#i should make new icons for this verse but Eh
gayemeralds · 2 years
From what I've seen on your posts you don't really like the Sonic Movie verse (which is understandable, or I'm looking at the wrong account), but I wanted to know if any of the lore regarding chaos energy and stuff in them was put into any of your fanfics or thoughts? Like the owls and echidnas thing, or Sonic having the possibility of being consumed by the sheer amount of chaos energy? Sorry for rambling lol!
i did like the sonic movies as movies but not as sonic movies. the problem was i think the first movie started off on the wrong foot- it didn’t feel like a sonic movie at all, if you just replaced the names of a few things and people, it could have been it’s own movie. and because of that set up, it’s sort of made the rest of the movies a bit wonky
and to be honest….. Eh i don’t really like the lore they’ve been setting up, either
i dont like that they made sonic an alien. ive honestly never liked the whole two worlds theory anyway but i was always more fond of the idea that the sonic games take place on earth. especially now that they’ve made them SEPERATE worlds across space a lot of iconic places wouldn’t make sense to have back on earth. and while I love to see them explore mobius in the movies it wouldn’t particularly fit Sonic’s character (at least, what they established in the movies) to go back. he found his new home in earth. so like i can kinda understand why they did the two worlds thing again i just don’t like it
The babylons. okay. there’s two aspects to this i don’t like.
1) i don’t like Longclaw. i don’t like them giving a back story for sonic, no matter how vague it was in the movies. i honestly don’t like any establishment of a parental figure or whatever in his backstory. i don’t think she’s all that interesting either, but that depends on how they plan on framing her character after they revealed she killed a bunch of echidna and has been fighting over the master emerald for years
2) i don’t like the lore they’ve set up with the master emerald. IM SO MAD ABOUT THIS ONE BECAUSE IT SEEMS TO ME THAT BY SKIPPING TO SA2 THEYRE SKIPPING SA1. longclaw basically took the role of perfect chaos anyway- destroying the rest of the echidna clan and being a guardian of the master emerald. she took chaos’s role and i frankly don’t like that. do you know what i would GIVE to see perfect chaos on the big screen. also like EVERY BIT OF LORE FROM SA1. just basically gone wiped not at all acknowledged and that kinda pisses me off.
like i don’t like the complete rewrite of knuckles’s lore tbh. he’s an entirely different character, just like they did with sonic. i think it was interesting to have him be the guardian along with sonic and tails but i think that completely undermines the intentions of his character. solitary and duty bound and learning to loosen up. idk the guardianship was pivotal to knuckles’s character and i have conflicting feelings on what they’re doing with that. i just want an adaptation that’s like somewhat faithful to the source material come on….
actually i just can’t fucking believe they would skip sa1. i CANT fucking believe it. it does set up sa2 intentionally or not. i just don’t think you should have one story without the other. insane but WHATEVER.
as for the chaos emerald lore…. hm I have conflicting feelings. the concept of the emeralds merging together to form the master emerald was pretty cool, but i don’t really like it. the chaos emeralds were a staple before the master emerald…. i probably would have done it backwards and made them collect the emeralds to find out it could create the master emerald. or not use the idea at all lol. neat but not really interesting.
im curious to see where they go with it but as far as we’ve gotten, i wouldn’t be incorporating much of it into my own interpretation of lore
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brilliantpride · 3 years
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“How’s it look, doc? Am I gonna make it?” Awfully nonchalant for someone whose arm was practically shredded in a recent mission, aren’t you. “It’s no biggie. Doesn’t even hurt anymor– ouch– Okay, hurts a little... But with your fancy Arts, I’ll be good as new soon, right?” / @pervicax​ (kal’tsit). 
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alexjcrowley · 3 years
Hi! This fanfiction is based on an idea by @idrilearfalas , she wrote the entire concept and the iconic/important lines you'll find in this fanfiction, check out her blog, she is great.
The Pompeii mission, Mobius thought it would have been an easy one. Everybody knows what should happen in Pompeii and it's usually all natural. You just have to make sure someone dies- eh, sorry Plinius- and someone lives.
It's an easy mission, normally, but not when you have to handle a certain norse God of Mischief. One who likes to throw a tantrum on every other occasion.
It's usually nothing more than bantering, playful and witty at its best, sharp and bitter at its worst, but it's something Mobius can handle. He can even enjoy it, when he makes a stupid joke and Loki tells him how stupid it is and they both chuckle. Loki has to learn something new about being a TVA agent and most of the times he makes a fool of himself before getting the thing right, so Mobius can tease him a little and Loki will respond sharp as ever, but with a sort of...endearing note in his stubborness.
Those are good days, days Mobius comes back to his apartment with a smile and when he closes his eyes he can still hear the God's laughter at whatever funny thing happened that day, or replay the moment when they looked into eachothers' eyes and they suddenly understood what to do with the mission, with a single glance.
Today was not a good day. He didn't know the reason. Maybe Loki woke up on the wrong side of the bed, maybe Mobius accidentally made an unpleasant comment, but the norse God started their mission with a pout you could see on the face of a child when they don't get the Christmas present they wanted.
"Oh well" Mobius had thought. Oh well, it's just another bad day, a day in which he had to watch his mouth, because you don't want to deal with an angered God. The general mood was low, the Minutemen looked already tired before the mission had even started and Mobius knew from the moment he passed through the portal he wanted to come back home as soon as possible.
But this wasn't an ordinary bad day. Mobius was prepared to deal with a bit of coldness, with a lack of enthusiasm from everybody, what he wasn't ready to deal with- he didn't want to deal with Loki acting like an asshole.
"And that's it? Really?"
"What did you expect me to say, exactly? You brought me here, you told me I was living a delusion and you gave me no choice other than being your hound. I apologise if I can't think of you as one of my dear friends."
"One of your dear friends? Who would the others be? Just curious, because I have seen your entire life and there is not one person, except maybe Thor, you actually build this strong and trusting relationship with-"
"Wonderful, so why did you expect you'd be the first one I'd decide to grant the gift of my friendship to? I am not even your colleague, I am subjected to this stupid organisation and to you in particular. We are not friends, we forcibly work together and that's it."
Mobius and Loki had been speed walking during the entire discussion, but Loki stopped for a moment.
"You can't fool me, I know very well I am not anything more than your ticket to the Variant. I'll be damned before I put my trust in you, we both know, after all of this has come to an end, nothing will be between me and that resetting stick."
You see, on an ordinary bad day, this would have never happened. On an ordinary bad day, Mobius wouldn't have seen all of his efforts to build a decent relationship with Loki shattered. Was he used to a suspicious Loki? Yes. To a Loki who said that trust is for dogs and children? Also yes. He had been used to that Loki since he first opened up his file. But he had also started being used to Loki's rare moments when he opened up, to his hidden heroic side which desperately seemed to call for attention, to his awkward, genuine reaction when he was showed any form of affection. Mobius had seen Loki spitting his "trust nobody" one liners with less and less convinction everyday, and then they were only mumbled comments to keep up a façade, and then they had become whispers, and then eyes rolls, to the point that Mobius had thought Loki had started warming up on poeple- warming up on him. But he was wrong. Just because Loki didn't voice his dissent, it didn't mean it wasn't there.
It didn't mean he saw Mobius as more than just enemy, even after everything they had been through, even after Mobius took on himself the risk of whatever would have happened to Loki and because of Loki, even after the trust he had shown him, even after the laughters and the lunches and the jokes and the stolen glances- now, look at who was the delusioned one.
Did this upset Mobius? Absolutely. But it also fired him up. Frustration, anger, embarrassment, Mobius erupted with a fiercety matching the volcano explosion just minutes ago.
"Do you really think I would just let them reset you?"
Although shorter than the God, Mobius stood up in front of him looking him in the eyes.
"After all I have done to keep you alive, after all we have been through, do you believe I'd just abandon you to your de-"
"What else would you do? Keep me with you, as your 'friend'? What, you took pity on me and were planning to give me a desk so I can spend the rest of my eternity working for the same people who robbed me of my future?"
"Now stop it, you two, the passage is open, we need to leave" said Hunter B-15, but Loki and Mobius didn't seem to have any intention of listening to her, so she just signed at the rest of the group.
"Come on, hop through it, they'll come when they're ready" she ordered. She waited for the Minutemen to go through the passage, she looked once again at Loki and Mobius and she shook her head, following her collogues back to the TVA. She closed the passage, aware that Mobius could have opened another when he wanted to.
"Just because you are a selfish, uncaring bastard it doesn't mean we all have to be. Is it so difficult for you to accept some people care about you? Like your mother or your brothe-"
"Don't you dare talking about them, you know nothing about them-"
"I literally know everything about them-"
"And stop pretending you care about me or trust me, I am the God of Illusions, I know all your stupid tricks, I used them before-"
Loki and Mobius were shouting very loud, they barely heard the footsetps of someone approaching. A Variant, not the Loki Variant, another one, an enemy of the TVA, probably.
Mobius noticed them in the corner of the eye and turned around fast enough.
Loki was not minimally done with the discussion, but if Mobius was looking away from him, something must have happened.
Loki has been in battles. Battles on Asgards are usually more "traditional" than what you see on Midgard. Sure, they can use magic, but it's mostly swords and axes and arrows and, sometimes, good old-fashioned punches. When he had been on Midgard, Loki had learned war had incredibly evolved. The glorified Midgardian technology changed the face of battles. He had seen a few of the new weapons, nothing that impressive, incomparable to magic. But he remembered them very well, he knew he was not a good idea to underestimate them. So he remembered the sound of a bullet. It was loud, violent, fast. It lasted a few seconds, and then there was silence. If you aim right, your enemy is not just wounded, he's already dead.
They both turned to see the Variant pulling out a gun, and then Loki heard it.
The sound of a bullet.
He shoved Mobius away, before the agent could do anything about it. Mobius heard the sound of a bullet as well, he heard Loki moan in pain and he knew he hadn't been fast enough. But he made up for it pulling out his gun as well, shooting the Variant right in the chest, it only took one bullet to kill him.
Mobius was suddenly grabbed by the arm by a bleeding Loki, who was trying to stand up in vain.
Mobius kneeled next to him, holding him and putting his head on his lap.
Blood. So much blood. The bullet hit the stomach. A normal bullet? You take him to the hospital and chances are he'll be fine. A bullet like that, with a venom release? Kills you in a matter of minutes.
'He is not going to survive' a voice declared in Mobius's head.
He had seen scenes like this too many times to ignore the truth, even if he was desperately trying to. So many missions ending up with corpses, Mobius had witnessed so many deaths like this. It was useless to try and save them, the most merciful act was to immediately reset them to spare them the pain.
But not with Loki. Mobius had already started pressing on the wound, trying to stop the blood.
Useless, all of this was useless.
Loki was uttering verses more than words, normally at this point he would have neen already unconscoius, but the whole being a God must have come with some sort of enhanched healing capacity.
"I am not...ugh, not surviving this?"
"No, no, you are, I just have to take you through the passage-"
"I am...the God of...lies, I know one when I heard...one" Loki coughed.
No, no, no, one thing was seeing Loki dies in a stupid video, another was to witness him dying between his arms, Mobius thought. He couldn't bear this.
Loki looked so scared. He didn't even have the strenght to talk to pretend he was fine with this, he accepted this death. He just looked pained and frightened. He tried to tighten his grip around Mobius's arm, but he couldn't, he was loosing too much blood too fast.
"He looks so young, God, he looks so young" was all Mobius could think. He had seen Loki die, he had seen him a hero, a son of Odin, a troubled man with a controversial life, but this Loki, he was too young. He was just learning what his life could amd couldn't be, he still hadn't make up with Thor or heard his father tell him that he loved him. There was an entire future for him ready to be rewritten, he couldn't die in that moment, he couldn't die on him.
"Aren't you...you tired of watching...me die..."
"You are not dying, Loki, we just have to press on the wound for bit longer, enough for it to stop bleeding, then I'll take you through the passage and-"
"It's always...so pathetic..." Loki coughed again "of a scene..."
Mobius looked around him for another piece of cloth to press on the wound. He had already sacrificed his jacket, but, in absence of anything else, he ripped part of the sleeve of his shirt and pressed it on Loki's stomach. The white cotton was soon impregnated by dark red blood.
"At least...both times...I died for someone I-"
Loki coughed again, exhaling his last breath.
Mobius stopped pressing on the wound. He stared at Loki's corpse in a silent horror.
His body wasn't cold yet, the blood was still flowing, but he was dead. Loki was dead.
Mobius conceided himself a few seconds to fully realize there was nothing left to do. He wanted to scream, but his mouth didn't emit any sound.
His hands still rested on the wound, wet woth blood.
"It should have been you, is that what you're thinking, isn't it?"
Mobius reluctantly teared his gaze off Loki's corpse, to meet the eyes of another God Mischief, one alive and on the run.
Towering over Mobius with his dark cloak, the Dangerous Variant casted a shadow on the two TVA agents. He then kneeled beside Loki's corpse.
Mobius looked at him is disbelief.
"Why are you here?" was all Mobius managed to say.
Why are you here now? Where were you five minutes ago, when Loki was still alive, when you could have done something? How are looking at your own corpse- they were, after all, the same person- without any anger, or surprise or shock?
Mobius wasn't scared of the Dangerous Variant, on the contrary. Although TVA insisted on branding him as this big enemy, he had on several occasions helped him and Loki out, even saved them from some very bad situations. He had never constituted a threat for him or Loki. Sure, he was a mass murderer, but that was kind of a Loki characteristic in general.
"Okay, here's the deal" said the Variant, without looking away from the dead body "You use your...your- ah, what's its name, the- the remote to go back in time, I'll take his place and it's happy ending for everyone. Except for me" he mumbled "but that was mever in the plans, wasn't it" he smiled bitterly, pushing a lock of the dead Loki's hair away from his face.
"What?" Mobius exclaimed.
"Just do as I say" the Variant kept looking down at the corpse "You turn back time, I take the bullet, you two live, I die. It's easy, Mobius."
"How the hell should this be easy?" Mobius shouted, prey to grief and confusion "Why would you do that? What's- what's the meaning of this?"
The Variant had been willing to lend a hand in moments of need, but he was no suicidal.
Finally, the Variant pried his eyes away from his other self and looked at Mobius.
"You asked me once why I was doing what I was doing, remember?" he began.
Mobius slowly nodded.
“Killing TVA officers, trying to destroy the system" the Variant continued "It was just... revenge. Against the TVA. For taking away the thing I cared the most about."
He then looked Mobius in the eye, with a strange intensity, some sort of regret.
"...I was that Loki"
He looked once again at the corpse.
"Then they killed you." he paused.
Mobius didn't say a word, but he kept looking at the Variant astonished.
"And I decided it was time to stray from my written path again. Because nothing else mattered anymore, except making them pay for what they did and making sure what happened to you in my past... did not happen in your present."
The Variant idly run a bony finger over his other's self pale cheek. He then raised his eyes at Mobius.
"I will take his place because he still has you" he then declared "and he still has time to accept" he made a small gesture with his hand, encompassing his dead alter ego and Mobius "whatever you’ve got going on."
Mobius looked at the Variant ever so bewildered, but the Variant simply closed his eyes for a few seconds, looking for the right words.
"He still has time to tell you...all the things I never said." 
The Dangerous Variant was on his knees, teary eyes and a lump in his throat, but he then stood up and cleared his stance. Despire the shaken voice, he proclaimed with all the courage he seemed to own: "I am Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose." He screamed that to no one in particular, or maybe just to himself.
Mobius had been shocked into silence until that moment. Still looking at the Variant, he stood up too, hesitated for a moment then extends his hand to Dangerous Variant. The other one looked at it for a moment, and then firmly grasped it, shaking it.
Mobius was still very confused over what has just happened- what was going to happen.
"Are you sure?" he asked "You...would die. For good. I- I don't think there's a way everybody can get out safe from this- even if you consider time travel and-"
"I know. That's why I am doing it. So that you two get to live, you still has reasons to do it." the Variant said, no hesitation.
"I was right, you know," Mobius said, still reluctant to leave Loki's hand- the moment he did, the Variant would have to die. It was still hard for him to sentence someone to death. But his lips curled into an almost amused smile, even though with a note of sadeness "You're not a villain."
The Variant snorted- oh, Allfather, he had missed Moby's antics- and rolled his eyes, then looked at Mobius again, trying to hide his amusement. You had to have a sense of humour to live his life, Loki thought, there weren't many moments to laugh in his existence, he had to learn to appreciate rare moments like those, when fate graced him with the last sight of the love of his life.
"Turn back the clock, Mobius."
After a slow nod, his hand still in Variant Loki's, Mobius did as he was said.
Two days later those events, ut was a good day. In the previous two days, the TVA had finally declared that one of his most wanted Variants was not a problem anymore. Mobius simply stated he had "been cared about", with a hint of sadness nobody cared for. Loki had been quite shocked to witness his death, he had tried to do something for him, but Mobius had looked at him the way he rarely did- with resignation. Nothing left to do. He had offered Loki to spend some time together after the whole thing, to buy him a drink if he needed, to simply listen to him or leave him alone, if he wanted to. It wasn't easy to be a spectator of their own death.
Loki had recovered quicker than Mobius would have thought. Sure, you could still see Loki lost in his train of thoughts when he was left on his own, but he had seen himself die once, he could handle twice.
"Paperwork. To distract you. As a treat." Mobius put on his desk a stack of papers the size of an encyclopedia.
Loki frowned: "And you call this a treat?"
"Well, you can always go help Casey cataloguing the infinity stones, if you like it best" Mobius chuckles.
Loki mindlessly started playing with the Tesseract on his desk- yes, they let him keep it. After all, it was no more than a glowing blue lamp at the TVA.
"Mh, whatever" Loki sighed, picking up a paper, still glaring at Mobius.
"Oh, you have to file these for the end of the day, which gives you around...hmm, something between one and four hours in earth time, I don't remember now. Good luck." Mobius added before starting to walk away.
An irritated "what" that was probably heard in the entire pocket reality of the TVA made him stopped in place. Mobius couldn't help but smile, but he didn't turn around.
"You must be joking! This is- this is unacceptable! What is even supposed to mean between one and four hours? I may have king ambitions but you are the real tyrant!" Loki shouted.
"Oh, Loki" said Mobius, finally turning to face the God "This is very flattering, but I am no more than a mere bureaucrat."
"Yes, and the worst kind." the other replied. He then looked around him, noticing that everybody has stopped whatever they were doing to listen to his shoutings. With a faint flush on his face, Loki sat back in his chair, just after glancing at the whole room and snarling a "What are you looking at?"
He then looked back at Mobius, sighing a "I hate you so much".
Mobius simply smiles.
"Sure you do, kitten."
I am sorry for the spelling mistakes, I tend to make a lot of them and also I am not a native english speaker, so I hope I everything I wrote makes sense.
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quillsandtypos · 3 years
Ours Stars Collided- Part 2
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Summary: As our reader, a musically gifted high school junior, navigates life she realizes not everything goes as planned. She didn't plan on getting close with Julie's band. But not any band, her band is made up of ghosts. But is the afterlife enough to keep her feelings in check towards the main guitarist?
Words: 3.8k
Pairing: luke patterson x reader
Warnings: none
“Hey, you ready?” you asked.
“Yeah, just let me grab my stuff,” Julie answered.
She pulled the emoji covered backpack out of her locker and shut it.
“Alright, you ready?” she questioned, as she let you lead the way.
“Yes, and no,” you said, with a nervous smile.
She placed her hand on your shoulder. “You got this, besides, you’re in good hands with Luke,” she reassured you.
“No doubt about that, it’s just a matter of whether I’ll embarrass myself or not.”
She smiled genuinely at you. “You got this, trust me.”
You held the door open for her.
“That car is yours, right?” She pointed across the parking lot.
“Yep, that’s the one.”
You unlocked it and threw your bag in the back, before getting into the drivers side.
“Alright, whatcha wanna listen to?”
Julie paused in thought before hesitantly asking, “You know who Lizzo is right?”
“Oh my god yes! You listen to her too?” you excitedly asked.
“Yes! How could you not listen to Lizzo!”
“Lizzo it is then!”
The first song was Soulmate, followed by Tempo which the two of you practically yelled, and the third song was Like a Girl. When Truth Hurts came on you both gasped and made eye contact through wide eyes.
Soon enough your sound system was blaring through the car and the two of you were belting the lyrics.
“Help you witchya career just a little,” you sang. Then you pointed to Julie to take the next part.
“You supposed to hold me down but you holding me back and that’s the sound of me not calling you back!” Julie was somewhere in between belting and yelling and still managing to sound good.
Then the both of you took the chorus. “Why men great till they gotta be great, don’t text me tell it straight to my face!
You were both animatedly pumping your fists with bright smiles as you finally rolled into her driveway.
Julie opened the studio doors to the boys all sitting there, ready to go. “Well you guys certainly look like you were having fun,” Reggie commented, smiling.
“We did,” you agreed.
“But now it means that break time is over for you guys,” Julie teased them.
Alex had already poofed over to the drums before she said anything.
“Yes ma’am!” Reggie said, getting off the couch.
Luke had a playful smile on his face. “We were the ones working on a new song, so I think that means the break is up for you,” he teased.
You couldn’t help but notice their closeness in that moment, you tried not to; but a small part of you couldn’t help but wish that was you.
Julie just rolled her eyes at him and walked to her piano to put her bag down. And just like that the moment was over.
After you and Julie had settled in and warmed up your voices and practiced a bit with your instruments, you figured you should probably figure out what you were doing.
“So do you guys want me to sing, or play, or listen?” you asked.
They all looked over at you, but Luke was the first to speak. “I can show y/n a couple of the songs with her while you guys run through Bright. Then we can see how she fits into that?” Luke brainstormed.
He held eye contact with you for a few moments before shifting to his other bandmates to gage their reactions.
“Sure! Sounds good to me,” Alex offered.
“Yeah you guys can go sit up in the loft if you want, just so you won’t be distracted by us,” Julie suggested.
“Yeah, sure, come on newbie, let’s see what you got, shall we?” He gestured to the stairs, and allowed you to go first.
“Don’t you already know what I’ve got since you technically already heard me play?” you said, as you ascended the stairs with your guitar.
“Yeah, but that one doesn’t technically count since it wasn’t in here,” he argued.
You paused and turned around, as you desperately tried to fight the smile forming on your lips. “Well technically you shouldn’t break into someone’s room and watch them play without knowing, so,” you trailed off.
“And to think I wanted you to be in the band,” he tutted, with no malice in his voice.
You couldn’t hide the grin on your face now, so you instead choose to plop down on the floor and start on your guitar.
“Alright I’m gonna show you the first couple chords that I have for Bright,” he explained as his fingers effortly slid across his guitar. You watched as he repeated it a couple times before joining him.
He looked up at you as he continued to play. “You’re a fast learner,” he commented.
“Eh, I’m just a visual learner.”
“That must help, I mean with the music school that you and Julie go to. It must be easier to learn things,” he guessed. He continued watching you play.
“Well I mean yes, I go to the same school as Julie but I’m not in the music program,” you admitted.
Luke abruptly stopped playing. “What?”
“Yeah, I wasn’t able to get in.” You were getting somewhat embarrassed.
“Seriously?” he asked in disbelief.
“Seriously,” you confirmed.
“How could they not let you in? I mean you obviously belong there,” he insisted. He sounded slightly upset about the situation.
“There are plenty of people in that school that are much better than me Luke, trust me,” you reassured him.
He leaned forward slightly which forced you to make eye contact with him. He looked quite somber but his eyes seemed to reflect a sort of light; it was as if he was looking through your soul with how intense his gaze was. “I doubt that,” he said.
You nervously swallowed and hoped he didn’t notice. “Thank you,” you uttered quietly, though it did not obstruct the feeling in your voice.
“You’re welcome.” His gaze tore away from yours. You were half relieved and half disappointed.
“So you ready to learn the rest of the song?” He said, breaking the rest of the momentary silence in the loft.
“Whenever you are.”
“Is she show ready?” Julie asked as you walked back down the steps twenty minutes later.
“I think she can manage,” you responded. You sounded more confident than you felt.
“Alright, let’s start Bright from the top. Y/n I want you to sing the chorus, pre-chorus, the second verse and then out to the end of the song, except for the bridge. Luke I’m gonna have you not sing, just for this one. And I will sing the intro, chorus, pre-chorus, the bridge, and verse one. Y/n just sing on this one, we’re not gonna add your guitar yet,” she explained.
You were glad she had a plan, so you at least knew what you were doing. You attempted to shake out your nerves a little bit and Julie gave you a thumbs up from her piano.
She started her intro and of course she sounded amazing. Luckily, you had listened to their song before so you knew when you needed to come in.
“Life is a risk but I will take it
Close my eyes and jump, together I think that we can make it
Come on let’s run”
The guys joined in with their instruments as the two of you reached the chorus. You started to relax through the chorus until you remembered that you would be singing on your own in a couple seconds. Pulling up your previous lesson from Luke in your mind, you tried to remember how high he had you sing it, it wasn’t quite Julie’s level but it was definitely higher than his. You once again made eye contact with Luke who mouthed ‘you got this’ with a determined look on his face. You heard the drums starting to quiet slightly and you knew you were up.
“In times that I doubted myself
I felt like I needed some help
Stuck in my head with nothing left
I feel something around me now
So unclear, lifting me out
I found the ground I’m marching on”
You were once again back with Julie’s voice as she came to stand beside you. You turned to face one another and sang with a harmony you were quite certain you hadn’t heard before. She was practically glowing with happiness and you couldn’t help but reflect that same joy on your own face.
As her individual part finished up again the two of you sung the final parts of the song as you went low on the last bright as she sung her iconic high note. The music faded and you couldn’t help but cheer a little bit.
Julie pulled you into a tight hug. “See I told you you’d be amazing!”
You returned the hug. “Thank you, but you should seriously hear yourself. You are so talented.”
“She’s right y/n you sounded really good,” commented Alex from the back; Reggie nodded in agreement.
“Thanks Alex,” you replied. A small smile was on your face and a certain amount of heat was creeping up to your cheeks from the levels of attention on you.
Luckily, Julie quickly took it off of you. This time she was going to have you play a version of Luke’s part on the guitar but complimented it as he sang; which you were grateful for because it meant you could take a background seat for a minute.
Julie started up on her piano again. This time you were waiting for the chorus to start, and as it did you almost forgot what you were doing when Luke started singing. Sure you had heard him sing this song in full once before. But damn could that boy sing.
It wasn’t until the chorus hit that things started to go wrong for you. You once again couldn’t help but notice their closeness, or the way they looked at each other. You continued on playing but you would be lying if you said it was with the same energy you had minutes ago.
The final chorus hit and your face had fallen all the way from buzzing with joy to mopey. You noticed Reggie creeping up from your right and your spirits were slightly raised as you watched him awkwardly wink at you and walk over to finish the rest of the song with you. For a second he made you forget all about your moment of sadness. As you finished up the last of the chords with each other you ended up back to back towards the end of it, for dramatic effect. Alex laughed as the song ended and he noticed the stance you and Reggie had chosen.
“What?” Reggie grinned.
“That was awesome!” you yelled, high fiving him
“Yeah it was!” he said, mirroring your enthusiasm.
“Ya know I think she’ll fit in quite nicely,” Luke observed. You could’ve sworn you saw him smirk and his eyes move slightly, but it was only for a moment.
Julie smiled in a slightly mischievous way. “I think she will too,” Julie agreed, as if you weren’t in the room listening to their conversation.
“You guys know I’m right here right?” you quipped from the other side of the room.
“Yeah I know, but I have a LOT of homework so we gotta wrap this up.”
“I can do that!” You raced over to the couch to get your stuff.
“Gentleman and Julie, it was lovely playing with you and I will see you all tomorrow,” you said as you waved goodbye. They all waved back as you pulled out of her driveway.
It turned out that heavy homework wednesdays were becoming a thing for Julie because in the following week she was told she wasn’t allowed to have band practice until her homework was done. She said something about her dad not being too happy about her staying up till twelve doing it. Though Julie didn’t sound so happy about it either, for obvious reasons; but she did of course want to have band practice, so she promised all of you she would be done as quick as possible. But she still needed a ride home, and Flynn’s house was on the way to your house, so you offered to drive her too.
Flynn called shotgun which Julie groaned about, but she took the back. You turned on Lizzo before putting the park in reverse to get out of the parking lot and driving off.
“So how is your new spot in the phantoms going?” Flynn asked.
“I would say pretty good, but I’ll let Julie answer that one.”
“She’s doing really well, her and Luke have really figured out how to compliment one another on the guitars, and she gets along great with all of them,” Julie responded.
“Well I think they might, maybe, just maybe, be keeping you,” Flynn told you, sarcastically.
“Thank god they are, I don’t know what I would’ve done if they hadn’t," you worried aloud.
“Probably would’ve still thought you were insane,” Flynn suggested with a shrug.
“Harsh! But, yeah, probably,” you admitted, laughing a little bit, and the other two joined you.
“At least now I can get people off my back about me and Luke,” Julie spoke. Flynn pointed at her in acknowledgement.
Now that peaked your interest. “What?” you asked, trying to sound nonchalant about it.
Julie casually waved you off. “Oh just people thinking Luke and I are together.”
You thought you were going to jump up and down from excitement, “Wait, you guys aren’t together?” You hoped you didn’t sound as excited as you felt.
Julie had a borderline concerned look on her face. “Ohhhhh definitely not, we are just friends, and neither of us want to be anything more. I mean don’t get me wrong, I see the appeal, but he’s not my type,” she explained.
“Yeah cause her type is Nick,” Flynn sang, snapping her fingers.
Suddenly a lightbulb clicked. “Was that the guy you were talking to by your locker the day Luke saw me?”
Julie facepalmed in embarrassment. “Yes.”
“See she’s not even denying it,” Flynn pointed out.
“That’s true,” you agreed, looking through your rear mirror at your bandmate.
Flynn's face suddenly turned from mischievous evil to somehow even more evil. “Though I mean we could instead talk about how you obviously think Luke is cute.”
Now that took you by surprise. “I do not!” you insisted.
Flynn’s eyes got slightly larger with her raised eyebrows and she pursed her lips. “Okay so we’re lying now?” she teased.
Julie laughed before slamming her hand over her mouth. “Flynn stop, if she says she doesn’t like him then she doesn’t.”
“Thank you Julie.” You specifically enunciated Julie and Flynn stuck her tongue out at you. And just as she did you turned onto Julie’s road.
You waved goodbye to Julie, wishing her luck with her homework. And then went to drop Flynn off before arriving home yourself.
You rummaged through the fridge to find something and you managed to settle on an orange before also finding hummus and pretzels.
You sat down in your empty kitchen and took a bite of a hummus covered pretzel, and realize you forgot to get water. You turned around to come face to face with Luke…. again.
“HOLY SHIT!” you yelled. It wasn’t your first time but it didn’t mean it wasn’t just as scary.
“Sorry didn’t mean to scare you,” he said, not looking very sorry at all.
“You have got to stop doing that.” You walked past him and by that you mean you accidentally walked through him. You turned back to him for a moment to see if he was okay but he seemed to be looking at you curiously so you assumed he was fine.
“No promises, remember? It’s kinda a ghost thing,” he reminded you as he followed you around your kitchen.
“Okay well what do you and your ghost thing want?” you asked, immediately regretting your choice of words. You could practically feel his smirk from behind you.
“Did you just-” he started but you cut him off.
“Nope, no, no I didn’t. What do you want Luke?” You were trying to pivot and luckily, he took the bait.
“Well, can you come to the studio?” he asked.
“Yes, I was already going to be coming there later.” You were getting slightly confused.
“No, I mean like now,” Luke explained.
“Why?” you asked, finally sitting back down with your water.
“We’re bored,” he confessed, slouching on your table.
“You came here to tell me you’re bored?” you giggled.
“Well I guess technically, yes, so can you come?” he impatiently asked. He just looked restless. Though you supposed being in a garage for a large majority of your day and only having two other people to talk to would do that to a person, or ghost in this case. But unfortunately, you still couldn’t come.
“Sorry Luke, I already told my parents I would be leaving later tonight, and I don’t wanna have to switch plans on them,” you apologized.
“Oh come on, your parents aren’t even home,” he pointed out.
“I’m well aware, but I try to keep my promises to them,” you defended. Though he looked so goddamn cute at the moment you could feel your will power breaking.
“It’ll be fun!” he promised. He must’ve known that his smile could get to you because when you looked at him you swore it had grown three sizes.
“Tempting, but I’m gonna have to pass.”
“Please?” he asked. You looked him in the eyes, which was a big mistake because he was giving you a puppy face. I mean it’s not like you already thought he was cute, but this? This was on a whole nother level. His lips were in a slight pout as his head was tilted doward just a smidge, and his blue eyes mocked sadness, in a way that was just unbearable.
“Okay, okay, fine,” you agreed, you tried to sound annoyed but it didn’t work in the slightest.
“Yes!” he shouted.
“Just let me grab my keys, wait, can you even go in a car?” Could he even get in the car? Could he get in the car, and then his physical state or lack thereof, could suddenly go away and he wouldn’t be sitting in the car anymore? But Luke’s voice interrupted your hypotheticals.
“How about I just meet you there?” Luke suggested.
“Good idea,” you agreed.
Ten minutes later you had pulled up to Julie’s house and entered the studio. “Oh hey Reggie,” you greeted, taking a seat on the couch.
“Oh hi y/n! Are you here to practice with us, or? Not that I mind you being here,” he quickly stammered out.
“It’s fine, you’re okay Reggie, I know I’m not usually here unless it’s for practice. But yeah, I’m just here to hang out.”
“Oh, cool!”
“So where’s everybody else?” you asked.
“Well I think Alex is with Willie and I’m actually not sure where Luke is,” he answered.
“I wonder wh-” you started, but you had a feeling that someone had landed beside you.
Which, of course Luke had, and practically right on time too.
“Sorry, I was just checking on Julie and seeing how much homework she has,” Luke explained.
“How’s it looking?” you asked.
“Not so great, she still has a lot left to go,” Luke admitted.
You shrugged. “Well I’ve got nowhere to be.”
And for the next two hours or so the three of you sat there and talked about all sorts of things, from mundane things, to really deep things, to things they missed the most about being alive. Which mostly consisted of food, not that you blamed them.
Soon enough Luke went to go check up on Julie again.
“Are you cold?” Reggie asked you.
“No,” you lied.
“Dude, I can see you, you’re literally shivering.”
“Yeah, I forgot to grab a jacket before I left my house,” you admitted.
“Here-” he threw a jacket at you, “wear this one, it’s nice and warm.”
“Reggie you really don’t have to-” you started, but he insisted; and you were pretty cold so you gave in.
In a couple of minutes Luke returned to the same spot.
“How’s it looking now?” you asked.
“I don’t think she’s gonna,” Luke suddenly stopped mid sentence to glance over at you, “nice jacket y/n.” For whatever reason, he had a very interesting look on his face, to say the least.
“Thanks, Reggie lent it to me.”
“Oh is that so?” he asked, now turning to look at Reggie, who looked slightly frightened.
“Um, yes?” you said, though it was more of a question.
Luke turned to you, “Y/n?”
“Yeah?” you responded.
“You know that’s my jacket right?” he asked.
Now you also turned to stare down Reggie, “What was your intent with this-”
“Wait what’s his full first name?” you asked Luke in a whisper.
“Reginald,” he whispered back.
“What was your intent with this Reginald?” you asked.
“I have no idea what you guys are talking about,” Reggie said, looking up at the ceiling.
Luke took one step towards him and Reggie yelped before poofing out.
“Why does he keep offering up your stuff?” you laughed.
He scoffed, “I wish I knew.” It seemed like he did know but you weren’t going to press him on it.
“Oh, here, you can have your jacket back now.” You awkwardly handed it over to him.
“Oh, thanks. You did look good in it though, by the way,” he casually mentioned.
You were pretty sure your brain just shut down for a couple seconds. “What?” you asked, you were still working to catch up with what just happened.
“I said, you looked good in it,” he repeated, as his voice was becoming soft and slightly deeper.
“Thanks,” you managed to mumble out. But meanwhile you thought your face was on fire.
“Oh also you might wanna head home, Julie said she’s not gonna be able to practice tonight,” he mentioned.
“I probably should, but hey, I’ll see you tomorrow!” you yelled as you left the studio.
“See ya!” he yelled and waved.
By the time you got home there was a note on the kitchen table, ‘Don’t worry I cleared it with Luke this time -signed Reggie’ and next to the note sat the jacket. You laughed quietly to yourself before taking the note and the jacket upstairs with you.
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formerprincewille · 3 years
I was tagged by @pamouche and @borborai in this and I finally gotten around to doing it. Thanks so much!
Fav wtfock s3 things: honestly I could go on for hours about my love for this season it’s One of my favorite things to exist in the entire world. I have re-watched it so many times and it always leaves me feeling so happy. Some specifics: Robbe IJzermans, sweet sunshine, love and light of my life, I would throw myself in front of traffic for that boy I love him so much. He captured my heart in a way few ever have. This boy. He’s just such a caring and compassionate person. He’s got his little shit attitude, and he’s definitely a tiny brat, but he is also so full of love to give. I love that he’s not flashy. He’s not somebody that a lot of people are going to notice in a crowd. He’s overlooked by everyone, including his friends. But when you get to know him you see how remarkable he is, because few people are that genuinely good. And the way he grew from hurt and lonely and angry and afraid to happy and confident and not only accepting but proud of who he is makes me cry happy tears. He’s just the best. But the other best is the yin to his yang, his beautiful, wonderful, cool, bold, funny, sweet, and completely dorky art hoe of a soul mate, Sander Driesen. When I think of what my ideal Even would be, he is it. His heart is just right there for everyone to see and he doesn’t hide it. In fact he’s extra about showing it. He’s also vulnerable and needy and feels so very young to be going through such large struggles. He makes me laugh and cry and I would dive in front of the Skam France car for him as well. Love that kid so much. Sobbe. Do I really need to say it? Holy shit they are everything. Soulmates, best friends, loves of each other’s lives. Their chemistry is so good that it doesn’t even exist in this stratosphere. It’s otherworldly. The love that they feel for each other is tangible. They’re one of those couples that when I look at them I think “now those two are going to make it”. You can just feel it. They also somehow manage to hit on so many beloved fanfic tropes but remain realistic because it’s actually canon. Like when couples in fanfic will call each other pet names but it’s rare you actually see it in canon. But sobbe is like hold my beer and goes all out with it. The way they express their love to each other is exactly what the other one needs. Sander is loud end boisterous and goes all out to make it clear to Robbe and everyone else on earth how he feels about this boy. He gives him things to make him feel special and he’s full of affection for him. Robbe is also extremely affectionate, he tells Sander what he needs to hear to feel safe and loved and they love spending time together. Their love is a balm for one another that soothes them both. And it’s clear that neither of them need the other more nor ever did. They both needed one another and met at a time in our lives that they were both in pretty low places and were exactly what the other needed. And they always will be. Sorry, getting emotional again. They’re the otp to end all otps. 🥺 The Soundtrack. I love every single song on the soundtrack. All of them, and I listened to the soundtrack so much on my Spotify that my entire top songs of 2020 were made up of wtfock s3 songs. They not only have excellent musical choices, but they are all placed within scenes so well that they perfectly complement what is happening in the narrative at any given point. Casa Milan and Zoenne and Robbe aka Flatshare Fam. I want to live there. It is so warm, it is so inviting, and it is filled with such love. The support that Robbe got from Milan, Zoë, and Senne was unmatched. I don’t know where he would’ve been without it. Could you imagine if he had had to live with his dad? How differently his story could’ve ended up? Especially with Milan, having someone not much older than he is who has gone through a lot of the same things he has. He was such a big brother figure and mentor and I’m so glad Robbe had that.
Fav clip: Scuse me I’m not picking just one so Dinsdag 16:31, Zaterdag 09:41, Woensdag 21:21, Mandaag 11:03, Zaterdag 08:44 and Woensdag 16:36
Fav scene: Their Vrijdag 21:21 reunion, morning after, ohn/mbm, singing to a shoe, the hotel scenes, and the grocery store. I’m not really sure of the distinction between a scene and a clip 😂
Fav shot: Oh god don’t make me choose. Their hands in Dinsdag 16:31 is a big one. The dual mirror shots of Robbe after Milan tells him about gay pride before the attack to him bruised and battered after. When Robbe is kneeling down beside Sander in Mandaag 11:03. The shot of Milan, Robbe, and Sander playing the pandemic game all cozy by the Christmas tree. Any shots of Robbe and Sander making heart eyes and/or kissing. Any close ups of Robbe’s face and eyes bc Herbots, man. Good god he’s amazing.
Fav kiss that Robbe initiates: Woensdag 21:21, Dinsdag 07:27 and Woensdag 17:21
Fav kiss that Sander initiates: Zaterdag 09:41, Dinsdag 16:31, and Vrijdag 21:21
Fav Sander dialogue: Can I say everything? Okay okay, I’ll give some examples. “Wow, that’s expensive!” “You and me, a hundred percent forever, in every universe.” “I’m holding onto you and I’m never letting go of you.” “🎵Ground control to major Tom. Circuit dead there’s something wrong.🎵” “Are you going to leave me behind?” (🥺) “Zero stars on booking.com.” “The moonlight was shining down on you and I knew immediately ‘he is the one’.” “Get ready to be mindblown!” “All the way or no way.” “Take it or leave it, eh?” “You could try bribing the teacher.” “Robin.” Also literally everything he said during wtfockdown because there’s not a moment where he isn’t iconic. But a really special moment, “Just because other people are close minded doesn’t mean that you should make your world smaller.”
Fav Robbe dialogue: “You touched me and I’ve never felt something like that.” “That kiss was really *head explosion noises*.” “Not in this universe.” ���Sander, there is something between us. I love you.” “Jawel.” (I just love the way he says it, it’s so fuckin cute). “Fuck Chernobyl.” “Always.” And of course, his verse in eenvoud.
Fav hug: Mandaag 11:03 when Robbe holds a crying Sander. Also, does the spooning and cuddling in the hotel scenes and Dinsdag 07:27 count? Because I love that. Also Woensdag 17:21. Or really anytime Robbe is being a clingy koala. And we can’t forget his hug with Milan after he tells him about the attack. He really needed that comfort.
Fav 21:21: Nope. Nah in all seriousness they just hit different. Woensdag is my favorite in terms of clip alone because from beginning to end it is just so beautiful and perfect. The music, the tunnel, the pool, the kiss, just absolutely gorgeous. But at that time everything was still really new between them and the aftermath of that was rough. Vrijdag is my favorite clip in terms of what it means for Robbe and Sander. The clip itself is shorter, but it has much larger impact in terms of sobbe’s relationship. It’s not just their first time physically, but their emotional declaration to one another as well. It comes with a commitment. Also them falling off the bed laughing is the greatest thing ever. They are so HAPPY. So basically my answer is both, just in different ways.
Fav Sobbe instagram pic: Why are all these questions so mean? Okay- their first one together obviously because along with Robbe’s caption it’s just a showing of their love being official. But also the grocery cart pics for their 6 month anniversary. The grocery store pic in Ardennes getaway. Robbe’s bday pics of them embracing they’re SO HAPPY omg. And of course, we cannot forget the pic posted for Sander’s birthday. It is absolutely perfect. I love it so much.
Fav song/scene pair: I have a few- both examples of wildfire obviously, past lives in Zaterdag 09:41, and rebel rebel at the grocery store. But I have two more that are not at all happy clips but are two of my fave clips regardless: life on mars/zaterdag 21:43 (that scene is impeccable along with its followup which I consider them a pair but LoM only plays in the first one) and I found/zondag 15:12 (my god I love that scene it’s brilliant).
Fav message between Sander and Robbe: Woensdag 12:45 when Sander sends Robbe the sketch of them and talks about that kiss earlier being Chernobyl. Also everything during wtfockdown but especially “I love you so much Robin.” “I love you too. So damn much.” But honestly they had so much adorable banter during those clips we were truly fed.
Fav banter on Instagram: lmaooo they’re always so thirsty on main you could pick a million examples. I will say I loved their back and forth about emojis on their anniversary.
I will tag @onzeziggy @everyone-has-their-story @bowieexaminprogress @sanderxrobbee @ayellowcurtain and whoever else wants to do it. This was fun!
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365days365movies · 3 years
January 17, 2021: Atomic Blonde (Epilogue)
I genuinely really enjoyed this film! And then...about 2 minutes after it ended...I started to think. And I continued to think. I wrote those two posts, and then took a little bit more time to think.
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And then...I came to my final realization.
John Wick REALLY screwed this movie. Because the perception of this movie for most, myself included, was that of a new John Wick, with a female protagonist. A lot of people referred to it as “Jane Wick.” But it’s definitely not John Wick. It’s trying to be a spy movie, especially like James Bond films.
But the problem is...it isn’t either. To be a spy movie, it tries a little too hard with a pretty standard plot. And then, it intercuts that with John Wick-caliber fight sequences, detracting from the spy movie aesthetic. And then, because you do have those fight scenes, but still need to fit in the spy stuff, it creates a distinct disparity in tone and pace throughout the movie.
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In other words...let’s get to the Recap. I have some more thoughts. And don’t worry! Many of them are positive. Just...not all of them.
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Cast and Acting
Let’s start, of course, with Charlize Theron. Outside of the action sequences, Theron goes well as Broughton, portraying the tough character traits we see in spy characters like her and James Bond. And with the character she’s given, Theron does wonderfully. James McAvoy, on the other hand, seems like he’s having a HELL of a lot of fun with his role. He’s an underrated actor, honestly, and it’s very cool to see him play this sort-of anarchist punk spy. Sofia Boutella also deserves a shout-out for Delphine, playing her character’s naivete well, as well as remaining likeable. Also, Bill Skarsgård deserves a shout-out! I liked Merkel a lot, even despite his shorter screentime. Goodman, Jones, Marsan all do fine in their roles. The USSR characters...eh. They aren’t really given much spotlight...which is weird, given the fact that this is a Cold War drama, but OK. Basically, we’re going with an 9/10. Great; not the best I’ve ever seen all around, but still great!
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Plot and Writing
Yeah...here’s the thing. I might like this movie, but the plot’s kind of a massive mess. Writing’s fine, but the plot is both extremely cliche spy movie, while also being extremely muddled in terms of story. Remember what I said up there about this film trying to be both a spy movie and John Wick, and that not working really well? Yeah, basically that. It attempts to balance the two concepts, but also corrupts what makes those concepts work in the first place. The Bourne Identity is arguably a better version of that combination. It’s too bad, because elements of the plot really take away from the rest of the movie. 
And then...there’s the tacked on ending. Because, yeah, the whole American spy thing? Wasn’t in the original graphic novel. What I genuinely think they should’ve done was end it RIGHT at the interview’s terminus. Or, at least, right as she greets Bremovych as Satchel, as is done in the original novel. And, just to be clear, I thought this BEFORE reading the book. That ending feels...pander-y, for lack of a better term. I realize that we always want our protagonists to be heroic, but how great would it have been if Lorraine actually was kind of a villain? I dunno, I think not adding that extra twist at the end makes the movie stronger and more provocative, in a good way. Sorry, Kurt Johnstad, I know you did a good job on a technical standpoint, but...5/10 here.
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Directing and Action
David Leitch, Jonathan Sela, and Sam Hargrave, the director, cinematographer, and stunt coordinator/fight choreographer, respectively. Full points for the action sequences, because MAN, those were some good action sequences! Rough and gritty, but extremely well-choreographed and shot at the same time, the action deserves the praise that it’s gotten. How about the cinematography? Stylistic, and very bold colors make this film very memorable. But...they don’t have much clear tie-in to the theming, and I think there’s some missed opportunity there. And the direction overall is great, even if I don’t think it’s perfect. It is Leitch’s first film as solo director, after all. 8/10!
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Production and Art Design
Changed the title of this section! Turns out that I’ve been conflating the two concepts, so let’s include them both from now on, shall we? But OK, what did I think of it? Costume design was iconic...in the case for Charlize Theron, at least. James McAvoy a little bit, too, but it’s clear that Cindy Evans focused more upon Charlize than anyone else in the film, really. Which, for a spy, isn’t the best of ideas. Still, that combined with Zsuzsa Kismarty-Lechner’s art direction for the sets and set pieces (almost all of which are splashed with graffiti, in a very 1980′s flair) do bring you back to the time period in which the film is set. This, of course, is also due to the work of David Scheunmann, the production designer who’s actually from Berlin, and whose experiences were vital into making this film look as good as it does. If you’re not sold on the set design, check out the differences, obvious and subtle, between West and East Germany in the film. While some of it is clear, some of it carries some surprisingly subtle messaging (Stalker and Tetris, for example). So, even if Charlize got most of the costume attention, a lot of credit should be given to this movie. 8/10 for this one!
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Music and Editing
Maybe the most well-known aspect of this movie, outside of the dramatic lighting, is the ‘80s soundtrack. Some love it, some criticize it quite a bit for overwhelming the film. And honestly...I think they’re both right? Here’s the thing, the music is great, and some of it is used in unexpectedly creative ways that critics didn’t seem to pick up on. Biggest and best example of this is Nena’s 99 Luftballons. That song if you didn’t know, is inspired by the separation between East and West Berlin. It’s literally a song about the cost of political strife, leading to war between countries over something as trivial as a red balloon. And when do they play it during the movie? When Bremovych is waging interrogating young East Berliners celebrating the culture of the west. It’s surprisingly profound! However...using Flock of Seagulls’ I Ran during a chase scene is...less so. That’s one’s a little on the nose, let’s be honest here. And that basically sums up the music for the movie. It’s all good music, but it’s either used well, or it just isn’t. Also, there actually is music composed for this movie, by Tyler Bates, and it is good...but I had to listen to the soundtrack to remember that it was even in the movie. So, yeah, not fantastic.
OK, how about the editing? The flashback sequence intercuts as part of the movie have been criticized by some for interfering with the pace and tone. And...eh. Wasn’t too much of a problem for me, to be honest. And other than that, it didn’t stand out too much to me. I’m finding that editing is the hardest thing to judge in these movies, but who knows? I think this little project might improve my film judgment skills. Also, those long shots? Not true long shots, as they were edited in post. So, good job to Elísabet Ronaldsdóttir! Overall, though, this category’s getting a 7/10 from me.
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That’d be a...68% Really?
I’m legitimately surprised, because I do like this movie! Really, I do! But breaking it up piece by piece...it’s only really OK. My personal preference doesn’t necessarily dictate my score, and vice verse. So, I like this movie...even if it’s not as good as it can be. It’s a distinctive and stylish film with great action, and if you wanna see Charlize Theron be cool and kick ass, then WATCH THIS MOVIE! 
And by the way, I didn’t touch too much upon the fact that this is the rare bisexual protagonist, and this is Tumblr, so I know that that’s something you guys know. And honestly...eh. Fact of the matter is that it’s a part of her character, but...we don’t really get to know the real her throughout the entire movie, so...is it? I’m honestly not sure. But, representation is representation, I get it. Also, fun fact, Delphine actually is in the graphic novel, but as a guy. So, interesting change, that!
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OK, I think we’re done with the spy movies for a bit, now. Let’s switch subgenres a day. Let’s inject a little more adventure into this month, and let’s trade fists...with swords. It’s swashbuckler time.
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January 18, 2021: The Mask of Zorro
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loveperservering · 3 years
    Hi, I’m Tink (she/her), I’m 23, and I haven’t been on Tumblr rp since like 2019 so I’m relearning everything. So here’s the Google Doc and about the blog! 
   - Mutuals only, please! No personals.     - 18+ for interactions. This blog won’t be a stranger to nsfw content, like gore,violence, smut, etc. Along with potential for very heavier and triggering matierial such as manipulation, abuse, death, etc.     - No godmodding duh.    - NO HATE OR DRAMA HERE! This blog and community should be for fun, and I have no time or energy for hate or drama so please don’t try that shit here. If there is ever an issue that needs to be brought up, please come tell me! Behavior can’t be fixed if it’s not brought to my attention!     - NO BIGOTRY ALLOWED HERE! That should go without saying.     - Please correct me if I violate any rules or guidelines you’ve posted! I’ve got garbo memory.    - That being said, i don’t read your rules upon following, i read them before we interact. Either after we’ve become mutuals or after one of us sends a meme or a message to the other.  It just helps me keep track of what everyone needs.    - Also feel free to correct me or give me pointers on anything! 
    - MCU based Wanda is the main portrayal here, but I can and will probably include characteristics from some comics. I’m just not as familiar with comic canon.      - Elizabeth Olsen will be my main FC but if I find others I like, I’ll add them.      - While I don’t support Elizabeth’s Olsen’s past actions, I understand some are not comfortable with her.  Don’t follow me. But please don’t soft block those who do, just block me and blacklist my url.
     - I love to make new verses and intereact with other fandoms, so feel free to reach out even if you’re not a Marvel/MCU character! I will literally make an au with you to fit Wanda in there or simply be like ‘eh multiverse shenanigans i guess’      - Once again, this blog could contain triggering or nsfw content.       - Icons (primarily if not exclusively live action) will be used on occasion      - A lot of the icons are made by me, but a some are not. They were made for public use so of course i snatched em up.      - I like to use small text and 100x100 icons, but, of course, you don’t have to do that! Don’t feel pressured to just because I do. Use normal text, big text, gifs, no icons-- whatever makes you happy!        - While Wanda can read minds and feelings and that may come up in threads, I’ll try to never assume what your character is feeling/thinking unless it was made known in a previous reply or from plotting.      - Starters from me tend to be one liners or super short to start off. But as I keep writing it could get longer and more descript once I get a feel of your style and preferences. 
      Shipping      - I am a ship whore as much as I am an au whore! All sorts of ships! Romantic, platonic, enemies ( hateships??? ). All of em!      - I’m open to shipping with most any character as long as they have chemistry! So I try to have interactions with your muse before we set in stone a ship dynamic     - The only exception to this rule would probably be Vision (for obvious reasons) but that doesn’t mean there wouldn’t be exceptions to that even.      - My Wanda is pansexual. I think that’s fairly obvious, considering.      - While we’re here on the shipping aspect, might as well touch on smut. I’m open for it, but I’m not very good at it seeing as I hardly write it. I’d like to keep smut to people I know I write well with and won’t judge me too hard if I make a fOOL of myself. 
      - This is a multiverse, multiship, multi-whatever blog! But I do have mains!        - I am always accepting mains!       - What does Tink define as a main? Simply put, anyone I’ve added as a main is someone I have talked to enough out of character, built up what I would call a friendship, and plotted/interacted with enough IN character to get first dibs at whatever.         - They also tend to get replies faster. Which has nothing against anyone else! But usually plotting comes with more muse for a thread and it comes more naturally???
       Mun Stuff/Other
     - I’m not online all the time or available to reply all the time. I have a pretty time and energy consuming job and most days I come home drained. I’m easily reached on mobile through IMs for communication though!
     - I’m slow as hell with replies, and I’m sorry in advance! Wanda is a super complex character with a lot of emotions, and I am tiny smooth brain who can only handle so much of that.       - I post a LOT of ooc stuff because I like to talk a lot and I got a lot to say!!!      - I might miss a reply here and there, so if I do, feel free to message me about it to make sure! Tumblr is dumb and so am I. Sometimes I’ll draft or queue them and I’ll let you know what’s happened. But I definitely don’t want to miss any so send me a message just in case if you want to continue one!      - This also goes for asks! If you send in a meme and I don’t answer it? Likely I didn’t get it! Asks tend to get priority for me because they’re often easier so if I don’t answer yours, I didn’t get it!      - If we’re mutuals, feel free to ask for any other social media site, such as discord!      - I have no DNIs, nothing bothers me.       - that’s not true, dni if ur a meanie >:(       - I’d like to think I’m super duper nice and open! I love to make friends with those I write with and encourage it! Please don’t hesitate to reach out for any reason!      -  Again, I haven’t been on this website in like 2 years. I’m still and constantly learning!       - Thanks for taking time to read this and feel free to ask any questions or whatever! :)
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devintrinidad · 3 years
Aw those hcs are adorable! 
I like that green tea is such a staple for 1146 even cells who know him treat getting accepted by him like a pet owner does when their cat bring them a dead animal offering. At least he brings them tea instead of a dead germ. XD
I’m now being reminded of the S1 ending where Platelet sits on top of 3803’s cart. Only replace it with NC now. I can imagine all the weird looks they get when she’s carting around adult Normal Cell like he’s a child. Neither of them care. NC probably just gives off a smug ‘you wish a strong pretty girl would give you a ride on her cart all over the body’ (and he’s right. Some are jealous). But I also see Leader Platelet come running after them because she’s used to 3803 doing that for her too. Instead of making NC leave, Leader Chan plops gerself in his lap all three go on a adventure together (3803 is a disaster and curiosity magnet so eventually things could always get wild). 
It’s funny to think NC is in fact very protective of her. But because he’s a Normal Cell now he’s much weaker then her. She ends up acting more protective over him and carrying him around when he can’t walk. That or she gives him piggy back rides.  It probably takes him awhile to get used to this new reversal. But then he’s like 'eh she’s caring about me and that’s all that matters’. He definitely still acts very protective but he’s more of the nagging type like 5100. But he does it more grumpily. He’s actually bonded with 5100 when it comes to worrying about 3803 (which is pretty ironic). The only difference is he focuses more on how tough she is too and likes it when 3803 goes off the beaten path and does things a RBC isn’t known to do. Since 5100 thinks so little outside the box, NC also sasses her but she sasses right back and then they can squabble (in a non hostile way that never goes to the levels he and 1146 squabbles can) about how she thinks 3803 should just do as expected of her. While NC praises 3803 for doing more then what’s expected of her and even uses the time she called the Calvary on Cancer as an example (which is also ironic). 
Lol, 1146 takes awhile to figure out he’s not over senstive about NC acting affectionate with 3803 because of the past (at least post finally accepting NC in their lives by giving him tea). He’s just straight up jealous and territorial. He’d hate any guy kissing her on the cheek. 3803 doesn’t mind because she actually gets that NC is not doing this out of romance (he’s just as dumb if not dumber then 1146 when it comes to that). Granted she knows he has a crush. But he’s also still very affection starved and not very good at getting social norms. He’s trying his best though and these days wouldn’t dare do anything to upset her. After awhile she notices 1146’s sheer grumpiness and NC tells her he’s upset he’s too shy to kiss her cheeks too. 3803 being 3803 quickly tells 1146 what NC told her and she informs him 'of course  he can kiss her cheek too’. She waits for him to kiss her cheek but he just stands there frozen like all the life got sucked out of him. NC is trying not to laugh out loud. 3803 gets tired of waiting so - thinking it might help - she gives a quick kiss on the cheek to 1146. Then his clothes explodes off him as his face turns more red then her hair. Normally NC would get a little jealous but even he’s in a little awe by the reaction. 0_0
Normal Cell would cry tears of joy that NC managed to find two friends. That’s a lot more then he expected. He’d be such a busybody like that overly enthusiastic momma bear who’s so proud and invested in her child. NC would stop him from getting too excited over 3803 being his girlfriend because she’s not. Normal Cell also shows 1146 all of NC’s most embarrassing photos because he sees 1146 as a nice upstanding guy who is like NC’s best friend. 1146 is polite enough to leave before laughing his head off and subtly making fun of NC about it later. That’s the quickest way to get NC to behave once he realizes all the blackmail ammo 1146 has on him.
 Aw, I bet 1146 gives the best hugs to 3803. He just envelopes her into his big arms and she feels so safe and warm in them. Sometimes when he’s particularly happy or sentimental, he sweeps her off her feet for a tight hug while she laughs. 
I can imagine 1146 just has his iconic dour face when he’s carrying them and thinking he’s the only adult in this trio.
NC would make fun of 1146 for liking boring vanilla best. 1146 would defend his choice saying it’s vanilla Bean! Very different from ordinary vanilla. Then he’d point out lemon suits NC just fine because they’re both so sour to deal with. 
Aw NC trying his best to find a good dynamic with 1146 and 1146 leaving to cool off instead of exploding at him. They’d definitely have a ways to go and NC would be grateful deep down how patient and kind 1146 really is with him. The sass will always remain but NC is definitely forcing himself to learn how to not hurt others when previously that’s what his entire existence was about. NC probably cried once when he accidently made 1146 REALLY upset. Then 1146 ended up getting flustered and giving NC way more treats then he could consume in one sitting because those tears would stop coming. That’s their weird dynamic. 
NC will never stop treating 3803 like a queen. Making her happy is the one thing that eases his guilt a little. She definitely sees herself acting like a big sister for him and always accepting his gifts. She’ll pat him on the head and hope someday he’ll hate himself a little less for a life he hadn’t picked. Her forgiveness is the one thing that helps him sleep at night. 
As much as NC would never admit it, he doesn’t want to ever move out of Normal Cell’s apartment. He knows he’ll get lonely without his creator and sees him as a security blanket despite all his visible annoyances over said mentor’s clingy ways. He’ll probably treat Normal Cell’s next clone like that annoying younger sibling he never asked for and is his mortal enemy by birth (you know in a normal sibling way). 
Hiya! Are you new? Your email is unfamiliar to me....
Hahaha, now I’m getting images of 1146 covered head to toe in blood while dragging around the mutilated remains of a bacterium for his friends. It’s somewhat adorable but also terrifying. 
That’s a great callback! I actually wanted to reference that time in 3803/NC’s relationship back in RBA (basically one of the first times they meet and 3803 saves Cancer by running for her life with Cancer hanging on for dear life in her cart). But the reference to the season one ending is also a great detail! And yes, Leader Platelet (and a few of the other platelets), also like to ride on 3803′s cart. 
(Sometimes, other RBCs will get their own platelets and they’ll go have races around the body). 
I am living for the friendship with NC and 5100. Although I’m pretty sure 5100 will never know the true story behind the kidnapping and NC’s true origins, they will surely bond over 3803. (But let’s face it, NC gets 3803 roped up in his shenanigans and it’s up to 5100, 4201, or 1146 to bail them out. And no. NC regrets nothing). 
Protective NC is best NC, even when he’s being a sassy little child when doing so.
1146′s CLOTHES EXPLODE??? HEHAHAHAHAH! 3803 is left mystified while Dendritic Cell swoops in for a few photos. 
(NC pays Dendritic Cell with a few humorous stories of 1146 in exchange for a few photos... to which Normal Cell promptly sticks into his budding scrapbook for NC).
1146 gives the best hugs. Sometimes, when he swoops 3803 in his arms, he sees NC looking off to the side, an angry blush on his cheeks. 1146 isn’t one to gloat, but that’s probably what he’s doing when he sees the look on NC’s face. 
(Don’t worry... some day down the line, 1146 hugs him... but they will never admit it). 
If there’s anyone interested in the Abnormalities verse and also happens to be an artist or likes to doodle... please draw grumpy 1146 holding his two friends like they’re a sack of grapes? Please? It would make my day, haha. 
Hehehe, I gave NC lemon flavor because of his “lime green eyes”. But he is definitely pretty sour to begin with.
Aw NC trying his best to find a good dynamic with 1146 and 1146 leaving to cool off instead of exploding at him. They’d definitely have a ways to go and NC would be grateful deep down how patient and kind 1146 really is with him. The sass will always remain but NC is definitely forcing himself to learn how to not hurt others when previously that’s what his entire existence was about. NC probably cried once when he accidently made 1146 REALLY upset. Then 1146 ended up getting flustered and giving NC way more treats then he could consume in one sitting because those tears would stop coming. That’s their weird dynamic.
^^^ I won’t expand on it, because you worded it better than I ever could. You broke their relationship into their barest essentials. 
Oooohhhh, I love the image of 3803 patting him on the head. While NC isn’t that much taller than 3803, the height difference is still apparent. I can just imagine that whenever NC gets really down or especially guilty, he hunches over himself, becomes smaller, and bows his head (reminiscent of his first reincarnation as a child trying to hide from the big, bad immune cells). When 3803 sees this, she immediately goes into mother/big sister mode and starts patting his head and smoothing his locks. Maybe she even kisses him on the forehead/cheek (depending on how she’s still dealing with the trauma). 
After that, NC beams at her, but doesn’t sass or say anything. 
He’s content with what she has given him.
Hehehe, I bet Normal Cell has to explain that there are rules and regulations to this sort of thing. So, they compromise. NC and Normal Cell will live on the same floor of their apartment complex and NC gets to visit whenever he wants. 
(He totally comes over every day just to annoy his younger sibling). 
Thanks for the lovely add ons! They were really cute and adorable! :D
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itskateak · 4 years
(Preface: this is a really long post as I typed it as I was watching the movie so this is unedited, pure thoughts as I was watching this movie.)
I just started watching the new Cats movie and I’m already having issues with what’s going on
Why did Munk spider man his way down a wall
What’s wrong with Misto
Why don’t they just crawl on their knees Jesus Christ if they weren’t on their toes it would be better
“Are you mean like a minx” that’s not in pitch
The choreography is going good though- I knew it would. I’ve worked with that choreographer before.
I have so many questions
Music is too fast. Tempos are everywhere.
Singing isn’t too bad. I can understand the words better.
Munk is a little too feminine for my taste at the moment but I like his design.
Macavity speaking and singing his own song is disgusting
Why is everyone bullying Misto
Munk there’s a rhythm to the Naming of Cats. You can’t go off it whole everyone else is on it.
You guys can’t keep a tempo can you
HIS name. HIS.
Munk that’s a little sexual. NO YOU ARE WITH DEMETER STOP
stop cutting the scene up. Just let them dance.
Misto is on brand except he’s not Misto yet storytellers
Also I’m liking the idea that Victoria is new to everything and the plot is they’re introducing her to the wild and the whole heaviside layer thing
they have human eyebrows too what
Munk that note is too high for you
Is Jenny twerking excuse me
that’s also not the melody
The human mice are going to cause nightmares
Wait is Jenny lusting after Munk
Why does he actually look interested
Munk do you have an English accent or American. Please decide.
Jenny that’s not the right notes
no one needed that undershot of cockroach crotches
Mm meow
huh what Tugger what was that
Okay Derulo is not bad at all
I’m missing the Tugoffolees banter though
This Tugger is a little gayer than the original
Tugger is reminding me of Dr. Frank N Furter from Rocky Horror Picture Show
Why does he have an English accent though
VictoriaaaaAAAAA? (The TOES)
Jenny’s humor is eh. Don’t see the reason of putting that in.
The ending is pure Tugger though
Not a bad rendition
Grizz isn’t as rough as I imagined her looking
Oh her VOICE
Who is this cat singing about Grizz (the first) her voice was nice
Munk why did you grab that queen’s head
Edward Hyde is that you?
Jenny stop trying to be the comedy relief you’re too awful at it
Bustopher please STOP singing your own song
I wish they spent more time dancing since that’s really the point of the show and the draw to it.
Bustopher wearing heels? I’m for it. Gay legend.
“Thanks Tugger” stop this whole sequence please
Bustopher is supposed to be a very prim and proper cat. What happened to him
Still can’t get over Idris Elba being in this
Oh. Hey that’s pretty neat choreo though
“I bought that for her myself” “hey” “what?”
My brain is rebelling because it’s not right at all in anything I remember
Did Misto just pull a whole femur from his hat
is he wearing eyeliner
I don’t actually know his song so this is new to me
Jenny and Bustopher being comedic relief hurts because they’re not funny
Munk “where have you been?!” Is there a love triangle happening. What happened to Demeter
Also his voice in Deuteronomy is actually really nice
“Sits in the suuun” that was beautiful oh god
Deut looks more like how I imagined Grizz would look
I bet she regrets ever saying yes after this.
What cat is randomly wearing a crow skull around their neck. Is that a witch’s cat
Why are you singing Munk’s line
Oh the Jellicle ball is next let’s go Andy show me that awesome choreo
Asparagus are you okay
Tempo doesn’t exist in this movie does it
Neither does rhythm or time keeping
Twirly boy Munk
Munk really just wants to be topped doesn’t he
Andy I love you man but the traditional and classic choreo would’ve worked just as fine
Skimble and Munk being gay
what happened to Plato and why is there something going on with Misto
Ah okay I understand why that happened. No mating dance or slumber party
Cats wearing shoes disgusts me more than the toes
honestly? Jellicle ball is disappointing. They just cut the ten minutes of amazing dancing down to like four.
I don’t like the heavy breathing. That’s not something that was ever necessary.
Okay, the end worked okay with the big synchronized dances.
I’m ready for this Memory rendition. Already getting chills.
Those are very human hands
Oh keep with the rhythm I beg of you
Ooh altered verse
Wait that’s jennifer Hudson???
Oh we just removed a whole verse, bridge, and chorus didn’t we.
Sweet moment? See I like Vic reaching for Grizz
Vic gets a song??? Ooh intrigued
I like her voice
I’m going to cry this song is sad and I’m glad she gets a story
Though it’s kind of “you think your life is hard? Mine’s worse” feeling after Memory
Awww I’m gonna cry what a sweetheart what a lovely dear protect her
Ugh meaning of happiness. I hate this song no matter who sings it.
Wait what happened to Rumpus Cat song :( the battle of the pekes and the pollicles
What do you mean you’re about to make the choice
We still have Gus’s song, Misto’s song, and Skimble’s song.
They got Ian McKellen to do this?? How much was he paid
“Cross paws” no stop
Why is Gus singing his own song please don’t
Munk’s face bugs me for some reason
His song always makes me cry for some reason but this is kind of goofy and cute and I love it
Misto in the background is just strange for me
Is he forgetting the words sometimes and mumbling to fill in because goodness
Misto’s so eager to please what a bottom
“Macavityyy” I hate it
Munk starting Skimble’s song has the same energy as Tugger doing Misto’s songs
I’m glad they’ve kept this song the same as it was
Skimble is SO gay oh my god what a classic twink
Oooh I like this addition of the train getting started via tap
I’m actually really liking this rendition and the tap dancing on the the rails
Though the tap continuing when no one is tapping or the rhythm being wrong is uh not good
Such an iconic song and I love the changes in scene
Oh skimble that note was not good
Oh hi Taylor Swift
Use more breath. Stop doing the pop voice thing. Stop it.
Is Bombi a drug dealer
I can say though that what they’ve done to the song is exactly the vibes it needed. Sultry and pushing the boundaries.
Sad there’s not a Demeter.
I actually rewinded to see what happened there with the martini glass
“Green house glass is broken” was changed and that makes me sad
This was a good song for Taylor to show off her vocal prowess but she just didn’t
Why is Macavity naked
Why is he singing his own damn song
Munk you’re still tweaking out a little
Oh here’s the sleeping orgy
What’s with this drama now with the choice thing
We don’t have Munk’s fight with Macavity. Robbed
If there are no 23 spins, I’ll throw my phone
Munk that’s gay and I’m here for it. Encourage your twink Misto
“Please don’t make me do this” has phantom vibes
Munk that was a lusty look
Where’s the “ooh ahs”
This is weird without Tugger singing it and being an ego for Misto
Tugger come on. Please save this number.
Victoria I swear to god I will beat you
Why do they have one person on the melody in this. And Derulo going through the stratosphere
That trombone is playing absolutely nothing in the music at all
oh here’s the fight music
oh they used the fight music for the escaping of cats
How much longer is there
Oh there’s the daylight reprise thing
I want to die
To the sun, Vic. To the sun.
Munk, Tugger, be respectful. That’s your mother.
Wait that doesn’t work in this universe because Deut is female.
Oh they gave the Asian cat patterns that resemble tiger stripes hmmmm
Why couldn’t they have just filmed an actual stage version and turned that out
Oh that “smile at the old days” was god awful
How much longer oh god
I’m tired man. I wasted 6 bucks on this
Victoria just stealing Jemima’s parts
“Like a flowER as the dawn is breaking”
Okay here it is
Okay so there are some cats wearing clothes and others not. What are the rules for this universe. Are they naked or are they not.
I have not shed a single tear. Usually I have by now from this show. Not a single tear.
Deut X Grizz is still my favorite ship
Is that the intro to Til I Hear You Sing that I hear. Those F to Gm chords Lloyd Webber loves.
Judi Dench stop trying to sing for the love of god.
Ah yes show off that beautiful ballet dancer that plays Vic
Aww Munk bowing to Grizz
Oh so it’s a chandelier this time and not a tire
Where’d Macavity and Bombi go
Oh there he is. What a child. Hate that.
Deut being a proud mother to Munk is cute with the hands on the shoulder
Why are we reprising the first song
Also Air balloon.
why are they all staring so intently at her too wait
Munk looks like someone is touching him inappropriately this whole scene.
Munk and Misto looking at each other
The choreography doesn’t even match the beat of the song. Huh???
Misto you’re gay stop
Munk and Misto looking at each other and the shy glances away
So Grizz gets hot air balloned to death is that what I’m seeing
Oh it’s over okay
I want to cry.
It’s not as bad as I heard. Once you got used to the way things looked and just let things happen and say it might as well happen, it became a bit more enjoyable.
It’s still god awful though and let’s pray the furries never get ahold of it.
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distrustedace · 4 years
“Apparently Virgil is a better actor than Roman. Who knew?”
AN: I want to make this into a series but its is going to be shorter then the Janus series. Also it might be a little messy since I am improvising the storyline. I hope this isn't a complete and utter disaster. 
“Apparently, Virgil is a better actor than Roman. Who knew?”
Roman found out that his newest lead is going to be a boy. And honestly, he was so excited! Finally, some gay representation in musicals. And this time, Roman knew it was going to be a totally new experience. Yes, the heathers will be girls as always, mostly because the heathers are too iconic to have a gender change. But, the newbie is going to play “Veronica” who’s name change is going to be Verona. Roman, on the other hand, is going to play JD. He wasn’t thrilled about playing a sociopathic kid with daddy issues but he got used to the fact that he had to play the villain. Besides, what's a story without the main antagonist?
Roman strode into the theatre to attend the rehearsals. He didn’t know who got casted for Verona since he missed the auditions for the other character , and completely forgot to check the list of people who got in. So on top of that, Roman was ready to be pleasantly surprised upon seeing his Co star. He suddenly heard a low tone speaking a line out of the musical , “and there is Heather Chandler, head cheerleader and main leader in the trio. And she is a mythic bitch.” Roman, upon hearing that line, immediately knew that his co-star is the greatest fit for Verona, he was instantly thrilled to be working with him. He looked up and saw.. Virgil?
“Wow, I never knew Virgil was the theatre kid.” Roman muttered. He was more than pleasantly surprised at Virgil’s acting skills. His tone of voice was authentic, he stayed on point, saying the words verbatim without the script and…. He looked the part. Especially the emotional aspect, Roman was excited to see that Virgil was better at conveying emotions then he is. It gives him some competition and a fresh new perspective in the world of acting. Roman smiled to himself, “Well, this is going to be a new experience.” He thought.
Virgil, actually felt like a human while playing the part of a fictional character. He wasn’t really antiquated with his emotions. Heck he doesn’t know how anger , fear, happiness or sadness felt like since he barely felt them. The only reason he got into theatre in the first place was because he seemed to only feel them, while playing a fictional character. He hoped to gain a full understanding of his emotions. Sure, he stopped acting by 7th grade in middle school, but he picked it up so he can have a “fun past time.” as his father put it. It was pleasantly enjoyable for him. But his main concern was if Roman would be willing to work with him. He knew that some of the rumors paint Roman to be a massive diva. Of course Virgil wasn’t sold on most of the rumors he heard of in his school, but it gives him small suspicion about Roman. He heard the door open and close and looked up to see Roman. Who was neatly dressed. He had his signature haircut which was combed to the right and gelled. He was always wearing a red jacket with a royal emblem on his chest. It indicated to him that Roman has already committed to pursue a degree in acting in the Chamberlin university, all the way in London , England.
“Ay, it's my greatest star, Roman. How was your day, busy?” the director said.
“Eh, not too busy. You know me, I always get my work done on time.” Roman responded. Virgil noticed the easy tone of his voice. He wondered if someday he can be as calm as Roman. But he was relieved that Roman might be open to working with Virgil. Virgil wanted to make sure he avoids any type of confrontation with his crew members. Infighting within a group can only lead to disaster.
I stepped up to the stage to finally talk to Virgil. “Hello, my name is Roman, and I will be playing the part of JD. Nice to meet you, Virgil, I have heard of you around school.” I said as I headed out.
Virgil gave me an firm hand shake before saying, “
It is nice to meet you too, Roman. I am relieved to have a kind person to be the lead of the show. I wonder, how did you  hear of me?” Virgil asked.
“Well, I guess you’re well known for your literary skills. Especially your narrative writing. I am quite impressed by your newest story.” I admitted.
“Oh, I didn’t peg you as the type to read stories like mine. Sometimes they can be too dark for a lot of people. Thank you for reading my stories.” He replied.
Virgil seemed monotonous, but I knew he meant well. I felt excited to work with him.
“Alright, so I assume that you already know the whole script. So, let's skip to rehearsing the “meant to be” number. I want to see how well you can convey Verona’s emotions.” I said
“All is forgiven baby! Come on get dressed. You’re my date to the pep rally  tonight!” I recited, with a low but slightly manic tone. As to establish JD’s mental state in the beginning of the song. I needed to convey that JD feels manic, and morbidly happy, but also had to mask his depressed and angry state.
“What! Why?” Virgil recited with a seemingly calm but anxious tone. That was really
Good considering his first line.
“Our classmates thought they were signing a petition! You gotta come out and see what
they really signed.” I recited, making sure to convey madness in the last part of the quote.
“You chucked me out like I was trash. For that you should be dead!” I sang, pausing a little before saying, “ but,but ,but!”
“Then it hit me like a flash. What if high school went away instead!”
I sang, making sure to enunciate the last sentence to seem like JD is slowly spiraling down to insanity. I remind myself to convey the song in a rebellious tone but to have undertones of morbidity.
“Those assholes are the key,” I belted out, before saying, “They’re keeping you away
from me.”
i announciated since the key words needed to be known to the audience. I wanted to show an obsessive side to JD. Since that is his main character trait.
“They made you blind, messed up your mind, but I can set you free!”
I sang out, I growled when I said  “messed” to show a small snippet of JD’s rage. As I did that, I made sure to build up the tone of the quote, starting from a normal tone, to an angry tone and then ending off with an easy, calm emotion. I also swiped my hand out while saying messed, to show how mad JD gets when he mentions what happened in the highschool .
“You left me and I fell apart for that you should be dead,”I said, while trying to convey a mix of sadness and anger. I hope I executed that correctly.
“I punched the wall instead, BAM BAM BAM!” I bellowed, wanting to show the pure anger dripping from JD’s quote.
“Then I found you fell apart, and set lose all  that truthful shit instead!”I sang out, while chuckling during the truthful part of the quote. I was taking a little artistic liberty with that. I wanted to show how JD is trying to put apart his anger with some humor.
“And so I built a bomb. Tonight,are school is vietnam.Lets guarantee they never see their senior prom.” I finally sang, I loved this quote since it gives me so many creative freedoms. I growled and sang a light but firm tone. After ending with a joyous high note. I noticed that virgil dropped at his knees, shakenly holding his torso with his right hand and covering his mouth with his left hand. Like he was stifling his sobs. I can hear his quiet whimpers. I almost faltered, I was convinced for a moment that Virgil was actually crying. I actually saw slight tears flowing from his eyes. That was an intense add on to the song.And it is magnificent.
“I was meant to be yours, We were meant to be one, Don’t give up on me now,Finish what we’ve begun, I was meant to be yours”
I sang the whole verse, doing the same thing as I did before but trying to improve the emotional appeal bit by bit to build up to the climax.
“We the students of westerburg high, will die!” *gasp!* “Our burnt bodies may finally get through, to you.” *oh-oh god!* “Your society churns out slaves and blanks, no thanks.” *whimper* “Signed the students of westerburg high. GOODBYE!” I ended with a manic tone. Virgil’s head snapped up while I said goodbye. His eyes were wide, his mouth was tightly frowning and tears were still flowing down his face. I instantly felt horrible after saying that. I know full well that this is just a simple rehearsal but, I am honestly worried for virgil. And if he gets me, worried for him. Then I know that I am dealing with serious competition.
After singing the next few verses I got ready to sing the climax to the song. I hope to god I get this right. One flaw of mine was expressing grief and anxiety. Something that can be Virgil’s biggest strength.
“Verona, open the, open the door please, Verona open the door!” I cautiously but anxiously said. I actually felt like trying to get Virgil to look at me.
“Verona can we not fight any more please, can we not fight any more!” I sang, making sure my voice wavered a little bit. I’m actually feeling apologetic. This is the first time I ever felt the way I am acting. I am both confused but excited to use this to my advantage.
“Verona sure you’re scared I’ve been there, I can set you free! Verona Don't make me come in there. I’m gonna count to three!
I sang as I strided to virgil, getting desperate to see him.The music swelled and completely stopped. The bass played a hopeless tune, to convey the pure, raw emotion of my reaction to Verona’s dead body.
“Oh-Oh-” I immediately covered my mouth, vomiting almost lurching up my throat. Virgil’s body lay lifelessly against the wall. His arms were hanging out, his legs were strewn apart and his eyes… Oh god his eyes…  It was blank, it looked lifeless. He didn’t even close them! How- is he fucking ok?!
“P-please don’t leave me alone,” I whimpered out, somewhat crying at Virgil’s parasuicide, “You were all I could trust,”I desperately and depressingly sang out. I feel like my soulmate died. Holy shit.
“I can’t do this alone,” I sang out, building my tone up to the eventual climax.
“STILL I’LL WILL IF I MUST!”  I belted out. I was beyond furious. Emotions were spewing out as my expression morphed into someone that is wordlessly screaming. But thank god I still kept the volume at a normal tone.
The music stopped and my heart was still beating. My chest was puffing in and out as I struggled to come down from my newly found emotions. Virgil stood up and I heard his footsteps stride to me.
“R-Roman, are you ok? You were more intense than usual. Is there anything I can-” Virigil worried before I tackled him into a crushing hug. He staggered back for a bit. His arms falling limply. I took a deep breath, smelling the hood of his jacket. I was desperately making sure that Virgil was actually ok. That he was living. That he was breathing.
“Vi-virgil. Are you unharmed?” I meekly asked.
“R-roman I am completely alright. Did I trigger you?” Virgil assured me.
“N-no, it's just that… you were too believable. I just- for some reason I can’t stand the
sight of you dead.” I breathed out.
Virgil lifted his right arm and awkwardly patted my back. But it gave me comfort.
“It's alright Roman, the song was intense and I bet you were tired for today.Lets just get you to the seat and I will get you something to snack on. You did an exemplary job.” Virgil assured me.
While I was making my way to the seat I realized that my emotions are not a product of stress or burnout.
I think I fell for Virgil.
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jamikellywriter · 5 years
50 Years of Woodstock - In One Day
Ok, so why all the hubbub about the 50th anniversary of Woodstock?
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This isn’t a post about the Watkins Glen debacle (the upstate town otherwise known for its racetrack that was supposed to serve as the site of the 50th Anniversary celebration with a roster of performers that sounded too good to be true, because it was). Or the curious coincidence of the Carribean “Frye Festival” fiasco of a few years earlier - where tickets for the first ��annual” concert were going for upwards of $12,000 for an event that turned out to be barely a blueprint. And let’s not forget the also-not-gonna-happen fourth annual “OZY Fest” in Central Park which was cancelled by Mayor de Blasé-o because it was too damn hot -- or because his presidential campaign stomping had him in Dubuque that weekend; we’ll never know for sure.
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No, this isn’t a lament about the non-festivals of the twenty-teens. It’s about what did happen in Woodstock on the third weekend of August, 1969, and the same weekend 50 years later.
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Before the mud at Woodstock ‘69 
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And 50 years later, Radio Woodstock 100.1 WDST concert at Utopia Sound Stage 
“The town still retains much of its ‘69 feel, despite all the commercialism,” according to Ronald, my Uber driver who was at the original event 50 years ago by way of an entry-level radio station job. “My boss caught wind of something going on and thought we should be there. So I went.” With no ticket, no tent, no food, he went alright. His most overwhelming memory? “It smelled.” His second? “I wish I had saved some of the audio I took,” he lamented to me. But who knew? When I mentioned the station must surely still have whatever content he captured, he told me they changed hands so many times, nothing is left. Another remembrance? “I was an arm’s length from Janis Joplin on the stage.” As a resident of Woodstock for a few years, Ronald once ran into Bob Dylan, who also lived there, at “The Green” where he dropped me off. Also known to make the town home at one point or another were Van Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, David Bowie, Bonnie Raitt, Donald Fagen, and John Sebastian of the Lovin’ Spoonful who still lives there, according to Ronald. 
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Not Michael Moore, my Uber driver Ronald, who spent some years living in Woodstock and was at the 1969 event. So while I had Ronald, I thought I would get my facts straight about the ‘69 event. Why free? It wasn’t supposed to be. There were tickets sold for $3 a day, but when the crowds took over, they couldn’t continue to check everyone for tickets and basically said, F-it, it’s free. Of note, some tickets for the Watkins Glen spectacle were going for $1,000. 
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The original lineup in ‘69 - on a T-shirt from ‘19
Why Yasgur’s Farm? That’s not even in Woodstock! And who’s Yasgur? There were several music festivals in Woodstock before this one, but the organizers were looking for a bigger venue to hold about 20,000. 20,000! The actual turnout was more than 20 times that, despite Jimi Hendrix’s famous quote that it was over a million. So they stumbled upon a local farmer named Max Yasgur who had 600 acres to rent out in Bethel, NY.  Bethel is 70 miles away from Woodstock, but Bethel just doesn’t roll off the tongue in quite the same way.  
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The real deal at Yasgur’s farm in ‘69 - from a friend who shall remain nameless as well as shirtless. I’d always thought the concert was actually held in Saugerties. What gives?  Some pre-'69 Woodstock music events were held in Saugerties, and the 25th Anniversary of the concert was held there. Oh that must be it! Why did it become such a cultural milestone if there were already similar concerts before it? Ok, there’s been a lot written about this one, but here’s my take, eh, really Ronald’s. The cultural mood was ripe for it. People needed something - the Vietnam war, the civil rights movement - people were restless. A generation worshipping at the feet of Richie Havens, whose opening set contained the iconic “Freedom”, was yearning for just that. And somehow, the rain and the traffic and the music collectively conspired to create a muddy container within which 400,000+ hippies experienced three days of peace, love and their own form of sunshine. 
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Another shot from Woodstock ‘69
While those of us born too late may never fully appreciate its significance, here’s another explanation:
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This plaque appears in a gallery in the Woodstock Playhouse, another cultural institution in the area where I stayed for the evening’s performance of “Hair” to round out my blast-from-the-past day.
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Actors from “Hair” at the Woodstock Playhouse after the final verse of “Let the Sunshine In”, which included audience members, like me, on stage So, what did Woodstock the town do to celebrate Woodstock 50? Good question. When Ronald dropped me at The Green in the center of town, I only saw three violinists playing to a crowd of one, me. As I wandered the town, I saw the usual smattering of tourists, nothing out of the ordinary for an upstate tourist town in summer. Then I made my way up Rock Ridge Road and followed the sound of live music to the Colony - no doubt named for the artist colonies of Byrdcliffe and Maverick established there in the early 1900’s. Yes, Woodstock’s cultural history goes back to the turn of the last century. 
There were some local acts performing on two sound stages, one for real bands and one for, let’s just say, amateurs. The only restriction for the smaller sound stage was that the performers had to be locals. ‘Nuff said.
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Sensing there had to be something more going on in this town, on this weekend, I hitched a ride (ok, I befriended a young couple who were there celebrating their first anniversary and they gave me a ride) down about a mile and a half away to Bearsville, where Radio Woodstock was hosting the real celebration which included merchandise kiosks and food trucks. I wonder what the hippies would have thought of food trucks in 1969?
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My “ride” making love not war, in front of a food truck
The '19 festival also featured a 30-minute film running on a loop that captured some of the highlights of the weekend 50 years earlier.
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Was there any tie dye?
Yes. Lots.
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So if the tumult of the late sixties led to Woodstock ‘69, what hope does our generation in ‘19 have to unite us in an era of climate change, mass shootings, and a president who boasts of his friendships with dictators who admittedly “meddle” with our democracy? In the age of iTunes, it’s likely not music. In the age of Facebook, where everyone's life is already a “story”, it’s likely not the written word or photography.
Let’s just hope our collective container comes from looking backward, not living in a virtual reality as depicted by Netflix shows like Black Mirror. They say, everything old is new again. Perhaps that will prove to be true about the lessons learned from Woodstock ‘69.
These characters already seem to get it…
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Dig those locks!
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Where’s the farm?
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The author in front of an authentic VW bug from the era, no Deadheads to be found. Well, maybe a few. 
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asilverjackal · 5 years
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name :     I’m named after a place in the world.
nickname/s :     It’s complicated, idk who i am right now. I’m in the wilderness asking questions to the sky to tell me my name.
height :     5′6
nationality :     American
favourite fruit :     Oranges, i guess
favourite season :     Winter
favourite scents :     I’m more or less nose blind. i don’t know smells unless i’m up on them.
favourite animals :   Cats
tea, coffee, hot cocoa :   Out of these three i drink hot cocoa the most. 
average hours of sleep :     I can’t count.
when my blog was created :     I first made Sal’s blog in April of 2018 but didn’t do anything for a few months.
random fact :     I’m frequently living my life between having no idea whether i’m working hard, hyper focusing shit or ‘slacking.’  it’s terrible. i’m constantly unsatisfied with myself. i’m constantly anxious about procrastinating that I’m likely not doing.
favourite food :     hot wings
favourite t.v. shows :     I’m currently binging Atlanta (which i watched backwards before i paused season 2 and watched from the beginning like a normal person)  Transparent (i did the same thing with this bc originally it was for icons??) Pose, I think The Boondocks for all its flaws did influence my later interests with art / social topics / satire and, I’m salty I’m not the person who made Russian Doll.  
favourite movie :     Into the Spider-Verse, Hedwig and The Angry Inch, Yentl, A Bronx Tale
favourite vine :      You really expect me to think back to that old thing huh 
sexuality :     Straight
pronouns :    She/Her
favourite book series :     Nope.
favourite video game/s :   The Saints Row series, Bioshock, Fallout, GTA, and let me pour one out for my man Sonic who has truly fallen from grace.
favorite band/s :     the soon-to-be-defunct Childish Gambino and the now defunct Say Anything. 
favourite subject :  In regards to fiction? Like...stuff that implements real-world issues, makes a statement about them, or tackles a single family in a generational sense (such as Transparent taking it back to 1933 Berlin, touching on the idea of generational shared trauma.) 
guys or girls :     I mean, people ain’t shit.  
last time I cried :     Probably last month or so.
what I should be doing :     Six more pages of note-taking. Also a media review essay on The New Jim Crow, but that can wait until Sunday. 
favourite fandoms :     sa*nts row was very little and like, really unique. 
TAGGED BY :     eh. TAGGING :     eck.
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kickflipradio-blog · 5 years
Too Much Monkey Business: 4 Songs Talking Rhythm In Rhyme
A tongue twister, battle cry blood blister. Rhythmic rhyme, why don’t people do it all the time!? Now, There are a few reasons that make Chuck Berry a nasty rotten jailbird. There is also an awesome amount of evidence that explains why he is the master and the poet laureate of Rock N Roll. Chuck went on to influence countless pockets, patches and blankets of culture; he will as long as human beings exist. It’s just in the chemistry. The chain reaction since the dawn of time and he was a big link in the chain.
The dude started a trend of songwriting that would later lead to music that remains infinite in our human existence. He has songs himself such as Johnny B. Goode and Maybelline that will forever be heard as the roots of Rock N Roll. These songs put Chuck in the stars, but his poetic, rhythmic genius is completely exposed with one track in particular. Written and released as his 5th single from Chess Records, A track titled, Too Much Monkey Business, was released in September of 1956. A song that runs a string of complaints in a whimsical, humorous, ironic fashion.
“Run and to and fro,
Hard-working at the mail,
Never fail at the mail,
Here comes a rotten bale.”
Or how about,
“Pay phone
Something wrong
Dime gone
Well I oughta’ sue the operatah’
For tellin’ me a tale...ahhh”
Too Much Monkey Business with Lyrics
The rebellion of routine recognized. The “botheration” expressed in rhythm and rhyme. A comedic, Shakespearean perspective on everyday life is thrown into a two minute and fifty-three-second track. Listen to Chuck’s attack on,
“Same thing, every day,
gettin’ up, goin’ to school,
no need me to be complaining,
my objection overruled...ahhh”
Badass attitude. Tone makes everything. From the tone in a sunset, to how you talk to your mother. This rabble-rouser tone is nearly mimicked later in 1965 when the world would get flipped and swing the “Gates of Eden” open to a cultural renaissance.
The boot that kicked clean through the barn door, where culture was lying dormant, opens up with Bob Dylan’s evolution of “Another Side.” The opening track on the debut of Dylan’s electric brilliance, puffs up, slicks back and bohemianizes Chuck’s “Monkey Business.” Subterranean Homesick Blues reflects the rhythm and rhyme of Too Much Monkey Business and is righteously reinvented.
“Maggie comes fleet foot,
Face full of black soot,
Talking that heat put plants in the bed but
Phone’s tapped anyway,
Maggie say ‘the men they say must bust in early may,’
Orders from the DA.”
Dylan attacks the ironic unfairness of expectation that society holds, much as Chuck does, but Dylan nearly interrogates it under a spotlight. It’s like Dylan has this special lens that allows us to observe a million little ants who don’t know how the hell to work together and they’re all bumping into each other, trying to figure it out. Chuck is more day to day, profile to profile, person to person. Dylan reaches a bit further going chapter to chapter. Verse by verse he compares the hustle of the city to the hustle of the farm; hinting at civil rights, cultural phenomenons, stuff like that. Dylan is literally warning you “Look out kid, this is what this hard life has to offer, here are some obstacles I’ve observed along the way; let me explain in my alien-like, Shakespearean, Chuck Berrian original dialect.
“Get Born (Get Woke eh? Dylan was woke AF, am I right?) keep warm,
Short pants romance,
Learn to dance,
Get dressed, get blessed,
Try to be a success*,
Please her, please him, buy gifts,
Don’t steal, Don’t lift,
20 years of schoolin’ and they put you on the day shift.”
*In the famous music video Dylan shoots in 1965 for Subterranean Homesick Blues, he flips through poster cards that follow the lyrics of the song. When the line “Try to be a success,” comes up, Dylan holds a card that reads, “SUCKCESS.” His warning is rhetoric and my personal interpretation is that this world kind of tells you to try to be a kiss ass, suck a lil pee pee maybe? On another note, he also holds a card up that reads “It’s hard” during the line “hard to tell if anything if gonna sell try hard, get Bard” The warning plays back simple and clear, “it’s hard.” Also telling everyone to “get bard,” get hip to willy the shake….Billy Shakespeare.
Subterranean Homesick Blues Music Video
Two rhythmically similar approaches to songs, that paved the way to a new way of thinking. An honest, hysterical, fresh way of thinking. The Earth is perfect, but the world is unfair and the human species is competitive. The real heroes are the honest ones who can practice patience, recognize and relay that reflection of chaos and stupidity that we, as a whole culture and species, are functioning under.
So the 70s happen and most of the 80s happen where time has allowed generations to digest the cultural phenomenon and renaissance that occurred at the latter half of the 20th century. This band in November 1987 puts out a single that supposedly was inspired by being hyper-aware, anxiety, and a dream in which a party was full of people who all had the initials,  L.B. The 80s-indie rock band R.E.M. releases It’s the End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine). To be honest, I thought this song was a 90s song, and it certainly sounds like it could have come out in 1993. R.E.M.: great band; ahead of their time.
“Six o'clock, T.V. hour, don't get caught in foreign tower
Slash and burn, return, listen to yourself churn
Lock him in uniform, book burning, bloodletting
Every motive escalate, automotive incinerate
Light a candle, light a motive, step down, step down
Watch your heel crush, crush, uh oh
This means no fear, cavalier, renegade and steering clear
A tournament, a tournament, a tournament of lies
Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives and I decline”
More stream of consciousness and way more chaotic, surreal and nonsensical. However, the songwriter, Michael Stipe still created a piece that belongs in this group of rhythmic rhyme. It’s a whimsical perspective on the human tragedy. Its’ surreal, revolving, apocalyptic take, still hints at rebellion and liberty from societal routine. ‘Everyday at 6pm, the news comes on and oh boy look at all this chaos...yipee! Maybe I should do something about it, light a candle for someone, try to get some action going on the streets….ah there’s so much to do and nobody’s listening and they’re telling me not to do it anyway, but ah fuck it.’ Songwriter, Michael Stipe effectively carries on the similar cynical helplessness in this fun, whimsical rhythmic rhyming pattern we see from Berry and Dylan. It’s possible I’ve missed other examples in between 1965 and 1987, and if did, please let me know! I’d love to hear from you and talk music history!
It’s The End of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine) Music Video
2 years later, Billy Joel writes and releases a single in July of 1989 that captures accurate historical moments and tense emotion spanning from the end of the Second World War to the present day of 1989. We Didn’t Start The Fire continues the legacy of Too Much Monkey Business with the rhythmic rhyming pattern that Chuck started back in 1956. Joel uses historical points as well as cultural and political icons to reflect the human collection of events that are placed on the scales of judgment. A moral test of ourselves. Chuck’s rolling eyes from “botheration,” Dylan’s weighted tongue sticking out at America’s societal routine, Stipe’s dizzying anxiety of becoming overwhelmed and now Joel’s judgment.
Joel steps back and looks, not only at America but the world to examine, essentially, the ripple that has been rolling since the bombing at Hiroshima using the same rhythmic-rhyming method as Chuck and Bob nearly 3-4 decades prior. I like to think of where these artists were when they were picking up influence for a piece like this. Was Joel listening to R.E.M. a couple of years prior on the radio and heard something click in his head? He had to be a fan of Chuck and Bob. Maybe he wasn’t even conscious of the similarities.
We Didn’t Start The Fire Montage
We Didn’t Start The Fire Official Music Video
We Didn’t Start The Fire- The chorus implies that the generations before us kind of made a mess so big that the next generation could never avoid stepping in it. Now I get that my tone may sound negative, but with a grander perspective, it doesn’t have to be so cynical. In fact, I think that Chuck and Bob use a more of an ironic, cynical tone as opposed to Billy who uses more of a mature, mediating tone. ‘Okay so, I wasn’t in existence when y’all were throwing shit on the fire, but now I guess I’m here and it’s all kind of getting out hand...maybe we should do something about it? No? Maybe? Yea, we should probably take care of this, right?’
“We didn’t start the fire, we didn’t light it but we’re trying to fight it.”
The 80s gave us a heroic tone and hopeful songs about changing for the better and the how the world had to take a good look at itself in order to do so. Joel still uses a great amount of condemning and controversial examples of how the world isn’t in its best state.
“Birth control, Ho Chi Minh, Richard Nixon Back Again (Whoops)
Moonshot, Woodstock, Watergate, punk rock.
Begin, Reagan, Palestine, terror on the airline.
Ayatollah’s in Iran, Russians in Afghanistan
“Wheel of Fortune”, Sally Ride, heavy metal, suicide
Foreign debts, homeless vets, AIDS crack, Bernie Goetz
Hypodermics on the shores, China’s under martial law
Rock and roller cola wars, I can’t take it anymore.”
In the end, it seems that it all has become too much. There is still hope in this song. The other three don’t hold the tone of hope as much as they do cynicism and tragic hilarity. Subterranean Homesick Blues and Too Much Monkey Business complain and warn us, as It’s the End of the World  As We Know It is more like a kid punching one fist in the air offering incomprehensible stream of consciousness with a radical attitude.
How the four differ: Bob doesn’t use a chorus, he uses a hook, “Look out Kid, It’s something you did, don’t matter what you did, you’re gonna get hit, they keep it all hid.” The other three have a distinct repetitive chorus separate from the verses. Bob throws the hook in the latter half of each verse to bring his thought around to a satisfying conclusion only to continue kickin’ that rock n roll. Like I said, a boot through a barn door.
We can conclude that these four tunes share multiple patterns and techniques that make them stand out from other songs. We witness an evolution of the observation of societal decline. They all use quick, rhythmic rhyming patterns that make these songs catchy, memorable and well...hit singles. Make a playlist with these four songs in order from Too Much Monkey Business to We Didn’t Start The Fire. Find out for yourself. Let me know if you discover anything. Let’s talk about it!
There aren’t many songs like these four, and well this article/blog/piece-whatever you want to call it- is just recognizing that and nothing more. Maybe we can learn something from it...but I’m just going to try writing a quick, witty, whimsical, ironic, rhythmic, rhyming observation on the societal decline and see what comes out. Maybe it’ll be a “hit single” yea right..and maybe roosters won’t peck me every time I try to give ‘em a kiss!
Aloha and always cheers,
Fisher the Lloyd
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disxwned-blog · 7 years
Answer all RP Positivity Meme questions~
RP POSITIVITY MEME!        [Accepting]
Read more because length!
♥ What’s the absolute best experienceyou’ve had in RP?
// Already answered!
♦ What’s your favorite thingabout RP, generally?
// It must be being able to share your ideas really! I have always been alone, I never had anyone to truly RP with me, so everything that I wrote came from me- You could say that I still do this, as seen as my muses always have one verse that is exclusively for development only, it isn’t there for interactions and whatever.
So being able to share your ideas, see people liking them, and people wanting to write with you makes wonders to my self-esteem.
♚ Have you ever made any lastingfriends through RP?
// Many!! Yes indeed! I just wished I was better at keeping in touch, but RP has helped me meet some wonderful people.
⚜ Have you ever met anyone fromRP in real life?
// No unfortnately- or fortnately?? I am from a foreigner country, there are some people that I would love to meet irl though. Maybe one day?? Who knows??
✮ Do you think you’ve improvedas a writer through roleplaying?
// Yes, definetely!!
☄ Has roleplay positivelyaffected your life in some ways?
// Already answered!
☯ Tell us all about yourfavorite muse you’ve ever written and why they meant so much to you.
// Yasuo.
It is my most followed blog at the moment, and the one muse who I have had the most development time with! If that wasn’t enough- I have such a big freedom on what I can write Yasuo in, furthermore he is the one who I had the most fun writing so far! I had a rather easy time getting into his mind, so that is always an A+ on my book.
Despite my Yasuo blog’s past being kinda of troubled.
I got to meet awesome people like @steel-fixes-all, @bloodynumberfour, @fugeoni666, @samurai-spirit amongst so many others, they all deserve love and I am so thankful for meeting them.
☼ Have you learned any newskills from being involved in RP (coding, editing, making GIFs, etc)?
// I guess I got better at editing and making some gifs!
☀ Have you ever joined a new fandom that you onlydiscovered through RP?
// Nope. All of the fandoms that I know and am into, come prior to RPing on tumblr.
♨ What unlikely, ‘only possiblein RP’ ships have you enjoyed writing with your muses?
// -coughs- My ships with @steel-fixes-all / @grumpyrunearchmage @plunderlords-decree / @hanzo-shimada-drgn. And I guess you could say that Jhinsuo as a whole?? so... @bloodynumberfour / @goldenmovement / @thatonejhinguy
❀ What is your favorite thingabout your current fandom or RP community?
// To be honest it is very difficult for me to say one thing right now that I like from this extremely toxic RP fandom. Ranging from the cancerous otherkins, the godmodders, and people who try to shove down your throat their shippings.
I mean guys...You are all losing to the Castlevania fandom, which is kinda of dead lmao, just bless Konami and Netflix.
Eh, I guess that...I like seeing some coold edits promos/icons?? That is it really, anything else can go die in the fire lmao.
✉ Say something nice aboutsomeone you follow!
// @theestrangedwandererr
Hello yes- I know we have only talked to each other a few times. But I would like you to know that I really do love your Yasuo portrayal!!
I also loved talking about our Yasuos! We should definetely do that some other time! I love seeing how different your Yasuo is compared to mine...! And also I am a fan of your current RP with @highnoonkhadajhin !!
You both keep up with the great work there! And I wish you guys the best of luck and hope you two are having fun!
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furederiko · 4 years
After a brief detour through Shanghai, London, and Berlin, it's time to land on Dai Teikoku Gekijou once again. The stage is set for our main cast to take the spotlight! Furthermore, these 5 songs (Track 7 to 11), are representative of each character's personality, traits, or even backstory (so... SPOILER alert?). Basically, the meat of this album. You'll likely hear these tunes in full once you've successfully secured their solo endings, right? And throughout, the BGM version usually accompanies them during the playthrough. Let the song show begins!
Otome Nandesu yo (I'm a Maiden) by. Sakura Amamiya (Ayane Sakura)
First on the lineup, is the leading lady herself, Sakura. And, I'm not sure how to put it, but from a purely subjective viewpoint, it's my LEAST favorite of this set. Elise left a big shoe to fill following her one-woman Opera. And Sakura just couldn't keep it together, that we had to step down into an idol-mode or some sort. Sorry, no offense to idol fans out there! Different people, different tastes, and my idol phase had gone over the rainbow. If I have to be honest, I only heard the short MV I posted above (first one released) only a few times, before forgetting about it completely. I can't really understand why. Perhaps, it sounded generic? Sakura Shinguuji's image songs weren't a stand out in "Sakura Taisen" and "Sakura Taisen 2" either. Nevertheless, I enjoyed both "Sakura" and "Haru ga Kuru". I have even recorded my own covers for those two songs! They told the tale of naivety and sincerity, of a country girl who went to the big city and burdened with the fate to be a hero. Comparing those to New Sakura's solo is unnecessarily unfair, but it also can't be helped. What is the message of this song? It's about a girl who reunites with her childhood friend (Captain Seijuurou, who else). But she's no longer fond of the idea of him seeing her as a younger sister figure. But she couldn't say it, because *drumrolls*, she's now a maiden. My memory is fuzzy, but I believe Kouhei Tanaka-sensei had already confirmed that this is, in fact, an "Imouto" song. Hence the reason why my interest is not that high. Fortunately, the song took a delightful tone the moment that harmonica came along (which was after the first chorus, on the 1:30 mark). I actually DID enjoy it more because of it. I also liked the bridge part, and how the final result sounded less like a pop song. But that final line? Why did it feel needy and/or desperate? *sigh* Oh well, at least Sakura already did wonders with "Shin GEKITEI". I admit Part 3 doesn't really start off on the right foot. But worry not! It definitely gets better...
Onna!! Matsuri no Kokoro Iki (Woman!! The Spirit of the Festival) by. Hatsuho Shinonome (Maaya Uchida)
Time to get fired up again! And seriously, I dare you not to shake your body or smile as soon as this song begins. Because you certainly would! On a glance, this sounded and showed the traces of being the Kanna Kirishima's style of the new generation. But with one obvious twist: It's... AWESOME!!! Kanna is a good character, but her solo numbers rarely appealed to my taste. Suffice to say, this song took the best parts of her numbers and blended it into one spot. I've always loved this song ever since the MV came out. And this full, almost-5-minutes, version with extra arrangements just sounded... MINDBLOWING. One would argue that a bulk of this song was instrumental, with Maaya Uchida as the Matsuri's (Festival) Miko shouting her commanding cues. That is undeniably true. But listen closely, and you'll get why I or anyone would dig this. If you have been keeping up with me, you'll know that traditional tunes from various countries fascinate me. So it should come natural that I'm a sucker to festival songs like this. Especially with that mix of heavy metal rock guitar building up towards the dynamic duo of the energizing Taiko beat and an iconic whistling of Shakuhachi that added the authenticity of things. Wagakki Band, anyone? Aaaaaahhhhh... and Kouhei-sensei just HAD to slip in that speedy CRAZY-sounding piano bit! *applause* Just like Lancelot's song, this made me feel like I was being transported to Tokyo or Kyoto, attending and witnessing an actual Summer celebration. Uchida, a good singer, didn't perform this in her smooth vocal style. But she shouldn't! This is something you sing at ease while plainly having fun. Being all out and letting loose is basically the key! For the first time in Sakura Taisen's music history, I've bumped into a song that I simply don't want to sing along. Instead, I would DIE for the chance to participate in that Taiko play. Oh my, I need to see this in a live performance. You TOTALLY need to hear this! And dance along if you will... PS: If there's any gripe about this, it's when Hatsuho and the background voices are yelling "Oisa!" (literally means "Hey!"?). It tends to sound "Oisa, Osa, Usa, USO, USO, USO!". "Uso" means "Lies", and ends up giving it a misogynist feel by accident. The message of this song is that a woman is the spirit of the festival. Girl power! Feminism! But then there's these choir of ALL MALE that seemingly shouts "Lies, Lies, Lies!". That's pretty contradictory, eh? I know I'm totally making too much of a big deal out of this, but it honestly bugs me out...
Ninja Azami (Azami the Ninja) by. Azami Mochizuki (Hibiku Yamamura)
We haven't left Japan, as indicated by another tune of Shakuhachi and Koto, preparing us for the next performer. It's a familiar tune that many have heard in "Naruto", "Ninpuu Sentai Hurricaneger", or other feudal Japan-themed series. And the title had already said it all. This is the biographical description of Azami, as Shin Hanagumi's resident ninja-in-training. But as soon as it entered the verse (as you could hear in the MV), the sensation changed pretty significantly. No longer a serious Shinobi song, it morphed into the franchise's usual playful little girl song. Yes, even though Azami is technically older than Iris Chateaubriand, Coquelicot or Rikaritta Aries! She mentioned her hobby on practicing the various ninja scrolls, and even her love to eat snacks like Manjuu during breaks. Yare yare... With just 3:28 minutes, this is the second shortest song after "Shin GEKITEI". Obviously, the tempo does play a role in that. Hibiku Yamamura is a Sakura Taisen fan, yet she had the shortest solo number in the album. Somewhat ironic, isn't it? Nonetheless, she did a fantastic job. In fact, her unique voice remains consistent throughout the album, and that's worthy to be praised. I liked the traditional Japanese feel in this, but it also had too many speaking lines for my taste. Still, I'll gladly take this bouncy and head-bopping fun tune over Sakura's anytime. PS: Both Yamamura and Ana's VA made guests appearances more than once during the monthly Teigeki Report, which apparently will still going next year (probably until the TV series airs?). So you can hear them sharing personal experiences and stories on those videos. It's insightful, that's for sure!
Kaereru Basho (A Place to Return to) by. Anastasia Palma (Ayaka Fukuhara)
Goodness! I've been itching to arrive to this song. A good song is one that tells a story. Just like the previous songs, this one does the same, but with a deeper meaning and values. Ana is most definitely the "sexy Onee-san" archetype of this game, complete with having a curvaceous figure (reminds me of Rangiku in "BLEACH", wait a sec...). But personality-wise, the Greek lady gave off this mysterious, unpredictable vibe. She's like a mix of mature Maria Tachibana, with a vibe of Glycine Bleumer and Soletta Orihime's European presence, but with a cloudy past of Hanabi Kitaouji, and the hidden sides of Reni Milchstrasse or Subaru Kujou. If I had to describe it in one word, she's puzzling. However, there's one trait that she's been constantly identified with: she's an actress. It thoroughly commanded the message of the lyrics. But I digress. Was the whole song really all about Ana's passion for acting? There seemed to be more than meet the eye. From what I gather, there's an underlying hint of a journey of sadness, past events or eras that had emerged and faded, beloved people that had come and gone. In short, she basically acted her way through the ups and downs of her life. A coping mechanism, perhaps? Laughing away loneliness, a facade of her true emotions. And what did she mean by "A Place to Return to"? Was it the stage, or acting, or just like many of previous Sakura Taisen's heroine: someone to go home to? Or someone who can finally discover and understand her real self? I need to either play the game or watch the TV series to confirm that. Now that I'm older (and wiser? Naaaah), this is my idea of a good song. It asks you to listen, pay attention, and also feel challenged to try to figure it out. This was the longest Shin Hanagumi and solo song of the album. You'll understand why it needed to be that long to be good. The moment that alluring piano intro kicked in, and the violin started to seep in, it's classy and elegant as hell. Ayaka Fukuhara stated that this was a challenge to sing, and indeed it is. It should be. Even though the vocal range wasn't as demanding as Elise's opera, the pitch work was exceptional! She gradually went from a lower tone to higher and higher. It sounded like the aura of the room changed every time another verse began (due to the modulation, as well as the flow of passion and emotions), seemingly depicting Ana's many masks. And those sharp notes? Oh my, oh my, OH MY!!! No wonder Subaru's VA, Mie Sonozaki (who is a prolific singer herself) congratulated Fukuhara on doing such a fine job. This is another highlight of the album for me and my favorite Shin Hanagumi character song by far. Now, where can I get the off-vocal version? Because I totally want to try singing this song... PS: Similar to Elise, voice-wise, Ana is one of my favorites due to her range and distinct pronunciation style. She can go mezzo-soprano and heavy, but also high and soprano. I strongly enjoyed that versatility is utilized wonderfully in this song.
Rondo (Round Dance) by. Clarissa Snowflake (Saori Hayami)
You're watching a European-based fairy tale romance. What happens at the end, when the one true love has been found and all evil that stands in the way has perished? They hold a gala, where everyone waltzes into a happily ever after... That is the core of this whole song, a composition that Kouhei-sensei described it as feeling "like a movie". As a character, Claris fancies herself reading books (nerd alert! Hahaha), and I think many of her scenes in the game takes place in the library. But she also writes stories and loves to fantasize about a paradise filled with mermaids and magical elements. Perhaps because she alone wields a magic book. And her dream is to dance with someone while surrounded by those things. Those are the essence of the simple but poetic lyrics. I admit, when I first heard it, I was taken aback by the decision to putting this track as the final Hanagumi song. But now it makes perfect sense. It easily serves as a calm and astonishingly perfect capper to a series of solo songs, a grand celebration to conclude a colorful parade. My knowledge of reed or woodwind instruments is poor, so I couldn't tell if it was an Ocarina or another type that played in the intro. I'm not sure if that's native to Luxembourg too. One thing for sure, the medieval melody would naturally pierce through your soul, until that graceful combo of Lute or acoustic guitar (again, sorry if I'm bad at names) and harp soothed you into a more familiar space. Then suddenly, the song changed tone halfway through and turned into full folk song mode. Yes, the Kouhei-sensei style I told you before. Someone on Youtube mentioned that this reminded him/her of Disney's "Tangled". Well, I can attest that the catchy interlude was very true to that notion. To think that this song arrived while "Frozen 2" is still playing. Such a great coincidence! Saori Hayami is a great singer, known for her gorgeous legato siren-like vocals. Just like Ana (oh hey, fellow non-Japanese Shin Hanagumi), I'm beyond happy that this song fully made use of her unique charm. Especially once it got into that royal ballroom dance chorus, reminiscent of Orihime's image song. It didn't take long for me to imagine Claris as the protagonist, dancing with her prince (or princess, if that's her thing. Right, Hallmark?) in a grand finale of her fictional story. Speaking of which, I'm still confused as to why Hayami's name is always placed at the end. Even though the promotions clearly showed that Claris is one of the first members of the team. Could it be that she's a "special cast member" type, like in Hollywood movies? That would make sense... Another highlight of the album, another personal favorite (that I've been humming and singing unconsciously on repeat), this clocked as the second-longest solo of the album. But just like the previous number, I doubt anyone would complain. You only need to close your eyes and just start swaying left to right, back, and front. Take your beloved person's hand, embrace him/her tightly, and just follow the musical flow. Dance the day or night away, with much joy and passion! PS: The official MV wrote the title as "RONDE". I still go with "RONDO" because pretty sure that's a typo, considering even the French (one of Luxembourg's official language) equivalent is "RONDEAU". Rondo itself is a musical form that refers to a theme that keeps coming back around. But in Japanese, the kanji can also be read as "RINBU" which means "Round Dance".
Next: the final part of the review, featuring voices old and new, and my overall impression...
Video is available on SEGA Official Youtube Channel. "Shin Sakura Taisen" is produced by SEGA, and RED Entertainment. Credits and copyrights belong to their respective owners.
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hermanwatts · 5 years
Sensor Sweep: Alan Moore, Louis L’amour, Conan Pastiches, Robots
Super Heroes (BBC): Is it embarrassing for adults to like superheroes? According to Alan Moore – creator of the Watchmen series and widely considered one of the greatest comic book writers – it is. He says superheroes are perfectly fine for 12 or 13-year-olds but adults should think again. “I think the impact of superheroes on popular culture is both tremendously embarrassing and not a little worrying,” he says.
Folklore (The 13th Floor): The ancient lore of the indigenous peoples of North America are as varied and far-reaching as the continent itself, and unless you’re well-versed in native lore, you might not realize how many of those tales are populated by horrifying spirits, ghosts, witches, demons and monsters… and since we’re in the scare business, we’re going to share the most nightmarish ones with you.
Westerns (Crimereads): Some of the difficulties the fiction magazines were experiencing were due to a prewar invention: the paperback book. The Western “dime novels” and “railway novels” (so named because they were sold in train stations) of the nineteenth century were early experiments in this form. True success, however, had to wait until the 1930s, when a pair of innovations were introduced: an effective glue strip used to bind the book together and the adoption of a distribution model invented by magazine publishers.
Fiction (Goodman Games): What makes those stories pastiche instead of fanfic, I suppose, is that many of these writers were paid to write it and the result was distributed widely. You would assume that meant that the work was well-edited and had some kind of consistency, but a lot of people, me among them, would tell you you’re wrong.  Some writers don’t quite get the character, or want to change him, or don’t understand that he actually does change, age to age, and is capable of greater subtlety/humor/intellect than is popularly assumed (just as REH’s writing is more complex than popularly imagined).
Men’s Adventure Fiction (Paperback Warrior): “The idea that genre fiction is somehow inferior in quality to so-called mainstream fiction, and is not as literary, is artificial bull-puckey,” Hayes said. “Mainstream also is genre, psychological studies, social issues, etc. are all genres, and most of that is not as entertaining as other genres. Entertainment is the primary objective of all fiction, the other, lesser goal being enlightenment, which should never dominate the story. If you have a cause to espouse, the proper literary form is an essay or a non-fictional book.”
Pulp Magazines (Dark Worlds Quarterly): I’ve been spending a lot of time amongst the Pulps lately. And it begs the question: what is the appeal of these old, flaking, brown books? One thing strikes me immediately, the collector’s mania that says, “I want them all!” Since Pulp magazines are no longer produced it is a finite proposition to own a “complete Weird Tales” if not a cheap one. But this doesn’t explain everything. The idea of a rare magazine or comic sealed in plastic, unreadable, priced at, say, $1000.00, makes it no more interesting than a rare coin or a bearer bond.
SF RPG (Trollsmyth): Treasure is easy in fantasy realms. Usually, it’s great piles of gold coins, gleaming gems, and works of art. Back in the middle of the 20th century, when the future was nuclear, space powers feuded over fissionables the way 20th century powers fought over oil. Later, when the power of the future shifted from fission to fusion, He3 became the thing to fight over.
A. Merritt (DMR Books): What a difference a century makes, eh? A well-respected book reviewer for “The Newspaper of Record” published that glowing endorsement for the very first hardcover edition of A. Merritt’s The Moon Pool. As I’ve explained elsewhere, the book itself was a “fix-up” novel merging Merritt’s original novelette of “The Moon Pool” with the novella/short novel, “The Conquest of the Moon Pool”. Let’s see what else the reviewer has to say…
Pulp Fiction (Grey Dog Tales): This book opens with an excellent and very informative introduction by Garyn G. Roberts Ph.D., in which he gives a very detailed background of Farmer’s love for and relationship with Pulp fiction. Without wanting to repeat too much of the information in that introduction, it’s worth mentioning here that Greatheart Silver was Farmer’s homage to the great pulp heroes of the 1930s.
Gaming (Jeffro’s Space Gaming Blog): Long, long ago I heard rumor of them in the introduction of GURPS. Elements of Melee and Wizard are of course baked into the classic Second Edition GURPS Basic Set and first edition GURPS Fantasy. But strangely enough, the group of high school buddies that went hog wild playing Car Wars and Ogre and Illuminati somehow never went beyond doing anything else beyond creating a few 100 point characters with those gaming materials that were supposed to be Steve Jackson’s magnum opus and the ultimate testament to his design genius.
H. P. Lovecraft (Slashfilm): During an interview with Coming Soon, SpectreVision’s Elijah Wood and Daniel Noah revealed tentative plans for a Lovecraft trilogy, adding that Color Out of Space director Richard Stanely might be involved as well. Wood and Noah said that if there’s “enough of an appetite for these things, and we can keep them going and make at least three of them” because Lovecraft is “such an important voice in horror.”
Folklore (Blog That Time Forgot): Ah, that most feared & beloved of Scottish beasties, the Wild Haggis. Elusive yet ubiquitous, they’re rare enough to be seldom seen in the wild, yet populous enough to feed 5.4 million Scots every Burns’ Night. Some say they are small furry mammals, others that they are little birds with vestigial wings; some say their right (or left) legs are longer than the others to facilitate mountain navigation at the cost of reproductive opportunity, while others suppose that they have only three legs, or even no legs at all; there are those who compare their call with the drone of the bagpipes, and others who equate it with a whistly twittering.
Small Press (Rawle Nyanzi): There’s a particular short story magazine that chugs along like a little engine that could. In spite of financial challenges and some less-than-stellar sales figures, it keeps on keeping on through periodic crowdfunds and targeted marketing. I’m talking about Cirsova, the Magazine of Thrilling Adventure and Daring Suspense, founded in 2016 by P. Alexander, a Twitter buddy of mine who did the interior formatting for both of my novels Sword & Flower and Shining Tomorrow.
RPG (Goodman Games): The third book in the Alphabet series is now ready for pre-order! The Cthulhu Alphabet is an organized book of madness that you can incorporate into any role-playing game, Dungeon Crawl Classics or otherwise! The Cthulhu Alphabet is a collection of random tables to inspire your role-playing game, structured around an abecedarian theme. If you are a player navigating an uncaring universe, a haunted setting, or a horror-filled dungeon, you will find new ideas for your character and adventures.
Tolkien (Tolkien and Fantasy): I’m using the term “Tolkienian resonances” in this post’s title to refer to some things that predate Tolkien’s own relevant works, but are certainly not influences. They could perhaps be called precursors, but that seems too expansive a term. In any case, a few of these works with such resonances are interesting, and I recount them here. First, there is the discovery by Mark Hooker of the poem “The Orc and His Globular Island.” Hooker wrote about it in the November 2019 issue of Beyond Bree. The poem is interesting not only for its use of the word orc, but for the orc’s similarities to Gollum in The Hobbit.
H. P. Lovecraft (Sacnoth’s Scriptorium): Despite enjoying him as a good read, Lovecraft left Williams out of SUPERNATURAL HORROR IN LITERATURE, his monograph surveying the field, which he was expanding and revising at the time. Doubtless Williams did not make the final cut because Lovecraft had concluded that CW was really not a horror writer at all and also that only committed Xians wd fully appreciate these novels (Lovecraft himself was an atheist and nihilist).
Tarzan (DMR Books): As I stated this time last year, a significant portion of Tarzan fandom considers November 22 to be the ape-lord’s “real” birthday. That’s fine with me. It makes a perfectly good excuse to talk about my favorite works of Tarzanic art. I considered going through my faves in the order I first discovered them, but it was long enough ago—and much of it was in a fairly short span of time—that I decided to go chronologically as they were first published. Thus, the iconic cover for the first McClurg edition of Tarzan of the Apes has to start things out.
Pulp Art (Dark Worlds Quarterly): The first Pulp magazine to offer robot stories was not a purely Science Fiction mag but Weird Tales, which featured the first robotic brain, giant robots and robot despots in Edmond Hamilton’s “The Metal Giants” and Ray Cummings’ “The Robot God”.
Fiction (Don Herron): The other day Brian Leno mentioned that he’d heard good things about the novel Relic by Preston & Child — but even more specifically, he got the major tip-off from me.  I found the novel much, much better than the movie and could not believe that the movie cut out the role of Pendergast, an FBI guy who for all practical purposes may as well be Sherlock Holmes. My god, the best character. I could not believe it, and I still cannot believe it — who’d buy rights to The Hound of the Baskervilles and then delete Sherlock? What genius does that?
Ian Fleming (Mystery File): Thunderball was the eighth James Bond novel and followed a break after Goldfinger where the new James Bond had been a collection of short stories, For Your Eyes Only. In fact Thunderball was the result of the author’s dwindling enthusiasm for his creation after a series of bitter disappointments about Bond’s screen fortunes. A proposed Hitchcock film of From Russia With Love had fallen through (Hitchcock ended up doing North by Northwest instead), and while sales for the Bond novels had rocketed with Doctor No and Goldfinger, the television series pilot “Commander Jamaica” that fell through had become the plot of Doctor No.
Weapons (Pulp Rev): Swords are cool. That alone would be enough reason to include swords in fiction. And you can’t have a street samurai without a sword. But my preferred aesthetic, that of the military technothriller, demands greater justification than just ‘cool’. And for good reason: soldiers must justify every piece of gear they carry on a mission. Unnecessary gear just slows you down and takes up space.
Sensor Sweep: Alan Moore, Louis L’amour, Conan Pastiches, Robots published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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