#i said it a hundred times but she'd be SUCH A GOOD GIRLFRIEND
kyracooneyx23 · 16 days
Better Keep Your Mouth Shut
Kyra x Sunny -> part one
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summary: You've managed to keep your relationship a secret but can a drunk Kyra keep her mouth shut?
Kyra had only joined Arsenal a week ago but already people thought it was strange how close the two of you were with each other.
They all thought it was weird how you already seemed to have hundreds of little inside jokes that you would always be giggling about at training, and how you'd been out for coffee almost every day.
When people questioned it you'd both play it off saying that you'd clicked and wanted to get to know each other better. But in reality you were making up for lost time when you didn't have to chance to do this.
The girls would complain that they couldn't be friends with Kyra because you hogged her and you'd grin and claim it because you were the best person in the world and you couldn't blame her for wanting to be your friend.
Steph, who seemed to be the most suspicious, had even gone as far as trapping you in the changing rooms. Her eyes had been sharp, filled with a mixture of suspicion and concern as if she could tell what was going on. 'Why is Kyra always clinging to you?' Steph had demanded and it was the first time you'd struggled to smoothly answer.
'I've just been looking after her... making sure she settled in ok,' You stammered, trying to keep your tone casual, Steph was like Kyra's mum and you didn't want her to get mad. 'It can be really scary making this big of a move, you should know that.'
Steph's eyes stayed trained on your for a minute longer before she shrugged, either believing you or giving up trying. 'Caitlin must be right, Kyra's obviously going to make friends with the biggest pest on the team.'
Even though you were happy to finally be able to spend time with your girlfriend, not over facetime with an annoying time difference, you didn't want to stop her from being able to make friendships with the other girls on the team.
Overall the two of you had done a pretty good job at keeping it undercover, only once had the secret almost slipped.
Kyra didn't mean to she just hadn't been thinking about it when her and Alessia were leaving the cafe they had just had lunch in together.
'I need to pick up some chocolate for dinner tonight. It’s Sunny’s favorite.' The blonde had said as they walked along the street.
Kyra’s eyes lit up, smiling softly as she remembered all the times you'd begged her to get chocolate. 'Oh, that's a great idea she's obsessed with the marvelous creations you should grab that. Also get some Sour Patch Kids too. She always craves sour stuff after chocolate.'
Alessia raised an eyebrow, glancing sideways at Kyra confused as to why the Aussie knew so much about a girl who she'd only met a week ago. 'That's pretty specific... has she always been like that?'
Kyra nodded enthusiastically, her mood lifting as she gets to talk about you. 'Yeah, always telling me how she needs that sour kick to balance out the sweetness. She'll give me the silent treatment if I don't let her eat them. Funny how she’s got such specific cravings, right?'
Alessia’s suspicion grew with every word. 'So you’ve been hanging out with Sunny a lot then?'
Only then did Kyra realise the mistake she'd made, the way she was talking about you made it seem like you'd known each other for ages which you had, but nobody else was meant to know that. She mentally cursed at herself for not realising sooner. 'Yeah, a bit. But she's always going on about how she loves that combination. I guess it just stuck with me.”
As they entered the store, Alessia couldn’t help but wonder how Kyra knew so much about Sunny’s preferences in such a short time. The details seemed too precise for a friendship that was only a week old, leaving Alessia increasingly intrigued and wary.
Currently you were all at a team gathering and Viv and Beth's house, the whole team catching up before the start of the season. You'd told yourself you wouldn't drink tonight, knowing when you do you normally ended up doing something stupid. However you broke that promise the minute Katie had teased you and called you a chicken.
So that's how you ended up leaning heavily on the kitchen island an empty shot glass in your hand, matching ones scattered on the table. A smug grin plastered to your face as you watched Katie struggle to down her drink.
'Who's the chicken now.' You laugh making chicken noises and only stopping when she whacks you in the arm making you wince.
'Piss off McCabe,' you huff rubbing your arm even though it didn't even hurt that bad. You just liked to make a scene out of things. 'You're such a sore loser, I can't believe you thought you could beat me in a drinking game I never loose.' You smirk at her even as she flips you off before you decide you don't want to deal with a drunk and angry Katie, instead going to find Vic.
'Hellooooo.' You smile stretching out the word as you wrap an arm around your best friend, sitting down next to her on the couch as she talks to Leah and Lia.
When sees you she rolls her eyes lightly, 'I thought you said you weren't gonna drink tonight.' You grin sheepishly.
'What do you mean, I haven't.' You lie causing her to roll her eyes again but you know she's not seriously annoyed as a small, amused smile plays at her lips.
'Well when your throwing up tonight, don't expect me to hold your hair back for you.' She teases moving her body so her legs are resting on you and you groan trying to push them off but failing.
'that's not true, you always hold my hair.' You tell her knowing that she may act annoyed but she's always there for you at the end of the night just like you are for her. She shakes her head and you move your face closer to hers 'admit it, you love me.' She laughs, gently pushing your head away from hers before the two of you join in with Leah and Lia's conversation.
You don't realise that as this happens Kyra is watching you from the corner of the room, where she is talking to Katie and Caitlin. Her attention far from the conversation as she gets sick of Katie complaining that you must've cheated.
Instead she's watching you with Vic, your arms wrapped around the Dutch's body and her legs casually resting on your lap. When you lean your face closer to hers she can't help but feel a pang of jealousy in her heart seeing you like that with someone else.
She knows her thoughts are irrational, you and Vic are just bestfriends, she's like this with Charli as well so she shouldn't be jealous but she is. She blames the alcohol for making her feel this way.
When your head rests on Vic's shoulder she leaves the room wanting to find someone else to talk to bored of Katie's complaining. She didn't expect to find Stina, Frida, Steph and Beth all laughing loudly as Kim stood in the middle of the room singing loudly to a song Kyra couldn't recognize.
When the other four notice her presence they all grin at her. 'You're next Kyra.' Steph laughs loudly handing Kyra a hairbrush and pushing her to where Kim used to be standing. She then plays a song and it takes a minute for her to realise what it is but when she does she let's out a little laugh before singing loudly.
Normally she wouldn't be this comfortable performing in front of people she hardly knew, but the alcohol surging through her veins seemed to have given her a surge of confidence.
Meanwhile, you're still stuck on the couch with Vic. Her legs on top of you stopping you from leaving. Your interrupted from the conversation by Alessia's loud voice in your ear.
'Sunny, you've got to see this!' She screams, pulling you up causing Vic's legs to fall to the ground a small whine escaping her lips.
'Hey! I was comfy.' She complains but her cries are unheard as Alessia is already dragging you through the crowded room. She was pulling you up the hallway and only when you got closer could you hear Taylor Swift's voice breaking the quietness.
It was only as you reached the door that you could hear another voice screaming loudly along with the song. the off-key wails you immediately recognized as Kyra's, and you immediately understood why Alessia wanted you to see the scene in front of you.
Kyra was completely wasted with a hairbrush in one hand and a glass of some alcoholic liquid in the other. The hairbrush was being used as a microphone with Kyra screaming the lyrics of You Belong with Me. Steph and Beth were dancing along together and Frida was laughing from the couch her phone trained on Kyra as she filmed the madness.
'Why can't you see-e-ee you belong with me!'
'Sunny please stop her, she's been playing this song on repeat like four times.' You laugh at the pained look on Stina's face as she speaks.
'Kyra! what the fuck are you doing.' You shout getting the Aussie's attention. When she sees you her whole face lights up and she runs over to hug you.
'Why were you being so cuddly with Vic.' She pouts, dropping the hairbrush onto the ground. You were always like that with Vic, and Kyra knew you only meant it in a friendly manner so you frowned.
'Just then, on the couch.' She whined squeezing you a little bit.
You had no idea why she was so upset, you were just sitting together.
'Kyra Lilee Cooney-Cross, you've got to be fucking with me! You can't seriously be jealous of Vic!' You push her away lightly remembering where you were and that nobody knew about you and Kyra. She pouted as you looked around the room checking to see if anyone was watching you, which thankfully they weren't all caught up in their own stuff.
'it's not funny.' she puffed, crossing her arms like a 4 year old. By now Steph and Beth had changed the song and were both now in their own little world dancing away as everyone else watched their performance.
'Alright, I'm sorry.' You roll you eyes at her pettiness forgetting how dramatic Kyra could get when she'd have something to drink. 'I'll order a uber and we can get going when it arrives.' You offer and she huffs one more time before strolling off.
You laugh lightly at the girl watching her walk away from you walking into the door and swearing at it before going out of sight. You pull out your phone and open up the Uber app but are interrupted before you can order one.
Leah grabs your arm pulling you into the middle of the circle with her. 'C'mon little gooner,' she grins at you, using the nickname she had for you one that she started calling you when you first joined the senior team resulting in you calling her big gooner. 'It's our turn for karaoke.'
Someone chucks you the hairbrush which you catch with ease as the music starts blasting through the speaker and you instantly recognize the tune of 'The Angel' and you laugh. 'Manu, was this your idea?' You look towards the Austrian and roll your eyes playfully before you start singing the lyrics along with Leah. People laughing as you try to hit the notes but fail drastically.
When it gets to the chorus the whole room starts singing along.
'North London forever, whatever the weather.' Leah wraps an arm around your shoulder.
'These streets are our own.' You smile despite how awfully out of tune everyone is 'and my heart will leave you never, my blood will forever run through the stone.'
Eventually the song ends and every breaks into a round of applause you and Leah laughing as you take a bow.
'Who's next?' Beth shouts and when no one puts their hands up Beth stands up and grabs the hairbrush from your hand picking a song of her own.
You squeeze next to Caitlin on the small armchair she's sitting on, flicking her in the shoulder knowing she's was extra irritable when she'd had a drink.
'Fuck off, I'm not in the mood for it tonight.' She groans pushing you away, but its no use and the arm rests block you from going anywhere so you're still stuck pressed up against her side, 'Katie's been talking my ear off all night, and I was trying to get a break from it now but of course you had to ruin it.' She sighs and you grin at her reaction.
'Speaking of katie, where is she?' realising you hadn't seen katie since you beat her in that drinking game.
'Her and Kyra are in the kitchen, their both pissed.'
You frown to yourself, remembering you told Kyra you'd call and Uber but you'd not been able to when Leah had distracted you. You get off the chair and walk into the kitchen.
'I still can't believe you have a girlfriend, that you've never told us about before.' Alessia says, looking shocked at the news.
'She's so pretttyyyy.' Kyra was drunkenly rambling on to a slightly less drunk Alessia. 'L-like she's perfect. And it's not fair that she doesn't think I'm perfect.' The aussie whined sadly.
An equally intoxicated Katie frowned dramatically, 'well then she fucking stupid.' she decided through a hiccup.
Kyra gasped as it was the most offensive thing she'd even heard. 'Don't say that.' she pouted with a heated glare towards Katie.
'it's true.' Katie sniffed, waving her hand in the air mindlessly and accidentally slapping Kyra on the face.
Kyra let out a shriek as though Katie had full on punched her and lifted her hand, slapping the Irish back with no strength, it was more of a pat on the cheek.
Katie gasped loudly leaning over to hit Kyra back and seeming to forget she was sitting on the edge of the kitchen counter resulting in her falling off and landing on the floor.
And that's how you found them, a red faced and frowning Katie lying on the floor as though she had been shot, a giggling Kyra rocking from side to side where she was perched on the counter and a tired Alessia who still had a vague look of shock on her face as she was still thinking about the news Kyra had just broke.
'Normally I'm the one who has to be looked after on nights out.' You mumble, amused at the sight before you.
Katie pushed herself off of the floor so fast you were worried she'd injure herself but she didn't even notice, instead her face lit up making you confused before she yells out; 'Foordy!'
Caitlin groans from behind you and you realised she must've followed you, the aussie barely has time to prepare herself before Katie launches herself into her arms.
You grinned at them, shooting Caitlin a teasing smile as Katie snuggles herself into the crook of her neck and even let out a hum of complete content.
You only look away from the amusing yet adorable scene when you hear Kyra whisper to Alessia who had her eyes shut and was resting her head on Kyra's shoulder now. You were unsure if she was sleeping or trying to but you prayed it was the former as Kyra loudly whispered 'She's so pretty.'
Alessia just mumbles before a quiet snore escapes her lips and you allow yourself to go and sit next to Kyra.
'Talking about me love?' You question cheekily, this time speaking in an actual whisper so no one else can hear.
'Yeah.' Kyra whispered back, to out of her normal mindset to tease you or be cocky, instead she sounded so sincere that your heart fluttered a little bit. Her big eyes staring up at you hopelessly as you smiled tenderly.
'Well thank you.' You smiled softly, giving her a little squeeze not wanting to do anything more knowing that if Caitlin sees she's likely to remember as she's not as shit faced as Katie is.
'It's ok, it's the truth.' Kyra sleepily smiled back at you, her eyes drooping as she leans on your shoulder, Alessia groaning from the sudden movement rubbing her eyes as she moves into a sitting position.
It takes her a while to adjust, seeming as though she must've forgotten where she was after falling asleep. When she sees you her eyes light up a little bit a grin falling on her face 'Sunny you're here.' Her words are still slurred showing that she hasn't sobered up yet, 'did Kyra tell you the big news, she has a girlfriend!'
The smile falls off your face, and you feel your hands start to sweat as nerves take over. 'really?' You manage to say weakly, you weren't prepared for everyone to know 'did she say who it was?' You ask praying that even drunk Kyra would be smart enough to not tell them.
'No.' You feel your heartbeat ease but the smile on the strikers face falters, clearly disappointed that Kyra hadn't revealed who, before she beams again 'but she kept going on about how caring and funny she was, I wish I had someone to love me like that.' The blonde sighs looking into the distance as you smiled fondly at the other girl who's head rested on your shoulder.
'So pretty.' Kyra mumbles half asleep and your smile grows before Alessia looks back at her a coos.
'Oh Sunny, you've got to help me find out who she is.' She says excitedly, and you nod weakly trying to act as if you had no clue who it could be. After seeing your reaction Alessia squeals hopping off the table, 'I've got to tell the others the big news.'
'Maybe it can just be our little secret for now.' You suggest not wanting everyone to know as they'd all pester Kyra non-stop and she was never good under pressure.
'I guess, but Katie knows as well.' You sigh bringing a hand up to your face knowing that Katie wouldn't be able to keep her big mouth shut, all you could do was hope that she'd be to drunk to remember this in the morning.
Once Alessia's left the room, you're alone with only Kyra.
'Baby it's time to go, the Ubers here.' You gently shake her causing her to groan and hug you tighter burying her face in your chest. 'You can stay at my place tonight, we can just tell Steph that you crashed on the couch.' You tempt her and a small smile forms on her face.
'Of course.' After hearing your response she quickly hops up and grabs your hand, helping you off the counter and pulling you to walk beside her and out of the house. 'Shouldn't we say goodbye?'
'It will be fine, they probably won't even notice we're gone. Now stop trying to stop me from spending time with my girlfriend.' She whines and you laugh kissing her on the nose to quiet her complaints.
'Better?' You joke rubbing her back before sliding your arm around her waist.
'I think I'm going to need more than that.' She says a mischievous glint in her eyes. You place a small kiss on her lip, intending for it to only be a quick peck but she senses your plan and wraps her arms tightly around you stopping you from moving as she deepens the kiss.
'Kyra.' You mumble between her lips, 'someones going to see us if we keep going.' after a bit of wiggling around you finally are free of her grasp.
You gasps, acting hurt as she places her hand to heart 'my own girlfriend doesn't love me.' she exclaims dramatically and you laugh.
'You're hearts on the other side silly.' You state moving her hand to the correct position as she goes red.
'I knew that, just testing you.' she lies a grin on her face as she does.
By now your out on the street waiting in the cold for your Uber, noticing your shivering Kyra wraps an arm around you pulling you closer trying to warm you up with some of her body heat.
'I love you Ky.' You say softly, the sound of your voice the only noise in the peaceful night sky.
'Love you more.'
'Don't think that's possible.'
She doesn't have the chance to retaliate as your Uber pulls up and you both hop into the back of the car, hands still intertwined as you do so. You quickly tell the driver your address as they begin the drive home.
You and Kyra sit in a comfortable silence both staring out the window and it's only when you look to your left that you realise the sad expression on Kyra's face.
'What's wrong my love?' You ask squeezing her hand as she turns around to face you.
'It’s nothing,' she mumbles, her voice barely audible. But when you give her a stern look, she exhales heavily, her frustration palpable. 'Fine. Tonight, I kept watching Caitlin, Katie, Viv, and Beth—seeing them so effortlessly happy together. It made me ache because I want that too. I want to be able to be with you like that. I want to show you off and kiss you without having to sneak around. I want to hold your hand in public, cuddle with you on the couch, call you ‘baby’ and ‘my love’ without the constant fear of hiding. I’m tired of pretending we’re just friends when all I want is to be able to be your girlfriend.'
You weren't expecting those words to fall out of her mouth and when you do it makes your heart sting a little. What she was saying was true, you felt that way to but you were too scared of all the bad things that could happen if you did tell everyone.
'Oh baby.' You look into her brown eyes which are slightly moist and you can feel her pain, 'I'm sorry for making you feel this way, I didn't know it was upsetting you but if you want we can tell the others. It's up to you.'
She looks torn, trying to decide how to respond. She opens her mouth before shutting it then opening it again, 'that would be nice, but maybe we can wait a little longer. We'll see what it's like after the season starts.' She suggests and you nod, yawning loudly as a sudden rush of exhaustion enters your body.
'Let's get home and rest we can talk about this tomorrow.' You tell her, eyelids becoming to heavy to keep open much longer. The relief you feel when you feel the car stop and see your familiar apartment building just outside the window is welcomed and you rush to quickly pay the driver before getting out of the car.
Once you get into your apartment you and Kyra both make a beeline for the bedroom, equally as ready as the other for a good sleep. You chuck her a pair of pajamas she left last time she'd stayed the night which she puts on whilst you do the same.
Your quickly in bed her head resting on your chest as you play with her hair causing a sigh to fall from her mouth.
'Goodnight love.' She whispers into the darkness.
'Night baby.'
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barcaatthemoon · 2 months
playgirl || alanna kennedy x reader ||
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you find alanna charming, albeit a bit infuriating.
minors dni, 18+, smut.
alanna was infuriating to lose against. city thoroughly destroyed united in the first derby of the season, and you were seething because of it. a start was huge for alanna, and while you wanted to be happy for her, you couldn't stand her. every single time that you looked at her, you wanted to punch the smug smirk off of her face.
"so babe, is it your place or mine?" alanna asked as she draped her arm around your shoulders. you had taken a shower in a vain attempt to calm yourself down. now that alanna was so close you with her stupid six pack on display with her crop top, you couldn't deny the feelings of desire you had for her.
"how fucking dense are you? why would i want to go back with you after you spent the last hour taunting me on the pitch?" you asked her. alanna had to admit that she had been a bit of a dick on the pitch, but she felt good with how easy the game was going for city. it wouldn't have been nearly such a walk in the park last season, despite everybody's best efforts.
"because i've got a solid seven inches with your name on it," alanna said. your jaw dropped, but you quickly turned away so that alanna couldn't see the blush on your cheeks. "come on baby, let me help you forget that you just got your ass handed to you."
"charming kennedy, you know just how to make a girl blush." you slapped alanna's shoulder as you moved past her.
"i'll meet you at yours then!" alanna called out after you.
alanna had been over hundreds of times, but you were still feeling nervous as you waited for her. it didn't mean anything to alanna, a point that she had worked hard to hammer in over the course of the last couple of seasons. you guys were having fun, and alanna was the very definition of a player. she came over for a good time, not a long one.
the hookups had been going on for a long time. much longer than alanna said she ever allowed in the beginning. a part of you wondered whether or not she did actually like you, but you tried not to think too hard on it. either she'd make a move or one of you would move on the next person, and your money was always on her leaving you.
you shook those thoughts out of your head as you heard her knock on your door. alanna didn't like to be kept waiting, so you quickly checked over your outfit before you opened up the door. you were far from dressed up, but you had put some thought into your choice of shorts and tank top.
"fuck me, you're hot. i mean jesus christ babe." alanna looked like she was at a loss for words, and yet, she found a way to say the same sentiment over and over again. "god, you're so fucking hot sometimes. come here, i'm not waiting any longer."
alanna let you lead her back to your bedroom with one hand wrapped around her wrist. it wasn't holding hands, something that alanna was pretty careful to avoid with you. she toed the line between girlfriend and fuck buddy recklessly, almost like she was trying to keep you second guessing.
"cute shorts, but they're in my way." alanna wasn't wasting any time with you. she had you out of your clothes before you managed to get to your bed. you felt a bit underdressed with alanna standing there still in her sweatpants and tank top, but she didn't give you much of a chance to think once you were laying down.
every so often, you got shades of the player that alanna had been back in florida. she liked to tease you in a way that was deeply unsatisfying. it was far from unenjoyable, but both you and alanna knew that you'd never cum from it. she wanted you wet enough to make a mess of yourself, and alanna never stopped until she was done.
"alanna please, i need more than this. i need you, please," you tried, but it seemed like no use. alanna didn't let up as she kissed and sucked at your cunt. your hands fisted themselves into her hair in a vain attept to pull her closer. alanna just snickered as she pushed herself up onto her elbows and stared down at you.
"poor little thing, do you need me to fuck you?" alanna asked. you didn't have to answer as alanna began to sit up and move. she didn't even get completely off of the bed to take her sweatpants off, letting them just hang just low enough for her to pull out the strap she had worn over. "do you think you can take this after the game?"
"yes, lan, just fuck me," you told her. alanna nudged your legs fully apart and guided the tip of her dildo towards your entrance. alanna gave you a few teasing strokes as she watched to make sure that you were ready to take her. you bucked your hips to try and chase after her, more than prepared to take every inch of her.
"fuck baby, does that feel good? you look so pretty taking my cock," alanna said as she started to set her pace. she didn't look away from her cunt for a moment, not even as she spoke to you. your eyes drifted down to watch as she thrust in and out of you, more and more of her strap disappearing inside of you as your body grew accustomed to it.
this wasn't the same dildo that you had gotten used to over the past couple of seasons playing against each other. alanna had gone out and bought a new one, just a few inches longer, but quite a bit thicker than what you were used to. she was practically drooling as she watched the way that you stretched to grip her tightly. you could have been fooled into thinking that she was feeling everything from the look on her face as she watched you getting fucked.
"here," you mumbled as you reached for her. alanna let you tug her down for a kiss. it was messy and your teeth knocked together a little as she continued to thrust into you. still, you didn't let up, even as you found it difficult to keep your mouth on hers. alanna refused to let up one bit, not until she was certain that you were cumming around her strap.
"hey, where are you going?" alanna asked as she watched you. she was still on top of you, just watching as you began to drift away. it was hard to keep yourself focused on anything, including her. alanna pouted until you looked her way and smiled at you. "everything okay?"
"perfect," you told her. alanna leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead as she rolled off of you. "hey, don't run out on me. i thought we weren't doing that anymore."
"i'm not running out, i'm just stretching my legs a bit," alanna told you. a part of you didn't believe her, but alanna never made it any further than your living room. you were close to drifting off to sleep when she came back several minutes later, dressed back in her sweatpants and tank top. "see? i'm still right here."
"yes, but i'd like you in bed with me." you sat up on your elbows and stared at her until she came over towards you. alanna sat on the edge of your bed next to where you laid down. "are you too cool to cuddle with me?"
"do i have to keep my hands to myself?" alanna asked.
"when do you ever?" it was a fair question, and apparently exactly what alanna wanted to hear. she let you pull her down onto the bed, nuzzling her face into your chest as she got comfortable. you knew that she'd be gone by the morning, but at least she'd stay until you fell asleep.
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vivwritesfics · 4 months
Hungry Like The Wolf
Chapter Seven
She hadn't seen her best friend, Lando, in years. She didn't run into him the last time she was visiting her father and she doubted she'd see him this time. Things were different now. She wasn't aware of his furry little problem. Just like she wasn't aware of the vampires plaguing the town.
Vampire!Oscar x Reader x Werewolf!Lando
Series Masterlist
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"What the hell do you want?"
Oscar stared down at Lando. He was taller than the werewolf, but not by a lot. Lando wasn't intimidated by his height, that much clear by the way he snarled.
But Lando dropped the snarl. "I think we should talk."
It wasn't what Oscar was expecting, not in the slightest. Maybe for Lando to launch at him, try and rip out his throat. A sigh left his lips as he let Lando into the house and led him through to his bedroom.
He might have been the first werewolf to step foot in the vampire house. Nest, some would call it. But Oscar hated that word. It made them seem less... human. But, really, how human were they?
Lando didn't much look around his room when he walked in. He sat on the bed and pulled his hoodie up to better cover his neck, something that wasn't missed by Oscar.
"What do you want?" Asked Oscar as he sat by the window.
He'd never seen Lando like this. He was always hot headed, pouncing before he could really think. But now he was quiet, contemplative. "You kissed her," he said.
Oh, that was what this was about. "I did," Oscar sat as he leaned against his extensive bookshelf (at least one hundred books filled it yet he hadn't touched a single one since the invention of the PlayStation).
"And then you kissed me."
He nodded, watching for Lando's reaction. That was something he'd always been good at, reading people. He waited for a look of disgust to cross Lando's face, but it was never there.
"And then I kissed her."
Oscar hadn't quite been expecting that. It wasn't exactly a surprise, just unexpected. "You did, huh?" He asked as he wiped the dust from one of the shelves with his finger. "Took you long enough."
Suddenly, Lando was standing, eyes flashing. "I kissed your girlfriend, who I just so happen to have been in love with since I was a kid, and that's your reaction?" He yelled. If the rest of the vampires in the house weren't listening before this, they certainly were now. "Be fucking human for once."
Oscar schooled his features, remaining cool and calm. "How'd you suppose I do that, Lando?" He strode towards him as guilt flashed behind Lando's eyes. "Is it such a fucking crime that I have a thing for the both of you?"
It, admittedly, wasn't a possibility Lando had taken into consideration. But then again, he hadn't thought he'd like kissing a male vampire as much as he did. Didn't expect to find himself wanting to again.
"Well, what are we supposed to do? March up to her house and say 'hey this is a bit out there but we both want to date you and we also want to date each other. Also he can't die and I turn into a fucking dog once a month'? If she doesn't kick us out her dad would get his gun," Lando said as he sat back down.
Oscar stared at him. For a full minute, as he went over Lando's words. "Did you just say you want to date me?"
"You just said 'we want to date each other'."
"I said a lot of things, Osc."
Now, the two had never been in close enough proximity without tearing at each other for Lando to call him 'Osc'. He might have been a pale, undead being, but a blush still rose to his cheeks.
And, suddenly, Oscar was kissing him. He stepped closer and kissed him, dragging his pointed canines across his bottom lip. Lando didn't push him away. No, quite the opposite. He ran his hands through Oscar's hair, tugging enough to pull a whine from his lips.
But then Lando did step away. Rather breathlessly he stepped away from Oscar. "You gotta start warning me," he said as he wiped at his mouth. "Look, Osc...ar, I like kissing you. I think that's kinda clear. But dating you is a whole other..." He waved his hands around as he searched for the words. "But I'm not saying never. Take a guy out for a drink first, you know?"
The giggling laugh that left Lando's lips, Oscar could have listened to it forever. "Should we go tell her?"
"What are we gonna tell her?" Lando asked. His hand brushed against Oscars but he quickly shoved it into his pocket. They weren't quite there yet, and that was okay.
Oscar shrugged his shoulders as he led Lando out of the house. "What you said, I guess. That we want to date her and we also might one day want to date each other."
"And the bit about us being..."
"Leave that out for now," Oscar said quickly. He knew from the moment he kissed Lando, from the moment he started dreaming about the three of them together, that this conversation wouldn't be quite so easy for him.
Lando was a werewolf. A big, dangerous wolf who could come across as cute and cuddly. But Oscar? He had to kill to stay alive. How could he ever be loved?
He didn't let his thoughts stray as the two made their way into town. Crossing into the werewolf side of town didn't feel quite as illegal with Lando by his side. Lando, who was making talking so easy. Lando, who was still a little wary of him. Lando, who pushed past that wariness.
But here they stood, in front of her door. Oscar sucked in a breath, his pose mirroring Lando. Both of them with their hands shoved into their pockets. "Do you want to?" Oscar asked as he gestured to the door.
Lando looked up at the bedrooms. "We could just go to her window," he said.
"Yeah, and have Toto try to murder us."
"What're you so worried about? You literally can't die."
Oscar knocked on the door. It was hesitant and slow, and probably a bit ominous. But Susie didn't look wary as she pulled the door open. "Hello, boys," she said, stepping to the side to let them in.
"Hello, Mrs Wolff," they said in quick succession as they came to stand in the foyer. They wiped their shoes on the mat by the door and looked around the house they'd both been in many times before.
"She's upstairs," Susie said before returning to the kitchen, where she had her laptop open for work and Jake sitting beside her, colouring in a race car.
The boys looked at each other. This was it. They were really doing this. The two apex predators were terrified.
Lando led the way up the stairs. He kept his gaze fixed forward, only to keep his feet moving in the same direction. The steady, thumping bass of music filled his ears as he approached her door.
When he knocked, the music switched off. The boys spared a glance at each other, but only for a second. Because then the door was pulled open, and the minimal amount of courage they'd built up on their way up the stairs had flown out of the window.
Surprise was written on her face as she looked at them. "Hey guys," she said, brows furrowing. "I... thought you didn't know each other."
Oscar couldn't stop himself from looking at Lando. Lando, who looked guilty. "You told her we didn't know each other?"
"That was before..." He did that thing where he waved his hands because he couldn't find the word.
She let them into her room, shut the door behind them and sat on her bed. They could have sat, but they didn't. No, they stayed standing by her desk. "What's going on with you guys?" She asked as she folded her arms over her chest.
They couldn't say anything. Lando coughed. "After you," he said and nudged Oscar.
"No no," he said. "After you."
Lando sucked in a breath. "We... aren't human."
Well, that certainly didn't go to plan."
a/n: this might be my favourite chapter i love these silly little guys
Taglist: @biancathecool
Series taglist (CLOSED): @cmleitora
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good-griief · 1 year
already decided
i just had a lil thought ab protective!ellie, so in love w her gf she'd do anything to keep her safe
Ellie’s temper was as short as she was. She couldn’t manage it for the life of her, and when it came to you, she didn’t even try. 
“Are you some kind of fucking moron?!” She’d yelled at Jesse one day when you came back from patrol with a nasty scratch on your arm. 
“I fell—“
“Should’ve fucking caught her, Jesse—“
“Are you fucking insane?” He’d asked, earning a cartoonish shrug in response. “Broaden your vocabulary, Ellie.”
She then went on to say ‘fuck’ as many times as she could before Jesse walked away. 
If you didn’t shut her up, she’d probably end up flying off the handle— though, you couldn’t say those rare occasions were undeserved. When they were serious, there was always a reason; like when Maria spooked your horse and you fell off, the animal nearly breaking your arm before Ellie grabbed the reins. Or when you weren’t on full alert during a patrol, nearly got swarmed, and she had to get you out of the situation. 
There was always a reason any time she went overboard, but tonight was different; she never got this way.
There was a guy bothering you at the bar, continuously getting drinks and trying to talk to you despite you rejecting his advances. He was new, so you didn’t want to be harsh, but Ellie didn’t care about that at all. 
“Hey, can you back the fuck up off my girlfriend?” She asked, overly sweet, as she walked over to him, smiling despite how pissed off she was. You'd told her how uncomfortable you were after she came back from the bathroom, the man getting more bold with her gone and nearly making you want to follow after her or find Joel and Tommy. “She’s very clearly not fucking interested.”
You didn’t know what led to what you could hear next, as Ellie had been keeping quiet, making sure not to make a scene even if she knew how uncomfortable you were. That failed, though, when she punched the man square in the jaw, knocking his head into the bar and making him fall out of his barstool. “Fucking asshole!” Was all you heard when your head snapped over to her. She hit him again when he spat something at her, blood mixed in with snarled words that made her ram her fist into his eye socket so hard that she broke skin. “She’s not fucking interested. Got that?! Fucking creep. I fucking better not see you around her again, you fucking—!”
“Ellie!” Thankfully, Joel got to her before she could do anything more than knock him out, grabbing Ellie as you got up and rushed over while Joel dragged her out of the bar. 
“Did you hear what the fuck he said?!” Her gaze snapped to you when you opened the door and came out to meet them. Her angered expression, sewn together brows, flared nostrils, and sneered lips puffing harsh breaths of air, fell to concern immediately. “Did you?” You looked between them, frowning. “Did you hear what he said?”
“No, but are you—?“
“Good.” The sneer on her lip as she shook out her fist made you refrain from asking her what he said that caused her to react like that, taking her hand to look at her already bruising knuckles. “Should’ve fucking killed him. Fuck.”
“You want me to talk to Maria, El?” Joel asked, placing a hand on both your shoulders and squeezing. He knew how much you hated this, as it made you more anxious than anything, but he also knew Ellie was completely serious about killing the guy after hearing what he’d said, and he had no objection to it. 
“Yeah,” she huffed out, a sick smile on her face. “Send him over to the fucking raiders.” She continued to curse under her breath despite being one-hundred-percent serious. “Joel, did you hear him?” She asked again, looking at him in search of reassurance for her reaction. 
“Yeah���” He sighed, looking at you briefly before looking back to Ellie. “Yeah, babygirl, I heard him. I’ll see what I can do, alright?” He rubbed her shoulder in an attempt to get her to calm down, but it was no use. 
“What a fucking pig,” she was still going on, clutching your hands in her bruising one.
Joel nodded toward the street, and you quickly got the memo. “Why don’t we get home, El?” You suggested, squeezing her hand to get her attention. She hummed, bringing the back of your hand to her mouth to kiss your knuckles. 
You hadn’t tried to calm her down that time, not knowing what to say with the way she was still gripping your hands and staring at the ground. 
Eventually, she spoke up. “I really tried not to make a scene,” she said. “I’m sorry if I embarrassed you, or scared you, or—“
“It’s fine, Els.”
“I’d explain, but I’d have to repeat what he said, and I don’t ever want to hear that shit again… Fucking disgusting.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry. Seriously. Sorry anyone would ever fucking say something like that… Fuck’s sake.”
You walked in silence for a while, gently stroking the back of her palm as she lifted her gaze from the ground to your hands cupping hers, which would probably be trembling if it weren't for you holding it.
“I’ve never seen you so serious about…” you spoke up after a moment, still not even knowing how to communicate with her like this. “You know, when you’re yelling at Jesse about patrol, it’s usually half joking, or something, but… You seriously looked like you were gonna kill him.”
She was still gripping your hand when you got home, unlocking the door and holding it open for her. 
As soon as she was in the safety of your home, her face started to turn red. She brought the heels of her palms to her eyes as she sucked in a harsh breath, cursing at herself for how upset she was getting. 
“Should I get you tea or something?” She’d never been so angry that she started crying, and you didn’t know how to deal with that. You had half a mind to go get Joel again. “What do you need from me?”
She sighed, putting her hands down. Her face was still red, but she was refusing to let herself get worked up again. “Can we go to bed?” She asked quietly, gaining a quick nod from you. You held out your hand for her. She went to take it, but quickly stopped herself. “I need to wash my hands.”
“Okay…” You nodded, offering a reassuring smile. “I’ll set out some clothes for you, yeah?” She nodded, lips pursed. You leaned in, kissing her cheek and gaining a nearly unnoticable smile before you went your separate ways.
You changed into one of her shirts and underwear before you got into bed and waited. It must’ve been a half hour before she came back, looking much calmer than she did before. She changed into the shirt and boxers you set out for her, keeping quiet as she got into bed and lied behind you with her head resting on your shoulder. 
“Feel better?” You asked. She only hummed, bringing her hand to your hip and running it up your waist. “El, what did he—?“
“I love you,” she said quietly, shaking her head and kissing your shoulder. “I’d do fucking… anything for you. You know that?” Her hand slipped beneath your shirt, running over your stomach and making you understand that she'd never repeat those words. Even if they were still running through her mind. “I won’t let anyone touch you. Fucking ever.” Her touch was soft despite her words, tone uninviting for argument. “If anyone ever lays a hand on you, you tell me. I’ll fucking kill them—“
“Ellie,” you warned, turning toward her and lying on your back.
You tried to be stern in an attempt to help ground her, as that was the only thing that would make her relax, but her words were earnest, coming out far too easily. 
She shook her head, and when you looked up at her, you could tell that she was completely calm. She'd already decided that she should've killed that man, and you had half a mind to think she was so upset earlier because she didn't get to.
“If anyone even looks at you wrong…” She muttered as she hovered over you, forearms resting on either side of your head to hold herself up as her fingers ran softly over your hair. “If that’s really how people think, then I don’t care—“
“What did he say, El? Why did it get you so worked up?” Your hands went to her shoulders, gently rubbing her back to soothe her. 
She shook her head, bringing her hand to your cheek and running the backs of her fingers down your skin. “Nothing you should have to hear…” She moved to straddle you, sitting back on your thighs as she lowered her head to your neck. “Just know…” She kissed you softly. “If I ever see him again…” Her kisses were loving, soft lips grazing your skin as she tucked her head in the crook of your neck. “He’s fucking dead.”
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webslingingslasher · 11 months
and peter never shuts up about trouble to may
she teases him for it all the time and when they finally make it official may tells trouble.
“i just knew you were the one for him, he always talks about you. that boy is head over heels”
trouble and frat peter are total endgame
may, never one to complain about another friendly face, was smiling hard at you.
'oh, hello! peter didn't say you were joining this weekend.'
she was extremely happy, it was the first weekend she's seen you after your split. she assumes her nephew made right like he said he would, it had been a quiet few weeks on peter's side.
'he wanted it to be a surprise, did it work?' may answers with giving you a tight hug, 'very. i missed you,' she lowers her voice, it doesn't do much. 'and he did too.'
'may.' peter doesn't like his secrets being told.
'oh, i know he did. he cried.' your hip was pinched, 'hey. no more.' he really doesn't like those secrets being told.
may gives another gentle squeeze before stepping back, she's about to give peter his own hug until you elbow him.
'sorry, i thought embarrassing you was in my job description now.'
'i'd prefer if it wasn't.' you loop your arm around him and lean a cheek on his shoulder. 'deal. can i still do it in private though?' immediate agreeance, 'absolutely.'
may sees nothing but pure love, she really hopes peter does it right this time around. peter places a kiss on your hairline before gently loosening his arm. 'i'm gonna set our stuff down, two seconds.'
it's more affection he's ever been open to sharing with may, she's caught kisses and soft touches before, but she can't place a time he's willingly done it in her eyesight. peter knows she'd tease him too much.
'i see things are going good?'
you feel shy, peter said he wanted it to be a surprise.
'very. i'm really, really happy. he um, he told me about everything.' may knows exactly what you're hinting at, not that her nephew filled her in on his plans. 'and everyone?'
you laugh lightly, 'yeah. i'm still trying to wrap my head around that, i have this weird new sense of worry now. i don't know how you do it.'
it's comforting she has someone to relate the anxiety to, it's a new feeling and it's something she never thought she'd be able to share.
'it gets easier, but it never goes away.'
'hey, hey, hey,' peter's voice becomes gradually louder when he picks up on the conversation. one look at you and you know what he's about to say, you can't even try to stop the smile.
'i just got her, let's not scare off my girlfriend, may.'
a sharp gasp, hands cover her mouth. 'shut up! you're lying!'
peter plays cool, 'i told you i was going to fix it.' you nod approvingly, 'he really did. he even... peter, you wanna show her or should i?'
'oh, i got it.' your boyfriend clears his throat, 'i love you.' loud and proud. it doesn't matter if he's said it a hundred times in the past month, it'll never get old. 'i love you, too.'
peter looks at may, 'you were right. there's nothing compared to that feeling.' your bottom lip pokes out, 'aw, petey!'
'i knew it! i knew you were the one and i knew he'd figure out a way to get you back and ah! i just knew it!' you were held tighter than before, a squeak has peter crossing the linoleum to your side.
may releases you to tug her nephew in for his own hug, she holds him tighter than you think you ever have. it's warm to know she wanted this just as much as you did.
'i'm proud of you,' it was quiet, not really meant for your ears. you'll pretend you didn't hear it. 'thanks, i am too.' since everyone's caught up and you have no reason to feel like a slight stranger, you hum around their bodies on a mission to the kitchen for the cookies you've been smelling since the second you walked in.
mumbling around a snickerdoodle, 'is this an okay time to tell you that i'd much prefer a batch of peanut butter cookies?' may turns to you with an amused look, you may have led on that peter's favorites were your own.
'what? i didn't want to feel like i was changing the routine. it's peter's fault, he knew and kept letting me lie.' peter clicks his tongue, 'oh, no, no, no. don't blame me, i told you i'd ask and you said i couldn't be trusted.'
'yeah, but,' you look at may for support. 'have you ever been at a friends house and ask for something and instead of your friend covering for you they're just like 'mom, may wants a popsicle!' and you feel like punching yourself in the head cause like, why would you do that to me?'
peter gasps, 'i would never! i would conceal a murder for you in ten seconds, you think i'd sell you out on some cookies?' may holds a hand to her chest, 'i would love to make you a batch of peanut butter cookies, or we could make them together and talk about peter.'
he shuts it down in a second. 'no, no talking of me. thank you.'
'well, since you're my boyfriend now i think i should finally be able to hear your embarrassing stories.'
'no, not allowed, trouble.'
'but i already love you!'
'and i'd prefer if we keep it that way.'
'i've loved you longer.'
you always have to one up him.
'fine. you get three, and nothing from middle school. we're not there yet.'
your teeth sink into a snickerdoodle, happiness you've never felt before hasn't faded in a month, if anything it's gotten brighter. you could really get used to this.
may can't remember the last time her apartment was filled with this much love.
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creedslove · 1 year
there’s a certain scenario in my head that I think you’d like hearing about.
you’re dating/married to joel, and you both take Sarah to the aquarium. while she’s mesmerized with the fish and other sea animals, joel sneaks a hand through your dress and slides your panties to the side, fingering you right there, in the aquarium, telling you to be quiet and a good girl.
No outbreak!Joel Miller x f!reader
A/N: you're completely right anon, I LOVED this scenario, I loved it so much I couldn't help to think about it all.day.long and now I had to turn it into a dirty headcanon because I can't stop myself 😭 I hope you like it ❤️
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When you and Joel were dating, you would often take Sarah to the aquarium, she absolutely loved that place and it didn't matter if she'd been there hundreds of times, she would still get thrilled and fascinated by all the animals
In fact, the very first time you had a family date with Joel and Sarah, you guys went to the aquarium, it'd been a special day for the three of you, because you felt accepted by Sarah, Joel was sure you would be the right fit for the family, and Sarah was glad his dad's new girlfriend was nice to her 
And quickly the aquarium became a family thing, if it were up to Sarah, she'd go there at least once a month, and she never wanted to go with only her dad or uncle Tommy, she wanted you to be there because you were part of the family 
After you and Joel got married, you still went to the aquarium frequently, but as the time went by Sarah got interested in other things, Joel didn't want to admit but he got a little sad, as he interpreted that as his little girl growing up 
But one day she asked him if you three could go to the aquarium again, and he immediately said yes, relieved to see that maybe his little Sarah wasn't all grown up yet 
And then the three of you woke up early and headed for the Aquarium, but you just to pick that summer dress and make Joel's trip turn into hell 
He didn't know how to explain, he supposed it was a nice dress because a lot of people - Sarah included - it complimented you on your dress, but to Joel it was just driving him crazy 
There was something about how it hung to your body in the right places, and it was short and tempting, because you looked so innocent, but all he could think of was feeling you up under that dress 
So the drive to the aquarium was long and torturous, of course he still placed his hand on thigh and stroked it softly, but it was very innocent, as his daughter was just right there 
So once you got to the aquarium, Sarah was once again mesmerized, she just loved that place and she already knew it by heart, walking all over the place, being so attentive to the animals 
In the meantime, Joel walked next to you, his hand protectively touching you all the time, either placed on the small of your back or his arm wrapped around your waist 
You and Joel walked into one of the final halls of the aquarium, the lights were dim so people could properly appreciate the animals swimming around, but Joel only had his eyes on someone: you
He would start by rubbing your ass under the dress, which caught you by surprise and you sort of jumped, looking at him with wide eyes 
"What are you doing, Joel?" 
He chuckled and kissed you, as he pressed your body against the wall, in a darker corner and squeezed your ass, making you whimper and groan into his mouth 
Without any warning, he shifted his hand to your thighs, groaning at the feeling of your painfully thin panties and Joel could bet his life you were matching colors
He tries touching your pussy, but you widen your eyes and hold his wrist in place 
"Not here, Joel, we can't…" 
He scoffs at how you look around worried someone will walk on the two of you 
"This place echoes, if someone is coming we'll hear the steps…" 
You still aren't convinced, so you still hold his wrist with a strong grip, even digging your nails into his skin softly, so he knows you mean it 
But Joel only laughs and tilts his head 
"You've always been such a good little wife for me and now you're gonna act up? Come on, darling, be a good girl for your husband" 
He nuzzles your neck, his beard scratching down your skin and you whimper softly, finally letting go of his wrist
Joel's fingers pull your panties to the side, his thick fingers feeling your slit parting to reveal your clit and how he strokes it softly, dragging moans from you 
He runs his finger up and down your slit, spreading your wetness and going a little further into your pussy hole, stretching you up with his thick finger before adding a second one 
You ask Joel to stop because it's dangerous and you're worried someone will walk in even if he's super chill and relaxed about it, he doesn't stop and he doesn't slow down either, two fingers deep into you and his thumb teasing your clit until he feels your internal walls clenching around his fingers 
You cum all over his hand but Joel isn't satisfied yet, he helps you straighten your dress and takes you to the restroom, fucking you in one of the stalls, loving how you looked being fuck in your pretty dress and how you obediently took all of his cum inside 
When you two finally left the restroom, you were holding hands and Sarah was looking for the two of you, asking where'd you been. Joel chuckled and told her he was distracted by a beautiful mermaid he spotted in the aquarium
Sarah rolled her eyes as you blushed softly, wrapping your arm around Sarah's shoulder and asking her to show you her favorite fish just like she did the first time you all went to the aquarium together ❤️
A/N: what do I have to do in order to be Joel's wife? 😭
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anzulvr · 21 days
୨୧ On Purpose Karma x (fem) reader || Chapter: 08 ୨୧
 PREV || 08 Klepto || NEXT
Last year, the strangest sequence of events altered [Name’s] life. It was a day like any other, beginning with countless possibilities. An inevitable build-up to the perfect moment, fate, which could have led to anything, led to him.
"Akio! It's good to see you, I'm on an assignment. Could you do me a favor and answer some questions?" [Name] greeted him with a smile.
Akio scoffed in reply he looked the [h/c]-haired girl up and down. "Spare me the trouble and tell me who reported me. My dad invests a ton of money into this school... so this conversation won't get you anywhere."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Don't act clueless, it's annoying just cut to it." Akio yanked [Name’s] bag off her shoulder. "Unless you tell me who sent you, I won't be giving this back."
[Name] felt so out of the loop. Akio hadn't been apprehensive towards her before. "Gakushuu sent me. I only need to collect a student survey." He quickly backtracked in an attempt to cover up his self-incriminating tone "Of course he did... forget this, I don't need Asano getting mad at me for bothering his girlfriend."
"He's not my boyfriend and you don't have to be so hostile towards me, if you don't want to participate it's alright."
"Not your boyfriend?" Akio laughed as if it were the most ridiculous statement he'd heard come out of anyone's mouth. He blocked out anything else she'd said and honed in on that.
"The entire school knows the real reason you're in council."
She felt her heart sink. "Are you trying to insinuate something?"
[Name] shouldn't care, it's only a rumor. Still, it was hard not to when a good amount of the student body targeted her on how she didn't deserve her position. No one else in the Big Six had to take the backlash she did. It wasn't fair. Why did people assume the worst?
This was the first time someone had the guts to say it directly to her. She worked hard for her spot but her success was attributed to some guy going and "handing" it to her.
Just as she was about to wack Akio with the clipboard in her hand, Akio held his breath. A tall red-haired guy wearing a dress-code-violating uniform and a creepy smile was standing right behind him.
[Name] stared at the stranger's face a little longer, oh- that's the guy Asano constantly complains about!
He grabbed Akio's shoulder in an overly friendly manner. "Did you think you'd get away from me?" Karma's voice dripped with confidence, he was confrontational and clearly didn't run away from a fight. A weird guy, his tone was friendly; the same way you'd talk to an old friend. It was comforting in an uncomfortable way, his words didn't match his attitude at all.
The life drained from Akio's face, he went pale and rigid.
"I'm having trouble deciding what to do. I could beat your face in before I take the wallet back, or you can give me everything you have on you, clothes and all. You can keep the underwear."
"You can have it back! I swear I didn't take money out of it!"
"You're funny, I don't just want it back. Not after you made me run around the block ."
Akio dropped everything he had on the floor, Nagisas wallet, [Names] bag, his pants... Karma laughed at the sight of Akio running off like his life depended on it.
It was a cute laugh, a little maniacal considering the circumstances, but cute.
"This is like hitting the lottery... Nagisa had 10 bucks in that old thing- That blockhead carries hundreds!" He was excitedly talking to himself like a child opening an early Christmas gift.
"Karma! There you are! I finally caught up. Huh? Where'd Akio go? God, please don't tell me you actually killed him..."
Nagisa was holding his stomach for support, completely out of breath and a few minutes late. He must've gotten lost while Karma was chasing Akio.
"Even better, check this out!"
He tossed both wallets to Nagisa, Then Karma opened up [Names] bag and started rummaging through it.
[Name] spoke up softly, even though the belongings were hers she felt pretty out of place after watching the whole ordeal go down. She wasn't keen on being next.
"Hi um, that's my stuff."
Karma gave her a suspicious glance out of the corner of his eyes. "Are you trying to rip my steal?"
She shook her head no in rapid motion.
Nagisa gave a panicked expression, "Karma don't be rude! She's in our class, she always brings that bag."
Karma furrowed his eyebrows in response, "Really? I never noticed ya."
He tossed the bag back into [Names] arms, "Heads up." She dropped her clipboard when meaning to catch her bag.
"What's that stack of papers for?" Nagisa asked while picking the board back up.
"It's just a survey I'm having people fill in for the school."
Karma tapped his open palm with his balled-up fist, a lightbulb moment, "Now I remember you! You're the square's girlfriend!" A little late, but at least he had some sort of recollection of [Names] existence.
[Name] was visibly taken aback, he did not just say that.
"Seriously where did that rumor come from? Asano would put a bullet in his head before going out with me."
Nagisa gave an awkward chuckle, clearly, he was only being polite. "Sorry about Karma, we can answer the survey if you still need people."
"You'd do that for me? Thank you! I have like fifty more to collect."
"Anytime, it's no problem!"
It was a really sweet gesture until the mood got spoiled by the delinquent behind him who didn't share the same enthusiasm.
"Do I have to? There are plenty of other people to choose from."
While Nagisa started going through and checking boxes [Name] couldn't help but focus on Karma. In contrast to his perfect hair and face his uniform was completely wrong. He could get into trouble if a teacher notices then it'll become a bigger problem than it has to be.
[Name] took a step closer and began to fix his outfit the best she could. She straightened up his blazer and buttoned up his collared shirt.
He wasn't sure what to do with himself as she lectured him about cleaning up his look. He focused on her hands. "Your shirt's unbuttoned, the blazers on wrong and I have an extra tie in my locker so you can have mine if you want."
He smiled and gave her a weird look, "No thanks I'm not a big fan, ties are suffocating."
He'd gotten told off millions of times by the councilors and teachers over dress code but this was the first time a girl his age nagged him about it. What was her deal? "Sorry if I sound pushy, I'm only looking out for you."
Looking out for him, that's a first.
"Nah it's okay, your shoes are untied by the way."
She looked down to check completely forgetting they didn't have laces. "Hm? But they aren't."
He laughed again, this time not like a sadistic weirdo. "Made you look! Are you always that gullible?"
Back then, [Name] and Karma didn't know they'd eventually become the most important people to one another.
He's always there when she needs it, that's what sets him apart from anyone else. [Name] thinks this makes her over-reliant, and needy. She hopes he won't grow sick of her. In that way they're the perfect pair, behind his poker-faced facade Karma is worrying about the same thing, hopefully, she never gets sick of him.
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fetusgooseandjuice · 1 year
Hi, how are you? I hope everything is good. I wanted to tell you that I love the story "I'd Do It Again For You" I reread a lot of times already, it's one of my fav. I like how you write, so I was wondering if it was possible a "Kate x FemReader" where Kate was a little distant and cold and the reader was sad, they argue a little about this but the truth is that Kate preparing a surprise for the reader's birthday, something for the two of them, romantic and fluffy. Thank you if you'll do my request. (*^ワ^*)Have a great day/night❣
Pairings: Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader | Wandnat x Daughter!Reader
Summary: The request!
Warnings: Mentions of cheating
Word Count: 4.2k
Author’s Note: Sorry it took me a bit to write this request, but here is it! I hope you like it! Also, I apologize for any grammatical errors. ❤️
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You weren't sure what had caused Kate to become so distant lately. It seemed like she was always too busy to spend time with you, and you didn't know why. She'd been more secretive with her phone and her whereabouts, and it honestly worried you.
Was she cheating on you? Had she lost feelings and was just afraid to say something?
So many possible reasons for her recent behavior ran through your mind, and it scared you to think that some of them might actually be true.
With your birthday being in only a week you hoped none of your thoughts would become reality because that would be the worst birthday present in all of history. But you didn't know anything for sure besides the change in her behavior began a couple weeks ago...
"Hi, Katie!" you happily greeted your girlfriend as you flopped down next to her on the couch of the compound living room.
She quickly shut her laptop that was on her lap before looking at you, "Hey, baby!" Kate nervously chucked, "When did you get here? I thought your moms didn't have to come in until tomorrow."
You slightly frowned at her actions, "Just a few minutes ago. Fury called them in for a last minute meeting, so I decided to tag along to come see you."
"Well I am extremely happy to see you, pretty girl. I missed you." Kate softly spoke as she leaned in to kiss you, but before your lips could touch you placed a hand on her chest to stop her. She looked at you with worried eyes and pulled back, "What's wrong?" Kate asked.
"What were you doing on your laptop?"
She hummed in confusion with furrowed eyebrows at your question. "When I came in here you closed your laptop like you were hiding something. Are you?" you clarified.
"What? No, I would never hide something from you, baby. I just wanted to give my full attention to my girl now that you're here." Kate assured you with a sincere smile.
You searched her eyes for any signs of deception, "Are you sure?"
"One-hundred percent, my love." she confirmed before you just decided to let it go with a nod of your head, "Wanna watch a movie? Yelena went shopping earlier and bought some of the good snacks if you're hungry." Kate suggested as she reached for the television remote to turn on the TV.
"Sure, as long as I get to pick what we watch. Your taste in movies is a bit...different?" you said with a giggle.
"Fine," Kate playfully rolled her eyes while standing up, "You pick the movie, and I'll go get snacks." she said, leaning down to peck your lips before heading off into the kitchen.
You thought that would just be a weird one time thing from your girlfriend, so you pushed it to the back of your mind and tried to forget about it. That was going pretty well until her suspicious demeanor continued and the amount of unusual behavior from her started to pile up.
Like when she canceled your date night plans at the last minute a few days later...
You were laying in bed reading a new book you've been obsessed with when your phone rang from beside you. Your eyes shifted away from the pages to look at the screen and when you saw your girlfriend's contact name on the screen, your heart fluttered.
Setting aside your book, you tapped the button to answer and held the phone up to your ear, "Hi, Katie!"
"Hey, baby." she responded, her tone sounding a bit sorrowful which caught your attention immediately.
"What's up? Are we still on for tonight? I've been looking forward to it all week." you questioned with a grin just at the thought of seeing her later on.
"Um, yeah, about that..." Kate trailed off.
You furrowed your eyebrows, "What's wrong?"
"I'm gonna need a rain check on our date. Something came up and I can't make it." she explained.
Your once fluttering heart dropped at her words. You had been so excited to finally spend time with her after being busy with your moms all week.
You missed her.
Kate told you she missed you just as much which is why she promised to keep her schedule today clear of missions and anything extra. But you can't blame her because it's not her fault.
"Oh," you said sadly, "That's okay. What came up? Did Fury give you a mission?"
"No, I just have some personal stuff that I have to take care of. I'm sorry, baby. I know you were excited for our date, but I promise I'll make it up to you soon." Kate answered which made you frown.
You both tell eachother everything, so you found it odd how she wasn't telling you what came up that caused her to cancel on you at the last minute. You were confused, but you decided to just leave it alone for now.
"Okay, I understand. I'll talk to you later?" you asked, hopeful.
"Yeah, of course, I'll call you. I love you." she responded. You repeated the words back to her before hanging up.
Dropping your phone, you rested your head back on the headboard with a sigh. Personal stuff? What was that supposed to mean? You didn't wanna think about it at first, but the thought of her possibly cheating on you or having lost feelings now seemed like it might actually become true.
A knock on your bedroom door broke you out of your thoughts, "Yeah?" you called out.
The door opened revealing Wanda, "Hey, dinner will be done in a couple minutes if you're hungry." she said.
"Alright, thanks." you gave her a small smile that, as your mother, Wanda was easily able to tell you forced out.
"What's wrong, darling?" she wondered.
You looked up at her with a hum, "Nothing, I'm fine." you answered.
Wanda playfully rolled her eyes at the lie and entered your room, taking a seat on the edge of your bed, "You know you can talk to me, right? I know kids don't necessarily prefer to talk to their parents about their problems, but I want you to be able to talk to me."
You nodded your head, "Yeah. Yeah I know." you said while sitting up, "It's nothing, really. Kate and I might just be going through a rough patch."
She lightly frowned, "What do you mean?"
"I don't know. Kate's been acting a little off. First she started hiding things from me, and now she just canceled our date because 'something came up' in her words." you explained and Wanda just listened, "I just feel like something might be up with her."
Wanda had a sympathetic expression on her face as she looked at you, "Oh, I'm sorry, honey. Have you talked to her about it?"
"Yeah, the first time it happened. She promised me there was nothing going on so I left it alone, but now I'm starting to doubt that." you responded.
Wanda just pulled you in for a hug, comfortingly rubbing your back, "I'm sorry, sweetie. I'm sure things will get better very soon. Your mom and I both know that Kate loves you too much to let you go, but we're here for you if you need us."
"Thanks, mom. I think I'm just gonna go eat dinner and then settle down for the night." you pulled away from the hug.
"Okay, sweetie. I love you."
"I love you too." you said before she left your room, closing the door behind her.
That leads you to now.
Kate was driving you home after going on your rescheduled date that she promised to make up to you. Your birthday was tomorrow, and things were seemingly back to normal. Kate had been showering you with affection and she called you fifteen times a day just to tell you that she loved you like she always had.
Wanda was right when she told you things would get better...but it didn't last.
You and Kate were singing along to your favorite song when her phone rang. She took her phone out of the cupholder and looked between the screen and the road. You watched as she pressed the red button to quickly decline the call and then set her phone in the compartment on her door, away from you.
"Who was that?" you asked.
She shook her head, "Nobody."
That's how she always answered whenever you asked what was up. She brushed it off and it was beginning to get on your nerves.
"Are you cheating on me?"
To say Kate was shocked at your question would be an understatement. 'Why would you ever think such a thing?' she thought to herself. She loves you more than anything in this world, and Kate thought you knew that.
"Because if you are, just tell me so we can get this over with." you added.
"Baby, where is this coming from? Why would you think I'm cheating on you?" she asked, glancing at you before looking back at the road.
You shrugged your shoulders with a scoff, "Oh, I don't know. It's just the way you've been acting recently. Like that time where you shut your laptop the second I walked into the room, and then you took a raincheck on our date because you had 'something to take care of'. Now someone just called you and you're gonna tell me that it's nobody?"
As Kate listened to you she cursed herself for not realizing what her recent secretiveness looked like. Now she understands why you would think she's cheating on you, but that's not what's not even close to happening. Kate would clear everything up for you right now if she could, but she couldn't.
That would just ruin what she's been planning.
"Listen, I understand why you'd think that and I'm sorry for making it seem that way, but I promise you I am not cheating on you. I would never." Kate assured you, but you just rolled your eyes. "Nothing is going on, you just have to trust me, baby." she said as she parked the car in front of your house.
"I've swept everything under the rug because I trust you, but I'm tired of it now, Kate." you said.
Kate sighed and looked at you, "I know, baby, and I'm sorry. I love you so much, but I can't tell you right now. "
It was your turn to sigh now, "Fine" you unbuckled your seatbelt, "Just call me when you wanna tell the truth." you said as you got out of the car and made your way inside your house.
She watched you close the front door with guilt written all over her face. Kate never meant to upset you. She just wanted to plan a surprise for you to make you happy, but she sees now that she wasn't very good at trying to keep it a secret.
Kate just hopes that you're not too mad at her to talk to her tomorrow when she can finally show you what she's been doing all this time.
"Good morning, honey. Happy birthday!" Wanda enthusiastically spoke when she heard you enter the kitchen the next day.
You gave her a smile as you sat down at the kitchen table, "Thanks, mom."
"Got any plans for today? Going out with friends or are you and Kate doing something?" she asked, keeping an eye on the food she had cooking.
You sighed at the mention of your girlfriend, "I don't know. We got into a small argument last night when she dropped me off and haven't talked since."
"Who got into an argument last night?" Natasha jumped in as walked into the kitchen. She approached your spot at the table and leaned down to kiss the side of your head, muttering a 'Happy birthday, sweetheart.' to you before going to look through the fridge for something to drink.
"Thank you, mama." you said, "Kate and I got into a small argument when I asked her about why she's been acting so off recently."
Natasha and Wanda looked at each other before turning to you, "We're sorry, darling. Your mom told me about that night when she canceled your date. I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt you. We see how much Kate cares about you so I know things will eventually work themselves out. You probably have nothing to worry about, dear." Natasha reassured you and Wanda nodded her head in agreement.
You tried to think positively after seeing how your moms were doing so, but you were finding it kind of hard to. However, what you didn't know was that they were fully aware of Kate's plans, which is why they were trying to comfort you like this.
She had let them in on her idea to surprise you for your birthday so that she could ask their opinions on things, but now they were silently scolding Kate for upsetting their daughter because of her inability to act normal while sorting out this surprise.
You just shrugged your shoulders as they sat at the table with you, setting down plates of food. That was when your phone dinged, letting you know you had gotten a text. You looked at the lit up screen that had a message from Kate's contact.
Good morning, pretty girl! Happy birthday! I'm sorry about last night and I hope you're not too angry with me about it. I'm a little busy this morning so I won't be by until evening, but I love you so much and I hope you have a great start to your day! I'll see you later, my love. ❤️❤️❤️
You weren't sure what to think at this point. You were confused. Deep down you know that Kate would never hurt you, but then why had she been acting like this? You wanted answers, yet weren't getting them.
Letting out a sigh, you stood up from your chair, "Actually, I'm not really that hungry."
Wanda and Natasha glanced at each other, "Are you sure, honey? Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." Wanda chuckled in an attempt to lighten the mood.
"Yeah, I'm just a little tired. I'll be up in my room if you need me." you said before making your way upstairs.
They heard you bedroom door shut before sighing.
"Bishop better make this little surprise worth it if she's gonna upset Y/N this much." Natasha practically growled, turning to her wife.
Wanda shook her head, "It'll be fine. Remember how stressed out she was when trying to find a present for her? Kate cares too much to give Y/N anything less than what she deserves."
Natasha leaned back in her chair, "I hope you're right."
It was now evening and Kate just pulled up to your house. The sun was set, the stars were out, and everything had been working out perfectly. She knows however, that it might be a challenge to convince you to come with her.
She walked up the front steps with a bouquet of your favorite flowers for you in hand and rang the doorbell, patiently waiting for someone to answer.
A few moments later the door opened, revealing Wanda, "Kate! Hi, it's good to see you." she said as she stepped aside to allow Kate inside.
"It's good to see you too, Mrs. Romanoff." Kate replied with a genuine smile.
"Y/N is up in her room. She's barely come downstairs today because she's been so upset." Wanda told her which made another wave of guilt wash over her. She thanked Wanda and made her way to the stairs, politely greeting Natasha on the way.
Kate stood outside your room and took a deep breath before knocking on the door. She waited for you to answer before opening the door and stepping inside, "Hey, love." she said.
You lifted your head away from your book to look at her, "Hi." you quietly responded.
She approached your bed and held the bouquet out for you to take, "I know the old ones are starting to die, so I got you new ones."
You took the flowers from her with a small smile, "Thank you, Katie."
Kate stood there for a moment, contemplating what to do, "Listen" she started, sitting next to you on your bed, "I know you're mad at me for how I've been acting recently, but I have a reason for it. I couldn't tell you before, but I can tell you now." she said, "Well I can't really tell you, I have to show you."
"Kate it's late and I'm tired–"
"Please," she cut you off and took your hand into hers, "Please, just come with me. You said you wanted the truth, and what I'm about to show you is the truth."
You gazed into her pleading eyes and thought for a second, "This is gonna explain what you've been up to all this time?"
"Yep," Kate smiled, "So get your cute butt up, get dressed, and let's go." she grinned at your giggle and kissed your forehead before leaving the room to let you get ready.
A few minutes later your footsteps walking down the stairs interrupted Kate's conversation with your moms. She looked at you with adoring eyes, "Ready to go, beautiful?" she asked, standing up from the couch.
You hummed as she grabbed her keys and led you to the front door with a hand on your lower back.
"Hey, Bishop," Natasha said before you could walk out the door. Kate turned around to look at your mom who had her arms crossed, "Drive slow."
Kate gave her a quick nod of her head in understandment, "Yes, Mrs. Romanoff." she agreed before leading you out of the house and to her car.
"Where are we going?" you asked as she pulled out of the driveway.
"You'll see soon enough." Kate smiled at you.
And you did.
A little while later Kate parked in front of a place that you both knew like the back of your hands even in the dark. It was the lake that you had your very first date at after Kate asked you out.
She had set up a nice lakeside picnic on a sunny, breezy day where she taught you how to use her bow, and you fed the ducks and skipped rocks.
You haven't been back since, but you were happy Kate decided to bring you.
"Katie, what're we doing here? We haven't been here in forever." you gazed out the window, taking in the familiar sights.
"Come on, I'll show you." Kate said, getting out of the car with you. She grabbed your hand and intertwined your fingers to lead the way.
She began following the dirt trail through the trees and along the lake. It hadn't been too much of a long walk when Kate stopped, "We're almost there, so I'm gonna cover your eyes now. Do you trust me?" she asked.
"Yeah, of course." you answered before she placed her hands over your eyes and carefully led you the rest of the way. When she eventually stopped again you assumed you had arrived.
"Okay, are you ready?"
"Yes, Katie, just show me already." you said and she chuckled at your eagerness.
When she removed her hands from your eyes your breath hitched at the sight. It was just like your first date, but so much more. Blankets and pillows were laid on the grass with food sat on top and lit candles carefully placed on the ground.
Rose petals were scattered all around, fairy lights hung on the branches of the surrounding trees which gave the scene a beautiful, romantic glow with the sound of the gentle ripples of water from the lake.
It was gorgeous.
"Do you like it?" Kate hopefully asked.
"Like it?" you repeated in shock, "I love it...I love it, Katie."
She breathed out a sigh of relief, "Thank god, I thought it would be too much. I mean you didn't tell me what you wanted to do for your birthday, but I knew I obviously had to do something so I practically begged your moms to help me plan this. They probably got tired of me–"
"Wait, my moms knew about this?"
Kate scratched the back of her neck, "Well, yeah. They helped me pick out some of the decorations and your mom gave me recipes for the food because we both know I can't cook."
You giggled, "It looks amazing. This is what you've been up to lately? You did all of this yourself?"
"Not all of it. Yelena helped me set most of this up. She's actually the one who called me yesterday. She was letting me know that she got the fairy lights I asked for. I just told you it was no one so you didn't get suspicious, but that clearly backfired." Kate confessed.
"Oh," you mumbled. Now you're the one who felt guilty for ever doubting Kate's loyalty to you. You should've known better, "I'm sorry for not believing you when you said there wasn't anything going on. I was just worried."
Kate shook her head with a small smile, "It's okay, I understand. I was acting pretty weird so you had every right to suspect something. But, now you know what I've been doing so there's no need to think about it anymore, okay?" she spoke to you softly, gently cupping your cheeks.
"Okay." you whispered. Kate leaned down to capture your lips in a tender kiss, moving her hands down to your sides as yours went to her neck.
You eventually pulled away when air became a necessity and Kate rested her forehead against your own, "We should probably eat the food before it gets cold." she said.
Nodding your head you let her take your hand and lead you towards the blankets where you sat down and began looking through the options.
Time always felt like it flew by at a lightning speed whenever you were with Kate. You could never get enough of the way her terrible jokes made you laugh to the point where you were out of breath, or the way she looked at you while you were talking, how she took her time whenever she kissed you.
You could never get enough of her.
So you shouldn't have been surprised when a couple hours of you two flicking food at each other, and skipping rocks, and laughing until you couldn't breath, and sharing sweet kisses ended up passing by.
"And then Tony got so mad at me and Clint for destroying all of that equipment with the arrows we made that he just ended up making a whole separate room solely for archery." Kate said and you giggled as she was telling you about one of the many times she's stressed out Tony.
Kate gazed at you as your laugh gradually winded down with adoring eyes. "Hey, I actually got a little something for you." she said, searching through a bag that was set off to the side.
"Oh Kate, you didn't have to. This is already enough as it is." you gestured to everything she had set up around you.
"Yeah, but I wanted to. Besides, I think you're really gonna like this." Kate spoke as she pulled out a small pink box with a cute ribbon decorating it and handed it to you.
You looked between her and the box.
"Go on, open it. It's what I was buying that day I hid my laptop from you. It's also what I went to pick up when I canceled our date, so this almost got me in trouble." she laughed with you and watched as you untied the ribbon and opened the box.
You gasped at what sat in the center of the box. It was a gorgeous silver ring with a small heart shaped diamond attached that shimmered in the dimly lit area.
Kate gently grabbed the box from you and took the ring out, holding it in front of you, "Now it's only a promise ring, but I hope to eventually change that." she said and you giggled, "I want this ring to remind you of how much I love you whenever you look at it, Y/N. I promise that one day, I'll replace this ring with an engagement ring, but until then I want you to know that I'll always stay loyal to you because I love you more than anything else in this world."
Her words were so sweet that a single tear ran down your cheek. She reached out wipe away the tear before taking hold of your left hand and you gladly let her. She slipped the ring onto your ring finger and admired how it was a perfect fit.
She brought that hand up to her lips and gave it a soft kiss, "I love you, Y/N. So, so much." she whispered to you.
You surged forward and connected your lips in a passionate kiss. You had caught Kate so off guard that she had to hold your waist steady to keep from falling back as you wrapped your arms around her neck.
"I love you more, Katie. So much more." you breathlessly spoke against her lips before connecting them once again.
She grinned into the kiss, "Happy birthday, baby."
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svltzmans · 1 year
more hope mikaelson nśfw headcanons <3
a/n: i feel like you all will appreciate these gay thoughts i've compiled
warnings: smut (18+), this is so filthy i'm sorry, if you are under 18 and read this i'll call ur mom, semi-public sex, phone sex, etc.
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hope is such a boobs girl it's crazy
she's obsessed
and when she can't touch them she is ALWAYS staring
like always
especially if you wear anything low cut
she loves ass too, of course
and sometimes when you're walking in front of her she'll grab yours
(when you're in private)
but not always in private
hope is the type of girlfriend to take you out to the shops
and stand closely behind you, hidden by a rack of clothes
and she'll move her hands down from your waist
and get close to your face and whisper
"god, you're so sexy. can't wait until we get home."
hope has quite the sex drive, she takes "anywhere, any time" to a literal level
and that includes when you are away from her for any reason
if you're on vacation for a week or if you're just in class for an hour
you'd pick up your phone and see that you got a photo message from hope
and you'd open it to see a collection of photos of hope in front of the mirror, starting with her wearing lingerie and ending with her being completely naked
she'd also send something short but unbelievably hot and needy
wish you were here to fuck me
i miss your tongue baby
thirsty stuff like that
inevitably this would escalate to phone sex because duh!
i've said this before but hope has big switch energy
one day she'll be telling you exactly what she wants you to do for her
hearing your moans though the receiver
and the next she'll be begging for you to take the control right out of her hands
hope's biggest kink is dirty talk so hearing you encourage her and tease her over the phone gets her off effortlessly (a/n: this might be slightly self indulgent)
after a few minutes of you saying things like
"good girl, hope. faster baby, just like i would do it"
"you sound so pretty when you whine for me"
"that's it, let me hear you"
hope would be a MESS
trying to respond to you in any way she can
probably just nonsensical mixes of words
"y/n, feels so good. more. please more, oh god.."
"gonna cum, can i cum? please let me.. fuck"
phone sex with hope >>>
in the summer hope would plan swimming dates specifically to see you in a bikini
and you'd have some fun with it of course, buying some slightly more revealing swimsuits
because it's entertaining to see hope trying to keep her hands to herself
if she took you to the beach, she would use the ocean to her advantage
because the water is cloudy and hard to see through
(see where i'm going with this?)
"c'mon baby, let's go for a swim."
and you'd agree, because it's hot on the beach
hope would take you out far enough into the ocean that nobody could see what you were doing
and to any bystander it would look like you and hope were just swimming next to each other
hope would swim behind you and wrap her arms around your waist, innocently enough at first
until she leans close to your ear
"think i could make you cum out here without anyone noticing?"
at first you don't think you heard her right
until you see the look on her face, mischievous as ever
and you realize she absolutely said what you thought she did
and meant it
"you're so naughty, mikaelson," you'd tease, not being able to help giggling at the boldness of your girlfriend
she wouldn't even respond, positioning herself behind you and sneaking her hand into the water
and directly into the bottoms of your swimsuit
something about the thrill of possibly getting caught turns hope on to the absolute max
and she doesn't waste any time, toying with your clit with no mercy
"my god, hope," you'd whisper, trying to hold back any unintentional noise.
"you like this, huh? me fucking you out here? where anyone could see you being my whore?"
when hope takes control, she does it one hundred percent, knowing you are putty in her hands
before you can even respond, hope puts two fingers inside of you and curls them
and you almost completely lose it, your composure draining by the second
"close, hope," is all you can manage, feeling your body start to collapse in hope's arms
"there you go, pretty one. gonna cum for me, huh? come on baby, wanna feel you cum on my fingers."
before hope's last word is off her tongue, you're already crashing down, biting your lip and sinking deeper into hope's arms
hope finally swims out from behind you, letting out what sounds like a fake evil laugh
"well that worked out well, huh?"
a/n: guys is this too much i'm a whore but i'm also shy i don't usually write smut this intense 🫣
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seramilla · 5 months
I have two images of Charlie learning Vaggie used too date Emily. One is back off she's mine. The other is guilt did she steal Vaggie from Emily the two had been dating before Vaggie fell and its not like they stopped because they broke up but because Emily thought Vaggie was dead and had no way to contact her. Is she keeping Vaggie from who she should be with. (I suspect after learning about everything Sera and Emily offered to let Vaggie stay in heaven where it's safe and also with Emily but Vaggie turned it down because she didn't want to abandon the hotel when they need it most.) It’s probably a mix of the two Charlie feels guilty whenever she thinks about it but has her horns out whenever she sees Emily around Vaggie.
Charlie is still reeling from the sheer chaos that had been her and Vaggie's meeting with Heaven. Not only had her attempts to make a case for Angel Dust's redemption been thrown back in her face in spectacular fashion, Adam had said he'd specifically be targeting her hotel in a mere month's time. And absolutely worst of all, her girlfriend, her partner, the love of her life, had been lying to her for years. Not only is she actually an angel, an Exterminator, to boot, but she also already has a partner, from a former life that Charlie knows absolutely nothing about.
To say things can't be worse would be an understatement. All of Charlie's optimism and hope, the very future she had envisioned for her people, is smashed. Dashed across the rocks into a million tiny pieces; there are so many, she cannot conceive of a way to put them back together again. She turns over in bed, where she's currently swaddled in her bedsheets like an infant. She's spent all day in here; unable to face Vaggie, unable to ask her how she could lie to her for so long, and treat her like she's the most precious thing in her life, when she already has a partner waiting for her back home.
Home...not with Charlie, but in Heaven, with her...Emily. The thought makes her sob again, and she's already done more than enough of that today. She usually feels better after a good cry; especially when it's into Vaggie's shoulder, with her hand patting her back, telling her it's okay. Right now, the effort seems pointless. It does help her clear her head in the moment, but it's short-lived when the feelings come rolling back in like a tide an hour or so later.
She wants Vaggie here with her, helping her try to process everything they'd learned in Heaven, like she normally does. She should have heeded Vaggie's warning...should have listened to her, and never gone up there. Maybe then she'd still be clueless; there is some happiness to be found in naïveté, after all. Maybe then she'd never have found out she only had half of Vaggie's heart.
A part of her knows that's unfair; it's not Vaggie's fault she fell. She saved a literal child from the end of an Exterminator's spear. And the price she'd paid was beyond anything Charlie thinks a person ever deserves to experience. She's been through so much pain and trauma in the last 3 years, and realistically, probably never thought she'd see Emily again. She'd tried to move on with her life, and make a new purpose with Charlie's cause, and a new home with her.
Charlie smiles, thinking of all the things they've been through together in such a short time. Her life spans hundreds of years, but somehow, the last 3 have been the most meaningful, the most joyful, the most special of all of them. She'd never give any of that up. And while her heart hurts, and she feels a little resentment toward Emily, she knows it's not the Seraphim's fault, either. All three of them are simply victims of circumstance; a really fucked up series of events. They just have to learn to move on from it.
Emily had been so nice to her; welcomed her, showed her around, treated her like some kind of celebrity, despite who her father is. She'd stood up for Angel when no one else in the angelic court would. If Vaggie had seen something in her, once...then she can't be a bad person. And if they're going to make her plan work, they need an ally on the inside. Even if it's awkward, or hurts her to work together...she thinks she may have to try. For Vaggie, and for herself, and most importantly, for the very souls of her people.
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elacular-kink · 20 days
Poly-techhic 3: Maya Learns
Today we'll be going back in time to see how Maya learned about Susanna's fetish and started dating her. This does have hiccups, but not a whole lot, and it's more on the feelingsy, story-y type side. I've written one 3.5 that's all feelings, so hopefully I'll write another 3.5 that's all hiccups later. We'll see.
Character Sheet
TW: Inebriation, Gender?, Anger, Emotional meltdown, Self-loathing, Kink anxiety
Kinks: Hiccups (Relatively small amount), inebriation
"Blaaaaaa-aaagh!" I threw myself into the backseat of Olivia's car along with my half-asleep, hiccuping, drunk teammate. I was halfway drunk myself, which was one of the many reasons I wasn't driving us home from the away game, but I was sober enough to make sure Kaeligh's ass was belted in, at least. I was also sober enough to be in a bad mood. "Hey, Liv! Anyone ever tell you your girlfriend's a real pain in the dick?"
"She's not my girlfriend, but yeah."
I let Kaeligh lean on me and drool on my shoulder while I pouted. "I don't get you two."
"We don't get you either, Maya," Liv said, completely focused on the road even though she hadn't started driving yet.
"How come she's not riding home with us anyway?"
The ancient minivan grumbled as Liv shifted it out of park. I couldn't believe that anyone in our goddamn college actually knew how to drive stick, much less owned one of the fuckers. "Because she's riding back home with Charlie."
I rolled my eyes and made a jerk-off motion. "You know that's not what the fuck I meant, Liv. Seriously, I don't understand Susie at all. I get you. You make sense. And when you don't make sense, I can just have you explain shit."
"More people should be like that," she said, and even though I was too grumpy to say it out loud, I agreed with her. "Susanna doesn't make understanding her easy. She never has. What's specifically annoying you about her right now? Was it when she told the other team's three that if she smoked around me she'd break her bong over her head?"
I snorted. "Nah, that was hilarious. It's just...she's so fucking mysterious and weird and stupid about the most random shit! Like, I don't think she's fishing for compliments, not on purpose, so why the fuck does she keep saying she sucks at rugby?"
"Because she's the slowest and physically the weakest on the team."
"Yeah, but so?" I shook my head. "Does she seriously not get that when a normal person gets hit by someone a hundred pounds heavier than them, they immediately fall the fuck down? They don't give physics the finger and stay up long enough to chuck the fucking ball!"
After a moment of thought, Liv nodded. "Yeah. She seriously doesn't get that."
"Does she not have eyes? God...dammit, Kay, stop trying to kiss me, you smell like Four Loko. And not in a good way." Kaeligh muttered and hiccuped something, but at least she listened.
"No, her eyes work fine. But she only sees things that she's actually looking for. And she's never looking for things she does well."
"God that girl's fucked up." I crossed my arms and sulked.
"...you're still worried about something, aren't you Maya?"
I huffed and took off my glasses, rubbing the bridge of my nose. "I get why Susie says you're annoying now."
"Yeah, I get that too. But I'm right."
I glanced over at Kaeligh. She seemed to be snoring enough to at least be mostly unconscious. "...okay, did Kay offend her or something?"
"No, she'd have said so if she did."
"Then what the fuck is up? Because she's avoiding her, right? I can tell. That's why she's in Chuck's car instead of yours."
Liv heaved a sigh as she pulled onto the highway, sticking to the left lane and barely pushing her rustbucket up to the speed limit. "Yeah, she is. But I can't explain why. Everyone's life would be a lot simpler if I could, or if she'd just be in the car anyway, but she isn't here and she doesn't let me because she's stupid."
"Man, no kidding." After a long moment, I sighed. "How the fuck am I supposed to get through to her, Liv? I like her. I think she's interesting."
"Yeah. I like her too."
"So how'd you do it?"
Olivia was silent for a long while. "...I guess I didn't let her run. She can say what she doesn't want. She's really good at that. So assume that if she hasn't said anything she still wants you around. You've gotta push her. And it feels kind of weird saying that because I'd really hate it if someone did that to me."
I frowned. "Yeah, I'd hate that too. And I know some people gotta be pushed like that, but..." After a long moment, I decided I could be honest with her. "But I know I can go too far with it. I've done that before. Are you sure she'll tell me if I'm fucking up?"
"Positive," she said. "Sometimes she'll be uncomfortable and not explain that, and that's really annoying, but if she's upset at you, she'll say so. And it's not hard to tell the difference between her being fake upset and real upset." After a bit of silence, Liv sighed. "I think Susanna just can't accept the fact that good things can happen to her."
"How the fuck does a person get to be that way?"
"A lot of Catholic school, probably."
"God damn. Literally." I stared out the window and watched other cars zoom past us. What the fuck was up with that tiny lesbian? I really really really needed to know.
That Friday I got a chance to try and learn more. When I heard a knock on my dorm room's door, I opened it, halfway dressed and having been mid-post-class nap. "What."
"It's six." A skinny brown blur said in front of me. After a moment, I realized that I recognized Olivia's voice. I also saw a tiny mostly-black blur by her side and context-clued that it was Susie. "You said that was when the pregame would start."
...shit, they actually thought we'd start pregaming at fucking six? Damn. I swore that I wasn't this naive as a freshman. "Cool. Cool. C'mon in. I'll, uh...beers. Yeah."
"I'm not coming. Only Susanna is."
"Ex-fucking-scuse me?" I saw the tan blob near the top of the black blur twist towards the brown blur, and I snorted.
"I told you I wouldn't be coming to the party. And the list online said not to pregame if you won't go to the party." Oh my god, they looked up a fucking listicle to learn how parties worked? What fucking turnip truck did these two roll off of? And how had I ended up boning Liv a week after meeting her if they were this fucking...pure?
God, I had so many questions.
"So what, you're just gonna abandon me to—" The answer must have been "yes", because the black blur was pushed inside, and the brown blur shut the door behind her. "...cool. Uh, if you wanna go back to sleep, you can."
"Pff, bullshit. Like I'm letting your ass escape now."
"...great." I wrapped an arm around the blob that I was 98% sure was Susie and led her over to the chair next to my desk, shoving her into it and feeling around for my glasses. Eventually, she reached out and put them in my hand like a magical helpful spirit of darkness. Or something. I was still waking up. Once I put them on, I was able to confirm that it was, in fact, Susie, and she was, in fact, glaring at me. That wasn't weird though. "You wanna put on a shirt or something?" She said, and it occurred to me that I was wearing nothing up top but a bra.
"Nah, we're both girls here." I moved back towards my bed, then paused. "Unless we're not? I mean, it's chill either way."
Susie opened her mouth, let it hang open, then closed it and pursed her lips. "I'll, uh...I'll get back to you on that one."
"Fair 'nough." I scrounged under my bed and pulled out a box of beers, grabbing one and giving it to her before pulling out one of my own. "You ever drink?"
"Does wine that tastes like it's literally 2000-year-old blood count?"
Whaaaat the fuck? "...I'm gonna say no on that one, chief."
"Then no. Do these need a bottle opener or—"
"Nah, it's a twistie." Susie pulled one hand inside one of her massive hoodie sleeves, then twisted the cap and managed to get it open. After a long moment, she put her lips to the bottle and took a sip. "So? Whadaya think?"
"It, uh, definitely tastes." She burped softly. "Don't dislike it as much as I thought I would though."
"Think you might be more into girly fruity type drinks?"
"Might be easier at least. If Olivia was ever gonna drink, it'd have to be something like that. If she tasted this, she'd probably light the entire box on fire." Even so, Susie took another sip. "Oh, fuck, that reminds me. Olivia's, uh, pregame research said we shouldn't come empty-handed and that carbo-loading was important, so we ordered pizza. She tried to plan it so that it'd arrive here at the same time we did, but, uh...well, pizza places aren't exactly that fucking reliable."
"Dude, have you two ever been to, like, any parties?"
I blinked and stared at Susie. She stared right back at me. "...no, you know what, that makes sense. Yeah. Well, I definitely wouldn't say no to pizza. 'Specially with someone else paying. So, what's got you here tonight? I know you haven't come to any before, and it damn sure wasn't 'cause I haven't invited you."
Susie looked down at the brown bottle she was holding. It was wider than a lot of bottles, so she had to use both of her tiny hands to hold it comfortably, and goddamn if that wasn't cute as fuck. "Well, I knew this one was going to be at the Queer house. And, uh..." She reached into her hood and scratched the back of her head. "I mean, besides Olivia, I've never really been around other Queer people my age. So I don't really know what they...what we...do?"
Huh. That was...something. "Your high school was a normal one, right? You not have a GSA?"
"I mean, maybe we did, maybe we didn't. I don't actually know. For most of high school it was just...me and Olivia."
God, I had so many questions about these two. If their lives were as sad as Susie made them sound, why wasn't Liv more emo? If their lives were as normal as Liv made them sound, then why was Susie so emo? How the heck did these two go together? What did they have in common? Maybe it was a weird poly thing about me, but I was almost more attracted to their relationship than I was to either of them.
I was still pretty friggin' attracted to both of them, though, as Susie reminded me when she pulled off her hood. I had no idea why the fuck she kept it up so much because her face was fucking adorable.
Hm. Given how scary she liked to try and look, maybe that was why she kept it up all the time.
Susie's phone blinged with a text. "Ah, shit, pizza guy's outside. Okay, could you keep the door open for me? I'm not gonna be able to get it together while I hold a whole fucking pizza." I nodded and she went off. While she was gone, I took a look at her beer bottle.
...there was a tiny bit of lip gloss on it. Shit, she wore makeup for this? Maybe she really did wanna be here.
Over the next hour and a half, it was just the two of us, but I didn't really mind. If any of those other bitches wanted pizza, they should have been adorable and naive as fuck and arrived at the actual right time. So we got a whole-ass pepperoni pizza to ourselves (and by "we" I mainly mean me), and once she'd got a whole beer in her, she'd warmed up a little bit. She was still a snarky little fuck, but I actually got to see her smile and hear her laugh.
...and notice she had on eyeliner and mascara too. Okay, yeah, she was definitely here on purpose. Also, how the fuck did someone this butch learn how to put on eyeliner that well? Did Liv do it? She never wore makeup either.
That question would have to wait since the other girls started showing up. Susie got a little shyer, but she managed to keep her feet under her pretty well, and I could tell I wasn't the only one who liked her. Mandy even asked if she could put makeup on her, and Susie let her do it. The fact that that interaction didn't end up with the two of them kissing was the dumbest thing in the universe. My teammates were truly fucking gifted in useless lesbianism.
Once my other teammates were there, I wasn't just keeping an eye on Susie. She seemed like she was handling herself well enough, and I absolutely didn't plan on playing babysitter all night. So we kept pregaming, and eventually, we got to the Queer house, and the goddamn party actually got started. I spent that night drinking and dancing and making out with guys, girls, and anyone else who'd put their mouth on mine.
I wasn't sure quite how long it'd been or how many deep I was, but my night was interrupted when I caught a case of fucking drunk hiccups, of all things. "Oh shit! Liv's here!" My teammate Chloe said, grabbing me in a headlock and completely ruining my seduction of a cute person whose gender I was particularly unsure of. 
"Yeah yeah, shut your fu–*HUK* fuckin' trap," I shoved her away. Hearing Liv's name reminded me, though, and I looked around. "Hey, an–*EEP* anybody know where Susie's *UCK* at?"
"She's been hanging out on the stairs," Mandy sighed. "I tried to get her to be a bit more into it, but I couldn't even get her to take off her hoodie."
"Take off her ho–*OOP* hoodie? What kinda slut d–*HUK* do you take her for?" I gave Mandy a quick punch on the arm. "Well, if an–*EEK* anyone can get her into the pa–*HURP* party, it's me. Wish me luck, girls, *HMK*, this one's on hard mode." Once I'd had my luck wished, I made my way over to the stairwell and saw Susie, in fact, sitting right in the middle of the stairs. It was hard to tell from inside of her hood, but I thought she might have seen me first. Either way, I knew I'd caught her eye. "Hey! Hey Susi–*EEK* Pfft. Fuck, I sound so fu–*HUK* fucking stupid."
"Uh...hey, Maya." Her voice was a little uncertain, which I wasn't sure what to make of, but she had spent the whole night a little unmoored, so maybe not the most surprising thing in the world. "Aren't you supposed to be licking someone's tonsils right about now?"
"What, you offerin'?" Even from in her hood, I could see her face go redder, and I couldn't help but laugh. "Don't even wo–*HURK* worry about it, Susi–*EEP*. Susie Q. I got a–*UCK* all the time in the world *HUP* to give out pro-bono de–*HNK* dental exams."
"Wow. And I thought the way I phrased that was gross."
I sat down on the stair right above Susie, trapping her between my legs. She twisted to try and see me so fast that her hood didn't move with her head, which was kind of hilarious. Laughing didn't help with my hiccups, but if anyone wouldn't mind, I figured it was probably Liv's best friend. Either way, I rested my head on top of hers and flopped my arms over her shoulders. I didn't actually put much weight on her. Given how goddamn tiny she was, I didn't know how much she could handle. But there was something weirdly comfortable about how her hoodie felt under my chin. I could see why Liv did this so much, even though they had enough of a height difference that she had to lean over to do it if they were both standing. "But an–*EEP* way, you enjoying the pa–*UHP* party, hot stuff?"
Susie's head moved under her hood, and after a second, I was able to figure out that she was looking out at the dance floor. "I've heard more songs that I like than I expected to."
"Re–*HEEP*–eally?" I wished I could see through her hood and get a look at her face. "Aren't you one of those pri–*HIC*–ks that only listens to screamo 'cause ev–*HUP* everything else is too mainstre–*EEP*–eam?"
She shook underneath me, and it took me a second to realize she was chuckling. "Nah. I just play one of those on TV. I mean, don't get me wrong, everything else is too mainstream, but I'm not such a sad-sack that I'll pretend I don't like Queen. I'm also not too good for all the gay anthems made by straight women."
"Heeyyy, you're dru–*UCK* drunk enough to admit you're not a pre–*HIP* pretentious dickface!" As I said that, I realized that I was a complete idiot, and I moved out in front of Susie and grabbed her hands. Of course this was the way to get her into the party. "Hey, *HUK* if you like the mus–*IC* then why don't you come and da–*UCK* dance with me?"
It was easy to pull her to her feet (and I was still taller than her from a stair below. Goddamn, she was short), but her face was red and her eyes had gone wide. "Uh! Not, uh...not sure that's the, uh...best idea."
"Why the fu–*HUCK* not?"
"Uh..." She looked away and didn't come up with anything.
Fuck. I was too drunk for this. Liv said she was able to say if something was wrong, right? "Okay, look. *HMK*. I'm gonna bring you ou–*HUP* out on the floor, kay? *HMK* If you wanna stop, just say. Sound good?"
After a few long moments, she took a deep breath, closed her eyes, then opened them and nodded. She looked...weirdly innocent staring up at me like that. Especially with how flushed her face was. "Okay, yeah. Yeah, I can...yeah. That works. That sounds good."
"Awesome!" Victory! I grabbed her and dragged her down the stairs and out onto the floor between other sweaty bodies, maneuvering us close to as many cute girls as I could. Susie danced like an alien who'd only ever had gravity explained to them once, but at least people would barely feel it if she stepped on their toes. Eventually, I had to take a little more control. I grabbed her from behind and pulled her back against me, bending my knees into hers and putting her butt right up on my crotch. "Hey, Fred Ast–*UCK*–staire. Anyone ever tell y–*HOOP* that you dance like you're alr–*UP* already doing it backward in h–*EEK* heels?"
"Uh..." Her voice was weird and shaky again, even more than last time. Her body was still moving to the beat of the music, though, and I couldn't deny that that felt nice. "Literally nobody, but that's not exactly surp-prising." She stuttered, and I realized that my hiccups were seriously shaking her up. I'd never noticed just how much they moved my gut and my boobs.
"You know, not ev–*URK* every gay guy or queer folk's *HMK* gotta go to the clubs. *HUP*. It's not a requirement. *HMK-mmp*" I felt her nod underneath me. The idea that she was not that kind of gay wasn't exactly surprising. 
...but her coming here with makeup on meant that she wanted to try it. And I didn't want her first time to just suck and completely put her off getting drunk and having fun.
So I leaned in closer, pulling her tighter back against me while my head was on her shoulder so I could whisper in her ear. "But if you wann–*UCK* wanna be that kind of gay, I could he–*ULP* help you learn how to d–*HOOK* do it." I ran a finger up from the fly of her jeans to the base of her belly under her hoodie and she breathed in sharply. "I've heard I'm a pre–*HIP* pretty good teacher. *HMK*. And sure, I'm a lil' dru–*HUK* drunk right now. But I fi–*HIG*–guuuure that if an–*HEEK* anyone wouldn't mind me havin' the hic–*HULP*–s it'd be you."
"Fuck!" Susie suddenly wrenched her way out of my arms and whipped around to face me. Her face was so fucking red. Even though her hood was still on, it couldn't hide it at all. Her pupils looked huge, and her eyes were wider than I'd ever seen them before she slammed them shut. "S-sorry!" And before I even knew what was happening, she'd bolted off of the dance floor.
My brain took way too long to catch up with reality. "Shit, Sus–*EEK*! Susie!" And I ran off in the same direction she did.
After searching for ten minutes and finding absolutely fucking nothing, I was getting really scared, especially since she wasn't responding to my texts. Fuck, this was not how I wanted to spend my night. But my two brain cells were able to hook up long enough for me to realize that Susie wasn't the only person I could text.
Maya: Liv Liv I fucked up Susie ran off and I dunno where the fuck she is Wait Please fucking tell me she's with you
Liv: No, she's not with me. She'll definitely tell me where she is though. Give me a minute. While I'm texting her, you can tell me what happened.
Maya: Okay fuck Thanks dude Gotta be real tho I dunno quite what happened I mean I got a guess But I was tryina dance with her and teach her how to do the thing and all a sudden she just fuckin hoofs it
Liv: This'll seem like a weird question. Did you have the hiccups?
Maya: uh Yeah How the fuck did u know that?
Liv: You didn't do anything wrong, then. But I'm not allowed to get more specific. So instead of doing that, I'll tell you that Susanna's hiding in the unisex bathroom in Liberty Hall's entry area.
Maya: wut What the actual fuck is she doing there?
Liv: Hiding.
Okay, this shit was officially driving me fucking crazy. Liv was still texting me, but I shoved my phone back into my pocket anyway and started running for the hall. I was sick and fucking tired of being confused about these two, and especially about Susie.
Once I got to Liberty Hall, the fact that my hiccups echoed through the whole empty building was funny enough to cool me down a little bit, but I was still pissed. So I stomped over to the bathroom and banged on the door. "Hey. Sus–*EEK*. Wanna tell me–*HEEP* what the fu–*HUCK* you're doing in there?"
After long enough that I started wondering if she'd already left, I finally heard her voice. "Not particularly, no."
Fuck, that was an annoying answer. "We–*UCK* well too fuckin' bad, pal! *HULP* 'Cause my ass ain't *HUK* leavin' until I g–*HUP* get some answers."
After a few long moments, I heard a weird sound from inside. "Yeah, that—" her voice stopped in a very weird way and sounded tenser than I'd ever heard it. "That makes sense."
I wasn't not angry, but I was getting more and more worried. "What the fuck, dude? *HMLK* Are you o–*KUP* okay? Why are you hiding in a g---goddamn bathroom?" I sucked at telling time at the best of times, and right now I had no idea how long I'd waited for her to respond except that it was too fucking long. "Look, do I ne–*HEEK* need to get Liv he–*URK* here or what?"
"No." I heard her sigh, though it was cut oddly short. "She's not—" Her voice kept hitching. "She's not gonna help."
"Since fucking when? A–*URK* Aren't you two li–*HUK* like, married or somethi–*IC*–ing?"
"I'm not saying that she couldn't or she wouldn't want to. She's just not gonna. She says this is something I need to do myself." Something like a laugh came through the door. "And she's probably right. She's definitely right. But...fuck, not everyone's like her. Nobody's like her. And she just doesn't get that."
"...*HULP* Okay, whatever the fu–*HUK* this is, I'm way too dru---drunk for it. Give me a minute to *HNK* get some fuckin' water."
"That's probably a good idea, yeah. There's a fountain right nearby."
I did go over to the fountain and drink a bunch of water, I wasn't lying when I said that. But I also pulled out the phone to see what the fuck Liv had texted me.
Maya: wut What the actual fuck is she doing there?
Liv: Hiding. It's infuriating when she gets like this. You're probably going to want to be gentle with her anyway, though. This is one of those times where she's actually sensitive instead of having her walls up constantly. So being rough with her probably won't get things to happen any sooner.
Maya: ...shit. Olivia what the fuck am I doing?
Liv: I don't know. I'm being literal there. I don't know what you're doing. And I can't know that. I know you mean that more existentially, but I don't know that either.
Maya: Fuck why couldnt someone else do this? Why couldnt literally anyone else fucking do this? Im too fucking drunk for this! Im too fucking stupid for this! Im too much of a pissed fucking dickhead who hurts people for this!
Liv: No you're not. You're honestly perfect for this.
Maya: what
Liv: I'm serious.
Maya: I fuckin know that liv your always fucking serious
Liv: *you're
Maya: Fuck you I just What? How in the fuck am I perfect for this? I'm a dumb drunk slut!
Liv: The middle part isn't ideal. But everything else about you is perfect for Susanna to finally tell somebody else her secret.
Maya: her secret? That weird context that you always say you cant talk about?
Liv: Yeah.
Maya: you think im perfect for that?
Liv: About as much as anyone can be.
Maya: Wait hang on Are you tellin me that literally nobody else knows about whatever the fuck you're talking about?
Liv: If they do, it's not because she told them. Honestly, when she finally does tell you (which she'd better do tonight) it'll be really nice to have someone else to talk to about it. At this point, she's texting me to just tell you it, but I'm not going to. She has to do this herself.
Maya: Why?
Liv: A lot of reasons. But the main one right now is because if she doesn't, she won't be able to see how you react right away. Her brain will fill up the space that creates with some sort of illogical bullshit about why I somehow tricked you into acting like exactly the person you are about it.
Maya: Shit you thought a lot about this.
Liv: Of course I have. I love her.
Maya: No fuckin kidding dude. Okay Wish me fuckin luck with whatever this shit is I guess
Liv: Just be yourself. That's exactly who she needs right now.
There were almost zero situations where I was sure I would be exactly who someone needed, and there were a negative number of situations where I'd actually want that to be true, but...well, shit, I was already in it, wasn't I? Like a very wise listicle said, don't pregame if you're not down to party. Don't...flirt with the repressed girl if you're not ready to...do emotion management through a door? I'd workshop it.
Either way, I walked back to the bathroom and knocked on the door again. "Hey. I'm back."
"Yeah. You are." There was a long, dumb stretch where neither of us said anything. Eventually she was the one to talk. "You didn't do anything wrong, Maya."
"Liv said that too, but if I didn't do anything wrong, then what the fuck are we doing here instead of back at Queer House?"
I heard Susie sigh through the door again. "We're here because I'm weird and fucked up."
"Bruh, we're on a women's rugby team. We're all weird and fucked up."
Something thudded against the door. It didn't sound hard enough to be someone punching it or something, but I wasn't sure what other option there was. "I'm weird and fucked up in specific ways. Ways that'll..." There were three smaller thuds and I realized that she was banging her head against the door. "...ways that'll make you think I'm creepy. And that I'm a terrible person. And that I absolutely shouldn't spend time around Olivia."
That sentence hit my brain like it'd just walked in front of a truck. "Wait, what? What the fuck? No! I mean, no, what?" I shook my head. "Okay, those first two are fucking stupid, we can get to that later, but who the fuck would think that you and Liv shouldn't be together? Like, even if I was someone who got to make that kind of decision for either of you, no? Liv loves you, dude! Literally! I was literally just texting her and she said 'I love her'! And 'her' is definitely you!"
"I know." She laughed again. Her laugh was always quiet, but right now I could only just barely hear it. "I know she loves me. That's the only way that the past five years of my life make any fucking sense. And...and I love her too. But if people knew the truth about me, they'd say that I was a gross freak taking advantage of an autistic girl."
"'Taking advantage of'—fucking what?" I shook my head again, then stopped when that made it hurt like a bitch. "Nobody who's ever fucking met you would think that. Like...fuckin' spend two seconds around you two and it's pretty goddamn clear who's wearing the pants in this relationship. Spoilers: it's the one that sometimes wears skirts."
She laughed a little louder. "I mean, yeah, I know that. I know that that's not actually what it is. Olivia's made that, uh...pretty fucking clear. And she'd be happy to do it again if she needed to. I don't know why, but...she is. She's amazing." There was another goddamn sigh. "I don't know if anyone as amazing as her exists. That's what makes this so scary."
Well, shit. What was I supposed to do now, say that I actually was as amazing as Liv? She wouldn't fucking fall for that. Nobody would. So what else could I do? How the fuck did you deal with someone this pessimistic? Was I supposed to fucking get on her level or something?
...actually, yeah, I could do that. That could work. "Okay, lemme put it to you like this: What's the worst thing I could possibly do if you told me whatever the fuck this is?"
"Report me to campus police for sexual harassment and get me expelled."
"Sexual harass—what? Dude, I was the one who was grinding on your ass, not the other way around! You think I'm drunk enough to get confused about that? No, fuck that and fuck you. And also fuck cops. Now what's the second worst thing I could do?"
It took her a minute to get back to me. "I, uh...okay. Um, second worst thing you could do would be...to tell my parents?"
"I don't know your parents. Third worst thing."
"That doesn't mean that you couldn't—"
"Third. Worst. Thing."
I could hear something moving on the other side of the door, but I didn't have a fucking clue what she was doing. "Okay, uh...third worst. I guess...you could tell everyone my secret so they all know what a freak I am?"
"Jesus fucking Christ," I rolled my eyes. "Okay, how long's the last dick I sucked?"
"...I beg your fucking pardon?"
The way she said that made me laugh, which was kind of annoying since I was trying to be serious here. "Right, you don't know. And who's into me using a strap-on on them? Lemme guess; you don't know that either. Do more people call me 'mommy' or 'daddy'? Imagine the jeopardy theme playing out here. Ding-ding-ding, time's up, you don't fucking know. You don't know any of that shit, do you?"
"...no. I guess I don't."
"Yeah. You fucking don't. You don't even know the names of a lot of people I sleep with. Because I don't fucking talk about 'em unless I know they're cool with that." I huffed. "I may be a dumb slut, but I'm not a fucking narc."
"You're not a dumb slu—..."
Susie's voice stopped in a completely different way from how it did earlier. And god dammit, she made me laugh again. "It's okay, dude, I wouldn't be able to finish that sentence either."
"...you're not dumb."
"Thaaat's more like it." She was still wrong, but eh, I'd take it.
"Yeah." She took a while to say anything else. "I, uh...I knew those weren't super realistic, but...you know. It's still nice to have them gone. And...with that out of the way, the main thing I can think of is just that you'd hate me and everything would be awkward."
"Dude, if I make things awkward, it'll be on purpose." I heard her snort, and it made me smile. "And if I'm gonna hate you, I'll do it for something more interesting than whatever the fuck this is."
"...Yeah. Yeah, that sounds like you. Maya, could you, uh..." Susie's voice trailed off, then I heard something rock against the door. After some noises from the other side, I heard the deadbolt, and then the door opened and Susie was there.
Susie was there with her hoodie off. Susie was there with her mascara in lines all down her face. Susie was there in a tank top with a rainbow flag that said "The gays can do whatever they want". Even though I knew I shouldn't, I snorted. "Why the fuck were you wearing your hoodie over that? That's great."
She smiled. It was small, but it felt pretty real. "I like it too. And that's...yeah, that's a good question. Uh..." she pulled back and held the door open. "Would you, uh...come in here with me?" I shrugged and walked through, then leaned back against the tile wall. Susie closed the door, looked at the lock, then shook her head and left it alone. I could see her hoodie crumpled up on the floor between the door and the wall. She walked over and stood in front of me, and I couldn't believe how small she looked. "It, uh...it might take me a minute to...to work up the courage. To say it."
Fuck, I hated waiting. I made myself smile anyway. "Just as long as you say it, dude."
Susie nodded, then took a slow, deep breath. Her face very quickly started going red. "So, uh...so." She swallowed. "The reason I ran away from you at the party was because I was...really fucking turned on."
"...bruh, that was the point."
"I mean—" Susie smacked her forehead, and I snorted again. "Okay, fuck. I mean, yeah, fair. But it wasn't really...I mean it was and it wasn't, but it..."
"Dude, I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about right now."
"Right, of course you don't." She covered her face with both hands. "Fuck, I'm just gonna have to say it out loud, aren't I?"
"Probably. I'm still kinda drunk. And not super in the mood for riddles."
"Okay." Susie pulled her hands down and clenched her fists. She glared down at my feet like they owed her money. "Okay. Okay." She took one more deep, annoying breath. "So I was turned on already. Before you started dancing with me. I was really turned on. But it wasn't by anything you were doing on purpose."
"If you tell me you were charming some other chick and let me pull you away from that, I'm fuckin' killing you."
"No, no," she did that weird one-off laugh thing she did sometimes. "Nah. Nothing like that. You were the one who was turning me on. But not on purpose."
"Fffuck. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. Okay." She shut her eyes. With how hard she'd been glaring, I was surprised that she didn't somehow laser vision through her own eyelids. "Okay. I was...I was turned on because...b-because..." Her teeth were clenched together hard enough that I was kinda worried that she'd break them. "B-because you had the hiccups!"
She said that loud enough that it echoed in the bathroom, then immediately pulled her fists up to cover her eyes. But I was just confused. "You were turned on...because I had the hiccups." She nodded. "Okay. So, uh...what's the secret?"
Susie pulled her fists away and stared at me. "...what?"
"You were turned on by my hiccups and then...what. What's the deep dark secret?"
"Tha—" She turned around and looked behind her like there was some other Susie for me to be talking to. "That...that is the secret!"
I could feel my jaw going slack. "That's the secret?"
"Yes!" She covered her eyes again. "And I know that it's fucking weird and gross and I shouldn't—"
"Bro, you thought I'd be offended that you were turned on by me?"
Susie stopped talking and her fists slowly fell off of her eyes. She still stared at the floor, but the look on her face was turning less terrified and more confused. "Well, it sounds really stupid when you put it like that."
"That's 'cause it is really stupid, dude. Susie, what the fuck? Is this your big fucking secret?"
"I mean, not completely. Because it's...it's not just your hiccups, it's everyone's." She was glaring at a wall now. "I...I have a hiccup fetish. That's the secret."
"...well what the fuck am I supposed to do with that, Susie? I thought I was gonna have to help bury a body somewhere, but instead you're just flipping out over some weird cute sex thing?" I slapped myself internally for calling it weird.
Susie's head whipped up and she finally looked me in the eyes. "...'cute'?"
"Okay, not the word I thought you were gonna have a problem with there, but yeah. Cute."
"No? Why the fuck would it be creepy?" I seriously meant that question. Why would it be creepy?
She grabbed her upper arm with the other hand, gripping it way too tight. "You don't...you don't think that I'm just using Olivia?"
"'Just usi—' the fuck? Susie, what in the actual fuck is wrong with you? You think that I think you're 'just using' someone who you threatened to beat a stranger with a bong for?" Every time I got her to laugh, I felt just a little bit better about...everything really. "Jesus, Sue, you flipped out this hard over this? Why?"
"Because it's...weird." She had her arms crossed and had gone back to staring down walls. "It's weird. And it's something people don't have control over. So I'm getting turned on by something people can't help doing."
Susie stared up at me. "So that's...bad?"
I stared right back at her. "Uh...no? No, that's not bad. That's...okay, one, do you think that I chose to have boobs this fucking bodacious?" The shocked laugh that got made me grin. "Do you think I chose to be a total fucking sex bomb with a body that can go all night? I mean, I've put some effort into parts of that, but these titties just happened. And all kinds of people get turned on by that. But, uh, two, it's weird that you get turned on by a thing that a human body does? No! You think that fuckin' neolithic cavemen were going around imagining shit like latex and high heels while they jacked it? No! But liking those is normal as shit! So you're not fucking weird, the world's the weird ones. You're just old-fashioned or something."
Susie was squinting at me. "That is...the weirdest fucking argument I've ever heard." Honestly, it was probably the weirdest fucking argument I'd ever made.
I decided not to say that out loud. "Weirder than being into hiccups, maybe?" The minute I said the word, her whole face burned and I couldn't help arching my eyebrows. "Whoa. Shit, you weren't kidding, huh? You're seriously into that."
"Y-yeah. Yeah. With Olivia I've gotten enough exposure that I can kinda deal, but it..." She huffed. "It's a lot."
"Alright. So," I sat down on the tile floor. "What do you like about 'em?"
"Oh come the fuck on, Susie," I slapped the floor in front of me between her feet. "You can't seriously fucking think you can say a thing like 'I'm super into hiccups' and then not tell me how that works, right?"
"You...wanna know?" She looked seriously, actually confused as she sat down in front of me.
"Uh, yeah, duh." I looked at her, then decided I could push a bit and smiled. "How else am I gonna know how I should flirt with you?" Her back went dead straight and she stared at me, her whole face looking like it was about to light on fire. I just barely kept myself from laughing, but how long she went without blinking kind of worried me. "You, uh...you good dude?"
"You wanna...flirt with me too? L-like...turning me on?"
"...thought that'd be pretty obvious by now, but yeah."
"What a stupid fucking—" I cut myself off. Susie may have needed "me" right now (and I was finally starting to get why Liv had said that), but she needed the nicest me I was able to give her. So I smiled at her again, and I reached out and touched her cute, blushy face. "It's 'cause I like you, dumbass. I like you. I think you're interesting. I wanna know more about you."
I actually gasped when I felt her hand touch the back of mine while I cupped her cheek. I'd been too lost staring at her to notice her moving.
...shit, this was more serious than I thought it was.
It got even more serious when she put her hand completely over mine, holding it against her cheek and leaning into my palm. Her eyes closed for a second before she opened them again and stared at me. "You really do?"
"Yeah. I really do." That was...scarier to admit than it should have been. And my heart was going faster than it should. "I know I like Liv. And I know she loves you. I wanna see the person she loves." Shit, what was I saying? I swallowed, and my mouth just kept going. "I've already seen the person you love. I already know Liv. But I wanna see the other side too. Of course I wanna know you."
...fuck. Fuck, I had feelings.
Fuck, I had feelings for this couple.
I really fucking wanted to watch them be...them.
Shit, this could be a problem.
"I..." Susie managed to surprise me again. She was staring up at me, and fuck, her eyes were way too fucking pretty and brown. "I think I wanna know you too, Maya. And...and I think I even...would like it if you knew me."
I could feel myself laughing. I could also feel myself leaning closer to her. "That works pretty well for me, Sue."
"I don't really know what I'm doing."
"That's fine." I didn't really know what the fuck I was doing either.
"I've never...I've never actually dated anyone."
"I'll teach you." It'd been a while since I'd "dated" anyone too. But fuck, I wanted to. And we just kept getting closer and closer.
"I..." I could feel her breath on my face as she tilted her head in my hand. "I'm scared, Maya."
"I know." I was scared too. But... "But Liv told me you could be brave."
Our bodies were close enough that I felt hers shake as she laughed. I felt the air of each chuckle puff against me. "Yeah. Yeah, she tells me that too. And..." She took one more breath, "and maybe she's right."
She kissed my lips.
That fucking bastard. She kissed my fucking lips.
She had no idea what she was doing.
I was gonna teach her. I was gonna teach her everything.
Fuck, how did this happen? How did I get in this deep this quick? How had I ended up catching feelings again?
Was I gonna be okay?
Susie kissed me again, and for the rest of the night, it didn't really seem like it mattered that much.
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whumpshaped · 11 months
First of all, I am equal parts amazed and terrified of your severe brainrot rn. Surely you don't sleep at night, eat or drink, just rotate those two like döner kebab and write? I binge-read it all yesterday (some pieces I read twice or thrice 😌) and I am overjoyed that the chapters keep coming but please don't write yourself into exhaustion 🥺
Second of all, Shadows for the vampire bingo! I imagine Helle likes dining out from time to time... Finds some other poor soul and is disappointed when they aren't as entertaining as Beck; or maybe they take beck somewhere, some park full of shadows - as enrichment 😊
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i mean ur not wrong.. i do nothin but write recently.. but dont worry i'll be forced not to write for a good while starting saturday bc im going home :/ but until then its kebab time. heres how helle went about feeding while beck was out w the flu <3 not their best night
masterlist bingo card
tw vampire whumper, mind control, noncon biting of a married couple i feel like thats a special offence, noncon drugging, past trauma, death mention
Helle left the apartment feeling sick to their stomach. It was a dumb thing to still be so hung up about, it was merely the worst and last few days of their mortal life that gave way to a century torment right afterwards. Nothing monumental.
"This is ridiculous," they muttered to themself, quickly pressing the button that opened the front door of the building. The fresh air against their skin was definitely a welcome sensation — it made them temporarily forget about how suffocating their coffin had been.
They immediately spotted a couple on the bench by the playground, being all cute with each other. They thought about ruining yet another date night, but... no, they needed to get away for a bit. Just for half an hour or so. Take a walk, maybe, be around some other people so they could forget about the sight of their human lying on the bed with his face flushed.
'It's just the flu,' he'd said. Right. Because influenza was absolutely incapable of killing anyone, right? Because they weren't supposed to be thinking about the stupid outbreak, because it was three hundred years ago, because medicine had advanced since then, because it was just one human– Fucking hell, they had been that one human before. And if Beck was dying, they wouldn't even have the guts to turn him. Not like this.
They stopped and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. It was fine. Everything was fine. Beck wasn't dying, they weren't dying anymore, and Lady Marie was dead. What they needed to do was find an unfortunate, stupid human, have dinner, and go back to check on their unfortunate, stupid human.
They stuck to the shadows around buildings, places that the streetlights didn't quite illuminate. They looked around the area for any fresh meat, eventually bumping into yet another couple. What was it with them? Well, whatever. They would do.
It took all of two seconds for the women to notice them once they amped up the charm a bit, and suddenly they were walking towards the danger zone, compelled to be around such an alluring stranger. Helle didn't wait for either of them to strike up a conversation.
"Stay right there for me," they said softly, enthralling one of the women while they grabbed her... girlfriend? Wife? They glanced down and caught a glimpse of the matching rings they were wearing. Yes, definitely her wife.
They grabbed the woman and bit down, steadying her with one hand and covering her mouth with the other. She tasted fine, they supposed, but everything felt like a downgrade after Beck. They used enough venom to keep her discomfort to a minimum, but hopefully not enough that she would come knocking on their door a couple days later for round two. It was hard to tell whether the charm was even broken, or she still thought she was getting randomly bitten by someone she'd met five seconds ago and didn't even get to greet.
They pulled away and lifted the enthrallment, just in time for the first woman to see her wife slump against them like a giggly little ragdoll. "You should probably bring her home," they suggested helpfully. "I am no doctor."
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @florissimps @nicolepascaline @oliversrarebooks @the-cyrulik @pirefyrelight
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
Thank God you introduced me to your sister
Chrissy x Carver Reader
You and your friends ain't as cool as you think
Fake-laugh at your jokes, then tell you I need a drink
And I know that she'd listen when she came through the kitchen
With my back to the sink, I know I probably shouldn't
But it feels so good, I wanna die
Chrissy found herself rolling her eyes at Jason and his friends. All throwing around jokes in his living room. She faked laughed and excused herself for a drink. She needs a break from Jason and his friends. She cannot stand how cool they think they are. All because they are on the basketball team.
Chrissy grabbed a drink from the fridge, jumping as her back was shoved against the sink. A gasp leaving her throat as Jason's older sister, Y/N stood smirking. Chrissy felt her thighs clench. Knowing Y/N heard her excuse and quickly followed.
Chrissy felt herself blushing underneath Y/N's hot stare. Her body being pushed against Chrissy's, forcing her even further against the sink.
Chrissy shouldn't enjoy the way her body shivered as Y/N grinded herself against Chrissy's body. Chrissy shouldn't enjoy Jason's sister feeling her up in the kitchen. But God it felt so good.
The way Y/N's hands slipped under Chrissy's skirt, easily finding her clit, something Jason failed to do. Moaning instantly as Y/N rubbed her clit over her small pair of panties
"feel good Chrissy?" She mocked, enjoying the way the blonde was gripping the sink
"yes" she whined, covering her mouth when Y/N slipped two fingers inside of her. Pumping them fast, loving the way Chrissy was falling apart. Whining underneath her hand. Eyes watching the kitchen entrance, praying Jason wasn't going to walk by at any minute.
"you better cum before my little brother sees his girlfriend getting fingered by his sister"
With her hands in my hair
Oh, I love the way she touches
I'm a mess, I don't care
And I kinda fucking love it, boy
You should've known I'd have a better time with her
Thank God you introduced me to your sister
Chrissy moaned breathlessly as Y/N devoured her mouth with her own. Tongue deep in her mouth as Chrissy grasped on anything she could hold. Y/N hands were in Chrissy's hair, tugging and yanking. Just like last week, Chrissy found herself at Jason's sisters mercy.
But Chrissy loved it. She loved how Y/N ruined her lipstick, making her hair a mess and making her clothes wrinkled.
Chrissy moaned as Y/N shoved her knee under Chrissy's cunt. Forcing her to grind down on it.
"be a good girl and cum on my knee"
Chrissy definitely shouldn't be throwing her head back and cumming on her boyfriend's sister's knee.
Doesn't matter where, Chrissy always had a better time with Y/N Carver, thank God Jason introduced Chrissy to his sister.
She undressed me with her eyes and, somehow, you didn't see
Put her hand on my thigh, felt like a hundred degrees
Said I needed the bathroom, now we're up in her bedroom
With her lips on my neck, I know I probably shouldn't
And it feels so good, I wanna die
Chrissy felt herself growing wet as Y/N stared at her across from the living room
Jason threw a party but spent the night ignoring Chrissy. Too busy talking to one of his friends to notice that Y/N was undressing Chrissy with her eyes.
Walking over to sit next to the blonde, easily throwing a hand on the girl's naked thigh
Chrissy's eyes snapped to Jason, still occupied with his friends as Y/N's hand moved up her thigh, higher and higher. Closer and closer to her heated cunt
"meet me in my bedroom"
And with that she raced up the stairs
Chrissy found Jason fast, shouting that she needed to go to the bathroom. Jason threw a small smile as acknowledgement.
She rolled her eyes and raced to Y/N's bedroom. Knocking excitedly, looking over her shoulder to make sure no one was watching her sneak into her bedroom.
Y/N opened the door, yanking Chrissy into her room and shoving her on the bed. Slamming the door behind her and locking the door. Attacking her lips on Chrissy's neck.
Y/N yanked Chrissy's tiny dress off, easily slipping between her thighs
"so wet gorgeous" she teased Chrissy
Chrissy whined as Y/N dove between her thighs. Sucking on her clit as she fucked her with her tongue
Chrissy lost track of time. Squirming as her third orgasm took over her
"JESUS GOD" she screamed, gripping Y/N's pillow as she rode Y/N's face, riding out her orgasm
Chrissy froze as there was a rapid knock on Y/N's door
"YES?" Y/n screamed, mouth working against Chrissy's clit as she waited for an answer
"YOU SEEN CHRISSY?' Jason screamed
Chrissy panicked, trying to scramble away but Y/N glared
"stay" she demanded, slipping three fingers into Chrissy's soaked and abused cunt
"no don't' she whimpered
"NO I HAVEN'T" Y/N screamed back, fucking Chrissy harshly, smirking as the blonde squirmed, her blue eyes wide in panic
"NO JASON. I GOT A GIRL IN HERE SO GET LOST" Y/N screamed. Smirking at Chrissy as she watched her body shake
Chrissy grabbed the nearest pillow, stuffing her face as she sobbed.
"good girl. Make a mess on my fingers while your boyfriend looks all around for you"
Chrissy sobbed as her next orgasm ripped through her
It was wrong but God this made Chrissy feel so good
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innytoes · 11 months
My roommate is sick and all they could talk about was how much they miss that one soup you always made them so I drove four hours to come and get some + OT3 of your choosing
When Ray opened the door at 11PM on a Thursday night, he was a little surprised.
"Hi, Mister Molina?" the young man said, fidgeting his fingers together. "We spoke on the phone?"
Because yes, he had spoken with Julie's boyfriend on the phone. It was just that he was pretty sure Julie's boyfriend was Luke. He had been since they got together in high school. She'd been so excited to join Luke to get her music degree at the same top-notch university. (And yes, they had a long conversation about picking the best university for her, not just the one her boyfriend was at.)
But this young man was not Luke. He'd thought he sounded different on the phone, and strangely formal, but he thought it was just because they hadn't spoken as much since Luke went away to school.
His poor little nena, first she broke up with her high school sweetheart and now she had the flu? Why hadn't she told them about Luke? Was she worried they'd be disappointed?
"Yes, of course, come in," he said, waving the boy inside. He had messy hair, ripped jeans and a leather jacket, but Ray knew that looks didn't say anything. Any boy who was willing to drive four hours just to pick up soup for his sick girlfriend had to be a good egg.
"The soup is just about done, Rose was just letting it simmer until you got here," he explained as he lead him to the kitchen. The way the young man was trying to subtly sniff the air was rather endearing. "Would you like to try some?"
"Oh, I couldn't," the boy said, but he looked longingly at the big pot simmering on the stove. "It's Julie's soup."
"There's more than enough," Rose said, already grabbing a bowl and ladling some soup into it. If she was surprised at this Not Luke Boyfriend, she didn't show it. Behind the boy's back, he made a confused shrugging motion at his wife, and she just quirked an eyebrow at him. I don't know what's going on either, it said.
"Oh, well, if it's no trouble," the young man said, all but collapsing into one of the stools at the kitchen island. Rose handed him the bowl and a spoon, and when he took a deep whiff, his eyes fell closed in what appeared to be bliss. When he took a bite, he actually whimpered a little. When was the last time this poor kid had some homemade food? Ray remembered his own college years, and if he were to guess, that boy lived off ramen and grilled cheeses.
"This is really good, Mrs Molina," the boy said earnestly in between big bites. "No wonder Julie was craving it. This would make anyone feel better."
"How is she?" Rose asked.
"She was feeling pretty crummy when I left," the boy said. "But her fever was down and she was craving food again, so that's a good sign." He looked up, concerned. "I didn't just leave her alone! Luke's with her, and Alex and Willie are on standby to drive them to the emergency room if either of their fevers spike."
So Luke was still with her? Was the break-up amicable?
"I just felt so bad, I mean, I was the one who got sick first, and then I gave it to Luke, and Luke gave it to Julie, and they were both so miserable, and when she said she wanted her Mami's special soup I just thought, if that would make her feel better..." He trailed off when he realised he was rambling, flushing.
"You were sick too?" Rose asked, concerned. "You poor thing."
"I'm fine now," the boy reassured her, even though on closer inspection, he did still look kind of exhausted. He had dark circles under his eyes, and the way he was slumped over the bowl of soup told Ray he wasn't exactly fit as a fiddle yet. Maybe the soup would help, though. "And I can be out of your hair as soon as we pack the soup up. I'm so sorry to spring this on you."
"Anything for our Julie," Ray said, and the boy whirled around, eyes wide, like he'd forgotten Ray was there. Yeah, definitely not one hundred per cent yet. "You look tired, though. Are you sure you're okay to drive all the way back?"
"Yeah, totally," the boy said, before knocking back the last of the soup, holding the bowl up to his face to get it all. "I don't want to be a bother."
"You're not," Rose insisted. "And Ray's right, you look tired. If you just got over the flu yourself, you shouldn't be driving eight hours straight. Why don't you go take a nap for a few hours?"
"But Julie..."
"Won't want to be woken up at three in the morning anyway," Rose pointed out. The boy's face turned into a thoughtful pout. "Just sleep for a few hours, and you can get up bright and early tomorrow and bring her the soup. It'll do none of you any good if you fall asleep behind the wheel."
"I guess," he finally acquiesced.
"Great!" Rose said, beaming. "Do you want some more soup?"
Of course he did, and she gave him another bowl, sending Ray upstairs to prep the guest room and find Reggie something he could sleep in. Ray just let it happen. He knew better than to get in Rose's way when she'd made up her mind, and just watched on in amusement as she ushered a confused young punk in a leather jackets up the stairs and off to bed.
When she came back down, Ray had finished putting most of the soup into tupperware (and maybe stealing a few bites for himself. It was really good soup).
"Julie never told me she and Luke broke up," he said. "Had she told you?"
"No," Rose said, thoughtfully, even as she wrapped herself around him, on her toes so she could hook her chin over his shoulder. "Maybe they haven't."
Ray turned as far as he could, catching a glimpse of her face.
"Reggie said he gave his flu to Luke," Rose pointed out. "And on the phone he said he was Julie's boyfriend. I think they're both dating him."
Oh, so his name was Reggie? That was good to know. Ray tried to wrap his head around it. He was just glad his daughter hadn't gotten her heart broken.
"He seems like a good kid," he said finally. "Driving all this way just to get Julie's comfort food."
Rose hummed in agreement. "Well," she said. "We'll have plenty of time to get to know him tomorrow."
"Tomorrow?" He would have thought Reggie would be anxious to get back home to his... partners, he guessed.
"Well, of course we're driving him back!" Rose said. "He's in no shape to drive!"
And Ray just nodded, and smiled, because when Rose made up her mind, it was best to just go along with it.
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littlesolo · 2 years
Kacy Twitter Fic - Corner Store Mishap
Shout out to @greatcanadian-eh-hole who helped me put this together
Little Julie Tennant isn't all that little anymore. One of the mornings that she decides to join Kate while she surfs. They're heading back to the car, Kate carrying her surfboard, when they come close to being run over by a bunch of kids on a different kind of board. Skateboarders. She's spilled her coffee because of them more than a few times. Lucy levels her best glare at their backs. But then one of them turns around. It's a Tiny Tennant!
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Julie hops off her board and kicks it into her hand before running back over to them.
"Sorry!" Lucy smiles. She'll forgive the youngest Tennant just about anything.
"Hey Julie. What are you doing out so early?" she asks. The girl shrugs.
"Everyone else is still asleep at home. Figured I'd go hang out with my friends. What time is it?" Kate glances at her watch. The waterproof one that Lucy found and got for her.
"Almost nine?"
"I should get home" says Julie ready to take off again.
"Hop in, we'll give you a ride" offers Lucy. Kate smiles, she'd been thinking the same thing.
Her girlfriend has a Texas sized stomach. Kate knows this and Lucy's pointed it out more than once. It's never been a problem before, but it's what has them stopping at a gas station a few blocks from Jane's.
She's paying for a large bag of pork rinds that Lucy says she needs and three donuts for Julie to take home when she sees the guy in a dark hoodie and carrying a shotgun approach the door. It being the weekend, she's not armed and neither is Lucy. She darts back into the aisle seconds before the comes in.
She and Lucy figured out how to read each other pretty well, so between mouthed words and hand gestures, they come up with a plan. Lucy takes Julie's skateboard and rolls it down the aisle to distract the guy while Kate tugs Julie along with her.
Once the guy is distracted, she whispers for Julie to head to the car as soon as he's down. Then she rushes him. Once he's on the floor, Lucy drops a display on him and grabs the shotgun. Kate heads for the car and doesn't see what Lucy does next. All she knows is that Lucy is two seconds behind her and once they're in the car, she floors it to Jane's.
Okay, so yes, thinking ahead is usually her thing, but there was adrenaline and chaos...
Still, they should have thought of something. Instead they have this:
"Hey Mom! I stopped a robbery with Kate and Lucy!" says Julie as she walks into the kitchen. It gives Jane pause, her coffee cup almost to her lips.
"What?" This would have been a good time to interject and say something, but she and Lucy were just realizing how bad that sounded when said out loud.
"Yeah! They even used my skateboard! Got the shotgun away from the guy and everything."
Kate and Lucy freeze as Jane turns her laser vision on them.
"Julie was no where near the shotgun." It's the first thing she can think to say. She winces and Lucy elbows her in the side. They can hear sirens in the background.
"You know what? We kinda screwed up by not identifying ourselves as law enforcement or staying at the scene, but Julie was one hundred percent safe. Now that we've dropped her off, we should probably go back to the scene. We'll just---" Kate nearly tramples Lucy in her rush to get back to the car.
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Blood Moon
Summary: In season three, Snyder once again enlists Buffy's help in taking kids trick-or-treating for Halloween. Buffy, this time, decides to dress up as Sailor Moon. In needing sometime to unwind before spending some time with the munchkins that night, Buffy stops by the mansion to see her favorite vampire. Thinking she looks pretty cute as Sailor Moon, and that Angel might appreciate the sight, she shouts, "Happy birthday!" to him as she bursts into the place... not knowing that Halloween is actually Angel's birthday, and this is how she's about to find that out. Based on "Buffy The Last Vampire Slayer" listing Halloween as Angel's canon birthday.
"Happy birthday, Angel," Buffy said somewhat shyly, as she strolled into Angel’s mansion in a Sailor Moon costume. Truth be told? As far as Buffy knew, it wasn't actually Angel's birthday. She had no idea when that day was, unfortunately—as there were still some things from his human life that he wasn't comfortable discussing. But she thought that Angel might, in some capacity, enjoy seeing her dressed in such a way, which was why she was saying the turn of phrase.
The actual day was Halloween, hence why Buffy was dressed up (and she'd chosen Sailor Moon for a few reasons. One, because a cute little girl who she had rescued at a comic book store had said that Buffy reminded her of Sailor Moon (1), which had then gotten Buffy to research the manga and to come to the same conclusion herself. And two, because on the off-chance they got turned into their costumes again this year, she wanted a superhero who could always handle things at the end of the day).
Anyway… Buffy was definitely hoping that Angel would think she looked cute like this, hence her lame "happy birthday" comment, to give her something to enjoy before she was once more under Snyder’s scrutiny in a few hours. But as Angel seemed to look at her with puzzlement in his eyes and nothing more, she was very much starting to regret the whole thing.
"How-how'd you know?" Angel gasped, after he'd blinked at the Slayer a few times.
And Buffy was about to ask “how she knew what?” When it suddenly dawned on her what Angel's question must have meant. She gasped, as she all but tackled him into the couch. He had been standing in the center of the room to hug her, no doubt, but now in her enthusiasm, Buffy was pretty much straddling him atop the sofa in his living room. "Angel, you’re saying Halloween is your actual birthday? Why didn't you ever tell me?!"
Suddenly, Buffy felt heartbroken that she had nothing to give Angel on his actual birthday here. Nothing but her love. Sure, she could give him a late birthday present, but it wouldn’t entirely be the same.
Buffy was about to berate Angel, for letting things become uneven between them this way (where he would be a better boyfriend than she a good girlfriend, since his birthday presents to her would be on time), when Buffy noticed just how intently he was looking at her.
“And you’re really debating telling me something heavy here, aren’t you?” Buffy surmised.
And Angel laughed once at that. And had smiling eyes for just a moment—even going as far as to calling Buffy the “Champion of Love and Justice, indeed--before he seemed to settle back into his despair. “It wasn’t because I thought birthdays were irrelevant after becoming a vampire that I didn’t tell you, Buffy. Please understand that. It wasn’t even the clichéd idea that we vampires moreso celebrate the dates we were sired…
"Though celebrating birthdays for hundreds of years can get confusing and tedious," Angel seemed to add as an afterthought.
"Though that's still not the main reason you left me in the dark?" Buffy asked, drawing circles on Angel’s red, silk shirt with her index finger. She wondered if it had to do with his birthday being on Halloween: the day demons never went out on, because they hated how commercial everything had become. Had Angelus feared everyone would think he was somehow commercial, if they knew when his birthday was?
Sighing heavily, and looking everywhere but at Buffy, Angel admitted in a voice that was small and very out of place for him, "Once my father had deemed me a disappointment in his eyes, he said it was only fitting I'd been born on Halloween, the devil's day and all that… and he was right."
Buffy knew she must have heard wrong. She had to have. Because while she knew that there hadn’t exactly been any love lost between Angel and his father, for a parent to still say that to their child… Even in much harder times, Buffy couldn’t make sense of it in the slightest.
And even Angel himself! Buffy knew that he could brood with the best of them, but he was working so hard for redemption and to prove that he was worth something. Even on his worst days, how could he ever believe something like that about himself? Buffy wanted to believe that he didn’t. But taking one look at how he was so still now, that Buffy knew could actually be the sign of an anxiety attack, she knew it was the truth.
"Angel, that's horrible! I can't believe your father would say that to you! He's dead wrong! He's always been dead wrong about it!"
"How can you say that, Buffy?" Angel countered, turning beaten, tortured eyes onto her. "Look at what I ended up doing to them. He must have-"
While Buffy had gone to just laying on top of Angel before, she was once again straddling him now, and leaning above him so she could peer directly into his eyes. Running a gentle hand over his face as she tried to sooth him, the Slayer whispered the following—as a warm glow from the fireplace settled on the both of them, "Don't you dare tell me he must have somehow seen the future and known you would become Angelus, Angel. That's just impossible. He was being abusive towards you. And you're taking something a demon did, that you're making up for every day, to try and justify those unfair words spoken to a child.
"From now on, we are going to celebrate your birthday on Halloween. And aside from this Sailor Moon costume that I'm totally wearing for you and not because I got roped into taking kids trick-or-treating by Snyder again, notwithstanding… what would you like for said birthday?"
It was clear that Angel was thinking about it—whilst he squeezed Buffy’s hip tightly and seemed to purposely smooth a careful kiss onto the little crescent moon that was on one of her red choker--but the moment that Angel got a guilty look into his eyes, Buffy knew what her vamp was going to try and articulate here. Before he could, Buffy pulled away from him the slightest bit and snapped, "And don't dare say you don't deserve anything from me because of last year, when you weren’t yourself. Or that I give you enough already, as sweet as that would be."
Angel laughed for Buffy’s sassiness for just a moment—something Buffy definitely appreciated—and then pulled her into a kiss that instantly had this Serena melting for her Darien (2). It had been far too long since the two of them had been together like this, Buffy thought, as she tried to not get too lost in the feeling of Angel's claiming kiss, and home. The two of them tried so hard to be virtuous, and not do anything to bring about Angelus. But how could those actions be deemed good when this was so right? Buffy wondered, just as Angel nibbled on her bottom lip once and she moaned.
But all too soon he was pulling away from her and getting up, even—removing temptation, Buffy suspected—and rifling through one of his drawers. If she peered closely, she thought that maybe he was looking at some of his drawings in them?
"I would like for my birthday… a thing of post-it notes."
Buffy stared at Angel for a long moment, thinking that he had to be joking with her, of course—even though her Angel was usually so sober—because who would ever ask for that for their birthday, but while he continued looking at her expectantly, and then in a bashful way, Buffy realized he must have been serious.
"Angel… I know you probably haven't really thought about what you'd want as a gift for a while, but I swear I can splurge way more than tha-"
But thankfully, Angel cut Buffy's somewhat insulted words off with a finger to her lips. "There's a part of me that's always wanted to try my hand at animation… Though to do that, you need to know how to use a computer, which I really don't. But you can somewhat imitate the affect with post-it-notes: in making a flipbook and I'd like to try it. And it would mean a lot to me if you could help me make that dream come true," Angel told her earnestly, dear God, almost doing the puppy dog pout, so that Buffy couldn't refuse him.
This still hardly seemed like enough of a gift for him to Buffy… Even if she went to an art store and asked if they had special post-its for artists, or anything like that, she was still skeptical about it, but she couldn't turn this dream of Angel's down, now that she knew it was a dream of his. But maybe she could do more with it.
"In the name of the Moon, that’s how I’ll heal you," Buffy promised the love of her life… And okay, she somewhat hated the cheesy words as soon as they were out of her mouth. Maybe the DIC dub of Sailor Moon wasn’t that great. Though in its defense, she didn’t think even it had ever been as silly as what she had just said.
But Angel didn’t seem to mind. If anything, he seemed charmed by it all and sealed their promise with a kiss. And being a girl very much in love, Buffy loved it when he ran his hands through her hair as they made out:
Buffy hadn’t actually bought a wig for this costume, but had rather done her hair up in meatballs as best she could. And while her hair wasn’t nearly as long as Serena’s at all—if anything, it was as long as Rini’s—Angel seemed to love her just the way she was, like he always did. Like she did him.
Buffy did make good on her promise to Angel, but she did something else, too. Though she knew she was probably the world's most terrible artist, she thought she might get points for effort. So, what did she do? She made her own animation flipbook… it was supposed to depict when she gave Angel a bracelet when they'd been fighting the Sons of Entropy (3), but Buffy thought it probably looked more like a stick figure attempting the hula.
"I don't know," Buffy explained lamely, as she handed him both presents, as they both stood in front of the fire at the mansion. "I just thought that maybe, for your birthday here, it might be nice to reference both presents I've given you so far. It seems really stupid now. I know my drawing sucks," Buffy said all but depressed.
The next thing Buffy knew, Angel was moving in her direction. And her Slayer senses were going absolutely crazy for it, thinking that an angry vampire was trying to attack her—and she nearly prepared herself to go on the defensive—but then she was in his arms as he was trembling. And Buffy remembered where she was, and just how vulnerable the creature in her arms was and just how much she loved him.
"Thank you, Buffy. Just thank you. Whenever I think I can't love you any more than I already do, you prove me wrong."
"And I’ll always be here to do that for you, Angel," Buffy said gently, kissing her vampire’s ear. And she embraced him a moment longer, before they both sat down in front of the fire to examine Buffy's little animation together.
Before Angel left, he drew his own one in the post-its that Buffy had given him: the time that he had given Buffy her claddagh, thinking it was only fitting that since Buffy had drawn the time she had given him a bracelet that said "always," that he depict when they'd shared rings and promised each other forever. He'd given this to Buffy; and as she'd looked over Angel's gorgeous line work and colors as they moved, she imagined she'd never loved a possession more.
And, yes, even in the long years that she was temporarily without him, did it give her comfort.
Author's Note: (1) That happens in one of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer High School Years comics.
(2) I know that their names are Usagi and Mamoru… but in the time the Buffy seasons take place in, Buffy would most likely know them by what the DIC dub called them: Serena and Darien (and their daughter from the future as “Rini”).
(3) This is a reference to the Buffy books “The Gatekeeper Trilogy,” and Buffy did give Angel a bracelet there.
This whole thing is based on how in Buffy The Last Vampire Slayer, Angel’s birthday—on his wedding certificate to Buffy—is written to be on Halloween. I may not like quite a few things about that series, but that’s cool. And it got the muse inspired to write this whole thing.
For a while now, I’ve thought about Buffy dressing up as Sailor Moon for Halloween, mainly because they have so much in common. And then it combined with the above idea and this fic was born.
I also feel like Angel would know about Sailor Moon, perhaps (which I clearly went with here), because he read a lot—so maybe he’d come across the manga—had been to Japan in the past (so I feel like he maybe knew Japanese, like he knows so many languages—so perhaps he could even be reading the manga in its original language)… and, well, Sailor Moon is so like Buffy. So, if for whatever reason, he ever started the first volume, I feel like he would continue on, because he’d be like, “Oh my gosh, she reminds me of Buffy.”
I do have an idea for a sequel to this, I think, so hopefully we’ll see that soon!
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