#i still find 5 to be a bit scary and 6 is just. a whole lot of nothing for the most part)
arielluva · 1 year
who up listening to everywhere at the end of time for the billionth time (its me (i was hyperfixated on this album in 2020 and have too many thoughts on it and listened to it recreationally (even stages 3 and 4 (stage 3 is my favorite (did i mention i have too many thoughts about it because i do (man i sure do love dementia music)))))
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ticktockheartstop · 3 months
I just find it sooo interesting how Charles chooses to kiss Crystal after the most emotional day in Port Townsend so far. Let’s review:
1. Charles is clearly jealous of Monty and Edwin at the beginning of the episode: “You? Him? Spending a lot of time?” (Whether this is platonic or romantic jealousy, I’ll leave that up to you… though I definitely have thoughts.)
2. Edwin is really trying, for maybe the first time ever, to comfort Charles and get him to open up (because the Devlin case in the previous episode made him realize that Charles has major walls up). Edwin paying, even slightly, is definitely a new, potentially kinda scary thing for Charles.
3. Crystal is really concerned about Charles and not afraid to hide it, and it’s clearly irritating him. So much so that he nearly snaps at her — which he never does to her — and he stops himself, only to say, “As long as I’ve got my best mate and a case to solve, I’m good.” *pause* “I appreciate you. But leave it, yeah?” I just think it’s really significant that Charles didn’t say “as long as I’ve got you guys” or “my mates” or “you and my best mate.” Crystal was a hit of an afterthought, I think.
4. Charles tells Edwin off for not telling him about the Cat King, so much so that Edwin feels the need to say: “I don’t understand why you’re so angry.” Charles is clearly not in the best mood, not thrilled about the case they’re facing, and not thrilled about his “best mate” hiding things from him.
5. Charles nearly watches Crystal jump to her death, and it wasn’t even him who saved her. It was Niko. He looks the most devastated of all of them, and then gives her that big speech of how important it is for her to know that jumping isn’t worth it, because it’s not actually her mom, no matter what it feels like. And she basically tells him he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, because she knows her mom wants to see her.
6. Charles is so jealous, watching Monty flirt with Edwin as he’s stuck digging through a dumpster.
7. Let’s just be clear on one thing: Crystal was the first to “attack” the Night Nurse, even if she tried to do it psychically instead of physically, and no one bats an eye. But then, when Charles gets violent with her after she threatens to take Edwin back to hell and makes him relive all his trauma, all while basically teasing him, everyone FLIPS OUT about him attacking her. It’s honestly kind of unfair, and I’d lose it too if my friends looked at me like that.
8. Charles really loses it for the first time (maybe ever in front of Edwin). He feels like he can’t help Crystal with her problems, and he can’t get Edwin to be honest about what’s going on in his head, so he definitely can’t help him, and it’s heartbreaking. But the real kicker is that the only one who steps up to try to comfort him in that moment is Edwin, because the others are still stunned by his outburst. But Charles flinches away from his touch, because he can’t fathom how anyone could love him or want to be near him in that moment.
8. If that wasn’t enough, as they leave the lighthouse, Crystal is staring at him with major concern. For obvious reasons. But I relate to Charles in the way that that look would drive me CRAZY, and I think it’s so important that later, when offering an understanding ear, Edwin doesn’t let Charles see the scope of his concern for him. That’s why I think Charles responds more politely to his offer to talk to him if he ever needs it.
9. Slightly out of chronological order here, but before going into their respective rooms, Niko says, “I think I’m going to go do something where I don’t have to think now.” And Crystal says, “Yeah, I’m with you.” … and then she goes and makes out with Charles.
10. Idk, it just seems a bit self-destructive of Charles to go make out with a girl right after she says that, and to kiss her for the first time right after she says “I just want something that’s real.” After he spent the whole day being jealous about Edwin spending time with Monty, and keeping a meeting with the Cat King from him, and after Charles lost his mind (understandably). Like, this is not the time to make romantic decisions! This can only end with someone getting hurt.
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mcgrillzdumpinc · 10 months
I'll likely make a more in depth post once I've read through all the translated light novels but
Hello Apothecary Diaries fans I am in volume 8 and would like to reassure you about the choking scene from volume 5
Spoilers under the cut!
Okay so there's a scene at the end of volume 5 (the manga is not there yet) that many have interpreted as sexual assault. For the sake of those sensitive to such topics, I'm going to give a light on spoilers version of the scene and then an in depth analysis. Personally, I do not view the scene as sexual assault, but it is very forceful and carries A LOT of very sad subtext. You'll understand what I'm getting at in the more depth part.
So, the general gist of the choking scene.
MaoMao and Jinshi are in the garden to escape a banquet. They talk for a bit about a very scary incident that occurred that day (thankfully nobody was killed) and share casual conversation. Then Jinshi brings up that they're at this banquet to find him a wife. I won't spoil the specifics, but fyi MaoMao has been wearing an accessory this whole time that loudly announces (to everyone except herself, of course) that She's The Favorite™. Despite how obvious Jinshi has been with his intentions, including holding her hand and combing his other fingers through her hair while mentioning the whole wife thing, MaoMao evades him while thinking "I'm not capable of love". So, she tries to dodge him by offering up another woman. This is what causes Jinshi to snap and choke her, as well as hold one of her arms behind her back to stop her from fighting back.
He doesn't kill her. As far as damage to her throat, the text doesn't indicate any. He then leans his weight on her. MaoMao then remembers how she was taught sex techniques against her will be the Verdigris House women & decides to use those techniques against Jinshi. She then promptly leaves and Jinshi feels like the most pathetic man in world.
The two don't interact beyond official matters until towards the end of volume 6. Jinshi brings more rare medicine in lieu of an apology. The two talk around the wife situation again and MaoMao gets tickled. It isn't until volume 7 that they have an actual conversation breakthrough.
That's my light on spoilers version of the events. Now I'll give a more in depth version, that's honestly a good chunk of my own meta-analysis around the events of volume 5.
Honestly, volume 5 is full of really interesting scenes regarding Jinshi and MaoMao. This is the first volume after Jinshi has been forced back into Imperial Brother status, yet the first thing I noticed that actually changed between JinMao is how MaoMao takes initiative with him now. As soon as she learns an insect plague might be on the horizon, she dives into unprompted research and delivers her findings to Jinshi. She's no longer working at the palace or for Jinshi, but she still takes on the extra burden. She also takes initiative to get Jinshi some extra sleep (though she misinterprets his desire to not sleep alone). And later in the novel, when they're in the paper makers' village, MaoMao acts so cute when reapplying Jinshi's burn scar makeup. I'll let screenshots talk for me.
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Like man. She's so cute. And I wonder, if these two didn't have to deal with social standing and imperial drama, would we get way more of them just being cute and companionable? If MaoMao wasn't an unwitting member of the Who Wants To Be An Imperial Princess race, would her feelings for Jinshi have grown without so much pushing and urgency on his end?
But I digress. I think a lot of volume 5, especially once they reach their travel destination, is MaoMao trying her best to keep her blinders on even though she is in the thick of imperial drama. She's especially desperate with regards to the blazingly obvious fact that a certain someone of very high status is in love with her. I think the end of chapter 6 does a very good job of driving home one of the major reasons why MaoMao is reluctant to trust Jinshi's feelings.
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To add fuel onto this unfortunate fire is that MaoMao, as an unmarried courtesan's daughter, was attacked as an infant by her mother, sought after by fucking Lakan of all people, ignored while crying as a baby, and forcibly taught sex (to the point of tears!). She also had to cover for Luomen's own eccentricities, specifically ensuring they had enough money to feed themselves. MaoMao, to put it shortly, has been taught not to believe she can attain anything beyond her very simple life of being a lowly apothecary.
And then here's Jinshi who, as a prince, has been forced to grow up fast & have all his favorite things taken away from him. I think MaoMao is the first time he ever wanted a person. He is, for lack of a better word, obsessed with her. I think a lot of his pushiness & tendency to be clingy with her is him desperately trying to make sure he doesn't lose her. If he makes her his wife, then, well, she can't leave.
And I think the choking scene is him finally at his breaking point. At this point, he has lavished her with gifts, been very forward sexually with her twice, and given her a new hairpin that is essentially this story's version of a promise ring. It's MaoMao's repression/reluctance vs. Jinshi's desperation and so far she's winning.
But then she pushes him past his breaking point and he takes physical action against her. MaoMao responds by performing an unspecified sexual act on him.
So why don't I personally take this scene as sexual assault?
Mainly because I think the people actually guilty of sexual assault her are the Verdigris House women who forced MaoMao to learn sex.
As far as I understand it, whether MaoMao can actually say no to Jinshi is left up to interpretation. If we're talking on social status terms, she can't say no. But if you look at Jinshi's overall treatment of her, both before and after this scene, I very much think MaoMao can say no and instead chooses to defuse the situation.
Because what isn't for interpretation, however, is MaoMao's abysmal impression of what love and sex can actually be for her. So she defuses a situation by using sex, something she herself doesn't like, and doesn't allow Jinshi to reciprocate, which leaves him feeling terrible, too.
I want to be clear. I do think Jinshi is in the wrong for physically attacking MaoMao. But the sexual portion of the scene, at least to me, falls squarely on the shoulders of MaoMao's fucked up backstory.
Anyway, I think I've typed for long enough. I am using the official translations of the light novel for this analysis, so if any fans have access to alternate translations or WN only knowledge that throw my analysis in the trash bin, please let me know (fyi puedo leer el español).
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linos-luna · 10 months
My Baby (Pt. 10) 🥀🔪
Yandere!Bang Chan x Fem!Reader x Minho
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(Pt. 1) (Pt. 2) (Pt. 3) (Pt. 4) (Pt. 5) (Pt. 6) (Pt. 7) (Pt. 8) (Pt. 9) (Pt 10)
Warnings: 18+, Yandere! Crying, some self harm, violence?
—————————— 🎀 ——————————
Minho was a wreck, losing sleep over your kidnapping for a whole week. Frustrated with the police, he hired a private investigator; however, they were only able to find some old friends of the man. So Minho decided to take matters into his own hands, confronting Chan's old friend Felix
“I haven’t seen him in over 3 years!”
“You're lying!” Minho accused, causing a scene.
Jeongyeon tried to calm him down, but Minho pressed Felix for more information.
“Listen. We know you were in communication with him a little over a year ago…” Jeongyeon said with her arms crossed. “Whether you understood the situation or not…”
“I-I can’t just rat out my friend—”
“Your friend has my girlfriend!” Minho interrupted.
“I… I only know of three places he’s lived at…” Felix said while looking down. “One apartment. Two houses…”
“Spit it out!” Minho said while pulling out his phone. He wrote the addresses on his notes app and sighed.
“That’s it?!”
“Yeah. I swear!”
“Thank you.” Jeongyeon said while pulling Minho away.
“I wasn’t done!”
“We got what we needed!” She snapped. “We don’t even know if he’s even at one of those old places.”
“Yeah but it’s a good place to start…”
——— 🎀
It was late into the afternoon. You were taking a nap and for the moment, it was quite peaceful.
You didn’t even realize that Chan was right next to you. He was also napping, on his side facing you.
You didn’t even notice until you started waking up.
He looked more at ease, as if he hadn’t had a good rest in a long time. His curly dark hair was grown out but suited him well. His features, well, you were reminded of one of the many reasons you originally fell in love with him.
His hand rested gently on your waist, showcasing his caring side. With a bit of light shining through the window, he just looked… soft… and well… handsome.
I mean, things weren't all that bad. He changed a little, loving as always but not as scary. At least he’s making an effort to be gentler and control his emotions.
He looked exhausted. You wondered if now was the time to sneak away. However, you couldn’t get yourself to move. He just seemed so much happier and relaxed when you’re here, almost like you give him purpose for his caregiving nature.
Sitting up, you watch as he moves a bit. There was a slight moment of panic when he didn’t feel your body, but you quickly grabbed onto his hand with the both of yours. Insanity.
You say there for a good ten minutes just watching him. And he was happy to see you there when waking up.
He woke up, finding his baby looking at him with concern. "Hi, baby," he smiled. "Didn't expect you up first."
"You looked tired," you said timidly.
"Don't worry about me, y/n," he replied, sitting up and kissing you. Surprisingly, you didn't resist.
"We need to talk."
His tone shifted, and a sense of unease filled the room.
"I just don't get it," he sighed.
"Why would gop with another man?" he said, agitated. "Let him corrupt you…"
"Corrupt me?"
"I saw him with you!" he yelled, making you flinch.
"No, I'm sorry!" he softened, grabbing your arms. "Don't be scared!"
"Stop it!" you yelled, pushing him away. "He's my boyfriend! I'm not a baby!"
"My sweet babygirl," he said, unclear if serious or mocking. "You don't know anything. That's why you need daddy here."
"No! No! No!" you cried, shaking your head as tension rose.
“You need me!”
“You stayed.” Chan continued. “Why would you do that? What would you stay as long as you did if you supposedly hate me?”
"Because I love you!" The words burst out before you could stop them, and you instantly covered your mouth, shaking your head. "N-no, no! Wait!"
"You still love me..." Chan said quietly.
"LOVED! I meant I LOVED you!!" You tried correcting yourself to no avail.
"I knew you still love me."
"You missed me…" he continued as he watched you starting to sob.
"No! No, I don't!" You sobbed while smacking yourself on the head. "Stop it! Shut up! Shut up!"
"You just wanna be held… and loved… just need someone to take care of you—"
It's almost as if your mind was starting to slip. All these contradicting thoughts were overwhelming. What do you want? Do you still love him? Do you like him caring for you...??
"— because you're still my baby."
That was it. Almost as if something else had overtaken you. You practically threw yourself at him, clinging onto him and sobbing into his chest. Chan rubbed your back and held you tight while rocking you lightly. Have you finally lost it?
————— 🎀
“The houses. Those are our last options.”
“And what if she’s not in one of them?” Jeongyeon sighed.
“Dont say that!” Minho snapped.
Jeongyeon frowned at his reaction and took a deep breath.
The two of them were at a local restaurant trying to brainstorm. That is, until Minho looked up and recognized a freckled boy not to far away.
Minho realized something. He’s seen this man here before. Here at the same time when you were here.
“You’re right…” Minho muttered. “She’s probably not there…”
The man gets up, making the other man nervous when making eye contact. Before Felix could react, Minho grabbed him by the shirt, pulling him close.
“You lied to us, huh?”
Instead, the man was quiet.
“Say something!!”he yelled, making the patrons of the restaurant turn to watch.
“No! He knows something!” Minho yelled back.
Surprisingly, the diners went back to eating and going about their business, acting as if this was normal. It was a little unnerving.
Getting frustrated, Minho drags Felix to the men’s bathroom and lets him go, making Felix slip to the floor.
“I’ve had enough.” Minho grunted. “You know where she is. You know where he has her. You’re still in contact with him.”
“Minho!” Jeongyeon was banging on the door, not sure if she should just barge in.
“Listen, I don’t know what kind of sick friendship you have with Chan, but I’m begging you to give me the correct address of where he is.”
————— 🎀
Not too long after, Minho and Jeongyeon found themselves standing outside Chan's house. Jeongyeon was actually surprised that Felix had coughed up the information.
"Shouldn't we get the police? Maybe some professional—?" she suggested
"No!" Minho interrupted. "I'm getting her! She's MY BABY!"
The intensity in his voice took Jeongyeon aback. He hadn't slept for over 24 hours, and it was evident he wasn't in the right headspace.
"You can go now," Minho said solemnly.
"She's my friend... I want to help," Jeongyeon insisted.
Meanwhile, Chan was feeding you. It seemed like you had given up on resisting. He paused when his phone buzzed, revealing a text from his friend.
< Lix >
[ I’m sorry! They made me tell!]
The man sighed and got up, confusing you a bit as he suddenly lifted you up.
“What are you doing?” You asked as he carried you to your basement room.
“Just stay here.” He replied while setting you down on the bed.
“It’s okay, baby.” He said while kissing your forehead. “I’ll be back…”
So what happened? It all flashed by so fast. You were in the basement, listening to the commotion upstairs, but you couldn’t make out exactly what was happening.
You were startled as the door burst open, revealing your best friend, Jeongyeon.
"Jeongyeon?" Your voice carried a mix of surprise and relief as your friend enveloped you in a tight hug, clearly thrilled to see you.
"Thank god you're okay!"
"Why wouldn't I be?" you replied.
Jeongyeon didn't know how to respond and quickly pulled you toward the stairs. Hoping to guide you towards a window for a possible escape. However, your attempt was short-lived, and you were spotted rather quickly.
"What are you doing??" Chan's voice rang out.
It appeared that the two men were engaged in a heated argument… or more like a fight? Chan looked frustrated but oddly calm, while Minho, on the other hand, seemed disheveled. It was a contrast between a rested man and an unrested one, both brimming with desperation.
Maybe that was the plan. For Minho to distract him while jeongyeon snuck you out. It wasn’t supposed to get violent…
"Y/n!" Minho's expression changed as he was so happy to see you.
You wanted your run to him. To be in his arms again, but someone stood in your path.
"Baby, go back downstairs!" Chan's voice echoed loudly, leaving you frozen in fear as your friend attempted to pull you away.
Minho looked around, coming up with something on the spot. He grabbed a glass cup from the table and smashed it against the wood. The contents spilled everywhere; he disregarded the large shard cutting into his hand as he ran forward, stabbing Chan in the shoulder. Stunned by the pain, Chan tripped over, and Minho loomed over him, ready to make the final blow.
"Don't!" you called out.
"Why shouldn't I?!" Minho demanded.
"—because she still loves me…" Chan finished with a sly look.
Enraged, Minho threw the glass aside, landing a punch that instantly knocked Chan out. He got up, dragging the unconscious man by the leg into the basement. You and Jeongyeon followed.
You quickly went through the nightstand drawer, grabbing the cuffs that he’s put you in before.
As Minho practically threw Chan onto the bed, Jeongyeon cuffed him to the rail. She turned to you. "Is there another one?"
You nodded, finding another pair in the closet. The three of you returned upstairs, and tears streamed down your face.
"Minnie, I... I don't love him..."
Without hesitation, Minho hugged you, holding on tight. He fought back tears, wanting to appear strong for you. “I know…”
"Are we gonna call the—?"
"Let him suffer," Minho said in a low tone, interrupting the woman while holding you tight. "It's what he deserves! It's what he gets for stealing her away! For stealing away MY BABY!"
Both you and Jeongyeon paused. You pulled away briefly to look at Minho, while Jeongyeon eyed him with concern. Was he becoming what he hated? His actions were almost lethal. He could've killed him. The irrational possessiveness scared all three of you.
"Jeongyeon... call them," Minho said, looking down.
—————— 🎀
A moment of calm enveloped you, feeling at peace in his loving embrace that provided a sense of safety and relaxation. Spooning, was that the right word?
"We should finish packing," Minho suggested.
"Mm... 10 more minutes?" you replied with a sigh. "I'm sleepy."
"We've been in bed all day," Minho teased, with a playful smile.
"Oh well," you giggled, turning yourself around to be face to face with him. Minho gently rubbed your cheek, admiring your adorable features.
"Okay, that's fine. But Jeongyeon will be back soon."
"I can't wait until we move to the new home. And I'm so happy that Jeongyeon is coming with us." You giggled.
"We'll be our own little family," Minho said with a smile. "The three of us and maybe a few cats…"
You planted a quick kiss on his lips and cuddled up into his chest, breathing a sigh of relief.
——————————————— 🎀
Tags 🏷️
@salfetkablog , @gyuhbfr @jihyun2monster ,@henrietta-whor3 , @stanskzsstuff , @leah-berkley-17
@lixxiebrownies , @minervasystem
@casarse0446-blog , @kuin7s @jlady-016 , @arthistt @iilliess @marrykat @generalbearangel el , @bunnyxoxodarling @hoeforbangchan n @cozyleeknows @lailac13
to those you read and love the series, I hoped to bring a good conclusion 😅
Don’t forget to like and reblog so others can read it too! I really appreciate you all for liking my writing and I hope to bring you more good fics and series!
I have a few in the works:
Pt. 4 of My Queen ❣️🔪 (yandere!Hyunjin x Reader)
Pt. 4 of Eternally ❣️🔪 (Yandere!Vampire!Jin x Reader)
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nevertheless-moving · 7 months
List will be updated with links if/when AUs develop For my Star Wars AU Masterlist: Please See Here As always, people are more than welcome to play with any of these ideas! just please link back to me so I can see! Seriously if you want to write stuff in any form with ideas from any of these aus I will love you forever! 1 to 20: Words of Radiance AUS 21 to 30: Non Words of Radiance AUs (note: these might also be WOR AUs) 31 to 40: Post Winds and Truth Wild Speculation (that may or may not also be a WOR AU)
1 to 20 Words of Radiance AUS
[EDIT, Previous #1 Now #28]
2. High oath Hesina willshaper aus. This is actually many many AUs because the "Mom??" Reveal is great in all contexts. Concept, WOK Era Outline, Brief Fanfic
3. Renarin asks Kaladin for help with radiant stuff during WOR. Secret training. Everyone thinks they're fucking. Chapter 1 and Outline/Meta
4. Elhokar drunk orders kaladin to bedchambers, begs for help keeping away nighmare creatures. Kaladin nearly kills him before scary spren realization, then goes into serious radiant mode when syl gets ambiguously concerned. Everyone thinks they're fucking.[Note: I might be too easily entertained by this trope]. Kaladin is deeply pained by this but also has  people saving thing and really doesnt want to reveal the radiant thing to the whole camp. Earlier third oath. Eventual fucking optional, see above au, except with a bit more pity than vibeing for option a.
5. Crack. AUs 3, 4, and 9 at same time so people just think Kaladin is the Kholin Rhysadium. Bridge 4 offers government overthrow if he's being pressured. kaladin assures them that's not it. Now people keep trying to high five him. Kaladin with head in hands while Moash snarks over his shoulder "you know when i said fuck the lighteyed i didn't -" Kaladin definitely asexual in this one.
6. Hesina and lirin come to shattered planes, shocked/thrilled/emotional to find kaladin. Bridge 4 desperately trying to get approval of [bugs bunny meme our] parents. Lirin reluctantly adopting renarin who wants to learn about healing now for some reason. Blackthorn surgeon mutual loathing/ jealousy son swap hilarity. Lirin is having a time. 
7. Kaladin wasn’t on guard duty the night of szeth arrival. Still warned by syl about assassin, but has to dead sprint while glowing to get across camp fast enough, soft reveal to anyone outside. Only barely figures out wall running on the way over to crash in window just in time. Szeth freaks out and runs away after very short, mildly anticlimatic interaction. And now Kaladin has to deal with Everyone.
8. Kaladin further along in powers during initial szeth fight. Battle of champions degrading to slap fight when they run out of stormlight and get stuck on the plains. Concept/ Ask, Funny Severed Leg
9. Manufactured rumors about adolin/ kaladin. Effective political mudslinging for most of WOR. Shallan plays up things about her relationship with Jasnah to be a more appealing beard. [Previous #9 Is Now #33]
10. Kaladin has a meltdown in prison, breaks out of his cell. Just a little bit more stormlight...Shouts of alarm. Aaah glowing Assassin in white! Kaladin panics more. Adolin handles the situation like a champ. Kaladin maybe briefly kidnaps him.
11. Nale goes after kaladin instead of lift. Ohhh so many thoughts for parallels.
12. Syl immediately dive bombs pattern when kaladin and shallan meet. Really early radiant reveal but just to each other. Kaladin does not trust her but doesn't want to reveal his own status so just watches her super intensely...since she's also constantly watching him too, yes, this gets misinterpreted. See au 3 through 5 but more discreet. Veil is the one draggng him from the barracks for late night 'training sessions' [these are actually training sessions but veil flirts outrageously with kaladin when anyones in earshot. So.] that distracts things a bit.
13. Adolin, suspicious after the Assassin in White fight, was secretly following kaladin at night. Sees him step off a ledge into a chasm (I just reread the section and was like?! You glanced over your shoulder once?!). Adolin spends the whole night stewing in regret, anger, grief, guilt (I was there. I could have yelled. Should have done something. I didn't realize...I didn't know. I didn't know anything). Next morning Kaladin is on guard duty and adolin flips his shit, suddenly remembering that the whole reason he was suspicious of this guy was because he inexplicably survived a several hundred foot drop.
14. Kaladin barely manages to hold it together just long enough to out himself as radiant right after prison. Part One, Part two
15. Kaladin does NOT hold it together after getting arrested.
16. Kaladin swears third oath early. Next few weeks involve a lot of hiding glowing bridgeman squire antics and gaslighting people about kaladin's intermittently light eyes.
17. In the initial confrontation with Szeth, Kaladin pushes a bit harder about the radiants being back, Szeth spirals a bit more, crashing realization that he isn't truthless...
17a.  Earlier radiant reveal: szeth surrenders the honor blade and then immediately collapses into the ground. Kaladin drags him and the blade upstairs. Has to reveal himself now because 1) kaladin what the fuck how and 2) the assassin is mumbling about radiants. 17b ANGST: szeth surrenders the honor blade and immediately kills himself with kaladin's weapons. Kaladin takes honorblade, collapses on way back because it's draining his stormlight, maybe messing with sylbond. When he wakes up hes injured, surrounded by lighteyes and a handful of his men...handles it badly because Very Specific Shardblade Winning Trauma. Crazy two nickles moment. Downside: cries a lot in front of people he'd rather not have cried in front of. Upside: dalinar believes him about amaram now. Public windrunner powers, but obscured Radiant reveal because glowing assassin sword is very clearly granting magic powers. Weird interactions of honorblade bond and nahel bond. Lot of interesting fallout from Dalinar having his very own Mystical Assassin now.
18. Kaladin sends Syl to spy on the 'horneater princess', one sided radiant discovery. When she sends pattern to spy on bridgeboy, he somehow notices. Shallan does not handle it well. 
19. Something something people put together all the impossible stuff Kaladin's done with all the impossible stuff the Blackthorn did as a youth, combined with one of bridge four drunkenly talking about their best theories for the Captains 'mysterious backstory,' combined with Dalinar literally calling Kaladin son and seemingly overnight the warcamps are convinced that Kaladin is Dalinar's bastard child.
20. (COLLABORATIVE with @gnecrognomicon) Instead of being thrown in prison, Elhokar orders Kaladin be strung up for the Stormfather's judgement. Part One, Part Two
21 to 30 Non Words of Radiance AUs
22. Way of kings au where the beggars of alethkar are rounded up for the war effort. Jezrian, of course, ends up on bridge four.
23. Kaladin time travel au to way of kings only the transition is a bit like a spren going through the cognitive to material realm transfer. Not all there. Heartwarming bridge four bonding slightly to the left - sure the mans crazy but he just looks so...disappointed when we dont help with the injured, and he shares his food like an idiot. How does someone seven foot tall and stronger than a chull make axehound pup eyes. We're not following him though. He's not our lead - holy heralds balls is he glowing??  Bit more of a symbol than a friend, but a symbol that you take turns holding at night because he has such bad nightmares and also hes clingy. 
24. COLLABORATIVE / stone soup with @sweetteaanddragons : adolin and kaladin time travel to way of kings. Kaldin brooding about how to escape AND save all his men AND the world until adolin barges in and buys everyone. 
'Thank the almighty,' Kaladin thought with almost painful relief, watching Adolin argue haughtily with a growing swarm of Thadeus's lighteyes. 'I never thought I'd actually appreciate having a rich friend.' He would, of course, rather die than admit this. "I had it handled," he growled, when the two finally managed to speak inconspicuously, each weaving amongst a thousand confused former bridgeman, speaking quietly with several, until they were able to meet in the middle with reasonable subtlety, all things considered. "That's great, Kal," Adolin said cheerfully, clearly not buying a word. "Say, how would you feel about doing some, you know..." He waved a hand, earning a raised eyebrow from Kaladin. "Glowy stuff for my Father," his voice dropped from a subtle hush to a slightly conspicuous whisper. "So he doesn't disinherit me. I did not have permission for this."  Both pairs of eyes flicked to the side, the Blackthorn's towering figure approaching like a Stormwall. "Uh. Sooner rather than later perhaps."
26. Oathbringer/row au. Adolin doesn’t kill sadeus. Mostly just excuse to dunk on Sadeus for trading one (1) shardblade for mythical warrior who can make his own shardblade. oh look more of your former slaves are glowing now. and THEY make shardblades too!
27. Elhokar and Kaladin time travel from Elhokar's death in oathbringer to way of kings. Part one, Part Two
27B. Elhokar solo time travels back from Oathbringer death to Way of Kings
28. Moash tells kaladin about beef with elokhar early. This derails the entire plot of the series. [EDIT, This au was previously #1, before I abruptly realized it was WOK, Not WOR]
31 to 40 Post Winds and Truth Wild Speculation
31. Szeth kaladin pity fuck time travel au words of radiance. Bridge four roasts the shit out of kaladin. Kaladin is doing everything in his power to avoid implying "knowledge of future" which makes the timeline of their relationship deeply confusing.
32. Szeth kaladin time travel au post book 5, they get their memories back in the high storm right before canon first meeting. Szeth sort of stumbles in, halfheartedly attempting a confused assassination.
33. [EDIT: Previously AU Number 9] Kaladin time travel back to wor, book 5 gone wrong. Deeply terrifying from outsider pov. Captain of the Kholin guard, bridgefour leader, is suddenly Full fourth oath windrunner talking about how humans are the voidbringers, they actually need to support the parshendi in bringing one last controlled desolation, and then kill the heralds and also god. Don't worry not our god. Different god. Our god is already dead. If someone else travels back with him then it swings around to a lil bit funny.
34. Post winds and truth, pre sunlit man, crossover with the twilight of mistborn era 2 (i think the cosmere timeline could make sense but if not, oh well). Kaladin gets a boon from his god(s). Requests to learn more about mental health. Has to go to another planet to do so, because mental health research on Roshar sucks. Scadrial's god seems (relatively) friendly and their planet has developed antidepressants AND wellness seminars. Shenanigans with Very Old Wax and the gang.
35. Jasnah, Dalinar, and Renarin (surviving Kholin Radiants) travel from End of World to right after Gavilar's death. Crack. Outline
All of the above (plus other fandoms if you keep scrolling back) will be tagged with 'my au' The above, plus my canon stormlight and other cosmere meta, technically canon compliant fanfic drabbles, or other things that i've written but don't fit in an au will be tagged 'nevertheless cosmere'
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nothomegal · 1 year
“The little owl family” (Part 3)
(RZ!Michael Myers x GNReader)
Summary: your and your little sister’s life had an 180° turn when your parents got into a severe car crash, dying on the spot. You, being already past 18 had to figure out how to keep things afloat and give yourself, specially your sister, a good future. And you did! It was hard but you did it and became the absolute hero in the little girl’s eyes. People would often involuntary smile at the dynamic of your two, so wholesome and supportive, the perfect family bond.Bond that a certain Boogeyman noticed as well…
Warnings: typical mentions of murder, Mikey being obsessive and violent.
Word Count: 4k. (Sorry for so much text- )
Additional info: Gender Neutral reader. (S/N) = sister’s name.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6)
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Both siblings have returned home after making a visit to the plice station. (Y/N) was a bit moody but mostly relieved that the police finally listened. They already visited the station, the day after finding the dinosaur drawing, but of course everyone thought they were crazy for freaking out over a scrible, saying that maybe some teens saw them around the Myers house and decided to prank them. They had non of it yet couldn't do much, the only advice the cop gave them was to close the doors and keep the inside of the house private.
Now however, when the police heard (S/N)'s testimony that's when they took it more serious. Sure, the probability of it being some dumbass dressing up to be funny was there, yet it worth checking just in case, specially when knowing that the real Michael Myers kidnapped his sister. And who knows, maybe he'll do the same but with some random child...
(S/N)'s gentle voice shut all overwhelming thoughts inside (Y/N)'s mind. They slowly put the knife next to the cooking board and look at their sister.
—"What is it songbird? Still scared?"—
The girl fidgets with her fingers a bit while staring on the tiled kitchen floor. Eventually she sighs and her arms drop.
—"I'm sorry..."—
(Y/N) blinks a couple of times, confused with their sudden apology.
—"Sorry? For what?"— you ask, genuinely confused.
—"For starting all this mess... I think Terry is right, I'm just a scaredy cat that overreacted."— she says, her expression guilty.
Their eyes widened slightly, they walk over to their sister and kneel in front of her.
—"You did nothing wrong sweetheart, you actually did the right thing! The police is there to help, to protect us."— you say softly as you cup her cheek. —"And you better get ready because tomorrow I'll say Terry some not-so-nice things to that goblin so he leaves you alone."—
—"It's... It's not about Terry anymore, it's about you (Y/N)."— she lowers her gaze even more. —"I- I don't like how much you have to worry now, and it's all because of me! If-... If I just stayed quiet, if I didn't ask to see that dumb old house we would be okay and happy, and we would be able to celebrate Halloween!... I ruined it all I- "—
Before (S/N) could continue with her rant, her sibling wraps their arms around her form tightly, holding her close in silence for a few seconds.
—"I said you did nothing wrong. This situation could've happe to anyone, and we got the unluky number. I know you're worried about me and I admit that I may not be at my best state, but it will pass eventually and everything will be right again."— you lean back a bit, your gaze warm. —"We just need to hold on a bit, until the police catches that scary man. I'm sure it will be soon."—
(S/N), more calm, nods as she wipes the little tears that were threatning to slide down her cheeks.
—"Was that man Michael Myers?... Is he the Boogeyman?..."—
(Y/N)'s body goes stiff as they think what to answer. They haven't told their sister about the stranger's identity, not wanting to scare her even further but it seems like (S/N) started to figure out the whole situation by herself.
—"I-... I don't know."— you sigh, but she doesn't seem convinced. —"Myers is supposed to be in the asylum and- "—
—"He escaped... Did he?"— she glances at you.
After a little pause, their sibling nods, their expression a bit sad, even ashamed for trying to keep her oblivious. But the girl had no anger or resentment in her eyes, but a desire to know.
—"What did he do so everyone are so scared of him?..."—
—"I'm... I'm not sure you want to know that... Long story short; very scary and bad things."—
—"What things? Please tell me (Y/N)! I promise I won't get scared!"— she begs you in a childish tone.
(Y/N) remains quiet, thinking. Eventually they sigh and stand up.
—"You better take a sit, I'll go get you a poptart."— you simply say.
The girl gets a little spine chill, both excited and worried about what her sibling is about to tell her. Ones the girl took her sit on the dining table and was munching the sweet treat, (Y/N) starts speaking while resuming their cooking.
—"Last year, a few days before Halloween, all grown up Michael Myers escaped. He killed people while doing it, and not in a pretty way..."—
(S/N) freezes mid bite.
—"Yes... Killed. One of the victims was one of his caretakers, a sweet old man that was there since he was a kid..."—
(Y/N) could see how physically uncomfortable their sister got, even if the details of how he killed him weren't mentioned. They began to feel bad for the little girl and were ready to stop the 'story telling', but the girl proved to be tougher than expected.
—"And what happened after he escaped?..."—
—"He... He tracked his little sister, that is now a teen. He murdered her adoptive parents, a friend and then kiddnapped her, nearly killing her as well in the process. The sister survived though, and Michael Myers supposedly died when she shot him, but as we can see he didn't..."—
The little girl listens quietly, taking in the information and shrinking on her sit every second, the munched poptart still untouched in her shaky hands.
—"Is he... Is he coming to kills us?"— she finally asks.
There are a few seconds of silence, until (Y/N) breaks it, their tone loud, strict, cold... Yet burning with anger and determination.
—"I won't allow it."— and you meant it. —"If he dares to come, I will break every single limb of his. He's not touching you while I'm still breathing."—
Such tone took (S/N) off guard, she never saw her sibling be so cold and serious about anything.
—"But... But what if he hurts you?..."—
—"He won't. Mom and dad won't allow him."— you reply with a softer tone and then turn towards her. —"Even if they're not here, they still taking care of us. We'll be okay, songbird. I promise."— you smile.
The girl remains silent, observing their expression to see if they're just pretending, but (Y/N)'s look and words seemed genuine. She eventually smiles back with a toothy grin.
—"You're right! Bet the ghost of mom and dad are going to haunt him if he dares to come!"—
—"Oh they definetely will! Dad was scary but angry mom was even scarier!"—
And the dull atmosphere from before vanished in a blink of an eye, the siblings talking about random topic which would make them either laugh or argue. The tunes coming out from the speaker only made their afternoon even better, singing or even dancing, anything to keep the dark thoughts away.
But of course, they weren't enjoying it alone. The dark presence was outside, hiding in the shadows. Even though he couldn't see (Y/N) through the windows anymore, due to the curtains they strictly maintained closed, their tone alone was enough to make him feel the same adrenaline spike, his chest heavy with some sort of excitement. The way their cold voice managed to penetrate and shake every single bone and muscle inside of him was an indescribable feeling, yet so, so adicting. They knew who he is, the atrocities he commited and how much of a threat he is, yet they made it clear how many fucks they give about it, only worrying about the safety of the little one.
And now... Now that the atmosphere inside of the house changed, so did his mood. The way they both laughed, chanted, danced... Every single interaction between these two radiated with warmth, warmth strong enough to keep the crude outside world away from their little happy home.
From their little happy family...
Happy family...
He should be envious of them, he should be mad at them for having what he could never have, she should try to destroy it, to destroy the both of them so he stops feeling bad...!
But... He doesn't. He doesn't feel bad at all, none of these negative and destructive feelings are haunting him, not ones. It's the oposite, he actually feels warmth whenever he observes them, some alien coziness that unknowingly to him would make his body relax and gaze soft. He's not sure why he feels like this, but he can't deny the fact that if feels good... Peaceful, he feels at peace for ones in his wretched life.
He should be content with that, with what he has it should be enough, it should... But he knows that his mind will crave for more...
And it's only a matter of time before he loses control.
. . .
October 28th.
The last couple of days been pretty uneventful, the 'Boogeyman' wasn't mentioned anymore and didn't appear ones, even the owl family resumed their carefree lifestyle and were already teaching their babies to fly!
But unfortunately, tonight the siblings couldn't observe the birds due to a hard storm outside. Rain, wind, thunder, you named it all.
(S/N) was in (Y/N)'s room, she was quite scared of thunders so of course she would ask to sleep with their sibling who, unlike the young one, was probably having the best sleep of their life.
The bed was quite wide so they both fit without any issue, each one with their own blanket.
At some point though, a particulary loud thunder resonated, which made (S/N) cuddle closed to (Y/N). The mentioned sibling woke up due the loud sound but thought nothing of it, ready to close their eyes and go back to sleep.
But suddenly, an alarming feeling striked in their gut. Something felt wrong, is the air colder? Heavier? Is their heartbeat too loud? Is the house too silent? It's hard to tell what exactply isn't right, but they know something is.
They suddenly sit up, their eyes wide and staring at the door. The little girl felt the sudden movement and also sit up, though her form sleepy and confused.
—"Uh?... What's wrong?"— she mumbles before yawning.
—"...I don't know."— you reply, still staring at the door.
The girl blinks a couple of times and also looks at the door. They both remain in this position completely still, barely breathing, until a very faint thud resonated somewhere downstairs. Sure, the noise could mean whatever, but the sense of dread inside of (Y/N) only increased, demanding them to take actions.
—"{Songbird.}"— you whisper, your tone urgent. —"{I want you to tiptoe towards the closet and hide in there, do not come out until I say so.}"—
—"{B-But- }"—
She has no time to ask questions because (Y/N) had stand up and was already searching under their bed for something. They eventually find what they've been looking for, a hunting rifle.
They then look up and glance at their sister, who was completely frozen on the bed with a horrified expression.
—"{Just go hide, please. And if things get ugly...}"— you pause, glancing at the door briefly. —"{Then run away, run towards our next house neighbors and ask them to call the police, okay?"}—
—"{But (Y/N)!... Y-You-...}"—
They nudge her side gently, silently telling her to stop talking and hide. With a huge effort the girl manages to make her body move again and as quietly as she could she made her way towards the closet, hiding her form inside and gently closing the door.
(Y/N) remained in place, near the bed with the rifle already pointing at the door. For solid five minutes absolutely nothing happened, the wind kept howling, the rain pouring and the thunders striking, but nothing else, there were no more odd sounds inside the hou-
Footsteps, the unmistakable sound of footsteps resonated from the stairs. Whoever was walking was doing it slowly, casually even, as if they owned the place. (Y/N) kept their posture, pre aiming at the door and simply waiting, if the intruder is bold enough to enter into their room they'll shoot without thinking twice. Sure, the idea of killing another human is scary and definetely puts their mind even more on edge, but it's either their and (S/N)'s or the intruder's life.
The footsteps eventually stop right in front of the door. There are another good few minutes of silence but it's suddenly interrupted by a loud and bright thunder, which illuminated the whole room and the hall. And right there, through the door crack, they saw an unmistakable shadow of a human.
With no time to waste and with enough evidence that there is an intruder, (Y/N) pulls the trigger.
A faint line of smoke is coming out the rifle, but there was no thud or screams of pain at the other side of the door, nothing.
They remain in position for a while but after not hearing anything, or seeing through the tiny hole they just made, (Y/N) slowly lowers the gun, questioning if there even was someone or it's actually their unhealthy paranoia getting the best of them.
They got their answer when the door practically flew off it's hanles and a giant dark mass charged at them. They try to aim and shoot again but the intruder is way faster and manages to grab the end of the rifle and tilt it up the moment (Y/N) pulls the trigger again, making them shoot at the ceiling.
They both struggle, (Y/N) desperately trying to get the gun free but the intruder is way too strong, he's also big, which makes it nearly impossible to push away.
Realizing that things are actually about to get ugly, they shout.
—"(S/N)! RUN!"—
The closet door swings open and the little girl sprints out the room, quietly crying and extremely scared. The massive stranger stopped for a brief moment when he heard the girl, it was just a moment of stillness that ended up with him practically ripping off the rifle out of (Y/N)'s grasp and throwing it agains the wall with great force.
The next thing they know is that the intruder managed to get to their neck. Ones has a firm hold of it, he stands up to his full height and slams their body against the wall, knocking out any oxygen left in their lungs. It didn't stop (Y/N) from struggling though, doing their best to land a kick on his stomack or the lower (and more painful) parts, yet their attempts were cut short when the stranger began to squeeze their neck with both hands, making their struggles weaker.
Eventually, the lack of oxygen began to affect (Y/N) and their arms drop and their body goes numb. Only when they nearly fainted, is when the stranger lose his grip, not enough to let go but enough to let them breathe as they're kept in place.
Durning this little moment of calm another thunder striked and illuminated the room, allowing them to see the emotionless face of the stranger, staring right into their sould.
—"{Myers...}"— you mouth breathlessly.
A sudden little thud followed by a rubber squeak got their attention. (Y/N)'s eyes wide and fill with terror when they see (S/N) standing in the doorway with a little pile of toys in one arm.
—"Leave them alone! You ugly monster!"—
She exclaims as she throws another toy into Michael's broad back, the toy making little to no harm. The man merely glances over his shoulder, his gaze now focused on her little frame.
—"You're mad at us because we visited your home, are you?! (Y/N) did absolutelly nothing wrong, we went there because of me! I am the guilty one! You should've punish me instead!"—
She exclaims again, tears sliding down her cheeks like rivers yet she didn't care. The girl stood high and threw another toy.
—"Or you want to take them away?! I know you have a little sister too, I- "— she hiccups a bit. —"I can be your new little sister! Please take me! Punish me! B-But please! Please leave (Y/N) alone!"—
The girl ends up desperately sobbing, both scared of the man in front of her and the fact that her sibling may disappear forever. Michael slowly turns towards her as he lets go of (Y/N), their body falling into the floor as they gasp for air.
The man starts to slowly and menacingly walk towards (S/N). The girl suddenly realized the mess she just got herself into as she starts to back away, throwing the rest of her toys at the man in a desperate attempt to slow him down, but all they did is bounce off his body into the floor.
—"W-Wait! Ne-Never mind! I- I ch-changed my mind! I don't want t-to go anywhere!"— she lets out a squeak when her back hit the wall in the hall.
The massive man gets even closer, his shadow making the already dark house even darker, darkness that threatens to engulf anything and never let go. The girl lets out a terrified cry as she shields herself with her hands.
The desperate cry of their name made them regain their conscience quickly, they see Michael Myers being just two feets away from their sister, blocking any escape with his broad figure as he extends his hand towards the little girl. Oh god he's about to strangle her just like he attempted with them!
(S/N) is in danger.
They must save her.
No matter what.
But what both siblings failed to see, was the way Michael moved his arm towards the little girl. His movements where slow and smooth, no aggression reflected in them.
When he was about to brush his finger agains (S/N)'s arm, a spartan-like war cry resonated behind him and something cold was wrapped around his neck. (Y/N) tugs the thick wire back rougly, causing the behemoth to stumble backwards, leaving enough room for (S/N) to escape.
—"RUN GODDAMNIT!"— you yell.
And this time (S/N) listens, sprinting through the stairs as fast as her body allows, leaving the house and not return.
The struggle between Michael and (Y/N) continued, they held tightly into the wire, trying to squeaze it even more while Michael attempted to get them off his back. The man eventually gets the solution and slams his body, back first, agains the wall, but (Y/N) doesn't give up. He repeats this maneuver a couple of times until their grip is lose enough to peel them off him and throw them into the floor.
The fall didn't go well, (Y/N) ended up going face first into the floor, but whatever pain they felt is quickly overshadowed by the adrenaline rushing through their veins. They know they won't be able to kill this monster, they know they're going to die, they know they have no chance, they know... But they refuse to go down so easily.
Durning the struggle, it seems like the man dropped his weapon, which (Y/N) had already grabbed as they stand up again. They hold the knife tightly as they stare into the man’s eyes, blood was leaking through their nose down their chin like a river. And despite this, despite all of these disadvantages, they stand hight and ready to keep fighting.
The killer must think they’re insane for even daring to get back to their feet, that they’re delusional for attempting to fight back… But (Y/N) does not care, not when their most loved one is in danger.
Michael remains completely still, looking at (Y/N)’s form. The moment their eyes made contact again, the same spine chill jolted through his body. The feeling was electrifying, so adictive, it began to intoxicate his mind, his eyes half lidded and breath heavy. He shouldn't be like this, (Y/N)'s eyes should not cause his body to react like that, but he can't help it...
Their eyes... There was no fear on them, only cold rage, a burning determination to protect and fight back. This gaze could be compared to the one of a wild wolf protecting an injured member of their pack.
The sacrifice they were ready to make in order to protect their sister caused Michael to feel a bit of respect towards them... Maybe even admiration, no, obsession. He was obsessed with their eyes, with their voice, with them... He was obsessed with (Y/N).
They both remains still, but eventually, and to their misfortune, Michael makes a move. He charges at them but (Y/N) seemed to learn from their previous mistake as they step aside and make a clear slash on his shoulder, causing the man release a low groan.
They attempt to stab him on the neck but Michael quickly grabs their wrist mid attack and tightly squeezes it, to the point that he felt something pop inside and right after that the knife was released from their grasp. But (Y/N) still refused to give up, this time they attepts to land a hit on his face or grab his mask, attempt that was cut short when Michael pushed them into the floor and practically tackled them.
(Y/N) glares daggers at him, their gaze hateful.
—"Don't you get it you sick fuck?!"— you exclaim, voice full of anger.
Michael only tilts his head, action that only pisses (Y/N) off.
—"I am not stopping, I won't stop fighting, not when my sister is in danger! Not while I'm still breathing!"—
And after these words they start struggling under Michael's large body, as the man himself got entranced with them again. Their bloodied visage looked so beautiful to him for some reason, their eyes filled with hate, not only towards him, but towards everything in the world made his breath shake. If it was any other victim he would be frustrated with such behavior... But not with (Y/N), never with them.
At some point, their struggles began to morph into quiet sobs, desperate and disappointed. They were disappointed with themselves, their helplessness and their inability to protect (S/N), not from this monster. They failed her...
They look away and bite their lip, holding their cries as best as possible, not wanting this beast to see them cry, to give him the joy watching them slowly break. This new picture of (Y/N) caused something inside of Michael's chest squeeze painfully, this new broken and vulnerable (Y/N) was very different from the previous one. It may not cause him the same thrill, but in ignites a new emotion, something he though he lost very, very long ago...
The same one he felt when he saw Angel cry, when she cowered away from him before he tried to reveal himself... And even after she tried to escape, he still felt protective of her in his own way... And now he feels it towards (Y/N).
Michael's head then straightens as he began to lean down, closer to them. (Y/N) tries to use their last bits of strength to push him away, slow him down, anything to keep him away from killing them in that same instant. When they feel his large arms wrap around their form, they shut their eyes tightly, expecting to feel pain at any second as he breaks their body limb by limb... But that doesn't happen.
They keep their eyes closed for a solid minute, and when still nothing happen, they open them just to be greeted by Michael's large form holding them in a tight embrace. His body warm despite his clothes being wet, the heat slightly soothing any pain in (Y/N)'s body, but not their mind. Being this close they can feel how powerful and strong Michael's body is, even embraced they can barely move, he could easily break their spine at any moment with enough force if he wanted to...
But (Y/N) had no time to question it or had any strength to push him since the adrenaline started to worn off and their vision and senses to slowly black out.
They're not sure how long Michael held them, but eventually he let go and stood up as the plice sirens got closer. He throws one last glance at (Y/N)'s nearly unconscious form before grabbing his knife and walking away.
But, it wasn't the last time they will see him...
Because the monster inside of him will force him to return…
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Merchild (5)
Part 4 : Part 6
Randy’s gotta drop off some fish, and then get back to Jade who really wants to show him what she’s found.
Warnings: Not any really.
Watching Jade dive back into the water calmed Randy a bit. He really didn’t want her to just hang out on the beach. A part of him wished she could but, what if someone saw her? What if Bruce or Eugene came by and saw her? He knew they were on lookout for a mermaid thanks to Bruce seeing her but still. He didn’t want to risk it, especially since he would be there to protect or cover for her if they did show up. Randy didn’t know what those two were planning to do once they found evidence of her or just Jade in general and he did not want to find out.
He loaded his truck with the three crates, silently wishing he had more. Randy wasn’t thinking yesterday when he caught all those fish. He knew he didn’t have many crates cause why have a bunch of you aren’t going to use them? He barely filled one so having a bunch of extra felt like a waste of space. Maybe now he could try getting more. He knew the five from yesterday were still at Wilson’s since he likes to use them as a display or for storing the fish, but he always gave them back the next day so it didn’t bother Randy. He hopped into his truck and drove off. Occasionally glancing over at the sea.
I wonder what she said, he thought to himself. The first time when she was frustrated was a bit scary. He had seen that kind of frustration from Andrew when he couldn’t figure out how to draw a cat, and just huffed and gave up. So Randy knew she was upset that she couldn’t do something but what? But when she showed up so upset, for a split second Randy was scared that she might hurt him. She was bigger then him, he was basically like a teddy bear to her! So it would’ve been bad if she wanted to do something to him. But when she slumped down, the fear disappeared with just a bit left tingling in his hands. Randy continued to think about that moment as he pulled into Wilson’s shop.
“Oh early today Mmh?” It was Lashunda. She was poking her head out the window of the back.
“Haha! Yeah didn’t have many crates left so I just filled the ones I got,” Randy replied closing the trucks door behind him.
Lashunda walked out and joined him in unloading the filled crates. They each took one and walked inside, setting them by the station where they’d be prepped. Jabari was sitting nearby reading a book, and looked up when he heard the two enter.
“Mind grabbing the last crate Jabari?” Lashunda asked.
Jabari sighed with a shrug, before hopping up and heading out to grab the crate.
“Need help with these ones today?” Asked Randy as Jabari carried the last crate inside.
“Nah, I’m pretty bored today so you just have me something to do. Dad’s out in town doing his thing and Brandon is out fishing right now…at least that’s what he said he was doing. Bet he’s taking a nap right now to be honest, haha! And well It’s Wednesday so Maria is at school.”
“Heh alright, I’ll let you have something to do for once. Since you seem sooooo bored,” Randy chuckled which got him an eye roll from Lashunda.
“Anyway here,” she handed him a wad of cash, “that’s for the fish yesterday. Decent amount this time.”
Randy was genuinely surprised by it but he didn’t know if it was from the amount or from the fact he hadn’t gotten this much in awhile.
“Uh thanks! Got the crates? Oh and any extra ones?”
“Mmh don’t know about extra ones, but we got your crates. They’re just outside the door for ya.”
“Thanks Lashunda, I’ll get them. Enjoy your fish gutting.”
Lashunda waved him off as he walked out of the house. Spotting the empty and cleaned out crates, he packed them back into his truck.
Damn, he thought to himself, I have the whole afternoon free from work if I wanted. I mean I could fill these crates but then I wouldn’t have any for tomorrow…perhaps I should just go back home.
A grin crossed Randy’s face. Perhaps, he thought, I’ll try and see what Jade was saying earlier. He hopped into his truck and headed back home.
While on his drive he was thinking about what she had said; Before he had left and after he told her to go back underwater she shook her head no, Yet she still went under, so what was she saying? One thing was for sure though; she could learn to speak. When she had said boat earlier it truly impressed Randy, he didn’t think it was possible. Although it seemed that if she were to learn more words there’d be trouble. Probably something to do with how certain sounds were made for certain words to be formed. He didn’t know the science of it but he didn’t really care. Randy was just excited to see Jade speaking words he could understand.
Eventually he pulled back to his home and parked his truck. Randy’s home was nice and cozy. It was small but had enough room for a family. It was his great grandfather’s home and just kept getting passed down to the eldest kid. His grandma got it, then his dad, then Randy. It was old, had to be fixed up a few times but it was nice. It sat under a large cliff, with large rocks scattered the beach. It wasn’t the prettiest of sights but, when the sun rose in the morning, it was a beautiful sight to see.
Randy looked out to the sea and smiled, he just got an idea. Quickly running into the house he ran through up to his room. Tossing his keys onto the bedside table, he opened up the drawer underneath his bed. Digging through the underwear and socks he eventually felt it, and quickly pulled it out. His swim trunks. He knew he didn’t need them and could just jump into the water with just shorts on but, he wanted to have some fun today.
Quickly changing into the swim trunks, he tossed on a white shirt and walked back outside. Walking along the beach towards his dock where his fishing boat gently bobbed in the waves. He walked along the dock, making sure to avoid the more broken bits of it, he made his way to the end. With a relieved sigh he sat down and let his feet dangle off the dock, as he watched the waves of the sea.
After a few moments he saw her, she slowly popped her head above the water looking over at him, before her head fully popped out with excited wiggles from her fins and a bright smile. Jade happily swam over with a bright smile, gently wrapping her arms around him in a hug. She started clicking and saying things that Randy really didn’t understand but she seemed excited.
Jade let go and swam back with an excited and bright smile. Randy felt a smile escape him before he got stood up.
“Alright, I don’t know what’s got you excited but, I hope you don’t mind just going for a swim,” he tossed his white shirt off onto the dock before jumping into the water with a splash.
Randy swam up and treaded the water a bit, taking in a big breath. He dove under a bit and slowly blinked his eyes under the water, so they could get used to it. He knew this probably wasn’t the best for his eyes but, he didn’t care when he was 10 and he’s not gonna start now.
He popped back up to see that Jade had swam up to him, curious about what was happening. Her head tilted at him.
“What’s wrong? Do I swim weird? Well you got a whole tail and fins! Of course I’m going to swim weird compared to you, haha!” He laughed as she seemed more confused but slightly amused.
The two swam about for a bit, getting used to swimming together…well more like Randy trying to keep up with Jade’s swimming and Jade happily showing off her tricks. She would swim down and back up, jumping out of the water with a flip and a smile. It was amazing to watch. He also noticed that her scales were all green. The started out green near her head and torso, then the green became slowly lighter in hue, eventually some of those started to have bits of yellow-ish color on them, and some that were more yellow than green had faded to an almost white color with a gentle touch of orange along the edge of them. Her tail and fins had this same effect, but it was amazing to see. Randy wondered if the colors meant anything or if they were just genetics.
Jade then dived down, waiting for Randy to join her again. Taking another breath he dived back down under the water, and he watched as Jade did the same. It was amazing to see her in her element. She quickly swam down past him with twists and turns, quick little flicks from her fins and tail. It was like watching a dancer dancing on stage with no worries. She had some amazing skills for just a kid, but maybe that’s cause she lived her whole life in water. Maybe what was impressive to him was just a normal thing for mermaids.
Jade swam further down and Randy followed for a bit. She was fast compared to him, and he was almost upset by that fact. He couldn’t believe he was getting outdone by a kid…then again said kid was a giant mermaid so maybe he should feel bad about this.
Jade swam down further and waved her arm, trying to get Randy to come further down. It was almost to dark to see but, he could tell she was trying to get him into what looked like an underwater cave. I can’t hold my breath for that long, he thought to himself before quickly swimming back up. He watched as Jade came up with confusion written all over her face.
“Sorry Jade, I can’t hold my breath that long. Don’t think I’d survive in a cave of water.” He said looking at her.
She was still confused, he needed to explain that he didn’t have gills like her. That’s it!
He swam closer to her and motioned her to lower herself a bit. She hesitatingly did so. Randy in that moment froze. Looking at her closely, studying her. Her seaweed like hair dripping water, sloppily flopped into the water. Her yellow eyes studied him with confusion and curiosity. The ear like fins on her head would occasionally twitch or flick. He then spotted them, her gills. They were alongside her neck.
“See these?” He asked while gently touching her gills, causing them to rapidly twitch shut from contact, “oh um…well those are your gills…I think….and I don’t have those, ”He swam back a bit but, moved his head so his neck was exposed.
Randy watched as Jade reached up to touch her neck, feeling the edges of her gills, all the while looking at his neck. She then reached out. A part of Randy screamed to move and that she might hurt him, but another part stayed calm and he focused on that. Her hand reached over and her claws gently touched his neck, feeling the smooth gill-less texture. Jade was amazed, as she touched her gills and his non-gills. She then giggled as his beard hair had tickled her. She pulled back and Randy felt a sigh of relief escape him. He couldn’t have been that nervous could he?
Jade then paused, her brow furrowed in thought, just before and idea popped into her head. She said a few things with clicks and another noises, all the while she extended her hand. She had a wide smile on her face.
Randy looked at Jade and at her outstretched hand, “I don’t know what you are thinking, or what you’re going to do…but I need you to know that I can’t breathe underwater,” he said all of this while awkwardly acting it out. Taking breaths above water and then pointing at the water and pretending to die. Jade nodded but insisted that he take her hand, by pushing it towards him more. He sighed, no use reasoning with a child who could literally kill you at any second.
Taking her hand she pulled him into a hug. Holding him like a child would a teddy bear against her chest. She smiled down at him before mimicking taking a breath. He nodded and took a huge breath, and the second he filled his lungs, she dove down.
Randy watched as the water and surrounding rocks rushed past him. He then watched as she dove straight into the cave she had been trying to get him to go into earlier. She gently let him go, holding onto his hand and motioning with the other towards the cave. She clicked a few words, but Randy was more amazed by what he was seeing. The cave was somehow lit up with a soft blue and green glow on the ceiling, and soft sand had made up the floor. The space was huge!
Randy then felt his lungs trying to give out, he quickly tugged at Jade and pointed to himself. Trying to motion that he needed to breathe. She froze confused for a second before quickly nodded, but instead of taking him out of the cave, she rapidly took him into another tunnel of the cave.
Randy was freaking out, he was going to have to take a breath soon and at this rate it’ll be just water! She quickly swam through the tunnel and then with a splash she stopped. Wait a splash?
Randy looked around, and took a few deep breaths. They were still in the cave but, there was an air pocket. Jade gently let go of him, but continued to hold his hand. She pointed up and explained something. Randy looked up and saw plants dangling from the ceiling, covering parts of the wall, and dipping into the water. He could hear a gentle trickle of water somewhere as well, but he was more amazed by the plants. Long vine like plants with gentle magenta, purple, and pink flowers growing in bunches on the vines. Jade reached up and gently held one of the flowers, happily explaining something.
Randy didn’t really need her to explain, even if he could understand her. He knew what this was, The Lungs of the Sea, Sea’s Breath, Mermaid Wishes, Wave Fruit; he knew many of its names. It was only a legend, that everyone believed had disappeared. It was a legend as old as the mermaids but everyone believed it had gone extinct, much like many believed all the mermaids had died or hidden away. It was a plant that would take in water, and turn it into oxygen. He had read every book in the library about the legends of the sea but this one was the most lost. Some books said that ancient sailors would take these plants and eat them or breathe in their seeds, so the plant could take root in their lungs. They could then breathe underwater, however they would forever be stuck living in the water. That or their lungs would burst from the plants wanting to grow, but that was a theory that many people believed actually happened to those ancient sailors.
Either way, Randy couldn’t believe it. This rare and ancient plant was basically and almost literally in his backyard, and no one knew. He was amazed and he then caught Jade looking at him with a cheeky smile.
“You knew this was here? Wow, and I thought I was just gonna drown for a second there, but you knew I wouldn’t…at least I hope that you didn’t just wing it…heh…You’re one smart or lucky cookie.”
Jade happily wiggled her fins and she gently guided Randy over to one of the walls. He noticed that there was a shelf of rock, that acted like a makeshift shore. He noticed that it was wet, despite the rest of the cave being dry. At least the parts not in the water. Jade laid down on the makeshift beach and looks up at the plants, and Randy sat nearby still looking at the slab of rock.
Looking closely he saw that there was a small leak of water flowing into the cave. That was the trickle he heard before, and it ran alongside the slab of rock into the water within the cave. Part of him wondered where it was coming from but that was a mystery for another time perhaps.
Randy looked over at Jade who was relaxing, looking up at the flowers. That’s when Randy got an idea. He quickly stood up and walked around the slab, gathering any fallen flowers from it, and a single long strand of the vine that had fallen. He then walked back to Jade and tapped her head. She paused and looked at him with a “what?” Look. He then gently gathered her hair and pretended to lift her head up. Jade lifted her head and Randy gather all her hair and laid it in the slab.
Giving her a thumbs up, she laid her head back down in confusion. Randy then got to work. Gently separating the hair into three strands, he got started on braiding it.
As he braided her hair he started humming a tune that his mom would hum to him when he braided her hair.
Randy loved braiding hair, and always did it for his mom when she asked. He didn’t know why he liked doing it but he did. He would even do it for the girls when he went to school. Watching the hair weave into each other into a pattern just soothes him for some reason. Made the chaos of long hair make some sense.
As he continued humming the tune he eventually heard Jade join in. She was soft at first and paused when she got the note wrong or just didn’t know the next part, but would pick it back up. Randy was a bit surprised that he didn’t fall into a trance, like the tales said. It said that a mermaid’s singing voice or even a gentle hum would lure sailors to their doom, but here he was perfectly fine. Maybe that tale was wrong.
The two hummed together as Randy braided Jade’s hair. Gently he placed some of the flowers into the braid as he went along. Once the hair was all braided he tied it up with the vine, at the very end.
“There we are,” Randy said, “Hope you like it”
Jade sat up and grabbed the braid and pulled it over her shoulder to get a better look at it. Her eyes widened in amazement as she gently caressed some of the flowers weaved into the braid. She turned to Randy and scooped him into a hug.
“Oh! Your wel-Come! You’re kinda Squ-EEzing me!” He said as he was hugged a bit too hard. He’s definitely going to have some bruising from this.
Jade placed him back down and slid into the water a bit more, all the while laying on her stomach. She then yawned and her eyes started to look sleepy.
“Woah someone’s tired. Must be pretty late then huh?”
She hummed and sank into her arms, as her eyelids started to sag.
“Heh, well…I’ll let you rest then…guess I’ll be stuck down here for a bit until you wake up huh?”
He turned back but before could fully process it she had fully adjusted herself on the rock slab and gently wrapped herself around him.
“Ohhhh…good thing the water is…and isn’t? Too deep…I don’t know anymore.”
Jade wrapped her arm around him and pulled him close, much to his surprise. She then drifted off to sleep.
“Guess I don’t get much of a choice…man Trisha’s gonna think I’m dead again. Just don’t pull me into the water okay sweet girl?”
Randy gently patted her face, and just laid there. He was glad the water wasn’t deep enough that he could drown in his sleep. He was also grateful that Jade’s tail was diverting the water away from him, making a makeshift island in the center of her curled form. Randy laid back against Jade with a smile. If he fell asleep, he should be okay. She’s gentle, definitely a kid who got tired real fast but still a gentle kid.
Randy would soon drift off to sleep laying against Jade, thinking about how his luck is changing and how it’s so weird.
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raccoon-eyed-rebel · 2 years
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Part 6
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Series masterlist
Part 5 🍂 Part 7
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Pairing: Syverson x ofc
Series summary: Life with Sy, what more can you wish for? The most amazing husband and father to a whole litter of cute little kids... Sometimes you wonder "how did you get here?"
Chapter warnings: Mostly fluff, some frustrations (we're still remodeling, folks), some angst? We're collectively getting mad at Jules...
Word count: 1.6k
A/N: @keanureevesisbae is now officially so far ahead that I owe her until part 10... You're an absolute powerhouse, babe, keep it up! ❤️❤️
@deandoesthingstome @geralts-yenn
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This weekend was going to kill you, you were sure of it. It was Friday, you were free. Jules had taken a day off, so had Sy and Patrick – you’d begged them not to, but they insisted. The shipping company hadn’t been able to find your stuff, and had agreed to reimburse you for the costs of service and the lost furniture. Now, you were left with the lovely task of buying new furniture. Some things you’d been able to order online, but others you wanted to check out in person. Like a mattress. And a couch. That meant you and Julie had some shopping to do, while the boys had agreed to start painting the rooms downstairs - there was plenty of time to take care of the second floor, but first you needed at least one room in that house to feel livable.
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“You said what?” You sure were glad Jules thought it was funny. Her hysterical laughter stopped at once when you told her about his reaction – which was probably for the better, because she almost drove you into a ditch.
“Girl, get some!” she practically begged you. “And get this man off my boyfriend’s couch, please!”
“Are you suggesting we move in together?” you asked her sarcastically. Julie did seem to realize that that was possibly a bit more than she could hope for at this point.
“Did anything else happen?” This interrogation was never going to end… You replied by casually mentioning the shoulder-pinching, and the way he’d leaned his leg against yours underneath the table while you’d been eating.
“Ooh, he’s getting touchy!” Julie almost sang the words, and looked very excited. Touchy. That was new and scary. You’d never even kissed him and – Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Julie honking at some douche who cut you off in the parking lot.
“Watch where you’re going, asshole!” Jules yelled before sighing and turning to you. “Oh well, let’s buy you a bed!”
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“Need some help with that?” Patrick called when you and Julie were dragging boxes out of the back of Sy’s truck. It had been a good idea to take that, instead of Jules’ tiny car. Unfortunately, it hadn’t been yours, or even hers.
“Told ya that it wasn’t gonna work with your li’l Fiat, Jules,” Sy teased as he also stepped outside to lend a hand. You threw your head around to tell them they could continue painting, not expecting both of them to be standing there without a shirt on. It was 35 degrees out, sure, but did that mean they had to be half naked? Well, ‘they’… Patrick could be half naked all he wanted, he was taken and – if you had to be honest – a little scrawny for your taste. If you allowed yourself to be superficial, you know. Seeing Sy, however, fuck… He was something else.  The little sneak preview of his abs hadn’t prepared you for the rest of him. Your arms were jelly – in part because they were still sore from the carpet-adventure, and in part because of Sy, who you only now realized was walking over to you, just as the box in your hands started to slip.
“For someone who spends a lot of time yelling at everyone who offers her any help, you seem to get yourself in a lot of situations that look a whole ass lot like you’re in need of some help, Sugar.” He picked up the box like it weighed nothing and winked at you. Or, again, tried to, which made you crack up. Of course that didn’t knock the stupid grin off his face, no. You just knew it only got wider as he walked your stuff back to the house while you just stood there, unable to move, watching the muscles in his back move…
“Earth to Lara?” Jules waved her hand in front of your face impatiently. “Hi, yeah. Thanks for joining us today. Pat and I have some errands to run, you and Sy can hold down the fort here, right?”
“Errands to run? What errands?”
“Someone’s got to pick up your new floors, right?” Jules smiles deviously. Yes, someone had to pick up the new floors, but not them?
“Can't we go together?”
“Let’s see… No.” And just like that, she was gone. Patrick waved with a sheepish grin on his face. You were pretty sure he knew exactly why Jules insisted they go together, and you didn’t like it at all.
“Sugar, can you come lend a hand?” Sy leaned against the door frame, still not wearing a shirt.
“Of course,” you said as you walked towards him.
“Y’okay, sweetheart?” Oh, great, another cute little nickname to stop your heart in its tracks. Pat called you the exact same names, you knew they were pretty damn casual around here. Then why couldn’t you just take them that way when Sy said it? Sy walked you to the three rooms on the ground floor. He and Patrick had somehow managed to do the work of five men while you and Jules were out. That being said, it probably helped that they were tall enough to not have to step on and off a ladder the whole time. The last room you walked into had the boxes that contained your new bedframe.
“Sy, just so you know, I’m practically worthless when it comes to putting furniture together,” you said. Not to mention you were beyond exhausted at this point, and therefore practically worthless when it came to everything.
“That’s why I’m gonna do it for ya, Sugar, I just need an extra set of hands.” He grinned. You were far too tired to protest, so you just did as instructed while Sy did most of the heavy lifting on putting the bed together. Thanks to Sy, you were done faster than you could have even figured out the instructions. Dragging that mattress to the other room would have cost you your back, but not Sy. You grabbed the sheets from the bag in the kitchen, kicking your stupid air mattress demonstratively before finishing up in your new temporary bedroom. For the first time in months, you had a decent bed, and you were very excited about that. 200 housewife points for you! Sy sat down on the edge of the mattress and bounced up and down for a bit while flashing you a suggestive smile. “Feels sturdy enough,” he said. His smile turned into a grin when he saw you roll your eyes, barely able to control your own face, where a smile threatened to break through.
“Sy,” you said as you took a step towards him, “thank you.” You knew you were about to cry the same tears as you did after that phone call that Sy had handled for you, and there was absolutely nothing you could do to stop it. He pulled you in so you were standing between his knees.
“It’s just a bed, Sugar.” It wasn’t. You knew it, he knew it, Julie would no doubt know it if she were here. Patrick would probably be clueless, but that was just who he was most of the time. It wasn’t the bed itself, but the fact that he made you go out and buy it, the fact that he put it together for you. It was the fact he was taking care of you, even though you’d never asked him to do that. You were reminded of a random line from Grease; ‘the only man a girl can depend on is her daddy’. Well you couldn’t even depend on him, so why depend on anyone else, ever? Over the years you’d built walls around the walls you’d built around your walls. But you’d seen Sy with a sledgehammer. You were fucked. You could kiss the independence you’d worked so hard for goodbye. Maybe it was time to swallow your pride.
“I could never have done this without you, Sy,” you whispered. You couldn’t bring yourself to say it louder, it already hurt too much to throw everything you were away like this.
“Know what, Sugar, I think you’re right.” Sy laughed, which you found incredibly annoying. “You think, if I bought this house, that I could have done all of this by myself?” Part of you was convinced he would have pulled it off, but for the most part, you knew he wouldn’t even have tried.
“Thanks, Sy, you’re a great…” Your voice trailed off.
“Friend?” Sy added. His voice was rough, his expression grim. Unconsciously, one of your hands reached for his cheek. The hair of his beard was surprisingly soft.
“Maybe more.” It wasn’t even a whisper, it was just a breath.
“Sugar, if you think this could be something, kiss me.” His eyes were intense, his voice low and gravelly. It was incredibly sexy, and you were incredibly turned on. And incredibly scared. You couldn’t fuck this up again – Jules would have you drawn and quartered, and you’d gracefully accept your fate because you wouldn’t want to live in a universe in which you were so goddamn stupid as to ruin a chance with a man like this twice. The problem was: you couldn’t move. Sy scoffed and started to turn away, you had to do something…
“Sy, I need your help,” you said shyly. It took him a second to catch up, and then he chuckled. A large arm wrapped around your waist and he pulled you onto his lap with ease. Your hand was still on his cheek, the other wrapped around his neck. His face came closer, your eyes fell shut…
“We’re back!” The already very unwelcome exclamation was followed by an even more unwelcome shriek.
“Jules, you have the worst goddamn timing,” Sy growled.
107 notes · View notes
lurlur · 2 years
I've been getting into hockey for the last, like, 16 months. I'm running a little bit of a fever. I'm British so the concept of mascots is a little bit weird to me. Let's do this.
In order of the current whole league standings, as of January 25th 2023:
Rating the NHL mascots
Part 1
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Completely arbitrarily! My system makes no sense!
Boston Bruins
Blades the Bruin
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Bruin means bear, so this makes sense as a choice. I guess I get what they were going for with the name but it just kinda makes it sound like a low level gangster. Feels like they couldn't decide whether to make a teddy bear or a scary bear and just got an unsettling middle ground. The eyes are very dead.
Vibes: 6/10
Aesthetic: 4/10
Horror: 3/10
Fuckability: 3/10
Overall, 4/10. Not awful, but not great.
Honourable mention for methbear from the winter classic this year. That was a design team that knew how to make choices.
Carolina Hurricanes
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Stormy is, apparently, a pig. If there's some obvious North Carolina/pig connection, I'm not aware of it. Stormy feels very low effort. The design is weak and lacking in character. It doesn't even look like a good fur suit, tbh. Very big eyes so we're definitely not trying to be intimidating here. Stormy must not be one of those 30-50 feral hogs you used to hear so much about.
Vibes: 5/10
Aesthetic: 2/10
Horror: 0/10
Fuckability: 1/10
Overall, 2/10. Horrible but not for interesting reasons.
New Jersey Devils
NJ Devil
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Why does it have abdominal muscles? Clearly, this one is a slut, which I approve of. The name is super uninspired and the design is pretty obvious, but I still find myself on the way to liking it. It's got character and it's not trying to be too human. I know it's not what the New Jersey devil is actually supposed to be, but it looks a horrible kind of fun. What that tongue do?
Vibes: 7/10
Aesthetic: 5/10
Horror: 5/10
Fuckability: 7/10
Overall, 6/10. I don't love it, but I don't hate it either and that's something.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Carlton the Bear
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Carlton is named after the street where the old Leafs arena was. And he's an adorable polar bear. Look at him. He's like the coca cola polar bear without the mischief. That's a face you can trust. Looks like he gives great hugs. I would like to find out.
Vibes: 10/10
Aesthetic: 9/10
Horror: 0/10
Fuckability: 8/10
Overall, 7/10, but the lack of horror is a feature and not a bug. So really he's 9/10.
Dallas Stars
Victor E. Green
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There's so much to hate here. The name is a bad pun on the Stars "victory green" colours. The character is supposed to be an alien but the design is so lazy. They could have gone in so many directions with this one and instead they just did this. Why even have a mascot if you're going to put this little effort in? No expression. No character. Just green.
Vibes: 2/10
Aesthetic: 2/10
Horror: 1/10
Fuckability: 1/10
Overall, 1.5/10. Very bad showing.
Winnipeg Jets
Mick E. Moose
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Someone's trying to get suuuueeedddd! Nah, it's been over a decade and the mouse doesn't appear to have come knocking so I guess the jorts are getting away with it. Mick, here, looks quite the formidable fellow. I like his flying cap and absolutely unhinged expression. I truly believe that he could find me in my dreams and make me regret decisions I haven't even made yet. There's something wrong with him and it looks interesting.
Vibes: 7/10
Aesthetic: 8/10
Horror: 7/10
Fuckability: 8/10
Overall, 7.5/10. Very respectable. I will see you in my nightmares, Mr Moose.
Tampa Bay Lightning
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ThunderBug is a lightning bug. Sensible choice for the Lightning. I've seen him on broadcasts a few times but never been able to ascertain if his butt glows. I think it should and anyone who disagrees is wrong. The first time I saw him, he had a big fake beard and I was not a fan of that look at all. Unadorned, I think he's a decent mix of cute and goofy. He's definitely got some character and energy to him.
Vibes: 7/10
Aesthetic: 7/10
Horror: 1/10
Fuckability: 6/10
Overall, 5/10. Again, lack of horror is not really a negative. This is a pretty good boy.
Vegas Golden Knights
Chance the Gila Monster
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Look at this boy. This is what perfection looks like. I think he should be President of the whole world. I would marry him tomorrow. Look at those kind eyes and sweet smile. He could fit my whole head in his mouth and I would thank him. He's literally never done anything wrong in his whole life. You can't see it in this photo, but he even has a very cute tail. Best boy. The only horror would be at the thought that he might not love me.
Vibes: 100/10
Aesthetic: 100/10
Horror: 0/10
Fuckability: 10/10
Overall, perfection. The platonic ideal of mascots.
LA Kings
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This is Bailey. Bailey is a lion. This is, apparently, a pretty new look for Bailey. He used to look a lot meaner but he underwent cosmetic surgery and now looks like this. I wish that wasn't the story that the Kings used to relaunch a mascot with a difficult history... But here we are. I'm just judging mascots. Bailey looks weird for a lion, too dark, too smiley, not enough teeth. I feel like there's a spark missing here. Something that would bring life and character to Bailey. He's just a bit generic and underwhelming.
Vibes: 5/10
Aesthetic: 4/10
Horror: 2/10
Fuckability: 3/10
Overall, 3.5/10. Could have and should have done better.
Seattle Kraken
Buoy the Troll
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New for this season, Buoy the Troll has a lot of attention to detail that I really like. He's got stuff in his hair and ears that tell of a nautical background. I'm pretty sure he fucked a kraken. I feel like "troll" is a cop out in the same way that "alien" is, but Buoy makes it work better. My main gripe with Buoy is that I can't make myself say the name out loud. It's not said the way that I pronounce the word. That bothers me more than it should.
Vibes: 8/10
Aesthetic: 8/10
Horror: 3/10
Fuckability: 2/10
Overall, 5/10. Largely because fuckability goes way down if I can't say your name.
New York Rangers
Perfect. No notes. Keep doing what you're doing, sweeties. This is the best way to have a mascot: not at all.
Vibes: immaculate
Aesthetic: unparalleled
Horror: unknowable
Fuckability: Schrödinger's fuckability
Overall, no one else is doing it like the Rangers. And they should. (not you, Vegas. Obviously)
Full disclosure, I fell asleep at this point. So now I have to use the standings as of Thursday 26/01. Deal with it.
Edmonton Oilers
Hunter the Lynx
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I hate it. I'm saving you from the image, but please know that this lynx also has sculpted abdominals. Again with the bad fur suit vibes, the face is the stuff of nightmares, I'm deeply upset by the jowls. Should the NHL start hiring furries to design their mascots? MAYBE!
Vibes: 2/10 Aesthetic: 1/10 Horror: 8/10 Fuckability: 1/10 Overall, 3/10. Horrible. Soulless. Bad in a bad way, not even a fun way.
Pittsburgh Penguins
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Mixed feelings here, gotta be honest. Love the name and, obviously, it had to be a penguin. He looks pretty fun. But the beak and eyes are giving me "lifeless glove puppet" energy. He could be more penguiny and less flat. Curse the performer's need to see and breathe, eh?
Vibes: 7/10
Aesthetics: 5/10
Horror: 3/10
Fuckability: 2/10
Overall, 4/10 because he loses out on both horror and fuckability by looking too socklike. Sorry, Iceburgh.
Washington Capitals
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Slapshot is a really big seagull eagle. He looks pretty fierce, which is not an expression I'm used to seeing on bald eagles. Beautiful plumage. I like him. Good vibes, I think. No word on whether he also has abs to flash at us, but I'm choosing to believe that he doesn't. It's better this way. I wouldn't trust him not to steal my chips though.
Vibes: 8/10
Aesthetic: 8/10
Horror: 4/10
Fuckability: 8/10
Overall, 7/10. Really decent showing for this birb.
Colorado Avalanche
Bernie the St. Bernard
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That's a good boy right there. Look at his little barrel! The face is missing something that I can't quite put my finger on, but I do like the lolling tongue and droopy jowls. Maybe what's missing is copious amounts of drool? Just something to make it look a bit more alive and engaged? I know it's possible, I've seen it on other mascots!
Vibes: 9/10
Aesthetics: 7/10
Horror: 2/10
Fuckability: 3/10
Overall, 5/10. He's a good dog, Brant.
Calgary Flames
Harvey the Hound
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What the fuck is this? Why does it have a metre long tongue? (Not gonna lie, that's points in favour for fuckability) You know those vintage photos of kids meeting the easter bunny only it looks like everyone involved was in hell? That's what I'm getting from this. Dead face. Cheap fur suit. He does know how to accessorise though, check that hat/collar/belt combo.
Vibes: 2/10
Aesthetics: 4/10
Horror: 5/10
Fuckability: 5/10
Overall, 4/10. What that tongue do?
Part 2 is here!
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aventurasdeunatortuga · 2 months
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Sunday, July 21st
Last full day of this trip.
I managed to actually very easily change my train tickets back to Seoul for this morning and booked a last minute hotel. The train journey was very quick and seamless.
I had wanted to go back to my original hotel in Seoul but it was all booked up, so I found one sort of nearby but didn’t realize until after I booked it that it was a capsule hotel, where you basically get an 8x4 wooden box with a little door on the end, the box sits on a shelf with 8 other boxes per room. The hotel itself was honestly one of the worst I’ve ever been to, not the worst, but definitely up there in the top 5. At least there was proper ventilation and air conditioning is all I can say. Bathroom was definitely very scary.
After putting my things in my weird little wooden box on a shelf I went out to _____ market to go try to find a suitcase. I have bought way too much stuff here, more than I’ve ever bought on any other trip before, so I got a whole separate suitcase.
Then I went over to Myeongdong and though I’d been to that neighborhood plenty of times I somehow didn’t realize there is a big shopping street there that I ended up on. I went there to go get my haircut.
I hate getting haircuts so I almost never get them and then my hair gets really long and damaged. Korea does beauty and hair salons like no one else, so I told the stylist to give me whatever style she thought was best. She told me she was going to cut it short and I said I was okay with that but was still shocked when without even looking she lopped off a good 5-6 inches of hair.
She did a fantastic job and it turned out really well. I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy with a haircut.
After that I got some dinner. I love Korean Barbecue but they serve such huge portions it’s usually best to not go alone, a lot of barbecue restaurants here will actually turn you away if you’re eating alone. My first night here I found a place that served small portions, and I was able to get barbecue again with a girl I met on a group tour another day, but today I was all by myself and they served huge portions. I was surprised they didn’t turn me away, I was fully expecting them to. The staff were laughing after I ordered. I was very determined though and managed to eat it all.
The last thing I did was go up to Namsan Tower, it’s a huge tower on a hill on the outskirts of town that has the best view of Seoul. They had a little outdoor elevator / escalator that took you up to the bottom of the second hill, from there you take a cablecar up to the top. It was gorgeous. They light it up different colors depending on the air quality that day, red/orange/yellow for poor, green for average, blue for good, and purple if BTS is doing a concert 😂
I took the cablecar/elevator back down to the ground but even though it was only about 1km back to the metro and my hotel it took me nearly an hour and a half. I don’t know why but today my feet just started hurting so badly. It was also still really hot despite being nighttime so I might’ve been experiencing a bit of heat stroke as well. When I finally got back to my little drawer hotel my feet were literally bleeding from blisters.
Until tomorrow,
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protosymphonette · 2 months
I would like to hear more about the happy smiler symbolism,,, preddy pls :)
ehehehe starts jumping up and down and clapping. ok ^_^
1 maroon & olive
i chose 2 colors because i do what i want. red is commonly associated with like... death murder killing blood danger. so i chose a more dark & muted maroon to reflect his more... low-key? apathetic? idgaf nature while still acknowledging his violent tendencies. i wanted it to sort of be the color of dried blood? i thought other red-associated feelings like love, passion (insert children's hospital color theory post here) also fit since he is constantly bagging hoes with his nonchalant & unsettling & creepy swag. olive is much of the same, as a muted & frankly sort of grimy green color. olive is also very much associated with the military and while happy smiler certainly is no bootlicker he's definitely very militant
2 desert mistletoe
for both flora and fauna i wanted to choose something that was native to the american southeast. mistletoe is a very stereotypical christmas/joyful/romantic plant and i thought the irony was funny given happy smiler's whole deadpan-ness. but also hints at normal person under bulletproof vest shell. the fact that mistletoe is a parasitic plant also had a lot to do with it... happy smiler is a very opportunistic guy and will do pretty much anything to make sure that he is the one who knocks comes out the fortunate party. including riding someone else's coattails for a bit. parasite yup. and also desert mistletoe is a very cool and appetizing plant.
3 vulture
specifically a turkey vulture. they're the only vultures native fully to the american southeast and also i like their cool heads. vultures are awesome btw kind of a tangent but they rule. anyway sort of related to the mistletoe; vultures are scavengers. they're huge and imposing with their large wingspan and spooky black feathers and bald heads. but at the end of the day they feed almost exclusively on carrion. that's not to say they're pacifists... they're just happy to not give themselves extra work by eating things that are already dead. do you get it. happy smiler may seem like a guy who loves to killing but he's really not. maybe he wants to seem that way maybe he'd like to be brutal and maim and kill but he's not like that. he likes to seem scary because it steers obvious trouble away from him and makes him feel cool and tough. do u get it
4 cleaver
okay this one requires some happy smiler lore; he was born near klamath where his family hunted geckos for a living & sold their meat and hide and they used the simple lowly cleaver to kill butcher & skin said geckos. so partly i chose cleaver because of that but ALSO it's a pretty versatile thing. in the game it's obviously a melee weapon but also a cleaver can be used in the kitchen for anything from splitting bone and meat to crushing garlic or chopping vegetables. he's good at cooking (metagaming fact i gave him decently high survival skill solely so i could reap the benefits of dine and dash perk) so that's sort of an extra layer.
5 'till my head falls off - tmbg
i'm gonna keep it 100. i had no idea what song to do for him. i toiled over it for actual days. i think what i settled on is a pretty decent pick, though- references his persistence, substance abuse, forgetfulness... and who could forget the head trauma evident in the very title of the song. i've long associated this song with "general vague courier 6 feelings" so it fits pretty well for him... also it's one of my favorite tmbg songs :D so that's a plus. to be honest i don't really listen to many bands that i'd describe as "happy smiler music" so that's probably why this was so hard for me. lol
6 resentment
this one was also pretty hard. though admittedly not as difficult as the song. most of the time i think happy smiler doles out general feelings of apathy and idgaf-ness but that's sort of boring. i imagine for the first leg of his journey (the "finding benny" part) he was fueled entirely by feelings of rage & vengefulness, which tbf is to be expected from a dude who was shot in the head (twice). i think he resents that checked-suited cunt so much because he fucked with basically the one thing that happy smiler gives any of a shit about (at least at the beginning): himself. and i thought the lighter would be a good symbol for his hatred towards benny- it being pretty much the last thing he saw, the only concrete evidence of The Shootening even occuring until he gets to the strip, and the inherently destructive nature of fire. or whatever. happy smiler gaslights himself into thinking he's winning the idgaf war but at the core of his being he was never even a player. i guess you could say the game was rigged from th(gets sniped)
IF U READ THIS FAR. thank you. i know my ramblings are probably incomprehensible. and thank YOU anon for enabling me... <3
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have any random losh hcs?
👀 A few... Some of them I have explored here on other posts and others in various fanfic but I'll collect them here. Note, all of these focus on PZH.
1.) Jan is gender fluid. His people, the Trommites, celebrate change and thus Jan being gender fluid was regarded with great joy and embraced fully.
2.) Also on the Trommites, their society in general practices a high amount of polyamory or changes in romantic/sexual partners. It is considered normal and healthy for them to experience many different people and emotions and relationships. As a result a queer relationship to them would be staunch monogamy. Their attitudes towards queer relationships are regarded with curiosity and not hostility or fear.
3.) If Querl isn't in the lab (rarely) you might be able to find him dancing.
4.) Lyle and Tinya have absolutely messed with combining their powers when bored; she can phase through objects and people, and he can make various layers of his body. Once, (once) they made a horrifying chimera of themselves and decided to play a prank on Querl and Jo by running into whatever room they were in screaming that they had 'an accident' and had been spliced together. Both Jo and Querl shrieked and hit pitches that should have only been capable by Lori Morning. It took a long time for either to forgive them.
5.) Gates purrs.
6.) Luornu does consider Querl to be her brother given that she was taken in by Brande and so was he. Granted, they did not spend a whole lot of time with each other (she rarely saw him at all) they still share that Brande took them in. If you pay attention in the comics they do have a pretty close relationship.
7.) Once Andrew got comfortable with everyone sometimes he'd just LIE about facts from the 90s just to see their reactions. It eventually became a game where he'd come up with two truths about his birth time and then one lie and everyone would have to guess what it was like "Blue raspberry was a flavor that came from actual blue raspberries" or "back then cucumber skins were poisonous and you had to peel them"
8.) Because the hard ground of the headquarters 'hurt Gates' feet', Chuck put in special little grass paths all throughout their compound so he didn't have to rely on his powers all the time and could, if he wanted to, just take a stroll.
9.) Everyone loves hugs from Candi and Jeka.
10.) Jenni out of all them frightens the easiest but she is actually one of the most courageous and will still do what she must even though she is terrified. This is also a bit of a contrast to no-fear Bart Allen. She cannot do a scary movie without screaming, hiding her eyes, jumping and spilling her popcorn. However if any of her friends are in danger or peril, that fear sort of washes away and she turns into a terrifying cyclone that cannot be stopped. Bart's fear response spikes when his friends are in danger so they're sort of mirrors and opposites.
11.) I just like all of the 'aliens' just being alien and not being quite so human looking even if they are seeded humans. To me it's just lazy to paint a human green, or pink, or blue and then claim "behold an alien!" but this isn't really a hc.
12.) As a result I think Imra has hooves and a very fawn-like face.
13.) Every single Legionnaire is one of Jenni's lightning rods. In particular Ayla, Mon-el, Rokk, Gates and Zoe.
14.) Rokk proposes to Garth at least once a week, it's a running gag between them. Garth always tells him no.
15.) I do favor Brande being Vril Dox II's Durlan even though the reboot sort of obliterated that, I just think it adds something.
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creepypuppetbrigade · 2 years
Some people say Jobs is more funny than scary but the notion that one's dreams of doing big things will be punished by having to work a meaningless job for decades does sound quite scary in an existential way
I mean, the whole series is more primarily a comedy than it is horror. So the "more funny than scary" observation isn't worth much. This has always been the case, people just didn't notice in the web series because they're paced faster because they're 3-6 minutes, and you'll probably get to a horror element a minute or two in, but the actual horrifying part didn't happen until the last 45 seconds.
If people don't find the aspect of wasting three fourths of your life at a place you had to be or you can't afford to be alive absolutely horrifying, then they are probably a child or a teenager who hasn't personally encountered these very adult specific problems yet. It is only when you can look back at 5 to 10 years ago when you were still an adult and now you still haven't accomplished anything since then and you're going to need to worry about that soon that you'll understand.
The Stress Song is also a catchy bit of terrifying because it suggests all sorts of things like vacation, a book, thought exercises, but can never entertain the actual solution of getting rid of the source of your stress, which is the job.
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hrtsdollie · 3 months
Ur so real for that i had a whole ass breakdown at a girl I'm barely even friends with because I was scared for the appointment I went to but it was nowhere near as scary as I thought LMAOOOO it was a mental health assessment thing and now I'm under cahms I think and my counselor is the sweetest
When we went in I was colouring my rhino and she was like I'm gonna use my laptop because i find it easier to type then write but if the clicking gets too much for you let me know and I can switch and it made me so happy because I get so overwhelmed from the tiniest things
And when I got back my mum got me a subway and then gave me money to buy a taylor swift colouring book and I bought the book and I went home and pretty much just fell asleep because I hadn't slept the night before I still have only slept an hour nd a half because my bsf literally just walks in through the back door and wakes me up cuz she wants my mum to buy her a vape 😭 she's lucky I love her cus if anyone else woke me up after I'd barely slept I would've lost my fucking mind
I got wkd too but I fucking hate it it's vile I wanted au vodka cuz I've never tried it but when my mum asked what flavour I wanted I was like zoned out for like 5 minutes so she jus got wkd instead and I hsve one half drsnk can and 3 full cans
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This is basically what I've been doing the past 6 hours LMFAO
That was a bit of a yap ANYGAYS hruuu
you’re counselor seems so sweet! that’s the kind of psychologist i hope to be once i finish getting my degree’s!
also i have never even heard of wkd 😔 i don’t usually drink because parties aren’t really my scene, and i find any brown alcohol repulsive, and vodka tastes like rubbing alc to me.
i haven’t even been up for 6 hours 😭 it’s 10:08 pm as im answering this and i woke up around 6:30 pm (i went to bed at like 6:00 am).. so i have been watching youtube because i feel like i have missed a lot. then i ate a bunch of bread.. (that is genuinely all i have eaten today). i mostly just layed in bed til i got up to shower and clean my piercing :)
my day was pretty good, like i said i really just layed in bed and slept.. but someone did text me 😝 someone epic!!! (i swear it is not my ex this time 🥰🥰)
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annbourbon · 11 months
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Well hello folks! It's that time of the year again! And here's my 2023 movie list, keep on mind I actually made the effort to watch movies I have never seen before, even though they're old... so even if you already watched them because they're classics, I didn't until now.
I actually need to get some books to read but for now binged all these days to watch 31 movies & series in a couple of days.
1. Mask Girl (K-Drama, series)✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
Okay this series was amazing. I've been a fan of Orange Caramel even though they're now disbanded, so seeing Nana back on the scene was so cool. But that's not all, honestly:
* Insane plot, made me gasp a couple of times and I've been into K-Drama for a while now so...
* I was actually rooting for Kim Mo-mi the whole time, but also I couldn't find myself to hate the other characters because the actors are so good<3
* Did I mention Nana is there?
* It has so many layers and many points of view which makes it so interesting to watch
I'm not saying anything else because I highly recommend this one.
2. The Platform (movie) ✅⭐⭐
A bit boring at times but quite interesting too. I watched it because someone recommended it to me. I was so disappointed with the ending but at the same time I understood why it finished the way it did. I'm not going to watch it again though. Definitely hated it.
3. Scream (movie, 2023 ver.) ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
Since I already watched the original one. This one was awesome. I loved the original cast coming back, and also, Jenna Ortega 😍😚
4. Suspiria (remake)✅⭐⭐⭐
I got bored lol it is aesthetic but not a lot. I prefer the school on the original movie. Like, it's so pretty...
Actually I got, really bored at some parts. I wanted the whole ballet concept to be more... macabre and beautiful. They could have put anything else and the idea would have been the same.
I enjoyed the dance. But it's not classical ballet. I'm giving it an extra star because of the aesthetics. It's not creepy or scary. Just another film. Some parts are awesome but mostly... bland.
5. The Deep House ✅⭐⭐
I think, I was disappointed. It's one of those old school movies, you either love it or hate it. I ended up disliking it a lot because it felt kind of lazy. There was no message behind, there was no reason for me to actually care about them as characters, and BTW, the dude there, he was sooooo toxic. I ended up hating him the whole movie except for his last moments. I really don't recommend this one lol but here you have me, trying to find something different.
Well, sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't.
6. Doctor Sleep ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
I need to be honest, he's still one of my first celebrity crushes. So I might be a bit biased. But I loved the movie. Before you say anything to me, I have watched The Shinning already.
7. Gothika ✅⭐⭐
I might as well be honest. I saw this movie when I was a kiddo. But I had a lot of nightmares about it. Still, now I got to watch it fully. And I realized that it's not as intense as I thought it was. I mean, yes. It has some scenes. But I'm a Hannibal Lecter and Criminal Minds fan now lol it's kind of difficult to get past that.
8. Dreamcatcher ✅⭐⭐⭐
It started pretty average and I was expecting nothing from it. But it got better. And really scary. I hated the bathroom scene but also loved the whole movie.
9. Only Mine ✅⭐⭐⭐
Scary but because it's based on a real story. The movie is pretty decent.
10. Train to Busan ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Was so cool 💕 😢 more than scary it was inspiring me a lot. IDK how to explain it. But I'll be watching it again because *feelings*
I think it's becoming one of my favorite horror movies.
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11. Annihilation ✅⭐⭐
Mmmmm I fell asleep. Had to watch it again. And it was not that interesting. I loved the colors though. If I have to say anything about it lol 💤😴
12. Psycho (1960) ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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I can't believe it took me so long to watch this one!!! I love this movie I swear. It's such a good one. It's not as scary as I thought it would be but I think that's a "me" problem lol since it seems like I'm so used to scary things nothing really scares me anymore.
However, the suspense was so in point and I can't even believe that I was holding my breath. Like, how? This movie is so old no? It should be boring and all that uh? Well it doesn't matter. Hitchcock definitely knew his way around. It caught my interest and hold me captive till the end of the movie. I didn't even start scrolling my phone or got bored!
Sure there are a couple of plots that can be "fixed" because we now have better phones and technology, but the whole movie it's timeless. It definitely holds. I loved it. A lot. That can't be said of several other movies and tv shows.
13. Constantine ✅⭐⭐⭐
Not really scary. But really cool. I was having a crush over Tilda Swinton the whole time lol sadly she doesn't get to have a lot of screentime but I repeated her scenes for a while before going to the next movie.
14. Beowulf ✅⭐⭐
By now I'm getting tired AF of bloodbaths. Like it's not even scary. It's disgusting and tiresome. I want to see something else. I really did not enjoy the movie. I'm starting to realize that binging on a certain genre can desensitize a person and it certainly feels like I'm way over it. I remember the movie but I can't remember anything that is worth of comment. Except, maybe... that Beowulf is an asshole, so is the king, and apparently the next king will do the same thing and everyone there deserved what happened to them except ofc the people in town and kids. I don't think I liked the story or movie at all. 💀
15. Disturbing Behavior ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
Okay so James Marsden and Katie Holmes are so cute together. And they're literally kids here. It was a bit awkward lol but I enjoyed the movie. It's kind of interesting and definitely talks about how society pressures you on behaving in a certain way. All that while making a scary movie. Which is why I might've ended up liking it a bit more than the others. Interesting how parents were so on board with this behavior too. Anyway, since I'm on a marathon I don't really have a lot of time to analyze it as much as I usually do. I probably won't be watching it again, but it's a good movie to analyze and enjoy for a while. For real.
16. The Exorcist (original) ✅⭐⭐⭐
Now we're getting serious lol or not...
Honest reaction
Before the movie>> I'm so scared of it 😭😿😱
During and after the movie>>> wow... It's so... meh 😑
I was a bit distracted during the whole movie. And it's not that scary. Just sad, long, boring and disappointing. Nothing else to comment.
My brother said that I needed to appreciate it a bit more since it's an old movie, but honestly... I prefer Psycho to the Exorcist. Like, I get it. Old movie. Different type of special effects and all that. But still, the whole thing, even the characters feels kinda flat? Nvm the spoilers. I received a similar amount of spoilers from both movies and I still enjoyed Psycho more. I did laughed a lot. But it's not supposed to be a comedy movie 😭🤣
17. 12 Monkeys ✅⭐⭐⭐
TT~TT okay? I really cried for a while. And I had to take some days off because of this one. I started watching other series, kdramas and stuff that made me laugh and forget about this one.
18. Ghost Ship ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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I remember seeing this one everywhere when I was a kid and my parents trying to make sure I didn't watch it. One of the reasons I finally got my hands on it and watch it lol
I really enjoyed it. I was so sad about the girl on the ship. And I usually do not like slashers but somehow I ended up loving this one. Definitely is going to be one of my favorite movies from now on.
19. The exorcism of Emily Rose ✅ ⭐⭐
Boring at the beginning but interesting after 30 minutes into the movie. Which in a way, it's not good lol but let it be. I was thinking to call the Winchesters all the time.
Mmmm I think these two are one of the reasons I stopped disliking horror movies.
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The other one would be Fi from So Weird
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Which TBH is the original reason I stopped disliking ghosts and monsters. I joined Fi team first before Supernatural. Supernatural was me being edgy and sarcastic all the way, especially on my worse days. But Fiona, she's the one I truly aspired to be. Now I think I'm a mix of both and it's okay. I still prefer Fi over the Winchesters because she gives everyone a chance to be. I mean, I love the brothers a lot... okay not the point of this lol sorry... Ummmm I think you can see I got distracted while watching the movie. 💀🤣
Interesting though, a mix of lawyer-ish fight with "medical terms" and all that in a demonic possession case. Different P.O.V. sure. It definitely makes more sense than the Exorcist where the story ends without anyone (no cops, no lawyers, no other authorities) involved despite several people dying.
"Touched by the hand of God" they said. And believe me when I said "ew" during that part 😭🤣 I wasn't even trying to be funny. Seriously though... there's only one thing I despise more than movie slashers. Religion, especially inside movies. And inside books too. I was so disappointed by Susan's problem when I found out what it was about. I also spent almost my entire childhood inside several Catholic and Christian schools. Most of the time being bullied by everyone there. Please lol I can't stand them (I do realize that not everyone is like that but it left a huge trauma on me so I can't stand those things.) The fun part is, I don't have anything against religions. Just against hypocrisy and lack of comprehension. Still, it's okay for a movie. One or two hours of it won't be bothering me so much. Didn't scare me. But made me uncomfortable. I wish I could hear more about Dr. Adani (?) P.O.V. though.... I believe I will have to watch Heroes (series) for a similar take on that.
20. The Barcelona Vamp ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
This was... triggering. And not about vampires. But about CP and apparently a real case. Obviously Hollywood has its own take on this so I can't say anything about it until I do my research on the real deal. But the whole movie was interesting and also very, very triggering. Really scary. Some scenes were too uncomfortable to watch so I had to pause it several times. Why? These things are so so close to us and people, sometimes people we know, keep hiding these things from us. Maybe the Barcelona Vamp was innocent. Maybe it wasn't. The only thing that it is true is that nothing like this happens without another one getting involved too. Another one keeping silence. Someone refusing to act. That's how bad it is. Not the movie ofc.
I love the use of color and the use of black and white too. It's definitely a good film. The dialogues... they were too realistic. Sadly. I have known people that say things like that. That keep blaming it onto the victims no matter if they're 40 or 6 years old. Don't watch this movie if child abuse triggers you. While it is not graphic it definitely makes you uncomfortable. And it should. Another thing to say about this movie: the original language is in Spanish. And when I saw it on HBO the English subtitles were lacking. So were the subtitles in Spanish. So either you learn/practice your Spanish or you'll need to find CC and the mp4 file too. To make sure you get it otherwise you'll be missing half of the story.
21. Dracula (1979)✅ ⭐⭐⭐
Okay the whole time I was so into the aesthetics. But sometimes I found it funny. Mmmm but I decided to give it a go because it was an old movie. Honestly it wasn't that bad. A bit cringe but kinda okay. The aesthetics were really pleasing tho.
22. Army of the Dead ✅⭐⭐
I started watching it because... it looked fun. Zombieland type of fun.
The OST is awesome. I'm not taking this movie seriously. I don't know why... oh yeah okay... now I kind of understand why.
Okay it has a lot of tits and a lot of blood in the very beginning. If this is how's gonna be... or not. Oh... it gets better after the first minutes 😜 A bit of character development...
I like this idea of zombies being strong and somewhat more fast. Like Korean zombies.
I fell asleep. Again... *sighs* this is ridiculous. I'll have to rewatch just... I'm not sure...
I'll be back. Let me do a quick rewatch.
Zombie tiger Valentine was awesome. Smart zombies? Cool!!
I think I'm bored...
I mean, it's a cool movie. But I prefer Zombieland.
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They're supposed to be great at shooting, so why do they spend so many bullets on killing one zombie if they already know to aim for the head?
I'm rooting for the king. He actually seems decent.
Ohh no they killed his baby 😭
They should pay for it.
Okay... okay, wait a second lol I'm getting an idea...
Why there are no movies with zombies as main characters where the humans are the bad ones?
I mean, we have all what it takes: Usually someone, a doctor, trying to play God, and making a human turn into zombie. The whole zombie apocalypse goes on because they kill the family of subject Zero and all that.
This movie deserves another star just cause the OST is really awesome. Seriously. I'm not going to give it one more though lol the whole thing was quite disappointing.
23. The Fall of the Usher House (Netflix series) ✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Okay I saw this whole series in what? Two days? The adaptation was incredibly well done. I'm aware that the story on the book is different but I quite enjoyed the show. Although it's quite graphic. So there's my trigger warning ⚠️ if anything lol honest question, do we need trigger warnings for horror movies?
Carla Gugino's still one of my unexplained crushes, she is still as beautiful as the day I saw her for the first time, does she have a fountain of eternal youth hidden somewhere? Anyway, it surprised me how good she's within the horror genre. To be honest I haven't followed her in years but now she captured my attention so I definitely will be paying attention from now on.💕
I actually screamed during Tammy's death. Her acting is truly on point. It made me feel everything that the rest of the Ushers couldn't. Considering how tired and how much I've disassociated these weeks to be able to watch horror movies every day, I think you can say she's the best of the best.
Ironically, she wasn't even my favorite character but Aunt Madeleine and Camille who I felt they were so alike. And in a way I kept admiring them. And also Lenore but for different reasons. Still I felt captivated by the whole series. Aunt Madeleine monologue is wow! But Tammy's death and the way it was presented to us, I truly felt like I was inside with her. Grieving and feeling all that. I couldn't stop watching despite how much I wanted to.
24. Mary Shelley's Frankenstein✅⭐⭐⭐
It made me jump several times 😭🤣 but I can't quite put my finger on why... maybe because it was raining while I was watching the movie. Maybe because the timing was so on point every time the lightening strikes inside the movie, the same thing happened here...
Anyway this is my first time watching Frankestein and the aesthetics are so good 😍💖 also.. Helena Bonham Carter is there!? And considering how good Kenneth Branagh was playing Gilderoy Lockhart I really found hilarious and on point sawing him play Victor Frankenstein too.
25. #Alive✅⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐
What a movie! I wonder if this is tied to Train to Busan and All of us are Dead. I mean, technically it's not. But the fandom can always take upon it and make it a thing. It has happened before lol right?? Please someone needs to make it a thing 😭 even if it's just a fanfic or something. I'll be so happy.
It keeps reminding me of coronavirus 😭
The guy is a good person but... why is he eating such a big ramen? He should be breaking it into small portions lol he really does not know anything about survival. Poor thing 😕 I shouldn't be laughing so much about it but... he's really stupid at times. If he survives it'll be a miracle lol
Oh... she's cute 🥺 kind and smart. She's going to die lol
They are so lucky to have each other. 🥺😭
Okay... let's start counting how many times he actually screwed it off lol
Every time I think he's about to screw it off, he saves her lol and I like their dynamic so much 🥺😭 like, not really shipping them. Just, rooting for them and loving their friendship. That's a friendship right?
OMG she's so cool...
No way... see? This is why I enjoy Korean movies so much... their plot twists are insane...
26. Freaky✅⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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O.M.G. it's definitely one of the best movies I've seen in a while. Scary but original. And funny. I loved it. Great characters. Awesome development. Good acting. Made me laugh a lot and I was rooting for the heroine. But also... aw 🥺🤧 that ending... And the beginning! 😱💕
27. A nightmare on Elm Street ✅⭐⭐⭐
It's a great movie. Seriously. But I had to pause it several times because I felt sleepy... really sleepy. Which is so weird because I usually don't feel like that while watching a horror movie.
Anyway I found odd watching Johnny Depp as a kid 🤣 but I was rooting for Nancy's character all the way.
28. The Wizard of Oz ✅ ⭐⭐
Aw... cute singing...
Toto what!? 😱 Well...
I'm not sure I liked the movie lol it felt like.... why are they singing so merrily about the death of the witch!? I feel like they're so mean 😭💀
.... Did Glinda just decided to make Dorothy part of her beef against Elephie? (Ignoring the musical plot ofc) they're so mean lololol
Pretty sure lions and tigers are not part of the forest 😭🤣 okay maybe there are tigers on the rainforests. But pretty sure you won't find one... in middle of the forest. Nvm. I realize it's supposed to be a movie... sorry about that lol
Ohhh that last part when they are all together, facing their worse fears together. It's so cute.
I love the hourglass. It's red!! 😍 so pretty.... the movie is cringy lol but the songs are catchy. The red shoes are marvelous too 😍
And that's it. I don't like this movie lol but the songs are awesome.
29. Cirque du Freak ✅⭐⭐
Ken Watanabe!? Josh Hutcherson, John C. Reilly, Salma Hayek and William Dafoe!? How come I didn't watch this first!? 😭😱 looks so cool...
The intro is so long... but kind of interesting lol
I was eating... lucky me, I don't really get nauseous or sick of watching gross things. I used to watch Dr House or Hannibal when I was a kid while I was eating. That's how strong my stomach is lol
... Is it just me or Evra looks a bit like Ross Lynch here? I love Ross Lynch.... maybe that's why lol
Being honest it was below average. But I also liked it. So... the stars do not say how much, because then it'd be a 3 or 4 but the movie deserves only two.
30. Suspiria (original)✅⭐⭐⭐⭐
The aesthetics are so 😍💕
Did I mention I'm a Dario Argento fan? Okay, I'm a new fan lol like, I'm barely starting with his movies and all that, but still, he's the only one who has actually made me feel so excited and terrified at the same time. Like actually screaming and keep me horrified for several minutes. I loved Phenomena with Jennifer Connelly. Suspiria seems like a dream and a nightmare at the same time.
She looks like Lily Collins 😳
God... the aesthetics... that blue, and those walls... 😍💖
It's actually ballet! 😭😚
The music gives you an actual headache...
Are they trying to drown her!? That diet seems so... lol still... I wish there was a school like that. Minus the bloodbath ofc
lol I like how Susy prefers to sleep before spying on the teachers. I'd be pissed irl because there's nothing better than a mystery but... the movie's making me laugh a little with that. I think they're putting something on her food though.
Okay Susie's definitely taking pills to sleep, you do recognize the signs after a while... I'm surprised I didn't notice before... but Sara keeps shaking her so much it's impossible for her not to be awake unless she's on drugs 😭
Okay... the ending was a bit disappointing. But also good? Still, that makes me like the remake a bit more. Ummm... I think I like both movies now. I'm keeping this on first place because the aesthetics and music. Some parts are dark but nothing big if you're into horror movies. Still... I think I want to watch it again because of the aesthetics. *sigh*
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31. (No title. I'll be watching a movie with a friend 😚💕)
🦇✨ 🎃 ✨ 🎃 ✨ 🎃 ✨ 🎃 ✨ 🎃 ✨ 🦇
My take: I'm usually a person who likes horror movies. A lot. But... I'm so tired of them RN so I definitely took some horror movies out to make it a bit more light and that's why I ended up watching The Wizard of Oz and Cirque du Freak. And I still ended up hating them lol that's how tired I am. I'm about to puke already. Seriously. Someone please get me something else to watch lololol
I am now looking for the original books of Oz after watching Return to Oz and The Wizard of Oz (which tbh I never saw the original one until now, but several animated ones, and I always found them so creepy I could not even.)
I'm definitely not going to watch horror movies in a while. I'm so done with it. Also, this is why I was struggling so much and couldn't find another movie to make it 31 to the point I almost fall asleep with most of them. I can't feel a thing with most of them. And I love Suspiria. I'm not going to watch anything else after this movie. Not right now at least.
I did enjoy the movie with my friend. I think it's one of the best things. Just because I spent almost 2 hours with that person. That already makes everything 1000% better.
Things that I've learned:
* I hate slashers, unless they're really good or do not have so many gory details. Or it's a bit more "elegant" lol idk how to explain it, except for me liking more Hannibal than a random freak with a knife. You guys get it no?
* My favorite Halloween movies are with ghosts, but I prefer psychological thriller movies.
* I can endure religions on movies but I hate them with passion.
* Monsters are not my thing because they usually are so brainless and so are the people around them trying to kill or run away from them. Use your brain! (This is why I'm a Ravenclaw -.-)
* American zombies suck. They're slow and boring. Please do not mention to me War Z. Korean zombies are awesome and they're the only reason I started watching zombie movies 💀 I like them fast.
* I will root for the brainy and most sassiest person in the room. If this one is killed I will root for the killer.
* I don't think I'll be celebrating Halloween with horror movies next year lol but who knows right?
* The winner of this list would be: Psycho. And in second place I'd be picking Freaky cause I really enjoyed that movie.
* I'm growing less and less fond of Halloween the more time it passes (not the idea itself, death and undead will never scare me but the whole horror show puts me a bit.... off now. I'm starting to understand my own roots a bit more too like being fond of this time of the year because it ends but not because of the horror, ya know what I mean? I'm getting old I think. Or maybe I'm coming back to the person I used to be.)
* Most horror movies and series lack of character development or something that makes it attractive and lets the audience feel compelled to root for them. That's why many people started rooting for the monster. It lacks humanity. They're just bloodbaths. It's boring.
* It took me so many hours to think of my costumes, design something somewhat decent, pull all the pics and watch movies at the same time 😭 🤣 it was fun but I won't be doing this again.
* I love autumn 🍂🍁🍂
* Somehow I'm more in touch with my feelings right now.
* Some movies and series actually made me feel inspired to go back and write!
* I really, really love autumn 🍂 it's just this cozy, nostalgic feeling. I'm trying not to cry whenever I see the sunlight through the leaves. 🍁
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necromancy-savant · 1 year
Multiples of 3 for book asks!
3. what is your preferred genre?
My preferred genre is the stuff you find in the nonfiction section that's all myths and poems
6. do you track the books you read? if so, how?
Nope; never occurred to me
9. do you have a favorite author?
John Milton \m/
12. which book will you read next?
Probably The Two Towers bc I read Fellowship, loved it, and then got distracted by like 5 other books. I need to finish reading Lord of the Rings and The Silmarillion
15. have you been/are you in a book club?
I was in a Shakespeare club in grad school! I brought in the production of David Tennant's R2 for us to watch that @skeleton-richard introduced me to
18. do you have any rules if you loan someone a book?
I mean don't write on it or like intentionally be rough on it?
21. do you prefer to read or listen?
Read. I watch everything with subtitles if I can
24. what book to movie adaptation to you dislike?
I mean one time I saw some Iliad adaptation that didn't even have the gods and was boring af but I don't remember what it was. And one time I saw about 10 minutes of some CGI Beowulf bc it was so ugly I had to turn it off
27. is there a book that scared you?
Yes. Well, recently I was having a bit of trouble sleeping thinking about the demons in Camp Damascus, but also I used to stay up late in high school reading my giant Edgar Allan Poe book and then I could never sleep. I don't even remember which ones were the scariest. There was one about a coffin on a boat that fucked me up and wasn't even that scary.
30. is there a book that changed your life?
Phantom of the Opera, then Paradise Lost, then Richard III, and I think now The Locked Tomb
33. what was your favorite childhood book?
36. what’s the most you’ve reread a book?
I literally have no fucking clue. I've memorized all of Richard III's lines in that play. I lost count of the number of times I've read Paradise Lost about 10 years ago. I can predict the next words in my translation of Phantom and read it in its original language just because I know what it's going to say, I know all the words to Earnest and Julius Caesar, I have no clue how many thousands of times I've read Enuma Elish or Ishtar's Descent to the Underworld or anything else I've every tried or had to translate. Basically I read the same few books and stories over and over and over and over and
39. favorite quote from your favorite book?
Be then his Love accurst, since love or hate, To me alike, it deals eternal woe. Nay curs'd be thou; since against his thy will Chose freely what it now so justly rues. Me miserable! which way shall I flie Infinite wrauth, and infinite despaire? Which way I flie is Hell my self am Hell; And in the lowest deep a lower deep Still threatning to devour me opens wide, To which the Hell I suffer seems a Heav'n.
42. do you buy new or secondhand books?
I have so many books I got for free from the grad school English department that they were literally just giving away. I got a whole Faerie Queene that way. I got a complete Chaucer's works that way. One time I went in and some students were going through stuff and I was like "yo is that a fascimile of Poetaster??!!" and my classmate said, "here, it's yours: it should go to someone who will love it" and I was in Heaven
45. thoughts on separating the author from the work?
So...this gets into so much internet discourse and so much discourse within critical theory over the last like 40 years. Basically, yes, historical context matters and knowing who an author was as a person can give some insight into a text, but I'm also not going to give a currently living author money whom I don't want to support. You should read problematic stuff from hundreds of years ago to learn your history; hell, I'd venture to say that if you can do so without giving them money, you should read problematic shit written recently and today to know what it looks like and learn to draw your own conclusions
48. what book would you give someone if they wanted a glimpse into your psyche?
Richard III
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