#i should be studying but instead on tumblr 24/7
clarkiewrites · 6 months
The feminine rage I get when I have writers block for months and then as soon as I have to study for my exams, *BANG* unblocked. Like, I have priorities but also
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druidx · 9 months
A Year of Writing - 2023 Writing Wrap-up
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➼ Quick Stats
Total words Written in 2023: 75,022
Average Words/Work (published): 2501
Started in 2023: 24 works
Finished in 2023 (started anytime): 22 works
Published in 2023 (started anytime): 22 works
Number of Works still in Progress (started anytime): 77
Mostly wrote in: February (8 works edited, 5 published)
Longest work completed or added to in 2023: The Ruby Falls (179,282)
Shortest work completed or added to in 2023: It's Fashion, Boss (357)
Top Genres: Sci-Fi (13 - just pinching out Fantasy at 12)
Top WIP(s): The Ruby Falls and Young Dagger, False Dream (previously named Alexis Dalliance vs the Evil of Titan)
Top OC(s): Aderyn, Mio (10 fics each)
Below the cut: Review of 2023's Plans, Work I'm proud of, Work that shows I'm still learning, Breakdown of 2023, Plans for 2024, ICYMI
➼ What were my writing plans for 2023?
❌ Post The Ruby Falls Nope. I'm closer, but still no cigar. I've edited 1.75 sections, bringing the total complete-&-almost-ready-to-post sections to 5/15.
✅ Finish stuff Yes! I completed 7 works this year which were started before 2023, the oldest of which was Tales of the Starbound - The Old-Timer's Tale from 2015.
❌ Post more 'For Posterity' items Nope. Forgot + no time + burn out/ no energy
❌ Study Romance? Nope. Forgot this was a goal TBH
❌ Read more Nope. Last year I read 10 books, this year I've only read 5 (not counting fanfics). I did try, but yeah. (My Storygraph if you're interested)
✅ IDK, everything beyond The Ruby Falls is flexible currently. Technically, this one is complete! 😅️
➼ Work I'm most proud of
Home That Our Feet May Leave, But Not Our Hearts (Starbound) This was an experiment in writing a time loop, and also changing tenses through a story. It may not have been 100% perfect, but I feel like I learnt a lot writing it and I'm really happy how it came out.
Greetings After a Long Departure (TESIV:Oblivion) I thought long and hard about how it must feel to touch the statue and gain the Blessing of Akatosh, and I'm pleased that the description really came off as well as it did.
➼ Work that shows I'm still learning
I think maybe I'm stuck in the 'taste vs ability' trough. Aside from the two above, and maybe Two Foxes (TESIV:Oblivion), I feel like there's been some je ne sais quoi missing from my writing this year. I joined Writeblr to learn and grow as a writer, so if anyone has any tips or ConCrit I'd love to hear it. I really don't want to plateau again.
➼ Breakdown of 2023
I traveled a lot this year. Denmark, Albania, Scotland, Denmark again, and off again to Denmark for Christmas. It's for sure been inspiring, but it's also been exhausting and hasn't left me much brain-space for writing. Not to mention that 2nd day of holiday in Scotland I got "bitten by a Haggis", and spent the next 3 months healing a hole in my shin, and I'm still recovering from that. With all the traveling, maybe this year should have been a 'feed the well' year instead of struggling to finish works I didn't have the energy for. Ah well.
That said, I did quite well with my PodFic project. 50 Fics were recorded and ~80 still remain.
➼ What are my writing plans for 2024?
IDK. The future is a foreign country (to paraphrase L. P. Hartley).
Continue hacking away at The Ruby Falls and whatever else catches my fancy.
Eat more red meat/ protein. Can't write if your brain doesn't function.
Figure out what je ne sais quoi missing from my writing.
Pick up abandoned projects. To whit, 'For Posterity' items and Podfics.
➼ In Case You Missed It
Tales of the Starbound - The Old-Timer's Tale - 1,616 words. A day in the life of Quihui & contemplation of Caseswing's building regime. Tumblr or AO3
Home That Our Feet May Leave, But Not Our Hearts - 3,212. Mio, the Last Protector, attends her graduation. The only problem? Earth no longer exists. Tumblr or AO3
You Never Forget Your First - 712. In the dead of night, Kata finds her Captain alone on the bridge, singing a mournful tune... Tumblr or AO3
Crasberry Saviour - 761. During a trip to buy ship parts, Yuudai reveals how she lost her leg. Tumblr or AO3
An Ancient Vault - 389. Mio falls down a hole and discovers an Ancient vault. Tumblr
Look Back, by Looking Forwards - 1,653. Mio helps one of her crew celebrate a religious event. Tumblr or AO3
Aurorabee - 406. Mio goes clothes shopping with her mother. Tumblr or AO3
Original Works
Mouth of Silver - 781. A courier comes across some unsavory creatures while making his way through the woods. Tumblr
A Cryptid Files Short - 404. A hedge witch provides potions of safety. Tumblr
TESIV: Oblivion - Vanilla
Greetings After a Long Departure - 1,014. Rowan gets a sweet surprise when xe finally returns to the Temple of the One. Tumblr or AO3
Two Foxes - 500. The new Grey Fox goes a-visiting to Castle Anvil for some advice. Tumblr or AO3
A Light in the Darkness - 619. Travelogue writer Arkved of Cheydinhal describes another local Cyrodilic festival. Tumblr or AO3
TESIV: Oblivion - Modern AU
It's Fashion, Boss - 357. Aderyn arrives to an event in a snit with the Grey Fox over his time management skills; he teases her about her fashion sense. Tumblr or AO3
A Little Something-Something - 1,459. Aderyn brings Jena to a GFS charity 'meeting'. Tumblr or AO3
A Floral Surprise - 728. On the morning of Martin & Baurus' Anniversary, Aderyn and Belisarius lay out flowers and gifts, conscripted by their respective friends. Tumblr or AO3
Night Exercises - 2,407. Fortis runs a training exercise for Aderyn at night. Tumblr or AO3
Get up - 1,016. Martin and Baurus sneak away from a gala event, only for a detonation to rock their world… Tumblr or AO3
Self Indulgent AU - 18,102. HoK is adamant she knows who her parents are. The Mythic Dawn thinks differently. Who is right? Tumblr or AO3
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basiloaks · 2 years
15 Questions, 15 Tags! 
Tagged by: @le-scenariste- thanks! 💛
Nickname: Doodlebug!
Height: Around 5'6"-ish, but I wear heels practically 24/7 because I like feeling tall 😅
Last Thing I Googled: "Wire Fox Terrier Breed Info"
Song Stuck in My Head: “Danny” by Lesley Gore.
Number of Followers: 112, which is pretty surprising to me!
Amount of Sleep: Oh, my sleep schedule is awful- since I'm on break, probably 6 hours, but when I'm on campus, I average around 3-4 hours.
My Dream Job: Realistically, I have no clue, but I'd love to support myself with my ceramics/sculptures/writing and maybe have a small online shop on the side!
Wearing: My pajamas because I really should be fixing that sleep schedule and going to bed at a normal time instead of scrolling on tumblr again 😔
Book/Movie that Summaries Me: Oh gosh, I have no idea- 
Favorite Song: It's so hard to choose, but right now, I'd probably say "When She Dances" by Joey Scarbury!
Aesthetic: Probably some branch of academia mixed with vintage styles, particularly the 1940s, 60s, and 70s!
Favorite Author: I really could not tell you- one of my goals this year is to get back into reading like I was years ago before life got in the way, so maybe I'll find the answer soon!
Fun Fact: Umm, I’m not sure! This next semester I’m doing a couple of art independent studies, and I’m also taking a film studies course, so that’s pretty fun! 😄
Tagging (feel free to ignore! 💛): @edandstede, @ghosts-of-love, @spineless-lobster, @chimaera-void, @the-pastel-kitsune, and anyone else who’d like to join in!
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phoenix-knight · 2 years
I have so much self-hate on a daily basis. it makes me so disgusted with myself. I hate myself for hating myself. every time I make the slightest mistake that anyone as a human being does, I trample on myself as if I was supposed to be some god who should have lived up to some higher standards.
"you dumb bitch, you cannot even study for a couple of hours the day before the exam. how incompetent can you be? could you not even read through the basic stuff so that you don't stare at the answer sheet blankly tomorrow like a mannequin? i hate you. i hate the way you look, your body keeps changing, some of the pants don't fit as well, you have probably gained weight. how could you not maintain urself now that ur finally doing better than you ever were since you were diagnosed. you rarely bathe, u don't do better skincare, you don't study, you don't get enough exercise, you have not washed ur hair in a week. you are a fucking nervous wreck who procrastinates till 9 PM and studies half-assedly the next day on the subway train to college. you can't even fucking press the pause button when the deadline is literally the next day for an important exam. dumbass motherfucker, ur just never enough"
there, i spewed all the venom out. i spat it out like a mouth filled with blood and beat up face. this is what goes on in my brain again and again, poisoning my thoughts.
i am so tired all the damn time. but I cannot seem to give myself a fucking break, because as seen from the poisonous monologue above, shaming myself for not being enough is my M.O.
you know what else is funny? those words are something my parents would say, something my mom still says sometimes. its mom's words in my voice when i fucking hate how unproductive I am.
no wonder i am not comfortable in my skin, and muscles are always tense as if I am about lose my shit and breakdown. i am always judging myself, seeing my actions and weighing them in comparison to my unbelievably unrealistic crazy ass standards for myself. the conventional epitome of all things perfection is as told by society.
living in the moment? i suck at it. see, one more thing I half-ass.
burnout is real and ur spiralling, stop blaming urself
fat shaming urself again? nah uh. please keep the internalized misogyny aside, and look at urself. u have been running full throttle to keep up with life. and oh my god, fucking law school. the fluctuating periods of extreme exertion, exhaustion and stagnation not to mention the sleep deprivation is probably giving ur body whiplash. weight gain is natural, and no you don't look any different, you don't need to examine urself in the mirror.
bloating is a thing, beach bikini bodies are a myth, so value ur gut and treasure that satisfied burp after eating a good meal. foodgasms >>> washboard abs
acne are not single handedly caused by ur lack of skincare, remember the pollution? the stress hormones? ur diet? ur psych meds? calm the fuck down, u did not bring this upon urself.
slut shaming? no, sloth shaming! yes, I made this up rn.
sloth shaming: noun, verb, the practice of shaming a person for being unproductive by unrealistic standards with absolutely no context. god, I do this a lot. why do you expect urself to be working 24/7? when its not even humanly possible? ur not a fucking robot. hell, even robots can malfunction when they're overworked.
what is being "unproductive" anyway? resting, chilling, doing nothing, doing all the fun things u love? scrolling Instagram, shitposting on tumblr, pinning all ur fav kpop fanart? aren't all these things that you fucking love doing? then why blame urself for being "unproductive" when the term itself has such a negative connotation? ur not unproductive, ur slothing. enjoy the me time, chew on leaves and take a nap.
bathing is overrated. bath when you have the energy to, otherwise stick to washing ur face, hands and privates. fuck it, do the bare minimum. pamper urself on a washday instead.
of course ur a nervous procrastinating wreck for the exam season, how could you not be when ur a gen z gifted burnt out kid with anxiety, depression and bpd whose whole sense of self worth is hinged on academic validation? but its fine to just pass ur exams, not pass with flying colors.
you don't have to ace everything, you don't have to be the best, smartest person in the room. you don't have to want to be the ace at everything too. ur here to feel ur own presence and be true to it. ur here to do what you want by putting in the amount of effort you currently have the capacity for. do what you can, start small, you're OK. :)
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weevilcore · 1 year
hello :3
my name is Ivory, and this is my tumblr blog, which I have had for 8 years! I've tried to tag all my posts and reblogs from 2020 forward; the others are in the past and should stay there lol
I am 21, and my main interests are autism (which I think about near 24/7) and animals (which I am studying in school). I am from the US
I am autistic (level 1) and ADHD (primarily inattentive)
that is the TDLR, now for the extended version...
Special interests:
Autism. Since being diagnosed in 2021, autism became my special interest, and I think about it nearly all the time. right now it is at, I would say, a fairly stable level of interest. Things I research right now include how higher support needs autistics experience the world, including AAC and discrimination.
xQc. I'm hesitant to include him here. I feel like this interest is almost 'in remission', which is almost certainly an inappropriate phrase here. xQc is a twitch streamer who streams a variety of games and reaction content. he streams for like 10+ hours per day, so he is an essentially never-ending source of content.
He is a very over the top personality, and exceptionally candid compared to other top streamers. Yet when he gives his opinions on things, even if I disagree with his conclusion or how he delivered it, I can always see where he's coming from.
I relate to his awkwardness, and he is very honest which I appreciate.
I also think it's fun to see how different his life is from mine, like he moves like 2x per year, and he buys all new furniture every time!
X was certainly a special interest last school year, but now as I go to in person school and work, I see a lot more people. Streaming is almost a stand-in for socialization, and now that I have in-person socialization, I'm not as interested in X's life.
Animals are another strong interest for me, although I don't know that it qualifies as a special interest, but maybe it does! I guess it's not a super technical term, so there aren't clear guidelines on that... anyway:
I love whales and all cetaceans! I know it is kinda controversial to like dolphins (they are sorta violent) but I like them. I also like beluga whales, these are the two I have stuffed animals of. But I love all whales!
I also like manatees and aardvarks, the reason I list them together is because they are 'closely' (not that close) related - they are both afrotherians, along with the elephant! I have actually seen a manatee in the wild :D
similar to the aardvark, is the anteater! I love the anteater and how the babies ride on the mother's back! it's so cute
speaking of babies on mothers' backs: the opossum! I love the opossum and I think they are so cute! The virginia opossum is the only marsupial in Canada and the US and so their pouches are so curious to me.
Snails!!! I can't believe I almost forgot! Snails are so cute and slow and my favorite invertebrate. I have a snail squishmallow who goes with me to school. I want to get snail pets in the near future.
humans - not really a favorite animal, but I love learning about our evolutionary history - Stefan Milo on YouTube is a great source of information on this topic
#orange - funny tumblr posts I reblog, I didn't want to just tag them 'funny' or something, because I thought that would be rather presumptuous, like saying a joke and then telling you to laugh. but I do find them funny
#purple - more serious tumblr posts. they are on a variety of topics, but autism posts I tag with #autism instead
#animals - literally anything to do with animals, and I will also tag the post with the specific animal so I can find them later (not humans tho!)
#my addition - when I add something to a reblog
#mine - for posts I create
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hiddennerdworld · 3 years
MHA Couples Dynamics with art by @leecheedoodles| Too Cool for Skool x Keener (Reader x Iida)
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Warnings: none, all fluff stuff
A/N: eeeee I’m so excited about this. I saw this art and immediately was inspired. I would really like to do a series based on these. This is all thanks to leechee doodles here on Tumblr. They are v talented so check them out! I’ve seen others use their art, but if they don’t want me to I can always take it down. Enjoy :)
You and Iida definitely got off on the wrong foot
You guys didn’t hate each other per say, but you annoyed each other for sure
Iida just wanted his fellow classmates to be successful and tried to encourage you as class rep. And you just wanted to only take part in the aspects of hero work that you actually enjoy
In your own ways, you both stressed each other out
Iida would give you lectures any time you ditched class, saying you needed to be responsible in order to be the best hero you can be
You just stood and rolled your eyes the entire time with your arms crossed over your chest
Eventually, one day Iida just said fuck it (he didn’t actually phrase it that way bc he doesn’t use the bad words) and picked you up and carried you to class.
The whole time with you kicking and screaming, which doesn’t affect him bc he’s a fucking tree
This became routine. Iida was with you almost 24/7, keeping you in line. This caused even more tension between you guys
“I don’t need a babysitter!”
“Well you wouldn’t if you stopped acting like a baby and attended to your duties!” *snickers* “You’re gonna tell me you’re not a baby when you can’t even not laugh at the word ‘duty’?!!!”
The bickering wouldn’t stop and it was driving EVERYONE crazy
So as Aizawa solves all problems, he paired up the duo with pent up frustration for their final exam
You guys were rolling your eyes when you saw you had to work together but weren’t surprised tbh
It seemed like you guys weren’t gonna make it, but at the last second you were able to distract Cementoss and give Iida an in to dash up and capture him
You guys cheered and high fived when you realized you’d passed, the negative feelings towards each other forgotten
Afterward you guys had a talk.
“Good job out there today, Iida. I’m impressed on how you came up with a strategy so quick. I guess studying so much does actually help, huh.”
“Thank you, L/N! I appreciate the kind words, especially coming from someone who has such good control over their quirk like yourself!”
The whole time both of you were staring at the ground, blushing to hard to look at the other person while complimenting them. Iida still did the hand waving tho lmao
Afterwards, Iida still kept an eye on you always bc he thinks you have a lot of potential and wants you to do well
And you don’t find him as annoying anymore, so don’t really try to avoid him
This ends up with you guys basically just hanging out rather than him chaperoning you.
Training, studying, making food, you guys are together a lot
You and Iida occupied a table in the dining area for your studies for the millionth night in a row. The other students know better than to disturb you at this point. Yes, you guys are friends now, but you still bicker like an old married couple.
“I could really go for some ice cream right now,” you said while leaning back in your chair.
“L/N! You know that stuff isn’t good for you! Why do you wish to consume such sugary content?! Why don’t you eat an apple instead?!”
“I don’t think that’s how cravings work. Besides we have training tomorrow and always so I will still be keeping myself in shape. It’s one treat.”
“L/N, we are studying to become the best heroes! We need to be responsi-“
“But that’s just it! We are always going to be working to be the best we can be. You need to be able to enjoy yourself. Life isn’t all about work, you know?” You said standing up and grabbing his arm, “We’re going out. Come on!”
“Absolutely not! It is after curfew! It would be dangerous and-“ Iida lectured on and on until you guys were basically in front of the ice cream place. He tried to get you to stay back, but you were surprisingly strong when you were determined. (Also, he probably wasn’t resisting as much as he could’ve).
You guys went in and ordered. You got cookie dough with some chocolate syrup on top, and Iida got a scoop of vanilla on a cone, only because you insisted he get something. After you got the ice cream you went to a nearby park and sat on a bench.
“Mmmmmm this is so good. Totally worth it.” You say as you take your first bite, eyes closed while enjoying the delicious dessert.
“I’m not sure if it was worth breaking the rules, but as long you are enjoying yourself I guess it’s alright.”
“That’s because you got the most boring flavor. Here try some of mine.” You said raising a spoonful up to him.
This caused his face to go red and he stared at you with wide eyes for a few seconds before speaking. “No, L/N! I appreciate the offer but it would be inappropriate. Mine is perfectly fine and-“
As he was rambling, you shoved the spoon in his mouth, making him blush even harder. “L/N! You could’ve choked me.”
“But was it good though?”
“Yes, I suppose so.” He said at almost a whisper.
A shit-eating grin grew on your face, “Told ya so. See, Iida look.” You gestured over to the sight in front of you. There were people scattered throughout the park enjoying their night, and you could even see the glowing city in the distance. “We are a part of what makes this all possible. There wouldn’t be people out here living their lives if we didn’t keep them safe. It may not be too often, but we still get to relish in the world we created too. It reminds us why we do what we do.”
Iida couldn’t help but just stare at you for a hot minute. You looked gorgeous under the moonlight while you looked around in awe. You were more wise than he ever gave you credit for. He had always thought you were carefree, but actually you just had cared about things differently than him and he failed to realize.
“You’re right, L/N. We should be able to enjoy this more often.”
“Of course. Why would I do something fun without you?” Now you started to get all flustered. Feeling heat rush to your face, you covered it with your hands and looked toward the ground. “Are you alright? Sorry I didn’t mean to say anything that would upset you.”
“No, don’t worry. You didn’t upset me. I would love to spend some time with you.”
So you guys did. Well you already spent a lot of time together already but now you guys would go out and do something fun if you had free time
Like instead of training on the weekends, you guys sometimes walked around the park.
And every time you’d go, you guys would also visit the ice cream shop you guys went to that one night and try a new flavor
You also were participating more in class. You’re grades were getting better from the beginning of your guys’ relationship, but now you actually were invested.
After a test, you would show Iida your grade and thank him for all his help, and he would be so proud and excited for you
Of course, your classmates started to catch onto you guys being more and more friendly with each other
Hagakure snuck up on you guys one day while you were studying. “Alright, when did you two start dating? We all thought you hated each other but now we know it was all an act to throw us off, so spill the beans.”
“Oh, no we’re not dating.” You replied
“Well..” Iida started to talk and your eyes darted towards him
“I mean now that someone has said it, I wouldn’t be opposed to dating you, L/N. I really enjoy my time with you and think you’re a great person. Could I take you on an official date?”
“Y-yea I would really like that.”
“Awwww that was so adorable! I can’t believe I just help you guys get together!” She skipped out of the room, on her way to tell everyone her accomplishments
“Sorry, L/N, that probably wasn’t the best timing.”
“Call me Y/N”
“O-oh okay… Y/N. I’m looking forward to going out with you.”
“Me too, Tenya.” You said smiling and grabbing his hand.
Barely anything was said the rest of the time, but you guys couldn’t stop smiling and you didn’t let go of each other’s hands. Safe to say no information was retained from this study session
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snowdice · 2 years
Big Bang (Sort of) Editing Story [Day 87]
I started writing this fic while editing my Big Bang story, but am going to continue doing it for other things now that Kill Dear is out. I will write and publish 100 words of the story every time I finish doing whatever task I’m doing. If you’d like to block these proceedings, please feel free to block the tag proofread stories. I will reblog this post with the parts of the story I do today. Edited chapters are linked; everything else I’ve done so far is under the cut.
My Master Post Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30 Part 31 Part 32 Part 33 Part 34 Part 35 Part 36 Part 37 Part 38
My internet has been a bit wonky today. I tried to do the study break story earlier, but wasn’t able to make a tumblr post, so if I disappear without warning, that is likely why.
Chapter 39 (Logan)
Logan was glad to see when Patton brought Virgil to meet him at the library that the boy seemed to be doing slightly better than he had been that morning. He still was clearly a bit jumpy and didn’t seem interested in his normal library bound activities, that being exploring the library and climbing on top of shelves/somehow getting into walls. Instead, he basically hid behind Logan, taking a seat half under his desk on the side facing away from the door.
Patton had to leave to go have a few meetings, leaving the two of them alone.
“Would you like a book?” Logan asked the boy hiding under his desk.
 “Sure,” he said softly, and Logan handed him one of the children’s books he’d been trying to read. He took it and set it in his lap.
“Tell me if you need anything,” Logan instructed, before turning back to his own book about reading Sanskrit.
Weight pressed against his leg a few minutes later and Logan idly reached down a hand to touch the top of Virgil’s head, stroking through his hair softly a few times. It was luckily warm at Logan’s desk despite being by the window. Being cold always made Virgil more distressed.
He glanced down after a bit of hair petting only to see Virgil not reading his book and instead looking up at him.
 “Everything alright?” Logan asked.
Virgil watched him for a long moment, his eyes focused and intent. “Why are you being nice to me?” he finally asked.
Logan looked at him, confused. “Why wouldn’t I be nice to you?” he asked. He did not get a response. He just got dark, intense eyes seeming to stare into his soul. “You haven’t done anything to make me want to be mean to you.”
“Yes, I have,” Virgil said simply.
“Well,” Logan conceded. “Nothing recently. You didn’t get particularly far with the… action that could have made me unhappy anyway.”
“I could have.”
“You didn’t.”
“Does it matter?”
 “I think it does,” Logan said. He’d paused the petting of Virgil’s hair when he’d spoken, but softly ran his hand through it again now. Virgil pulled away from him.
“I don’t,” he said.
“Well, seeing as it is my affection we are talking about, I imagine my opinion matters more,” Logan stated calmly. Something about that sentence appeared to have been the wrong thing to say because Virgil scowled at him.
“You’re stupid,” he said.
“There is significant evidence that contradicts that statement,” Logan said. “Case in point,” he gestured to the desktop, “I am currently reading a book about a dead language…”
 “Yeah, well there is significant evidence that supports that statement,” Virgil sassed back.
“Oh?” Logan asked, “and what would that be?”
He’d had a bit of a bite to his words before, but he seemed to deflate now. He looked down and mumbled something.
“What was that?” Logan asked. “I would appreciate knowing your evidence for your opinion.”
He stared at Logan’s knees instead of looking up at him, teeth clenched. “You should have killed me,” he said firmly.
Logan swallowed the sudden bile in his throat at the very thought. He was unsure if he was prepared for this conversation wherever it was going, and very much wished Virgil had decided to have this emotional incident when Patton was here as well. Or better yet when only Patton was here. “I disagree,” Logan said.
“Then you’re stupid,” Virgil said darkly.
 Logan looked down at him for a moment and then pushed his chair back, slowly as to not startle him too bad. Just as slow, he folded himself down to his knees. Virgil wouldn’t look at him, eyes resolute on his own knees. He was tense as a bowstring ready to snap. He didn’t move even as Logan settled in front of him.
���I am glad that you are here,” Logan said. “That you are not dead. If that makes me stupid, then so be it.”
Virgil did not respond. He didn’t even twitch or move his eyes to look at Logan.
Logan sighed. “What is wrong?” he asked. “I know it’s been colder outside and that makes you increasingly anxious, but you are perfectly fine inside. You don’t need to worry here.”
He still did not respond.
“Virgil,” Logan called. “Look at me.”
For a moment he thought Virgil wouldn’t do so, but he twitched once and then slowly looked up at him.
Logan smiled at him softly. “It’s alright, Virgil.”
Virgil shook his head.
“Yes,” Logan said insistently. “I will make sure it’s alright.”
“You can’t promise that,” he finally said.
“I’m the prince,” Logan said with a half-smile. “I can promise whatever I like.”
 “Something will go wrong,” Virgil insisted.
“What will?”
“Something,” Virgil said.
Logan raised one eyebrow. “You are worried about something, and you cannot even articulate what the threat is?” he asked.
“Something will happen,” he snapped. “Something will happen or someone will figure something out or I’ll mess up or something.”
“I will make sure nothing goes wrong,” Logan promised. “Even if it does, I’ll make sure nothing happens to you.”
“And if it’s because I mess up?” Virgil asked.
“I’ll still make sure nothing bad happens,” Logan said.
Virgil scoffed. “What if what I mess up makes you mad?”
 “I don’t think you could do anything that would make me made mad enough not to want to help you.”
“I could,” he said darkly.
Logan paused. “You could,” he agreed. Logan was after all aware he was a trained assassin even though it was easy to forget, “but you also couldn’t.” He’d already proven that well enough to Logan.
Virgil stared at him. He did not deny it. “You don’t know me,” he said instead. “You don’t know that for sure.”
“I know plenty about you Virgil. Including that.”
He frowned and turned his face away to hide it in his knees.
“Virgil,” Logan sighed after a few seconds. Virgil just went somehow even more tense than he’d been for this entire conversation, clenching his arms around his legs. Logan was silent for a couple of seconds hoping he’d calm down on his own a bit, but the opposite seemed to happen. His breath began to hitch after a few seconds and Logan noticed tears building in his eyes. Logan winced. He was not the right person for this, but he was the only one there. “It’s alright Virgil,” he said. “Can I help in any way?”
Virgil did not seem to hear him, caught up in his own head. His breath began to come faster by the moment, and Logan didn’t know how to calm him. What would Patton do?
Logan slowly reached out to put a hand in his hair much like he had earlier while seated at the desk. Logan quickly realized this was the wrong move as Virgil flinched back at being touched, head shooting up to look at him, or more accurately through him.
The next thing Logan knew there was a sharp sting on his cheek. It took a second for Logan to register what had just happened, but by the time he did, Virgil clearly had snapped back to himself and looked aghast.
“Virgil,” he said slowly, and that was clearly also the wrong thing to do because speaking startled Virgil out of his horrified daze, and he went scrambling out from under the desk. “Wait! Virgil!” he called, bumping his head against the top of the desk. It hurt much worse than the slap had a moment before had and the pain forced him to pause for a moment. By the time he managed to make it out from under the desk, Virgil was long gone.
  Chapter 40 (Thomas)
Thomas wasn’t sure what exactly he was supposed to do in this sort of situation. It had been three days since Logan had come to him in a panic saying that Virgil had ran off somewhere and he couldn’t find him. Apparently, the boy had been panicking and had accidentally slapped Logan before freaking out and running away. No one had seen him since, not for lack of trying. They had searched all over the castle and the grounds, but Virgil was nowhere to be found. Thomas just hoped he was still in the castle and hadn’t tried to go outside.
 It had been blizzarding for the past week on and off. It made Thomas and everyone else worry about the child.
Logan and Patton said he did not like the cold and had refused to go outside, so that was a point in favor of him still being in the castle somewhere. Normally, the fact that they couldn’t find him in three days despite having many people looking for him, would indicate he was not still here, but thinking back to the hide-and-seek debacle, it was entirely likely he’d just stuffed himself in some secret passageway somewhere.
At least, that is what Thomas assured Logan to comfort him.
 He sighed and got up from his desk where he’d been working on penning a letter to the Queen of Lamir to check in with her. The snow should be letting up in a couple of days long enough to get a letter out by means of carrier dove. He decided to take it to the dovecoat now and leave it with one of the handlers.
He left the room and wandered down the hallway, turning right instead of left like he normally would when he was going back to the royal wing. Instead, he took a path he didn’t often take that would lead to a staircase that let out at the door nearest the dovecoat.
 As he passed through a hall with a bunch of old portraits, he suddenly remembered something from when he was young and stopped by a picture of a woman hanging across from a small bench. There was a secret passage there that he’d found when he was only 12 and had only ever shown to one other person before. It was just a room with nothing much special about it other than the fact that it was hidden away. Usually, he’d just pass it by, but today he was thinking about Virgil lost (hopefully) somewhere in the castle who liked secret passages.
It wouldn’t hurt to check one of the few secret areas Thomas knew about for signs of life, would it?
 That in mind, he walked over to the painting and ran his hand along the side of it until he found a place he could push his fingers into. He pulled and the painting swung out to reveal a small door. He opened the door into a room a bit smaller than his own bedroom. Despite not having any heating elements since it was a secret room, it was still fairly warm since there were rooms around it that were heated.
Thomas reached over to fumble with the lights he’d sneakily installed when he was a child, and the space was suddenly filled with dim light.
 He closed the door behind himself and stepped into the room. He glanced around for anything out of place, though it had been a while since he’d been in here. He squinted at the very limited amount of furniture and had just walked across the room to look at an old chest when he heard a noise from somewhere in the room.
Thomas looked towards where the noise was coming from and was surprised to hear the sound of something sliding right before a head of dark hair popped up. Virgil lithely pulled himself out of the hole in the ground and shut it behind him.
 Thomas froze. Sure, he’d come in here specifically to look for signs of Virgil, but he had not been prepared for Virgil to suddenly crawl out of the floor. He hadn’t even realized there was a second entrance in this room.
Virgil didn’t notice him from Thomas’s spot on the other side of the room. Thomas wasn’t sure what to do. Virgil was always quick to startle, especially around Thomas. If he said something, surely the boy would disappear back down the tunnel he’d just left.
Virgil took a few all but silent steps towards the side of the room opposite from Thomas.
Thomas was still trying to figure out what to do when Virgil suddenly stopped. He tilted his head to look up at the lights Thomas had turned on when entering the room. Then his eyes shot to Thomas.
“Uh,” Thomas said. “Hi.” Silence. “Please don’…”
Virgil turned tail and sprinted to the opposite side of the room, scaling an old bookshelf that tottered dangerously under his weight.
“… t run.”
He had the instinct to chase after him, worried that there was another entrance he’d dart through and be gone forever, but he stifled it. That would just terrify the poor thing even more.
 “Uh,” Thomas said, not entirely sure he wasn’t speaking to an empty room as he could not see Virgil anymore. “It’s okay.” He paused. “Logan’s not mad. No one is. Both him and Patton are very worried though. We’d all appreciate if you came out.” He paused again and only got silence in return.
Cautiously he took a couple of steps towards the other side of the room.
“Please?” he said.
When there was again no response, he took a couple more steps towards the bookshelf until he was standing directly in front of it. He just barely managed to catch a glint of the dim room lights reflecting off a pair of dark brown eyes.
He was not just talking to an empty room then.
 “Hey there,” he said softly. The eyes disappeared immediately, but now Thomas knew they were there. “Alright.” He wished he could get someone else for this conversation, but there was no way he could leave and come back to Virgil still there. Instead, he took a seat on the ground a couple of feet away from the bookshelf. He thought for a moment. “You know, I found this place myself,” he said. “I never knew that trap door was there though. You’re pretty good at finding tunnels.” He leaned back a bit, trying to catch a glimpse of the top of the bookshelf.
 “I used to keep some food here at one point, but I’m afraid even if I left anything it’d be a little bad at this point.” Thomas thought for a moment. “I hope you’ve eaten something recently. The kitchen is open for you whenever you want food, though I’m sure Patton’s mom would like to make you something special. She’s been worried. You know how she is when people miss meals. Everyone’s been worried.”
He let it hang in silence again, and to his surprise there was just a bit of shifting from the top of the bookshelf. “Why?” Virgil’s voice asked.
 “Well,” Thomas answered, “because a lot of people around here care about you.”
“I hit Logan,” he said, clearly assuming that Thomas didn’t know.
“I know,” Thomas said.
“He’s the prince,” Virgil pointed out.
“Maybe,” Thomas said, “but he’s also your friend. He cares about you more than he does about getting slapped once when you were clearly in distress. In fact, he was never mad at all about it. He was just worried about how you responded. It seems like you didn’t come here from the best place and we were a little worried we might not see you again if you got too startled.”
 “That doesn’t make sense,” Virgil said.
“It does to me,” Thomas said. “I wish it did to you.”
Silence once again greeted his words.
“Are you going to come down from there at some point?”
“I don’t really have a choice, do I?”
Thomas shrugged. “Well, I’m not going to be leaving until you do,” he said.
“So eventually the royal guards are just going to tear me down,” he concluded.
“Well, no one knows I’m here,” Thomas said. “I came on a whim. The only person I ever told about this place is already dead. I doubt they’ll find us.”
 “You’re the king,” Virgil said. “You shouldn’t be somewhere that people don’t know where you all. What if…?”
“Hmm?” Thomas prompted.
“What if an assassin attacks you or something?”
“I doubt an assassin is going to come find me in this little room no one knows about but us,” Thomas said with a smile.
There was a pause. “Your as bad as Logan with your safety,” he grumbled and Thomas just chuckled. Then, after a moment, Virgil said, “Are you really not mad that I hit your son.”
“No, Virgil,” Thomas said. “I know it was an accident. I understand.”
 He didn’t respond for a long moment, and Thomas was content to wait for him to think it through for however long he needed.
“Logan really isn’t mad?” Virgil asked.
“No,” Thomas promised. “He’s not.”
And then, blessedly, he heard movement from the top of the bookshelf. Virgil slowly climbed down, and Thomas didn’t dare stand up or really move at all other than breathing.
“Ready to come out of the tunnels now?” he asked after a few minutes of stalemate while Virgil watched him like he expected Thomas to leap forward and bite him.
He nodded. “Yeah, sure.”
“Okay,” said Thomas. “Good.”
  Chapter 41 Arc III: Bonding with the King (Virgil)
Virgil, despite deciding to believe the king when he said he said no one was angry with him, was still half surprised when he wasn’t immediately thrown into the dungeon. He didn’t even call the guards. Instead, he just calmly led Virgil down a set of stairs with a warm, not restraining, hand on his shoulder.
Virgil didn’t know what to think. He didn’t understand how he could not be in trouble for smacking the prince, but he was also cold, tired, and hungry from his days spent in the castle walls. He’d once been used to being all of those things, but now after only living in the castle for a little over a month, they stung a little harder.
 He’d memorized enough about the castle layout to know they were going in the direction of the kitchen. He also knew that it was midafternoon between lunch and supper being served. There weren’t many people in their path except for the guards and they didn’t even give him a second glance.
The king took Virgil through the same side entrance Patton and Logan often used instead of through the dining hall. Patton’s mom’s office door was closed and instead of going all the way to the kitchen, the king paused to knock on it.
“Helen,” the king called through the door. “Would you mind coming out here please?”
 “Just a moment,” was called back through the door and after just a few seconds the door was opening. Her eyes landed on him immediately looking seemingly relieved. “Virgil,” she said. “Goodness where have you been? Patton’s been worried sick.”
Virgil bit his lip, unsure what to say to that. He’d assumed Patton would be mad at him too when he learned he’d hit Logan, but then again, according to the king not even Logan was mad.
“Would you mind making something for him to eat?” the king asked.
Her eyes snapped to him. “Oh, yes, of course. Virgil, sweetie, what do you want?”
 Virgil just shrugged.
“Ham sandwich for now,” she said studying him, “and then I’ll make something more for dinner. Let me go grab your meal preference cards.” She stepped back into her office and grabbed a little box off of her desk full of the little cards she always sent with and new food she served Virgil, so he could rank them.
Virgil watched, confused. He never did quite understand Helen with her endless willingness to feed him and to get his opinion about what she fed him with. She always reminded him of Patton with how kind she often was, though she was a little stricter than Patton could ever have the heart to be.
 There was no sternness to her now, however. She was fussing over him as she led them to the kitchen and started warming water for tea before grabbing the ingredients needed for the promised ham sandwich.
She made him clean his hands of the dirt and dust they’d acquired from days crawling through secret passageways before handing him the sandwich. Thomas at one point stepped out of the kitchen for a few moments but was back quickly with a smile. Virgil smiled back at him hesitantly. He was still surprised he was in the kitchen drinking warm tea and eating a sandwich as the head chef personally fretted over him.
 The king also accepted a mug of tea and didn’t even watch over it closely despite Virgil sitting right there in poisoning distance. Instead of looking worried or angry when he noticed Virgil staring at him and his mug, he simply smiled softly and ask him if he needed more tea.
This man… was an idiot.
Virgil had thought that Logan wasn’t careful about his own personal safety, but apparently Logan had actually improved upon his family’s habit of being reckless. Virgil would have to complement him and provide him with more opportunities for growth if he was that willing to grow and adapt.
…If Logan didn’t hate him now.
 Thomas said he wasn’t mad, but he could be lying or wrong. Virgil had hit Logan. He knew he was never fond of people who hit him. Virgil hadn’t meant to do it, but he still had. Or even if he wasn’t actively mad, there was the possibility that he wouldn’t like Virgil anymore. That was almost worse because people who were mad might eventually calm down and forgive you, but if someone just decides emotionlessly they don’t like you anymore, that’s a lot harder to reverse.
Logan had always been nice to him despite being a prince who didn’t need to give him the time of day and despite knowing why Virgil had come here.
 Logan was his friend. He didn’t want to lose that.
He finished off the ham sandwich pretty quickly and Patton’s mom almost immediately set down a plate of cheese and crackers.
“Thank you,” Virgil said softly.
“Of course,” Ms. Heart said, and Virgil jumped a bit in surprise when a hand touched his head, but calmed down after just a moment. It wasn’t that different than Patton, though he wasn’t that used to adults touching him. At least not gently or at all in the castle. “I’m glad you’re okay.” The hand stayed in his hair for only a second longer before pulling away. “Hmm,” she said. “Have you been living in the walls perchance?”
 Virgil nodded at her.
“Ah,” she said, wiping off her hand on her apron. “Perhaps a bath would be in order after you finish eating.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he replied.
“More tea?”
He nodded again and she moved to take his mug over to the kettle. He turned to pop one of the crackers with cheese into his mouth and was still chewing when the nearest door suddenly sprung open.
He flinched, looking up to see Logan in the doorway, breathing like he’d run all the way from the other side of the castle. “Virgil,” he said sounding relieved. He’d crossed the room before Virgil had a chance to get anxious and was wrapping him up in a hug before he could do more than lightly flinch in surprise. “Thank goodness you’re okay. Where have you been?”
 “In the walls,” Virgil replied.
Logan rubbed a circle into his back. “I’m sorry,” he said.
Virgil jerked in surprise. “Why are you sorry.”
“I made you run away,” he said. “You were scared of me.”
“I hit you,” Virgil said confused.
“It was an accident. You were having a bad day and I touched you without permission. It was my fault.”
“I…” Virgil said, “but…”
“I’m not going to be angry when it was just an accident, Virgil,” Logan said.
Virgil didn’t know what to say. He tucked his head against Logan’s shoulder and sniffled a bit. “Sorry anyway,” he said.
“It’s okay,” Logan said. Virgil felt a kiss being pressed to his forehead. “Patton and I were really worried.”
 “Oh,” he said. Tears started to leak from his eyes as he sniffled more. Logan just held hugged him tighter. “Sorry,” he said again.
“Hush,” was the response. The hug continued for a long few moments before Logan pulled back. “You are very dirty,” he commented.
“You’re a bit dirty too,” Ms. Heart pointed out. Logan glanced down at his front. You could see an outline of Virgil’s body on his clothes.
“Ah,” he said. “It seems I am.” He seemed amused though, and honestly if he wasn’t going to be mad at Virgil for slapping him and then running away and hiding, he probably wasn’t going to be mad about that.
 The king and Patton’s mom also didn’t seem unhappy with him getting the prince messy when he glanced at them. Ms. Heart seemed amused and the king was just smiling.
Virgil felt himself calming down more than he had in days, assured that Logan didn’t hate him and tentatively trusting that neither of the adults planned to lash out at him anytime soon. Ms. Heart handed him his refilled mug of tea and pointed him back at the food. Virgil relaxed fully into his chair.
Until, of course, the door blasted back open, word having gotten to Patton who proceeded to strangle him with a hug and cry at him loudly, but that was okay too.
  Chapter 42 (Patton)
“Come on,” Patton said. “You’re already all dressed up.”
Virgil made a dissatisfied noise like a cat that had just been picked up from its spot on a heated blanket.
“We’ll barely be outside five minutes,” Patton said. “You won’t even notice the cold.”
“Will so,” Virgil argued back.
Virgil’s return to the castle proper had been very relieving. Everyone had been content to let him curl up on the floor near the fireplace and sleep for the past couple of weeks, but life did move on and Patton and Logan had talked. They had agreed that Virgil’s constant anxiety about the weather probably wasn’t good for him.
 They’d brought it up to Virgil gently and, while they’d had to dial it back on things like actually playing in the snow, the suggestion that they take the short trip from the castle proper to the horse stables was met with some interest. However, now that the time had come to make the trek, he seemed to be having doubts.
“Honestly,” Logan said. “I don’t think you’ll even feel the cold in that get up.”
They had, indeed covered the boy from head to toe. He currently looked a couple of inches taller and wider than he actually was bundled up with every piece of extra snow gear they could find.
 He looked adorable with only his eyes uncovered even if said eyes were glaring at them both. However, Patton was a little worried he’d overheat if they didn’t leave soon.
“I don’t like snow,” Virgil said.
“We know, Virgil,” Logan said. That was the problem. They were hoping that a little minimal exposure would help him calm down just a bit. “The path’s been cleared of snow and ice though and it isn’t that much of a walk. You’ll be fine and then we’ll be able to look at all of the horses.”
Virgil still looked unconvinced.
“Just half an hour, Virgil, please,” Logan said.
 “…Fine,” Virgil relented.
“Great,” said Patton, grabbing his coat sleeve and tugging him towards the door. Logan followed behind and Princess Marisol seeing they were going somewhere, got up and padded after them.
They made it all the way to the door nearest the stable. Patton could see when he opened it that the path they were to take was well cleared. Virgil still did not appear enthused. He glared at the outside like it had a knife.
Princess Marisol, for her part, saw Patton open the door, hissed, and abandoned them to strut off towards the kitchen.
“She knows what she’s talking about,” mumbled Virgil.
Patton sighed.
 “Come on Virgil, I promise it won’t be that bad.” Patton offered a gloved hand. “You can hold my hand the whole way.”
Virgil was still frowning up a storm that would rival the one that had caused the snow in the first place, but he did take Patton’s hand. Patton used his grip on his hand to pull him forward through the door. It was still very chilly, Patton thought as they walked outside. Patton had chosen a coat that was a bit lighter since they were only walking to the stable and the wind bit him through it. He really hoped Virgil’s outfit was warm enough to keep him from freaking out.
 Luckily, it did seem to be keeping him warm enough because, while he was tense, he still let Patton lead him forward.
They made it to the stable quicker than usual since all three of them were quickening their pace. Patton gave a sigh of relief when he entered the stable and the warmer air inside of it. The stable wasn’t as warm as the castle, but it was warm enough that most of the stable hands only worked in light coats most of the winter. At least, they did inside the stable.
The head stable hand had already been warned about their visit beforehand and was waiting for the three of them at the door.
 “Good morning,” she greeted them, and… Virgil was already hiding himself behind Patton’s back.
“Hi!” Patton said cheerfully. He stepped to the side, so Virgil was no longer hidden. Virgil glared, reaching out to grab the edge of Patton’s sleeve and tugging on it in discontent. “This is Loraine, Virgil,” Patton said, nodding at her. When he glanced her way, he became a lot more shy, looking down at her feet instead of at her face. “She takes care of the horses. Say hello.”
“…Hello,” Virgil said quietly.
“Hi,” she said. “I hear you wanted to see the horses.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
 “Well, we have plenty for you to meet and they’re mostly all inside because of the cold. Usually in the summer most want to spend a lot of time in the pasture. Let me show you around.”
Loraine showed them around the stable a bit even though Patton and Logan already knew where everything was. Virgil slowly got a little bit more comfortable, even asking a couple of questions unprompted. Surprisingly these weren’t many basic questions about horses like Patton had mostly expected. On the contrary, he seemed to know a good amount of horses already.
“Have you worked with horses before?” Loraine asked a bit into the tour after Virgil expressed interest in what they were feeding some of the older horses.
 “I used to help take care of horses sometimes when people came to visit the orphanage,” he said. “They’re nice.”
“Do you ride?” Loraine asked.
Virgil shook his head. “I just fed them and cleaned up after them,” he said.
“Well, maybe you can try to learn when it gets a bit warmer,” she offered. “It’s a lot of fun.”
He nodded. “That would be nice,” he said.
After that, she mostly let them wander around looking at different horses in the stalls. She them feed some of the ones who were gentler and didn’t have a specific diet.
 It was about 25 minutes into their adventure and while Virgil obviously liked the horses, Patton could already tell his anxiety was rising every time he took his glove off to feed a horse and it hit the chilly air. Patton glanced at Logan.
“Right,” Logan said. “We should probably be heading back inside, but I would like to stop by and see Mr. Apples before leaving. Otherwise, he will be cross with me.”
“Mr. Apples?” Virgil asked.
“He’s one of the horses,” Logan said, moving to where the different treats were kept for the horses.
“Why do you need to see him in particular?”
 Logan paused, his hand hovering briefly over the container of red apples before reaching in to grab one. “He was my Pa’s horse,” he said. “He likes when I visit him.”
“Logan’s the only one he likes visiting him,” Loraine added as she started to lead them towards where Mr. Apples’ stall was.
Patton had learned long ago that Mr. Apples could be a bit crabby. He wasn’t as mean to Patton as he was to some people, but he wasn’t exactly nice either. Patton tended to keep his distance whenever Logan went to visit.
Now, he stood on the other side of the hall from where Mr. Apples was as Logan stepped forward to greet him.
 Logan spoke to him softly for a bit and he nuzzled his face against Logan’s shoulder with a huff. Eventually, he offered a piece of apple which Mr. Apple happily took.
“Can I say hello to him?” Virgil asked.
Logan glanced back at him. “Sure,” he said, “though be careful. He doesn’t like… anyone besides me.”
Virgil nodded and stepped forward cautiously. “Hello,” Virgil said. Mr. Apples tilted his head to look at Virgil. There were a couple of seconds of silence and then Mr. Apple’s snorted softly. Virgil took that as permission to stretch out a hand.
“Wait,” Logan said. “He bites actually and…”
Mr. Apples pressed his nose to Virgil’s hand softly and Virgil gently stroked it a couple of times.
“Huh,” said Loraine. “You’re officially the third person he’s ever liked, and you could say Prince Logan was cheating since he met him as a baby.”
“Really?” Virgil asked. “He seems nice enough.”
Loraine rolled her eyes. Patton noticed she was standing a good distance away from the stall herself. “Oh no,” she said. “Trust me. He’s a bastard to everyone else.”
Virgil just frowned and pet the horse’s nose again. Mr. Apples leaned forward to nibble at his hair a bit.
Logan smiled at him and handed him one of the apple pieces to feed Mr. Apples which Virgil offered to the horse on a flat hand. “Red apples are his favorite,” he told Virgil. “He refuses to eat green.”
Logan and Virgil finished feeding Mr. Apples his treat and then it was time for Virgil to face the cold once again to return to the castle. Patton hoped this positive experience from going outside would make him more open to it in the future.
  Chapter 43 (Logan)
Logan woke once again being strangled by an assassin. He sighed and attempted to squirm away. Virgil made an unhappy grumbling noise at the movement and squeezed him tighter. “I am just,” Logan said, shoving at the arm around him, “trying to get into a position where I can breathe.”
Unfortunately, there was no reasoning with an unconscious Virgil. Getting into an upright position was a battle and the boy was laying across his lap by the time he managed it, clutching one of Logan’s arms.
Logan huffed at his sleeping form, reaching over with his free arm to switch on his bedside lamp.
 Despite how warm the room was, Logan assumed the temperature outside was extremely cold today. Virgil seemed to have some internal thermostat that seemed to know how cold it was outside even while snug in Logan’s bedroom. The tighter the boy clung in his sleep, the colder Logan knew it must be. Logan looked down at Virgil’s face. He and Patton had wanted to convince Virgil to spend a bit of time outside today, but if it was as cold as Virgil’s behavior indicated, perhaps they should wait for another day.
Logan reached over for the book on his nightstand that he’d learned to keep here for this exact reason.
 His reading speed had actually increased since Virgil’s arrival at the castle which was impressive. He’d only gotten this book two days before and was worried he’d finish it before Virgil woke this morning.
Luckily, he was incorrect, and Virgil did begin to stir a bit earlier than he usually did. He glanced down from his book when he felt Virgil shift only to find his eyes were open and staring at Logan.
“Good morning,” Logan greeted. Virgil’s fingers squeezed Logan’s arms lightly much like one would expect the cat currently sleeping soundly on Virgil’s pillow to knead its chosen person.
 “Hi,” he said. “Book?”
“It’s a book about various trade agreements that happened in the last 500 years,” Logan said, knowing what he was asking.
“Interesting?” Virgil asked.
Logan smiled a bit. “You would likely not be particularly interested since you do not already have knowledge of the players nor the politics of trade agreements in general.”
“Oh, okay,” Virgil said with a yawn.
Logan felt fondness warm his chest. “I can read you a different book if you would like,” he offered.
Virgil eyed the book in Logan’s hand. “You’re almost done with that one,” he pointed out. “You can finish it first.”
 “You just want an excuse to continue to lay in bed,” Logan accused fondly.
Virgil did not even bother arguing, shifting a bit so he was laying with his head on his own pillow, but curling into Logan’s side. He was calm this morning which was honestly an odd thing. He was rarely truly calm while awake and even in sleep his face was sometimes pinched in tension. Logan and Patton’s plans for exposure therapy to cold weather seemed to help his resting anxiety level a bit, but it was still much higher than it was for normal people. Right now though, he seemed fully content.
 Logan was glad he could feel that comfortable near him, perhaps even comfortable because Logan was near. It was a striking contrast to how he’d been when he’d come here or even how he’d been when he’d accidently slapped Logan. He felt a surge of… something more than the standard sympathy one might feel for someone when he thought of Virgil’s fear and what had transpired to cause it. It was a bit like anger, but not quite. He could not quite put a name to it, but he did know it made him want to make sure nothing bad ever happened to him again. He would ensure nothing bad ever happened to him again no matter what it took.
 Logan read for a little while longer. Virgil was still and calm most of the time, but Logan was pretty sure he didn’t go back to sleep. He shifted to look up at Logan when he set the book on the nightstand.
“Would you like to go to the library with me this morning?” Logan asked. “I need a new book and perhaps we could get you something too for your reading lessons. I was thinking we could go to the main library.” He had never taken Virgil there yet as there did tend to be a few more people than the more secluded library Logan favored. Yet, he’d been getting marginally more comfortable in small crowds, and Logan thought he might like to see it.
“Sure,” Virgil agreed easily. “After breakfast though?”
“Of course,” Logan agreed. “We don’t want Ms. Heart to get on us about your eating schedule once more.”
Virgil nodded in agreement and climbed out of bed to get dressed. They had a short meal at the dinning hall. Virgil was still adamant that Logan did not eat any of the muffins set out on the table, and with Patton still reportedly in bed, Logan did not have nearly enough social prowess on his side to argue with him this morning. Instead, they only ate things straight from the kitchen. Virgil still got a card with his meal Logan had to fill out for him at the end. As always, he ranked everything on the plate a ‘5/5.’
 The library wasn’t too far from the main dining hall. It was in the opposite direction of the way they would go if they were going back to the royal wing past the ballroom and through the entryway. In the summer, they would have gone through the courtyard. In fact, if it had been just Logan, he would have ran across the open area quickly despite not having a coat, but with Virgil in tow, he chose to walk all the way around. Though honestly, since it was Virgil’s first time entering the library, it would be more impressive entering it from its main entrance than from the side one that castle residents in a hurry would use.
 He looked over at Virgil as he pushed open the library doors to see his reaction. His eyes widened a bit as he saw the huge room with the many shelves.
“It’s impressive, isn’t it?” Logan asked with a smile.
“You have two stories of books?” Virgil asked, looking at the spiral staircase that led to the second floor, awed. “I didn’t even… This is more books than I’ve ever seen in my life in one room.
“And these are just the things available to the general public. There are also record rooms only used by certain people and rooms with restricted book access based on skill, like some magic books.”
 “That’s a lot…” Virgil said. What was maybe insecurity flashed through his eyes.
“It’s an overwhelming amount of knowledge, but different people can find what they need,” Logan said, pulling him out of the doorway and towards where they keep the children’s books. “Here, let’s go to books you can try to read yourself and then we’ll find some books you would be interested in that I can read to you.” They stopped at a shelf. “These would be perhaps just a bit beyond your current reading level, but they would be a good challenge, I believe. Pick whichever you like.”
 Virgil took a moment to stare at the pictures on the book. He squinted at the titles for a bit longer and asked Logan what a few said before choosing a few from the shelf. Two of them were about different crops and one was about a family of foxes.
“Are those three enough?” Logan asked.
“Yeah, I think so,” Virgil replied.
“Do you want to explore the library a bit or just get a book for me to read you and leave?” Logan asked, not wanting to overwhelm him.
“I’d like to look around a bit,” Virgil replied.
 Logan had frequented the main library when he’d been younger. Though he often spent his time now in the smaller library that had been tailored to his specific interests, he still came to the main library fairly frequently. He knew many good places to sit with a book. There were nice window seats that looked out into the courtyard and a corner near a small fireplace. Logan showed him the door that led to the courtyard and where the door to the more restricted books were, though they didn’t go into any of them right now.
Virgil seemed to like the library well enough, following Logan around willingly. Logan did have to pull him away from a few places when he looked a bit too intently at some high, but sturdy bookshelves. And the chandelier.
 He did look like he was constantly straddling the line between being in awe of and being overwhelmed by the size of the library, so Logan decided to end the tour after a bit and work on picking out a book.
“What type of book would you like to read?” Logan asked.
Virgil shrugged. “I don’t know,” he said. “Whatever you think is best is fine. I wouldn’t know where to start.”
“But I’ve chosen every book I’ve read to you so far,” Logan said with a frown. “We should get something tailored to your interests.”
“I don’t have interests, Logan,” Virgil said with an eyeroll.
“You have some interests,” Logan said.
Virgil raised an eyebrow.
“You like climbing,” Logan said, “and… horses. You and Mr. Deknis seem to get along.”
“Are there books about climbing?” Virgil asked.
“There are books about everything,” Logan claimed.
Logan narrowed his eyes. “Careful with that language. Just because Patton isn’t here doesn’t mean you get to be crude.”
Virgil rolled his eyes.
“I will tattle.”
“Fuck,” said Virgil.
Logan shook his head in exasperation but couldn’t help but smile a bit. There was something about Virgil when he felt comfortable enough to be slightly unruly that made Logan happy. It felt like a glimpse of the actual Virgil beneath his usual caution towards the world.
 “How about we ask the librarian if there are any books on climbing,” Logan suggested. “Dr. Macey knows where all of the books would be. I can introduce you to them.”
Virgil didn’t look particularly pleased about meeting a new person, but he also didn’t seem overly distressed by the thought, so Logan tugged him along to the librarian’s small office where Logan had seen them disappear a few minutes ago. He knocked on the door.
It swung open a few seconds later and Dr. Macey’s head poked out. “Good morning, Prince Logan,” they said. They glanced at Virgil, “and, Virgil, I would assume.”
 “I’ve mentioned you,” Logan said because he saw Virgil immediately start to freak out about a random person knowing his name. Though, honestly, he was sure Dr. Macey had heard about him from other sources as well. He turned back to the librarian. “I was wondering if you could help Virgil pick out a book. He hasn’t gotten many chances to read in his life and isn’t sure what type of thing he’d like. Also, if it could somehow involve climbing to prove a point, that would be appreciated.”
“Climbing, eh?” Dr. Macey asked, thinking for a couple of seconds. “I think I can probably find something.”
 Dr. Macey spent a bit of time looking through the shelves. They made small talk with Virgil, and while Virgil seemed a bit guarded (likely because Dr. Macey was asking questions about him trying to figure out more about what type of book he liked), he seemed fairly calm. Logan was pleased to think he liked the library. Maybe when he was a bit better at reading and he’d adjusted more to the size of the room and the concept that other castle residents could come around, he’d want to spend some time down here.
Eventually, Dr. Macey picked out three options and let Virgil choose which one he wanted.
There was a fantasy book, an adventure story, and a mystery story.
“All of these have to do with climbing?” Virgil asked skeptically.
“There’s at least one good long climb in each,” Dr. Macey promised with a smile.
Virgil studied the books for a long moment. Eventually, he pointed to one that had the title, “Into the Mist,” which was the fantasy book.
“Good choice,” Dr. Macey said. Logan was certain they would have said that regardless of which Virgil chose, but Virgil still lit up slightly at the praise. The librarian handed the book to Virgil and set the other two aside to reshelve later.
“Thank you, Dr. Macey,” Logan said.
“If you need anything else, let me know,” they said.
“I think that’s it for today,” Logan said. “Let’s go back upstairs Virgil.”
Virgil nodded, clutching his chosen book, and they left the library.
  Chapter 44 (Thomas)
Loraine had called Thomas down to the stables to talk about a concern that had cropped up about their grain stores. They’d found mold in one of the grain bins which had, of course, soiled everything stored there. Luckily it ended up being one of the smaller grain bins, but it still provided some concern for getting through the winter. As it was, they would be able to make it through, but a lot less comfortably.
Thomas mostly trusted the three who ran the animal husbandry on the castle’s lands to deal with it, but he still provided his opinion when asked.
 The meeting had taken a few hours. When he’d come down, the sun had been shining. It had been still cold, but not as freezing the last few days, though he was under no illusion that winter was anywhere near over. A point which was emphasized when he stepped out of Loraine’s office and glanced out of a window only to see what appeared to be a blizzard happening outside.
Great. He wasn’t exactly enthused about walking back to the castle in that. Wanting to delay it as long as possible, he turned away from the window and walked towards the other end of the stable.
 He grabbed an apple along the way, intending to feed it to Mr. Apples while convincing himself to make the jaunt back up to the castle. To his surprise, Mr. Apple’s head didn’t pop into the hall upon hearing someone enter his domain (aka the hall outside of his stall). This was odd as Mr. Apples was a territorial bastard who was always sure to be prepared to confront anyone who came within range or eat an apple if the person invading his space happened to be one of the few he wouldn’t attempt to bite on sight. Yet, no white nose popped into sight.
 When Thomas approached the stall, he figured out why. There was someone in the stall, but unlike most instances of someone being in a stall with Mr. Apples, the person was not being bitten, spit at, or anything else. Instead, Mr. Apples was standing there calm as day as Virgil ran a brush over his flank.
Thomas stared at them for a moment. He found himself wondering if Mr. Apples had died and someone had replaced him with another white horse so the royal family didn’t get upset like one might replace a child’s dead goldfish if it dies while they’re away.
 However, then, Mr. Apples realized he was there. The disdain in his expression upon catching sight of Thomas told him this was no imposter. He apparently by some miracle had just found another person he liked. Which… did pose an issue for Thomas.
Virgil had calmed down around his presence a bit ever since Thomas had found him hiding in the castle, but Thomas wasn’t sure how he would feel about being confronted by Thomas’s presence without warning. In the past, he’d been rather jumpy. If Thomas startled a person Mr. Apples liked in front of Mr. Apples, the tentative peace between Thomas and the horse would surely be over.
 He debated simply walking away like Mr. Apples’ expression was insisting, but before he could, Virgil glanced up at him. Thankfully, he didn’t jump. He looked at Thomas for a second, seeming a bit unsure. They hadn’t been alone since he’d stopped being completely terrified of Thomas’s existence after all, but eventually settled on saying, “Uh, hello your majesty.”
“Hello Virgil,” Thomas replied with a small smile. “You can just call me Thomas if you’d like.”
Virgil didn’t seem to know what to say to that, so Thomas dropped it for now.
“Mr. Apples seems to like you,” he said.
 “He’s a good horse,” Virgil said, patting Mr. Apples’ side. Mr. Apples sent Thomas a smug look. Well, this… was a very familiar conversation.
Having learned long ago not to bother arguing his case, Thomas just said, “He doesn’t like many people.”
“Logan said that,” Virgil said.
“Where is Logan?” Thomas asked, curious. Usually, Virgil wasn’t too far from him or Patton, but Thomas hadn’t seen a sign of them in the stable.
“He’s studying in his library,” Virgil said, “but I wanted to come to the stable since the weather was slightly nicer.”
“And Patton?”
“He had a meeting with your advisor.”
 “Makes sense,” Thomas said. He was glad Virgil was apparently comfortable enough now to go places without one of the other boys. He reluctantly supposed he had Mr. Apples to thank for that. “I brought him and apple. Would you like to feed it to him?”
“Sure,” Virgil said.
Thomas smiled and handed over one of the apple slices over the stall gate to Virgil who fed it to Mr. Apples. Once the horse was finished with that slice, Thomas handed him another.
“Don’t you want to feed it some to him?” Virgil asked.
“He’ll enjoy it much more from you,” Thomas replied.
 Virgil frowned, but Mr. Apples threw his head in agreement. Virgil ended up feeding the rest of the apple to the horse.
“Would you like to walk back to the castle with me?” Thomas asked once the horse was busy chowing down on his last slice.
“Sure,” Virgil replied. Thomas smiled at him and helped him put away the brush and other supplies he’d been using on Mr. Apples.
Everything went smoothly until he and Virgil moved to leave the stable. The second that Virgil’s eyes saw the weather conditions outside he paused. Thomas did have to admit that he also wasn’t a fan of what was going on outside. The castle was only a dark blob in the distance when the snow was falling that fast.
 Yet, there was something different about Virgil’s expression. It didn’t just seem like reluctance to get cold and wet. Thomas had unfortunately seen Virgil terrified a few times before and it was definitely fear flashing in his eyes right now.
“Are you alright?” Thomas asked softly. Virgil jumped at his voice, but for once Thomas didn’t think he had himself to blame for that.
“I…” Virgil hesitated. “I’m just going to stay here for a while.”
Thomas looked at him and then at the snow outside. “You don’t like the snow, I assume?”
Virgil curled one arm around his waist, gripping the opposite wrist. He shrugged one shoulder. “Bad experience.”
 “Oh,” Thomas said, “I see.” The child was looking away from Thomas as well as from the snow outside. His eyes were fixed on a bale of hay. “I guess we’ll just stay out here for a bit.”
Virgil’s eyes shot back to him. “You don’t have to stay,” he said. “It’s fine.”
Thomas shrugged. “I didn’t really want to go out in that anyway.”
Virgil bit his lip. “You’re king,” he said. “You have important things to do. You don’t need to sit out in a horse stable with me because of my issues.”
“You’ll be amazed how much time I’ve spent sitting in a horse stable in my life, king or not,” Thomas said with a rueful smile.
 Virgil still seemed unsure. “You don’t have to,” he said. There was no way Thomas was going to leave a child who was afraid of snowstorms for whatever reason alone in a horse stable even if he wouldn’t technically be alone with all of the workers.
“It’s fine,” said Thomas. “I’m sure the stable hands would be willing to share some of the tea in their breakroom with us. We’ll wait for a bit and then see if the storm decides to let up later.”
“If you’re sure,” Virgil said.
“I am,” Thomas said with a smile before leading him towards the staff breakroom and away from the sight of the snow falling outside.
  Chapter 45 (Virgil)
The king took him a little room in the center of the stables. There were two people sitting in the room when they entered. They looked up at their entrance, but didn’t spare them a second glance, going back to playing a game with cards. This both made sense because the king should be able to go wherever he wanted without question and didn’t make sense because Virgil had assumed most people working for the castle would jump into asking if the king needed anything when he entered a room.
Instead, the king walked over to a small counter at the side of the room.
 If Virgil did not know that he was the king, he probably wouldn’t have been able to tell. He’d dressed to be in a horse stable today. There was no crown or any jewelry really in sight except for a necklace. His clothing was perhaps of better quality than most who worked in a stable would wear every day, but not by a large margin. He could have just been a stable manager or something if Virgil did not know better.
He glanced back at Virgil once he’d grabbed a few clean cups. “What would you like to drink?” he asked.
 “I don’t care,” Virgil said.
“Have you tried hot apple cider before?” the king asked.
Virgil shook his head.
“Well, it looks like they have some cider being kept warm here,” he said touching a small barrel that was sitting on the counter. There was a slight glow to the barrel that Virgil recognized as a heating enchantment.
“Sure,” Virgil said. “I like apples.”
The king smiled and turned to pour out a glass of the drink through a spigot on the side of the barrel. He offered it to Virgil. The king was serving Virgil a drink. That was… really weird. He was a weird king.
 He took the cup. It was warm from the drink and Virgil felt some of the tension that had been in his shoulders since he’d seen the amount of snow outside release as his fingers warmed up.
“It has more spices than things like apple juice,” the king said. “Mostly cinnamon, but also things like cloves, ginger, and nutmeg.”
Virgil didn’t really know what any of those things tasted like off of the top of his head other than cinnamon and, of course, apples. He took a cautious sip anyway.
“Like it?” the king asked, a smile growing on his face quickly in response to whatever face Virgil was making.
 Virgil nodded vigorously.
“Good,” the king said with a chuckle. He turned to get another glass of the apple cider for himself. “Let’s sit,” he said motioning with his head to a couch. It was the only free seating available other than one extra chair at the table where the two stable hands were playing cards.
Virgil did as he said, walking over to the couch and taking a seat. It was an old, but comfortable couch. Most of the things in this room seemed pretty old, though all in good condition. It made sense that they wouldn’t want to have a bunch of new furniture when people were just using it to take a break between cleaning horse stalls.
 It was a nice little room all the same and warmer than the rest of the building. The two stable hands had slung their light coats over the backs of their chairs and the king also took his off before sitting. Virgil kept his on.
There were a few hooks where it looked like the workers kept their heavier winter coats for when they left the stable as well as some bags and a couple of paintings.
“That one looks like Mr. Apples,” Virgil pointed out.
The king glanced at the painting. “It is Mr. Apples actually,” he told Virgil.
 “He was absolutely impossible to keep still for it. He went back in forth from trying to bite the artist to trying to show off for his owner. I’m pretty sure the artist made his eyes red if you look close enough just to express his displeasure somehow.”
“Logan?” Virgil asked.
“Oh, no,” said the king. “That was when my husband was alive.”
Virgil immediately internally cringed. Externally he said a quick “Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry,” said the king. “He’s not a taboo topic to me.”
 Virgil searched his face, but he really didn’t seem mad. There was maybe a bit of sadness around his expression, but he wasn’t angry.
“Logan always seems upset when he mentions him.”
“He’s mentioned him to you?” the king asked, sounding surprised.
“A few times,” Virgil said. “He said the headpiece was his favorite and, when he realized I didn’t like the snow, he tried to convince me it wasn’t all bad by telling me how they used to play in the snow when he was little.
“Logan doesn’t usually talk about him much,” the king said. “He was just a child when he died. It hit him very hard.”
 Virgil had noticed that himself.
“It’s good he’s talking about him at least a bit.” The king mused, taking a sip of his drink. “He was the son of a stable hand here.”
“You married a stable hand’s son?” Virgil asked and something about his tone made the king laugh.
“I did,” he confirmed. “We met when we were teenagers about your age. His father had come to work at the castle, and they lived in one of the houses out back. There weren’t many kids in the castle at the time and we both liked the gardens and the orchard, so we ended up friends.”
 This knowledge just reaffirmed to Virgil that Logan’s dad was an odd king. From what little Virgil knew of princes, they were not supposed to befriend the children of stable hands they met in the gardens and kings were certainly not supposed to marry them. Then again, Logan was also a prince and he had befriended an assassin he found in his bedroom. In fact, now that he thought about it, Patton was now a royal advisor in training, but even he was just the son of a chef.
Perhaps the royalty of Prijaznia were just like that. He was once again glad he hadn’t managed to kill the king.
 He’d been glad for a while now. At first it had been because he’d gotten to know Logan and knew killing his dad would have made him sad. Now, though, he thought it was a good thing he didn’t kill the king because the king didn’t deserve to die from what Virgil had seen. He was nice.
He even got up and got Virgil more of the apple cider when he finished his first cup of it. He continued to sit with him and talk to him about different things like what he, Logan, and Patton had been doing in the past few days.
 Eventually, the king went to go check if the weather was any better, leaving Virgil to finish his third glass of cider.
“It’s snowing less hard now,” the king told him when he got back, “but it’s still snowing. It’s also going to start to get dark soon. Do you want to try to go back?”
Virgil didn’t really. He didn’t want to be outside when it was snowing at all, but he also really wanted to be back at the castle before it was night. He’d much prefer to sleep in a bed or even in his closet than somewhere in the stable.
 “Yeah, we can try to go back,” Virgil replied.
“Alright,” the king said. He grabbed his coat off of the couch from where he’d set it. Virgil had also taken off his coat eventually, so he grabbed his as well. Once they were both dressed, they walked back to the stable door.
Virgil hesitated when he saw the snow. It was better than it had been earlier, but it still was falling fairly hard. He shifted nervously. That was going to be cold.
At least now he could see the castle clearly, so he didn’t have to worry about getting lost in the snow and dying… probably.
 “Here,” said the king. He reached for Virgil slowly and Virgil tensed but allowed it. The king took off the hood Virgil had put up and readjusted the cloth hat under it so it was over his ears before putting the hood back up. He pulled on some strings that Virgil hadn’t realized until right then tightened the hood so it wouldn’t fall off his head in the wind. Then, the king took off the scarf around his own neck and wrapped it twice around Virgil, so it covered his mouth and nose. The only exposed area of his face was now his eyes.
 “Now will get the least amount of snow on you as possible,” the king said.
“Thanks,” Virgil said. It came out a little muffled.
He smiled at him. “Do you,” he asked, sounding a bit awkward, “want to hold my hand?”
He didn’t particularly. He’d held hands with Logan and Patton before, but that was different. This was the king. Then again… he looked out at the snow. He really didn’t want to risk getting lost in the snow and he was less likely to get lost in the snow if he was holding on to someone, especially someone who knew his way around the castle grounds very well.
 Biting his lip behind the borrowed scarf, he decided he’d already taken way too many liberties when it came to the king. He shook his head no. “No thank you.”
“Alright,” said the king. “Offer is open if you change your mind. Ready to go?”
Virgil nodded, grimacing as he stepped out into the cold, the king at his side. Even with the nice winter coat from Logan and the king’s scarf, it was still noticeably cold. Still, he was not cold enough to justify the icy chill that went down his spine and the way his lungs felt frozen solid causing him to pant trying to take in air. It shouldn’t be this way. He’d been in much colder weather for much longer and with a lot less.
 “Are you alright?” the king asked when Virgil couldn’t help but slow down to a stop, shivering.
Virgil looked up at him. Unlike Virgil’s face, he had no scarf to protect him from the weather, but he didn’t seem concerned about that. He seemed much more concerned about Virgil. His reddening face was pinched, and he didn’t look like a man as powerful as a king. He looked like… well, he looked like a concerned father, like Logan’s father.
“Can…” Virgil choked out. He held out his hand.
“Of course,” he said. “Like I said, the offer is open.” He reached forward and wrapped his fingers around Virgil’s. Virgil immediately felt the warmth of them, though it may have been more in his head. There were two pairs of thick gloves between their skin.
Logan’s dad led him by the hand all the way back to the castle.
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a-pop-of-korean · 3 years
Level 1 / Lesson 7: Telling Time
안녕하세요! Hey everyone! Some time ago I posted a vocab list about time-related words (things like morning, afternoon, etc.), but I realized I never put out a lesson about actually telling time, so that’s what this lesson is all about! Before getting into it, you should be familiar with the native and Sino-Korean number systems -- check out my lesson about those here if you haven’t! 
Also, I have a post about telling time on my Instagram! Check it out here! Let’s start!
Asking for the Time
First off, if you want to ask “what time is it?” in Korean, you can say “몇 시예요?” To be a little more specific, you can say “지금 몇 시예요?” meaning “what time is it right now?”
Let’s learn how to simply say the basic hours in Korean, as in one o’clock, two o’clock, etc. To do so, you would use the native Korean number system. Notice how some of the numbers are a little different -- that’s just for the sake of easier pronunciation. After each number, add 시, which mean “o’clock” in this case:
한시 = 1 o’clock
두시 = 2 o’clock
세시 = 3 o’clock
네시 = 4 o’clock
다섯시 = 5 o’clock
여섯시 = 6 o’clock
일곱시 = 7 o’clock
여덟시 = 8 o’clock
아홉시 = 9 o’clock
열시 = 10 o’clock
열한시 = 11 o’clock
열두시 =  12 o’clock
So, you could say 지금은 9시예요, meaning “it’s 9 o’clock right now,” or 7시에 시작돼요, meaning “it starts at 7 o’clock,” for instance.
Minutes, on the other hand, use the Sino-Korean number system. Simply say whatever number of minutes you’re talking about, and add 분 on the end, meaning “minutes” after the hour For example:
다섯시 사십구분 = 5:49 
다섯시 = 5 o’clock
사십구분 = 49 minutes
If you want to say something like 8:30, you can say the following:
여덟시 삼십분
여덟시 반 
반 means “half,” so this is like how we say “half past 8″ in English.
AM and PM
You might be wondering if people in Korea use the 24 hour clock -- in a lot of K-dramas, the character’s phones will say something like 17:00 instead of 5:00 p.m. According to 90daykorean.com, however, you will typically hear people say “it is 5 p.m.” rather than “it is 17 o’clock.” So here’s how you say that!
오전 = AM (literally “before noon”)
오전 열시에 영어 수업이 있어요. = I have English class at 10 a.m.
오후 = PM (literally “after noon”)
저는 오후 여섯시에 자요. = I go to bed at 6 p.m.
Here are some charts to summarize all of this!
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Talking about Elapsed Time
If you want to say something like “I drove for 5 hours,” you would attach 시간 to the native Korean number and 분 to the Sino-Korean number. For example:
저는 다섯 시간 동안 운전했어요. = I drove for five hours.
동안 means “during” and can be used for talking about time frames like in this sentence, even if it doesn’t necessarily translate to “during.”
한 시간 걸려요. = It takes one hour.
두 시간 반 동안 읽었어요. = I read for two and a half hours.
(inspired by sentences on Naver Dictionary) 여기서 자동차로 서울까지 세 시간 이십분 걸려요. = It takes 3 hours and 20 minutes from here to Seoul by car.
That’s about it for this lesson! If you want to practice writing and reading Korean with others, join my Discord chat here and my Tumblr chat here! Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram too!
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7ven-devils · 3 years
A really long overanlysis of minecraft servers.
This will be my only warning, this shit is really long.
I promised this to @ivi-prism 2 weeks ago (hi, i am Svetla) but university said no and then i feel my notes were incomplete so i have to do more research.
So let's talk about anarchism and capitalism. As a future political scientist, really bugs me how the fandom and some content creators (im looking at you techno) misinterpret both theories.
Yeah this will be a overanalysis about the political, social and economic system of two minecraft servers. Why? Cause i like analysis things like this and finally i can solved what is the system of hermitcraft and thats make me happy.
Things to consider:
First im not native english speaker and im lazy so im not often write or talk in english so my typos can make Doc really proud.
Second i don't watch Dsmp i only know things about the server by the animatics, the constant information wich pop up here on tumblr, the crossover fanfics and the tiny vods that youtube insist play when i have activate automatic reproduction.
Third i tried to simplified this much as i can because this analysis i maded talking with my friends (also political scientists) and a former professor, so it got quite technical while i was writing it.
And finally don't take this seriously, I'm not trying to insult anyone, I only started this because the hermitfandom started saying that hermitcraft was capitalist and then everyone started comparing the Dsmp with hermitcraft saying anarchism vs capitalism, that's why the dsmp entered into this analysis.
Guys, seriously chaos isn't anarchism and "sucefully economic" isn't capitalism, even paid with "money" (diamonds in this case) isnt necessary capitalism.
First, mini glossary:
I understand a server like a Society/State (country) with Mr Weber definition. In really vague words a State is anyone that has a territory and has legal control of violence (the laws, no the abuse of authority).
I understand the private property as the hermits bases and/or shops (i suppose only base in dsmp? Idk)
I understand the mass production as the farms and resources.
Capitalism is a economic, politic and social theory, wich it considers private property essential and tends to monopolize the resources 'cause this it also considered private property.
Anarchy means "without government" it has its origin in the Ancient Greece. And Anarchism theory is just a society free from any political authority, but respecting the liberties of the others.
A Failed State is which one lose control of the legal violence, and can't provide the peace, essential human rights and the basics for a normal lifestyle to its people.
I think thats all the bored shit (i hope so). Now the interesting shit.
Why hermitcraft isnt capitalist?
Short answer, their idea of private property is not the same as capitalism has.
Long answer, even if they have their own stuff, they had a really strong sense of community and dont really care if someone take things from them.
We can see this in the beginning of season when Iskall take some mini blocks from Etho and he didn't really care (yeah, iskall "paid" him, but later i will explain this) or the multiple times Grian "borrow" things from Iskall and Mumbo in season 6 or Scar in season 7, the team ZIT constantly take things from each other and i can go on and on with examples, but the point here is this couldn't happen if they had a capitalist society because this would break the "private" part of private property and mass production.
Basically their friendship made so strong their sense of community that they are basically inmune to capitalism, Uncle Marx would be proud of them (not really, but would be funny). So they are communist? Nope, communist don't believe in private property and the hermits does.
But you just said-? I said they dont has the SAME idea of private property as capitalism does. They still have their bases, farms and shops, but for them their private property isnt sacred like in a capitalism system would be.
They're respect each other things because they appreciated the effort and values the time the person puts on their buildings and not only because doesn't belongs to them (and obviously cause theyre frends, but shush, this is a overanalysis, the obvious things doesn't have place here) i mean even for the shenanigans they are really polite and try to cause the least damage possible not because is not of them but because they valued the person.
Basically the famous honor code of hermitcraft.
What about the economic system and the shopping district?
Lets talk about the elephant in the room.
If Hermitcraft isnt a capitalist system, why they have a economic system based in diamonds?
Well, despite the exchange based in money for resources or services is a principal characteristic of capitalism, it isnt exclusive of that theory.
The money is a social consensus, cause barter has becomes obsolete and gold isnt cheap or infinite to use as payment. And basically, this is why we use money on this days (if you want to know the history of money ask to your trusted historian or Wikipedia).
What does this remind us? Yep, diamonds and iou's are a consensus too. When the 1.16 came out some hermits tried to change to netherite as payment and didn't suit, so they ignored it and continued with their current payment system.
And as much as Mr Smith likes to say that this is how the free market (and his stupid invisible hand) works, capitalism needs the monopoly of resources and people who works to pay for those resources.
But in Hermitcraft nobody really controlled the resources, anyone can go and collect their materials or made a farm. They just decided don't do it and go and buy it, because they save the time to go and collect for themselves, in other words they paid for the time.
Various hermits say they saved so much time go and buy the materials instead to collect themself or trade with the villagers (cause theyre the worst and all of us know it) thats why the barge and lookie lookie at my bookie are so profitable.
The shopping district it wasn't a thing before season 4, i dont really sure how it worked before, because i started watch in season six and sadly i have a boring adult life to saw the old seasons, but i assume it works in the same way that the trades the hermits does between them to accord a discount or a collab, and speak directly with the interested hermit or directly take it and pays what's considered it was fair, like iskall did with etho.
Like i said all what's happen in hermitcraft is a consensus, even the shopping district.
So yeah, that isnt a thing that would happen in a capitalism system, probably you would be dead, because "how are you dare to entered to my property", or in the jail, "because thats not yours".
So, what is hermitcraft?
For the surprise from much of you, Hermitcraft has an anarchist system.
What?! But their server is so peaceful, they don't steal from each other, they doesn't griefing, hows that possible?!
Well, the anarchism isn't really a violent political theory, at least in its beginning, actually anarchism is one of the most peaceful theories i studied, thats why i dont really thing it will worked in our society, but work in a server of 24 friends. Its too idealist.
I don't really study all of the thoughts corrents of anarchism because they are a lot. But the one we are interested is one of original thought corrent, The Mutualism, this in contrast with their cousin Communism doesn't believes the private property was something bad and considered like one of the rights from the individual, but different as capitalism because like i said before it wasn't sacred and communal things will exist to help others to start or recover.
Proudhon, one of it intellectuals, considered not paid for the work of the other it was a form to violate their liberties and feel horrofied with Marx when he said we have to abolish the private property.
The mutualists believes that each person should possess a means of production, either individually or collectively, and the products obtained would be trade in the market for the amount equivalent of their work.
This sound familiar, isnt it? Hermitcraft works in this way.
The thing with anarchism is they don't believes in a government over the people. And the hermits doesn't have one, yeah there's Scar being the mayor, but he isnt have a power over the rest and only is in charge of the "cowmercial district" even aquatown isn't part of his jurisdiction, his function is more of organization, like when we put a friend in charge to organizing part of a roadtrip.
It's the same with Xisuma figure, we all put him in a position of the admin of hermitcraft, but the truth is he isnt the only one with admin commands (but apparently some or all of them losed their admin status, at least in one of the last tango's streams, he hasnt it anymore) and various hermits said that he is more like an ambassador of them in the legal things of the server.
The hermits take all of they decisions in group and in the majority of things all of them needs to be agreed with the decision or they simple doesn't do it. And this is a characteristic of the mutualism because for them anyone are over the other.
And if you aren't already bored at this point and you put attention to what i wrote of the concept of private property in the mutualism, you would see it is practically the way hermitcraft works. They make their bases and farms, recolect resources and sell what they don't will use, buy mostly to save time and paid for the price what they considered fair. Yeah i know sometimes they do some farm specifically for one shop, but this is more "yeah, this is my thing" (Tango and Iron; Ren and wood) or a division of activities "if you do that, i do this".
The perfect utopia.
What about the Dsmp?
If you do it to here, congratulations.
So what about the Dsmp, i entered here because i want to read of them and the only thing i read was about hermitcraft.
Well, the Dsmp only entered in the equation because much of you said they were an anarchist server, but i see it more like a "failed state" and when i was talked with an exprofessor he agreed with me.
I know the term of failed state is controversial and is almost obsolete, but is the best way to describe the server and stop said it is anarchist.
So why failed state and not an anarchist state? Because they have a government (or apparently multiples) a failed one, but is there, if it were an anarchist server wouldn't have one.
Usually the failed states are known for being violent and volatile places in which ones their governments can't provides the basics to their people to live, normally are places with ethnics conflicts, civil wars, authoritarian governments or states in wars. The most common examples are Haití, Somalia or Syria.
And i am sure you can see the similarities with the Dsmp, so yeah, theyre chaotic but not anarchist.
The wars ruined the stability from the server, have a multiple sides and a megalomaniac for admin, but the goverment still there and they are fighting for the power wich wouldn't happen if the server were anarchist because anarchism don't believe the power should be possess for someone.
The server simply is failed state wich struggles under a violent fight for power.
If you read this far, you're a hero and had my gratitude for read my useless thoughts. Maybe some day i do it other overanalysis of this servers. I hope you enjoyed and dont confused so much.
Thanks for read.
And if there are some angry economist with me for "misrepresent" the capitalist i am completely open to a debate, my only condition is it would be in chilean spanish ;)
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daephilawrites · 4 years
What I think about you based on who you kin from JJK
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A/N: The only reason why I’m in the JJK fandom now is because my friends who kin these characters here dragged me to watch a stream with them. Not like I’m complaining tho.
Warnings: Just me cussing, nothing much. 
Tagging: My lovely friends I didn’t put cameras in your houses I swear- @seonii-san (that one Megumi kinnie), @neatheicecreem​ (the Itadori kinnie) and a few others that isn’t on Tumblr 
Yuji Itadori
Every Itadori kinnie I know are very very fucking horny so I guess all are.
You’re the type of person who’s versatile but acts dumb.
You’re famous.
Some people probably invited you over to be a contestant of some professional event at least once but you denied it all because you prefer doing your hobbies instead.
You are very supportive of your friends.
You’re the type of person who says they put milk first over cereals or take a toothbrush without adding water to toothpaste.
You remind me of Kirby.
You probably enjoyed the magazines your parents collected at some point.
You tried to eat almost everything you saw as a kid. 
You’re so soft but you take everything so damn seriously when mad.
Kugisaki Nobara
You like reading fanfics of your sapphic ships until who knows when in the morning. 
Have once thought of writing but gave up on day one because laziness is a thing.
You window shop for fun but end up using more money than you should spend.
You hate IRL men.
“Why do men”
You probably thought of fighting people to look cool but ended up chickening out or some shit.
You want to travel but budget and circumstances say no.
You look mean and aggressive but in reality you’re chill and caring. 
You’re very very good at roasting people.
Half of your wardrobe is composed of pastel colors. 
You once thought of getting premium versions of your favorite social media app but the budget is too tight again.
Megumi Fushiguro 
Most characters in your kin list are emos. 
You’re the type of person who wears all black and has earphones/headphones 24/7 but is actually listening to kawaii Japanese songs. Tho you have a nice taste for songs. 
You probably have family issues. 
You hate group works so much but you’re actually versatile when you’re part of a group. 
You have to keep dealing with your friends’ bullshit because you’re the only one with braincells. 
You’re the type of person who says “Yeah I’m fine thanks :|” but vents to your friends on discord later. 
You keep assuming dominance in the past and you regret it now but still does it anyway. 
I don’t think the “Forgive and forget” rule applies to you but you act like it does. 
You’re the best person to run to for venting secrets. 
Gojo Satoru 
You’re that one upperclassman who plays earrape at the halls on 3:00 am.
You’re that weird kid everyone hates for telling the teacher that there’s an assignment. 
You act like you don’t have a single care on the world but you’re actually competitive and take your trainings/studies seriously. 
You brag a lot for your achievements but you deserve to brag actually.
You’re pockets are always filled with Candy and other small things. 
You buy a lot of things for your friends because you never seem to run out of money. 
“In terms of shame, we have no shame :D”
You’re the type of person who asks questions even if you know the answer already and if the person you asked doesn’t reply, you say it out loud instead.
People fear you because your have no sense of personal space.
Hobbies: Teasing your friends, stealing their clothing and posing as them, bragging 
Parasite 2.0, you like to borrow lots of things (and probably not return them)
Ryomen Sukuna
You look intimidating but you’re actually so fucking chill.
You’re a boomer. You lived under a rock for so many years you probably made email a social media app. 
You speak so confidently of yourself to others you’re not close to but when you’re close to them you act like a little piece of shit. 
Parasite 2.0, you like to borrow lots of things (and probably not return them). 
You’re also an emo. 
Either you care about the Megumi kinnie or you just straight up abuse them.
You like laying down everywhere.
You're somewhat a sadist.
You're competitive and you enjoy having a title that others will know, but at the same time you don't care.
You roast people too harshly but when it's your friends you're roasting, you roast them with love <3
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bailey-dreamfoot · 3 years
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I posted 168 times in 2021
56 posts created (33%)
112 posts reblogged (67%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 2.0 posts.
I added 88 tags in 2021
#octonauts - 19 posts
#octonautskwazii - 12 posts
#octonauts fanart - 11 posts
#captain barnacles - 11 posts
#octonautsheadcannons - 8 posts
#octonauts peso - 7 posts
#cute art - 6 posts
#octonauts shellington - 6 posts
#headcannons - 5 posts
#octonautstweak - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 67 characters
#fammily dinner except a thrid of the people going are toxic as hell
My Top Posts in 2021
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Inspired by this post
And this post
Barnacles definitely has trouble sleeping at night let the man rest
88 notes • Posted 2021-12-08 06:45:05 GMT
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Request done for @octonauts16 they asked for the Octonauts doing a blood drive and i think thats actually a pretty unique idea. Kwazii and the Captain are the only ones donating blood because they are the only ones in the crew who aren’t squeamish to blood, except for Peso. Also because i like to think the Captain has type O blood :))
91 notes • Posted 2021-05-07 22:44:24 GMT
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Finally got my designs for the Octonauts done! I tried to make them different while also still making them look like that characters, and its really d i f f i c u l t ; 0 ; I like these designs a lot tho. I really like the idea of Kwazii being the captain’s right hand man so i couldn’t get that aspect of the design out of my head. I tried to make the captains outfit more similar to a real us navy one, while still keeping the original color palette and the underwater crew vibe, so its a full suit instead of a 2 piece one. The Captian, Kwazzi, tweak, and peso all have zippers incorporated into their regular outfit because in my mind i guess its part of their helmet? I only put the, on them because they are the ones that go out on missions or work out in the water most of the time, where Shellington and Dashi are usually in the octopod, and Inkling doesn’t even need one. I had the idea that when they are out on missions, the others bring back specimens and shells for Shellington to study. Kwazii is obviously covered in scars, because he is really clumsy, and gets into trouble fairly often. The Captian also has one on his cheek, and i might get into the story behind that in a comic at some point (bc i really heccin wanna make comics for this series). >.> full quality, non blurry image on my DA :)
95 notes • Posted 2021-04-21 00:58:25 GMT
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Heres something cute to make up for the last post
117 notes • Posted 2021-04-26 16:27:45 GMT
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See the full post
145 notes • Posted 2021-05-11 22:41:36 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
opp guess I should probably make actual posts more often >>
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uncloseted · 3 years
About this
I am a proud, happy and healthy introverted. I can spend months without talking with my friends or family and things are perfectly fine with me! I take myself out on dates, I eat alone on a restaurant, I can go to the movies alone and without posting it on social media. I wonder how many extroverted people can do this and not find it challenging?
I think there are a lot of misconceptions about introversion and how we are supposed to be social 24/7. No, we don't have to. People who say this are always extroverted people who don't understand introverts. We are always forced to be social, but no one forces extroverts to be calm and quiet.
Actually, I can get stressed, sad or uncomfortable when socializing or when I am forced to do it. We are not the same, and again, no, we don't need to be social to be functional human beings or to be accepted by society.
Please, do some research about 16 personalities and introversion, believe it or not, there are healthy people out there existing happily without socializing. 😊🌻
Anonymous asked:
If this dear anon wishes to be an introvert: GOOD 👏🏼 FOR 👏🏼 YOU👏🏼 We are not on their shoes so is bold to assume what's good or not for them. So dear anon, in my experience as a professional introvert is that you need to be honest with your friends and family as to how you actually feel. It takes a huge amount of maturity to say "no, I don't feel like seeing you/talk with you today" on both parts. At first, it might be had for them to understand your position but if they really love you they will eventually understand. For example, my friends invite me to parties or meetings even when they know I won't show up. They do this so I know I'm welcomed but never get mad about it, ofc this took time for them to understand but know is just natural. We don't have to be social all the time, people are different, is not just black and white, but extroverts just don't get it.
When did Tumblr start allowing people to leave links in asks? I love that for us. It's going to make things so much easier.
Anyway... I seem to have offended a few people with regard to my post about introversion, which I apologize for. I don't want anyone to feel like I'm judging them for their personality type or for the choices but they're making. But I am sticking by the answer that I gave. The anon said that, "Sometimes I don't see my friends for a couple weeks or a month and I get kind of sad, how can I not be sad about it?" The question wasn't "I'm introverted and don't care if I see my friends for months, is that weird?" or "my friends and family are upset at me because I don't want to see them." It was "how can I not be sad about not seeing my friends?" To me, that sounds like a desire for social connection that's not being filled instead of a desire to be alone that isn't being respected, which is why I answered the way that I did.
But also like... I'm not wrong about the human need for socialization. This isn't an "extroverts don't get it" thing, and it's not a "you should change yourself to be accepted by society" thing. Being chronically alone literally is not good for anyone. I'm not making an assumption here- this is something that we know to be a scientific fact.
People who have regular social interaction are happier, healthier, less anxious, and live longer than those who don't. A meta-analysis of 148 studies found that there was a 50% increased likelihood of overall survival for people with strong social relationships versus those who didn't have strong social relationships.
A poll of 140,000 Americans found that individuals who report being alone all day (zero hours of social time) perform the poorest on the Happiness-Stress Index, with only 32% experiencing enjoyment or happiness in their day and 27% reporting that they experienced intense stress and worry. By contrast, 52% of people who reported spending six to seven hours of social time with family or friends per day said that they experienced "a lot" of enjoyment and happiness, while only 5% said they they experienced extreme stress and worry.
Having social connections can help prevent mental decline in old age, reduce pain, and decrease risk for Type 2 diabetes. A study out of Mass General Hospital found that "social connection is the strongest protective factor for depression", meaning that social connection reduces your risk of developing depression. A New Zealand study of over 21,000 people found that social connectedness improves public mental health.
A 2015 study in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine found that, "there is significant evidence that social support and feeling connected can help people maintain a healthy body mass index, control blood sugars, improve cancer survival, decrease cardiovascular mortality, decrease depressive symptoms, mitigate posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms, and improve overall mental health," and that "low social interaction was reported to be similar to smoking 15 cigarettes a day and to being an alcoholic, to be more harmful than not exercising, and to be twice as harmful as obesity." And those are just a few studies that I could find with a quick Google search. There's so much research on the benefits of social connectedness and the drawbacks of being isolated that you could write a book just looking into all of the findings (and people have).
All of that isn't to say that introverted people are wrong, or that they should be forced to go out and party, or that socializing can't be uncomfortable and stressful. There are all sorts of ways to fulfill out need for social connection, both online and in person. If you live with other people (including family), that counts as social connection. If you're just sitting with another person, doing your own thing, not talking to them, that counts as social connection. If you have a group of people you regularly interact with online or if you play multiplayer games, that counts as social connection.
And I totally get how socializing can be difficult. I will be the first person to admit that I'm not great at maintaining social connections myself. A lot of us are burnt out by the social connection we're forced to get every day (at school or at work), so socializing on our off-time can feel intimidating or like it's too much. Sometimes we have to say, "no, I don't have the energy to spend time with you right now, can I see you another day?' And social anxiety is super real, especially after the isolation most of us have faced over the past few years due to the pandemic. But to be our happiest and healthiest selves, we do need to make an effort to form and maintain social connections in our lives.
Also, on a side note and while I'm offending people, from a personality science perspective, the MBTI/16 Personalities is pseudoscience. That's not to say it can't be helpful- I think it can help people identify the things they want to work on and encourage them to grow as people.  But it should be a tool to give you the language to help you understand yourself instead of as something that’s prescriptive about how you "should" act or be, and it shouldn't be taken as a source for what's normal or healthy.
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marzipanandminutiae · 4 years
I feel you on the phone 'addiction' thing! I have ADHD and my brain needs some sort of input 24/7 in order to not go crazy, and my phone is the easiest way to satisfy that need.
Oof. That sounds like the worst.
I don’t know what it is about me that makes ditching screens difficult (computer as well as phone- the amount of time I waste online when I really want to be doing other things but can’t make myself is pretty distressing). I have a family history of addiction- alcoholism, specifically -and, while I wouldn’t remotely compare “have trouble disengaging from screens” to substance addiction, some studies seem to show that the behaviors and brain activity can be similar. So maybe there’s a genetic component? I just don’t know.
I’ve struggled to moderate screen time ever since the computer became something I could use myself, instead of something mysterious that only Mom and Dad knew how to operate. Around age 11. It used to be somewhat easier because it was out of my control and I had more things in my life occupying my time that took me away from it. School, friends, running around my hometown investigating haunted buildings, etc. Plus, without a smartphone, screens couldn’t really follow me around. I had a flip phone until after high school, even though the first iPhone came out when I was 14
Now, though...there’s no emergency brake. I have a screen with me at all times, and I get sucked into it constantly. I can’t just leave it at home or turn it off, either- all three of my jobs have some phone-based aspect and my parents have gotten used to being able to contact me whenever. They've been through the death of a child; I can’t blame them for wanting to touch base with me as often as possible when I live 1,100 miles away.
It’s not really interfering with the basics of my life- I still manage to go to work, do my job, get groceries, shower, do laundry, eat meals, etc.  But wresting myself away from the Internet to do “extraneous” things that make me happy is really difficult. I sit down on my day off intending to just be on the computer or my phone for a little bit and then only use it for background noise while I sew or bake or research or work on dolls, but the day slips away hour by hour and I accomplish next to nothing.
I don’t want this. I don’t like it. I see the time passing and think “oh damn, I really should go Do The Thing.” I just. Don’t. Because there’s always just one more video, just one more round of mindless scrolling through Facebook-Tumblr-Instagram. It’s a miracle I manage to do my hobbies at all. I haven’t written anything in months, either, because when I sit down to write the words just won’t come. (I suspect most of my followers don’t even know I love to write. I have an AO3 account and used to churn out small novellas’ worth of fanfic back in college.)
And that brings me to the biggest reason this behavior disturbs me: how it makes me feel.
When I’m on the computer or my phone for long stretches, especially doing something passive, it makes me start to feel- dull. My thoughts come slowly and I struggle to articulate them. My memory suffers. I’m normally pretty good at thinking and speaking on my feet, but I stumble over my words. Nothing but the screen can hold my attention. I feel like my mind can’t think deeper than the surface of anything, if that makes sense. I feel like I become stupid. I sleep fitfully and wake up a lot in the middle of the night, because sleep is boring compared to the constant stimulation of messing around on my phone.
I hate feeling that way, so much. It used to be a temporary thing, a state I could ward off by simply not getting on the computer before school (or mandolin lessons, or meeting up with a friend, or going out with my family). But now I can’t remember the last time I didn’t feel that way. It’s become my default state and I don’t know how to fix things.
Sorry, this got very long-winded. I just needed to talk through it. I want to feel normal again, with my mind the way I know it should be. But it seems impossible to break away.
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Leave No One Behind Ch 1: You Gotta Have A Plan
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Co-Written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Chapter Summary: After returning from Sudan following their arrest, Sam and Ari go their separate ways…but Ari just can’t let things go. He needs a plan to break the refugees he left in the camp out. And he comes up with a plan so ridiculous that it just might work. That is, if he can pull together the right team.
Unfortunately he knows that the 2 people he probably needs and wants there the most, are going to be the toughest to convince. After all, they are siblings…
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words.
Chapter Pairings:  Ari Levinson x OFC Hannah Horowitz
A/N: Now, we believe from what research and reviews tell us, that RSDR takes place basically between 1979 and 1982 (the real Operation Brothers upon which it is based upon ran until 1984). To keep this as historically factual as possible, we have done all the research we can find on Mossad, the history of the Jewish people in the 40s through 80s…the rest is purely down to our imagination.
If anything is factually wrong, we mean no offence. Chalk it down to slight creative license and take this for what it is- a work of fiction.
Before you continue, we recommend you read this to introduce the ‘cast’- Leave No One Behind: Meet the Characters
Also Tags will be done by reblogs as Tumblr seems to, once again, have been taken over by Hydra and isn’t giving everyone notifications.
Leave No One Behind Masterlist  Main Masterlist 
Chapter Song: Across the Universe by the Beatles
“Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes, that call me on and on across the universe…”
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March 1979
Ari Levinson was a man who very rarely liked to sit still. He’d been the same as a boy, always needing to be doing something. And right now, even in a dark, sweaty, smelly cell in Sudan he was no different. Using the bars in the roof that gave them the only light and air into the area, he was doing pull ups, counting his way up to 100. When he finished his reps he dropped down with a sigh and made his way over to sit by Sammy who was leaning against the wall.
Ari glanced over at his friend, his fellow agent who simply looked at him without saying a word, and then looked away, both of them glancing up as Kabede, their in-country contact so to speak, walked over and sat besides Sammy.
“I heard the guards talking.” he said softly in his thick, African accent as Ari sat, his arms hanging over his knees. “They think we are smugglers. We need to get out of here.”
“Mr. Guy Thomas.” one of the guards called. All 3 of them exchanged a look, before Ari stood up and made his way to the cell door.
“You called?” he asked.
“You, and your friends…” the guard said, gun slung over his shoulder “You come with me…”
They did as they were told and were ushered into a small room, where they were unceremoniously handed their gear and told they were free to go. Ari did nothing but smile at Sammy, who rolled his eyes, because it was a knowing joke between everyone who ever ran a mission with Ari that he could fall in pig shit and come out smelling like roses.
Ari fished a packet of cigarettes out of his back pack, along with his shades and slipped them onto his eyes. He slung his bag over his shoulder and walked out into the sun, lighting his cigarette as he went. He paused for a moment, looking at the man who was leaning against a blue car, watching him. He jerked his head and Ari stepped towards him.  
“And you are?” Ari asked, eyeing him up.
“I'm the reason you're out of there.” The man said, pushing himself off the car. Ari exchanged a look with Sammy as the man continued “Walton Bowen, American.”
“No shit.” Sammy said, his eyes still on the man as Ari shook his hand.
“Yeah?” Walton looked at him before he moved to shake his hand too “Cultural attaché, the embassy in Khartoum.”
“Oh. Well, you must have your hands full, considering the flourishing cultural scene in Sudan.” Ari said, the sarcasm evident in his tone and Walton gave a little laugh.
“Not nearly as flourishing as you with your anthropology studies, I'm sure.” Walton said, his voice level but Ari could detect the note of disbelief he carried. “We got a call from DC, you gents had gotten yourselves into a bit of a pickle.”
As Ari kept his eyes on the man and his face straight, besides him Sammy pointed
“Is that our stuff in the back of your car?”
Ari looked at Sammy then round to the car as Walton nodded.
“Yes, it is.  I'm sorry about the hasty packing…” he said, gesturing to the car “…but I know you have a flight in less than five hours to London.”
Ari snorted, shaking his head a little. Of course we do, damned it Ethan.
“Where are you off to after that, boys?” Walton continued.
Ari didn’t reply, instead he chuckled, and turned from the man, walking over to where Kabede was stood a few feet away.
“Looks like they're calling me back. Are you gonna be okay?” Ari asked
“Yes” Kabede assured him “I will bring more families.”
“We'll find a better way.” Ari nodded, giving the man a friendly embrace, patting him on the back before he turned around and walked back towards Walton and Sammy.
“Hope you got my toothbrush…” he said, not stopping as he passed them both and made his way to the car. “It’s new.”
After a few hours layover in London, they were called to a desk and given tickets for a flight back to Isreal for an hour later.  Ari fell asleep before the taxi down the runway had even finished and awoke a few hours later, stretching and ordering himself a beer. Before much longer the plane began it’s descent into Ben Guiron Airport and Ari let out a sigh. He knew he should be glad to be home, but he wasn’t. He hated leaving a job half done. But he wouldn’t deny he was looking forward to a shower. He felt disgusting, looked disgusting, smelt disgusting. Thank fuck Ethan had the sense to book an entire row out for him and Sammy each.
They cleared customs easily and were met by a driver who waved them over to a car.
“Home?” The man asked Ari as he took his bags from him to take them to the trunk. .
“Office.” Ari corrected, as he wrenched open the passenger door of the car. “You coming?” he asked Sammy as he sat down.
“Nah. Nah, I'm going back home.” Sammy looked at him.
“What?” Ari said, frowning as he got back out, leaning on the roof of the car.
“Back to the clinic.” Sammy said with a small smile.
Ari looked around, before he shut the door and walked over to Sammy, his mouth open in surprise.
What the hell are you talking about?” he asked gently.
“I called Ethan back in London, got a message to Hannah. She’s picking me up.” Sammy said taking a deep breath “I'm done.”
Sammy moved to pull Ari into an embrace, which Ari returned, albeit it a little half- heartedly as he was still reeling from Sammy’s revelation.
“Why?” he asked, patting Sammy on the back.
“I love you, man.” Sammy said, pulling away “You're a lucky guy. But when the luck runs out, then...  you gotta have a plan, and you never have one. So... I'm out. “
Sammy looked around.
“You're out?” Ari said flatly, his eyebrows raising.
“I'm out.”
“Sammy.” Ari said gently as Sam turned away. He paused and turned to face Ari again, smiling.
“Goodbye, my friend.”
Sam quickly walked away down towards the pick-up area outside the terminal, as Ari called his name again, a little louder, but he ignored him.
Ari sighed and looked upwards, wiping a hand over his face before he glanced at Sam’s retreating back just in time to see a flurry of dark, wavy hair rushing towards him. Ari continued to observe from a distance as Sammy hugged his sister back, her face pressed into the side of his neck, Sammy gently rubbing at her back. When he finally let her go, Ari finally got a look at her and he had to smile. The last time he had seen Hannah had been almost 3 years ago, at her husband Andy’s funeral and Ari was pleased to see she looked better than she had that day. Her hair was longer, her cheeks were fuller again, no longer hollow with grief. Her skin was darker, more tanned...she looked healthy, back to her vivacious self along with, he hoped, that spark that bounced in her deep blue eyes, Eyes he knew so well.
He had first met Hannah through Sammy when she was 17, and he was 24. He had liked her from the off, despite being 7 years older than her and there’d been a spark, there was no denying that. But for various reasons, despite a 3 month long sort of fling, it hadn’t worked out. He’d backed off, instead admiring her from afar, constantly telling himself he was too old and no good for her, and then he had met Sarah. Their relationship at first had been based on total, physical attraction and had been a total whirlwind. They had married later that same year after discovering Sarah was pregnant, Ari wanting to do the right thing by her. Their daughter Maya was born 7 months later and for the first 4 years, he had to admit he’d been happy.
Meanwhile, Hannah had started dating another one of their agents and friends, Andy Horowitz.  They’d married too and then sadly mere months after they had married Andy had been killed on a mission they’d been running some 3 years ago, a mission Ari had been in charge of.
Hannah said she didn’t blame Ari, but he’d seen it written on every inch of her pretty face. She’d hardly been able to look him in the eyes since Andy’s death, and as a result he had made no effort to reach out in the 3 years since Andy’s funeral. Which he knew was a selfish, shitty thing to do on his behalf, as they’d all been so close, family close even, but Hannah had always worn her heart on her sleeve and he couldn’t face the turmoil and heartbreak she was emanating.
Sammy assured him she didn’t hold him at fault, not really and that she was just upset, compounded  by the fact she hadn’t been there and was only hearing everything 2nd hand. But still, it did nothing to assuage Ari’s guilt. Andy’s life cut so tragically short, and Hannah left widowed at such a young age…
The driver’s voice shook Ari out of his thoughts, and when his eyes focussed again he realised he was staring at nothing. Hannah and Sammy both long gone. With a nod to the man he climbed back in the car and they set off for HQ.
**** "You're pissed." Sammy told his sister, his eyes fixed on the road ahead.
Hanna didn't answer. She stared at the license plate of the car right before them as if it was the magic combination to some sort of treasure chest. She was avoiding looking at her brother. Of course she was pissed, that was out of the question, but she didn't want to discuss that in the middle of the early evening exasperating traffic. Why was the way out of the airport always so crammed with cars?
Sammy turned to look at her and read the signs like an open book. White knuckles from the intensity with which her hands where holding the steering wheel, furrowed brow and a twitch of the mouth where she was biting the inside of her right cheek. He took a deep breath and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"You are pissed. I can tell, Hannah."
"No, I'm not" she replied trying to sound as convincing as possible and hit the car horn three times. "Oh, come on! We all have places to be!"
"Yes, you are. And honking the horn while in a traffic jam won't get you anywhere quicker, you know that?" Sammy said raising an eyebrow at her sudden outburst.
"No, it won't. But it will keep me from slapping you across your stupid face." she bit back, admitting her irritation.
"Ok." Sammy said preparing for what was about to come slouched on the passenger seat "What's on your mind?"
"Damnit, Sammy. You know full well what's on my mind. You know perfectly fucking well." she hissed without even bothering to look at him.
He sighed and nodded as an only answer. Avoiding his sister's gaze, he turned and looked through the passenger window.
"Yet, there you go again." she resumed after a minute, once she had steadied her voice and swallowed the lump in her throat. "Getting yourself arrested. You could have been killed right there on the spot! I just ...."
"Hey…" Sammy said gently rubbing her thigh "It’s ok. I'm ok, right?"
Hannah nodded and wiped a stray tear from her cheek. There were a few minutes of silence in the car as the traffic resumed and Sammy waited patiently for his sister to get herself together before speaking.
"I spoke to Ethan from London, told him I'm out." Sam said.
"What?" Hannah asked surprised looking at her brother before rapidly turning her eyes to the road ahead.
"That last mission... it was just... I'm done. Can't do it anymore." Sam fumbled with the words while he rubbed the scars on his right hand with his left one.
Hannah looked at her brother again, before she sighed, concern flooding her system.
"What happened Sammy?"  she asked, her tone soft “It must be something bad to make you want to leave it all behind.”
"Nothing. Don't worry about it. It's just… I'm tired of all that shit and need to get out, that's all." Sam replied trying to convince his sister and, most importantly himself, it was the right decision.
The sight of that woman letting herself drown in the river had taken a toll on him. It haunted him at night and whenever he closed his eyes. He could have done more, he should have saved her, he should have found her under that muddy water and swum with her to safety. But he hadn't been able to and he didn't want to go into another mission where he would lose lives instead of saving them.
"So, what's the plan?" Hannah asked a moment later trying to snap her brother out from the place he seemed to be lost in.
"The plan is getting home, have a shower, eat something decent and sleep till the new full moon." Sam deadpanned with a faint smile.
"I’d also consider a haircut." Hanna quipped smiling at him. "That mop doesn't suit you, neither does the moustache!"
"Yeah, well. Not much you can do when you're down there and under for six weeks." Sam stated before he smiled at her "You, on the other hand, look great, Han"
"Well, that's what you get when you shower and wash your clothes. You stink." she said winking at him and he laughed.
"Seriously though, what are you gonna do? “ Hannah asked him after a moments pause “You gotta have a plan."
"That's exactly what I told Ari..." Sammy shrugged and Hannah’s head whipped once more to look at him.
"Ari?" she asked double checking her brother "Was Ari on the mission with you? Actually, don’t bother answering because of course he was..." she trailed off.
"That reckless, lucky son of a bitch who never seems to have a back-up plan." Sam said before lighting a cigarette. “He was there alright.”
"I'd say the man without a plan has some things very well planned." she mused while tapping the steering wheel with her fingers.
"Yeah, well, as I told him I wanna go back to the clinic. If that's ok with you, that is."
"Of course it is Sam. It's our clinic, remember? And we could do with your help, in fact, it would be a blessing. We've been very busy lately." she said excited by the prospect of having her brother with her again. "Mum will be thrilled to hear that.” “How is she?” Sam asked.
“She’s ok.” Hannah said “I’ve been trying to get her to take it easy, consider retiring but…you know what she’s like.” Sammy snorted “Stubborn, opinionated, always thinks she knows best…that’s where you get it from.” Hannah merely raised her eyebrow and smirked a little. “I dare you to tell her that on Sunday…” “Sunday?” “Yeah, she hasn't told you yet but you're coming for lunch." Hannah smirked as Sammy rolled his eyes, smiling fondly “And she won’t take no for an answer.”
***** “Ladies and gentlemen. This afternoon, historic documents concluding the Treaty of Peace between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the State of Israel will be signed…” Ari could hear the reporter on the news growing louder as he strode through the Mossad HQ towards Ethan’s office.
“Is he in?” he asked Ethan’s secretary, not bothering to wait for an answer.
“Wait, don't go in there…”
“Thanks.” he said, ignoring her as he pushed the door open, giving a small annoyed huff of a laugh as he tossed his back pack to his left where it landed with a thud. He then made his way over to the decanter of scotch on the shelves to the right of the room, Ethan not even bothering to look at him from where he was leaning against his desk, his own tumbler in hand, watching the TV, dressed in a crisp black suit and white shirt as always, his tie impeccably knotted.
“The Prime Minister is about to sign the most important peace accord in our lifetime and he can't enjoy it because of some remote tribe of our people getting massacred on a continent no one cares about.” Ethan said a little emotively, his British accent crisp as ever as he took a sip of his drink.
“Well, maybe you should let me do my job instead of pulling me out.”  Ari said, picking up his drink and turning towards the couch at the side of the room.
“Your job includes getting arrested?” Ethan asked, as he stood up straight and turned off the TV. Ari sighed as he slumped on the couch, one leg bent with his foot resting on the low coffee table in front of him “Or is this just another by-product of you being reckless and totally out of control?” he looked at Ari for the first time  since he had walked into the room.
“Sudan. My god, Ari…” Ethan snorted angrily, picking up his decanter to top up the glass. “An enemy country in a perpetual state of... fucked-up-ness. What were you thinking?”
“I was thinking that hiding refugees in a refugee camp was a pretty brilliant idea.” Ari said simply with no trace of irony, as he scratched at an itch on his side before necked his liquor.
“And how do you propose to get them out of there?” Ethan looked at him.
Ari sighed and placed the empty glass on the side next to the phone “Still working on that.”
“This job pays in migraines.” Ethan shook his head as he crossed the room and topped up Ari’s glass. “You look like shit.” he said, pointing to him with the hand that held the decanter which he placed on the coffee table.
“Thank you.” Ari replied “Smell like shit, too. I was under for six weeks.” he reached for the now once again full glass as Ethan sat on a chair opposite him.
“How's Sarah?” Ethan asked.
Ari looked down, his finger tapping on the rim of the glass before he placed it back on the side and slumped down on the sofa again, his eyes focussing downwards on his thigh as it bent upwards in front of him, his hand hooking underneath it.
“She left me.”
“Your life's a mess.” Ethan stated and Ari simply raised his eyebrows in agreement “Well, maybe this is a blessing in disguise, then.”
“What is?” Ari asked, as Ethan took a drink. “Are you taking me off this?”
“Exfil is going to come up with some alternative plans for the Ethiopians.” Ethan said as Ari tipped is head back with a frustrated sigh, his hands flying out to his side. “Then we'll discuss with the boss how best to move forward.”
“Ethan, don't do that.” Ari pleaded sitting forward “You know those guys are morons, they're gonna waste months on plans that aren't viable.  Months that we don't have. You gotta send me back.”  
“Go home, take a shower, spend some time with the family.”  
“Ah Fuck!” Ari sighed, before his voice grew louder and he crossed his arms, taking on the tone and appearance of a sullen child “No.”  
“No?” Ethan looked at him “It's done, Ari. You're not going anywhere.”
And that was that. Ethan wasn’t for turning. In the end Ari had stormed out of the office, his mood darkening by the second, and it didn’t get any better when he arrived home to find the place dark, empty and a message from Sarah on the answer phone telling him she’d taken Maya to her parents place.
Her parent’s place in fucking New Jersey
“Spend some time with the family…” Ethan’s words rang around his head as he slumped on the bed, beer in hand looking at the now empty side of the closet that had contained most of Sarah’s clothes.
Yeah, chance would be a fine thing.
**** Ari spent the following days on a semi-comatose state. He kept strict grooming and feeding habits, which was something he quite enjoyed after six weeks of not being able to give much thought to it.  He also took care of the chores now that it was only him at the house and set up a work-out routine to keep his one-track mind occupied and allow himself to physically blow off some steam.
He was frustrated to say the least. Frustrated at being pulled out by Ethan, who wasn't even willing to reconsider his reinstatement for the time being. And frustrated on how, and it ached to admit, he missed his daughter. He had seen Maya last before leaving for Ethiopia and he had told her, and so had he thought at the time, he would come back home and spend all the time possible with her. But she wasn't there when he came back.
Surprisingly enough, he didn't miss Sarah or, at least, not in the way he should. He did miss spending time with his family or the feeling of having a family to get back to and Sarah was part of that family. And, to tell the truth, he had never been home in this house alone. And, though he was beginning to come to terms with the fact this was his life going forward, he wasn't sure if he liked it. But, on the other hand he was also relieved. Sarah and he had been strained and fighting for so long before he left for the mission that her leaving had almost been a relief.  And, in a sense, he was glad she had done it before he was the one who had to suggest that maybe they needed to concede things weren't working between them because, frankly, Ari Levinson was a chicken shit when it came to stuff like that
But what Ari wasn't was cut out for the mundane, office life. A couple of weeks later his mind was in a state of turmoil. He took a trip out to New Jersey for a few weeks under Ethan’s instructions where he spent some quality time with Maya and had a very frank discussion with Sarah. The papers she had left him to sign upon his return from Ethiopia were legal documents which would enter them both into a legal period of 2 years separation and upon the conclusion therefore a Divorce would be mutually agreed. There was no way back for the pair of them, and he was relieved that she felt the same way and signed the papers in presence of an attorney who assured him this was the easiest, least messy way to go about things. Sarah had also agreed to return to Tel Aviv at some point as she conceded that keeping Maya at the other side of the ocean wasn’t fair to him or her. But when that would be, she never said.
All in all he wasn’t feeling great when he returned to HQ at the end of April especially when he was told that Exfil had yet to come up with any decent sort of plan. He told Ethan, once again, that they were fucking morons but was told to steer well clear. But Ari had never been one to stay out of things, or pay any attention to his boss when he thought he knew better. Day and night the idea of getting the refugees out of that Sudanese refugee camp was still haunting him. He had to come up with something and it had to be as soon as possible, before those Exfil idiots fucked it up completely. So after weighing up the situation for week or so more, he decided to get on with it off radar. He knew the best way to get Ethan to hear him out would be coming up with a fool-proof plan-something so absurd, far-fetched if you will, that no one would suspect they were smuggling Jewish refugees out of Ethiopia.
So he did it by stealth, getting on with his normal duties of paper work and communicating with other Intelligence Operatives across the globe playing the co-ordination role Ethan had dumped him in and putting the final touches on the last mission reports he had been doing at Mossad Head Quarters. His day job so to speak.
The night times, however, well, they were his own. And he used them to do a bit of research of his own.
He tried not to be spotted when he went to the archives department and asked the assistant there for a specific microfilm. Last thing he wanted was Ethan or one of his subordinates sniffing he was up to something. At least not before he could flesh his plan out in order to give a proper presentation to Ethan.
And finally, after an arduous period of research and countless sleepless nights it came to him, one warm night at the end of June. He was examining one map of the area on the computer when he noticed the sea. They could do it, the answer had to be in the sea. Ari felt a sudden surge of optimism and started digging into the different possibilities for a way out through sea instead of land and a feasible cover. His smile reached his eyes when he spotted just what he was looking for and a hunch told him to go for it.
It took a few days for him to pull everything together and get what he needed, and contact the people he needed. Which was why, early one July morning he was pacing the Comms room, rubbing his beard nervously, ironically dressed in the same clothes he had been in a few days prior when the idea had originally occurred to him. It was funny now, how he didn’t have Sarah pecking his head about his outfits he simply donned his preferred casual clothing to the office, something his single friends at work seemed to do a hell of a lot. Speaking of which, he was feeling stressed out after a heated argument with his estranged wife over the phone earlier that day about him seeing Maya. She had kept her side of the bargain, returning to Tel Aviv, but as a result he’d moved out of the house, renting a two bed apartment not too far from what had been their family home. He’d had regular access and visits to his daughter, which had been fantastic, but tonight he’d been due to take Maya out for dinner. However, Sarah had changed her mind at the last minute, something to do with her work shifts and it being a school night. When he had pointed out that she didn’t give a shit about her school when she took her over to New Jersey for the best part of a month she’d simply called him an asshole and put the phone down. Unable to concentrate on anything he’d gone for a run and returned to the office when it was dark and most of the people had gone, to find there was still no communication waiting for him, to let him know if his plan was going to work.
And then, finally the fax from the Sudanese Tourist Board arrived and he knew he had a great plan. Now, he had to sell it to Ethan and it couldn't wait, despite the ungodly hour…
“Ethan! I have an idea.” Ari said as he climbed the stairs to Ethan’s apartment, backpack over his shoulder, his arms laden with rolled up maps and papers.
“It’s four o'clock in the morning.” Ethan said exasperatedly.
“It's a really good idea.” Ari assured him as he continued up the stairs. Ethan simply stood back as he entered his apartment “Do you always sleep in a silk robe?” Ari asked, turning to look at him before he headed into the living room. Ethan paused for a moment before he followed him in, shutting the door behind him.
Ethan listened patiently as he explained his plan, and for the most part simply nodded. When Ari finished, Ethan leaned back and smiled softly at him, his fingers drumming on the map Ari had spread over the table.
“You know what Ari…” Ethan said, a smile on his face “This is so ludicrous…it might just work…but you’ll need a good team.”
Ari smirked and handed Ethan another piece of paper, watching as his boss scanned down the names of the Agents and former Agents he had identified.
“This…” Ethan looked at him, shaking his head “This is not a team, it’s a recipe for disaster!”
“They’re the best of the best…” Ari shrugged.
"But the Navons?” Ethan looked at Ari, shaking his head in disbelief “You mean you want both of them? Seriously after everything that’s-?”
"Oh, no, my bad…” Ari said, cutting him off and reaching over and scribbling something on the paper as Ethan let out a sigh of relief before he looked up, his eyes twinkling as Ethan let out a groan as he spotted the correction Ari had made to the name. “She’s a Horowitz now..."
**** It took them a week to get all the details fleshed out to a point where Ethan was happy to take it to his superiors. Ari would have done it that same morning he had gone knocking on Ethan’s door but his boss had insisted on details and plans…something Ari wasn’t all that bothered by, preferring to work in the spur of the moment. Still, Ethan had insisted that he wouldn’t be able to sell the idea without answering questions, and had lectured him in great detail on the 5Ps, or 6 Ps in this case…
Proper preparation prevents piss poor performance…
He had to admit, however, Ethan had been right. As he began to spell out his ideas and plans to Isaacs, the Mossad Chief, he found himself being able to speak confidently, not just because he had conviction in his idea, but because he never once found himself lacking the ability to explain.
“The majority are coming in from Gondar and Tigray right there…” Ari said, leaning over from his chair to point at the map which was spread out on the desk. “But we can't land our planes anywhere near there.”
“Why?” Isaacs asked, looking at Ari from where he sat in his chair.
“Derg brought in the Russians and Cubans. It's limiting everyone's mobility. The chance of landing a plane without being noticed is non-existent.” Ari explained “The only way to get a substantial number out is by sea.”
“Ethiopia's practically landlocked.” Isaacs said, leaning forward and gesturing at the map.
Ari nodded in agreement, his hand rubbing at his beard before he looked at Ethan who was sat next to him in the other chair. Ethan inclined his eyes at Isaacs, instructing Ari to continue, so he did.
“But Sudan isn't.”
Isaacs paused from looking at the map and then glanced at Ari to Ethan and then back again.
Ari nodded.
Isaacs leaned back. “Something tells me this is going to take a bit longer than a few hours to explain…”
Ethan smiled a little and nodded “You could say that, yes.” “Ok…” Isaacs sighed, reaching for his phone “Let me make a few calls. I need to get my advisors down here…and food.” So that’s what he did. Ari found himself repeating various points again and again to different people as they headed in with various files, paper, pens…and he was getting a little frustrated as the night started to draw in. But he kept calm, taking his lead from Ethan who jumped in whenever he could sense Ari was starting to lose his cool a little, and Ari was thankful for the fact his boss was there.
“How long does it take to get from Sudan to Sinai by boat?” Isaacs asked.
“It takes three days.” Ethan began “You can…” “Just a-- Hold on a sec.” Isaacs said as Ari dropped his hands to his hips, leaning back against the large cupboard he was stood in front of. “Even if this could work, you'd need a team of agents on the ground. A team with international background.” Ethan and Ari exchanged a look, and both nodded at Isaacs as he continued “How are you gonna keep our agents  that long inside an enemy state?”
“This is where it gets really good.” Ethan said, nodding at Ari who pulled an aerial shot out of the pack of files he had brought with him. Ari handed it to Isaacs.
“Red Sea Diving Resort.  It's a hotel built by an Italian company in the early '70s.” Ari explained as he walked back to his leaning post, arms folded. “Fifty kilometres north of Port Sudan. The Italian company abandoned it five years ago.  Now the Sudanese government is looking to lease it, to boost tourism.”
The room fell silent as Isaacs looked at the photo, his expression perplexed which then morphed into surprise. He looked at Ari, how shifted a little uncomfortably, waiting for him to comment on the idea. Instead Isaacs stood up, and moved to his phone.
“Ask the Defence Minister if he can join us.” he said simply, and Ethan glanced at Ari, giving him a smile.
About twenty minutes later, the Defence Minister a Mr Henry Weiss joined them and listened carefully to what they had to say, Ari explaining once again what the outline of his plan was. It took him another hour, and it felt like he had been explaining this all day. Which, in reality, he had.
“Let me get this straight.” Weiss said, sitting on the edge of the desk as Isaacs sat in the chair behind hit, both hands behind his head as he was flanked by various other people from his agency, all of them watching Ari who was sat perched on another unit to Weiss’ right “You want Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, to purchase an abandoned hotel from the Sudanese government.”
“Lease, but yeah.” Ari said, nodding, his hand curling around his chin and mouth in an L-shape.
“Abandoned because?”
“Because the area where it's located is lawless. It's controlled by the Hadandawa.” Ari said, and for the first time he started to feel a little less confident.
“By the who?” Weiss looked at him
“It's a Bedouin tribe.” Ari supplied.
“Translates, The Lion Clan” Tellem, one of the military agents stood around the room supplied “Known for cannibalizing their enemies.”
“No…” Ari quickly began to protest as Isaacs glanced at the military agent who had spoken. “That's...” he took a pause and looked at Ethan who shifted and stared at Ari. And Ari knew why, because he hadn’t told any of this to Ethan. “ No, that's... not anymore.” Ari folded his arms in front of him. “Now it's... human trafficking. -Girls to Jedda, that sort of thing—“
“This... just gets better and better.” Ethan looked at Ari.
“So, your idea, just to reiterate…” Weiss drew the attention back to him “Is to send a group of Jews to a Muslim country, to a place where they might get eaten by Bedouins, to run a fake hotel, in order to rescue a group of black Jews who might or might not survive a 1,000-kilometer walk across the desert, to be smuggled out to sea by Israeli Navy Seals to an Israeli ship.”
“Disguised as a petroleum service vessel, yeah.” Ari said, smiling slightly.  
“That's ridiculous.” Tellem said with a sigh.
There was silence around the room. Ari looked up, and could take no read on anyone’s body language. He locked eyes with Ethan who gave him a sympathetic look and he let out a breath shaking his head.
Back to the drawing board.
“Is NATCOR still operational?” Weiss asked suddenly as Ari stood up.
“Yep” Isaacs replied, his eyes on Ari.
“What's NATCOR?” Ari frowned, hands on his hips.
“It's a shore company in Switzerland we use for large transactions.” Isaacs said simply
“How large?” Ari asked, not sure what this had to do with anything.
“Like leasing a hotel.” Isaacs said.
Well, shit!
With a small smile, one that was more from shock than victory he looked at Ethan who eyed him appraisingly.
“How long do you need?” Weiss asked and looked at Isaacs.
“I can pull the strings in NATCOR in a week or so but I need to know how much we need and when for.” Isaacs said, and once again all attention turned to Ari and Ethan.
“We’ll need a couple of months to pull the team together, get everything organised…leasing agreements that sort of thing…” Ethan said, looking at Ari
“Give me 3 months.” Ari nodded in agreement. “Maximum.”
It turns out that the Sudanese Tourism Board play hard ball. 6 weeks it took. 6 fucking weeks to negotiate a price and a timescale. Originally they’d been willing to lease the Diving Resort from the middle of March until, after agreement of a slightly higher price, they had brought the date forward to January. That was still too far away for Ari’s liking, but as Ethan had reminded him if they missed even one cross on a t or a dot on an I, they were done for.
Finally, at the end of August, they had ironed out every crease they could see, and the confirmation that they had been accepted to hire the abandoned resort came through. A week later, at the start of September, Ari left Tel-Aviv again to start his recruiting spree. First stop, a Pan Am plane with destination Belize.
He was having a coffee and tapping some stray sugar grains on the table surface with his index finger's pad absent-mindedly when his plane was called. His mind went to Maya as he waited in line, boarding pass in hand. He’d spent a lot of time with her over the last week, deliberately, and he knew she understood why he didn’t live with them anymore, but she hadn’t understood why he was going to be going away again. And then, on the last day before he left she had been especially quiet and brooding. Ari had tried to make small conversation with her but had failed and had opted to explain to his daughter why he had to go, as best as he could. She still hadn't reacted as Ari expected and he had to admit defeat. The final blow had come when he had asked Maya about the drawing he was holding of her family, a drawing he was absent from, and she had told her father he wasn't in the picture because he was at work. He hadn’t mentioned it to Sarah, it simply wasn’t worth the hassle.
"You've got to be kidding me" Rachel Reiter said to Ari with a chuckle as she stopped at the end of his row, trolley before her "What are you doing on this flight?" she added impersonating the perfect flight attendant.
"I'd like some tomato juice, please." Ari ordered with a smile.
She served him his tomato juice and sat on the free seat next to him. Ari explained to her he had pulled some strings to find out which flight she would be working. Not that Rachel needed to know. She was perfectly aware of what Ari was capable of and how Mossad worked. Thus, she explained the mission she was on, having scanned the briefcase of a passenger, a PLO accountant.
Ari spent the following five minutes explaining briefly what the mission he was attempting to recruit her for consisted of.
"Ex is in stable asshole condition. Kids are perfect." Rachel told Ari when he asked about her family.
"And you're ok leaving them for an unknown amount of time?" he asked waiting for the confirmation she was in.
"If we don't do something no one will" was what Ari replied Rachel after she asked him to give her a good enough reason to enrol. And that was more than enough, as she smiled and nodded imperceptibly.
"Tell me one last thing." Rachel said standing up and brushing her skirt. "Who's in Belize?"
"Excuse me?" Ari asked with a poker face.
"I know you Ari. I've been running small missions on flights for the past 5 months, they must have told you. And yet you have chosen exactly this one to come talk to me?" she said whispering as she leaned to grab the tray where the now empty glass of tomato juice lay.
"Wait and see Rachel." he said with a broad smile. "I'll be in touch soon."
It was hot, very hot when, a day later Ari sat at a table in a beach bar in Half Moon Caye waiting for Jake to finish his private lesson. Not exactly a diving one.
"What brings the great Ari Levinson all the way to Belize?" Jake Wolf greeted Ari from the door of the decompression tank, wearing nothing more than a dazzling smile.
"I have a unique mission to offer you." Ari told him "But I'm not gonna offer you anything until you cover yourself up" he joked watching as Jake approached him, arms open to give him a hug.
Jake ignored his friend’s request and after brazenly taking a cigarette out of Ari's packet sat on the chair facing him. Ari explained to Jake that he needed someone with expertise and diving skills for a mission related to what in Jake's words was a bloody genocide no one gives a shit about because it's in Africa.
So when Ari told him that his Prime Minister had decided to give a shit, he was convinced he had gained Jake's adventurous spirit and he would be on board.
An hour and some beers later, Ari had explained to Jake the mission in detail and they both had caught up on their lives.
"Be ready to be called in in about a month give or take." Ari told Jake who nodded.
"Why don't you stay a couple of days? Look around you. This is paradise, my friend." Jake said a big grin and open arms pointing at the white sand beach and tropical palm trees.
"I have a flight tomorrow morning." Ari had to refuse his friend’s offer, implying he had still places to be and people to recruit.
"Where to?" Jake asked knowingly.
"Amsterdam." Ari answered before puffing his cigarette. “At least that’s where my next victim was last time I checked…”
Jake just nodded, a faint glimmer of a smile showing, before saying "Then, the night is young. Let's make the most of it before you leave."
"You fucked up my lunch, man" Max Rose told Ari after lowering the gun he was pointing at his former mentor.
A mixture of relief and annoyance crossed Max’s face as he waited for Ari to give an explanation as to why was he sat in his arm chair, in the middle of his rented flat in Amsterdam, reading the fucking newspaper with a stupid grin on his stupid face.
"I have a mission for you." Ari said.
"Of course, you have" Max scoffed before hugging him. "But you're buying me lunch if you want me to listen to you."
And that's what they did. Ari knew if you had to win Max over, it had to be around food. After explaining the mission and what Max’s role would be, Ari had one last question and he had deliberately saved it for last when he knew Max would already be on board.
"Max, I need to know you're fine with all this because I need you to be focused. Are you ready to go back down there after Andy?"
"Absolutely." Max said without hesitating. But Ari could see a glint of sadness in his eyes.
"Good." Ari said sympathetically "Then I guess I'll contact you in a month or so." Ari added before he raised his glass to toast for the mission.
***** 4 days later, just over a week after leaving, Ari was back in Tel-Aviv, having saved the discussion he knew was going to be the hardest until last.
He sat in the waiting room of the Ethan Navon Memorial Clinic, a place in which he hadn’t been for easily over 5 years, and was eventually ushered into the Examination Room where the nurse popped a thermometer under his tongue as he sat on the trolley, waiting.
“How can I help you Mr…Aw, fuck me!” Sammy groaned as he looked at Ari who gave him a cheeky smile “What the fuck?  What the fuck are you doing here?” he turned to his nurse “What the fuck is he doing here?”
“Hey, hey, just... Calm down.” Ari said gently, “I need to talk to you. Five minutes.”
Sammy tossed his file and glasses down on to the small equipment trolley and said something to his Nurse. She nodded, making a hasty exit and as Sammy went to close the door it stopped before he could shut it fully and swung fully open again, Hannah stepping into the room, frowning at her brother.
“Sammy? What's going on? I can hear you shouting all the way over in the other room? What’s the…” she trailed off as Sammy nodded towards Ari, her mouth falling open when she saw him “Fuck me…”
"Hey Hannah, how you doing?” Ari gave her a small smile. “You look great by the way."
And he meant it. Her hair was pulled back into a bun at the nape of her neck and she was dressed in a simple pencil skirt and blouse, her white doctors coat open.
"What do you want Ari?" she asked softly.
“It's a nice clinic you got.” Ari said, taking the thermometer out of his mouth, ”Save a lot of lives here?
“No. But we don't take any lives either.” Hannah shrugged as Ari took a deep breath, steeping his hands together.
“I know how to get 'em out, Sammy.”
Sam scoffed
“I got a plan.  And it's good.” Ari was almost whispering with excitement as he stood up off the bed.
“Yeah, that's...” Sam looked at his sister, laughing sarcastically “That's what you always say, until everything goes to shit.”
“Right, just hear me out. You don't like what I gotta say, I'm going.”  Hannah and Sammy both exchanged a look as Ari began to pull the documents and details out of his rucksack, standing on the other side of the examination bench.
“Ari…” Hannah began as she stepped forwards, but Sam gently touched her arm and he moved towards Ari, shaking his head.
“Ari, Ari…no…”
“What? You don't wanna hear the plan?”  Ari asked gently.
“Stop.” Sam instructed him.
“You don't wanna hear it? You'd rather be here than in the field?” Ari asked, disbelief in his tone as his voice grew louder.
“Shh!” Hannah instructed the pair of them as Sammy began packing the stuff back into Ari’s backpack for him.
“Why?” Ari pressed “You're the best field doctor I know.”
“I used to be.” Sam said gently “Back when I had two good hands.”  
“Hey, both hands tied behind your back, you're still the best.” Ari said honestly. Sam paused and looked at him for a second, before Ari took a deep breath. “I need you on this one….” he looked over Sammy’s shoulder and locked eyes with Hannah “Both of you.”
She frowned a little, her arms unfolding and dropping to her hips as she studied him.
“I can't do it without you.” Ari finished, diverting his attention back to Sam. Hannah watched her brother who paused for a moment, before he turned and walked past her, opening the door. He glanced back at Ari and said, quite forcefully.
Hanna’s gaze dropped to the floor as Ari gave a small sigh “Alright…” and gathered up his belongings “Okay…” She looked up at him as he walked past, and he gave her a pleading look which she met with a passive one of her own as he gave her a sad smile, before he walked out, Sam avoiding his gaze as he did so.
The two siblings stood in silence for a moment before Hannah met Sam’s eyes.
“Oh no…” Sam groaned “Seriously…” “Can it hurt to hear him out?” She asked gently.
“Are you serious? For fucks sake…”Sam groaned. “You are, aren’t you?”
Hannah shrugged. Sam eyed his sister again and then rolled his eyes and his shoulders slumped in defeat.
"Fine we’ll listen...” Sam said loudly, as he walked into the doorway, leaning out of it as Ari stopped and turned to face him “But only out of curiosity…because I'm still gonna say no.”  
Both siblings ushered Ari to Sam's office, Hannah leading the way. She opened the door to let both men in.
Ari could smell a familiar scent of vanilla when he walked past Hannah into the room and couldn't help but smile softly at her but she was staring at her feet and didn't notice. He tried to make eye contact with her as she helped Sammy to clear the small round table at the right far corner of the office, but to no avail. He could only catch a glimpse of her long eyelashes where the locks that had fallen off her bun allowed him to.
It was only when Sam asked him to do what he had to do that she raised her head from the table and her big blue eyes looked directly at his, stopping there for a couple of seconds.  A couple of seconds which Ari hoped had been enough to convey the message he wanted her to get. One second; I'm sorry. Another one; help me out in this.
A couple of seconds later her gaze went to the back pack that hanged from his left shoulder. Battered, colour faded by uncountable missions and frayed at the seams.
"Ever thought of changing that? It could use a bit of a wash?" Hannah asked, her head nodding towards the back pack as she crossed her arms over her chest.
He looked at it confused and when he returned his eyes to Hannah saw she was smiling.
"It's been with me through thick and thin. Couldn't get rid of it at this point." Ari replied returning the smile and placing the back pack on the table.
"All right, let's get this over with." Sammy urged Ari while he took a lot of documents, photographs and maps out.
Sam wasn't willing to spend any more second on pleasantries. He knew if he gave Ari the chance, he was bound to dive head first into whatever crazy plan he had come up with this time and the quicker he did that, the quicker he could tell him to piss off.
Thus, Ari spread the documents out and for the following 45 minutes he talked Sam and Hannah through his plan for the mission. He had been more thorough with details and careful with sensitive information as he knew Sam would be a harder nut to crack than Rachel, Jake or Max. Especially if he wanted Hannah in.
Both siblings remained silent during the explanation. Sharing a glance from time to time, but Ari was too excited and focused on trying to explain his plan well to read too much into it. When he finished he put his hands on his hips, blew a strand of hair that had fallen over his forehead and grinned with satisfaction, looking at them expectantly
Sammy, who had his arms crossed, moved a hand to his face rubbing his jaw and his eyes flicked a moment from the documents on the table to his sister. Hannah wasn’t looking at her brother, however, her attention was solely on the information Ari had set out.
"Is that a brochure for the hotel?" she asked as she took a brightly coloured and glossy document which was folded in the middle.
"Yup." he said popping the p.
"You've really given this plenty of thought." she said admiring the brochure as well as the rest of maps and planning documents scattered over the table.
"I have." Ari replied, his eyes pleading with her.
"So, just to be clear, you want us all to play house while smuggling refugees in and then out of fucking Sudan." Sam snorted.
"Basically, yes. And you sound like one of Isaacs' dogs." Ari protested.
Sam was about to bite back when Hannah grabbed his arm to cool him down.
"I think it's a brilliant plan." she said looking from Sam to Ari.
"Yeah, now he's the man with a plan." Sam scoffed and turned to look at her sister "And I don't care what you think, you're not going."
"Are you listening to yourself, Sam?" she said visibly annoyed at her brother’s overprotectiveness "You don't get to say what I am or am not doing. You hear me?"
Ari lowered his head and smiled at Hannah's outburst. She had always been an independent and opinionated girl and that had caught his attention right from the start. And she had turned into the determined and strong-willed gorgeous woman that stood there right in front of him, telling her older brother to basically fuck off. Ari couldn’t help but think how different she was from Sarah, who had become so clingy and demanding over the last few years.
"How do you even plan on getting all this up and running?" Sam asked Ari ignoring his sister.
"I said I’d have the details ironed out and a team assembled in 3 months and that was eight and a half weeks ago now, give or take” he said, looking at Sam then to Hannah “ I've got another three or so weeks to come up with covers for everyone and hand them out for memorizing. If everything goes to plan then we should be ready to deploy in January.”
Sam sighed and looked up at his sister who was busy studying the map, her sharp eyes roving over the details. Ari watched her for a second as she bit her lip before he looked back at Sam.
"I need you in this Sammy. I can't do it without you." he pleaded. Sam gave him a look, before he turned away shaking his head, clearly lost in his conflicting thoughts. Ari then switched his attention to Hannah. "And I need you too, Firefly.” At the use of his nickname for her she looked up, her eyes locking onto Ari’s a faint smile playing on her face as he held her gaze” I know I'm in no position to ask you to come with me. Not after what happened to Andy. But I really need a female doctor to take care of those refugee women."
Hannah visibly faltered at the mention of Andy. She hadn’t expected to hear his name, least of all from Ari's lips. He was really bringing the big guns out. But then again, persuasion tactics aside, it was a good plan and he was right about needing a woman to help out. Sammy had told her what had happened to that woman that had let herself drown on his last mission after they had found her bloodied and bruised by a tree after a vicious rape. It was common for women to be abused like that by the local authorities who persecuted them, and if there was something she could do to help, then Hannah already knew deep down that wouldn't be sitting the mission out. Andy wouldn't have done either and she was willing to bet Sam was already considering taking up Ari's offer. That fucking handsome bastard always got what he wanted. She would know.
"Which dumbasses have you got to agree to it so far?" Sammy asked, moving the discussion swiftly on. He had spotted his sister’s reaction to the mention of her late husband. She’d visibly wavered and Sammy had seen her right hand go straight to her necklace, where she wore her engagement ring and wedding band, an action she always undertook when she was nervous or the memory of Andy hit her. And it hadn’t gone unnoticed by Ari either.
"Jake Wolf, who you know from a few missions, Max and Rachel..." Ari offered, turning to Sam.
"Max?" Hannah asked still fiddling with her necklace, but a look of surprise now on her face “Max agreed?”
Ari nodded smiling at her. He knew she would be in when she heard the name of her best friend. That was the reason he hadn't mentioned the names of the rest of the team along with the explanation and ensuing conversation. It was an ace up his sleeve he hadn’t wanted to play until necessary. And Sammy, good old Sammy, had provided him with the opportunity on a silver plate. A simple list of names, strategically ordered, and the match point was his.
Hannah looked at her brother and gave him a smile, inclining her head slightly, an action Ari knew all too well to be her conceding her agreement. He managed to resist the urge to punch the air in victory, but didn’t fight the smirk that slid across his face as he turned to Sam and asked.
"Are you dumbass enough to jump in?"
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curiousorigins · 3 years
So I’ve been low key invisible on Social Media for like a long time.
Which I have mostly enjoyed.
I mean there’s the problem where I’m self-employed, and don’t have money for advertising where it’s not great because no one sees my products/services. Thus I have no customers mostly. And you know, that makes bills difficult... but whatever. I’m a watercolor illustrator... just FYI.
But I’m not being attacked for sharing my opinions 24/7 or being shamed because I can’t share everything terrible thing happening... etc.
I mean I did briefly get attacked by a hate brigade for a 10 word comment on gender equality on a popular hashtag for like 2 weeks, but eventually they realized I was small potatoes... plus I blocked and reported everyone deserving. And I just didn’t post for 2-3 years on that site and got my obscurity back. (In fact probably too effectively. 😂)
I logged in, and saw for the first time I had like 50+ notifications and stuff. And I just felt like this intense feeling of panic.
Like, what stupid insomnia induced thing did I say that was completely taken out of context? And is now... on the verge of viral. (And certainly about as viral as I’ve ever been.)
On tumblr only well-loved mutuals seem to see my posts and share them... like in sporadic 1-2 likes/reboots... which is awesome. Enjoy you all. That’s why we’re mutuals. I usually get a max of like 5 a day.
And yeah, it was a new person who obviously shares some views with me who just scrolled, liked and reposted to their heart’s content. Which is awesome. The sense of relief is amazing.
But now, I’m also realizing that I’ve definitely caused those kind of feelings probably in people with similar viral fears.
And I’ve kind of realized that my inability to keep to a posting schedule and like, needing to take long breaks from social media and hesitance to share stuff... is fueled, at least partly by sheer fear.
And I could go into why I have very justified reasons for worrying about “going viral” (Not because I’m the cat’s pajamas, the bee’s knees or anything else that implies I might be conceited.) Like, danger and what not. But I won’t go into specifics because this personal rant feels long and I already feel too exposed... even though I feel like I gotta share this.
I don’t know if I can ever move past that fear, and being an artist/writer where like popularity and like knowledge of your work matters... that sucks.
Like I’m low-key worried that this exposure of some deep-seated fear of becoming known... viral, which I knew about, but hadn’t realized how bad, means that I should just throw in the art thing and the writing thing. If I’m ever successful enough to pay my bills, and like exist... with it... I’ll probably have a good amount of attention on me. More than I want or can conceivably withstand.
And I don’t actually know what this means in the larger context or my career and life... because this is the only thing that I’ve really pursued.
I mean, I just realized that my third most passion, I’ve essentially aged out of that career path. Or at least aged out of being employed by the employer of like 90% of that niche field. Which sucks. I would have been good at it.
It would take like 7 years if I could start formally studying for it, today, and I can’t. Don’t have the money and no options for borrowing it.
It doesn’t feel good right now. It feels over. Right now it feels like I’m staring down like 30+ more years of unhappiness, and being unfulfilled and struggling and financial instability. Regardless of the choicesI make. Like a hair’s breadth away from chronic and permanent homelessness in the future. Because I’m leaning on loved ones right now... housing wise. And I know eventually I won’t be able to.
And instead of that normal freeing feeling that a catch-22 like this gives me in my heart of hearts usually.... because if you’re screwed either choice you make... you don’t even really have to weigh it. You can do whatever and it won’t matter.
I feel worse. Like there’s less options instead of opening up the options.
I mean, I’m sure that I’ll get over it at some point. Probably. But I can’t see the path to that yet. And that just sucks. In 2019, I was thinking that I had less than 5 years before I’d reach like, comfortable. Everything was getting better. I was feeling on the edge of critical success.
I just wish that it was still cool to be that eccentric known recluse who just like make things and their life is shrouded in mystery until they kick it. But still could pay their bills somehow and lived fairly comfortably in the meantime.
And people like launch almost like an archeological study of what they left behind. Hell, I’d be an amazing example of it.
Interviewing most of my loved ones post-death would just like uncover like a lot of conflicting ideas of who I might have been. What was the important thing to me.
Even though I’m 1000% against the art market and this elitist art and culture that only can reach a small privileged class of people. And truthfully, I don’t want my art to be worth real money when I’m dead, like I would like those who purchased it to still love it. To carry whatever meaning or spark pushed them, to get it. And I would love if it got passed down to their loved ones... because it reminds them of their favorite aunt or grandma or something.
But I don’t want to be fucking collectible. Where people are tracking down my later pieces, not out of curiosity or desire to see more of my work... or fond memories...but because they can sell it for more. Because their collection with be worth more if it tours in museums. I would absolutely hate if Post-death my art made the news over some auction. I’d rather have what’s left burned and gone than that. Fuck that legacy bull.
I want to live on in the minds of people who knew me and just fade to obscurity. Gone with the sands of time... not fodder for people to analyze and bend the intent of my work for their greedy capitalist and controlling people ideals. Not propaganda to sell a lie or like morality or idealized. The pictures can stay. As long as the paper holds. Until it rots. In people’s basements and attics and like in grandma’s house... something that just makes them smile about things and people they love and that’s it. It’s gone. All record of me is gone. A footnote in history maybe, a tiny reference to unnamed artist’s work that is enblematic of such and such period of art movement. The true death of the author. Details lost to time. A grainy out of focus picture is all that’s left. Nothing to encourage people to go digging up corpses or like harass any living members of my loved ones.
So yeah, that’s where my head is at.
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whiskynottea · 5 years
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An Interruption in the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27,  Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35,  Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44,  Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51 Chapter 52, Chapter 53, Chapter 54, Chapter 55, Chapter 56, Chapter 57, Chapter 58, Chapter 59
(long) A/N: This story was born as a result of my procrastination. I wrote the first chapter instead of working on the paper for my PhD, an evening I was alone in the lab. I couldn’t resist, because I could see Jamie right there in front of me, teasing Claire in the class. Now, a year and a half later, I have finished writing my paper and my PhD thesis, got my PhD and I prepare for the next stage of my life. I guess what I want to say is… It has been a journey. 
I posted the first chapter as a one-shot and your feedback made me go on. Back then I knew the beginning and the end of this story and thought it would be about 20 chapters long. Well, these two kids had other plans. They had so much to do in between, to live together, that the story kept becoming longer and longer. And I loved it. I loved writing them. I really, really did.
When I was a few chapters in, I posted something about English not being my native language (as if that wasn’t obvious -- I had just started writing in English). The amazing @theministerskat saw that post and sent me a dm offering to beta Thermo. She was the first person I talked to on Tumblr and has stayed with me since then, correcting approximately 124,472,539 wrong prepositions in the process. Kat, I hope you haven’t regretted that dm. I can’t thank you enough. Love you.
So, here we are. The last chapter! Thank you all for the love you have shown to this story. Thank you for your reblogs, comments and likes. Thank you for your messages. Thank you for being a part of this journey! You’re amazing.
                                – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Chapter 60. An Interruption in the 1st Law of Thermodynamics
A little Christmas bubble in Oxford before the end of the term, created for the students to celebrate the holiday together. Even if it had to be a month early. 
Music, colourful Christmas markets, trees going up on the streets -- even at the centre of the old Bodleian court. I could never have imagined the Bodleian court looking more beautiful, but apparently, everything looks better with a Christmas tree.
My legs were hurting from the midnight ice-skating Malva, Mary, and Maisri had dragged me to. The three M’s of my Catastrophe, as I called them. But it was fun. A lot of fun. So much fun that I had forgotten myself for a while and laughed with all my heart.
Then I’d remembered that I would never tell him how great midnight ice-skating with friends was. 
Him. Sometimes it was difficult even to think of his name, let alone say it.
But life was going on and I was still at Oxford, with friends and our magical Christmas campus. Thinking about how terrible the holiday would be back at home, I decided that I owed it to myself to have a little bit of fun here.
I didn’t want to think about the end of the term. I was supposed to go to the US and then to Lallybroch with Jamie. Lamb wouldn't be in Edinburgh, because when I announced my initial plans he’d decided that he wouldn’t fly back. He was at a critical point in his research, he’d said. 
Back then, it was fine. Lamb was happy and he’d eased my guilt for leaving him alone in a single phone call. 
It was the reason I still hadn't told Lamb about Jamie. I didn’t want him to come back because his little niece couldn’t handle a break-up. And now, once the term was over, I would spend a month in Edinburgh alone, most probably studying for the next term. The ideal Christmas break. Just awesome.
“You’re still in your pyjamas?” Malva’s eyebrows shot up the moment she entered my dorm room. 
“Yes?” I asked confused, as I watched her walking towards me, shaking her head.
“Today is the event at Bodleian’s Old Schools Quad, remember? The one with the projections of maps on the buildings? You said you wanted to go!” 
I had said that, but then I forgot about it. It would be amazing, seeing the maps from the Bodleian Library collection projected onto the library’s historic buildings. I shot Malva an apologetic glance and got out of bed. “Give me ten minutes?” I implored, and headed towards my closet. 
“We’ll wait for you outside,” she said, before I heard the door click shut. 
I wore my favourite pair of jeans and a soft, warm sweater. Boots. A woollen scarf and a beanie, that meant I didn’t have to put any effort into taming my unruly curls. In less than ten minutes, I joined Malva and Mary who were giggling at something next to the front door. 
“What?” I asked, walking towards the entrance. 
“Well, our little shy daisy here has something to tell you, Claire.”
My eyes shot from Malva’s teasing smile to Mary’s blushing cheeks. “Oh my God! What?”
“It’s nothing!” Mary exclaimed, much louder than normal. Startling herself with her raised voice, her next words came out in a whisper. “It’s nothing, nothing. I’ve only met him once.”
“Him? Who?” I inquired with a grin on my face.
“Alex,” Malva replied instead of Mary, batting her eyelashes and faking a swoon.
“Who is Alex, Mary?”
“This guy,” Mary murmured. “I dropped my scarf last night and he picked it up and gave it back to me. He was so kind, and he smiled…”
“And?” I pushed her, but Mary had hardly heard me, lost in her reverie. 
“We were walking in the same direction,” she continued, her voice dreamy. “And we talked, and I don’t know how, but I didn’t stutter at all. He had the most beautiful eyes, and he’s a fresher too.”
“Which college?” Malva asked, chewing her lip. “We should pay him a visit!”
“Nnn-o, no, no.” Mary faltered. “And I don’t know that, anyway. An older guy materialized next to us all of a sudden and told him they had to go. Alex looked at me and said --”
“Till next time,” Malva spoke, imitating a man’s low voice.
“Yes, but not like that, you know,” Mary corrected, smiling and blushing even more. “But he doesn’t have my number and I-- I don’t know how…”
“Come on.” I linked her elbow with mine. “He might be there tonight.”
I was sure Mary hadn’t seen a single projection all night, her eyes scanning the crowd for him, for Alex. It was sweet and honest, and it made my heart hurt. So I focused my attention on the lights dancing on the hundred year old walls. The old and the new, in perfect conjunction. With my eyes on the Old School Quad buildings, I didn’t notice another him until he was standing right next to me. 
“That interested in maps, are you?” Robert’s French accent stood out from the British ones around us. I hadn’t seen him since that night at the bar, three days before. We had agreed to go out for drinks again, the way people always do when they say goodbye because they feel like they have to. He had my number and I had his from when we were back in Zambia, but, as expected, neither of us had called.
“It’s enchanting, isn’t it?” I asked in a light voice as I moved my eyes over another projection. 
He made a low, affirmative sound, but when I turned my head towards him, he was already looking at me again. “So, how do you find your first Oxmas?”
Robert shrugged. “It’s weird, isn’t it? The term hasn’t finished and I still have to work on an essay for the 26th, but everyone is so cheery. And you know, the trees, the lights…”
“They create a totally different atmosphere,” I finished his thought. “It will be weird when it’s over, going back to the pre-Christmas mood.”
“Definitely,” he agreed. “But I like it.”
“Well, celebrating Christmas twice can’t be bad.”
His eyes changed for a moment, and his mouth became a hard line. Before I had the chance to say something, he smiled. 
“Christmas is not my favourite time of the year,” he explained softly.
I was ready to ask how that could be, but I stopped myself in time. His mother. Maybe Christmas brought back memories of family traditions, and his mother was an inextricable part of this time for him. As Ellen had been for Jamie. I wondered whether not having so many memories from my parents was beneficial from time to time. But then, I would give my soul for a few more moments with them.
I took a step towards Robert and squeezed his arm in solidarity. Neither of us spoke, but we didn’t need to.
At some point, Malva disappeared and a bit later I felt someone pinching my arm.
“Ouch!” I turned to look at Mary. “What?” She was blushing again, and when I looked next to her, I saw a skinny guy with brown hair and the sweetest smile who was blushing too. 
“I didn’t find him, but he found me,” Mary whispered to me, her eyes shining with happiness. “Do you mind if we leave?”
I bit my lip to stop the smile from growing wider on my face. “No, of course not. Good luck!” I watched them until they disappeared into the crowd. 
I spent the rest of the night standing next to Robert, admiring the projections, enjoying the comfortable silence between us, and letting the colours of light sneak into my heart. 
“So, what’s the plan now?” he asked once the event was over. He looked around, searching for something. Or someone. “It seems that my friends ditched me,” he observed a moment later.
I snorted. “Yeah, mine too. Not big fans of maps, it seems.”
“Booze sounds better,” he commented. 
“Does it?” I wondered. 
“Oui. Join me for a pint?” Robert winked at me, then looked nonchalantly at the people leaving the library.
“You know that once I take the beanie off, a jungle of curls will be waiting underneath it?” I half-joked, half-prepared him for what he would see.
Robert laughed, then looked at my beanie as if I was hiding a little monster underneath it.
“You’re right,” he grimaced after a long moment of examination. “We better just walk around.”
His grimace became sincere when he felt my blow to his arm. “You’re an arse,” I added, for good measure.
“I think I’ve heard that one before,” he laughed, rubbing his arm. “That hurt,” he grumbled. “You’re paying for the drinks.”
“Fine! But no hair jokes for the rest of the night!”
“Deal!” he said, tugging on a curl, stretching it out and watching it spring back.
We went to a crowded pub, sat at the only available table in a corner, but Robert didn’t let me pay for the drinks. We talked about life in Oxford, the medical school and his courses on economics, and I tried hard to keep Jamie out of my mind, not to break down just because Robert had some common classes with him. Robert talked about his father’s business in France, and listened to my stories from my travels with Lamb. When we left, he announced that he would walk me back to my dorm, because it was late and he was a gentleman. Ignoring my snort at his description of himself, we started walking towards the dorms of Lady Margaret’s Hall. 
It was much quieter now that the events were over, but students were still walking around, laughing, flirting, and giggling. The night was beautiful, and a few stars hung in the clear sky. I took a deep breath and tried to empty my head from all thoughts of my heartbreak. I had fun tonight, and I was allowed to. I was entitled to it.
When we arrived at my dorm, I turned to say goodnight only to find Robert’s face a few inches away from mine. My heart stopped when I felt his hot breath and smelled the peppermint in it, from drops he’d bought from a stall at the Christmas market. I held my breath in turn, knowing that it smelled exactly the same. I had eaten half his peppermint drops on our way back to my dorm.
I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. Before I had time to think, Robert tilted his head closer to me, and the next moment he brushed his lips against mine. It was gentle. A start. An invitation for more.
And I freaked out.
I took a hurried step back, raising a hand to my lips and looking at him through wide eyes.
Robert frowned at me, then took a step back, too. “You’re single, aren’t you?” he implored, perplexed.
“How?” I asked, not wanting to affirm his notion.
“How did I know?”
I nodded.
“You haven’t mentioned him once tonight or the other night at the bar, you’re not constantly on your phone texting him and you didn’t send him a picture from the event. Even though you loved it. It wasn’t so hard to figure out,” he concluded and shrugged, his gaze falling on my lips again.
“I guess I’m quite easy to read,” I murmured and heard him chuckle. 
“I like that.”
I nodded again, not knowing what to say. The truth. I had to tell him the truth. I was never good at lies, anyway. 
“Robert,” I started and his green eyes locked with mine. He was one of those people who didn’t even have to try to look good. Robert was the definition of a handsome man. But that didn’t matter at all. I took a deep breath and continued. “You’re not wrong. Jamie and I, we…” I swallowed, cursing myself for stumbling. “We broke up. But I’m not ready, and I don’t want to move on before I am. It wouldn’t be fair, to either of us.” 
Robert nodded and raised his chin, in defeat or acceptance I wasn’t sure, but kept his eyes low on the ground. “I understand.”
“I’m sorry,” I mumbled, wanting him to look at me again. “I’m still in love with him.”
At that comment, Robert looked at me and gave me a wistful smile. He took a step towards me again and placed a warm, gentle hand on my cheek. His thumb caressed my cheekbone as he murmured something in French, so low that I wasn’t able to catch it. “You’re a good one, Claire,” he said, at last. 
“I don’t know about that,” I disagreed. 
“I do,” he insisted, then took a step back and turned to leave. I stayed rooted in place. He had only taken two steps away before he turned back again, grinned at me, and said, “See you around, Miss Bennet.”
As I walked up to my room, I wondered whether he was a good one. If I had made a huge mistake by stopping him, by not kissing him back. He was beautiful, smart and witty, even if he was a little bit more cocky and authoritative than I would like. 
And yet, kissing him now didn’t feel right.
Robert had a wonderful French accent, and all I wanted to hear was Jamie’s heavy Scottish one.
I fell onto my bed, hating Jamie for ruining my Oxmas, my chances for a future, my life. Hating myself for loving him so much.
Mary came back from her date after midnight. Alex had kissed her and her exhilaration permeated the thick layer of unhappiness that surrounded me. I was happy for her. I was glad she had found someone who was so like her, who could understand her, and care for her. Who didn’t mind if she was shy or stuttered, and saw the lovely person she was.
By the time Mary fell asleep, I couldn’t find it in me to be upset anymore. But I couldn’t force myself to be happy either. I slipped into my semi-depressed state with ease, and when I realized sleep wasn’t a choice anymore, I put on my thickest winter coat and headed out to the gardens. 
I don’t know how long I sat by the river, crying, while trying to stop my stupid heart from suffocating me. At last, I lay down on the cold grass, closed my eyes and wondered what kind of an idiot I would be if I ended up with pneumonia. Maybe that would be enough of a shock to delete Jamie from my mind. 
I woke up with the dawn overtaking the night sky and a hand holding mine. My heart began beating faster and faster, and I closed my eyes again, trying to figure out what to do. This wasn’t a woman’s hand. It wasn’t Mary’s, or Malva’s. It was a big, warm, male hand that seemed strangely familiar. But who was I to be sure about the familiarity of hands? I resolved to leap to my feet, take a look at the person lying beside me, and if I didn’t know him, run back to my dorm as fast as I could. 
But then he spoke. And his voice was a balm that soothed reality away.
“If I lay here, if I just lay here, will you lie with me and just forget the world?”
My heart stopped and I felt my eyes grow abnormally wide as I opened them again. I tried to breathe, but I couldn’t. I tried to react, to turn and look at him, but I was afraid that he was just a dream and the moment I turned he would dissolve into thin air. He had spoken to me in my dreams before. He had never been there when I had woken up.
“But you’ve never touched me,” I croaked with effort. 
“What?” His whisper was barely audible. Tentative.
“You’ve never touched me in my dreams before.”
A chuckle. “Yeah, bummer.” His voice quivered and a shiver ran down my spine. “I couldn’t touch you in my dreams either, Sassenach, and I decided to do something about it.”
My whole body tensed.
The gall of him.
I sat up so quickly the world tilted on its axis for a few seconds. When I found my bearings again, I slowly turned to look at him.
God, he was beautiful. Those red curls, the bright blue eyes, the wide mouth. I suddenly realized why I couldn’t kiss Robert. His soft brown locks, his shining green eyes, his full lips -- they were all wrong. Perfect, but wrong. 
A small smile curled Jamie’s lips and I realized he was drinking me in too. 
And then it hit me. The hurt, the desperation, the anger. 
“What are you doing here.” It wasn’t a question. It was an interrogation. I set my jaw, resolute to be rigid, determined not to cry. 
“I had to see you,” he said in a low voice and moved to take my hand. I snatched it away from him.
“Why? Are you trying to establish a new tradition? Do we have to see each other once a month now that we’re not together?”
“Twenty-six days,” he countered. 
“What?” I asked incredulously.
“It’s been twenty-six days since that night.”
That night. I knew exactly how many days it had been. A part of me had died over the course of each one of those days. I kept my hard gaze on Jamie for a long moment, then stood up. “Well, you saw me. Now, goodbye, Jamie.”
“Claire!” he yelled, alarmed, as he sprang up and rushed to me. “Wait.” He towered over me and grabbed my arm, afraid I would leave if he didn’t have a proper hold on me. I didn’t know if he was wrong about that. I wanted to get away, far away from him. Even looking at him hurt. “Please, Sassenach.”
“What do you want?” Ice infused my tone. 
“I need to talk to you.”
I didn’t want to listen to him, and yet, I wished for him to tell me everything. I wanted to know his heart, his thoughts. I needed answers, so many answers, but just looking at him and knowing he had decided he didn’t want to be mine was stealing my breath. He was here, but he wasn’t my Jamie anymore. 
I took a step to leave and heard him gasp, as if I had shot him. I froze in place, balling my hands into fists. 
I was fighting with myself, struggling to find what I wanted, and how much more pain I could handle. I closed my eyes, trying to set my feelings in order before they could choke me.
I felt like I was four again, standing in the aisle with the chocolate bars at the grocery store and trying to choose one. It was one of the few memories I had with my dad, shopping together. I will never forget how I had stared and stared at the chocolates, licking my lips as if I were imagining their taste on my tongue, trying to decide which one I should put in our cart. And then, surprising myself, I had suddenly started crying. Soon my silent tears turned into wailing, bringing my dad’s attention back to me. 
“What's wrong, Claire?” he had asked, eyebrows scrunched in a frown. 
But I couldn't answer his question. I hadn’t known what was wrong. I only knew that I wanted to do what he had asked and choose only one chocolate, but I also wanted to buy all of them. And I felt tired, too tired to decide. I only wanted my mum, because mum would know which chocolate was the best. So I kept crying, and crying, until my breath came in gasps, and my dad's face was blurry in front of me. 
He had held my shoulders and pulled me into a hug, then, his big hand drawing circles on my back to soothe me.
“In here,” he had said afterwards, tapping lightly on my chest, “Snuggle our feelings. And they are so many, sweetheart, that sometimes they don't talk to each other and try to get out of our chest all at once. And we start crying, because we are confused and we don't know how to feel. I want you to take a deep breath, stop crying, and tell me what's wrong.”
And with my father squatting in front of me, his hands tucking errand curls behind my ears, I had told him that I didn't know what I wanted.
I felt the same now, only that I was not four anymore, and I couldn’t throw a fit. Jamie was here, standing in front of me, looking me through pleading eyes, and he was all the chocolates. And yet, I couldn't have him. I couldn't trust him, not anymore, but I didn't want to leave either. I couldn't. 
So I inhaled. Exhaled. In and out, again and again, following my dad’s advice. My coat was soaked from lying on the grass for so many hours, and my hands felt like ice cubes. And I decided to listen to him.
“Let’s go find a bench. My arse is freezing.”
I started walking and heard him falling in step behind me, undoing the zipper of his insulated jacket. “Here,” he offered, catching up with me in two wide strides. 
“I’m fine, thank you,” I dismissed him, keeping my chin high.
“Please, Sassenach.”
“Don’t call me that!” I hissed, breathing hard. He had decided that I was not his Sassenach before he made that video call. I was plain Claire to him now, and he had better deal with it.
“Please, Claire,” he repeated, rectifying his slip.
I took his jacket begrudgingly and wore it. It was dry and warm, and it smelled like him. 
Two minutes later we were sitting on a bench, watching the sky changing from a deep blue to a lighter one. It was beautiful. This would be one of my favourite moments with him if his surprise had happened a month ago. Now, however, I could feel the bitter taste of these twenty-six days in my throat every time I swallowed.
“I’ll hear you.”
“Can I hold yer hands, please?”
“No.” My voice was colder than my hands as I shoved them into his jacket pockets.
Jamie took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair. It was such a simple gesture and so him, that I felt my heart clench inside my chest. “I miss ye, Claire,” he whispered. “Every moment, every day.”
I resolved not to talk until he was done, and to keep any tears at bay. I would not cry. I would not.
“I miss ye when I wake up and I don’t find yer text on my phone. I miss ye when the guys do something funny and I can’t text you to laugh with you about it. I miss ye when I finish training and I can’t call ye to see how ye’re doing. I miss ye when I go back to the dorm and canna talk to ye about my day. I wake up every day, knowing that no matter what happens I willna be happy, Claire... I canna think of myself without ye.”
Fuck my resolution. I had to speak. 
“You didn’t seem to have any problem with that, twenty-six days ago,” I deadpanned. 
“I was a fool.” Jamie’s voice trembled. “I thought… I thought breaking up would be hard, but we’d get over it and then everything would be easier for both of us. I could see ye struggling here, and I couldna even hug you when ye needed me, when ye were tired from long hours in the library. Ye couldna come to my races or be there to calm me down when I was stressed. Another guy in the team broke up with his girlfriend who lived in another State and he got over it, eventually. And we arena in different States, Claire. We live on different continents,” he explained as if that detail had eluded me. “I felt torn all the time, between ye and my life in the US. I ken that I was the one who changed our plans, I was the one who went to Michigan--”
“I never said anything about our plans. I never complained, and I supported your decision from the very first moment. I was the one who told you to go. That is not why we broke up. We broke up because you stopped believing in us. Because you wanted somebody who would be closer to you.”
“No!” he protested, his gaze bore into mine with insistence and flame. “No, not somebody. Not anybody. I wanted ye to be close to me, and I thought that if we were in a long-distance relationship for years the pain of not seeing each other would become too much, until we couldna take it anymore. Or what we had would become less. I thought that we would gradually fall apart, and I didna want that. I thought that we didna have any other option, Sassenach. Every time that ye missed one of my calls, or I missed yers, I became more sure of it. Then I thought…” he trailed off.
“What? What else did you think, Jamie?” I prompted, impatient. He was a mess but I didn’t feel merciful in that moment to go soft on him. Not after everything I had been through.
“I thought if we were destined to be together, maybe we would find each other again once ended up in the same country. But now I know, Claire. I dinna want to find ye again after how ever many years, and realize that ye don’t want to be mine anymore. That there is a big part of yer life that I know nothing about. I dinna want to miss yer first day in the OR, or yer graduation. I dinna want to miss yer smiles after yer tutorials, even if I can only see them through a screen. I dinna ken what I was thinking when I believed I could do it without you, but I can’t. I can’t and I don’t want to be without you.”
I huffed, partly because I didn’t want to let his words have an impact on me. “Twenty-six days. Took you long enough.”
“I tried, at first. I tried to go on, to tuck you into a corner of my heart and keep living. But I couldn’t, Sassenach, because all of my heart was yers. I could have come to find you after those first few days. And maybe I should have, but I didna, because I wanted to be sure. But no matter how hard I tried, living without ye didna become easier. It became harder. I kent how I was with ye, and now I ken how it is to live without ye. It sucks, Claire. I’m miserable without ye. All I could think of this past month--”
“Twenty-six days,” I interrupted him.
He smiled, shaking his head. “I love ye. A Dhia, I love ye so much it hurts. Twenty-six days. All I could think of was ye, Sassenach. How I wanted to share everything with ye. How I needed to ken where ye are, what ye’re doing, and how ye feel. I missed ye with every breath I took. And now I ken that I canna go on without ye.”
I’d resolved not to cry, but treacherous tears were rolling down my cheeks without asking for my permission. 
“And how do I know that you won’t change your mind again? How can I trust you again, Jamie?” My question found its target in his heart, and I saw his sharp intake of breath from the impact. “You broke my heart,” I whispered, as an explanation. “You broke me.”
He looked down for a moment, but quickly locked his eyes on mine again. “I fucked up. I know I did. Forgive, mo nighean donn. Forgive me, please.” He paused for a moment, and extended his hand between us, palm facing up. He didn’t remove it when I didn’t move to take it, and he continued. “All I’m asking for is another chance. One chance, Sassenach. If ye’re not ready, if ye need time, I can wait. I will wait for as long as it takes.”
I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t think time would change how I felt. I loved him, I knew I did. But he had given up on us, yielding to his fears. He didn’t believe we would make it through all the years of our separation. He had chosen a life without me and broke me in the process.
Well, and he regretted it. It was clear that he did. I could see it as much in the pain in his eyes as I could hear it in his voice when he spoke. 
I watched Jamie’s chest rising and falling with every breath he took while he waited for me to say something. His hair was a mess from all the times he had run his hand through it. I wanted to fix it, and then run my fingers over his cheekbones, over the curve of his lips. And yet, I was frozen in my place. Not even to take his hand that lay on the bench between us.
“How can we ever be the same again?” I asked, unsure. I started caving in, and I didn’t know how to feel about it.
“I dinna want us to be the same. D’ye remember the first time I talked to ye?” he asked with a timid smile. “In Mrs. Fitz’s class, ye were keeping notes on the first law of thermodynamics.”
I didn’t know where he was going with that, but I stayed silent and let him go on.
“The conservation of energy. Nothing is lost, Sassenach; only changed. And I don’t care if we change, as long as we change together. This… Me without ye… It was an interruption in the first law of thermodynamics. Because I was lost. And that’s against the laws of physics.”
I laughed. This was ridiculous. Jamie blushed, and then laughed with me.
“I ken what I want now, Claire. I want ye. I want us. And I will fight for us, if ye let me, because what we had -- what we have -- it’s true. It’s truer than anything I will ever get. It’s more than I could ever ask for.”
I kept my eyes on the river, the grass, the sky. I felt my heart beating faster in response to his words, as if each time he spoke he glued another of its broken parts back in place.
“All I’m asking for, is a chance,” Jamie implored. “A chance to prove myself to ye, mo ghraidh.” 
“A chance,” I murmured, trying to sort the tangle of emotions in my chest.
He came closer, now brave enough to take my hands out of my pockets and wrap them in his. “I know ye and ye know me. Ye’re the only person in the world that really knows me. Ye’re my heart and my soul Claire, and I canna leave without them, can I?” Without taking his eyes from me, he leaned into me and kissed me gently on the lips. 
And damn him, it felt right. But I didn’t kiss him back. I had more to say.
“You didn’t talk to me.” I kept my voice calm. “You had all these thoughts in your head, and you left me here in the dark, thinking that everything was alright on your end. And when you made up your mind, you just called me to announce the verdict of a trial I didn’t participate in.”
Jamie opened his mouth to reply, but closed it again. I guess there was nothing he could say that wouldn’t be a lie. He had decided for both of us.
“This…” I started again. “This is not how things work, how relationships work. If you have second thoughts, I need to know. If you need something I’m not giving you, I need to know. If you believe that we’re fucking falling apart,” I finally barked, unable to keep the anger from my voice, “I. Need. To. Know.”
Jamie nodded, but I was far from finished. “What we’re trying to do is bloody hard. We need to talk, and talking includes the unpleasant discussions too. I’m not going to try again without knowing that you’ll do that.”
“I give ye my word, Claire. We will make this work. I will do anything I can to make sure it does.”
“Will you talk to me? Always?” There was no ice or blaze in my voice now. Just a question. A sincere question that demanded an honest answer. 
“Always,” Jamie vowed and leaned into me. “I will not give up on us, ever again,” he whispered on my lips, and I drank the words in.
I had trusted him with my heart before and he broke it. But he was right when he said that I knew him. And I knew he’d torn his own heart apart in the process too. I could still see the pain in the way his sweater hung a little too wide on him, in the black bags underneath his blue eyes. I looked into his eyes, those eyes I knew better than my own, and saw the truth in them.
“One chance, Jamie Fraser. You won’t get another.”
“I willna need another. Ye’re mine and I’m yers, and I will never let you go again.”
“Promise?” I asked, as if that would seal the deal. As if his promise would secure my happiness.
“Promise,” Jamie nodded emphatically, his eyes overflowing with tears that split when he closed them and kissed me again.
And this time, I kissed him back. It was long, and soft, and encompassing. It was an offering of his soul, and I took it, keeping it safe inside my chest. A treasure and a hostage. 
“Plus,” Jamie said once we stopped to catch our breath. “I offer you a chance to torture me forever for making the worst mistake of my life.”
I laughed, cupped his cheeks and kissed him again.
I closed my eyes. Life was nothing but chances and choices. Decisions. Paths waiting for us to take them. A huge aisle with chocolate bars. 
I looked towards the path in front of me and I saw Jamie and me together -- arguing, fighting, kissing, laughing. I saw a man who wasn’t flawless, but was mine. I saw a future that wasn’t perfect, but was real. 
I saw happy moments and sad ones. I saw difficulties and dreams coming true. I saw us facing life with our hands clasped tightly together. 
When I opened my eyes again, I saw a risk, but a risk worth taking. 
“Challenge accepted, Jamie Fraser.” 
And just like that, the next chapter of our lives began.
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