#i redid it sooo many times
toadstool32 · 1 year
Ok well I missed a bit of progress but no matter. I can make it better now *grips my leg real hard*
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shxwmaster · 1 year
// remember when the legion epilogue came out and revealed azerite and shaw gave the azerite piece to anduin, who inexplicably had no gloves on and when it touched his bare hands he reacted so viscerally everyone thought theorized that the azerite was going to corrupt everyone and then that absolutely wasn't the case at all
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Faust with a Star who's an artist and asks him to pose for drawings (HCs/Short Story, whichever works for you!!)
Draw me like one of your French girls!
Bc of how cute this idea was I made it both <33
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Loves being your model, doing poses you need with ease as you sketch it quickly
Honestly if you called him your muse he's giggling while telling you to stop (continue doing it he loves it so much)
If you need a specific pose he let's you move his body as you want it
Also 100% down changing outfits if you need to use them as a reference as well, he's basically Barbie with how many outfits he'll change in to
Makes silly jokes about the titanic how he's the Rose to your Jack.
When you finish the work he asks if he could post and brag about his awesome artist partner!
If you posted it already he's sharing it to all his social media platforms. Giggling as everyone complements how amazing it is
During streams he always talks about how you drew him again saying how loved he is by a artist.
"Like this?" Asking as he posed in front of Star. Looking at them with a soft smile, relaxing into the couch he lounged on. Faust's partner turned their head and smiled at the pose.
"Perfect! Your such an amazing poser! My muse!" Praising him, Star grabbed their pencil and started to sketch the base of how his body in on the couch. Preening Faust giggles hearing the nickname he loved so much.
"Is this for another commission?" Questioning, Faust watched as his artist's hand flys across the canvas. Quickly capturing how the pose is, he always loved seeing them work. It was like magic how they formed a blank surface into art.
"Yep! Red, is what he said to call him wanted an exact picture to that of Rose from the titanic. But it would be his partner." Mumbling Star's eyes shifted back and forth. From to canvas at their side to Faust posing in front of them so perfectly.
"Oh? Even naked? How scandalous~" Giggling as he wiggled his eye brows. Causing Star to snort at him, but then nodded as they recall the commission agreement.
"I know right? He got consent from his partner to send me a nude picture. Hopefully I do it justice!" Sighing out, Star remembered the first commission they did with a naked model. "I swear if I butcher it I'll quit art."
Faust pouted at that, but then remembered how distraught Star was when the commission was turned down. They tried redoing it multiple times but the commissioner just didn't like it. Huffing out Faust turned his head to them and spoke.
"Well if that person wasn't sooo picky! You wouldn't have felt bad. You redid it like....a thousand times! Honestly I wonder if they were just trolling you...." Mumbling out the last part, Faust saw Star shaking their head. Causing him to roll his eyes, Faust wishes they could see how their art was perfect and amazing.
"But still, I only need the pose then I can work from there. You wanna watch me work again? Might take longer than expected." Whispering as they focused on the canvas. Letting Faust think it over then sighing at them, shaking his head slightly.
"Can't there's this new game out I got sponsored for to play and I gotta do that before it'd deadline. Maybe when your done with this commission we can play together?" Asking hopefully, Star was on a break from gaming. To focus on finishing the few commissions they landed. Once again his partner shook their head, giving him a sad smile.
"I'm sorry muse, but I'll make it up by playing with you on Friday. I wanna focus on this commission. Don't worry I won't push myself that far." Giggling out the last bit. However Faust gave them a look, to be serious about the breaks and not pushing too far.
"I swear if you accidently don't eat for a day like last time and get sick. I'm killing you. With love of course." Smiling innocently as he batted his lashes. Star nodded at their partner, better to agree or it'll be a long conversation.
"Of course my muse, my moon, love of my life-" Babbling nicknames for him, Faust gave them another look to stop talking or they'll focus on praising him.
"Oops! Well, I'll sing your praises another day. Now, let me fix your pose real quick I think you moved a bit too much." Mumbling out as Star got up and tweaked with the pose a bit.
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mangledscrimp · 2 months
HAIII,, Here is Desmond for dy au :3,, I redid her ref sheet and I think it looks so much better than the original sprite edit! (comparison)
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As a bit of a warning;; There will be nonsexual nudity in the post going over scars from surgeries and wounds (not very graphic)
As usual, going to go through each bullet.
Desmond goes by He/She/They/Its. Everything pretty much goes for them. She’s genderfluid.
Desmond in this au is aroace. He still had that past partner like canon desmond does. But after she had disappeared, it helped him discover himself after being unable to be a suitable partner for anyone else due to stress and general complications with understanding people.
Desmond is still very much into art, but taxidermy is what she values higher than most. She thinks it’s a beautiful way to show the life an animal once lived or a creative way to express oneself through an animal.
•Airship or water ship?
Desmond in this au owns a mixture of both! She owns a cruise ship with an attached airship at the top (the Bostonius)! Making her able to leave the ship without having to turn the cruise around and an easier place to have the airship without having to put it into a hanger. Her crewmates often call her red or dessy, a fun little nickname!
Surprisingly, her glasses are only for show. She’s got no lenses in those red rims and are merely an accessory.
Desmond studied the arts of archeology and anthropology. He’s well versed in the two topics. Archeology is something that peaked his interest since it was a major thing in his childhood. Often times, his father would bring him to dig sites to see pottery from the past and how humans used to live. Unfortunately, his father was taken by a suspicious group of people, as well as his mother.
Anthropology also peaked Desmond’s interest as it went along with Archeology. Learning about how human being behaved throughout history over time is interesting to them.
This is more of a habit but, Desmond is also an interested hunter. While learning about different cultures and their practices, she learned more and more about different hunting strategies used by many cultures. These were inspirational, so it slowly became a hobby. Of course only in areas that allowed hunting. Nothing non-ethical for her!
I feel like…you guys will hater me for what I did to descole for the au ok…Don’t get mad at me pleaseeeee!! :< She’s kinda cringe but I DON’T CAREEE MWAHAHA I AM FREE I CAN DO WHATEVER I WISH!!
Cannibalism and Hunting mention uwaaa
remember shit gets diabolical in this au, so don’t be surprised when the main villain is a cringe scary character that goes EEEVIL!!
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ok yah this is..this is descole in this au.
Again, gonna do what I gotta do. A lot of what’s in here is related to lore stuff that some people may have or have not read..sooo tralala
This ref is general and not affected by gameplot!
•Similarities and differences
Desmond and Descole act VERY differently. Desmond is simply just an act for the public eye.
Also, not called “Jean Descole” in this au. She’d probably find it rather ugly to be called “Jean” and thinks that name is stupid. Her canon counterpart would definitely hate her.
Desmond and Descole both share the same pronouns, that part does not change. Same with their sexuality.
Desmond is more open and tries her best to communicate with people, while Descole acts more cold and serious. Descole also gets agitated more easily compared to Desmond.
•Outfit and design.
Descole’s outfit is made to hunt. It’s hunting gear. She has white hunting gloves and a purple hunting jacket.
The boa and cravat is for style, might as well look good when you’re hunting. (Not..very affective..but don’t tell her that..)
The cape is also for style but it’s also used to hide her belt and anything else she has concealed in her pockets. The pattern of the cape isn’t very consistent but it has the overall pattern of a leopard with a soft texture. Often times her chihuahua, treats, enjoys to lay in it. (Treats is the Keats dupe for this au! hehe). Can ditch the cape when she needs to run after prey and it’s slowing her down.
Her boots are lightweight so she can easily run after her prey if needed.
her hat is funny, that’s why I did it lols. She can’t own a cat, or else it would knock it off all the time haha!
Under everything, it’s just a plain cream shirt with her hunting pants.
The shadow is a design choice that I like hehe, it allows her to blend in with the darkness since she mostly hunts at night. Also makes her mysterious hehehe lalalal! Desmond can also have this shadow to show the cover being blown.
Mask to conceal her identity.
Wig is not connected to the hat, if she wants to take it off, she’ll take it off from the front, similarly to how the masked gentleman takes off the costume for the big reveal.
Descole carries a belt on her waist that holds her smaller tools. For example, her cautery tool she stole from her adopted father (Raymond). Carrying it around incase she needs it for prey. (Of course, it’s only been used on one creature she’s hunted.)
Another weapon in her arsenal would be her handgun. It’s used near the ending of Randall’s game. She has larger ones but she carries a small one for quick trips and not for longer hunts.
Lastly, she owns a net guns. Made by herself. The case is a deep dark purple with a red “D” to label it as her own. It has foam to protect each netgun head and handle. The yellow button on the handle is to release her white web onto her prey. She mostly uses her net guns instead of killing what’s she’s hunting right away.
• Diet.
She’s a hunter that eats her prey. if her prey so happens to be Human, she won’t find a problem using every piece that she can.
With her normal hunting, she often uses every part of the animal. For example, if she were to hunt a deer, she’d use every piece.
Though, she has yet to eat a human being. She had plans to feast on a red headed woman after her plans had failed since she had no more use for her, but that sadly didn’t go through. Once you aren’t needed anymore in her eyes, she’ll find a way to satisfy her hunger.
Under the cut there is nudity!! NOT SEXUAL! Just to show Des’s body.
Warn for scarring and nonsexual nudity!! uwaa
This is how Des looks underneath everything!
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•Under Both
During the Randall game, Des gets shot in her shoulder, leaving a scar after raymond tried to tend to its wound.
Des had gotten breast reduction surgery by raymond. Raymond has surgical experience, he’s a retired surgeon who decided to work in an orphanage where he met Des and her future crew.
Raymond is like a father to des and was happy to make her feel more confident in himself.
The wound on their right hand was caused by desperate measures going through the labyrinth in Randall’s game. She carved a pathway onto her hand so she wouldn’t get lost.
He’s got a symmetry line down its chest. Idk, just a neat body detail I wanted to add because I think it’s nice! hehe
• Under Descole
She wears a binder under her descole outfit to appear more flat chested. She doesn’t mind her breasts but she’d rather wear that when she’s hunting that a bra. Feels more contained.
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aurumdoesthings · 2 years
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owl house season 3!!!! various doodles, some more obviously referencing screenshots than others
(the belos one is him squinting at a script while luz pats his shoulder with That’s Rough Buddy energy. it makes more sense if you read my rambling below)
thoughts on the episode under the cut that got REALLY LONG
FIRST I absolutely love this show and that was an extremely entertaining special. the sheer love that is put into this show was palpable, and I loved all the kids’ outfits, and the kind of things they got up to in the human realm, CAMILLA oh man Camilla rocked, and it was just beautiful overall in backgrounds and designs and animation (that fight scene? MWAH the way the kids are animated on their staffs has always been sooo satisfying to watch)
i gotta admit, while the end of s2 you could tell they were pressed for time I still felt like- especially in hollow mind- they kept a fairly good pace, while in this special it was kind of a mess. like everything was zoomed through, not just the montage, and scenes like luz and hunter investigating the house together were (WHILE SO GOOD) very thrown in, seeming more like they wrote the idea and fawned over it and had to slap it in with little set up and follow through in order to keep the special moving. like, it’s a collection of so many awesome moments, but the connective tissue was lacking much more visibly here than it ever has in the show before
and the elephant in the room: belos
okay. so. i honestly was not wild about how belos was done in this special at all. ignoring that, despite their clear efforts both here and in hollow mind and the finale etc, hunter is still the clearest and most emotional and sympathetic connection to the main villain and not luz. IGNORING THAT. he was such a cardboard cutout of villainy in this special it was almost laughable. The intrigue was all there- the finale showing the gloop that escaped, and here seeing the weird possessed animals more and more throughout as well as flapjack’s weird behavior as we clue in to what’s going on, that’s all good! but the follow through? Belos possesses Hunter (cool, great! Awesome look and very spooky) - he. gets the titans blood to go back to the demon realm, for some reason… he kills flapjack just cause, while spouting lots of generic villain lines and taunts at luz…. and then he gets kicked out of hunter but just- leaves anyway? in his monster form again, so it’s unclear why he was a tiny gloop or possessing things this whole time at all? His motives were just so unclear throughout all of this, he felt like a prop just to facilitate hunter and luz angst rather than an actual character, and I honestly don’t see why they didn’t just make him some parasitic cursed remnant of belos that escaped the demon realm with them if this is how they were going to execute him being alive
like it still doesn’t register for me that belos is still alive and in the demon realm! it never sticks with me! Belos feels so done as a character I can’t even conceive of what they could possibly still need him around for. They already redid that moment in the finale fight, with belos-monster calling hunter caleb VS belos-hunter calling flapjack evelyn, and we’ve got closure with hunter and belos now even More, and luz only has the shallow conflict of guilt for connecting him to the collector, uhhhh and he failed the day of unity, so like. What else is there to even do with him???
this special is already very Halloween themed and it would make sooo much more sense overall if they reframed this special re: belos as about exorcising ghosts, metaphorically and also literally. the final battle is in a cemetery for crying out loud! be it belos’s ghost or a parasitic remnant or whatever, have that be the final obstacle both emotionally and literally for them to return home to save the boiling isles, and they put it to rest by putting aside their fear and guilt and Making A Choice! Hunter as he did in the episode choosing his own life and future! Luz choosing to fight for her demon home and demon family (preferably after a rewrite where she’d been grappling more with her feelings on being home, what she loved and missed vs hated, and whether they can even get back to the isles at all)
IDK! Other gripes were : that line at the end of the hay ride? Something something “lol I think little bro was mad his big bro got a HOT WITCH GIRLFRIEND LMAO” from the enby teen? Hated that. It took me out of the episode immediately and felt like such an obvious- I don’t know, writer insert, fandom insert line? it felt like the writers telling us that’s what we’re supposed to think and I also just think it’s. so boring to reduce the backstory we were JUST given / expanded upon to him being a stupid jealous incel or something. villains are (gasp) more interesting when they’re sympathetic? when you can see parts of them where you can understand how they reacted the way they did? if they wanted him to be a foil to luz and not just the Big Bad Emperor, we should understand how he reacted the way he did to witches even if we hate it. we should see that oh wow, he and his brother were orphans, his brother was essentially his parent / guardian, and then that brother disappears or seems to be kidnapped by these dangerous creatures from another realm, which witchhunters warned them about. However, unlike Luz or his brother, he spurned all the kindness found there and only saw the danger and monsters (and there is legitimate danger in the isles! it’s not a hospitable place!), and he gets so caught up in his own fear and hate that he lashes out at his seemingly bewitched brother, and he has no home left, and he latches onto this idea of killing all the evil that “took” his brother from him, and etc etc the show happens. Like that’s all so cool laying it out like that!!! and it opens up really intriguing possibilities for a special that instead involves laying his ghost to rest in whatever form that takes! (*disclaimer that does not in any way require forgiveness from the kids. relax)
there’s also willow and gus. While I could see and appreciate that the writers made sure they were never just standing in the background not doing anything and always had their own moments and quips, they’re also so clearly just accessories to the group right now. Willow, who I will admit I’m biased to, has really been reduced down to Confident Bombastic Friend and Object of Hunter’s Blushing (don’t. get me started on that), with zero trace of her shy and bullied past remaining. She never has any moments of relapse, which you might expect especially in the human realm which is so new and different for her, not even a moment where she hesitates and needs one of the gang to back her up and give her that nudge to shake off her nerves/doubts. she’s just completely confident and uncaring of others now, and they’re also sticking with the amity-willow sudden power couple from end of s2 where they’re completely okay (but that has more to do with their arc together as a whole, or rather the lack thereof, than this special specifically). There was definitely a lost opportunity to pair up Gus and Vee, as two Boiling Isles kids who adore the human realm, so Gus wasn’t stuck with only being Hunter’s emotional support and little bro (despite how I do love their dynamic). and of course for both of them but SUPER amity, who we actually know the family of very well, there was not nearly enough emphasis on what they’ve lost and how conflicting it must be to be trapped in another realm away from your family who is currently in danger but still be enjoying it so much. they did not feel the weight of not being able to go home maybe ever nearly enough at any point in this special, and I think that deserved at least one scene, maybe right before they discover the map from flapjack to the titans blood, to really feel hopeless and grieve
is almost any of that feasible given the restraints the show is currently under? No, probably not. did I still greatly enjoy the special? Yes, very much so! But there was definitely a lot more glaring flaws than I’m used to with The Owl House, and I’m hoping that doesn’t carry through to the remainder of the show, as cut short as it may be
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forblazes · 2 years
Would it be alright to request a pink themed Maribelle from FEH stimboard?
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heyyy i redid this like sooo many times but i hope you like the final result!! mwah thank you for rq-ing!
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sweetswesf · 2 years
Check In
What I Did Today
Ordered a waffle; have been craving one for A WHILE...it didn't hit like it was supposed to tho :/ :(
Got a lay of the land of all the things I need to study
Spent my monies on the preps...hopefully I REALLY use them this time...I think I will because I have a better sense of what I need and why, before I wasn't convinced; it means more now
Got hit up by some more people checking in on my wellbeing since they heard about the layoffs in the news, some I ain't heard from in FOREVER
Chatted with my old colleague at the company I want to be at
Meal prepped for most of this week
Finished my 4 hour juicing process; you heard that right...I'm good for the next 3 days, and it's good for me, but it's expensive, both financially and time wise, so also financially...
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What I Learned Today
The company I want to work at has NO ON CALL! Hallelujah! They do lowball on offer salary though, so, it's recommended I get a good offer somewhere else so that they can match it
The company I want to be at only goes up to T4 instead of T5 like my last spot, which, still works for me, but, maybe for only the next 2 years?...max...was kinda hoping to go for maybe even a T5 position at my next place, but T4 sounds good, especially since it's a new company?...Idk if that is me being conservative & safe22 or insecure
The company I want to be at allows you to do a 6 month fellowship at a non-profit! I've always wanted to work at a non-profit but was afraid of the money situation. This is great news! It looks like an even better choice!
Twitter laid off 50%...gosh damn!
Next month, I'll have to pay for transportation and all of my phone bill, both of which were covered by my job...and the Black tech professional org I was in outside of work I probably cannot participate in because usually I get my job to cover the almost $400 membership, but I need every dolla right now, and I don't want to get to a point next year where I regret that I paid for membership...True, I could dip into my savings for it, but maybe I just need to sit it out next year...I can't keep telling myself, 'Well you have savings and you'll have a job soon to re-up"...or can I??
My company actually paid pretty well compared to other companies in the industry...I just was not getting paid what I wanted to because of my age and what I SHOULD be getting if I didn't make a career transition...
Slightly nervous and anxious, but much better than last week. Like, I did my dishes, meal prep, juiced, had a work-related meeting, took some calls, redid my schedule. With SOOO many people laid off, sometimes I worry if I will get a job in 6 months with so much more competition and with hiring generally slowing down for the next 3 months, but, I'm trying not to worry. I am also wondering if I should be helping others more, because so many people are reaching out to help me.
I also feel determined.
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I don't want to let myself down...I've been trying to learn these concepts for years but they always get put on the back burner. I have no choice now, but I hope it doesn't take me MONTHS to get my act together...or understand the concepts well enough
I wonder if I need to take the rest of this week off just to relax...And if I do so, I need to do it without feeling guilt/lazy or like "time's a wastin'"...
There's A LOT of things I want to cover in this time to study, but, I'm excited for it all
A lot of people come out the woodwork, but some folks just want to be nosy or bask in your downfall but don't truly care; the realest ones gone pick up the phone or offer to hear your voice, or see you over FT and video; only about 3 have done that, but I'm grateful for every bit of support in any form; we are so used to texting now and I know we're all busy, but, going forward, I'm going to remember what I'm feeling now & try to call and FT instead of just texting for sensitive/traumatic events my friends or family go through
These recruiters out here are reckless; a lot of them are just bombarding my inbox with subject lines, LITERALLY like, "Hello/Lyft Layoff" like, this boilerplate, insensitive template that they replace with whatever company layoff happened the person they're reaching out to is coming from; one RANDO recruiter I've never talked to just called me out the blue at 6:22 PM!...sir, I don't know you, and I'm looking for a job yes, but you are disrespecting a boundary!!! I don't know what he's up against though. He may be trying to avoid being next on the chopping block...but nuh un sir. The disrespect...GOTTA protect my energy because a lot of people are masking as being helpful but are really being self-serving, even when they know it's a sensitive time; very few TRULY GAF about you, but you have to GAF about yourself and your peace
Tumblr's trending again now that Twitter is Elon's now...hopefully more people can check out this blog & maybe it can be helpful to more folks!
Elections are tomorrow & my brain is like, "woah lady, one thing at a time :/". Feeling guilty about not feeling prepared for it...but I'mma go...
Need to stay prayed up, confident, and stop thinking about the worst case scenario & have bigger faith
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Goals After Today
Understand the main concepts I need to from Interview Cake, AlgoExpert, etc. in less 3 months
Drop my body fat percentage
Use social media/YouTube less
Improve my relationship with my family
Be more confident & faithful
Move more during my day
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yaraaimsakul · 4 years
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alt er love week: favourite frienship - isak & sana
“Who would’ve thought. The gay guy and the muslim: best buds.”
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hayden-christensen · 5 years
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got meme: 3/10 scenes ↳ robb stark is named king in the north (1x10. fire and blood)
Why should they rule over me and mine from some flowery seat in the South? What do they know of the Wall or the Wolfswood? Even their gods are wrong! Why shouldn't we rule ourselves again? lt was the dragons we bowed to and now the dragons are dead! There sits the only king l mean to bend my knee to - the King in the North!
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snackbunnii · 6 years
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~Think this was my first time drawing a bunny? Anyways, I’m just gonna throw this out here y’all. 
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finelinevogue · 3 years
I love your “little moments” series… I have a weak spot for dad!Harry💕 and I love the relationship between the family’s members 🤗 and I really hope u will continue to update it! And for this series I would like to request Harry doing the 73 questions interview for Vogue and his kids and wife make an appearance (u can choose if the kids are toddlers or teens) and they even answer some questions OR an Howard Stern interview where Harry is asked about his family,maybe the host makes like not so nice-low key shady comments on his wife and on Harry’s daughter coming out story. Ok I’ m done, so sorry ik it’s so long 😅 it’s just I love your series sooo muchhh 🥰🥰 ok I’m done love u have a good day 😘
i’d love to answer this one!! thank you so much for loving my little series💕this one’s for you and for the other request i got which i’m combing with this: “Harry is doing a interview on facetime when his kid crashes the interview.” so pls enjoy and yeah enjoy;
oli - 6, felix - 4, belle - 1
The day had finally arrived for Harry Styles to complete the 73 Questions with Vogue.
It had come to be the promo for ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ and his schedule was booked with interview after interview after interview, and it wasn’t ideal for this to all be happening months whilst also having to look after three meddling toddlers, one of whom had only recently turned 1 years old.
The house was chaos. Fun, but chaos. And it was also the setting of this interview.
“Alright you lot, this way.” You shoved your children along to your living room, giving Harry the space he needed with Joe Sabia - the interviewer.
“Thank you love, see you later.” He blew a kiss to you and returned his focus to Joe. This interview was the first of many and it was also a major marketing ploy. These types of interviews were so highly recommended for Harry to be involved in and Jeff had thought it was about time for him to do one.
Joe had arrived around 15 minutes ago, just to
run over the script and remind Harry of the pre-determined questions - which reminded him of the answers that you’d run through with him the night before. Now the cameras were set up, the mic people were all at stand-by and Joe was ready it was time to begin. The children had been so fascinated by all these new people, after not seeing anyone for months due to the coronavirus pandemic, which is why it took a lot of trouble to get them to shuffle away from their beloved dad.
A fake door knock arose.
“Harry Styles hello!”
“Hi!” Harry waved at the camera.
“I’m here to do the Vogue 73 Questions, shall we get to it?”
“Of course! Come in!” Harry welcomed Joe into the house and shut the door behind him, not trusting his little ones to not escape if they were running wild.
“Beautiful house! Is it your only one?”
“No, but it’s my only one in London.” Harry made a point of not exploiting how many houses he did have and where they were. In fact, you still didn’t know about the Island that he was currently investing in just for you. You were a huge conservation activist and so Harry thought you could spend your free time helping the fragile ecosystem on this island.
“Did you design it yourself?”
“Me and my wife built the plans, but we go the experts to finish it all off.”
“What’s your favourite room?”
“Um, probably the living room.”
“So many of my favourite memories have happened in there.”
“Could you give us some?”
Harry could give loads, but they were far too precious for him to just give away. The living room wasn’t even a massive room, it was quite quaint with a couple of sofas, a logwood fire and then rugs and paintings on the walls. It was a home within a home. It was where Felix had taken his first steps. It was where Oli had spoken his first words. It was where Belle had fallen over for the first time and given herself nasty carpet burn. It was where presents were opened at Christmas. It was where you and Harry had made love next to the fire. It was where Felix and Oli had had their first tiny argument. It was where you spent family nights. If your house was a map then that room marked X the spot.
It was treasure. Priceless.
“My favourite would probably be when my wife, Y/N, spilt red wine all over the new white carpet and then proceeded to throw white wine over the stain because she’d read somewhere that it helps to get rid of it.” Harry chuckled at the memory.
“Did it?”
“No, God no. The carpet’s grey now.”
Joe laughed, as did Harry.
“I have to say Harry, you’re looking very fashionable today who are you wearing?”
“Gucci.” He blushed, because he knew that everyone would’e known that without question. He was wearing a lilac silk shirt with his name embroidered on it - but really it was to symbolise your last name not his - with a white wife-beater shirt and white shorts. He looked rich.
“Shouldn’t have asked really? Is your wife as much a Gucci avid fan?”
“She hates anything expensive. I think she still wears the same jeans she was wearing at university!” He knew you’d hit him later for saying that.
“So she’s a hoarder?”
“God yeah. She keeps everything and anything.” Harry laughed in admiration.
“Has she always been?”
“Always. When we went on our first date, her bag was so full that she couldn’t find her purse and she was so embarrassed because she thought I would think she was taking advantage of who I was. Anyways I did end up paying that night, but she had actually, I don’t know how, sent me money for her portion of the bill. From that moment I knew it was going to be her.”
“Do you write songs about her?
“Every day.” He smiled at the thought of the one he’d written just this morning.
“Which one is your favourite about her?”
“I don’t know about favourite, but the one I hold closest to my heart is probably ‘Fine Line’.” Harry stopped there, not wanting to share the intimate details of why and Joe respected that.
“Do your children have a favourite song of yours?”
“They go crazy for Kiwi and Golden. Belle loves Treat People and Oli knows the dance to that one actually.”
“Did you choreograph the dance for TPWK?”
“Partially, but I had help from my friend Paul and Y/N helped too actually.”
Harry and Joe had now made it through the house, weaving in and out of rooms, until they had made it to the Garden. Unfortunately, you’d forgotten to shut the bifold doors to the living room and so as soon as Harry came into focus for your children they immediately ran for him. Oli and Felix could run quite well, but Belle was a lot slower. She was only learning how to walk and so she fell a lot, unless she was being supported by you or Harry. Oli reached his dad first and then Felix, to which Harry knelt down to embrace them in ‘super-dad’ hugs as he liked to call them.
“And who do we have here?” Joe asked.
“Trouble.” Harry replied in jest, but whispered something into his boys ears before backing away.
“Hello i’m Oli.” Oli waved proudly to the camera.
“Hi i’m Fix.” Feliz shied into his dads neck, embarrassed of himself. Harry kissed the back of his head and kept a hold oh him around his back for comfort.
“Fix?” Joe asked at the peculiar name.
“It’s Felix, but he can’t pronounce his own name for some reason so we just call him Fix now. Or Flix. Don’t we buddy?”
“Oh my! I’m so sorry about this!” You ran out in panic, knowing your one job was to keep the kids entertained and away from their dad. At least that was the original plan, but both Harry and Joe like this idea so much more. You were blushing red in embarrassment, picking up a fallen over Belle on your way over to everyone else. “So sorry.”
Belle became restless in your arms, reaching forward for her dad. She whined when she couldn’t quite reach and Harry immediately stood up to take his winging daughter from your arms. As he did, he leant into you and whispered in your ear whilst leaving it a warm kiss behind.
“You’re okay love. Don’t be sorry.”
“Hello Y/N!” Joe spoke.
“Hiya! How are you?”
“I’m great, and you?”
“Peachy.” You laughed, leaning down to collect Felix who was making grabby hands at you. Oli was quite happy standing next to both his parents, one of Harrys hands running through his tiny locks of hair.
“So now we have the family together, how do you feel to all be together?”
You looked to Harry smiled to find him smiling back already at you, knowing you both had a very similar answer. “It feels right. It feels like home.” You answered and Harry nodded in agreement, giving Belle a gentle rock in his arms.
“Are you okay with showing your children’s faces publicly?”
“No we’re not.”
“Looks like we have a hell of a lot of editing to do back at HQ.” Joe laughed, but completely understood the reasoning behind yours two decision. If needed, you could re-film scenes of this interview so that it didn’t include your children. Joe had done his best to keep the camera on you and Harry and luckily the children kept their faces buried in their parents necks anyways. “Is that going to be forever?”
“When they are old enough to decide whether they want to be in the spotlight then we’ll see.” Harry smiled, holding onto Belle tighter because all he wanted to do was keep her protected, and his, forever.
“You two seem like very good parents.” Joe spoke sincerely, and it made you swallow down a sob because it was always really lovely to hear such compliments - knowing you’d struggled with postnatal depression.
“Thank you Joe.” Harry nodded respectfully.
“Okay let’s carry on?”
The interview carried on until Harry had answered so many questions. He redid bits, due the children being too involved and he re-filmed answers to questions he found difficult to answer the first time around. He had such a great experience and was happy with the way that the day turned out.
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smilesrobotlover · 2 years
The Great Fairy
Hey guys! I found this piece in my docs and it was actually pretty good! So I redid some things and decided to share it (this was the first fic I attempted at writing when I first joined the fandom sooo... ye!) 
Warning for cold and rock fall. (Sky, Warriors, and Hyrule are the main focus)
The sky was, as they say, heaven. The weather was never changing, not too hot, not too cold, the cool breezes that blew through the islands made riding on loftwings all the better as they used the wind to do tricks and to challenge themselves. It was always peaceful, and everyone was carefree up there. Not a worry in the world.
The surface was different.
Sky remembers when he arrived at the surface for the first time. He was shocked at the open space at the sealed grounds. So much ground without any cliffs! The Faron woods, covered in trees where you could barely see the sky, Death Mountain so hot that it was difficult to breathe, and Lanayru Desert so dry that he felt like he would fall apart. The surface introduced Sky to so many different things that he believed he experienced all that the surface had to offer.
Boy was he wrong.
He and the other heroes were scaling up a snowy mountain, hunting a group of monsters terrorizing a village. At first, he didn’t mind it. He was used to the thin air, the snow was fun to mess around in and it felt amazing. Until they got higher to the point where they were in a blizzard. The boys were pressing through, teeth chattering, toes numbing, and noses running. Wild was taking the lead, for he was the most prepared for this blizzard in his outfit. Meanwhile Sky was in the back, suffering the most. Some of the boys have experienced freezing cold places like this, but Sky hadn’t. He was so numb, so cold he felt like he couldn’t move anymore. He wavered in the storm, focusing solely on taking another step without falling. Hyrule took notice and stayed behind to make sure the chosen hero didn’t fall behind without anyone noticing. 
They were trekking for what seemed like days. Looking for the monsters, but not finding anything except for more snow. 
Sky hugged his sailcloth closer, a vain attempt to warm up. He was so focused on the cold that he barely noticed Hyrule suddenly wandering off away from the group. Sky stared at him confused. What was he doing? He knew that Hyrule enjoyed exploring the world and would often get himself into situations where the chain had to save him. Like getting lost. Sky sighed and followed him, making sure that he didn’t do anything stupid. Hyrule wandered over to a cave, standing out at the entrance, looking for something. Sky stood next to him.
“W-w-what are y-you doing?” Sky asked the traveler. 
Hyrule looked over at him and shrugged.
“I thought I s-saw something.”
“Wh-what did you s-see?” Sky asked, praying that it was the monsters so they could get off this mountain.
Hyrule hesitated, his brows furrowed. “A light…”
They stood there staring at the dark cave. Sky didn’t see any light. 
“D-do you th-think that it was the m-m-monsters?” Sky asked.
Hyrule shrugged again. “I-I don’t know… it was a b-blue light.”
They both stood there some more, shivering in the icy blizzard. 
“Hey! You two!”
Sky looked over to the captain, who was shouting at them.
“Don’t fall behind!” He warned them.
Sky nodded and looked to Hyrule, who continued to stare ahead at the cave.
“C’mon… l-let’s go.”
Before Hyrule responded, Sky suddenly heard shouting. He looked over to see Warriors sprinting towards them, though didn’t register in his tired mind that something was wrong. He heard a gasp and Hyrule jumped into the cave. Sky looked up and saw rocks crashing down from the top, threatening to crush him. Just before they did so, Warriors pushed him out of the way, and they were all trapped within the cave.
Sky opened his eyes and sat up, reminded of the cold. He groaned and looked around. It was pitch black. Sky swallowed, not saying anything, trying to remember what happened.
“Sky? Sky!” He heard the traveling hero call. “Sky are you ok?”
“Y-y-eah… I’m f-fine…”
He felt his cold hand touch his arm as Hyrule sat next to him.
“I need my lantern… I c-can’t see anything,” Hyrule muttered, noises coming from him as he searched for it. Finally, light came from the lantern, warmth emitting from it. It wasn’t a lot, but it was something. Sky put his hands to the lantern and continued to shake. The cave almost felt colder. He hated the cold. 
“Oh no…” 
Sky looked up at Hyrule confused. He was staring at something. Sky followed his line of sight and gasped. Warriors was buried underneath the rocks, unconscious. They both immediately rushed over to him, Hyrule shaking him gently.
“C-captain? Captain, wake up!”
Warriors was not making any movements. Hyrule kept shaking him but nothing happened. Sky knew that they couldn’t keep him under the rocks. They needed to get him out. He put his hand on Hyrule’s shoulder so he would look at him.
“We need to get th-these rocks off of him.”
Hyrule nodded, the fear for his friend melting away, turning to determination. Despite their freezing bodies, they quickly began getting the rocks off of Warriors. After a minute of struggling, they successfully pulled the captain away from the rubble. They laid him down and observed him. His head was bleeding, his ribs seemed broken, and his breathing was slow and uneven.
Sky and Hyrule sat there, not knowing what to say or what to do. They were both freezing, they could barely see, and one of their friends was unconscious. Sky felt horrible. Why didn’t he just jump out of the way? Was it the cold freezing him in place, slowing down his reaction time? It didn’t matter. This was his fault. He should’ve done something, now Warriors was wounded.
“I’m sorry.”
Sky looked up shocked, Hyrule was staring hard at the captain, his brows furrowed.
“Wh-why are you s-sorry?” Sky asked. He didn’t do anything wrong. He actually got out of the way on his own!
“This is all my f-fault,” He continued, “I went to explore this cave… I brought us both here… I’m sorry.”
Sky stared at him, then gave him a warm smile, despite the cold. 
“H-hey now, no point in blaming ourselves,” He said encouragingly, even though he was doing that exact thing earlier, “Let’s just focus on getting out of here.”
Hyrule nodded and grabbed his lantern. He wandered over to the entrance while Sky watched over Warriors with the little light he had. Hyrule poked at some of the rocks and sighed. 
“How are we going to get out of here?” Hyrule muttered, “I could use bombs, but with the captain injured - and the risk of this cave falling on top of us- I don’t know if it’s a good idea.”
Sky stared at him. He was so tired, so cold, so worried over the captain, he didn’t know what to do. 
This was why he hated caves. There was always the risk of being trapped, the risk of being crushed, and the risk of suffocating. He hated it. He hated having to sit around waiting to be rescued (though he wondered if the others even noticed their disappearance), he hated not being able to see anything. And by the goddesses, he hated being cold! He was slow to anger, but he’s lost his patience with this place! He just wanted to find those stupid monsters and leave! 
The two that were awake froze when they heard a noise from within the cave. Hyrule rushed over to Sky and Warriors, the two protectively in front of the captain. They stared at the dark end of the cave, their hearts pounding against their chests, their hands hovering over their swords. 
“S-Sky?” Hyrule whispered. 
“How are we going to defend the captain while we, ourselves, are weak?”
Sky looked over at him. The two of them could probably handle a group of monsters on their own, but then again, These monsters were empowered by the shadow, they were harder to kill now. Not to mention that these two were freezing cold and exhausted. On top of that, they needed to protect Warriors. 
If monsters came to them while they were like this, they would capture them, or kill them. They needed to get out of here. 
Suddenly, a blue light appeared. Sky drew his sword and shakily stood up, keeping him between Warriors and the mysterious blue light. However, Hyrule didn’t do anything. He stared at the light for some time while Sky stared it down.
“What are you doing?” Sky hissed at him, “We need to be prepared for anything!”
Hyrule stood up and rested his hand on Sky’s sword, lowering it. 
“It’s ok, we’re not in danger.”
“How do you know?”
“Look closer.”
Sky squinted at the light, a figure forming. It was a woman, though she seemed big, and not normal looking. The light got brighter before dying down, yet it was bright enough to show the entire cave. It was a lot smaller than Sky thought. He felt himself shrink up, he hated tight spaces. The woman had wings and hovered above a pool of bright, blue water. She had light, flowy hair that reached her shoulders, reminding Sky a little bit of Fi. She had delicate features, her face covered in colorful markings. She wore a long dress that went down to her ankles, and her bright, blue eyes were wide as she stared at the heroes, figuring them out. Sky leaned over to Hyrule.
“Wh-who is that?” He whispered, mesmerized by her beauty.
“I think… I think that’s a great fairy!” Hyrule whispered back. 
Sky’s jaw dropped open. He’s never seen a great fairy before, he only ever saw regular fairies. He’s heard the others talk about them, from challenging them with different battles, upgrading their items, to healing them up. He didn’t think they’d be so beautiful. Is this what regular fairies look like underneath that bright glow they emitted?
When the fairy recognized who these boys were, she gave them a warm smile.
“Welcome,” She simply said, her voice sounding like a soft lullaby. Sky smiled back at her.
“H-hi.” He responded. 
“You’ve both come a long way to make it here,” She said. The two looked at each other and sighed.
“You’re injured too.”
They looked up at her. Though they were in pain, they weren’t really injured. They were just cold. They both looked over at Warriors, who still made no movement. He was the one who was injured.
“I guess you could say that,” Hyrule responded with a chuckle.
The great fairy let out a laugh, lowering to the ground and walking towards them. She looked down at them with a smile, then moved past them to Warriors. She kneeled down, resting her elegant hand on his cold face, staring at him with a stone expression. She finally stood up and walked over to her pool of water.
“Bring him here,” she commanded. Sky and Hyrule did not hesitate to grab Warriors and drag him over to her. 
“A-are you g-gonna h-h-heal him?” Sky stammered as he was shaking uncontrollably from the cold.
“Do you want me to?” She asked, a hint of playfulness in her voice.
Sky didn’t say anything, his voice caught in his throat. What in Hyrule’s name did she mean by that? He was too tired for this. 
The fairy laughed again and knelt down, giving Warrior a peck on the forehead. Magic began swirling around him, and the fairy began to fade.
“Your friends wait for you, don’t linger any longer.” And as soon as she appeared, she was gone. 
Hyrule let out a sigh and went to warriors while Sky stared ahead in the dark dumbfounded. So great fairies were real? He really did see one! She was kind of strange, but it was still cool! He couldn’t wait to tell Zelda and Groose about this. His thoughts were interrupted when Warriors began stirring. The bump on his head was gone, and his breathing began to even out. His eyes fluttered open and he looked around at the dimly lit cave.
“Hey,” Hyrule said softly and the captain began sitting up.
“W-wha…” The captain looked around, confused. “What the heck happened?”
“Well, we’re trapped in a cave,” Hyrule said matter-of-factly.
Warriors stared at him, “Trapped in a cave?” He repeated. He looked over at Sky, then at the dark wall of rocks that almost killed him. “Oh Nayru,” He grumbled.
He stood up and the other two followed him, making sure that his stumbling didn’t lead to him falling. “How are we gonna get out of here? Do the others know?”
They both shrugged, they didn’t hear any noises coming from the other side, just the harsh winds. 
They all started shouting in the cave, listening intently for any voices. It took a while, but they heard Twilight’s voice behind the pile of rocks. At least the others noticed their disappearance.
“You three ok in there?” The rancher called out to them.
“We’re fine!” Hyrule yelled back, the only one strong enough to do so. He turned to look at the captain and Sky. Warriors was rubbing his head, very tired, but he looked fine, Sky probably looked terrible to Hyrule though, he was hunched over shivering something awful. He could barely even think straight. Hyrule turned back. “Please hurry though!”
They heard the rest of the chain work at the rocks while Warriors put his arm around Sky, trying to warm him up. Sky normally would’ve brushed this off but he kept feeling his consciousness slipping away. He shook his head, he needed to stay awake.
After an hour, the group finally broke through the wall of rocks, and the three were rescued from the cave. As Sky slowly exited, he was met with the harsh winds that blew against him. He groaned. At least in the caves they weren’t being blown around!
Time brought everyone back together, getting them prepared once again for the journey ahead. Warriors and Hyrule stayed back with Sky.
“Are you good to keep going?” The captain asked.
Sky groaned, “I’ll b-b-be f-fine… I j-just wanna t-take out these monsters…” He was barely able to mutter.
They hesitantly nodded, and followed the rest of the chain. Sky huffed and followed. He honestly did not know if he could keep this up any longer. It was so cold, and he was so tired. He just hoped that they could find those pesky monsters soon. 
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kiomiia · 2 years
I hate colouring this is the best you're getting out of me lmao
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I redid it's faces like sooo many times *head in hands* how do I actually struggle with faces more than hands
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angellbarnes · 3 years
Forgotten Love - part one: a familiar face?
series summary: You’re new to the Avengers. In joining the team, there’s a lot that no one yet knows about you. And there’s some unusual tension between you and a certain brunet. Under a pseudonym and with completely fresh start, and background, you hope for a chance at a new life. A better life. But how long will it last before someone figures out the life you’ve hidden away?
chapter summary: It’s early days as the newest recruit. But that doesn’t mean it’ll come easy.
pairing: Bucky Barnes x f!reader 
words: 1k
warnings: nope. none.
A/N: Oh my goddd I’ve been gone for so long😬 I suddenly took a long Tumblr break because I had a lot on my plate and recently I’ve been on and off it a little more. But I’m back now (🤞🏼) and hopefully will be writing a lot more. And to me that also means a change of scenery sooo I redid my theme and I kinda love. Anyway this is part one of a new series I’m calling ‘Forgotten Love’. Please like, reblog and comment and let me know what you think!
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Out of breath, you push past your tiredness as you throw punches into the bag, which is now taking as much of a hit as your mind has in the past 24 hours. A day. You’ve been an Avenger for a day and could never have anticipated how it was going to go.
With all your attention going into your punches, you hardly notice Bucky entering the gym.
“Never usually anyone in here this early.” His deep, calm voice somehow startles you from where you are lost deep in your thoughts. You abruptly stop and hold the bag still, turning to where he was setting himself up at the pull-up bar.
“Didn’t think anyone would show up.” You reply, now conscious about carrying on.
“Well, don’t let me stop you. Looks like you were putting that bag through hell.” Despite what you think was an attempt at a joke, his face remains still, and he begins his workout.
You get back into your fighting stance, bringing your hands up and evening out your breaths. Without looking back, you start to feel like there are eyes on you. Not just from him. From everywhere. Trying to concentrate on what’s in front of you, you take a deep but slightly shaken breath. Then without a second thought, your body leading your mind, you grab your water bottle and are out of the room within five seconds.
“This is the new recruit you were informed about. I trust you will all make her feel welcome.” Fury said. “I think she’ll be a real asset to this team.”
“Tony Stark. Pleasure.” The famous Iron Man held out his hand, a friendly grin across his face.
“Emily Quinn.” You shook his hand and smiled back, feeling slightly uneasy from the abnormal kindness.
“So, what do you do?” He asked, leaning back against the table with his arms crossed.
“What do I do?” You questioned.
“Yeah, what’s your thing?”
“My thing?”
“He means your power, your ability, whatever you have that you’ll bring to the team.” A red head had chimed in.
“Oh, my thing.” You breathed out a laugh. “I, uh, I have this sort of... sixth sense, if you will. Basically I could fight any one of you with my eyes closed if it came to it.”
“Oh, wow.” Tony said. “I bet you wouldn’t be too bad out on the field then.”
“Yeah, well, I’m pretty strong, too. And fast.” Tony opened his mouth to speak again but was interrupted.
“Enough chit chat Tony. I’d quite like to meet her now, if you’ll let me. I’m Natasha Romanoff.”
You greeted everyone else in the room, until one remained.
“James Barnes. Call me Bucky, though.” The soldier held out his right hand. Suddenly you were speechless, barely able to take his hand. You looked into his eyes and felt a slight sickness in your stomach, having feared this outcome.
“Well, now that Quinn has met everyone, let’s get back to business.” Tony continued.
Still in your head, you wondered what must have happened after you left that day.
“I’ll leave you kids to it, then.” Fury’s voice was but an echo within your mind, with so many thoughts whirling through it. But there was just one thought that made your heart involuntarily fall:
He didn't remember you.
He doesn’t remember you.
Your hands grip onto the edge of the bed where you are now sat.
“Just stop.” You mutter to yourself. “Shut up.” And, forcing your thoughts away from Bucky, you get up and take a long, hot shower.
The next few days carry on the same: training and learning and working on many things around the compound. It felt a bit like a video game. You walk from room to room, person to person, doing and talking about different things. For example, you and Tony were working on a suit for when you start heading out on missions. You and Nat and or Steve are usually sparring together. And Bruce helps with basically anything that’s mentioned around the compound that you don’t understand.
It’s now Friday afternoon and you’ve finished another session with Nat.
“Good job today. You’re doing really well, considering you were already pretty good with your sixth sense stuff. You know, you could at least pretend like you can’t already tell what’s coming when I go to hit you.” She smirks at you.
Her smirk. Something you’ve come to know and love.
“I could.” You take a sip from your water.
“So where did you learn your fighting techniques anyway?” Her question makes you almost choke on your water.
“Oh, you know, here and there, different places.” You reply timidly.
“Huh, specific.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you notice Steve and Bucky on the other side of the gym. Steve is at the punching bag and Bucky is lifting undoubtedly heavy weights.
“What happened to him?” You ask softly, half thinking you were just saying in your head.
“To Bucky. What happened?”
“Well, to begin with, he’s like over a hundred years old.” You raise your eyebrows in shock at the statement. “Yeah, I know. He was supposedly killed during the second World War, but what actually happened was HYDRA captured him.”
‘HYDRA…” You speak your thoughts out loud for a moment. “What happened when HYDRA got to him?”
“He was tested on. Tortured. Their own little experiment, which wasn’t so little. They gave him the name ‘The Winter Soldier’. He was HYDRA’s assassin, brainwashed into taking orders from them. No conscious choice.” Your skin crawls at Natasha’s words.
“Oh, wow…” You can hardly finish a sentence.
“Yeah, there’s a lot of shit the people on this team have been through that you don’t know about yet.” She mentions, and you take a breath.
“Yeah, I can imagine.” Your gaze falls onto Bucky once more. This time he looks up and locks his eyes onto yours. You feel a slight rise in your heartbeat and so you turn and start heading out with Natasha.
What you don’t know, however, is that Bucky keeps staring, intently, until you’re out of sight.
His eyebrows furrow.
“What’s the matter, Buck?” Steve notices his expression.
“It’s just- do I know that girl? Something seems so familiar about her.”
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ickymichi · 4 years
warnings: alcohol, just eren being soft <//33, modern
note: redid these cause they’re cringe. but yeah lol reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
©hotboyissei 2020
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• he lets you play with his hair obviously!! anything you want to do, he’ll let you! braid it, buns, pigtails, anything! he finds it so relaxing and loves how concentrated you look when doing it.
•when your sad, if you don’t straight out tell him, he won’t notice at first but he doesn’t mean it! but he will eventually. he’ll try to get you to talk about it cause he thinks talking about it makes it better, then he’ll cuddle up to you for as long as he can. you want to go to sleep? that’s fine he’s the perfect pillow, you want to watch funny videos or your favourite show? he’s already getting the laptop!, you want to just sit in silence? he’s not the best but he’ll do it for you.
(a lickle nsfw not really but hey)
• this man is an ass, and tit man!! he doesn’t care if your thick with two c’s, got a little bun back there, if you have absolute bazongas or if you got nothing at all or in between! he loves you for you and your personality.<3
•i may be wrong but to me eren looks like the kind of guy that listens to many different types of music genres. like his playlist is so random, you got some artic monkeys, oasis, j. cole, eminem, megan thee stallion. literally he’ll listen to anything that makes him feel good! but he isn’t a fan of too much upbeat and fast ravey type music.
• this man will compare hand sizes constantly!! i can only imagine how pretty his hands are djsbdjdnnd.
• he literally has such a good fashion sense try prove me wrong.
• if you want to do a tiktok with him you’ll literally have to explain 12 times over and do 16 takes cause he has no idea what’s going on. his tiktok is kind of random but theres videos on there will have him running laps wheezing with tears rolling down his face💀.
• he will show you off on social media!!! not over the top, but he has a few posts of just you, some cute one of you and him and he has a whole highlights story dedicated to you named ‘(y/n) <3’.
• if you guys want a pet together he’d want a big dog like a german shepherd just cause he doesn’t want jean and connie slandering him for bringing a yorkshire terrier on a walk with it’s sparkling pink lead.
• speaking of jean and connie and the rest of the guys. i see them having a ‘boys night’ every friday or saturday. if you stay home when they’re there, the others will tell you join them but get interrupted by eren yelling no, he thinks they’d just ‘steal you from him’ or try chat you up.
• he’s either such a heavyweight or a complete lightweight when it comes to drinking. like you could be out on the weekend and your only out for and hour and a half and he’s already slurring his words and stumbling.
•imagine taking care of drunk eren. andjsbdjsbsnsnndnw of would be the cutest thing everrrr. trying to strip him of his clothes. so he can finally get into bed but he grabs your wrist before you can finish unbuttoning his shirt. “woah! hey hey stop right there! i’ll let you know ive a got myself a girlfriend so hands off missy” you look at him dumbfounded and try to convince it’s you, your his girlfriend, but he keeps huffing and falls into the mattress. you try to pull him up only to hear loud snors already falling from his open mouth.
•yes this man snores. and your convinced he sleeps right next to your ear just to annoy you.
• he also is sooo bad at waking up in the morning like a tornado could be outside and he’ll ask for 5 more minutes.
• he surprisingly likes cleaning and is really good at it. like every sunday you both deep clean your house and sing along to the music
• definitely doesn’t like going out EVERY weekend but likes going at least 3-4 times a month. so every saturday you don’t go out, you both order food in and after you have a few drinks( only if u drink obvs) and just cuddle on the couch together and watch either your favourite show or a movie that’s on.
• he likes to be the big spoon cause, i mean it’s eren cmon. he just likes holding you and keeping you safe and warm in his arms.
•omggg holidays to a hot contry. sidnjend imagine going during the summer and just chilling for a week with him by the pool or the beach, exploring during the day then seeing the nightlife later.
•overall this man adores you and everything you do. 100000/10 boyfie and husband material.
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citree · 4 years
I finished the golden deer fe3h route and i have. so many feelings. huge rambling mess under the cut lol
First off, I kinda messed everyone's endgame pairings because i was support grinding, so everyone basically loved each other which was fine but the amount of reknown needed by the wayseer to bind characters fates together is like, insane?? 10,000 reknown for one pairing?? in the end i had barely enough for one, and it went to lysynthia because she deserves to live an actual life... I like her with cyril, and they were paired in my blue lions run, but I HAd to make sure she got a long life this time. I just had to
in the end i had lysynthia/lindhardt, manuela/hanneman, Raphiel/ignatz, Lorenz/mercedes, catherine/shamir, dorothea/felix, and ferdinand/hilda... among others. a surprising amount of characters ended up being on their own, even after all the grinding it did. But I mostly just wanted to get pairings i hadn't before-- I did most of the big popular ones in my first run (and then redid manulea/hanneman &catherine/shamir a second time because i screwed it up last time) but one of the things that stuck out to me was how some of the fanon pairings were sooo much better than the canon ones. for example, Hilda/Marianne? I LOVE them together in fanon, but the supports in the game kinda left things to be desired, and it kinda sucked how often hilda said how useless Marianne was without her :/ like i get what they were going for, but i felt so bad!! If it were up to me i would've had hilda compliment her way more-- something she's reportedly good at-- instead of laughing and teasing her. Like sure it was cute, but still. Maybe that's why fanon's totally changed up their dynamic... aesthetically, they're like a 10/10, fanon-wise, 12/10, but i felt like their actual supports were like... a 6. i had high expectations and it left me a bit disappointed. im still probably going to draw them together tho Since getting the game i still think the golden deer route is best overall, answering questions and tying things up and whatnot. Claude's probably the most capable and charismatic lord and he really grows into his role over the timeskip, which I really enjoyed seeing. his relationship with byleth is solid, but I wasn't obsessed the romance like i was with dimitri... (Claude actually asks how byleth is doing after the timeskip and acting like Person though, so I have to give him that.) platonically they're 10/10. super good best friends to lovers vibe, very wholesome and healthy. with dimitri's romance, it felt a bit unbalanced and that byleth was the center of his whole world-- which is fine, but i really enjoyed how Claude still had things to do outside of just being byleth's partner. It felt a lot more real. I still feel like I enjoy the fanon shipping more, but maybe I've just been spoiled by a lot of great writing and art... regarding Edelgard, It HURT me to finish her off, like, way WAY more than it did in my blue lions route. In azure moon she's gone to such lengths its harder to sympathize with her, but in verdant wind when she says "I wanted to walk with you--" before being cut off... man. owch. i look forward to playing her route, but i disagree so much with her methods, i know it's gunna be rough. Double owch for how Dimitri is handled in this route too. He's like completely written off after appearing in one single battle. And seeing Dedue and Dimitri separated is just. so sad. Honestly its not a fresh take but the kingdom and alliance should've joined forces-- I know the writers didn't want that to happen, they wanted 3 separate routes with 3 separate forces, but in both azure moon and verdant wind, it just make so much more sense?? tactically?? A better writing decision to make at least would've been to have Dimitri have more of a presence so he actually feels like a part of the game, rather than a one-off extra boss thrown in for nostalgia's sake. Edelgard takes up so much of the spotlight (and i do love her for it) but it is called 3 houses for a reason...
I know in the end I'm just gunna be daydreaming about an AU where nothing hurts and everything is fine, but oof. if I could've dug my little writer's hands into the story I know I would've changed a couple things. I'm sure i'll feel even more strongly once i play silver snow, but that'll be a while still. For now, i guess it's back to support grinding in CF🤔
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