#i said homestuck once so i have to tag it
limeanura · 2 years
If I’m gonna fit in...
I need more weird shot to post. I’m talking the absolutely most out of pocket “what the hell is this” kind of content. The sort of shit you’d see PM Seymour narrate in a silly little voice. The kind of stuff that get’s crossposted to other sites because of how absurd it is. But how. How am I going to create such strange, surrealist content? I am but a humble little froglet shouting into the void of tumblr. I’ve only read homestuck recently, so the accent has yet to set in. Alas, perhaps it is a foregone effort. Maybe a little lime like me was never meant to fit in... Anyway here’s a possum I drew on miiverse
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corviiids · 2 months
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THANKS @kimdokjafan you are so kind and generous. ok im cashing in the first of three blank checks to talk about faith trust and pixie dust (most recent chatfic) because the last two directors commentaries were too serious so let's do a silly one.
some p5r spoilers, and this is mostly about sumire, and it's long again. do i need to keep disclaiming that these are long? you should know me by now.
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i had this written for a while before i started formatting it because i wasn't really sure if i should post it? i feel like silly chatfic is something people go to for predominantly lighthearted nonsense so i was like, maybe there's too much plot and dramatic misunderstanding and i should just keep this one for myself. but then i was like well nothing matters and maybe someone will have fun with it. it's kind of terrible how much fully or mostly completed fic there is my docs that just doesn't see the light of day lol. write for yourself etc but i like sharing! too bad it comes with the mortifying ordeal etc. anyway that was a tangent
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potato counter is a neopets game. there's no deep lore i just like neopets. i guess in this universe ryuji doesn't play neopets? or maybe he's just never played potato counter specifically. i also have a different fic where ryuji DOES play neopets. it's about neopets and ryuji and goro talking on neopets.
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i think this might literally be the first time ive written sumi in a fic because i haven't actually written that much fic for royal, like, now that im looking, literally almost none? and none that had a group dynamic. so it was kind of fun to find her voice for the first time in a silly groupchat like this. i was worried people would find her exclamation marks annoying but i personally thought it was endearing so i added it in there.
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every time i do a gag where a character corrects their own typo i have to code more stupid little bubbles to make it happen but i think it's worth it. all the effort that goes into making tgis look as much like a real chat as possible
this obviously doesnt take place in the canon p5/r universe, but im imagining sort of a postcanon sumi personality where she's more comfortable being herself and isn't borrowing kasumi's brand of confidence, but she's visibly a really anxious person without that kasumi veneer. i also think in this universe sumire is a fairly recent addition to the friend group, and while everyone likes her a lot and she really likes them, i kind of wanted to emphasise that feeling of being in a friend group where everyone's established and you're sort of a plus-one? you don't really fit yet. part of that is her being new, part of it is her anxiety, part of it is just the kind of person sumi is where she's so polite and self-conscious she ends up taking herself out of things with her own good intentions. stuff like her interrupting the flow of an existing conversation by greeting everyone instead of jumping straight in because she doesn't feel comfortable inserting herself, which means everyone else stops to greet her even though that doesn't normally happen in a friend group, or making a point of thanking everyone for being invited to events while the others take it as a given.
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idk i love that she feels a bit out of place with the phantom thieves in p5r. and part of that is a natural consequence of being a new addition in royal who can't be naturally integrated with an existing dynamic but i honestly feel like the writing team realised that and acknowledged it, and really leaned into it, and that made it work incredibly well for me. like, it's part of her character that she's sort of an outsider. it's not like p4g's incredibly clumsy integration of marie and subsequent attempt to shove her down everyone's throat as the canon love interest in p4ga (knife). sumi has that outsider vibe on purpose and it makes me really like her dynamic with the thieves as an individual
goro also feels slightly out of place in these chats, but his conversational style blends more naturally with the other thieves at this point and he even uses their codenames sometimes. i keep saying my chatfic series isn't a real Series because the lore keeps changing, but if we accept that they're all kind of following a General Continuity, assume this takes place some time after the last fic in which ren added goro to the groupchat and they made an effort to integrate him into their friend group. he's kind of there now and has settled into being the weird boyfriend. that's his role.
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every time goro says something like "ren and i" assume it's the text equivalent of him talking to the group with his arm around ren's waist.
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ok i got really fond of this silly running joke where sumi brings up the weather when she's feeling uncomfortable. she's so polite. i like this thread because setting it up meant i got to tie it off like this:
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this just made me happy lol i liked writing this. i tried to use it to demonstrate that despite goro's abrasiveness he obviously knows sumire pretty well, he's attuned to her quirks and knows how to tell when she's having a bad time with her anxiety, so he uses her little weather habit to ground her.
i honestly dont think goro and sumire could be considered close in p5r and as much as i like the "royal trio" in canon they're not really... like... friends? with each other? they're both attached to ren, so it' more a V shape than anything else. but that said, i really LIKE goro and sumi's canon dynamic. he takes a really grouchy but politely attentive supervisory role to her during their few forays into the palace as a trio where he doesn't really know her well but clearly identifies her as a harmless little tryhard who needs some guidance and steps into that role grudgingly, and she immediately looks up to him despite being very wrong footed by his ruthlessness, which i find incredibly charming. i think given time they could be good friends, they just didn't get much chance to know each other very well in canon. so i tried to kinda do that here.
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once goro stops being evil and joins the group they all kind of tiredly accept that his role is to occasionally push a cup off a bench while smirking and refuse to clean it up. emotionally, i mean.
wait i need to backtrack chronologically to talk about akeshu.
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in this scene they're in the same room lol talking and snickering while typing. im trying to get at that vibe of the annoying couple who is flirting with each other, via you. you know? like ostensibly they're talking to you (sumire) but everything they say to you is part of their stupid game. sumi is incidental to goro and ren teasing each other about flirting with someone else, goro is reporting everything ren says because his boyfriend is so eye-rollingly foolish in a cute way. they're very tickled by how amusing and charming they are. gross. disgusting. sumire im so sorry for putting you through this
anyway here are too many of my favourite jokes from the fic
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#futaba gets a lot of my favourite punchlines because i love her. i think she's an incredible vessel for comedic timing#once again you can see how much i overthink everything#given the amount of thought that goes into character shit for what LOOKS like a stupid 3 second chatfic#but is really. a stupid 3 second chatfic with twenty years of overthinking behind it#it takes time and effort. to be this stupid#anyway i love sumi. i think she's so cute. i like her dynamic with the thieves so much#ive said it before but i think chatfic is one of those mediums that looks so deceptively simple because#you know it's just silly dialogue and memes. it's very accessible. anyone can write a funny chatfic#but i think it's such a character-forward 'genre' that it's really really difficult to do well in the sense that it feels like the characte#s you know and not just mouthpieces for memes with familiar names attached. so im kinda obsessed with the genre#it relies so heavily on every character having a distinctive voice without trying too hard to be unique#ideally you should be able to read one of these with no names attached ands till get a general sense of who's talking#without having to rely on liek (sorry) homestuck style quirks which make it visibly obvious#that' skinda hard because irl people's typing styles aren't THAT distinct you know. theres only so many variations#you can make to a person's use of grammar punctuation capitalisation etc before it becomes a gimmick instead of an idiosyncrasy#but hopefully if the character voice is strong enough their identtiy should come through more subtly anyway. idk .idk if im there but i lov#to work towards it#wow i wrote anothr essay in the tags about my love for Modern Epistolary Fiction (chatfic)#after already writing a whole essay in the post#i mgonna shut up guys thanks for having me#rookfic#asks#p5#rookthots
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onesidedradiostatic · 7 months
I've seen multiple people relate Vox and Alastor's relationship to Batman and Joker's relationship (mainly from the Lego Batman movie)...and ngl, I do kinda get it and giggle at it. Maybe their relationship isn't exactly like Batman and Joker's, but I can definitely see their comparison...with Vox being Joker and obsessed with getting Batman (and this case Alastor's) attention, regardless if it's negative, positive, or even healthy to be so determined to get this one fucker's attention, no matter what kind it is. And with Batman/Alastor not reciprocating Vox/Joker's feelings, where Batman/Alastor don't crave the others attention all the time unlike Vox/Joker's obsession for it from them (I hope that made sense)
Makes me think of the term "Kismesissitude/pitch romance" I saw mentioned on another RadioStatic post and after looking it up and went "...huh, that actually kind fits them ngl"
LMAOOOO yeah I've seen those comparisons too and I think it fits yeah although I never actually watched it.
also people who haven't read homestuck discovering kismesissitude for the first time is so funny (I read it back in 2016. so let's just say I have known it for a while LMAO) but yes it was actually in fact one of my first thoughts when it came to this ship on vox's side. I refused to let the homestuck seep through but ultimately I just can't escape it can I. (I said it in one of my reblog tags once but if defined in homestuck terms: I'd say it started as red feelings then became black feelings that vacillate to red sometimes post-rejection BUT I REFUSE TO TALK ABOUT THIS IN HOMESTUCK TERMS AT LENGTH.)
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daedalusdavinci · 2 months
29. Favourite fanfiction(s) of your ship(s)?
you may not know this already, but i have a recs tag where i post exactly this in depth! but i LOVE to boost my favorite fics, so ill do it all again, just for you anon <3 if you want more recs for any of these ships, i promise there are TONS in that tag, (or you can send me another ask for something more specific,) but ill stick to just my absolute top reads in this post
my favorite fanfictions of my favorite (homestuck) ships
starting under the cut bc it got long slkdjnfsjdfn
for halquius, the funniest hs ship-
Second Chances by @mtjester
Lil Hal never said anything about what it meant to be the AI avatar of the God of Heart. After he and Equius had split, everyone had assumed he would go back to Dirk and serve as a sort of spirit companion, the hyper-perceptive Shades of the God of Heart. But to that, he had simply responded, “Nah.” He stayed firmly on Equius’s face, and Equius asked him no questions about it.
this fic is so in character. it captures some of my favorite things about this ship, like how obnoxious they are and the very specific ways they click and enable each other. it also has an absolutely fantastic sequel! its short and funny, and always the first rec i drop for this specific ship.
(the second rec i would drop is my own fic, Hold Me (Accountable). its a space au with mechanic!equius and bounty hunter!AR, and i maintain that its hilarious and a must read if you like this ship at all.)
my resident favorite ship, eridave-
Lee Shore by @jumpingjacktrash
“I asked Egbert to ask you if you have Ampora’s new contact information.” “No, man, I didn’t even know the old info was old. How can you not have a contact for him? It’s not like he changed his chumhandle, email, and phone number all at once.” “As a matter of fact, that is apparently exactly what he did. And deleted his Facebook and his photo blog.” “Dramariffic.” In the years after the game, the twelve trolls and eight humans have tried to stick together, because no one else would understand. When Eridan misses one of their yearly reunions, Dave makes an impulsive decision to go find him.
ive said it before, and ill say it again. this is THE eridave fic. this is the one. if you only ever read one (and its not one of mine), it should be this one. i love how dave takes eridan seriously without enabling him, and how easily they both cut through each others bullshit. the handling of eridans character is DELICIOUS, and i literally think about his relationships with the other trolls in this fic all the time. i dont even know how many times ive read this fic but it goes so hard.
davekat, the classic-
Fait Accompli(cation) by @dragonomatopoeia on tumblr
In Which a Mutant and an Alien Meander Towards a Quadrant of Indeterminate Identity at a Glacial Pace While Examining the Internalized Toxicity Perpetuated by Their Respective Societies, and The Nature of Friendship is Determined to Be More Universal Than Originally Theorized [Banned In Alternia]
this is the quintessential meteor fic. its everything you could ever want in a meteorfic, and deals very heavily with karkat and dave unpacking toxic cultural ideas from their respective planets and coming to a new understanding of who they want to be together. its long, its slowburn, its everything, and the authors put SO much obvious effort and research into getting the voices just right, i still think about and admire it years and years later.
The Eurydice Suite, v2.0 by @callmearcturus
Dream-sharing: a highly illegal little industry in which agents delve into people’s dreams, and unearth their deepest secrets and memories. Within this business, the Strider-Lalondes are known as the best there is — until Dirk Strider gets his fool-ass trapped within the confines of his own subconscious, with his Auto-Responder playing malicious prison warden. To save him, the best and brightest dreamers in the world will have to form a team. Backed by the token rich friend, lead by the surliest extractor ever bribed out of retirement, haunted by the shade of the latest, greatest agent in the biz, and on the run through a dangerous tiered dream in a hostile mind… It’s going to take a miracle to pull this one off.
arc doesnt need any publicity from me, bigname that they are, but i gotta say of all of their fics this one is one i still come back to and reread from time to time all these years later. the au is really cool, and the drama is potent. karkat and dave have a very loaded and complicated, vaguely antagonistic relationship that takes time to get resolved, and you dont see that very often in davekat fics!
davekat, the superior-
Crash Standing by @asukaskerian
It’s been eight days since the end of Sburb and Davesprite is not coping especially well.
IVE SAID IT BEFORE ILL SAY IT AGAIN. BEST. HOMESTUCK FIC. dont look at how many times ive read this dont worry about it. davespritekat is just better than davekat, okay? im sorry. everything is better w davesprite. if youre a davesprite fan i dont even have to say anything else you already know youve gotta read this, but for people who arent- dude, this fic. its such a poignant snapshot of the awkwardness of teenagerdom, especially as a very traumatized teen, and the interpersonal relationships between characters outside of the main two are just so delightful. the john&dave&davesprite dynamic is one i think about constantly, and me and my friend STILL have running jokes about davesprite co< kanaya, which is perhaps the greatest thing to ever be invented, and we have fully incorporated the phrase "sparkle princess alone time" into our day to day vocabulary. i LOVE the gossip chumps, they are everything to me. underrated friendship.
another classic age ship, johndave-
play ball! by spacepuck
When Dave moves to Washington, he expects to spend the summer alone in his room until school starts. But when he stumbles on the sandlot, he discovers a baseball team needing one more player. He quickly gets dragged into the mix, but there's just one problem: he knows absolute dicksquat about the game. Luckily, John, the high school's best baseball player, swoops in to help. (this is basically a sandlot/baseball au. happy summer!)
ive actually been meaning to reread this one, since its been a long time. im adding it to my marked for later rn. i think of all the johndave fics i ever read, this is the one i think about the most years later. ive never read a fic that just. FELT like summer the way this one does. its intimate and sweet and its got the exact feeling of a hot summer night, lying in the grass and staring up at the stars with your best friend. when i read a johndave fic, i want some real fuckin falling in love with your friend as a stupid kid shit, and this is that
Vanitas Vanitatum by @oxfordroulette
You've determined the hobbies of the monarch you serve are as follows: 1. Ill-timed pranks. 2. Cooking. 3. Subconsciously pulling elaborate political schemes off perfectly, ad infinitum, every one of which inches his mind closer to some ineffable dark chasm you're curious to find the depth of. Anyway, he makes damn good lasagna.
when i tell you this is the best dirkjohn fic i mean nothing else has ever even COMPARED, and that includes my own goddamn fic. fuck ammfh, read THIS. its political intrigue and messy, MESSY relationships, and a john who is an absolute delightful trickster with serious fucking PROBLEMS. the john/vriska/dirk friendship in this is everything, and the design of the strilondes is so fucking cool??? im ngl i think about those blindfolds everyyy time i make an au. its magic, its kingdomstuck, its dnd, its got illustrations, its EVERYTHING. oxfordRoulette is like a fucking professional at writing fics where everyone kind of sucks and is super toxic and a little bit evil and its THE BEST. LOVE this fic
for bropsii-
just read anything by captorvatiing. just go do that. or read the entirety of the @askpsii blog again?? for the ten millionth time? and cry about how theres like no content.
all of my other favorite ships are too niche to have fics </3 lol. read MY fics, thats what you should do. just go read the fics for the tags that i personally started sldkjfnsdlfsdf
ALSO YOU SHOULD READ LET'S BE OUTCASTS BY @curlicuecal. this is the only time ill ever recommend anything thats incomplete but GOD ITS SO GOOD. i wont say anything else. just that its SO. GOOD. and if you like hal or the exiles you will LOVE this
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patchwork-oil · 9 months
❧ "Blue Hour”
Chapter 1/?
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Pairing: Karkat/Reader (Gender Neutral) Word count: 2,101 Warnings: strong language
Summary: You and your roommate Karkat have a somewhat typical Friday night.
Author’s Note: First x reader I'm posting! Kinda excited :3 dunno if I'll continue this but it was fun to make regardless. I know x readers don't tend to be in first person, but it's my favorite way to read them so :,) you're stuck with that.... The whole theme of my writing is that it's hugely self-indulgent. since like. the homestuck x reader tag is super dead askhjfd
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   It’s blue hour isn’t it? I can hardly tell if there are clouds in the sky right now. Looking up between the buildings feels as though I might be about to fall into a deep, dark pool. The street below looks like it’s underwater, the lights from all buildings nearby look… tired? Like I’m looking back at the past through an old, sad movie.
  The front door jingles and opens. 
   Oh, Karkat’s home. What the hell was I doing just now?
   I could have sworn I was doing… something on my laptop. Oh, right. Just watching some YouTube. But, I paused it? To look at the clouds? I’m really out of it right now, I guess. 
   Unconsciously I shake the distraction out of my head. It hasn’t been that long since I got back from my job at the grocery store, I must have spaced out trying to relax to some videos. Whatever, there are much more important things to think about at a time like now. 
   “Karkaaat-” I announce once I open the door to the living room, drawing out his name as long as I could.
   “Fucking hell! What!” He grouched something about just getting back home, a single moment of peace would be nice. He hides his startled jump by trying to put his coat on the rack by the door. 
   “You said you’re cooking tonight,“ I accuse, “and I have never been more in the mood for chicken than I am in this moment right now.” I point a finger at him like I’m in a courtroom and my last name is Wright.
   Karkat makes a look like some sort of wince. “Uh huh. And I’m the unfortunate slob who has to do something about that.” It was almost phrased like a question. He exaggerates every move as he closes the door and steps inside. 
   “You are!” I nod “When you lost the chess match with John yesterday, you also made your roommate look like a loser, remember?”
   “Yes, I get it, I get it. You’re annoying and I have to pay for it.”
   “I’m just saying we both know John is going to ridicule me for even thinking about supporting you at the tournament so you should be the one who has to pay the medical bill for the… embarrassment. In the form of food. Tonight. As dinner…” He looks up at me from taking off his shoes, not amused and highly confused. “I’m losing my train of thought. You said you’d make dinner anyway! Why am I trying to convince you?”
   “I didn’t even say anything,” he chuckles, “that was 100% you.” 
   “I picked up chicken and broccoli from the store today!” As I walked past him to the fridge, I hit him on the arm. 
   “Fucker,” he spits.
   “And I’ll do the dishes like usual.” Placing the chicken on the counter, I reach for the broccoli-
   “Just sit your ass down! If I have to deal with your sniveling prongs making a mess all over the meal block, (Name), I swear to God we are not having a repeat of pasta night.” He starts to make big shooing gestures, ushering me out.
   “You really suffocate my creative spirit, KK,” I playfully sigh, knowing full well I shouldn’t be allowed in the kitchen with my track record of spilling anything that can be spilled. Sometimes even things that can’t be spilled. 
   “Last time I checked, we don’t need ‘creativity’ over an open flame.” 
   “You may be right.” I giggle. “Thanks for cooking though.” 
   He mumbles some affirmation and gets to work. My gaze lingers on his back for just a moment before going back to my room to grab my Switch. I’ll always feel guilty about not helping out but I know that even if I were more graceful in the kitchen, he prefers to have control over everything. I will, however, be within earshot if he needs an extra hand. Starting up something casual on the Switch, I plop down onto the couch. 
   Maybe there was something in those clouds today. I can’t stay focused on one thing for too long. I’ve abandoned the game, still holding it my hands while its quiet soundtrack plays. Every time Karkat uttered a curse over the food, I caught myself looking up, watching him for a while, then looking away. 
   We’d been roommates for ages now, since the last year of college. We quickly clicked, which was super fortunate for me. There was no way I wanted to live on my own after school, and as luck would have it, he wasn’t opposed to staying as roommates either. He, for the most part, enjoys cooking, I clean the dishes since he says he hates doing that, he doesn’t mind to remind me when I forget to do a chore around the house, and I’m not bothered by how he gets loud on calls with his friends. It’s such a ruminating day today…
   “Hello? Do you have slime in your hear ducts?”
   Eh? Ruminating over. 
   “Earth to (name).” 
   “I’m here! I’m awake,” I jostle suddenly.
   Karkat just started putting everything on the table—the nice one we worked together to buy so we had somewhere to play his tabletop games. Though, it also takes up the majority of the small apartment. 
   “Sure you are. You weren’t even looking at the game, you looked like you were undressing the meal vault with your mind.” 
   A surprised laugh escapes from me as I get off the couch. 
   “Food’s ready.” 
   “Yay! Thank you again, it smells really really good.” 
   We squeeze into the chairs and dig in, it tastes just as good as it smells. I’m honestly pretty lucky Karkat is cool with cooking for me. We used to eat in our rooms, both because of the lack of a table but also because we both preferred eating alone. It’s likely we’re only eating here to get our money’s worth, but there’s still something satisfying about a warm homemade meal over a nice table. 
   He only looks up in response, food’s probably keeping him from his usual yelling. 
   “I got a new game if you want to play with me tonight,” I swallow and continue, “since it’s Friday and whatever.”
   He sighs loudly once he’s done chewing. 
   “Cooking for you and entertaining your screen addiction? Seriously, (Last Name), have I been put on this planet, cursed by the twisted gods who hide their sorry asses among the stars where they know my mortal wrath can’t reach, to be the player 2 at your beck and call?” Despite his long-windedness, his voice is softer than usual, making me smile before I even process what he said–a good sign he’s totally up for a game. 
   I perk up, “It’s called Heave Ho, I’ve watched other people play it so I got it myself. I think you’ll really like it.” 
   “If it wasn’t Saturday tomorrow I wouldn’t even think about it.” 
   “Yay!” I kick him under the table and he kicks me back just as hard. “This is super fuckin’ good by the way, I’d eat this every night.”
   “I only followed a recipe, you don’t have to slobber all over my bulge about it.” 
   “Gross, in front of my chicken?” 
   “Could you! Fucking! Hold on for one second! Do you think you’re capable of doing that?”
   “Hahah-I’m trying, I’m trying! I swear to god the button is unpressing its-hahaha-elf!”
   “It’s not ‘unpressing’ itself you’re CLEARLY letting go–just fucking–HOLD ME UP!”
   “I AM! What! Pfft bahaha-you don’t think I’m doing everything I can?”
   “You’re swinging in the wrong direction–(NAME) YOU–AGH-”
   A short “splat” noise follows and I erupt in laughter. Karkat throws his head backwards on the couch and groans sounds of anguish into his hands. I can’t help putting down my controller, my character dying as a result, and holding my sides to try and keep them from splitting. 
   “You thought I would like this game?! You thought, no–” he turns so he’s facing me on the couch, “(Name) you thought,” he grabs me by both arms, which I don’t really process because I’m still laughing “You thought there was some way in ever-loving Hell we could play this game without me bursting a fucking blood vessel and dying here in this room right now?!”
   “Sto-op!” I can only manage to squeal between gasps at air in my laughter. “I can’t–I can’t,”
   “Literally the most hopeless display at cooperative gameplay I’ve ever fucking seen and you make me play every damn game you buy.” He lets go of me and I fall backwards onto the arm of the couch, still giggling away. Distantly, I can hear him also laughing. It fills me with accomplishment, knowing I chose a game he would enjoy. I knew this game would be ragey, but it’s also primarily skill-based. As long as he knows I’m trying, which he can trust from how often we play together, he’ll have a good time.
   Finally I can manage one big gulp of air before I’m back in position. He was holding his head up with one hand, massaging the bridge of his nose, surely trying to hide the sharp-toothed grin he can’t shake. I knock my shoulder into his to snap him out, and after collecting himself he retaliates with enough strength to nearly push me off the couch. I rebound and get comfortable again, sitting cross-legged with one leg over his.
   “We. Just-“ I giggle “-need to regroup.”
   “Oh really? Oh really, is that all?”
“Stop it—I’m being so real Karkat I might piss if you make me laugh again don’t even test me. Pick up the controller, we can do this.”
   “No, we have to do this. We’re going to beat this level.”
   “YES! That’s the spirit.”
   We muse over our plan a little more. Deciding how exactly we should angle our characters to achieve the perfect toss—right into the goal. A couple more failed attempts go by calmly, “all part of the plan” I repeat like a mantra. 
   A calculated silence falls over the apartment. Blue hour is far from over and the windows we forgot to close display a full dark scene of a quiet cityscape. Some bright apartments far away are blinking sleepily.
   “No no no, focus-“
   Our characters swing, the game music hums idly, our characters stare blankly back at us. 
   We launch ourselves at the goal. 
   Everything is still.
   A successful note starts to ring.
   “Oh my god!”
   We both start to pump the air with a wave accomplishment washing over us. Confetti in the game starts to fall and I turn to look at Karkat-
   -at the same time he turns to look at me. 
   Both our smiles drop to surprise and a beat goes by. I push myself off of him and he takes his hand off from my back—
   “I’m sorry, sorry, I didn’t realize I was so close-” I start.
   “No- you’re fine, I didn’t… Notice. I wasn’t paying attention, sorry.”
   We both nervously laugh. The soundtrack went quiet, briefly, before it automatically moved onto the next level with a funny sound effect. 
   The FUCK–why was I–I had somehow managed to get myself half on top of Karkat while we played–and then when we looked at each other we were so close- and what the fuck he stared at me I think? How long did we look at each other? What the fuck was that? And his arm, I can’t-
   “Oh man! We left the blinds open, let me just close them really quick.” I stand up, speeding without really thinking about it, to the window. 
   “(Name)?” Nope. Ignoring that. 
   I prop myself up by two arms over the back of the couch, moving so rigidly it nearly hurts. 
   “We beat the level! That’s pretty cool! So. Maybe it’s about time y’know we call it a day. Right? Yeah.”
   He still doesn’t say anything while I start to pull the switch out of the dock and lock the joycons back in place. 
   “Um? Sorry, again, I’m just gonna go back to my room. So um! Goodnight!” I robot over to my door. 
   “What the- (Name)!”
   “Oh, and for the food! Thanks again!”
   And slam it shut by accident. I don’t hear anything from the other room for a moment, not for the minute or two I strained myself to listen. I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding and slump against the door. 
   Ever so slowly, I ghost my hand over my mouth.
   Why am I freaking out so much?
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Next Chapter
Author's Note: Yay! Hope you enjoyed :) I will mayyybe write a second part, bc this is definitely not finished haha. I dont know the best x reader tags! if you're willing to help me out id love to know :3
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utopianparadoxist · 1 year
Hi! I'm most interested on reading your version of HS extension(?) continuation? re-adaptation? Ever since I first saw your analysis on Dirk and Jake I've considered you with amazing grip of the characters and the HS universe over all, Dirk is one of my fav characters of all time (if not the), and there is nothing I'd want more for him than a happy ending, the epilogues were truly heart breaking for him (even though I was more than willing to see where they were going with him in HS^2 in hopes of seeing him reach a happy end) Homestruck was and still is one of my fav properties ever and I'd love to see more from you, I'm sorry you had a hard time but I'm really glad you're back, here and in a better headspace. That said, I guess I'm just somewhat confused on in you have something written already or if it's in the works or from where in the timeline you're continueing from ? Maybe you have like, a master post with your list of essays and fics?
I also loved your youtube videos btw
Thanks! It means a lot to read this. As to your question:
The main project I've been managing since the Epilogues got posted is Pumpkin Path/Pumpkin Track, a sequel to the Meat and Candy epilogues focused primarily on Pumpkins and Vegetables as an alternative form of fan consumption.
The first installment of this arc is THE APOCRYPHON OF JAKE ENGLISH (2019), which follows Meat Jake immediately following Ultimate Dirk's desertion of Earth C. Brain Ghost Dirk declares Dirkjake cancelled and (trigger warning) self-destructs, unleashing the inner barriers in Jake's psychology that he always used his inner Dirk voice to maintain.
Thus Jake's own mind begins to lead him down a rabbit hole of speculatory metaphysics, esoteric spiritual symbolism, and esoteric magic theory that ultimately leads to his ascension to Ultimate Self as Prince English: Himself wearing Dirk's shades and orange hat and essentially larping as a Prince in imitation of Dirk proper.
Through the power he gains from this, he blasts off from Earth C and tracks down Ultimate Dirk for a no holds barred 8eatdown in which he reclaims their lost love and makes Dirk his prisoner with chains of love and mercy, cancelling his ability to die and comitting to becoming the vill8in of Homestuck, as well as its Her8, if it means he can keep Dirk safe and alive.
In the process he finally establishes Dirkjake as indisputable endgame canon, and becomes the equivalent of the I AM Christian God, the new existential equivalent to Lord English himself, with a will that predominates completely over everything else in Paradox Space. There may be some surprises that happen along the way, too.
Now, That much of the story has been written and published since 2019. You can read it on A03 right now and always could. In fact, I'd encourage you to do so and @ me, as well as maybe tag it with #Pumpkin Path, #Pumpkin Track, or just straight up #Homestuck for all I care. I want eyes on this thing, and I wanted them 4 years ago.
That said:
I am now nearing completion on the follow-up to the Apocryphon as an intermission piece between the Epilogues and Pumpkin Track proper, with what is essentially ACT 1 of Pumpkin Track: W(1)LDSCR1PT-B4R0QU3STUCK, a high-drama spectacle driven continuation of the plot of the Epilogues centering on a confrontation between Ultimate Jake English and Meat Jade Harley, who must duel for the right to decide if Dirk Strider dies.
In the process of their battle and Jade's necessary Ascension to Ultimate Selfhood in order to Rise uP to the level necessary to compete against a being like Prince English, deeply hidden truths will be unveiled; about the lives of Jade and Jake, about the moral logic that rules Earth C, and about the very nature and purpose of Paradox Space itself.
If I have it my way, if all goes as I Hope, then nothing in Homestuck will ever be the same once it's posted. The Apocryphon was setup. Now it's fucking Sh8wt1m3, and I can't w8.
The first half of Wildscript is written and has been being beta'd for several months, and I have a full outline written for the rest. Anyone who gets their eyes on the thing seems to come away pretty excited. Sometime in the near future, I'll post the first four Chapters of Wildscript on Ao3 or some other platform, and update the rest as I go. And once Wildscript is finished, I have future Acts and Intermissions planned for the foreseeable eternity, tackling off the top of my head: Ultimate Ascensions for Rose and Kanaya, Vriska and Terezi, Roxy and Calliope, Jane Crocker, and Nepeta Leijon and Tavros Nitram as they lead the twin charges of Nepetaquest 3033.
There is no endpoint to my ambition for the future of Homestuck save simply: 8. The only question is whether the fandom wants to come along for the ride with me in the long run. I think Hope Remains that we'll have a great time here if they do.
If not, I hope they have even more fun elsewhere.
Let's rise.
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swifty-fox · 4 months
𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬!
thank you @antiquitea for the tag! ✨ sorry I made u feel oldTM
tagging in @bucking-mustangs-with-wings @bitchsister @sig-nifier and @avonne-writes!
questions and responses under the read more to save your dashboards 😉
how many works do you have on ao3?
only eleven!!
what's your total ao3 word count?
115,430 (and most of that is probably kfak and one old guard fic lol)
what fandoms do you write for?
Currently only for Masters of the Air but I've also written for The Old Guard (my bewoved)
and wolfstar and aftg but i wont touch those again for various reasons lol
top five fics by kudos
my kingdom for a kiss upon your shoulder - Buck x Bucky (Masters of the Air) 528 kudos
Make Me A Saint - Joe x Nicky (The Old Guard) 448 Kudos
press your tired hands against my lips darling - Buck x Bucky (Masters of the Air) 432 Kudos
Little Beast - Buck x Bucky (Masters of the Air) 368 Kudos
The Calcification of a God - Joe x Nicky (The Old Guard) 294 Kudos
do you respond to comments?
yesss i try to respond to every single comment. After the first 48 hours of a fic/chapter being posted I do get lazy with it but I do get around to everyone eventually!
what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
In another life maybe you and i will be walking down the aisle in white (The Old Guard (Movie 2020)) (18,264 words) lol It's got MCD in it cause I was #coping after losing my grandmother. It was really well received though
what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhhhmaaaa....Kfak WILL be?? probably????? Or Little Beasts AU but im so far out from finishing that. The first two endings are pretty emotionally ambiguous I wouldn't quite call them happy.....so maybe
Oh Captain, My Captain! (Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling) (1,612 words) (wolfstar) even though its angsty and kinda implying Remus is dying lmfao
do you get hate on fics?
I got like one comment on a recent chapter that I wasn't sure was hate but otherwise no not really! People seem to receive my stuff really well
do you write smut?
LOL if you asked me four months ago I would have said no <3
craziest crossover?
I don't really do or read crossovers! I did a few years ago start concepting a Wolfstar x Eastern Promises au though
have you ever had a fic stolen?
nope! I've had art stolen though. Someone even got it tattooed without my permission which pissed me off pretty bad lol
have you ever had a fic translated?
have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah I have lol. I orphaned it though cause the fellow author and I had a massive falling out over Peter fucking Steele of all things
all time favorite ship?
Always and forever Malec from The Mortal Instruments (BOOK ONLY) or DaveKat (Homestuck)
what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I started a really fucking awesome supernatural horror that took place in rural Maine for Wolfstar as well as actually a Fae/WWII au (inspired by the Bastogne episode of BOB) that I will not be finishing for... reasons.
The ringing in Remus’ ears is so loud he almost doesn’t hear Sirius. There’s a sharp pain on his tongue, rot and muck coating his taste buds. He cannot breathe, his hands shake. He thinks he may be making a noise. In his head there is a voice. His mothers his voice except he doesn't have a mother does he? Not since he was seventeen and whole. His mother’s voice crooning in his ear as she once did around the green 1960’s kitchen.
There’s a bird who sits on a tower. There’s a bird who sits on a tower - who sits on a tower, with beady eyes so clever.
Where did that scar come from?
“А bird who sits on a tower…” He mutters. 
“Pardon?” Sirius asks, snapping Remus out of his thoughts. 
He starts. 
The cabin is up ahead, peeking between the snowy trees like a warm wooden refuge and even at the sight of it Remus feels an uncurling of nerves in his gut. His flesh settles back onto his bones and the ringing eases back to a manageable level. He watches a sodden bloody bee drag her dying body across the dashboard. 
“Cults...you were saying?” - Factis ut credam facis
“Hello there Sir Raven.” He says with a chuckle “I don’t suppose you’re one of the King’s are you? Or Churchill perhaps. That would be quite a long way to travel.” 
Sirius puffs up his feathers and clacks his beak at the Man because even though he didn’t quite understand what the Man meant, he knew a compliment when he heard one. Bravely, he hops closer, the warnings of his parents and even of James ringing in his ears. But the shiny thing is dangling free and curious from the Man's neck and he must know what it is. 
“Haha. What a handsome fellow, handsome indeed. Much more well fed than we all are.” The Man laughs, setting aside his Paper and rummaging around in his Clothes. “Still, I bet pickings are getting a bit slim nowadays, even for a clever old Raven. Have you had digestives before?” 
He holds out a hand, nearly as large as Sirius himself and as elegant and pretty as the branches of a willow. All of the Man was like a tree, sharp lines and slightly less sharp curves. There was something in his hand, sweet-smelling and crumbly. Sirius turns his head first one way then the other, regarding the hand with both beady eyes as the warnings of his people ring in his ears. James' voice be careful plays at the forefront and he shakes out his wings in irritation. Man would catch him. Man would hurt him. Capture him and take him away never to be seen again like his Uncle Alphard. Man did not understand magic and magic did not like Man and so Sirius too, did not like Man. Men who burned and tore apart forests, who killed his kinfolk and killed animals and killed each other. And really, Sirius just wanted to understand. It could not be this man, with his quiet words and his offer of food who had destroyed his people. Surely there were other men, cruel men, who had done this and so it would be okay for Sirius to be brave and a little bold. 
“That’s a handsome old boy.” The Man whispers. 
Well that does it then, surely no evil Man would notice how beautiful I am. He must be like my other man with the Paper. Sirius thinks, leaping into the air just long enough to snatch the prize from the Man’s hand and retreat far enough away to devour the sweet treat with his clever beak. It was delicious, dry and crumbly and so sweet that it makes him shiver. He hops boldly onto the Man’s hand, searching for the last crumbs of the food between the cracks and crevices of his skin. - untitled WWII/Fae fic
what are your writing strengths?
Apparently heartwrenching angst <3
what are your writing weaknesses?
I think i don't linger over things long enough, I feel like i can dive more deeply into feelings and scenes if I just stopped and contemplated over them lol
thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I think when done right it adds a lot! I like when authors put the translations at the bottom of the fic/chapter though
first fandom you wrote in?
ouughaaa Probably Maximum Ride back in the late aughts
favorite fic you've written?
Sorry y'all it's definitely Kingdom for a Kiss haha
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apolloniccalligraphy · 3 months
huge stupid gay HOMESTUCK + ARCANA post
ill put a readmore right here when i have my computer
planet: DIFRENTIA [_im so clever_]
changes from canon:
* multiple fuschias CAN exist at once, given the sh33r size of the planet
* marriage is Kinda a thing, but only sort of, currently. marriage can be any quadrant, and married trolls are called 'bound'. trolls can have multiple bound partners in various quadrants. all in all, it's a newish thing.
* trolls CAN have children without the mother grub but it is extremely rare and, depending on one's blood caste/status, can be illegal
* even those allowed to have their own children are still required to contribute for the mother grub
* siblings are a thing and trolls that are close but not romantically interested in eachother will often declare themselves siblings
pashah devrak [olive]
ilyaan devrak [definitely _absolutely_ 100% a normal rustblood dont question his horns what haha]
asrrah alnazr [jade]
luccio morasn [violet... _questionably_. why does he have two lusii?]
naddia satrin [fuschia]
muryel kokuri [de-clown'd purple] procur vollta [olive]
qaetor valdem [violet. probably. uhh.]
praeto vlasil [cerulean]
pontix vulora [purple]
valeis konsul [violet]
- The Alchemists [Aiisha & Saalim Alnazr, jadeblood matesprits so dedicated to eachother one took the other's last name. noone is quite sure who took who's, but it sparked a trend in particularly devoted quadrantmates]
- The Huntress [Mohrga Eidotr, a deadly purpleblood hunter who's blood was said to run strangely violet. she was also rumoured to have two lusii, a ch33tah and a falcon, though noone is sure which was her original]
- The Merchant [Tasaya Devrak, a wealthy fuschiablood who made a deal with something dark, dangerous, and d33p within the sea. as a result, her daughter, Lishka, was lost to the sea, as were her brother and her brother's bound matesprite]
- The Seafarer [Pavhel Devrak, an oliveblood lucky enough to have a fuschia for a sibling. his sister made a bad deal with something under the sea, casting him into the waves]
- The Wayfarer [Ilyona Devrak, Pavhel's bound matesprite, a fuschiablood thrown to the sea in a terrible storm. normally this would be fine, being that she's a seadweller, but when the ship went down, the rushing currents threw her into the rocky seafloor]
- The Originator [?????? Valdem. a figure lost to time, hailing from a time lost. someone who was there at the beginning. at some point, they simply.. disappeared.]
Snakemom/Faust [Azrah]
Catmom/Pepi [Pashah]
Wolfmom/Inanna [Muryel]
Dogdad&dogmom/Mercedes&Melchior [Luccio]
Ravendad/Malak [Ilyaan]
Owlmom/Chandra [Nadiia]
CC: what ??
CC: why would you think that —
CC: i mean .
CC: i am absolutely NOT a mutant !
CC: my horns -
CC: my horns are a PERFECTLY normal shape , i don't know what you're talking about !
_Rogue of Blood_
Land of Herb and Conviction_
SP: whats going on?? O^O
SP: oi! are you bothering my brother?? ÒmÓ
SP: i'll kick your arse!! •==• Ò-Ó
_Maid of Hope
Land of Relic and Broken Bells_
AM: You know what?? ☺︎
AM: I think I'LL just caLL you JuLes!
AM: How does that sound? ;)
_Heir of Rage
Land of Battle and Beetles_
SV: aawwwe how sweet (〃▽〃)
SV: ilyaaaan i think faaust likes you!! ɷ◡ɷ
_Bard of Void
Land of Ponds and Glow_
SS: Ah, hello. ☆
SS: It is a pleasure to meet you. ☆
_Maid of Mind
Land of Puzzle Boxes and Conundrum_
GA: no
GA: i dont trust you.
GA: so just leave.
GA: please.
_Heir of Void
Land of Shadow and Wood_
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researchhpurposes · 5 months
Hi it's 413! I started this liveblog a bit after 413 If I remember correctly!
Anyways, funny story. So my liveblogging has been inconsistent at best, and that's both because real life stuff has been taking its toll (and still is) but also cause I got really obsessed with something and made a sideblog for it, yknow, so I could collate all the stuff I wrote for it since if I really like something I like writing analysis and fics and I like being able to find them easily. So a lot of my time was devoted to that. However, for reasons unknown to me, some people in that fandom are so unwilling to engage in opinions they disagree with in good faith, that they think it's a good idea to harass people (me and friends) and constantly put vague posts in the main tag because *checks notes*
People who have a different opinion to you and believe the character who has repeatedly said they don't have a tragic backstory is telling the truth are 'normal people without trauma personally attacking you and disrespecting other abuse victims,' but discussing the canonical, confirmed, shown-on-screen, child abuse is 'taking it too seriously' and 'attacking people who are just having fun' if you even think about discussing the victim dichotomy surrounding their discussion.
...Suffice to say, I left! I have kept in contact with the mutuals that are actually nice and I have felt better than I have in months! I think I can go much longer on these liveblogs that I have been for the past while! Glad to not feel like shit anymore! I miss these kids once again. Let's read Homestuck together!
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The Era of Her Imperious Condescension in Exile The Northern Wastes, Alternia Fortunately, Karkat was standing alone on the deck when Kanaya found him. That would make having this conversation a lot easier. She needed him to listen to her for once. Or, she supposed, that wasn’t being entirely fair to him — he usually listened to her to a fault. But this was something where they needed to be completely clear, because the Olive was rapidly hurtling toward the Imperial City, and the lack of contact with RAE Fleet ships was making her nervous. Sollux had been working with Aradia to make a device to hone in on the specific location of the transmission. The Captain was getting everything ready for what looked like a major confrontation — it seemed like she had her eyes set on the prize of whatever Imperial City held as much as anyone else, whether or not this was originally a transport gig. So things were about to get very serious, and she needed Karkat to know what was going on. “Karkat, we need to talk.” Kanaya wanted this to sound as serious — as dire — as possible. He turned to look at her, took one look at her face, and thick frown lines crossed his expression. “You’ve got this fucked-up we need to talk look on your face.” She hesitated for a minute. “Yes, that’s what I said — we need to talk.” “Right, it’s just… you look like… you know what, never fucking mind.” He glanced around the deck. “Is this the kind of conversation you don’t want overheard or something?” At least he understood the gravity of things. “Yes. There’s a spot near the back of the ship.”
Chapters: 42/?
Rating: Mature
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence; Major Character Death
Category: F/F; F/M; Multi
Fandom: Homestuck; Hiveswap
Relationships: Meenah Peixes/Aranea Serket; Porrim Maryam/Aranea Serket; Jade Harley/Rose Lalonde; Porrim Maryam & Kankri Vantas; Meenah Peixes/Kankri Vantas; Jane Crocker/Roxy Lalonde; Roxy Lalonde & Dirk Strider; ?????? Elwurd/Porrim Maryam; Jane Crocker/Jake English; Kanaya Maryam/Aradia Megido; Kanaya Maryam & Karkat Vantas; Eridan Ampora/Vriska Serket; Terezi Pyrope/Vriska Serket; Eridan Ampora/Feferi Peixes; June Egbert/Dave Strider
Characters: Aranea Serket; Meenah Peixes; Porrim Maryam; Beforus Feferi Peixes; Jade Harley; Rose Lalonde; Dave Strider; John Egbert; Lynera Skalbi; Charun Krojib; Kankri Vantas; Stelsa Sezyat; Rose's Mom | Beta Roxy Lalonde; Jane Crocker; Roxy Lalonde; Jake English; Dirk Strider; Yiffany Longstocking Lalonde Harley; ?????? Elwurd (Hiveswap); Cronus Ampora; Daraya Jonjet; Latula Pyrope; June Egbert; Damara Megido; Doc Scratch (Homestuck); Karkat Vantas; Aradia Megido; Kanaya Maryam; Tavros Nitram; Feferi Peixes; Eridan Ampora; Vikare Ratite; Ardata Carmia; Terezi Pyrope; Konyyl Okimaw; Boldir Lamati; Skylla Koriga
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe; Alternate Universe - Modern Setting; Alternate Universe - Fantasy; Alternian Empire (Homestuck); Beforus (Homestuck); Modern Era; Alternate Universe - Cyberpunk; Cyberpunk; Alternate Universe - Post-Apocalypse; Alternate Universe - After College/University; God Tier (Homestuck); Derse and Prospit; cosmic horror; Beforus Culling (Homestuck); Private Investigators; Alternate Universe - Urban Fantasy; Attempted Sexual Assault; Heist; Imperial Drones (Homestuck); Alternate Universe - Steampunk; Alternia (Homestuck)
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thewertsearch · 2 years
Asks Compilation 23/10
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Done and done. I'm surprised I didn't already have a tag for them, to be honest!
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Oh, fun! I always wonder if people are reading for the first time along with me. I'm sure you've overtaken me already by now!
I don't think I'd have as much fun with the blog if it was less blind. Even the knowledge that the trolls existed was enough to heavily influence my theories.
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Aren't they thirteen?
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Granted, we don't know if trolls mature at the same rate as humans, but they certainly seem to be in that age range to me.
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Nepeta, resident matchmaker, seems unsure about the current status of the Sollux/Aradia relationship, but she'd definitely drawn a heart there before. Plus, Aradia immediately identified the '8oyfriend' as Sollux, so there is something going on with them.
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If it does, and he did, then that's pretty clever - but unfortunately for him, it's probably futile. There are surely a million other ways she could manipulate his desires.
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I know Homestuck is controversial, but I always had the vague idea that, like Undertale, its reputation had a lot more to do with the fandom than the property itself.
I'm surprised there's that many people who say the comic is bad. The comic is great. Even if, worst-case-scenario, it jumps the shark on the very next page, there's still so much to love.
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I guess this is a good explanation for why his name is so close to Lord British - thus, their similar invincibility schticks really are coincidental.
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The former works well - although, I've just noticed on reread that he hasn't actually referred to himself as a doctor. He's just 'Doc'.
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That said, I have reason to believe that he is, in fact, a real doctor.
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Maybe he really is a gambling man.
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Well, Terezi is referencing his comic before Earth even exists...
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So it's like the SBaHJifier gag, but for the whole comic?
That sounds ambitious, but interesting, especially if it's doing everything you say it is. Any fanwork that people think was written by Hussie must be something special.
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It's fun, getting both of these messages in the same week. Glad you're enjoying it!
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Yeah, I didn't consider Equius as an option, back when Aradia was talking about this. I don't think I'd have picked him at the time, though.
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Both Equius and Vriska convinced themselves that they had an arrangement with Aradia.
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In retrospect, her own statement - which came after the two above - was, indeed, deliberately vague. It's supposed to make you wonder which of the two options she was talking about. As far as I can tell, there was no reason to assume it couldn't be Vriska - she'd even told Karkat that she was going to be the 'real leader', so we knew she was planning a power grab.
Anyway, I defaulted to her, since she'd talked about her co-leader arrangement only a couple of pages beforehand. I don't think I even remembered Equius was an option until he spoke to her later. Can't catch 'em all!
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Pop! Team! Nepic!
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Thank you! Yeah, Vriska's attitude is completely understandable at this point. Would she really have survived if she wasn't cruel?
I was skeptical about that line initially - but Vriska honestly doesn't seem to be much of a liar, so I think part of her really did see Aradia as a friend.
I personally doubt Aradia ever felt anything positive towards Vriska - she's a blue-blood, after all, a hateful sn0b - but that doesn't stop them being friends. After all, the same could be said about Karkat, towards Gamzee. Trolls just seem to see friendships differently.
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I try to avoid queueing stuff - gotta put the live in 'liveblog', after all!
There are occasional exceptions, though. For example, if I answer a lot of (non-compiled) asks at once, and don't want to fill up people's dashboards, I might queue them to space them out a little - but never more than an hour or so in advance.
Really, the answer to your question is 'neither', since I don't have a schedule. Lately, I've been posting about four days a week, and each liveblog session will last for two to four posts - but that's all subject to change, depending on my mood, my energy levels, random life stuff and, frankly, the phase of the moon. Properly scheduling this blog has proved impossible, so I'm just embracing it at this point.
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If there's one thing that Aradia and Vriska can agree on, it's that an Equius-made arm is good for only one thing - rippin' out hearts!
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Sorry - no breaks longer than a week? Since Act 1?
I suppose if your website pays your rent, you don't really need a day job - but still, I'm surprised that no life stuff got in the way in all that time. Hell, it's already happened to me - and this comic is surely way easier to analyze than it is to write!
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Well, I'm only on 2300 now, so I haven't seen much!
I'm just curious as to why he's seeking out Karkat, specifically. Jack seems to work independently, not taking orders from his Queen - so what's motivating him, this early in the game?
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No reason it can't be both, right? This is probably one of the most emotionally intense things to happen to her since her death, and it just so happens to coincide with her 'resurrection'. Frankly, I'd have been more surprised if she didn't lose her shit.
Also - damn, I didn't notice he was mirroring her '0k' catchphrase. No, Equius. No one was 0k with that.
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Welcome! You can thank a few of my readers for helping me optimize my tagging system, too. I think it was @krixwell who first suggested I add a tag which included asks!
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shvkespearc · 2 months
fun facts about da blogger
Tagged by @elizabeth-karenina for ANOTHER ASK POST <3
1. why did you choose your url?
special interest williyum shakespeare...simply. i have had many urls. many many. someone out there may recall: kit1564, daarcy, kitmaarlowe, darcy-alexander, lavender--lover, adraelian, king-of-irises, old-ass-gandalf (favorite) and several others.... OH MY GOD alexander-hamiltons-gr8-butt. alternative design: alexander-hamiltons-spooky-butt. god take me out back and shoot me
2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.week.
@lordbyron666 is my kind of miscellaneous fandom memes etc. blog where i reblog things i dont particularly want to reblog to main. i started it in like 2017(?) when i became more of an aesthetic blog but QUITE HONESTLY i find myself using it less these days. i fink ive stopped giving a fuck
@1seafoam cottagecore ISH side blog, mostly for comfort pleasant images. soothing space for my panic disorder having ass.
@vnge11 art blog i DONT REALLY USE. though i do stay drawing. i just dont post much. i once had an art blog in 2014/5(?) , which actually became the lordbyron666 blog.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
i made my blog in july 2012 and started as a black and white grunge blogger + memes. me now quite honestly like the vibe is still there. my best friend at the time (RIP) made me make one. i remember i had a music player and she said that it was "good, just not really tumblr"... i remember having like a galaxy background at one point when i started to get into it.... then over the years i had like a VERY CUSTOMIZED INSANE BLOG like with gifs and transparent things and pixel buddies AND MUSIC PLAYER. my friends would say they couldnt load my blog but i never had a problem 😤
4. do you have a queue tag?
i BELIEVE it's 'q' but i don't use the queue feature.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
re: my friend made me make one, but i think i really enjoyed it being a place where i could collect moody feelings (and laffs). then i joined a few fandoms (polite way of saying homestuck) and it felt more and more like a community and fun.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
ethel cain w a shotgun. not much else to be said
7. why did you choose your header?
bjork writhing around on the floor kind of a no brainer to me. absolute vibe absolute mood.
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
OOUAAGHH i think it's either my vampire uquiz orrrrrr ugh idk there is like a handful of random ass posts that have blown up. it's all fun and games until people are weird in the replies and you see yourself screenshotted on imgur. ALSO i think i just don't like when they resurface years later and i'm like STOP SPREADING IT AROUND IM NOT THAT PERSON ANYMORE ID NEVER SAY THAT!!!!
9. how many mutuals do you have?
i dont know! i dont know!!! i just recognize people on my dash or in my notes but whether or not we follow each other and specifically enjoy one anothers content. I DONT KNOW
10. how many followers do you have?
in da 4-digits. enough that i get not 0 notes but about 2 notes per post.
11. how many people do you follow?
700-something. i like to follow more rather than less people cause following many blogs is the key to a healthy dashboard ecosystem.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
every day of my life
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
i look at my activity daily but i dont ALWAYS scroll every day anymore. but usually every day ish at least for a minute
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
i am sure... now the idea of "fighting" on tumblr.com is so hilarious to me. bro this is website. clown on clown violence
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts
i do not do it... but those "REBLOG IF YOU ARE NOT A HOMOPHONE" posts really hit in 2013
16. do you like tag games?
YA. however sometimes i get too overwhelmed and say i will do it and then never do <3
17. do you like ask games?
YA. however sometimes i g-
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
WHICH OF YOU SHOULDERS THE GREATEST BURDEN? IE: FOLLOWER COUNT? it is unknown to me... i just work here
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
no...but i am not immune to getting attention on the internet from a Cool Profile disease
20. tags
👉👈 do it if you wana
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voxiferous · 6 months
Thank you to @mathclasswarfare for tagging me!
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
“Good evening, Madame,” Caleb said, inclining his head politely to a woman in a feathered blue mask as she took two mini quiches from his tray of hors d’oeuvres. (Masquerade Heist / Critical Role)
“I hate this place,” Prompto said, his voice muffled in Noctis’s shirt front. (Window of the Soul / FFXV)
“Take the ship around to the cove. If I don’t come back in three days, assume I either drowned or I decided to stay here for a while,” Shion said, neatly folding his last shirt and tucking it on top of his pack, then closing the bag. (The Siren / No. 6)
“Ooh, and the walk-in closet is big enough to turn into a dark room if you want to. Dave, you could work on your vampire portrait portfolio at home!” Jade said, squeezing the steering wheel a little too hard with her colourfully-banded fingers. (Welcome to the Polycule / Homestuck)
Once-mighty tanks were stacked up in the streets of Omashu like so much rubbish, and children played there once more. (Four Slices / A:tLA)
“We need a miracle,” Ignis muttered. (See Through / FFXV)
Muffled explosions and loud cheering filled the air. (grab your things, I've come to take you home / Critical Role)
When Mollymauk died, he suddenly understood a lot of things. (The Moonweaver's Child / Critical Role)
Caleb shivered himself awake as the warmth of Nott’s small body suddenly left his arms. (RE-ROLL / Critical Role)
Caleb knows he’s smart, but he would need a major in psychology with double minors in tiefling and carnie to figure out why Mollymauk pays him as much attention as he does. (Why Do You Like Me? / Critical Role)
Woof, I am almost a one-trick pony, and I didn't expect that XD The Vox opening line formula is apparently:
["Dialogue hook", establishing information.]
To be fair, though, three of the first four fics were all written within the span of a month. I probably was out of ideas at the time.
I've always felt that my last lines are a lot better than my first lines. I am confident in my ability to close something well. Never felt particularly good at opening.
I don't know anyone writing a lot of fic at the moment (except Rev, but yours are secret...), but if you want to do this go ahead and tag me! :)
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alegator · 5 months
hiii everyone :D i miss tumblr so bad and the ability to make long form blog posts ugh twitter is not the same plus the site and app are literally so shit. even though the tumblr app is not much better sometimes!! ive decided i want to post more on here to continue my little virtual diary…. I love the tagging system and most of all, love being able to look back and read my own updates!!! it’s crazy how it can help me recall the exact feeling of that moment… it feels special :) Twitter is great for quick fleeting thoughts so i wanna make lengthy life posts on here as a little time capsule, so i can have fun looking back and reading all my posts 10 years from now (if this site still exists. but i joined in 2011 and its still here so who knows). plus ive been posting my entire life on here for YEARS so who cares i will be vulnerable and over share and shit!!!!!! as is tumblr tradition… fuck it if youre my cousin on my homestuck side you can have my SSN.
moving on, here are fun life updates:
- celebrated my 11th anniversary on Feb 14th with the love of my life, Tenma!!!! i have been affectionately calling it the 7/11 anniversary since it’s been 11 years together, but also 7 years married 🤯 it actually fucks me up so bad that 2017 was 7 years ago like. genuinely lol FUCKKK HOOWWW 2017 should’ve been like 3 years ago. we choose to get married on the same day Tenma asked me out, which is also Valentine’s Day, and it was the best decision of all time for SO many reasons. maybe i will make a fun big post detailing those thoughts that another time!! we spent our anniversary day trying out a new coffee spot (so cute and SO pink omg), taking photo booth pictures at a new spot, exploring cute shops, and having an insanely delicious set menu i think maybe 6 courses? at a very fancy restaurant. i think 3 years ago we tried a new restaurant on our anniversary w their set Valentine’s Day menu course and it was so good, fun, and the best way to try out new foods so we’ve kept it going and i LOVE IT!!!!! i am already excited to see what tenma picks out for next year lol. finished the night by watching In The Mood For Love at our favorite local movie theater and i LOVED the movie, the whole end until bedtime we were just talking about it and dissecting it together. i love our life!!!!!!!!!
-tenma and i went to disneyland at the end of February for our anniversary trip!! ive gone before but they haven’t. IT WAS SO FUCKING FUN i am not a Disney fan at all but i love disneyland idk it’s just fun as fuck… um my feet were fucked afterwards lol but so worth it. one day at disneyland and the next at California aventure i wanna go back already but most importantly, tenma was already talking about wanting to go back and that makes me so happy bc it means they really enjoyed it!!! yay!!!! they even went on rides they thought were really scary just so we could try them together just once and that filled my heart with joy. then we also got to meet my online friend and had hotpot together. DELICIOUS i want to go back and explore LA next time and see more friends!!!! we are maybe planning a trip to San Fran in a few months though as the consulate is there to get my passport so that will take priority over any other trips☝🏼
-I GOT MY GREENCARD YEAGHHRHRHFJF!!!!!!!! ok actually i got it last year lol i wasn’t sure if i should put that on here but actually im so happy so fuck it!!! and then we celebrated by having a fancy dinner and I shared the news w the waiter who said he also did the same process w his wife! and yes i cried when i got my greencard idc i am HAPPY! crazy bc i got DACA for the first time in 2013 and then in 2023 i got my greencard… it’s been a fucking rollercoaster. and tenmas been there literally every step of the way…. Tenma is my rock I love them so much im crying typing this bc of how much i love them and how much they always support me and augnfngnfmg
-concerts this year have been Sonic symphony, kikuo/bo en/gus, Hannah Diamond, and hatsune miku (mikuexpo 2024)!!!!!!!! i loved all of the concerts genuinely so fun and next month i am taking my youngest sibling to a concert of a guy I don’t know but they love him so we will go and have a blast 🫡 idk if I’ll buy more tickets to more concerts but even if I don’t, it’s been a really really good year concert wise and i got to experience so many fun shows i never thought i would see live before!!
-spent time with lovely friends and celebrated old friendships and new ones yaaaay i love my friends and im blessed to have a good support system and I can’t wait to see what new friends I make in the future….
-I have a cold rn and took nighttime meds and unfortunately they are starting to hit so it’s time to say goodnight to tumblr…
If you read this far ummm ok weirdo… lol just kidding but i will try and post my lil life updates and pics more often so that not all my posts are like. months worth of writing… or maybe I won’t and the next time I make a post will be in a year idk!!!! this site is full of so many memories both good and bad and it’s dear to my lil heart, even if the feel isn’t the same since everyone mass migrated to Twitter, I want to come back here more often and make new memories whenever I can. goodnight 💤
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groggygrimalkin · 8 months
TW SA and Abuse,long heavy personal post
I guess I'm in a sappy mood so I'll talk about why Homestuck means so much to me. For a year I've kinda wanted to make a video about it, and maybe I will, but for now I just wanna talk abt it. I'm not tagging this as hs but serious trigger tag ahead please tell me if you want to tag this as anything
Okay so I got into Homestuck around 2011, I was being pretty heavily abused by my grandma and mom and also neglected by them which is a very weird ass combo, but a story about someone playing a game and having such close friends appealed to me (I also thought Homestuck was an anime before finding the comic and would look up like "Homestuck episode 1" and get mad when I couldnt find it lmao). Now keep in mind I was a child so like media literacy wasn't my strong suit but I still retained and understood a good ammount of stuff mainly about characters. Anyways as a child naturally does I started talking about it with all of my friends and tried to get them into it, and one friend got REALLY into it. The best I can describe it is like that episode of the Cuphead show where Mugman likes piano and Cuphead gets into it and immediately overshadows him. But I was still happy to have someone to talk about it with. My favorite characters at the time were Meulin, Nepeta, and Damara and I would happily talk about them, but the person would shit on me for liking Meulin claiming she was a bad person and constantly pointing out all her flaws, it annoyed me because they're favourite characters had TONS of flaws they didn't acknowledge but for some reason me loving Meulin was the worst thing ever. I also loved the Midnight Crew and later to my chagrin they did too. I kept reading as updates came out and soon Homestuck became their entire thing, I remember going over their house because at a certain point they were my only friend and they talked to me about Homestuck like I didn't introduce them to it. But yknow, okay, whatever. We would ship our ocs with Canon characters and pretend to be characters and stuff, pretty standard until one day they came over my house and insisted on being Dualscar. They wrote a fic about him doing it with one of my ocs and I was just kinda happy for the attention. Anyways we were rping in real life and I don't remember when, or how, but they had me pinned to the couch and were insistent I let them touch me because we were role-playing and they were Dualscar. Now I've always lowkey been ace, especially in my younger years, so I was pretty uncomfortable, and even if I wasnt asexual someone having you pinned down insisting on touching you when you're not consenting isnt a fun time. Anyways they did stuff like this a few times more in various places and would get mad when I said no to their advances. But for some reason I kept hanging out with them. They were gross and rude and pushy but the only friend I had. I remember them basically assigning me Diamonds Droog kin which I didn't care because I liked Droog(still do) and would pretend to be Slick and suprise suprise would try and molest me. I began to get bitter towards Homestuck, something I once loved was being used against me in one of the worst ways possible. It was a weird time because I would just begrudgingly read the updates I once loved. Anyways when I was 15 they molested me again and it was the worst one, like I wouldn't let my family members hug me for years type of bad. I remember the exact video I was watching when it happened, Game grumps playing Silent Hills PT. I couldn't watch that video for years after. I also remember them showing me really fucked up porn between characters and when I asked like "Hey isn't that weird?" They did the ol' "Ugh it's just fictional!!" Sheit. Anyways at a certain point Homestuck was just ruined for me. I finished it just to say I did and when people asked me if I liked it I would lie and say I didn't. Thankfully I broke it off with them after nine fucking years of knowing eachother. For years I continued to say I dislike homestuck until I got like 22...I stumbled upon Hiveswap and it was funny all of the troll and Alternia facts I could remember, I was hesitant at first and was still like "Ugh but I don't REALLY like it!!" And then I saw....Them....
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It was a weird feeling accepting that "Yep I like Homestuck I've been lying to myself for years" and I bought friendsim. I was hooked emmediately. It was like a flood of love I had for homestuck when I started in 2011 all came rushing back, the person who hurt me didn't matter, all that mattered is that I was enjoying it again. Tbh like alot of stuff from my first read was sort of still in my mind, so I stuck to watching recap videos and reading segments I couldnt remember and holy shit there was so much I missed as a child. And then I got Hiveswap and BAM I'm hooked even more, and then
I rewatched and re-read the first intermission...
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And it was set in stone that I'm a Homestuck at heart. It was like walking into a bar I hadn't been to in years and all of my old friends were there to welcome me, I was enjoying something again that used to bring me so much comfort before it was ruined for me, but it didn't have to be anymore. I think I sobbed when I realized that. It feels nice to enjoy something that for years was soured for me.
Uh yeah that's why homestucka and hiveswap means so much to me. Opening this blog has been an amazing way for me to get into the fandom which I never have before. I'll probably be an old man talking about leprechauns and trolls but I'll be happy.
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keebyve · 1 year
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𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 . . .
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♡ — Welcome! Greetings! Hello! You can call me Keebs! I’m 24 and go by any pronouns. :>
I'm an artist who doesn't draw often, but when I do, I like to post them as an archive for others to see. At the moment, I mostly draw OCs and whatever my current hyperfixations are. (And those hyperfixes tend to change! So I wouldn’t suggest following me for just one singular thing)
If you wanna see my interests, you can find them under the Read More below!
꒰ Art tag ♡ Twitter ꒱
♡ — My social media activity depends on motivation to draw, and I enjoy having time to myself. So if you dm or ask me something, it may take me some time to reply!
With all of that being said, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy! ^ ^
♡ — Interests: (Bolded = super fixated rn)
Deltarune (mainly my own OCs)
LEGO Monkie Kid
TMNT (mainly Rise and 2012)
Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!
Hiveswap/Homestuck (mainly my own OCs)
The Mario series
Rabbids (mainly M+R and Invasion)
Zelda (mainly BOTW/TOTK and Wind Waker)
No Straight Roads
Mad Rat Dead
The Owl House
One Piece
Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix
Hi-Fi Rush
♡ — And that's about it! Might add/remove some as time goes on, but this is what you'll probably see me reblog about on occasion.
Once again, tysm for reading!
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