#i still remember her name andd what she looked like
drvscarlett · 5 months
EPISODE 1. Who is getting Checo's seat?
Grenade Series
Taglist. @spideybv28 @randomcuboidshape @mehrmonga @casperlikej @itsjustkhaos @stampiej
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The newest episode of the documentary series starts in a studio with the camera crews focusing their camera to the Red Bull drivers. Aubrey Vaughn and Max Verstappen has conducted the interviews separately but they were showcased side-by-side. Max was in his usual Red Bull gear while Aubrey was dressed to kill. Right here there were words floating down the screen.
'Max Verstappen and Aubrey Vaughn, the two Red Bull drivers embroiled in intense rivalry finally sits down to talk to us' Max held the clapper indicating the Red Bull documentary is currently in-session. His usual blank face plastered on his face. Aubrey was flashed to the screen with a candid shot of her fixing her microphone. Then the camera angle shifted to a front view where she smiled and looked directly at the camera. "Aubrey are you ready to start this interview?" the interviewer was not in sight and Aubrey nodded to the camera "Can you first tell us how did you get your Red Bull seat?" "Honestly I owe everything to Checo"
Sergio "Checo" Perez has already had his fair shares of victories in Formula 1. It wasn't always sunshines and rainbows, for sure there were times where it was a really really bad weekend. There is a lot of experiences, teams, and stories for him to tell. He wasn't getting any younger and the calendar has just got a bit hectic. The kids are also growing up and he doesn't want to miss more milestones. He knew that it was a very perfect time for him to retire.
Of course,the first person he discussed it with is his teammate Max then the rest of the Red Bull crew. Christian made an offer to increase his benefits to convince Checo to stay but alas the driver wanted to retire.
It was a mess to pick which driver could work best with Max. Checo told about his retirement during the Shanghai GP and now its the summer break so the team is scouting for their second driver. Of course, Checo offered that he will join in the quest of finding the other driver for Red Bull which is why he is here in Spain.
"Are you here to look for a retirement plan?" Fernando greeted with a joke
Fernando Alonso, two time world champion and a good friend of Checo. He was also the first person outside Red Bull that Checo told about his retirement.
"Not planning to retire soon?"
"I'm doing okay"Fernando answered "I can still beat the kids"
The two glanced at the track. It was filled with children and teens practicing. Checo smiled as he remembers how he used to be like one of them.
At the corner of his eyes, he catches a bright pink go kart. His eyes followed as she moved gracefully and with precision around the track. By the end of it, Checo's eyes widened as the helmet was lifted up.
"Is that Vaughn?" Checo recognized her.
"Oh you know Aubrey, she's one of my pride and joys"Fernando proudly acknowledges.
Fernando was quite proud of Aubrey Vaughn like a father would be to their daughter. He have mentored Aubrey ever since he saw her frequent the track in 2015. He would always look into her races whenever he could andd offer advices about how to survive.
As for Checo, he knows all about her due to the Red Bull garage talking about Aubrey Vaughn.
He has gotten acquainted with the name when the garage buzzed about the rising star of the F1 academy. Then he soon found out that it was a sore topic for Max because the 8 year old Aubrey has beaten him twice when he was still karting.
Although from what Checo has heard, Aubrey wasn't able to win the championship. Plus she hasn't been seen ever since her crash so he was pretty surprised to see her here.
"How is she? Its been a while since I last saw her" Checo wondered
Frankly, Fernando remembered how broken Aubrey was after the whole F1 Academy shenanigans. It was even more unfortunate when she was not picked to race for F1 Academy for 2024 and even for the 2025 season.
"She's been resting here and teaching in my academy" Fernando admitted "I think she has far more potential than just staying here"
Checo nods his head in agreement. If Aubrey was as good as the stories that he heard then she should have been competing even in Formula 1.
It was like a lightbulb moment for him.
"She's not yet signed with anyone?" Checo clarifies.
"Not yet" Fernando looked at him skeptically "What's on your mind? You look like you have some grand elaborate plan"
"Well Red Bull is looking for my replacement, why not have Aubrey take a shot at my seat"
"I still send gifts every month to Checo because of that." Aubrey concludes "I think by month 3 he told me that I didn't have to but I was really appreciative of the whole thing so I decided to give gifts to his kids instead." The camera cuts back to Max. "What was your reaction to Aubrey being your teammate? Were you happy to know that a familiar face will be joining you? We heard you crossed paths in karting before" "Well I was pretty chill about it" Max replied
It was a good call for Christian to talk to Max first in a one-on-one set-up before announcing it with the whole team. Christian knew Max like the back of his hand and he will not be happy about the decision that he made but Christian knows that she is the best option to replace Checo.
"Aubrey Vaughn is replacing Checo" Christian repeated "I would rather you hear it from me than the media"
"What about Daniel? What about Carlos? Why are we putting a rookie as the second driver?" Max asked, completely in disraught.
"You know Daniel is not doing well, Carlos is signed with Mercedes, and she is the best option" Christian answered.
Max sat down as he rethinks his decision in life. He can never forget how a menace Vaughn was when they were kids. He was actually happy that he hasn't heard of her for the past few years ever but her F1 academy stint brought her back to the picture. As far as Max knows, she hasn't been up to a lot.
But now she will be his teammate? Hell no.
"How can she be allowed to go back?"Max's frustration was evident in his tone.
"She is really good Max, I have a clip of her testing the car" Christian pushed a tablet with the Visa Cash App RB car on track.
For a second, Max was taken a back with how well she performs on track. There were moments that he thinks that Aubrey lost control the car but then she handles it smoothly as if it was on purpose.
It reminded of Max that Aubrey is a driver that pushes everything to the limits.
"This will not work, she will be a pain as a team mate" Max groans
"Now stop being dramatic Max" Christian smiles "I'm sure you will enjoy having someone to challenge you during the races."
It was true that he wanted to be challenged, he expressed it multiple times that the only time he felt the competition was in Singapore 2023. Max should have made his wish clear that he wanted a challenge but not someone like Aubrey to challenge him. Now, he felt like he wants to run into a wall over and over again so he will be disqualified instead of having Aubrey as a team mate for a whole season.
"I'm telling you Christian that we will be a pain in your head" Max warns.
"This is a development that you have been asking for Max." Christian has a very convincing argument "Didn't you say that you're not crossing out the possibility of a female driver in Formula 1? And bringing Aubrey into the picture will help more female drivers to enter the sports"
Max really hates it when his words comes haunting him back. He remembered that interview well when he criticized the F1 academy for not making fast cars and delaying opportunities for female drivers.
"Okay but this one is on you if you have another multi 21 moment" Max says before leaving the room
"Oh Max said he was very chill about the news of me joining the team?" Aubrey stifles a laugh "I'm sorry but that's the craziest lie he said" "Really? What happened" "Well, this is crazy but we never saw each other until the testing season. Its like he is avoiding me like the plague" Aubrey recounts.
Aubrey knew that entering a new team requires her to be friendly with everyone so she spent a lot of time at Milton Keynes. She went to meet every engineers, mechanics, and the whole Red Bull crew to catch up with everyone.
It was quite funny because she almost met every single employee of Red Bull except for Max Verstappen.
"Aubrey Vaughn, its nice to finally meet you"
Now she is face-to-face with Gianpiero Lambiase, Max's engineer.
"So you are Max's race engineer"Aubrey grins, shaking his hands "So should I start bribing you to mess up Max's race strategy so I could win?"
"I'm not sure if you're joking.."
GP has heard of Max's crazy theories that Aubrey was out to get him. At first he thinks that Max is crazy but seeing Aubrey now, he definitely knows why Max is thinking of such things.
"Of course I'm just kidding" Aubrey laughs "Not unless you wanna join forces"
Immediately, GP relaxed in Aubrey's presence. There was something light and silly about Aubrey, that's for sure. GP thinks that maybe Max just misunderstands Aubrey's humor.
"Max seems to be missing in action lately" Aubrey pointed out "I hope he feels better"
"I'm sure he is okay"GP confusedly answer.
"That's good, Christian told me that Max called in sick because he had some food poisoning" Aubrey added
There was a scrunch in the face of the race engineer. As far as he knows, Max is doing some sim testing in floor 12. He immediately fixes his expression so that Max won't be caught in a lie.
Meanwhile, on the 12th floor, Max was on the lookout before going out to the corridor.
"Where is the devil?" Max texted Aubrey's trainer.
He wasn't scared of her. He just didn't want to meet her as much as he could because he knows that once the season starts then he is required to see her every weekend. It was even worse that the races this 2025 season is so close to one another.
"She is with GP at 4th floor"
Max felt really relieved that Aubrey was out of his way. He started walking towards the elevator when the door dinged open and he suddenly had a thought that maybe its her on the other side of the door.
"So basically I didn't know how to break and I crashed"
It was an unfamiliar female voice but it immediately triggered Max's fight or flight senses.
"fuck fuck fuck" Max muttered as he immediately hid behind a pillar.
He was not seen by those coming out of the elevator but he can see those going out of the elevator. He wanted to thank the heavens for his quick thinking and reaction skills because it was Aubrey coming out of the elevator.
It was the first time that Max got a good look at the devil's spawn. He haven't seen her ever since their karting days and the first thing he noticed was gone was the dark locks. It was replaced with a more blonde color like the barbie dolls.
She looked tall but Max thinks he is a couple of inches taller. She still had that grin on her face that she used to give him when she finishes ahead. Max absolutely hated it.
"She is exaggerating, I was not avoiding her" Max complains "I was just busy doing... things.....yes things"
There was laughter from the crew. Obviously they know it was bullshit but no one would dare tell the World Champion that.
"Okay max so how does it feel when you worked with each other on track"
"When you put two competitive drivers on one team, what do you think would happen?" Max asked.
"You already started racing during testing?" the interviewer clarifies.
"We weren't even on track and we started racing already"Max confirms.
Aubrey made it her mission to see Max on the first day of testing. She was waiting at the hotel lobby when she saw a familiar Red Bull cladded man eating at the hotel buffet. She sprinted her way to the table.
"Finally! The elusive Max Verstappen is in the flesh now" Aubrey grins as she sat down at the empty seat.
Max looked like a deer caught in headlights. He knew it was a bad idea to eat here for breakfast as there is 60% possibility to meet her here. But here goes nothing.
"What do you want from me?"Max grumbled.
"Just wanna meet my team mate"Aubrey said "You're just as grumpy as the first day that I met you"
Its been years but Max could still remember why he was so mad to meet Aubrey.
"You took my helmet and I have been disqualified because I did not have a helmet"Max pointed at her accussingly.
"Oh cmon Max that was years ago,would you let that go" Aubrey groans "Plus I said I was sorry and that it was all an accident"
"How is it an accident,it has a lion on it and you knew it was mine"
In Aubrey's defense, she was tired of people making fun of her because she is a girl. So she decided to take a random boy's helmet to wear to make them think that she isn't a girl.
Fortunately,it worked wonders because she was finally taken seriously. Unfortunately, the helmet she stole belongs to Max.
"It was a childhood mistake"
"Childhood mistake my ass" Max grunted.
He stood up to leave as he no longer has any appetite. Plus, he really needs to get away before this goes to a full screaming match.
"Oh cmon Max, were supposed to be team mates"Aubrey complained as she follows him.
The two Red Bull drivers earned looks from hotel guests as they bicker all the way to the parking lot. With Max telling her to go away while Aubrey keeps on pestering him to forgive her.
"Okay fine, lets settle this with a competition then dumbass" Aubrey challenged "What if the first person who arrives at the circuit gets what they want"
Max seems to think for a bit but then his face cracks to a smirk.
"Okay bring it on"
And so the cars started racing through the streets. Aubrey swears she can hear Tokyo Drift playing in her head as she drives her car throughout the highways. Max felt very determined to win so he could ask Aubrey to leave him alone.
The two were not mindful of their speed limits which is why sirens started following them.
"And that's the story why we got delayed to our first testing because we got speeding tickets" Max wrapped up. "So who got to the circuit first?" "There were no winners" Max answered "We were both at the police station" "I firmly believe that Max called the police because he knew that he would lose" Aubrey's interview replaced Max. "It was really interesting to be picked up at the police station by a fuming Christian Horner wondering where his two drivers are"Aubrey added.
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daisyvisions · 1 year
' warning : yandere, bl..d (o/o), d.ath (e), m.rder (u)
Since everyone is talking about yandere stuffs I felt like sharing it...
Once a jungwon (enhypen) ff popped up on my feed and damn that stuff was scary af 😭
Jungwon was class president in that fan fiction and the reader was the new student.the story legit started with him slapping the reader so hard that they fellon the floor, in an empty class. And reader slowly shares how they were the new student and had a huge crush on their class president and how they still remember their biggest mistake of confessing to him. Because ofc he said he liked the reader back and once they started dating Jungwon started becoming possessive. Reader found that cute but one day they both got into huge argument because reader was talking to Jake, Jungwon's friend.
And now back to the beginning,Jungwon called reader different names because he thought Jake annd reader were flirting... 💀
That thing was scary af like he killed Jake in the end because he helped reader who was trying to run away from that place to avoid jungwon....
Ik this is my own opinion but yandere theme is scary, scary till the extent that it makes me cry
Being jealous is very different from being yandere
And this again reminds me of a real incident that happened in Japan,there was this couple who worked in a bar. Both the girl and the guy were attractive but the girl was extremely jealous of the fact that her bf needed to serve others,needed to look at someone except her, he needed to smile and flirt with others...
She hated that and made it visible to him through arguments,but the guy was like "we both work at same place and do the same thing, yk what I'm doing with others is for money andd nothing more"
But that crazy girl wasn't happy with that so few days later when they both were sleeping she got up and attacked her bf with a knife on his chest and was laughing saying "No one can look at what's mine" And stuffs like that
Luckily he was able to run from the aprtment and someone else in the building saw him and helped him.
And guess what how public reacted to this thing. When this lady got arrested and the case came in limelight many people went on her old tik tok account and commented on her videos "Our irl yandere" Like wtf she almost killed someone
Uhhh anyways,, all of this was quite heavy but still I will never understand why ppl like yandere theme
yeah, yandere can be scary but personally I don't like it when the story gets to the point of m*rder? like what you just said.
but I guess everyone has their reasons for liking yandere, personally im into the tsundere type
I've read some yandere of tbz that was actually tolerable, and I read another that involved k*ll*ng which was a big no for me kjasndaskjnd
but damn I will never understand that tiktok culture of romanticizing killers and shit this is reminding me of the whole Jeffrey Dahmer witch after the Netflix series came out :((
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1-800-i-ship-it · 4 years
32: What words upset me the most
warning this kinda turned into a rant im sorry about that ajklsdf dont read on if u dont want to read about my salt 
er hm i dont really have specific words, but probably guilt tripping or passive aggressiveness, i really hate that stuff (if its like sarcastic or whatever then its fine but yea just would prefer not to) also straight up lying to me to take advantage of me or manipulation (ive gotten better at steering clear of these things than before but yea) 
some other pet peeves are when people say “no offense but _________” which to me is pointless because how am i supposed to respond to something like “no offense but heres something offensive but since i’ve said no offense u cant really say anything back to me now ok cool bye” i’d rather just have u say whatever it is without the “no offense” part, also i havent had to deal with this in a while but when someone says “hope ur happy now” snidely after giving in or whatever (i guess this falls into passive aggressiveness) its also quite annoying
dont even get me started on parents who want to talk to me bc i seem successful and just want to weed out information etc so they can can take advantage of my experience or whatever, that stuff is annoying as hell (honestly, accusing someone of being good at something? and then asking how theyre good at it in a salty tone? bullshit) and ive gotten good at dodging questions; i know when ur being genuine or not :) (if u actually need help and are genuine, i am happy to help! but if ur just here to leech off me, bye!) and i also know when ur just hounding me on my standardized test scores & extracurriculars :) and i also know when you only talk to me bc it seems like im doing well and want to leech info and when you ignore me later bc u think ur better than me now and dont need me anymore :) 
pro tip: just compliment them and their children and say theyre doing well + some bs about working hard to be successful and they will be fine, laugh awkwardly, and then end the convo while dunking on capitalistic tendencies in ur head 
pro tip #2 for classmates who constantly take advantage of you: when it gets to a certain point, im serious, just keep saying you dont know–who cares if they think u’ve become dumb that was honestly never any of their business anyways. and if someone isnt pulling their weight in a group project let the teacher know and if the teacher doesnt care, assign people tasks and keep in mind the goal is to get them to do work–might damper ur pride but sometimes that just how it is. but for other things please remember to protect yourself and DONT let yourself get sucked into cheating scandals or whatnot bc someone wont be friends with you if u dont help them with x and y (aka do all the work for them), thats complete and utter bullshit and means they arent real friends to you, please go find other friends and dont tell yourself u have to put up with them bc u dont have anyone else. if u need a friend and cant find one u can come talk to me instead 
on another note when someone tells me they are disappointed in me that really hurts too :^) but thats different 
so yea thats about it im sorry this became a full blown rant oops 
#bluris answers asks#p0l-anka#apol#i really fucking hate guilt tripping lmao#honestly ive had to deal with more drama when i was younger than when i was older tbh#i got good at avoiding people like that when i got older#people that make me feel inferior with a dose of passive aggressiveness? no thanks#im about to talk a little about body stuff here so  please dont rread on  if u are uncomofrtable with that#tw body insecurity#when i  was younger like mid elementary i used to go to this dance place#and  there was this really mean girl who would always throw snide remarks at me because i was fat#im really glad that society has gotten better with normalizing fat bodies and trying  to get rid of the stigma now btw#but anyway back then that hurt a lot#i still remember her name andd what she looked like#and i would get llike made fun of for being clumsy  etcc#i hated it#so that was like passive aggressiveness part#my journey from being non athletic and made fun of to becoming a competitive swimmer and then retiring now is quite a lot tbh#im still working on accepting my body#i also had a best friend in elementary school who lied to me all the fucking time and my dumbass iinnocent brain would believe her#which she would lie about losing and getting flushed down the toilet so i  would give her another one#i regret giving her all those gifts#anyways i reralized she was manipulating me and cried my heart out to my mom and my mom told me to stay away from her and make some#new friends so i did and they were much better#she knew how i feltt about her throughout midddle and hs and i think she became scared of me lmao#whatever i just stayed away and didnt talk to her unless completely needed#anyways also a few other people who were passive aggressive and used no offense and r u happy now a lot who ive just stayed away from#in conclusion ive learned a lot by dealing with shitty people and am now better at avoiding them!
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toorusluvr · 2 years
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❥ ҉   NOTE FROM NIS: i firmly believe oikawa would act cute just to annoy the heck out of iwa. this is fairly a normal chapter (at least i think it is) andd should i post another chap of how the reader and semi met? p/s: there’s a mention of the movie top gun (1986) in here lol 
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All of the words that possibly exist in the world have flown out of the windows the moment your eyes landed on the familiar figure. Black spiky hair and chiselled jaw. The man was sitting at the back of the classroom, holding a pen in between his fingers. You still remember the colour of his eyes from that night. And the same pair of eyes were staring back at you with a confused look on his face.
You never expected you’d be put in this situation. Either this is a blessing or a curse, you are yet to figure it out. Your attempt at calming yourself down wasn’t a success either as you could feel your nails digging in your palms. Just take a deep breath , you thought. You inhaled a deep breath, but every time you did so, the memories from the night before flashed at the back of your mind like a broken tape.
“Y/L/N, you can introduce yourself now,” your homeroom teacher took a step back so she could give you space. This year is your final year in high school, and you have been asked by your mother to move to Aoba Johsai. You quoted, “It’s near our new house.” At first, you were against her ideas but she said it’s an order not a wish. So, you obeyed.
And that brought you here right now.
“Hello. My name is Y/N. Pleased to meet you,” you finally introduced yourself with a clenched fist, only because it was out of awkwardness. As long as the moment passed.
The whole class greeted you with a warm welcome. At least they gave you a reaction you did not expect at first. A warm welcome is very much needed especially being in a new space with new faces. Just then, your homeroom teacher assigned you to sit next to the pretty-faced boy who was grinning at you the entire time. He was waiting to talk to you since the moment you stepped into the classroom.
You took your seat with a hesitant move. The brunette was looking at you with one of his hands tucked under his chin. “Hi. I feel like we have met somewhere,” he said with a grin plastered across his face. He looks oddly familiar. Where would you see this face?
His statement made you furrow your eyebrows together. Did you know him before? You were sure you hadn't seen him anywhere in the past few days. And that made you wonder. Where else could he possibly see you?
“Hi. Um, do I know you?” You asked. A part of you wished no one would talk to you today. Talking to other people can drain your social battery faster. And it’s only the first day of being in a new school. You certainly don’t want to use up your social battery that lasts only a day. Worse, a few hours.
“You probably don’t know me but I am sure I know you. Hey, I saw you at Terushima’s party the other day! You were crying and wailing by the pool. What the heck happened there?” the brunette asked.
Well, he did attack you with the embarrassing moment that you certainly wanted to erase from your mind. Good lord, how many other people remember you as the crying-girl-by-the-pool? There goes one point for messing up your reputation. Too much for keeping it a lowkey lifestyle.
You inhaled a deep breath. “Oh so you were at his party the day you saw me. Well, I certainly didn’t expect anyone would remember me crying by the pool.”
The brunette snorted a laugh. “Yeah, is it unfortunate that I remember you that way?”
“If you said so,” you said as you turned your head to pay attention to what the teacher was saying.
The brunette stared at you for a few more seconds while playing with the pen in between his slender fingers. He gnawed on his bottom lip, “Aren’t you going to ask me what’s my name? Since we are practically deskmates now.”
That question made you hang your head low. Slowly, you exhaled a sigh and turned to look at him. “What’s your name, pretty-faced boy?”
“I’m Oikawa Tooru. Well, nice to meet you, deskmate,” the brunette named Oikawa finally introduced himself and all. Well, he isn’t exactly a chatterbox but you wished he could stop asking you question after question.
“You heard my name just now so yeah, nice to meet you too, Oikawa,” you flashed him a half smile.
Oikawa hummed. By miracle, the brunette did leave you alone to pay attention to what was being said in front of the class. And for that, you thanked God for shutting his pretty mouth up. At the same time, you felt like something was burning a hole on your back. It was obvious who was staring intently at you. That guy from last night. Yeah, the one night stand you had at your best friend’s party.
“Hey, Y/N. I couldn’t help but think why did you cry that night? You were practically wailing and yelling by the pool.  Did something happen? You just broke up, huh?” Oikawa asked mindlessly.
He didn’t care what you thought of him. Oikawa needed an answer. It’s his first time ever seeing someone crying so much in public. The question was quite invasive but the man’s guts were telling him that you guys are gonna be close after this so might as well start it early.
You shot the man a deathly glare. “Is it too late for me to ask the teacher to move my seat somewhere else? I can’t sit here.”
Oikawa clicked his tongue, huffing out a soft laugh. “Relax. It won’t kill you to spare me an answer. Ease up, shortcake. It’s either you answer it or you don’t. We aren’t in the interrogation room.”
Well, that made you bite the inner of your cheeks for being so defensive. Wait. You had every right to be defensive and secretive! Meeting new people also means to be cautious. Leaking any information about yourself is too early.
“I’d be sure to tell you when we’re close enough, huh?” You quirked an eyebrow at Oikawa and he flashed you a nod with a grin all over his face.
“I can’t wait ‘til the time comes!” Oikawa chuckled and he got his chair kicked from behind.
“Lower your voice, shittykawa. Some of us are trying to learn here,” a raspy voice intruded the momentary silence between the three of you.
You started to shift uncomfortably in your seat. He… seemed angry. Is that even the right term to describe the tone of his voice? Annoyed, probably. However, you never dared to turn your head and took a better look at his face. One time in front of the class was more than enough, considering how awkward it was.
Oikawa laughed, dismissing his friend with a wave. “Oh, right. Y/N, here’s my friend. Iwa-chan, introduce yourself. Oh, don’t call him Iwa-chan unless you want to be headlocked by him,” Oikawa warned.
“So, you like to be headlocked by him?” You posed a question to Oikawa with a curious look.
“I’ve always called him Iwa-chan since we were kids so he better be chill about it. Oh, Iwa, come here and meet our new friend,” Oikawa hurried the guy behind your seat to come over.
Iwaizumi shot Oikawa a glare. Has Oikawa always been this dumb or clueless? Has he lost the ability to read the room? Until then, he remembered that Oikawa was yet to know of your existence.
Poor Iwaizumi. He was about to throw his trash in the dustbin in front of the class but Oikawa dragged him into introducing himself to you. Iwaizumi stood by your desk, being mindful to leave a gap that could make you uncomfortable.
“I’m Iwaizumi Hajime. Nice to meet you,” Iwaizumi let out a sigh after he was done being a blabbering mess.
You nodded your head, carefully tilting your head to look him in the eye. The moment you did that, your body turned hotter, your cheeks grew warmer. “I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you too.”
Oikawa watched the two people being so awkward right in front of him. Well, it seemed normal at first until he started sensing that the uncomfortable silence grew stronger. “Oh, Iwa-chan! Did you know Y/N was also at Terushima’s party the other night? What a small world!”
Instinctively, you whipped your head at Oikawa. Of course his best friend knew you! But not in an appropriate way one would remember. The three of you are 18, what’s wrong with having sex as long as both parties consented to it? And why are you blushing like crazy trying to avoid Iwaizumi?
You heard a sigh coming from Iwaizumi’s direction. The man was taller than you, maybe almost 6’0 but he’s quite tall to your liking.
“Can you quit it, Oikawa? You’re making her uncomfortable,” Iwaizumi snapped before he returned to his desk just right behind you.
You could finally breathe after Iwaizumi left your side. The three of you are 18 this year so there’s nothing wrong in being honest about having one night stand. You sighed. Okay, here it goes.
To avoid suspicion, you leaned closer to Oikawa. “I kinda know Iwaizumi,” you started.
Oikawa leaned in, raising his eyebrows at you. “How so?”
You shrugged, “Well… we hooked up on the night of the party.” Finally, a confession being made successfully lifted a burden off your shoulders.
Oikawa almost choked on his breath. He started coughing and patting his chest to calm himself down. You didn’t even bother to help but watch him suffer the silent death.
“So, you’re the girl he told me about!” Oikawa said before coughing again. “Wow, this is so unexpected. Straight out of Top Gun.”
“What does Top Gun have to do with this?” You groaned. The mention of Top Gun surely was accidental but now that you think of it, it’s kinda similar except that you aren’t Iwaizumi’s instructor. That could be worse.
Oikawa clicked his tongue, “Well, I am sure you have watched it. I’m gonna be disappointed if you haven’t. Plus, you don’t have to worry about anything. Iwaizumi is not the type to kiss and tell. Your hookup is safe with him. And me!”
“Uh, yeah. It’s kinda weird that we are in the same class. Worse, he’s sitting behind me. What else next?” You cracked your knuckles before meeting Oikawa’s eyeline.
The brunette huffed, “Yeah. Super weird but that’s completely fine. Nothing to worry about. Things happen. Oh, right. I’ve been meaning to ask you this. Why did you move here? You’re in senior year.”
Confessing about your hookup didn’t hold you back but answering this question for sure did.
You bit on your lower lip, contemplating on telling him the truth or the fake story. Oh, screw it.
“My mom thought it would be good for me so I just followed what she said,” you blurted out. ‘Followed what she said’ is incorrect. ‘Obeyed her orders’ is accurate.
Oikawa hummed knowingly. A habit of his that you picked only because he could not stop doing it.
The teacher assigned a task for the class before the lunch bell rang. All of the students started keeping their stationeries aside, several of them taking out their lunch boxes. You looked around and stood up.
“Hey, why don’t you join Iwaizumi and I for lunch?” Oikawa offered but you politely declined. It’s a tad bit awkward to hang around him.
“Just because you guys banged the other night does not mean you can’t be friends!” Oikawa said mindlessly as he pushed his chair inside.
You wanted to put Oikawa in a headlock for saying that carelessly. But, Iwaizumi stepped in and did that for you.
Oikawa winced in pain, “Ah, it hurts, Iwa-chan!”
Iwaizumi stared at his friend furiously. “How did you know, dumbass?” He knew you were the one who told him about it since he never really disclosed your details to Oikawa. Heck, he didn’t even know your full name and where you are from that night.
“I did,” you confessed. “But, you don’t have to worry about it. Why didn’t you tell me you're going to Aoba Johsai?” you asked. To you, it might seem like an innocent question but to Iwaizumi, it felt like you pointed your fingers at him for not telling you. It’s not like you did the same thing either. What a hypocrite.
“Says the one who lied about her age too,” Iwaizumi raised one of his eyebrows at you, crossing his arms to the chest. Even when doing that, he looked stunning. Damn him.
You gasped. “You lied about your age too, freak!” The one thing that irks you the most is when people blame you for the exact same thing that they do too. Like hell you are going to let him off the hook in this argument.
“We both lied. Why did you have to start pointing fingers?” Iwaizumi unintentionally raised his voice at you and that made your blood boil. You were angry. You meant it.
You tried to stay calm and composed. “Since when did I start pointing fingers? You were the one who did it first. Should I remind you what you said just now?”
Oikawa’s eyes widened watching the heated argument. He tried to step in between you guys but you pushed him aside, asking him to stay away.
“Did you forget what you said? ‘Why didn’t you tell me you are going to Aoba Johsai?’ You asked me that question, knowing too well both of us lied about our age. Or are you that dumb to realise it?” Iwaizumi scoffed. It was too late to back out now. He did realise you were simply asking him a question but like he said before. It was too late to back out.
“That was a question, you fool!” You yelled.
“So, no room to explain how that was your fault, huh? Right. I should have known a spoiled brat when I spotted one,” Iwaizumi scoffed, rolling his eyes at you– that made you feel small and weak.
Oikawa stepped in again and thankfully this time he wasn’t pushed aside. “Whoa whoa, calm down both of you. What the heck?”
Screw him. “You tell your friend to calm down! He’s a fucking dumbass!” With that, you walked out of the classroom. Just when you thought your first day at the new school would be good, it didn’t turn out the way you hoped.
Oikawa sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He peeked over to Iwaizumi at his side, “Aren’t you going after her?”
Iwaizumi shot him a glare. “Fuck off. She’s not my friend, dumbass. You go after her.”
Well, that was a strong reaction. Oikawa let out a deep breath as he watched his best friend walk away and disappeared down the hallway. It’s lunch break, he already knew where Iwaizumi would be at this hour. You, he wasn’t sure.
Now, Oikawa is stuck between two of the most hard-headed people he has ever met in his entire life.
Right after the lunch break ended, you returned to class slightly feeling better than before. Your anger has cooled down a bit thankfully. You had never met any random one night stand guys after the night you guys hooked up. This is your first time experiencing this. Considering that you guys were intoxicated that night, you thought that he’d be okay, but he clearly wasn’t.
You had to face Iwaizumi to make your way to your seat. The guy has a sharp gaze that could choke people on their breath because you felt that. You couldn’t care less so you glared back at him. Oikawa was already in his seat waiting for you. The brunette straightened his posture as he waited for you to have a seat.
“So?” Oikawa started the conversation. You let out an annoyed sigh, “What made you think you can ask me freely? I should charge you even just for talking to me.”
Oikawa was expecting an answer, hell, even an explanation from you for your disappearance all of a sudden earlier. But then he realised you are not a child.
“Calm down, girl. Iwa-chan and you can make the perfect couple. Two hard-headed people. I can only imagine how crazy your relationship works,” Oikawa stifled a laugh before he noticed Iwaizumi was staring furiously at him.
You buried your fingernails in the skin of your palms. “Oikawa, if you don’t shut your fucking mouth, I swear to fucking God I would make you feel like you live in hell. I am not joking. Quit it!  We just knew each other. Oh my god, the audacity,” you groaned in annoyance.
Your head was filled with other problems, added with Oikawa's sarcastic ass. Oikawa let out a soft chuckle just to annoy you more. You couldn’t handle the man anymore so you smacked him lightly. A loud groan escaped from Oikawa's pretty mouth, being the dramatic king he is.
“What did I just say, Oikawa Tooru?” you pinched the bridge of your nose, shutting your eyes closed as you gathered your composure again.
Oikawa didn’t have any fears but now that he met you, he officially has one fear. Maybe he went too far. “Goddamn it already feels like hell. Okay, I’ll be quiet,” he pouted.
If his intention was to act cute just so he could make you feel sorry for him, he was wrong. Definitely wrong. You irked at the sight, “Stop pouting. You are not five.”
Iwaizumi couldn’t hold the laughter any longer. He cleared his throat awkwardly and tried focusing on the given task. Someone other than him can finally put Oikawa in his place. That man can be uncontrollable at times.
You glanced over to Oikawa’s side. Surprisingly, he stopped pouting like you asked. “Good boy,” you praised with a sly grin on your face.
“Not gonna lie, that did turn me on a little,” Oikawa grinned sheepishly and you threw a fist on his arm.
“Try harder, shortcake,” Oikawa smirked at you, refusing to surrender. “You better watch your back, pretty boy,” you replied.
The last bell of the day finally rang, signifying all classes had come to an end and a cue for the students to go home or even stay for extra curricular. You looked at your watch, sighing because it’s time to go home where you feel the loneliest. Without stalling your time, you packed your things inside your backpack, all ready to storm out of the class.
Oikawa stopped you from leaving. “Hey, shortcake. Leaving already?”
You made a disgusted expression. “Call me shortcake one more time and I’ll make sure your balls are blue next.”
“Fine. Wanna watch us practice? You know… since it’s your first day here today,” Oikawa offered. He looked at your uneasy expression. Iwaizumi quietly listened to your conversation as he put his belongings inside his backpack.
“Huh, I never knew playing princess castle is a sport here,” you rolled your eyes.
Oikawa clicked his tongue. You and your sarcasm. “We play volleyball, shortcake.”
You almost groaned out loud just at the mention of volleyball. The sport that your one and only boyfriend, now ex, is playing. “Volleyball? Pass! Sorry, I prefer soccer and football. See you tomorrow, pretty boy.”
“What’s wrong with volleyball?” Oikawa asked out loud but you were already out the door. He groaned and when he met his best friend’s eyes, he grinned. “I am not trying to take her away from you, don’t worry. I am not into any of my friends’ hookups.”
Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, “For God’s sake please just shut your mouth. Nothing good ever comes out of that mouth.”
Oikawa laughed seeing Iwaizumi’s annoyed expression. He loves to annoy him to the point a hit here and there does not matter at all.
“Any ideas why she doesn’t like volleyball?” Oikawa asked. Both him and Iwaizumi were on their way to the gymnasium before practice started.
“She never said she doesn’t like volleyball. She only said she ‘prefers’ soccer and football. Get your mind out of the gutter, Tooru,” Iwaizumi grunted softly, only because he was annoyed that his best friend never stops talking.
Oikawa gasped, “So you listened to our conversation? You do care!”
Iwaizumi rolled his eyes again. At this point, it has become a habit. “You guys were in my earshot. Shut up!” He threw a punch on Oikawa’s arm and he winced playfully saying it hurts.
“Don’t be a baby,” Iwaizumi said.
Oikawa fake pouted, “I am your baby.”
Iwaizumi gave him a death stare and started chasing the brunette down the hall. Oikawa’s mistake for even saying that, knowing he’d get punched sooner or later.
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persephones-wren · 3 years
hii love, love your fics so I just had to request again! Could request a Kaz andd reader where he says something mean to her without meaning it but shes really sad an stattes crying to jesper and he gets angry and tells Kaz to apologise? Angst with a happy ending,please!! Thanks a ton darling💗💗
Forgiveness (Kaz Brekker x Reader)
thank you for requesting again! school has been kicking my ass, so sorry for how long writing this took, but I hope you like it! :)
Warnings: mentions of catcalling, (small) injury, idk?
Genre: angst to fluff
Word Count: 1910
To say you’ve had a shitty day would’ve been an understatement.
Heading to the White Rose to see Nina, you’d been catcalled multiple times. Maybe you were being dramatic, but the comments felt more scathing than usual, and it had gotten under your skin quicker than you thought it would. You didn’t want to use Kaz’s reputation to scare them off, but it wouldn’t have mattered. You’d still be viewed as a possession, just one that didn’t belong to them.
You had snapped at the last stranger who’d given their perverse ideals of you, and that altercation had left you a lovely slash on your arm from defending yourself. You had temporarily wrapped it up on a scarf, but you knew you would probably have to wrap it with gauze on it when you returned.
When you had asked the clerk where Nina was, he said that he’d seen her leave, but she said nothing to him. Which meant the entire journey here was a waste, and that you’d have to head home without her guaranteed cooperation with the plan your boyfriend was creating.
“Kaz, she’s not there. Clerk said she went out, but he didn’t get where. It was a waste of a trip,” you sigh, throwing down your cloak on a random chair.
Kaz sighs, lowering his head as he writes out another part of the plan. “Really, Y/N? You couldn’t go out and look for her? She told us a couple days ago that she was going to start taking trips to the market at this time. You could’ve found her there.”
“I’m sorry?” you scoff quietly, but try to adjust your tone at the icy stare he gives you. You could’ve said that nicer, sure. “I didn’t think to look for her there because I didn’t know that, Kaz. Are you sure she told us that?”
“Yes, she did. Were you not paying attention?”
“I don’t think I was there,” you refute. “I would’ve remembered if she told me.”
“I don’t have time to talk to people who can’t do their jobs,” he mutters. “Just get out and waste time for now. Let me finish what I’m working on and we’ll find her together later.”
“The hell you mean I can’t do my job?” you protest. “I did what you asked. I went to go look for her, and she wasn’t there. I thought your instructions were not to stray from my path, because you wanted me home quickly and safely.”
“If you had any shred of common sense, then you’d know that I’d only say that because I’m supposed to care about you. I’d take information over your safety.”
You still. What?
He’s supposed to care about you? Does that imply he doesn’t? He would take information over your safety.
Does he want to break up?
Stop being dramatic. Kaz doesn’t play implication games with something like that. He’d tell you outright.
But he wouldn’t care for you if he got what he wanted.
“I-um, oh,” you take a shuddery breath. Your chest feels tight and your eyes are going to water. Kaz hates dealing with over-emotional people. He needs people who can keep their cool, people who can think their way out of things. You need to get out of here before he looks up at you. You’re useless, you’re an idiot, no wonder he said you couldn’t do your job properly.
Too late. He looks up at you, frowning at your silence, but you quickly turn away, still trying to hide your face.
You laugh, and even you can tell that it’s not genuine, just an attempt at trying to hide your wavering voice. “I’m fine, Kaz. Uh- yeah, yeah! We’ll go out later and-” your throat catches as you swallow harshly. “We’ll go out and look for Nina later. See you then.” You quickly brush your tears out of the way, opening the door and stepping out.
Your steps echo down the hall, and you try and find your way to your room through the tears that now stream down your face.
I’d take information over your safety.
You still don’t know if he means it. He’s angry, but- Kaz was usually extremely candid when he was upset.
He might’ve meant every word.
You don’t notice Jes in front of you, and as you pass him, he catches your arm.
You wince, his fingers land right on the slash, and he hastily lets go, looking at you with concern. Everyone was usually about as emotional as a rock in the Barrel. What made you cry like that?
“Y/N, you okay? What happened? Why did you flinch from me? Did I do something wrong?”
His face resembles a kicked puppy, and your heart constricts with slight guilt.
“No, no- it’s not your fault, Jes- your fingers landed right on a slash I got, that’s all.”
He looks at his hands, covered in slight blood. You tug at your soaked-through scarf and look at it, and it looks even worse than when you first got it. Your grimace. So much for getting him to worry less about you. “It looks a lot worse than it actually is.” Your words are frantic and stuttered, but you hope he gets the point.
“How did that happen? I thought with Kaz’s reputation, you would be untouchable. Why isn’t he taking care of you?”
You smile sadly. The mention of Kaz tightens your chest again.  “Guy scrapped with me for a little while after catcalling me. I didn’t want to use Kaz to defend myself- me, with him? He’d be even more of a target. And Kaz is a bit upset with me right now. He doesn’t know what happened.”
“Why the hell would he be upset?”
“I didn’t get the information he wanted,” your voice is small and weak. “And he said he’d rather have the information more than my safety.”
“Which is why you’re crying.” Jes’s face has a look of understanding.
“Yes,” you affirm quietly. “Today’s just been a bad day. I’ll be alright, though, really. I know Kaz doesn’t like dealing with weak people, so I thought I wouldn’t bother-”
“You’re not weak.” His voice gains a complete new edge, and his face is determined. You suddenly get a bad feeling. What’s Jes going to suggest you do? “We’re going to go confront him. Right now.”
“Jes, I look like I’ve been crying. I’d at least like to compose myself a bit.”
“No.” He makes sure he’s grabbing your other arm, before leading you back to Kaz’s office. “He needs to know how much he’s fucked up. He’s smart, but really,” Jesper sighs, “He’s an idiot. And you deserve better than that.”
Your heart warms at his words, but you’re still nervous as he leads you down the hall, and you’re definitely panicking when he opens the door without knocking.
Kaz looks up, and a brief look of surprise is in his eyes as he looks at Jesper. Why didn’t Jesper knock? And why would Jes need him, especially at midday? Wouldn’t he be out gambling?
Kaz prepares himself to hear something stupid. He doesn’t notice you standing behind him, and his attention drifts back down to his plan.
“What do you need?”
“For being a bloody idiot and hurting your girlfriend.”
Hurting you? He looks back up to him, and this time, you’re standing next to Jesper.
“I didn’t-” Kaz starts, but your appearance makes him go silent.
Your expression is blank, but tear streaks clearly stain your face, and you clearly look like you don’t want to be confronting him. Jesper had put you up to this.
Were you too afraid of him to do it yourself?
What did he do for you to look like that?
“You didn’t do anything?” Jesper’s voice is incredulous. “She went to the White Rose to try and find Nina, and then you come home and treat her like she’s useless because she doesn’t get what you want. She’s your girlfriend, not a goon. Have some respect for her, yeah? She followed exactly what you said, to try and get home quickly and safely, and even then, she still gets hurt. Did you even notice the bleeding gash?”
“Jes,” you whisper, “it’s fine, really-”
He doesn’t listen, and grabs at your wrist to lift your arm, pulling down the scarf and revealing the bloody cut. Kaz blinks, concern and guilt briefly flashing on his face before he smooths back his expression.
How didn’t he notice? How did that happen?
“Y’know how she got that? Men were harassing her, and she fought one of them because she didn’t want to use your name as her shield. She was trying to prevent painting an even bigger target on your back. And then you go as far,” Jes laughs angrily, “as to say that she’s not worth more than information for your fucking plan? And through all of that, she leaves you alone because she doesn’t want to be an inconvenience to you. Your girlfriend thinks her emotions are burdening you. Get your fucking head out of your ass. Either you apologize to her, or she’s breaking up with you.”
You and Kaz are both left standing still, both watching as Jesper stalks back toward the door, opening it and slamming it shut.
The sound echoes through the silent room.
You don’t know what to say. Part of you feels vindicated, Jesper did the hard part for you, but part of you feels guilty- Jesper also made it a lot bigger than it could’ve been.
You let the guilt win out.
“I’m sorry, Jes’s wording was a bit harsh, I’ll take my leave, it’s really not that big-”
“Stay,” Kaz interrupts. “Please.”
You sit down on the chair next to his, and he turns to you, pulling out gauze and alcohol wipes.
“I can do it myself,” you say hurriedly. “I know-”
“You’re not a burden to me.” He avoids your gaze, he doesn’t want to see your reaction, in case he really would lose you after this. “Let me help you.”
You hiss through your teeth as he cleans the gash, a small “sorry” escaping him as he continues. There’s still a silence hanging between both of you. He wraps it carefully, looking up at you when he’s done.
“Not too tight?”
“No,” you answer quietly. “Thank you, Kaz.”
There’s another silence between you.
“I care about you,” he says suddenly. “I wouldn’t trade your safety for anything.”
You know it’s his way of saying sorry.
“It’s okay,” you give a reassuring smile. “I know. I’ve just had a bad day, that’s all.”
“It’s not,” he argues. “If you ever need to defend yourself, use my name if it’ll get them to stop. I don’t care if it paints whatever sized target on my back.” You open your mouth to interject, but he continues. “I’m already a wanted criminal in Ketterdam. However much you increase the target by doesn’t matter, so long as you come home alright.”
“Okay,” you nod. “I will.”
“I love you, darling.”
Your eyes widen at his words. He doesn’t say it often, he knows that you already know that.
Jesper must’ve really shaken him.
“I love you too,” you reply softly. “Thank you.”
It’s his turn to look surprised. “For?”
“For caring,” you respond. “For being you. For loving me.”
A faint smile etches on his lips. “I always will.”
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proserpina-magnus · 3 years
Hiii it’s me, the regulus simp again- back with another Regulus x fem!reader requestt where the reader has always wanted to play the piano, and the slytherin common room just happens to have one and Regulus just happens to know how to play the piano and she hears him playing so she comes to listen and she has synesthesia so she describes to him what she sees (like colors etc) andd maybe some ultra fluff where he tries to teach her to play it💖💖✨✨ also hope your day is going well and you’re drinking water and getting enough vitamin D because you’re important <3
I LOVED WRITING THIS, IT WAS SO CUTE. LITERALLY THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REQUESTING THIS ( it made me feel better after writing the angst fic ). Also, I hope you are eating and staying healthy and safe! xoxo.
One where he teaches you how to play the Piano
Word count: 2619
[ Warning: fem!reader, fluff, strangers to lovers, first kiss, some sexual tension (not really though), hand holding, petnames such as “love” and “pretty lady/girl” ]
You pressed your ear to the door, hearing the angelic music come from the piano in the Slytherin common room. You tried your best to stay away, but you somehow always made your way to listen outside the door.
The person who played always came to the piano after supper on Wednesday nights, occasionally they would come to play on the weekends as well. You never caught a glimpse of the person, you always ran off before they noticed you were there.
Here you were, ear pressing so close to the slightly opened room as you listened to the sweetest melody you have ever heard. Your brain fogged with clarity, it felt like paradise.
A smile tugged on your face, but it quickly fell when the door leaned forward and you came tumbling into the almost empty common room.
The walls were made of bricks, making you wonder what it would feel like to slide your fingers along the creases. Your knees hit the floor, hands extended as you hear a slight cracking noise. You cringe at this simple scenario you have fallen into, how could you have possibly been so naive and fall right through the door?
The piano came to a stop when you fell, the musician taking a look towards the intruder. You stare at the ground with wide eyes, feeling too embarrassed to look up at them.
"Are you alright?" His voice was deep and delicate, much how you imagined it would sound. You look up, realizing his voice wasn't the only thing delicate about him. His face was shaped like a god, high cheekbones with thinning plain lips. You took a moment to stare at his beauty, never knowing a person could look so lovely.
"Excuse me?" He repeated himself, standing from the oak bench. His hand came into view, you took his long fingers into yours, feeling him pull you up. His hand was cold to the touch, but it only reminded you of the snowy owls you see flying.
"I'm sorry, it's just you play the piano so well, I guess I got distracted and fell... through the door," you explained, embarrassed. You took your hand from his, looking around the space accompanying you both. Everyone was out for a Hogsmeade trip, but you had stayed because you heard the piano.
"Oh," he responded, you look back up towards him, noticing his taller height. You looked over his outfit, seeing his well-tailored fit. His shoes were sparkling, making you look at your own dusted ones.
"Do you play the piano?" The musician asked, trying to get you to stay and talk for a few more minutes. You looked back up, shaking your head sadly.
"I wish, I just never gotten the opportunity to learn," you tell him, looking towards the piano left unoccupied. He watched you, making you look up towards him.
"What is your name?" He asked, taking a step back to give you some room. You fiddled with your skirt.
" [ name ] [ last name ], and you?" You asked, your eyes continuing to look towards the empty piano. He followed your gaze, a small smile on his lips.
"I'm Regulus Black, would you like me to teach you how to play the piano?" Regulus asked, tilting his body to invite you towards the piano. You instantly took a step with him, both of you walking towards the bench. He sat first, patting the spot beside him.
"Will you?" You asked, an excited tone in your voice. He patted the seat again, giving you another small smile.
" Of course, I always have time for a pretty lady," Regulus replied, his words making your stomach flutter. You sank down onto the oak bench, your eyes never leaving his.
"I'm a complete amateur, I don't even know the chords," You reason with him, blinking your eyes as you look towards the piano keys.
"That's alright, we all start somewhere," Regulus says, his fingers placing themselves against the white keys, pressing them together to make an angelic sound. You're reminded of a viridian green from the nice tone.
"Here, place your fingers against these keys," Regulus explains, letting you raise your hands before taking your fingers and placing them against the keys. You eagerly press the key, a sage green colour filling your mind.
Regulus watched you with tender eyes, seeing as you got so fascinated with the small chord. You instantly pressed another one, trying to follow the same melodies he had showed you.
Your spine tingled when a horrible chord was pressed, making the melody remind you of the colour cinnamon brown. You scrunched your shoulders, pulling your fingers back.
"Hey, you've almost got it and I haven't even taught you yet, don't give up now," Regulus effused, his fingers gently grabbing yours as he placed them back over the keys.
He dragged your fingers through keys, playing the melody through you. You’re reminded of the viridian green again, seeing new colours flash through with each key being played.
"Your turn now," Regulus says, his fingers rest over yours for a while longer than normal, before tearing them away to place them on his knees. You give him a look, only being met with a comfortable expression.
You tap the keys slowly, remembering the colours and placements. Before you know it, you've completed a slowed version of the melody. Your heart jumps, excited to get it right.
"Yes, that's good! Your learning quicker than I thought, are you sure you've never played before?" He asked, leaning his head to the side. You watched his hair tilt with his head, gentle curls framing his face. You snap out of it, answering his question.
"I see colours, with each note. It's hard to explain, but when I hear things I get reminded of objects or colours, does that make sense?" You ask, feeling slightly exposed to admit your thought process. Regulus pressed his lips together, analyzing you. You feel stupid, but that feeling flows away with his next words.
"You have synesthesia?" Regulus concluded, but he asked it more like a question. You nodded your head, a small smile on your face.
"Yeah. You're familiar with the term?" You asked him, tilting your head back to the piano. Regulus kept looking at you, interpreting his final thoughts. Nothing terrible could ever possibly come from a person like her, Regulus concluded.
“I am. I heard a Professor mention it once, always stuck with me after,” Regulus explained, just as he finished talking, someone walked into the common room. You both turned your head to look, not realizing you had been infatuated with his eyes.
“Am I interrupting something?” The Slytherin teased, his eyes switching between the two of you in a suggested way. You turn your head slightly, a blush against your cheeks.
“Yes, you are,” Regulus stated plainly, flashing his eyes towards you. His hand came to your back, holding it gently. You couldn’t have flushed red any faster, your face felt like it was on fire.
“Oh,” The boy said, not expecting that response.
“It’s alright,” you chimed in, but the boy only waved his hand and walked towards the steps to the boy's dormitory. You felt foolish, you didn’t want to upset the boy.
“Don’t worry about him, he was teasing me, you’ve done nothing wrong, my love,” Regulus responded, turning his body back to face the piano, but he kept his gaze on you.
“You know him?” You perked up, looking up towards his eyes. He gave a smile, finding your embarrassed state adoring.
“Yes, he’s one of my dorm mates,” Regulus told you, leaning closer. His hand rubbed your lower back softly, soothing you.
“Oh, well that makes me feel better,” you retorted, eyes turning towards the piano. You placed your hands back onto the keys, giving him a side look. “May we continue?”
“Of course,” Regulus replied, his hand leaving your back. You felt cold without his hand but shook it off as you started to play the melody again. This time, you played it a bit quicker. You still missed some important keys, but Regulus just responded with a faint, “don’t worry, I know you’ll get it soon,”
“Can you explain what colours you see each note you play? He asked after you finished playing a slowed version of the melody. You nodded, moving your fingers to the first key.
“The thinner notes remind me of warm colours and the deeper notes are cold colours. For instance, this one reminds me of a pale yellow,” you say, pressing the higher sounding key. A ping sounded through the room before you moved your fingers to the second note.
“This one is... like a blue sky kind of colour,” You go on, explaining colour after colour. Before you know it, you reach the end of the melody.
“What does this note remind you of?” Regulus asked, pressing one of the deeper notes. You look at his dark green tie, wiggling your fingers to hold the thin material. You tug at his tie gently, signalling him to look towards it.
“It sounds like this colour,” You contort, smiling as you let go of his tie and use your palm to make it neat again. Regulus coughs from the back of his throat, shifting in his seat. You realize how insane you must be, touching the tie of a guy you just met.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have touched you,” You say sheepishly. You look up towards Regulus, but he’s turned his head, you see the faint glow of a red on his cheeks. He brings his hand to hold his face, hiding it swiftly to try and calm himself.
“It’s fine,” he mumbles into his hand, he shivers before steadying himself. Regulus turns his head back, keeping his eyes away from yours.
A growing awkward silence fills the room, looking away from each other. You grab the oak bench cushions, pressing your feeling into it through your hands. You rock back slightly, but you feel him move closer to you, his arm brushed against yours.
“Do you think you’ve perfected the melody yet?” Regulus asked his sweaty hands on his knees. He rubbed his thighs, trying to wipe the sweat away. He felt like a nervous wreck.
“I think so,” you say, moving your hands as you place them against the starting keys. You wait for a second, before pressing the keys. You go on with the melody, getting each key right. Your fingers move over the white ivory keys, the viridian green filling your mind again.
“You’re so pretty,” Regulus lets the words slip out, his eyes filled with this type of adoration as he watches you. You snap your head to look towards him, gulping slightly. The melody falls short, your fingers stopping.
“I’m sorry, I should have said that,” Regulus quickly covers up, his ears red as he can’t keep his darkened eyes from yours.
“Not that you aren’t pretty, because you most definitely are! I just shouldn’t have told you, we’ve just met and I don’t want to be a creep,” Regulus goes onto explain, feeling embarrassed himself as he fumbled over his words.
“That’s okay! I don’t mind, I think you’re pretty as well,” You replied, looking over his sculpted features again. Regulus gave you a slanted look, he has never been called pretty before.
“I mean... handsome, you’re just really mesmerizing is what I mean,” you stumble over your words, feeling your ears start to heat up, the tips red.
“Thank you,” He responded, his body leaning closer to yours. He shakes out of it before he can lean any closer, your breath slipping from the shared moment. He turned back to the piano, placing his ring clasped fingers against the keys.
“Shall I teach you another melody?” Regulus asked, looking over. You nodded, sitting back into the backless bench. You watched as he looked towards the keys, eyes closed slightly. His eyelashes fell perfectly over his cheeks as he played the new melody.
Your mind flooded with the colour deep sea blue, the chords sounded so mellow. Once the melody came to an end, he turned to look towards you.
“It’s your turn now,” Regulus states, your fingers coming to replace his. You feel uncertain, you had been distracted by Regulus's beauty, you hadn’t watched his hand placement.
You press the first key, a deep sound flowing through you. The pleasant sounds didn't last long because you had played the wrong key, making the melody uneven. You give a sheepish look towards Regulus.
“It’s alright, let me take you through the placements again,” Regulus comforts quickly, his hands coming to rest over yours. He directs your fingers back to the starting keys. Regulus moves his body, tilting it weirdly.
“Here, let’s stand up,” He says, helping you stand before pushing the bench back to give you both room. His body comes behind yours, his hands placing yours back over the piano keys.
“Is this okay?” Regulus asks his whispers sending tingles through your spine. You nod slightly, your body leaning back into his. “Yes,”
Regulus starts to help you press the keys, taking you through the beautiful melody again. His hand are much bigger than yours, covering them from view. His cheek brushes against your hair, almost nuzzling closer to you.
When the melody ends, he stays still. You both don’t move, his hands over yours, his breath fanning over your ear in a calming way. Your heart beats faster, turning around slightly. Your lips part, tilting your head back to look up at him.
“Can I kiss you?” Regulus whispered, his eyes switching between your eyes to your lips. You nod quickly, words getting stuck in your throat.
“Close your eyes,” he instructed, watching as you close your eyes shut. You felt your face boil, feeling a nervous nausea wash over you.
His knuckle brushed your warm cheek, before his fingers cupping your jaw softly. You leaned up on your toes, your hand on his chest. Regulus pulled himself down, his lips meeting yours.
You leaned further on your toes, pressing yourself closer. It felt so new, being in this secret moment together made you pull him closer, wanting it to last forever.
He felt rich, the placement of his cold hands, the way his lips tasted like mint. you grabbed his coat, fingers squeezing around the fabric. You leaned back down, breaking the kiss. You let your eyes fall looking at his shiny shoes.
“Hey, look at me pretty girl,” Regulus said with a gentle voice, his fingers lifting your jaw. Your eyes met his again, your stomach filling with butterflies. He had a grin on his face, his once pale cheeks filled with colour.
“Would you like to go on a date with me? There is a wonderful restaurant just outside of Hogsmeade, I would like to converse with you more,” Regulus invited you. You nodded your head, feeling foolish once again for not using your words.
“I would love to,” you choked out, you couldn’t stop yourself from smiling and neither could Regulus.
Regulus frowned when he took a look at his watch, he leaned down to plant a gentle kiss on your forehead.
“I have to go, I’m meeting up with a professor,” Regulus said sadly, holding you close before letting you slip away from his hands. “I’ll see you on our date?”
“of course,” you agreed, watching as he gave a small gorgeous smile before slipping out of the Slytherin common room.
You sat on the nearby couch, resting your head in your hands as you let out a satisfied squeal. This day, could not have gone any better.
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comfortbucky · 3 years
I asked for the doctor!bucky andd you don't have to write but I forgot to ask... He is like a really busy doctor and it surprises the female reader that he is going to do her stitches... Wanda is his assistant. He has to give you a pain numbing shot in your cut and he comforts you when you scream and writh in pain... Thanks xxx
𝗻𝘂𝗺𝗯 ⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ 。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚ ⋆ ⋆。˚
pairing: doctor!bucky x fem!reader
warnings: descriptions of bloody injuries, medical settings, stitches, needles
A/N: omg i’ve never written for doctor!bucky before so i’m excited hehe :) thank u for ur request! // i changed around who was administering the numbing agent and doing the stitches btw i hope u don't mind, just made more sense in my head for bucky to be able to comfort her if his hands are free!
hope u enjoy! <3 sorry if this isn't that good asjdfhaldf
Y/L/N = your last name
also let me just indulge myself and sprinkle some of my own experiences in this bc a couple months ago i literally slammed my head into a wall and cut my eyelid😃nothing bad enough to get stitches but i do have a scar💗
word count: 2k
my masterlist!
completed requests!
“Y/N! Come quick!”
Y/N was digging through her dresser for a sweater when her roommate, Darcy, called out for her. She lifted her head up and spun it without thinking, completely forgetting that her dresser was situated in the corner of her room, slamming her head into the wall.
Her ears started to ring and she bent over in laughter, her natural response to pain, as tears threatened to fall down her face.
“Y/N?” Darcy was met by silence, Y/N struggling to respond, her body overcome with laughter so hard she was inaudible. Concerned that Y/N had knocked herself out cold, Darcy peeked her head around the corner of Y/N’s doorway, to find her hurled over, a hand over her left eye, drops of crimson blood on the ground.
“Holy shit, are you okay?” Y/N lifted her head, calming down from her fit of laughter, and nodded.
“Yeah, of course, this would happen to me,” she replied chuckling, taking a tissue from Darcy to put pressure on her cut.
Carefully making her way to a mirror, Y/N grabbed her phone on the way. She stared at her reflection and slowly removed the tissue from her face to examine the extent of her injury. It was steadily bleeding, most likely a bad sign. Y/N placed her tissue back over her cut and reached for her phone and Facetimed her friend Matt, an EMT.
“Hello- What the fuck happened to you?”
“Hi Matt,” she replied, shooting him a grin through the screen. “Slammed my head against the wall, by accident.”
“I would hope so,” he sighed. “Let me guess, you’re wondering whether you should go to the ER or not?”
“You know me so well, Matty.”
“Has it stopped bleeding?” Y/N removed the tissue and felt a warm liquid trail down the side of her face.
“Go to the ER, please.” She groaned.
If there was one place in the world she despised, it was a hospital. But Y/N knew she wouldn’t be able to convince either of her friends otherwise, and dragged her feet as she reluctantly followed Darcy to her car.
It was a normal night in the ER, which meant a fury of organized chaos. Bucky found himself needed in 6 places, all at the same time. But this was an environment that he had become accustomed to, almost finding comfort in the madness of it all. Although the ER was bustling with patients, there weren’t any injuries that were very severe, mostly just broken bones and lacerations. Simple enough to the point where Bucky felt like he was operating on autopilot mode. Going through the motions of whatever task he needed to do, but not anything more than that. He felt numb. For the last several years of his life, the hospital was all that he knew. Bucky kept himself busy with work, leaving him with only a small social circle and his cat, Alpine. It was enough for him, but he never really felt complete. Which is why he threw himself into his work, drowning out his inner thoughts about a missing piece he never thought he’d find.
“Dr. Barnes, paging Dr. Barnes to bed 25.”
Bucky took a quick sip of his coffee and sighed before heading off to see his next patient. Wanda appeared from around the corner and started walking with him.
“This one’s a simple laceration, just might need stitches.” Bucky nodded in response to her, keeping his eyes straight ahead.
She was one of the select few who he considered a friend. Which was a little odd considering he was an attending and she was only a resident. But she was a good student, a fast learner, and one of the only residents he was ever willing to work with. He took her under his wing, fostering a friendship by spending time together in his office, reviewing various medical cases and files.
“Alright, you up to do them?”
Wanda came to a halt, Bucky taking a couple steps before looking back at her, tilting his head, waiting for a response.
“Y-Yeah, yes!” She stammered. “T-thank you, Dr. Barnes.” He nodded his head and turned back around to continue walking, Wanda close behind.
Y/N was sat on the edge of the bed, one hand holding a blood-soaked tissue over her left eye. Her leg was bouncing, a nervous tic she had developed from a young age. The adrenaline had worn off, forcing her to feel a throbbing pain, her eyes brimming with tears. She avoided crying in front of people whenever possible, so as soon as Darcy left to grab some coffee and snacks from the cafeteria, she let the floodgates open. The sound of footsteps approaching made her freeze and she used her sleeves to sloppily wipe away the tears that were streaming down her face.
“Ms. Y/L/N?”
A firm, but somehow also gentle, voice called out to her before the curtain was pulled open to reveal a tall man with dark brown hair, a stubbly beard, and stunningly blue eyes standing next to a woman with blazing red hair and contrasting green eyes. Y/N’s gaze was immediately fixated on the man’s eyes, unable to look away for a moment, before she realized she was staring. She quickly looked down and cleared her throat.
“Y/N, you can just call me Y/N.”
The man nodded and set down his clipboard at the end of the bed before speaking.
“I’m Dr. Barnes and this is Dr. Maximoff.” The woman gave a slight wave as she began charting on a computer. “Can I take a look at your eye?”
Y/N nodded, feeling her anxiety rise as the doctor pulled some gloves on and approached her.
He pulled over a stool to sit on and carefully removed the tissue that Y/N had been holding in place to assess the injury. While Bucky looked at her cut, he stole a glance to study the rest of her face. He couldn't help but take note of the pained look on her face, her eyes still watery and her button nose red from crying. It was the first time in a long time that he felt a twinge of pain while looking at someone's injury, that he felt practically anything at all during a shift. She felt his warm breaths on her face for a moment before he pulled away and replaced her bloody tissue with some gauze.
“Do you mind if she takes a look as well?” Y/N nodded again. Bucky got up from the stool, allowing Wanda to take his spot and assess her eye.
“So it looks like you just need 2 or 3 stitches, very simple procedure.”
Y/N felt her entire body tense up at Wanda's conclusion. She could barely stand sitting in a hospital bed alone and now she was about to get poked and prodded with needles. Bucky noticed and attempted to ease her worries.
"We'll administer a numbing agent, so you won't feel any pain, just pressure at the site."
She looked up at Bucky, who had a kind, tired expression on his face. It looked like he was having a long night and she didn't want to make his job any more difficult than it probably already was. Y/N gave him a small nod and Wanda started to gather the necessary supplies.
She laid back in bed with Wanda and Bucky sitting next to each other on her left. Her hands were folded on her stomach, eyes shut.
"You're gonna feel a slight pinch, okay?" She nodded and bit her lip to try and distract herself.
Wanda proceeded to administer the numbing shot and Y/N squeezed her hands tight, whimpering in pain. Bucky observed the pained expression on her face and placed a hand on her forearm, reflexively rubbing his thumb in small circles. When Wanda pulled the needle out, Y/N slowly fluttered her eyes open and was greeted by Bucky's warm smile. A blush crept to her cheeks and she turned her attention to the ceiling. Immediately, Bucky realized how unprofessional his action was and removed his hand. He had no idea what had come over him, but he'd never felt so drawn to someone like this before.
"Now I'm going to do the stitches, okay? You should just feel a slight pressure." Just as before, Y/N shut her eyes after Wanda spoke and gripped her hands tight. She felt the pressure that Wanda was talking about and couldn't help but squirm at the feeling. Another wave of anxiety rushed over her and she felt herself start to hyperventilate.
Wanda removed the needle and quickly turned to Bucky, a panicked look on her face. He gave her a reassuring look before speaking softly.
"Y/N? Do you think you could hold still for just a little longer?" She opened her eyes, brimming with tears.
"Sorry, I just, I hate needles." Y/N fiddled with her hands as she kept her gaze up, trying to avoid the tears from escaping. Bucky felt his heart sink in his chest at the sight.
"What do you think would help you relax?"
Thoughts ran through her head as she tried to find a solution to relieve her anxiety. Y/N thought back to when she was young and chuckled, remembering a stuffed whale that she got at an aquarium, that went everywhere with her.
"This is stupid but, when I was a kid, I would carry around this stuffed animal around and it helped to hold it whenever I had to get shots."
Bucky thought for a moment and ran a hand through his hair, wondering if he was going to regret the words about to leave his mouth.
"You could hold my hand."
Y/N and Wanda both looked at him with surprised expressions, regret instantly hitting him.
"If you're comfortable with it," he quickly clarified. Y/N felt the corner of her mouth curve into a smile as she nodded.
She laid back down and Bucky took her hand in his. The instant transfer of heat soothed Y/N and she shut her eyes to allow Wanda to get to work.
When she felt the pressure on her eye again, her hand automatically gripped Bucky's tighter, and he squeezed it back to help calm her. Y/N focused on the callousness of his hands, how his hand seemed to fit into hers perfectly. Suddenly, she was thinking about his eyes again, those glimmering blue eyes. Blue was always a calming color for her, reminiscent of her trip to the aquarium where she got her beloved stuffed whale. As she felt Bucky's thumb gently rub the top of her hand, she realized that her whale could never provide as much comfort as he did.
Bucky felt a sense of pride as he watched the tension in Y/N's face disappear. Suddenly, he found his eyes wandering, looking at the loose strands of hair on the right side of her face, the rosiness of her cheeks, how she glowed. His heart started to palpate and Bucky realized a flame had kindled inside him. He was feeling again.
"All done!" Wanda chirped, stepping aside to let Bucky check her work. He smiled at her patted her on the back with his free hand.
"You did good." Wanda beamed and thanked him, walking away to complete her charting.
Y/N's eyes fluttered open, still feeling the warmth of Bucky's hand in hers. He greeted her with a tender smile and slowly helped her up, placing his other hand on the small of her back.
"See? Wasn't that bad after all," he grinned, releasing her hand. Y/N's smile faltered, missing his touch, and nodded.
"Thank you, Dr. Barnes."
"Bucky," he stated. She raised an eyebrow. "Call me Bucky."
The pair stared at each other in silence, enjoying each other's presence before the PA system snapped them both out of their trance.
"Dr. Barnes, paging Dr. Barnes to bed 16."
Bucky sighed, slowly getting up from his seat.
"Well, it was a pleasure meeting you, Y/N."
"You too, Bucky."
He turned around and was about to pull the curtain open when he paused, turning back around to face Y/N, scratching the back of his head. It took one look at her face and Bucky knew he didn't want to let her go just yet.
"Would you like to get coffee sometime?" She beamed up at him and Bucky felt his knees go weak.
"I would like that very much." He chuckled in disbelief and smiled.
Bucky had finally found his missing piece.
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is-nini · 3 years
Genshin impact x reader
Episode: 1
Title: Being sucked in
A/n: I'm not sure how long this.. story will take but i will try my best to keep it entertaining.. this story is about you, being sucked into genshin world, this is part 1.. please enjoy. Leave a comment or suggestion.. possible love interest for now will be : Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Zhongli, Childe, Xiao, Beidou, Ningguang.
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Today is another normal day, nothing is really out of the ordinary, the sky is a little bit cloudy but you don't mind, you think that the wind blowing against your hair is very nice as you walk towards your school. You walked inside, stopping Infront of the locker to the entrance to fix your stuff and take your schedule until you felt a presence beside you.
"oh, hello sidia".
You greets one of your sleepy friend, she just let's out a 'hmm' and a nod while looking through her locker, not even giving you an eye contact. sidia has always been like this, she never really made an eye contact towards you but she still shows that she has some of her attention towards you.
"good morning".
Your other friend, Chelz Lee, let's out a mutter to the both of you, Chelz is more talkative then Sidia, you met them maybe a couple of years ago. they're a very talented artist and are a very interesting friends to be around with.
"what's up guys".
You too greet them without looking at their eye, you take your books out and proceed to take a peak at Sidia's schedule.
"oh? Mathematics on the first hour? Goodluck".
You snicker and slap her shoulder a little bit, she stares at you uninterestedly with her sleepy eye and started to walk away, letting you stare at her black low ponytail hair.
You giggle and take a peak at Chelz's schedule. Art. her first lesson for today seems fun you thought sighing at the sight of your first schedule that reads 'science'.
Chelz already went half way to catching up to Sidia before she looks back at you as if asking you to join them and you did. You jog towards her, taking her hand and started to jog towards Sidia either.
"how are you both?".
You ask them both while fixing the books on your hand and looking at your shoes to check the lace.
Sidia answered, you make a 'uhuh' sound feeling used to her answers. Chelz stroke her short wavy black bangs out of her eyes and use her black glasses and start to read her novel. Her black short hair blows a little because of the wind.
She answered you, yawning and stretching her arms out beside her. You and the rest of your friend said goodbye to eachother and proceed to go to your different ways.
You went inside your class. As usual people are in teams, some are in teams for fun, some are in teams for checking today's lesson.
You take a one seat beside the window and wait for the teacher to come inside the classroom.
The lesson went on as usual, smoothly even, you did your homework andd the score that you got on yesterday's test is not bad, B is not a bad grade. You take out your binder and put the paper's that you got in to the binder.
Going home is the best thing about the day. You and Chelz are chatting away about until you guys cane across a gaming store.
"ou? A gaming store".
Sidia said, catching yours and Chelz attention. Chelz look at that place very seriously, squinting her eye.
"...since when is there a gaming store here- y/n!".
She was very suspicious of this place, she doesn't remember any gaming store around here... And if there is one opening soon it should be the talk of the school. in short Chelz was suspicious but you, being a gaming enthusiast decided to check it out, thinking maybe they have a good and cheap open world game.
"... She's crazy".
Sidia chuckled. She took Chelz arm, snapping her out of her suspicious state and drag her towards the gaming store.
"yo- sidia i don't wanna die".
"well i do. So let's go".
And with that the both of them followed you in.
The store looks very cool.. it's like you're in a different world. The ceiling's wallpaper is made out of galaxy like drawing and the light bulb was covered with another ball that is drawn to match with the different planets on the solar system.
"welcome to the store how may i help you".
A girl that looks like in her mid 20 greets the both of you, she have short black hair and a green uniform and a little pin on the breast part of her uniform spell out 'katheryne'. Which you assume was her name.
"hello! I was wondering do you have any open world game?".
You instantly ask her, not caring about the suspicious store, you don't even care about the insides of the place. You just wanted to play a open world game that's full of interesting stuff. The girl name katheryne hums in understanding and goes behind the table to look for a game you requested. Chelz grabs your hand and shout whisper to you.
"this place is creepy y/n. Let's get out of here".
Chelz scold you, you sigh and looks at her calmly shaking your head no.
"it's fine, were fine, what's the worst thing that could happen?".
You whisper back with a lighter tone. Really you don't care if this place comes out of nowhere you just want your game, you're smiling stupidly while waiting for the girl.
"anywayyy if anything happened, Sidia is here, she'll be able to protect us using her fighting style knowledge thingy".
Sidia scoffed and fold her arms, looking at you as if you're crazy.
"i will leave you alone and save myself".
You laugh and was about to slap her back when she holds your hand and rolls her eyes at you.
"such a tsun tsun".
You laugh out, she slowly and gently let your hand away. From the corner of your eye you can see katheryne walking towards the counter. You immediately jump and went towards her.
"this is the only open world game that i found".
She said, you look at the weird japanese like word, assuming it was the title you try to read what is said.. you don't understand it but the design was cool though.
"this is a open world game called genshin impact. I will not spoil the story but i think this game might be the game you're looking for".
Her confidence is seeping in on your game needy state so you decided to purchase it, not thinking twice. Sidia face palm while Chelz just sigh, feeling tired of your hot headed act.
"it will be 2$".
You felt giddy, you can't help it. It's cheap and is a open world game, that is a steal. After taking your stuff, the both of your friend immediately pull you away from the store.
"okay y/n. You got what you need, that place is sus i tell ya".
Sidia said, Chelz nods her head and fix her black glasses, she stare at you while furrowing her eyebrows.
"you gotta stop doing reckless thing. Who knows what that place is".
You sigh and nod, rolling your eye. You giggle anyway and put the game in front of you.
"i know.. but were safe! I wanna try and play it when i get home".
Sidia and Chelz just sigh, what can they do anyway. On the way home you and your friends goes on your own separate way as usual, you jog towards your home, feeling giddy to play the new game.
You take a bath, and goes straight to your computer, opening the plastic wrapper on the game. You insert the disc and started to wait for the loading screen.
And oh gosh.. isn't it pretty, the cutscene the art. Everything. So the game basically tells you about the story of two traveller, who was travelling from world to world until suddenly a mysterious god appears, took one of the twins and take away the other twins power, and now you're playing as the twin who was looking for their missing sister.
You look at the wishing button, tempted to wish for a character, you decided to pull. Expecting a cool banner of the current character instead, you're greets by a white screen.
"hm.. should i restart it?".
You mumble to yourself, nodding in agreement at your words, you close the disc and pulls out the game from your computer. You take a nearby wipe and wipe the back disc gently and then put it back in on the computer.
The game is launching when suddenly you felt a huge and sudden headache comes over you.
You groan, gosh.. maybe it's because you have been staring at the screen for too long.. you thinks as a bumping headache keeps going at you.
While waiting for the game you decided to lay back a bit, rest your eyes and head.. this headache is not going away anytime soon if you keep waiting and staring at the screen.
Before you reach the bed, your body stumble forward and fall on to the floor, cannot control any part of your body you close your eyes and your mind went blank.
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A darkness is all that you see.. a darkness is all that you're in.. you remember that the last time you are in your bedroom, playing genshin until a huge headache wave over you. Now that you're sense's is back something felt wrong.. you can tell you are laying on something.. it's not comfy but it's still felt quite nice.
You opened your eye slowly and look around the place, groaning as you stare at the half blue and half white wall. You look at your bed and this bed looks like one of the hospital bed..... Wait hospital bed?! You instantly look around frantically where the heck are you?!
"oh you're awake!".
A gentle calm voice echoed throughout the room. That voice sounds familiar.. you turn around and saw a girl with a nurse hat and a white dress, her cream coloured hair is put in a ponytail... Barbara?!.
You stare at her unbelievably. Act cool.. act like.. like a human.. yeah!. You think to yourself. You know this girl.. this girl is the free 4 star character that you'll get once you reach a certain level. Okay y/n.. play it cool.. just act like you don't know this place.
"why.. am i here?".
You look at the girl, she seems nervous to be around you ... Which is normal maybe. She walked beside you and take a cup of empty glass beside you and pour a pitcher full of water inside the glass half full and then take them, offering the glass to you.
"you're in Mondstat.. the land of freedom.."
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A/n; GOD I'm so sorry it took a long time, i hope the 'cliffhanger' makes sense...? But! Thankyou for reading! I am working on part 2 so more will be incoming!!!
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araingirl · 3 years
What is/are your RaySal kids?
Thanks for asking this question, Nain.
Before introducing my RaySal kids to everyone, I'd like to say one thing. That is:
Ray and Salima, in my fics, will never be shown to get married to each other (I mean, their marriage ceremony won't be portrayed but they will be written as a married couple in quite a few fics) I've written the weddings of all my OTPs-except RaySal. They aren't meant to get married, they aren't meant to confess to each other dressed in white outfits. Rather, they are meant to dance the dance of rampage, under the black roofless sky, amidst rains, clad black, with street lamps trying to survive. Like two opposite poles of magnet, who feel attraction towards each other but can never cling to each other forever.
(I know, Misty is a crazy girl that she knows the outcome of this ship ultimately, still, cannot leave them. Rather, whenever she remembers it, her shipper heart beats faster)
Anyways, enough with my ranting. Let's get back to my RaySal kid. Hopefully, she'll be featured in a few fics of mine where Ray and Salima will be lucky enough to get paired with each other along with a happy ending :)
Name: Raima Kon.
Hair: Black (Like her father)
Eye: Black (Like her mother)
Skin tone: Tanned (Like her father)
Personality: A bit timid and shy like her mother. But sometimes, she can show the fierceness of her dad too. She's a natural poet and a great cook. Unlike her mother, she won't have much interest in technologies. She'd rather prefer traditional Chinese cloths than the modern outfits. Andd...despite being a bit skittish and introvert, she has a great bond with nature and animals (Like uncle Kai, huh? ;D). For an unknown reason, animals and birds, even tigers-calm down, when they come to her touch.
And...did I mention that Max's son will have a crush on her? :P
So tell me, how's Raima looking to you?
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feisty-fae · 4 years
If you still do the flower ask thingys.. 👉👈 𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢 𝙜𝙤 :)
HoooH boY hEre we gO-
Alisons: Sexuality?
I sexually identify as a can of beans
Amaranth: Pronouns/Gender?
Cis female she/her
Amaryllis: Birthday?
27 September
Anemone: Favorite flower?
All flowers pretty,, but stargazer lily, rose, dahlia and cherry blossoms
Angelonia: Favorite t.v. show?
I don't watch tv but I'll list some other stuff i like to watch:mha, beastars and aggretsuko
Arum-Lily: What’s the farthest you’d go for a stranger?
Idk depends on scenario??
Aster: What’s one of your favorite quotes?
"Kanye West he likes, fingers in his ass."
Aubrieta: Favorite drink?
Any Milkshakes or smoothies (mostly banana and strawberry for milkshake and p much anything for smoothie)
Baby’s Breath: Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
I've never had kith
Balsam Fir: Have you ever been in love?
Well you see yes but actually no
Baneberries: Favorite song?
I listen to a lot but to keep it short:baby in the kitchen, in my mouth and friends slowed (chase atlantic)
Basket of Gold: Describe your family.
We p chill fam
Beebalm: Do you have a best friend? Who is it?
Irl bestie,, shes not on tumblr lol
Begonia: Favorite color?
But i like most colours
Bellflower: Favorite animal?
Bergenia: Are you a morning or night person?
Black-Eyed Susan: If you could be any animal for a day, what would it be?
I'd be like a doggo bc it would be the most fun i think-
Bloodroots: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a vet but then when my granny asked me "but whos gonna clean up the animal poop?" I was like "eWW pO0pP!" and then decided that mayb i shouldn't be a vet
Bluemink: What are your thoughts on children?
They're either really kind and sweet
Or literal demons from hell
Legit no inbetween
Blazing Stars: What are you afraid of? Is there a reason why?
I'm afraid of lot of things-
Borage: Give a random fact about your childhood.
I was one dumbass bitcg-
Bugleherb: How would you spend your last day on Earth?
Idk eat pizza and cry or smth ajakamkw
Buttercup: Relationship Status?
Camelia: If you could visit anywhere, where would you want to go?
Candytufts: When do you feel most loved?
When someone hugs me or just generally spends time with me
Canna: Do you have any tattoos?
Canterbury Bells: Do you have any piercings?
I used to have piercings when i was a bab but eHh haven't worn them since and i dont think my ear holes are big enough now-
California Poppy: Height?
4'10 grrr I'm the omega midget and I'll devour ur ankles
Cardinal Flower: Do you believe in ghosts?
Carnation: What are you currently wearing?
Pant, pink top and black hoodie
Catnip: Have you ever slept with a nightlight?
I think i have??
Chives: Who was the last person you hugged?
My mom and my dad
Chrysanthemum: Who’s the last person you kissed?
I never kith
Cock’s Comb: Favorite font?
I dont have one so imma say sans bc it always looks out of place and makes me laugh-
Columbine: Are you tired?
I feel like screaming and jumping around my room like a crackhead
Common Boneset: What are you looking forward to?
Nothing in particular ig
Coneflower: Dream job?
Smth kinda fun and art or design related hopefully,,,,
Crane’s-Bill: Introvert or extrovert?
Introvert but i also get lonley easily
Crocus: Have you ever been in love?
Crown Imperial: What’s the farthest you would go for someone you care about?
I would get run over by 5 monster trucks, jump off a plane, get mauled by 10 bears, get trampled on by a stampede, get brutally tortured for 12 hours straight, yeet myself into the Grand Canyon and then break all my bones with my bare hands if they weren't broken already
Ok basically i care a lot
Cyclamen: Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? What was it?
I had this st bernard plush called Sparky and this lion named Sammy,,
Daffodil: What’s your zodiac sign?
Dahlia: Have you done anything worth remembering?
My memory is legit so bad it's probably concerning uHHH
Daisy: What do you feel is your greatest accomplishment?
Mayb art??
Daylily: What would you do if your parents didn’t like your partner(s)?
Ehhh i might reason with them and then if they still disagreed I'd just keep the relationship a secret
Dendrobium: Who is the last person that you said “I love you” to?
My parents
False Goat’s Beard: What is something you are good at?
Ehhh arT
Foxgloves: What’s something you’re bad at?
EhhHh everything that isn't art-
Freesia: What are three good things that have happened in the past month?
Oh boy here comes my shitty memory-
Idk but I'm mostly happy that I've been more social and stuff and i feel like im kinda coming out of my shell a bit
Not sure what to say for other 2 bc nothing in particular has really happend?
Garden Cosmos: How was your day today?
Ehhh oK??
Gardenia: Are you happy with where you’re at in your life?
Gladiolus: What is something you hope to do in the next year or two?
I hope to pass all my exams and get an okish job mayb
Glory-of-the-Snow: What are ten things that make you happy/you’re grateful to have in your life?
2. Fammm
3. eHhh yummy food,,
4. Drawing and uhhh art
6. Ok idk what else aside from like serious stuff like house and etc.-
Heliotropium: What helps you calm down when you feel stressed?
Drawing, crying, venting to a friend/parent
Hellebore: How do you show affection?
Hugssss,kith,cuddle, *draws u stuff*
Hoary Stock: What are you proudest of?
MmmmmMy aRRt?
Hollyhock: Describe your ideal day.
Wake up
Don't go to school
Vibe with friends
Hyacinth: What do you like to do in your free time?
Hydrangea: How long have you known your best friend? How did you meet them?
Ehh 8yrs? We met in hell school
Irises: Who can you talk to about (almost) everything?
Laceleaf: How many friends do you have?
6..?? Aa idk theres some people that idk if they'd consider me a friend or not,,
Lantanas: What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
Idk any compliment is best compliment for me,,
Larkspur: What do you think of yourself?
Ew yucky gröss
Lavender: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
m y a r t
Also my hair bc its soft and wavy,,
Leather Flower: What’s your least favorite thing about yourself?
Everything else-
Lilac: What’s something you liked to do as a child?
Climb trees and do dumb shit
Lily: Who was your best friend when you were a kid?
Same irl bestie i mentioned before
Lily of the Incas: What is something you still feel guilty for?
Lily of the Nile: What is something you feel guilty for that you shouldn’t feel guilty about?
Lupine: What does your name mean? Why is that your name?
Well I chose Fae bc i thought it sounded pretty
Marigold: Where did you grow up? Tell us about it.
Idk what to rlly say lmao
Morning Glory: What was your bedroom like growing up?
Kinda the same but i had toys everywhere-
Also when i was like 5 i had this legit fucking cursed thomas the tank engine shaped bed that i actually found a pic of but it's FUCKING HORRIFYING SO I PROBS WONT SHOW HERE-
Mugworts: What was it like for you as a teenager? Did you enjoy your teenage years?
Norwegian Angelica: Tell us about your mom.
Hi mom ily ur epic
Onions: Tell about your dad.
Hi dad ily ur epic
Orchid: Tell about your grandparents.
Omg i miss my grannies sm bc i couldn't see em this year bc nasty pandemic
Pansy: What was your most memorable birthday? What made it be so memorable?
Haha shit memory gor brrRR-
I don't really remember too many specific parties but when i was like 7-10 i had these epic parties in those birthday places with the giant play areas
I kinda wish i wasn't too old to go to them sobs
Peony: What was your first job?
I haven't had a job yet
Petunia: If you’re in a relationship, how did you meet your partner(s)? If you’re not in a relationship, how did you meet your crush/how do you hope to meet your future partner(s), if you want any?
Hmmmm idk? I haven't really thought abt that but i don't really mind i just wanna find someone to vibe with,,
Pincushion: How do you deal with pain?
I cri
Pink: Where is home?
Home is home home
Plantain Lilies: If you could go back in time, what is one thing you would stop/change?
Now where do i start...
Prairie Gentian: Who is someone you look up to? Describe them.
I look up to people that are kind, caring, brave, funny, cool or stronger than me ig?
Primrose: Describe your ideal life.
Basically my current life minus school, stress,pandemic and responsibilities lmao
Rhodendron: What is something you used to believe in as a child?
I used to believe in ghosts after i thought i encountered one
Ricinus: Who’s the most important in your life?
Rose: What’s your favorite sound?
Peoples laughsss also music
Rosemallows: What’s your favorite memory?
Bro i dont have one,, my aphantasia makes it hard for me to remember stuff-
Sage: What’s your least favorite memory?
Snapdragon: At this moment, what do you want?
I wantttt better chargersss thattt donttt telll meee thatt myyy tablett will finishh chargingg innn 1 dayy andd 7 hoursss
St. John’s Wort: Is it easy or difficult for you to express how you feel about things?
Kinda difficult but im opening up more
Sunflower: What is something you don’t want to imagine life without?
Sweet Pea: How much sleep did you get last night?
8 hrs
Tickseed: What’s your main reason to get up every morning?
Idk ig i kinda have to go to school and do stuff
Touch-Me-Not: How do you feel about your current job?
Non existant
Transvaal Daisy: What’s your favorite item of clothing?
My black and white stripy top, and all my hoodiess
Tropical White Morning Glory: Describe your aesthetic.
I don't think i have just one aesthetic bc im drawn to so many different aesthetics at the same time-
Like vintage, neon, dark, spoopy, pastel, cute, etc etc
Tulip: What would be the best present to get you?
Vervain: What’s stressing you out most right now?
Wisteria: How many books have you read in the past few months? What were they called?
I haven't been reading anythinggg
But i should really finish reading Percy Jackson bc it do be picking up dust-
Wolf’s Bane: Where do you want to be in life this time next year?
Yarrow: Do you know what vore is?
Mmm yummy 👅
Zinnia: Give a random fact about yourself.
I am currently living and breathing yes
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kob131 · 4 years
Maybe it’s because I’m still not over how the writers just up and offed Clover and are trying to use the ship he had with Qrow for marketing purposes, but still.- If they hadn’t done that, maybe there wouldn’t be as much backlash for what they did?
*looks behind Dudeblade to see all the Arkos shippers still trying to burn RT to the ground for sinking their ship.*
I highly doubt that.
They promoted Qrover (And that’s the name I’ll be using to avoid getting into the proper ship tags) for the sake of merchandise. They do the same with Blang (The name I’ll be using for the Blake x Yang ship to avoid getting into their tags as well), it simply seems as if these ships are just there to keep an audience invested in the show for the hope that their ship will become canon before the final episode of the series.
Ah huh-
Let’s check RT’s merch store shall we?
This is the store showcasing RWBY merch by the ‘Featured’ selection. Notice something...unusual?
Yeah, the front page of their ‘featured’ section (which would tell you how they market the show) has three pieces of possible shipping merch...and it’s Renora and White Rose. NOT Bumbleby OR Fair Game. And I do mean ‘possible’ because one could debate that since Ren and Nora are always paired together and considering White Rose is so ignored by the fandom equally ‘shippy’ moments are widely ignored- it’s not inherently romantic.
In fact, none of the three given pages have Bumbleby merch. The closest is the Yang Vs. Adam hoodie...which excludes BLAKE. SO it’s closer to Yang X Adam merch.
But maybe that’s not enough for you. Let’s switch to the ‘Best Selling’ selection. Of that we have...one shippy piece of merch. The same Renora piece from before. Odd, considering if they’re using shipping to sell the show: Why isn’t the merch, the open support of the show, flooded with shipping merch? Why is both the stuff they are pushing people to buy AND the stuff people are buying NOT showing up?
Seems rather counter intuitive ...unless they AREN’T doing that.
This post was made about a month after the finale. If miles pulls the same thing that LoK did with the LGBT+ characters in his show, not only is that hypocritical (As he would be doing the exact same thing that LoK did), but it would also be significantly worse.
Actually he fundamentally can’t. Because Miles wrote in at least three LGBT characters already into the show. So he’s being better by your standards.
Not only was LoK screwed by the network numerous times in regards to their budget, but they were also forced to not make the relationship between Korra and Asami as overt as they would have liked.
And so was RWBY screwed with budget AND resources by Gray. Andd yet no word from you on that...
And again- Already showed at least three characters being lesbians, if not five since Scarlet and Nolan are gay in Before The Dawn, a book written under Miles and Kerry’s supervision.
What network is keeping the writers from doing the same thing with stuff like Blang, Qrover, or whatever the ship name is for Terra and Saphron? Why do they only get hand holding, soft looks™, and confirmation outside of the canon show?
Bumbleby- Canonical status unconfirmed.
Fair Game- Never intended to be a ship. It was just a reference to the waitress back in Volume 4 along with the usual shipping exaggeration.
Terra X Saphron- They literally have a fucking child together.
Other shows like She-Ra, Steven Universe, and Black Lightning managed to have LGBT+ Representation in their shows despite the networks trying to reign them in. So a show that has no such restrictions can’t do it because…?
They have. You’re choosing to ignore it.
To say nothing of the quality of these since Steven Universe is the only respected one and is rather unique in comparison.
Nora and Pyrrha can forcibly kiss Ren and Jaune respectively, but Same-Sex couples have to settle for elementary-school crush stuff?
Terra and Saphron have a fucking kid. And two of your examples are bullshit.
Meanwhile, how are those ships fairing again? ... One is permenantly sunk and wasn’t even confirmed considering Jaune’s feelings for Pyrrha are not confirmed to be romantic and the other is having massive issues that could sink any romantic connections?
And how do people like you react to any kind of strife regarding same sex stuff? ... Called Illa a psycho lesbian despite being significantly more stable, regretful and safer than her straight counterpart Adam?
Yeah, why don’t YOU tell me why a fanbase known for being abusive towards the creators and hounded them for YEARS about this shit isn’t being fed?
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Also, this is a dick move. $16.00 for a sunk ship? Not only that, it’s a sunk mlm ship. A kind of representation that hasn’t gotten any real representation outside of Scarlet? And even then, that was confirmed in a different book.
More like a set of pins that can be used for cosplay.
TBH, mlm shippers have every right to be upset about this.
Straight shippers have had the biggest ship sunk and permanently in limbo (Arkos) and the second one is going through a massive rough patch (Renora) while the third and fourth are regularly decried as pedophilia (Lancaster and Rose Garden) if not outright abuse (Tauradonna).
The others get confirmed ships but not the ones they wanted. Boo fucking hoo.
Whether the writers intended to or not, Qrover was coded, and they queerbaited.
Queerbaiting is a marketing technique for fiction and entertainment[6] in which creators hint at, but then do not actually depict, same-sex romance or other LGBTQ representation.[7] They do so to attract ("bait") a queer or straight ally audience with the suggestion of relationships or characters that appeal to them,[8] while at the same time attempting to avoid alienating other consumers.[6][9]
They literally CANNOT do that by definition. There are same sex relationships AND characters to connect to. If you try promoting this vague and broad definition of queerbaiting-
Well, what’s to stop the Snowbird shippers from claiming they were straight baited with Winter and Qrow or Blake and Sun?
Do you REALLY want to cross that threshold?
P.S. ‘Coding’ effectively means ‘I see stereotypes’ so you’re kind of being a douchebag here.
Let’s also remember that Pyrrha’s entire existence literally revolved around Jaune and she was meant to die to further his development. Jaune x Pyrrha was literally made to develop Jaune and pretty much only Jaune, with the other characters’ reaction to her death being an afterthought.
*cough* Ruby has gotten more development from Pyrrha’s death than Jaune *cough* 
Then there was also that one Blang bag that cost like… $60.00. The writers are using these popular ships for merchandising usage and to try and reel in fans who are wlw or mlm with these ships.
Which is why they...don’t...show...up on...the...merch store...
Fun Fact: Dudeblade never shows the so called 60 dollar bag despite CLEARLY being able to screen shot images. So we’re expected to take his word for it despite not being honest in this very video.
They didn’t even have enough self-awareness to feel bad about it.
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So how exactly are we supposed to trust them when they don’t realize what they did to the community?
He says as he ignores aspects of LGBT rep in RWBY, outright called a lesbian a psycho for daring to be an antagonist despite a much more unstable person to compare to and ignores the LGBT rep in other RT shows, including Camp Camp which has two heroic gay married men in the show.
Whether you ship Qrover or not, this was a massively dick move to pull. And these idiots have a lot of things to make up for it. If they choose to do it at all.
You know, that dick move you forced onto them.
And yet you doing worse (’Hey when is Miles gonna die so he can be replaced?’) deserves no making up?
Where were the guys who said that revealing that Pilot Boi was gay before offing him was a bad idea? Why did the writers not realize that this sort of stuff was going to come off as queerbaiting?
Probably because Eddy did it himself and didn’t know about this.
But really… Way to go RT. Your dumbass decision has now turned off members of the LGBT Community and caused some of them to cancel their subscriptions.
Hope that shock value was worth it.
Just like with Pyrrha, something you yourself even said before.
I fail to see how this is RT’s fault outside ‘you dared to exercise free will!’ considering that your logic would dictate changing the show the minute an LGBT ship becomes popular.
Even as you’ve spoken out against this kind of thing with Death Battle (accusations of sexism).
Way to go with the hypocrisy Dudeblade.
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shitty147xc · 5 years
I started my day going to school
When i got to school, I went to my friends especially to my girlfriend 😆😆 I pay for the weekly class fund which is 5 pesos. I had a chat with my friends. We laughed about some crazy things. Our class started. TLE was the first subject we have 2 groups. We have assigned dates for the groups to cook. My group will cook on Thursday and the other group will cook today. Group 1 left to cook at TLE room while my group was left in the classroom. As always, when there's no teacher around, we chit chat. They had a topic that made me overthink. They talked about where to transfer school after high school. i dont know where im going to so I felt down. It's because I feel like I'm gonna be left out. We watched a movie, "The darkest minds" I'm still ovethinking so I told my gf that I'm not ok. She just told to not worry.
Science time!. We had a activity about plate boundaries. My group was trying to figure out what to do with our materials. We didn't prepared enough tools soo I panicked but my groupmate told me to calm down, chilll So i did. I Had an idea so we used that idea even though its not foolproof. Me and my girlfriend had a fight so I ignored her and kept on doing my job. She keeps on poking me while I'm still thinking how to do shit. Our teacher said it was time, go eat your launch. Me and my groupmates look at each other because where not done yet (panic alert). I dont know what to do so asked them. Our leader said will do it tomorrow morning so they did. We had launch. My gf was giving me this sad look and teary eyes and she said sorry I said its ok(marupok👌). The school was almost over, Our last subject is english. Sometimes I get nervous in that subject because i feel like one wrong move kaboom😅😂 but its fun too lollsss We laugh and smile in that subject all the timee and get nervous 😂😂
My day started again peacefully until i remembered that i have a report in English yes i know its our last subject but still i cant take away my mind off it. So yeahh we started again with chit chatss and laughing stufff. We had a assessment exam in English. We only used our stock knowledge. I did't finished the exam cuzz im to slow at reading. Its kinda bummer for me but i think I did good. Before having lunch we had a meeting about what food to bring next friday (buwan ng wika) I was the first one to raise my hand and shouted PANSIT MALABON!!!😂😂😂 Then my teacher said that all of us needs to taste the salty egg its called "ITLOG NI KUYA" then we all laugh even our teacher laugh because the name is stupid. We had an activity that we have tooo dance in a depressing song. Our last subject, my fear! Because im about to report I know its not my first time reporting but still the anxiety is taking over me. I saw my teacher going to our classroom but I stopped him and said "sirrrrrrr im nervous"😂😂😂
He said "its gonna be fine" something like that. I finished the report I was about to cry, I froze too and I was on my knees. He said I did good *thumbs up* and that Made me happy
•=WEDNESDAY=• (nothing interesting)
No classes because its holiday soo I'm staying at home where its boring. The only interesting part of my day
Was washing dishes becausee when I'm washing plates I danceee yeshh andd alsoo singg i look like an idiot but whoo cares. I make cleaning interesting lolss😂😂. When I overthink I used the mic with Bluetooth and singg andd singg like i was broken hearted but im not it just makes my mind peaceful.
Another day with stressed and depressing day but kinda relief cuz im done with the reportt yessssss!!!.
The whole day i was depressed because me and my girlfriend talked about something that makes my heart break even her's but its fine we covered it with some positive topics that made us laugh. We had a quiz in filipino i did't do good because my score was 3/20 i knoww i knoww itss bad really bad but im not the only one hehehehe Ill try my best next time. Our last subject again still made me nervous. We had to make an essay about were would our soul go in what level in hell. i kept on thinking where should my soul go. First i chose greed but its too hard to explain so i chose violence but it was time to go home so it was a take home activity i guess TO BE CONTINUED.
LAST DAY OF THE WEEK like any other day CHIT CHATSSS 🤣🤣. I thought this day would be less stressful but i thought wrong. I was relief on math every day but today i was stressful, big numberss in my notebook my weakness. On social I was stressed too because I have too explain many things but i couldn't elaborate. Science another stressful subject it doesn't have big numbers but has looooonng equation 😭😭😭. After lunch I had fun we had a quiz on mapeh that i thought would be hard but nahhh itss great. LAST TIME ON MAI'S LIFE LOLS 😂😂. We has an essay and today we passed that essay. I didn't expect reading our essays in front of the class but for the first time I was not that nervous. I read my essay and again my teacher said good i was again gladd its giving me confidence actually so thank you sir😅😂😁.
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beezebubmain · 7 years
May Be Something More
Ok, so this is just a chapter of an idea @stuckinretrozone gave me. If you guys like I may post more. If don’t… just forget this ever existed :T
When Lindy saw her for the first time, she knew what she was getting herself into. But she had no idea of all the proportions it would grow to. She never meant it to happen, with all the problems in her life, getting into one more wasn’t exactly an option.
As she looked herself in the mirror for the third time, all the decisions that led her to this day rushed through her head like a flood. She knew the exact moment that person had entered her life, breaking every single one of the walls she’d built for almost a decade like it was made of cotton.
Lindy left her room on a black dress and her now short blonde hair falling to her forehead as she kept her head down. Every step she got a bit more numb than she already was, so much that she had to stop in the middle of the stairs and sit on the steps, taking a deep breath in and closing her eyes.
“Have you seen Jane today?” Mary asked as she approached Lindy from behind than sitting next to her at their table, but the blond barely noticed her there. “Lindy?”
As the shorter girl snapped her fingers in front of her face, Lindy managed to let out a “hum?” And looked at her friend. “Sorry… what?”
“Jane. Have you seen her?”
“Uh… No.. She’s probably making out with Eric, I don’t know.” And then Lindy let her gaze float through the room, looking for the person she was looking at a few seconds later. She jumped when Mary practically screamed in her ear. “Hey! Why would you do that?!”
“For fuck’s sake, what’s wrong with you?! Something better than you best friend caught your attention or are you suddenly deaf?”
“Uh… sorry… What were you saying?” She kept looking for the girl across the room for a few more seconds before Mary smirked and followed her gaze.
“You totally have a crush on that one.” And as Lindy opened her mouth to protest, Mary rolled her eyes with a giggle. “Please, don’t even bother. I’ve seen you look at her a thousand times this week.” Lindy blushed a bit and shook her head, still trying to deny it. “Go talk to her!”
“No! I don’t have a thing for her, I’m not like that!” She squeaked and looked away.
“Right. Just as you said you didn’t make out with that girl back in that frat party we went…”
“I didn’t! Would you stop it? Please?” She sighs andd bites hes lip. Of course she did that and remembers perfectly of how that girl’s lips tasted, how soft they were and the way the girl kissed her as if the world was about to end. She just don’t want anyone to know it. Specially her parents. God, they would freak the hell out if they knew.
“If this is because of your parents not liking it, then you-”
“It’s not, alright?! Leave it alone!” She huffs and packs her stuff, going towards the door to breathe some fresh air. “Look where you’re going! Freak!” She pushes the boy who bumped into her and finally got outside.
Lindy walked for a few minutes until she could find a place where she could rest. Sitting under a tree, eyes closed and feeling a little dizzy, she tried to get her thoughts and feelings together.
It was just too much going on. She had her life to manage, go through studies and finally graduate. Get a job so that her parents could leave her be. And she had to keep her reputation as the ‘mean girl’ going on. Not that she liked that reputation. But she didn’t hate it though. It was just the way she found to keep herself from getting hurt. Pretending her life was perfect and living in that reality she created was better than to face all of her problems.
But all things must come to an end. She was finally graduating college this year and going back to her parents house if she didn’t get the money needed to find a herself a new place.
“Are you okay?” She jumped at the sound of that voice, snapping out of her thoughts, looking at the tall woman in front of her.
Suddenly all the air inside her lungs is gone ans she struggles to get words out of her mouth while dark blue eyes scan her face. “Y-Yeah… I’m fine…”
“You sure about that? You’re crying…” Her voice was really soft and low, as if to not scare Lindy away like a startled cat. She flashes her hands to her face, wiping away the tears she didn’t even noticed. The woman sat next to her, shoulder barely touching Lindy’s, but it made her shiver anyway. “Want to talk about it?”
“Why would I?” She looks at the woman with the best 'bitch face’ she can pull out. “I don’t even know you. How do I know you’re not a freak?!”
“You’re right.” The woman shakes her head up and down, agreeing with her. “Hi, I’m Anne. You must be Lindsay, right?”
“Right.” She stays quiet for a few seconds, just looking at Anne. At how her long dark hair falls over her shoulders and highlights the blue in her eyes. “Uh… How do you know my name?”
Anne giggles and then shrugs. “Who doesn’t?”
“Unfortunately, Beyonce” The blond wrinkles her nose and Anne laughs. The sound hits Lindy’s body like an electric wave, shaking her insides.
And just like that, she finds herself bitting her lip, trying to stop herself from smiling as the other woman let’s out a pleased sigh and shakes her head. “You’re kinda funny”
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sequoiann · 7 years
❧ j.ww | assassin!au
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pairing; seventeen wonwoo x reader
genre; bulletpointed, assassin!wonwoo, fluff
collab with; @kpop–fics
tags; @lunarjihoon
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you’d think
the calm assassin?
ok maybe a little 
every mission
he plans out exactly of what should be done
super careful and detailed
when you, just a random ,,, office worker,,,
kept getting in the team’s way on an important mission
sorry but that person has to be dead !!
before tomorrow !!!
but no that didn’t happen
the murder mission kept being pushed back
he slowly lost his shit 
"wonwoo? you okay?”
his teammates never saw him like this before
so they were like
who were you and what did you do to their wonwoo lol
he was always a calm and peaceful guy
ironic to describe an assassin like this but really
he can stab someone a couple of times with a straight face
he’s pretty scary lol
but this time n oPE
it has always been his ,,,, goal ,,, to do his job and missions cleanly
aka without any other person getting injured
or involved
or whatever
but aha 
your oblivious ass kept getting in the way
he tried doing his job both at night and in the afternoon
also nope
you would be working all the time
bc you lived down the frickin street
and your boss liked you lmao
so he always called you back for overnight shifts
and you didn’t mind bc the pay was really good
but wonwoo is irritated
this whole time, all the team needed to do was to take out your boss
he’d done some,,, shady things
he needed to pay the price
but every time wonwoo’s team was close to accomplishing the mission
f inALLY?
you came walking in
asking your boss something that? wasn’t clear or something?
wonwoo was getting
no matter when he would go,,,
you’d always be there
it was like you could sense these things ffs
meanwhile you were just like
"wow the boss is sure getting a lot of visits lately”
aka dense as hell
your boss noticed
that you always came walking in when he was just about to get killed
yes, he started recognizing the assassins
and he started having ideas of using you as his little protection
he knew wonwoo’s team wouldn’t kill any innocent person
and no matter how important your own work was
you’d get super curious
who were all these handsome men???
so every time you’d come up with some excuse to go over
like you were young and dreamy ok
your boss was internally so gleeful like oh y/n you’re here!
he had a visitor today too
standing in front of his desk
he was so cUTE
wearing a deep blue suit with…  a beanie?
weird combination
but it somehow made him even more attractive
andd it was your first time seeing him
bc the previous times, wonwoo’s other teammates were the ones doing the actions ,,, and failed
normal routine :D
“hey sir? my printer broke, is it okay if i use yours this once?”
he nods, a little too eager to be normal
you thanked him and frowned a little once your back was facing him
like um why are you excited for me to use your printer
but suddenly you just felt a shadow over you
and you turned around
and faced the handsome stranger
he looked so irritated?
what did i do wrong ??
is it forbidden to look at you?
it kinda was
that would mean you’d remember his face
wonwoo was planning to end the mission today
that automatically meant an end to your boss’s life as well
what you didn’t know tho
is that woozi hacked the cameras in the building
and all of wonwoo’s team were laughing their butts off
wonwoo? angry?
they could literally see his shoulders going up and down with his deep breathing
wonwoo was so askfhsdkfh
he almost took out his gun to shoot you instead of your boss like oH M Y GO D
no wonwoo,,, calm down,,,
she’s not worth that
kinda innocent??
no but you kept mesSING UP HIS PLANS wonwoo was having an internal conflict with himself lmao
he couldn’t take it anymore nd just
“sorry, but i think it would be best if you leave this office.” 
you looked at him like ???? why ?? i need the printer tho?
and your boss just interrupted
“y/n, go ahead and use the printer” 
and your boss pulled out his own gun from his own suit pocket and pointed it @ the stranger like yOU HO LD THE FUC UP TOO
“i told you to leave.” 
you were literally standing behind the stranger,,,, who was holding a gun,,,,,
you were gonna faint
and your boss suddenly just changes his gun’s direction to aim it @ you ????
you froze
and your boss was staring so hard @ the stranger
“put your gun down or i’ll kill her" 
??? me?????
like omg boss are you stupid or are you stupid 
the stranger doesnt know me whY ARE YOU USING ME AS HOSTAGE
but yo
he does
wonwoo lowers his gun
and your boss slowly does too
but sIKE wonwoo suddenly raises his gun again & shoots your boss
who collapses
of course
and you scream
and wonwoo just covers your mouth like shuT UP
you were just fucking shaking
your legs already gave out lmao
wonwoo was literally holding u up while his hand was over your mouth
i thought this was business related?
what have all these handsome men been doing here then?
all to fucking murder your boss?
wonwoo slowly removes his hand from your mouth
“calm down, i’m not the bad guy” 
you were gonna scream in his f aCE
but no you saw the bloody mess in front of you and just burst out crying
and you passed out 
in his fucking arms
when you woke up, you were ,,,
?? home
okay what 
you jolted upright and started checking your arms for blood stains for some reason
it wasn’t like u were the one who murdered someone omg 
you noticed a little post-it on your nightstand
with a number 
and a “i’ll explain. everything’s settled. you’re not involved.”
you felt so disgusted like omg you just witnessed a murder
do i report it
but the note says that everything’s settled 
does that mean that they escaped the police
or does that mean they discarded the body ,,,,,,
you shivered just thinking about it
and you suddenly remembered
??? why am i home??
you ?? fainted ?? in front of the stranger??
how did you get here??
does he know where u live ??
how ????????????
ok you were gonna cry
and suddenly there was a knock on your door
nOT your main door
you meant your BEDROOM door
you were this close to passing out again bc YOU LIVED ALONE
the door opens by itself before you could even do anything and you squeeze your eyes shut and pressed your palms against your ear
“what are you doing?” 
that voice is familiar
you open your eyes and saw the stranger murderer
you closed your eyes again like no omg im seeing things
“oi.” “y/n.” 
he got your name ofc
“get out.” 
“i’m trying to explain---” 
“you don’t have to! i’m not involved! you said it yourself!”
wonwoo was shocked at ur outburst like wow
 ,,,,, you seemed meek
“okay, fine, i won’t talk about it. but are you okay?” 
you didn’t speak bc no you were not
“look, no one’s gonna hurt you. i won’t, either. i’ll stay outside till you can talk.” 
and hell yes he did stay outside
like he wasnt usually like this
but you were just ,,, so smol,,,,
need to protec
so that happened
you weren’t really upset about your boss’ passing or anything tbh
i mean, he did point his gun at you
and you two weren’t v close too 
and like a few hours later (you slept), you slowly went outside
and wonwoo had to stop a smile from spreading on his lips
“you better?” 
you nod slightly and told him that u didn’t wanna hear whatever happened
and wonwoo understood 
but he wanted to like
make you feel okay
bc he knew you were still pretty damn traumatized
he basically followed you everywhere
bc you were scared that someone was just gonna whip out a gun and start a mass shooting
and he just ,,,,
stays by your side ,,,,,,,,,
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kawahageshii · 7 years
Karakuridoji Ultimo VOLUME 12
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What’s poppin’, Ultimo friends?!!!!!!!! I got this volume on the day it came out last year, but life happened and I havent gotten the chance to read it until now. Aaaannd I’ve been inactive on tumblr for pretty much a whole year, and I come back and I see the fandom looks to be dead T-T. So I dont even know if anybody will even read this. But!! I wanna finish this little series I had where I read every volume and liveblog it lol. So LESSS GOOO
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So yeah can we just talk about how beautiful this artwork is
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I actually have not read any translations of the final chapters, so I’m going into this completely blind. Tbh I barely remembered what happened last volume (and this summary doesn’t really help lol)
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Okayyyy I remember now. Yamato and Rune had just completed their Love Battle, then Sayama comes in all of a sudden and is about to erase Rune’s memories.
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AWWW SAYAMA LIKED YAMATO TOO. Also oh shit that’s right she’s Dunstan’s daughter and Yamato found out!
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Murayama Musashi (I’ve forgotten a lot of things, but I can NEVER forget that name) knew too because of his #policeboy skills
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OHHH that’s right Sayama joined Vice too! Wtf is going on I forgot everything LMFAO
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Aww Sayama. So she knew this WHOLE time about her father and the experiment he was doing? She didn’t suddenly become aware of it when Eco gave all the good doji masters memories of the past? Wow that’s some heavy shit
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Drag them Sayama it’s been 12 volumes and they still haven’t made any real progress
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Hana & Eater, Sumako & Desir, and Mizho & Paresse arrive all of a sudden!!
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Aww Sayama. Yamato is such a good person.
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Oh shit Dunstan and Milieu are here now!!
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‘Reeducated” okay that isn’t creepy at all. 
Soo Dunstan took Sayama to the year 2989 and now everyone’s fucked.
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Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Vice is having an existential crisis it seems
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Awwww this chapter cover is so nice
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I love how K immediately jumps to asking about Vice’s well-being while that little brat Jun is like “dafuq is wrong with you”
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Nooo Vice nooo Jun is.....seriously disturbed
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I’m crying K noticed Vice didn’t poke his eyes out like he normally does. ALSO LITTLE KID K IS SO CUTE LMFAO
Deep thoughts from K’s grandma, making K realize something....but what?
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Awww Fussa Fusataro (a name I also can never forget) is a real MVP for sticking around.
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Lmfao Rage is like “Oh. Thanks. Thanks for informing me that we’re staying here. Thanks fam”
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So Vice goes out and finds Ultimo all alone???
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But was deterred because Jun is Vice’s master now so there’s extra evil to stop his attacks (right? that’s how it works? I don’t even remember fam)
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Omg but Vice is hesitating when attacking Ultimo
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I forgot how creepy this kid was
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LMFAO EVEN VICE IS LIKE “Nahhhh that’s not cool”
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I literally said “Yaaaaaassss” out loud. K really is the hero we deserve
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Vice has learned to love I’m crying (also K’s grandma actually seems to be the real hero here)
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Oh wow. It’s the final chapter. 
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But we still got half of the volume left??
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Anyways, here’s a familiar scene
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OH the ending already happened??
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Ohhh so that’s why Musashi has literally NO body in the future. Wow
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Lmfaooo Mizho is speaking the truth here nothing happened to her at all. Because I can count on my fingers the number of times she has appeared in this manga. #tragic
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Okayyy so they all combined and are now going to fight Dunstan
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War. War never changes.
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YAAAASSS  Universal Milieu has come into the fight
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Andd wiped everyone out with Dimension Hammer lol
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OH SHIT IT’S YAMATO, K, VICE AND ULTIMO FROM THE 21ST CENTURY. That’s a fucking squad right there. So I guess Dunstan destroyed future!Yamato and crew, but not our Yamato?
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That’s deep guys
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(interesting how the Evil Doji are naming their attacks after the planets?)
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wait what?????
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Okay the fuck is going on lol
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So all the doji are human now....I remember learning that when I read the raw last chapter, but it’s part of the experiment? Dunstan’s endgame this whole time was to create Ideos Ultimo therefore making the doji human?????
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Okay??? I guess that’s the ending???
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Milieu’s face is my reaction
Okay......... I guess.... at least it was a happy ending??? (even though it was total cop-out)
so let’s move onto the profiles
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Takei gives us all the God/Demon Icon forms of the doji, included their combined forms and Ideos Ultimo
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Jun’s Demon Vice actually looks pretty cool. Lol @ the crossbow being included in the design
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Ohhh so that’s why the Evil doji has that planet naming
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Aww they even included the karakuri soldiers
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And here’s a cute afterward from Takei
so....that’s it...wow. That was the final of Karakuridoji Ultimo. I’m glad it was a happy one, though I do feel it was very abrupt. But what can you do
It’s been a wild ride. A wild, and often confusing ride. But I had tons of fun reading, loving, and obsessing over this manga all these years. I already made an emotional post about how much KDU means to me, so I’ll just leave this at that. I hope this isn’t the last time we hear about this manga (anime in 2040 anyone? I predict it now),and I def hope the fandom continues to live on~
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kpop--fics · 7 years
Collab with @theliqht <3
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you’d think
the calm assassin?
ok maybe a little
every mission
he plans out exactly of what should be done
super careful and detailed
when you, just a random ,,, office worker,,,
kept getting in the team’s way on an important mission
sorry but that person has to be dead !!
before tomorrow !!!
but no that didn’t happen
the murder mission kept being pushed back
he slowly lost his shit
"wonwoo? you okay?”
his teammates never saw him like this before
so they were like
who were you and what did you do to their wonwoo lol
he was always a calm and peaceful guy
ironic to describe an assassin like this but really
he can stab someone a couple of times with a straight face
he’s pretty scary lol
but this time n oPE
it has always been his ,,,, goal ,,, to do his job and missions cleanly
aka without any other person getting injured
or involved
or whatever
but aha
your oblivious ass kept getting in the way
he tried doing his job both at night and in the afternoon
also nope
you would be working all the time
bc you lived down the frickin street
and your boss liked you lmao
so he always called you back for overnight shifts
and you didn’t mind bc the pay was really good
but wonwoo is irritated
this whole time, all the team needed to do was to take out your boss
he’d done some,,, shady things
he needed to pay the price
but every time wonwoo’s team was close to accomplishing the mission
f inALLY?
you came walking in
asking your boss something that? wasn’t clear or something?
wonwoo was getting
no matter when he would go,,,
you’d always be there
it was like you could sense these things ffs
meanwhile you were just like
"wow the boss is sure getting a lot of visits lately”
aka dense as hell
your boss noticed
that you always came walking in when he was just about to get killed
yes, he started recognizing the assassins
and he started having ideas of using you as his little protection
he knew wonwoo’s team wouldn’t kill any innocent person
and no matter how important your own work was
you’d get super curious
who were all these handsome men???
so every time you’d come up with some excuse to go over
like you were young and dreamy ok
your boss was internally so gleeful like oh y/n you’re here!
he had a visitor today too
standing in front of his desk
he was so cUTE
wearing a deep blue suit with…  a beanie?
weird combination
but it somehow made him even more attractive
andd it was your first time seeing him
bc the previous times, wonwoo’s other teammates were the ones doing the actions ,,, and failed
normal routine :D
“hey sir? my printer broke, is it okay if i use yours this once?”
he nods, a little too eager to be normal
you thanked him and frowned a little once your back was facing him
like um why are you excited for me to use your printer
but suddenly you just felt a shadow over you
and you turned around
and faced the handsome stranger
he looked so irritated?
what did i do wrong ??
is it forbidden to look at you?
it kinda was
that would mean you’d remember his face
wonwoo was planning to end the mission today
that automatically meant an end to your boss’s life as well
what you didn’t know tho
is that woozi hacked the cameras in the building
and all of wonwoo’s team were laughing their butts off
wonwoo? angry?
they could literally see his shoulders going up and down with his deep breathing
wonwoo was so askfhsdkfh
he almost took out his gun to shoot you instead of your boss like oH M Y GO D
no wonwoo,,, calm down,,,
she’s not worth that
kinda innocent??
no but you kept mesSING UP HIS PLANS wonwoo was having an internal conflict with himself lmao
he couldn’t take it anymore nd just
“sorry, but i think it would be best if you leave this office.”
you looked at him like ???? why ?? i need the printer tho?
and your boss just interrupted
“y/n, go ahead and use the printer”
and your boss pulled out his own gun from his own suit pocket and pointed it @ the stranger like yOU HO LD THE FUC UP TOO
“i told you to leave.”
you were literally standing behind the stranger,,,, who was holding a gun,,,,,
you were gonna faint
and your boss suddenly just changes his gun’s direction to aim it @ you ????
you froze
and your boss was staring so hard @ the stranger
“put your gun down or i’ll kill her"
??? me?????
like omg boss are you stupid or are you stupid
the stranger doesnt know me whY ARE YOU USING ME AS HOSTAGE
but yo
he does
wonwoo lowers his gun
and your boss slowly does too
but sIKE wonwoo suddenly raises his gun again & shoots your boss
who collapses
of course
and you scream
and wonwoo just covers your mouth like shuT UP
you were just fucking shaking
your legs already gave out lmao
wonwoo was literally holding u up while his hand was over your mouth
i thought this was business related?
what have all these handsome men been doing here then?
all to fucking murder your boss?
wonwoo slowly removes his hand from your mouth
“calm down, i’m not the bad guy”
you were gonna scream in his f aCE
but no you saw the bloody mess in front of you and just burst out crying
and you passed out
in his fucking arms
when you woke up, you were ,,,
?? home
okay what
you jolted upright and started checking your arms for blood stains for some reason
it wasn’t like u were the one who murdered someone omg
you noticed a little post-it on your nightstand
with a number
and a “i’ll explain. everything’s settled. you’re not involved.”
you felt so disgusted like omg you just witnessed a murder
do i report it
but the note says that everything’s settled
does that mean that they escaped the police
or does that mean they discarded the body ,,,,,,
you shivered just thinking about it
and you suddenly remembered
??? why am i home??
you ?? fainted ?? in front of the stranger??
how did you get here??
does he know where u live ??
how ????????????
ok you were gonna cry
and suddenly there was a knock on your door
nOT your main door
you meant your BEDROOM door
you were this close to passing out again bc YOU LIVED ALONE
the door opens by itself before you could even do anything and you squeeze your eyes shut and pressed your palms against your ear
“what are you doing?”
that voice is familiar
you open your eyes and saw the stranger murderer
you closed your eyes again like no omg im seeing things
“oi.” “y/n.”
he got your name ofc
“get out.”
“i’m trying to explain---”
“you don’t have to! i’m not involved! you said it yourself!”
wonwoo was shocked at ur outburst like wow
,,,,, you seemed meek
“okay, fine, i won’t talk about it. but are you okay?”
you didn’t speak bc no you were not
“look, no one’s gonna hurt you. i won’t, either. i’ll stay outside till you can talk.”
and hell yes he did stay outside
like he wasnt usually like this
but you were just ,,, so smol,,,,
need to protec
so that happened
you weren’t really upset about your boss’ passing or anything tbh
i mean, he did point his gun at you
and you two weren’t v close too
and like a few hours later (you slept), you slowly went outside
and wonwoo had to stop a smile from spreading on his lips
“you better?”
you nod slightly and told him that u didn’t wanna hear whatever happened
and wonwoo understood
but he wanted to like
make you feel okay
bc he knew you were still pretty damn traumatized
he basically followed you everywhere
bc you were scared that someone was just gonna whip out a gun and start a mass shooting
and he just ,,,,
stays by your side ,,,,,,,,,
>> Masterlist
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