#i really appreciate receiving this message i’ll be smiling the whole day thanks to u :)))
m0tel6mxzzy · 2 years
Heyyyy!!! I’ve followed you for a while cause generally I’ve always loved your aesthetic, but recently I went through the skins tag (it’s my current special interest) and saw that you were a fairly frequent contributor to the tag and also one of the few people who actually likes the show in an analytical way which made me so happy! (I’ve had to sift through so much toxic stuff to find people who are normal in that tag lmao) - sincerely, a fellow Cassie defender who wants proana freaks to get their freaky little fingernails off of her.
i’m gonna cry 😭😭😭 i’m really glad to hear that. that really warms my heart because i never see cassie as just her ed or mental illness. i think when it comes to skins, to me it’s “realistic fiction” on screen rather than in a book, so while yes it is fiction, stuff like what happened to cassie or effy can occur irl, and their plummeting mental health and people around them being affected by it in various ways isn’t ideal or glamorous. i feel the same way abt effy as someone who’s recovered from depression-her and cassie’s finales give me hope that you can manage mental illness if given the proper resources.
i think many pro-ed ppl think of cassie and see this character w an ed who gets attention for being sick, so obviously they want the same thing, bc ed’s thrive off of attention in some cases. but if u look closely, it only causes her to further regress into her illness because that’s what it does. it wants attention, but also to not be resolved. cassie has no idea how to cope with a disorder that gives her a false sense of happiness one minute, then loneliness the next. so even if her friends do care about her, they can’t actually help her or make her better-but by the end of the series cassie carves out her own plan toward recovery, especially for the sake of caring for her brother. she does it for herself, not for sid or anyone else not guaranteed to be in her life. because she knows later on that she deserves better.
cassie was sweet and bubbly, but learned to stand up for herself and find self reliance as she got older, and that’s what i adore about her. reducing her to her ed inherently washes away her development. i also notice pro ed ppl in the skins tag as well which is bothersome, because if they did watch the show, cassie is miserable because of her ed and the isolation it brings her. same w effy and her depression.
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primofate · 3 years
Genshin [Volleyball Team AU - Inspired by Haikyuu!] What it’s like to be their manager Headcanons
Note: I think a lot of people misunderstand the role of the manager XD It’s not that the whole team is dating you. It’s that the whole team treats you like their family/sister. So you’d better bet that all of them are gunna be hella protective of you XD
Scenario: What do you do for the team and what do they do for you? :D
Warnings: not proofread, fluffy, might have some swear words, platonic relationships
Characters: Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Tartaglia, Kazuha, Xiao, Tohma, reader as the team manager
Other works in the Volleyball Team AU Series: Click Here
Genshin Volleyball Team manager
It’s just fuckin’ chaos
On your first day you’re already bombarded with questions by Tartaglia and Kaeya
“So which class are you?” “What’s your height?” “Are you single?”
Captain Zhongli just cannot be bothered to reign them in anymore.
So Vice Captain Diluc does it and grabs their collars. “You idiots, you’re scaring her off!”
Possibly Kazuha and Tohma are the ones you really try to rely on, on your first few weeks.
So how do you gain the trust of your team? Let’s start with each player shall we?
#1 Zhongli (Captain/Wing Spiker/Ace)
Zhongli is just handsome and mature. He’s strict and needs to be the pillar of the team. 
You’re intimidated by him the first few weeks and he just seems...a little far. He’s always so focused that you can’t seem to catch a moment to just chat with him.
There’s a day where you notice that his form is a little off, you suspect that he hurt his wrist a little. 
You fidget uncomfortably in the gym as they practice, but finally turn to the coach “U-Umm... The captain is... I mean! I’m not sure, but... I think he needs to take a rest,”
The coach calls for someone to substitute Zhongli and suddenly asks you to check on him.
“Huh?! Me?!” the coach pushes you towards him, and Zhongli is just looking at you quizzically, you can practically see the question mark on his face.
“C-Captain, d-do you need some bandages on your wrist?”
Zhongli is taken aback, but silently puts his right wrist out for you to wrap.
Only when you’re done tending to it does he look you in the eye and ask.
“How did you know?”
“...Because I always watch, and all I can do is watch. If I can’t even spot that out then I’m not a very good manager am I?”
Zhongli has a newfound respect for you. He thought you were just a meek and shy thing sitting around and passing them balls but he feels his heart swell that someone like you is seriously watching over them.
#2 Diluc (Vice Captain/Wing Spiker/Defense Specialist)
Diluc is probably the second hardest to get along with or break the ice with.
But he gradually warms up to you when he notices that he’s always the first one you pass a towel and water bottle to.
You’re not doing that on purpose, it’s just him who always comes up first.
After a few days he deliberately goes to you faster cause he always wants to be the one to receive a water bottle and towel from you first. Secretly a puppy.
The moment he realized that you were reliable was when you stayed behind to help him practice when everyone else went home already. 
You didn’t let up in your constant praise of “nice receive”, “great spike!” and “that’s so cool!” 
He thinks he saw stars in your eyes at some point.
“Hey, Diluc, it’s getting late, let’s leave some energy for tomorrow, yeah?” he could tell from your mannerisms that you were tired too, but you tried not to let it show on your face and still cleaned up with him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then!” you wave but you’re stopped by a quick. “No,” from him. You tilt your head in wonder and he just looks at you as if it’s the most normal thing in the world.
“It’s late, I’ll walk you home,”
#3 Kaeya (Middle Blocker)
You don’t have to impress this guy, anyone of the female gender impresses him.
lol jk
safe to say it’s not difficult to befriend Kaeya, just bring him a cheering squad and some food.
all jokes aside the way to this guy’s heart is through his stomach.
He’s not a particularly hungry person but there’s this one time he forgot to bring lunch. He was running late, or something of that sort, honestly not something new for him.
He ALSO didn’t bring money so he couldn’t eat food from the cafeteria.
Ask his friends for money you say? Tartaglia would go, “Haha no way!” Albedo would go, “Let this be a lesson for you,” his brother would go “Serves you right,”
By club time he’s famished and dramatic. “Guys, go on without me, this is as far as I go,” as he sprawls on the gym floor.
You ask if he’s okay and he doesn’t answer so Diluc is the one that answers for him. “He forgot his lunch, as always,”
You make a sound of understanding and the next thing you know you’re taking out a lunch box and Kaeya has lifted his head up, sensing food.
“I packed onigiri for everyone today, actually... In case someone was hungry. It’s not much but--”
Kaeya comes alive from the dead and clutches your hands to his chest. “Manager you really are an angel,”
Diluc jump kicks him away from you.
#4 Albedo (Setter)
You also don’t know how to approach this guy
He always looks mad or stoic or something. Like he’s always thinking about something.
He low key actually is always thinking about play strategies and how to set the ball better for his teammates.
You really do think he works so hard while the game is going on, so you decide to help him out a little bit.
You watch a few more of their games and somehow come up with a list of what kinds of sets are better for each different spiker in the team.
There’s surprise in his eyes when you pass the document to him and modestly exclaim “...but, it might not be accurate, since I’m not that experienced,”
He still nods and says “...It’s the thought that counts,” 
When he does read your report and try the techniques out he notices that it does hold some merit in it
Is amazed like how Zhongli is amazed. He thought you were just there to hand them bottles and cheer for them but he had never been so wrong as to what a manager’s role is.
Will trust you enough to ask you about his set performance.  
Will sometimes slam Kaeya with an insult. “Kaeya, your spike sense is horrid, Y/N can read the moves better than you,”
#5 Tartaglia (Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
It’s not that he has a hard time trusting people but let’s just say he has the tendency to make you feel like he likes you but then he actually does that to everyone.
For example: He’ll throw compliments like “Oh that’s amazing Y/N!” but then back in the classroom you’ll hear him say “Oh that’s amazing!” to, like, every other person. 
That kinda disappoints you cause then the comment doesn’t really hold that much meaning to it if he keeps on saying it to others too.
He encounters a crisis mid year because this guy is just... he struggles with his grades. 
Captain Zhongli has told him he can’t play volleyball if he fails even one subject.
This boy is panicking and has semi-accepted this is the end of his volleyball career.
So you offer to study with him and he’s legit stoked.
Intensive and strict study sessions commence. Note taking, pop quizzes, surprise questions and even sudden random calls from you wherein you ask him a question and he has to answer within 5 seconds.
You’ve pulled all the study techniques you know here, this man better pass everything.
Welp, he still fails History....but since he worked so hard Captain Zhongli excuses it.
He’s so happy that he can’t hold back the stupidly wide smile on his face. He turns to you and for the very very first time in months, he bows and THANKS you.
You realize that he’s never thanked you before. Not even when you pass him water bottles or towels. 
You consider it a win, getting rare and sincere appreciation from him.
#6 Kazuha (Decoy/Middle Blocker/Wing Spiker)
One of the easiest to get along with but at the same time, he’s so mature that you feel like you’re not even in the same age range as him.
Definitely someone you can count on though, so you ask him many questions on the first week.
Still, it’s one of those things where you can kind of talk to him but there’s still a wall between you two.
One day while walking around in school there were these boys who were commenting about his height, and questioning his abilities as a volleyball team member.
You didn’t really think much about it when you speak up, “But he’s a really good middle blocker and spiker,” 
Those boys look at you weirdly and you realize that you’ve unconsciously spoken up. So you hurriedly walk away.
Little did you know that Kazuha was in some secret corner and heard the whole thing.
Just like that, the next day, it seems as if the wall between you two was gone, and you’re able to talk freely.
That, and he seemed to like asking you to help him practice his spikes and throw balls for him now.
#7 Xiao (Libero)
is deceivingly easy to get along with. Just has a rough exterior but is actually a softie if you squint.
You know this because there are subtle things he does. 
He doesn’t speak to you much but then he would be the one picking up the balls with you, or sometimes there’s magically a new set of clean towels on the bench that you don’t remember taking out from the storage room.
This guy is passionate for the game, so he really beats himself up when he isn’t able to receive a ball during actual games.
You worry about his mentality sometimes. I mean, it’s a team game, it’s not like he alone can save the whole game
So you talk to him about it the other day
“You’re already a really good libero Xiao, I mean... I’m not saying you should stop practicing but you don’t have to feel so bad...” you pause because this doesn’t feel like the message you want to convey
“Sorry, what I mean is... You CAN feel bad, but share the burden with your team, you know?”
He knows what you’re saying and contemplates it for a while. He knows that his team has his back, but sometimes just needs reminder about it.
He looks at you and asks, “...Can I share the burden with you too?”
You blink “Huh?”
“You said I can share the burden with my team, but can I share it with you too?”
There is a blush on his cheeks at this point.
“Oh, yea! Of course! I don’t play but I’m still part of the team you know!”
Ever since then, during games, if he feels a little frustrated he’d glance at you on the bench and you’d give him a thumbs up for a job well done.
#8 Tohma (Pinch Server/Middle Blocker)
You’re like bffs the moment you see each other
lol jk
You’re still awkward with him the first few days cause that’s just how first meetings are.
But he is very easy to talk to and always makes you feel at ease
Will always be the one to ask how you are if you need any help or if class was okay in general
Seems like the type of person to care more about others than himself
So he’s surprised when you come into the gym and you beat him to asking his usual questions.
“Tohma, how are you today? Did you have a proper lunch?”
“Tohma, are you getting tired? Want some water?”
“Tohma, how was class today?”
All the other members of the team turn to look at the two of you, thinking ‘Why does Tohma get extra attention?’ 
Tohma certainly doesn’t get extra attention you just TALK to him more. The other members deadass are also getting cared for by you, just in different ways.
This boy has some insecurities though, when it comes to playing the game. He hasn’t been in it for long so he’s the least experienced and that gets to him sometimes.
“Oh, really? But you play really well! I couldn’t tell that you’re new” 
His serves are really amazing though.
“Also! You always score points for us with the serves. Sometimes, your serves are my favourite part of the game!”
Has practiced extra hard so as not to let you down.
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jisungsplatforms · 3 years
[Chapter IV: You F*cking Minx!]
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Pairing: Producer/Music Major! Han Jisung x Photographer! fem! reader
Genre: NSFW! Smut; non idol au, college au, strangers to lovers
Warnings: Mature Content! strong language, masterbation (m&f) (only implied this chapter), discussion of kinks, good old nudes & teasing Jisung ;)
Chapter Word Count: 2.8k (lol minus the emojis cause APPARENTLY, they count on docs)
Taglist: @hyunjeongins @seungstarss @es-kay-zee @hyunjinsplaything @formidxble @freckledquokka @lbxgsunshine @cartierbin @solistired @rainbowmagicpixecorn @http-hyxnjxn (want to be added? send an ask or a dm! <3)
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You were starting to think that touching yourself every night was rather unhealthy...
It’s been over a week since you and Jisung met—a week since the both of you started your unspoken arrangement. Breathing heavily, you laid limply on your untidy bed, the only source of light available was the moon’s rays peeking through your curtains. The lower half of your body was completely rid of any clothing; the only thing covering your skin were splotches of your essence. Your phone then lit up with a notification from ‘Hannie Bear’.
1 new message(s) from Hannie Bear 🍯🧸
Hannie Bear 🍯🧸: u okay baby? do u wanna sleep now?
Using your unsoiled hand, you grabbed your phone and typed as best as you could.
Me: Nah, I still have a little bit of energy left in me
Hannie Bear 🍯🧸: really? cool lol
let’s chat for a bit
Me: Sure. Just hold on for a sec
You sat up and wiped your hand on the towel laid under you. Swinging one of your legs off the bed, you used your toes to pick up your garments from the floor, and quickly put them on. Two new notifications from Jisung appeared on your screen. You read his messages as you threw your dirted towel onto the floor.
Hannie Bear 🍯🧸: aight.
actually you know what? just call me please!
You laid back down and tapped on his icon, which now consisted of a selfie of himself from when he ‘needed to use’ your phone a few days ago, at the top of your screen to switch to the call screen. Your phone rang several times before Jisung answered. Through the phone, you could hear the faint sound of rustling and a groan.
“Hey,” he greeted with a raspy voice. You instinctively smiled when you heard him.
Jisung cleared his throat before speaking. “So I was wondering, since— ah wait. Sorry, my throat’s kinda...”
“No, go ahead. I don’t mind.”
“Thanks,” he chuckled. “You should get some water too! You know, cause— yeah. After all that.”
You laughed, heart warming at his consideration. “Yeah. Thanks!” Bringing your phone with you, you walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. You set the call to speaker mode before putting your phone down to drink. Hearing the hilarious way Jisung took big gulps of water almost made you choke on your water.
He let out an over-exaggerated ‘ha!’ and said with a funny voice, “Refreshing!” Hearing your snort made Jisung smile. “Okay, so now that we’re both hydrated, I’ll tell you what I��ve been thinking.” You hummed to acknowledge him. “So, you know how we’ve been doing this for almost two weeks now, right?”
“Yeah…?” You picked up your phone to go back to your room.
“Okay. Well, we never really talked about, you know, things that we like.”
“Things that we like?”
“Yeah! You know what I mean?”
‘Huh?’ You thought about it for a few seconds before realizing what he was talking about. “Ohh. Do you mean our kinks?”
“There! That.”
You scoffed playfully. “I knew this conversation was bound to happen.”
“Well, then spill, girl!” Jisung said flamboyantly. “Don’t keep me waiting!”
You giggled. “Weirdo,” you whispered, softly grunting when you plopped onto your bed. “Where do you want me to start?”
“I don’t know. I guess just tell me like, what role you like playing in bed, or if you don’t even use roles at all.”
“Well, we’ve masterbated together long enough for you to know that I don’t mind either; sex is sex and it should be enjoyable, whether or not there are sub/dom roles...but I do like being submissive.”
“Oh, right. Nice,” he snickered, “Okay, now what? Vanilla or Kinky?”
“Kinky, all that way.” Jisung wanted to laugh at how fast that answer came out. “Of course, there’s nothing wrong vanilla sex, in fact, it’s very much appreciated in this household.”
“Ahh. Someone of culture. I respect that.” The both of you chuckled. “So, what are some things you want to be done to you?”
“Like, receiving?” Jisung hummed in confirmation. “I guess I like being marked? And being praised and using pet names, but of course, who doesn’t?”
“I feel you, I feel you,” he nodded on the other side of the phone. “I like that too.”
“I also like being tied up.”
Jisung sat up, wide eyed. “Rope-bunny?!”
You guffawed, hearing him so shocked like that. “What? Surprising? Remember, no kink shaming!”
“No no! It’s not like that it’s just-” he sighed through puffed cheeks, “wow, that’s fucking hot.”
“Thanks,” you giggled. “But that’s only the beginning.”
“Shit, there’s more? Holy fuck— please tell me.”
“Overstimulation & edging, I think that’s fucking hot too.” You could hear Jisung’s breath hitch on the phone, making you smirk. “I also really like choking and being able to see myself getting fucked; I think there’s a name for it, but I forgot.”
Not hearing his reply, you snorted before continuing. “And I have the biggest breeding kink ever. You know what I say: the messier the sex, the better.” You stopped when you heard Jisung take a deep breath.
“Whoa, Y/n. I-” he signed. “Let me calm down before I pop another boner ‘cause of you.”
You felt a surge of pride run through you. “What? Too much?”
“Oh, fuck no. Just insanely hot.”
You laughed, adjusting yourself to lay on your stomach. “Too bad. There was still a lot more I wanted to say,” you grinned. “You should tell me what you like then, baby. I need to know how I could please you too.”
“Hmm,” he thought to himself for a while. “So you already know that I like filthy, kinky sex too and that I usually take up the dom role but if I have to be honest. I’ve always wanted to try subbing.”
“Really?” you smiled evilly. ‘How interesting’
“Yup. I mean, I like being babied, so I think I’d really like it.”
“Oh? Would you like to try it sometime, baby boy?”
The line went dead silent for a while, filling you with worry. All of a sudden, when you were about to ask Jisung if he was okay, he whimpered. “Please?” he muttered, and you swore you could already see him pouting. Now it was your turn to take a deep breath.
“Hold on, baby boy. We both just finished touching ourselves not too long ago. Let’s do this another time.”
“Aww...Boo. You’re no fun,” Jisung’s usual cheeky self returned.
You rolled your eyes. “Sorry, but I already came 3 times tonight. Let my vagina rest, Sung.”
“Fair,” he laughed. “Does that mean I get to sub next time?”
“Hm… If you’re nice to me, then yes.”
“Oh baby, you know i’ll be the best behavior if it means getting topped by you.”
Instead of feeling horny, you only felt playfulness behind his words. “Good. I’ll be sure to give my baby a treat tomorrow then.” Jisung cheered giddily, fueling your own amusement. “By the way, what’s with the kink talk? I mean, I knew it was gonna come eventually but still.”
You couldn’t see it, but Jisung shrugged at your question. “Well, if we’re gonna be together, then I need to know everything about you that you enjoy.” Your face dropped, your chest swelling in adoration and alarm. Not hearing a response from you made him panic. “Uh- unless you don’t wanna be a thing! That-that’s fine too...i guess, w-whatever! I just—!”
Jisung stopped when he heard you giggle. “You’re so cute, Sung.” You softly said in content. “It’s getting late, baby. I’ll see you in the morning, hm?”
“Y-yeah! See you in Jung’s class, baby!”
You ended the call then slid your phone under your pillow. Pulling your blanket all the way up to your chin, you squirmed around until you were comfortable enough to sleep. The only thing in your mind was Jisung and how much your relationship with him developed way too fast. It was a little...frightening for your fragile heart.
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2nd Period; Mrs. Jung’s Renaissance Literature class. Probably the most boring class ever. Everyday, you regret ever signing up for it.
You begrudgingly walked to class, purposely taking small, slow steps so you don’t have to be there on time. However, as boring as the class is, the only reason why you find it tolerable is because it is the only class you share with Jisung. Looking up, you found yourself in front of your Literature class, much to your dismay. Grumbling, you stepped inside the room to find Jisung already at his (now) usual place at the back of the class, right beside you. ‘Weird,’ you thought, seeing how it’s usually you who comes to class before him. Jisung looked up, feeling eyes on him from the front of the class, and smiled when he saw it was just you. He gestured for you to come over to him; your heart racing as you stepped closer to him.
“Hey, baby,” he greeted happily, watching you take your seat beside him.
“Hi, Sungie,” you replied, setting your camera bag onto the floor under your legs and taking your laptop out of your bag. Feeling Jisung staring at you, you tched jokingly. “Am I that attractive that you can’t keep your eyes off of me?” you laughed. What you didn’t expect, however, was Jisung’s blunt response.
“O-oh? Uh…”
“I thought I made it clear that I think you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen in my life,” he said truthfully, giving you a bright smile. Your eyes were wide, face heating up at his straight-forwardness. He threw you a flirty wink and chuckled, going back to sit up straight at his own seat. Flustered, you hid your face with your hoodie, tightening the drawstrings to further conceal your blush. From beside you, you could hear Jisung snort, trying not to laugh at you. Before you could scold him, the bell rang and Mrs. Jung entered the class.
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Jisung’s drowsy eyes wandered the whole room for the umpteenth time. His ears only shut out the mundane information his instructor was teaching. Something about a Scottish poet named George Lauder being responsible for the advancement of the steel industry or whatever? ‘Man, what does that have to do with the renaissance era?’ It’s only been 30 minutes since the class started and he already wanted to get out of here. No matter how hard he tried focusing on the lesson, the words only went through one ear and out the other. Needless to say, it way too uninteresting for him to retain anything.
His eyes then traveled to your hunched form. He had to resist the urge to pull out his phone and take a picture of your cute face all scrunched up in concentration, your figure engulfed by the oversized purple hoodie you were wearing. In the midst of his ogling, Jisung felt a gentle kick on his right leg. His eyes focused to finally notice you side eyeing him. It was as if you were telling him ‘pay attention or else’. All he did was grin and continued gawking at you.
You rolled your eyes, deciding to not mind him and try paying attention to Mrs. Jung; even if you yourself thought the class was boring as hell. You then feel a warm hand on your left thigh. Since it was just Jisung, you shrugged his hand off of you and typed in the shared doc you both created just to talk in this class. You typed:
‘What are you doing?’
Leaning over to his own screen, Jisung read the message on his laptop then replied.
‘babe i’m sorry but i’m so fucking bored’
‘Me too, but you gotta pay attention, baby boy’
‘hmm i love it when you call me baby boy ;)’
You side-glanced him with a ‘are you serious?’ look while he merely smirked, wiggling his eyebrows as if it would seduce you.
‘Funny. Don’t you dare get horny in the middle of class, Han Jisung!’
Jisung made a quiet sputtering noise as he put his head down onto the table. From the corner of your eyes, you could see him fiddling his platform sneakers with his feet. You restrained yourself from laughing at him. He looked exactly like an annoyed kid on the verge of throwing a tantrum. You shook your head. ‘The poor man is really trying’
Sneakily sliding your phone into your pocket, you stood up from your seat, the chair making a slight screech, catching Jisung’s—as well several other students’— brief attention, to head to the front of the class. Signing your name into the ‘restroom log’, you briefly pointed to the door when you made eye contact with Mrs. Jung, and went to the restroom. You grinned to yourself, thinking about how Jisung would react to his little gift.
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The painfully bored boy watched as you left the room. He pouted, his boredom only increased tenfold without you. He went back to his laptop, clicking on another tab to do something, when he felt his phone vibrate from his back pocket. He jolted. ‘Who the hell would text me while I’m in the middle of class?’ Jisung slowly took out his phone to check his notifications. Seeing your name on the screen, he stared in confusion.
‘Y/n? What’re you doing?’ Glancing to see if Mrs. Jung could see him, he unlocked his phone to read your message.
My baby 💘: Remember what I said last night?
Many thoughts, none of which were pg, raced through his mind. ‘What exactly are you talking about?’ He adjusted his keyboard to properly type with one hand.
Me: depends
are we talking about me subbing or your “gift”?
My baby 💘: Hmm sure. You’ll see 😉
Jisung nearly let out an audible ‘huh?’ because of your rather cryptic message. Not wanting to get caught, he hid his phone between his legs and waited for your next text. After almost a minute, this phone vibrated again. Big Mistake…
Strike 1!
‘God, Han Jisung, you fucking idiot!’ The shock unintentionally sent waves of pleasure between his legs, almost coaxing out a whimper from his mouth. He cleared throat, trying to ignore the erection that was threatening to pop up, and inconspicuously took his phone.
Strike 2!
If Jisung died at that very moment, then he wouldn’t even be mad. No regrets or anger whatsoever for his eyes was blessed with the most salacious photo of yourself. There you were, sweater pulled up to show off the lacy red bra that adorned your breasts—your arms deliberately squeezing them together to make them even more tempting than they already are—and pants pulled down enough to show a cheeky glimpse of the matching set of panties hugging your hips. Jisung swore he could feel his blood rushing to his dick and nose; he even went as far as wiping it in case he really did get a nosebleed.
‘Y/n, you minx...’’
Me: baby…
what you’re doing is very dangerous for the both of us
My baby 💘: Oh? Are you sure you didn’t forget what we talked about, baby boy
Jisung anxiously looked back and forth from his phone to his teacher. He covered his mouth when you sent another shameless nude to him. Now it was a picture of your hands cupping your breasts, your bra unclasped, threatening to slide off your shoulders. How you managed to take the photo was beyond Jisung’s comprehension. Though, now that he’s as turned on as a horny 13 year old boy on a porn site for the very first time, it’s safe to say that there was nothing on his mind except you, and you only.
He set his keyboard back to its default mode and put his head down, fingers hastily tapping on his phone to reply.
Me: come on baby
please don’t do this to me
i’m hard. i really popped a boner in the middle of class…
this is fucking embarrassing
Jisung just knew that you were laughing at him, finding great joy in his predicament. He subtly adjusted himself to do something about his hard-on. ‘So fucking embarrassing’ He blushed, biting his lip. He silently prayed to whatever deity out there that his erection was unnoticeable through his sweatpants; he was so grateful that you two sat at the back of the class. His phone buzzed again, it was another message from you.
Strike 3!
He’s out…
My baby 💘: It’s mommy for you today, baby boy 😉😉
Above was a picture of you...Bra hanging from your mouth...Your pearly teeth biting down on one of the straps...Pants off...Panties moved to the side...Showing off your dripping core to the camera...Your fingers threatening to slide inside your core…
Somebody please help this poor man. He might get a heart attack because of you. And if he doesn’t die from that, then it might be because of the rage of sexual frustration he felt when you came back with a seemingly innocent smile on your face. Jisung was just lucky nobody noticed his hard cock throbbing the rest of the session. More importantly, thank god Mrs. Jung is an oblivious old woman.
‘Y/n L/n, you FUCKING MINX!’
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deniigi · 4 years
A fic from Boba’s POV as a babysitter seeing Din’s family dynamics isn’t self indulgent it’s indulgent to your readers - fuck, that sounds like the best, most hilarious thing ever?!? (With peppered in bits of Boba’s identity crisis/diaspora feels)
I say you release babysitter boba fic ;) It sounds hilarious
Ask and you shall receive, anons. Beware. It’s like 11k of world building lol.
(I will post here and not on Ao3 because I’m not ready for that level of commitment rn lol)
Title: in the plains of Zeffo
“I don’t like him,” Karren told Din.
“Concurred,” Din said.
“Ad’ika,” the Armorer scolded.
“I will not be shamed into liking him, either,” Din asserted.
“Din,” Karren whined.
“I’ll consider coming home if it means there will be no space for Bojzka,” Din said.
(Din’s original finder’s old crush on the Armorer is rekindled after he helps her reunite with Din. He tries to win her favor, but keeps getting tripped up by Din who knows she’s not interested. Boba Fett’s POV.)
There was little more entertaining than watching Djarin snap.
Boba ten years ago would have spat at the very idea that such meagre fare would suit his humor, but he was getting old, man. You had to take what you could get, and Djarin’s bared rage was a sight to behold.
Currently, he was locked in combat with Urro Bojzka. The Urro Bojzka. The one who even Boba had heard of, growing up on Kamino.
Dad had had some pointed feelings about Mr. Bojzka. Mainly, they revolved around how it was unfair that everyone called him an opportunistic traitor when Bojzka continued to exist and thrive in the universe at large, but Dad also had more specific feelings about Bojzka that bordered on jealousy.
Urro Bojzka was said to be the ideal Mandalorian man.
He was big. He was strong. He sounded like he’d smoked six different kinds of spice for forty years, and nothing and no one could take him down.
The cherry on top was that he was notorious for rescuing kids. The man had snatched nearly two hundred up out of smoking ruins and battlefields. A good twenty or thirty had become foundlings and then Mandalorians themselves, and counted among their number now, to Bo-Katan’s absolute glee, was their sweet, precious Din Djarin.
They should have known. Din was the epitome of Mandalorian; it figured that Urro Bojzka himself would have picked him up as a child.
Din however, had little appreciation for this fact beyond that which was only polite. He made it very clear that he’d already thanked Bojzka for taking him out of his childhood hellhole. He’d done that bare minimum and so no one could ask anything more of him.
Bojzka had other plans.
It turned out that Urro Bojzka had a thing for Din’s covert’s Armorer. God, did he have a thing. And not only did he have a thing, but he’d had it for decades.
Apparently, a thousand years ago, when Boba and Din and all the others around them had still been rolling around on dirt floors trying to eat beetles and shit, Bojzka had attempted to court Din’s Armorer. He’d gone as far and wide as a young Mando could. He’d tried flowers, perfume, credits, displays of strength and courage. He’d tried gifts of food and offers of travel. He’d even stooped so low as to read a book.
None of it had gone well for him. And that was probably because Din’s Armorer had recently proven herself to be no less than one of the heiresses of the Katzkai clan.
The Renda Bears. Those people were hard-fucking-core.
When Bo-Katan found out that Din’s ‘Goran’ was, in fact, Nomri Katzkai, the second daughter of Lanlee Katzai and the official apprentice of Fii Katzkai, the imperial Armorer himself, she threw up her hands and declared all endeavors hopeless now.
Din was one of them; he just didn’t know it. And his buir, who had removed herself from her family to be even more hardcore than anyone would have thought possible, didn’t seem overly excited to start explaining shit to him anytime soon.
So here they were. With Din about to kill one of the most famous war heroes in recent Mandalorian history over a crush that wouldn’t quit.
Bojzka smiled at him with dark eyes with scars through both of his eyebrows.
“Just a message,” he lobbied. “One letter.”
Boba would’ve fucked him. Yeah, why not? Just look at him.
“She’s busy,” Din said. “You’ll have to submit it to Eegang Quodo. That’s E-e-g-a—”
“Yeah, see. Here’s the thing, kid. This letter’s gonna be kinda personal, if you catch my drift—”
“—probably not great for the eyes of anyone who ain’t, you know, in on this whole relationship—”
“—d-o. He’s usually busy, too. So you probably should submit it to Paz, instead. He’ll lose it for you forever. That’s P-a-z—”
Fennec hid a razor-sharp grin behind a clenched fist. She flashed it at Boba.
‘I love him’ she mouthed, pointing at Din’s hiked-up shoulders. Even his cape seemed to have gone stiff in Bojzka’s presence.
“Din, honey. Listen to me,” Bojzka crooned. “I know you’re protective of your mama, but—”
“She’s not my mother. Don’t you fucking dare call her that, you hulking piece of—”
“Ah-ah-ah. You’re not listening. Come on. Chin up. Ears open.”
Bojzka tapped at the bottom of Din’s helmet like a CO with a teenage recruit, and Fennec just about screamed when Din went completely still and silent.
Bo-Katan met Boba’s gaze out of the corner of her eye. She mimed a syringe. Boba shook his head. If this fucker got bit, he deserved whatever infection it brought.
“Atta boy,” Bojzka said to Din’s rigid silence. “Here’s how it is: your mama and me go way, way back. And you know, after your touching reunion the other week, she even went and had a drink with me, and we got to talkin’ and started to reconnect, the old folks do. And I could read her body language, Din-Din. She wants a man. And that man’s me. So instead of actin’ like a child over all this, why don’t we—”
“She wanted Naseem,” Din snapped. “But Naseem died. Twenty years ago, he died. You just wear similar boots.”
Get ‘im, Djarin. Get ‘im.
“I—who?” Bojzka snapped.
“Naseem,” Din repeated like he was an idiot. “Traditional, bantha-sized, green armor. He worked all the time to keep all the kids in the covert fed.”
Bojzka processed this.
“Naseem what?” he asked stiffly.
“He’s dead,” Din said. “And Hajka left. So no. Goran needs neither a man or a woman, and especially not you. What she needs is a break and for Karren to stop fighting people on sight.”
Bojzka backtracked like a champ.
“Karren, that’s her youngest, right?” he asked. “Well, I bet Karren could use some sisters. I bet he’s lonely over there on, uh.”
“Zeffo,” Din gritted out. “And no. He’s not. He has three sisters. One of which is still at the covert, terrorizing him left and right.”
Even Bo-Katan could only empathize so much with Bojzka, war hero or nah.
“Why’re you all up in arms, Din? What’d I do to you?” Bojzka finally asked. “Don’t you want your buir to be happy?”
Din’s shoulders finally came down from his helmet.
“Of course, I do,” he said. “Which is why if you set so much as a toe on Zeffo, I’m taking both of your knees with me to Yavin.”
Any parent would have been proud to have Din as their child. He took family honor to a level that even the Katzkai clan would have had a hard time sniffing at.
He had to have learned this from the wayward heiress. Although, if Boba was honest, he didn’t really think that the wayward heiress was all that wayward.
She’d come to visit Din on Tatooine. She was short and stocky and not terribly interested in the court or anyone outside of Din.
She wasn’t nearly as hostile as Bo-Katan expected either. She didn’t appear to love anything that she was looking at, no, but Din had explained that that was mostly because she wasn’t really a fan of him having become Mand’alor to start with.
When she came to visit, anyways, she was far more interested in getting a good fuss in to give herself peace of mind that Din was okay. That way she could then go back to dealing with the apparently endless series of crises at the new covert.
She was a great parent in that way. She even brought along her youngest, so that he could see his big brother.
That kid was fuckin’ adorable. Maybe fourteen or fifteen years old. Barely, barely, barely in armor. He was strapped into his leathers so tight, he looked like he was stuffed with straw.
He had medium-brown skin with yellow undertones and huge, nearly-black eyes. Coarse black hair poured into his face and curled around his ears—and if he thought he was going to stuff all that in a helmet one day, he had another thing coming.
He bopped after his buir when they entered the palace and stopped occasionally to stare up in awe at the palace’s high ceilings. Upon realizing that he’d lost his escort, he scampered along to catch up and did the whole thing again and again until buir had enough and snatched his hand.
He didn’t like that. He was fourteen-fifteen years old. He was too big for hand-holding, buir.
Never too old to be ignored, though.
“Hush,” the Armorer told him. “Keep up.”
He was handed off to Boba outside Din’s personal quarters, mostly because he was making such a fuss at the Armorer that she began contemplating leaving him at the palace forever. Din intervened and the kid latched onto him instead until Din convinced him that he’d be available talk just as soon as he and their buir were done speaking.
The kid’s name was Karren.
He and Boba were now best friends.
“—so Goran said, ‘I’m not having that idiot in my rooms.’ But then Eegang said, ‘we already have Paz in these rooms,’ and you’re not supposed to laugh, Mr. Fett, but we all did because we’re all stupid. So we had to do like, a thousand chores for eavesdropping.”
“So she’s not into him, then?” Fennec clarified. “He’s really into her, you know.”
“Of course, I know,” Karren lamented. “But Goran’s picky and the last person she was all close with was Hajka and we’re not allowed to talk about her anymore or Din’ll make you do two hundred push-ups while he watches.”
Amazing. Say more about Din’s oldest-child syndrome, little one.
“No, I like Din,” Karren sighed. “Now that Digo’s gone, he’s even nicer.”
“What happened to Digo?” Boba asked as Bo-Katan joined them in curiosity.
“Digo’s a jerk is what happened,” Karren huffed. “She wanted Goran to give over the forge and join the elders, but Goran isn’t even that old. So when she said ‘no,’ Digo got mad and said that the only foundling Goran respects is Din. Which is bullshit because everyone knows that Goran has always been the nicest with Digo and Nasif—she made all sorts of excuses for them, Mr. Fett, like when they went out and got caught stealing parts like Jawas, she did four whole hunts to raise their bail. When Din gets in trouble, he takes care of it himself. He doesn’t ask Goran to do that kind of thing. And me and Shimmol just don’t get in that kind of trouble to start with—but no. Digo had to be all ‘if you don’t treat us as equals, then we’re gonna leave and start our own forge.’”
“No kidding,” Fennec said. “So they left?”
“Yeah, both of them ‘cause Nasif does anything Digo tells her to,” Karren said, kicking his feet. “And good riddance.”
Too many sisters, this one had. Boba felt for him.
“So Goran’s still recovering from that betrayal, I take it?” he asked.
Karren frowned and chewed a lip.
“I dunno,” he admitted. “No one tells me anything. I think that Goran’s been more worried about Din than them after all that happened. We thought he got crunched by the jedi—or at least I thought he got crunched. Paz says that Jedis compact Mandalorians into cubes of armor and Din’s got the best armor.”
Do not laugh at the child. Do not laugh at the child.
“I don’t think Jedis crunch Mandalorians,” Bo-Katan said generously, having snuck into the bare antechamber while everyone was distracted with the kid’s story.
“Well, I do,” Karren countered, with zero conception of who he was talking to.
Fennec beamed.
“Do you like this Urro guy?” she asked.
“No,” Karren answered immediately. “He’s sent Eegang four messages and they’re all gross.”
It was gonna be a late puberty for this one.
“What makes them gross?” Bo-Katan asked.
“The mush,” Karren said expertly. “Bojzka calls Goran ‘Nomri.’ That’s a bad word at home. No one says that word. Goran is ‘Goran.’ The only people who call her anything else are the elders.”
“And you and your siblings, no?” Bo-Katan asked.
Karran cocked his head at her.
“Yeah, and ‘buir’ I guess, if we aren’t in trouble,” he said.
Bless him.
“Are you in trouble a lot?” Bo-Katan asked.
“I dunno. I got a temper or something.”
“Is Din in trouble?”
“With buir? No, not like me and Shimmol. He’s too old to be in that kind of trouble. His trouble’s like ‘help, I fell a hundred feet off a cliff’ kind of trouble. He gives Goran indigestion, but she can’t make him reflect on falling a million feet out of a ship—Eegang says that’s called ‘rehashing trauma.’”
The covert on Zeffo sounded like it was holding itself together through sheer force of will and that alone.
Where did Boba sign up? It sounded like a fantastic experiment to pass the time.
“Are you a foundling, Karren?” Boba asked.
The kid lit up.
“Yeah,” he said. “I’ve been with Goran for five years now. Six in a few months. My dad’s a piece of shit. He killed my mom, and Goran got him arrested for that and for what he did to my auntie.”
Well, fuck. That explained a lot.
“And you like it there—on Zeffo?” Bo-Katan asked.
Karren shrugged.
“It’s cold and wet,” he said. “I liked Nevarro better. Din was home more on Nevarro.”
“Aren’t you proud of Din for becoming Mand’alor?” Bo-Katan asked as gently as she could manage.
Karren’s frown eased up finally.
“No,” he said. “Din should just come home. He doesn’t need to be Mand’alor or married to some jedi. He should just come home. It’s stupid; his foundling should have stayed with us from the start. We always have room for more foundlings. I dunno why he had to leave with his foundling at all.”
Bo-Katan sat back and sighed.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “If it helps, I think he just wants to come home, too.”
“So let him,” Karren blurted out to her.
Tough tits, kid. That wasn’t how it worked.
“I think we should perhaps focus on one thing at a time,” Bo-Katan said. “What do you think, Fett?”
What did Boba think?
Boba thought that he had a great idea to distract this kid from missing his big brother.
Karren was perhaps a little too small still to reach the brakes in the crawler, but you know what? So was Fennec sometimes and she did just fine.  
“Gas,” Boba said, pointing. “Neutral. Brake. Park.”
“Gas, neutral, brake, park,” Karren repeated to him with his hands on the wheel and his knobbly wrists peeking out from the gap between his gloves and his leather braces.
Bo-Katan had refused to be present or responsible for this. Fennec had told them to wait while she went and took a shot first. ‘For safety’ she said.
“What’s neutral for?”
“You’re about to tell me,” Boba said, adjusting the rear view mirrors down to kid-height.
The sound of Fennec throwing herself onto the back of the crawler rattled through to their compartment.
“That’s our signal,” Boba said. “You ready to jam?”
“Jam?” Karren asked him.
Punch it?
“Punch what?”
The fuck kind of slang did they use at the covert?
“OH. Yeah, I’m ready.”
There we go. Onward march then.
An hour later, Din sighed with Karren whining under his arm.
“There is a reason he’s not trained yet, Fett,” Din said as Karren started chomping on the bunched-up flightsuit in his elbow.
The Armorer pressed both palms into the forehead of her helmet.
The crawler had perhaps seen better days. But it had also seen worse days, and Fennec was still going through little loops of cackling at the memory of having to chase after its open tailgate. Boba didn’t understand what all the fuss was about. The kid had done amazingly well for his first time at the wheel.
“I’m leaving all of you,” Karren grated out, trying miserably to escape Din’s elbow-prison. “I want to be Mr. Fett’s foundling.”
Bless him.
“You don’t,” Din told him forcefully. “Fett can’t handle a foundling.”
Ay, Boba would drink to that. He was happy to be a foundling-sitter and borrower, though.
“Buir,” Karren pleaded.
“You make me tired, child,” the Armorer told him. “Say goodbye to vod.”
Din sighed. The Armorer sighed. Karren, in a beautiful 180, latched onto Din’s ribs again.
“Come hooooooome,” he pleaded with Din.
“I caaaaaaan’t,” Din drawled back at him in a delightfully uncharacteristic tone.
“These people don’t need you. We need you. Shimmol took your bed and if you don’t take it back, she’s gonna keep it.”
Din’s shoulders dropped.
“I told Shimmol that she could take my bunk, Karren,” he said. “I’m not using it—”
Boba took it back. He could take on a foundling. Fuck it, why not? This one was great.
“Come here,” Din said, dragging the kid up to his toes. He knocked the front of his helmet against Karren’s forehead with enough force that the bump was noticeable. That made the kid shut up and stand up straight on his own volition again.
“Soon,” Din told him forcefully. “Behave for buir.”
“Promise,” Karren demanded.
“Din, promise.”
“I dunno, kid. I’ve got a husband and all these damn kids to worry about.”
“Bring them. All of them.”
“No room,” Din said without missing a beat. “You have no idea how much space the husband needs to thrive.”
“Well, if you don’t come, then Urro’s gonna try to move in,” Karren snapped.
Din actually paused at that. The Armorer shook her helmet.
“Territorialism becomes neither of you,” she said. “If Urro wishes to join our covert, then we will treat him as we treat any other who wishes to.”
Din’s helmet seemed to squint at her. Karren glared outright.
“I don’t like him,” he told Din.
“Concurred,” Din said.
“Ad’ika,” the Armorer scolded.
“I will not be shamed into liking him, either,” Din asserted.
“Din,” Karren whined.
“I’ll consider coming home if it means there will be no space for Bojzka,” Din said.
“Carry on with your work and give my best to the jedi and the child,” the Armorer said with an air of dismissal. “Come, Karren. Thank you three for looking after him. Apologies for the vehicle. Come.”
Boba missed that kid already.
Bojzka, Boba had to say, really had no shame and he could almost appreciate that. Either that, or Din’s buir was a catch that the rest of them were failing to appreciate.
“How bad can it be?” the guy mused at Din’s stiff, furious hands mere days after the Armorer and Karren’s departure. “It’s a helmet, right? You can take it off with the people who matter, no?”
“We do not take it off,” Din said from between clenched teeth.
“Right, I got that. But there are exceptions for kids and spouses,” Bojzka said. “Or did I misread that part?”
Din was going to start shaking at any minute now. Bo-Katan assigned Boba the task of making sure he didn’t commit War-hero-homicide while she went off to find a calming device. It was only polite. It wasn’t Bojzka’s fault after all that he’d come in right after a tense meeting with a dissident group from Mandalore itself that made even Bo-Katan’s jaw jump.
“I think the rule is more important than the exceptions here,” Boba pointed out on Din’s behalf. “Joining the Children of the Watch isn’t something to take lightly.”
Din pointed at him wordlessly. Bojzka lazily followed the finger and then pointedly ignored Boba.
“What I’m hearing is that if we marry first, nothing changes,” he said.
Din’s index finger curled in with the rest of his knuckles until it was a fist.
“She is not looking to marry,” he said.
“What, so you speak for her now?”
“She is not looking to marry.”
“I can repeat things, too. Wanna see? You don’t speak for Nomri, Din.”
Boba was getting the feeling that Ms. Katzkai sort of did let Din speak for her in these types of situations. He was, after all, her oldest. And it sounded like he was the most loyal of her foundlings, too. If she shared anything personal with anyone besides her second in command, then it was going to be Din. That was just how these things worked.
“Did you call Eegang?” Din asked.
“I did,” Bojzka said. “He’s not especially helpful, I have to say. He keeps sending my missives back to me with grammar corrections.”
No. No. Keep it in, Boba. Keep it stoic.
“Eegang is the second CO at the covert,” Din said. “If you won’t take my word for it, then you’ll take his.”
Bojzka arched a fucked-up eyebrow.
“Eegang, the same guy who is allegedly secretly married to his partner? That Eegang?” he asked.
Din balked. Boba felt like electricity had just rocketed through him.
“Eegang is—” Din started.
“Nomri told me about him,” Bojzka said off-handedly. “She seems to think that he’s bitten off more than he can chew with taking on his last kid.”
“Something about baby being blind? Funny, did you not think that she trusted me enough to talk about her people?”
Any more of this and steam would start rising from the lip of Din’s helmet.
Thankfully, Bo-Katan returned with the jedi, AKA the calming device. Skywalker even came equipped with Grogu. They both appeared very confused and innocent, what with Skywalker drowning in his formal robes. They looked like they were going to absorb Grogu at any moment.
A+ distraction work, Kryze. Well done making yourself useful.
“Who’s Eegang?” Skywalker asked.
The line pulled taut across Din’s shoulders began to loosen.
“A comrade,” he said sharply in Bojzka’s direction.
“Is he nice?” Skywalker asked. Grogu chirped at him and resumed trying to dig into his multitude of collars.
“Very nice,” Din confirmed, staring deep into Bojzka’s eyes.
“He’s got foundlings, too?” Skywalker asked.
“Two,” Din confirmed. “Who he adores. Regardless of all challenges.”
Ah. It wasn’t just Eegang Din was protective of. It was the baby. Bojzka had really stuck his foot into that one.
“I’m sure the foundlings are fine,” Bojzka said. “It was just Nomri’s concern that—”
“Stop calling her that in my presence,” Din said. “In fact, let’s drop the whole thing now.”
Boba wanted to meet secretly-married Eegang. He sounded like he had a rich interior life. Din gave him a strong look and said that if the Armorer had left the covert, Eegang would not. One of them had to be there at all times.
Bo-Katan asked what Eegang’s speciality was.
Surprise, surprise: it was diplomacy.
Kryze was now invested. She followed Din around on his heels and suggested that if the Armorer gave words to Eegang to deliver during a formal meeting with the Mand’alor, then Bojzka might finally get the picture that Katzkai wasn’t interested in him.
Din thought about that.
He asked if this was not just a ploy for Boba and Bo-Katan to rally his covert comrades against him.
And it honestly wasn’t until he phrased it like that.
Eegang was tall, sea-green, and in Bojzka’s face without so much as a by-your-leave.
“Three tests,” he threatened Bojzka with a baby on his hip. “One: stop sending transmissions. Two: get Elder Fayrz to approve your presence. Three: make even one of Goran’s foundlings like you. If you pass all three, your admission will be taken into consideration.”
The baby was very pink with curly hair so pale it was almost white. Its blue-gray eyes moved rapidly back and forth as it cuddled into its buir’s teal armor. Bojzka glanced from it to Eegang’s chipped helmet.
“Where did you find him?” he asked.
“Please give confirmation of your understanding,” Eegang said mechanically.
“He’s kinda cute.”
“Please give confirmation of your understanding.”
“Are you a droid or somethin’?”
“Please give—”
“Alright, alright. Fuck. This is confirmation of my understanding.”
“Excellent. This conversation is over,” Eegang said. “It is your responsibility to contact the elder and earn the approval.”
Bojzka jerked.
“Wait, what?” he said. “How am I supposed to do that if y’all won’t even let me through the door?”
Eegang’s helmet tipped so daintily to the side that Boba could have shed a tear.
“That sounds like a you-problem,” Eegang said.
Eegang thereafter blocked Bojzka out of his mind and heart. He introduced himself with a dipping motion to Kryze and Boba that probably would have been more dramatic if he’d opted to wear a cape, which he did not. He revealed himself to be exceedingly polite and very fond of Din, though—if the gentle armor tapping and the use of the word ‘little brother’ was anything to go by. Din was usually receptive to gestures like that, Boba had learned, but not this time.
No, no. Din cared not for his ‘big brother.’ He cared only for the attention of Eegang’s baby.
“His name is Mesa,” Eegang explained after Din had kidnapped said baby. He introduced Mesa to Grogu who was stationed nearby, stuffed in the sleepy jedi’s shirt this time. . Grogu waved from Skywalker’s chest, but Mesa didn’t register the motion.
“His grandmother was quite ill, and it was her dying wish to see the child placed into the care of someone trustworthy. I have to admit, though, I may have made the decision a little rashly,” Eegang hummed as he watched Grogu lean as far as he could out of Skywalker’s clothing to try to make contact with his fellow foundling.
“Is he your first?” Bo-Katan asked.
Eegang winced.
“No, uh. I’ve got another,” he said. “She’s a huge fan of certain someones.”
“Me,” Din said without hesitation.
“And Paz,” Eegang said. “Which is a deadly combination.”
“She will be a mighty warrior,” Din informed Mesa and Skywalker. Skywalker twitched awake and didn’t understand anything that was happening. He noticed the baby, cooed, and waved with his gloved hand.
“She’s declared this one goat her nemesis and I cannot—I cannot—get her to just leave it alone,” Eegang said.
“A goat clan in the making,” Din said with approval.
“I’m hearing unnecessary commentary,” Eegang said without looking at him. “Please rephrase or shut up.”
Din seemed to gloat at the scolding. Skywalker glanced between him and his tall, teal comrade. He made his move and carefully came in to extract baby Mesa from Din’s arms to add him to his ever-growing collection. Grogu cooed again, closer now. He offered Mesa a hand, and this time, Mesa perked up and tried to grab at it clumsily.
“You manage the covert in the Armorer’s absence?” Bo-Katan asked Eegang. “You must be very dedicated to the Children of the Watch.”
“Define ‘manage’ and then ‘dedicated,’” Eegang said. “I prefer ‘accidentally charged with responsibility one too many times’ and ‘in too deep to turn back now.’”
“He’s being humble,” Din said. “Eegang has brokered peace between our covert and locals on numerous occasions.”
Eegang’s shoulders started to raise.
“Stop telling people that, they’re going to expect things from me,” he said, then popped back up like flipped switch. “Oh, I totally forgot why I even came. Jedi?”
Skywalker looked up from the conference of baby talk happening in his arms all wide-eyed, as though he’d been caught in the act of stealing imperial property.
“We did not welcome you into our covert,” Eegang said, “You must allow us to present you with a gift of welcome and entry.”
Oho. Very formal. Boba folded his arms and watched Skywalker for his reaction.
“A what?” Skywalker asked.
Bojzka was somewhat justifiably upset at the double standard going on here.
Skywalker was a jedi and yet welcomed into the covert with open arms and no admission requirements. He was, in fact, measured against his will for a set of armor. This was what Din’s buir had actually been after when she’d sent Eegang along to say hi.
Boba found that he enjoyed the reciprocation of ulterior motives that they were getting from Din’s covert. Kryze had never been happier. This was a game that she knew how to play.
“Wait no, hold up,” Bojzka interrupted. “I deserve a chance. Din, at least give me the name of one of your siblings so I can track them down with the elder.”
Din didn’t want to; there were foundlings happening and another meeting soon, but eventually even he had to give the guy something.
An honorable battle required at least two willing bodies.
Din and Karren’s remaining sibling at the covert’s name was Shimmol. According to Din, Bojzka had next to no chance of gaining her favor because she did not leave the forge and therefore Bojzka had no access to her. Eegang corrected Din and said that Shimmol did, in fact, leave the forge, but never on her own volition.
She was preferred the dark. She hated social interaction.
To circumvent that, the Armorer had refused to induct her into the trade until she proved herself able to coexist with others. But Shimmol was eighteen, that fun age where no incentive or punishment was effective and digging your heels in was far more preferable to doing a damn thing your elders mentioned.
She’s announced that very weekend that she was officially becoming a recluse. Her present aspiration in life was apparently now to become a forge spider.
Bojzka, along with everyone else, had no idea how to receive this information. Kyrze took it upon herself to pat Bojzka on the shoulder and tell him to start with the elder. He might actually have some luck that way.
It took two weeks for Bojzka to re-emerge from whatever hellhole he’d had to walk a tightrope across to locate the covert’s elder Fayrz. He climbed in through Din’s personal quarters’ window and interrupted him and the Jedi in a moment of infrequent intimacy.
The sound of a body being throw over a bannister had a special kind of thud to it. Boba was up on out of his quarters in an instant.
Din flung Bojzka’s helmet after him. Skywalker had the grace to cover Djarin’s face with his shirt and walk him back into the room before anyone caught sight of it, telling Boba and Fennec, who had also emerged from her bed, prepared for drama, that all was fine. There was just a misunderstanding.
His bare torso was covered in scars. Boba found himself somehow surprised and impressed as the jedi unsuccessfully wrangled his furious husband back in the direction of bed.
He and Fennec peeked over the banister to see what had become of Bojzka. He was fine.
Fennec informed Boba that she was claiming part of his bed ‘in case anything else good happened’ since he was closer.
In the morning, Din was in marginally better spirits. Skywalker was to be found at his side, walking backwards and tripping over his cloak every four paces. He truly knew how to hit all Din’s ‘endeared’ buttons. If not to the earnestness and the near-miss of a disaster on the stairs, it would have looked like manipulation.
Bojzka attempted to rectify the peace by breaking into the court through one of the windows high up on the wall outside the second floor’s conference room.  This time, to ensure that he had Din’s full attention, he removed the jedi from the equation. Or he tried to anyways.
The jedi, in a split second, decided that, all joking aside, today, he would not be moved. His green saber managed to glow even in the sunlight pouring in to the hall.
“Do not touch,” he ordered, with both feet planted and Din and Grogu securely at his back.
Bojzka cocked his head at the saber pointed right at his nose.
“That’s a fun trick,” he said.
“Do not touch,” Skywalker repeated. “Me, him, or the child.”
“I’ll think about it,” Bojzka said. “Stand down before you regret it.”
“Luke,” Din said testily. “He’s not worth it.”
“Make me regret it,” Skywalker said to Bojzka.
Bojzka’s eyes widened slightly in interest. He used the back of his wrist to try to nudge the saber’s tip away and snapped his hand away from the burn.
“Do you expect me to be afraid of you, jedi?” he asked, trying to play it off.
Skywalker’s eyes reflected the light of his saber.
“Ask him what the glove’s for,” Fennec called from the far hall. Bojzka scoffed. Skywalker didn’t move.
“What happened to your hand?” Bojzka asked.
“My father cut it off,” Skywalker said. “But not to worry, I got a new one. Now step back. Sir.”
Bojzka didn’t move for a long time.
“Does it feel good to walk in the presence of these people?” he asked. “Is it a kink for you the way it was for your master?”
Boba had officially lost the plot. These were old politics now. Kryze would know what Bojzka was talking about, if only she deigned to come out from wherever she was hiding, which she wouldn’t. Of course.
“Does it offend you? My presence here?” Skywalker asked back without emotion.
“It doesn’t,” Bojzka said.
“I’m glad. That’s very convenient for me. I’d feel terrible if you bled out on these tiles,” Skywalker said. “So move.”
And goddamn. The mountain finally yielded to the sky.
Skywalker spent the rest of the day on high alert, with one hand on the hilt of his saber and his full concentration tied up with making fierce eyes into the palace’s corners to keep Bojzka at bay. It was really something to see. Din looked about ready to lay his fingers on his heart and swoon, and that was more than fair. If Boba’s spouse threatened to kill a man for looking at him wrong, he’d be touched too.
Fennec told Boba that she’d protect him from a man the size of a bantha but no larger, and it just didn’t have the same kind of ring.
She apologized and he told her it was fine. It was just in the delivery--and also, he’d murder anyone so blinked at her wrong, too.
She was pleased. Boba was glad they were on the same page.
“Let’s go find Kryze to negotiate,” Fennec said, “I need to know why Old Faithful’s back.”
Kryze’s commanding voice wrang out of Bojzka the real reason for his presence. The truth of the matter was that, War Hero aside, he was having a hell of a time getting the covert elder to grant him a second look.
Din told him that that was the point. Elder Fayrz was like that all day, every day and he’d change for no body, spiritual or physical. He bothered people when he wanted to bother them, and the rest of the time, he liked to pretend he was senile. He only really ever showed up if someone was buying a round or their life was in the balance.
Skywalker said that he sounded a lot like his late master.
Din agreed and said that Elder Fayrz had dedicated his life to two things: the covert children and fungi. Somehow, he made those two interests overlap. Din recalled being twelve and being taken out on a ‘mission’ by the old man who had informed him that he required his nose.
Elder Fayrz had no sense of smell. For a man with a fungi interest, he called this ‘very dangerous business indeed.’
Kryze demanded to know if all the weirdest Mandalorian elders still living had congregated at Din’s cohort which he quickly confirmed. Bojzka, however, demanded to know what would make this elder look him in the eye.
Din told him to go find a deathbed and lay on it.
He remembered belatedly to add ‘nearby Elder Fayrz’ to that statement.
After about a month of this kind of back and forth, the Armorer decided that she’d had enough. She did not come to the Dune Sea. She sent a missive to Din informing him that he was coming home.
‘To talk,’ she said.
Boba vaguely remembered Karren saying something along the lines of ‘Din doesn’t get into trouble anymore,’ and was pleased to find that that was not the case. Din already knew what awaited him at his home covert and anyone with slightly more than a rock for a brain could see that it wasn’t going to be hugs and kisses.
Bojzka volunteered to accompany Din as a guard when the jedi made himself conveniently unavailable. Kryze and Boba flipped a coin while Din resisted stabbing him, and of course Boba won. Kryze flipped it again to be sure, and Boba told her sweetly that he’d send her a postcard.
“Have fun with the schmucks lounging around this place,” he gloated at Bo-Katan’s rolling shoulders.
She gave him two naughty fingers.
Whatever, girl. Sucks to suck. Bye, bye, now. Come on, Fennec. There’s adventure to be had.
It was a ways to the new covert on Zeffo. Several hours, in fact, many of which were spent playing ‘I spy’ with Fennec while Bojzka gritted his teeth and asked them if they were always like this.
Fennec got Din to join in at that comment.
Eventually they ran out of white dwarfs and capes to identify and settled down into silence until the ship declared landing to be imminent.
Karren remembered Boba and the second he set foot inside the curiously constructed covert entrance. The kid came hurtling up to tackle him and wrap arms around his middle. It was endearing. Boba checked the doors to see if a guard would notice a kidnapping.
Fennec reminded him of child-based expenses. Her wisdom was invaluable as usual.
Karren scrambled away from Boba and, for a moment, made like he was going to attach himself to Din’s armor, but instead wriggled past Din to go tearing down the hallway. He skidded, crashed, and then clambered into a different room at the dead end of what appeared to be a row of barracks. Seconds later, Eegang exploded from one of the rooms adjacent wearing no armor but his helmet. He flung himself through the same doorway Karren had vanished through.
Din tilted his head.
“It’s fine,” a voice said behind them.
Their small party turned to see a woman wearing a cool purple helmet with only her flakvest on. Eegang’s pale baby was sat on her hip, pawing at her chest, trying to find purchase in the vest.
“Sotra,” Din greeted.
“Welcome back, brat-child,” Sotra said. “We missed you.”
This had to be Eegang’s secret-wife; unless she’d stolen that gurgling foundling in the night or something.
“Electrical?” Din asked, pointing at the far room.
“Loft,” Sotra said. “There’s hay, so of course all the kids have to be in it.”
“Just hay?” Din asked.
“And goats,” Sotra said.
“We raise goats now?” Din asked.
“Oh, no, no,” Sotra said, sashaying past him towards the room her husband had abandoned, “It’s either coexistence or war, I’m afraid. The forge is past the hangar, keep going through the kitchens. Voxie knows you’re here—he’s awake, by the way. Welcome home, Din.”
“Thanks,” Din said. “This is my advisor, Boba Fett and our friend Fennec.”
Sotra splayed her whole, tall body into the doorway of her and Eegang’s barracks just as a fearsome battle cry sounded out on the other side.
“Hi,” she said.
“RELEASE ME,” a child in front of her about hip-height with serious bedhead shrieked in Mando’a.
Fennec’s eyebrows launched up to her forehead. Boba felt like he needed to record this so that Kryze understood what she was missing.
“Vod Din is home,” Sotra told the child.
“RELEASE M—mmf.”
“Shhhhh. It’s quiet time,” Sotra said with her free hand over the child’s mouth. “We’re being quiet.”
Din chuckled.
“Hey, Samo,” he said.
Samo let loose an ear-piercing scream behind her buir’s hand and ducked under Sotra’s legs. She ran at Din like there was a bomb behind her. Din caught her and swung her up to perch on his arm and she kicked relentless at his tassets in excitement.
“Shhh,” Din said. “People are sleeping—”
Doors started opening all down the line of barracks. A few curious, hazy, and lopsided helmets poked out from some of them, and from others, calls of ‘EYYYYYYY’ and chats ‘ALL HAIL THE MAND’ALOR’ started up, to Din’s immediate mortification.
This, Boba was delighted to realize, was not a cry of honor.
These half-asleep fuckers had been waiting months to embarrass Din. And he’d known that this would happen.
“Be quiet,” Din snapped all around him. “The elders are sleeping, you’re going to—”
“Well, well, well, look who’s finally home,” a taunting voice rang out on top of the rush. “If it isn’t the Mand’alor himself.”
“Paz,” Din sighed. “Not now.”
“When could there possibly be a better time, your liege?” a huge Mandalorian wearing full blue armor despite the early hour drawled from the doorway he’d attempted to casually lean in. Samo’s braids flew as her round cheeks snapped his way.
“Paz, don’t be mean,” she told him from atop Din’s arm. “Or it’ll be to the goats with ya.”
“Fuck me, the goats, what ever will I do?” Paz scoffed.
“I heard him,” Sotra said scathingly, right at Paz’s visor.
“To the goats,” Paz’s neighbor hissed at him.
The hissing was taken up just as quickly as the earlier ‘all hails’ had been. Paz told everyone to shut up and mind their own asses. He was publicly booed until Eegang emerged from the loft room with Karren stuffed under an arm and demanded to know why people were congregating in the halls. He reminded everyone that that shit was a fire hazard, and in doing so, his tone changed completely from easy-going to Commanding Officer and the effect was immediate.
People scurried back into their rooms like frightened mice until there wasn’t a single open door left in the whole line.
Eegang huffed and traded Karren to Din for his daughter. Samo happily climbed onto his shoulders and held onto his chin. Karren grinned mischievously up at her, winked, and then thumbed back to the goat loft.
“Not the welcome you deserved, but the one you got. I’m afraid nothing has changed here,” Eegang told Din compassionately, wrapping his fingers around Samo’s ankles. “I see you brought friends.”
“And foe,” Din said, gesturing at Bojzka who beamed.
Eegang’s visor contained a grimace that would otherwise have wracked his whole body.
“You got in,” he deadpanned.
“Sure did,” Bojzka said. “Lovely place you have here.”
And honestly? Yeah. It sort of was. Maybe a little ramshackle, what with all the scaffolding and haphazard support beams thrown into the walls to keep the wet earth above ground from crushing everyone below it, but for all the unsteadiness, it was oozing with comradery. Family.
Behind each of those doors was a little unit like Eegang and Sotra’s or perhaps a tired body, barely extracted from its boots, taking comfort in this honeycomb of tunnels and rooms.
Boba couldn’t help but wonder how he and Dad would have done in a place like this.
“We try,” Eegang said flatly. “I’ll let the Armorer deal with you herself—if she’s awake, I mean. Otherwise, you’re condemned to Shimmol. I’m going back to sleep. Vok is waiting for you, keep going straight through the kitchens, Din.”
“Thank you,” Din said. “Sleep well, Vod.”
“Yeah, yeah. Come on, Monster. No goats for now.”
Samo waved at Boba and Fennec with a smile as bright as the sun. She ducked expertly as Eegang passed through the doorway to their quarters. He closed the door behind them.
“You don’t see families like that much anymore,” Bojzka hummed as Din led their troop down the hallways, through a series of ladders into a kitchen and then from there into a surprisingly neat, up-to-date hangar with concrete floorings. Six crafts were parked inside, tucked into the tight space like fish in a barrel.
“We have a few,” Din said. “I don’t know how many people are living here now, though.”
Given the size of the place? Maybe fifty or so, if Boba had to take a guess. There had been several sets of boots lining the wall outside the barrack doors.
Din picked his way through the crafts to two tarps covered in piles of spare, rusting, and grease-covered parts. At the end of the aisle between the tarps was a rectangle bordered by wooden benches and to the left of that was a little box that a mechanic presumably operated from. The box, however, had no windows. Its door was slightly ajar.
Din knocked and a snort and a slurp answered him.
“Jus’ a mo,” a thick voice said inside.
Fennec looked at Boba with intrigue.
“Tool gnome,” she said.
No, friend. Just a grease-monkey.
“Tool gnome,” Fennec insisted.
The door opened and a man at least six feet, two inches peered out of it.
“Tool giant,” Fennec amended in a whisper.
“Is that you, Din?” the mechanic asked. His helmet was rusty red and gray. Its visor had a yellow tint to it.
“It is,” Din said. “It’s been a while, Vok. These are my—”
“Forget them. Goran told me what you did to Razor.”
Din cringed.
“AH. No. I don’t wanna hear it,” Vok said. “I just—I’m glad you’re safe, but you ain’t touching any more of my children, you hear me, boy?”
Din sunk into his shoulders in shame.
“I hear you,” he said.
“You’re damn right you do,” Vok said. “Man, I had a whole speech written out and shit, and here you are, early as the fuckin’ dawn. Did you miss Paz?”
“We did not,” Din said.
“I tried to have him do an inventory, I did,” Vok said sympathetically. “But he wasn’t havin’ it. Took an IOU and everything.”
Din sighed.
“Thanks for trying,” he said. “Is the forge...?”
“That way,” Vok said, gesturing to the far end of the hangar, where a series of scaffolding led up to a dark hole in the wall. “Mind your step. Stairs are next on my list. Who’re your friends?”
Din introduced them. Vok considered Fennec and after a moment of thought, saluted her. She tipped her jaw to the side and gave him a once-over.
“Din’s got my number if you’re not busy,” Vok said.
“I’ll take it under advisement,” Fennec said.
“I hope you do, my darlin’. You? Boj-whatever? I heard about you. You can go fuck yourself.”
“Thanks, Vok, we’re going now,” Din intervened.
Fennec said nothing on the way up the scaffolding. She didn’t need to. Boba applauded her.
The forge was the least finished part of the covert, and Boba could respect the Armorer’s dedication to looking after the flock before her own needs. Not that the forge wasn’t a comfortable place. Upon entry, Bojzka whistled at all the equipment inside. There were steel beams crossing in hatches along the ceiling. It appeared as though someone was working on a ventilation mechanism up there. Ropes and pipes hung down from the beams as though a pulley system had been recently removed.
The forge itself was a huge circular structure with a high wall around its exterior. It was built of a slick-looking black material. There were three water troughs set up in a line behind it and two rudimentary wood blocks with anvils set on them. Benches littered with iron tools sat next to the anvils.
Din appeared very at home in this place, despite not having even been in it. He wove around the accoutrements of the room towards a wooden door that had been placed on hinges on the far side like an afterthought.
He knocked.
“We don’ want any,” a sleepy woman’s voice drawled.
Boba jumped as a something brushed his elbow and discovered that Karren had followed them all the way down to the forge. His soft boots had hidden his footsteps, but, like Din, he was now in a place that he knew like the back of his hand. Din grabbed the scruff of his neck as he went for the door with both hands.
“You’re supposed to be in the nursery,” Din told him. “Shoo.”
“Shimmol, Din’s home,” Karren said through the door. “Goran, Din’s home.”
Very cute. Karren wanted to be the one to shared the news. Din pulled him back as shuffling started up on the other side of the wooden door.
It opened to reveal a fluorescent pink helmet with floral patterns painted down the edges in white.
“Din?” the young woman, who could only be Shimmol, asked.
Din’s brain stuttered.
“Uh?” he said.
Shimmol’s flightsuit was once white, but it was burned and smudged to gray all over. Her heavy gloves were half-burnt on both hands, too. She surged forward into Din’s chestplate. Din hugged her back awkwardly.
“Hello, sister,” he said. “This is, uh.”
“Do you like it?” Shimmol asked, pulling away from him to touch the edges of her helmet. “I thought it was cute. Wait til you see the pauldrons. They match.”
“They’re hideous,” Karren said.
“Did anyone ask you?” Shimmol flung at him. “No, I didn’t think so. Get gone, womp-rat.”
Wow. No wonder Karren was desperate for Din’s attention.
“I’m not a womp-rat,” Karren said. “I’m a Tooka. Goran said so.”
“You know, what you actually are is a ‘nuisance,’ so it doesn’t matter what—”
And lo and behold. The lady herself. Gold helmet and everything.
“Din,” the Armorer said, placing a hand on Shimmol’s side to move her. “Welcome home.”
Din accepted the helmet touch with grace.
“Bojzka,” the Armorer said next. “I didn’t expect to see you in my home so soon, or at all.”
Bojzka beamed.
“You’ve grown a beard,” the Armorer noted. “It does not become you.”
Boba coughed into his elbow to hide the bark of laughter screaming to escape his throat. Fennec thumped at his back.
“Let’s move somewhere with more light,” the Armorer said. “Karren, Shimmol. You’re dismissed for the next hour. Go eat breakfast.”
“But—” Shimmol started.
“Up, up, up,” Karren chanted, getting behind her and shoving hands into the small of her back. “It’s people-time.”
“Leave it. I hate people-time,” Shimmol said. “I thrive on darkness. It sustains me better than food.”
Din looked desperately into the Armorer’s helmet. The Armorer ignored him and told Shimmol that she knew this to false and to stop whining. Upstairs, now.  
The kids relented and left the forge. Din pointed after them.
“I know,” the Armorer said. “Let her work through it.”
Din pointed even more insistently.
“No, no. It’s true,” Bojzka said. “Mine went through the same thing.”
The Armorer sat them all down at a ‘u’ shape of benches on the far side of the forge. She turned on some overhead lights. They lit up the forge and threw its equipment’s shadows harshly against the floor.
“Thank you for coming,” she said lightly. “It takes a long time to get to Zeffo, even in the Outer Rim.”
“It suits you,” Bojzka flirted.
“It does not,” the Armorer countered unrepentantly. “And your flattery remains aggravating.”
Bojzka didn’t seem to process the meaning behind those words, too busy he was with basking in the Armorer’s presence. She ignored him to turn to Din.
“Eegang tells me that you have been aggressive towards Bojzka, ad’ika, is this true?”
Din hunkered down into his shoulders. He didn’t want to answer. The Armorer didn’t make him.
“This is unnecessary,” she said. “Bojzka does not bother me.”
Bojzka rounded a gloating grin at Din.
“He is delusional, but I’m afraid that head trauma does this over time,” the Armorer said lightly. “There is no need to defend my honor—I’ve already had this conversation with Eegang, so know that it is not only you who I’ve spoken to about this. And Bojzka.”
“Yes, dear?” Bojzka hummed.
“I would appreciate it if you ceased in antagonizing my foundling and second.”
“I’m not trying to, Nomri.”
“I know,” the Armorer said. “And that is where I believe this tension arises from. Din, you and your advisor may leave. I’ll handle this. In future, know that it is not your place to speak on these matters in my stead, yes?”
“Yes, Goran,” Din mumbled.
The Armorer waited.
“Buir,” Din corrected.
“Thank you. The last thing I need is the Mand’alor becoming invested in old-standing relationships. You may go.”
Din stood and Boba and Fennec stood with him.
“He is not Naseem,” Din said right at the doorway.
The Armorer’s helmet turned slowly his way.
“No one will ever be Naseem,” she said. “It’s okay. Go.”
Boba need the full story on this Naseem guy approximately yesterday, but all he had at his disposal in the kitchens where he, Din, and Fennec had been banished was a collection of foundlings all staring up at their party looking guilty as hell.
In the midst of their group was a ten-year-old holding a glass jug absolutely brimming with frogs.
Boba had never seen this many foundlings together at once before, and he had to say: these traditionalists knew exactly what they were doing. There was nothing quite like a whole mass of youths to shift the mood.
The kids made a break for it.
  Fennec was the fastest of all of them, but even she was not as fast as the bodies that popped their heads out of the rattling back room and launched themselves without warning over the few rows of tables set out in the main space.
Din’s covert collectively looked after the little ones, he explained when one of these bodies returned with the wrist of a shrieking Twi’lek child in their grip. The shrieking cut off when the nurse dropped down into a crouch and flattened both of the child’s hands against their helmet so that they left splotchy prints behind.
Two of the folks who filed back into the room covered in mud did not wear helmets. Din didn’t recognize them until they spoke and said their names. They’d removed their helmets back on Nevarro, apparently, and they had not to put them back on. Now, they wore veils and headscarves—neither of them comfortable with their whole heads and faces on display.
One of these was a woman named Madda. She saw Din’s helmet and froze by one of the long tables.
“Din, I’m so glad you returned,” she said with hitching breath. And then she took her newly-acquired jug of frogs and went tearing back down the hallway towards the covert’s main entrance. Din watched after her, confused.
“Is the transition difficult?” he asked one of the other Mandalorians next to him.
Their helmet showed zero emotion, and yet Boba gleaned from it everything he needed to know. He put a palm on his forehead.
“Djarin, come here,” he said.
Din chased after Madda to apologize for fucking up what was probably a years-long infatuation at this point. Fennec watched after him with a sly grin. But the Mandalorian with the flat helmet turned to Boba with far more open shoulders.
“You got through to him like that,” she said, snapping her fingers.
“It’s his secret talent,” Fennec told her.
“What was your name?” the Mandalorian asked.
“Boba Fett,” Boba said. “And yours?”
“Nice to meet you,” Boba said politely.
“Aren’t you the clone-guy?”
“I prefer ‘Fett,’” Boba said.
“Nah, I feel that,” Jhuvac said, tossing her scarf over her shoulder. “Paz calls you the ‘clone-guy’ is all. That shit’s wild, by the way. But you can’t help your dad’s decision now can you?”
What was this? Understanding? From a traditionalist? Kryze would lose her shit.
“I can’t, although everything after that was totally me,” Boba said.
Jhuvac glanced back at him.
“Including the Solo stuff?” she asked.
Boba lifted a brow.
“Is there something you would like to know?” he asked.
“No,” Jhuvac said. “I know everything I need to. But you know what’ll make Vok’s life miserable?”
The mechanic was a huge fan of Han Solo, and he had a list of reasons why Boba should cease hunting  the man about as long as one of his lanky arms. He listed them out one by one in his hangar full of metal scrap. Jhuvac was very correct when she said that the mere mention of Solo meeting his maker would cause Vok immense misery. Boba could see how it could be entertaining.
Fennec made it even more entertaining by poking holes in each of Vok’s carefully laid out arguments.
He kept asking her why she was hurting him like this. Was this a domination kink?
Fennec asked him if he wanted it to be.
Vok walked it all back and told her to do her worst.
Jhuvac decided that she suddenly had other things to do and invited Boba to accompany her on these things. Boba assented and left Fennec to her business.
In the end, Boba found himself outside in a group huddle with a handful of covert people, two with no helmets, watching the feud between the foundlings and the local wildlife. The covert, he learned, broadly did not like Zeffo. They hated how wet it was. They hated how cold it was. 90% of them had grown up in desert climates, the remaining 10% in ice climates.
Zeffo, as far as they were concerned, was a backwater hellhole that they’d had little choice in selecting.
“It was this or breaking up and forming two coverts,” Sotra explained, removing Mesa’s captured snail from his face area for the third time. She gave the snail to the guy next to her who got up and took it down to the edge of the nearby river. He stooped to set it in the grass, then froze in shock when a fish’s wide mouth erupted from the water and encapsulated his whole glove.
It left the glove wet and empty.
“But you didn’t want to do that?” Boba asked.
“No, if we separated, it would be Eegang at the head of the new covert,” Sotra said. “And that’s just not in the cards for us right now.”
“The children didn’t want to be separated either,” one of the Mandalorians with no helmet said. “Goran gave them the option, but things were frantic, you know. They cling to each other when they’re young like this.”
More than understandably, in Boba’s humble and correct opinion.
“What do you all think of Bojzka?” Boba asked them.
“The bull with no helmet? Beard?” someone said.
“The one trying to court the Armorer?” Sotra asked.
Everyone clambered back onto the same page in the face of this descriptor.
“He’s supposed to be some kind of hero,” Jhuvac said. “But I dunno, man. He seems a little, uh.”
“Goran’s too good for him,” Sotra interjected simply. “Imagine stooping so low after a life of respect and service.”
“He’s not ugly,” the Mandalorian who’d lost the snail pointed out. “I’d bang him.”
“You’re not a good bar, Ban.”
“I could be.”
“You’re the lowest bar, Ban.”
“Can’t be disappointed if your expectations on the floor.”
“Go bang him for Goran then,” Jhuvac said. “I can’t tell if she thinks he’s kinda cute or if she wants to stab him in the heart.”
“For the good of the covert, I will endure this hardship,” Ban said.
He was unceremoniously yanked back down when he started to stand.
“Din mentioned some guy named ‘Naseem?’” Boba asked.
The name alone sent the group into titters.
“Naseem was so nice.”
“Naseem was great, you have no idea. So respectful.”
“He wanted to take Din on so bad, it was almost heartbreaking. He and Goran were perfect for each other. He was so happy around her; I don’t think he ever talked in front of anyone else.”
“God, when he died, I cried so hard. I cried for days.”
“Kind of a tough reputation to beat, then?” Boba asked.
“Oh definitely,” Jhuvac said. “I mean, there was Hajka after him, but she was just so explosive. Like, she made Goran laugh a lot, I remember that, but she was kinda awkward, too. There was a battle on her home planet and she left everyone here to defend what was left of her people.”
“Goran collects the awkward ones, they’re her favorite,” Sotra said.
“You can’t judge her, you collect Eegangs,” Ban pointed out.
“There is only one Eegang.”
“Girl, we know.”
There was a pause while Sotra handed off her child so that she could beat the shit out of Ban on the lumpy grass. Jhuvac handed Mesa over Boba’s lap to the quiet person at his right. They took the baby without question and laid him on their chest.
“Where did you grow up, Boba?” Jhuvac asked. “Sorry, Fett. Do you like Fett?”
Boba was taken aback. It had been ages since someone had called him by his first name—and a Mandalorian no less.
“Boba is fine. I grew up on Kamino,” he said.
“With a covert?”
No, no covert. No anyone, really. Boba was what people in white coats tended to call ‘under-socialized.’
“That’s sad,” Jhuvac said. “It must have been lonely.”
It was, actually. Especially after Dad had died.
“That’s so sad, I’m gonna cry,” Ban said. “Join our covert.”
All helmets and eyes rounded on Boba and he felt like his collar was suddenly digging into his neck. He shook his head.
“I’m not really a Mandalorian,” he said. “It’s not right—”
“Fuckin’ hell, Jhuvac, let ‘im talk.”
“No, that’s bullshit. Listen, Din has ‘don’t trust people’ syndrome. If he trusts you enough to bring you with him here, then you’re Mandalorian enough for us,” Jhuvac said. “And anyways, being a Mandalorian is about what you do, not who you are. It doesn’t matter if you’re clone-guy so long as you follow the Creed in a more or less northernly direction.”
Boba stared at her and realized that everyone was staring at him again. He cleared his throat but found that he didn’t have any words trapped back there like he’d thought.
“Or easternly,” Ban offered to break the awkwardness.
There were still no words on Boba’s tongue. He struggled to say at least something.
“I—th—that’s kind of you,” he eventually managed. “I don’t think I could cut it here, but that’s really kind of you.”
The Mandalorians exchanged looks and shrugs.
“Know that the offer stands if you feel any pull towards it later,” Sotra said. “We have a number of reformed who converted and who move in and out of our covert. Not recently, but when we were children, there were more. Goran, too, was once a reformed Mandalorian.”
“My buir, too,” Jhuvac added.
“My ba-buir was reformed,” Ban said. “But she might have caused a public riot. Or two. Or three.”
“Speaking of which,” Sotra said. “Elder Fayrz has emerged from his cave.”
“I’ll get him,” Jhuvac sighed.
Boba frowned and looked from them out to the hill the foundlings had selected to gossip on. A Mandalorian in black and white with a green cape was, indeed, now kneeling among them. Every face was turned towards him in wonder.
“I’ve heard of this guy. He looks fun,” he noted.
At least one hand from every body came up to clutch at their face.
“That’s exactly the problem,” Ban said.
Din rejoined Boba in the midst of Elder Fayrz’s attempt to recruit him into the covert. He somehow knew Dad. That in itself was a little disarming. At first, Boba hadn’t believe that the elder was speaking the truth, but then he started up with alarmingly specific training corp numbers and mentioned off-handedly that he used to work in the corps, training kids from six to fourteen.
It made sense now why, in old age, he was considered the most dangerous person in the covert to have around the foundlings.
Grandpa was a serial spoil-er and mischief-instigator. The children saw in him everything they wanted out of life and were loathe to be separated from their most favorite old man.
Din got between him and Boba and informed the Elder that he’d just gotten married.
The Elder’s attentions went rocketing in the opposite direction. He wanted pictures, he wanted to know all about the reception, he wanted to know why Din hadn’t brought his partner home with him, what color their armor was, where they were presently based—the whole barrel of spotchka.
Boba appreciated the save.
He also appreciated the moment when the Elder fully realized that Din had, in fact, married a real jedi.
There it was.
The children bustled and whispered.
“This is what happens when we do not teach them to read—where is your buir? I told her, I told her that you needed more lessons. Always with the dogs, I knew it would have some effect—”
Din couldn’t even argue. He and Kryze had been over the very same deficit about sixty times. If they were lucky, Bo-Katan gave him a day or two off in between scoldings.
While the old man was outraged, Din signaled to Boba that they would be leaving soon.
Bojzka joined Boba, Din, and Fennec at the ramp of their ship about ten minutes late. The Armorer personally showed him out of the covert and told him to return only if the galaxy began to collapse in on itself. She was at least cordial about it, which, in hindsight, was probably why Bojzka was having a hard time reading the glaring ‘please desist’ sign flickering over her head.
“Be safe,” she told Din while Karren made sad sounds behind her.
“Will do,” Din said. “Next time, I’ll see if Luke will come.”
“We would like to have him,” the Armorer said.
She dipped her helmet to Boba and Fennec and they returned the gesture.
“I hope you were well-received by the others,” she said. “Bojzka, good bye.”
“Talk to you later,” Bojzka hummed.
“We shall not,” the Armorer said.
Back in the Dune Sea, Kryze was waiting in one of the conference rooms. Din avoided her and all her probing questions. Boba did not. He was in a sharing sort of mood and Fennec had a ‘thanks for the lay’ message to compose to Mr. Vok.
Kryze crossed her legs and gestured for him to join her at the table.
He did and crossed his legs right back.
“So?” she asked.
“Shocking peaceful,” Boba said. “Violent mostly towards their own members. Tried to recruit me at least three times.”
Kryze’s eyebrows did a little dance.
“Surprising,” she said.
“Not very,” Boba corrected. “Din is one of the more reserved members. He resembles his buir more than I expected.”
“And Bojzka?” Kryze asked.
“Soundly rejected, but somehow optimistic about it,” Boba said. “The good news is that Din’s been forbidden from trying to kill him.”
“That is good news,” Kryze agreed.
There was a long pause.
“Are you thinking about it? Joining, I mean?” Kryze asked.
“No,” Boba said, “But it is nice to occasionally be around Mandalorians who don’t have sticks up their asses.”
“Unicorns,” Kryze said.
“A whole covert of them,” Boba told her with a smirk. “Maybe it’s not them. Maybe it’s you all.”
“I beg to differ,” Kryze said. “If the issue is resolved, then I suppose we’ll have to move back on to official business.”
That was no fun.
“Why is Fennec so smug?”
Oh, that was more fun. Sit back down, Lady. This is going to be a bawdy one.
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madysenpaiart · 4 years
“Booty Call” - Victor Fic (NSFW/Smut)
Summary: After a long hard day, you have too many drinks and end up texting Victor your inner thoughts. Will he accept your advances?
Tags: drinking, drunk texting, vaginal sex, fingering, Victor x Reader/MC
I wrote this at 4 am so pls forgive any grammar mistakes
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You had a long, horrible day and decided to go out for drinks with your coworkers after work to blow off steam.
You ordered your drink from the bartender and nursed it quietly as your coworkers moved to the dancefloor.
If something could go wrong today it did.
On your way to work it started raining and of course you didn’t bring your umbrella. Which left you walking into work soaking wet and cold to the bone. Of course your only change of clothes was a party dress you were leaving in the office for a party later this week. You looked ridiculous trying to film in a short, sequined, ensemble.
Your latest release was getting terrible reviews online and your guest for today’s episode called out last minute due to the backlash you were receiving.
Then, your newest intern spilled coffee all over the new set pieces. Almost all of them were going to have to be replaced by the end of the week.
On top of all that, you had been so flustered with everything that you hadn’t had a moment to eat anything.
You sighed and ordered another shot and a drink from the bar. You quickly took the shot and twisted your face as it went down. That was harsh, but at least you could start forgetting about this long day.
As you drank your cocktail you started to feel the alcohol hit you hard. You kept reflecting back on today wishing you could erase it from your mind already.
On the upside, at least you didn’t have to meet with Victor at LFG today. You were supposed to have a 12 o’ clock meeting with him to go over the newest financial reports but after having to change into your ridiculous outfit, you couldn’t bear having to stand in front of Victor and deliver your report. Thankfully Goldman rescheduled your report for the end of the week and you didn’t hear anything from Victor, which was usually a good sign.
You finished your drink and ordered another. Victor wasn’t all that bad, you thought to yourself. He could be strict, but he has a business to run. Well, technically two businesses. That can’t be easy on a person. It made you wonder how he does it all while looking so perfect all the time. That man never had a hair out of place. Oh, how you would love to ruffle up his perfect hair sometime. The image that came into your mind made you giggle a bit. Victor would probably look even sexier with his hair messed up. Especially if you knew you were the one to do it.
You finished your drink and knew that if you tried to get up and walk, it would be stumble city. You started snacking on the peanuts on the bar and pulled out your phone. With the image of a less-than-perfect Victor in your mind, you texted him:
“Do you ever look anythinf less than perfevt?”
Victor responded within seconds: “I take pride in my appearance. It’s important to always look professional.”
You typed back: “I just think it would be interestinf to see how u look with your hair and clothes out of pkace”
Victor messaged back: “And when would that ever happen? I would never go out in public looking like a mess.”
You smiled to yourself and sent a text back: “Well... Maybe if I was thw onw to do it then I could see it.”
You giggled to your flirty self looking at your blurry message. Suddenly you felt your phone vibrate again:
“Idiot, are you drunk?”
“Uh oh” you thought to yourself. Now you were in trouble. There was probably a way to get yourself out of this, just think.
Before you could come up with a plan, another text came through.
“Stay where you are. I’m coming to get you.”
Now you were excited. Maybe you really would get the chance to see Victor looking disheveled.
After a few minutes, Victor arrived at the bar. He walked up to you and leaned down close to your ear so you could hear him over the music. “Come on dummy, lets go.”
You grabbed your purse off the bar and stumbled after Victor. He quickly grabbed your waist to stablize you as you walked out.
Victor walked you to his car and opened the passenger seat, gently helping you sit down. He then grabbed your purse.
“Hey that’s mine!”
“Where are your keys?”
You tapped around your dress looking for them. “I don’t know.” You slurred as you looked up at Victor with a slight smile.
“Idiot. Put on your seatbelt.”
You and Victor drove silently for a few minutes before your eyes moved over to watch him. He really was a gorgeous man. You raked your eyes over his broad jaw and moved your eyes down to his chest. You had only ever seen him in a suit but you could imagine what was underneath. You slowly moved your hand to his arm and started drawing small patterns with your finger.
You closed your eyes and listened to the low hum of the car as he drove.
You quickly arrived at Victors apartment. You grabbed onto his hand as he dragged you upstairs. Victor unlocked the door and moved you inside. You looked up at him with a smirk. Victor quickly grabbed you and swung you over his shoulder.
You got excited thinking about how forceful he was being with you. This was going to be fun.
Before you could have a second thought, Victor flopped you down on his couch.
“Don’t move, I’m making you some food”
You looked at him dejectedly. “There’s actually something else I want to eat.” You gazed up at him eager for his reaponse.
Victor’s eats turned red. He looked away from you with a stern expression.
“I don’t do anything with drunk girls.”
You sank back into the couch feeling defeated.
Victor came back after what felt like a few minutes. In his hands he had a glass of water and a grilled cheese. He set them down on the table in front of you. “Eat up, I’ll take you to grab your keys tomorrow morning.”
Victor sat in the chair nearby and picked up one of his reports to start flipping through it.
You looked over at him. “Doesn’t grilled cheese seem a little boring for you? I mean you’re an incredible chef.”
He peaked down from his report and smirked at you before going back to reading.
You picked up the grilled cheese and took a bite. This was the most amazing grilled cheese you had ever tasted in your entire life. Damn that Victor. He really was perfect at everything.
You finished eating and drank the entire glass of water. Victor stood up and walked over to you. He grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped it around you before taking the dishes.
“It a bit cold in here. Wouldn’t want you getting sick.” He stated before walking back into the kitchen.
Victor walked back and sat down in the chair again going back to his report.
You sat, wrapped up on the couch looking over at him. You couldn’t believe a man could look like he did. Even while he was focused on his report he looked like a model.
You stood up with the blanket still wrapped around you and walked over to him. You gently pushed his hands up and moved to straddle his lap, facing him.
“MC, I told you-“
“I know. I just want to be close to you for awhile.” You moved your head down to his chest and laid against it, you quickly fell asleep listening to his gentle heartbeat.
Victor chuckled a bit and moved one hand to your waist. “Idiot.” He muttered under his breathe.
You woke up after a few hours and heard faint voices coming from behind you. You slowly lifted your head and looked behind you to see the TV on. Woah... Victor was watching TV? And a competition cooking show at that... if anyone knew how fake those shows were, it was him.
You turned your head to look at him. His head was laid back against the chair asleep. You had never seen him look so peaceful before. There was no furrow in his brow and he was breathing silently.
Victor stirred at your movement and looked at you, groggily.
“Are you feeling better?”
You felt your cheeks get hot. “Yes I am, thank you Victor.” You said almost in a whisper.
You started to feel embarrassed at the situation you were in with Victor. You shifted your body to stand up and we’re met with Victor’s hand pressing firmly on your back.
“It’s okay. You can stay here.”
You smiled and moved your head back to his chest, too embarrassed to look at him.
Victor ran his hand along your back slowly. “I guess you know my dirty secret now.” He whispered.
You giggled slightly. “I would have never guessed that you watched TV. Much less, a cooking show.”
“Well, nobody’s perfect, you know.”
You blushed again thinking of the texts you sent to Victor earlier. If only you were drunk enough to forget about the messages you sent.
“I’m sorry for taking things too far last night. I don’t know what came over me.” You still not dare look into Victors eyes.
Victor was silent. His hand still rubbing across your back.
Suddenly you felt a small wave of courage come over you. “I still want to know what you would look like with your hair out of place, though.” You said barely above a whisper.
Victor’s hand on your back stopped moving and clenched slightly. You lifted your head to look up at him. The room was dark but you could see a blush creeping over his cheeks.
“I appreciate you not taking advantage of me when I was drunk. Most guys at that bar probably would have. You’re a perfect gentleman though.”
“It wasn’t easy”
Victors voice was uneasy. He was looking at you with a slight worry in his eye. He spoke up again after a few moments
“Especially in that short dress you’re wearing.” He said nervously.
You fought back a smirk. This was a whole different Victor than you had seen. You knew that for once you had an advantage over him and decided to take things one step further. You moved slowly over to his ear and whispered:
“Then maybe you’ll be excited to know I’m not wearing any panties under this short dress.”
You felt Victor harden under you. Now you had him right where you wanted him. You breathed down his neck and started placing soft kisses above his collar.
You heard Victor’s breath hitch as you started to lightly suck on his neck. Both hands had moved to your waist and were holding you firmly.
You continued sucking on his neck before he gently pushed you away.
“You’re still drunk, MC. We can’t do this.”
You looked at him with a playful offensive look.
“I’m not drunk!” You stood up. “Look, I’ll prove to you I’m not drunk.” You started walking in a straight line and touching your finger to your nose. You turned back around at him and dropped your arms. “See?”
Victor stood from his chair and walked towards you. He stood above you looking down with a small smile.
He leaned down to capture your lips in a kiss. “Very well” he stated before throwing you over his shoulder for the second time that night.
He carried you into his bedroom and laid you down on the bed. Before he had a chance to adjust, you pulled him down to you and started kissing him roughly. Victor’s eyes closed as he licked your bottom lip inviting you to deepen the kiss. You gladly opened your mouth more letting his tongue slip through your lips. You moved your hand to his hair raking your hands through it giving a gentle tug to pull him down closer to you.
Your and Victor’s tongues battled, sloppily and he moved his hand to your thigh, lifting up your dress slightly.
“You really aren’t wearing any underwear” he muttered between kisses
You smiled into his mouth as he moved his hand closer to your folds. You shivered slightly as he ghosted over your pussy. He slowly slid one finger in feeling your wetness surround him.
He moved his finger in and out a few times before adding another digit, causing you to moan loudly into his mouth. This time you felt him smile as he pumped his fingers in and out of you.
You placed your hands on his jacket and started to push it off his shoulders. He pulled his fingers out of you to take off his jacket before moving to his tie and shirt. He quickly pulled on the tie and undid the buttons before throwing the clothes to the side. You brought your hands to his belt and started to unbuckle it running your hand over his clothed member.
Victor sucked in a breathe. You unbuttoned his pants and started to push them off with his underwear. Victor moved his hand to help you push them down.
You gently grazed your hand over his hard cock before grabbing his shaft. You started to move your hand up and down hearing him moan.
Victor placed both of his hands on your waist, pushing up your dress. Your mouth quickly disconnected from his to pull the dress over your head before crashing back down on his lips.
Victor laid on top of you, his hard cock grazing against your bare pussy. The warmth of his member against you caused you to buck your hips against him. Victor smiled into your kiss moving down to your neck.
As Victor was sucking your neck you wanted him more.
“Please Fuck me Victor” you asked desperately.
Without disconnecting from your neck, Victor placed his cock at your entrance and slowly thrust into you.
You moaned as you felt your walls surrounding him. Victor started kissing you again while slowly thrusting in and out of you. You couldn’t contain your moans finally feeling Victor inside of you. You grabbed onto his hair again thrusting your hips in Rythem with his.
He lifted his head up from you and brought his hand to his mouth. He licked the pad of his thumb and placed it on your swollen nub. You let out a loud moan.
Victor’s pace quickened thrusting into you harder. His thumb drawing quick circles over your clit. You could feel yourself getting close.
“Victor I’m going to-“ you panted
“Cum for me, darling” Victor whispered, short of breathe.
Your hands clenched on Victor’s back, scraping downward as your walls tightened around him. You bucked your hips wildly riding out your orgasm, your wetness surrounding his cock.
Victor’s hips slowed for a moment as you came, then quickly started moving faster again. You looked at Victor’s face as he was thrusting into you. After a few moments he threw his head back “Fuck-“ he said loudly before dropping his elbows on either side of your head. He thrust into you a few more times before his head fell to the crook of your neck. He was breathing heavily.
After a few minutes of exhausted silence, Victor pushed himself back up giving you a swift kiss.
“I’ll be right back”
You laid on the bed replaying the night in your head. When Victor came back, he threw a t shirt over to you.
“Here. Something to sleep in.” He said.
You picked up the shirt and looked at him. What was Victor wearing?
Your mouth gaped as you looked at him.
“Are you wearing sweatpants?!” You said incredulously.
“What did you think I slept in, dummy?” He said smugly.
“I just assumed you didn’t sleep. Like a vampire.” You replied in a matter-of-fact tone.
Victor chuckled. You took a moment to look at him. This was exactly the Victor you were hoping to see. His hair was sticking up all over the place, his face was still flushed, shirtless, with lazy clothes on. Not to mention the love bites you had left all over his neck. You thought he looked great in a suit but nothing could beat the way Victor looked right now.
You smiled to yourself as you pulled Victor’s shirt over your head. He climbed into the bed with you.
“What are you so happy about?” He asked while pulled you into him.
“I like seeing you like this.” You said to him quietly.
He pulled you closer to his body, burying his head into your neck. “Well you better feel lucky, you’re the only one who gets to see me like this.”
You sighed happily, falling asleep in his arms.
When you woke up the next morning, Victor was gone. You looked around and saw a note on the side table.
I had to go to LFG for an early meeting. You looked pretty exhausted after last night so I decided to let you sleep. I called a driver to take you to work when you’re ready.
Also, I had Goldman pick you up some clothes today. I don’t think that dress is appropriate for anyone except me.
I’ll pick you up after work for dinner. Don’t be late.
You smiled. I guess Mr. Perfect had to come back sometime.
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delaixplaysgames · 4 years
Gift Cards (Minagi Tsuzuru x Reader)
Ship: Minagi Tsuzuru/Reader
Rating: sfw (one swear word)
WC: 2,901 words
A/N: The second reader insert I’ve written and I’m still not good at it lol. But I’m having a fun time! I’m also the absolute worst at giving stories titles and ending stories. Apologies in advance!
You visited the school library very often. Everyone was too preoccupied with whatever they were doing (whether it was studying or procrastinating), so it was a good place to study and work on assignments. You recognized some faces that also visited frequently; some of them were in your classes and others just came so often that you knew their faces. 
However, there was one specific person that always caught your eye. You didn’t have any classes with him, but he came to the library so often that his face became recognizable. Seeing the way he was so focused on his work was admirable. It was kind of cute to see his whole face light up when something started clicking in his head. And seeing him occasionally doze off a little while working was funny, too. 
Long story short, he was extremely charming. He looked like the kind of person who really looks out for others. You wouldn’t be surprised if there were other people with crushes on him. 
At some point, you started sitting in the same area as this university student. It’d be weird if you sat too close to him, so you’d always sit at a different table on the opposite side of him. That way, you could still steal glances of him diagonally and from far away. Was it a bit creepy? Yes. Did you still do it? Also yes. 
You eventually found out that his name was “Tsuzuru” when two other men (both of them were extremely well built and just a bit intimidating) came across him in the library one day. You overheard them talking about Tsuzuru’s next script.
His next script? So he’s a playwright… Well, if he’s in this area, then does he write for a theatre troupe on Veludo Way? 
After Tsuzuru packed up and left with his two friends, you discreetly looked up “Tsuzuru Veludo Way” on your phone. Surprisingly, you were able to find his name on the Mankai Company website, where you found out that Minagi Tsuzuru was both the personal playwright of the troupe and a member of their Spring Troupe as well.
You gently slammed your head on the table, trying to not make too loud of a noise. This was definitely starting to approach stalker territory. 
Months of watching Tsuzuru from afar passed. You kept sitting in the same area as him in the library when you had the chance. You watched a few of Mankai Company’s plays, especially if Tsuzuru was one of the actors in the play. However, you still couldn’t work up the courage to just go up to him and initiate a conversation with your crush. 
He was so immersed in his work in the library that it was hard to approach him. When you’d leave the Mankai Theater, you’d chicken out and run out of the theater before the actors come out to thank the guests for coming. You were fairly sure that he still hasn’t noticed your creepy behavior. As relieving as it sounds, it doesn’t erase the fact that it’s creepy. You were much too shy and nervous for your own good, but you knew that you had to take the initiative one day.
One early morning, on your way to your favorite area in the library, you found Tsuzuru completely asleep at his work area. You smile to yourself at the sight as you set your things down at a different table. This area wasn’t crowded at all. In fact, it was just the two of you so far. It must’ve been a perfect time for him to sneak a nap in.
It must be hard balancing writing scripts and school work… Plus, he probably has rehearsals with his troupe. Yikes, Minagi-san needs a coffee… coffee?
You reached into your backpack and grabbed your wallet. Inside your wallet was a gift card to a nearby coffee shop that you received from your aunt not too long ago. You haven’t used it at all and you figured that Tsuzuru needed this much more than you. 
You grabbed a cute dandelion themed sticky note and pen from your backpack, wrote a message as neat as you possibly could, and stuck it onto the gift card. You get up from your seat again and nervously make your way towards Tsuzuru. You were mentally begging him to not wake up as you approached his little station and slowly slided the gift card on top of his laptop’s keyboard. 
You sighed in relief, knowing that your mission was successful, and snuck another look at Tsuzuru’s sleeping face. He looked so peaceful and cozy with his head nested in his folded arms. You smiled again at the sight, sincerely hoping that he’ll enjoy the free coffees he could get from the gift card. Happy with the good deed you did, you turn back around to return to your seat.
And then you realized the flaw in your plan. There was no one but you and Tsuzuru in that area. If you stayed around and Tsuzuru woke up, then he would’ve figured out that it was you who left him the gift card. You quickly stuffed everything into your bag and dashed to a different part of the library.
“Tsuzuru? Hey, Tsuzuru?”
He felt someone shake his shoulder a bit and groggily blinked his eyes. He yawned a bit and looked over his shoulder to see who woke him up. “Huh? Oh, hey, Fushimi-san. Guess I must’ve dozed off.” 
“You did another all-nighter to finish your paper last night, right? Are you alright?” Omi clearly looked concerned for his health.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I was reading some lecture notes and ...Huh?” When Tsuzuru went to gesture to his laptop screen, he noticed a gift card on his keyboard. The card had a pastel green sticky note with dandelion seeds blowing away from the flower at the bottom. “Where did this come from? Did you put this here, Fushimi-san?” 
Omi shook his head. “Nope. I didn’t do that, but there’s a note on it. What does it say?”
“Let’s see… ‘You seemed a bit exhausted when I passed by and I think you need the caffeine more than I do! I hope this can keep you running through the day, but don’t forget to get a good night’s sleep!’” Tsuzuru flipped the card over and saw that it was a card for a coffee shop close to campus. “There’s no name on here, but wow, this is really nice of this person.”
Tsuzuru looked around the study area, but it was just him and Omi there. They must’ve come while he was asleep and before Omi woke him up. He really wished the person left a name or something; this person deserved a big thank you because he desperately needed the coffee.
“Maybe they just wanted to do a good deed for someone who needed it,” Omi suggested.
Tsuzuru scratched his head, still stuck on the idea of thanking the mystery person. He put the idea to rest for the time being and slipped the gift card and the note into his wallet. The gift card could get him at least five coffees from this shop. If this person was kindly giving him the money for coffee, then he better not waste it. 
Ever since then, you got into a bit of a habit of leaving little gifts for Tsuzuru every once in a while. It’d only be at times he left his seat in the library or was asleep like he was before. Whenever you went to watch a Mankai Company play, you’d leave a little something in Tsuzuru’s gift bin. You doubted that he would even notice it, but you made sure to use dandelion-themed message cards or sticky notes when you wanted to leave a message.
You also made sure to leave the area as quick as you came. You were fine with just leaving him little presents once in a while and not being recognized for them. If you had the chance to see him find the gift, you felt enough satisfaction from seeing him smile. It felt like a good way to show how you felt for Tsuzuru while not being hindered by your shyness. Just knowing that he appreciated them was enough for you.
One Saturday night, you went to watch another great play at Mankai Company featuring Tsuzuru as one of the actors. It was always a treat to see him on the stage and see how his stories unfold. Whoever was in charge of the outfits and hair styling really knew how to make Tsuzuru look even more charming than he already was. 
Since finals week was slowly approaching, you decided to get him another gift card to the same coffee shop from before since you had a feeling that he’d need the caffeine. You put it in a dandelion-themed envelope and left a card telling him how much you appreciated all the hard work that he put into his writing and his acting. You also told him to get some rest when he gets the chance since he’s probably exhausted from the busyness between school and the troupe this week. 
After the curtain call ended, you followed the flow of the guests flooding back into the lobby. A lot of the guests liked to stick around to personally greet the actors, but you just wanted to leave the present in Tsuzuru’s bin and head home.
You just pulled the envelope out of your bag when someone else accidentally bumped into you. It was just hard enough for you to lose grip on the envelope and it fell to the ground. 
“I’m so sorry, I really didn’t mean to!” the person said apologetically, leaning down to pick up the envelope for you. 
“No, it’s fine! It’s not a big-“ You clammed up the moment you realized who was picking up your envelope. 
It was the one and only Minagi Tsuzuru who was kneeling down and holding your gift to him in his hand. He looked up at you with a bit of worry. 
“You aren’t hurt anywhere, are you?” 
You weren’t able to form a decent sentence and just shook your head. The fact that Tsuzuru was actually talking directly to you wasn’t settling in your mind. You probably looked absolutely insane with the deep blush forming on your cheeks and the steam practically coming out of your ears.
He smiled. “That’s good.” He was about to hold the envelope up for you as he got up when he noticed that his own name was on it. “Wait, this is for me? Thanks so much! I really appreciate it!” 
“U-Uh… y-yeah…” 
“I’ll be sure to read it when…” His voice trailed off when something caught his eye. He was silent for a moment and then realized that he left you hanging. “O-oh, sorry. I just saw your handwriting and thought about how nice it looks.”
You looked up at him with wide eyes. “R-really…?” It was kind of embarrassing to hear your crush compliment something about you. 
“Y-yeah, it’s really easy to read. You have good penmanship. You know, I feel like I’ve seen it before on some other cards that I’ve gotten here…” Tsuzuru peeked up at you. “... Or at the library.”
“H...Huh?” Your heart stopped immediately. He didn’t just say that, did he?
“You… you always use letters and sticky notes with dandelions on them, don’t you? After noticing that, I kinda started recognizing your handwrit-”
“U-Um!” You quickly interrupted him, shaking from both anxiety and fear. “I-I… R-Really sorry, but I… I’ve got a test on Monday that I, uh…. Gotta study! Bye!”
You weren’t able to hear him out because you ran out of the lobby as fast as you possibly could, leaving Tsuzuru absolutely in shock. 
The following Monday, for lack of better terms, you felt like absolute shit. You spent a good portion of the weekend moping over the fact that Tsuzuru completely found out who you are and most likely thought you were creepy. The other portion of the weekend was spent studying for the test in order to stop moping over Tsuzuru.
You started regretting starting this habit and cringed at yourself every time you thought of it. It didn’t matter that you passed your test thanks to all those hours of studying; your crush found out about all of your weird antics! You felt like your love life hit an absolute low. 
You found yourself passing by the library, something you always did after your last class. You stopped walking for a short moment before deciding to just walk past the building. As much as you wanted to go in and sit in silence, you were scared that you’d come across Tsuzuru. Mentally unprepared for that humiliation, so you sighed and started to go head home. 
“Hey, wait up!” 
You didn’t think much of the voice and kept walking away until someone grabbed your wrist. You turned around and saw Tsuzuru stopping you in your tracks. Both of you were quiet; Tsuzuru was catching his breath and you were too surprised by his sudden interaction. His eyes were serious and it looked like he didn’t want to let you out of his sight any time soon. 
“Um… M-Minagi-san?”
His eyes widened and that serious look in his eyes was replaced with a more embarrassed one. He quickly retracted the hand holding your wrist and stuffed it in his pocket. “U-uh, s-sorry! I-I just left the library to wait for you outside but then I saw you leaving so I, uh…”
“Y-You were gonna… What?”
Tsuzuru nodded shyly. “I was looking for you this morning, but you never came around. I had a feeling you were trying to avoid me, so I thought it’d be better to try my luck and just wait outside this time.” He laughed shyly. “Guess I got really lucky, huh?”
You rubbed your arm awkwardly. He might’ve felt lucky but you felt the exact opposite of that. You weren’t in the mood for any reminder of what happened on Saturday. “U-Um, did you need me for something?”
“Yeah. I wanted to give you something.” He shuffled through his backpack and held out a small envelope. “I...It’s a gift card for that coffee shop. I’m sure you didn’t know this, but I actually love going to that shop. I wanted to return the favor, so uh… here.”
You took the envelope and looked at it in surprise. Of all the things you thought he’d say, you didn’t expect him to give you a present. “Um… thanks.”
“Oh, and these, too.” Tsuzuru pulled out a small treat box from his bag and held that out to you. “They’re cookies. You said that you had a text today, right? I figured you might want something sweet after a test.”
“Y-You made these, Minagi-san?!” The cookies that you could see from the plastic window looked professionally made.
He laughed. “No, not me! Someone in the dorm I live in made them. He’s really good at cooking and baking. He made a lot, so I packed some for you.” 
Your cheeks felt warm. You really weren’t expecting any presents from Tsuzuru and having his attention like this was somewhat embarrassing. “Y-You didn’t have to… I’m just your average fan and--”
He smiled softly. “I did it because I wanted to. You always put really nice letters and notes on the gifts. Maybe it’s because you see how stressed I can get in the library, but you always seemed to say the right things or give me something when I need it the most.” Tsuzuru scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “And as creepy as this sounds… I’ve been wanting to talk to you for a while now. Even before you started leaving presents for me. I just didn’t know how to start a conversation with you.”
You laughed a bit. “That’s nowhere near as creepy as leaving presents for someone you’ve never talked to.”
“Well, it’s just as creepy to accept presents left at your seat by some mystery person,” he retorted, laughing with you. “Speaking of which, I think it’s time I learned your name. You already know mine, and I can’t keep calling you a mystery person forever.”
Finally relieved that he didn’t find you freaky, you told him your name.
“(Full Name)-san, huh? It really suits you.” Tsuzuru liked the way your name rolled off of his tongue and he was almost tempted to say it again just for the sake of it. Just thinking of your name brought a smile to his lips. “Well, you already know it, but my name is Minagi Tsuzuru. It’s nice to formally meet you, (Name)-san.”
You chuckled, thinking about how you never thought things would lead up to this. “It’s nice to formally meet you too, Minagi-san.”
He saw the way you smiled and he felt his cheeks warm up a bit more. “Are you doing anything after this? You see, I happen to have a gift card to that coffee shop, too,” he said in a joking manner. “Do you want to grab a coffee and talk a bit more there? I’ll pay for your coffee.”
You laughed at his little joke and nodded. “If I can pay for yours, then I’d love to!” 
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i love ur stuff!!! do u think u could write something like diego and the reader not liking eachother (maybe the reader is friends with klaus or allison or someone) and then slowly they begin to like eachother ??? :0
A/N: Thank you so much for the sweet message Nonny ☺ it was a lovely prompt, and I hope you enjoy. Word Count: 2060 Content Warning: mild swearing
“Hey Y/N, why don’t you like Diego?” Klaus asked one evening as the two of you lounged on your couch watching Allison’s latest red carpet event.
“Is that a serious question?” you counter with a raised eyebrow, popping another piece of popcorn in your mouth.
“Yeah. I mean, you get along with everyone else, literally. But not Diego.”
“I don’t get along with everyone else. And I just…think he’s jerk.”
“He is. But so’s Luther and you like him fine.”
You rolled your eyes. “Look, I don’t know how to explain it. I just, every time I talk to your brother I get filled with this overwhelming desire to hit something.”
Klaus started laughing and you raised an eyebrow questioningly. He just shook his head, still laughing. However, he dropped the subject after that and you decided not to push him on what might have been so funny.
“You’re welcome,” he said with a smirk, still holding onto your arm.
“Oh don’t do that, Diego,” you snapped. “Don’t act like you did me some favor and I should be grateful.”
“I just saved your life, Y/N.”
“It was a guy on a bike; I think I would have been fine. I can take care of myself.” You folded your arms over your chest, pulling out of his grasp in the process. “What are you even doing here?”
He shrugged. “Out for a walk.”
“Really? In this part of town nowhere near anything you usually have to do with?”
He shrugged. “It was a long walk.”
“Whatever,” you rolled your eyes. “I’m outta here.”
“Not gonna offer to buy me dinner for saving your life?” he called after you as you started to walk away.
“In your dreams Hargreeves,” you shot back.
The next time you saw Diego, you had called him to meet you and he seemed quite surprised when he showed up to the park.
“What’s going on, Y/N? No offense, but you were the last person I was expecting to hear from,” he asked, trying to hide the fact that concern had made him run most of the way there.
“It’s Klaus. He hasn’t been by in a while and he missed our weekly breakfasts. He never does that, especially since I pay. So I’m worried and…I couldn’t think of anyone else who might be able to help. Sorry to bother you.” You shifted uncomfortably and bit your lip, worried that you had annoyed him and that he would refuse to help.
“Shit,” he sighed, running a hand through his close-cropped hair. “Alright, I’ll help you look for him. But the kind of places he hangs out…we probably shouldn’t split up, even if it would let us cover more ground.”
“That’s kind of what I was thinking too. I figured I should call someone in for backup.” You shrugged and forced a smile.
The two of you walked in silence for a while, figuring that you would be more likely to actually spot him if you moved on foot than by car, even if it would take you more time. And, if you were being honest, you didn’t mind the amount of time. You found that when you weren’t actively fighting, you appreciated the presence of the other Hargreeves. You certainly felt safe with him beside you, between the knives and the subtle strength that you could see in his stance and the muscles that his clothing clung to.
“Is there something going on between you and Klaus?” he asked suddenly after a while of quiet.
“What? No. He’s my best friend. I don’t…I don’t see him like that.”
He gave you a look that suggested he didn’t quite believe you.
“I’m serious. I love him sure, but the same way I love my baby sister. I want the world for him and would do anything for him but…romantically…blegh.” You scrunched up your face in disgust at the thought and the man beside you laughed.
“So if not my brother…is there someone special?”
You fell silent, studying Diego through the corner of your eye. Part of you itched to snap that it was none of his business. The other part of you, quite rebelliously, admired the slope of his shoulders beneath his black sweater and the cut of his jaw, how the long scar above his ear interrupted his smooth, almost militaristic appearance and made him more attractive, more dangerous looking.
“No,” you said, after maybe too long of silently enjoying the view of him. “No one’s seemed worth my time.”
“You really think highly of yourself don’t you?” he laughed.
“’No one’s seemed worth my time,’” he quoted back, “sounds awfully pretentious.”
You felt your cheeks heat in embarrassment. “No…I just meant that I’ve dated quite a few duds in the past, and I don’t see the point in wasting my time. If I don’t feel a connection with the person before we go out…” you shrugged. “Maybe it’s high maintenance, but I’d rather be that than miserable.”
He nodded and stayed silent. A quick glance over at him showed that he was lost in thought.
As the two of you patrolled, looking for any sign of Klaus, you found yourself wondering more and more about the mysterious “Number Two.” But after several hours, even though you were enjoying your, mostly silent, time together, you were growing frustrated.
“This is hopeless,” you groaned. “It’s going to take the two of us days to canvass the whole city, and if he’s been checked in somewhere, we still won’t find him.”
“You’re probably right, Y/N,” Diego said with a nod. “Let’s grab some lunch and then we can start—”
“Calling the usual rehab centers,” you finished at the same time as him. “Sounds like an excellent plan.”
He smiled softly at you and reached out, as if offering you his hand to hold before quickly retreating and shoving them into his pockets.
“Do you like Greek? I know a great Greek diner nearby,” he offered.
After that day, you found yourself spending more time with Diego, realizing your initial distaste was misguided, a snap judgement that he really didn’t deserve. One afternoon, Klaus caught you chatting with his brother on the phone, he had called to invite you to one of his boxing matches, and twirling the cord between your fingers as you did.
“Oh. My. God.” he cried out, slapping his hands to either side of his face with exaggerated shock. “You liiiike him.”
“Shut up,” you hissed, punching him lightly, a hot blush creeping across your face at the thought of Diego potentially hearing.
“What was that?” he asked, voice tinny through the receiver.
“Nothing, just your idiot brother.”
You heard him chuckled. “I see. Well, anyway, the gym is kinda out of the way so it can be hard to find, so how about I meet you at your place and we can walk there together?”
“You don’t have to do that Diego.”
“But maybe I want to?”
“O-oh,” you stammered, thrown by the warmth in his voice. “Well, in that case, that sounds nice.”
“Good. It’s a date.”
“A date?” you raised your eyebrow even though he couldn’t see it and tried your best to ignore Klaus’s flailing and pumping his fist excitedly in the air.
“Yeah, a date. I’ve gotta run, but I’ll see you later, Y/N.”
“Okay, see you later Diego.”
You were smiling when you hung up the phone, and the warmth in your chest made you feel like you were floating. So much so that you were completely compliant to Klaus dragging you through the apartment the two of you sort of shared, insistent on picking out the “perfect outfit” for you to “stun his brother so hard he drops in shock and awe.”
The night of the date, you fidgeted nervously on your couch, bouncing your leg and chewing on the corner of your thumbnail, waiting for Diego to get there. A thousand thoughts a minute ran through your mind and you stomach twisted itself in knots. You tried to tell yourself you were being ridiculous, the two of you had become friends over the past several weeks, and there was no reason to think this evening was going to be any different, just because Diego had said it was going to be a date.
You were so lost in your own thoughts that you didn’t hear the buzzer or notice Klaus rushing to greet his brother until Diego stood in the doorway, trying to get around his brother to say hello.
“If you ever hurt her Diego,” Klaus said sternly, poking an index finger against his brother’s chest, blocking the short hallway of your apartment.
Diego raised an eyebrow as if challenging whether Klaus was actually trying to threaten him.
“If you ever hurt her, my beloved brother or not, I will eat your shoelaces,” Klaus continued, undaunted, eyes narrowed and face the picture of seriousness.
“Every single shoelace. Slurp ‘em up like spaghetti. Inconvenient as hell.”
“Klaus, you are my very best friend and I love you,” you interrupted, rising to go and stand by the two, equally unable to get Klaus out from between. “But what the fuck? Please don’t eat shoelaces in my defense. God that is the weirdest sentence I’ve ever said…”
“Yeah, and we can’t afford to take to the vet and have them removed when they tangle around your intestines,” Diego added, rolling his eyes. “We’ll have to just put you down.”
“Unsettling and inconveniencing my family and dying? Best day ever!” Klaus gave a little clap and jump of joy, which quickly morphed into an apologetic look when he glanced over his shoulder and saw your glare.
“Well, I’ll get out of your way. You two crazy kids have fun now,” he said cheerfully, as if the previous conversation hadn’t happened. “Don’t do anything I would do!”
You rolled your eyes as he sidled past back to the living room, giving you an affectionate pat on the shoulder as he did.
Diego felt his jaw drop as he took in your outfit. It wasn’t quite your usual style, but was enough like you to not feel like you were trying so hard. And you looked stunning in it.
“Wow,” he eventually breathed, causing you to chuckle and rub the back of your neck nervously. “You look…I don’t know if I’m going to be able to focus on the fight with you looking like that.”
“It was Klaus’s idea,” you mumbled. “I know it’s a bit much…”
“No!” he assured, a little too quickly. “It’s great…you look great.”
You shot him a slightly flirtatious smile. “You don’t look so bad yourself.” You let your eyes rove over his tight-fitted jeans and Henley, in black of course.
“C-c-can I kiss you?” he stammered, stepping closer. “For luck?”
You responded by snaking your arms around his neck and leaning in to press your lips to his. He groaned into the kiss, hands coming to rest on your hips, fingers digging into your sides and pulling you closer. Gently, he backed you up the few steps necessary to pin you against your wall, running his tongue over your lower lip at the same time. You let out a little gasp as you bumped into the plaster and he took the opportunity to slip in and begin exploring your mouth.
Grasping his hair in your fist, you eventually pulled him away from you to drink deeply of the air, trying to ignore the wave of desire that shot through you when the action made him moan hungrily.
“We should stop,” you panted.
“Why?” he responded, equally out of breath and fighting your grip to kiss the side of your neck.
“You have a match to get to. Wouldn’t this be so much better as a reward for winning it?” You teased lightly. “And somewhere your brother wasn’t…?”
He laughed. “You have a point there. I want you all to myself.”
“Well then get a move on. The sooner we get out of here, the better.”
He threaded his fingers through yours as he led you through the door.
“Don’t wait up!” you called back over your shoulder to Klaus, making Diego groan once more and you smirked. Tonight was shaping up to be even better than you could have hoped.
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physicalturian · 4 years
Did a full 180° - AFAB!Reader X Bokuto Koutarou
Summary : Bokuto has a day off, but when you're off on campus, you get a textfrom him an understand he feels lonelyso you return at the apartment to cheer him up. Cheering up happens, and a whole change of mood too [No pronouns used for the reader, no physical description; Everyone +18] [AFAB!Reader]
Reader on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27535102
Warnings: smut; protected sex; slight daddy kink; hair pulling; clawing; penis in vagina sex.
When I woke up this morning, I had the pleasure to have my sleeping boyfriend next to me. It was one of his rare days off, one of the rare times he did not have to wake up at an unbelievably early time. It also meant one of those rare times I had the chance to snuggle up closer to his warmth before having to drag myself out of bed to get on campus. For a moment, I considered not going to that study group in the morning, that way I could spend more time with the beautiful man that was sprawled on my bed, but I knew it was the only way I’d force myself to study. Thus, it was with a lot of reticence that I left the bedroom, giving one last glance at his peaceful sleeping form before closing the door delicately behind myself as I got cleaned and changed in the bathroom.
 On my way to campus, I walked by a bakery to get a few pastries to eat on the way, taking a few for Koutarou once he wakes up. He sure had an appetite, so pastries may not be enough, knowing him we’d probably order in too. Fortunately, the group meeting was not supposed to last long, probably 4 hours at max, which meant I’d probably come back before Bokuto would wake up. My overexcited brain was already thinking of going back home and lazying around with him, simply enjoying one another’s company and sharing what was on our mind the moment it crossed it. Argh, focus. Focus, you’ll have the rest of the day to think of him, touch him, and be with him. Study mode, on. Head not empty, smart thoughts. I scolded myself as I stepped inside the large hall that was filled with tables and chairs, a lot of them empty since it was the morning; Sweeping my eyes across the room, I saw my friends at the table, coffee cup in hand and tired faces falling to the ground.
 I chuckled lowly to myself while making my way towards them, a wide smile on my face. “Why, hello morning people. Looking fine I see! Ready for some brain time?” their response was to grunt and dramatically let their head fall on their papers, the heaviest sigh leaving their lips. Actually, three of them were like that, the fourth one however was smiling tiredly as he greeted me with weak voice. The one on my left grabbed my arm to stop me from rummaging through my bag and looked at me in pure astonishment. “You’re too energetic in the morning, it’s gross. Next time we’ll study at 9pm- because, you see, those are the peak hours. It’s the best time to study, fresh air, leftover foods, and you can drink alcohol-“ “Alright, but you can eat right now too, you know, nothing’s stopping you. Also, I don’t think alcohol helps with focusing mate.” I said playfully, making my friend roll her eyes as she slumped on her arm in one last desperate move to get some sleep.
 Nudging the sleepy people awake once more, I tried to motivated them to study, and the only way I could do that was to say that there will be a break in an hour or so. Which happened after a while, it was a bit slow at first to get everyone’s brain started, but once it was active, and the caffeine had kicked in, they were ready to go.
 During the second break, it was around 11.15 am, I received a message from Bokuto asking me where I was. Surprised to see him awake to early, I thought his body was used to his routine and didn’t pay it any mind when I answered that I was studying on campus. His answer was, ‘Oh, ok. U coming back soon?’ there weren’t any emojis, any hearts. And that, worried me, greatly. I knew how he was; I knew he had ups and downs depending on the time, and maybe I was reading too much into it but there was definitely something off with him. So, I excused myself from my friends, telling them I needed to make a quick phone call.
Pressing his contact on my screen, I waited a few seconds before hearing him pick up and clear his throat before speaking. “Babe? Why are you calling, do you miss me already?” I knew, from the forced cheeriness that he was feeling bad. I did not know why, but I knew he wasn’t feeling 100% today. “Kou, what’s wrong? Please, be straight with me?” I didn’t want to push him, but I wanted him to be honest. Since he hadn’t replied right away, I walked further away where there wasn’t any hubbub and whispered into the phone. “Babe please answer me…” I heard him let out a shaky breath, then heard a shuffle on the other end of the line before his soft voice came through. “I’m just- lonely. I woke up and you weren’t there- and I feel really bad right now, and-“ he sniffled, using a tissue, to wipe his tears probably, “When are you coming back? I can wait for you, I’m sorry for-“ “I’m leaving right now, I’ll tell them there was an emergency. I’m not letting you be alone in that state, Koutarou.”
 He hummed in agreement, but did not say much more. Since he did not hang up, I assumed he wanted to stay on the phone a little bit longer, so I stayed, but still walked back to the table with my friends. With my phone still in hand and pressed on my ear, I gave them a nervous smile, “Hey guys, there’s been an emergency, I have to leave right now. Could we continue this later this week? I just, I really have to go, it’s super important.” “It’s ok, it’s all good. We’ll uh, do something in the meantime, but yeah sure we’ll reschedule that shit, no worry. You go take care of your man.” My friend then winked at me, and I was surprised they understood right away. Appreciative of their understanding, I gave them a curt nod and packed my stuff before rushing outside, and throwing my bag over my shoulder. “Are you still there Kou?” There was a muffled sound of something moving, then a thud, followed by a groan. I think I even heard a metallic noise, like a rattling but I did not know what I was.
 “Yeah, thank you babe… I love you, you know that, right? I just really miss you right now…” he mumbled. And while he mumbled, I could hear the way his throat was strained, his feeling getting caught in it as he spoke without much energy. I smiled and hummed softly, telling him that I loved him too, and that I also missed him tons. When he heard that, he breathed out a soft ‘Yeah?’ and I think I heard the faintest smile as he said so. And I proceeded to rant on all the things I loved about him, of course, I did not have time to list everything that I had reached our shared flat and was unlocking the door to the apartment. “I’m home, where are you babe?” I asked gently as I dropped my stuff on the counter and opened the door to the bedroom, only to be greeted by our drawn curtains and undone bed, no one in it.
 From the corner of my eye, I saw a shadow move in the room and realized it was the door to the closet. I quickly understood and hung up, rushing to the spot and opening it wide, finally seeing my partner sitting in the corner of the closer, his knees close to his chest with his arms wrapped around it. He hadn’t even gotten dressed; he was just in his boxer. And even though he was well-built, he looked so small like that; Looking down at him, I smiled before sitting down with him, my hands on his knees as I asked him to move his arms, which he did. “Is it a down day?” I asked, knowing full well the answer. He nodded. “Okay,” brushing his hair back, I brought him in a short tender kiss then pulled back, his face still sad. “Can you move back to the bed? I’ll join you in thirty seconds, okay?” Raising the corner of his lips into a small smile, he nodded as he pulled us up.
 I rushed to the windows and opened the curtains wide. Staying in the dark never helped with feeling down, so even though he complained about the light I let the light come through. Turning back towards him I took of my shoes and slid in bed with him, throwing the blanket over us as I did so. “Hello handsome.” I whispered right in front of his face, the blanket covering us over our heads made the situation a lot more intimate and it felt so nice. “Hey pretty face,” he replied, his smile a bit wider than before which was quite a relief. I grinned back and brought him in another kiss, that he returned desperately before we both pulled away and I kissed his cheeks, his forehead, his chin, his lips again, before asking him to turn around.
 Bokuto was a large man, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be a little spoon. Everyone needed to be hugged, to felt love and safe, and at this very moment he needed it so bad. So, I wrapped my arm over his shoulders and my leg over his hips before pulling him as close as I could to me. And just like that, he felt relieved, the tension in his body left as he brought a hand to his face. A bit unsure of what was happening, I placed a kiss on the back of his shoulder and tried to peak at his face. “Everything good, Kou?” I ask, barely over a whisper.
 I felt him shake a bit, then, after a few minutes, felt the rumble of his chest as he spoke, “I’m- yeah- I just- I’m actually so relieved right now. I don’t know- I don’t know why I was feeling so depressed- but now that you’re here it’s like… it’s awesome you know?” I did know, I understood how he felt. But it looked like he needed to explain it in more depth. Shuffling in my hold, he turned around, but grabbed my arm to put it back on his side, and brought my leg high on his thigh. His eyes widened for a second, then his cheeks flushed a darker color. “Fuck you’re actually so fucking gorgeous- but I was saying- it’s like- uh, when you were gone, there was this, this weight in my chest, and really hated it. I wanted you, I wanted to hug you- so when you did, it really lifted that weight off my chest, like literally.” I nodded, and rubbed his back once he finished.
 “I’m glad I could help, but for safety measures I think I should probably stick with you the whole day.” His face lit up, like fairy lights. It was the most adorable sight, so genuine and sincere it made my heart go crazy. Bringing his face closer to my chest, I heard him sigh in content as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I tightened my embrace around him, knowing he liked his hugs a bit tight, it comforted him. “Babe?” his speech was a bit muffled from being spoken against my shirt, but I had heard him, so I hummed inquiringly. “Are you mad that I interrupted your study sess’?” I huffed a laugh at his question, how thoughtful could he be even when feeling down?
 I shook my head, but quickly spoke when I realized he couldn’t see me. “Not at all, and also I don’t mind that you’re feeling down- and I’m okay with not doing anything today- and I love you and you can take all the time you need today, we can stay all day in bed. As long as you’re here, I’m happy.” Every time I was done with one thing, he was ready to ask another question, his insecurity-filled mind playing tricks on him. But I was ready to reassure him, he needed it, and I was giving it. He had to know he hadn’t done anything wrong. It took him a few seconds to take in what I had said, then he suddenly pulled back, his hands planted on the mattress as he was kneeling, sitting on his heels. The blanket that was covering us was now almost entirely off of me, since his whole body was like a pole for our own little tent.
 The sudden change of attitude surprised me, but I was going with the flow; He was smiling and that’s all that mattered to me really. “We can do plenty in bed babe.” He grinned before pulling the blanket off of us and crawling on the bed and between my legs. I felt a shiver ran down my spine from the sudden loss of warmth but couldn’t help the grin that made its way on my face. “Are you serious, Kou?” I breathed out, not believing how fast he was at changing the atmosphere around us. He leaned in and started bringing his hands slowly from my knees to my waist where he held the hem of my shirt and lifted it gently, looking at me in the eyes. As he lowered himself, he kissed my stomach once, “Very serious, you can’t blame me babe, have you seen how hot you are?” he asked dramatically as he kept leaving kisses on my exposed skin. I gasped at the sudden feeling of his tongue on my skin and gripped his hair to stop him, already feeling hot all over. “Kou, I was going to make this day all about you-“ Interrupting me, his face was suddenly looming over mine, a wide smile on it. “Making me feel good is about me, right?”
 Rolling my eyes, I felt my cheeks heat up at what he was insinuating, so I huffed a laugh and nodded, “Yeah I guess so, sure.” Happy, he crashed his lips on mine and kissed me once more, it was needy, I could feel how much he wanted this through only his kiss. Both of us were smiling “Good, good, because you feeling good makes me happy too- and I’m about to make you feel real good,” he put an emphasis on the real, as he pulled me closer and rolled his hips against mine. Smiling broadly, he asked me to wait a moment, and left the bed a second to come back with his hair pulled back by a hard headband. “I didn’t have time to style my hair after my shower this morning- do I look good?” While it was formulated like a question, he knew he looked good, and he knew I found him attractive. But I played along.
 “Bokuto Koutarou, do you realize that you’re a piece of art?” His cheeks flushed pink and his eyes were twinkling with pure joy; Leaning back on top of me, placing his hands on each side of my face after he spread my legs to settle between them. “Yeah? Go ahead, keep talking babe,” he whispers as he began kissing my neck gently at first, his tongue darting out to leave a trail of saliva on my skin before biting it just hard enough to get a reaction out of me. I cocked my head to the side to give him a better access, and let my hands wander over his back, “You’re- fuck you’re uh, good- you’re a great player and-“ I heard him laugh against my skin before leaning back, smirking. “That’s it? Babe I thought you liked me for my personality,” he pouted dramatically before chuckling and teasingly asking me what was wrong.
 I could only scoff before meeting his gaze, “I can’t focus for shit, my mind is just blank because all I can think about is your touch, your hands all over my body and your tongue-“ “You’re right babe, I should use my tongue more! Alright, here, how about you undress for me, then you come sit on my face?” I stared at him wide eyes for a few seconds, then managed to utter, “I didn’t say that at all, but I’m definitely not against it you want to, like I’m very much okay with that if you’d like to do that-“ I said quickly as I rolled out of bed to remove all items of clothing I was wearing, while doing that my boyfriend was looking at me intently; His tongue licking his lips while observing me, “I love your enthusiasm babe, you’re so good to me.” I felt my whole body heat up at his words, he had a way to make me feel comfortable no matter the circumstances. And seeing the way his eyes were roaming my body like it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, sent a butterfly in my stomach.
 When I dropped my last piece of clothing on the floor, I looked up at him with an excited smile, “Are you sure-“ I barely had time to speak that he grabbed my hand and pulled me to the bed, asking me to sit on his lap first. When I did, he took in the sight, his eyes wide in awe. “I’ll never get enough of you,” giving me a once over, he cursed under his breath, “Shit you’re so hot babe. The things you do to me!” he said quickly before leaning over and slowly planting kisses from my navel to my chest, his teeth barely scraped my neck before he grabbed my chin between his index and thumb and kissed me fervidly. I could feel his smile as we kissed, and hopefully he could feel mine, it was a bit messy, but oh was it filled with so much love. His hands were gripping my thighs tightly and without a warning he spread them wide before pulling me against his crotch. I laughed and had to hold onto his shoulders as he let himself fall down on the pillows.
 When the kiss was broken, we were breathless, our lips slightly swollen and I could feel my cheekbones hurting from all the smiling, which wasn’t bad. “Alright babe, come on, sit on my face, because there are other lips I’d like to kiss-“ “Koutarou oh my god-“ hitting his shoulder without any force, I then leaned in while holding his face and kissed him one more tender time before chuckling nervously. “Hit the back of my leg if you want me to get off of you, okay?” as I rose, my hands on the headboard, he made a noise and told me to stop, I sat back on his chest, and saw his smirking face. “It has to be something I wouldn’t do babe, and I don’t think I could stop myself from spanking you, you know? Have you seen how good looking you are? I want to make you make all kind of sounds, and I’m sure you’d make the prettiest one if I spanked you while fucking you with my tongue, you know?”
 My laugh got caught in my throat and I made a stupid strain noise as I looked down at his ecstatic expression. “I- you are entirely right, I definitely want to feel my favorite spiker’s hand hitting me hard.” Exhaling a long breath through his nose, he grinned mischievously before muttering he’d hit the headboard if he needed to stop, then he pulled me up to his face without further warning. I yelped as his strong hands gripped my ass, and rested my knees on each side of his face. I barely had time to put my hands on the headboard that his tongue darted out of his mouth and I felt the strong muscle brush against my core. A mute gasp left my mouth and I looked down at his face, he was starting slow, his eyes observing each of my reaction before speeding up. With that followed more sinful sounds; With each stroke of his tongue, my breath was getting heavier. He was smiling against my skin, I felt it. I also felt a jolt of electricity ran through my body when he moved one of his hand from my backside to use his thumb to play with my sensitive nub.
 I couldn’t help the loud “Fuck” that escaped my lips, and it made him chuckle, the vibration of his laugh sending even more pleasure coursing through my being. I couldn’t control myself and pressed on his face for more, I even took hold of his messy hair, my free hand still gripping the headboard like my life depended on it. The sounds coming from his work were even more sloppy, it was embarrassing and yet it turned me on; When I looked down at his face once more, he had a determined and teasing look on his face, when our eyes met, the strokes of his tongue started going faster and so did his circling on my clit. All I could muster between my strangled moans and panting, was the repetition of his name, “Kou, fuck, fuck, Kou”, it only fueled his pride.
 When I tried to roll my hips, he held me in place first before spanking my ass as strong as he could from the angle he was in. Clearly, it wasn’t as powerful as he would usually do it, but it felt just as good. I moaned loudly in response, and gripped his hair tighter before muttering an apology and moving my hand back to the headboard. Without ever stopping he grabbed my hand again and moved it to his hair once more, I understood he did not mind, so I resumed my action.
 At some point, when I said I was getting close, he stopped circling my clit and I groaned at the lack of stimulation but he quickly replaced his finger by his mouth and started sucking it. He kept switching between licking, giving long strokes of his tongue, then sucking my nub. After some time, the knot in my stomach had reached its peak and I let out a throaty moan when I finally came.
 My knees felt weak, and my entire body was burning but fuck did it feel good. I shuffled off of him to sit on his lap once more, and he sat up soon after, with the most gorgeous smile painted on his lips. I could see his skin glistening from my juice, and it made my face heat up even more. From his reaction, I think he understood, that’s why he used the back of his hand to wipe his mouth. “See, that’s how I like to start the day- fuck breakfast when I can eat you out, you know?” “For fuck sake, Kou- you’re- okay, you know what? I’ll ignore that sentence, because I don’t know how to reply to that.” I laughed before pushing him down. His eyes widened, and so did his smile, before he continued, “You can tell me how good I made you feel, and you’d love for me to fuck you.” I rolled my eyes and hummed at his words, mumbling that I could do that, yes.
 Slowly caressing his chest, I traveled his upper body at an agonizing pace. My hands roamed from his stomach, to his shoulders, to his hands that I moved to my waist for him to grip. “You make me feel so good, all the time Kou.” I whispered before placing a kiss on his chest, then looking up at him again, “And I love you, so much.” I kissed his neck. “And you’re such a great boyfriend.” And kissed his lips softly, his was reacting so strongly to each of my words. Every time he would tighten his hands on my waist, grounding against me with a needy moan. “And you’re so fucking pretty, and I want you to fuck me.” I finally said, right next to his ear. He was always responsive to soft words, while the man loved to fuck, he also loved to make love, he could be rough, but also so gentle. But when the compliments were returned to him, he turned into a puddle before coming back stronger.
 “Fuck babe, fuck- get me the condom, I so want to fuck you right now.” I could feel his erected member under my crotch as I got off of him to grab a condom from the drawer along some lube and handed them to him. Hurriedly, he sat up and opened the condom package with his teeth, I gave him a warning look but he gave me a thumbs up. “I didn’t break it, promise, I’m excited.” He said with a piece of the package between his teeth. He then scrambled to take his boxers off and roll the condom onto his cock, discarding the package on he ground as he laid back down.
 With his pretty grin, he patted his thighs and said “Come to daddy,” I rolled my eyes but did as he asked, grabbing the bottle of lube as I did so. Spurting some of the liquid on my hand, I then wrapped it around his cock to spread the lube all over. “So, I have to call you daddy, uh?” I said seductively while looking him in the eyes, his mouth was wide open while staring at me then he closed it, his eyes darkening. “Shit it’s actually hot babe, I was kidding but it’s actually hot-“ he seemed confused but still looked so hot, I continued what I was doing, squeezing his cock a bit tighter while doing so. When I thought it was enough, I spread some lube where Bokuto’s lips had previously been then moved higher on his lap to slowly lower myself onto his cock.
 I took my time to not rush things and get use to his size, but even like that it felt good. Perhaps was it because I could hear his praises as I lowered myself slowly, his soft voice telling me I was doing so good, that I was almost done and I was taking him so well. His hands were roaming my body like he had never touched it before, and was complimenting each part of my body while kissing them when he could. Once I felt comfortable enough, I rolled my hips a few times, earning moans from my boyfriend. “Fuck babe, can I be rough today? I really want to fuck you good, but like if you don’t, it’s alright I’m good with that too but-“ “Yes, yes, you can be rough, I would really like that too… Daddy.” It felt weird to call him that, but it seemed to spark something in him as he gripped me tightly and turned me over so that I was the one laying on my back, with him on top.
 “Just this time, you can moan that- and my name too, actually scream my name because I’m about to make you feel so good, I want everyone to know, alright babe?” It was said with such an innocent look, but his eyes were saying otherwise. He had lust in them, he had that strong look that send jolts to my core. He looked so hot like that, I only nodded in response but he shook his head, smirking. “Words babe, I want to hear you pretty voice,” he thrusted one time inside me, making me moan, then he stopped. “Here, let daddy hear more of that pretty voice.” I covered my eyes in embarrassment at the new addition, I didn’t want to get used to him saying that but the more he said it the more it suited him. “Alright, I won’t hold back.” He hummed in satisfaction and added, while slowly rolling his hips slowly, “That’s it, you’re so good to me.” Leaning over, he brushed his hand over my cheek and kissed me tenderly before starting thrusting.
 At first his thrusts were slow, we were both getting used to it slowly but he quickened the pace soon after; Our lips would desperately try to meet, to feel even closer that we already were, we would moan in the kiss, panting as we broke apart. I wanted to close my eyes and get lost in the pleasure but I also really wanted to see the expression on his face, the focus, the bliss on his face. He was simply gorgeous. I loved seeing his lips part as he’d let out a moan, each of them louder than the previous as he was getting closer.
 Grabbing the hard headband on his head, I tossed it aside and brought his face even closer than it already was, kissing him lustfully as my hands gripped his locks firmly. He groaned into the kiss, then grabbed one of my legs to place it above his shoulder to have a deeper access. I cried out his name at the change of angle, and moved one of my hand to my clit for more stimulation. Breaking the kiss once more, Bokuto was breathing heavily against my lips as he brushed his nose against mine, “I’m close, I’m so fucking close, are you close babe?” Huffing a laugh, as much as I could with my heavy breathing, I kissed him softy, our tongue battling for dominance until we pulled apart and I smiled. “Try harder pretty boy-“ the second those words left my mouth he started pounding inside me even harder.
 He abandoned my lips and sank lower on my body, kissing and sucking at each and every innocent spot a skin he laid his eyes on, attacking it. He was ravenous, his tongue traveling all over my body. When I clawed at his back, he suddenly bit me hard which sent me closer to the edge. “Do that again and I’m gone babe- fuck! No, actually, yeah, do it again, harder.” He breathed out, strained as he kept fucking me without ever stopping, I was getting closer too with his ministrations, feeling my whole body heat up more and more as the pressure in my lower stomach built up. Both moaning, I nodded, or tried, and followed his instruction, clawing his back in pleasure which made him lose it as he cried out my name in pure bliss, finally finding release. I whined his name when he stopped, his body sweating and holding me close, still inside me, “Kou you can’t do that to me, fuck please- don’t stop.” I panted, extending my arm to lift his head up and look him in the eyes.
 Grinning, he leaned towards the bedside table and grabbed something I couldn’t see from my spot, “I wasn’t planning on it,” he managed to breathed out, then suddenly resumed his thrusting, making me gasp in pleasure before arching my back to feel him more. My working hand was brought to a stop when my boyfriend grabbed it and placed it on his shoulder, “Let me,” he said in a low tone, then I heard the familiar muffled sound of my vibrator. I was about to tell him I was good without it, when he placed it right against my sensitive nub, and close to his cock too. “Oh fuck, fuck, Kou- it’s- god fuck,” I was gripping his shoulders with all my strength, arching my back to meet his thrusts and the toy, the bubble inside my lower stomach was growing, and growing at a fast pace. I think Bokuto was also close again from the non-stop moaning, and gentle words escaping his lips as he said this felt so good and that I was being so good to him.
 After a few minutes, I reached my peak and felt all the pressure in my body, leave as I moaned my lover’s name one more time before letting myself got limp in the mattress. I let him ride off his orgasm, which he reached quickly with the added vibration on his cock. After a moment, he moaned loudly and dropped the vibrator next to me before slumping on my other side, his chest rising and falling fast, trying to catch his breath. “You never told me that thing felt so good, we should definitely use it more often.” He managed to say, as he sat back down and took off the condom, tying it closed. “Why do you think I have it? Oh wait-“ Chuckling, I turned to the side and leaned on my hand as I watched my man throw the used condom and disappear from the room before coming back with a wet washcloth. “What?” He asked curiously as he kneeled on the mattress to clean my sore body.
 Looking at him with a grin, I sat up, wrapping the blanket around my shoulders. “Are we going to talk about the thing?” I’m sure I had a stupid smile on my face when I asked that, and it only confused him more. “Wait, what thing?” he asked quickly, pausing his washing. “The daddy thing.” I whispered playfully, elating nervous laugh from my boyfriend. His cheeks were already gaining color from the efforts, and now it was flushing in embarrassment. “Hey- that- I don’t know, ok? It sounded nice! I mean, I don’t want it to be a full-time thing, but like, if it happens again…” he shrugged, “I’d definitely be turned on, definitely, yes.” I hummed in understanding before grabbing the cloth from his hand and finishing cleaning myself before dropping it on the floor.
 “It was surprising for sure, but…” Smiling gently at him, I wrapped my hands behind his neck and pulled him down on me, throwing the blanket over both of us. “But it wasn’t too weird, I liked it.” I admitted, earning a surprised face from Bokuto who asked me if it was really ok, and I nodded. He sighed in relief before wrapping his arms around my waist, snuggling against my stomach. His hair was tickling my skin every time he’d move but I didn’t mind, if anything I was slowly falling asleep. “We should try new things,” he kissed my stomach softly then looked up at me smirking, “Because there’s a ton of thing I wanna do to you- oh and I can’t wait to show off what you did to me!” he then tried to peek at his back, where crimson red marks were displayed. At first, I felt bad to have done that, but seeing how satisfied he was with them being there, it only made me laugh.
 “Yeah, I will probably have to try to hide what you did to me, did you think I was ice cream or something?” I mumbled, looking down at the hickeys he had left all over my body. He laughed and started kissing all of them, muttering a sorry at each of them before finally looking up at me with a proud smile. “I mean… I haven’t had breakfast yet, so maybe I should eat more of you…” When he started lowering his face down between my legs once more, I gripped his biceps and pulled him up. “No, nope. Maybe later, but right now, we get out of bed, and we really eat. We gotta keep you in shape, star player.” I said softly before pulling the blankets off of us; However, I couldn’t leave the bed with how tight my boyfriend was holding me.
 Looking at him with a raised brow, I said his name in a warning tone. He only grumbled my name back, still holding me. “Please, can we just stay like that a bit longer, babe? I am so comfortable right now- and I really want to enjoy this moment with you because we hardly have times like because-“ I interrupted him with a stupid smile, “Alright, okay. But it’s just because you’re making valid points there, not because you’re stupidly cute like that.”
 With a beautiful grin painted on his face, he looked up at me once more, “Yeah? You think I’m cute?” I rolled my eyes and let my head fall back on the pillow, humming in agreement. “Yes, I think you’re cute. And very hot, and the way you use your hands-“ “Baaabe, I thought it was going to be sweet!” “Well excuse me, but right now all I can think about is your hands on my ass, so, it’s your fault really.” I shrugged, running my hand through his hair absent-mindedly.
 Snorting he gently brushed his hands on my back and spoke up, “Well, I love… your laugh, your smile… your voice, and you always make me happy! Whenever I see you, I just want to hold you close and never let you go.” I laughed nervously at his words and covered my face with a pillow in embarrassment, telling him to stop talking. Suddenly, the pillow the was covering my face was taken away and I was left staring at two golden orbs and one bright beautiful smile. “What is it?” I asked, confused. His only response was to kiss my nose, telling me I looked cute, before scurrying off the bed, “Let’s go eat, I wanna do stuff with you today! Come on, let’s go.”
 He helped me up my feet by holding my hands, and then handed me one of his shirts to wear. “And what are the plans for today?” I inquired, he shrugged in response, telling me he just wanted to spend our time together wisely. Then he looked back at me while putting on his boxer, “And maybe…” He approached me, placing his hands on my hips as I put on my pants, “Maybe we’ll continue where we left off,” he then slapped my ass hard, I gasped and turned around giving him a reprimanding look. “You don’t get to be hot right now, so you move your ass to the kitchen because I brought pastries.” He pouted and held my face gently in his hands, looking at me with pleading eyes, “Did you get the ones I like with the cream inside?”
 Huffing a laugh, I nodded; “Awesome! Alright, then let’s go! I’m actually starved- it’s funny to say you eat pussy, because it actually doesn’t really satiate much, you know?” I pushed him out of the room, my hands on his back, as I laughed loudly at his words. “Yeah, same for dicks you know, you suck dicks but they don’t taste that great.” I continued on the topic, making him laugh too. He then proceeded to talk about buying fruity condom, maybe that’d taste good.
 Dating Bokuto Koutarou was a roller coaster, there were ups and downs all the time, but I was there for him. Liking it a lot when he’d go down for sure.
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bikkinibottom · 4 years
Can’t Walk Without You
Here’s a little something I wrote to celebrate 100 followers! I got the idea based off of this post here.
This is my first time writing fanfic so I’d love for some feedback! Hope you all enjoy it!
Summary: It’s the 90’s and Percy makes mixtapes for Annabeth. She listens to them when she misses him.
She took it with her everywhere now, constantly listening to whichever song that played through the Walkman. It got to the point where even if she was having a conversation or in a meeting, the headphones rested around her neck playing music just loud enough for her to still hear and whoever happened to be right next to her. Some may call it rude, but people knew to never question Annabeth, especially with everything going on now.
Annabeth remembers the first mixtape Percy had made for her when they were fourteen. It was not too long after the battle on Mount Othrys where Percy and the group had rescued her and the goddess Artemis from Luke’s imprisonment. She smiles fondly too herself as she remembers the encounter with Percy:
Christmas was just around the corner and Annabeth begrudgingly decided to spend the holiday with her family in San Francisco. Percy and she had agreed to meet up to exchange gifts at Half-Blood Hill before she left. She stood near the Big House, which was adorned in colorful holiday lights, waiting for him. Behind her led to where the cabins were, the hearth at the center of the U-shaped formation seemed to glow brighter than ever, warm and inviting just like a fireplace at Christmas-time should be. The sky was clear save for a few clouds, the constellations piercing and bright. Fresh snow lay all over camp, some of the year-rounders just beginning to take advantage of the fresh snowfall. She looked up to see Percy approaching her, his ears looked pink without a hat on from what she could tell in the dim light.
‘Seaweed Brain’ she thought, thinking of the winter hat she knit him for his gift. It was a simple beanie that was baby blue, with one black stripe cutting across.
“Took you long enough. I got a flight to catch tomorrow, Seaweed Brain,” she jokingly said to him.
Clearly something else was occupying his mind because the scowl he attempted to make wasn’t sincere and looked more like fond exasperation. Annabeth tried not to look too into it.
He stopped walking and begun to turn around dramatically.
“Well if you’re gonna have that attitude about it I’ll just be on my-” but Annabeth cut him off with a laugh and shoved his arm.
“Come on, Percy. I’ve been waiting for this,” she told him with a bit of mock irritation in her voice.
“You have?” the boy before her asked timidly. And for the first time that night, Annabeth noticed Percy actually looked anxious for whichever reason she could not figure out yet. His eyes looked more of a golden from the reflection of the Christmas lights shining off the Big House.
Annabeth looked away from his eyes as she casually said, “Duh, we’re exchanging gifts. It’s like the best part of the holiday season,” though she wasn’t too sure of her response seeing the gloomy expression take over his face.
Percy looked away as he let out a simple, “Right.”
Not wishing to dampen the mood on what was supposed to be a pleasant occasion, Annabeth quickly asks, “Do you want to go first?”
“Uh, I- no. You go first,” he responded quickly as well.
Annabeth presented him with his gift bag filled with sea-green tissue paper and he dug around in it until he pulled out the gift card she had gotten him. He flipped it over to see what it was for and he smiled appreciatively.
“That’s the skate store you go to a lot right? The one by your apartment?” she asked just to double-check and make sure.
“Yeah! I- Thanks Annabeth,” he told her genuinely then paused. “Uh, how much is on it?”
“A hundred dollars,” she replied.
His eyes seemed to pop out of his head before he stuttered for the next few seconds. Annabeth just looked at him with a confused but amused smile on her face.
“This- this is more than enough for a whole new skateboard. I- I don’t think I can accept this,” he blurted out in shock.
“Skateboards are expensive. I thought that was a good amount,” she said matter-of-factly. Annabeth had briefly forgotten that Percy and his mom didn’t have a whole lot, meanwhile, her family was more than well off and Annabeth could afford to splurge on her friends.
“There’s another gift in the bag,” she pointed out.
He gave her an incredulous look before digging around in the bag. He pulled out the beanie wrapped in a layer of tissue paper and unwrapped it. He held out the hat in front of him with a neutral expression.
“You hardly ever wear a hat, let alone own a proper winter one so I figured you could use a nice one. I made it myself,” she said, her voice laced with pride. It had taken her a couple of tries to knit a hat before she managed to perfect it. Athena wasn’t the goddess of crafts for nothing. Annabeth was proud of her handiwork.
“You made this?” he asked softly. The tender look in his eyes made Annabeth’s face a little warm but she nodded genuinely.
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Annabeth said. “It’s your turn.”
“O- oh. Right.” Percy cleared his throat and placed the gift bag on the snowy ground with his presents inside. He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a card with a smaller rectangular box attached to it. Annabeth didn’t know what the box could be seeing as it was wrapped but she opened the card and read it to herself first.
The card itself didn’t have many words and with the low-lighting, she couldn’t exactly make it out with her dyslexia. But underneath the message of the card, she noticed Percy’s chicken scratch hand-writing where he wrote out in Ancient Greek, ‘Hope you have a good new year. Merry Christmas, Wise Girl. Your friend, Percy’.
She smiled up at him and gave him a sweet thank you.
“Um, the uh, the gift. I made it myself. I don’t know if you’ll like it but um, if you give it back I understand. It’s kind of lame, actually-” Percy stammered out, and she could tell the red on his face wasn’t coming from the Christmas lights. With a roll of her eyes, she tore open the wrapping and was presented with a cassette player. Written on one side in Percy’s hand-writing it said: ‘Songs I Think You’ll Like (vol. 1)’.
“It’s a mixtape,” Percy blurted out, “I was thinking about how we’ve barely ever talked about music so I put a bunch of songs I figured you’d like. You can listen to it whenever you want.”
Annabeth was at a loss for words. Picturing Percy in his room toiling with the radio on, waiting for hours for the right song to come on to record, or maybe using some of Sally’s old records to record music from... It was a little too much for Annabeth.
Impulsively she jumped towards Percy, wrapping her arms around his neck in a quick hug. Backing away she looked him in the eyes.
“Thank you, I love it,” she told him. At that point, she didn’t need a mirror to know that both their faces were red now.
“Really?” he asked, relief in his voice and body language.
“Yes, I can’t wait to listen to it,” she answered genuinely.
A goofy smile broke out onto his face and Annabeth felt herself smiling as well. After talking for a bit more, they eventually said their goodbyes and parted ways.
As Annabeth boarded the plane the next morning, she had a brand new Walkman stuffed in her pocket that she had bought as soon as she left the campgrounds last night. She couldn’t wait to listen to it on the plane.
Recalling the memory brought a melancholy smile to her face, but it was very dim. Annabeth remembers how nearly every month after that she received a mixtape from Percy in the mail, each with a different purpose but all equally good. When they had started dating, the music became a lot more romantic and he would gift her one at each monthly anniversary. She would’ve received a new mixtape soon for their five-month anniversary, but now he was missing and Annabeth wasn’t sure if she’d ever get to hear it. The thought made her chest ache painfully, and she blinked back tears.
Rolling onto her back in her bunk, Annabeth thought back to the events of the day and let out a frustrated sigh. Just when she finally had some type of lead to where her boyfriend might be, she was met with three demigods at the Grand Canyon with more questions than answers. Not to mention her least favorite goddess seemed to be involved in all of this somehow. Realizing she needed to get actual sleep tonight if she was going to leave early in the morning to search for Percy, the daughter of Athena put on her invisibility cap, grabbed her Walkman, and snuck out of Cabin 6 to head over to Cabin 3.
Inhaling the ocean scent that Poseidon’s cabin had, Annabeth made her way over to Percy’s dresser, where he always kept extra clothes. Grabbing one of his hoodies, she put it on and laid down in Percy’s bunk. It wasn’t the biggest secret amongst her siblings that she would often sneak out to his cabin at night but since he went missing she made it her new unassigned sleeping quarters.
If the bed weren’t cold, Annabeth could almost imagine Percy there with her. Surrounding herself in his ocean breeze scent helped put her to sleep but there was some dull ache lingering inside her tonight. It was as if there was nothing inside her; her heart, her lungs, everything just- gone. Instead, a dark void seemed to eat at her from the inside out, and all of her senses felt numb.
Putting on her headphones and pressing play on the Walkman, her favorite cassette plays out. Once they’d started dating, Percy gave her this one and told her the songs sounded a bit like the one they had danced to on Olympus all those years ago. She recalls Percy telling her that to him the song sounded a bit sad, but a little hopeful too.
Annabeth cries herself to sleep that night.
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Even If You Say ‘No’ - pt 3
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Pairing: Hoseok x Fem!Reader
Summary: {Y/n}, a brilliant, young producer at BigHit Entertainment, tends to be overly self-critical of her work and scarcely gives herself credit when it’s due. Hoseok, A.K.A. J-Hope of BTS, puts so much effort into keeping up the spirits of the other members, he hardly has time to worry about his own well being. What will happen when the two cross paths?
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Idol Universe
Word Count: 2513
Ever since that night she’d found him practicing after everyone else had gone home, Hoseok had completely transformed. {Y/n} had always thought of him as a confident and fearless individual, but now, he somehow came off as even more so. He seemed worlds more comfortable in his own skin than he had before, and he’d seemed comfortable then. It was like she was finally seeing his genuine, honest self for the first time. It was hard to believe her words, impromptu as they had been, could’ve had such a profound effect on him. She wasn’t about to question it, however. She was just happy to have taken some pressure off of him, at least for a little while.
Since he was working on his mixtape nowadays, which would be coming out in a few months, he asked for her help in producing quite often. It was funny. He could just as easily have asked any of the staff’s other producers for help, but he still chose her. When she asked him about it, he just told her it was because he liked her music, which was questionable. She couldn’t say for sure—it could have just been her wishful thinking and he was really just looking for validation of his ideas—but something was telling her that he was using his mixtape as an excuse to see her. 
In all honesty, she couldn’t have asked for anything more. Originally she probably would have been hesitant to participate in his mixtape. But now that she’d accepted the opportunity, she wouldn’t have given it up even for a whole three months of vacation. As she spent more one-on-one time with him, she got to know him on a more personal level. She’d never been aware of the sheer similarity between their tastes in music. Their shared interests even went beyond just music. It was nice to finally have someone to talk to, and to have been given this chance to know him better was a gift that she was sure she didn’t deserve, let alone the blessing of being able to bask in his radiant smile every day. However, she knew, despite what she hoped, that this relationship probably wouldn’t be overstepping the line of coworkers any time soon. And in reality, it was for the best. Seeing him at work was already more than she could have ever asked for. 
The first time she ran into him after Hope World had dropped, he greeted her with a hug like a tidal wave. He thanked her profusely for everything she’d done to help, and he even got a tad emotional. She did too. It was a fulfilling feeling to have someone appreciate your hard work so genuinely and so deeply, even though it wasn’t top quality. It made her want to work even harder for him and the rest of the group. 
She’d had the original impression that that was going to be it for interactions with him from then on. But since then, Hoseok started talking to her more and more. He even asked to exchange phone numbers with her. He’d started out texting her once every week or two, but after a while, it had become rare not to have a day go by when he didn’t send her something, whether it was about work, something he’d seen on the internet, or just a simple “Hi.” Sometimes his messages would be short and sweet, like, “Heading back to the dorm. See u tomorrow!” and other times it would be something preceding an endless conversation that kept her up late into the night. Those nights, it felt like she was a teenager again, texting with her crush. It was almost as though he weren’t      J-Hope of BTS anymore. 
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It was a regular work day in early May, and {Y/n} received a strange request sent by Hoseok while working in her studio. The text read, 
“I was thinking about doing Hope on the Street. Think u could come by the main dance studio today to help me film it? Any time this afternoon works”
As usual, she had quite a bit of last-minute editing and remixing to do. Their next comeback would be in just a little over a month. Anyone else surely would have said “No.” She’d even had a message declining typed out already. 
But her thumb refused to hit “Send.” 
She’d already hesitated too long. It was too late. The idea of spending time with him and simply seeing him in his element was just too tempting to miss out on. So instead of the message she’d already written out, she sent him, 
“Sure! Any time works for me too”
He replied in less time than it took her to put her phone back in her bag. 
“Sweet. Does now sound good?”
She’d hardly had any time to think after she’d texted him before he’d replied. Nevertheless, she answered, 
“Yeah just give me a sec to wrap things up in my studio. I’ll be right over”
“Great! C u soon~”
She tilted her head once to the side and back, the speed of his replies nearly having given her whiplash. Saving her progress on the song she’d been working on and shutting down the studio, she grabbed her bag and headed for the practice room. 
On her way there, she couldn’t stop herself from thinking about the reasons and implications behind the fact that he asked her to film him. He’d done it himself plenty of times before. Even a few of the other members had been on Hope on the Street in the past. Why couldn’t they film it? Sure, it was possible they were too busy, but so was she. Not to mention, he easily could have asked the numerous professional camera directors who were in the building at that very moment. But she’d gone ahead and given in anyway. She sighed, shaking her head. She hadn’t even needed any convincing. She hadn’t even tried telling him she was busy. She’d just dropped everything to go see him. She could tell him she was busy and go back to her studio right then. She groaned. She couldn’t do that. Not after having told him already that she would come. 
The elevator dinged, and the doors opened to the hallway on the fourth floor. She walked into the studio while Hoseok was sitting in a chair off to the side, absorbed in his phone screen as he waited. Once he saw her, he sprang to his feet. “Hey!” he greeted with that all-encompassing grin that just lit up one’s whole world. 
“Hey,” she replied, waving and setting her bag down in the corner of the room. He was wearing shorts and Puma running shoes with a towel bearing the Hope on the Street monogramme slung around his neck. 
“Thanks for coming. You were probably busy working on something, huh?”
That caught her off-guard. What could she say? She couldn’t say ‘yes’; that would make him feel bad. In a flustered state of panic, she quickly spluttered out, “Oh, nah. I was actually just thinking about taking a break.” Great. She never took breaks as far as anyone else knew. That surely had sounded like a blatant lie. 
“Really? That’s good. I was a little worried I’d be interrupting you.” Apparently it hadn’t sounded suspicious to him, thank goodness. “So, shall we get started?” he asked, turning some music on. She nodded. He handed her the phone he’d gotten from one of the staff, which already had the V app opened on it. “Here.” He motioned for her to come to where he was standing: the centre of the side of the room with the big mirror covering the wall. “So first, I’ll wait for a few minutes for Army to start up V Live. Then I’ll—ah.” He smiled. “You probably know how these usually go already, huh? Forget it, then. You can go ahead and hit ‘Start’ if you’re ready.” He took a seat in front of her on the floor. She did the same. “You are ready, aren’t you?” he insinuated, surprising her with a playful wink. 
“Uh…” she stuttered intelligently. “Yeah.” She searched the screen for the button he mentioned. When she found it and started recording, she gave him a nod and a thumbs-up. 
The segment went just the way it normally did. He did some warm-ups and stretching all while talking to the viewers about his routine. Even those looked hard. Every once in a while, he’d do something cute and silly, after which he’d look up at her inconspicuously with an embarrassed grin. She’d have to stop herself from giggling. Once he finished stretching, he motioned for her to stand up as he did the same. He told the audience he’d start with some freestyle hip-hop. 
Once he found the beat and jumped in, he went silent, focusing on the beat. Before she realised it, she’d lost herself in his movements. It was like breathing for him. His body seemed to have a mind of its own. He didn’t even have to think about the moves he would do next. Each one just flowed right into the next, seamless and without hesitation. 
Once the music reached a stopping point, he relaxed, addressing the viewers again. He came over to stand next to her to see how many people were watching, and the number made his eyes widen like full moons. “Oooh, there are so many of you watching now! Hello, everyone!” He announced he’d demonstrate some of the techniques he used during his freestyle practice from just before. While he was showing each move individually and giving commentary, {Y/n} was able to follow him for the most part, but when he started combining them, that was when he lost her. She tilted her head in amazement, wondering how many of the Army watching were still able to follow along. 
After he’d gone over each technique, he started putting them together into longer series’ of movements. As the current song reached its end, he stopped in place, standing still as the beat came to a close, his breaths heaving and a layer of perspiration covering his forehead as he ran his fingers through his hair. He went and turned off the stereo just as the next song started up. Then to her surprise, he started his closing commentary. When she looked at the time of recording on the phone, she saw that the broadcast had been going on for almost an hour. When he started waving goodbye to the viewers, she began looking for the button to end the livestream. She found it, tapped it, and lowered the camera, signalling to the dancer that it was over. 
“Alright!” he said, clapping his hands together. She handed the phone back to him. “Thanks.” She nodded. “And, hey, thanks again for coming and doing this. Were you able to follow any of it?”
She shrugged. “Kind of? I mean, by no means would I be able to actually do all that myself, but I think I understood some of what you were doing.”
He gave her a grin. “That’s awesome!”
“Honestly, though, I still can’t figure out how you do it all so flawlessly. If I tried to do what you just did, I’d probably be falling all over my own limbs.” She paused, fidgeting with the the hairband around her wrist in thought. 
She hadn’t even heard him. “You’re just so talented. You’re good at singing, rapping dancing… You’ve even produced some of your own music for crying out loud.” She fell silent. She wished she’d been even just half as good at what she did as he was at what he did. 
“What’s wrong?”
She looked up to meet his gaze in a panic, suddenly hearing the insecurity in her own voice. “What? Nothing,” she reassured before looking away in shame. Me and my big mouth… 
His hands landed on her shoulders. She swallowed in surprise. The tone of his voice was more serious and more tender than she’d ever heard from him before. 
“You’re upset,” he stated with undeniable intent in his gaze. “What about?” 
Doing her best to ignore him, she kept her mouth shut, hoping he’d just give up eventually. She couldn’t tell him that he was the reason she was upset just because he was talented. Oh, God. What had lead up to this? Every instinct in her body was screaming at her to bolt out the door, but her feet remained cemented to the studio floor by Hoseok’s vigilant stare. 
“{Y/n}, you listen to me talk about my problems all the time. The least you can do for yourself is let someone listen to yours.” Where was the sunshine that had been in the room with her until less than a minute ago? If only she could just make him forget everything she’d said. After a while of her still refusing to say anything, he sighed. “Alright, since you won’t tell me, let me take a guess. Is it that you don’t think you have any talent?” She still didn’t feel like saying anything, but she knew by not doing so, she’d be confirming his guess to be correct. “It is, isn’t it?” 
Finally giving in, she nodded. “Yeah, I guess. But can you blame me?”
Hoseok’s face fell, and he gave her a disappointed look. “How could you think that about yourself? Why would I have wanted you to help me with my mixtape if I didn’t think you were the best producer in the company?”
She scoffed under her breath. “Why would you think that?”
“Because you are!” Hearing him raise his voice made her turn to face him. When her eyes met his, Hoseok’s mouth froze. A palpable tension hung in the studio. After a few seconds, he relaxed his shoulders and his face softened. “I just—I don’t want you to think just because I have a lot of talents’ that yours are meaningless.” She nodded. That wasn’t the only reason, but it would do to end this quicker rather than let him prolong it any more. “I’m gonna be honest with you. You’re one of the most talented people I know.”
“Yeah?” she questioned, inwardly skeptical. 
“Yeah! And you know, I bet you could even learn to dance if you tried. You seem like a fast learner.”
This put a jam in her thoughts, forcing her to rewind. That was the last thing she’d expected him to say. “Me? Dance?” She almost laughed. “Sorry, Hoseok, but are you sure you know who you’re talking to?”
“Of course.” His tone made him sound as though he were accepting a challenge. “I’ll show you. It’s not that hard.” She shook her head in disapproval. “Come on, you’re already dressed for it.” He was right. Her sweatpants and loose tee were practically made for this sort of thing. She could always just take her shoes off. He gave her a smile of encouragement. “Trust me.”
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cuddleslutloki · 6 years
2018 fics, a year in review
i’m a madman, but even my crazy ass probably won’t finish and post another fic in the last 6 hours of 2018, so here are all the fics i posted on ao3 this year, plus some thoughts on each!
Hemlock Honey and Silver
this was my last ever supernatural fandom fic. literally the end of an era for me since i was in the spn fandom for so damn long and wrote so much fic, about two-thirds of which has been orphaned on the archive at this point because i didn’t like the stories anymore lol. 
i do like that one, though, and i’m actually alright with it being my last ever spn/destiel fic
Fire In Your Veins
this was my first time posting thorki fic! i was so, so nervous about it, but everyone in this fandom is so chill and lovely. i still like this one, and i don’t think i write enough 69ing lmao. also this fic was obvs the start of something bigger bc. i mean. i’ve written so much damn fic now lol since i only started posting in june. i was worried that i wasn’t going to be writing anymore, or that i’d never be posting on ao3 again because it had been literally 2 full years between hemlock honey and silver and the fic that preceded it. then i fell into thorki and i started writing fic and it’s just been such a huge, huge thing. bc i’m also writing original stuff again for the first time in forever.
Underdressed and All Out of Time
a direct sequel to fire in your veins, i really like it. i felt like i was able to characterize loki fairly well in this one bc i was very insecure about the way i wrote loki when i started out
A Thousand Teeth, Yours Among Them
who doesn’t love a fic title from a hozier song? i remember writing this fic and wondering if it was any good and if my characterization was okay and still being nervous and insecure in my writing, but it’s been very well received so i kinda got my inner critic to stfu which is nice lol. i also really enjoyed doing this vignette style story
To Always Face the Sun
what if :) loki was happy :) and thor had his brother back :) lol i really liked writing this and having loki being such a little shit tbh. can we tell that i like a happy ending in fic?
Blue On Gold
so i wrote an arranged marriage fic where they never actually get married and it’s still 15.8k lmfao. also the return of the vignette style, which was fun bc i got to do short, impactful scenes and build the narrative with them. i remember sitting at my desk at work, on my phone, writing this fic, then coming home and editing on a damn tablet bc my laptop bricked earlier this year
the warmth of your doorway
i meant to capitalize the title but at this point i’ve decided to leave it lol. i really loved writing this bc i felt very confident in the way i was building the scenes and the detail i was able to incorporate. i feel like this is where i really kinda go my voice back and i start to come into my own, if that makes sense? one of my fave fics i’ve ever written tbh. there’s a longer ‘verse for this, but after i finished this fic i got too distracted by new projects to try and continue it lol
Tell Me
this was my first trans!loki fic and he’s a trans man, and god i love it. i’ve got another ftm loki story as a WIP in my gdocs bc this story showed me how much i fucking love writing trans characters, and i really enjoyed the dynamic i put into this fic. there’s a sequel planned lol it’s gonna be dirty
i still haven’t managed to ever find the post that inspired this damn fic and if you wonder whether that drives me up the wall the answer is yes (: and fun fact! i intentionally never describe loki’s genitals in this fic, bc i was picturing him as a trans guy since i’d just written tell me and now i have a massive obsession with writing trans romance and erotica
Tie Breaker
in this house we love and appreciate bottom thor!!! also i loved writing the sparring at the beginning. it makes me wanna write more fics w/ brutal fight scenes lol. thor’s slutty drunk cape outfit is iconic and i’m gonna read that comic just for that outfit honestly
Pretense of Subjugation
i became drunkenly obsessed with loki manspreading on the throne of asgard and this was the result. this was the first thorki fic of mine that i’d had beta’d and it was vastly, vastly improved by it. the tips @ktspree13 gave me when she helped with this fic have affected literally every single fic i’ve written since
Double and More
so this is not the first thorki fic i ever posted, of course, however it is the first i ever started writing. i got to the point where loki’s in thor’s lap and then i kinda blanked out and let the fic sit for like... 2 or 3 months? then i opened it back up and i was like “oh i like this i should finish this” which is why i don’t delete anything anymore bc there’s always a chance i’ll come back to it
Ringback Tone
y’all owe @thotki for the wondrous idea they presented in discord that ended up creating this fic. i think i wrote this fic in like 3 days bc of how much fun i was having with it. the dirty talk was my favorite thing to write in this and i remember distinctly having this [:< moment when i was daydreaming about it
Seldom All They Seem
there was an impromptu bottom thor day back on 20 oct and this fic was my contribution. we can never have enough time travel, can we? i remember i think i took like a four day weekend from work and part of my motivation was literally wanting to finish this fic in time to post it lmfao
Fluffy Thorki Sunday Ficlets
i started doing fluffy thorki sunday back when i was on bourbonbucky and i continued it here, and i’m proud that i’ve written at least 1 piece for fluffy thorki sunday every sunday since i started. i love doing fluff and smut, and honestly even when my mood has been shit, i’ve always felt motivated to try and improve it at least enough to write some nice fluff. i put all of these on ao3 once i moved blogs
Let Love Disrupt
this is another fic we owe to discord lmao. i remember posting this when i was either very drunk or very tired and having to keep going onto ao3 on my damn phone browser to correct minor shit, and some not so minor shit like a typo in the title bc at first it said “distrupt” and that’s why i only post when i’m awake and sober now lmfao
Without Fear
i love werewolves (: a whole bunch (: and this fic is something dirty and wonderful that i’m proud of and THERE’S ART bc @nekokat42 is a blessing and takes commissions. kot i love u :3
On the Other Side Like Always
i have a lot of feelings about this fic. there’s an entire future in this ‘verse that i would so love to write, but i’m stuck on where to go with it. as it stands i am satisfied with this as a story of thor and loki coming together, and a story about how loki does something out of desperation but is finally given something genuine and comforting in his life like he’s always deserved. THERE’S ART from the wondrous @boltplumart / @mrhiddles bc allie is perfect :]
when i tell y’all i’m a trash gremlin king. i do have a thing for writing underage characters with adults (probs due to messy personal history lmfao ain’t gonna look at that too closely) and so writing this one was a fun little bit of self indulgence. also it’s dirty and really plays into codependency, which i always like writing bc it’s a fun thing to explore in fiction
Sunset Rhapsody
this fic. was supposed to be. two thousand words. at most. then thor smiled at me, as the writer, and was like “i want to own him” and we ended up with 11k of thor’s obsessive bs and loki being brutal. joking aside, i love this fic, i love what i did with it, i have an original story i wanna write for my size kink anthology that will follow a similar thread to this one. also that torture scene. i don’t recall if i ever properly wrote torture before, but this did kinda make me squirm a bit when i was writing it and if you’ve read it you know precisely which scene i’m talking about lmfao
Right to Guard
this fic was honestly very emotionally satisfying for me in a pretty visceral way. writing thor just surrendering to love and spoiling the fuck out of loki was pretty damn cathartic. 
A Bite of Lamb
me making sure i never lose my title as a trash gremlin king. honestly writing thor’s POV in this fic was like >.> at myself a couple times bc it felt distinctly dark in a way i’d never written another character. a very, very unhealthy kind of obsession and this twisted logic where he’s trying to make it all okay. i really fucking love this damn fic tho and i’m happy with how it came out. 
i was so, so frustrated and pissed off at work that i needed to let that shit out, so that was channeled into this very guilt-ridden turned tender fic, and i really enjoyed writing it. loved writing thor taking care of his baby sister. also! KOT IS FUCKING AMAZING and drew this bc they’re such a good fucking person ;A; like they sent me a message and just said “really liked this scene” and i was D Y I N G and i still am. thank you again, kot!
The Way A Rose Blooms
this was written for the thorki secret santa exchange! i drew @chickcheney and honestly the list of prompts was so, so good. bottom thor, arranged marriage, semi-public sex and trying not to be caught, body worship. i was like “damn did i draw myself wtf” bc that is all up my alley. 
Sugar Cookie
i honestly could not think of a better fic to finish off 2018 for me than sugar cookie. porn and emotions that’s all this is, but it features loki as a trans woman being loved and appreciated as she is with nothing extra expected of her and it was so satisfying to write. it makes me want to write original romance with trans women, which i’ll definitely do bc i loved writing this hungry and tender story and i’m very happy with how i ended it. 
so that was 2018 for me! 
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tayegi · 6 years
Lu new rules is always worth the wait. I love it when the OC stood up to him. And Jungkook being whatever he’s trying to do is leaving us in suspense. But last the scene is perfect. I can picture that scene as if I was watching a drama. Especially when she say “it’ll be easy getting over you” and turn around VERY slowly. Gosh I just want to cry cause it’s beautifully written. JK probably scare that he’s not good enough for her?JEON JUNGKOOK you get on my nerves but I still love him.
jjiritjjiritgirl said:ohmygod the new chapter for new rules is so good ohmygod like i had to pause a lot when oc was calling jungkook out for being a coward. i wasnt the one going off but DAMN that felt good.
luxinfired said:OH SHIT I JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT THE NR UPDATE KXJABGZGQGHS Girl your writing is the best thing in the world! I love OC, she showed us her vulnerable side but then she goes and confronts Jungkook like that! That last scene was amazing, you tell them girl! Also I loved the conversation with Yoongi, I'm glad she was able to empathize with him immediately. I really want Yerin and him to find their own happiness, they deserve it~ Thank you for this wonderful piece of writing 💜
Anonymous said:jungkook a whole ass idiot
Anonymous said:Hi Lu!! U probably ddnt receive my ask from last time as well so Im writing this again! Well I just want to tell you that NR.11 WAS FUCKING AMAZING AND I'M SO SATISFIED WITH IT AND I CRIED! at first I expected OC to just yell at JK for his reaction when she confessed, thn have him tell her his story BUT SHIT SEEM SO DEEP HOLY SHIT! I feel so bad for oc and for the fact that she felt the need to say sorry? Thats kinda fucked up but I believe that's bc she was pretty shocked by his reaction[1–❄️🐰
Anonymous said:Also maybe I'm not the only one hatin' on JK, but damn boi better have a GOOD excuse to why the fuck is he being a pain in the ass, I mean.. I don't wanna judge him for his choices, but thats exactly what I wanna do BYE/ but like im pretty sure that he's been acting like a jerk to 'help OC get rid of her cancerous feelings' cuz I dnt think that he sees HER as a prob-in fact, he actually rly likes her- but he just cnt seem to accept her feelings that's so absurd.. [2—❄️🐰
Anonymous said:Like he was so happy to see her when he was with his team but once he remembered that he was supposed to ignore her he acted like he ddnt want to see her. And I really dnt know which part was he so embarrassed about when she came in calling him out in his own frat; was it bc she exposed his whipped ass in front of his we-dnt-do-feelings™ buddies? Or was it bc of sth else AMMA FUCKING SNAP! [3—❄️🐰
Anonymous said:And I really think that when OC told him that it's gonna be so easy to get over him now that he showed his true colors, like, I really think that it was a slap to his face. Cuz deep down, I dnt think he wants her to get over him and I know that shit will go down from here when the entire frat is mocking OC's speech, JM will know abt it, MJ might hear from him too AND HOPEFULLY SHE CAN KICK THE BULLSHIT OUT OF JK ONCE MORE! gosh Lu thank u so much for this amazing fic💕 u make my days😭[4/4]—❄️🐰
Anonymous said:holy mother of god wOW emphasis on the OW NR11 !!! Lu my god, idk how you've gotten me to love getting stabbed in the heart like this but !!! :,( thank you so much for updating and incorporating toxic masculinity and gaslighting into this chapter, they're such important issues and i just wish OC didn't have to deal with their effects. idk how long you're planning on making NR, all i hope for is that someone will treat OC right by the end *side-eyes JK, whispers "get it together, fool"*
Anonymous said:Thank you so much for yet another amazing chapter of NR!! I love how you write with so much detail about the thoughts of the OC when jk rejects her. For me, it heightens the emotions of the story so much and i love that I can feel what the OC feels - the initial embarrassment, the sadness, the anger. I also loved how the OC confronted JK and didn’t just dismiss her own emotions, acknowledging that they’re just as valid as JKs. Thank!!! You!!! :)
Anonymous said:hi lu! just wanted to day i love nr and that i appreciate the messages that you put in your writing. especially with the latest chapter, i relate so much to what nr yoongi is going through, and seeing that was a wonderful reminder that im not alone in this situation and that when you reach out, people will support you. again, thank you so much for writing and sharing these stories with us and i hope that you yourself have an amazing group of people who support and love you 💚💜
Anonymous said:I feel like waste it on me fits as bg music to the situation JK and OC are in after her confession in NR lol.. but anyways, just finished reading the latest chapter and wow. So many emotions. I'm so glad OC finally confronted JK, i love her fiery personality! Your writing really has me immersed in my own little bubble as I put myself in OC's shoes. Looking forward to the rest when the time comes, i'm curious to find out JK's backstory. Great work, Lu! 💕
Anonymous said:Ahh I just finished the update and its so heart wrenching. The emotions were so raw and realistic. And as hard as it was to read the pain the OC had to go through, I'm excited that either way things are moving in a new direction. She can't keep suppressing her feelings forever. Admitting feelings can be so difficult but afterwards its so freeing knowing that you're not holding anything back and being honest with yourself. I'm looking forward to the growth this will bring all of the characters.
Anonymous said:I just caught up to new rules and wow as someone who experienced a heartbreak that I never want to go through again THAT SHIT HURTED I felt the emotions of the o/c yelling at jungkook out of frustration and anger highkey wish I could’ve confronted the person that I had a relationship with in that manner yk to get it out of the system I think that way the healing is a faster process because you aren’t having an internal dialogue of what you could’ve said etc wow thank you for writing new rules! x
Anonymous said:I love the new NR chapter! It definitely hit home when you described how the OC felt after she got rejected. I love the end in this chapter. I love the OC's confrontation. I wish I could be a woman on a mission like her too. Yoongi's character got me namshooketh btw. I love how you added the lgbtq aspect into this fic. Everything about it is so realistic. And I love the gaslighting part in her confrontation so much! This is such a beautifully written fanfic. 😭❤
bekzzz said:You know what I really appreciate about New Rules. Mijoo and the Readers friendship. I love how they stuck together after everything. I also love how the reader is trying to reclaim her self esteem. I think calling Jungkook out was amazing for her. Also, maybe for him it will help him figure out his own feelings. Love is okay, being romantic is okay. It doesn't diminish masculinity or make someone weak. Thanks for this amazing update! Till next time.
Anonymous said:holy moly, new rules was eventful. i felt so much secondhand embarrassment when she was *rejected* by jk, and really hated nr jk for how he reacted... and then when oc, yerin and mijoo were together, and she felt like she needed to be the strong one. i really fucking felt that. it felt like a punch to the gut. but oc’s comments to jk really got me, and i have so much respect for her, yet pity her at the same time... as well as jk. thank you for the amazing update!! 😘 ly babe
Anonymous said:Dear god my heart was pounding all throughout that chapter lmao. How the heck you gotta get me so involved my body freaks out whenever you update New Rules? For real tho I feel for Yoongi- I know what it's like to have people be ready to ridicule and drop you for something you can't change about yourself, so that got me real good. I do hope that JK and MC are able to work themselves out they are by far one of the most interesting pairings I've read about thus far (praying for a happy ending)
Anonymous said:HOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD! I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS! Girl, you threw me for a loop. JK's reaction was pretty close to what I thought it would be, albeit more hostile which makes me so fucking curious like BABY WHO HURT YOU?!?!?! Yoongi turning Yerin down because he's gay just wow. I had zero inclination until the second he said it and the whole conversation was just gorgeous. And that final stomp into the frat house and speech were just glorious. Thank you my love
Anonymous said:first of all i want to thank you for the new chapter, it was such a surprise since you was so busy these past months so thank you for taking some time to write. now about the new chapter... my heart was beating so fucking fast the whole time, it’s amazing how well you’re able to express the feelings of the characters and make us all (well at least me) fell connected to the story. i’ve said this before, but the most amazing thing about nr (beside the plot & characters) is how relatable it is
Anonymous said:🎃(1) OH MY GOD YOU ARE SO CUTE AND AT SOME POINTS I AM not making any sense so be prepared 😥 💜💜 I hope I don't bore you /// Ok, here we go. ( /// means another scene or change of subject and --- means same scene but next line. Also I'll use the 🎃 emoji for Halloween's sake 😊) Damn that's gonna be so long 😥 oh well. /// Akakakakak first of all, great start! It lights up the heavy mood. And tbh who wouldn't get distracted from a half naked jk. 😏 ///
Anonymous said:🎃(2)Akskfhlskfajfkf I'm smiling. My heart is clenched tho. (I'm reading the kiss scene in the beginning) /// Why do I feel him saying I like you too won't be the way our oc means. My heart is confused. --- Fuck. --- Fuuuck... ///Ok, there's no way he would look at her with disgust. Come on giiirl. Don't fall for the lies our brain tells us. ---Ok, scratch that last. WHAT THE FUCK JEON JUNGKOOK. 😬 ----I wanna hug the oc and tell her that he is afraid and stupid for acting that way.
Anonymous said:🎃(3) That she is more than what she thinks. And like wtf he might be a star athlete and a stund but wtf about not being good enough?! Askfkddskkas. fuuck. //// You are not supposed to be fucking anything. Let it ouuut. They love you and it will help.--- Ok I get the point with it not being about you. (Ahahahahaha I'm on a roller coaster, sawrryyy) ---- Oh yaaaasss, I liiive for angry oc! You go guurl! ---- Well, if he is gay that would explain a lot. --
Anonymous said:🎃(4) ---"Trust me when I say that it would be entirely impossible with me" bruh. He is gay. --- Oh shit, he is gay...... 😶 ---- Now I'm sad. Ahahah and now I wanna hug him too . And I love the oc for being a good friend and I love that he reminds me of one of my closest friends being a tsundere.😢 /// Way to go yoongles, woop woop!! that sonofabiish. 🌚🌚---Wow when yoongi relaxed I realised I was holding my breath. Wtf ahahaha
Anonymous said:🎃(5) /// Aish. I'm getting angry at jk and angry at the oc for taking his bullshit and not being angry ahahah. ----- WHAT THE FUCK JEON KUNGKOOK WHY YOU BEING SO "TOUGH" AND "MANLY" YOU FUCKIN FUCKER 👿 (about him smiling at first and then being fake macho) ----- My eyes grew when you wrote she headed to jk frathouse 👀 --- I'm crossing my fingers for a buttkicking session, sth like mijoo did to the oc. Maybe a power point presentation of why he likes her too. Ahahah ---
Anonymous said:Ooo girl I am FIRED UP. You write so well that I can always fell the emotions OC feels. I was sad and hurt, shocked, and really mad. JK is such an asshole for making OC feel like her feelings weren't valid. He really does need to grow up. Good on OC for realizing that. And I don't know why he's putting up such a front when he's been such a good person thus far but BITCH IT BEST BE A GOOD REASON. So I'm assuming yerin has got the bad ending? Bc she doesn't know about yoongi being gay n shes hurt?
Anonymous said:(1/3🧟‍♂️) New Rules is probably my favorite non-published work that I’ve ever read and I really just want to thank you for being willing to share your writing with us! So, I feel like a lot went down in this chapter. I saw another anon say they thought Jk’s issues stemmed from a previous relationship. The girl probably made him feel like relationships in general are toxic, and as a result he’s completely unwilling to put himself in that kind of vulnerable position again? (1/3)
Anonymous said:(2/3🧟‍♂️) Similar to how the oc is feeling about being rejected, like she was stupid to let herself feel something for him, that’s why I think her barging in and calling him out in front of his friends got to him. (2/3)
Anonymous said:(3/3🧟‍♂️) All in all though, this chapter was really well written (like they all are lol) and I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much I appreciate all the work you put into your writings bc they’ve really inspired me to educate myself on feminism and just a lot of things in general I’d never thought about before. Thanks again, Lu! I hope you have a wonderful week 💜💜 (3/3)
Anonymous said:wow lu, thank you for the newest nr update! my thoughts on my first reading: jungkook's reaction was shocking for the emotional side of me, not the logical side. I still feel for oc tho. yoongi being gay? didnt expect that & now I feel bad for assuming his sexuality, glad he talked to OC abt it bc it must have been hard to hold that secret. oc calling out jungkook? shes much braver than me, & I agree, jk's actions seem off. will reread & send reactions after, again thank you for writing/sharing!
There is literally nothing i love more than reading your thoughts and reactions!!! i have no idea how my writing will affect others, so to hear this is the most rewarding thing ever. thank you so much my lovely, passionate readers. You mean the world to me!!!
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supernaturaldreamer · 7 years
BNHA Secret Santa
Merry Christmas, @unashamed-shipper​! I am your secret santa! I really hope you enjoy your gift and have a great Christmas and rest of your year! ^.^
I wrote an IzuOcha fanfiction for you! Uraraka is unable to spend the holidays with her family, so Izuku decides to spend the night of Christmas with her! I hope it has enough fluffy goodness for you! :) I also posted it on Ao3 if you would prefer to read it there, just click here.
And a big thank you to @bnhasecretsanta for setting this event up! I wish you happy holidays as well!
Christmas Cheer
Izuku took a deep breath, inhaling the cool, crisp air around him. Nervous energy cackled throughout his body, his heart picking up a beat. He tried shaking it out, but that only seemed to get his blood pumping rather than calm his nerves.
It was stupid to be nervous. He was just going to hang out with Uraraka, just like they always did. There was no need for him to feel nervous.
Just focus on something else.
He settled his emerald eyes on the door in front of him. Below the apartment number hung welcoming wreath, its pinecones and small, round ornaments lightly dusted in snow. In the middle of the wreath was a smiling Frosty the Snowman, holding a candy cane.
Izuku lifted his hand to knock on the door before him, hesitating. As much as he tried to convince himself, he knew that today was no ordinary day. The weight of Uraraka’s present that hid inside his jacket pocket served as a constant reminder. It was Christmas, and it was his first time spending Christmas with someone outside of his mother.
He was spending Christmas with a girl.
The girl he liked.
The thought alone had been enough to make his head spin and heart race, but now that he stood in front of her apartment door, the nerves had kicked into overdrive. His hands trembled, butterflies filled his stomach, and his heart beat fast in his chest. He was a mess, a nervous wreck.
His mind sent him into a panic, thoughts racing through his mind as he made a move to knock on her door and paused.
 “What if her parents found a way to visit her for Christmas? Maybe the roads cleared and they picked her up and she forgot to message me… Or if she is home, maybe she’ll think it’s too cold to go outside. Maybe she’ll hate the gift I got her and-“
Izuku’s body straightened, his eyes snapping to attention. Uraraka stood before him, her chocolate brown eyes peering at him in concern. She donned a cream-colored sweater and black jeans with snow boots, a white and purple spotted hat covering her head, and a matching scarf covering her neck.
She tilted her head as she looked at him, her hat tipping in the direction. “Deku, are you okay?”
His eyes widened with horror as he realized he must have gone on a mumbling ramble in front of her. He covered his mouth with his hand as red creeped along his cheeks. He didn’t trust himself to speak in fear of stuttering and tripping over his words, so he simply nodded in answer.
He could tell she didn’t fully believe him, but she didn’t question it. Instead, she took a step backwards into her apartment, offering him a small smile. “All right. I’ll be right back; I just need to grab my jacket and we can head out.”
She shut the door, and Izuku blew out a breath of relief, dropping his hand from his mouth.
‘Calm down. It’s going to be fine. Just breathe,’ he reminded himself, taking a deep breath.
Uraraka emerged from her apartment a moment later, donning a salmon pink jacket and a bright smile just for him. The sight made his heart skip a beat, and it took him a moment to realize she had spoken.
“W-what was that?” he responded, shaking his head to focus on the conversation.
Uraraka narrowed her eyes at him, confused by his lack of focus. “I asked if you were ready to go?”
“O-oh! Yes, I am,” he responded, stepping forward. “J-just follow me.”
Around this time on Christmas, Izuku and his mother would be watching Christmas movies and cooking together. He originally had been planning on doing just that, but after receiving a call from a very upset Uraraka, he had changed plans.
Uraraka lived alone in her apartment for most of the school year, so for holidays she would travel home to her parents. This holiday, however, hadn’t worked out as planned for her. On the day she was supposed to travel home, a heavy blizzard had come through. And on the day her parents had planned to visit her, another wave of snow had fallen. Uraraka had called him in tears, unsure of what to do.
There hadn’t been much that he could do for her; it wasn’t as though he could teleport her to her parents, so he did the next best thing and volunteered to spend Christmas with her. He had been so nervous on the call that he’d nearly thrown up, but hearing the excitement in her voice had made it worth it. So, he had researched something for them to do and found a Christmas lights show in the city that they could go to.
The trip to the city took longer than expected, due to all of the traveling everyone was doing for Christmas. Even though the trip was long, it was still enjoyable thanks to Uraraka. She always had an abundance to say, always bringing up the positive aspects of the trip – “I’m so excited for the lights!” or “Even though we didn’t grab seats on the train, at least we still get to stand together!” – which kept a smile on Izuku’s face as they traversed through the city.
Once the two stepped off the train, it was a quick trek by foot until they hit the city park where the lighting would be. The air was chillier now, with an icy breeze cutting through as the two found a spot amongst the crowd awaiting the lighting, huddling close to each other.
The sun was beginning to set, streaks of pinks and orange lighting the sky beautifully. People milled around them, the smell of hot chocolate and coffee filling the air as the crowd chatted mindlessly amongst themselves. But even with all the bustle around them, Izuku felt as if he and Uraraka were the only ones in the world as they watched the sun set.
“Have you ever been to see the Christmas lighting before?” Uraraka asked suddenly, dragging Izuku from his thoughts.
He shook his head. “I’ve always wanted to, but my mom and I never made it.”
Her smile grew a little wider at that. “Then we’ll both experience this for the first time.”
That was what he’d been hoping for to make this night even more special. “Th-thank you for coming with me tonight,” he said, his cheeks flushing. “I-I really appreciate it…”
Uraraka giggled, her smiling brightening. “Thank you for inviting me, Deku!”
Izuku opened his mouth to say something else, but he paused when the world around them illuminated in lights of all colors. The Christmas tree overlooking the city went up in an array of red, green, blue, and white lights, the star on top glittering in white and red. Tinsel and ornaments of all sizes and colors decorated the tree, each reflecting the various colors of the Christmas lights.
The rest of the city around them lit up in color as well, breathing life into the dark, cold air as lights in purple, white, light and dark blue, red, pink, light and dark green, and yellow flashed on. Lights were strung along the trees, wound along the branches. Bushes were wound in lights, with figures of Rudolph, Frosty the Snowman, Santa Claus, the Grinch, even one of All Might, and other Christmas icons sticking out.
Music sounded a moment later, Carol of the Bells playing through speakers scattered around the park. As the music played, the lights around them began flashing in tune with the beat. At each beat, various lights would turn on and off, lighting up different parts of the park and leaving others in the dark for the briefest moments of time.
The sight was so enthralling, so unlike anything Izuku had seen before that his entire focus was on the show until the song ended. And as soon as the next song started up, the lights moved in tune with the music as well. It completely captured his attention until he moved to place his hands in his pockets and felt something hard.
The gift! The whole reason he brought Uraraka here! He had nearly forgotten about it all.
“U-um, U-Uraraka?” Izuku whispered, tearing his nervous gaze away from the lights and turning it to her. He stuck his hand in the pocket where her gift rested, fiddling with the box.
“Yes, Deku?” she responded, glancing at him, a soft smile on her face.
He pulled out the box, handing it to her with shaky hands. “I-I g-got you a present… M-Merry Christmas,” he stammered, a nervous smile working across his lips.
She peered at him in surprise, her eyes softening as she reached out to take the gift. “But Deku, I don’t have yours on hand,” she replied, her eyes glued to the small box.
He waved a dismissive hand; he couldn’t care less if she had a gift to give him or not. He just hoped that she would like what he got her. “I-it’s okay. P-please, open it.”
She wasted no time in unwrapping the box and opening the lid. When she saw the item inside, her eyes shone brightly, the Christmas lights reflecting within them as one hand covered her mouth.
“Deku,” she breathed, moving her hand from her mouth and to the box. She pulled out the charm bracelet, her chocolate brown eyes looking at him. “It’s beautiful…” She held it up in the light of the Christmas lights, her hand gingerly touching the two charms: a pink, sparkly UA and two purple stars touching one another.
His cheeks burned red as he opened his mouth to explain his thought process. “W-well, I-I figured since w-we met at UA a-and we g-go to school th-there, y-you might like a charm o-of it. A-and I-I know how much y-you like the stars. W-whenever I look up at the n-night sky I-I always think of you.” She always was so positive and radiated light, just as the star radiated light in the night sky. After a moment, his eyes widened and his cheeks grew redder at the comment, his flailing in front of him. “I-I mean, u-um, n-not in a-a creepy way!”
Uraraka giggled, her laughter ringing softly through the air, drowning out the chatter from the people around them, the clomping of the carriage rides, and the vocals of the carolers.
“Deku, calm down. It’s all right,” she said, trying to stifle her laughter.
“O-okay, b-but i-if you don’t like it, I-I can always exchange it f-for something else! I-I’m sure I kept a copy of the receipt somewhere…”
She shook her head. “That isn’t necessary. I love it.” She smiled earnestly, and Izuku thought he saw the faintest hint of a blush on her own cheeks. “Really, it’s so thoughtful and I love it.”
Deku took a deep breath before speaking again. “I-I also have another charm for it…”
“You do?”
He nodded. Offering her this charm was going to be the most difficult part of the night.  “B-but it d-depends on your answer to my next question…”
“What is it?” she inquired, raising an eyebrow.
He bit his lower lip, his heart slamming against his chest so hard that it thought it might leap out.
You can do this. You won’t know her answer until you ask.
“W-will y-you…” He took another deep breath, feeling nauseated from nerves. Why was this so difficult? It was a simple question, and yet this question brought a world of possibilities with it. He didn’t know what he would do if she rejected him. He didn’t want to think about it, honestly.
“U-Uraraka, w-will you… w-will you.... p-pleasegooutwithme?” he shouted, bowing and closing his eyes. His statement came out in a rush but he couldn’t help it; it felt as though it was the only way the words were going to come out.
He couldn’t see her, but Uraraka was blushing, her cheeks a bright pink. “W-what?”
Oh no, he had to repeat it? He tried again, stating his words more slowly. “W-will y-you g-go out w-with m-m-me? I-I mean, y-you don’t have to!” He stood up, flailing his arms once more, though he avoided eye contact. “I-I don’t w-want you t-to feel like y-you don’t h-have a ch-choice! I-I just-“
His words were cut off as arms wrapped around him, the feeling of fuzz tickling his chin. Startled, he tensed, bringing his emerald-eyed gaze downcast to see Uraraka hugging him. Well, he could only see her hat and a little of her hair since her face was buried in his chest.
She lifted her head, resting her chin on his chest as she met his gaze. The brightest smile lit her face, her cheeks pink, and her eyes glassy with tears as she replied, “Yes. I would love to go out with you, Deku.”
Relief washed over him, as he had been wracking his brain over how she would react to the question and how she would respond. He’d been so terrified of rejection that he almost hadn’t asked, but after hearing her answer tonight and feeling the immense amount of joy that he did, he was glad that he went through with it.
He finally returned her embrace, hugging her as tight as he could, the largest grin lighting his lips. Never in a million years had he imagined that a girl as beautiful and kind as Uraraka would like him or want to date him. It almost didn��t feel real, and for the briefest of moments, he hoped he wasn’t dreaming.
Uraraka broke the silence and pulled away a little, keeping her arms around him as she excitedly bounced in place. “So? What’s the other charm?” A sparkle of excitement gleamed in her eyes.
Izuku laughed for a moment, having temporarily forgotten about it. He had been too elated to hear her answer to remember the final part of her gift. He dug into one of his pockets and pulled out the charm of a Christmas tree.
“I-I figured this would always remind you of our first Christmas together,” he admitted, his cheeks as red as a tomato.
Uraraka removed her hands from his torso and opened her palms so he could drop the charm in her hands. She ran her fingers of the tree, smiling softly. “I love it. Thank you so much.”
“M-Merry Christmas, Uraraka.”
She glanced up at him, her hand closing over the charm as she moved to hug him once more. “Merry Christmas, Deku.”
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jooheongif · 6 years
it's theory anon,hi!!how are YOU?i'm really good rn thanks:)) thank you for your kindness again,i'm really happy i could somehow help to help you feel even a tiny bit better and hope you're doing well now,too(and it's ok to not rest on your day off but it's also ok to do so if that's what you feel is right for you atm!).about the mf(ilm), i thought the same thing, it felt like a parallel universe type of story!i also really love plotlines about friendship, (again cont.i'll try to be briefer!)
(i’m so sorry i wrote a rly long reply so i’m gonna put this under read more !!)
2. friendship is beautiful and i feel oftentimes underappreciated(but not mx!there they go again being amazing) so i love the concept. personally i like not knowing what exactly the producers were thinking because having my own interpretation of something and seeing other ppl have their own fills me with wonder,like,that's art!so many people think so many different things and no one's wrong i love it!!your thoughts about them appreciating everything they've done so far,you're absolutely right(cont) 3. i hope they are able to bc everything's so hectic for the.i get lost just looking at their official schedule,i don't know how they do it but i also hope they are aware of all these things bc those are all mindblowingly huge accomplishments in my opinion and i just want them to feel like their hard work is worth it,yknow?(is this comprehensible?)and i know they feel pressure because as you said the business is nasty but yea i hope at the end of the day they can feel like (cont.???again 4. everything they've put so much of themselves into is worth it,i love their energy and fierce determination and i just don't want them to lose it but maybe as you said feel less pressured..but then the only way would realistically be to make sure they get awarded in the Real World so we're all doing our best in the system&hating it as you said:/ they just mean so much to so many people i want them to feel that too!i try to contain myself but here i go again! sorry it's so long AND i have more(con 5. also!thank you for your big reply and sharing your thoughts i mostly just agreed with (but you're right so what else can i do),i don't have mbb friends to vent to and fanperson(is there a gender neutral term for fanboy/fangirl?) over mx with and this is really nice and fulfilling(again,if i'm boring you,you can just delete the messages and not reply!) so THANKS!it's great to strive to be a better person but i feel like one(you) should also acknowledge the good things they're already doing(cont?) 6. you showed such pure kindness and really melted someone's(my) heart and that's a Big Deal!djkghddgwe can agree that we both inspired each other :') also please i feel like you're such a wonderful soul and you really deserve every bit of gratitude and appreciation i managed to express(i feel a lot moreprobably) so!yeah!reminder that you're lovely and deserve to be appreciated and i'm also very,very happy you're here!you made my day brighter for the 2nd time now wow!thanks! i hope you and(cont.:() 7. your gorgeous heart are taking good care and enjoying your day/night! and this cb!i really like it i haven't had time to listen to the entire album but jealousy!is a bop honestly it's my type of jam and the choreo is stunning and so are their voices!iwas so skeptical about the lyrics(they could've been like hero or stuck and those made me a bit >:/ honestly) but i really should've known they wouldn't fail me in any way ever!i can't wait to hear the rest of the songs i hope you enjoy them too!bye
hi theory anon, it's nice to hear from u again ! firstly, i am so sorry for the slow reply to this ! but im rly glad to know that u are doing good :-) i'm doing ok too thank u !! how are u ? kfjjfdsjfdf sorry that u had to read my tags but thank u for saying that !! i just feel so guilty when i do nothing bc im absolutely terrified of time passing too quickly ? just the thought of letting a few minutes go to waste is overwhelming ? even though i know it's not rational to think like this but ??? theres just this constant feeling that im running out of time so i try to get rid of it by always doing smth ?? and feel bad when i dont ? idk ?? but anyway im working on it and ill be ok ! sorry..not to be dramatic and tmi and all that kjdfdj istg this blog gives me too much freedom to say...too much :( (hope the internet folks that collect metadata never read the garbage i write bc..yikes they aren't gonna hav the best time) anyway..yea. what a paragraph to start off this reply :( sorry for the honesty and saying so much all the time btw :( not that being honest is necessarily a bad thing but ! idk every time i write smth i suddenly feel extra self conscious and feel like deleting it bc im rly embarrassed and always end up having big regret later when i reread anything ive typed up !! but i just keep writing them anyway bc...idk ?? i'd rly hate it if someone got discouraged from sharing their thoughts/worries/feelings which i think is a rly important human thing :( so  yea im rly embarrassed w anything i write but i'll keep doing it anyway bc i'm all for that kind of stuff and sometimes i know its not easy and it takes someone a lot to share that and its a good thing and i dont ever want anyone to feel discouraged from doing that ! anyway i just felt like i rly needed to say all of this..but pls dont feel obliged to reply to this mess !! anyway back to mx ! you are right :( i also hope mx feel like what they've done is worth smth w/e their definition or standard of that is :( like.. all of the hard work they've put into being mx it certainly means so much to fans but i hope all the hard work they've put into being mx also means smth to them at the end of the day and they are happy w what they're doing and what they've achieved so far :( and yes we'd love mx to always be rewarded in the real world :( though we love them and we want to get them a win, i know that everyone has their commitments, means and different circumstances and we can only do so much :( but even if u think its just a small contribution, everything adds up and counts and i know that all mbb hav contributed in some way in helping them get another win for this cb ! there are some mbb who can't buy albums or streaming passes and things and i hope they don't feel bad for this :( even if all you can do is watch the mv once or twice, even if you could only vote, i hope you know that it all counts and matters !! abt mx's schedule, i get tired just by looking at their weekly one idk how they can even put up w it all ?? after this they'll hav their japanese album and things and then they'll have their concerts and on top of all that apparently [some of them are also studying] ????? they are so hardworking :( HOW do they do it !! just..thinking abt their schedule is overwhelming !!! also pls dont think that you're boring me or anything like that :( im so thankful for any msg i receive and the fact that u actually took the time to type out smth to send to me ?? im so grateful ?? u are never boring !! honestly even if u sent me a stainless steel dishwasher manual w the page length of like..23 bibles, i'd still love u for it and i'd prob read all of it :( btw thank u sm for saying all those kind things !!! receiving kindness for the 3rd time is rly !!!!!!! and once again i've done nothing to deserve it :( i dont even know what i can say to you that will ever be enough to thank u again or to top what u hav already said ! if there was like a...maslows hierarchy of kindness of smth, ur at the very top of that triangle and anything i say will never be as kind as what you have said !! for you, i can agree that we both inspired each other :-) but really thank u so much from the bottom of my heart :( i hope you know how kind and lovely u are too ! if nobody told u this today, i wanted to say that im rly grateful to know u and i'm happy that you're here !! thank u again for being so kind and thoughtful and for making me smile !! :( same, i havent properly listened to the whole album either bc ive just been letting it stream in the background (but i dont count that as a proper listen unless i listen w headphones tbh) ill give it a good listen one day ! also im a repeat 1 kind of garbage person until i feel the need to listen to a new song ?? and rn jealousy to me is a song that gets better w every listen ??? shes too powerful atm :( one day ill listen to another song but today is not that day ! Actually.....I think jealousy is my fav mx song ???? before this cb i didnt hav a fav bc i couldnt pick the song i liked most out of blue moon/blind/fighter/incomparable. i was just gonna base it off the one w the most play count out of those 4 but now i know its jealousy ! what are ur fav mx songs ?? btw i know im always saying that anything mx releases is always a masterpiece no matter what, but in all seriousness its ok if u didn't like smth they released. i don't think it makes u any less of a mbb if u didn't enjoy a certain release or if u only liked one aspect of a thing but not so much the rest of the thing. anyway not to sound so...stale and commonplace but for lack of a better word/sentence, at the end of the day your own reactions and feelings to a piece of art like music...it's all just subjective isnt it ?? not liking that thing doesnt mean that its not a masterpiece or its any less of a masterpiece to someone else either so !! it's ok !! anyway this is rly....ive written a lot and its all over the place and incoherent probably :( i'm sorry !! feel free to reply whenever u feel like it, or no pressure on never replying at all btw ! also feel free to disagree w anything i say ! thank u sm for talking to me abt mx bc ive also got no mbb friends so !!! thank you :( theres so many times where i rly want to start a conversation w someone but im too scared and also i've got no clue abt how to initiate conversation ! and the times when i do manage to...i get stuck on how to keep the conversation going ? but when i figure smth out then im coming for u @ friendship !! i hope u had a good weekend and that you got some rest and that ur doing ok wherever u are !! until next time, take care ❤️❤️❤️
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latina4rmbx · 4 years
Tomorrow isn’t Promised
I saw an ad for a game on Facebook.  A clip really.  There were couples staring at each other.  Some crying, some laughing nervously.  All I remember was this one profound question:  "If this were to be our last conversation, what is one thing you’d never want me to forget?”
A seed was born from the question.  I figured, I’d ask people.  At first, I asked the closest people to me, then I expanded the circle.  Needless to say, I freaked a whole bunch of people out.  Before I get to the responses I want you to know that a lot of these are deeply personal, so I will not include names.  Some people who follow me on here, MAY know some of the individuals, but not all. 
I am NOT sick.  I am totally ok.  I found the question so profound, I HAD to ask it.  I have no regrets.
If there was a way to share all of the screen shots, I swear I would but trust me, there were just so many.
Some people responded with just 1 thing.  Some people responded with long beautiful messages.  They are all appreciated and I will forever hold them dear to my heart.
All, but 4 people, received a response to the question from me.  I won’t divulge my responses because as soon as I pressed send, they no longer belonged solely to me.  Just know a good response for most was:  you made me cry.  
I’ll be typing the responses to the question.  Some people gave multiple responses so I may give both.  
I had a conversation with my confidante and she says that this is amazing.  Sort of like a living eulogy. She asked me if I knew these things the people were saying.  I explained to her that in truth, I never really thought about it.  In the end I learned 2 valuable lessons: 
Younger males mainly speak of themselves.
You never really know the profound impact you have had on another persons life.  You’ll see what I mean.
Without further ado, here are the responses, in no particular order:
To value your worth.  To never forget that I love you and the kids.  That you’re a great writer.  A great friend.  A great mother.  I can’t name just one.  Don’t forget to give your friends a blanket.
That I love you & I know I was difficult growing up but I always loved you even when it might’ve felt like I didn’t.  And that I forgive you.
That I greatly appreciate your genuine friendship and you will always hold a special place in my heart.  and that’s the truth.
That I love you
How much I love you
How genuine and good-hearted you’ve always been, no matter what life has thrown at you.  Your situation never changed your heart, in Janee’s words, you’ve stayed golden.
One thing?  That I love you.
That I love you.  Why are you talking like that?
That I am always here for you and that I have and have always had. nothing but love for you.
Sheesh, I don’t know if I interpreted this question correctly but:   If this is our last conversation because you are on your death bed I would say:  In life, it sometimes feels like the world was simply horrible.  Nothing was good and it was full of hate and anger.  Thank you for being someone that gave hope just by being her positive self.  I know that because you were my hope when the world seemed horrible with simple gestures.  May not have changed the world, but it saved me some days.  If it was because we fell off or some other shit:  You was always lit.  Stay golden.  Don’t change for nobody.  I wish you the best.
I’m your child.  No matter how much u deny me !!  and I love you!
I appreciate all the kindness and support you’ve always shown me.
I would want you to know how much I love you and how much you’ve impacted my life in such a positive manner.  How much I love that you’re not just my aunt but you’re like my best friend, and how I feel that you out of most people understand me on a different level.
You prob the funniest chick I know the pleasure of knowing.  There’s your one thing.
Omg don’t say that but I would say you are a beautiful person inside and out and the world is a better place because you are in it.  You have a beautiful family and friends that love you.
Id never want you to forget how much I GENUINELY appreciate our conversation.  How you were there for me and gave me so much words of wisdom when I was going thru the worst time of my life.  How you satisfied my craving of violets when I was pregnant with Mychael..and how much you make me laugh thru social media because you are so funny!
That you really will be missed and that I wish our friendship happened sooner so I’ll have more time with you!!!  You are greatly appreciated.
I love you with all of my heart.  You’re an inspiration to me.  Words could not describe what you are to me.  More than a cousin, more than a sister.  Awilda Lee was the brightest thing in our lives when she came along. Thank. you for her.  Thank you for having unconditional love for me that my Wela had.  I have very fond memories at 533.  You’re in almost all of them.  From music out the window to your word processor and all your CD’s. My love of music comes from you.
That I love you like MY blood sister!
Us when we was living with grandma on 139th street, while you play Richard Marx “i’ll be Right Here Waiting for You.”  Til this day when I hear that song I see you playing it. I love you.
That Jesus loves you so much He gave His life for you in order to offer you forgiveness for all the wrong you’ve done & a way for you to live with Him eternally in His presence & that its. never to late to give him a change because He’s always by you waiting.
That you are very loved.  Good morning honey.
Jesus loves you!
If this were my last conversation with you I would want you to never forget that you are an amazing person from the first time I met you as Dr. D secretary til now, the only thing that has changed is your hair color and your age lol.  I genuinely have love for you.  Your free spirit and outspokenness is always welcome in my world.  I know you said one thing but I had more than one thing lol.  Oh and you’re a bomb writer.  So when you publishing your 1st book?
That you were an amazing friend that honestly left an imprint in my life.
What an awesome job. you’ve done with Joaquin!!
Morning lol your smart mouth and trouble shooting skills.
I wouldn’t want you to forget how absolutely amazing I think you are.  You were there for me when I needed you most.  Helping me with my son and a shoulder to cry on.  For that, I will be forever grateful.
Fine.  I’d want you to never forget that not only do we have the same teeth, that we’re cousins on both sides of our family and that you’re first daughter looked exactly like me when she was younger.  And that although we don’t speak much, I love you more than anything.
My gap
That I love and you’re my favorite person in life and I am grateful that God put us together and I hope we together in the next life too.
How hard we laughed together.
How I never judged anyone.  Good morning. (I think they mean how u, meaning me, never judged anyone)
How much I love you.
How much I love and appreciated you.  
How valuable I feel our friendship is and how much your wisdom and guidance has helped me in very difficult times.  I appreciate and love you very much.
That I love you
That although growing up we were not close.  I still have a great deal of love for you and I absolutely enjoy every single lil time we share together.  and our sex talk at times (they meant we talk about it, not that we talk it to each other)
That I love you.  That you are special strong funny.
That you are love
That I love you unconditionally because you are extremely unique.
That you have a warm and tender heart and a fierce outer shell.  You are an incredibly strong and smart woman.
That you are an absolutely amazing human being & that you deserve all the happiness and love that this world has to offer.  Never stop smiling.
That I love you and everything about you.
You will forever be my favorite bookworm.  You’ve written your own book in my life.  “That loyal friend” by OV.  You speak my love language you always have and I am just as honored to have you in my corner.  I love you. my dear friend.  Sincerely, KR.
Everyday of my. younger life, all I wanted to do was find you guys!  Once I did, I felt I was becoming complete!  Meeting you guys when you y’all came to Cali was EVERYTHING I could have asked for and more!  You guys are ones I work for EVERYDAY!  Once I make this generational wealth, I got y’all!  I promise you that!
I know it’ll sound cliche but I don’t thin you will ever truly know and understand how truly and deeply I care and love you.  You helped pull me out of really dark place, you are an amazing soul.  You are one of the rare ppl that i actually think of when i think of love and friendship and i thank you for being a part of my life.
That you’re my Binobo (a species of monkey - look it up)
When I would nag you on the 1st of the month.
That you should never forget how much you are loved.  That your generosity of spirit and goodness far surpasses any flaws.  That you are sooooo much more worthy, than you think you are.  That I would never want you to settle for anyone who isn’t a really good person to you and the kids.  Most importantly, I would pass on something that my Great Aunt once told me to always remember...If it doesn’t bring you peace, then it isn’t from God.  In my experience, those words have always proven true.  You know in your heart and it your gut - there is a very definitive, distinct sense of peace, when things are right.  God only wants that sense of calm and joy, and He gave us the instinct to recognize the difference. (AMEN!)
I truly don’t like the tone of this question.  But it would be your honesty.  You’ve always been so open and honest about your story and it was a breath of fresh air for me.
Your humor and smile is always up lifting.
Awwwww.  You are my counselor.  You always have the best advice you are the sassiest glamma I know and the queen of essential oils lol.  you add a special something to the world that only you can.  A tell it like it is type of chick, who always keeps it 100%.  It’s been such a pleasure having you in my world.
If it’s a thought about you, it wold be that I thought were smarter, funnier and at least a little better looking than the average bear.  If it’s a memory, besides the short jokes and dancing, I would want you to remember, well it’s a toss up.  Remember the time I lied about cooking food I brought in lunch, that it was really Lydia who made it, and she busted me.
I’d say thank you for being the parents that you are and thank you for allowing me to influence your little treasure and for keeping in contact with me.
Don’t forget to put me in your will.  Lol just playing.  That I love you of course.
How much I love you and thank you for always being neutral even if you’re his coworker lol.
I’d want you to know...While there is a great physical distance between us, I feel close to you.  I love that you had a special relationship with my mom and hope that we can have our own.  Big hugs to you.
1.  That I love you.  2.  that I would like you to raise my kids if anything happened to me or my wife.
That my heart was pure whether they were good or bad to me.  To be honest I just want people to know that I’ve always been a good soul and did my best to be there for those who needed me, just a selfless individual.
You’re the best grandma Saniyah will have from marriage you love her like she’s really your daughters child and I love it.  wouldn’t want it any other way.
Nuestra amistad (TRANSLATION: our friendship)
I love you
Never forget that I love you and God is good.
I don’t want it to be our last conversation but one thing that i don’t want you to forget is that you called me Thunderbuddy.
That I love you.  That you’re an amazing person!  Wait that’s two things right?  LOL
Never forget who got you high.
1.  Don’t forget to brush your teeth (stephen’s voice) 2>. Don’t forget to keep being unapologetically yourself.
How cute and funny I am lol
I wouldn’t want you to forget the laughs we’ve shared.  Our birthday body suits.
Thank you for reading,
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Teacher’s Pet : A Richonne Round Robin Fanfic
A small town sheriff and preschool teacher find love thanks to the cutest little matchmaker around. [RATED: T]
Chapter 4 (written by @dirtiebirdie17​)
Glenn scanned the crowded dining area from behind the service counter of his pizzeria and caught sight of Rick, who motioned for him to come over. When he noticed that Judith had fallen asleep on the bench next to her father, he grabbed a tablecloth from the shelf and brought it over.
Rick got up and took it, placing the folded fabric gently under his daughter’s head.
“Someone’s pooped,” Glenn commented, his head tilted sideways as he grinned at the typically precocious preschooler.
“She’s usually wiped by Friday, so no surprise there,” Rick grufffed, his voice slow and raspy.
“I was talking about you,” Glenn tossed back half-jokingly, making his way to the front alongside Rick, who brushed off the dig completely. After a few moments of silence, he asked “Are you still mulling over that dilemma of yours?”
Rick grimaced, silently cursing himself yet again for having broached the subject of dating with his best friends on Monday. Shane had been incessantly hounding him for more details all week, trying to break him until he caved, and although it had almost worked, Rick had stood his ground so he wasn’t about to yield to Glenn now. Ignoring the question, he just glared at him instead, mentally implicating his two buddies as the probable reason why he was so goddamn tired today.
Glenn noticed. “So a single and an RBI triple, huh?” he inquired in an effort to change the subject, being as enthusiastically supportive as always.
“Yeah, it was great. Carl’s been in such a groove,” beamed Rick, grateful for Glenn’s redirection. “The whole team has actually. Four for their last five games.”
“Everybody knows it’s all about having the right sponsor,” kidded Glenn, glancing over Rick’s shoulder at the group of victorious Little Leaguers in the back who, unsurprisingly, all seemed preoccupied with something on Carl’s phone. “Do they need a refill? More pizza?”
Rick, resisting the urge to call it a night, rested his forearm on the counter and nodded. “I have no idea where they’d put it, but I’m pretty sure if you served them the whole kitchen, they’d eat it all.”
“Well,” joked Glenn, stretching out the word for emphasis. “How about just a couple more pies for now? I’ve already got some started.”
“Sounds good,” sighed Rick as he nonchalantly glanced at his watch. As much as he loved celebrating a win with his son, he wanted nothing more than to pull off his boots, collapse onto his bed and just sleep. The week had been a decidedly grueling one, what with an unusually busy workload and Shane’s relentless interrogation, but only now could he admit that it was his burgeoning infatuation with Michonne that had really done a number on him.
“Yeah, sure it does,” Glenn chided sarcastically, attuned not only to the weariness in his friend’s voice, but his obvious preoccupation with other matters. He knew exactly what was bothering Rick, but opted to let it go, considering that he had just been on the receiving end of one of those infamous Grimes death stares. “How about you? Another coke? Water? Some warm milk?”
Rick glared back once more after the last question then held his face in his hands, conceding defeat in his struggle to mask his exhaustion. “Is it that obvious?” he queried, his voice muffled yet playful.
“Yeah, well between wedding planning with Maggie and business really picking up of late, I shouldn’t talk. It’s exhausting,” Glenn replied, patting him on the arm in solidarity. “Just take it easy and relax. I’ve got everything covered.”
The happy-go-lucky restaurateur scooted back towards his fiancé Maggie, who, despite having worked a full day at her own job, was as sprightly and enterprising as ever. She knew Friday nights here were particularly busy, especially when the KC Crushers paid a celebratory visit, so helping Glenn out on weekends was a no-brainer. He snuck in a quick appreciative kiss on her lips so she gave him a playful pat on his rear in response, giggling at his satisfied expression before they both resumed their work.
Rick caught himself smiling at the sight of his friends’ unabashed ebullience, and felt a mild rush of nostalgia for a time when it seemed that every day was full of firsts and every glance was full of the promise of intriguing things to come. It occurred to him that he didn’t have to think too far back to recall when he’d last felt like this. The more he thought of Michonne, which had basically been non-stop since their first meeting, the more he realized that she had reignited a small spark from that aspect of his past life.
As he wondered when he’d have the opportunity to run into her again, his phone vibrated, rousing him from his brief reverie. He read the text message pleading for more food then turned toward his son and gave him an incredulous stare.
“Are you seriously too lazy to get up and ask me?” he wrote, shaking his head in feigned annoyance.
“Not any lazier than you are to get up and ask me that.”
Rick couldn’t help himself but snicker, knowing that his son had a point. He gazed back up to see Carl shrugging as if to ask ‘What?’ and returned the gesture with one of his own, playfully mimicking a slap to his face. He proceeded to thumb out a response.
“You’re lucky that Glenn likes you.”
“Evening,” said Glenn, as an unfamiliar face entered his place. “Can I help you?”
“Hi. Yes, I’m picking up an order.”
Rick continued his reply. “More pizza is on its way.” He winked at Carl, who gave him a thumbs up before rejoining his friends in conversation.
“For Michonne.”
Rick instantly shifted from a slouched posture to his usual, confidently upright stance upon hearing her name. He turned, immediately taking notice of how amazing Michonne looked in a simple tee, white short-sleeved blazer, and jeans, all which seemed perfectly tailored to her slim, toned body.
“Yep, it’s right here,” Glenn replied, placing a warm box on the counter. “Perfect timing. Just pulled it out of the oven.”
“Perfect,” she responded, having just caught sight of the familiarly attractive face in her periphery. Despite having entertained the possibility that he’d be here, Michonne trembled with surprise, then chided herself for her ineptitude at maintaining her composure.
Rick, happy to have been discovered, practically pounced toward her, much to the amusement of Glenn, who noted how quickly he seemed to have gotten his energy back.
“Well this is a pleasant surprise,” greeted Rick, oblivious to the inquisitive eyes fixated on both himself and the lovely woman beaming back at him. “Getting some dinner?”
Michonne, unable to contain the slight giggle that made its way past her coquettish smile, placed her hand on the pizza box, glanced down at it, then zeroed back in on his inviting eyes.
“That was a stupid question, wasn’t it?” he added, sheepishly running his hand through his unruly curls.
“As a teacher, I’m supposed to say that there are no stupid questions…but-,” she quipped, letting the last word linger in the air.
“Ah, I see how it is,” Rick chuckled audibly, his dimples practically perforating his cheeks. “So I’ll take that as a yes.” Michonne chose to plead the fifth, laughing at his adorable self-deprecation instead. She was getting a kick out of Rick’s expression of faux indignation and wanted it to last for as long as possible, but when it finally morphed back into his warm smile, she simply responded a few beats later with a coy, “Hello, Rick.”
“Hi,” he greeted back, charmingly unaware of just how attractive he was in a black t-shirt and jeans. “I thought I’d might see you here.”
Michonne smiled and nervously ran her fingers through the hair behind her ear, giving them something to do to other than tap nervously on the counter. It was as if Rick had read her mind, since she had been thinking the same thing, but was grateful that he couldn’t. If he only knew how emphatically she had insisted to her friends that they get pizza tonight and that she’d be the one to pick it up, she’d never hear the end of it.
A brief silence filled the suddenly warm air between them, prompting Glenn to retreat towards the kitchen while trying not to forfeit his view of the events unfolding before him.
“This place came highly recommended by an up-and-coming young pizza-chef so I thought I’d check it out,” offered Michonne, who stopped short of admitting that she’d secretly hoped he’d be here too. She could feel the blood rush to her face, and while she silently prayed that Rick would be unable to see through the pretense, a part of her wished he would.
“You won’t regret it,” he intoned softly, picking up on the ambiguity of his statement a few seconds too late. He coughed uneasily, leaning back slightly to relieve the tension, and added, “I mean, Judith knows her stuff. Glenn’s is the best. Speaking of, let me introduce you to him -”
They both turned, expecting to find the owner where they had last seen him, but instead spotted Glenn’s head on the other side of the swinging kitchen door. Rick, assuming that Glenn had probably been staring at them a second earlier, tried in vain to get his attention, then decided to let it go, determined not to waste this opportunity with Michonne.
“I guess it’s a busy night…” Rick offered, brushing off Glenn’s sudden disappearance.
As the two resumed their banter, Glenn, who couldn’t help himself, texted Shane.
G: I think our boy is making his move.
Twenty seconds later he received a response.
S: Rick?
G: Who else, dumbass?
S: Where?
G: Carl’s team won so they’re having pizza. Someone just walked in…never seen him jump up so fast
S: Are u shitting me? I’m missing this??? Who?
G: don’t know her but she’s cute
S: Just cute?
G: dude, Maggie’s here
S: u for real right now? what does she look like?
Suddenly Glenn flinched as Maggie, who had noticed her fiancé’s odd behavior, seemed to appear out of nowhere.
G: give me a sec
“Ok, spill it. What are you doing?” she queried in that playfully stern tone that occasionally made an appearance, especially when Glenn and his friends were involved.
“Nothing,” he lied, despite knowing that he wouldn’t get out of this. “Just texting Shane about something.”
S: what’s happening?
“It wouldn’t be about Rick and that woman over there, would it?” she inquired, nudging her nose towards the couple.
“And if it were?” he smiled in that puppy dog ‘don’t hurt me’ sort of way.
“Oh my god, is she the one you told me about?”
“That would be my guess.”
“Then don’t be so obvious!,” she reprimanded him good-naturedly, simultaneously enjoying this little stake-out they were participating in. “Don’t ruin it for him!”
“I won’t,” he avered, continuing his conversation with Shane.
S: so what the hell is happening?
G: there’s definitely something going on
S: That’s it. I’m coming over
G: don’t be an idiot
“If anybody will, it’s Shane,” he said, after responding to the latest text. “See?”
Glenn held the phone up to show Maggie the evidence, who yelped when she read Shane’s last message. “Hell no!”, she added to drive the point home.
Realizing that her protest may have resonated a little too loudly, she looked up to see if anyone noticed. Thankfully Rick and his friend seemed blissfully unaware of everything around them, so she resumed her admonition, successfully swiping the phone from Glenn’s hand. “I will kick him out if he comes here,” she warned light heartedly and began to feverishly type a response to his last text:
S: Dude- you’re the one who texted ME, so this is on you…you’re the idiot
M: this is Maggie - love ya but you’re BOTH idiots. Leave Rick alone.
S: sorry Mags, but I need some details. This is my bro were talking about.
M: I’m sure Glenn will fill you in as soon as I give him this phone back
S: oh, he better
M: I will say this….they both seem VERY happy to see each other
M: And for the record, she’s gorgeous
Michonne shifted her eyes towards the dining area, finding the intensity of Rick’s gaze momentarily overwhelming. She was impressed by how modern yet charming this place was, with its funky artwork and subtle retro-vibe, and decided that it was assuredly a few steps up from the typical pizza joint. It seemed Rick had some cool friends.
“So is it always this packed?” she questioned, as she caught sight of Carl laughing with his friends.
“It gets a decent crowd most nights, but Carl’s team is celebrating a win so it’s really full tonight,” he bragged, nodding towards the energetic bunch. “Glenn sponsors them.”
“Yes, I see. Well, congratulations are in order then,” she acknowledged, getting a kick out of seeing Rick in proud-Daddy mode. “And where’s Miss Judith this evening?”
Rick gently took hold of her arm and pulled her slightly closer to him, pointing out his daughter who was now contorted in slumber in that adorable way four-year-olds often are.
“How sweet is she?” beamed the doting father, inwardly marveling at how his daughter could fall asleep at any time and place.
“The sweetest,” echoed Michonne as she leaned in a shade closer to him, much to Rick’s delight. Immediately, Michonne took notice of her own body’s physiological responses to the sensation of Rick’s touch and hoped they’d be subtle enough to go unnoticed.
“…most of the time,” she added in jest, laughing in tandem with Rick after his knowing nod of agreement.
“Yeah,” he smiled, his lips curling up in that same sexy way they did the first time she saw him. “She definitely has her moments.”
Michonne admired the devotion she saw in his eyes whenever he spoke of his children, adding it to her ever-growing list of his appealing attributes she had mentally catalogued since meeting him. Although she was enjoying this repartee with Rick immensely, and found him to be as charming as always, she did find it increasingly difficult to conceal her burgeoning fondness for him, especially since all she could focus on was how close they were now standing to each other and how incredibly hot he looked.
Rick, likewise, was taken in by her, enamored by the fact that she managed to look sophisticated and sexy yet casually laid back at the same time. There was an ease about her that he found incredibly appealing, and all he wanted to do was discover more about her. It also didn’t hurt that she smelled incredible, or that her clothes cradled her curves just enough to resuscitate some latent urges.
“So, uh…you still settling into King County?” He queried, genuine in his curiosity, yet desperate to distract her from the fact that he’d just been eyeing those curves.
“I haven’t had the chance to really explore all that much, but I like what I’ve seen so far,” she answered mischievously.
“Is that so?” Rick grinned playfully, positive that he detected an invitation of sorts in her flirtatious delivery.
“It certainly has potential,” she countered, refusing to take her eyes off his.
With that, Rick had little doubt that his feelings toward her were reciprocated. He was sure she was baiting him to ask her out, but should he? His indecision was driving him crazy, but so was the thought of passing on another opportunity. Ever since his last encounter with her at the grocery store, he had wavered pathetically between rationalizing his inaction and mentally kicking himself for it; the latter often dominating in the end. The truth was, he wasn’t certain if the unwritten rule of not dating your child’s preschool teacher even existed. What he was certain of, was that he wanted to get to know Michonne better, and in this moment he couldn’t think of a logical reason why seeing her would hurt anyone, least of all Judith, who emphatically adored her.
Imagining Shane’s voice whispering Tennyson into his ear ad nauseum, Rick told himself, “Screw it,” shutting down his own naysaying voice once and for all. He leaned in an inch closer and inhaled fully, hoping the extra oxygen would quell the slight nervousness he could feel propagating through his body. Fumbling with his fingers, he lowered his handsome face and subtlely licked his lips, preparing himself for whatever answer he’d hear.
“Well,” he began as he brought his gaze back onto her beautifully wide, expectant eyes, “I hope I’m not overstepping my bounds here, but how about I show you around some time? Get you acquainted with things? We could grab dinner afterwards, or we could-”
“Rick,” she hushed, utterly wrecked by the nervous yet sexy timbre of his voice, “I’d really like that.”
“Good,” he smiled back, breathing a subtle sigh of relief. “Me, too. I’ve got the kids this weekend, so how about next week sometime?”
“That’s perfect,” Michonne replied eagerly, hoping that he hadn’t taken notice of her shaking hands. She had always been pegged, mocked even, for her cool-as-a-cucumber demeanor, but here she was, struggling mightily to stifle her excitement. The fact was, in her downtime, she had thought of very little aside from Rick Grimes, and now that she’d be spending more time with him - alone time - she started to imagine all the things they could do with and to each other.
Rick took out his phone and began to type, causing Maggie, who had remained frozen in her lookout position alongside Glenn, to squeal with delight.
“He’s getting her number,” she reported, stating the obvious. “I’m so excited for him!”
Glenn smiled and mumbled, “Yeah, me too,” more as an acknowledgment to himself than a response. Glenn could tell that his friend’s whole demeanor had changed. Gone was the exasperated, hesitant guy from a few minutes ago and in his place stood the self-assured, affable guy he’d always known him to be.
“You think it’s safe to go out there now?” he asked facetiously. “I mean, I do have a business to run and all. Plus it’s starting to look suspicious, no?”
Maggie chuckled and admitted that they both got a little carried away. “Yeah, we probably should.”
Just as Rick finished entering her info, the nosy couple emerged, failing miserably in their attempt at casual indifference.
Rick pretended not to notice their antics, hoping that Michonne hadn’t already discovered how insane his friends could be.
“Sorry about that,” explained Glenn, who tried to convince Michonne that he’d been extremely busy with work back in the kitchen.
“Michonne, this is Glenn,” offered Rick, doing his best to downplay the situation. “Glenn -Michonne. She recently took over as Judith’s pre-school teacher.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Glenn,” she said, holding her hand out to greet him.
“Likewise,” he grinned, finally understanding the nature of Rick’s unusual situation.
“I love the decor here. It’s fabulous.”
“Thanks. I hope you feel the same way about the food,” kidded Glenn, deciding then and there that she was a keeper.
“And I’m Maggie,” blurted out the bubbly brunette, side-eying Glenn for his apparent lack of manners.
“They’re engaged,” added Rick, pleased to see that his friends seemed genuinely happy to meet her.
“Congratulations,” Michonne exclaimed. “How exciting for you both.”
There was a tiny pause, as all four of them considered what to say next.
Michonne asked, “So what do I owe?”
Before Glenn could respond, Rick interjected, telling him, “Just add it to the tab for tonight.”
Michonne protested. “That’s so sweet, but -”
“Please, let me,” Rick insisted.
“Rick, I-”
“This one’s on the house, anyway,” Maggie piped in. “It’s part of a promotion for first time customers. We want to make sure you come back here the next time you’re up for pizza.”
Michonne acquiesced, knowing she wasn’t going to win this battle.
“Thank you. Truly,” she nodded, as she placed her hand over her heart in gratitude. “And I have a feeling I’ll definitely be back.”
She peered back at Rick as she spoke, and he did the same, both of their faces etched with knowing smiles. Maggie and Glenn took that as a cue to excuse themselves and scampered off to belatedly tend to their customers.
“I should get back,” Michonne sighed, unenthused by the prospect of leaving. “It could get ugly if I don’t feed my friends soon.”
“If they get half as bad as Carl does when he’s hungry, believe me, I understand.” Rick picked up the box of pizza in one hand and grazed Michonne’s arm with the other. “Let me walk you out to your car,” he whispered before glancing back at Judith.
He caught sight of Maggie out of the corner of his eye, gesturing and nudging him to go. “I’ll keep an eye on her,” she mouthed, thrilled to see her friend so unequivocally happy.
Rick nodded then turned toward the exit, opening the door and respectfully motioning for Michonne to go ahead. She obliged, giggling at herself for how utterly smitten she was with this insanely adorable, attentive man.
Once they reached her car, which was parked only a few steps from the entrance, she spun around to face him. She was surprised by how giddy he made her feel, but took comfort in the fact that she seemed to be having the same effect on him.
“Your friends seem great,” she mused earnestly before arching her lips in a wry smirk. “But they’re horrible liars. There’s clearly no promotion.”
“Oh, there is,” he avered, unconvincingly deadpan. “But I think it just started…and ended, with you.”
She stared at his inscrutable face before they both lost it, letting their breezy laughter diffuse through the air until all that remained were the possibilities in the silence.
“I really should get going,” she lamented, “My friends are going to kill me.”
“Well I don’t want that to happen, so yes, you should go,” he joked, tilting his head as if shooing her away.
“Goodnight, Rick,” she smirked, shaking her head at his cheekiness.
“Goodnight, Michonne” he whispered, piercing her luminous eyes with his.
As Michonne got into her car, Rick took a few steps back to give her room, taking advantage of the view the increased distance and her movements afforded him. As his gaze lingeringly shifted focus from her perfect backside to her flawless face, she waited, cognizant of yet amenable to his wandering eyes. She had stolen a few glances of his physical attributes randomly during their conversation, so she certainly couldn’t fault him for doing the same.
He handed her the pizza, which was cold at this point, and shut the door while she turned the ignition. Michonne lowered her window, and waved halfheartedly, reluctant to say goodbye.
“Get home safely,” Rick directed.
“You, too,” she replied.
“I’ll call you soon.”
“I’m looking forward to next week.”
“Me too,” he grinned then paused before a wry smile crept up. “It certainly has potential.”
She shook her head, as if to say “you’re too much” then drove off, worried that if she didn’t leave now she never would.
Rick stood in the parking lot, smiling to himself as Michonne’s car pulled away. He sighed, preparing himself for the military-style grilling he was about to receive, but quickly shrugged it off knowing it’d be worth it. The decision to ask her out had taken a lot of deliberation, but the instant he saw her walk in, he knew that the night couldn’t have ended any other way.
Michonne held it together until she was positive that she was long out of view, then gripped the steering wheel with both hands and squeezed, finally letting out the squeal that had wanted to escape since the moment she saw him tonight. She’d have a tough few days ahead of her trying to accomplish anything in anticipation of their date, she knew, but realized she had to get through the gauntlet that was a Sasha-Paul interrogation first.
Michonne took her time on the road, opting not to play music or sing aloud as she normally did. Taking advantage of the perfect weather instead, she kept the window down as the cool evening breeze flickered by, providing the perfect backbeat for the low, raspy sound of Rick’s voice to echo in her mind the rest of the way home.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3|
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