#i still need to think of a shipname for us
ellecdc · 3 months
Hellooo, so I see you opened your requests 🥸 I am a new member of the The Marauders fandom and you have been my go to and all time favorite writer. First want to thank you for all the effort you must put in for us goblins. I am also very new to even really interacting on tumblr outside of the anonymous option. So hellooo! Any way onto the request if you ever feel like it, I get horrible migraines and to deal I tend to look really goofy with a compression cap and ice face mask on and during my recent episode I couldn’t help but think about how any of your lovey boys would react to their partner looking crazy with all that gear on 🙃. This is weirdly specific so ignore if it doesn’t sing for you. But thanks again for the art you share!❣️🌿
hi sweets! first of all: WELCOME TO THE MARAUDERS FANDOM!?!? please help yourself to any seat and don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have (there's a lot of complicated shipnames, canon vs. fanon theories to learn). second of all: OMG are you kidding me!? well thank you, that's quite an honour, but feel free to check out these authors I mentioned previously. thirdly: I love you little goblins 😭😭😭😭
also, since you didn't specify which marauders boy - I opted to give you all of the ones (that I write for) as headcanons 🫶
How various Marauders era boys would react to your migraine get-up
James Potter:
he'd open the door to the bedroom to find you laying there, prone in your pain
immediately "oh angel!!!!" causing you to wince in pain and shush him
he'd acquiesce but he'd whimper quietly as if your pain was causing him pain
he'd start flitting around the room: pulling the blackout curtains shut tightly, placing a glass of water and some pain meds beside you
you'd finally have to banish him from the room, though, on account of his various noises (poor dude couldn't manage silence if his life depended on it)
when you started to feel better, however, you'd take the sleep mask off but not the cap and head out to the living space to find James had closed every curtain in the whole flat, he had turned on a humidifier just on the off chance it helps relax you, and started a pot of tea for you
"I've got the hot pack here if you'd like me to warm it up for you?" he'd offer quietly, still looking particularly pained at your sorry state
"Can I just have a hug?" you'd ask pathetically and he'd coo (quietly) and embrace you gently as if you were about to break
"I'm sorry your partner looks so silly when you come home to them." you laughed, thinking about the ice/compression cap you were still wearing
"you've never looked more beautiful"
Sirius Black:
I believe he'd get very nervous to see someone in pain whether it be physically or mentally - but particularly a pain that was mental or internal (like a migraine vs a cut etc) because he wouldn't know how to fix it and he'd feel useless
He would whisper a cautious "hey baby" as he entered and move so slowly, trying to make as little noise as possible "what happened?"
he knows nothing happened, just that you're hurting: but again, he doesn't know how to fix this and he hates it
"What do you need?" he'd ask as he'd lie down cautiously beside you, itching to reach out but not knowing if it would be okay.
"Nothing." you'd mutter, and immediately feel bad for being short with him. "nothing, I'm sorry. just some time." you'd correct, reaching your hand tentatively across the space to touch his hand, which he'd quickly albeit gently take in his own
"okay." he'd say simply
you waited for the bed to move to signal his departure, but he never left.
he just laid there with your hand in his, watching you quietly
you wouldn't notice this in your state, but he was taking dramatic breaths for your benefit: deep breaths in, holding, and deep breaths out, silently encouraging you to align your breathing with his, which you did subconsciously
you'd wake up later in much the same way - him still on his side watching you (or perhaps he fell asleep too) and your hand still in his
he'd apologize to you as if your pain was somehow his fault, but it was because he felt helpless when you needed him
you'd thank him for his help and he'd relax immediately
Remus Lupin:
Remus is no friggen stranger to chronic pain and flare ups
he wouldn't even say anything, he'd just adjust his footing so he made as little noise as possible
he'd gently press a kiss to your shoulder, to make sure you knew he was here (though he knew with your head the way it was, you would have likely heard his keys all the way down the hall of the apartment building
he'd make himself busy in the flat - soup ready for when you woke up, tea ready to be brewed should you want some, lights off, curtains closed
he'd come by in a bit and quietly tell you to sit up, helping you replace your no longer cold ice mask and cap with new ones
you'd pathetically ask him if he would stay and he'd breathe out in relief because really - that's what he's wanted from the beginning
Regulus Black:
"what's this? what happened?" he'd ask urgently, thinking you'd been hurt or something
"sh! I have a migraine" you'd moan back.
he'd make a pitying tsk sound and make for you
totally babying behaviour "what do you need? do you want food? do you want more blankets? less blankets? a new watch? I'm going to order you a new watch"
you'd banish him from the room for the coddling and when you return to the living area later - he will be surrounded by bags because he had gone shopping and returned with the most ridiculous things: clothes, food, jewellery, blankets, pillows
"I didn't know what you might need." He'd say, slightly shy
"I needed a nap, Regulus." you'd laugh.
"well...you deserve all of this anyway."
and then he'd spend the rest of the evening doing low-impact stuff for your head. reading you a book quietly, gentle conversation, maybe run you a bath
bonus! Barty Crouch Jr:
"who did this?" he'd bark as he saw you in the fetal position with your gear on
"christ, Barty. please be quiet"
"what happened?" he'd demand, quieter but no less intense.
"I just have a migraine."
a switch would flip. he'd ready the room for you (curtains, quiet, water, pills, he'd set up a fan pointed at you.)
then he'd sit outside of the door to your flat and violently threaten anyone walking in the hallway if they make so much as a whisper of noise in this flats direction.
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st0nesnglitter · 7 months
Prongsfoot x Reader Headcannons <3
A/N: hi, woke up with lots of thoughts about this particular pairing. I haven’t written in like six months so it’s short and kinda bad lol. Also I always thought the shipname Buckstar..
GN!reader except the last bulletpoint.
The difference between James and Sirius is easiest described by this: golden retriever and black cat. James is touchy-feely, loves cuddling and needs exercise to keep him sane. He’s all goofy smiles and curls, and loves very openly. Sirius is quietly observing, elegant and shows affection on his own terms, but when he does it’s amazing. He leaves fleeting touches to get you to come to him, pretty smirks and sharp eyes.
Since they’ve known each other for such a long time they bicker like it’s a sport. Their arguments rage from Quidditch brooms to pizza, from the prettiest flowers to what are the best dress shoes. Often times they want you to settle their disputes for them, which lead to extravagant compliments to win you over.
“Aw come on, love, you know I’m right” Sirius purred into your ear. “Just say that lip oil is better than lipbalm and I’ll show you how soft my lips can feel”
“DON’T FALL FOR HIS CHEAP TRICKS!” James screams from across the room.
Mornings in James’ bed are warm and soft. James loves, loves, loves being big spoon whilst Sirius usually wants to rest his head against your chest which often leads to you being in the middle. Sandwiched between two gorgeous men, who adore you, makes it hard to leave each morning.
Their competitive streak definitely comes out in the bedroom too. Having a “who can make our partner cum the fastest/ the most times/ the most intense” competition that usually leads to every muscle in your body aching and the dire need for some new sheets.
“I think I got four” James mumbles as he softly dabs a washcloth over your spent body.
“Yeah right, you got two at best!” Sirius argues as he grabs you some boxers to wear to bed. “I, however, got three solid ones”.
When James feels subbier he wants to be used like a toy. He is def a pleasurer in every mood but when he feels a little foggy and frustrated he just wants to give and give. So even though Sirius is pounding into him from behind he is still determined to give you the best head of your life. His eyes get so pretty and glasslike, with his brows furrowed as asks to fuck you even though he’s shaky from Sirius and you’ve already came onto his tongue.
When Sirius doesn’t feel his best he is the opposite. He just want to degrade and mock, let his frustration out through his delicious malice. There’s a slight Madonna-whore complex within him, since he and James have fooled around for some time and you’re the new addition, he feels like he can be rougher toward Jamie. You can tell his mood through how hard he kisses, grabbing onto the back of your neck and using your hair as leverage. He makes a mess out of James’ curls, makes him look like a real slut, and usually ends with Sirius giving James a facial. Seeing his boyfriend with messy, sweaty hair and a flushed face that is covered in his cum usually snaps him out of his bad mood.
One thing they never got tired of arguing about: who has the bigger dick. There’s only been one time they’ve argued who has the smaller: when you agreed to do anal. It was after a Quidditch win and they shared a quick glance before starting to debate.
“Well you are definitely longer!” James says and gestures with his hands to measure out a guesstimate of Sirius’s dick.
“Oh come on, mate, you have a fat cock”
After a few minutes of bickering you just decided for yourself. And since Sirius was more slender you felt more comfortable with him taking your anal virginity. But you didn’t want James to feel left out so he got to prep you. And this man took this job with the upmost seriousness. He ate you out, worked in one finger at a time, playing with your clit to make you relax. When Sirius finally pushed into your tight hole you were already so close to the edge. He stilled when he was balls deep to let you adjust, but as he started to thrust into you your eyes widened and legs started to shake.
“I made her cum from anal… I am a god!” Sirius was breathing heavily, on cloud nine.
“Oh please! I placed her right on that edge for you, you only tipped her over”
And the bickering continued…
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sereneres · 7 months
dollz™ ³
newjeans x 6th member!reader / 0.8k
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summary. — in which danielle has too much time on her hands. she also isn’t really there but we’re going to ignore that
warnings. — danielle is here yet isn’t at the same time
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“this name thing is lowkey kinda hard.”
hyein huffs, rolling onto her side and raising an eyebrow at the older girl. “don’t you already have all of yours, unnie?”
“well, no, i still have to come up with with mine and ynnie’s.” hanni sighs, dropping her chin into her palm. “the others were easier. bbangsaz, kittyz, twotolz, niniz–”
“why are you and dani-unnie ‘niniz’?” haerin tilted her head. “couldn’t you just be ‘aussiez’? because you both came from australia?”
minji, sighing, patted the girl on the soldier with a look of faux sympathy. “don’t question it too much, haerin, you’ll just get lost in the complicatedness that is hanni’s mind.”
“hey, just so you know, danielle was the one who wanted niniz, not me!”
“oh.” minji blinked, then turned back to haerin to once again pat her on the shoulder. “nevermind haerin.”
hyein groans, turning to you as the two girls continued bickering. haerin, having already settled down on minji’s lap, starts to doze off.
“yn-unnie~” she whines, shuffling closer to you and placing her hands on your knees. “can you help me, please?”
her words are almost robotic, seeing as she had said them in english, and that, paired with the pouty look on her face, was enough to make you coo at the younger girl.
“don’t worry about it too much, hyein.” you murmured, placing a hand on her head and petting her. “it’ll come to us… hopefully.”
minji, being unable to move with a sleeping haerin in her lap, turns her head nearly one-hundred and eighty degrees to look at you. “maybe you should ask danielle for help. she’s pretty good at coming up with names.”
“sh– mph,” haerin yawned. “she made a list of ship names for us already. didn’t you guys get her message?”
“she did?” hanni frowned, picking up your phone. “when’d she send it?”
“hanni-unnie, that’s my phone–”
the older girl pressed a finger to your lips, her eyes fixed on the screen of your phone. “shush, yn, you weren’t using it anyway.” she paused. “uh, what’s your password again?”
“just use your own phone, unnie.” hyein sighed, plopping her head onto your lap. “it would be faster if you did.”
you too sigh, albeit more out of exasperation than tiredness. “debut date, hanni-unnie.” you reminded her for the nth time that month. “it’s our debut date.”
“right… did you use month day year, day month year, year month day, or year day month?”
“okay, okay, i got it, no need to whine… oh wow this list is long–”
“what about barbiez?” hyein cut in, having pulled up the list on her own phone. “that’s pretty cute, right, yn-unnie?”
you hum. “it is, but i don’t think we can just use barbiez. for one thing, it would look weird being spelt with a z when everyone spells it with an s–”
“all of our shipnames look weird with a z though.” haerin muttered. “dani-unnie and i use ‘candyz’ and not ‘candies’…”
“and, most importantly, we could get into some issues using the name barbie despite not being affiliated to the brand.” you smile apologetically at the girl in your lap, the beginnings of a pout on her face. “sorry, hyein-ah, but we can’t use it.”
“what about bratz?” hanni suggested, having not paid attention to anything you had said. “you and hyein look like bratz, right, minji?”
minji blinks. “erm…” she glances at you, her silent plea for help plastering an amused yet small smile on your lips.
“we can’t use that one because, as i said earlier, copyright and or trademark issues, hyein.” you said. “also, i don’t think it would be a good look if we were called bratz. it’s too much like the word brats, and who knows how many people already think of us like that…”
“those pe’ple are jus’ haters, unnie.” haerin murmured sleepily. “ignore ‘em.”
hanni huffed and nodded her head in agreement with the younger’s words. “well said, haerin, well said.”
“okay, what about dollz?” minji asked, looking at hyein. she had, at somepoint, taken your phone from hanni and was going through the list danielle had created. “since you can’t use barbiez or bratz, why not just use dollz?”
“dollz.” hyein repeated thoughtfully, seemingly testing how the word sounded. “that’s…”
“it’s perfect.” you leaned forward, trying and failing to peek at the screen—it was a privacy screen, hence your failure—of your phone. “was it on dani-unnie’s list?”
the older girl nodded. “it was.” she gives you your phone before pointing at the name on the screen. “see, it’s like, ten or so names down from the first one in the third row.”
“oh… just how many names did dani-unnie come up with?”
“she came up with around twenty–”
“oh, that’s not that bad.”
“–for each pairing, excluding the ones we already made names for, so, around a hundred?”
“a hundred?!”
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previous. / pairz. / next.
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quordleona03 · 1 year
A Priest in Korea is Moving to the AO3
Many years ago, I was friends with Scarlatti on Livejournal, and I found she had written a whole lot of M*A*S*H fanfiction (twenty stories! That was a whole lot back then!) using the name Iolanthe.
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I read all her stories - mostly Hawkeye/Mulcahy: as far as I know, she was the very first person ever to write Hawkeye/Mulcahy slash stories - and I loved them and I started seeing Hawkcahy in the series and one of her stories gave me the idea for the story that eventually grew into Sins and Virtues.
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She read the final part of S&V only in first draft - I started sending her sections as soon as I had finished them - because Susan had cancer, and she died, four months before she would have turned 40. Her website, A Priest In Korea (William Christopher's description of M*A*S*H was "Oh, it's about a priest in Korea") fell into the Wayback machine, and last year, thinking of her stories again and looking for them, I found a complete snapshot of her website, and I thought "I could transfer this over to AO3 and let everyone read them: I bet they have a process for that".
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They do. Julie was my Virgil as I walked through the Open Doors and now a priest in Korea has moved to AO3: A priest in Korea03. The longest story on site isn't even a Hawkeye/Mulcahy story: it's a Francis Mulcahy & Margaret Houlihan story, Polarity, which uses "a creaky old sci-fi plot device" to put Francis into Margaret's body and Margaret into Francis's -
He grew even more uneasy under the appreciative once-over with which Dickinson now favored him, and a blush warmed his face. When he caught sight of Houlihan's sidelong glare, he wondered how she -- or any other woman, for that matter -- would normally handle that kind of attention.
"Well now, Major, I can see you're a take-charge kind of gal," Dickinson drawled. "Meaning no disrespect. But your C.O. would have my head on a platter if I sent you off without an armed escort. Ain't that how you got into this mess in the first place?"
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And the next-longest is also not precisely Hawkeye/Mulcahy, Playing the Game: The night air was pleasant and warm, and I was enjoying the mind-fuzzing effects of several beers, so my pace was unhurried. I'd almost made it to my tent when a man stepped out of the shadows behind the nurses' tent and latched onto my upper arm. "Hold it right there, Mister Vatican," he hissed.
I knew who it was without needing to see his face. No one but Colonel Sam Flagg, alleged CIA operative and all-around loose cannon, had ever addressed me in that fashion. I froze obediently, though my heart was racing and every instinct was telling me to flee for the hills at the earliest opportunity.
"Got a few questions for you," Flagg went on.
(sadly, now and forever unfinished, but rather in the sense of "there should have been more" than "ends on a cliffhanger")
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She wrote what is still (as far as I can tell) the only Henry Blake/Trapper story, one of the few Radar/Hawkeye stories, and also Trapper/Mulcahy.
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But mostly, she wrote about Francis Mulcahy falling in love with Hawkeye, and Hawkeye's gentle reciprocation.
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Between us, we somehow managed to get the tent door open and cross the threshold. At that point, I expected Mulcahy to say goodnight and go pass out in his bunk, which is what I would've done, but instead he had a surprise for me.
As soon as the door closed behind us, he turned in my grasp until we were face to face. Before I had time to fully register what was going on, he'd looped his arms around my neck and was pulling me forward into a kiss.
It was, I think, the softest, sweetest, most tender kiss I've ever received...and one of the most inexplicably erotic.
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What can I say? I loved her stories. She inspired me to write Hawkcahy long before that shipname was invented. I never got to meet her. I'd like you all to read her stories, and thanks to Open Doors/AO3, there they are.
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They told me, Heraclitus, they told me you were dead, They brought me bitter news to hear and bitter tears to shed. I wept, as I remembered, how often you and I Had tired the sun with talking and sent him down the sky. And now that thou art lying, my dear old Carian guest, A handful of grey ashes, long long ago at rest, Still are thy pleasant voices, thy nightingales, awake; For Death, he taketh all away, but them he cannot take.
This is sort of a sad post, but it shouldn't be: Susan was hilarious, and it's been a pleasure and an honour being her archivist.
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Thanks, Susan.
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lgbtlunaverse · 10 months
Recently I saw a post that was like "grouping jiang cheng ships by how much they're about wei wuxian" so i'm gonna steal that concept and do "grouping ochako ships by how much they are about midoriya izuku"
Inviting comparisons to wwx and jc's relationship, it would probably have made more sense to do this with bakugou, but I'm 500 times more insane about Ochako so. Someone else will have to do that.
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Ochako ships that are about midoriya:
Izuocha: midoriya is literally in this ship. He's right there. This is at least 50% about him by necessity.
Kacchako: The most popular shipname uses Midoriya's nickname for Bakugou as a portmanteau instead of his actual name. I think that tells you everything you need to know. This ship has always had a bit of "solving a love triangle by ignoring the axis" energy for me. And that's a compliment! I like that kind of stuff! You definitely can make kacchako not about midoriya, but you'd have to work for it.
Ochako ships that are not about midoriya:
Tsuchako: Girls! This ship is not about midoriya. in fact it's not about any men. If you're a man, get out.
Iidaocha: Yes, they both know Izuku and are friends with him but he's a background character in their dynamic, they would still be friends even if it weren't for him. This ship is about friends to lovers, mutual trust & competency, and the fun of contrasting personalities.
Minaocha: Protagonist halo gets a little in the way here. A lot of minaocha's canon interactions are mina teasing ochako about her crush on izuku, so he's kind of a plot device in this ship by necessity. But that's not really what the ship is about. Minaocha is about the 2023 barbie movie.
Schrodinger's izuku:
Togachako: narrative foils! Homoromantic stabbing! The classic 1872 gothic novella carmilla! This ship could be about Midoriya if you wanted it to. The charm he gave Uraraka is a major motif in their relationship. Toga starts out liking both izuku and ochako. From what i've seen it's pretty popular among bkdk fans to frame these two as a bkdk parralel and of course in canon they foil izuku & tenko as a hero-villain pair. But izuku is not integral to this ship, he doesn't have to be there.
Todochako: Unlike iidaocha, these two probably wouldn't have become such close friends in canon if they hadn't both been friends with izuku first, mostly because of the profound impact izuku's had on shouto's early character development. But it takes less effort to make it "not about midoriya" than something like kacchako so it goes in this category. Like iidaocha, this is really more about friends to lovers and contrasting personalities and being just, really cute, honestly.
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thetwelfthcrow · 7 months
I know that most of the drivers know about fanfiction being out there but the thought of them discovering ships still freaks me out so much.
A lot of people will say don't write RPF then but there is a big difference between just writing it for fandom and locking it on ao3 OR actively pushing it towards the people it's inspired by. The latter can easily be avoided and not avoiding it is the sole thing that can make RPF problematic.
This makes me so uncomfortable and angry at people who are not thinking about boundaries. Even if the author consents to their fanfiction being out there (but why would you?) you can't get the consent from the people it's about. If they discover it on ao3 then that means that they sought it out and that's okay but if they stumble upon it on twitter because it gets basically shoved into their faces? No.
It's not funny and if you're unlucky, they'll not only think it's weird, they might actually hate it and feel gross about people writing about them having kinky sex with y/n or their colleague.
In extreme cases, famous people discovering fanfiction about themselves altered how they behaved in public. In other extreme cases, they took legal actions, because they felt really ridiculed or uncomfortable.
Fanfiction is for fans. Leave it in strict fandom spaces. How often do people need to say that? You can't always avoid the drivers seeing it, but you can at least make sure that it's not jumping at them when they don't want it to jump at them, which will be the case for most if not all of them.
I don't want drivers to get linked to my tumblr without either my or their consent. It's overstepping a line.
there's a huge difference between Knowing About The Existence of Fanfics and being Actively Made Aware of Certain Fics. sure, they know about fanfics. sure, they know they're being shipped. but to have the shippy things/fanfics/fanart actively shown to you is a whole other thing.
'don't write RPF' is a very dumb thing to say. that is not the issue. the issue is that fandom is for the fans and Not for the people it's about. when i'll make the silly little 4433 discord server, that's for the shippers, the FANS. that is Not for max, lewis, or anyone who knows them personally. when we write fics, that's for the fans, Not for the guys in question!!
twitter is indeed too close. tumblr is The Perfect platform for it. i remember when the people from Watcher Entertainment announced they'd make a tumblr blog and sooo many fans were like Alarm Alarm Must Change My Main Blog So They'll Never Find Out!
i've heard charles is notoriously known for looking up his own name so for the love of god don't post shippy things with his name on twitter.
and also a huge fucking annoyance of mine is that the official accs (red bull, f1, mclaren, whatever) have started using shipnames. don't. that's not for you.
100% agreed w the difference between 'stumbling upon ao3' and 'getting a tweet sent to you with your name'. also a PSA to all RPF authors: if twitter accs ever ask if they can rec your fic on twitter, be flattered and say no. that is not the place for us to be.
i don't think that the drivers will actively read what it's all about, i think they'll see a link and go oh No Nope I am Leaving. years of PR training must've also taught them what to stay away from. but this is the same w people in Max Fewtrell's chat telling him to go to ao3 & wattpad. i was fuming. you Do Not Do That. (sure i wrote a fic about it but that's beside the point).
yeah so i wouldn't worry too much about the extreme cases. this isn't septiplier. the most important difference being: these drivers barely handle their own social media anyway. they're incredibly well managed. this doesn't mean we can do whatever, but it does mean that the chances of something bad happening are smaller i'd reckon.
recently made this metaphor which may be a bit tough to convey in words but: the drivers, the sport, the factual things are like a planet, and fandom is the moon. the moon is for us fans to gather and circle around the planet and occasionally visit and say hi. but to never ever get the drivers with us to the moon. they don't belong there. if one driver gets to the moon, the moon will get closer to the planet and before we know it, the moon is clashing with the planet and nothing's left of either of the two anymore.
drivers knowing about the existence of fanfics as a term is fine. drivers knowing about certain fics is not. drivers knowing about your tumblr is not. fandom for the fans. not for them. don't make those two world collide.
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invinciblerodent · 19 days
tagged by @starfightrpilot in a kissy-picrew, couple song game using this creator! (A lot of the designs aren't super well-reflected in it because, well, the medium itself is a little limited like that, but I still had so much fun playing dressup with it again! ❤️)
@antiqua-lugar, if you're in the mood to play dolls, I'd love to see you do it too next! ❤️
(I went on a bit longer than i thought, so, under the cut it all goes!)
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This is the best I can do for the moment of Iona and Astarion- their song for me is "Masquerade" by YENDRY (ft. Lous and the Yakuza)
I really like how the basis of their whole story is, at its core, a willful miscommunication based on the complete misunderstanding of the other's motives, and how the two singers have their back and forth in different languages.
I really like how over and over again, the song responds to "Antes de hablarme quítate la máscara" ("before you'd speak to me, take off your mask") with "Arrêtez un peu avec toute cette mascarade" ("stop with all this charade/masquerade"), I think that works so nicely for these two's whole Deal with each other- kind of both daring each other to drop the pretense first without fully understanding what the other is saying.
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They didn't have a goatee that would have fit Arvid, so this is kind of the closest I could get to him and Gale! Their song for me is "I Know That He Loves Me" by Autoheart.
I like to kind of think of it as "He" in a way going back and forth between referring to Arvid's god Tempus ("At the edge of imploding/He surrounds me with light") and referring to Gale ("And He acts like a sedative/All through the night"), kind of as a.... religious crisis/romantic panic type of deal? Either way, it's a nice fit.
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For Petyr and Shadowheart (shipname: Phart), most of my songs are instrumentals, but the one that I associate with them is "Love Song of The Beta Male" by Stornoway.
"beta male" in this context is referring to the concept as it exists in birds basically, but it's just a very sweet kind of, "I'm not an idiot, I know I'm not, like, a perfect, charming prince who'll sweep you off your feet, but hey, I can love you still the best I can" sentiment that I feel fits their silly and.... in a way, almost kind of juvenile romance.
(I unfortunately don't yet have one for Petyr and Halsin -ship name Hatyr-, but that's probably for the best, since I can't make them look not related in the bloody picrew, lol.)
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And closing it out with Ray and Wyll, with "Yellow Bird" by Ben Stevenson.
This whole.... hero in/before his prime and hero past his own angle, this... one of them embodying the present and the future and the other the melancholy past, they're very much two sides of the same coin, and "Nobody knows all that we've got, you couldn't tell a single thing new/Nobody knows me like you" just... fits so well.
To know sacrifice because they've both had to make it, to know one another because they see versions of themselves in each other, I really like that. Nobody knows me like you, because I am you, and you are me, and that depth of understanding without need for words just tickles me so perfectly.
Thank you for tagging me love on u ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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grahamcarmen · 10 months
No i didn't send a ask yet i was just checking to see if you got the ask since a previous ask i send to another blogger was never answered.
anyway, deep thought but if you think about it when people ship carmen and grey back at vile academy and during each one's brainwashing you're essentially shipping different characters making redcrackle have plenty of subcategories, what would be your ship name for each categorie( I can't be bothered to list how many there are i'm sorry).
also also, have you seen kitsukits redcrackle "arcade" amv and AuroralovesMCSM's "Carmen and grey being in love for 5 minutes and 30 seconds" complication video.
Oh ok!
I can see that lol.
I don't romantically ship them at the VILE academy stage [even if I do believe its an important dynamic to their overall relationship] because thats where its strictly platonic. But since I have been around around long enough that I know that people sometimes people use ship as just a relation"ship" marker [hi ouat I know you guys weren't actually shipping certain peeps lol. Like they had platonic ship names regularly and most people understood that :p] that part would probably be cracklesheep or graysheep because thats when carmen was just Black sheep and gray didn't have any attachment to his name graham but also wasn't hard line about being crackle yet.
Carmen looking at Graham looking at her romantically and going 👉👈maybe maybe? And allowing carmen to take the initiative in prioritizing her protective feelings over him?and lowkey allowing graham to again gain affection for her in an entirely different light...Hmmm
Svdjdkdokd i guess grahamcarmen or carmgray because she is still insisting on calling him gray and ascribing his new flirtation and doing good as like a mishmash
Gray pretending that she would have made the choice to be carmen while being on the island with that sinking feeling that no. carmen exists because she was chose to leave and connect with the outside world? And more than just acknowledging it wanting to protect it at the cost of what he valued most? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Tbh I've really grown attached to red crackle not just because its the first way to make it clear that i want these 2 to kiss because its the clear romantic shipname lol but also because its kinda what they choose to portray themselves as. Carmen using her red coat and name from the outfit she got off the island to signal the need to stop VILE to anyone who can find her and Crackle as a codename of the path that gray is choosing to follow even as he finds something good inside him trying to make it to the surface
and their relationship allowing them to clash but also want to look past that to the people who made these choices because they care about them.
And what makes it fun is that those subcategories include past subcategories, build on them, and change aspects of their relationship ever so slightly until we end up with something that is not at all how they started [gray in love with carmen and carmen with her deeper feelings of being forced to go without him as fully expressed as the finale allowed] . And when their memories are in place they acknowledge that. Its all rc to me...but I get it ! Exploring each category is VERRRRY different and I even sometimes tag them dark! Redcrackle for the dark red caper version of them instead of redcrackle because that is just ...different.
and my username lol is because I LOVE her nickname for him but always champion that entirely ignoring " graham " isnt....like they do need to adress that...somehow...not even to always go by his name because he's not anti-his nickname [and as you can see i think that carmen conflating his flirtations as something gray now can do 🥰 is hmmmmmmmmmm] but its still...~~~~~~idk. I am very appreciative that he does have a full name.
I have actually a playlist trying to save as many rc vids as I can find so yes! I have seen the arcade fanvid but like I might have just saved the other vid and watched the episodes again 😭
Edit: IALMOST FORGOT HIMALAYA AND TRAIN RC they can be cracklecarmen uwu
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zhongrin · 9 months
Nono you're the sweetest!! ❤️❤️🤭
Rin your smart husband is mocking me :(( (even he knows how much in love I am BYE KDBDBSJSK)
Emperor!Zhongli sounds like such a good thing tbh, it fits so well!!<33 (except that, as an emperor, he surely isn't poor anymore .. that's something weird for him then 🤔💞) but that's so cute?? Him being a regular although he's an emperor and you fall for him!! Not because he's an emperor or so (like everyone else before you did) but because of his personality!! He thinks this is so endearing ❤️❤️ YOURE endearing!!<3
Alhaitham and arranged marriage >>>>>>> but pls just imagine Alhaitham proposing to you while you're just ".. we are already married, 'haitham." And he's just ".. right." Idk but this is so funny to me fbksksbsn
Royal!AU Baivi is kind of angsty because theres no happy ending :(( <//3 I'm a princess and he's the doctor of the royal family. Due to my clumsiness, I visit him often and pls, we talk about everything and we're so close, but already too close considering our positions :( 💔 I fell for him the first time I saw him in our garden shh.. he looked so mesmerizing and he still does!! While he fell in love the second he first visited our castle and I was walking down the hall at that time (but I didn't see him grrrrr)
But!! He writes me anonymous notes to SOMEHOW tell me what he feels for me and fhidsjnsjs I gush about these notes everytime I visit Baizhu and he's so in awe and smiles sm knowing that he makes me smile so much and feel this way - anonymous, but he doesn't mind, really.
But yeah, no happy ending for us because of our positions :( <//3
Omg ?? Wriothesley and you ?? What's your shipname? 👀⁉️
*smacks haitham (affectionately) with one of his books* sorry about him, he's just a little sulky at the moment-
vi, he might not be poor, but will he remember to bring mora on outings? no. he's too used to people just paying for him. an attendant probably shadows him whenever he's out and about and will pay for him after he departs from the store lmao
haitham is probably rambling like "-so i've read in books that the next step to our relationship would be us moving in together." "we. we're already living together in the palace?" "... right. then next would be marriage." "..... we're already married?" "........ i suppose our relationship is an outlier that deviates from a normal relationship's milestones."
the anonymous notes are so adorable goodbye i need to cry for a moment hsldfjslkd
mayhaps. perhaps. maybe. idk. we'll have to see him in the story first aaaaa his design has me hooked, but if his personality and backstory align as what i suspected (i haven't seen any leaks) then...... *cough cough* not sure yet about shipnames. wrin fits so well but it's kinda too short. wriomei? wriorin?
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toradhart · 2 years
Blog info!
Hello friends and followers!
A hearty welcome to everyone who’s new, and a few words to everyone, period: 
I have never stopped posting to this account, however you might have noticed that… I haven’t been the most consistent with tagging. Henceforth, since some people have been fleeing back from twitter to tumblr, I figured it would be nice for everyone if I finally started doing that.
I will not retag all my previous posts, I don’t have that kind of time. However, henceforth I shall use the following system for all your following and blacklisting needs:
-My own art will be tagged as “Fran’s art tag”, with two subcategories which will also be tagged: “Fran’s OC tag” and “fanart” (pretty much what I’m doing on Pillowfort). For the past few years I’ve pretty much only drawn OCs from the same series (a comic that I’m still working on), but should the need arise I’ll start introducing separate tags for separate series. -I will tag the name of the series/show/game/whatever I am making fanart of and ships if applicable but not every single character, nor every single variety of their shipname. -If you ever need me to tag triggers or anything else, please feel free to send me a DM and I’ll see what I can do! -This account is strictly for art, which means I will only post my own art and occasionally announcements like this one. I’ll tag that as “Fran talks”. This also means you can browse through all the art I’ve ever posted here simply by going through the entire blog instead of any of the tags. -However, since tumblr ever allows you to like+follow with the first blog you’ve ever created, I will still comment and follow you from my personal account, @toradh. That’s also where I will reblog all you guys’ great art and tag it as “other fine people’s art” (and again, shows/ships/whatever if applicable). -I still technically have my ToZ/JRPG account through which I met so many of you (@applegelstore) but I doubt I’ll use it again except for reblogs. -Last but not least, I don’t have energy to keep up with more than one social media, so please don’t think I hate you if I miss following you back or don’t see your posts. I don’t, I’m just still trying to navigate twitter and also actually draw sometimes. However, I hope having a system will make tumblr easier for you.
Thanks for reading!
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nextstopparis · 2 years
Wait I'm curious, since Merlance is superior to Mercelot what about merwaincelot or other ship names with Lancelot? Or is it only the Mercelot vs Merlance?
ok ok ok. this is the most important ask ive gotten in my life btw. here are my opinions (which are Absolute Fact but whatever) on all lance ship names (if i hve forgotten a ship. tough. but also lemme know so i will give u my Opinion bc obviously its very important):
merlin/lancelot = merlance (obviously x283992838383. although a strong case can be made for merlot BUT but but but it will only ever come in second place to merlance SORRY but its undeniable fact. mercelot is at the last level of hell)
arthur/lancelot = arlance (obviously x283992838384. arcelot just sounds like arse-a-lot. so. although👀👀—no no. no. arlance. i actually really like arlance as a ship name idk why. it makes Sense to me u know. anyway. arlance is by far the superior lancelot shipname)
gwen/lancelot = gwencelot (but only bc i cant think of an alternative. i was EXTREMELY tempted to say ‘glance’ tho just fyi)
gwaine/lance = gwaincelot (see reason above. logically ik that they cant BOTH be ‘glance’ so thats another point Not in glance’s favour but. whatever. its still COOL)
elyan/lancelot = its just too CLOSE for me to not say elyancelot. what else could it even be. elylance? elyance? ive no clue .
percival/lancelot = perlance? percelot just sounds like purse-a-lot😫
leon/lancelot = leonce . obviously. i dont even need to explain this one
merlin/gwaine/lancelot = i mean. i underSTAND merwaincelot bc mer- and -celot arent attached so ig that ship name works (it sort of makes me think of “wince a lot” so im a bit eh but whatever. the only other thing i could think of was suggesting that we should also consider ‘merlaine’ bc it sounds pretty to me but technically that could just be an alternative name for merwaine so. idk. IT CAN STILL WORK THOUGH. if not we should consider merlaine as the new merwaine ship name bc i like it better personally bUT I DIGRESS) (heres how merlaine can still win—)
merlin/arthur/lancelot = anything i think of for them sounds stupid sorry BUT merthelot sounds a bit like mirth-a-lot like a lot of mirth which is a lil cute imo. in my top three of trios tho so who cares abt every ship name for them sucking tbh
gwen/arthur/lancelot = again, i must concede arwencelot bc everything else to me sounds bad (but maybe if you dont listen TOO closely arlanevere can sound sort of pretty. i just really like the name guinevere and think the last bit is very pretty and should be incorporated in as many things as possible however that means that -evere completely carries that ship name for me so. maybe not that one? still sounds a lil pretty. enough to not completelh ignore. the men continue to give nothing. this unfortunately brings to light the problem that -evere is too pretty for a lot of things and they dont exactly live up so i cant really use many ship names with it at the end but anYWAY AGAIN I DIGRESS)
merlin/gwen/lancelot = the three i can think of are: 1) merwencelot (obviously) 2) merlancevere and 3) gwencelin (which sounds like gwendolyn lol) um. i might have to go with option 1 (again, mer- and -celot arent attached so i dont have anything AGAINST it ig also merlancevere just makes me think of severe which. eh. idk. actually u know what after sitting with it for a minute its sort of grown on me. still id PROBABLY go with merwencelot if forced to on pain of err whatever threatening tactic that would work on me BUT. merlancevere is a CLOSE second now. if i wait a few more mins maybe it’ll even usurp merwencelot’s place! stay tuned for update. i think i just dont like -lot at the end of things bc the t makes itso like. idk. ANYWAY)
merlin/gwen/arthur/lancelot = i have no fucking clue. i guess merwenthurlot ??? i cant think of anything that sounds better (ehehehe imagine merwenthurance sksnsksnkssk makes me think of hinderance)
merlin/arthur/gwaine/lancelot = honestly ive given up at this point with four names. tbh mostly idc. chances are im too busy being confused over all the chaos to even sit down and consider/care abt the ot4 names anyway. its probably merwainthurlot or merwainethurance or sumn. id go with merwainthurance bc it reminds me of maintenance which is apt bc theyd 200% be EXTREMELY high maintenance<3
idk ifeel like im not Creative enough for ship names,, like the name gwart hadnt even occurred to me until an anon brought it up but . as of right now wirh my current knowledge here is where i stand on ship names (dont even get me started on any ship name not exclusive to lance)
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insecateur · 2 years
here's a first little trivia post about slawcs. this one will cover origins, inspiration, and background from the pre-rewrite era. (consequently it will be entirely about og slawcs and won't speak of the spin-offs either)
this is mostly for myself and probably like 3 people but i think it'll be therapeutic to write and i like reading about other people's writing and ideas so maybe you do, too! if so, enjoy!
a young man sits at his computer. it just so happens that today, the 30th of october, 2013, is the day he set out to write some angst apparently:
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i am so very sad that i don't have any archives of the conversations i was absolutely having back then on skype (ough) about writing this. i did find some old info on my old pokémon blog, so here's what i can recall to the best of my abilities:
i wanted to write angst, apparently because the angst i wanted wasn't being written by others. which is hilarious considering i'm told that as it stands A LOT of prfr fics involve either party dying, but you do have to consider that this was very early on. also it seems people kill lysandre usually? truly the special flavor here is that lysandre doesn't die.
back then, i hadn't published any fic in 3-4 years, hadn't written in 2 years, and had never published anything written in english ever. i had one incomplete english fic wip that only one person other than me had ever seen and that was it. og slawcs was my first foray in publishing in english (fic-wise and, really, story-wise, unless you count my webcomic i suppose.) i had an ao3 account since early 2013; i have No clue why, but it worked out, i guess!
og slawcs was originally a one-shot. i was unsure about this for a while but i found the original post from my old blog that confirms it:
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(please forgive my cringiness i was almost a decade younger, extremely socially anxious, and also it was my first time publishing in english)
i have been told that the first chapter reads like it can stand on its own, well there's why!
the original title was Perfect World. i have always disliked it. the long and short of it is that i got to the new work ao3 page, realized i needed a title, and improvised. i have NO idea why "improvising" meant "using a title inspired by a shipname i already didn't like at the time" but it did. i actually never used the actual title to refer to the fic back then; i always called it "sad fic" or "the sad fic." a silly little codename was better than the actual name i gave my fic apparently. nobody calls it that anymore, me included, and the only trace i have left of it is that my slawcs playlist is still called "sad fic" to this day...
the fic was relatively popular in prfr circles at the time. i was actually surprised looking through my old tag for it to find so many people sending me asks about it... this was so long ago and ended so sourly for me (the pokémon blog, not the fic specifically) that i sometimes tend to think i exaggerate how much feedback i got back then but i didn't apparently. (noah even found someone on twitter like one or two weeks ago who mentioned the fic indirectly so it's also memorable i guess ?_?) which does make me feel kinda bad for disappearing for so long also orz
i almost forgot to discuss this since this isn't an aspect that really exists in the fic anymore, but very early on the fic was supposed to have two endings. (slawcs spoilers follow if you care) the actual ending i ended up writing, where lysandre accepts dialga's offer and goes back in time to sabotage his own plans, and a "status quo" ending where lysandre stays and tries to make the world he's destroyed better as best as he can pull off.
the reason why i ended up scraping the alternate ending is actually pretty straightforward: the entire point behind having two endings was that i was embarrassed by the time travel/multiverse idea. this seems so stupid to me now but back then i genuinely was like "oh no i can't have my POKÉMON FANFICTION end with the power of love and time travel fixing everything it's too cringe (cringe wasn't as much of a thing back then but it was the spirit of it) so i need to come up with a Serious, Realistic ending to compensate"
then the multiverse was made canon and THEN years later rainbow rocket happened and i was like "who cares actually. if canon can do this why can't i."
i might elaborate on the other ending in another part, we'll see.
i have touched on this very briefly in the fic's notes (i think at the end of eclipse?) but i think it would be fun to talk about this some more, so i will!
the premise of the fic (not really a spoiler because it happens mid-chapter 1, but still,) that lysandre is "hallucinating" a dead augustine sycamore, was inspired by an old nbc heroes fic i read when i was a teen. the fic (Imaginary Friend by Fantastic Pants on FFnet) was about, you guessed it, a character hallucinating another dead character.
well, actually, it was a bit more complicated than that. for context, character A (noah bennet aka HRG, for those in the know™) thought he'd killed character B (claude rains) who was a mutant capable of becoming invisible. in the fic, fake B was very much self-aware about being imaginary, and also very much supposed to be a representation of guilt, anxiety and depression. the "twist" of the fic, of course, is that B turns out to have been alive the whole time, and fake B disappears for good when A learns this.
i haven't reread the fic in years, but it is one of the two heroes fic that have stayed with me since then even though i stopped caring about heroes midway through season 2. as you can see, the core of it is similar, though the end result and the context is very different.
in slawcs, i kept the line between haunting, hallucination, and manifestation ambiguous, because i thought it worked better that way, but for me the most important aspect was the expression of negative feelings. i'm very humbled when people tell me it resonated with them: i wrote it based on my own experience with anxiety so I've Been Through The Symptoms and i'm always glad to know it works and feels meaningful!
tl;dr if i hadn't read this angsty heroes fanfiction i might not even have gotten back into writing ever
falling out
as i said in the first section, the fic was very well-received. it was one of the first fic for the ship on ao3 (i want to say it was among the first ten? it was definitely there before the tag was even canonized) so that probably helped, to be fair. people were eager for more! the second chapter was well-received as well, posted the next month. in mid-december, i posted another fic that i've since deleted because i just didn't like it that much (it was the ball dancing one, for those who might remember.) the last post in my old tag for og slawcs was from january 2014, assuring someone i was still working on the fic.
i was! but i was also Going Through It, both in my personal life but also when it came to the fandom. i don't blame anyone for it, really; i had gotten too emotionally involved imo, and also i was starting to grow tired of tumblr and the vibes there in general. so i ended up detaching myself from everything more and more, progressively. i stopped looking at my main dashboard and stopped looking at anything related to the fandom on tumblr. i moved largely to twitter but kept posting fanart for a while. then i just left.
in 2015, i began working on a new fic unrelated to og slawcs. this fic is still on my ao3; it's the one where lysandre gets guillotined. it was partially inspired by an old fanart of mine and my then all-consuming passion for french musicals. when i decided i was going to post it, i first thought i'd also make sure i could update og slawcs as well, because i felt so bad about abandoning it even though i was still very much in the fandom. and so, in december 2015, i both posted a brand new one-shot and the 3rd chapter of og slawcs.
and then i never updated it again for 6 years.
but i did work on it! at the time i posted the original third chapter, i had actually already written the original fourth. i think i might even have had half of the fifth back then. i was sure the fifth would be the last one; then it got too long, so i cut it in half, thinking the sixth would be the last one for sure. then i kind of... gave up.
i don't remember the timeline very well because it was a few years ago and also late 2016 to mid 2017 kind of all blurs together in my mind because it was when i was first getting knee surgery and i was basically at one of the lowest points in my life, but i did keep working on the fic (on top of writing other fic) back then. i fully stopped when i reached the point where i'd have to do the game rewrite, so midway through chapter 6 (sun.) i'm not entirely sure why (apart from bad mental health obviously) i think i was just... worried i couldn't pull it off. i'd watch reference material and then be like, no this sucks actually, this is bad, i can't do this well, and it’s been so long, and nobody will care anymore, and...
then in late 2017 i entered my Yakuza Phase and took a break from pokémon xy. it was still there at the back of my mind (where it always will be at this point i think) but i was taking a vacation from it, i guess.
...until february 2021 happened, of course.
SEE YOU NEXT TIME (yes i'm ending my post on a cliffhanger)
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acacia-may · 1 year
What are your songs for Finral x Finesse (FinFin is their shipname, right)?
Hi anon! Thank you so much for this ask! I'm still getting to know all the ship names, but, yes, I think FinFin is the name for Finral x Finesse! I am so excited that you've asked me about them because their ship playlist is actually my favourite to listen to (linked here if you're interested. Though I will warn you it does contain some angsty songs and a few songs that are mainly (affectionate) jokes at Finral's expense).
My most listened to song on Spotify this year "Line Without a Hook" by Ricky Montgomery and mxmtoon is actually from my FinFin playlist, but since I already made a post about it and talked about two of my other favourite Finral x Finesse songs "Little Wanderer" by Death Cab for Cutie and "Candle on the Water" (one of my favourite Disney songs) in my post about them for the ship bingo game, I've decided to choose some other favourites for this ask!
"Oceans Between Us" by The Icarus Account
"Make You Mine" by PUBLIC
"Only Us" by Carrie Underwood and Dan + Shay (originally from the musical "Dear Evan Hansen" but I like this version a lot)
"I Wanna Make You Happy" by Victory
"The Long and Winding Road" by The Beatles
"It Only Takes A Moment" by Kate Baldwin and Gavin Creel (from the musical "Hello Dolly")
"Maybe Don't" by Maisie Peters and JP Saxe
A Bit Angsty: "Nicest Thing" by Kate Nash
A Bit Cheeky: "Two Princes" by Spin Doctors, "You're the One" by the Vogues, and "Honey, I'm Good" by Andy Grammer
The song "Oceans Between Us" by The Icarus Account could have been written for this ship. The lovely, overarching theme of this song is just so fitting for Finral and Finesse. Though the singer is traveling far away (with "miles and miles that [he's] yet to go" he hasn't forgotten his beloved who is waiting for him to return ("But tell me you love me and tell me again/ You wait for forever, you wait till the end"). If that isn't enough, there are also lines like "You're the only reason I come home/ My love" and a whole section of "You're the only one"s. It's an incredibly sweet song (for an incredibly sweet ship), and I think it really suits them. The ending, "You're mine forever and I'm yours/ Yours till the end" always brings a smile to my face.
The Icarus Account - Oceans Between Us (official audio) - YouTube
"Make You Mine" by PUBLIC was my fifth most listened to song of 2021 (probably because it was on my Finral x Finesse playlist). Every time the line "put your hand in mine" comes up I always think of Finesse grabbing his hand when he's dropping the letter out of the spatial portal in Episode 154 (one of my all-time favourite Black Clover episodes). While I don't see them hurting each other all that much and there are a few bittersweet moments in this song, I mainly disregard those and focus on the bits I think are very fitting to this ship given that "You know that I want to be with you all the time/ You know that I won't stop until I make you mine" is a pretty good way to summarize all of Finral's newfound motivation to become a man worthy of Finesse's love.
PUBLIC - Make You Mine (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube
"Only Us" was originally from the musical "Dear Evan Hansen," but I've linked the version by Carrie Underwood and Dan + Shay. I'm not sure where to even begin with this one since I'd really like to just copy and paste all of the lyrics into this post. The opening of the song just screams Finesse to me. She recognizes that Finral is insecure, but she loves him anyway and encourages him that he doesn't have to convince her that he is enough for her (i.e. "I don't need you to sell me on reasons to want you/ I don't need you to search for the proof that I should/ You don't have to convince me/ You don't have to be scared you're not enough"). She knows that the past is painful, but she wants to move forward from that into something better, brighter, and happier together ("And what came before won't count anymore or matter").
Then the second verse just perfectly captures how I think Finral feels in this relationship. Finesse is his first love, but he never could have imagined that she would actually love him in return (i.e. "I never thought there'll be someone like you who would want me"). I think one of Finral's biggest motivations as a character is that he is starving for the unconditional love he didn't receive as a child, and when we meet him in the canon, we see that he is looking for it in all the wrong places (i.e. by practically throwing himself at every woman he sees). On a certain deep level, he really feels like he doesn't deserve to be loved, especially to be loved unconditionally, on the merits of just being Finral, but that doesn't stop him from wishing for it. I think the lines ""But if you really see me/ If you like me for me and nothing else/ Well, that's all that I've wanted for longer than you could possibly know" really speak to that.
What's so beautiful about Finral and Finesse as a ship is that she does see him for who he is and loves him for that, and I think that this song really captures that (especially the lines "You and me/ That's all that we needed to be/ And the rest of the world falls away"). That "'Til you're the only one, I still know how to see" line is just an added bonus.
Carrie Underwood & Dan +Shay - Only Us (Lyrics) - YouTube
"I Wanna Make You Happy" by Victory is a little on the nose given Finral's vow to "be the one to make Lady Finesse happy." However, it's a cute song full of warm and fuzzies for a cute ship full of warm and fuzzies.
Victory Boyd - I Wanna Make You Happy (Official Lyric Video) - YouTube
"The Long and Winding Road" is a Beatles classic, and one of my favourite songs of all time. I think it fits the context of this ship extremely well because even though Finral has left Finesse to find his own way in the world, he is coming to realise that "the long and winding road" of his life's journey will eventually lead back to her. It's almost as if his heart has been with her all along, he just didn't know it.
"The long and winding road/ That leads to your door/ Will never disappear/ I've seen that road before/ It always leads me here/ Lead me to you door"
The Long And Winding Road (Remastered 2009) - YouTube
I know "It Only Takes a Moment" is a showtune (from the musical "Hello Dolly") so it's a little out of the box, but it was just too perfect to pass up. I mean, if anyone is going to believe that "It only takes a moment/ To be loved a whole life long," it's Finral. This kind of hopeless romanticism just fits him so well, and I imagine that if he was to tell the story of how he fell in love with Finesse if would very much be a love at first sight kind of thing (on his side. I think it was a slow burn thing on her side). She was his first love, and, yes, I might be teasing him a bit with this song choice but it's pretty undeniable that he really was taken with her from the first time he saw her. When I listen to this song, I like to think of Finral explaining to his squad that he loves Finesse and has since the very beginning. These lines: "It only takes a moment/ For your eyes to meet and then/ Your heart knows in a moment/ You will never be alone again" especially just feel so much like him and his attitude towards his relationship.
Not to mention the fact that the line "I held her for an instant/But my arms felt sure and strong" always makes me think of this:
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It Only Takes a Moment - YouTube
"Maybe Don't" by Maisie Peters and JP Saxe was a big inspiration for my Finral x Finesse story, "I'll Be Waiting," (especially the lines "We should never speak again/ Because I like you/ And lately it's been only getting worse/ So we should never speak again/ Because I want to/ I've run through every outcome and in every one I'm hurt.") I think this song as a whole really captures Finral's conflicted feelings in trying to reconcile the fact that he loves Finesse with the fact that she is probably going to marry his brother (which, I think, he knows will leave him heartbroken if he doesn't emotionally distance himself). Meanwhile, Finesse cares about him and is trying to gently suggest that maybe he doesn't have to do that. (The gentleness and almost shyness of that "maybe don't" sentiment feels a lot like her to me). I especially love the line: "I should always be alone/ You said maybe don't" and think the line "'Cause I run from the things that I want the most/ You said I get that's what you do but, maybe don't" is particularly fitting for these two.
Maisie Peters - Maybe Don't [feat. JP Saxe] [Lyric Video] - YouTube
If you want something angsty, there's the song "Nicest Thing" by Kate Nash (YouTube Link Here). I like to imagine Finral as the singer and Finesse as the "you", and I especially like the line: "I wish you'd never forget/ The look on my face when we first met" since it always brings up a mental image of this:
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He looks like he’s been whacked on the back of the head, bless his heart. 😂🥺💕 I really think the opening lines of this song sum up how he feels about her too (even if he knows (or thinks he knows) that it’s nothing more than a pipedream to imagine they’d end up together):
"All I know is that you're so nice/ You're the nicest thing I've seen/ I wish that we could give it a go/ See if we could be something."
If you're feeling a bit cheeky and want something that's more about poking fun at the situation there's always "Two Princes" by Spin Doctors (YouTube Link Here). No offense to Langris intended. The song is nice enough to admit that they're both "princes who adore [her]," after all.
"Marry him, or marry me/ I'm the one that loves you, baby, can't you see?/ I ain't got no future or family tree/ But I know what a prince and lover ought to be"
Or if you'd rather the song poke fun at Finral (in the most good-natured and affectionate way, of course), there's "You're The One" by the Vogues (YouTube Link Here; Spotify link here since Tumblr won't let me embed more than 10 songs). Don't get me wrong, I love Finral and am rooting for him and Finesse, but he can be a little too insistent with his "I want you only, you must believe me"s for my taste, so this song is poking fun at that a little.
"Honey I'm Good" by Andy Grammer (YouTube Link Here) is also good for poking fun at Finral for the same reason. Plus, it has this great (and very catchy) refrain:
"So nah, nah, honey, I'm good/ I could have another, but I probably should not/ I've got somebody at home, and if I stay I might not leave alone/ No, honey, I'm good, I could have another, but I probably should not/ I've gotta bid you adieu, to another I will stay true"
(Warning: there's one bad word in this song)
Thank you so much again for the ask and for indulging me (and bearing with me to the end of what turned into a very long post)! Cheers!!
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svartalfhild · 2 years
Lol, i need more Tombstone ( or Gravestone? still idk the shipname) content, so if you are still taking prompts, what do you think of number 33? or 39?
I'm so sorry, Anon; I genuinely can't think of a context that would work for 33. OTL
If it helps, I did do 39 for someone else.
I use Gravestone, since I feel like the nuance of "grave" fits Laudna's vibe a little better than "tomb".
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criticaaaaaaaal · 2 years
If you are doing the ask game then - A, B, C, J, R, S, X, Z. If not how are you doing?
A - Your current OTP huntric ... if it isn't obvious *sweats nervously*
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind i mentioned skarlow before but another one i find cool is skarney (viney x skara)! didn't really think about that one until i saw some posts about it
C - A pairing you have never liked and probably never will huntlow...... im so sorry ... DONT GET ME WRONG its cute but due to canon interference my enjoyment of it has uhhh... decreased. but im a multishipper ill ship basically anything
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr dracula & our flag means death. i still haven't interacted with those medias (yet) but i see them ALLLLL over the place, i think about them occasionally. also columbo
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships scatter & wilt from rwby :pensive:. i feel like i am the only scatter & wilter here. anybody wanna talk about it? bc i will listen ...
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon hmm.. ill use toh for this since its the fandom im most active in atm. personal headcanon of mine is that vee is aware of grimmwalkers and that her & hunter have an awkward relationship. she knows them to be belos' right hand, so she thinks that hunter is out to get her. hunter's aware of the basilisks and feels really bad about not putting a stop to it
X - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms ryuko/senketsu (idk their shipname.. kill la kill), bkdk (bakugo/midoriya, mha), kbdn (raihan/leon, pkmn)
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go I THINK hunter needs a friend that... isn't willow for him to get close to. someone that isn't his 'superior' in any way, and is on the same level as him of being a normal teen. luz, gus, & amity are way better fits than willow
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sweet-little-dude · 1 year
hey hello taku dear <3 gahh once again we haven’t spoken in too long :( anyways it mostly was bc there was zero tokrev brainrot in me buut there is now!! so i’m back here hehe.
also funfact i just fiNALLY started rereading tokrev and i’m doing it in french bc. idk i just felt like it?? i hate french but i’m actually practicing it now lol. and ngl i understand more than i thought i would-
anyways on saturday i watched la gardiennes de la planète (a movie abt whales) in the cinema and idk how but. like halfway through a merfolk concept just popped into my head n bc i obviously couldn’t just forget abt it i decided to write a tokrev merfolk au. so guess who’s writing their fourth moshion fic? me. idek why but they have a chokehold on me and i keep writing abt them. tho it’s fun so no complaints <3
well i insaned abt the fic a little... okay that’s a lie i wrote 3.5k of fic in the span of 22 hrs, beating my preccious record of 2.7k in 24 hrs. so okay i’m more than a little insane abt it- so so so plot and lore bc i cannot contain myself. firstly shion’s a merman n mochi is human. then it’s also a college au but mochi isn’t studying rn bc for plot conveniences his last semester of highschool n his 1st semester of college don’t line up so he’s got a few months of free time. i still hc that his parents are rich af but imo he lives alone in a rather small flat he pays with his own money as best he can bc he wants to. idk. well okay so basically what i’ve written so far: mochi finds shion injured n tangled in a fishers’ net at the beach while on a late night walk, and takes him to his flat to help. there he fills the bathtub with water for him, and gets the rope off his body. lastly, he treats his injuries. then he goes to sleep bc it’s the middle of the night- and when he wakes up again the next day, the bathtub is empty and shion’s lying on the floor in his corridor. and he suddenly has legs. bc in this au merfolk just transform into a human form into drying out (n then transform back when they’re wet enough. which is very wet) and shion my fav idiot tried to go back to the ocean on his own but got stuck in the hallway and got too dry. also bc i think that’s the most realistic version of transformation it hurts like a bitch bc i mean your tail literally splits to form two legs- well mochi patches shion up agAIN and they finally talk n exchange names bc my merfolk have diff vocal chords in ther mer form bc they commumicate like whales underwater. tho they can just. speak human language too in their human form for some reason. i mean they understand it bc they watch n listen to humans talk but i haven’t figured out why they can SPEAK it if they lile never do. anyways that’s small enough of a plot hole :) so yeah that’s basically where i’m at in my writing.
i still need to make them fall in love and do more things together and god what else but. i hope i’ll manage somehow bc this is gonna be longer than my usual works aj dgk gkfjsj i mean i’m already at 3.5k and they barely know each other. guess they’ll have to fall for each other quickly idk
but yeah. that ramble is a lot longer than planned n i already shortened it- well. i hope you enjoy merfolk aus as much as i do bc you’ll probs get more rambles abt them while i continue writing lol
and hello to you elys my love !!! so true best friend, I MISS WHEN WE USE TO TALK ALL THE TIME </3333 ig both of our tokyrev hyperfixation have kinda died down for a second- but glad urs is back!!! i might try and get back into it but my bandom hyperfixation just keeps eating me up more and more like help 😭😭
OH FRENCH!! THATZ SO FUCKIN RAD DUDE but yeah go you!!! thatz fuckin sick!
whales :3 oooh! im not too much into fantasy aus tbf but that sounds cool!! YEAHHH GIVE IT UP FOR MOSHION (their shipname is so cutie patootie.....) but yes as you should ngl they are so blorbo scrimbli i need to write for them so fucking bad my god
oh my god you literal beast WHAT damn bro already sounds like he wants to be part of your world /j im sorry i had to. but true i could mochi as being loaded ngl
eeeeeee im so excited for this !!! it sounds good i cant wait for u to finish it. but istg if u randomly turn this into an angst i will fIGHT you
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