#i seriously miss them so much but i don't wanna feel the pain again
salxxnf · 1 year
it's sucks when you cry because you miss moon system but you know gonna cry even more if you wanna rewatch moon night cause it's so sad and depressing.
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huggybug · 1 year
it's so hard to say goodbye - luke hughes
word count: 1.1k words
note: not sure how i feel about this but it’s too upsetting to keep trying to rewrite it. obviously, lyrics from i'll always remember you by hannah montana
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The game ended, Michigan's season is over, some of the guys will never play another college hockey game again, and Luke's signing his contract to join the NHL. What a fucking night.
I always knew this day would come We'd be standing one by one With our future in our hands So many dreams, so many plans
"Flight's at 9" Luke said quietly, his arm tightening around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to him.
"You wanna go to your room?" After the game, the guys gathered in Mackie and Dylan's room and slowly had been retreating back to their own rooms for the night, saving their goodbyes for the morning. It was just the sophomores now and you could tell Luke didn't want to leave but it was getting pretty late and he had a big day tomorrow.
"I... yeah we should" Luke hesitated but you nodded, sending Mackie a look which he understood immediately.
"We should all get to bed, early morning tomorrow" Looking around, the boys all had sad smiles on their faces and your heart broke for them all. They were all best friends, they came into this together and now Luke's the only one leaving, breaking up the group forever.
"We'll see you in the morning?" Dylan asked Luke and you could feel your boyfriend tense beside you.
"Yeah, I'll stop by before..." Luke trailed off but everyone knew what he meant. Mark and Eddy patted him on the shoulder as they passed by on their way out and after a quick goodnight to Mackie and Dylan, you and Luke were on your way out as well.
It was a silent walk back to his room, you had your own down the hall but there was no way Luke was letting go of you for the night. He let you into his room first, following close behind and letting the door fall closed as he crawled right into bed with you, laying as close as possible.
"I don't want to go" He said it so quietly you almost couldn't hear him.
"No, Y/n seriously how am I supposed to wake up tomorrow and say goodbye to my best friends? How do I walk away from Michigan? I'm losing everything I love" You felt his breathing accelerate and you knew that he was getting himself worked up but you didn't know how to stop it, you could only say so much.
"You're not losing anything Luke, you're gaining so much. I'm not going anywhere and I know the boys aren't either. I know its hard right now but just think about all the great guys in Jersey, Jack's gonna make sure they're all nice to you, you're going to be okay Lukey"
"College was just the step before the NHL, it didn't seem like that big of a deal. I never thought it would be so hard to walk away from. I should be used to it by now though, it's what we do. Hockey's business" His voice sounded so broken and you wished you could do something to help.
"Just because you've done it before doesn't mean its going to be easy" You say gently. The room was quiet for a moment and you're almost sure Luke was asleep until he speaks up again.
"I love you, I'm gonna miss you" He whispered and you squeeze your eyes shut, not allowing any tears to fall.
"I'll miss you too Lukey"
I always knew after all these years There'd be laughter, there'd be tears But never thought I'd walk away With so much joy, but so much pain And it's so hard to say "goodbye"
The morning came faster than expected and before you knew it, you were standing in the lobby with Ellen, waiting for the boys to say their goodbyes. Luke had been standing with Dylan and Mackie for a few minutes and you didn't want to be the one who broke them apart.
"You're not going to forget about us?" Dylan grinned and Luke rolled his eyes.
"I could never, Duker" Luke pulled his best friend into a hug, messing up his hair just like he always does. He'd already said his goodbyes to everyone and he knew it was time to go but he couldn't bring himself to step away from his friends.
Nolan walked up from where he had been talking to Rutger and Adam, dropping a hand onto Luke's shoulder. "Yesterday sucked but you've got things to do today kid, big contracts to sign. You better get going before your mom loses her mind" Nolan nods back to where Ellen has been stressing over Jack not having everything organized in their apartment like he promised he did. She was trying to figure out how to rush-order a mattress for Luke to sleep on tonight.
"Thanks Moyle. You're a good captain, even if we doubted you in the beginning" Luke chuckled and pulled Nolan into a quick bro-hug before finally pulling himself away from the boys. He pulled his suitcase out of the hotel, not letting himself look back. Maybe he was being dramatic but if he waited any longer, he wasn't sure he'd actually go.
One day, we'll look back We'll smile and we'll laugh But right now we just cry 'Cause it's so hard to say "goodbye"
Luke signed his contract and was on the plane to Boston in the next hour. Ellen and Jim were going straight to New Jersey to get things ready for Luke while he was going to meet the team for their game Saturday night. You said your goodbyes before they all got on their flights, being the only one headed back to Michigan, at least for a couple days.
You headed back to the hotel and attended the Hobey Baker ceremony with the guys. You sat with the families as they announced Adam as the winner and you watched as the whole team went up for a picture.
Luke was sitting in his new hotel in Boston, looking at the picture on Instagram. It was crazy how just last night, that was his team, his best friends and now he's in another city while they continue on together. He reposts it on his story before shoving his phone into his pocket.
"Ready bud?" Jack poked his head into the room and Luke nodded, grabbing his stuff and following his big brother out the door. "First team dinner, you excited?"
"Yeah" Luke choked out, ignoring his phone buzzing in his back pocket, notifying him of all the things he's left behind. "Let's do it"
Yesterday's gone We gotta keep moving on I'm so thankful for the moments So glad I got to know you
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crows-home · 1 year
hey! i hope you don’t mind me asking, but do u have any fics you recommend reading? (specifically sonic fandom ones)
im so sorry anon but im probably the worst when it comes to fic recs. I just started using the bookmark function on ao3 like last month. There's probably tons of fics that i've read and absolutely loved, but never saved and are just collecting dust in my history ToT
i'm going to shout out a few of my favorite authors whose works i absolutely adore and some fics under the cut!
There's definitely more authors and fics i missed, but this is what i was able to come up with!! in general, the sonic community is full of so much talent and i'm just really happy to be here :)
@cozyqueerchaos - I love every single piece they put out honestly and these fics are the reason i dipped my toes more into the sonic fandom years ago. they're THAT good. love them all.
@phantomruby - another wonderful fic writer that everyone should check out. "Slipping Away" makes me cry fr, although i haven't caught up on the latest updates. everything just makes my heart go oshfdsfhd
@chaoxfix - sonic fics are wonderful sonic takes are top notch i dig everything. the understanding of the characters and archie is just phenomenal.
@teamxdark - fell in love with the Tales of Avalon series and fell harder in love with the team dark Boomtober fics and dynamics and aaaaaa, wonderful writing and style.
@rubyiiiusions - every fic is a joy to read and every story really just gets your attention and keeps it till the end. i've bookmarked a few of them since last week :)
I went digging through my history and here are some of my personal favorite Sonic fics!
radio silence under a yellow sky by chaox Summary: Sonic finds out Tails is missing. And more importantly, that no one's been looking for him.
A gen fic about Sonic finding out Tails was MIA during Forces it's so so good i think about it a lot
falling by sonosuke Summary: Shadow likes a boy
sonadow during SA2 I'll cry. so angsty but it makes me :')
Birds of a Feather by SonicaSpeed123 Summary: Sonic has been trapped in Camelot for three years, but he's started to make a place for himself that he can finally be comfortable in with his beloved Lancelot Something has been bothering him, though: If all the people of this world look like the people back home, where is Sonic's lookalike?
Lansoni. Part of a series of SatBK mini fics that i really love, but this one especially because it answers the question of 'what about the Sonic doppleganger?'
you can hardly swallow your fears and pain by chaox and sketchjii Summary: Shadow is usually better at putting up that cold, unfeeling front, isn't he? Or maybe that's him. (or: sonic doesn't need to be in touch with his feelings if he pretends they don't exist in the first place)
One of my all time faves i love it so much i dont think i have the right words. shadow tries to give sonic mental health advice. it does not go well. takes place some time after Forces.
the time has come again for stars by rubyillusions Summary: (five times someone notices sonic and shadow are in love and one time they do something about it)
sonadow, Teen. obsessed with how the characters are written here and the way all of their friends interpret their relationship it's just so cute and sweet and shit and i love it a lot.
against every odd by eggskie Summary: "We're friends?" Nine asks, small and timid, and oh, doesn't that break Sonic's heart. "Of course we are. We always have been. Or we always should have been." Or: Nine isn't used to being cared about
wanna see how hard i can cry? Gen, Sonic Prime fic about sonic and tails and what they should have been.
Dreams Don't Come True by Skyblaze Summary: Short, mildly humorous fic with sonadow flavouring. It also takes the mickey extensively out of the Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 Next Gen game. Warning: not to be taken seriously.
This fic is just really silly i like it a lot :)
A largely platonic cave by mousewritings Summary: "You know I uh, love hanging out with you and all, but do you think we could go somewhere that's not a cave for once?" Shadow stares at him. "What do you mean, go somewhere that's not a cave? Think you're too good for caves?"
Sonic Boom Sonic and Shadow (pre-slash sonadow) my beloveds <3<3 this fic is so funny they're so insufferable
Also, uh. I know you said only Sonic fics but i'm going to add a few more fics that i really really love from different fandoms because i reread them a lot, i hope you don't mind! ^^
Our way by shpeeper Summary: Overall, the mission was pretty simple. Sniper was instructed to track the spy for a week, figure out his daily patterns, then put a bullet in his brain when no one is around. No one told him there would be a kid. An AU in which Spy raises Scout alone, and Sniper is hired to kill Spy.
Oh my fucking god i could go on about this fic. Sniperspy, Teen, TF2. filled with action and danger. Every time a new character would get introduced, i would have fun piecing together who they were in my mind. the first chapter already had me emotional, it's been in my brain for YEARS. And don't even get me STARTED with the twist at the end. holy shit.
Desmodontinae by Romiress Summary: Kirk wakes up in a Gotham that is not his own. A what-if, where Gods and Monsters Batman winds up in the DCU. Originally intended as a short oneshot, and expanded out into a small story, exploring the differences, struggles, and conclusions. Focuses primarily on Kirk Langstrom (G&M Batman), with a side or Hernan Guerra (G&M Superman), Damian Wayne, and Bruce Wayne. Guest appearances by various other Robins, Clark and Jon Kent, and several others.
The Gods and Monsters DC team means so much to me and oh my god this fic was made with so much love and care for the characters. It's been a while since i read it, but i remember this fic had me staying up literally all night, eagerly going through all the chapters, one at a time. i was in bed kicking my sheets quietly irl lmao.
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coolyiooo · 2 years
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⚠️WARNINGS⚠️: public, over stimulation, choking, biting, hickeys , handcuffs, creampie, begging
Part 1 :
You were at school the next day after the party, after the whole incident with Billy, you tried avoiding him as much as possible, you saw him at the end of the hall and made eye contact with him but instantly turned around and went the other way, not in a cowardly way, in a disgusted type of way, you were talking to Steve in the middle of school in the halls, something random but y'all were smiling and shit then suddenly Billy appeared, slapping a hand next to your head, you both stared at him, all you thought was 'ah shit', "hey (l/n) remember to meet me by the restrooms next period" he looked at you smiling with soft eyes "you know.. for that anatomy project...you gotta give me that thing" you stared at him, if looks could kill he'd be dead, "why can't it just wait till after school?" "It's an important project (l/n) don't want us failing right?" "...Fine" he smirked " see you later" you turned back to Steve "you have a group project with Billy?" "Yep.. he's a pain in my ass already" "I bet " he looked at your hickeys on your neck, you tried covering them up with your turtle neck, he looked at you with concern "hey.. what happened to your neck-?" You remembered what was on your neck "ahh! A bee stung me! And I know it looks like a hickey so Im covering it up" "ah ..yea for a second I thought you were getting down and dirty with someone " he laughed and then y'all went back to class
Next period happened and you forgot you had to meet up with Billy, whoopsies, and on your way to the next period Billy out of no where grabs your wrists and drags you to somewhere private, you didn't wanna make a scene and make people notice you and Billy together and just waited to see where he'd take you, he took you to these restrooms where nobody was near or In, brought you inside the men's restroom and into a stall, "WHAT THE HELL!-" he covered your mouth "why didn't you meet me in the restrooms?" He said seriously, You remembered about earlier, you took his hands off your mouth aggressively "I forgot my bad" he scoffed with a smirk and looked to his left, he stared back at you "I guess I'ma have to teach you a lesson" "excuse me?" He then banged you against the wall, lifting one of your legs up, and started to finger you "ouch!" He then went at a slower pace after hearing you in pain "the hell? When did you get MY permission asshole?" You pushed him away "awe come on princess, i know you missed me being inside you" "as if" "don't you wanna come hard again...don't you wanna feel my cock hitting every inch inside you" you looked away angrily, he was right, unfortunately,he came close to your ear "say what you want princess" you looked at him "I guess I'm ok with you fucking me...but here in the restrooms in the middle of school?!" "Just be quiet..I'll be quick" he lifted your leg up again, fingering you , you whimpered silently from the pleasure "what if someone comes in?" "Just be quiet"
He fingered you until you were wet enough and put a condom on his already hardened member, he angled himself and plunged himself into you, you gripped on his shoulders from the pleasure, closing your eyes tightly, as he started to move, the sound of your wet cunt and his legs slapping against yours was loud, he just groaned silently, tilting his head back, he saw your covered up hickeys "why r u hiding your hickeys? I want everybody to know you belong to someone princess" "hell no! MMNN!" he lowered your turtle neck and kissed your neck, your hands on his back, you tighten around his cock from his kisses on your sensitive neck, silently panting out moans "I love to hear you NNG!..it tells me how much you love my dick" then suddenly someone came inside the restroom, Billy made the slapping noises stop but didn't stop thrusting inside you, if this was any other girl he wouldn't care if someone heard that wet slapping noises but since it's you, he wanted to try and see if you could be quiet so he went faster, you tilted you head down, your forehead on his chest, squeezing your eyes closed, you knew what he was trying to do, you wanted to get back at him so you bit him on his neck "AH! fucking shit!" "Hey..are you good?" The random stranger said "GET THE FUCK OUT!" Billy yelled "You sure your not hurt?" "IM FINE GET OUT!" You heard the boy get out, he turned at you with a serious face "you naughty girl" he then went at a very fast pace making you slip up a moan, he hit all the right places, you were on the edge of cumming, you were waiting for the euphoric feeling to happen but suddenly he pulled out and started to pumped his dick with his hands quickly and came inside the condom, groaning in your ear
"what the hell?!" You were about to hit him with your hand but he caught it, you used your other hand, he caught it as well, he hung them beside your head against the wall "that's your punishment princess" "you piece of shit! Finish what you started!" "Are you begging? And your one to talk, you started this, it's your fault" he let go of your hands "come to me when you want it " he then left you in the stall, unsatisfied and angry.
By the end of the day you went up to him, he was sitting against his car "hey asshole meet me at my house" he smirked at you "learned your lesson?" "...yes" you actually didn't, you just wanted to get back at him and you had a plan, he looked at you "...alright" he smiled "what's you address?" You gave him your address and started to walk away "see you at 8 princess"
Luckily your parents were away for a business trip so you didn't have to worry about that, your plan was to handcuff him against your bed frame and do whatever you please with him, you were gonna convince him you are crazy for him and catch him off guard to handcuff him, you saw Billy from your window and let him inside "hey princess-" you then pulled him into a kiss, he was shocked but quickly complied and instantly put his hands on your back and waist, you two slowly went to your room, while kissing, you pushed him on the bed, getting on top of him, "guess you really did learn your lesson" you kissed him again, his kisses were amazing, you hated how just by his damn lips made you weak, your hand went up his abs ,to his chest ,sliding down to one of his hands, you started to dry hump him as well, him moaning silently while chuckling a bit, you pushed his back against your mattress, one of his hands was on your neck, the other was on your waist, quickly you got both of his hands and hand cuffed them together , on the frame
"wha-WHAT THE FUCK-" "you really think I'd let you walk all over me?" He looked at you "so what r u gonna do? Keep me here for ...what?" You came close to his face smiling "punishment"
You then took off your shirt and started to unbutton his pants and pulled them and his underwear away from his legs, you did the same with your pants, you got back on top of him and unbuttoned his shirt, you let your hand go across his muscular torso "enjoying yourself princess?" He was smirking " not yet" you went towards his harden member, you put a condom on his dick, and didn't waste a moment and sucked on his dick quickly and deeply into your mouth, he moaned loudly "fuck.. yea!" tilting his head back, arching his back slightly ,your tongue swirled around his cock, sucking on him perfectly, your spit was sticky but it made his cock twitch , wanting to eagerly cum, you look at him with his cock in your mouth, making eye contact with him, he had furrowed eyebrows with needy eyes, you just had a straight face, you felt his cock twitch aggressively, you knew he was close, "I'm..fucking...close!" You instantly took his dick out of your mouth, he was panting "what the fuck- ...come on princess don't do this to me" "I'll make you cum but...you gotta apologize and beg for it" he stared at you, he took a deep breath "I'm sorry.." "for what?" "...for not letting you finish earlier" "louder Billy" "I'm sorry for not letting you finish " "and what do you want?" "...please let me cum" "hm?" "Please let me cum" "you really call that begging Billy?" "NG! PLEASE LET ME CUM!" you smirked "good boy" he looked kind of mad "I see what you mean now...you are cute when your mad"
You crawled towards him a bit to make your cunt on top of his dick, you angled his cock to your cunt, he looked at his dick, waiting for his cock to be devoured by your cunt, you then slowly sat on his dick, you sighed in satisfaction, his breath was shaking, you went at a steady pace but then quickened it up, jumping on his cock fast, your hands resting on his abs, he started to moan "...yes!" "Do you want me to stop?" "No!..don't..stop!" "You want me to go faster?" "..yes...please!" You went faster, he groaned loudly "FUCK!....YEAH!" you felt his dick twitch inside you, you purposely tightened around him, it felt amazing but you tried your best to hold in your orgasm, slapping noises were loud, he looked down to see his dick come in and out of your pussy, he was on the edge "I'm...coming!" "Do you wanna cum?" "..yes..yes! " You went rougher, he thrusted his hips upwards and came inside you, in the condom, groaning loudly and out of breath, he laid his head against the pillow, lazily , "fuck...you feel too amazing..." You took off the condom and threw it away, little did he know you started to take birth control pills
As he was catching his breath, you saw his member hasn't completely gone out yet, so you quickly got on top of it and put it back inside you, he jolted up from the intense pleasure of your raw cunt, and my god you felt better raw, you were already good with the condom but you just felt incredible raw, "HOLY!....fucking!...shit!.." before he could say anything you started to jump on his dick again, quickly, "I'm gonna make sure your never gonna disrespect me again!" You said, his dick was already soaking wet with your fluids, it was too much for him already ,doing you raw, having already came once, his dick was sensitive and he was going to cum, he clinched his hands into fists from the intense pleasure "FUCK!...I'm.. COMING!" He came inside of you, it was the first time his cum has actually been inside you, or your first creampie and it felt amazing, you then came undone on his trembling cock, he groaned loudly and you moaned too, "fucking....shitt" he could barley get the words out, "already came? Pathetic" he was starting to get over stimulated but you wanted him to be in even worse condition
You then suddenly jumped on his dick again "MNNNGG!" his eyes were shut tight, clenching his teeth tightly, he started to pant and moan "ITS!...TOO!..MUCH!..NNG!" you kept going, you knew he was liking it, plus you felt your high rising up again, you loved seeing him completely at your mercy, you wanna see him be a complete mess, make his dick sore tomorrow, you then went down to his neck and started to leave bite marks and hickeys,marking him, "please...let me..touch you" you started to slightly choke him "no darling...this is your punishment " after you called him darling, he rolled his eyes to the back of his head, for some reason it turned him on so much, he was close to his third orgasm, seeing him being over stimulated , it made you crazy, you got it now when he said it's cute to see you on the brink of cumming, he moaned loudly "I-IM!... GONN-A!" He came inside you again, this time it felt like more cum, arching his back , as you also came on him, you arched your back and tilted your head back, he really was amazing at sex.
He was a panting mess, you pulled him out and felt cum drip out of you, your legs were wobbly again but you went up to his hands and uncuffed him, his arms falling limp beside his head, his eyes slightly closed and a slightly open mouth, you got up and went to get some towels and an energy drink for him, you cleaned yourself up and him because he couldn't even move but he slowly started to sit up "Jesus..." "How was it?" "...amazing" you smirked "I knew you'd like it, you pathetic brute" it seemed he couldn't even comprehend what you said, he just laid back down and closed his eyes "sleep beside me princess?" You stared at him ,even though he couldn't see you, "alright then".
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mushiewrites · 2 years
Lee!Punz Ler!Foolish and for the scenario Punz talked about him and foolish planning a valo stream where one of them is on the mouse and the other keyboard so maybe something with that like maybe one of them accidentally elbows the other when moving the mouse and squeak and ya know the classic other asking if they’re hurt and them blushing and saying no and the other is confused but then reads chat and understands what happened and so yea it leads to tickles and the game being abandoned ?
YAY MY LIL HIMBROS 💞 I love their dynamic so much, they just play off each other so well. This is such a cute concept 🥺
"Punz turn!" Foolish screamed, trying to aim at the player to his right, but unable to look himself as Punz was controlling the mouse.
"Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all, huh." Punz mumbled as Foolish once again was overly animated with his key-smashing, flinging his elbow into Punz and causing him to move the mouse, missing the target and killing them.
"Punz what was that?!" Foolish laughed in disbelieve, turning his head to the left where Punz was sat, watching as the blonde rolled his eyes with a smirk directed his way.
"Foolish, literally you keep knocking into me every single time something intense happens and you make me move the mouse. This is actually YOUR fault." Punz explained smugly, shaking his head with a chuckle before turning back to the game, preparing to respawn.
"What, you seriously can't stop yourself from moving if I elbow you a few times?" Punz heard from his right. He was about to make a remark back about how he was about to elbow him if he didn't knock it off, but was instead interrupted with a squeal erupting from his throat as he felt Foolish shoved an elbow into his ribs.
"Shit, sorry dude, did I elbow you too hard?" Foolish quickly moved Punz arm that was firmly against his side away, running his hand along his ribs gently as a way to relieve the "pain" he thought Punz was feeling. But Foolish wasn't expecting Punz to let out another strained noise that sounded suspiciously like a giggle, pushing at his hands and arching his sides away from Foolish's reach.
"N-no, it's okay. I'm not hurt. Let's just...let's get back to respawning." Punz tried his best to play it off, but it seemed Foolish was having none of it. He watched from the corner of his eyes as Foolish had his eyes glued to chat, his eyebrows suddenly raising with a wide smile as he finally realized what was going on. The ravenette once again leaned an elbow into Punz's side, this time a little lighter.
"Fohoolish, knock it off! The game is about to load up again!" Punz could feel his cheeks heating up as he felt the stare of amusement from Foolish boring into him.
He refused to turn and meet his eyes, so he was once again caught off guard as this time, Foolish reached forward and poked into his ribs with purpose. Punz yelped, a small giggle following as he finally turned completely towards Foolish, trying to grab and stop the offending hand from prodding him once more.
"Something to tell me, Punz?" Foolish wiggled his eyebrows, bringing up his hand that was not trapped in Punz's grip and wiggled those fingers as well. Punz couldn't help the high pitched giggles that poured out of him as he squeezed his eyes shut, leaning his head forward so chat couldn't see how much he was blushing. He had almost forgotten they were live.
"N-No?" Punz managed to squeak out, feeling Foolish's free hand rest gently above his knee, giving a light squeeze to test the waters. When Punz squirmed, his knee jerking momentarily before coming back to rest his foot on the ground, Foolish let out a laugh at his discovery.
"You don't wanna tell me? That's fine. I found an even better challenge than the Valo one, then." Foolish shrugged his shoulders as he suddenly broke his wrist free from Punz's grip, bringing his other hand down to Punz's thigh on the opposite leg and squeezing hard.
Electricity shot up and down both of Punz's legs, all the way to his hips and down to his toes. He was in ticklish agony, squirming and sliding in his chair, his head thrown back as hysterical laughter continued to flow from him.
"Pl-ehehehease Foosh! Dohohon't!" Punz cracked his eyes open briefly to give Foolish puppy dog eyes, but Foolish was too focused on what his hands were doing. Punz squeezed his eyes shut once more as his laughter jumped an octave, feeling Foolish move both hands to his hips and digging into the joints there. He tried but failed to stop himself from bucking up in his seat, his laughter going squeaky and louder by the second.
"Nuh uh, Punz. This is far more interesting. Don't you think chat?" Punz could only imagine what chat was saying as he continued to slide down the chair, eventually falling onto the ground with Foolish following him.
Punz grabbed at Foolish's wrists before opening his eyes once more, pleading and silently begging for the tickling to stop. Foolish smirked and shook his head back and forth slightly before shooting his hands forward, digging into his tummy and making Punz arch his back with a howl.
It's safe to say that the Valo challenge would have to be moved to a different day, most likely with the roles reversed to prevent Punz from turning into a pile of giggles again.
..and maybe so Punz can get his revenge 😇
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loveriddenapple · 2 years
I have to admit, I do not understand interpretations of Fyolai where Nikolai is a minute away from confessing all his feelings for Fyodor. For some reason, I take his "I wanna kill Fyodor because he makes me feel things I haven't felt before" quiet seriously in a way that this reasoning with Nikolai is more connected to his morals and his absolute abstinence (if I'm allowed to call it that haha) of them. All Nikolai knows is kill, how he interacts with others around him is he's the Killer Clown and the rest are his victims. (I know he's a jester, but let me use that expression for better comparison.) But of course, they are roles for him to play into. Nikolai loves theater and disguises, he acts in a theatrical way, so it won't be a stretch to say he navigates life through roles, drama, theater, etc.
But this Killer Clown wants to be Fyodor's friend. This might not be anything new to him, especially that it is so easy for him to call Fyodor his "intimate friend" and, after all, the guy understands him and they have pretty much the same interests (death for the example). Who knows he might have felt kinship with other people before but chose to ignore it because he is supposed to be The Killer Clown. A monster doesn't make friends, so Nikolai makes people he wants to be friends with his victims. His strongest emotion towards Fyodor is connection - human connection, and of course, he does not know what to do with that other than deflecting it by murder. For Nikolai, it is easier that way. It's what he knows. Heck, Fyodor even understands that part of him, understands the complication that comes with his emotions and his coping mechanism.
When it comes to his feelings for Fyodor, Nikolai is essentially towing the line of friendship and "Eh who cares, I'll kill him in the end, anyway". He would seek affection and attention from Fyodor, whether that's platonic and romantic, and then comfort himself with the idea that he will absolutely kill him someday. That way he knows what do with his emotions, he is not being enslaved by his brain or heart or wherever the fuck feelings come from. And what's even more complicated is that Nikolai feels guilty with the bad things he does. Even with people he doesn't consider his friends, like his victims for the DOA plan, he already feels guilty about it. What more if you wanted to kill someone who you wanted to be close with? I don't think Nikolai is not stupid enough to think that if he does go with whatever coping mechanism he does with his emotions aka killing people, killing Fyodor, that he would absolutely not be able to live with what he would feel right after. Guilt. Regret. So much pain. Once again enslaved by emotions gained from human connection. And he would not want that, but he also would not let go of the idea of killing Fyodor.
It's like, he would keep being Fyodor's friend but never ever, for the love of god, confess to him ever. I think he'd rather die than do that. I think he'd rather tell Fyodor he'd kill him than say he loves him. He already did that canonically lmao.
I know Nikolai gives him nicknames, tells him he misses him, and spends more time with him than with others - those things painfully telling enough, so gay of him. Very gay. But he is still essentially treating Fyodor like a friend, only with other special treatments that he would never give to Sigma or to anyone.
He is totally down-bad but in a repressed and insane kind of way. He's like "Omgg I love Dos-kun so much, he is my very very good friend, and I'd love to be with him all the time but I don't wanna be his stupid boyfriend. What are you talking about" At least with BSD canon that's how he deals with it. Of course, it comes with the trauma their world is giving them and their terrorist affiliations, so they cannot approach love or friendship in a normal way. At all.
(Same goes with Fyodor, but he also his own ways. Like granting the wishes of others in his own twisted way.)
But with AUs though, or in a kinder world, Nikolai would probably only have "Maybe he doesn't feel the same way" kind of problems with his feelings for Fyodor. Or maybe he doesn't wanna ruin their friendship. Or he doesn't know how to hit on him lmao. A lot of complications can be placed in exchange with his personal problems about human connection. And a lot saner coping mechanisms other than killing the person you had a huge crush with.
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cobrrastyle · 2 years
Same anon from the billy and the person who treats them like an advrage joe here, im requesting this mostly as a reference for how he may react with an oc of mine so if you don't wanna do this one i understand, but alive billy with a person that had bad abandoment issues because if people suddenly leaving them in the past. Can be either romantic or platonic, whichever you feel more comfortable with, but again you don't have to do this one if you dont want to
a.n. hello, anon! glad to hear from you again!! i'd be happy to do your request. i've decided to try out platonic hcs for a change, hope that's okay! ofc, theres no explicit mention of it being platonic so feel free to read this and interpret it however you'd like. sending much love to your oc, they deserve the world! <3
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𝗔𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗻𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗜𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗲𝘀
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𝅘𝅥𝅲  gn!reader
𝅘𝅥𝅲  relationship. platonic leaning
𝅘𝅥𝅲  warnings. none
𝅘𝅥𝅲  edited. n/a
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• contrary to ghost!billy, alive!billy is extremely unfamiliar with what's it's like to be abandoned. there will be a bit of a disconnect when it comes to empathizing with you, but don't let that steer you away from the fact that he DOES indeed care.
• tell him about your past and the cobra will be mad and sad for you all at once. he never really thought about it before, but being left behind by the people you thought cherished you sounds beyond terrifying to him and he can only imagine what you must feel.
• he's quick to tell you that you're 100x more than whatever those bozos were and assures you that he would never do the same thing they did. he means what he says, but sometimes, his words end up sounding a little more harsh than what he originally intended to get across.
"they were total d-bags anyway! if anything, it's good they left y—!"
• and there he goes, seemingly missing the point entirely. (we do not phrase the second half like that 💀)
• he knows he's screwed up once you look at him with a pained look in your eye and he immediately tries to backtrack and fix his mess-up.
• then, he's at a loss for words and doesn't really know what to say. he honestly feels really guilty and he can only sit next to you as none of you utter a thing.
• leave it to the cobra to get you and him back on your feet though! if there's anything he despises more, it's pessimism and gloom, especially when he's the one being a major kill-joy.
• that being said, billy places a firm—and a tad heavy—hand on your shoulder which catches you off guard. turn your head and you'll be faced with a beaming smile (it's blinding, even!)
"hey, i know just what you need." your silence prompts him to continue. "confidence!"
• there he goes again, and atp, you're inclined to think he's not taking this seriously. you're more than ready to leave until he stands right in front of you, preventing you from going anywhere.
"c'mooon. look, you gotta recognize your own worth. show em all what you're made of! trust me, the cobra sees it in you. we just gotta get you to see it. now you're gonna need a shot of it—a lot of it actually. lucky for you, doctor billy is in!"
• and just like that, billy will take the 'love yourself' concept to extreme mode! he's gonna be super supportive <3
• any form of self-deprecation from you will be met with opposition, STAT. mf is going to be your no.1 hypeman fr!
• surprisingly, jammin' out to his music is a huge help and is something he loves to initiate! he loves doing this thing where he strums his guitar and has you repeating lyrics after him (many of them on the spot, specifically made for you). the fact that most of his songs are in first person gives you the chance to insert yourself into the music. plus, it gets you to smile!
• will spoil you rotten, regardless of what you say. for crying out loud, you're tight with the b joe co! it takes a special kind of person for that and he's only gonna want high level stuff for you!
• distancing yourself will be very difficult. wherever you go, he goes (unless his stardom doesn't allow for it like when he's on tour).
• it's at times like these where you're more likely to overthink, but rest assured, billy plans on keeping a stable connection with you through call!
• act differently around him in the hopes that he sticks around longer and he WILL notice and WILL call you out on it. this isn't you and he's not gonna wanna play dumb. he won't just "stick" around—he doesn't like it when you put it that way—and he'll clarify that he just likes being with you, the real you.
• for as much as billy gets sidetracked with other things, he genuinely does care about you and feels terrible when he realizes that he’s been getting too carried away with stuff. out of everything, you’re one of the only constants in his life and he is willing to pull out every trick in the book to help you feel less alone and loved <3
• if you need words of affirmation, he'll do it in a heartbeat, but he does get kind of hurt that you would ever think that way of him—that he'd leave ever you. throughout his life he's been a dick, sure, and he still may be a jackass, but ever since you came along, you've influenced him for the better, which is something you may not always realize.
"i'm better than that! you know that... right?"
• it's hard trusting someone's word when you've had such a rough history, but take a bit to search for any shred of doubt in his eyes and you'll only be met with sincerity. realize that this is good for you, that you're not alone in the healing process. after that? crack a smile, whatever the size, and affirm it. you're not where you stood back then, things are better.
"now that's what i like to hear!"
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Man... The retro Pokemon games market is seriously bumming me out. I technically have at least one of every main series Pokemon game (albeit my copy of FireRed is currently missing), so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. But there's some older Pokemon games I really wanna replay where I don't really want to reset the game for one reason or another - such as not wanting to have to go through the pain in the ass of getting the shiny charm again in White 2, or not wanting to erase my Emerald file because it was my very first Pokemon game and it holds too much sentimental value to me.
But all these games' secondhand prices are absolutely fucking ridiculous for how well they sold. No game that has over 10 million copies floating around out there should cost over $100, period. And I know, I just know with how common these games are, there are going to be people who are clueless to these inflated prices out there selling them for a reasonable price, and that just makes the search for a decent deal on these games even more infuriating.
I know that emulation and repro carts are an option too, and if it were any other game with ridiculous secondhand prices, I'd go that route. But a crucial part of Pokemon for me is the ability to transfer my Pokemon up, to be able to preserve them in my massive collection that has been building for nearly two decades. That just isn't an option with emulation, at least not without some additional hardware and software hoops that I frankly don't feel like jumping through.
And as for repro carts, from what I've found via online research, their ability to hold onto save files and not just randomly erase everything is dodgy, and in the case of the GBA games, they're not able to transfer Pokemon up to the DS games in almost 100% of cases. I have heard that they can trade with legit GBA games and then you can use those to transfer Pokemon up, so I suppose that is an option if I get truly desperate, but that would also require me shelling out for an additional GBA, which have also been climbing in price as of late.
Man... it shouldn't have to be like this. There are so many copies out there, I just know that there are plenty of people that would let them go for what they should be going for. It's just a matter of actually being able to find that good deal.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
"Like any unloved thing, I don’t know if I'm real when I'm not being touched." (Idk the author jdhdkd)
Young Rafael and Max is something that can actually be so personal🥺🥺 Also Alec omfg I am love them djvdkdjdi this scene is the cutest shit ever!!!!
“Come here. Be dead with us.” Look, I love this, but I still have lbaf flashbacks, so please don't sir😭
Do you ever just cry about the fact that Alec changed the law for Magnus and the great impact it had on the people that are now allowed to love without having to fight like him...or is it just me? Jdhdkdjdl
Rafael shakes his head. “I didn’t catch him.”
“Yes,” Rafael nods seriously. “I wanna be like daddy.”
Will a chapter go by that I don't cry over Rafael?? ✨No✨
Oh, I bet he is going to be a prince😎
“Lex malla, lex nulla,” SCREAMING FJDHKDJD
Lightwood siblings supremacy only!!! And obviously Clary, Simon and Magnus!!!
He remembers that because he remembers wondering why there was no one to make him feel warm. CAN I GIVE THIS BOY A HUG???
“I don’t want flowers. I want you. I want your heart. Now ask me if I can keep it for the rest of our lives.” 🥺🥺🥺💙
If he doesn't ask you to marry him in your mother language then wtf is the point????
The whole fucking wedding is literally everything that is right in this life. Magnus missing his family, Alec noticing this before him....😭
Rafael and Max being cutieeees!! Jace being the best man EVER. And Catarina omg I love her!!!! Izzy being badass as always. They really said you can't see your boyfriend before the wedding and Alec was like ✨is that a challenge?✨
“If my life is going to be everlasting, I want to spend it loving you,” This is all I will be thinking of from now on, don't @ me
Alec: takes a deep breath
Magnus: ...oh shit
Simon grins. “Lightwoods, huh?”
Magnus nods gravely.
“Welcome to the club,” Simon winks before leaving him alone.
Fucking Shinyun really said go big or go home and she is so sexy for that!! How much did the fucking necklace costs??? I LOVE HER WITH MY HEART😍😍
Magnus really said I'm gonna wear a necklace that belonged to a princess and is fucking expensive as my something borrowed and no one can do it like him!!!
“Because you didn’t choose him. You chose yourself. Just as I did,” GROWTH!!!
Ragnor, Catarina and Max as something old, new and blue don't fucking touch me I'm crying!!!😭😭🥺
Yeah, I cried at the wedding as if I was there, what about it?!?!!
100% not surprised by Alec's jewerly kink...
Max and Rafael dancing. That's it. That's my will to live right there💙💙💙
The third timeline... Holy fuck!! The pain, the healing, the-
But Rafael was always home. Always there. Not me getting emo over Rafael again😭 God this boy needs to stop blaming himself!!!
The only god I will ever know is Anjali Joshi Rosales🥺🥰
Can we talk how fucking mature Max acted?? Kinda creepy the way he was calm the whole time but also sooo fucking amazing!!!
Wait a minute... Did they just... Talk to each other??? Politely?? And cleared the miscommunication?? Babe wake up a miracle just happened...
Alec legit laughs. “Yeah right. Is that why he is dating you? Because you remind him of me?” oh boy if you knew how right you are....
Omg he sounds like a kid kdhdkdbdlnd
“He dated me because it was easy,” she says. “He dated you even though it was hard.” LOUDER FOR EVERYONE SHINYUN!!!
Please don’t ever doubt my love. Not when it’s the crux of my existence. FAVORITE LINE OMFG DJVDKDJD
Magnus loves him and loves him and loves him.
And that love got him hurt.
Alec loves him and loves him and loves him.
And that love wasn’t enough.
Magnus being all high and them taking advantage of it is so fucking funny😂😂
Magnus be like: Yeah I just got hit by a car and woke up from a coma. Btw did you eat love???
His favorite person, his first love and the love of his life!!! Please I can't. It's too much love here💙🥺
Song rec: You might not like her by Maddie Zahm (I kinda cried with this one lmao)
This chapter was really fun to write. So, I'm so glad that y'all liked it and got some serotonin out of it.
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idsb · 1 year
I don't wanna publish the long ask so I'm gonna put it under the cut if people wanna read / I do later, but that was so helpful to hear, anon.
(also LOL @ "why does it always come to nudes" jfkhdksjk). I really relate to what you said about kind of taking things really seriously and tracing them back to that incident, because that's exactly what's happening with me/us right now. It's also helpful to hear that it WAS helpful for you to bring it up under that context years later. And you saying that you need to bring something actionable for him to do to the table before you do it is so smart - I think that solves a lot of what I was wondering about like, it's going to feel like I'm just bitching at him out of nowhere if I also have a real tangible action I want out of it. seriously so so SO helpful I appreciate the whole thing a lot.
Ahh that story was captivating as hell!! I relate in a lot of ways and maybe hearing my situation could help a little? I met my current partner of almost 5 years in a very tumultuous time of my life. I was involved in a fucking homeland security investigation over some nudes (why are nudes always involved 💀) that had been passed around on some gross websites at my college but they were taken when I was 17 which made the whole thing child porn and therefore a big big deal. That had basically wrapped up by the time we met after I graduated, but he knew about it. About a year or so into our relationship he gave me a very heartfelt and agonizing apology because he had been watching tv on my laptop while I was at work and had been curious if I had saved any of the (few) nudes he had sent me. In his curiosity he had found the folder of my literal homeland security evidence and had PANICKED bc child porn and betraying me and DELETED THEM. I was in love and still very much not healed from the trauma surrounding the whole thing and loved feeling like I had the moral high ground and so I forgave him too fast and comforted him and promptly erased the incident from my memory. 3 years of a very very solid relationship later, my brain would not leave me alone with the intrusive thoughts about how he would inevitably betray me and how he would never understand my pain and suffering as a woman. He is practically perfect, truly, including in how he responds to feedback and has been helping me through some very very dark ptsd places like this guy has been through hell and back with me. But I’d spent 3 years keeping all of those feelings/fears in (bc I literally forgot about what happened bc of how triggering it actually was). Eventually I snapped bc our life was good but felt like spark was missing (thank u pandemic!) and he would stumble into a male privilege slip up occasionally (which is normal and he would truly dig in and try to understand and fix it whenever thsi came up). But those stumbles were bringing up the HUGE feelings of betrayal for me. The way we navigated it, which isn’t necessarily a recommendation lol, was that we traced the huge reactions I was having back to that incident at the beginning of our relationship, he heard me from a retrospective view when I expressed how deeply that had wounded me, he genuinely apologized, and I pretty much handed him an ultimatum that he needed to go to therapy and do some required readings on apologies and communication (he has some big stuff with people pleasing so it was sometimes hard to know when things were sincere or just an effort to keep me “happy”). Anyways!! Long story short, he went all in and committed to doing those things and almost a year later, we are stronger than ever and I trust him 1000%. We even ended up doing long distance recently for a work opportunity he had come up out of state and we were both terrified but it is going really well! I guess my real point is that those feelings are valid and worthy of being looked at again even though you’ve “been over it” a million times already. Bc the way you feel about everything that happened back then, now, is really important to acknowledge and create space for. It sounds like you’ve both grown and changed a lot! And the people you are now deserve the chance to pay your respects to the people you once were, and you deserve to be heard in your pain. What helped me was to be able to go into conversations with my partner with a solid list of things that I knew would help me to feel better/if he didn’t think doing them was worth it then I would know exactly how much he cared and be able to dip (like an article or a worksheet he could literally read or do, basically just actionable things). Of course, that was after the initial hyper-emotional conversation which was a lot of crying and fury. It ended up being absolutely worth it, and I think we both feel safer/better for it. On his end, I think he doesn’t carry around as much guilt. I know it’s not exactly the same situation, but anyways that’s my relationship story! Hugs 💙
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11.23.23 Thursday
9:06 pm
Here with Ely and using his phone again to do some multi-tasking coz I'm downloading movies on my mobile,good thing it connects now on their wifi.
I have windblow and still a windblow since 2007... I feel bitter and super angry and irritated...
Since we are not having cablewifi we are dwelling on that fuck Eagle 95.5 coz in a way I like thier style but still they are considered a FUCK! WHY???
I sent them message coz it is my freedom to do as one of their listener's and I wanted them to do a shoutout for me about my baby-Borgy that I wanted to have him. I was listening and the DJ's were not reading it even if I sent a copy of my message on their mobile number.
Peachy is a fuck having a same name as one of my artist name...What is she saying carry what??? Carry can be a positive or negative.... DJ's are just FUCK sometimes they think only of themselves that they are a better women in this world. No way for me!!!
9:17 pm
I still feel bitterish and angry and just done watching that "Killer", a killer and I have the same problem these days...I have this "marital stress" nobody is taking me seriously from the past years,months and days. Remember recently someone just told me that I was "irrational" coz I figured out that I was not his type but those Red Horse, Gin Pomelo, Tanduay women... ( dreadlock guys/miles ) Just for take note: "Nothing more,Nothing less".
What can I do? I'm just a very sweetish "Tequila Rose"….He just told me that I was irrational or simply means insane or simply means " You are not my type"...
9:23 pm
But on the reality of realization of maturity I have to have Borgy, but how to get my baby?? I wanna leave Cavite in a lil while... Still have windblow and I'm a college graduate! Hellowie!! If I'm becoming irrational or insane it is because I like you so much Borgy!
Being irrational means liking someone or I'm into him... I hate sane person when he will say that "I like you or I love you". I will just believe on something INSANITY!
9:30 pm
Still,my Aunt Teresa is really, really weird just like my missing "old fucking friends" are they real? I mean friends of mine? Or just fucking competing at my back? Hey! My friend, why don't just tell me the real thing or since when did you guys start this "simple battery" on me? Until when, hey guilty???
9:35 pm
About the house on the side of the kitchen whew! House of my Uncle DD and Aunt Karen, the worker were working on the roof or roofing this whole day. Of course it is something beautiful coz brand new, no crowded stuff inside their house yet...
Someone just left a red backpack on the new created roof,it was funny coz I remember how important to have a backpack when you planned something with someone on the downhill ( just a back story,nothing more,nothing less).
Still, my family can't assist me on money for me to do some important things... Still, hating my biological mother and her gang for being selfish.
I still need to get my job and money and I still wanna buy Starbucks everyday... I'm not ohkay,I need money and job. I feel self-pity.
What's goin' on ilocos? I still wanna see and touch or touch ground on sand-dunes in spite of some plastics rocks and pebbles...
9:47 pm
I told someone that I wanted to marry Borgy next year on sixth,seventh or eight month of next year ( equivalent of 666 ) Of course we can't do 69 baby... Can we???But how?? I mean I asked an old friend on my old religion coz our friendship shouldn't affect our differences such as on religion and for "old time sake". I told him hey! I lost my fundings... I wanna marry my baby,this baby .... But I lost my fundings for 16 years.
Insanity but sane...This is my favorite picture of HIM and I like him so much...
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I hate this Uncle Jun for bullying me to stop my "me time"... My me time is something sane, coz it was and still my routine since I need to do it coz of my sciatica/S-Bones/ Priformis pain. I hate my Uncle Jun for saying stop doing that, I somehow shouted that huh?! No way!!! I have to control my weight but not only for HIM but for myself, it is my "Self-Love" the last sane thing I can do for myself these days since I can't get a job and I'm self-pitying.
Baby should understand my me time coz I love eating like this...
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10:11 pm
I have to go home now...Just going walking home to our house...
Which is which???
Which is which Baby???
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||Do we have a deal Part 4: Her training lesson and Jaron's talk||
Hi dears, I am back with part 4 from the Do we have a deal mini series. We continue to see where this is going to go right now. If you wish to read the last two parts, they are under the chapter tag. But this is a gift for my partner and friend. <3
Part one: Do we have a deal: Sacrifice
Part two: Do we have a deal: Painful acceptance: the tasks
Part 3: Do we have a deal: The first task; spirit hunting, worried demon heirs
((Your reading part 4 now))
||Drabble Summary||
Melinda failed the first task and only gotten a beaten due to it. Now, she is waking up after a few hours but was alone in her thoughts. She was worried about the others and yet she hopes they were alright. Meanwhile, the devils were talking to Sukuna and trying to find out what is going on. While in New York, Jaron gets a visitor to speak with him. Wanna know what? read to find out.
~Nothihing much but a argument and a heartbreaking moment like talk
||Guests in the Drabble||
Jaron Jackal as well as his devil Illyius belongs to my rp friend/partner @demon-blood-youths
Melinda brooks belongs to me along with her devil Yen-Lo-Wang
Sukuna ryomen (Demon au) belongs to me but comes from the anime jujutsu kaisen
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble. It was written for fun so please understand. Thanks for that and hope you like.))
It's been a few hours but Melinda was awake once more, her body was aching in pain while she was resting against the wall. Due to the soreness, she was soaking in a hot bath that was made for her. The red blood like water was helping in some way but the scars on her back and arms still stung. She was looking at the water as it ripples slowly but only seems the steam rising from it.
'.......I wonder if the others are alright. Even if it's been...what one or two days here..feels like days now. Sukuna seriously don't kid around even if he is trying to have me do these tasks. Even now with the water it's sorta helping..but it still stings..' she shifts a little in the water but winces feeling her body aching.
Her long black hair was covering her shoulders and chest since she didn't want much of it touching her stinging back. She even saw some of her hair was floating on the surface of this water. Both her silver eyes looking at the water as she even sees her fingers wet from the water before lowering them again.
'Now, I know Sukuna will have me doing some training today before he gets his blood payment later or something. I'm not looking forward to that. Second, what did he expect from me? I'm not understanding what he keeps telling me but he didn't seem happy about it after failing so many times...he should have showed me but knowing him he wouldn't.' she closed her eyes still letting the water help her a bit.
'....I guess I'll have to bare with it since I'll be getting through more pain later on but remember Melinda, your doing this for your friends...and for Jaron too. I'm so happy he's safe and alive again.......so you just have to endure it....' she said to herself but she heard a knock to look to the side seeing one female demon looking inside.
"Are you done miss? Master Sukuna is awaiting for you to do your daily training tonight. He don't like to be kept waiting." she said but Melinda looks to the side but sighed.
"I..I'll be right there.." she mutters but the female nods closing the door as Melinda remains still before she would have to get out to meet with him again.
"What do you mean you won't let me see her!? She's MY heir and I demand i see her you damn.." Yen was about to strangle Sukuna's follower who refused to speak but Sukuna laughed.
"Ohhhh what's up with you? Your getting so angry from the fact that I'm still training her. You could see her later on if you want but what's the rush?" he laughed while the devils looks at him annoyed but some was nervous.
"I already have a training session with her later and I'm just getting ready to head back to meet with her. Maybe if she's not knocked out I'll let you see her." he sneered that Yen-Lo-Wang was more angry. As he was about to speak, the other devils tries calming him down.
"Even so! You had her for a long time!"
"I only had her for a few hours to one day. Geez, you devils are so picky now a days aren't you?" he sighed but looks away. "Like I said, you can see her after I'm done or better. You can see her in three weeks. I still got a lot of work to do with her...she's barley scratching the surface.....and I need her to help me like I said."
"You know if you were still a cursed spirit, I would have made sure you stayed banished from where you came. Even worse for you keeping my heir from me." Yen warns but Sukuna was used to it as the other devils knew.
"Sure sure, whatever you say. Now I need to go so..." with that Sukuna leaves back to his domain but the other devils were nervous still more worried about Melinda. Yen was going to follow him but he couldn't to look down. He really was furious at Sukuna till feeling Vanity's hand on his shoulder.
"Come on, lets calm down. You need to sit." He said.
".....I need to know if she's alright. I fucking hate this!" he grumbled but was sitting down thinking or trying to calm down. Yen was really worried but their was another reason why. He smelled something from Sukuna. A copper metal like smell but he was unsure about that smell. It almost smelled like-
"Alright everyone, lets just remain calm. I'm sure we will find a way to visit Melinda even through Sukuna's rules there." For now, they just had to think about this. Yen still worries about this only to sigh. However, one devil was silent but he decided to go somewhere or to say pay someone a visit. Snapping his fingers, he had some gold aura surround him before he disappears.
~~~~In Sukuna's domain~~~~
The sounds of fighting was heard in the main training room, with some crashing and grunt noises. The two guards near the door was hearing this but winces hearing a pained yelp with another crashing noise.
Melinda was inside the training room alone with Sukuna who just punched her hard in the face seeing it swollen. She was panting but spits blood from her mouth to hold her hands up now throwing some silver flame daggers towards him as Sukuna dodges them easily looking at her.
"Come on little silver bud! You can do better than this! Come on, try to hit me!" he laughed dodging to see her throwing a bigger wave of flames towards him. Sukuna noticed but waves his arms down to split the fire wall in two down the middle.
Melinda gasped seeing her flames go out but she held her hand towards him now grabbing things near by in the training room to try hitting him with them.
Boxes, old crates, even weapons were seen but Sukuna dodges each one. He flips over a few but breaks some of the crates that she flung at him. When destroying another crate she threw, he saw her above him now coming down as her feet was covered in silver flames as he dodges.
She leaves a crater while trying to kick and punch him with her hands and feet with silver flames. He can tell the flames were hot, dodging and taking some hits as she skids back with a burned foot print on her chest.
She panted feeling the heat but she keeps looking ready to fight. Sukuna said nothing but chuckled. "???"
"Not bad.....that actually tickled." she slowly stood up but flexed his hand to smirk. Yeah, that was not good. "My turn now!" he disappears to show right in front of her.
Melinda uses her telekinetic power to stop or hold Sukuna as he was struggling but as he did, she winces feeling him breaking through her hold that she felt some blood running down her nose.
"Oh come now, this little hold won't do shit on me!" he laughed breaking her hold to send her back a little but she tries to get her footing only to get punched in the face even harder. Blood spills from her as she crashes to the ground but Sukuna begins brutally attacking her.
The guards heard the yelps and shouts of pain from Melinda with her blood spilling on the ground under her. She was trying to deflect and stop him but he was too powerful that he even kicked her back hard to send her crashing into the wall.
She hits it hard, coughing blood up but what's worse? She slammed her back against it and it's still recovering. She falls to the ground coughing while looking to be in pain. She feels her body shaking in pain but when trying to get up, Sukuna steps on her to stop her with a smile.
"Tisk, tisk tisk......you got only a little and that just tickled me. What does that lung devil see in you?" he chuckled but he saw her about to move but he stomps on her hand to stop her moving.
"Well, at least your willing to do better but it's too bad you can't use that power to self heal yourself. That would do better for you....guess not." he smiled pressing his foot down on her hand as she winces in pain.
"You gotta learn to just let loose. What? Didn't your so called friends helped you get used to your demon powers?" he teased but Melinda looks to him.
"T..they did. I was-"
"Well, they did shit of a job." he said.
"They..my friends helped m..me....they told me I got the hang of learning about my pl..powers. Besides, y..your more powerful t..than m..me.." she grumbles but Sukuna sighed to glare at her.
"And yet you still fucked up in this fight lesson, didn't you? If your friends taught you anything, it's fighting as a worthless bitch. I am more powerful than you and your little friends but that don't mean your not as powerful like them. Remember, your still young demons so I know even you brats can do sooooo much better."
"Now, First lesson; don't go fighting with hesitation. You are scared to fight me knowing I can kill you right here and there. You gotta get your defense and offense up better and fight knowing you can do so much better. You can do more damage if you let that power fill you up but your still barley scratching the surface." He saw her panting but looking at him from the ground.
"Second lesson: Use your senses to their fullest. Your a demon right? Work on that better. Besides, at this point, I'm shocked your still alive right now..." he saw her wincing before he kicks her back against the wall as her clothes were dirty, ripped up in some pants and her back soaked in blood.
"Your not. Your using that telekenesis at it's weakest point. Your not up there yet. You won't be able to help me if your not stronger, little bitch." he teased but Melinda was panting still but she sees him bend near her while looking to her.
"I guess for now..we can stop the lesson but I guess I can have someone treat you but your going to work on healing abilities too....." he said but Melinda couldn't move that Sukuna looks to her grabbing her shirt that then was tearing. He saw her bleeding badly but Sukuna was moving one hand to rest on her swollen cheek.
"I will give you a special side task. Since you need to work on your sense, start with working in the dark without sight. You'll be sure to get your sight back later." Sukuna said.
"H..Huh? What a..are you t..t..talking about? What are you going t..to do?" she said nervous but saw his fingers near her silver eyes.
"Helping you in your next lesson and I'm still coming to get my blood payment."
Suddenly, the guards heard nothing else in the room before hearing a loud scream from inside with sobbing. They didn't say much but remains quiet before the doors open to show Sukuna walking out but his hand was soaked in blood.
"Take her back to her room and have the healer treat her eyes..Let her have her eyes covered with a cloth. She will learn to heal herself in due time...." he said walking but the guards looks to see Melinda laying on the ground. They hurry in to get her but stops seeing her hair was covering her blood soaked face. He damaged her eyes but she was going to work on using her senses or strengthening them. Even if she was a demon, she still had much to learn. Being careful, they take her back to her room.
~~~~Meanwhile in New York City/DBT's Base: Jaron's room~~~~
Jaron was sitting in his room with the window curtains open but he was looking silent, thinking to himself of everything. He did have trouble sleeping last night but can you blame him? He was worried about Melinda right now and he was unsure what happened.
Though, seeing her knocked out in Sukuna's arms like that upset him but he knew he couldn't do anything at that time. He changed his clothes but he was wearing his usual wear for now or at least a back up since the other was being cleaned or fixed up.
'Melinda..please please be okay...' he thought to himself looking down hearing the clock on the wall to trying to calm himself.
"....Oh my, so your still in your room I see? Has this really made you become down this badly?"
He blinks hearing a familiar tone to lift his head looking to the right. Jaron's eyes widen a little seeing someone but he knew who it was. His white hair was neatly slicked back, white skin showing from the sunlight along with pointy ears. Most would think he was a guy who looks business-like dressed nicely. Or was some head CEO for a really powerful business.
However, his orange eyes looks to the silent demon youth while having his arms crossed over his chest to look at him before walking over to look down at him. "If I had known my heir was going to be sulking like this, I would have done more. Good thing I have brought some tea...but this is so unlike you. Normally you would still be looking classy as I've always told you but.....seems not." Jaron's devil, Illyius has decided to visit him but he looks to see him summon a light table and some tea for them to share.
"....Illyius? What are you-"
"I've come to talk. I heard from your friend Ink or Vanity's daughter tell me that you been in here upset because of what happened and what Sukuna has done. So...I wish to find out the story myself or at least see if you are.....alright." He sits down on the chair but he looks to Jaron while offering the other seat to him. Jaron said nothing but he sighed to stand up and goes sitting in the other chair while he was pouring some of the hot tea in a cup for him and himself.
"So.....talk to me. I would like to know what you can tell me since I never seen you this way." He looks to Jaron while his arms were crossed, seeing him look to the cup of tea in front of him. "Your always keeping yourself up to class and showing that classy fit of you..but now..you aren't even showing that." he said.
"......I'm sorry I just...a lot has been on my mind but..I'm just worried about Melinda-"
"Melinda is her name as Yen said. So this is about his daughter or heir." he said picking up his cup to take a sit. Jaron blinks to look at him but got silent.
"Huh? Daughter?" Jaron asked.
"Yes. Most of the devils back home see you young ones as our own children so like I said, I see you as my own son while Yen sees this Melinda as his own daughter." He lowers the tea cup to look at Jaron with his orange eyes.
"Then....do you know anything about Melinda? Have you..." he started to ask but Illyius held a hand up to stop him talking.
"No. We have not been able to see or find out anything. All we know is Sukuna was training her right now while she's there. I get the feeling he's serious about the tasks he wishes for her to help him with. Same with other matters of what we guess. Sadly, no, I don't know anything more of what is going on." he looks to Jaron but he watches him as he looks down being quiet.
"Right now, no one can enter Sukuna's domain unless he himself invites them. Even if we are working on a idea to break through, nothing has worked. We are a bit shocked that he's done a lot after becoming a full blooded devil." Illyius looks to Jaron who was looking down more.
"So no one knows."
"No. Though, it's also something that your so worried about this girl. Seems the others were right when they told me what she did to bring you back from the dead." So he also knew that too huh? Jaron closed his eyes but Illyius shook his head.
"You might as well drink some of the tea. It will help you.." he said looking to him as Jaron carefully takes it and blows on it. He takes a sip tasting it as his devil speaks.
"I saw and felt the moment you died you know. I know after that monster's attacks hit you, I also heard it was because you took the hit for Yen's daughter." He looks to his own tea cup but looks to pick it up. "Even after that, I was shocked that even someone as smart as you did something like that for another like her. You risked your own safety more and more for her." he sees Jaron look at his reflection from his tea cup.
"Though, even after you died for that moment, I was more shocked to see that she accepted a deal from Sukuna in order to bring you back to life. So in most cases.....It seems I owe this young lady my gratitude for bring you back." He lowers the cup to look at Jaron who still was quiet.
"Even if I feel like I failed.."
"...Even if she did bring me back to life, she had to make a deal with that monster. I had no idea about it till the others explained what she did. I should have done something but I couldn't move.." He grips the cup looking down. "He just took her and I couldn't even...."
"....You were too weak to move after bringing brought back from the dead, Jaron. Your body wasn't able to do anything at that time......."
"I still should have done something though. I felt like I lost her even if she's going to be gone for just two months. I should have protected her better then maybe she wouldn't have...."
"And yet she did." Illyius said seeing Jaron look at him. "She did what she knew was best to save your life because if she didn't, you wouldn't be alive right now. She accepted the deal..to help you."
"Listen to me, Jaron. I know through this time you are worried about this girl. I've been hearing how you gotten so close to her and it was something I wasn't expecting." He closed his eyes while relaxing.
"However, right now, you can only stay strong for her. From what Yen tells me, she's a caring young demon even if she used to be human...that and the fact you saved her and helped her become a demon in the first place. Something of giving your blood to her when helping them find a devil to make a contract with." He remembers that to open his orange eyes.
"I've seen how close you gotten to this girl and she has too. Willing to protect each other no matter what so...I see how she felt when she saw you get hurt and wanted to save you and she did." he looks to Jaron who looks up. "She has a part of you in her; being in blood while she has something from her to you.." He points to see a baby silver lung dragon near by but Jaron was wondering how he was about to see him. The baby lung dragon was resting up but he didn't wake up. Jaron looks to it then back at his devil.
"Maybe this tells you, no matter what happens she'll always be with you. In spirit and in your heart." He points to him but Jaron said nothing hearing this. "You don't meet many girls like her in this timeline.
"I owe Yen's heir my thanks for saving you...but...that should tell you to not give up on this girl. I'll have to find a way to thank her for that...but right now, we all are hoping to find a way to communicate with her. If you deeply care for this girl...then maybe you should not be sulking and worrying. I'm sure in due time things will be alright." He drinks more of his tea.
"If she's willing to go though hell with Sukuna, that tells you she's a tough but caring young lady. Maybe one day I wish to meet her and still give my thanks myself." He sets the cup down but looks to Jaron.
"Now.....I know you might still need to clear your head..but just keep this in mind. She may be gone for a while, she she's still with you....just like your with her in spirit and in her heart. Remember that my heir." he sighed but checks the time. "Even so, I need to head back. I'm still helping the other devils in order of finding this girl and checking how she is. If we find anything, we'll let you know...for now; just keep yourself calm and be sure you still dress your sunday best." With a snap of his fingers the table was gone along with the tea since he was done too before Illyius looks to Jaron slowly disappearing.
"If you wish to talk again, you know how to contact me." he said getting ready to head back. "And when she does, maybe you should treat her as a thank you...just a simple idea to say the least." as he was ready to leave....
"Wait a second.." Illyius looks to him but Jaron sighed to look at him.
"Thanks I.."
"No need. Just keep your head up and do it for her. I'll contact you or the other devils will if we find anything. For now......this is good bye." with that he disappears back to the demon world to leave Jaron alone. He said nothing to look at the baby lung dragon as he walks over to pet it's little head. Even if he was trying to feel better, his mind was still thinking about Melinda. He hopes she's alright back in the demon realm but he can only hope.
With a sigh, he carefully picks up the lung dragon as it curls up in his arms. "..Please be okay Melinda..please come back to me alive."
~~~With Melinda in Sukuna's domain~~~
Melinda was awake once more but she had bandages over her eyes. As Sukuna said, she had to work on her senses since he damaged her eyes for a while. He said something of self healing with her power but she was sitting on the bed wincing.
Sukuna was with her but he was biting hard into her wrist while he was drinking up for his payment. She bit down on her bottom lip from the pain before he was tightening his hold on her. She bears with it for a while but he pulls back to show her blood on his teeth and lips.
He gulps her blood down but lets her arm go as it was shaking from the pain. His bite mark was seen on her wrist as he saw her moving her arm before feeling for some bandages. He reaches to grab the arm as she yelps in pain.
"Now now, I'll heal it but you should learn to heal on your own.....for now, just work on it. I'll let you sleep this night but tomorrow you focus on your training till then. I hope you don't disappoint me like the last few hours." he warns but Melinda slowly nods.
"I..I understand.."
"Good. Now, I'm still expecting you to do better so you won't get punished again. That and I don't mind since your blood is pretty tasty too. I could mark your skin all over and yet...he would hate that wouldn't he? So I'll bare with the arm and shoulder for now....." he chuckled with Melinda saying nothing.
"Well, at least your learning not to speak when I do. Second, I have some new..clothes for you to have. No worries they are more fitting and won't be damaged. You'll love them.." He grips her shoulder but she bit her bottom lip harder drawing blood. His grip was painful but she bears with it.
"I don't know what that Jackal sees in you but whatever....I guess I can let you sleep but your training begins again so rest up." petting her he turns to leave Melinda alone but she slowly feels for the pillow to then lay on the bed. She was tired and sore but she couldn't see thanks to him damaging her eyes or cutting them. For now, she'll have to work on her senses for a while but she will bare with it.
After all, the deal is still in effect. So once more, she is bearing with it. For now, she had to continue her training, his tasks, and being here. All Melinda did was curl up but tries to rest up for the next day or so.
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la-petit-star · 1 year
Today was that kind of day that seems like I am watching my life on a TV. It feels like I am not me, I am just a character from a stupid and boring show.
Lately I'm having a difficult time interacting with people. I don't wanna talk to anyone, at all. And sincerely? That's scary. During my entire life I've always depending on someone or something. I was always obsessed with something that made me forget my existence and my pain and now... I just don't know.
I don't think I really love someone.
I don't have any special hobby.
I don't feel the urge to achieve a goal.
I don't like my body or my personality.
It's like the only thing that really matters to me is my cats. They mean everything to me.
I'm thinking (like I'm 14 years old again): what if I die??? Seriously... My heart really feels like nobody's gonna care. Maybe for a week. I am tired of feeling this horrible emptiness.
I wanna love someone! I wanna cry of love to them! Write to them. Moan to them. Give gifts to them. Not be scared if I'm making someone discomfortable. I wanna talk about everything that's on my mind, about all my plans, all the children I wanna have, all the countries I wanna travel, all the delicious food I wanna to prove! I wanna tell all the details about my day and not feel like I'm being boring... I want to find someone that asks me more about the things that I'm talking.
I know, I know and I KNOW that I need a therapist and take care of me before everything... but I can't help thinking... if I dissappear tomorrow, would you miss me? Would you miss my laugh? Would you miss the way I say your name before tell you that I love you? Would you really miss something ABOUT ME? I don't think so. My guess is that you would miss the way I loved your laugh, the way that I loved you and you knew that. No, definitely not the real me.
I've been thinking about it for too long, about a year, so now I am in a place that I am just turning myself apathetic. I just don't wanna do my best because I know deep in my soul that this is for nothing. I'm just a lesson, a supporting character, a phase. I'm not soul bounded to anyone and that hurts so much. It's not fair that I have so much to give but nothing to receive at almost every aspect of my life.
So, said that, I know that I am going to lose some people from this point, but I'll not act like interacting was so important to me. I will talk when I want to talk. Laugh when I wanna laugh. Be with only people I want to!
— who loves me will understand my point (or no).
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punkrocker56 · 1 year
so low its awesome 
he decided to call me tonight I'm not sure what to say I feel like anything I say I don't wanna upset him or piss him off I'm not sure whats safe and what isn't I wish things could go back to normal I don't understand why I'm the bad guy who doubles as mrs fix it when we fight or argue I have to be the one to fix it he fucks up and thinks he dose no wrong I feel the romantic spark is dead I wish I knew what I could say to make this transition easier do I just break up and move on or do I try and save the dah and try once more to fix someone's else. wrong to save the relationship sometimes fixing all our issues myself is draining and exulting I feel like he doesn't take any credit for what he does and blames it on me I know I don't communicate but he doesn't either I tell him. how I feel he bottles up his emotions and refuses to tell me how he feels why can't you be blunt and straight forward with me is it that fucken hard I'm seriously tired of putting in all this work for nothing. its a fight for you to tell me how u feel or whats bothering you I'm searching for a way. to m make you feel loved while begin in. a healthy relationship setting boundaries is tricky when u don't wanna talk about it or you get frustrated then you call me out of the blue did u really miss me or were u lonely and thinking about me the sexual part of the relationship died months ago dude all the sexual stuff we came up with disapeared I'm not gonna fight you to have playtime I know you want in person sex but right now that's not possible I took care of you and your needs your not doing the same if you don't wanna have sex or playtime speak up because I've stopped trying I'm sick and tired of doing shit for you and not getting anything in return Im sorry im not perfect yes I make mistakes but you fight with me instead of trying to make shit work I'm wishing for shit to get better mabey its to much to ask this pain is no cure for all the shit I've been through when u called me tonight u hardly talked I had to do all the talking and you fell asleep on me after you Said no sleeping on FaceTime how. come you make rules and break them and I can't if I broke a rule or boundary you would be pissed or you would be angry with me but its ok if you do I don't understand why you do this I'm really questioning shit is it gonna get better you give me a lecture about how bad this shit is and you. do it anyway so what the fuck am I supposed to do follow your rules and if u call and sleep its ok. but when. I do its a crime I feel so one sided and stuck hopefully there is a a cure to make this work so we can be ok again and hopefully something makes sense I'm totally lost and left wondering what if send monsters and Huggies xoxo. Rebecca Monroe vanity
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stay-corner · 2 years
[self control - felix]
minors don't interact!! you'll get blocked otherwise.
warnings: nsfw, sub!felix, softdom!reader (? well, sort of), forced orgasm, some vague mentions of pet play bc i can't stop thinking abt his stupid bubble messages, idk that's it i think
word count: 1.4k
felix seriously thinks he might've died and gone to heaven somewhere between the pleasant, home-cooked dinner he shared with you and his position on the bed right now, legs and arms spread clumsily underneath you. it's definitely not the first time you two sleep together - not even the first time you climb on top of him, eyes darkened with need and a small pout on your lips to which who is he to say no? - but this is way different.
he isn't sure why, maybe it's the way your hips roughly slam down on his, so hard it borders painful, or maybe it's how you growled low in your throat as you harshly pulled his hands off your body and pinned them on each side of his head, on the plush pillow. you and felix rarely ever engage in any type of power play, but this new side of you, so mean and dominant, awakens something inside him.
he probably could free his hands if he really tried, but instead he immerses himself in your gaze, completely shameless as his toes curl and small moans slip past his lips, jaw slack, small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. he looks almost dizzy, looking up at you full of admiration, so pliant. you merely chuckle darkly down at him, eyes sharp and mean, and felix feels his balls tighten for a second. you feel it too, which only spurs you on.
"felix," you huff, hips slowing down a tad, just to keep your voice leveled. "what have you been saying on bubble these days?" you sneer, and his eyebrows furrow slowly, smile turning into a confused pout. you'd call him cute, but tonight you have a plan, so instead you just exhale a laugh, your bounces on top of his cock halting to a deep grind. he groans, throwing his head back, eyes closing.
"come on, baby, focus," you mutter, and the tone of your voice is so cold, so demeaning, he feels a tight coil in his stomach softly forming already. he merely whimpers pathetically up at you, still confused. why would you bring up his bubble messages all of a sudden? "you're so shameless, telling STAY all about your depraved fantasies, huh? a cat? really, felix? wanna sit on my lap all small and cute? want head pats?"
at your words, felix bites his lip, closed eyes tightening even further. he doesn't want to- he can't look at you when you bring it up. he wasn't serious when he said those silly things, but something in his chest quivers when you start listing them off. your left hand leaves his wrist, and he instantly misses the pressure, but once it tangles in his locks, gently patting at his scalp, felix lets out a loud and embarrassing whine. his head snaps to the side, cheeks suddenly burning bright red, and he still refuses to open his eyes. his hand doesn't move one inch, even though it's free. his small fist simply clenches, as tight as the hold his teeth have on his lip.
"want a collar with your name on it, hm? all pretty and shiny, just for you? want me to put you on a leash, lixie? be my little kitten?" the shame burns, and felix wants to explain himself, but every single word dies in his throat, coming out as small whimpers he unsuccessfully attempts to suppress. you giggle lightheartedly, hips once again picking up the pace, but all it does is twist the knife in his groin. his high is approaching much faster than he'd like it to, his entire body tensing in anticipation.
he doesn't expect you to grab his jaw and roughly snap his head back towards you, so his eyes open in shock, wide and teary. he has to blink a few times in order to realize that you're now leaning over his frame, baring your teeth with a grin that has him want you to just devour him. you lick your lips, and your hips don't stutter even once as you mutter down at him, voice dangerous and low.
"look at me, felix. wanna see your pretty eyes while you're whining."
it makes his head spin, whatever you're doing to him. his skin tingles, and all of his senses are so heightened, in spite of the numbness that keeps his limbs heavy on the cushion. you scan his features: his cutely freckled cheeks, burning a hot red, his pouty lips that are parted, jaw slacked, letting out the prettiest whines, his half-closed eyes - you know he's struggling to keep them open for you. all for you. seeing felix like this makes you bend down and peck his nose, a moment of gentleness amidst your hard thrusts. he's so soft and pliant underneath you, his sounds small and adorable.
"i-" his voice cracks, small and shy, but there's an alarmed look in his brown, doe eyes. "i'll cum- please slow down," felix whimpers, free hand going down to your hip. his weak hold does nothing to stop you, however. normally, you wouldn't be this mean to felix, your intimate moments more akin to making love than, well, whatever is going on right now. but seeing him like this, so fucked out and spread on the sheets, his eyes quivering and his mouth squeezing out breathy pleas... your tummy clenches and you really want him to cum right now. you want to make him cum in spite of his begging. so, your hips speed up, instead of slowing down, and you smile to yourself as his moans increase in pitch, eyes closing for a few seconds before he forces them back open, focusing on you. so obedient, all for you...
"baby- y/n, wait! please, please, i'll- i don't want to-" when he sees that his small hand can't stop you, his next move is to sneak it to your clit, and although the circles he rubs are delicious, you merely chuckle down at him mockingly. it seems like he enjoys this part of you, because his hand freezes and his hips thrust up, in spite of himself. his whines are much louder now, echoing off the walls of your bedroom, high and desperate.
"baby, i'm cumming, i'm cumming, i'm-" you shut him up as you slot your mouth on top of his, and the long moan he lets out tells you that he really enjoys the pressure. when your tongue meets his, he's a goner, and he spills all his seed inside the condom. you feel his cock twitch inside of you, his balls contracting against your ass pressed snugly on his hips. his thighs are shaking, and his hand tightly grabs at you, keeping you seated even when you try to get up.
when your lips part, felix pants heavily, looking up at you with the most beautiful face you've ever seen. his cheeks are still rosy, the color spreading to his ears and chest, and his eyes lazily move over your features, full of love and admiration. still, he bites his lip, ashamed of himself. when he speaks, it comes out in shaky breaths, though his voice is now back to its normal pitch.
"i'm sorry, i-" your hand quickly puts a halt to his apology, and you merely giggle.
"it's fine, i wanted to make you cum, you deserved it," you say with a smile, peering down at his lovely gaze. there's something indescribable in his look, and when his hands sneakily wrap around your waist in a pretense of cuddling, you think nothing of it, relaxing into his hold. the yelp that escapes you once he rolls the two of you around is, nonetheless, embarrassing. he laughs softly, adjusting his position on top of you, hands gingerly holding your waist, and then he thrusts once inside of you, through his oversensitivity. his cock is almost as hard as it was five minutes ago, and you moan at the change of angle, not expecting any of your boyfriend's actions.
"well, we need to get you to finish too, no?" he sighs as he starts to find a rhythm, brows furrowing and creasing his forehead. you'd point out how much he enjoys the overstimulation in order to embarrass him, but the way in which he hits your walls has you clenching down on him, moans spilling infinitely off your tongue. "and maybe i'll work on my self control while i'm at it, hm?"
his cheeky grin lets you know he won't be stopping any time soon. good lord.
hi!!! hehehe, i finally finished something else!! i couldn't stop thinking about soft little felix underneath me after all those silly cat messages on bubble. he's so shameless!! he totally knew what he was doing ( ≧Д≦) reblogs are much appreciated, and your feedback means so much to me :> my ask box is also open to any request or thought or whatever really!! here are my guidelines and my masterlist, as well! :3 thanks for reading, and have a nice day!!
- lunar
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msookyspooky · 2 years
Terrible Trilogy
Part 6
wordcount: 5,206
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  You drove to the park Billy insisted you pick him up at. He refused to have either of you know where he lived and you couldn't blame him. It scared the hell out of you when Stu found your place through word of mouth. Now, the killer knows. If you could have kept it secret from the killer, whoever that may be, you would have. Billy never specified where he got the letter but he still insisted you meet up with him instead.
'This is crazy. You're going to be in a car with two murderers that have tried to kill you twice...One you barely know and the other you haven't seen in 3 years till today...Maybe you're crazy? Maybe you really need to be on something or evaluated again?' You thought to yourself. 
You parked your car under a street light at the curb near the park. Stu sighed out of boredom and put his boot on your dash. You smacked his leg. "How many times do I gotta tell you to stop doing that? It may be junk but it's MY junk. I'd appreciate you not putting your filthy shoes on my dash." 
Stu sighed dramatically and put his feet down. "Sometimes I miss when you were too scared to say shit to me." 
"Well, you could always try to kill me if you wanna go back to that. Take credit for these letters whether it's you or not; That'll do it." 
He thought for a moment and shook his head with a scrunched mouth. "Naahhh...Life would be as boring as it was after Woodsboro without you." 
"Well, you didn't think like that at Windsor." 
He glanced over at you with a smirk. "I didn't know what I was missing." 
You almost smiled but sighed. You saw that look in his eye, you were finding yourself feeling the same way you did as a teen right before the Massacre and damned yourself. You knew you had to keep nipping this shit in the butt and halt this before he got too ahead of himself and you let him. 
 You turned completely in your seat to look at him. "Stu...You realize that we're only friends, right? We aren't a couple and we're not going to be. I don't even know if we're friends, I just know we aren't trying to kill each other at the moment and we're chill." 
You stared at him. "To...Killing each other?" 
"No! To the only friends thing. You'll cave." 
You gave him a serious stare. "No, I won't." 
He smirked to himself. "You'll see." 
You sighed and rubbed your temple. "Stu. Listen to me." He looked at you as you spoke to him. "I am not looking for a relationship with anyone let alone a man that-" 
"Is a murderer, has little to no empathy. Refuses to learn compassion and the error of his ways or whatever. Yeah, yeah. We've been over this." 
You glared at them before a slow smirk and dark chuckle escaped you. You pointed your gun to the roof with a grin. Finally deciding enough was enough before someone got hurt. 
"Not just that...Stu, I'm lucky to see you once every few weeks. And that's just in the last year or so. Before that I only saw you once in a blue moon. We haven't even discussed Woodsboro or Windsor until recently and even that's touch and go. That's how little we've truly talked!...How much do you really know about me? Seriously?" 
Stu laid a hand on his knee with a long sigh to think. "Well...I know you don't like crowds or being in unfamiliar places. You like horror. You like animals. You uh…" He trailed off and then pointed at you. "Oh! You're sentimental! You keep photos and trinkets!...I kind of saw it in your room one day." 
You scoffed. "You were in my room? Snooping?!" 
"Just for a minute! I left the top drawer of your underwear and uh...Personal friends alone. I like the purple one. Not nearly as good as the real thing but-" He gave you a shit eating grin you felt your jaw clench. 
"STU! That's my fucking personal drawer for a reason, douchebag!" You smacked his arm repeatedly as he winced. He was in between laughing and groaning in pain. You fumed at him with a glare as you felt how red faced you were. "Besides, those don't talk and do stupid shit unlike the 'real thing'! You ever go in my room again-" 
He held up a hand trying not to laugh. "I won't! I already saw it all, man! Stop hitting like a girl, you're gonna throw out your bad shoulder- OW!" You punched him as hard as you could in the arm as he held it with his mouth open in a silent cry of agony.
"Hit like a girl that, jackass." You huffed before sitting back in your seat. 
He hissed and rubbed his upper arm. "Jeez I'm joking, babe." 
You glared at him. "Well, I'm not. This is what I'm talking about! I'm not an object, Stu! I'm not a prize you win for doing bare minimum shit like putting a pillow between us or acknowledging what you did was bad! I'm a person with boundaries you keep crossing with no regard to how I would feel." 
He rolled his eyes with a sigh and that pissed you off even more. "Okay. You know why I don't like crowds? Because after what happened to me I feel watched in them and closed in. Know why I still like horror after everything? Because my fucking trauma fueled brain feels calmed while watching them because I expect bad shit to happen to me now. Horror keeps that edge off by making me on edge and getting my fear out with horror instead of just waiting for it to pop up and stab me in the face!  You're not stupid even if you do dumb shit; so you know why I'm sentimental. Cause god knows how long the people I care about will be in my life and I want to keep them in the only way I know how."
 You stared at him and lowered your voice. "Do you know why I have panic attacks with loud noises and screaming? I think it's not too hard to wonder if you REALLY think about it. Do you know why I got out my gun and flipped earlier? Because knives make me flip! Did you know that I stopped talking to a therapist because he couldn't help me anymore. How can he when I can't tell him about you or Billy when it comes to Windsor and now?...Huh? How? Tell me because I'd freaking love to know." 
He stared at you as you ranted. You stared back a moment, letting it sink in before continuing. "I'm not some dream girl you win if you wink at me and sprinkle in some basic respect here and there. It doesn't work like that, Stu. You don't get the girl for being nice." 
He opened his mouth and gave you a leery look. "Okay...Okay, got it. Jesus…No need to nag." 
You scoffed at his response. "Maybe if you got the hint I wouldn't have to nag! Stu...What's my favorite color? What's my favorite food? What's my favorite movie? For fucksakes, you didn't even know Randy was on the phone and that's how we goof off. That's just how out of the loop you are." 
"Uh-" He shook his head with a tsk. "Whatever! Those are just little things you figure out on the way." He gave you a determined look. "I'm proving you wrong, Sweetcheeks. After all this shit is done I'm taking you out on a date and you're gonna say yes and realize it's the best decision of your life. Okay? You'll see." 
You leaned back in your seat with a defeated groan and bewildered look at how stubborn he was. "STU...This is ridiculous. Do you just hear bits and pieces or what? I told you. I'm not interested in anyone and you can't win me over." 
Stu stared at you for a long while. "...Eventually, you're gonna see you need me, babe. That I'm all you have left and I'm here for you." 
You scrunched your brows, something about how he said it made your senses alert. "...All I have left?....What the hell do you mean by-"
You screamed and Stu jumped, hitting his head on the roof of the car as something smacked your driver's window. 
You saw the smug smirk he gave you and closed your eyes with gritted teeth. "Fucking fuck-" You hissed incoherntly under your breath, your heart hammering and your spine tingling. It felt like your skeleton was gonna rip out of your skin with how much he just took you off guard. 
You glared at him as he dropped the smirk and had a deadpan expression. Stu rubbed his head and glared daggers at him through your window. "MAN. The hell are you doing, nutjob?" 
Billy made his brows jump. "Don't tell me I scared you that easily. Out of the game already, buddy?..." He gave a mocking raise of his brows before looking at you. " Pop the trunk." 
You groaned with an eye roll and unlocked. Stu got out and you hissed at him. "Stu, what are you doing?" 
He whispered back to you. "Relax. I'm getting in the back seat in case he tries to bring out a knife. I can choke him out from behind." He raised the brow that he had pierced at you. 
You raised your brows as you understood what he meant. It was a good idea.
"The hell you are!" Billy overheard as he shut your trunk and walked to the side door. "If you think I'm getting myself in a bind like that, you're stupider than you look. I'm in the back." 
Stu gave an annoyed look your way before he huffed down at him. "If you think you're getting in the back where you could hold her as the driver hostage and I can't react without you slitting a throat; you're as stupid as you look...Pretty fucking stupid." 
"Listen, STU." He growled. "I don't give a shit. We both know who's doing this and just cause she's dumb enough to fall for it doesn't mean I am." 
You interrupted before it got ugly. "H-Hey!" You hated the crack your voice made as they both glared over at you. "You...Both could sit in the back?" 
"FUCK NO." They both practically said in unison. 
They both kept bickering and you felt a headache coming on. You had enough and snapped after just 30 more seconds of insults and getting ready to fight.
"OKAY, OKAY! ENOUGH!" You jerked your hand in Stu's direction. "I cannot believe I'm doing this but you both aren't leaving me much of a choice. Stu...You know how to drive?" 
He gave you a bewildered smirk. "Uh, yeah of course. I had my license as a teen, remember?" 
"You got a license right now?" 
Billy rolled his eyes. "Of course he doesn't, genius. He's MIA." 
Stu gave a cocky smirk and dug in his pants pocket for a wallet before ripping out a forged license. "Ha! Suck on that." He stuck out his tongue to show his piercing.
Billy scrunched his brows. "Dennis...Rafkin? Who the hell is that?" 
"Me, bitch. Don't tell me you don't have a fake identity other than a dumb made up name like Vincent? Get in the game, pal." He mocked as he got up to you around the side of the car and you stepped out. 
"Up to date?" You asked.
He showed you. "Yeah for another year." 
You nodded. "Cool. " You leaned up to warn him. "On everything, Stu Macher...You wreck us, you drive more than 10 miles over the speed limit, you weave in and out of traffic...I will be taking control back." 
He hissed at you. "Babe, give me credit...Especially in front of asshole. You're making me look bad, stop it." He scolded through his teeth. 
Billy folded his arms and watched the exchange. You eyed Stu before walking to the side and pointing. "I'm trusting you!" 
Billy mumbled as you opened your door. "That's a mistake." 
You looked over at him. It wasn't a glare, just a glance. You saw how he tried to hold eye contact with you. You looked away first as you got in the back seat and they got in as well, shutting their doors.
You shut your door as Stu gripped the wheel and Billy glanced over at him. It was silent for a moment. Billy raised a brow at you.
"You know what, YN?....This is the part of the movie where it's revealed both of us were in on it and now you're the dumbass victim in the back of the car." Billy mumbled giving you a glance over his shoulder then Stu. 
Stu glanced back over at him with a scowl about to say something. 
 You watched him. Billy was clearly just fucking with you...You still sighed loudly. 
"Dumbass huh? Oh Billy...I told you 5 years ago and it's still true; I'm better…I sat in the back because I'm the one with a gun...I mean, did you forget I had it? Too busy thinking Stu was the only threat here?" 
You cocked your revolver, the hammer clicking loudly and making them both flinch in surprise. You pointed the barrel at them, far enough back that they couldn't knock it out of your hand without the risk of getting shot.
"Ooh...That's smart, Sweetcheeks! Really! Now uh...How about you aim it more at him?" Stu put his finger at the end and pushed it towards Billy. 
Billy huffed as he stared at the barrel. "What's it matter? She's too chicken to use it anyways." 
That went through you like a red hot poker as you gave a dark laugh.
 "No, Loomis." You tilted your head with a smirk. "That's where you fucked up thinking Stu is the only candidate. See, this is the part of the movie where you both find out I was behind all of it... Right? It's a trilogy. It needs a really fucked up plot twist." 
 His face slowly fell as he looked at you over his shoulder. "...Stop fucking around." 
"Am I? Maybe...Maybe I'm bullshitting you. Or maybe I wrote the letters? Maybe I have a partner?...And maybe I wanted you both in the same place away from everyone." You gave matter of factly. 
Stu's eyes widened and he was stammering. "Sweetcheeks...H-Hey, what are you doing?" 
"Stu. I'm doing what I should have done at the shop in that back room. Just to get this shit done and over with so I don't have to hear bickering the rest of the way. Dead don't gossip, remember? They also don't run their mouths." 
Billy even looked at you with apprehension in his eyes as he went to get the door. He jerked the handle and you reached up to Stu's side and used the child lock. 
"HEY!...YOU BITCH-" Billy yelled in a panic but froze as you smirked and pointed the gun at him.
"Still no new insults? What's wrong?..." You cocked your head after a thought popped in your head. "Partner?" 
Stu gapped at you both, you saw the genuine shock in his eyes. "YOU?! You both were in on it?!....God damn it, I fucking knew it!"
"She's fucking lying! I didn't write a single note! It just showed up at my place a few days ago. If anybody, It was you!" 
"It wasn't me! I didn't know and definitely didn't kill my manager to plant it!" Stu argued.
You raised a brow. "Still don't want to come clean?" 
Stu looked at you in outrage. "Well which is it, man? Who are you claiming is a part of it?! Because I'm not involved and you know it. I didn't even know where Billy was!"
Billy argued. "And neither am I! I don't even know where you two idiots live and I don't care!" 
"Final answer? Better come clean. One of you or I'm shooting both." 
They looked at you in utter dismay as you huffed out air through your lips. You rolled your eyes with the gun still pointed. "Oh okay, I did the notes…Now, is it clear to you both that you're pointing fingers at the wrong person? I mean, damn. Didn't you learn from Hallie and you know who that a woman can be just as capable of this shit as you two?" 
They both gave each other wary glances as Billy looked ready to get out his knife and take a risk on you or the window.
"Shut up, Stu."
They both gave each other confused looks. You reached up to unlock the child lock as Stu looked down at what you pushed beside him. 
Stu breathed heavy and stared at you with wide eyes. "...Are you out of your ever loving mind?!" 
You laughed and opened your door to get out. "Maybe! I mean, I'm risking a road trip with you two aren't I? Bonus points if the self proclaimed psychotic is asking me that...Which is it? Psychotic or Psychopath because they're both different, Stu." 
You stood on the grass and uncocked your gun beside the car. "Sorry but you can't punk me out without getting your own bullshit right back, Billy." You yelled back as Billy seethed in his seat and Stu looked like he had left his body for a moment.
Stu released a groan and let his shoulders sag as you got back in and half cocked your revolver.
Billy showed you his knife, panicked anger on his face. You defensively scooted near the door as he sneered at you."Give me one reason why I shouldn't stab the ever living shit out of you?! Cock that fucking hammer back and I am." He warned. 
"Woah, woah! I know you're pissed but hear me out." 
 "Well, spit it out! Why would you do that!?" Stu exclaimed.
"Cause I just did you both a giant favor." You gave, still leery of Billy's knife.
Billy lowered his knife and had a bewildered look on his face. "What??" 
You raised your brows. "You both looked shocked and terrified...That tells me neither one of you sent the letters. I mean, I feel like if you DID you'd be glaring at me for taking credit or something. You both looked like you saw a ghost." You gave, playfully gazing over at Billy who gave you a mocking tight smile. You looked over at Stu. "Besides, you both admitted under gun point that neither one of you wrote the letters. That's gotta count for something. Now, we can move on!" 
Realization dawned on them as they glanced at each other. They seemed to calm down a bit as you waited for Billy to lower the knife.
Billy looked back at you with a glare. "Yeah, well what about you? You played crazy a little too well just now." 
 "Well thanks for the compliment on my acting skills but...There's no way." 
Stu rolled his lips. "...I don't know. You called me at the motel." 
"She what?" Billy gave with a raised brow.
You rolled your eyes. "Stu, I told you I did not! I don't care what you heard….Look at my caller ID on my cell phone and my house phone!" 
Billy scoffed. "Burner phone...Or a partner." 
You groaned. "Oh my fucking God, I was fucking with you both just now! I just wanted to get an answer out of you. Check my bag! Go ahead, it's in the trunk!" 
Billy leered at you both, knife still in hand. "How the hell did you find me anyways? I never got an answer and I want one." 
Stu looked at you. "...She said to look near Dearborn." 
"NO, I said to look AT Dearborn. Finding you here in Clarksburg was pure luck! So don't give me that look, Stu." 
 "I'm not giving a look, I'm just saying! But...Come on, man. What are the odds? I mean...How convenient we break down here." 
You scoffed in outrage. "Are you fucking kidding me, Stu?!" 
"Well, I don't know! I just know you pointed a gun at me and gave me a lot to think about! You called me at the motel! Okay?! You did!"  
You gave him a smartass look. "Uh, what are the odds of a killer knowing your motel and your number? HUH?!" 
"Unless they were you!" He argued back.
"I didn't know your motel, Stu! You didn't tell me your motel until AFTER you got back. And you would have seen my car or seen me following you so I'M OUT of this fucked up Clue game." 
Billy clicked his tongue at you, his anger towards you fading. "That's what I've been saying...I say Stu here is the culprit if it's anyone in this car.  YN, how do you know he didn't fuck up your car on purpose? There was no fan belt when I pulled up your hood...Someone could have taken it at a pitstop when you weren't looking." Billy glared at Stu. "And now he's trying to get the heat off his ass by pointing fingers at me and now at you." 
Stu scrunched his face at Billy. "Oh yeah, smart guy? How do we know you don't have a partner and they're planting clues for us to find you? Maybe they took the fan belt knowing you were here? You seem to have all the answers." 
"WAIT!-" You raised a hand and pointed at Stu. "Say that again." 
"Uh...Someone took the fan belt?" 
You smacked the seat. "SHIT!...Don't you get it?" 
Billy raised his brows at you with an unamused look. "That you're fucking looped after all these years?" 
You sneered at him. "No, jerk." You turned back to Stu. "Why did my car break down near Dearborn but not at it?...It could have broken down at Pleasanton or any other town leading to Dearborn...But no. It did it right...Here." You drew out. "We got gas. You went in to pay and I took a restroom break." 
Stu's face fell. "...Holy shit." 
Billy looked irritated at you both. "So you expect me to believe...What? That someone knew where I lived and followed you both to my new little town I call home just to...What?! Have us meet? I don't buy it." 
Stu nodded with a distrustful glare. "You're right...And it conveniently ended up at YOUR shop. If anything, that proves Billy here is doing it or has a partner helping. Think YN, how does he know so much?" 
You groaned and ran your free hand over your face. 
"I'm an uncaught murderer that watches horror, numbnuts...Besides, how do we know YOU don't? I didn't see this motel incident or hear this so-called phone call...Neither did YN by the sound of it. How do we know you're not lying out your ass?" 
"I told you at gunpoint I didn't!" 
"Yeah. But she didn't ask if you're fucking around with the truth and a partner wrote it. Maybe you stole the fan belt too cause you knew it would come to MY shop which is the only one in town? Maybe you're being an obsessive stalking freak and tracking me down?!...Maybe we need to hold you at knife point and see if you change your tune?" 
You groaned to yourself again with a bitter smirk to yourself. "Well I am so glad I just risked my life with that act for absolutely NOTHING." 
Billy turned to you. "Or how do we know you don't have a partner, crazy? How do we know you didn't track both of us and took your own god damn fan belt off?" 
"Oh, is that my new nickname now? Cause that's hypocritical-" 
Stu interrupted. "Sweetcheeks...I don't want to think that but you do have A LOT of people that would want us dead if they found out." 
"WOW. So glad you can switch sides that easily. Thanks so much. Feeling the love here, Stu!" You spat out. 
"I'm not! I still don't trust Billy's ass but I got things to ask you too now." 
Billy pointed with his knife. "Exactly. She's probably fucking with us right now to turn on each other. She probably has some secret lover doing it all! Or maybe she struck a deal with Gale Weathers, hm? Lot to gain from helping that bitch get us." 
You grimaced as they both were now looking at you as the culprit. "Okay, I see this was a mistake and I'm uncomfortable in this car now." 
You went to leave and Stu locked the door. 
"Stu! Unlock my fucking door!" 
Billy raised his brows at you. "Why are you leaving? Unless you have something to hide." 
You sighed as they both turned in their seats to look at you. "Or I'm stuck in a car with two very unhinged guys with paranoia." You gave with a cringe. 
You licked your lips before talking, gun still in hand. Billy had his knife, you had your gun and Stu was in the driver's seat with his hand in his pocket on his knife. 
You lowered your gun. "Look. We aren't getting anywhere pointing fingers or knives or guns at each other. If I can get into a car and let a murderer drive while I have to trust they both will be cool during all this; then I think you both can too. I get it. You're both too manipulative, cynical and you both have trust issues….But if we keep doing this; the real killer is just going to swoop in and kill all three of us, or worse, send us to prison and you both have yourselves to blame for pointing fingers instead of trying to solve it. You know what I think?-" 
You glanced at Billy. "...I think I know you both enough to know that Billy here would be a lot less jumpy if he was behind this. He can lie out his ass but his acting needs work. It would be so freaking obvious he's hiding something." 
"I'm not jumpy!-" 
You cut him off to look at Stu. "And Stu...You wouldn't murder your manager with such a big opportunity your way. And if you wanted me dead, why would you be in my car right now? I would already be dead." 
You pointed at yourself. "I don't have proof other than...Why would I? Why would I wait 3 years? It's not like I had to wait for money or time. Stu, I would have killed you the minute you stepped foot in my house. Billy, I would have found you somehow by now. I wouldn't wait 3 years for some revenge scheme." 
Stu nodded. "You're right. Until one of us makes a move, this is stupid. We're going in circles." 
Billy huffed. "...I guess. It could be either of you or both of you." 
You glared at him. "Or you...But we have no proof of that, now do we?" You shrugged. "So, are we done? No more threatening for the rest of the trip? Please. It's gonna be a long trip with two people that are not in my favorites list." 
"Ow." Stu muttered.
You gave a small smile. "Sorry. You're okay,  sometimes." 
"Are you also sorry for scaring the shit out of me for no reason?" Stu asked.
His face dropped with a scoff. 
 You gawked at him. "Don't act offended! You both have been terrors in my life on and off for 5 years. I think scaring you both is the LEAST I could do to repay you-" You talked with your hands, waving your gun that was on safety, your finger not even on the trigger. 
Billy ducked in his seat. "Watch where you're aiming! Is that thing glued to you or what?" 
"After almost being murdered and now a new killers on the loose? Or an old one picking his hobby back up again?... Yeah."
Stu's eyed it as he started the car. "Uh, isn't it the law you gotta have that thing locked up?" 
"It's also the law not to murder people or steal identitys or carry knives longer than 4 inches with you. I think a hidden gun inside a random car going down the road is the least of the cops' problems or ours. Don't drive like an idiot and we won't have a reason to be searched. Remember; try anything and it's not just me and Billy's life but yours too." 
Stu rolled his eyes. "Please. You know me better than that." 
"No, I don't. Especially with you locking the door on me and trying to accuse me of being behind this."  You scowled at him.
He gave a nervous chuckle. "Babe, I just wanted to talk and have you apologize. That's all...It won't happen again...Sorry." He coughed out the last part. 
"Then sorry for scaring you." You gave. He didn't really deserve the apology but you weren't winning brownie points for being petty like they were.
Billy smirked from the passenger side. He mouthed "Whipped" to Stu. 
You looked at him. "Hey, Loomis. Seat belt." 
He turned to you with a scoff. "Eat me." 
 "My ride, my rules. Besides, if the cops pull us over for you not wearing a belt and notice you look an awful lot like that kid from Woodsboro. Maybe they take too good of a look at Stu's license and maybe notice a slight fuck up they'd otherwise over look. He asks any of us to step out and finds my gun or your knives and we have to kill a cop or out run a squad of them and we get killed or go to prison ALL because you didn't want to put on a seat belt...IT'S YOUR ASS." You gave with a growl. 
Stu smirked back at him with a dark look in his eyes. "You know she's right. Be a shame to fuck up that easy after 5 years. Shit man, 5 year olds know the seat belt rule." 
He glared at you both a moment before rolling his eyes and smacking your dash. "FUCK!-" 
You almost said something but held it in. It was better to let him have a tantrum. 
He buckled up and leaned against the window. "Eat shit and die; both of you." 
You grinned. "Eat shit and live." You and Stu said in unison without even trying. 
You and Stu both looked at each other. You were still irked he locked your door and almost sided with Billy but you both laughed regardless. 
Billy glared at you both with an annoyed eye roll. 
"Sleepaway camp! Alright man, alright." He laughed out. 
"Pull this bitch into gear so we can go wherever the hell you need to go to screw up so I can kill you and get on with my life." Billy groaned out.
"I think we need to go to either the motel or Cotton's place. There's gotta be something." 
"Okay cool...First things first; taco bell." Stu gave as he pulled away from the curb. 
'This...Is going to be the longest trip of my life.' 
Billy turned around and stuck his knife under your chin before you could react.
"Hey!-" Stu yelled as Billy replied. "Relax, fido. I'm just talking to your owner here."
He raised his brows at you and stared you down through his lashes. "You EVER point that gun at me or fuck around like that again and I'm gutting you."
You nodded. "G-Got it..Don't give me a reason too and I won't."
Billy gave you a wry smirk and took his knife away. He went to sit back down and his seat belt clenched up from him stretching it. He growled and unbuckled, jerking it before buckling back up. "Stupid piece of shit newer cars safety bullshit-"
You held in a mocking laugh as Stu chuckled. "That's her car disliking you. I know you've seen Christine."
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