#i send care and love even if you do not though !
fefern · 2 days
Hello!! I'm in love with your Wuwa hcs and writing in general and I'd love to put in a request, if you're still open for them :0 <3
I'd like to request some fluffy hcs for Jiyan with an s/o that's part dragon, has horns and tail and maybe some scales like Mortefi(forgot if you spell his name like that I'm sorry😭 the red scientist guy). The s/o is super protective of him but also aloof in public, super cuddly in private when the time is right, brings him rocks and flowers as gifts and all that cute stuff, basically courting him by "dragon standards" hajsjdjd
Thank you for your time!<3
✧˖° his reaction to a dragon hybrid lover. | jiyan headcanons.
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⋆ ˚☁️ ⁀➴ synopsis: look in the sky! it's a bird, it's a plane, it's a... dragon hybrid reader? just how will jiyan react to being courted by you, and how does he love you as someone who's part dragon?
⋆ ˚☁️ ⁀➴ characters involved: jiyan and gender neutral reader.
⋆ ˚☁️ ⁀➴ warnings: none!
⋆ ˚☁️ ⁀➴ notes: hello hello hello! i hope you are doing well lovely anon!! thank you for sending in an ask, and i hope this fufils what you were looking for ;;!! sending lots of love, and as always, requests are open! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
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ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅ jiyan ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
your tail would be so so pretty, decorated with scales that had colors that mimic the colors of the clouds and skies. 
your horns would be cute on the top of your head, a bit pointy and glowing in the night. 
jiyan has come to adore your dragon features, finding them both unique and absolutely beautiful. he’s caught often staring at the way your scales on your face, neck, and tail all catch the sunlight just right to create a glimmer like nothing he’s ever seen before. 
he’s quiet in the way he admires you, gently curling a piece of your hair behind your pointy little ears and smiling whenever you look over at him when he does. 
he didn’t have time to confess to you about his feelings though, he was caught up with being a general and of course, he also had to consider the fact that he didn’t really know if you would reciprocate them back. 
would you prefer mating with another dragon hybrid yourself? is that how these things work?
after a few months of being around you though, he began to notice some… strange things. 
for example, whenever you two were walking around the city, you’d always be on the defensive, not letting anyone get too close, not even the chef when you’d go get lunch together. 
then, sometimes, when he comes back from long patrols, you overload him with rocks and flowers that you’ve gathered for him, and he always says thank you, even though it’s a bit difficult to bring back to his home.
(he keeps them in his room forever to admire when you’re not around.)
also, lately, you’ve been much more affectionate with him, rubbing your cheek against his and getting very touchy as well, always wanting to be close to him physically. 
he expresses his confusion about your behavior to one of the researchers when he stops by one day to gather some intel for a mission for his rangers. 
one of the researchers directs him to a shelf that discusses about dragon hybrids, and the man spends almost the entirety of one day learning more about you and your species. 
the way he feels his cheeks flush a soft pink when he realizes just what it means for you to have been doing all these actions. he feels like he had a revelation, but at the same time feels stupid and dense. 
he’s quick to come back to you one day with flowers and your favorite food in hand, giving them to you and confessing his love for you on top of a quiet hill with a beautiful view of the starry night sky. 
“my pretty dragon, you’re prettier than anyone in all of huanglong, and i have loved you for quite some time. will you do me the honors and be mine?”
when you say yes, he feels overjoyed and wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into a tight hug as he’s careful not to hit your horns or tail while doing so.
after the successful confession, a few things change. 
for one, when you begin sleeping over more at his place, he begins to gift you dozens of fluffy blankets and pillows. he organizes them in a nest-like position for you to cuddle up in, and finds it adorable when he comes back to the sight of you curled up in the fluffiness. 
jiyan will cuddle with you more often now, guiding your tail to wrap around his strong muscles so that you get your fix of touching as much of his skin as possible. jiyan likes to run his hands over the smooth scales to coax you to sleep.
he enjoys pecking soft kisses on the scales of your face and neck; it’s his little reminder to you to not be insecure about something so beautiful. 
overall, you’re jiyan’s most beloved treasure. he will do anything to make sure his little dragon is safe and loved.
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rvp32 · 2 days
Whisper of uncontrollable desire. Part 2
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My first time writing in a very long time so please show some mercy. Also, this entire story was written in 2 days after seeing the request. Please enjoy and as always any feedback is appreciated.
Giving out punishments was something Eunbi enjoyed immensely. The thrill of asserting control and seeing her obedient girls submit brought her a sense of satisfaction that was hard to match. Tonight, it was Chaewon’s turn. Being the good and obedient girl that she was, Chaewon willingly let herself be stripped and tied up without any resistance. She trusted Eunbi, even though she feared the severity of the impending punishment.
“Mommy, please don’t be too harsh on me. It slipped my mind because of all the activities we had,” Chaewon begged, her voice trembling. Her precious, wide pupu eyes looked up at Eunbi with a pleading expression, hoping to melt her stern demeanor. She knew Eunbi’s punishments could be intense—so intense that they had once led to the cancellation of schedules for two entire weeks after Sakura’s ordeal.
Eunbi’s gaze softened momentarily as she looked down at Chaewon, taking in the sight of her trembling form and tear-filled eyes. She could see the genuine remorse and fear in Chaewon’s expression. Yet, the power she held in moments like these was intoxicating, and she relished the thought of pushing her limits.
“Chaewon, you know I can’t go easy on you just because you’re my favorite,” Eunbi said, her voice firm yet tinged with a hint of warmth. She stroked Chaewon’s cheek gently, the contrast of her touch and her words sending shivers down the younger girl’s spine. “You have to learn to be more careful.”
Tears began to well up in Chaewon’s eyes. “I’m so sorry, Mommy. I promise I’ll do better,” she whispered, her voice breaking. She knew that begging might not help, but she couldn’t help but try. The memory of Sakura’s punishment haunted her, and she dreaded enduring something similar.
Eunbi smiled softly, enjoying the mix of fear and anticipation in Chaewon’s eyes. “We’ll see about that, my dear,” she said, her tone a mix of teasing and seriousness. She reached for her tools, each movement deliberate and unhurried, savoring the growing tension.
Chaewon’s heart raced as she watched Eunbi prepare, her mind filled with a chaotic blend of fear, anticipation, and trust. She knew that despite the harshness of the punishment, Eunbi cared deeply for her. That thought was her only solace as she braced herself for what was to come.
“Now, let’s begin,” Eunbi whispered, leaning close to Chaewon’s ear, her breath warm against her skin. “Remember, this is for your own good.”
Chaewon looked to you, “Daddy, Please ask Mommy to show some mercy. I will never forget to take my suppressants again!”
Being the alpha meant that you also had to supervise all the punishments a duty that you didn’t particularly enjoy every time it happened but knew it was necessary. “I am sorry princess but rules are rules.”
And with that last plea, the room was filled with a mix of soft whimpers because of the tool present in Eunbi’s hand, it was a clit focused vibrator, a really strong vibrator that Chaewon loved to use when she got horny but one issue was that this vibrator is too strong. 
Not caring for Chaewon’s whimpers, with the press of a button the toy comes to life. Eunbi places it on the Chaewon’s sensitive bud causing a loud scream. “Mommy!”
Eunbi’s face had a smirk, one so evil that it sent shivers down Chaewon’s spine. Eunbi’s sadistic needs were clearly being satisfied with all the screaming and begging Chaewon was doing. As the punishment intensified, Chaewon’s cries echoed through the room, each one a mix of pain, regret, and a twisted sense of devotion.
“Mommy, please! I’m sorry, I really am!” Chaewon’s voice cracked as she pleaded, her body straining against the restraints. Every word was soaked in desperation, her fear palpable.
Eunbi’s smirk only widened. “I know you are, sweetie,” she said, her tone condescending and cold. “But you have to understand the consequences of your actions.” Her hands moved with calculated precision, each motion deliberate and unyielding.
Chaewon’s body trembled as the pain and pleasure surged through her. Despite the agony, a part of her clung to the belief that this was all for her own good. She trusted Eunbi completely, even in this moment of torment.
“Do you remember why you’re being punished, Chaewon?” Eunbi’s voice was calm, almost soothing, a stark contrast to the intensity of her actions.
“Yes, Mommy,” Chaewon whimpered, her voice barely audible. “I-I wasn’t careful enough… I forgot my suppressants… I’m so sorry…”
“That’s right,” Eunbi said, her hand pausing for a moment as she cupped Chaewon’s cheek gently. “You need to be more responsible. We can’t afford mistakes, can we?”
“N-no, Mommy,” Chaewon stammered, tears streaming down her face. “I’ll be more careful, I promise.”
Eunbi leaned in closer, her breath hot against Chaewon’s ear. “Good girl,” she whispered, her voice sending a chill down Chaewon’s spine. “But promises aren’t enough. You have to prove it.”
The room was filled with the sound of Chaewon’s sobs and Eunbi’s steady, commanding presence. Each whimper and cry only seemed to fuel Eunbi’s sadistic pleasure, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction.
As the minutes ticked by, the punishment continued relentlessly. Chaewon’s body was pushed to its limits, her mind teetering on the edge of exhaustion and pain. Yet, through it all, she clung to the belief that this was for her own good, that Eunbi’s harshness was a twisted form of care.
The room was filled with the smell of sex and the floor coated with Chaewon’s overstimulated pussy juice. The whimpers now turned into screams begging for mercy with incoherent words and sentences. 
“Are you learning your lesson, Chaewon?” Eunbi asked, her voice softening just enough to offer a sliver of comfort.
“Yes, Mommy,” Chaewon gasped, her voice hoarse from screaming. “I-I’ll be better… I’ll do anything to make you proud…”
Eunbi’s expression softened slightly, a hint of warmth breaking through her stern facade. “I know you will, my dear,” she said, her hand stroking Chaewon’s hair gently. “This is all for you, remember that.”
“I-I will, Mommy,” Chaewon whispered, her voice trembling. “I’ll remember…”
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Eunbi’s harsh ministrations began to slow. She took a step back, her eyes still fixed on Chaewon’s trembling form. The room was thick with the aftermath of the intense punishment, the air heavy with the scent of sweat and tears.
Eunbi untied Chaewon gently, her touch surprisingly tender now. “You did well, Chaewon,” she said softly, pulling her into a comforting embrace. “I’m proud of you for enduring this.”
Walking up to Chaewon you embraced her after Eunbi let go. Chaewon clung to you, her body weak and trembling. Despite the pain and pleasure, a sense of relief washed over you. She had endured the punishment, and in some twisted way, it made you want to fuck her and completely break her mind such that it only ever listens to you.
“Thank you, Daddy,” Chaewon whispered, her voice barely audible. “I’ll do better… I promise…”
You smiled a genuine warmth in her eyes now. “I know you will, my dear,” you said, holding Chaewon close. “I believe in you.”
Chaewon was exhausted and desperately needed rest, so you took her to your room and gently helped her into a warm bath. The soothing water and your tender care slowly washed away the physical and emotional strain from the punishment. Chaewon’s eyes fluttered closed as she leaned into your touch, feeling safe and cherished despite the earlier ordeal.
After the bath, you dried Chaewon off with a soft towel and dressed her in comfortable pajamas. You guided her to the bed, pulling the covers over her and ensuring she was snug and warm. As you turned to leave, intending to give Chaewon the rest she desperately needed, you felt a gentle tug on your hand.
“Daddy, please stay,” Chaewon whispered, her voice barely audible and filled with a childlike plea. Her eyes, though heavy with sleep, held a deep yearning for comfort and security.
Your heart melted at the sight of Chaewon's vulnerability. You couldn't bring yourself to leave. With a soft smile, you sat beside her on the bed, your fingers gently running through her silky hair. The rhythmic motion seemed to soothe you both, the tension of the night slowly dissolving into a peaceful calm.
Chaewon’s breathing steadied as she fell into a deep sleep, her face relaxing into an expression of tranquility. You continued to stroke her hair, watching over her with a protective gaze. The room was silent except for the soft sounds of your breathing, a stark contrast to the chaos and intensity of earlier.
You felt your own eyelids grow heavy as you continued to watch over Chaewon. The exhaustion of the night caught up with you, and soon you found yourself lying down beside her, your hand still gently tangled in her hair.
Since Lesserafim was taking a break now, the girls had a lot of free time, and you also decided to work from home. After Chaewon’s punishment and her subsequent heat, she had become excessively clingy to you. Not that you minded; she was so cute and always made it fun to be around her. Her presence, even in her clinginess, brought a lightness to your days that you cherished.
As you sat at your desk, trying to focus on the work in front of you, Chaewon was perched comfortably on your lap, her attention divided between her phone and you. Every so often, she would look up at you with a soft smile, her eyes sparkling with affection. Her closeness was a constant, warm reminder of the bond you shared.
What you failed to notice was the jealous gaze cast toward you from across the room. Sakura, who had been watching the two of you for a while, couldn’t help but feel a pang of envy. She remembered her own time in your arms, the comfort and attention you had lavished on her, and now she felt a sense of longing for that same affection.
Sakura’s eyes narrowed slightly as she observed Chaewon snuggling closer to you, a soft giggle escaping her lips as she showed you something on her phone. The sight stirred something deep within Sakura, a mix of jealousy and a yearning for the same intimacy.
You were blissfully unaware of Sakura’s growing discontent. You chuckled at something Chaewon had shown you, wrapping an arm around her waist to steady her as she shifted on your lap. Chaewon’s presence was calming, and her happiness was contagious.
Sakura's plan to forego her suppressants had seemed foolproof in her mind. She was certain that without the medication dulling her heat, your attention would naturally gravitate towards her. But as the day of her heat arrived, her anticipation turned to disappointment when she realized you were absent.
With each passing hour, Sakura's discomfort grew more pronounced. The familiar ache of her heat intensified, and she found herself writhing in pain, desperate for relief. She needed you desperately, but you were nowhere to be found.
In a haze of agony, Sakura stumbled to your room, her mind clouded with the need for your presence. She rummaged through your belongings, searching desperately for anything that might bring her solace. Finally, she found a circle of your used clothes and clutched the one you had worn most recently to her nose, seeking the faint trace of your scent.
As the familiar fragrance enveloped her, Sakura felt a momentary reprieve from the torment of her heat. Your scent, though distant, offered a semblance of comfort, easing the ache in her body and calming her racing heart.
In the solitude of your room, surrounded by reminders of your presence, Sakura found a fleeting sense of peace amidst the turmoil of her heat. But deep down, she longed for more than just the memory of you. She yearned for your touch, your warmth, and your soothing words to chase away the agony and loneliness that threatened to consume her.
However, that peace didn't last long as Sakura's heat intensified, and her body began to release a potent scent designed to attract any alpha nearby to satisfy her. The air grew thick with her pheromones, her scent a desperate call for relief.
Luckily for Sakura, there was an alpha currently in the manor, but this alpha happened to be none other than Kazuha. Kazuha was known for her calm and gentle demeanor, often mistaken for a beta due to her docility and non-aggressive nature. Despite her alpha status, she rarely displayed the dominant traits typically associated with it.
As Kazuha moved through the halls, the scent hit her with unexpected intensity. Her senses sharpened, and her normally placid nature was momentarily overridden by the primal urge to respond to the call of a distressed omega. Following the scent, she found herself drawn to your room, where Sakura lay surrounded by your clothes, her body wracked with the torment of her heat.
Kazuha entered the room cautiously, her eyes widening at the sight of Sakura. "Unnie," she called softly, her voice tinged with concern. "Are you okay?"
Sakura's head snapped up, her eyes glazed with desperation. "K-Kazuha," she whimpered, her voice breaking. "Please... I need help."
Kazuha hesitated for a moment, her usual calm exterior faltering as the scent overwhelmed her senses. She stepped closer, her instincts urging her to provide the relief Sakura so desperately needed.
"Unnie, I... I'm here to help," Kazuha said gently, kneeling beside her. "What do you need?"
Sakura's hands clutched at Kazuha's shirt, pulling her closer. "I need you," she pleaded, her voice barely more than a breathless whisper. "Please, Kazuha, I can't take it anymore."
Kazuha's heart pounded in her chest, the gravity of the situation sinking in. She knew she had to act, to provide the comfort and relief Sakura was so desperately seeking. Leaning in, she brushed a strand of hair away from Sakura's face, her touch tender and reassuring.
"Okay, Sakura," Kazuha whispered, her voice filled with determination. "I'll take care of you."
With gentle care, Kazuha wrapped her arms around Sakura, pulling her close. Her presence, though different from yours, offered a new kind of solace. The room filled with a mix of their scents, Kazuha's alpha pheromones blending with Sakura's desperate omega call, but this wasn’t enough for Sakura, she needed something more intense.
“Kazuha, it’s so hot down there please do something!” Sakura pleaded. Kazuha being the innocent alpha that she is didn’t know what to do but the overpowering pheromones were clouding Kazuha’s ability to think. 
“O-okay, unnie,” Kazuha said before gently pulling down Sakura's shorts to reveal a pair of completely drenched panties. It was a sight that Kazuha was shocked by but also desperately wanted a taste. 
“Fast, please it hurts,” Sakura whined, not wasting any more time, Kazuha dived into the the awaiting cave. The touch of her tongue caused a massive relief for Sakura. 
“Nghh, it feels so good,” Sakura moaned, as her fingers got tangled in Kazuha’s hair. The continuous ministrations of Kazuha were increasing the pleasure Sakura felt. 
Though it was the first time that Kazuha had ever been intimate with a woman, she was doing an amazing job, most probably because of strong Pheremones that were controlling her. Sakura tastes so sweet almost like a drug, addictive and Kazuha was enjoying every single second of this drug. 
“Keep going baby, you are eating Unnie so well.” Sakura moaned as her back arched signalling the impending orgasm. “F-fuckkkkk!” Sakura screamed as she came all over Kazuha’s face, being the good girl that she is Kazuha licked up every single drop. 
This was not enough to satisfy Sakura and to make the situation more interesting Kazuha had a hard-on. “Baby, please take off those pants and come fuck unnie,” Sakura said while staring into Kazuha’s eyes. 
Kazuha however was nervous and scared. It was not only because it was her first time but also because Kazuha was very insecure about her cock and didn’t want anyone to see it. 
Fear and anxiety were written all over Kazuha's face. She didn't want to get teased or judged for stepping into a role she rarely embraced, so she instinctively began to move away from Sakura. However, Sakura's desperation overshadowed any sense of decorum or restraint. Her mind was clouded with the overwhelming need to satiate the immense heat building up in her body.
As Kazuha tried to back away, her heart pounding in her chest, she found herself pressed against the wall, trapped by the intensity of the situation. Sakura, her eyes filled with a mix of pain and yearning, crawled toward Kazuha with a single-minded determination.
"K-Kazuha," Sakura's voice trembled, thick with need. "Please... I can't take it anymore."
Kazuha's breath hitched as Sakura closed the distance between them. Despite her fears, she couldn't ignore the primal pull of Sakura's distress. She hesitated, her body tense, but the sight of Sakura's pleading eyes and the raw desperation in her voice stirred something deep within her.
"Unnie, I..." Kazuha stammered, her voice faltering. She wanted to help, but the fear of what this moment represented held her back.
Sakura reached out, her fingers trembling as she touched Kazuha's arm. "Please, Kazuha. I need you," she whispered, her voice breaking.
“Unnie I will do anything but that, please,” Kazuha begged. But Sakura was not interested in listening. Sakura pulls down Kazuha’s pants along with her underwear to find Kazuha’s cock in all its glory.
Sakura was surprised. What she was currently faced with was different from what she was expecting. Kazuha was not packing a huge cock like she expected in fact it was probably one of the smallest that Sakura had ever seen, this also explains why Kazuha is such a docile alpha. But lucky for Kazuha, Sakura couldn’t care about the fact that her dick was only 4 inches because she desperately needed something inside of her and for now Kazuha’s cock should be enough. 
Without any words being said, Sakura pushes Kazuha onto the floor and mounts her. Shocked by the sudden action Kazuha lets out a small yelp, she still tries to get Sakura off her because she doesn’t know what to do but Sakura overpowers her and she got she wants. Sakura starts to ride Kazuha like there is no tomorrow and this makes Kazuha’s life very hard. She is holding on for dear life, trying her best not to cum inside Sakura and breed her. 
“Unnie, please get off!! I am going to cum!!” Kazuha screams, but it is to no avail as Sakura continues to bounce on Kazuha’s tiny cock. No matter how much strength Kazuha uses she is unable to push Sakura away from her before she cums. 
All of a sudden a savior appears. You manage to pull Sakura off Kazuha just before it’s too late. Sakura whines at the loss of body contact and pleasure but you hold her down and turn to Kazuha to notice that you may have just ruined her orgasm. 
Kazuha notices you staring and immediately covers herself with her hands. “Kazuha baby, you should leave before this wild one gets to you again,” Heeding your warning Kazuha grabs her clothes and runs out of the room. 
After the room is empty with just you and Sakura, you turn your attention to the girl who has begun to rub herself on your leg. But a stern look from you makes her stop all her movements. "Princess, how is it that you forgot to take your suppressants?" you question Sakura.
Too shy to tell you the actual reason, Sakura stays silent and hides herself behind your leg, her face flushing with embarrassment. You gently lift her chin, forcing her to meet your gaze. "Princess, don’t make this harder than it needs to be. I know how much pain you are going through and I will take away all that pain if you be honest with me here," you say, trying to convince her to answer.
Sakura's eyes flicker with uncertainty, her breath coming in short, quick gasps as she struggles with her confession. Finally, she mumbles, "Y-you."
"Princess, you have to be more clear," you say, with a touch of sternness in your voice to encourage her.
Sakura's face turns a deeper shade of red, and she averts her gaze, whispering, "I wanted your attention. I thought... if I didn't take my suppressants, you would spend more time with me."
Her confession hangs in the air, her vulnerability laid bare before you. Your stern expression softens as you take in her words, understanding the depth of her need for your affection.
"Oh, Sakura," you say, pulling her into a gentle embrace. "You don’t have to put yourself through such pain just to get my attention. I'm always here for you."
She clings to you, relief mingling with her lingering discomfort. "I'm sorry," she whispers, her voice muffled against your chest.
You stroke her hair soothingly. "It's okay, Princess. Let's focus on making you feel better now. But promise me, next time, you'll talk to me instead of putting yourself through this, alright?"
Sakura nods, her arms tightening around you. "I promise," she murmurs.
"Good girl," you say softly, kissing the top of her head. "Now, let's take care of you."
Sakura nods her head and hugs you tightly. You pat her head, playing with her hair but soon the wholesome moment comes to an end as Sakura starts to grind on you.
“Princess, look at me,” you say, gentleness in your voice. Sakura looks at you, her eyes filled with expectation and need. Both of you maintain eye contact for a few seconds, the air between you thick with anticipation. Slowly, you lean toward each other, and finally, your lips meet in a kiss filled with passion and care.
Sakura's lips are soft and warm against yours, and she melts into the kiss, her desperation and longing pouring into the embrace. The kiss deepens, your arms wrapping around her to pull her closer. Sakura's need to be closer to you becomes overwhelming, and she jumps onto you, wrapping her legs around your torso. You support her effortlessly, one hand on her back and the other cradling her head.
The intensity of the kiss grows as you hold her, each of you savoring the connection and the relief it brings. Sakura's fingers tangle in your hair, her body pressed tightly against yours. The heat of the moment seems to erase all the pain and anxiety she felt earlier, replaced by the comforting and exhilarating presence of you.
You move to sit on the edge of the bed, Sakura still clinging to you. The kiss breaks for a moment, both of you breathing heavily, foreheads resting against each other. "I've needed this," Sakura whispers, her voice filled with emotion. "I've needed you."
You gently stroke her hair, your eyes soft with affection. "I'm here, Princess. Always."
This time, the kiss is slower, more tender, as you take the time to explore each other's emotions through the connection. You can feel the gratitude and love radiating from Sakura, her body relaxing into yours as the last remnants of her heat begin to subside.
You hold her close, savoring the intimacy and the bond you share. The world outside seems to fade away, leaving just the two of you in a bubble of warmth and affection. The room is filled with the quiet sounds of your breathing and the soft rustle of clothing as you hold each other. 
After breaking the kiss, Sakura leans in and places soft kisses on your neck, her breath warm against your skin. Each kiss sends shivers down your spine, and you feel her growing boldness as those kisses slowly turn into gentle bites. You can sense her need to express her desire and the remnants of her heat driving her actions.
Wanting to keep your promise, you let her do whatever she wants. Your hands rest on her back, providing a comforting presence as she explores her feelings and desires through her actions.
"Sakura," you murmur, your voice soothing and filled with affection. "It's okay. I'm here for you."
Encouraged by your words, Sakura continues, her bites growing a bit more assertive, leaving small marks on your skin. Each bite is followed by a tender kiss, a mixture of passion and tenderness that reflects her complex emotions. You can feel her anxiety and need for reassurance in every touch, every kiss, and every bite.
As she nips at your neck, you hold her closer, your hands gently stroking her back to provide a sense of security. Her breaths come in short, quick gasps, her body pressed tightly against yours. You can feel her heart pounding, matching the rhythm of your own.
"Sakura," you whisper, lifting her chin so she looks into your eyes. "You don't have to hold back. Just be yourself."
Her eyes, filled with a mixture of desire and vulnerability, meet yours. She nods slightly, her lips parting as she takes a deep breath. "I need you," she confesses, her voice barely more than a whisper. "I need to feel close to you."
You smile gently, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "I'm not going anywhere," you assure her. "You can have all of me."
Sakura's eyes soften with gratitude, and she leans in to kiss you again, this time with a tenderness that speaks volumes. The bites on your neck become more deliberate, a way for her to mark her territory and express her deep-seated need for connection.
You feel the intensity of her emotions and respond with equal tenderness, holding her close and allowing her to take what she needs from you. The room is filled with the quiet sounds of your breathing, the soft rustle of clothing, and the occasional sigh of contentment as you lose yourselves in the moment.
Slowly, you begin to take off what little clothes Sakura has left, your movements careful and tender. She helps you out of yours, her fingers trembling slightly with anticipation and excitement. As each piece of clothing falls away, the intimacy between you deepens, a silent communication of trust and affection.
With a gentle nudge, you both move toward the bed. The soft sheets feel cool against your skin, a stark contrast to the heat of your body. Pulling away from the kiss, you hear a small whine escape Sakura's lips, her eyes fluttering open with a mix of longing and frustration.
But before she can voice her complaint, you place her gently on the bed, and another deep, passionate kiss quickly muffles her whines. Your lips meld together, the urgency of the moment heightening the connection between you. Sakura's hands grip your shoulders, pulling you closer as if afraid you might disappear.
You respond by deepening the kiss, pouring all your affection and reassurance into the embrace. Your hands roam her body, tracing delicate patterns along her skin, eliciting soft gasps and shivers from Sakura. She arches into your touch, her body responding instinctively to every caress.
Breaking the kiss for a moment, you look into her eyes, your voice soft and filled with love. "Princess, you're everything to me."
Sakura's eyes shine with emotion, her hands cupping your face. "Daddy you can do anything you want," she whispers, her voice trembling with sincerity. "I just need you."
You place your hard member on her entrance teasing it a little before lubing it up with all the wetness from Sakura’s drenched pussy. “Daddy please don’t tease!” Sakura whined. 
Not wanting to keep her waiting longer, you slowly insert your cock into her tight pussy. Sakura occasionally let out moans as you pushed into her. Once you bottomed out you were still letting her adjust and also enjoying how tight her pussy was. 
“Daddy you can move now,” Sakura said. The missionary position lets you control your pace well and also hit spots that have never been touched. 
“Harder, Daddy, pleasee,” Sakura begged and you obliged increasing your pace and the strength of your thrusts. 
“Nghhh you are filling me up so well, Daddy,” Sakura moaned 
“Fuck, Princess, you are doing such a good job taking my dick. Your pussy is so tight and perfect.” You compliment Sakura causing her pussy to tighten a little. 
Increasing your pace, you ask “Who does this Pussy belong to princess?” 
Sakura was in a realm of her own, her mind completely filled with pleasure and unable to comprehend anything you were saying. So you stop 
“No no no, Daddy why did you stop!!” Sakura screams.
“Answer me, princess, Who thrusts Does thrusts This thrusts Pussy thrusts Belongs to thrusts?” You ask
“You! Daddy, this pussy belongs to only you!!!” Sakura screams as your thrusts get harsher. The tightness pushes you closer to the edge. 
“Princess, Daddy is going to cum soon and you are going to lick up every single drop of it right?” You asked as you continued to fuck the living crap out of Sakura. 
“Yes, Daddy. I will make sure not to waste a single drop of it.” Sakura replied. Her movements are in complete sync with yours. Both of you were chasing the peaks of your orgasm. 
“I’m cumming princess,” you announce and try to pull out of her pussy but are unable to do so because Sakura has managed to wrap her legs around you.
“Cum for me Daddy, breed me, let me have your children, please. I need them so fucking badly!!” Sakura screamed as her legs gripped tighter around your body.
Unable to hold on much longer you end up cumming inside of Sakura. “Fuck!!” You moan as you release all your cum deep inside of Sakura’s pussy.
“What the fuck Sakura, you are going to get pregnant!” you said. 
“Yes, Daddy, maybe then you will pay more attention to me than the other girls!” Sakura replied with a smirk on her face.
Not wanting to argue further, exhaustion took over both of you, and you soon fell into a deep sleep. The warmth of the moment and the emotional intensity had drained you completely.
Hours later, you were awakened by a sudden weight being placed on your chest. Blinking the sleep from your eyes, you looked down to see none other than Wonyoung sitting on you, her expression a mixture of curiosity and annoyance.
This was probably the worst situation in which you could get caught by Wonyoung, who was extremely possessive. The fact that your neck was covered with marks and Sakura was sleeping next to you was going to be the death of you. Wonyoung's eyes darted from the marks on your neck to Sakura, her jaw tightening with barely contained anger.
“What the hell is this?” Wonyoung’s voice was sharp, her tone dripping with jealousy and hurt.
You could feel the tension rising, and you knew you had to tread carefully. “Wonyoung, it’s not what it looks like,” you began, trying to sound as calm as possible.
“Really?” she said, her tone icy. “Because it looks like you and Sakura had a lot of fun without me.”
Sakura stirred next to you, her eyes fluttering open. She immediately sensed the tension in the room and sat up, her smirk from earlier fading as she took in Wonyoung’s furious expression.
“Wonyoung, it’s not like that,” Sakura said softly, trying to defuse the situation. “I just... I needed Daddy last night. It was a tough day.”
Wonyoung’s eyes narrowed, her possessive streak flaring up. “And you think you’re the only one who needs him? We all need him, Sakura. You can’t just monopolize him like this.”
You reached out to gently touch Wonyoung’s arm, hoping to calm her down. “Wonyoung, please. Let’s talk about this calmly.”
She pulled her arm away, standing up and crossing her arms over her chest. “Calmly? How am I supposed to be calm when you’re covered in her marks?”
Sakura looked genuinely remorseful, and you could see that she regretted the way things had escalated. “Wonyoung, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel left out.”
Wonyoung’s eyes softened slightly at Sakura’s apology, but she was still visibly upset. “It’s going to take a lot more than just a verbal apology from the both of you,” she said, a smirk plastered all over her face. This spelled nothing good for the future, but you had no choice but to listen because this brat doesn’t take no for an answer and is also way too cute for you to say no to.
You sighed inwardly, knowing that Wonyoung had the upper hand. “What do you want, Wonyoung?” you asked, trying to keep your tone calm and collected.
Wonyoung's smirk widened, her eyes gleaming with mischief. “Oh, I have a few ideas,” she replied, her voice sweet but with an edge of playful menace. “But first, I want both of you to admit that you were wrong and that you’ll make it up to me.”
Sakura shifted beside you, looking a bit nervous but also curious. “Alright, Wonyoung,” she said, her voice soft but sincere. “I’m sorry for making you feel left out. I promise to make it up to you.”
You nodded in agreement, meeting Wonyoung’s gaze. “I’m sorry too, Wonyoung. I didn’t mean to hurt you. We’ll both make it up to you, I promise.”
Wonyoung’s smirk turned into a genuine smile, though a hint of mischief still lingered in her eyes. “Good. Now, let’s start with something simple. I want you both to pamper me today. I get to be the center of attention, and you two will do whatever I say. Deal?”
Sakura and you exchanged a glance, both of you knowing that you had little choice in the matter. “Deal,” you said in unison.
Wonyoung clapped her hands together, her mood brightening. “Great! First, I want a nice breakfast in bed. And then, we’ll see what else I can come up with,” she said, her tone almost teasing.
You couldn’t help but smile at her enthusiasm, even though you knew she was taking full advantage of the situation. “Alright, breakfast in bed it is,” you said, getting up and pulling on some clothes.
Sakura followed suit, giving Wonyoung a small, playful glare. “You’re really enjoying this, aren’t you?”
Wonyoung giggled, the sound light and infectious. “Maybe a little,” she admitted. “But it’s only fair, right?”
You couldn’t argue with that, and as you made your way to the kitchen to start preparing breakfast, you felt a sense of relief that the immediate tension had been diffused. Wonyoung might be a handful, but her playful nature and the bond you all shared made every challenge worth it.
As the day went on, you and Sakura did your best to pamper Wonyoung, catering to her whims and making her feel special. There were plenty of playful moments and laughter, and by the end of the day, it felt like the balance had been restored among the three of you.
Wonyoung lay on the couch, a contented smile on her face as she looked at you and Sakura. “See? This wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“Not at all, I was expecting a lot more work.” You replied.
“Because the worst part is yet to come. The both of you are going spend the entire night with me.” Wonyoung said as she took off her skirt. 
To be continued… 
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tayytayy12 · 1 day
Flashback when you met me | OP81 x singer!Reader
Summary | The lead up and the result of Oscar and Reader meeting for the first time.
Warnings | Past relationship mentioned, swearing
Notes - Reader and Lando are childhood best friends, Oscar’s still in F2 at this time
FaceClaim - SabrinaCarpenter
Oscar x Nonsense series (you don’t have to read any of these to understand this, it’s just works with Oscar and the same love interest if you’d like to read them.)
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Liked by - LandoNorris, GracieAbrams and 2,826,022 | posted November 26th
Yourusername - Meeting you and singing and dancing with you for the past year on tour is a core memory I’ll carry with me always, and I can’t believe it’s over already. Even though most of the songs that I sung in this tour I can no longer relate to, I’m happy that when I look back in them I won’t be reminded of bad memories, but instead all the love you’ve shown me. Thank you for making my dreams come true, and thank you for all the extra love and care you’ve shown me these past weeks. I love you, I’ll see you soon 💕
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LandoNorris - Mate we’ve established this, don’t cry over weirdo little boys, you deserve better.
Yourusername - He complimented me someone get a picture
LandoNorris - I take it back.
User2 - I love their friendship omfg
User3 - Forever in denial that I didn’t get any tickets 🫢
User4 -The pic of her crying is so real
User5 - I HATE Y/EX/N
User7 -The captions so cuteee 😭💕
User8 - ILY
User9 - Why is she crying?
User10 - The song she was singing, you belong with me, was about her ex and a couple weeks ago photos leaked of him cheating on her with some girl multiple times and he came out and said that he didn’t care and that he’d do it again because he’s a asshole, but when she had to sing the sings that were about him on tour she probably got a bit emotional.
User11 - She’s going MIA for ages now I can feel it
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Liked by - Yourusername, Lilymhe and 1,005,362 others | posted December 14th
Tagged | @/Yourusername
LandoNorris - The duo you all missed is reunited cause I’m dragging this lazy, sad bitch out of bed to be my plus one to the FIA Christmas party tonight 🥳
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Yourusername - I hate you.
LandoNorris - You wasn’t saying that when you was laughing your ass off ur bed 🤨
Yourusername - Shut up
User13 - Poor Y/n 😭
User14 - Lando always delivers with the funny Y/n pics
User15 - I need a friendship like theirs
Yourusername - I’m telling your mum that you dragged me out of bed by my ankles
LandoNorris - Pls don’t she loves you more than me
Yourusername - I’m telling Oliver too
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Liked by - LandoNorris, OscarPiastri and 1,435,028 others | posted December 15th
Yourusername - I hate it when he’s right, but yes I had fun (a lot more than I thought I would and I’ve made a new discovery send help.) ft. The pic I took of Lando’s face when I told him the tea.
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User16 - Y/n Wdym you’ve made a new discovery I’m scared
Yourusername - GIRL ME TOO.
Yourusername - @/Lilymhe closet 🫢
Lilymhe - THEIF (you look hot so I’ll let it slide)
User18 - What happened for Lando to look shocked and happy at the same time IM INVESTED NOW
User19 - Y/ex/n is looking at this and weeping cause imagine losing Y/N. Y/L/N.
LandoNorris - I know something you don’t, I know something you’ll never know 🥳
Yourusername - SHUT UP OR ILL HURT YOU
LandoNorris - Aw ily too
LandoNorris - I can’t sorry she just chased me around her house with a coat hanger threatening to hang me
User21 - LMAO
User22 - Y/n, it’s been nine months, GIVE US NEW MUSIC PLS
User23 - Don’t be scared Y/n, tell us the new discovery 🫠
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Liked by - OscarPiastri, LandoNorris and 3,653,926 others | posted December 24th
Yourusername - Okay so here’s the deal; my brand new single ‘enchanted’ is out now, surprise !!! It was written and recorded a few nights ago and I had some help writing this in the form of my best friend Lando (who I dragged out of bed at three in the morning because I couldn’t think of a hook, and he came up with a great one so I did the right thing) and it might just happen to be about that new discovery I mentioned.
This is my Christmas present to you all, I love you, I hope you like the song 🤍💕
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User25 - ‘Please don’t be in love with someone else’ Y/N WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT GIRL??????
LandoNorris - Now my resume will say Lando Norris: Karting world champion, F2 runner up, F1 podium scorer, and hit song writer
Yourusername - aw you think the songs a hit
LandoNorris - Duh, ofc it will be. I wrote it…?
Yourusername - Ok.
User26 - ‘My thoughts will echo your name until I see you again’ GIRL YOURE DOWN BAD
Yourusername - GIRL IK
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Liked by - User27 and 82,628 others | posted February 12th
Celebrity.sightings - Famous singers, Y/n Y/l/n (21) spotted out last night with Formula two racing driver Oscar Piastri (21), the two seemed quite happy and comfortable in each others company, apparently the two shared multiple kisses and were spotted out for dinner, all while trying (and failing) to evade paparazzi.
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User33 - Who is this vroom vroom man and how did he steal my girl 😩
User34 - Y/n’s fit eating as always tho
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Liked by - OscarPiastri, LandoNorris and 1,636,827 others | posted February 13th
Tagged | @/OscarPiastri
Yourusername - We were gonna do a soft launch but when you’re followed by paparazzi everywhere you go, things don’t always go to plan. But anyway, I love you Oscar, and I’m thankful that lando dragged me out of bed to come to that party cause I met you 💕
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User35 - OMGOMG
User37 - I wanted a soft launch man I hate the paparazzi
OscarPiastri - Same
Yourusername - Same
LandoNorris - I’m always the reason for all of your happiness
Yourusername - you’re not wrong tbh
OscarPiastri - I love you 🤍
Yourusername - I love you more 💕
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Liked by - Yourusername, LoganSargeant and 473,728 others
Tagged | @/Yourusername
OscarPiastri - I was enchanted to meet you too, my love 🤍
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Yourusername - My god I love you so much
OscarPiastri - I love you so much more 🤍
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mochinomnoms · 1 day
*slams open door*
Mochi! Mochi! I have an idea.
So a troupe I see on pixiv fanart is a character swapping with their future selves. I saw one where Azul wakes up in bed with his future wife Yuu and she's teased him because she can tell it's past Azul and he doesn't recognize her. She gives him a hint how to recognize her by some birthmarks she has on her chest.
I've seen a couple artists do it with Floyd as well, and a fanfic with past and future Yuu swapping with each other and poor younger Malleus is overwhelmed because OMG this beautiful woman is flirting with me and she's my future wife? There's something hilarious about the younger guys just not knowing how to handle the future version of Yuu.
So now I'm thinking how funny it would be for Past!PTMYuu swapping places with future!PTMYuu. Like P!Yuu wakes up in an unknown house in somebody's bed and confused as fuck and gets even more confused because suddenly these little kids are running in, telling Mommy it's time to get up and Yuu's like, who's mommy? Then who should walk in but Jade telling the kids to let Mommy rest and then he notices that the Yuu in their bedroom is not his wife(Yuu's still wearing her NRC uniform and shouldn't fit it anymore after getting older and having kids) and ohh he's going to have fun with this. He'll start in with the thoughts "ohh my beautiful pearl was absolutely adorable back at NRC, look at how tiny and cute you were, I know you can hear me pearl..." And fuck he knows about her telepathy. Poor Yuu overloads with the fact that Jade actually married her, they have kids, and is still so damn in love with her as he was at NRC.
Meanwhile F!Yuu is back at Past NRC and is calming down Yuu's friends. No, your Yuu is fine. If I'm right she's with my husband and kids right now and he'll take care of her. Some of the cast are obviously curious about Yuu's husband and F!Yuu is all "nah... sorry I can't say, don't wanna mess with the future." and of course the one who wants to know the most is Jade. F!Yuu is laughing to themselves because man, they remember how down horrendously Jade was in school and he doesn't know at this time that Yuu can read his thoughts. I'd like to think Yuu learned to better control the telepathy so she just tunes into his thoughts every now and then and it's just his thoughts bouncing around like "Oh seven my pearl is absolutely gorgeous in the future. Please tell me I'm your husband. I have to be! What would our kids look like. How many would we have? Do they look like my pearl or me? I hope one looks like my pearl they'd be the cutest baby!"
Eventually somebody figures out how to send the Yuu's back to their right time. Hugs for everybody but P!Jade gets a quick peck on the cheek before F!Yuu hops into whatever portal is sending her back and the last thought she hears from P!Jade is him screaming in his mind how much he loves her.
P!Yuu gets back and now has to deal with Jade's even more thoughts about the future and apparently a few others people thinking that man, Yuu's gonna be such a milf in the future.
Somebody please help Yuu, poor thing can only take so much.
Ah I love silly time travel stories (I ignore paradoxes) and this is one of my favorite tropes! It's what one of the fics from the poll is based on, but with all of the overblot cast instead!
I'm so excited to write it, I have many ideas for everyone, especially Leona and Idia's chapters!!
For Jade though, I think it would be so funny. He's positively enamored seeing milf/dilf Yuu. He's internalizing everything, of course, so no one except Yuu and Floyd and Azul can really tell he's being affected.
He's staring a little longer than he really should, but he's surprised that future Yuu doesn't seem to mind. In fact, they're much calmer than usual. Usually they'd be excitable with their friends and quite shy and quiet with him. But future Yuu looks at him with such fondness that Jade lets himself dream that they look at him like that because they're future spouses.
(In the back of his mind, there is a mix of hope and dread. That's a wedding band on their hand. They're taken, but was it by him?)
Imagine everyone's surprise and shock when, right before leaving, future Yuu walks up to Jade (even in the future, they haven't grown much) to tip toe and press a sweet little kiss to the cheek as they cup his face with the absolute most tenderness.
Jade's frozen, the others are murmuring to each other, and future Yuu disappears and in their place is their original Yuu. Red-faced, covered in a large brown coat that most definitely does not belong to them, and staring Jade down.
Covering their red-face and all. Poor Jade is now giddy and a bit concerned (he hopes that scream was due to flusteredness and not fear, though he does love how entertaining they always are), while Yuu is screaming into their couch as they try to process several things, including the knowledge that they weren't at all displeased knowing that they married Jade.
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chukys-mouthguard · 2 days
What if?
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Genre: fluff
Word count: 3,229 words
Featuring: matt rempe x female reader
Warnings: drunk guy being an asshole at the bar, aggressive/protective Matt
Note: okay, this is the first thing I’ve written in years, please be kind 😅 I just got a thing for this man now idk…feel free to send in some requests or let me know if you want more to this story? Not sure if it will be a one off or a little series
“Okay, how do I look?” You walk down the hall of your apartment, stopping to pose for Matt so he can give you his stamp of approval. He eyes you up and down, as if he is going to deliver some harsh critique. Your outfit is nothing crazy; jeans, a gray long sleeved bodysuit, black heeled boots, and a small cross body bag. With the New York City weather still chilly out, you figured it would keep you warm along with the alcohol you’d be consuming.
“Beautiful as always. But let’s try and keep the collecting of guys' phone numbers to a minimum tonight huh?” You laughed as you playfully smacked Matt’s arm. Making your way to the fridge to grab your High Noon you’d started sipping on before getting dressed. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous Matthew Rempe.” He shot you a cocky smirk as he leaned on the kitchen island next to you. “Me? Jealous? Never. Because I’m the one in your apartment and not them.” You rolled your eyes as you swallowed down the last bit of seltzer before unplugging your phone from the charger nearby. “Okay Mr. Chauffeur, let’s hit the road.”
You loved having Matt in NYC playing with the Rangers. The two of you had been best friends since you were teenagers, though you’d lost touch a bit once you moved to New York. Matt’s stint in Hartford allowed the chance to slowly reconnect, but having him now with the Rangers was even better. The two of you often spent nights at each other's apartments, going out to dinner, and of course you attended every home game you could to see Matt play.
You’d always had a soft spot for Matt. Sure he was a bit intimidating being practically 7 feet tall, his knuckles cut up or bruised half the time, and a black eye never seeming to catch you off guard anymore. But you’d gotten close enough to see the side of him most people don’t experience. Though you never imagined your relationship being anything more than what it was. Friends, and nothing more than that. But you couldn’t deny the way you had paid attention to how he’d grown into a man. He had outgrown his awkward phase, and you now looked at him and saw him as handsome, not cute or adorable like he was when you were growing up.
You constantly find yourself thinking, what if you weren’t just imagining things? When he spends the night and walks into your room wearing just a towel after a shower. The way he hugs you and lingers longer than just a friend would. The way he takes care of you when you’re drunk. Or nights like tonight, where he’s willing to stay up late to be your designated driver when he’s got an early morning skate and a big game tomorrow night.
Just one day, one day you’d love to kiss him and see what happens. Or flirt a little extra and see if he takes the bait. But you also don’t want to lose your best friend in the process, or be turned down and embarrassed for thinking he’d ever feel that way about you.
“So what’s the plan for tonight?” Matt asks as he puts a hand on the back of your seat as he looks over his shoulder, backing out of his parking space. It’s such a cliche action, but boy does he look good doing it, and your heart certainly skipped a beat.
“The typical routine. Start at Tucker’s. Then move on to 1989. Then finish-“ “At Coop’s?” Matt smirked as he looked out at the road. One hand on the wheel with the other resting on his thigh. He was literally in jeans and a hoodie yet somehow he looked just as good as he does in a suit on game day. “Either that means I go out too much, or you’re finally starting to pay attention when I tell you things.” “Definitely not paying attention, it’s you going out too much.” He laughed as you playfully punched his arm, pulling out your phone to text your friends that you were a few minutes away.
“So Cooper’s closes at 2:30, but I honestly don’t think I’ll last that long. Especially because someone has a big game tomorrow! And I wanna be well rested. So let’s plan for like 12:30/1? Is that okay?” You looked at Matt a bit apologetic, knowing he’d have to be up early for morning skate. But he was always adamant about driving you, no matter what time it was.
“Of course, you know I’ll be here no matter the time. I’ll plan to be at Coop’s around 12:45. I’ll come in to get you too, it’s gonna be cold and dark out. I don’t want you walking to find me.” You put a hand to his cheek as you make a joking pouty expression. “Aww, such a gentleman Matty.” He smiled at your touch, almost leaning into your hand as he looked back at you, “Anything for you. Now go on, I know the girls are waiting. Text me if you need anything, and I mean anything y/n. I’m not that far of a drive.” You let out a sigh as you undid your seatbelt, “Honestly Matt, nothing to worry about, I’ll be fine.” You blew him an air kiss as you exited the car, heading into the first bar of the night. Matt sat and watched you show your ID to the man at the door, waiting until he saw you get inside safely to drive away.
As promised, Matt arrived at Cooper's around 12:45. He was thankful that you and your friends chose to end your nights at a bar that wasn’t too crazy, but also not too crowded that he might be recognized. Just to be safe he threw on a hat to shield his face as much as he could, though the bar was so dark he doubted anyone would be able to make out his face in the crowd.
He handed his ID to the bouncer before making his way inside. He texted you a simple “I’m here”, you would know his typical meeting place and where to go. You were in the restroom when Matt texted, quickly replying “bathroom, be right out” before you sighed as you stared blankly at the wall. The line in the girls restroom always 100 times longer than it was for the guys.
Matt didn’t mind waiting, he checked some scores on his phone. Assuming that the line was long since girls love to use the buddy system when going to the bathroom. He scanned the crowd and enjoyed people watching, nodding his head and smiling softly as your friends gave him a wave from across the bar. He checked the time again, before glancing over towards the hallway to find you pushing past a crowd of girls to exit the restrooms. He chuckled to himself as he saw the frustration on your face, knowing you probably waited 20 minutes just to pee. He started to walk towards you but fell back as he noticed a guy stop you in your tracks.
“Can I help you?” You looked at the man a bit confused, you’d recognized him from the crowd of people, but hadn’t interacted with him much. He was out with a group of guys for someone’s birthday. You only knew that because they mentioned it to you and your friends at least 30 times. Definitely trying to help the birthday boy get laid. “I noticed you’d left your friends, I thought maybe my shot at getting to buy you a drink was gone.” You chuckled to yourself, why does this have to happen in front of Matthew?
“Oh, yeah, I’m actually on my way out. So, maybe another time. Sorry.” You try to excuse yourself but he moves with you, cutting you off. “Oh come on, one more drink isn’t gonna hurt anyone. Or if you want we could go somewhere else, just the two of us and get a drink.” He had a cocky grin on his face as you looked at him in disgust. He was clearly drunk, and wasn’t keen on taking no for an answer. You looked at Matt standing just a few feet away, a concerned look on his face as he wasn’t sure what was going on.
“Look, I’m not interested, okay?” He scoffed as he seemed to be a bit insulted by your comment. “Not interested, you and your friends were dancing right up against our group all night. I saw the way you were eyeing all of us guys, I’d say you were interested sweet heart.” You gagged at the smell of alcohol on his breath as he got closer to you. “Yeah news flash buddy, it’s a small fucking bar. My option was dancing right next to people or on the bar.”
As you tried walking past him to get to Matt, you felt a tight grip on your wrist pull you back, “That sounds hot, can you put on a show just for me?” His hands attempted to grab more than just your wrists but before you could react Matt was already stepping in, pulling the guy away from you and pinning him to the wall by the collar of his shirt. “Don’t you dare fucking touch her like that.”
You were a bit taken aback at the way Matt stepped in. Sure he’d protected you from dumb drunk guys before, but never like this. His jaw clenched as his grip tightened on the collar of the man’s shirt. “And what the fuck are you gonna do about it huh? What are you her little brother or something? Ain’t no way you’re banging a bitch like that.” Matt’s grip tightened on his collar as he pushed him harder into the wall, “what did you just call her?!” His voice louder, drawing a bit of attention, thankfully none yet from the bouncer.
“A bitch, and what are you gonna do about it?” The drunk dumbass laughed in Matt’s face and you knew this wouldn’t end well.
Before you could step in, Matt’s fist connected with the guy's jaw, causing him to stumble to the floor. Before pulling himself together and running off to the restroom.
Matt shook his hand as he winced, immediately realizing he fucked up but his anger got the best of him. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” You grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the door. Thank god no one seemed to really notice the altercation that just took place.
The walk to the car was quiet as Matt was still fuming, you simply climbed into the passenger in silence. He gripped the steering wheel tight with his good hand as he peeled out of the parking lot. You sat next to him, studying his face to see when it might be a good time to say something. Blue and purple started to appear across the knuckles on the hand that threw the punch as he let out a large sigh.
“I’m sorry.”
You let out a soft laugh as you rested a hand on his thigh, softly holding his bruised hand, careful not to hurt him. “Sorry for what? You didn’t do anything wrong? You stepped in as I would’ve hoped you would the second that guy put his hands on me. Don’t be sorry for that!” He seemed to relax at your touch, so you kept your hand on his, slowly brushing your thumb over his skin to attempt to calm him down.
The rest of the car ride was quiet, the two of you heading back to Matt’s apartment since he had to be up early for practice. You kept your eyes on him, studying the look on his face, wishing you were in his head to know what the heck he was thinking. He took your hand in his as you two walked through the quiet parking garage, then headed up the elevator.
You knew your way around his place, first going to his room to grab an oversized t-shirt to throw on before heading to the bathroom to take off your makeup. Matt was sweet enough to go out and buy you your own toiletries to keep at his place. Including your makeup remover and even your 4 step skincare routine.
Matt came to join you in the bathroom as you brushed your teeth. He smiled at the sight of you as he leaned against the wall: your hair in a messy bun, his oversized Seattle Thunderbirds t shirt covering you up enough while still giving him a good view of your legs. “What?” You chuckled as you tried not to choke on the tooth paste threatening to fall from your lips. He just shook his head, “Just glad nothing bad happened to you tonight. I’m glad I was there.” He took your hand, his fingers fiddling with yours, “I just kept thinking what if i wasn’t there, I couldn’t handle it if anything would’ve happened.”
You looked at him in the mirror, relief and exhaustion covered his face. “I’m really glad you were there too, but I really hope we don’t end up with a possible scandal on our hands.” You started laughing as you exited the bathroom, Matthew following suit. “New York Rangers rookie Matthew Rempe gets in a bar fight over a girl.” You spoke in a sarcastic newscaster voice as you made your way to the freezer, grabbing a bag of frozen peas to tend to Matt’s fist bearing the proof of his heroic actions at the bar.
Matt chuckled along with you before wincing at the feeling of the cold bag on his hand, “If it happens, so be it, I was ready to knock that son of a bitch out after what he said to you.” You shot him a glare, “Matthew Rempe. Absolutely not, I am not worth you getting in trouble with the team because of a dumb bar fight.” He walked over to you, now the one shooting you a glare. His arms rested on either side of your waist as he gripped the edge of the counter. “Y/n, yes you fucking are.” You shot him a look as he swiftly picked you up and sat you on the island in front of him. A cocky grin coming across his face at how caught off guard you were, gripping his biceps tight as his hands now moved to rest on your thighs. “I’d fight 20 guys at the bar if they put their hands on you and said shit like that guy tonight.” His tone now more serious, his smirk fading as you two stared at one another for what seemed like an hour. The voice in your head screaming at you, this is your what if moment. Take it or leave it, but it may never come again. What if he’s trying to confess his feelings, what if he’s trying to make a move but he’s too scared. What if you just beat him to the punch. What if-
Before your brain could even rationalize a thought or an action, you felt Matt’s lips crash into yours. His hands cupping your face as yours snaked up his neck to grab a handful of his hair. The kiss like fireworks and a weight being lifted off your shoulders all at once. He began to smile into the kiss, before pulling away with a slight laugh.
“Oh yeah, that’s exactly what every girl wants. The guys she’s been dreaming of kissing to pull away laughing!” You rolled your eyes and frowned at him as a look of shock washed over his face. “Been dreaming of kissing huh??? I knew it!” You immediately turned red, covering your face with your hands, though Matt found it extremely cute.
His hands gripping your thighs before lifting you off the counter, “It’s okay, i get it. I’m sure there’s lots of girls out there who dream of kissing me.” “Matt! Shut up!” You laughed as he carried you down the hall into his room, tossing you on the bed while he finally changed out of his jeans and sweatshirt. “Hey, listen…if you’re interested, maybe we could work something out so that you can be the only girl who gets to kiss me from now on. How does that sound?”
You barely heard him, too busy staring as he stood in just his underwear in front of you. Your eyes tracing every detail of him before his laugh interrupted your thoughts. “Damn, one kiss and all of sudden you’re just head over heels huh?” You pull a pillow over your face out of embarrassment as you feel the bed sink beneath his weight. Matthew now hovering above you as he pulls the pillow away from your face.
He brushed some hair from your face as your fingers play with his chain hanging from his neck, “you really want to kiss me and only me from now on?” You blushed as he shook his head laughing at you, “of course you goof! That’s all I’ve wanted for like the last 5 years, probably even longer!” You felt yourself trying to fight a smile, though you were sure your cheeks were bright red, letting Matt know you liked his response.
He laid next to you as you continued to play with his chain, now resting on his chest. His thumb tracing circles on your thigh as you smiled like a dork to yourself, your heart bursting with excitement that all your what ifs had come true.
“So if I agree to this-“ you say up, trying to pull a serious face as you looked down at him. His hands still glued to your thighs, as if he couldn’t get enough of touching you now. “Do I get a cute custom Rempe jean jacket or something to wear to your games? Like I wanna be decked out and I want people to know that I'm the only girl you’re kissing from now on.” Matt rolled his eyes and laughed at your change of tone, as you babbled on and on about your ‘conditions’ should you agree to this. But he loved the thought of you in a Rempe jacket at his games, getting to see afterwards and kiss you like crazy after a big win, to have you be his biggest fan cheering him on every night. Even though you already were, now it would be more special.
Matt cut you off as he pulled you into his lap, his hand pulling your face to his as he kissed you. This time the kiss was soft, as he took his time to really take in the feeling of finally getting to kiss you and be this close to you. “If you be my girlfriend, I’ll get you whatever jacket you want, I’ll get you the best seats at the Garden for my games, you name it. Just make me the happiest guy ever and be my girlfriend!” You laughed at how he begged like a little kid who couldn’t contain their excitement.
“Yes-“ you peppered his face with a hundred kisses, “Matthew Rempe, I would absolutely love to be your girlfriend.”
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00-jammy-00 · 16 hours
Could you do a reader deity who is basically forgotten but Yan finds them and worshippes the hell out of them? (Maybe to the point of having a cult if you're comfortable)
And if you're uncomfortable with the ask that's perfectly fine! I'll probably send another Idea then!
Also any chance I could be 🔪 anon?
Thank you and have a good day! :D
Yan!Worshipper HC’s
Yan!Worshipper x GN! Deity! Reader
Content warning - Yandere themes, obsession, murder, implied stalking, nsfw mentions, manipulation, cult themes, he’s really pathetic I won’t lie
A/N - One more day until my 1K follower special ends!
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Yan!Worshipper who had stumbled upon you when he decided to listen to his dumbass boss and go hiking. He had fallen down the side of a hill, almost breaking his ankle in the process. Though, all of that pain was so worth it when he saw your old, ruined shrine.
Yan!Worshipper who began visiting once a week. When you noticed you had finally gotten a follower, you were excited so you showed yourself when he prayed. He saw stars. You were so gorgeous, so perfect. Just seeing you had his jaw dropped and his pants uncomfortably tight.
Yan!Worshipper whose schedule slightly changed. Visiting you once a week, once every three days, once a day, multiple times a day… It didn’t matter though! He quit his job because you blessed him with amazing luck. He fixed up your shrine but he still felt horrible, you were forgotten. He did the only thing he could think of doing and started to spread the word about you.
Yan!Worshipper who slowly developed a following for you, just a few people here and there…a few hundred. He was a devoted man okay?! Of course he led the cult, none of these fuckers were worthy. None of them were allowed to gaze upon you but him. Only he could bask in your presence, bathe you, dress you, watch you, follow you, fuck you.
Yan!Worshipper who snapped a few necks while attempting to keep this cult going. Some people were so ungrateful, didn’t see what you had to offer. He made sure to soothe you whenever you got too stressed about the disappearances too. “It’s okay, my love, they are apart of something bigger, now look at all the offerings you are getting!” He made sure these brainless drones donated a bunch to this fucking thing too, he couldn’t go broke while servicing you.
Yan!Worshipper who is attending to your every need constantly. He brought you the finest silks, the biggest bed, the ripest fruit and anything else you wanted, as long as you were pleased then he was happy. It made him even more happy when you let him service you in other ways.
Yan!Worshipper who pounds you like the world is ending tomorrow. He can’t help but constantly be touching you, admiring you. He drags his fingers down your body, memorising every single piece of you. You were all his! He didn’t care about his own pleasure when his god was sitting right there. He once came three times just from giving you head.
Yan!Worshipper who’ll never let the cult be shut down. He’s paid off police and government officials to turn a blind eye to the murders sacrifices that happen at the mountain. He couldn’t have his work taken away. God forbid you get taken away. You’re his now. You chose him.
Likes, reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated, requests are open <3
please do not copy, repost or translate any of my works on other platforms without my permission.
167 notes · View notes
pshcomforts · 3 days
➳ spring snow | psh.
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bestfriend!sunghoon x fem!reader
“cause i’m falling slowly in love with you”
synopsis: you came down with a cold and your best friend, sunghoon, has offered to take care of you.
warnings/content: written in third pov. fluffy fluff! tiny bit of angst. best friends to lovers. a little bit of idiots in love. nicknames like ‘idiot’ ‘dummy’ and ‘loser’ used. down bad sunghoon <3
comments, likes, and reposts are appreciated :)
word count: 4.6k
a/n: self-indulgent bc i’m sick right now, and currently obsessed with lovely runner </3
current song playing: spring snow by 10cm
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
0:39 ───|──────────────── 2:42
a cough erupted out of y/n as she fought for her life. her nose was stuffy, and her throat was aching from the cold she randomly caught.
she heavily sighed, cursing to herself for missing an important lecture.
“i should’ve gone..,” she softly whimpered.
as she fumed a little longer, a sudden notification had caught her attention.
sunghoon <3:
Where are you?
Are you running late?
panic spread across her face when she read her best friends texts, quickly typing back with quiet coughs leaving her throat.
sorry, hoon! i’m actually not feeling good so i decided to skip the lecture for today…
sunghoon <3:
Are you lying, or are you really sick?
why would i lie to you about this..
sunghoon <3:
So you don’t have to hear my scolding? 😒
i swear, sunghoon, i’m sick! do you want me to send an audio of me coughing or something..
sunghoon <3:
.. No
the girl breathed out a laugh once she found no more texts from him. she widely grinned as she thought about the handsome boy, easily imagining his displeased look in her head.
her heart fluttered and butterflies erupted in her stomach. she fisted her hands to stop the sensations forming around her body as she shook it off.
“stop it, y/n, he’s just a friend.” she murmured to herself, unable to make the imaginary hoon in her head disappear.
“this cold is really getting to me…,”
y/n huffed out a sigh before wrapping herself in her warm blankets.
“maybe a nap will do..,” her voice squeaked, body already falling on borderline exhaustion. she yawned out a little more before resting her eyes and eventually knocking out.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
about a half hour had just passed and the girl was still sound asleep when a few knocks had been heard at the door.
she grumbled out a sigh before checking the time.
“who’d even be here at this time?” she sighed, still finding the sun brightly beaming down on every view she could find.
the knocks had been heard again and she quickly checked to see if anything could be related to whatever was outside. indeed, she found a few missed texts from her beloved friend.
sunghoon <3:
Open the door
Are you asleep??
she exhaled a breath as her stomach flooded with nervous bubbles.
“why is he here..?” she muttered under her breath.
the girl dusted herself, and though she was sure she still looked like a train wreck, she couldn’t be too bothered with how much her sickness took over.
she slowly cracked the door open and found an adorable sunghoon patiently waiting.
“finally!” he shouted. “took you long enough, i was almost gonna call you.”
maybe not that patient.
y/n scrunched her brows in confusion. “why are you even here, hoon?”
his heart slightly dropped at her questioning, but he only nervously laughed it away.
“you’re sick, dummy. you need to be taken care of.” sunghoon murmured, pinching one side of her cheeks.
she quickly swatted the hand away as she still remained puzzled.
“you’re gonna take care of me?” her voice mumbled, causing him to shyly nod. “but you never do this..?”
hoon only sighed as he joked, “well do you want me to leave? because i still can.”
“no, no.. i’m just a little shocked right now.”
y/n’s heart was about to burst. he was fueling her delusions about the potential thought of them being together, and she wasn’t sure if she liked it or not.
she heard him give a chuckle when he set his backpack down. “i care about you, y/n. are you that shocked?” his simple grin sent heart throbs, making her tired body tingle even more.
“well you always tease and make fun of me so.. yeah, i’m shocked.”
the girl sniffed away her snot that ran down from her cold as he laughed again.
“don’t be too surprised that i’m a caring person.” sunghoon uttered, shaking his head while hiding his huge smile away. “i’m usually nice to you anyway.”
y/n guffawed out a scoff, sending a soft smack towards his arm as she muttered, “yeah right! you weren’t nice when i asked for the lecture notes 40 minutes ago, and you said no!”
the male giggled as he thought back to their texts, heart melting at his friends stuffy voice. “well who told you to stay home? that lecture was really important!” he teased back, lips instantly curling at her gasp and eye roll.
“if you’re just here to bicker with me then please leave, hoon. i’m too sick to argue.” she huffed, shaking her head.
“okay, okay, fine, i’m sorry.” he slightly pouted, causing her to softly smile. “i really am here to take care of you though.”
sunghoon ruffled her hair, letting it run messy everywhere as his eyes twinkled in the scene of his friend struggling to leave his teasing act. his lips coiled again, unable to hide his facial expressions with how much he adored her.
“sunghoon!” the girl yelled, pushing his hand away.
his heart pounded at the sound of his name leaving her lips, making him stop the ruffles.
“your friend is sick and you’re really doing this to her!”
hoon chuckled at her words before the word — ‘friend’ — hit him. his heart stung a little and he retracted himself back, officially putting a stop to all of the teasings as y/n still huffed with hair pieces around her face.
“can i go back to sleep now?” she mumbled, throat immediately running dry.
sunghoon clicked his tongue, shaking his head while replying, “what’s the point of me being here if you’re just gonna sleep?”
“you volunteered to be here!”
“exactly, which is why you need to stay out here while i reheat my moms soup for you!”
the girl wore a frown, but her stomach betrayed her when it rumbled at the mention of food, causing her friend to chortle out a laugh.
“see? your stomach wants me to stay.”
he wore a shit eating grin, making y/n playfully roll her eyes and nudge him. “now go stay on the couch, i’ll reheat it up for you.” he sweetly muttered like a boyfriend.
her heart instantly raced and a few coughs suddenly bursted from her as the thought of him being a well-mannered boyfriend flooded her mind.
“get a hold of yourself, idiot.” she said under her breath.
“did you say something??”
her head whipped up at sunghoon and she quickly shook her head. “no! um.. just don’t burn my kitchen down… please.. i know you suck at cooking.”
he scoffed out a ridiculed laugh. “it’s just reheating soup, how bad can that get?”
bad, because within seconds, the boy let the pot heat up on the stove too long, making the cold soup instantly smoke up when he added it in.
the alarms rang off the hook and y/n’s ears rang like crazy; and if that wasn’t enough, sunghoons deep voice screaming at the steam was the cherry on top.
“sunghoon!!” she shouted, giving a faint scold as she fanned beneath her smoke detectors.
his cheeks flushed and his ears instantly became red while he stood in the kitchen like a six year old getting yelled at.
“sorry…,” his soft voice murmured, feeling self-conscious with the way he embarrassed himself in front of his friend.
“i didn’t know there was a time limit with how long the pot had to heat up…,”
y/n huffed out a sigh, instantly dropping her slight annoyance when she came face to face with the boy who was softly pouting. a laugh escaped from her and she only shook her head.
“you’re an idiot, you know that?” she joked, causing a faint grin to be placed on him. “of course it’s gonna smoke when you leave it on high heat for 10 minutes.”
“stop it, y/n… i’m embarrassed, you don’t have to acknowledge what i did wrong.” sunghoon covered his face with his hands, blocking off every facial feature but his ears that were still brightly colored red.
the girl chuckled, grin widening as her sickness almost left her when he remained shy in his actions.
“i don’t know if i should trust you in my kitchen ever again..,”
hoon rolled his eyes and smiled. “okay, it wasn’t even that bad!”
“you literally set off my smoke alarms!”
“okay.. but nothing caught on fire!”
y/n shook her head, hearty coughs still leaving her throat as she heaved her chest up and down.
“you were supposed to take care of me, but stressed me out instead!”
he seethed air through his teeth in guilt, head low while he chewed on his lips. “sorry…,” the male muttered. “i swear i was trying so hard not to do anything that’d make you get up!”
she laughed at his words and replied, “that’s sweet of you, hoon, but you did.”
“i know…, i’m still embarrassed.”
he placed his hands over his face once more, but peeked his eyes through separated fingers to catch her reaction. y/n wore a huge smile, eyes creasing into half moon crescents that caused butterflies to flutter in his stomach.
he softened his gaze once he felt it and they instantly twinkled with a deep warmth that was only for her.
the remaining words that spewed out of the girl had quickly been deafened as he continued to stare at her, making her snap at him — “sunghoon?? did you even hear me?”
“oh.. um… yes!” he tried to cheese a grin, but she obviously wasn’t convinced.
“and what did i say..?”
“something about… your cold being worse..?”
he pressed his lips into a firm line, forming a bread smile as her tongue clicked in disappointment.
“you weren’t listening.., what’s even distracting you?”
her, but he couldn’t say that.
y/n folded her arms while she awaited for an answer, making him gulp.
first, he invited himself inside. second, he almost burned down her kitchen. and now, he wasn’t even processing whatever she had to say.
“um..,” he swallowed down a lump in his throat, trying to find whatever could be distracting. “your snot, y/n! it’s uh.. dripping! yeah, that!”
the girl felt her heart drop and she immediately ran around to find tissues. what dumb luck did hoon have that she actually was dripping with snot?
he breathed out a sigh of relief, hand clenching onto his chest with how close he was to getting caught.
y/n quickly came back, cheeks slightly tinted pink. “back to what i was saying… how about i just heat up the soup myself?” she suggested, causing him to widen his eyes and shake his head.
“no, you’re sick. i can’t have you walking around when you should be resting.”
her brows scrunched and her head slightly tilted as a soft laugh escaped from her. “hoon.. you literally made me run around my apartment to stop the alarms…,”
sunghoon thought back to her constant feet pattering he heard not too long ago, and sighed. “anymore. i won’t have you walking around anymore,” he firmly corrected himself.
she took a sigh as well, finally falling to defeat as he proudly pushed her toward her couch.
“don’t stress about it.., soup will be in your much-needed tummy soon!”
y/n couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy at his words, but eventually let him continue with how eager he was to do something so sweet.
with the man in the kitchen, she felt her pupils dilate whenever she laid her eyes on him, heart almost jumping out of her throat with how quick it was beating.
sunghoon was instantly looking like a boyfriend to her, and she couldn’t fight those thoughts anymore — his tall figure, the oversized hoodie perfectly fitting him, his pretty face gleaming at the bubbling pot.
of course, he did almost burn down her kitchen, but he was redeeming himself right now.
the girl was almost soaring with how much she was falling for him. though she was still fighting for her life, sunghoon being there for her was already making her feel better — even if he stressed her out for a second.
but she swiftly shook it off once the friend had turned around with a proud look spread across his face.
“it’s done! this soup will instantly make you feel better when you eat it.” he murmured, lips still curling at his final success attempt of reheating his moms soup.
y/n softly reflected his grin back as she sat across from him. “your mom’s the best, hoon!” she quickly dug in, heart melting and tummy warming at the soothing broth.
sunghoon tried to hide away his obvious beam but couldn’t help it. his eyes were glistening, his fangs were flashing, and his mind was going crazy with the girl he liked in front of her.
was this how it’d always be if she got sick, and he’d offer to take care of her? (yes)
his heart swelled with the possible future in his hands as the girl continued to eat.
“you don’t want to eat any?” she murmured, but he fully shook his head and pushed the bowl further to her — “it’s all yours, loser. my mom packed it specifically for you.”
she quietly coughed at the sudden nickname, scowling back a look while he only chuckled.
“you didn’t think i’d grow a soft spot for you just because you got sick, did you?” he teased mercilessly.
y/n playfully rolled her eyes before going back to chomping. typical sunghoon. one minute he was sweet, the next he was just a guy who loved to tease a little too much.
he continued to wear a huge grin though as she munched, making the girl fully unaware of how much love he held in his eyes.
once her stomach was full, hoon forced her to sit on the couch with a blanket wrapped around while he cleaned the dishes.
the feeling of him taking care of her was strange, but she liked it. it was something she could get use to if he liked her back (idiot).
when sunghoon finished, he plopped directly next to her on the couch with an idiotic grin, eyes full of hearts and stomach bubbled from feeling nervous.
“um, sunghoon?” y/n poked. “shouldn’t you sit a little further away? i can get you sick.”
he scoffed and laughed as if she told the funniest joke ever. “if i didn’t want to risk getting sick, i wouldn’t have chosen to come over… dummy.” he chuckled at the name he gave her while rubbing her cheek with his thumb.
“do you want me to move?”
her face instantly flushed with a hue of pink and she subtly tried to turn away from it. “no.. you can stay if you want.”
“do you want me to stay?”
sunghoon’s heart quickly thumped with every surge of confidence he got from her shy reactions.
his eyes flickered at her turned head, tilting his own in confusion before muttering, “are you that sick that you can’t look at me?”
“i can! my throat’s just.. itchy so i don’t want to cough in your face,” she tried to shoot back.
he huffed out a slight laugh at her lame attempt of an excuse. “is it that hard to stare at my handsome face?” he asked, knowing that she’d face him right after.
“what!” y/n’s hoarse voice spoke. “i can!”
she quickly laid her eyes back onto him and almost instantly, the two felt their hearts explode with fireworks.
sunghoon took a noticeably large gulp, blinking repeatedly with how quick their nose tips touched. she was much closer than she should’ve been, and the boy was flustered.
“y/n.. you’re um…,” he swallowed another lump, adams apple bobbing as every butterfly in his stomach multiplied.
“see! i can look at you!” she yelled, honestly unaware of how flushed her friend was becoming.
“yeah, you win.” he replied, nudging her forehead away before she could hear his loud heartbeats.
hoon held onto his chest, trying to calm his nerves when y/n only clicked her tongue.
“tried to challenge me but lost instead.. idiot.” she mumbled to herself, giving crunchy coughs afterward.
a grin plastered onto his face after her words processed. “yeah.. i lost” — but he didn’t, because he felt like a winner with how close her nose tip accidentally grazed over his.
he bit his bottom lip to hide away another smile as he muttered, “i think it’s time for you to take some medicine.”
y/n’s face scrunched in disgust. “i know i’m sick, but i hate taking cough syrup.”
“well you need it because you’re coughing like you’re on your death bed.”
an audible gasp was heard from her and she quickly smacked his arm. “sunghoon!” she yelled, earning a laugh from him.
“i’m just stating the obvious!”
he flashed a heart-throbbing grin and she almost melted at it, vision quick to lose sight with how alarmingly charming it was.
“you didn’t need to say that..,” she scowled.
his fangs were still brightly shown as he murmured, “come on, just take the medicine. it’ll benefit you.”
his hands offered a cup of the cough syrup that y/n hated. she downed it quickly but her lips pursed together like she tasted lemon.
sunghoon hollered out another laugh, eyes squeezing shut at how she shook her head in disapproval.
“that was gross!!” she exclaimed, making happy tears well up in the boy. “stop making fun of your sick friend, she doesn’t appreciate it, you know?”
he continued his laughing streak until he deemed it enough, wiping away a tear drop as he watched y/n roll her eyes.
“okay, sorry, hoon is acknowledging that.” he replied, giving a little play on her third person usage.
her lips coiled into a smile as she sent another soft hit to him. “you’re stupid.”
“and you’re sick, so get back in your blankets.”
before she could protest, sunghoon was quick to wrap it around her, giving her no time to react at the way his arms enclosed them together.
he tugged the sheets around her shoulders, gaze completely concentrated on the amount of blankets that covered her.
his face was leaned in, close to the point where her lips could ghost over his cheeks for a soft peck.
she felt her face heat up at the very thought, mind instantly craving for that moment while she watched his thick, dark brows scrunch for complete focus. she couldn’t help but linger her gaze down to his other pretty features.
being this close to her handsome friend felt mind numbingly crazy.
when the boy had finished, he gleamed a half smile before pulling away, proud of how he was able to ensure every blanket had securely been wrapped around her.
she quietly gasped for air after hoon’s brows raised in satisfaction of his work. “there! now you’re warm!” his voice yelled. “you can go to sleep now.”
y/n flickered her gaze to him, watching the way he softly patted his shoulder. she let a puff of air slip by her lips in disbelief as she shoved him.
“why are you being so sweet right now?”
was it not obvious to her that he wanted to feel her rest her head on his shoulder?
sunghoon’s lips pursed together while trying to find the right words. “you’re sick, y/n, why wouldn’t i be sweet right now?” he awkwardly laughed, stomach rupturing in butterflies. “i don’t want my friend to get bad treatment while she’s sick.”
he cheesed a grin and she only shook her head, eventually complying to his offer and laying on his shoulder.
his heart instantly raced at the little bump her head made against him, and he couldn’t help the huge smile that took form on his face from it.
“what should we watch?” y/n mumbled, unconsciously cuddling closer.
“what are you feeling?” sunghoon softly gulped as he forced his attention to stay on the device in front of them.
“mm..,” she thought. “oh! wanna watch lovely runner??”
he raised his brows in confusion. “lovely.. runner?”
“hoon, you need to watch more series…,” she scowled back at him. “let’s watch it!”
the boy was about to make a remark but stopped himself, agreeing with her suggestion since it was her sick day after all.
the drama played, episode after episode as the two stayed glued on the couch, holding each other close — both forgetting that they were just friends.
when another episode had finished, sunghoon’s eyes carefully watched the end credits. he chuckled, excited to start on the next one.
“should we watch another?” he murmured, waiting for an answer when nothing from y/n had been heard.
another minute passed and soft snores had finally erupted out of her.
he scoffed out a laugh, lips quickly curling at her quiet noises before turning his head.
“you’re really asleep?” the boy said, voice kept small to not wake her.
in seconds, the episode was paused and sunghoon carried his sick friend to her bed with ease.
laying her down carefully, his movements were slow and steady. the only thing audible were y/n’s continuous little snores and hoon’s heavy breathing.
the girl was finally set down, wrapped in blankets as he glanced at her state. his heart was pounding in his ears and his fingernails were scratching his palms to calm himself.
even when she was sickly pale, she was still someone who caught his attention timelessly. he loved her, and every little thing that complimented with him.
his lips curled at her, gaze softening as he quietly murmured, “i like you, dummy. can’t you notice me?”
sunghoon sighed, feeling stupid at how he confessed to his friend who still remained asleep. his heart began to shatter, shards painfully stabbing him as he started to head for the door.
however, a hand grab was quick to stop him, holding him back from moving any further. his heart dropped at the fast realization, mind instantly going through scenarios of y/n rejecting him.
slowly, he turned with a fragile mindset, ready to be declined from his crush.
“y/n…,” the male gulped.
she only beamed a half smile when she sat up as her eyes still drooped in fatigue. “i do notice you, loser.” she admitted with flushed cheeks. “because i like you too.. i like you a lot, actually.”
hoon’s face lit up in shock, eyes being blown wide as he felt adrenaline rush through his body. “you like me??” he questioned, falling in disbelief of her words.
y/n bit her lips, hiding away her smile while nodding. “i’ve liked you for a while now… and honestly, you taking care of me made me fall in love with you even more.”
her gaze trailed up to his face, watching how he proudly wore his wide grin made her heart flutter.
“stop looking at me like that..,” she uttered, softly pushing his shoulder, but he couldn’t help it. the girl he’s longed for finally said the words he’s been wanting to hear.
sunghoon flashed his charming fangs at her as he smiled in delight. “what else can i do? my friend’s in love with me.”
“i said like, not love!” she defended.
“i heard love…,” he teased back, causing her to scoff and roll her eyes.
he gave another chuckle before leaning in, lips yearning for hers when she dodged away.
his head tilted in confusion and she only laughed at that. “i’m still sick, hoon. i don’t want to get you sick.” y/n muttered, earning a ridiculed taunt to come from him.
“you think i care about that? the girl i’ve loved for so long has just confessed to me so i’m gonna kiss her.”
sunghoon quickly leaned in again, close to kissing a flustered y/n when she pulled away once more. he softly pouted, face frowning as his gaze stay locked on her lips.
“sunghoon,” she called, but he didn’t answer. the boy continued to be mindlessly stuck on the sight of her lips.
she sent a soft hit to his broad chest, finally catching his attention as his eyes grew hungry.
“i seriously don’t want to get you sick,” she mumbled, face scrunching to emphasize her worry.
hoon only scoffed, biting his lips as he replied — “and i seriously don’t care.”
before she could say more, he swiftly crashed his lips against hers, swooning the girl in seconds. she gasped, earning an entrance for sunghoon as he smiled against her — enjoying the shocked reaction he was able to receive.
his hands firmly held her cheeks, cupping them so she could stay put while she held onto his arms, softly gripping onto his hoodie with the evidential crave in his kiss.
y/n finally pushed against his chest, giving him the signal to pull away and he did. his face continued to linger near hers, eyes searching for flushed cheeks.
“sunghoon!” she quietly scolded, earning a chuckle from his attractive voice.
she felt his lips softly curl against hers and she couldn’t help but to smile as well.
“now you’re gonna get sick.”
her gaze peered into his, making his heart melt while he raised his brows. “i guess you’ll have to be the one to take care of me now.”
he grinned as she rolled her eyes, cupping her cheeks once more for sweet kisses on the lips. he gave soft pecks, continuing on and on before y/n turned her head away.
“i know you like me, but i’m still sick! don’t kiss me right now.” she huffed, trying to swat him away.
sunghoon chuckled. “you should’ve told me that minutes ago, now i don’t want to stop kissing you.”
he leaned in again but the girl dodged her head away. “no, sunghoon!!” she giggled, attempting to push at his chest.
“just one!”
y/n sighed before complying, pushing herself closer for a soft peck on the lips.
“one more?”
her face morphed in disbelief, eventually leaning in for another. a quick plant on his lips was made and he only smiled.
“hoon… no.” she folded her arms and shook her head. “my throat is hurting and i’m about to cough if i lean in again.”
sunghoon raised his thick brows mischievously. “so i’ll lean in then.” and so he tried, closing his eyes and expecting a kiss on the lips when he met her cheek instead.
“why don’t you want to kiss your new boyfriend?” he softly whined, becoming clingy within seconds.
y/n scrunched her face as she grinned and nudged him. “because your new girlfriend is sick and wants to rest.”
his lips pushed together and presented duck lips, pouting while wrapping his arms around her. “fine then, let’s rest, hm?” he murmured.
the two laid beside each other, facing one another as his eyes twinkled with love, mind in complete disbelief of how he was able to get his girl.
“i’m so lucky,” his voice uttered in the silence.
“hm?” sleepy y/n replied back.
“i’m lucky you fell in love with me.”
“and i’m lucky you loved me back, and also didn’t burn down my kitchen.” she murmured, voice almost gone from her cold.
sunghoon chuckled and let a huge grin plaster onto his face as he leaned in once more, placing a longing kiss on the tip of her nose.
“get to sleep, pretty girl.” he whispered.
y/n yawned, nodding her head and complying without an insult with how exhausted she was.
he pulled her closer into his arms, engulfing her into his soothing embrace as he muzzled his head on top of hers.
she breathed in his scent, feeling at home when she easily rested her hands at his chest.
the two cuddled, holding each other close to their dearest hearts with a new relationship that just unfolded.
✩ ‘all my life is you’ ✩
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emmyrosee · 2 days
Only write this if u want to and with whoever u want.
But y/n has been depresso expresso these past few weeks she can’t get out of bed, she’s not been answering calls or texts and whenever she does she’s declining requests to hang out or come over….and her boyfriend had been missing her. So he just shows up spontaneously and rings the doorbell and she opens the door and she stares at him and then BURSTS into tears. BC GUESS WHAT ur grieving ur broke ur periods here u have assignments due next week that u haven’t even started and ur just so overwhelmed…. But Ofc u didn’t want ur boyfriend to see u like this u look messy right now. BUTTT Ofc ur boyfriend couldn’t care less and takes care of u anyway and brings u outside for fresh air and takes u for some ice cream at the 24 hr convince store nearby even though he doesn’t even like Ice cream that much but u have been craving something sweet and cold so why wouldn’t he 🥹
The gentle knocking against your door has your brow raising and your show pausing. You’re not used to having guests at this hour, much less guests at all, and you wrap yourself in a blanket to get up and greet the person at the door.
You check the peephole. Osamu stands outside, playing on his phone.
Your heart sinks at the idea of him seeing you like this, seeing you so drained and so tired, but you can’t ignore him or send him away, either. You shrug the blanket higher on your shoulders and you open the door, trying to ignore the way his face lights up as you open it. “Hey,” you murmur.
“Hey,” he whispers, hands digging around the plastic bag in his hand, pulling out a bag of gummy bears. “I brought gummy bears.”
You don’t know why- Honest!- but your eyes water and your lip wobbles and you absolutely throw yourself into his chest, his arms expertly catching you and cradling you while you absolutely wail. You fist his shirt as your sobs wrack your soul. He doesn’t say anything, merely pressing kisses to your head and rocking you both gently. “I’m sorry,” you heave.
He shushes you softly, “don’t worry about it. It’s okay.”
“I missed you so much,” you sob, and he hums in agreement. “Osamu, I’m so tired, I can’t bring myself to do anything, what’s wrong?”
“You’re in your head,” he says quietly, pulling back to wipe a tear that falls from your eye. “And that’s okay. You’ve been working so hard, it’s totally normal to be a bit burnt out, baby. You’ve got a lot going on.” He smiles softly at you, “but this is your sign to be pampered for a little bit, okay? You trust me?”
You sniffle a few more times before nodding, curling back into his chest to feel the tightness of his embrace circle you once again. He says nothing, he does nothing, merely letting you cry it out in his arms, with the occasional kiss to the crown of your head. Once you’ve tuckered yourself out, you pull back to look at him once again, only to laugh at the imprint of your crying face on his shirt. “Sorry,” you manage between sniffly laughter.
“It’s fine,” he snorts. “It’ll dry. Now-“ he nudges his head towards the door, “go lock up, and we can run to 7/11 for some ice cream.”
The mere idea makes your heart sing, but you pout up at him, “you don’t like ice cream though?”
“I’ll get chips. I know you’re going to steal some anyways, so I don’t mind,” he chuckles. For the first time in weeks, you feel yourself perk up, the idea of something sweet and cold tingling your tastebuds in ways you haven’t felt since losing your appetite. You move quicker than you have in days, turning off the tv and locking your door, only for osamu to catch you and wrap you in his big arms. You giggle as he catches under your knees and spins you into a bridal carry, and you wrap your arms around him instinctively.
He places you gingerly in the passenger seat, careful of your head and legs before closing the door and making his way to the drivers side. You smirk and lean over to honk the horn to scare him, cackling as he leaps a foot in the air, his face curling into one of mischief as he shakes his head. He gets in the car, “I’m getting you back for that.”
“Try me,” you tease.
The ride to 7/11 is just as fun, with his hand on your thigh and the windows down while music plays through the speakers. The sun is setting, casting a hue of pink over the horizon and objects on it, and it’s almost amusing how the 7/11 looks ethereal carved in pink.
Four bags of chips, a bag of m’n’m’s and three ice creams later, you check out of the store and make your way back to the car, each of you indulging in your ice creams before they melt into goo.
You sigh and look up at him, “are we going home?”
“Do you want to?”
He looks over at you warmly, laying his tongue flat to slurp up a lap of ice cream. You snicker and shrug, “not… not really. I mean… I haven’t been outside in weeks, and it feels so good.”
“Then we don’t go home,” he says simply, taking a bite of his cone. “I think the moon is full tonight, so we can go watch the sunset finish, look for the moon?”
You beam up at him, “I’d love that.”
He nods, “I thought you might.”
It takes only 5 minutes to find a park suitable to situate at, your fingers now dug into a bag of Doritos as he parks the car and nudges his head, “come on. We can set up in the trunk.”
“Yeah,” he encourages, and you merely shrug and follow his example of getting out of the car. He pops the trunk and plops himself down, patting the seat next to him. “I don’t have a blanket we can lay down on, so this will have to do.”
“Why don’t you lay on the dirt and I’ll lay on you?” You ask, and he rolls his eyes while you laugh. “I thought you were chivalrous, Osamu.”
“I’m not getting a tick because you’re too fancy to sit in a trunk,” he teases, and you shake your head playfully before sitting in the trunk next to him. You rest your head on his shoulders, and he reaches in the bag for a dorito, his head laying down to rest on yours.
And it’s quiet. Comfortably quiet, with a warm hand resting on your knee with his thumb rolling over the bone lovingly, a bag of crumpled Doritos tossed somewhere behind you. The sun has set half an hour ago, but you’re both too entranced by the bright moon hanging low in the sky to move. Bugs come to life as they chirp, and streetlights pop on around the park.
It’s bliss.
It’s amazing how much the fresh air has brought you back, how much Osamu brought you back, and you don’t know what you’d do without him.
“Yeah baby?”
“I love you.”
He kisses your head, “I love you too, baby.” Then he sighs, and you feel the arm wrapped lowly around you trail up your side, and your lip twitches. “Now, about the whole honking at me thing-“
“No!” You squeal as five fingers dig into your side, holding you close as you squirm at the tickling, your laughter ringing in the air of night that envelops you both like a hug.
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Helluva Boss and its consistent dedication to portraying those who are financially disadvantaged or female as one dimensional bad guys
There is something so genuinely insidious to me in how HB treats financially or otherwise socially disadvantaged characters and makes them the bigots and villains of the show.
Striker is "just a bigot". The one who consistently recognizes and verbally calls out the sham that is the classism of their society, hes selected to be the bigoted character. The one who recognizes that imps are at the bottom despite farming everybody's food and who recognizes the higher classes fetishize them like toys, he's the problem. He's the villain that needs to be defeated.
Striker DOES exert toxic masculinity, no doubt. But toxic masculinity can often be the result of poverty. In my eyes, while they're not excused, it is easier to understand why working class men would believe in toxic masculinity (I say this as a feminist). Their living conditions mean either be masculine or you can't provide and you let down others relying on you. You don't survive, while the most masculine survive the best. Striker has likely learned that being better off relies on frequently exerting toxic masculinity and violence. Does the show humanize him and show this? No, it does not. Instead he is reduced to being a bigot that gets tormented with sex jokes against his will, "like he deserves".
You know maybe there could have even been a plot or something in which he gets hurt and needs to be cared for and he's treated kindly and that makes him realize the value of not always being hyper masculine. Or maybe we could even get to see how him being softer lead to someone he used to care about dying GASP. Oh wait, but they would never extend that kind of humanity or development towards him. Why? Because he antagonized Stolitz, he pointed out the fucked up things about it - an unforgivable crime. Send in the hounds sex jokes.
Striker being treated as just a joke ultimately weakens the writing as it would have been far more satisfying for him to be an antagonist with a point, that really challenges our leads and makes them think. But to do that he would have had to be taken seriously, and there's no way someone in the way of an mlm ship can be taken seriously in this show.
The only way a character can get away with antagonizing Stolitz without becoming one dimensional plot fodder with no humanization is if they're something like Fizz and Ozzie - aka a gay pairing in their own right (that also later make up with Stolitz anyway). It is so telling that out of all the antagonists we've had, Fizz and Ozzie were the first to be redeemed.
Now lets talk about Ozzie. Ozzie, who is a lord with boatloads of money and a sex toy production and club empire, is humanized and seen as a good guy. He is even contrasted by Mammon as "one of the good ones". I will admit I love Ozzie, he is fun. The show at least doesn't guilt you into seeing him as a poor victim like it does with Stolas. But what is it with HB consistently presenting wealthy rich men like they're not part of a larger system of oppression? Why does the show twist itself into knots to ignore their contributions to classism and the harm they do? Ozzie can threaten his worker imps and that's fine/understandable. Meanwhile the only way imps are worth having their own lives and stories explored seems to be if they're paired with one of these rich ruling class "good ones" men.
And aren't they cute, these imps and their ruling class lovers? Just don't think too hard about how, while Ozzie's love may be able to lift Fizz, one single imp, out of being lower class, the system as a whole is designed to keep imps down. If Fizz didn't have Ozzie then he'd still be exploited for profit by another member of the ruling class, he had to rely on a member of the oppressive class falling in love with him to save him - no no, don't think about that, focus on the cute gay!
Verosika is another notable example though I will only talk about her briefly as we don't know too much about her yet and she doesn't tie into the shows thing with those who are financially disadvantaged like Striker (and someone else I'm going to talk about after Verosika). Though Verosika hasn't been totally made into a one dimensional villain with the Ozzie's episode showing her sympathetically (for which I am very thankful), she also has barely been explored. Fizz has had so much time dedicated to showing us his own life. Practically more than Millie has gotten. I do understand he had a huge impact on Blitz's entire life and Blitz is the main character. However, Verosika is still a big chapter, and was wronged by Blitz due to his issues. She was hurt by that, which haunts him. And then she got screwed over again by him in Spring Broken with the bet. So now where is she? Why does Fizz get all extra stuff about the life hes now built for himself while Verosika only exists to be drama in Blitz's past? Oh, right. Verosika's a woman, not a man with a sexy bf. So while she can show up, shes never going to be explored outside of Blitz.
A lot of this strange standard of one dimensionalism being applied to characters depending on whether they either appeal to the shows weird mlm fetishization or gets in the way of it can also be seen with Stella. Stella's treatment is honestly appalling to me.
Just like Stolas, she was also trapped in an arranged marriage from childhood. She had to have sex she didn't want and had to get pregnant and produce a child with a man she didn't love. Except, its not just that. Everything that could be said about Stolas applies to her, and on top of that EVEN MORE does - due to her financial status.
Andrealphus states that now shes produced an heir, she "would get nothing" if Stolas died. So this basically confirms Stella has no real assets. Despite them both being forced into the arranged marriage, its Stolas that owns everything. Her home is Stolas', and without the marriage, she has no home. Now I'm sure there's a good chance she could go and live with Andrealphus or some other relative and would be allowed to do so. But is it really so crazy to still see that her situation is demeaning and awful? From what we can see in the show, the way the Goetia seem to operate is like how it used to be in olden times for women - men own everything. If you don't have a husband who gives to you, then you own nothing. So Stella is even more disadvantaged by the arranged marriage than Stolas is. The only reason she has her wealth and privilege is because she was married off to him and used as a tool. All of her assets belong to the men in her life and she never had any choice in it being that way because she was set up to be put in an arranged marriage with a man that would own everything from childhood.
And yet the show thinks instead of exploring how Stella feels about all that, given the very real world parallels to what women throughout history have faced, apparently it was more appropriate to make her one dimensional so that she could exist for the male characters. She sticks around to torture Stolas with no motivation beyond being hateful for seemingly no reason - because that's all her character got to be. Something for the show's obsession with Stolas torture porn, something to make us feel bad for him, so that Stolitz looks better. If she's a one dimensional abuser then that means we don't have to think about her lack of property ownership and how she was a victim of the arranged marriage even more so than Stolas was. Now we don't have to feel guilty when Stella is left with nothing to her name in the divorce, and she deserves being cheated on too! Yay! Phew! That saved us from thinking about a female character for more than five seconds and from being critical of our rich male fave, thank God!
This show refuses to humanize any characters that oppose Stolitz in any way, especially not if they're female. And its noticeable and obnoxious. The consistent way in which it makes its one dimensional bad guys impoverished or women while also churning out "one of the good ones" woobified rich men that benefit from hell's class system is. Well, its really fucking annoying and skeevy, in my eyes. It reveals that this show at its core is about its mlm pairings and nothing else - the class struggle stuff is there just to add flavour and drama to the mlm pairings. Women are powerful and accomplished but only so they can build and be used for the male characters stories. If you have all this time and all these resources to over and over again show another side to the guy who lauded Blitz's business over his head and said "Continually have fuck sessions with me or I'll end your business" then you can also bother to humanize impoverished imps fed up with the class system and women with no property rights trapped in arranged marriages.
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waterlilyrose · 1 day
Are you taking requests? For something Kanthony adjacent? I just feel like finding out that Kate's pregnant would be kind of weird for Benedict? Even though they wouldn't know the gender, it makes it almost official that Benedict's role as the "back-up" is over, or not needed to the same extent any more. And I think the conversation that Anthony and Benedict would have about that would be interesting?
I LOVE prompts for Kanthony. Little exercises that genuinely bloom into good ideas. (A Promise Made In Haste was originally a prompt). Please send more - you can't do it anonymously anymore because I turned it off but still.
It wasn't shocking news or even very surprising. There had been little to no doubt what 'extending the honeymoon' had entailed for Kate and Anthony. Ben couldn't imagine there was a single room in Aubrey Hall that they hadn't debauched (he made a mental note to ask the servants to purchase him some brand new sheets for his bed next time they were there) and it was almost weird to see Anthony, the archetypal serious older brother, constantly in a good mood nowadays.
Anthony's whole plan of action from the start was to produce an heir for the Bridgertons. So when Anthony and Kate announced that they had succeeded and he would have a new nephew or niece in the autumn, it was met with joy and hardly any surprise.
So it was disconcerting and almost jarring to Benedict to feel so... winded by the news.
Benedict had never possessed great ambitions himself. Watching his father and then Anthony performing the viscount duties hadn't looked particularly appealing at any time. For all the respect, money and power that it brought to them, Benedict had also seen the stress, drama and endless imposter syndrome it also produced. All in all, he had felt that it was cannon fire that was best avoided.
But there had also been the growing sensation of uselessness and feeling like he had no place in the world. He had genuinely felt passionate about becoming an artist but the realisation that Anthony had helped him get a foot in the door by paying for his place had dented his confidence too much to recover from. He found himself drifting from a hobby to passion to Tilly Arnold's bed with a feeling of listlessness. He felt untethered to anything and he was starting to dislike the lack of solid ground beneath his footing.
So it had come as an enormous surprise when Anthony had handed the reins of the viscountcy over for nearly half a year while himself and Kate enjoyed newlywed bliss. Benedict had almost expected Anthony to take a week off at a push and then demand to be let back into the study for fear Benedict would swap the family fortune for some magic beans or something. But no - his elder brother didn't even look back as he went off with Kate.
And, amazingly, Benedict found himself rather liking the new role.
There were dull and desperately annoying moments but somehow sitting at the desk in Anthony's study every day, going over ledgers, talking to solicitors and making suggestions had also made Benedict happy. Once you got the hang of it, it wasn't so hard at all. More monotonous. And he had felt rather a strong appreciation for Anthony when he was presented with how many household bills there were each month. He started to make sure to take better care of some of his items and even tried to mend items rather than buying something brand new every time. The tenants were polite to him and, when there was a storm which caused leaking in the roof of a tenant, he'd got down there to lend a hand at fixing it. Everyone praised him without it feeling like they were humouring him and the lawyers even took some of his suggestions seriously. When Anthony came back, he noted the changes and hadn't changed them back. He'd even praised his brother and everyone knew Anthony wasn't nice for nothing.
Benedict had been a little sad when Anthony took up the helm again that he no longer had a project to oversee everyday.
But he didn't realise how much he'd appreciated it until they announced Kate was pregnant.
Benedict wasn't like those stereotypical uncles from Hamlet or Richard III - he liked the company of small children as they were tactless to the point of hilarity and he loved Augie and Belinda. He had no doubt he'd love the new addition too. But with their birth, he was down the pecking order yet again. And his sense of lack of purpose started to bloom.
It was oddly Anthony himself who Benedict talked to about it all.
Benedict had taken to sitting in Will Mondrich's club late into the evenings. Sometimes he sat alone, nursing a scotch and just thinking... What now? What is left for me now? Writing? That was Colin's passion. Paint again? Didn't seem much point - the Academy probably still remembered Anthony's donation and might be influenced to let Benedict join in the hope of another donation. Marriage? The very thought made him drain his drink and want another.
"They say it's a bad habit drinking alone." Came a voice and Benedict was startled to see Anthony appearing with his own drink in hand to take a seat at Benedict's table.
"What are you doing here? You never come out any more - you'd rather be canodeling with Kate."
"I would rather be canodeling with her. But she's a bit tired and wants to sleep without me waking her up with kisses. Besides..." Anthony looked at Benedict in a manner that he didn't much like "I suppose I want to check on you. You've been... a bit quiet since I came back from Aubrey Hall. I just want to make sure you are okay."
Benedict contemplated lying or being dismissive of sharing emotions in a way brothers were so good at. But maybe the combination of drinks and general fatigue made him less guarded.
"I've just been wondering, that's all. About... what the point of me is now?"
Anthony's brow furrowed. "What do you mean?*
"Well, when you were on honeymoon, I had a purpose. A task to complete. A reason to strive forward. Now you are back and that duty is gone. And now you are having a child and therefore the duty will stay gone. You always said that being the second son didn't mean I had no duties; just that I came second in facing them. Well now I'll be third. Then fourth, fifth, sixth. It wasn't much and I didn't appreciate it until... It was gone. Now if I'm not here, no-one will notice-"
"I would notice." Anthony declared. "I would notice my brother wasn't here anymore. Mother would notice her son wasn't here. And half the ladies in Mayfair would sob into their hankies about you not being here." Anthony didn't look angry at his reluctant feelings so that was good. "Benedict... You are more than a role to play, you know?"
"Never played much of one even back in the day, did I?"
"And I placed all my value on playing too much of one, didn't I? And everyone in the family just loved that, I'm sure."
Benedict looked at Anthony and realised - yes, Anthony had held onto his role as viscount almost greedily in the past. And an unhappier man Benedict wasn't sure to ever have met.
Too much purpose or not enough - were both as bad as each other?
"If you liked the old jobs, I will happily hand some over to you permanently. I wasn't kidding when I said you impressed me while I was away - you are clearly trustworthy. Besides I don't want to be wedded to my duties anymore - I'm going to be a father. I want to hold my baby, get to know them and be a father they won't have to make an appointment to see. If you allowed me to do that, I'll be forever grateful."
Benedict was stunned. Anthony seemed earnest in this.
"But..." Benedict said feebly. "But the child will one day have to learn it all for themselves."
"Then we will teach them together. Their Papa... And their Uncle Benedict. Two tutors instead of one. More balanced that way. More wisdom. And more help. How does that sound?"
Benedict felt oddly emotional (he must have drank far too much). He was sure Anthony would be furious at Benedict's insecurities - instead... He was holding out his hand in support.
Benedict was not so foolish as not to take it in his own.
"Yes... That sounds good."
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So I have been thinking about how insecure Kafka would be about his transformation and what you think about it. He's such a a good boy and needs head pats.
~ SFW ~
I think, at first, he'd be really hesitant to do the old switcheroo in front of you because he doesn't want you to run, pissing (normally) down the street away from him.
He'd try his very best to control it. Even though he's not mastered all of the transformative power he harnesses.
Kafka would definitely feel insecure and scared that you may leave him if he changes forms in front of you too soon. He doesn't want to lose you, and he doesn't want to scare you - he is confident in his repair game, though. He has a plan in place for if he ever has to become his Kaiju self. He will cook you a romantic dinner at his place (so you can leave if you feel the slightest bit uncomfortable - he would do it at your place too, but he doesn't want you to have to feel bad about sending him away).
But as he continues to transform, he'll become more comfortable with his Kaiju self and learn to embrace it. Eventually, he'll want to show off his new skills and abilities to you.
He might love the idea of being so powerful and having such incredible strength.
I think this is also a huge boost to his ego (what little is there, anyway). He always dropped the ball on the 2nd part of the testing for the AKDF (Anti-Kaiju Defense Force) and having this ace up his sleeve not only helped him pass something he'd had trouble with in prior years, but he saved a comrade from certain freakin' death.
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~ NSFW ~
Don't fucking lie to me, I know you've thought about what Kafka's Kaiju cock might look like lol.
I think he sits around and practices honing his skills of only transforming certain body parts. Like, his torso, for example. Maybe you have a flat tire and need help changing it? He can hold the car up for you while you put the temp tire on. Or maybe - and much more fun - you're getting a little frisky with him and he wants to full nelson your ass but man, let's face it, he's not 18 anymore and THANK GOD for that because he's such a damn cutie now that I can't help but smile whenever I daydream about him!!
SO ... he transforms his upper body so he can hold you and slam his monster human cock into your expectant, fluttering little hole.
And his tongue. HIS TONGUE would wreck you. The tip alone would rip orgasm after orgasm from your body. If you've seen the anime, you know just how it moves, too. Like a whip. Way more flexible and longer than a lame human tongue. Am'I'right? Yuh, I'm right. Even if you don't agree ;).
You want some good head? Kafka's got ya covered!
You want to give some good head? Wait until he's returned to his human form. Not only that, but I think he wouldn't let you swallow his Kaiju cock. He doesn't want to hurt you. Maybe the first [fictional - I know -] man ever to care about not bruising your throat.
In conclusion, he's basically the opposite of Toji Fushiguro but still just as sexy.
@bakubunny @katkusuo @southside-otaku
@supersecretsaga @arlerts-angel
@trevengersprincess @viburnt
@darkstarlight82 (just in case this is rude and doesn't grab your attention)
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turtle-paced · 1 day
One thing that confuses me is that Doran has dispatched Nymeria to Kings Landing to take her father’s seat but he also sends Arianne to Aegon and gives her the authority to send Dorne armies to march north. If Dorne declares for Aegon Nymeria will be taken hostage or even killed shouldn’t he and Arianne be concerned about that?
They are, on a personal level. Ariane loves her cousins. Doran is well aware of the human costs of war.
"The time is not yet come for Dorne to openly defy the Iron Throne, so we must needs return Myrcella to her mother, but I will not be accompanying her. That task will be yours, Nymeria. The Lannisters will not like it, no more than they liked it when I sent them Oberyn, but they dare not refuse. We need a voice in council, an ear at court. Be careful, though. King's Landing is a pit of snakes." Doran in The Watcher, ADWD
"I know you will not fail us, cousins." Arianne went to each of them in turn, took their hands, kissed them lightly on the lips. "Obara, so fierce. Nymeria, my sister. Tyene, sweetling. I love you all. The sun of Dorne goes with you." The Watcher, ADWD
But they have goals they believe in, too. Nymeria as well as Doran and Arianne. Doran needs someone in King's Landing for the moment to do Oberyn's job. Nymeria knows why he needs someone to do that job and is okay with taking the risk.
And, alas, as a woman and as an illegitimate daughter, the political fallout should Nymeria be taken hostage or killed is likely minimal. There's an upside; Nymeria may be "beneath notice" and able to parley that into an escape should things go sour. Or, the downside, is that there's little consequence to harming her.
It's not fair or right that Doran has to send family members into such a dangerous situation, but it's also not an unfairness of Doran's making. That's how his society operates and now a large part of what is left to him - and Arianne, and Nymeria - is how to deal with that unfairness. "You can't, it's too dangerous" is not always the best solution.
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Like my last lil Bound ramble, spoilers for "Broken Trinkets" / "Fallen Feathers") with Rune and Vast on 5/29/24!
And it's Rune's turn!
Rune is so passionate about his works. They fix all their things and make new things. And he loves Vast. Vast, his love, his first partner.
And one fun thing about that fact is that it doesn't change.
Sure, the form of love may change. But they still care about Vast, even at the end of this lore stream. He still wishes Vast was there to comfort him. But Vast can't be, because she is the source of his despair. And they're dangerous.
Rune starts out excited. He's almost blinded by excitement and that sort of wanderlust. We see this excitement appear every time he makes something successful- that thrill of doing something and doing it right. Making something that can help himself or especially others. Rune, through and through, is an inventor and a friend to most.
That passion is one of the things that drew Vast in, it's one of the things Vast loves about Rune.
But that passion got closer and closer to the thing Vast didn't want Rune to know about, and panic ensued. And Vast broke the Chronometer.
And Rune is shocked. Confused. Panicked. Hurt. You can hear that in the first thing that Rune says- "Vast, what the fuck?"
Rune called Vast "Love" literally like twenty seconds before. He was excited! they were close! And he wanted to share that achievement with Vast. Because he loves Vast. He wanted to share that joy with his love. But Vast shattered that.
The chronometer was something Rune had been working on for, as he says, weeks. And it was important to him. Vast tries to defend herself, stuttering through faulty explanations. But none of them make sense. So Vast cracks.
The misunderstanding of maybe-breaking-up happens, then Vast leads him to the obelisk. This interaction of trust is so important though. Despite Vast's outburst, Rune is still willing to listen. To trust.
But he's not willing to trust an Avicane. And that's exactly what Vast is. One of the monsters of the stories, the ones who have hurt his family so much. There's a battle in his brain. He's willing to believe Vast if Vast just says that they aren't and Avicane.
But Vast isn't going to lie anymore.
And Rune sends him away, ignoring Vast's explanation, Vast's "I love you". Vast's clear adoration of what Rune is in his brain. Perfect. But Rune can't look at him the same. Wondering how much blood is on her hands. Vast's solution goes right past them because they're so focused on the horror of this situation. Of loving a monster of the tales his family told.
He basically kicks himself for it. Then he goes home. And he pets Gizmo. And he goes back into his ruined workshop. And he sits on the fractured pieces of his chair, not daring to go into the nest. And he laments.
And thats where the lore ends.
Rune is struggling with that slap in the face of Vast being an Avicane. of Vast being a murderer. But also with the fact that in the end, he still cares. for some stupid reason, he still cares about the avian.
and boy does all of this hurt.
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in1-nutshell · 3 days
Hello again (sorry if I'm sending too many asks it's just I love your writings) I've been thinking about more of old Predacon buddies past maybe we could get a little bit more of that maybe how them and ratchet met?
Steel Mauler is back! Lets do this!
Hope you enjoy!
Steel Mauler first meeting with Ratchet
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Steel is a bit younger than the current Ratchet age and before they bought their freedom.
Ratchet is still a medical student.
Steel Mauler had earned some extra free time due to their good behavior and was now flying over Cybertons skyline.
It was a beauty to behold.
A beauty they could look at longer once they finished fighting and buy their freedom.
They soon arrived at the area were most of the schools were and decided to take a rest there.
It was relatively safe, and no one was dumb enough to attack a Predacon anyways.
The large Predacon carefully landed in one of the less cared for allies by the school and stretched.
Steel Mauler stretches on of their claws hearing a satisfying ‘Pop’!
“That’s the good stuff…”—Steel Mauler
Steel Mauler went on high alert and carefully peered out of the ally.
A group of rowdy students had broken into a fight with some lower classes mechs who were clearly intoxicated.
The Predacon huffed in annoyance.
“I can’t even get out of the arena and there’s still violence. The Senate is going to let us all burn at this rate.”—Steel Mauler
They noticed one of the students was trying to get his other friends out but leaving him to try and fight the other mechs.
Steel Mauler’s claws curled in frustration.
“No. You are not going to intervene. You’re already on thin ice for even being out here. Just start flapping and—”—Steel Mauler
“How do you like that medic?! Can you feel the difference between me putting my pede in your tanks and one up your tailpipe?!”—Random Mech
The student wipes some of the energon on his face and spits it on the other mechs face.
The mech angrily wipes the energon off his face.
“You don’t scare me! Now c’mon!”--Student
The student takes a poor fighting stance.
“Give your best shot!”--Student
Steel Mauler sighs.
“… Sod it.”—Steel Mauler
The Predacon jumped from out of the ally and stood behind the student.
Thanks to the poor lighting, it gave them a much more intimidating and sinister look.
The mechs screamed in terror.
The student just looked behind them and froze.
In a swift movement, the Predacon snatched the student in their claws and shot for the skies.
They could hear the student screaming, yelling, and cursing through the night.
They spotted an empty building near one of the schools and landed gently on the roof.
The student stumbles a bit before coming face to face with the Predacon.
“Y-you’re a—”--Student
“Predacon, yes.”—Steel Mauler
They tuck their wings in a bit trying to look as least threatening as they could.
“What is your name?”—Steel Mauler
The student stiffens.
“Why do you want to know?”--Student
They chuckle a bit.
“Take it easy Kid.”—Steel Mauler
“I’m not a kid.”--Student
“You are compared to me Kid.”—Steel Mauler
“… I am Ratchet.”--Ratchet
They nod their helm at the student.
“I am Steel Mauler.”—Steel Mauler
The student’s optics widen a bit.
“I’ve heard your name before, your one of the gladiators.”--Ratchet
“That I am, but not for long.”—Steel Mauler
Ratchet raises his optic a bit but doesn’t ask anymore.
“I take it you’re okay?”—Steel Mauler
“I’ll be fine. I have all the necessary equipment to fix a couple dents back at my habsuite.”--Ratchet
Steel Mauler nods.
“Then my job here is done. Good-bye Ratchet.”—Steel Mauler
They open their wings but stop when they feel Ratchet grab one of them.
The Predacon looks at the student curiously.
“Yes?”—Steel Mauler
Ratchet lets go of the wing.
“I… Thank you for what you did down there.”--Ratchet
Ratchet feels the Predacon’s tail pat his helm.
“No problem, Ratchet, though I do suggest finding better, more loyal friends.”—Steel Mauler
Steel Mauler shoots up to the skies making Ratchet fall back staring at the Predacon’s figure become smaller and smaller.
Maybe he would see them again one day.
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scekrex · 2 days
Adam wasn’t killed like everyone thought. Lucifer’s son aka Charlie’s little brother m!reader took him in and healed him. Charlie lets the new sinner Adam stay in the hotel after her brother begged since she loves her sweet brother so much. Adam never seen a demon so hot and falls for the reader. They’ve been secretly messing around and Luci ends up walking in on them.
Okay to clarify: Charlie in this fic is over 200 years old - reader is one year younger than her. Which makes him way younger than Adam is but I assume almost every person this man has fucked with in heaven is way younger than him
And when his edges soften, his body is my coffin
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, sexual tension
note: not beta read bc fuck you
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You knelt next to the tall angel, your hands kept pressing the shirt you had been wearing moments ago tightly against his wounds while the golden blood that had already formed a puddle around the first man stained your pants - not that you really cared. Your focus was on the dying soul in front of you. Yes Adam had been awful, yes Adam deserved to die, but on the other hand it simply didn’t sit right with you to let him die that easily, for you it felt purely wrong to give up on his tainted soul without even trying. And just as you were about to cry out for help in panic, Adam started to breathe.
Your big sister, your father and their friends had worked quite hard to rebuild the hotel and just as the last light of it flickered to life, Adam took his first breath. “Y/N?” Lucifer’s voice called out for his youngest son right before he spotted you kneeling next to Adam. With slow, heavy steps he walked over to you and the first man, suspiciously eyeing what you were doing but when the king of Hell saw how the brunette’s chest visibly pumped blood and air through his body, he looked quite shocked. “Dad, he’s alive,” your voice sounded happy, excited even and yet so broken - Lucifer didn’t move, he just stood there and watched. “We have to take him in, dad, he’s wounded.” The blonde king shook his head violently, snapping out of his haze as he processed your words slowly, then he shook his head in a softer manner - this time he used it to respond to what you’ve just said, “Nuh, no~no~no~oh, we’re not taking him in.”
Charlie appeared behind the king of Hell, your older sister - she was only one year older than you - put down a gentle hand on his shoulder, “But dad, he’s a human souls just like the other residents and as much as I hate the thought of living with him, the concept of this hotel is all about redemption, maybe Adam can redeem himself too.” And while Lucifer didn’t admit it out loud, he knew his children were right, a defeated sigh left his body and he lowered his head. The blonde was not willing to put up a fight with either you nor Charlie so he simply gave in. He always had the option to kick the first man out if he would not be willing to redeem his soul after all.
It had taken Adam a while to regain his strength, it had taken him even longer to accept that his angels had left him and that he was doomed to rot in Hell - though he kept telling you and the other residents that soon Sera would look for him and send Lute. But Sera never mentioned Adam in any of the meetings she held with Lucifer and Lute had not been back to Hell ever since she thought she had seen her best friend die. Not even during extermination day. But on the other hand that had forced the first man to get used to his new environment and while Vaggie was just as amused to have the brunette roaming their halls as Lucifer, Angel seemed to actually enjoy the first man’s company - even though most of their conversations were about the bitches Adam had slept with in heaven.
But you were without a doubt the demon he got along with the best, not only did you like the music he was playing, you also seemed to understand him without ever going through something similar, yet the two of you connected. The bond between you and Adam had grown strong, so strong that the brunette had you pressed against your bedroom wall, kissing your lips over and over again as his wings framed your sides - a habit he had picked up in Heaven to prevent people from staring. His lips didn’t remain on your lips though, he was eager to shower your entire body in kisses and he was determined to keep going until that goal was reached.
“Fuck,” you mumbled, gently nudging Adam to signal the former angel to give you some space. “Lemme just-” you grumbled as you took off your shirt, throwing it somewhere where it wouldn’t bother you and as soon as the soft fabric was no longer covering your skin, the brunette was on you in an instant, his hot mouth was mapping out your body like it was the most beautiful thing he ever touched, his tongue circled your nipple. And then a loud banging noise appeared right behind him and when you peeked over Adam’s shoulder you froze. Your father was standing in the door frame, just as shocked as you were. “Adam,” you mumbled quietly, trying to get the taller male to notice the king of Hell. But the angel shielding your body from your father’s eyes simply grinned against your skin as he responded, “Why don’t you moan louder for me, babes?”
Lucifer cleared his throat quite loudly and it was just then and there that Adam noticed the blonde king. His body stopped moving immediately and he just stared at you with a blank expression on his face. When a small hand reached for his upper arm to spin the angel around, Adam was sure he was gonna die - there was simply no way Lucifer would let that slide.
As soon as Adam looked down on the king, he awkwardly grinned down on the blonde, trying to charm his way out of the situation - not that his bullshit worked on Lucifer and before he knew it Lucifer’s fist collided with his face.
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tonguepiercedanyway75 · 15 hours
may i request soft and sweet and loving smut with matty after girlie gets a promotion or something 💕
ofc! Thank you so much!
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content warning: 18+ MDNI, oral (f receiving), face riding, p in v, praise,
You called Matty immediately when you left your work place. The two of you were so nervous if you would get promoted or not and when you did all you wanted to do was to get back to Matty and celebrate with him.
You enter Matty’s concrete bunker and kick off your heels first, then you lay your bag next to a small cabinet.
Matty hears you come in and stands up, laying his guitar against the coffee table. He already prepared champagne and two glasses when you left, certain that you’d get good news.
You walk into the living room where Matty stands in a white shirt and a black tie, his usual look.
“Come here,” he says with a proud smile across his face, “how does it feel to be the new head of your department?”
You grin widely, embracing his hug. “Feels amazing Matty, still can’t believe it.”
He tilts your chin up to give you a soft kiss, “knew you would get it, you’re a fucking legend.”
You melt into his embrace, feeling the tension of the day ebb away. You pull back slightly, looking up at him. "Thank you for always believing in me."
Matty cups your face in his hands, his thumb brushing tenderly over your cheek. "Always," he says softly, before leaning in to press a sweet, lingering kiss to your lips.
You sigh into the kiss, your hands coming up to rest on his chest. His warmth, his scent, everything about him feels like home. The kiss deepens, your tongues dancing together in a slow, sensual rhythm. You feel his hands travel down your back, his touch sending shivers of anticipation through you.
“Champagne later then?” He asks breaking the kiss.
You nod, not wasting any time to crash your lips on his again. He chuckles and pulls away again.
“Tonight’s all about you, love,” he whispers, “will you let me take care of you? Show you that you deserve everything?”
Your heart flutters at his words, and you nod, your breath hitching in your throat. “C’mon now, always need your words.”
“Yes,” Matty grins, pulling you with him, leading you to your bedroom. The room is lit up by only the moonlight, casting a soft glow to the bed.
With a sense of urgency, Matty pulls you closer to him, his hand caressing your back, tracing the zipper on your dress.
Just like second nature, his hand pulls down the zipper, allowing your dress to fall to the floor, and allowing him to see your body. Matty takes a step back, his eyes roaming over your exposed skin. A small groan escapes his lips as he takes in the lace lingerie you are wearing. "You're the most gorgeous," he says, his voice hoarse with desire.
You get a bit shy, your knees almost buckling. Matty sees the blush that creeps up on your face but he only steps forward and reaches behind your back to unclip your bra. “There she is, pretty girl.”
His hand reaches out to cup one of your breasts gently. A soft moan escapes your lips as he begins to caress your nipple with his thumb. He leans down and presses a kiss to your neck. “You decide baby, m’gonna do everything you want me to.”
You need him. You need him to touch you, make you cum, make you forget about everything besides him.
“Can you-“ you stop, not knowing how to tell him where you need him even though you’ve done everything so many times. “Just do something.”
He laughs, “doesn’t work like that n’ you know it.” He pauses to lay you down on the bed, trailing kisses down to your stomach. “I guess I’ll just taste you then, sound good?”
“Yes, please.”
It’s unfair really, you almost undressed and he’s wearing everything. You roll on top of him, opening three buttons before getting impatient and just pulling the shirt over his head.
His perfect nose grazes the bridge of your own as your lips move softly together. Short breathy sighs, and hushed whines quickly grow rushed and desperate.
Your thighs are straddling his hips and the heat from your now soaked core grinding against his stiff cock is starting to make him feel lightheaded. His palms circle round to cup the meat of your ass. His fingers dip beneath the cotton of your underwear and you shift enough for him to rip the garment down your legs. Once your thighs settle back on either side of his hips he locks his arms around the backs of your knees and drags you up his body until your pussy is hovering over his face.
“Don’t hold back okay?” He pants breathlessly. “I’m serious, I want you to fucking ride me until you’re cumming on my tongue, okay baby?”
Your stomach flutters at how utterly filthy the words sound tumbling from his lips but a part of you is still hesitant. Matty senses your apprehension and pecks a few reassuring kisses to the insides of your thighs.
“I even beg you to alright? Don’t worry ‘bout me, I’m living a fucking dream here.”
He yanks you towards his face, his hands planted firmly on your hips to hold you in place. The first swipe of his tongue across your dripping centre tears a strangled cry from your throat.
The moment your taste floods him he can’t get enough, the vibrations from his satisfied moans travelling along his tongue only add to the delicious sensations he is bestowing upon you.
He laps up the arousal that’s gathered at your entrance, however he focuses the majority of his attention on your sensitive bundle of nerves, your hips jolted forward instinctively and his hands gently pushes against your ass, an encouragement for you to keep grinding on his face.
Sensing that you are close Matty maneuvers you enough to allow two of his thick fingers to slip inside your slickness. 
“Oh fuck-” You gasp as the stretch of his digits filling you. “Oh my God, right there-”
He hums with his lips still latched to your swollen clit, alternating between sucking and fast flicks of his sinful tongue as his fingers curl to find your sweet spot.
He knows when he finds it from the way your walls clench around him, your head rolling back as every shred of self consciousness is ripped from your body with each thrust of your hips. It only takes another handful of strokes before your shaking thighs are clamping around his head, the powerful climax tearing through you as you slam your eyes shut and scream his name.
“Oh fuck I’m cumming- Matt-,” you moan over and over until your cries turn to whispers.
Once your muscles relax and the pleasure in your core reduces to small pulses you slowly open your eyes. You glance down at Matty with hooded lids and watch while he sucks each finger that had been buried inside you clean, growling an appreciative sound as he withdraws each digit torturously slowly.
His breathing is strained so you climb off of his face and pull him on top of you. You taste yourself on his lips.
Matty is unbelievably hard in his pants, you feel him on your thigh, rutting slowly into your leg. “Look at you,” he mumbles against your lips, “taste as sweet as you look.”
“Hmm,” you hum.
He glides his tongue against yours, arms tightly hugging your waist. You’re both heated, panting heavily as you kiss, grinding against one another. Before things go any further, he pulls away. 
“Need to cum,” you whine, your hands gliding down his body to find his belt.
He needs his release as much as you do. He slides his pants and boxers down without ever breaking your kiss. You don’t have much time to consider what happens before he’s running the head of his cock over your clit and you’re gasping into his mouth, saying please like it’s the only word you know. 
Matty’s slipping inside you slow enough for you to feel every inch but quick enough for it to expel all the air from your lungs. Once he opens you all the way up, impossibly deep and close, you’re seeing stars, barely breathing. His head drops to your shoulder but now he drags his lips up your neck and jaw. "We okay?”
“More than okay,” you moan, “please please,” he knows you. He knows what you want, you don’t want slow right now, you just want to cum.
“Alright, Jesus,” He then grabs onto one of your legs and places it over his shoulder. You gasp as he pushes deeper in this position. He pulls away as he focuses on the way his cock slides out of your wet cunt, leaving just the tip around your swollen lips, before thrusting into you again. He exhales the heaviest breath when you clench around him so tight that he can’t help but dig his nails into the soft flesh of your thigh.
“D’you know how proud I am of you? Fuck, you’re so amazing.” The praise goes straight into your core, clenching around him. It doesn’t go unnoticed by Matty, he smirks into your skin.
“You’re the best, always doing so good,” he hums, “finally getting rewarded now aren’t you.”
Heat floods every inch of you each time he thrust into you, the tension coiling tighter as you toss your head back. His eyes trail between your connected bodies, watching the way his length moves inside you effortlessly with the way your arousal coated him.
“You’re dripping, love,” he can’t help but groan, and you can hear the slick noise as he thrust his cock into your dripping walls over and over again. "God, you feel so good."
And when you can barely stand the pleasure any more, he suddenly pulls your leg off his shoulder before wrapping it around his waist. His other hand finds its way to the back of your head, holding you in place while he ruthlessly thrusts in and out of you. Your mouth falls open as you are taken aback by his sudden pace, your eyes instinctively glancing over to meet his gaze.
“Matty, Baby,” As the pleasure bubbles and erupts between your legs, surging throughout your entire, trembling body, he quickly begins thrusting himself wildly into you. With his fingers gripping the back of your neck, he holds you close to him, resting his forehead on yours as he fucks you through the explosion of bliss.
“That’s it,” the warmth swells to reach every limb before your body is coming down from the high, so beyond sensitive you can’t even form words. He continues to thrust himself into your dripping, spasming walls with wild force before he finally loses control. He huffs out a groan, his brow creasing and his eyes screwing shut. He rocks into your body so deep for the last time, surrounded by your warmth squeezing him as he finally releases inside of you.
“Christ,” he groans, collapsing on top of you, “I am fucking proud of you, understand?”
You nod, still taken back by how he never disappoints you.
He soothes you when he pulls out of you with many kisses to your lips, both of you whining at the loss.
He holds you close, legs intertwining with yours, the most sweetest whispers of your name from his lips.
“I love you, darling.”
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