#i seriously need to someone to help me know how the fuck you go abroad
alloutshirt · 1 year
read 100 pages of an actual book in the last few hours which is about 100 more pages than i did in almost a year :)
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nanda-writes · 6 months
College girl sells soul to pay rent (not clickbait)
“So… your last wish is to make a deal with the devil?”
The ghostly woman nodded.
“It won't be possible, look, you need a physical body to perform this type of ritual,” said the medium “and I can't do it for you, because if I did, it would be my soul on sale.”
What if I possess you?
The spirit's voice echoed, the candles in the small clamped room in which the medium worked began to shake, transforming the trinkets scattered around the room into frightening dancing images. This could work… in theory.
“Not going to happen. Possessions are expressly prohibited on University internships. And honestly?” she added “I wouldn't endanger myself for a job that’s not even paid.”
I can pay.
The human raised one of her eyebrows. The candle flames flickered intensely, the ghost was desperate.
“Pay? Sorry, but we don't accept drachmas or whatever currency ghosts use, only cash or pix.”
She was joking, of course. What she didn't expect was the disembodied woman's response.
What's the key?
“Excuse me?”
Your pix, what is the key?
It wouldn't be possible that...?
Is ten thousand enough? Half now, half later.
It's worth a try, isn't it?
The medium shared her key. A few minutes later, she received the following message:
“Bank: Your pix has been received! Vellota ltd. sent you 5.000 reais”
Along with several confused emails by Grandma Vellota.
Looks like someone wouldn't have to worry about rent for a long time.
Kethelyn Correia — 21 years old, necromancy student at the Brazilian Federal University of Mystic Arts — is a medium in desperate need of additional hours for college and money. Kethelyn accepted the first internship that came her way without hesitating, realizing too late it was an unpaid one. Fuck it, we ball.
After months of late rent, days and nights on ramen noodles and various odd jobs to try to survive, selling a soul to the devil didn't seem like a bad idea. Anything was better than going back to her parents' house.
And that's how she ended up, three days later, on Carlos' — a college friend, master's student in demonology and ex-boyfriend — terrace at 2:30am on a Wednesday.
It was a nice evening, the sea nearby brought them a salty breeze, refreshing the warm summer night. The street lights were very close, illuminating the terrace together with the candles, revealing the unceremoniously dragged mess at the corners of the terrace. Carlos said they needed as much space as possible, the chalk circle in the middle of the terrace was the only clean space there.
“Okay, everything’s ready” said Carlos “candles lit, circles drawn, incense burning. Has she memorized the chants?”
Kethelyn nodded, they had practiced on this part together.
Carlos blew out the last match, looking around nervously. His eyes looked big behind the thick glasses he wore, his curly hair dancing with the breeze.
“Great, but seriously, this ghost couldn't have chosen a simpler invocation? Why go full catholic? There’s so many easier options…”
“Her name is Alice, I don't know about the choice for the ritual, but… thank you. Seriously. You didn't need to do all that.”
Kethelyn was being sincere. When she asked for her help, she expected at most a borrowed grimoire and some tips on how to not die.
“No problem, ha,” he replied, hands on his nape “it's the least I can do after that mistake I made.”
The “mistake” in question was the trigger for the end of their relationship. He cheated.
He cheated in a game of uno, shuffling the cards in a way that gave his friend — some 19 year old snake kid he befriended while traveling abroad — the advantage, causing Kethelyn to lose a bet.
“Ah, yes” She sighed, Alice's spirit approached floating upside down.
Hm? Share the tea, sis.
“Mind your own business.”
“She’s here?” Carlos asked, shaking hands making the sign of the cross.
“I still can't believe that you work with literal demons, but are afraid of ghosts.” She laughed, “obviously she’s here, she's the one who's going to make the pact, duh.”
“Oh, my saint” Carlos sighed, repeating the sign “You how much of a bad idea this is, don't you?” he spoke gravely “After all, why does she want this? She's already dead!”
“It's quite a story…”
Alice Vellota was a young lady from a rich family, you see, her parents were rich, her grandparents were rich, her great-grandparents were rich and so on.
Alice had everything she could want, except the person she loved.
Coming from an extremely Catholic family, it is not surprising that her love for Maria Eduarda, a college friend, was a big scandal. Her parents threatened to disown her if she pursued her love, all empty threats of course. Fortunately, nothing can stop lesbians in love, not homophobic parents, not even death.
But when Maria Eduarda suddenly passed away, Alice was devastated. Her only consolation was the possibility of meeting in the afterlife. She knew Maria Eduarda would be somewhere in hell — she was a Satanist after all — she hadn't gone to heaven! But, she thought, hell is huge... how can I find her among so many people? So, she decided to solve this problem in the most logical way possible, selling her soul.
I'm already going to hell, at least I can ask to be close to her.
The plan was perfect. She home alone and everything was set, she just had to sing the chants and…
A window broke next to her and figures started to circulate around the apartment with loud wailing sounds. It was just the neighborhood kids playing football, but the scare was too much for Alice, she had a heart attack, dying before even starting the ritual.
“So, here's the problem. She's supposed to be in heaven now. “Kethelyn explained “technically she didn't make any pact, but the desire to join her girlfriend keeps her on this plane.”
“Why didn't you try… I don't know” Carlos shrugged “convincing her not to go to hell?”
“I tried, believe me.” Kethelyn's eyes were dead-serious “she's as stubborn as a mule.”
“Oh my saint, give me strength…”
“If everything is ready, let's begin.” The necromancer looked at Alice's ghost and signaled her to come “Get in loser, we’re summoning the devil.”
Suddenly, the coastal breeze refreshing the dawn stopped, the candle flames flickered without wind, Kethelyn bent over her stomach, the lights from the nearby street lights went mad. Carlos looked apprehensive when suddenly everything just… stopped.
The breeze, candles and the street lights returned to normal, only Kethelyn remained in the same position.
“Kethelyn? Are you okay?” Carlos asked worriedly. He was about to touch her on the shoulder when she straightened herself on a whim, her curly hair covering half her face, a smile weirdly wide creeping through her face.
“Boo” the ghost mocked him in the deep voice of the possessed, “still afraid, scaredy cat?”
Kethelyn saw everything in third perspective, she saw her mocking smile and Carlos' pale face. It was a funny feeling floating around, was that how her customers felt all the time?
She wanted to tell them both to start straight away, but she had difficulty vocalizing her thoughts, she didn't have a mouth after all. How did Alice do it? In any case, she didn't need to do anything. She saw her body go to the center of the circle, Carlos raised the barrier and sat on top of an old freezer away from the circle, she — or rather — Alice started singing the memorized chants.
As electrifying as a ritual to summon the bad thing itself may seem, it's pretty boring when you're just a spectator. Kethelyn spent the next 15 minutes bored to death — hah! — she passed her time enjoying her choice of outfit for the night, a pair of pink cargo pants and a matching tight crop top — what? You have to look stylish when you're going to meet someone famous, even if it's the devil.
Suddenly, a strong smell of sulfur filled the air and an unnatural fog began to rise inside the terrace. From within the fog lights glowed like flames.
There he was.
Kethelyn had a lot of expectations about the devil, but she wasn’t expecting that. A white man, bald, wearing a polo shirt and the most hideous goatee. Hadn't Lucifer been the most beautiful angel in heaven? What a glow down.
The Demon stood still for a while, staring. All the corporeal beings present froze. He might have an ordinary appearance, but his aura certainly matched his fame.
“…So?” The Evil One broke the silence “What do you want, mortal?”
Kethelyn saw her body swallow hard, her hands shake. Alice finally took courage and said:
“I wan…” she hesitated “I want to have a reserved place, for me Alice Vellota and my girlfriend Maria Eduarda Almeida, in hell. A place where we can be together.”
The Fallen Angel raised an eyebrow.
“I want so that the moment this soul of mine leaves this body,” Alice kept going, more confident this time “I go straight to hell and meet her.”
Sathanas began to laugh.
“In so many centuries of work” his laugh was strondous “this is the first time I've seen someone who wants to go to hell!”
He continued laughing for a few more minutes, bending over himself and slapping his knees.
“So…” Alice was distressed “you accept the deal?”
“Ah, that, err…” Old Harry wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. “No.”
“Sweetheart, do you think I'm stupid?” He said in a fake-offended voice. “I know that the soul inside this body died a long time ago.”
He laughed mockingly.
“I am the devil” he stretched the last word as if he was RuPaul “having the courage to lie in the face of the father of lies?” he clapped his hands sarcastically “You’re a real one, baby.”
Kethelyn could see her shaking, Alice must have been desperate.
“To tell you the truth,” The enemy continued, looking at Alice again “your soul is worthless to me. But hers…” Kethelyn didn't have a body at the moment, but she felt her soul shiver the moment Satan made eye contact with her, grinning. “Oh, her soul is very precious”
Why did she think he wouldn't be able to see her? He was the devil!
Carlos, who was just watching, felt chills when he saw The Old One pointing into thin air, he did not need to see her to know.
The devil wanted Kethelyn.
The Serpent made Kethelyn and Alice switch places, the sale of a soul should not be done by third parties, and Old Nick was more than willing to buy Kethelyn's.
“Not gonna happen.” Kethelyn denied the moment she got her body back.
“Come on, dear” insisted the prince of darkness with the warm gentleness of a salesman. “There must be something you want, do you want me to help you summon more souls for your studies? I can make all the sinners in hell available to you! You want money? Fame? I can do it in the blink of an eye! I have great references, artists loved me in the 90’s. Just tell me your price.”
“Can you help me get my degree while keeping my mental health?
“Unfortunately, reality-bending miracles are my father’s department.”
“Then no,” Kethelyn was determined “I know what you want me for. I will not send innocent souls to your domain. I may work with spirits, but I still have decency.”
Beelzebub took a deep breath.
“Well, I wasn't called here for nothing.” His facade fell, the warm voice gave way to a cold, cruel tone. “Either you give up your soul, and stay alive for another nine years... or you both come with me to hell, now.”
That was the last straw. Carlos ran through the old furniture and Nick Nacks squashed on the terrace to get the holy water and his other emergency supplies. If he had to fight the devil, so be it, but he wouldn't let him take her friend.
However, before he could invade the barrier, Carlos heard a yelp:
It was Kethelyn.
“Lucifer Morningstar, I challenge you to a duel!”
Carlos wanted to tear out his own eyes, Lucifer grinned.
“And what are your terms, mortal?”
“If I win, you leave me alone and fulfill Alice's wish.”
“What if you lose?”
“...You can have my soul, as long as you fulfill her wish anyway.” She looked in the direction of Alice's ghost. “I know that fulfilling her wish is no big deal for you.”
From outside the barrier, Carlos was jumping, shaking his head, making an ‘’x’ with his arms, and mouthing ‘nooooooo’'. Kethelyn might be crazy, but she wasn’t suicidal, was she?
Was she?!
Lucifer pretended to think really hard.
“Okay, I accept your terms.” he smiled “And what do you challenge me to, little girl?”
Kethelyn smirked.
Carlos was banging his head on the support pole of the terrace, and Alice — if she had eyes — would have them wide open in shock. They both thought the same thing:
She wants to kill herself!
“I'm sorry I didn't notice you before, Carlinhos!” Lucifer patted an inconsolable Carlos on the back.
The barrier had been broken, but Lucifer could not and did not want to attack any of them until the end of the challenge.
“It’s okay, Mr. Capiroto… it’s okay” Carlos repeated defeatedly. The two had met before, college projects can take you to unusual places, huh?
“So” Lucifer looked at Kethelyn “how does this… uno thing work?”
Kethelyn and Carlos looked at each other.
If the devil doesn't know how to play uno... they have a chance!
Carlos' eyes shone. Kethelyn looked at him smugly as if she had predicted this from the beginning — although it wasn't the case.
The humans took turns explaining to the prince of hell the rules of the esteemed — and supposedly — human card game, even Alice tried to help, mentioning observations and details the couple missed.
The clock was already striking at 3 am when the game actually started. Carlos raised another barrier for the participants. This particular barrier prevented either of them from cheating, a necessary measure for those playing with the devil.
The house rules say that the deck must be shuffled facing away from the players by someone who is not participating. As the only corporeal being left, Carlos had to take the dealer's role.
Kethelyn and Lucifer sat at the table found by Carlos somewhere in the mess. They both held their 7 cards from the uno deck, the starting card was in the center of the table, draw deck on the side. Carlos took a coin out of his pocket to decide who would start; Heads to Lucifer, Tails to Kethelyn.
The coin was tossed. Seconds of tension dragged on like hours. The coin fell into Carlos' hand. He opened his palm:
It begins, Kethelyn's cards had nothing special, just a +2 red card as a special card and a predominance of reds, leaving with only one card for each other color.
The initial card, taken from the draw deck, was a green 3.
Lucifer started his attack, immediately launching a +2 green card. Kethelyn was unfazed, launching her red +2 card, doubling the attack and reversing the damage. Kethelyn, however, did not expect Lucifer to have a trick up his sleeve, as he placed another card in the pile.
Kethelyn had no way to counterattack this time, the medium let out a frustrated sigh as she picked up her eight cards: three red, three green, one blue and a special card, a red reverse.
“Color?” asked the medium.
Kethelyn nodded and threw three cards of number 7 into the pile, the bottom one yellow, the top one red.
Lucifer had no choice but to draw and place the same color.
Kethelyn places her red reverse card — drawn from the batch she just took — and then two number 4 cards, red and green.
Lucifer draws again and soon passes.
Neither red nor green cards… maybe the advantage is coming back to me. Kethelyn thought.
Kethelyn places her card again, this time two cards numbered 0, green and red, respectively. But the card Lucifer had just drawn was also red, so he places it in the pile combined with another card, changing the game's color to blue.
The game continues with blue cards until the devil places a card numbered 2, where Kethelyn manages to change the game's color to red again. Lucifer draws, and passes. But just one round later, he uses the same trick on Kethelyn, this time changing the color to green, Kethelyn places a card, Lucifer draws and places.
It's number 1, green.
Kethelyn ponders, she has three cards at the moment, the numbers 1 and 6 in red and the number 9 in green. She could try to change the color to red, she knows that her opponent doesn't have any red cards, but it would certainly inconvenience her later. She knows that Lucifer doesn't have any green cards either, and getting rid of the green card would avoid inconvenience, so that was the most obvious option, right?
Kethelyn wasted no time, playing card 9.
Lucifer smiled demonically.
— Uno! — he exclaimed, throwing the yellow card 9 on the table.
Kethelyn wanted to bang her head on the table, how had she not realized he only had two cards? What will she do now? She doesn't have another 9 card and much less yellow cards, she doesn't know the number or color of the last card, if it isn't a special card! She can't lose this game.
I can’t… I can’t…
The necromancer's hands shook as she tried to pull the next card from the deck, so much that the entire deck slid off the table.
Carlos approached it with an intense look, he looked Kethelyn in the eyes, silently asking her to trust him. Kethelyn didn't understand, but trust she did.
Carlos picked up the cards from the floor and explained that he would have to shuffle everything again.
Wait, will he…?
The game of Uno that Kethelyn lost last time was changed after Carlos shuffled the game, he knew many card tricks, including how to manipulate a deck without looking suspicious, and would never hesitate to cheat his way to uno.
But how? The barrier would prevent…
Kethelyn realized.
Carlos was outside the barrier.
The barrier unables Kethelyn and Lucifer to cheat, but that didn't count the Croupier.
When Carlos put the deck back, Kethelyn's hands were stable, she pulled out the top card...
A +4.
Kethelyn almost cried with joy as she threw the card on the table.
Lucifer drew his cards resignedly and asked the color:
“Red.” Kethelyn felt triumphant.
Lucifer played his card and Kethelyn followed without any problems, this time she was the one shouting Uno.
She placed the red 6 card. The only card left in her hand was the red number 1.
But instead of passing, the devil placed a new card on the pile.
A yellow 6.
Kethelyn felt a growing despair. She still had a chance, but it was frustrating. She was so close…
The human pulled a card from the deck and almost cried with joy for the second time that day.
It was number 1 in yellow.
Kethelyn could hardly believe her luck.
“I won!” Kethelyn announced, throwing the letter into the pile and standing up. “I won!”
Lucifer sighed mockingly.
“It seems so” he replied, and added, narrowing his eyes “this time.”
Lucifer stood up, assuming a relaxed posture as he looked in Alice's direction.
“Are you coming or not?”
The spirit looked dazed, her form flickering like candlelight.
“Isn't that what you wanted? No going back now.”
“Yes, yes” Alice alternated her gaze between Lucifer and Kethelyn “I just need to do one thing first, quick.”
“You know you can't run away, right?”
“I know!” She yelled before disappearing.
Lucifer looked at Kethelyn and Carlos.
“Don't think it's over yet, kids.” He gave another devilish smile. “I have as many tricks up my sleeve as you.”
Alice returned before the humans could respond.
“Let's go!” she exclaimed.
“Yes, let's go.”
Lucifer looked at the couple one last time, and pointed his two fingers first at himself, then at them in an “I'm watching you” sign, and disappeared into the darkness.
Before Kethelyn could open her mouth, a notification.
Bank: your pix has been received! Vellota ltd. sent you R$5,000.
Carlos looked at the cellphone screen clearly impressed.
“You know,” he broke the silence. “I kind of saved your life just now, so, I don't know... you could buy me a burger? As a thank you.”
Kethelyn smirked.
“Yeah, I guess we're even now, huh? I don’t know if there’s a burger place open at this hour, how about an açaí?
They laughed.
Kethelyn wouldn't have to worry about rent for a long time.
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chaewonplzbiteme · 1 year
If you bought a VIP/Royalty package to see a K-Pop concert, how would you rank the following benefits? Assume you’re seeing your favorite group and these are all offered.
* Early Access/Entry
* Signed Item/Merch
* Hi-Touch/Send Off
* Group Photo
* Soundcheck
Oh hello~
I may be very biased from my experiences with K-Pop concerts so far. Double digit concert attendance, so strong opinions. I have sampled everything.
First off: - I'm not one to camp from midnight to secure a spot - I may come off as a snob, lol - It does not help that I'm older now - I kind of value my time - I respect the artists' time, too - Did I mention strong opinions?
No. 1: Signed Item/Merch
Nice merch goes a long way~ I dig shirts and caps for the 'generic' merch, and whatever unique thing they produce.
Ironic, considering I value experiences over property. No, please don't look at my room filled to the brim with merch 🙈.
For signatures, live signed goes deep. Knowing that they signed it for you. Just for you. The minute where you can chat with them is a precious icing on top of the experience. Memories to cherish for decades~. I have signed shirts, posters, and albums.
Needless to say, I am not very fond of pre-made signed items.
No. 2: Hi-Touch
Sadly, this experience has been heavily diluted after the pandemic. Nowadays the idols are mummified behind a glass wall. I think they dub it Hi-Wave now. I still shelled out $100 for seven exclusive photocards, though... That's how they get me.
Actual Hi-Touch or handshake events are genuinely nice though. I remember how I made Gahyeon laugh when I clapped their manager~.
No. 3: Early Access/Entry
Early Access / VIP is often tied to GA / Standing spots. Early kpop concerts abroad did not divide EA and regular GA once inside of the hall. It was nice nonetheless, first dibs on merch and better spots until you had to get a drink or take a piss. But everyone was friendly enough to let people back to their places, even at the front, not like anyone has to be scared of losing their spot.
When I go Standing, I go EA. No exceptions.
Once they started dividing EA/VIP and plebs into separate sections... I can only think of someone reading a lone comment on the internet complaining about the lack of a clear benefit once inside the venue.
Capitalism has made EA/VIP a weird thing. 2018 Dreamcatcher, all Standing/GA, non-divided, was ~90% VIP. MIK Festival was 80% VIP. Music Bank GA was VIP-exclusive lol. Only non-VIP were seated.
The idea of cutting the queue by slamming some bills on the table seems to be an illusion. What a shame.
No. 4: Group Photo
The Blackpink group photo was hilarious. Photo of the group on stage - artist not included. What the fuck.
Aside from the jokes and horrible benefits (parking spot, anyone??), I agree it is a nice memory. But it is not one I really value. I don't take selfies or pics of myself in general, so I figure it is a character thing.
I do have a stash of pics the artists took with me. But I know I will never look at these pics ever again. I will treasure the memory of them taking a picture with me though~.
No. 5: Soundcheck
While this may be a good opportunity to see the idols, I'm not going to queue for hours for 10-15 additional minutes. Hours ahead of the show. And then rejoin the regular (VIP) queue. As you can guess from my answer, I did not attend the Blackpink soundcheck, cba.
Another facet: This is capitalism at its best. In the old days, you had a friend at the venue who let you in. Or sneaked in. Now you just unload some bills.
I prefer to spend the time eating lunch with friends and chatting with them in the queue.
No. 6: Send Off
Is this seriously being offered as a benefit? Back in the days fans got to do this for free, and now we need to pay for it. How nice.
I am not going to hang around for another two hours and force them to be still pretty for one minute of them exiting the venue and entering the van. All for a single wave.
I am going to leave the idols alone once the concert concludes.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
Bonus: Seated or Standing?
These days I prefer seating spots. I can still see the idols well in most venues. Seated is also perfectly suited to appreciating the intricate details of choreographies. Can't see their feet when in the pit.
But nothing beats getting close to the artists. I would like to quote a friend of mine:
"I want to get so close until I can see the sweat on their skin!"
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animesllut666 · 3 years
He is.. my step dad.
Characters: Toji X GNReader
Anime: Jujutsu kaisen
Type: Headcannon
Warnings: Cursing, fighting, rudeness, yelling, teasing, brief mention of animal abuse, bullies.
Summary: 14 year old … Fushiguro just discovered they have a new step dad. What would life be like for them?
He wouldn't be one of those new step dad's that would try too get you too like him
Nope, he wouldn't even care if you cussed him out or even threw a knife at him
100% would laugh at your attempt to scare him
You fought with him for a while
Picking him apart, teasing him, talking over him etc.. pretty rude towards him
Then again.. this guy just showed up one day an your mom was shocked by your annoyance.
Slowly you start to get used to him ... Somewhat
Picks you up from school, just to piss you off. Since he IS good looking, it caused a steer amongst students AND faculty.
Learns to bring Megumi an Tsumiki along, cuz you weren't as vicious towards him
Finds out that you stand up to bullies, an would back you up one day.
You would make meals for everyone (kids) an leave a little for him
"You need help gumdrop?" "No, go away Toji" stands back while you whoop some ass.
He would call you nicknames just to piss you off. Pats your head if you were fully done growing, lifts you up cuz the man is STRONG, he loves to tease you.
He didn't mind, he found it nice that you even left him some
So imagine your shock when he makes a beef Wellington, an brings out a homemade gravy that made you melt
An start to accept him.. sort of
"What are you doing?" You found him one day sharping all his knifes an polishing his guns
Your mother knew of his occupation, but told him to keep it from you
"Ugh.. my hobby?"
"Are ... Are you an assassin or something?"
"I wouldn't get much for you, just maybe 1 yen."
Threw a knife and spoon an this motherfucker caught them so fast an sent them back.
😲 <- you -> 🤔 thinking for a second
"Can.. can you teach me?"
Que your weird love hate teaching relationship with him
He teaches you how to fight, much against your mother wishes.
Little did any of them know, you weren't the purest angel either
"No, if your going to kick me in the gut, put your full strength behind it."
After awhile, you both kind of bond, an he starts to tell you about his past. You both had similar childhoods, abandoned an alone..till a child an sibling came in.
Though, you do have a hate relationship (mainly you), if anyone tries to say anything negative about him best believe you were in there face
"If anyone is going to say negative things about him. It'll be me!"
"Hey! He maybe a deadbeat but he is OUR DEADBEAT" CUE HIS "YEAH.. THE FUCK?!"
One time someone took you hostage, an his training paid off cuz he arrived to see the guys beaten to a blood pulp.
"huh, could have killed them" "Toji! Can I get some praise?"
Straight out found his last name was Zenin an teepeed the Zenin estate with the help of Megumi an Tsumiki one night on the way back from the park
Nearly died, but hey... It was worth it.
"Why did you do that? You co-" "Fuck the Zenin Clan, they bitches"
🥲 had to quickly wipe a tear from his eye
"But also fuck you, cuz you ate the last of my cake"
He would *try* to understand an watch anime with you
Even started to read manga
"I wish I could get hit with Oikawa serve"
"Ugh.. what?" "Damn, if only Levi could yell at ME like that." "What the fuck."
Toji would be the type to slowly warm up to you, an bring you little souvenirs from some of his missions across Japan or even abroad
"It's a keychain" "I found it.." proceeds to hand you a *stolen* shirt saying "I love Kyoto" gives you a fucking Oikawa cut out
Toji the type of step dad that would help (or try) with school work, but then suggest to just threaten the teacher
"You have parent teacher conference? I'll go."
Imagine the teacher face seeing this beef (terrifying) cake walk in behind you
After that your mom banned him from going to teacher conferences
She also told you both not to go grocery shopping together anymore either
Ya... May have came back with more food an cops on your heels..
Towards the end of his life, you both became to pees in a pod.
He let you do his hair one time, pigtails all around. May have put some pink an blue dye in his hair.
100% would call you into school if ya were sick (or not)
If you were sick, he would try his best at making you some food. He was taking notes from the times the other two had been sick
I feel like if you (or the other kids) got hurt, too the point he had to take you to the hospital..he would panic
"Oh my god.. OMG WHAT DO I DO?"
Fucking sweet Tsumiki "they need to go too the hospital, their fever is 103"
You two were a force to be reckon with, both verbally an physically
Saw someone getting picked on? Both right there verbally telling them off.
Noticed a kitten or puppy getting abused? Toji had to hold you back from killing the people.
The night before he goes out (when he dies the next day), you tell him to be careful
"Don't die.. I have a weird feeling about this one"
Pats your head, an starts to tease you about warning about him. Of course you tell him it's not like that, but deep down you both know something will go down the next day
When you get word that he was dead, an that he arranged for Megumi to be sold to the Zenin Clan. All hell broke lose, your mom was gone, an you were taking the kids an were on the run for a few months
Till that weird albino rat showed up one day
"Here, I'll take you all in, but you.. have to say I'm handsome"
You fucking took Megumi an Tsumiki an walked away
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Nine-pt1) (Final)
Summary: you and Jungkook have been best friends since freshmen year of college, there’s a lot of unsaid feelings and tension but neither make a move. what happens when his friend Taehyung (also your crush) needs a fake girlfriend?
Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader
Genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slight slow burn, roommate au, college au, SMUT (starting ch2), fluff, angst (in later chapters) slight crack, lots of drama
Word Count: 13.6k
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, sexual tension (!!!), mentions of sex, protected sex, jealous!oc, sensual touching, dry humping, oral (female rec.) face riding
Notes: The end is finally here! But no worries I will most likely do drabbles for you guys:) Thank you SO much for reading this story and sending so many loving comments. Enjoy this last chapter of ‘Always You’ and feel free to send me an ask to chat about the story, I LOVE talking with ya’ll!
Taglist: @mooniyooni @thisartemisnevermisses @giadalin @kookiebunny097 @cosmosjk @moonchild1 @just-jeon @anpanman-sonyeondan @starlight-night0 @yessii-i @apollukee @mikasaredscarf1 @kaye-rosales @bunnyjeonjk @dyriddle @hsneptune @betysotelo18 @aclowe13 @bishuthot @271101 @seagulljk @hass-mich-los @bunnyjeonjk @surfacesanity @peachy-skz0325 @wonusbitch @not-your-lion @flowersgirl02 @justinetingball @fiantomartell @fairysunooo @taebae19 @hardcarrykookie @fancycollectormoon
© taestefully-in-luv
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Jungkook stares into his bathroom mirror and sees and feels nothing, absolutely nothing. He looks into his eyes and see nothing behind them. He tries to smile, but falls short. Does this have anything to do with the fact he told you he loves you but you completely misunderstood him? Yup, it probably has everything to do with that.
But Jungkook also feels like shit. He let his feelings become too overwhelming in the moment that he totally and completely forgot he has a girlfriend. So, he is almost glad that you most definitely thought he was just telling you he loves you like one normal friend to another instead of him confessing his deep and passionate feelings towards you. Yup, totally glad.
So, now he looks into the mirror and actually does see and feel something: Shame. Guilt.
And regret. Regret is written all over his face. Not regret because he told you he loves you, no. Regret that he didn’t tell you 4 years ago how he feels. Even if you didn’t feel the same he thinks he should have had the courage, instead he slept with you like a fucking idiot. But that is something he can’t get himself to regret at all…he just can’t regret that amazing night he shared with you.
“Bro! You have been in there for like ever dude, I gotta take a piss!” Jungkook hears Nick from the other side of the door, his insistent banging going completely ignored by Jungkook.
“Seriously man, I will pee in the fucking sink!” Nick threatens and Jungkook rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah man, I’m coming.” He looks into the mirror one last time before taking one deep breath and turning towards the bathroom door.
“Bathroom’s all yours.” Jungkook says as he opens the door with Nick already pushing past him.
“Fucking finally!” Nick doesn’t even bother to shut the door behind him as he quickly approaches the toilet to release himself.
Jungkook walks into his room and pulls out his phone as he sits on the edge of his bed. He goes through his message threads, his fingers hovering over your name when he gets to you.
It’s been a few weeks since the trip to your parent’s house. He had such an amazing time. That Saturday your mom cooked one of her famous homemade meals…something Jungkook hasn’t really had in years. Your dad would casually slip in the word ‘son’ in conversation, making Jungkook’s heart glow. You laughed and talked and cried and just looked so at home the entire time, like all your worries were vanishing.
He knows you’re struggling with what to do…but going abroad? Were you serious? You mentioned it to your parents too while there visiting and they loved the idea…making Jungkook’s heart sink. They just encouraged you more while you were there…telling you it was such a fun, and great idea and that it totally suits you. This only made you feel more motivated…Jungkook could see that.
Jungkook wants nothing but the best for you…he just wants you to be happy. Your happiness is his happiness but how could he survive if you left? How could he go a day without seeing you? Or worse…a week? A month? A whole fucking year? He went three months without you and he spiraled pretty bad.
Jungkook continues to sit here, his fingers right over your name and he clicks it.
Jungkook 8:14pm
I have a cold beer with your name on it
y/n 8:21pm
:( I cant hang tonight, sorry boo…im hanging with yoongs and tae. You can come by if youd like to?
Jungkook 8:22pm
No no its okay, you have fun :))
Jungkook brings his phone to his chest, right over his beating heart and he sighs out in frustration. Why can’t everything just be easy? Why is everything so complicated?
“And I will be the youngest curator they’ve ever had at this museum!” Tae finishes proudly, cheering his wine glass with yours and Yoongi’s.
“That’s so amazing Tae.” You bring your glass back to your mouth and take a gulp in his honor.
“Proud of you, kid.” Yoongi smiles fondly at Taehyung and you can’t help but also feel very proud. Taehyung got offered the main curator position at the museum of art downtown and you three are at the record shops cozy corner celebrating.
“Anything else new going on?” Taehyung asks, he eyes both you and Yoongi. “Like, any new love interests? Job offers? Juicy drama? Literally anything.”
“Nothing from me.” You laugh, you and Taehyung look over at Yoongi who is sipping his wine with the biggest blush painted on his cheeks.
“Yoongi?” you pry. “Did something new happen with you?”
“Well…I wouldn’t really call it news.” He begins shyly, “But I maybe met someone.”
You and Taehyung share a look of shock and excitement.
“Wait dude, you mean like a romantic interest?” Taehyung asks, setting his glass down on the table.
“Yeah, like you have a crush on someone?” You smile at Yoongi and his blush deepens.
“I wouldn’t go that far,” he admits, “But they’re really nice and have been coming in the store every week and we sort of just end up talking…and they asked for my number—”
“This is definitely a romantic interest!” Taehyung basically shouts. “Did you give it?”
“Yes…” Yoongi takes another sip of his wine, his eyes sliding to the side. “Did I mention they’re cute?”
“You in fact, did not mention that.” You say with a grin. “I’m happy for you Yoongs.”
“I think I’ll ask them out, what do you guys think?” Yoongi whispers.
“I think that’s a great idea man!” Taehyung basically shouts again and you laugh.
“I think I really admire you for going for it…” You sigh. You wish you had that kind of courage.
“You know…” Yoongi sets his wine glass down, and turns in his seat to face you, “It takes a lot of bravery to open up to someone…it takes a lot of strength to admit when you’re wrong and to admit when things aren’t going right. It takes real courage to open your heart to someone like, romantically. You’re like, the coolest human being in the world if you can do those things.” Yoongi folds his hands out in front of him, he bites his lip as he thinks.
“y/n…you don’t have to be some sort of super human.”
You tilt your head in confusion…you thought Yoongi was going to a place where he tells you to go for it too.
“You shouldn’t always be the one doing things. Others need to form the courage too. You’re worth it. You’re worth that risk…that you may not feel the same. Trust me, I would know.” He chuckles light heartedly. “I think he will come around.”
“I don’t know about that.” Taehyung cuts in. “I want to believe he will but…” Taehyung looks over at you with pity. “…He’s…” Taehyung doesn’t know what to say without spilling anything so he decides to let the words die on his tongue.
“To be honest with you guys…” You reach for your glass of wine and chug back the remainder of what’s in the glass rather quickly before slamming it back down on the table.
“New Year’s Eve.” You say. “Four years ago. Something happened. Something major, he…”
“Four years ago, New Year’s Eve?” Taehyung scrunches his brows together as he tilts his head. “Wait something happened between you two?” you only nod your head at Taehyung’s question.
“Did Jungkook say what he wanted to say?” Taehyung asks with big eyes, completely shocked, this is news to him. But now it’s your turn to tilt your head in confusion.
“Say what he wants to say? What are you talking about?”
“Huh? Uh,” Taehyung guesses it’s not what he’s thinking. “It’s nothing. So what happened?”
“We slept together.” You blurt out quickly, giving yourself no time to regret it.
You hear Yoongi chuckle from beside you and you snap your head in his direction.
“What? What’s so funny?” you ask.
“You thought I didn’t already assume that? That you two haven’t already slept together?”
“Damn,” you say, “Observant as usual.”
“WAIT WHAT?” Taehyung sputters out, quite fucking loudly.
You guess Taehyung isn’t as observant.
“We got kind of drunk, kissed at midnight and went back to his dorm and you know…”
Realization hits Taehyung hard. When Jungkook was pissed about the fact Taehyung slept with you it wasn’t just because he was some heroic friend. It was also because Jungkook has already had you and he knows he doesn’t like to share. Fuck.
“Holy fuck, y/n.” Taehyung closes his eyes for a moment, “Wait, and you guys didn’t talk about it after? Didn’t he have something to tell you perhaps?”
“What are you talking about? He totally brushed it off. So I got bitter and didn’t talk to him for a month. Now we just…I don’t know, we just…I feel like we are more than friends but less than lovers.”
“Makes total sense.” Yoongi adds, “You two are that but more than anything you two are complete and total idiots.” “Well, that we can agree on.” Taehyung grins.
It’s the middle of December meaning it’s time to do your Christmas shopping! You, Trina and Holly are at the mall perusing around and trying to find the perfect gifts.
“Let’s do what we always do y/n.” Trina bumps her elbow into your side, with a smile on her face.
“Couldn’t agree more.” You respond.
“And what do you two always do?” Holly asks, feeling a little left out.
“Oh you know, we agree to no presents.” You say, “One less person to stress over, that’s our gift to each other.”
“Wow.” Holly deadpans, “You guys are so lame.”
“Or are we geniuses?” Trina asks with a grin, she walks closer to Holly and links arms with her, “But don’t worry Hol, I am getting you something.”
“Good.” Holly says, a shy smile making its way on her face.
“Me too!” you say trying to include yourself. “What would you like anyway? Just show me and I’ll buy it for you!”
“That takes out all the fun in gift giving.” Holly pouts, “It’s supposed to be a surprise!”
“Ah, fuck.” Trina spits out, “I suck at gift giving. Just tell us what you want.” She whines.
“No!” Holly laughs. “Look, I’ll be back.” She gestures towards her left, “I gotta use the bathroom.” She waves at you and Trina and walks away.
“Dude what am I going to get Holly?” Trina asks you, her frustration as clear as day. “It’s got to be special.” She adds in shyly. Special? Now’s your time to finally ask her what is up with her and Holly.
“Why special?”
“Oh you know.” Trina’s sheepish grin gives her away. “I don’t got to say it, when you know.”
“Fair enough.” You laugh. “Oh!” you point towards the window of one of the stores to your right, “You see those mugs? Let’s go check them out.”
“What why?”
“Christmas gift.” You say simply.
You both walk towards the glass window and eye the mugs, there’s a whole bunch but there’s a mug with music notes all over it and you’re reminded of the record shop and your two friends. You walk inside and grab three of them. Yes, three matching mugs for you, Yoongi and Taehyung. Even though Taehyung doesn’t drink coffee, he can still put whatever beverage he wants inside.
You pay for the mugs and have them wrapped in Christmas paper! You got some of your first gifts done with! Now you need to find something for Jimin, Jungkook, Holly and your parents. Crap, should you get something for the rest of the boys too? You’ll be seeing them on New year’s…maybe you’ll get them all scarves. That’s easy.
Jimin is easy, you know he’s been eyeing this channel necklace for far too long and you happen to be able to afford it for him. Jungkook isn’t easy at all. So you go with something simple, a new pair of chunky black boots that he’s been talking about for months. Your mom gets a necklace with her birth flower and your dad gets tickets to his favorite sports team…cheap tickets, sorry to your dad. Holly loves penguins so you find a cute penguin pin for her purse, you think she will love it.
Shopping takes almost the whole day, you, Trina and Holly are seated in the malls food court sipping on a smoothie.
“I am so freaking tired.” Holly leans her head on Trina’s shoulder as she speaks.
“Me too, girl, me too.” You respond. “But Christmas is soon!”
“Are you guys excited about going home?” you ask.
“Yeah, my parents promised they would take me ice skating like when I was a kid.” Trina chuckles.
“I’m excited too! What about you y/n?” Holly lifts her head from Trina. “What are you doing for Christmas?”
“Going home, of course. I’m bringing Jungkook with me.” You admit with a soft smile, “My mom and dad love him, they practically beg me every week on the phone that I bring him.”
“You guys are such a couple.” Trina rolls her eyes playfully.
“We’re best friends! He doesn’t have parents to spend it with so he’s coming with me, is that such a crime?” you say lightly.
“No, no. Of course not.” Trina rolls her eyes again. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you guys get together during your trip.”
“Need I remind you he has a girlfriend?”
Jungkook slides his dick in and out of Vanessa as she clenches around him, he holds her body up as he fucks her from behind. He’s been at it for a while but…
“I’m going to come!” She moans out, “Please tell me you’re close!”
“I—I” Jungkook tries fucking her faster and harder as she comes undone. But Jungkook is still trying, he’s fucking struggling. He screws his eyes shut and thrusts into Vanessa at a fast and hard rate but nothing is working.
“Sorry…sorry.” Jungkook begins to slow down, “I can’t. I just can’t” He admits, totally defeated. He’s tired. He eventually comes to a stop, and pulls out.
“I’m sorry Vanessa.” He says quietly, “It’s not you, I promise.” His voice is hoarse.
Vanessa stands and walks to the bathroom to clean herself up, when she returns she sees Jungkook sitting on the edge of the bed with his pants back on.
“It’s okay, Jungkookie.” Vanessa’s smooth voice doesn’t waver as she speaks, “It happens.”
Jungkook runs his hands down his tired face before looking up at Vanessa, his eyes slightly watery.
“This isn’t fair for you, I should be able to fucking come.” He grits out. “At the fucking least.”
“Don’t beat yourself up over it.”
“How are you so calm about this? Hm?”
Vanessa sits on the edge of the bed next to Jungkook, she breathes in and out before raising her head to speak to him.
“He wants to get back together with me, you know.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen at her words. She couldn’t be talking about her ex, could she?
“It’s okay. I said I no. Somehow I feel okay.” She smiles at him, it isn’t one of those coy or secretive smiles she mostly hands out but a real genuine smile.
“I think I just feel good that he wants me again but now I have the upper hand, you know? I’m the one with power.”
“You told him no?”
“And not even because I am supposed to be your girlfriend…but because I decided I need to respect myself. You’re right…what I was doing…it wasn’t healthy.” She admits, she shakes her head to rid herself of her bangs that keep falling in her eyes.
“I…I’m proud of you.”
“I want to be proud of you too.” She whispers.
“What are you talking about?”
“Nothing,” she says quietly, “You’ll see eventually.”
“What does that me—”
“Let’s take a small break.” Vanessa tilts her head to get a quick look at him, “Just until New Year’s.”
“We just need some time to like, miss each other? You know?”
Jungkook shakes his head, “You mean, break up?”
“Just a break. But technically yes, we aren’t together in the meantime.”
“Why?” Jungkook stands up, “We can make this work Vanessa.”
“Please stop.” Vanessa says more sternly. “It’s what I want. Just until New Year’s.”
Jungkook paces back and forth with his bottom lip caught between his teeth. He doesn’t understand why she wants this? Because he couldn’t come? All because of that? He stops pacing to stare at her and she’s already looking up at him with a sickingly sweet smile.
“Fine.” He says. “If that’s—that’s what you want.” He clears his throat and tries smiling for her, she all but nods her head.
“You ready?” you ask Jungkook when he walks up to your car. You came to pick him up, insisting that you drive this time.
“Yeah.” Jungkook shows you his bunny grin and you melt, you love that smile of his. He sets his bag in the backseat and walks over to the passenger door and sits down inside.
“I’m excited to spend Christmas with you and your family.”
“Oh, it’s going to be a handful. You’ll be meeting my grandma, some aunts and uncles and some cousins of mine.”
“And I cannot wait.” He repeats. “Do you have my Christmas present here in the car?” he smiles cheekily, “Just give it to me now.”
“Yeah, right. You have to wait until tomorrow dummy!”
“Hey, don’t call me a dummy.” Jungkook pouts. He leans back in the passenger’s seat and closes his eyes.
“Hey, you’re not thinking of taking a nap are you?” You reverse your car out of the parking spot at his apartment.
“Maybe.” Jungkook snickers from beside you, “If you don’t want me falling asleep, tell me something interesting.”
“I think I want to work on getting a TEFL.” You blurt out, “To you know, teach.”
Jungkook’s eyes stay shut as he processes your words, he thinks to himself carefully—he can’t react negatively. He can’t.
“That’s nice, y/n.” He settles for. “You’ll like it.”
“That’s it?” you twist your head to look in his direction, he opens his eyes and stares at you for a few moments.
“Eyes on the road.” Jungkook closes his eyes again.
“Jungkook…you aren’t sad I might be moving away for like, at least a year?” You grip the steering wheel tighter, “You know I would be leaving right?”
“What do you want me to say y/n?” Jungkook opens his eyes and leans forward, “Want me to tell you no? That you aren’t allowed to leave?”
“Well…no. But you could act like you care a little.” You whisper out in pout.
“I do care.” Jungkook huffs, “But I just want you to do whatever makes you happy.”
“You make me happy.”
Jungkook quirks a brow and smiles, “So, you want to do me?”
“Gross,” you reach over and hit his arm. “You know what I mean. I just…I mean I value your opinion.”
Jungkook’s smile begins to fade as he stares at the cars floorboard. He zones out for a few moments, not entirely sure what to say. While it is true he wants you to do whatever makes you happy he also doesn’t want you to go anywhere.
“Do what’s best for you baby.” He all but whispers. “I will believe in you and support you no matter what.”
“I guess I’ll take that for now.” You whine. “How’s work going for you?”
“It’s good.” Jungkook’s eyes light up, “The director is letting me edit some pretty important scenes.” He gushes. “I brought my work stuff so I can show you over the next couple of days.”
“Yeah? That sounds exciting Jungkook!”
You finally merge on the high way for your few hour trip, you got your ‘Chillin’ playlist on and a few snacks on hand. You and Jungkook chit chat every so often but you mostly jam to the music.
“Let’s listen to Disney radio station!” You hand Jungkook your phone, “Hurry, put it.”
Jungkook takes your phone with a grin and selects the Disney option on pandora, the first song to come on is Lion King’s ‘Hakuna Matata’. You and Jungkook sing your hearts out, smiling, giggling and belting out the notes.
A couple hours pass like this, your throat getting admittedly sore. But Jungkook on the other hand is still going strong, he is singing all the parts in ‘Kiss the Girl’ with such passion…you can’t help but chuckle as you listen to him.
“Phew, I am worn out!” you say, laughing. “But I see you can keep going?” you turn the volume down.
“Oh, we can switch it up…but to answer the question you know I can keep going.” He winks. And you know he meant that innocently but you can’t help but blush.
“Right.” You hand him your phone again, “Our trip is almost over…you can just put on a playlist.”
“Are you excited to see your parents again?”
“Well, I just saw them last month…but yes.” You admit, “Being home is always nice. My parents have been bothering me for weeks making sure you are actually coming with me for Christmas.” You chuckle, “They’ll be glad to see you.”
Jungkook grabs a hold of his ears in excitement, you can tell he’s genuinely happy as he sits here and smiles that smile.
“I’m glad to see them too. And I am excited to meet more of your family.”
“There will probably be misunderstandings…but don’t worry, I will make it clear we are just friends.” You nod your head as you speak. Jungkook just shrugs in response, just fucking shrugs.
“Isn’t that your house up there on the corner?” Jungkook points forward towards the house.
When you pull into the driveway your parents are making their way outside, they smile at you and you wave from inside your car. You turn it off and turn to face Jungkook.
“You ready?”
“Yes.” He grins.
You step out of your car and your mom and dad are rushing to bring you in for a hug, they hold you close and you feel yourself feeling right at home. You begin to pull away and head towards the backseat when your mom grabs your arm,
“You two can get your things later—before bed, before bed.” She guides you towards the house, “And hello, Jungkook.” She smiles widely, “So nice you are here again! Let’s go see everyone!”
“Yes mam.” Jungkook says with a small smile, he walks forward and shakes hands with your dad.
“Nice to see you again, son.”
“Yes sir, you too.”
“Stop being so formal!” you look back at him, teasing. You and your mom walk to the front door, waiting for your dad and Jungkook to catch up.
The four of you enter the house, it smells like pie and cookies and warmth and you know, like Christmas. You hear the chitter chatter of your relatives filling the house and you want to smile. You can hear your cousins gossiping in the kitchen, you hear their children playing in the backyard (The back door is open), you hear your grandma snoring on your dads recliner, while your aunt and uncle quietly talk on the other sofas. You hear what it’s like to feel at home.
“Look who is here, everyone!” Your mom announces obnoxiously. “It’s y/n and Jungkook!”
First your aunt and uncle’s attention are caught, they nod your way with smiles on their faces and you head over to the sofas to hug them each. Your grandma stays snoring on the recliner and you giggle, classic grandma.
Next, your cousins are coming in from kitchen. Three of them to be exact, Daniel and his wife Larissa and your other cousin who is your age Manny. Daniel and Larissa have 3 beautiful children who are playing in the back, you can hear their giggles from inside. Manny is much shorter than you, she’s petite and curvy and really, really pretty. You go in to hug her first, she wraps her arms around you loosely.
“y/n!” she yells excitedly, “It’s been since last Christmas right?!” she asks, still holding on to you.
“Something like that.” You giggle, “Hi Daniel, Larissa.” You go in to hug them as well.
“Guys this is Jungkook.” You finally introduce the awkward boy, he stands here swaying from side to side waiting to meet everyone. He bows his head in greeting and everyone says their hello’s. All except sleeping grandma.
“Well, hello.” Manny smiles at Jungkook, “I didn’t even see you there, which is crazy because you’re like crazy hot—”
“Okay, Manny.” You try cutting in early enough, but are a bit late.
“Oh?” Jungkook eyebrows climb to up his forehead as he looks at Manny.
“I’m Manny.” She winks, “ You must be y/n’s friend, I presume?”
“y/n!!!!” Your grandma comes up to you all, her sweet perfume filling the air around you. “You’re here, sweetie.”
“Grandma!” you lean in and hug her frail body, she smells like she always has your whole entire life, sweet.
“And this must be your boyfriend, Jungkook? I have heard so much about you, dear.” Your grandmas opens her arms, signaling Jungkook to lean in and hug her—which he does.
“Actually grandma—”
“You finally have a nice boyfriend, your parents have told me all about him.” she winks, “I am so happy for you sweetie, I think I can finally rest easy.”
“Rest easy?” you question, “No grandma you are mis—”
“It’s nice to meet you.” Jungkook smiles at your grandma and she cheeses hard.
“You can call me grandma, dear.” She pats his back lovingly, “I want to hear all about you two. Shall we drink some tea together?”
“Boyfriend?” Manny asks, confused. “I didn’t know you guys started dating?”
“We aren’t—”
“Its new.” Jungkook cuts in. He slides his arm around your waist and you audibly gasp.
“What’s new?” Your mom walks up to you all.
“They’re dating.” Manny says, looking unimpressed.
“WHAT! Darling, get in here!” She calls your dad over, “Jungkook and y/n are together, together!”
“No we are—” you try cutting in but you feel Jungkook dig his fingers into your waist.
“THEY’RE TOGETHER?!” Your dad yells out, his excitement clear as day. You stand here confused as hell as your whole family starts congratulating you two.
“Wait, wait.” You try getting out but Jungkook leans in to whisper in your ear.
“We can’t disappoint grandma.” He says softly.
“I met my Roy at a party too.” Your grandma says between sips, she holds her tea in front of her face as she reminisces.
“Was it love at first sight?” Your grandma asks, wiggling her brows. “Me and my Roy didn’t get together for quite some time so I don’t think it was love at first sight for us…when did you know?”
“Grandma…” you begin, “Can we talk about something else?” you beg.
“I knew only a few months later.” Jungkook admits shyly, he smiles at your grandma while bringing his tea cup to his lips. “I knew no one could take y/n’s spot. But I was content with being friends.”
Your eyes grow in size, his confession warming you up. You know it’s all for show but you can’t help what it does to you.
“I also knew after a few months.” You say quietly.
“Oh, how lovely!” Your grandma claps her hands together softly, “And now here you are! Jungkook…” Your grandma sets down her tea cup and looks over at Jungkook. “I trust you will take care of y/n no matter what, right?”
“No matter what.” He says quickly. “She takes care of me too.”
“And how does she do that?” Your grandma raises a drawn on brow.
“She is always there for me…she always tries to understand me even when I am in the wrong…she always tries to get to know me like she doesn’t already know everything,” he chuckles, “She always hugs me when I need it.” Jungkook looks at you with a soft smile, “She really loves me and I can feel it.” Then his mouth falls open and his eyes expand a little, “Do you… love me y/n? Like—”
“Okay, that’s enough about us babe,” you cut him off, “When did you get in town grandma?”
“Oh, just last night.” She mumbles, “I—”
“So,” Manny comes into the kitchen, her v neck lower than it was 20 minutes ago, you can’t help but roll your eyes. “What do you do Jungkook?” she leans down into his space, one hand squeezing his bicep as she asks her question.
“Um, I work as an editor for a film company.” His eyes shift to you and you roll your eyes again. “What about you?”
“Oh? Me? I work at a marketing firm. Was hoping to see y/n there.” She smiles at you. “But guess she didn’t apply? Maybe?”
“I didn’t get hired.” You state plainly. “But I didn’t want to work there anyway.” You grip your thigh in annoyance.
“y/n is probably too good for that company anyway.” Jungkook says, his hand reaches for yours and you relax a little bit.
“Right.” Manny nods her head exaggeratedly, “That’s got to be it…” she winks at you and you give a half ass smile.
“So Jungkook…” she finally takes a seat next to him, her hand still on his arm. “Film, huh? That’s soo cool. What do you do in your spare time?” she squeezes his bicep again, “Besides working out, of course.” She laughs.
Jungkook looks at you in panic, his eyes shifting from yours to his arm and you just roll your eyes.
“Manny.” You cut in, “How’s Luis?”
“Oh, we broke up.” She says smiling at Jungkook. “Nothing to worry about it.”
“And what’s to worry about,” you lean over and detach her fingers from Jungkook’s arm. “Hm?”
“Oh nothing.” Manny shakes her head.
“Manny, did you ever take my things out of the drier?” Your grandma speaks up, “Please put them in my room if you haven’t already.”
“Speaking of rooms.” Your mom and dad walk into the kitchen, their hands joined together.
“What?” you ask.
“Grandma is in Jungkook’s room. So Jungkook will have to stay in your room with you.” She says nonchalantly.
“Hm? Okay.” You shrug while Jungkook’s eyes widen just slightly. “Where are aunt and uncle sleeping? And Daniel and the rest? “Oh, we got a hotel.” Manny says, “Which sucks because it would have been fun to have a little slumber party.” She says in pout. You give her a tight smile and nod.
“Sure.” You get out, “Guess it’s just me and Jungkook for the slumber party.” You wink at her and Jungkook laughs as he squeezes your hand.
“Can’t wait baby.”
“Oh, you guys are gross.” Manny gags, “We get it.”
“Yeah, behave.” Your mom gives you a pointed look, “You’re still in your parent’s house.”
“Sorry, sorry. We’re just messing around.” You wave your hand, “Also, I can get your things from the drier grandma, I am going upstairs anyway to change.”
“Thank you sweetie.”
You let go of Jungkook’s hand as you stand up, he looks up at you in panic. You’re leaving him here with Manny?! He’s not stupid, this girl is clearly not caring about the whole boyfriend thing but he doesn’t want to make a scene by saying something to her.
“I’ll go with you.” Jungkook rushes to say earning strange looks from your parents. “Be—because I should bring up our bags from the car.”
“Ah, yes! That’s true, that’s true.” Your mom nods her head in agreeance, “You two go.”
Upstairs is much quieter, Jungkook thinks to himself. Just the background noise of muffled voices and occasional laughter. You two are in your childhood bedroom with both of your bags on your small bed. You are digging through your own luggage when you hear Jungkook clear his voice.
“What’s up?” you don’t look up to see him, you continue digging into your bag for some sleep shorts and a t shirt.
“This bed is tiny.” Jungkook groans, “How are we going to sleep on it?”
“I suppose one of us could make a palette on the flo—”
“—No.” Jungkook shakes his head, “I just mean, you’ll have to sleep super close to me.”
“That doesn’t bother me. Does it bother you suddenly?” you grab the small shorts from your bag and set them on the bed.
“W-What? No…” he admits shyly, his teeth on full display at he smiles at his own bag. “I was just saying.”
“Will Vanessa not like it?” you whisper as you find the t shirt. “Because—”
“Actually we—”
“—ask her?”
“No, it’s fine. Trust me.” Jungkook brings out his own change of clothes and stands here awkwardly, not knowing where to go.
“I do trust you.” You breathe out, “We can just turn around and change.” You offer, already spinning on your heels and lifting your sweater over your head. Jungkook continues to stare at you until he’s hit with realization. He quickly turns around and starts changing as well.
“You sure let Manny touch you however she pleases.” You spit out quietly. Jungkook freezes mid shirt lift, his eyes growing in panic.
“It’s not that I was letting her…I just…I didn’t know what to do…I’m sorry—”
“Yeah, I know.” You roll your eyes even though he cannot see. “I’m just—it’s my fault. Me and Manny grew up together. The boy she liked in high school liked me…and ever since then she’s always…” you wiggle into your sleep shorts, slipping the material over your ass.
“Oh, I get it.” Jungkook slips on a new t shirt, “I’m done. Are you?”
“Yeah, I am.”
You both turn around, smiling sheepishly at one another. He’s wearing black sweats with a plain white t shirt and you in your sleep shorts you always use to wear around the apartment that use to drive Jungkook wild and one of his black t shirts.
“Hey, that’s mine.” He pouts, pointing at the shirt you’re wearing.
“Mine now.” You poke your tongue out. Jungkook pretends to reach over the bed to grab your tongue which makes you laugh.
“Don’t let Manny touch you again.” You blurt out, “I don’t like it.”
Jungkook bites down on his bottom lip as he stares at you, he begins walking to the other side of the bed until he’s standing in front of you.
“Why don’t you like it?” he asks softly.
“It’s annoying to look at it.”
“It irritates you to see another girl touch me?”
“It’s irritating when that girl is my cousin.”
“Why does it matter who it is specifically?” Jungkook steps closer to you, he pushes his hands in his sweat pockets.
“I don’t want you to fuck my cousin, Jungkook. Sue me.” Your straightforwardness makes Jungkook chuckle.
“I wouldn’t fuck your cousin, y/n.”
“Yeah, because you have Vanessa.” You remind him.
“Actually we—”
“—we should head back downstairs.” You try pushing past him but he catches your wrist.
“Tell me why it irritates you so much.”
“I just don’t like it, Jungkook.” You huff.
“Are you perhaps jealous?” Jungkook lowers your wrist, but he doesn’t let go.
“Why would I be jealous?” You yank your wrist from his hold and push past him, walking towards your bedroom door. “Come on.”
You basically told him you weren’t jealous but why did it have to happen that when teams were being chosen for this game night, Jungkook and Manny would get paired together.
The universe is laughing at you. Manny is…shameless. She has no problem flirting with someone else’s man…you’re no exception. You can tell Jungkook is slightly uncomfortable and not really enjoying the attention but still, somehow you are fuming. It’s not like he’s being exceptionally nice to her, he’s just not being standoffish enough to your liking.
“Oh, Jungkook!” Manny giggles for no reason, she leans into Jungkook’s space, just laughing away while sit you here and watch. He chuckles awkwardly, his hands messing with the playing cards in front of him. You hate this view. You thought any view with Jungkook would be a nice one, but you were wrong. Watching your cousin fawn over him like this is making you angry as fuck. As it should, right? Jungkook is your boyfriend! Well—not actually. But still! As far as Manny is concerned, Jungkook is your man, and she needs to back off.
“Manny, could you maybe give my boyfriend some space.” You snap, your voice cutting in through your family’s chatter. The room quiets down and all eyes are on you.
Manny looks all around the room, red creeping on her cheeks as she sits here, embarrassed. She opens her mouth to speak when you hold up a hand to stop her. Then you use that hand to gesture towards their bodies,
“He’s clearly uncomfortable that you are sitting so close, and frankly, I am too.”
“And he’s too nice to say anything.” Your cold eyes look at her then they slide to Jungkook, “Which is something you need to work on babe.”
“I am not even sitting that close, jeez, you are as dramatic as ever.” Manny tries to roll her eyes, while subtlety scooting away. “And really? You try to call me out in front of everyone?”
“Oh? Should we talk in private then?”
“y/n.” this time the one saying your name is Jungkook. “Maybe we should go to sleep. Start new tomorrow, huh?” The tension between you and Manny too much for him to handle right now, especially in front of everyone.
“I think that’s a great idea.” It’s grandma. “It’s way past my bedtime too.”
“I think your aunt and uncle were just talking about how it’s almost time to leave too. Perfect timing!” Your mom chimes in, “Let’s all say goodnight.”
You don’t say anything to Jungkook as you peel back the baby pink duvet on your bed, you just stare down at your twin mattress with hard eyes.
“Are you okay?”
You continue to stay silent as you slip under the covers, scooting all the way towards the edge of the bed as far as you possibly can.
“y/n…” Jungkook pats in the last of his facial moisturizer into his skin, “I asked if you’re okay?” his back is facing you as he sits on the edge of the bed, placing his moisturizer back in his bag. “It was interesting,” (Hot.) “To see you all…protective,” (Jealous.) “Tonight.”
“I’m going to sleep.” You are laying on your back, staring up at the ceiling fan. “I don’t feel like talking tonight.”
Jungkook lays down next to you, his body so freaking close. He lays on his side, facing you. His right arm going under his head, trying his hardest to get comfortable in such close quarters.
“No talking, but maybe cuddling?” Jungkook whispers, and you of course hear it clear as day because he is so fucking close to you.
“Call me crazy but I don’t feel like cuddling with a guy who can’t even tell another girl to fuck off.” You shut your eyes. “Not in the mood.”
Jungkook blinks a few times, your words sinking in. You’re kind of right, he should of said something too but he didn’t know what to say. It’s your cousin! In front of your family! And he tried his hardest to lean away from Manny as much as possible.
“I’m sorry, y/n. You’re right. I should have said something.” His left hand reaches out to grab your hand that rests on top of your stomach.
“Yeah, you should have. But now I’m the asshole who called her out in front of everyone.”
Jungkook remembers it, and he darkly chuckles.
“Yeah, and it was hot.” He admits, making you open your eyes as you snap your head towards him.
“You think me being crazy jealous was hot?” you give him a look like he’s crazy.
“So you are jealous?” Jungkook smirks, “But I don’t see it that way. I see it as being protective over what’s yours.”
“So, you’re mine?” you turn to lean on your side, your body bumping into his. “At least until the end of this trip right?” you laugh, “I can’t believe you just don’t want to disappoint grandma.”
“At least until the end of this trip.” Jungkook leans his head closer to yours, “You finally brought home a boyfriend.” He grins as his forehead slightly bumps into yours.
What does Jungkook mean at least? And why does he always become closer and closer to you?
If you were to lift your head up at all, his lips would be dangerously close to yours.
“Jeez, how many fake boyfriends am I going to have this year?” you joke, keeping your head down, “I really got to find a real one by now.”
“I know the room is dark,” Jungkook begins, “But I still want to see your eyes when we talk.”
“Didn’t I say I didn’t want to talk?”
“y/n…” Jungkook whines, “You’re still mad at me?”
“Not really, it’s not your fault. I’m just still pissed at the situation.” You admit quite easily. “It’s honestly so disrespectful of her. You’re my boyfriend. You’re my man. You’re mine.”
Jungkook’s hand settles over your waist, he grabs on and brings you in closer to his body. He inhales you, taking in your scent. You smell so good to him, he could inhale you forever. Your words echo in his mind as he snuggles you closer. Your man? His heart races faster and faster as the echo gets louder.
“I’m yours, hm?” he runs his fingers down your side, starting from your shoulder until the top of your hip bone. “Does that make you mine?” He breathes out, “Are you mine baby?” his fingers dance over your hips, your shirt and shorts separating his fingers from touching your warm skin.
“You know what I mean.” You huff out, closing your eyes from his gentle touch.
“Do I though?” Jungkook’s hand lingers over your hips, until he is playing with the end of your shirt.
“Let me touch your skin.” He softly begs, “It’ll feel nice.”
Your eyes open in surprise, what skin? Where will he be touching?
“Innocent, I swear.” Jungkook adds, “Just want to make you feel nice.”
“Isn’t that weird?” you finally ask.
“I don’t think so.”
“Fine.” You close your eyes again, “Touch me.”
Jungkook bites his lips when you give him the green light, he wasn’t expecting you to agree so quickly. Because what if it is weird? He just wants to touch your skin, no harm done. Jungkook leans up on his arms and tugs at the bottom of your shirt,
“I am going to slide this up a bit, okay?” he asks and you nod your head but you hear him chuckle.
“Words, baby.”
“Yes.” You breathe out, your eyes still closed.
Jungkook takes the material between his fingers and begins to slowly, very slowly ride the shirt up. His eyes have finally adjusted to the dark, where he can see you just enough. The shirt slides up your body, exposing your skin inch by inch. He gulps.
He lifts the shirt up until your pretty blue bralette is showing itself, your breasts falling to the side giving you a good amount of cleavage. He gulps again.
When the shirt is all bunched up at your armpits, Jungkook lays back down on his side. The cold air that spins in circles thanks to the fan is causing your skin to get goosebumps, your stomach feeling extra sensitive.
“Touch me, Jungkook.” You softly command. “I want you to.”
Jungkook swallows hard at your straightforwardness. His hand slowly creeps up to your shoulder, his fingers brushing against the material of the t shirt before he’s lightly dragging his fingers down your side. His fingertips hit your exposed skin, he lightly glides them down, just barely touching you. When he reaches your hip bone he dances his fingers lower until they’re grazing your lower stomach. His touch is so light it’s got your breathing getting just a bit heavier. He repeats his action a few times, starting from your shoulder until his fingers glide across your bare stomach. He’s right, it does feel nice. Too nice, almost.
“How do my fingers feel?” He clears his throat, his voice nice and low. Your eyes shoot open at his question. This is all innocent, but why does that question feel so dirty?
“They feel so good.” You breathe out, “So good.”
Jungkook smiles and continues sliding his fingers over your lower stomach, causing you to release a long, shaky breath. His touch is so fucking good, his touch leaving a trail of fire. As his fingers lightly skid across your stomach he leaves behind such heat. His fingers finally glide up, they barely reach right under your breasts. Your breath catches in your throat, his fingers so dangerously close to your tits and you want to smash your head on something. God, what it would feel like to have them being touched by his large hand.
Jungkook uses just his pointer finger to drag his finger down from the center of your lower chest until he’s passing your belly button, until he’s reaching your lower stomach again, his finger stopping at the drawstrings on your shorts.
You can’t help but release a long, quiet moan as his finger does that over and over. You clench your stomach muscles with each stroke of his fingers. Why does Jungkook have to make you feel so fucking good?
Jungkook feels himself getting hard against your thigh, but he doesn’t care to hide it. Touching your warm, soft skin feels so intimate and that moan you released? His cock needs to hear more. He grabs a hold of your hip, the material of the shorts in the way of your skin.
“Can I lower these a little?” he pants out. “Just a little.”
“Yes.” You feel your breaths getting heavier.
Jungkook slips his fingers under the shorts and slowly drags down the material over your hip, your panties sliding down as well. Jungkook grunts in approval, he thumbs your hip bone causing you to quietly whimper.
“You really like your hips and stomach to be touched.” He states.
“S-Sensitive.” You admit.
Jungkook massages the skin of your hip, very, very lightly. Almost like he isn’t touching you at all, like he’s just trying to tease you. And it’s working. You feel your breaths become more erratic. You keep your eyes closed as the light feeling of his fingertips begin to make you wet. You can’t help but slightly rotate your hips in circles as he touches you, and you can’t help but moan when he puts more pressure into his massage on your hip.
“You like that?” Jungkook breathes out, “Feel good?”
Your hips move faster underneath his electric touch, you start to become desperate, needing more. You finally open your eyes, Jungkook notices how dark and captivating they look. You reach forward until your own hand is at his shirt.
Jungkook looks at you, very confused. But he doesn’t waste another moment when he sits up and throws his shirt off.
“Good.” Your hands go to grope his chest. His strong muscles flex beneath your touch. You drag your hands down his chest until they stop at the waistband of his sweats, he throws his head back as you explore the front of his body.
“Want to touch you too.” You admit between harsh breaths.
Jungkook’s hand goes to the shirt bunched around your shoulders and tugs on it,
“Off too.” He guides you to sit up and he helps you take off your shirt. Your strappy bralette leaves almost nothing to the imagination, Jungkook thinks. The material is so very thin that he sees your hard nipples and he wants to brush his thumb over them. But he refrains.
“Much better.” Jungkook says in one breath. “Now lay down.”
You do as he says, this time you lay on your back instead of your side. You try breathing in and out normally but can’t help how irregular your breaths are.
“Jungkook.” You whine, “Touch me.”
“So needy.” Jungkook’s hand hovers over the top of your stomach, “My baby is so needy.” He whispers.
You reach up and caress Jungkook’s cheek, “I am.” You admit. Jungkook throws his head back, biting on his lip as he grins.
“Good girl.” His fingers lightly dance below your belly button and you whine. He glides his fingers lower and lower until they’re at your waistband.
“Going to pull these down…just a little.” His voice cracks as he stares down at you.
You nod your head and tell him yes over and over.
He drags the shorts just a bit lower, right before your pussy is exposed. His fingers lightly touch your new exposed skin, and you moan. The feeling getting you so worked up.
“I want to do the same to you.” You try say between your rough breathing. “Let me touch you, Jungkook.” Your hands go to his stomach, your touch anything but light as you drag your hands down with pressure. You reach the top of his waist band and begin pulling down until he’s catching your wrist.
“And what do you think you are doing?” Jungkook’s low, deep voice sends a shiver down your god damn spine.
“Innocent, I promise.” You mock, “Want to touch you too.”
“I think we have had enough,” he teases lightly, bringing his hand back to his own body. “Let’s go to sleep.”
“Fine, cuddle me.” You say, annoyed. You turn to your other side, where your back is facing him.
“Fine by me. But…” He sinks down further into the covers to spoon you, one arm going beneath your head and the other pulling you in by the hips, “Remember what happens when we get in this position.” You feel his hard cock poke your ass and you moan out quietly.
“What happens?” you play dumb.
“4 years ago, you asked me to cuddle you like this because you wanted to get fucked.” he says easily and you choke on your spit. He’s referencing that night?
Jungkook is so lost in you, he doesn’t care anymore. He will bring up that night a million times if he has to. He loves you. And he’s starting to get real tired of the constant tension between you two. He pushes his hips into your ass, you feel how hard he is and you squeeze your eyes shut.
“I also said this position makes me feel safe.” You play innocent as you bump your ass into his crotch.
“I make you feel safe?”
“You make me feel a lot of things.” You whimper, backing your ass further into his cock, it’s so hard and poking against you in such a way that drives you nuts.
Jungkook groans as he feels you circling your hips into his crotch. His hand goes to your hip and he squeezes tightly making you moan out.
“You got to be more quiet baby.” Jungkook warns softly, “We don’t want your parents or your grandmother thinking we are really having that ‘slumber party’.” He jokes.
“Then what are we having?”
“Just some innocent massages between friends.” He comments with a snicker.
“Oh? Is my ass massaging your dick so innocent?” you whine out, “I don’t really do this sort of thing with my other friends.” You keep your eyes screwed shut.
“It’s very innocent.” Jungkook teases, he begins lightly humping you. He pushes his cock further and further on your ass cheeks, he moans when you two find a rhythm. He remembers when he fucked you in this position, he remembers it well. How you sounded, how you smelled, how you felt. He memorized the feeling of you.
“Fuck, y/n…” Jungkook quietly groans out. He rocks his hips into you faster, and you hate everything. You want to touch yourself so bad. You want to slide your fingers down your shorts and rub your aching clit, you would like it even more if it was Jungkook’s fingers.
“Not fair…” you say in pout, arching your back.
“What’s not?” he pants.
“I want to feel good too…” you say, flipping to your other side, facing him. You scoot impossibly close until his cock is pressed against your lower stomach.
“Innocently, of course.” You throw a leg over his waist as your hands go to his chest to guide him to lay on his back. “Gonna make us both feel good.” Your eyes are glazed over in lust as you speak.
You straddle his hips and find the right placement in sitting down…his cock nice and snug between your clothed folds. You begin moving your hips until you have the right angle on your clit and you moan.
“Is this okay?” you breathe out and Jungkook nods his head quickly.
You begin rocking yourself against his clothed cock, he quietly whimpers at the feeling. Jungkook screws his eyes shut as his mouth falls open and wonderful panting leaves his lips. You watch him lose his composure as you hump him, you pick up the pace, becoming more and more desperate. Your clit is thanking you. ‘Thank you bitch’ it says.
“I—I can’t” Jungkook moans out, “I—I can’t do this.”
You immediately slow down, rejection sinking in. “What do you mean? You don’t want to do—”
“—I don’t want to do this with clothes on.” Jungkook groans, his fingers digging into your hips. “I need you naked. Fucking now.” He grits out.
You finally still as you process his words. Are you two about to fuck? Is this really a good idea? Again? But you are so far gone…you are so beyond horny that you are able to push your logical thinking to the side.
“Okay.” You look at him with lust filled eyes, “Take off my clothes.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen but he’s nodding his head so fucking fast it’s almost comical. He rushes to unclasp your bralette, your breasts bouncing as they are freed. He sits up, and you are graced with the sight of Jungkook’s mouth sucking on your tit. You arch your back, pushing your breast further into his mouth, his tongue swirling over the hardened nub. You throw your head back in pleasure, his hand giving your other breast all the attention it needs.
“Shorts, Jungkook.” You beg. “Take them off me.”
Jungkook detaches his self from your breast and looks up into your eyes and smirks,
“Say please, princess.”
“Fucking please, please.”
Jungkook’s hands quickly find their way to your shorts and your rise to your knees to help him slip them off your legs. Your panties go down with the shorts and Jungkook couldn’t be more pleased.
“Oh my god baby.” Jungkook stares at you with dark eyes, “Your wetness is literally dripping down your inner thighs. You are so fucking wet.” He comments and you smile shyly.
“You…” you begin to say.
“What about me?” he teases, his fingers grazing your inner thigh, he wipes some of your cum off your sensitive skin.
“You did this to me.”
“Yes I did baby. And I will take full responsibility.” He guides your body up his own, you follow his lead.
“Ride my face.” He commands as he lays back down, his hand in yours still guiding you when you stop abruptly.
“Ride my face baby.” He tugs on your hand and you hesitantly make your way closer to him. You stop when you are hovering over his chest, knees on either side of his neck when you start to get shy.
“I’ve never…”
“Keep going,” his hands go to your hips and he’s guiding you further up until your pussy is hovering over his warm mouth.
“Now sit.”
“I said, sit.”
And you do, you lower yourself over his mouth…you slam your eyes shut, feeling nervous. But then you are met with his wet, warm tongue. You stay still as he begins licking at you, his tongue licking a strip from your hole to your clit. You start to relax as the sensation fills you up, his tongue swirling around causing you to release a long, breathy moan. You can’t help but start to rock your hips back and forth…the feeling even more spectacular. You try to keep quiet, you really do. But Jungkook’s tongue is quite literally fucking you.
“Ah, Jungkook.” You throw your head back, your eyes rolling all around as you ride his face faster. You feel Jungkook moan into your pussy, making you whimper even more.
You don’t know how much time has passed but it does not matter. Jungkook shows no sign of stopping anytime soon, his tongue working to make you feel so fucking good. You ride his face even harder now, your thighs shaking as you squeeze around his head.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” You pant out, “I think I’m going to—”
You rock your hips as fast as you can as you feel your orgasm approaching, Jungkook’s hands squeeze your ass cheeks. He encourages you to rock against him even harder as he guides your hips. His tongue is laid flat against your clit as you ride him faster, you can feel how close you are. You thighs shake and you feel your pussy clench around nothing as your orgasm hits you. It hits you so fucking hard, like a strong wind that’s knocked you over.
“Fuuuuuucckkk.” You squeeze your thighs together, probably crushing Jungkook’s head as you come. You breathe so fucking hard as you try to hurry to come down from your amazing orgasm, you struggle to rise to your knees, so Jungkook helps lift you a bit until you are rising from his mouth.
You inch backwards until you are hovering over his chest, when he makes you sit down. You open your eyes, and take a look at the man before you.
His entire face is glistening with your cum and he looks so fucking happy about it. He’s trying to catch his own breath as he eyes you, his entire face wet with your cum. He is fucking grinning at you.
“You did so amazing baby.” He breathes out.
“That was incredible.” You admit. “Want to…” you start off hesitantly, “Want to fuck my mouth?”
Jungkook slams his eyes shut, and takes a few deep breaths before he slowly opens his eyes again.
“No…We should get cleaned up and go to sleep. Don’t you think?” he asks softly.
“Go…to sleep?” you ask, disappointed. “Sure.” You say kind of detached. “If that’s what you want.”
Shame. Guilt. Regret.
It’s the next morning and you are trying your hardest to sleep away from Jungkook. But the bed is so small making it almost impossible. You didn’t sleep at all. Which feels unfair because Jungkook is next to you snoring away with a lazy arm thrown over your waist.
Shame. Guilt. Regret.
Jungkook has a girlfriend but you and him…oh my god you made Jungkook a cheater. You are the fucking worst. You let lust win in this dangerous game you two are playing, you let it win and shove it’s victory in your face. You hate yourself. You feel so fucking bad! Vanessa may not be your favorite person but cheating is never okay.
Shame. Guilt. Regret.
You wonder if Jungkook will feel these things too as he wakes up…you wonder if he will feel worse. Jungkook is a lot of things but a cheater isn’t one of them. He’s always felt strongly about the subject because of his mom and dad. Will he be weird with you? Will he feel worse than you? Will he be able to forgive himself?
Suddenly, Jungkook’s light snores go quiet and his arm is tightening around your waist just the slightest. He’s awake. He begins pulling you in closer to his body and then you feel his lips on your neck. He leaves just an innocent peck and then you think he may be going back to sleep with how comfortable he’s getting.
“Let’s get up.” You break the silence in the room, “I can hear people downstairs.”
“Oh, good morning.” You feel him smile on your neck, “Why don’t we stay here for just a few minutes?”
Has he not processed what he’s done? Where is his shame? His guilt? His regret? You feel sick.
“We really should get up.” You repeat. “I’m hungry.” You detach yourself from his body and rise from the bed. You don’t even look at him as you grab a change of clothes and exit the room to head towards the bathroom.
Jungkook is left on the bed wondering what’s up with you? Are you feeling awkward after last night? He thought you might be in a good mood…considering your orgasm…but instead your mood seems to be sour.
“Great.” Jungkook mutters underneath his breath. He gets up too, going to his bag to change for the day. When he’s done, he grabs his toiletries and makes his way to the bathroom. He stands outside the door, softly knocking. You swing the door open with your toothbrush hanging out of your mouth when you usher him inside.
“I’m going to wash up too…” Jungkook warns. He sets his small toiletry bag on the bathroom counter and takes out his face wash, moisturizer and tooth brush.
You nod your head as you continue to brush your teeth, toothpaste foaming at the corner of your mouth.
“How do you feel this morning?” Jungkook tries to make decent conversation as he applies his face wash to his face.
You spit out the toothpaste and rinse your mouth, wiping your face dry with a towel.
“Fine.” You spit out. “Just fine.”
Jungkook washes his face with water, and pats his face dry with a small towel, just nodding his head. He feels awkward.
“I feel fine too…” He adds, trying to add more to the convo. “Do you think grandma heard us last night?” he asks.
“Let’s not talk about last night.” You snap, “Can’t you read a room?”
You grab your things and leave the bathroom, leaving Jungkook wondering what the hell he did to make you so mad. Did you hate it that much? Maybe in the past he would have thought that but now…he knows how much you liked it. Loved it even. Jungkook doesn’t feel as insecure as before, he just knows the only way to solve this is to talk to you. Communication.
Communication would be a lot easier if he was given a god damn chance at talking to you but your mom is keeping you so busy in the kitchen with your gossipy aunt’s chitter chatter filling every crevice of the room. You nod along, even laugh as you listen. Jungkook is in the backyard with the three kids, keeping them entertained as you, Manny, Larissa, your aunt and mom bake in the kitchen with grandma sipping her tea at the table. Your dad, uncle and Daniel are in the living room watching some show, clanking their beer bottles together in celebration. Today is Christmas eve. Apparently this is when your family does most of the major celebrating, you guys bake and cook all day, eat a grand dinner and open presents. And Christmas day you just eat leftovers and chill.
The youngest kid has grown quite fond of Jungkook, she tends to feel left out by her two older brothers. Jungkook plays with her and she has already formed an attachment making your cousin in law laugh at them fondly.
“Your boyfriend is great with kids! Lucky you.” Larissa winks at you as she rolls the cookie dough on the counter.
“Yeah, yeah.” You say plainly.
“y/n…what’s wrong?” Manny comes up to your side, “Trouble in paradise?”
“No, Manny.” You snap. “But I bet you would like that.”
“Girls, let’s not fight.” Your aunt cuts in while your mom just looks at you worried.
“I would hardly call it a fight.” You hear your grandmas sweet voice over everyone else’s. “Now how are those drop cookies coming along girls?”
“They’re coming.” You say. “If Manny ever finishes with the dry ingredients.”
“I told you I was almost done, chill out.”
“Girls.” Your mom warns, “y/n, why don’t you go keep Jungkook company?”
Your eyes go from your moms to outside where Jungkook is and you panic.
“No, it’s okay…he’s fine.”
“You know what?” Your grandma speaks up, “I think I will if you won’t.” She sweetly chuckles. She stands from her place at the table, grabs her tea cup and makes her way to the outside table instead, closing the backyard door behind her.
“Hi dear.” Your grandma nods towards Jungkook as he plays pirates with the boys. He is laughing and pretending to have a hook hand, while the boys giggle and run around. The youngest claims she is the lost princess and that Jungkook has to save her. Grandma watches with joy, loving how well he gets along with the children.
“Hi.” Jungkook says out of breath from playing. He tells the kids to keep playing and that he will return shortly, they beg and whined that he stay but he says if they keep playing he will steal them some of the first cookies. The kids nod their head aggressively in agreement.
“How are you this afternoon?” he takes a seat across from her.
“Why is my granddaughter mad at you?” She smiles at Jungkook and his face drains of all color.
“Um…what do you mean?”
“Anyone with eyes knows you two have been strange all morning and afternoon.” Your grandma brings her tea to her mouth, “Maybe Manny was right, there is trouble in paradise.” She smiles again, “The key is to talk to her. Find out what’s going on.”
Jungkook groans, throwing his head into his hands. He lifts his head up again to speak but decides to just groan again in frustration.
“She won’t give me a chance to speak to her.” He admits. “She’s avoiding me.”
“Make the chance happen.” Grandma advices, “You’re a good kid, Jungkook. Even though you decided to lie to poor old me.”
“You think I really couldn’t tell that you’re not really dating my granddaughter? I’ve been around too long to get fooled by something like that. But I see your feelings are real. So are hers. So why aren’t you two together?”
Jungkook sits here, absolutely stunned silent. He doesn’t know how to respond! Grandma begins sipping on her tea again when she lowers it to speak.
“Go talk to her honey. I want to see my grandbaby happy.”
“I guess we don’t have to pretend anymore.” Jungkook finally speaks.
“No, no. Keep going, it is quite entertaining, dear.” Your grandma chuckles, “Plus, it keeps Manny on her toes. Best if she thinks you are taken. Once she finds out that you are single…I fear for your life, boy.” Your grandma laughs out loud, making Jungkook join her.
“Fair enough.” He says, “But how do I…how do I get her to talk to me?”
“I’m sure you know her better than I do.” Grandma points out, “You’ll figure out what works best for her.”
And your grandma is right, he does know you best. But what will work? When you have avoided things in the past he has usually been the one to force answers out of you. Now is no different.
All the baking for the day is complete, you sit down at the table in the kitchen and let your head fall to the table top. You moan out in satisfaction that you all are finally done…how unfair that the guys got to just chill all day? Your mom has been cooking with your aunt for Christmas dinner while you and your cousins worked on pies and cookies. And they sat and drank beer. Typical.
“Hey.” You feel Jungkook’s warm breath hit your ear and you look up at him, his face so close to yours as he is leaned down to speak to you.
“Can we talk?”
“Nothing to talk about.” You lay your head back down on the table until you feel your arm being pulled upwards, causing you to stand to your feet.
“Don’t be a brat. Let’s go.” Jungkook pulls you up, and starts pulling you in the direction of the staircase.
“Let go of me.” She say weakly, “I can walk myself.”
Jungkook let’s go of your arm and instead reaches for your hand, he interlocks his fingers with yours and you roll your eyes.
“I said, I can walk myself.”
Jungkook only shakes his head in response, guiding you up the stairs until you two reach the bedroom, you both walk inside as Jungkook closes the door behind you two.
“Now talk.” He softly commands.
“Nothing to talk about?”
“y/n…” he warns and you feel your eyes start to sting.
“We fucked up, Jungkook.” You blink back the stinging in your eyes, shame, guilt, and regret joining you.
“How so?”
“What do you mean ‘How so?’” you ask incredulously. “Do you not remember the events of last night? You have a girlfriend!” you throw your hands in the air, “You are a cheater! I’m the one you cheated with…oh my god…”
Jungkook’s eyes widen at your words and he starts shaking his head. He tries walking closer to you but you only step back until your back meets the wall.
“We fucked up.” You cry out. “I’m so sorry.”
“What are you sorry for?” Jungkook asks softly. You are starting to wonder why this dude is not panicking.
“I made you a cheater.” You cry. Jungkook walks closer to you again until he’s wrapping his arms around your waist.
“You didn’t.” he whispers. “Vanessa and I…we aren’t together right now.”
You sniffle into his shoulder as you process his words…not together right now? What does that even mean?
“She broke up with me.” He begins to explain, “Said she wants to break up until New Year’s but I don’t think we will be getting back together.”
“Why not?” you whisper.
“I…I don’t know.”
“Oh.” You untangle yourself from Jungkook’s arms, “But you aren’t a cheater?”
You sigh out in relief, a huge, long, heavy sigh. Thank God. You feel shame, guilt, and regret leave your body making you feel ten times lighter.
“So I have nothing to feel bad for?”
“Absolutely nothing.” Jungkook smiles at you, “Now can we go enjoy Christmas? I cannot wait to give you your present.”
You pull on your hair, feeling nervous suddenly. Is he just going to brush past this too? Are you two not going to bring up last night in more detail? Figure out what it means for you two? Are you two just friends who occasionally hook up? That’s not what you want. What do you want? “Sure.”
“Dinner was delicious, honey.” Your dad says reaching over to cup your moms cheek. “I think I ate way too much this year.”
“Oh sweetheart, you say that every year.” Your mom laughs, “What about everyone else? Eat enough?”
Everyone around the table groans in happiness, nodding their heads yes and complimenting the dinner.
“Well, I suppose we should get on to the presents portion of the evening?” Your mom stands from her chair, “Let’s all go into the living room around the tree.”
Everyone makes their way into the living room, you and Jungkook being the last two to make it inside. You two stand here awkwardly, not entirely too sure where to sit since it is a bit crowded. Your grandma points at you two with a cheeky smile.
“Mistletoe.” She yells out. “Mistletoe!”
You point at yourself in question and then at Jungkook. What mistletoe? Then you see Jungkook looking up and his face turning completely red. Oh.
“We really don’t—”
“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!” you hear your various family members chanting. Your parents grinning like fools as they chant as well. Your grandma winks at Jungkook and Jungkook goes even redder.
“We don’t have to Jungkook” you whisper. Jungkook clears his throat repeatedly until his face begins going back to his normal color.
“No, it’s tradition right?”
“I mean, I guess.” You shrug, you begin to turn red yourself.
“C’mere.” He reaches for your hand and pulls you in to his chest, then his other hand goes to cup your jaw. “Just one kiss.” He whispers.
You feel all his body heat enter your body, his touch making you so fucking warm. You nod your head pathetically as you tilt your head up. Jungkook smiles down at you and leans in just a bit, his forehead pressing against yours. Your eyes go to his lips, they are pink and his bottom lip is plump. Jungkook leans lower until his mouth is hovering over yours and he very innocently pecks your lips. You wish his kiss had lingered longer but it is short but sweet. He leans away from you, his forehead still pushed up against your own when you surge forward and kiss him again.
You hear the hollering of your cousin Daniel and his wife Larissa, Manny probably pouting. Your aunt and uncle are giggling and your parents laughing but telling you to behave. Your grandma snickers to herself and starts softly clapping her hands together.
“I thought I said just one?” Jungkook teases, his hand lowering to his side but his other hand keeps holding yours.
“I couldn’t help myself.” You admit confidently “Now let’s do presents!” you turn to face everyone else.
“Agreed!” your mom yells out excitedly. “First, we have Manny from Daniel…”
The night continues, everyone exchanging presents. Your parents loved their gifts, your mom thought the necklace was very thoughtful and your dad says he would love to take you to the game with him. You give Jungkook your gift, he yelps in excitement when he unwraps his gift when he sees the boots.
“Thanks baby, I know I haven’t shut up about these shoes for months!” he leans in to hug you. “Now it’s my turn.” He grins.
He searches the tree for the last gift of the night: Jungkook to you. He grabs the box and hands it to you, a shy smile making its way on his lips.
“Here, for you.” He sits back and waits for you to unwrap it. Your parents and the rest of your relatives wait as well.
“Okay, here I go.” You begin unwrapping the box, throwing the gift paper to the side on the floor and are met with a brown box. You raise a brow at Jungkook and he just smiles widely.
“Go on,” he says, “Open it.”
So you do. You carefully open the box and pull out a wooden box—a music box. The top of the music box is glass with a photo of you and Jungkook, your heart absolutely melts into two.
“Open it, open it.” He urges excitedly.
You lift the top of the music box, revealing its insides. Your absolute favorite song in the world starts playing and you feel the waterworks coming. This song means everything to you. He knows it is your favorite.
“Read what it says…” he mentions shyly. “There’s a message.”
I will always believe in you. I will always support you. And I will always love you.
You read the message to yourself a few times over and you start sniffling, a few tears leaving your eyes. You look up to make eye contact with Jungkook and he smiles. You close the box and slip it back inside the box and set it to the side, you crawl towards Jungkook and hug him. Your arms wrap around his neck and you throw your head into his shoulder, and you start mumbling your thanks.
“Of course baby.” He whispers into your hair, “I mean it.”
“I know you do…” you murmur. “I know.” You sniffle harder. “And I love you more.”
You, yourself aren’t entirely sure how you meant the words ‘I love you’ in this moment. You are so overwhelmed and overjoyed that you aren’t sure if you said it platonically or romantically. All you know is that you meant it.
“That’s impossible.” Jungkook chuckles. You slowly leave his arms, feeling embarrassed now that you’re crying in front of everyone.
“What did it say?” Manny asks, “You didn’t even share!”
“Let’s leave it between the love birds.” Your grandma says.
“Love birds indeed.” Your mom grins, “Well, Santa comes nice and early tomorrow!” she says to the kids.
“Are you sure about leaving them here tonight?” Daniel asks, “Santa can come to the hotel too.”
“Don’t be silly,” your mom says, “I will put them to bed on the sofas. It will be fine.”
“Okay, we will see you all bright and early tomorrow morning then.” Larissa begins packing up their things.
“Heading out already?” Your dad asks, “Well, take some food with you.”
You and Jungkook stay seated on the floor, as the rest begin cleaning up. Your mom picks up all the gift wrapping paper off the floor while your dad puts away gifts and you and Jungkook sit side by side.
“Did you like your gift?” Jungkook inches closer to you.
“I love it, Jungkook.” You lean into his shoulder, resting your head on him. “It makes me so happy.”
“What about me…do I make you happy?”
“So happy.” You admit. “I hope I can make you this happy too.”
“You do.” Jungkook leans his head on top of yours. “Like, you have no idea.” He reaches for your hand and tangles his fingers with yours.
“Do you two want to head to bed? We got the cleaning covered.” Your mom offers. You yawn in response, showing her that you could use some sleep.
“Yeah, okay.” You accept gratefully, you stand up taking Jungkook with you. You two say your goodnight’s and head towards the stairs up to your bedroom.
“Goodnight you two.” Your grandma sings, sending a wink to Jungkook and he goes red again.
“Why does she keep winking at you?” You wonder out loud.
“No idea…” Jungkook is quick to respond. “Weird…”
When you and Jungkook get to your room, you both rush to get changed and wash up in the bathroom. He finishes before you, settling into the bed. You come in next, wearing your sleep shorts and a tank top. You turn the lights off and make your way to your bed, you slip inside and groan in satisfaction…ah, sleep time.
“Hey y/n…”
“Hm?” you sleepily roll over to your side to face Jungkook, “What’s up?”
“I just want to say…” he pauses and bites his lip. “Thanks. I just want to say thanks.”
“For what babe?”
“For bringing me for Christmas…this is the first time I have felt so at home in years.” He admits, “You have no idea what this means to me.”
“I’m glad you’re happy Jungkook.”
“More than happy.” He corrects. “You have no idea what you mean to me.”
“Then tell me.”
“Can I show you instead?” Jungkook leans closer to you, tilting his head at the right angle. “Can I kiss you?”
You can’t help but swallow hard, Jungkook wants to kiss you? To show you what you mean to him? That’s romantic right? You aren’t totally reading this wrong?
“Why?” you ask, gulping down your spit.
“Because.” He breathes out softly, “Please.”
You can smell the toothpaste on his breath, you can smell his laundry detergent on his clothes, you can smell the shampoo in his hair. You inhale him and hold your breath.
“If I say no?” you blink up at him and he smiles softly.
“Then I will respect that.” He answers honestly.
With your eyes still adjusting to the darkness it is hard to see his eyes but you just know they are soft and inviting.
“Jungkook…” You scoot closer to him, moving your head to be at level with his face. “Baby…” you whimper out as you lean in closer to his face.
“Is that a yes?” He asks, his breath hitting your lips. “Because—”
Your lips find his in a slow, tender kiss. You peck his lips over and over and you can feel his lips shaping into a smile. You pull away after a few seconds, feeling breathless after the short kiss.
“Goodnight Jungkook.” You scoot down until your head hits his chest and you snuggle into it.
“Goodnight baby.” Jungkook smiles, laying on his back as he stares up at the dark ceiling. How will he find sleep tonight? His heart is racing in his chest. Are you finally starting to understand his feelings? He knows he hasn’t talked about them yet…but he will. Yes, he definitely will.
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shotorozu · 4 years
hello! i love ur writings <3
wanted to request a hc of todoroki, deku, and bakugou and their reactions to the tiktok trend where those two girls are laughing and ppl put their friends/family members in the camera thinking it’s their friend or something 💀 (here’s a link to one of the videos https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMe6oFVx5/ )
once again, love ur work and hopefully i did this request correctly 😩🙏🏽
s/o’s friends laugh at them
character(s) : bakugou katsuki, midoriya izuku, todoroki shouto (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk’s not specific
headcanon type : crack, fluff (x reader)
note(s) : i always say that i’m going to upload more, since i haven’t in a day but i’m going to keep my promises this time. and maybe after my content dump, that’s when i’ll fix my masterlists
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bakugou katsuki
this prank was very risky just like the other pranks you’ve pulled on him but that doesn’t stop you at all
you decided to do this prank after seeing it on the fyp— and also because of the prank’s simplicity since all you needed to do was download the tiktok
you called katsuki over when he finishes working out, and it all seems innocent “katsuki! come over here.”
katsuki, irritated— as he had just finished his exercise, he marches over to where you’re seated “what now, dumbass?”
“i want you to meet my friends!” katsuki only raises a brow, because he’s PRETTY sure that he’s met all of your friends
“now??” he sighs, “i thought i met all of your stupid friends.”
“not all of them,” you grin “c’mon please, katsuki?” and it’s over when your eyes twinkle, and he can only sigh— sitting next to you
“okay, let me meet them” he asks, and you pull up with your phone (that’s now filming, and with the video playing) and show him your ‘friends’
“this is katsuki! my boyfriend,” you introduce him to your ‘friends’
and he’s SO offended when your friends burst into laughter, “WHAT THE HELL’S SO FUNNY, EXTRAS??”
man was really about to explode your phone into pieces— and i’m serious about that part 🧎‍♂️ his hands were creating mini sparks out of anger
you had to coax him that it was just a prank, and they weren’t actually your friends
katsuki’s just 😐 “what did i expect from you?”
promise him that the video won’t go viral, and it won’t be seen by thousands and thousands of people.
you were wrong, and the video AND the audio ended up going viral. and katsuki had to hear his voice on tiktok for WEEKS.
“YOU TOLD ME IT WOULDN’T GO VIRAL DUMBASS” he fumes, red irises zeroing in on you.
“WELL SORRY— I DONT CONTROL THE ALGORITHM, but at least you’re famous!”
“fuck off,” he doesn’t mean that. but he just needs to learn how to not fall for your shit again, despite being really whipped for you
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midoriya izuku
you’d feel bad because izuku’s ALWAYS at the receiving end of your pranks 💀
similar to bakugou, you decided to prank him because of the simplicity of the prank— and he wouldn’t get TOO offended by the prank’s nature, right? wrong 💀
izuku swings the door open, a couple of snacks held in his arms, “hey Y/N! i brought some snacks— what did you need me for?”
“oh, i want you to meet my cousins!”
he immediately goes red, setting down the snacks he brought to your room “your c-cousins? oh no no no, Y/N why didn’t you tell me? i could’ve showered before hand— i could’ve fixed my face and wore something different—”
poor izuku. he’s gesturing to his post workout state, since he was in such a hurry to get to your room with snacks.
but you brush his concern off “don’t worry, izuku! it’s through call. they won’t be able to smell you anyway.”
he calms down, and this when you decide to start the tiktok. “i’m going to call them,” he only nods, quickly hurrying over to your side— to meet your ‘cousins’
“say hi, izuku!” he nervously smiles, showing his face to the camera and waving his hand— totally oblivious of the intentions
he’s stammering on the introduction, and that’s when the rather hysterical laughing starts
he blinks, the feeling of defeat courses through his entire body— the green haired boy immediately moves away from the view
why exactly is izuku genuinely sad from your ‘cousins’ laughing at him? well,, it was always a thing for him to try his very best to be likeable to your relatives
your parent(s)/guardian? they adore him. siblings (if there’s any) they’re also very fond of him. so while you say that they’re your cousins— it still means a lot if he made a good impression
“i,, should’ve changed!” he sulks, the fact that the laugh was quite hysterical didn’t aid the issue, “your cousins will never like me,,”
his mind is put at ease when you tell him it’s a prank— and they’re not actually your cousins. so he doesn’t need to do any redeeming, regardless of the fact that he ‘just met’ them
he sighs in relief, actually glad that it was all just another innocent tiktok prank (that did make his heart race 10x faster)
the video blows up, his distraught reaction being splayed across the fyp, it eventually getting onto twitter— his face being used as an reaction video
“you’re viral, izuku!”
he’s content, despite his distraught reaction being spread across the internet. but he just wishes that your actual cousins don’t see it 💀
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todoroki shouto
is most likely aware of your tiktok pranks— but please 💀 this one looked realistic to him, so how was he supposed to tell??
anyways, you decided to do this prank because you wanted to see how he’d react to your ‘family members’ laughing at him. his reactions are golden though
it’s harmless, in a way— it’s mostly a harmless prank. shouto knows how to not take things too seriously, but you just wanted to see his reactions.
“shouto, could you please come over here?” you call for him to sit right next to you, patting his usual spot next to you.
“what is it?” he asks, getting comfortable next to you, kissing your temple— and that’s when you pull out your phone
“i want you to meet my siblings!”
shouto’s puzzled, because one— he always prefers to meet your family members in person, and two— he didn’t know you had siblings (or more siblings)
“we’re not meeting them in person?”
“oh wait! i forgot to mention that they’re working abroad. so we can’t really schedule a meeting in person.”
shouto’s skeptical, but you reassure him further “it’ll be quick!”
the dual haired boy chooses to believe you which was honestly really wrong of him, “alright, i’ll meet them.”
he moves next to you, peaking at the screen “say hi to shouto!”
he was expecting a few things but,, them breaking out into hysterical laughter was just something else
shouto’s so confused 💀✋ someone please help him, it’s like you spoke to him in simlish. that’s what his reaction would be like.
and he’s just thinking things like— why are you guys laughing? is there dirt on my face? i didn’t even say anything funny??
“why are they laughing? love, i didn’t even say anything funny??”
oblivious shouto. he’s not even aware that it’s all just a tiktok prank. but he must say— he’s a little bit disappointed that he already has a bad impression on your ‘siblings’
it’s your turn to laugh, making his thinking at a vague state— shouto’s trying to think of pieces of dialogue he might’ve missed
“it’s a prank, shouto— look,” you replay the tiktok of the girls laughing, and it comes clearly to him now
“oh.” 🧍 honestly, why is he so shocked? it wasn’t the first time you managed to prank him in such a similar nature.
he’s not mad though— rather, shouto’s impressed. “love, i adore you— but i’m not sure on why i got surprised.”
“right? i’d think that you’re used to this but i guess you’re not!” nah, he just believes you a little bit too easily.
but that doesn’t mean he WON’T be suspicious when he actually has to meet your siblings.
“these,, are actually your siblings? no pranks this time, right?” he just wants to make sure. he won’t fall for your potential pranks again!
also, the video does well, the comments being filled with “LMAO HE LOOKED GENUINELY CONFUSED” “shouto todoroki being confused for 20 seconds straight 🤠❓❓”
shouto is very confused on why the girls were just laughing, putting everything aside— he just doesn’t know the context of that tiktok 🧎‍♂️
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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shuahoonie · 4 years
holidays with tom [tom holland]
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PAIRING: tom holland x female!reader 
SUMMARY: life isn’t exactly back to normal. with another lockdown in place and the holiday season is vastly approaching, you and tom are stuck in quarantine with each other the problem? there was supposed to be at least 5 of you in that house and tom is the last person you want to be with. shouldn’t be too bad right? 
WARNINGS: in no particular order swearing—err foul language lmao, sexual innuendos, things get heated but not that much??? exuding sexual tension but also fluff??? alcohol consumption, a series of bad decisions??? idk writing this made me experience the 5 stages of grief tbh lmao it’s not that bad I promise lmao
WORD COUNT: 6.9k! 
A/N: hello and happy new year! I was supposed to post this during Christmas Day but guess who got into a writing rut—yet again. I didn’t want to abandon this because I actually had fun writing it. I hope you all had a festive and safe holiday. I know things have been hard but I still hope you guys enjoyed the holiday. 
2020 has finally came to an end and we’re all ending it the same way when the pandemic started—staying at home, hopefully following the appropriate health measures. I can only hope that 2021 is a brighter and hopeful year for all of us.
stay safe, sending u all my love. 
gif credits: @underoos-shield​ 
vanessa’s masterlist | taglist form 
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Two hours. It’s been two hours since you found out that you were going to spend your holidays alone. You were aware that you weren’t going to spend your holidays with your family as you normally would, embracing the fact that working in a different country whilst in the middle of a pandemic was going to be challenging. 
Working in the film industry, constantly visiting sets while still living in a pandemic means that you threw away your chances of being home for the holidays. However, you weren’t entirely the only one who shares a similar struggle. 
“We should still do something for Christmas, you know,” Tom muttered as he watched you lay down on the sofa, your head is supported by the armrest. 
See—it should’ve been you, Ophelia, Alex, William, and Tom in that AirBnB, not just you and Tom.
The five of you reside abroad, however, you all had to fly to Los Angeles for work. You all collectively knew that it would be irresponsible to fly home for the holidays and it wouldn’t make any sense as you would all fly back for work anyway. 
The five of you had a brilliant idea of renting an AirBnB for the holidays since you were all in each other’s personal and work bubble anyway. Obviously, the three of them bailed as they’ve decided to stay with their partners instead, leaving you and Tom alone—which is the last thing you’ve wanted. 
“There’s just us two, Tom,” You replied as you sent a lengthy text to Ophelia, telling and reminding them about what happened between you and Tom.  “I’m not entirely sure if it’s worth anything if we did plan on doing something remotely festive.” 
There are four more days till Christmas and if you were being honest, the last time you felt festive was on the 18th of December...of 2019. 
“Surely there’s something we can do, right?” Tom’s optimism still shined beneath him. “This year has already been shitty enough, we don’t need to feed more into that.” 
The three dots bubble immediately popped up on your message thread with Ophelia as soon as you sent your passive-aggressive rant. Your focus was now on your phone. 
Suddenly, Tom’s face appeared on top of yours—his face was definitely close enough that it’s not CDC approved. He was standing on side of the sofa, both of his palms planted against the armrest as he loomed over you. 
“What do you and your family do during Christmas?” He dared to ask as if he wasn’t towering over you.
Your eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. “Uh—give each other personal space?” You answered out of sheer reflex. You always had a problem with keeping your mouth shut, especially when it sounds rude to other people. In your defence, being unable to do so has helped you put people back in place. 
To be fair, you were used to people standing at least 6 ft away from you ever since the pandemic started. 
Tom’s cheeks went bright red. “’m sorry,” He apologized, giving you a shy smile and scratched the back of his neck. You muttered a quick apology too, for acting so rashly. 
You rose from your position and sat upright instead. “Well, we never do anything special during Christmas,” You said as you threw your hair into a bun. “We usually just go to the movies on Christmas Day because that’s the only thing you can do back when life was normal.” 
Tom nodded understandingly as if he was taking this into account. Now you were curious. 
“Do you guys do anything special for Christmas?” You asked him. 
“Well, on Christmas Day, we would usually just lounge around the house and use it as a chance for me and my family to catch up,” Tom replied. “However, on Christmas Eve, my mum always made sure my brothers and I would have this scavenger hunt to look for our gifts—It’s really fun, actually.” Tom smiled sadly. 
You could easily see how Tom was genuinely broken about not being able to be around his family over the holidays. Heck—he really just misses his family. But who wouldn’t? Britney Spears didn’t sing the line “my loneliness is killing me” for nothing. 
“I’m sorry,” was all you could say. Aside from biting your tongue, being able to easily comfort people was one of your weaknesses too. 
“Oh, there’s nothing to be sorry about, darling.” Tom quickly dismissed the genuine heartbreak he was trying to hide. “We’re all making sacrifices and we chose to be responsible for the benefit of other people.” 
“Yeah, I know.” You said softly. “We’ll just try our best to make something out of this holiday season. I mean—we have to or else we’ll welcome 2021 with a fresh face of misery.” 
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“I’m sorry!” Ophelia pouted at the screen as they mindlessly walked around their partner’s place, something that most people do when they’re on the phone with someone. “I genuinely forgot about what happened between you and Tom.” 
“Well, Ollie, it seems like you weren’t the only one.” You replied, adjusting your glasses. Tom seems to be genuinely fine around you, no awkward tensions or anything. If anything, it’s just you who feels weird around him. “But I guess that’s a good thing right?” 
Ophelia forced a smile but they couldn’t, for the life of them, say anything about it. 
“Oh my god,” You sighed “Seriously, Ollie?” 
“It’s just—how could he forget?! You were literally on top of him as I recall and that very much left a permanent image on my mind. I—You know, I really tried my best to forget that ever existing in my mind. So really, if anything, it’s your fault.” Ophelia rambled on. 
“I—I wasn’t on top of him. That’s absurd! I was merely pressed against him” You said defensively, in which Ophelia just laughed atrociously. “Why am I friends with you again?!” You asked rhetorically, bewildered by the fact that you two lasted this long. 
“First of all, that is a hate crime. Second, I’m cool—like everyone wants to be my friend and you should be glad that I gave you the privilege to be even on a nickname basis as me.” 
You rolled your eyes at them. Despite the never-ending banter, you were grateful to have Ophelia as your friend. 
“But seriously, Y/N,” Ophelia said, “You can always just stay with me and Ericka. She’ll be glad to have you over for the holidays.”
“Ollie, as much as I love spending time with you two—I can’t stand being a third-wheel, especially when it comes to the both of you. You two are inseparable when you’re together.” You replied. “I appreciate the offer though.” You smiled at her. 
“I’m just saying—” Ophelia replied, shrugging her shoulder. “Unless you and Tom really want to have the house by yourselves.” They sang teasingly.
“Ophelia!” You gasped. 
“What?” They feigned innocence. “I gave you an option to stay with us! Plus, I know Alex and Will are would’ve asked you to stay with them if they had any idea what happened between you two.” 
“I can’t leave him!” You started to whisper “Tom seems genuinely bummed being here. I can’t just do that to him.” 
It’s as if a light came on inside them. Ophelia started to smirk and you recognized that smirk from anywhere. For christ’s sake, their eyes twinkled like Christmas lights. It drove you nuts. “I fucking knew it.” 
“You like him don’t you?!” They teased, but all you could do was blush. 
“I do not!” You denied it as you could still feel the burning heat emitting from your cheeks. 
“His tongue is that good huh?” Ophelia decided to pry even further. They clearly find enjoyment as you squirmed your way out of this conversation. 
“Bitch, I am ending this call.” That was all you could say. Even if you did find a smart retort, it was no use, especially with Ophelia. They can see right through you and there’s no point in trying to hide it. 
“Honestly, Y/N, we’re living through a pandemic. If there’s any time to make any rash decisions, it’s now. Go get that dick, bih—” 
You drowned out whatever Ophelia was trying to say with your goodbyes and proceeded to end the call. The one time you asked your friend to be serious and they come up with this. 
So—what really happened with you and Tom? 
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It was two years ago. You were at a party that you didn’t even plan on attending. However, you were dragged by Ophelia and their partner, Ericka—your new friends in the area. You couldn’t say no to them, they were your first friend in LA! 
You thought about it though, saying no. But when you got a message from your friend back in Canada sending a photo of your boyfriend ex-boyfriend (the same guy who had ghosted you ever since you moved to LA), swapping spits with another girl, you suddenly had the strong urge to drink until you die of alcohol poisoning.
You were burning with anger that you really felt tears pricking your eyes. You were so close to crying or punching someone—whichever comes first.  
One thing’s for sure, though, you weren’t going to cry over a man. So what did you do? “Ophelia, where’s the booze?!” You asked your friend whose eyes nearly popped out of their head. 
Well, you weren’t really going to punch a stranger. Though you felt this burning sense of violence, it’d be much more satisfying to punch the living daylights out on your ex. 
“Y/N, honey, are you alright?” That line always puts on the waterworks, no?  Ophelia was clearly concerned about your newfound thirst for alcohol. 
You furiously wiped the tears off your face. “Um just found out my boyfriend—er ex-boyfriend, who stopped talking to me as soon as I moved here, is seeing someone else now? I don’t know, am I allowed to feel angry when I don’t even know if we’re still together as soon I moved? Fuck—” You tried to explain as you wiped every tear that left your eyes. 
“Oh—of course, hon.” Ericka who handed you a drink. You weren’t exactly sure what it is, but you knew it has alcohol in it and that’s all that matters. You gulped the entire thing and you wanted more. “Y/N, you need to slow down.”
“Are you sure you want to stay? I mean we can crash at our place, eat take-outs, watch movies and be totally disconnected from the world.” Ophelia suggested, but you shook your head furiously. 
“No, I—I’m ok.” You answered “I can’t let the both of you be stuck in misery with me. I need this. I’ll get drunk and if I'm up for it, I’ll hook up with someone. It’s not a healthy coping method but I really want this night to be a series of bad decisions. I don’t want to be myself, even just tonight.”
 So that’s what you did. You were going from one drink to another in record time. Both Ophelia and Ericka kept an eye on you, just in case someone tried to take advantage of your drunken state. 
You were talking to some guy you met in the kitchen, one thing led to another and next thing you knew, you were making out with this dude in someone’s bathroom. Ophelia and Ericka were drunk enough to pester the guy you were making out with but not drunk 
As you were propped on top of the sink and your legs wrapped around his waist, you felt every bit of his lips explore the side of your neck as his hands explored every inch of your body. With his hand under your shirt and his fingers tracing every part of your skin, it just reminded you of how lonely you were. 
Here you were, a thousand miles away from home, all alone just so you could do the one thing you really love. Your family would sometimes call to check up on you but it just wasn’t the same. Your ex tried to guilt you into staying in Canada, but you couldn’t do that. You love what you do and you love yourself too. 
You were willing to risk everything, even if happiness came at a price. 
Now you were crying, and the guy you were making out with definitely noticed. 
“I’m sorry, am I making you uncomfortable?” He asked as he pulled down your shirt. 
“No—no, I’m just—” You tried to calm yourself down. “I’m not sure if I want to do this anymore.” 
“That’s alright,” He mumbled wiping the tears off your face. “Do you want to talk about it? You seem rattled.” 
“It’s just I’m so tired of pretending everything is alright—that I’m okay being alone, that I don’t need anyone. But it’s just so hard because I’m—” You sobbed “I’m so fucking lonely. I’m so tired of being alone.” 
The guy tucked the stray piece of hair behind your ears as he carefully wiped your tears with his thumb. He was just silent as he listened to you sob. 
“I’m sorry, I know you definitely didn’t come to this party to watch a complete stranger cry over something stupid.” You couldn’t even look him in the eye, you were embarrassed as this was the first time you felt really vulnerable—especially in front of a stranger. 
“No, you’re alright.” He tried to console you “I think that’s the beauty in strangers, no? You can act and do whatever you want in front of them because there’s a slim chance you’ll ever see them again.” 
You were definitely drunk enough that trying to make sense of who the person was a struggle enough of itself. You tried your best to look at the guy but your vision was getting hazy and you could feel your head thumping that focusing made you feel like you want to crack your head in half. 
A loud knock on the door caused you two to jump. “I’m coming in,” Ophelia yelled and opened the door. Ophelia looked at the guy for a while, trying to make sense of who he was before their eyes widened. “I remember now—You’re Tom Holland.”
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Imagine your surprise when you found out that you were going to work with Tom Holland for a while. You tried your best to avoid Tom at work but of course, that didn’t work out. He never brought up what happened between you two and you assumed he probably forgot all about it.
You tried to rationalize that he meets a lot of people every day. Surely, one failed hook-up wasn’t worth remembering (especially with alcohol involved) and you held on to that. 
At least that’s what makes you sleep at night and also one of the reasons why you considered spending the holidays with him. However, you were also expecting your crew friends to stay with you and not just Tom. 
“Y/N, did you like the gift? It’s from me and Ericka!” Ophelia asked. It was the next day and you two were just chatting on FaceTime. You were sorting out your closet out of sheer boredom. You figured if you were going to stay here for three weeks, the least you could do was sort your clothes out. 
You stared at the neatly wrapped box that Ophelia and Ericka dropped off earlier this morning. “I haven’t opened it yet.” You said as you showed them the box. “I wanna open it till Christmas.” 
“Oh my god, just open it. Christmas doesn’t exist this year, babe.” Ophelia waved their hand, encouraging you to open it. 
“Fine,” You gave in. You opened the box and saw a very lush and well-made lingerie set. “Ophelia, what the fuck” You gasped. You held out the lingerie in front of the camera. 
“Y/N, I definitely outdid myself this time.” Ophelia sighed happily, staring at the screen. “Try it on!”
“Ollie, this is gorgeous but when am I ever going to use this?” You asked holding it out on your body and looking at the mirror. 
“Uh—you’re stuck at home with your failed but also potential hookup,” Ollie suggested, wiggling their eyebrows. “Who knows what might happen?”  
You rolled your eyes at them. “Bold of you assume that something might happen.”
“Something won’t happen if you don’t try that one,” Ophelia said. “C’mon, I wanna see.” 
You shook your head and went out of frame in order to strip off your clothes. You tried on the lingerie—it’s a black lace teddy with a very exposing back. IT fit you perfectly—it accentuated your figure and definitely showed off your boobs. You weren’t really fond of showing off your body but you still tried your best to show it to your friend. 
“What do you think?” You asked, stepping back to the frame. 
“You look gorgeous, babe!” Ophelia squealed. “I knew I made the right choice with black.” 
“I still don’t know where I should wear this though—” You were stopped mid-sentence when your door swung open. 
“I know what we’re doing this—Oh shit. I’m so sorry,” Tom stood there, frozen, his eyes widened and immediately shut the door. 
You couldn’t even say anything. You were frozen in shock.
“Was that Tom?” Ophelia asked from the call, briefly forgetting that you were talking to them through FaceTime. 
You nodded slowly, unable to talk.
“What did he think?” Ophelia asked excitedly. 
You snapped out of this haze. “Ollie,” you groaned. “I think he was mentally scarred. 
“What do you mean scarred? You look great!” Ophelia said, appalled. “If he doesn’t think you look banging in that lingerie then it’s his loss.” 
“I gotta go, I need to change.” You said, bidding Ophelia goodbye. “Thanks for the gift, Ollie. Tell Ericka thanks too.” 
You ended the call and changed into comfier clothes. You couldn’t help but wonder how on earth you’re going to face Tom now that he’s seen you practically naked. Well, it’s not like that’s a new sight. He did see you with your bra on when you were making out in the bathroom that one time. But still! 
Are you actually going to spend your Christmas in your room?
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It was the next day and there are only two more days till Christmas. You spent the entirety of last night in your room after the incident between you and Tom. 
You were about to make yourself some coffee when you found Tom in the kitchen, making tea for himself. You stood there frozen, wondering if you were going to proceed to the kitchen or just run back to your room since Tom hasn’t noticed you—
“Oh—good morning, Y/N.” So close. 
You smiled at Tom and said, “Good morning, Tom.” 
You grabbed a coffee pod and waited for the Keurig to make your coffee. You leaned back against the counter and fiddled with your phone—all in the hopes that things move quickly and for this awkward tension to be over. 
Honestly, why were you so worked up about it? People have seen you in a bikini before and that’s no different from lingerie. If anything, lingerie is itchier and has lace. You should be able to feel confident in your own body and you shouldn’t have to mind what other people think of it. It’s yours alone and it’s your opinion that should matter—
“I’m terribly sorry about last night, Y/N.” Tom apologized, sincerity was written all over his face. “I should’ve knocked and I just got so bloody excited about what we can do over Christmas—but that’s no excuse for what I’ve done. What I did was incredibly intrusive and you deserve a proper apology.”
“Tom, I—”
“I wanted to apologize last night—over dinner—but you didn’t come down to eat, so I figured you didn’t want to talk. “ He rambled on. 
“But even then I should’ve asked you to come down and eat dinner because that’s what any decent human would do! And yet I didn’t. God—I’m just doing one wrong thing after another—” 
“Tom, listen to me.” 
“Hm?” He finally snapped out and looked at you in the eyes. 
“It’s okay. It was an honest mistake and you sincerely apologized, and for me, that’s enough.” You smiled softly at him. “So—what’s this thing you planned over Christmas?” 
“I was thinking we could do both our family traditions over the next two days. My family and I usually do a roast dinner and open our Christmas stockings on Christmas Eve. Then on the 25th, we can watch movies all day just like you do with your family.” Tom grinned, clearly satisfied with his plan. “What do you think?”
“I think it’s a great idea,” You smiled “However, I don’t think we have any ingredients for a roast dinner and we don’t really have Christmas stockings. Well—I don’t have any Christmas stockings and stocking stuffers.” 
“That’s true,” Tom mumbled “But I have to do the food shopping anyway. We’re running low on food and I couldn't really book one of those online delivery things that most groceries now offer.” 
You nodded. “Okay, so I guess I have to get the house sorted then.” 
When you two first arrived in this AirBnB a few days ago, it had already been decorated for Christmas. It had a massive tree in the living room decorated with stunning and intricately-themed ornaments. Christmas garlands were wrapped around the stair-bannisters and foliages were placed by the fireplace and the tables. 
All you really had to do was clean the place—do a bit of vacuuming and get things nice and neat for Christmas. It didn’t take you too long to do it too. It had only been a couple of minutes since Tom left to do the food shopping and you prayed to the gods that he doesn’t get too much attention whilst out. 
You figured you might as well do some last-minute shopping while Tom was out, so you can grab gifts for him as well. After all, this whole thing was orchestrated by Tom and you don’t even have anything to give him for his stockings. 
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You arrived at your AirBnB a tad later than Tom. He was in the kitchen putting things away when he saw you walk through the door. 
“Ah, I was wondering whether I spooked you with my plan,” Tom commented, making you chuckle and roll your eyes. 
“Trust me, I would’ve made it very obvious if you did.” You replied, earning a laugh from Tom. “I went out to do my last-minute shopping. Granted, it’s not ideal since we’re still living through a pandemic, but there’s not actually that many people where I went to considering it’s the Christmas rush.” 
You made sure to hide the stuff you bought using the handmade tote bags that a friend gave you for your birthday. No retail bags, no clue. “How did you survive the groceries? I bet it’s busy out there.” 
“Yeah, it was.” Tom chuckled, scratching the back of his head. “Remind me to never do that again for Christmas.” 
“Sure,” You said, “That is if I spend another Christmas with you.” You said jokingly, hoping that Tom didn’t find that rude. 
“You’ll never know,” Tom shrugged. “What if you liked our Christmas this year and you’d be begging to spend Christmas with me and my family in London,” Tom smirked, playing along. 
“Yeah, right.” You scoffed playfully, crossing your arms. “If anyone’s begging, it’s going to be you.”
Tom stepped closer, “Wanna bet?” He whispered, a teasing look in his eyes. “Whoever has the most fun during our respective holiday traditions would have to spend the holidays with them next year.” 
“Oh, you’re on, Holland.” You took a step closer. “We will both film our holidays for the entire two days and then we’ll ask Ophelia, Alex, and Will to vote whoever looks like they had the most fun.”
“Okay,” Tom nodded “But no editing! We’ll give them raw footage so there are no chances of tampering.” 
You laughed but you agreed anyway. “Of course, we’ll give them hours of footage. The least we could do is make them sit through hours of content after they ditched us all alone on the holidays.” 
Tom gave a broad smile. “Let the festivities begin.” 
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It was the 24th of December—Christmas Eve. You spent the entirety of last night wrapping Tom’s presents for later. Not that you despise Christmas, but it’s been a while since you were actually excited to celebrate it. It was pretty clear that the magic of Christmas dies once you grow up. 
Today was different; you were looking forward to whatever Tom has installed for tonight. 
You went downstairs to make some breakfast only to be greeted by Tom blasting Christmas music and preparing some ingredients for breakfast in the kitchen. 
“Good morning, Y/N, happy Christmas Eve,” Tom greeted with a huge grin. “Say, hi to the camera.” 
“Oh, we’re starting this early, huh?” You asked, putting your hair into a loose ponytail. 
“Why of course, we have to make the best out of this,” Tom said, holding the camera to your face. “I made you coffee.” Tom handed you a cup of coffee. 
“Are you using my love for coffee as an advantage?” You tried to hide your smile while drinking your coffee. 
“Obviously not,” Tom feigned his innocence. “I obviously did not know you were obsessed with coffee—it’s not like I don’t see you on set without one.” He mumbled in which you definitely heard, giving him a smack on the head. “Ow! I’m kidding.” He laughed.
You rolled your eyes at him. “So, what’s for breakfast?” 
“We’re going to make french crèpes,” Tom replied and propped the camera on the kitchen island, facing the two of you. 
“Do you know how to make french crèpes?” You asked, washing your hands. 
Tom blinked, almost trying to decide whether he wants to be honest or impressive. “Do you know how to make french crèpes?” He returned the question. 
“Oh honey, my mom resents me in the kitchen.” You replied, taking a sip from your coffee. “But you know, I manage.” You murmured.
“That’s giving me a lot of hope, darling, thank you.” He said half-heartedly. 
“Shut up,” You nudged him playfully, rolling your eyes. “Tom, honestly, most of the footage is just us bantering for 20 minutes.” 
“To be fair, that’s part of the fun.” Tom smiled. “Okay, I think you just mix all of these in a bowl. Start with the dry ingredients first.” He said, looking at the recipe on his phone.
“Okay, that shouldn’t be too hard,” You commented pouring the ingredients into the bowl. As you started all of the ingredients together, you noticed small lumps forming in the batter. “Tom, did you sift the dry ingredients by chance?” 
“You were supposed to sift it?” He asked, completely clueless. 
You nodded slowly. Panic was now clearly painted on his face. “I’m sure we’ll be fine.” You tried to reassure him. 
It was not fine. The first time you two tried to pour the batter in the pan, you burnt the entire thing. It’s not even the cute, lightly burnt crepe. It was activating the smoke alarm-burnt crepe. 
The next one was pancake-like. The next one after that had pocket flours on the crepes because you two didn’t sift your dry ingredients beforehand. You ran out of the batter when you two finally got the consistency right—you managed to get one proper crepe from the entire batter. 
“I feel like Sam would probably curse me out as soon as he finds out I fucked up a simple crepe,” Tom said, delicately filling the crepe with creme and berries. “My brother’s done so well in culinary school.” He cut a piece with his fork and brought it to your mouth.
“Well, you can’t have everything.” You said taking a bite out of the crepe. “This is better than the last one.” 
Tom nodded, taking a bite of it himself. “It’s not as tasty as Sam’s but I’ll take it.” 
“Now, I’m curious as to what your brother’s cooking tastes like.” You commented taking another bite from the crepe. 
“I guess I’ll just take you home to London to find out,” Tom teased with an annoying grin. 
“As long as I’m being fed, I’m fine with it.” You remarked. What in god’s name are you are you two playing?!
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The day rolled by very quickly. It was already evening when you finished wrapping the presents for your friends. You plan on dropping it off tomorrow before you persuade Tom to glue yourselves on the couch for the entire day. 
You grabbed all of Tom’s gifts—Christmas stocking included— when you went downstairs, only to be greeted by someone yelling at Tom through his phone. 
“I did everything right, Sam. I don’t know why you’re yelling.” Tom yelled back at his phone. His back was turned against you as he was putting away the pots and pans that he used. 
You quietly walked up behind him and said calmly, “Why are you yelling?” 
Tom probably jumped six feet away from you, making you laugh. You always forget that he gets scared easily. “Holy shit, don’t scare me like that, Y/N.” Tom breathed out, putting a hand over his chest. 
“I’m sorry,” You said whilst laughing. “I promise I won’t do it again.” Tom rolled his eyes, murmuring something about you being insincere about it. 
“Please do it again!” You heard, whom you assume is Sam, say from the background. You looked at Tom’s phone that’s propped on the island and saw his brothers on FaceTime. 
You beamed at them. “Any recommendations?” You asked, hearing Tom groan behind you. 
“Well, he hates—” 
“This is the last thing I want in 2020, for my brothers and Y/N to conspire against me,” Tom said loudly on purpose, drowning his brothers' voices.
“Tom, don’t be rude. Let your brothers finish—” Tom put his hand against your mouth. 
“I’ll call you guys later,” Tom said “Wave goodbye, Y/N.” He used his free hand to grab your hand and forced a wave towards his brothers. The call soon came to an end and you could only roll your eyes at Tom. You seem to do that a lot around him. You also do a lot of that when you try to hide your feelings towards a person you like but that’s beside the point. 
“So are we going to have dinner first or are we going to do presents first?” You asked fixing your Christmas sweater, a gift from your parents since you and your family usually wear matching sweaters for Christmas. “Or are you the type to wait until Christmas Day to open presents?” 
“We can do the Christmas stockings after dinner tonight, then do the presents tomorrow, if you’d like,” Tom answered with his arms crossed. 
You shrugged, telling him it doesn’t matter since you don’t really go all out on Christmas. Your family on the other hand—the house is always full of people, especially since most of your extended family are usually around during the holidays. You had this ongoing game you made for yourself whether or not you’ll be able to greet everyone with the number of people in the house. 
You could only guess how quiet your family’s Christmas is going to be. You definitely needed to call your parents later. 
“Is the sweater that itchy, Y/N?” You heard Tom ask, breaking away from your thoughts. 
“Huh?” You asked, confused. You didn’t even notice that you’ve been scratching yourself subconsciously. 
“You’ve been scratching yourself since I saw you.” Tom said, chuckling. “It’s a cute sweater on you.” 
You smirked. “That reminds me—I got something for you, Tom.” Tom raised his brow as you grabbed the bag you stashed behind the tree. “Actually my parents got this for you. A little thank you gift apparently for having the tolerance to stay with me over the holidays—as if you had a choice.” You mumbled the last part. 
Tom curiously opened the bag and there revealed a matching sweater such as yours. This year’s sweater was green and had red tinsel all over it, probably the reason why you’re itchy. The real kicker is that—
“No way,” Tom gasped “It lights up?!” He asked laughing. It lights up. 
“Yeah, I don’t recommend turning that on. I did it earlier and I’m pretty sure I was about to combust—it’s a real fire hazard.” You replied, enjoying the genuine joy that Tom is showing on his face. 
“Oh but we have to turn the lights on when we take pictures,” He commented as he put on the sweater. “Thanks, Y/N.” He said softly, surprising you with a hug. 
It’s the first real physical contact that you two had ever since that night when you made out and you were pretty adamant that people were just making up this notion of having butterflies in their stomach—they weren’t. 
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Tom’s roast dinner went surprisingly well. You kept teasing him that it’s Sam that you had to thank because you knew that Tom wouldn’t last in the kitchen without his brother’s instructions. Tom pouted the whole time. You eventually had to tell him 
“It was sweet.” You told him as you helped him clear out the plates. 
Tom was confused. 
“I don’t think I’ve known someone that went through hell and back just to make a great effort Christmas dinner —even if it means getting yelled at by your brother.” You said, smiling softly at him. “I mean it’s just us two, really. We don’t even have to do this.”
“Think that’s the reason why I wanted to do it,” Tom replied. Now you’re confused. “It’s because it’s the two of us—that’s why I wanted to do it.” 
As soon as you heard those words come out of Tom’s lips, you tried your best to stay calm. To say that you weren’t overwhelmed with emotions would be a huge lie. For someone who couldn’t hold their tongue, you were speechless. Tom’s giving you a run for your money and you weren’t exactly thrilled about it. 
After dinner, you and Tom opened your stocking presents. The presents were pretty tame at the start—you both got each other socks, which was hilarious but greatly appreciated. You love socks, especially comfy and cushiony ones. You came to learn that Tom does too, which prompted you two to wear the socks immediately. 
You got him candy canes, he got you chocolates. You also snuck in those small, in-flight alcohol bottles in there too—which he ended up loving. He got you those 10-pack skincare face masks, in which you let out a huge gasp, making him laugh. 
“Oh, we have to use this at some point!” You exclaimed happily “Like, we need to have a spa night—where we just watch movies, doing face masks, eating takeouts. Oh, that’s the dream!” You sighed happily. 
“We still have two weeks left till we go back to work, I'm sure we can find the time to do that,” Tom said with a permanent smile on his face, watching you with pure joy made him feel like he accomplished something big. 
You got him one of those Instax polaroid cameras—true, it was a bit too much for a stocking stuffer especially since the box definitely stood out against the stocking, but you figured he’ll like it. 
“Darling, this is too much but I’m thankful,” Tom commented as he took out the camera from the box. “I can’t wait to use this and keep memories using it—why don’t we start right now?! Let’s take a photo of us and our matching sweaters!”  
Tom took a lot of photos of you two, in the end. A couple of overexposed photos, one with the matching sweaters, one with your faces pressed against each other, one with your faces way too close to the camera, and one where he gave you a kiss on your cheek (he asked if that’s okay, of course, you said yes. it’s not like he hasn’t kissed you before— still no conversations about that, by the way). It was a good thing you got him at least 3 boxes of those 20 pack films in his stockings as well. 
The real kicker was Tom’s “small” stocking present for you. He got you this dainty, gold necklace with a crescent moon charm. You were pretty sure it was expensive because of the teal box it came with. 
“Stop,” You gasped “Tom, now this—this is too much.” You stressed out. “I can’t have this. Nope, you have to return this.”
Tom shrugged as if it was nothing. “You deserve it. Darling, you deserve something nice after this shitty year.” 
“Tom, I’m serious. This is too much.” 
“I’m serious too, Y/N. Keep it, please. I’d be offended if you don’t.”
After the roller coaster of emotions due to the stocking presents, you gave your parents a call to wish them a merry Christmas. They insisted to do a video call because they wanted to see Tom in the family sweater—which your mom wouldn’t stop gushing about. 
“I think your mum loves me,” Tom whispered closely in your ear. He didn't have to try too hard. With the laptop propped up on top of the coffee table, you two were sitting close together on the living room floor—knees touching, maximum close skin contact. CDC would never approve. 
“Yeah, I think it’s the accent,” You mumbled jokingly. 
Tom moved his head to take a good look at you, smiling. You could feel his eyes burning your skin. Why does he have to look at you like that? Why does he have to be this close?
The initial video call with your parents turned into a whole family reunion when you found out they set up a group call with your extended family. Imagine the dread and fear in your eyes when you heard your one aunt ask, 
“Finally, Y/N, is that your boyfriend?” 
Your eyes widened as you stuttered to say your defence, making Tom chuckle. You frowned at him and nudged him saying, “Don’t laugh, tell them no or I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“No, unfortunately, I’m not,” Tom replied, laughing. “However, I do believe we make a cute couple, don’t we?” He teased, earning an earnest yes from your mom. 
You could only wish for the floor to swallow you whole. 
As the clocks rolled to twelve, it was officially Christmas. You and Tom figured you might as well start opening gifts again because Christmas Day is going to be a drag for the two of you. 
“Okay, start with this.” You said as you handed him a gift bag. You didn’t give him a lot of gifts for the actual Christmas Day because you went all out on the stuffers. 
“Pyjamas?” He asked with a grin. You made a signal for him to give you a minute. You ran to your room and changed into pyjamas. 
“Not just pyjamas, Tom, but matching pyjamas!” You exclaimed, laughing. “I saw it and figured we should do this for my day.”
“Sick!” Tom laughed. Tom got into his pair of pyjamas as well and of course, he didn’t forget to pull out his new polaroid camera to take a photo of you two. “Shit, I forgot to film our entire Christmas Eve.” He said as he saw the camera that was still sitting on the kitchen island from earlier that morning. 
You shrugged. “I’m pretty sure you’ll win either way. Just that content from the breakfast crepes was enough to secure your place.” You said jokingly.
“All I’m hearing is that you’re going to spend Christmas with me in London next year.” Tom sang teasingly. 
“Yeah, maybe bringing you to our big Christmas holidays is a bad idea.” You wondered out loud. 
“I like your family,” Tom commented with a smile “and I think they will love having me there for the holidays.” 
“That would be a nightmare.” You mumbled to yourself. 
The rest of the night dragged on. You and Tom finished the rest of your gifts—you got him a watch, he got you a vinyl player. You two managed to watch the first Harry Potter film before you called it a night. 
You were about to head into your room when you heard Tom say, “Mistletoe.”
“Hm?” You hummed, confused. He placed a finger under your chin and gently tilted your head. There you saw a mistletoe hanging by one of the light fixtures. 
“How did that even—” 
“Can I kiss you?” Tom asked, cupping the sides of your face. 
“Hm?” Tom was definitely giving you a run for your money. How can a girl with a speech turn speechless?
“Can I kiss you?” He asked more softly. All you could do was nod. For if you even dare to open your mouth, all of this would cease to exist.  
His lips gently touched yours and then soon moulded into one. It was soft, sweet—familiar. His lips were something you never thought about—at least not a lot but you craved it. You crave his lips, his touch, him. You were riding a new high and you thanked every single god that you were sober to remember this—because this, this is something you want to cherish. 
“You told me you’re tired of being alone,” Tom whispered against your lips. “You don’t have to be anymore. Not when you have me, not ever.”
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PERMANENT TAGLIST: @quaksonhehe @dark-infernal-instruments @trustfundparker @emsma11​ @tomshufflepuff​ @spider-babe​ @goodgirlgonetom​
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athenadione · 4 years
‘you are mine (and I am yours)’
In which you can find out the hard way that demons don't like sharing. @vi-la-vi
AthenaDione and I did a thing! Everyone loves jealous Damian, but hear us out....jealous Raven? Hope you enjoy! -Vi
I’m so incredibly honored to participate in this collab. Vi practically paved the way for me to give you all the delicious demon Raven smut that ensues and did a superb job writing the majority of this piece, as always. If you enjoy and feel so inclined, you can leave a kudos HERE on A03. Vi— thank you for allowing me to be a part of your writing process. You’re such a talented writer and I’m happy to have found you :) -AD
She couldn’t stop staring at him. Not just because it had been years since she last saw him, but because ever since she met him, Anna Vandergilt had thought of little else. 
Damian Wayne. 
They’d met at a benefit when both were sixteen years old, and it had been love at first sight. The elusive heir finally returned to Gotham after five years abroad, doing god knows what. She’d collected every bit of information she could about him, academic transcripts, tabloids, medical and legal records. Vandergilt influence ran deep and she had no compunction about using it to fuel her obsession. Securing an internship at Wayne Enterprises as Tim Drake’s assistant was just the latest step.
And now he’s here, and I won’t let him get away again. 
Damian had to remember her, the spark when their eyes met, the unbreakable connection they’d made. He didn’t acknowledge it when they were introduced, but that was fine. He was an intense, secretive man and likely just didn’t want to make a scene. 
Green eyes flashed to hers and narrowed, catching her staring. She willed herself to keep it together, sitting up straighter and crossing her legs in an attempt to draw his attention to the slit in her pencil skirt. Blonde-haired, blue-eyed, and leggy, she knew how to make men stare.
Or so she thought. Damian had turned his attention back to Tim’s presentation, arms crossed and expression impatient. So serious. She planned ways she might be able to get him alone, with no one and nothing to distract him from her. After today, I’ll have more than just fantasies. She’d been looking for an opening to approach him all day and was sure she couldn’t wait much longer.
They broke for lunch, but just as she moved towards him she was intercepted by Tim. 
“Hey Anna, can you run up to my office and grab my blue flash drive? I forgot to bring it down earlier.”
Get it yourself! she wanted to snap. An assistant position was well beneath her pedigree, and she hated taking instructions from common-born Tim Drake. Swallowing her irritation, she smiled and nodded. 
When she finally returned, Damian had already gone, apparently having had a lunch appointment with someone else. Anna sighed. I’ll speak to him after work, I’m sure he wouldn’t say no to dinner and drinks. No man had ever refused her.
She spied him later as she was returning to the conference room, speaking to a dark-haired woman she didn’t know outside of his office. She took a moment to admire him in his suit, noting curiously that the girl with him was only casually dressed in black jeans and an off-shoulder top with a band logo. Unprofessional much? He’s probably scolding her about the dress code.
Just as the thought solidified, she leaned up and pressed a kiss to the underside of Damian’s jaw, tugging his tie playfully as she did so.  
It was as though a bucket of freezing water had been dumped over her head. Anna stood stock-still, mouth falling open in horror. Who the fuck...how dare…?
The woman whispered something in his ear, kissing his jaw again as Damian rolled his eyes and smirked. She continued to stare, waiting for him to shove her away, glare, do something. She heard someone approach from behind. 
“Ugh, those two,” Tim groaned. 
“Who is that?” Her voice was tight and strained, and the man next to her gave her a curious glance. 
“That’s Rachel, Damian’s girlfriend.”
“Oh,” she said, at a loss for anything else. 
It’s not fair. I planned...I’ve been waiting…
She shook her head, determination moving in. A minor setback. He just needs to know there’s something better on the market. Vandergilts were practically royalty, after all. Her beauty and breeding were no doubt superior. She bit back her anger as Damian dropped a kiss on the other woman’s forehead before walking away.
Just a minor setback, she mentally repeated.
Tim’s assistant had a serious staring problem, and Damian was relieved when he was finally able to retire to his office. Annoying. The older man had joked earlier that Damian’s constant absence in Gotham and avoidance of the public eye elevated him to mythical status among some of his father’s employees. He longed for this week to end, eager to be back in Jump and away from the Wayne gawkers. 
His phone buzzed, distracting him from the revenue charts in front of him. 
“Stephanie is insane.”
Damian smiled, eyes darting to his watch to see how much longer he’d be stuck in this office. As necessary as it was that he be here for the audit, he felt bad abandoning Raven to his siblings. Next time they came to Gotham he’d make sure it was purely recreational and personally show her the sights.
“A half hour more, then I will come rescue you.”
Then two days more, and they would be home. 
A knock on the door called his attention. “Mr. Wayne? Could I borrow you for a moment. I need a second pair of eyes on this file.”
He looked up, raising an eyebrow at the worshipful expression on her face. The scent of expensive perfume assailed him and Damian fought the urge to wrinkle his nose. She looked at him hopefully, blinking rapidly.
“Ask Drake.”
She shifted, reaching up to toy with her platinum blonde hair. “Oh...he just has so much on his plate. I wanted to avoid bothering him,” she replied, voice high and lilting. 
Strange woman. Damian wondered where his older brother had found this one. He hadn’t really been paying attention when they were introduced, Vander-something or other.
He sighed. “Fine.”
“Oh, thank you,” she breathed.
She circled around the desk to stand next to him, laying the file in front of him and bending low. A fall of blonde hair brushed his shoulder and Damian shifted slightly to put some distance between them. He spent so little time in normal society it was easy to forget how bad most people were with personal space. 
“What exactly did you need help with?”
Without warning, she sat on his lap and pressed her lips forcefully against his, throwing one arm around his neck for good measure. Damian completely froze, protests firing rapidly through his mind. She tugged on the waistband of his pants and it was enough to break his paralysis. He shoved her off of him violently and she caught herself on the desk, shifting it several inches back.
“What are you doing?!”
The alarm on her face lasted only a second before being replaced with a coy smile. “Don’t be shy, I know you remember me. It’s been years, but you’re all I’ve thought about, Damian. I swear.”
“I - don’t…” Damian felt uncharacteristically frazzled. “I have - no. I’m not interested,” he finally managed.
“Please, Damian.” She tried to take a step forward and he instinctively backed away. He hated the way she said his name, he realized distantly.
“I have a girlfriend,” he said, hard edge in his voice. One who would kill you and probably me if she was here right now. Raven did not share.
The woman sniffed. “Her. Don’t be ridiculous, you’re a Wayne. She can’t possibly-”
He glared fiercely, daring her to try and continue. Tears swam in her blue eyes and Damian felt a touch of relief that he finally managed to get through.
“I...hmph, fine. Keep her on the side if you must. My father had a mistress. Just keep her out of my sight.”
She’s insane. What the fuck kind of vetting process do you have, Drake?
He closed his eyes and exhaled before meeting her watery gaze once again. 
“Listen very carefully. I. Am. Not. Interested. I want you out of this building in the next five minutes or I’ll call security.”
“I - but - we…” She straightened, eyes glassy with disbelief as she tried to compose herself. “I see.”
Damian kept his glare on as she left the room, feeling a headache build behind his eyes. He grabbed his phone again, feeling a pang of guilt when he saw Raven's name, and called his brother.
"I fired your assistant. You're welcome."
"What? Damian, you can't just show up and start firing people!"
"I'll...explain later." Vaguely, and with as few details as I can manage.
The hint of discomfort in his voice must have given him away. "Seriously? No wonder she was staring at you all day.”
"Drop it."
"Alright, alright. Her dad's going to be pissed though, he pushed Bruce for months to take her on here. Sounds like you got your very first stalker."
Well that was a disturbing thought. Damian shook it off. "Just tell him it didn't work out." He didn't want any rumors getting back to Raven if he could help it. 
Lying to an empath is easier said than done.
“There’s something you’re not telling me.”
"I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
She snorted disbelievingly, eyes glued on the book in her hand. “Why do you feel so guilty?”
“It was a long day. I felt bad for you.” Half-truths were the only semi-effective way he’d found of getting around her lie detector. Normally Damian would smother inconvenient questions with lips, hands, and other parts of him that Raven was always deliciously responsive to, but touching her would have felt wrong right now. She deserved to know the truth before she decided how near she wanted him.
She rolled onto her side then, burrowing down against her pillow and studying him curiously. “You don’t have to spend every second with me, Damian. I’m pretty self-sufficient, in case you haven’t noticed.”
He shrugged, laying back and closing his eyes. “I’ll just be glad to get out of here. People in Gotham are a different breed.”
Raven hummed. “Fine, don’t tell me what’s actually bothering you.” 
With that, she leaned over to kiss him goodnight. Damian flinched at the contact before responding in kind, and pretended he didn’t see the confused look in her eyes. 
“I love you,” he said, focusing the emotion to make sure she felt it as well. 
She closed her eyes, slightly mollified. “I love you, too.”
I'll tell her when we get home, he promised himself. As much as he hated keeping secrets, he knew she was going to be upset and preferred a controlled setting. Damian remembered an incident shortly after they began dating when the ticket-taker at the theater had slipped him her phone number. Raven said nothing at first, but the night ended in a supply closet instead of a screening room.
"I don't share," she whispered dangerously, legs tightening around his hips to draw him in deeper. Red flickered across her purple irises. “You’re mine.”
He smirked at the memory. We never did get to see that movie.
Definitely safer for all involved to wait until they'd left Gotham.
Anna stared at her discreetly from the park bench. He’s loyal, that’s all. And I wouldn’t have him any other way.
She grudgingly admitted to herself that the other woman was pretty, if unconventional. Pale purple eyes and dark purple hair - hadn’t anyone told her the punk rock look was out of date? She had nothing on the blonde’s classical beauty.
A hefty bribe to the Wayne's chauffeur had given her knowledge of the woman's - Rachel's - movements throughout the day. She was ordinarily accompanied by Tim's banshee of a girlfriend and one of Bruce's orphans, but had separated from them earlier in the day to visit Gotham’s Arts District. Anna waited until she saw her enter the nearly empty arboretum before making her move. If Damian couldn’t be persuaded to break things off, this one could. An affair with the office hottie - tale as old as time.
“Pardon me?” She adopted a nervous affect as she approached, eyes downcast. “You’re Rachel, right?”
The other woman tore her gaze from the plaque in front of her, violet eyes locking on baby blue. “Do I know you?”
“Anna. I work - worked at Wayne Enterprises. I’m really sorry to do this, but...there’s something you need to know.”
She regarded her silently and the blonde fought the urge to fidget. There's something off about her. What were you thinking, Damian? Finally, Rachel nodded once, crossing her arms. Anna smiled internally and fiddled anxiously with her hands, doing her best to look miserable.
“I was Tim’s assistant until Damian fired me yesterday,” she began, voice weepy. “Tim’s the one who told me about you, I swear I didn’t know before.”
Rachel’s eyes narrowed, something dark and inscrutable flashing in and out of her gaze. “...Excuse me?”
Anna took the low anger in her voice as an encouraging sign and continued. She dropped her eyes again and let out a harsh sob. “I’m not the kind of person who fools around with other women’s boyfriends, and-"
A massive burst of black and red interrupted her thoughtfully planned speech, demolishing the stone plaque next to them and knocking her to the ground. She screamed, covering her head  with her arms. A bomb? What’s happening?
Before she could get her bearings, something hauled her up by the throat, slamming her painfully against a tree. She blinked against the white spots in her vision and the dust in the air, squinting to see what held her. 
Four slitted golden eyes met her own, radiating fury so thick she could almost taste it. I’m seeing things. I hit my head and I’m seeing things. The devil tightened its hold on her neck and stepped closer, heat pouring off its red skin. Terrified beyond anything she’d ever felt, Anna felt her bladder let go. 
“Did you fuck Damian?” it - she - asked in a deadly calm voice.
“Wh-what?” she croaked. No way...what the fuck is she?!
“Answer, mortal.”
She sobbed in her grasp, all her carefully crafted lies flying away in the wake of her terror. “No! I just kissed him!”
The claws (claws?!) around her neck tightened and she felt warm trickles of blood start to seep down into her collar. 
“That - that’s all! That’s all I did! I’m sorry!” she cried, “I’m so sorry! It won’t happen again!”
“I know.”
Shadows wrapped around the two of them and she screamed.
Stupid, stupid woman, Damian thought furiously, raising his eyes from the weeping figure on the floor. He’d put it together fairly quickly after walking in the door, and was currently kicking himself for not considering this possibility. She’s clearly deranged, I shouldn’t be surprised she approached Raven.
The woman in question sat in a nearby armchair, looking every bit the queen of hell she was. Her demonic appearance and the regal way she carried herself in this form lent their mundane bedroom at Wayne Manor the feel of some macabre court.
“Something to confess?” his demoness asked lowly. 
“I was going to tell you when we returned home. This is the exact situation I was trying to avoid.” Sparks of black and red magic at her fingertips told him that was the wrong thing to say. 
“You think a couple hundred miles would have saved her from me when I found out? I would cross entire universes.”
The woman before her seemed to curl in further on herself, as if trying to become a smaller target. Prayers fell from her lips, whispered and unintelligible.
 “She’s not worth it. I would have made you see that.”
“That’s not your decision to make. You are mine, this was a challenge to me. A proper demon would have brought just the head.”
A loud wail met her words and golden eyes flicked downwards, oozing contempt. Damian felt a thrill race down his spine. He'd never seen her this angry - possessive. The idea that he was the catalyst, that his composed, serene Raven was burning so brightly over a stolen kiss made his blood tingle. 
Apparently feeling the weight of the demon’s stare, she covered her head with her hands and tried to choke back her cries. A prey-like instinct to hide taking root. 
He swallowed before speaking, mindful of the thin ice he was on. “I know you’re upset, but you can’t kill her.”
An amused sound escaped her, and Damian wasn’t entirely sure how to interpret it. “Beloved?”
She finally met his eyes again, clearly unhappy with the situation. “Fine. But if I ever see or sense this creature near you again, I will tear her apart slowly. Testor ego eam.”
With that, she waved a hand and the other woman vanished in a rush of black. He didn’t bother to ask where, not wanting to push his luck with Raven right now. Hysterical as the other woman was, no one would believe anything she had to say anyways. 
The demoness crossed her arms, studying him silently. She seemed to have no intention of changing back to her human form. Oh. 
“I suppose I’m in trouble as well?”
“Lies deserve punishment. And you need to be reminded who you belong to.”
“You, habibti. Always.”
Her smile offered nothing but trouble and his heart started to pick up. "That’s a start."
“Oh?” he asked her, not moving from the spot where he stood. It seemed that court was still in session, and her final judgement on his own transgressions had not yet passed. 
She picked at a claw unhurriedly, hooded eyes flicking over his figure. Not one to back down, he met her appraising stare inch for inch.
“Did you know that demons mate for life?” she asked without warning. 
“No, beloved,” he breathed. The information was new but it hardly mattered. He had already decided that he was going to spend the rest of his life with her long before they ended up together. He just wondered why she felt it necessary to mention now. 
“It’s a sacred bond. Actually sacred, unlike human marriages. Challenging it is the worst insult one demon can deal to another.” Her eyes narrowed, and her claws seemed to sharpen before his eyes.
“She wasn’t a-”
“No one will threaten our bond. Do you understand, mate?”
Dear gods. 
He resisted the urge to lick his lips, instead pressing them firmly together. “You should know that you will never be at risk of losing me, beloved.” 
“I know. I also know you will never lie to me again.” The demoness waved a clawed hand before resting it underneath her chin. She was waiting for him. He swallowed again.
“What can I do to make amends?” 
Her grin widened, boarding on malevolent, as if she finally found the answer she was looking for. Lifting effortlessly from her chair, she began to stride across the room to him with measured steps. 
“I have a few ideas.” She purred. 
“Oh?” he asked again, displeased at how out of breath he sounded. 
Golden eyes held his own, and she didn’t speak again until she was just an arm's length away from him. 
Then she pointed at her feet. “Kneel.” 
He felt his jaw go slack. She wants me to do what? 
She cocked her head at his hesitation. “You will not kneel for your demoness?” She clicked her tongue in distaste. “Don’t you want to remedy your indiscretions?”
He set his jaw, barely suppressing a wince.  When she put it that way, there was no reason not to kneel before her, even if the thought of doing so went against every instinct in his body. He did, after all, lie to her, and if this was what she wanted from him then who was he to deny her?
Besides, there would be an opportunity for her to return the favor. I’ll make sure of it. 
Revealing nothing, he stared at her impassively and slowly dropped to one knee, biting back a scowl as her smirk grew. 
Then, he watched as a slender leg poked out from the slit of the dress she was wearing, and a strappy, black heel. He gave her a simmering look, then took it in his hands without a word, and pressed a kiss to her ankle, trailing up the side of her calf. 
“That’s very nice, mate.” She murmured, resting a clawed hand onto this shoulder. “What else are you willing to do for me?” 
A light smirk replaced his features. She was asking him to seduce her. To fuck her. That was something he would be more than willing to oblige. 
He promptly stood to his feet and grabbed her wrist, pulling him into his chest. To his amused delight, she went pliant in his arms— nearly purring as he captured her lips with his. He kissed her thoroughly, drowning out the memory of the other gods-awful kiss that’d been forced upon him. 
Then a clawed hand traveled his cheek lightly, moving its way to the back of his head. She suddenly grabbed a fistful of his hair and tugged downwards, tearing his lips from hers. He hissed when sharpened teeth latched themselves on his neck, nipping at the exposed flesh there before soothing it with her tongue. 
Then she began to walk forward, forcing him to step with her— until the back of his knees touched the mattress of their bed. 
“Meus es tu.” She said lowly, and she pushed at his chest, sending him backwards.
It turned into a battle for assertion. One that he admitted he thoroughly enjoyed— and intended on winning. 
He took her with him, grabbing her waist to position her underneath. His smile was smug when he peered down into four golden slits, obviously dissatisfied at the turn of events. 
Ignoring her bared teeth, he nudged open her legs with one knee before settling between them, then rolled against her in one swift movement, taking pleasure in the way she threw her head back with a growl. 
He continued his ministrations, trailing hot kisses down her neck, just as she did to his moments before. One hand reached up to graze her breast as his kisses went farther down the middle of her chest, while his other hand roamed over the swell of her hips. 
Raven in turn, was growing more frustrated with every second he kept her distracted with his teasing, light touches. 
“Enough.” It was a command.
By the time he managed to blink he found himself on his back and she was straddling his waist. 
Her hands encased with her dark magic. “Alliges duplicia.”
His arms lit up with her magic and they were forced above his head. When he tried to bring them back down he was met with resistance. What the hell? When he looked up his eyes widened with realization. She bound my fucking hands to the headboard. 
“Raven.” He snarled in warning, tugging on his bonds. The demoness was unperturbed by his outburst. 
“You will submit to me, mate.” A dangerous red swirled in those golden irises, and he clenched his jaw in response, then bit back a groan when she brushed against his length. 
“Let me go.” He glared. 
“I will not. This is your punishment. You will stay like this until you beg for me.”
He detested how painfully hard he was. His erection strained against his trousers, and he couldn’t contain his next groan when she palmed him. 
It didn’t matter how much he wished she’d slip her hand underneath his belt. He would not beg. 
She began to strip slowly, until she was completely bare before him, and then she peeled off his pants carefully— and then his shirt. His full erection was on display for her, and he released a strangled noise in the back of his throat when she settled her heated core against him.
She chuckled darkly when he twitched underneath her. “Say please.” 
“No.” he gritted out, breath hitching when her mouth latched onto one of his nipples, nipping roughly. Her tongue flicked it right after, mixing the pain she had caused with pleasure. 
“No?” Her claws wrapped around his throat, squeezing in warning. “You are in no position to deny me, mate.” 
He just glowered.
“Fine.” She relented, retracting her claws. “You will break eventually.” 
Her fingers lifted to her full breasts, reddened from her true form, and her fingers began to tease one darkened nipple into a tight peak. The bonds went taut when he pulled at them roughly in an attempt to reach out to her. She noticed this and smirked as she teased her other nipple, then rocked against him. They groaned together.
He watched as she then slipped one hand down to her core and began to tease herself, parting her folds before slipping a finger inside while grazing against his cock. 
She moaned, mouth parting slightly and he growled again in protest. That should be his fingers inside of her. 
“If you insist on not obeying me, then I will use you for my own pleasure.” She sunk down onto his cock and his head hit the wall with his groan. Fuck, she felt so damned good and the pace she was setting set him on a steady course towards an impending orgasm, regardless of how much he despised not being in control. 
“Beloved.” He growled when she brought him to the brink all too soon, then slowed back down while teasing her clit with her own fingers. Quick, circling motions that revealed her own need to him— that she was nearing her own orgasm. 
He caught her hitched breath. She was losing resolve, caught in her own wave of pleasure. 
“Release me.” He tugged on his bonds again and bucked his hips into her for good measure. “I want to be the one to fuck you when you come.” 
She gasped and clenched around him, drawing him even deeper. “I will come soon. If you want to fuck me, you must beg now.” 
He cursed. Goddamn her. 
“Please, habibti. I am yours.” 
With a victorious smirk, she waved a hand. That smirk was short-lived however, because as soon as the bonds disappeared he lunged for his little demoness, twisting them both before pulling out of her to roll her onto her stomach. 
“You are mine too, Beloved. I will also make sure of that,” he snarled into her ear, teasing his cock at her entrance. His hands held her pressed against the bed. 
The demoness laughed, then inhaled sharply when he pushed into her with one swift movement. They were both right at the edge, only a few more thrusts was all it would take to throw them both over.
“I can feel how close you are,” He reached a hand underneath her to press his thumb directly against her clit, “Come with me, now.” 
She cried out— a sound that was more animalistic than human, and she fluttered around him. He fell shortly after, nearly seeing stars. He continued to thrust languidly, drawing out their orgasms. Vaguely, he watched as Raven’s skin turned from red to flushed ivory. One pair of eyes turned to peer up at him instead of two, and the color of her irises receded to lavender. 
For a moment he watched her transform, breathless. 
She smiled up at him as her breathing returned to normal and he returned it before dropping his face to her neck. “I’m going to have to make you jealous more often,” Damian murmured into her skin. 
Raven snorted, lifting a hand to run through his sweat-soaked hair. “Unwise. Not only will I definitely kill the next one, it will hurt the entire time she is dying.”
“Green is a good color on you, habibti.”
She said nothing, but he could feel her contentment in the gentle run of her fingers across his hair and skin. As post-orgasmic clarity continued to take hold a question popped into his mind and he leaned up to regard her.
“When were you planning on telling me we were essentially demon-married?”
She flushed. “Eventually. Are you...did you not want…?”
He silenced her with a kiss, letting his actions and strength of his emotions answer her question. As though he could ever give this up, or stomach the idea of either of them being with someone else. 
After all, Damian didn’t share either.
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canarygirl1017 · 3 years
Ghosted - Chapter 3 (Teaser)
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Pairing: Reader / Jungkook, Reader / Taehyung (past relationship, friends to lovers to friends)
Genre:  College!au, fluff, angst, supernatural drama, smut, friends to lovers, emotional trauma, hurt/comfort
Length:  2, 933k words (partial chapter)
Warnings:  language, episodes of anxiety, panic attacks, sexual themes in later chapters.
Summary:  Living in a world full of things only you have the ability to see, growing up with Jungkook has been your island amidst the chaos. But when your best friend makes an impossible request, your friendship is fractured, and your sudden decision to cut ties and move abroad changes everything. Three years later, Jungkook is thriving at university as he begins his junior year. He’s a star athlete, member of a popular fraternity, and every girl’s ideal boyfriend. He tells himself that he’s long forgotten you and the friendship he never had a chance to mend – that is, until you show up on campus as a transfer student with new friends in tow. It’s been three years, and everything has changed, but the biggest change is you. Your new found determination to use your abilities to help the ghosts you used to live in fear of, no matter how dangerous it might be, makes Jungkook fear he’ll lose you before he has a chance to fix what he broke. College AU.
Disclaimer: Just for funsies, I don’t believe in real-life shipping. But I like to write, and I like fandom, so here we are. Please do not duplicate this work or repost anywhere else without permission.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Ghosted Playlist
Chapter 3
“You ready to go?”
You turned to see Taehyung leaning in your doorway. He was wearing flared jeans and a green paisley silk button-down shirt. The open butterfly collar revealed a vintage Chanel gold medallion, and he’d added light green sunglasses to complete his retro look.
Taehyung had picked out your outfit – a short, cream colored wrap dress with an abstract floral design and long flared sleeves. Knee high rust red boots and pin straight hair completed the look, and for once you felt like a match to his fashionable appearance.
You held up a finger as you opened your jewelry box, looking for the vintage garnet drop earrings you’d found to complement the outfit. You slid them in, moving your hair back to admire how they dangled and caught the light.
“Okay, I’m ready,” you said, turning to find him behind you.
“Almost,” he said, pulling a small box out of his pocket.
“Tae,” you said reprovingly as he opened the box and took out a ring. The antique gold setting was beautiful – an oval opal surrounded by a halo of garnets – and it looked perfect when he slid it onto your right ring finger.
“Now you’re ready,” he said, looking pleased as he stood back to check your appearance.
You raised a brow. “When did you even have time to shop for this?” Taehyung’s little surprise gifts were something to which you’d become accustomed over the last few years, and your attempts to discourage him were usually ignored.
He shrugged and as always, his sheepish grin disarmed you. You reached up and adjusted his collar.
“You look like you’re ready for a Vogue shoot,” you said, smiling back. “The poor girls at this party won’t know what hit them.”
“That’s why I have you to protect me,” he replied.
It was Friday, the final weekend before classes started, and the welcoming activities had ramped up in the last week. You and Taehyung had attended some of them and declined others, but you’d committed to the biggest events of the weekend – tonight’s Musical Eras mixer and tomorrow’s Movie Night on the Quad.
The mixer was being held at the Kappa fraternity house, something that had almost made you reconsider attending because you were certain to run into Jungkook again as you had for the last week. While your anger had cooled, you still felt that knot of anxiety in your stomach whenever you saw him, wondering if he’d still be angry or if he’d just pretend you didn’t exist.
So far, his attitude fell somewhere in the middle – when he saw you and Taehyung together at the supermarket, he tried to hide his reaction, but the little muscle ticking away in his jaw was a dead giveaway. A couple of days later, you saw him in the park while you were walking Yeontan and for once, he didn’t look big mad at the sight of you. You were alone and had considered trying to talk to him, but he was with friends. Not wanting to invite public rejection, you waved at the group and hurried away, noticing the little wrinkle between his brows as he watched you go.
Jin, Jimin and Jimin’s girlfriend, Ayeong, had all been by the house a couple of times. Sera had also visited with her mother, accepting Taehyung’s offer of a house tour since Sera’s mother was interested in how the historical home had been renovated. Jungkook was noticeably absent, though Jin seemed certain that he’d eventually come around.
You weren’t so certain of that. In all the years you’d been friends with Jungkook, you’d never seen him so deeply upset with another person. If someone upset him, he might avoid that person for a while, but he always got over it, and you’d never seen him blow up at anyone the way he had with you.
You always thought you knew him better than anyone, and he you, but now you had to acknowledge the reality of this situation – three years had passed, and the truth was, you didn’t know this Jungkook. Worse, he didn’t know you either and you had no one to blame for that but yourself.
Stepping into the Kappa house was like stepping back in time. The large house had several rooms downstairs, each of which reflected a different decade of music, and everyone had taken their costumes just as seriously. You laughed when Jimin and Ayeong met you out front dressed as Sonny and Cher.
“Very nice,” you said, gesturing to Ayeong’s dress.
“Thanks, I love yours too.”
Thought it was still early, the party was already a crush of people circulating between the rooms. Younger guys, probably freshmen, circulated with drinks on trays which they offered to guests.
“Pledges?” Taehyung asked Jimin as he took a beer.
Jimin nodded. “They have to put in an hour according to a schedule and then they’re free to party. That’s as close to hazing as we get here.”
When Jimin offered you a glass of wine, you shook your head. “I don’t really drink much when I’m…” you paused, unsure how to finish the sentence without being weird. “When I’m out.”
You could see that Jimin understood what you meant. “Got it. We have a dry bar too if you want to call it that.”
Ayeong linked arms with you. “I’ll show her. I’m not really in the mood to drink either.”
The dry bar turned out to be pretty impressive, with lots of juice, sparkling water, club soda, and even fruits you could add. You settled for club soda with a splash of raspberry juice and slices of lemon, while Ayeong created a tropical drink.
“I know Jungkook is being… well, difficult. But I just want you to know that Jimin is so happy you’re back,” Ayeong said. “He said you were all friends since kindergarten.”
“Jimin was always one of the sweetest people at our school,” you replied. “It was really easy to be his friend.”
“Not much has changed then,” Ayeong laughed. “What about Jungkook? Jimin says he wasn’t always such a fuckboy.”
You choked on a sip of your drink. “Jungkook is a fuckboy?”
“Well, a nice one? I think he only hooks up with girls who want the same kind of no-strings fun, so there’s never any drama related to it. He’s not the type to get serious though, which is why I’ve told Erin she needs to move on from her crush.”
Fuckboy Jungkook wasn’t something you could really imagine, nor did you want to. You chose not to think too closely about why it bothered you so much.
But once you spotted him across the room talking to a group of girls, you couldn’t shake that image from your mind. He looked good. Really, really good. He was dressed in tight red pants, a black silk button down, and he’d completed his Michael Jackson Thriller homage with a red leather jacket trimmed in black. When he laughed at something one of the girls said, his dimples appeared.
“I’m surprised Jungkook is wearing a costume – he almost never does,” Ayeong commented.
“He kind of stopped wearing them by the time we were in high school,” you said. “But this kind of party, plus a Thriller homage, is pretty on brand for him.”
“Oh, that’s who he’s supposed to be! I’m really bad at guessing all of these costumes.”
You and Taehyung stuck with Jimin and Ayeong, who introduced you to people you hadn’t met yet. Everyone was welcoming, but two hours in you were starting to feel a little overwhelmed by the crowds and the noise. There was also the fact that ever since Jungkook became aware of your presence, you’d felt his eyes on you. You’d hoped his neutral response to you at the park was progress, but you could feel his judgmental stare like a brand.
Every time you glanced over at him, his impassive expression was contradicted by some blazing emotion in his eyes. You reminded yourself that you’d known this would probably be a struggle – that Jungkook would likely be angry with you for leaving. Emmie had even said that no one mentioned your name to him anymore.
You’d just underestimated how much it would hurt.
Jungkook almost skipped Movie Night on the Quad because he was in a foul mood after the Musical Eras mixer. Seeing you there with Taehyung in your matching costumes had made him inexplicably angry, something Jin called him out on.
“Shouldn’t we be glad that she has good people in her life?” Jin asked him when he stomped around the kitchen the next day, slamming cabinets as he fixed a late breakfast.
“He’s right,” Jimin said. “Plus you know that she and Taehyung aren’t together, right?”
That made him pause. “They look like they’re together.” Fucking matching costumes and all, he thought viciously.
“They dated, but Ayeong said y/n told her it’s been a while since they were together like that. At least six months or so.”
“Who the hell follows their ex-girlfriend to another country? And buys a house?”
“If you took the time to get to know Taehyung, you’d understand that he feels like y/n saved his life. He’s committed to helping her with the ghost hunting because of that, but he also genuinely cares about her. So do Namjoon and Chloe,” Jin said. “They’re all good people.”
“Whatever,” Jungkook muttered, shoving cereal into his mouth.
“Forget it, Jin. He won’t admit the real problem, and we all know his anger default setting when it comes to y/n is because of that.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Jungkook demanded.
“You’re jealous. You’ve always been jealous of anyone that got close to y/n,” Jimin replied calmly. He crossed his arms and sat back in his chair.
Jungkook grit his teeth. “I’m not jealous.”
“Really? So every time a guy expressed interest in dating her back in high school, and you very pointedly warned them all off, that was you just being what? A good friend?” Jimin rolled his eyes.
“Who? Like Lucas? You’re damn right I warned him off. He didn’t deserve her.”
“What about me?” Jimin asked, a challenge in his tone. “I told you that I liked her our sophomore year, and you shot down that idea so fast I was afraid if I pursued it, it would actually ruin our friendship.”
Jungkook stared at him, shifting uncomfortably. “Because you weren’t serious about it.”
“Says who? I was dead serious, Jungkook, and you know it. For that matter, I think even Lucas was serious about liking her. He never said a word about her that wasn’t totally respectful.”
“Yeah, because he knew I would beat his ass,” Jungkook said.
“You’re right – everybody knew that. Why do you think people steered clear of her? Why do you think Grace hated her so much? I told you that Grace wasn’t as nice as you thought she was. Yet you still held tight to y/n with one hand while you chased after Grace. And I figured it was just a matter of time until you realized how you really felt about y/n, so I let it go. But damn, Jungkook, you need to stop taking out your anger on y/n. Let her explain why she left.”
No one spoke for a moment. Then Jungkook asked, “Has she told you why?”
“I asked her,” Jin said. “But I think she’s waiting to talk to you first.”
Jungkook tried not to think about what Jimin said, but now that he was here on the quad, and you were just a few feet away, it was all he could think about. Jealousy.
He couldn’t deny he hated seeing how close you were to Taehyung. The way the other man touched you, or kept a protective arm around you, pissed him off. The way you smiled at him made him even angrier. Still, beneath the anger was something else – a yearning for the way things had been. No one had ever understood him the way you did, and he missed that connection with you.
It was his fault you left. That little voice in the back of his head kept reminding him that you weren’t the only one to blame for this vast distance between you now. He kind of understood why you’d left, but he didn’t know why it had taken you so long to return.
He kept stealing glances at you rather than watching the movie playing on the large screen set up on the quad. You’d been to the concession stand, and he wasn’t surprised to see you eating gummy bears since that had always been your favorite movie snack.
You looked pretty. Your hair was a little longer now than it had been in high school and fell in gentle waves around your shoulders. You wore another floaty little summer dress, the kind you had always liked, small feet encased in comfortable flat sandals. You and Taehyung had joined Jimin, Ayeong, Erin and Jin on a large blanket towards the front of the crowd.
Stubbornly, Jungkook had opted to sit with some of his friends from the baseball team. He was still close enough to watch you – to hear your voice – to just observe you while his mind sorted through his confusing thoughts and emotions. You had glanced over at him a few times, as if feeling his eyes on you, a silent question in your own. And somehow, he knew that you understood that he needed some time.
At the intermission between films, you went with Ayeong and Erin to the bathroom. Jungkook got tacos from a nearby food truck and when he returned, he noticed that you were the only one missing from the group. A few minutes later, Taehyung was frowning at his phone after making a call that had gone unanswered.
“I’m going to go check on her,” he heard the other man say as he stood up.
Jungkook hesitated for a few seconds before following him. Taehyung had his phone to his ear again, though again there seemed to be no answer.
“What’s wrong?” Jungkook asked as he caught up to him.
Taehyung turned and scowled at him. Then he sighed. “Ayeong said she stayed back because she got a call from her mom that she needed to answer. Maybe it’s nothing, but she’s been gone for almost twenty minutes, so I just want to make sure nothing happened.”
Jungkook nodded and then they were silent as they walked around the buildings that were still open. The campus was well lit, so it was easy to see the faces of people walking to the dorms or back to the quad. When they didn’t see you anywhere, Taehyung made another call.
“Chloe, I need you to ping y/n’s location and send it to my phone.” He listened for a minute. “Maybe nothing but I can’t find her and I don’t know – I’m getting a weird feeling. Okay, thanks.”
Taehyung’s unease was contagious, and Jungkook shifted from one foot to the other as they waited. Then Taehyung’s phone vibrated, and he studied his screen for a moment before gesturing for Jungkook to follow him. After walking for a few minutes, Jungkook realized they were heading towards a park where students often had lunch or relaxed between classes.
And there you were, a silent, ghostly figure swaying in the moonlight as you hummed a strange tune.
“Fuck.” Taehyung started running.
Jungkook was right behind him. When he reached you, he tried to take your arm to turn you towards them, but Taehyung stopped him.
“Don’t touch her,” he said, a note of warning in his tone. “She’s in a sort of fugue state, and it’s safer if she comes out of it herself.”
Rather than argue, Jungkook walked around to face you, but froze when he saw that your eyes were unfocused, and almost… glowing? It was clear that you didn’t see him, though he was standing right in front of you.
Jungkook’s heart was pounding now. “How do we make her do that?”
“There’s something else here,” Taehyung explained. “It probably tried to communicate with her. Sometimes, if she lets her guard down, or if the spirit is especially powerful, she gets sort of… pulled to the other side. It’s usually because they’re trying to show her something.”
Swallowing hard, Jungkook nodded. “Okay. How do we make her come out of it?”
“We can’t make her, and if we try, it can cause severe shock. She’ll already be in a state of shock when she comes to on her own, so we have to be careful. I’m going to go get the car. You wait here with her and just keep talking to her, okay?”
“Can I touch her hands?”
“Carefully,” Taehyung said. “Don’t pull her or shake her, and don’t try to make her move.”
“Okay.” Jungkook pulled his phone out of his pocket. “Jin, I need you to come to the park right now. The one behind the science building.”
You were still humming and swaying when Jungkook reached out to touch your hand. There was no response, so he carefully took both your hands in his.
“Jesus, your hands are freezing,” he said quietly. “You never dress right for being out at night. You know that you get cold even when it’s not that cold, right?”
He squeezed your hands carefully in an attempt to warm them up. There was no response from you, your eyes still fixed on something he couldn’t see.
A/N: I know it's been a long time since I posted, and I'm sorry about that. If you're still reading, I'll get the rest of the chapter up this week, and there is some fluff in the future as Jungkook and y/n start repairing their relationship. I hope I remembered all the people who asked to be tagged (and got the tags right.) If you’d like to be tagged for updates, let me know.
Tag list: @ggukkieland @jikooksgirl19 @waves-and-woods @kookiesbreaky @koochiekoo @monvieesdaebak
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usagi-mitsu · 3 years
Werlyt & Gaius - a bunch of thoughts.
I am a little late to the party. I know. But I just finished the Emerald weapon and before I go to try out the „not Zenos“ weapon as in „Diamond“, I need to get my thoughts on the story straight.
Perhaps I have been spoiled by 5.0s brilliant MSQ and cannot appreciate the inherent beauty of at least decent writing any longer. But this felt so wrong and out of tune with the rest of the game. I started writing this 2 hours ago! I wanted to one in bed by now! XD But I had to get it out of my system… so….
Spoilers for the MSQ and Werlyt incoming??? And no I did not re-read this so not just spoilers but also writing errors incoming. -.-
The good
These fights are epic! I have only ever cleared the normal versions, but I loved those. They are amazing. The callbacks to Eula (her being a woman here! When did they discover that???), Regula (may he rest in peace) and Gaius himself in his prime were delightful. But I could do with a little less rotating, ok? A dragoon has positional, you know? And being allowed to pilot my very own mecha was like *chefs kiss*. On that front? Well done Square Enix!
I am also glad they were able to get another use out of Porta Praetora! That place looks amazing with the wide open field and the lake – and Ala Mhigo across it. It was one of my favourite Stormblood areas and I am always glad to return there. And of course… being able to visit the allied camp again… And Werlyt itself. It’s simply a beautiful place. It reminds me very much of southern Greece. If you’ve watched the movie Mamma Mia you know what I mean.
The music too was really nice. But I don’t think I’ll… you know… listen to it on repeat as I am doing with other parts of the soundtrack.
I’ve also loved how much amazing lore we got about Garlemald and especially the garlean military. And the military abroad. The way soldiers not from the mainland get treated. I love learning about these things.
The man. The legend. The guy yelling in Prae.
He’s so very boring here. He has so much potential as a character and maybe I’m missing something, but all throughout this story he has been nothing but passive. He’s a reactive character in this storyline. You know. The guy who made deals with Lahabread (the d is intended), tried to take over Eorzea, lead a whole army, stood idly by as the moon dropped, almost died but then decided just not to die and then though „hm… I’ve got so much freetime now. How about I go and hunt some ascians?“ That guy is NOT a reactive character. He is active. He goes out of his way to make shit he wants happen. And in here? He seems too starstruck and devastated by his adopted kids actions to actually have one clear thought.
The only explanation I have is that he might have gotten hit in the head by something on his way to the ruby weapon. I get why he would rely on Cid for help, but the WoL??? The alliance? If you wish to be an ally and help or something, fucking act like it. You were a former legatus and I expect you to live up to your name – even after retiring.
And yeah.. I guess it’s hard having to watch your kids willingly, knowingly dying. But you fucking raised them. You are a big part of the reason to why they are in that predicament. So like… Aside from that I don’t even get why you are in this story at all.
And for the record: I’m not sorry for him. I’m just flabbergasted by all the bullshit we’ve been learning about him.
To be quite honest, I think this story could have worked just as well or maybe even better, if we got another man as the „hero“ of the story. I am talking about none other than our engineering, hammer-swinging, ex-enemy - of course talking about Nero!
The MSQ has long established that his research into the Ultimate Weapon had been taken, twisted and turned – Estinien had to experience this first-hand. I’m not saying that Nero was in need of a redemption arc and I cannot remember if these weapons were of his creation or even stem from anything he did, but it would make so much more sense for me, to have him confront his past in the garlean military like this and be responsible for the death of his former colleagues. Soldiers that he served with, whom he faught with. Give me Nero and them working together to get the weapons going and him bonding with them as his pilots to a degree. Comrades. Not that strange familiar bond that Gaius appareantly has with them. … Scratch that: Let Gaius be the father figure. Him being that wouldn’t change Nero’s relationship with them, but maybe his with Gaius as his superior.
The story wouldn’t even need to try and redeem Nero: He has already gone through major character development with the MSQ and the Omega raid tier. It would simply be Nero, confronted with the things he created, hopefully instilling more morals and a sense of responsibility for his creations. Heck: Let Cid yell at the guy! Seriously! Cid sticking around to help out would make so much more sense if it was Nero instead of freaking Gaius! Cid hated the guy! He might be a professional, but he is not one to torture himself by staying around a guy he (as far as I know) detests.
Make Nero the central figure and give Cid and Gaius the roles of „angel and demon“: One desperately trying to reach out to his old friend, reminding him why they became engineers and trying to make him realise that he can’t just run around designing weapons and leaving the scematics for everyone to read; while the other has trouble letting go of his imperial past and is struggling to see the errors of his ways – if Nero was wrong, than he (Gaius) was wrong too -and of course they did all of this for their home, to further their cause, and to bring peace to the savage lands of Eorzea, who had been fighting amongst themselves for so long… You get the point.
And you could still have these gundam themed fights. But I think everything would make so much more sense in general.
But speaking of which-
The children
I do not truly care for any of them. And that is a shame: I do think there are great characters and dynamics hidden behind these very few cutscenes. When they were first introduced I was wondering why I was suddenly watching „heartwarming“ cutscenes of my foes as children – until I realised that I was supposed to care and that they were supposed to make me feel pity for Gaius. I was supposed to feel bad for him, because they died and he blames himself. But while their fates so far have been gruesome, I cannot say that I am sad they died. They chose to die as they did. There were a myriad more options. And they chose that.
Actually. Their whole story makes me feel like they were huge masochist from the very beginning. They could have just run away and gotten help from someone more competent than them, but they stayed in an abusive military arrangement just so nobody else got hurt?? Please. Use your brains next time. And for the Berserk-like torture scene? I mean. I get what was implied here. But was it necessary? As a writer myself I follow the rule that torture and sexual violence should never be used in a story, unless it must be in there for the story to work or to bring across a vital point important to the story or it’s moral (or if you are writing porn and you are into it – but we are talking official in-game content here). But the violence towards these „children“ seems unnecessary for the plot and the violence of their deaths by piloting the weapons is already gruesome enough. Sometimes it’s better to leave things like this out – the emotional torture of feeling stuck and having a martyrs complex would have been enough here, I think. If the rest of the story had been well written at least.
(I believe my utter lack of sympathy shows how little character developement they had. I love tragic characters, who choose to suffer for the good of other people – even better if those people don’t even like them. It’s just my thing. And those kids are just… well.)
Their reasons and especially why they were making Allie out as the one who would need to survive was also just… weird. Like. I feel like 75% of what happened would not have happened, if they actually talked to each other, used their brains and had done something about their problems. But no…
These characters are also so exchangeable with basic anime/j-RPG character tropes… I only remember Alfonse, Rex and Allie – because I just did the Emerald weapon. And right afterwards I thought, „huh. So… Fullmetal Alchemist?“ Which brings me to my third point …
…the story at large.
„Pacing is a virtue“ or was it patience..? Anyhow: The author of this story should have had more patience with his story and characters and taken a bloody break! And I am not talking about the obvious blunder of „How is Allie feeling?“, „she is in shock and you cannot talk to her“ turning to „oh yeah if you are careful you can talk to her now“. I mean. WTF. That was MAYBE 10-20 in-game minutes of dialogue.
But everything was moving so very fast – and not even in a good way. There are few things better than a fast paced, action rich story about a group of young people trying to safe (their) world. But if you try to cram in two expansions worth of character development and story telling into about two hours of content each patch.. Well, then you get whatever the hell this is.
Gaius is a very interesting character and while I did not understand why they needed to bring him back in 4.4 (?), I do see how he could be a good asset for endwalker. And his involvement in 5.0 with Estinien was just a dear delight. So I am not opposed to learning more about him, to watching his character grow and changed with time. But I am not ready for badly written content of which 50% get told by suddenly induced echo-sequences. I mean – weren’t there rules for the echo at some point???
I’m not sure which one of the devs said it, but the feature that let’s you play an NPC is super convenient for them to tell the story, because before they could only show what happened where the WoL was.
And that’s just it. Rule number 1 in writing anything is „Show don’t tell“. It feels like they literally turned this one around for these cutscenes. While Valens torture and diet-Fandaniel-routine were very much „show“, the rest of the story was one long cutscene of exposition: We get exposition by Cid, by Gaius, by echo, by Gaius and his crew again, then by Allie. Before having to watch scenes we are not there for.
BTW. Dear square Enix: Your writers are capable of writing amazing villains, antagonist and despicable assholes. You don’t have to write „asshole, must die“ on Valens name card. And I also think the „WoL, strike here“ sign above his head was a tad bit too much. Nuance, dear writers. Nuance. Or perhaps I just got spoiled by these last few foes in the MSQ.
When I said I wanted to just be able to punch a bad guy for once and not feel bad about it, I did not mean this! I meant that I just wanted to play training dummy with Danny-Boy.
(Oh! And as far as I’m concerned you can just… sideline Gaius … „would be killer“ and the lady? Make them targetable NPCs with Dialoge to read. Let them stand somewhere accessible and comment on the latest developement. But ffs don’t give me hour long speeches about how you are going to kill Gaius if he does something you don’t like. The guy could and would wipe the floor with you if he felt like it. -.- So. Please. Shut up.)
Basically. I have to finish the Diamond weapon. But I doubt it will change my perception of this story line even in the slightest.
To be perfectly honest though … bringing Gaius back, having this story with and about him, forcing a sort of redemption ark here. It feels like they are really „grooming“ him to be a morally grey ally in Endwalker, with perhaps a big part to play in the endgame. At this point I wouldn’t even be surprised if they pulled a GoT and made him „King in the North“. Or if they had him die a heroic death to save the world, but especially his country. And to do so they need us to think his sacrifice means something. Or that he is the right person to lead Garlemald into a new future (I don’t think he is). But: For one, neither we (the players) nor the characters need to find him worthy of throne or death by heroism for his sacrifice/ascension to work. To be a useful tool for the story, only the other garleans who might oppose the alliance and scions need to deem him or his sacrifice „worthy“. And only they. And Ishikawa-san has all of 6.0 to accomplish whatever the hell she needs him for. He did not need to be the center of his own botched redemption ark. If that’s what they wanted to do. Or maybe I’m looking at this all wrong and all they wanted was to give the writes in training some literal training grounds to test their abilities.
But! On a positive note: I have yet to be told that raids and other side content are canon to any degree. So when playing the next story quests I’ll blissfully ignore all that happened in Werlyt and if it get’s mentioned (because they do that sometimes when you’ve done certain content) I’ll just ignore it.
Happy ignoring! Also: GIVE ME MORE NERO CONTENT!
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girlmeetsliv3 · 4 years
Lilies of the Valley VII
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A/B/O!BTS x Reader
Flowers can have different meanings depending on the flower shape, color, and method in which they are presented. Lilies are my favorite for such a simple flower can have so many distinct meanings.
    “The tiger lily is also known as a symbol of honor and riches and some cultures around the world consider it a symbol of love and kindness.”
Release Date: 06/08/20 @  9 pm
previously ~ next
Trigger Warning: Some of the contents discussed in this chapter may not be suitable for all audiences. Mentions of past trauma.
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          “What the fuck are they doing here?!”
           “Soyeon, please calm down.”
           It took a lot for her to calm her older sister down, as YN pushed her away from the perplexed alphas. Once YN had managed to guide her sister towards the other side of the car, she seemed to have calmed down, or at least that’s what YN thought before her sister directed her anger towards her. “What the fuck, YN. Why would you bring them here? Are they your mates? Did they force you to do this? Do you need help?” YN placed her hands over Soyeon’s mouth, muffling any other questions she might have.
         “Please calm down, I can’t answer everything at once.” Her sister wasn’t the confrontational type, but she hadn’t been there when the incident occurred. Despite being only a year older, Soyeon had decided to study abroad. Something that YN had once overheard her saying she regretted. “Alright, I’m calm. So it’s official then, you completed the mating bond?” YN wasn’t sure how to answer, wasn’t sure how much of the truth her sister knew. There were at least three different versions of what had occurred: what YN had said, what the police had said, and the truth. Which version YN told depended on how much self-loathing she carried within her.
         "Legally, yeah. It's official." She wouldn't elaborate on it, let people interpret it the way they want. When YN saw the relief that flashed on Soyeon's face, she felt a small part of her die. "Oh, thank god. I was worried that you were going to show up alone again. That's why I asked to meet you here, I wanted to mentally prepare you for Shuhua's family." So much for what her mother had said on the phone. It was good that Soyeon had found a mate - especially a female alpha considering how strange they were. "I'm happy for you." The smile on her face was forced, but that didn't mean the words were any less true. YN was genuinely happy for her sister.
         “Oh, I’m sorry about how I reacted.”
         YN turned her head to see Jungkook and Seokjin peering, the latter smiled. “Don’t worry. We understand.”
         Soyeon nodded, “I can get a bit protective over my little sister.” The head rub Soyeon gave YN was a bit unnecessary but her scowl gave everyone a laugh, so she opted not to bring it up. Soyeon dusted off her jeans, despite there being no dust on them, “Well. I’ll see you at home tomorrow then.” Her attention returning to the alphas. “It was nice to see you again. Seriously, if you hurt my sister again I’ll kick your assess.”
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       The hotel room they rented had two rooms and a sofa bed, despite YN insistence that she could take the latter they had all refused. Pushing her into the smaller of two rooms, whilst they all shared the master. Truthfully YN didn’t understand how they all managed to sleep together without waking up hot sweaty messes or maybe they didn’t mind. They’re probably used to being hot around each other. Once she dwelled on it a little more, a sudden flash of embarrassment took her over and she opted to think of something else.
       The common area of the hotel room had a balcony where YN was currently sitting. She didn’t know what the others were up to but enjoyed being alone for a while. It gave her a chance to mentally prepare for the onslaught of questions she would have to face tomorrow. The sound of the glass door sliding open, distracted her as she peered to Jungkook stepping out. YN had to steady her racing heart, though she was sure the Alpha had heard it already considering his tense stance. Never the one to leave any space between them, Jungkook strode towards the patio chairs sitting on the one right next to her. There was a frown between his full brows and his rounded eyes looked more sunken in than usual.
         “Is everything okay?” YN asked cautiously, unsure that it was the right move. Maybe she should have ignored him until he spoke first.
         "Does your family not know?" It was phrased as more of a statement than a question, but that didn't matter. YN swallowed thickly, she should've realized they would be quick to catch on. When weren't they? "They know what they need to." At this, the frown between Jungkook's brows deepened. His body was tilted so that it faced YN's entirely, while hers was facing forward. "What is that supposed to mean?!" His hands gripped hers, forcing her to look into his eyes. He looked angry and that put YN on edge, unsure of how he would react. Jungkook must've seen the fear in her eyes, for the next time he spoke the words were spoken in a softer tone.
          “Your family picked you up from the station. The police spoke to them, didn’t they?” YN didn’t answer, so he continued. “Your mother has always kept in contact, but I just assumed she was very forgiving and knew about the pack bond.” YN shook her head, keeping her eyes forward and wide, afraid to blink for that might release the unshed tears.
         “My mom- my family doesn’t know about the pack bond.”
         “So, then…”
          It took YN all her might to not stutter or let out a sob. She had been holding so much in for years and now she was about to break at the hands of the one who started it all. No, I played a part in it too. “I told my parents we were dating and that I asked you to mark me in the heat of the moment.” Jungkook stilled, YN wasn’t sure she could even pick up on him breathing. It was after a few tense moments that Jungkook intertwined his hands in hers, YN didn’t have the strength to fight back. “Why would you do that?” The words were barely above a whisper, but they were enough to shatter YN.
        Sobs wracked through her body and she knew it was only a matter of time before the other alphas made their way outside. “What else was I supposed to do? Admit the truth? Do you know how bad that would look? I was a newly presented Omega and I’d jumped into bed with someone I barely knew. Enough rumors were already going around. Do you know how people look at me because of the bite mark?! Like I’m some kind of whore. I made a mistake, we made a mistake, and it was a lot easier to say it was that than admit the truth to my family.”
         “YN, don’t say that. It doesn’t matter what people think -”
         “Do you know I saw the disappointment in my father’s eyes the day I presented. I wasn’t even supposed to stay after school that day, but I did because I couldn’t stand to be at home.” She took a deep breath, using the back of her sleeve to wipe at her face. “If I had just faced the truth-”
        “Don’t fucking say that.” Jungkook interrupted her, he was yelling now but YN could see the tears of frustration in his eyes. “What happened was a mistake. I should’ve controlled myself better, I shouldn’t have let my instincts take over and bitten you.” Jungkook brought her hands up peppering small kisses along the knuckles, “Lily, I should’ve told you when we saw each other that I felt the bond. I was just so overwhelmed, I thought it was my rut, I didn’t even realize what had happened.”
        YN shook her head again, “Jungkook, what kind of a person jumps into bed with some she barely knows because of her heat. Much less when she knows he’s mated.”
        Before YN could even continue Jungkook got down on his knees in front of her, tears now streaming down his face. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." The pheromones Jungkook was releasing were ones riddled with stress and anxiety. At that moment, YN ceased to see him as the perpetrator of everything that had gone wrong in her life. He was still at fault, but Jungkook had been a new alpha as well. A kid as well. It had been years and here he was groveling at her feet for forgiveness, not for himself or his mates. But in order for YN to stop blaming herself. "Jungkook, get up." The alpha refused, clinging onto her hands like they were a lifeline. Slowly, YN slid off the chair and to the floor gathering him in her arms, he was much bigger than her but the way he wrapped himself around her spoke volumes.
        Out of her mouth came the words YN never thought she would utter. “I forgive you.” Then as a display of her sincerity, she rubbed her nose where his scent gland was right above his mating mark. Where her’s would eventually go.
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        The second YN stepped out of the car, her mother swept her up into a hug. “Oh, darling how I’ve missed you.” YN giggled hugging her mother tightly, despite being a beta her mother had always smelled to her like sour lemons. Most might find that irritating smell, but YN had always enjoyed it. “I missed you too, Mom.” Her mother squeezed her tightly before her focus turned on the alphas behind her. “It’s nice to see you all. You especially Namjoon.”
         “It’s a pleasure to see you again ma’am.” Namjoon’s dimpled smile was enough to have her mother swooning on the spot. Something which caused YN to roll her eyes, though the longer she thought about it. “You’ve met my mother before?” The question was directed towards the lead alpha, but it was her mother who answered. “Ah, Namjoon introduced himself during your graduation. He called to let me know that they would be accompanying you.” Oh. “I didn’t know that.” She shot the men a glare, but they all shrugged.
         Jungkook intertwined her hands in his and shot her a sheepish smile. “You look pretty today.” The dress she was wearing was one they had picked out for her, a red wrap dress that brushed her knees. Jungkook seemed to be in a better mood than yesterday, their conversation had left YN worried but thankfully it seems everything had been resolved. At least on his side. Her mother guided her through the house and to the back, showing them to the outside.
         “Be warned, Shuhua’s family is a bit antiquated.”
         That served as an understatement for what was to come.
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Decorations lay thrashed on the floor as several tables and chairs were flipped over in the tumult. YN couldn’t see much through her bleary tears, but she could see the bloodstain. Drying on the freshly cut grass while its rusty odor invaded all of YN’s senses. She was aware of the echoes and shouts around her, but YN couldn’t react to them. Not until she felt warm arms wrapping around her figure, the woody scent alerting her to who it was. “Let’s go home, baby.” YN wasn’t sure whether she nodded or not, but she was dragged away nonetheless towards the six other men waiting for her.    
I called them,” Namjoon answered her thoughts, but YN wasn’t too concerned. Despite, her wondering how the men had managed to get there so quickly. She was faintly aware of getting into a car, being placed on someone’s lap, and the sweet sounds of humming near her ears. “It’s okay, YN. Everything is okay now. You’re safe.” So it was Jimin she was sitting on. That’s why her nose didn’t burn. She remembered Soyeon’s words, her mother’s shocked expression, and the face of the disgusting man being pounded into by one of her mates. “Shhh, baby. It’s okay. You’re safe now. No one’s ever going to hurt you again.”
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Hope you enjoyed!!!
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Remember Me ~ Worick Arcangelo x Reader
Disclaimer: This is going to have mentions of past abuse and supposedly illegal behaviour, but considering it’s Gangsta we’re talking about, I don’t think anyone should be surprised by darker themes addresses.
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Birthdays...Have always been tedious. A drag. More work than they are worth...So, I wonder...Why do I actually bother doing a party at my home?
I mean, it’s true, I get it, I’m 21, I’m of age...Legally an adult, legally allowed to drink, legally everything whatever...The same as it has been for the past 3 years...
And MAYBE it’s fun to sometimes gather around with your friends and do the same things everyone always does at parties, loud music, alcohol, cigarettes and gossips...
But there is always that annoying anxiety feeling surging through my veins whenever I have to be around more than 3 of my friends, considering this is a party organised by me, and everything has to be done perfectly, everyone must feel good, and at home, not to be left out...
I can already envision myself being the only outcast, anyway, but that’s besides the point.
It’s already evening, the alcohol is sitting on the table, the pizza boxes are stacked up in a mountain on the floor, plastic cups everywhere, ash trays placed strategically, dim lights, coloured light projectors to make the room look like a disco...
And then there’s me. Sitting anxiously on the couch in the living room, dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a long plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up, along with some silver rings and a necklace. Casual, comfy, yet pretty elegant in its simplicity.
My friends arrived soon, very loudly congratulating me on aging one more year, fantastic...But they had a mischievous smirk on their faces...
And they brought in a tall, blond man who looked very macho, and I could only blink in confusion as everyone walked inside.
“Uhm...Who is he? One of yours boyfriend or something?” I asked, eyeing everyone attentively. “Nooo, silly! He’s our gift for you!” my best friend grabbed the man by his arm, shoving him towards me. “I’m...Not sure I follow.” I spoke with even more unease, not wanting to believe what I was hearing. “He’s Ergastulum’s most wanted Gigolo! And tonight, he’s all yours to do with as you please! C’mon, you deserve to let loose and have fun once in a while, y’know? Forget about all those jerks and enjoy pleasure like you’ve never felt before~!” my other best friend grabbed me by my shoulders from behind, putting her chin on top of one of her hands, slurring seductively. “...I see.” I muttered, looking away, trying to mask my displeasure at what I was hearing. “Anyway, let’s get you drunk! You won’t get to enjoy anything if you’re so cold and reserved with everyone, y’know? Maybe that’s why you’re always alone! Now c’mon, let’s have fun!” she dragged me to the drinks table, and we started playing drinking games like never have I ever...
Gotta say, Vodka and Bailey’s has always been a shot combination that I adore, and I’m grateful that it takes a long time to get me drunk, because these girls are wasted, while I’m not, so I can escape their grasp. Drunk dancing isn’t that fun, even to watch, and they were making fools of themselves, screeching, giggling...More or less sounding like pained donkeys.
Or maybe I’m just too judgemental and mean because I’ve been in a bad mood and spiraling since they got in my home. To be fair, I don’t even care what is the truth. These are my feelings and I’m not going to play them off as insignificant or non-existent.
Eyeing them carefully, I take a pack of cigarettes and make my way out of the house and sit on the stairs, taking a deep breath of the cold winter night air, I light up a cigarette, taking a drag and staring up at the sky, letting my endless train of toxic thoughts overwhelm me.
I was so long in my own mind that I didn’t notice the door opening until a shadow blocked my vision, and I noticed the platinum blond man sitting down on the stairs below me, resting his back on the wall on the side.
“Y’know...I haven’t been to many birthday parties before, but I’m pretty sure the birthday girl is supposed to be pampered and the center of attention, and yet, here you are, outside, alone and sad.” the man spoke seriously, with his usual light glint. “How much did they pay you?” I muttered, lighting another cigarette, realising that the other one burn without taking another drag of it. “Hmmm? What do you mean?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at me. “I’m tipsy, not stupid. You think I can’t think rationally after 8 shots? You’re dead wrong. Now, tell me, how much did they pay you and what exactly did they tell you to do?” I asked in a pressed tone, side-eyeing him. “You’re certainly perceptive, I give you that. T’was quite a lot of money to spend the night with you.” he tilted his head in a playful way. “Not only they have no faith in me to get someone to even remotely like me...They have to pay someone to do something that I dread with a burning passion. Do you even know my name? I don’t know yours.” I shrugged, hanging my head, gritting my teeth in annoyance. “I see your friends screwed up a bit. Name’s Worick, nice to meet you.” he extended his hand towards me. “...Y/N. Nice to meet you too...I think.” I sighed, staring reluctantly at his hand, before slowly shaking it. “Pretty name for a pretty girl. Wanna talk to a guy you’ll never see again? I heard that venting and letting out pent up emotions helps.” he offered, making me look at him with a weird face. “You know you’re not gonna get any action, so you try to do something for the money you earned, huh?” I snorted, raking my fingers through my hair. “Hey, don’t look at me like that. Contrary to my profession, I’m a pretty chill guy. What do you have to lose, talking to someone you’ll never see again? And besides, I have little room to judge you, so if that’s your worry, you can throw it away.” he lit up a cigarette, puffing up into the sky. “You’re...Not wrong here. Okay, fine, Pretty Boy. Imagine this. You’re not even of age, you get your first lover and you’re happy. You finally feel superior. Someone gives a fuck about you...That’s the definition of a lover, after all, I guess...But here’s the deal. Barely one month into the relationship, the person starts getting very pushy and pressures you, without you realising. Words and actions. It goes to the point that they force you to do things that you don’t want to and you’re not ready to, mentally or physically...And you can’t do anything except for denying, since they don’t listen and they overpower you. How is that, so far?” I spoke, taking a few breaks in between sentences to keep myself grounded and lucid. “Very suckish. Does any of your friends know that?” Worick asked in a gentle voice. “They do...My two best friends do. The ones who apparently paid you. I don’t know what’s in those tiny brains of theirs, but I don’t think a one night stand is going to somehow magically get me rid of all problems, traumas, self-issues and nightmares I’ve been having for the last years. Or maybe I’m just paranoid. I don’t know, and at this point, I can’t stay that I care.” I shrugged, leaning back on the stairs. “Maybe you have the wrongs friends. I heard words about you that I don’t think friends should speak like that about their so called best friend who trusted them enough with their bad experiences.” he pointed out nonchalantly, as I shifted my gaze towards him with a frown. “After today...I...Think the same. I...Just...Wasn’t expecting something like this. What more can I say. I am disappointed. And if that wasn’t enough, my second boyfriend, who was a virgin, saw my own virginity as a prize. And the third pity-dated me. Can it get any worse? Because, if yes, I honestly give up.” I sighed, ruffling my hair, obviously done with life. “Life sure sucks, huh? And most people don’t make it any better. All we can do is get stronger, carry on, and fight our nightmares.” he nodded in agreement, clearly sympathetic. “...I see you’re speaking from experience. I wonder what happened to your eye...It may sound insensitive, but after what I just told you, I don’t think there’s any more need for caution.” I smirked at him with a dark sort of self-deprecation that I could also sense in him. “Well, y’know...Sometimes parents aren’t the safe haven they ought to be.” he shrugged, extinguishing the finished cigarette on the stairs. “I see. Yeah, life sucks. I guess I can see why you become a Gigolo. An attractive guy selling his body for money...By what they said, you are the most popular. I can see why. I feel sorry for you.” I gave him a sympathetic smile that disappeared as fast as it came. “You have a pretty smile, y’know? I always thought that people who can smile despite all they’ve been through are the strongest.” he commented, smiling back. “Is that why you appear to be so cheerful? You’re strong, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally too? Wish I was the same. Maybe people won’t find me such an easy target to take advantage of.” I snorted sarcastically, making him chuckle. “It’s a pity people are shit to the few remaining ones who don’t give in to society’s awfulness. But what is a sweet girl like you doing in a shithole like Ergastulum? Doesn’t quite add up.” he asked, getting in a better sitting position. “Life happened. Dad left us, and mum is abroad working to get me enough money to go to university by the end of this year. This place, despite how scary and dangerous it is, was the cheapest place I could afford.” I bit my lip, trying not to worry too much about the future. “I’m sure you’re gonna nail it, so don’t worry too much. You seem like a smart girl, so just study hard and don’t forget to enjoy life. By your standards, not others’.” he smirked, tilting his head towards the door. “You’re funny, Worick. I wish we met under different circumstances.” my voice became lower, only to get interrupted by the door slamming open and the girls leaving the place. “Well, look at you two, lovebirds! You look so cuuuuuuuute! Hey, Gigolo, better take good care of her, got it?! The night is still young for you two! Awesome birthday party, as usual, Y/N, see ya next time!” the girls left, making me blush from embarassment, looking away. “You’ve got very sensible friends.” he muttered ironically, shaking his head. “I’ll...Go tidy the apartment. Maybe I’ll be able to focus on something else. Come one, I’ll warm up some pizza.” I shrugged, getting inside the house. “I didn’t think you’d want me around in your home.” Worick pointed out, leaning on a wall. “You got paid to spend the night with me, correct? Then you’ll do what you got paid for. Keeping me company. You have no idea how refreshing it is talking to someone with some fucking brain in their head.” I plopped down on the couch, putting my feet on the table, turning on the TV to a rock music program and patting the seat next to me for him to join. “It’s an honour to spend time with you.” he chuckled, taking a slice of pizza, leaning back on the couch and mimicking my position.
For the rest of the night, he was gracious enough to help me tidy up and clean everything, and when we were finally done, I went to change in my nightgown, taking a book and getting in bed, only to see the man leaning on the frame of the door awkwardly.
“Ah, yes, how could I forget. Let me find some larger clothes for you to change into.” I put the book down, going to the wardrobe and finding some oversized clothes in which I sometimes sleep. “Are these yours?” he chuckled in amusement. “Yep.Gotta be comfy when you sleep, right?” I shrugged, getting back in bed. “Yeah, you’re right. That’s why I sleep naked.” his grin grew wider, making me frown in confusion. “Sleeping naked is comfy for you?” I put the book on my lap, looking at him for an answer. “Did you try?” he asked smugly. “Yeah. I felt incredibly uncomfortable and anxious the for hours and couldn’t sleep. At 4 AM I couldn’t stand it any longer and I put a nightgown on.” I scratched my cheek, looking away. “That’s adorable. What were you reading?” he asked, getting closer to me. “Get changed and you can come over. I’m not letting you sleep on the couch. You got paid, you deserve better.” I waved my hand at him dismissively, only for him to leave the room, get changed, take the book from my hand, flip through all the pages, and return it. “Ah, Picture of Dorian Gray. I’ve been wanting to read it for a while, thanks for the opportunity, I have to say, I rather appreciate his monologues.” he gave me a shit-eating grin, plopping in bed next to me. “I...You...Huh?! You can’t tell me you just read THIS book, right now, for the first time in your life, by just flipping rapidly through the pages!” my expression was that of pure shock and disbelief, which clearly amused him. “That’s exactly what I’m saying, sweet cheeks.” he smirked, laying his head down on the pillow. “You...You have an extraordinary visual memory?!” I asked in a voice that I wasn’t sure was heard. “You’ve got that right, darling.” he chuckled with a satisfied smile. “...WHY THE HELL ARE YOU A PROSTITUTE?! YOU ARE A GENIUS! YOU COULD DO SO MUCH MORE WITH YOUR LIFE! EARN AN UNBELIEVABLE AMOUNT OF MONEY! DO YOU HAVE NO AMBITION AND SAFE-LOVE?!” I grab him by the shoulders, shaking him, until he stopped me. “Calm doooown, Y/N, calm down. Thanks for looking out for me, but life is life. Don’t worry about me. I’ve got all I need here. You, however, have the whole life ahead of you, so don’t waste it like I did.” he advised in a soft voice, making me look at him for a few seconds, before sighing, getting up, and picking another book. “We won’t be seeing each other again, will we? Well, if that’s the case, take this. It’s a thanks for being nice to me today...But promise me you will take your time reading it, unlike now. Rest, relax, drink a hot cup of tea, and read each page carefully. Enjoy it, live it, feel it. Can you promise me that?” I asked, handing him the book. “The Hobbit, huh? Pretty cover, intriguing summary on the back...Fine, Y/N. I can’t 100% promise you, but I will try. Are you really willing to part with this one? It seems special for you.” he asked, more serious this time. “...Maybe sometimes the stupid ideas that your heart gives you are better than the rational ones from your brain. Now go sleep, I want to read.” I looked away from him, opening my book and pretending to read, away from him.
Five minutes passed, then ten, and fifteen, all of them in a deadly silence, almost awkward, until a chuckle split the atmosphere, making me turn around, looking at the man with a confused look.
“Usually, when people read, they turn the page after five minutes. What’s on your mind?” he asked, taking a strand of my hair and loosely twirling it with his finger. “..Well...You’re a stranger. And...We’ve only talked for a few hours. I know it makes no sense to ask this of you, but...I won’t be seeing you tomorrow anyway, so...Uhm...Do you think...I'm...Cold and mean...And unapproachable?” I mutter, looking away from him. “Not at all. I find you very endearing. The quiet ones are always the ones who have the best surprises once you get to know them. People deal with problems differently, it just takes the right person to want to understand you.” he kissed the strand of hair, making me bite my lip and turn off the lap light so my possibly pink cheeks won’t be noticeable. “Great. Thanks for the info. Now...How about you earn the money you got paid? You can do that by holding me and playing with my hair until I fall asleep.” I try to keep my voice from wavering. “You don’t have to put that pretext as a front, I would do that even if I wasn’t paid.” he chuckled lightly, holding me close to his chest, his fingers masterfully soothing my senses as he caressed by hair. “...Thanks.” I muttered, hiding my flustered face in his chest. “I have insomnia and general sleeping problems, including sleep paralysis and nightmares...And the only thing that used to be able to put me to sleep without waking up in the middle of the night would be mum holding me and playing with my hair until I fell asleep.” I confessed, my voice becoming softer and more emotional. “Thank you for trusting me with this precious memory, Y/N. It’s going to be okay. Now close your eyes...Sweet dreams, Y/N.” his peaceful, velvety voice was the last thing I heard before falling into a restful and calm sleep, for the first time in ages.
When morning came and I woke up, the bed was empty on the side that Worick was and I almost feared I imagined the whole thing...Until I noticed a piece of paper on the pillow where he slept.
“You’re a beautiful person, don’t let the darkness take over you. I hope to hear from you again, in the future, under better circumstances. ~ Worick”
To that, a phone number was written, and the first thing that came into my mind was to get that it tattooed on my body so I won’t lose it.  Of course, that will never happen, so I’ll settle for writing it everywhere I can.
For some reason, I wanted to make him proud, and I still had no idea why, so I only called him once a year, on my birthday, and on that day, we would chat on the phone all night, in memory of that night.  Finally leaving Ergastulum to go to University and get a better life for myself was something revolutionary for me, but after over 6 years, I managed to do just that. However, there was something that never left my brain, and that was the platinum haired man that completely changed the way I viewed life and how to approach it.
And I returned to Ergastulum after almost a decade.
I was dressed in a cute dress, and this time, unlike last time, a confident smile was on my face. Even though it’s fake, I adopted the “Fake it till you make it” motto, and nobody has to know about my problems.
I vibe.
Asking around for Worick, I find out he works as the Benriya with another man called Nicolas, who’s a tag, and even better, I got his address, so I knew just where to go.
As I entered the shabby apartment that was, for some reason, unlocked, I see a meek looking woman sitting on the couch, looking down.
“Did Worick get a girlfriend?” I leaned on the wall, a playful smirk on my face. “Wh-What?! G-Girlfriend?! W-Wait, who are you?!” she shot up to her feet, looking at me with big, blue doe eyes, frightened, might I say. “You’re adorable. What’s your name? And can I ask where Worick is? I’ve been told this is where he lives.” I played with a strand of my hair, trying not to intimidate the girl...Too much. “U-Uhm...He...He’s in his room...Who are you, miss?” she asked, trying to get some courage. “A friend, I’d like to think. From about ten years ago. Now, if you’ll excuse me...” I was ready to go look for him, only for a door to open, and the man in cause to appear, wearing only black boxers, and stretching...He obviously just woke up. “Ally? What’s all the noise?” he yawned loudly, rubbing his eyes. “Do you have a cute nickname for me too, Worick?” I smirked at him, as he widened his single eye, his jaw dropping in shock. “Y/N...?” he muttered my name, making me grin widely. “Glad you remember me. It has been quite a while since we’ve seen each other...And you age like fine wine, I’m telling you...You’re a sight for sore eyes.” he chuckled softly, only for him to come and pick me up, spinning a bit, before putting me down, cupping my face and kissing my forehead, leaving me a surprised and flustered mess. “And look at you! Can you get prettier than this? I told ya, you have a beautiful smile!” he grinned childishly, pinching my cheeks, making me yelp in pain and slap his hands away. “Jerk! That hurts! Ahem...Anyway, dear Gigolo, how are you? I heard some stuff about you working with someone named Nicolas...But I doubt her name is Nicolas.” I chuckled, pushing him softly away. “Oh, yes! Y/N, this is Alex, our new friend. You can say she’s kinda...Our secretary? I guess? Anyway, come over, we have a lot to catch up on!” he guided me to his bedroom that was, unsurprisingly, messy. “Wonderful and clean, just as expected. Have you ever thought of opening the window?” I teased him, plopping on his bed that was unexpectedly soft. “You, lazy little vixen...Here. I bought it years ago, after finishing the book you gave me, and I wanted to find out more. Now, I’m giving it to you. Are we even?” he smirked, handing me a copy of Fellowship of the Ring book. “We’d be even if I’d spend the night over as well. And if you gave me drinks and pizza. Basically a date. That will do.” I told him, looking dearly at the book I got gifted, although I already read it before. “My God, since when are you so bold?” he asked, getting on the bed, resting his chin on my knees, looking at me like a happy puppy. “Did you miss me, Worick? I hope you did, otherwise that little piece of paper you left would be incredibly disappointing and misleading.” I pointed out, booping his nose. “I’ve been thinking about you since then. By the looks of it, so did you. Are you sure you want a date with someone like me? You are beautiful, you are brilliant, your attitude in endearing as hell...And I’m still a Gigolo and my life is here, in Ergastulum. Don’t regret it later on.” he asked with a more serious tone, only for me to scoff and pull on his hair playfully. “I wouldn’t be here otherwise. Besides...Unlike you, I don’t need to be paid to spend quality time with you, doing nothing but chilling and chatting.” I teased him, making him laugh, as he plopped next to me, poking my cheek. “Great, problem solved! You’ve got yourself a parasite latching on you. Good luck getting rid of him now.” he grinned cheekily, only for me to cup his face and pull him into a kiss. “Why would I wanna get rid of a parasite this cute? Now shut up and hold me, it’s been ten years and I’m touch starved.” I grinned, nuzzling in the crook of his neck. “Damn, how I missed you.” he held me tightly to his chest, occasionally peppering my face with kisses.
It was definitely worth coming back to this God Forsaken place, even if it is for only one person. There’s place for everyone in this world, and in others’ hearts, and I found my place, in Worick’s warm arms, where I feel safest and most loved.
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
How 'bout a Bakugou fic where he's in love with an older woman, lets say his senpai. I just love the idea of Bakubae pining after someone who's a little bit older than him 🤤
Not my senpai
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Bakugou stared at the big red zero on the test paper in his hand with an angry expression. Ofcourse he, THE Bakugou Katsuki couldn't get a fucking zero on a test! There must have been some sort of mistake! As if Aizawa was reading Bakugou's mind, he looked at Bakugou and stated, "Bakugou, there hasn’t been any mistake in my grading if that's what you're thinking. You got perfect scores in every other test except for English. If you want to be a top hero, your English speaking skills need to be top notch since famous pro heroes are sometimes sent on missions abroad. You need extra tutoring and we'll talk in details about it after classes are over.". "Yes, sensei.." Bakugou grumbled, almost blowing up the test paper in his hand as he crumbled it and shoved it in his bag. The worst part of it all was that he was the only one in class to fail English. Iida, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu came from expensive middle schools which gave them good English skills since they already learnt it all from back there. Midoriya was always good at taking notes which is why he managed to keep up with English as he also took help from Iida and Todoroki. Uraraka and Tsuyu took help from them as well and managed to pass the English exams. Kaminari and Sero knew English from video games while Mina and Kirishima learnt it from american fashion and fitness blogs. Koda learned English from cooking videos while Jirou learnt it from singing English songs. Satou apparently had relatives abroad and therefore, he was taught the language by his parents. No one knew how Ayoama knew such good English while the others simply seeked guidance from Yaoyorozu. Hell, even Mineta knew enough English to pass the exams thanks to watching way too many English porn videos! Bakugou was the only one with the massive ego to not ask for help from anyone which in turn came back to bite him on his own ass.
When class was finally over, Bakugou sat at his chair angrily, waiting for his discussion with Aizawa. He knew that getting extra tutoring would improve his English skills and ofcourse, he didn't want to be topped by "shitty deku". Then again, taking help from people was rather embarassing for him. However, it's not like he had an option in this case. While thinking of all these, he didn't notice the third year student slip in the classroom. Bakugou was currently in the second year of UA. During his first year, he was able to manage English classes somehow but now that lessons got way harder, he managed to get his first failing grade in his entire life. Bakugou's trail of thoughts was broken by Aizawa speaking to him. "I don't have any extra time to give you extra tutoring and nor does the other teachers. (L/N) here would be helping you with English because of that. She's one of the big three of the third year and she's got the top marks in every year so don't underestimate her and behave. Talk to her and set your extra lesson timings." Aizawa drawled before getting out of the class with his sleeping bag, leaving Bakugou with you. "Hey, I'm (L/N) (Y/N) from 3A and I'm glad to help you out with English. So, Bakugou-kun, tell me when you're free and we can work out a time to study together?" you told him with a small smile as you sat on the chair infront of him. "Am free after classes everyday for 2 hours." Bakugou muttered with a scowl. "I see. You're not too friendly are you? Well, it doesn't matter. As long as you cooperate and as long as your English skills get better, you don't need to play friends. I'll see you after class on Wednesdays and Thursdays alright? See ya tommorow." You stood up, your polite smile gone to replace your face with seriousness. Well, atleast you successfully broke his expectations of you being a random extra cause it was like you read him by his expression alone.
"(L/N)-SENPAI IS GIVING YOU EXTRA TUTORING? GODDAMNIT WHY DID I NOT FAIL ENGLISH?!?!?!??!" Kaminari wailed at the information passed onto him for the 100th time. "Why is dunce face acting like that?" Bakugou asked Kirishima, tired of Kaminari's fanboying over you. "You really don't know anything about (L/N)-senpai do you Bakubro? Her quirk is similar to principal Nezu and she pretty much is smarter than a computer. She can tell exactly what you're thinking by just looking at you cause she's so good at reading a person's body language and she apparantly got into the hero course without having any physical quirk just cause she apparantly made a different student hit a building in a certain place that made all the other buildings in Ground beta fall over crushing all the robots. Principal Nezu already requested her to take over his position as soon as he retires. She won the sports festival three times in her year cause she uses everyone's quirk against them somehow. As far as I know, no one really understands what's going on in her mind cause she always has this polite smile on her and so far, no one has been able to befriend her or get anywhere close to her cause she somehow always shuts them out. She's pretty much the prettiest, smartest and the most untouchable girl in UA. Which is why, Kaminari is shitting himself cause (Y/N)-senpai would never go out of her way to tutor someone and you're seriously lucky cause she's probably the smartest person in Musutafu besides Principal Nezu." Kirishima explained. At the moment, Bakugou clearly understood why your expression suddenly changed just because he scowled. You probably understood that he thought you were an extra when in reality, you were anything but one. The whole ordeal, somehow, made Bakugou feel embarassed about judging you without knowing shit.
Wednesday came sooner than he expected and Bakugou knew that he had to compensate for embarassing himself. Ofcourse you probably thought that he infact was the extra cause you were clearly way smarter than he was. While you tried to find his issues with English, he was feeling uncomfortable thinking about the events from back then. "Bakugou-kun, I'm not looking down on you cause you looked down on me. I can understand that you figured out my quirk from someone but it's alright. People tend to judge others and that's normal human behaviour. Now that you feel bad about it, that's enough for me and we can just forget that happened." you told him, again with that polite smile. "Okay." Bakugou muttered feeling awkward since he wasn’t used to people reading him like that. Like Kirishima mentioned, you really were extremely smart and you figured out exactly what made his English skills weak in a matter of minutes. While he had a good understanding of grammer, he clearly had no practice when it came to implementing it. After talking to him for a while, you figured out his interests quite easily and for the next few months, you brought him books that he might like for him to read out loud to you. Bakugou was a smart person as well and it didn't take him any more than the next three months to master English well. By then, the two of you read over a hundred books together in the library. The two days of tutoring turned into all seven days a week and Bakugou found himself drawn to you after the first month. While you were polite and cold at the begining, you started to laugh at Bakugou's dry offensive humour. Bakugou found your smart remarks funny as well, letting out a deep chuckle at times. The books you got him were all up to his interests at the beginning but with time, they ended up being books that you genuinely enjoyed which made Bakugou learn more and more about you. You, like him, were a misunderstood person. You understood exactly what others thought of you which made you detach yourself from people. Everyone always thought of you negatively behind your back and they believed that you wouldn’t figure it out. The only problem was that you always did. People were easy to read after all and you understood why people found you to be too intense. People are naturally made to be scared of the unknown and no one really knew you. Well, except Bakugou. You opened up to this certain boy because he always showed what he felt. To him, there was no reason to hide his feelings, he would say that he dislikes someone on their face. You liked that bold attitude and you found yourself opening up to him, thinking of him as a friend or maybe more.
When Bakugou looked at the red 100/100 written on his English test paper, a smirk formed at his face. He couldn't wait to show it to you and brag about his English skills. He knew that he wouldn't be here without you but then again, you already knew that. He loved that he didn’t have to voice his appreciation out loud to you since you always picked up on his subtle gestures of appreciation unlike everyone else. Hell, you were smart enough to see the good in him, to see everything else other than his prickly exterior. He finally knew why Kaminari was fangirling over you months back since ge found himself doing the same. You were the embodiment of perfection to him and now, three months later, he knew that he was head over heels in love with you. However, unlike you, he didn't have any way of predicting you. You were older than him by an year. Hell, you were a senior student and you always rejected everyone who asked you out. You'd be starting out as a pro hero in less than a few months while he'll still be a high school student and ofcourse that meant that you’d most probably reject him. With all that negative thoughts, he went to the library to meet up with you for tutoring sessions. Given that he already aced his exams, there was no more reason for you to tutor him anymore. The thought that you probably wouldn’t talk to him again made him feel sick at the stomach. "Hey Bakugou-kun! How did the test go?" you asked him with a genuine smile as you sat at one of the tables in the library. With a cocky smirk, Bakugou held out his test paper, showing off his perfect grade. To his surprise, you stood up and did a little weird victory dance as you clearly looked extremely happy. "Damn, (L/N), you seem more happy about my grades than I am" Bakugou teased you, making you blush furiously as you realised that you literally danced like an idiot infront of him. "It's (L/N)-senpai Bakugo-kun! Besides, all teachers feel happy when their students get perfect scores you know!" you tried to defend yourself by teasing him. Usually, he would tease you back with some sort of insulting remark but this time, he was quiet. You knew about his feelings for you for a while. After all, Bakugou wasn’t very hard to read. To be honest, you found yourself falling for him as well. However, you wanted him to make the first move. You were older than he is but that didn't mean that you’d have to take charge in every case. Unfortunately, it seemed as if he couldn’t gain that confidence and now that your tutoring sessions came to an end, you didn't know what to do. "Senpai huh..." you heard Bakugou mutter, his hair hiding his eyes as you saw a small smirk on his face. "I refuse to call you my senpai, (L/N). You may be an year older than I am, you may have a quirk that makes you a hundred times smarter than I am but I saw through you. Don't think that I didn’t notice those blushes on your face whenever I teased you or how you look like the world ended now that our tuition sessions are over. I seriously was confused at the begining but now, I'm pretty confident that you like me, don't you, (Y/N)?" Bakugou asked, looking straight at your eyes as he called you by your first name. To say that you were blushing would be an understatement as you were completely red by his boldness. "As far as I'm concerned, you're not my senpai from now on. You'll be my girlfriend instead. If I'm wrong, then you can walk away from me and I'll not bother you again." Bakugou stated, a blush forming at his face. He didn’t think this through. Infact, as soon as he saw your sad expression, he decided that he needed to confess now. It as now or never. Bakugou was never good with feelings and you understood why his confession sounded more like a declaration that you were his. A small shy smile formed on your face as you looked at him and said, "Alright, I'm not your senpai". The next thing you knew was that you were pulled into a deep passionate kiss.
Bonus: "YOU'RE DATING (L/N)-SENPAI??!?!?!?! WHY DID I NOT FAIL ENGLISH GAHHHHHH" Kaminari was bawling in the 2A common room while Bakugou looked at Kirishima with an annoyed expression and told him, "Tell Dunce face to shut his trap." Kirishima only looked at Bakugou with a shocked expression thanks to the news that Bakugou was dating you being thrown at him moments ago.
[Author's note: I've been wanting to write something like this for a while. Hope you liked it!]
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cali-holland · 4 years
Pictures of You- Harry Holland One Shot
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Pairing: Harry Holland X Reader
Requested by anon: Can I have a Harry request where the reader finds a folder of all these pictures of her that Harry took without her knowing and that's how he tells her he likes her? Thank you ahead of time!
Prompt:You always thought Harry hated you… but that changes when you stumble across some pictures.
Word Count: 2600
Masterlist   Harry Holland Masterlist
*Not my pic*
Warnings: swearing
“Y/N, you made it!” Sam smiled, hopping up from his seat at the table to tackle you in a hug.
“Did you think I’d bail?” You stepped out of your best friend’s hug with a laugh, before sitting beside him at the table. The rest of your friends around the table, including Sam’s girlfriend El, greeted you kindly. You smiled happily, purely content with being back home again since your latest journey abroad. You noticed one open seat beside you at the pub, and you unfortunately knew just who would occupy it.
“God, it’s a good thing I got the drinks.” Harry scoffed as he walked up to the table, setting down a round of drinks for everyone. Surprisingly, he had gotten you a drink, too.
“Yes, I definitely need to be drunk to sit next to you all night.” You rolled your eyes, taking a quick drink of your beer, and Harry begrudgingly sat in the empty chair beside you, seating you between the two twins.
“Hey now, play nice tonight, yeah?” Sam teased, but you knew there was an underlying seriousness in his voice.
You’d been best friends with Sam for the past few years after having met at a cooking class one day when you burned the poor meal and Sam, the star of the class, had to help you- he still did all of the cooking in your friendship. Because you were so close with Sam, that meant you spent a lot of time around Harry.
Somehow, it still surprised you that, even though they were completely their own individual beings, one twin could get along with you so well and the other one seemed to despise your existence. Maybe it stemmed from that one time Harry needed a model for his shoot, and Sam suggested you, but you couldn’t be more repulsed by the idea of modeling- and Harry took it offensively. Maybe it was the time that you found out that Harry had told the guy you were talking to that you were actually into Harry instead, so the other guy completely erased himself from your life. Either way, you two hated each other.
At least, that’s the front you put up. You thought Harry was cute, and you loved his stupid jokes and how passionate he was about everything in life. You didn’t like that he seemed to hate you, so you just met his hatred with your own. You hadn’t told Sam about your miniscule, tiny, minute, barely-in-existence crush on his brother, too scared that somehow Harry would find out. Sam was just caught in between you two, trying to ease the tension as he balanced his best friend and his brother. It also didn’t help that now you, Harry, and Sam had formed the same friend group.
“So how’s your first night back in town?” Sam asked you with a smile.
“My roommate’s sexiled me already. Either I need to stay out until 3 am or I need to find a hotel already.” You sighed, with a small laugh, “She had weeks and still managed to line that up poorly.”
“You can stay at my place, if you’d like?” He offered.
“Excuse me, what?” Harry questioned his twin’s words. The twins shared a house together, so Sam inviting you to stay the night meant you’d have to deal with Harry, too.
“Sam, I don’t want to encroach. I’ll just get a-“ You started, but Harry cut you off.
“No shit, you’d be encroaching.” He stated, drinking down his beer.
“You know what?” You eyed him angrily, before turning back to your friend, “I’ll take you up on that offer, just to spite a certain someone.”
“As long as I don’t wake up tomorrow to find that one of you murdered the other, it’s fine.” Sam chuckled before taking a drink of his own beer.
You got pulled into a conversation with your other friends, ignoring Harry’s presence beside you as he did the same. Or so you thought. You were so caught up in your own world that you didn’t notice Harry’s lingering gaze on you when you’d throw your head back in laughter, your eyes crinkling in happiness; you didn’t notice how his hand closest to you seemed to itch like it was resisting the urge to reach up and move the loose strand of hair out of your face. You didn’t notice any of it.
“I’ll get the next round.” You stated, standing up after a couple hours to get everyone refills. The bar was busy, and you were unsuccessful at trying to get the bartender’s attention.
“Good luck with that. I’ve been here for almost ten minutes already.” A voice laughed from beside you. You let out a small sigh with a smile as you looked at the stranger. God, he was so pretty with perfect hair, perfect teeth, perfect eyes, perfect everything.
“Well, then I guess you’ll be my entertainment until he comes by?” You joked.
“I’m Tyler.” He introduced himself. “And what’s your name, gorgeous?”
“Y/N.” You replied. You weren’t the type to flirt with a stranger at the bar, but you had a few drinks in you and you knew you’d be waiting alone for a little bit and he was totally your type, so might as well.
After a few minutes of talking to Tyler, you finally managed to place your order of another round with the bartender. While he gathered the drinks behind the counter, Tyler turned back to you with his freshly made drink.
“Am I coming on too strong if I say you’re beautiful?” He asked with a little laugh, making you blush. Before you could respond, you two were interrupted by quite possibly the most inconvenient person in your life.
“No she’s not.” Harry said, coming to stand a little too close to you. You looked at him with wide eyes, silently questioning what the hell was wrong with him.
“I- I’m sorry, who are you?” Tyler spoke up, questioningly.
“Run along, mate. She’s not interested.” He replied with a scoff.
“What? No,“ You started but Tyler had already backed up in surrender, leaving you alone with Harry at the bar. “What the fuck was that?”
“I was saving you. You’re welcome. Did you get our drinks yet?” He asked, making you roll your eyes at him.
“Saving me? What kind of-“
“He was looking for a quick fuck, you’re not into that. Done.” Harry said as if it was simple.
“Who are you to say what I’m into?” You questioned.
“Oh come on, you weren’t seriously into him, were you?”
“That’s not up to you to decide.” You scoffed, “I don’t need your help, Harry, and I certainly don’t need your shitty insults.” You left the bar without another word, leaving the pub entirely. Harry warily turned back to see Sam, who sighed in frustration from his seat across the bar. Before Sam could get up to go find you, Harry trailed after you.
“Y/N! Y/N, wait!” Harry called out to you, jogging to catch up to you down the street as you had started to make your way home. Surprisingly, you had managed to make it a ways away from the pub, much closer to his house though than yours.
“Go away, Harry.” You grumbled, arms crossed and refusing to stop for him.
“Please, I’m sorry.” He reached out to grab your elbow to stop your angry walk back to your place. You unintentionally jumped at the sudden contact, your ankle rolling a little in the process and you heard your heeled shoe crack.
“Shit, Harry!” You exclaimed, grabbing onto him to keep from falling over completely.
“It got you to stop.” He said, not realizing you’d broken a heel from his attempts.
“You broke my fucking shoe. Thanks, dickhead, now leave me alone.” You took off your shoes, holding them in your hands and started to walk further, biting back the urge to limp from the pain in your ankle. You didn’t hear Harry follow you, and you thought he was finally leaving you alone, until he showed up at your side, holding out his sneakers for you.
“Come on, put them on.” In one hand, Harry took your heels from your hands, replacing them with your sneakers.
“I’m not wearing your shoes.” You scoffed.
“Put them on.” He insisted. He paused as he noticed you wince a little as you walked, “Did you roll your ankle?” God, he was stuck to you like glue right now; you’d never seen him so interested in actually talking to you.
“Yes, what about it?” You replied, trying to act like it was nothing but the searing pain from your ankle didn’t really help.
“Here.” Harry stopped in front of you, bending down a little.
“What are you doing? Leapfrog?” You questioned in disbelief.
“Get on my back. I’m not letting you walk home on a bad ankle.” He stated. When you were silent for a moment, he continued, “I’m giving you a goddamn piggy back ride or I’m throwing you over my shoulder and carrying you home.”
“How chivalrous of you.” You rolled your eyes, but climbed onto his back anyway. With your arms wrapped around his shoulders and neck, you held his shoes and your heels that you’d gotten back from him. Harry kept you steady as he stood to his full height, hands holding onto you under your thighs.
“Harry, my house is that way.” You pointed out as you noticed he took a wrong turn.
“My place is closer.” He assured you. You were happy your face was hidden from his view, not wanting him to see your apparent blush at his kindness. His actions and comments back at the bar were annoying and hurtful, but this was a different side of Harry, this was the sweet side you found yourself falling for.
The rest of your short journey was quiet. Harry set you down so he could get out his keys once he reached his front door, and you leaned on one leg, trying to keep your weight off your bum ankle. You knew it wasn’t broken or anything serious, just in pain. Your shoe was more damaged than your foot. Harry helped you inside to his living room, sitting you down on his couch.
“I’ll get you some ice and clothes to change into.” He told you, leaving you alone in the room.
As you shifted on the couch to get comfortable, you realized his laptop was precariously placed on the edge of the other couch. You got up to move it, your fingers just barely brushing the touchpad and it flicked on. It was open to an editing all; he had obviously been working on pictures before he went out with Sam earlier.
Curious, you flicked through the nature pictures he had pulled up, smiling at the ones of Tessa and his family. He must have had a millions folders on his laptop of his pictures, you couldn’t believe it. You noticed how most of them didn’t have very descriptive names, just brief titles such as ‘Cherry’ and ‘family’, but then you saw one of your own name. You knew it was wrong to snoop, but you were curious about what could be in that folder. Clicking on the folder titled ‘Y/N’, the laptop opened a long list of pictures of you.
The first one had to have been around the time you first met Harry through Sam. You were just casually talking to Sam in his backyard, but the camera was focused on you, almost like Sam wasn’t even in the shot. You clicked onto the next one, displaying a picture of you laughing at something Sam had said to you- again, it was like he wasn’t there. Going through a few more pictures, you found a theme to them. They were all taken when you didn’t realize it; the camera- Harry, had been focusing on you and no one else in every single shot, and there were dozens of pictures. Somehow, you didn’t find it creepy that he had a whole collection of pictures of you- it was rather endearing. Here you had believed Harry didn’t like you, but maybe you just weren’t looking, you were never looking.
His laptop dinged, and a message came across the top of it.
From Sam: ‘Did you kill Y/N or did you kiss her... please tell me you at least told her you liked her finally’. A couple seconds later, another one came through ‘don’t fuck my best friend on our couch’.
Your heart started racing and you quickly closed the laptop, placing it on the coffee table. You had definitely snooped too much, but how were you supposed to know that Harry had a folder of pictures of you- but not like creepy pictures? How were you supposed to know that his phone was connected to his laptop so every single text he got went through to his laptop as well? And what the hell was Sam talking about? Did that mean Harry actually liked you too? Well, that’d explain his odd overprotectiveness and why he was so concerned tonight about your ankle.
“Here you go.” Harry’s voice pulled you from your thoughts as he came into the room with an ice pack wrapped in a towel, a pair of sweats, and a t-shirt for you.
“Thank you.” You replied quietly, taking the items from him.
“Do you want to stay in my bed tonight? I’ll take the couch.” He shifted awkwardly between his feet, like he was trying to figure out what to say.
“I’ll take the couch. I’m fine.” You said as you put the icepack on your ankle, hoping that would prevent it from swelling.
“Are you sure? I don’t mind.” He stated, sitting beside you on the sofa, and you let out a small sigh.
“Harry, do you like me?” You asked. You watched as his cheeks heated up a little at your words.
“Wh- what? Why would you say that?” Harry replied, trying to brush it off.
“I, um, I saw the pictures on your laptop.” You nodded towards the closed laptop that had obviously moved places since Harry had last been in the room, “And I saw the text from Sam.”
Before you could continue, he cut you off, rambling nervously as he did so, “It’s not what you think. You’re just a really easy subject to photograph because, well, you just always look… beautiful, and you’re really photogenic, too. And Sam- he was just being a prick. I wouldn’t try to- not here with you, and that’s not to say I wouldn’t want-”
“Harry,” You cut him off, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, “I’ll be disappointed if it’s not what I think because I like you, and I’d like to think you feel the same about me.”
“You do?” He was at a loss for words, attempting to decipher if you were serious or just playing him. The soft smile on your face told him it was the former. “I always thought you had a thing for Sam.”
“Oh God no.” You laughed, shaking your head, “It’s always been you.”
“In that case,” Harry shifted closer to you, bringing a hand to rest on your cheek, leaning in a little, “Is this okay?”
You nodded with a smile, and he leaned in to capture your lips with his own. The kiss was soft yet passionate, and his free hand cupped the back of your neck delicately. You tentatively shifted into his lap and your hands found their way to his hair, his trailing down to (respectfully) rest on your waist. The intimate moment was broken by the sound of the front door opening and the loud, somewhat drunken voice of Sam following it.
“For fuck’s sake, not on the couch!”
Tag List: @viagracex​ @theamazingtomholland​ @hellomoveonby​ @heyitsshrez
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purvishraick · 3 years
Fanfiction : Bloodbound (Choices)
Pairing : Adrian Raines x Amy Richard Parker (MC)
Warning : none
Rating: Teen
TAG LIST : @otherworldlypresents ​  , @evelynistic ​   , @silma-words ​ , @fireycookie , @lauren-raines-x , @nala-raines
If anyone wanna be tagged in future do let me know….
read previous chapter here ….. Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6
So here i promised this last night but sorry it got delayed ...got stuck in some important work .... now here i am .... i hope u like it
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Amy had to forcefully cut the call, in order to shut her brother and she new that this will make him angry. But she didn’t need a pep talk for not getting wasted in the club before her interview. She could handle her brother afterwards and the interview was important. She wandered here and there and settled on the bench. She felt like she is being watched from behind but didn’t find someone. Just then a stunning woman with an icy demeanor came towards her.
“Amy?” stern woman said .
“ yes that’s me “ she replied .
“I am Nicole Anderson, VP of operations at Raines Corp. I will interview you . “ she said .
Amy was surprised to see that she was going to be interviewed by someone so high at post but her queries were eased when she reminded her that they take their hiring process very seriously and she followed her in the conference room keeping her confident look .
“ now then. The Raines Corporation is a global leader in technology and innovation . Why exactly are you interested in being the executive assistant to our CEO ? “
“well…” Amy took a deep breath and continued , “ I’d love to help make the world a better place . what I admire most about the Raines Corporation is your dedication to global innovation and improvement. The clean – water initiative …the vaccine for the cerella virus …the green energy project… you guys aren’t just getting rich. You’re trying to help people, to make technology that’ll save the planet. I can’t think of anything better than being a part of that.”
“hmm……a good answer. A bit cloying , perhaps, but Adrian might actually like that “ Nicole said with an appreciative look.
Just as she was going to speak the next thing , the door at the back of the room swings open , and a handsome man in a perfectly – tailored suit strolls in.
Intelligence sparks through his eyes . He was extremely charming , with his black obsidian eyes assessing her , her already killer nervousness now peaked a whole new level.
“ Adrian I wasn’t expecting you…” Nicole asked unable to hide the surprise in her voice .
Adrian as in Adrian Raines …well all escalated very quickly for her .
“ I had a free minute. Is this the candidate ?” he asked taking the authority in his hands as he decided.
Professionalism and seriousness reflected in his voice .
“ yes …but I’ve just started the interview and—“ Nicole asked stammering .
“ I’ll take over from here “ he cut her off not wanting to take any excuses .
“……of course sir , go right ahead “ she surrendered .
Adrian sat across Amy , eyes burning right through her . He has never seen such a beautiful person in his entire existence , god knows how would she be as a person .
Amy’s nervousness grew even more when his eyes bore through her but she remembered once more , she is Amy Richard Parker and nothing in this world ever scares her , she remembered her brothers’ advices on professionality and confidence and recalled her dad’s proud thought about her and her mother’s loving smile . Now that was enough to calm her down , so she put on the brave and fearless smile again on her face and straightened her back.
“ Amy , is it ? “ Adrian looked at her and saw her hazel brown eyes which her so hypnotizing , with all his strength he prevented himself from being lost in them .
“ that’s right “ she said interrupting his thoughts .
“ tell me Amy , what do you desire ? “ he asked her and she was surprised at the question .
Amy was already so mesmerized from him that this question surprised her.
“ You mean ……why do I want this job ? Because I – “ but was interrupted by Adrian .
“ I didn’t ask why you want this job. I asked what do you desire . “ he asked seriously and professionally.
“ I desire ……PASSION “ she answered after thinking fir a while .
“ oh , really ? “ he asked , his brows raising , he was in true sense intrigued by her answer .
“Sorry , if that is too personal but I am just being honest . I want to feel deeply. I want to experience life , live every moment like my last. We never know when is our last moment , it is better to live our life to the fullest than to regret it afterwards . That’s what I desire “ she answered honestly and it was the true answer she saw what happened to her family everything was good and happy then suddenly they lost everything , she do not want to regret anything .
“ I can relate“ Adrian was impressed internally but didn’t expressed it. He supressed a smile to reach his face. He was truly impressed by her desire to live and feel and experience. He now looked at her resume .
“ lets see here … graduated college 3 years ago …masters in communication …interned at Mannon financial…volunteered in San Torbida and France abroad for a year “ he read out and again was impressed from her but wondered why it took her an extra year to sign up for this interview or for that matter any other one .
“ yep that’s right “ she said .
“ well , how was that tell me in three words “ he asked .
“ difficult. Enlighting. Rewarding. “ she replied easily .
“ good , this job can be challenging and unpredictable , are you comfortable running unusual errands ?”
“Absolutely “
I have been doing them since a long time now , she thought to herself , smiling .
“ Handling confidential information ? “
“ I can keep a secret “
You wont even realise how many I am keeping right now too , she thought again and smirked .
“ Working nights ? “
“ Always been a night owl “
Okay , I atleast told him one thing fully without strings attached , she smiled while thinking .
“ Good , Anything else I should know about you ? “
“ Hmmmm …… I have got WORLD CLASS people skills “ , she said with a proud smile .
“ Oh , really ? “ he asked with questioning eyes .
“ I was voted ‘ most likable ‘ in my high school class . Also ‘ most popular ‘ and ‘ best smile ‘ . Technichally you are not supposed to win in multiple categories , but I was able to persuade them . And also the cherry on the top I was the PROM QUEEN “ , she stated out all of her achievements proudly and remembered how happy and proud her father was to see her that day . She and her brothers has always been the brightest in the whole family , anyways. Suddenly feeling nostalgic and tears building in her eyes she averted her gaze on the floor.
“ Thus proving your point “ said a grinning and impressed Adrian , but he saw a glint of sadness in her eyes and he doubted that he saw tears too , and was unable to understand why counting her proud moments made her sad .
“ exactly” Amy said after controlling her emotions and forcing a smile.
“ one more question “ Adrian leaned forward hands folded on the table and with an intense expression , told her the story of a man who got a genie lamp and destroyed everything , and then finally asked her about what should his final wish should be .
“I think his final wish should be to undo his first two wishes “ she said after thinking for a while .
“because ?” Adrian asked curious to know her theory .
“ because he already had everything he could ask for a family and many friends …what could he ask for more it was more than enough …all he wanted or ever needed was right there in front of him …this is a story of temptation and greed …he should have never played this game …all now he can do is making things as they were before “
Her answer was something totally honest … Adrian glanced at her and then noticed how true each and every word was . she was not only beautiful but also quite intelligent …in true sense beauty with brains.
She was quite interesting too …Adrian personally never saw such a person in his entire life … and he needed to know her …he knew that it is a huge risk and a mistake but he already did that when he decided to interview her himself …now he couldn’t resist her … so then he does the only thing he could do …he knew that Nicole will be a big trouble after this but guess he was okay with that if it was what would keep this girl around .
Then he grins brightly at Amy and says
“ You’re hired “
“wait what ? …seriously “ Amy asked with wide eyes , she was surprised , how in world is it possible that someone gets hired so fast …this was weird to her … but of course she was happy .
Adrian left an inside giggle watching her surprised reaction …she looked adorable with those wide eyes …his smile grew even wider … and he extends his hand …which obviously she took .
‘ oh my god …his skin is impossibly smooth…and hold so firm …wow he is really handso-……no no no …stop brain stop thinking …no eyes …don’t look in his eyes for too long … fuck …, I am a disaster …stop cheeks don’t turn red …god please ‘ she thought .
Good god if god wanted to kill her please kill her in this exact moment …someone save her from this embarrassment …she was a disaster with wide eyes blushing cheeks …FUCK.
Adrian saw her flustered reaction which was by far the cutest thing he saw in his life … his vampire senses made her blushing cheeks clearly visible …the dark pink tint on her cheek made her impossibly adorable.
“welcome to Raines Corporation “ , he said with a bright smile
They made eye contact for just moment but everything stood still for that particular moment …it was mesmerising .
In that moment Adrian didn’t knew about Amy but he knew that they were going to go a long way .
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My Sister’s Best Friend- ch 34
The Elementalists au
Beckett x Oriana
Words: 1920
Series Master List
Complete Master List
Warnings: Slightly NSFW. Most of it is fluff.
Katrina Harrington is only two years older than her younger brother Beckett. Her best friend, Oriana Miller, is practically part of the family. After spending one year abroad, Katrina and Oriana return home, and Beckett finds himself enchanted by the red-haired beauty. Something changed between them while she was gone and now that’s she’s back, can he summon the courage to tell her how he’s truly felt all these years, or will she continue to only be his sister’s best friend?
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It had been a wonderful couple of days with Oriana and her parents. This is how Beckett always pictured what the holidays should be like; warm, inviting, full of laughter and smiles. Now, it’s Christmas Eve, and Beckett can barely contain his excitement to give Oriana her gift. He’s not sure if he should give it to her now, or wait until the morning. He doesn’t know how she’s going to react to it. It’s nothing fancy, in fact, it’s fairly simple, but there’s a lot of meaning in it.
As they get ready for bed, Beckett sits on her bed awkwardly. When she came back from showering and brushing her teeth, her eyebrows furrowed as she took in the sight of him.
“Are you okay?”
“I think so.” He nodded.
“Okaaaaaay. Well, the shower’s open if you want to hop in.”
“I was wondering if we should exchange gifts tonight. You know, in case you don’t like what I got you, I won’t have to be humiliated in front of your parents.” He rushed out.
“What, did you get me a thong or something?” Oriana laughed as his ears grew hot.
“No, no, nothing like that. But it’s um…it’s…personal.” He squeaked out.
She sits next to him on the bed. “Gotta say you’re freaking me out a bit. I don’t mind if we do our own little gift exchange tonight, but I’m definitely worried about what it is, now. Is it something that if someone saw, it would be embarrassing?”
He swallowed, hard. “It depends, I guess.”
“Well…if it’s that private…I guess we should do it tonight. But your present is already under the tree, so I’ll have to go get it. You get ready for bed, and I will be back.” Oriana glanced back over her shoulder at him as she reopened the door and walked back into the hallway.
Beckett’s heart was racing as he quickly got in the shower and brushed his teeth. When he went back into Oriana’s room, she was sitting on her bed again, a small gift in hand. Nervously, Beckett closed the door and took out his own small gift from his bag. He handed it to her, but remained standing. She rose an eyebrow.
“Seriously, you are freaking me out, Beckett. If that’s an engagement ring, you need to put that away, cuz I’m not opening it. No offense.”
At that remark, he couldn’t help but chuckle. “No, it’s not a ring. The box is too big for a ring. And I would never, ever propose on a major holiday.”
She nodded slowly. “Alright.” She ripped the wrapping paper off and paused at the sight of the velvety black box. “Why do I feel like this is a huge moment?”
“I don’t know…because I’m overreacting.” He bit his lip.
“Mm, probably.” She agreed before opening the box, staring at the item before meeting his eyes again. “Beck…”
“It’s stupid, isn’t it? I’ve never given a gift like this before; I didn’t know what I was doing. This is all so…surreal, Oriana. Anyways, we’ll just pretend I never gave it to you, and you never saw it. I’ll go out tomorrow and buy whatever you want.” He knows he’s rambling, but there’s no stopping him now. “I knew it was dumb; I’m so glad you didn’t open it in front of your parents, that would have just been so…”
“Beckett, shut up.” Oriana was grinning at him. “This is what you were so afraid of? I love this, how could I not love this? I really thought it was going to be a ring or something, now that would have been embarrassing, because you know what I would say if you gave me that right now. But this...” She trailed off, her smile growing even wider. “This is genius.”
“…Really?” He whispered.
“Really.” She told him, standing up and giving him a sweet kiss. “You know me so well; I can’t believe you were nervous about this.”
“But…Do you get what it means?”
Oriana carefully took out the two interlocked metal puzzle-piece keychains; each one had an engraving. “I think so…but maybe you should tell me yourself, just in case.” She winked.
Still feeling nervous, Beckett separated them. “I will keep this one.”
“Her One” Oriana murmured the engraved words.
“And you’ll keep this one.” He held the other piece of the puzzle out to her, and she gingerly took it back.
“His Only” Oriana whispered.
“Because you’re the only one I’ve been with, and you’re the only one I’ll ever want.” He held his breath as he waited for her reaction.
Her eyes were swirling with emotion. “This is…the most precious thing anyone has ever given me, Beckett. Thank you, so much.”
His eyes lit up. “I did good?”
“You did amazing.” She confirmed.
Beckett blew out a breath of relief. “Oh, thank goodness.”
Oriana’s laugh may as well have been trumpets to his ears, and when she retrieved her keys, she immediately slipped her new puzzle piece to the ring. “Well? Where’s your keys?”
“In my coat. Downstairs.”
“Downstairs…” She repeated. “Well, that’s a shame, because unfortunately…” Oriana stepped away from him and towards her door, turning the lock before facing him again. “…I’m not letting you leave this room.”
“You can’t lock the door!” Beckett gasped, his heart beginning to race.
“Uh, it’s my room, so yes I can.”
“Ori, I’m not doing anything that your father would disapprove of.”
She smirks. “Relax. I’m just giving you your present. But I wanted to see your reaction to that.”
Beckett narrowed his eyes. “You’re messing with me again.”
Oriana shrugged innocently. “I didn’t ask you to do anything, Beck. I just want to thank you properly. Maybe it’s silly, but knowing that you’re the only person whose piece will fit mine…it’s reassuring, and I can tell you put a lot of thought into it.”
Beckett reached out and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear. “You have no idea.”
“I think I do, actually. Knowing you, I bet you made a list of pros and cons for everything that crossed your mind, gift-wise.”
Beckett blushed. “You know me so well, too, Oriana.”
She pressed a quick kiss to his lips before turning back to her bed, and retrieving the small gift-wrapped item. “Here.”
Beckett carefully removed the green wrappings, revealing a round aluminum box. He gently lifted the cover and gasped when he saw the piece inside. “Ori! I’ve always wanted a compass like this!!”
He can’t believe it. He always thought the old-style compasses and pocket watches were the coolest thing, even though he knew most people would not agree. He gingerly traced the glass face with his fingers, admiring the bezel and admiring the smooth way it tilted in direction as he slowly circled the room with it. “This is brilliant!”
Oriana cleared her throat. “Um…look at the inscription.”
Beckett’s eyes immediately went from the compass portion to the engraved text on the top, now tracing over those letters, before meeting Oriana’s gaze.
“Always under the same sky” He murmured.
Oriana just shrugged and looked away, a noticeable blush on her own face. “It’s just…ya know… You were always so lonely…and I never want you to feel that way again. It’s just a reminder, really, that I’m never too far away. Depending what country you’re in there’s differences, obviously, but in the end, the whole world shares the same sky.”
Beckett pulled her into a crushing hug. “I don’t care about the whole world.”
She hugged him tightly back, and they just stayed there for several minutes, until he thought of something else. He pulled back, searching her eyes. “You would have given that to me in front of your family?”
Oriana blinked, then giggled. “Yeah, why wouldn’t I? There’s nothing to be ashamed of here, Beckett. Haven’t you learned that by now?”
His heart swelled. “I know. I just thought…I don’t know what I thought. You’re amazing.”
“Right back at you. I am glad we did this now, it’s more intimate this way. Since apparently both of us had something personal to add…although…I have one more gift for you.”
“Ori, you really didn’t…he gasped when he felt her hands unbuckling his belt.
“Don’t worry, it’s not costing me a thing.” She teased, before he felt her hot breath against his ear. “It’s your Christmas blow-job.”
Her voice was raspy as she unzipped his pants and began tugging them down.
“No, no, no, we can’t. I can’t do this here. Your dad…”
“Isn’t around. Besides, don’t tell me you’ve never thought of this before.”
His pants fell to his feet. “I…I never knew what your room liked like.”
“Never imagined me in your own room?”
He burned crimson. “That’s not the point!”
“Well then.” She’s giving him a look of triumph. “Fantasy fulfillment time.” She dropped to her knees, taking his briefs down with her, his dick springing loose. When he looked down at her, he was met with lustful eyes.
“But you have to be quiet.” She whispered.
“Ori, no!” He whispered back frantically. “You don’t understand; if we do this, I will never be able to look your dad in the eye ever again. Even if we’re quiet and get away with it, one look at my face in the morning will give it away!”
“Seriously, Beckett?”
He nodded again. “I’m sorry, it’s just…well he’s mentioned how you shouldn’t lock your door while I’m here, and how I’m so respectful that he has no worries. I don’t want to get kicked out, Oriana. Your parents trust me, and I can’t do anything to break that.”
Oriana slowly got to her feet, accepting his hand as help.  “Fine, whatever. I’m tired anyway.”
“Are you mad? Please don’t be mad.”
She let out a strangled laugh. “Are you kidding me? You’re a fucking saint, Beckett Harrington. Why the hell would I be mad at you for respecting my parents too much to even remotely cross a line? Geez, if my Dad knew…”
“He can’t know anything!”
“…he’d probably give you a medal for World’s Best Boyfriend.”
He hurriedly pulled his pants back up. “Wait, what?”
She gave him a strange look as she climbed into bed. “Are you actually asking me that right now? Do you have any idea how many freaking fathers would want you to be the one their precious daughters spend their time with?”
He climbed in next to her. “No, I don’t. Are you saying I’m odd?”
She laughed lightly again. “I’m saying that you’re a keeper. I feel like I should be offended right now, but I can’t. You’re just so damn good.”
“Oh…” Beckett quickly turned off the lamp next to the bed. He must be a million shades of red, and he’s still not sure if he did the right thing. Is there a right thing in this type of situation? Is he really one of the only men that would turn down a blow job?
“Shit.” He heard her curse, and get out of bed.
“What?” He asked to her dark shape moving in the room. A second later he heard a faint click.
“I forgot to unlock the door.” And then she was beside him again, turning on her side and resting her head on his shoulder, and her arm strung across his abs. He felt a light chuckle and a tiny shake of her head, before her grip on him tightened. “Goodnight, Beckett.”
“Goodnight, Oriana.”
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