#i remember when i played this for the first time. in 2020... was a little too timely lmao
raccoonscity · 8 months
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Games Played in 2023: Marvel's Spider-Man (2018), Insomniac Games
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cerebralisis · 2 months
I decided to make my analysis of So High School into a separate post, because I can’t help but think of this song every time I see photos of Taylor at the games. And sure, it sounds like a love song on the surface until you remember that Taylor was bullied in high school and start to dig a little deeper. Feeling "so high school" is not something a 34 year old woman wants to feel.
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Let’s look at the lyrics.
"I'm sinking, our fingers entwined, cheeks pink in the twinkling lights" = To me this sounds like drowning, embarrassment, and diving in with the sharks
"Tell me 'bout the first time you saw me" = You mean her first Chiefs appearance when they 'slid off in the getaway car' at the end? Nothing good starts in a getaway car, babes.
"I'll drink what you think and I'm high from smoking your jokes all damn night" = I mean...
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“I'm watching American Pie with you on a Saturday night" = What do we know about this movie? We know that it is renowned for its high school immaturity and misogyny. It’s about a bunch of horny boneheaded men who treat women like sex objects instead of people. Sounds a lot like football culture to me.
"Your friends are around so be quiet. I'm trying to stifle my sighs." = I'm in the box with your friends and family. I need to hold it together so I don't offend them, but I legit hate this.
"Cause I feel so high school" = SHE HATES THIS.
"Bittersweet 16 suddenly" = I don't think she was a fan of high school, you guys.
"Are you gonna marry, kiss, or kill me? It's just a game but really, I'm betting on all 3." = A clear reference to that kiss/marry/kill interview with Travis, while also saying "we're gonna get together, put on a show for everyone, and I'm going to slowly die inside until we're done."
"Get my car door, isn't that sweet. Now pull me to the backseat" = All I hear with this is Movie Director Taylor giving instructions to her leading man so they can get a good reaction from the audience.
"You know how to ball, I know Aristotle." = You're a jock. I'm a nerd. We are not compatible.
"Touch me while your bros play grand theft auto." = The official song lyrics on Spotify put grand theft auto in lowercase the first time and capitalized the second time. The capitalized GTA could refer to Travis's friends playing the video game, sure. But also - you know who was arrested in August 2023 for grand theft auto? Bashaud Breeland, a cornerback for the Kansas City Chiefs who played with Travis in the 2020 Super Bowl.
"It's true, swear, Scout's Honor" = Look it up, I dare you.
And my absolute favorite:
"On the brink of a wrinkle in time" = This is TTPD, folks. Of course there's going to be a literary reference. A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle. The main character is a girl named Meg who is incredibly bright but struggles in school because she doesn't fit in with the other kids. After meeting a trio of badass witchy women, Meg travels to far-off worlds (a sort of deep portal time travel, you might say) where she joins the battle of light vs. darkness. What do we know about Taylor’s usage of light and darkness throughout her discography? It's giving… Reputation vs. Daylight? Shrouded in secrecy vs. out in the open? Based on everything else that Taylor has been hinting at through TTPD (not to mention Evermore and Midnights), it sounds like she is on the verge of diving into a much larger battle. And if I had to guess, I would bet that this battle will start during the Reputation re-release. Around Halloween. 🎃 When exile ends. Almost exactly 2 years after the Bejeweled music video was released. Maybe the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now cause she's dead?
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I'm just speculating, but I will add that the 3rd book in the Time series is called A Swiftly Tilting Planet. There is a poem referenced through the book that goes like this:
With Ananda in this fateful hour, I place all Heaven with its power, And the sun with its brightness, And the snow with its whiteness, And the fire with all the strength it hath, And the lightning with its rapid wrath, And the winds with their swiftness along its path, And the sea with its deepness, And the rocks with their steepness, And the Earth with its starkness, All these I place with God's almighty help and grace between myself and the powers of darkness.
The word ‘Ananda’ mentioned above is the name of a character in the book, which is significant to the story because it’s a Sanskrit word that describes the eternal bliss that accompanies the ending of the rebirth cycle. If this series is what Taylor is referencing then it’s sounding more and more like she’s going to kill off Taylor TM and be done with the games, done with the reinvention. The plot summary of A Swiftly Tilting Planet says that it’s a book about "going back in time and changing might-have-beens." What decisions would she have made differently if she could do it all over again?
I don't know, friends. Take from this what you will. All I know is, this woman and all her brilliant duality is going to send me to a padded room. ✌🏻
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zegrasdrysdale · 21 days
Thinking of: reader going to one of Ethan’s games with their son/daughter and once the kid sees his dad he’s so excited! Jumping up and down and screaming “daddy!! daddy!!”
[ memorable ] e. edwards
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paring : Ethan Edwards x fem!reader
summary : Ethan plays first game as a Devil in October 2025 after signing his entry level contract over the summer so his fiancée brings their three year old son to the game to surprise him
warning(s) : none really (a suggestive comment it were getting picky)
author’s note : i also had baby fever so here we are lol
The day Ethan came home one afternoon and told her that he made the Opening Day roster for the Devils, there was excitement in the air. She couldn’t be any prouder of her fiancé than she was at that moment, except for maybe when he was drafted by the Devils in 2020. There were a handful of days between the end of the preseason and the start of the regular season so that excitement only grew as Opening Day got closer.
Ethan can’t wait to get on NHL ice with the Devils for the first time. He’s looking forward to sharing the ice with Luke and Seamus again for the first time since the three of them played at Michigan.
No one is more excited than their three-year-old son Chase though. He has told everyone at his preschool over the last few days that his “daddy is gonna be on TV”. He can’t wait to watch Ethan play hockey on TV.
Or so he thinks.
She hasn’t told Chase yet because she knows he’ll tell Ethan but she isn't taking him to preschool because they're going to spend the day getting ready for the game. She's taking Chase to the Prudential Center tonight so he can watch Ethan play in person. Both of them have no idea of her plans.
Yes, Chase has seen Ethan play in college, but playing in the NHL is so much bigger than playing in college. Plus, she's not sure if he even remembers watching Ethan play in college. He was barely a year old when she took him to Tampa in the spring of 2023 for the Frozen Four.
Now he's three and all he can talk about is how excited he is that his dad is playing in the NHL. It makes her heart so warm and she can't wait to bring Chase to the arena for the game. Ethan's parents came in too as part of her surprise. All four of them will be at the glass for warmups to celebrate his first NHL game.
Her alarm goes off on game day at the usual time so nothing seems off to Ethan, though he's already up and in the mini gym doing his pre-practice workout by the time her alarm goes off.
At seven, she leaves her shared bedroom to go wake Chase up like it's a normal day. She throws on a hoodie on top of her tank top and boxer shorts she usually sleeps in before she goes to get Chase up.
She walks into his bedroom and he's already sitting up in bed like he's been up for a few minutes already. She turns the lights on and smiles. "Good morning, Chasey," she says.
"Hi, mommy," Chase giggles. "Daddy's music woke me up."
She leans down and presses a kiss to her son's head. "I'll let daddy know that he needs to turn down the music in the morning so he doesn't wake you up," she promises. "Should we go tell him to turn it down?"
Chase nods and sprints out the door at the suggestion. She lays out his outfit for the day and quickly walks out after him. When she gets down the hallway to the gym, Ethan has Chase in his arms and Chase is hugging his dad.
"Good morning, buddy," Ethan greets Chase. "Sleep well?"
"As well as I could with your music too loud," Chase comments. She covers her mouth with a smile as she watches her fiancé and son. "Mommy said she'll tell you to turn it down."
Ethan smiles and turns his attention to her. "Did she?" he asks. "I'll make sure keep it down in the mornings when you're sleeping, okay?"
Chase smiles and hugs his dad. She bites her lip and looks at her boys. It's the little things that make her happy, and watching her son and her fiancé together makes her incredibly happy.
"Chasey, why don't you go get ready?" she suggests. "I'll make sure you get to say goodbye to daddy before he leaves for practice. I laid out your jersey so you can wear it to school today."
Their son nods and Ethan puts him down. Chase giggles and runs back to his room, leaving her alone with Ethan for the first time that morning. She kicks the door closed, but not all the way so she can hear Chase run back down the hallway.
She takes a few steps toward Ethan as he turns down the music. She wraps her arms around her sweaty fiancé's neck. "Good morning to my favorite NHL player," she comments. Ethan's hands rest on her waist. "Excited for tonight?"
"I feel a lot of things about tonight," Ethan admits. "Excited, nervous. I have been looking forward to my first NHL game and I wish you could be there so it's going to be a bittersweet moment."
"You know I'll be cheering you on from wherever I am, even when I'm home," she tells him with a frown to sell her lie. "Both Chase and I will be rooting for you tonight, and every game after."
Ethan shoots her a sad smile. She surges up to her tiptoes to press a quick kiss to his lips because she hates seeing him so sad.
When she lowers herself, Ethan cups her jaw and pulls her back into the kiss. It's a deeper kiss than the last one they shared and neither of them pulls away this time. Her arms slide from around his neck to around his bare torso so he can't go very far.
"I'm so proud of you," she mumbles against his lips.
He hums and deepens the kiss even more. She laughs as Ethan's fingers curl in her messy locks. "Love you," Ethan tells her between kisses. "Both of you."
There are quick footsteps in the hallway so she pulls away quickly. Ethan runs his fingers through his hair as they step away from each other so they don't traumatize their three-year-old. "Mommy, can we have chocolate pancakes for breakfast before school?" Chase asks as he pushes open the door. "Pretty please?"
"I think it's a special day so I think we can have chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast," she replies. "You look handsome in your little Devils jersey. Do you think your friends will like it?"
Chase nods and does a little spin. A little "Edwards 73" being on his back could make her cry. This is truly Ethan's moment, and she can't wait to celebrate at the arena with their son and Ethan's parents.
"I'm going to go shower really quick but we can eat some breakfast together before I leave for practice and you leave for school, okay?" Ethan says to Chase. Chase nods and grabs her hand. "I'll be out in a few minutes. Maybe mommy will let you help her with breakfast if you listen to her."
She shoots Ethan a look as Chase drags her out of the room. Her three-year-old pulls her down the hallway to the kitchen. She grabs ingredients for pancakes and the chocolate chips. As much as she would love to have Chase help with breakfast, she doesn't want his jersey to get dirty so she puts him at the table with some coloring books so she can cook breakfast in peace.
Down the hallway, she can hear Ethan in the shower as she mixes the ingredients together. Chase gets her attention to show her one of the pages that he colored. She tells him it looks good as she begins to pour the batter into a pan to cook some pancakes. She makes some smaller pancakes for Chase and full size pancakes for her and Ethan.
He emerges from the hallway in a Devils hoodie with his number on his chest and compression shorts that don't hide much. She's piling the already made pancakes on a plate for the three of them. She grabs plates out of the cabinet and puts them on the table for them.
"They look amazing, baby," Ethan tells her. He presses a kiss to her cheek before he sits down at the able.
"If I didn't have to bring Chase to school in a little bit then I would have cooked something healthier for you since it's game day," she replies.
Ethan grabs two pancakes and starts to cut them up. "It's okay," he says. "I'll make it up with a healthy lunch. I'm pretty sure that Luke, Jack, Shea, and I are going to lunch so I'll suggest something on the healthier side. Maybe Chipotle since I know Luke and Jack love it. I'll probably head to Shea's to hangout before the game, maybe nap. I don't know yet."
She cuts some pancakes up for Chase. "Sounds good to me," she tells him. "I think I'm going to do some shopping today. Grab some groceries, maybe some new outfits for when I do attend games this season." Ethan smiles at the last comment. "Then I'll pick Chase up from school at the normal time and we'll both be here for the game."
She hands Chase's plate to him and takes away his coloring book and crayons so he can eat. He shoves some of the pieces into his mouth.
Her phone dings with a text. She pulls it out of her hoodie pocket and glances at the nofication.
from: tara edwards - 7:38 am lee and i are landing in about 30 mins. has e left? does chase know about the surprise?
to: tara edwards - 7:40 am eating breakfast w the boys rn. eth is leaving when i "leave" with chase at 8. i'll tell him in the car about the surprise
"Who's texting you so early this morning?" Ethan questions.
"The groupchat I'm in with the other wives and girlfriends," she lies. "They're all excited for you to play in the game tonight and they wish that Chase and I could be there."
Ethan smiles and swallows a bite of pancake. "I'm happy you're getting along with them," he tells her. "Especially since I have no idea what's going to happen this season. I'm on the roster today but I could be sent to Utica any day. I think you could use some extra support just in case."
She matches his smile and nods. "It's nice to have a group that was so welcoming too," she replies. "The girls really welcomed us with open arms, and they adore Chase."
His phone starts buzzing and he realizes what time it is. "Oh, I gotta get going," he tells them. "It's almost eight and Keefe wants to hold a meeting before practice. I don't want to be late today."
Chase finishes eating as Ethan talks. "Time to go to school?" he asks. He looks at his mother.
"Time to go to school," she confirms. "All done?" Chase nods and she takes his plate. She grabs Ethan's plate as well as her own and puts them all in the sink. Ethan goes to grab his things and she pulls Chase out of his seat.
She holds Chase on her hip as she grabs his backpack sans lunchbox since he's not actually going to school. She slides on her slippers by the door as Ethan emerges with his new equipment bag with the Devils logo on the side. She smiles as he puts on his slides with his socks that go halfway up his shins. "Wow, you look like a hockey player on his way to practice, E," she teases him.
He rolls his eyes and opens the door for the two of them. Chase has been put down but holds his mother's hand so he doesn't go running down the hallway. Ethan follows close behind them.
Their apartment is on the third floor so they just take the stairs down to the first floor. Ethan struggles a little bit with his large equipment bag. He's good once he's on solid ground on the first floor.
Ethan throws his equipment in the trunk of his car. She stands next to him with Chase as the trunk is shut. He picks up Chase and holds him on his hip. "Good luck tonight, daddy!" Chase says. "Score a goal for me and mommy!"
"I always do, Chasey," Ethan tells him as he presses kisses to his son's cheek. "You look good in your jersey. Have a good day at school and I'll see you in the morning." Chase wraps his little arms around Ethan's neck. She smiles at the two of them.
He holds his extra arm out for her and she steps into a hug with her son and fiancé. Ethan presses a soft kiss to her forehead as she wraps an arm around his waist. "I can't wait to see you in Devils red, E," she tells him when she looks up at him. "We'll be looking for a 73 on the ice."
Her fiancé presses a quick kiss to her lips before he hands Chase over to her. "I love both of you," he says as he walks around to the driver's side of the car. "I'll be thinking of both of you while I play tonight."
She blows a kiss in Ethan’s direction, and Chase mimics her. She laughs as Ethan catches both kisses then gets in his car. She and Chase wave goodbye to him since it will be the last time either of them see him before they see him on the ice tonight.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Needless to say, Chase was estatic when she told him the plan for the night. In the car on the way to pick up Ethan’s parents, she told him that they were going to go to the arena to watch him play. She has never seen him so excited for anything in his very young life. He was even more excited when grandmom and grandpa got in the car. He wouldn’t stop talking about seeing Ethan on ice.
She leaves Chase with his grandparents to actually go shopping for groceries and an outfit for that night. She wasn’t lying when she said she needed to go pick up a couple of groceries and outfits.
Plus, she needed some time alone since the day is already super chaotic.
Ethan does text her after lunch to tell her while she’s out that he is going over to Seamus’ apartment before the game to hangout and maybe nap so she doesn’t have to tell his parents to take Chase out since he’s supposed to be at school. She tells him to let her know when he’s up from his nap, if he naps.
When she gets home, Tara and Lee are playing with toys in the living room with Chase. Her son greets her at the door despite her hands being full with bags. “Hi, my handsome boy,” she says when she drops her bags and embraces Chase. “What are you playing with?”
“Animals,” he replies. “All my favorite animals. Lions and wolves too.”
She smiles when she sees the setup on the coffee table. “I’ll join in the game in a little bit, okay?” she tells him. “I have to put away the food.”
Chase nods and runs back to his toys. She hauls the bags onto the kitchen island and begins to unpack them.
It’s not until she’s nearly done when Tara walks up to her. “He’s so excited to watch Ethan play hockey at the arena tonight,” she tells her. “It’s all he’s been able to talk about since you left. I’ve never seen him so excited.”
She smiles. “You should’ve seen him in the car,” she tells Tara. “I mean, he went from looking miserable because he thought he was going to school to being the happiest kid in the world when I told him. He was so excited and asked so many questions. I think this is going to be a core memory for him.”
“It’s going to be memorable for all of us,” Tara replies. “I mean, it’s Ethan’s first NHL game after four years of college. I didn’t think he was going to sign his contract for the longest time, especially after Chase was born. It makes me so happy that he has the life he wants. A beautiful baby boy, a beautiful wife-to-be, and an NHL career.”
The women both laugh and she wipes away tears that have rolled down her cheeks. “I can’t wait to see Ethan’s reaction when he sees all of us there tonight,” she says. “He has no idea that we’re coming.”
“Thank you for flying us in for this,” Tara says. “It means so much to me and Lee that we’re here.”
“It was no problem,” she replies as she pulls Ethan’s mom into a hug. “I’m going to start getting ready. I have one of Ethan’s Michigan jerseys if you want to wear it?”
Tara pulls back from the hug. “I think his wife and son should wear his name and number,” she tells her. “Lee and I will be just fine in our Devils gear.”
She smiles and nods. Tara goes back to playing with her grandson and she takes her outfit into her bedroom to get ready for the game since it’s about three. She was out a lot longer than she thought she was going to be so she has less time to get ready since she wants to be ready and have Chase fed by five.
Knowing that Chase is occupied by his grandparents and Ethan isn’t coming home before the game, she takes an everything shower and takes her time. She shampoos and conditions her hair, washes and exfoliates her face and body, and then shaves all necessary parts of her body.
She has some soft music playing as she showers to calm her nerves about tonight. All she wants is for Ethan to have the best game and all she wants is for her son to have fun at the game. She hopes for the best tonight.
A Devils win with an Ethan goal is the ideal outcome for the night, but as long as Ethan has the best time on NHL ice then she’ll be happy. If Chase has the best time at the game watching his dad then that’s a win in her book, no matter what the score of the game is.
Once she’s out of the shower, she wraps a towel around her body and secures it under her arms. She blow dries her hair before she leaves the bathroom.
She throws on a robe to check in on Chase and Ethan’s parents. Tara is in the kitchen while Lee and Chase are at the table. “Hi,” she says, confused. “What’s going on in here?”
“I thought I would make some dinner,” Tara replies. “Just some chicken nuggets before we leave. Chase requested chicken nuggets.”
She kisses the top of Chase’s head. “Ah, okay,” she says. “Thank you. I was going to make something before we left.”
“I got it,” Tara says with a smile. “Go finish getting ready. I’ll have some chicken nuggets for you when you’re done.”
She looks at Chase. “Are you being good for grandmom and grandpa?” she asks. Chase nods and looks up at her. “We’ll leave when I’m done getting ready. Make sure you eat whatever grandmom makes for you, okay?”
He nods again and goes back to playing with his animals with Lee. She runs her fingers through his dark locks and decides in that moment to take him to get a haircut over the weekend. She goes to do her hair, put on her makeup then get dressed.
She straightens her hair and does some neutral makeup when she gets ready. She puts on a pair of loose ripped jeans that she bought today and black ankle boots with a two inch heel to give her some height. She puts on the red Devils jersey that Ethan got her and tucks in the front of the jersey into the waist of her jeans.
“Mommy!” Chase calls. “I’m done my nuggets! Can we go see daddy?”
“Yes, Chasey,” she calls back. “We can go see daddy!”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The ride to the Prudential Center is the most exciting and nerve wracking experience of her life. Ethan has no idea that the four most important people in his life life are on their way to watch his first NHL game.
Chase basically vibrates in the backseat as she drives to the arena. He is very awake and didn’t take his nap after lunch because of how excited he is.
They pull into the player parking lot and sees Ethan’s car parked next to Seamus’. Chase is on her hip and Ethan’s parents walk behind her when they walk into a back door to get into the arena. She plays with her engagement ring as they get their credentials so they’re free to watch warmups with the other wives, girlfriends, and families.
“Have a good time,” the security guard says as soon as the three adults in the group get badges that hang on their neck. She puts her on and checks the time.
Warmups start in ten minutes. She quickly walks through the hallways with Chase still on her hip. The four of them come out at the glass in the opposite corner of where the players will come out.
She looks around at the stands that are filling up and puts Chase down for a few minutes since she’ll have to hold him once warmups start.
Fans are gathered at the glass to watch warmups. A sea of red, white, and black jerseys are lined up with signs. A handful of families, wives, and girlfriends are standing in the corner, and she sees Seamus’ parents at some point.
Then warmups start. Per NHL tradition, the rookies get a lap when warmups start. Seamus and Ethan take their lap before the the lights come up. As soon as they do, the other Devils players come out onto the ice, as well as the other team. Ethan takes a shot and skates right by the four of them without a second glance.
Chase notices though. He bangs on the glass in front of him and yells, “Daddy! Daddy!”
She pulls out her phone to get a picture of this moment. Chase has the biggest smile on his face as he tries to get his father’s attention. She even manages to grab a video of Chase banging on the glass.
Once the boys start stretching and taking line rushes instead of shooting pucks at the net, she notices Ethan standing with Seamus and Luke at the blue line. The trio talks about something but she has no idea what.
It just ends with Ethan looking directly at them. His jaw drops and he glances at his friends before he skates over to them.
Curtis Lazar stands at the glass talking to his wife and kids when Ethan skates up to them. Chase is moving so much in her arms that she stands him up on the boards. Lazar says something to Ethan that she can’t hear but it makes Ethan smile.
“Daddy!” Chase yells. Ethan waves at his son and Chase happily waves back at his dad. She has one arm around Chase so he doesn’t fall. She presses her lips in a line and holds back tears as she watches the interaction they’re having.
Ethan waves at his parents then makes a hand heart at her and Chase. She blows him another kiss and he smiles at her before he skates away to warm up. She smiles and watches her fiancé as he does his warmup routine.
The moment when Chase saw Ethan was everything she wanted. Her boys interacting at a game was a beautiful experience.
Tears roll down her cheeks and Chase asks, “Mommy, why are you crying?”
“I’m okay, Chasey,” she tells him as she wipes them away. “They’re happy tears, I promise. I’m very proud of your daddy. That’s all.”
Chase smiles and hugs his mom. She wraps her arms tightly around her son. Her eyes fall on Ethan as he takes a line rush. He is already proud to wear the Devils logo and she knows he’s about to put his all into this game.
Her son turns her attention back to his dad on the ice. He is so fixated on watching Ethan. It’s like he’s mesmerized by Ethan skating around on the ice. He passes the puck back and forth with Seamus for a second before he leans down to grab it.
Ethan skates back over to them and holds the puck up for Chase to see. He smiles and giggles as Ethan gets the puck between the net and glass. She catches the puck for Chase and hands it to their son.
While Chase is preoccupied with the puck, Ethan puts his hand up to the glass. She rests hers on his and smiles at him. “Love you,” Ethan mouths.
“Love you too,” she replies before he skates off.
One by one, players begin to leave the ice. Ethan is one of the last players to leave the ice and he makes sure to stop by one more time before he does.
She puts Chase down so she can get herself together. It was a very emotional moment for her, and it was everything she expected and more. She’s incredibly proud of Ethan and can’t wait to see what he does during the game.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Because it’s so late when the game ends, she takes her son home to try and put him to bed. Chase isn’t going to sleep anytime soon because of how exciting the game was. He watched his dad score his first NHL goal from the blue line and a Devils win. It was a 2-1 win over the Wild.
There’s no way he’s sleeping any time soon. She’s almost a hundred percent sure that he’ll still be awake when Ethan gets home. It was truly an exciting and memorable game for her, her son, and Ethan.
Tara and Lee stayed behind at the arena to come back to the apartment with Ethan while she went home with her son.
She looks back in the rearview mirror at Chase and he’s holding his puck. He’s turning it over and over again as he looks at it. “Did you have fun at the game?” she asks.
“Yeah!” Chase giggles. “Daddy scored a goal for us.”
With a smile, she nods. “Daddy did score a goal for us,” she replies. “His first NHL goal. Are you proud of him?”
Chase nods. “Yeah,” he replies. Then he yawns. “Will I see daddy before I go to sleep?”
“I don’t know, Chasey,” she tells him. “You look a little sleepy.”
He smiles as she pulls into the parking lot of their apartment building. She parks the car and gets out before she gets Chase out. The spot next to her is still empty so Ethan isn't back. She assumes he's doing media since he had an incredible NHL debut. He'll probably be back late, but Chase will probably force himself to stay awake anyway.
She pulls Chase out of his carseat and takes the elevator up to their apartment with Chase on her hip. His head rests on her shoulder. He really is tired.
Once inside their apartment, she kicks off her shoes and walks right to Chase's room to at least get him into his pajamas. He puts the puck on his pillow. "I wanna sleep with the puck daddy gave me," he tells his mom.
"That's all up to you, Chasey," she laughs as she pulls out a pair of pajamas for her son. "You can sleep with the puck or put it on your table. Whatever you'd like to do, my love. Get changed and we'll wait for daddy to get home together, okay? Maybe watch his interview." If he did any interviews.
Chase gives his mom a little thumbs up and she laughs as she leaves the room to let him get into his pajamas. She changes out of her own outfit into one of Ethan's old Michigan hoodies that she stole and checkered pajama pants.
When she emerges from her room, she sees Chase on the living room couch already. She smiles and shakes her head as she joins her son. She grabs her laptop and goes to the Devils’ YouTube page to see if Ethan did any media after the game.
He did. The most recent video was uploaded ten minutes ago and is titled “Edwards, Hischier, J. Hughes, Keefe talk about Wild win over Minnesota”. She smiles and clicks the video. Ethan does his interview first, and it’s about two minutes long.
“Ethan, how did it feel to get your first NHL goal so early in the season?” one of the reporters asks.
“Really good,” he replies. “Takes a lot of pressure off of me early so I don’t focus on that and focus on bettering my play this season.”
He looks around as another reporter asks, “Was there anyone special in the building for your first NHL game? We saw you interacting with a group behind the glass during warmups.”
A smile grows on Ethan’s face as he says, “Yeah, uh, I had a few people here today. it was a surprise that my fiancée planned at some point. She flew in my parents from Canada and brought our son to watch the game. Chase had so much fun during warmups. I could see him from every angle on the ice and it was a really special moment for me to have them all here tonight.”
“Daddy said my name!” Chase exclaims. “He mentioned you too, mommy.”
“Yeah he did,” she replies. “Keep watching, buddy.”
The first reporter asks another question. “Do you consider your roster spot safe after tonight?”
Ethan shakes his head. “I will keep fighting hard every single game and practice to keep my spot,” he explains. “I scored one goal tonight and blocked a couple of shots throughout the game but I don’t believe my spot is safe. I’m aware I could be sent down at any moment and I want to make sure that doesn’t happen. As long as I keep fighting and producing then I don’t see why I couldn’t be on this roster for all 82 games.”
She smiles at Ethan’s response. He’s told her so many times over the last few days that he’s worried about his roster spot. It sounds like he knows what he has to do to stay on the NHL roster.
“How was the locker room before the game?” another reporter asks. “Was it intense or were the boys ready?”
“Oh, the locker room was buzzing before the game,” he replies. “I mean, everyone was ready to start this season on a winning note, especially after getting knocked out in the first round last year. I came in and realized what kind of team I’m on this season and I’m ready to fight with them to get further into the playoffs and get the Cup.”
The reporters thank Ethan and it cuts to Nico’s part of the interview. She pauses the video and looks at Chase. He has a proud look on his face, like he’s showing how proud he is of his dad.
“Yes, Chasey?”
“Will daddy have an interview after every game?”
“I think it depends on what he does during the game,” she explains. “If he scores then he’ll most likely do an interview. If he has a good game then he might do an interview. I don’t think it’ll be after every game.”
Chase nods in response.
The sound of the door opening sounds behind them and they both look behind them. Tara and Lee walk in first. Ethan follows them in his game day suit. Chase is off the couch immediately as he goes to greet his dad.
She’s slower to approach them so the boys can have their moment. Tara and Lee say their good nights and go down to the extra bedroom. Ethan picks up Chase and hugs his son. “Did you have fun at the game, buddy?” he asks Chase.
“Yeah!” Chase giggles. “Thank you for the puck.”
“You’re very welcome,” he replies. “Let me say hi to your mom and we’ll go put you to bed. Can you go get ready for bed? We’ll be right in.”
Chase nods as he is put down. He scurries down the hallway and Ethan turns to his fiancée.
She smiles. “That goal was very sexy of you, E,” she tells him. “I’ve never found you hotter than when you scored in the NHL.”
“I have a bone to pick with you,” Ethan laughs. “I did not know that you guys were coming to the game. Of all days to surprise me at a game.”
As she drapes her arms around his neck, she says, “I was able to surprise both you and Chase. I wanted the game to be memorable for both of you.”
“It was,” he tells her. “I’ll never forget my first NHL game. It makes it so much more special since you and Chase were there.”
She smiles and surges up to press a lingering kiss to his lips. Ethan’s hands rest on her waist and he holds her there for a second. “We’re going to end up having another baby by the end of the season if you think me scoring goals is sexy,” he mumbles against her lips.
“It wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world,” she tells him without breaking the kiss. “Having another little Edwards running around. Plus, I’ve always thought you scoring goals was sexy.”
Ethan laughs.
“Mommy!” Chase calls. “Daddy! Come put me to bed!”
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therealcocoshady · 15 days
Little Lilly hearing reader or Marshall say a swear word and her repeating it at random times .
Time Out
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Author’s Note : Thank you for your request ❤️. I had a fun time writing this and I hope you like it ✨. Please keep these fluffy and cute requests coming because they heal my soul ✨. (Other requests are also welcome)
- Fuck.
It was almost inaudible at first, and he wasn’t sure he had heard that quite right. A tiny, childish voice using a big swear word. Definitely odd. Marshall turned his head, only to see that Lily had spilled juice all over the leather couch. She was pursing her lips, obviously frustrated. His three year-old was always annoyed when things weren’t proper. She hated having paint all over her finger, loathed having dirt on her dress after playing in the garden and, whenever she spilled something, it was as if she had witnessed the eruption of WWIII. Her being upset that she had spilled juice wasn’t surprising, but her using such a colorful language definitely was. It was the first time he heard her swearing and it almost broke his heart. It was probably a bit dramatic on his part, but it was further proof that his baby was growing up. She had just turned three and her language had gotten so much better in the past few months. However, he didn’t expect it to include swearing words. She was only three years old ! If memories served, his eldest daughters were a bit older the first time they swore.
- it’s fine, baby, he said. It’s just a little juice. We’ll clean it up. But you don’t get to use that word, ok ?
- What word ? She asked innocently.
- The one you just used. Ok, Lily ? No using that.
- Ok, Daddy.
There it was. Better. Lily was an extremely polite little girl and he prayed that she would stay that way. He decided not to make a big deal out of it. After all, he wasn’t even sure that she understood what she was saying. It probably wasn’t on purpose. Although, he wasn’t quite sure where she’d heard that word. Ever since he became a Dad for the first time, almost three decades ago, he had always been careful to mind his language around children - especially his own. One might argue that his making a living relied on the use of swear words - which wasn’t technically wrong - but there was no way in hell he would allow his kids to use them freely at home.
After tucking Lily in bed that night, he brought it up to you.
- So… Lily’s swearing now, he said with a frown.
- Swearing ? You asked. What did she say ?
- Fuck, he explained. I don’t even know where she heard that one.
- That might be me, you confessed. We went to the Starbucks drive-thru the other day and I spilled coffee all over my blouse. I might have let it out…
- Fuck, babe ! He scolded.
- You just said it ! You defended yourself.
- But she’s not around, he groaned. She’s three ! She has no business hearing that kind of word, let alone repeating it…
- I know, you said apologetically. Look… she’ll probably forget about it.
- I guess, he shrugged. I hope so. She’s only three. Even Stevie waited until she was five to use swear words.
- You must have had fun conversations when they found out you make a living by using swear words, you giggled.
- You don’t know the half of it, he chuckled. I mean, the kids always understood that it’s just me making songs. Mostly because we never used those words at home. And I would very much like it to be the same for Lily.
- She said it only once, you pointed out. Of course we’re not raising a rude little girl. She’s always so polite. I’m sure it won’t happen again.
Only it did happen again. A couple of days later, she let it out while you were sitting at the dining room and she accidentally dropped her cutlery on the floor. Both Marshall and you looked at each other.
- Fuck ! Lily said in an annoyed voice.
- Lily ! You scolded.
- Baby, remember what I said ? Marshall said sternly. No using that word. It’s a swear word and we don’t use that, understood ?
- But Mommy-
- I shouldn’t have used that word, you said. It’s a bad one.
- And if I catch you using it again, you’ll get grounded, Marshall warned.
You gave him a funny look. Out of the two of you, Marshall had always been a more lenient parent to Lily. He told you in the past that, when he was raising Alaina, Hailie and Stevie, he was more of a disciplinarian than Kim but, if you were being honest, you had trouble imagining him like this. Maybe it was because he adopted Lily when she was two, or because you had never had trouble scolding her yourself, but he was always so soft with her and, in fact, he had never raised his voice to her. He was very much the « cool » parent, to her. That being said, you could tell he was adamant on her respecting that rule - as he should because you were very much in agreement.
A couple of weeks went by and you didn’t catch your little girl swearing again, much to your relief. On a Saturday afternoon, you went for some shopping and Marshall had to pop by the studio to work on a beat he produced for some artists signed to the label and he took Lily with him. She was used to being in the studio and always had fun. She had her little habits, some toys and usually played peacefully while Marshall was able to work. She was on the couch, drawing when she saw that her marker had left some stains on her fingers.
- Fuuuuck, she whined.
Marshall immediately looked in her direction and sighed. He already hated what was about to happen but it had to.
- Lily, come here ! he said sternly.
- What Daddy? She asked in an annoyed voice.
- Quit the attitude, he sighed. Come here.
« She’s three » he thought. « she can’t start acting like an edgy teen when she hasn’t even started preschool yet ! ». He had her sit on the chair next to his and look her in the eyes.
- What did you say ? He asked.
- I said what, she repeated.
- Before that, he asked. What’s that word you used ?
- Fuck, she mumbled.
- That’s right, he said sternly. And what did I say about using that word ?
- That… I… shouldn’t, she said as she avoided his gaze.
- Right, he said. So now, you’re taking a time out.
- But Da-
- No buts, he scolded sternly. If you can’t draw without swearing, you don’t get to draw at all. And look at me when I talk to you, Lily.
She looked at him with tears welling in her eyes. It was the first time he scolded her like this, using his « big voice ». Her look immediately made him feel guilty and all he wanted was to hug her and apologize. It took everything in him not to, and he had her sit in the chair in silence for three minutes while he kept on working. She was looking down, her lip quivering. After a couple of minutes he looked at her. She had one minute left but he gave up. Toddlers don’t have a great time notion anyway and he was a ready feeling guilty for scolding her.
- Ok, bug, time out’s over, he said.
- Ok Daddy, she said in a sad voice that immediately guilt-trip him.
- You don’t like time outs, do you ? He asked with a raised eyebrow.
- No, she said.
- And I don’t like scolding you either, he explained. But I’m your Dad, and it’s my job to put you on time out when you do or say bad things. And if you use that word or any other swear word, you’re taking a time out. Ok ?
- Ok, she said in an almost inaudible voice.
- Now, I understand that sometimes, you’re frustrated, but we don’t use words like that, he said in a softer voice. You can groan, you can sigh, you can use normal words, but not this. Now, I want you to apologize.
- I’m sorry, Daddy, she said as tears welled up in her eyes again.
Guilt got the best of him and he pulled her in for a hug. Scolding her broke his heart and he was thankful that you were the one who did most of it because he wasn’t able to handle seeing sadness in the eyes of his princess. How he had managed to handle scolding the older ones over and over when they were growing up (mostly because his ex didn’t), he wasn’t sure. Had he always been so soft ?
- Don’t cry, baby, he said. It’s fine. You’re forgiven.
- But I don’t like it when you’re mean, she whined.
- I’m not mean, he chuckled. I still love you very much. Just because I scold you doesn’t mean I don’t, you know ?
- Ok, she sniffled.
- You want to go back to drawing ? He asked as he put her down.
- Will you draw with me ? She asked.
- I can take a little break, he said.
They went to the couch and started drawing together. They heard Royce and Denaun come inside the studio.
- So I told her to fuck off, you know ? Denaun said.
- Shit man, that bitch is a fucking- oh hey guys ! Royce said as he saw them.
- Time out, Lily said in a stern look.
Marshall immediately covered his mouth so that she wouldn’t see the smile he failed to contain.
- First of all, you say hello properly to Ryan and Denaun, he said. Also, you don’t get to put people on time out, Lily. I do.
- Hi, Uncle Ryan, Hi Uncle Nauny, she said as she went to hug them.
- What’s that time out thing ? Denaun asked as he picked up Lily to carry her.
- We’re learning not to use colorful language, Marshall chuckled.
- Oh, Royce said. Yeah, we shouldn’t have said that, Lily, you’re right. Sorry.
- Do they get time out, Daddy ? She asked as she looked at Marshall.
- Hell no, Denaun said. We’re grown ups, we don’t get time out.
- But you said the words, Lily argued.
- Yeah guys, time out, Marshall said with a grin.
- Seriously, man ? Royce asked.
- Yeah. Time out, Marshall said. Rules are the same for everybody.
He went to the kitchen area with the guys while Lily kept on drawing. They failed to contain their laughter. Ever since Marshall had adopted Lily, they enjoyed teasing him on his « Dad » demeanor, and how he was on a different mode when she was around.
- She’s got some attitude, Royce said.
- Probably got that from her Mom, Marshall chuckled.
- Wait until I tell Y/N you said that, Denaun grinned.
- Don’t, Marshall said. Otherwise I’m getting a time out.
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trulyhblue · 6 months
Home Away From Home
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Lauren Hemp x Aussie! Reader
Warnings: fluff, but awkward.
A/N — I know Caroline Weir scored the two goals in the Man City game that I talk about, but I've changed it a bit :)
Growing up in Australia was among the greatest privileges you had as a child.
Even in the midst of your career — a job you've dreamed of since you were little — your home soil was indescribable; nothing could beat the familiarity of home.
When the 2023 World Cup was announced to take place in Australia, you were feeling the effects of homesickness after six long months in Europe. You were signed by Manchester City at Nineteen, playing a critical midfield position after being a regular sub for your old club back in Australia. Your parents were sceptical of you leaving so early to such a big club. In no way were you prepared to face the challenges of adulthood as a whole other country, on the opposite side of the Earth.
You had only been playing for the Matildas for a couple of months when you were first signed to City, and it wasn't until the following year when your fellow Aussie teammates Alanna, and eventually Hayley and Mary, that you had the comfort of home to nurture you during rough patches.
Your family was your biggest supporter. Growing up, they sacrificed everything to meet the needs of their football journey. Your parents would leave early from work early to take you to training and surrender endless personal endeavours so that you could prosper in your dreams of going pro. You were very grateful for all that they had done, and as a result, their sacrifices became your motivation to be the best you could possibly be. You lived and breathed football. Everything revolved around football.
But when you moved to City, you found yourself stuck in a trance by a certain English Blonde.
For the most part, you kept to yourself at training. You didn't want to cause any trouble, and it seemed that most of the girls knew each other from youth squads, prior teams, or roommates at National Camps. You struggled to find your place in the squad at first. Being a relatively young team, you had lots of girls around your age, willing to be your friend, but the absence of home and lack of connection to the United Kingdom combined to make your personality shrink under a dismissive persona.
When Alanna joined City, you offered your apartment to her, having come from North London beforehand. Over the next months, you found comfort in the familiar Aussie accent, finding solace in the sliver of home you felt so distant to.
You still remained shy at training, trying hard and pushing out of your comfort zone every time someone had a conversation with you. Alanna found it hard to believe how introverted you were, having seen your confidence shine at Matilda’s Camps, and the Manchester Girls couldn't believe their ears when Alanna told them about how you were at home.
When Hayley came, you were smiling more. It wasn't that you weren't happy at City before the Australian girls arrived. You were thriving. In the 2020/21 season, you were dubbed as Young Player of The Year and had four ‘Player Of The Match’ awards under your belt. You worked extremely hard to make the starting eleven regularly, and people would often compliment your subtle but impressionable skills on the field. You weren't fast, but you were technical. You thought of the play that hadn't happened yet, shaping the game with unexpected yet calculated crosses. For two years, you had the second most assists in the WSL, merely missing Beth Mead.
In all honesty, the effects of having the reminder of home did help to boost your performance not only on the pitch but behind the scenes as well.
You can remember tapping your hands against the rim of your cubby, your home kit baggy on your figure. It was a very important game today — the final of the FA Women’s League Cup — against reigning champions Chelsea. You were starting, and your family had flown over to watch.
Your nerves upon walking out were tremendous. This was your first time starting in a final in the WSL. You don't remember a time you felt your hands shake this much. Alanna and Hayley were preparing for the match on either side of you, their faces impassive when both teams lined up in the tunnel of Cherry Rose Records Stadium.
Your heart was thumping out of your chest, palms sweating as you took your spot on the field.
When the whistle blew, you tuned everything out.
A powerful shot from Sam Kerr left Chelsea in the lead halfway through the first half. You tried hard to maneuver your way through the likes of Charles and Ingle, passing to Georgia and Keira as you struggled to pass Chelsea’s defence. Lucy was given a yellow which heightened the tension reeling in the stands. You buried the apprehensive bile rising in your stomach when the halftime whistle blew, signalling everyone to rush back to the changing rooms.
You placed your head in your hands, taking slow, desperate sips of your water bottle as you listened to the pep talks from all the players. Gareth Taylor, your manager, was shouting encouragement from across the room, staring into each and every one of your eyes, assuring the team that they could make a comeback.
“I want you to want this.” He said, circling the room with so much fervour that the room felt warmer. “I want to see the determination in your eyes. I want to see it in the tackles, the plays, the kicks, everything. The opportunities you making are good, they just need more precision.”
It was almost the start of the second half when Gareth asked for you, leading you over to the other side of the changing rooms, towards the shorter figure of one of your teammates.
Lauren looked just as nervous as you, but you hoped that you his your nerves a little better than her. Her blonde hair was held up in a pony, and small wisps of baby hairs framed her face after being exempted from the wind. She was a year older than you but has been in Manchester since 2018. Other than the odd, unusual sentence or two, neither of you had properly interacted.
Lauren looked up at you, her beady eyes locking with yours as she licked her lips, exchanging glances with the floor and you, awaiting the purpose of the conversation.
“I want you two to work together this half.” Your Manager urged. Both you and Lauren looked at him in surprise. He must've caught on since he held his hands up. “I know we haven't practised much between the two of you, I know. But Y/N, your crosses over the head of Chelsea defenders will inevitably shape up some opportunities for Hempo. Lauren, you know what to do when something comes up. I believe that truly, alright? Do you understand?”
You were still mulling over Gareth’s words when the whistle blew for the second half, but you felt an uncertain pair of eyes look out for where you kicked the ball. The surveillance of the English forward did not irk you. In fact, it pushed you to do as you were told.
It was two minutes in when an opportunity arose. You were given the ball by Alanna, who had pelted it away after a scary interaction with her and Kerr.
Gareth’s words played in your head, taunting you as the blonde’s eyes watched your actions intently. You were hesitant to do as he said. This was the one game your parents were here to see. Never once had they been to Europe, having not had the money to be able to fund both your football and fancy holidays overseas. You wanted to make them proud. You didn't want to risk such an important opportunity for it to go out or concede and let your team down.
You found Georgia and kicked it by her. She followed it up the middle of the field, passing it to one of your forwards, hand up in celebration when it went past the Goalie.
But for some reason, you couldn't find it in you to celebrate. You refused to meet the eyes of Lauren, who was no doubt throwing you a disappointed glance. You could feel the betrayal radiating in violent waves. You ran back to your starting position without a peep, determined to shake the guilt with another chance. You needed to win this game. You’d do whatever it took to do so.
Another goal from Ellen White led your team one in front, but it gave no comfort whatsoever in a game like this. If anything, it put the stakes higher. You hated penalties, the feeling of dread and anxiety filling you everything you watched each player attempt to concede. Even more so, you hated taking penalties. The possibility of that happening was enough to motivate you even more.
Guro Reiten was subbed off for Lauren James. A fresh pair of legs was dangerous coming up to the seventieth minute.
Chelsea was drawing closer and closer to equalizing with your second goal, causing an uprise in the tension between both the teams and the people watching. You grew more angsty when one of their attempts hit the crossbar, but when it landed near Keira’s feet, being shot past to where you stood, you knew this was now or never.
You sprinted down the wing with Georgia by your side, but you were only focused on the blonde in front of you.
“Here! Here!” Georgia screamed, holding out her hand to signal to you that she was ready. You contemplated it. There had been many times when Georgia had done that, and you had crossed the ball to her, and she had easily swished it past the goalie. You never doubted Georgia for a second, and you definitely knew she would've been able to shoot from where she was — she was clearly onside. But the Chelsea defenders had studied your gameplay back to front, and the same old cross to Georgia was something they had trained for — something you had trained for.
Something clicked in your mind when you met Lauren’s eyes. Something ignited inside of you. She must've felt it too, because she didn't even reach her hand up to signal towards you.
You both just knew what was happening. And that it would work. It had to work.
Without much thought, you kicked the ball to your right, watching as Chelsea gaped in alarm at the unsuspected pass and turn to and from Lauren.
You held your breath, stationery at the sight of Lauren’s risky attempts. She found a steady pace along the sideline stepping past Jess Carter, keeping her back turned to the goal. She used the back of her heel to trick both Carter and Berger. She had scored. Manchester City were winning 3-1.
You were the first to scream, a massive smile on your face as you ran towards Lauren, who spun to find you amidst the swarm of Chelsea players.
The two of you ran into each other with so much force that you both toppled to the ground, rolling around as the rest of your team piled on top of you.
The girls were screaming, you could hear the distant cheers of people in the stands. You heard Lauren’s exhausted huffs as you shovelled your head into her neck. Neither of you said anything. You both just had the silent agreement that what you did was game-changing, and that the non-existent relationship between you was no longer.
Despite the desperate attempts from the London team, the final whistle blew with the score maintaining a healthy lead. Your legs gave out as soon as the game ended, tears threatening to spill from your eyes and onto your cheeks as the weight of the season lifted from your shoulders. You felt a pair of arms lift you up, turning you around. The hug was only recently familiar, but tangible nonetheless.
Lauren held her arms around your waist, leaving you to collapse your arms over her shoulders. You watched her chest rise and fall, however, so slowly, a few choked sobs rang out from the older girl.
“I thought you weren't ‘gonna pass to me.” She said. You don't remember her ever speaking to you directly, but the attention made you blush.
“You could've gotten a double if I did.” You uttered, pulling her out of the hug. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” She replied, her cheeks also dusted pink. “I'm just glad it was your assist.”
You wondered if she was trying to make you flustered because you noticed how fidgety she got when you eyed her nervously.
“I mean like— I like you— wait, no, well— I like your assist-”
“Same. I mean— I'm glad you scored from my assist. Like— okay wait that doesn't make sense.”
“I get what you’re saying. That's what I meant.” Lauren muttered back, rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment. “I wouldn't have wanted anyone else to assist me… in goals.”
“Yeah, same… in goals, yeah.”
Little did you know, your Aussie teammates Hayley and Alanna were standing next to Keira and Georgia, all overlooking the inept exchange between the two of you.
“God, you call that flirting.” Georgia laughed, the other three chuckling along. “Wouldn't want to see what their dates would look like.”
“Bloody painful, that's what.” Alanna sounded, taking a picture of the two of you.
“Wouldnt of expected anything different, to be honest. Both as awkward as each other.” Keira spoke.
And you were as awkward as each other, but that made for the perfect pair. A home away from home.
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octuscle · 7 months
thank you my friend for showing me all the things I can be. But one transformation just felt more right than the others. Please can you turn me back to a British chav working in ChavTF. This time I want it to be permanent and I want to become as chavy as possible. Just a dumb horny chav, who loves trainers, tracksuits, smoking, drinking and blowjobs
Alcohol gives you really stupid ideas, doesn't it? Even if the alcohol is an expensive 2020 Silvaner from a great vineyard on the Main in Franconia… Dude, you're a masterpiece! And you want to change that?
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You're playing with your cell phone… There's the ChavTF online store. Hot tracksuit on special offer. The devil knows when you'd put it on… But you order it. They recommend a pair of socks, a pair of sneakers, a bracelet and a necklace. You think the necklace is stupid… But the rest looks cool. Everything goes into the shopping cart. Pay. And order. Everything should be here the day after tomorrow.
When you get home on Friday evening, the parcel is on your doorstep. Some friendly neighbor has accepted the package. The box has been used before. A bong was obviously packed in it before. It also smells like weed, but also like the plastic of cheap synthetic fibers. The tracksuit is no longer in its original packaging. It also smells a bit like sweat. And it looks like there are dried precum stains in the pants. You get a boner. And your precum forms another stain in your pants. The socks and sneakers look great with the tracksuit.
There are lots of notes in the box next to the bill. A voucher for a hairdresser. And a flyer looking for new employees for the online shop. Hehehe, the job certainly wouldn't make enough money for your Mayfair apartment. But somehow you feel like redeeming the voucher for the hairdresser. Shorter hair goes better with the tracksuit. Okay, the cab ride to the Eastend is probably almost as expensive as if you'd gone to your hairdresser. But that doesn't matter to you now.
You fit into the hairdressing salon about as well as the king fits into the subway. None of the customers are over 25 years old. No one feels as muscular in their tracksuit as you do. And everyone is either smoking a cigarette or a joint. And most of them have a can of beer. The hairdresser sees you and shouts "You're next. Would you like uh beer, mate?" You just say yes. And then the barber runs the long hair clippers through your hair. "Mate, should I shave off da beard? it makes you look like an old main?" You actually feel much younger. The beer is why and tastes like piss. But it feels good. Your forehead is wrinkle-free and smooth again. You look more like a young bouncer than an investment banker. "Nah, mate, da beard stays on. But do you have uh fag for me?" Damn, what's happened to your language.
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You tip the barber a pound. You can hardly get enough of your reflection in the mirror. You need sex now. Quickly. It's still light and the cruising area in Victoria Park isn't far away. You don't have to stand by the tree for long before you disappear into the bushes with an old geezer. Phew, not really your level. But it feels right to get down on your knees and suck the unshaven, cheesy cock of this unkempt guy. And it also feels right when you pocket the ten pound note after the blowjob.
You take the subway home. Fuck, you're so horny, you could get fucked by every other guy here. But you need a pint of beer at least as badly. And it's not unlikely that you'll find something to fuck in the pub.
Fuck, you could clean up your mess and air it out. And you don't have anything clean to wear either. Shit, you had something planned for today… While you're pissing and smoking in your dirty little bathroom, you remember. You wanted to apply for the job. Warehouse worker at that cool clothes store in the East End. You spray some Axe under your armpits, put on your new tracksuit and take the bus to the East End.
You're already a little excited. After all, it's the first job you've done since you dropped out of your plumbing apprenticeship. And it's eight pounds an hour. A hell of a lot of money. But the guy in the store is cool. He thinks that all you need to be able to do for the job is organize weed for the other employees, give him the occasional blow job and tape up packages. Hehehe, hopefully you'll learn how to do the parcels, the rest you'll manage. And you can prove it right away. Starting with a blowjob.
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Best job ever. In fact, you're more of a warehouse hustler than a warehouse worker. But there are good tips. And the dope you got is damn good. And hopefully no one will notice that you took the necklace with you. Your mother yells for you to come into the house, dinner is ready. You shout back that you only have a few more things to do. Hehehe, you can't stand dinner with your mother and her new stud without being stoned.
Pics found @my-gear-smoking-favourites, @lyon69007-blog and @scallysmoker2
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ayufufu · 2 months
OnionThief x Rival!MC
Word Count: 4368
Summary:  In which OnionThief and his rival get paired up for a project.  But for the first time, he gets to see what it’s like for them behind the scenes of their bratty know-it-all personality (basically academic burnout).
Author’s Note:  Started sometime in 2020, finished April 5th, 2024.  I present the sassy, probably out-of-character, OnionThief and his little rival.  Trust, it’s been like 3 years since I’ve played this game.  Oh lord am I out of touch with this fandom.  It is buried within me right now.  But hey, finished writing.  I am proud of the beginning half, the ending might not be it though. 
“Eat shit and die.”
“Yes, fuck you.”  These whispers flew past surrounding peers, already used to overhearing this type of bickering between the pair.  It was never truly clear how it began.  They tested each other’s knowledge, butting heads every year since high school.  Y/N and Onionthief simply found each other insufferable, their hostility seemed to intensify when they found out they applied to the same college.  It was as though they were water and oil, never being able to mix well.  The professors chose to pay no mind since both were still excelling.  Their grades were incredibly high, scores screaming in pain at the height they were reaching, extra credit opportunities never wasted.
“You’re all dismissed, please remember to review pages 556 to 590 for next week.”  The class let out dim cheers, the sounds of paper rustling, bags zipping, and peers exchanging words filling the large room.  As Y/N finished packing their last item away, they rushed straight to the door.  Walking to the outside of campus, they made a mental to-do list.  Assignments were beginning to pile up, but Winter break was right there.  Couldn’t stop now.
“Move,” Onion’s voice rang out as he shoved his shoulder into theirs harshly, a scoff coming from them as they’re broken from their thoughts.
“I wasn’t aware the 15 feet of space around me was nonexistent,” Y/N spat.  Their eyes followed his back as he continued his fast pace without a word.  Unbelievable.  Turning to walk the other direction, the sounds of their peers filled their ears.  Silently restarting their to-do list, the sounds became a blur.  The walk to their apartment was a routine, passing the different trees and couples before reaching the bridge.  Rushing across, the sounds of another pair of footsteps flooded their ears.  
“So you’ve resorted to stalking me,” Onion sneered.  Y/N turned around, head flooded with annoyance.
“I live here, you’re aware of that.” “Right.”  He walked over to the bridge pulling a small bottle from his pocket.  Y/N watched curiously as he tipped it over the edge and shook it a bit.  Realizing he was feeding the fish, Y/N walked off, bag bouncing with each step.  The eyes following them were left unnoticed, the sounds of class echoing in their mind all the way to their desk.
“I mentioned at the beginning of the year that there will be one major partner assignment in this class, serving as our midterm final.”  Groans and whispers of cheers filled the room, peers feeling dreadful while others spotted friends across the room.  Y/N sighed, head resting in their arms.  Glad he’s at least sitting somewhere else.  
“Alright, settle down.  These partners will be assigned by your latest test scores.”  Right...  Y/N clicked their pen impatiently, feeling the metal between their fingers, more sounds of displeasure filling the room.  The teacher droned on about the details of the project, explaining how lower scores would be assigned tutors for their projects.
“Let’s start with the highest scores shall we?”  They sat up.
“Y/N and—” Clack.  The sound of the pen hitting the table drew the attention of a few surrounding classmates, but Y/N didn’t even take notice.
“You two don’t need a tutor so you’ll be able to view the project details online. Now for…”  He was their partner.  For once, a teacher decided to pair them up.  They sat through the rest of the class, every word flowing through their ears and out the other.  Nothing was staying put into their mind.  I just had to be paired with such an insufferable… Shaking their head, they heard the professor dismiss them.
“Well, I guess I’m ready to fail this assignment.” And there he is.  They began packing their stuff, shoving the items in the bag messily.
“Same here, you’ll just drag down my grade even if we did try.”
“Right, what was this worth again, 50%?”  Y/N stopped their aggressive packing at this.
“Where did you get that this was 50%?” “Read the details dumbass,” he passed his phone to them.  Their eyes skimmed over the details, the 50 percent and “due in 10 days” standing out from everything else.  The phone was plucked out of their hands as he smirked, tucking it away.  He left the room, Y/N trailing behind.  They couldn’t just skip the assignment, their hard-earned A+ would easily drop in just one month.  Onion tried his best not to notice the footsteps behind him, knowing it was them.  He held back chuckles as he wondered how long they’d follow him.
“Hey shallot-head,” Y/N called.  He hummed in acknowledgment, but he still didn’t change pace or look their way.  Y/N was starting to struggle to keep up the pace, always one step or two behind from walking next to him, not noticing the smirk he was hiding.  They finally huffed before grabbing the back of his shirt to stop him completely.  He halted at the sudden pressure, a smirk forming a look of surprise while Y/N rushed to face him.
“Listen shallot, I can’t afford to skip this assignment.”  He cocked an eyebrow at this.
“The Y/N cannot afford to skip this assignment?  I’m sure you can lose half of your grade, still pass, and I would be able to avoid your ridiculously low IQ.”  Their head felt hot at the sound of his ridiculing.
“I need to pass this assignment.  I can do the work, but you just need to revise some parts to look like it’s yours,”  Y/N pleaded.  He seemed to ponder the options, putting his chin between his fingers.
“No.”  He turned to leave. “Wait– I offer instant miso!”  His head perked up.
“Green onions too, plus I’ll throw in extra tofu.”  He grabbed Y/N’s wrist roughly before beginning to drag them to the apartment in a rush, Y/N struggling once more to keep up, relief washing their body.
“I need to stop here for a moment.”  He approached the bridge again, the same bottle as before in his hand.  Y/N watched him shake the bottle once more, fish crowding the area again.  He turned back to them before nodding and walking to the complex, Y/N tailing after.  Once they called the elevator, awkward silence surrounded them.  For the first time since they began their walk (run) back, tension swallowed them whole, arms and legs aching from arduous journeys across campus and poor posture in class.
Y/N stepped into the elevator first, clicking the third-floor button once Onion stepped in.  They side-eyed him, taking in his tense yet relaxed state.  Y/N willed themselves to relax their stiff body while the elevator doors spread open.
“Do you need anything from your room or are you good to go,” Y/N asked, adjusting the bag on their back.  
“I don’t need anything else.  I bring all my work necessities with me”  They nodded at his response before putting in their pin and unlocking the door.  They walked straight in, putting away their necessities, shoes by the door, and water bottle on the table.
“Right, um, you could set up in the kitchen while I make your miso?”  Onion nodded and began to set his stuff on the chair next to Y/N’s stuff while they began putting a pot of water on the stove.  As Onion began pulling out his laptop and notes, he stared at Y/N’s back while they shuffled around the kitchen grabbing things out of cabinets and drawers.  His brows furrowed in annoyance at the unwanted presence, punching his laptop code in with more pressure.
“Don’t you have a desk?”  Onion sighed at the environment.  
“I do, but it only fits me.  I didn’t plan on having anyone study at my apartment until now.”  The instant miso powder hit the boiling water, the aroma filling the room, the silence of their voices following.  Bubbling water and mouse clicks were the only things heard for a few more minutes, the atmosphere stiff.  Eventually, two bowls of miso, two laptops, two notebooks, and two comp sci students were positioned at the table.  
“So, let’s test the limits of your stupidity.” “...I literally have a higher score than you.”
“Ok, and?” Y/N leaned back in their chair.  They barely even started, the soup still steaming, but their bickering was starting up once more.
“I’m just saying, that B in algorithms seems to say something about you.”  Harshly sighing, Y/N tipped their head back to the ceiling, their eyes tracing the patterns in the material.
“If you don’t pay attention I will chug this miso and leave.”  They snapped their head towards him.  They sat up and positioned their arms to type before realizing they hadn’t even read all of the assignment details yet.  This was going to be a long month.
10 days.
“No dumbass, this is supposed to be–” “No it isn’t, what the hell?”
“Are you denying the truth? “I am denying what is clearly wrong.” “Look at my notes, it’s right!”  Y/N shoved their notes in Onion’s face.  Pushing his glasses further up his nose, his eyes scanned the text.  After a minute or so, he sighed.
“Your notes are wrong.”  Their eyes widened when Onion handed his own notes to them before rereading their notes with a confused expression.  Onion had wanted to work on homework before continuing the project to make sure their (mostly his) grades didn’t drop.  Upon looking at their notes from the day, their professor's words filled their brain again.  They couldn’t stop the disappointment from filling their face, a frown settling on their features.  Since they were so sure they were right, they didn’t think their understanding of the topic was off.  Onionthief observed their down face, an expression he seldom saw.
8 days.
“I couldn’t grab extra tofu last time I went out for groceries.”  Y/N set the bowls down carefully, taking their seat right after.  Onion didn’t budge, opting to continue typing away at his laptop.  At the lack of response, they cocked an eyebrow.  They thought he’d throw a fit, but surprisingly he stayed put.  Y/N sighed before opening up their work yet again, shoulders aching.  Onion stayed true to the deal, opting to revise the parts Y/N laid out for him while continuing his homework from other classes.  At the lack of help and the burden of other classes on their mind, Y/N could feel the shadows of burnout waiting to envelop them.  After this, they were prepared to let their bed swallow them whole.
6 days.
“Hey, this is still wrong.”  Y/N’s head jerked up from the part of the project they were currently typing out.  Onion observed them as they rapidly scrolled to where he was viewing.  It was an entry from the beginning of the project.  A part that affected the rest of the work.  Deeply sighing, the monotone voice in their head began reading again.  Despite rereading it constantly, nothing was sticking.  It was as though the words didn’t exist.  At the lack of response from Y/N after a good few minutes, Onion huffed before highlighting the mistake in the text.
“Oh.”  It was all they could let out at the moment.  Despite the sentence highlighted, the information wasn’t processed in their head.  Their face scrunched up at the hotness filling their head.  The sight made an unfamiliar feeling rise in Onion.  He breathed out harshly before deleting the sentence, correcting it himself.  If it wasn’t for the silence in the kitchen, he doubted he’d ever hear the quiet ‘thanks’ they let out.  He froze at the appreciation, the sound of it unfamiliar from them.  The hell do they mean ‘thanks’?
5 days.
The project was still unfinished, the amount of work left taunting Y/N as they were left staring at the blank screen yet again.  The homework had already seemed to have drained them, but they refused to call it a night yet.  Their miso bowl was cold, the ingredients settling to the bottom.  Onion had already finished his homework and revised the parts of the project he was given.  Now, he seemed to be collecting data on some fantasy web novel.  Rubbing their temple, Y/N shut their laptop despite having never even opened the project yet.  Their brain was on overdrive, the workload invading their mind and trying to push them to work.  Despite their efforts, Y/N just couldn’t bring themself to even pretend they could work, their gaze burning holes in the back of Onion’s laptop.
“Are you finally done with the project,” Onion blurted out, eyes not leaving his screen.  No answer.  Glancing over the top of his laptop, his eyes were met with Y/N’s drained demeanor.  As his gaze wandered over their face, it soon traveled to the untouched bowl on the side.  Adjusting his glasses, he shut down his laptop after saving his work, the sudden movement making Y/N jump.  He leaned forward, chin resting against the back of his hands.
“Do you need help?” “Why the fuck are you asking like that–” “I’m just asking.” “Yes, but what’s with that pose, you look dramatic.”  Onion’s confused face became deadpan at the comment.  He opened his mouth to let out a snarky remark before Y/N got up abruptly.  He watched as they trudged over to their room, the door shutting softly behind them as a muffled thud was heard.
3 days.
Y/N hasn’t emerged from their room since yesterday, the silence in class left everyone dumbfounded as Onion continued on with his day-to-day classes in silence.  Yet as the day came to an end, he found himself in front of the same door he’s gone to for the past 19 days.  What do I even say?  Why am I here? They didn’t say they’d work on the project today.  His hand raised for the buzzer.  
“Coming…”  Dull. A very dull voice.  “Come on in, miso’s in the pot.  I’ll be in my room laying down, we can just do it tomorrow or something.”
“But that would put us–”
“Behind schedule I know, shut up.  Please.”  He frowned at their small pleading.  I don’t like that they have to plead.  “If you want to you can work on it yourself…”
“But that wasn’t-”
“A part of the deal I know, it’s just a suggestion.  Take it or leave it, miso’s still yours.”
“Oh.. okay then.”  As they left, Onion felt bitter guilt rising in him.  He looked at the miso and sighed before pulling out his laptop and getting to work.  Might as well as payment for the miso.  He swiftly got to work as Y/N stayed silent in their room.
2 days.
Onion finished the last of his typing, the kitchen was oddly silent as there was no miso being cooked and no Y/N to bother him.  Y/N just let Onion in, apologizing for the lack of miso or food, and tried to turn him away, but Onion persisted that it didn’t matter.  They let Onion do what he wanted as they did the same as they did before, retreating back to their room in silence.  Yet Onion completed the project yesterday.  It was a minor error that needed to be corrected, one colon needed to make the code work.  When he found the error, all he could do was chuckle a bit before staring at Y/N’s room.  
“Why can’t I just leave,” Onion whispered to himself as he stared at his laptop in frustration.
“No one said you can’t,” Y/N muttered, walking over to the fridge to get water.
“I know,” Onion spat. “I don’t know shallot, doesn’t seem like it,” Y/N spoke in a flat sing-song tone.
“Could you just, shut up already, damn,” he spat.  Y/N carried no response.  They stood in place, the chill of the open fridge numb to their body as they stared into the light illuminating the numerous food products inside.  “Y/N…?”  They closed the fridge as if on autopilot and made their way back into their room, their heart weighing heavy as an ache formed in their chest, their cheeks damp.  Damn it.
24 hours.
No knock today.  The miso sat on the stove for 3 hours, cold, and untouched.  Y/N waited hours, even after they poured the miso down the drain.  Part of them laughed at themselves for waiting, yet the other part made them ache.  Of course, he got tired of me like everyone else.  The silence of their apartment bothered them, the lights and blinds all dimmed.  They stared at the freshly bought miso packets, the weight of their assignments and lectures missing pushed on their heart and crushed it as their tears fell.
22 hours.
“Oh,” was all Y/N could muster when they received an email from Onion telling them to get on the link to the project presentation.  Not a single “sorry” or “Are you okay” was typed out.  They grabbed their laptop and moved it from their bed to their desk as they prepared for another night in bed alone again.  Their assignments could wait just a bit longer.
21 hours, 3AM.
Three knocks.  
“Hey, sorry I was finishing up the work in the library.”  Oh?  Y/N could smell the bullshit coming from him.
“Oh, it’s fine, don’t worry,” was all they could muster in response.
“Okay, here I’ll make miso.  I don’t smell miso, so I guess it’s safe to assume you haven’t been making any.  I’m sorry for ghosting,” Onion gave a sheepish smile.  What the hell do you mean sorry?  Their chest aches even more at the sight of his small smile.
They talked for a while on the couch about the assignments Y/N had been missing while the TV ran some background noise for them.  Turns out Onion and Y/N were excused from some extra tutoring that other students were given in the class, so it wasn’t too bad.  Y/N still had some work to do, but Onion mentioned how he finished the assignment way before, hence the email to check on the file.  Y/N breathed a sigh of relief.
“Why don’t I make us some miso soup for once,” Onion asked.  Y/N raised a brow at this in mocking offense.
“You, my guest, cooking?  Hell no.”  Onion scoffed.
“Just rest.”
“No I’ll make it–”
“Literally shut the fuck up and go.”
“Fine.”  Y/N pushed themselves off of the couch and semi-stopped over to their bed before plopping on it dramatically.  Onion walked in to make sure they were actually in bed before grabbing an extra blanket that sat on their chair and layering it on them.  Y/N side-eyed his every move the entire time as he did.  Their heart had a warm ache this time while Onion shut the door.
“Where the fuck do they put the pots.”  Now that Onion was tasked with “taking care” of Y/N, he realized he had no idea where anything was.  He sighed before going through each cabinet one by one.  Y/N heard the cabinets opening and closing before smiling softly to themselves.  Wait, what.
The weight lifted from their shoulder.  The heaviness of the world had gone.  They took a deep breath, sinking back into the soft blankets once more.
20 hours, 4AM.
“Damn this is good, what kind of crack did you put,” Y/N enthused.
“Just some extra ingredients I brought,” Onion replied.  Y/N froze.  “I didn’t fucking poison it dumbass.”
“Well how am I supposed to know, hm?”  Y/N spat.
“We’re eating food… from the same pot.”
“Oh yeah huh.”  Y/N hastily resumed their eating as Onion shook his head.  Y/N pondered as they ate.  “Hey… you’ve been acting different lately.  You’re less…”
“Less what?”
“Less annoying,” Y/N deadpanned.
“You’re more… enjoyable to be around I guess.”  Onion felt his face go a bit warm, having never heard those from their voice.  He stared down at his bowl as he felt it go to his ears.  “Woah,” he heard Y/N say.  “You’re red as fuck.”
“Yeah, wonder who’s fault that is,” Onion retorted.  Y/N chuckled at that as they stood up to grab more soup.  The TV was all that filled the room as Onion felt his brain restarting.  Rain began to patter against the windows.  “I guess you’re not that annoying too, enjoyable, even…”  Y/N froze up too, almost dropping the soup filled ladle.  They quickly shook their head as they put the bowl back on the table, mimicking what Onion had just done.  Shyness is cute on them…?  Onion was considering things immensely now.
With the change in attitude from his supposed academic rival, his emotions have been askew these past days.  The lack of brattiness left a hole.  Something, such as a shift in the force, had changed his whole routine entirely.
“Fuck off,” Y/N spat.
“Eat shit and die,” Onion smirked.
“That’s my fucking line,” Y/N gasped dramatically at their own words being used against them.
“Oh whatever,” Onion chuckled fondly.
19 hours, 5AM.
The two sat in Y/N’s living room now as they chatted and argued about anything they could find.  During Onion’s dramatic listing of every time he’s won against Y/N, he noticed them staring long and hard at their bedroom door.
“Earth to dumbass, what’s up?”
“I should get a start on some of my other assignments.  So close to finishing yet...” Y/N let out a harsh sigh.  “You probably want to head back to yours anyways.”  Onion sat upright at this.  “See, like a fucking dog–”
“No.”  Y/N raised an eyebrow?
“Fuck you mean, no?”  Onion himself didn’t even know what he meant.
“No as in… I’m not going home?”
“Suit yourself.”  Y/N got up and went to their bedroom, leaving Onion dumbfounded on the couch.
No?  What am I even going to do here…  He took a deep breath before walking over to Y/N’s bedroom.  They were already at work on their laptop.
“Hey, I’m gonna go,” Onion muttered.
“Figured, I’ll see you out then.”  Y/N led the way to the door while Onion trudged along behind them with his work bag.  
“Are you actually showing up tomorrow,” Onion snickered.  His face turned to an unreadable expression the second he noticed Y/N look away silently with a stone face as they pondered it.
“Nah, fuck that,” Y/N chuckled dryly.  An idea popped into Onion’s mind.
“Burned out?”
“What?”  Y/N knew what he was talking about of course, but the fact that Onion even questioned it felt out of character for him.  “So what if I am,” Y/N snapped.
“Well… you know that’s not healthy…”  Onion started.
“Yes, but it got everything done so I don’t see why—”
“Because you worried me.”  Y/N’s eyes widened.
“I worried you?”  
“Yes.”  By now the both of them were staring at each other in the entrance to Y/N’s apartment, neither of them moving and the silence filled with their heavy breaths.  Onion stepped forth and held out both of his hands.  Y/N gave a sharp look at him as he gestured towards them, keeping them outstretched.  Y/N hesitantly put their hands in his.
“You can’t just say that…” 
“I can’t?”  They dropped his hands.
“No, it.. It’s confusing for me.”  Onion leaned against the wall, shoving his hands in his jacket pocket.
“It’s confusing for me too, you know,” Onion whispers, averting his gaze to the ground.  Perhaps if he stared hard enough, the wall and him would combine as one and he’d be able to leave.  Taking care of his little siblings was one thing, comforting someone his age was another.  There was a reason he resorted to talking to his friends online.
“Hey…”  Y/N stepped forward, their hand twitching.  “What’s on your mind, if you don’t mind my asking?”  A faint smile was painted on his face.  After all this, they’re still so kind.
“I.. don’t mind per say.”  His bag weighed heavily on his shoulder, pulling his heart to the ground in ache.  “I’m just not sure I know how exactly to say,” he sighed.  A gentle finger laced with one of his own as Y/N hooked them together.  Looking up in confusion, they dragged him over to the sofa.  
“Let’s start from the beginning shall we?”
After a couple hours, the two had made up that night, and with help from Y/N’s visitor and a sleepover numerous late assignments were turned in.  Now, it’s been a whole week since that night.
“Hey, you know you don’t have to keep coming over,” Y/N laughed as they stirred the miso in the pot as normal.  This routine came back immediately.  Onion coming over to Y/N’s, the smell of miso soup filling the apartment after settling down for a few minutes.  A chat about interests along with plenty of time for assignments.
“Yeah well, you make my day plenty more interesting, ‘you know,’” Onion mocked.  Feigning offense, the miso soup pot was set in the middle of the counter with a cork mat underneath.  As Onion grabbed himself a portion, Y/N strolled over to the TV and turned it on for background noise.  
“Yeah yeah, oh how I must brighten your oh so, dark, dreadful, drowsy days.”  Laughter filled the apartment, almost drowning out the TV noise.
“...festival lasts for a few days, but, due to fortunate circumstances, will be held during local schools' vacation days.”  The TV listed the dates as the two college students looked at each other.  “Not to mention, the Winter Festival is known for the competitive nature that it brings to it’s attendees with the plethora of games, contests, and more, only here at…”  
“That’s our Winter break dates huh…” Onion smirked. 
Y/N cleared their throat.  “Would you care to join me to this, uh, ‘friendly’ festival?”
“Oh,” Onion leaned forward.  “It’s on.”
71 notes · View notes
garrison-of-leaves · 5 months
People may not realize it, but Three has left an impact on Eight’s life for better or for worse, and it’s an incredibly important part of this series. There’s still so much about the character that we don’t know prior to the events of Octo Expansion.
If we’re to assume the battle against Octavio in Splatoon 1’s Octo Valley played a crucial part in freeing Eight from Octarian society, then having some insight into how exactly the two of them crossed paths would be a good place to start. We know Three had fought Eight prior to the two of them becoming lost in the Metro, but what was Eight doing before that? Were they aware of who Agent Three was prior to hearing the Inkantation?
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Then there’s the secret final boss with Inner Agent 3, where you remember the fight against the enemy soldier you first encountered and put the demons of your past to bed once and for all as you prepare to take your first steps towards a new life. Defeating the hero within is something that screams “you did it”, and opens so many possibilities for Eight’s character that didn’t exist before (such as when they were enemies with Three).
Then, there’s the endorsements that Nintendo has been putting out for the two of them. I want to go back to the Valentine’s Day and White Day posts from 2020, and that brief little concept artwork of Three holding hands with Eight, and how Eight canonically looks up to Three in the official relationship chart, and how Three admires Eight as well.
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Even with all the variables that the fandom has chosen to adopt between the two of them, it’s clear to me that Nintendo has an agenda going on with Three and Eight. It’s surprising to me how they SPECIFICALLY went with showing Three and Eight together in two separate events alluding to romance, and they’ve never bothered to pair Eight with anyone else, nor have they made any character-specific posts for Valentine’s Day or White Day after that one. Not to mention, if OE was going to take on a drastically different direction during its early stages of development, what exactly did they plan to do with Three and Eight? And if we go by the original Japanese translation of these posts, then that only raises MORE questions.
Eight has made no appearance in Return of the Mammalians, and this entire little thread that the two of them have has been outright ignored. I’m hoping that Side Order will shed some more insight into Eight’s character and provide more context towards what they’ve been trying to tell us with Three and Eight.
Say what you will to this, call me crazy, but you CANNOT deny that there is *something* going on, what with the amount of times they’ve put these two together in artwork, whether it be concept or promotional, combined with what went down in OE.
Like, I’m not even speaking as someone who ships them. I’m just talking about their relationship in GENERAL. Are they friends? Did they ever interact after the events of Octo Expansion? Better yet, what’s the current status of their relationship following the gap between Splatoon 2 & 3?
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122 notes · View notes
cheriladycl01 · 3 months
NBA/ NDA - Sergio Perez x SingaporeanOlympicBasketball! Reader
Plot: You were hot shit in Singapore and America where you played for a women's NBA team. As a professional whose also performed for the WBNA and for a home Olympic Team, you deserve a night out clubbing.
Credit to perstappen for the GIF
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You'd just won gold for Singapore in Women's Basketball Team and you couldn't be prouder of you, your team and the support from your country.
You'd moved away from Singapore when you were 16 with your family to live in New York to be able to participate in the WNBA. You went to a high-school before getting into a college on a basketball scholarship. You played for your university team before being scouted for New York Liberty and playing with them.
Then you had the option in 2020, to start training for the summer Olympics in 2024 with a basketball team in Singapore, it was a lot of travel back and forth between American and Singapore to the point where you knew the first class air hostesses on all Qatar Airways flights.
Training for two separate teams was very hard however you had such a growth in fans over the past few years even being invited to the Met Gala and various other events that had you further in the eye of the media.
Tonight you were celebrating with the girls from your home team in Singapore. All your hard work had paid off and you were currently in one of Singapore's finest clubs.
You were at the bar, watching your friends dance with their partners who'd they'd invited along with them to see the game. You didn't have a special someone to celebrate with, just the girls but they of course were all occupied.
"What's a girl like you doing here by yourself!" a voice says next to you, making you look at the man who was sipping from a small glass he held.
"I'm not by myself, I'm with friends!" you explain looking over his soft features.
"Well, you've been here for an hour and you haven't spoken to anyone" he says making you laugh a little.
"So, what you've been watching me for the last hour? You want an NDA with me or something?" you chuckle not understanding this guys m-o.
"No, no I just thought I'd come over and say hello, I saw you win gold. Congratulations" he smiles offering you a drink which you take suspiciously until the bartender gives you a nod that it's safe.
"You were there?" you ask raising your voice a little above the music.
"Yeah, I was here for the race. Was given tickets from my team!" he answers and that when your drunk mind really looks over his features and you remembered seeing him on a Red Bull advertisement.
"Oh! You are a driver! In F1 right? Red Bull?" you ask looking over him again as you say it to make sure you don't sound stupid.
"Yes, how'd you know?" he asks with a laugh.
"You were on the can of my drink!" you smile, showing the can next to the JaeagerBomb you'd just inhaled.
"Both athletes then!" he smiles and you nod.
"Yep! How'd you find it with all the travelling?" you ask, knowing you'd struggled going between just Singapore and New York.
"It's hard, but seeing all the different places and people is what makes it so great" he smiles. The drinks start to get to you and in seconds you've grabbed his hand.
You took him onto the dance floor, letting your body do the talking as you danced against the man that was probably older than you'd normally go for but you'd had too many drinks to look at those fine details.
His dancing was awkward at first but eventually when he got into it you both weren't caring at the eyes or cameras on the pair of you having fun.
"Hey! We should so play one on one basketball one time!" you shout at him and he nods.
"I'll need your number for that handsome so i cant set a date!" you ask boldly and he nods, taking your phone and putting his number into it.
The rest for you and Sergio, was history.
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Liked by schecoperez and lewishamilton
y/user: Clubbing after winning Gold met this random F1 driver? He brought me lots of drinks.
View all 376 comments
schechoperez: I'm glad i bumped into you when you were hanging out with your team-mates alone...
-> y/user: hey I was partying!
->fan1: no way did Checo find her alone in the club, ITS Y/N Y/L/N
lewishamilton: I didn't have this match on my 2024 bingo card...
->fan2: not even Sir Lewis Hamilton could predict hot WNBA female with Mexican F1 driver.
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Your Instagram Story Caption:
Hungover Practice be like ...
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mclennonlgbt · 2 months
John and Paul commenting on each other's appearance
John about Paul
I was very impressed by Paul playing “Twenty Flight Rock”. He could obviously play the guitar. I half thought to myself – he’s as good as me. I’d been kingpin up to then. Now, I thought, if I take him on, what will happen? It went through my head that I’d have to keep him in line, if I let him join. But he was good, so he was worth having. He also looked like Elvis. I dug him. (Hunter Davies’ The Beatles: The Authorised Biography (1968))
John: It [topless swimsuit/topless frock] sounds like a vaguely good idea but I wouldn’t have my wife or any friends wearing them.
Paul: Well, you’ve got us wearing them.
John: I know, Paulie, you’re so well-built!
3. John (Thisbe) talking about Paul's (Pyramus') appearance during "Midsummer's Night Dream" rehearsal: Dead, dead. A tomb must cover thy sweet eyes! These lily lips... His cherry nose. He's Cherry Wainer. His yellow cowslip cheeks!
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(although I also know the version that it was during the making of the movie Help!)
5. A pretty face may last a year or two/ But pretty soon they'll see what you can do (How Do You Sleep? (1971))
(Side note: I know that in this case John tried to discredit Paul by claiming that he only had a "pretty face" and nothing more to be proud of. It doesn't change the fact that he probably thought Paul was hot, too)
6. At one stage I went out, and when I came back he was talking to this woman and he said “She said, ‘I thought he was Paul, meaning McCartney.’” So John turns around and says, “No, he’s prettier than Pauly. He’s got a nicer mouth than Pauly. Pauly’s got a small mouth.”  (Tony Manero on meeting John Lennon in 1974, in Glass Onion by Geoffrey Giuliano (1999))
Paul about John
"I remember John looking..hmm.. we used to think that John looked pretty cool. He was a bit older than us and he would do a little more greased back hair than we were allowed… so John was quite groovy. He looked like a ted then - he had a drape. He had nice big sideburns." 
"Ah yes, I remember it well. My memory of meeting John for the first time is very clear [...] I can still see John now: checked shirt, slightly curly hair, singing ‘Come Go With Me’ by the Del Vikings. I remember thinking, ‘He looks good – I wouldn’t mind being in a group with him’. A bit later we met up. [...] Then, as you all know, he asked me to join the group, and so we began our trip together. We wrote our first songs together, we grew up together and we lived our lives together.”
"I’d seen him a couple of times [before the fete] and thought, ‘Wow, you know, he’s an interesting looking guy.’ And then I once also saw him in a queue for fish and chips and I said, ‘Oh, that’s that guy off the bus’. I’m talking to myself, in my mind I thought, ‘I saw that guy off the bus, oh he’s pretty cool looking. Yeah, you know, he’s a cool guy.’ I knew nothing about him except that he looked pretty cool. He had long sideboards and greased back hair and everything. [...] This ted would get on the bus, and I wouldn't stare at him too hard in case he hit me." (1997)
Paul: Nobody was remotely interested in this idea of I wrote songs until I met John! I said: I’ve written a few songs. And he said: Oh, so have I! So it was like… someone was interested at last. And I’d seen him around Liverpool, he’d got on a bus once and I said: Woah, look at this guy! At the big sideboards, you know, the hair swept back. I thought: He’s got something going. 
Howard Stern: Good look.
Paul: Yeah, he definitely had a look! (2020)
5. “I used to do caricatures of John. He was the only person I knew with an aquiline nose. When I painted him recently, I found myself saying: 'How did his lips go? I can't remember.' Then I would think: 'Of course you know, you wrote all those songs facing each other.'”
6. “If I'm going to see a face in a painting, it's highly likely to be his.”
7. “And I would often sketch John when we worked together, often without him knowing it. It was so easy doing John because he had glasses, those sideboards – what you call sideburns – and that long, aquiline nose.”
8. "I would often sketch John when we worked together, often without him knowing it. It was so easy doing John because he had glasses, those sideboards –or sideburns – and that long, aquiline nose.”
Source of quotes 5,6,7,8: https://www.tumblr.com/undying-love/748219983302098944/paul-mentioned-that-john-was-often-the-subject-of?source=share
9. “A young boy's bedroom is such a comfortable place, like my son's bedroom is now; he's got all his stuff that he needs: a candle, guitar, a book. John's room was very like that. James reminds me very much of John in many ways: he's got beautiful hands. John had beautiful hands." (Barry Miles, Many Years From Now (1997))
10. “But I don’t have any regrets, we were good friends when he died so… that’s something. And he was a beautiful boy!”
11. “Beautiful boy, beautiful memories…”
 12. “So I loved him dearly. He was a very beautiful man.”
Thanks to @undying-love, they had a lot of useful quotes!
Pls add more quotes if you know any.
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AITA for implying my sister’s a transphobe?
For context: i’m a nonbinary girl and at the time had recently broken up with my trans girlfriend of a year. I also have very different political stances than my sister, which historically makes me very frustrated (she’s a liberal so very into making sure people have rights but never acknowledging the structural problems that cause minority hatred/prejudice).
So my sister and i were playing a videogame together and having a great and fun time. We were switching the game and there was an add for Hogwarts Legacy on her home screen, which we both saw. I genuinely don’t remember who commented on it first. Either i said something like “ugh, please don’t get that godawful game” or she said something like “oh i wanna get/play this game”. Knowing me it was probably the former. A throwaway comment for sure. Either way, that started a little argument between us.
More context: my sister and i both grew up as avid potterheads. I was even more obsessed with it than her, as a lonely middle schooler with no friends, harry potter was my favorite avenue of escapism and basically my main coping method. Which is why i was so devastated when, in 2020, i found out about all the terf shit jkr had been posting and supporting. It felt like losing a close friend, and so it’s a subject around which i have a lot of pain thinking/talking about. But my sister (cishet) usually thinks I’m overreacting. She doesn’t support jkr’s rhetoric but doesn’t think that supporting her or her work monetarily is a bad thing whatsoever. Mainly she believes it simply won’t make a difference to her bottom line.
Anywho, we were arguing about Hogwarts Legacy and how i think that she shouldn’t give jkr any money regardless of how closely she was involved with the production, since she’s getting profit from it regardless. Sister brings up that she’s seen trans people who want to buy and play the game, and that i’m not the authority on the issue. I tell her that the people saying that are not the majority of the community, and that maybe she should listen to the person who’s actually trans and sitting right next to her. She disagrees, and i say “then just don’t call yourself an ally”. I don’t quite remember what she said, but the argument didn’t last long after that.
We continued playing whatever videogame, and then i excused myself to have dinner. When i came back k stopped by her room to share a fun fact, and she confronted me about how much it hurt her that i said she wasn’t an ally. She told me that she had put in real work by taking an intersectionality class in college, and by attending trans rights protests — all of which i’ve never done (mostly because of mental health issues i won’t get into). She was crying and upset, and i told her i was sorry for having that conversation at a bad time, and for how i phrased my thoughts, but that i didn’t take back what i said about her not being an ally and to say i was would be lying. I didn’t say much more because i saw how upset she was and didn’t think that was a good time to argue about my opinions - so we decided to talk about it later when she was calmer.
I still haven’t started that conversation because i haven’t decided if what i said was unnecessary and made me an asshole, or if what i said was justified and she needed to hear it. It’s been a few months now and we’re both back in college and living hours away from each other in different countries.
So, tumblr, AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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xxstraykidsaikoxx · 7 months
Accidents & Injuries
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~ 2019:
Fell off a chair:
• Type of injury: Minor
• Cause of injury: Accident
☙ Not too much of a whoop but it did hurt her for a while. While on a live, she wanted to try and enter in a cool way, so she tried to slide in on a rolling chair. The chair went to fast and tilted back and with Ai's weight and momentum they both went down, one in shame and the other by accident. Aiko wasn't injured, only her pride, but she got a bruise on her back for a while.
~ 2020:
Attacked with a knife on stage:
• Type of injury: Major
• Cause of injury: Enraged anti
☙ Getting more serious this time, the hate Ai had been receiving finally became a serious matter. Whïle the group had been performing on a stage for their latest comeback, Aiko got hit with a perfectly aimed sharp object, later revealed to be a small knife. At first Aiko tried to play it off, but the blood quickly became noticeable. She was rushed off stage with her members following after her. After being taken to the nearest hospital, she was determined to be okay with a lot of rest and absence from the stages. The knife was eventually recovered and an arrest was made, but the impact had already been made.
~ 2021:
Passed out on stage:
• Type of injury: Major
• Cause of injury: Dangerous Diet
☙ JYP's staff had ordered all female idols to start following a strict diet, which included Aiko. This pressure along with the absence of Hyunjin who had been put on hiatus at the time was extremely overwhelming for the young idol. Once again on stage was where she found bad fortunes. Throughout the set she was noticeable lightheaded and a little loopy but Aiko just chalked it up to being exhausted. Not an hour into the performance was where she blacked out and fell to her knees. Lee Know was the first to her side and once again she was rushed off stage with the terrified screams of fans echoing. She was taken to the hospital and was put on a rest and recover leave.
ෆ this part mentions self h^rm and blood, please skip if this particular topic just isn't for you ᰔᩚ
Found passed out w/ bloody wrists:
• Type of injury: Major
• Cause of injury: Self h^rm
☙ While she was supposed to be in recovery, netizens had been criticizing her ever since she passed out. With the diet, Hyunjin being gone, and now this, it was a matter of time before she snapped. And she did in the worst way possible. Jeongin was the one who found her. She was huntched over the toilet in her bathroom, out cold with crimson liquid slowly dripping onto the tile. Frantically, poor Jeongin had to stop her bleeding, while also trying to stay calm and call for help. Again she was taken to the hospital, but this time she'd be staying there for a while. When she woke up, Hyunjin was there with her, and he stayed with her until she recovered, both physically and mentally.
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ෆ i apologize if this one got a little too dark, i try to convey emotion with my writing especially with topics such as this one. if this post is a litte too much i have an alternative post for a different topic for you guys just in case! remember to take care of youself and that you're loved ᰔᩚ
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doudouneverte · 1 year
My Proud Girlfriend
a/n: honestly I didn't know how to write this but I tried...My request are open by the way so feel free to request anything
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*not my GIF*
Pairing: Florence Pugh x woso!reader; AWFC x CANWNT!Reader
Summary: I don't know how to resume that. Maybe just Flo is a proud of her gf
Type: Fluff
Warning: nothing
word count: 4380 (sorry)
'WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE?' was the first thing you saw when you opened Twitter two days after your victory against Chelsea for the Conti Cup. A fan tweeted two screenshots from an Instagram story. The first story was a post reposted from the official AWFC's account; it was a picture of you and Sabrina D'angelo with the trophy with a little quote: "Proud of my girls, #COYG❤️🤍" The second was also post reposted but this time it was from the official Canada Soccer team's account, a picture of you, Sabrina, Jessie Fleming, and Kadeisha Buchanan; this time the quote was simple: 🇨🇦💘.
Okay, but where is the problem? The account that posted those screenshots was a Florence Pugh fan account; those screenshots were from Florence Pugh's Instagram. Okay, I think we need to go back in time to see what happened.
There are a lot of things you love in the world, and winning a match against Chelsea is clearly one of them. You joined Arsenal in 2020 with Lotte; the defender convinced you to come with her, and even if you had some plans to play for Portland Thorns, you wanted to play with your captain in national selection, Christine Sinclair.
After the final whistle, you quickly run to Sabrina, the other Canadian on the team and one of your best friends. You did it; you beat your rivals after a frustrating draw in the first London derby of the season and a knockout in the FA Cup. You didn't have the time to pull away from the goalkeeper before the rest of the team crashed into you two; obviously, they wanted to congratulate the player of the match and the author of two subliminal assists.
"You're heavy!" Sab said it under all the gooners, and you laughed.
"Okay girls, let our fantastic keeper breathe a little," Kim said, and everyone left your body and let you stand up before they all hugged you one by one.
"We did it!" you said after you turned to the other Canadian, and before she could reply, some Chelsea player came to congratulate you. To their surprise, you gave Magda and Pernille a solid hug, and the Swedish chuckled lightly.
"What was that for?" Magda said, and you pulled away.
"It's just that I realize that I didn't properly thank you for keeping an eye on Jessie." You replied, and they 'aww' at your confession.
"Oh, don't worry, it's nothing," Pernille said, and they released you. With Sab, you made your way to the two blues' Canadians. Jessie noticed your cocky smile, and she already cursed herself.
"No, don't start it now, Y/n." Jessie said, and you raised your arms while Kadeisha and Sabrina laughed beside you. Jessie and you are known to always act like sisters, so of course when one of your teams wins against the other's, it's always chaotic.
"I don't want to upset you or anything, but Janine was certain Arsenal would win today." You said it, and you heard the defender gasp, which made you laugh more.
After a lot of teasing and a quick interview, your two captains lifted the trophy with a loud cheer from the supporters. Today was definitely a day you would remember.
This night, you were celebrating with the girls. Well,  you were kindly bullying Kathrine and Gio when your phone vibrated on the table far from you, but fortunately for you, Lotte was near it. The defender quickly grabbed it when she noticed the name on the screen. She crossed the room to join you with the young girls and handled your device, mouthing, "It's her". She didn't have to explain more before you grabbed your phone and left the room for somewhere less noisy.
"Hey," you said after you accepted the facetime.
"Hey baby!" Florence greeted you back. "How is my pretty footballer?" she asked, and you blushed.
"Pretty good, and how is my beautiful actress?" you asked, and she grins.
"Pretty good too, but I miss you," she replied, and you felt a little sad at her confession.
"Me too, sweatheart," you said, and you took a moment to admire her before she spoke again.
"You said you had a big game today; tell me how it was." your girlfriend said. You immediately started to tell her everything about the day and your match. You told her about how you teased Jessie, and even if she didn't fully understand all you said, the actress couldn't help but feel butterflies when you told her how you gave the two assists and that they elected you player of the match. And when you asked her about her day, she came back to reality. "Oh, I didn't really do anything. It was a day off, so I just stayed home with Billie; she missed you too, by the way. I talked with my mom, and she said that she would see you soon." She explained, and you nodded.
You were about to reply when Lotte and Sabrina came. "Y/n, it's time to go back home," the keeper said, and before you could reply, the two girls approached you and pushed their heads in front of the phone.
"Hey Flo, how are you?" Lotte asked loudly, and you rolled your eyes at her while your girlfriend chuckled.
"Very good, and you?" but when the defender wanted to reply, she was cut by your other teammate.
"Do you know she misses you a lot?" Sabrina said, and even after you gently punched her arms, she didn't stop there. "The last week she cried because it's been too long since the last time you saw each other," she told her, and you cringed.
"Don't listen to her, babe; she doesn't know what she says."
"Oh, of course I know, the walls are not thick; I can even hear when you-" before she could finish her sentence, you hung out, and the British laughed while you gave a glare to the Canadian.
When you were back in your shared apartment with your favorite goalkeeper, you texted your girlfriend.
You: just back at home
Flo💖: how was the party?
You: very very good, Katie taught me a lot of new tricks
Flo💖: I hope she didn't make you drink too much 
You: don't worry, Kim was here to stop her when she needed
Flo💖: I'm relieved to know that
Flo💖: I'll thank her here when I see her.
You: For what?
Flo💖: for taking care of you
You: I'm not a baby anymore 😑
Flo💖: yeah I know, but it's always less stressful to know that there is someone to take care of you even when I'm not with you 
You: you start to act like I'm a child or something like that
Flo💖: sorry it's just that I don't like to be so far from you
You: you're very clingy sometime
Flo💖: youre the one who say that? 🤨
You: shut up
Flo💖: Love you ❤️
You: Me too ❤️
You: I'll sleep good night
Flo💖: Good night
Flo💖: i'll try to come to see you play soon
You: you don't have to
Flo💖: you're my girlfriend and I really miss you so trust me I will
You: thank you 💞
After that night, you were the principal subject of a lot of conversation. They all wanted to know why you exiled yourself during the party, but thankfully, Kim, your second mom, as Sab loves to say, sensed that you were uncomfortable and helped you every time.
On the pitch, you were in heaven: three victories in the league just before two matches away against Bayern. Really great opponent on paper, and after a loss at the Allianz Arena for the first leg, you were more inspired for the second leg, and Stina was thankfully for that because she was the target of one of the best passes you ever made, and she scored. After Frida's goal a little earlier, you were leading 2-0, and you almost scored a third for Arsenal, but Grohs' reflexes surprised you.
A few days after this game, Jonas announced that you'll have a media day, but a little special this time. He didn't say more, so when the day came, you were a little stressed; they wanted all the squad, even the injured one. You were sitting like for the team picture for the preseason; you were between Gio and Sab, and you couldn't help but annoy a little the Brazilian, even if she didn't mind; she was used to it now until you started to tickle her.
"So, we will have a fan who will come to interview you about the season; the questions were asked by the fan on Twitter and Instagram; if you want to reply, you can just raise your hand and she will let you talk." A member of the staff said and you all agreed. When you were waiting, you started to tease Gio again and Khaterin, who had joined her a few seconds earlier, until the keeper nudged you to gain your attention, but you didn't have time to ask why she did that because you heard a familiar voice.
"Hello, I'm Florence Pugh, and I'm a big fan of yours." She introduced herself, and you rubbed your eyes to be sure you weren't daydreaming about her. "So I'm here to ask you some fan's questions. I think they explained everything to you, so when you're ready, we can start." she said, and her gaze never left you.
She started with some usual questions, and you didn't make an effort to reply; you were just there admiring the woman who stole your heart a few years ago. "So a new accurate question. Is that true that Y/n and Jessie Flemming are a thing?" she asked, and you came back to reality when you heard her tone. Of course, because you and Jessie are always so close, some fans misinterpret it, and a lot of theories emerge everywhere.
When you felt all your teammates' gazes, you knew you had to reply, and even if you knew that Florence was not jealous because she had already met Jessie, you couldn't help but feel stressed. "What? No clearly not. Jessie is like the sister I never had, so yeah, we're best friends but nothing else." Your reply was clear, almost like you were trying to convince your girlfriend 
After that, there were a bunch of other questions, until another one was especially for you: "Does Y/n have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?" Again, every gaze was on you, and you blushed lightly.
"Yes, I have a girlfriend, and she's the best in the world. She is busy because of work, and we don't actually live on the same continent, but she's always there for me. She calls me every night and texts me every morning; she loves to hear me talk about football, even if sometimes I know she doesn't fully understand. She's always beautiful, and she's an amazing woman; I really love her." You replied shyly, but you didn't look away from Florence, and she knew you meant it.
"Aww, it's too cute." Lia cooed, and you blushed harder.
"Our little baby grows up so fast; she already has a girlfriend." Leah said while wiping a false tear, and you rolled your eyes at her antics.
"I'm not a baby anymore. I'm nearly 24." You protested.
"Yes, but you are still our little baby." Katie added, and you didn't know how, but she managed to move without being detected and pinch your cheek.
In front of the group, Florence was laughing at the interaction. Of course, she already saw you flustered every time Christine pampered you too much, but this time it was more hilarious.
"I think we need to meet her. She needs to gain our approval if she wants to steal our little rising star." Katie said, and you smirked. It was funny because she was actually in the same room.
"Yeah, why not? I'll text her," you said casually before you exchanged a look with Sab and Lotte.
"It's funny that you said that because the next question is, who's THE baby of the team?" Your girlfriend asked, and you were ready for a wave of accusations.
"It's definitely Y/n." They all said it together, and you gasped. Of course, you were ready for that answer for some people, but even Gio, Katherine, and Victoria? That was a betrayal.
"What? Since when?" You asked dramatically, and they all laughed.
"Come on, you've been the baby of this team since the first time you stepped here." Lotte said.
"Wait, we have the same age, so if I'm a baby, you're too." You countered. "And now we have Gio and Katherine. And even Laura is younger than me." You added desperately.
"Yeah, but you have two team moms." Sab said, and you gripped your chest like you had a heart attack.
"Wow, even you?" Florence was watching, and she was literally trying not to laugh at your poor defense. "For your information, I have only one mom here, and it's Kimmie. Then I literally take these two—"you pointed to the Brazilian and the Danish beside you "—under my wings. So I think I should upgrade from baby to big sister." You said totally serious.
Leah and Lia seemed to think about it before they agreed, "Yeah, why not, if you insist?" The blonde said
"But don't worry, that doesn't mean we love you less; you're still our little baby," Beth said, making everyone laugh, and you groaned.
After a few minutes, the interview was over, and everyone started to leave except you and the Canadian keeper.
"So, you have a girlfriend, uh?" Florence asked you, and you nodded, "Too bad I wanted to ask you out, like on a date, just you and me tonight." She said dramatically.
"I'm sorry, but my girlfriend is very protective." You replied.
"If I remember correctly, you said she was beautiful." She took a step toward you.
"Yeah, I said that."
"And what else?"
"She's... pretty, like it's very unbelievable. She has a cute raspy voice. She can be clingy, but only when she misses me. And she's a great actress." You were only a few inches apart from each other until Sab cleared her throat.
Just outside of the media room, Katherine and Gio were spying on you. Laura stayed close to them to be sure they didn't do anything stupid. "Wow, I didn't know Y/n could be so flirty." Gio whispered, and Katherine nodded.
"She's so different from how she's with us." The Danish added
"What are you talking about?" Laura asked, and the young players almost screamed in fear at the sudden voice.
"Wow, you scared us," Katherine said, and the Austrian apologized.
"So what were you talking about?" She repeated.
"Y/n seem very flirty with the interviewer." Gio whispered, and Laura looked at you.
"But didn't she say she had a girlfriend?" She asked.
"Yeah, she had, but this woman is just an actress." Lotte replied, and the three almost screamed because she came out of nowhere.
"What are you doing here?" Laura asked.
"I couldn't find you anywhere, and I started to worry you could do anything stupid." She admitted, "And for Florence, she's an actress; she played in Marvel movies, and you know how much Y/n loves those movies."
"So do you think she's just being a fangirl?" The Brazilian asked.
"It wouldn't be too weird from her." The Austrian replied.
"And what would not be too weird?" You asked, and now the four girls screamed. "Wow. Okay, what's happening here?" 
"You scared us." The Danish said that, and you examined them.
"What are you doing here? I thought the training would start in a few minutes." You said, and your best friend looked at her phone.
"You're right, we need to go now." Sab said, and you rushed to the practice pitch, followed by the girls.
Later that day, you spent the afternoon and night with Florence; she had to fly back the next day, so you decided to spend your free time together. You were cuddling on your bed, and everything seemed perfect. Florence was running her hand through your hair, humming a little tune from a random song.
"I'm sorry that we didn’t have a proper date." You said out of nowhere.
"Don't worry, I know you were tired with your training," she replied. "And to be honest, I think it was a great day." She sat up, and you mimicked her. "I mean, it’s been a long time since we've seen each other, and I’m glad that we spent it here, just together. Don’t get it wrong; I love the girls, and your teammate seems really important to you, but I just need you right now."
Honestly, you didn't know you could fall deeper for someone, but you were glad that it was her.
"Yes, but I think maybe I can introduce you properly to them tomorrow." 
"I would love that, but I have to decline."
"Why?" You furrowed your eyebrows.
"Because I have to take a flight back to New York because I have a few interviews for the next few weeks that start in two days." She explained, and you pouted.
"That means you'll not be able to see our next match."
"I'm sorry, babe, but I promise when my last interview finishes, I'll jump on the plane to come back. You know we can't stay far away from each other for too long."
"I know, but I just wanted to spend more time with you."
"I know and I'm sorry, but I'll make up for that, I promise." After that and a few kisses and "I love you' exchanges, you both fell asleep. Unfortunately, when you woke up the next morning, she had already left.
Two days later, she had an interview, and the journalist surprised her in a good way. "So, Florence, you just came back from a little trip in England. How was it?"
"Oh, it was really cool. I saw my family again; it's been a while, and I could see my girlfriend," she replied.
"Oh, it's surprising," they chuckled. "Tell me if I'm wrong, but does your girlfriend play soccer in England?" They asked, and Florence's eyes were wide open.
"Yes, but how do you know that?" She was obviously surprised. Of course you didn't really hide your relationship; it's just that nobody really asked you both about it. Her family adored you, and she had already met your national team, who were the closest thing you can call a family.
"Some of our coworkers found a tweet that showed some stories you made after the victory of Arsenal against Chelsea, and you maybe don't know, but after that, everyone started a treasure hunt to know why you posted this. And after a little research, we found this," they told her, showing her a tablet with a publication from your Instagram account. It was a picture you took before you left for London; there was you and Lotte on this, and we could see an arm around your waist, but we couldn't see who belonged. But when we touched the screen to see the person tagged, Florence was tagged on the arm. Your girlfriend laughed at this.
"Wow, I totally forgot this picture. To be honest, we didn't really hide our relationship; it's just that we didn't talk about it because we were both focused on our careers, but yeah, she's my girlfriend, and I love her a lot, even if she loves Billie more than me," she joked.
"I don't really watch soccer, but I saw some edits about her on Tik Tok, and she seems pretty good at this," they said, and your girl friend smiled.
"She's the best; yeah, I think now she's the best." After this little intervention, the interview continued; they talked about her new movie and what she planned for the future.
A few weeks later, it was the second leg of the Champions League semi-finals. After a draw in the first leg against Wolfsburg in Germany, you needed to win this game. You were in the changing rooms when you received a text from Florence.
Flo💖: good luck for your match, and I have a surprise for you.
She sent you a photo of her wearing an Arsenal jersey.
You: Wow, babe, you are stunning 😍
You: And thank you; I think I needed that.
Flo💖: always ❤️
The Emirate Stadium was sold out, all the conditions were reunited for a great game. A little girl with a little Arsenal jersey was sitting beside her mom; she was distracted when someone sat beside her. The little girl's eyes were wide open when she realized who they were; she hit her mom's tights frenetically, and when the older woman looked at what happened, she was also shocked. Florence noticed the little girl's shirt, and she smiled. "We have the same shirt," she said, and the kid noticed on the back of her jersey, 'Y/l/n 24'.
"She's my favorite player," the girl said.
"Me too." Florence said she was exited. "I'm sure she'll score today," she announced.
"Of course she will." The conversation was cut short when the players entered the field.
The match was hard; of course you didn't plan to win the first half, but now it was the last minute of the second half of extra time. 2-2 was the score in the first leg, and it was the score now. There were a lot of fails, and it was obviously because you were all tired; you lost Laura a few minutes earlier, and the universe seems to believe in the victory the Germans had until this moment. After a great tackle, you passed the ball to Lotte, who found Frida with a great cross. The Norwegian pushed the ball until she found herself just in front of the penalty area; she didn't think twice and quickly shot. Unfortunately or fortunately, Frohms extended herself and pushed the ball out of the area again, but while she was still on the ground, you came out of nowhere. Your body reacted before you, and you did a perfect volley in the opposite upper corner.
Everything seemed unreal until you found your teammates' bodies crashing into yours. In the stadium, everyone was euphoric, and Florence was almost crying. When you came back from your trans, the ref whistled, and the match started again. You almost conceded another goal, but Lotte was quick to kick out the ball, and after that, the delivery, the final whistle. The joy erupted from the stands; everyone wanted to hug you, but they restained themself until you reached Sab after a little run. You jumped into her arms like you did after every big win, and you started to cry. After that, you congratulated the opponents; they were really hard to beat. When the families started to make their way on the pitch, you were requested for an interview.
"Y/n congratulation for this victory and your gaol. How does it feel to beat one of your favorite teams after this crazy match?" she asked. Florence made her way onto the pitch with Sab and Lotte.
"Thank you; honestly, I don't know what to say." you said "It was so hard; I gave everything I have; that seems so unreal." you added.
"The next step will be harder; you'll face Barcelone; they won against Chelsea two years ago; do you think you can beat them?"
"Honestly, I don't know; we'll both try to win our second champion's league. I don't know how, but I know we will try everything to beat them, even if they have good results against English teams."
"Okay, thank you. You just scored the winning goal; do you have anyone you want to celebrate with?"
"Yeah, my girlfriend, but she's in New York, so..." You couldn't finish when you felt a hand on your waist. You turned around to find Florence next to you with a goofy smile. "What are you doing here?" you asked, and you hugged her. Someone gave her a mic, and the interview continued.
"Wow, Florence Pugh, it's a surprise to see you here, but now that you're here, what did you think about this match?" the journalist asked.
"To start, I think I need to congratulate all the girls; they gave everything. Honestly, I came because I promised to see her play, but I found myself more and more implied in the game; it was amazing, and this goal was perfect. I see her practice every summer in the garden of the house, but it's something to see her play." Florence replied, and you almost forgot you were in front of everyone while you intertwined your fingers with hers. "I know she was frustrated after the first game, and now she made me fall for her again," she added, and the interviewer didn't have the time to react before you kissed the hazel-eyed girl gently.
"What?" almost all your teammates yelled, and you looked at them. You smiled widely, and you placed your hand on Flo's waist.
"Guys, let me introduce you to my girlfriend. Flo, these are my teammates, but you already know them." you said.
"The actress?" Katherine asked, and you laughed.
"I knew it!" Viv said, and everyone looked at her a little surprised. "I noticed how you looked at her, and I don't want to talk about your tweet about how she's so perfect." she explained, and you blushed.
"Wait, when she came, she immediately congratulated Lotte and Sab." Lia remarked.
"They started to date before we came here." Lotte explained.
"And every time we played in the USA, she came to see Y/n." Sab added.
"That means you've had a girlfriend for at least three years, and you didn't say anything?" Leah said, and you rolled your eyes.
"You never asked." you countered. "Now I think we need to see someone," you said, and everyone agreed.
Later that day, you were in Beth and Viv's apartment, and the girls stole Flo to ask her some questions about your relationship. Everything was alright, and you prepared something special in case you won the final against Barcelone.
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I was wondering how you think Abbacchio would react to a darling that’s in college and suffers from on and off depression? I love your work so much and this is my first request ever (crazy since I’ve been following you since 2020 or 2021 ((i can’t remember but you’re why I joined tumblr 😭))
I’m flattered you signed up to this cursed site to read my stuff. But it’s okay, we’re all mad here right? I even have crazy right in my username.
I rambled on this piece, just trying to think on him so uh don’t mind me.
Yandere! Leone Abbacchio w/ a darling who has on/off depression He’s always there for you, whether you know it or not. He’ll sigh in resignation as he pulls out a key and unlocks the door to your apartment. The slightly stale air tingles his nostrils immediately, it’s not like he could really berate you for anything you haven’t done. As the former cop has been in a sorrier state himself, something he won’t hesitate to admit. Abbacchio proceeds to close the door behind him and reaches over to crack a window some.
His eyes scan across the living room and kitchen, there were a few things scattered about disorganized. The sink had some dishes in them, yet to be washed with the pile steadily growing. He’d take care of those later, maybe even try to help you do it. Right now, however his selfish thoughts of seeing you overrode the thought of tidying up the place.
It wasn’t hard to hear footsteps outside of your room, that he knew well from the countless times he’s walked in here. He taught you to at least recognize his and Bucciarati’s footsteps, the others never really came to your place unexpectedly so there was no real need to mention theirs. Which is odd to put it lightly, but the twenty one year old couldn’t help but obsess over it. His stand wasn’t necessarily combat oriented, and of course he still had his training from his cop days instilled in his brain. It was just for safety, that was what he told himself with these precautions. The long haired male knew deep down it was sort of wrong but he kept with it anyway.
Your door wasn’t even fully shut when he approached it. It only took a small push for the door to swing wide open. Then there you were sleeping on your bed, hair disheveled and you were still in your pajamas. What time was it now? Thirteen, no wait fourteen hundred… he inwardly cursed himself for glossing over the time. Either way it was rather late for waking up. Yet you were rather mesmerizing sleeping the way you were. He could just sit there on your bed and watch you lay there for eternity.
It took all his mental strength to not silently just stand there like a creep and say your name. It was a gentle and low grumble, but it was loud enough to stir you a little bit. He waits a minute before saying your name again, the white haired male wasn’t that brazen yet. Sure he could stalk you or play you back on Moody Blues without hesitation. Yet there was something gnawing at him to not touch you being unaware right now. Like that was a good place to supposedly draw the line at. He knows he’ll cross it eventually with how much his mind goes to you.
“A…A…Abba…cchio?” You mumbled incoherently, but Abbacchio’s heart stammered immediately knowing those syllables you slogged over were that of his name.
“I just came to check in on you” He told you, although totally unannounced you took his word for it.
He already knew the issues of depression you had, and the mountain of stress that your college classes were causing. He knew the smallest of details that you never told him. From listening outside your open window or using Moody Blues while you were gone. Your eyes looked exhausted from your mental strife, it made him melt inwardly. He was filth, but he reassured himself to keep you clean even if you didn’t know it.
“Are you going to be okay?” He asked as you clumsily sat yourself up.
“I don’t know…” You answered honestly “but I want to try”
He nodded solemnly asking what he could do for you, every little question thumped in his chest. The support you needed and a shadow that watched your every move. From home to classes, to shopping, or even sitting at home. Maybe you knew and despised him, he could be thrown out at anytime, disposed of like garbage. He disregarded that in his current situation, being near something he always wanted. He wasn’t ready to let you go, he’d never willingly do so but he’d help somehow even if it indulged his selfishness.
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imsadstuff · 1 year
Loving You Is Red - A Jeon Jungkook Fic -Epilogue
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Synopsis: Jeon Jungkook's name was unheard on the Formula 1 paddock till he got a chance to drive a Mercedes car as a reserve driver. His 2020 starts looking brighter as he signs with Ferrari and meets you, his team mates little sister. So many cliched tropes, strangers to friends to lovers, slow burn, dating brother's best friend, and most importantly Jeon Jungkook looks smoking hot in a Ferrari! Genre: Fluff, angst, slice of life and humor Author's Note: Sorry for the delay, my mother got hospitalized and I couldn't find the time to finish this. This took a lot of time and energy, so I hope you enjoy reading this. If you do please leave me a like or comment, please don't be a ghost reader! Word Count: 4.6k+ (I reccomend reading on a desktop if possible!) Warnings: Sexual themes, drinking, and just a whole lot of fluff.
Link to my masterlist if you want to check out my other stuff : here
Link to the main fic if you haven't read it yet here
AO3 link incase you prefer that: here
Race 14 Monaco Grand Prix 2029
“Cooking with your mother was disastrous. I couldn’t even chop properly and I’m sure I ruined her batch of kimchi but she was still super kind” you share as Jungkook chuckles in the car beside you.
“I promise you it isn’t as bad as it is in your head” Jungkook tries and reassure you as his hand intertwines with yours.
“And if she doesn’t invite you to make kimchi next year, we’ll know for sure” Jungkook says with a teasing tone and you swat his hand away as you simmer in last week's embarrassment.
“Ignoring the massive disaster, I was with your mother, how was fishing with my dad and Phillip. Phillip sent me a bunch of drunk texts saying how I was all grown up, did you say something weird?” you ask, turning to look at him and Jungkook brushes it off, taking a hold of your hand again.
“We were just talking about us dating for the first time and how young we were, that might have caused that” he says as he drives the car into the parking lot.
“Also, Phillip is a little shit who and told me that I shouldn’t go easy on your father, and to put it simply, I beat your father at chess and now I know where Phillip and you get the competitive gene from” he says as he unbuckles the seatbelt and you look at him all confused.
“What did my father do to you and what makes you think I’m competitive?” you ask with a pointed tone and Jungkook snickers, very sarcastically.
“Your father doesn’t ever want to play any games with me for the sake of our relationship and don’t you remember the Mario Kart incident? Because that remote almost hit me” he complains as he pulls you closer by your hand.
“Oh will you drop the Mario Kart incident, I was eating chips and my hands were all oily and I can’t believe you’re-” Jungkook shuts you up with a soft peck on your lips, followed by a deeper one as he bites your lower lip.
“Baby, I might be competitive but not as much as you.” you whisper against his lips and he chuckles, finally pulling away.
“That is true. Now come on, I gotta win this race!” Jungkook says and you snicker, he’s definitely more competitive.
“So, the first date was great, superb actually. We connected, there was this undeniable chemistry and why are you making that face?” Lando stops talking when he notices the dubious smile on your face.
“Did Lily tell you something else? Did she not have a good time? Oh my god is that why she hasn’t texted me since the last half an hour?” Lando is starting to panic and Jungkook and you share a knowing smile, getting a kick out of your friend's misery.
Lando and Lily hit it off at Jungkook’s last birthday dinner and Lando didn’t hesitate at all before asking her out.
“I just want it put in writing that you and Lily will not bother us with your relationship troubles” you say sternly as the three of you make way to the hospitality area. Lando moved to Ferrari about a year ago, Jungkook and him have been a great team. 
“Relationship, so she said something good, what did Lily say ___?” Lando asks with agitation and Jungkook giggles as his hand intertwines with yours.
“I’m sorry best friend, best friend privilege” you tease and Lando groans, only making Jungkook laugh louder. Lando isn’t the type to doubt himself when it comes to relationships, so this is quite amusing.
“Just chill my man, focus on the race for now” Jungkook says tapping Lando’s hand and he distractedly nods.
“Would you guys be up for brunch at my place tomorrow, a double date?” Lando asks reading something from his phone, probably a text from Lily.
“Sure-” “We can’t actually, we have a thing” Jungkook interrupts you, but you just tag along.
“Yeah we do, let’s plan for some other time” you say and Lando nods understandingly, before he walks off as he’s texting someone.
“We have a thing tomorrow?” you ask as the two of you slip into Jungkook’s driver room. Jungkook’s quiet for a second as he pulls off his polo, ready to slip into his driving suit.
“I was hoping we could spend the day decorating our apartment, we could build the bookshelves that are still in boxes” he says with a small smile as he takes a seat to get rid of his shoes. The two of you moved in together a few months ago but hadn’t gotten to decorating yet.
“Aren’t you such a romantic, but you and I both know I can’t be participating with building stuff, I broke my hand the last time and your very expensive coffee table” you say and Jungkook chuckles, pulling you in his lap.
“Counter offer, you sort the books in our guest room and I build the bookshelf, like the provider I am” he offers with a big smile as his arms circle around your waist.
“Are you sweet talking me into doing chores Jeon?” you ask in an accusing tone and he only laughs louder.
“Maybe,” he says, pecking your lips softly. “What about tonight? Are we doing your winner's dinner?” you ask, smiling against his lips.
“I am infuriated that I can’t eat icing off your tits tonight, I have a work dinner thing” he grumbles and you run your hands down his back.
“We can do winner’s breakfast instead, it’s all about improvising baby” you say in an attempt to lift his spirits.  “saranghae” you whisper looking in his big, brown eyes, you had started picking up a few Korean words here and there, dropping them casually and amusing Jungkook. “I love you” Jungkook says, pulling away to look you in the eyes. He takes a deep breath to really take in the moment.
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The race started and ended quickly for Jungkook after reliability issues in lap 10. You sigh as you sit opposite your father, winning is important for Jungkook, it really it, but he’s also gotten great with compartmentalizing it.
“Too bad the car isn’t supporting him” you father says and you nod, watching on the tv’s as the camera’s follow Jungkook walking into the garage.
“At least he’ll get to rest during the summer break” you say, looking forward to the next few weeks of vacation.
“Where are you guys going?” your father asks as he turns to look at you. It wasn’t going to be a vacation per say.
“Jungkook bought a house in Busan, it’s by the ocean, kinda close to the one his family used to live in. We’ll leave Thursday, and just spend a few weeks there, I’ll work, he’ll train, just our usual days but in Busan” Jungkook had proposed this weeks ago, and you immediately agreed.
“Sounds romantic” your father says with a big, bright smile, “Jungkook really makes you happy doesn’t he” he continues talking, this isn’t a question but more like a statement.
“Life is better with him in it” you say as your eyes catch his across the room, immediately, you flash him a comforting smile and he mimics one too as he walks towards you.
“Next race will be better son” your father tells Jungkook as he takes a seat beside you.
“Hopefully we’ll be done with the engine issues” he sighs with frustration and your hand finds his, interlocking them immediately.
“Issues like these are so threatening to my championship chances, so utterly out of my hand” Jungkook voices his concerns and your father listens intently, knowing all about it.
“It so much worse because you can’t fix the issues and it threatens the team morale” your father says and Jungkook nods intensely. Soon, Namjoon comes over too, the three of them talking about the issues in length while you sit there quietly, while Jungkook rubs his thumb across your hand.
“You’re meeting is at around 8 at Blue Bay, and they’ve scheduled a post-race meeting at 6:30” Namjoon reminds Jungkook before he stands up to leave. Your father left earlier too, saying something about having dinner appointments.
“You’ve been awfully quiet” Jungkook says, turning around to look at you.
“I’m kinda tired” you say resting your head against his arm. Jungkook is really tempted to cancel his dinner thing and go home with you, but you talk him out of it.
“I promise I’ll call you if I don’t feel any better after dinner,” you tell him and he grumbles, bringing his arm around your waist.
“Did you get your test results back? I know you’re all weak because of deficiencies, that’s why your hands are always cold” Jungkook sits for a few more minutes, knowing full well the meeting is going to start any moment now.
“The doctor will call me when it’s done, just will you go and do your work. One of us needs to make shit load of money, we have expensive taste” you tease him in attempts to lighten the situation.
“Call me if you need anything-“ he says as he sneaks a quick peck on your lips, “or nothing, just call me” “I will” you reassure him with a soft pat on his cheek.
Jungkook isn’t a fan of talking one on one with reporters, but Namjoon assured him a couple thousand times and somehow made him agree to this dinner.
What he wasn’t expecting was an excited, senior writer for Vogue Korea, Jung Hoseok. They click immediately, talking endlessly about anything and everything under the sun.
“So, this is your ninth year at ferrari and you’ve decided to move to mercedes, what motivated the move?” Hoseok asks and Jungkook takes a big sip of his drink, this question is the reason this interview was set up. The move hasn’t been announced, yet.
“My years at ferrari have made me the champion I am, I won seven world championships with them but I’ve also felt a little stagnant in my career. The move is a way to challenge myself as a driver and also making a profitable move as a driver” Jungkook explains calmly and Hoseok scoffs.
“You’re so amazingly media trained, the answers are given by a PR person aren’t they” the reporter notes and Jungkook laughs out loud.
“My manager, he’s the reason I talk so well” Jungkook answers candidly.
“So, the move is not because of the reliability and strategy issues?” “Those reasons obviously played a part in the decision making. Ferrari has been struggling for the last two years since they changed their engine producer, and I wanted to stick with my team through the pain, but I’m not 20 anymore, I’m almost 30. I told my manager after the first three terrible races last year, ‘We’ll stick with them for a year, give them time to work out the kinks, they deserve patience from me, at least for a year’. But again, the since the start of this year, it hasn’t been that great, so after lengthy discussions with my manager, parents and girlfriend, I decided to make the move” Jungkook answers honestly, and Hoseok is a little stunned by it. They go on to discuss the move to mercedes more, talking about going back to where it all started.
“You don’t talk about your girlfriend much to the press or media, your relationship is extremely private even missing from each other’s social media, is there a reason for that?”
“I’ve kept my relationship with ___ private because the more public I make it, the more people feel like they have a say in the relationship. And I don’t want people’s opinions or thoughts guiding our relationship, and honestly, I can’t bear losing her again”
“This might be an odd question, but how do you think being in love has changed you?” this question sticks with Jungkook for a while, he thinks it over for a good few minutes.
“It has made me a much more, stronger, and confident person. I think being loved by someone you love endlessly is one of the most beautiful thing in the world. She doesn’t love me despite or because, she just loves me for being Jungkook and that’s, um, something that’s really helped me grow and change as a person for the better.” Jungkook sighs the more he thinks about you, he wonders if you are still feeling sick.
“Can I ask you a few more questions about your relationship? You can say no” Hoseok asks and Jungkook strangely encourages him. Most reporters he’s talked to are always looking for a scoop, this is the first time a reporter seems to be taking actual interest in him.  
“Were the two of you set up by your former teammate and now close friend Phillip Lee or did it just happen naturally?”
“Phillip didn’t even know we’d been dating till we broke up” Jungkook says and chuckles, thinking back to the before the first race of 2021, Phillip literally cornered him in his drivers room and asked him what was wrong with him.
“Back in 2020, there weren’t a lot of people my age on the paddock. I really needed a friend, so I reached out to ___. We were friends for a good few months before I realised, I was in love with her. Luckily, she felt the same way” Jungkook has the widest smile as he thinks back, just makes him realise how much time has passed.
“You talk of a break up, did it affect you as a driver?” Hoseok asks as he sits up straight.
“As much as I hate admitting it, it did, I’m human after all. What’s going on in my personal life usually doesn’t affect me as a driver because I’m great at compartmentalizing, but losing someone I love, so abruptly, and especially when I couldn’t do anything to stop to let her slip away, it frustrated me to no end and it affected my performance as a driver, initially at least” Jungkook confesses and the reporter passes him an encouraging smile.
“The two of you have been dating for four years-“ “Five in total” Jungkook corrects him and the two of them chuckle out loud. “The two of you have been dating for five years now, does the future of your relationship affect your future as a driver? To bring up Phillip again, he retired a few months after his first son was born and has been living a quiet life away from F1 since, do you see yourself going down that road too? Putting your relationship and family ahead of anything by your mid-thirties?”
“Just last week I was facetiming Phillip, and he was building a dollhouse, surrounded by his kids. Phillip was obviously, very happy as a f1 driver, but being a father has made him content like never before. I don’t know what it’s going to be like with us, but I know ___ and I will come to a decision that’s best for the two of us”
“Talking of retirement, what do you see yourself filling time with when retired?” Hoseok asks, relaxing a little as he sits back in the chair.
“Sometime during early 2019, I knew I didn’t have a contract for the next year so my sister and I really started thinking of plan b’s outside of racing, and we narrowed down on the option of me going to college and taking the traditional route. I have always wondered, what would life be right now if things didn’t end up the way they did, and even though I was and am ecstatic that I landed in ferrari back then. I would like to take the college route too, see how it shapes my future. I really enjoyed being a student, and I think I’d enjoy going back to it. My girlfriend also thinking that I can sing pretty well and be a musician, but I think love has made her a little delusional” Jungkook jokes about the last part, making the reporter laugh too.
“To tie up the interview, this is your last year with ferrari, last year to win the championship in red. Endings are usually the time one gets reflective, how do you reflect back at the last eight years?”
“I look back and I’m filled with gratitude, so much gratitude. I am sure you’ve seen the video from my first karting championship win, an interviewer asking me what my dream f1 team would be, I remember saying ferrari with that excited high-pitched voice. I truly did want to drive for ferrari but at the same time as I made my way through F3 and F2, the dream started looking unattainable. Just minutes before I sighed the ferrari contract, ___ congratulated me on signing with ferrari, that’s when it really sunk in. I went into my hotel room and cried because of how overwhelmed and excited I was to be achieving a lifelong dream. My time at ferrari has shaped me into the man and driver I am, the ups, downs, agreements and disagreements have taught me so many invaluable lessons. I met the love of my life, got the opportunity to work with some of the most amazing people, won seven world championships, all because of my time at ferrari, and I truly know it in my heart that none of it would have happened if things didn’t go exactly as they did.”
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Jungkook made a bet with himself, if he found you asleep on the sofa with your glasses still on and aggressively clutching a book, he’d buy you flowers tomorrow morning. He would have even if he lost the bet. But he audibly awes when he does win the bet, he’s found you like this a few thousand times, but it always endears him somehow. Jungkook quietly takes off your glasses and puts the book away. Crouching down, his eyes level with your tightly shut ones, softly, he grazes your face.
“You really hate falling asleep in our bed all by yourself, don’t you” he says to himself as he pushes some of your hair away from your face. Jungkook doesn’t struggle one bit when he picks you up bridal style, and lays you on the bed. He notices how your hand instinctively reached for his, holding onto him tightly.
Jungkook’s exhausted from the race and the day he’s had, all he wants to do is lay down and get some shut eye, but he sits by the you for a few too long, afraid him moving is going to wake you up. But he does eventually pry his hands out of your grip and jump into the quickest shower of his life.
“When did you get home?” you ask turning to face Jungkook as he dries his hair with a towel.
“20 minutes ago?” he says abandoning the towel and picking up the hair dryer now that you’ve up.
“How did the interview go?” you ask as you sit up to drink some water.
“Surprisingly well, I talked about you. A lot” he says from the dressing table and you give him a quizzical look.
“Why?” you ask as your eyes follow him around the room. Jungkook just smiles and looks away as he shuts the hair dryer off.
“He asked the right questions” Jungkook says massaging his torso as he walks to bed, he takes slides into bed, leaning in for a quick kiss.
“___” he whispers your name against your lips and you sigh, running your hands through his hair.
“I am so looking forward to summer break, just you and I relaxing. Maybe if you feel like it, we take a dip in the ocean or you watch me swim in the ocean. I could do a slutty Baywatch style walk for you-“ you shut Jungkook up by sliding into his lap.
“You ramble when you’re tired” you note with speed as you lean down to kiss him, fiercely, leaving Jungkook a little breathless. In the middle of making out, your hands travel to his chest, hoping to tug off his t-shirt when you notice something.
“Why is your heart beating like crazy” you ask noticing his erratic heartbeat. His lips flatter to a shy smile as realisation dawns on the two of you.
“Oh my god, Jungkook you’re going to make me cry” you say cradling his cheeks and he grumbles pulling you closer.
“I’m sure your heart beats for me like that too” he says reaching for your chest under the t-shirt.
“Babe, you’re just grabbing my tit” you note sarcastically as his finger grazes your hard nipple.
“I can’t help if your heart is behind your tit” he teases you, tugging on your nipple and getting the exact kind of moan from you.
“But really, it does. Even if my words and actions are lacking sometimes, my love for you grows each day” the tender words catch Jungkook a little off guard, not that you aren’t vocal about it, maybe he really needed this kind of confirmation from you today
Soft sunlight is peeking through the curtains, illuminating your face. Turning around to avoid the sunlight, you snuggle even closer to Jungkook, nuzzling in his chest. Jungkook’s been awake for a few minutes now, but he isn’t ready to let go of you yet. His alarm goes off, and he struggles to turn it off, but he does.
“Babe, I really need to go, Namjoon hyung is probably waiting for me downstairs” he grumbles but at the same time doesn’t let go of you. Training is intense as a F1 driver, and Jungkook takes it seriously.
“Kook is summer break” you complain as he detaches himself from you. He chuckles as you continue to whine as he gets dressed as quickly as he can.
“I promise I’ll pick up breakfast on my way,” Jungkook says mid brushing his teeth. Wiping off his face, he changes into a fresh set of clothes, ready to be out the door.
“You stay put, I’ll be back in forty minutes and we’ll resume the activities of last night” Jungkook insinuates as you turn around in bed to face him. There are butterflies in your stomach just thinking about last night, and they only intensify as he holds your jaw tight as he kisses you, tugging on your lip.
Jungkook feels giddy as he makes his way to Namjoon, continuing to stretch as he walks over to his hyung.
“I’m thinking we go by the church today-“ “I think I’m going to propose to ___” Jungkook interrupts him and Namjoon looks at him dumb founded.
“Um, that’s wonderful. The two of you are really-“ “Yeah, I know we’re pretty darn cute, but I’m thinking about proposing today, more accurately by breakfast” Jungkook says very calmly as Jungkook continues to stretch.
“Okay, so, um-“ “I have had the ring for a few months now and I was looking for the perfect time, and I thought I’d do it while we were in Busan but I don’t think I can wait any longer.” Jungkook says, taking a deep breath.
“This morning, I was looking at ___’s left hand, and I just knew, I had to propose right away. It just feels like the right moment” Jungkook explains and the panic is starting to build, panic mixed with a shit ton of excitement.
“I don’t know if we’d be here if I didn’t advise you to break up with ___, but I’m glad we’re here” Namjoon says patting Jungkook’s arm.
“Hyung you gotta stop beating yourself up about that,” “I know, but I am seriously, so happy for you and ___” Namjoon says and Jungkook smiles widely.
“I know, now I gotta get going with breakfast and flowers before ___ wakes up” Jungkook says running a hand through his hair, it’s a nervous tick. “Remember to set up a camera, you’ll want pictures”
Jungkook hears the shower turn off as he plates the breakfast Most people would want a grand proposal, but Jungkook knows you’ll want a private, lowkey one more. He knows you’ll want to cherish this moment, without a crowd and attention around. He fixes the flowers as you step out the washroom, drying your hair as you walk across the room. Jungkook knows you aren’t going to dry your hair right away, no matter how many times he asks you to, he knows you’re going to be walking into the living room any moment now.
“Jungkook, are you back already?” you shout from the room, hearing some noises come from the kitchen.
“Yeah, I cut the run short, come out here” he yells, locating the ring. Before you can reply, your phone rings and you pick it up immediately.
“Um, okay” you reply to the call as Jungkook checks the camera, making sure it’s recording.
“Yeah, 1 pm works for us, we’ll be there” you reply as Jungkook calls out for you again.
“Alright, I’ll see you later” you mutter turns to walk towards the living room, and realising,
Jungkook’s waiting for you, on a knee. You mutter a oh my god as realisation sets in, Jungkook anxiously bites his lip, waiting for you to say something. The silence is starting to eat Jungkook, he’s starting to regret this, you’re going to say yes, right?
“I feel amazing each morning I get to wake up next to you, and a few months back, I decided I wanted a lifetime of it. I was waiting for the right moment; I came so close to asking you after we finished that trek in Australia. It was perfect, the view, the feeling, but I knew you would never forgive me for proposing me while you were all sweaty” he jokes and you giggle, the tears starting to form in your eyes.
“Then I thought, I’d do it in Busan, I even got a planner and everything but something changed this morning. Your hand reached for mine, like it does every morning. I felt your ring finger, and I just knew I couldn’t wait any longer.” Jungkook’s a little teary eyed too as his hand swiftly open the velvet box, revealing the ring, and you gasp, like you weren’t expecting it.
“Will you marry me ___?” Jungkook feels a little breathless he finally asks the question. The smile on your face widens like you’re going to say yes to him, but Jungkook is absolutely shocked by what you say next.
“I’m pregnant. We’re pregnant!” you say and the color completely drains from Jungkook’s face as you pull him up. “What?” his voice is barely audible as he asks you that. “The, um, doctor just called, the tests they ran last week. Turns out I don’t have any deficiencies, turns out I’m pregnant” you retell the events of the phone call and he gasps with shock.
“Oh my god, we’re going to have a fucking baby!” Jungkook shouts with excitement as he pulls you close for a kiss, and a few more.
"um, yeah the doctor asked if we could go in for the first sonogram today afternoon, that's fine right? You don't have anything planned right?" you ask as you pull away from him a little, Jungkook wants to hug you tight, like he wants to let you know just how intensely he's feeling, but he doesn't.
"___, we're having a baby, nothing is more important than you and the baby" he says running a hand through your hair, sensing some tension from you.
The two of you just stand in each other's embrace for a while, letting the moment soak in.
“Wait, um, you didn’t give me an answer” Jungkook asks as his forehead leans against yours.
“Yes, Jungkook. Of course, I want to marry you. I want to be your wife for the rest of my life” you say and he slips on the ring.
People always assume that the fairy-tale ends when the couple gets married. But for the two of you, the fairy tale is always going to be on going. It’s going to keep going through every date night, every quiet morning, every small moment with your child, it’s going to be forever going. The love you two have for each other is forever going.
Tag List: @blancflms @nadzzzblog @kookiewhtaee @jksoftiitii @oiseul @elisaaru @coralmusicblaze @tearyjjeonn @moonchild1 @jungkooksseuphoria @cookysstuff @ohyeahjk @bobakkoo @whoa-jo @kooromiwrld @littlelandalp @marvelover3000
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Daddy-Daughter Podcast 2023
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11 years ago, my kid's daycare surprised us by announcing that they were closing for Christmas break a day before everyone else, so I ended up with our then-four-year-old daughter, Poesy, at my office for the day.
After she got bored with coloring and playing with my office toys, I sat her down on my lap in front of my podcast mic and we recorded the greatest, all-singing episode of my podcast ever:
Thus began an annual tradition. Every year since – save one, when my mic was busted – we have recorded a podcast: I interview the kid about her favorite media, apps, books, and hobbies. Sometimes, she gives a tutorial. Then, we sing a song.
She's 15 now (!), and I still managed to drag her to the mic this weekend. We discussed her musical favorites, old (Ike and Tina singing "Proud Mary") and new (Dominic Fyke). We discuss high school, volunteering at the zoo, and the rigors of dance team. She teaches us how to drive. She runs down her favorite apps, and discusses her recent name change. And then, we sing!
This is the eleventh installment in this time-series snapshots of my kid, starting in London, then moving to LA, and every year I go back and listen to the previous recordings. It's not just a wonderful moment of nostalgia for me – it's also a powerful way to put everything into perspective. Anyone who's kept a journal (or a blog!) knows, the act of regular record-keeping, combined with regular revisiting of those records, turns the impressionistic jumble of memory into a clear picture of your life and its trajectory. We remember so poorly, but our treacherous minds fill in those omissions with whatever's going on right now, so if times are good now, we remember all times as good. If times are bad, everything seems bad.
The following year sees Poesy far more confident and even funnier – and excited about working at the zoo someday:
At six, Poesy has learned a little French, and some naughty words for Jingle Bells (and she's got a lot more vocal control!):
At seven, Poesy is living in Los Angeles and my mic is very busted, but Poesy knows all the words to Frosty and she's got the barrelhouse walkout nailed:
We didn't manage to record the next year, so we catch up with Poesy at nine, with her English accent all but gone – but her memory for lyrics is better than ever (who knew there were so many choruses to "Deck the Halls?"). This is the first time I interviewed her, for an in-depth discussion of how to make slime (remember slime?):
At ten, Poesy is now watching online makeup tutorials and has lots of advice for you, and is super into squishies:
At eleven, Poesy's no longer willing to sing, but she has lots of information about riding horses. This is the first year that she's got her own music preferences, with half of them being contemporary artists like Billie Eilish and the other half being older acts like Queen. This is also the year that she got rid of all her old toys, books and clothes, because they were "not her style":
Twelve sees us podcasting from covid lockdown. No song this year, but she's playing video games (Among Us), thrifting (while double-masked), and she's just discovered Tiktok, along with Tiktok dances, and she's started to find cool music that I enjoy:
At thirteen, Poe's a high school freshman and the singing is back! She's big into Drag Race and Ru Paul. And high school sucks so hard that she'd rather go back to Zoom school. She's still riding horses, and she's fallen in love with a book for the first time in years: Animal Farm (but she hates the ending):
Last year, Poesy was fourteen, and my office had just flooded out in a freak rainstorm. Poesy has discovered her argumentative nature, and she loves hiking in nearby Angeles National Forest. She's getting into hiphop – Eminem, Snoop Dogg, and Cyprus Hill – and South Park (also Fleetwood Mac!). We get a lot about Big Mouth, and a long discussion of her short fiction writing:
These annual time-capsules are just tremendous. I may not have had the discipline to do daily, time-lapse ready photo portraits, but this corny, silly yearly tradition is more than a way for my kid and me to spend a few minutes together just before Christmas – they're a way to connect to our past and think about the future to come. I can imagine doing these over Zoom when the kid's away at university in a couple years, though who knows if she'll stand for that.
Here's the podcast episode:
And here's a direct link to the MP3 (hosting courtesy of the Internet Archive – they'll host your stuff for free, forever):
And here's the RSS feed for my podcast:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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