#i say that a lot but i mean it everytime. you deserve the same gentle kindness and love that you give to the world and to those in it
s3lkie2sato · 1 year
thank you for taking care of me and being so sweet and so soft and so kind. you make me feel so at ease even when things feel so out of control. you are so gentle with me and i swear i could just cry and melt and become putty in your soft hands
if i could grasp the stars and lay them in your gentle hands, i'm sure they would rejoice. what i wouldn't give to see the twinkles from them in your eyes.
0 notes
gunilslaugh · 1 year
Hello! Same anon who requested Jun han with a fitness model! I loved it a lot!
I was wondering if I could request some headcanons (maybe with a small scenario aswell) with Jun han where the reader is kinda this super underground singer who really doesn't take care of themselves. Like kinda grungy, big eye bags, messy unkept hair, partakes in some activities that do not need to be disclosed but Jun han understands what's going on?
And reader has a huge crush on Jun han and is trying to get in order so that Jun han can like them back? Reader is also like, super mean to everyone but soooo sweet to Jun han :))
Sorry if this is long😭 I'm just so in love with this man
Thank you!
Hello. I'm glad you loved your other request I hope you love this one too :)
Han Hyeongjun
Summary: You’re an underground singer with a lot of bad habits, but Hyeongjun still sticks around despite all your flaws.
Warning:grammar, one cuss word
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photo not mine credits to owner.
The bright light seeping into your room through your curtains only made your head pound harder. Suddenly you felt bile burn its way up your throat. You quickly ran into your bathroom. Mid puke you felt gentle hands gathering your hair to hold it away from your face. Then you felt a gentle rubbing on your back. 
You know that it’s Hyeongjun and it kind of makes you feel worse. He always sees you in your worst state, yet for some reason he never leaves. Even though he knows all of the bad things you do. You no where near deserve him, but you can’t lie and say that you don’t have feelings for him. He took care of you, cared for you. Even though you don’t necessarily care about yourself. Anyone who looked at you could tell that. Your unkempt hair, dark eyebags, untidy clothes. You looked very grunge in a non-aesthetic way. 
You slumped against the bathroom floor after emptying whatever contents were in your stomach. Hyeongjun wipes your mouth with a tissue and discards it into the trash before helping you up. He guides you over to your small couch, sitting you down. He then goes to your kitchen getting you a bottle of water and pain relievers. He comes back over to where you sat and gives them to you. 
“I didn’t do anything too stupid last night did I?” you asked after taking the two small pills. You remember hardly anything about last night after you finished your set at a bar. Hyeongjun shook his head, taking a seat next to you. 
“Just called me drunk, so I picked you up.” That’s good. You were no stranger to starting a bar fight or two, so at least you only made one mistake that night. You should be better, you want to be better. Be a person that deserves Hyeongjun. It’s just that everytime you tried you always ended up falling right back into your bad habits. That saying really is true, old habits do die hard. You felt pathetic and sick of yourself. You really did need to change. Maybe you should start with finding your hairbrush. 
“Didn’t really expect you to show up today,” your co-worker at your part time job tells you. You turned towards them to give them a look. “You don’t remember last night at all, do you?” he asked. 
“Not really,” you mized, going back to stalking items on the shelf. 
“Let’s just say you were pretty gone. Not surprised you don’t remember running into me,” he continues to talk to you. 
“Look, can you just do your job? My head hurts,” you bite. He raises his hands in defense and walks away from you. You continued working until your shift ended. 
Once you got back from work you actually cleaned your apartment. For the first time in you don’t know how long. You discovered that your little laundry did have a floor hiding beneath all the layers of discarded clothing. The dirty clothes now sit in the designated basket that you’ll get to another day. Baby steps, you tell yourself. 
Later that evening you headed out to do some busking. A nice way of making a few extra dollars. 
“Hey y/n.” One of your busking…acquaintances (you weren’t really one for friends. Other than Hyeongjun) came up to you as you were putting away your things. 
“Hey,” you meekly replied. 
“Me and some others are gonna go have some fun. You wanna come?” She invited you. Yes you want to, but you know you shouldn’t. It won’t end well. Your life will continue to be pathetic if you go. A life where you don’t deserve Hyeongjun.
“No, I’ll pass,” you say. 
“Oh come on! Let’s let loose tonight,” she tests you.
“You let loose every night,” you scoffed. 
“I don’t know why I try to be nice to you. You really are just a bitch.” With that she walks away. You gathered your things and went home. It felt weird, you were never home this early. You were usually out doing things you know you shouldn’t be into late hours of the night or early morning. 
You sat on your couch bored. What did normal people do at this time of night? It wasn’t even 9:30 yet. Going out for a little bit couldn’t hurt right? You stood up about to head for your door. No, don’t do it. You know how it’ll end. You kept standing up and sitting down, battling yourself. Maybe you should just go to bed. 
You can’t sleep. You're not used to sleeping this early. Tossing and turning from one side to another. Pulling the blanket up higher, throwing it off you. Having it half on half off. Then your phone lights up. You picked it up, it was text. “Heard you were staying in tonight?” it read. “Piss off” you responded. Before putting your phone back you found yourself calling Hyeongjun. 
“Hello.” He picked up right away. 
“..Hey,” you said. This felt a little weird. You don’t really remember the last time you called him sober. 
“Are you ok?” Of course that’s the first question he asks. You don’t really know how to answer.
“Uh- yeah. I’m actually home right now,” you tell him. Hyeongjun was admittedly surprised to hear that. “Can you come over? I know it’s late, but…” You don’t trust yourself, but if Hyeongjun is with you then you know you won’t do anything bad. 
“I’ll be right over,” he says. 
He meant right over, no more than fifteen minutes you were letting Hyeongjun inside of your apartment. 
“You cleaned,” he noted.
“Yeah. My laundry room has a floor,” you chuckled. The two of you walked over to your little couch. You anxiously picked at your nails with shaky hands. Hyeongjun quickly notices and places his warm, gentle ones over your own.
“Are you ok y/n?” The caring look in his eyes makes you break.
“Why do you care?” Tears glazed over your eyes. 
“What?” He holds your hands tighter. 
“Why are you still here? Why do you stay? How come you haven’t left me? I’m a terrible person Hyeongjun,” you sobbed. “I have way too many bad habits. You know all the things I do. All the things I’ve done. I’m mean to everyone who’s not you. I’m really pathetic and I want to change. I want to be a better person, but it’s hard. It’s so tempting to just go back to how I originally am. I can’t even trust myself to stay in for one night!” You shouted, but it was at yourself. You’re so angry with yourself for letting you get to such a low point. Hyeongjun hugs you. One of his hands cradles your head and the other rubs your back. Just as gently as he did this morning.
“It’s ok. You’ll be ok. I’m right here,” he soothes you. Your hands clutched his shirt so tightly like you were scared he would disappear.
“Why?” Now your voice was no higher than a whisper. 
“Because I love you.” He said it so easily. You made a confused sound, thinking you must’ve heard wrong. “I love you y/n,” he repeated.
“I don’t deserve it,” you voiced pulling away. “I want to deserve it. I want to be a person who deserves your love, but I know right now I’m not.” You looked down at your lap. Hyeongjun once again grabs your hands. You look up at him.
“That’s for me to decide. I get to decide who I love, who deserves my love and I love you.” You want to confess your love for him back, but at the same time you don’t feel like you’re a good enough person to. You’ll wait until you're good enough. 
“Thank you.” Is how you respond. Hyeongjun hugs you again.
It took a very long time for you to clean up your act. There were triumphs and setbacks, but you did it. Sometimes you still had thoughts about going back to your old bad habits, but now you were strong enough to not listen to them. Hyeongjun stayed by your side the entire time. Now you have no problem saying.
“Hyeongjun I love you.” 
“I love you too y/n.” He has no problem saying it either, not like he ever did, but now you feel like you deserve it. You became a person who was good enough for Hyeongjun. Although he thought you were good enough the entire time. He never saw you as your flaws, he only saw you as you.
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justsoth1rsty · 3 years
dating headcanons with best boy Ali pls? (sfw)
Dating! Headcanons Ali Abdul x reader
- This man is 100% a literal loving puppy dog
- He’s a very gentle person and tries his best to be gentle with you too but if he ever hurts you by accident (like elbowing you to the side by accident) he’s a sobbing mess. Dating him means constant reassuring.
- But he would do anything for you.
- Literally anything.
- Family man i will not be taking criticism about this and definitely wants to settle down with you.
- Ali is really supportive and always makes sure you know how proud he’s proud of you.
- That being said don’t let that man play board games with you because he will destroy you. Accidentally or not. And he acts like a baby if he loses.
- He doesn’t have a lot of money so instead of buying you anything he will surprise you with something homemade which shows how well he knows you.
- You also surprise him with sweets you made because this man infamously has a sweet tooth so cafe dates are a must.
- Teaching you about his cultures and opening up about his past and problems. It always comforts him and his racing mind as you attentively listen to his worries.
- Ali is all for PDA. He doesn’t care who’s watching or if you two are with friends. You deserve all the kisses and hugs.
- He loves kissing you when you’re least expecting it. He’s a spontaneous kisser and enjoys catching you off guard.
- Will also pick you up whenever he gets excited. Spinning you around while laughing happily. Unless you are uncomfortable of course. HE RESPECTS THE FUCKING BOUNDARIES.
- In fact he loves giving you giant bear hugs. Feeling down? Here’s a hug. Overjoyed? Here’s another. You can’t complain though because he smells incredible and he makes you feel safe.
- He also enjoys having heart to heart conversations quite frequently. Having one makes him feel secure and loved.
- Fun fact about him is that he absolutely loves romantic movies. Not even in ”ohmy so cheesy” type of way. He just loved them.
- One of the reasons why he loves them so much is because he can relate to the stupid bullshit people do in the movies for the name of love. He feels the same when he’s looking at you. This sounded less corny in my head
- Generally your words mean the world to him. If you say he’s the best, he’ll believe it. And of course you mean it everytime.
- Ali loves to sleep in with you, just laying on bed and watch stupid videos, cuddling and just playing with your hair and peppering you with kisses.
- Absolutely adores the fact how well connected you two become over all topics and situations. Even if he might disagree with few, he loves to hear all your thoughts and opinions.
- Has a habit of humming when he’s happy so you need to be prepared for random noises whenever he’s roaming around the apartment
- Sing with him. Please.
- You two have so many inside jokes. He loves cheesy jokes and you absolutely love making him laugh.
- Dad jokes.
- Ali loves your laugh too. Even if you’d say some shit like ”i sound like a goblin who is being boiled alive.” Hearing it makes him smile everytime and in his mind you look fucking adorable.
- He barely gets angry but one of the only ways to get him riled up and mad is if you tell him that somebody made you upset.
- No joke his whole demeanor in seconds and seek out the person in question.
- He just loves you so damn much.
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miguel-ohara-wifey · 2 years
The Young Justice boys with a physically affectionate partner
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Will Harper
~Having a child means Will’s have to get comfortable with giving a lot of hugs, pats, caresses', the works
~So he’s caught a little off guard by his special someone being even more physically giving than he can be
~Not in a bad way, when you sit on his lap as you two watch the tv; your eyelids becoming closer and closer until the gentleness of his embrace takes you to the land of sleep. Nodding off in his arms with your breath traveling across his chest. Cautious not to disturb you as he plays with the ends of your hair still. The flashing hues and images on the tv couldn't distract him. 
~Not before turning off the tv he sneaks his left arm under your knees, effortlessly carrying you across the hall to your room. The lavender accented sheets and comforter drawn over you by him as he kisses your forehead
~He wasn’t careful enough because your eyes are wedged open by the sounds of him going to the door. After calling out to him weakly he explains he has work to do.
~You whine there’s always work but you want to cuddle him; he chuckles and knows full well you’d threaten him by saying you’d let Leon in on where the candy jar is if he doesn't. So he gives him by taking off his shirt; allowing his body to be the perfect human heater. As he funnels his arms around you again, you nod off immediately in such a quiet euphoria of attentiveness
~His beard brushes the top of your head as he whispers “I can’t believe I’ve done enough to deserve you.”
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~Touch starvation is a given when your in the Justice league or professionally aligned with them. Giving up hope for romantic relationships in favor of objectivity; as much as it doesn’t stop everyone. Dominates the social order of the hero’s
~Kaldur took that seriously more than most, too seriously everyone can agree on in and out of the league
~He froze up as if he was a deer in headlights when you came for a hug, though he stood his ground as he felt your chin barely make it to elbow length. And that was before you two were romantically involved
~You two had discussed your romantic feelings a couple years into your friendship, many trials and tribulations were shared between you. Several close to death experiences as well as incessant teasing from comrades towards your obvious fondness for one another
~Kaldur never acted on it, or asserted you two shouldn’t at least. His actions spoke differently for long enough for him to confess he wanted to be with you
~Your dynamic didn’t change much at all on the surface or even emotionally, partners didn't mean you two stopped being best friends. 
~But now your head pats, your nuzzling of his hair by your chin, the caress of the side of his neck by the bridge of your nose. All meant something different now. It will never be the same again. It means he could get hurt again, it means he could lose you like he lost Tulip. 
~It’s what’s caused him to squeeze you back a little tighter each time; not by a lot. But just enough to remind himself it could be his last, as he tells you everytime “Thank you for being here my heart.”
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Brion Markov
~Brion knew he’d have to give his people a queen; it was an avenue of cultural niceties of tradition and appealing to his legitimacy. He hoped to find someone he could at least synergize with politically and socially. What he got was-
~You yelling at his staff for letting him stay up late when he’s only had two hours of shut eye in the past 2 days. Stating plainly you overrule him when it comes to his sleep and mental health. And. He couldn't say you were wrong. So the staff now grasp partner rules his schedule more than he does
~He’ll get a mouthful if he doesn’t fulfill his mandatory weekly downtime quota, written and enforced by yours truly. Most of said downtime spent playing board games, making fun of bad movies, or messing around with your powers and destroying the tennis court again
~He wouldn’t have it any other way, especially when the bottom of your finger tips massage his head. After days of nonstop political trouble shooting and squad missions. Making the pained waves of headache disappear by but a couple of motions of his skin by your touch.
~Its like an angels flown down to rule beside him, and cure his mental/physical ailments by but a gentle contact of skin.
~The tightness inside his skull dissipated by the humming in his ear as you flowed the tension from his body. Its worth more than any wealth his family's hoarded  
~Such massages sessions usually end with him scooping you beneath him on his bedroom couch. As you two greedily kiss and hug one another, never able to be close enough
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Connor Kent
~You and Connor when you first meet were the fire brands of the squad, nothing could cool you two down. Not even the shared air of you alongside one another.
~In the sense of playground insults thrown as well as fists if anyone else could help it; the brats of the big friend group. But in essence you two had many things in common, Connor was treated as a thing even by his friends. When they started off not grasping his nature or unable to dissuade his temper. You could though, as he was able when the same happened to you
~Soon the flames grew into a softer hue as well as the gentle dancing of a campfire. Sparks flying between your eyes whenever you could spend time with one another. You two would joke therapy did its wonders as you two can now express you don't actually hate one another. Anyone could see see the lie.
~One day you and Connor were sparring outside, the breeze of an early summer was cool enough to fend off the starting heat. As well as the rise and fall of the waves was soothing. You two were done with practicing kicks, deciding to sit next to each other on a sand pile overlooking the blue dancing between the sun and where you sat.
~You remarked the beauty of the landscape, in a moment of brashness of heart he said its probably jealous of you then. All the movement in the world seemed to collapse in place as he said that.  
~You looked so deep in each others eyes those moments of silence following. You could spot the faintest hue of brown in his iris’s. 
~You planted the arm closest to him forward, to support your body as you leaned in for a kiss. He reacted immediately and pushed you from the sand onto his lap. You towered over him to get the best angle for the kiss. You two’s limbs sewn into one another and never wanting to part. You havent come back down from earth since. And Connor felt more human than he ever believed he was
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favoure · 3 years
(its me alt 3L anon aka 🌻)
"everytime grian goes 'Oh scar....'" thank u people in op's discord
"Oh Scar..."
Grian giggles as he watches the man frolicking across the desert, running and stumbling after a small rabbit. Why Scar was chasing that little thing, Grian would never know.
The shirtless man takes a determined leap — Scar was always determined, Grian notes — and manages to catch the rabbit. Despite their distance, Grian hears Scar's cheers of victory loud and clear. He laughs, and perhaps the wind had taken a liking to the pair today, because it carries the sound over to Scar. The taller man turns and grins at him, attempting to show off his new catch — the rabbit kicks its feet at his face and hops away. Scar turns back to Grian with a sheepish smile, and Grian finds himself laughing fondly.
"Oh Scar..."
Amidst his uncontrollable fit of laughter and Scar's dejected mumbling, Grian utters the words. The taller had just lost a life, having fallen off a ravine singing, and when the shock of the situation wore off, Grian couldn't help but find the situation amusing. Sad, but amusing.
After retrieving his items, Scar pouts. "Why do you keep saying that?"
Grian turns, confused. "Saying what?"
"That. The 'Oh Scar' that you somehow say the same way every time. With... Something. I don't know how to explain it. You just always say it with this certain emotion every time."
The shorter shrugs. "I never noticed that I said it in a certain way. It doesn't bother you, does it?"
Scar smiles, and Grian doesn't know why. "No, no! It doesn't. I was just curious — oh! There's a pillager raid! What can we do with those?"
"Oh Scar..."
Scar laughs as the smaller excitedly talks about their latest exploit. After Grian's multiple failed attempts at traps, Scar thinks that the other deserved the (technically) success with the enchanted table at Renchanting.
"You should've seen it! I mean, I know you saw it, but the moment before it exploded, Timmy fell and then bam! Three of them went flying! Three of them! Oh Scar, that was wonderful!"
And he says it again. 'Oh Scar.' Until now, Scar hasn't figured out what was so... Different about the way Grian says it. Admittedly, he's tried getting the other people around them to say the exact phrase — red life benefits. Gotta use what you have y'know? — but although it may sound the same, it didn't /feel/ the same.
He likes it better when Grian says it.
"Scar? You alright?"
Scar abruptly stops, and notices that they've already reached the cacti wall of the desert. "Huh? Oh, yeah! I was just lost in thought. There's a lot to process after that whole thing, y'know?"
Grian shrugs. "Alright. So what do we do now?"
It was cold. Why was it cold? They were in a desert. Why was it cold in a desert?
Scar blinks the black spots off his eyes. His sight clears, and he sees Grian sitting next to him, his fists clenched on top of Scar's torso. Ah, right. The fist fight.
The endgame.
"Grian?" He manages to groan out. The smaller man turns to face him, tears in his eyes and his already red sweater tattered in blood.
"Oh Scar..."
There it is again. 'Oh Scar', but this time it's laced with sadness. Hints of regret, maybe. But there's something else. What was it? What was it that made his words feel so warm despite his body being so cold?
"Grian. C'mere," he whispers. Grian inches closer, his eyes frantically searching Scar's pale face. What he was searching for, Scar would never know.
Scar uses all his energy to raise his hand and cup the side of Grian's face. The other puts his own hands on top of Scar's own, feather light and ever so gentle, ever so affectionate.
"Affectionate." The word rolls off Scar's tongue smoothly.
Grian tilts his head slightly, confusion dancing across his eyes. "What?"
Scar smiles despite their situation. "Affectionate. That's the way you've always said the words 'Oh Scar'. No wonder it sounded different when the others said it."
Grian chuckles, amused, and they both know it's because he couldn't help it. "You've asked the others to say it to you?"
"Yeah," Scar replies, his thumb caressing Grian's cheek. He feels himself slipping; he's starting to hear the voices of the other members. He's determined to fight against it, and he breathes out his last words.
"But I like it best when you say it."
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hey 🌻 !!!!!! we love the fic ^_^ /GEN ALL OF THESE R /POS SDHFSDSDFSD
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blzzrdstryr · 3 years
Can I request where the reader tells jean that they should break up. What would be her reaction when the reader is been secretly seeing some else? Yes. I'm here for the angsty. Pls make the reader g/n
Wordcount: 1268
CW: Yandere, unhealthy relationships, confinement, infidelity, physical abuse
The thing about dating Jean is that she seems perfect - beautiful, smart, strong and wholly dedicated - most people would kill to have a lover like that. However most people don’t know how torturous relationship with her can be - she is indeed beautiful, smart, strong and wholly dedicated, just not to you, as Mondstadt comes before anything, her health, your love and the little of time you two spend together.
How many times has she cancelled or simply missed your dates, because she was too busy? How many times have you had to look after her like a nanny after a toddler, spending days just cooking and fetching the littlest things everytime she tried to cut her life short by simply overworking? How many times have you begged her to finally take a break and relax, and assign a part of her duties to someone else?
You love Jean, you truly do, but you can’t be with her, not after what she had done over the years of your relationship, not after what you had done over the last weeks. It was an anniversary, you see, a big event that you both planned to celebrate, meaning you preparing everything beforehand and Jean being present for once. You did your part of the deal, working for a week in the row, just to make everything perfect and she didn’t attend.
Mondstadt needed her more than you, it always does.
You lost it.
Maybe it was the resentment slowly piling up with every disservice, every miss on her part, maybe it was the rage and frustration you felt in that moment, a week of your efforts and dedication rendered pointless.
Logically you understood why Jean did it - Mondstadt is a nation, full of people who rely on their Grandmaster and the Knights, you’re just one person, a person who knows that Jean is also human, who can get sick and tired, who overworks herself just to provide everyone with security they deserve, but her silent dismissal always felt so scorching and so cold at the same time.
And so you did something unforgivable - you cheated on her. It was easy to find an eager person who would love and worship you the way you thought you deserved it. The sensations of other’s hands upon your skin, of a mouth licking and biting and kissing brought you a sick sense of satisfaction - it was revenge. In that moment everything was perfect, you felt the happiest, most cherished person to exist.
The next morning greeted you with a cold realization - you did something unforgivable. Jean, despite her dismissal of you, was still faithful and dedicated, yet unlike her you were weak, you allowed yourself to succumb to petty hurt and slept with someone else. A giant wave of shame and self-loathing crushed all over you, threatening to drown your entire being - not even once you felt this despicable and disgusting.
You swore that you won’t cheat on her ever again the same day, not being able to look Jean directly in the eyes for the rest of the week. This oath however was soon broken - the same cancelled date, her missing figure carving out another small hole in your heart. It felt good - to be the center of someone’s world even if it’s just only a night long crude and laughable falsehood.
That’s why you’re standing here now: in the middle of her office, as Jean scribes something in the scroll with a feather. She doesn’t lift her head, writing one line after another, her whole attention focused on the piece of parchment on the table. You stand right before her, patiently waiting when she will finish, and only when you realize that it’s not happening soon do you allow yourself to speak.
“Jean”, you start, voice small and weak - she still writes, yet now lifts her head a bit, stern blue eyes now shifting between you and scroll: “[First]”, she starts not caring to hide the annoyed tiredness in her tone, “could you come back later? I have a lot of work to do”.
You stifle a burst of anger at the familiar, dreaded words: “I am afraid I can’t. We really need to talk”.
This prompts her to finally put the feather aside, her eyes now focusing on you: “[First], I know it’s hard for you”, you raise eyebrows, a spark of hope of her finally understanding how broken your relationships are igniting with a new strength, only to be snuffed out by the next phrase: “But I am pretty sure that whatever you want to talk can wait. Mondstadt never waits”.
You’re disappointed, both in herself and you for the dismissal and unfounded longing; you’re not surprised. Looking how Jean returns to her words, you decide to cut out all the unnecessary build up and blurt out:
“We need to break up, we really do”, her face shifts in the same moment morphing from shock to disbelief to sadness, as she quickly stands up, almost knocking down her chair in the moment: “[First], I didn’t know that.. I.. I am sorry”.
She quickly strides to you, her hands calloused from the fencing cupping around yours: “I.. Do you want me to do something, [First], I didn’t know that you felt so badly. Let me fix that, please”, she sounds so pitiful and earnest, a prick of self-loathing stabbing your heart. You’re the one who should be asking for forgiveness.
“Stop, Jean”, you yank palms from her hold: “I need to tell you something”, she steps up closer to you and takes your hands by the wrist again, her breath suddenly fanning the face. You bare yourself, swallowing the guilt and the lump stuck in your throat down - she has to know, she deserves someone better than you: “I have cheated on you, several times”.
Jean’s hold suddenly turns from gentle to crushing, as she squeezes her palms into tight fists, knuckles turning white. You suppress both whimper and pained expression and look her straight in the eyes: “Yes, that’s right, that’s true. I slept behind your back”.
“[First]”, begging whisper.
“I cheated every time you cancelled our plans or dismissed me”.
Jean’s hand leaves a burning, angry imprint on your face. You don’t flinch from pain, welcoming it instead - you deserved, after all of the things you did that is the least thing she could do to punish you. The impact leaves your head slightly dizzy, a coppery taste of blood blooming on your tongue - you must have bit yourself when she hit you. You swallow the taste down, continuing to speak:
“That’s why we need to end things, you are deserving of someone more than just a whorish, unfaithful cheater for the second half”.
She gives you a cold dead stare when you end your line and for the first time you feel a pang of fear, never has she looked so terrifying, so devoid of her usual gentle compassion: “Shut up”, she explodes, her hands cuffing yours again.
“Guards! Seize [First], now!”
A shocked noise escapes you, as a pair of knights burst into rooms, knocking you down: “What are you doing?!”, you shout at Jean, eyes wide as saucers. She gives you a look, a mix of rage and pity.
“Don’t worry [First]”, she adopts the patronizing tone, it’s jarring to say the least: “Someone must have poisoned or manipulated you, I know my [First] would never say or do such things. Don’t worry I’ll find the perpetrator and punish them”.
You can’t utter even a word of protest with a heavy hand around your face.
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etherealino · 3 years
fake dating, skz.
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ot8 scenario.
content/warning(s): fake dating au, just small scenarios. some are idolverse, some aren’t. swearing, hating on jype, nagging mother. tell me if i missed something!
note: i might do full length fics for each babies. what do u guys think?
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chan. —
the one where he’s being pestered by his best friend to bring a plus one to his best friend’s wedding and it can’t be a random person but someone he’s actually dating.
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minho looks at chan who just whines. “please?” minho says which is unusually gentle than his nagging teasing tone. “it’s been years and i think it’s time for you to finally go back to dating.”
“i will bring someone, i promise.” chan says, smiling lightly. minho could be annoying about this whole dating thing but he knows minho just wants him to be as happy as he was before.
“not just anyone?” minho says and chan nods. “someone you’re dating.”
chan looks up, eyes widening and minho frowns. what the hell does he do? chan knows how determined minho is, he won’t stop. “hyung, jeongin’s on the verge of asking his girlfriend of marrying him and—”
“y/n.” chan cuts him off with the first name that pops in his mind causing minho to raises his eyebrow. “i’m bringing y/n.”
“i said someone you’re—” minho cuts himself off, looking at chan with his eyes widening. he looks behind, seeing you having a conversation with his fiancé probably helping her with something on the wedding as she is showing you a sample from the magazine. minho looks back to chan who looks at him nervously. “hyung?”
“two weeks.” chan lies.
“why didn’t you tell me before?” minho asks and chan shrugs.
“i.. wanted to be sure.” chan says, seeing minho’s shock expression not going away and is probably not going away anytime so soon. “but now, i’m sure.”
“then, i’ll tell my girl that y/n will sit with you.” minho says and chan nods, mumbling a thanks. when minho’s fiancé pulls away from you to go to minho, chan immediately goes to you to explain the mess he has dragged you into.
oh, how frustrated you are going to be. chan could already see it.
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minho. —
the one where you two are roommates and he can’t help but overhear how your mother would always bug you about not having a boyfriend among other things, so he decides to just save your ass because deep down you’re one of the few people in his list who he would do everything for.
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throughout dinner, all minho has ever heard how your mom would pick on the littlest things that you would do and not do. minho was starting to get irritated because clearly, your mother doesn’t know how much of an amazing person you are (but of course, he’d rather go to jail than let you know that). 
as minho cleans on the table, you are still by the door with your mom.
“i didn’t want to bring this up earlier right in front of your roommate because it would be humiliating,” your mother says and minho rolls his eyes. as if she hasn’t humiliated you the whole night. “but do you ever plan on having a boyfriend?”
“mom, i just graduated college. i have a lot of things to focus on, i don’t have the time—”
“well, do it faster. no one is available forever.” 
that was it. minho couldn’t hold it any longer. he just wants your mom to stop and let her know how unbelievably amazing you are. as he puts the table rug down, he loudly says, “my love, can you help me?”
you turn your head to him, looking at him and minho doesn’t do anything but shrug. “y/n, love,” he calls again, walking to you and acting as if he was surprised to see your mother is still there on the doorway. “mrs. y/l/n, i’m sorry. i thought you went off already.”
“are you two together?” your mom slowly asks and your jaw drops, minho placing his hands on your shoulders. “why didn’t you tell me?” she asks and you look at minho.
“we decided to keep it between the two of us for now.” minho says and you let out a noise, eyes widening at minho as you pull away from his hold.
“you could have just told me, you silly girl.” your mom says and you look at her. “alright, i’ll be going. you help your boyfriend with the cleaning. remember the things i told you and bring minho by the house when there’s a gathering if he’s allowed to.”
you blink. “o-okay.” you stutter, leaning forward to kiss your mom on the cheek. minho does the same and your mom smiles. “take care, ma.”
“stay safe, mrs. y/l/n.” minho says and she nods, thanking the two of you as she walks to the elevator. you shut the door, glaring at minho. damn, this is going to be a long night of scolding.
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changbin. —
the one where people think he’s dating an idol and keep insisting that that person is the inspiration behind his songs but in order to not drag that other idol into the mess, he drops the name of his non-idol best friend that nobody’s ever heard of.
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changbin jumps when he hears the door of his room barge open and he sees you glaring down at him. “what. the. hell?” you grit your teeth, fuming at your best friend as you glare at him. changbin whines, knowing how fucked up did he do about the whole situation.
sure, he was thinking about the other idol who he never has exchanged at least one word with but he never though about his best friend. he was.. caught up in the moment.
“y/n, i’m really sorry. i didn’t think this would bring so much chaos.”
“you think?!” 
changbin whines. he may be all buff and strong and one of the most feared in stray kids but when it comes to you, he’ll fold even before you come at him. “y/n, i’m so sorry. i wasn’t thinking. plus, you’re profession is different from us they wouldn’t just..” changbin trails off when he sees you tapping your foot impatiently. right, dispatch could be a big bitch.
“y/n,” changbin calls, standing up from his bed and walking forward to place his hands on your shoulders. “just please, go along with it? just for a few months, i promise. i wil protect you from the reporters, i swear. just.. do this favor for me, please.”
you sigh, brushing your fingers through your hair. you wrap your arms around his torso, pulling him in and changbin returns the hug. “fine.” you say and changbin sigh in relief. “also, go take a bath. you stink.”
changbin laughs, kissing your temple.
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hyunjin. —
the one where the company is being a huge pain in the ass by telling the two of you to pull a public stunt which is fake dating one another.
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“what?” you and hyunjin said in unison. you looked at your manager in disbelief who just shrugs, shaking her head in disagreement as she turns away with a sigh.
“just for a couple of months.” the staff says in a gentle, manipulative tone. “just to get the heat off of the company.”
hyunnjin brushes his hand through his long locks, hiding his frustration even though he knows you feel the same just as he does. you sigh, putting your forehead on your palm as you close your eyes.
“it will help you with your upcoming comeback.” the staff says to you and you visibly scoff, causing your manager to lightly nudge you behind. you groan, looking away. “it will also help you with the votings and streamings.” the staff tells hyunjin and he only looks down, playing with his fingers.
silence takes over, everyone feeling your and hyunjin’s anger to the staff. but after a few minutes, hyunjin speaks up. “how many months?”
silence takes over again and you look at the woman in front of you who sighs. “12 months.” she sheepishly smiles.
“that’s a whole ass year.” you say and she smiles.
“we’ll send dispatch something tomorrow. so just be ready.” she says. “you’re dismissed.” the moment those two words left her lips, you and hyunjin immediately rose up to exit the office. when your manager closes the door, you went straight to the wall, covering your face with your hands as you lean against the wall with a groan leaving your lips.
you feel a hand on your shoulder and you look up to see the tall long haired boy. “hey.” you greet and hyunjin chuckles.
“we’ll get through this.” hyunjin encourages and you smile, holding your fist out.
“yeah, we will.” you said and hyunjin looked at your fist, blinking then back to your eyes.
“i’m going to be your boyfriend tomorrow and you’re giving me a fist bump?” hyunjin deadpans and you laugh, lightly pushing him as he laughs loudly.
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jisung. —
the one where he’s your best friend and someone takes a liking on you but you’re too soft to reject someone so you randomly ask jisung to be your fake boyfriend.
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“what do you want?” jisung says and you pout lightly, looking into his eyes.
“ji..” you softly call and jisung crosses his arms over his chest. “i think.. changbin’s going to confess tomorrow.”
“i need you to swoop in and tell him we’re dating.” you say as you play on chips of his door. jisung’s eyes widen, laughing lightly as he blinks.
“come again?” jisung says and you whine, looking at him. “no!”
“why not?” you ask.
“just say you like me instead of pulling this stunt!” jisung says.
“hey, i don’t!” you say, scrunching your nose as you look down. “i just really don’t want to confront changbin about it and you know me. i’d just end up saying yes and—”
“it’s okay to say no.” jisung says but you only pout looking at him. jisung pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing. “y/n, i swear to god—”
“free cheesecakes as long as this goes on.”
“—you’re the bestest friend ever.”
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felix. —
the one where you’ve been wanting to experience what’s it like to have a boyfriend so felix being the best friend, he lets you have the experience you deserve once you have an actual boyfriend. (got it from here.)
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“lix,” you called and felix turns to you with a smile on his face. “i’m kind, right?”
“yeah,” felix answered. you truly are. whenever felix is in need of your help, you would always be there. and by always, i mean even if you’re about to do something for yourself, you’d put felix first.
“i’m not that dumb, right?” you ask.
“you’re actually really smart, y/n.” felix answers. you are. felix would always ask for your help when he’s having trouble with some subjects. and everytime you two would get into talking and there’s a test that’s to be taken by that day, felix knows you didn’t study. you never study. but how the hell do you still get high scores?
“i’m not that ugly, right?” you asked.
felix looks at you weirdly, eyebrows scrunched together as he shakes his head ‘no’. “everyone finds you extremely attractive, y/n. your beauty is simple, unlike the others.” felix says and you blush lightly, but still you want to continue with your drama.
“then why don’t i have a boyfriend?” you asked and felix just chuckles at you, continuing on doing his work. “hey,” you said with a pout. “i’m serious.”
felix softly smiles at you and places the slate and marker on his chair. “i’ll be your boyfriend,” felix answers and leans in to place a kiss on your forehead. your eyes widens, but felix continues to move as if nothing happened.
still with the soft smile on his face, felix grabs the slate and goes outside to seungmin.
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seungmin. —
the one where you both decide to fake date for the sake of the annual movie fest happening in your university and the genre assigned to you is romance but seungmin, the director and you, the scriptwriter have no experience in that area which makes it hard for the two of you to bring it to life.
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you softly sigh, rereading jisung’s text over and over again. seungmin gazes at you, noticing the expression that he was unable to decipher. “what did jisung say this time?” he asks and you look at him, turning the phone screen to him. seungmin reads the test and he leans on his seat, not removing his eyes on the text.
well, it’s not bad actually.
“what do you think?” seungmin asks and you shrug, softly sighing.
“it’s not a bad idea.” you softly say. “are you alright with it?”
“well, it is a good idea and we could work on it together.” seungmin says and you nod. “so, we’re doing this?”
“i guess?” you say, a bit unsure of it. you look at your wrist watch, seeing the time making you fix your things. “i have class in a few minutes, seung.”
seungmin nods, standing up as he helps you. when you sling your bag on your shoulder, he takes your laptop bag putting it on his shoulder and grabs your books as well. “what are you doing?” you ask.
“what kind of boyfriend lets his girlfriend go to class alone and on top of it, with so much bag as if she’s going to run away from home?” seungmin deadpans and you look at him.
“oh, we start now?” you mumble.
“we only have four weeks to pass the script.” seungmin says and you chuckle, nodding with a sigh.
“gosh, you need to be my boyfriend to help me with carrying my stuff.” you mumble and seungmin looks at you, pulling his tongue out.
jisung: this maybe stupid but also makes sense
jisung: date each other even just until you passed the script
jisung: just so you know what to do and stuff
jisung: just don’t fall in love
jisung: but if you do, please mention me in your wedding vows and speeches
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jeongin. —
the one where he thought it would be a good idea to get his fangirls off his back by telling them he’s dating you in secret.
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jeongin knocks into your apartment, giving you his charming cute smile. you raise your eyebrow, lightly chucking. “what’s up, yang?” you say, looking at him. jeongin gestures with his hands to go inside your apartment and you open your door wide to let him in.
“you know how were the bestest of friends?” jeongin asks, looking at you with his smile that not even a second did it fade.
you look at him. “no, not really.” you deadpan and jeongin sighs, frowning as he looks at you. “what do you need?”
“remember when you mentioned about the girls in uni going crazy about me?” jeongin says and you nod. “i kind of told them that i was dating someone in secret.” jeongin told you and you nod.
“you are?” you ask and jeongin shakes his head. “so you lied just to get them off your back?” you asked and jeongin nodded. “okay, so?”
“they wouldn’t let me go until i tell them who it is.” jeongin said and you nodded. jeongin just stares at you and you raise your eyebrow, not getting where the conversation is going. jeongin slowly tilts his head, staring at you and your eyes widen, hitting his arm. 
“you told them it was me?!” you exclaimed.
jeongin blinks at you. “ow?” he says and you groan.
“i know it wasn’t the smartest decision—”
“the smartest?” you repeat with emphasis because it wasn’t even smarter, it wasn’t smart. it was the dumbest. ever. “jeongin, those girls are oing to—”
“i’ll give you hyunjin hyung’s number after all of this is over.” jeongin cuts you off and you look at him. “it was obvious. he’s just... dense as fuck.”
you sigh, “you pick me up tomorrow at 7.”
“thank you, y/n!” he exclaims, hugging you as he presses your body against his. “thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“alright, go home.” you say and jeongin laughs, pulling away from you. jeongin giggles, kissing your cheek as he exits your apartment to go home.
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make me do it a full length au thanks. lmAO SDHBJHS,, im going to !! tell me if u want to be tagged <3
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moonlightdreamzz · 4 years
empathetic — woozi
all you want, is for jihoon to care.
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you always knew your boyfriend was more of an onion, and not a sunflower. what you mean by that, is that he had many layers to him, and he could not be pulled easily. if you wanted to peel the different pieces off of him, you had to work for it, but quite frankly you think you deserved a lot more than he had given you in the past couple of days.
you considered your body to be strong, but weak at the same time. you caught disease quite quickly such as colds, flu’s, and infections, but you also whooped its ass everytime. oddly enough, one of the things you looked forward to when you finally met your match was having someone to coo over your warm temperatures. a man who would surprise you with warm soups and extra blankets, who would also lay in bed with you no matter what was going on and give you kisses.
lee jihoon was not that man, which you knew, but you had no idea it would be this bad.
you were a mess - definitely not the prettiest sight you could conjure of yourself. you don’t remember the last time you saw your thick hair, which was never tamable on a good day, but especially for this past week had you just not been feeling any of your usual trials and tribulations of trying to figure out what to do with yourself. your bonnet had found itself halfway off your head from your tossing and turning through the night.
if you had the energy, you would crochet your hair. quick and easy timing, but also a cute look. jihoon also appreciated it on you, and you unfortunately lived to please him.
you weren’t dying at the moment, but you did have some concerning symptoms - a cough. so, symptom. of course your boyfriend did not bat an eye whatsoever for the past week as he scrambled through your home silently like the cute little mouse he was.
today is no different, but still your patience has completely ran thin. the penthouse you two shared was large enough so that whenever he wanted to hide from you, he could, and you knew that’s exactly what he was doing at this current moment.
when he finally walks into your shared bedroom ever so quietly, you can tell he was praying you were asleep.
“why are you hiding from me?” you question immediately. you don’t have much on, as you always got hot so easily. no shirt covered your body, just panties, but you and jihoon had been together so long that he was immune to your bare flesh. now that you think about it, you can’t remember the last time the two of you made any kind of love. luckily you didn’t need sex all the time in order to be satisfied, but jihoon wasn’t giving you anything at all.
“huh?” he responds quickly - proof you were right. you hated how cute he was, especially when he had what you referred to as his “morning puff”. he always had a chunky, sweet little face, but when he woke up from long nights in the studio, it was extra squishy and normally you would enjoy kissing all over his adorable face, but not today. you were upset.
“have you not heard me coughing for the past week?”
he turns to face you now. you’re sure he had a flashback to the many arguments where you begged him to look at you in your eyes. at least he cared about something you’ve said to him in the past.
“i have.” is all he says. that’s really all he has to say?
“and you haven’t done shit about it?”
“why are you cursing at me?”
“because I’m tired of the non-chalant attitude.”
he sighs out loud. that was his way of telling you he had better things to do. even so, he crawls on top of the bed and presses a gentle kiss to your forehead.
“relax, baby.” he encourages. “what do you want? i’ll order your favorite.”
this is what you referred to as the attempt. a very poor one, but an attempt never the less.
would it be wrong of you to ask for something home made? would that make you selfish? all of the other girlfriends gagged about whenever any minor issues went on with them, how the boys would cater to their every need like they were the queen of the entire world or something. why didn’t jihoon treat you that way? was he too comfortable?
“y/n?” he speaks, knowing you completely ignored his question in exchange for what if’s.
“nevermind.” you mutter, laying back on your California king.
“don’t do that.” he sighs. he’s irritated with you for sure, but what do you care?
“do you even care?” you question. “like seriously?”
“if I didn’t care I wouldn’t be sitting in this house with you. and I just told you I would buy you whatever you want. i don’t know what more you want me to do.”
“i want you to act like my boyfriend of a million years. i want you to coddle me and give me kisses and offer to wash my hair.”
“in what world is anybody allowed to touch your hair?” he questions seriously as his eyebrows scrunch together in completely confusion and irritation.
“does it matter if I would say no?”
he chuckles, but not in a way where he thinks you’re cute. you’re only making the situation worse in his eyes. “do you want the food or not?”
“do you remember when we first started dating?” you stand up promptly, your thighs rubbing together as you get closer to him.
“y/n, why do you expect me to be the exact same way I was when I first met you?”
“why do people have this weird belief that once you start dating for a certain amount of years that love has to slow down?”
“so you’re saying I don’t love you?”
“i’m saying i have been clearly sick for the past week and all you’ve been is cooped up in your studio like a damn crack addict. what I’m saying is, we are in a relationship but you don’t even care to ask me am I okay. i’m not dating you to still feel like I’m alone!”
“you do realize the only person who pays bills in this nice little house is me right? how else can I do that if not ‘cooped up in my studio like a crack addict’” he quotes directly from you.
“do you realize that you’re the one who told me I didn’t have to pay a bill in this house?”
he tries to walk away, but you know it’s only because he hates to argue, especially recently. it was something about it that really pained him.
“baby.” you lower your tone from all the unnecessary yelling. you touch his hand, but he snatches it away so hard that you flinch and fall to the ground. “baby...” you whisper faintly, hoping that he’ll care. for once in a long time will he just care. but he doesn’t. with his pajamas still on does he snatch his keys and walk straight out of your - well, his apartment. he slams the door too.
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you honestly couldn’t recall how much time had passed since he departed from your home. usually when the two of you fought, you could easily find ways to distract yourself while also ignoring your mild heartbreak from his actions. but for some reason, this time, you couldn’t stop thinking this may have been the end.
that was usually the case when you felt like someone was falling out of love with you when you did absolutely nothing to deserve it.
you tried to listen to music. you tried to cook, but you sucked terribly at cooking Korean food and that’s all you had in your possession. you tried to sleep, but with everything running through your mind, that was impossible. so here you were, stuck with your thoughts.
you also still had the terribly annoying cough.
you didn’t have many friends here. the only people who checked on you were vernon, coups, and mingyu. you were expecting to get a call from one of them any second now.
like clock work, your phone is ringing. quite frankly you weren’t prepared to see Vernon’s name pop up on your phone simply because he was the one who called the least, but you didn’t mind. he always got you turnt whenever you were down, and even when you were fighting with woozi he didn’t suddenly treat you like you didn’t exist. he was always a neutral party.
“hello?” you say softly - your voice hoarse from the constant coughing you were doing.
“hey.” his voice speaks softly, “you alright?”
“yeah I’m fine, just not feeling my best. i have this annoying ass cough and it’s not going away and I’m also alone so, just fine.” you chuckle while burying yourself deeper into the bed if that was even possible.
“damn, you been smoking that good?”
“unlike you, I only smoke on special occasions vernon.”
“yeah whatever. how’s woozi? haven’t been able to get ahold of him.”
“he’s fine...I think. he’s been trying to hide from me but that’s been the norm lately if I’m being honest.”
“wait, you said you were alone.” vernon remembers, “we’ve been off all week where is your boyfriend?”
“you know...being himself.” you and vernon may have not spoke as much, but when you did talk to him, everything flowed out. every secret. it should be like this with woozi, but. “maybe it’s my fault.” you sigh, scratching your scalp from outside your bonnet, “i kind of...asked for a lot I guess.”
“well, I’m not feeling well. i just felt upset because it seemed like he was purposely trying to avoid me so I wouldn’t have the chance to ask him to do anything for me. and the thing is, I wasn’t going to ask for anything but a lousy fucking hug - a cuddle. the bare minimum. i would have even taken a no but to be avoided? it hurt my feelings and we fought and—ugh. he stormed out the house and I have no idea where he is and I want to call him but truthfully what did I do wrong vernon? lately I’ve been feeling like I’m in a relationship with myself and I know we can be better than this. woozi used to be the sweetest little baby. he may have been hard to others, but he opened up for me. i feel shut out.”
you feel so much better getting all of that out, even though you know your boyfriend may have not appreciated the sentiment.
you know vernon listened to every single word and and would come back with some heartfelt advice.
“just give it time y/n. i can’t speak on jihoon like I am him, but if there’s one thing I know? it’s that you are the only person he truly loves that doesn’t share his bloodline. of course he loves us, but you - he opens up to you. he’s allowed you to see him. maybe there’s something going on. or maybe he just didn’t know what to do. just let him come back to you and see what happens.”
“thank you vernon. forreal.” you don’t know why his words affected you so much and made you feel such a heavy weight of guilt in the part where you held your boyfriend so deeply - your heart, but you did.
more hours had passed, and still no sign of woozi. you even tossed your pride away and called him, only to be sent straight to voicemail. you must have really irritated him, but you still didn’t feel sorry. you didn’t move your pride aside that much.
you did feel somber though, considering how much you loved him even through how he had been acting lately. and without him in your life, there was no reason for you to be here - in Korea. you didn’t want to end things. you just wanted to feel loved.
you still haven’t gotten out the bed except when you needed to pee. YouTube and funny clips had been keeping your company. maybe it was because of boredom, but things began to get darker and darker in your home. you were fading into a bitter sweet slumber. regardless, it’s what you needed. maybe your cough would subdue.
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jihoon is quiet as a mouse as always when he walks inside, hands full of multiple things. all day had your words rang through his mind that was already full of so many things. had he really been making you feel so worthless? like you weren’t the most important person for his soul other than his family? actually, you were his family. there was never a day where he felt like he deserved you, but the minute the two of you kissed for the first time did he know that he would do whatever he had to, to keep you forever.
so when did he stop? he kind of knew he hadn’t been his best, but he didn’t know why. it was as if he was doing it on purpose, but not because of something you did. lately, it had just been so hard to keep up with everything in his life. all of the schedules seventeen had. and in between, as he was one of the frequent producers for the group, there were so many deadlines he had to meet he just felt so overwhelmed.
but he heard you coughing, and he was so worried. even so, he didn’t ask you what was wrong. why didn’t he ask you - his baby - what’s wrong? especially after it was day three and the cough was not improving? any other man who would practically rip his limbs off to be with you, would have been catering to your every need. they would have gave you all the kisses you needed, would have given you a full body massage, and offered to wash your hair even knowing that the answer was going to be no.
but he didn’t.
when he left, he was so angry. but not at you, at himself. vernon was the first person he called as he knew that while the two of you didn’t talk often, that he was the one who knew how to get your exact feelings. he hated how much of a wimp he sounded like when he had to bargain a song in exchange for vernon to call you. vernon declined and called you anyway.
to hear you on the phone, telling vernon that you felt as if you weren’t loved. feeling like you were in a relationship with yourself? that broke him. so, he called another one of his members who he knew would guide him into the right direction - mingyu.
“ill order everything, hyung. all you have to do is pick everything up. what you need to do right now, is practice your apology. oh, and pick up some cough medicine for her.”
so he did. his little body struggled to get everything inside, but he figured you would be asleep at this time. when you were bored, you had a tendency to doze off.
his instructions were to set everything up real nice on a table and serve it to you as if you were on a date, but woozi knew you better than that. he knew all you wanted to do was eat in bed and go right back to sleep. and talk.
he walks through the slim hallway that leads into your shared bedroom, and he was right. you were sleeping. the tv shined on your beautiful skin that he loved to place his cheek on whenever he felt any negative or positive emotion. he wasn’t sure what was on the tv. you probably weren’t either. you both loved to put on random movies and shows and talk about how much they sucked.
he approaches you gently - afraid that any little noise would startle you. he places everything on the fluffy sheets; the roses, your meal, your medicine, and the usb with the song he had been saving for you all lined up in orderly fashion. your bonnet is falling off your head as always, so he adjusts it. you had a pet peeve about that.
you were so beautiful. the most beautiful person he had ever met in his entire life. and you loved him. you - the brightest star in the galaxy and the sweetest soul chose him out of all of the people you had attempting to steal your heart. he couldn’t let another second go by without fixing this.
“baby.” he whispers. his thumb caresses your ear gently. he always wanted to be this guy. the hopeless romantic, always knew what to do guy, but girls never wanted him. he was always too short, too boring, all of the bad things. you never felt that way though. you always told him he was the perfect size for you. that he wasn’t boring, it was just that people never wanted to take the time to get to know him.
you moved slightly, but he knew he had just only scraped whatever dream you were currently in. he had to try a little harder to return you back to the world. his lips find themselves on your sweet face, just as you do to him every morning. little by little is he painting his love on you until you finally begin to stir.
“are you a murderer?” are the first words you speak.
you were always so hilarious, even without trying. he knew that was a genuine question no matter how funny the delivery was.
“no. i hope not.” he responds.
he can see you recognize his voice from the way you release the breathe he didn’t even know you were holding. woozi expected you to push him off you the minute you realized it was him, but you didn’t.
“hi baby.” you whisper, pulling him into you.
“hi baby.” he repeats, inhaling your sweet scent. it always made him feel like he was in heaven.
you pull back, cuffing his chubby face into his hands. if there was one thing about your fights with jihoon, it was that it wasn’t hard to make up. a simple look in each others eyes was enough to make up for everything. it was such a toxic trait, but it worked out.
“wait.” you breathe out as you notice everything behind your boyfriend. “ji...”
“it’s nothing, y/n.” he sighs, moving back so he can have a full view of you. “it’s what I should be giving you every fucking day. you are my queen. you are the only thing that is keeping me sane with this lifestyle.”
“everyday would drive even me crazy, ji.” you giggle, “you know that’s not what this is about. it’s just, I know how we used to be and I know how we are now. i don’t want us to get so comfortable with each other that we forget why we are together. you know that happened to my parents and I want to be with you forever.”
“i know.” all of sudden he feels it - the feeling he’s been feeling for the past couple of weeks whenever something bad happens. his whole body feels sick. he hasn’t told you about it because he thought it would go away, but it hasn’t. it seems as if this is going to be the worse one as it does involve the love of his life.
“hey.” you sit up, throwing one of his shirts that laid free on the bed. “what’s wrong babe? i’m here. i’m right here.”
you had never seen him like this before. you knew there was no such thing as a person who didn’t have internal issues, but this seemed like something that had been wanting to boil over for a while. you knew what severe anxiety looked like as you suffered from it. this was it.
“i don’t know, y/n.” he breathes out shakily. “this has been...happing lately.”
“why didn’t you tell me? hm?”
“i don’t know. i don’t know anything other than that I love you. and that I’m sorry.” he seems to be calming down from your touch. had he known this was all he needed, all the pain he suffered would have never taken place. he should have known though. you were his angel after all.
“we tell each other everything, baby.” you remind him as you begin to place gentle kisses onto his neck. “never forget that. there is nothing we can’t get through together.”
“i know.” is all he can say - your lips were too much of a distraction for him especially when he hasnt felt them in so long. he always craved you, but the two of you always took a lot of breaks. your relationship was much deeper than your love making no matter how addicted the two of you were to eachother.
you want to get right into it. you want to throw him on the bed, and ride every ounce of anxiety your boyfriend has right off, and then you want to eat your food, take your medicine, and drift into what you know will be the best sleep you’ve gotten in a while. but you two had to talk. everything needed to be squashed.
“ji, what can I do to fix this? i don’t like the way I’ve been feeling. and I know you don’t either.”
“you are perfect. you always have been. it’s me, but I promise I’ll do better. i’ll get everything under control.”
“you mean we will get everything under control. honestly baby, let’s not even use that terminology. we will learn to overcome this. anxiety is completely normal. you just can’t let it control you okay? and we have to communicate. don’t be afraid to show me any parts of you especially when you’ve seen my literal insides.” you joke, just to see his smile. he does, and it’s so bright. your foreheads lean into eachother immediately - natural just like your love.
“i love you.” he whispers.
“i love you.” you repeat. the two of you tried your best to not add too, to that sentence, as it meant in exchange for the other ones love and that’s not what was going on here. no matter what, the two of you loved each other. even if one stopped.
woozi goes back to buisness immediately, knowing you two were better now. his hands remove the covers that covered your body, and his tounge finds itself on your neck - his favorite place that’s not inside you.
“you feeling better?” he questions, still attacking you.
“i think this will distract me for a bit.” you giggle
“i’ll make it it all go away. you know I will.” are his final words before he lays on top of you, sliding his shirt off of your body with ease.
you were in for a long night. and the two of you still were in need of a conversation about what he was going through, but you knew what the both of you needed in this moment. you needed to feel each other again.
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fairycosmos · 3 years
Dear Chloe,
(is that your name ? I hope so because this would be pretty embarrassing otherwise)
I know this message probably won't change anything to the way you're feeling. But at least it can't make you feel bad either.
These words will probably seem empty to you, and maybe this won't make you feel better at all. But anyway, it doesn't change what I want to tell you. You're an amazing person. I really mean it. Your blog shows it, and the way you interact with people on it too. You're so nice to everyone and seeing your content on my dash makes my day better, I promise it's true. I'm sure that we would be great friends if we met irl, but I'm still happy to be able to see some parts of you even if it's just on a screen. Also everytime you post selfies of you, I can't help but think that you're really really pretty and even if you doubt it, I'm sure I would think the exact same thing if I met you for real.
You're suffering, and you're going through so much pain. But, how little this might comfort you, your followers love you and there are probably dozens of people who have thought of messaging you to tell you, but were too shy to do so.
I love you so, so much. I can't suffer the way you suffer, I can't make empty promises like "it will get better", but I can love you and support you and promise you that you're not alone. Please believe me, even if you don't know me and I can't expect you to trust me.
Sending you so much love,
dude 😭 the way this is like a modern day masterpiece rivaling that of shakespeare in my eyes GOD. currently crying nd screaming at 7.30am trying to absorb it all??? also yeah chloes my name :) anyway like i know we don't know each other in the slightest but this might be one of the most genuine and heartfelt things anyones ever said to me. nd it's just like crazy how i can feel so much warmth for someone ive never met irl 😭 i would give absolutely anything to be your friend irl and i hope you know the ppl that do have you like that are very very lucky!! 💕💖💞 yeah theres a lot of bad shit going on and it's obviously much bigger than the way i talk about it on here, i mean i think thats the case for everybody and their problems, and i don't see it ending well. but its always consistently helped me to know that theres ppl like you out there and that i have a place where i can be open abt my feelings without judgement. it's probably unhealthy and sounds dumb but if i didn't run this blog esp over this last year idk how much further i would've spiraled because i truly struggle to find slithers of support or genuine connection with people irl. and im a bit embarrassed about that, that i find the most friendship on social media where we all just have a one dimensional view of each other, but it's so much better than nothing. we all need others at the end of the day, one way or another. it's just really really cool of ppl to read my blog and let what i say resonate with them to any extent, it's the sweetest thing ever. thank you so much from the bottom of my heart angel face 💖💕💖 ilysm and i genuinely think you deserve the world, the universe the sun and the stars 💕💞💖 i hope you can always return this same gentle and loving energy to yourself. sending so much love back to you x
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natsukitakama · 4 years
What kind of Yandere are they? Snk edition Pt 1
Author note : I have no excuse, I just thought about it. This obvisouly won’t be in canon-verse because it was more convenient for me but feel free to adapt this the way you want. 
Before we started, let me reminds you those relationships are TOXIC please be careful. No one should treat you the way they did in this headcanon, you’re precious and deserve someone who’ll be able to take care of you properly. 
Warning : violence / Mention of stress / Toxic relationship / Smut (kinda explicit but you can skip it if you want to) if you don’t feel confortable wit those kinds of things don’t read, I want you to feel good on my blog this is a happy place. 
i do not own those gifs credit to their owners 
Edit : Every characters are all aged up for the sake of my mind
Masterlist  Part 2 here  
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She is the most brutal yondere
Remember Yuno Gasai ? Yeah, she learned from the best. 
To the outside, she is nothing but sweet. She tended to be kinda shy around everyone. It’s not a surprised she was so popular especially with boys. But she wasn’t interested on anyone. 
Until she met you, both of you were assigned on a project : you thought it could be great idea to ask her to come into your house so you could work properly. That’s what your first mistake. 
Your second mistake was you let her on her own in your room for a couple of minute (because you were looking for some snacks to here). She obvsiouly snicked around, she looked at your family photo, at your collection, the book you owned, your closet. She even went until going into your bed just to catch some of your perfume. That’s basically how her obsession over you started. 
When you went back with some sweets, you found her waiting for you, smiling and it melt your heart : since your first day you had a small crush on her but she didn’t seem to acknowledge it. She always acted like she didn’t care about everything which was true in fact but you didn’t know that. 
Then you started to work together and it was fantastic. It was as if you were connected, she was nothing but sweet with you always laughing at your jokes (even the bad one), always trying to help you. You felt overwhelmed by her kindness. 
How wrong were you. 
Every movements had a purpose, she tried to seduce you. To make you fall in love, so she could protect you properly. Indeed if you were too deeply in love you won’t notice how wrong your relationship was, how toxic she was with you. 
What kind of yandere is she ?
BRUTAL : she is strong, she is smart and she isn’t afraid to use her strength against anyone who could be a danger to you. Basically, anyone who used to bully you, look at you the wrong way, talking about you like you were some shit, anyone who’ve ever been mean who would beat the shit out of them. She would never put a finger on you though. She would never use violence against you cause she doesn’t need that. In fact when you realized you were dating a Yandere it’s already too late, you’re too deep into your relationship to ever think about leaving her. She got other way to keep you by his side. 
SADISTIC : I said before that she would never put a finger on you, I kinda lie. Of course she would never beat you or hurt you by using her strength, her fist or anything. But also told you she got other way to keep you into your relationship. Two words : Torture and threaten. She won’t be afraid to torture you but threatening you : your family, your pet, your friend, your colleague ; little by little you got used to live knowing there are a sword of Damocles above your relative’s head. If she can’t still be sure you won’t run away from her, she would torture physically. Meaning she’ll kidnapp you and lock you up on a room with no window. She tends to use social’s privation a lot cause everytime she finally frees you, you’re always more kind with her (she takes that as a sign of love while you’re just being afraid of being lock down again). 
FRIGHTENING :  Kinda be seen as a way to torture you as well, she knows she tends to be kinda dreadful. She isn’t afraid to use her csarry face in order to keep you obedient. Let’s be real, we all see her scary face at least once : who’s gonna have enough balls to threaten her ? Yeah you got it. There no way someone would be brave enough to test her. 99% of the time she just has to send you a death glare and everything is in order. 
POSSESSIVE : I mean even Canon!Mikasa is possessive, so imagine with a Yandere behavior. She won’t let anyone put a finger on you, it could be a gentle gesture but still no one can touch you. They don’t deserve your time, your oxygen, you’re far too precious for her. At the beginning of the relationship she struggled when she saw you talking with anyone, the worst was when she could see you enjoying your time. It broke her heart, she was afraid they might steal you away from her. You’re her everything, she couldn’t lose you otherwise what’s the point of being alive ? Everything she would do to you is to protect you. 
She is basically the kind of person to keep a part of your body if unfortunately you end up dying. She would probably keep one of your arm so she could still feel your hand on her cheeks, and your head so it was as if you never left her. 
When it came to sex, she uses it as a gift or a way to show you how much she craves for you. She tends to be pretty rough in bed with you, but she always make you to give you proper foreplay, she is just too into you (literally), so lost in her own pleasure of being one with you, her beloved. She worships you so much to the point you might start to think you are some kind of god to her. There no inch of your body, she didn’t kiss, caress. 
She loves giving you head, just the though of you crying from pleasure just because of her. It never failed to boost her confidence. Believe me when I say she is super focused on your pleasure. With a couple of session, she knows exactly where to bit, where to lick you so you would be a whole mess because of her. She never expects you to give her head but if you ask( hear:  beg) she’ll oblige. 
Having you on your back waiting for her is a sight she would never forget even when she’ll be dead. For her it’s like a piece of heaven, having you here defenceless knowing you trust her so much. She might come just by this sight. 
Your moan is her favorite thing of the world especially when you call her, begging her for release. She isn’t really a Dom in bed more like in control. She needs to be in control otherwise you might hurt yourself. That being said, it doesn’t stop her from slapping your ass while she fucks you : she loves seeing your cheeks being read from her hand, marking you. Well it always turn her on for a second round. 
Nonetheless, she doesn’t have a huge sex drive so it doesn’t happen as much as you expect. She prefers some cute gesture such as hug or kiss, they are more meaningful. Sex is more a way to release some tension. 
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The manipulator 
He likes to pretend he has an innocent crush on you. 
It’s everything but innocent but no one can tell
I mean follow you in every social link isn’t very bad ? Kinda awkward but nothing to be afraid of. He takes advange of his glorious build to cross some lines, he knows that you were far too happy to notice his wrong behavior. 
He noticed the way you look at him when you thought he wasn’t noticed, he knows you were attracted to him. At first he found it kinda boring, but one day when he decided enough was enough and he should confront you : the way you talked to him trying to find your own words while being a whole mess. He never saw someone as pure as you, you were absolutely so cute ; he felt his heart melted. That’s basically how he became obsessed with you. 
They’re nothing healthy with the way he is in « love » with you. He talked to every of your friends trying to get as many information as possible, even use his own friends to pick up every informations he might need. In addition since he followed you, he started to stalk you looking for anything who could be useful. He even went  as far as to create fake account to watch your story. 
He claims to know everything about you (which is true), basically have you seen You on Netflix ? That’s him. Every time you leave the place, he would check your phone looking into your DM, your history everything to be sure you’re not seeing someone behind his back. 
To make it short he is very insecure about your relationship which tends to put you in some dangerous situation where everything could be use against you. 
What kind of Yandere is he ? 
MANIPULATOR : It’s kinda canon at this point, he is not afraid to use anything against you if it could be useful. He remembers anything you ever said to him from the little complain about your mum being a bit strict to your insecurity. Anything would be use to keep you with him. If he feels that you’re getting distant with him because you’re insecure about your relationship, he would praise you. If a friend of yours told you how unhealthy your relationship was, he would remember you how a shitty friend he used to be so you would leave them instead of him. He’s even better during argument, if you’re aggressive to him he won’t be ashamed to use your insecurity against you so you’ll end up apologize even if he was in fault in the first place. 
JEALOUS : As I said before, he tends to be very insecure with your relationship. He knows that his behavior is wrong that he is sick. He can’t help but always stalking you especially in your social link since it’s the only place he can’t control. Fake account, looking into your like’s section, checking into your phone while you’re not looking. May god protect you if he ever finds something suspicious : it always end the same way, you crying over Eren’s body asking, begging him to not leave him. I do not even know how he does that. 
VIOLENT : come on ? He is an angry boy, how could you expect him to not be violent ? He isn’t violent against you though, he got other way to got you all obedient for him. No this attitude is for assholes who think they could take you away from him. They should know better, honestly he is not afraid of being nasty against us. In the end, when he’s done with them, no one would be able to recognize them : face crushed, body cutting into piece is it even human ? He got a lot of bloods in his hand and expect you to be thankful for that. He’ll protect you no matter what, he loves you so much to the point he couldn’t even feel anything : when he got hurt he doesn’t feel painful, when he kills someone he is always so calm ; he always got you in his mind. 
THREATENING : Despite his gorgeous face, he is kinda scary when he wants to. Especially when he got you against a wall whispering into your ear how unfortunate it would be if your mum or any member of your family got hurt into a car accident. How bad it would be if someone finds out about your dirty nude. How he could end your reputation in some clicks. He barely has to use it, since he tends to use sex against you to break you ; but if someone has decided to be cocky to day well he’ll remind you who is the boss here. 
About sex, well I told you before that he has his own way of remind you who you belong to. You see me coming : Sex is a way to him punish you or to love you. Let me explain. 
90% of the time, when you two have sex, it’s just a way for him to praise you, to show you how much he loves you. It’s not all vanilla quite contrary, but even when he got you on your four deepening his pace to the point you might have so marks, he always made sure to whisper how much he loves you, how proud he is, what a good S/O you are for taking him so good. At this point you won’t know if you’re blushing because of good he made you feel or because his cute words got you. 
But there are times, when you acted like a brat to him so he had to remind you who you belong too. Expect him to be super Dom on you, meaning he would tie you on the bed your hand above your head, your legs spread wild open for him. Him, in front of you looking at you with an upset look. Do not expect to whisper you sweet word : he would dirty talk a lot but in bad way, telling you what a bad S/O, how disappointed he is. Sometimes he would scold you for flirting with another one. Expect a lot of orgasm denial, a lot of tease to the point you would break and start crying, begging for forgiveness. Then he would love you properly, hold you close to his chest whispering how proud he is and how grateful he is. Once you came at least one time, he would always overstimulate you everything to break you honestly. When he’s done with you he will just pumping himself and cum all around your body claiming you as his. 
When he is a good mood he would give you head, making you cum at least twice before he decided to start the real fun. When he is angry or disappointed, he would use your mouth as a way to beg for forgiveness, don’t expect him to be gentle. He will grab your hair while deep throating you. 
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the stalker 
He is probably the most awkward of the three
In fact, he met during groceries : you asked him some help to reach some furniture who were far too up for you to grab it. 
The second he met the pretty face who belonged to the angel voice of yours, he falls in love. He wanted to know everything about you, he wanted to own you, why weren’t you his already ? What are you waiting for ? 
Since it was kinda late, he insists on walking you home since he couldn’t let a cute little angel like you walking alone on the dangerous street. You find it cheesy but accept anyway since the man was kinda cute himself. 
But he was already working on his plan to seduce you, during the walk he tries to memorize as many things as possible especially the walk so he could visits your house. During the walk he asks you a lot of question about you or your class, you find him extremely extrovert which was fine since you tend to be kinda shy with first encounter. Again all he was going as a purpose : to get to know you better. 
This day he discovers a lot of things about you who could be useful but the more important thing that he was in the same school as you which mean he could stalk you more. 
He is pretty smart and get some charisma, before you could even noticed, he was friends with all of your friend, and presents himself to your family. In a couple of weeks he was already a part of your life before he asks you to become his significant other 
So what kind of Yandere is he ? 
STALKER : it’s in the title. Not only does he stalk you in social media (even if you follow him) but he also does it in reality. Sometimes while walking to your house, you swore you felt someone behind your back but everytime you tried to check you found nothing behind you. You never ask yourself while you met Jean so many times in a day, always thinking it was fate or anything. It wasn’t he just follows you during the day and when he felt like he needs your attention he just orchestrate an encounter so he could spend time with you. Honestly there nothing he doesn’t already know about you, there so many times he left stalking you, watching you, analyzing you : he knows you like the back of his hand. 
MANIPULATOR : He isn’t like Eren, he won’t use information against you directly but won’t be afraid to hurl barb at you if he feels like put you in your place. He’s more the type to be friends with all of your friends, your family to be seen at the awesome boyfriend so you would feel some kind of pressure against you. You couldn’t break up with him, not when everyone around you praise you for finding such an incredible boyfriend like him. Basically if you break up with him anyone would be so disappointed about you and you don’t want that. He knows you care so much about their opinion. 
PARANOID : the reason behind his stalking’s habit is fear. He is afraid he might loose somehow. It could be someone kidnapping you, someone hitting on you ; Jean knows if he wasn’t careful he will lose you eventually. So yeah he stalks you when you walk on your own, even during a trip with your friend he is always here to watch you. So he could prevent any risk. Since he’s kinda self-conscious about himself, stalking you is a way to comfort him that you’re planning on leaving him. He tends to be super cautious with you around him, never trust anyone even his own friends. He never let you go looking outside without him close to you, even talk to people like postman (who knows they might be dangerous ?). He has 100% control on every of your activity, you find it cute but sometime it was as if you weren’t free. He even went as far as to lock you in your own room just to be sure you won’t leave while he is away. 
Ok So sex with Yandere!Jean ? BOY. He used to enjoy stalking you during your intimate moment, just seeing you in your most pure state ? The first time he didn’t mean to watch you, but he stalked you while you walked on your own during night : he had to be sure no one would bother you during a peaceful night. But then when he was about to leave to his house, he saw your light and the shadow of clothes throwing everywhere. At first, he was afraid you might having sex with someone else than him. So he climbed to the nearest three to watch you properly. In fact you weren’t cheating on him but you were touching yourself. That’s how his night activity began. 
So yeah he knows perfectly where to touch you, it almost surprised how good he was. You never expect someone to love you the way he does. It was as if he knows your body by heart. The way he kiss you while his hand is moving around your body, grabbing, slapping everything he could reach. 
He wants you to call him daddy no matter if he is angry or happy, this isn’t a roleplay anymore : it’s like his « sex name ». You didn’t complain tough since he tends to cherish to the point you are crying from bliss. 
He is a switch, he is a Dom when he has to punish you or just when he wants to impregnate you. He is a sub when he is a good mood, in fact he enjoys seeing you riding him, using him for your own pleasure, knowing he was the origin of that glorious sight. 
When he is a Dom, he tends to choke you while fucking you and he is very rough on you. Slap your ass, choke you, even spit into your mouth if he has too. They’re no love into this act, it’s a way to remind you that he owns that body of yours. He overstimulate you a lot, telling you he’s not done until the only word you had in mind his is own name. When he is done with you, he is not surprised to see you asleep. 
When he is a sub, he tends to praise your body, holding your hand while his hips are rocking into yours. Or if he is in back, he would grab either your hips or your ass, cheering you. He’ll never let you have 100% control tough, he can’t do that otherwise you could leave him. 
There one thing he loves is finger fuck you, just knowing he got you around his finger and he could also pleasure you. It’s the perfect way to own you like he is supposed too. 
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mae-gi-writes · 4 years
Plus One | Kevin Moon (Around The World Collab)
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When your boyfriend of eight years suddenly decides to break up with you right before your destined trip for your cousin’s wedding, nothing can cure your broken heart. In a desperate attempt to make you feel better, Kevin states that he will be your plus one.
Genre: little angst, fluff, friends to lovers. 
This fic is part of a collab “Around The World”, featuring different countries x the boyz members. I had the utmost pleasure of working with such an amazing group of talented writers for this project, so please don’t forget to check out their works too! ^^ <3 
This fic is takes place on Mauritius Island. 
Tagging: @aniyawoos​ @chaoticdeobi​ @moondustaeil​ @juyeonzz​ @atbzkingdom​ @2hyunjae​ @jopping-to-my-kpop @jeongsinkookie @ihearttbz​ @heartyyjeno​ @bahnmi07 @sadlandia​ @itsquxxn​
Eight years, gone just like that. 
I stare at a spot on my navy blue suitcase, not really focused on what’s before me and more concerned about the memories flickering past  my lids. I can’t help it. Everytime I see luggage, it makes me think of the way I kicked him out of my life. Everytime, a slab of pain will grab my heart between its icy fingers and squeeze it so that I can barely breathe. Everytime, until I feel like I’m drowning inside dark waters without the real desire to swim to the surface. 
My psychiatrist told me that it had been for the better. That it had been an obsessive, unhealthy kind of love in the first place. But was it better now that I couldn’t even feel my heart in the hollow space where it’s supposed to be? 
Still, I remember the messages on his phone, the way his touch would feel strange, eerily hollow for some reason, the way he’d avoid my eyes whenever he’d tell me that he was going out with the guys. I remember smelling his coat and recoiling at the cheap scent of perfume clinging to it like second skin, how he’d constantly tell me how wonderful I was-- too wonderful for him -- and that I should find better, that I didn’t deserve someone like him.
And then, when I’d stumbled into our flat a little earlier than I was meant to -- since my gym class had been cancelled -- and took note of the trail of shoes, followed by a coat, a shirt, a thong, before my ears picked up on the noises echoing from the bedroom doors…
His face when he spotted me, the astounded expression like a dog that had just been caught sneaking into the pantry. And the girl, a prettier woman, a curvy woman, with red lips and with those beautifully deep red wine locks tumbling down her back with the perfect physique that could make any man drool. That girl, who was none other than one of my good friends at work and who had spent most part of the year listening to my rants about him. 
“Huh?” My head whips up when I register my name being called out, looking up to see a raven-haired, petite-faced man leaning against the bedroom doorway with raised brows and a concerned expression on his face. 
“Oh, you’re here,” I say, as he crosses the doorway and sits beside me. The bed dips down under his weight as he tilts his head in that knowing manner of his, “daydreaming again?” 
“No,” I mumble, but he sees right through my facade and with a sigh, his arms wrap around my shoulder before pillowing his head against my shoulder. 
“It’s going to be okay,” he murmurs as I allow myself to lean back against him, against his comfort. His lavender scent wraps around me, a little bed of comfort amidst all the pain. 
“I can’t stop thinking about him,” I murmur, tears stinging the corner of my eyes, “it hurts, Kev.” 
He only holds me a little closer, a little tighter.
If there is one person that I can trust more than myself, it’s Kevin Moon. I’ve known Kevin ever since high school, having hung out in the same friend group until we had become partners for an art project. It was only then that we’d become closer, and had been close ever since. With his angular features and almond mono lidded eyes and thin lips that were constantly shaped in a pout, the Korean-born man had moved to Canada when he was young, just like I had a few years ago. He had kept me afloat during my university days, I had comforted him through his first break up. He had been present during my final Fine Arts Photography Exhibition, I was up all night coming up with re-branding concepts for his design project. Overall, Kevin had pretty much been a constant in my life, you get the gist of it.
When he found out that my boyfriend had cheated just a few days before our destined trip to attend my cousin’s wedding -- mind you, I had been sobbing waterfalls and it was a miracle he even understood me through my blubbering mess -- he had half a mind to storm up to the guy and rip his throat out. But he did the most surprising thing; booked a ticket for himself and turned up at my flat on the eve of the departure, stating that he was going to accompany me to that wedding, whether I liked it or not.
My cousin, Emma, was getting married right where home was: Mauritius. The memories I once had of the small island nestled right in the Indian Ocean on the right of Madagascar, was of my grandma’s comforting food, the sea scented air that washed along with the too-white sandy beaches, the multitudes of merchants selling all kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables on the side of the road, and small corner stores that looked like they had come out of a 1960’s movie. People liked to claim that Mauritius was paradise on earth, and in a way, it is.
“Come on,” Kevin had nagged when I shook my head adamantly. He’d wriggled his plane ticket before my nose, “you’re not going to let that loser spoil such a happy event are you? Emma’s waiting for you!” 
In the end, he’d won. Which is why we are here, staying at my cousin, Emma’s, apartment in a village called Moka, located at the foot of a mountain and has an abundance of forestry adorning the sides of the road. It's chilly here, in comparison to the harbourfront, and constantly smells like fresh rain and has a gentle fresh breeze blowing through.
“You know, assholes like him are not worth thinking about,” Kevin says now, his arm a gentle soothing caress up and down my back, “your brain might rot.” 
I can’t help but let out a soft, choked up laugh.
“It’s our first day here, let’s not ruin it by thinking about him, hm?” Kevin continues soothingly and I nod in agreement. He’s right. I’m just wasting time by reliving memories that I should be banishing from my mind. 
“Okay!” he brightens up then, “where shall we go? The sea? The market? Or do you want to go eat?!” 
The first few days are about meeting up with family and rediscovering Mauritius for what it is. Emma gives me a full-fledged hug the moment I open the door to her house, pressing me close to her with such motherly warmth that it takes everything in me not to break down right then and there. I greet my uncles and engage in small-talk with my aunts, help my grandma out in the kitchen as she continuously asks me why I’ve gotten so thin. While I know the main reason, I decide to smile and spare her the details, as embarrassing as it is. 
No one mentions him, until one of my uncles slips during a conversation with Kevin, “so you’re Y/N’s boyfriend. Such a pleasure to meet you! We’ve heard so much about you that we started thinking she was just making things up.” 
“Er--” Kevin reddens, “I--” 
“So how did you two meet?”
It is at this very instant that my mouth decides to move on its own and I blurt out, “we’re high school friends.” 
“Oh highschool sweethearts! How cute!” 
Kevin doesn’t fail to mention what a mistake I’ve made to lie to my entire family to save face.
“I feel guilty,” he says as we walk out to the car, keys dangling from my wrist. 
I unlock the car, “it’s fine. We’ll be in and out before they know it. They don’t have to know anything.” 
“Hm, sure.” 
After some well-deserved family time, Kevin and I decide to head to the west of the island to catch the sunset, my camera stuffed neatly in the backseat, where Kevin has tossed a few spare towels just in case. We each have donned our swimsuits for the occasion and it doesn’t take an expert to see the excitement thrumming through Kevin’s veins as he sits beside me like an excited child in the passenger seat. 
“I never realized that you guys drive on the left side of the road,” he comments, head whipping back and forth in-between the passage of cars. 
“Yeah, it takes some getting used to, especially if you’re crossing,” it is then that I notice that there is a newly built mall as we turn left at the green light, “hey, that’s new. I’ve never seen this before.” 
“Cas-ca-velle,” he mumbles out with that strong accent of his. He is definitely not one to know French and I’ve been acting as his translator all along, considering that my family speaks French at home, “what does that mean?” 
“Beats me. It’s just a fancy name for a new shopping mall,” I peer into its parking lot, “wanna visit?” 
“Whatever floats your boat, honey. I’m all in.”
The mall is longer than it is wide, with white archways decked with wooden-style roofs that give way to an open-plan exterior. A wide beige cemented pathway occupies the space, with shops lined on either side. 
“I never realized, but you guys are very multicultural,” comments Kevin as we pass by another family of four chattering quickly in a mixture of French and Creole. 
“We’re similar to Canada that way.” 
“Do you miss it here?” 
My eyes glance over at him, notice the soft empathy in his expression.
“I guess I do sometimes,” I say while I kick at a stray pebble, “It’s like homesickness. But in a way I can’t quite explain,” after a moment, I ask, “do you miss Korea?”
“The food, mostly,” he grins bashfully, “my halmeoni makes a killer gamja tang.” 
“Let’s go visit her one day.”
“Is that a promise?” he asks as I shrug, “if you want it to be.” 
It’s a little past six when we drive up to the Flic En Flac beach and as we gather our things, my eyes light up upon falling on a nearby roti stand. I quickly slap Kevin’s arm in my bout of excitement. 
“Ouch! What? What is it?” 
“Kevin, you’re not going to believe this,” I point at the stand in question, “this roti stand? It’s the best roti in Mauritius. Here, take this,” I don’t wait before shoving my bag and camera in his arms, “I’m gonna buy us some. You go and find us a spot on the beach.” 
I don’t wait for him to finish his sentence before taking off, greeting the merchant who is just about to be wrapping up to ask whether I can get two rotis with ‘cari saumon’ (roughly translated into salmon curry mixed with indian spices), local and freshly made. The smell wafts through the folded paper wrappers as I grab them. They smell just like my childhood, where everything had just been as easy as having rotis by the beach without a care about the future that is to come. It’s nostalgic and I can’t help the smile tugging up my mouth at the thought. 
Kevin is already settled atop a pair of spare towels and looks up at the sound of my footsteps approaching. I pass him one of the paper wrappers and he takes a peek, confusion flitting across his face. 
“This smells spicy,” he mutters loudly enough for me to hear, “it looks like naan bread.” 
“It is,” I agree, “except it’s flatter and more like a crepe.” 
Throwing me a hesitant glance, he takes a small bite. I watch his face go from confused to impressed in a few seconds, before his eyes whip up to mine, “woah, this is good.” 
“Told you so.” 
“But this is really, really good,” he can’t help but marvel at it and laughing, I proceed to dig into my own roti, allowing my mouth to be filled with that salty fish taste melting along my tastebuds, the curry spices giving it the nice tangy kick you wouldn’t find anywhere else. The roti is soft and practically melts on my tongue and I can’t help but moan at how good it is. 
“God, this is everything I’ve been looking for my whole life,” I find myself telling him, wrapped up in momentary bliss, “this, this is everything.” 
I can feel his eyes on me, so intense that my own flicker up in question. He drops his gaze the moment I do and I frown, confused. 
“What?” I can’t help but ask, wondering why he suddenly seems so meek, so shy and awkward, “what is it?” 
“Nothing,” he replies like he’s trying to be casual, except that it’s anything but. When he gazes back at me, I notice the warmth in his maroon eyes, more the color of caramel in the dim light from the sunset basking his profile in a golden glow, “I think--I think that’s the first time I’ve seen you so happy, since...” 
He doesn’t need to continue, for I know where this is going. Indeed, this is the first time in many months that I haven’t paid any attention to the hole inside my heart. 
And it feels good.
“Yeah,” I murmur as I watch the sun settle on the ocean’s horizon, fire kissing water, “I don’t know, I just feel like this is nice. Like it’s right.” 
I spare him a glance from the corner of my peripheral and watch him shift. His sleeveless shirt slips, allowing me a glimpse of the naked skin underneath. I quickly look away, slightly embarrassed at the notion of even thinking of him in such a way. 
“That’s how you should be, Y/N,” Kevin murmurs back just as softly. It’s almost like talking too loudly will break the sudden spell that has settled over our shoulders. He takes a sip of his beer before continuing, “you’ve suffered enough for someone who deserves nothing but shit for what he’s done.” 
There’s a small pause as I digest his words. Then, I manage to murmur out, “thanks, Kevin.” 
“No problem.” 
Another small bout of silence ensues, covered up by the sound of the ocean roaring up the sand, distant birds chirping in the fading light of the sunset drowning into the now orange-flecked waters. 
“Hey Y/N.” 
I glance at him. He’s gorgeous, even more so somehow. Maybe it’s the time of the day, maybe it’s the mood, or maybe it’s the way my heart can’t help but be swallowed in gratefulness whenever I look at him.
“What?” I ask.
“Do you know water has memory?” 
I choke on my beer, “do not-- and I mean this-- do not quote Frozen with me.” 
“Huh, I tried.” 
“So, Kevin huh?” 
My eyes shoot up to meet Emma’s in her crusty-dust-filled mirror, presently lounging on her bed and flipping through a book as I had been trying on my bridesmaid gown. Kevin is downstairs, helping out with the barbeque grill with the rest of the family, and it is only now that I get to have some alone time with the woman I consider my sister. 
She’s the only one that knew the exact details of my breakup, and that Kevin is only a mere replacement to cover my humiliated ass. I remember her trying to calm me down when I had called in a frenzy, practically hyperventilating because of the amount of pain that gripped at my heart and was choking me of all air. 
I revert my eyes back to the dress, a baby blue as bright as a summer sky, and smooth my hands down my sides, “he’s been so good to me, ever since…” I can’t finish the sentence, voice already wobbling at the thought that comes with it.
“Hey,” Emma’s murmur causes me to look up, and in her eyes I see a flicker of understanding, “he’s not worth it.” 
“I know,” I swallow back the tears crawling up my throat, “I know, it’s just--a hard pill to swallow.”
A hand comes to a rest at my elbow, before my cousin tucks her chin atop my shoulder, “it’ll be alright, Y/N. He doesn’t deserve you." 
I nod. Then, just to change the subject so that I don’t break down in her arms, I gesture towards the dress, “so? How does it look?” 
Emma tugs at some pieces here and there, rearranging the fabric as she sees fit, “I think it looks good. You look gorgeous. Kevin will swoon, for sure.” 
“It’s not like that,” I hurriedly say as I strip out of the dress and put it back on its hanger, “we’re just friends.” 
“Mhm,” she throws me a pointed look, a mischievous smile tugging at the corner of her lips, “'just friends' doesn't feel right..” 
“Emma, really? Right after my breakup?” 
“He came to Mauritius just for you Y/N,” she squeezes my shoulders comfortingly, “doesn’t that count for something?” 
“Well, we’ve been friends since high school so…”
“I don’t think just any friend in high school would do such a thing if I asked,” Emma catches my eye in the mirror, her gaze deep and meaningful, “just think about that.” 
I just nod in hopes that she’ll stop yapping away at my nonexistent relationship with Kevin, whatever that means. The hole in my heart is still so raw and filled with pain that I can’t even start thinking about another relationship. The thought alone is enough to drain me of all energy and I decide to brush it off for now as I follow Emma out in the backyard now filled with familiar chatter and the smell of cooked meat wafting through the air, with the sky bruising a soft purple to signal the end of a long summer day. 
Catching sight of Kevin as I bring out one of the many salad bowls that my family has prepared, my lips can’t help but twitch into a slow smile when I see him by the grill, whipping away the multitudes of flies zipping back and forth as my other cousin deftly flips the sausages upside down with a trained rhythm that only years of experience can bring. 
“Kevin! You’re not doing your job right!” my cousin cries playfully. Kevin attempts to flap the newspaper around while screeching, “oh god, my eyes are burning!"
“Someone bring more meat!” My cousin hollers. 
“There’s more?!” 
“He’s doing a great job,” my grandmother’s voice brings my attention back to the salad bowl in my hands, and I quickly bend to kiss her cheek as she continues, “better than any of your other cousins. They never help out.” 
“That’s because you pamper them too much, grandma,” I grin at her and follow her to the dining table where my aunts are already settling down amongst themselves. 
The evening passes by with good food and good company, the sky darkening and dotting with a veil of stars that has Kevin gawking in awe. I'm not surprised, you don't see skies like that anywhere, a sky that isn't so intoxicated with modern chemicals. My uncles take it upon themselves to introduce Kevin to all the types of Mauritian delicacies, such as chickpea fritters we call 'gato pima', small balls of graped choko vegetable and minced pork 'niouk yen', and to top it all off, a plate of cornmeal pudding also known as 'pudine mai' that makes Kevin's eyes go wide with surprise.
"This is dessert?" He holds it up in his hand, "with ...cornmeal?"
"Sure is," one of my aunts chime in with a smile, "made it just this morning."
It's past midnight when we get back to our little apartment with Emma's dress hanging off my arms, which Kevin doesn't hesitate to grab from my hold despite my protests. 
"It's fine dude," he flashes me a quick smile, albeit tired, and my heart does this weird little squeeze in my chest at his thoughtfulness. 
He's kind. Too kind. I really don't deserve someone like him. 
"I'm sorry," I say as we settle onto the small couch, shoulders fitted snugly against each other, "my family is kinda overwhelming."
"No no," Kevin looks over, edges of his lips curled up, "I actually love your family, you know."
My chest warms, "thanks."
There is a moment of silence that we enjoy, the day's events sinking into my bones. 
"Hey," he murmurs.
My eyes slide over to catch his, dark pools glimmering with a certain softness that catches my attention. 
I bite my lip. It suddenly feels a little warm.
"What is it?" I ask, voice hoarse.
"Is oreo a sandwich?" 
I sit up so suddenly that I jostle him, "wait--what?"
He grins up at me with that little nose scrunch that I can't help but find endearing, "is oreo a sandwich?" I open my mouth to answer but he beats me to it, "is cereal a soup?"
Reclining back to lace his hands at the back of his head, he says, "is ketchup a smoothie?" 
"Stop it."
"What about hotdogs? Are they sandwiches?" He continues in a singsong voice and rolling my eyes, I make a move to punch him once more. But he's faster, hand shooting out to hold my wrists. He pulls me over and I stumble, knee pressing against the side of his leg. 
"Come on. Answer it," he wriggles his eyebrows.
“Don’t be a party pooper.” 
“You’re so annoying.” 
"Are you sick of me yet?" His face is so close that I notice the creases at the corner of his eyes when he smiles.
"That's an understatement."
"But really, do you think oreo is a sandwich?"
"No! Oreos are just oreos!"
“You’re no fun,” He pouts before finally releasing his hold. I draw back with a roll of my eyes, settling beside him once more and pillowing my head onto his shoulder.
Emma’s right. Kevin had sacrificed so much to be here with me, and he doesn’t even know Emma. Yet, he immediately dropped everything so that he could be my plus one, so that I wouldn’t have to face the music alone. The thought makes my heart swell with emotion and suddenly I’m all too aware of his presence beside me. 
I shift to gaze at him, eyes tracing the curve of his nose, the indent above his lips before I whisper, “hey Kevin.” 
“Why’d you come?” 
His eyes flicker over to mine then. A heartbeat passes. For a moment, I wonder if he can hear my heartbeat suddenly throbbing a little too loudly in my chest. 
“Good question.” 
Another pause. 
“That’s not an answer,” I laugh slightly, to show that it’s all just fun and games.
But when I catch his eyes next, there’s something else brimming in them. They’re tender with emotion and it catches me so off guard that I almost don’t catch his next set of words:
“Because I care about you.” 
My heart gives a quick lurch but I somehow can’t tear my gaze away. I want to say something. Anything. 
But all I can muster is a soft, “oh.” 
“Why do you ask?” he asks, voice hoarse.
I hesitate, “Emma asked why. And...I guess I wanted to know too.” 
The air feels heavy, heightened with the things that are threatening to slip off the edge of my tongue. A mixed series of ‘but why’s and ‘can’t you tell me more’ jumbling up my thoughts with so many possibilities that I decide to stay quiet for the sake of not ruining the moment. Because there’s this lingering fear that once I do say something, then it’ll just pull me down a rabbit hole that I can’t crawl out of, that the only escape lies on the other side.
And I don’t know if I want to take that leap yet. My heart is already so fragile with the aftermath of a love that went wrong. I don’t know how much more I can take. 
So I just stay quiet and let out a soft sigh, and though Kevin shifts as if he wants to say something, he doesn’t. The question just hangs there between us, in-between the slithers of moonlight and in the cold Moka air, like a perpetual ghost we ignore as we drift off to sleep.
Something shifts between us after that. It’s unspoken of, but suddenly, I am all too aware of Kevin as a whole. Things that I hadn’t noticed before surface as we spend most of our free time visiting the rest of the island; like how he loves ruffling his hair whenever he feels uncomfortable, or the way his bicep curls as his arm drapes over the wheel with the barest hint of muscle that is enough to be attractive yet subtle, or how he smirks in that attractive way of his whenever he thinks something is undeniably adorable. 
The good thing about having Kevin is that I don’t get to think of him all too much, which is a blessing in itself. It’s been days since I’ve shed another tear and for that, I have to say I’m glad that I’m making progress.
We spent the last few days before the wedding traveling around the island to visit all the touristy spots that I know Kevin will enjoy, like a hike all the way to the top of Le Morne mountain, where I explain that’s where slaves would throw themselves off when their masters would find them. We visited Bois Cheri, a tea-making factory where Kevin had the pleasure of tasting all different kinds of teas cultivated in the fields below, and ate lunch on the Caudan Waterfront as we gazed at the boats lulling along the harbour. 
“Woah, this place makes me feel like I’m in Aladdin somehow,” Kevin’s mouth is wide agape as his eyes try to take in the endless racks of stands selling fresh fruits and vegetables of the day. The Port-Louis Bazaar has always been one of my favourite places to visit, but it’s also one of the busiest. Even now as we attempt to squeeze our way through, people are jostling us here and there, causing me to press my bag to my chest in case any pickpockets are nearby. I prompt Kevin to do the same. 
“Hey Y/N, I wanna check out the bags over there,” Kevin motions towards the hand-woven baskets situated at the far end of the market and I nod as we keep moving forward with the crowd like a pair of salmons trying to swim upstream. But there’s so many people, it’s so suffocating that it gets hard to keep up with Kevin’s figure. Someone elbows my shoulder and I groan, stumbling to the side in irritation, only to get pushed forward by another. 
“Seriously--” I curse under my breath, when a hand suddenly appears before my eyes.
Looking up to see Kevin’s outstretched arm, I am only greeted with his bashful smile and averted eyes. 
“Come on,” he doesn’t even wait for my consent before slipping his palm over my own and tugging me along, his hold firm and strong despite his skinny frame and the action is enough to render a flurry of butterflies soaring over my stomach. 
Stop, I try telling my subconscious. That does nothing, however, to stop my neck from tingling with unfamiliar heat. 
Kevin’s hand feels so warm. It’s comfortable, safe. 
And I’m liking it a little too much.
He doesn’t let go when we reach the desired stand and talk over which bag looks the best and keeps his hand in mine for the entirety of our journey back to the car. Only when I unlock the doors that his palm finally drops from my hold and air rushes over my palm that is now a little too cold without his warmth. But while a multitude of questions are burning the back of my throat, they fall apart halfway through at the thought of his answer, before I decide to drop it altogether. 
Kevin, on the other hand, doesn’t seem the least bit affected. 
When the day of the wedding finally rolls around, I drive my car to Emma’s after a quick breakfast that Kevin surprised me with -- to my surprise, he’d managed to make a decent eggs and toast without burning the place down -- so that I can help her get into her gown and more importantly so that she doesn’t run away, lest her mind goes in a frenzy at the thought of tying the knot. 
“You’ll be fine,” I reassure her, teasing a few of her curls so that they slip down to her chest in a perfect wave. She looks stunningly beautiful, with her strapless white dress that shimmers with diamonds in the light with every movement she makes. 
I reach out to smooth over her veil so that it falls on either side of her face, frames her perfectly, and notice her big brown eyes staring back at me through her vanity mirror. 
“You look beautiful,” I can’t keep the awe from my voice. 
Her face blossoms into a smile, “you too.” 
“Ah come on, you can’t say that to me on your wedding day,” I shove her playfully on the shoulder, “you’re the star of the show. Don’t let anyone take that away from you.” 
“Okay mom,” she rolls her eyes before changing the subject, “So, how have things been? With Kevin?” My hands freeze in mid-action, “It’s good.” 
I don’t have to look at her to know that she’s giving me a pointed look.
I sigh, “well, okay. Maybe you’re right. About the whole…’just friends’ thing not being true.” 
“Why?” she straightens up, turns to me, “what happened? Did you kiss? Did he make a move--” 
“No we didn’t kiss,” I’m quick to answer as my cheeks heat up. And after a few beats of hesitation, I give her a summary; the way he’d looked at me that night with eyes that held so much in them that it had made my chest swell, the way that he’d snitch glances at me whenever he thought I wasn’t paying attention, and the fact that he’d grabbed my hand and didn’t let go even long after the crowd wasn’t an issue anymore. 
Emma’s eyes are wide and sparkling with a feeling that I know all too well, I can practically see the cogs turning in her head and quickly shook mine in rapid retaliation, “Emma, no.” 
“But--But he’s perfect for you!” she bellows in protest, “What do you mean ‘no’?!” 
“I can’t go there. Not after,...not now, it’s too soon…” 
She rolls her eyes, “it’s not like he’s asking you to marry him, christ’s sake. He likes you, and I feel like you’re only trying to deprive yourself because you feel like it’s not right.” 
“It’s not right--”
“Who says so?” she cuts me off then, her gaze hardening on mine with such intensity it takes everything in me not to flinch back, “who says it’s not right? It doesn’t matter if it’s after two days, two weeks, two months. You think I don’t know how it feels to be heartbroken? You can’t just keep thinking about the past. You’re going to hurt yourself that way.” 
My teeth sink down onto my lower lip, her words like ice-cold knives aimed straight at my chest. 
“What you can control, right now, is the present, Y/N.” 
“I know,” I mumble out half-heartedly.
“I can see it, you know, the way he looks at you,” she shakes her head, “even if you don’t like him back, you gotta be aware of all that he’s done for you.” 
Her hands find their way to mine, enclosing them in her grasp before squeezing them with such care that I can’t stop the tears crawling up the back of my throat. 
“I’m sorry,” she murmurs next, “I don’t want to pressure you if that’s not how you feel. That--That was not my intention,” her eyes latch onto mine, filled with understanding, “I just want you to be happy.” 
That’s a word I haven’t heard in a long time. 
“Don’t you dare cry now,” Emma says while waving her hands around in warning, “you’re going to ruin your makeup and we definitely don’t want that.” 
I sniffle, trying my best to hold in the tears now brimming through my eyes, “you’re right,” I attempt to smile, albeit it’s wobbly, “we don’t.” 
“Come here,” she tugs my arm so that I fall into her embrace. Her head finds her way to my shoulder and she hugs me tight, not caring that her veil is getting all bunched up and wrinkled, “you’ll be okay,” she whispers, one hand stroking my back, “you’ll be just fine, little one.” 
Then, pulling back and pushing a few strands away from my face, she flashes a bright smile, “we should probably head to the church soon.” 
“We now declare you, Vincent and Emma, as husband and wife.” 
The church explodes in a round of applause and I join in the clapping, furiously trying to keep the tears of joy at bay. Vincent has been there for Emma ever since they met at work and it has been the most beautiful love story ever since; filled with the purest kind of love no one can imagine. Beside me, I feel Kevin’s hand coming to squeeze my shoulder in a reassuring manner and I feel warm all over despite the rush of emotion in my heart. 
The wedding reception is to take place at a fancy restaurant overlooking the harbourfront. Our family has booked the venue for the evening, and as I enter, I take in the baby blue veils that come down each corner of the restaurant, sprinkles of glitter here and there as we make our way to our assigned tables that each have a baby blue napkin shaped in swans. 
I don’t even have time to place my butt down when I hear a voice call out, “Y/N! Look how big you’ve gotten!” 
Of course, big wedding ceremonies only mean that we get to meet all of our extended family that we haven’t seen since forever, and they’re all too happy to chat with me about living overseas. Soon enough, I’m bustled off to a table and look back over my shoulder to mouth a quick “I’m sorry” to Kevin. Bless his soul, for he only smiles and shakes his head, his hand motioning for me to go on.
I manage to catch up with cousins I haven’t seen since I was a little girl, talk over appetizers with excited aunts who want to know all about how it feels like to live away from family for such a long time, and nod along to the old uncles trying to get me to give a concrete answer about when and where will my wedding take place. 
“Come on Y/N! You’re the next one after Emma for sure,” one of my uncles bellow, face flushed red as a result of the glasses of wine he has downed like water. He is Emma’s father, no surprise that he’ll want to get drunk from happiness and pride. It is his daughter’s wedding after all. 
He leans close with a conspiratorial look in his eyes, “so tell me,” his eyes glance over to Kevin, currently deep in conversation with another one of my distant aunts. I watch as he says something to make her laugh, and something inside my chest warms at the action, “is he the lucky guy that’s going to ask for your hand?” 
“Do you think he’s the one?” another uncle pipes up. 
I purse my lips and attempt to shrug, “it’s early days,” I try laughing it off although it sounds forced, “who knows what can happen.” 
“He’s a good kid,” an aunt says, “you know how we all have this sixth sense? Well Y/N, I have a good feeling about this young man. Don’t let him go. Something tells me he’s a keeper.” 
A wild imaginative speculation, considering that we’re not even dating. But I nod along and say that yes, I’ll tell them whenever I decide to tie the knot.
It’s only when the dance floor opens and people start pooling onto the dance floor after the first dance -- led by no other than the bride and groom themselves -- that I finally allow myself to breathe. I find my way back to my chair, back to Kevin’s warm smile flashing in my direction as his eyes take in the fatigue lining my face. 
“You look like you could use a drink,” is the first thing he tells me the moment I plop my butt onto my designed seat, the one that’s been kept cold ever since I stepped foot into the dining hall. 
I gratefully accept the glass of wine he offers me, swallowing it down in a few gulps, “thanks,” I sigh with relief, “I needed that.” 
“How was catching up with family?” 
“It couldn’t be as bad as being left behind,” I peer over at him, guilt flooding me at the prospect of having left him all alone, “sorry. It’s just that everyone--” 
“Oh stop that,” Kevin nudges my shoulder with his, “don’t be sorry. It’s totally normal. I’m happy for you. And I wasn’t left behind. I had a wonderful time talking to your aunt. She seemed so happy to tell me what your childhood was like.”
“Bet you liked that, didn’t you?” 
“Hey, it works as blackmail. Why wouldn’t I like that?” 
“You’re friends with this dork.” 
“Oh piss off,” I slap his shoulder playfully in retaliation, causing him to laugh softly as we watch couples glide across the dance floor like swans over water. The lights have dimmed, the yellow hues now replaced by soft cool blues and purples that cause Emma’s dress to shimmer every time she turns. She’s absolutely stunningly beautiful, and the way she and Vincent are gazing at each other just scream of pure love that wraps around them in a golden mist so enchantingly beautiful that I find myself catching my breath in the back of my throat. 
“She’s so beautiful,” the words fall from my mouth without meaning to, and I feel Kevin’s eyes on my face from the corner of my peripheral.
“You are too.” 
I bite my lip and narrow my eyes at him playfully, “thanks, but why do I have a feeling that this isn’t a compliment?” 
“It isn’t,” he holds my gaze, “it’s just the truth.” 
Emotion lodges at the back of my throat. I stare at him. He stares back, a glimmer of tenderness echoing through the dark pools of black, his whole expression relaxed into a face that appears flooded with affection for--
For some reason, no words seem to come to me as I open my mouth and close it. Embarrassment slowly bubbles through my stomach. I look away, unable to contain the goosebumps suddenly exploding across the back of my neck with that same familiar uncomfortable sensation I keep getting around him these days. Like I’m standing atop a cliff and preparing myself to jump.
“Wanna dance?” 
I blink in surprise, before turning to the said young man beside me who has his head cocked to the side with that same expression. My heart can’t help but squeeze inside my chest before I push down the rising protest searing through my brain. 
I nod. And off we go onto the dance floor. His hands settle on my waist, mine atop his shoulders in a casual sling. There’s enough distance between our bodies to show that we’re not together and yet, I can’t deny that electrical tension that keeps on pulling me towards Kevin like a magnet. I wonder if he feels it too, that searing heat that is so palpable I can feel sweat break out from the back of my neck. Asking, though, would mean that I’m aware of what’s happening, asking would imply that I want something to happen.
Maybe I do. 
Maybe I do want to grab life by the reins myself and steer it wherever I want it to go. 
“What are you thinking about?” 
I blink. Right up into Kevin’s brown orbs, his hair catching the shades of blue from the disco balls. My throat runs dry. 
“Uh--” my mind tries to scramble for a response, any response, “just--uhm, it’s kind of like our last day here.” 
He cocks his head, “sad?” 
“Kinda. I like it here,” my eyes brush over Emma and Vincent’s forms in the vicinity, catch my grandma sitting at one of the tables, little cousins running all over the place. Then, I look back at the said young man gazing at me with that undecipherable look in his eyes that makes my heart sing, and try not to squirm as I continue softly, “it feels like home.” 
“We can always come back,” he uses ‘we’ as though it’s now an adventure kept between the two of us, a secret to our own little neverland that nobody knows about. I can’t help but smile at the thought. 
“Do you want to come back?” I ask.
“Are you kidding? Hell yeah I want to come back. The views are amazing, the food is out of this world, and your family has been really kind to me.” 
“I’m sorry, they are kind of overbearing when you first get to know them.” 
“I love it,” Kevin says seriously, “I love that they’re overbearing. Couldn’t have asked for anything more.” 
If I had any doubts, the sincerity dripping from his eyes is enough to wipe out any suspicions left from his compliment. The sudden urge to hug him rocks through me and my hands fist on the back of his shirt in response. 
We keep on dancing silently, bobbing from one foot to another for a few minutes more before he speaks up softly. 
“I wouldn't mind getting married here.” 
My eyebrows shoot up in surprise, “really now?” 
“Yup,” he grins, “really.” 
“Your future wife will have me to thank for that.” 
“Maybe my future wife won’t have to thank you.” 
There it is. That same borderline flirting that’s been happening for days on end. 
“And why is that?” I probe, partly just to tease him, and partly because I just want to know.
“Maybe she might be right here, in this room.” 
“Didn’t know you were into one of my cousins,” I start looking around the room, only for one of his hands to cup my cheek to turn my face back to his. 
There is none of that teasing glimmer now. His eyes are darker, gazing down at me with such emotion that the breath catches in the back of my throat and the air halts in my lungs. We gaze at each other for a few beats longer, before I feel his thumb graze my cheek. Gently, so gently like he’d stroke a flower petal. 
Swallowing at the heat of his hand cupping the side of my face, my hands unconsciously tighten on the back of his neck. He senses my nervousness, but only pulls me slightly closer so that we are mere millimeters from each other, noses hovering over each other in a space that causes my heart to stutter inside my chest. 
When he opens his mouth next, his alto is hoarse, pent-up with emotion. 
“I wasn’t talking about your cousins.” 
My heart practically jumps to my throat, teeth biting onto my lip. 
I can’t hear the music, nor the people. I can’t hear anything except for my pounding heart and Kevin’s soft breaths washing over my face. 
His eyes search mine and we hold gazes for a moment too long.
I press my lips together, “Y-Yes?” 
He moves even closer then so that his nose brushes mine in the most intimate of ways. 
“Y/N! I was looking all over for you!” 
We spring apart like we just got burnt just in time for one of my cousins to grab onto my arm. He sends an apologetic smile at Kevin, before explaining, “we just need to sort out the takeaways. She’ll be back in a second!” 
And without listening to my protests, he proceeds to drag me away from the said young man on the dancefloor. I look back, mouthing an ‘I’m sorry” once more -- it’s the second time that night!-- and see the raven-haired man laugh good-naturedly before shaking his head and waving me away. That does nothing to keep my heart from cartwheeling out of my chest, swelling up with such affection that I grin back despite the earlier predicament. 
One thing’s for sure: I’m not done talking with Kevin Moon yet. 
I find him sitting alone in the tiny garden that overlooks the decorated pavillon a few hours later. His figure, illuminated by the soft yellow hues of interior light, seems to glow in the dark, the moon bouncing off his hair and catching the strength of his cheekbone when he turns and catches me staring. He only smiles though -- that beautiful tender smile that I keep seeing more and more these days -- before waving me over. 
“What are you doing out here all alone?” I ask as I reach his figure. A soft breeze dances along the back of my spine, cool in contrast to the warm stickiness of the air. 
“Your smaller cousin was showing me what she’d learnt in astronomy at her school,” he tilts his head up at the sky, “she’s quite the prodigy at that.” 
“The next woman to land on the moon,” I joke.
“Jeez, I should get her autograph.” 
“Wise idea,” that’s when I feel his hand slip into mine and I look down at him, blinking. He grins a little shyly, before tugging me forward so that I all but stumble right into him, halfway sprawled across his lap. 
Heat explodes through my chest at the proximity of our bodies and I can’t help but avert my gaze from his, partly embarrassed that maybe there might be someone around to see, and partly because it’s only recently that I’ve started seeing Kevin in a new light that being so close makes my heart choke up and my mind to run blank. 
We’re close. So close I feel his breath mingle with mine. My hands settle atop his chest lightly, “Kev,” I breathe out but nothing follows, too scared to verbally voice out what is going on for fear that it might all crumble into nothing. 
I don’t want false hope. I also don’t want his heart -- or mine -- to break. 
This friendship is too precious to let go. I can’t imagine a life without Kevin in it.
“Listen Y/N,” Kevin’s voice is soft, a hushed murmur resonating through his chest as his eyes search mine, “I think we both know what’s happening here.” 
I nod mutely. 
Taking a shaky breath, he continues, “I don’t want to do anything that will hurt you. I know it’s been tough and that you’re still healing. I just--I just want to know.” 
As his words wash over me as gently as the forest leaves rustling around us, I feel the warmth of his hand cupping my cheek, holding me like I am fine china and stroking my skin with his thumb so that butterflies suddenly rush along my middle.
I bite my lip so hard I can taste blood, " I-- well, I think you already know how I feel."
"I know," he breathes, "but I need to hear it from you."
As if it isn't hard enough to come face to face with my own feelings, having Kevin stare me down as though I put the moon in his sky makes me want to squirm with a mixture of embarrassment and excitement. 
“I like you,” I blurt out then, “a lot.” 
There is a few seconds delay, before a shit-- eating grin --the biggest I’ve ever seen -- spreads across Kevin’s face like sunshine peeking through the clouds.
“Enough for us to go on a date?”
I nod mutely. I don’t trust my voice, not right now when I already feel so pathetic. Kevin’s grin softens into a tender smile, one that I can’t help but return when our eyes meet in the most intimate of ways. Suddenly, the air feels charged and alive with electricity, the heat between our bodies palpable as his hand moves to the back of my neck. 
He tugs. I follow. 
His lips find mine mid-way in a delicate kiss. 
It’s soft. Softer than any kiss I’ve ever had. Kevin’s mouth parts over my own in a gentle caress, before he tilts his head to the side and captures my lower lip between his. 
I gasp slightly at the contact, hands unconsciously tightening around his neck. 
Slowly leaning away, I notice the film of lust like a dull glow at the back of his maroon orbs, just the slightest hint that he wants me as a woman. And that makes my lungs constrict, air suddenly halting in the back of my throat.
My skin is prickling with the aftermath of his touch. I let out a soft breath before he covers my mouth with his once more and all thoughts fly out of my brain the moment he does. 
I don’t really know how long we spend outside, exchanging the softest of kisses underneath the moonlight, until I hear the soft exclamations of my family’s voices suggesting that it is time to head home. So I part from the said man and can’t help but blush at the lack of space between our bodies.
“We should probably head back,” I hate how wanton I sound, like I’ve just sprinted a mile when in truth I’ve been sitting in this very spot for the last hour.
He agrees and I descend from his lap, his hand subtly finding mine as we walk back to the wedding hall. 
Emma is still saying her goodbyes, her hair now dotted with glitter, probably from the decorations that my younger cousins took pleasure in bathing her in. Her face lights up as soon as she spots our entwined hands and I try not to meet her eyes for I know exactly the kind of smug look she'll be giving me. 
"Enjoyed the wedding?" She says as soon as we're within earshot.
"That must've been the best cake I've had in my life," Kevin lets out a dramatic sigh, "and that says something."
"Do I trust your taste buds though?" She teases.
"I'd be offended if you didn't," he gasped in mock offense, before they both break into playful chuckles.
As we exchange our goodbyes and Vincent engages Kevin in a conversation, Emma takes this chance to drag me to her side as she whispers, "so you gonna tell me the tea or am I going to have to extract it from you?"
I press my lips together as I try to control the heat searing through the back of my neck, "...we kissed."
She gasps, "No way! OH MY GOD! Are you guys a thing then?!" The answer is as clear as water on my face and she clamps a hand over her mouth, would've jumped up and down if she could've, "OH MY, OH MY GOD. I knew it! I just knew this was going to happen--"
"Shut up!" I hiss, scared that Kevin might overhear and think I'm a big fat tattle tale. My eyes quickly swivel over to his and I'm glad to find his head bent towards Vincent in concentration. 
"You need to tell me everything," Emma's eyes are sparkling, "like--as soon as you have some free time."
"You--" I send her a pointed look, then jerk my head at Vincent, "--need to tell me everything."
"Oh I will, don't worry."
"Anyway, I'll talk to you after your honeymoon."
"Okay," I turn around to find Kevin, not failing to notice the smirk playing on Emma's lips. I slap her arm in response, causing her to laugh before she calls out: 
"Don't forget to use protection!"
"We'll come back right?"
That's the first thing that Kevin states as soon as we step inside security, away from the tears of my family that I just left behind a few seconds ago. My heart still aches when I think of their faces, all crumpled and blinking at me with tissues in hand and noses as red as traffic lights. But I seek comfort upon feeling Kevin's hand slip through mine as we walk towards our destined gate. 
"Sure," I look at him; at his red-tinted cheeks (probably the aftermath of a sunburn), his newly tanned skin a fresh contrast against his white shirt, and the permanent grin that seems impossible to wipe off his face. My heart instantly flutters.
It's only been a few days since we've confessed our growing romantic interest in each other, but I can already feel the weight of his love pouring out of his heart and into mine the moment he realized that my arms would be there to catch him when he fell.
"I'm not going to wake up to an empty bed tomorrow morning, am I?" He’d joked when we stumbled, half-asleep, into Emma's flat after the wedding. 
I frowned at him, "Why would you think that?"
"Just in case you think that kissing me was a mistake."
A small pause ensued, in which I realized that despite all my fears and all the pain I had been carrying in my heart ever since we landed on my motherland, I had not once considered how Kevin might be feeling at this very moment. 
My eyes quickly took note of his countenance, sweeping right up to his face only to notice the flash of vulnerability in his eyes, the way the corners of his mouth were tense, cheekbones taught against his skin as he awaited for my answer with baited breath. 
Clearing my throat, I whispered, "it wasn't."
A soft smile tugged at his lips, "good to know."
His answer seemed so genuine, so wholehearted that my chest tightened in a mixture of gratefulness and affection, so much so that my arms automatically reached for him to tug him close. My nose found its rightful place at his neck and I breathed in his comforting  lilac smell that I enjoyed so much.
I felt him take a breath. Then, softly, a hand caressed the back of my head. I buried even closer if that was possible.
"I really want this to work," my words were a muffled mess and I was surprised that he understood.
"Me too," he murmured into my hair, "and it will work. I promise I won't break your heart Y/N."
Looking back now at this tender moment in which we both weren't certain of where we were stepping, I can't help but laugh at the thought, for now the love and attraction is so natural I'm amazed it has taken this long to flourish. 
Maybe I hadn't been looking the right way. Maybe I had been searching so far out and wide that I hadn't noticed that my safe harbour is the one standing right beside me.
"Hey Kevin," I call out.
Kevin turns towards me, where he'd been watching planes take off from the ground into the gorgeously blue sunny sky.
“I’m really glad you came.” 
There's a few beats of silence although his mouth immediately cracks into that gorgeous, crooked grin of his that I adore so much. 
“Me too.” 
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yslkook · 4 years
#customer centric (4)
#corporate masterlist summary: you arrive in tokyo and spend a few days catching up and reminiscing. jin comes as well, with a few old friends that you haven’t seen in years. Or, you wander around the city visiting familiar places and go to a club with people you haven’t called friends in years. word count: 8656 warnings: cursing, parental death, discussion of mental health, lots of alcohol a/n: this is part 1/2 of being in tokyo!! this is the top i envisioned for oc lol
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You missed Tokyo, and Tokyo missed you. The city itself brings bittersweet memories to you, memories of your childhood with your dead father and grandmother passing through your mind as if you’re watching a movie.
Your dad had brought you to Tokyo every summer when you were young, until you were about seventeen or eighteen. Tokyo had become more of a second home than a vacation place for you.  You haven’t been here since college, about two years before your dad passed away. But despite that, it feels like home.
You can read, write, and speak Japanese fluently, which is part of the reason why you’ve been such an integral part of the team so far. The company’s sister branch is in Tokyo, and it’s not your first time visiting the branch, or interacting with your team members based in Tokyo.
You’ve wondered often, quite bitterly, if your fluency in Japanese is the only reason you’re even still on the team. Your boss and his boss at least trust you enough to be the responsible party for your team- there’s only one other member of your team here, Sana. But she’s relatively new, so the responsibility has fallen onto you.
That’s alright. You operate well under pressure.
You’re joined by your small knit team, Sana, Namjoon and Jungkook. Namjoon had managed to finagle with the budget enough that you could arrive a day early, on Friday, and spend the weekend in Tokyo before the workshops began on Monday.
And Seokjin would be flying in on Saturday morning with some of his friends. You’re grateful that at least Jin was coming. Whenever Jin makes these spontaneous types of trips, they’re bound to be eventful. 
Monday and Tuesday will be filled with workshops, proposals and pitch meetings. You made Jin promise that he’d spend time with you during the weekend, so that you could show him some of the treasures you remembered from the city. Despite your many years of friendship, you had never been to Tokyo with Jin and you want to show him some of the places Appa used to take you to.
You’re excited. Even if Jungkook, with his big, sparkling eyes and his natural curiosity is coming along. Seeing him, even though it’s been well over three months that he joined the company, sends you down a dangerous path that isn’t fair to him or to you.
You have to constantly remind yourself that it’s not his fault and you shouldn’t be mean to him. It’s not his fault that your boss and his boss are out for your blood and refuse to give you recognition. But you can’t help but feel like he’s part of the problem that has faced you for the last three years. Part of the same awful old school, conservative mindset that so many of your peers were part of as well.
The leadership at your company needed a drastic overhaul, but you would be the last person to voice those thoughts out loud. Unless it was to Jin. 
You know Jungkook doesn’t deserve your unspoken rage. You can admit that, but you’re not saint enough to channel it somewhere else. You’ve mellowed out considerably from the initial few months, but you could stand to be a little warmer to him.
After all, the way his bunny smile takes up half of his face when he offers it up to someone so worthy… that means nothing to you.
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You arrive in Tokyo with your team at around eleven AM, and you check into your hotel rooms about an hour later. Jungkook and Sana had planned the logistics of the trip, from the hotel to the taxi service to lunch, dinner, and the company sponsored happy hour on Monday and Tuesday. 
Because you were in Tokyo for work, you fully planned on using your company card to the fullest for the next few days. This company could kiss your ass, and you would be more than willing to spend as much as you needed to as a subtle ‘fuck you’. It was your version of flipping off your boss, for when he would have to approve your expense report sheet. 
Namjoon had given you Friday to yourselves, to get acquainted with the hotel room and the area itself. Sana and Jungkook had done a good job with choosing the hotel- it has a wonderful view of the city from the rooftop, and being inside the sophisticated hotel with it’s hues of black and white and pops of color and elegance. This regal building screams opulence and you’re bathing in the luxurious feel of it all.
The diamonds of the chandeliers hanging high above you glint in the dim light of the lobby, bouncing off of the sleek, black piano and adding to the romantic air. Was this a love hotel? You scoff to yourself, keeping your head down as you exit the hotel and head in the direction of your favorite park, the Happo-en Garden. 
When you had told your therapist that you’d be coming to Tokyo for the first time since your father’s death, she had immediately picked up on your hesitation-
“It feels weird to be there without him. Almost like the place doesn’t exist if he doesn’t,” You scoff, wringing your hands together.
“It certainly exists without him. And you do, too,” She says kindly, “Maybe you’ll feel close to him when you go there.”
And she was right, as she usually is. You sit alone at a freshly painted red bench with a box of street snacks, including some of Appa’s favorites. The sunshine glimmers against the still lake in front of you, hues of green fading to orange and red reflecting in the murky water. 
This park was a favorite of Appa’s-
“We’re still in Tokyo, but it feels like we’re so far away. Right, sweetheart?” He asks, dark eyes shining. Appa’s hand tightens around yours and you nod excitedly.
“Yeah! Like we’re close to the princess’s castle!” You gasp.
“That’s right, but the only princess I see here is you,” Appa smiles and you beam at him, all smiles and sunshine.
The memory is from when you were maybe seven or eight years old. Everytime you came to Tokyo with Appa, you always came to this park. Specifically to this area, where Appa claimed that the sun shined on the leaves and the water in a specific way that made everything feel like magic.
You had always scoffed at him, especially as you grew older and the lines around his eyes grew deeper. But you still entertained him. You never saw that magic that Appa claimed to see, but now, you wonder how you could ever not see it.
A breeze ruffles through the trees, whistling as it threads through your hair and running over the water. The clouds part for a moment, allows a burst of sunbeams to spread over the water and you gasp at the sudden golden filter over the surroundings in front of you.
Another breeze, one from your left side, presses against your shoulder and your cheek. Almost like it’s whispering to you. You whip your head to the side, only to find nothing next to you. You feel like you’re floating, with the gentle caress of the wind to keep you company.
You eat your snacks in silence, embracing the way that it feels like the wind is Appa’s caress against your skin.
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By the time you return to the hotel, the sun is beginning to go down and a bittersweet sort of happiness settles in your heart. You feel closer to your dad than you have in a long time- this city was bound to feel like home with its welcoming arms curling around you warmly. You had spent the better part of the day visiting old sights and places that you had frequented to with Appa. 
It was peaceful, like a walk down memory lane. You could almost see your younger self bursting at the seams with joy at all of the new places. You could almost see her so eager to learn and demanding that Appa teach you Japanese immediately.
You wonder where that girl went. She’s lost, buried beneath layers and layers and maybe someday you’ll find her again.
Stopping by one of your favorite restaurants, you order all of your favorites times three. For your colleagues to have something to feast on when you returned from your day trip. You hadn’t been on your phone for most of the day, choosing to mute the group chat with your colleagues so you could truly be alone. 
Once you approach the familiar blue neon sign of the restaurant, you send them a text:
you: evening all. dont worry about dinner, Im bringing lots of food back sana: look who woke up from her coma namjoon: did you put it on your card? you: of course i did. you dont have to remind me joon ;)  you: want to have dinner together? jungkook: ya where should we eat Namjoon: come to my room, it’s room 1804 you: ok, be there in about thirty min
With your heart feeling full, brimming with fondness for your teammates, you pay for the heavy bags of food and make your way back to the hotel. You can’t help but smile as you walk with a little pep in your step.
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“You should have asked one of us to help you,” Jungkook says reproachfully, taking half the bags from you.
Your arms ache, not that you’ll admit your stubbornness. You only smile sheepishly, “It was only a fifteen minute walk.”
“And this is a lot of food,” Jungkook muses, peeking inside as his doe eyes sparkle in anticipation.
“It’s our first team dinner in Tokyo. We deserve it,” You shrug.
“I also bought a few bottles of wine,” Sana chirps, dangling two bottles of red in her hands, “We deserve it.”
You laugh and she winks at you. Namjoon is already setting up the many boxes of food on the mahogany wooden desk in the corner of the room. The curtains are pulled back, affording you of a breathtaking view of the city lights and the now hanging moon high in the sky.
“The boss has the best view, huh?” You tease, nudging his shoulder.
“Jungkook picked it,” Namjoon shrugs, “I just wanted to share the view with you all.”
“How sweet of you,” You say sincerely, “Dinner with a view. That’s pretty romantic. And Jungkook has good taste.”
Jungkook’s ears flush at your praise and he covers his ears for a second. Not that you notice. You sit on the floor, across from Jungkook and offer to scoop food onto everyone’s plates for them. You ignore their protests and do it anyway, quietly asking how much of each they want. Sana fills up plastic cups with wine and labels everyone’s cup with a black marker so you can all keep track of them.
“How classy of us,” Namjoon snorts but says thank you to Sana.
“Did you bring wine glasses in your luggage?” Sana shoots at Namjoon, “I didn’t think so.”
You stifle your laugh behind your hand and shake your head. “Feels like college, if only those cups were red,” You joke.
“My roommate still uses red cups sometimes, for casual purposes,” Jungkook says softly, “It drives me up the wall. Like, can you drink out of a normal cup or what? I get flashbacks to beer pong almost every morning.”
You laugh a little harder at that, and the sound is sweet in Jungkook’s ears. He wants to see if he can get you to laugh like that a little more.
“I mean, we’re grown now. I can’t believe Taehyung sometimes, having his morning orange juice in a red solo cup. It’s heinous.”
Your eyes are overflowing with mirth, the sound of your genuine happiness echoing in Jungkook’s ears and he can’t help but smile in return.
“Morning orange juice,” You mutter, “That’s adorable. Taehyung? That’s the name of your roommate?”
“Yeah,” Jungkook replies, “We did undergrad together and he’s an aspiring art gallery curator. He’s actually coming here tomorrow-”
“Wait, hang on,” You say after chewing through a mouthful of noodles, “Is this Taehyung, as in Kim Taehyung who you snuck into that bar with and he ended up getting absolutely hammered and stealing three bottles of alcohol? Before getting kicked out and Jin and I took you both home? That Taehyung?”
The fondness with which you speak of Taehyung unnerves Jungkook. 
“Yeah,” Jungkook nods, “That Taehyung.”
“Sounds like a real class act,” Sana says dryly.
“Wow, I haven’t seen him in years,” You exhale, “I think Jin’s bringing some friends from college tomorrow, too.”
“Yeah, he mentioned a Jimin and a Hoseok,” Namjoon adds.
“Damn, Sana, maybe we should’ve brought our friends, too,” You murmur, teasing but honestly, you don’t really have anyone you would’ve asked to bring, “Can’t wait to see what this boys weekend brings.”
You fully anticipate that Seokjin will rope you into whatever shenanigans they have planned, and you don’t even feel bad about crashing. You make a mental note to let Sana know of whatever plans they invited you to, so that she wouldn’t feel left out.
They don’t ask where you were all day, and for that you’re grateful. The lines of professionalism are beginning to blur for you, and you don’t want to burden them with your feelings and problems. You don’t want them to think differently of you for trying to catch a glimpse of Appa in your memories. 
Jin would say you were being silly, but you can’t help it. Maybe someday, but not today.
But Jungkook does wonder. Where were you all day? When the group chat was going off, you were silent. It was none of his business, but he’s curious. And he’s curious about you. You hadn’t changed out of your day clothes or taken your makeup off. He can see the nearly gone darkened stain of your gloss on your lips and the curl of your lashes. Jungkook keeps his eyes above your neck, knowing that if his eyes begin to wander he would be even more of a goner than he already was.
It’s September in Tokyo, meaning that it was warm during the day and somewhat chilly in the evenings. Your dark green long sleeved shirt is tucked into your shorts, complete with a black belt, leaving your tanned thighs on display. Jungkook thinks he catches a glimpse of a tattoo peeking from your shorts, but he thinks he imagines it. 
Until your shorts ride up just a little and he sees an array of colors and the fleeting sight of a flower on your upper thigh. Jungkook swallows nervously and stuffs his face full of udon noodles without hesitation. If his mouth is stuffed with food, then nobody will look twice at him and he can keep his thoughts to himself and ogle at you in peace. 
The logic makes sense in his head.
Your voice carries over to Namjoon, telling him that you’ll be picking Seokjin, Jimin and Hoseok up in the morning with the rental car.
“Hey, if Taehyung is arriving at the same time, do you want me to pick him up?” You ask, turning your gaze to Jungkook.
“Huh?” Jungkook asks. You roll your eyes.
“Taehyung. If he arrives at the same time as Jin, Jimin and Hoseok, do you want me to pick him up?”
“Er,” Jungkook says eloquently, “He’s actually been here for the last week. Thanks, though.”
You want to say that Jin would cause a scene and whine at you if you didn’t pick him up from the airport, the prince that he is. But you keep it to yourself- after all, he’s somewhat of a boss to Jungkook and Sana. 
You nod in understanding and shove more noodles and meat into your mouth. You stretch your legs out in front of you and Jungkook doesn’t look away, instead allowing his eyes to rake over you shamelessly. Nevermind that Namjoon and Sana are right next to him, probably wondering why he’s staring you down so intensely.
The four of you spend the rest of the evening discussing your plans for the weekend, avoiding the topic of work altogether. It’s nice, you can almost believe that you’re all just four friends making a weekend getaway without the confines of work looming over your heads.
Namjoon offers to split the remaining food amongst the four of you and puts equal amounts of everything into each container for all of you to take back to your rooms.
And then Sana pours more wine for each of you and you feel yourself beginning to get more and more relaxed with each sip you take. You want to open your stitched together lips, tell them how it’s been so long since you’ve had alcohol with anyone who wasn’t Jin. You want to tell them that you like red wine more than white wine, but nothing beats soju-
“What’s your favorite kind of wine,” Jungkook asks. He comes to sit next to you on the floor, stretching his legs out. His shoulder brushes against yours and you feel something like electricity at the soft touch.
“Um… I like reds over white wine. But I haven’t had that many reds to say which kind is my favorite,” You muse.
“Guess we’ll have to try some more red wine, huh?” Jungkook says, his eyes sparkling and bunny smile on display. 
Your heart warms and sputters at the same time.
“Yeah,” You nod breathlessly, “What about you? What do you like?”
“I’m not picky. I don’t really like cabernet,” Jungkook scrunches his nose, “Too bitter for me.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” You giggle, unable to believe that such a noise is coming out of your mouth. Despite Sana and Namjoon having their own conversation on the other side of the room, it feels like it’s just you and Jungkook for a minute in your own bubble.
“I like a good chardonnay, too. Nice ‘n crisp.”
“Me too, I love that crisp taste of a good white wine,” You reply, unable to keep your eyes off of him for longer than a second. His cheeks and the tips of his ears are a pretty pink and you wonder if his cheeks are as warm as yours are.
“Thought you didn’t like white wine?” Jungkook murmurs, head tilting inquisitively. 
“I prefer red, but if there’s white wine in front of me, I mean,” You shrug, “It’s not like ‘m gonna say no.”
“Oh? We’ll have to test that out, too,” Jungkook smiles, “I like soju the best. Nothin’ beats soju.”
“Yeah, peach and green grape,” You say knowingly, “The only flavors with rights.”
“Exactly. You get me,” Jungkook nods with wide eyes. He asks you about Tokyo, if you come here often. You answer him somewhat vaguely, but tell him that you grew up reading, writing and speaking Japanese. He looks impressed by that and the fondness in the lines of his lips startles you.
You chalk it up to the romance of this city making you soft and pliant to his doe eyes and the warmth of his smile. He’s so easy to get lost in- you find yourself leaning closer to him to hear what he has to say about his own travel dreams. He wants to go to New York City and Bangkok and Athens- the way his eyes light up constricts around your heart.
Every part of him radiates warmth and you want to be draped by it. He says something that makes you smile and laugh, and you swat at his shoulder reflexively. Jungkook only looks at you in that way. The way that makes you feel like you’re the only person in the world. He’s good at that.
He has hearts and stars in his eyes for you and it makes you choke.
Maybe you had imagined it all because you remember where you are. You’re in your boss’s hotel room and he’s standing right there. Jungkook sees the spark in your eyes disappear immediately and you pull away just as quickly, as if the moment had never happened.
He won’t deny the sting, but you’re so easy to get lost in. The fog in his mind clears, and while it’s only been a few minutes that you’ve been alone. It feels like much longer. But Namjoon and Sana are still deep in conversation, his dimples on display and her smile bright.
You pull away but your dark eyes are still wide and focused on him, stars swirling in your irises and Jungkook thinks he might fall into this wonderfully brown abyss held in your pretty face. Finally, you move away from him on the floor, almost immediately missing his warmth. You look back at him as you move to get some water, the same curious look on your face.
Your face is burning, and you’re surprised you’re able to keep this cool for this long. The urge to bolt from Namjoon’s hotel room and back to your own is one that you have to fight. But instead, you stay planted where you are. Jungkook confuses you, you hardly even know him and you had let him get so close to you. It’s not something you usually do, but what unnerves you is how nice it felt. The closeness of him, his eyes on you and only you. Are you bothered by it? 
No, you realize. No. You quite liked it. You’re supposed to hate him- he represents everything you hate. A young kid, a boy, raising quickly through the ranks of your corporate world, while you grasp at straws. 
Does he? Does he represent everything you hate? What a load of bullshit.
You swallow again. You need to leave.
“Hey, Joon,” You say softly, touching his elbow, “I’m going to head out. It’s getting late and I’ve gotta head out early tomorrow.”
Jungkook’s heart drops. He’d made you so uncomfortable that you were abruptly cutting your night short. Because of him. He needs to make this right.
“I’ll walk with you,” The words tumble out of Jungkook’s mouth before he can stop them. His heart is pounding in his ears- he needs to apologize before you hate him even more.
“Okay,” You reply with a smile, “Here are your leftovers.”
“I’ll walk with you both,” Sana says, taking her bag.
With that, you say your goodbyes and leave Namjoon’s room to the elevators. Your head feels like static, a wave of thoughts congealing into something impenetrable. The doors ding shut, all three of you standing on opposite ends of the elevator. You can’t look at Jungkook, you can’t see his doe eyes. Not right now.
Sana calls your name, “Thanks for the food.”
“No problem, Sana,” You murmur, “See you tomorrow.”
And then it’s just you and Jungkook in the elevator. 
“I’m sorry,” Jungkook says immediately, “I made you uncomfortable. I’m sorry. If you don’t wanna talk to me outside of work, I get it-”
“What?” You ask, finally looking at him. You take a step forward, close enough to him that you’re in his orbit. “You didn’t… You didn’t make me uncomfortable, Jungkook. I would have told you if you did. You just… confuse me.”
The last bit comes out as a vulnerable whisper and all Jungkook can do is nod. 
“Goodnight, Jungkook,” You say clearly, casting him a look over your shoulder as you exit the elevator. Your eyes are guarded once more, as if the night hadn’t happened. As if he hadn’t fallen for you even further. You wash him away from your bloodstream quickly and Jungkook feels his heart aching once more.
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By the time you pick up Jin, Jimin, and Hoseok from the airport and arrive at the hotel, it’s nearly noon. The car ride back was fun, dare you say it. It amazed you how Jin still remained close in contact with people you went to college with. It felt natural, talking to Jimin and Hoseok. As if years hadn’t gone by.
They were hot, and that was your first assessment when you had met them at the airport. Jimin and Hoseok had both embraced you in tight hugs, without any regard for whether you wanted one or not. You found that you didn’t really mind.
You didn’t know how you were going to survive this weekend surrounded by these many attractive people. 
“We should celebrate. For this reunion,” Hoseok says.
“Jungkook is here, too,” You reply, “A great big university reunion right here in Tokyo, huh?”
“Oh, yeah. I keep forgetting you guys work together now,” Jimin says.
“Wait, you guys are friends still?” You ask.
“Why wouldn’t we be?” Jimin says, genuine confusion in the handsome planes of his face.
You suppose everyone else is better at making and maintaining friendships than you are. It stings a little, having so many people from university in the same place. In the city that already holds so many memories for you. But you’ll embrace it, because that’s what you’ve been working on. Embracing change.
And of course, what was a boys weekend without a night out at the club? Jin had all but demanded that you come, in true dramatic fashion- I can’t go out without you, you know. I can’t believe you’re considering leaving me like this. I’ll die there without you.
It didn’t take much from you to roll your eyes but agree and tell him that you were inviting Sana.
“Go pregame and get ready with your boys,” You had urged him, “It’s so rare you all are together like this. I’ll catch up with you later.”
“Are you sure?” Jin asked with uncertainty and you had only smiled warmly at him. 
“Yes, Seokjin. I’m sure. I’ll be crashing the party soon, don’t worry,” You reassured him and he left your hotel room. He promised to text you when to come and you just nodded, shooing him away.
That had been nearly two hours ago, and you’re putting the finishing touches on your makeup with Sana getting ready in the bathroom. Music is playing through your phone and once you’re done with your lip gloss, you make drinks and prepare shots for you and Sana.
“You’ve gotta tell me how you’re friends with so many hot men,” Sana says, taking a seat on the bed.
You scoff, “I’m really only friends with Jin. The rest of them come with Jin, we’re hardly friends.”
“Oh?” Sana asks with a skeptical raise of her eyebrow, “You all went to school together, right?”
“Yeah… Something like that,” You say lightly, “Jin kept in touch with all of them. I didn’t.”
You leave it at that and Sana knows not to press further.
“They’re all nice guys. I always had fun with them,” You say fondly, “You will, too.”
“Cheers to that,” Sana grins, “We look hot. Let’s take a picture.”
“Should we send it to our boss,” You roll your eyes.
“Yeah, that would send him off the deep end. He’d be here in five seconds, dragging us out by our ears,” Sana rolls her eyes as well with a laugh.
You try your best to make Sana feel as comfortable as she can with you. At least so that she’s comfortable when you go meet up with the guys later. You know it can be intimidating being around people who are so close, but they’ve always been welcoming.
It begs the question- why did you let them all go?
You don’t have time to unpack all of that. By the time Jin texts you, telling you to come to his suite on the eighteenth floor, you and Sana are three drinks and two shots in.
You’ve drank more in the last two days than you have in the last year alone. At least that’s what it feels like. 
You make sure to take your hotel card, phone and wallet and ensure that Sana does as well. Giggles erupt from the both of you when you enter the elevator, and excitement thrums in your veins. The liquid courage bouncing around in your veins makes you feel relaxed and you tug Sana’s hand out of the elevator once the steel doors open.
You text Jin from outside his door, you can already hear the loud peals of laughter and the beat of music through the walls. You wonder if they’ve gotten any noise complaints yet, but probably not- his room is the only one on this side of the hotel. He probably did this on purpose.
When he doesn’t answer your text, you decide to knock obnoxiously and Sana giggles at your impatience. On your fifth knock, the door swings open and you see Jin’s tipsy face complete with reddened cheeks and his broad smile. 
He hugs you like he hasn’t seen you in years, he even lifts you off of the ground a little bit. Your heart flutters with affection for him as you whine for him to put you down.
“Jin!” You shriek, “At least go inside, dummy- stop embarrassing me-”
He finally puts you down and holds you by the shoulders to take you in. His eyes are sharp and he says nothing as he assesses your outfit, apparently deeming you as acceptable as he waves you inside. He says hello to Sana, who returns his mellowed out hug graciously.
Jin hands you both full cups, and you trust Jin enough to know it’s a yummy but strong drink. You grip your cup tighter and allow Sana to go in front of you. The last thing you want is for her to feel left out, so you want the guys to be introduced to her first.
Besides, they all already knew you.
Jin does the introductions quickly, the guys all warming up to Sana and bringing her in for hugs as well. Her cheeks are flushed, and you knew she’d feel flustered. They’re intense in their friendliness and it would make anyone feel flustered and warm.
And then their eyes land on you and you wish you could melt into the floor. Six pairs of eyes stare back at you- apparently Yoongi had also decided to come as well. 
College reunion indeed.
You stay close to Jin, offering them a weak wave of your fingers and a smile. 
“Hello boys,” You say dramatically,  “Long time no see.”
“Jin’s been hiding you all to himself, hasn’t he?” Jimin says, not bothering to hide the way he’s looking at you. And you don’t mind, not really- you know you look good.
“I just saw you this morning. When I picked your sorry ass up from the airport,” You reply and Jimin pouts at you as everyone around you laughs at his expense. 
“Still so mean,” Jimin murmurs and you roll your eyes.
And with that, alcohol continues to flow as the chatter continues on.
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You cast another glance to Sana, making sure she’s not by herself. You relax when you see her talking to Yoongi and Hoseok, smiling to yourself at how quickly she takes to them.
“Hey pretty,” Jimin says, seeing you near the alcohol and joining you.
“Hey you,” You parrot back and he smiles at you in that sweet, disarming way, “Want a drink?”
“You always made the best drinks,” Jimin says, handing his cup over to you. You ignore the way your chest tightens at his use of past tense.
“Maybe you just never knew how to make drinks,” You murmur, “Probably still don’t, huh?”
Jimin laughs lightly at that as a silence falls between you both. “You look good,” Jimin exhales, “You doin’ alright?”
You never know what to say to that. “Yeah. You look good, Jimin. You doin’ alright?” 
“Yeah. I’m still in Seoul at the dance school. Don’t be such a stranger,” Jimin murmurs and before you can protest, he pokes your forehead affectionately. 
“You’ll ruin my makeup,” You complain but give him a small smile, “Jimin. ‘M glad to see you. All of you.”
Jimin looks like he wants to say something more. But he bites his tongue. This isn’t the place to pick a petty fight, so he lets it go. Jungkook approaches you both, resting his arm on Jimin’s shoulder. Jimin groans dramatically and Jungkook only offers him a smile and a giggle.
“Cup’s empty,” Jungkook says, wiggling his cup to both of you, “Stop hoggin’ the alcohol.”
“Blame Jimin. Everything’s his fault,” You tease and Jimin rolls his eyes at you both.
“It is, isn’t it?” Jungkook grins and Jimin slips out from under Jungkook with another roll of his eyes. “Hey, you met Taehyung yet? My roommate? You ‘member him?”
His eyes are slick with alcohol, and yet they still sparkle at you like you hold all of the answers to the universe in them. He has this way of making you feel like you’re the only person in the world. It unnerves you, like many things about him do.
“No, where is he?”
Jungkook shouts for Taehyung to join him and you wince. All of a sudden his sandy haired roommate pops up from the direction of the living area and joins you at the drinks table. He looks a far cry from the boy you had driven home that night many years ago.
You knew being in the presence of so many attractive people was going to kill all of your brain cells by the end of the night.
Taehyung calls your name and nerves seize you inexplicably. 
“You remember me?” The words escape your lips before your brain has a chance to stop them.
“Course I do? The pretty girl who saved Kook and I at that one bar that I’m still banned from?” Taehyung grins, his eyes sweet and sincere.
“Jin was with me too, don’t forget him,” You say dryly, “Nice to see you again after all this time. And you’re Jungkook’s roommate?”
“Unfortunately,” Jungkook chimes in, earning him a laugh from you.
Taehyung is magnetic when he speaks to you, honey dripping from his tongue as he tells you about his journey as an aspiring art museum curator. Passion lights up his dark irises, his smile matching the intensity of it and you’re certain he has this effect on everyone he speaks to. They’re both so close to you, in your bubble and the scent of their cologne wafts into your nose. 
You drink more. You don’t know how to cope with all of this. So you drink.
Jungkook tells you that they’ve been roommates all through graduate school and they had recently moved into a new, bigger place. Now that they were both making a little more money. You find yourself benignly jealous of the life they live- two close friends living together and living for these kinds of nights with their other close friends. The bond they built and strengthened over the years is obvious in the way Taehyung holds Jungkook close, the way Hoseok lights up the entire room and makes everyone smile just because he’s smiling, the way Yoongi and Jimin bicker like an old married couple… Namjoon has already slotted himself within the group. Jin probably introduced him to them a while back, you realize.
Jungkook excuses himself to use the bathroom, leaving his cup next to Taehyung on the table. Taehyung’s gaze makes you nervous- the shift in his eyes is apparent as he lazily rakes his eyes over you.
“Kook told me he was workin’ with you again,” Taehyung murmurs, “What he didn’t tell me was how pretty you are.”
“What a line,” You say flatly and roll your eyes. To your surprise, he laughs, his smile making you smile as well.
“Just bein’ honest,” Taehyung shrugs, “‘Snot everyday you see our hot grad school girl after five years.”
“You’re full of it,” You roll your eyes, shoving his shoulder playfully, “‘Our?’”
“Jungkook was-” Taehyung starts but he’s interrupted by the man himself. Jungkook was what?
“You talkin’ about me?” Jungkook says, elbowing Taehyung. Taehyung only shakes his head and hands him his cup, before excusing himself. He throws you another charming smile and if you weren’t so on edge, your knees might have buckled.
“A pain in the ass?” Jungkook supplies, “Yeah.”
“No, I was gonna say he’s interesting,” You laugh. A short silence settles between you both, giving you a moment to really take him in. You itch your chin nervously before pushing your lips to the rim of your cup and watching him.
You’ve always known that Jungkook was somehow handsome, sexy and cute all at the same time- wide, doe eyes, pinchable cheeks, pretty smile, and then his body… His thighs strain against the tight material of his pants and you’re certain it’s deliberate. His button up shirt is loose but still molds to his muscles in that way where it leaves you wanting more. His shirt is buttoned at the elbow, giving you a peek to the smattering of tattoos on his forearm. His dark hair is parted in the middle, all soft and shiny, and a little long. It settles over his forehead, almost in his eyes, effortlessly. Two hoops in each ear glint in your direction and you swallow nervously.
Jungkook catches you looking at his tattoos- how ironic, considering he’s doing the same of you. The satin black top you’re wearing has a plunging neckline, giving him a view of the tattoos stemming from your upper arm to your clavicle.
It also offers him a teasing hint of your bare chest where if you turn to the side just a little, he catches a glimpse of even more. It makes him swallow, just as nervous as you. The top itself is loose, only cinched a little at the waist but your pants are tight, your strappy heels adding even more dimension to your legs.
You nervously twist the layering of gold necklaces around your neck. Jungkook has always thought you were beautiful, but he’s never seen you like this. Not even when he knew you years ago.
“Your cup’s empty again,” You laugh nervously, offering to make him another drink. You don’t know what to do with your hands, wanting to keep busy.
“Oh,” Jungkook breathes, “Yeah.”
He tries to keep his eyes on your hands, really he does. But you bend forward just a little and his eyes immediately flit to your plentiful chest. 
Jungkook thinks he might die, and what a way to go.
You pull away from the table, handing him his drink and he thanks you quietly. Jungkook ignores the way your eyes shine curiously at him, and he buries himself in the confusion fuzzing up his mind.
Jin, to your relief, pulls you away from Jungkook before you can do something incredibly stupid. Like let him burst through your carefully structured walls even further than he already has.
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Typically, clubs are not your favorite place to be. The intense crowd, the neon lights, the smoke… It’s all over the top. Usually, you can’t even hear yourself think over the music. Though, you don’t mind the sense of anonymity in such a crowded place. Besides, you’ve heard great things about IBEX, so you’re curious about it.
It’s a huge place, easy for everyone to split up, but still small enough that you can easily find your group. You urge Sana to go have fun with the guys as you order a round of drinks for everyone. As one of the oldest of your friends, you felt that sense of responsibility for them. Even if you hadn’t called them friends in years.
You signal them over once the drinks are ready, catching Namjoon’s eye and beckoning him over. They slowly begin to surround you, shouting thank you’s over the music. Jimin slings his arm around your shoulders as if it’s nothing. As if he’s known you for all this time.
It makes you feel warm. He gazes at you with crescent eyes and a full smile. It makes your heart thump heavily in your chest.
“Cheers,” Jimin says, tearing his eyes away from you and towards the group. His toast elicits a sequence of ‘cheers’ from everyone. You scan across all of them before your eyes inevitably land on Jungkook. He’s looking at you with a smile, the kind of smile that makes you wonder if it’s a smile only for your eyes.
Your smile matches his in intensity, neither of you pulling your gazes away. Until Jin pulls you away from Jimin, exclaiming that he needs to dance with you. His best friend.
The moment passes, and you make sure Sana is okay. She’s conversing with Yoongi now, and he’s laughing at something she’s saying. It makes you feel warm. Again.
You allow the music to pump through your veins as laughter bubbles from your lips freely at Jin’s antics. You entertain him, copying his coordinated movements with his same enthusiasm. You can tell he’s drunk, from the fiery flush in his cheeks and the tips of his ears. He abruptly pulls you close to him for a tight hug and holds your face in his hands.
“Jin,” You giggle, “What you doin’?”
“I love you,” Jin giggles, “Y’r my best friend, ‘n I love you.” He always got like this when you were drunk, so affectionate. You wonder how he knows exactly what you need to hear, when you need to hear it.
“Can’t wait for you t’meet Yuna when we get home,” Jin slurs.
“I’m excited, too-”
“She’s nervous y’know,” Jin continues as if you hadn’t said anything, “Knows y’r my best friend.”
“Jin,” You exhale, “Even if she doesn’t like me, you clearly like her. I shouldn’t matter-”
“No,” Jin says sharply, “Why d’you think you don’t matter? You matter to me.”
“Stop it,” He silences you and you comply with a sigh. 
“She doesn’t have to be nervous around me,” You finally say.
“You can be a little scary when you want to be,” He teases.
“That’s exactly how I want to be known,” You scoff and Jin laughs, swaying with you offbeat to the music. You stand with Jin like that for a few minutes, sipping on your drink and giggling at his antics.
“Seokjin,” You murmur, voice a little shaky, “I never say it but… I-I love you. So much. You’re my best friend and my rock. I don’t know who I’d be without you-”
“You’d be you,” Jin says without missing a beat, “You’d be scary, intense, kind, genuine, petty, funny and beautiful with or without me, sweetheart.”
Jin sees wetness in your eyes and pulls you in for another hug. “None of that,” Jin murmurs, “Hey, let’s take a picture ‘n send it to Grandma. She’ll get a kick out of that.”
You stand in Jin’s arms, in the crowd of people surrounding you and not paying attention to you. Despite the throng of people around you, it feels like it’s just you and Jin, and your friends in the club.
“Let’s get back to our friends,” You say, “They probably think we’re making out-”
“You would be so lucky,” Jin scoffs, “Only Yuna gets this handsome face.” You pinch his cheeks affectionately and coo at him.
“Hey, by the way,” Jin says, “Not to be totally unprofessional here. But I’m pretty sure Jeon Jungkook has the hots for you. Kid won’t stop lookin’ at you. Not that I can blame him, I mean look at your tits.”
With that statement, Jin walks away from you, leaving you confused and curious- two words becoming increasingly common with your thoughts of Jeon Jungkook.
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“Hey pretty,” comes a sweet voice to your right side. You already know it’s Jimin before you meet his sincere eyes.
“Hey you,” You reply, “Wanna dance? We used to always be in sync.”
If Jimin is surprised he doesn’t show it. He only takes your drink and finishes it, placing it on a high table near you. He walks behind you, a hand on the small of your back as you weave through the crowd easily. Bodies push back into you but you only dance along with them to move past. Jimin pulls you closer to him once he finds a spot, pulling you into his side. He turns you so that you’re facing him, the lights of the club illuminating the sheen of his lips and the shine in his eyes. You push a stray strand of his silver hair back behind his ear.
“I meant it you know,” Jimin murmurs, for your ears only, “You look good.” You lean into him at his praise, a hand on his chest. Your nails press into the soft material of his dress shirt and he tightens his grip around your waist, thumbs rubbing circles. 
“You do, too,” You reply easily, “You always did.”
Jimin scoffs but you look at him earnestly. “I mean it,” You say with a smirk, mimicking his words. He says nothing, only holds you and rolls his hips into yours to the beat of the music. He watches you carefully, trying to gauge your reaction. You snake a hand to the base of his neck and lightly scratch as he presses his nose to your neck. You’re lucky he’s holding you tight- you’re certain you’re knees would buckle if it weren’t for him.
It’s been years since anyone danced with you like this. You let out a soft sound into his skin and Jimin groans, pressing his hips into yours even more slowly if possible.
“Why’d you leave,” Jimin breathes into your skin, “Missed you. Missed my friend.”
“I was a mess,” You mutter, “I’m still a mess.”
“You’re here now?” He asks, looking at you with big eyes. Jimin cups your face tenderly, and you’re not sure how many of these kind touches you can take for one night.
“Yeah,” You say faintly, “I just… couldn’t. I still can’t.”
You won’t apologize for mending your own cracks the way you needed to. And Jimin knows that. “Don’t be a stranger,” Jimin says and pulls you in for a hug.
“Jimin,” You mumble, “I missed you, too.”
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Barely stifling a yawn, you look around for your group. They’re all within eyesight of you- Sana and Yoongi were still engrossed in conversation with each other, Namjoon with Jin, Hoseok and Jimin and Taehyung with Jungkook. Taehyung casts a look over to you and immediately whispers to Jungkook. It shouldn’t surprise you that they both saunter over to you, standing on either side of you. Taehyung wraps an arm around your shoulders and leans against you as if you’re old friends. At this angle, you can see the expanse of his tanned, golden skin since the top few buttons of his shirt are popped.
“See somethin’ you like?” Taehyung asks coyly with a wink.
“No, just wondering why you’re wearing tinted aviators inside,” You mutter, pointing at him, “You look like an asshole.”
Taehyung laughs, throwing his head back good-naturedly, “You clearly don’t know fashion. You must think you’re hilarious.”
Before you can retort, a yawn overtakes you. “Are we boring you?” Jungkook teases.
“No, ‘m just tired,” You blink to force yourself to stop yawning, “Hey, you guys wanna get ice cream?”
“Yes,” Jungkook says instantly.
Taehyung nearly snorts but agrees. By the time you and Jungkook say your goodbyes, and you ask for the tenth time if Sana wants to come with you (she declines, opting to stay with Yoongi), Taehyung is nowhere to be found. Jungkook rolls his eyes, his phone vibrating with a text from him-
taehyung: you’re welcome 
“Tae’s not coming,” Jungkook says slowly, wondering if you might change your mind if it’s just you two getting ice cream.
You shrug, “His loss. I know a great place.”
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Taking Jungkook to one of your favorite ice cream places that you used to come with Appa to feels intimate. But it feels right and you’re not bothered by it. Once you buy your respective cones (you pay for both before Jungkook can even fumble for his card), you head back outside for a short walk towards the hotel.
The ice cream place itself was close to the hotel, though you had to Uber here from the club. It’s a nice night for a walk, a little chilly but not uncomfortably so. You and Jungkook fall into an easy conversation, talking about the silliness of your shared friends.
He looks nice under the moonlight, you decide. A light breeze lifts his hair up briefly before it flawlessly settles over his forehead.
“I can’t keep up with you,” Jungkook whispers, his words carrying into the night air.
“What do you mean?” Your heart picks up immediately at the anguish in his tone. The air between both of you shifts immediately. What was easy becomes hardened, the space between suffocating you. You can physically see him pulling away from you. Months, or maybe years, of frustration seems to be coming to a head right here. Right near your favorite ice cream shop.
“One sec you hate me. The next, you’re asking me to get ice cream with you,” Jungkook says, something familiar and icy curling in his brown irises. It always looks so off-putting, the callousness in his eyes. It seems to be directed at you so often these days.
“I don’t hate you-”
“You avoided me for 2 and a half months. You’re only talking to me now because you have to!”
“That’s not true-”
“Oh, really? You telling me that you the last two and a half months was all in my head?”
You stay quiet, because he’s not wrong.
“That’s what I thought,” Jungkook says to himself, tearing his eyes from you. The cold look in his eyes has returned and it makes your heart ache. He can’t look at you like that, you can hardly bear it.
“I’m fucked up, I get it. Don’t think I don’t get it-”
“You left. Without a goodbye and now fuckin’ five years later- my dream girl’s my colleague and she hates me.”
A sudden, chilling epiphany douses you- he has no idea why you left. You know him well enough to know that he’ll feel awful once you tell him. Apparently none of his friends had told him. Maybe they thought it was your story to tell. It’s not much of a story, not really. It’s the story of a heartbroken girl with commitment issues.
Your face drops. Maybe he’s hurting you the same way you hurt him. But it changes nothing.
“You can’t even look at me now!”
“You listen to me, Jungkook,” You hiss, “I’m not your dream girl. I’m nobody’s dream girl, so let’s get that straight. I’m awful a-and terrible and mean- and… 
“My dad died,” You finally whisper, “Appa died and I couldn’t handle grad school so I dropped out. Dropped off the face of the earth. Got the first job I could, for Grandma and me. 
“I fuckin’ dropped out, my daddy died and I can’t look at you sometimes because it fuckin’ reminds me of when I was happy and I can’t chase that feeling because I don’t know what it feels like anymore!”
Jungkook’s eyes are wide, pretty pink lips parted in speechlessness. Fuck. You’ve ruined any chance at friendship with him, you know that. So you bury the dagger even further in whatever this is and you turn on your heel and run. Because that’s all you’re good at. Running. Your eyes are blurry with freely falling tears and the sound of your own heaving sobs are loud in your ears. 
You leave your heart out on the streets of Tokyo, near your favorite ice cream shop but you don’t even hear the sound of Jungkook chasing after you.
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polygamousstan · 4 years
I’m a Monster- Draco Malfoy
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Prompt: A year after the Hogwarts Battle, Draco still wonders why you’ve decided to stay with him, the nightmares getting worst for him...
*Y/H/H: your Hogwarts House
Since the Battle of Hogwarts, a lot of things have changed for a lot of people.
Harry could finally live a normal life, Ron lost his brother, a lot of people have lost many loved ones but that hasn’t stopped them from moving forward, even with the pain that they have to hold on to for the rest of lives.
The Battle has affected everyone, some more than others.
Draco hasn’t been able to recover from it.
Since that day, he has been a changed man, his happiness disappearing when he became a Death Eater, since he was forced to choose the Dark Lord’s side and become one of his minions.
Being a Malfoy has a lot of qualities, he had a big mansion, a family that would have done anything to protect their son, even if it meant following the Dark Lord, the Malfoys intention was to protect one another, no matter the consequences, even if it meant betraying certain people.
That’s how I felt when we entered our sixth year at Hogwarts.
That year, Draco had barely written to me over the summer, worrying me while I sent out letters but he never responded so I hoped that all of that would change when we went back to school. Sadly, I was wrong.
I tried talking to him, sending him notes, waiting for him after Quidditch practice but I would fail everytime, wishing that he would at least give me an explanation until I finally got one, they day Harry and Draco fought in the bathroom, Harry leaving Draco on the ground, water and blood surrounding him.
When Professor Snape came to see to tell me about Draco, I ran to the infirmary, even though we were in a tough spot, I still loved him.
When I got to the infirmary, Draco was awake, surrounded by Pansy Parkinson, she was laughing, her hand on Draco’s arm:
“Pansy, can talk to Draco please, alone ?” I asked, anger seeping through my voice as she started leaving with a smile on her face.
“Draco, are you alright?” I will never forget what he did, he turned around, ignoring me, as if I wasn’t in the room.
Anger boiled inside of me, rage finally coming out of me:
“Draco Lucius Malfoy, I’m fed up of you acting this way towards me, I don’t know what I have done for you to act this way but I’m tired of fighting for us, I don’t even know if there’s an us any...” I will always remember, my breath hitched in  my throat when I saw it, the Dark Mark on his arm:
“Draco, what...” that day I felt like I had lost someone, that I was mourning over someone’s death. I remember Draco telling me that he would never be like his father and that he would fight, but he didn’t go through his wishes.
He put his arm down and started sobbing, that’s when I knew that it was over.
Dumbledore died that year, under the hand of Professor Snape and that year everything changed, Hogwarts was held by the Death Eaters, certain students deciding to go back to school but not us.
We all stayed at the Burrow during the summer, preparing for Bill and Fleur’s wedding but things didn’t go to plan when a message from the Order was sent and that everything unravel.
We traveled far and wide to find the last horcruxes left and when we did, we went back to Hogwarts, hoping to find the last two horcuxes.
That night, when we went back to Hogwarts, Draco tried to convince me to leave but I couldn’t leave the people I love behind.
We all lost loved one that night and I knew that I had lost Draco to the dark side that night until a few months later when we met again.
We had a good timme together, talking about our future and all.
We decided to try again, everything being so different now since the Dark Lord died, we thought, why not.
At first, we were happy, in love but then, it all changed.
Draco started having nightmares, the guilt clearly gnawing at him but one night, it was bad...
Draco’s POV:
“Draco, come with us, darling” my mother said to me, holding her hand out
I look around, feeling them staring at me, observing me, wondering if I will go to her or not when I see Y/N.
Her face covered in bruises, her wand in her hand, her clothes ripped, her hair dishevelled, her eyes showing sadness and pain, pain that I had caused when I took my distances from her, when I showed her the dark mark on my arm.
“Draco, listen to your mother, it’s the right thing to do, unless you want to die like these muggle lovers ” the Dark Lord adresses me, a smile on his face, staring at me
“Draco, don’t do it” I turn around, Y/N talking to me 
“You said you wanted to be different, to be better, you never wanted to take this road, you are a good person Draco Malfoy, I know that” she finishes
I smile at her, taking her hand in mine:
“Very well then, I will take the thing that you love the most” the Dark Lord says, looking straight at Y/N
“Wait, I-”
“Avada Kedavra !”
My eyes open suddenly, panting while I look around, finding myself in bed, Y/N beside me, peacefully sleeping, her breath slow and calm.
I wipe my forehead, sweat beading all over my body.
I get out of bed, putting on a shirt and heading to the balcony, my eyes wide awake.
The fresh air hits me, chills creeping up on me as I turn back, knowing that Y/N is still here, still alive and that it was all a dream, a nightmare, really.
I sit in a chair, rubbing my eyes and head, tears rolling down my cheeks.
I almost lost her during the Battle, I decided that day to leave her behind and she still loves me to this day.
I don’t deserve her, I really don’t deserve her:
“Draco, darling ?” I wipe my tears, lifitng my head up to find Y/N leaning against the window frame, wearing shorts, a tank top and covering herself with a light scarf:
“You had a nightmare again ?” she asks, concern appearing on her sweet face
I don’t say anything as I hear her move closer to me, taking my hands in hers as she sits on my lap, my head lying on her chest while she strokes my hair:
“Y/N” I say 
“Yes my love ?” she asks
“Why are we together ?”
“Because I love you” she replies 
I lift her up and put her on the chair as I stand up, approaching the balcony and leaning on the rail
“You should’nt love me,  I betrayed you, I lied to you , I ignored you, I hurt you, I joined my parents when I promised myself that I would never do such a thing, that I would never become like my parents and yet I didn’t, I broke my promise to you by not doing so, I had to kill people that I know, some that I had appreciated at the time but it was my duty. I’m a coward...”
I take a slight pause, taking a deep breath in:
“I’m a monster...” I whisper the end of my sentence, tears rolling down my cheeks once again, my head in between my hands.
I hear Y/N move out of the chair, her light footsteps coming closer when I feel her arms around me, making me jump of surprise but also making me tense. She puts her hands on my shoulder, rubbing them, making me relax:
“Draco, I can’t stop myself from loving you, I have always loved you and I always will. I know that you had a different mindset about the Dark Side but you did what to had to do to protect yourself and the people you love. You did hurt me Draco but we were kids, we didn’t know what to do or how to feel, we didn’t know what was going to happen and at which degree. You aren’t a monster Draco, I know you, you are kind, smart, gentle but you hide yourself by being mean to everyone. It’s not too late to change that Draco, we have our whole lives ahead of ourselves...” she ends her phrase, turning me around to face her 
“I have loved you since third year and I thought to myself, he would never go for someone like me, a half-blood witch from *Y/H/H but when we would sneak off and meet at the astronomy tower late at night, I knew in those moments that I would always love you no matter what. What happened Draco is in the past, we’ve all done bad things in the past but you can change that in the future by not making the same mistakes. You are a good man Draco, you just need to forgive your past self, move on and become someone better, it takes time but I’m not going anywhere.” 
A tear falls on her face but a smile reigns on her face,  her eyes shining.
“I really don’t deserve you, princess. I love you” her forehead against mine, I graze her lips, kissing her longingly, with passion to prove to her how much I love her. 
“I love you too, darling. Shall we go back to bed, we start early tomorrow” she says, a yawn cutting her sentence
I take her hand as she leads me back to the bed. I sit on the side, taking my shirt off and lying on my side, Y/N putting her head on my chest, her hand caressing my chest:
“I love you Draco, always and forever, like we promised”
“I love you too Y/N, always and forever my love” I say before falling in a deep slumber...
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quarantineddreamer · 4 years
If the World Was Ending 
I reached 500 followers today!!! 🤯 To celebrate here’s a one-shot I recently wrote inspired by the song If the World Was Ending by JP Saxe and Julia Michaels. It’s a Zutara song if I ever heard one -I simply could not get the idea out of my head to write a little something on it. Hope you enjoy, thank you so much for being here💙 (and if you’re not here for the Zutara, let me know what content you’re looking for and maybe I can rustle something up ✨).
P.S. There should also be another chapter of Element of Change posted this weekend!!! --- Best wishes, B 
The sun was rising over the Fire Nation capital, its light gradually gracing slanted rooftops, empty streets, and the face of the newly crowned Fire Lord.
Zuko breathed in the cool air of a new day and exhaled the stress of yet another night of meetings and paperwork. He set his hands on the stone of the balcony railing and surveyed the tranquil scene, still not quite able to believe it.
“How are you feeling, Fire Lord Zuko?” a voice called teasingly from behind him.
Just as the dawn warmed the land before him, so too, did the sound stir a similar reaction in his chest. As Katara came to stand beside him he turned to greet her with a weary smile. “I’m surprised to see you up,” he commented, well aware of her nocturnal propensities.  
She shrugged in reply. “Lots to do before we leave tomorrow. Including,” she bumped her shoulder against his playfully, “checking in on my patient. How are you feeling?”
“I’m exhausted,” he admitted, “but that has nothing to do with my injury.”
Katara frowned. “You should really be taking it easy. Getting lots of rest.”
“I can’t. Not yet. There’s too much to be done. Too many things that need to be set right.”
“Well, I can’t argue with that... Will you still have time to come to our farewell gathering later today?”
“I wouldn’t miss it for anything,” Zuko promised. He gestured to the room behind them. “Uncle has already set his tsungi horn inside and picked out the finest tea to serve.”
Her eyes crinkled in amusement as she laughed. “It’ll be nice to have some time, just us, to say good-bye…”
He knew what she meant, but he silently corrected her in his head anyways: not just us… The others would be there too. It wasn’t that Zuko didn’t want to see them, but it was dawning on him that this might be his last real moment alone with Katara before she returned to the Southern Water Tribe. And who knows when I’ll see her again… His weariness dissolved rapidly, the heaviness in his body replaced by apprehension that ran up and down his spine and tied knots in his stomach.
“Hellooooo, Zuko?” Katara waved a hand in front of his face and his attention returned to the present --though his heart still sank at the thought that tomorrow she would be waving at him for a different reason.
I thought I had more time… “I just --I can’t believe you leave tomorrow…”
The same melancholy that crept into his tone found its way to her words too as she said, “I can’t either…”
They stood in a heavy silence, listening to the faint echoes of a city coming to life below them, attempting to savor a bit of the peace they had fought so hard for. Zuko found it was more difficult than it had been a few moments ago. The weight of her impending departure was impossible to deny and the once dreamy picture of the city before him now seemed incomplete.
“I should get going…” Katara murmured, her eyes tracing the path of a bird in flight overhead.
‘No, you shouldn’t. Please don’t.’ Zuko wanted to say. His heart seemed to chant with each beat: Now or never, now or never, now or never…
He reached for her hand, then stared at it for a moment in surprise, unused to the impulsiveness he suddenly found guiding him --but what else was there to do when it felt there was no time left to waste? She was going to sail away... He couldn’t let her go without her knowing.
Katara carefully intertwined her fingers with his own. Her gaze lingered there before she lifted her head. There was longing in her expression and pain too. “Zuko…”
“Wait,” he said in a strained voice. “Just wait… Don’t. Don’t say it.” Because it felt like she had been about to say good-bye and he didn’t want that. He wanted… he wanted…
He wanted to kiss her, had wanted to for a while, but the moment had never seemed right, he had always let the inclination pass. They had just ended a war. He had nearly died. Then he had become Fire Lord, and there were so many duties for them both to attend to, and now… Now she was standing right in front of him as she had so many times before, and might not again for he didn’t know how long, and he wanted, more than anything, to kiss her.  
Zuko leaned closer till his nose touched hers, till her exhales became his inhales, and he could smell the warmth of her skin, see the flutter of her eyelashes as she hesitated before finally shutting her eyes and sinking into his touch.
She tasted salty and sweet all at once and her lips were soft, but insistent as they pressed against his own. He wrapped his arms around her and gathered her closer, closer, till he could feel her heart hammering in time with his own, till it felt like they shared one body, one ridiculously happy soul.
Her hands rose to his chest and tangled in the silk of his crimson robes for one desperate moment, before she pulled away, breathless and… shaking her head.
“Katara, what’s wrong?” Zuko cupped her cheek in his hand. His palm grew damp from her tears.
When she looked up he could see them streaming down her face turned gold by the morning light. “Zuko, we can’t do this. I know you know that.”
He did know. He had thought about it all before, everytime the urge to act on his feelings had risen he had resisted only because he was aware of the consequences of them. Of all the impossible things Zuko had done: finding the Avatar, facing his father, ending a war, the path that lay before him seemed the most insurmountable, because yes, she was right, but he didn’t want her to be…
The politics of it would be complicated -- several of his advisors would take issue with the Fire Lord being romantically connected to a Southern Water Tribe ambassador. No matter that he couldn’t care less what they thought, it would still get in the way of the work that needed to be done. They would accuse him of being partial when negotiating, of clouded judgement. Time would be wasted arguing the dynamics of his relationship instead of focusing on the way forward to a better world.
She spoke again, as though reading his mind. “My people need me and so do yours…”
One specific person came to mind, who Zuko knew relied on and loved her very much. “Aang… He’s forgiven me for a lot, but… I don’t think he’d forgive me for this.” Zuko looked down at where her fingertips stuck loosely to his own, not yet ready to separate. He lamented the loss of what was right in front of him.
“We just weren’t-” Katara’s voice broke and she inhaled shakily before continuing. “We weren’t meant for each other.” Her face told a story that contradicted her words. Her face said she felt the same as he did --that they were connected in ways that were indescribable, as deep and powerful as the love between moon and sun.
Still, she pulled her hand away from his and stepped backwards and Zuko felt a piece of himself fall away with her...
Later that day the sky would be pink and purple where it had been blue and gold. He would turn away from the friends gathered to seek fresh air, and he would see her standing where they had stood that morning, receiving a kiss from the Avatar --the sun setting behind them.
There were letters exchanged over the next few years, but writing them felt like playing a part in a play. It was make-believe, a well-practiced lie.
Zuko found that the white spaces on a page were blinding. For every word he wrote there were infinitely more he wanted to add -- shattered, wish, missing, love…
He thought he might develop a tolerance for the pain of exchanging such mundane and careful sentences with her, instead, he eventually figured out it was simpler to say nothing at all than to bear the burden of holding back what went unspoken.
It was easier then, when the communication at last died out, to let her go…
It was sometime in his third year as Fire Lord that an assassin nearly succeeded in ending his reign.
The poison raced through his veins like lava, setting his skin on fire from the inside out, pulling at his muscles like strings of a puppet, but it was not the physical agony that tortured him the most.
It was the closest he had come to death since the Agni Kai and he had not spoken to Katara in nearly a year. The last time the world had been ending she had been by his side, facing it with him…
All the reasons not to be together, all the fear… They were irrelevant when paired with the regret he had for everything that could have been. He was dying --and what did it matter now what might have gone wrong, when in the final hour the only mistake that mattered was that they had said good-bye.
Zuko opened his eyes to blue.
He was certain that the spirit world had chosen the color most calming to him to help ease his transition into the afterlife.
Then the blur began to draw into focus…
He sat up so fast the room spun and her form became distorted again.
“Hey, take it easy… How are you feeling, Fire Lord Zuko?” Katara’s face had lost some of the roundness of youth, but her voice remained the same and Zuko marveled at the wonder of hearing it again after so many years.
He gave her cheek a gentle stroke to ensure it was not a dream. She smiled at the touch and his heart hiccuped at the sight. “I’m so happy to see you,” he breathed.
“Your uncle said you gave him quite the scare…”
“Uncle?… You mean you didn’t know?”
She shook her head. “No, I just got here. I didn’t realize you had been sick…”
“I assumed someone sent for a healer --the Fire Lord deserves the best, right?”
Katara rolled her eyes at his teasing, but when she spoke again her voice was serious, “That’s not why I came here.”
“Then why?”
She shut her eyes, took a deep breath and slowly released it. When she opened them again her hand had reached for his. “I almost died... I was traveling with Aang and Toph and one day I decided to go for supplies while they made camp. I was surprised by some bandits. Not a big deal for a waterbender normally --except the only scratch they managed to land on me came from a poisoned arrow. By the time I realized what was happening it was almost too late… I got lucky.”
“It was the same for me…”
“Right,” she nodded, glancing at the damp rag on his bedside table --a remnant from the battle he had fought against the poison’s fever.
“So, you came here for help? We need to track down the bandits? Do they have Aang and Toph?!” The questions tumbled one after the other until Zuko had worked himself into such a state of concern he was preparing to leave the bed right that moment and gather all the resources at his disposal to assist.
“Zuko, no, no, it’s not that. Aang and Toph are fine.” She steadied him with a hand to his shoulder.
“Katara… I don’t…” He searched her eyes for answers, but the years had not erased the pain of the day on the balcony. “Why are you here?”
“Zuko… The world was about to end, I was going to die, and…” The words tumbled out. “And the only thing I thought of was that morning before I left. I thought I had figured out how to think about you --living your life- without it ripping my heart out, but I thought of you and I thought of dying without seeing you again and it hurt more than anything. We were wrong, we…”
He didn’t let her finish the sentence. He leaned back and pulled her on top of him, held her tightly and kissed her for all the times he hadn’t in the years since their good-bye --like the world was ending, and nothing else mattered.
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pinknerdpanda · 4 years
Word Count: 2,649
Characters: Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Language, feelings of abandonment and hopelessness (but it gets better!!)
SSB Square Filled: “The man on the bridge, who Was he?” (bolded and italicized below)
A/N: This was written for my beautiful Name Twin - @amanda-teaches​ Writer + Reader Challenge (prompt bolded below) and also @captain-rogers-beard​ Flex Your Writing Muscles Challenge (photo prompt in the title graphic is from 6/4). It also fulfills a square on my @star-spangled-bingo​ card. This began as something rather therapeutic for me, and it became a whole lot fuffier than I expected. So...yay?
Beta’d by: @shy-violet-soul​ who always encourages me and showers me with love, and @princessmisery666​ who has helped me with this fic in more ways than I can even describe. Everytime I hit a wall, she was there with help, support, love and ideas and I am so thankful for her. 
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It felt wrong.
The sunset was spectacular - fiery hues of crimson and amber evening kissing the brilliant blue of the fading day; ashen shades of violet and lavender the only evidence of their embrace. The last remnants of sunlight danced across the rippling surface of the water, painting the gentle waves in warmth as they lapped against the shoreline.
Salt hung heavy in the air as it whipped loose strands of hair around your face. The taste lingered on your tongue like a lovers’ kiss as you tried in vain to brush the wayward locks from your eyes. 
So wrong.
Soft laughter punctuated every dull crash of the tide upon the sand. You watched the dwindling groups of people hold onto what little remained of their peaceful beach day. Though as the warmth of the day vanished, so did the people.
Being here was supposed to be a homecoming; a celebration of the person you were and the life you’d lived. It should have been a gasp of oxygen after surfacing from a deep dive; sustaining, energizing and life-giving.
Instead, the tranquility of the scene before you only seemed to underscore the pain boiling deep behind your ribs. Even as the sky turned to ink and the stars blinked down at their reflection in the water, the anguish seared your lungs and stole your breath.
It was unsettlingly unexpected. 
A fresh wave of tears prickled the corners of your eyes and you clenched them shut in an attempt to keep them at bay. It might have worked, if you hadn't been immediately met with the vision of him behind your eyelids.
It wasn't his fault. Not really. But that didn't mean it didn't hurt like hell. Seeing him today - even from a distance - was like pouring salt on a wound. The elation on his face as he'd grinned up at the little girl perched on his shoulders felt like a dagger straight to the chest. 
The soft sound of bare feet on sand caught your attention. You sniffed, shifting to pull your knees up to your chest as the footsteps stopped beside you. 
"You want some company?"
The gruff voice was soft and despite wanting to hate your new companion for lacing his words with such obvious pity, you couldn't. Your pain had been dealt by hands less sure than his, so you shrugged instead. There was something warm and comforting in his presence and your soul cried out for more. The feeling multiplied exponentially as he dropped to the ground beside you, his knee grazing your thigh as he folded his legs underneath him. 
"'S'pretty here."
You nodded once, weakly. Even a broken heart couldn't make you think otherwise. Once upon a time this spot had been your own, personal oasis. Well, as much of one as a public beach could provide. But you didn't need much. Life had been simple, then. Now? Now, 'simple' sounded like a fairytale. Another on a long list of things you dreamt about, but didn't dare hope for.
“The man on the bridge,” Bucky began, his voice gentle. “Who was he?”
Brass tacks. It was one of the things you admired most about him; his ability to cut straight to the heart of the matter without poetry or pretense. It wasn’t a question borne out of irritation or obligation; instead patience and comfort reigned in his words. He could read body language and facial expressions better than 99% of the planet, but you knew even the other 1% could have plainly seen the pain in the heart so cruelly branded onto your sleeve. 
“This was,” you cleared your throat as best you could with your heart taking up space there. “I used to live here. I always wanted to live by the ocean, so when I lost my job due to budget cuts, I decided ‘what the hell?’. Packed up, cashed out my savings and started driving. As soon as I hit the city limits, it felt like home. Had a hell of a time finding a job, but I did eventually. I met him there.”
You sniffed, stretching out your legs and leaning back with your palms in the sand behind you. Without having to look you knew he was watching you; waiting until you were ready to continue. 
“I never believed in love at first sight; still don’t, because that’s not what it was. He was sweet, funny,” you smiled despite yourself. “Kind to a fault. The type of kindness that infuriates you because it makes you realize how selfish you actually are. But he loved me. I don’t know why, but he did. He loved me fiercely; even when I couldn’t return it and sure as hell didn’t deserve it.”
Bucky’s breaths matched the roll of the tide; calm and gentle and unwavering. You felt him shift, his shoulder grazing yours as he matched your position.
“What happened?”
The air between you vibrated with the low timbre of his words. Not that you noticed - not really. Remembering was always the worst part; remembering just how easily you’d been forgotten. 
“The blip.” Your voice was so faint it barely registered in your own ears, but you knew he heard it. You knew from the way he inhaled deeply as he shifted; from the feel of vibranium fingers sliding gracefully across your own.
“I don’t blame him. He couldn’t know we’d all come back. I couldn’t expect him to live out the rest of his days mourning my ashes.”
The tightening in your throat and the tingling at the corners of your eyes cut off any other words you might have said. If the roles had been reversed, you wouldn’t have known what to say to yourself. But true to form, Bucky did. Brass tacks and all.
“Still hurts.” Not a question, because he knew. His words were meant every bit for himself as they were for you. 
A humorless chuckle broke from your lungs and you nodded. 
“It still fuckin’ hurts,” you agreed.
"So that's why you wanted to come here." Not a question, but an acknowledgement.
Biting your lip, you narrowed your gaze at the calm waves. "I guess I just wanted closure. I missed this place. Missed the memories I made here. I knew seeing him was a possibility, but I'd hoped.." you trailed off. 
Bucky hummed in understanding of words you couldn't find. 
You looked at him then, the sliver of moonlight above casting him in a sort of macabre splendor. Chestnut waves rendered a dozen shades of grey and gaze focused on the heavens. Trying to ease some of your burden while still obviously saddled with plenty of his own, he looked peaceful; tranquil in a way that felt contagious.
You sucked in a breath, hoping to provide him the same respite he offered you, willingly or otherwise.
“Coming back from that place - that state of nothingness - was jarring enough. But then having to face the five years worth of reality you left behind? It’s a wonder any of us are still alive today to mourn it.” Shifting again, you crossed your legs and turned to face him, his hand enveloped in both of yours. “But we are. You, me, Sam...all of us. Finding the love of my life had become a husband and father without me; it was the hardest thing I’ve ever faced. But I did - face it, I mean. And in some fucked up way, it led me to you.”
Bucky tilted his head toward you, his gaze narrowed and his eyebrow raised.
“You’ve been watching too many Lifetime movies, sweetheart,” he deadpanned, though his eyes sparkled with affection.
You shrugged. “S’true.”
Even if you’d had a second to process the mischief in his expression, you still would have been startled by the quick tug of your hands as Bucky pulled you into him. You squeaked, landing with a muted thud beside him. He caught your hands just as you tried to flick sand at him, and held you close instead. 
“You’re getting sappy, ya know that?” He sighed, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head.
You rose enough to see his face, blinking sweetly down at him.
"I’m sorry, what were you saying?” You purred, in feigned innocence. “I keep getting lost in your eyes.”
Bucky grumbled, his grip on you tightening as he lifted you both off the ground. “You’ve done it now.”
You giggled as you twisted away from the ticklish prodding of his fingers, though it was no use.
“Put me down, you neanderthal.” You shouted in mock protest, trying and failing to wriggle free.
“Oh you don’t have to worry about that, doll,” Bucky crooned seconds before tossing you - rather ungracefully - into the shallow water. 
Scrambling to your feet, you couldn't help the giggle that escaped your lips. You kicked at the water, aiming for Bucky's face, but he anticipated it. Of course he did. He dodged deftly out of the way before grabbing your waist and pulling you both into the waves.
Coughing and sputtering, you shoved half-heartedly at his shoulder as a genuine smile bloomed on your lips. Neither of you seemed bothered by the water that lapped over your still entangled bodies.
"Thank you, Bucky."
"For what?" He scoffed, an incredulous but warm look moulding his features. 
"For this," you waved a hand in the air. "You didn't even ask why I wanted to be here, you just offered to come with me. Never asked for details or tried to pry. You could be off saving the world...again." Bucky rolled his eyes. "But you're here saving me, instead."
Bucky's eyes dipped to your lips as the air began to crackle with unspent energy.
"You say that like it's two different things, doll."
The heat you felt under his careful gaze only intensified as the weight of his words settled on you.
Bucky stood before you could respond, holding his hand out to help you to your feet. He didn't let go as you strolled away from the water, instead he laced vibranium fingers with your flesh ones. Just as you reached the boardwalk that would take you back to the hotel you’d rented, Bucky glanced sideways at you before redirecting his steps. Smiling, you allowed him to lead you further down the beach, unwilling to let go of the bubble of peace you’d found just yet.
“Ya know,” Bucky murmured, his thumb stroking your knuckles gently. “It took a long time for me to reconcile my past with my expectation of the future.” He paused, noticing your questioning look before continuing. “What I mean is, my past is so…” Bucky shook his head and stopped walking. 
You wrapped your free hand around his bicep reassuringly, encouraging him to continue but you waited patiently until he was ready to go on. 
Bucky cleared his throat. “For a long time, I believed my past dictated my future. It’s full of so much pain and regret and things I can never undo. I always figured my future would be more of the same; a kind of comeuppance for everything I’d done.”
His lips curled into a half smile as he squeezed your hand gently. “I know. It’s taken a lot of therapy and literal reprogramming, but I know. It wasn’t me. Not really. Even accepting that though, I still always wondered how it would frame my life going forward.”
“Your past is just that, Bucky. It’s in the past,” you cocked your head to one side. “Your future is what you make of it.”
Bucky’s smile grew and he reached out to brush the damp hair from your face. “Yours is too, ya know.”
There he was, cutting straight to the heart of the matter, with as few words as possible. Again.
As your steps resumed, you kept your grip on his arm, snuggling in close as the temperature dipped slightly without the sun to warm the air.
“When I first met you, I had no idea what to make of you,” Bucky chuckled. “Honestly, you were a little intimidating.”
You scoffed. “You were intimidated by me?”
“Well, yeah,” Bucky sighed. “I was so irritated that Sam signed me up to be part of that support group - without telling me, mind you - but then you were there. You were funny, gorgeous and kind. You were so quiet, but there was this fire behind your eyes, and I wanted to know why you kept it locked up.”
The memory of that first meeting made your stomach twist. The plan had been to bide your time in silence so you could at least tell your therapist you’d gone. You’d wanted to be anywhere but there, until he walked in. The whole room had recognized him - if the quiet gasps and whispers were anything to go by - and it had been painfully obvious how uncomfortable that had made him. 
Bucky laughed. “I’ll never forget the way you plopped down in the seat beside me, threw a bottle of water at me and glared at Frank and Donna until they stopped staring.”
“They were being rude.” You shrugged.
“They’re nice.” Bucky countered.
You shrugged again. “They are, but that night they were being rude. Nothing screams ‘Welcome to our blip support group’ like oogling the new guy.”
“Alright, well my point is,” Bucky stopped again, this time turning to face you, his hands gripping your shoulders gently. “I knew from the moment you shot icy death glares at them, that whatever my future held, I wanted you to be a part of it.”
Blinking, you opened and closed your mouth a few times before frowning. 
“Remind me again who’s been watching too many Lifetime movies, Buck?”
“I’m serious,” Bucky chuckled lightly. “But, I get it. The wounds are still fresh, and I don’t expect anything, but I just want you to know that I’m here. And I’ll continue to be - in whatever way you’ll let me - until you send me away. This place?” Bucky waved a hand. “This is your past. But just remember that it doesn’t get to decide your future. You do.”
You bit your lip, allowing his words to envelop you with peace and warmth and - for the first time in a long time - hope.
“I think,” you paused, furrowing your brow, “Sometimes our wounds stay fresh because we keep picking at them. I think I’m ready to leave the past where it belongs.”
Bucky hummed, thumbs rubbing circles against the balls of your shoulder.
“And for the record, Barnes? I don’t plan on sending you away any time soon. So it looks like you’re stuck with me.”
Throwing his head back, Bucky barked a laugh before sliding his arm around your shoulders and pulling you close. You felt him press his lips to the top of your head as you snaked your arm around his waist, relishing his warmth.
“Well, lucky for both of us, doll. There’s no place I’d rather be.”
As you continued walking down the beach you’d once considered home, wrapped in the arms of the man who wanted to be your future, it struck you. The beauty of the setting sun had felt wrong because you’d been looking at it through the warped lens of your pain. The resplendence of the day drawing to a close wasn’t a mockery of the life you’d lost, it was a crimson and amber colored reminder that every day draws to a close and there will always be beauty to be found in the ending.
But the hope of the morning - when the sun will begin it’s reign once again, overpowering the darkness with it’s warmth and light - is where the true splendor is found. 
You glanced up at Bucky - the man offering you the same promise of the rising sun, and for the first time in a long time everything felt right.
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Like what you see? Want more? My SPN Masterlist is here, and MCU is here. Thanks for reading! :)
A/N 2: I am using my new and improved taglist. If you want to be added, see this post.
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tigerseye46 · 3 years
Summary: In which after repeatedly believing Tang doesn’t care about him then receiving his attention after an accident that reveals he’s Sha Wujing, Sandy snaps. (Comes from the second scenario of this, will post the fic for the first scenario later)
Sandy was at his limit, so close to snapping and that didn’t happen, not with him. He was calm like a gentle wave but waves can ripple, be disrupted by some outside force causing the water to react almost violently before slowly returning to its tranquility.
And the thing disrupting him was Tang.
He liked Tang, he did, well love would be the more correct term for it. The scholar was knowledgeable, the amount of information that dripped from his lips could leave anyone in awe. He had a charm to him, a lively, bubbling personality that reeled Sandy in. Everything about him was beautiful and blinding and all Sandy wanted was a simple touch, a simple smile directed his way.
Tang never showed him much attention or affection, preferring to focus more on people worth his time and making small, snarky comments on the days Sandy chose to hang out with the group. It left the clear impression that the scholar could care less about him. An aching rang in his chest everytime it happened, all he wanted was a bit of affection.
And now he was getting it. Usually he would be overjoyed at finally getting what he longed for but the reason for it was not ideal.
Due to a recent adventure, the others had found out he was Sha Wujing despite his best attempts to hide that fact. There had been a mix of confusion and excitement then a promise that they would treat him the same, a promise that everyone except Tang had made.
Tang treated him rather differently, no longer treating him with scorn but amazement instead, all because he was Sha Wujing and not because the scholar liked him for him, only because he was a legend, it's the only reason he began to take interest in him.
“Sandy! Sandy,” Tang called, breaking the demon away from his thoughts.
“Yes, Tang?” He answered.
“You haven’t moved in a bit. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” he replied. “I was just…” What was he doing? Oh, that’s right, he had been working on an invention that he thought would assist the group. “I was just checking the engine of this to see if it’s good enough.”
“Oh! Okay! As I was saying it was amazing that you-”
“Yes, Sandy?”
“Shouldn’t you be at Pigsy’s right now?”
The scholar hummed as if he was briefly mulling over his answer before responding with an enthusiastic “Nope!”
Sandy held back a sigh, that was another thing that had changed, ever since the reveal the human had refused to leave his side, going on and on about Sandy’s adventures during the Journey to the West. He didn’t even go to Pigsy’s sometimes!
“Okay.” He wheeled himself out of the invention to face Tang who was staring at him with a smile that felt wrong. “Can you pass me that wrench?” He gestured to a wrench that sat still on the table.
“Of course!” He grabbed the wrench and passed it to the other, their fingers brushing together and pink dusting on the human’s cheeks that the fish failed to notice.
Sandy wheeled himself back under and used the object in his hands to tighten certain bolts. The human focused on him all sparkly eyed, happy to see him in his element. The whole scene made his heart beat wildly against his chest. He wanted it to be like this forever, just him and Sandy together.
He had liked Sandy for a long time, although he had never voiced it out loud. The other was helpful, kind and always there when you needed him. How could he not like him? He didn’t think he could like him more than he already did then it turned out he was Sha Wujing! Sha Wujing was so impressive from the legends even though he wasn’t necessarily the strongest disciple out there.
It made him a bit insecure to be in his presence since the other was so great. He was only a simple scholar despite his bravado, how could he possibly make Sandy look at him? Then he made a decision to use his knowledge to impress Sandy, it would show the demon that he knew a lot about him! He assumed it had been going pretty well based on the fact that the demon had been so sweet by letting him help out.
“You know it was so impressive when you killed that demon that tried to impersonate you!”
“Thanks,” he mumbled, he wasn’t exactly thrilled to be reminded of that old violent part of him.
“And then you alerted everyone! It’s really impressive.”
“Thanks,” he mumbled again, a twinge of annoyance and anger shot through him. Why was he only interested in him because of this?
“And when you first met the group, that was cool!” Sandy took deep breaths to calm himself down. Don’t snap. Don’t snap. “You were smart, you hid yourself in the water where the Monkey King couldn’t get to you! And you faced off against Zhu Bajie wonderfully! And-!”
He grinded his teeth together and used his feet to bring himself out from under his invention. He stood up rapidly with brows furrowed. “Ugh! Do you ever shut up?”
The scholar frowned and gave a broken “Wha-what?”
“It’s annoying,” he started, “like have you ever listened to your own voice? It’s grating and you bring up things I don’t care about. Going on about this and that. Also do you think I like being reminded of my past that often? I spent time trying to change and you want to bring up all that again!” His eyes flashed to symbolize his anger. “It pisses me off.”
This was a surprise. Tang thought he was doing well but apparently he had screwed something up. His bottom lip quivered and tears pooled his eyes. “I… I didn’t know. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you.”
The demon’s eyes widened, realization smacking him in the face. “Tang…” He stepped forward, taking a step back when the other flinched. “I didn’t mean to-!”
“It’s fine! I get it, totally! I won’t bother you again!” He mustered up a smile which wasn't hidden as small droplets fell from his face. “I promise, Sandy! I’ll leave you alone!”
“No, Tang. I-!”
“Bye!” He rushed off, leaving Sandy in a pool of regret. He attempted to go after him but the scholar was too quick and already gone.
He combed his fingers through his hair and sat down on his couch defeated. Mo nuzzled his leg and he left a gentle pat on his fur. “What am I going to do, Mo? I didn’t mean to snap. I hurt Tang!” Mo meowed and suddenly a light bulb went off in the other’s head. “Okay. I’ll just apologize when I hang out with the others tomorrow! Thanks, Mo! You’re great!” The cat puffed up his chest which made Sandy laugh.
The next day when Sandy saw the others, he made sure to hide any traces of his lack of sleep, too busy with finding the perfect way to make it up to Tang. Pigsy, MK and Mei were in a small circle chatting with each other while Tang was off to the side, rubbing his arm and looking down at the ground.
He approached them, then waved and yelled, “Hey, guys!” He directed his attention at the scholar. “Hey, Tang!”
“H-hi.” His shoulders were hunched and he hid himself behind the others, it shattered the demon’s heart, he made Tang scared of him.
The group noticed this exchange but remained silent. “Hey, Sandy,” Pigsy greeted. “Ready to go?”
“Yep! Where are we going? Because I think we should go to a bookstore!”
“A bookstore? Why that specifically?”
“Well Tang likes bookstores and they’re cool so we should go there!”
“Uhhhh… what do you think, Tang?”
“That’s fine,” he replied meekly.
The pig bobbed his head. “Okay, we’ll go there.”
They walked towards the bookstore with Sandy trying to get close to Tang but the human would only back away from him.
The entire day, Tang made sure to never be alone with him so they couldn’t talk properly. It continued like that day in and day out, he left the scholar a bunch of messages and calls when they weren’t around each other to apologize yet he wouldn’t answer, same with showing up at his apartment.
He heard a knock on his door late at night, he grinned, it might be Tang! He opened it to see Pigsy with a firm grip on Tang’s shirt, the human tried to scurry away. “Ummmm, hey…”
The pig rubbed the bridge of his snout with his free hand. “Hey… look I don’t know what’s been goin’ on with you two the past few days but you need to talk it out or else.” He shoved Tang into the inside of Sandy's boat.
“Pigsy,” Tang cried.
He waggled a finger at him. “I’m serious. Whatever this is has been goin’ on long enough. Fix it! “And if I see you walk out, I’m draggin’ your ass right back in,” he threatened and went away, slamming the other demon’s door shut.
“I’m sorry, Sandy! I told him we shouldn’t come here but he wouldn’t listen!”
“It’s okay,” he assured. “Do you want some tea?”
“Sure. It wouldn’t bother you?”
“It’s no bother. Sit down.”
“Okay.” He sat on the couch, his hands on his lap, trying not to fidget.
Sandy sighed and made tea in a hurry then passed it to him.
“Thank you. I…”
“I’m sorry,” he cut the other off.
“Sorry for what?”
“Sorry for snapping at you.”
“No, it’s fine. Looking back at it, I was pretty annoying.”
“No, you weren’t. You were fine. I was the problem. I scared you.”
“You didn’t mean to.”
“That doesn’t excuse it. You deserve better than that. I… truth is…” He huffed. “The truth of why I acted like that is because I believed you didn’t care about me.”
He sipped his tea and explained, “Ever since you found out I was Sha Wujing, you’ve been acting differently. You pay attention to me now, you never did that before and… it’s great you know but at the same time it hurts. You only look at me now because I’m Sha Wujing and not cause you actually like me for me.”
“What?” Tang hissed. “You thought I only liked you because you’re Sha Wujing?”
Tang smacked him in the chest. “I don’t like you because of that! But did I really give you that impression? How?”
“Tang, you make snarky comments rather I hang out with you all or not.”
“I was joking… I didn’t mean to make you feel like that.”
“I know.”
“I’ve always liked you…”
Sandy stared at him wide-eyed. “What?”
“I’ve liked you for a while even before I knew your true identity. You’re just so sweet and kind. I didn’t know how to tell you then when it was revealed who you were, I wanted to impress you so I started spewing off every bit of your stories that I could.”
He bobbed his head. “Really. You're so cool and have been through so much and I haven’t… I wanted to make you like me.”
“Tang, I already like you.”
“Not as a friend, Sandy. More than that.”
“I like you as more than a friend.”
Tang’s cheeks turned pink. “Are you serious?”
“Yea! I wouldn’t say that if I didn’t mean it.”
“Can- can I kiss you?”
Sandy choked and nodded. “Yea, I would love that.”
The scholar grinned and cupped his cheek with his free hand before leaning in and pressing a kiss to his lips which he returned, it was slow and sweet. “I love you,” the scholar confessed as they separated with their lips inches apart.
“I love you too. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.”
They kissed again, not paying attention to the chorus of meows that cheered them on.
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