#i see you peter lucas
a-wins-a-win · 4 months
i am supremely indecisive and need direction, so I’m putting this one to a tumblr poll ;
summaries and such under the readmore - feel free to send asks for more info <3
just to be clear, no matter the poll results i will be working on-and-off on smaller fics + my essays* and such anyway - the option is just there if people would be more interested in having shorter/less involved works more often, rather than just a scattering of one-shots for however long it takes me to wrangle a Project to somewhere i'm happy with to share it. * the essays are happening and will be happening, independently of whatever ends up happening with my fic writing, as well. it will again just boil down to focus and available research/writing time.
anyway! onto the Project summaries ;
forgive and forget (it’s all coming back to me now)
Jason was pretty certain he'd just end up working for his father in the end, but Ivy had managed to convince him that it was worth at least trying to find his work experience somewhere else. He had basically expected the crappy intern jobs - coffee runs, sorting files, and generally trailing after competent employees like some kind of lost puppy. What he hadn't expected, however, was for Peter goddamn Simmonds to have landed a co-op position at the same company.
post-canon canon divergence
eventual mcsimmonds
ivy is a major character too, i promise she gets her own b-plots
background lucadia
messy confusing feelings + cheating subplots
something stupid (like i love you)
A few days. Somehow, letting Lucas crash on Matt's couch for a few days turned into buying Lucas new clothes, turned into cleaning him up and helping with the job search. Which then turned into Matt making Lucas dinner and letting Lucas make him dinner in return, until dinner was a combined effort and light-hearted arguments about organizational systems. And it wasn't until their closets blurred together and Lucas started helping to pick out new drinking glasses that either of them realised they'd be happy if a few days lasted forever.
post-canon lucatt
roommates to friends to lovers type beat
in many ways they've grown and changed, in many ways they haven't
of course there's a lot of tension in the in-between stage where they're trying to figure out how to incorporate into each other's lives again, but eventually they end up falling into a cute domestic routine
there's something there in lucas and matt forgiving each other for the roles they played in/the ways they contributed to the general disaster that was their senior year (but Jason's suicide in particular)
as close to heaven as i’ll get
There wasn't a doubt in anyone's mind that Jason McConnell would do well at Notre Dame - 5 generations of top-level vampire hunters had come before him (and his father was quite insistent that AFTER him would come 5 more). The only thing that stood in his way was an entrance exam requiring a record of field experience.
Peter Simmonds understood the importance of following the rules imposed by the coven, really he did. But even so - something about the bright spots the stained glass windows of the church reflected onto the wet ground drew him in.
mcsimmonds vampire AU
Twilight/Supernatural-esque rural vibes + Southern Gothic inspiration
i get to fuck around with vampire folklore and religious imagery! and who doesn't love that?
a big chunk of inspiration for it was the concept of Peter seeing so much like. peace and community and what have you in this idea of the church involvement that he so desperately wants to be a part of, played against Jason's so desperately wanting to get out of it. if you see the vision.
just because [i’m] pretty
Over the years Ivy Robinson had been called a lot of things. Cutie, Angel, Pretty Baby, Slut, Whore, Bitch. Mostly she tried not to hold onto them too tight, not to think too deeply about how they felt in her mouth as she studied herself in the mirror. But occasionally something would stick. She just hadn't expected that something to be 'boyish'.
gay trans man ivy <3
a lot of times he is trying to explore/come to terms with himself through his art
although his romantic + sexual attraction to boys is obviously a cornerstone of his identity there'd also be largely platonic [& antagonistic & familial] relationship focuses
touch tank
A dramatic part of Peter wanted to let himself be bitter and jaded about his parents divorce, like every other seventeen-year-old main character. But the more sensible part of him knew that was unfair, and unrealistic - especially when it had led him to some of the prettiest, most interesting boys he had ever met.
good catholics <3 [my matt/peter/jason triad]
merfolk au! wherein jason is merfolk at the other two are not
set in a cliche small costal town , lots of cute vibes + also costal weather, because i love the rain
silly little subplots involving the other characters occur around the main story as well
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peter and reader literally js making out and being adorable !
i kinda got carried away w this one so it’s a little bit ✨spicier✨ than intended-
!!! 18+ (MDI) !!!
content warnings — a really steamy make–out with Peter, sexual content, teasing.
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The emptiness of Peter’s apartment carried his voice through the echoes, making the space feel that much bigger as you sunk into his couch. His Aunt May had gone out with some friends for the evening, making some suggesting jokes and comments that made you and Peter blush, even long after she’d left.
All the lights were off in the apartment, excluding the lamp behind Peter’s closed bedroom door, and the colorful glow of the television seated in front of you. You and your boyfriend were cuddled on his couch, entranced by George Lucas’s galactic storytelling. Your head had previously been resting on his shoulder, but due to Peter’s current geeky–tangent, you sat up to listen to him better.
“He used to make lightsaber sounds when they were practicing, and he’d have no idea.” Peter was quite expressive when he explained little Star–Wars facts to you. There was something about the way his eyes lit up, and he’d use his arms to guide the sentence.
You bit the inside of your cheek, hiding your amusement as best as possible whilst you listened. Your entire focus was set to him, but the passion he had for these movies never ceased to entertain you. The two of you had been dating for roughly five months, and from the little mental list you were creating of your favorite Peter things, these conversations were one of your top picks.
Peter’s eyes kept flickering back and forth from you to the movie screen, glowing happily as he went on with his vent about Revenge of the Sith, more importantly, Ewan McGregor. “He had been so used to making the effects when he was younger, that when they’d film their battle scenes, Ewan made the sound effects out of habit.”
As much as you had been paying attention to his words, your thread of thought was more occupied with the enthusiasm laced in his voice. The timid dimples that threatened to say hello in the midst of his smile, the ecstatic gesture of his hands, and the glistening tint of excitement that strung within your eye contact. You’d been so entranced by his little geek–out, you almost forgot to respond.
Your grin grew a little, despite every Star–Wars related response fleeting from your brain. You let the first thought you could muster slip through your lips. “You’re adorable.” You probably could’ve given a more thorough and engaged response, but seeing the red that flooded Peter’s expression made it all the more worth it.
Peter looked at you for a moment, completely flustered. He was off guard at the fact that ‘you’re adorable’ was your only response to his Star–Wars tangent. His lips parted a few times to speak, but his words failed every time. “Shut up..”
Carefully, you slid yourself closer to him beneath your shared throw blanket, looking up at him. Your head shook in response as you placed a gentle kiss to his cheek. “No.” You replied between kisses, placing a few more across his face. “I need to tell you how sweet and adorable you are...” Sooner than later, your lips found their way to his, connecting in such a sickly sweet way.
The kiss you shared seemed to ease the nerves that accompanied the blush on his face. You could feel the warmth of his fingers trace your upper thighs, pulling one across his legs so you could straddle his lap. You loved the feeling of your lips piecing together; the upper, then the lower, and the way your bodies fit together just as perfectly. It was intoxicating.
“I need to tell you how sweet and adorable you are..” Peter spoke, breathless between your kisses. His voice hummed lower than before, rasping in the back of his throat. Even though he’d just been particularly focused on the movie, his mind now went to other places. Just the thought of your intimacy, mixed with the way his hands kneaded the plush of your hips, sent a thrilling sensation straight down to your lower stomach.
Eyes shut, you were the one to first part from the kiss. “But we’re talking about you, Peter.” You lulled, feeling the way his lips chased after yours to stall your argument. You tucked your head away from his, your left thumb pressing itself on his lips as a barrier. You took the opportunity to cradle his face with your right hand in the process.
Your eyes slowly opened to meet Peter’s, fighting a smirk at how desperately he looked at you. You stared at him through your lashes, keeping your face irresistibly close to his. “I’m not going to kiss you until you take the compliment..” You teased, speaking barely above a whisper. You trusted him enough to remove your thumb, not even a little surprised by how eager he was to kiss you again.
It was easy to dodge him, and delectable to feel the light brushing of lips on yours; the urgency and impatience in his breath fanned against your parted lips, driving you just about as crazy as it drove him. The power you held was ravishing. Tension was quick to build between the two of you, binding both of you that much closer together. It took every bone in your body to fight the urge and cave to his need for you. His head craned in closer, doing everything he could to press his lonesome lips back to yours.
Peter tried to find a loophole. His hands grasping at your ass, his lips trailed and teased at your jawline when you’d dodge him. He found it infuriating, but also just as enjoyable. “Fine...” He huffed, smirking lightly. “Thank you.” Peter met your lips hungrily when you kissed him again, as though he’d been deprived of your embrace for years.
The kiss was much rougher than before, fueling the growing need for friction between your thighs. You rocked your hips against his, pressing the ache in your core to his growing erection. A heavy breath caught in your throat, lips parting further at the pressure. It was easy to let the world around you melt away, getting lost in Peter’s touch as his fingers tugged on your hair, and traveled under the thin fabric of your shirt.
Just like that, the jingle of May’s keys fumbling at the door tied you back to the crisp presence of reality. You flew off your boyfriend’s lap, seating yourself beside him like you had been moments prior. Swift movements brought a pillow to hide Peter’s arousal, and just like that, it looked like you two were merely watching a movie together. Well, minus the matching red hues on your cheeks.
May hummed a tune quietly to herself, mirroring the smile you sent her as she walked into the dark apartment. “The girls and I are heading to Jenny’s for the night, but I wanted to grab my Hennessy.” She chimed, strutting into the kitchen like she’d be out in a jiffy. Her attention got caught on the television for a moment, her smiling growing. “Oh! Pete, you found it!” May glanced at you, “Did he tell you that he spent all afternoon looking for his collectors DVD? He was really looking forward to showing it to you.”
You watched the way Peter’s head hit the back of the couch, pressing his palms into his face to try and mask his embarrassment. “May, stop!” He whined, sustaining out the words to emphasize just how flustered he got. His words were muffled through his hands, but you still couldn’t help but find it adorable. He was just too cute. You just had to let the giggles slip through your lips.
Yep, no doubt about it; Peter’s geeky Star–Wars obsession was definitely one of your favorite things about him. That, and your steamy make–out sessions.
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kcrabb88 · 2 months
One thing that's clarified for me a few days after the Acolyte finale is the immense mismatch in the tone of Quimir's character post episode 5. In that episode we see him slaughter a bunch of highly competent Jedi, including a teenage girl who he refers to as "it." It was SCARY. I was scared. He pretended he was a kind of silly guy at first and then he was actually this monster beneath. After that episode, though, he just kind of ... was there. Sure he fought Sol, but he got his ass kicked. He was suddenly in a dark romance novel bathing naked and making big puppy eyes at Osha. That's not?? What I want from a Sith character in this time period? Manny Jacinto was amazing at being terrifying! Just let him!
The Sith of this time period were the line of Darth Bane. Right now, Tenebrous and Plagueis are out there with their piles of money quietly influencing galactic events and undermining the Republic and the Jedi by working with THE worse people you know to make conditions in the Outer Rim and other similar areas of the galaxy worse. They're like, the Peter Thiel of Star Wars, slowly making democracy crumble from a back room and creating so many problems that the good people in the senate and the Jedi are running around trying to fix those because they CARE. Like! In the Legends novel, Plagueis is out there medically experimenting on living beings to try and extend his own life. He force tricked another kid into throwing himself out of a window when he was like, five.
The Sith aren't Sith because a Jedi made a mistake once. The Sith of this period are enacting a 1,000 year plan of revenge because the Jedi took their power and their empire away from them. Like, that's just Lucas worldbuilding. The ability to make the Naboo blockade happen was because of centuries of dark influence. When a Jedi falls to the dark side, they don't have this "grand plan of the Sith" in mind. It's a different situation, and many of them return to the light. Anakin didn't fall because he wanted the glory of the Sith, he fell out of fear and did terrible things as a result. He came back (after the atrocities, yes, but he did). Quinlan fell for a short while desperately trying to take DOWN the Sith (both in legends and canon) so again, not a glory of the Sith thing, and he came back really fast. Even Dooku was never a Sith's Sith. He did awful stuff, but the Sith thing was more of an avenue for his arrogance in thinking he could replace the Republic with corporate power and that would fix everything.
But the line of Darth Bane? Those guys are fucken EVIL. They want to be evil. They were always evil. Palpatine is the culmination of a thousand years of planning, and he kills his own master to ensure he keeps it for himself--the ultimate show of being a Sith, honestly.
Anyway, I guess THAT is the show I thought I was going to get, full of political intrigue and the slow seep of darkness that connects to the prequels. But that's not what it was at all.
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To Know
aaron hotchner x reader
Summary: You attend your best friend's wedding where you see Hotch for the first time in four years since you were shot on your wedding day by Peter Lewis, forcing him to go into witness protection and leave you.
Part 2
Listen it’s been a minute since I’ve written anything and by minute I mean 4 years so bear with me!! There’s probably spelling and punctuation errors but I wrote this in the middle of the night so cut me some slack.
OK so a bit of an explanation on this.. so you know how everyone has their imaginary scenarios they make up before bed or wherever (and if you don’t you’re weird!) well this is mine!! OK not really but ever since I watched CM which was probably about 5/6 years ago now, Hotch was on my mind 24/7 and I have this plot in my head with YEARS worth of scenarios thought out with original characters and everything!! This is just a small snippet of the whole plot I have had thought out for Hotch and Alex (that is what I have named her in my head, but have obviously written it as a Y/N to make it more enjoyable I guess? Idk what people prefer!!). I could probably write a book on this crap but I’ll just start with this part. I am in the process of writing a part two to this so if anyone’s interested I’ll try to get it out before the weekend’s over as this is the only free time I have currently! Now if I ever was going to make this into a series (that’s a very big if) this would be a chapter towards the end of this plot that I have created. Anyways enough rambling…
I am an angst over any other kind of genre girly so that’s all this will be :D this seemed better in my head and it ALWAYS does but I just wanted to get it out of my system.
Hope u enjoy xx
Warnings: smut (a little not too much), cheating.
Word count: 3.9k
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It was your best friend’s wedding and you couldn’t have been happier. Henry was your rock and pretty much the only family you ever had. He had been with you through everything, all the highs and lows, so he deserved today to be absolutely perfect.
You were helping Luca with his tie and giving him a final check over before he went out to marry your best friend. Luca knew how important you were to Henry and how important Henry was to you. The three of you were practically a throuple. OK maybe not a throuple but anyone who was important to Henry became important to you. They had been together for almost 5 years but knew each other for even longer. 
“He’s here you know...” Luca said “Henry invited everyone from the BAU..”
You raised an eyebrow at Luca whilst finishing up with his tie.
“I know,” you replied simply.
Henry was the one who got you a job at the BAU. He knew almost everyone and if he didn’t, he knew someone who did. He had helped out with several cases and knew everyone at the BAU well, so of course they all got an invite to his wedding which was in London. Henry knew your history with Hotch and that meant so did Luca.
“He has them all staying at the Ritz you know, booked a suite out for everyone,’’ Luca rambled.
“I know,” you repeated and rolled your eyes.
Of course he has you thought to yourself, money was never an issue for him. Not that it was for you either but you were slightly more modest than him.
Luca could sense that he wasn’t going to get anything else out of you so he decided to change the topic.
“You think we’re doing the right thing?” He asked referring to him and Henry.
“Absolutely,” you confirmed “he needs you Luca, I don’t even want to imagine what he would be like without you. It’s not something I’m prepared to take on” you let out a laugh. “You two have practically been married for the last 5 years, now it’s just time to make it official!” You gave his arms a squeeze.
“I’ll see you out there, no backing out now,” you gave him a wink and Luca gave you a nod with a smile.
You took that as your cue to leave and made your way towards the alter and towards Henry. As you made your way up to the front you saw all of the guests take their seats. You spotted JJ, Will and her boys a few rows from the front, who were staying at your place for the next few days. Emily, Spencer and Garcia were seated a few rows behind them and you spotted Morgan and Savannah seated on the other side of the room. You were trying to find Rossi and Krystall until your eyes landed on someone else. There he was sitting right next to Rossi with a brunette next to him which you assumed was Beth.
“How is he?” Henry’s voice snapped you back to reality.
“Huh?” Was the only thing that came out of your mouth as you slowly dragged your eyes away from the man that left you on pretty much your death bed and then divorced you.
“Luca – how is he? He’s not making a run for it is he?” Henry laughed but behind the laugh he needed the reassurance. He hadn’t been the perfect fiancé and has put Luca through the wringer at times, but there’s no one else for Henry other than Luca and vice versa.
“Stop being stupid!” You swatted him gently, “Of course not! I stopped him just before he got to the fire exit,” you replied playfully.
“Ha ha very funny,” Henry replied dryly, “And how are you? …You know with him being here.. You did say it was okay for me to invite him but I can send him home if you want. Just tell me and I’ll have him escorted out by security-”
“Please stop, it’s fine. Honestly I mean it. We’ve both moved on. I’m with Avery now and he’s with Beth,” you answered. “Besides today is not about me or my woes, it’s about you!”
The wedding ceremony was beautiful and it was now time for the reception. You made your way round to all the tables saying hello to the people you recognised until you reached the table you dreaded the most. Thankfully your husband Avery caught up with you to let you know that it was time to make your way to your seat as it was almost time for your speech.
You gave Rossi a smile in the distance before walking back to your seat, avoiding contact with Hotch for now who was sat right next to him.
After the speeches were done and the drinks began floating around the room, everyone felt a lot more relaxed. You were listening to the conversation Emily and Avery were having about a book they both had read, until you felt someone tap your shoulder.
“Hi you must be Y/N! I’m Beth, Aaron has told me so much about you!” Beth exclaimed as you turned around to face her.
“Yes hi! It’s lovely to meet you, I’m sorry I couldn’t introduce myself earlier,” you gave her a smile.
It was a genuine smile, she seemed nice and in any other situation you could even be friends. She is not to blame for what had happened between you and Hotch, however you did wonder what kind of things he has told her about you.
“It’s okay don’t worry about it! I understand how stressful weddings are,” she continued and for a second you thought if she had married Hotch without anyone telling you. Your eyes flicked towards her left hand that was wrapped around a champagne flute. No sign of a ring. You cursed yourself for still caring enough to check.
“That’s a beautiful ring” she said bringing you out of your trance.
You followed her gaze which was now on your own left hand. You hadn’t realised that you were twisting your own wedding ring with your thumb, reminiscing about how it felt when you had the ring on that Hotch gave you. It was a lot smaller than the one you have now. It had an oval diamond in the centre with three green sapphire leaves holding the diamond in place on each side. It was a delicate ring and you loved everything about it. Everything but the dreaded memories that came along with it. The ring was now replaced with a big teardrop diamond from Harry Winston and it was beautiful. It sparkled even in the dark and felt almost heavy on your finger. You had to admit that Avery had great taste, the two of you had now been married for almost 2 years.
“Thank you..” you smiled and let a breath out you didn’t know you were holding.
“Uhm this is Avery my husband-” you cleared your throat, almost forgetting to introduce him to her.
They shared a few polite words until Beth excused herself. You assumed she had gone to find Hotch as she disappeared into the crowd.
“She seems nice,” Avery said and gave you a small smile. He knew what had happened with you and Hotch and he wasn’t his biggest fan but he was never the one to bad mouth him.
“Yeah she does…” you replied quietly whilst your mind drifted off elsewhere. Emily sensed that you were uncomfortable and resumed her conversation with Avery in an attempt to take his attention off you.
It was several hours into the reception and you had stepped outside with Luca and lit a cigarette for you both to share.
You had noticed Beth was in the distance on the phone but Hotch was nowhere to be seen.
“Today has been beautiful,” you hummed as you took a pull of the cigarette and passed it to Luca.
“It really has been, thank you for helping Henry with the planning,” he expressed.
You both conversed about the wedding and your favourite parts until someone had interrupted you.
“Oh sorry,” your eyes followed his voice, “I thought Beth was out here,” he explained as he looked between you and Luca.
“She is,” you pointed with the cigarette between your fingers “she’s just gone into the gazeebo over there to take a call I think,” you replied.
“Thank you,” he looked into your eyes longer than he should have before he began walking her way.
“Is this the first time you’ve spoken to him tonight?” Luca asked whilst following your gaze that was still on Hotch.
“There’s an explanation. I am sure he has an explanation,” Luca tried standing up for the man he barely knew.
You didn’t respond and instead focused your gaze on something else.
“You know… and I really shouldn’t be saying this but... I think Henry might’ve had something to do with it,” Luca continued.
“What makes you say that? Has he told you something?” You questioned focusing your attention back on Luca.
“Nope. He doesn’t tell me anything when it’s to do with work and I thank him for it. But it wouldn’t surprise me if he did. He would do anything to keep you safe. Even if it meant putting your newly husband into witness protection…”
You thought about it for a minute or so and yes maybe Henry was the one who suggested going into witness protection but that still doesn’t explain the radio silence from Hotch even after Peter Lewis was caught.
“I want you to have what me and Henry have,” Luca brought you out of your thoughts once again.
“I have that. With Avery, he makes me happy,” you replied not knowing if it’s the full truth. Avery does make you happy and you love him but you’re not sure if it compares to what you and Hotch had and it seems like Luca doesn’t either.
“Let’s get back in there shall we? I’m sure Henry is looking for you!” You perked up, trying to change a conversation that was becoming too heavy for your liking. 
Since you were one of the few people who didn’t drink at the wedding, you decided to give Emily, Spencer, and Garcia a lift back to the hotel whilst Avery, JJ, Will, and the boys got an Uber home back to your place.
The car ride back to the hotel turned into an episode of carpool karaoke with Emily blasting any and every song that came on the radio.
Once you pulled up to the hotel you helped Emily out of the car and then let Spencer take over. You were about to shut the passenger door when you noticed a phone on the seat Emily was sat in.
“You left your phone Beyonce!” You called out to Emily as she was finishing her 3rd run of single ladies from the start.
You caught up with her and placed the phone in her hand, she took one look at it and blurted out that it’s Beth’s and that she had found it by some gazebo outside.
You pressed the lock button on the side and the phone lit up revealing a picture of Hotch and Beth set as the lock screen.
“What room is she in do you know?” You asked Emily but she just shrugged her shoulders and carried on signing. Spencer and Penelope both gave you a shrug signalling that they didn’t know either.
“Right I will just leave it with reception. The three of you get some sleep ok, we have brunch tomorrow!” You shouted even though the three of them were already inside the hotel queuing up for the elevator.
You pressed the lock button once again making the phone light up just to stare at the lock screen once more. With a sigh you then began to make your way into the hotel and walked towards reception.
“Hello Miss can I help you with anything?” The lady asked.
“Uh yes actually, I’m trying to return a lost phone to a friend of mine but I don’t remember the room number. Could you please let me know? It should be a suite under the name Hotchner, they’re here for a wedding,” you smiled hoping she’d give you the information you needed.
She typed away on her keyboard for a few seconds before replying to your question.
“I have an Aaron Hotchner on the system along with a Beth Clemmons sharing suite 107?”
“Yes that’s the one! Thank you so much!” You thanked the lady and made your way to the elevator. Emily and the others were long gone, probably passed out in their beds by now you hoped.
You tapped softly on the door waiting for someone to open it and hoping that it wasn’t Beth. You weren’t even sure what you were doing, what you were going to say, what if Beth’s awake, what would happen then?
You had no excuse and no business to be knocking on his hotel door. Well aside from the fact that he left you on your wedding night right after you got shot, had someone serve you with divorce papers as soon as you came out of your coma and you still haven’t had an explanation even though it’s been close to 4 years.
After a few moments the door was gently pulled open and there he stood. Still in his shirt and trousers from the wedding. He looked taken back seeing you stand there in the hallway. Although you were the only one on his mind tonight, you still had caught him off guard.
“Hi…” Was all that he managed to say.
“Hi…” you breathed out. “..Beth left her phone at the wedding reception,” you said holding it up as proof.
You looked behind him and could see 3 mini whisky bottles that were now empty, lined up on the coffee table. On the left you could see two large double doors that were shut behind the sofa. You had assumed that’s where Beth was sleeping as there was no sign of her anywhere else.
“Oh… Well thank you for bringing it here, you didn’t have to go out of your way...”
“It’s okay I was dropping Emily and the others off anyway,” you replied whilst handing him the phone.
As he took the phone from you he moved slightly to the side, almost inviting you in before actually saying it.
“Would you like to come in?” he paused for a moment, “…please come in” he pleaded. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you the whole night I just didn’t want to disturb you. Beth’s asleep so you don’t have to worry about her or we could take a walk somewhere,” he went on; desperation clear in his voice.
Instead of replying you walked past him making your way into his room, a completely different side of you taking over.
You made your away towards the sofa, never sitting down just standing in front of it. You turned to face Hotch who closed the door and walked towards you, stopping just a few inches away. You could tell he had been drinking. You had obviously seen him drink at the wedding but he left several hours ago yet here he was emptying the mini fridge in his hotel suite.
You eyed the bottles on the coffee table.
“Rough night?’ You asked but it sounded more like a statement. When you looked back at him his mouth was slightly open, almost as if he was thinking of what to say but no words were coming out.
You tilted your head to the side as you took in his features. He looked different. Good but different.  After all these years had passed, you never knew when you would be able to get a good look at him again, and god how much you’d missed his handsome face. The last memory you had of it was when you collapsed in his arms after being shot during your first dance as Mr and Mrs. You don’t remember much after that, just faint shouting in the distance as your vision went blurry until you eventually passed out in his arms.
“I- um I don’t know what to say Y/N… I don’t even know where to begin,” he expressed. Concern, pain and regret all clear in his voice.
Before he could continue you lifted your hand up in an attempt to stop him from saying anything else. That’s not what you came here for.
“I am so sorry,” he breathed out but you took a step closer to him and placed one of your fingers on his lips to silence him.
“Shh,” you whispered whilst you ran your other hand slowly down his chest stopping at the belt of his trousers. You could feel his pulse quicken as he took in what you were doing.
Never breaking eye contact you began to gently move your hand lower until you reached his crotch. You then began to palm him with a bit more force, feeling him harden underneath your touch. A slight smirk played on your lips as you realised how much of an affect you still had on him, how much his body still responded to you. You believed that you were the only one that could get him this flustered, to get him to cheat on his girlfriend, to get him this hot and bothered over practically nothing.
“Take off your trousers...” you hissed.
The concern and regret was now replaced with confusion and curiosity but he did as he was told and began to undo his belt. You watched him carefully as he dropped his trousers to the floor stopping at his boxers.
“You can leave those on, this won’t take long,” you instructed coldly and pushed him onto the sofa. As he sat down he reached over to switch a small table lamp off, leaving a soft glow on your silhouette that was coming from a floor lamp on the other side of the room.
You lifted your dress and rolled it up stopping at your waist whilst you straddled Hotch. The familiar feeling of his dick beneath you was enough to send you over the edge.
You lifted yourself up slightly using your knees and grabbed him through his boxers, silently thanking him for wearing a pair with the slit. He watched your every move and took in a sharp breath when your hand made contact with him and took another when you gently lowered yourself onto his dick.
You began rocking your hips, savouring every single second. You started to pick the pace up and you felt Hotch move in to kiss you to which you gently pushed his head back with your hand, not wanting any other intimacy other than the feeling of him inside you and maybe you inside of him.
You took two of your fingers and placed them on his lips again, this time using them to part his mouth. You gently slipped them inside and he welcomed it. You decided to push them in deeper. Not deep enough to hurt him but deep enough to your liking. Your fingers felt cold against his tongue.
At that point you knew you were close and so was he, your fingers in his mouth helped him to stifle his moans, whilst you watched him intently. After a few moments you felt him twitch beneath you as he threw his head back when he came and you shortly followed.
You removed your fingers from his mouth and gently stood up lowering your dress back down giving the man you still loved one last look before turning around to leave. Just before you got the door you stopped and turned around, he was now up grabbing his trousers off the floor.
“You left me… I was in a coma Hotch and when I came out of it you weren’t there. You left me Aaron.”
Without giving him a second to respond you left and closed the door behind you.
As you stepped into the elevator a thousand thoughts were racing in your head. You began to question yourself on why you had come here in the first place, but you knew exactly why. You wanted to see if you still had that control over him, you wanted to see if you could still have him, if he still belonged to you. And he did. You thought about how your relationship had evolved from being just co-workers to friends from friends to lovers and from lovers to strangers. That’s what it felt like being in that room with him. Just two strangers having sex. That was probably the first time the two of you had sex instead of making love. There was a difference between the two and you knew which one you preferred.
Deep down you knew why he had to leave and most importantly leave without you, but it still didn’t make it any less painful. You had thought back to what Lucas said earlier when you were outside, that Henry might’ve had something to do with it... But the truth is whether he did or didn’t it wouldn’t have changed the outcome. He needed to leave, to hide and go into witness protection. Not only for his and Jacks safety but for yours too. It all made sense. Peter Lewis couldn’t hold you over him anymore if you had no connection to him so he left. He left without you and then had you served with divorce papers.
The elevator doors opened and snapped you back to reality. You shook your head in an attempt to get rid of the thoughts. You didn’t want to go back there, you had tried your hardest to move past that part of your life and dwelling about the details and the what if’s is something you didn’t want to do anymore. You had wasted enough time doing that and you’ve moved on since then and so has Hotch. But sometimes late at night when you can’t sleep, those thoughts creep back in and they have a way of suffocating you.
“Did you manage to return your friends phone?” The lady behind the reception desk asked with a smile.
“Yes I did, thank you so much for your help again!” You replied and returned the smile.
You made your way to the parking lot and got into your car and made your way home… To your husband…. Who you had just cheated on with your ex-husband. You pulled out of the parking lot and let the memories from earlier fill your mind. You had glanced briefly at your watch and the time told you that is was quarter past three. You groaned at the thought of having to be up before 11 am later that day for a brunch that Henry and Luca had organised with a smaller amount of guests, which included the BAU team.
You had wondered if he’ll be there with Beth or if he won’t show.
To be continued....
Part 2
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rallamajoop · 7 months
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The Complete Guide to Eye Colour In Resident Evil 7
An addendum to my guide to eye colour in RE8: here's everyone from RE7 too! Getting close-ups of these was way harder than for RE8, because RE7 does not come with a model viewer, so I'm stuck using in-game screenshots and promotional images.
Once again, we'll start with the cheat-sheet version:
The whole Baker family: Blue (except when...) Mia: Brown (FOR NOW) Eveline: Green Alan: Hazel/green Deputy OneSceneWonder: Brown Chris: Hazel/brown (FOR NOW) Clancy, Andre and Peter: Brown Ethan: Still hazel
But it can never just be that simple, can it? So, further notes below.
The Baker Family
The Baker family all have blue-grey eyes. In fact, post-infection, they all have the exact same blue eyes (see top line in comparisons below). You could maybe put this down to genetics for Zoe and Lucas, but when Jack and Marguerite have the same eyes as each other too, that's when you start wondering just how many backwater-hillbilly-stereotypes are in play here.
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Mind you, they do have slightly different eyes in the pre-mould flashback that is the Daughters DLC, which you can see in the second row above. All are brighter blues, pre-infection, and Jack gets smaller pupils while Lucas gets a slightly larger iris (Zoe gets nothing, as she's the viewpoint PC and we're not redoing her face if you're not going to see it). So maybe we can hope there's some genetic diversity in the Baker-clan (renders of their eyes in their actual faces also look a little more distinct, but maybe that's a lighting thing). Either way, the Bakers = blue eyes! Got it!
And then we meet Uncle Joe in the other DLC who... has hazel eyes?
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IDEK, maybe Uncle Joe's real dad was a different mailman.
Once we get deeper into mould-monster territory though, things do get a little more interesting.
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Both Marguerite and Lucas appear with much creepier whitened eyes later in the game ‒ Marguerite's during her boss-fight transformation. Lucas, however, remains steadfastly human-shaped throughout the main campaign, but his eyes are whitened in his video message to Ethan, and in his (pre-monstrous transformation) DLC appearances too. Jack, by contrast, doesn't seem to get new eye textures even after blowing off the top of his own head, or in the boss fight that follows (monster!Jack from the fight in the boat house has completely different eyes, of course, and more of them). Mia, too, has her own set of creepy-alternate-mould-monster-eyes, but they're completely different again.
So what's the internal logic here? I could speculate that Lucas' eyes-only transformation is a sign he's in control of himself in a way Jack and Marguerite aren't, but it doesn't quite add up. If anything, those eyes make more sense as something Lucas was given because we never see him transform like Marguerite, or blow pieces of himself away like Jack: Lucas may look human, but the eyes are there to remind us he's not. There'll always be some details that end up being more about effective storytelling than cohesive lore.
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Interestingly, though they don't appear in the game, there are also promotional pics of all four members of the Baker family with glowing white/silver eyes, which are definitely a supernatural feature. It's tempting to try and associate the effect with Rose's glowing eyes from the Shadows of Rose DLC, or perhaps even the general pale-grey-eyes of Miranda and the Lords (more on both in my post on eyes in RE8). But that's territory that really needs its own post or we'll be here all day.
Clancy, Andre and Peter
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These are the three ill-fated crew of the Sewer Gators tape you'll encounter early in the game. You may notice Peter (rightmost in the pic above) seems to have even more dilated pupils than the majority of the cast. Amusing as it might be to theorise that he's just on drugs or something, I think there is an explanation: the closest shot we see of his face (and the first shot of the tape) is a close-up into a camera while the team is outside in the dark. His pupils would naturally be dilated in this sort of environment.
So why aren't Andre's dilated too? Well, the closest look we get at his eyes (also pictured) are the final shot of the tape, where he's already dead, and his eyes are covered by a red film. Medical plausibility aside, dilated pupils presumably didn't add to the effect here, so Andre gets regular pupils.
Speaking of assets, there is actually one photo of the three of them in the game, from the pamphlet you can find in their van at the start. You can even almost make out Clancy's face!
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Clancy's own eyes are their whole own kettle of worms, but we'll get to that below.
Chris Redfield
Is an odd one: I can't share an eye-texture asset for Chris, because he doesn't actually have a character model at all in the main RE7 title. And explaining that one is gonna take some context.
While RE8 renders nearly all cutscenes using in-game models, RE7 stores far more of its major cutscenes pre-rendered in .wmv format. The opening is pre-rendered, video messages from Mia and Lucas are pre-rendered ‒ even the big moment when Eveline blows out the windows of the tanker and throws Mia into the river is pre-rendered. Not all cutscenes work this way, but basically anything that would require loading a lot of assets that aren't needed in gameplay (eg. the view of the river and tanker for outside) seems to have been pre-rendered as a video instead.
And since Chris' only scene in all of RE7 is in the pre-rendered ending sequence, he doesn't have a model at all (or at least, I couldn't find it). We do see Chris in openings and endings of the Not a Hero DLC as well, and the End of Zoe ‒ but these too are just .wmv files, presumably for all the same reasons.
Now, obviously, Chris is also playable in the DLC, so he does have a character model there. But we still don't get eye textures for him for a couple of reasons: firstly, he wears a face-concealing mask that only comes off for opening/ending cutscenes. But even without it, we might just hit other weirdness surrounding player character models...
As I've already noted, both Chris and Mia get completely different new blue eyes in RE8, but back in RE7, Capcom seemed a little more aware that brown or hazel eyes were a real thing regular white people do have sometimes.
A note on player-character models
Although we mostly just see the hands of whoever we're playing as (usually Ethan), gameplay still uses a full-body model, presumably to aid in rendering dynamic shadows, and give enemies something to cover in blood. Things get weird around the character's head, which isn't actually visible so it can't get in the way of the camera floating inside it, but will still cast shadows and still has textures associated with it (though usually in much lower resolution than other models we'll actually get to see). There are three playable characters in RE7 proper: Ethan, Mia, and Clancy (from the video tapes) ‒ each with their own model and textures.
Ethan and Mia also have more detailed 3rd person models, since we see plenty of Mia playing as Ethan, and a little of Ethan playing as Mia (if only from behind).
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Why does this matter? Well, distinct as the three PCs are otherwise, their player models all have the same eyes ‒ top row above shows Ethan, Mia and Clancy, in that order. And they look nothing like Ethan's and Mia's eyes have ever looked elsewhere, which you can see in the comparison below.
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I mention this mostly because it's pretty easy to find Ethan's player-model in the game files, note those generic-hazel eye textures with it, and go, "hey, you got his eyes wrong!" But these aren't the same eyes that come with his higher-res texture, or the ones that were copied over into RE8. In fact, the existence of the player-character-default-eye-texture back in RE7 is one of the reasons why I do tend to take full-res Ethan's eyes as 'canon', even though we never see them in either game: someone took the time to repaint Ethan's eyes for his full-res model, and make them distinct from the low-res default used for everyone in 1st person mode. That at least suggests there was some real, intentional effort put into deciding what colour eyes Ethan was supposed to have.
This does leave poor Clancy in more ambiguous territory, however: as he's never seen by any other character, he has no high-res model, and thus no eyes but the default-hazel that Mia and Ethan are rendered with in that mode too. So is this to be taken as Clancy's official eye colour? It may as well be, I suppose. We see so little of Clancy in any form that I was genuinely surprised to find out his he's actually got a player model which is completely distinct from anyone else in the game, with curly greying hair, a neckbeard, and a baseball cap worn backwards.
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Render by nightsatkendalls over on deviantart.
I do not have the skills to produce a render of this quality myself, but I can tell you that the cap he's wearing has the logo for the RE Engine on the front (the in-house game engine behind all the modern RE titles, and many other Capcom games).
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You'll never see it in game, of course ‒ you'd need both a freecam mod and a mod to make his head visible. But it's there as a weird little easter-egg nonetheless.
Eveline is perhaps the only character whose model may not have been updated at all for RE8, but given she's only a hallucination or ghost, that stands to reason. In RE7 though, she also appears as her aged 'grandma' self, who pops up around the house in her wheelchair looking spacey. Grandma-Eveline has two different eye texture assets ‒ one far more washed out than the other. There's next to no good official pictures of her, but fortunately, since she doesn't move around or attack you, she was one of the very few characters I was able to get a decent close-up shot off with the free camera mod. And inasmuch as you're ever in a position to look her in the eye in game, only the faded version of her eyes ever seems to show up. Is the clearer version actually used somewhere I didn't catch? I have no idea.
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What really stands out about granny-Eveline's eyes, though, is that they don't look anything like her child-self's eyes do. Child-Eveline is basically the only character in either game with distinctly green eyes. But Granny's are hazel, and not even a particularly similar shade of hazel.
In fact, they look far more like the generic-default hazel of the player character textures than they do like her younger self. Close-up comparisons below.
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You could speculate that it was deliberate that Granny-Eveline's eyes don't look anything like kid-Eveline's eyes to avoid tipping off the player that they're one and the same ‒ but realistically, no-one without free camera mods is ever going to get a good enough look at either of them to notice. And it's kind of a shame they didn't just take young-Eveline's eyes and apply the same kind of distortions they seem to have applied to the generic-hazel template to age them up ‒ that would've been a lovely, creepy little detail to find in these textures. But no, generic old hazel it is.
Then again, whatever the real logic at play, the fact Granny-Eveline's eyes are effectively a faded, distorted version of the very same eyes the player themselves never does get to see in the mirror is a pretty creepy idea itself. And intentional or not, that's what I've got to leave you with.
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estrellami-1 · 1 year
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16
Steve gets home and enters into chaos.
The older teens are nowhere to be found—Steve hopes they’re still in the shed—but the boys are arguing, pointing first at sheets on the table, then each other.
“No, you dumbass-”
“Oh, I’m the dumbass? I’m the one who forgot oxygen?”
Steve sighs. “Always the damn babysitter,” he mumbles to himself, fighting a smile. “Alright, cut it out!” He says, loud enough to be heard over the arguing. Immediately, everyone turns to him. He crosses his arms and nods at them. “What’s going on?”
Immediately they’re all talking over each other, doing their best to give Steve a headache. He sighs and raises a hand, and slowly they all peter off. “One at a time. Lucas?”
Lucas sighs. “We’re still trying to figure out the best way to weaponize fire down there.”
“And you’re disagreeing on something?”
“Yeah, we all think it would be best to do it different ways.”
Steve nods. “Write down a list of all the pros and cons you can think of. Pass the lists around in case you’ve forgotten something. When they’ve all been passed around, compare them together. But please, if it’s at all possible for you, do it quietly. If for no other reason than El’s still resting.”
“Oh,” Mike says quietly, and they all get to work, scribbling out their lists.
Steve sighs and scans the rest of the room, smiling when he sees Eddie leaning on the doorway. “Hey. Wanna help me bring stuff in?”
“Sure,” Eddie shrugs, and follows him out. It’s silent for a few moments before he speaks. “Y’know, a part of me was hesitant to believe everything until just about three minutes ago.”
Steve chuckles. “It does sound crazy,” he agrees. “What changed your mind?”
“You,” Eddie says simply, like it doesn’t send Steve’s heart jackrabbiting in his chest. “The way you are with the kids.”
Steve chuckles. “Y’know that’s the very reason we started to get along, before?” He glances at Eddie as he shuts the trunk. “We saw how we were with them. We were both a little jealous of each other, mainly cause of Dustin. I swear, he was always going on about Eddie this, Eddie that, greatest Dungeon Master ever but don’t tell Will, and… I started to feel like I was being replaced.” He smirks. “Course, then you told me how he practically worshiped me, and I realized Dustin’s just being a shithead.”
Eddie snorts. “From what I’ve seen of them, that does seem pretty accurate.”
“I know this probably doesn’t mean much to you, but I’m glad you’re here.” He smiles at Eddie and walks inside, giving Eddie a second alone outside.
He almost runs into Robin as he turns the corner, steadying himself, the bag, and her. She looks up at his face, wide-eyed, then slowly morphs the look into a judgy one.
“Quit breaking his brain, Dingus, let him actually like you as a person first.”
“How the hell could you tell that from my face?”
She gives him another supremely judgy look. “Have you forgotten I’ve known you for years? Steve,” she sighs, taking the bag from him. He lets her. “Don’t forget this is four years ago for them. At this point, does he even know who Chrissy is?”
“Okay,” Steve admits, “you may have a point. But we had a breakthrough just now! We were talking and he said he believes me because of how I am with the boys!”
Robin sighs again. “And did you respond with something that happens in the future?”
Steve splutters. “How do you do that?”
“I’ve known you for years, Stevie-boy, don’t forget.” She ruffles his hair as she passes. “Leave the future out of it,” she advises. “Live in the now.”
“Kinda hard to do, considering we’re here to change the future,” he says, just to be contrary. She gives him a look like she knows what he’s doing.
“Talk to him like you’re getting to know him for the first time, Steve. Because that’s where he is. Everything about the Upside Down, and even the kids… that’s all secondary. You got along because your personalities match. Give them a chance to.” She smirks at him. “And maybe show off a little bit of that Harrington charm I know is in there somewhere.”
He shakes his head, grinning. “You’ll see one day, Robs, I’ve got game.”
She grins, ruffling his hair one last time before dancing out of reach as he squawks at her. “I’ll believe it when I see it, Dingus.” She leaves, bringing the bag into the other room, and he sighs and follows her, wondering—not for the first time—how he ended up with her as a best friend.
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I've always loved the Steddie SpideyPool pairing, but after DP3, I'd like to suggest Eddie as Deadpool and Steve as a very messed up Wolverine.
Steve who had hard time coping with failing his chosen family and the punishment of not being able to die and join them. It wouldn't be the X-Men characters, but the whole gang of his kids and friends who took up being heroes to protect their world. Dustin, Robin, Nancy, Max, Lucas...all gone.
So Steve survives on alcohol and moments of self-pity and rage. Sometimes he tries to see if maybe his healing factor got up and left, but no. Still there.
Enter Eddie as Deadpool. He tried dating Chrissy, but they ended up breaking up after she got targeted. He is trying to make a honest living, but fuck, it's hard. Then the TVA thing happens, Eddie panics, brings in a replacement Wolverine who just happens to be Steve.
The movie happens sort of the same way.
And then Eddie drags Steve home and Steve just breaks down. Because in this world, his kids and friends are fine. They are alive. They never got into the hero business, Robin tends to the merc bar that Eddie used to frequent. Dustin tried to join Eddie's temporary group X-Force (yes, he's their Peter), Mike is Eddie's former getaway taxi driver. El ended up in the X-Men and she is mentored by Hopper, but she's safe and thriving.
It's when they're all sitting at Eddie's shabby desk with Wayne and everyone that Eddie and Steve stop bickering. It's the very moment that Max mentions that superheroes aren't as lame as she used to think and she might try becoming one.
The joint "OVER MY DEAD BODY' sounds almost rehearsed. The disjointed rant about why this is such a bad idea doesn't, but everyone's eyeing them with suspicion.
When Eddie reminds everyone to be safe on their way home ("or I'll always order pizza with pineapple for the next DnD, I swear it, Wheeler, you'll wish you weren't born in this century!"), and Steve nods behind him, Max scoffs. "We get it. Go kiss your new crush and don't worry for a minute, yeah?"
It takes Eddie several minutes to register what she said, but by then she's gone.
"A crush?" he spits out. "Unacceptable!"
Steve just stares at him.
"I mean, we saved the world together. That makes us so much more. Right, boyfriend?"
Steve still stares at him, but hey, Eddie's an optimist. What else can Steve do than stab him (been there), slash him (done that), dismember him (they'll get there one day), or break his heart? Maybe the last one.
"Boyfriend, huh?" asks Steve, and his claws stay in for now.
Eddie feels brave and puts his hands on Steve's shoulders. "My calendar and heart are free. So what do you say, baby?"
"That depends."
Eddie still isn't stabbed. "On?"
And fuck, it seemed impossible, but it's there. Steve smiles at him. "On whether kissing you shuts you up."
Laughing, Eddie pulls him closer. "Why don't you find out, big boy?"
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scoobydoodean · 10 months
Okay so in 1.03 Dead In The Water, there's this exchange Sam and Dean have at one point in regards to Lucas—the little boy who watched his dad drown, who Dean connects with during the episode:
DEAN Andrea said the kid never drew like that till his dad died. SAM There are cases—going through a traumatic experience could make people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies. DEAN Whatever's out there, what if Lucas is tapping into it somehow? I mean, it's only a matter of time before somebody else drowns, so if you got a better lead, please.
And the last time I watched this episode, I went "Oh cool! A little Psychic!Sam Easter Egg." Right? Sam goes through the traumatic experience of losing Jess, and he's tapped into "whatever's out there" (the yellow eyed demon) and he's having premonitions about what he's going to do next. Which definitely makes a lot of sense.
But when I was gif-ing stuff from 1.03 today, I realized that... funnily enough, within the context of this episode we also have some fun stuff relating to the "slightly psychic Dean" posts that have gone around this year... Or if you prefer, Cassandra!Dean. Cassandra, in reference to the prophet in Greek myth, cursed by Apollo to utter true prophecies but never be believed.
Dean often knows when bad things are going to happen in Supernatural. He doesn't have visions—but he has "bad feelings" and makes predictions that turn out to be scarily accurate at times. Of course we can infer that Dean is just good at 1) reading people and 2) understanding how sequences of events tumble one by one in a row like so many dominoes. It's another sign of his incredible intelligence. But it IS fun to think about Dead In The Water as the first indication of Cassandra!Dean.
First, because Lucas has premonitions, and Lucas and Dean are paralleled and connect on an emotional level.
Dean and Lucas have similar traumatic childhood experiences. Both watched a parent die and both lost the ability to speak afterwards:
DEAN You're scared. It's okay. I understand. See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom, and I was scared, too. I didn't feel like talking, just like you. But see, my mom—I know she wanted me to be brave. I think about that every day. And I do my best to be brave. And maybe, your dad wants you to be brave too.
Dean is able to connect with Lucas through their shared traumatic experience. He's the only one who's able to get through to him—and after a short conversation and just drawing together for a while—much to his mom's shock. Dean is able to understand what Lucas is feeling without Lucas saying it.
Second, because Lucas has bad feelings that tell him the locations where the spirit will strike next, but no one listens to/believes him.
...Kind of like people usually don't listen to/believe Dean's bad feelings.
DEAN Anyway. Well, maybe you don't think anyone will listen to you, or, uh...or believe you. I want you to know that I will. You don't even have to say anything. You could draw me a picture about what you saw that day, with your dad, on the lake.
Of course, this line is just Dean paralleling Lucas with himself and his own reasons for not speaking, but it must hit home, because Lucas begins communicating with Dean through drawings.
Further, despite Sam also knowing Lucas is having premonitions, when Lucas reacts with extreme distress to the idea of going home and clings to Dean desperately, Sam still... doesn't think it means anything. He thinks the case is over.
Third, Dean has a bad feeling that the case isn't over, and Sam doesn't believe him.
The sheriff had just threatened to arrest them if they stayed in town, so of course going back to town is a big deal. When Dean turns around based on a bad feeling, Sam thinks he's just being paranoid.
SAM But Dean, this job, I think it's over. DEAN I'm not so sure. SAM If Bill murdered Peter Sweeney and Peter's spirit got its revenge, case closed. The spirit should be at rest. DEAN All right, so what if we take off and this thing isn't done? You know, what if we've missed something? What if more people get hurt? SAM But why would you think that? DEAN Because Lucas was really scared. SAM That's what this is about?
Dean sticks to his guns, and they arrive just in time to save Lucas's mother from drowning in a bathtub.
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ultramarinaa · 19 days
thank you for making Joan look unkept and unwell. I see too many genderbends that just pretty-ify male characters who are SUPPOSED to be gross and grimey, for the sake of making them cuter or whatever. let Joan be just as stinky as Jon<3
If you ever see me pull shit like that please explode me as this is not me and I have been replaced.
Fr, I hate yassification of female characters. I want my fem versions to have same energy as their male counterparts. If Jon has energy of a library rat who never had a day of peace in his life then the fem version should stay the same.
I am in the process of making fem Peter Lucas and you better know she will be built like a mountain.
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j4keluver · 4 months
To All The Boys I've Loved Before: To Whom it may concern, I like you
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casting: reader as lara jean, heeseung as peter kavinsky, sunghoon as reader's older brother, jungwon as josh sanderson, jay as greg, sunoo as lucas, ni-ki as kitty | ft... yunjin as chris, chaewon as gen
warning : explicit sexual implication (no smut) , swearing
synopsis: you've always dreamed of finding the picture perfect boyfriend but high school boys suck. whenever you get feelings so intense but can't put it to words, you write a letter that gets stuffed into a hidden blue box. so why is yang jungwon, your neighbor, walking towards you with a letter in his hand and why are you kissing lee heeseung, gen's boyfriend?
author's note: here's our first officially teaser of the series ! me and tiana (@luvj4key) have been working very hard to produce this series and we are so glad to see many of you loving it ! we still have a lot of responsibilities in our outside life out of tumblr so please be patient and understand that we are doing our best to create quality work for you guys. thank you for all the love ! and we will continue to answer question and build up your anticipation <3
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The feeling of the grass tickles your finger tips, almost making you throw a light laugh. The low lit sun kisses your skin and the scent of the earth breathes into your system. It's a sense of freedom and warmth that you can only delve into when getting lost in the carefully written pages and pages of a love story.
In the distance, there is a young boy that seems to enjoy the earth's presence. Sun-bathed skin that soaks up the sun's welcoming rays, playful eyes that hold a keen stare, and flushed cheeks that only Aphrodite could have blessed him with. But it's not just anybody - It's Yang Jungwon.
He catches your stare and gives you a wistful smile, slowly making his way to you. You can only stand still when he finally appears right in front of you. His calloused hands reach up to your face to caress the soft skin of your cheek. Jungwon's eyes flutter closed and it's like your eyes close on command. He leans in ever so slightly, the tip of his nose touching yours in a light nudge. His breath is getting closer to your lips until -
"Hey ! What was that for?" you groan. The pillow Riki just threw at you is now somewhere on the ground onto of a mountain of unfolded laundry. You look up to him from your book to see him leaning on your door frame.
"Well in case you didn't notice, dinner is about to be ready. We've called you like six times," he rolls his eyes. Sunghoon pops up from behind him, "Yeah peanut. If you weren't reading those shitty books, you would have noticed that Dad made your favorite."
"I'm coming, I'm coming. I just finished this chapter," you shooed them away. You put on a pair of slippers and stop at the bottom step when the door opens and a familar frame greets you. The man of the hour again - Yang Jungwon.
"Hoon, Riki," Jungwon says, pulling in them for a quick hug and a firm pat on the back. "Sick ! Jungwon brought the new fifa game. This is why you're better than Sunghoon. " Riki exclaims. Sunghoon smacks the backside of his head while Riki sheepishly mumbles an apology.
Jungwon makes eye contact with you and raises his hand for a high-five which you comply . Jungwon whispers, "My favorite siblings out of all of you guys but don't tell them that !"
You can only softly laugh, knowing he loved this household more than his own. Your dad calls out to him, ushering him the the kitchen. Jungwon winks at you before walking over.
Yang Jungwon was someone that you were almost too familiar with. The Yangs moved into the house next door when you were in the sixth grade, Sunghoon was in seventh, and Riki was in fifth. You still remember young Jungwon, hiding behind his mother's leg and peeking over with his cat-like eyes.
Jungwon's mother gave him a little nudge, "Don't be shy Jungwon, they won't bite you." You tilt your head at him before deciding to give him a small wave and offer a cheeky smile. With that, it seems like Jungwon's shell had cracked as his dimple peeked through when he smiled back.
Your brother immediately invited him in to play some video games which he just nodded too. Every since then, it was like Jungwon lived at your house. Heck, sometimes he knew your house better than you did. He came after school to get tutored by Sunghoon and he would come on the weekend to play soccer with Riki, only seeing you in fleeting moments.
Jungwon was techincally your first boyfriend. Well - space between boy and friend. You would bike to school together, eat lunch together, be each other's lab partners and join the same clubs. You guys were insperable until high school. Your dynamic was very different in high school than middle school.
Jungwon towered five inches taller than eight grade graduation, leaving him at a staggering 5'10. His jaw was more defined, cheekbones more prominent. He made the soccer team so he was frame was lean and his skin was sun-kissed from all the outside practices. And the most biggest change; the girls
Jungwon had always been attractive, at least in your eyes. But his new profound looks made him extremely popular with Adler High. You changed a little from middle school. You opted to wear contacts than your glasses, you got your braces off and you finally learned how to make your eyeliners twins and not cousins. But it was nothing compared to the 360 Jungwon made.
He tried to keep your connection strong, even when he got his first girlfriend. He would still come over on Friday after school for movie nights, and still had the usual routine with your siblings. However, you didn't know that a random Friday would be your last movie night.
In your defense, you didn't mean to ease drop on him and Sunghoon's conversation but you're glad did. You, Sunghoon and Jungwon were having a late night conversation in the backyard before you excuse yourself to grab some water.
You come back with three water bottles until you stop in your tracks as you heard Sunghoon ask Jungwon, "So THE Yang Jungwon isn't a virgin anymore huh? How was she?" You quickly hid behind the wall, trying to control your shaky hands. Jungwon laughs, "Dude her head game was insane, had me rolling my eyes and shit. And the way her walls sucked me in, literal stars."
Did Jungwon actually say that or are you imagining things? It wasn't until you heard Sunghoon hollers, "Let's fucking go Jungwon, I see you." Your face feels hot and you feel your eyes brimming with tears. But what are you crying for? Are you upset that he is disrespecting women or are you upset that you realized you're in love with him and he just confessed that he lost his virginity? Both? You take a deep breath and wait for their conversation to go still before heading out.
You drop off the waters to them and make up some excuse about a throbbing headache, clutching onto your temples. You hug them goodnight, holding onto Jungwon for a second longer than usual. You cry yourself to sleep.
Jungwon persists for the next month, constantly asking what was wrong and if there was anything he could fix. He would ask your brothers what's wrong, to which they only shrugged their shoulder not knowing the answer. He would text you and you would simply keep telling him it was personal reasons.
He stops trying one month and three weeks in, probably because his girlfriend wouldn't be so happy if she sees how much effort he is putting into you. From then on, things are a little awkward but manageable. You only see him in passing moments.
Jungwon and his first girlfriend eventually break up but he quickly gets with Kim Minji, a cheerleader for Adler high, and they're still together till now.
You take your sit at the dining table next to Sunghoon. Sunghoon plates your food for you, "Eat up, you won't have me to remind you when I'm in Ireland." You just sigh and say a 'thank you.'
Your dad starts, "So Jungwon, How's Minji? Haven't seen her around in a while." Sunghoon's eyes widen while Jungwon awkwardly clears his throat. His eyes dart around and he subconsciously makes eye contact with you. You raise an eyebrow at him before he looks away.
"Oh we've just been busy and stressed with school that we haven't been able to see each other in a while. It's.. going okay." Jungwon manages to say before Riki changes the topic, talking about the new game Jungwon brought over.
The conversation between the five of you flow smoothly. You settle for going bed early since you're waking up early to see Sunghoon off in the morning. You hug your dad and Sunghoon goodnight and drop a kiss on Riki's head ("Stop doing that (Y/N), I'm old and manly now" You know he still loves to be babied.) You choose for a small wave to Jungwon before heading upstairs.
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Sunghoon isn't a guy to get emotional and shed tears. You could count on your hands how many times you've seen Sunghoon cry. But here he was, stray tears falling down his cheek. Dad pats his back as Sunghoon sniffles. He gives Riki a quick hug, a rare moment between the brothers.
And when he gets to you, he pulls you into the tighest hug before leaving a big smooch on your head. He pulls back and sternly warns you, "Now peanut, listen to me very closely. Now with your older, hot, manly, strong brother away, boys are going to try to approach you and you will turn down every single one. You understand? Especially the Lacrosse team."
You don't really focus on the words you say as your own tears start to well up in your eyes where Sunghoon only coos at you and hugs you tighter. The three of your wave to Sunghoon as he walks through his gate. You look back to see if he's looking back. He's not and it finally hits you that for this school year, you're on your own (minus riki)
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taglist: @dimplewonie @wooziswife @bunnbam (unable to tag)
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reareaotaku · 3 months
Masterlist IV [Complete]
Masterlist V | Masterlist III | Masterlist II | Masterlist I Updated: Aug. 28, 2024 [9:39 PM CDT] * = Slight Nsfw/Nsfw Content
Beetlejuice & Lydia Deetz Headcanons
Lydia Deetz
Beetlejuice & Lydia Deetz Headcanons
Goofy Movie
Max Goof
She Said See You Later, Boy [Pt. II of He was a Skater Boy] Birthday Celebration Max Goof Headcanons Max NSFW Headcanons* Max Dating Headcanons
Bradley Uppercrust III
Bradley Headcanons Birthday Celebration Bradley NSFW Headcanons*
Peter Pete Junior "P.J."
Birthday Celebration
Bobby Zimmeruski 
Birthday Celebration Bobby Headcanons*
Birthday Celebration
Birthday Celebration
Teen Mutant Ninja Turtles
Michelangelo 'Mikey'
Mikey Headcanons
Sweet Pretty Thing
Stranger Things
Mike Wheeler
I Wanna Be More Than Friends
Tori Vega
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Andre Harris
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Cat Valentine
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Robbie Shapiro
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Beck Oliver
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Jade West
Victorious Main Cast Headcanons
Miles Morales
Miles Morales Headcanons Another World
Gwen Stacy
Yandere! Gwen Stacy Headcanons
My Babysitter's a Vampire
Ethan Morgan
[Yandere] Ethan Morgan Headcanons
Richie Tozier
First Kiss
Emperor's New Groove
Male! Yzma Headcanons
Miles Fairchild
Impress a Crush New Girl
Dork Diaries
Mackenzie Hollister
Mackenzie Hollister Headcanons
Malcom in the Middle
Reese Wilkerson
Reese Wilkerson Headcanons
The Middle
Axl Heck
Love Thy Sister's Friend Axl Heck Drabble
Kim Possible
Kim Possible
Being Friends w/ Kim Possible [& More]
The Goldfinch
Theo Decker
But I Love You
Boris Pavlikovsky
Yandere! Boris Pavlikovsky Headcanons
Diabolik Lovers
Kou Mukami
Yandere! Kou Mukami Headcanons
Azusa Mukami
Yandere! Azusa Mukami Headcanons
Carmen Sandiego
Graham Calloway
Yandere Crackle Headcanons
Inside Job
Brett Hand
[Toxic] Brett Hand Headcanons
Gravity Falls
Bill Cipher
Bill Cipher Headcanons Bill in Prison Equally Obsessed Reader Hate, Hate, Hate Yandere Bill Cipher Headcanons Yandere! Ford vs Yandere! Bill Jealous/Yandere Bill Headcanons
Reverse Pine Twins
Rev! Pine Twins vs Pine Twins Keep You Here [Pt II]
Pine Twins
Rev! Pine Twins vs Pine Twins Monster Fall AU Monster Falls [Pt II]
Dipper Pines
Aged Up! Dipper Pines Romantic Headcanons Reader who can Jump Dimensions
Stan Pines
Teen! Stan & Ford Pines Headcanons Monster Fall AU Lost in Town [Pt I] Stan Pines Headcanons Yandere! Stan Pines Headcanons
Ford Pines
Teen! Stan & Ford Pines Headcanons Monster Fall AU College Ford w/ Painter Reader Yandere! Ford Headcanons Yandere! Ford vs Yandere! Bill Stanford Gleeful Headcanons Enemies 2 Friends to Something More* Hot & Sweaty * [^PT II] Good Morning I Can't Have You*
Schroeder Headcanons
Phineas and Ferb
Jeremy Johnson
Jeremy Johnson Headcanaons
Ferb Fletcher
Ferb is quiet as a mouse
Fairly Oddparents
Periwinkle 'Peri' Fairywinkle-Cosma
Peri Headcanons Human Reader More Peri x Human Reader Headcanons Peri x Toothfairy!GN! Reader
Billy Loomis
Prank Call
Game Of Thrones
Daenerys Targeryan
A Knight
Bran Stark
Yandere! Bran Stark Headcanons
Jon Kent
Apple of My Eye
Damian Wayne
Apple of My Eye
Dick Grayson
Watcher or Stalker?
Tim Drake
Tim Drake Headcanons
The Umbrella Academy
Five Hargreeves
True Hate-filled Love
Mean Girl
Regina George
Regina George Headcanons
Own Characters
Rich Boy Lucas
Kidnapping Lucas
Yandere! Jinx Headcanons
Miguel Rivera
Miguel Headcanons
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Prince/Fire Lord Zuko
Yandere Zuko Headcanons
Katara Headcanons
Avatar Aang
Avatar Aang Headcanons
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CONGRATS ON 100!! 🎉 i was wondering if you could do a blurb about peter being the cutest, caring dad and building his kids stuff or for his own lil family 🥹. i’m in desperate need of domestic peter!
Acts of Service
--genre + trope: FLUFF, sfw.
--pairing: dad!tasm!peter parker x pregnant!f!reader
--word count: 0.5k
--warnings: dad!peter is the cutest and i'm not okay about it.
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The sunny afternoon cast warm rays of light into your apartment. Winter was just on the cusp, so soaking in the last remnants of fall was essential, especially with your second child on the way. You just finished making lunch for you and Peter. Your son, Lucas, was screaming all night about missing his Auntie May, so after a quick call, you dropped Lucas off to spend the day with her. 
“Hey, Peter! Lunch is ready,” you yell down the hall. A second of silence passes, before you peer into the hallway, wondering why he hasn’t called back yet. Listening closer, you realize Peter has a jazz record on, the music lightly filling the rest of the apartment. You laugh to yourself as you make a plate for him, and walk towards the source of the music. The room he’s in is going to be your daughter’s. 
You’re about 30 weeks, so preparing for her has been on the forefront of your mind. Even though you’re barely showing, Peter has been very aware of what decorating you’ve been doing in the new room. As you make your way to the doorframe, you can see that your husband is hunched over, building a new chair that you both will be spending lots of time in. After Lucas was born, you spent many sleepless nights rocking with him in a chair similar to the one that Peter was building. You didn’t know he bought a new one, the box revealing a picture of it.
Your sudden presence makes Peter turn around and face you at the door, his senses picking up on you. He stands up, carefully walking through the mess he’s made, greeting you with a kiss. Looking down at the plate, his eyebrows furrow, “Oh, honey. You didn’t need to bring this to me.” 
“It’s alright,” you smile at him, taking a peek over his shoulder, “I was wondering what you were doing in here anyways.”
Looking behind him, he studies the mess, “Yeah…oh, um, surprise!” He uses his free hand to present the project as if you hadn’t seen it the second you walked into the room. 
Walking further in the room, you look at the half finished chair, “And when did you get this?”
He comes up behind you, reaching down to take a bite of his lunch, he speaks up, words muffled by his food, “I ordered it a while ago. I knew you loved the last one, and the same company just released a new one, so it seemed like perfect timing.”
“Thank you, baby,” you turn to him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close.
Setting the plate on the dresser next to you, he wrapped both his arms around your waist and kissed the side of your head, “Of course, bug.”
For the rest of the afternoon you spend next to Peter’s side, watching him build the rest of the chair. Watching him work on projects was your favorite pastime, especially when he’s making something for your family. Peter carries so much love for you and the little family you and him have built together, and he can’t wait to see his little girl. 
--author's note: im sorry this was so cute??? i need domestic peter so bad, sighhhhh. keep sending in requests!!! don't forget to support your writers by liking, commenting, and reblogging!! ok, bye ily<3
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silencesscreams · 1 year
high infidelity
peter parker x f!reader
you know there’s many different ways that you can kill the one you love, the slowest way is never loving them enough.
warnings: college!, cheating?, toxic relationships, drinking, kissing, making out, SMUT, dirty talk, a bit of degradation, teeny tiny bit of angst, choking, oral ( f. receiving), no use of protection (please be careful and use protection irl), nicknames like princess or baby, cuddles, aftercare??
an: this happens after the whole nwh incident, so they are both 18+ AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVE COLLEGE! + PETER
it was 6 in the morning, you were brushing your teeth as your phone started to ring.
‘chris <3’ was written on the screen, along with a picture of him sticking his tongue out, that goddamn photo, it mocked you. you eyed your phone for a while before picking up, you had a fight last night, you didn’t remember the reason though. probably something you said, you hadn’t been seeing him in person for a few days now, you had been spending the winter break at your grandmothers. going back to uni on that same day you fought. chris studied there too, but he was on another level. he had come from dozens of private schools, uniforms and everything else in the deal, his acceptance was guaranteed on his last name. maybe it all was just a game for him.
“hey, did i wake you up?” he questioned, once you put the phone on speaker.
“hi chris. you didn’t, is everything alright?”
“yeah, just wanted to check in. you haven’t texted me since that talk we had” it wasn’t a talk. it was him screaming on the phone with you, like you had killed his entire family and burnt down his house, when you had just told him you felt sorry about not getting accepted on the internship at the stark industries, and talking about how peter parker, a guy in your hall that had gotten accepted when he was in high school.
“yeah… sorry about what i said, i know how you feel about me being friends with guys and all. and we never even really talked babe, he was just my biochemistry partner last semester.” you apologized, not wanting to discuss this at the time, maybe you’d just let it go. it was no use anyways. the relationship had been falling apart for a while now.
“it alright. just don’t do it again. ‘gonna get breakfast at the diner with lucas and the boys, so ill talk to you later, alright? text you when i get there.”
“sure” you replied as he hung up. maybe you should break up, just rip the band aid off, you know? it was clear that it would happen sooner or later. it was stupid to keep it like that, all the fighting was just idiotic.
when you got to the chemistry lecture, you got to your usual seat, middle row third seat. you spent a few minutes biting the inside of your cheeks while checking your phone from minute to minute. you hated when he did that. you couldn’t quite find a way to finish your relationship and not end up being crucified, you felt in high school again. all the parties, homework, relationship issues. you could feel so impotent around him, like everything you say is wrong and he’ll always know better than you because he went to ivy-
“hey, y/n, right?” you heard a male voice say, turning around to face yourself with peter parker.
“y-yeah. peter?” you replied, looking at him smiling.
“that’s me. is this seat taken? its always nice to be around a familiar face so…” he asked, pointing to the seat on your left, that was occupied by your backpack.
“oh, right, no its not taken!” you answer quickly removing your things from the chair so he can sit down, trying to be as nice as possible. he quickly sat down, eyeing you in awkwardness.
“hear you applied for the stark memorial thing, that’s nice of you!” he smiles, taking out his notebook. “sorry, uhm, i forgot my pencil… so could you maybe…?”
“oh sure! absolutely!” you had gotten lost in your own sea of thoughts smiling at him. ever since you’ve met peter you’ve felt something about him. maybe now your relationship is almost over you could maybe have a shot, you don’t know at what, but you could.
mid presentation, peter slips you a note. something he was afraid to say, but felt the urge.
‘wanna go to a party next week?’
you look at him, right next to you with an intrigued smile.
you write, and quickly give it back to him.
‘john’s, first floor of your dorms building. it’ll be around nine, i can bring you as an extra if you’d like.’ when he gives it back, you immediately feel bad, having to turn him down like this.
‘sorry peter, just remembered i’m going out with my boyfriend that night. its our anniversary, so sorry. would love to go, though!’ you give the note back with an empathetic smile. you can see that he feels a bit embarrassed, you hate it.
for the rest of the lecture he’s absolutely quiet, you can feel him eyeing you, some sort of feeling you couldn’t quite decipher.
as the teacher started to close up, he gave you a piece of paper.
“my number, if you ever need it. feel free to text.” he smiles at you, picking up his bag and leaving. maybe you should text, just maybe.
it was around half past eight when you realized something, your boyfriend wasn’t coming. in fact, he stood you up.
‘fuck you chris. this is it.’
well, you needed to text him something, maybe it was the heat of the moment, or just an impulsive thing. you only realized what you were doing when peter picked up.
“hello?” he said over the phone.
“hi peter, its y/n, is that invite still up?” in the past week, the two of you had been talking a lot, mostly texting. you met up in a starbucks twice to work on homework, but that was mostly it. sure, you’d developed a small crush, but you still had a boyfriend. but maybe that wasn’t the situation anymore.
“y-yeah, can i pick you up? is everything alright?”
“sure. ill be ready in five, see you soon.” you hang up, deciding it is go time, no matter what was going to happen after, this was your shot at it. maybe you could have some fun. he was always fun.
a few minutes later, you were locking you door as he waited for you to go with him.
“hope you didn’t have to cancel with anyone for this, sorry for the mast minute call.” you apologize, putting your keys in your purse.
“oh its fine dont worry, i wasn’t planning on bringin anyone else.” he smiled at you, while walking. you could tell he’d sprayed on some perfume and that his hair was still damp, you found it sweet he put effort in to getting ready for the night out. “what happened to your date with chris?” he questioned, almost puking the words out, he seemed nervous about it.
“oh, hm, i guess i got stood up. sorry, that makes you seem like a second option, but i truly wanted to go so i remembered and i dont want you to-“
“its alright, y/n. i get it, hes an asshole for standing you up like that.” he interrupted your blabbering.
“yeah, i guess he is.”
“what do you want? on me, please!” he says loudly, ao you could hear him through the music, he took a sip out of his beer, staring at you.
“just a shot! i hate the taste of beer, no offense though!”
“nome taken, sweetie.” he looks over your shoulder, and you can see a frown forming on his face. “you wanna go somewhere else? i dont feel like this’ll go well.” he says, his voice a bit lower now.
“what do you mean?” you say, so you turn around and you see him. chris. casually smoking, with a girl by his side and his free hand on her thigh. “seriously? fuck him.” you mutter, looking over at peter.
“no, its fine, dont worry about me.” you smile, the shots are delivered and you quickly take one. the taste of vodka and a bit of lemon going down your throat, burning hot. you can see through glances they have started to make out, he probably didnt notice you yet, so he’d come up with some excuse later.
but peter needed to make sure he did.
“hey, wanna go dance? fuck chris, lets have some fun, alright?” he said, taking you by the hand to the dance floor, with a dozen bodies moving to some song you didnt quite recognize. his breath hitched over your neck as you moved with him, your arms over his neck and your hips swaying to the beat. if you ever had a doubt he was into you, that was quickly offset by the way his eyes roamed your body. focused on every inch of you. god, he loved that dress.
“your boyfriends staring…” he whispered into your ear, nipping at it.
“oh, im sure hes not my boyfriend anymore. besides, we should put on a show for him, shouldn’t we?” you smile at him, turning around and starting to grind against him. you could hear him whisper curses, and you knew you both were in for one hell of a night. you could feel him grow through your dress, eager for more, but tonight, you were having the urge to tease him (more than you already were).
you never did that to piss off chris, you did it because you wanted peter. because peter parker was just perfect for you. maybe that was how you knew this wouldn’t ever be a one time thing. as the music was fading to its end, you turned to him, looking him in the eye.
for a moment there, you got lost in him. you forgot what you were about to say. his eyes had a bit of green in them, you had never realized that, maybe because you should’ve let yourself get lost in him before.
“y/n” he calls, pulling you from your thoughts.
“yeah?” and then you realize. he was staring back, and he was close. god, was he close.
“what the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” you are both quickly interrupted by chris, trying to push peter away from you, but he was faster, dodging him.
“id ask you the same, christian. you bailed on me, what’d you want me to do, huh? stay at the restaurant? waiting patiently for you to finish fucking some other girl, and eating appetizers? because that’s the ideal night! we’re over and you know it, leave me alone.”
“and so you cheat on me with this dick because i bailed on you once? really? fuck you y/n!” he says, screaming at you, his voice was louder than the music.
“i’m cheating on you?! I cheated on YOU? chris, for the past four months you’ve ditched 15 dates, a total of 5 dinners, two breakfast occasions and 8 lunches in the dining hall, honestly, where were you? why couldn’t you just send a fucking text? what? were you just too busy in bed with some other girl? because you sure as hell are missing tons of classes, there’s gotta be an answer right? fuck you chris. just leave me alone.” you scream back, if this was the last time he screamed at you, you sure as hell wouldn’t take it all in. he makes his usual, but more extreme, i want you to die face and walks away, slamming on to you purposefully as he walks.
in a matter of seconds you see peter punching chris, and you’re instantly shocked because you never saw peter as a guy who fights, and you were two times more shocked once you se chris falling to the ground.
god, was peter hot in that moment. he ran his hand through his hair.
“come on, lets get out of here.” he says, his eyes a bit darker now. and you were in, you were in for all of it.
“sorry, i know punching exes is more of a 5th date kind of thing.” he says, hissing as you put his dominant hand in a bucket of ice.
“i’m okay with it.” you said, leaning against the cold tiles of peter’s bathroom wall. after the ‘fight’ you needed to take care of him, and so you decided to kill two birds with one stone, going back to his place.
“just to clarify, i don’t usually get in to fights. ever. but i don’t know, him slamming in to you like that? god, y/n, he’s such an asshole.” peter said looking at the door to his room, seeing it quickly open and close, it was his roommate.
“can i talk to him for like 5 minutes tops?” he asks, his brows furrowed. you nod, smiling at him.
he leaves the bathroom, closing the door after him. you could hear him whisper to his friend.
“please, steven just leave for a few hours just do me a favor, man!”
“who do you have here? please don’t tell me its chris’s girl because he’ll kick your ass” there was a pause. “you are so dead.”
“they broke up, please let me try please!”
“i’ll sleep at carson’s, but i swear to god, if it goes bad for you i’m not covering for your ass.”
“fair enough! thank you thank you thank you!” you giggle at his excitement, so you hike your dress up, and continue sat on the bathroom floor, making sure he could see a glimpse of your underwear once he walked in.
peter was sweet and perfect for you, but you never imagined yourself in that situation, and to be fully honest, you were loving it.
when he walks in to the bathroom again, you try your hardest to not blush because damn it, all he said was “hi” and you’re 3 seconds away from taking off all of your clothes and kissing him.
he sits next to you, eyeing your thighs. he wonders if you were dressed up like that once you called him, or if you had changed to see him. he surely hoped that dress was for him, because he was so jealous of chris in that moment. every day he was jealous of chris, not because he felt inferior, because chris could see you like that. because chris could hear you moan his name. peter never wanted someone so bad in his entire life.
“it was just steven, you remember him right? from biochem?” you nod, staring at him for a while now.
“do you, uhm, need any more ice?” you ask, looking at his red knuckles, trying to focus on something else (which obviously doesn’t work).
“why’d you call me?” he asks abruptly.
“why did you call me ?”
“because i could trust you, i guess, i don’t know.” you answer, feeling a bit ashamed.
“why’d you leave him? i mean, after all this time? you knew about all his bullshit didn’t you?”
“peter, once you just appeared back into my life i took it as a sign, i mean, staying with him was killing me. you know him, right? you went to school with him”
“yeah i did, but it just doesn’t make sense to me, what are we? i’m not just someone you can call when your boyfriend’s not around, i’m sorry to be rude but i’m not that guy, y/n, and if that’s what you’re looking for, i don’t want it.” “peter. i want you okay? you’re the only person i want, the only person i’ve wanted for a while now. he never loved me enough, hell, he never loved me. i don’t want him, i want you. please, just believe me in me, please.” you say quickly, trying to get all your feelings out, though they could never be translated to words, he stares at you, wondering what to do next. and so he kisses you.
it starts off as a soft thing, a delicate and sweet kiss. you part your lips, waiting for him to reciprocate. and so it turns into a passionate and messy kiss, your tongues intertwining and you could taste him, you could taste his minty breath. you could taste peter fucking parker. and with that, you don’t waste any time.
your hands drift off to his hair, tugging on it, kissing him desperately. you feel his hands roaming your waist, he starts kissing your neck, nipping at it, whispering onto your skin.
“you have no idea for how long i’ve wanted you, fuck…” he whispers, helping you up and bringing you towards his bed, hands on your ass and not stopping his kisses on your neck, he sits you on bed, his knee aiming towards the inside of your thighs, he takes his shirt off and his jeans had already fell to the carpet, you couldn’t help but smile, he was so pretty.
“i saw what you did there, don’t think i didn’t notice.” he says, referring to the was you looked in the bathroom.
“i have no idea what you’re talking about” you whisper through a moan, as he starts kissing your chest, pulling your dress down and unclipping your bra.
“don’t lie to me, you know better then that…” he says, looking at you with those eyes, he quickly starts sucking onto your left nipple.
while he works on your tits with his mouth, his right hand is headed towards your lace panties, only playing with the hem of it.
“that alright, princess?” you nod a yes in answer. “i wanna hear you say it.” “fuck, yes, its great, peter… please.” you answer in the midst of moans.
“good. do you like this? did you get what you wanted, huh?” he asks, kissing your thighs, everywhere but not where you most needed him, he was teasing you.
“y-yeah, i wanted you so bad, please.” you say, hands trailing off to his hair again, you could feel your panties getting wetter by the second, and he knew that too.
he takes them off slowly, teasing you more and more.
“so wet, all for me, baby?” peter asks, kissing the inside of your thighs, making sure to leave marks.
“ yes, pete, all for you, please…” you nod, desperately, needing him more and more.
“what’d you want, huh? tell me, y/n.” he asks, looking at you with doe eyes, spreading your legs for him to see more. he was loving to see you like this, he needed it again and again every day and it was only just beginning.
“i… i need you to touch me, please, taste me, please” you ask, feeling your face getting hotter, his hands roaming your waist, you can feel your stomach sink with need.
“that was all you needed to say, smart girl” he answers, licking a broad stripe from top to bottom, he tasted all he could. “you’re so pretty honey, so fucking pretty"
peter inserts a finger in, causing you to moan, you could feel his grin over your clit. sucking on to your bud, you couldn’t believe you’d spent all this time without this side of him. as he stretches you out, inserting another finger, you feel as if you touched heaven and came back. you had never felt this way, with anyone. it was him.
“fuck!” you moan as he brings a third finger into the equation, his mouth and hands working together, just for you.
“peter i’m so close please” and just with that, he stops, leaving you empty and eager for more. and just like that he’s on top of you again, kissing you eagerly, making you get a taste of yourself. his dominant hand on your neck, squeezing it softly, just enough.
“you’re so fucking hot” he whispers against your lips, you can feel his grin on your skin as he kisses your neck again, nipping and leaving marks all over. your pussy aching for him, you needed him inside you so so so bad.
“peter” you whisper, trying to get his attention, though he seems very entertained by your neck and how mane hickeys he could leave.
“yeah?” he immediately stops, looking at you, his brows furrowed.
“i need you inside me. i need your dick.” you say, getting more red, his lips swollen and pink, he looks beautiful. his hair messy, you wanted him so bad.
“yeah? you need my dick?” he asks, teasing you, a smirk forming itself on his face.
“please, peter. i need you so much” you say, nodding with your words. he looks at you with his eyes shiny. he takes himself out of his underwear, you’d already seen his bulge but you still were surprised. he starts aligning himself to your hole, tapping his tip on your clit, teasing you.
“so pretty like this, all for me” he says, slowly pushing in, “fuck…” he sighs, you moan trying to adjust to his size. he feels like heaven inside you. he starts thrusting lightly into you.
“harder… please i need you so bad, please, peter.” you say, looking at him over you with doe eyes, a smirk forms on his face, hearing you say those words.
“thats all you needed to say, princess.” he says, slamming into you quickly. You moan out unrecognizable words, a mix of “fuck” with “ohmygod” and “peter”. he was so fucking good, slamming into you, whispering curses, using his free hand to stimulate your clit. you were almost there, reaching your high, as you started to clench around him.
“no, don’t. not yet.” he says firmly, still pounding into you.
“please…” you ask, looking at him with those doe eyes again.
“no.” he answers again. “i want to cum with you.” he slams into you again, harder this time. picking up his pace, when suddenly his right hand is on your neck, squeezing it slightly.
“this okay?” he asks, you nod a yes. he’s pounding into you, you’re loving it. he has the power over you and you have to admit, you’re more turned on now than you ever were in your relationship with chris. you weren’t going to be able to hold back any longer, scratching his back with your nails, leaving marks all over.
“please, peter, i need to cum so bad please!” you beg, he looks at you with green eyes, brows furrowed.
"please princess, please cum for me." he says, his thumb not stopping at your clit, as you’re moving your hip with his. it takes no more than a few seconds until you're reaching your peak and moaning loudly. it's different from anything you've ever felt and you're trembling, moaning into peter's shoulder and leaving little crescent marks on his back from your nails. you could feel him twitch as you clench around him, his cum leaking inside you, carrying you through your high.
“fuck, so good all for me. my little slut.” he whispers while grunting and squeezing your neck more and mora tightly. your mouth forming an ‘O’ shape. God, was he good.
as soon as he finished, he dropped over you, his sweaty body coverings yours. you feel incredibly empty when he pulls out and lays beside you.
“you were so good.” he says, getting himself together and snuggling himself beside you. “i’ll clean you up in a bit, can we just stay like this a little?”
“sure.” you say, smiling, knowing it wouldn’t be a one time thing.
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teenidlegirl · 1 year
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ❛ 𝓣𝐇𝐄 𝓕𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝓟𝐈𝐄𝐂𝐄. ❜
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ❀ ˚◞ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞 : 𝐚 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞
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ઇ ˚ ݂ ֹ ꒰ miguel o’hara 𝓍 single mom!reader ꒱ ! ۟ ׅ ♡
ׄ   ׅ ྀ 𝓢𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. it’s the day before your son’s birthday and you have to request the day off. when you ask your boss, your son surprises you at work. now, your boss knows your secret but his reaction surprises you.
ׄ   ׅ ྀ 𝓒𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓. fluff, an ounce of angst, family dynamics, backstories, spanish terms, mention of past relationships, mention of past pregnancies, softie!miguel
❛⠀ masterlist⠀⋅⠀next chapter ⠀❜
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you have been working at HQ of the spider society for a year. you work as your boss’s assistant, the infamous miguel o’hara. known for his cocky and arrogant reputation. when you were recruited, you were a bit apprehensive. his intimidating demeanor, abnormal figure, and vampire-like abilities seemed overwhelming. during your first few days as his assistant, you were bashful and anxious. you rarely spoke words to him, just a simple “hello” and “goodnight” as well the occasional hums and nods. miguel noticed your anxious demeanor, he didn’t blame you. he reassured you in the most gentle and considerate manner. that changed your perspective of him. under the intimidating and aggressive demeanor, there is sincerity and sympathy.
as time went on, you and miguel grew to become good friends. seeing his compassionate nature made him gain your trust and you gained his. the entrusted friendship and bond you two shared bloomed beautifully. you two would share details of each other’s lives, backgrounds and current events. miguel opened up to you about his past, shared details that he never told to anyone. not even his closest colleagues like peter and jess. that proves how much he trusts you, and you appreciate it.
you put all of your effort and productivity into your role as assistant. complete all tasks, collecting and filing reports. miguel deeply appreciates your dedication and commitment. he values your work ethics and integrity. he adores the cup of coffee you bring for him each morning. the occasional check-up questions such as asking him if he has eaten, drank enough water, or slept well. no one has never been so considerate and thoughtful. it warms his heart.
due to your heavy dedication, you rarely request days off. when you do, it’s mainly for personal reasons or emergencies. miguel would encourage you to take some days off to rest, to not overload yourself. but, of course you insist that it isn’t necessary and you are perfectly fine. besides, you need the money so you can support yourself and your son, luca.
ever since you started working at HQ, you have never mentioned about your son to anyone, especially miguel. knowing his past, his daughter, you believe telling him would hurt him; affect him deeply. the last thing you want is to make miguel feel sorrowful. to prevent that, you kept your son a secret.
⠀⠀⠀⠀𓂃 ୨ ₊ 𓂃 ౨ৎ   𓂃 ₊ ୧   𓂃
it’s another day of work. the sunlight shimmers through the beige sheer curtains, illuminating your bedroom. the bed sheets hug you so deeply, it’s a struggle to get out of your comfy bed. but like always, you have to get up and get ready for work.
resisting the delicious comfort of the bed, you slowly pull the covers off. just as you’re about to sit up, luca scrambles into your room and jumps onto the bed filled with enthusiasm.
“mamá!” luca exclaims, jumping on top of you and hugs you tightly.
you gasp at his sudden appearance, instinctively wrapping your arms around and embracing him. “qué paso, mijo?” you place a kiss on his head, running your fingers through his hair.
he lifts up his head and looks at you with a big smile. “are you going to ask your boss to not work tomorrow for my birthday?”
“aww sí, mijo. of course i will.” you smile at him, gently rubbing his head.
“yay! thanks, mamá!” luca hugs you again.
you softly chuckle, embracing your son before pulling back. “okay, mijo. you have to get ready before tia cece comes to pick you up.”
“okay, mamá!” he said, hopping off the bed and running back into his room down the hall.
you smile as you watch him leave before turning that smile into a pouty face. you rarely request days off unless it’s personal or an emergency, and miguel knows that. to be honest, you’re a little nervous to ask him since it’s for luca’s birthday. you kept luca as a secret from your boss, as well as everyone else. the best solution is to simply ask and tell him it’s for personal reasons. you pray he won’t ask for the actual truth and just understands.
snapping out of the negative thoughts, you get out of bed and walk to your dresser. once you picked out your clothes, you head over to luca’s room just to check up on him. he is playing with his toys on the floor. a little smile forms on your lips at the sight.
you head to the bathroom and take a shower. after showering and getting dressed, you exit the bathroom and head back to luca’s room.
“tia cece will be here in 15 minutes. have you had cereal or do you want me to make you breakfast?” you asked as you crouched next to him, softly smiling at him and gently brushing his hair.
“can i have huevos con weeines, please?!” he pleads.
“of course, mijo.” you smile as you plant a kiss his forehead. you stand up and walk out of his room, heading to the kitchen.
after about 5 minutes of cooking, you pour the meal into a plastic bowl and placed it on the dining table.
“luca! tú comida is ready!” you shout.
you hear footsteps approaching. luca rushes into the kitchen and sits down at the table. while he eats his breakfast, you pack your lunch and prepare your tote bag with your belongings. you snack on a piece of pan con mantequilla as your breakfast.
the doorbell rings; it’s your sister cece.
“tia cece is here.” you announced, walking up to the front door and opening it.
“hey sis.” cece greets you with a hug and a side kiss. she turns and looks at luca. “hey, little man!”
“tia cece!” luca hops off from the chair with excitement and runs to her.
cece crouches down and opens her arms, capturing him in a hug. “how’ve you been?” she asked, smiling.
“bien! are we going to museum today?” he asked.
“sí, mijo. with your cousins.” cece smiles at him.
“yay!” luca exclaims, hugging her once again.
she chuckles then stands up, looking at you. “i’ll drop him off at the same time.”
you simply nod. “make sure he eats some veggies.” you glance at him, teasing a little smile at him. “he needs that nutrition.”
both you and cece laugh, luca groans in annoyance.
“i promise. don’t drown yourself in too much work.” cece joked but clearly means it, grabbing luca’s hand and stands at the door.
you just laugh as you grabbed your tote bag and house keys. once you put on your heels, all of you exit your apartment. locking the door, you turn and crouched down in front of luca.
“have a great day, mijo. be sure to listen to tia cece.” you cup his face and kiss his forehead.
“i will, mamá!” luca smiles at you.
“thanks, cece. i’ll see you later.” you hug cece.
she hugs you back. “of course.”
you both start departing, walking in opposite directions.
“bye, mijo! té quiero.” you wave at your son, blowing a kiss at him while walking away.
“bye mamá! té quiero mucho!” he waves back as he walks away with cece, holding hands with her.
you smile at him before walking away.
⠀⠀⠀⠀𓂃 ୨ ₊ 𓂃 ౨ৎ   𓂃 ₊ ୧   𓂃
approaching his office, carrying your touch pad with filed reports in your hand, your anxiety creeps in. with each step, the more you feel nervous. this is your chance to ask him about requesting tomorrow off for luca’s birthday. all you can pray is him granting your request and just leave it at that.
you reach the front of his office, the glass door sliding as you enter. your heels echo the room considering it’s usually quiet in his office.
miguel is up on his platform, looking at the various orange screens in front of him. he hears high heals, knowing it’s you. a little smile forms on his lips.
“hey. i brought the reports you requested.” you said softly, stopping at the little desk that is beside you.
“thanks, [y/n]. just leave them there.” he gestures at the little desk, still looking at the screens.
as instructed, you place the touch pad on the desk. normally, you would walk yourself out of his office and resume to your work in your mini office. you need to ask him before you lose the opportunity. however, your anxiety isn’t helping you right now. you have never been this nervous, especially towards miguel, not since you first met him.
you hesitate, fiddling with your hands as a coping mechanism. you inhale deep breaths to calm yourself, regulate your breathing as much as you can. once you managed to calm down, you finally speak.
“hey. do you mind if i request tomorrow off?” your voice shakes a little, still fiddling with your hands.
miguel froze for a second. he knows you only request days off for personal reasons or in case of emergencies. he is genuinely curious, or a little concerned. did something happen? is it an emergency? a few thoughts ran through his mind.
he turns half of his body around, looking down at you from where is he standing. “sure. everything alright?” he asked sincerely.
“yeah. it’s just personal.” you rushed out your words, still a nervous wreck. you try concealing your nerves by giving a small smile, hands still fiddling.
he notice your nervousness, he isn’t blind. you acted like this when you began working for him. miguel reassured you and became great friends afterwards. you both trust each other. why are you suddenly nervous towards him again? did he do something wrong? now, he’s concerned.
jumping off of his platform, miguel slowly approaches you with a genuine concern expression. “is there something wrong?”
oh shit. he’s asking for the truth. you can’t tell him, you know what will happen. you take a step back from his approach. “nope! it’s just a family matter.” you answered nervously. that isn’t a total lie, it is a family matter but you can’t reveal your secret.
miguel is confused when you stepped back from him. why are you backing away from him? he doesn’t mean harm or anything. his brows frown in a concerning manner, lips pouting. not wanting you to keep stepping away, he stops and just stands there.
“are you sure?” he voice his concern.
“yes. everything is fine. no wor—“ you are cut off by lyla, who magically appears between you two.
“hey [y/n]. your son is here looking for you. peter b found him in the cafeteria. he’s bringing him here.” the ai informs them vanishes in the air.
silence fills the office. neither you or miguel speak a word to each other. your secret is exposed.
miguel stands still in complete shock, practically dumbfounded. you have a son? you’re a mother? this shocking information felt like a slap in the face. he never knew you were a mother. you never mentioned it before. why didn’t you tell him? is that why you’re requesting tomorrow off?
your whole body froze. your secret is exposed and miguel knows. just how you feared. now, you are afraid of his reaction. what will he say? your anxiety increases as negative thoughts and possibilities flow through your mind.
before either of you could speak, the glass door slides open and peter b enters office, holding luca’s hand as he approaches you both.
“hey [y/n]. i found your son in the cafeteria. he was looking for you and some possible snacks.” peter adds a little humor at the end.
“mamá!” luca shouts, letting go of peter’s hand and running towards you.
you crouch down and sprang your arms open to catch him. luca runs into your arms and hugs you with the biggest smile on his face. instinctively, you wrap your arms around him and hugged him back.
“luca. qué haces aquí? why are you here?” you asked, voicing your concern as you caresses his face.
“i wanted to surprise you! and i missed you!” he smiles at you.
miguel’s heart melts at the sight. part of him is still shocked by the reveal but he is mainly in awe. your son is adorable, looks like you. same dark chocolate hair and eyes but he’s a bit tanner.
a quiet sigh escapes from you. “luca, you know i’m busy at work. but i’m happy that you did.” you softly smile at him before realizing he’s just by himself, your sister nowhere to be seen. “where’s your tia cece?”
“she’s in the bathroom. did you ask your boss about tomorrow?” he asked, smiling as always.
a feeling of relief flows through you that luca didn’t just walked in by himself. you let out another quiet, soft sigh of relief. “yes. and he said yes.” you softly smiled at your son.
“yay!” he exclaims, hugging you again.
you softly chuckle as you hugged him back. your boy is happy; all you wished for. then, realization kicks in when you remembered miguel has been watching the entire time. pulling from the hug, you slowly stand up and turn to face him, handing luca’s hand.
you struggle to make eye contact with him. you are still nervous but you managed to speak, gently tightening your grip on your son’s hand as comfort. “miguel… this is my son, luca.”
miguel gazes at luca, a little smile on his lips.
luca happily waved at him, smiling. “wow you’re big. just like mamá said.” he lets go of your hand and walks up to miguel, fascinated by his large figure. “you’re the biggest spiderman i’ve ever seen.”
“luca…” you reprehend your son, feeling a bit embarrassed.
miguel lowly chuckles at his comment, crouching down in front of him with a small smile on his face. “yeah. i get that a lot.” he finds it so adorable how fascinated luca is by his appearance.
peaked with curiosity as kids usually are, luca gently pokes miguel’s arms and biceps.
“luca don’t…” you slowly approach both of them, standing beside your son.
“it’s okay, [y/n].” miguel said softly, still has his gaze locked on luca as the boy continues to wonder.
you just stand there, watching your son playfully poking around miguel’s arms and face. in full honesty, the interaction between them is adorable. how deeply fascinated luca is about miguel and him allowing your son to mess around. the sight warms your heart, causing you to smile. you never believed miguel and luca would connect so quickly, or miguel behaving normal. he isn’t emotional or uncomfortable, instead visibly happy to meet luca.
“hey! you should come to my birthday party tomorrow!” luca smiles brightly at him.
now he knows your reason to request tomorrow off; it’s your son’s birthday. of course he will grant it.
both yours and miguel’s hearts melt at his plead. however, you’re not sure if it’s possible. miguel is a busy man, leader of the spider society. he rarely has time off, always occupied with missions and regulating the multiverse.
“aw mijo, he can’t. he’s very busy.” you said, gingerly playing your hand on his shoulder.
“i’ll be there.” miguel said.
you immediately look at him with surprise, eyes widen. “really?” you are stunned. he is really willing to attend your son’s birthday party? to give up a day of being the leader of a marvelous team of heroes just to be with your son? your hearts warms even more.
“yes. i wouldn’t miss it for the multiverse.” he gaze shifts from you to luca, softly smiling.
“yay!” luca shouts with enthusiasm, giving miguel the biggest hug.
miguel softly chuckles, hugging him back.
you melt once again, seeing them hugging each other. a picture you never would ever see before.
“are you sure you can go?” you asked with a little concerned expression.
“yes. i’m sure.” he said softly, glancing at you with a small smile. miguel is more than happy to attend luca’s birthday party. he adores the little boy, such a sweet and kindhearted kid. luca definitely gets it from you, his wonderful mother.
you feel pleased, delighted that he will be there. you simply share the same smile at him.
luca pulls from the hug, jumping in excitement. “yay! spiderman is gonna be at my birthday party! it’s gonna be the best birthday ever!”
you and miguel laugh, smiling at him.
the glass door slides open. cece, your sister, enters the office. “oh there you are!” she walks up to you, mainly looking at luca. “you shouldn’t have run off like that, mijo.” she shifts her gaze from him to you. “sorry [y/n]. he wanted to visit you because he missed you a lot. i couldn’t stop him.”
“it’s okay, cece. at least he found me.” you said.
just before she could respond, cece’s attention is focused on miguel standing beside you. her brows raise in surprise. “whoa. who is the giant handsome man next to you?”
miguel chuckled at her comment. “i’m miguel, [y/n]’s boss.” he extends his hand out for cece to shake.
cece raises a brow in surprise, grinning. “ohhhh well, nice to meet you, miguel. i’m cece, [y/n]’s sister.” she greets him in a flirty manner, shaking his hand before giving you a wink.
you glare at her in embarrassment, a little bit of blush staining your cheeks.
“well, i think it’s time go.” cece clears her throat, looking back at luca. “we gotta go, mijo. your mom is still working.”
“i’ll walk you both out.” you said.
cece nods in agreement.
“come on, mijo. let’s take you back.” you gently grab his hand, gesturing to start walking.
“okay.” luca turns back, looking at miguel. “bye big spiderman!” he waves at him, smiling brightly.
“adiós, chiquito.” miguel waves back, returning the smile as he watch you walk away with luca and cece.
⠀⠀⠀⠀𓂃 ୨ ₊ 𓂃 ౨ৎ   𓂃 ₊ ୧   𓂃
after saying goodbye to luca and cece, you head back to miguel’s office. now that your secret is revealed, you have to explain to him. that anxious feeling from earlier torments you once again.
as you enter his office, you find miguel leaning against the little desk with his arms crossed over his broad chest. he glances at the floor until he hears you enter, immediately looking at you.
“is he heading home now?” he sincerely asked.
“yeah, my sister is taking him back to her house. i’m sorry about all of that. i know you’re probably upset.” you said nervously as you walk up to him, fiddling with your hands once again.
a little frown of concern forms on his face. “i’m not upset and don’t apologize, it’s understandable.” miguel lifts off from the desk and takes a step towards you. he knows it was just a little surprise. the last thing he wants is you feeling guilty. in fact, it bothers him a lot to see you distressed.
you quickly glance up at him with a brief smile before looking down, still fiddling with your hands. the nervousness building inside increases.
miguel detects the hand fiddling, a sign of anxiety and nervousness. he practically knows you well. now he feels bad but wants to reassure you with all his heart. “look… you don’t have explain yourself. it’s understandable, [y/n].”
you avoid eye contact, looking at the floor to conceal your nervous state. you know he means well but that anxious feeling is telling you otherwise. “i know… i was going to tell you but… i was afraid to…” you whispered that last phrase.
his heart drops at your confession. it felt like a stab to the heart. you were afraid of telling him about your son? oh his heart aches terribly. “why were you afraid?” he softly asked, takes a step closer.
you pause for a moment, inhaling a deep breath before explaining. you still avoid eye contact. “because i know how you are whenever someone mentions kids so… i didn’t want you to feel hurt.”
oh his heart drops drastically, more than ever. you kept your son a secret because of him. now miguel is absolutely gutted. you were protecting him from grief, heartache. he is the guilty one, not you. his heart aches painfully that his whole body aches.
“you didn’t. you shouldn’t have been afraid. i’m glad to know about your son. he’s a great kid and has an amazing mother.” miguel takes another step, looking at you with remorseful eyes. he means that last part.
his words improve your mood, feeling a bit relieved. that anxious feeling slowly faded away. finally, you look up at him with small smile. “thank you.”
he simply nods, returning the smile. acknowledging luca’s birthday tomorrow, miguel is curious how old will the little boy be turning. “so how old is he turning tomorrow?” he asked.
“five. he’s growing up so fast.” you said, recognizing how quick your son is growing up.
“five? wow. he definitely is.” miguel lowly chuckles.
“yeah. it feels like he was just born yesterday.” a flashback of his birth plays in your mind, softly smiling at the thought.
miguel recaps everything about you. you are 24 and luca is turning 5 tomorrow. he realizes you were young when he was born. “you were young when you had him, hm?”
“yeah. i was 19. i got pregnant at 18 during my freshman year of college. it was a struggle but with the help of my family, i managed to still do my studies while being pregnant.” you elaborate.
he is impressed, captivated by your efforts. how you managed to balance college and pregnancy. his admiration for you grows stronger.
“wow. that’s impressive.” he compliments sincerely. recalling your pregnancy during college, his mind wonders about the father. he isn’t necessarily in the picture, or at least not present. miguel is curious but hesitant, understanding it’s personal. although, the desperation to know consumes him.
“i don’t mean to pry, if you don’t mind me asking. what happened with the father?” he tenderly asked, now regretting since he’s asking something personal.
“no it’s okay! he was my boyfriend at the time. when i found out, he was so considerate and kind. he was very responsible about the pregnancy. and i’m forever grateful for everything he has done.” your voice changes into a sorrowful tone. “but when luca was two, we broke up because things weren’t working out between us. we share custody and are on good terms now.”
miguel is attentive to every word. he detects the change of tone in your voice when you mentioned the break up. totally understandable. his curiosity peaks when you mentioned you and your ex are on good terms now.
“is he still around or…” he knows he is pushing it but his curiosity takes over.
“he is but lives far away. he occasionally visits to spend time with luca. mainly his birthday and holidays.” you elaborate.
a little frown forms on his face. miguel understands work can be a pain, he knows certainly well, but he believes the child is more important. considering the fact luca’s father only visits on his birthday or holidays seem like barely any effort. now, miguel is determined to show up at the party, dressed in his suit and make luca happy.
“i’m sorry about that. it seems unfair.” he said.
“yeah but that’s the burden of working at a large corporation.” you give a weak smile.
miguel has a purpose, to make luca happy. to be by his side when his father can’t. that seems messed up and wrong but he doesn’t want the kid to feel abandoned by his father. miguel now genuinely cares for luca, such a kindhearted kid with a great future ahead of him. and you, taking care of luca by yourself as a single mom, he most definitely wants to be by your side. there is no denial of his feelings for you. the connection between you two, miguel sees you more than a friend. you are his comfort, the only person who makes him feel comfortable and valued. he wants to be more, and maybe this is his chance.
“well, i’ll most definitely be there tomorrow.” miguel said, a little smile forming on his lips.
you return the smile, heart warming up. “great.”
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓. ♡ @deputy-videogamer @kinkybandages @rosiepetalss @frankoreoz @chshiresins @topreice @loonalockley @l3laze
© teenidlegirl. don’t steal, plagiarize, or translate my work. ♡
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xxsycamore · 8 months
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🏹💘𝚂𝚝𝚎𝚊𝚕 𝙼𝚢 𝙷𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝‼️
—❥ 𝐱𝐱𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝟏𝟓𝟎𝟎 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭
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Hello everyone!! Back in June last year my blog reached 1500 followers, but I only got around to celebrating it now! Thank you so much for your continued support!! This year I want to play Cupid again so prepare for your faves to steal your heart all over again! (´ ε ` )♡
↪ 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚞𝚕𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎: Pick a prompt and a character - one per ask! Please include the fandom as well to avoid confusion. Example: "Can I please have 😘 with William (ikevil)?" ; You'll receive a drabble (~300 words) about the character's reaction to the prompt. Please go wild with those! If you have something specific in mind for the prompts, like a certain hobby for prompt #10 🎨 - Suggest picking up a new hobby together, or maybe for prompt #7 💝 - Extend a non-verbal "I love you", you thought of playing their favorite song, giving them a warm cup of tea while they work, or maybe hugging them from behind? Don't be afraid to share your idea and unleash your creativity, I'd love to make your vision come true! Of course, that's only if you want to! The limit is three requests per person. This event is sfw and anons are allowed.
For drabble examples: Check out last year's Valentine's Day celebration here!
💌 event masterlist ⊂⊃﹒␥
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↪ 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚝 𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝:
🪱 - Ask them if they'd love you if you were a worm
🥺 - Tease by calling them cute
🤲 - Play with their hair
🌸 - Breathe in their soothing scent
💌 - Leave a love note in their pocket
🤭 - Whisper something embarrassing in their ear
💝 - Extend a non-verbal "I love you"
😈 - Linger in for a kiss, but never kiss them
💅 - Help them unwind with a self-care routine
🎨 - Suggest picking up a new hobby together
🤪 - Crack a joke to make them laugh
🙏 - Warm their hands between yours
🤸‍♀️ - Strike a sexy pose to distract them
👔 - Steal their clothes to cuddle when you miss them
🍰 - Share your sweets with them
💋 - Demand for a kiss, right here, right now
💘 - "Be my Valentine?"
😘 - Keep smooching them until they protest
🥄 - Ask to be their big spoon
😊 - Present your cheek for a goodbye kiss
↪ 𝙰𝚟𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚊𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜 (𝟷𝟸𝟿):
Ikemen Villains: Wiliam; Harrison; Liam; Elbert; Alfons; Roger; Jude; Ellis; Victor
Ikeseries MCs: Mitsuki (Ikevamp); Alice (Ikerev); Mai (Ikesen); Emma (Ikepri); NEW: Kate (ikevil)
Ikemen Prince: Leon; Chevalier; Yves; Nokto; Licht; Jin; Luke; Clavis; Rio; Sariel; Gilbert; Keith; Silvio NEW: Cyran/Cyril; Kagari; Matthias
Ikemen Vampire: Napoleon(pls); Leonardo; Mozart; Arthur; Vincent; Theo; Isaac; Jean; Dazai; Sebastian; Comte; Shakespeare; Vlad; Faust; Charles; Drake; Galileo
Ikemen Revolution: Lancelot; Ray; Jonah; Fenrir; Edgar; Sirius; Kyle; Luka; Zero; Seth; Blanc; Oliver; Loki; Harr; Mousse; Dalim; Dean; Levie
Ikemen Sengoku: Nobunaga; Masamune; Shingen; Hideyoshi; Mitsuhide; Kanetsugu; Ieyasu; Mitsunari; Yukimura; Sasuke; Kenshin; Kenyo; Ranmaru; Motonari; Keiji; Kicho; Yoshimoto
Midnight Cinderella: Alyn; Giles; Louis; Leo; Byron; Nico; Albert; Robert; Rayvis; Sid
NEW: Ikemen Genjiden: Minamoto no Yoritomo
Shuuen no Virche/Virche Evermore: Ceres; Scien; Ankou; Yves; Adolphe; Lucas; Mathis; Jean; Capucine; Hugo; Dahut
Piofiore no Banshou/Piofiore Fated Memories: Yang; Dante; Liliana; Gilbert; Nicola; Orlok; Leo; Oliver; Rui; Yuan
Cupid Parasite: Lynette; Claris; Gill; Allan; Ryuki; Shelby; Raul; Owen; Peter
Variable Barricade: Ichiya; Taiga; Hibari; Shion; Nayuta; Kasuga
🎀 Have fun requesting!! I can't wait to see what you put in my askbox!! 🎀
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r-u-living · 2 months
Peter FUCKING Lucas. Bitchass horrible manky stinky loser has he ever taken a shower or whenever he steps into water does he start to cry like the wittle baby he is??? One look at a misty beach this man just starts to sob weep and wail the little twat he is "Oh boo hoo I'm an avatar of the fucking BABY!" EVERYONE IS LONELY YOU MOTHERFUCKING TONENAIL GIVE US BACK OUR MARTIN YOU TORY! AND I BET HES A FUCKING TORY AS WELL I CAN SEE HIM WITH THE SILLY LITTLE PATHETIC SMIRK LIKE "OOH LALA IM PETER HO HO HEHE IF I VOTE FOR THESE PRATS THEN EVERYONE WILL DISSOCIATE AND BE FUCKING DEPRESSED WITH THIS ABSOLUTE WET BEG OF HAM GOVERNMENT"
I'm literally twitching and vibrating right now I hate him so so so so so much I wish I could reach into the multiverse find the universe where tma exists and STRANGLE HIM! I know he has a massive motherfucking beard that reaches his knobbly ass knees and I BET YOU MY FIRSTBORN CHILD THERE IS CRUMBS LITTERED IN THERE LIKE A CAT AND HER KITTENS!! Does he even have stable bones or when the doctors cut him open do his bones just crumble into dust??? I promise on my mothers grave that he has dentures he came out the fucking womb with grey hair and a old man voice that can burn your ears from the inside out???? I have to take a brEAK FROM LISTENING TO THE BLOODY PODCAST CAUSE WHENEVER I HEARD PETER LUCAS'S GOD AWFUL CHEESE GRATER DOWN THE BLACKBORD VOICE I START TO TWICH AND GRIP THE THING IM HOLDING SO TIGHTLY I CRUMPLED SOME PAPER
If I was on the cusp of winning a game show for a billion million pounds and whoever said that I have to stay in a room with PETER FUCKING LUCAS and not stab him 7273728928273747382997474 times with a plastic spork that I sharpened on my own teeth I would pinkie promise I wouldn't then get in said room and stab him 7273728928273747382997474 with my plastic spork that I sharpened on my teeth.
Is this a copy of I fucking hate Jurgen Leitner? Probably but I HATE HiM SO MUCH I CAN EVEN CONSEPTULISE IT
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