#i still love it tho 💔
localcreeture · 4 months
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leonardo tomato
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majunju · 1 year
could you post stelle's beta design, i can't find it anywhere <3 thank you!
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here u go !!
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httpiastri · 11 months
this is one of the best things i’ve seen all year 😭
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ovaryacted · 9 days
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xenomortix · 2 months
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day 4 of me posting random art until i post the milestone one
so....what an ending, huh?
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fatuismooches · 1 year
Man I adore tormenting dottore as my love language :3
cw: kinda dark? zandik accidentally hurting us because he's hallucinating (IM NOT AN EXPERT I just think it's like. Very realistic if this were to happen)
Anyways, I like to think that Dottore came from a... Rather unpleasant home, and then especially burned his home town along with everyone who has cursed him (except for you ofc)
Still, the memories hasn't left him. It's not like he could, no matter how much he buries himself in his research. Zandik can't heal when he pretends that it's all fine and that dwelling into such emotions would be a waste of time. This proved to be more prominent during his younger days...
One day, I could just imagine, you come home to your shared dorm, all preppy and smiles because you're finally gonna spend time with the love of your life! Only to see absolute ruin of your dorm—everything was a mess, papers strewn every where, couch flipped, drops of his blood on the floor. You panic, wondering if the Matra finally raided your home to arrest Zandik, then you heard him yell—in your bedroom. You run towards it, frantically, and stupidly.
You should've assessed the situation more. Took a deep breath and calmed your mind—but you were striken with anxiety and fear, and when you shouted "what happened here!?" "What did you do!?" at him, you were quickly met with pain you've never felt before.
He had burned you with a torch, and now you're on the ground, writhing and screaming in hellish pain, cradling the parts of your body that was burnt to a crisp. You see him grinning at you, eyes full of satisfaction and malice.
You thought that this was what he wanted all along, that everything was a lie and he just used you for all your worth, and now that he has nothing to use you for, he has decided to kill you.
But you then hear him shout: "Are you proud of me? I've become the monster you've always told me that I am."
Quickly, you realize that he hadn't meant to hurt you.
The scars stayed, much to Zandik's dismay. After treating your injuries, he has resorted to ignoring you for the next couple of days, being mean and insulting you.
Just be patient with him, you know that he cares. And that he's absolutely crushed that he has hurt you, of all people. He didn't mean it, but now you've got painful scars that will ache for a life time, all because of him. All because he was stubborn to heed your concerns. He wanted to burn the past, he really did. To forget and move on. He hated his childhood so much that he's willing to just let it burn into ashes... But he didn't realize if he tried, he'd burn you along with it.
You see him open his mouth whenever he tends your healing wounds, but then close it, biting his bottom lip to keep it from trembling. You see him read books all about treating burn wounds, cook you meals, ignoring his research all for you—his hands shook, eyes dark though glassy. You know he wants to apologize, but then his eyes goes to your scars, sucks in a deep breath, glares at you and walks away.
He's really doing his best to push you away
Zandik cares so much that he wants you to leave him, hate him, for being who he is, for being what he is. But no, you're smiling so softly and reassuring him that you're fine. That it's not his fault, that he didn't mean it.
And he'd yell he did mean it, that you were just lucky to survive (as if he hasn't lost sleep and progress on his research just to tend to you).
It wasn't his fault, you urged.
You remember it all vividly. Zandik knocking frantically at your home, houses ablaze behind him, his body littered with cuts and bruises. People were carrying torches and pitchforks, makeshift weapons and screaming at Zandik to just leave—and with out much thought, you grabbed as much as you could from your room and ran away with him.
You knew he finally snapped that day. Took matters in his own hands... He never talked much about it, but you could assume what happened. And you were certain he had confronted his parents before it all went to shit.
He wasn't trying to hurt you. He never did, and he would never want to hurt you. You were the exception and will always be, he would rather let the world cave in than letting you bleed by his hands. Zandik was lost in his thoughts, drowning in unpleasant memories and his eyes deceived him—he thought you were someone else, and he wanted to hurt them, not you.
JGJGOFHFJDSJS yeah that, he most definitely probably cry in your arms talking about how much he hates ur scars bc he gave them to you...
Sorry for this I just like. Exploring struggles and menta shit KBcjcjc
MOOT WHAT IS THIS... WHY ARE YOU HURTING US LIKE THIS my JAW WAS DROPPED THE WHOLE TIME 😭😭 Okay but real. I have two hcs when it comes to Zandik's parents - they were the only ones who loved him but they died when he was really young, or they really just hated him. I've also heard others say "Zandik" can be used as an insult too? I don't know how true that is though. But yeah I think the latter is more likely to be true unfortunately 💔 Even if they were nice to him it wouldn't be enough to counter a whole town's worth of hatred towards him... yup yup the village definitely got burned down to the ground.
One would think that he wouldn't be affected. But he wasn't Dottore yet. He was merely Zandik at this point. He couldn't just shrug it off and go about his day. He pondered. He thought. He felt. He was still more human, more feeling than he wanted to admit, and he absolutely hated it. Still, he didn't regret it, but the memories would simply not leave his head. It was wholly bothersome. After all, not too long ago he was merely a little boy... a little boy who was deemed a monster, a demon child. All the people, even his own parents who accused him were gone now yet... their voices still rang clear in his head. And of course you had no clue, because Zandik would never speak about his feelings under any circumstance.
OUCHHHH HOW CAN I EVEN WRITE THE NEXT PART?? I CAN'T WRITE IT AS GOOD AS YOU oh gosh I WILL TRY. Ah... coming home to your shared dorm. Thinking it's going to be another regular, good day with you and your lover. But it's not, and when you see your home ransacked of course the first thing that goes through your mind is if your Zandik is okay. Of course you you rush to him and beckon him to tell you what happened as anyone would do. Of course you try to reach out to him. And of course, you didn't expect to be licked with flames by your lover's own hand, not only is your body crying out in pain but so is your heart - did Zandik really not care for you after all of these years? The only one who you treasured above all else... perhaps he never viewed you more than a pawn. But then you hear those few words that make you realize what's truly going on - ah, you understand now.
The logical part of Zandik knew that the scars would remain, but the illogical part of him hoped (to think he was even capable of that) badly that they wouldn't. You wonder what his expression was when he was tending to your wounds - you were asleep at the time - but even if you had seen it you probably wouldn't be able to put it into words... it was expressionless yet also not at the same time. He looked empty, and unfeeling, yet he looked the opposite too. And perhaps you wouldn't believe how tenderly he treated your wounds, from the way he's giving you the cold shoulder now. You wouldn't know the way his hands shook the whole time because he did that to you. The one person who would never, who should have never faced his anger, his wrath. It's all his fault, there's no denying that, he hurt you and now you're going to be hurting for the rest of your life too. The last person, no the only person who he doesn't want to see hurt.
Even now, Zandik doesn't understand you. How the fuck are you more calm about this than he is. He hurt you. He burnt you and he meant it and yet in the aftermath, there's not a hint of resentment on your face and he doesn't understand - he hates it so much, you should hate him, in fact it'd make him feel better if you did because how can you even begin to like him a tiny bit after what he's just done, he's claimed to love you and even in that twisted mind of his he knows that's not what lovers do. He doesn't understand why you haven't packed your bags and moved to another dorm by now, hell why do you try to usher him to bed because "lack of sleep is bad for him" what actually goes through your mind...? What went through your mind when you decided to leave with him too? The villagers weren't after you, just him, you could have had a normal life, but you still decided to go with him... you two had no plan, no money, no real necessities but you gave up everything for him anyway. Sigh...
Ouch... i feel like at some point you would just accept your scars but Zandik? Haunts him more than he wants to admit. Don't get me wrong he still thinks you're beautiful but... you know what I mean. Mhm... imagine the child segment asking you where/how you got the scars from and at the moment you make up the most ridiculous lie because that's all your brain can think of because there's no way you're telling the baby that Prime did it. Oh and the angst if Dottore hears that convo :(
Okay... moving on from that angst... PLS You're hella brave for being on tumblr in class, I'm too scared to open it or write fics in general in fear of someone seeing 😭 Once I accidentally opened my blog on my laptop and I closed the tab at LIGHT SPEED. ILY TOO KAI I HOPE YOU'RE DOING WELL!! ❤️❤️❤️
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frenchfry99 · 9 months
Waitttt....you said Lilly has a *honkable nose???*
*Fnaf nose honk insert*
Lilly does the fnaf nose honk canon ‼️🎉
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She's inviting you to join the clownery!
Do you accept the offer??
Bonus Lilly with a couple of her many friends! (lil one befriends anyone in sight)
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Haven't drawn my Home design in ages,, he's such a silly fellow (as much as a house can be silly and fellow lol)
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festering-bacteria · 1 year
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Kagami, Luka & Zoe!!  I can’t believe gay people are real,,,
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c4ss1dysbl0g · 5 months
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OH MY GOD THIS WAS SO FUN TO DRAW I WANT TO MAKE MORE DESIGNS also all the jewelry he has was either from all those raids or he just got them even though he is Rolling in debt 6 feet underground 💔
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İt was worth it tho lmao
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aliceosemansolos · 13 days
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cazluvsu · 7 months
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GOD get married about it or something
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ilottthepilot · 11 days
breaking my silence: i have never trusted devlin defrancesco because the first time i heard of him was in his girlfriend's tiktok where she said that she was the only one at the indy 500 banquet wearing a short dress because he didn't tell her the right dresscode
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not-an-alien-i-swear · 9 months
spoiler for pjo ep 5!
i’m so sad they changed the tunnel of love scene 😭 i MIGHT be misremembering it but im pretty sure it’s entirely different
i like what they did with the scene but i still wish we could’ve gotten the og thing
idk the scene we got seemed kind of underwhelming. It kind of lacked the action of the original scene, which felt much more fast-paced and exciting. yes, that scene where percy tried to sacrifice himself was HEART-WRENCHING, and it showed off his and annabeth’s characters so well, but i think i would’ve much preferred the original scene. i was so excited to see that 💔
another thing i don’t like is how they removed the whole “recorded for the gods’ entertainment” part. i feel like it gave percy just that much more reason to be mad at ares for tricking them, and give him more to feed his rage towards the gods.
also, the escape was just kind of… lacking. kind of boring.
a good thing abt this ep is how PHENOMENAL leah’s acting was. like holy shit. she did not hold back.
k byebye
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nervocat · 5 months
Hey guys, so I'll be announcing smth rlly important here so pls read this. Just know I get personal on my end but I keep it relatively vague.
I've been feeling very very stressed all month and it's worsened a LOT for this week even tho it is only Tuesday. I'm slacking on my work, sleeping the day away, it's been kinda hard to just get up and do things and I just wanna try and get myself together again before I go down that dark hole again like 7th grade.
It's a very scary thought to me bc I've worked so hard to climb out of that said hole and I don't want to go back down it, if that analogy makes sense (analogies help me understand myself better for some reason).
I've also been feeling very lonely lately and for that reason I've kinda just been shutting myself away?? Online and irl too and while I'll probably be just here to read things, you guys can still send in asks just expect replies to be (possibly very) slow. Just need to get it out of my head that just bc mutuals don't acknowledge me or talk with me as much as they used to doesn't mean they hate me (I hope).
I could ramble on abt how much is going on with my mental health rn and for that very reason I'll be cutting myself off here. I'd honestly love if you guys still talked to me but just be aware, as said before, replies WILL probably be slow (sorry arii for leaving your ask from yesterday sitting in my inbox 😭😭).
I might (very slim chance) post works so I'm not saying this is a hiatus per se, just a needed break if that makes sense. I might be active on my other blog (@benefactordreams) bc that's where I can talk abt ocs and stuff but that's also a big big maybe. I like to write stuff for fun to cope :,))
But yeah, just putting this out there so you guys aren't worried abt my inactivity. Love you guys(/p) and I hope you're all well. I'll see you either in my inbox or when I come back fully
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gojuo · 4 months
"She has been groomed to be this immaculate chess player within the game of thrones...." says olivia about alicent.
I really like olivia as a person and agree with the rest of the quote, but come on! She is definitely not "an immaculate chess player". Lmao.
Her alicent hightower is not book alicent, the show adult alicent is such a spineless idiot.
I do think young alicent was smart though.
Book Alicent was an (almost) immaculate chess player in the game of thrones (I say almost because no matter how much I love her, she still has enough of a vindictive streak to make decisions based on her angry feelings rather than thinking rationally 😭)
Show Alicent............ oh man I don't even want to say it 😭😭😭
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milesworld96 · 9 months
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