#i spent like 5 hours on that shit rip
malkaviian · 2 years
i have a headache but also i dont want to go to sleep just yet dkjnfjds i want me-time
(warning: as i was writing the tags of this post this turned into another kinda-heavy rant about the situation my group of friends and i are. so keep that in mind)
#things were weird today when She(tm) was there but when she left things were normal again#but these hours were kinda stressful rip or more like... there was an inherent discomfort and tension in the air#with some ugly commentaries and actions on her part. like its your (supposed) best friend's birthday at least try to hide your disgust 👍#birthday you ~apparently~ forgot until it the day before. also you didnt had a single penny to spend on the gift for him#but you sure as hell had it to go eat with your college friends to expensive places! girl at least dont post about it on insta#and just in case; this wasnt a '*goes to expensive places before* -oh i dont have money sowwy :(('#this was a '-oh i dont have money sowwy :(( *goes to expensive places after it*'#what we were asking for collaboration was way less than what she spent on those places. it was AT THE VERY LEAST 3000 ars per food#and you know what she wanted to give for the gift? 500 ars!!! you cant buy shit with it; let alone if we only collaborated with 500 each#like she wanted. we're 4; genuine question what kinda shit can you buy for $2000. maybe a good quality cup but we already gave him that#but even then the point is not the money; the thing is the attitude. you cant spend more than $500 on us#but you can spend at least $6000 on your other friends; given you went to eat with them two days in a row. priorities i guess?#OH! and talking about it!! can you fucking believe she INVESTIGATED the phone of our ~new~ friend (the one shes jealous of)#and DEADASS said 'oh i see. my mom has an A51'. our friend has an A20 if im not wrong; which might not be an A51 but its. still expensive??#also your mom has an A51 but you have an iPhone 5 since you were on high school. but hey; apple i am right?? inherently better than an A20#sorry i have less than that; i have an A10s (that i got on the start of 2020). can i still breathe the same air as you and your mom /s#once again the problem is not the money or the phone or WHATEVER. its the fucking attitude shes having. you want to pretend you have money#and act like youre superior to people who 'dont'; when in reality YOU ARE MIDDLE CLASS. YOU ARENT UPPER CLASS; NOT EVEN UPPER-MIDDLE CLASS#YOURE MIDDLE CLASS. MIDDLE CLASS LIKE THE REST OF US; NOT LIKE YOUR COLLEGE FRIENDS YOU LOVE SO MUCH AND WANT TO IMPRESS#YOU SPEND MONEY YOU DEFINITELY DONT HAVE BECAUSE YOU WANT TO APPEAR UPPER-MIDDLE AT THE VERY LEAST. but thats a lie#a lie that if these beloved friends bothered to ACTUALLY know even the slightest about you; like we do; would fall apart. but they wouldnt!#because they dont care about you as much as we care(d). do you think they will tolerate this fucking attitude youre having towards us?#no they wouldnt. trust me; they WOULDNT. they will tell you to fuck off and leave you completely alone. go cry a river.#god fucking dammit why are you like this. WHY you turned like this. or rather; why we were SO GODDAMN blind we didnt noticed this before#negative
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italiantea · 2 years
ough. how the hell are u guys
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marvel-ous-m · 1 year
Eddie Munson's Guide for How to Adopt a Jock in Four Easy Steps (1/5)
Part Two
Eddie Munson is many things, but he is not the kind of guy who will kick someone while they’re down.
Call it a hero complex, call it too many hours spent licking his wounds after particularly harsh words from a bully- whatever name you give it, Eddie is vehemently against hurting someone who's clearly already hurting, no matter how much he may hate that individual.
Which is why, in early November of ‘84, Eddie hatches a plan.
It starts in the library, as most of his brilliant ideas do. He’s spending his lunch hour pouring over a borrowed fantasy novel to try and get ideas for NPC’s for his latest campaign with Hellfire, but he gets distracted by a loud thump and a whispered ‘shit’, followed by a sniff. Eddie turns, book still in hand, and proceeds to drop the book onto the carpeted floor of the library in shock.
Because there is Steve Harrington- face beat to hell, hands shakily holding on to a lunch tray, and a salad spewed in all directions at his feet. The librarian- Ms. Boliene (a bitch to everyone other than her outcasts)- began cussing Steve out, demanding he pick up the salad, and Steve got a glossy look in his eye that told Eddie that he was about two seconds from breaking down in tears.
Which- honestly, that was probably the strangest part of this whole ordeal. Steve was King of Hawkins High (and maybe, Eddie theorized, was was the operative word there). Steve had been on a downward slope of popularity since last year when he and Tommy had their falling out. Billy Hargrove (barf) had been getting more and more popular, and, after last weekend, there was a rumor going around that Steve’s girlfriend, Nancy, broke up with him then immediately hooked up with Jonathan Byers.
(Hey, Eddie’s always one to root for the outcasts, he is one, after all- but kinda a dick move, Wheeler. Also, not great of Byers to agree to something like that, especially if he knew about the situation.)
Eddie focused his attention back on the scene in front of him- Steve was now crouching down to pile the wasted salad onto his lunch tray and was blinking rapidly, trying to stave off tears. His head was also doing this thing where it was dipping forward than instantly picking up, like he was trying to even stay awake. Which… huh.
Eddie was sure at this point- this was the lowest he’d ever seen someone get. Even his dad after his mom passed wasn’t like this- at least that bastard could still go out and break shit and get arrested. Steve looked like the only thing he wanted to do at this point was fall apart. Why was he even at school?
Eddie sighed and stood, crossing the room to where Steve was crouching. He gently batted Steve’s hands away and finished cleaning up his lunch, tossing it (and the plastic tray- because fuck this school, honestly) into the large garbage can sitting by the front door of the library. When he turned around Steve was standing, looking a bit shell-shocked. “I… that was my lunch.”
“The floor salad was your lunch? I could believe that before you dropped it, but after? Dude, that’s a low that you cannot reach. I have an extra sandwich in my bag, c’mon.”
Eddie grabbed Steve’s arm, letting go immediately when he felt the whole-body flinch that Harrington gave. Eddie held his hands up, backing up towards the table where he was sitting previously. “I won’t touch you, but you should probably eat, Harrington. I’m extending the metaphorical olive branch in the form of food, I promise that I’m not gonna bite your head off.”
Steve assessed the situation, eyes darting around the library, before he finally nodded and joined Eddie at his table, sitting across from the spot where all of his materials were strewn about. Eddie grabbed his book from the floor and ripped into his backpack, pulling his lunch out and passing it to Steve. (It wasn’t really an extra sandwich, it was his lunch, but it was fine. Jeff always brought snacks to Hellfire and Eddie wasn’t even that hungry today).
Steve stared at the cling-wrapped sandwich in shock, then carefully set to unwrapping it. Eddie noticed a slight tremor in his hands, but decided against commenting on it. “So, uh… what happened?” Fuck, Eddie, abort, abort, that was literally the last goddamn thing you were supposed to ask.
“Um…” Steve finished unwrapping the sandwich, pulling the bread slices apart. “Bologna?”
“Hey, don’t knock it ‘til you try it. I know it probably goes against your rich folk sensibilities, but I promise it’s worth a try.”
“Yeah.” Steve took a bite of the sandwich, then washed it down with the bottle of water Eddie slid his way. “S’not my first time having bologna and it won’t be my last. Not bad, though.” Steve set the sandwich down, licking his lips. “Thank you, by the way. Eddie, right? You played at battle of the bands last year?”
Eddie blinked in surprise. The change in conversation topic made him totally forget his previous question. “Um- yeah, that was me. Me and the boys- Corroded Coffin. Not your thing?”
“No! I liked it, actually. Very ‘stick it to the man’. I can get behind that.”
Eddie raised an eyebrow at Steve, to which he received a responding chuckle. “My dad- he’s an asshole.” oh shit, did Steve’s dad do this?
Eddie’s expression must have shifted, because Steve immediately started rambling. “Shit- no, fuck, I know what you’re thinking, he didn’t do this, my parents have been out of town for like, three months. This was Billy- but it’s fine, really! Like, I can see, and I’m not super dizzy, I’m just a little lacking in coordination which- yeah, the lunch tray. You know what? I’m gonna shut up now.” Steve took another bite of the sandwich and another swig of water, and Eddie noted that Steve’s knee began to bounce up and down.
Eddie decided to push everything aside and deal with it later. Apparently this wound was still fresh (both emotionally and physically), and while Eddie could get into a number of things that Steve just spewed out (his parents have been gone for three months? Billy did this? Steve is halfway to falling over but he’s still at school?!) Eddie elected to change the subject.
“So, Steve, do you know anything about D&D?” Steve’s eyes lit up and he launched into a rant about a couple of kids that he hung around. Eddie listened with a small smirk on his face, eyebrow raised.
Steve was… different than expected. Kind, a little awkward, anxious. There’s only one reason that a jock like him has lunch in the library, and it’s because he didn’t have anyone left to sit with in the Cafeteria. He reminded Eddie of an abandoned dog… specifically a golden retriever with Steve’s eyes and his floppy hair.
Curse Eddie’s big heart and savior complex, but he knew what he had to do. Steve was about to become the newest member of Eddie’s little herd of lost sheep, whether he liked it or not.
I haven’t decided if I’m going to write a part 2- let me know if you’d be interested in one! I’m so glad to be back to writing after a very long semester of school. I should be writing a lot this summer, so drop some prompts in my ask if you want to see something specific!
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antariies · 7 months
how to build a chair........... director's cut ∠( ᐛ 」∠)__ this is about to be a very long very self-indulgent post where i just talk about my own writing. i also doodled on all the pages i think it makes the whole thing more fun to go thru. welcome to my ted talk
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SIKE before i begin. credit where credit is due, this post was the start of it all. it changed my brain chemistry my jaw was dropped i was in awe i was obsessed and before i even finished it i knew that i would eventually have to make something similar for the commander or else i would be cursed to think about it for the rest of my life. and i Was cursed for like two years every day i would just be like........ is today the day i sit down and draft the commander chair fic of my dreams....... maybe tomorrow......
and then i got accepted as a writer for the gw2 zine ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ the chair idea was actually my backup option in case my first idea didn't pan out, and thank god it didn't, bc this one worked so much better. (still working on my initial idea, just turning it into a full fic! it was wayyy too long to be a zine submission.)
this is the chair i used. i downloaded the assembly instructions and tried out a bunch of different free pdf editors until i found one i liked, which ended up being sedja. if anyone's interested in doing something like this, i recommend printing out the pdf and writing directly on it! it was a lot easier for me to just figure out everything on paper first and then digitalize it after :P here's a picture of my physical copy
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okay actually getting into it for real this time !!!!!
1. yeah i could've just erased the ikea logo and left a blank space but then i realized i could turn it into an in-universe joke. and then i ran with it.
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2. i ripped this straight from the product description on the website. thanks ikea
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3. i'm not sure if anyone went and looked it up, but it's a real item code!
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hehe :3c
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4. if your commander willingly goes to therapy i'm happy for them but TO ME? you'd have to drag the commander kicking and screaming. it's not that they don't know that something is wrong with them, they know, and they know YOU know. you're just never supposed to talk about it. they don't look at their own psych eval results bc that's none of their business.
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5. i normally avoid specifying the commander's race when i write them bc i enjoy the challenge, but for the zine i was assigned to write about a norn commander! as a human main i was uhhhh very ill-equipped. but that just meant i had to study up on my norn lore (•̀ᴗ•́)و i spent hours on the wiki, then went around interviewing norn mains for their opinions, which was great fun :D it all helped me narrow the focus of my piece: joining the war on commander objectification on the side of commander objectification (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡ and no one self-aggrandizes quite like the norn commander!
and to balance that i knew my narrator had to be patronizing as shitttt. they've clearly been following the commander since the beginning and seem to know a lot of intimate details about their life, despite not thinking very highly of them. wonder who that could be :3c
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6. i can't stop making references. so the original part number is actually #122620 in the manual but i've changed it here (and on the previous page!) to #082812, as in 08/28/12, the date gw2 was released! no real reason for it, @dalennaugw suggested it for funsies and i liked it. if you're my pal and i show you a wip and you have a cool idea for it, chances are i Will put that shit in. hi dale if you're reading this
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7. another thing about me. i loveeee repetition. here the word "over" is repeated four times to match the picture. honestly a lot of the creative process for this piece was just staring at the pages and figuring out how to tie the pictures to the commander in ways that weren't extremely corny or trite. idk why i enjoy writing like this when i could be frolicking in the beautiful prosaic meadows of a word doc instead but. it's like i see a tiny little restrictive box and i'm like OH BOY can't wait to think inside of that thing!!! i like when the format matters just as much as the content and in some cases informs the content. am i making any sense here. well all you need to know is that i'm a virgo and my favorite book is house of leaves
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7. aw fuck just realized i wrote 7 twice. whatever i'm not changing it this is 7 part two now. the theme of my piece is glory, what it means to the norn commander, and how far they're willing to go for it.
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8. does norn culture place emphasis on seeking individual glory Yes are norn also very community-oriented Also Yes. i think it's common to see norn kids napping together in a big pile, usually after they've worn themselves out playing games outside. it makes sense practically (apes together warm) and socially (pack bonding good) but that's just my hc. growing up i used to share a bed with my cousins all the time so it's normal to me.
a young, naive not-yet-commander, with no real combat experience, has no point of reference to compare a "blaze of glory" to. but the way everyone talks about it, it must be a good thing. a wonderful thing. a reward fit for a life well-fought and a legend hard-earned. so they imagine it must feel like falling asleep surrounded by the people they love, who love them in turn.
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9. .........i was playing a lot of ace attorney when i wrote this page. i wish i was joking 👍🏼
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10. ohhh shit the truth come OUT this whole chair thing was all a ploy just so i could write about the departing. again.
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will i ever stop thinking about her. reply hazy, try again later.
11. out of all the pages, this one has the most emphasis on text placement, like comparing the enlarged picture of the screw to a sword, the numbers counting the screws, and "up up up" being arranged to mimic a wisp of smoke.
i also wanted to lean into the viking/norse mythology influences with my word choice.
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12. more nods to norn culture. i didn't know they referred to the six human gods as "spirits of action" until i was doing the research for this piece :O
and the domain of the lost is called a hall of ghosts....... cause valhalla.....
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i'm sorry this so funnyyy. SAYS the guy who literally clawed their way back to life for a rematch.
me when i'm in a sore loser competition and my opponent is the COMMANDER!!!
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14. arms as in "limbs" and also arms as in "armaments" :•]
15. haha get it because the picture makes it look like there are two mirrored speech bubbles while the text paints two opposing interpretations of the norn commander. one that's selfless and humble versus one that's selfish and vainglorious.
16. and the best part is IT DOESN'T MATTER which one is true bc at the end of the day no matter what their motivation, balthazar is dead by their hand. ofc i'm of the opinion that the most compelling interpretation of the commander is both, simultaneously. contradictions are good for the soul.
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17. i could've name-dropped kas, the only person present that would do something like that, but i felt it was better to leave it ambiguous.
18. low-hanging fruit. the metaphor was so obvious here but i had to do it. for the culture
19. the alternate title for this piece was "THIS COULD BE GLORY". "how to build a chair" was only supposed to be a placeholder title til i figured out a better one, but the innocuousness of it grew on me. also i came up with the other one too late and had already advertised under the chair title lol
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20. my first instinct was to end it with something more reassuring, like "what you have built so far is enough" but that would've been an ooc switch-up for a narrator who has been nothing but snide and detached this whole time. gotta stick to my guns
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obligatory chair joke as the last line. for realsies though it’s meant to be an earnest appeal to the commander to take a break, to have a seat, but it’s also a challenge. are they willing to lean on their friends? are the bonds they’ve forged strong enough to hold their weight? are they willing to put their faith in someone else’s hands? are they brave enough to try? well. only one way to find out.
also guess what that wasn’t even the real last page of the manual. it's THIS
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but no way i was letting this be the image we ended on. IT LOOKS LIKE A DICK AND BALLS!!!
and on that note, THANK YOU if you made it this far!! a very special shout-out to @hawkepockets, my lovely boyfriend and beta reader, without whom this piece would not be nearly as polished. i would bring him pages to look over and he would say Scrap half of those lines you can do better than that. kill your darlings. i would complain and argue for a few minutes then we would revise. rinse and repeat until we had honed this thing to perfection. i can't stress enough the importance of having a second pair of eyes on your work throughout your creative process, even better if it's someone who challenges you. i don't even pay him 🫶🏼
and if there was anything i didn't cover that you still have questions about, please feel free to shoot me an ask! (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡ thanks for reading! see u later dudes ;P
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swearingcactus · 10 months
borrowing showers past bedtimes
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remember the little thing i wrote the other day about v borrowing kerry's shower? yeah i finished it, somewhat, decided it was still relatively short (2k) and too plotless for an ao3 post. so woe, fic be upon ye. (under the cut)
It seemed like it took forever until V’s incessant knocking on Villa Eurodyne’s front door got it to swing open.
Speaking of the door, when the fuck did Kerry even get his front door fixed anyway? They had tried to fix it on a random weekend when V came over, but it kept opening stubbornly no matter what they did. And then Kerry had gotten so mad and tried to rip the door of its hinges, so they dropped the effort altogether. And–
“Oh, shit.” Kerry’s voice brought him back to the present and V blinks to realize Kerry’s looking at him with wide eyes. He pulls down his headphones he had on to his neck. His previous annoyance at being bothered in his house at this hour slipping rapidly into shocked worry at the sight of a merc covered in blood and mud and who knows what else, standing with his arms and feet a shoulder apart.
“Hey Ker, wha‘sup, sorry for bargin’ in so late at night,” V says, words stumbling over the other like a trainwreck, then he gets to the point, “Can I please borrow your shower?”
“Jesus, of course,” Kerry says, and then jerkily opens the door wider like he just remembered he could do that.
“‘m not Jesus, I’m V.” V mumbled out absent-mindedly. He whacks his arm before he gets in, some blood and bits of flesh fell off the sleeves of his jacket, squelching to the floor.
“Do you need a ripper?” Kerry asked. V drags his feet onto the concrete in hopes it’ll lessen the blood stains when he walks in the house.
“Oh, nah, I’m fine. This isn’t mine.” V says, just realizing how this must’ve looked. “I’ve been out the whole day in the rain, went from the badlands then back, got a gig near here.” V walked further into the house, avoiding the items still strewn about the floor. “Got messy. Normal shootout stuff, grenades, the like, then just–” he makes a psh-SHOOO noise with his mouth as he creates an over-exaggerated motion of an explosion with his hands.
“Gonk had a grenade on him and pulled the wrong pin.”
Kerry lets out an amused, morbid chuckle. V thinks that’s nice; he’d probably laugh about it too. If he hadn’t spent the entire day being scorched and sweating under the Badlands sun, hit by dust and dirt. Then got whacked with a storm that came out of nowhere. Then trekked his way up here just to get blasted in the face with someone’s guts. He smelled like garbage and felt so grossed out, but he was still ready to spend the entire ride back to Watson feeling like complete shit… only to find that the earlier shootout had blown off his Yaiba’s fuel tank.
But yeah, he’s fine! He’s totally not gonna lose it if he can’t claw his way out of his clothes within the next 5 minutes. But just in case, he excuses himself to the shower and practically ran in.
V's buck-ass naked in Kerry's shower. It's a huge shower, taking up 30% of the entire bathroom and the bathroom itself is bigger than his apartment. And now the large space and the great ventilation is getting him cold. He rubs a foot on top of the other, trying to warm the palms of his feet. He goes to pick up another soap from the rows and rows of product that Kerry had, all lined up.
It took less time to decide on a shampoo to use earlier because there were only two options, and even though he should probably peruse the purple shampoo dedicated to keep hair dye to shine and all that... he had decided to use the one Kerry probably forgot at the back. It had dust on its lid but smelled powdery.
Johnny crackles, all blue pixels and blurs of light, leaning on the glass window next to him. "Occupied, asshole." V says, gesturing to himself. "Also, ever heard of privacy?"
"You lost your privacy rights the second you took longer than 10 minutes to decide on a soap to use. At least start the water. This isn't your megabuilding, Kerry can pay the hot water bills."
Johnny made a good point, but V opted to ignore Johnny for now, as he often does. Instead, he opens another soap bottle and sniffs it experimentally. He could tell this was Kerry's go-to soap. Smelled like mint and perfumed musk. He reads the name of the scent. Gold Desire.
"Oh fucking... his pretentious ass needs a beating." Johnny grumbles. V snorts and closes the bottle. It's a scent reminiscent of Kerry, which V doesn't hate, of course. But the idea of smelling like Kerry didn't sit right with him.
A little too domestic. A little like he's playing pretend as someone's cute little input who's enjoying the high life for years by now. A little too much like wearing a costume. He's already had enough of the idea of turning into someone he's not without a stupid soap doing it for him.
He goes to sniff the next soap and dry-heaves. It smelled overwhelmingly like burning plastic that's vaguely presented with artificial strawberry and vanilla. He coughs and puts it away.
“At this point your clothes are gonna finish being washed before you do.” Johnny complains, glitching away and popping up, squatting on top of the washing machine dramatically.
V picks up another soap, “Oh Johnny, gross, you cummed in this one.”
“I what.”
“Look, ‘Rockerboy’s Wet Dream.’” V says, grinning and showing off a green bottle. Johnny rolls his eyes and pretend-flicked his cigarette’s ash onto the floor.
V continues to read the bottle, “’Citrus and Red Chili.’ Wonder how that smells combined.” V sniffs it, “Spicy!” he announced to Johnny who has now resorted to softly banging his head on the wall behind him. V decided he could just use this one and goes to turn the water on.
He enjoys how it immediately produced the perfect temperature without him even needing to fiddle with the settings or wait. Some fancy tech that detects his temperature and automatically sets the most suitable one for him once his feet hit the shower tiles.
He pours a hefty amount, wincing at how the bottle wheezed and dropped a slimy gel-like substance with beads of scrubs– which hurt when he started to slather it up. Before the contact with skin promptly starts to burn. Granted he has never used a high-end soap with an exfoliator and whatnot, but V doubts it’s supposed to hurt this much.
V picks the bottle up again to inspect it, hoping to see if maybe he’s just using it wrong or something… when he noticed a manufacture date at the top of the cap. He froze in fear. “Holy shit. This was produced before I was even born. Why the hell do Kerry even keep this around.”
He chucks the bottle to the trash bin to the far end of the room. It missed and hit the wall, bouncing onto the floor. V scrubs the rest of the offending soap on him, almost panickedly.
“You can shower with my actual cum, ‘ll hurt less.” Johnny offers mockingly, getting in the stall with him. V elbows him hard, even if he glitches away before it made any believable contact.
“Give it a couple second and you’ll feel the burn too, see if you can joke then.” V grumbles. He takes a long deep breath and spends the next few breaths just watching as the bubbles get washed along with the grime and mud that starts to melt onto the floor along with the hot water. Shoulders slowly slumping as the events of the day start to catch up and some new bruises and cuts make their presence known. He cards his fingers onto his hair and plop goes the pieces of brain matter and what could’ve been an eighth of an eye. He kicks it down the drain, and blindly takes a random bottle.
This one’s still filled to the brim. He opened it to find it still sealed, even. He struggles to open it with his nails and managed to do so... sacrificing some nail paint in the process. He sniffed it almost dejectedly. Before perking up, pleasantly surprised with its unfamiliar but sweet scent.
"Huh.." he says, taking it away to properly read what it was. "Coconut and basil."
"Do you even know what a coconut looks like?" Johnny accused, out of nowhere.
"Sure I do. It's brown, kinda round looking. Floats. Not sure what a basil actually is though." V answers easily, and finally sets the soap next to the shampoo he had picked, and gets to showering in peace.
V stepped out of the bathroom feeling like an actual human again for once, shaking his hair onto the towel roughly to dry it.
"Ker?" he calls out. He hears a faint tune being repeatedly played and walks to the far end of the first floor. Kerry sat with his back to V, with his headphones in, frowning at a computer. He had a guitar in one hand while his other hand was covering his mouth, a finger tapping onto his lips.
Kerry glanced over when he noticed V in his peripheral vision and says, "Hey," but his focus quickly turns back to the computer.
V steps next to him to plant a kiss on the top of his head. "Thanks for the shower." (He could feel Johnny rolling his eyes, making pretend-barfing motions. V made a huge point to tell him to fuck off.)
"No problem," Kerry says, obviously still distracted.
"Busy?" V asks, knowing the answer but thinking he should probably still ask it.
Kerry doesn't really answer, just hums vaguely, somewhat affirmatively.
V spreads his toes out on the floor, feels that it’s dusty, still haven’t been properly vacuumed since god knows when. He shifts his weight. "... Anything I can help with?" He offers. It's a long shot but sometimes Kerry asks his opinion on song lyrics, even though V kinda guessed it's less of asking an opinion and more of showing off an unfinished piece he’s still proud of.
As he expected, the shot fell short of its mark when Kerry replies with a clear, resounding, "No." and by then V knows he's maxed out trying to get a conversation out of Kerry.
He goes to leave Kerry alone.
V checks his clothes to see it had finished its spin cycle and is now being dried. Still a couple hours to go. He goes back out and climbs to the second floor, trying to find something to wear in the meantime. Kerry’s a little shorter than him, (“Not by much.” Johnny annoyingly pointed out.) Fine, Kerry’s only a little shorter than him, but his clothes mostly consisted of leather or something so cropped, might as well just go nude.
There were some hoodies, though, large unassuming jackets Kerry bought in bulk to hide from media vultures. Big enough it makes his boxers look shorter than it actually is. V decides to borrow one, goes to bite and suck one of the hood’s strings immediately once he slipped it on.
He leans over the second floor to check up on Kerry from above. Kerry tapped the space bar so hard V swears it’ll crack. He starts grumbling unhappily, then goes to fiddle another tune on the guitar. Yikes. Better leave him alone for now.
“Derivative!” Johnny yells about the tune, over the railing.
If Kerry could actually hear him there would be a bloodbath.
V passed Kerry’s bed and goes back down to the first floor, sitting on the sofa. Kerry stops playing the guitar with an uncomfortable screech and whines loudly.
“Tell him try changing it to a minor tune.” Johnny says. V frowns at him, not sure if he’s actually offering genuine musical help or if he’s just fucking around to try and rile Kerry up. Either way, V knows Kerry wouldn’t appreciate any unwarranted advice at this stage. Johnny clicks his tongue, because he knows it too, he just doesn’t like not letting everyone know what he thinks.
V goes to lean back, only to sit up straight again, looking back and noticing there’s a bong stuck behind him. He pulled it out, then sighs at the mess. Before standing up and picking up empty and half-filled glasses to the kitchen to stick them in the dish washer. He continued to throw out two thongs wedged in the sofa. Wipe the counter from the sticky, spilled alcoholic drinks and their mixers.
It took a while until the sofa and the coffee table in front of it looked nice enough, and V sits and slumps himself onto it in satisfaction, letting the sofa’s crevice swallow him as much as it could.
"Hey, what're you doing here?" Kerry asks, gently shaking him to wake him up.
V blinks blearily awake, takes a second to realize where he's at. Then at the question. Wanted to wait up for you sounds too cheesy suddenly and V decides to just shrug.
"You cleaned my place up." Kerry says appreciatively.
"Nnno, just the sofa area." V points out, then yawns, putting his hand into a fist and using his knuckles to cover it. Kerry lets out an 'Awww' kind of sound and V stopped yawning immediately, frowning up at him. Kerry stopped cooing, and grinned, "Come on, let's get you to an actual bed, huh?"
He pulls V up and leads him to the second floor onto the bed. V falls into it immediately, rolling so he can plant his face down onto the biggest pillow Kerry had, while Kerry went off to turn off most of the lights on the switch on the wall.
V doesn't need to see to know when Kerry shuffled into bed when the bed dips next to him. He puts a hand out to feel for Kerry and when his fingers found contact on skin, he scoots closer.
"D'aww," Kerry says again cut off harshly when V pokes his ribs, hard. "Hey you don't want me to think you're cute? Stop being cute."
"Thought you said I was a brat?" V coyly asked.
Kerry lets out a huff, "Alright, down, boy. Way past your bedtime for that."
"Sounds like I need some punishi--" V couldn't help a yawn before he could finish that sentence, "Yeah, point taken." He shuffles again, a leg lands on top of Kerry's before settling. “Sorry I bothered you while you were doing your song.” He says to Kerry’s arm.
Kerry lets out a soft laugh again, rubs the point of contact between his fingers and V's upper arm, “Yeah if you were anyone else, I would’ve told you to fuck off. Consider it a privilege that you got me away from my set and I’m still letting you on my bed.”
“Yay, privilege!” V whoops softly. “Always wanted to know what that feels like.”
Kerry snorted again. They went quiet and V thought that was the end of it. Until Kerry adds, “You know you don’t have to…” he stops like he thought better than to say it. V opens his eyes to look up at Kerry, telling him to go on.
Put on the spot, Kerry begrudgingly continues, “I dunno, just… you know I’m here for you, right? So.. I dunno, V, maybe next time, you could just think of coming over in the first place instead of it being an alternative plan? And, ugh, I know how this might sound to– Look, I’m not saying this ‘cus I’m jealous or, or clingy, okay, I know you got your own thing. Look, you don’t have to act all awkward and proper ‘round me, ‘s all. I mean, come on, V, it’s just me.”
“Uh-huh.” V says, though he doesn’t really get what that’s all about. He shuffles and drops his head back to its original position, closing his eyes. He’s falling asleep again, and he fights to hear what Kerry’s saying next, it gets jumbled into one hazy tune. Something about time, and them being friends, sometimes a little more, something about worrying about not hearing something…
He snuggled to Kerry’s arm again, concludes Kerry’s probably just stressed about the piece. So, he sleepily asks, “Didja finish it though? The song.”
“Huh?” Took a few seconds for Kerry to realize what he’s asking, “Oh… Nope. Gave up on it for tonight.”
“Should try changing it to minor key.” V hears himself say without him actually thinking it, then he groans quietly. He kicks the engram mentally, mumbles out, “Oh, shut up, Johnny…”
“Yeah, shut up, Johnny.” Kerry echoes immediately. But there’s a slight moment where V thinks Kerry’s arm had tensed a tiny bit, before relaxing, as he leaned into V’s hair. Then, "You smell nice."
Thanks, it's coconut and basil. V thinks he says, but he's not sure because he conked out within milliseconds. He thinks that for tomorrow, in-between getting home, and doing gigs, and finding leads about the relic, he’ll try to figure out what a basil actually is.
Author's Note: yeah so coconut and basil huh. The coconut that goes around getting bobbed by the sea but floats with the flow. The basil that could mean anything from a token to ward off the devil to a symbol of love. Also smells great together as a body wash. Fun! Maybe Kerry'll think there's poetry in it if V shared it the next day.
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jaeedraszaerysz · 1 year
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Notes: this might have some more teesside oriented aspects so I apologise and I try to keep it as neutral as possible while still writing decent shit ✨️
Warnings: swearing, injury (obv u fuckin dumbass), sexual references??
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Will 100% dress up in a suit and take you to a fancy ass restaurant while working his shittiest English accent
Got confused as fuck when you started using any slang/roadman terms
Defos uses words wrong
Went round calling everyone wanker for a full day
Thought chav was a fucking food at first defos
will listen to u chat for hours
So let's say jackass came to England yea
And u went up north to visit ur mates and stuff yea
Wouldn't understand a fuckin thing u was on about if u were talking to your mates
Thought a parmo was a sex move and was GOBSMACKED
He defos went to a pub with u and the guys and they got the piss ripped of them by a bunch of sweaty geezas in their 50s 😭
Take him to any beach and you will 100% have to restrain him from jumping of the end of a pier into a bunch of rocks
Caught onto u saying innit so much and now says it unironically and the guys have a laugh taking the mick out of him
Poor sod
But he's devoted to you
Defos would make roadman and chav skits w u outside a maccies or a tesco extra
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Asking if u know every single British rockstar to ever exist
Was confused when u told him it was almost 5 hours from London to anywhere near ur gaff
Got scrapped by a bunch of year 7s outside a one stop if u took him to England
Takes the mick out of yu in a cute way
Copies ur words
Told him u met Janick Gers from iron maiden and had drinks wiv him in the pub one time and he almost diedddd.
You could defos persuade him to dress up in a Adidas traccy and run fru ur local shopping center screaming sweet Caroline and tripping over eachother
you took him to hmv?
Big mistake
He never wants to leave
Defos has all the badges and posters
Spent an hour minimum sat on the floor with you looking at the band t shirts
Would complain constantly about weather but would kiss you in the rain
Got stuck in a shitty kids swing at the park
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Lives for your voice
Copies ur every word
If u took him to ur hometown he would cling onto your arm and NOT let go
Called someone a geezer at a local boots and got scrapped
Yano them rando tarzees kids make out of rope and stuff but their always like 50 meters of the ground?
He found one
Jumped off
Flew like a mufucken bird
His mind was opened to the 4th dimension that day
Imagine he pulled a party boy stunt in the town center
Wore a tie everywhere u went while u were their
Says oh my days religiously now
Fails a stunt? Oh my days
Trips? Oh my days
Bam pulls a rocky on him? Oh my fucking days
His little English, tea drinking princess
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Steve-o lived in England for alot of his childhood, always on the move so he was a bit more calm than most
makes fun of northern chavs and compares them
Says the North is like a diff country all together js on account of the people and the weather
Thinks ur footie teams r shite
Defos got kicked up the arse for that one
Meal deals man
His fave thing after you
Esp from tescos
Understands some British slang but is still confused by majority of ur convoz with people from ur home town
Sold gimicky vapes to some year 8s and fucking pissed himself laughing when they realised
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Swears at everyone with "posh words"
Wanker, bell-end, twat, muppet, cunt.
Picked up the accent on the words too
Fucking fab tha
was terrified
Defos asked where her teeth were and got chased off
Thinks corner shops in England r the best thing ever
Manjaros? The takeaway not the mountain?
Has been chased by council estate grannies for shoving you into people's gardens
Sat with you at the top of those shitty rope climbing frames in the park and u had a legit romantic moment
SPOILER ALERT! bam got photos of u kissing up there
Yano them random tunnels under the main roads yea?
Went down them wiv u and u ended up in a field with him laying on your chest and looking at the stars
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a-canceled-stamp · 2 months
Hi Stamp!
For the ask game:
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love   ❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best? 🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Hi again Rae!!! This answer is very very late, but thank you so much for the ask 🥺💞
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love  
IMPOSSIBLE QUESTION. But also a favorite. I shall choose 3 bc I can. buy back the secrets by sundiscus ( @vinelark ). TimKon fic feat. Identity Porn out the wazoo. I'm still obsessed with this one. It's so fricking good. It was the first fic we read in our book/fic club and y'all, let me tell you. We are still not okay. When chapter 6 drops all hell will break loose. A Premonition of Drift-Design by @shirokokuro. Amazing Tim & Bruce content. I first read this years ago when I first joined the fandom, and have been obsessed ever since. I reread it the other day for the memories and y'all. It is just as freaking good as I remember, if not better. The entire If That Happens, I'll Catch You and Secretary Tim (And Other Shenanigans) series are top notch tbh. Go read them rn, do it 🔫 And finally, a Malevolent fic bc this show is ruining my life [affectionate]. lacuna by @calamitxtum. I am 5 chapters in and have eaten my pillow. The mattress is next. I am so so so normal about these two. It doesn't help that Cal's writing is insanely good. NOMNOMNOM. The fic was completed the other day too so you can and should dive into it this instant. (Spoilers through ep 28 though). Go!!!
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
This was an impossible question to answer. I have been staring at this draft for 30 min. But I finally have an answer. I love the Hidden Injuries trope and have started reading more fics focusing on Bruce and Jason's relationship. And honestly, there is no one I trust more with this dynamic than lemongarden. They are the one who wrote Stargazer, and bro. Brooooooo. Holy shit. It is fucking incredible. I wish I could bottle their characterizations of Jason and Bruce in a bottle and study them for science. Stargazer is so incredible near and dear to my heart, I almost get emotional talking about it ahdjkhskjd. This sort of turned into another rec but you know what those are always great.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
Honestly any kind of comment at all, like just a goofy smiley goes a long way. But comments that make me kick my feet are the keyboard smash, all capital letters, unhinged rambles - those fill me with immense joy. Also, the liveblog-esque comments are to die for. And the analytical, deep dive into the reader's own interpretation of events is so much fun to read. I know that these take time tho so I really don't expect people to do that (I once spent an hour on a comment. AN HOUR. It was 1384 words rip).
Thank you again for the ask, Rae! Ily :smek:
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nevernonline · 10 months
✧.* grow as we go; svt smau.
entry #6 quit!
synopsis: over the past ten years you’ve fallen in love many times. one day someone happens to stumble across your journal sitting out on your nightstand and started posting your entries online. after all of your secrets are leaked it’s clear things would ever be the same again.
𐦍 paring: svt members x afab! reader.
𐦍 feat: non-idol! svt, (g)-idle minnie&soyeon, oc’s
𐦍 genre/s: reader is super angsty low-key, fluffy, sexual themes.
𐦍 content: swearing, bullying, crazy ex’s, mentions of sexual , reader talks about parental death, sexual relations, some drinking& mary jane 🍃
word count: 2.8k
masterlist ▸ 5. 005. chronic memory keeper ▸ 007. snake in the grass
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Stepping into her kitchen was the most relaxing feeling ever, it had been a while since y/n had the chance to dine in with a recipe she carefully put together or found on pinterest and craft something nice. Spending hours on end not thinking about her own problems and just focusing on a hobby she enjoys. 
After her overly embarrassing text messages hinting to Minghao that she slightly hoped he was single had her desperately wishing they wouldn’t come back to bite her in the ass. 
Cleaning out the insides of the chicken and placing them in a bowl saved for her next soup stock, she massages pads of butter or seasoning onto it’s skin and placed it in her hot oven, before moving onto the thinly silenced potatoes and root vegetables she had prepped that morning, boiling and simmering them. 
A chime from her doorbell stole her away from her stress free time in the kitchen. She was excited to see Minghao but it wasn’t him who was waiting at her threshold. opening it to reveal a small package, wrapped in brown paper and tied with a matching twine bow. 
No note was attached on the outer side revealing who may have left the wrapped item for her to find. So she decided to ignore it, just for now at least and get back to preparing her meal for a friend. 
An hour had passed since the last time someone was ringing the doorbell and left waiting for her to quickly wash her hands. 
“Sorry, one second I just need to wash my hands.” 
She yelled, leaving the water running and rushing herself to the guest bathroom next to the door, making sure she looked alright and didn’t miss an out of place hair or swipe of flour on her face. 
Opening her front door, she revealed Mingaho standing with a paper bag in his hand as well as a bouquet of her favorite flowers, Hydrangeas swinging to his side. 
She looked him up and down forgetting she invited him here and still not inviting him in. He was dressed in a perfectly ripped pair of jeans and matching long denim coat, underneath she caught a glimpse of a white button down top missing the clasps of the top three buttons revealing his chest. He looked incredible. 
“Can I come in?” 
“Oh, shit. Sorry. Yes, please.” 
“This is for you, some wine and snacks for after dinner. I picked them up from the chinese market near my gallery.” 
“That’s so thoughtful of you, thank you. The flowers are beautiful, how did you know I liked hydrangeas?” 
“I saw on Seokmin’s instagram that he took you to a flower farm last year, I just assumed.” 
“Ah. Well you assumed right, they’re really gorgeous.” 
“What are you making? It smells so good.” 
“Roast chicken and root veggies, with some wild rice and my mom’s very special, very secret recipe sauce. 
Minghao was amazed watching y/n move around the kitchen with ease, seemingly like she was dancing around the marble floor. 
“I have to admit, I really thought you were joking when you told me you could cook. I almost expected you to order food and make it look like you were the chef.” 
“Ouch. That hurts my pride a little bit. Actually, my dad was a chef. He used to own a restaurant. I spent a lot of time there as a kid helping him.” 
“Was? What happened if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“He passed away when I was a teenager. It’s a long story.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be. It’s okay, I miss him, but cooking helps me feel close to him.” 
“Now I’m very sorry I ever doubted your skill.” 
Your laugh made Minghao happy, he knew he probably struck a chord in you but it was nice that even when you were sad you could still find humor in anything. 
“Need my help with anything?” 
“Just for you to either open that bottle of wine or make me a cocktail, dealer's choice.” 
“Got it.” 
Y/n’s dining partner strode off to the chrome bar cart and twiddled his fingers around the various bottles of liquor, some full and some half empty, giving him an indication of the things she chose for herself. 
“Here you are, chef.” 
“Wow, thank you bartender. What is it?” 
“Try it and find out.” 
Y/n took a sip from the slightly pink cocktail glass, swishing it in her mouth for dramatic effect. 
“Okay, so.. Gin, Campari, a splash of grapefruit bitters, and lemon?” 
“Wow, are you like a weird super taster or something? What the fuck.” 
“No, just a girl who loves gin old fashioneds.” 
“You are one surprising specimen.” 
“Shut up. Come on, let's eat.” 
After basically finishing every edible thing on the plate, Minghao offered to clean up for you as a thank you for the efforts of you cooking him one of the best dinners he’s had the pleasure of eating. 
Y/n switched into her role as bartender and opened a beautiful bottle of red wine for the pair to sip on as their night continued on. 
“Thank you for cleaning. I’m sorry again about the whole weird ass texts I was sending you. I was way too drunk to be alone with my thoughts and access to the internet.” 
“I told you it’s alright. I actually found it sort of cute.” 
“Cute? Maybe you are crazier than I thought you were.” 
“No, come on. You know you’re cute. Everyone tells you all the time, I agree with them.” 
“Shut up, THE Xu Minghao thinks I’M cute? I’m so flattered.” 
Minghao playfully slapped y/n’s hand off of her chest, knocking the red liquid around in her cup, causing it to fall onto the white fabric of her pants. 
“Shit. I’m so sorry.” 
“It’s ok, I can just go throw them in the wash. One second.” 
Y/n departed into her room, changing into a pair of pink pajama bottoms, not removing her corseted tank top in the process, fleeing quickly into the laundry room at the end of the hall to wash the stain out. 
Minghao in the meantime caught a glimpse of the twine wrapped package on her coffee table and went over to see what it could possibly be. In the time he spent inspecting it he didn’t notice his female counterpart entering back into the room. 
“Someone left that for me at my door. Weird right?” 
“Yeah, sort of. Should we open it?” 
“I’m kind of scared to be honest.” 
“Okay, I have an idea.” 
“I’m not sure how I feel about that.” 
“Trust me?” 
Minghao stepped back to the now familiar bar cart and grabbed a bottle of whiskey that had been left unopened until this night, placing two shot glasses in front of them both. 
“What does taking shots have to do with us opening the package?” 
“What doesn’t it have to do with the package? It’s brown, similar to the wrapping. It’s sealed, maybe because you don’t like it or it’s not something you’re sure of. And it’s interesting. So we take two shots, then we open it, then regardless of what it is, we play a game. The game selfishly is for me to get to know you deeper. I feel like I’ve spent so much time with you and I don’t know that much about you, other than what was exposed. So, you in?” 
Y/n and Minghao cheered to their now growing connection and he placed the small package in her lap, holding onto her knee, getting the feeling that she needed moral support based on mutual gut feelings. 
“I’m sure it’s not bad.” 
As y/ns hands ripped apart the brown paper and untied the rope around the mysterious box, it revealed a soft purple journal, now torn apart, pages basically falling out from end to end all over the couch between them. 
“My journal.” 
Her voice shifted, she was no longer happy or full of anticipation, she was confused and slightly disappointed as her precious and private life fell out in front of her, photos, entries, and shards of her life. 
“Oh, y/n. I-” 
“No. Don’t say sorry, please.” 
“Why the fuck do people care? Just like why am I someone's target? Especially if it’s someone I know, what is so bad that you can’t just fucking talk to me about it? Sorry, I don’t know if that makes sense at all, but I just don’t get it.” 
“I think some people are just scared of genuine conflict, so instead of asking they make things about themselves and take the other person's feelings out of the equation to feed their own.” 
“Why give it back now? Am I expected to just ignore my privacy being invaded and be like well it’s over good? This makes me feel even more uneasy.” 
“Maybe they left you a clue or something by giving this back?” 
Minghao collected the various contents that were left as ashes for you, feeding you more alcohol and not talking while he did so. 
“y/n? Here.” 
A small envelope, matching the shade of purple of the cover of your journal was tapped inside the cover, inside a typed note. 
‘Just because it comes back to you, doesn’t mean it’ll always stay the same. See you soon. Xo.’
“What the fuck does that even mean?” 
“I guess they’re trying to tell you more will come out? And that they have no purpose for keeping the evidence anymore.” 
“Can we.. maybe, just for the rest of the night ignore this? I cannot focus on this anymore and it’s ruining my chance to have fun with you.” 
“Please. Let me distract you.” 
“Do you want to change? Or need clothes? I know Seokmin and Joshua left some stuff here in case they ever stayed over.” 
“They wouldn’t mind?” 
“No, of course not. I’ll be right back.” 
Y/n ran back into her room, gathering various styles of t-shirts and sweatpants to make Minghao more comfortable. 
“Here, there's some options. I know you care a lot about your style, so pick what you want.” 
Mingaho grabbed a black t-shirt with a logo from Joshua’s coffee shop on the front and an odd pair of Seokmin’s disney character pajama pants, just to make the air go back to it’s lighthearted space. 
“Oh my god, you look amazing.” 
“ I just wanted you to smile.” 
“Mission accomplished, Mickyhao.” 
“That is an awful nickname.” 
“Shut up, don’t be a dick.” 
“Got it. Okay, so let’s play a little game, y/n. I’ll ask you some questions, if you don’t want to answer you can drink and you can do the same for me. Got it?” 
“Got it. You go first.” 
“Okay, so what stops you from going after the things you want?” 
“Hmm, I’m shy, I guess? I don’t want to risk changing how things already are any more than they have changed on their own. I think confessions and love declarations are unnerving, I could ruin something good just for a single chance. Not knowing shit freaks me out.” 
“So you’re a control freak, got it.” 
“No. Not a control freak, just a loser.” 
“That’s accurate.” 
“You’re stupid. Okay, Minghao. What made you want to pursue art?” 
“I guess it was just always something I was good at? I loved being able to tell the truth about stuff without having to say it outloud, people can perceive anything they want, but I know how I truly feel and nobody can take it away from me. The truth, I mean.” 
“How are you so certain that its the truth?” 
“Well, it's my truth.” 
“Why didn’t you tell Minnie about Seungcheol? Were you ever going to?” 
“Yikes. I guess, I didn’t feel like it was important. We hooked up way before they ever dated, he was just helping me out with something that scared me, which I didn’t think was a big deal. I knew she liked him, but she told me she’d never confess. I guess I didn’t think it was as big of a problem until it was. Does that make sense?” 
“Yeah it does, how did it happen?” 
“No, no, no. One question at a time. How did it happen for you?” 
“My virginity? I was at a party, junior year before college and I met a girl. She was nice, really pretty, and she seemed to enjoy my company. I guess I just asked her if she wanted to fuck and she agreed, but after she told me she had a boyfriend and that was that.” 
“So she cheated on her boyfriend just to fuck you? Alright, good for you I guess. Bad for the boyfriend.” 
“Have you ever cheated on someone?” 
“Me? God no. I haven’t even had the chance to be with anyone that seriously considers sleeping around cheating. I don’t think I could do that. Why? Have you?” 
“Nope, but I guess I’ve been the person someone used to cheat, so it feels sort of like cheating.” 
“Since we seem to be two overly honest people for this game, want to drink just for fun as well?” 
“Please. Cheers.” 
“Okay y/n, I have a question.” 
“What was it about Joshua or Mingyu that attracted you to them?” 
“With Shua it was how kind he was, everyone knows it and can see that. It just sort of radiates around him. I mean he’s beautiful, they both are. In such different ways. I’ll probably always view him as that first boy I loved, he’s really special to me. As for Mingyu, I guess I never knew why at first. He was just my hot friend that I hooked up with sometimes, but the more and more we hung out the more I realized how smart he was and how intriguing his character is.” 
“Do you still have feelings for them?” 
“I’m not sure what my feelings are for anyone at this moment, no.” 
“What about me?” 
“What about you?” 
“Would you ever consider me the way you consider them?” 
“Can I take a shot?” 
“Sure, but you still have to answer the question. Come on.” 
“Yeah, I would. I like getting to know you, I appreciate how fiercely committed you are to riding for the people you love. I like that you’re artistic like me, that we can laugh about wild stuff, but also be honest and talk about anything and everything in between. You’ve really made me happy even in the short time of knowing you. And to say that I’d have to think about considering you is silly, because I definitely already have. Seokmin and Jun think I have a crush on you.” 
“You don’t?” 
“Nobody needs to know.” 
“I do.” 
“You do what? Need to know if I like you?” 
“No, like you.” 
“A lot actually. More than I ever considered I would. I think you’re actually a really spectacular person despite everything.” 
“Oh. Thank you.” 
“Can I kiss you?” 
“Yeah. You can.” 
The smell of whiskey on Minghao’s breath made the hair on Y/N’s arms stand up as she fell into his touch, the kiss exploded into more and more touching and exploration of the pair's bodies. And continued on through the night, more than once. 
The next morning y/n woke up with a headache, checking the clock on her phone revealing it was almost time for Joshua to come and whisk her away from her new found bliss in bed next to Minghao. 
“Going somewhere?” 
“You have a suitcase in the corner and you keep checking your phone, is everything alright? I wasn’t that bad was I?” 
“No, but I’m going to see my mom this weekend with Joshua, I almost forgot. He’s on his way.” 
“Oh, shit. I’m sorry.” 
“Stop apologizing. I’ll just shower quickly and sneak out. You can stay as long as you need, I have an extra key in the blue jar next to my door, just lock it up for me?” 
“Sure, but come here quickly.” 
Minghao pulled y/n in for a long sweet kiss, before she ran into the warm water of her shower. 
Minghao propped himself up in her bed, collecting himself before making an attempt at a small getaway. Coming face to face with the unlocking door of the same apartment he spent his night in before. 
“Y/n, hey can I- Oh, Minghao. Hey.” 
“Joshua, Hi. Sorry I was just leaving.” 
“Without saying goodbye?” 
“To y/n, she’s in the shower, you’re just leaving?” 
“I don’t need to explain myself to you, for your information we already said a very thorough goodbye. Have fun on your trip, take care of her.” 
“Hah. Alright.” 
“I’m serious. Make sure she knows I’ll miss her.” 
“I’ll be sure to do that.” 
Minghao grabbed his jacket and slid out of her front door, looking behind him before walking away from y/n already feeling jealous she’d be spending her weekend with Joshua and not him, but he had things he couldn't tell her. Not yet.
"Oh, Joshua. I didn't think you were coming yet. Sorry, let me just grab my stuff."
"No it's fine, I just wanted to grab some snacks, hope that's okay?"
"Of course, take whatever you want. Give my five?"
"I saw your overnight guest on his way out."
"Yeah, he stayed over. I made him dinner, we just got drunk I didn't want him to have to drive home like that. Unsafe, you know."
"Right, well I'll meet you in the car."
"No need, I'm ready. I cannot wait to have the Boston Creme Pie from Boi's, I'm literally salivating thinking about it."
"We should go when we get into town and order an entire one."
"I see why we're friends now. Come on."
Joshua grabbed y/ns luggage, waiting for her to lock up her apartment and the pair headed to his car waiting outside.
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note/s: y/n love triangle era starting fr. srry this took a second and is a lil chaotic, I've been a lil busy. but!! I already have the next part on hand and will be posting v soon, some shit will be going down at minghaos show, but I didn't tell u that. xoxoxo. ily.
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taglist:  @sun-daddy-yoriichi,@hipsdofangirl @kissesfrmwonwoo, @minhui896, @wonwooz1, porridgesblog,, jasssy051, @soonyoungblr, @saucegirlreads, @musingsofananxiouspotato, @young-adult-summer, @punkhazardlaw, @bibs-world @the-swageyama-tobiyolo @wonuulvr @woozixo
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theplaceicommitmysins · 5 months
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18+ He’s The Next One: 5 - F!Reader X L Lawliet
No gendered language is used (Probably). The reader is described as wearing a dress.
Wordcount: 3.8k
Contains: Second person POV, NSFT, BDSM, Restraints, Blindfolds, Power Imbalance, Vibrators, Overstimulation, Aftercare, The reader is a serial killer, Good Boy, Kink Not Negotiated.
L has been keeping secrets from you and he doesn’t even have the manners to hide it.
The moment you turn the door handle to the current hotel room the task force is calling headquarters you can hear him say, “Cut the audio and visuals.” And by the time you’re inside the monitors are off and the task force is avoiding eye contact.
So it’s something bad.
Matsuda in particular looks sick to his stomach and the one time you manage to catch his eye he looks close to tears and fully turns around to face away from you.
So it’s something bad involving a woman.
They haven’t mentioned Misa in the past three days.
You don’t doubt L would keep you out of the investigation if he felt the need to do something you wouldn’t approve of,  and you have even less doubt that asking him directly would prove fruitless. So rather than confront L, you stalk Watari.
Stalk may be a strong word for it actually. You spent an hour before sunrise waiting outside the hotel for the man to emerge and when he did you told him, “I’m coming with you.” And one forty-five minute drive later you were entering a high security facility, passing rows and rows of inmates and noting how the cells are less and less populated the further in you go.
So they’ve caught the second Kira, Misa, and for some reason L doesn’t want you to know that. It’s several more minutes of walking, passing through high security doors and clearance checks before Watari gestures for you to enter a cell at the very end of the hall and-
What the sweet french fried fuck.
Misa Amane is strapped to some kind of vertical gurney, arms restrained not only by leather straps that are more reminiscent of a bondage harness than any sort of medical restraint, but by some kind of straight jacket dress that’s been ripped off barely a third of the way down her thighs. There’s a metal blindfold holding her head up and a wave of nausea rolls through you at the sight of her little idol brand pigtails poking out from the top of it.
Across from her is a camera on a tripod.
You kick it over, the clatter loud in the overly large empty room with its metal walls and she flinches.
“Kill me.” Misa’s voice is small at first, then desperate as she begs, “I can’t take it anymore, please just kill me!”
“Oh someone’s gonna die for this honey, but it sure as shit isn’t you.”
It’s been a while since you’ve felt this exact feeling. This wave of heat that rushes from your ears down into your chest, only to be washed away by the cold that always follows. Your hands go from shaking with rage to perfectly still. A provoked animal becoming a predator lying in wait.
“What? Who are you? You aren’t the man from before.”
The sound of the camera being crushed underneath the sole of your shoe as you stomp out the lens is soothing to you, plastic and glass twisting and fracturing until it’s unrecognizable.
Watari watches on impassively.
You pick up the tripod and swing it like a bat, at the only other ‘furniture’ in the room, a metal cart with wheels covered in tools and ‘medication’ you have no doubt this girl was subjected too and the sound of the glass of the bottles shattering and the contents scattering on the floor soothes enough of your wrath that you can find your voice again.
“No, I’m not. You can call me M. I’m going to get you out of here.”
“Shut up.” You bite out, cutting Watari off. “You know who I am, Watari.” You can’t find yourself giving a damn if that’s his real name or not, even in the second Kira’s presence, “You know what I do. So you know exactly the lengths I am willing to go to when I say that I am going to release Ms. Amane.”
Heading over to the discarded contents of the torture cart you pick up a scalpel before going to Misa, and starting to slice through one of the leather straps, being careful to insert the blade sideways, then twisting it to face you before drawing it down.
“He knows exactly who you are? Who are you? Why are you helping me?”
“I’m a murderer.” You wouldn’t state it so bluntly if you didn’t know she was one too. “I kill perverts and predators, anyone who preys on those they see as defenseless really.”
You cut through another of the straps.
“This is some kind of trick isn’t it, you’re just lying because you think I’ll tell you something if-“
“I don’t give a shit what you do or don’t say Amane.” Another strap is severed. “My being here is quite simple. Kira stole my kills,” Stole my denial, “So I am going to kill him.”
“No!” You have to quickly jerk the scalpel away as Misa begins to thrash her head, “I won’t let you kill Kira! Kira’s a hero! He killed the people who killed my parents!” With a sigh you work on the straps near her hips while she rants, “Over and over the court did nothing to punish the man who took my family from me! I was just a kid and he killed them in front of me! He-“ Tears escape from beneath her mask as she sobs and the sound tears into your heart, “ He killed them and then the courts- They just pushed the case back year after year and then-”
…Wait a goddamn minute.
“He was acquitted.”
“He- How did you-”
“Was the name of the man Satsujin Namae?”
“Yes! But how-“
“Motherfucker!” The rush of hot rage floods your system again and this time it doesn’t cool down as you spin and hurl the scalpel across the room, dissatisfied by the way it pings ineffectually off of the metal of the wall. A laugh tears it’s way from your chest at the sight and you double over, the sound horrific and strained even to your own ears as you all but cackle, “Of course he hasn’t just stolen my kills he’s stolen my fucking credit too!”
You laugh again, tears nearly falling from your eyes with the force of it, before you scream, “Fucker!”
“Your- Your kill?! How dare you! Kira is the one who saved me! Kira is the one who brought him to justice, he-“
“Had a heart attack because I injected him with enough liquid potassium chloride to kill a horse. An overdose causes heart spasms and in a toxicology report it just looks like the muscle tissue released potassium into the bloodstream since it does that when damaged anyway.”
You sure are cutting her off a lot. Oh well, you’ve never been accused of having good manners. Only murder.
“…You killed Namae?”
“I’ve killed a lot more people than just him.” Your words come out almost melancholic as you fetch the discarded scalpel, smiling slightly at the blunted tip, then return to slicing off her restraints.
It’s quiet for a while, Misa processing, you freeing her, and Watari likely reporting everything to L via text. You’ll either deal with or damn the consequences later.
“So, If I was the second Kira… Then Kira lied to me. About my parents, I mean.”
You shrug, unbuckling her ankles, “Maybe. He’s killed several thousand people at this point, he might’ve just assumed Namae was one of them.”
The last thing to come off is the blindfold and you smile at Misa warmly. This is the Kira that only needs a face to kill, but it’s also the Kira who devoted her life to the person who killed her parents. “I’m gonna get you out of here now, okay?”
She’s looking above your head at first, then her watery eyes drift back to your face and she lets out a sob, all but flinging herself into your arms on unsteady legs as you catch her, arms wrapped tight around her waist, “I’ve got you Amane, you’re safe now. It’s going to be alright.” One hand comes up to pet her greasy hair and you cringe slightly at the feeling but keep up the motion, “The people who hurt you will never hurt you like this again. Or anyone else for that matter.”
Another sob is choked out into your shoulder and you aren’t surprised when her legs give out from under her. Thankfully she’s tiny enough that you can lift her up, scooping her into your arms in a bridal carry as you turn to face Watari, all the while stroking a thumb soothingly across one of her shoulders, “Bring the car around so we can retrieve her things and bring them to my hotel.” You aren’t stupid enough to leave the girl unsurveilled but she doesn’t need to know that.
Watari gives a half bow of his head and the three of you leave the facility. Misa’s whispered gratitude never once stops, until she loses consciousness in your lap in the car, having sobbed herself past the point of exhaustion.
“Was Satsujin Namae one of yours? Truly?” L is standing behind you, looking over your shoulder at the security feed of the Yagami duo’s cells, watching Light sleep and Yagami-san stare off into space, while you lounge in L’s usual seat.
“He was. Didn’t premeditate it though, I just recognized him and happened to have one of my little backup plans in my bag.”
“… I wasn’t aware of that one.”
You let out a little huff of amusement, turning to peer over your shoulder with a cheeky smile, the look turning genuine at his expression of near befuddlement, “If you give me a list of the ones you know I can give you a number for how many you missed.”
You don’t expect what happens next, but L blushes. Very suddenly, nearly as much as the last time the two of you…
“Did you plan for me to find her?”
“I had accounted for the possibility.”
“But was it the plan?”
The blush reaches his ears.
“M!” Misa hugs your arm, “Let me paint your nails!”
She’s a sweetie, even if she does tend to cling.
“M!” Misa jumps up and down on her knees in your bed, “Let’s have a slumber party!”
You tense up then smile and nod, “Sure, Misa.” listening to L’s footsteps retreat behind you, your… Plans for the night are now canceled.
“M!” Misa’s arms wrap around your shoulders from behind, “You could totally be a model! Do you wanna come to a shoot with me?”
You choke on your toothpaste and drop your brush on the bathroom floor in your surprise, “Misa, I’m not even wearing pants!”
“You can borrow one of my skirts!”
L lets out an 'oof' in surprise as you unceremoniously climb into his lap, hand going to his throat as you press two fingers to his pulse point and count under your breath.
“Can I help you with something, M?”
“Just checking.”
“My pulse?”
“I see.”
You let your hand wrap around to the back of his neck as you pull yourself in close for a cuddle.
“…And Miss Amane is alive?”
“That’s good.”
You snort.
Socked feet skid on the floor as you slide your way across the room, arms windmilling as you stumble to a stop, latching onto the back of L’s chair. “Misa and Matsuda are on set today!”
“Yes, they are-“
You grab the back of L’s shirt like you’re scruffing a kitten and drag him out of the room’s lounge and into the bedroom, kicking the door shut behind you with a slam.
“You’re eager, it seems.”
“Something like that.” There’s an edge to your smile that you can feel, that you know L notices when he slowly starts taking steps backwards. “I’ve been waiting weeks for this. What was it you said before?”
He bumps into the edge of the bed, falling backwards but catching himself with his forearms.
“Oh yeah!” You drag the words out as you make your way over to him, shoving your knee between his to push his legs open as you crawl over him. “You’ve been bad.”
L moves to sit up but you place a hand on his collar bone, fingers at the base of his neck, and push your full weight down, flattening him to the bed and drawing out a sharp gasp from between his parted lips.
“What am I, L?”
“A killer.” No hesitation. Rude, but fair.
“And who do I kill?” He tenses at this. As if you would try to kill him in a room adjacent to a bunch of cops. The door isn’t even locked for goodness’ sake.
“I kill perverts.” You parrot back, nodding your head and smiling at him encouragingly, free hand coming up to pat his head like a well behaved dog. “But we made a promise, L. I’m not going to kill anybody so long as your heart continues to beat.” As you say this your hand drags down the front of his chest, nails digging in and scratching through his shirt, pleased by the flutter you feel beneath the tips of your fingers, “But there are other ways to punish somebody.”
The man doesn’t even wear socks so you knew better than to expect a belt.
That’s why you’ve been wearing one with every single outfit since you freed Misa.
You brush your palm over the length of him through his jeans before tracing up your own body to your waist, unbuckling the belt you’ve cinched your dress with and slowly pulling the leather free, dragging it out just to hear the soft sound of it whispering against fabric. It pleases you to see the rise and fall of L’s chest as he takes sharper breaths than before. His eyes are locked on your belt and his tongue flicks out to wet his lips when it finally falls free.
“Wrists next to your head, palms up.” The backs of L’s fingers skim against the sides of your thighs before he moves his hands up as he’s told, obeying your order and you smile at him, leaning forwards until your body is pressed against him, allowing him the privilege of feeling every curve, “Good boy.”
His hips jerk up.
You bring the belt up, drawing it down behind his head, then up and over his wrists, looping back around until the buckle and the length of it can meet at the front, restraining his wrists and covering his eyes as you pull it taut. As the leather cinches around him and tightens you enjoy the feeling of him shuddering beneath you, feeling the hard press of his interested cock against your lower belly.
“I’ve always been someone who likes the idea of karmic balance. The thought that what goes around, comes around.”
With that you climb off of him, smirking as he grunts and rolls his hips up, chasing the feeling of you.
You don’t waste time divesting him of and discarding his trousers and the boxers he wears beneath, tossing them to the side without care before climbing back on top of him and straddling his thighs. With a smile you pull the front of his shirt up over his abdomen, admiring him as he’s revealed to you.
He’s noticeably lean, not svelte like a dancer or lithe like an athlete, but gaunt, like a man intermittently starved. Bony and angular with skin so pale it looks ashen underneath the mid-morning light that filters in through sheer curtains, colorless save for soft pink nipples that harden under the attention of the AC. You can’t help but run your fingers across him, barely brushing his nipples then feeling the jut of his ribs, just nearly visible, tracing around his navel then trailing down to where a light dusting of black hair grows, getting thicker until it meets the thatch of hair at the base of his cock.
You suspect others might find the sight of him sickly.
Maybe you’re the sick one.
It’s still unfair how pretty it is, you note to yourself. There’s a bead of pre-cum at the tip of his cock and you pull back at the foreskin to expose more of the pretty pink head, letting out a small giggle into the quiet of the room when his cock twitches against your fingers and the pre-cum drips down, falling until it clings to your fingers. Bringing that hand up you let your dirtied fingers dip in between L’s parted lips, cooing gently to him as he licks the taste of himself off of your fingers, “Good boy.” You watch his cock twitch again and lean to press a kiss against his cheek, to appease the fuzzy feeling the sight puts in your chest.
“To truly give you what you deserve I’d have to ask you questions and abuse your poor pretty cock when you don’t give me the answer I want… But there’s really nothing I want to ask you.”
“Pretty?” He sounds so breathy and you wonder if he’s been waiting for this too.
“The prettiest. ” Reaching into a pocket you pull out something you’ve been saving just for L, a small bullet vibrator, nearly the same pretty pink shade as his cock, and press it against him, the tip of it nestled just beneath his glans, then wrap the cord for the remote around and around until it’s held in place. “Can you guess what this is, detective?”
He swallows and darts his tongue out to wet his lips before responding, “I would assume a toy of some kind. Likely one that vibrates?” He sounds a bit nervous, or maybe excited? His body language certainly screams anticipation.
With a bright grin that L can’t see you reach out and flick the dial on it to the first setting. “Good boy.”
Stretching out to reach the side table you turn the bedside lamp on with a soft click, bathing the room in a soft warm light before turning back to your book, the soft light alleviating some of the eye strain you were beginning to feel as the light from outside steadily dimmed.
You’re sitting cross legged in the middle of the bed with L’s head and still restrained hands in your lap, your panties shoved in his mouth, completely soaked through with spit, as he thrashes and sobs. You turn the page of your book, as if it’s held any of your attention whatsoever, then card your fingers through L’s hair, pushing it away from his sweat soaked forehead, with a gentle hum that he responds to by curling in on himself and heaving for breath, drool spilling out past your panty gag and further soaking a wet spot on the hem of your dress.
The vibrator doesn’t match his cock anymore, it’s stayed the same of course, but what was once a pretty shade of blush pink is now somewhere between a furious red and a freshly bruised purple underneath layers and layers of cum that pool on and dribble down the sides of L’s stomach.
It really is getting late now, the sun having set about half an hour ago and when you look at the pretty picture L makes in your lap you think this is enough for now. You lean over him and brush against the toy, Pulling back when L flinches and cries out through his gag, “Shh… it’s okay sweetheart, We’re almost finished… I’m just going to turn this off now, okay?”
L’s breathing so fast it’s a wonder he doesn’t lose consciousness but after a few moments as his cum drunk overstimulated mind processes what you said he nods his head in a repeated jerky motion, like he’s forgot how to move his body by his own volition. It makes you smile.
With a click you’ve got the vibrator turned off, and you slowly unwind the cord from around his cock, humming out soothing sounds and brushing sweat soaked hair away from his face once again as you ease the toy off of him, “Very good, L. You’ve been so good for me through all this.”
Tears fall from beneath the belt around his eyes and you lean in to kiss them away.
“All these tears even though I was so much nicer to you than you were to poor Misa.” Your hands go to the belt buckle, easing it open to uncover his eyes and freeing his wrists, “But I think you’ve learned to be nicer to those who can’t fight back, right sweetie?”
L shudders as you reach forwards and pinch your panties between two fingers, pulling them out from between his teeth and tossing the drenched fabric over the side of the bed, to be dealt with later. His arms are shaking as he twists to lie on his side, draped over your lap, and clings to you, pressing his face hard against your side as he struggles to catch his breath.
You go right back to petting his hair and cooing out gentle reassurances to the man using your free hand to rub against his wrist with a thumb, gentle circles to make sure the circulation is good and working. All the while his sobs die down into whimpers, then pants, then soft little huffs of breath.
You’ve never seen him do it before, knowing logically he must be capable of it, but you’re still somehow surprised when L falls asleep.
Gently, you ease him out of your lap, moving quietly so you can tiptoe to the en suite bathroom and wet a hand towel with warm water from the tap before returning quickly to his side.
Softly, with gentle movements you take great care to clean him up, starting by washing away his sweat then the layers upon layers of dried cum, before ending feather light at his abused cock. He whimpers and twitches when you touch it, still asleep, so you reach out with your free hand to run your fingers through his hair again, soothing him until he stills.
“He let me do this,” You think to yourself. “He could have raised his arms at any point and he would have been free. But then I’d still be upset with him.”
You toss the washcloth to the floor, press a gentle kiss to his forehead, and fall asleep in the wet patch, holding L in your arms.
When the light from the curtains pours in you quint against the evil daylight, burrowing your face further into the spot you’ve tucked yourself against L’s chest and smiling at the warm chuckle you hear a quiet, “Good morning.”
L’s voice is scratchy from overuse, and low from sleep.
Tipping your head up you press a soft kiss to his lips, whispering back, “Good morning."
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N: This is what Victor would look like if he was doctor Seuss.
Uzi: There's a socket in my pocket, maybe this will help me fix my sprocket.
Uzi: It's not a 5, or a 6, or a 10, I have seem to have lost all of those again.
Uzi: And when it comes to wrenches, it seems all of them have disappeared off my fucking work benches.
Uzi: So even though there is a socket in my pocket I can't even use it to fix my fucking sprocket
*Next day*
Uzi: Another tool another day, I dropped some more shit in this fucking engine bay.
Uzi: But it's okay because I bought this car to get from point A to point B.
Uzi: And after one week of ownership I'm kinda hoping this thing gets crushed by a fucking tree.
Uzi: I've wanted to sell this car since week one, but nobody wants to buy it when it has every problem under the sun.
Uzi: This car will just remain broken and collect some dust, and eventually this piece of shit will start collecting rust.
Uzi: But at this point I don't really care! I have the time, nor money or energy to try and repair.
Uzi: I'm just gonna say fuck this, and sell this shit on craigslist to some guy named Chris.
V: I now proudly present, the life and times of earnest Hemingway in aproxamently 3 and a half minutes. GO! Born in Chicago in 1899, son of a physician and a musician, reasonably uneventful childhood, decided to study Journalism. Enlisted with the Red Cross during World War I, got BLOWN up in Milan and spent 6 months in hospital with severe shrapnel wounds in both legs. Fell in love with a nurse, they decided to get married. He came home to prepare, she stayed there and ditched him for an Italian soldier, which initiated a life long pattern of him rejecting women before they had a chance to reject him. Got a job as a foreign correspondent, fell in love with his roommates' sister, married her and moved to Paris. They hung out with Gertrude Stein. They kicked it with Pablo Picasso. He started writing in earnest, no pun intended. Moved to Toronto, had a kid, moved back to Paris, published a couple of books. Cheated on his wife, got divorced, married the other woman. Converted to Catholicism... Cut his head open after pulling on a cord thinking he was flushing a toilet and instead ripped a skylight from the roof and smashed it onto HIS FACE! Moved to Kansas City, had another kid, his dad committed suicide, he shot a lot of bears for some reason. Had a car accident, had another kid, went to Africa to kill some wild animals and got dysentery karma! Published another book, moved to Cuba, SHOT HIMSELF IN THE LEG WHILST AIMING AT A SHARK! Cheated on his wife, got divorced, married the other woman. Published "For Whom the Bell Tolls," sold half a million copies in a couple of months and got nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. Cheated on his wife, got divorced, married the other woman. Became the self appointed leader of a band of village Militia outside of Paris and was subsequently brought up on charges for contravening the Geneva Convention, and GOT AWAY WITH IT LIKE A FUCKING CHAMPION! Got pneumonia, moved back to Cuba and spent most of his spare time on his boat TRACKING NAZI U-BOATS WITH A MACHINE GUN AND A PILE OF HAND GRENADES I AM NOT MAKING THIS SHIT UP! Had a few more car accidents, three more concussions, got CLAWED WHILE PLAYING WITH A LION... Got depressed, drank. Got fat, published a couple more books, went back to Africa to shoot some more wild animals, and barely survived two separate plane crashes in the space of 24 hours, winding up with a fractured skull, internal bleeding, cracked spine, ruptured liver, first degree burns, and a paralyzed sphincter muscle karma! Won a Nobel Prize, had a file opened on him by J. Edgar Hoover, left a bunch of shit in a safe in Cuba and moved to Idaho, paranoid that the feds were following him WHICH THEY WERE BECAUSE HE SPENT MOST OF THE 1940S WORKING FOR THE KGB, AGAIN NOT MAKING THIS SHIT UP! Suffered from hepatitis, nephritis, hypertension, hemochromatosis, anemia and impotence, karma. Got committed, received way too much electroconvulsive therapy and came out all fucked up, started hinting at suicide so immediately got recommitted, received another couple of months worth of electroconvulsive therapy, got released, put both barrels of his favorite 12-gauge shotgun into his mouth and BLEW HIS FUCKING HEAD OFF! WHAT A GUY!
N: Welcome to applebees! What'll it be? Apples or bees? Congrats, you get bees!!!
Doll: Now that I've added the milk to the cereal tell me, is that milk now a beverage, a broth, or a sauce? Answer carefully Khan, you're wife's life depends on it!
Uzi: If the conspiracies about life being a simulation are true whoever is controlling my Sim I JUST WANNA TALK!!
N: Do you think god stays in heaven because he too fears what he's created? That's a quote from Spy Kids 2 have you ever seen it it's like peak cinema.
Uzi: Who needs sleep when you run on equal parts NyQuil and Methamphetamine?
V: Just remember Uzi people die when they are killed!
V: Ha! You're pointless!
Doll: Thirty nine buried.
Doll: Zero found
N: Which one of you was gonna tell me tea tastes different if you put in hot water?
Uzi: Y- you we're putting it in cold water???????
V: N. Answer the question N!
N: Yeah??? I thought for like five years people just put it in hot water to speed up the tea-ification process, didn't realize there was an actual reason.
J: You don't have the patience to microwave water for three minutes??
Doll: Why are you. Putting it in the microwave to boil it?
J: Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove?
Doll: It takes less than a minute!
J: Doll is your stove powered by the fucking sun!?
Doll: How long does it take to boil a cup of water on your stove?
Doll: Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat and it boils in two minutes, less if you use a saucepan.
Lizzy: Crying your putting the whole mug on the stove??? On medium heat??? Your stove is enchanted!
Uzi: Every drone in this exoplanet is a fucking idiot.
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villainanders · 2 years
Top 5 pathetic Anders moments?
Okay I started compiling my list so I could narrow it down to 5 but I came up with 16 so I’m going to cheat and just post my list as is in no particular order
Earnestly trying to get Fenris to bond with him over suicide ideation
Every time you make the most milquetoast pro mage statement and he looks at you like 🥹 with wonderment and love in his eyes
If you say you don’t want him to move into your house after sleeping together once and he starts acting like an 18th century lady who just had her virtue stolen by a charlatan who had promised to marry her
Asking to move into your house immediately after you sleep together once
Instantly falling for the first person to be nice to him mere hours after being forced to kill his ex boyfriend
Getting mad when Fenris won’t say he could be trusted outside of the circle and vowing to prove it to him
Ok the first time I played DA2 I was being dumb and accidentally chose the options that didn’t save Ella (which high key was so shocking and stakes raising it’s actually my recommendation for your first experience playing DA2) but I went over to Anders after that quest SOOOOO mad at him and he was so incredibly pathetic in the scene where he’s freaking out and trying to leave Kirkwall that I spent the whole time telling him it wasn’t really his fault instead of chewing him out like I intended
That act 3 dialogue where he tries to convince aveline that her husband is scheming against the Templars behind her back. I guess not pathetic if this is actually true but I earnestly believe Anders heard Donnic make one off hand comment once and then convinced himself of a whole story to try to get aveline on his side
Frankly all of Anders’ act 3 dialogue that’s just increasingly stupid and desperate attempts to get people to agree with him
Trying to convince Hawke to leave Fenris or Merrill has to be on this list bc it’s probably him at his most pathetic but they’re too far even for me those scenes are UNBEARABLE to watch
If you convince him to side with the Templars in 2 then in DAI Varric says that he got kicked out of kirkwall immediately after for what he did. Imagining that entire series of events makes me want to THROW UP it’s insane
Trying to give Varric a treasured and deeply sentimental possession of his to remember him by only for Varric to give it back bc he thinks he’s being weird
If you kick him out of the party but then side with the mages and he shows up at the gallows asking you to please take him back so he can help
The first time I took Anders on mark of the assassin and the wyvern immediately picked him out as the squishiest member of the party and bolted over to rip him to shreds instantly. I build Anders as mostly support and I wanted his effects on the rest of the party for the fight so I kept reloading my save to try to keep him alive longer than one second but every time the wyvern would go out of its way to brutally kill him at the beginning of every fight until I gave up. Being trapped in a repeating time loop where he is mauled by a wild animal as his friends are helpless to stop it is definitely a top pathetic Anders moment for me
When I was playing a pro templar Hawke and took him, Fenris, and Sebastian with me when we talked to Meredith at the end of that capturing apostates quest and Anders started mouthing off about this all being the Templars’ fault and everyone in the room started bullying the shit out of him
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hb-writes · 4 months
Had this slightly shitty, slightly hilarious idea when reading through the prompts list you reposted and thought about number one “(Will you please just give me a hand?”) with Charlie and Harvey. It’s a scenario where Harvey needs help with something or other (obvs), Charlie’s uninterested or distracted or just doesn’t want to help, and when he asks about her giving him a hand, she just gives him a single glove. I’m not sure if you can make this fit or even work but I have faith 😂
(this one needs a bit of a warning for parental loss. RIP Gordon 😔)
Harvey slid the lunch he had picked up on his way home from the office into the fridge and glanced around the room. He'd gotten take out from one of Charlie's favorite spots, but his sister hadn't bothered to join him, claiming from her bedroom doorway that she wasn't hungry.
Harvey felt something like annoyance surge through his body at Charlie's rejection, but before he reacted, Harvey had taken a beat, reminding himself that he'd been up since the crack of dawn working on the case and that he hadn't eaten yet. Maybe he'd feel different after he ate. Maybe he'd feel better able to deal with his sister and whatever was going on with her.
Maybe, he had thought, and now that he'd eaten, he was feeling a little better. A little more stable. A little less what Charlie always labeled as 'hangry.'
But even if he was feeling better, the apartment was still a mess, just as it was when he'd left this morning.
Harvey's apartment was usually immaculate. Between the two of them and their beloved cleaning lady, they kept the place spotless, but the cleaning lady was currently on vacation and both Specters had had overly busy weeks—Harvey was working on an impossible case and Charlie was in the middle of exams at school.
They'd come to a silent agreement that it was a problem to be dealt with at the weekend.
Neither of them had started tackling the problem yet, but Harvey had left a note asking his sister to tidy up a bit while he spent the morning at the office. After all, most of the shit strewn about was hers, but he had come back to find Charlie still in her bedroom with her crap still everywhere and the sink still overflowing with dishes.
Harvey closed his eyes as he leaned against the counter, taking a breath so large, you'd have thought he did it on purpose, trying to calm some part of him, but he'd done it out of desperation. Out of need. Because suddenly there was a weight on him, a pressure that was so painful and tight in his chest that subconsciously, he knew he needed the air to ease it.
Because the kitchen sink wasn't the only thing overflowing in their lives. Their living room, not the only thing messy. Charlie and Harvey had been at each other's throats for weeks now, the tension between them growing steadily worse as the days passed by.
"Charlie, come help with this mess," Harvey called down the hall, his voice cracking just the slightest as he voiced the request.
He knew his sister was tired. He knew she'd been studying as hard as he'd been working all week, and he'd tried to cut her some slack when he was in control of himself enough to be conscious of it, but that awareness fought against the fact that Harvey was tired, too. Harvey was bone tired and his apartment was a mess and...
"Charlotte!" Harvey shouted as he took two steps down the hallway leading to her bedroom.
Charlie pulled open the door, her music suddenly spilling out. No wonder she hadn't heard him...
"What?" she snapped.
Her tone jabbed at him, the word coated in a exasperatingly thick layer of attitude, the same attitude she'd given him when he told her to come eat some lunch.
"I asked you to clean this goddamned stuff up," he answered. "I was gone for 5 hours and all you did was add more dishes to the pile."
Or, a single dish. The only thing she'd added to the pile was her now-empty coffee cup, but Charlie didn't bother arguing that, too focused on managing the sudden bit of emotion swelling within her.
Charlie had felt angry all week, on the edge of tears for days, every interaction having the potential to push her over an edge she wasn't certain she'd be able to pull back from. And though the emotion was so close, and it would've been a relief to let it all out, she held back, willing herself to remain in control. To push it down like her brother always did.
Harvey noticed the shift and incorrectly clocked it as his sister softening a bit. He clocked it as a bit of regret. As her realizing she should've just done as he asked and cleaned up a bit while he was out in the first place.
"Will you please just give me a hand?" he asked, his tone a bit kinder. "We'll clean up the mess, and you can get back to brooding in your room."
Charlie scoffed, shaking her head as she silently retreated through the doorway, marching toward him a moment later with two baseball gloves in hand. She hadn't softened a bit, her emotions hardening to the point of fragility.
"You want a hand?" she asked, thrusting the gloves at Harvey's chest. "Here's two."
Harvey scrambled to keep hold of the gloves she'd spent the past hour digging around the apartment to find. It had taken all of three seconds of the morning news for Charlie to realize what day it was, and what they'd forgotten to celebrate. Why they'd been feeling so angry this week, annoyed with each other even more than usual.
Harvey's face fell as the same thing clicked for him, and all that he'd forgotten suddenly rushed back to him. It was almost as if Donna was there in his head, telling him that it wasn't just a busy week that had had both Charlie and Harvey frustrated and tired and neglecting their chores, all of it getting steadily worse as the weekend approached.
It was Father's Day.
And even though he was busy and stressed and tired because of everything happening at work, it wasn't any of those things that had him conveniently forgetting what day it was. Harvey remembered now the plans he and Charlie made months ago. Marcus had his kids and wife to celebrate him, to distract him, but Father's Day was different for Charlie and Harvey. He remembered now that they had agreed to keep the day low key. They had agreed to celebrate their father in their own way. They'd go to the park and toss the ball, something he'd always done with his kids. And then they'd enjoy his favorite foods and listen to some of his music and...
"Charlie," Harvey said, following her down the hall to her bedroom.
She left her door open, but Harvey still expected his sister to snap at him. He deserved it, Harvey thought. But instead Harvey found Charlie seated on the end of her bed with her eyes clenched shut.
"Look, I'm sorry I didn't clean up, okay?" Charlie pushed her hands to her face, willing her palms to stop the tears leaking through. "I didn't sleep well last night so I woke up late and I remembered what today is and I didn't see your note and we've been so...everything's messed up and—"
"It doesn't matter," Harvey answered, shaking his head. "Forget about the cleaning. Just get dressed. Let's go to the park."
"But the apartment's a—"
A fucking mess, Harvey thought to himself. And Charlie's bedroom was an even worse mess, but he willed himself to forget about that for now, sitting down beside her as he pulled her into his side, handing over one of the gloves.
"The dishes will be here when we're done. Alright?"
Charlie turned the glove over in her hands, sniffling.
Harvey held his sister to his side, feeling more at ease than he had all week, even amongst the chaos of her bedroom. Even knowing the case he'd been pouring himself into wasn't looking good.
"Alright," he said after a minute. "C'mon, kid. Buck up. There’s no crying in—"
Charlie swung the glove, a satisfying thump sounding as it crashed into Harvey's arm. "Don't even say it, Harvey," she warned.
Harvey scoffed. "Are you trying to tell me this isn't the perfect time to quote A League of Their Own?
"Oh, you zip it, Harvey."
Harvey smirked. "You're worse than me, you know? Probably know that movie backwards and forwards."
Charlie shrugged. She had seen it probably close to a hundred times with her dad, so indulgent he was with her obsession. Charlie gathered up the gloves, thrusting them back in Harvey's arms before she pulled him from the bed.
"Let's make like a bread truck and haul buns ladies," she said, a final quote offered as she pushed her brother towards the door so she could get dressed, a bit of lightness in both of their hearts that hadn't been there before. A bit of gratefulness for each other and their father. A bit of love for the man they both would've given anything to be celebrating today.
Send me a drabble-ish prompt.
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damazcuz · 7 months
I've only had this account for about 5 years now. But I've been on tumblr for 13 years, since I was 16 and just starting to learn who I was, what transgender meant, what the world looked like at the time for a group I was swiftly realizing included me.
And for 13 years I have consistently used this site and stayed on, occasionally blog hopping when things felt stale or if things got bad. And things got bad sometimes. You'd get people calling you nasty things in your ask or replies or reblogs or tagging your username to sic their followers on you. And tumblr has always treated targeted harassment as a "Sorry you feel that way. That's not against tos though! Was this answer helpful?" issue whenever it's reported. They've never cared against abuse on their website, IN THE EXCEPTION of cases in which radfems and nazis have maliciously mass reported users for MAYBE hitting their breaking points and MAYBE snapping and saying something stupid that could be used as an excuse. Could be something today or four years ago in your archive but at some point, you had a bad day and posted something that could make tumblr say finally, we can get rid of a pest! or you were just transgender and said as much. A little too loudly in front of the wrong mod.
And this sounds so silly to say. But when you live in a website for 13 years and it's where you have your primary interactions with so many people and where you've met so many of your friends! It starts to feel like your community. Like an apartment building we all live in and visit each other's apartments and talk and decorate and laugh and play. And it's a bit of a dump and we all laugh about the crumbling peeling wallpaper and the slumlord that runs the place. We know the landlord isn't our friend, they just want us to pay rent until we're no good for it anymore. Produce the posts that make this site anything more than a hate forum, make the memes and the art and the posts that end up everywhere from your little sister's pinterest to your mom's Facebook to your uncle's meme subreddit. Keep up the garden and don't pile trash on the curb or you're out. This is "the queerest place on the net" only because queer people live here and hung on with our fingernails to stay here because if you have to leave, what's your fallback? You like your neighbors. They can't all come with you. They won't. Even the kind of crumbly parts feel like home after a while.
Like I want to clarify that Tumblr's reputation as a funny place to chill and scroll and meet people and see new things is not from the transphobes working on staff. Their job is to turn a profit or at least keep it LOOKING profitable, so the site can sell to the next moron to buy it out. The fun and joy of Tumblr is us. WE made this place. When you tear down our decorations and rip out our furnishings and toss us out on the street and look at what's left to show the next prospective tenant, it's a fucking dump. There is nothing left but the shittiest people in our neighborhood who are allowed to stay and make hate posts about us. There's the framework for "someone could make pretty posts here! It's a fixer upper!" But it's shit. It sucks.
I've been spiraling since yesterday over a couple of things I'm not taking well. One is work. "They can't fire us all!" I always joke. And people laugh. Last night my boss and I spent an hour and a half in this miserable fucking meeting, talking about the pressure pushing down on our load bearing team. We fantasized over all 8 of us being able to say "that's enough. I'm better than this. We are all walking out today and we will not come back. Don't text." And we can't. None of us can lose the stability of a full time job that pays kind of okay even though it's killing you. None of us can face that uncerainty. I left with chest pain. It was my first day back after major surgery. I went home and sat in one spot for over six hours almost unmoving, crying and just in disbelief of how unfair it is. We can't leave. But something has to give before my team dissolves and one of us puts a gun in their mouth. And then we all still have to make our shift. Who else will do all that? Who's going to cover, huh? Clock in.
And I spent the rest of my day, which ran to 4 am before I was able to sleep, wishing I could quit and hating what's happening on tumblr just as much. On a fucking blogging platform. Because this has been my fun sandbox for over a decade and it's always kind of sucked, it's full of cat shit and people throw sand at you and you're getting sunburned but it's fun here. You find your people to play with. And then it's like you remember oh yeah, other people here want me dead. The owner of this place wants me to die. He wants everyone that makes this place cool and fun to die. And he'll turn around and say "yeeeah well you shouldn't have joked about being mean to me." And it's like why am I here! Why am I making posts for YOU?
I can't leave employment. I'm only a couple of weeks, maybe a couple months away from homelessness at any given time, with how tight finances are. "Shoestring budget" would be generous. We're making it through sheer force of will. But I can't quit my job, and neither can anyone else.
But I can leave this place that I've hated and loved for so, so long. The other massive drain on my life that wants to see me shrivel and die. I can get up and go. We could all just go. Mass exodus. And I know it won't happen. Give it a week, ten days. People move along. Yeah, that sucked. Well, here we all still are. Still posting. Still tumbling. Still complaining about the landlord. But most people won't leave. How can you walk on your friends and community, knowing they won't all follow? But how do you continue to stay here watching this happen? I'm already listening to people tell me "so? that doesn't affect me. it doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. and of course this happened, duhhhh." It's like, feel stupid for getting comfortable here. You should feel stupid for settling in and making it a home and thinking it would be fun here. If you are transgender you are not safe and you are not wanted. Not in the queerest place on the web, either.
It's not about the funny hammer car explosion """threat.""" It was never about the hammer car explosion. That was a dogwhistle through a megaphone to transphobes. Tumblr's darlings. Don't worry. I'll take care of this one that thinks she can speak up against me. And against you. And now there's a defined "REASON" for the ban. Why, Matt hardly knew he was banning a trans woman. All he knew was fear! He had no choice! And you can ignore the ACLU and the claims of systemic transphobia, that's something else. We fixed that!
I want this place to die because it is already rotting. We are scraping at the bones at this point. Walls are crumbling and there's a hole in the floor to the room below and the windows have long been knocked out and the boiler hasn't worked in years. They aren't going to fix it. It has never been the intention to fix it. They want you to leave or die. Whichever. Don't matter. Just get lost. I will find another tenant. I will find another person who will give me more ad revenue. You are replaceable in that sense. Someone else will join tumblr tomorrow. And tumblr will make a buck off them instead.
But they cannot replace the ways in which you and I have made this site livable and bearable and fun. And I want us to leave so that the husk of this place can collapse and blow away in the wind. I want tumblr to take a major hit and I want the loss of ad revenue to HURT THEM. I want a mad scramble to figure out how to fix it all. They can't. They won't. The fix has always been there and it's always been refused. Terfs will never be turned away from tumblr. Neither will nazis. "Sorry you feel that way, but that's not against our tos. Was this answer helpful?"
You know how they say, "it there are ten people at a table and one is a nazi and no one stands up, you have ten nazis"? This feels like that to me. If 20,000 of us wait a week, shrug, and resume joking and playing and say, well, yeah, it's sad that another dozen trans fems were banned last night. But I like it here...
It feels like that. Why are my trans sisters' archives of 5, 10+ years of life and joy being wiped clean? I can't even tell you how many posts I've seen from an op whose url I recognize from last week, but whose username is grey and icon default, because she posted something less than a day ago to say "yo this sucks. Fuck this place and fuck this guy." They've never ever found the terfs and nazis to ban them because they DON'T CARE. Those are the ones they prefer. That they cater to. Post about the ceo being a dumbfuck and in 12 hours, risk losing your community and the ability to look back at your life online. Clean slate. As if you never lived there. Oh, but tumblr isn't a transphobic place. We fired the one and only naughty transphobe on staff who was taking bribes to send out bans. Pay to win moderation. That person's gone. So it's okay and you don't need to worry. It's okay, I promise. It's the queerest place on the web. Get comfortable.
I love my job and I love this place. One of them is going to push me to the edge. But I can choose to leave one. You can choose to leave with me. They can't fire us all.
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karmawonders · 2 years
Zhongli brainrot incoming my lovely little ducklings
Notes: imma call god!reader also known as Creator as Divinity cuz it sounds cute aight? Aight. And it makes sense cuz we are the most divine thing, so like? It works. U can argue with me but I enjoy the name, and as a SAGAU x cult au consumer, that name would just FUEL my God complex.
🌸Also this is probably non comprehensive my adhd n more went nyooom with this one, so you have been warned🌸
Warnings: sagau. Religious themes. Reader is God/ above God. Yandere worshippers. Slight zhongli x childe Lemme know if I should add anything.
Aight bitches we know the drill
Zhongli? The loyalist of our devotees. Also the oldest of all the motherfuckers
My dude got arthritis or smth idk I like to think he goes over to baizhus pharmacy for painkillers occasionally since he is just an old old frail wee peepaw. (Jokes ofc)
Now listen. My man's Morax was an Archon. He may of left that title but the dude is still very much a God. Not like, as high of God as the creator is, but a God nevertheless.
Dude gots a whole ass teapot/ pocket dimension solely for a temple to Divinity.
It continuously is expanding as he finds more books that could be about Divinity / theories about Divinity, etc.
Rip to the poor adeptus who is managing it.
Sure he usually has Childe pay for his shit, but it's not cuz he is broke! He is farr from it
Dude just has
Tendencies to hoard
Curse his dragon nature ig man
All the Mora? Safely in a separate teapot outside of his temple one. You can swim in it scrooge Mcduck style. He probably does take naps in it sometimes in his dragon form ig.
So he has Childe buy a ton of things that He thinks Divinity may even possibly like or acknowledge
It is dangerous when he walks amongst the harbor shops.
Not for the shopkeepers, they quickly learned to put their finest goods out in front when the see the funeral consultant nearing.
Mostly for whoever is gonna be paying for it. Which is usually Childe.
Oh shit man you see that fancy ass tea set that dude is polishing? We gotta look at it.
"Don't drag your feet Childe, we must secure this purchase for Divinity."
Childe can't argue if he knows it's going to Divinity, to you. He's one of your worshippers to ya know, he owes you his life.
He just wishes
Ya know
Zhongli would haggle a little before immediately purchasing whatever it is
He still shudders at the time he spent that much mora for something known as a "Primogem". A solid 5 million.
Just to ya know
Learn that a certain blonde haired traveller basically gets them for free just for being their first vessel / connected to Divinity.
That one hurt a Lil ngl
I mean Learning that Divinity would find a single primogem absolutely useless if not insulting on its own.
Listen man's Divinity is still interacting through Teyvat through a screen at this time, you ain't nowhere near to actually being there physically atm.
Which gives Zhongli a good amount of time to figure out wtf to do with this questionable purchase
Now it's true that Zhongli is a vivid spender
But he knows when something is the real deal, and he won't just let that slip away.
If it happens that his walking wallet at the time doesn't have the cash for whatever item
He will very upsetti spahgetti
Yes he buys tons of things for himself
But when it was something he wanted to get as an offering g for you? Dudes gonna be very upset.
He will begrudgingly procure mora from his more teapot after asking the items owner to have it on hold for a bit, and buy it.
The next few days he works extra hard to replace the mora in his hoard
But on the bright side your temple is just looking so wonderful with that new vase!
He likes decorating a lot. From his own abode, to organizing the mora and gems in his "den", to making sure your personal temple / shrine is absolutely perfect
He really do be like one of those Sim youtubers who spent 30 hours just on the house
If he is to one day show you this, in person, he has to make sure it's absolutely perfect! Everything needs to be the finest of fine!
He sees the rug he bought 20 or so years ago slightly aging?
Bye bitch
Like imma just pawn this off since it's a great rug and I want my money's worth but it's not worth a God possibly walking upon it anymore.
In all his free time dude is in his personal temple to Divinity
Admiring the things he got for you, remembering their history should you ever ask,,, and uh
So much dusting
Like this temple gots TON of shit in it
I mean it's bound to when he has worshipped you for so long
Probably goes on for miles
Might as well make it a public museum at this point
If there isn't like, special anti dust adeptus magic or smthing that is
Oh I just had the funniest fucking idea
You know how in other games (worlds?) Dragons live like hundreds of thousands of years before dying of old age or shit
Zhonglis like 7 thousand I think
Aka he is a baby compared to otherworld dragons
(Yes I know he is technically not a dragon dragon but shhhhhh)
So he goes on about how Erosion will sooner then later do him in and everyone's like
Noo Rex lapis perfect geo Archon nooooo fight the erosion oawr nawr
And he like ofc full heartedly believes that this is the case
Until ofc Divinity gets down there, aka you.
And your just like
"Ya old fart
when was the last time you got proper exercise
500 years ago?
No wonder you feel like shit bro- go hit the gym smh"
If he didn't do regular spars with Childe or any other acolytes before, he definitely does so now.
And then he feels better cuz he wasn't getting enough exercise outside of the vessel commission's he went on. Dude just wasn't getting enough dopamine in his head and fr thought it was erosion like smh
Zhongli built up Liyue for you, ya know. To Be like your favorite nation etc etc.
So I think he would be supppppeer interested in the world you were in previously
Wtf is a car and a highway and wdym they are super dangerous but people are on em regularly all the time? Tf?
What the heck is air condition Divintiy you are making up words I think aksksjrdqsdfhjk
...sun...screen? Never heard of this?
Teyvat not knowing basic medical stuff would be hilarious to me
Like imagine someone is coughing on something
Let's say Itto cuz I feel like he would do that
And you just
Get behind him and heimlech him
And everyone's like
????wtf he was good as dead???
And zhonglis sitting their having war flash backs to all the people he could of saved if he JUST GAVE THEM A BIG OLD HUG FROM BEHIND?
/yes I know that's not how it works but shush aight/
Zhongli wants to know absolutely anything and EVERYTHING about Divinity
You say an off comment about liking a certain smell and dude gots like
Notebooks and sticky notes written down the very second after
And then you go back to your abode or to the shrine he has and it smells overwhelmingly like that
Imagine saying you like the smell of freshly cut grass and he just goes
??? How tf do I get that smell?"
I just realized these brainrots are very fun to write and non stressful you can expect more
Anyways I love my man's Zhongli and I will die for him without hesitiation
🌸Abrupt ending queen right here, do not be surprised akkajsks🌸 and if you are shook it ended, boo!
I think this is getting a bit long and I don't wanna like have a post that makes my thumbs scroll miles before finishing it ifykyk
Anyways hope that was somewhat readable akksksksks
🌸Consider checking out my masterlist?🌸
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stupidlovergirl · 1 year
Human TV I Think They'd Watch
All the Bros and Dateables
Dev Notes:I have been watching Kitchen Nightmares while writing and how I think Barbatos might like it,, and then it lead to what human world TV they might like,,, maybe spent a little to much time on it instead of working on WIPs
Tumblr media
Really likes old people TV
He watches things like How It’s Made, National Geographic documentaries, if he wants a little laugh those shows about “aliens”. Skin Walker Ranch is his dirty little side piece TV show
He just enjoys educational shows because they are easy to tune out
Really loves Soap Operas. Young and the Restless and General Hospital are kept up with religiously(hah). He, Diavolo, and Barbatos usually watch it. Dia really likes it and Barbatos watches when working with Dia second hand while doing work. He latched on after watching it in the background a few times.
Also, just the news. Mans will put on a 24 hour news station and will keep it on for like, 5 days. 
He watches Harrison Porter, so give him the joy that is Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.
Would also enjoy the Spiderwick Chronicles movie since he doesn’t know how bad it was compared to the books
Just a big fantasy fan honestly. Loves them.
On another note, he also loves trashy reality TV and News. The only one who beats out his love for celebrity gossip is Asmo. When he is putting on a TV show to go brain dead to its something from TLC, like 90 Day Fiance, I Love a Mama’s Boy, etc. 
He watches the Kentucky Derby, bets on it a lot (loses a lot too)
His dirty secret show/movies are Hallmark movies. He watches them when he won’t get caught. Hopeless romantic nerd (Affectionate)
You’re joking
You’re joking right?
Anime or DIE!!! (/hj)
Also really popular fantasy movies based on books. He will rip them to shreds when you watch them. Can be fun if you read the books, annoying if you haven’t.
Has a soft spot for magical girl animes, obvi
There isn’t really much to elaborate on, half of his personality is anime and nerd stuff.
Just a few favorites I think he might have with no explanation:
Tokyo Mew Mew, Yugi-Oh, Death Note, Naruto, Angel Beats, Lucky Star, Soul Eater, Watamote, Saint Tail, and Cowboy Bebop
King of detective shows
He loves trying to find them out
It is canon he loves the Devildom equivalent of Midsomer Murders, so just show him that too
I think he would like Forensic Files too.
Also, thriller movies. And psychological horror movies.
He loves them, he typically can predict an ending, but it's nice to see how they write out how the characters themselves find out
Trashy reality TV!!!!!
He and Mammon watch 90 Day and Mama's boy and talk shit about them.
Loves Maury, Jerry Springer (rip my king), Parent Court when he's feeling a little frisky
Next Top Model and RuPaul's Drag Race. It's about the DRAMA! The OUTFITS!
Watched part of Euphoria but honestly? Found it mid. Sorry but he just couldn't understand the hype after the writing started to plummet.
Has watched Jersey Shore, will not elaborate on his opinion.
Tbh, he also doesn't really watch much because he feels like he has better things to do with his time, he only watches it for Brotherly Bonding, and for background noise
Haha, big guy hardly watches TV
Watches workout videos primarily
He likes learning new work out and dietary things
Has been banned from watching any type of food shows. Sorry Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives.
Will participate in movie night, primarily for food, buhe does pay attention
Honestly just watches whatever someone else typically puts on with no complaint
Much like his twin, doesn't typically seek out TV watching.
Much easier to watch on his phone
He does enjoy satisfying videos
Watches Rug cleaning videos, silly ASMR videos, Video essays when he can't sleep and gets curious. Loves obscure media and icebergs.
The essays are about the only thing that goes on the TV
Sorry but he just doesn't care much.
Will also participate in movie night, almost always falls asleep. Still can tell you the entire plot of the film.
On a very rare occasion will watch South Park. Will not elaborate on this one.
Loves old TV shows to some newer ones
I Love Lucy, The Twilight Zone, The Muppet Show
I cant really explain the Muppet Show, but I know its true, it is in my bones
Honestly loves older sitcoms. They just hit different.
Can I mention I Dreamed a Genie and Bewitched? Classics in his eyes. Would fight to the death for them
Will make a off hand comment on how he doesn't feel like TV is the same anymore
Watches reality TV in the background when Asmo turns it on when he lounges in either one of their rooms
I feel like I just can't explain most of these, but they are the truth in my heart and that is enough
Watches whatever Luke or Solomon puts on or whatever someone else would suggest
He has a preference for books most of the time I feel like. Just goes with the flow
Just suggest something and he'll put it up for the next movie night when it's his choice
I really can't think of one he would pick oops.
He watches whatever Diavolo puts on in the background. Likes the Soap Operas some times, gets a little annoyed with anime voices when he has a migraine.
Kitchen Nightmares and Hell's Kitchen just hits right for him. Loves the insults
He doesn't much watch TV either though. Prefers audio books since they are easier to carry around
You essentially have to beg to watch TV with him, he's a busy butler ya'know?
Has watched all of it, and will continue to do so.
Has a special place for Soap Operas and Ruri-Chan
Seen all the classics, the new block busters, all of it
Honestly you wonder how he gets the time?
He really likes consuming stuff, so he does it when he is working on paper work he puts on the subtitles and turning the audio on low and going HAM
Couldn't be me, I would get distracted
For the most part he's watched it all, and what he hasn't is on his to watch list. He just likes talking to his friends about it :)
He likes seeing the different foods
It inspires him so much, it's so cute watching his eyes sparkle as he sees something he likes and he writes it down on his phone
Also, he really likes watching Bluey. He lets Simeon and Solomon, and Barbatos found out (because he knows everything), but would DIE if anyone else found out
Also likes early 80's and bad CG horror movies. Kid literally laughs and Mammon is losing his mind next to him. I think because of the bad effects it makes it more tolerable.
Killer Klowns from Outer Space slaps man what can the kid say?
I think I'm projecting hard onto him,, but he's my son so it doesn't matter
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Live Blog/My thoughts scene for scene ish for OFMD S2 Episodes 1-3
FULL SPOILERS FOR S2 EPS 1-3. Including a post credit scene for Episode 3 that includes a teaser for the episodes 4-5 and discussing scenes we haven't seen from the trailer.
My long form stuff usually gets seen by people outside of my circle so before this long post I want to preface with this-
Hi! Izzy is my favorite character. As of right now I have written just under 240k words about this guy and spent most of my time in this fandom in Izzy spaces. If that is a problem for you, this might not be the read.
But I got fed a 5 star meal and already see this season is a love letter to the fans and I am here to appreciate it. 
Please be warned. I personally think this season should have a warning on it for how it handles suicide, suicidal ideation, substance use and relationship abuse. I will be going in depth on this but handle it with respect as someone whose lived shit like this.
My first watch was without subtitles and on a big old tv screen. I I decided to miss a few things my first watch, choosing to turn off subtitles, and get surprised by dialogue and delivery(as I tend to read ahead). This watch is to confirm lines, appreciate delivery, and more. 
I have not read any meta, and this is blind before I see how all my mutuals freak out!!!!
Lines that fucked me up will be bolded. Just know I want to write an essay about them, and would given the chance. (sorry for spelling errors I watched this twice + stayed up for an extra 10 hours😅)
I liked the recap, but I don’t think it’s enough for casual viewers who watched it maybe once ALSO. That Edit of Izzy’s ‘namby-pamby crying for his boyfriend’ IMMEDIATELY into the Toe Scene got a laugh out of me, because OWW. How had we not thought of that? 
I LOVE THE DREAM SCENE. Izzy beating him fair and square, but still losing. The stab in the killing side? THE MELODRAMA. The way this confirms Stede sees Izzy as a ‘big bad’ he needs to defeat to ‘win’ Ed. Him having the most 1 dimensional view of both him, Ed, and Izzy. A view how Stede is still an idiot unable to see nuance in people. Izzy smiling? The way he mutters his last words> God I love Con O’Neill. Let’s watch him maybe die 8 separate times and call it a season. 
It also got a good laugh out of me. Did I predict that that it was a dream when the teaser came out? Yeah. Still funny as shit.
‘Can’t be worse than you moaning Ed, Oh Ed’ FUNNY AS SHIT. 
I liked the ‘customer service’ montage. Swede, you deserve all the love you get. You are in good hands.  I think Stede’s part of this episode was just to lighten the rest of it. Hello to an antagonist of this season, and narrative foil to Stede, Prince Ricky.
I know it doesn’t matter who did Ed’s back tattoo, but the irony of Ed trusting someone enough to get it done is just funny. 
(Wedding Scene) I SQUEALED WHEN WE GOT THE RETURN OF ED’S EVIL THEME. Also, calling his crew the devils ‘kids’ is so fucking funny. HELLO CLASSIC ROCK IVE NEVER HEARD OF??? Welcome to the OFMD playlist. I love the montage of ‘Ed is working everyone to death’. Izzy got to threaten an English sailor. I know he’s happy with that. 
Yes. The wedding thing was absolutely over the line. RIP Ivan, you will be missed. I can’t wait for Frenchie to break down, and congrats to all the people who wrote Frenchie as emotionally distant, you’ve won! 
THE WAY IZZY SOUNDS SO TIRED ‘Yeah. They got cake.’ ALSO. Did I miss the knife throwing scene?? Was that just for the trailer? I think it was in a past edit and they removed it.
‘Can’t do the job? Someone else will’ (Ed to Izzy)- Izzy felt that he mattered to Ed. This one line reframes their entire relationship. This fucks Izzy up. I theorize as the main reason Izzy never did anything was because Ed was his captain. But they were still friends. Close. Trusted partners.  But Izzy is still expendable. Even after all this time. He is nothing. Maybe he knows Ed is doing this so he rebels, and kills him, but maybe he doesn't. Izzy cares about loyalty... we'll see.
Yes. The Izzy scene hurts. But after watching Ep 2, this is nothing. 
‘It is your job to-to follow my fucking orders’ (Izzy to crew) THIS IS NOT HOW I THOUGHT THIS LINE WOULD BE USED. Because he knows. He knows he’s fucked, and he’s struggling to accept the fact that he’s looking down the loaded barrel. He knows that he can’t make these people listen to him, not any more. He’s alone, and now the one thing he can do(be Ed’s first mate) is about to be stripped from him. Hell, it already is.
Spanish Jackie. I love you. I love you so much. Extort those fuckers. Semi clean water and education is a big deal! Also, this season overall is a HUGE win for my fellow Pete fans. Funny bastard. 
I have thoughts about Prince boy, but they can wait until he does something.
Stede’s flaw has always been his naivety, habit of judging once and never really questioning it, and his ego. Prince is able to take advantage of it. I don’t trust him. I think he’s a spy. I also like thinking Spanish Jackie is collecting husbands to certain tasks like it’s Pokémon. Need a bartender? Customer service husband. The books? Math husband. New Swedish husband? Masseuse.
‘Because it’s fuckin’ treasure.’ Izzy. Izzy I fucking love you. God. The way he stiffens up. Knowing them not following orders means he will lose a toe. Fucking god. 
This to me confirms that Ed really wants to get Izzy to kill him in in ep 1. He will tear down every good memory they have just to get Izzy to give in. He doesn’t care about their past, he just wants to die. Izzy is a convenient violent punching bag because he can’t leave. He knows fully well that this crew doesn’t listen, and blames Izzy for a fact he can’t change. It’s fucked that he's shoving Izzy into this corner but he doesn't think there will be consequences. 
Honestly. I think Izzy knows his partner is at this edge, but he can’t do anything. This is why he gets the guts to talk back. Both here and later in front of the crew(more in a second).
The ‘you know me better than anyone has ever known me’ (Izzy to Ed) line kills me. Because it’s honest. For the rest of these episodes Izzy is so fucking honest It hurts. He can’t lie. Not to himself, not anymore. Not to Edward or the crews. He can't take advantage of any situation, or turn the tables. All he has is his words. He knows this, and yet here he is. Facing this abuse, and trying, because he wants to fix it. But he knows he’s not enough to snap Ed out. 
‘I have love for you’ (Izzy to Ed in cabin)Present tense…fucking hell. Izzy tries to pull Ed out by showing his soft center, and we can tell from Ed’s dismissive reaction that he already knows all this. But Ed isn’t talking. Izzy can’t read minds, he wants to help. I know he felt adrenaline spring through him after the confession, and with loose lips, he says just the wrong thing. HI MICROEXPRESSIONS ON CON. FUCKING AHH
‘Hang on Ed- Captain.’ (Izzy to Ed as Ed is marching out to the crew)OW. OUCH. OOF??? IZZY PANICING???? Trying to stop this???
The look on Izzy’s face when Ed holds the gun to himself is not shocked. Hurt, and he immediately closes himself off, like he genuinely thinks Ed would do it.  That’s what hurts. Also, I don’t know if hes doing a high pitch voice to imitate Izzy, but that’s my view of it. 
‘PACK IT IN' (Screamed by Izzy to Ed) THATS MY MAN!!! Stand up to Ed being shitty! GOD. Frenchie’s little head shake. Trying to warn Izzy, to tell him no :((((. But Izzy doesn’t care. He knows he’s not got too long left, so he might as well chew Ed out, to say the things everyone is thinking but are too scared to say. God, the way Ed teases the answer in front of everyone. -Say his name and I will shoot- sitting right there in his eyes, and Izzy GRINS and he says ‘Stede fuckin’ Bonnet’ and that is finally enough of an excuse for Ed to shoot. 
Look at the way Ed nods his head as Izzy says it, not even letting Izzy finish before saying it. He's done. All the other performative versions of violence, of being Blackbeard he does, I see a reason to say 'he's doing this as self hurt' but Idk. It feels like he wanted to, and now he can. So he does. The way everyone reacts hurts me. The way Ed steps over him, the way Ed pushes Frenchie into Izzy’s job. 
I know many fans, and myself before the show aired, thought the leg shooting would be too much. In all honesty. This is how I’d want it written. This entire episode has showcased Edward’s grown resentment to his friend mixed with self destructive impulses. Some might view this as being too much, but given episode 2, this is such a big fucking moment I can’t even comprehend it right now. 
Do I think Izzy’s love confession pushed Ed to this panic- ESPECIALLY after his last confession ended in Stede running away? Maybe. But I think Ed was mentally in a place where he couldn’t react with anything BUT dread. Thus making the Stede call back even worse. But I don’t know. 
That’s one end of the spectrum of how this scene can be interpreted (Ed shooting Izzy’s leg felt unjustified/uncalled for at this point in the story) now lets turn it around (The ‘Izzy deserved it’ fuck heads)
Lets be 100% clear here. 
I view Izzy turning the crew to the English was a catylist, BUT not a cause for them getting captured. Stede was wanted for murder, and would have gotten caught eventually. Hell, the fact Blackbeard was on the ship in S1 was a lucky guess that Chauncy was happy to take advantage of, that IZZY HAD TO SIGN THE ACT OF GRACE to get Ed out of.  
Can Ed hold Izzy responsible instead of taking accountability for his own actions? Yes. This episode shows that’s basically how he sees it. But we as fans are basically shown 5 different ways to view Izzy as sympathetic here. 
Now: Moving back into the episode (after 500 words of that…damn)--------------
Ricky is so dumb…. I don’t know if I love it or not.
I love ‘Susan’ (Zheng Yi Sao) but have some thoughts. I enjoy her, the way she holds herself like Ed did in episode 3, drawing that parallel. That and her Izzy narrative mirror of a first mate. Also, I hope the Swede and Spanish Jackie have a lovely season. I love them so much. 
(Yes! I got to inform the family of the history of the Queen of Pirates. I love what I do. )
One of my favorite crew scenes: Jim and Fang failing to correctly remember the story. I LOVE IT. I agree Archie, Jim trying to help Fang feel better is so fucking GOOD. Mixing the legend of the Monkey’s paw and Pinochio while cleaning up Izzy’s blood is so fucking…much. 
Hi another song I have never heard of??? (The whistle one, you will be going to the Ed Izzy divorce playlist)
Ed is pulling a Stede. Running away from every problem forgetting they dont exist. The second something tries to change he snaps. It hurts looking at Frenchie clearly trying to balance his family and Edward’s lack of empathy. I fucking love this episode, and think it’s up there for my favorites. This is a trend that will continue. 
Maybe my favorite piece of writing in ages. Can I just say they are Fucking WILD to call the Izzy/Ed episode ‘Red Flags’????? BECAUSE DEAR GOD
I watched the recap. It’s like, 3 scenes of stede, with Izzy geting shot and the final scene of Zheng Yi Sao. 
Classical song in opening: Etude No. 1, Op, 25. Going into the writing playlist. 
Buttons sleeping with his feet up, maybe to be close to the sea?
Now. I am going to use this moment to discuss a large criticism I have. The cutaways to scenes from S1. Now, do they feel fast, and awkward, yes. Should the writers trust their audience to tie the call back together? Yes. But for a casual audience I think these scenes are VERY necessary if you haven’t watched the show. I think they should be taken out, but I get why they’re there. 
‘Run From Me’ by Timber timbre THIS IS A FUCKING ED/IZZY SONG IN THE SHOW?!?!??!. WE DID IT. WE GOT 1! I don’t see any way how you could tie this is Ed/Stede. A song about the fear of hurting others and needing to always push people away. After last episode??? I fucking… I teared up on rewatch, because FUCK. It’s a scene with Ed playing with the dolls, but Izzy’s presence is right THERE. 
OMG OMG OMG- A PIRATE SHIP IS USING THE BELLS SYSTEM TO KEEP TRACK OF SHIFTS????? (Kind of? Not really? She just rang a bell. But just give me this).
Wee john & Buttons, I love you. ‘YES QUEEN!’ I CACKLED! I love the mispronouncing ‘China’ gag. 
‘I decided to take a chance on you…because’ Because they’re allies. Stede taking ‘soft’ as a compliment gives me life. 
I love that Stede is immediately like-*the vibes are off. What happened to my boy.* as soon as he sees him
Can I also say, I love that when we transition over to the Revenge, we see it from the front, sailing into frame. It’s such a good shot. 
I love that Ed is obviously in a manic period, FUCK. WHAT IF HE WAS CRYING OVER KILLING IZZY??? He wouldn't…but other than that, I can’t see specifically what he was crying about. 
‘No more booze, no more drugs, and more importantly, no more Izzy’ WHEN I TELL YOU I GASPED WHEN IT WAS REVEALED IZZY WAS KILLED THE FIRST TIME. God. Not by Ed, because Ed would never, but by FRENCHIE. No wonder they had to edit ‘Stede’ over that in the trailer… 
‘The new first mate always kills the old first mate’ - Okay, this bugs me. It’s not that the first mate is killed because ‘it’s law’. First mates were usually picked by their captain, but the Captain was democratically chosen. The first mate is loyal to the captain, as that is their job. The reason the first mate was killed when replaced was because the new Captain feared the old first mate could start a mutiny, and use the friendships built against a new person in power-
Hi secret passage :) To all the authors who also wrote them as tiny little hallways in the walls, rip. How did no one notice an extra room.
God, Izzy just knowing he’s fucked, and wanting to die now before Ed finds out is so fucking GOOD. ‘We just had him asleep’ JIM he’s a 50 year old man fading in and out of sleep due to an infection, not a toddler. I love that Izzy is just…so done. He didn’t expect the crew to help him out 🙁
God. I think my problem with Lucius in fanon was that he was always treated like he was above it all. The therapist. The loving partner. The jokester. But he has actual depth and Nathan is a brillian actor.
Hi Buttons being a sea god. I love that I wrote him as being creature adjacent ages ago. Bro can read Chinese AND got a fun magical ability. I can’t wait for that to pay off. 
THE OTHER SCENE I HAVE FEELINGS ABOUT. Pissed off Ed being so fucking cheery when confronting Frenchy is so unnerving. Ed isn’t dumb. He knows. He knows the moment he caught Frenchie with that box that he was helping keep Izzy alive but he needed it confirmed. Which Frenchie did. 
(This is the point where my bro woke up so I rewatched everything with him)
Dear god. CAN WE CLEAN IZZY? Bandage that leg? ANYTHING?
‘But he’s out dick’ (Jim to Archie about Izzy and why they want to keep him alive) FUCK YEAHHHH!!! I love it, but can we not do this in front of a passed out Izzy?
Oh, the way my gut dropped the first time I saw Ed on the stairway of the secret room. Keep that man away from him.
GOD THE WAY I FUCKING GROANED WHEN OLU MOVED THE SHIPS ON THAT MAP. I am so happy the show is portraying how a flagship of a fleet works!!!
Lucius smocking to relieve stress and sooth his anxiety. All that to not think about what's happened. THAT and Pete being the ‘softer’ partner, gives me life. 
Izzy/Ed scene in the hidden room.
HI IZZY! ‘Up in leg heaven’(Ed to Izzy) Does this line read like bad fic? Yes. Good think I write fic and think it's fucking hilarious.
I fucking CHERISH this scene- 
‘I dreamt you killed me.’ ‘good for you’ (Ed to Izzy, Izzy to Ed)I FUCKING LOVE YOU IZZY- you are so tired of Ed's shit. I would put the entirety of this scene and every micro expression from Izzy if I could. ALSO ‘Eddie????’’ WHY- FUCKING- THAT WAS A FANFIC LINE AND IT'S MAKING ME SAD :0.
We are so getting a flashback next episode, aren't we? Even if we don't I'm so satisfied seeing the past closeness hinted at in these 3 episodes.
‘Clean up your own mess I’ve been doing it my whole life.’ I fucking LOVE HIM!! Even when he's suffering through an infection he won't let Ed walk all over him. Then Ed gives him his gun. LITERALLY TELLING IZZY TO STILL CLEAN UP THE MESS. 
‘I loved you…best I could.’ OH FUCK> OH FUCK!!!!! How did I MISS THAT ON MY FIRST RUN? IZZY/ED CONFIRMED???? THE FUCK???? ED ADMITS THAT HE FUCKING LOVED HIM!!! FUCKING KILL ME. ALSO PAST TENSE! That better be because he thinks Izzy is dead and not that he doesn't love him anymore :((( 
I loved Stede mentoring Lucius in talking btw. 
‘Save the rest for Pete’ (Stede to Lucius) Aw. Stede can’t be the therapist. I also love that Pete got freaked out. It makes me happy. 
I love this whole pre-storm scene. The way we can see Ed adjusting the canon into the mast to blow it down. The general storm vibes. The tension. The way it reads like the fuckery scene in ep 4 with the storm. Ed being steps ahead. But instead of Ed doing something clever he's doing something self destructive.
‘Run From Me’ start playing in the background up again when Lucius' line about being broken and learning to cope. LEADING RIGHT INTO THE STORM SCENE- AHHHH.
The way JIM STOPS ARCHIE FROM FIGHTING. Literally replicating their arc from S1.
God I fucking love this episode. So fucking much. The fact Ed/Izzy divorce has multiple suicide attempts built in makes me feel things. I wouldn’t expect anything else. 
‘I know, it’s been a day!’ (Zheng Yi Sao to Shadow guy)
I love the scene of her bargaining with the guy and think Zheng Yi Sao is going to build a pirate army to take over the Republic. She’s already taken over China. This is just for pride.
GOD I love the scene of Stede going through the ship. Mainly because it lets us see the hallway, and tells me more of the Ship's anatomy but that's not the point. 
I don't know how the Crew survived the storm, but DAMN. I'm so proud of all of them working together. We were all right to write fic like that.
Izzy just casually being devalued by Stede and how he just IMMEDIATELY looks to Frenchie. OW. FUCKING OW. Also the way Izzy said 'Bonnet' at the start of this scene makes me so happy. 
Now we’re at the scene of Stede cleaning up the knives. Leading into Izzy and Stede bitching. I love this scene mirroring the one where Izzy tells Stede to ‘plumb the depths’. Because it’s a moment where Izzy tries to be honest to Stede, but it doesn’t work. I FUCKING LOVE THIS SCENE SO MUCH. Izzy holding his tongue just a bit trying to warn Stede. A person he is actively jealous of. Hell, he even takes accountability for his actions. He even tells Izzy a half truth that they didn’t kill Ed. 
IZZY IS FUCKING TRYING. BUT STEDE IS TOO STUBORN!!!! Why does Izzy always need to be the voice of reason, it’s bad for him :( He needs someone to treat him seriously. 
I love that Hornigold has all of Ed’s mannerisms from the start. That and all of Hornigolds memories are what Ed remembers about the things he hated about the man (the crab thing)
Is it sad that Ed is excited to live a normal life, but his gut(Hornigold) tells him not to be so naïve? Yeah. But I’m mad at him, so give me a day. 
I love Izzy in the jail scene. ALSO WHY IS FRENCHY LEANING THAT CLOSE TO IZZY-HELLO?? Izzy crying, closing his eyes. Not able to keep Ed safe because he still tried SO HARD to keep his body semi stable. They think he’s probably dead, and Izzy still keeps his corpse safe. EVEN AFTER ANYTHING. HE STILL LOVES HIM! :D D:
This is where the Pirate Queen isn’t fun anymore for me. I liked her, but then she threatened Olu if he said no?? I don’t like it! Especially as it seems Olu didn't get the hint.
The escape overall is very fucking sweet. Especially Izzy shushing people. I makes me happy :)- Also Buttons being a good first mate and giving orders as soon as they touch deck.  
I’M SORRY- IZZY THNAKING STEDE I saw it the first time, and freaked out, but the second?? DEAR GOD! I fucking love him. Give this man a hug. 
Also! I think the Mermaid scene is my 'Ohh Daddy' from S1. It’s a bit.. .much, I like the metaphor a lot. Eh. I don't know. I think they should have blured out Stede's face a bit with water. Reveal it's REALLY Stede when he gets closer. Hide the budget a but more or do a far away shot vs up close. Pretty but just a bit off.
ALSO: IF YOU HAVEN’T WATCHED THE Ep 3 POST CREDIT SCENE DO-AS I’M SPOILING IT. As a person who is writing a ‘cured object’ thing for this fandom… watch this undo like, 40k of my own words. Please let Izzy be a bit of a skeptic but he generally follows the vibes cause ‘legends’ ALSO murder lesbians!! ALSO IZZY/STEDE woops, sorry, IZZY & STEDE FRIENDSHIP ARC!!!
Things I didn’t like:
Dislike how we glosses over the discussion of a poly/open relationship for Oluwande and Jim. They both thought eachother were dead, so it doesn’t give me the ick as I bet some will. But the way Jim joked about it still felt wrong.
Glossing over Lucius’ trauma a bit with the puppet joke. I found it a bit in poor taste. 
The fact Izzy is on the episode ‘cover’ for episode 3 on Max, revealing he didn’t kill himself in ep2. I forgot about it midway in, but remembered it on rewatch. Like? IDK
The lack of content warnings, I get it, but damn the suicidal ideation stuff +mania episode+ abuse hit hard. 
It went by a bit quick, but they wrote themselves in a corner. The slow building dread of Ed being a dick, vs Stede just working at Jackie's to get money. So they started when everything was falling apart. AND they need to get The Queen and the Prince established. Judging by the next few episodes, hopefully it will slow down. I prefer this to skipping those things, obviously. But I was much more interested in Ed’s side of the story than Stede's.
Things I do like/Standouts:
Hi Con O’Neill. Can you start paying rent the way you live in my head? Seriously, every scene Izzy is in he steals it. I assume people are a bit peeved that Izzy is getting more attention than Olu&Frenchie&Jim & whatever other character a person likes. But I really think they sewed it in well. Seriously, it’s heartbreaking, and everything I could have asked for. I Love Every Delivery. I see these episodes as enough to turn people slightly sympathetic if they were haters of Izzy before.
ALSO: IZZY SAVING THE CREW. Putting himself in danger FIRST so he doesn't hurt anyone? Jim immediately seeing this and trusting him in the future. I can’t wait to see friendship bloom between him and the crew. That and Izzy's own self destructive habits get broken down as he learns to respect himself outside of hierarchy and Ed. Yes, even like this I want to fuck that man.
Stede- I enjoy that he seems more comfortable with the crew. Especially Pete and Buttons. I don’t have much to say, but I hope this new Izzy training episode means he’ll learn to trust Izzy. Not too much to say, but that's a good thing! Here soon instead of Ed being the focus of the 'deal with this' stick it will go to Stede 'I'm the captain :(' Bonnet
BUTTONS OH MY GOD- My favorite head canon became canon babes!!! I love it. I’m here for it. He's having a lovely time.
ALSO FRENCHIE!!! Hi babes! I missed you being a clever badass! I'm happy Ed didn't stab you.
Them taking Ed’s issues seriously. We got hints of addiction/abusive behavior last season, but they took that and ran with it. Add that to self destrictive behavior that scales up with every scene. Plus the one line from Lucius about how some people can’t be fixed…good stuff, I like how we're handling mental health. I’m not happy with him, but we have time. Taika clearly had fun. I also see myself in his mania and self-sabotaging behavior (non violent, but still wish washy moods for my part)
That and Izzy/Ed being what it is… I believe that Ed genuinely loves Izzy the only way he can, but it’s not enough. He can’t love Izzy the way he needs. Ed needs to apologize, obviously. I won’t be able to forgive him ‘till then. I don’t think Izzy should until he’s able to pull away from him a bit. 
Let's just say I can't wait till next week when we get lesbians and one of my favorite tropes.
(@ing mutuals I know have seen it that I would love to yell with @gydima @born-on-a-beach-teach @treesofgreen BUT do feel free to shout down below!!!)
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