#i spent like 10 minutes on this shit btw
the-anime-man · 4 months
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A view of the City of London from Bank junction and the Royal Exchange. Photographer: Tom Skipp/Bloomberg
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jestiamy · 1 year
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just finished reading @twstyuna's fic blood and bone and heart of stone and felt the need to highlight the fact ace's initial assumption of. yeah this is definite nepotism. was not that much of a jump actually spoilers for chapter 19 and appropriate levels of gore mentions for it below cut
I typically don't really do fanart for more rural and specific stuff like fanfictions over fandoms because it's like. my art is really. static. not really outstanding or anything. and it's easier to get lost in the crowd of "tons of art for popular game" vs "one of the like twenty total art pieces for super specific fanfiction I like" but the leona scene where golem!yuu rips out their molar and presents it to him as a gift really just stuck out to me. I did make a sketch of that but I was like. you know for someone really bad at gore this somehow ends up the topic of a lot of my art. I should go find something else. so after getting a drawing ref of golem!yuu I was like !!!! oh wow yeah they really do look like crowley huh. so I went for this instead
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irrelevaantidiot · 9 months
Eugh why did I cry so hard last night what the fuck /neg
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i would LOVE to stop having dreams forever actually
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typeofraccoon · 5 months
Hiii um can I request a fluff five x reader fic where the reader is also an adult stuck in their teenage body, and has a demeanor similar to Lila, they’re like super smart but always some of the most off-the-wall shit that doesn’t really sound smart at first but after a minute of thinking you’re like ‘oh shit Ok yeah that makes sense’. (Sorry if this doesn’t make much sense btw)
Part Of It
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Five Hargreeves x Reader
Five Hargreeves Masterlist
I'm gonna make this kinda in an au where s3 didn't happen and Lila went with the Hargreeves instead of just leaving at the end of s2 and Ben's alive like actually alive not a ghost.
Also sorry if this isn't what you were thinking of.
Warnings: Not proof read, unfinished? and I basically had this finished so I just went through some of it and decided to post it. Even though this isn't too long and might not make sense.
Word count = 1,144
Description: Your remarks make even Five confused sometimes but it's part of why he loves you.
As the sun shone through the window and past the open curtains you rolled over in your bed reaching out next to you. After not feeling anyone you open your eyes squinting at the light that was flooding into the room. You sit up rubbing the sleep from your eyes getting ready to open them again.
When you had opened them you slung your legs over the edge of the bed and grabbed your slippers. Once you had put your slippers on you planted your feet on the ground and pushed yourself up off the bed. Now standing you walk towards the closet to get ready for the day.
You were now making your way to the kitchen to get a morning coffee and hopefully find the person that was missing from your bed when you woke up.
As you were walking down the stairs you saw Lila walking up them towards you. She smiled at you and started to talk "Fives in the kitchen making another pot of coffee."
You look at her questioningly with an amused grin on your face already knowing what she meant but decided to ask anyway. "What do you mean another pot?"
Her grin widened as she lifted a mug in her hand while saying "Diego isn't awake yet, and both me and him need our morning coffee." As she finishes her sentence you notice another mug in her other hand. "There was just enough for two cups, luckily."
You both chuckled a little before saying bye to each other walking the opposite ways again.
Now you knew that Five wouldn't be cheerful in the morning already but with Lila having taken Fives coffee you knew it would be easy to piss him off. You were already thinking of some way to distract Five from Lila so that he wouldn't be plotting revenge for the rest of the day.
When you walked into the kitchen you noticed Five hovering over the coffee pot mumbling something under his breath. You smile slightly realising that this is your chance to try and scare Five. Something that he had never given you any chance to do before and had actually said that you'd never be able to do.
As you snuck up behind him you got ready to say what you had planned in an effort to also distract him from what you were about to do as well.
When you were close enough to him you started talking relatively loud before wrapping your arms around him. "You know that if you lived for 70 years you'd have spent like 10 years of your life on Monday."
You felt Five jump slightly your smile grow wider at your successful attempt at scaring him even slightly. You let go of him and Five turned to face you. When you could finally see his face he looked confused and you smiled sweetly up at him.
You were looking at him innocently as if you hadn't just said something that you knew he had to think about. Then Five turned back around to the coffee pot and picked it up getting ready to pour coffee into his cup.
As he started to pour the coffee into his cup he spoke to you. "What do you mean by that?"
When he finished talking you started to clarify why you had brought it up. "Well think about it you're technically 58. So in 12 years you'll have lived 10 years of your life on a Monday."
You were looking up at him with a sweet smile on your face as you were talking. When you had finished talking he had filled his cup up with coffee.
When he went to place the coffee pot back in it's rightful place you quickly grabbed his cup and walked to the table. By the time that Five had realised that you had taken his cup you had already sat in one of the chairs and started to sip from the cup.
Five looked at you with a fed up look before sighing and turning back around. But you noticed his mouth turn into a slight smile just before he managed to fully turn around.
"Did you really have to take my coffee?" He said while going to take out another cup from the cupboard.
You watched his movements "Yep." You responded to him with a smile.
When he had grabbed another cup he turned back around to look at you before starting to talk again. "Even if that was correct wouldn't all the time travelling change that."
You thought for a second while drinking. "I mean... that would depend on if you time travelled perfectly then technically my point still stands" As you finished talking you were looking at him.
Five had grabbed the coffee pot once again and started to pour it into his new cup while he was looking right at you. He sighed before an adoring smile was brought to his face and he chuckled slightly before he responded. "Fair enough."
He placed the coffee pot back where he had just placed it a couple of minutes ago. He brought his cup to his lips and took a sip of the coffee before he started to walk towards you.
He smiled lovingly at you and sat in the chair next to yours before he started talking trying to continue the conversation. "So when I actually do turn 70 then I will have spent at least 10 years of my life on a Monday."
You looked at him excited. "'Exactly! See that's still interesting."
When you finished the sentence you laughed slightly while looking up at him. Meanwhile he just rolled his eyes at you while taking another sip of his coffee.
He looked into your eyes before starting to speak to you again. "So since you're so certain about that. Do you know how many years we will have been together in 12 years?" As he was finishing his sentence he leaned closer to you and smirked once again.
You leaned in closer to Five as well and closed your eyes confidently with a smile on your face. "Well actually it will have been about nineteen years since we first met and about fifteen years since we started dating."
Five smiled lovingly at you and leaned back slightly to take another slightly longer sip of his coffee. When he brought the cup back away from his lips, his smile still prominently glued to his face he started to lean back in towards you while placing his cup on the table beside him.
Once Five was a couple of inches away from you he spoke again. "Sorry but you're wrong there darling. " When he finished his sentence he chuckled slightly. "By then we would've met seventeen years ago and it would have been dating for fifteen years."
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multifandomslxt · 1 year
NCT 127 and their Sugar Daddy Ratings Pt.3
Kim Jungwoo
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a neat 9.78/10 (He's stubborn asf)
He is 100% from a very long line of renowned singers and actors
his great great great great great great grandparents worked with Shakespeare multiple times (He includes that in every conversation)
so yk what that means...
he's a trust fund baby lmaoooo
never had to work a day in his life
but still chooses to
he owns a world-renowned academy for the arts
with branches all over the world
Yall met at a Gala he had to attend
You were a temporary assistant for a snobby and rude guest
and you hated it but you had bills to pay boo
on your very first meeting, he spilled red wine all over your very much white-now pink- dress.
I ain't gon lie
Jungwoo ain't one of the nice rich people
"Watch where you're going."
you had to look up at this bitch like
now you were pissed and all sticky thanks to his mistake
so you demanded compensation
After some back and forth
he takes you away from the gala and
has his driver carry you both to a high-end boutique
buys a dress 10x more expensive than the one you had on
doesn't give af
begin to pry
asks why you came as a temporary assistant instead of a guest
you tell him you're broke and in between jobs
he offers to pay a lil something in exchange for you keeping your mouth shut about his rude behavior
"I have a reputation to uphold"
safe to say somehow that created a pipeline
and now
he's your sugar daddy
You guy's HATE each other lmaoo
y'all literally cannot stand each other
but he gets jealous when another man is near you
rather scrape his bare ass against concrete than watch you walk into a cheap ass restaurant
and rather die than hear you can't make rent this month
But my gosh...
The sex?!?!
hate sex is superior btw
"5 minutes ago you were calling me a jerk and now you're all fucked out on my bed heh."
"I can't fucking stand you and your attitude. Shut the fuck up and strip"
He 'hates' you but his hands are always wrapped around your waist when y'all are in public
He 'hates' you but has your favorite coffee order and every mole on your body memorized.
he 'hates you but smiles like a fool when you text him.
Lee Haechan
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imma give him a 11/10 (he's great just horny lmaoo)
a professional menace lemme just say lmaoo
He's a world-famous singer
Owns his own record company
with famous artists
you guys met at his concert
a meet and great
he was immediately smitten by you
asked you out for coffee when everything was finished
and yall hit it off
y'all became friends (you expected more didn't you lmaoo)
at some point shit hit the fan and you couldn't make ends meet
Haechan being the friend he is offers to help you until you were back on your feet
but you being you said no
As if that would stop him
from paying our rent for the rest of the year
and stocking up your fridge every weekend
'accidentally' sending you 10k every weekend
and buying you a car to "get around"
one day he just outright admits that he is both your friend and sugar daddy
fucking hell lmaooo
he gives you a card under his name for anything
Will spontaneously take you on trips to places you've never been
when you complain he threatens to shut you up with 'something'
yes you've found out multiple times what that something was
"I sent you 10k last week and you still haven't spent it. What do you want me to do? fuck the stubbornness out of you?"
"You don't like when daddy spends his money on you pretty girl? too fucking bad"
yall 100% have frantic and needy s3x
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nahualnextdoor · 2 months
Character Analysis for Shitpost's Sake (long post; tw suicide discussion):
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A funny haha, a whimsy silly image. Something I did in like 10 minutes...
Well behind the scenes I spent an entire night dissecting every episode and book paragraph in my head just to see what box fits what character (I take my silly guys very seriously and my shitposts should represent their characterizations accurately otherwise I'll kill myself).
So, here we go.
Active suicide risk: (literally anyone except Cleo and Six)
-Resus: Pretty obvious and intuitive in my opinion. Our favorite trans allegory emo boy that literally sleeps in a coffin. Hates pretty much every aspect of his life, thinks he's a disappointment to his family simply for existing (and sadly kinda is), and is pretty much fine with death as a whole (most of his friends already went trough it, after all).
-Luke: This one was also pretty obvious in my opinion. While not as clear cut or active as Resus, there was this one time where he decided to banish himself to the Underlands, no hesitation, as soon as he found out (or rather was made to believe) he attacked his parent. He's very often ostracizing himself over his lycanthropy hurting those around him, and for the major part of the book series he believed himself to be a burden for his parents. (Also he has like. Zero sense of self-preservation, at least in the tv show).
-Luella: Oh boy. Where do I begin with you girl. Just her living situation alone is sad enough, add in her attachment issues, her lack of control over her emotions, her crush on a guy that treats her... horribly, and her lack of any meaningful friendship in her life up until she became bffs with Cleo in s2. Honestly I'm just glad that by the end of s2 she's mostly content with her life the way it is, but still... at least on the episodes before she got her shit together, I'd say she's kinda worrying.
-Dixon: Yeah this guy's life is just hell lol. I'm not really getting any suicidal vibes out of him, but it is more than plausible.
-Cleo: She's just... I love her 🙏🙏 Badass, one of the most interesting characters of the tv show in my opinion, autistic as fuck (they all are, but she's the one I relate to the most), curses the entire town in order to fix her problems and is pretty much happy despite being in an eternal sisyphean cycle.
Needs to retake the am I gay quiz:
-Resus: self explanatory I think. He really needs to get his shit together because I just cannot tolerate when he's all over Luella "oh luella I need your help with this spell and also brain drain dumped me in a wet cardboard box and killed my grandma 🥺🥺" and then going "well thanks for nothing, fuck u and ur stupid useless magic, also even tho we're nothing I will get all possessive over u at the slightest possibility of u liking Luke hey can we kiss to save the world btw" She deserves so much better than him omg. Boy you're queer!!! Leave her alone and just stay with the werewolf!!!
Cannibalised first in plane crash scenario:
-Resus: I just thought this was funny lol
Adderal prescription ASAP:
-Luke: Also pretty self explanatory. Lycantrophy is the magical equivalent of autism and adhd in this universe, I don't make the rules. Both in the books and in the show he's shown having a hard time focusing on class, finding it easier to just focus on his videogames. He spends hours playing on his console, to the point of ignoring his baisc needs, and is pretty hyperactive in my opinion, at least in the show. Really I wish they'd bring back the idea of Eeafa (or maybe even Luella) figuring out a potion or spell to help him manage his wild side, wich, to me at least, is not only his wolf self, but all of his neurodivergent tendencies in general (basically it would be magical meds that makes you have more control over the wolf form on top helping you study).
Missing person:
-Pretty much all the other kids from the books but I choose Kian because he's kinda the one that has the most relevance and the only one with an available image on the internet that is not a 3 pixels wide scan on the Internet Archive (still love them tho). He could potentially be on active suicide risk once he gets old enough to understand what happened to his parents tho, but thinking about that for more than 5 seconds makes me cry so I prefer not to.
And that is basically it! Thank you for listening to my ramblings and analysis of these silly little guys that keep rotating on my head like rotisserie chicken ballerinas. Next will probably be my still pending character analysis for why I assigned the slimes I did on my slime rancher post.
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circular-bircular · 4 months
hello! im currently questioning whether I am disordered or not. I was wondering if you would be willing to share your experiences if you're comfortable or maybe share some good resources about what its like being disordered because im really lost rn. this blog is great btw! take care of yourself <3
Hey there! Glad you enjoy my blog, sorry it took a bit to get to this. This is the first night in like a month that I have any free time whatsoever (and that's cause I'm putting off grades, lol...)
I hope you don't mind a bulletpointer on this one!
Disordered experiences...
Firstly, I cannot overstate how fucking everything about me is impacted by trauma. Physical health? I get sick more often because my body has fought as hard as it has to survive -- it's an actual thing that traumatized people get physically sick more often. Mental health? Shit. Depression's comorbid, anxiety is comorbid, and I've even seen discussions about the connections between autism and DID, and those two do not mix well in me. All of my everything is constantly fucked.
I cannot goddamn sleep. Sleep is a goddamn hellscape. I run from somewhere between 2 to 6 hours of sleep most nights, and have to take plenty of naps just to survive. That makes it next to impossible some days to get the energy I need, or if I did get enough nappies, to get the free-time I need.
In terms of my actual DID... Amnesia is the biggest one. I constantly have gaps. I have to write every single thing down. I have plenty of accomodations, sure! But even those fail from time to time, and then it's just a spiral. Like, today at work, I had a surprise meeting I did not write down, because I just forgot to. I forgot about the meeting until 10 minutes prior, when I got an alert in my email about it. This meant I skipped lunch, and had to try and focus without having eaten since 9am. This made my day harder, which led to...
Dissociation!!! God fuck. It's so hard to focus sometimes. I am so spaced out. Today was one of those days where I had to cling to my phone for survival and grounding. Not the healthiest coping mechanism, but it's better to be writing posts on tumblr during class than forgetting I'm in class at all. And none of the kids snitch on me -- just get a little pissy if I don't call on them quickly enough.
Trauma flashbacks. Ough. If I get stuck in one, goodbye ability to think for awhile. It's been happening more and more frequently at work lately, so there goes my 30 minute lunch spent in the bathroom forgetting I exist because I feel like I'm going to my parents house after school.
That ties into paranoia. I have to convince myself more often than not that, when I get home, my abusers won't be there. I'm 26 and haven't directly lived with them in 3 years, and I cut them off close to a year ago. I still wake up thinking they're breaking in.
That's about all I can think off quick, off the top of my head. Basically... owie owie my brain is a big ol bruise.
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aamalaaa · 2 years
sunrises & liquor (m) | myg
all that jazz
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pairing: yoongi x reader
series: sunrises & liquor
rating: m(18+); cursing, alcohol consumption, smut, explicit content
genre: bar workers au, barman yoongi au, (kinda) forbidden relationship, angst, fluff, smut
summary: after a failed academic pursuit and a few meaningless and disappointing relationships, you decided to go back to what you never thought you would: the bar industry. There you find a family, friends, heartache, misunderstandings and one particular barman who just won’t get out of your head.
warnings: cursing, alcohol consumption (duh), smut, dom!yoongi, sub/brat!reader, dirty talk, oral sex(m.receiving), unprotected sex(wrap it before you tap it folks), car sex, rough sex, angst, reader has issues bro
a/n: welcome folks, to yet another chapter of s&l! it’s been more than lovely having you around, sharing your thoughts and screaming with me. I appreciate you!! anyhow, this is the longest one yet, my bad, and we’re getting into the final arc of this story, I reckon. I hope you thoroughly enjoy this one<3
//: btw, I listened to ‘Lost’ and ‘Thinkin bout you’ by Frank Ocean, and also ‘Meet me in the Hallway’ by Harry Styles while writing this one, I recommend it.
chapter word count: 8.5k (my bad)
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Today was a long day.
It started well enough, you woke up and ate breakfast with two of your best friends, exchanged a few texts with Yoongi and tried to help Jimin with his Hoseok problem. You even managed to convince him to meet up with the latter.
Turns out it ended up unraveling in the worst possible way and you were left to pick up the pieces of your dear friend’s heart all throughout the afternoon, trying to ignore the guilt gnawing at you in favor of focusing on your friend who really needed you.
Because this isn’t about you and how you feel bad about what happened and the role you played in this whole situation. This is about Jimin and how he just got basically rejected by his longtime crush and friend.
So you lay in bed, staring at the ceiling in an attempt to understand what in the actual fuck happened today and how to help, what to do to make both your friends feel a little less miserable.
And Hoseok may have rejected Jimin, but you know him and you’re sure this whole thing is eating at him, will probably keep him up at night. Hoseok never wants to hurt anyone, on the contrary, he always tries to help people feel a little more hopeful, a little less out of control.
You facepalm yourself and sigh loudly. How the fuck do you always end up all up in everybody’s business, your life is enough of a mess as it is. 
Your phone vibrates and you unlock it, smiling like a whole ass fool as soon as you notice Yoongi’s contact name pop up on your screen.
Love [6:37]: badly, spent the whole afternoon consoling Jiminie
Love [6:38]: I’m so tired
You drop your phone on the bed and head towards the bathroom to take a much needed shower. You stand under the stream of hot water for, well, way too long, before you step out of the shower and wrap a towel around your naked form, blow drying your hair as soon as you do.
You leisurely make your way towards your dresser and slip on a simple black t-shirt. Then, you unlock your cell phone again and try to force down the surge of energy you get when you notice two new messages from Yoongi. 
Music Man [6:41]: shit. poor Chim.
Music Man [6:41]: are you ok?
You sigh contentedly as you type in a response and send it.
Love [7:29]: yeah I am, just need to unwind and go to sleep early.
You start scrolling through netflix, almost settling on a title before you feel your phone vibrate on your stomach.
Music Man [7:36]: wanna come over?
You grin and start typing.
Love [7:37]: mmmhm, idk. that’s at least a 15 minutes drive.
The reply is almost instantaneous.
Music Man [7:37]: I made budae jjigae..
Love [7:38]: say no more
Love [7:38]: leaving in 10
You start getting ready, pulling on some jeans and a coat, then you brush your teeth and grab your purse.
You look at your phone before dropping it in your bag.
Music Man [7:40]: bring overnight stuff [:
“Did you get my last text?”
You push past Yoongi and head inside the apartment.
“I did,” You reply in a monotonous tone.
He closes the front door. “Where’s your overnight stuff?”
You grin and lift your purse up,
“You’re sleeping in… jeans?”
You slip your coat off and hang it, wagging your eyebrows playfully. “Or maybe I’m sleeping naked?”
“Are you trying to be the end of me?” Yoongi groans.
You chuckle lightheartedly,
“Don’t act like you’ve never seen a naked woman before, please.”
“Definitely not, but they weren’t you. I don’t think you realize the power you have over me, love.” He draws closer and engulfs you in a tight embrace, laying a gentle press of his lips on top of your head.
You blush profusely, thankful for the fact that your face is hidden from Yoongi’s scrutinizing gaze. This might be the most romantic and simultaneously arousing thing you’ve ever heard. 
“Then you’ll lend me sleeping clothes will you?” You nip at his exposed collarbones.
Yoongi shudders quietly. “So this was your plan the whole time? Make a man weak so you can steal his clothes and why not, his cat too maybe?”
You laugh against the crook of his neck. “Damn, you caught me.”
“That’s cold, angel.”
You lift your head up and your eyes meet an absolutely devastating pout.
“Poor baby,” You coo before cupping his soft cheeks, pressing your lips on his for a few seconds and sighing in absolute bliss, the blond man’s arms tightening around you as you get lost in each other’s taste. You break it off first, parting an inch or two from him and staying there for a short moment, the both of you breathing in each other’s air, eyes closed.
“I just think your clothes smell nice,” You whisper tenderly.
Yoongi hums. “What do they smell like?”
You dip your head down and press your forehead on his shoulder, a light pinkish tint taking over your cheeks, and mumble, “You.”
“So you think I smell nice?” 
You slap his hip and groan in embarrassment. “I hate you.”
“Sure you do.” He chortles, a calloused hand making its way through your freshly washed hair.
You stay unmoving for a few moments, trying to will the heat in your cheeks away and then raise your head, first noticing Cat, laying on the couch and judging the both of you with it’s golden orbs, before catching the spicy scent of budae jjigae for the first time since you came in.
“You actually cooked, like for real.”
Yoongi lets go of his hold on you and rubs the back of his neck. “Well, yeah.”
You approach the stove top, taking  in a deep breath through your nose.
“I thought you were finessing me so I would come over.”
“That’s rich coming from you, clothes stealer.” Yoongi says, a playful indignant tone to his voice.
“Hey! I borrow them, I don’t steal them.”
“Tell that to the hoodie I haven’t seen in the last two months.”
You cross your arms and pout, leaning on the counter. “You gave that to me, meanie.”
“Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.”
“That’s not fair,” You squint your eyes at him.
Yoongi chuckles and kisses your temple, taking two bowls from the cupboard and filling them with two portions of the still-warm meal before putting them down on the counter along with utensils and two water bottles.
“Eat up before it gets cold.”
You whine but still sit down at the counter, slurping and munching hungrily at the delicious comforting meal. Yoongi watches you with an amused expression, eating quietly and slowly. Once you’ve annihilated your portion you put your utensils down and quirk a brow at the blond man,
“What?” you take a sip of water.
Yoongi shrugs, a crooked smile on his lips. “Nothing, you’re just cute.”
You choke on the liquid, coughing loudly and bring a hand up to your chest, violently slapping it to help clear your obstructed airways. Yoongi laughs and runs a hand up and down your back in a soothing motion. 
“You’re mean,” You croak out once your fit of coughs settles down.
“I’m sorry,” He massages the nape of your neck, dissipating any feeling of annoyance you might’ve had.
You pout. “Better make it up to me then.”
“Anything you want, love.”
"Anything?" You lift a brow and send him a seductive smile, slowly getting up and wrapping your arms around his neck.
Yoongi’s breath hitches in his throat as he lets out a low, rumbly, “Anything.”
You twirl a blond strand of hair between your deft fingers, a wicked grin lifting the corners of your mouth. “Then I want a massage and cuddles.”
Yoongi huffs incredulously and shakes his head, lightly swatting at your ass. “It would be my pleasure.”
He lends you a pair of black sweatpants and a white t-shirt and you quickly brush your teeth before going to the living room and petting the furry animal, cooing and squealing when it starts purring in content.You then make your way back to Yoongi's room and swiftly slide under the bed’s covers. 
Yoongi enters the bathroom and comes out a few minutes later to find you almost passed out, snuggled in his sheets. He slides under the covers next to you and whispers,
“Do you want to go to sleep now, love?”
You shake your head and blink slowly, meeting deep chocolate-like eyes. Even in complete darkness Yoongi looks absolutely stunning, breathtaking, and you feel so fucking fond and grateful to be sharing a bed with him.
“Nuh-uh, you still have to give me a massage.”
“Alright, on your stomach then,” Yoongi chuckles and tucks a strand of hair beneath your ear. 
You leisurely comply, and give him an expectant look.
“It would be better if I took off your shirt, but it’s all up to you.”
You nod and send him a small smile, giving him permission.
And so Yoongi sits up straight and starts tugging your shirt off, you help him by lifting your torso and arms up. 
Once the garment is off, Yoongi slides his palms up your back with increasing pressure, spurring a satisfied moan out of you. 
“Is that enough pressure?” He whispers in a dark, gruff tone, sending shivers up your spine
You barely manage to whisper the next words, 
“It’s perfect.” 
He continues his ministrations, lingering for a long moment on your shoulders and collarbones, then trailing down to the dip of your back and slowly pressing his thumbs there while you can only let out small mewls of appreciation. 
You slowly slip in and out of consciousness, not even noticing that Yoongi has stopped massaging you until he whispers against your ear,   
“Time to sleep, angel.”
You groan and begrudgingly sit up, tugging the white t-shirt on before slumping down on your side, facing the opposite way from Yoongi. The latter inches closer and wraps a lazy arm around your waist, pressing himself flush against your back.
“Sweet dreams,” He presses a delicate kiss on your shoulder.
You wiggle in his embrace before slurring out a small,
“Sweet dreams Yoongi.”
You tug nervously at the off-the-shoulder neckline of the emerald green, floor length dress you put on merely a few minutes ago.
It’s 7:04, which means Yoongi is late, and Yoongi is almost never late. Which might mean something happened, but it could also just be your anxiety riddled mind making up scenarios to taunt you.
Nevertheless you can’t tame down the bubbling anxiety rising in your chest.
You’re checking your phone for the upteenth when you hear a slightly reluctant knock at your front door.
You swing it open in a matter of seconds, letting out a shaky breath of relief as soon as you see Yoongi’s soft features.
Your relief is short lived though, because his appearance knocks the air straight out of you.
You grip the doorknob forcefully as you take in the fitted black suit Yoongi is sporting, the white dress shirt and black bow, but most importantly his luscious locks of hair. Because they’re not the light, bleached blond you’ve been drawn to since you’ve met him. No, oh no. 
His hair is black. 
Jet black, as dark as a raven’s feathers. 
And if you thought blond was the best color for Yoongi before, you were not prepared for this one. Because holy shit, he’s the most gorgeous man you’ve ever been blessed to lay your eyes upon. 
The night’s announcing itself to be a long one. 
“You look amazing,” Yoongi declares as he tucks his hands in the pockets of his trousers, an awestruck look in his eyes.
“Holy shit,” Is all you manage to say, completely unaware of the compliment he just bestowed upon you.
Yoongi nervously cards a hand through his black hair. “Yeah..”
“Yoongi. Fucking hell. Don’t do that.” Your grip on the door handle strengthens and you take a deep breath, looking anywhere but in his direction. 
“Do what?” He scratches his head in confusion, oblivious to your internal struggle. 
“Your hair, oh my god.” You snap your gaze up, just now noticing how awkward the man looks standing in the doorway. “Umm, sorry, come in.”
You step out of the way and Yoongi slides in through the threshold, closing the door as you make your way to the closet and take out your winter coat. 
“Yeah I was so done with bleaching it, so I just went back to my natural color.”
You hum understandingly and the man leans on the wall, watching you curiously as your shaky hands fumble with the buttons of your black, fake fur coat. 
“Do you like it?” He questions, an amused glint to his tone.
You gulp loudly. “Y-yeah I do.” 
You curse under your breath as you struggle to button your coat, your mind reeling with thousands of filthy images you try to rid yourself of. Crazy how a simple change of hair color can have such an impact on you. 
But you’re only human, and Yoongi clearly is something else, no way a human being is allowed to look like this, like sin incarnated but also a god sent creature. It’s not fucking fair.
Strong, capable hands deftly take a hold of yours and snap the coat’s buttons in place. 
“You like it that much?” He chuckles teasingly.
You send a glare his way, only now noticing how close he’s standing. “How fucking dare you look this good in my house, in front of my fake plants nonetheless!”
Yoongi lifts a brow in amusement before taking a hold of your waist and drawing you flush against his broad chest. “What are you gonna do about it?” 
You gasp and slap his shoulder. “I can’t with you, I swear to god.”
Yoongi laughs loudly, showing off a heart shattering gummy smile that has your heartbeat picking up at an alarming rate.
“Are you actually mad?” He runs a hand up and down your back. You curse yourself for putting on your winter garment, wanting more than anything to feel his fingers on you.
“Yes, I am! How am I supposed to watch the musical when you look like this?” You pout angrily. 
“So dramatic..” 
And just like that he stops you from responding by locking his lips onto yours, tilting his head to the side to deepen the kiss before biting lightly at your bottom lip, tearing a soft whimper out of you.
He slowly backs you up against the wall, using the surprised gasp you emit to slide his tongue against your own, licking languidly and relentlessly as you try to take charge, failing time and time again.
You slide your hand all the way up to the back of his head, tugging lightly at the soft locks of hair, something you’ve been desperate to do since he appeared at your doorstep. 
Yoongi emits a deep groan, shivers instantly pricking at your skin despite the warm clothing you’re wearing and you slide your other hand up to the button of his jacket, wanting nothing more than to take it off and feel his warm skin sizzling under your palms.
But he parts from your lips just as your hand reaches the obstructing button and chuckles hoarsely,
“We can’t miss this show, love. Tae would be sad and you’d feel bad.”
“Damn, I hate that you’re right.”
Yoongi rests his forehead against yours and lightly shakes his head. “Believe me, I hate that I am too.” 
You stay there, catching your breaths for a few moments before you speak up again,
“Alright let’s go now, otherwise we won’t be leaving tonight.”
You see his jaw twitch as he steps away and takes your hand in his. 
“I’m in pain,” He solemnly declares.
You chuckle heartily,
“So dramatic.”
You arrive at the theater a mere thirty-something minutes before the musical Taehyung stars in begins, the billboard announcing ‘Chicago’ in bright capital letters.
You notice Seokjin and Hoseok almost as soon as you make your way in after dropping off your things at coat check.
They’re leaning against a high circular table and chatting, flutes of champagne in hand.
Seokjin speaks first,
“We were starting to wonder if you guys decided to bail on us to go have sex at Yoongi’s place or something.”
You give him a mortified look while Hoseok loudly chortles, gripping his stomach as he does so.
Yoongi lets out a drawn out sigh. “I need a drink.”
Seokjin perks up. “Let me accompany you! There’s a bit of a line.” 
He downs his own flute in one gulp as Yoongi sends a pained look your way but follows the older man nonetheless, leaving you and Hoseok alone.
The silence that reigns over the both of you feels awkward and strange. You don’t like it, not one bit.
“How is he?”
You snap your gaze towards the red haired man.
“Who?” You question futilely, already knowing the answer.
Hoseok sighs, a downcast look in his eyes. “Jimin..” 
You pick at your nails nervously, unsure if you should be talking about it or not. You ultimately decide it couldn’t hurt to do so. 
“I mean.. how do you think? You know him, he’s taking it pretty badly but he wouldn’t talk about it or what really happened. He’s resilient though, he’ll manage.”
“I know.. I’m just-“ He pauses. “I’m just kinda confused and lost right now? I didn’t expect this, at all. And I’ve wanted him to tell me that he loves me for so long, even dreamt about it. But I met Lia a few weeks ago and it’s going well you know? She’s kind and I know exactly what she thinks and where she’s at..”
You didn’t know about any of this. “Lia?” 
“Yeah, I met her at a party. You’d like her a lot I think.” He shoots you a half-hearted smile, making your heart sink. 
Hoseok doesn’t do half-hearted smiles.
“If you do, I’m sure I would too.”
Hoseok stares at the floor, eyebrows furrowed, like he’s deep in thoughts.
You sigh and ruffle his hair. “Whatever you do, I’ll be happy for you. As long as you know you’re making the right decision for you. Not anyone else.”
Hoseok eyes you almost pleadingly. “But no matter what I do, someone’s going to end up hurting..”
“Yup. That’s just the way things go most of the time.” You try to swallow the uptick of emotions in your throat.
“You’re such a pessimist,” The corner of his eyes crinkle in amusement.
“I have nothing to say in my defense.”
You notice Yoongi and Seokjin coming back your way, holding three flutes of champagne.
You give Hoseok a meaningful look, “Seriously though, think about it. I don’t want you to regret your decision later on, whatever that decision is.”
He nods harshly, just as the two men come up to you. Yoongi hands you a flute.
“Thanks,” You beam at him, touched that he thought to bring you one too.
He snakes an arm around your waist and takes a small sip of the bubbly drink. “Of course.”
“So, what role is Taehyung playing anyway?” Hoseok asks.
You perk up, excited about your friend’s upcoming performance. “Roxie! It’s a gender swapped reinterpretation of Chicago.”
“Damn, he basically got the lead role.” Yoongi whistles, impressed.
You preen with pride for your friend.
“He did,” Seokjin confirms in an adoring tone.
“Sweet!” Hoseok exclaims, drawing in a few pair of curious eyes.
You all drink your flutes pretty quickly and make a stop at the restroom before heading inside the theater and taking your seats.
You sit at the end of the row, Yoongi directly to your left, then followed by Hoseok and Seokjin. You apply a thin layer of lip gloss before tucking the stick back into your purse, only then noticing Yoongi eyeing you, indecipherable emotions swimming in his dark orbs.
You lean closer and lay a hand on his thigh,
“Something on my face?”
Yoongi snorts. “Anything I could answer to that would be corny as fuck.”
You feel your face heat up and look down bashfully.
“Hey,” He lifts your chin up with his index finger. “I didn’t say I was done looking.”
“Oh my god Yoongi, stop.” You squeeze his thigh in warning, very thankful for the low lighting, otherwise you’re positive he would notice the bright red tint spreading all over your face.
“Cute,” He coos softly, caressing your cheek gently before draping his arm around your shoulders, you lean onto him . 
The musical soon starts, and it’s absolutely mind blowing. You don’t remember ever seeing something quite like it. Taehyung adds a lot of flair to it, and you might’ve seen him in other plays before, but this takes home the cake, in your opinion at least. Because he owns the stage, the role, the songs. 
He is the role.
But as much as you try to stay focused, you can’t help but let yourself peer at Yoongi from time to time, getting caught up in the way the light illuminating the stage creates all sorts of shapes and shadows upon his hypnotizing features.
He’s fucking stunning.
You leave your hand on his thigh all throughout the show, rubbing slow circles on his knee with your dainty thumb.
And you’re acutely aware of the occasional shivers coursing through Yoongi as you sometimes let your hand wander a bit further up his thigh, notice the way his jaw ticks when you lightly squeeze the muscular limb. You also notice how your heartbeat picks up its pace the longer you keep testing the man’s patience, as if maybe your little teasing might have even more of an effect on you than on him.
When the last musical number starts, you let your hand venture even further up, your fingers now almost reaching the place you want them to reach the most.
You feel Yoongi‘s muscle strain, almost missing the low groan that reverberates through him when he forcefully grabs your wrist in warning, which automatically sends a rush of heat through your whole body.
You chance a glance at his tense features, his clenched jaw, his eyes staring intently at the stage, and almost pout when he doesn’t give you any attention, simply keeping his steady and forcefull hold on your wrist, making it impossible for you to move your hand in any way. 
The play soon ends and you all get up, Yoongi lets go of your wrist to applaud and once he’s done, he gets a hold of your hand and interwines your fingers, sending you a dark menacing look as he does so.
The four of you quickly make your way to the front hall and you text your friend.
my queen [10:43]: we’re waiting for you in the front hall! you were fucking incredible tae omg
You feel Yoongi’s hold on your hand strengthen as you wait for a reply.
Taebear [10:45]: be there in 15, gotta wait for ppl to leave 
And so you all wait, eagerly discussing and praising your friend’s performance and the musical as a whole between the four of you.
Time goes by so quickly that you yelp in surprise when you notice your best friend making his way towards your group.
“Tae oh my fucking god!” You let go of Yoongi’s hand and run into Taehyung’s arms. “You were unreal up there.” 
You part from him to let everyone congratulate his performance, Hoseok clapping excitedly and crushing him into a fierce hug while Yoongi simply pats him on the shoulder.
“You were born to be on stage sweetie,” Seokjin approaches him and lays a passionate kiss on the younger man’s lips.
They exchange a few words before Taehyung addresses you, his head laying on Seokjin’s large shoulders,
“I know we planned to go somewhere after this but I’m officially drained. Rain check? Y’all still owe me a celebratory meal.” 
You snort loudly. “All good babe. Go rest, you need it.”
Hoseok ruffles Seokjin’s hair. “Can I catch a ride with you?”
“As long as you never, ever, touch my hair again, yes.” 
Taehyung chuckles airily, an endeared boxy grin etched upon his face as he glances adoringly at the older man. 
And so you all say goodbye and head towards your respective cars. You slump down the passenger side’s seat and tug your coat off, waiting for Yoongi to start the ignition. 
He drives out of the parking lot and onto the highway, glancing at you from time to time, not saying a single word. You feel anxiety bubbling up your chest and decide to break the tense silence,
“Are you dropping me off at home?” 
Yoongi chuckles almost menacingly. “Oh no, we’re sleeping at my place tonight.” 
“Umm.. since when?” You give him a quizzical look.
He clenches his jaw before replying,
“Since you decided to play a game you know you can’t win.”
You slide a hand up his thigh, your fingers brushing over his crotch, and relish in the sharp intake of air that reaches your ears. 
“What game?” You tease.
“Angel,” Yoongi rasps through gritted teeth, his hands gripping the wheel so forcefully that his knuckles turn white.
And you might be liking this a bit too much, but it’s way too fun to stop now. 
So you repeat the motion, sliding your hand up and down his thigh, brushing over his crotch again.
“Yes?” You flutter your eyelashes innocently. 
You barely even notice Yoongi taking the next exit and driving down small deserted streets until the car stops in a small parking lot next to the water.
You don’t recognize the public park in which you now find yourself in. 
“Uh, Yoongi? This isn’t your place as far as I know.”
The man lowers the backrest of the car seat to a more comfortable position, unfastens his seatbelt and grabs your hand, pushing it against the growing tent in his trousers, electrifying arousal growing sharply in your abdomen as he does so.
“Well, it seems like you couldn’t wait to be home to act like a brat. So go ahead, do what you want.”
You swallow thickly. “Here? What if someone walks past us?” 
Yoongi smirks and closes his eyes before bringing his arms up and slipping his hands behind his head. “Didn’t seem to bother you one bit earlier.”
And maybe it shouldn’t, but the thought of maybe getting caught, coupled with the alluring confidence emanating from Yoongi casts a hazy cloud in your mind, making you want to please the man more than anything in the world.
And so you unfasten your seatbelt and lift your skirt up to straddle the man easily. But he stops you before you can climb him,
You stare at him in sheer confusion. 
“That’s not what you were trying to do earlier. Use your hands angel, then we’ll see if you deserve more.” 
You all but shudder and nod weakly. Yoongi might’ve been a bit dominating before, but it was nothing compared to this. The confident, authoritative glint in his voice sends your mind into a frenzy, you want to get to know this side of him better.
He quirks a brow at you and closes his eyes again,
You snake a trembling hand up to the zipper of his trousers, struggling a bit before sliding it all the way down. You can feel how aroused he is, how hard his thick, warm length feels under the thin material of his underwear. It gives you a major boost of confidence, knowing how eager Yoongi actually is to feel you.
“Can you um..lift your hips,” You bashfully ask.
Yoongi blinks and chuckles amusedly before lifting his hips up and tugging his boxers and trousers halfway down, liberating his warm cock from the confines of his clothes. 
He watches carefully as you bring a hand up to your mouth and spit on it, his eyes darkening as soon as the thick saliva trickles down your palm.
His gaze only falters for a few seconds when you wrap your hand around him, and focuses again as soon as you start pumping him in slow, drawn out motions.
He stays silent, though immensely focused when you start going faster, swirling your wrist from time to time and applying a little more pressure when you reach his reddened tip, only to dive down again and again. 
His ragged breathing is the only thing that cues you in on how much he’s actually enjoying this and so, you ask with a tiny, shaky voice,
“Can I umm..”
The words don't come out. It’s not that you’re shy about doing it, It just feels weird to say out loud.
“Can you what?” He asks with a gravely low voice that sends a wave of shivers up your spine.
You look at him with pleading eyes as you continue sliding your hand up and down his length. Yoongi simply quirks a brow at you, refusing you mercy. 
“Can you what, love?”
You take a shallow breath and whisper, 
“Can I suck you off?”
You can almost sense the moment he breaks, it feels like the air inside the small car gets even more suffocating, making you lightheaded.
“Fuck, yeah, go on.”
A pleasurable knot forms itself in your stomach as you eagerly dive down to leave a teasing lick on the tip of Yoongi’s cock, the salty taste of precum coating your tongue deliciously.
You flick your tongue against the slit of his girth, smirking when you feel Yoongi jolt and moan quietly. He pushes away the strands of hair dangling in front of your eyes and grabs the rest of your hair in a messy bun, holding it in a firm but gentle grip.
He groans lowly when you slowly wrap your lips around him and slide down his length, pressing your tongue along his frenulum as you do so, and repeat the motion a few times, hollowing your cheeks to coax as much pleasure as you possibly can out of him. 
You come up for air for a few seconds before spitting on his cock and taking him back in your mouth, feeling every protruding vein on his thick member as you swirl your tongue around it. You rapidly pick up a faster pace, bobbing your head up and down as you hear a myriad of curses escape Yoongi’s lips.
It only makes you grow bolder and bolder and so you dive down lower, only stopping when your nose brushes against soft skin. You gag lightly and repeat the motion a second time, to the man’s greatest pleasure, if his choked guttural groan is anything to go by.
As soon as the tip of his thick length hits the back of your throat, you feel Yoongi bucking his hips forward, making you gag and cough loudly around him, saliva trickling down your mouth filthily. 
“Fuck I’m so sorry,” He tugs on your hair and lifts you up, the sharp sting sending a shock of pleasure through you.
You gasp for air and feel drool sliding along your throat, all the way down to the neckline of your dress, a few teardrops escaping your eyes.
“It’s ok.. I like it,” You rasp out as soon as you can breathe somewhat normally.
Yoongi groans. “Fucking hell, yeah? You like choking on my cock, angel?” 
You mewl in response, feeling a familiar wetness in between your legs slowly spreading to the inside of your thighs. 
“Can I fuck your mouth, mmhm? Can you do that for me?” He tilts your head upwards and brings you closer, his face now a few inches away from yours.
You nod frantically, more than excited by the prospect of Yoongi fucking into your mouth aggressively, using you as he pleases to get himself off. There’s nothing quite as tempting in the whole world. At least at this moment.
“You sure?” He wipes drool off your chin and gently strokes your flushed cheek with the back of his hand.
“Yes, please..”
“Begging to choke on my cock, for fuck’s sake.”
Yoongi bruisingly crashes his lips onto yours and devours your mouth with unbridled passion, instantly and greedily swallowing your whimpers as they reach your throat. 
He disconnects your mouths and breathes out unevenly. “You ready?” 
You nod eagerly and Yoongi guides you back to his painfully hard erection. You instantly wrap your lips around him, sighing in relief as soon as you do.
He growls mutedly. “Squeeze my thigh if you ever feel uncomfortable and want me to stop, ok angel?”
You hum and tantalizingly lick the side of his length, which only makes him tighten his hold on your hair. 
He starts bucking his hips forward, and it’s slow at first, as he drags the tip of his erection against your warm tongue numerous times. But he soon picks up his pace, snapping in and out of your mouth rapidly before engulfing himself far down your tight throat, only stopping when he hears you gagging around him. 
Then he picks up an unhurried pace again and alternates between slow and fast, aggressive and gentle. You feel dizzy and completely fucked out, your underwear completely ruined by sheer arousal. You don’t think you’ve ever been this turned on in your life.
You squeal in surprise when Yoongi lifts you up swiftly and kisses you feverishly, as if trying to taste each and every corner of your mouth with the help of his skilled tongue.
A thick trail of saliva connects both of your mouths when you part for air. Yoongi cups your cheeks and leaves a soft peck on your swollen lips, it has you seeing stars, your heart growing bigger in size at the care he exudes through his actions.
“Such a good girl for me.” 
You smile shyly at him and nuzzle the tip of his nose, pride blooming in your chest as you realize how good you’ve made him feel.  
“Come here angel.” 
He skirts your dress up to your hip bones and helps you straddle him, holding you in place as you settle somewhat comfortably on his lap. Your legs tremble furiously when you try to hold yourself up and you whine pitifully.
“Yoongi, I don’t think I can move my legs for long.”
He leaves a sweet peck on your lips before murmuring,
“I got you.”
Your heart soars as his words register and you dive down to the crook of his neck, leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses as you get rid of the bow around his collar. 
When the accessory is finally off, you leisurely unbutton his dress shirt, your fingers lingering longingly on the small expanse of his chest, now available to your rapacious hands.
You're thrown off guard when Yoongi drags the tip of his fingers against your covered core, spurring light jolts out of you as he teases you mercilessly for a few interminable seconds.
“Yoongi, please, I need you..” You sob out, your legs now shaking uncontrollably. 
“Just-, Give me a minute to make sure I don’t hurt you alright?”
“But I’m ready, please.” You plead brokenly, completely unbothered by how fucking needy you sound.
He takes a deep inhale, holding your waist with one hand before pushing your underwear aside and sliding two digits into you, his fingers meeting no resistance whatsoever.
You moan softly, and you think you could come just like this with how fucking aroused you are. 
“Fuck, you are ready.” 
Yoongi thrusts his fingers in and out of you, dragging them along your walls before slipping them out of you, much to your disappointment.
You whine and pout deeply. “I told you.”
“I know baby,” He soothes as he lightly slaps your cunt, making you shudder in his hold. 
He grips his own veiny girth, pumping it a few times while simultaneously holding your panties to the side before aligning himself with your entrance.
Your pout slowly morphs into a gasp when you feel his throbbing length sliding into you in one smooth motion, stretching you nicely around its circumference. 
“Oh fuck,” You harshly breathe out, your eyes rolling to the back of your head before coming back to focus on Yoongi’s.
The black haired man brings one hand to your hip and the other up to your throat, squeezing lightly as he steadily holds your gaze, burning lava swimming in his dark brown orbs. 
And that’s exactly how your whole body feels as Yoongi picks up a long languorous pace. Like lava, malleable, pliant and hot to the touch, like the only thing capable of laying a hand upon you would have to be something equally fiery. 
You always thought that Yoongi shared a lot of similarities with burning coal. Intoxicating, warm. Like if he wanted to, he could make you burn alongside him.
Though, if you’re being honest, you think you’ve been burning for quite some time.
You snap out of a daze like state when you feel Yoongi’s grip on your throat tightening and mewl loudly as he starts rapidly thrusting into you. He swirls his hips up and down and you can only hold on to his broad shoulders, gripping so harshly you might have left marks if it wasn’t for the jacket that the man hadn’t bothered to shrug off.
Then he slows down again, his shallow breath fanning over your face over and over again as you peer deep in his eyes, the knot in your abdomen tightening exponentially with every sharp thrust of his hips. 
You feel deft fingers crawling down your side, unzipping your dress in one quick motion before they tug the upper part of the garment down, your breast now bouncing up and down as Yoongi keeps fucking into you. 
He tweaks one of your pert nipples and latches his mouth on the other one, flicking and nibbling teasingly at it while you can only shiver in pure ecstasy.
A wanton moan slips past your throat when he suddenly picks up an unrelenting pace and you instinctively arch your back, deepening the angle at which he rams into you at full speed.
“Yoongi..” You whimper, bringing your forehead against his and the man soon cradles the side of your face. 
“Y-yeah?” He chokes out unevenly. 
Your vision focuses onto him as the rest grows blurry, you feel your orgasm at the tip of your fingers, tingling all over the extremities of your limbs, like a dam ready to burst at any moment.
“Don’t stop, fuck-“
Your head falls down on his shoulder and your peak washes over you in overwhelming waves, blinding you for a few moments as you hold onto his strong frame for dear life. You convulse and pulse steadily around him, clenching and unclenching while he continues his ministrations, his cock throbbing around your swollen folds.
“Babe-“ Yoongi starts, out of breath. “You need to get off, I’m gonna cum-” He rasps out, sinking his nails into the supple skin of your thigh.
And so you muster all the strength you can gather and lift your hips up, setting them back down as soon as you feel him slip out, much to your dismay.
He tries to grip himself but you beat him to it, pumping his veiny length fast and hard as Yoongi moans hoarsely and comes undone, spilling all over your hand in thick spurts of unrestrained pleasure.
You look into his eyes and bring your sticky hand up, licking away all traces of his white release while thoroughly maintaining eye contact. Yoongi stares at you with his mouth agape, breathing heavily and swallowing thickly.
“What are you doing to me,” He blinks and cards a trembling hand through his jet black hair, the other one softly caressing your bruised thigh.
“And what are you doing to-“ You abruptly stop, noticing light coming your way through the fogged up window. “Holy shit, someone’s coming!”
Yoongi sends you an alarmed look and lowers the backrest of his seat all the way down, making you lose your balance. You plant your hands on both sides of his body to try not to crush him under your weight and hide your face against his chest. 
“Are they close,” He whispers as he tries to cover your bare ass by laying a coat on top of your frame.
You roll your eyes against closed eyelids,
“I don’t know, I’d have to be able to see to tell you that.”
Yoongi swallows down a chuckle. “Fair enough.”
“Shhhh!” You whisper aggressively.
You both stay silent for a minute or two, your heart rates picking up when the light gets so close you can see it behind closed eyelids. But no one comes knocking on the window, and after a minute or two you lift your head up and tentatively take a peek outside.
“Oh my fucking god it was the cops, they didn’t see us,” You clasp a hand over your mouth and look at Yoongi with a mortified expression. “Can you imagine if they got here a few minutes ago.”
He glances at you with wide eyes before bursting into laughter, a wide grin appearing on his face. And you can’t help but follow suit, throwing yourself back against his chest as you both giggle endlessly.
“Oh shit, that was such a close call,” He wipes at the corner of his eyes.
You slap his chest playfully. “What a bad idea.”
“You weren’t complaining earlier,” He teases as he pulls your dress up and zips it back up, taking the opportunity to draw shapes along the expanse of your collarbone. 
You lay a long, soft kiss upon his pillowy lips, sinking into his hold for a few moments before murmuring against his lips,
“Let’s go home before someone else comes, yeah?” 
And he gives you such a tender look that you can’t help but feel so many things, things you don’t want to feel, things you’re scared of and can’t even mention out loud.
But you feel them still, simmering in your stomach comfortingly despite the terror lurking in your mind like a shadow.
“Yeah, let’s.”
“How are we this late?” 
Yoongi shoots you an unimpressed look.
“We’re late because someone decided to lay on the ground and cuddle Cat for at least a good ten minutes.” 
“Hey!” You yelp indignantly. “Cat looked like it needed cuddles.”
Yoongi slips his hand in yours as you both walk rapidly towards the bar’s main entrance.
“Cat always needs cuddles.”
“Ooo, reminds me of someone.”
The look of disgust on Yoongi’s face sends you into a raucous fit of laughter.
“Says you.”
You click your tongue, “Oh but I’m not afraid to admit it. You, on the other hand, will pretend you don’t want cuddles and affection, but you so do.”
“I’m leaving you on the side of the road tonight,” He deadpans, letting go of your hand and walking faster ahead. 
“That’s mean!” You holler and quicken your pace, grabbing his arm and leaning your head on his shoulder as the man wraps an arm around your waist.
You stop just a few feet away from the door and tug on his arm. “Yoongi.” 
“What is it?” He lifts his hand up to your cheek, carefully cradling it.
“Kiss me?” You give him your best puppy eyes.
Yoongi rolls his eyes but still leans down to lay a chaste (but fatal nonetheless) kiss upon your lips, stroking your cold cheek with the back of his thumb as he does so. 
You chase after his plush lips once he parts from you, earning you a low chuckle from the object of your affection, “Greedy.”
You pout, “So what.”
The barman shakes his head fondly. “Nothing, you’re just cute.”
“You guys coming in or?” 
You both simultaneously turn towards the disruption, annoyed, just then noticing Namjoon holding the door open from the inside of the establishment.
The doorman shrugs and gives you a dimpled smile. “It’s freezing, I’m not gonna hold it forever.”
“Yeah we’re coming,” Yoongi mumbles as he slips his hand in yours and walks through the threshold.
You follow him as he steps up the stairs, an impish smile on your lips. “You’re holding my hand again.” 
He gives you a questioning look. “So what?” 
“You and Cat share a lot of traits, that’s all.”
“Oh fucking hell.”
Saturday night ends up being a pretty busy night, as usual, and so, time goes by so fast you barely have time to blink before the night is over.
You’re probing through your purse in the employees lounge when Yoongi’s voice reaches your ears, making you still in your movements instantly.
“I mean what do you want me to say Joon? I thought it might’ve been something special, but turns out it was only physical attraction and sex. I realized that not too long ago.” He sighs. “I feel fucking awful, but it is what it is.”
And if you thought you’d known heartbreak before, nothing could prepare you for the painful manner in which your stomach churns as Yoongi’s words sink in, or the way your heart feels like it’s been ripped from your chest, only to be aggressively stepped on again and again.
You don’t understand, can’t comprehend, how Yoongi can act the way he does when he’s with you, only to then say that the connection you share is merely physical, replaceable. 
You fight back tears as you make your way behind the bar, staring intently at the back of Yoongi’s black head of hair. 
“I mean it can be pretty hard to tell the difference between lust and love, I get it. They’re both so intertwined together most of the time.” Namjoon explains matter-of-factly.
“I mean what I did still sucks-“
“Yoongi..” You croak out, trying to the best of your abilities to keep it together, though you feel like you probably won’t succeed in doing so.
Both men turn around and look at you in surprise.
“I thought-“ Your voice cracks under the weight of overwhelming emotions tearing through your chest and up your throat.
You feel like throwing up, actually throwing up.
Yoongi’s surprised expression morphs into one of immense concern, he furrows his brows and steps closer.
“What’s going on?” He asks with urgency.
You shake your head frantically and step backwards as a teardrop rolls down your cheek treacherously. “I thought-“ You stop again. 
“I don’t.. I don’t know what I thought, it clearly doesn’t matter.” You turn on your heels and head back to the employees lounge, taking your purse and coat as Yoongi follows you and grabs your elbow, making you swivel around in a dizzying motion.
“Talk to me angel, what’s happening? What are you talking about? You’re scaring me..”
“Yeah well, maybe if you told me I was only a good fuck from the moment you figured it out, we wouldn’t be here right now.” You sneer angrily, hurt and shame engulfing you in a red fog of anger
Yoongi’s eyes widen. “Woah, what are you talking about? I’m confused as fuck.” 
“So am I! I can’t talk to you right now Yoongi, I’ll take a cab home.”
You shrug his hands off and storm out of the lounge, not even noticing your friends' shocked stares as you almost run to the exit, too ashamed by your emotions to let them see you like this. 
Swinging the door open, you step down the street, only stopping in your tracks once you remember your car isn’t here and you need to order a cab.
And so you open the uber app and book a ride, ignoring a notification from Jimin as the screen informs you that your driver should be here in five minutes. You exhale sharply and close your eyes, reminding yourself to take deep breaths. 
Your heart almost leaps out of your chest when you hear a door being thrown open and footsteps inching closer to you.
“Angel what the fuck is going on, talk to me. I don’t understand, fuck, you know I don’t see you as just a good fuck I-“ Yoongi’s pleading voice tugs viciously at your heartstrings, tears now streaming down your face in an unrestrained manner.
“I heard you talking to Namjoon just now, Yoongi..” You hiccup brokenly.
Yoongi cups your face delicately and you avoid his troubled gaze, opting to look at the ground instead.
There’s a thin layer of snow glistening on the concrete. You hadn’t even noticed it had been snowing until now.
“Look at me please.” 
You shake your head no, knowing you would probably break down and full on sob if you did.
He brings his forehead against yours, his hold on both sides of your face steady and so comforting it only amplifies your confused state. 
“Look at me..” 
And you can’t ignore the way his voice breaks, so you sniffle loudly and slowly lift your gaze up, meeting teary dark pools of gloom as you do. 
“I wasn’t talking about you just now, Namjoon-ah asked about Sam.. You know I think so much more of you, why would you even think I’d treat you like this..”
A sob racks through your whole being as you shakily exhale and squeeze your eyes shut. “I didn’t- I’m sorry I just assumed the worst I-“ 
“Shhh, hey, it’s ok.” 
“But it’s not ok Yoongi.” You blink a few tears away and hold his gaze. “You give me absolutely no reason to doubt you, and yet.”
You inhale deeply before speaking again, your voice tiny and feeble, unfamiliar to your own ears, 
“How is this supposed to work -us- if I can’t bring myself to trust you?”
“Woah, what are you even saying? We’ll figure it out.” Yoongi soothes, a hint of anxiousness in his warm tone.
“No, you’re not listening. You deserve better than this, than me.” 
“That’s not true.”
Yoongi’s eyes glisten with unshed tears and you just know, at that exact moment, that you really do not deserve him. Because anybody responsible for this man’s tears and pain isn’t deserving of him, plain and simple.
A black car enters your field of view and halts in front of the bar’s facade, a few meters away from you and Yoongi. You recognize the little taxi sign on top of it.
“My cab is here,” You whisper, as you peck his cheek one last time and start heading towards the cab, walking away from a dejected Yoongi with a numb mind and shattered heart.
You want to go back to his arms, let yourself be happy and content in his secure hold. But you can’t, because you feel so much for him, too much. Too much love, admiration and affection, and you can’t hold him back.
You won’t.
a/n: im not crying it’s fine, we’re good. ok ok.. I’m sorry, I love you<3 as always your feedback and comments are ALWAYS appreciated, thank you<3
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i'm one of those (rare) jikookers who actively manifests jk watching and reacting to tae content on live, and he kinda did today with winter bear and i felt sooooooo happy. you know why? for two reasons.
1. so tkkrs will stop with the "he doesn't watch tae stuff because he won't be able to control his emotions that will shine through"
2. and the "he's contractually forbidden from mentioning tae's projects on live"
both stupid reasons, and both got debunked today. first of all, he's not contractually forbidden from mentioning a band member and the fact that this excuse even roamed about on twitter is nuts. and second of all, he reacted to taehyung exactly how i had expected him to. the same way he reacts to the other members (minus jimin), as in no glint, no spark, nothing from all the alleged "bottled emotions" tkkrs said would be leaking from his eyes.
i hope he reacts to more tae content, so a) yall know he didn't do it before just because he didn't want to, (and for it to be a constant reminder that he spent 90 minutes watching jimin videos under no one's request. while he watched winter bear because comments asked him to and will do so with every tae content he would watch in the future), and b) for yall to have visual proof of how he looks at taehyung compared to how he looks at jimin. since yall were SO sure he won't do it cause the love will show. well where is it? he won't spend 90 minutes watching tae content that's for sure cause as he had said before, he loses focus on things easily if he's not interested much. but whatever tae content he has watched so far (the butter MV clip, the winter bear MV) and will/might watch in the future will be telling enough about how much "love" (the romantic kind) he has for taehyung.
"i'm one of those (rare) jikookers"
Oh that's good, because I thought you might be one them...
You what though, most Taekookers don't care that you (and your ilk) want to manifest JK talking about Tae. Just as most Taekookers don't care if JK wants to spend a whole ass live on Brian.
What we care about... and I'll try and make it simple...
We care about all the private meals and trips that the guys have been on, which we only find out about months/years later.
Or that in the last 10 years we have shit tonne of moments that show how close they are, despite what the rest of the fandom says or what BH shows us.
Or that in last 12 months we've heard about them spending more time together from close friends and aquaintances, and yet JK didn't talk to the other members for weeks at a time, aside from group get togethers or Hobi's enlistment.
Oh BTW, was JK's parents at the concert last night being supportive of their son's 'Boyfriend'? Like they did for their own son the night before; the same concert that Tae's parents also attended yet their son wasn't there.
But you know what, you do you. And stop being SOOO insecure in your OWN ship, because someone who 💯believes in something doesn't need to go on to someone else's blog with an opposing viewpoint to help validate their beliefs...
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piglii · 1 year
btw I have not finished Umineko (I’m literally on the last leg of Episode 8, shortly after an important jump happens) but I’m so gushing with things to say about that I feel like I need to type this all out now (will start with impressions that are non-spoilery and go into impressions that are big spoilers. there will be a dividing line which I earnestly recommend you do not cross if you have any interest reading it yourself.)
Non-Spoiler Section
Absolutely 10/10 for me. Can feel like a climb at times but that feeling increasingly goes away as you get used to the pacing. Any fumbles Umineko has for me personally are so small in the grander scope of what it’s doing that it doesn’t even feel worth acknowledging them. Literally a story that is going to affect my view on life. I really fell for the charm of Ryukishi’s goofy ass old sprites too after a while, it’s really compelling to me that Ryukishi was able to make such a good, earnest story while having kind of limited drawing ability. I’m dead ass serious, it’s really inspirational. The quality of the writing and voice acting especially is so good that after a short while you kind of don’t even process that the sprites look kind of silly-goofy at all. I highly recommend playing with the original sprites and voice acting if you can.
And the music! holy shit I can’t imagine getting through this story without the music! The fucking 1800′s pipe organ songs one minute, intense trance the next, distorted choir singing, a mellow beat that’s sampling that fucking ambulance siren! Probably my top faves are Infant Queen Bee, Golden Nocturne, far, Rain, Daydream’s End, Fall, Miragecoordinator, Melting Away, Dead Angle, Hope and probably like 15 more I’m forgetting. Absolute banger of a soundtrack. Virtually no misses and the ones that hit, HIT. I think I have spent nearly as much time listening to the soundtrack in between sessions as I have just playing the game itself.
I won’t go into detail about what the central messages of Umineko are because they could ostensibly be spoilers but they are pretty fucking hard to miss. If you have two eyeballs and a brain you will probably figure them out as you go because Ryukishi is NOT subtle about what he wants to say. He will smash you with a hammer making sure you get it. But it’s less of a giant metal warhammer and more of a little wooden mallet that he’s just hitting on your knee every 20 minutes to make sure you’re awake and following along.
The writing honestly can be very... it straddles the line between very straightforward descriptions and waxing very poetic about a particular topic. I won’t even say it’s particularly the best prose ever or anything - I think Ryukishi’s biggest talent is simply in how he’s able to convey the characters by always having a really solid understanding of how they react to things. Maybe his worst flaw is that sometimes he includes a scene or concept where I’m like  “oh Ryukishi just thought this would be super fucking cool” but I can’t even hate because most of the time it is super fucking cool actually. Umineko is so dripping with earnest cheesiness in a lot of its delivery and character interactions that I can’t help but like it most of the time. Granted I am biased because I do enjoy stuff that is earnestly cheesy like 90% of the time. The goofy ass anime interactions characters sometimes have are used just sparingly enough and contrasted with the serious scenes that I found pretty much all of it enjoyable for what it was. 
Be warned it is 150+ hours (faster if you are just reading but seriously those voice actors are top tier, big recommend) but it really needs... at least most of that time. I struggle to find a single exact point that I would shorten any part of Umineko because so much of it really is required to understand what the story’s going for but at the same time sometimes Ryukishi does love to sit you down and talk about the process of liquidating gold into cash money for 30 minutes. A lot of the worst of that is in the first episode to be honest so if you can get past that you’re probably golden. It’s got a hell of a hook by the end of episode 1. Go in as blind as possible and enjoy yourself.
 And now, for the spoilers.
Spoiler Section
Don’t Go Beyond This Point If You Haven’t Read It, Seriously Holy Fuck!!!
Seriously, The Author Wants You To Go In Blind!
All the losers are gone let’s partay.
Heads up I’m a little blasted so this might be a bit scrambled and all around the place so sorry, just writing stuff as I think about it.
I really adore the way that Beatrice is in literally every layer of this story. Like the concept of the masses being in such a rush to figure out what the truth of the Rokkenjima Massacre is that they end up literally trampling over the deeply embedded and sad story of Beatrice really gets to me. Like, the people who are looking at the Massacre from the angle that she even “exists” at all literally only see Beatrice as a piece in their own constructed games, an explanation that’s just one step to figuring out what was really important. But of course, Beatrice IS the heart of the story. The whole family is arranged around her like a web and she’s right at the center. She’s in every possible layer of this story that she can be, she’s the connecting fabric of everything important.
Also I really adored Battler and Ange as characters. It’s rare that a main character feels so relatable but I ended up really enjoying his personality by around episode 2 or 3. He’s just so stupid but also earnest and flustered. Try to give him a slight pass on episode 1 because he is supposed to be kind of dumb and immature on purpose... even if it probably could’ve been toned down maybe just a bit. He gets better, I promise.
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(btw literally been here. so relatable.)
anyways moving on. Ange. absolutely enjoyed the hell out of her story in episode 4 and was so glad to see that she’s basically the conclusion to the whole Ushiromiya family story in the final episode as well. also, her being the focus of this really inspirational message of what it means to move forward with your life was really well done. it’s insane to me that people are still out there trying to “figure out” the mystery when Umineko tells you as bluntly as it possibly can that it doesn’t really matter - finding out what “really” happened can’t bring closure no matter what and holding and walking this tenuous tightrope between belief and non-belief is a better way to live. her goodbye with the family and battler was about where it got me pretty good I could not fucking hold back crying at that.
and speaking of the family at large, I really like pretty much all of them! even the stinkers are fun to make fun of. also, Eva in particular is the milf of all time for me, personally. in fact thinking on it the only character I can really think that still rubs me badly (even though it is of course entirely intentional that the reader feels this way) is Rosa. good fucking lord the moments of episode 4 with Maria and Rosa’s relationship being explored (or rather, the complete lack of it except for the spouts of child abuse) really hit me. that... is probably the most I’ve ever been emotionally effected by a piece of media in a long ass time, it was a rough chapter to get through. that said ryukishi’s understanding of domestic abuse is fucking incredible, does not surprise me that he was a social worker before working on VNs. beyond even just that dynamic he clearly has an understanding of the kind of broken adults that come out of highly abusive households. the final game of episode 8 with ange getting to see this world that could theoretically have been real had kinzo chosen love in the future versus love in the past was so sincerely sweet to me. sorry I am a sucker for sappy shit, it got me.
anyways let’s talk about the illusions. loved them all too. feels obvious to say but Beatrice is one of the characters of all time. also really liked Ronove, his and battler’s occasional moments of being bros out of nowhere were really enjoyable to me. also sorry gamers Virgilia is another milf of all time. loved her tender and sweet personality. but as for beatrice and co as a whole - I do enjoy what Ryukishi has to say about fiction. Indulging too much of your life in fiction is ultimately harmful but it can be a valuable crutch to people who are dealing with life or even just people who could stand to learn and grow more. it’s also such a loving letter to mystery as a genre, you can really tell Ryukishi was going hog for mystery at the time. and it does work as a completely conventional mystery too - figuring out stuff as you go and putting the pieces slowly together is a huge blast! I loved the scenes where he’s clearly celebrating that with the readers who tried their best to understand the story.
I managed to avoid most spoilers - the ones I saw beforehand were really minor and didn’t really help me in putting the mystery together - that said, I really only figured out that Shannon and Kanon were being performed by the same person not terribly long before the game revealed it pretty directly - I think only a few hours ahead of time. that said, I really did give it my all, I’m just not super good at mysteries. I did pick up on some hints early on, like being able to figure out some of the early closed rooms but I didn’t have enough context to join them all together and realize the Truth before the game spelled it out for me. and tbh, that’s fine! I loved how the game congratulated people who simply try to figure it out for themselves, regardless of if they’re successful.
btw it also took me so fucking long to read because I was reading it side by side with a friend (who had read the manga but not the VN) and we basically set it up to auto play (with japanese voice acting + the original sprites of course.) we’d play intermittently roughly every few months in leaps and progress little by little. I can’t fucking believe I wasn’t spoiled on any of the major elements playing like that, it’s a fucking miracle. we started reading it on and off like that nearly two years ago now but honestly it was worth.
god I have so many thing I could spend rambling on about this manga but it genuinely is up there with, like, War and Peace and Crime and Punishment and I’m not even joking. there’s some of what I would call “Goofy Anime Bullshit” that happens (and it’s especially coated in that layer of stuff you only really got in the late aughts anime communities) but even that I found pretty enjoyably silly after a short period of time and just ended up rolling with it. if you know someone who can see past that layer of Goofy Anime Bullshit and enjoys reading 150+ hour long visual novels, this is the thing for them.
and speaking of the length boy fucking howdy. it’s worth it. the amount of time dedicated to fleshing out every character and making me understand what kind of person they are underneath everything else really makes me appreciate everybody in this fucked up family unit. it’s not something you could replicate in a movie or any reasonably lengthy manga. the magic of getting to know the whole family, flaws and all, really sells you on what a tragedy it is regardless of what happened. there are so many early scenes where I was like, “okay what’s the point of this” that I look back in hindsight and I’m either like "oh that was actually super fucking important and I just didn’t realize it” or “oh this was giving me time to become familiar with this character.” fuck man, I even liked Hideyoshi and he almost didn’t do shit!
btw I got the culprits in bernkastel’s game figured out in one try (with the help of my friend bouncing ideas off of eachother)
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feels good, feels organic, thank you, etc
anyways... I think that about wraps it up for me... honestly just a stellar game. It feels like one of those things where I’m going to catch myself thinking about the themes and what it was trying to say, just like Disco Elysium or a lot of Wildbow’s works or EEAAO. It almost makes me wish this story was in a more conventional book form because I think you could tell the core of what’s there but at the same time I don’t think it’d be worth losing all the other aspects that make it so memorable. It’s going to have probably 1/100th the readers it could have just for being a long VN rather than a long book series but I’d honestly rather have it this way. It’s such a weirdly specific gem of that era of internet-anime culture that I think the time has already passed that anything quite like it could come out. What a special little piece of media.  If I have more to say after finishing out the ending proper I‘ll probably just edit my impressions on to this post and reblog again at a later date.
EDIT: It is now two days later and I have finished everything, including the last “????” segment. My thoughts on the ending - I liked it. It’s very sweet and depending on how you want to interpret certain facets of what you see, it can be read several different ways. Of course the way the narrative is set up, it very much wants you to pick the most optimistic interpretation but I like that there’s always room to explore just a bit. The point of whether Beatrice as a witch is real or not is entirely beside the point almost - there was a woman named Beatrice who brought happiness to her family (at least, in one world) as well as she could given her fucked up circumstances. That’s honestly all there really is to say on it. I can very much vibe with that message.
I was also earnestly expecting the last scene of Umineko to be even more bittersweet than it ended up being - I was really waiting for the very last scene to be Ange literally throwing away the key to Eva’s diary into the ocean. That is kind of what happens in a way, and the scenes in which they do explore Ange opening the diary and reading it are left deliberately obscure (as they should be) but I was really expecting it to be even more poignant than that. I was thinking Ange would literally never see the diary in any part of the story the reader saw at any point. It would’ve been very Titanic-esque in a way - Ange throwing away the only way for her to even possibly know what happened on Rokkenjima. The story does effectively do this, kind of, anyways, it’s just a lot more roundabout.
But yeah. Supremely sweet story. I will probably be thinking about it for much of my life.
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yellowocaballero · 1 year
this entire chapter was a joy to read but I gotta say I 100% understand knives’ fear of brad—the opening scene was one of the most strangely fear inducing things I’ve ever read. kudos and 10/10 for making me feel nauseous over what turns out to be a very funny scene of knives getting murder-grounded
Love this ask. Love asks about experiences that surprise me a lot, in a good way - part of me is always like 'write a dialectical essay on why you think so???' and the other part is 'the picture and vibes you've painted is incredibly funny and I love it'. Thank you for the ask anyway. Get to talk about Brad and Luida FINALLY.
I'm deciding that this is a victory, because it gave you a great insight into exactly how Knives felt LMFAOOO. He has spent literally this entire story acting superior, holier-than-thou, won't shut up about how he's physiologically and mentally leagues ahead of you puny humans, you're so lame and pathetic and Millions "Genius Cool Guy Surgeon" Knives is soooo much better than you. And then the minute he goes home and sees his foster parents he is suddenly the goodest little boy who you would both introduce to your parents and give a doggy treat. They are two geriatric astronauts and Millions Knives is pants-shittingly terrified of them.
I was legitimately a bit worried that I wrote Brad as too harsh in the flashback scene, or uncomfortable-in-a-bad-way in the beginning scene. I was really careful with both. How Brad and Luida raised Knives is absolutely not a great method of parenting, lmfao. But they weren't really raising a child - they were taming a tiger. I think you can safely assume that Knives was not given a single inch his entire adolescence. He didn't get away with shit. That's how behavioral conditioning works. I really can't stress enough that, although Knives is a pretty good guy in the present, he is still the literal actual Millions Knives. And what 14yo Knives here got up to wasn't all that different from what canonical 14yo Knives was getting up to. The difference is Brad and Luida - and they knew exactly what they were trying to prevent. They knew they couldn't fuck up. They knew what would happen if Knives didn't change. It must have been a lot of pressure.
The sheer balls on the guy who walks up to Millions Knives and just goes, "Okay, asshole. Kill me. Do it.". So insane that it gaslights Knives into believing that Brad and Luida are the only superior lifeforms to himself.
But at the end of the day, what that scene still conveys is - it's a farce. Their family is a social contract: Brad and Luida will give Knives what he wants (a meaning to his life, and on a deeper level he won't acknowledge, a family), and in return Knives politely pretends that they are remotely capable of controlling him. A handcuff is an insanely restrictive method of grounding somebody - and obviously Knives could have gotten outb of it any time. But Knives lets them do it, because if he doesn't then it would break the keyfabe, the farce. And that would destroy Knives' only path towards becoming a good person. Because Brad and Luida told him that they are the only path towards becoming a good person. And if you aren't a good person you have no reason to exist btw. Also we don't love you anymore.
Kinda fucked up if Knives was, like, a regular child? Yes. Only sensible thing to do if the child was Millions Knives? Yes. It's complicated but that's why I really love it. Also for the insane funniness of Knives experiencing fear.
TL;DR Handcuffing your child to its bed is only okay if the child has bad vibes and is unfun to be around.
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lynxtopia · 1 year
Headcanon(s) part 2
I completely forgot I was meant to be doing this
Anyway, here's the bloody thing: A personal headcanon of mine is that Cammy has always liked women and knew it from the beginning, but it only clicked just before SF6 and now she's constantly like "oh holy shit I like women"
Bonus headcanons: After the events of SF5, Aprile still vaguely recognises Maggio, but has never made an effort to talk to him since moving back to Italy, however Maggio knows full well who she is but just wants her to take her time.
and finally
Enero somehow knows all the lyrics to fucking Caramelldansen and has a tendency to belt it out whilst absolutely off her face.
I spent a good 10 minutes contemplating whether to post this or not lmao
Love you all btw ❤️
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dykesbites · 1 year
for those asking what i stole that was worth at least 1k i had this strong phase when i was 10 where i HATED my mom and decided to take small revenges on her a la matilda dying her dad’s hair and shit. i poured soy sauce into my moms little stone fountain bowl so she had to clean it over and over again and i poured milk i didnt want to drink into flower vases. then i decided to pilfer my moms jewelry box. for context she never wears any of it bc it doesn’t fit her anymore so i knew she wouldn’t notice it missing. so i stole a diamond ring (FULLY INTENDING TO GIVE IT BACK BTW. I DID THIS W MULTIPLE RINGS AND I WOULD RETURN ONE TO TRADE IT OUT WITH ANOTHER) but they were bigger than my tiny 10yo fingers. once i dropped it into the cafeteria trash can by accident bc it slipped off and i spent like 20 minutes digging through cafeteria trash to find it and thank god i did. second time was the same thing but in my art class and my teacher caught me and was like why tf do you have this huge diamond ring and i was like erm... and she called my mom and it was a huge thing. my mom continues to complain about a turquoise ring that went missing and blames me for it even though i saw the ring in the box and distinctly remembering not wanting to take it bc i thought it was ugly but i can’t exactly argue bc i did kind of steal a bunch of valuables so i just put up with it  <3
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twilightarcade · 1 year
bouncing off this post btw just so I don’t seem entirely insane
I need you to know how much I want zoey dead. I hated that movie so much and the sequel was even worse,. Somehow. I missed the beginning of the first one so maybe I missed something important but oh my god. I don’t like. Watch movies much. So maybe I’m being horrifically mean. But like?? The entire plot was really. Bland. People die, Zoey yells about loving each other and beating the game, character makes a sacrifice for the others, then of course we have the guy yelling about survival of the fittest and how we can’t care about people, etc. which doesn’t even get a reasonable explanation despite there certainly being room for one, he’s just a dick for fun. Which is fine on its own I suppose, but once you wrap that in with the rest of the plot?? Eugh. It was ok. It told a story, had characters, and did what it was supposed to do i guess.
THE SECOND ONE. OH MY GOD. I need you to know that. This was incredibly un needed. Not to spoil the movie or anything but at the end Zoey and other guy are like living a normal life, Zoey won’t let it go, and they agree to fly over to some coordinates that conveniently exist on the logo for some reason. iirc, Zoey had bought plane tickets. Last scene is of the bad guys building an evil plane which isn’t a terrible scene to convey the basic information. Now, we have a neat little bow tie on things and some speculation people can do if they want. THE SECOND ONE.
excerpts, from last night
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rottenbrainstuff · 11 months
BG3 playthrough: patches, Astarion thoughts, Grymforge
Patch 4 is a thing: People are complaining that the patch made Cazador stronger and removed the way to end the fight quicker by yeeting him over the edge of a platform… I dunno. I think you SHOULDN’T be able to cheese the fight like that. I think he SHOULD be hard to beat. He’s such a crusty unimpressive little dickwad, making the fight super hard is going to be the only way I can take that dried up asshole seriously. I’ve also seen some people complain the update made them redownload the whole game again? Or doubled the size of the game in their storage? Wut? Didn’t happen over here, for me, the update was about 10 gigs and only took a few minutes to complete??
Also some discussion about how the patch has added the ability for a dark urge to blame a murder on Astarion. Am I going nuts? I STG I saw that option already. Was that an early access thing or something? When I read the patch notes I was surprised it was a NEW addition. There’s some cranky discussion that Larian just wants to be mean to Astarion - look guys, I think Astarion is probably the favourite character, judging from the amount of his content and the marketing. What’s that old saying about how it’s a terrible thing to be the favourite of the narrative? Because then all the bad stuff happens to you? Anyways if a dark urge is going to blame a murder on anyone, Astarion the VAMPIRE is the obvious choice. So myeh. I think it’s nothing to get offended by, folks. The dialogue that triggers if you do this BTW is hilarious, the team is just like “ah yes, murderous Astarion, that makes sense” and they seem generally ok with it. “Oh Astarion! You and your murder!” Astarion is not happy you accused him, but he seems more offended not simply just by being accused of murder, but by being accused of murdering someone and wasting all the blood.
So I’m working through the grymforge now. In the beginning I was getting horribly lost constantly, because the map changes around as you go to different areas. I think I’m good now but it was funny at first. Even in a video game with a map right there, my sense of direction is terrible.
I liked the little touch of Astarion disapproving if you bow your head in respect by the large group of dead gnome slaves. He is totally fine if you vow to get revenge on their murderers, but useless thoughts and prayers don’t do shit to help anyone. I think I’ve mentioned that he seemed like he was getting better about being huffy when I decide to help people, but then I grabbed a chunk of disapproval for arguing with Nere and Brithvar in support of the slaves. Guess my man still has some issues to sort through. I know that we have his dislike of gnomes in general, lol, but he doesn’t have objections to me helping the gnomes in other situations - IE inviting Barcus to stay at our camp - he specifically objects to me insisting the slaves be let go. In my head I imagine that he gets angry seeing someone jump in like a knight in shining armor saving these people being hurt and killed under their cruel masters, not even asking for any payment in return, when there was no one, not a single soul at all, who helped him in the almost 200 years he spent enslaved by Cazador. I feel like the more someone is in a situation that reminds him of himself, the more uncomfortable and angry he gets about it.
Poor dumbass. My big buff drow is gonna scruff him like a feral cat and feed him churus until he stops hissing.
I’m reading a lot of thoughts about how sad Astarion’s ending is if he stays a spawn and loses his ability to be in the sun, I’m reading drabbles about him crying about being burned in the sun, never able to be in the sun again etc, and it’s like…
I’m not saying it’s not sad, cause it is. His origin scene of waking up in the sunlight is good, his romance morning-after where he’s literally basking in the sunrise (and perhaps it can be assumed, is something he does most mornings) is so nice. For some reason though, I’m just not as moved by it all as much as other people seem to be. Maybe it’s because I have a drow tav who really isn’t… like, the idea of never being able to be in the sun, just in and of itself, it doesn’t feel like that much of a tragedy to him and to me, as a single issue. I know it’s not a single issue, I know the sun thing is symbolic of all the other vampire spawn issues coming back. But in fics and discussion people really do fixate on the sunlight, even suggest that it’s a good enough reason to do the ascendant ending, just to fix it, and yeah. Man. Look, my guy over here knows plenty of people who lived their whole lives without sunlight at all, sunlight is certainly lovely, and it’s certainly not a great thing if the choice is totally removed from you, but this enormous TRAGEDY? I just don’t feel it.
Plus I dunno guys. Maybe I’m weird, but I don’t think the answer to everyone’s story arcs is necessarily erasing everything that’s been done to them and doing a factory reset. It’s too bad Astarion isn’t able to keep the fun perks of the tadpole, but, like, that’s ok. That’s something that can be moved on from. If doing the right thing was always easy and without any tradeoffs or consequences ever, everyone would always do the right thing. Something something you can never really go back because you have been changed by the journey. I don’t know. I don’t know how to explain. I’m not that sad about it and honestly I find it more satisfying in his epilogue that he now has some spawn limitations to contend with again, more satisfying than if everything had just been magically fixed forever like a handy little factory reset. I really like the post-game idea of my drow tav and him traveling through the underdark together to try and organize the freed spawn.
Anyways back to the Grymforge: I met Nere and kicked his stupid slimy ass. I was really mad there seems to be no way to save that poor gnome he flings into the lava. I had no idea you could invite Barcus to stay at your camp? I’ve thoroughly spoiled a lot of things with this game for myself, so I’m always really delighted when I run into something I legit didn’t know. Man dude, I hope this guy you’ve been chasing is worth it. Somehow I rather suspect he isn’t. But you what makes me a bit bemused……. So drow are supposed to have a matriarchal culture, a TERRIBLE matriarchal culture, where males are enslaved or even just freaking killed. And yet, even so, of all the drow characters I’ve run into so far, two have been women and six have been men. (and that’s not even counting the petrified drow that stayed petrified in that field, who I’m assuming are also all guys!) Even in a matriarchal culture, there’s still more important male characters than female ones?... kinda bemused by that. Oh well. Small niggle.
I think there’s an elevator here that leads straight to act 2??? Am I already that close to being done act 1??? When I’m done in the underdark I’m doubling back to do the stuff in the mountain pass.
A personal side note: Astarion’s face is starting to piss me off. I had an ex with an extremely similar face, similar fine bone structure and high cheekbones. He was much younger though. Guy was the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen, and dumb as a box of rocks. (Stupid, anti-Semitic rocks) I am constantly reminded of my stupid ex while I contemplate Astarion’s cheekbones, and I mourn that that man was not blessed with more sense or else I might still be with him.
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