#i remembered an extremely old image an old internet friend made
oyesteryells · 5 months
reblog if you want this squirrel in your bed tonight
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tunnelofphriendship · 3 months
on phandom whiteness, race and stereotypes
I've been meaning to make this post for a while. I have never been very active in this fandom space, and part of that has been due to a discomfort I have felt that i have never felt i could discuss openly. So while I want to be a part of this phandom, I need to adress the elephant in the room and I want this sideblog I created to be a space where others like me can feel safe to voice their feelings and thoughts.
To preface this, I am not looking to "cancel" dan and phil. I just want to talk about my experiences both as a hardcore phan for years, and as someone who deviates from the usual dnp fan: I'm not a white person from Europe, US, Canada.
To put it bluntly, some of their videos are extremely hard to watch and enjoy and it makes me feel alienated when no one talks about it. There is no media without "problematic" elements, but I feel like in other fandom spaces people at least talk about elements worth questioning because they may be offensive or ignorant.* And yet dan and phil are hailed as "unproblematic kings" when this is not the case at all, and it's hard to bring up how I feel.
I'm not looking to make a comprehensive list of everything they've said, but I will talk about a few examples to illustrate what I mean.
Sexy Internet Dating (1:59-2:03)
d: whats yo name
p: i like how the guinea pig is now a sassy black woman
A Day in the Life of Phil and Dan! (3:58-4:03)
p: Suncream d: suncream for your albino face p: yea d: i don't need it because i'm already black
Does anyone remember the Mexican Dan thing? He seems to have deleted most of the things associated with that period where he was tan and "jokingly" fancied himself a different race because of it but this little window to that time remains in one of the most beloved videos of all time. Can you see how this might be hard to watch? When even the most iconic videos they've made are sprinkled with little instances of ignorant comments like this?
And let me be clear, I know this was ages ago. I'm aware they might have grown and changed. What really gets to me is how nobody in the phandom ever talks about these moments. It makes me really lonely and disappointed that everyone turns a blind eye to things that might tarnish the image of their faves.
Like for example, the pewdiepie situation. I'm not going to discuss everything he did and said. But imagine how it might feel as a non-white fan to want to rewatch old dnpgames videos and find that they kept their videos with him up all this time:
They were clearly quite friendly with F*lix. Besides these videos, Felix is also casually mentioned in some of their videos and livestreams from the time before he was "cancelled" (more on that later). But did they ever say anything condemning his actions? I think that given how they had collaborated and were friends, I would expect them to say SOMETHING rather than just never speak on the matter (as far as I know, the closest they got to this was in a liveshow where dan said he had had "a conversation" with felix in a way that implied he disapproved of his actions.) Or at the very very least, is it really that hard to delete a video? They have deleted old videos for a variety of reasons. How is collabing with a known racist not reason enough to go through the trouble of deleting a video? But deleting other videos just because they're a bit"cringey" is worth that time?
I just wonder how regretful they really are at having been friends and collaborators with him. In fact, part of me wonders if they are still friends behind the scenes. If this is ever confirmed btw, that will cause me to stop watching them forever. And they might still be friends in their little white circle for all we know. After all dan and phil are long time friends of KickthePj. And PJ is STILL friends with pewdiepie.
Now, besides PJ being dnp's friend and having once been part of the phantastic foursome, I don't care much for his content except for when dan and phil have been featured (lol sorry not sorry). And this might be the case for many of you as well! But some of you ARE avid kickthepj fans and decided to ignore the fact that he uploaded a video with pewdiepie last month. There is no plausible deniability here anymore. Despite the harms pewdiepie has done in internet spaces--and how that extends to real life--NOBODY said anything about how kickthepj doesn't care enough (or at all) to simply NOT make a video with pewdiepie.
It's staggering to me that no one cares. It's shocking to me that in these videos i've mentioned, you go to the comment section and everyone will be happily enjoying the video with no mention of these things.
Is this what being "cancelled" looks like? It seems to me like with the passage of time, Pewdiepie and his friends and followers just want to sweep it all under the rug. How is it that the internet will tear a man to shreds for plagiarism but then find it in themselves to excuse racism?
Why does no one care? Is it because this space is overwhelmingly white? I think so. I think it's a conscious choice to turn a blind eye when it's convenient. So I just wanted to make this post to say that if you ever feel alienated by the white ignorance of dnp or their circle of their fans, then you can come talk to me and I won't ignore you.
I want to be a part of this phandom, I really love dan and phil, but I'm not going to "stan" them. I'm not going to make excuses for them. And I'm not going to keep quiet just so I can be a part of this fandom without making the vast majority of white fans uncomfortable.
*I'm thinking of my experiences in the supernatural fandom. (Although, i'm not saying it's perfect. There are certainly a number of fics that have made me feel very disappointed inthe creator for falling into the trap of racial stereotypes in OCs and stuff like that, and despite that so many people enjoy it and include it in rec lists.)
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spearxwind · 1 year
I want to draw... Beasts & Creachers... But I don't know where/how to start? Figuring out how to draw a few animals and then... Mashin them up like hot potato? Or do you have a better recommendation? When/How did you start Crafting Big Dudes? Can we get some WindyLore?
Hi hello!!! Yes, that's exactly what I did :D
When I was a little kid the way I learnt how to draw creatures was actually doing studies and copying the photos/drawings of animals that I had on my many encyclopedias :] My family owns a lot of books and so did I, so I had a lot of reference material I could pull from
The earliest time I can remember where I actually tried super hard to create a Beast was when I created Orion for the first time (Sometime around 2014, when I was 17yrs old). I don't have pictures available at the moment, but I distinctly remember starting out with a vague lizard shape and then getting mad about it, I quite literally wrote "I don't want another fucking lizard" in my sketchbook next to the initial draft.
After that, I actually pulled a bunch of my books out to look at references for claws, body types, quills, teeth, etc. I ended up choosing a good few things and mashing them together into the first version of Orion!
Initially, he looked like this:
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This guy basically sparked my interest in creature design. I refined him over the years again and again into the design that made it into my comic, and it's one of my favorite things I've designed :]
In current times with access to the internet its probably easier to find references, but if you have access to paper and pencil i super 1000% recommend keeping a sketchbook where you draw!! It's very useful for designing things, at least for me. I keep all my oc design sketches confined to my sketchbooks before I eventually draw them digitally x)
But yeah basically it boils down to mishmashing a bunch of real creatures together in a way that makes sense (or in a way that YOU like!). The real world is full of interesting critters, and more often than not these real animals we coexist with are actually far weirder than anyone's scifi creation, so you can truly go hog wild.
Other recommendations I'd offer is definitely taking a look-see at monster hunter designs, they are all incredibly unique (albeit most of them are dragons) but the shapes and textures are super interesting to study. I also recommend keeping a reference folder on your computer, I have a big folder for reference pictures of cool animals I find, and I take care to save the image with the creature's name if available so I can search up more when possible
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These are some of my examples I've collected over time :]
I hope this helps though and that it's not too overwhelming haha, it's definitely a journey but references are FOR SURE your friend!! It will help with anatomy, realism, and overall grounding designs in physical reality even if you just use the most extreme features possible. I believe in you!
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Homestuck, page 2,742
Dave: Answer.
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Author commentary:
There's apparently an entire genre of ridiculous "coolkid art" out there, either illustrations or photos, featuring extremely cool boys doing rad things in order to promote a company, product, or in this case, apparently the Internet itself? I don't remember exactly when it started… But I began hoarding these graphics because they reminded me of Dave, or more specifically, the type of image one of Dave's friends would show him, perhaps strategically altered like this, in order to give him a hard time. Terezi is the perfect foil for this idea, of course. And since Dave is a true coolkid, he can't let it be known that he feels owned by it, and just rolls with it instead. In fact, due to their high compatibility with his own sense of humor, there's no way he isn't being genuine when he says these things are incredible. He really means it. And he's right, this shit absolutely is incredible. Top-shelf content by literally any standard.
Compared to the John/Vriska conversations, this exchange gives the sense that Dave and Terezi get along a little more organically than the other two. There's a similar teasing, neggy dynamic here, but they seem to at least be starting on a similar wavelength, with both being interested in bad comics, scamming rubes out of loot, and talking about how cool Dave is. Terezi has a similar purpose as Vriska, to use this guy as an extension of their rivalry, but it also feels like she'd be just as fine dropping the rivalry aspect and instead just making a cool new friend. Vriska's solicitation feels like a higher-stake game, more heavy-handed. She's a bit more forced in the way that she tries to mold John in her image, and more overt or desparate-seeming in her flirtatious methods. She gets flustered, whereas Terezi does not. Certain things seem to come easier for Terezi, which is part of what fuels the old rivalry. Vriska seems to have some jealousy issues about it, which were expressed in Hivebent through Terezi's more cunning manipulation methods, which don't need any special powers. Since Vriska's insecurity tells her this stuff doesn't come as easy to her as it does for Terezi, she feels like she has to cheat through use of mind control and such. The insecurity over "things come easy for her, but not for me" seems to be a lot of what's behind Vriska's brute-force approach to certain things, which includes completely dominating John's attention for most of the remaining act.
Dave pretends he doesn't understand how this masterpiece he just made could be interpreted as pornographic, even though the final panel literally has Terezi acknowledging that she is sexually aroused by the act of splashing into the top of the Kool-Aid Man's head. Maybe Dave knows exactly what he's doing. Maybe he's being "too cool" to admit it. Maybe everybody here low-key knows the score when it comes to all kinds of subtext. Maybe low-key knowing the score in virtually all situations is the very definition of "being cool." And hence, you have just understood what my secret is to being so cool. Which is definitely a thing a cool person would say.
images linked in the pesterlog:
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Hello! Do you have some advice on how to create and write a cult?
I’m really interested in cults and their behaviour and structure, so I actually had a problem to not go overboard here. I will start with a short overview of the basics and then go into more detail. I hope you like it!
How to create and write a cult
The Leader
common characteristics: charismatic, manipulative, controlling
followers follow them without questioning them
they are often seen as a prophet or human idol or image of the diety the cult believe in
they speak with the authority of a god
make sure to give them some uniqueness, maybe an air of otherworldliness to make them more godlike so they stand out
give reasons for why they want a following, what do they get out of it?
give reasons for why people would follow and be loyal to them
The Followers
often disenchanted from society and their own beliefs
wanting something new, a new start
single people, living on their own
often without close ties to family or friends
remember that everyone, no matter their intelligence and their confidence can become entangled in a cult
some are just a little bit easier to prey on
The Cult
often strict hierarchy
rules, routines and practiced behaviours
love bombing and brainwashing
feeling of superiority
being the good guys in an “us against the world”-scenario
taking everything from the outside away that a new member could rely on
making them solely rely on the cult
if someone does escape they are either pursued, stalked and harrassed or they are being shunned by everyone in the cult
cults typically have one godlike leader
they do not get questioned, they get imitated and followed
they have a small, but extremely loyal group of followers around them
this core group implements the leader’s rules and controls the rest of the followers
they often have more benefits and liberties than the rest
a normal follower would probably mostly interact with someone from the core group as the person in charge and not the leader themself
depending on the cult, the other followers can be separated and put into smaller households
this can break up pre-existing units and helps controlling the members
nuclear family
one man and a harem of women and younger children
separated by gender (younger boys with women)
separated by skill
separated by age
separated into “classes”
a religious cult can be independent or a secession from a mainstream religion
if it is completely independent then you need a good reason for why people would follow those beliefs
you probably need to make up rules and practices and lore that goes along with it and legitimizes it
but it can’t only be about rules and maybe hardship, the people need a reason for wanting to follow this
the leaderis often acting like they are the only one who can give these people what they want and need (love, acceptance, saftey, inner peace, etc.)
the leaders are very charismatic and almost perfect citizens from the outside, but more often than not manipulative and controlling
if the cult is based on a mainstream religion you have to take some of the beliefs from that religion and incorporate it
a big difference between a religion and a cult is the blind belief in a diety and the blind belief in a charismatic human
but a cult can also more fundamentalistic part of a religion that was excommunicated from the main church
be careful to show the common beliefs, but also show the major differences as not to insult readers from the main religion
Acquisition of followers
cults like to target people that are unhappy with their current life and often people without a lot of confidence
it’s easier if the person doesn’t have family or firends that they are close with
cult members can be anywhere to recrut new members, but they are often found in places of mainstream religions or within support groups to prey on already vulnerable people
love bombing - a manipulative strategy in which the cult bombards the target with so much love, acceptance, understanding and happy, positive vibes that they feel like no one will ever love them like this
they also try to tell the target that only they love them and can give them what they need and that everyone else is not wanting the best for them, only they do
they try to isolate them from their friends and family
but plot twist - as soon as this tactic is successful and the person joined the cult, they take away that love, which maked the target feel more alone than ever and desperate to get that love back
in some cases where they literally take that person from their life and bring them into theirs, this could also include drugging and excessive praying or reciting that puts them in a trance, this can go on for days
they will continue to try to isolate them from their old lifes and give them new families by putting them into groups or households
this way, even if they want to leave, they feel like they have no one waiting for them outside
they also have to fear being shunned from their new friends and family if they go against the rules
“Us vs. Them” mentality, making the outside world out to be a purely evil place and they are the only safe haven
secrecy, about their rituals, sometimes beliefs, but definitely about the ways people are kept in the cult
often not showing new members a lot of what they truly believe in and how they go about those beliefs until the member is isolated and already too deep inside the cult
identifying marks, like tattoos or brand marks and specific clothes to show unity
emotional, physical and sexual abuse can often be found in cults, sometimes even systematically implemented like a ritual
children are married young and only to other members
having lots of children is encouraged to grow the cult, but also to trap the parents inside the cult, because leaving with children is even more difficult
often rejection of law enforcement and political establishment, not following state laws, but following their own rules
everyone else gets blames but them and outside intervention to save the people can even strengthen the cult against the outside
snitching is encouraged, members tell on each other at the first sign of independent thinking and second guessing the leader
punishments are mostly being given by the core group around the leader and are often made out to be a punishment from the diety they believe in
sometimes there is a loyalty test members (reguarly) have to pass to show that they still follow not matter what
Get more information
this format is not ideal to go into so much detail, so you have to do more research
read books or articles on the internet about psychology, what kind of people are more susceptible to being victims and what makes a person a cult leader
check out actual cults and look how they do their thing (or did, take Jonestown for example)
you can also check out witness accounts of people that were able to escape cults (there are quite a few on YouTube)
check out different kinds of cults
I went with religious here, but there are also cults based on other ideology, political cults, doomsday cults, etc. 
This took so long, so have fun and good luck! :)
- Jana
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antiporn-activist · 4 years
The Children of Pornhub
Why does Canada allow this company to profit off videos of exploitation and assault?
By Nicholas Kristof, Opinion Columnist, Dec. 4, 2020, New York Times
This article contains descriptions of sexual assault. It’s also really long.
Pornhub prides itself on being the cheery, winking face of naughty, the website that buys a billboard in Times Square and provides snow plows to clear Boston streets. It donates to organizations fighting for racial equality and offers steamy content free to get people through Covid-19 shutdowns.
Yet there’s another side of the company: Its site is infested with rape videos. It monetizes child rapes, revenge pornography, spy cam videos of women showering, racist and misogynist content, and footage of women being asphyxiated in plastic bags. A search for “girls under18” (no space) or “14yo” leads in each case to more than 100,000 videos. Most aren’t of children being assaulted, but too many are.
After a 15-year-old girl went missing in Florida, her mother found her on Pornhub — in 58 sex videos. Sexual assaults on a 14-year-old California girl were posted on Pornhub and were reported to the authorities not by the company but by a classmate who saw the videos. In each case, offenders were arrested for the assaults, but Pornhub escaped responsibility for sharing the videos and profiting from them.
Pornhub is like YouTube in that it allows members of the public to post their own videos. A great majority of the 6.8 million new videos posted on the site each year probably involve consenting adults, but many depict child abuse and nonconsensual violence. Because it’s impossible to be sure whether a youth in a video is 14 or 18, neither Pornhub nor anyone else has a clear idea of how much content is illegal.
Unlike YouTube, Pornhub allows these videos to be downloaded directly from its website. So even if a rape video is removed at the request of the authorities, it may already be too late: The video lives on as it is shared with others or uploaded again and again.
“Pornhub became my trafficker,” a woman named Cali told me. She says she was adopted in the United States from China and then trafficked by her adoptive family and forced to appear in pornographic videos beginning when she was 9. Some videos of her being abused ended up on Pornhub and regularly reappear there, she said.
“I’m still getting sold, even though I’m five years out of that life,” Cali said. Now 23, she is studying in a university and hoping to become a lawyer — but those old videos hang over her.
“I may never be able to get away from this,” she said. “I may be 40 with eight kids, and people are still masturbating to my photos.”
“You type ‘Young Asian’ and you can probably find me,” she added.
Actually, maybe not. Pornhub recently was offering 26,000 videos in response to that search. That doesn’t count videos that show up under “related searches” that Pornhub suggests, including “young tiny teen,” “extra small petite teen,” “tiny Asian teen” or just “young girl.” Nor does it necessarily count videos on a Pornhub channel called “exploited teen Asia.”
I came across many videos on Pornhub that were recordings of assaults on unconscious women and girls. The rapists would open the eyelids of the victims and touch their eyeballs to show that they were nonresponsive.
Pornhub profited this fall from a video of a naked woman being tortured by a gang of men in China. It is monetizing video compilations with titles like “Screaming Teen,” “Degraded Teen” and “Extreme Choking.” Look at a choking video and it may suggest also searching for “She Can’t Breathe.”
It should be possible to be sex positive and Pornhub negative.
Pornhub declined to make executives available on the record, but it provided a statement. “Pornhub is unequivocally committed to combating child sexual abuse material, and has instituted a comprehensive, industry-leading trust and safety policy to identify and eradicate illegal material from our community,” it said. Pornhub added that any assertion that the company allows child videos on the site “is irresponsible and flagrantly untrue.”
At 14, Serena K. Fleites was an A student in Bakersfield, Calif., who had never made out with a boy. But in the eighth grade she developed a crush on a boy a year older, and he asked her to take a naked video of herself. She sent it to him, and this changed her life.
He asked for another, then another; she was nervous but flattered. “That’s when I started getting strange looks in school,” she remembered. He had shared the videos with other boys, and someone posted them on Pornhub.
Fleites’s world imploded. It’s tough enough to be 14 without having your classmates entertain themselves by looking at you naked, and then mocking you as a slut. “People were texting me, if I didn’t send them a video, they were going to send them to my mom,” she said.
The boy was suspended, but Fleites began skipping class because she couldn’t bear the shame. Her mother persuaded Pornhub to remove the videos, and Fleites switched schools. But rumors reached the new school, and soon the videos were uploaded again to Pornhub and other websites.
Fleites quarreled with her mother and began cutting herself. Then one day she went to the medicine cabinet and took every antidepressant pill she could find.
Three days later, she woke up in the hospital, frustrated to be still alive. Next she hanged herself in the bathroom; her little sister found her, and medics revived her.
As Fleites spiraled downward, a friend introduced her to meth and opioids, and she became addicted to both. She dropped out of school and became homeless.
At 16, she advertised on Craigslist and began selling naked photos and videos of herself. It was a way to make a bit of money, and maybe also a way to punish herself. She thought, “I’m not worth anything any more because everybody has already seen my body,” she told me.
Those videos also ended up on Pornhub. Fleites would ask that they be removed. They usually would be, she says — but then would be uploaded again. One naked video of her at 14 had 400,000 views, she says, leaving her afraid to apply for fast-food jobs for fear that someone would recognize her.
So today Fleites, 19, off drugs for a year but unemployed and traumatized, is living in her car in Bakersfield, along with three dogs that have proved more loyal and loving than the human species. She dreams of becoming a vet technician but isn’t sure how to get there. “It’s kind of hard to go to school when you’re living in a car with dogs,” she said.
“I was dumb,” she acknowledged, noting that she had never imagined that the videos could be shared online. “It was one small thing that a teenager does, and it’s crazy how it turns into something so much bigger.
“A whole life can be changed because of one little mistake.”
The problem goes far beyond one company. Indeed, a rival of Pornhub, XVideos, which arguably has even fewer scruples, may attract more visitors. Depictions of child abuse also appear on mainstream sites like Twitter, Reddit and Facebook. And Google supports the business models of companies that thrive on child molestation.
Google returns 920 million videos on a search for “young porn.” Top hits include a video of a naked “very young teen” engaging in sex acts on XVideo along with a video on Pornhub whose title is unprintable here.
I asked the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children to compile the number of images, videos and other content related to child sexual exploitation reported to it each year. In 2015, it received reports of 6.5 million videos or other files; in 2017, 20.6 million; and in 2019, 69.2 million.
Facebook removed 12.4 million images related to child exploitation in a three-month period this year. Twitter closed 264,000 accounts in six months last year for engaging in sexual exploitation of children. By contrast, Pornhub notes that the Internet Watch Foundation, an England-based nonprofit that combats child sexual abuse imagery, reported only 118 instances of child sexual abuse imagery on its site over almost three years, seemingly a negligible figure. “Eliminating illegal content is an ongoing battle for every modern content platform, and we are committed to remaining at the forefront,” Pornhub said in its statement.
The Internet Watch Foundation couldn’t explain why its figure for Pornhub is so low. Perhaps it’s because people on Pornhub are inured to the material and unlikely to report it. But if you know what to look for, it’s possible to find hundreds of apparent child sexual abuse videos on Pornhub in 30 minutes. Pornhub has recently offered playlists with names including “less than 18,” “the best collection of young boys” and “under- - age.”
Congress and successive presidents have done almost nothing as this problem has grown. The tech world that made it possible has been mostly passive, in a defensive crouch. But pioneering reporting in 2019 by my Times colleagues has prodded Congress to begin debating competing strategies to address child exploitation.
Concerns about Pornhub are bubbling up. A petition to shut the site down has received 2.1 million signatures. Senator Ben Sasse, a Nebraska Republican, called on the Justice Department to investigate Pornhub. PayPal cut off services for the company, and credit card companies have been asked to do the same. An organization called Traffickinghub, led by an activist named Laila Mickelwait, documents abuses and calls for the site to be shut down. Twenty members of Canada’s Parliament have called on their government to crack down on Pornhub, which is effectively based in Montreal.
“They made money off my pain and suffering,” an 18-year-old woman named Taylor told me. A boyfriend secretly made a video of her performing a sex act when she was 14, and it ended up on Pornhub, the police confirmed. “I went to school the next day and everybody was looking at their phones and me as I walked down the hall,” she added, weeping as she spoke. “They were laughing.”
Taylor said she has twice attempted suicide because of the humiliation and trauma. Like others quoted here, she agreed to tell her story and help document it because she thought it might help other girls avoid suffering as she did.
Pornhub is owned by Mindgeek, a private pornography conglomerate with more than 100 websites, production companies and brands. Its sites include Redtube, Youporn, XTube, SpankWire, ExtremeTube, Men.com, My Dirty Hobby, Thumbzilla, PornMD, Brazzers and GayTube. There are other major players in porn outside the Mindgeek umbrella, most notably XHamster and XVideos, but Mindgeek is a porn titan. If it operated in another industry, the Justice Department could be discussing an antitrust case against it.
Pornhub and Mindgeek also stand out because of their influence. One study this year by a digital marketing company concluded that Pornhub was the technology company with the third greatest-impact on society in the 21st century, after Facebook and Google but ahead of Microsoft, Apple and Amazon.
Nominally based in Luxembourg for tax reasons, Mindgeek is a private company run from Montreal. It does not disclose who owns it, but it is led by Feras Antoon and David Tassillo, both Canadians, who declined to be interviewed.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada calls himself a feminist and has been proud of his government’s efforts to empower women worldwide. So a question for Trudeau and all Canadians: Why does Canada host a company that inflicts rape videos on the world?
Mindgeek’s moderators are charged with filtering out videos of children, but its business model profits from sex videos starring young people.
“The goal for a content moderator is to let as much content as possible go through,” a former Mindgeek employee told me. He said he believed that the top executives weren’t evil but were focused above all on maximizing revenue.
While Pornhub would not tell me how many moderators it employs, I interviewed one who said that there are about 80 worldwide who work on Mindgeek sites (by comparison, Facebook told me it has 15,000 moderators). With 1.36 million new hours of video uploaded a year to Pornhub, that means that each moderator would have to review hundreds of hours of content each week.
The moderators fast forward through videos, but it’s often difficult to assess whether a person is 14 or 18, or whether torture is real or fake. Most of the underage content involves teenagers, the moderator I spoke with said, but some comes from spy cams in toilets or changing rooms and shows children only 8 to 12.
“The job in itself is soul-destroying,” the moderator said.
Pornhub appears to be increasingly alarmed about civil or criminal liability. Lawyers are circling, and nine women sued the company in federal court after spy cam videos surfaced on Pornhub. The videos were shot in a locker room at Limestone College in South Carolina and showed women showering and changing clothes.
Executives of Pornhub appear in the past to have assumed that they enjoyed immunity under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects internet platforms on which members of the public post content. But in 2018 Congress limited Section 230 so that it may not be enough to shield the company, leading Mindgeek to behave better.
It has doubled the number of moderators in the last couple of years, the moderator told me, and this year Pornhub began voluntarily reporting illegal material to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. After previously dragging its feet in removing videos of children and nonconsensual content, Pornhub now is responding more rapidly.
It has also compiled a list of banned content. I obtained a copy of this list, and it purports to bar videos with terms or themes like “rape,” “preteen,” “pedophilia” and “bestiality” (it helpfully clarifies that this “includes eels, fish, octopus, insects”). Diapers are OK “if no scatophilia.” Mutilation depends on context but “cannot depict severing parts of the body.”
So while it is now no longer possible to search on Pornhub in English using terms like “underage” or “rape,” the company hasn’t tried hard to eliminate such videos. A member called “13yoboyteen” is allowed to post videos. A search for “r*pe,” turns up 1,901 videos. “Girl with braces” turns up 1,913 videos and suggests also trying “exxxtra small teens.” A search for “13yo” generates 155,000 videos. To be clear, most aren’t of 13-year-olds, but the fact that they’re promoted with that language seems to reflect an effort to attract pedophiles.
Moreover, some videos seem at odds with the list of banned content. “Runaway Girl Gets Ultimatum, Anal or the Streets” is the title of one Pornhub video. Another user posts videos documenting sex with teenage girls as they weep, protest and cry out in pain.
While Pornhub is becoming more careful about videos of potentially litigious Americans, it remains cavalier about overseas victims. One Indonesian video is titled “Junior High School Girl After Class” and shows what appears to be a young teenager having sex. A Chinese sex video, just taken down, was labeled: “Beautiful High School Girl Is Tricked by Classmates and Taken to the Top of a Building Where She Is Insulted and Raped.”
“They’re making money off the worst moment in my life, off my body,” a Colombian teenager who asked to be called Xela, a nickname, told me. Two American men paid her when she was 16 for a sexual encounter that they filmed and then posted on Pornhub. She was one of several Pornhub survivors who told me they had thought of or attempted suicide.
In the last few days as I was completing this article, two new videos of prepubescent girls being assaulted were posted, along with a sex video of a 15-year-old girl who was suicidal after it went online. I don’t see how good-faith moderators could approve any of these videos.
“It’s always going to be online,” Nicole, a British woman who has had naked videos of herself posted and reposted on Pornhub, told me. “That’s my big fear of having kids, them seeing this.”
That’s a recurring theme among survivors: An assault eventually ends, but Pornhub renders the suffering interminable.
Naked videos of Nicole at 15 were posted on Pornhub. Now 19, she has been trying for two years to get them removed.
“Why do videos of me from when I was 15 years old and blackmailed, which is child porn, continuously [get] uploaded?” Nicole protested plaintively to Pornhub last year, in a message. “You really need a better system. … I tried to kill myself multiple times after finding myself reuploaded on your website.”
Nicole’s lawyer, Dani Pinter, says there are still at least three naked videos of Nicole at age 15 or 16 on Pornhub that they are trying to get removed.
“It’s never going to end,” Nicole said. “They’re getting so much money from our trauma.”
Pornhub has introduced software that supposedly can “fingerprint” rape videos and prevent them from being uploaded again. But Vice showed how this technology is easily circumvented on Pornhub.
One Pornhub scandal involved the Girls Do Porn production company, which recruited young women for clothed modeling gigs and then pushed them to perform in sex videos, claiming that the videos would be sold only as DVDs in other countries and would never go online. Reassured that no one would ever know, some of the women agreed — and then were shattered when the footage was aggressively marketed on Pornhub.
Girls Do Porn was prosecuted for sex trafficking and shut down. But those videos continue to surface and resurface on Pornhub; last time I checked, videos of six victims of Girls Do Porn were on Pornhub, which continues to profit from them.
One of the Girls Do Porn women I saw on Pornhub is now dead. She was murdered at 20, allegedly by an angry ex-boyfriend who is about to go on trial. I’m not disclosing her name because she should be remembered as a vibrant college athlete, and not for a sex video that represented her most mortifying moment.
So what’s the solution?
I had expected the survivors to want to shut down Pornhub and send its executives to prison. Some did, but others were more nuanced. Lydia, now 20, was trafficked as a child and had many rape videos posted on the site. “My stomach hurts all the time” from the tension, she told me, but she doesn’t want to come across as hostile to porn itself.
“I don’t want people to hear ‘No porn!’” Lydia told me. “It’s more like, ‘Stop hurting kids.’”
Susan Padron told me that she had assumed that pornography was consensual, until a boyfriend filmed her in a sex act when she was 15 and posted it on Pornhub. She has struggled since and believes that only people who have confirmed their identities should be allowed to post videos.
Jessica Shumway, who was trafficked and had a customer post a sex video on Pornhub, agrees: “They need to figure out who’s underage in the videos and that there’s consent from everybody in it.”
I asked Leo, 18, who had videos of himself posted on Pornhub when he was 14, what he suggested.
“That’s tough,” he said. “My solution would be to leave porn to professional production companies,” because they require proof of age and consent.
Right now, those companies can’t compete with mostly free sites like Pornhub and XVideos.
“Pornhub has already destroyed the business model for pay sites,” said Stoya, an adult film actress and writer. She, too, thinks all platforms — from YouTube to Pornhub — should require proof of consent to upload videos of private individuals.
Columnists are supposed to offer answers, but I struggle with solutions. If Pornhub curated videos more rigorously, the most offensive material might just move to the dark web or to websites in less regulated countries. Yet at least they would then not be normalized on a mainstream site.
More pressure and less impunity would help. We’re already seeing that limiting Section 230 immunity leads to better self-policing.
And call me a prude, but I don’t see why search engines, banks or credit card companies should bolster a company that monetizes sexual assaults on children or unconscious women. If PayPal can suspend cooperation with Pornhub, so can American Express, Mastercard and Visa.
I don’t see any neat solution. But aside from limiting immunity so that companies are incentivized to behave better, here are three steps that would help: 1.) Allow only verified users to post videos. 2.) Prohibit downloads. 3.) Increase moderation.
These measures wouldn’t kill porn or much bother consumers of it; YouTube thrives without downloads. Siri Dahl, a prominent porn star who does business with Pornhub, told me that my three proposals are “insanely reasonable.”
The world has often been oblivious to child sexual abuse, from the Catholic Church to the Boy Scouts. Too late, we prosecute individuals like Jeffrey Epstein or R. Kelly. But we should also stand up to corporations that systematically exploit children. With Pornhub, we have Jeffrey Epstein times 1,000.
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ct-multifandom · 2 years
AINI character profiles
I was reading some interviews with Okada, and it turns out he introduced three characters in each interview. I copy-pasted them into this post along with their full-body renders because I feel like a lot of people haven’t seen this stuff. I’m not re-sizing the images to make them all fit nicely (sorry) so click on them to see the full thing.
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Tokiko – VA: Laura Post – Japanese VA: Yoko Soumi – President of Naixatloz Japan Branch The president of Naix Japan. A believer in Simulation Theory, she sincerely believes that the world she lives in is fake and was created by someone. According to her, the purpose of Naix is to find a “seam” that should exist somewhere in this world, to bring down the false world, and to lead people to liberation.
Chikara – VA: Frank Todaro – Japanese VA: Mitsuru Ogata – Director of Horadori Institute of Genetics A brilliant scientist who established the Horadori Institute of Genetics at a young age. The institute mainly researches DNA treatment and gene therapy. As the investigation of the Half Body serial killings progresses, the Institute’s involvement with the mysterious “Bats490” video, suspected to be related to the case, emerges. As the director of the institute Horadori also becomes a target of ABIS’s investigation.
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Masked Woman – A mysterious person. Appears to be female based on body shape.
Lien -VA: Y. Chang -Japanese VA: Hidenori Takahashi -Unemployed – A young man who frequents Matsushita Diner, Lien was there when Ryuki went to the diner as part of his investigation.He had recently lost his job, and was alone at the diner, mourning his loss, but found love at first sight with Kizuna and proposed to her on the spot.
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Fans will remember internet idol Iris, also known as A-set or Tesa, as the bright and peppy teenage girl who was internet and social media savvy. Her interest in the occult and urban legends is still strong. Now, Iris is a senior at Sekiba High, and she is also part of the dance studio. She witnesses the sudden appearance of half of a dead body alongside Mizuki.
A brand new character for the sequel, Kizuna is part of Iris' dance club and a good friend to her and Mizuki. She is the daughter of an extremely rich family.
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Another new character, and a professional comedian. His TV appearances haven't been very successful, but he has made a living as a quiz show host. He was the host of a webcast where the right half of a dead body suddenly appeared.
6th Grader. Komeji’s son. His parents are divorced. He lives with his poor comedian dad, but despises him. In the same grade as Mizuki, but doesn't seem to have much contact with her.
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Owner of Brahman World Cuisine. He runs a restaurant called Brahman in Golden Yokocho. Always wears a mask for some reason. His cooking is excellent. The restaurant is frequented by members of ABIS.
Made Café Maid. A Sekiba High Senior and "Mermaid" at Sunfish Pocket. She has a sharp tongue, but is never really malicious. She's in the school dance club with Iris and Kizuna. A regular at Brahman and close with Gen.
(Me taking over) I find it interesting that most if not all of these characters are as they appear in the past/Ryuki’s story based on gameplay screenshots. The only person I remember seeing future!Mizuki with off the top of my head is The Masked Woman.
I remember the character introduction yt video describing Lien as a locksmith, so maybe he’s unemployed in the past and then gets a job in Mizuki’s time?
Odd that Iris is re-introduced to us while none of the other old characters are. Hrm
I learned some new things from this, like Tokiko and Naix’s beliefs and goals, that Komeji and Shoma are father and son, and that Kizuna comes from money. I like how much context these descriptions add.
Edit: about Naix, the purpose of the Hidden Bats experiment is probably to test bugs in the “simulation”. One of the secret messages in the ARG talks about how superhuman abilities are considered glitches in The Simulation, so they could be testing the subjects’ SHIFT abilities to locate and break that seam Tokiko wants to find.
Edit 2: looking back on the box art, I think those designs at the bottom might be the Mizuki-time ones. Amame and Kizuna, who are teens in Ryuki-time, look different, like Kizuna is missing her hat for example and Amame seems to have her hair down instead of pigtails. I remember people mistaking Shoma, who’s Mizuki’s age, for Ota. But the adults don’t look too different. Either Tokiko’s at a weird angle or she gets a haircut.
Interesting that that Masked Woman isn’t on the box art as her own thing. Implying that she’s one of the people already there, perhaps?
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Recommendation engines and "lean-back" media
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In William Gibson’s 1992 novel “Idoru,” a media executive describes her company’s core audience:
“Best visualized as a vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed. Personally I like to imagine something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It’s covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth…no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections.”
It’s an astonishingly great passage, not just for the image it evokes, but for how it captures the character of the speaker and her contempt for the people who made her fortune.
It’s also a beautiful distillation of the 1990s anxiety about TV’s role in a societal “dumbing down,” that had brewed for a long time, at least since the Nixon-JFK televised debates, whose outcome was widely attributed not to JFK’s ideas, but to Nixon’s terrible TV manner.
Neil Postman’s 1985 “Amusing Ourselves To Death” was a watershed here, comparing the soundbitey Reagan-Dukakis debates with the long, rhetorically complex Lincoln-Douglas debates of the previous century.
(Incidentally, when I finally experienced those debates for myself, courtesy of the 2009 BBC America audiobook, I was more surprised by Lincoln’s unequivocal, forceful repudiations of slavery abolition than by the rhetoric’s nuance)
“Media literacy” scholarship entered the spotlight, and its left flank — epitomized by Chomsky’s 1988 “Manufacturing Consent” — claimed that an increasingly oligarchic media industry was steering society, rather than reflecting it.
Thus, when the internet was demilitarized and the general public started trickling — and then rushing — to use it, there was a widespread hope that we might break free of the tyranny of concentrated, linear programming (in the sense of “what’s on,” and “what it does to you”).
Much of the excitement over Napster wasn’t about getting music for free — it was about the mix-tapification of all music, where your custom playlists would replace the linear album.
Likewise Tivo, whose ad-skipping was ultimately less important than the ability to watch the shows you liked, rather than the shows that were on.
Blogging, too: the promise was that a community of reader-writers could assemble a daily “newsfeed” that reflected their idiosyncratic interests across a variety of sources, surfacing ideas from other places and even other times.
The heady feeling of the time is hard to recall, honestly, but there was a thrill to getting up and reading the news that you chose, listening to a playlist you created, then watching a show you picked.
And while there were those who fretted about the “Daily Me” (what we later came to call the “filter bubble”) the truth was that this kind of active media creation/consumption ranged far more widely than the monopolistic media did.
The real “bubble” wasn’t choosing your own programming — it was everyone turning on their TV on Thursday nights to Friends, Seinfeld and The Simpsons.
The optimism of the era is best summarized in a taxonomy that grouped media into two categories: “lean back” (turn it on and passively consume it) and “lean forward” (steer your media consumption with a series of conscious decisions that explores a vast landscape).
Lean-forward media was intensely sociable: not just because of the distributed conversation that consisted of blog-reblog-reply, but also thanks to user reviews and fannish message-board analysis and recommendations.
I remember the thrill of being in a hotel room years after I’d left my hometown, using Napster to grab rare live recordings of a band I’d grown up seeing in clubs, and striking up a chat with the node’s proprietor that ranged fondly and widely over the shows we’d both seen.
But that sociability was markedly different from the “social” in social media. From the earliest days of Myspace and Facebook, it was clear that this was a sea-change, though it was hard to say exactly what was changing and how.
Around the time Rupert Murdoch bought Myspace, a close friend a blazing argument with a TV executive who insisted that the internet was just a passing fad: that the day would come when all these online kids grew up, got beaten down by work and just wanted to lean back.
To collapse on the sofa and consume media that someone else had programmed for them, anaesthetizing themselves with passive media that didn’t make them think too hard.
This guy was obviously wrong — the internet didn’t disappear — but he was also right about the resurgence of passive, linear media.
But this passive media wasn’t the “must-see TV” of the 80s and 90s.
Rather, it was the passivity of the recommendation algorithm, which created a per-user linear media feed, coupled with mechanisms like “endless scroll” and “autoplay,” that incinerated any trace of an active role for the “consumer” (a very apt term here).
It took me a long time to figure out exactly what I disliked about algorithmic recommendation/autoplay, but I knew I hated it. The reason my 2008 novel LITTLE BROTHER doesn’t have any social media? Wishful thinking. I was hoping it would all die in a fire.
Today, active media is viewed with suspicion, considered synonymous with Qanon-addled boomers who flee Facebook for Parler so they can stan their favorite insurrectionists in peace, freed from the tyranny of the dread shadowban.
But I’m still on team active media. I would rather people actively choose their media diets, in a truly sociable mode of consumption and production, than leaning back and getting fed whatever is served up by the feed.
Today on Wired, Duke public policy scholar Philip M Napoli writes about lean forward and lean back in the context of Trump’s catastrophic failure to launch an independent blog, “From the Desk of Donald J Trump.”
In a nutshell, Trump started a blog which he grandiosely characterized as a replacement for the social media monopolists who’d kicked him off their platforms. Within a month, he shut it down.
While Trump claimed the shut-down was all part of the plan, it’s painfully obvious that the real reason was that no one was visiting his website.
Now, there are many possible, non-exclusive explanations for this.
For starters, it was a very bad social media website. It lacked even rudimentary social tools. The Washington Post called it “a primitive one-way loudspeaker,” noting its lack of per-post comments, a decades old commonplace.
Trump paid (or more likely, stiffed) a grifter crony to build the site for him, and it shows: the “Like” buttons didn’t do anything, the video-sharing buttons created links to nowhere, etc. From the Desk… was cursed at birth.
But Napoli’s argument is that even if Trump had built a good blog, it would have failed. Trump has a highly motivated cult of tens of millions of people — people who deliberately risked death to follow him, some even ingesting fish-tank cleaner and bleach at his urging.
The fact that these cult-members were willing to risk their lives, but not endure poor web design, says a lot about the nature of the Trump cult, and its relationship to passive media.
The Trump cult is a “push media” cult, simultaneously completely committed to Trump but unwilling to do much to follow him.
That’s the common thread between Fox News (and its successors like OANN) and MAGA Facebook.
And it echoes the despairing testimony of the children of Fox cultists, that their boomer parents consume endless linear TV, turning on Fox from the moment they arise and leaving it on until they fall asleep in front of it (also, reportedly, how Trump spent his presidency).
Napoli says that Trump’s success on monopoly social media platforms and his failure as a blogger reveals the role that algorithmically derived, per-user, endless scroll linear media played in the ascendancy of his views.
It makes me think of that TV exec and his prediction of the internet’s imminent disappearance (which, come to think of it, is not so far off from my own wishful thinking about social media’s disappearance in Little Brother).
He was absolutely right that this century has left so many of us exhausted, wanting nothing more than the numbness of lean-back, linear feeds.
But up against that is another phenomenon: the resurgence of active political movements.
After a 12-month period that saw widescale civil unrest, from last summer’s BLM uprising to the bizarre storming of the capital, you can’t really call this the golden age of passivity.
While Fox and OANN consumption might be the passive daily round of one of Idoru’s “vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organisms craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed,” that is in no way true of Qanon.
Qanon is an active pastime, a form of collaborative storytelling with all the mechanics of the Alternate Reality Games that the lean-forward media advocates who came out of the blogging era love so fiercely:
Meanwhile, the “clicktivism” that progressive cynics decried as useless performance a decade ago has become an active contact sport, welding together global movements from Occupy to BLM that use the digital to organize the highly physical.
That’s the paradox of lean-forward and lean-back: sometimes, the things you learn while leaning back make you lean forward — in fact, they might just get you off the couch altogether.
I think that Napoli is onto something. The fact that Trump’s cultists didn’t follow him to his crummy blog tells us that Trump was an effect, not a cause (something many of us suspected all along, as he’s clearly neither bright nor competent enough to inspire a movement).
But the fact that “cyberspace keeps everting” (to paraphrase “Spook Country,” another William Gibson novel) tells us that passive media consumption isn’t a guarantee of passivity in the rest of your life (and sometimes, it’s a guarantee of the opposite).
And it clarifies the role that social media plays in our discourse — not so much a “radicalizer” as a means to corral likeminded people together without them having to do much. Within those groups are those who are poised for action, or who can be moved to it.
The ease with which these people find one another doesn’t produce a deterministic outcome. Sometimes, the feed satisfies your urge for change (“clicktivism”). Sometimes, it fuels it (“radicalizing”).
Notwithstanding smug media execs, the digital realm equips us to “express our mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire” by doing much more than “changing the channels on a universal remote” — for better and for worse.
Image: Ian Burt (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/oddsock/267206444
CC BY: https://creativecommo
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fillingthescrapbook · 2 years
Waking up to a Magical World
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This series made me cry. I just wanted to start with that because I feel like it's the one thing that cemented, for me, the magic of playing a tabletop role-playing game.
When I finished the first season of Dimension 20, Fantasy High, I made a decision not to watch another actual play series. This takes commitment. A long commitment, even if I decide to binge it. I don't remember what happened exactly, but a bout of depression pushed me to watching the first episode of The Unsleeping City.
New York is one of my favorite cities in the world. There really is something magical about that city, because even though I didn't completely enjoy my first visit (going there with work friends who aren't even acquaintances anymore), I still found myself wistfully remembering the days I spent there. Sure, the memories I actually remembered fondly were from the days I was on my own, but still. Fond memories. My second visit was also a disaster...but this is not about my trips to the "Big Apple."
This is about the magic of New York. And not just Manhattan.
Watching Game Master Brennan Lee Mulligan lead his group of intrepid heroes through the secret world of the city, both fictional and real, tugged at my heart. Over and over. You could feel the love that was given to the setting, to the story, to the sets, and the characters. So much love that I could help but love New York all over again.
Now, while I did mention how my trips to New York were less than stellar, they weren't complete shit shows. And meeting the characters of TUC reminded me of the people I also met when I was there:
Ever-friendly Kingston Brown, with a ready hand to lend to anyone willing to ask for help, reminded me of the old couple who I arrived in New York with my first time there. Finding out that it was first trip to the city, they offered to go extremely out of their way just to make sure I get to where I needed to go safely. (I, of course, thanked them but declined the offer. We had a very stressful flight and I didn't want to delay their travel home.)
Safety-conscious firefighter Ricky Matsui took me back to a curbside interaction I had with a truck driver. Pedestrians never get the right of way where I live so when I walk, I always give way to vehicles. When a truck screeched to a stop upon seeing me on the curb, I thought I was gonna get screamed at. That's the image of New York that was always shown in television and in movies. But instead, the truck driver just told me that I had right of way. That I can cross because there is a pedestrian lane. After thanking him, I went on my way.
Sofia Bicicleta Lee, the hairdresser from Staten Island, was very much like my (first!) Airbnb host who always had an ear ready to listen and an advice to share, in the guise of telling us about their past experiences. They also had a lot of cats. (One even took over my bed when I went out of the room to pee.)
Broadway actress Misty Moore, of course, was a stand-in for all the amazing actors and actresses I saw on Broadway, all of whom gave time after a tiring show, to talk to their fans at the stage door. Like, I knew there's a tiny bit of obligation in what they were doing, maybe a tiny bit of narcissism, but neither negates the fact that they could have opted not to talk to the fans. They could have just walked away. But instead they chose to bless us with an experience we could treasure--even if they themselves won't remember it.
Kugrash, the rat druid who takes care of the forgotten, actually made me think of how I didn't notice many of New York's homeless. Like, when you read about the homeless population on the internet, they make it seem like they're a menace and should be feared. But the few I did come across were friendly, or polite, or kept to themselves.
The only character that I didn't immediately place in my experience of New York was Pete Conlan. At least the first chapter version of him. Second chapter Pete though? He was the artists we saw in Highline. Outside MoMa. In Central Park. In Dumbo. Ready to dream. Ready to risk. Ready to live.
The Unsleeping City gave me a chance to relive happiness from my past. To remind me that things weren't all bad even though right now is pretty tough. And seeing the players choose to do the right thing? Choose to help out? Choose to keep fighting? It helped me find a bit of light in the darkness.
New York City is magic--and it's perfectly encapsulated in the world that The Unsleeping City created. (And I signed up for Dropout after finishing the first chapter. Because I wanted to watch the second chapter immediately.)
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spooky-z · 4 years
Maribat by @ozmav
Warnings: aggression and language
Almost 3K.
All Marinette could see was red, purple and yellow against pale skin.
It was mostly red, the edges already becoming purple and around a sick yellow.
She could blink, look away, try to think of something else, but the image was glued to her eyes.
The anger burning under the skin, the blood running hot in her veins, heart beating angrily against her ribs. She could feel the metallic taste of the cut that her teeth opened on her lip.
Marinette had never felt more hatred for anyone than she did at that moment.
She wanted to jump the jugular and pull out the trachea with her teeth.
The urge to kill.
"... you better get away from her." Damian growled. His face contorted with disgust.
“Who do you think you are to intrude on a family affair?!” Audrey Bourgeois stood, arrogant and pompous, glancing disdainfully at the Pack.
Chloe by her side, her eyes puffy, hair down shadowing her face and lips trembling from holding back the crying. The handprint on the pale cheek was obvious and clearly visible despite the hair to cover.
She didn't dare look at her friends. At the pack. The humiliation was a heavy feeling, seeming worse every moment she heard the shutter sound of a phone camera toward her.
Dupont would have something to talk about for weeks now.
"... who does he think he is?!" Kagami says. She was the only one who seemed coolly calm. "Who YOU think you are." There were more than sharp words coming out. There were canines becoming sharper by the moment and a lack of control going on.
Audrey seems offended by the girl’s words.
"Lower your tone, young lady." She replies. Her tone was threatening. “Do you know who you are talking to? I'm Audrey Bourgeois, one of the greatest designers of the world. Wife of the mayor of Paris. And I can end your family's life in two seconds.”
Adrien smiles mockingly at the woman's words. "I'd love to see that happen... Auntie."
The woman chokes offended at the nickname, but doesn't seem surprised by the boy's behavior.
She raises her eyebrow.
"When Gabriel told me that you were in your rebel phase and that you were taking Chloe the wrong way, I really didn't believe it." She says. "But I see this time he has some reason to warn me."
The Pack grunts at the man's name.
"I knew that piece of trash wouldn't be quiet." Max mutters venomously.
"It's time we put an end to this old man." Kim mumbles back.
Audrey seemed to tire of all the little show they were giving Dupont's students and grabbed Chloe's arm, trying to pull the girl into the limo parked on the sidewalk.
“Come on Chloe, you have to pack your bags. We leave for New York today.” She turns, ignoring the Pack.
Something pops in Marinette, because all she can do is slap Audrey's hand away from Chloe and put herself between them. She probably looked like a wild animal right now.
The stylist shrugs her arm, holding her injured hand. Red face in indignation.
"Don't touch her." Marinette says. "Or I'll be forced to do something you won't like."
“Oh? What are you going to do? Tell your parents? You're nobody, little girl.” Audrey laughs sarcastically. “Chloe, let's go. Now."
"Nette, please, I don't want you to get in trouble." Chloe whispers, the pain was clear in the words.
The sound that comes from Marinette's chest is animalistic. The sound made the Pack shudder with the force and the dark feeling dripping into it.
Marinette would not let Chloe be taken. Not by Audrey, at least.
She doesn't look away from the adult Bourgeois before firing commands at the Pack.
"Damian, call Richard." The boy is quick to pick up the phone. “Adrien, call Clark and Lois. Let them know they can release that story in the newspaper.” The blonde doesn't even blink at the command. “Kim, Max and Luka, take Chloe to my house and don't let her out of sight.” Max and Kim surround Chloe and she gets carried away.
"Are you sure you want me to go, Mari?" Luka asks quietly, hesitating to leave. He knew that Damian and Adrien were not good at being Marinette's conscience in difficult situations. "I can stay and Adrien go with Chloe."
Marinette waves denying it. She looks at him just fast enough to calm him down before turning her attention back to Audrey.
“Kagami will stay with me and can keep me from doing something extreme.” Responds. "Chloe will need you more now."
“Alright, bu-”
"I'll call if I need support." Kagami is quick to answer him.
Luka hesitates for two more seconds before running after the other three who were waiting in the car with Auguste (aka Gorilla).
When only Damian, Marinette, Adrien and Kagami were left with Audrey (besides the audience watching), Marinette calmed down. The heated air was suddenly getting cold.
She was ready to attack.
“Do you really think hiding Chloe from me is going to work? I am her mother! The first lady! I run this town!” Audrey starts to scream. "Nothing you do will stop me from taking my daughter away from this... filthy relationship going on here."
Kagami steps forward wanting to attack the woman, but Adrien holds her hand and she stops, coming back to herself.
Damian had hung up the phone signaling an "OK" with his fingers.
"How about you shut up?" He says. “Keep talking will only make your situation worse.”
“Make my situation worse? What the hell are you talking about?!”
"He's talking about you getting arrested." Marinette replies without emotion. "Assault on a minor, threats, conspiracy with another adult to kidnap a child... There is a long list of your crimes."
Audrey looks attacked by Marinette's words, but also snorts in confusion.
“Conspiracy to kidnap a child?!” She grits her teeth. “Look at me and tell me if I look like someone who kidnaps someone! She is my daughter and I have the right to take her wherever I want when I want.”
Adrien laughs cynically at the woman.
"Not. You don't have.” He says. "Do you remember signing a document giving Chloe full custody to the mayor after signing the divorce a few months ago?"
“Yeah, we know you are no longer the mayor's wife and you have no right to do what you did. If you left the country with Chloe without André's written permission, it would become a kidnapping.” Kagami cuts her off.
“She's my daughter!” Audrey stomps her foot.
"No, she is not. You gave up that right and now you hit her.” Damian growls. "You're lucky that murder is against the law, because otherwise..." He whispers deadly, but she can hear.
Audrey turns pale at the boy's words. Seeming to notice for the first time that the four teenagers had equal expressions of hate.
She opened her mouth to say something more, but the sound of police car sirens interrupted her and soon Dick was getting out of the car with Roger.
"Good afternoon." The Parisian cop politely greets, Dick nods without saying anything. “We received a complaint of public disorder and aggression against a minor.”
Audrey, knowing she would be in trouble, tries to get out of the situation by playing the victim.
"Officers, please, those brats went crazy and kidnapped my daughter!" There was a fake tear running down her cheek.
"What?!" Damian complains indignantly. "This crazy woman who was trying to kidnap one of us!"
Roger seemed frankly unsure of what to do, while Dick was watching the scene analytically. He was probably choosing the best way to end Audrey Bourgeois in front of everyone.
"What? No! You who kidnapped my Chloe and assaulted me!” She pointed her finger theatrically. “They threatened me, officer! Me! The first lady!”
"Madam, please." Roger takes Audrey by the shoulders and the woman makes an expression of disgust at the gesture. “Let's calm down. This confusion is attracting a much bigger audience than before.”
Only then does Audrey seem to notice that not only did Dupont's students watch (and film), but pedestrians passing by stopped to watch the confusion.
A TVi car getting closer and closer to guarantee the gossip of the day.
"Great! So, everyone learns about the sordid behavior that this school promotes towards students and how it corrupted my daughter!”
“Audrey Bourgeois-“ Marinette takes a step forward, looking at the woman and shaking her head. "Sorry! I meant Audrey Bisset.” She winks conspiratorially with the stylist's offended expression. "Here are your options."
She holds up a finger to signal "1" and begins, a soft voice.
"The first option is for you to leave now, without making another scene and we will not report you to these kind officers here."
The middle finger raises following the index finger. The "2".
"The second is that you continue and we are obliged to report you."
The ring finger raises to "3".
"Or I can just release very intimate files of yours on the internet and in the press, if you insist." Marinette lowers her arm and crosses the two behind her back, in a timid gesture. “Look, I knew you had some skeletons in the closet, but wow! What we found is enough to buy the entire IKEA and there is still no closet to store the bones.”
Roger, despite not appearing to like what Marinette was talking about, was curious about what she knew.
He was never a fan of Audrey Bourgeois for the way the woman treated her husband and daughter. Roger hated it every time Sabrina came home crying because Chloe had been particularly mean to her due to Audrey's influence.
The woman forced herself to be as unpleasant as possible and did not seem to have a drop of love in her heart.
Just greed and status.
“What.” Audrey babbles.
"Evan Halle." Kagami throws the name in the air, relaxed.
Audrey gets two shades paler. "How do you-"
"Laurence Green." Adrien continues.
The woman's skin changes to a greenish tone.
"Alright! I'm leaving!" She screams. "But you have to promise that the press will not know those names!"
"Deal!" Marinette waves happily. A sweet, very sweet smile, on the lips.
Audrey puts the sunglasses back on her face, composing herself. She pretends not to notice the press filming everything live for viewers at home and turns to get into the limo.
"Odette Han." Dick finally speaks and with that Audrey seems ready to run at any moment. “This is part of some of the names listed in the files. You will have to accompany us to the police station.”
He steps in front of her, preventing Audrey from trying to escape. Roger followed his movement and took the stylist by the arm.
“It will be good if you collaborate with us. Otherwise, we will be forced to handcuff you in front of everyone.” He says when Audrey tries to break free.
She looks at Marinette, anger in her expression and her eyes are wet with humiliation.
"You said you wouldn't let anyone know!" She rages at Marinette, losing her composure for the first time.
She struggles in Roger's grip, wanting to move forward on Marinette, but the man has an iron grip on the woman's arm and she stops.
Damian smirks. A dangerous look.
"She said she wouldn't release it in the press or on the internet." He answers. "And I believe that she is fulfilling the agreement, since the police are not part of the press."
Dick takes the opportunity to put the handcuffs on Audrey's wrists. “And she won't be the one to tell the press. It will be me.”
When Audrey starts struggling again trying to break free, Roger drags her into the police car. Leaving Dick with the teenagers.
“Thank you so much for your help, Richard. She wouldn't give up on Chloe if you hadn't arrived.” Marinette sighs a smile.
Dick raises an eyebrow, seeming not at all convinced by the false sincerity in the girl's words. He knew she could be quite manipulative when needed.
"You're welcome." He answers. “We were lucky to have obtained these files before she arrived in Paris. Chloe will be safe now.”
Kagami snorts. "What are you talking about? Chloe was always safe. Audrey only touched her because that was the plan.”
"Yes! And everything came out the way we planned!” Adrien claps the hands, a huge smile on his face.
"The slap was much stronger than imagined, but it gave the effect we wanted." Damian nods sharply. "The anger I felt when I saw the mark was genuine."
Dick's eyes widen in surprise.
"Wait, did you know this was going to happen?"
“Duh. Of course." Marinette replies. “Appearing at school all together and happy. We knew there would be gossip, especially nasty gossip from our class.” She rolls her eyes. "So, we took advantage of that knowing that Lila wouldn't be quiet and we let her get closer to Gabriel."
“But how were you sure he was going to talk to Audrey? I thought they didn't get along.”
"Because Gabriel likes to be in control." Kagami speaks. “He doesn't like to be told. Especially if the people giving the order are children.”
“My father wants to isolate me. If I lose all my friends, he will be able to regain control over me as before.”
"So, Gabriel, thinking that Audrey would take Chloe away from us, warns the woman about an "orgy" involving only daughter she has and she comes running to save her." Damian continues.
“But you didn't need evidence of the crimes she committed to get her away from Chloe. She had no right, so she would be arrested even if you didn't do anything.” Dick crosses his arms. "So why all this staging?"
Marinette smiles, a dark mood shining in the blueberry eyes.
"Because that way we send a message to everyone, especially Gabriel."
"And what message would that be?" Dick questions.
"Never mess with the Pack."
The “otherwise” was left unsaid, but the meaning was clear.
"I didn't know you could be such a good actress, Apis." Kim praises Chloe, eyes glued to the news channel.
The girl snorts. "I am good at everything."
Max jumps on the couch, turning up the sound of the TV when a footage (probably from a cell phone, if judged by the image quality), particularly good of Chloe's marked face, appeared on the screen.
"Fuck." He swears in wonder. "It looks a lot worse on TV."
Luka sits next to the three and places the ice pack gently on Chloe's face, who moans gratefully.
That hurt like hell.
"I didn't think Audrey would be that strong." Luka comments. "Your face will be swollen for a few days, Apis."
"All for the greater good." She sighs.
They would have no more to worry about for a while.
"What the hell was this all about?" Ivan grumbles.
“Why was Chloe's mother arrested? Anybody know?" Rose asks.
Alix swallows a sigh when she sees Nadja Chamack announce that Audrey Bisset has been arrested for promoting slave labor in her clothing line, bribery and blackmail.
"Guys, come see this!" She calls.
They were all gathered on Juleka's boat (thinking that Chloe had gone there with Luka) wanting to know what it was all about in front of the school.
"Damn it. The mayor's wife is hardcore." Nino whistles in surprise.
"It looks like they're not together anymore." Alya says. Eyes glued to the cell phone. “The mayor filed for divorce five months ago and took custody of Chloe. It looked like she wanted to take Chloe to New York without his permission and then the police were called.”
"But how did he know that?" Nathaniel asks. "That she was trying to get Chloe out of Paris?"
"Hm... It says here that 'friends concerned about the physical and emotional integrity of the mayor's daughter, called the police and made the report'." Juleka reads aloud.
"They?" Sabrina asks.
"They." Alya waves.
Lila couldn't help thinking that Marinette's group was unpleasantly scary. They didn't seem to take any effort to break down the obstacles on the way.
She feared for when her time came.
Because she was not stupid.
Her time was coming.
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foreverfeelslike · 4 years
The Stories Behind folklore: an analysis
Get ready for a wild ride. I know the point of these songs/stories is that they are fragmented and based on imagery, so I don’t really believe that there is a completely linear, fleshed out story and I think multiple characters could have been the speakers to the same songs. There is definitely evidence against my version of the story. Either way, Taylor clearly left easter eggs to a bigger picture, so here is my interpretation of it.
Betty (who is Rebekah Harkness)
James (Betty’s first boyfriend and husband who cheated on her multiple times)
The mistress
The other guy at the dance during mirrorball
Husband 2
Taylor (and Joe)
cardigan (young Betty, this is where our story starts, also Taylor helped by making this the first single): I will start by saying this song has numerous ties to Taylor’s life. “Vintage tee” references her 1989 era, “sequined smile, black lipstick, sensual politics” references her reputation era. This is Betty speaking, but Betty resembles Taylor a lot. And Betty is young and intelligent “when you are young they assume you know nothing.” Then we have “I knew you” immediately after “they assume you know nothing,” so Betty knows James is going to cheat on her. “Dancin’ in your Levis” sounds a lot like “dark jeans and you Nikes” from Delicate, so this resembles Taylor and Joe again. Taylor was obviously in a low time when she met Joe, feeling like “an old cardigan” but Joe saved her. Here, we learn that Betty was insecure and the attention from James made her feel loved. Then she references the cheating, foreshadowing the whole story “chase two girls, lose the one.” James cheats on Betty, and loses the one (a reference to the mistress, who James does not end up with.  James and Betty end up getting married, but the mistress feels like James was her 1. This is also a reference to how James continues to cheat on Betty during their marriage and Betty leaves him, so he loses the one. Remember the difference in writing between the 1 and the one because it comes up in hoax, differentiating Betty and the mistress). “Playing hide-and-seek and giving me your weekends...once in twenty lifetimes” is still part of Betty and James’s story, the wonderful beginning of their relationship, but resembles Taylor and Joe secretly dating. Especially the “twenty lifetimes” part which is eerily reminiscent of “twenty seconds or twenty years” from Lover. “Kiss in cars and downtown bars” is also like Delicate again, and Joe clearly drew stars around Taylors scars. Betty is “bleeding now though, because James ends up cheating on her after having healed her. Betty saw that it would happen all along, and “tried to change the ending” by giving him multiple chances. “The ending”/“film”/“movie” will come up a lot. Betty takes James back because she knew that if she didn’t, James would “haunt all of my what-ifs.” She also knows she’d “curse him for the longest time,” which will come up again too. James comes back after cheating on Betty the first time (the events of the song betty) and is standing on her front porch.
mirrorball (Betty): This song is from Betty’s perspective, an innocent girl at a school dance who is highly insecure. She is on her “tallest tiptoes,” showing that she is balancing and about to fall over. We know this is Betty because she is ”spinning” on her “highest heels,” as referenced in the song cardigan. (There is also a reference to James being “the master of spin,” in mad woman, showing that she had fallen into his trap.) We know Betty will “change everything” about herself to fit in or make things work, showing her insecurity, vulnerability, and tendency to self-silence. So we can also see that she will take James back in the future even though she knows “the end is near.” “The end is near” because this is “where it all went wrong,” as James says in the song betty in reference to this dance. James stands her up (or so she thinks) at the dance, (“Your favorite song was playing, From the far side of the gym, I was nowhere to be found, I hate the crowds, you know that, Plus, I saw you dance with him” is James’s perspective of this event). So Betty dances with another guy, “trying everything to keep you looking at me.” So she is trying to make James jealous and prevent him from leaving or cheating on her, which she knows is about to happen (remember, she is intelligent/can see the future as stated in cardigan). We see that she is on a “tightrope,” showing the danger and fragility of her and the relationship. Now this next part is extremely important: “I’m still a believer but I don’t know why… all I do is try, try, try.” This will come up in hoax and this is me trying. It also shows her willingness to try to make this work when she knows it won’t.
august (the mistress): This song opens with “salt air, rust on your door,” two images that easily fit into a teenagers house in the summer. Keep in mind that “rust” comes up again in this is me trying and “salt air” could be a reference to the Rhode Island house, but we’ll worry about that later. I won’t stay long on this song because it is obviously the first affair when James cheats on Betty with the mistress. We see the car that’s referenced  in Betty, blah blah blah. The mistress was living “for the hope of it all,” a clue that she is the singer of the 1.
betty (James): 17 year old James shows up asking for forgiveness from Betty after cheating on her in august with the mistress. James clearly really cares about Betty “When I passed your house it’s like I couldn’t breathe,” “I know I miss you,” “slept next to her but I dreamt of you all summer long,” and he’s planned this moment in his head. Hear is the first image of someone walking up to a door/waiting at a door and someone at a party that somehow doesn’t belong. I’m still a bit confused on these images because they repeat with different contexts and possible characters/scenarios… but this thing might not be a linear story so it’s okay. Important to note here: James did not know if Betty would take him back or tell him to go fuck himself. Betty, whose character we know to be insecure and overly forgiving, is obviously going to take him back, but James is terrible at reading her mind. 
the 1 (the mistress, after James and Betty get married): “The greatest films of all time were never made,” is another reference to the “film,” “movie,” what have you. This film was NOT made though, referencing the mistress and James who never had a real relationship. It’s not that this film didn’t have an ending, it’s that it never existed at all. The mistress says James is “Having adventures on your own, you meet some woman on the internet and take her home.” This is not a reference to the woman whom James marries, but the extra-marital adventures he is having despite being married. The mistress used to be a part of these adventures, but now she’s not only not the wife, she’s not even the mistress. Further clues that this isn’t Betty: “We never painted by the numbers baby,” indicating that their relationship didn’t follow the rules. Also “roaring twenties,” could be a reference to august slipping “away like a bottle of wine.” But instead, the rosé is “flowing with your chosen family.”
illicit affairs (James, cheating on Betty during their marriage): Why “illicit” and not just “affairs”? Because Betty and James are now married, so this is even worse than him cheating on her when they were dating/together in high school. This song is much more adult and scary/paranoid than august or betty. This affair is serious and secretive and dangerous. “Keep your head down, “Tell your friends you were out for a run” have much more terrified tones than the way the first affair was talked about. James is an adult, this is during his marriage, and we know it’s him because he has cheated before, is still having “adventures” with an internet woman, and breaks the multiple chances that Betty gives him (evidence coming soon). Still trying to figure out “what started in beautiful rooms ends with meetings in parking lots.” Could be a reference to the second affair beginning in the rhode island mansion, but the timing doesn’t work out. “Meetings in parking lots” parallels “meet me behind the mall,” but that’s all I got. Now we have “a drug that only worked the first few hundred times,” proving that James keeps cheating and cheating. We also have “stolen stares, they show their truth one single time but they lie and they lie and they lie.” James tells Betty the truth about cheating once, during the events of betty. Then he continues to cheat and lie to her. He does this “a million little times,” mirroring the “million pieces” that Betty knows she will break into (when she falls off the tightrope) during mirrorball. It hasn’t been said yet, but Betty knows James is cheating and begins to mentally breakdown, becoming an alcoholic and almost committing suicide (see exile, this is me trying, and hoax for evidence, but I’m also not sure about the timeline). 
exile (James, after Betty leaves him): It starts with James reliving the events of mirrorball in his head, watching her dance with the other guy, leaving him out in the hall with all his love (“I can see you standing, honey, With his arms around your body”).  James has “seen this film before “and “didn’t like the ending” because he cheated on her and then she broke up with him (the first time). “You’re not my homeland anymore” and he is in “exile.” Betty cut him out and we see that James thinks of Betty as home (this will come up in my tears ricochet). Betty has given James “second, third, and hundredth chances,” showing that she did forgive him and he continued to cheat and she knew. Betty, who was walking on a “tightrope” earlier, falls on breaking branches and saying “those eyes add insult to injury,” referencing the stares from illicit affairs. James is blind-sighted by Betty leaving (remember during the events of betty, James is bad at reading her mind) “you never gave a warning sign.” Immediately after, Betty responds saying “I gave so many signs,” referencing her mental struggle and alcoholism? (coming in this is me trying) that he somehow never noticed. There is proof this is about James cheating because James says “I couldn’t turn things around…”
TLGAD (Betty/Rebekah Harkness, the timing I’m not sure of but I’ll explain): So this song is about Rebekah Harkness, which you can Wikipedia or Google to prove. Rebekah also went by Betty (Taylor’s mind wtf). Rebekah is a “middle-class divorcée, so she has left James at the time of this song and now lives in the Rhode Island mansion. She gets married again “the wedding was charming.” Then he mysteriously dies “it must have been her fault his heart gave out.” The words “loudest,” “shameless,” and “madest” appear in this song, so this is the woman from mad woman. Rebekah/Betty quickly “gave up” on the Rhode Island set, giving up on her new life/husband, throwing huge parties with her “Bitch Pack friends” where the pools are filled with champagne (sounds like reputation Taylor doesn’t it?). But this crazy woman is also known to be “seen on occasion pacing the rocks, staring out at the midnight sea” (see hoax and this is me trying). Then it becomes Taylor, who reveals that the Rhode Island house is now her Rhode Island house, and who draws connections between herself and Rebekah/Betty ruining everything. (From now on, I will refer to Rebekah/Betty as only Betty again.)
hoax (Betty suring the events of TLGAD): “My only one,” is a reference to James, the only man she ever loved. (Remember the 1 vs the one I talked about in cardigan? Also it doesn’t seem like she loved her second husband.) “This had broken me down,” refers to her mental downfall resulting in her alcoholism, leaving James, going wild at the Rhode Island house, and eventually ending up on the cliffside (Betty said in mirrorball when she breaks it’s in a million pieces). “Twisted knife,” is James stabbing her in the back by cheating multiple times. “Sleepless nights,” are the nights she has spent without him since, and are later referenced in my tears ricochet. She “stood on the cliffside screaming “Give me a reason.” She’s the woman from TLGAD and she’s so heartbroken without James that she almost kills herself. She still believes her and James could be together “Your faithless love’s the only hoax I believe in.” (Remember “I’m still a believer but I don’t know why” from cardigan?) Then we have a reason for why she goes back to James even when he has cheated on her “Don't want no other shade of blue but you, No other sadness in the world would do.” She’d rather be with a faithless lover than alone. Here comes her statement of blame: “I am ash from your fire,” which will come up in my tears ricochet. The “hero” from the “movie” comes back too: “You knew the hero died so what’s the movie for? You knew it still hurts underneath my scars.” We said that the movie is Betty and James’s relationship, but Betty knows that her old self, pure Betty, is dead (the old Taylor is dead? hmmmm). Then I get confused, “You knew the password so I let you in the door.” Could this be a reference to the first time James comes back to her and asks for forgiveness during the events of betty? Could the pure Betty/hero have died during the first affair, but is so insecure (which James knows, since he knows the password) that she lets him come back anyway? Also “scars,” anyone? That shit’s from cardigan too. 
this is me trying (Betty, who comes back to James? Most of the events take place earlier in the story, but we need put the song here because she is reflecting back). So I’m struggling with when she became an alcoholic. Maybe it is after she left James and went to Rhode Island, because she says “I’ve been having a hard time adjusting.” This is Betty because she had the “shiniest wheels,” calling back to her being a shiny mirrorball. She has left James, but is going back to him “I didn’t know if you’d care that I came back, I have a lot of regrets about that.” She regrets leaving James, a CHEATER. This must be Betty, who gives this guy so many chances and still loves him despite him destroying her. Now Betty is “here in your doorway.” She says, “this is me trying” to make things work, to pick herself up again (Remember “all I do is try, try, try” from cardigan?). Then we have “all of my cages were mental, so I got wasted like all my potential” which resembles people calling her crazy in TLGAD and her new life being thrown away because she was mentally unstable. Keep “my words shoot to kill when I’m mad,” in mind for later. Betty was destined for a good life, being ahead of the curve and a sphere (mirrorball?) but she breaks and turns to a stranger (husband 2?). Then we know during her Rhode Island parties, she was thinking about James the whole time: “And it's hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound, It's hard to be anywhere these days when all I want is you, You're a flashback in a film reel on the one screen in my town.” Hello… “film,” “town,” “the one,” and “wound!” Then… “at least I’m trying,” because JAMES ISN’T TRYING HE KEEPS CHEATING!!! But Betty is back with James. (There is no happy ending though, because the “hero” is dead and Betty’s mental stability isn’t coming back.)
mad woman (Betty, after she is back with James): This has to be after TLGAD/this is me trying but before my tears ricochet. Betty goes back, but the relationship isn’t going to work. Betty is a mad woman: “Does a scorpion sting when fighting back? They strike to kill, and you know I will.” (like “my words shoot to kill when I’m mad” from this is me trying). Then we have “What do you sing on your drive home?” referencing the cars, affairs, and how when Betty is in the car, she stops at the lookout/cliffside instead of having affairs. Then we see Betty is mad… she asks if James sees “my face in the neighbor’s lawn?” as if she is spying on him? Or is she talking about the dog she dyed green, who represents the fact that she has gone mad? (They are at the Rhode Island house.) Then we see the callback to the first time James cheated when he was cared Betty would tell himm to fuck himself, but this time, Betty as a mad woman says “fuck you forever.” Now Betty is the one on fire “I breathe flames.” Then I get confused again. Betty says “It's obvious that wanting me dead, Has really brought you two together.” Obviously James is cheating again, but is this Betty being mad and over paranoid? James definitely doesn’t want Betty dead, which we see in my tears ricochet. I think this shows that Betty is really unhinged. Further proof that this is Betty and James: “I’m taking my time,” means she’s playing the “good” wife again, but the “master of spin has a couple of side flings.”
my tears ricochet (James is dead, and Betty is at his wake, but also Taylor and Big Machine Records): “Weeping in a sunlit room” could be a reference to the fact that they are in Rhode Island (“it was sunny” from TLGAD). James, who speaks from the grave, says “If I’m on fire, you’ll be made of ashes too,” saying that while he did something wrong, Betty is going to suffer too (for killing him? Also remember “I am ash from your fire,” from hoax). James acknowledges his wrongs, but indicates that Betty, as a mad woman, did something even worse: “And if I'm on fire, you'll be made of ashes, too Even on my worst day, did I deserve, babe All the hell you gave me? 'Cause I loved you, I swear I loved you 'Til my dying day.” So yeah, James is an asshole, but apparently he did care for Betty. James “didn’t have it in myself to go with grace,” so he cheated right up until the end. James is “dead to” Betty, who is clearly done with him for cheating all this time, but Betty is “at the wake” (because all this time, she really wanted things to work out too?). Betty is “cursing my name, wishing I stayed,” in reference to wishing James had never cheated and Betty knowing she’d “curse him for the longest time,” as stated in cardigan. James is dead and Betty is alive because the living character is wearing “the same jewels that I gave you,” right after the song mentions “diamonds.” Proof that her former husband is dead. (This doesn’t seem like husband #2 at all, especially because the dead character, James, says “I can go anywhere I want, just not home,” which sounds like a clear reference to exile to me.) He also says “when you can’t sleep at night you hear my stolen lullabies,” referencing “sleepless nights” from hoax, and the “lullabies” he should have sang her but that went to mistresses instead, hence being “stolen.” Then he says “You had to kill me, but it killed you just the same...drunk on this pain,” which sounds like him saying that Betty goes into a downward spiral (being a mad woman). And Betty, at least old, pure Betty, dies too, since James’s tears ricochet. (I’ve also read a theory that this is about Taylor’s struggle with Big Machine, but I can’t find that post.)
Anyway, I know some things don’t make sense. I’ve been writing this for five hours straight. This is just one interpretation. folklore is beautiful and Taylor is a masterpiece. Thanks for reading!
@taylorswift @taylorswift
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Yamata-No-Orochi (Part 1) Uncle Caesar
We’re finally getting to the tail end of the Story Quests. Thanks for reading this far if you have. :D I’m so happy writing this, I’m just plugging story beats out like a happy like choochoo train, but this took a bit of thought.
This scene does not appear in the novel, manhua, or the game, however, it logically sets up a conflict that should have been there had the MC had real relationships with the characters and actual agency in the story. 
It was about 9 am in the morning when Caesar got you out of bed and dressed you up as usual. He didn’t choose anything too casual or too sexual. He chose a yellow pleated skirt, a simple cotton white blouse and warm navy jean jacket, and knee high waterproof boots and invited you out with him for the day.
“Where are we going?” You had asked him.
“Just out shopping. Whatever you like. You’ve had a hard time. So it will be good for your mental state to get out and not be shut in feeling sorry for yourself.” He replied. But his eyes are not sunny, but clouded, like the sky over Tokyo.
So you spent the day shopping after breakfast, mostly for clothes and shoes. But Caesar took you to a toy store and insisted you buy something to play with. “You never played as a kid right?” He had asked you.
“No… not really. I liked to watch movies.” 
“Pick out a game. Anything you want.”
He didn’t accompany you shopping for the toys. He stood outside, smoking the cigar with his umbrella, not minding the rain. You were concerned about Kaguya but the disturbed weather was disrupting a lot of the internet access around Tokyo and the umbrellas provided physical disguise against searching surveillance cameras. Caesar didn’t mind being out, and while you shopped, he was keeping watch.
You spent a long time pacing the shelves, back and forth until finally you settled on a Sailor moon action figure. You pick it up and smile at the signature phrasing. “In the name of the Moon, I will punish you!” You could still hear the words clear in your head.
You come out with your single doll in the small bag and you put your two fingers in a V-shape over your eye playfully, just like the heroine in the Anime.
Caesar grinned broadly, but the sadness did not leave his eyes. 
You’d spent so much time in the stores that the sun  was already going down. “I’ve made reservations for dinner. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Won’t Nono get jealous?” You snort.
“Not at all. She knows she has all my heart in her hands. But it's important to talk to you. You gave a starheart to Ruri Kazama last night. That means he reached you, right?”
“Yes, but … he’s the lead member of a yakuza group and he’s kinda out of my league.”
He waved the cigar in his hand airily. “It’s good for a young woman to raise her station through marriage in any case. But in your case, I don’t think any man is out of your league. If you think he is above you, then that’s a good thing. There are not many men like that. Much less, a man like that who you’d find attractive enough to grant a star-heart.” 
You laugh. “You sound like an old Uncle playing matchmaker.”
“I know and I hate it, but I’ve given it a lot of thought.” He grimaced. “I thought you would be good for Lu Mingfei, but he’s a stable European Hybrid who grew up in a stable household. You’re a wild thing of the White King. You’d never be a good match.” Caesar mused. “Ruri, on the other hand, knew more about you than you did about yourself. You seem to understand each other well. You clicked at the Takamagahara Club. I was pretty pissed about that but now… not so much.”
You’d walked until you reached the historical luxury district. There were restaurants here that were passed down generation to generation for hundreds of years. They survived both World War I and World War II. The bricks and mortar were older than Anjou.
He reached over your head to open a small glass door. Inside, you saw only an old Japanese man behind a counter, who looked at you through his craggy face. You figured that this place was by reservation only simply because it was so small. “Let me guess? You bought out every table in this place?”
“That’s right. Lu Mingfei helped me with the Japanese.”
“Is he doing alright?” You ask.
“Yep. He’s got that girl wrapped around his little finger.”
“That’s kinda messed up.” You say, recalling your last conversation with Chance about Izanami using Izanagi’s feelings to further her own ends.
“Well, hopefully it will turn out to be genuine.”
You shake your head smiling. “You really are an Old Uncle.”
Caesar pulls out the chair for you and you sit. “Don’t worry about ordering anything. Everything here is good.”
A waitress came and poured sake into saucers from a black bottle and you remember that you promised Caesar to have a date over Sake and this was it. You can’t believe you forgot about that but given everything that was happening it was understandable. It was more incredible that Caesar actually remembered.
Once the sake was poured, Caesar raised his saucer and you joined him in a toast. “A toast to the best damn freshman I’ve ever met.”
“And a toast to the fearless friend of justice!”
The sake was good, not quite sweet but full of the aroma and taste of rice in the alcohol.
“I want to discuss your future at Cassell after this. It’s unfortunate to say, but once this mission is over, even if I’m alive at the end, I won’t be able to shield you from the school board or anyone else.”
Your eyebrows raise. “Oh? The Gattuso heir admitting that he can’t protect a lady? Did I wake up in an alternate universe?”
But Caesar didn’t laugh or crack a smile. “It’s the official policy of Cassell College not to admit anyone with unstable blood, like yours. My family pursued Chu Zihang because they suspected him of being of poor bloodline. Had they succeeded, they would have sent him away on an island, far from human civilization. I was able to vouch for him at his trial and foil their plans, but I won't’ be able to help you if you run afoul of them because after this mission, I’m graduating, MC. I will go back to Italy and marry Nono.”
Your expression falls and you feel a trapdoor has just opened underneath you. You were still heartsick over losing Chance. But Caesar was your support staff you could lean on. Without him, you would have given into despair long ago. How could you stand on your own now? You would find a way surely but you hadn’t expected to part from him so soon.
He stares at you now and you understand the cloudy look in his eyes. “I want to make an arrangement with you. For your safety. But it will take you far away from me. So I don’t like it. But I feel it's the best for you. If you agree, then… alright.”
“Alright,” You echo. “Let's hear it.”
“We talked a little last night about how Ruri Kazama wants the Devil Clan to join Cassell and replace Hydra as the Japan Branch. But Ruri Kazama does not want to stay at Cassell and run the Devil Clan. His dream is to become a Kabuki actor and singer. He also mentioned that he recently lost his lover, and cannot help but feel extremely lonely. When he feels very lonely he looks for the loneliest girl and keeps her company. I think you can tell what I’m getting at.”
“Yes, we’re like mirror images of each other now.” You murmur. “So I will join the Devil Clan until Ruri can get them settled with Cassell College and then leave the Clan and Cassell to be a companion to Ruri Kazama?”
“You’ll be safer, and happier, with your own kind.” Caesar said, gloomily
You let out a breath. “But you’ll miss me.”
“I already do.” He reached for a cigarette and pulled it out. Old places like this didn’t mind smoking.
“Thank you for thinking of me. Of course, it really depends too on how well we get along.”
“You don't just give out star-hearts. Pursue him. I think it’ll be nice.”
The plate of artfully crafted fresh sushi was carried to you. Even though you have seen so many wonderful things in Japan, you continue to marvel at the creative ways they put rice together with fish and vegetables to make a bright and colorful display. Even the heads of the prawns served as a splashy centerpiece, their antennae waving slightly like bright orange fountains.
You eat in silence for a few minutes. Neither of you are adept with chopsticks so you just use your fingers. 
Finally Caesar broke the silence. “Can you tell me something? You mentioned Ruri Kazama would have to fight another lion. Who is this other lion? I saw that there is a mystery contender that also received a star heart.”
“He doesn’t have a name. I just call him Z, and he’s followed me my whole life. He won’t give up easily.” You lower your eyes and your chewing slows.
“Also a hybrid?” He glances at you, his blue eyes suddenly clear and sharp.
“Yes. The strongest hybrid out of all of Black Swan Bay.”
“Your old boyfriend.” Caesar looked out of the glass door at the front of the store.
“We were never really boyfriend and girlfriend. He trained me to fight. He’s specifically told me not to fall in love with Ruri Kazama.”
“Any particular reason why?” Caesar balanced the cigarette on his fingers.
“He says he knows how that story will end.” You look at him seriously. “He’s possessive and very jealous. It might not go well for Ruri if we end up together.”
“If you’re not boyfriend or girlfriend, what does he care who you end up with?” He put the cigarette between his lips and inhaled.
“I don't know.”
“What will happen if you defy him?”
“I’ll probably die. He’s the one who has guarded my life. My guardian angel. He says that he has known how to keep me alive from the very beginning. If I don’t do what he says, then he probably won’t keep guaranteeing my life.”
Caesar’s eyes narrowed and you saw the killer aura rise in his eyes. “Where can I find this Z person?”
You shrug. “He’s a mysterious thing. All these years and I still can’t figure him out. He just… has a lot of control over things that happen. Like everyone is a puppet on a string and he’s the ultimate puppetmaster. Even Chu Zihang couldn’t help but notice how fortunate it was that we ended up in the backyard of Genji Heavy Industries to hide. Or how the fortunate earthquake I caused managed to assist you in battle. He was the one who took me down to the Genji Elevator and showed me the deadpool even though Chisei Gen didn’t know about it. He was the one who told me to cause the earthquake that saved Lu Mingfei in the elevator.”
Caesar leaned forward. “So is he our ally?”
You lower your voice. “I think your purposes align. He views you as no competition to him. He only gets annoyed at my love interests. Since you are not pursuing me, he couldn’t care less what you do. But I’m telling you this, because if you do send me away with Ruri, it could have consequences both for Ruri Kazama and you.”
“A love triangle?” His eyebrows raise.
“Yes.” You chuckle. “I guess you could call it that.”
Caesar lets out a breath and a puff of white smoke. “Just when I thought I had it all figured out.”
“You almost did.” You giggle freely.
“I do have one ace in the hole. If I can guarantee your life, then that will free you right?”
“But I’m dying as an unstable hybrid… I…”
“Yes but so is that Uesugi girl. The documents in that folder said that the Black Swan Bay children only lived to age 20 and at that age they inevitably turned into deadpool. Erii was created as a dying ghost, the same as you, by the same people that created you. You’re both alive, but you are 18 and Erii is 21.”
You gasp, suddenly breathless. Z’s words to you, that the key to your survival is in Tokyo, come roaring back.
“If I can figure out the secret to how they’re keeping her alive, then you won’t need the Z person.” Caesar smiles, but it’s challenging, snarling.
“You’re kidding! You’re not seriously considering competing with Z!” You always felt that Z, deep down, was a killer, who taught you to be a killer. What Caesar was doing was a dangerous thing, putting himself in the line of fire of someone who wouldn’t hesitate to arrange his death the same way he had arranged everything else.
But Caesar was always like this, running headlong into danger and saying, ‘I’ll figure it out when I get there’. And appealing to fear would never dissuade him.
“I’m not competing for your heart, only your freedom. I don’t like men who threaten the lives of women. There’s actually more I can say, but given your position, I’ll keep it to myself.” He was still smiling that deadly smile, staring out the door as though seeing an unseen person.
“Oh… my god…” You sigh. “Well, if anyone could do it, it would be you.”
Your appetite significantly diminished. You felt cold and anxious. You wondered what Z would say if he ever appeared to you again. You wondered if Z would ignore Caesar, or if Caesar would simply disappear without a trace, as though he never existed.
You left the restaurant and Caesar pulled you close, one hand over your narrow shoulders. “You’re afraid of him. Aren’t you?”
You don’t answer, not even with a nod.
“That makes me more curious. Stay close to me then. That way, if he wants to keep you, he’ll have no choice but to show himself.”
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euronymous-files · 3 years
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translated from Norwegian
"He came into my life at a time when I had just started listening to extreme and loud music. I sat at home in Råde and listened to local radio from Oslo. [...]
Frode Øien had a program where he invited the then unknown band Mayhem to visit because they had recorded a new demo tape. They were just incredibly mysterious and used pseudonyms and stuff, and I mean remember they took over the whole radio broadcast. To me, it sounded like Frode was set aside as host and the band took over for a couple of hours. It was absolutely magical. They played their own music, but not least they played lots of other things that were completely unknown, Hellhammer, Bathory, lots of early black metal and other extreme things. They obviously had great insight into what was going on and were by definition the only Norwegian band that existed in all these genres at once. They were the starting point for everything you could call extreme metal. It all starts with Mayhem."
Anders tells of how he became "insanely fascinated". [...] “The following week, a guy who was a competition winner appeared and said he was the brother of someone in the band. His name was Aarseth, and that led to me simply browsing the telephone directory, and I found only one Aarseth family in Ski. I took the chance and called and hit right on Øystein. That conversation must have lasted an hour or two. He met someone who was open to the same things as him, and then he was like a wandering library and very enthusiastic. His fervent commitment was something you felt right away, something he literally lived for. He gave my whole musical approach a kind of passion I had never experienced before.” To the young Anders, four years older Øystein Aarseth appeared as a kind of natural messenger of all the new things that were about to happen, and he swallowed everything he was told. He took in all the tips Øystein shared and received a lot of music that engulfed him, first from Øystein, then also from other bands.
"In the 80's it was not so common to have contact with people in other countries. If it were not unknown, getting to know people abroad was much more difficult than it is today. The only method was letter writing, and this whole underground scene was very much based on that. We wrote to each other and attached leaflets and fanzines and other things. You picked up the things you had on tape and changed the recording. Øystein introduced all this to me. I also went to practice with Mayhem. Back then I was 13 and a half years old, and got a first-hand impression of how the music sounded in your face in the rehearsal room. It made me completely obsessed that I should also start such a band. I had finally found my thing. This was very early in the development of black metal. We who came in right away make up a small but significant group of people. Among those I became acquainted with at that time are or were virtually all members of the most famous and prominent bands. Øystein had an incredibly central role as a source of inspiration and door opener for how to engage with music on the side of the industry, to be independent, in your own world."
Were there other aspects of him than the purely musical that inspired you? The energy, the courage, the talent? "What I took to myself very early was to sacrifice everything for this here. If you wanted to get somewhere with the music, you had to choose it over all other possible leisure activities and side tracks you could end up on, to only care about this music and abandon absolutely everything else. This was something he introduced as an opportunity. Many people did sports and had boyfriend projects and all sorts of things, social things that take a lot of time and resources, but here it was an alternative race to unfold in which I really took to. I had lived in a block and terraced house environment until I was ten years old and moved to a farm. I went from a life where people rang the doorbell all the time to being socially isolated. Now I got a platform that made it possible to break out."
Were you and Øystein friends or is there another way to describe their relationship? "I was a fanboy in the beginning. He got really mad when I copied everything he did. Then he was clear that this is not the way to do it. He was very careful about it. I was very young, and I was looking for band members myself in Fredrikstad and Østfold. When I started Cadaver, there was more mutual respect and a more collegial friendship. Things slipped a bit for him in '92 -'93. In the summer of '93, a few months before he died, he was very much looking for old friends. It was clear that he had been going through a period with a lot of focus on other things, but now he was looking up old friends to play the new Mayhem things that he had been working on for so long. I was with him several times during this time and felt that we had a friendship that was more mature. I had my band, had released an album and been on tour, and now Øystein was finally facing a breakthrough with the album he had talked about releasing for six or seven years. That he was killed became even more sad because of it. He knew he had made something very significant and very good, but never saw it come out."
"I was in a way close to the events", Anders says. "I also knew Pelle and was several times in the house where they lived in Kråkstad. When such things happen, you are shocked and think about what you could have done differently. But that Øystein did as he did was probably most related to his penchant for myth-making and image-building. He took it too far of course, but his way of thinking about things was that everything could be used for what it is worth in a PR context. I think it would have been perfectly fine if not everything that happened, it would not have made any difference. I remember hearing about him doing it, but not thinking much about it. He probably had an idea that this was so extreme that he had to do something about it. That might say something about how he liked to see things from above. He did not consider himself a direct part of it and did not see that there was anything wrong with it. I think he saw it in a kind of bird's eye view, but it's very difficult to say."
Where do you think Øystein would have been today if he had not been killed? "It's an exciting thing. We who knew him wonder if he had not grown tired of having to move closer to the regular music industry. In a way, he was a bit about to do it himself with his label, and also realized he could not run distribution on his own. I was part of his distribution. It worked so that he sent ten copies of a record to everyone he knew and trusted. All sold nine and sent money to him, and were allowed to keep one themselves. Those records are probably worth 10,000 kroner today. He signed several bands at the end, and the same day he died, Enslaved signed a contract with him. He had other things going on too, so I'm not sure where he ended up." "However, there was a lot going on around him that could have had an unfortunate effect", Anders believes. If he had not been killed by Varg Vikernes, or "The Count", it would probably have been rolled up that he was nearby when Holmenkollen chapel burned. "I do not know if he had been able to sit in jail. He was probably tougher in words than in reality. But what is mainly wrong with the myth of black metal and Øystein was that he created something with knowledge and will to succeed, as it was afterwards. It was rather the opposite. His ideas were to have this as a non-commercial business. You should deserve to hear this music. Being a listener in itself required a number of criteria. If it was up to him, as he told it, the whole scene would be a kind of lodge, and if you were first inside you would hear what others did not hear. But it was going to go away anyway, because it got too big." "Then he did not experience the internet, but it would have been something for him. Because he had so many extreme political ideas, the internet as it has been very much appealed to him. For example, he would be amazed at how widespread conspiracy theories have become. He was interested in extreme political directions, in Pol Pot and communism. I think he too had ended up in a more experimental musical direction. He was an extremist in everything he did and did it full on, and he probably still wanted to hunt for more and more extreme expressions."
[...] What is the best thing Øystein did? " "Freezing Moon". What I find very musically exciting is that it contains so few notes. The atonal and asymmetrical in the arrangement gives an introduction to something completely different than rock. It's the atmospheric, and the movements as we call it, and the riffs that are there. Øystein was concerned with throwing everything away and starting all over again, and it was such a song. It will always be a pillar in the Mayhem catalog and in the development of black metal."
read the full interview (in Norwegian) here
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karastrukel · 3 years
Blog 1 Week 2
In response to the Max Stossel video, something specific really stood out to me in my own personal life. It was when he was talking about the behind the scenes work of social media platforms. This specifically made me think about how whenever I talk about something, a few days later I’ll see an advertisement for it on a social media platform. These workers behind the scenes are purposely doing the work to continue to keep us engaged with their platform. Our phones can hear us and listen to us, which was also talked about in the video. This is something my roommates and I have been talking about for weeks prior to me enrolling in this class, and has been something I have always found equally scary and intriguing in learning more about.
In response to Emma Rathborne’s article, it made me reminisce a lot about my childhood. Before I was old enough to register for different social media accounts, I would do some of the things she mentioned in her article, such as drawing. My friends and I used to love drawing and storytelling to our families before social media was a thing. I really liked how she closed the article by saying you made your own fun.
I can’t imagine being a teenager or college student without social media, which is scary. Social media has an extremely high influence in my daily life. I can’t imagine going days without my phone being unable to contact anyone. I use my phone every single day to stay in touch with my friends and keep up on what they’re doing. Even to keep updated with the news going on in my town and in the world. I definitely see how this can have a negative impact, however, there are many positives as well. As a negative effect on my life, my phone is such a big distraction. Whenever I don’t feel like doing something, I go on my phone. Whenever I want to know something, I’m able to pick up my phone and find it. Social media also is full of drama and judgements. Text messages can be emotionally misinterpreted, which occurs a lot more than you’d assume. A lot of women specifically compare themselves to women on the internet based on their personality and body images, which is also toxic. However, social media can be used for the right reasons sometimes. One thing I love about the internet and social media is the ability to keep in touch with my friends from home while I’m at college. Having my family and friends just a phone call away is something I am extremely grateful for. Even things like the COVID-19 pandemic, and school being completely shifted online. I’m not sure what would’ve happened during the pandemic without advanced technology. Would we all have had to stay home and take a year off of school? Would we have gotten homework mailed to us? What if I had a question for my teacher? Thinking about what would have happened without access to the internet during the pandemic is extremely scary to think about.
I remember back in high school I went camping with my family, and there was no service in the area we went. I’m not a very outdoorsy girl, and I really don’t like camping that much. Getting there and finding out there was no service made me not want to be there even more. But my sister and I were in the same boat, and we had to find a way to entertain ourselves. So we explored, we went kayaking, we went swimming, we built fires, etc. We did a lot of things we probably wouldn’t have done as much (if not, at all) because there was no service.
While writing this response, I realized I really would like to limit my social media usage and teach myself to be more in the moment. I am also going to set a goal for myself to keep my phone and my laptop on do not disturb to set aside specific times to do homework. This is something I have been working on recently, especially when I have been writing papers. However, I’d like to do a better job at it. I think it is beneficial for me to live with so many people (there are 10 girls in my house), because it really limited my screen time when compared to last year living with just me and one other person.
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Witcher Of The Night (Chapter 3)
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Characters: Geralt of Rivia x small!Naive!Reader
Summary: Y/N seem to have woken up with a panic attack and with questions inside her head about on how she would come back to her world. Geralt may have said a solution to it, but it was rather difficult to achieve. Furthermore, it seems as if there was another thing difficult to attain as well which leaves him upset and frustrated with everything. No matter how you were out of place in Geralt's family, you couldn't help but still feel that peculiar warmth you wanted to feel forever.
Warnings: No modern references in this one except for fried chicken. Story title insertion! *wink wink nudge nudge* A lot of Jaskier, Geralt and Ciri banters and a soft but kinda rough Geralt in this one because of certain circumstances. THERE'S TENSION IF Y'ALL BE FEELING IT. AHONHONHON. Mention of Yennefer of Vengerberg in this one. Also explanation of portals and mention of potions used in the game. A lot of talking, less action. You’ll get your action and ANGST on the next chapterSSSSS! 
A/N: Reader is between 5'1 or 5'. You can imagine a 4'11 one if you want to! I JUST REALIZED...HOW...SHE'LL....THEY'LL....ALRIGHT, GET WRECKED, READER! 😅🤣🤣 
Taglist: @alyxkbrl​ @himarisolace​ @barkingbullfrog​ @ayamenimthiriel​ @hellodevilslittlesister​ @vania-marie​ @spookypeachx​ @grungelovebug​ @fangirl-inthe-us​ @nympeth​ @missjenniferb  (I couldn’t tag you bud! A different blog was popping out of the recommendation and it wasn’t your blog. Though, I’ll try again on the next update! Don’t worry!) @amirahiddleston​ @gabethelobster​ @dreaming-about-starfleet​ @uncoolcloudyhead @melaninstylezz​ 
Disclaimer: PNG's used in edits are not mine even the GIF's too. However, the edits and oneshots are definitely from moi. Characters, places and said monsters aren't from moi as well. I’ve taken it from the games.
MY WORKS ARE NOT NOT NOT NOT NOOOOOOT TO BE POSTED ON ANY OTHER WEBSITES. My official username in Wattpad is “TATATHEPOTATO” and that’s the only other site I have for writing aside from Tumblr. Thank you, Tater tots!
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The sun's rays cascaded on your face. Smell of burned out Oak wood whiffed through the air and filled your senses as faded voices suddenly become apparent for no reason, or probably a reason for you to wake up from your uncomfortable sleeping position.
Was it the TV? You thought to yourself, scrunching your nose from the sun that hit your face and merely from the dust that was flying all over the place. As much as you've remembered, cleaning has been your habit at home and having a dirty apartment was unfamiliar.
The rays of the sun was suddenly hidden from a body who had to lean down to take a good look at your face. You've hardly squinted your eye to blur out the television in the background, shifting your head around and leaning fully on your forehead instead to avoid your cat named Jafar from sniffing your face.
"Princess Cirilla," Geralt deeply groused, his grim seeming to be felt by how brooding he had to put up; inches away from Jaskier and Cirilla who were close to you and around the table, watching you sleep like a baby.
The light blonde princess who had bright ocean blue eyes demanded with a soft kick to the ground, "But, Geralt!" she bellowed with a huff, "I wanna be her friend! You lads aren't fun to be with!"
"She won't stay long, Cirilla. She isn't from our world," Geralt droned and felt the enervation of not having his sleep last night. You were weeping like a toddler all night and his heightened senses weren't helping himself when he could hear those snuffles echoing as he shifted and turned all over on his side of the bed.
It was beyond terrible and utmost irksome.
His initial thought was to help a screaming lady sprinting in the middle of the woods and shoo her off when he's done killing the creature hunting her down. He didn't expect for her to live with them after he did so' just like how Ciri eventually landed on his hands for him to take care of. Amazingly, the adoption he had consist of an explanation, a royal offer from the kingdom of Cintra that involves the Law Of Surprise unlike with you; there was none. Not even a justification as to why you were there with them.
Saving Y/N didn't mean another adoption was up to claim and for him to protect with all his life.
Jaskier sat on the wooden chair in front of you as he deliberated and tried to understand your situation in his own creative wits, "You mean a Teleporter?"
Geralt shook his head, eyes narrowing as he looked at you from the side; assessing your whole ordeal and trying to get a gist of magic in your veins, "No, Jaskier." Howbeit, he'd felt none and it was frustrating the Witcher, "---She doesn't possess magic, I can sense it."
The bard shrugged and disregarded his opinions, giving Geralt a once over before focusing on your hair; momentarily plucking out a small leaf out of your hair which erupted a cock of Geralt's head as he watched Jaskier having no fraught from touching you.
"You know that senses of yours aren't exactly a hundred percent accurate when you've got kicked by a Kikimore and bitten by Ghouls,"
His expression was stoic, glowering before them both and especially from Jaskier's comment. Cirilla had her delicate fingers clasp together and over the side of her face as she admired your sleeping face, "She's so adorable while she sleeps!" she continued to cajole, "---Even a little shorter than me! Maybe she's my age and we can play!"
"She isn't," Geralt ceased her admiration and shook his head, beautiful gold eyes staring at your face that shifted and was now face front as to where he stood from afar, "How certain are you about that? You've only met her last night!"
Jaskier had his fist on his chin, deliberately looking at Geralt with that knowing look.
The Witcher lowly hummed in ponder. Focal point on your sleeping face with a stoic expression, trying to distinguish your length of life from the moment you were born, "Y/N must be in between the age of twenty to twenty-five,"
Cirilla had her eyebrows in a twist as she moved around to take a closer look at you again, a frown from the information that has been said, "But, she looks younger than her age!"
"Not at least in between ninety? or exactly a hundred? Like you, Geralt?" Jaskier added to the dispute. His query making Geralt sigh because he has been repeating the idea like a slow idiot.
"She doesn't possess some sorts of magic nor is she mutated, Bard."
"Maybe she possesses the power of immortality!"
He glared at the bard who gave him a shrug, Jaskier's face still dead beat from how his nap has been ruined prior to the night, but he had more sleep than Geralt did considering he wasn't a Witcher and had senses that not any normal human may possess.
"So her name is Y/N?! Why didn't you wake me up to welcome our visitor?!" The girl in a mint green Kirtle exclaimed, their voices finally coming to your senses and realizing that it wasn't your television nor was it your cat's breath on your face. You whimpered in an attempt to wake yourself up; yawning in the process and languidly bringing your head up for it to be bent at an angle with your arm on the table and fist on your temple.
"You were sleeping," Geralt began, resolving her dismay at the situation at hand, "--and there was a beast, Princess. It was hunting her down,"
"Oh, poor Y/N," Cirilla frowned a tighter one, eyeing you down and peeking from under your arm as she noticed the bruises on your face. She took a second before straightening her back, the braid she'd fixed never turning higgley-piggledy because of how tight and proper it was. A look of interest sent to the Witcher by the princess of Cintra herself and now the future queen ahead, "But, did you kill it, Geralt?"
Their voices seem to be recognizable, the two men of some sort and the kid's voice completely unfamiliar for you. Repetitive blinks full of fatigue before having the energy to sleepily place your chin on your fist, a blurry image of a youthful, lean body and a pretty face of a man sitting in front you coming clearer as you blinked again.
"Isn't it such a sight to wake up to your bruising face early in the morning, small rat."
Your face turned into a tight frown at the image sitting before you. The pillow of your lip jutting out in a pout when you've scanned the whole place and saw Geralt standing with a stern expression on his face, behind a kid who looked taller than you and extremely pretty.
The house even looked more old and primitive in the morning like you're currently living in history which made you groan to yourself because you haven't teleported back to your home as Jaskier said last night.
Great. Just great. You thought in the back of your mind before grumbling, "Can you...stab me with your sword right now?"
The question was sent to the Witcher despite of staring fully on the table. You didn't hear an answer from him as per usual and felt your anxiety rising through your head in agitation like a lighter sparking the gas. It's travelling too fast that you haven't realized the panic shooting wildly.
"I'm still here," you bawled, "I'm still here," and repeated over and over like a dinosaur jumping on rocks whenever google doesn't have internet. The panic was beginning to boil, making your fingers tremble in apprehension as you've struggled to keep in place on your seat, your feet on the ground shaking from the worry. Both hands gripping on your roots as you began to bawl out because you couldn't scream out all your frustrations because that's not how you roll, "I've already slept, I thought I'll be waking up in my apartment already,"
Cirilla took a step back when you've started crying, looking over at Geralt to ask what was happening. Both men together were contemplating as to what was happening as the Bard reluctantly and very slowly stood up as his gaze was fixated on you who kept on mumbling in whispers. He ran behind Geralt like you were a possessed woman and actually thinking you were casting a spell because of how fast you were mumbling your feelings out loud, sounding incomprehensible to the ears of everyone except for Geralt.
Jaskier stood behind Geralt like a kitten shielding behind his mother, "Geralt! I told you! She's a sorceress! One like Yennefer! This is probably why you're fond of her!"
Cirilla examined your state and tried understanding what was happening, her nerves also unsettling about the fact that maybe you were possessed by black magic. Though, she doubt it because you should've attacked everyone already.
Hence, there you were in your own seat. Bawling your eyes out like a toddler who had been left by her parents.
"Geralt? Is she okay?" the pretty child questioned Geralt who stood behind her with a distant look on his face.
His eyes narrowed on you, continuing his perusal. He was trying to fathom what was running inside those mind of yours and when a tear fell and another sniff coming from your side of the cavern, he knew it. A slight turn of his head and his silent thoughts of understanding as he had seen you freaking out and crying like last night; he knew what was happening.
"She's...panicking. Utterly harmless, Jaskier. Just like how humans do unless you aren't actually one," Geralt nonchalantly informed the bard who was hiding behind his towering form. He watched you roughly wipe your tears with the back of your clothed hand; his sweater that was awfully big for you and continued to rant while he narrowed his eyes as your focus was now on the knife set on an empty soiled plate that Jaskier has left.
"I just wanna go home!"
His forehead creased to the extent of trying to figure you out. Shoulders slumping as he breathed out a ragged curse beneath his breath to further his dissatisfaction of your next move.
You were fast enough to grab onto the sharpened knife, aiming it to the sensitive portion of your neck. However, not fast enough for the Witcher to even let it happen.
The knife in your hand wasn't even lifted halfway for Geralt to know what you were going to do. He'd seen a lot of bloodshed and known enough people who wanted for their blood to drop out of their hands. It only took two steps for him to construct his onslaught before you've even tried to slit your throat before them.
Your choice of weapon has been sheathed away from you. The tall, brooding, brawny Witcher slightly bending you on the table as he pulled the knife away from your neck with just a grip that didn't even earned him a sweat. It was like taking candy from a baby. Yet, you were pretty much struggling a lot from his strength as you tried wrenching your wrist off his hold with Geralt hunching down before you and never letting go.
Those gold eyes were a charm against the rays of the sun cascading his face. Your faces close from each other and you can see the chagrin and fury swirling in his eyes rather than those plain, apathetic glimmer set in his eyes with a warmth you couldn't express. With that only being seen and stared at, you knew he was furious.
The scary witcher was losing his temper.
"Let me go, Geralt." you firmly stated, voice wavering and sounding small like you were being hunted by a cheetah. Geralt held his scowl better than he had to when he has seen you the first time and it wasn't faltering.
You tried wrenching your wrist away from the Witcher, but he pulled it back with no remorse. Keeping you in place as he seethed; Aurum eyes momentarily taking a glimpse of your dry, chapped lips that were inches apart before settling those peepers on yours again and he wanted to groan out loud for the unsettling emotion he was having, "I would like to see you try, Midget."
Geralt held your wrist tighter around his fingers because you were moving, though; the simple action was enough for you to stop and never even think about doing it again. The strength that he was using was not enough to inflict pain. "I don't need another person's blood on my hands,"
Some of his dirt-ivory colored hair fell on his face as he continued to fume. Expression thoroughly livid as he said those words like it was burnt till dust, a history that should've been left forgotten but was now relived because of your forsaken act.
His warm breath hit your face and you couldn't move at all, like you were powerless and utter putty in his hands. You've heard a grumble vibrated out of his chest before snatching the knife off your fingers and quickly retreating from his position with a frustrated hum, leaving you exhaling out a breath you didn't know you were holding since he has grabbed onto you.
"Wha-what if dying is the only way to bring me back," you've tried to keep yourself in tact despite of the fast beating of your heart and the anomalous heat travelling all over your body. You shook the feeling off with a shake of your head as you continued; looking at Jaskier and Cirilla, avoiding the presence of the man who has been playing with your mind and human heart, "---I've slept, tried everything and still woke up in your house,"
The declaration sounded weak; completely despairing as you've seen Geralt saunter back to where he has been standing before you even tried to slit yourself alive. A tight moue that twisted his features from the act that has happened; filling utter disappointment as the rough crease of his wrinkles wanted to say.
But, he chose to stay silent rather than let out those emotions he was battling with.
You were completely an unorthodox to him. A picture he couldn't see and never wanted to even touch but hoped to imagine.
"I can feel you, I can touch everyone, I can feel sadness, despair, happiness, pain and a lot more," he felt your eyes on him as the first word has been said before reluctantly sharing gazes at the other two who were breathing when you've continued your articulation.
Nevertheless, the act that has happened made Jaskier and Cirilla's breaths hitch because they couldn't believe that it just happened in front of them like it was nothing.
It looked like Geralt has handled the situation well and you were suddenly okay. Just like that. A peculiarity of an event that they couldn't understand.
You've straightened your back and held your hopes high, dubiously taking a trek till you were in front of the people who were nice enough to give you shelter despite of not knowing you from the start; with a goodwill to even save you from an Alghoul that appeared out of nowhere when you should've died already when Geralt wouldn't have jumped into the picture.
But, no. You were still alive and you didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing as the protection came with a fair trade to be living in the world that they were in. A world where you still believed was in earth because of how human they appeared and felt. The only fragment that could keep you in doubt was the monsters that emerges out of nowhere and the magic that these people have been saying. A magic that can't be seen with the naked eye because you haven't seen a supernatural phenomenon yet.
Geralt gave a gravelly hum once you've settled your short self before him, the height differences apparent to the perspective of people. Geralt had his Herculean body in an assertive stance, broad-shoulders poised as you peered up at him with forlorn, the upset frown etched upon your face and he couldn't help but breath through his nose to compose himself.
"I need to go back, I gotta go back. Aren't you a witcher? Can't you cast a spell and help me?"
Jaskier and Cirilla had their forehead creased as they stared at the two. The beautiful child completely unaware of where you originated. She was deep in thought, thinking you came from any of the kingdom or if you were mutated as well just like Geralt because as been said by the witcher, you didn't belong in their world.
The man with glowing Aurum eyes sighed, "Witchers..don't work that way," he claimed with a slant of his head, eyeing you with gall and a slight pacified demeanor after losing his patience a while ago, "---I slaughter beasts, not brew the Fillet of a fenny snake with an eye of a newt nor cast a spell while mixing tons of shit in a cauldron like you thought I was,"
His disclosure was enough to make your heart fail from having faith again. It seems like every darn time he opens those luscious damn lips of him leaves you in a crestfallen shape or he just seems like the type to not give you hope with positive things like this which is why he was failing no matter if he wanted to give comfort.
You've washed your face with your hands in frustration, the fear rising for the second time this day and felt Geralt's heated stare on you, eyes shining in baffling fascination no matter how phlegmatic he wanted to appear. You can just see it in his eyes and it was odd because you've remembered how you couldn't read him like a book the night before, yet here you were; understanding how he tries to interact with you.  
"Then, who can help me? Is there a portal or some sort?"
His eyes looked away for a moment; deeply dwelling a thought inside his head. "Sorcerers create portals of natural phenomena and places that actually exist," the Witcher began roughly, voice utmost in the lowest timbre he could ever do and it almost made your body vibrate from his pitch, "---However, most sorcerers can only link portals to the world they're familiar with and that occurs in having the same witchcraft that a certain world creates," Geralt landed his bright eyes on you as he continued to ponder. An inevitable glower stamping his face as he went on with more information and a tight grimace, "---we aren't exactly certain about your world. But, the contingencies of casting a portal that should've been left untouched can cause upheaval or chaos not just to both worlds, but to the natural habitat and the future as well,"
Your frown was cut short, changing into an ample amount of confusion because of his explanation. Simply to say, the chances of creating a portal will jeopardize not just their world, but also earth as well. If you'll be wanting to cast a portal, there was a great amount of risk ahead.
Geralt continued his vouch, still engrossed at looking you in the eye like he wanted you to melt into a puddle. Your traitor of a heart skipping a beat as you've avoided his eyes and looked elsewhere, "---Which definitely leaves insignificance as to why you're lost in our world when there was no witchery encompassing that earth you call your kingdom,"
"So, there's no hope then?" you pointed out, sapless.
"It takes risks, Midget." Geralt lowly enunciated, the gravel in his voice seeming coherent as he mentioned the nickname he calls you. He looked to the ground, mind wandering off Wonderland as a scowl began to form again, like the next thing he wanted to say should've been kept and not mentioned ever again, "---And a very powerful sorcerer,"
Jaskier's ears perked at that, speculating and trying to involve himself with the topic at hand, his tongue waiting to be moved and for words to be told for reiteration, "Or sorceress," the bard boasted with a tone that made the witcher hiss back at him with contempt.
"Yennefer of Vengerberg could do the job well or some of her associates," the bard jested with a soft push of his elbow to Geralt's ribs, though it didn't even made him flinch. His nose flared back at him, giving him the stink eye before cussing him beneath his breath.
"Fuck off, Bard."
Cirilla ignored their laser eyes and tried to join in the conversation, "Who is Yennefer? I've been asking this since the last two last years!" she pondered, hesitantly raising her hand as if asking the teacher if it was time for her to spit out questions.
"Someone you shouldn't know, Cirilla,"
So, there was really hope. Even only a fourty-five percent of that aspiration you needed for your heart to be filled with faith. You nodded to yourself in understanding, leaving those other questions inside your head and asked straight to the point, "Who is Yennefer?"
Jaskier stepped a foot close, officially involving himself in the conversation with a smug grin on his face. His hands on his hips as he revealed with no shame, "Geralt's long lost love,"
Geralt had to close his eyes to calm himself down from the bard who kept on interjecting in the talk with you.
The princess of Cintra huffed, stomping a foot on the ground as she fixated her gaze at the huge trunk of a man who seemed to be having a moment of meditation, "You didn't tell me you had a lover!"
"Not anymore," Geralt grumbled more so to himself as the crowd asked questions after questions and served their opinions on a buffet plate; open for everyone to hear.
You innocently cast a look to his face. He could also feel your eyes on him and when he'd fluttered them open; it was completely pure for his irksome heart to fall in tranquil, "She's the one of the most powerful sorceress I know," he subtly breathed in your scent, masking himself with it as he tries to remember it in the back of his mind. Becoming familiar to the strong scent that makes his thoughts go in a haywire. A sharp, palpable and fresh scent that he ought and needed to ingurgitate straightaway. Lemon with a hint of peony; definitely different from the scent that Yennefer had, Lilac and Gooseberries. "---Maybe the only one who could create an enigma of a portal," the witcher more so than grumbled, face twisting in a way that made you look up at him in question because he seemed to be in pain, "Then? What are we waiting for? We should find her!"
The mere mention of a person who could help you leave their world quickly placed a warm beam lifting your lips, a sight that Geralt has been struggling to forget since last night. His eyes wandered off elsewhere, missing the catch of your bright filled ones as his nose scrunched from how overwhelming it was to be close to you.
"That's the problem," he gurgled before taking a step back, hissing beneath his breath because of how he was starting to become frustrated again, "---she's nowhere to be found," before turning his back away from you with a grumble.
You watched him walk away from you, embracing all his negativity and feeling your heart plummet because he was acting far from the welcoming man last night. It was like it has never been him that was offering to cover your wounds as he knelt in front of you, all the more; giving you a small smile despite of it not being his forte in doing so.
He was unconventional to you. A book you've definitely wanted to read, yet difficult to understand because the words were such a complex for the naked eye. Geralt was rare and a kind you've never encountered. Literally.
Nonetheless, his presence was intriguing and definitely inveigling.
"I have no hope then," you've thought to yourself, hearing Cirilla and Jaskier banter over something about the sorceress that ignited Geralt's change of heart.
"I'm hungry," Cirilla stressed towards the Bard who was now holding his Lute and plucking with the strings like he was forming another one of his epics inside his head. The bard ignored her and gave Geralt a once over who was on the other end of the cavern, opening wooden cabinets which had all different kinds of concoctions that certainly a normal human cannot take because of how toxic it was and how it was only forbidden and restricted for Witchers.
Cirilla threw a hissy fit, blowing out a breath of agitation and hunger because she was famished. You studied the child and noticed she was a little taller than you no matter how she should've been small. As you've tried to eye-ball her height, she seems to be in between five foot four or five foot three. "What's your name, kid?"
She narrowed her eyes on Jaskier who began to tread to where the Witcher is, "Cirilla," the princess honestly voiced out, palm on her stomach as it grumbled a sound that says she was starving so much.
Cirilla turned her heel to look at you, better than having Geralt stand before you because he was giving you stiff neck from being a tall, brooding man. She eyed you in question and you gave her a sincere smile, waggling your brows at the princess, "I can make food if you want?"
Princess Cirilla jumped on her feet like a child being given candy, clapping her hands in excitement, "Great! A mother figure other than a pair of boys! Geralt and Jaskier make the nastiest food they can ever cook," she jeered with a puff of her breath. Her eyes twinkled in felicity.
She gave you a big wide grin when you've pondered in thought as to what was easy to make in  medieval age; questions numbered inside your head and asking no one in particular if their world had chicken? flour? or bread flour, if they didn't have one? Condiments or any kind of spices for taste. Their time had to have chickens and so, you wanted a modern kind of dish to help yourself as well despite of living like in the past, "I can make you fried chicken, if you want? That is, if you can get me chicken,"
"What is a fried chicken?" she'll definitely love it, you thought because she was a child. Seeing her smile go bright just from hearing it made you heart coo; or it was simply a new image rather than those scowls you have been seeing since the morning has started so the kid had a soft spot in your heart. "An unhealthy dish, but definitely scrumptious,"
You turned your head towards the men who were a little bit far from where you both stood, they were talking in silence and that was completely pristine than the banters you've heard non-stop last night, "---And also a healthy viand for these boys you have,"
Jaskier continued plucking on his Lute, strumming random notes as he hummed inside his head, he gave you and Cirilla a glimpse as the bard watched you both interact with each other like you were both long lost friends, like a natural bond slowly being created, "Maybe this cuckoo of a maiden isn't actually bad to have around," he decreed with a look of sympathy. Turning his head to look at Geralt who seemed to have a furious staring contest with his potions.
"---You should help her, Geralt."
The Witcher languidly blinked, partially shutting the wooden cabinet closed and noting that he was deficient of Cat elixir, a concoction to help him grant sight in total darkness, some Black Blood and Fiend concoction that helps him increases the amount of weight that he can carry without being overburdened. Geralt sighed at Jaskier's confession.
"Do I have a choice?" he gurgled back at the bard.
"Won't a djinn help?"
Geralt gave Jaskier a once over before taking a glimpse of you and Ciri who were now sitting on the table, chatting about certain things that can entertain the princess. Jaskier finally had the tune he wanted, a simple catchy tune but different from his song about Witchers. It just had the same style, "I've already took it down into consideration," the bard hummed, completely intrigued and gave him a look, "We can take risks,"
Jaskier ceased himself from humming, the voices of women giggling in the background coming along in their conversation. The ambiance changing into a lighter tone from the moment you came into their cavern. A thorough spin of the world like it was changing in the different kind of path; it was like seeing a new color for the rainbow that has been added to complete the beauty of it all.
You just had that specific effect that could create allurement to the world wherever you're in. Hence, that was probably your magic.
"But, are you willing to take it, Witcher?"
He was taken aback by the question, a question even asked as a question inside his head. Was he really willing to take the risk in helping this midget? another person on his hand to protect and help? Will it not slip apart due to unfortunate circumstances? Geralt calmly breathed through his nose, his facial features slackening when he'd seen Cirilla's eyes twinkling again despite of what she has been through. "I've been through hell and maybe even deeper than that. Probably already met the devil with it,"
Geralt slanted his head in a way to adore the image right in front of him; though with a face that seemed to be lackadaisical, "---This woman hasn't experienced what I have, not even the slightest and I don't want her to," he suddenly admitted, "---I have no thought as to what curse has this woman been cast upon,"
Jaskier nodded in comprehension and ruth for you; pretty blue eyes admiring the sight before him and Geralt, "Seems quite an unfortunate path,"
"Evil is evil," The Witcher added as a matter of fact, "---Lesser, greater or even stronger," a subtle pause to catch his breath as he eyed you beaming back at what Cirilla has said before he continued, "---She hasn't shielded herself from it, nor does she have an amulet with her; like she was sent here for a reason. She's bound for ill-fate because we're in a world full of animosity and mayhem," Geralt trailed off when you've rummaged for the things in the pocket of your short that was neatly folded on the side of the table.
You've shown Cirilla a small beautiful transparent ball that had rainbow color stars inside. It was a lucky charm for you and it has been given as a gift from your mother back in earth.  
"Do you know Jacks and Stones, Cirilla?"
Cirilla's ears perk at that, a perplexed expression written on her face. "The game doesn't ring a bell, Y/N."
Once Cirilla has seen you grabbed onto the small stones on the space below their window and tried to play on your own, her forehead creasing seemed to relax and a look of elation and familiarity run through her face, "I think I actually know it! Isn't it Knucklebones?"
You've caught the ball and the small stone in one hand with no sweat. She eyed the ball and the stones scattered around the table, her eyes gleaming a lot more than she ever did. "I think so! But, here's the catch! Loser gets a slap on the forehead with a finger and the Winner gets two drumsticks of my special fried chicken,"
"---Oh, you're on, Y/N! I'm great at Knucklebones!" she challenged as she abruptly stood on the table, looking right back at Geralt and Jaskier who were already looking in fascination.
Cirilla demanded in blithe. A big, bright smile shining her face, "Geralt, we need chicken! Catch us one!"
At the mention of that, Geralt couldn't help but repeatedly blink at the wishes from the princess; catching him off-guard. Jaskier couldn't help but send a shit-eating grin to the Witcher who had his brows in another kind of twist, his face wanting to wince but he ceased to.
"I'm a Witcher, not a farmer," he deeply mumbled with a sigh. Cirilla blew a breath, her hands on her hips as she sassed, "Aren't you a butcher of Blaviken? Or do they just call you that?"
The Witcher's forehead creased at the mention of one of his monikers. He didn't want anymore retorts because the princess would drop down more comments for the argument that will last for hours till end just for her demands to be taken into account. Thus, which is why; Geralt was shrewd enough to end her pleading with submission.
He thought that would be the end of everybody's demand when you've suddenly stood up on your seat and waved a hand to get his attention. Geralt gave you a look of query and with a little bit of tenderness in his eyes that you could undeniably feel no matter how stoic his expressions were. You cleared your throat, grinning back at him like a Cheshire cat.
"Can I come with you? Please?"
"No, midget." He strained, the lackadaisical tone lacing at the end of his tongue. His answer was fast and prudent, entirely against the idea.
You just wanted to be familiar with their world when you'll be staying in it for days, maybe even months or badly for years because of how you didn't know the portal they were saying. All you knew on how to transport was cars, airplanes, boats, bikes and even walking would do the job. But, not with magic and scientific luck.
You pouted back at The Witcher, heart falling from the rejection. Sending him the most pitiful look in your eyes and hoping you weren't looking like a waggling goose before them, "Pleaseee, Geralt? I wanna wander in the woods! Be familiar with the place especially that I've probably going to take time before I go back home," pause. "After Cirilla and I play and know who wins and loses,"
Geralt huffed to himself, an incoherent one as he deeply sighed. Jaskier could hear him from where he stood as he adjusted the leather hoop of his Loot across his shoulder, his witcher of a friend's jaw clenching like he was thinking about it deeply. Before granting permission in the end because of how you were giving him those Hirikka eyes; as said by his inner thoughts out in the back.
The bard wanted anything but to cough out loud from that submission. Jaskier gave him a double-take. An evident look of surprise in his eyes as he turned his soles to point a finger at the Witcher. Geralt was quick enough to shake his head and slap his finger away with the back of his hand.
"Don't...even start, Bard."
"It's been a day and this small rat already has you wrapped around her finger!" he whisper-yelled at his friend, excitement and jest sparking his nerves which got him grinning like the devil.
Geralt glared at the mischievous bard grinning back at him with the knowing look that they can only both understand, "When will you bloody shut up?"
"When I don't have the voice to poetically sing my wonderful epics," Jaskier scoffed, crossing his arms on top of his Lute with that mocking glint in his eyes. The Witcher smirked back at Jaskier, spitting out a particular jest that could get him back-paddling, "Guess I'll need a travel companion in finding another Djinn,” 
Jaskier blinked in surprise, taking a step back as he shook his head and had a hand on his hip while the other was wiggling in the air to express his negations, "Oh no no no, Witcher! Keep me out of your heroic attempts of gathering some kind of genie! I am done!" the bard ridiculed as he took hesitant steps back, slowly and slyly taking off before Geralt carries him on his shoulders to purposefully tag him along in finding another Djinn, "I figured playing this jacks and stones with Cirilla and Y/N will be much better instead,"
Jaskier halted from his silent, sneaky egress. Giving both women a glimpse who were playing behind him, "A BARD WISHES TO JOIN YOUR WONDERFUL ADVENTURE, LASSIES!"
He snapped his head back at Geralt who simple wore a crooked smile and a look of mockery filling his perfectly chiseled face, "Off you go, Witcher of the night," the rascal waved him off, a gloaty banter being thrown back to the smug witcher, "I have also yet to create another knightly epic for an intriguing love story that is bound to unfold in the far north of Kaedwan,"
Thusly, Geralt's crooked smile was rapid to fall. His face masking in condemnation when Jaskier began to strum his lute and with a tune that would probably haunt his friend as he tried to sleep through the night.
"Doeful eyes like a dear~ Seems like a Witcher who couldn't bear~,"
Jaskier's singing has made history through different places in the continent and he was never wrong with the epics he'd been orally singing out around which is why this new song he was forming to create would either be a complete disaster, a mere tell-tale or a myth that was bound to end up in the vast veracity of the epic told.
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taenys · 2 years
Did Kr*s W*'s news affect you at all? I remember following you back in like 2011 and you were THE stan. I just hurt knowing and remembering what that pos meant to you. Sorry if this is intrusive
It was EXTREMELY upsetting to see. I'm only relieved that I'd already let go of the idealized version of him that (clearly) only existed in my head many years ago. Because I really don't know what Krystal circa '12 would've done had this come out while he was in EXO and I while I was in the peak of my "wu-fan" days. She would've been inconsolable, for sure. She truly believed Kris was this magical, wonderful, perfect boy. How very wrong she was, how wrong we all were.
Kris (somewhat abruptly and much to my disappointment) stopped being the "uwu soft sweet shy boy" after he left EXO (at least his image no longer portrayed that and he no longer presented himself in that way). And, looking back now, I'm very glad he showed his "true" colors when he went solo. It made it easier to let go of that intense infatuation I'd had for him.
There were times, in these past few years, where I'd try to get back into my hardcore Kris stanning. I'd watch old EXO content and I'd feel nostalgic. I'd remember all those feelings I had, how good they made me feel, just to see that cold shy tall boy being goofy and soft with the members, and I'd think "let's watch some of his current stuff and see what he's up to! Maybe that Kris I loved is still there somewhere!" but when I'd see him in his recent interviews and stuff he just seemed so....conceited and dumb. That, and his constant cultural appropriation was just a massive turn off. He gave me such intense airheaded, fuckboy vibes and it just would not go away, try as I might! lmao.
Anyways, all of that led to me growing quite indifferent to him. But when this news came out, of course my brain immediately went "wow, you spent YEARS obsessed with a rapist. COOL." and I felt sick to my stomach. I was worried to come on tumblr tbh. I was afraid that I'd have a ton of messages from all the people who'd sent me anon hate back in those days, or who'd spent their free time making fun of me and "dragging" me on twitter with their friend groups, for being "in love" with Kris. In fact, if any of those people are still involved in kpop, I'm sure when they saw the news, they probably thought of that ~crazy~ Kris stan "wu-fan."
And I think that's something that really bugs me. That I'll always be associated with him on this site and in the kpop community. I was "tumblr famous" because of him. Many of my friends I have because of this blog, because I was "wu-fan," because I wrote essays and dissertations about how much I loved him and worked hard to make others love him as well. That's my legacy. And it's completely tainted now. I'm very uncomfortable knowing that my legacy on the internet is stanning a now confirmed serial sexual abuser. Especially considering I myself was sexually abused, and actually found HEALING in becoming a Kris stan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, okay. I need to stop dwelling on it. This all screams #firstworldproblems and the reality is, my lame insignificant internet blog means nothing compared to the actual women who were physically hurt by Kris Wu. They have all of my love and support.
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