them to hand. If you have to wear them indoors, do so and don’t apologize for it.
6. A once a day sunscreen can really help
There are some brilliant once-a-day application sunscreens on the market now, which can mean the difference between having to stay in because you burn easily and going out for at least a few minutes every day. Sometimes, ASD folks can be photosensitive to sunlight, and a product like this can help them tolerate the heat and light better.
7. If you need to shut out daylight, shut it out!
Close the curtains, blinds and drapes if you need to, and it doesn’t matter what time of day it is. Sunlight can be intrusive and cause pain. There comes a point in every day — usually about 6 p.m. — when I have to give in and close everywhere up. I become too tired to focus and concentrate and I find the slight darkness quietens my head down a little.
The link to this article will also be below in case you want to check it out.
I hope these sources help answer your question. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ❤️
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footprintsinthesxnd · 2 years
No Romeo
Pairings: Bradley Bradshaw x reader. Synopsis: You had always thought that Bradley was your Romeo but you should have known that Romeo and Juliet don’t have a happy ending. Warnings: mentions of failed relationship, cheating, heartbreak, arguments Thank you @callsign-phoenix for proofreading.
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You weren’t surprised that the rain started as soon as you left Bradley’s house, it seemed fitting that after everything the sky cried with you. Your tears had dried on your cheeks, salty lines crusted below your eyes, leaving the remnants of the argument with you. It had been cloudy for most of the day and as you had run down the driveway, away from the man you loved, the heavens had opened up, torrents of rain cascading down from the sky, soaking your clothes and freezing your skin. You’d never really noticed how cold the rain was before, you were always a warm person, but as the rain poured you felt the warmth in your soul fading as if it was putting out the wildfire inside of you. Bradley had promised to love you forever, he never broke his promises, but he’d broken this one.
“I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT FROM ME!” Bradley shouted, slamming his fists into the table in front of you. You jumped as the vases crashed to the floor, water and glass sprayed across the laminate floor and the flowers fell between them looking listless and pathetic against the violent scene.
“You knew what you were getting into. You knew I wouldn’t be here a lot. What did you honestly expect?” Bradley continued, pacing up and down in front of you, throwing his arms around as he spoke, his chest heaving from the effort.
“I know you do, Bradley, I understand you get deployed and you spend long days at work, but even when you are home I never see you,” you were crying now, your anger long since surpassed and the tears came as if your pain had at last condensed into a deluge of rain.
“I love you, Bradley, please don’t do this.”
“I can’t deal with you right now, I just can’t deal with any of this. Fuck!” Bradley leant against the table again, his dark eyes boring into your soul as he watched you sob. “I can’t do this anymore, this isn’t working. We aren’t working!”
“But I love you, Bradley, please, please…”
Bradley sighed, rubbing his hand through his brown locks exasperated, his forehead streaked with lines.
“I don’t love you.”
And there it was. The truth.
The bed had never felt so cold than when you woke up that morning alone. You’d woken up alone many times before when Bradley was on deployment, but this time was different. The sheets felt cold and empty as you stirred from your sleep, rolling over to feel the crisp, clean sheets from the other side of the bed, cold from having not been slept in. You sat up slowly, calling out to Bradley, but only silence followed. Pulling on your dressing gown you made your way through your small home, the deathly silence only growing as there continued to be no sign of your boyfriend.
You fumbled with your phone on the nightstand calling Natasha to see if he crashed at her place after the bar.
Natasha’s voice was groggy and thick with sleep when she answered.
“Hi Nat, I’m so sorry to wake you. I just wanted to make sure Bradley was ok.”
“What do you mean?” Nat asked, suddenly sounding very alert.
“Well he didn’t come home last night, so I assumed he crashed at your place.” You picked at the edge of your nails worriedly, your anxiety building.
“No sorry, he’s not here. He left quite early on actually, he’d hardly had anything to drink. I assumed he went home to you early.”
“No. Umm no, he never came home,” the lump was building in the back of your throat and tears threatened to fall. The sound of keys in the front door made you jump, quickly ending the call with Nat and hurrying to the door.
As Bradley stumbled through the door the smell of alcohol hit you.
“Bradley, where the hell have you been? I was worried sick.” You flung your arms around him but he pushed you away.
“Get off me, woman. I was out, ok.” He moved towards the bathroom when you grabbed hold of his arm, stopping him in his tracks.
“Where were you? I called Nat and she said you went home early. Where were you, Bradley?”
“I WAS WITH A FRIEND!” Bradley shouted, shoving you harshly away from him as he continued towards the bathroom. “I was with a friend, ok? Jesus Christ, I didn’t know I had to tell you everywhere I went. I’m going for a shower.” And with that he slammed the door behind him, leaving you standing alone in the empty hallway.
“Oh honey, I’m so sorry.” Penny cradled you against her as you sobbed. You didn’t want to go home after the fight with Bradley and you were in no state to drive so you walked to Penny’s. She was shocked to find you soaking wet and crying on her front steps and when you explained what had happened she let you stay for as long as you needed. She’d sent you straight for a shower and given you a change of clothes before making some hot chocolate and listening as you poured your heart out to her.
“I just don’t understand. I gave him everything and he didn’t want me. I loved him, Penny, and I still love him. I want to hate him, but I can’t.” You’d never understood how people could hate and love someone at the same time, but you did now. You hated Bradley with every ounce of your being, for using you, for hurting you and yet you loved him more than you could ever say.
“I know you do, Sweetheart, but I promise it will get better. It will take time and sometimes you will feel like you’ll never get over him but I promise you will.”
“I thought he was the one, Penny, I thought he was my Romeo.”
Penny chuckled, pulling you in for another tight hug. “Oh honey, he’s no Romeo. Hell, I don’t even know if Romeo is real, but I know you’ll find the right guy for you. He’s out there, I promise you.”
You sniffled, wiping your nose on the sleeve of your shirt. You felt a little pathetic, all your hopes and dreams had been riding on a life with Bradley and now you didn’t know what to do.
5 months later
You smiled widely as another wave rushed in, wiping Natasha out as she tried and failed to ride the wave. She spluttered and splashed around in the water before pulling herself back up on the board with a less-than-amused look on her face.
“You told me this would be fun, I am yet to see the fun aspect.”
“Well I’m enjoying myself,” you laughed as she paddled towards you.
It had been 5 months since your break up with Bradley and you gradually began to enjoy the little things in life again. You no longer cried every time you thought of Bradley or something that reminded you of him. You’d taken more time to do things you enjoyed, which meant teaching Nat how to surf. So far you were having more fun than Nat.
Bradley may have broken your heart but he didn’t get to break you. After all, he wasn’t your Romeo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tag list: @callsign-phoenix @imjess-themess @averyhotchner @mayhem24-7forever @alexxavicry @a-reader-and-a-writer @topguncortez @maggiescarborough @callsignmaverick5 @ssprayberrythings @smoothdogsgirl @xoxabs88xox @luckyladycreator2 @abaker74 @elenavampire21 @classyunknownlover @okiegirl24 @flashyourgreeneyesatme @sunlightmurdock @airedale17 @callmemana @shadowolf993 @t-nd-rfoot @topguncultleader @flyboyjake @wkndwlff @bradshawseresinbabe
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justsomeclintasha · 2 years
@tashas-hawk I thought I posted this forever ago but I can’t find it so I guess I didn’t. I know it’s not what you were looking for but thought you might like it anyway? ( @scarlettjohanssones )
Update: turns out I had posted it before but I’m leaving this here anyway
Finally, back at home. Unlocking the door to his apartment, he shuffles inside and drops his bags on the floor. It’s late- or early- depending on how he wants to look at it, which at the moment, is not at all. All he’s been thinking about is his bed for the last six hours. He steps into his room, right into the barrel of a gun aimed between his eyes.
“Nat?” She swears and backs away, laying the weapon on the nightstand.
“You should have knocked.” It’s as close to an apology as he’s going to get. She settles back in his bed, pulling the covers to her chin.
“It’s my room,” he defends. “What are you doing here anyway?”
“Needed somewhere to crash. Didn’t have anywhere else to go.”
“Something wrong with your apartment?”
“Water pipe burst. Getting it fixed tomorrow.” He strips off his dirty clothes and searches through the clean pile on his floor. “Hurry up. I’m cold,” she mumbles, her voice tired. She curls into him immediately as he joins her under the covers. They’re both asleep within minutes.
“Breakfast,” she offers, setting it on the table. A perk of his apartment- their favorite cafe is right down the street. Arguably, they have the best bagels in the city, maybe even the world. At least according to him.
“Coffee, a bagel, and strawberry cream cheese? You really do know the way to my heart.”
“Can’t say I never did anything for you.”
“You want me to take a look at that water pipe before you call someone? I could probably fix it.”
“Uh, no, it’s fine.”
“Are you sure? I could-“
“It’s fine.” His eyes narrow, and she’s suddenly very interested in spreading cream cheese on her bagel.
“You’re a shit liar around me, you know that?”
“It’s nothing I can’t handle.” Push too hard, and she’s going to shut down. Subject change.
“Mission was boring. Hot during the day, freezing at night. I’ve seen enough sand to last a lifetime. And you know, I used to think camels were nice, but not anymore. Could you believe he threw me off? In the middle of the desert, just dumped me off his back!” His smile is contagious, and soon she’s laughing along with him as he recounts his mission.
He drops off his report and decides to swing by her apartment despite her earlier protests. Hopefully she’s not there and he can clean up some of the water damage for her. His key turns in the lock. A brushing noise comes from inside, stops as he pushes the door open. The smell of fresh paint stings his nostrils.
“I told you I could handle it.”
“I know, I-“ His breath catches in his throat. Someone has spray painted Soviet symbols on her walls, thrown her books on the floor and covered them with an angry stripe of paint. Even her comforter has been destroyed- he can only see the first few letters, but can guess what is says. He swallows down the rage building inside of him. It’s not the time to be angry. Wordlessly, he grabs a roller and begins to help cover it all.
“Let’s get some air.” He’s grateful she breaks the silence. They step outside onto the fire escape, settling down on the cool metal. Her legs dangle over the side. She pulls out a cigarette, lights it with shaking hands.
“You can’t stay here. Smell of paint is too strong,” he remarks as if he’s stating the obvious, ignoring all the other reasons why she shouldn’t. “Stay with me.”
“You know you could just.. stay with me.” She takes another drag and doesn’t respond. He’ll take it for now.
He stuffs the comforter in a trash bag. Broken coffee mugs from the kitchen follow. She grabs another one for the books and halfway through he notices her wiping her eyes.
“Hey.” She shakes her head, not looking at him as she shoves another one in. A small photo album makes her pause, and he steps closer. He recognizes that book. It may be the most important one she owns. She’s staring at the undamaged cover, afraid that her pictures are gone, the only ones she has from her past. She can’t bring herself to do it. Slowly he reaches out and opens it for her. It’s not damaged. They missed this one. She clutches it to her chest, tears running freely down her cheeks. They dampen his shirt as he pulls her into his arms. “It’s okay, Nat. It’s okay.”
It’s only temporary.
They’ve finished moving the last of her things into his apartment. It feels like she’s always been here. A routine has already been established- three snooze alarms in the morning before work, which leaves just enough time for sleepy kisses and breakfast from the cafe as they drive. He makes dinner. She tries to help. She soon becomes banned from cooking, so she does the laundry instead.
Shooting arrows is not allowed in the living room, and neither is throwing knives.
He loves the smell of her shampoo in the morning, and he’s even upped his own, replacing the 2in1 bottle that was almost empty anyway. Her toothbrush lives next to his on the counter, along with her hairbrush, and he owns a lotion now.
They watch tons of movies and she buys more books. She stacks them in the living room. He builds a bookshelf in the corner for her, then a second in the bedroom when the first one overflows. She finds herself laughing more than she has in a long time. He could listen to that sound forever.
She could say it’s only temporary, but what’s the point of lying now?
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pocket-lad · 6 months
CH 9- Nick Van Owen
“Oh,” Ian said. “That’s fine.” He thought about how deep and how fast the stream must look from Adelaide’s perspective, especially if she couldn’t swim.
“So, we can just go… I guess,” Adelaide said.
Ian didn’t move from his seat. “Have you ever tried?”
Adelaide looked up at him, confused and a little annoyed. “In what circumstance do you think I’d have the chance to swim? I haven’t found the lake in your walls yet.”
“Ha, point…point taken,” Ian admitted. Sitting next to her like this, Adelaide couldn’t even pretend they were on the same wavelength. They sat the exact same way, side-by-side, but he rose up taller than any building. She forced herself not to back away.
“You want to learn?” Ian asked.
“Not really.”
Ian laughed. “I can just hold you, then.”
Adelaide looked up, searching for his eyes, but they were simply too high. Ian didn’t realize how absurd that suggestion actually was, but it was either that or stay filthy.
“Okay,” she said quietly. Adelaide slowly peeled her jacket off her body, removed her bag from her shoulders, and took her knife off her belt, setting them all in a small pile away from the edge of the stream and stalling for as long as possible.
Ian lowered his hand for her to hop on. She did without hesitation, but that wasn’t the hard part. The hard part happened when his hand lowered toward the surface of the stream.
“Waitwaitwaitwaitwaitwaitwait,” Adelaide yelled. She could hear the rushing water and felt cold flecks of it spring up onto her skin.
Ian paused, awaiting further instructions. When none came, he said matter-of-factly, “I won’t let you drown.”
“Yeah, but what if a fish tries to eat me?” Adelaide laughed, but behind the joke there was truth. She took a few deep breaths. “...I trust you….On the count of three?”
This was stupid. This was so stupid. She could live with mud. But before she could second guess herself, Ian was counting.
“One…two-” The cold water splashed against her body, forcing her backward against Ian’s hand. The shock was the worst of it, going from mildly warm air to freezing water. The movement of the water was off-putting as well. She knew if Ian wasn’t there, she’d get swept away in the current, never to be seen again.
Adelaide sputtered and splashed, trying to gain her bearings. When she finally stood up, she realized the water was really only up to her waist. She could do this.
She scrubbed at her face and arms as fast and as best she could, washing away the ground in dirt until she couldn’t see it or feel it anymore. She also tried her best to ignore Ian hovering over her. Knowing they were on a time crunch, she called it when she felt mildly clean.
Ian lifted her out of the water and set her shivering form on the ground next to her stuff.
“I distinctly recall saying on the count of THREE!”
 “It wasn’t so bad!”
“It was actually weird and horrible and freezing, thanks. But also… thanks.”
“Of course. Probably one of - one of the weirder things I’ve…done,” he said.
“Alright, don’t look!” Adelaide said as she opened her bag to pull out her spare clothes.
“Okay,” Ian laughed, turning away.
Adelaide did feel a little nervous with Ian’s back turned, but knew she was being completely irrational, so she hurried up and changed into her new clothes. She was still pretty wet and her hair dripped down her back, but the dry clothes helped immensely. She couldn’t say she felt completely clean, but she felt a lot better. “Okay,” she said, calling Ian’s attention.
“Excellent,” he said. Before he hopped to his feet, he cupped some water in his palms and splashed his face. Water sprayed everywhere.
“Watch it!” Adelaide yelled.
“Ah…whoops,” Ian said, but he was obviously amused. He wiped his hands off on his clothes and held one out. When she stepped on, he cupped his hands around her and blew hot breath onto her body, hoping that would suffice as an apology.
Adelaide recoiled. "Ew, stop! Gross!" she exclaimed. Ian's breath smelled like a dying animal and the invasion of her personal space was too much. No matter how much she trusted him, she couldn't stand to be anywhere near a giant's open mouth. Even if the warm air felt kind of nice.
"Suit yourself," Ian shrugged. As he stood up, he set her on his shoulder and they heard Roland call off the break. Just in time. “We are gonna teach you to swim when we get back home, though.”
“We’ll see,” Adelaide muttered. She never had any reason to learn and shouldn’t ever have any reason to learn, but here they were.
They rejoined the group, and instantly Kelly asked to be carried. She looked exhausted, and Adelaide couldn’t blame the poor girl. Not only was Kelly facing threats no adult should face and was probably scared out of her mind, but the humidity and uneven terrain made for a very difficult walk. How was a child supposed to prepare for or deal with any of this?
“I can’t, sweetheart, I’ve got Adelaide,” Ian said.
Adelaide felt very guilty all of the sudden. She knew Ian was struggling with their relationship and she didn’t want to be another wedge splitting them further apart. Also, she didn’t want Kelly to resent her (for multiple reasons). Also also, she certainly didn’t want to be a burden to Ian.
Without thinking much about it, Adelaide offered to ride with someone else. “No, it’s fine. I’ll, um, I’ll go with…um…” She was hoping Sarah was nearby. If she could trust anyone else here, it would be her. But with Sarah nowhere to be seen, she went with the only other option in the vicinity. “...Nick!”
Upon hearing his name, Nick turned in their direction, oblivious to the conversation.
“Della, she’ll survive. She has two completely functional feet. She can walk,” Ian said, but the sentence was pointed at Kelly.
“Seriously, I’ll be fine,” Adelaide said in a voice that did not sound fine. In fact, it sounded scared. “Nick, is it okay if I stay with you for a little bit?”
Nick looked dumbfounded. “Um…sure.” He hesitated then reached for Adelaide on Ian’s shoulder.
Adelaide yelped and Ian stepped backward with his hands up. Nick stood there, confused as to what exactly was happening.
“Okay,” Adelaide breathed, shaking. “So, uh, first of all. No grabbing. That’s - that’s not, uh…” She couldn’t finish the sentence, too frazzled. In the blink of an eye, Nick's hand could've yanked her off her perch and carried her off to God knew where. It was a stark reminder to always keep her guard up around Beans. Even 'friendly' ones. It also didn't help that she was still shivering from her time in the stream, unable to retain enough body heat while she was still wet.
“Here,” Ian said, and he held his hand out for Adelaide.
Adelaide began to regret this decision, especially after Nick reached for her. She obviously couldn’t back down, but she proceeded with much more caution, intently watching each of his fingers for any sign of movement. Not that she'd have much time to react. Clearly.
“I don’t bite,” Nick joked.
Adelaide knew he was joking since Eddie made that exact same joke earlier, but he didn’t know how real of a concern it was for her. She forced a nervous laugh. Why did Beans find that so funny?
Slowly, she shuffled onto Nick’s hand. Adelaide reminded herself she’d already been there before, back in the collapsing trailer, so she should be completely fine. Granted, he was holding her captive in a massive fist at the time, but he definitely didn’t hurt her.
“Do not go far,” Ian warned Nick with a pointed finger, then turned to pick up Kelly.
“I’ll. Be. Fine , Ian. I can already see you stressing out,” Adelaide assured him. She paused, then added, “Go talk to her.”
Ian gave her an imperceptible nod, grateful for the chance to talk (semi) privately with his daughter. But before he walked a couple paces ahead, he also made sure to give Adelaide a look that said, behave.
Adelaide rolled her eyes from down in Nick’s hand as she watched him walk away. The sudden realization that she was completely alone with Nick hit her like a truck, and nerves began to worm their way through her spine again. Realistically, Ian was well within earshot, but a million things could go wrong at any moment, and her mind conjured up all of them at once.
Adelaide looked straight up at the underside of Nick’s chin. She gulped, but was able to choke out a repeat of Ian’s request. “Please don’t go far.”
Nick knowingly smirked. “You got it.”
Trying to counteract her pathetic admission of nerves, Adelaide pushed off of Nick’s hand and immediately got to climbing up his olive green T-shirt.
Nick froze in his tracks, eyes wide and tracking her progress, arms hovering uselessly in mid-air.
Once Adelaide reached his shoulder, she gave a little smirk of her own. Giants freaked out when she did that, and though she wasn’t sure why, it made her feel powerful and mischievous. Good. Let them freeze.
Nick shook his head to clear the feeling of tiny people crawling up his body (causing Adelaide to give a quick, annoyed shout.) He expected Adelaide to say something, considering she asked to ride with him. When she didn’t, he was content to walk in amicable silence.
It was true that Adelaide had nothing to say; she didn’t even know where to start, so she just kept her mouth shut. Another reason was that she was focused on working out Nick’s walking pattern. It was still casual, but not as casual as Ian’s. They were similar heights, too, but the gate was just off enough to require concentration.
Eventually, Adelaide got the hang of it (mostly), and that also happened to be the moment Nick reached his maximum threshold of boredom.
“So…how’d you end up here?” he offhandedly asked.
Adelaide jumped, used to the pleasant silence. His voice was much louder than Ian’s. “Like here here, or…?” she clarified.
“Well, looks like we’ve got a lot of time, so,” He gestured vaguely to the space around him, giving Adelaide the floor. She assumed this meant he wanted the full story, which put her fight or flight instincts on high alert. Her first instinct was to tell him off, to let him know it was none of his business, but she had to remind herself that he was just curious. He was just trying to fill the time. So, Adelaide took a deep breath and tried to tell the most bare bones story possible.
“Uhh…I mean, I guess I lived in another state when I was little. Then I got kidnapped and shipped to Texas. I found Ian’s house, I lived there on my own for eight years, then Ian kidnapped me, but then we became friends, I guess, then he dragged me to Jurassic Park the First, and then he tried to get me to stay home from Jurassic Park the Second, but I said if he goes, I go, so. That’s how I got here. You?”
“Woah, woah,” Nick said, gesturing for her to slow down. “You can’t just drop something like that, like it’s nothing, then ask about my boring-ass life.”
“I’d hardly call it boring,” Adelaide interjected, thinking about all the cool shit she’d seen from him so far, and something told her that was just the surface. Whether Nick heard her or not, he kept talking.
“You were kidnapped?” The tone of the question was much more casual than Adelaide expected, as if he were asking how her day was.
Still, Adelaide’s defenses rose. She didn’t know his intentions with this information. “Twice. Why?” Her demeanor grew spikier by the second.
“Just making conversation, s’all,” he shrugged, sending Adelaide into his neck. She pushed off it, body rigid and alert. Then his words sank in. She relaxed a little. She was being ridiculous.
“No, right, sorry, um… just a little protective of information regarding my… kind, y’know?” she admitted.
“Understandable. I wouldn’t tell us either. Especially if-” he indicated the kidnapping.
“Yeah, um, the guy knew about us or specialized in us or whatever. He took us to sell as pets.” Adelaide made sure to emphasize the pause after that part, hopefully making Nick realize why his ‘pet’ comment offended her so much. She couldn’t bear to mention the part about her parents, so she didn’t. “I escaped somewhere en route and went to the nearest human house I could find. Blah, blah, blah, eight years. One day I get stupid or lazy or whatever and drop my guard, so Ian finds me and holds me hostage till I tell him information about myself.”
“And you still trust that guy?” Nick blurted.
Adelaide gazed up ahead at Ian, who was laughing with Kelly, while she thought about her answer. “Yeah, I mean, he let me go. And also he’s done a lot of things to build up that trust over time. Wouldn’t you do the same, if Ian weren’t here with me? If you found me on your own? Beans don’t react logically to people like me.”
“Hmm,” Nick hummed. “You know, if you allied yourself with the right people, we could take down guys like him and whatever organizations they’re working for.”
“And reveal our existence to the whole world? No thanks.” Ever since meeting Ian, Adelaide considered options like that, but at the end of the day, the risks far outweighed the benefits. And if, by some miracle, borrowers were able to rally public support, that still didn’t stop the government from doing what they wanted to do. 
The silence dragged out for a while until Adelaide remembered to be polite. “And what about you? How’d you get here?” she asked.
“Money,” Nick said, but then elaborated. He talked about his background in photography and documentary filmmaking, how he traveled to the craziest places for odd jobs. It really did all come down to money in the end, but there were added benefits - women, awards, saving the Earth. He explained his affiliation with Greenpeace, which was some kind of organization working toward a ‘greener Earth’.
Adelaide listened in awe. She knew her scope of the world was much smaller than humans, but it never ceased to amaze her just how vast it really was. This was a completely different reality than she, and even Ian, experienced.
Their conversation was interrupted by Roland calling for another break. That seemed odd, considering they took one not too long ago, but nobody was complaining.
Nick plopped down on a log and Adelaide clung on for dear life. She started to ask a question, but Nick shushed her. She was going to protest until she realized they were eavesdropping.
“Come with me,” Roland said to some guy. “And you. If he’s alive, we’ll find him. The rest of you keep right on. Ten minutes, you’ll reach the ridge. Wait for us there.”
“Ten minutes, you’ll reach the ridge. Wait for us there,” Adelaide repeated in a bad imitation of Roland’s accent. She and Nick laughed, unable to help themselves. “Why is this guy in charge?”
“He is in charge because he’s an expert in his field - tracking, navigating, and hunting large predators,” Roland said, turning to face them. The smiles dropped from their faces as he approached, gun resting on his shoulder. “If you would like to lead the rest of this expedition, Miss Adelaide, then be my guest.” He stared down at her, waiting for an answer.  Adelaide shot to her feet, eyeing the gun. It was maybe three feet long and looked heavy, and despite the fact that the most dangerous thing in her immediate vicinity was a Bean, the gun scared her infinitely more. They were deafeningly loud, and Adelaide knew that if she were to get shot with one, there wouldn’t be a trace of her left.
“Why don’t you pick on someone your own size,” Nick said, trying to keep antagonization to a minimum but having trouble.
“I have. Many times. And then it got boring.”
Nick changed the subject. “Who’re you looking for, anyway?”
“Dieter Stark. Disappeared maybe fifteen minutes ago.”
“Good,” Adelaide blurted, drawing all eyes to her. (Or at least, Nick tried to look at her, but she was too close to his neck for him to see properly.) She shifted uncomfortably but held her ground.
“I know you may have had your differences, but no man deserves to die here-”
“Yeah, like Eddie,” Adelaide goaded. She didn’t know why she kept bringing the man up. It wasn’t like she was close to him, but the fact that he saved their lives without a second thought deserved respect. But in the end, it wasn’t about him. It was about making a point, making the InGen team feel bad. Adelaide felt a little guilty using his name for her prideful cause. 
“-He is one of my men. He will not be left behind,” Roland finished without blinking.
“Easy for you to say. He didn’t dangle you by your leg.” Adelaide could feel herself digging a deeper and deeper hole. Her brain begged her to stop, but her mouth didn’t seem to care.
Roland crouched down quickly, putting himself closer to eye level. Adelaide jumped, then shifted closer to Nick’s neck, which at least provided the appearance of protection. Roland noticed this but chose not to say anything.
“Get out of my space,” Nick said, and Adelaide could feel him tense up.
Roland ignored him. “You’d be happy to know, Miss Adelaide, that Deiter’s most likely dead. I will give him the courtesy of searching, but I highly suspect he’s gotten himself into more trouble than he could handle.”
With that, Roland stood up and took off. Adelaide let out a deep, long, sigh and wiped the sweat from her forehead. That man was intense.
“You like picking fights or something?” Nick asked.
“Do you?” Adelaide shot back.
“As a matter of fact, I do. You just gotta be able to finish what you start.” Nick stood up, leaving Adelaide with those thoughts. He called out to everyone to keep going, and the group obliged.
What made Adelaide the angriest was that Nick was right. She couldn’t act nervous and scared if she was going to antagonize Beans, and she couldn’t antagonize Beans if she was going to act nervous and scared. It was just so hard to keep her mouth shut sometimes. And on the other hand, Beans had no right to use their height advantage to purposely intimidate her just because she felt like there was something worth standing up for. At least, that’s how she justified it.
Movement caught Adelaide’s eye, and she saw Ian struggle to stand up. His leg must really be killing him, but she knew he would never admit it. She should probably go free him from carrying Kelly.
“Can you take me back to Ian?” she asked.
Nick also saw this and understood. “Yeah, sure thing.”
Ian was just about to lift Kelly up when he saw Nick approach. His heart pounded and his head immediately jumped to everything that could be wrong. When he saw Adelaide sitting calmly on Nick’s shoulders though, he relaxed.
“She’s sick of me already,” Nick said with a smile on his face, and before he could grab Adelaide, Ian’s hands were already there. Nick flinched, mildly uncomfortable with the invasion of his personal space, but Adelaide quickly hopped on Ian’s hands as he pulled them out of the picture.
He put her on his shoulder and nodded a ‘thank you’ at Nick, who returned the nod.
“You know I have to ask. Is everything-” Ian began.
“Yes, everything is okay. He didn’t hurt me, he didn’t call me any names. We had a lovely conversation,” Adelaide rattled off.
They walked silently for a moment as the sun slowly set.
“How’s your leg?” Adelaide asked. She figured she’d given it enough time so that her request to go back to Ian and her worry over his leg wouldn’t be connected. She was wrong. Ian saw right through her.
“Is that why you came back? Because you saw me, um…?”
“No!” Adelaide said a little too quickly. “No, um, Nick is um… I actually hate him now. He hurt me and called me names and we had a terrible conversation.”
“Mhm,” Ian said.
Adelaide changed the subject, but it still wasn’t a comfortable one. “How did it go? With Kelly, I mean?”
At this point, Kelly had already run off to talk to Sarah, so they didn’t have to worry about her hearing the conversation.
“It, uh…it went good. We had a talk, and it was - it was good.”
“Riveting,” Adelaide said sarcastically. Ian just laughed.
They walked on, and Adelaide told Ian about Nick and his adventures and how cool she thought he was. Ian listened patiently, but he knew people like Nick. He kept his opinions to himself, whether good or bad, not wanting to taint Adelaide’s opinions on the world.
It didn’t skip their attention that Roland and his men returned sans Dieter Stark, and after a little more walking, they decided to call it for the night and make camp.
Right. Camp. Sleeping. Sleeping in front of Beans. Falling into a state of unconsciousness with hostile Beans everywhere. It was in that moment that Adelaide decided she wasn’t going to sleep that night.
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talesfromlissom · 2 years
Hello! Can i request a rise!turtles bros x reader (separate) Where the reader is taking care the turtles because they’re sick and the reader just like going all out spoiling them and pamper them while they’re sick
A/N: I know you requested just the Hamato boys but I added April in there too just because I love her sm
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|| Raphael 
 » Refuses to admit he’s sick, even more so when he realizes you’re going to be the one to take care of him. Or really, anyone is gonna take care of him. 
 » He tends to run super hot when sick, regardless of his temperature. He’s even super hot when he has a mild fever. In the winter it's a blessing, the summer is a curse. 
 » As for pampering, it’d most likely result in you taking over Raph’s ‘duties’ until he’s better. This does include wrestling Donnie into bed, reminding Leo to eat something other than pizza and cereal, and Mikey to eat after he’s been drawing for a while. 
 » Heat him up in a warm bath, he’ll go absolutely bonkers and you probably won’t see him until the water gets freezing cold. Even then there’s a fair chance he won’t get out. 
 » Overall? 10/10. Very easy turtle to pamper and take care of once you convince him to rest. 
|| Leonardo 
 » The absolute worst to deal with when sick. Not because he refuses to be taken care of (surprisingly) but because of how clingy he gets. This doesn’t change either post or pre Kraang either. Frankly, he’s more clingy post-Kraang. 
 » His pampering mainly consists of wrapping him in as many blankets as possible (he runs cold), and cuddling with him until he’s better. 
 » 80% of the time you’ll find him in the center of the lair, basking in the sunlight. You can move him if you want, but you’ll have to pick him up because he’ll refuse to move otherwise. 
 » TBH, as long as he’s warm + near you, he’s perfect. You don’t really have to do much other than remind him to go to the bathroom and eat. 
 » 4/10. This is only because there’s a 95% chance that you’ll get sick because of him, and he’s the worst caregiver ever. 
|| Donatello 
 » A big fat 2/10 at first. Absolutely refuses to admit he’s sick and if you take his temperature and show it to him? He’ll claim you stuck the thermometer in a pot of boiling water. 
 » And when he gets sick, he gets really sick. Every other person in the lair could come down with the worst sickness ever, but Donatello will remain healthy. Does he have a good immune system? Did he invent an anti-sickness spray? Who knows, it's almost supernatural. 
 » Which is exactly why you’ll have to spend a bit convincing him to rest. He does so eventually, or you can leave him be and he’ll figure it out himself lmao. 
 » But he’ll still try to take care of himself. His head hurts? Don’t worry, he’ll get the ibuprofen himself. He’s hungry? He’ll make himself food. Cold? He’ll get himself a blanket. 
 » A weighted blanket and a Jupiter Jim marathon is almost guaranteed to get this guy to actually rest. There’s a 90% chance he’ll fall asleep in the first 10 minutes of the movie. He’ll also fall asleep on top of you, because you’re warm and he also runs cold. 
 » He sleeps a lot. Like…a lot. So be prepared to spend an entire day either on the couch or in his bed with a sick sleepy turtle on your chest. 
 » After he’s better he refuses to admit he slept on top of you. If you have pictures they magically disappear from your phone. But there’s a high chance Leo has his own pictures (for blackmail purposes). 
|| Michelangelo 
 » He knows he’s sick, but he will not lay down or rest under any circumstances. He’s gonna miss everything if he lays down. 
 » You literally have to trap him in a blanket burrito, even then he’ll move against the floor like a worm so he can do stuff. He’s a hassle. 
 » He becomes very grumpy at one point, especially because he wants to cook himself some soup (soup that he makes special for anyone that gets sick. But no no, nobody else can make it but him, it's the law. It doesn’t taste the same). 
 » If you get him talking about literally anything else he’ll perk up. Having a conversation with him is a one way trip to having a happy turtle. 
 » Doesn't sleep at all. Again, he’s scared he’ll miss something. If you ensure him that he isn’t missing anything it usually helps. 
 » Once he’s out of the ‘I’m not sick’ stage, you can let him out of the burrito. If you give him his sketchbook he’ll be much happier, then you guys can draw together. 
|| April 
 » 10/10. Straight up. 
 » She’s great to hang out with when she’s not sick, even greater when she is. She’s by herself most of the time, hence the reason why she hangs out with the guys so much. But she’s pretty good about figuring out when she’s sick or not. 
 » She knows when she’s too sick to move, vs when she just has a mild fever. She doesn’t even need to take her temperature to know this, it's kinda freaky. 
 » She has the best movie choices, so be prepared to bring yummy snacks, comfy clothes, and patience. Some of the movies are horrible, but she loves them because they’re horrible. 
 » She’ll probably fall asleep within 10 minutes of the second movie. But don’t think about touching the remote, she’ll wake up and say she’s still watching it. 
» She sleeps like a rock too, so don’t expect to move for a while as well. But she moves a lot when she sleeps so be prepared to be kicked in the side or whatever. 
 » The only issue is the guys. All of them freak out whenever she gets sick, mainly because the guys don’t really get sick tbh. You’ll practically have to ward Raph off from cuddling with her if she’s cold, and Leo destroying the kitchen to make her some tea or whatever. 
 » Mikey makes his famous sick soup, however, which she loves a lot 🙂
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deluxewhump · 2 years
Carlo sickfic: Martin Olson AU
takes place a week or so after this incident in “im not yours”
CW: more Blake than Martin, fairly graphic emeto more than once, nausea, headache, fever, sickness, weakness, spoon feeding, pet whump mentions, comfort, two generations of carewhumpers here, past abuse mentions including spraying with cold water from a hose
Carlo didn’t want to be sick. He never wanted to be sick, of course. But he really didn’t want to be sick here.
He’d been sick like this once, but it was years ago and he came down with it in the warehouse. It had been freezing for a week and they’d sprayed him with a hose for fun every time he dozed off on a pallet. He remembered his hair freezing. He could crack strands of it like a stick with his fingers. It was a full day before he stopped falling asleep and started losing consciousness. Only then had Keith taken him inside to Erik, and lied by omission about the hose and cold water factoring into the state he was in.
He didn’t know what this was. A virus, something he ate. He just knew he was fine Wednesday evening and then woke up at midnight in a cold sweat. He vomited until he was shaking all over, doing nothing but gagging on stomach bile.
Martin found him that way in the morning. He’d cleaned up his face, given him some all-natural mouthwash to rinse out his sour tasting mouth. He smelled of sharp sweat and vomit, but Martin did not have time or patience to try and get him in a bath and he was grateful. The thought of hot water made him queasy and he was too exhausted to hold himself up to dry heave anymore.
Martin picked him up under the armpits and got him to a sitting position on the shelf of the tub.
“M’ sorry,” Carlo panted, dizzy. “I don’t know what….”
“You’re alright,” Martin assured him, pulling him up to standing. He was strong, like a man twenty years his junior. Carlo remembered the ease with which he’d wheeled him around, slammed him into the wall downstairs. His head had been tender for two days. He slumped against him and focused on keeping his legs strong, though they shook with the effort.
“You didn’t take anything, did you?”
“No,” Carlo shook his head miserably. “Nothing.”
“Let’s get you into bed, sweetheart. I have to be at the office today, I have a partner coming in from Houston. But I want you to answer when I call. Do you understand?”
Carlo nodded. They’d made their way to his room, peppered with his things now instead of hotel-bare. Martin set him gently on his back, picking up his ankles and swinging them up into bed. Carlo took a deep breath, his eyes already closing with exhaustion.
Martin lingered by the bed for a moment, and Carlo forced his eyes open to see his expression. It was gentle, the blue eyes which could be so icy were warm with concern. He sighed shakily and Martin touched his forehead. It seemed like a bad dream now that this same man had ever slammed him against the wall and grabbed him by the throat.
“I think you have a fever. I’m going to get you some medicine.”
Carlo dozed until he came back, two pink pills in hand. He brought a ginger ale and had even stuck a glass straw in the can. The glass straws made Carlo nervous. Like he was going to somehow break it and then drink the slivers, but Martin was not in the habit of keeping things like cheap plastic in his home.
Martin gave him a sip to swallow the pills and he drank gratefully, like a hummingbird right out of his hand.
“I’m going to call in a couple hours,” he said again. “Is your ringer on?”
It was all Carlo could do to pick up his phone and check. “No.” He switched it off silent with some effort and set it down on the nightstand. “Now it is.”
“Good boy. There’s a bowl by the bed if you feel sick again and don’t want to get up. I don’t want you lying on the tile all day in there. If you get worse, I’ll take you to my doctor.”
He didn’t like to think about feeling worse than this. Martin closed his door and he was pulled into sleep.
Blake Olson hung up his coat and toed off his shoes in his fathers new house, balancing a clear container of soup in the crook of one arm.
He’d been a little surprised at a text from his dad in the middle of the day, but it made sense once he read it. His beloved little borrowed housepet had seemingly come down with something, and he wanted Blake to swing by and check on him. And bring him something to eat. He at least did not insult him by venmoing 30 bucks to him first. That was something.
While Blake was not in the mood to do his father any favors, he didn’t mind this one. It was for the pet, anyway. Not his dad.
He knocked softly on the bedroom door, cracked it when there was no answer. Carlo was sleeping, mouth parted slightly, dark circles under his eyes. His lips looked dry.
Blake sat gently on the side of the bed. At least this wasn’t his childhood home downtown. It would be weird as hell if his dad took in Erik Holstrom’s pet and had him sleep in Blake’s childhood room.
This house was newer, sleeker, more efficient. It had white walls where his childhood room had been a buttery yellow. It was uptown, and there were trees outside the tall windows.
“Hey, kid,” he said softly.
Carlo’s eyelashes fluttered and he cracked his eyes open. For a moment nothing registered, and then he scrambled back as best he could lying down.
“Shhh, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It’s okay, Carlo. It’s just me, it’s Blake. Hey.”
He relaxed a little, heart pounding under a thin grey tee shirt. He coughed weakly.
“My dad said you weren’t feeling good and he wanted me to swing by and check on you.” Blake placed the container on the nightstand, along with a plastic spoon wrapped in cellophane. “I brought you some soup if you can stomach it. It’s really good. The soup place.”
“Thank-,” the boy started, but his tongue seemed to be stuck to the roof of his mouth. He coughed again.
“Here,” Blake held a lukewarm can of gingerale to his lips and he sipped.
“Is that a glass fucking straw?”
Carlo laughed weakly, closing his eyes and lying his head back against the pillows.
Blake felt like he’d won something, getting a reaction out of this stoic little robot.
“Don’t take this wrong, but you look like shit.”
Carlo nodded and swallowed like it hurt.
“Is my dad taking good care of you?”
He nodded again without opening his eyes.
“Huh. It’s hard for me to picture, I guess. He can be such a prick. My mom always took care of me when I was sick. Have you met her?”
“Figures. Well she would take really good care of you.”
“Me?” Carlo opened his eyes. “Her ex-husband's… pet?”
Blake huffed. “Yeah, even so. She’d look past that if you were all sick and pathetic looking like this. Again, no offense. Everyone looks pathetic when they’re sick, I’m not saying you are pathetic. I know you’re not. I can see that in the way you carry yourself. You know your place, but you also know your worth. I didn’t mean it when I called you a whore the other day. That was a jab at my dad, not you.”
Carlo held his gaze for a moment, surprised. He glanced away.
“Here,” Blake pulled open the lid of the soup. “Are you up to a bite? I was specifically asked to try to feed you.”
He sat up some, and seemed interested if totally weak and exhausted. He fumbled with the wrapping on the spoon a few times before Blake just took it from him and did it himself.
“Here, I got you.”
He didn’t think anything of helping until Carlo actually opened his mouth to accept a spoonful of broth. The strange intimacy of the act hit him sideways and he had to double down rather than make it weird.
“It’s good, right?”
Carlo swallowed painstakingly.
“So…” he was grasping at straws for something to say that didn’t bring attention to the fact he was spoon feeding his fathers pet in bed. “I heard there’s gonna be an appeal to that sentencing.”
Carlo shrugged. “So they say.”
“You must be pretty sick of all of it, huh? You want him in prison forever, or what?”
“No,” Carlo breathed, brows knitting in offense.
“You never know. I didn’t know if he was nice to you or not. You miss him then?”
He had overstepped. What else was new. The boy flinched and turned away from a spoonful of broth. His throat worked over some unwanted emotion and his eyes looked bright, like there might be the prick of tears behind them.
“You don’t gotta answer me,” he said by way of apology. He thought of how Todd acted with his pet, quick with a backhand and a harsh word. He took his own issues out on the poor thing. Even in moments where he hated his father, he was not so petty or immature as to take it out on an innocent. And that’s what Carlo was. Caught in the crossfire.
“I’m not spying for my dad, either, if you’re worried about that. I don’t know if you noticed - but we have our issues, me and the old man. So, anything between us is…” he gestured in a circle around them, like stirring a pot with his finger. “Just between you and me.”
“You’ve both been very…. generous,” he said softly, all pet-manners suddenly.
“Doesn’t mean you don’t wanna go home. I get that.”
Carlo turned his head towards the pillow, tearing up now against his will with nowhere to hide it.
Blake put the soup down. Getting laughter out of him had been pleasing, but tears were something else. It didn’t feel good, but it felt like something nonetheless. Sensitive little thing. Who knew what that Holstrom guy had done to him before he ever landed here with them.
“I’m sorry, Carlo. I’m making it worse.”
Carlo laughed wetly. He was getting very pale, Blake noticed. “No. I just… I don’t feel very good…is there a… a bowl by the…”
“Yep. Here. Here.” He pulled up the bowl his father left beside the bed. It reminded him of being six years old and sick, lying in the couch watching cartoons and holding a similar bowl in his arms.
Carlo retched into it, the broth he’d just been fed coming right back up. It sounded miserable. Blake let him finish and made sure he was done before setting the bowl back down.
Carlo was apologizing, lips wet and eyes hazy. Blake felt a twinge of sympathy that bordered affection.
“Shhhh. It’s okay. Your belly is not ready for food yet, I think is what that’s telling us. Here.”
He gave him a sip of ginger ale. “Just try to keep sipping so you don’t get too dehydrated.”
“Sorry,” he said again, wincing around a sip of fizzy soda.
“Stop it, it doesn’t bother me any. I was throwing up last Sunday because I drank too much tequila the night before. I looked way worse than you and it was my own damn fault. You’re good. I promise. I’m gonna leave you alone so you can sleep, ok? I’m gonna come check on you in about an hour.”
“You don’t have to spend your whole day here.”
“I got some stuff to do, it’s fine. I just need… hey, is my old laptop still here?”
“Oh… yeah. It’s on the dresser. I… I didn’t know it was yours and I…”
“It’s fine. Relax. You’re good.”
He stood from the bed, gathering the bowl from beside the bed and scooping his old laptop under his other arm. When he was a kid, the bowl always disappeared and reappeared minutes later smelling faintly of disinfectant. He thought of his mom cleaning it up, making him toasted cheese sandwiches with the crust cut off. He’d never emptied someone else’s fucking puke bucket, but he supposed he didn’t mind. The poor kid looked rough. He paused in the doorway.
“Get some sleep, ok? You’re safe here.”
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lord-shitbox · 8 months
little comic idea for my ocs. Bark is showering at Bite's house & Bite knows his shower habits are excessive but Bark has been in there for like. over two hours now. So he knocks and is like "Bark? can't be any hot water left at this point what are you doing" but he doesn't really get an answer and the shower is still running. so he opens the door to find Bark curled up on the shower floor shaking while cold water sprays down on him.
& he's like "Bark. what the fuck. get out" & Bark very faintly shakes his head but is also shaking Badly. Bite shuts off the water and tries to pull Bark out by force but he refuses, saying "no I'm not clean no" & Bite is like. you've been in here for two hours you're clean enough. but Bark insists he isnt
So Bite sighs and reaches for the shampoo and starts lathering it into Bark's still-wet hair. And then he asks him if he'd like him to wash his face. Bark nods.
He's freezing cold but Bite's hands are still colder.
Bite gets a loofah out and puts body wash on it and scrubs Bark's arms and torso, then asks if Bark can scrub the rest himself. He nods. Bite turns around while Bark stands up and Bark is like "okay i can do the rest of this by myself get out" & Bite says "you sure?" & Bark says "yeah i'll be quick"
Bite puts his hand on the door & says "you didn't happen to bring a fresh change of clothes did you" and Bark bluescreens for a little and goes "uh. nope." Bite says "i'll try to find some clothes of mine that'll fit you" and leaves
He brings him back sweatpants and a long sleeved shirt (considers warming them up in the microwave) and red boxers. Bark is like "I do not really want to borrow your underwear" and Bite is like "they're washed. and i don't want them back until they've been washed."
Bark sighs.
Bite puts leave-in conditioner in his hair once he's changed and then sits him on the couch with three blankets. He rummages around in the kitchen for a while and then is like "Bark, do you like hot chocolate?" & Bark says "yes, actually," fully anticipating Bite to say something snarky but he just walks in and puts a mug in his hands and says "good. I even put marshmallows in for you."
Bark is like "never really cared for the marshmallow part honestly" before taking a sip and Bite rolls his eyes and says "fine. give them to me then" and then leans over and kisses the marshmallow out of Bark's mouth.
(Bark internal narration: god hes so fucking annoying) "Just get a spoon you rabid fucking animal" & Bite says "I don't turn into an animal unlike SOME people. You're the one that needs to get tested for rabies here" and then Bark leans over and tries to bite his fingers, but isn't serious about it because he has hot chocolate to keep from spilling.
They watch Killer Klowns from Outer Space together. the end
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castielsprostate · 2 months
dose my little blogger have any tips to beat the heat besides suicide
unfortunately this is what climate change does :/ and most of the tips i have are for governments, municipalities, and city halls which are plant trees, plant more wild NATIVE flowers, have free and accessible water fountains and sunscreen dispensers, add more trash cans around the cities, and invest in green technology, green dividends, and green initiatives.
however, yeah that change takes so much time while we all boil alive :/ politicians are toying with our health whilst they sit pretty in an AC fueled room.
to beat the heat before it gets to you, start blinding the windows (you can do this with diy cardboard and aluminium foil! or car sun protectors) the day before, do the same with your car if you know you have to go out that day. in the morning, at 6 or 7am you open two doors to the outside opposite of each other. take a cold shower, and wear BREATHABLE clothing like linen, cotton, or viscose. you can also put up wet laundry outside the windows, or behind ventilators.
CLOSE THE DOORS BEFORE OR AROUND 10am, close the blinds (preferably sunblocking blinds but not everyone has access to these), if you have a sun screen put that down after you close the doors.
after that, stick to low energy activities, if you have an AC turn it on, draw yourself a cold footbath, if you need to go outside for whatever reason PUT. ON. SUNSCREEN. SPF50 (NEVER lower, higher has the same effect as spf50). reapply sunscreen after every 3 hours, wear long sleeves if possible (again cotton linen or viscose), and wear sunglasses and a hat. try to NOT go outside between 13:00 and 16:00 unless you HAVE to. walk in the shade as much as possible and do not go for long hikes
when the temperature outside is cooler than inside, immediately open all doors and windows that you can, open the blinds, take your laundry back inside and if you need it, enjoy another cold shower! change into breathable pj's, use linen or cotton sheets for your bed, if possible sleep with your window open otherwise with a ventilator on (or both!)
repeat the next day if necessary, or possible! even if the day after isn't as hot, be sure to have two doors opposite of each other open for a while so they can air through the entire space. if it rains on the hot day(s), open doors and windows oppositie each other as well.
you can also spray yourself with a bit of water with a plant mister but i find that it gets really humid really quick so i personally try to avoid it! drink your drinks with ice cubes, if you have pets fill some plastic bottles with water and freeze them, put them next to the pets the morning after and switch them out so they always have some cooling, or get them a cooling mat (if they don't destroy that lmao)
sitting on the floor can also greatly cool you down!
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pa-pa-plasma · 2 years
Imagine, if you will, going into the woods for a couple days of peace & quiet, but the people in the trailer right behind you shine actual neon lights directly into your face & blast Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) so loudly you can hear it past The Mummy (on DVD) blasting from your TV as you try to drown out their playlist which is, besides the previously mentioned Running Up That Hill, shite. I ask you to imagine because I dont have to. This is my reality. It is almost midnight. They are talking louder than the music somehow. Their dog, which had gotten into a dog fight 2 days ago, is running around off leash unsupervised. Would I get in trouble for spraying them with a hose?
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silverdelirium · 3 years
idk if ur request are still open but if they are, could you write something with the marauders?? maybe dilf!sirius or stripper!reader?? (only if you’re confortable with it!)
btw i loved your theo smut😭<3
ty baby<3
summary: your best friend’s dad finds you working at a strip club.
warnings: small sir kink, squirting, oral ( female receiving ), fingering, bit of drinking at the start, small degrading, praising.
sirius needed a drink and he needed it now.
he didn’t even acknowledge what club he stumbled on, but from the view it gave, they had alcohol. and that’s all that mattered to sirius. he needed to wash away all stress, rage, and irritation from today; and what better way to do it than getting drunk?
“one firewhiskey” he demanded once he settled on the barstool at the bar. the young bartender giving a quick nod and getting to work.
it was then that sirius had a chance to look around, the place was cluttered with people. loud chatter almost drowning out the music. he realized everyone’s sight was settled onto the centre of the room.
sirius craned his neck to get a good look at what seemed to be catching everyone’s interest.
ah, he thought.
this is a strip club.
he hummed in acknowledgement when the bartender placed his drink in front of him, whisking it away and walking closer to the scene as the alcohol burned his throat, a low vibration bubbled from his chest at the taste, already getting rid of all that pent up tension in his muscles.
the atmosphere in the club had suddenly changed when sirius finished his drink. everyone went quiet before cheering loudly when two beautiful women stepped on the stage. the one at the right had red lingerie on, hugging her body in all the right places. her bronze skin seemed to compliment the colour of her attire and her long dark hair moved in rhythm with her movements. the one at the left had a pink with a black corset on, a small thong leaving little to the imagination. sirius eyes travelled from her smooth legs to her defined waist, to her pushed up cleavage and to her- face.
the realization came crashing down on sirius like a bucket of cold water.
there you were. his daughter’s best friend all dolled up dancing to the beat of the music around the pole. and he silently cursed himself for getting hard at the same little girl that visits his house every weekend. did you always go to his house after giving this people a good show? giving them something for their little wank-bank?
as much as he hated to admit it, the mere image of you dancing sensually could’ve had him cumming on the spot. he also hated to admit that the fact that he wasn’t the only person in this place was bringing back that wrath that he had earlier.
was he supposed to be able to compose himself around you from now on? was he supposed to not have you over his knee the next time he had you alone. giving you an orgasm for every set of eyes that were watching you waltz around the stage?
his fingers twitched along with his cock when he saw you bend down to let a batty old man hand you a 100 dollar tip.
and that’s when your eyes met his piercing ones.
you seemed to freeze at his presence for a few moments before you were back to dancing, your vision still glued to his.
and the subtle smirk he sent your way was enough to confirm that— you were getting your brains fucked out by sirius black after this.
after a few more dances and tips, you and your friend got off the stage, your head snapping back to meet sirius’s direction; who was still staring at you with hooded eyes.
you threw him a lazy smile before making your way to the loo, knowing damn well that sirius was just a few steps behind you. the door barely touched the doorframe before he was wringing it open with such force that had you giving a small gasp when he abruptly grabbed ahold of your jaw, turning your head up at him.
“i didn’t know you could dance like that” were the first words he spoke to you in the whole evening.
“you barely know me at all, sir” you teased. the nickname you addressed him as seemed to spark something in him. and a short chuckle came from sirius before he was smashing his lips to yours, letting go of your face to knead the softness of your bum, he hooked a finger on the waistband of your thong before letting it snap back on your flesh, coaxing a whimper from your mouth.
“you filthy little thing, getting me all hard in front of everyone. you’re gonna have me thinking of this pretty pussy for the rest of the week, and i’m gonna have you looking all ruined once i’m done with you” he growled in between kisses, hoisting you up on the counter and advancing his kisses downwards on your neck.
you threw your head back with a blissful sigh as sirius grazed his teeth against your sweet spot, your body ignoring the alarms going off on your brain that screamed: this is your best friend’s dad! what are you doing? but with the way sirius crouched down so he was at level with your sopping cunt, his beard giving you that delicious burn that you were gonna feel for the rest of the night, you really couldn’t give less of a fuck that this was wrong.
“oh fuck” you whispered as sirius dragged your panties down, groaning slightly at the sight of your dripping pussy. “fuck baby, can’t wait to have this tight pussy milking me dry” he mumbled before diving in, lapping up at your juices in an instant.
you released a strangled moan as sirius flicked his tongue over your buzzing clit, the pads of his fingers teasing your slit. your hands flew down to grip his hair as he entered two fingers at one, sucking around your bundle of nerves in a way that had you curling your toes.
“oh my god, sir-” you moaned out, thighs shaking with anticipation at the same time sirius curled his fingers upwards, caressing your g-spot in the most dazzling way ever.
he continued his assault on your clit whilst his fingers pumped in and out of you, the stimulation provoking that coil in your belly to snap without a warning. “i’m gonna fucking cum” you managed to whine out, bucking your hips up before cumming around sirius’ fingers, not even giving him time to respond.
your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you cried out in pure euphoria— your mind barely registered when was it that sirius had stood up, fingers working rapidly against his belt before letting his engorged cock spring out, he stroked a few times before nudging your stimulated clit with the tip, watching with hungry eyes as you jolted your hips upwards as a silent plea.
“beg” he demanded.
“beg for it. show me how much of a desperate slut you are.” his eyes were darkened with lust as he spoke each word.
“please— please. i need it, i want you to fuck me hard and fast, sir. please” you pouted, giving him your best puppy eyes that you knew would always get you what you wanted.
“atta girl” he purred before pushing himself inside your gushing pussy, quivering cries leaving your lips like a chant.
sirius settled for a bruising pace since the start, rocking his hips into yours until you had your back arched, giving him a clear view of your breasts that were still trapped in the corset from earlier.
“so tight baby— can’t wait to see my cum painting this pretty thighs” he moaned, gripping hour hips harshly before fastening his speed, dirty sounds of clapping skin echoing throughout the bathroom.
you went cross-eyed as his tip destroyed your g-spot, tiny stars decorating your vision with every harsh thrust. you screamed his name over and over again until your throat became tired, reaching your fingers down to soothe your aching bundle of nerves.
your hand was swatted away by none other than the male who gave you a look before massaging your clit tightly. “who is making you feel this good, pretty girl?” he taunted, a prideful smirk making its way to his lips as he watched you babble his name, cunt squeezing his cock that was still drilling into your hole.
“look at that sweet cunt squeezing me. i’m gonna have the whole club knowing who’s making you feel this fucking good” he grunted.
you went to answer him but the only thing that came out was a shattering moan as you squirted all over the bathroom’s counter, soaking yours and sirius’ thighs.
“fuck!” he moaned as he pumped you full with his load. rope after rope spraying your walls.
ragged breaths filled the room as he carefully slid out of you, both slowly coming down from cloud nine. sirius grunted at the view of your overused pussy blowing out his cum. counter completely drowned in your arousal.
“round two at the house?” you suggested.
🏷: @selenesheart @malfoy-girl
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yourstruly-caycay · 3 years
Buddah, Loki, Poseidon with s/o who always covers their chest/collarbone area, and when they finally show it to them it turns out they have a big scar from a knife.
Nice! Hope you like it.
It's summer today, and Buddha are wondering how you can wear a sweater in a hot days, "Hey, isn't today too hot for you to wear sweater?"
"Oh, I'm actually okay with wearing this in summer-" Buddha scoop you an ice cream.
"Then have some ice cream, you're totally melting right now." You chuckle and appreciate the ice cream. Deep down, Buddha is curious why you’ve been covering your collarbone area this past few months.  
It’s already five month you both start dating, It’s actually doesn’t bother him at first. But time pass by, he feel bother with it — as if there’s something she’s hide from him. But he’ll just respect your privacy and wait for you to tell him.
Until one day...
You’ve finally decide to tell him, you know that he’s been curious on why you’ve been hiding you collarbone area, and it’s not like you plan to hide it forever. “Buddha, there’s something I wanna show you?” 
“Let me guess, you hide something on your collarbone?”
“Wha- how do you know? Nevermind, I’ve been planning to tell you this anyway.”  By the time you show him what happened, his eyes went wide and freeze. A big scar that suppose to kill you and what a miracle you survive, “About this though, I got it from the fight and I’ve been wanting to tell you before but I feel insecure with it, but I’m okay right now.”
You thought he’ll be worry and feel sad, but now you don’t know if you should regret it or not seeing him really mad and his face become serious, “Who did this to you?”
“Buddha, you don’t need to worry.” You hug him to calm him down, he’s silent for a moment until he sigh and hug you back. 
“I’m glad you’re okay.” Buddha mumble, his forehead touching yours — it sure give you a warm feeling and he continue, “But seriously, who did this? I want to kick their ass.”
“Don’t, I have already kick their ass.”
Unlike Buddha who respect your privacy and rather wait for you to tell him, Loki will put an endless prank on you just to find out what you’ve been hiding.
just because you are his lover, doesn’t mean that you can escape his prank, don’t worry it’s not a harmful one. 
He really want to find out why you’ve been hiding something from him, but he doesn’t want to push you and make you uncomfortable so he’ll just discover it by himself without you knowing.
“Here.” You been given a flower from here as he avoid your eye contact, which is unexpected from him. But, you didn’t let your guard down and you know that Loki isn’t someone who give a gift.
“This isn’t another prank that you try to make me fall into, right?”
“Just accept it, I rarely give any gift to anyone.” You thank him and appreciate it, you smell the flower and... there’s a water coming out from the flower as it spray your face. Loki just laugh, he can finally find out now. 
Now, not only your face are wet, but your clothes are also wet too. Although, you only have a poker face, not surprise by his bullshit. “You’re still troublesome as always, I’m going to change clothes.”
“Prank has always been my habit, dear y/n.” He giggle, making sure she doesn’t know that he follow you, he change himself into a fly and trail you into your room. He hides in the corner of your bed and see you change your clothes, but... it’s not what he expect.
A big scar from your collarbone into your stomach, and he doesn’t know how you have survive that injured. He does’t know how he should feel right now, but for sure his face turn dark and feel the need to kill the person who hurt her. 
Somehow, your room feels tightening, it’s like giving a grim aura. “Wait, since when my room feels this uncomfortable?” You want to get out of here quickly.
Ever since the reveal, you hasn’t been seeing Loki for a few days. Neither Thor or Odin have see him too.
Then by next week, you have finally found him walking toward you. He begin to hug which you startle by his action. 
“Loki? Where have you been?” You’re totally worried for him, and yet didn’t expect him to hug you out of the blue. 
“Yeah, but where?” 
Loki pat your head as he lead you while holding hand, “You don’t need to know, dear. Let’s go get some sweet.” Loki humming happily, you don’t why or how after few days of his missing, he come back with a smile on his face as if he feels satisfied for what he’s doing.
“Maybe he has done another prank on someone.” You sigh.
You would never tell him about this, it’ll be dangerous and you aren’t gonna see him make massacre on the person who put a scar on you, even though you know that the person never intend to harm you and the scar is actually an incident, which he already apologize.
Although, Poseidon wouldn’t notice that you’ve been covering your collarbone for this past few months. 
It went pretty smooth and fine at first, until you almost reveal the scar which Poseidon only slightly see it.
“What is that on your collarbone?” 
“There’s nothing in here.”
“Show me.” He command, you curse yourself, you already knew how aware he is at you, but you show him rather seeing his anger. Poseidon finally see the big scar you have on your collarbone, although it’s not really big. 
And yet you have predict this, he approach you closer as he touch the scar, “Where did you get this scar?” 
You don’t like the tension in here, this is nothing but like a calm before the storm — you really feel bad for the person who did this. “Is an incident, I fall and got a scratch on here.” You lied. 
“Don’t lie.”
“I don’t.” 
The god of sea feels shame and annoyed on himself, he feel like he can’t protect you at all with that big scar on your collarbone. “Next time, be careful.” That’s all he say.
After the discoveries, Poseidon have been watching you closely and stay by your side so you won’t get hurt again.
You feel bad for lying, but if you want that poor person to be safe from getting killed, you would have to lie. And make sure no one know about the true incident.
You actually plan to find something to heal the scar and so you plan to go to human world, it’s actually been a long time ever since you go to human world. Because you forgot to tell Poseidon, he begin to panic when you’re gone. 
When he knows you’re in human world, he keep going back and forth thinking if he should catch-up to you or leave you alone in the mortal world that he dislike to step into. You can take care of yourself, right? You won’t get any injured just like your scar, right?
You have finally come back from the human world to get a medicine, but when you step into the castle. You feel like you’re dead — you forgot to tell Poseidon about your small trip to human world.
You went inside the castle and immediately go to Poseidon’s bedroom where he is, you enter his room and see him sitting on the bed looking down.
"Where have you been?" You don't like this type of voice from him.
"I've been searching some medicine in the human world, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you before."
Poseidon approach to you, gaze with his cold ocean eyes. You can see his usual stoic face in the night as the moon shine on the room, but his anger and disappointment easily can be see.  “Idiot, I’ve been worried for these few hours.”
“I- I know, and I’m really sorry.” 
He suddenly grab your hand and take you to bed, he’s beside you and cuddle you — you didn’t expect this from someone like him. “Tch, you seriously annoy me.” 
Yep, here comes his mean words. You have your hand play with his hair to ease his grumpiness, he have no reaction beside closing his eyes and chin lay on your head — as if he enjoy it and make him feel comfort by your side.
The end~
I think I accidentally make Poseidon out of character (I hope not), but anyway I hope you like it!!
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