#i remember thinking the ideas and the atmosphere were SO FUCKING COOL
oh goddamn ive never met a fellow magisterium enjoyer before 🤝🤝🤝
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Magisterium is one of my favorite trilogies!! (if I don't acknowledge The Silver Mask or The Golden Tower I can pretend that they don't exist)
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queers-gambit · 9 months
Dornish Wine, Weddings, and Bruised Knuckles
prompt: your best friend's getting married and you've got a thing for her brother. during the bachelorette party, you learn maybe your affection wasn't so one-sided after all.
pairing: Modern Aemond Targaryen x female!reader also Helaena Targaryen x Cregan Stark
fandom masterlist: House of the Dragon
word count: 11.1k+
warnings: modern AU, cursing, male-centric aggression, mild violence, (more) against-a-wall smut, author uses writing as therapy so theres way too many details, implied character-age-up (they're all legal to drink), barely edited so be nice, author probably missed some warnings!
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Dorne wasn't just the Seventh Kingdom that withheld against conquest the longest, but now extremely notorious for their epic party scene, luxury resorts, sex-positive atmosphere, and overall debauchery. Dorne was lively, Dorne was hip, Dorne was ever-changing and always current. Dorne set trends, created challenge, and showcased their always-evolving lifestyle. Dorne was bright, colorful, tropical, and forever warm to the bone; being the ideal hot-spot for those who had money to spend.
Dorne was where everything happened.
Dorne was the place to be.
Dorne was exactly the thing you needed after finishing an over-worked, grueling finals season at your university.
When you and your best friend met for coffee nearly a full year ago to tell you she and her fiancé were thinking of a destination wedding in Dorne, you felt your excitement spike to never-before-reached heights. You would've been ashamed at how fast you jumped at the chance to travel, but you didn't have the time! You've never been to Dorne, hardly anywhere really, but going to university in the country's capital meant you interacted with a lot of international peers. Many who told you endless stories about their drunken foolishness in the Seventh Kingdom, driving up your interest and want to visit.
And now the time had finally come.
"My family's already there," Helaena told you softly; both sitting in the exclusive first class cabin after boarding the aircraft, "so we'll have transport when we land, so we just have to worry about our luggage."
You nodded at her, "Sounds good."
She offered you a look, laughing, "Just say it - I know you want to."
You glanced up and down the aisle of the plane before quickly squealing and jogging in place, "This is so fucking cool!" Helaena laughed as you calmed down, telling her, "I feel so fucking fancy right now, you have no idea! I can't believe your dad's doing all this!"
You and Helaena were traveling together because you, one, you were her bridesmaid, and two, you had a similar final exam schedule; both pursuing advanced degrees that kept you wildly busy. So her family went ahead to the resort to make sure everything was as it needed to be, and now that you were both done with exams, you were heading for Dorne to kick off 10 full days of wedding shenanigans.
When you calmed down, Helaena asked with a small smirk, "You gonna be okay?" You held up a pill bottle with an eye roll, giving it a shake; emitting a rattle. "Oh, no... No, no, no, no, no, don't take an Ambien. You're gonna be so delierious when we get there!"
"I either drug myself now or you clean anxious puke off your lap later..."
She handed you her water bottle.
The entire craft was in the air within minutes; being able to recline your seat since you were flying fancy, covering up with the blankets the pretty flight attendant offered. With earbuds in, you let Helaena lift the arm rest to lean her head on your shoulder in a snuggle, shutting your eyes, and that was honestly that.
Sure, when you woke, you were groggy and a little confused, but when you remembered where you were, all sleepiness evaporated into vibrating-excitement. You were allowed to disembark first, grab your luggage, and instantly located the sleek, tinted SUV that Helaena's father had sent for you.
Long gone were any Ambien side effects, your heart elated by the sights of Dorne you drove past. Oh, it was all so beautiful. So new. So stunningly busy. "Here!" Helaena beamed, holding her phone up and making you both pose for couple of sillier selfies before smiling sweetly for the camera for another few saved photos.
"Look, look!" You gasped, pointing to the street vendors. "That man actually has a snake on a leash! Holy shit!"
"Pretty normal here, Miss," the driver spoke stoically.
Helaena laughed, "This is so cool! Look, look at those!"
"Oh, we'll have to come back," you grinned, looking at the array of handmade purses and bags another vendor was selling. The rest of the ride was very similar, just the two of you gasping and grinning and pointing out everything you found interesting or alluring.
Upon arrival to the Sun Spear Spa and Resort (and Casino), you were blown away by the immaculate detail and decor. It was open, breathable, modern, and vast. There were three pools, direct and private beach access, six different restaurants, guided tours, several different bars planted in every corner of the resort. The walls were high, and inside, it was like stepping into a whole new world; lush green plants spewing everywhere; glass ceilings that let in all the light; marble flooring and a light perfume in the air.
"Hi," you beamed at the concierge. "We're checking in for the Stark-Targaryen wedding."
"Hi, welcome, welcome to Sun Spear! May I have your names?" The man asked in an upbeat tone, typing when you told him. He smiled and revealed, "The rest of your party has already arrived, but I have here your key cards." He handed Helaena a tiny envelope with her set of keys before offering you the same. After consulting the room numbers, you thanked the man with the name tag 'Robb' before rushing for the elevators.
"Can you believe it!?" Helaena squealed.
"Barely," you laughed, pouting dramatically. "Awh! Feels like yesterday I was introducing you and Cregan. Now we're checked into the resort you're getting married at, and it honestly doesn't feel real yet."
"Maybe it'll sink in later," she mused, moving to enter the elevator when the doors opened - but stuttered in step. "BROTHER!"
You gasped when Helaena surged past you to launch into someone's arms and knock them both half a step back onto the elevator. After a stunned moment, you recognized the long white hair adorned with a leather strap and felt your stomach plummet. You know how people say 'butterflies in my tummy' when talking about the person they like? Yeah, no, the sentiment is understood and appreciated but it's not entirely accurate. It was more like an anxious stomach-sinking feeling; churning, nauseating almost.
You smiled politely when Helaena let go and Aemond glanced up at you. He spoke your name cooly, blinking twice before seemingly remembering where he was. "Here," he offered, reaching out of the elevators to grab your suitcases.
"Thanks," you tried to laugh lightly, luggage all loaded into the death machine.
"'S good to see you," he directed at you, Helaena leaning into his side. "You look nice."
You waved him off, "Oh, you're so sweet, but you're obviously lying. I'm in my airport clothes, just spent, like, 8 hours on a plane, and I know I look as tired as I feel."
"Still," he eased softly, "beauty doesn't know tired." You didn't get to answer his compliment because when you got to Helaena's floor, the doors opened to reveal a grinning Cregan - it being obvious she had texted him and he came to greet her.
"They're so fucking cute," you whispered.
"A little too cute," Aemond answered at the same level; you both sharing a smirk.
After brief greetings to Cregan and parting words to the couple with promises to text everyone later with plans, you and Aemond continued on your way to your floor in the elevator. "You don't have to walk me to my room, you know," you told him softly.
"I know, but what kinda guy passes on the opportunity to aid a pretty lady?"
"Oh, that was smooth," you teased, snorting in amusement. "I'll give you that one."
"C'mon," he eased, the doors opening again and the pair of you striding out. "I'm actually in the room next to you, looks like," he glanced at his own door as you used your key card.
"Good, I'll have someone to help do my hair," you teased, letting him pass because he held everything and you, only your purse. Hey, he offered!
Aemond chuckled, setting your belongings down and dismissing himself, "I'll let you get settled and see you later, yeah?"
"Yeah, I just want to wash the travel off me. Wanna meet in the lobby before dinner tonight?"
"Why don't I just pick you up and we go down to dinner together?"
"Woah, but it's such a long walk for you. I don't want you going out of your way," you snickered, watching his lips twitch in a grin.
"I'll see you tonight, sweetheart."
When Aemond slipped out of your room, you giggled to yourself. You just couldn't help it; hands clasping together in glee and merriment over the banter you exchanged; feeling so very girly, and while so silly, it was a welcomed feeling. And did he ask you out? No, not really, but you couldn't help but romanticize his offer to pick you up before the family dinner that evening.
You ripped open your suitcase and the chaos began; being the only person in your room meaning throwing around what you wanted wherever you wanted without disturbing others. You brought way too many clothes but you were glad you did - needing options for the different events.
You picked an outfit, scurried into the bathroom, gawked at the interior for a long moment (it was a huge bathroom for a single room), and then got the shower turned on to heat up. In the meantime, you laid out your toiletries and products and tools, then stepping into the hot shower and literally moaning from relief.
"Ohhhhh yeaaaah, baby, that's it!" You groaned through a laugh. "Is this what water pressure is? Shit, this is nice. Gods bless it," you turned so the stream was on your chest, humming again. "I can't go home ever again, can I? Nope, probably not. This kind of water pressure would literally injure a child in King's Landing, they'd never allow this kind of luxury."
You tweaked the knob, upping the temperature, and sighing when the steam swirled around you; moaning again. You were unaware that Aemond had double-backed, pausing at your door when he heard you and swallowing harshly. He glanced down and glared at the tent pitching in the front of his jeans, but then you moaned again and his single eye fluttered shut. He retreated to his room before he spent his load right then and there.
You've never done this before, but that shower was so mesmerizing, you were in there for 56 straight minutes - with zero regrets. And now, you had the distinct pleasure to prepare for dinner with your best friend's family; including her brother, who you were deeply attached to; wildly attracted to; and wanted to impress by looking more than good tonight.
You wanted to look delectable. You wanted to look stunning. You wanted to be looked at as if a five-course meal.
With that in mind, you stepped out of the shower and got to work.
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Three definitive knocks announced his arrival, and honestly, you could've cried from anxiety. You figured you couldn't wait much longer after doing a fourth once-over in the mirror, couldn't look any better if you tried, and proceeded to yank the door open. "Hey," you chirped, readjusting your earring back.
"Shit," Aemond blinked as his single eye raked you up and down; leather eyepatch matching his leather belt and shoes. His button-up was black, unbuttoned at the top to show off his two thin silver chains, both at varying lengths; wearing easy black jeans.
"Hi," you mused, purse under your arm as you made sure to shut the heavy door after checking your keycard was where you needed it to be. "You look handsome, loving the monochromatic look."
"It's one of the many colors gracing my wardrobe," Aemond teased. "And if anyone should have a compliment, it's you, doll, I mean, just wow," his hand snatched yours to hold onto yours fingers and gave you a twirl while whistling. "This dress is a little short, no? Not that I'm complaining, I just know Aegon..." He teased, still holding your hand to yank you into his side; arm lazily tossing around your shoulders as he moved you off for the elevators.
"Your brother isn't a worry of mine," your eyes rolled, "not since I caught him..."
"Nothing," you sang, punching the elevator door rapidly.
"Hey, now," he turned you so you were pressed to the cold, metal doors, "if it's about my family, I have a right to know."
"Only if it's dangerous or otherwise," you breathed. "Trust me, he's not in trouble, he's just... Busy...?"
"Where did you catch him?"
"Doesn't matter."
"Does to me."
"You're gonna make fun of him, no."
Aemond sighed, hearing the metal contraption arrive and easily stepped back; pulling you with him just as the doors opened behind you. He simply held your wrists and then drove you backwards, chuckling to himself when you pouted up at him and yanked your hands from his. "Still don't like your personal space invaded, huh?" He laughed, giving you space after hitting the lobby's floor.
"Who the fuck does?"
He nodded in agreement. "Where did you catch Aegon?"
Your eyes rolled, "Nope."
When you arrived in the lobby, you and Aemond were still bickering back and forth; all the way to the restaurant of choice that evening. You ran into Jace and Luke - Aemond's nephews - but didn't wait for them to join you; understanding the tension due to Luke's recklessness costing Aemond's eye.
"Hey," you mumbled to him when he went rigid about the lads, "you're okay. You're gonna be okay, it's okay, just ignore them."
He huffed hot air through his nose, nodding stiffly, and then following you to the reserved "party room" - being a private dining patio. When you arrived, there was a round of cheering, both you and Aemond being greeted, and when you looked, there was only 4 seats - both beside one another.
"Here," Aegon beamed, tugging the chair beside him out.
"C'mon," Aemond whispered, leading you to your chair; pulling it out, offering you to sit before he joined. Before you sat, you greeted Aegon, taking the advantage to whisper in his ear,
"Secret's still safe but Aemond knows something's up." You offered him a pointed look before smiling at Aemond and taking the seat he offered you. Beside you was Aemond and Helaena, and beside him, you and Aegon; Cregan on Helaena's side and Robb Stark on Aegon's other side.
After Jace and Luke arrived, the toasting began. Wine was poured, helpings dolloped to plates, cutlery scraped plates, and over it all, Alicent stood to her feet, "Well," she sighed, nodding at the table, "just let me say: welcome to the wedding of my daughter, Helaena, and her incredible fiancé, Cregan, who I believe has always been meant to join our family. I speak on behalf of my husband," she smiled at her decrepit husband, "Viserys, and I, and we just want to thank everyone who came all this way. Welcome to the start!"
After the obligatory sip, she offered, "Any others?"
The table glanced at one another, so, you stood and cleared your throat. "I'd like to offer a toast," you smiled as Alicent sat. "Watching Helaena and Cregan in the time we've all been friends has truly, truly, truly been a one-of-a-kind experience because how often do you get to witness two people who are meant to be, find each other? Like a puzzle, they are two halves of a whole, and while perhaps a little rough around the edges, still has a perfect fit. Thank you for inviting me, but mostly, thank you, Cregan," you smiled at the groom, "for being a one-of-a-kind man, because our Helaena deserves the absolute best. It brings us all peace and joy to know she will be loved and protected - as she deserves. However," you paused, "I also want to thank Helaena because, as friend to you both, it's been refreshing to see my mate be treated as he deserves, too. To Helaena and Cregan - our perfect puzzle pieces!"
Another round of applause and sips of wine.
Viserys toasted Cregan's strength and Helaena's bravery - saying they made a handsome couple. Something that made Aemond's eye meet your own with soft smiles.
Best man, Harwin Strong, toasted the beauty of young Helaena and how a "sorry sod" like Cregan would never deserve a woman like her, but so long as neither of them forgot that, everything should work out. You felt Aemond's pinky finger reach out to stroke your own resting on the table, and again, you met his gaze with a much shier attention than before.
Sansa Stark thanked everyone for the amazing time so far, loving their generosity and attention to detail. She toasted to loving your best mate first, how that will always make for a much better relationship; and how Helaena and Cregan just make having a relationship look easy, it was truly inspiring. This time, however, Helaena started to tear up a little and you reached into your purse to produce tissues for her; missing the way Aemond stared at you with a longing expression. Yet Aegon did not, nudging his brother and muttering, "Just ask her out already, for fuck's sake. She's not gonna bite."
Aemond swatted him away, taking a much longer pull of wine than the others taking an obligatory sip of wine.
A few others gave speeches, too, but you were drastically annoyed by Jace and Luke, sitting with their girlfriends, all snickering together over any and every congratulatory sound. They thought they were being quiet, yet they were anything but; the entire table eventually hearing them and offering glares that went ignored by the youngsters. You felt tension rolling off Aemond in suffocating waves, frowning when you noted a few Starks exchange unamused looks at the show of blatant disrespect. You were just about to open your mouth to tell them off when all of a sudden, after groomsman, Robb Stark, sat down, Aemond's fist punched the table to aid his standing movement.
He played it off by fluidly lifting his goblet.
"Final tribute," he spoke stoically, staring directly across the table at his nephews, "before we turn to our meals this evening, is hoisted in honor of the entire Targaryen brood. Tonight, we do not mourn the loss of a sister, but the gain of a brother, and I think it only fair we offer the same curtesy they've always shown us - respect."
"Aemond," Alicent warned.
"You've shown us all what love is," he told the couple. "How to keep it alive, how to remain level, patient, kind, resolute, and how to compromise." His eye flickered to yours, continuing, "Making us all envy the connection... The friendship you share, the time spent together - growing and nurturing one another. It's not everyday you're able to marry the right person at the right time," he half smirked, "someone you think understands you better than anyone else." He blinked, then cleared his throat, "And yet, I've always heard there's no bond like that of family - those you share blood with. Tonight, it wasn't Cregan who proved me wrong..."
"Aemond, don't," you mumbled when you heard Helaena sigh sadly.
"Hm," he seemed to change his mind, and instead, raised his cup in the air. "To my sister, the most beautiful bride and her very own Prince Charming - to Helaena and Cregan! May it be a long and happy marriage that we continue to envy through the ages."
"Here, here - "
"But also to our nephews, Jace and Luke," Aemond cut off the responses - the entire table stilling with confusion.
"Us?" Jace asked softly, "What for, Uncle? We are not the ones getting married."
"Well, since you found it appropriate to whispering during every speech, I figured why not just give you the attention you so obviously need."
The younger crowd at the table all oooh'ed in union while the older adults tried to diffuse the tension. You simply reached out to grab Aemond's elbow and pull him back into the chair beside you; frowning when he only smirked. "That wasn't very nice," you reprimanded softly.
"Needed said," he shrugged.
Alicent and Rhaenyra, mother of Jace and Luke, Aemond's older half-sister, were bickering in anger about Alicent's son disrespecting her own - but Alicent countered that Nyra's sons disrespected her daughter by their chattering. The tension melted into the night, everyone moving about their business; seemingly sweeping the tension under the rug, dishing up dinner and starting fresh conversation.
Your own peaceful talk with Cregan's uncle, Ned Stark, was interrupted when you jumped as a hand boldly laid on your mid-thigh. You covered your surprise with a dab of your cloth napkin to your mouth, looking discreetly to the warm fingers grasping your flushing flesh; then trailing your gaze up to the owner of said hand. Aemond casually ate with his other hand, a smirk pulled on his lips; never looking down at you, but wriggling his hand a little to make you squirm.
It felt so fucking good to be touched by him like this.
Even if it was minimal, fleeting; barely there and never-lasting. You savored the feel, the heat, the way a single, simple touch made your stomach twist in knots and heat to flush your skin.
However, when his hand slid up your thigh to push the hemline of your dress - your hand slapped down to halt his movements. You moved his hand back down to your limit, patted twice, and let go, distracted by Ned Stark's alluring baritone, accented voice. He took the hint and only touched you at your limit, still too casual for your liking; leaving you alone in your burning-desire state. If only you knew that Aemond was having just as hard a time as you - thinking you had the softest skin he's ever held before.
Soft, shaved - or is it waxed? - moisturized, and basically calling to him that he needed to get a handful. He helped himself.
You almost moaned when he curled his finger to your inner thigh; an embarrassing gush of arousal seeping from your cunt at the slightest movement from the handsome, silver-haired, one-eyed dickhead known as your best friend's brother. Yet you didn't give him the satisfaction of reacting beyond that, all too happy to listen to the others chatter away. He didn't push you too far, and yet, never once removed his hand - almost entranced by the feel of your warmth.
When dinner was brought out, Helaena and Cregan stood and everyone - yes, everyone this time - silenced themselves to listen. Sitting back in your chair, you slowly let both your hands come around Aemond's one; just holding his forearm as you listened to your besties thank everyone for their efforts and appearance during their nuptials.
When he didn't shy away from your show of silent affection, you let your hand drift to hold his bare wrist; frowning when his arm contracted in movement. However, your frown turned into an easy, relieved smile when he only moved to fold his hand into yours; fingers interlaced, resting on your lap to let your other hand cover your conjoined ones.
"And to my beautiful bride," Cregan purred, turning to Helaena, "I hope this is all you've ever wanted, exactly as you've imagined it... Because giving you the wedding of your dreams is top priority. To see your friends and family come together has been truly incredible, and I hope the rest of these celebrations are exactly that - a celebration as you've always dreamt it'd be. I'd give you whatever you'd ask for, you know," he grinned, the hand in your tightening. When you met Aemond's eye, Cregan continued, "You're all I could've dreamed of, and at the end of this week, we'll have the rest of our lives together - something I only ever thought was possible in my dreams. You're all I want in this life, and I'll spend the rest of ours being worthy of you."
Aemond squeezed your hand, you returning it as you beamed at your best mates kissing; the table cooing at their adorable antics while you snuck a glance at Aemond. His head was cocked down at an angle, smiling down at you, looking all too soft and kind for his usual demeanor. You couldn't look away once you made eye contact, staring at one another, lips slowly curling in a bright grin as his hand tightened in yours.
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The following evening breezed in with the tropical wind, and after an hour and a half, you were pecking off room service platters you had delivered and used plastic cups to drink the Dornish sweet wine from the bottle your friend had gone to the bar to get. Sansa Stark made sure your hair was in order before she pulled her long, red strands up in a high-teased ponytail; complimenting the way her bright Tully blue eyes were rimmed in a smudged-liner. You made sure you both ate a significant amount before starting to drink - wanting to loosen up as you finished getting ready together.
She wore something from your closet, you wore something of hers. With everything you needed in your purse, you latched your heels on and took your phones off chargers. "The cabs are here!" Sansa mocked, making you sputter a small laugh. This side of her was a breath of fresh air, knowing that truly, if anyone deserved a feel-good night out, it was Sansa.
So, you made the decision to stay sober - you know, so she could drink under a safe eye. However, after double checking for hotel key cards, ID's, cash, debit cards, the paper bag of bride-to-be merch, and whatever else you deemed necessary, you left the room, and was surprised to see some of the guys leaving their rooms, too.
"Hey," You greeted the best man, Harwin Strong, "what're you guys doing?"
"God daaaaaaamn," he whistled, "lookin' good ladies!" He smirked, looking you up and down, "We're heading out to some clubs and bars, too, princess."
Your eyes rolled in good humor, "Okay, yeah, sure, where are you really going?"
"Out," he nodded, following you to the elevators. "Seriously, there's a couple places we wanna check out. By the looks of things, y'all had the same idea, huh?"
You smiled as Sansa answered, "Yeah, it was last-minute. Kinda like a bachelorette thing."
"That explains all that, huh?" Harwin snickered, pointing at your paper bag.
"Don't be a hater 'cause you didn't think of it," you teased.
He hummed, "You both look really gorgeous tonight, by the way. Just incredible, I mean, Sansa, this dress is - just wow!"
Sansa flushed, letting you thank him for you both as she seemed a little tongue-tied. However, when you made it to the lobby, it was a semi-chaotic scene as the entire bridal party had gathered to share mutual rambunctious excitement. After joining in and greeting everyone, you set the paper bag down and started to dress Helaena in the obnoxious bridal garb.
"Here," Sansa giggled, handing out different paraphernalia to each lady, "just for a few pictures!"
Nobody objected. Robb had no problem taking a load of photos; some with you all posing and others more candid. It was all in good fun, the cab driver even offering to take a large group photo of the entire bridal party; encouraging a few different poses and giving you a thumbs up when done.
"Hey," Aemond approached you as you stood to the side and texted your mother, assuring everything was okay on your vacation, "haven't seen you since dinner last night."
"I know," you pouted lightly, "I'm sorry I've been a little MIA, we had an all-day spa day today."
"And here I was thinking you were avoiding me, huh?" He mused, but you heard the underlying insecurity to his voice.
"Not even close to the truth, Aems," you promised.
"So, uh," he glanced at the guys before back at you, asking, "it's just you ladies going out tonight, right?"
"Mhm," you nodded, trying not to break apart under his gaze.
"Without... Someone there?"
"I mean, we'll all be there, looking out for each other," you offered Aemond a confused smile, "and I'm not drinking, so I'll make sure everyone's safe."
"You think that's a good idea?"
"Why not?"
"New country plus drinking, I mean, sounds pretty accident-prone."
"We'll be okay, I'll stay sober and keep an eye out, make sure nobody breaks an ankle or two like last Halloween."
He looked at the bridal party, musing, "You're going to keep hold of five drunks?"
You paused for a long moment, not putting much thought behind logistics. "I think I can manage," you admitted with uncertainty. "They're not that bad. I mean, Arya's small enough to haul over my shoulder; Helaena never drinks too much, I think I have it covered best I can."
"You know what? I'll just come with you ladies."
"What?" You giggled, thinking you must've misheard him.
"I've already been out with the boys for the bachelor's party. You're one person trying to look after my sister and her friends. Trust me, I think you're gonna need help."
"Between us, who do you think has more experience between wrangling drunk women?"
Aemond just smirked, nodding, "C'mon, we should head out."
Figuring there was no use in arguing, you turned for the minivan and got in after the other girls. After Aemond spoke to Cregan and Robb, he got in the passenger seat, and away you went. "What's he doing here?" Rhea asked cautiously, looking guarded.
"He wants to help keep an eye on us," you smirked.
"So you're gonna keep creepy dudes away from us?"
"Sure," Aemond agreed just as his sister squealed and begged for the radio to be turned up - she absolutely loved this song!
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The club had no central lighting in the warehouse styled event room. There were multicolored strobe lights that flickered and pulsed and beat in-time with the loud, blaring music that was dialed to a volume that made the floor vibrate. Trendy music played in remixed playlists, heavy speakers lining most walls that didn't host the VIP sitting area.
Sweaty bodies bumped and ground together.
There was the dance floor. Then the bar lined the entire back wall, bathrooms located to the left and a fire exit to the right. The right most part of the room, stretching wall-to-wall, was an elevated space that had separate, roped-off lounge areas; complete with velvet couches and individual tables.
"Here," Rhea waved you all after her, leading you all right up to the bouncer and being granted access. Heleana looked skeptical as she realized this was some orchestrated event, not liking the idea of being clued-out of the knowing, but still, played along with the luxury treatment. You were seated in the corner booth, and without missing a beat, Sansa was tossing you her purse and yanking Helaena to the bar with the hope that her bride-to-be apparel would earn free drinks.
"This place is nice," Jeyne tried to compliment, but you and the Stark sisters shared a bemused look. "Oh! Goodie!" She squeaked when Sansa and Helaena returned with a full tray of assorted drinks.
"So, they just filled it with all the forgotten drinks," Sansa explained, "and said it was on the house 'cause of Helaena's bachelorette shit."
"Well then," you smirked, reaching for a single shot, "a toast!" Everyone reached for a drink and hoisted it in the air. "To our dear, sweet love, Helaena, and her saying 'I do' to one helluva guy! May this marriage be long, prosperous, adventurous, and full of the love you deserve! To Helaena!"
"And Cregan!" The bride slipped in as everyone echoed their toasts to the soon-to-be-married couple. You had your one shot, and while the others filled up, you and Aemond just watched them. Jeyne, Rhea, and Sansa scurried off together, Arya seeing someone she apparently knew and running off with them, and Helaena was looking at you with a dramatic pout. "Come dance with me," she whined. "I let you convince me to come out tonight, so you have to dance with me! Before I'm a spoken-for woman!"
Aemond smirked when you spared him a look as if to beg him to rescue you, but being unable to because his sister was adamant to get you on your feet.
Everyone was buddied up and accounted for; leaving Aemond alone at a reserved table. However, he didn't mind watching purses if it meant he could turn mutely to watch the dance floor, and while the lights made it hard, his eye caught sight of you.
Helaena was having the absolute time of her life, and the women around her all seemed blissfully distracted by the alcohol in their systems. He watched you. His eye did not stray, until he realized that while he could see you, so could every other wanton eye roaming the hazy room. Aemond glanced around and saw a few VIPs smoking, figuring it was okay to light up. Out of defensive anxiety, he pulled a cigarette carton from his pocket, tapped a single filtered death stick out, fingered his lighter before pausing to light, inhale, and return his gaze back onto you.
You were lost in the music, evident that all you ladies needed some stress relief after the whirlwind that is wedding planning. He knew you weren't drinking, but seeing you laugh and toss you arms up, rolling your hips in rhythm to the music, he knew you didn't need a single drop to have a good time. He thought that was admirable, incredibly rare these days. In Aemond's experience, college kids had a hard time saying no to alcohol, and the fact that you did it so willingly felt like whiplash.
Aemond stood and neared the guard railing of the elevated section he was stationed on. His shoulder leaned into a steel support beam, staring at you for several long moments while casually smoking; perking up only a degree when you told the girls something and then started moving through the throngs of people.
You pushed up to the bar and the bartender almost immediately took your order. He figured all seemed well enough because you weren't moving from the bar yet, his gaze shifting to scan the building.
Bodies were pressed together at every inch, the smell of sweat and spilt alcohol seemingly permanently perfuming the air. It was hard to see, but after adjusting, he could make out a few faces. Nobody seemed too hair-raising, nothing suspicious, nothing out of the ordinary...
Until his eyes returned to you. The bartender was distracted doing their job, and instead of you standing peacefully, there was some guy obviously trying to flirt with you. He seemed desperate for a conversation, Aemond almost cringing from a distance as he could only imagine what kind of terrible pick-up lines this guy was using. He felt ready to move into action, but the moment the thought entered his mind, Aemond saw you gather the glasses from the bar, turn, and quite literally ignore the blonde man - who stared after you with a gobsmacked expression. Aemond smirked when the man turned to complain to his friends; holding a drink in one hand as the other gestured angrily after you.
The man's friends got a glimpse of you and laughed, slapping their friend's chest; and Aemond hoped one of them told him that a girl as pretty as you was lightyears ahead of his league.
Aemond relaxed when you returned to the party, taking a long drag when you distributed drinks to your friends. Arya had come back around with her friend, the group mingling and enjoying their new acquaintances. He noted you were empty handed, flagging a waitress down; the VIP section apparently having the luxury of being waited on to avoid the long waits at the bar. He quietly requested two bottles of water be delivered - unsealed - to their table.
His attention returned to the bridal party, only to watch a few guys join your group. Sansa and Rhea ate up the attention; leaving Jeyne and Helaena to dance alongside Arya and her friend, as the same guy from the bar holding your conversation hostage. You still looked disinterested; stoic and cold; body language assuring Aemond that you weren't receptive to the stranger. You flinched in discomfort when he had to lean in to shout in your ear just to be heard over the music, but your eye rolls told Aemond you wouldn't listen even if in a silent library.
Something in the interaction made him annoyed. It wasn't jealousy that someone was paying attention to you, standing so close and intimately; invading your space. It was something else. He could tell you weren't interested in whatever was being said, and when you turned from the man once again, obviously dismissing him to dance with Helaena and Jeyne, Aemond could see offense paint the man's face. It wasn't jealousy, but perhaps something akin to protectiveness after witnessing the way the man had approached you at the bar, and now, again, on the dance floor.
Without a single thought, Aemond was pushing off the beam and dropping his cigarette to crunch under his boot the moment the stranger reached for your upper arm to whip you around aggressively; snarling and scolding you. Aemond easily slotted through the sweaty crowd, not entirely barging through them but not exactly waiting for them all to part for him. The stranger was sneering something at you, demanding an apology for blowing him off (twice) so rudely, but you were snapping that it was rude to bombard you. To pester disinterested women. To impose. To approach an entire group of women and ruin the good vibe by simply being an intrusive, entitled man. The blonde man was just in the middle of snarling in your face how much of a "catch" he was when Aemond arrived, and without truly thinking, he reached out and tore the man away.
Aemond, while decently lanky and skinny, was ripped with defined muscle and when his anger was flared up, he was near unstoppable. So, in reality, the stranger would've been moved whether sober or not, but because this man was drunk, he nearly toppled over. As the stranger scrambled off the floor, Aemond stood protectively in front of you with his anger almost palpable, barking, "She told you to fuck off, mate."
"Oh-ho! Got a big man here, do we!?" The blonde stranger raged, his pale flesh turning a bright red from his anger and alcohol consumption. "You wanna have a go, mate, I'll fuck you up right here! Right now! Fuck you think you're doin', touchin' me like that, you fuckin' prick!?"
"She's not interested," Aemond stood his ground, "and you need to walk away - right fucking now."
"Over some stuck-up whore who won't even accept a drink? She's that much of an up-tight bitch? Too full of her-fucking-self? Man, you're wasting your time, chicks like that don't know a nice guy even when he hits her."
"As if any woman in their right mind would accept a drink from you," Aemond sneered, looking the man up and down. "You got ears? You speak the Common Tongue? Turn around and fuck off - the ladies aren't interested."
"Like I'm listening to some one-eyed, pussy-boy - "
"Aemond!" You yelped, shoving yourself in front of him when you saw the impending danger. You knew his injury was off-base; not a topic of conversation anyone dare engage in. The fact this stranger honed in on it so easily was triggering in the worst way imaginable. "Hey, hey, hey, he's not worth it. Hey, c'mon, don't let it get to you this bad. It's okay. Aemond, c'mon, let's just walk away."
"Listen to your bitch, mate! She's not even fuckin' worth it! What kind of a guy wants to parade around with some whore? Wearing something like that for everyone to see! What's wrong, princess?" He directed at you. "He don't give you enough attention? Huh? You gotta find it anywhere else, don't'cha, why else dress like that - huh!?"
By now, a small crowd had formed and the blonde, drunk stranger was being egged on and riled up by his mates. "Don't," you repeated to Aemond, perfectly all too used to men's reaction when women reject them or simply didn't get what they want.
"Walk away," Aemond repeated, his veiny hands moving to hold your arms as if it would physically restrain him; your hands on his waist to keep him anchored.
"Man, what the fuck ever. Not even worth it," he scoffed.
"Then why do you keep talking?" Sansa drunkenly snapped from behind Aemond's broad shoulders.
"Fuck did you say, bitch!?"
Aemond sighed and tugged you behind him, stepping up to the drunk blonde man; lowering his tone to mutter something as he stood between you ladies and the lads in tacky Hawaiian-print button-ups. You're not sure what was said, but Aemond seemingly had the last word; watching him turn back for you lot and instantly start checking that each of you was truly okay.
Aemond gently caressed Helaena's cheek, muttering, "You good?"
She nodded, but then, her eyes widened and she squeaked when the stranger charged Aemond from behind, shouting his name in warning. "Shit!" You yelped when he dodged out of the way just as the man threw a wild punch.
Nobody could've stopped the fight if they tried.
You made sure to herd the women close as Aemond dodged two more throws, his long platinum hair swinging as it fell out of its bun before he found his opportunity. Aemond strategically waited until the blonde stranger was open to throw his weight behind his fist colliding with the drunk man's cheekbone.
The crowd of people around you all 'ooohed' in union, wincing when Aemond, again, knocked his fist into the man's jaw and, again, sent him sprawling to the floor. One of the friends managed to sneak in and land a blow on Aemond's cheek, but his head only barely turned with the impact. His eye locked onto the new target, and not a minute later, the other guy was nursing a broken nose.
Aemond glanced around for any other contenders, sighing when there were none - just a cloud of jeering drunks voicing their approval towards the violence. "Hey," you begged again, his eye finding your worried face, "you done now? Can we get you cleaned up?"
Sansa stepped up, stating, "We can go if you guys want - we don't have to stay!"
"No, just... Stay outta trouble," Aemond sighed. "I'll be up there," he gestured back at the elevated VIP section. You hated seeing him shoulder his way through the rowdy crowd who had already forgotten about the fight.
You shook your head, grabbing Helaena's arm and leaning into her ear, "I'm gonna check on Aemond. Don't go anywhere, stay with the girls!"
"I will!" She agreed, letting Arya push another shot in her hand. You turned and grumbled when bodies began bumping into you instantly; your jaw clenched to keep upright. You had to eventually shove a few people out of your path, but didn't care, jogging up to the VIP section and looking around. When you got back to your table, Aemond was sitting with his head tilted back, eye closed, smoking another cigarette, ice on his slightly reddened hand.
"Aemond?" You checked, announcing your presence as you took the seat beside him; scooting closer. "The fuck was that? Gettin' in fights in the club, Alicent wouldn't be proud," You spoke gently, readjusting his ice so it was actually over the swollen area.
"Just guys being dudes, dudes being guys," he mused, free hand holding his cigarette to speak as he exhaled. "Why're you up here?"
"I wanted to check on you."
"I'm fine, you can go back - "
"Aemond," you snipped, "I'm fine here. I needed a break, and I wanted to check on you."
He nodded towards the table, "Water's for you."
You glanced over, finding the two water bottles amongst an array of items on the tabletop. One unopened, the other cracked and partially drank. "Thank you," you spoke sincerely, waiting until his eye met yours, "for the water and for defending me back there. I owe you one."
"I only did what a gentleman should do," he sighed.
"Wasn't worth bruising your knuckle, was it?"
"I'd actually say it was necessary," he spoke like it was easy. You hated that, how he seemed fluent in flirting but you knew he wasn't really. Why would he? Aemond Targaryen made 'being perfect' look fucking perfect.
You were quiet for another moment before you blurted out, "It was pretty hot, I have to admit. Seeing you defend my honor."
He eased his cigarette to an ashtray, speaking clearly, "Wasn't gonna let him touch you." You thought that was final and just smiled softly, but then Aemond finished, "Wasn't about to let any man touch what's mine."
"Yours, huh?"
He smirked, "Why not?" His now free hand landed on your bare thigh; dress riding up when you sat down to give him access to your spa-waxed legs. "You anyone else's?"
"I'd like to think women aren't possessions."
"Yet you're the one prize I fucking need," his hand squeezed. "Don't even know what kinda gem you are, do you?"
"I think your adrenaline's got you talkin' crazy," you tried to deflect, giggling lightly. But his hand squeezed again, making you look up to meet his gaze.
"I know what I want. And I know," his hand slid up to ease up the curve of your ass, "that I'm done denying my want for you."
"Aemond," you felt drunk on his presence.
"Tell me to stop, doll, and we won't ever have to talk about it again. But if you can't," he palmed your flesh, "and you want this, too - "
Your hand grabbed his wrist to stop him, pulling his hand from under your dress, "Helaena's my best friend, and you're her brother. This is... The most taboo situation we could entertain right now."
"Hmm," he pulled his hand back, making you instantly snatch it back.
"But I can't tell you I don't feel it, too." Aemond's eye glittered in the strobe lights, feeling him pull your legs so you were nearly sat on his lap; legs laid over his so he could fully touch your thighs again. "But we can't, i-it would - this would take away from Helaena - we can't."
"I don't see her here right now," he purred, leaning in close to breath in your neck. "Tell me how long you've wanted me."
"Keep sayin' my name, baby, but it doesn't answer my question."
You only managed to answer, "Too long," in a quivering voice before,
"HEY!" Sansa slurred, beaming brightly from over Rhea's shoulder as they stumbled up; giving just enough time for you and Aemond to separate. "I know you guys! Oh! I know them! Look! It's our friends!"
Rhea Royce, being just-as-drunk, gasped, "I know them, too! Oh, bless the Seven! We know you!"
"Hi," you laughed, eyeing them all with full amusement, "everyone doing okay?"
"I called our ride, they're up the street - they can't get down here 'cause of traffic," Jeyne informed with a pant, Helaena and Arya held to her body. You smiled at Aemond before getting up to gently take Helaena's weight from Jeyne, who breathed, "Thank you so much. C'mon, our ride's up there - "
Aemond grunted as he stood and offered his water to Rhea, assisting the ladies in keeping their balance in sticky-soled heels. You handed Sansa your unopened water as you held onto Jeyne, watching Aemond help Arya, Rhea, and Helaena - who needed his support.
It was a shit-show getting the group in another minivan; the only relief being when they were bribed with tacos. The ride to the resort was a total 180 compared to the ride out, as everyone knocked out except you and Aemond. A couple of times, you wondered if you should speak first but never did - being vulnerable isn't your forte.
You know what you would rather do than wrangle in five drunk girls? Specifically after a bachelorette party? Declaw wet cats. Contract measles. Be hit by a bus. Learn how to speak Latin (a dead language, for those who don't know). Go to Vegas with your entire lifesavings and lose it all. Use pliers to yank a tooth out - no dentist or anesthesia used (Ron Swanson style).
Anything would be better than this.
It took the better part of an hour for you to get all the girls out of the van, through the resort, and into Jeyne's border-line empty hotel room. Empty because the sweet, party girl from Northern University didn't unpack, and was the cleanest; the perfect place to dispose of everyone. Aemond was as helpful as ever, but he didn't do much past helping you get the women in bed; unsure how to help past that. From there, you did the rest: took off any shoes and / or glasses, plugged phones in, left water bottles and a bottle of Advil in view, and shut the curtains to grant them deliverance when the sun rose.
When done, you and Aemond snuck out of the room quietly and let the door shut behind you; leaving you in the hall. "I put Sansa's phone on FaceTime with mine," you showed him, "in case one of them throws up or needs something, and left it on the charger."
"So we should get you to your charger, right?"
"Oh," there was teasing to your tone, "worried about my battery running low?"
"Just wondering if your batteries can go all night," he smirked, picking up on your innuendo.
"Oh, good one," you teased, watching him smirk. "Thanks for helping tonight. It was nice having you watching our back."
You beamed, nodding, "For sure. I could tell Helaena had a blast."
"Good, 's what I care about," he nodded. "Listen," he cleared his throat, "I, uh... I have to make a confession."
"Aemond Targaryen wants to tell me a secret?" You teased, facing him in full-interest. "Please," you encouraged, gesturing for him to go-on.
His tongue wet his lips swiftly, "I know you're Helaena's friend and you say it's wrong, but I just... I tried not to have these feelings for you, but I can't stop them."
You smiled, "Aemond, that's the alcohol talking."
"What if I said I didn't have any?"
You blinked in mild shock, offering quietly, "I'd say you were delirious from dehydration or something. It was really hot in there, must've been sweating a lot, or maybe it's your adrenaline again!
"Why is it so far fetched for you to think I could have honest feelings for you? Truly, have you thought this was just a one-way street?"
"You're Helaena's brother," you spoke softly, sadly, "and maybe we're just - I don't know - not thinking clearly! We need to cool off - "
"No, no, I don't need to cool off, you see, because I'm thinking the clearest than ever before," Aemond shook his head, reaching for your shoulders to squeeze, and move down to hold your upper arms, squeeze again, then down to just above your elbow. "I feel as if I don't say it now, I might lose the nerve later. I've always admired you, sweetheart, and I know it's wrong, I know it's taboo and scares you, I know I'm your best friends brother, but I can't help it. You're just - this - like - fucking incredible person, who is loyal and wise and strong and knowing and open and sweet and empathetic and wickedly intelligent - "
You cut him off by surging into his arms; chest to chest, lips locked together in a passionate exchange of fierce, over-boiled emotion without a single thought towards further repercussions. There was tongue, there was teeth, there was an-ever spreading warmth that stretched from your cheeks to your toes. Aemond tasted just like he semlled - sweet, salty, just the right amount of spicy. He let you lock your hands in his hair, always knowing your affinity for his long silver mane; tugging the strands you managed to get ahold of gently to cause Aemond to moan while sucking on his domineering tongue.
Aemond was losing his mind; infected with all you were, all you are, all you would, could, and should be. The way you made him feel, the obvious care you put into others, the sweet, innocent look in your eye replaced by a haze of lust - all thanks to him. For a moment, Aemond's mind felt numb before it jolted back into reality, realizing he was kissing you. You. You were kissing him, he was kissing you. His dear, sweet, kind, ever-so-perfect sister's best friend, you - he was kissing you and you were kissing him back. Sure, he dreamt of this happening about a few dozen times but the real thing was tenfold what he ever imagined.
Holy Seven, he was kissing you.
"I take it," he panted, breaking apart before surging in for another taste of your pouting lips, "you might feel..." another kiss and a small moan, "feel the same?" He pulled back to look in your eyes, but when you didn't answer him, Aemond teased, "Oh, c'mon, princess, tell me you feel the same. Tell me I'm not makin' a fool of myself, that we're not just runnin' high from the club's fumes."
"No," you promised, "you are no fool, Aemond Targaryen; far from it, in fact. I, too, feel whatever this is, whatever is emotional, tangible, physical between us, I feel it, too, and I want you - oh!"
He didn't need to hear anything more, suffocating you in another kiss, and this time, you let him control the motions because you were unsure how far this would - or should - go. His hands squeezed over your hips, turning, and pushing you against the wall just a few steps behind you. Your moan was meek, released into his mouth; loving Aemond's taste on your tongue; and for now, you simply forgot he was your best friend's brother. Or ignored the fact.
"Shit," he panted, looking down at you before glancing down the hall, "listen, listen, listen, baby, hey, if we keep goin', I might not stop." He offered a small shrug, "Ready to bust right here, right now, if I'm honest, but I'd rather be inside you."
You considered his words for a moment; waiting for his gaze to return to you before voicing your opinion. Feeling inexplicably turned on by his earlier actions to defend you, bruising his knuckles on a stranger's jaw; how he called you his, how he touched you, and when his single violet eye turned back to you, you surprised yourself by your words, "Better make it quick, then."
Aemond smirked, "You want me to fuck you, here? Against the wall?"
"Maybe," you answered softly, letting your hand reach out to palm over his swelling cock; hearing his breathing catch and continuing, "only if you can be quick so we aren't caught and slapped with an indecent exposure charge."
Aemond did not hesitate to swoop down and slam his lips to yours; pushing his hips forward so he could grind into your palm. Hands roamed to touch, caress, squeeze until they secured your hips in a bruising grip, then dipping low to suddenly grab your thighs and hoist you up. As if you weren't turned on enough, the obvious show of strength and ease in which he held you made your cunt contract over nothing; dampening to an embarrassing level. You couldn't remember the last time someone made you feel so frantic; so animalistic; so feral that you needed to be fucked right here, right now, in this hall that was so very public.
But that was the fun: having a frenzied fuck with the looming threat someone might catch you.
You moaned like a wanton bitch in heat, core pressed against his straining member and only imaging what the feel of him would be. A whimper was ripped from your throat, gasping as Aemond grew to a knew height of desperation; turning a degree more aggressive in the way he pressed close to you, teeth scraping your lips. It was like he was trying to suck your soul through your mouth; tongues battling, hands sliding around one another as if unsure where to hold. You settled on his cheeks, finding the chiseled features alluring enough to grip; his securing your waist and base of your ribcage in a bruising grip, both moaning in pleasure and need.
"Gotta keep it down, pretty girl," he muttered with a smirk, holding you expertly so he could grind his harden, black-jean-covered member to your ever-dampening core. "Don't wanna get caught, huh? Disturb the peace, have someone hear us," he breathed against your lips, "come outta their room to check?"
You whimpered.
"Oh," he chuckled darkly, pulling back only just to look at you, "my pretty girl would like that, huh? Always knew you were a fuckin' freak."
His lips were on yours as you pawed as his belt and jeans. Aemond chuckled into the kiss, readjusting his hold on you to help; and the moment the garment was loose, you shucked his jeans to mid-thigh. All the while, Aemond leaned back in to smother your neck and shoulder with his searing-hot, teeth-raking kisses; uneven breathing making you tremble when each exhale covered your saliva-coated skin to send a shiver through your muscles.
"Aemond," you begged, riding up your dress to expose your soaking-wet, black lace thong, "just need you - now. Please, please, we don't have time for begging."
"Gotta warm you up - "
"I've been warm since you shoved that guy off me," you rushed, whimpering, "please, okay? Just fuck me. I need it, I need you. Take your time with me later, but for right now, just fuck me - I need you to fill me, Aemond."
"I gotta condom - "
"I'm on birth control - that NuvaRing is fuckin' incredible," you laughed, hearing him hum in amusement as his teeth latched down on your bottom lip enough to encourage you into another tongue-wrestling session.
After a moment, Aemond grinned and glanced down to push away any lingering fabric, lips licking yours messily; grabbing hold of his cock to line up at your core. Never before had you felt "dripping" for any man, but Aemond wasn't just any man. No, in your mind, he was The Man.
No warning was necessary for him to snap his hips forward; sheathing his hot, leaking cock in your sopping warmth in one fluid motion; piercing you. He praised in your ear, "Oh, there's a good fuckin' girl," before sharing a moan; yours from absolute pleasure, and his from sheer relief. He's wanted this longer than you have, which felt impossible, but the truth was the truth. Aemond's been in love with you for what felt like an impossible amount of time.
"Shit," you begged, teeth scraping the shell of his ear, "hang on, hang on, hang on." You whimpered, "You're so fuckin' big - just a moment, please, hang on."
"'S all right, love. Take your time. I got you," he soothed, unfazed by your repeated pawing around his neck to keep your balance; sweaty palms catching his hair a few times. "Just fuckin' feel me, baby," he groaned in your ear, "and how full you feel. So fuckin' tight," he grit.
You whimpered.
The thing is, you've fucked your share of men (and women) before, but Aemond was something Godly. You felt disappointed you didn't get to physically see his glory, nor have it in your mouth, but figured there was time to admire him like a painting in the Louvre later. For now, you could only understand that Aemond was by far the biggest you've had; both in size and girth. You shuddered at the feeling of him filling you to the brim, whispering, "M-Move, please, move, just start moving, oh, my Gods. Y'Feel so fuckin' good, shit, Aemond, baby, you feel - Godsdamnit, you feel so fucking good."
Aemond did as you asked, moving his hips to drag his cockhead along your quivering walls to collect your wetness, only to push right back in; creating a languid pace as to allow you accommodation. His teeth grit tightly, "No idea what it feels like for me, sweet girl. Fuck. Who got you this wet? Huh? Who got you here? Fuckin' tell me, baby, who got you like this?"
"You, Aemond. Always you, baby, always gettin' me wet - so fuckin' wet," you babbled. "Don't even have t'do shit t'get me goin', 'M always so ready for you to have me." You felt a scream build and Aemond must've seen it because he offered you a stern look as he humped quickly into you. "Quick and quiet, right?" You complained with wide eyes, swollen lips; the perfect pout that would get you whatever you wanted from the middle Targaryen.
"Jus' for right now, can get as loud as we want later, huh?" He hissed, groaning as he readjusted his stance to increase his speed. "Hold on, princess, just hold onto me, I got us, almost there," his lips ghosted your neck before letting his teeth gnash your flesh in a show of messy dominance. "Good fuckin' girl, yes, yes," Aemond grit, flexing his jaw when he felt your arms tighten, "just hold on fa'me - can't get enough of this. Huh? Hear me? Can't ever go back, princess, not when I've had you like this - jus' fuckin' made f'me, Godsdamnit - yes, yes, yes, there's my girl, good girl, so fuckin' good for me. Shit, I don't wanna cum, I just wanna feel this pussy for as long as possible, but I can't hold it, baby, shit, I can't hold it anymore."
Your moans and grotesque sounds of Aemond's balls slapping your leaky cunt filled the hall; your mind only briefly registering the idea for a moment to let you glance up and down the hall to ensure your "privacy". Words failed you, your lungs heaving in short puffs; gripping his shoulders as if it would keep you anchored, but the truth was, his forceful hips were sending you up the fucking wall.
"Ae-Aemond," you begged brokenly, reaching for your clit and only needing to add minimal pressure; ready to shatter from the harsh thrusts your one-eyed lover provided. "I-I-I'm there. I'm there, baby, please, oh, shit!" You felt a sob lodge in your throat.
"Cum on my cock, princess," he demanded as your head tilted back to bang into the wall, sinking his teeth deep into your pulse point when exposed. "Lemme feel you, love, c'mon, just let it go. Show me - " he felt the trickling of your cum squirting out in a rare display, "oh-ho-hoooo, look at that, yes, yes, there's my good fuckin' girl. That's it, fuckin' soak me, there it is - shit, shit, oh, fuck. Grippin' me so fuckin' tight without anythin' needin' to be said. Good girl," he grunted, feeling as if stabbing through you with the way he thrusted and jackhammered his cock into your tightening cunt with each word.
Your tongue flattened against his neck, hearing his groan, and when your mouth closed down to lock your teeth over his pale flesh, sure to leave a red mark, Aemond gave a final grunt. He shuddered; hands bruising your skin as his hips stuttered once, twice, and stilled against you. Your nether region blossomed with his warmth, your lungs panting to catch your breath; feeling full as Aemond barely deflated inside you.
"Shit," you whispered.
"Yeah," he gaped in agreement, gulping harshly. "You all right, love?"
"Mhm," you nodded against him, nuzzling his cheek with your nose. "You?"
"So fuckin' good," he chuckled, glancing down the hall. "I gotta set you down, baby, 'M cramping a little. Easy does it, just hold onto me," he spoke soothingly, pulling his cock out and easing you to your feet while holding onto his neck and shoulders. "Keep my cum right there," he smirked down at you, readjusting your panties over your swollen cunt before tugging your dress back down; giving a playful slap to your clit that made you jump a little from the overstimulation. "Don't let a drop out, hmm?"
"Take that up with gravity, I got nothin' to do with it," you whined, leaning on the wall for full-support. After situating his cock back and yanking his boxers and jeans back up, Aemond dropped to a knee before you.
"Here," he whispered, lifting one of your legs to ease your shoe off. You smiled, holding onto his shoulders as he helped you remove both shoes; standing to his full height again. He looked nervous for a moment, mouth opening but closing as words evaded him.
You took mercy, smiling, "Aemond?"
"Yeah, princess?"
"Would you like to spend the night with me?"
He smirked, chuckling, "Yeah, think I would."
"Good. You get to carry me, then." Aemond grinned and moved before you realized what he was doing, swooping you into his arms. You giggled girlishly, "I need my stuff!" He glanced down at the floor to spy your shoes, purse, phone. Aemond grunted as he lowered in a squat, letting you collect your things to rest in the cradle of your belly, snickering, "You're such a show off."
"This is why we don't skip leg-day, pretty girl," he smirked, "or core day, or arm day..."
"We get it, you work out! But weren't you cramping up a minute ago?"
"Yeah, but that was then."
As he walked towards the elevator, you both heard a door open and peaked over to see one of Aemond's distant, great-uncles peaking out in confusion. "Did you guys hear that?" The older man asked hoarsely, obviously disgruntled from being woken up. "What's all that racket? We thought we could expect for a little sleep!"
You felt embarrassment flush your system, a hand slapping over your mouth - but Aemond covered, "Sorry, Uncle, the wedding parties went out drinking. Got them all safe in their rooms, except this one, though. Sorry for the noise."
He smiled, nodding as if in relief, "You're a good boy, Aemond. She all right?"
"Yes, just a little too much to drink," he chuckled, your free hand reaching over to pinch his nipple through his shirt as your other hand now hid an amused smile. "Goodnight, Uncle, there won't be other disturbances tonight."
When the elevator arrived, Aemond stepped on as this distant relative shut his door again, and as the elevator doors shut, you shared a look before bursting out in laughter. "I don't think I can face him at the wedding now," you whined lightly.
"Why not?"
"I literally have your cum dripping outta me - "
"I told you to keep it in."
You smirked, "I guess you're just gonna have to punish me, then, huh? You never did like being disobeyed, now, did you?"
Aemond laughed, his single lilac eye scanning over your face; slowly dropping in serenity. "What're we doing, baby? Hmm?" He asked quietly.
"Going to my room - "
"You know what I mean," he sighed almost sadly. When you arrived at your floor, he walked out of the elevator as you answered,
"You and I know we have feelings for each other. So, for tonight, it's just us... And we'll decide when to tell the others after we decide what it is to tell them."
"Probably best after the wedding..."
You smiled as you arrived at your hotel door, "Well, I was kinda hoping you'd be my date to the wedding?"
Aemond looked down at you with a softening expression. "Yeah?" He chuckled slightly as you opened your clutch to pull out your keycard, but his hands tightened to earn your full attention once the plastic was in your hand. "I'd... Actually really like that, too, sweetheart," he hushed, hoisting you in for another frantic kiss. The door beeped when it opened, closing with a heavy bang behind you both; forgetting Sansa was left on FaceTime... Too distracted by both being obviously turned on, it seemed, by emotional intimacy.
Perhaps not so one-sided, indeed...
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wackyharpy · 5 months
Eventually (Part 1)
Modern! Aemond x Fem! Reader
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Summary: Aemond has been in love with Helaena's best friend but hasn't confessed yet. Everything changes when he meets her at Dragonstone.
Part 2
Part 3 (maybe, not sure)
A/N: English isn't my native language. I'd be very glad for your comments and reblogs. Thank you in advance! Enjoy the story :)
For the atmosphere: Agnes Obel — Familiär
Warnings ⚠️
NSFW 18+, m masturbation, mentioning of sex, swearing, in this story Helaena is the youngest, she/her pronouns.
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Two years.
Aemond Targaryen has been madly in love for two years. And if it weren't his lifestyle and business, he would confess. His family is another reason why it is so complicated. Although, the main reason is his fucking father and his delusional idea of Aemond's marriage with that Baratheon girl, God only knows her name.
One more issue. Who is she? A girl from a plain family without wealth that the Baratheon, oh Lord how Aemond is fed up with hearing that name, has. That's all. She is just a student. She is just the best friend of Halaena. She just sometimes appears at their mansion for a movie night with his sister. She is just a girl who Aemond has been madly in love with for two years.
Ragged breathing. The sound of the turned on shower. He has only half an hour to get to work. But Aemond can't stop. Can't stop thinking about her. Hair, eyes, lips, neck, collarbone, breasts, literally everything. All of her. He wants to devour her. Aemond's hand goes back and forth on his firm shaft. All thoughts swirling in the mind are of her. He shuts his eye tight making movements of the hand faster and harder. He desires it to be not his fingers and palm but her warm mouth or wet pussy. He wants to hear the sounds of their shared juices but not of the shower. Breathes are heavy. It seems as something has stuck in his chest, it wishes to break free, to burst with loud groans.
"Fuck!" he exclaims.
Aemond starts moving his hips roughly thrusting into his hand seeking for the relief. Still it would feel better if it were her hot insides.
"Fuck! Ah!" he moans.
There. It's there. Soon. He is going to come. Finally. He fucking wants her. Desires more than everything.
Aemond's cock starts twisting releasing his semen on the floor of the shower. He breathes heavily feeling huge relief. Aemond leans his head back opening his mouth slightly and licks his lips. The last exhalation is deep and long. Somewhat his mind has cleared and cooled being ready for another working day. Though, Aemond knows it won't last long. Sooner or later his only thought is going to be her.
"I don't fucking care, Viserys! She's a bitch!" Daemon shouts squeezing a crystal tumbler in his hand.
Aemond is sitting in his father's office at their family's mansion, silently looking at the mahogany desk. He is waiting for the ending of another spectacle that has uncovered after several minutes when Daemon and he have entered the room. Rhea Royce has been a topic of conversations between two brothers recently as the rogue one possesses no wish to be married to her anymore.
Aemond exhales heavily and keeps on sipping his Knappogue Castle Irish Whiskey.
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They have come to discuss new reports from the financial department but, as Aemond has noticed, currently Daemon's concern isn't connected with Targaryen's company. Instead of working, he argues with Viserys due to his wish to divorce that Royce bitch and to marry his new passion — Laena Velaryon.
All responsibilities and work at the financial department are on Aemond's shoulders. Again. It happened once several years ago when Daemon suddenly realised he got tired signing papers, sitting at meetings, deciding matters, so he just bought two tickets to Essos and went on a journey with his lover, nobody remembers her name now.
Only Aemond remembers. He remembers everything. He remembers the huge fight that happened within the family right after his uncle's airplane took off. He remembers how he had been working day and night reviewing all transactions, conducting all operations, leading all meetings, everything... When Daemon, the head of the department, was sipping a cocktail lying on the beach, sunbathing in pleasant rays while his lover was making a slobbery blow job. Aemond has always been a scapegoat, especially after that incident when he lost his eye. That was the moment when he realised that his father didn't care about him and his brothers, and sister.
"I said everything! I'll marry Laena and nobody will stop me!"
With these words, Daemon shuts the door leaving Viserys and Aemond alone.
The elder Targaryen exhales heavily:
"He's going to be the death of me," mutters Viserys and turns towards his son.
"How's work?"
Aemond mentally curses his father for this fake caring. In one gulp he drinks the remainings of 12-year-old whiskey and places the glass on the small table next to the armchair.
"Work is fine," dryly answers. He wishes promptly to discuss the matter and leave the office. Aemond can't stand his father at all.
"Then let's see what we have," Viserys sits in his working armchair wrapped in dusty brown leather and takes the folder with the reports.
"Aegon!" Aemond knocks at the door of his brother's bedroom. He hears moans and sweet gibberish that Aegon, perhaps, is telling a girl who is now below him. Or on top. Aemond doesn't care.
"Oh, yes! Yes!" exclaims the girl and releases a load groan that, as Aemond considers, the whole mansion has heard.
"Aegon!" Aemond knocks one more time feeling impatient, "we have to go! Open the door! Now!"
"You like it?" He hears his brother's chuckling and moaning — Aegon has always been loud in bed.
"Yeah!" The girl laughs; the bed continues squeaking.
Aemond exasperatedly runs the hand on his face and tsks. He turns on his heels and goes downstairs right to the rooms of the staff. There, he borrows a key that a maid uses to unlock Aegon's bedroom for cleaning.
The moment Aemond enters the room, he sees a red haired girl bouncing on his brother's hips. So... she's on top.
"Oh, hi, brother," Aegon smiles still keeping one hand on the lean leg of his guest and another one on her heavy breast.
"Meet Angelica," the elder goes on completely undeterred by the situation he is caught in.
"I don't care," Aemond dryly answers casting a quick glance at the girl that is grinning at him, "just get your things and come on. We're going to Dragonstone."
"What's it now?" Aegon rolls his eyes.
"We're to meet Corlys there and arrange something. I'm waiting in the car."
"Is the issue arised because our dear uncle wants to divorce that bitch?" Aegon laughs.
"No," Aemond answers coldly turning to the doorway, "five minutes, Aegon. Hurry up!"
At long last, the door of the car is opened, and Aegon gets into sitting next to Aemond. The picture is hilarious, mostly for the elder of two brothers: inside, the car smells of tobacco, citrus, and something woody — Aemond's perfume, which he adores. He is wearing a classy black suit of the English cut with a matching dark grey tie. And Aegon sprawls on the leather seat only in jeans and a T-shirt, luckily, a clean one.
"Always a good little boy?" He snickers examining his brother's outfit. Aemond ignores the insult and keeps on looking in the window. The gloomy expression is on his face.
"I heard Daemon doesn't appear at office, fucks Laena instead of that bitch, so... again all work is on you, little good boy?"
"Will you shut the fuck up?" Aemond hisses turning the head towards his brother.
"What?! Isn't that true?!"
"Maybe you'd better start doing your part of the work as well?"
"I don't give a shit," Aegon puts on a resentful face, "if our father doesn't give a shit about us, why should I care?"
"The matter isn't in..."
"The matter is exactly in this! Rheanyra is CEO, not me, not you. You're not even given a position of the head of the financial department. During all these years, as you've been working hard, not Daemon. But, as I said, they don't give a fuck."
Then, there is long silence between both of them. Aemond is looking in the window at changing landscapes: from King's Landing's houses with red roofs to the views of the calm sea as the car has been driven on the bridge that leads to Dragonstone.
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"There's going to be Halaena and her," Aemond hears how his brother's mood changes abruptly. Only several seconds ago, he was upset because of the family issues, and now he's grinning looking at Aemond pointedly. He doesn't condemn Aegon for quick mood alterations, in some way, it's his method of hiding the resentment and living among crazy relatives. Still, at times, Aemond finds this Aegon's feature to be very annoying.
"Her?" Aemond raises one brow.
The Cheshire cat's grin becomes bigger on his brother's face.
"Oh, come on, don't pretend like you're an idiot! Her, Aemond. You know who I'm talking about."
"Halaena's best friend," Aemond responds feeling as if something is swirling uncomfortably in his stomach when mentioning her.
"Yes," a satisfied expression appears on Aegon's face, "Daeron texted me. Their summer holidays started at university and they decided to come to Dragonstone, like for a week, I guess. You know, to have parties, to sunbathe in bikinis, to swim."
Aemond gulps nervously. His pupils have dilated. He feels hot.
"If you could only see yourself!" Aegon bursts out laughing unable to control himself, "I know you wanna fuck her!"
"I don't!" Aemond cuts off immediately indignantly looking at his brother's face possessing a sole desire to smack him hard.
"Yes, you do! I notice how you look at her. Do you love her?"
One more time, the loud laughing can be heard in the car — Aegon isn't able to stop. Aemond just exhales heavily and turns his face away from his idiot brother towards the window.
He is exhausted. Because of everything. Aegon, Daemon, his father, all this abnormality the Targaryen family possesses, probably, for decades. He wishes to rest, at least, a little. Isolate himself from others and just sit in his room alone for several days like a mad man. However, there's no going back; his life is predestined, and he has been working in the family business for so long. Somehow, Aemond has got used to this lifestyle. Though, the only silver lining of his life remains to be Halaena's best friend. The girl who he has been madly in love with. The girl who he is going to meet again in an hour.
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m1ssunderstanding · 4 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day 18
Staring John Lennon, as that kid I should’ve been nicer to in first grade who always smelled like PB&J and was never to be seen without his pokemon cards
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The dancing is really too cute. They’re just absolutely giddy. Making each other laugh AND an excuse to touch? John and Paul’s heaven. 
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John saying he was too excited after yesterday to go to bed. Like a fucking kid on christmas.
Everybody is serving today. While the candy-land suit is fun, I actually just love that vivid purple so much that I think it’s better without the coat over it. Billy looks extremely suave and classy.  And those red polka-dots on Ringo. Red suits him, and I think with his very frank, masculine aspect, he looks so beautiful and bold in feminine fits. Paul and John are both just wearing what they wore yesterday. Yeah. But John is still a cutie, and Paul, well, you all know.
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The advice chain about finishing a song while you’re working on. Paul → John → George
Paul honestly does a great job being supportive of George and his work. Coming over and grooving with him, then hopping on drums then guitar (right-handed, may I add). Just to give George musical atmosphere to flesh out his song and start thinking of arrangement ideas, I assume. Then letting him bounce ideas around. And the whole time being overly-enthusiastic to build George up. Look how happy George is with the love and attention. 
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John helping move some equipment in. We love a man who sometimes doesn’t think he’s too good for manual labor. 
Yes, clean that homeless man’s palm sweat off your instrument. Probably smart. 
TFW you made Paul McCartney jealous of your musical abilities. 
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John really knew so well when to be his little impish self and when to be hard and intimidating. Exhibit A, going from, “Can we have our microphones, oh, mister, can we please?” to “And get one for Billy too.” In a matter of seconds.
George Martin stepping in when they’re all getting panicky about the sound and they need an authority figure to reassure them in ways that someone like Glyn Johns never could. Just, perfectly cool and collected, puts everything right as they’re all shouting at him like school children who’ve just had a terrible time in PE. 
“Believe me, when I tell you.” “Oh, I do.” Oh, good. He did put it in. That’s nice. Right, and this is the moment Yoko decides to tell John her divorce has come through and pull him in for a big smooch. Honestly, it just shows how threatened she feels by Paul. Nevermind her whole, “good thing Paul isn’t a girl or he would have been a great threat,” quote. Clearly, he just is a threat regardless of sex.
And then John, “I’m freeeee.” At Paul. Honestly, the amount of things they direct specifically and aggressively at each other that should’ve just been general statements if there wasn’t some weird thing between them. It’s really something. Normally, you’d announce something like that to the whole room. But it seems John specifically wants to impress upon Paul that he and Yoko could get married right now if they wanted to. I mean, it’s a little difficult to make the point, because John and Paul almost aways seem to be talking only to each other. But through the whole discussion of Yoko’s divorce, John does not take his eyes off of Paul. 
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Oh my gosh, Ivan Vaughn is here? How many emotional support boyfriends does Paul need to make up for John having Yoko? Glyn, Linda, George Martin, Dennis, Robert Fraser, and now Ivan? Fuck’s sake, Yoko, you’re a powerful woman.   
Paul’s Strawberry Fields piano. Let me be as vulnerable and broken as possible in my singing, since I can’t show you any other way that you’re killing me. Do you remember this song? That you wrote when we were at the height of our partnership only two years ago? How happy we were then? How beautiful the world seemed for that one brief moment? And John can’t look at him, because, yes he fucking remembers and yes he knows he’s hurting Paul. But for whatever reason, (my theory is he wanted something more Paul couldn’t give him. What that was and whether it was ever specifically vocalized I don't have a guess) going back to that time would be more painful to John than this has been.  
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So they’ve been goofing off and Paul gives this little speech to get them back on task. “Alright Chawn Love. I’ve gotta call order, John, now, valuable time, here, son. Cool down, son.” But John’s response, “Don’t let me down, babe” completely switches Paul’s gears. He now thinks it’s important enough to get in this little snatch of a *meaningful* cover, “Take these Chains from my Heart,” reversing the course of productivity he’d got them on and ignoring the fact that they were about to do a take on two-shilling-a-foot tape. My interpretation of this moment is a bit tin-hatish and long, but suffice it to say, John is not happy with the message.
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Everyone convincing Paul to do another take of his song is surprising, considering everything we always hear about how Paul was a tyrant task-master who just forced everyone to keep doing his lame muzak over and over when they all clearly hated it. Mal, “You can always go back to it.” Paul, “Do you want your head kicked in?” John, “We’ll never get a chance to do it again.” Paul, “Okay, honey bunch. Let’s hit it one time, tutti-frutti.” 
Yoko watching Paul check out her boyfriend’s ass. Classic. Also the fact that she literally copied his outfit? I get so much second-hand embarrassment for her, and it’s not when she’s being a weirdo and a statement-maker. It’s the having to physically stick the gum you were offering your boyfriend into this hand because he won’t take his eyes off his boyfriend for two seconds to look at you. 
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Everyone laughing at Perfect Paul being out of tune is so funny to me. Like when the nerd finally gets a question wrong and the whole class is all “ooooohhhh!”
Ringo having a grand old time on the drums. I love that he just knew that’s what he wanted to do from such a young age and he never wanted to do anything else. And why would he? He’s a genius at it.
Paul. “John’s got something at 1:30 and so have I.” Smirk emoji. Side-eye emoji. George is with me. “Yeah we've got something too. I’ll do Ringo at 1:30.” I'm dead.
This moment right here hurts me. Paul’s enjoying a nice cuddle with Ringo until he remembers the camera. You’re not going to get in trouble for having your friend’s arm around your shoulders, Paul. Why are you like this? 
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deadpool15 · 7 months
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Roommate Pt2
"Shit, my fucking head is pounding." I woke up, thankfully in my bed for the first time in a while. Looking to the side of me, I noticed the girl from last night that I couldn't remember almost felt bad. But for the first time, I kinda felt something for her, or maybe I didn't feel anything. My feelings have been a bit out of the order, to be honest. I have a habit of confusing feelings with lust. Now, the issue with kicking out a one-night stand is that I can't distinguish feelings and whatever the fuck I'm feeling. Especially with Bada and Howl, they are like older, annoying siblings who won't get off my case. I mean, I love them but it seems like they are fucking up my vibes. Like last time, they literally hastled me as I was walking out the door. I'm trying to meet the new guy.
This isn't the first time it has happened, but I guess it didn't occur to me that they were on the bitter side about my dates, but I thought that was just Badas' impression of my weirdly interest in stupid fucking people, because I mean the smaller the brain the better the sex. Then Howl came along, and it was fine for a while until he started acting like Bada as well. It was weird. "Why the fuck is Bada's man on my case like my older brother." I get out of bed realizing in the hour long I've taken to figure out my thoughts, the girl had left. "She was cute. I'll give her that. Hey, maybe I do like her." I statt walking towards my bathroom to take a shower. More time to think to myself yay. But maybe I was just overthinking everything, I mean, they must see me as a little sister. Yea, that would make sense, with me being younger than them in a foreign country, might I add.
"Yea, I know they are simply trying to protect me and probably think I should slow down with all the blind dates and stuff, but I'm not a little girl. They need to chill." As I finish washing myself, I step out the shower, wondering what Bada is cooking. I can smell food, just can't tell what it is exactly.
"We have to tell her tonight, we can set up a dinner at a nice fancy restaurant and talk to her. Like slowly get it out, I mean, it shouldn't be hard, I heard America is pretty cool or just open about that stuff." Badas says as she finished making the American style breakfast that Mika loved. "I mean yea, America is more open about these kinds of situations, but we can't just tell her out like that, Bada." Howl states kind of arguing with Bada to make it be known that there was no going back after this. "Baby, look at me, I know, ok. I know this is a difficult situation but we have to do this together. This is something we have to do together, we have to get our girl baby this is our only chance." Howl smiles at Bada, pulling her close before whispering the words i love you in her eyes. They stand there in silence falling between the two, agreeing on their plan of getting their third piece of their heart.
Hours had passed since that close kept moment between the two. They arrived at the restaurant, and at first, they thought to keep the meeting causal until they realized maybe the beautiful atmosphere of a happy place with amazing food would soften the fact that the two people she has been basically living with were in love with her. "Reservation for Ms. Lee", they stopped checking their appearance for the 17th time of what it feels like tonight. They smile at the waiter while following him towards the table. "See, everything is going just fine. It's gonna be perfect. She will show up soon and we'll finally have our girlfriend. Game time, baby."
After about 10 minutes of sitting there and the waiter constantly coming over, pestering them about having to order something, they start to lose hope. "This was a bad idea," Howl says in despair. Though Bada still has a strong belief that you're going to come, she pulls herself together and tries to get Howl to believe as well. "Baby, I love you, ok. So I say this with all the love I have for you. MAN UP." In that very moment, Bada sees a glimpse of your pink and black hair coming through the door in a rush. Thanking the heavens for giving them another chance.
"I'm so sorry, guys. I got held up with Heaven." Mika states as she drops her coat on the chair and sits down on the opposite side of Bada and Howl. As soon as they both hear the name, leave your beautiful lips, their mouths fill with a hint of distaste. Praying to heaven completely forgetting that happened to be the name of your date or new fling. Bada and Howl had one thing and mind, and that was making sure you forgot that girls name entirely by the end of the night. "I'm here now though, I know it doesn't make up for the fact that I was so late, but I'm really sorry." Bada smiles as Howl seems to be wanting to just get it out already. Seeing this, she grabs his hand firmly, letting him know it will happen. "It's fine. We were just worried, but you're ok. So how about we just order now." You all look at each other, agreeing. Howl helps you with the menu, knowing of course you need no help he just likes to be close to you. Though they both know you'll need help ordering, your social anxiety playing a huge factor in that. Looking at the menu, you finally decided on a simple shrimp pasta. You could never go wrong with a classic. Howl orders a steak with mash and vegetables, and Bada follows along ordering lasagna, one of your favorites just in case.
"So, what did you guys need to talk about so urgently. Hopefully, this isn't about trying to get me to join the academy again. I don't care how much potential you think you see isn't a dancer in me, I promise." Mika says, deciding to start the conversation off with a slight joke to ease the situation. Truth be told, she didn't have the slightest idea why they both wanted to talk with her. No matter how hard she tried to ponder over the thought, it didn't make sense why they were here together. "No, I know you all camera shy and stuff, but you are a good dancer flower." Hearing Bada say that name brought her a sense of comfort, it was a name she had given her when they first met. She claims Mika sparked in the sun like a flower. Smiling at that thought, it does ease the tension, "Good, because all those people in one big room is just like a no for me." Howl sits up making eye contact with bada before deciding they should go to the restroom, getting the message they excuse themselves for a minute. Stepping inside Bada immediately breaks down her strong facade. Howl grabs her in his arms, trying to calm her down. "This is stupid she can never love me. It's so hard, baby. I'm trying to be strong for us, but she doesn't want me, I can tell. I see her with all these tall girls, and I think im like them, so why is it never me." Howl shuts up her crues with a simple kiss, breaking her away from the moment. "Your wrong baby, she will love you just like I love you, ok? You shouldn't be doing this alone. You're right. I need to man up and be their for both of you. Don't ever think for a second you're not enough ok, let's go out there and get our girl."
As they are left in the bathroom taking a moment for themselves, only terrible thoughts are crossing Mika's mind. What had she done that was so difficult to tell. She felt worse for not being able to remember it. She immediately thinks she might have crossed the line. Maybe Bada felt like she was coming onto Howl sneakily. Sure, she thought Howl was hot and mean fuck they both were and would it make her a bad person if she admits she has fantasized about them both a some point. But Bada was her best friend, and she refused to lose a meaningful friendship because she couldn't keep it in her pants. Throughout this meltdown, she is having she doesn't notice Bada and Howl come back from the restroom, nor does she notice she has started crying. Finally catching sight of them, she immediately breaks down. "I'm sorry for whatever I did, I promise I didn't mean to. Bada, you're my best friend, and I tried to hard not to make you feel any way. I even changed habits that I grew up with, like walking around with less clothes and other shit that may piss you off. Howl, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. Please don't kick me out." Hearing this, they both move towards the other side of the table, grabbing her with Howl, setting her on his lap, this of course catches her off guard, but Bada keeps her in place.
"You didn't make anyone uncomfortable flower, I promise. We aren't gonna kick you out, or I'm not." Bada says, rubbing her big cheeks to calm her down while wiping the tears. "We wanted to tell you the truth. We've been in love with you for years now, baby. At first, we thought something was wrong until we both talked it out and realized we both had feelings for you. Then, Bada told me that you had said something about poly relationships at one point, and we realized their was nothing wrong with it." Howl states, turning her around to straddle his lap, rubbing her waist as comfort. "W-wait, what? You love me. The both of you, I thought I was imposing with the constant amount of third wheeling, that's why I've been going on more dates." Mika speaks up confused. How could two of the most beautiful people inside and out love her. "Baby, we love spending time with you. If anything, we were trying to build up the courage to tell you. And now you have us." Bada says, hooking her fingers with yours and Howl. "No more dates, we are all you need." Mika smiles, looking off happy. I Thinking she was getting kicked out or just wrong for liking two people, and it worked out. Bada starts to usher both of her partners out of the restaurant to go home, says they could order in, simple wanting to spend time with each other. They faithfully agree and pile into the car, making their way home.
Stepping out of the car, going into the building, Mika notices that neither one of their new partners can keep their hands to themselves. Though Mika all of a sudden feels shy with all the affection. Howl reaches out for her hand in the elevator and pulls her to him, leaving open-mouthed kisses down her neck. While Bada turns around staring at her with a smile that could only be described as pure lust and desire. "You know, I'm starting to believe that our little flower here, knew we were listening to her fuck other people. Torturing us, weren't you?" She listens to what Bada says completely, forgetting she used to invite people over to her place after her dates. But before she could answer, the elevator stops, opening up indicating they have reached their floor. Bada walks out, going to the front door tapping the code in while Howl grabs Mika, throwing her over his shoulder. Yea, she was truly in for it tonight. Opening the door, they immediately walk into their room, Howl throws her down on the bed. Leaving them both standing in front of her. She had never realized how much taller they were than her. Towering over her, making her feel so small, and yet she doesn't feel afraid if anything, she is excited.
"Bada, right baby. You do like torturing us, don't you? Almost every single night, hearing your sweet, beautiful moans for some random shitty guy and girl you could find. You wanted our attention, didn't you, baby?" Mika nods her head as Howl pushes her down on the bed, working on kissing up her legs, reaching straight for her pussy. Staring at it like it's a prize he had finally won. "Giving this pussy up all the time, that shit ends tonight you her me little girl." It wasn't a question, no it was a demand. That he knew she would follow without a second thought. Peeling her panties down, he catches sight of the little bow on the front, motioning it to Bada how she gets on the bed smiling. "I told you she is our little flower." Bada comes behind your gathering you in her arms as Howl finally takes off your underwear. Pushing your legs up yo have you spread out more for him, with Bada holding you still. You hadn't even realized she had taken off her pants, leaving her just in her Calvin Klein thong and the blouse she chose to wear. You whine at the thought, catching both of their attention. "N-naked, please?" Hearing this, they need no further instructions. With Bada pulling off her shirt and bra, you feel her pulling down your dress, sliding it off, leaving you in nothing. Feeling her bare breasts pressed against your back leaves you moaning. Though Howl takes his time, slowly pulling down his pants and shirt, almost giving a strip tease. "Come on, we can't leave our flower waiting. We had to show her what she was missing." Bada moves her lips down to leaving love bites on you neck while playing with you breast.
Howl forgets about his underwear at the moment, leaving you to gawk at his abs. He watches you stare before diving straight in. Sucking and licking your cunt like it's his last meal. "You taste so good, baby." You push his head further in with your thighs, "f-fuck yes." Bada bites your ear while moaning. You trun your head, realizing she was fingering herself. She looks so fucking hot you can stand it. Howl pushes a finger in why his nose is positioned right on your clit, casuing you to scream out. You start to tap Bada motioning her towards you, "P-please sit on my face," and who is she to deny such a request. Positioning herself to hover over your face, she contemplates if this is the best idea, but she stops thinking when Mika pulls her thighs down, closing them around her head. Sucking on her clit her she moves Badas hips to ride her face, while Howl is jerking himself off still eating Mika out. With Mika's nose mumbling against Bada's clit everytime she moves she is so close to her high. "Fuck... baby I'm gonna cum." Bada yells out loud grabbing the headboard, as Howl feels Mika cuming in his mouth. Bada squirts all over Mika's face never had she felt such a high. Howl and Bada make eye contact, now realizing why all those girls that came into Mika's room screaming.
Howl grabs Bada kissing her while she leans in sucking on his lips, wanting a taste of everything Mika has to offer. Mika dares at them with pure love, wanting more. Bada pushes him down, getting on top of him while pushing him inside. While she is used to the stretch, she knows Mika isn't, and they will have to work her into it. So, Howl starts fingering Mika again, pushing in two fingers at a time overstimulating her. "S-shit....wait." but they pay her pleads no mind, and he grabs her thighs, pushing in another finger moving faster than before. Bada, seeing this, starts moving herself up and down. Dancing we coming into affect when they fuck. All you can hear from the room is skin against skin. "Yes...right there....fuck give it me." Bada says while slamming herself down onto Howl shaft over and over again. She feels the band in her stomach slowly start to snap, knowing she had just come before leaving her sensitivity. Howl notices this and moves his feet to stand on the bed and further slam his hips against her own, causing Bada to clench around him, holding onto his chest. "That's fuck baby. Fuck come all over me." That pushes her over the edge. Leaving her crying and coming on command.
Bada and Howl take a moment to themselves while he is still fingering Mika, even though she had come 2 more times. Howl stops while Bada gets off of him until they hear a phone ring. They ignored it for a moment until it hangs up and rings again. Howl reaches over realizing its Mikas phone, about to put it on, do not disturb. Until he sees the caller ID, "So you haven't cut ties with that heaven girl baby," Mika looks up and him wide-eyed, realizing he told her she would meet up later. Before she can speak, Howl flips her over positioning her on all fours. She feels the heavy weight of his shaft pulsing against her throbbing abused clit. He passes her the phone, and she looks at it. He wouldn't want her to answer it at a time like this, would he? But Bada grabs the phone, answering it while placing it against Mika's ear. She hears Heaven speak up, asking about where she is, wanting to answer quickly so she can end the call until Howl starts to push in. "W-wait...fuck...pleasee. Too..big." Howl stares at her perfectly arched for him. "You can take it, baby. I know you can. Good girls take it nice and well. You're my good girl right". Each word is punctured by an inch until he is fully inside.
"So full." Is all Mika can manage out, causing both Bada and Howl to smile at their precious baby. Heaven after a while goes silent on the phone, yet doesn't hang up. Bada quickly speaks up, while putting pressure on Mika's clit. "Our baby is a bit.. occupied at the moment if you couldn't tell. I would say she could call you back later, but she won't. Don't call this phone again." In the process, Howl starts hammering his hips into Mika's, holding her up feeling on the imprint in her stomach. "Would you look at that baby, I'm all the way up here. Can you feel me in your stomach, can't you? Claimed I wouldn't fit, but look at you. It's like your pussy was made to take me. Made just for us." Howls says while pressing down on your stomach. Bada moves to kiss you sucking on your tongue, leaving you just overwhelmed, never experienced anything like this. Completely cock drunk. "Gonna take good care of you flower, always."
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alloveydovey · 7 months
Dramas I watched this past month! The month of the rewatch. (Also spoilers!)
Crush (cdrama) 6.5
This had such a strong start and then went downhill bad (like really bad).
Psychology student decides to sort of intern (? at a special education school and meets a blind braille teacher there. There’s also music involved.
Like in most cdramas I’ve watched, everyone behaves like a twelve-year-old, and the conflict starts out of things that an adult should be able to prevent. The main couple drastically changes in the second half, and it’s like you are watching a whole other drama.
Into the Ring (kdrama) (rewatch) 10 ⭐️
My eternal love to Nana in this (and in general. I’m in love with her). Se Ra is probably my favorite FL from all the dramas I’ve watched.
I remember being very skeptical the first time I saw this (because politics, kinda boring?) but it was so worth it.
Park Sung Hoon is also such an excellent companion to all of her craziness. His and Nana's chemistry was one of the best ones. The awkward but somehow very comfortable atmosphere you feel while watching them is next level. Still one of my favorite dramas. 10/10, I adore it.
Doona! (kdrama) 8
I still have mixed feelings about this one. The sort of angst romance was on point. Actors were good, narrative was fast-paced and kept me entertained. Doona is presented as a complex character and so the story even with happy moments, feels very bittersweet. But even with all that, I feel like I'd have to watch it again because there’s something that puts me off but I can’t quite decide what it is exactly.
I also want to know why they had her wearing tiny tank tops and shorts in snowy winter lol…
A Business Proposal (kdrama) (rewatch) 8.5
The first time I watched a business proposal I didn’t really like it. I thought it was way too cliche and absurd and dropped it after the third episode. It was the fourth kdrama I had watched after Crash Landing on You, Hometown Cha Cha Cha, and Twenty-Five Twenty-One so like… it had big shoes to fill in. I came back to it eventually and finished it.
Now after rewatching… I think learned to appreciate a good over-the-top rom-com (they became my favorites lol) and this definetly hits all the boxes. It feels like an instant classic. Also music 10/10.
Usokon (jdrama) 7
If it is marriage contract/fake dating then sign me the fuck up!!! Usokon started strong but at some point (around episode 8/9) I started getting frustrated. We know that there are feelings involved, but nobody is doing anything about it. The ML (even though he absolutely steals the show) doesn’t do anything to move forward, and the FL is too clueless to make a move. And so there’s not enough romance in a drama that is primarily romantic since the main focus is their fake marriage/ relationship. Also, it had such a frustrating ending!!!
My Girlfriend is a Gumiho (kdrama) 7,5 ⭐️
Nothing beats old kdramas, they have such a particular nostalgic vibe that makes you unable to stop watching. My girlfriend is a gumiho was so sooo stupid, childish, and even cringe, but so cute!!! Every time Shin Min Ah and Lee Seung Gi were together on screen I couldn’t stop smiling. I can totally see this one becoming a comfort drama. Another one with soundtrack 10/10.
Daily Dose of Sunshine (kdrama) 9
I read somewhere that this was like a mental health for dummies book, and to be honest, it’s kind of like that, but it works so well! The way they visualized mental disorders was so creative, I was impressed.
All the characters were intriguing enough to keep me going. Everyone had something to offer here. Even the patients from each episode.
Watching this felt deeply sad yet deeply comforting as well. Park Bo Young absolutely kills it (as usual. QUEEN).
Twinkling Watermelon (kdrama) 9.5
This one was pure gold. Time travel to meet the younger version of your parents? Sign me fuck up. The idea of sending Eun Gyeol back in time to try to understand his family and live his youth is such a cool (and emotional af) premise. It had the ideal balance of comedy and emotion. I feel like sixteen episodes weren’t enough. I could have sat there for another twenty episodes watching those teenagers being silly lol.
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feral-teeth · 3 months
🖌, 🕰, 👀 & 🍂 for the ask game 🫶
🖌️- Do you have/want any tattoos?
I dont have any, but I love the idea of tattoos and i get sick of seeing and feeling things being on my body really easily (like watches or like temp tattoos) so idk if its the best idea for me? I would probably only get something very abstract or something i really love.
Attached are the marble tattoos i would get on my arms and legs! Like i imagine black or gold marble along my shoulder and down, cutting off where there woukd be patchwork tattoos (like a mix of spencer agnews and anthony padillas)
Heres the link to my tattoo inspo board :3 - its among all of the other boards in that folder
I also know that once i get top surgery i want to put like, something cool on the new free real estate on my chest once it heals - like a cool feral dog or like stitches or something cool. To represent how fucking sick and badass being trans and getting top surgery is. And also being a furry i need like teeth or something feral looking on me (i wonder where i got my username from lol) ik someone on insta whos trans and he has these SICK tattoos like paw prints on the palm of his hands and some other rlly cool ones!! His name is Fox i think? Hes a huge inspo for me and my furry journey/trans journey for a while.
Also a tooth. Cuz fuck yeah
The future of having patchwork tattoos on my arms when i get money for it… it keeps me going. I cant wait to look fucking HOT esp w black ink cuz i find it super hot and more aesthetic on me.
I remember there was a self-love influencer and she had two tigers on her belly, and i loved the idea of that and to appreciate my stomach more.
. I also love the idea of having angel wing tattoos cause i used to always imagine having angel wings and wrapping them around me when i was scared or needed comfort. So they would represent that comfort. I also imagined them like, dragging on the ground behind me sometimes, like my wings were too big for my body. I imagined them as like gold and red and w like splashes of bright colours.
🕰️ - What time is it where you are rn?
Well its 6:01pm as i start to write this - lets see how long it takes for me to post it lol - checking in its 6:26pm - now its 6:35pm - 6:40pm abt to post
👀 - what colour are your eyes?
Brown, but golden in the sunlight! I have an old photo that i love when i was in British Colombia in the car and the sun was shining so perfectly and i got a picture of my golden eyes. Its such a beautiful picture i might just find it and post it here after i answer this <3 also reminds me of a photo i took of the mountains out the window that was literally a perfect screenshot of the beautiful moment. It makes me miss my old instagram where i used to only post aesthetic photos i took 😔probs gonna make my personal account do just that now 🫡
🍂-whats your favorite season?
Fall always! I love the season i was born in (i heard thats usually a proven thought) and even tho its moving into dead winter, it feels like new beginnings and a clean, fresh start because school used to start for me around then and its my bday in fall too so its like new school supplies? Presents? Money?? Amazing. This will surely change my life for the better! And all of this ruin and pain will fall behind me cuz i have new clean fresh pens and a new journal and a new schedule i know ill just drop after a month ! (Digital planners saved me sm omg)
But i also love every season and the poetry and meanings and atmospheres they bring. I always get so sad in the winter, but that sadness and pain being surrounded by so much joy and brightness and christmas lights and a hazy glow makes a good contrast for poetry and your own depression so 🤷 spring is new beginnings. The contrast between winter and spring and meaning new life and the dead rotting and turning into something that helps the fertilizer grow is such a strong concept for me. Summer being so hazy in the heat with heat lines coming off of the sidewalk, your ice cream melting onto the hot pavement, making it sizzle. The sadness that summer can bring too. The heat and fun and sun that everyone seems to be having while youre stuck inside or watching them through a haze of your own, you want to break the glass between you and the others but its just too thick, so you just slam on the glass, yelling, hoping that someone, anyone can hear you on the other side.
Back to fall - Now my bday just makes me sad 😔 whats funny is that it usually still feels like summer when its my bday, so its like im still in that hazy summer, preparing for the winter and dead leaves on the ground that are pronised every year.
From this ask game - get to know me! 💖
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
What’s the new idea??
it was a 3 am (1:30 am) thought and i am SO happy i remembered bc i was so tired i didnt want to write anything down
anyways i was talking with my uncle earlier in the day about believing in ghosts blah blah and he taught me about the multi-verse theory for a ghost's existence which is pretty much the thought of someone from another reality glitching or inputing things into this reality! and as i am a multi-verse enthusiast i enjoyed this idea quite a bit,,,,
SO my idea is that a borrower is living in an old abandoned house. just completely run down and not even remotely historical or really anything special. the old owners left and no one's been there since.
and so this borrower doesn't really know or try to entertain the idea of ghosts, but they do know that there's fucking startling things happening around the house. voices, noises, even occasionally a warp in the atmosphere. things will feel like they're touching the borrower or walking past them.
and yet there doesn't seem to be any kind of cat or raccoon that's around. no humans (except for the occasional trespassing teenagers). nothing. just some bugs that occasionally blend in with the scares.
and on the opposite end, in another reality, there's a human who's convinced they're haunted. there's constantly little scurries in the walls and occasionally voices or even things that constantly go missing right under their nose. there's no evidence of bugs (and believe them they've looked)
very similar to ff1970 but better. also not sad. might do tallerduo or twinsduo for this if i ever finish my 234858912 other things to do </3
more under cut (talking about ghost tour :D)
first off it was AMAZING. loved it. ghost enthusiasts can be a bit much sometimes but honestly it didn't even matter
i see all the time on ghost hunting shows them sitting down criss-cross with the equiptment all around them and a spirit box in the middle and actually getting to do that felt so surreal i know i'm definitely overexaggerating the coolness of it (i felt like it was AMAZING but i think my perception of things is pretty eager) but GOD it was cool.
but the spirit box is annoying as shit
hhhh we went to two places for like 2 hours each and the first place was definitely my favorite,,, lots of area to cover n all and also i got to mess around with some toys up in the attic so i was definitely occupied,,,,
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(you can see i had a great time)
also it was very calm up there. it was so mf quiet that it wasn't even scary it was just peaceful as hell :D
the second place was an old school house which i think was a little bit more neutral, but it was still very calm. got jumpscared by jesus though dsshdfsh and hhhhh we sat in silence for a while and got a pic where it looked like i was balding lmaooo
but other than that no activity or anything which is what i expected
ALTHOUGH some guys got some activity in the kitchen which was conveniently when i told my uncle to knock on the wall while we were upstairs to see if anything would respond 😭😭😭
and the fooooog it was so heavy it was amazing >>:)))))
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thas it tho. i wont go as into detail about stuff as i did with my family sjdsjd. but it was lots of fun, definitely worth the wait!!!!
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multifandomfreak · 6 months
Spoilers for TheInvisibleDavis's SCP Series
As someone who is about 3/4 through season one ish, its pretty good so far. With it being a minecraft rp, things are very aprofessional and the editor just doesnt give a flying fuck. Sometimes the bg music is way to loud, sometimes the plot is interrupted by someone needing to leave. They can take it out, but they just don't, and its incredibly frustrating. I don't love it, but like, its investing, the drama is solid, and scps are really cool.
Onto the characters themselves:
Davis- He's cold and bitter, seems to deny any sort of positivity, and is all around a bitch. He complains about pretty much anything, and I understand where he's coming from in his situation, but g o d it can get annoying. But he also has his reasons. His ability causing him to remember how he dies every time he comes back, there is an insane amount of horror this man has seen. Hes died from both scps and people over and over again. He's taken advantage of his ability and will try time and time again under the idea he can get what he wants in the end. He's become pretty messed up and depressed in this state. He's either used or waiting to be used and he will do anything to get out. A total badass, but like I get tired of him complianing. Like dude you have a bed. remember being D-class? Yeah fuckin' appreciate it before its gone and you're back at square one. You don't have to pretend to be happy, just value what you got.
And with his trust issues, he can never see the good in the people he's working with (Kat SHE DESERVES BETTER) and its both his and the foundation's fault for this. Kat had to treat him like an experiment. She had to treat d-class like that, but Davis didn't get that. He still doesn't because he REFUSES to believe any of the researchers no matter how much integrity they show. Kind of silly and annoying of him, but thats kinda how trauma works.
I also forgot to mention I really liked him early on. He was like this angry lil guy who was pissed in his circumstance. His ability was rediscovered after those anesthetics messed with his brain. The atmosphere was great. These solitary rooms as Davis sees just how large this place is in his attempts to break free. The endless staircase and the meat room were probably my favorite parts of pre-scp Davis. I liked the mystery of that a lot.
After that its just been moments where there isn't much horror to it, but the angst is really good sometimes.
Once he found out he was a father, that frustration I had with him has lessened, given that kid is the one thing that makes him happy in this personal hell of his. And he only got to see the kid once and since hes been transparent about that. The thing is the foundation doesn give a fuck, so Harkmann and Kat had to put in work just to get it to happen. Again, Davis just doesn't think they care. I think I just want him to be a better person... and like maybe his son will do that. That'd be very sweet.
I also find it funny that Davis's self insert is a jacked badass who cannot die.
Kat- I like her. I didn't have much to say about her for a good chunk of the series, but she's the embodiment of "trying her best :'(" Shes new to her job, she just wants to help people, and shes gone through some awful stuff. For one, shes had to live through some horrific events. Containment breaches, held at gunpoint, stalked to the point where she couldn't stay in her own home, and kidnapped by that Cain cult. She lies that her kindness is for the complicity of Davis. That's just... tragic. At least she has a good relationship with Dr. Harkmann.
Dr. Harkmann- He's complicated for me. On one hand he came off as pretty kind and thoughtful of his fellow researchers, but if you get on his bad side, he can be brutal. That's sounds cool, but it hurts from the fact Davis had to go through some more torture after he blackmailed the foundation and Kat's life. He got pretty protective of her and goes pretty easy on her compared to the other colleages. It's not out of sexism so I respect that greatly. But kinda like Davis he can be a bitch. He feel like he has to put on this mask to be a cold and collected scientest and see any SCP as an experiement, no matter the sentience. He was also kind of taught to be that way. Idk his story is cool, I'm just not a big fan of who he is.
Reggie- Not enough screentime or standout scenes to form an opinion. He developed a hatred for Davis after... something went wrong. 99% sure it was the gunpoint situation, but it could have also been the time he knew he was killed. The time where- idk he was pretty chill but I just kind of stopped caring about him after some time I was watching.
Uh anyways. Good series. Lotta bad pacing (imo) so I get bored easily. 3/4 of them need therapy. Kat just got to see a therapist from where I'm at.
And otso, almost forgot him. Ill talk about him when im more awake im stupid tired.
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theggning · 11 months
Hello! I was the anon who asked Sapphire-Weapon about how RE6 was originally recieved. You offered to tell me about your own opinions on the subject, if you remember. If you like, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
I rewatched some scenes and I still... hate it. The script and overall story were awful imo. It's cringey but without the RE charm, lol. And I'm still mad about how watered down and silly they've made Ada in that game. It was cool to play as her, but the whole "everyone important is just in love with her or wants to be her" was so blaringly stupid and lazy. I felt it really took away from her character, tbh. She should've zipped up and thrown a bomb down. Just explode the lot of 'em and go home to a girlfriend. Would've highfived her for that. (All jokes, lol!!). And Jake... his arc really lacked effort and it's a pity because I really enjoyed him as a character. He could've had a great opportunity with his development but... nah. A little insight as an OG fan about what you loved and hated would be great!
/rolls up sleeves
I consider RE6 one of (no longer #1 but one of) the greatest disappointments I've ever had in a video game that I was otherwise really, really hype for. So BOY am I down to unload talk about it.
Honestly the thing I hated the most about RE6 is the level design. It's really a shame, because the gameplay/controls are actually really fun. I love the increased focus on melee. Mercenaries mode in that game is a blast. But unfortunately, the campaign design is so fucking miserable and such a slog you could not pay me to play through the whole thing again.
The average level design in RE6 goes like this:
Hallway full of enemies
Telegraphed set piece w/ QTEs
Hallway full of enemies
Hallway full of enemies
Telegraphed set piece w/ QTEs
The boss monster you defeated 7 times already STILL ISN'T DEAD and pops out to chase you some more
Explosion, launching our heroes into:
a hallway full of enemies!!!!!
I remember this being particularly bad in Chris' campaign, but it's a problem in ALL of them. There's no atmosphere, very few moments of quiet, no interesting rooms or details to look at. You know how in REmake/RE0 and the more recent remakes and especially in RE4R you can look around the environment and see fun little details, objects? How the rooms look lived in and like this was a real place once? There's almost none of this in RE6. The places you walk through don't look real. That marketplace doesn't look like anyone's ever done business in it. The spa level doesn't look like a real spa. It's a hallway full of enemies that leads you to your next explosion.
To add to the problem here, the chapters are goddamn ALMOST AN HOUR LONG EACH. Unlike RE5, where the subchapters were around 10-30 minutes if you knew what you were doing, when you sit down to play a chapter in RE6 it's gonna take you an entire hour. Even if there were some little fun moments in the levels, I can't remember them and I'm not gonna go back to play them when that fun moment is sandwiched by 45 minutes of awful bullshit.
The story also does absolutely suck. I have never before played a game plot that felt more like two 12-year-olds hopped up on Mountain Dew enthusiastically spitballing fanfic ideas and jamming every single one of them into a story. What's frustrating is that there are glimmers of good ideas all over the place, but they end up falling flat or getting stupid.
I could probably rant and rave about the plot of RE6 for another 4000 words, but since it's been a literal decade since I played the game and I'm fuzzy on the details, I don't want to go too in depth. So I think I'll just throw out some things I liked and disliked for each campaign. That I remember. From when the game came out.
It is also worth mentioning that my friend and I, foolishly, played the campaigns in reverse order because that was shown to be chronologically correct. This was a very bad idea. By the time I got to what most people consider the "best" campaign, I was 80% of the way to my sinking realization that I hated the game.
Jake's Campaign:
Sherry! I love grownup Sherry. I like her silly G-virus healing factor. I like the bit where she tells Jake to stop fucking whining about the evil daddy he never met, because Sherry fucking Birkin doesn't need to hear your "woe is me"ing about your evil parents fucking up your life.
The snow level was kind of unique and interesting-looking.
The spa level was kind of unique and interesting-looking.
Ustanak. I realize we're trying to recapture the magic of Nemesis for the 4th or 5th time here, but when every other goddamn boss in this fucking game comes back 50 times before you kill it, it kind of takes away from the one enemy whose entire gimmick is that exactly. I cannot remember what he looks like at all. Nemesis is iconic, this guy is just big and ugly. The fact that Jake punches him to death with his bare hands is really silly but in kind of the good stupid RE way that I enjoy. It's what this loser deserves.
I'm honestly not a huge fan of Jake in general? He has a good character arc, which is more than I can say for basically anybody else in this game, but he slots right into this godawful edgelord teenage boy catnip character archetype that was absolutely everywhere in the early 2010s in gaming.
The idea of Wesker having a son could be really interesting (even if it makes me think about Wesker fucking, which. ugh) but it's integrated in a really strange way. I frankly do not believe Jake's mother when he says she genuinely loved Wesker and that he was a "good man," a thing that has literally never been demonstrated, ever, in the entire history of this canon. It's really incongruous given everything we know about Wesker, so I'm not sure why they went with that instead of the, honestly, more sensible idea of having Jake be an unauthorized experiment using Wesker's sperm or something.
The bit where Jake, who vocally despises his absent father the entire length of time we know him, suddenly decides to get pissy with Chris for killing him, is incredibly contrived. It feels like it's in there just because they felt like they needed an excuse for Jake to be in conflict with Chris, even when it makes no sense with what we know of Jake's personality.
Chris' Campaign
Piers is the best character in this game. He's charming, he's appealing, we can sympathize with him, he and Chris have wonderful chemistry together (platonically or not- I do love me some Nivanfield.) I love what they do with him as a "successor" to Chris, and how he helps Chris through his spiral. I will never stop being furious that they killed him off. Piers deserved better.
I like the broad strokes of Chris' character arc here. Chris becoming an alcoholic and suffering real, visible PTSD from the deaths of his men is both appropriate and a sensible step for his character at this point in the series.
Carla is definitely the best villain in this game. I have some beef with her that I'll discuss in the Ada section but in terms of campaign-specific antagonists, she's both the most compelling and the most dangerous.
The execution of Chris' arc is possibly the stupidest fucking writing in this entire game. So you're telling me that Chris Redfield, Superstar BSAA Founder and Golden Boy, is somehow able to just disappear from the hospital where he's laid up with head trauma and amnesia? He just, wanders the fuck away and nobody notices? Chris is gone for SIX FUCKING MONTHS and nobody is able to find him in that length of time? Where the hell are Claire or Jill in this scenario? Claire spends 2/3 of her starring games moving heaven and earth to search for her brother. In Revelations, Jill disobeys orders and goes looking for him when he's missing for 12 hours. And neither of them bother looking for him when he goes missing for half a year? If you have ever wondered why Jill or Claire aren't in this game, it's because there's no fucking way to make this stupid plot work if either of them have anything to say about it. So they're apparently just blipped out of existence for the duration of RE6. Oh hey, we found Chris. In Edonia. The same place he went missing six months ago. Guess we were too busy to really look for him that hard. Hey Piers, go drag him kicking and screaming out of the bar. There's some shit going down in China and we need our top guy on the job. What's that? He's still suffering the effects of massive head trauma? He can't remember who the fuck he is? He has no idea who we are or what he's doing? Ehhhhhhhhhhh don't worry about it, stick a uniform on him and throw him into the thick, that oughta jog his memory a bit. This bit is so stupid and irresponsible that I will never again respect the BSAA as anything but cartoonishly incompetent. Head Trauma Amnesiac Chris gets his memory jogged midway through proceedings, and flies off into a frothing, mindless vengeance rage against Ada. In the process he personally gets an entire team of BSAA operatives killed. Again. Two in one game! That's pretty bad even for Chris! It's only via being screamed at by Piers that Chris snaps out of it and goes back to being the respected leader that he's supposed to be just in time to save the world. Chris decides, then and there, that maybe he's no longer in a position to keep doing this. That he should step aside and give a new generation of fighters a chance to fight for what's right. That Piers, who's been levelheaded and focused and brave through all of this turmoil, deserves to be Chris' successor and that he's the hero the world needs now. And then Piers dies horribly, tragically, traumatically, so uh. Never mind that I guess. Making Chris an alcoholic and forcing him to reckon with the deaths of his men is a great idea for a story arc for him. But this contrived-ass prolonged soap opera amnesia drama ain't it, chief. EDIT: Tumblr, in its infinite wisdom, just linked me to a blog post I made in 2013 COMPLETE WITH PICTURES I DREW making fun of this plot point. Please enjoy!
Everybody says this is the campaign with the worst, grindiest, bullet spongiest, Gears of Wariest gameplay and they are correct.
I think we are supposed to take the ending of the campaign as inspirational. Chris goes back to the BSAA with renewed determination, and we're supposed to find this as noble or heroic. I actually find this ending incredibly fucking sad and tragic. Piers' death is haunting Chris, and he's now taking Piers' faith in him as a mandate. Piers' hero worship and respect for Chris is now being interpreted as "you can't give up-- ever." Chris has resigned himself to fighting this battle for the rest of his life. He can never hand off the reins to a younger generation. He can never retire. He can never heal. He can never stop, and he's now doomed to do this until he dies/Capcom stops dragging his now 50-year-old ass out to star in every single game.
Leon's Campaign
The first 20 minutes or so of Leon's campaign is genuinely the best part of the entire game. By the time I got to this point I was already heavily fatigued from the above horseshit so I don't think it hit me like it should have, but the Tall Oaks University section is pretty great.
I like Leon being a mentor of sorts for Helena. It's a role we haven't seen him in before and it's interesting.
I find the exploitation of Deborah Harper to be really gross. Helena gets blackmailed into starting an outbreak that kills the president for the sake of her sister. By the time we reach Deborah she's already been infected. Which is FINE... but making her a moaning, writhing, voluptuous monster vamping nude around the boss arena in a clear attempt to be sexually appealing to the (presumed male) player feels really icky to me. She could have just been a regular monster? Helena would still have every reason to want revenge on Simmons?
Due to the shitty pacing and structure, Leon and Helena both come off as super incompetent. Helena won't say shit about what's going on, leading us blindly into situation after situation and promising to explain "later." Leon's inability to drive reaches parody status as he crashes like 6 different vehicles in the course of this campaign. Leon and Helena's mere presence is a deathknell for every single person in the vicinity-- every time they encounter a group of civilians, every single one of them dies horribly. If this all happened once or twice then it wouldn't be so egregious, but this whole campaign feels like these two bumblefucks fucking up and getting innocents killed.
What in the FUCK was with the underground Skyrim dungeon section? Why is this area here? Aren't we in fucking Massachusetts???
Derek Simmons is Diet Wesker and he's terrible at it. He's not scary, he's not sinister, he's not even campy fun like Wesker was. He's supposed to be this grand evil mastermind, but he's doing all of this because Ada broke up with him or put in her two weeks notice or whatever? What a fucking loser.
The whole "oh no, a secret illuminati is running the world behind the scenes" plotline. I've been calling these guys the "Failluminati' for so long I can't even remember their real name. Having an omg secret evil organization running everything in your plot is not a plot twist, it's a fucking copout. This is so stupid Capcom has never again mentioned it, with good reason.
Ada's Campaign
The one and only actually scary part of the game, the Carla boss fight. Oh my god, is that some psychological horror? In THIS shitshow?
This is my favorite Ada character design. That open jacket is really stylish.
For about 2/3 of the previous campaigns, it looks like they have finally, actually done something interesting with Ada. Oh my god, is Ada an outright villain this time? What's her motivation? Are we finally going to learn who Ada works for and what her goals are? Why is she doing this? Chris has very good reason to be angry at Ada, but Leon's going to defend her just going by his gut? That's juicy! Wow! The boys are fighting!
I think it's extremely funny that Leon never technically finds out about the existence of Carla, so he watches a video of "Ada" hatching out of a fucking egg and assumes that's really her. He never gets corrected on this notion. As far as we know, OG Leon still thinks Ada hatched out of an egg. That's hilarious.
They didn't do anything with Ada at all actually! The Ada/Carla switcheroo is really obvious once you realize it's happening, and would have been a cool opportunity to actually define something about Ada. Oh no, this evil scientist releasing the C virus on the world is claiming to be Ada? We all know the real Ada would never... um.... well... To me, the frustrating thing about OG Ada is that she isn't really a character. She shows up from time to time to save Leon or be mysterious or be a pair of boobs to look at, but she has no goals. No motivation. We don't know what she's really thinking or why she does things. She's taking orders from... SOMEONE? But we never find out who, and even when we think we know who, it turns out she's betraying them. Ada deals in bioweapons for cash, while also having an apparent soft spot for Leon. She's morally gray, but to no actual end. We can't say that she would or wouldn't do this or that, because nobody knows who Ada is or what she's trying to accomplish, and the script just has her coyly alluding to her alleged "goals" without ever explaining what those are. So yeah, imagine my disappointment when it finally looked like we were going to really get a look at Ada, only to find out that everything she does in this game isn't really her, it's an angry evil scientist who's been cloned to look like her. They have this whole fucking plot set up to do something, ANYTHING with Ada, and she ends exactly where she starts because none of it was her at all. The bit at the end where Ada winks at the camera about her "true employer" and her "real goals" made me literally fucking scream at my TV.
Hey sorry Capcom, I don't actually feel sorry for Carla at all. When you fuck around with bioweapons and cruelly torture people for the sake of your experiments, I don't really shed a tear for you when you get fed into the proverbial woodchipper of your own hubris. Carla is a great villain but I don't feel any sympathy for her whatsoever, and I really don't see why Ada ought to, either. If anything I'd think Ada should be more grossed out and offended that Simmons is THAT obsessed with her.
Okay so my last complaint is actually something that ONLY could have happened in the weeks immediately following the game. You know how AGENT is just, a stupid blank slate character who feels really out of place? That's because he didn't originally exist. He was patched into the game a few weeks after release, I think about the same time they added the ability to play Ada's campaign without finishing the other three first. Originally, you played Ada's campaign solo, as ONLY Ada. It made the psychological horror-y segments around the Carla boss fight a lot scarier and more impactful. There was, however, a slight problem in that RE6 was designed to be co-op from the ground up. Which means the very mechanics of the game are not designed for a solo character. Because recovering from near-death requires a second character to revive you. So for the first few weeks after release, when you played as Ada and got badly injured, you were forced to just sit there and watch her limp around for 20 seconds and die. Get hit by an enemy? Limp around and die. Injured by a trap? Limp around and die. Fail a QTE? Limp around and die. No recourse. No revival. Fall into the red and Ada suffers a slow, prolonged, unskippable death that you cannot escape from. At this point I had spent 40something hours playing the rest of the game, getting increasingly angry at the bad pacing and the worse story, so the extra frustration of Ada's literally broken gameplay in her campaign absolutely drove me over the edge. I managed to beat her campaign before the Agent patch that would have fixed this problem, but by that point I had come to terms with the fact that I absolutely hated RE6 and was deep in my mourning period for my prior anticipation.
Anyway, that's my tragic beef with RE6. Is it as bad as people say? Oh yeah. I think so. Is it as bad as I remember? Probably.... maybe? Does it deserve a second look from my initial impressions at launch? Yeah, probably. But the sting of that first playthrough still haunts me and I don't know that I'm ever going to sit through it again. I'd rather just take the lore notes and the little plot details that I did enjoy and run with those than force myself through the rest of the slog again.
I like how I said I was gonna be brief but then I ended up probably typing 4000 words about the plot anyway. AH WELL.
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reading update
friends, I have no time for bullshit. this is gonna be a long one, I have a tremendous TBR pile waiting for me, and we need to just jump right in. remember how last month I said I was going to get back into comics in a big way? I've made good on my threat.
without further ado, here's what I've been reading:
Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia (Sabrina Strings, 2019) - maybe one of my favorite nonfiction books I've read so far this year. shockingly comprehensive despite the sheer breadth of time it tackles; it's genuinely a bit dizzying to see antiblackness and fatphobia traced so succinctly across centuries and straight into the 21st century. prepare to spit nails learning about all the ways that the English have invented the most heinous bullshit you've ever heard to justify why they're just naturally biologically better than Black people, Asians, Natives, Italians, Eastern Europeans, Jews, and the Irish. tremendous breakdown of race-making and how deeply, truly insidious so many ideas about bodies are.
Dead Collections (Isaac Fellman, 2022) - a quirky little oddball of a novel about a trans vampire working in an archive and a recently widowed fanfic writer who have a totally typical meet cute - obviously the best way to get back out there is to hook up with the archivist handling your dead wife's screenplays and letters, right? Dead Collections follows Our Protagonist, the aforementioned vampire Sol, as he struggles with pretty much everything; if you're a fan of the Guy Having An Elaborate Internal Monologue While Having A Pretty Bad Time genre, this one may be for you. I was a little underwhelmed by Dead Collections, but it's got a sharp and interesting take on vampires + a queer sexy little romance that's worth the while.
Siren Queen (Nghi Vo, 2022) - listen: I am a Nghi Vo stan first and a person second. she can do no wrong. Siren Queen was, to my understanding, actually the first novel Vo wrote even though it's hardly the first book she's published, and while I think it shows a bit of first novel overambition, Siren Queen is still dazzling in its atmosphere and creepy factor. Vo brilliantly blends fey mythos with the early days of Hollywood - changelings roam the movie lots, actors' true names are bartered and sold, and studio heads are inhuman monsters who treat their stars like playthings. one of my favorite details was an older actor being described as having the color actually bleached out of them, turning them literally black and white, from back in the day when cameras were hungrier. spooky! and a brilliant concept, which Vo plays with in all kinds of thrilling ways as her protagonist, Chinese-American lesbian Luli, fights to make a name for herself without having to compromise any part of who she is.
Real Hero Shit (Kendra Wells, 2022) - a real fun D&D-esque comic about a ditzy and horny tiefling prince running off with a party of hardened adventurers. absolutely worth the twelve bucks I spent to scoop it up at Pride! my only complaint is that we got to see some lovingly drawn tits but absolutely zero purple cock and/or balls, which just feels wildly unfair. it's about equality, Kendra.
The Metamorphosis (Franz Kafka, 1915, trans. William Aaltonen) - hey gang, at risk of sounding like a dumbass, I did not know what actually happens in The Metamorphosis. my knowledge began and ended with Gregor Samsa waking up as a bug and going "ah heck how am I gonna get to work?" and I was like cool commentary on capitalism bro, I get it. but did I? because I had no idea that Gregor then proceeds to spend the rest of his life scuttling pathetically around his room while his family feeds him garbage and ignores him. I assumed he would put on a bug tie and go to work or something and the commentary would be about the absurdism of being expected to sit at your desk doing paperwork despite being a fucking giant insect. but instead it's about, like, taking on a form that's alien and inconvenient to your family and becoming an isolated and reviled burden through absolutely no fault of your own because something about your body has become disruptive to the familial peace. and then he just fucking DIES because he gives up on life and the family's RELIEVED and get on with their business thinking about how great it is that they can move now and how lucky they are to still have a daughter with a beautiful normal body. frankly really chilling stuff, Franz.
Batman and Robin Eternal, Vol. 1 (James Tynion IV and Scott Snyder) - first off in the name of proper credit, I'm extremely aware that Tynion and Snyder are NOT the only people who worked on this by a country mile. unfortunately, there are so many issues jammed into this trade paperback that I'd be here all day if I were to list every individual writer and artist; for my sanity, I'm defaulting credit to the names listed on the front cover even though I know that's technically wrong. anyway, having said that: I remember liking Batman and Robin Eternal pretty well when I started it a few years ago, but sweet lord it has not held up for me very well at all. the story is fine, it's your standard global espionage Bat-shenanigans and every sidekick from Dick to Duke puts in at least a cameo, but god. christ. it's just... it's so New 52. according to my own math, the Batfamily timeline proposed by this book seems to suggest that Bruce has inducted a new Robin every 18 months for YEARS, and Dick somehow can't be any older than 24 at most. it's messy out here, kids. on the plus side: if you like Harper Row and you're gonna get a lot of Harper Row, and she and Cass are definitely dating.
100 Boyfriends (Brontez Purnell) - god, WHAT a collection of stories. Purnell has put together a roller coaster of messy gay experiences - drugs, sex work, infidelity, sex addiction, cruising, etc - and tied them up in poignancy and humor. there's a man having sex with his co-worker's husband, an actor who's washed up after his days starring in a campy gay sitcom, a musician touring Europe in a whirlwind of hookups and drugs and cancelled plans. each story is whip sharp and crazy fast, hardly ever lingering more than a few pages, but they leave unforgettable impressions.
The Sandman: Preludes and Nocturnes (Neil Gaiman, 1988) - so my mom is moving and consequently shipping me boxes full of my shit that she doesn't want to be responsible for anymore, including all the Sandman trade paperbacks that I almost bankrupted myself buying the first summer that I had a job. for me The Sandman very much falls under "things that everyone says are good and are, frustratingly, actually good" - and yes, that extends to Preludes & Nocturnes even though we all know it's the weakest part of the series! I know it's absolutely going to get better from here once Neilman starts abandoning the larger DC universe doing his own thing, and I'm looking forward to that, but for now it is kind of charming to watch him bend over backwards to get characters Martian Manhunter and the Scarecrow involved.
The Vegetarian (Han Kang, 2016, trans. Deborah Smith) - I checked this book out at the same time as The Metamorphosis because 1.) it was also short and 2.) the jacket described it as "Kafka-esque," and I can be persuaded to do almost anything by a sufficiently amount of serendipity. it's certainly also EXTREMELY UNSETTLING! the tl;dr is that a Korean woman decides to give up eating meat after having some sort of fucked up dream, only for her husband and family to lose their fucking minds. to her husband she's an embarrassment; to her brother-in-law, an object of sexual obsession; to her sister, an inconvenient obligation. I can definitely see thematic parallels to the Metamorphosis in terms of that looming question of whether your family will still love and care for you if you become someone they no longer recognize, but there's a major difference in the fact that all the narration comes from other perspectives. we have no idea what's happening in the titular vegetarian's head as she seems to grow more and more distant and passive, nor what she feels about the ways she's being (mis)treated. great book, hurt my head.
Batman: Year One (Frank Miller and David Mazzicchello, 1986) - straight up? excellent. delicious. NO notes. Gotham (the tv show) desperately wants what Year One has but is too cowardly to actually let Gordon run Flass off the road, beat him senseless, and leave him handcuffed butt naked in the woods in the middle of winter. grow up!!
Batman and Robin Eternal Volume 2 (James Tynion IV and Scott Snyder, 2016) - pretty much the same as Volume 1 but dumber and more chaotic; a story about the Batkids teaming up to take down a human trafficking ring that even Batman couldn't bust turns into just. a whole convoluted take over the world scheme that we can't call the Justice League for help with, For Some Reason. and yet. and yet. I am not immune to the scene in which Damian chews out his brothers for thinking they're failures for not being Batman clones and reminds them all that Bruce not only knows they aren't like him, but it proud of and grateful for it. or the reveal that Bruce has spent years trying to do right by Harper to give her as much control as possible over her own life. or the ending when he takes Cassandra on after getting his memory back (Bruce was an amnesiac for this entire story, I don't know why or care. comics are like that). I have feelings about daddy!Bats your honor.
Batman: King Tut's Tomb (Nunzio DeFillippis, Christina Weir, José Luis García-López, and Kevin Nowlan, 2009) - gamers, I'm not gonna lie: this is probably one of my favorite things I'm going to read this year. King Tut's Tomb collects issues #26-28 of Batman Confidential and employs possibly my favorite kind of Batman storyline: there's some weird-ass murders happening in Gotham again, and now Batman has to do something about it. in this case he teams up with the Riddler, because the insane white man doing brownface and calling himself King Tut while he kills people is also spewing riddles during his homicides, which is thematically a bit confusing and also pisses the Riddler right off. after Batman declines his first offer to help Eddie shimmies himself right out of Arkham anyway and proceeds to spend a full day cheerfully calling Bruce "partner," being rude to cops (based), and being right about pretty much everything. I really enjoy the way DeFillippis and Weir write the Riddler, employing sort of a "used car salesman" energy that really straddles the line between charming and insufferable, and Bruce makes a phenomenal straight man for him to play off. I would have read another 20 issues of this happily, but I respect a story that doesn't overstay its welcome.
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
Maybe a little silly but I hope the other anons could also share their favourite sentence they've read so far that's written by Bones? One that stuck with you from any fic she's written so far?
For me it has to be the line "Bright green eyes that were fixed on the stars, not seeing any of them" from The World Forgetting By The World Forgot. It's maybe not the most complex or so sentence, but the poetic feeling in the moment as I read that scene, my god, shivers. How pretty it was all said, to confirm what just happened with such a statement? Gorgeous. Mwah, chef's kiss.
I could legitimately keep going about World Forgetting as it's one of the best fics I've read so far, the way it handles trauma, family issues, trust, self identity, so many deepgoing emotions.. amazing. Clinic walked so Forgetting could run, in my eyes. Both are fantastic pieces of literature, but if you haven't read World Forgetting yet, you should!
Anyways I'll get out of your inbox now Bones, though maybe you could share your favourite sentence or expression/paragraph/bit you've written so far and why?
See you around! Will be getting to Nocturnal Animals this weekend :)
lkdsjf rocket... you are too sweet shut up. but thank you i was so proud of that line about the eyes and the stars, really thought it just hammered home that despite how fucked up he was, dream was still human. tommy had killed a person, even if he was a terrible one, and that scene was a tragedy no matter how you looked at it
your commentary on world forgetting seriously gave me so much happiness, im so glad you enjoyed it so much. there are definitely pieces of it i feel i could've done better with, but overall i'm very proud of the story i was able to tell <3
hmm that's so hard bc i've written quite a bit so it's hard to think of a line/expression i've come up with off the top of my head, but i have a few in mind that i really liked
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I really loved this line from the stars and their children because every time i read it, I can hear the whoosh of a knife sliding across a sharpener. I just thought it was a really creative way to describe a smile sharpening and was proud of myself for it
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ngl I have no idea how I came up with "sadness and confusion taking center stage in the lines of Wilbur's forehead and the downturned corners of Tommy's lips" but every time I remember that I'm like goddamn I really wrote that? such a cool way to describe expressions, also very proud of myself for that
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in under the brine i was so proud of the entire use of the dirt metaphor for wilbur lying, but i think this line is really the best part of it—when the metaphor is first introduced. dirt is a running metaphor mentioned through all of under the brine, and this was one of my first forays into using a continuous metaphor throughout an entire piece. really loved the vibe it gave off and how it connected with the overarching narrative, but this part especially i'm very proud of
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and last one but rotting fruit is probably one of my best written pieces ever, which is funny to me since i wrote it entirely on a whim one day when i was procrastinating studying for a final. I just had such specific vibes in mind when I wrote it, and using rotting fruit as a metaphor for codependency was something I had a lot of fun playing around with. this part highlights my favorite parts of the metaphor, especially with the last line asking if this was what love was. the entirety of rotting fruit has such specific vibes and atmosphere that i'm extremely proud of, but again i have no clue where it came from i just went off one afternoon lmao
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torterragarden · 1 year
Hello and happy Friday! This is the first weekly ask! See my pinned post but basically I want to send one ask a week to the Pokémon tumblr community as a whole (tell me if you’d like to be exempt from this moving forward, and people can dm me if they don’t get asks and want to)! We’ll start off with this question: what location/s in any iteration of the Pokémon universe do you feel the most of a connection with? From the most well-known town to a specific spot in a random route, anywhere!
Hello! Thank you for the ask, I think your blog idea is really cool and wholesome so thank you for including me in it!
As for your question.... ooh that’s a good one! I will always have a place in my heart for the Sinnoh lakes. I used to go and stand at them for a while just to listen to the music cause I loved it so much. Sinnoh is one of my favorite regions if not my actual favorite, and something about the lakes was just so... calming. Mysterious. Atmospheric. A lot of that comes down to the music cause it’s not like they’re super visually interesting, and what the lake guardians represent is really cool but their actual designs are pretty whatever. But idk, I just love the lakes in Sinnoh. Also Spear Pillar for pretty obvious reasons, seeing it again in Legends Arceus made me want to cry a little bit ngl
I also have to mention Hoenn, just like. in general. I’ve been into Pokemon since gen 1 but gen 3 and particularly Ruby and Emerald were what I put the most hours into as a kid so gen 3/Hoenn is what I feel most nostalgic for. I just think Hoenn is such a well designed region. There is too much water, but the land routes are so diverse and interesting and connect very cohesively while still having a pretty diverse spread of environments. There’s just something about Hoenn, even all these years later, that feels special to me. Like, it just feels like Adventure, idk how else to put it. But when I think of Hoenn, idk why but the first thing that comes to mind is Fortree and the surrounding routes. I remember this feeling like a turning point in the game, you just beat the shit out of your dad and got access to Surf which opens up a whole other half of the map. Fortree feels like something out of a kid’s imagination and the routes surrounding it just have such an adventurous feel to them they really stand out to me, the music especially just. god damn. It’s so good. It evokes so many emotions that I cannot name. fuck. I love Hoenn
I also feel a bit obligated to mention Galar here, which is a region that I feel. Very conflicted on. A lot of the towns in Galar are fantastic conceptually, but because what you’re allowed to explore is so limited, they just. Feel so small and empty. Like, in theory Ballonlea is my favorite town in all of Pokemon, but in practice, in the actual game, it’s two houses, a Pokemon Center and a Gym. That’s it. That’s all you’re allowed to see of this visually beautiful town. Bro... come on. I really wish there was more to do in the Galar towns and that they were more open because so many of them look so cool at first glance and then you spend a few minutes exploring them and realize. oh there’s like nothing here. But uuh this is supposed to be postive so like. yeah I really like Ballonlea conceptually I’m a big fan of spooky forests and glowing mushrooms and Fairy types so like Ballonlea is probably where I’d want to live, I just wish there was more to it in the actual game
ONE LAST THING I have to mention Malie City in Alola. Moon is my favorite Pokemon game and Malie really stands out to me, mostly becuase of the music (the Malie City night theme is on par with the Sinnoh lake themes for me), but also because it feels like a lot of stuff happens in this area? Like it’s around here that you meet Guzma for the first time, and it’s shortly after that Kukui tells you his plans to make an official Alola League like. Much like the surrounding routes of Fortree, Malie City feels like a Turning Point, and it’s just such a beautiful place
Anyway sorry idek what I’m talking about anymore idk if this is coherent at all but thank you so much for the ask!!
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swiftcry · 9 months
A few years too late, and you may not even remember, but I want to say it: You were right. The Elena of Avalor fanbase DID have issues it refused to acknowledge. They instead swept them under the rug under the guise of being "drama free." The main ones being (for me) poor fandom dynamics where only a handful of creators ever got proper feedback (and when anyone brought this up they were seen as "attention seeking"), and an intense pressure to fit in based on those popular people's opinions. Maybe no one was outright mean or hateful, but the vibe of "well that's YOUR opinion" just was not it. Because it was done in such a dismissive way where those on the "outside" (rarepair shippers, new writers, people with different headcanons than the popular, etc.) felt ignored and their content unwanted. Also, the canon "all-but-confirmed" confirmation of Gabe and Naomi as a thing just RUINED the fandom. Change my mind.
(For the record, I will not mention and do not want to speak about certain other aspects of shipping due to my personal stance that disagrees with yours. I'd rather let that lie.).
That's it. That is all I wanted to say. You were right and many of us needed a few years removed from it to see it.
Thank you so much for this message! It means a lot. I do remember it well. And probably will for a long time.
I’ve always been a fan of more obscure things, and so as a result,  I’ve always been a member of smaller fandoms. The atmosphere in Elena’s fandom was so contrary to every other similar sized fandom I had ever been in. And it was sad.
In other places, due to just how few of us there were, basically anything and everything was appreciated. Even the weird stuff. Because dang it, it was content. There were multiple interpretations of the lore. Multiple ships. And while there were ‘leaders’, they weren’t decidedly totalitarian in their treatment of others. The best leaders were the ones who encouraged new ideas, stopped misinformation and generally just were cool people. 
I of course came to the Elena fandom a little late but in part for research, in part morbid curiosity I read a lot of old posts throughout the fandoms lifespan. I saw a lot of concerning things. I saw how anyone who criticized Elena as a character in any way got shut out. You could literally see fandom drop-off points where something big would happen in the show, and people who didn’t like whatever it was (re: Dreamcatcher) would try to talk about it before being shut down, especially for defending Esteban. The Dreamcatcher lockdown I’m pretty sure shrank the fandom in half. 
Dude the all but confirmed ships thing fills me with a rage too!
I hatttteeeeee Mateo x Carla so much it's literally my main notp from the show and the finale did it to them too.
Granted, Eleteo was so popular with the big wigs that obviously that one got the slide.
But any other options for Gabe and Naomi were out.
Estenaomi? Elenaomi? Gabeisa? Gabela? Any other combos I’m not thinking of?
(Totally ok! I have a guess as to which it is and while I don’t ship it, it’s chill!)
I personally was a quiet shipper of Marzel and Elena; he struck me as the in-between of Mateo and Gabe that gave her the best of both worlds. 
I have ranted a lot about the toxicity of the fandom to close friends. What got me the most was the gaslighting of people and the regular blatant lying or dismissive behavior. 
There was one gif that was made that was meant to show that ‘blaze isn’t a kill spell’ in a ‘so random coincidence not related to me’. It was from when Shurikki got her wand back and what happened in the show was that blaze hit her wand not Shurikki. 
But the gif was misleading. It took out a frame from the show in order to make it look like blaze hit Shuriki instead of her wand. It made me so fucking angry. 
But I refused to call them on it. Because I even doubted it myself. Because that’s what kind of control these so called ‘leaders’ had on the Elena narrative and discourse.
So instead I just put the actual clip in my second video. 
My favorite thing was how they never directly spoke to me but instead tried to pretend I didn’t exist while ‘so randomly’ addressing the stuff I bring up in either of my videos. 
It was sad.
They were a lot of sad sad women who were definitely lonely.
I lost all sympathy though when they started bullying the younger generation of fans who started appearing and had different takes on the show.
Like the laughability of it all, these millennial women getting angry at the actual intended audience for having a different opinion then them. 
I could keep going, but basically,
Hang in there cowboy. There’s always more fandoms and now you know the warning signs.
Thanks for the message!
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foxstens · 2 years
actually fuck it. after nearly 75 hours im done with brotherhood.
this game is technically shorter than ac2 and i also like it less so why did i spend so much time on it lmao. i can’t really be assed to put my thoughts into sentences so i’ll just make a list. i’ve already said most of my opinions anyway.
- bad parts
1. lag. laaaaaaaaaaag so much lag. i’ve never seen this much lag in my entire life what the fuck. and technically fewer outright glitches but more bugs with missions n shit
2. feels pointless story-wise even if it has some good parts like the central conflict could have been resolved so easily i didnt need to fix the entirety of rome for it. i guess it was going for the idea that ezio needs the support of the people i guess but the people were already against the borgia and outside of the recruits it’s not like they /do/ much to help him 
3. some challenges whether they be races or parkour rooms or even one specific assassin assignment, they’re just badly designed. pc controls suck which definitely doesn’t help but even apart from that
4. rome is a nightmare to traverse even with fast travel points and i despise it. it’s not built for roof jumping and in the countryside it’s full of hills that you gotta go around to fucking get on, and there’s this huge ass wall all around the city that you just. you just can’t climb it. there’s no way to climb the coolest structure in the game wtf
6. 10 feathers. if you put 101 borgia flags in the game, i think you could’ve put like 40 feathers as well. especially since this time there’s a map for them. i guess i should be thankfully since they didn’t force me to explore rome more than necessary but still.
- mixed parts
1. the music. some tracks i do like and they fit the atmosphere but it felt like i heard five tracks the entire game and none are as memorable as the ones from ac2
2. the people. rome has too many people and they’re so freaking annoying but the vigilantes were great and so were the random thieves that dropped nice loot
3. weapons. i tried to pay more attention to the weapons in this game and it worked, the ranged weapons are so great i ended up barely ever using the hidden blade, but i also didn’t make the most of it. i never got the hang of the heavy weapons or the daggers, and i also never used the throwing knives after seeing how bad they are at aiming. 
4. visuals. the cutscenes and the colours look so much better than ac2, idk how since it only came out a year later, but i hate the way rome looks and the overall feel of the city.
5. money. you really have to manage your finances in the beginning which i liked but it doesn’t take long until you have nothing to spend it on and you end up sitting on 600k for the last 20 hours of the game
6. side quests. there’s a lot of them and they can help with getting the sync requirements for the cristina memories for example, but there is /a lot/ of them and i just don’t see the point. same with the guild challenges.
7. the leonardo parts. the leonardo dlc was actually pretty cool if difficult and the warmachine parts were pretty well-designed imo but also long and pointless, i didn’t have the most fun with them and i do not care about the reward.
8. i just didn’t find it that fun a lot of the time? i still had fun and loved the experience, wouldn’t have spent 75 hours on it otherwise, but it rarely made me feel the ‘ahhh i love this game :’)))’ feeling that i crave
9. the pacing is literally up to you so you could have a balanced experience with both slower and faster parts, or you could be dumb like me and spend a million years in one specific sequence just doing every side thing possible, therefore making that sequence too slow and everything else too fast
- good parts
1. borgia towers. i absolutely adored scouting out each area and devising a strategy for dealing with each captain and the guards and finding the easiest way to climb the tower. it was fun it was engaging and it felt like i was making a difference
2. rebuilding rome. i hate rome but being able to rebuild each area after liberating it, and especially repairing the aqueduct that runs through the countryside was great. also felt like i was making a difference when some areas previously overrun with guards were now full of people and buildings
3. the romulus lairs. i had mixed feelings about the assassin tombs in ac2, some i loved and some i literally couldn’t do, but these were a lot better for some reason. i loved all of them
4. the combat. now you get a crossbow and you can chain-kill and each weapon has a special finishing move and you can stun enemies by kicking them and it’s so raaaaaaaaaad i love the combat
5. the cristina memories. the best optional stuff, the only story-related part of this game to make me feel something, the only part that felt like it gave ezio substantial development. amazing 10/10 best ever, i just wish it wasn’t so fucking sad
6. assassin recruits. helping out a citizen in need and then sending them on missions until they become full-fledged assassin is just a really cool concept in general and it’s implemented really well, i just never made use of them outside of the arrow storm due to fear of them dying.
7. some missions are really cool and unique and they really make you think and strategize and use all of your options. i don’t play games to /think/ but since i’m supposed to be an assassin here it’s a good thing.
8. the modern stuff. i do not play these games for the modern stuff and i really disliked it in ac2 but here it was a lot better. you leave the animus when you choose to and in the beginning and end there’s parkouring challenges, and you get to explore modern monteriggioni and later the colosseum, it’s all really cool. i didn’t look for any glyphs tho lmao.
9. minor things like the existence of the aqueduct and the relationship between ezio and claudia being more fleshed out and even the traitor subplot. 
dang that’s a long post. that’s pretty mcuh all my thoughts at the moment but they might change after i go back to ac2 and after i play revelations. but at the moment it’s a pretty mixed game for me. i guess technically ac2 was also mixed since it too has flaws n parts i don’t like but it had so many parts that blew me away, those flaws seem minor in comparison. that’s not really the case here sadly :(
0 notes
slothgiirl · 2 years
the spy 2
keith kogane x reader. 5.8k words. explicit.
part 1
The door’s barely closing shut when Keith’s all over you. You welcome his touch, electric against you as he runs his hands down your sides, squeezing your ass while he kisses you hard. His lips move against yours, sucking on your bottom lip. Your breath hitches. Kissing him back becomes a matter of urgency. 
The taste of his mouth, the feel of his body pressing against yours, drives you wild. It’s been days of thinking of him, of an ache between your thighs. Instead of finally getting some relief, you grow feverish with heat and all you can think about is him. You’ve never been so affected by one person.
His hands are splayed over your ass. You can feel his hard length through his clothes. 
“Keith,” you mean to ask something, but it all seems so unimportant when he strokes your mouth with his tongue. 
“Mm,” he hums against your mouth. 
You can worry about it later. You pop the buttons on the collar of your jumpsuit, pulling your zipper down. You wanted him so bad. The heat under your skin burns hot like a ship entering the atmosphere.
Keith trails open mouthed kisses down from your mouth, lingering on the curve of your jaw, nipping at your skin and fuck, you remember the sharp press of his teeth and it clicks he’s holding back as he nips on the side of your neck softly. You run your fingers through his hair, pulling on his thick hair. “Go ahead,” you want it, heat coiling in your core at the idea of being all marked up by Keith. 
He pulls back, his hands coming up to your waist. You can feel the tension in his entire body, pulled taunt. “I don’t want to hurt you.” Keith ducks his head. 
It was easy to forget you didn’t really know each other. 
You shrug your jumpsuit off your shoulders, letting it reveal more of your chest. There were still marks healing from your last encounter with Keith. 
His violet eyes take in the expanse of your chest. You only had a bra underneath instead of an undershirt too because it’s not like you were really duty. Keith’s hand comes up to trace his own bruised kisses. His touch is like a brand. The weight of his hand had you leaning into his touch.
“I want you to be rough,” you admit in a hushed whisper, you’d never told anyone that. You liked the idea of rough sex, twisting your own nipplewhen you masturbated on your own, but you’d never asked anyone to do it to you, never felt comfortable enough. “It’ll be fun,” you tell him, slipping your hands under his black shirt. 
His skin was warm. 
A light sweat that has you adding to your running list of things filed under Keith. 
You needed to go over Galra illnesses at some point. 
There was so much information in the universe. 
“If you’re sure,” he asks. The shade of his eyes was such an intense shade of violet it could almost be black, pulling you in, dragging you down into their depths. 
“I am.”
You check out mentally. He kisses you softly for once, capturing your lips against his. 
Then Keith shoves the sleeves of your jumpsuit off your arms, scraping his teeth against your shoulder before dragging his tongue over the indents of his teeth. 
A whine escapes your throat as you scrape your nails against his abdomen. 
You pull your arms free of the sleeves, reluctantly letting go of him, and the longer this goes on the weaker your knees grow. 
Keith leans his head down pressing a wet kiss against your collarbone before biting down hard. His arms cradle your back, pressing you against him as your chest arches into his mouth. Fuck. “Keith,” you whimper, digging your fingers into his sides. 
“Tell me what you want,” he moans as his voice cracks, looking up at you. 
You push his jacket off his shoulders. You pull at the hem of his shift, “come on, come fuck me.”
He pulls back, shrugging off his jacket, tossing his shirt on the ground as you shred your jumpsuit off completely, kicking off your shoes. The cool recycled air of the space station has gooseflesh erupting all over your arms. It doesn’t last long, Keith kissing you hard, his hand cupping your jaw, leaning you back to him. 
Your hands travel down, unbuttoning his jeans. 
It’s a rush of blood, heartbeat in your ears.
You free his hard cock from his jeans, toes curling in anticipation. Finally. You still remembered how good he’d felt inside you, how full. You want it again. You want him. You can barely stand the buzz of anticipation running through you.
“Let me,” Keith breathes, licking a stripe down your throat, nipping at the crook of your neck as the fabric of your underwear rips. 
You moan. 
“Hot,” you tell him. “That was hot,” because you didn’t want him to grow self conscious, not now, not when you were so close to having him inside you. 
“I’m going to fuck you,” Keith groans, “fuck, I’m going to fuck you so good,”
Keith’s hands shift, leaving your hips, running down over your ass and digging his fingers into the back of your thighs. 
You stroke his shaft with your hand and he moans your name. 
He lifts you up. Keith lifts you onto his cock. 
You both moan. You were so wet for him. He slides his cock inside you easily. There’s a delicious burn as your pussy stretches to accommodate him. You're so full. 
He savors the feel of you, not moving. 
You wrap your arms around his neck, burying your face in hair. 
Finally, some relief. 
You’d been so worked up the past few days, your clit so sensitive. If softcore soap opera porn had been your sexual awakening at thirteen, Keith had struck a match inside you, where you could finally explore your desires, where it could be more than satisfying a craving. 
Keith snaps his hips into yours. 
“Fuck! Keith,” you moan, praising him, “you feel so good.” 
Once he starts, he goes for it. Carrying you, Keith controls the pace, fucking you. He thrusts fast, needing this just as much as you do. Your body arches into his. You couldn’t get enough. You kiss his nape, you scratch his back as he strokes your pussy with his cock, your legs around his waist, pulling him further into you. 
“Right there, right there!” You squeeze your eyes shut, burning up like you had back when you'd had to run for three hours straight for training. 
He slams into you. 
You don’t last.
“Keith,” you whine, coming. The tip of your nose burns. A numbing warmth floods your system. 
He keeps going, chasing his own orgasm. 
You cling to Keith, pulling on his hair, overcome with a pleasure you didn’t even know was possible. Fuck. You have no clue what’s going on. It’s just him. You and Keith. The wet sounds of sex mixing with his moans.
His thrusts become sloppy right before his grip on your thighs tightens, his nails digging into your skin before he comes inside you. 
“Shit,” he whines. 
Keith’s come fills you up. 
Your chest heaves.
Finally, Keith lowers you down. 
You try to stand, putting your weight back on your feet, and nearly fall over. 
“I’ve got you,” Keith steadies you, “I’ve got you.” 
His come drips down your thighs. 
“You better,” you laugh, then smile all fucked out, “I’m not exactly easy to carry.” You were built sturdy, muscles from training and all the slices of cake you’d treated yourself to during late night study sessions and after exams. 
Keith noses at your cheek. “It was easy,” he says matter of factly. 
He was a very literal person. 
“Well it was incredibly sexy,” you reply, “but I think I need to lay down before I fall over.”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you gaze into his expressive eyes, “you were really good. I’ve been so freaking horny lately.”
He frowns, helping you get to your bed. 
“Since we slept together…”
You promptly collapse on your back. 
“Yeah,” you shrug, looking up at the slate mauve metal, “usually I just ghost the hell out of someone. It’s-I don’t know. Walk of shame I guess?” You look over at him as Keith sits up on his knees on the edge of the bed, looking down, tracing your body with his intense gaze. 
“I wouldn’t know.”
“Huh,” you try to use your brain. You were smart. Command track. Maybe not pilot, but making people work together was an art. “Not a fan of one night stands?”
Keith ducks his head, his fingers ghosting over your knee but not quite touching you. He was suspended between fleeing and giving into you entirely. “I’ve never been with anyone.”
“Could have fooled me,” you reach out a hand towards him, suddenly wanting to hold him against your chest. 
Keith smiles. 
He had such a wonderful smile, fringe falling into his eyes as he meets your searching gaze. “I was never really interested in anyone.” He frowns and you can see him thinking. 
“Come here,” you ask him, wanting to cuddle.
The chill of the room was getting to you. 
A heat simmered in your core. 
Keith kisses your knee again, settling between your legs once again. You draw your legs up, planting your feet on the bed, opening yourself up to him again. He draws lower, kissing your leg, his breath sending a shiver down your back as you sensed him close to the apex of your thighs. “Do you want to go again?”
You’re sore. Your orgasm was just minutes ago but it feels like a lifetime. “Yeah. I want to.”
Keith runs his hands down your legs. 
You reach out, intertwining your hands with his as he lays down over you, kissing your mouth. You tangle your tongue with his, tasting him again, exploring his mouth. For a while, that’s all it is. You and him making out. His hands warm against yours. It was sweet as warmth spread throughout your body. 
Then Keith pulls back, casting off his jeans and boxers. 
You sit upon your arms, watching as Keith strokes his cock with his hand. He was hard again. There was something more there but you couldn’t think as the heat in your core clouded your thoughts. You wanted to bury your nose in the crook of his neck, you wanted him inside you again. 
He sits on his knees between your thighs, looking down at your, tracing the swell of your chest, taking your body in. “You’re so beautiful,” Keith tells you in a hushed whisper, biting his lip. “I want to see your boobs.”
You smirk conspiratorially, “go ahead then, take my bra off.” These were standard issue. You could get another ten in an hour if you needed them.
Keith’s breath stutters, as he takes the fabric with his hands and rips the front of your sports bra. The fabric comes apart in his hands like it’s a sheet of printer paper. 
Your toes curl in anticipation. 
You were never going to be able to have mediocre sex again.
He leans down, dragging his tongue over your breast, massaging your other with his hand. Keith runs his tongue over your nipple. You arch into his mouth, heat coiling in your core. He sucks on your nipple, taking your other nipple between his thumb and finger, pulling hard. 
“KEith,” you whine. 
“I want you so bad,” he tells you simply in his hoarse voice. “Mine, all mine.”
“You have me. Yours, so wet for you.”
He lines his cock up with your entrance and slides into you again. 
Keith doesn’t wait, thrusting into you as he latches onto your breast once again, his hands on your hips, digging into the flesh and bone and urging you to move with him. He nips the flesh you your breast. He kisses the valley of your breasts with a tenderness that contrasts with how hard he snaps your hips into yours. “So good, you feel so fucking good,” Keith moans, filling the room with the sounds of his moans and whines, your names on his lips like a litany. 
“AAh,” you whine, clinging to his shoulders, scratching his back as you feel heat build up from your core, under your skin. It’s an electric current that has you squirming under Keith, from his ministrations. 
“Come here,” you pull on his hair, “kiss me.”
His lips meet yours and you moan into his mouth. 
It’s quick fumbling.
He finds his rhythm. 
You lose yourself in Keith, the smell of him cloying. You’ve never smelled anyone better. No cologne could measure up. 
His hair thick under your fingertips. 
He thrusts hard into you. 
The bed is bolted down but the force of his thrusts makes the mattress creak. You shudder. Your skin is on fire. He’s warm. Your breath mixes with his. 
There’s a sheen of sweat on his back. 
Keith’s cock strokes the right spot inside you and your pussy clenches. “Right there, oh god!” You squeeze your eyes shut, your pussy throbbing. Fuck. His cock felt so good. Keith was so good. 
He listens to you. 
Over and over. 
You don’t last, tipping over the edge. Pleasure. Your brain short circuits. Vision going white as waves of euphoria wash over you and you go limp on the bed, lost in fucked out moans. 
Keith pulls out, coming on your belly with pornographic moans. 
If this was the Garrison, someone would’ve called the RA already. 
He lays down next to you, his expression glazed over. 
You try and catch your breath. 
“Are you sure this is your first time,” you ask him, your voice strained from all the moans you’ve made. “Mine was sad dry humping!”
Keith snorts, caressing the side of your arm with his hand. “I wouldn’t go around telling people that.”
“Well,” you shrug, unashamed, “you’re come’s all over me so. . .”
“Do you want something to clean up with,” he sits up. 
“Come back,” you whine. You didn’t want Keith to go. Your chest tightens at the thought. You wanted the blanket of intimacy that way lying down next to someone after sex. The talking didn’t matter, just having him there, the heat of his body, hearing him breathe. 
Keith does, laying down on his side, facing you. 
Red rises in his cheeks. 
You take off your ripped bra and use it to wipe your belly and thighs clean, crumpling up the scraps of fabric and tossing it across the room. “The fabric was itchy anyway.”
He laughs.
You smile, tired. 
You shift on the bed, mirroring Keith. You lay on your side, gazing at him. You could see the red trails your nails had left behind. It was a core tingling pleasure, a satisfaction knowing you’d done that. 
Keith lets his eyes fall closed. He makes little back of the throat sounds that remind you of a kitten.
You close your eyes. 
You listen to his even breaths. You listen to the lulling rumbling sounds from Keith’s chest, sounds no human could make.
When you wake up, you’re slick with sweat.The room is oppressively cold. Your skin is too hot. 
Keith whines. “I need you,” he rests his forehead against yours, “I need you so bad.”
“Come here,” you cup his cheeks. You kiss the corner of his mouth. You trail kisses down his throat as you straddle his waist. 
His cock is hard against you. 
You lift your hips, sucking a kiss on his chest as you slide onto his cock. He moans. You draw more noises out of him, grinding your wet pussy against the head of his cock. 
Keith’s hands on your hips urge you down, “I need you pussy! I need to be in you,” he whines impatiently. 
The heat under your skin is unbearable but you draw it out, “I know baby, I know,” you tell him, “I’m going to take care of you.” You slowly lower yourself onto his cock, moaning as he stretches you out. You’re already soaking wet. Ready for him. 
“Fuck,” you moan, clowing your eyes, throwing your head back, overcome with pleasure as you sank down entirely on his cock. 
“OH.” Keith clutches at your breasts with his hands. 
You anchor yourself on his chest. He was lean like most people in the rebellion from the fighting and questionable food available. Space food wasn’t bad, just not the most appealing. The lights were still on. Private areas were in a perpetual energy saver mood, everything bathed in red, still enough for your weak human eyes to see. 
He was so sexy under you. His expression pure rapture as he lay with his head thrown back, biting his bottom lip, a complete goner for you. 
Keith’s eyes glow Galran yellow. 
He was not the first part Galra you’ve ever met. 
You just hadn’t expected there to be any human-alien hybrids. . .yet.
“Fuck yourself on my cock,” Keith orders.  
“God yes!” 
You grind your hips against his. You lift your hips up and down, against his cock, moaning in bliss at the new angle. You weren’t so fast as you focused on working out the ache in the pit of your belly. The feverish warmth dies down as you fuck Keith. 
Electricity sparks in your core as you ride him, chasing your pleasure, making him moan your name as he writhes on the bed under you. Keith’s hips thrust up to meet yours. His stamina never lapsed. 
You bounce on his cock. 
“Yes! Fuck!”
There was no eloquence as you fucked Keith and worked out all your sexual desires, your sexual frustration that came in waves as soon as your orgasm faded. Your spine curves as you lean down, kissing his chest, worshipping Keith, making him feel good. 
His chest arches as you grind down on his cock. 
“You look so good for me,” you utter, mind addled by the coiled heat in your core, “so fucking sexy.”
“Don’t stop,” Keith drags his fingers down your spine.
You shiver.   
His nails scratch your skin softly. “Don’t stop!” His cock twitches inside you. His muscles flex under your hands. Keith grows taunt as a string pulled tight right before he comes in you. 
“Fuck. Keith!”
You cry, you whine, you come on his cock. 
You collapse on his chest. 
The exhaustion and orgasm leaves you wrecked. You’re spent and fucked out. You want to curl up and never move again. His cock’s still inside you as his come dribbles out.
Keith rubs the curve of your spine softly. “Sh, sh,” he soothes tenderly. 
You rest your cheek against his chest, catching your breath. You felt lightheaded. Your body was heavy like a towel dragged down by water. 
His chest rises and falls with each deep breath. 
“What time is it,” you ask him,curiously. It was impossible to tell inside the room. Your coms was in your jumpsuit pocket and you weren’t moving. 
“I don’t know.” He admits. 
“Got anywhere to be,” you ask Keith. “With Voltron and all. . .”
“Shiro or Allura will com me,” he explains. “‘M not really the one with the big plans. I think Allura coordinates with some generals or presidents.” He frowns, thinking. “Why? You want me to leave.”
“No,” you whisper softly, “stay. Stay with me.”
Keith makes a noise from the back of his throat. “What about you?”
“I should be cleared by the time the next supply run comes through. I don’t know from there. I guess wherever they need me.” 
“Yeah. I get that.” He sighs thoughtfully. “I know there’s tactics and a plan to free ‘strategic’ allies but a lot of it is just answering distress signals.”
“Do you ever miss earth,” you ask him. 
“I miss my family,” you admit. “But I don’t know, I couldn’t sit and hope the people fighting the war. . .I couldn’t sit back.”
“Shiro’s my brother,” Keith tells you, “he’s all I really have.”
“Does it make it easier?”
“I’d like to visit Earth again,” he says wistfully, “But. . .I like being a part of Voltron. I wouldn’t go back forever.”
“Even after the war?”
He nods, carding his fingers through your hair. It’s tangled to hell and back. It’s nice. You lean into his touch, realizing how much you’d missed this closeness with another person. 
It wasn’t the same with rebels out of need. Your role kept you on the move. You didn’t really have brothers in arms. You’d sneak into places, carry messages, and go. 
You wanted to stay in this room with Keith forever. 
“People’ll always need help.”
“I guess you’re right.” you hadn’t thought too hard about what you’d do after the war. Surviving was your main focus at the moment. The galaxy garrison was blown out of the water now that you had crossed the stars, and had been to so many strange planets with different species. “And you get to pilot,” you grin. 
Keith’s laugh fills the room. “And I get to pilot.” He’s quiet for a moment before adding, “I held the Garrison record on all the flight sims and Moon training.” He’s smug as he tells you. 
“No way! Really?” You weren’t a pilot so you don't even know what their training is like. You’d only done emergency piloting 101 same as every cadet. 
“You can ask Lance.” There’s a joke there somewhere. 
Keith laughs again. 
“Tell me,” you whine. 
“The Blue Paladin.”
You lift your head. “Veronica’s brother?” You’d last seen her months ago now. Seeing a human was a luxury that had you making quick friends just because you were able to understand the mindfuck of having learned only a handful of years ago how wide the universe was, about all the lifeforms, about Zarkon. 
He laughs again, “I need you to meet Lance.”
“Okay, it’s a date.”
Keith smiles down at you. Your heart flutters at the sight. You find yourself dreading having to leave him. 
He shifts. 
His cock was still half hard inside you. 
“Again,” you ask bemused. 
“We don’t half to,” Keith tells you even though it’s clear he wants to. His hands run down your sides. His hands cover your ass, the touch of his fingers against your skin reawakening a hunger in your core. You wanted him. Again. You just didn’t want to move. 
“I’m flattered,” you tease. “But I don't think I can move.”
“I’ll take care of you,” he tells you, “let me make you feel good.”
You snort. “So eager.”
“Hm?” Keith frowns bashfully, stilling. 
“Like I said,” you assure him, feeling a familiar ache in your pussy at the thought of fucking him again, “I’m flattered. It’s very sexy. You’re sexy.” Being this desired was sexy. 
He flushes red, but rolls you both over all the same. 
You lay on you back, looking up at him. 
“Here,” Keith is gentle, guiding you over until you're on your chest. He lifts your hips. “Fuck,” Keith runs his fingers over your slit. “I want you so fucking much.” 
“Because I’m sexy ,” you tease.
“Because you’re sexy,” he nods, punctuating his words with the dip of his fingers into your pussy. “And beautiful. And you didn’t even know me but you still stopped to make sure I was okay.”
The warmth in your chest has nothing to do with the ache in your core. 
Keith slams his cock into you. With every thrust of his hips, you’re pressed against the bed. He grips your hair roughly, kissing the back of your neck. 
He nips at the back of your ear, growing more confident the more times he fucks you. 
Keith snaps your hips against your ass. 
“Fuck,” you moan, already worked up. You’re so sensitive. You have no clue how time is passing but your aching pussy doesn’t take long for you to build up to your peak as he fucks you against the bed. “Keith! So good. . .fuck.” Your toes curl. 
Your hands clutch at your sheets for dear life. 
It’s not enough. Not when Keith slaps his hand against your ass and fuck, you come. The sound of skin slapping skin as Keith fucks into you with an urgency that matches his brutal pace. You’re surprised but you shouldn’t be. You’d asked him to be rough with you. 
Your vision grows black spots as you squirm under him, pussy clenching around his cock. “Keith,” you whine, overstimulated and boneless with pleasure. 
He keeps going. 
He pounds into you.
You moan into the sheets. 
And finally, Keith comes. 
“Are you on birth control,” Keith asks after you lose count of how many times he’s come inside you. 
You nearly choke, couching, while lowering your water canteen. “Keith,” you whine, “a bit late if I’m not.”
Both his eyebrows rise in terrified surprise. 
You laugh at him. “Yes. I didn’t exactly want to find out who humans can reproduce with,” you tell him, which was true. The shot was an easy choice, once a year. 
Keith visibly relaxes. 
You laugh at him, “I would've said something.”
“I know,” he nods, having learned first hand how easily you found asking and communicating. You had the command-type of personality. Personable, and friendly. Caring too which was just as important. 
Keith traces his fingers over bruises the shape of his hands on your outer leg where he’d dug his fingers in as he’d fucked you. “Do you have something to eat?” It was the first inkling that he’d grown tired from the marathon sex you were having with him. 
“Bring me back something too.”
He whines, pulling you into his chest. You rest your back against his chest, offering him the water canteen. “I have water.”
“Thanks.” Keith drinks down some water. 
His cock pokes at your back. 
You try to smooth back your hair, twirling it together to get it under control. 
He puts the canteen down. “Do you want me to get you something,” Keith asks, not making the slightest move to leave. You did feel angry, but. . .
“After,” you turn around, taking his cock in your hand and smirking up at him. 
He leans back against the headboard, his violet eyes trained on you as you lower your mouth onto his cock. You swirl your tongue over the tip. You hadn’t done this in a while so who knew how this would go. 
A com chimes. 
It wasn’t yours. 
“Ignore it,” he tells you, his voice strained. 
“If you say so,” you sing-song, pressing a kiss to the tip of his cock before taking his cock fully into your mouth. You hollow your cheeks, pumping your hand along his shaft. You steady yourself with a hand on his thigh. 
Keith moans. 
You swallow as much of his cock as you can take, swirling your tongue along his cock loving all the noises he made, coming undone under your touch. 
He cards his fingers through your hair, his hips thrusting shallowly as he tried not to move but couldn’t help it. Keith caresses your cheek as you hum around his cock, bobbing your head up and down his cock. You cup his balls with your hand gently. 
The com chimes again but Keith could care less when you go down on his cock as far as you can go. His cock in the back of your throat and your eyes sting as you breathe through your nose for a few seconds before pulling back. 
“Fuck,” he whimpers, “don’t stop,” he whines as you suck on the tip of his cock, stroking his cock with you hand. “Don’t stop!”
Keith curls a hand around your throat, his grip firm, feeling the way you worked his cock as you bobbed your head, sucking on him. 
He can’t hold back, thrusting into your mouth.
You take his cock, working him as he twitches in your mouth. You’d only known him for a few days, or maybe hours, you didn’t know anymore, time had lost its meaning in the glow of red lights, but it had been a condensing of getting to know someone. You knew the sounds he made when he was about to come, you knew how to read when he pulled back and needed reassurance and the gleam in his eyes before he said something insanely smug. 
Keith comes in your mouth. 
You swallow as much as you can as his com chimes once again. 
It still spills from your mouth as you pull back. 
“It’s unreal how into you I am,” Keith tells you, wiping his come off your chin with his hand. 
You hold out a finger, catching your breath, swallowing. “I know what you mean.” It wasn’t just the sex. At least, you didn’t think it was. 
You’d have kicked a one night stand out long ago. 
You would’ve turned the lights out if it was just some rando. 
“Now food,” you tell him. And then it’s like unlocking something. You realize you’re starving. 
Sex took up a lot of energy. 
“Ok, okay,” Keith heaves, kissing your cheek, “what do you like?”
“Pizza but I’ll settle for something that doesn’t taste like cardboard, or have the consistency of slime.”
“Tough order.”
“I know.” 
Keith hums thoughtfully as you rest against him, “how about slime that doesn’t have the consistency of slime.”
“Mhm,” he nods, “though I’m going to need you to get off me or I’ll never get up.”
You reach up to scratch a spot behind his ear softly. 
Keith melts, starting to purr unabashedly. 
Suddenly, he growls. 
You frown. 
A second later someone knocks hard on your door. 
“Mullet!” They knock again, this time joined by another higher pitched voice that reminded you very much of a chorus of worried relatives, “Number four! It has been two quintants since your last communication-”
“Pick up your phone!”
You look up at Keith. He looked like any twenty year old you knew. Still more of a teenager than an adult, you knew the feeling well, but he was also a Paladin of Voltron. People actually needed to know where he was. People cared. 
You were just a nameless person in the rebellion, a nebulous network of systems; an amalgamation of governing bodies looking to get out from under the Galra Empire. People had died next to you. You didn’t even know who to tell. Who to contact.
You swallow the lump forming in your throat. 
Keith absently rubs your side in silent comfort. His gaze hasn’t moved from the door. The tension in his shoulders has brought out the phosphorescent yellow of his eyes. 
“We know you’re there!” More loud knocking, obnoxious in a way that means they’re doing it on purpose, “It took Pidge like two seconds to hack your com!”
 “Keith,” you ask. Two days! No wonder you felt like you were starving. 
“Wait here,” he untangles himself from you. 
You nod, reaching to wrap the blanket that had fallen by the wayside since who knows when around you. You usually left the covers off to air out the bed while you went about your day. You hadn’t made your bed since before Keith had come into your room.
He pulls his shirt on, shoving his legs into his pants as he goes to the door.
They haven’t stopped knocking, coming up with more and more obnoxious ways to get his attention, but the words go straight through his head. Keith is harsh tension lines, pencil pressing down so hard it rips the paper.
His eyes are still more yellow than violet.
Keith slides the door open a crack. 
“Finally,” the voice outside huffs, immediately trying to come inside.
You pull the blanket tighter, very aware of the mess you must be. Shower sex had happened. You just didn’t know when exactly. Your hair wasn’t wet. 
Keith doesn’t budge. 
Definitely growling.
“Are you growling at me,” the voice outside cries offended, “me! Lance! Your buddy!”
You knew enough about Galra to know growling, like with terran animals, generally signifies anger, fear, possessiveness. Not that you dealt with Galra. Sentries were more common in the places you ended up. 
“Lance,” Keith grits out, blocking your view of the door. 
“Is that! That is sex hair!”
“Lance,” Keith groans in annoyance.
The door starts opening wider. 
“Lance!” Keith shoves Lance hard. 
“Oh.” The other person speaks up, “Number 3, I shall see you in a jiffy! Ha, my terran lingo.” 
“Keith,” the second person goes, “lad, can we talk?”
“I think you know why,” a pause, “or should I call Shiro? If that-”
“No! No. Come in,” Keith lets a red headed alien inside.
You wave awkwardly. 
“Ah, pleased to meet you. I am Coran,” the alien waves at himself. There were glowing marks on his face but that was far from the strangest thing you’ve seen. “Right,” he claps his hands together, “there comes a time in every young Galra’s life-”
You stifle a laugh. 
“Coran,” Keith covers his face with his hands. And yeah, Lance was right, Keith looked a proper mess. 
The alien clears his throat, “right, let’s speed this up shall we, well, at sexual maturity Galra begin to release pheromones to let other Galra know-”
“I think I’m good,” Keith manages. 
“I’m not Galra,” you point out, which was true. 
“No. Yes.” Coran clears his throat, politely averting his eyes from you and finding a spot on the ceiling to stare at, “the way these pheromones work is by affecting those in proximity. . .compatible persons.”
“So this isn’t real.”
You press your lips together as everything you had noticed starts making sense. 
“Not true Number four,” Coran says sympathetically, “the connection goes both ways or nothing would happen. As it is, you’ve gone into heat. My nose is not quite up to it, so no one noticed or else I would have explained all this beforehand.”
You watch Keith’s expression change as he thinks through this information. 
You let him. But you ask Coran some pointed questions, “How long does this last? Or is this permanent? And what do you mean by it goes both ways?”
“Lasts around one movement to two movements,” the redhead ticks off on his fingers, “that is for you and Number four to decide. Certain physiological changes are made such a hunger suppression.”
You nod. 
Coran glances at Keith who still looks like he wants to vent himself into space. “I will bring you two food and water. Yes.” He does thumbs up with both hands and strategically flees. 
“I’m such a freak.” Keith says, dismayed as he sits on the edge of your bed. “Fuck.”
“I don’t think you’re a freak,” you say, moving so you can kiss his cheek. “I really like you. And if you want. . .I’d like to see you again. . .only if-” 
Keith kisses you softly. “I’d like that.”
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