#and now its like 10 am which means ive slept in and i fucking hate sleeping in bc i lose like half the day
i would LOVE to stop having dreams forever actually
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goremet-chef · 1 year
being friends with me sucks because i will never ever send the first message unless ive like. slept in the same bed as you (AND EVEN THEN ITS HARD ive known these bitches for 10 years why am i still nervous to send them dms specifically KSJFS)
i think dms naturally just make me anxious because then i have to do smalltalk in a private setting? god i hope not, im really awful at carrying a conversation. ive done my best to like... get better but its hard to keep track of things. im the kind of loser who looks shit up like "how to keep a conversation going" its real bad
but oh man, do i wanna talk to someone? absolutely. bouncing my leg biting my nails type shit the urge inside of me to reach out, the urge is strong but the anxiety is stronger SKFJSF
like many things it sorta comes from bpd too? ive got such a crippling fear of rejection, of not being wanted or not being welcome, that shit will keep me away from ANYTHING i dont care we could be roleplaying hot gay sex every day if i get the idea that there could be some reason im not wanted at that moment i CLING to it and i will never speak to you again unless you start it. its. humiliating and EMBARRASSING but.. its just how my brain works.
it makes me feel awful too, cuz i dont like.... there is a very real chance that if you tell me something and its not clear what you mean, or its blunt, short etc. ive heard people with trauma often take neutral cues and negative and that is so fucking true for me my brain immediately is like "oh you pissed them off lol" and im just. sat with dread because I KNOW ITS NOT REAL, i know trust me i know. i know my brain is making it up and everything is fine,
i used to ask for clarifications, but i learned to stop doing that because it makes me sound even crazier. they mean shit normally, so i cant ask "are you mad at me, did i do something wrong?" cuz it freaks em out like??? no nothing is wrong tf (and even that reaction alone could cause my brain to double down. its EXHAUSTING).
THAT ALONE will keep me away as well, i hate feeling like a burden, and big surprise lots of people think of borderlines as burdens. yippee. this is technically fine though? i dont make many friends to begin with, or well. i dont MAINTAIN them i think i make them a decent amount but i guess.. in my head, if you are my friend, yr my friend forever. like unless we specifically part ways, i will always think of you fondly. doesnt matter if we havent talked for weeks, months, years. ill think of you and go "oh yeah, that person is my buddy :]"
UNFORTUNATELY i dont know anyone else who thinks this besides me, which means theres probably lots of "friendships" in my head that are now one sided, bummer. idk it sucks, i have dreams about that kinda shit, where like... my friends from middleschool, id come home and theyd be happy to see me again and tell me how much they missed me, but thats just fantasy 😔
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imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 9/?
Word Count: 1.7k
Author’s Note: Y/N- Your Name, A/N - Any Name (Your Best Friend’s Name)
I am sorry. lmao.
Half of my links are glitched tf out fuck this shit, touched grass yesterday but that grind don’t fuckin stop babey
Warnings: Angst - Injury, Description of said injury, Mentions of Jason’s past, Swearing, Dark Themes, no beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
Jason clutched his right side as he gasped for a long breath of the cold, rainy air surrounding him. Everything hurt and he could barely move enough to text Dick that he was down. He would hold and add pressure to the stab wound sitting directly on his waist, but he could feel the blood seeping through the gaps in his fingers as he held it. His hands were covered by the blood and he was losing it fast.
He wasn’t going to walk this off by any means, he was going to need Dick to go get him and bring him back to the hospital wing of the Batcave because he couldn’t move and he felt his eyes drooping as he waiting and tried to keep his breathing in check, while Dick was scrambling to go get him.
There would be a few questions he would have to answer to Y/N. Not even just Y/N, to Lian, his Goddaughter, who he was planning on seeing in the morning since Y/N was going to a dance competition, or at least he thought she was.
But in that moment, so many memories flew back into his head, the hopelessness as he sat there for a few seconds, bleeding out after the explosion that Joker had set off on him. And then the minutes in the Lazarus Pit as he drowned himself back to life, the water filling his lungs as he cried and screamed. But no one came.
This time, however, Dick came.
Dick swooped his baby brother up and onto his back and he tried to run to the Batmobile as fast as he could, knowing time was of the essence for saving Jason’s life. Jason had broke off from Dick for a few seconds before this moment, and it was the only thing Dick was worried about. That Dick had said to come back to him, alive.
In the car, Dick put his hands on Jason's gaping wound, trying to press his hands into it as well to slow the bleeding, the Batmobile had the ability to drive itself, and Dick thanked whatever God was watching that it did. Jason was struggling for breath at this moment, and Dick was terrified.
“You’re going to be oaky, Jase. I swear. Please. Don’t die on me, it feels like yesterday that I got you back,” he leaned into Jason’s face, “Not again, please,” Dick begged and begged as he rushed Jason to Alfred, who was waiting to operate on Jason.
Y/N woke up as always, this time, without a text from Jason. She thought nothing of it, thinking he was safe in his house with his loving family. She went to go get coffee to kick start her day, and A/N wasn’t in the kitchen. She, still, thought nothing of it, since A/N’s lover was over the night before and she had to turn up her music to ignore the sounds coming from the other side of the house. She sent Jason a quick text,
Good morning, Jay. I hope you slept well.
And she returned to her room, coffee in hand, to write some quick little stories about  what she had placed in her journal. Not many of the ideas in there were able to be built off of, but she still tried her best with every idea she had, to see if it could be something more.
It normally never was, but it was always something she craved. The ideas of writing a book always enticed her, but she never thought she was talented enough to do so.
She heard her roommate’s door open and then the front door as A/N waved off her lover. It was a quiet Saturday morning, and Y/N loved that as she dove further and further into her work, immersing herself in the story of two lovers who were destined to meet after one moved to the hometown of the other to pursue criminal psychology.
She couldn’t get her mind off of Jason. They hadn’t even known each other for a week but she knew he was worth her time. A few hours passed by from when she sent the first text.
Dick held Jason’s hand as he was hooked up to many different machines, he could breathe on his own, but the IV and the blood bags were hard to keep Dick’s eyes off of. If only I had been watching a little closer, he thought.
Jason fumbled in his pain-induced sleep, moaning and groaning as he did so when he opened his eyes to find a worried, sleep-deprived and very rough-looking Dick at his bedside, to which, Dick collapsed on Jason in a hug.
“Thank God,” Dick breathed.
“What... what the fuck.... what the fuck happened?” Jason stuttered, like a blanket of sleep and drugs had limited his mobility and brain function.
“I don’t know, Jase. That’s what I was hoping you’d tell me, but then again, your blood alcohol level was suspicious.”
“I... I didn’t drink... drink that much.”
“No, you didn’t. But you did drink, who was with you?”
“I don’t... know.”
“I think you were roofied so they could get the upper hand on you. You almost died, Jase.”
“Come...c’mere,” Jason managed to say, and when Dick came to him, he moved on of his hands onto Dick’s cheek, “Big... big annoying... big little annoying brother.”
“Shhhhhh, little wing,” Dick comforted his little brother, “You weren’t supposed to grow that much taller than me,” he laughed, “Dickhead,” he laughed again, then sighed, and stepped back from Jason to pace back and forth, he was stressed, “I told Roy-”
“Will, sorry. I told Will that you won’t be able to see Lian today, he asked what happened, he might drop by.”
“He should... shouldn’t have to... see me this... this way,” Jason said, eyes pooling with tears, “No one... should.”
“Don’t know how we’re going to explain this to your little girlfriend.”
“Oh... Man... I like... I like her.”
“I know you do, and that’s an issue when you’re high as a kite in a hospital bed, bleeding out, Jase,” Dick tried to explain, “Especially when she doesn’t know you’re Red Hood, dumbass.”
“Oh,” he said.
“I know, Jase. If it was me and Barbara didn’t know, I wouldn’t know what to do,” he sighed, “Haven’t even met this girl,” he laughed.
“It’s... it’s only been... 5 days,” he stuttered.
“and 3 back-to-back, multiple hour, spanning days, worth of dates. You don’t do that with someone you don’t think should meet your family.”
“You’re... stubborn.”
“And you’re my brother. It doesn’t take blood to exhibit the same traits.”
“The meds... are... are wearing off.”
“Do you need more?”
“Not... yet,” he struggled with his words, “Phone?”
“I mean, yeah I can give you your phone,” Dick said as he went to go unplug and hand Jason his phone, realizing that Y/N had texted Jason he said, “Guess you have someone who wants to know where you are more than Will does.”
“Will cares,” Jason said as he took the phone and read Y/N’s text,
I guess it isn’t morning anymore, huh.
Well that’s on me for texting you at 6 in the morning after I know you’ve been working late.
And I’m going to see my Goddaughter today, so I’ve been sleeping in to preserve energy for her.
Can’t forget that she’s what, 1 year old? Girl must have a lot of energy.
Her name’s Lian, and yeah. She’s a ball of energy.
He said as Lian and her dad, Will, formerly known as Roy, walked into the hospital wing of the Batcave. The secret wasn’t hidden to the little girl yet because she couldn’t remember a lot. But, she sure did recognize her Uncle Jay when she screamed her name.
Will brought his daughter up and put her beside her Uncle, and she cuddled into him, he would hold her back.
“Hey... Will.”
“You look like shit, Jaybird.”
“I feel... feel like shit.”
“You’re also talking slow, bud.”
“Drugs... do that... Will.”
“At least you’re not dead, I have no idea how I’d cope or even explain that to Lian.”
“She... she has your... eyes.”
“She’s growing into my nose too.”
“Your nose... looks like shit... on your face.”
“Okay, dickhead. You’re bedridden but yeah, attack me like you used to, I’ll just pull the plug.”
“Lian... would hate you... you for that,” he groaned as he said it.
“Do you need more drugs? I can tell Dick,” Will asked.
“Yeah... I think-”
“Don’t worry about finishing that, Jaybird. I got you.”
The wet ground surrounding the house Y/N lived in was a representation of what she considered, the bad things, washing away from her life as she got to know Jason more. She wished they could talk more that day, but she did not want to take away time from him and his Goddaughter. Family matters a lot to Y/N, so a thought like that just seemed selfish for her to think when she knew that little girl needed him.
She didn’t think he got injured or anything from the Office, it was a safer place than the fuckin Wayne Manor hallways. She texted Artemis,
So, you’re Wally’s girlfriend, and Wally is Dick’s best friend? Am I hearing you right?
That’s basically the intertwine we have here, yes.
So once you’re in this family, you’re IN, huh?
Not a chance.
The thrill of flipping off pap hasn’t left you yet?
Does everyone know about that? And yes, it’s still massively fun to do.
Wally says Dick is the only one who doesn’t think its that funny.
C’mon now, that’s my best friend, but yeah, that’s pretty fucking lame.
You’re the fun best friend, then. You see the fun in making a fool of the pap.
You know it.
Artemis knew of what happened on patrol between Jason and his unknown attacker. Dick had told Artemis to distract Y/N from wondering why Jason seemed drunk, if he seemed drunk. The extents they went to to hide the fact that they were the vigilantes protecting the city, they didn’t know if she was going to be able to keep the secret.
Jason would talk to her after that message,
That storm last night was terrible.
I wish that we were together when it happened. I hate lightning.
Well, you were in Cali.
Did I not tell you? My competition was cancelled because the entire country is fucked with weather.
Oh. That sucks.
Do you want to spend the night here?
Do you want to spend the night here?
Jason stared at that text for a while. He did, he wanted to spend the night with her, but he was in pain, hooked to machines, with obvious wounds and bandages. He couldn’t spend the night with her.
I can’t. I’m in Metropolis with Will and Lian. Can we reschedule?
Of course we can. As long as you make sure we actually get to spend the night together.
He asked Dick in that moment, “How... how long... long til I heal?”
“Depends. You’ll be okay-ish in 5 days, but in 7-10 we have to take out your stitches if you’ve been taking care of them,” he said.
“That... that long? Damn.”
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lollybliz · 4 years
bout to make a Monster of a fic rec post here we go
heyo @jinx108! We’ll start with the complete ones because sometimes you’re just not in the mood to wait for the last chapter, you know? I don't remember details of all of these so i’m just going to copy the author’s summary rather than write my own. I am literally just going through my bookmarks, I got 400 of these to sort through. if ive talked to or am familiar with the author im gonna mention them, but if I mention you and you don't want me to have Please tell me and i’ll remove it.
If you’re not into spoilers Please Tread Carefully, I don't watch out for that stuff so I wont know to label it
1>Crushing Truth by Bunzuku: Tododeku. “Romance is hard enough for a teenager to understand when they have a good relationship role model. For Shoto, it takes two excited meddlers for him to even realize what his feelings really are.“
2>Disowned by b00mgh: tododeku + others. Unrated, some traumatic elements. “Shouto freaks out under a bridge and I use the word "grass" a lot more than I really should. Izuku does his stupid martyr thing and everyone makes continuous references to his propensity to break his bones. Aizawa goes "oh FUCK my kids are dying again" and his students use him as emotional (and physical) support. A friend requests angst, I say what kind, she say idk make someone get disowned and i say oh this I can absolutely provide my good buddy.”
3>cotton candy hands by @chonideno: Kiribaku. I will take Any excuse to rec this fic, its the most fluffy pile of feels Good Lord. also the first fic I ever bound into a physical book. “Studying to become a hero requires knowing how to take care of yourself. Sometimes you might need help on the way so if your crush offers to do your hair for you or to give you a well-deserved back rub, it'd be stupid to say no. A series of soft vignettes in which a love-struck Kirishima and a touch-starved Bakugou care for each other and it's definitely not making their hearts jump through hoops, they’re never this close to kissing, no, they're totally best friends bro“
4>Catching Sight of the Storm by neo7v: Kiribaku, tododeku. A considerable amount of Whump and related angst, and kinda sad tbh. “Blind. Quirkless. Useless.The first two things were stated clearly by the doctor that sat about five feet in front of Izuku. The third was a word that Kacchan called him everytime he failed to make the jump on whatever forest excursion they were on or when he ran into a tree because he hadn’t seen it. “I’m so, so sorry, Izuku.” Was his mom giving up on him already? But he could still be a hero if he tried hard enough, right? Quirkless or not. Blind or not. Just because Izuku was useless now didn’t mean he would stay that way forever, right? *** A Blind!Izuku AU”
5>Yell Heah by fakecharliebrown: Chatfic. M a n y pairings. technically complete, but part of an ongoing series. “Iida creates a group-chat for Class 1-A. It doesn't go as planned.“
6>Sunshine by Rosey_Note: BIG SAD. tw- failed suicide attempt. KiriKamiBaku. “They didn't deserve to put up with his crappy mood. Because Denki Kaminari did not feel like Sunshine right now. And they deserved sunshine. In fact, Denki didn't feel much of anything right now.“
7>Electric Connection by  Onlymostydead: ShinKami. “Kaminari's quirk has always had... Weird side affects. Like his ADHD. And his constant energy. And his insomnia, which wouldn't leave him be right now, when he really needed to just get some sleep. But, thankfully, he has good friends.“
8>The Best (The Worst) by Onlymostydead: no romantic pairing. tw- rampant transphobia, both outside and internalized. “Bakugou Katsuki has known who he was since he was four years old. He was a boy, it was as simple as that. Around his friends, at school... But things couldn't just be that simple, could they?“
9>Lichtenberg Figures by Q_loves_you: no definite romantic pairing. “Kaminari Denki has a very powerful force of nature running through his body. Kaminari Denki doesn't want to hurt anybody. He doesn't always get what he wants, and "anybody" does generally include himself.“
10>Eventuality by KikaTouka: ill be honest I don't remember this one at all, I maaaay not have read it yet :/. anyway. ShinKami. “Shinsou learns more than just hero lessons after being transferred to 1-A.“
11>Pickup Lines for the Soul by MustardSoup: ShinKami. “Denki is twelve when he is flicking through the TV channels and lands on an old RomCom movie about soulmate marks – specifically the same type that he has. “I can’t believe I’ve had to walk around with a cheap pickup line written on my ankle my entire life because of you!” The leading lady yells at the leading man as he stares at her in awe. Denki laughs. “Oh no.” His mother says, watching him. “Oh no, indeed.” His sister repeats quietly.“
12>caught in my own web by @anxioussailorsoldier: ShinKami. “Shinsou needs some help after getting caught up in his capture weapon. Kaminari enters from stage left.“
13>not so summer love by nataliya: ShinKami. “Class 2-B’s common room, although typically quiet, was currently filled with five students—three slowly giving up on homework, one bitching about noise and another that rushes through the front door. “We’ve been waiting for you—” Mina starts, but Kaminari’s vaulting over the back of the couch, eyes wide as he practically buzzes out of his skin, emitting light like crazy as currents dazzle across strands of hair. “I have a big ugly crush,” He steps off the couch and onto the coffee table, much to Bakugou’s chagrin, “On big ugly Shinsou.””
14>Blamed by coldandhotsoba: ShinKami. Tw- they fuckin kill a guy and its a lil nasty. “This was not how the day was supposed to end. They were supposed to end the day like they do most nights.  Kaminari clutching onto him like a koala as he slept, wrapped in the millions of tacky blankets Kaminari had bought. Warm and safe in their bed. It was not supposed to end with both of them tied up in some cold metal room.“
15>Lightning Scars by Present-Mics-Scream (write_your_way_out): Shinkami. “It's hard to be confident in your abilities when you're surrounded by people with incredible quirks. Shinsou Hitoshi would know better than anyone. Sure, he was admitted to the hero course in his second year, but being admitted to the hero course, and keeping up with the rest of the class are two different things. Lucky for him, Kaminari is there to prove that the flashiest quirks come with the largest drawbacks.“
16>See No Evil, Hear No Evil by randomfan188: no romantic pairing. “Kaminari Denki is legally blind. When he forgets to wear his contacts and breaks down during math class, comfort appears in the strangest of ways.“
17>how not to enjoy the weather, an article by kaminari denki by dreamtowns: no defined romantic pairing. “If there was one thing Kaminari hated the most in a world wth villains, it would have to be thunderstorms.“
18>”Studying” by emmyrox22: ShinKami, EraserMic. “Shinsou and Kaminari have been “studying” together for a while (but not for school). Shinsou gets stopped by his dads on the way to another “study” session and mistakes are made“
19>Weaknesses by sunflowerstorm: ShinKami. “Kaminari's quirk and storms compliment each other in the worst way, but he's convinced he can deal with it on his own... until he really can't any longer. When Shinsou accidentally overhears Aizawa confronting Kaminari about recent changes in behaviour and hears about the hell his quirks been putting him through, he can't just pretend he never heard. He wants to help.“
20>it’s hurt denki hours by memeingfultrash: ShinKami + others. ““Certain members of our class are...under the impression that...you’re the traitor.” Denki’s body went cold and felt like he was going to short circuit. ~some of class 1a believes that denki is the traitor and avoid him”
21>Petition to replace Mineta with Shinsou- (signed by Kaminari Denki) by CharaTheQuartz: ShinKami + others. This is one of my favorites, I go back to reread it from time to time. It SAYS 41/42, but that's just a glitch cus chapter 36 doesn't exist for some reason, I talked to the author about it and its fine. “Mineta brings shame to the color purple. You know who does not bring shame to the rich color, but pride and sexual tension to one infatuated Kaminari Denki instead? Shinsou Hitoshi, aka sexy zombie man, aka the most perfect hunk of a man to walk planet earth, aka future husband. Shinsou has finally gotten his chance to prove himself to the hero course, and he did more than prove himself. The only question left unanswered is whether he will start in A or B, and how Kaminari can manipulate the end result.“
22>How to Get a Boyfriend (in Four Easy Steps!) by e1ana: ShinKami, EraserMic, + others. “Step 1: Get kicked out of the house by your homophobic parents. Step 2: Run headfirst into your brooding, mysterious crush. Step 3: Sleep in his dad’s (see: your homeroom teacher) house Step 4: Watch everything you thought you knew go to shit. This isn’t exactly the sweet, romantic plan that Kaminari Denki longed for. Will everything be ok, or will step 5 be to crash and burn?“
23>Bakugou and Todoroki’s Foolproof 5-Step Plan to Fuck with Mineta Minoru by Anubis_2701: Kiribaku, TodoDeku, + others. This is another one of my favorites, and the one I am currently folding and sewing into a physical book. you learn how to do funny things when bored and quarantined ig. “It was a simple enough idea; screw around with the resident bastard of Class 1-A to let him know that his medieval ways and perverted behaviour weren't going to be tolerated by even the most career-focused of UA's students. To say that things had snowballed was an understatement. Todoroki had no idea how he had ended up sitting on Bakugou's floor at 1 am, holding a dossier of incriminating material that would make the FBI slobber, but he wasn't sure he wanted to know. The long and short of it was, fuck Mineta.”
24>Colour Theory by chancellorxofxtrash: TodoBakuDeku. this one’s a series. “Midoriya/Bakugo/Todoroki slow burn soulmate AU. All three of them are nerds with their own emotional issues, trying to navigate their way through becoming heroes, and their own relationship with each other.“
25>Summer Sunshine by Mara97: TodoDeku. Ever want a Barbie in a mermaid tale/Bnha crossover? No? well here you go anyway! “Instead of worrying about college, Izuku spends his summer vacation finding out his father is, supposedly, a dead merman king and going on a quest to dethrone the current king, Endeavor. Along the way, Izuku becomes close to the three journeying with him, makes friends with strangers, starts crushing on an unattainable prince, and, in the end, learns to love himself. Oh, and he saves a kingdom, too.“
26>The snowflakes on our skin and the flames in our soul are one (and the same), my love by missunderstuffyou: TodoDeku, Kiribaku. this is one of the ones I keep a running reread comment going on. its at,,, 6, atm.  “Before your quirk begins to present itself, the soulmate link comes through, and suddenly whatever you write upon your own skin appears on the body of your soulmate. As your soulmate writes to you, the emotions they feel follow through the ink.Izuku Midoriya is four years and a few months old when he first feels the slight ebbing in his arms. It doesn’t hurt… he can just feel something, and it’s enough to make him sprint into his mother’s arms screaming that his quirk is coming. She had been washing in the kitchen, and the sudden screech as her son rockets into her side is enough to make her jump with panic, immediately grabbing at him and looking for cuts and bumps before she understands his words and the stupidly bright, alight smile on his face with large, watery, hopeful eyes. Shoto Todoroki doesn’t feel his soulmate connection open up. It is drowned in the aches of a small body worked far too hard.“
27>It was dark inside the closet by Chad_Champion69420: Pre-ShinDeku? maybe? its tagged shindeku but like. it’ll make sense if you read it. “Midoriya is invited to a party. He and Shinsou decide to play a little trick on the rest of the party during Seven Minutes in Heaven.”
28>how to woo your local trash gremlin: a comprehensive guide by Todoroki shouto by wonhaebunny: TodoBaku. this is the fic that dragged me into todobaku, fun fact. “five times shouto tries to confess to bakugou, and one time he doesn't bother tryingaka: wikihow is a scam and bakugou is a terrible, terrible boy“
29>top ten photos taken right before disaster by Shookspeare: ShinDeku. “Izuku participates in a harmless prank, only to end up ruining it and running for dear life.“
30>Secrets to Share by pechebaie: no definite romantic pairing. “Kirishima comes out first, and nothing changes. Kirishima and Kaminari still hang out to complain about class and talk about boys - and sometimes girls, too, in Kaminari’s case; he still plans stupid pranks with Sero that get them sent to the principal’s or nurse’s office every time; Ashido still kicks his ass at Mario Kart without hesitation; and Bakugou doesn’t get angry at him any more than he usually does.“
31>What One Hides by Pinalinet: TodoDeku. “All Might gives class 1-A an unusual assignment that results in Midoriya Izuku and Todoroki Shouto attending a weekly acting class. But with a mysterious villain targeting individuals without Quirks, and a developing issue of Todoroki's own, an after-school assignment is the least of their worries.“
32>whether or not we’re fated, we’re meant to be by juurensha: KINDA SPOILERY. TodoDeku + others. “Todoroki didn’t have a soulmark for most of his life.His siblings all did, but up until the day of the U.A. entrance exam, he had shoved the idea aside. It’s not like they could help him anyway. And then a 9 appears on his chest, and a green-haired boy barrels into his life with a fire and ice soulmark on his arms, and suddenly Todoroki cares very much about all this could mean.”
33>The Midnight Shift by meiishu @meiishu @totallytodoroki (idk which you’d rather I attach so I went with both): ShinKami. ““Hey Toshi,” Denki says, and he laughs, clearly embarrassed. He’s got on a jean jacket that did him absolutely no help and a white tee shirt that is currently stuck to his torso. It’s got a pikachu design in the center. “By any chance, do you sell umbrellas?” “You really went out in this weather.” Hitoshi deadpans, instead of dignifying that with an answer. or hitoshi works the midnight shift at the gas station, which also doubles as a pokestop for pokemon go. of course, denki is a regular.”
34>Rock the House by AkabaneKayo: ShinKami. “It wasn’t just his bed. It was his entire fucking room shaking. Only one thought crossed his mind at that moment: “Holy shit. My room is haunted.”“
35>Technically, they’re morning kisses by CharaTheQuartz: ShinKami. “Most nights, Shinsou cannot fall sleep. Neither can Kaminari. It seems counterproductive to have a sleepover then, but they try to make it work. And they fail, but that is okay.“
36>someone to call mine by nearly_theyre: ShinKami, EraserMic “From: Me wish you were here, denks From: kitten 💛💘💛 what if i was tho? OR Four times Denki snuck into Hitoshi's room and one time he walked through the front door.“
37>Pretty by Onlymostydead (noticing some repeat authors? me too): no definite romantic pairing. “(Or, Kaminari still can't figure out bra clasps.) Kaminari has never really felt good about himself. Herself? Whichever way, not knowing doesn't make anything easier. Especially when he (she?) and Mina have their bodies swapped during training, and everything seems too right.“
38>If I offer you my hand, will you take it? by bleukitsune: Kiribaku. SPOILERY. ““Why?” Kirishima leaned back on his hands, trying to create some space between them. Too close. The ash-blond looked really nervous, his usually arrogant and cunning demeanor gone. “What do you see when you look at me? Kirishima is worried. Bakugou is hurting. After his confrontation with Midoriya, he finally reaches out to him. “
Theres way more but I haven't tagged them properly yet so that m a y come later if I can ever finish going through and adding my sorting tags.
and then a last few that Are Not Complete but im really very fond of them. not as many as id like to add, but my hands are getting tired tbh.
39>State of Mind by GuardianOfTheLoaf: no relationship YET but its looking like it’ll be either tododeku or shindeku, probably the former. EraserMic. tw- childhood neglect and severe depression. Izuku’s not a happy kid. “Izuku was a late bloomer, his quirk lying dormant until his tenth birthday when in a fit of emotion he grabs his mother and she disappears. With All Might slowly restoring his confidence Izuku begins the difficult journey into becoming a hero.“ 18/? chapters.
40>Izuku Eats His Problems by CosmicAce: ShinDeku. Izuku’s a flerkin, what more could you want? “His whole life, Izuku Midoriya was taught to keep his powers, his Quirk, hidden from the world. His kind were feared, hunted to near extinction because of it. He just wants to show people he’s different. That he can be a HERO. And nothing is going to stop him. Even if his Quirk IS like an eldritch abomination.“ 43/? chapters
and then probably my current favorite bnha fic- although it fights with Apertum Mortem for that spot but that ones d a r k and not here-
41>family of the year by periiwren: EraserMic. “Hitoshi is done. Done with moving around every few months to a couple that will scrutinize him and eventually dump him right back where he started. Good thing he’s well past his strike limit now- at least he can stay in one place, be content to age out of the system and finish out his training with Aizawa. Maybe transfer into the hero course, maybe be a hero- but none of that was guaranteed. The only thing for sure was that he was going to stay in that center for the rest of his childhood. Or so he thought- because Aizawa Shouta and Yamada Hizashi have other plans.“ 24/? chapters. we’ve been informed that this one’s gonne be l o n g and im Very Grateful.
42>Here There Be Dragons by here_and_there: pre-ShinDeku. “Izuku looked at the small circle Aizawa had motioned to in front of them. "I won't fit," he whispered, thinking. He raised his hand, tentatively. Sighing, Aizawa grumbled, "What?" "I-I have a question. Actually, two." His teacher just stared at him, unimpressed. Izuku continued. "Can we activate our quirks before we step into the ring?" Aizawa looked up into the sky, muttering something Izuku didn't hear. "If you must." "O-Okay. Uh, second question. You said we have to stay inside the circle, right?" "Yes." The man looked disappointed, not only in Izuku but in himself for letting the kid speak. "Great. Uh... does that include tails?"“ 6/? chapters.
43>Another Option by sandersonsister: TodoBakuDeku, Touya/Hawks, Dabi/Hawks. Potentially Spoilery, depends on whether horikoshi has the guts to confirm Touya. this one is waiting around the corner with a baseball bat, its really cute, and then r e a l l y painful. it might be getting better though. maybe. it might be getting worse. “When Touya stops his mother from hurting Shouto, he decides enough is enough. He needs to get out of this house and he's taking his baby brother with him.“ 33/? chapters.
That's it i’m done for now, oof. maybe ill edit more onto this post later, maybe i’ll just make another one. hope some of these work!
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vergilboyfriend · 4 years
You should do all of them questions and 90 is true
I love you!!!!
1. Favorite instrument?
I work at a music store u can’t just ask me this. When my coworkers play it’s the saxophone or the flute, when the boys in the repair shop are testing repairs and they harmonize with each other or try to outplay one another it’s the bassoon or the trombone or whatever they’re fixing at the moment. When I hear 🎺 give his lesson on Wednesday afternoons it’s the trumpet, and when I think about middle school it’s the clarinet, the flute, the French horn. When I hear the nutcracker pas des deux is the oboe and when I hear edith piaf l’accordeoniste it’s the remarkable human voice. Really my favorite instrument is all of them, it just depends.
2. Favorite fic trope? Mutual pining 🥺
3. Sport you played for the longest amount of time? LMAO I wasn’t a sporty kid but I did ballet
4. Shoe size? 10-11
5. Most recent (good) dream? Uhh I had a dream last night about my coworker 🎹 it wasn’t bad though I can’t really remember what it was about
6. Last person in your DMs? smugg
7. Can you do a handstand? Nooo nooo lmaoo nooooo
8. Unpopular food opinion I don’t like oranges or red meat
9. Conspiracy you believe in? There’s some kind of weird weather dome in my hometown around the military base that makes most storms pass around us
10. Is your hair its natural color/style? Most of it is I dyed the bottom layer of my hair tho so it’s blonde rn
11. state a useless fact all that’s coming to mind is outright lies rn hold on. The inventor of pringles is buried in a pringles can that’s so fucking nasty omg
12. most interesting gossip you’ve heard? Idk I don’t really care for gossip uhhhh have u heard tho rin dippindogs is a huge gay hah she uhh she like men AND women lmao gaaay gaaaay
13. Middle name? Carolyn
14. Sexuality? Bisexual
15. Amount of sleep you got last night? Idk actually I think like 9-10 hrs tho I slept in until 11
16. Opinion on ice cream cake? Tasty!!!
17. Opinion on (cup)cake frosting? It’s depends buttercream is usually too sweet for me in large amounts so I prefer whipped cream frosting
18. Last board game you played? Idk??? We played hunt a killer tho last Thursday me n my family I guess that counts kinda
19. Project you want to start? I need ideas first baby
20. Project you’re working on right now? HAHAHAHAHAHA
21. TV show you’re watching? nothing rn I just rewatch bojack a lot if I watch anything
22. Last movie you watched? Lego batman I think
23. Ever left anon hate? Not legit hate
24. Ever left anon love? Yes all the time. Sometimes to strangers it’s my favorite thing to do
25. Best Disney movie? The princess and the frog
26. Best Pixar movie? Soul or Up I can’t decide
27. Best Star Wars? Um. Empire strikes back
28. Last thing you consumed? Fuit gumy
29. NoTP? Idk I don’t really hate ships unless they’re gross like pedophilic gross
30. story behind your (nick)name? When I was a fetus my great grandfather had a dream that my name should be Carolyn Marie but my parents were huge dweebs so they named me Marina after the actress of Deanna Troi in Star Trek. Idk about my nickname ive just always been Rina/Rin as long as I can remember
31. ice cream order? Lately it’s lemon sorbetto I know it’s SO high in sugar but I love it
32. describe your blog in <5 words I love you
33. how many blogs do you follow? 436
34. Describe your voice it depends usually I sound like a sick child but my customer service voice is really pleasant
35. Describe your smile it’s cute :)
36. What is the place you live known for? LMAOOO LMAO we have a military base nearby and like. I could go on abt that one but also like. There’s a lot of gang violence and a lot of the other consequences of poverty. People from the cities around us see us as “””ghetto””” or violent but it’s just. It’s more than that it’s always more than that. And idk what else there’s nothing really particularly special about this town except that we’re all here and not anywhere else
37. What is the place you’re originally from known for? (if they’re different)
38. pronouns? she/any idc
39. Languages you speak? English
40. first friend you made through tumblr? Idk. I probably don’t talk to them anymore :(
41. Person on tumblr you know in real life? my brother
42. First dog breed you think of shih tzu I have 2 next to me rn
43. room wall color? Purble!!!! The paint color is called grape juice that’s why I picked it!!!
44. Song that’s stuck in your head right now? It’s tricky to rock a rhyme to rock a rhyme that’s right on time it’s trickyyyyy
45. Favorite number? 5, 34
46. Color you associate with your name? Red
47. Favorite jolly rancher flavor?watermelon
48. Pets? 2 dogs rocket and groot and 4 cats loki danni who r from the same litter and we raised from kittens, miss kitty who we adopted from a shelter after my boy blue moon passed away and ben (his real name is Kylo Ren thanks to my mom but I refuse to call him that) he is my little baby and he has 7 toes on his front paws
49. Collections? Hot wheels
50. Character outside of your fandom you’d marry? Girl what lmaooo idk
51. Character outside of your fandom you’d kill? That’s mean :(
52. Have you met any celebrities? NO thank god id have to kill on sight
53. Favorite time period in history? Itslian Renaissance & Romantic Era
54. What time is it right now? 2:35 am oops
55. History or future? Future but like . A good one. Or prehistory
56. Space or ocean? Space
57. Fears? Abandonment
58. Command + v and post. It’s this list of questions u don’t want that
59. Favorite season? Spring
60. Describe your aesthetic. Messy just a mess, neon and old buildings and things, antiques, countryside if there weren’t so many trump pence flags still lmaoo give uppp give up, nature just al of nature and space and places humans can’t touch and places they used to touch but can’t anymore
61. MBTI? Infp but I haven’t taken it in a few years
62. What’s your relationship with your family like? Normal.
63. “Biggest fan” in your tumblr activity? I’m in mobile hold on acc to tumblr it’s akky
64. Favorite musical? Sweeney todd
65. Comfort book? Idk how to read 💔💔💔 wuthering heights tho
66. Comfort movie? Whisper of the heart
67. OTP? Girl idk
68. BroTP? Joey and Tristan yugioh
69. AUs or canon compliant? Canon ig idk
70. Opinion on the person who’s sending the ask? It’s an anon!! But I love them
71. FMK + 3 characters anon didnt leave any characters and I was going to say something very bad but I won’t
72. Dream date? I’ve wanted to do this for a while but ideally it would be after we’d been together a while maybe even engaged or whatever, I wanna go to like a Home Depot or a furniture store and pretend to be married and looking for house paints and furniture and plan what our home is going to look like I wanna do that so bad. But idk for a first/early relationship date i really want to go to the zilker botanical garden it’s one of my favorite places, we could also go to the natural gardener which is a plant nursery in Austin I really love it there too and it’s not that far from zilker.
73. Relationship status? Single
74. Ever dyed your hair? Do you plan to? Yes and perhaps. Maybe
75. Dream job/career? Idk anymore I used to have big girl goals and I haven’t had any in a while. But when I was younger I wanted to be a game warden
76. Favorite band/singer? Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
77. Something that makes you soft/that you find adorable? My cats
78. The first thing you would do if you won the lottery? Buy a house
79. Are you superstitious? Yes
80. Character you project onto? Shizuku tsukishima
81. Fictional character you’ve had a crush on? Vergil devil may cry. Forever husband
82. Celebrity crush? LMAO
83. Person on here you’d date? my mutuals
84. Person on here you’d marry? 🥺 my mutuals
85. Person on here you’d throw into the void? Smugg
86. Other social media you have? I’ve got a photography insta that I barely use and a Twitter that’s just nintendo switch screenies that’s it
87. Finish the sentence: Due to personal reasons, ___________i will be passing away
88. Bad habit? I find it rlly hard to say no or like to say when and why I’m upset I don’t feel like for the latter I don’t feel like I should bring something that’s upsetting me up because I know I’ll get over it on my own and I don’t really trust myself to be upset about rational things. Idk I’m working on it
89. Three things you like about yourself? I’m hot, I’m kind, I’m resilient
90. Ily and you deserve the world I love you!!!!! YOU deserve it too!!!
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lnane · 4 years
I’m gonna be super annoying and ask for the questions in increments of 5 (as in 5,10,15,20 etc) haha please don’t hate me
youre not annoying! i like doing this. i could never hate you, youre too cool <3
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
i dont think ive ever actually played the air guitar. i dont play air instruments, like at all. at most i drum on things
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
honestly it doesnt really matter much. on one hand i like attention, and performing and such. but on the other i also like taking photos of people and things, and being helpful and stuff.
for the sake of the question id say in front
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
my greatest weakness is probably my instinct to isolate myself from everyone else and refusal to depend on others for help. i always want to be indepentant and i dont know how to ask for help, let alone how to not feel like a bother while doing so. so i often end up just sitting alone not certain what to do.
my greatest strenght is probably that im very funny and sexy as fuck and that i try to treat people with kindness no matter where i go B)
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
talking on the phone, easily. both tire me but video chatting can be extremely exhausting. idk why theres a difference. either way after i always end up zoning out and not being able to pay much attention or distracted and just being silent in general after a while, especially if theres several people on call.
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
air or bed
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
have fun. do anything that makes you feel fullfilled and happy while causing as little harm to others. the goal of your life should be to, at the end of it, be able to look back and genuinely say “i lived a good life. i am happy with this”. regrets and pain will exist in it, but as long as it has been good for you, overall, you have suceeded.
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
i dont have a drivers license for a car, but ive had a license for mopeds and tractors since i was 15 (which is when you can get em here in sweden).
ive not really crashed (which is surprising considering how often i basically slept on the moped), but before i got my license and the first time i sat on a moped i drove into a ditch. ive also fallen over a couple times when trying to park.
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
i have no idea. i think i would say that one time when i was like. 6? 7? something like that and fell from my bed when jumping around playing and hit my forehead on one of the pole things on the bedframe, which was square. still have a visible scar from it.
50: Do you believe in magic?
idk. i want to, but theres also nothing proving its real. im sorta agnostic about it. it can be real and ive just not seen it yet, or its not real. either way, im not gonna know for certain until i see it myself.
55: Love or lust?
i want love, but i think i lust more
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
oh yes. perfume bottles, pride flags, paint, books, a giftbag, letters, needles, paper, a big dragon eraser, probably way more but im not gonna search my entire room for it
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
oh geez i suck at and hate this kinda thing. im gonna skip this one :)
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
i dont think i am what i ideally want out of a friend, but i do think i am the kind of person that i could get along with and be friends with. we would never talk outside of like, physical meetings tho.
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
80: What size shoes do you wear?
42-43 depending on the shoe i think (keep in mind i am swedish we use a different system from yall americans and yall brits)
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
i am currently, as of im writing this question, listening to Alone by The Mowgli’s
by the time ive finished answering to all the questions im listening to Moscow by Autoheart (its such a good song i had to add it)
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
try to shoo them out probably. they gotta stink and i dont want their dirt in my room, its enough with mine and the dogs
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
ive answered this one already but ill answer it again! finland. wanna give archie a hug and maybe a kiss on the cheek if theyll let me
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hanorganaa · 5 years
All 15: darhkatom
jesus christ marisa. well ask and you shall receive. 
1. Who is the happy morning person and who is grumpy and just wants to go back to bed?
-rays the happy morning person and nora is obviously the big grump. even when ray stays up all night working in the lab or something he never really gets grumpy, just tired. he looks like those videos of puppies yawning. while nora even if she slept twelve hours is gonna be a bit of a grump. but when she wakes up next to ray its not so bad :)))
2. Who falls asleep on the couch and who puts a blanket over them?
-okay nora takes naps like all the time and thats facts and ray of course wants to make sure she stays warm. but also this got me thinking i feel like ray never falls asleep in a normal place?? like he doesnt really take naps but also works a lot in the lab and stuff so whenever he doesnt get eight hours he just falls asleep fuckin wherever. at the dinner table?? sure. in the lab? of course. just where ever he is.
3. They end up going to a party? What couple are they? Ex- Clinging to one another? Just there to steal some free food and leave? Both want to party?
-if and when they ever go to party that isnt undercover as a mission where they have an alibi and stuff nora stays GLUED to ray. shes like “i dont know these people. what if they ask about me? what am i supposed to say? ‘oh yeah ive been recently exorcised’??” i mean shes either glued to ray or the snack table.
4. If they were in a zombie apocalypse AU, how would they meet?
-ray travels with a group of people (aka the legends) and he comes across nora who is like “yeah i can take care of myself i work alone” and they end up trapped and surrounded and they bond and stuff and when the legends come to rescue ray he convinces her to stay with them for a while.
5. Where is their number one date spot? Why do they love it so much there?
-like in the show 10/10 they go to camelot whenever they are like in a special day type of mood. but like in real life i dont think they would really ever do something fancy. like i think both of their fav dates is just staying in.
6. Who would be more likely to hug their partner and pick them up off the ground?
-ray. he’s too big not to.
7. If one partner isn’t the best at communicating their feelings, how do they show their feelings to their significant other in other ways?
8. How did they try to impress one other before they were dating?
-we’ve already seen ray try with the mustache and good god no. if i had to say something for nora i’d say she probably pretends to like all of rays nerd stuff way more than she really does. she doesnt hate any of it but she pretends to be a way bigger fan.
9. Who is being way over the top and dramatic and who just nods and cheers on their partner from the sidelines?
-nora is such a drama queen and i love her for it forever and ray is perpetually the proud bf and will cheer her on no matter what.
10. Where did they confess that they loved one another?
-i have no idea. i wanna say like on the ship or in his room but thats boring. I mean lets be real they basically did in last weeks episode. my angst heart wants to say its when one of them gets in trouble or injured on a mission. but my fluff brain says its when they are snuggling in bed and rays running his fingers through her hair the way she likes and she just kind of blurts it out. 
11. What is something small, but cute they do for one another? Ex - leave cute encouraging notes for one another on the counter.
-whenever ray wakes up early and knows he wont be there when nora wakes up he leaves a note by the bed. nora does little doodles for him and pins them up on the white boards in the lab. ray lets her have more of the blankets. nora lets him pick movies.
12. Who is the one who does the cooking while the other helps prep the food?
-i feel like nora wants to cook everything fast so shes like “keep it on high” which has led to many meals being burnt on the outside and fucking raw on the inside as well as getting burnt. so now rays in charge of cooking. (i keeping thinking about jenna marbles videos where they cook and nora is julien)
13. What is a memory they share together that makes them both laugh so hard they cry when they think about it?
-look ive thought about this for ages and im coming up short i have literally no idea the only thing i can come up with is they were quarter backing on the ship (aka hooking up) while the rest were on a mission and something similar to the unicorn happened and they all came back talking about “peace and love” and “letting yourself surrender to the force and love of the universe” OR if we wanna go @noradarhkpalmer family au route theres this video of like a little baby sitting between her mom and dad in bed and the baby takes the moms hand out of the dads and pulls the dads hand in hers and thats baby penny to a T so yeah
14. They are having a water balloon fight, who wins and how do they deliver the winning shot?
-nora does. its not hard. ray is a huge target just becasue he big. also rays not really trying to get her out.
15. Who would give the other their jacket because it’s cold?
-ray does. noras always cold so most of the time she doesnt have to ask. also i just thought about ray squeezing into noras jackets and im fucking cackling.
also tagging @superstitious19 and @tomaztastic because they also asked for darhkatom
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Yet Another Chatfic pt 5
part 1 I 2 I 3 I 4
this is a long chapter! and im posting it ahead of schedule! bc I love yall!
please leave comments! likes! I love feedback!
Also! this chapter has a peek into sarah, finch, and alberts groupchat
Queens of New York
santagay: say yeet if you made it home alive
DJacobs: Yeet!
SJ420: yeet
richbitch: yeet
Spot8365631: yeet
respecs: yeet
albiehadalittlelamb: yeet
WhereforeArtThou: yeet
noteventhatshort: yeet
SJ420: wheres finchy boy?
littlebirdie: still at their apt
littlebirdie: oh right
littlebirdie added crispycrutch to Queens of New York
PM with albiehadalittlelamb
santagay: al, finch slept over
albiehadalittlelamb: yeah ik?
santagay: i hate to say this and be that guy, but al, he slept in crutchies room
santagay: ik whats its like to be cheated on, and i never thought i would be having this conversation about finch but I dont want you to get hurt.
albiehadalittlelamb: ill ask finch, im sure nothing happened
PM with littlebirdie
albiehadalittlelamb: did my fake bf cheat on me?
littlebirdie: …
albiehadalittlelamb: GET SOME BOIII
littlebirdie: lmao so your not mad?
albiehadalittlelamb: why would I be mad? even if we were dating id be chill about this, ik you have a huge thing for crutchie and lord knows youd never get any action from me
albiehadalittlelamb: the only problem is that jack thinks your cheating on me
littlefinch: ok so should we fake-break up? cuz i kind of dont want to, but if jack thinks im cheating on you…
albiehadlittlelamb: i have a plan
albiehadalittlelamb: does crutchie know that were fake dating?
littlebirdie: ye, theres no way i would even be allowed into his room if we were actually dating
albiehadalittlelamb: ok but heres the thing, if jack thinks you cheated on me, then race probably thinks the same
littlebirdie: oooHHHHHH
littlebirdie: so now im also fake cheating on you so that race will feel bad and fall for you and your sad situation
albiehadalittlebird: exactly!
littlebirdie: nice! what could possibly go wrong
Queens of New York
respecs: so why is this chat called queens of new york
inyourFACEtrack: well you see…
inyourFACEtrack: twas all hallows eve 2017
inyourFACEtrack: and 7 of us showed up to kaths halloween as drag queens completely independantly
noteventhatshort: and sarah kath jack and i were dressed as disney princesses
respecs: thats beautiful
respecs: and here i thought it was bc ?everyone? here is lbgtq
santagay: well if you think about it, its both
richbitch: when was the last time we even had a straight in this chat?
crispycrutch: i think  we had morris in the chat for a week when he was dating romeo
santagay: oh god i forgot about that
SJ420: does he even count as a straight?
inyourFACEtrack: well there was a reason he was only in the chat for a week so…
santagay: true, speaking of which
santagay: specs, if you ever hurt romeo, we will find out where you live and steal all of you soap lest you ever get a date again
respecs: noted?
SJ420: he gave me the same threat when I started dating kath lmao
santagay: it worked didnt it?
SJ420: im hate you
santagay: you loved me once loser
WhereforeArtThou: oh shit he went there
inyourFACEtrack: oooooooooooo
crispycrutch: ??????
SJ420: once upon a time i thought i was a het, and then i dated jack for like 2 months
SJ420: and 90% of our relationship was checking out pretty girls together
SJ420: so i figured i should date those pretty girls
noteventhatshort: BIG MOOD
SJ420: for the record the other 10% of the relationship was jack checking out “cute” boys and me being like eh
santagay: and herre i thought you were just trying to stop me from being jealous
SJ420: jack at one point i kissed another girl in front of you and you did not care
noteventhatshort: AHHH
inyourFACEtrack: OOOF
richbitch: AN ICON
santagay: ok well
SJ420: don’t even try bud
DJacobs: That’s my sister!!!!!
santagay: but at least you didnt hide it
santagay: at least you werent kissing people behind my back like SOME people in this chat
SJ420: ????
Spot8365631: i thought you were over that
santagay: i am i just need to have moral high ground over someone
inyourFACEtrack: wait what
noteventhatshort: is this chat just stories of jack getting cheated on now?
richbitch: im living for this
richbitch: jack cant keep a man nor woman
noteventhatshort: but whats this about spot cheating on jack?
santagay: he BROKE my FRAGILE 15 y/o HEART
santagay: but spottie was too cool, lived too fast, couldnt be tied down to one man
Spot8365631: also david was a much better kisser
richbitch: CALLED OUT
inyourFACEtrack: 911? theres been a murder?
DJacobs: This…. is true.
respecs: i am living for the drama in this chat
crispycrutch: were kind of a mess tbh
respecs: i understand and completely respect that
inyourFACEtrack: you reSPECt that?
respecs: haha very funny not like thats my goddamn username or anything
Spot8365631: roasted
inyourFACEtrack: bitch
santagay: fuck offfffff
WhereforeArtThou: this bet is unfair
WhereforeArtThou: im only attracted to one gender, thats less than half the people to ask
santagay: dude ur still winning
WhereforeArtThou: yeah but its a lot more work
inyourFACEtrack: i only have 1 girls number, i think its p even
santagay: this seems like something you should have considered when we started
WhereforeArtThou: ok but consider this
WhereforeArtThou: i didnt
inyourFACEtrack: ok but consider this
inyourFACEtrack: ur a dumbass
WhereforeArtThou: strong words coming from a guy who threw a wii remote out the window
noteventhatshort: fight fight fight fight
inyourFACEtrack: my embarrassments are not ur entertainment smalls
noteventhatshort: ur embarrassments are my only entertainment what r u talking about
Spot8365631: also everything you do is embarrassing
inyouFACEtrack: i feel betrayed
santagay: you should
santagay: i once saw u put hot chocolate mix in oj
inyourFACEtrack: it tastes like a terrys chocolate orange i stand by my choices
crispycrutch: you snorted mr noodles seasoning bc spot told you to
inyourFACEtrack: and i got 20$ for it
Spot8365631: u didnt “””get”””” 20$ ur debt to me was just slightly reduced
inyourFACEtrack: EITHER WAY
crispycrutch: once i watched u drop a spoon into a pot of boiling water and stick ur hand in to get it
inyourFACEtrack: i think ur point has been made, thnk u crutchie
Spot8365631: please do not stop, hes had it coming
crispycrutch: i will stop only bc i value my safety and so i still have receipts for the future
inyourFACEtrack: oh god
inyourFACEtrack: why did i think it was a good idea to live with you
crispycrutch: bc you love me and i contribute to the rent
inyourFACEtrack: touche
crispycrutch: besides, i would have dirt on you regardless
crispycrutch: i have seen each and every one of you do stupid stuff, no one is safe
inyourFACEtrack: mooooom crutchies being meannnn
DJacobs: Crutchie, please delete your blackmail.
crispycrutch: how can i delete it when its in my brain
santagay: i have never been more scared of crutchie
SJ420: crutchie is my idol
crispycrutch: that does not make you safe my friend
SJ420: honestly at this point you could reveal anything about me and i would not care
SJ420: i have reached a god status where nothing you say could possibly embarrass me
richbitch: im so in love with you
SJ420: love you too babe
PM with SJ420
richbitch: ik youre in the next room but i dont want dave to hear, but I got a dinner reservation for two tomorrow at 7 and was wondering if you would like to join me
SJ420: i mean of course, but why are you asking me like this
richbitch: because
richbitch: also you should wear that dress you got for christmas
SJ420: ok?
More Than Just Cigars
SJ420: kath is acting weird
albiehadalittlelamb: what kind of weird
albiehadalittlelamb: like “i just lost a lot of money” weird
albiehadalittlelamb: “i just took a bunch of acid” weird?
littlebirdie: oh no is it “i just slept with jack” weird?!
SJ420: oh god no
SJ420: she texted me and asked me on a date
SJ420: i asked her why and she said because
littlebirdie: !!!!!!!!!
SJ420: ye, a dress from christmas
albiehadalittlelamb: OH MYYYYY GODDDDDDDD
littlebirdie: GIRL
SJ420: what????
littlebirdie: jfc ur blind
albiehadalittlelamb: if u havent caught on yet we cant morally help u srry
littlebirdie: nope
albiehadalittlelamb: have fun on ur date tho
PM with santagay
albiehadalittlelamb: oh yeah finch did not, in fact cheat on me
albiehadalittlelamb: he was just making up with crutchie last night, they had a fight
santagay: and u trust finch in this
albiehadalittlelamb: ofc, ive known finch a long time, he would never
santagay: ok if you insist, i just dont want you to get hurt
albiehadalittlelamb: thanks jack
Queens of New York
littlebirdie: anyone else just, super glad that theyre gay?
littlebirdie: bc thats such an important feeling
DJacobs: Me too, Finch
Spot8365631: rt
SJ420: rt
noteventhatshort: rt
WhereforeArtThou: rt
albiehadalittlelamb: rt
santagay: rt but bi
inyourFACEtrack: rt but bi
richbitch: rt but bi
respecs: rt but bi
crispycrutch: rt but pan
littlebirdie has changed Queens of New York to Queers of New York
inyourFACEtrack: helllllll yeah
Spot8365631: no cussing, my mom checks my phone
inyourFACEtrack: oh my goodness im so sorry spot
inyourFACEtrack: ill delete the message right away
DJacobs: What?
DJacobs: Why does your mom check your messages, Spot?
DJacobs: You’re 23 and moved out?
DJacobs: Also I’m pretty sure I’ve seen you swear in this chat.
DJacobs: This is a meme, isn’t it?
santagay: u got there on ur own!
santagay: im so proud of u!
DJacobs: Thank you, Jack.
inyourFACEtrack: why does it feel like everyone is in loving and healthy relationships except me?
PM with inyourFACEtrack
Spot8365631: wow rude
inyourFACEtrack: were not in a relationship remember?
Queers of New York
DJacobs: Jack and I are not dating.
santagay: dude, were mom and dad, i think that’s close enough
respecs: question, in this mom/dad thing, who is everyone else
santagay: kath and sarah are the aunts obvi
inyourFACEtrack: smalls, romeo, crutchie, al, and i are their kids
inyourFACEtrack: finch used to be one of the kids but now hes dating al so that seems weird
inyourFACEtrack: i guess hes sarahs kid now?
SJ420: awwww i love my new son
respecs: what about spot?
santagay: hes kind of… his own entity… like an estranged uncle or neighbor that spends more time in ur house than his own
Spot8365631: rude but accurate
santagay: thats my name dont wear it out
Spot8365631: i hate you sm
santagay: then y r u always in my house???
Spot8365631: this metaphor has gone to far. blocked deleted and unfollowed.
santagay: honestly? thats fair
santagay: i respect ur choices
Spot8365631: sounds fake but ok
PM with Spot8365631
inyourFACEtrack: in a beautiful twist of fate, crutchie jack are going to see a movie with davey and kath, and im home alone with a meat lovers pizza on its way
Spot8365631: ok?
inyourFACEtrack: would you care to join me?
Spot8365631: no, sounds too much like a date, and were not in a relationship right?
inyourFACEtrack: dude, were friends, sharing a pizza, and maybe having anal sex
inyourFACEtrack: thats not a date its just what we do
Spot8365631: still no, i have to finish a foreign policy essay for tomorrow
inyourFACEtrack: oh ok
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feel incredibly weird. took a nap after doing almost nothing that would cause me to be especially tired today. i mean, i woke up at 10:30, did 1 class, shoveled the 1 inch of snow off my driveway, then i slept for the next 4 hours. i dreamt i was sick (and maybe, i probably am now irl) and i was making music. maybe it was a weird time of day in my dream too. i remember feeling this same gross blend of maturity/infantile back-at-home existence/disgust at my own body that i feel every day irl. was i making a shitty skramz album in my dream? that would be funny. when i went back upstairs in my dream my dad was pissed at me. he accused me of faking being sick and yelled at me (like he does every time im sick irl) but my mom was still alive and she partially calmed him down. they asked me about my plans for the future and seemed weirdly loving for a second. i told them about the indentured-servant audio graduate program in georgia and they told me that it sounded like a good idea. my parents started reminiscing, although i guess it was my mom specifically, about some theater-house they used to go too. maybe it was something more explicit like opera, but in front of/part of the theater-house was a huge flock of incredibly creepy long-legged huge-beaked water birds. And birds like this i suppose are generally fairly gentle, even the meat-eating ones, but these birds were just so silent, and put off such a murderous mental vibe. i think that they were psychically broadcasting/inclining everyone near them towards hatred. they were very cold and hateful. in a flashback somehow, i saw somebody throw some kind of ceremonial fish/offering into the water where they were standing. there was a short, slow and silent soccer-like skirmish to get the fish, which was at last cornered in the pond by one bird, leaving the others to go back to other corners of the pond to mind their business. the bird stabbed it straight through with its long/thin beak. i guess this fish was still alive, it started bleeding out and flopping like crazy until it stopped thrashing and lay still a few moments later. the bird didnt even eat the fish. it killed it, stepped out of the pond, and lay down to rest right next to its dying body, only half-looking over its shoulder at it sometimes. i remember now, my parents called them “taipei” birds/herons i think. they were bright red and yellow and brown/black. im awake now, and i hate it here. i had such a horrible dream, teasing me with the eeriness of a still-alive mom, a somewhat loving family, the horrible psychic messages from the birds, but i hate being awake too. all of my friends have moved on without me, even the two bookish communists who have been my only real human connection besides my dad for the last 3 years. theyve unfollowed me on twitter, meet up all the time without me, i dont get invited to anything anymore. i dont even know what ive done wrong besides be boring/stupid in their eyes. and i do definitely feel boring/stupid. i felt horrible laying down to bed at 6PM, because whether online, irl, or in my dreams i feel like all i ever get are nonstop reminders that i am alone and the good times are over. i am writing this for nobody. i just feel so much dread, both for the world at large politically and for how i might turn out socially. ive felt my social skills deteriorating for a while before quarantine, and this might have been the final nail. i dont know what it fucking is. i spend my day as a flattened wojak listening to my dad be incredibly racist and homophobic, throwing tantrums about every little thing that his bar friends or somebody on facebook says to him, i even heard him refer to me as his therapist to someone over the phone this morning, then i go to sleep full of hatred for myself and wondering why i couldnt be good enough for the last few friends i had again, then i get a fucked up dream about my dead mom and murder birds doing horrible things and sending me horrible telepathic messages to just hate everyone and everything as much as i can, and now i wake up in a world thats just so horrible and confusing and lonely and shows no signs of getting better in the slightest. fuck you joe biden, the liberals are happy now, the public pressure is off, and im back in a fucking john carpenter “they live” scenario where i feel like only 1 of like 15 fucking people total who realize that everything is just as bad. i hate it here, i hate it irl, and i hate it in my own mind. fuck you joe biden, and your psychic bad-vibes herons.
tl;dr: things suck everywhere. reality sucks, the internet has been fully subsumed by reality at this point, it sucks in my mind, and art isnt even an escape anymore bc escapist art just bums me out with the constant implication that life needs escaping from, and good art is almost always just depression-affirming
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feralregulus · 7 years
85 Questions Tag Game
i was tagged by @henriettafoxes for my main but like nei.
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people (HA! i’m tagging 6 at that lmao) @foxpaws10 @jeanmoreauz @leahoffbeat @katerandomletters @jeanmmoreau @dancyon
— What was your last…
1. Drink: coffee
2. Phone call: to my mom lmao.
3. Text message: to a friend, joana.
4. Song you listened to: motherlove by bea miller bc its my anthem and ive had aurora on repeat since it came out (LISTEN TO AURORA TOU MFS)
5. Time you cried: two days ago
6. Dated someone twice: i don’t do dating so this nevere happens
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: um this summer i guess? like i made out with this fuckboy and honestly it wasn’t worth it.
8. Been cheated on: lmao no
9. Lost someone special: yeah i guess
10. Been depressed: thats my constant mood lmao
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: never thrown up for being drunk also i haven’t thrown up since 2012 lmao.
— Fave colours
12. gray
13. red
14. purple
— in the last year have you…
15. Made new friends: yeah
16. Fallen out of love: with stuff i guess, not with people
17. Laughed until you cried: i don’t think so
18. Found out someone was talking about you: uh shit i don’t think so, like im dramatic but im never up for drama lmao
19. Met someone who changed you: nope
20. Found out who your friends are: uh
21. Kissed someone on your facebook friends list: uh
— General
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know irl: maybe like 95%
23. Do you have any pets: two birdies!
24. Do you want to change your name: nope
25. What did you do for your last birthday: slept all day and downed a bottle of vodka with monster bc im that pathetic lmao
26. What time did you wake up today: i didn’t sleep but i got out of bed at like 10-ish am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching gotham
28. What is something you can’t wait for: for this school year to fucking end and for summer to fucking come
30. What are you listening to right now: sanctify by years & years
31. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i talked to someone named tomas does that count?
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves: everything, my sisters, my shitty laptop
33. Most visited website: prolly tumblr
34. Hair colour: jet black
35. Long or short hair: short, i got the bi bob lmao
36. Do you have a crush on someone: nope
37. What do you like about yourself: what’s there not like, bitch im awesome
38. Want any piercings: i want a nose piercing and a tongue one
39. Blood type: dunno
40. Nicknames: don’t have any lol
41. Relationship status: single as a pringle
42. Sign: virgo
43. Pronouns: she/them
44. Fave tv show: shameless and b99
45. Tattoos: none :(
46. Right or left handed: right
47: Ever had surgery: yesh
48. Piercings: three in one ear two in the other
49. Sport: nope
50. Vacation: last one was last summer to Turkey and next one im going to my home country, Morocco
51. Trainers: vans all the way
— More general
52. Eating: you mean last? well im about to have a salmon burger
53. Drinking: nothing rn
54. I’m about to watch: gotham or b99 or the flash
55. Waiting for: lunch
56. Want: books books books and money
57. Get married: to no one lmao
58. Career: dude i plan on like backpacking throughout the world for as long as i can (and working shitty jobs to afford doing so)
— Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses: hugs
60. Lips or eyes: eyes
61. Shorter or taller: don’t care tbh
62. Older or younger: um uh why
63. Nice arms or stomach: arms
64. Hookup or relationships: hookups
65. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker since birth
— Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger: yeh
67. Drank hard liquor: yeh
68.Turned someone down: yeh
69. Sex on first date: never been on a date lmao but ive had sex with people the first time i met them
70: Broken someone’s heart: i don’t think so
71. Had your heart broken: nope
72. Been arrested: almost i guess but no
73. Cried when someone died: do fictional characters count?
74. Fallen for a friend: nope
— Do you believe in
75. Yourself: uh most of the time
76. Miracles: nope
77. Love at first sight: ha! no bitch that is not an actual thing but lust at first sight? hell yeh
78. Santa Claus: lmao nope my fam is muslim
79. Angels: sounds fake
— Misc
80. Eye colour: really dark brown seem like black
81. Best friends name: don’t have a bf
82. Favourite movie: 10 things i hate about you and the breakfast club
83. Favourite actor: uh idk i love so many its hard to choose
84. Favourite cartoon: kim possible 
85. Favourite teacher’s name: estela
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subjectsilver · 7 years
5:05 AM on July 23rd
i absoTonight someone got stabbed over a god damn jul pod. 
but lets back up
I have been at school for a week.
I needed to get out of columbus... just like old times there was just nothing left for me there i was just killing myself because of how summer went and how i am and shit whatever. it'll be nice to temporarily go back in the winter and spring and even next summer and i can't wait until then but for now i need to not be there. I need school i need distractions i need people - i need people who are my friends but I'm not too close with - distractions are all i need right now so i don't hurt myself.  
I came back to Wake and literally the first day i was here i heard                       1-800-273-8255 - Logic 3 times by three separate people. Thats a fucking sign if i know it...ive never really heard that song until like that day and now i listen to it every single day...
Everyday i wake up and have running or lifting and i do that in the morning then i just sit and do nothing until playing pick up soccer at night which is kinda shitty bc fuck boredom and fuck routine but its a distraction none the less so its alright with me...
Im destroying my bank account because i have no meal plan so i eat out everyday which is like 10$ a meal cus life is expensive... but at least I'm eating i mean I'm still underweight sitting around 140lbs but I'm not getting any lighter. Tbh i was kind of getting comfortable being skinny because i love the way my baggy t shirts that are too big for me, fall on me when I'm underweight but i know inside i need to get my weight up to be healthy and like sane. but ill get there..i hope - eating as much as i can in hopes to gain weight anyway.
I knew i was forgetting something when i left -  well i forgot a lot but least of all i forgot my contact case so i was sleeping in my contacts for like 5 straight days and that shit killed my eyes but i finally got a case so last night was the first time i slept without them and if i sleep tonight it'll feel good as well.
I'm trying to think about what happened this week but nothing really happens during summer school it kinda sucks. I met all the freshman guys and girls and they all seem pretty cool I've been chilling outside with them  every night when were done with pick up and shit because i have nothing better to do and i like hearing conversation hearing them all talk and reading all of them. Half of them think I'm crazy because i only sleep like 4 hours a night and because my teammates tell them the stories that are my snapchat stories this summer. It is what it is ya know.
SIDENOTE andre keels is currently telling me about how he went on a date with this girl and he's low-key geeking out and its pretty funny, I'm happy for him he deserves the high that follows being low - i hope i get that eventually.
I had a really low night a couple nights ago where i just sat outside listened to jcole and smoked cigarettes by myself but i got thru it.. it just seems like when I'm doing absolutely nothing my mind takes over and i think about all the things that bother me with life or just life itself. its kinda shitty because it seems like when I'm not distracted its like a struggle to keep living like i don't understand the point of living or being alive or life in general so it confuses me why I'm here but i try not to think about it.
I thought i was a going to quit cigarettes but i literally need them not because I'm addicted but bc its something to do when I'm alone at night by myself... and i should prob get a jul pod or some shit but its so expensive and niggas are getting stabbed over it now and I'm just not about that lmao ........ I'm dying on my own terms if anything.
im not on social media really anymore. i check it every once in a while but very rarely except like writing weekly shit like i am rn or on snapchat. i guess like 5 albums came out or something and i had absolutely no idea. it's alright tho other people fill me in eventually I'm currently listening to tyler the creators new album. Its a lot better than i expected tbh.
 “5 car garage....full tank of gass but that don't mean nothing nothing nothing without u in the passenger”
took a little break to smoke a cig - I'm kinda nice at it now and hitting juuls tbh despite my efforts and much coughing in the past I'm finally getting nice. with my luck ill probably get cancer or some shit but thats alright i guess  (kanye hands)   
anyways down to business aka the most excitement of this week SOMEONE GOT STABBED OVER A FUCKING JUUL POD 
thats fucking lit and crazy and so disappointing of humanity but at the same time the greatest thing thats ever happened ever...
actually 2 people got stabbed but one kid got sliced in the finger so like that doesn't even count but the email i got said 2 people stabbed soon i mean i don't make the rules. I was chilling right i played like 2 games of pong and won both (ayeeeee) then i walked into this house and was staring out of a window i actually took a pic but this fight broke out and i turned around and everyone started leaving under the assumption cops would come... so i walked outside and i was trying to account for everyone that was there because DAD FOLDS came out and i was counting everyone and i thought i had it correct but this kid was like where is abby i think she's dead inside like passed out drunk soon despite hearing sirens i ran back inside and checked the house to find that she was not there which was good so i ran outside and started running with this kid named Sam.. so me and sammy for running through yards and bushes and shit but my shoe got caught in a bush (fuck me right) “sam go on without me live on  bruv” so sam started running away... i finally got unstuck and i saw like 3 cops chasing sam so i ran the other direction around this building and on the other side i saw 4 cop cars so immediately i dipped into these bushes where i hit my face on a brick wall and copped a gnarly scratch that will not scar which is disappointing... (incase u were wondering go had a black t shirt on and not the usual white so my shit was not stained or anything thank god) so i was laying there for a good 10 seconds and i got on snapchat and scrolled thru the stories for a brief moment when i heard “sir we saw you jump in the bushes please come out” i was like fuckkkk mee so i got out with my hands up cus a nigga not trynna end up like trayvon   and i backed up slowly and got handcuffed and then they patted me down found my wallet, luckily found my real ID and then put me in the car... i wait there for a little and scrolled thru snapchat behind my back and then they pulled me out and questioned me. I just claimed ignorance bc i actually didn't really know shit at all... my only lie was that i didn't know the only guy i was running with. Then they just let me go. They asked me why i was running if i didn't do anything and i was like “i wasn't trynna get stabbed and also cops these days shoot black people so i wasn't trying to be shot either” and at some point this cop was like do you have an accent where are u from and i was like uhhhh ohio? but they let me go and i walked back to campus and i saw all these freshman outside and i was like ooo go to bed y'all and we all went to bed.... then i laid there for like 2 hours before going back outside...talked to some people for a while who were out there and then skrrttted off to smoke and music and write..
present time  - its 5:48 AM and someone got stabbed over a juulie like 6 hours ago thats wild....................
tomorrow or today technically I'm going to play beer die (a drinking game) [google that shit] at like 3 and then go to a team cook out and chill. should be alright.
this tyler the creator album is actually kinda nice - i actually did find some nice songs on soundcloud tho today i found a really nice piano piece that kinda calms me down in the beginning then slowly gives me anxiety... I've had a lot of anxiety lately
it seems like I'm feeling so much shit now as opposed to being numb and feeling just so dead and all the feeling at once just scares the shit out of me or makes me heart want to explode but its kinda nice to feel shit sometimes... i still have moments days where i feel absolutely nothing but it is what it is...it can't all get better at one time... I've just noticed tho that like everything use to seem weird to me like literally “this is so weird” always went thru my mind but now EVERYTHING is so scary to me like even if I'm not paying attention and someone speaks to me and the sound catches me off guard it makes me jump. its weird - haha
its getting light outside i know i need to sleep because I'm trying to get 8 hours a night even tho it doesn't always happen but I'm trying. last night i laid awake for 2 hours thinking about magic tricks. card tricks that i will eventually try on people...i created my own card tricks in my head... i have zero decks of cards rn tho which is so rare for me never really happens.
anyways - another update will come next sunday and hopefully by then i get stabbed over a juul pod by then.  
i love you good morning.
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crazykendal · 7 years
Bored, Single, and Dead
1. What was on your mind mostly today? MOVING ON from some people and why my right arm feels fucking wierd
2. If someone looked on your bed, what would they find? oh shit idkk
3. What’s on your schedule for tomorrow? im going to Tahoe
4. Are you nice to everyone? no
5. Is it possible to be single and happy? for me, no
6. Is it easy for people to make you cry? no but once someone made me cry when I heard them SING for the first time YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE
7. Did you sleep alone last night? I had a sleepover with my sister
8. Do you play with dead bugs? ew no wtf
9. Honestly, are you dating two people? im not even dating one person wth
10. Do you think things will change in the next 3 months? yeah, im going to be dead ass lonely or dead
11. Have you ever slept in the same bed with someone other than family?   nooo
12. Do you want to see somebody right now? yeaahhhh
13. What if you had a baby with the person you like? that's not physically possibly
14. Are you happy? not right now nope
15. Have you ever tripped in public? trippin is my game
16. Is there anyone who doesn’t like you? I sometimes think everone secretly hates me
17. Have you ever sat in the back of a police car? nope
18. Are you stubborn? veRY
19. Do you tend to hold a grudge? yeah, and it can get baddd
20. What’s a fact about the last person that texted you?   oh, well.. they're a scammer
21. Has anyone called you perfect before? nope
22. Where is the biggest scar on your body? my left ankle. I shaved a huge chunk of my skin off and it was baddddd haha
23. Have you ever been told you were amazing? no
24. Would you date someone who was addicted to drugs?
immediate no
25. Are you trying to avoid liking somebody at the moment? well guess what YES and its killlling me
26. Do you trust all your friends? no I cant trust any of them 27. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? haha well yeah
28. What pissed you off today? my sister scratches up my arms and it looks like ive tried to cut myself or something
29. What was the last thing you cried about? this one person
30. Who was the last girl you talked to? ^^ same person as ^^
31. Do you know anyone who drinks a lot? no
32. Who sits next to you in English? SCHOOLS OUT BITCHES
33. Ever talked to someone who was drunk? no
34. Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today? yes everything is about them and its driving me crazy
35. How late did you stay up last night and why? I stayed up til 12:30 reenacting Stranger Things scenes with gummy bears with my sister.
36. Do you know how to properly use grammar in a sentence?   kinda? 37. Are your parents very protective of you? yeah
38. Will you be in a relationship in the next couple months? I fukin wish
39. How many drugs are in your system?   can a Capri Sun count
40. The person who hurt you the most calls and needs you, do you go? bitch no
41. Is it easy to pretend everything’s okay for you? yeah, I do it every day
42. Are you afraid of losing the last person you talked to on the phone? uh that was my dad, so sure
43. Do you think you are a good person? oh god no, if hell existed i’d be going there
44. What do you want right this second? I WANT A FUCKING RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMEONE
45. Do you think it makes him weak if a guy cries? no
46. Have you ever cried cause you were so mad? yeah
47. Could you last in a relationship for over a year?   yes
48. Who were you with on your birthday? i don't really remember or care 49. Have you ever crawled through a window? I feel like I have but don't remember
50. First person to talk to you in 2014? how the fuck am I supposed to remember that, it was 3 years ago
51. Do you miss your past? Not really but I dont regret meeting some sweet ass people
52. It’s 4 in the morning, your phone rings, who is it? a telemarketer, I have like no friends so no one ever checks up on me, by the time someone does I might be dead.
53. Do you have anything interesting planned for the next week? VIDCON I get to meet Sara Rubin, Ashly Perez, Allison Raskin, Gaby Dunn, Stephanie Frosch, and Bria and Crissy and maybe Simply Nailogical haha
54. Who was the last person to text you?
55. What were you doing 4 hours ago? i dont remember
56. Is there a certain song that you can’t stop listening to atm? Secrets by The Weeknd
57. Tell me 3 things that your friends don’t know about you. well well well I cant say
58. What is something that people often give to you as a gift? honestly nothing
59. Do you tend to hold on to a lot of stuff you don’t need, just because it has sentimental value? yeah then a month later I can get rid of it
60. What is something that reminds you of your ex?
well guess what i havent even dated at all so nop
61. Has the last person you kissed ever cried in your arms? my cat Bub has not cried in my arms
62. Which would you prefer to receive as a gift - flowers or chocolate? chocolate
63. When did you last take a shower/bath? Do you wash your hair every time? I took a shower like 2 hours ago, yeah I was my hair every time.
64. Would you prefer to be somewhere else right now? yep
65. Do any of your followers on Tumblr have your phone number? yeahh
66. Will you be going out tonight, or staying in? staying in listening to Alone by halsey because it’s relatable.
67. How many times have you been in love? ONCE and maybe I still am but I need to fix it BECAUSE SOMEONE ISNT GOING TO MY HIGH SCHOOL NEXT YEAR and im going to be so fcked and messed up so pray for me
68. If you were heartbroken, who would help you pick up the pieces? ususally myself of this one friend I have she’s cool and she bacically proved I was bi. No it’s not you olivia sorry dude
69. Apparently, it’s very common to crave chocolate around the ‘time of the month’; do you ever get that craving? no
70. How would you feel about dating someone who had a reputation for being a player in the past? Do you think that players will ALWAYS be players, or is it possible that they can change? I’d give them a chance but idk Ive nvr fcking dated at all so whaat
71. Did you sleep well last night? sure
72. Is your bedroom big enough for you? sure
72. Are you looking forward to seeing someone soon? imexited to see Sara Rubin on Friday because she actually screwed up my love life and I dont even want to get started with that because it’s actually funny but will make me cry.
73. Ever had a one-night stand? nope
74. Is anyone flirting with you? I wish
75. Have you ever felt pressure to do anything you didn’t want to, like smoking, drinking, or losing your virginity, before you were ready for it? If so, how did you deal with that? all the time, like when the teacher tells us to do homework like wth hahahahahahaahaha idk
76. Do you consider yourself to be an intelligent person? Why/why not? no im really stupid and can have absolutely no common sense its actually really funny
77. Who would you most like to be stuck in a lift with? Ashley Nicolette Frangipane
78. Is there anyone you’d HATE to be stuck in a lift with? oh my god yeah like the chick who plays Enid in the walking dead, and like my whole school.
79. When did you last talk to the person you love/like? What did you talk about? pff what lemme look... a hour and a half ago ahahahahahah
80. Have you ever seen your father cry? no
81. How would your parents react if you got pregnant? well i dont know because I dont really want kids
82. Do you/did you keep to your school’s uniform/dress code? sure
83. If the last person you kissed said you were the only one they wanted, would you believe them? Bub is a mean cat to my other cats and I wouldnt believe it
84. What was the highlight of your summer? cant rememeber
85. The last time you threw up, was it because you were hungover? idk
86. Have you ever seen the film ‘Wake Wood’? What did you think of it? never heard of it
87. Are you confused about anything atm? Is there anything bothering you? Or, is everything good? some people and their lies
88. If you say ‘I’ve had enough’ or ‘I’m done’, do you always mean it? no haha
89. Who was the last person that invited you to their house? honeslty scammer because I have no other friends
90. Have your parents ever told you about any alternative names they considered for you, or the name they would have chosen, if you’d turned out to be a boy? ASHLEY
91. Are you friends with any of your exes? n/a
92. Have you ever had to make an emergency phone call?
93. If you’re in a relationship, how is it going? If you’re single, are you looking for someone? *cries*
94. What language do you like the sound of? english ;)
95. Think about the last guy, outside of family, that you had a conversation with. Do you find him sexy? ew no wtf
96. What do you think is an assumption that someone could make about you, just by looking at your Tumblr? Would this assumption be correct? idk
97. What’s the most attractive physical feature of the person you love/like? HA I’d rather not write an essay right now
98. Do you consider yourself to be a strong person? Why/why not? .kindaaa?
99. Tell me about a special moment you’ve had with the person you love/like. just convos
100. What are you doing tomorrow? Im going to tahoe
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okwilliamson · 8 years
should be doing homework but im sexting my boy and answering survey questions
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? - ummm i really dont know, syd, seany, evie, luke or bae at home lol 
2. Are you outgoing or shy? - mostly shy but when something i want is in the sights i might as well be outgoing to get what i want 
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? - BAE 
4. Are you easy to get along with? - I think i am easy to get along with, i look mean at first i think and i have trouble controlling my facial expressions lmfao 
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? - yeah i think so 
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? -  fucked up sad boys who will crush my heart / boys in general im straight af to clarify/ but boys with big lips and nice eyes / someone whos funny / someone who will watch shitty movies w me/ BUT if this is just about people in general im attracted to shit lords like myself 
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? - um actually maybe? 
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? - my bab 
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? - no i love talking about sex 
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? - umm i have deep convos with everyone lol so probs today with syd and clayton 
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? - ‘omw’ 
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? - oh sheesh idk ive been listening to throwback shit from middle school and also hamilton 
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?- honestly the thing i like most in the world 
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? - luck yes, miracles not really bc i feel like that has a religious connotation 
15. What good thing happened this summer? -  i slept with someone new 
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? - would i? yes...should i? not at all lol 
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? - there has to be right 
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? - bro what how would that even be possible 
19. Do you like bubble baths?- yeaaaa but never have the chance i dont have bathtubs in my dorm room 
20. Do you like your neighbors? - i dont even know my neighbors at all i know the girl next to me is named jackie and shes nice 
21. What are you bad habits? -  im a mess all the time like i dont clean up after myself, i dont even care if im living in trash ill just keep adding more trash to the pile. i dont shower enough lol, and im obsessive 
22. Where would you like to travel? -  anywhere!! i wanna go west 
23. Do you have trust issues? - yes kinda, i have a hard time being vulnerable with people bc i build up this wall to keep myself hard and safe away from potential sadness x d 
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? - umm makeup probably :) 
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? - probs my double chin lmfao but i can take selfies and look good anyways 
26. What do you do when you wake up? - i like have to pee as soon as i wake up 
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? -  im good with my skin tone tbh but it would be nice to be able to tan vs burn 
28. Who are you most comfortable around? - syd, evie, luke, mik, bella, my sister 4 sure, 
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? -  no lol 
30. Do you ever want to get married? - ummm idk im not really like super hype to the idea but it could be cool 
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? -  ya girl has a buzz cut lol 
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? - wowwie idk 
33. Spell your name with your chin. - miss me w that 
34. Do you play sports? What sports? - literally no sports are like the least interesting thing in my opinion 
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? - shit idk thats so hard bc i use tv as like back ground noise a lot of the time but music helps me with everything else i cant choose 
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? - ummmm yes 
37. What do you say during awkward silences? - depends on why its awkward 
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? -  xd i dont need this 
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? - lovesick, xxi?? thats about it oh and thrift stores!!!!! 
40. What do you want to do after high school? - bitc im doin it im in art school 
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?- yes for sure i give everyone a lot of chances 
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? - im sick/sad/angry lol
43. Do you smile at strangers? - i try to 
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? - outer space 
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? - classes bb 
46. What are you paranoid about?- money all the time 
47. Have you ever been high? - yes lol 
48. Have you ever been drunk? - also yes 
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? - ummmmmm yikes idk no not really 
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? - green 
51. Ever wished you were someone else? - i used to but not recently 
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? - work ethic 
53. Favourite makeup brand? - sheesh i think jeffree star cosmetics & lime crime 
54. Favourite store? - not sure 
55. Favourite blog? - probs claudias 
56. Favourite colour?- pink 
57. Favourite food? - pizza i think 
58. Last thing you ate? - pizza lol
59. First thing you ate this morning?- i didnt eat this morning 
60. Ever won a competition? For what? - no i dony think so 
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?- nah 
62. Been arrested? For what?- nope 
63. Ever been in love? - i believe so! i fall in love with people all the time lol 
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?- i was in 8th grade and his name was garrett and he was my first bf ever and we kissed on my front porch it was very cliche 
65. Are you hungry right now? - for the first time in a while actually yes 
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? - literally no i dont really have tumblr friends 
67. Facebook or Twitter? - twitter 68. Twitter or Tumblr? - this is tough bc i frequent both but probs tumblr 
69. Are you watching tv right now? - nope
70. Names of your bestfriends? - claudia, syd, evie, luke, mik, bella 
71. Craving something? What? - HUMMUS 
72. What colour are your towels? - one is like peachy and the other one is purple but i never use that one bc i cleaned up fruit juice off the floor w it and never cleaned it lol 
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? - a lot like 3 pillows and i use blankets as like body pillows for that snuggly vibe 
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? - just one hello kitty lol 
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? - total i have quite a few but i dont bring them to school with me 
75. Favourite animal? - ummm i really dont know tbh 
76. What colour is your underwear? - black 
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla for ice cream / chocolate for like cupcakes or cake 
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? - tbh mint choco chip or phish food by ben and jerrys 
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? - currently just chilling in my bra fam 
80. What colour pants? - black leggings lol 
81. Favourite tv show? - right now the office for sure / but also my 600 lb life 
82. Favourite movie? -  i have so many , django unchained, perks of being a wallflower, across the universe, i lowkey love the twilight series?? idk im not well versed in classic film just shitty films that have a special place in my heart 
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? - this is an ugly quest but the original mean girls 4 sure 
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? - mean girls lmao 
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? -janice lol 
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? - bro idk finding nemo is not something i think about a lot lolol but probs the badass fish jawn w his ripped up fin 
87. First person you talked to today?- my sister 
88. Last person you talked to today?- just now syd 
89. Name a person you hate? - donald trump 
90. Name a person you love? - claudia <3 
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? - um not currently except maybe if my illness was personified then i would punch that bitch 
92. In a fight with someone? - i dont fight w people lol 
93. How many sweatpants do you have? - literally 1 pair i think 
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? - SO many lol 
95. Last movie you watched? - twilight last night lol 
96. Favourite actress? - hmmm, i love charlize theron, kristen stewart but not bc of twilight her other movies are fire 
  97. Favourite actor? i love tom hardy, eddie redmayne, john boyega 
98. Do you tan a lot?- not at all 
99. Have any pets?  - one cat named Bo 
100. How are you feeling? - kinda shit but ok 
101. Do you type fast? - pretty fast, working in call centers get ur typing skills on fleek lol 
102. Do you regret anything from your past? - a few things of course but at the same time whats the point in regretting things you know, it just gives you more baggage to carry around and that shit sucks 
103. Can you spell well? - for the most part i think but sometimes shits questionable lol 
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? - ummm no not really 
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? - yes i have it was a strange experience 
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? - no way bruh people break my heart all the time tho it seems lol 
107. Have you ever been on a horse? - yes but i was like 8 i think i was sooo young 
108. What should you be doing? - im chillin 
109. Is something irritating you right now? - BEING SICK  
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? - yessssss 
111. Do you have trust issues? - not so much trust issues but i have a hard time putting my walls down for people 
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? - ummm syd and luke hahah 
113. What was your childhood nickname? - liv, livy, liver, livy loo ( my mom calls me this when shes salty at me) my dad has always called me scooter crunch i have no idea what thats from, or any variation sometimes its just scooter and recently he called me scooter mc crunchy and that was even a lot for me lol , oh and olive!! 
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? - yes ive been out of ohio but not to anywhere very exciting 
115. Do you play the Wii? - i did once upon a time 
116. Are you listening to music right now? - yes frank ocean’s blond album 
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?- i mean its fine 
118. Do you like Chinese food? - i love it but only from like select places bc mediocre chinese is always kinda a let down 
119. Favourite book? - harry potter series, perks, sula, 
120. Are you afraid of the dark?- sadly yes 
121. Are you mean? - i am sometimes lol i cant even lie 
122. Is cheating ever okay? - i dont think so 
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? - dude no 
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? - this is always a question in these 
125. Do you believe in true love? - ofc 
126. Are you currently bored? - nah im cool 
127. What makes you happy? - makeup, photography, my friends, my sister 
128. Would you change your name? - no ive never thought of something that suits me more than olivia, which is why im cool with my nicknames 
129. What your zodiac sign? - scorpio 
130. Do you like subway? - as in sandwhiches yes lol 
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? - i would be shocked lmfao 
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? - ummm idk ive been kind of mia recently from being sick but probs syd 
133. Favourite lyrics right now? - the whole wiped out album by the neighbourhood 
134. Can you count to one million? - ive never tried and i probably never will but on principal yes i can count 
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? umm idk that im ok? i try not to lie about trivial things but if im sad or something and someone im not comfy w asks me about it ill just be like yeh im good 
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? - closed i live in a dorm room lol 
137. How tall are you? -5′6 
138. Curly or Straight hair?- i have a buzz cut so neither 
139. Brunette or Blonde? - is this an opinion question bc i have blue hair so like 
140. Summer or Winter? - man im more of a fall/spring type 
141. Night or Day? - day i think 
142. Favourite month? - november but im really tired of my friends trying to kill themselves in my birthday month tbh LOL 
143. Are you a vegetarian? - no but maybe i should be so i wouldnt be so fucking sick all the time 
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? milk 
145. Tea or Coffee? - i really like both 
146. Was today a good day? - my day hasnt even really started 
147. Mars or Snickers? - snickers i guess  148. What’s your favourite quote? - i dont really have one tbh 
149. Do you believe in ghosts? - yuh 
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? -  the only book i have with me is my science book and thats not interesting at all so lol imma skip this one 
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survivormarmoreal · 6 years
Episode #14: "i literally hate attention (i say as i broke out into song unprompted)” - Bryce
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I can't believe that I am here. I made it to the Final 4. It is very crazy. I thought that I was toast in the Final 6. So to be here now is very exciting and shocking. The final 3 is going to depend on who wins immunity. I am really hoping that I could win this immunity to secure my spot in the final 3. If not then I hope that Matt doesn't win it. He needs to be an option just in case. I'm very nervous. I just finished my rites of passage. and its crazy that its almost final tribal.
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so im getting 4th. FJKASDHFKJh this comp is so hard and like im literally not gonna be able to do endurance so i need to do well on the other stuff but i just dont see that happening... like this puzzle first try was 70 minutes FJKASDHFKAJS. AND I KNOW COUNTING WILL MESS ME UP BC IM NERVOUS WRECK i didnt even mean to caps that but its tea. like flash game i think when i played this once before i wasnt bad but maybe i was who knows. im so emo like no one is talking to me anymore FKJASHDFKJ like i guess bc its just 1 vote left they dont wanna pretend they wont cut me FJAKSDFH like my game not even that good im gonna get dragged by sharky/nathan/keaton/nicole/ everyone but brian... maybe even brian who knows NNNN. my nnn. is so iconic.. maynor who?. idk like ok so if i win immunity (which i wont) idek what to do like i feel like voting matt is the best option maybe. bc i WONT be voting maynor bc i love him (not that i dont love anna and matt) but i just feel like we've had the best relationship of the f4 and im confident that the jury will like my game more than his (maybe they wont tho... i say confident but i mean 2% (not skim) sure they will) but ok so annabelle prob is hated by jury at least from brian and maybe even sharky? but like she didnt play bad she literally made most iconic move at f6 and i respect that but idk if jurors do like ppl keep saying shes a goat  so maybe she has no chance. and then theres matt where like ppl cant be mad he voted them when everyone and their mom in this game has voted him ASDKJFHASDKJ. like so hes prob liked by jury but i just dont know if hes done anything to deserve to win. he found 2 idols successfully played 1 but that was more on anna/nicks weird sense of leaking when it didnt really benefit them.  but like ok he was least threatening member of trio who got to the end so underdog edit is there even tho he literally wasnt underdog tbh u know who was an underdog... ME. i had NO ONE but nathan for a lil.. then dennis... then he got ROBBED. so then i had brian... but he got ROBBED. and now i have maynor like ive literally flipped and flopped to better my game and idk like i am physically able to meaningfully say ive done anything good ever in life or orgs but like i didnt do too bad i think! KJFAHSDKJF... idk maybe im getting 0 votes 3rd place no matter what and if thats the case im still so happy bc ive had a lot of fun in this game and met some true friends (and keaton) but like im getting 4th anyway so doesnt matter! ugh that sounds like a final goodbye confession but i know me and im gonna confess like 10 more times before this round is over so if i do get 4th/3rd just know that this was my true end...
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So like.... I do not think i'm winning immunity. like at all. which makes me pretty nervous ngl. I really want to be there at the finale cause i think I have a good shot. If Bryce loses, i'm fairly sure i'm good to get to FTC but otherwise im scared. Making FTC would be really good for me cause I think i can out argue Maynor and Annabelle fairly well, but otherwise with bryce there idk. So like, BRYCE CAN'T WIN IMMUNITY. Also this FIC is disgusting like no thanks. I've already fucked up the 2 live ones so uh ya am annoyed :(. woo final juror here i come!
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Bryce won immunity. Im glad. I wouldnt want to be in the position to vote Bryce. I had to abstained from the counting part cuz it triggered my anxiety. I tried tho but i couldnt. This vote is going to be said. Matt is going to go 4th. And i feel really bad. We got to know each other more during every tribal. This really sucks. I just dont want to give him false hope where there isnt any. Im going to help tomorrow.
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I am so getting final juror. fuck. i knew it would happen if bryce won immunity and it fucking is. I am so sad about this. I have worked so hard all game to get here and its just being tossed away like that. I am SO sad. I have fucked up my sleep schedule for this game and now its getting me final juror. ugh. i just wanted to get to the end and like argue my case. but now? not happening :( i hate this
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I WON I REALLY WON IMMUNITY ASKDJFHASKDJF I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA LOSE WHEN I GOT 12 POSTS ASJFKHKASJFDHASDKJF THATS SO NNNNN IM SO HAPPY BUT SO SAD BC NOW I TRIED TO TELL MATT IM VOTING HIM BC I WANT TO BE HONEST BUT HE SAYS HES TALKING TO A BRICK WALL LIKE???? SORRY FOR NOT WANTING TO GIVE U FALSE HOPE AJDSFHDKAJ its honestly so rude like ive been in that position before so i know what its like when ur pleading ur case and the person doesnt seem to care and im NOT doing that. but obvioulsy i didnt just make up a plan on what to do at f4 so obviously i have thoughts and plans and im not just gonna switch it up bc u plea to me now. idk KJASHDFKJ also im so scared im gonna lose now NNN hes saying anna played so well and tbh she kind of did maybe i lose no matter what...
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So like i am leaving but its ok! why? cause i will preserve my legacy by dropping a whole ass fajita recipe here so that I can feel like i have made an IMPACT on the season. Even though like im still sad its me, im going out with a bang baby! I don't use this recipe personally ( I am a broke student) but its v.good!
Ingredients: 2 large chicken breasts, finely sliced 1 red onion, finely sliced (ready to make you cry) 1 red pepper, sliced 1 red chilli, finely sliced (optional) For the marinade 1 heaped tbsp smoked paprika 1 tbsp ground coriander pinch of ground cumin 2 medium garlic cloves, crushed 4 tbsp olive oil 1 lime juiced 4-5 drops Tabasco
Method: Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6 and wrap 6 medium tortillas in foil.
Mix 1 heaped tbsp smoked paprika, 1 tbsp ground coriander, a pinch of ground cumin, 2 crushed garlic cloves, 4 tbsp olive oil, the juice of 1 lime and 4-5 drops Tabasco together in a bowl with a big pinch each of salt and pepper.
Stir 2 finely sliced chicken breasts, 1 finely sliced red onion, 1 sliced red pepper and 1 finely sliced red chilli, if using, into the marinade.

Heat a griddle pan until smoking hot and add the chicken and marinade to the pan.
Keep everything moving over a high heat for about 5 mins using tongs until you get a nice charred effect. If your griddle pan is small you may need to do this in two batches.
To check the chicken is cooked, find the thickest part and tear in half – if any part is still raw cook until done.
Put the tortillas in the oven to heat up and serve with the cooked chicken, a bag of mixed salad and one 230g tub of fresh salsa.
hope the random person reading this uses it otherwise gj future me reading this you've officially gone insane! yeet ig?
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This is going to be a sad day. I really like Matt and dont want to vote him out but its the best option from the people available. It really sucks. I feel his pain and ahh.
I’m literally going to cry. I want to help Matt. I wish we could all be final 3 but we can’t. I’m dying emotionally. Final 4 always has so much pressure cuz theres only 4 people left. I hope Matt doesn’t hate me. I hope he understands thisnis a game move because he techinically was the underdog in the beginning then was on top then back to underdog. I just hope he doesnt take it personal that I don’t think tie-ing it for him would be good for my game.
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Matt is voted out 3-1. He becomes the final juror.
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ok so i had the worst day of my life today and didnt plan my speech at all so thats where im at NNN time to fake smile and hope the jurors like my ad libbed speech ASFKUHDFKJ ftc starts in 4 minutes.
well.. that was interesting adsjflhasdkfj. Like i always have 0 confidence in myself so i think im gonna lose and i really do respect the game that anna and maynor played. im just sad that i dont think i articulated myself well bc like im so bad with words anajsfhakj and ppl were saying conflicting things and its just not in me to like chime in with my pov to possible sway it in my favor bc i literally hate attention (i say as i broke out into song unprompted) but yaaa like i truly think that maybe i kind of did play super well and deserve to win but either way ill be happy bc i made *some* genuine friendships and also like had so much fun voting ppl out KFADHSKJASHK. i wish i like wrote what all my confessionals were so i could reference sth i said on day 1 but it was prob like i hate my tribe they ignore me so maybe ill just say that again FKJADSHFKJ. we love coming full circle... im so hungry i didnt eat so i will now stop typing to get dinner maybe i will write another confessional. omg wait gotta have some line thats iconic in case theres an episode title... think... love talking to myself FAKSDHFKj im so funny when i was like "i realized hey i respond to myself ill take me to the end" its such a mood KFJASDHFKJ ok but hm... ok. maybe im a snake who doesnt actually care about people and use them to my advantage to get my way but at least im not jayden. OMG jk thats so mean even tho he deserves it ALSO i was gonna like comment on keaton being like "saying the n word doesnt make u racist" but then he was kind of nice to me so i didnt.. love being as fake woke as me... not being confrontational to get a jury vote... so gross NNNN wooh idk how to end this but watch waves music video normani literally snapped so hard is being as slept on as me. omg wait... maybe im a pillow bc i sure am being slept on. iconic line.... i love the hosts so much ignore literally every cringe thing i wrote in this confessional pls FKJADSHKFJ
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Im happy I made it to the final 3. And even though FTC was bad; I enjoyed it. I know I’m probably getting 3rd which is fine. I have so much respect to Annabelle and Bryce and everyone in the jury. I’m more excited to be able to talk to all of them again. Let’s see who is our winner will it be Bryce or Annabelle!? The hosts you guys were amazing and i had a great time this season. Im glad Jones pushed and convinced me to apply. Thank you for giving me a spot in this season. And Jones you da best. 💖💛💙
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confession time. everytime i write one of these i put the day as who are u and my name as what day is it.. my mind always having to go change it. but um didnt think i would be writing another one of these FJKSADF but i have no self control and winner reveal is in 4 and a half hours and im literally sick FAKJDSk i feel so anxious and nervous like even if i lose im gonna be happy but i just really want to win also im still trying to process ppl not liking me or my gameplay and saying i played with their emotions FJKASDHFJ i had a blast. anyways this is the anthem of the day apparently https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhzN7SfnNeY
WHATS GOING ON?? IM TIRED IS WHATS GOING ON IM SO ANXIOUS! im sooo anxious i want to win. pls...
Bryce wins Celestial Marmoreal in a 4-3-0 vote!
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stale-sandcastle · 6 years
do ALL the numbers
1. who’s your celebrity crush?Ben Cook
2. are you single or taken?single
3. rant. just do itI know I already posted a rant but you’re getting another oneBen Cook stans annoy the fuck out of me. like why are y'all so rude?? do you know how rude you are??? do you know how rude you’re being??? stop commenting on other people’s posts asking for Ben. Don’t even fucking mention Ben on someone else’s post if Ben isn’t in it. and if Ben is in it, be fucking respectful. like don’t just comment about how hot he is or some shit. it’s so disheartening to the people who have worked their whole lives, and rightfully worked their asses off to gt the fame and recognition they deserve, to be widdled down to “Ben cooks friend/castmate” its literally not hard to be a decent human being. also y'all don’t control Ben so stop fucking acting like his parents in the comments of his posts. also stop being fucking creepy in the comments too. I know that i hate it when random accounts come on to my insta profile and comment about how cute I am because I don’t know them. now multiply it by like a zillion and that’s P R O B A B L Y how Ben feels when he sees his instagram notification. ALSO DON’T TAG HIM IN PICTURES HES NOT IN LIKE WTF DON’T TAG HIM IN YOUR RANDOM SELFIES HES NOT GOING TO LIKE IT JUST BECAUSE YOU TAGGED HIM
4. do you think its ok to separate the artist from the art?ehh, i think you can say something like “I really like this song but the artist is problematic so I don’t want to support them”
5.how many accounts do you have?tumblr accounts? I only use this but I have like 30 saved urls
6. how many pairs of shoes do you have?shit I have like 20 at school and 10 at home
7. opinion on… (specify to the person you’re asking to)you didn’t specify
8. how many accounts do you follow?399
9. favorite brand of clothing?idk favorite but most of my clothes come from Charlotte Russe and American Eagle
10. name a dogmy dogs name is kioko and I dont want to name a new dog
11.what unusual talent do you have?already answered
12. what’s the most interesting schools gossip you’ve ever heard?our middle school gym teacher was fired after he allegedly slept with the high school intern 3 months after his wife had their baby
13. ever prank called a store?no
14. what’s your coffee order?iced mocha latte, cream and sugar
15. what’s a question do you constantly get asked?answered, but i also get “can you read my mind?” after I tell people I’m a psych major
16. if you had to get a tattoo right now, what would you get and where?i already made one list but since i have added the number 27 literally anywhere idk
17. google the top song from the year you were bornnext - too close
18. rant about your favorite musician i already did this one too but not a musician but let me tell you i fucking hate key changes and for some god awful reason every person who I’ve seen talk about newsies is obsessed with the key changes and that’s how i knew we couldn’t be friends
19. what’s your favorite teacher you’ve ever had?hornbaker
20. describe your blog in 3-5 wordsa giant fucking mess
21. what’s a conspiracy you believe in?the Illuminati built the Denver International Airport
22. if you could see any concert tonight what would you choose?can Big Time Rush do a reunion tour
23. if you could break one of your bad habits which would you choose?i bit my nails and I want to stop
24. can you dance? sing?all i do is sing. I wish i could dance but i have a fucked up ankle so when I try i have to be extra careful, so when i was younger i never took dance classes
25. what’s something you can’t stop buying?FUCKING JALAPENO KETTLE CHIPS
26. crowds or small groups?small groups
27. how long before a trip do you pack?answered. the day before
28. what celebrity would you rate a PERFECT 10?fuck me up Ben squared also magnus paajarvi and y'all can fight me. tommy bracco gets a 9 bc though i love him, hes the same height as me
29. what quote or inspirational setting do you think is bs?aim for the moon because even if you miss you’ll land among the stars
30. if you had to dye your hair an unnatural color right now, what would you choose?listen my hair hasn’t been a natural color since i was like in the 5th grade. i keep dying it blue but tbh i want to dye it half pink half blue
31. you can change one thing about your life right now. what are you changing?answered. I’d still be on stage
32. how old do you get mistaken for?depends. sometimes 15 sometimes 25
33. what do you think about a lothow much I love my friends and home much I want lilly to come home
34. do you like your hogwarts house or do you wish you were a different one?im a slytherin and i love it
35. what does home mean to you?where I’m happiest and at my most comfortable, surround by those i love and those that love me
36. what do you think you’d be arrested for?honestly probably loitering or like, stalking if I keep finding ways to meet the blues or noways snowboard team
37. have you ever been called down to the principals office?no but ive had the principal stop me in the hall because he was bored and wanted to talk instead of go to his MANDATORY COUNTY LEADER MEETING
38. post a picture of the outfit you would choose if you could have any outfit you wantedim too tired to try and do this one tbh
39. describe your aestheticcomfy but stylish, a little classy but fun, very sport but cute
40. answer with one of your ‘school memes’ (inside jokes you have with your class/grade) with no explanation either no parking for juniors TODAY ONLY or That’s totally not our principals living room furniture in the traffic circle out front of the school (these happened together so they’re one and you can fight me)
thank b. I know i asked for this but youre lucky i love you
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