#i swatted a wasp away
kiwisandpearls · 7 months
hot take about adult Toph in legend of korra?
I don’t think her becoming a cop was a bad writing decision. Now put your pitchforks down, I do not like irl cops at all. I just think Toph becoming a cop is a good writing decision if you look at it in the right direction.
yes Toph is rule-breaking little shit gremlin who likes to cause trouble so at the surface her being a cop makes no sense. But walk with me here and consider the fact that that rule-breaking Toph we knew in ATLA was Toph when she was twelve. The Toph we see in lok being a cop is clearly an adult, I don’t think they ever specified how old she was but I’m guessing around 20-30 years old. People and the way they think and act are going to change from when they were a preteen to being an adult. So her developing from being a preteen who hates authority to becoming the authority as an adult does at least make sense when you look at it that way.
not only that, but Toph is clearly the type of character who loves to beat up a bad guys. That isn’t a bad thing that’s just…who she is. So when she gets older and is able to get more authority to beat up bad guys of course she would take it.
there’s also the possibility that when creating the police force Toph was most likely a young adult, Toph could’ve easily just been unaware of how much of a bad idea she was making. Like Toph could’ve naively thought that her creating a police force would help people instead of becoming corrupt. There’s also just the irony where characters end up becoming the things they hate in order to reach their respectable goals. So there’s that. Also like, I’m pretty sure Toph ended up retiring and basically becoming a hermit so there’s that lol. Not really important to this but I just wanna mention it cause it think it’s fun lol.
like again, I don’t like cops irl. Please do not misconstrue this as me defending cops, they deserve every bit of disdain they get. It’s just that imo in the writing sense, I don’t think Toph becoming a cop is totally ooc. Morally? Pretty bad. Writing wise? A little complicated.
there’s also a conversation that could be made about how at some point we kinda gotta start separating the way certain things work in fiction vs the way said things work irl from each other and that when said things show up in fiction it can but will not always be some sort of mirror of reality but I don’t feel scholarly enough to get into that conversation lmao.
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windkonig · 6 months
when people say "ok but x bug has no benefit to nature" I bet they can't even name 5 facts about the bug they're shitting on. so how could they Possibly know what its function is in the environment and if it's "useless" or not
wasps being the perfect example, I still get people saying "oh bees are cute and pollinate :) yay. but WASPS ARE EVIL and they don't contribute ANYTHING!!!" and it's like buddy. wasps pollinate too. they also control spider populations. they do a lot of great valuable things. but even if they didn't, they're still worthy of being here. I see SO much hatred toward wasps and I wish people would try to learn a little more about them.
I'm mainly talking about paper wasps here because these are common ones we run into in daily life and most commonly deemed "aggressive". but wasps have body language. and if you learn to read this language and learn how to properly act around them, things will go a lot better for you! wasps can be curious creatures and they may come up to observe you, especially if you're wearing something brightly colored. this can be startling for sure, but my best advice is to just be still, DO NOT SWAT or wave your arms. try to just back away or sidestep so it loses interest and leaves. swatting is just gonna make them feel as if they are being attacked and increase your chances of being stung.
many stings happen due to unfortunate but accidental circumstances. unknowingly getting too close to a nest, stepping on a wasp on accident, one getting stuck in clothing, etc. I got stung once while gardening, went to pull a weed and the wasp was on it, so I grabbed her without knowing and she stung me because she was scared. this doesn't mean "oh wasps are AGGRESSIVE and EVIL" it means you stumbled into an unfortunate situation where the wasps felt threatened and defensive. instead of being like "FUCK all wasps" go forward trying to learn about common nesting areas, be wary of holes in the ground, wear gloves while gardening, and if you do have to be around a nest, try not to make a lot of noise. if the nest absolutely needs removed, call a professional.
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Got stung by a wasp :(
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zae-heeyyy · 2 months
Summary: Arthur takes you on one of his adventures. Pairing: Arthur Morgan x female!Reader Word Count: 1,760 Trigger Warning: Animal attack, angry-ish Arthur, violence Tags: mid- high honor Arthur, damsel in destress, fluff, and angst
a/n: Hey y'all! It's been a while since I posted because life is crazy right now. This is a request from @littlemistey. I'm paraphrasing from our convo, "Arthur x reader where the reader is saved by Arthur from almost being mauled by a cougar or a pack of wolves." Sketches are copied/cut from Arthur's journal. A classic "Arthur Morgan, please save me" trope. Thanks for reading!
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Valor: Great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle. It denotes bravery and heroism, particularly in challenging or risky situations.
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The bones in your wrists ached with the numbing weight of boredom as another morning of chores lumbered on. In, around, under, off. In, around, under, off. In, around, under, off. Intertwined pieces of yarn grew longer at your feet as the knitting cadence played in your head. You'd zoned out, daydreaming of anything more exciting than this.
A rhythmic clank of guns on a belt alerted you to your approaching burly cowboy.
You would've been glad to see him any other time, but your contempt for your chores and an odd hat on his head made you groan with irritation. A lit cigarette sat snug between his lips as he talked, muffling his speech.
"Why you sittin' here with your lip stuck out?" he asked, adjusting his belt and sitting beside you on a wooden crate. He tossed the cigarette away, leaned over to kiss the temple of your head, and placed a hand on the small of your back.
"Bored outta my mind," you complained. The sun reflected off a shiny decorative piece on his hat, making you squint. "And why are you wearing that stupid hat?"
"What?" he opened his hands out questioningly with a goofy grin stretched across his face. "A man keeps this camp afloat, and he can't even wear a nice hat without his lady callin' it stupid."  
You rolled your eyes and gestured to all the women in the camp, cleaning tables and guns, sewing, and helping with dinner.
"No, we keep this camp afloat while you men are out doing god knows what," you said, your stitches getting sloppier as your vexation grew. "I'm losing my mind here. Meanwhile, you come back with fancy trinkets, weird statues, emeralds, and crazy hats! You know, I think you do the robbing and hunting only sometimes, and when that's done, you're just out there playing around!"
You finally stopped knitting and turned to Arthur, whose playful grin had faltered into a thoughtful glance. You continued your monologue, "Ugh! I swear, if you don't get me outta here, I'm gonna stab Grimshaw through the eye with this needle!"
You held the sharp point inches away from Arthur's face, prompting him to snatch it from you. "Alright, easy there." He grabbed your hand in two of his gloved ones and glanced at it from under the brim of his hat, thinking for a long moment, "Fine, you can come with me long as nobody gets stabbed. Can't have a degenerate murderer loose in this camp, now, can we?"
Ignoring his sarcasm, you squealed excitedly and jumped up from your spot, pulling on Arthur's arm to make him stand, too.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you," you said between the many kisses you laid on him. He stilled you with firm hands on your waist and chuckled.
"I reckon it won't be as exciting as you think, but I can't say no to you."
Within a few minutes, you were ready to go, aiming and checking the ammo on a varmint rifle that Arthur had given you.
"Met a strange feller, Algernon Wasp. He's a— he has— well, he— he's an artist, I guess; he's paying me to collect some stuff for his, uh, creations. Bird feathers, orchids, that kind of stuff. Would be faster with the two of us."
And that's how you found yourself in the swamps of Lemoyne with the varmint rifle slung over your shoulder as you swatted away mosquitoes and sweated your ass off. You were hot, thirsty, and worst of all, you'd only found four of the seven cigar orchids you needed.
Mud squelched under your feet as you followed behind Arthur; you spoke exasperatedly, "how much is this fool paying you for all this?"
Arthur had gone quieter as you'd gotten more frustrated over the hours. Both of you were starting to regret this decision.
"I don't know. Money is money," he said dismissively, his head on a swivel and eyes focused. You were bothered that he could so easily spot plants and always knew which direction to go, expecting you to keep pace with his long strides when mud weighed down your skirts, slowing you down. You knew it was irrational, but you were mad at him for dragging you out here despite your near begging.
The heat was getting to you, and you'd lost control of the filter from your brain to your mouth. Arthur was a few feet ahead when you started your mumbling, "goddamn swamps is no place for a lady. Gators, mud, bugs and—" You didn't get to finish your sentence before Arthur spun and made two giant steps toward you, jaw clenched.
"You got something to say?"
You crossed your arms, defiant. Arthur's reputation as a vicious intimidator didn't phase you, though. He wouldn't lay a finger on you; you both knew it. You rolled your eyes and said, "this is as boring as being back at camp, except I'm all dirty now."
He stepped closer into your space, his angry eyes searching yours. He spoke in a low volume that would scare anybody but you: "This is what you wanted, woman, so don't go gettin' mad at me because things ain't all neat and proper."
Were you frightened by him? No. Were your feelings hurt? Yes. You scoffed and nodded slowly while you spoke, "You're right. I'm gonna head to camp. I'll see you when you get back."
You didn't give him the chance to respond before you trudged in the other direction, clicking for your horse waiting nearby. Arthur watched you go until he lost sight of you in the overgrown vegetation.
Then you were on the road, your horse at a trot, when something in his line of vision spooked him. Before you could even react, you were bucked off, your head hitting the ground with a thud. Despite the pain, you knew better than to just lay there. Gators and snakes were everywhere, but only something notably terrifying would scare off your Andalusian. You took the rifle off your back, pointing it aimlessly all around, trying to focus your spinning vision on the threat beyond.
Before you could blink, a big cat took hold of your leg through your skirt. You shot wildly once, twice, then three times before the beast let go of you. Screaming at the top of your lungs, you scrambled backward as more bullets rang out from your low-caliber weapon. Hoping and praying, you squeezed the trigger one last time. Eyes closed, you prepared for the inevitable when a louder shot rang out somewhere near you.
When pain and death didn't come, you opened your eyes to see Arthur standing over you, concern distorting his face. Beads of sweat ran down his forehead, and he huffed, trying to catch his breath. His hands scoured every inch of you, searching for signs of bleeding. Panic started to set in again when you realized you couldn't feel anything; you held your breath as Arthur pulled up the hem of your dress, bracing for the worst.
You breathed a sigh of relief and let your head fall back onto the ground. The puncture was minor, no worse than a needle prick. Arthur stood, using his arm to wipe away the perspiration that had soaked him. Then his anger started up again.
"Can't go getting hurt like that, girl. Shouldn't've let you run off by yourself. If something happened to you, I'd—"
"Shut up, Arthur," you rose back up and tried to smile through your unease. "I'm fine, thanks to you."
He held out a hand to pull you back to your feet, then wrapped his arms around you tight. His heart hammered against his chest, and you could hear your blood rushing through your ears. Then you finally let yourself cry in the safety of all his bulk.
"I'm sorry, sweet girl; I'm sorry." Every shakey inhale, sob, and gasp from you ripped him apart from the inside out. He was supposed to be looking after you, always, but his hardheadedness and pride left you vulnerable. Killing was the one thing he knew he was good for, and to almost fail at the cost of your life made his insides rot with guilt.
He peeled you away from his chest and cupped your face, "I won't let anything else happen to you, ya' hear?" You nodded, and he wiped dirt and tears away from your cheek with a big thumb and brought you back into him, stroking the back of your head. After a long moment, he retrieved your horse, helped you, and then rode beside you the whole way back to camp.
The next day, you gladly did your chores while Arthur went on his adventures. You didn't complain in the comfort and safety of a shade tree and other skilled gunmen. You were sitting in his tent when Arthur returned in the evening, now wearing his regular gambler's hat and carrying another adorned with floral designs and a peacock feather.
He greeted you with a peck on your cheek, joined you on the cot, and talked through a crooked smile, "found the rest of those orchids today and gave 'em to Algernon. Took this instead of the money. Think he was happier with that trade, anyway."  
The closer you looked at the beautiful monstrosity, the more you had to fight off your reaction. It was undeniably unique, but you couldn't image anyone wearing it seriously.
"It's um—," You covered your mouth to stifle your giggle, but your quaking shoulders gave you away. To your relief, Arthur joined in your laugh and placed the hat atop your head.
"He tried to give it to me, made me try it on, but I figured it'd look better on you. Now we both got a crazy hat."
The idea of Arthur standing in front of a mirror in the hat with all his hardened features made you throw your head back in near hysterics.
"Well, I will cherish that image and this hat forever. Thank you." Arthur's face softened as your amusement died down, then morphed into a lamentable combination of worry and self-loathing. You recognized it all too well.  
He stroked your face with the back of his hand and spoke in a hushed tone, "I'm sorry, again, for letting you go off by yourself like that. I—"
You silenced him with your lips, pushing him onto his back and mounting him. Your new hat fell away along with his worry as you showed him just how appreciative you were.
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imaginaryf1shots · 1 year
My Girls || Wasp
600 words
Driver!oc X Max Verstappen
Platonic!Driver!oc X the grid
Summery: a wasp on stage
Warnings: none
Series Masterlist
Max Masterlist
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Max, Cecilia, Lando, Alex and Charles were standing on stage for a quick interview, the fans were watching, holding signs and calling their names. 
Cecilia was standing between Max and Lando. Alex was being asked a question, so the female took a moment to look at the crowd. She laughed at a sign that had Charles saying it was an inchident on it. 
She was pointing it out to Lando before they were attacked. A girly scream escaped Lando as he held Cecilia to hide behind her. The female tried to get away, also scared. 
"Let go of me! Lando!" She screamed trying to dodge the wasp that was attracted to the orange dressed duo. Cecilia pushed Lando and hid behind Max holding his bicep. It all happened in a matter of seconds. The fans were laughing, Lando was on the floor and Cecilia held onto Max. the flying insect seemed to not give up, flying around the couple now. “MAX!”
Max felt her hand dig in his bicep, he moved so he was between Cecilia and the wasp. Alex took one of the cue cards from the presenter and tried to swat the bug away. Cecilia was seen looking over Max’s shoulder, Lando was on his feet far away from the action, and Cahrles just stood amused by this whole ordeal. Everytime Max tried to move Cecilia wouldn’t let him. Finally Alex managed to swat the wasp away and it disappeared just as fast as it appeared. Sighing, the female leaned her head on Max’s shoulder slowly letting go of him. 
“That shows how brave some F1 drivers are.” Charles said in the microphone with a teasing smile and his female best friend glared at him, she cautiously came out from behind Max, but stayed close. Her boyfriend patted her back and sent her a smile.
“Dégagé, Charles.”(Piss off Charles) Cecilia said and glared at her friend.
“What she said.” Lando said and came to stand beside his teammate, Charles rolled his eyes.
“I think the big heroes here are Max and Aelx.” The presenter said gaining everyone’s attention back to the task at hand. “Give them all a round of applause.” 
Everyone clapped for them while the Mclaren due sulked, this video will be all over their social media by the time they’re off stage. How can you act cool as an F1 driver after you fall on stage a scream on stage from a wasp. 
Once they were done and the drivers were getting off stage, Max wrapped an arm around Cecilia’s shoulder, the female moved closer. “You were really scared there.”
“Uh, don’t remind me, that’s all I’ll be seeing the next few days.” Cecilia groaned, stomping a little like a child. 
“Careful, Cece, your Nathalie is showing.” Cecilia flips Charles off leaving him and Alex laughing their heads off. 
“Come on, mate, leave her be.” Max came to her defence, all in good fun of course.
“I personally liked how she pushed Lando to the floor.” Alex stated and looked like he was reliving the moment in his mind.
“That was mean by the way, Cece.” Lando said having slowled to walk with them.
“Lando, you literally were using me as a human shield, you had Charles on your other side.” Cecia’s eyes went wide as she pointed at the monegasque male. 
“But you’re my team mate!” She didn’t answer him just glared, Max leaned over to speak in her ear.
“I liked how you instinctively hid behind me.” Cecilia scoffed but felt her cheeks tint red.
“Of course you did.”
Kissing her cheek the pair separated to finish their duties, but Cecilia’s cheeks remained red for a bit longer, Lando left his brows amused as the Mclaren drivers left for their motorhome.
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@luciaexcorvus . @vellicora . @tpwkstiles . @belennasif  . @eugene-emt-roe . @fanboyluvr . @fangirl125reader , @christianpulisic10 . @belennasif
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slasherstories123 · 6 months
Can we have where a female S/O with a fear of bees, when ever a bee flew close, Jason comforts her and keep her safe, then comes a time where she paused as she was under a wasp nest without realizing it, so Jason helps her back away/move forward. I have a fear of bees, and sometimes the people I know get annoyed, but I know Jason would be understanding, since I didn't have a problem with him being afraid of water.
Word count:604
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Tagslist: @dootys @callmemeelah @mehidktbh @the-anxious-youth @mrs-heelshire @alexxavicry @vexeliers-breakroom @naxxsstuff @beel-mcburger @emychan @charliedawn @sleepypersonblog @slasherscrybaby @kawaistrawberry21 @nobody-and-i285
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You were terrified of bees.
It was obvious especially when you would cower away at the sound of any buzzing that flew past your head, hiding behind Jason who would only look down at you in curiosity. When you finally told him about your childish fear, he accepted it. Well he did was give you a hug to let you know that he understood.
Everyone has their own fears, even he does too. And you accepted his fears without laughing or judging him. Anytime a bee came near you he’d let you hide behind him or would swat it away, if he got stung he wouldn’t feel it but would be confused if you began to freak out over the bee sting on his arm or hand. He secretly liked it when you came to him for protection even if it was the smallest things like a bee.
On a particular day you wanted to go walking. He followed since he could never say no to you. Especially when you beg to at least walk around the forest. It eases his mind, but he’ll never admit it. Walking hand in hand while pointing out the small critters that crawled through the trees and even ran away from them out of instinct. After a while of walking something caught your eye, a single flower. You didn’t see much flowers or even a dandelion, so it made you smile at the large daisy by the tree.
You let go of your giant boyfriend’s hand to get the flower, gently picking it out of the grass to show your boyfriend proudly. “Jace look!” You exclaimed. “I found a flower!”
Jason gave you a thumbs up while you scanned the grass for more flowed to pick. What you didn’t realize was that you’re standing right above a bee hive. The rapid buzzing filled Jason’s ears and he looked around before tilting his head up to see the large bee hive right above your head, no bees were flying around it thankfully.
He moved his hands around frantically to get your attention. You looked up at him after finding three more flowers from the ground.
“Something wrong Jace?” You asked with a slight worried tone in your voice.
His blue eyes widened through the hockey mask, he knew that if he pointed towards the hive you’d freak out. Shaking his head no while motioning for you to walk to him. You scanned his face to find some sort of emotion, but you didn’t find anything, you couldn’t tell if he was freaking out or was scared of something else. You walked closer to him and grabbed his arm to support him, instead of letting you hold him he picked you up instead.
It made you yelp in surprise, gently putting his chin in your head as his own way of protecting you in his arm. Turning his body so you could see the bee hive that you were standing under. You froze, eyes flickering from the bee hive to Jason. “I..was under that?”
He nodded.
You didn’t know whether to be scared or relieved. By the way Jason was holding onto you he wanted you to remain calm since you weren’t under it anymore. Smiling to yourself and reached up to place a kiss to his mask cheek as your way of saying thank you. “Thank you Jace.” He turned around to continue the walk with you in his arms.
He refused to put you down, even when you nearly whined to be put down, he put you down when you both went back to your shared cabin.
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istadris · 3 months
Bowser pushed aside a couple of branches to spy through the bush he was hiding in.
On the other side of the bush, sitting in plain sight, was a quaint little house with a red roof, a green door and a blue letterbox. A cozy, unassuming house, barely bigger than any other home of any other Toad of the kingdom. All that was lacking from the scene was a rocking-chair with a knitting Toad granny on the porch.
"You're kidding me, right? This is Mario's house??"
Without a word, Kamek pointed with his wand at the big "MARIO" sign above the door. And they dared to call Bowser "tacky" or "self-absorbed to the point of ridiculousness". Pah!
"He's the hero of the Mushroom Kingdom. Their saviour. The champion of their princess. He could live in a castle! He could live in Peach's castle!! Don't they even pay him for saving the world??"
"I'm not sure, Sire, I think he's doing his hero work for...free?"
"What's the point of being famous for saving people if you can't make money out of it??"
Kamek probably answered that question, but Bowser didn't actually care for the answer. In fact, it would probably only piss him off more : of course that pretentious plumber would make himself look good and virtuous by living in that...that shabby tool shed! As if he couldn't afford better! As if his nemesis wasn't the greatest king who ever lived!
More and more annoyed, he decided to focus instead on his reason to come here, and after looking around, he found ...or rather, him, as he walked past the house towards a hedge.
His first thought was: I didn't know Mario wears green sometimes.
His second thought was : Wait, am I going colorblind?
His third thought was : And since when is Mario so skinny?
And then he realized that instead of a green, lean Mario, it was instead a different guy who started to trim the hedge while whistling a little tune.
"So? What did I tell you, Your Incredulousness?"
He did look very similar to Mario, Bowser had to admit it. Taller and skinnier...
"Ow ow ow!"
...And clumsier...
"Aw, come back here, shears! I don't wanna lose another pair, I'm running outta neighbours to borrow them from!"
...And chattier...
"Hey, what's that-AWAWAWAWAWA!!!!"
...and whatever-ier the term was for poking through a hedge with a stick and disturbing a wasp nest.
Treated to the sight of his potential saviour running all around the garden in a panic to escape a wasp swarm, Bowser was left speechless. Only for a moment, though, as he suddenly turned toward Kamek, eyes burning with anger :
"You sleazy little liar!! You think I'm an idiot??"
"Sire!! How could you?! What even do you mean!?"
"You really expect me to believe that this-" he pointed to what was now a blur of green and blue running in circles "-this moron is Mario's brother??"
"But it's true!! Our spies are certain of this!"
"Then they're slackers and deserve to be fired!"
"He lives in Mario's home! He looks almost the same!"
"He could be some crazy fanboy! How could he be related to my most dangerous enemy?!"
As if on cue, their target dashed and jumped inside the warp pipe near the house, disappearing for a moment. Then coming back up, checking for the wasps...who were still waiting around, forcing him to duck back inside the warp pipe. The little scene went on for a couple more times until the wasps seemed to get wiser and managed to force the human out of his safe place, forcing him to run in circles once again, swatting aimlessly through the air to keep the wasps away.
Bowser aggressively waved his hand in the direction of the spectacle, as if to say "see??"
"...Well, that might explain why Mario never takes this brother of his along his adventures."
Bowser facepalmed.
"That's it." He said abruptly as he let got of the branches, hiding once again the little house. "This whole idea's a bust. Let's go home."
"Well, Your Stubbornness, if you know of another human you might be able to convince to help you, be my guest!"
It made Bowser halt. He could not afford to remain in his current state, but going to his only other options was simply not conceivable.
"Look at it this way," Kamek said cheerfully, "at least you have an easy in with this oaf: if you rescue him first, he might be willing to help you!"
Bowser grunted. He could already feel the headache coming.
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hannahssimblr · 21 days
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For a brief period last year, I had this thing about wasps. Miss O’Reilly spurred the whole thing on after poring over my sketchbooks with me. She made some offhand comment about how nice it would be to see some animals too, amongst the endless scrawl of human arms and legs and feet and heads on every inch of every page, because it would expand my anatomical knowledge. This had never occurred to me.
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So across town to the zoo I went. Where, through the spring and the earliest days of summer I would draw gorillas in their glass enclosures, giraffes, sloths, red pandas, while parents and children looked over my shoulder at my work, ogling as though I too was part of an exhibition. 
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I returned that August, late, in that last week before school starts when the sun still warms you, but the wind carries autumn with it. By then, the leaves had lost that vibrant green and hung tired from branches, curled and russet at the edges. It was wasp season, when they emerge, as though from nowhere, angry, confused, in a ferocious pursuit of sugar. 
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One landed on my sketchbook, near the thumb that held the page, and I resisted the tingle of fear in my body, the urge to swat him away. Instead I watched him, and then I drew him, his alien eyes and hairy body, papery wings and the abstract black and yellow stripes like caution tape wound around his horntail. I feared wasps - I think. One had never stung me and had no reference for the pain, but coincidentally, I had read about them in an insect encyclopaedia from the school library. I’d learned about their sad Augusts, when their purpose had been fulfilled, and their queens cast them out of the nest to die. 
That wasp, eating the ice cream fingerprint from my page, was no different. Here he was, addicted to sugar, drunk, perhaps, from the fermenting fruits he had managed to find. If I swatted him away, could I really blame him if, in his desperation and pain, he attacked me? He really was just another creature fulfilling his purpose, adapting to the new environment in which he had been thrown. 
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“Oh, God!” Michelle cried, and whacked him with her zoo map. His insides left a stain on the paper, and I turned to her, outraged. “Why did you do that?”
“It might have stung you!” 
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And things escalated, as they normally did, to an argument by the elephant enclosure. She erupted in front of a family of four and asked me when I became such a fucking vegetarian about wasps. We didn’t speak a word to one another on the bus home, and then, come September, we forgot about wasps for another year. 
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A wasp lands on my arm. I feel it first, the weird little legs tickling my skin. Someone splashed cider on me in the Foo Fighters’ mosh pit. That’s what he’s looking for. For the first time in a year, I think about wasps again, while the rest of my friends plan their next move. He shouldn’t be out at night. He must be confused. Maybe he’s about to die. 
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“Oh! Gosh! You’ve a wasp on your arm!” Claire waves her hand about me and the wasp makes a drowsy departure and swoops toward the overflowing bins by the barriers. 
Several seconds pass before it occurs to me to react. “Yeah.” 
As the others head towards the bar, she and Shane hang back, peering at me with that wary concern, as though there’ve sensed something deeply unhinged about me. “Are you okay?” She says gently. “You look like you got a bit of a knock there in the mosh pit.”
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“No, it was fine. It felt good to kind of shove everyone around.” It’s true. I wasn’t thinking in there where I was thrashing to The Pretender, but I know how I must look. She eyes the collar of my t-shirt, stretched completely out of shape from where some beast of a man grabbed me to fling me out of his path like a rag doll. it was violent, but it felt good, like something that I needed.
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“Look,” Shane scratches his head, “The lads there, they were talking about going to that rave at midnight. They wanted to grab some shots first, but like, if you don’t want to go, and you’d rather go back to the tent or something, that’d be okay.”
Claire nods. “We could even go with you, right? I wouldn’t mind just hanging out and taking it easy if you wanted company.”
Do I really seem that bad? I shake my head. “No, it’s fine. I’ll just do what everyone else is doing.”
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They pause, and I press the issue. “Do I seem like I won’t be able for it?”
“Not that.” Shane says. “You just seem a bit wrecked.”
“I’ll survive another concert.”
“Yeah, I’m not saying you won’t, like.”
“Right then.”
They exchange a look, and I sigh. “I don’t know what you think is wrong with me, but I’m not drinking, I’m not on drugs,” I lean down to show them my pupils, which I realise too late is quite a manic, on-drugs thing to do, but I don’t know how else to prove my sobriety. “It’s just been a day, okay? I’m just… it’s been odd.”
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“We can talk about it if you like,” Claire says, in that very kind, Claire way, but I shake my head. 
“Let’s not bother. Come on, we’ll just go to that rave thing and dance, yeah? Then I’ll go back to the tent and we can take it easy.”
“Okay, if you say so,” she says, and with her arms around herself against the midnight chill, she and Shane march past me, towards the big top of the marquee across the bottle-littered fields. 
Beginning // Prev // Next
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dameronology · 1 year
be still (matt murdock)
summary: matt is the only one who he'll let get close when he has a bad day
warnings: just language ig
sorry for dropping off the face of the earth for months and not writing a single thing. this might be my comback, or all you will get for another year. we'll see! love u all.
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To the rest of the world, Matt Murdock was hard to read.
To you, he was like your favourite book. One you’d read a thousand times; with a plot line you knew like the back of your hand. Every bump on his skin; every raised scar and jagged red wound from his night shifts; you knew the story behind them all. The long pink line on his back was fall out from a fight with the Yakuza two years back. The deep, sunken jag on his right hand was from an unfortunate incident when he was chopping up some vegetables two years ago. I might have super senses, he’d joked, but there are some things you just need sight for.
Matt’s emotions were no different. There were days when even Foggy wasn’t sure what he was thinking – whether his stony face was from boredom or anger, or whether his smile was happiness or just a slightly misshapen grimace. With a life as complicated as his, it wasn’t surprising that Matt came with the feeling to match. In the early days of your relationship, it was something you’d struggled with, but now you knew his signals and his tells. You could see a bad mood coming from a mile off, almost like a thunderstorm on a summer day. Equally, you knew his good moods from the way he would greet you brightly in the morning, or his anxious ones from the way he held your hand. They weren’t always easy to forecast but at least it made things a little more predictable.
A cold Tuesday morning in the fall was no different. September had just come, bringing with it shorter days and colder nights. The tension in your bedroom was high from the moment you woke up – actually, it had been since the small hours of the morning. Matt had come crashing in without a word, gear ditched to the floor. Any questions of his wellbeing or how his night had been ignored as he passed out beside you, back turned the other way. His snores had been the first thing you’d heard from him that night – not a single word, not even a grunt. You could feel an invisible line down the middle of the bed. It wasn’t one you wanted to cross.
You woke up naturally with the daylight- perks of it being a Sunday, you figured (though not a silver lining. Today didn’t feel like a day to be looking for those). Matt was still, tired body heaving with deep breaths as he slept. It was hard to shake the feeling of anxiety that had snuck its way into your stomach; butterflies now felt like wasps and any previous inclination you’d had to reach out to him had died with the hope of him waking up before you and apologising.
“Dickhead,” you muttered.
(You knew he would hear you).
Still, you knew something was up. Even if he’d projected it onto you by swatting your hands away last night and completely blanking you, something was up. It took a moment of building up the courage in your head, but as Matt let out a yawn and rolled over, you quickly moved to snuggle into his side. His hands were on his front, so you made a second attempt to tangle your fingers with his. He didn’t comply, but he didn’t resist either. You stayed like that for a moment, until his dark eyes shot open, and he let out a heavy sigh.
You could have pretended to still be asleep, purely just to avoid dealing with the situation, but who were you fooling? The man was like a human sonar. He would know immediately from your breathing that you were awake. Plus, your not-so-quiet insult just moments earlier didn’t exactly align with something you could brush off as sleep talk.
Matt sat up, blinking for a moment. Any other morning, he would have pulled you into him; pressed a kiss to your forehead and held you tight. Not today, though. He snatched his hand away from yours and shrugged you off, pattering across the wooden floor out the bedroom and to the bathroom. The door slammed and a second later, you heard the spattering of the shower.
You stayed there for a second, heart thumping in your chest and heard swirling with thoughts. Why was he being shitty? Was it your fault? No, you told yourself. It wasn’t fair on you to jump to those conclusions. If he had a problem, it was on him to tell you. You’d made it clear from day one that you hated guessing games. Guess Who was one thing but Guess Why I’m Angry At You had no winners.
The water eventually stopped. Rather than coming back through to the bedroom as he normally would, there was silence. You frowned for a moment – what the fuck was he doing? Was he actually that intent on avoiding you?
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, swinging your legs out of bed and heading out of the bedroom. Matt was the first thing you saw in the living room, skin still covered in droplets of water from the sofa, butt fuck naked. He had a file open in front of him, callous fingers following over the braille as he read it, barely pausing to acknowledge your presence. You could have made a comment about him getting your thousand-dollar sofa wet, even a joke, but that didn’t feel like the right play.
“Hey,” you said.
No answer.
“I have to ask,” you continued, crossing the room and taking a seat beside him. Not close enough for your legs to be touching, but close enough that he knew you were there. “Have I done something?”
“No,” he murmured. “I’m just tired.”
His voice was barely above a whisper – barely even there. Something was seriously wrong.
“Okay,” you hummed.
You stayed like that for a moment – even though you could predict Matt’s mood, you couldn’t always predict what he wanted. If you touched him, would he flinch, or would the front come down? It was like hugging a nuclear bomb, even if the idea of his temper coming out on you was unfathomable.
“Do you want a coffee?” you gently asked.
Another pause.
“Yeah. I could do with a coffee.”
Trying to keep your nerves feigned, you crossed the room to the kitchen, hands working automatically. Kettle filled, turned on, two mugs out. One sugar and a tiny bit of milk for Matt, and then two sugars and no milk for you. He liked the blue mug, because it was easier to hold, and you preferred the purple one because it was the same shade of violet as the dress Taylor wore on the front of Speak Now. You’d brought it in a clearance sale when you and Matt just started seeing each other, and it was one of the first things you actually kept at his apartment.
You returned to the sofa, placing the coffee on the table in front of you. There was still no word from Matthew – not even a hm in place of a thank you.
“You’re worrying me,” you murmured.
Rolling your eyes – and finally getting sick of his head – you whacked the file out his hands and collapsed into his side. He didn’t immediately respond, but a moment later, his hand came down to touch your thigh. He gave your leg a squeeze, and you felt a minute bit of tension rise from the room. Not all of it, but the physical touch was enough to know that things would be okay.
You stayed like that for a moment, before wrapping your arms around him completely. You fell back into the sofa, letting Matt collapse into your chest. His hair was still wet from the shower, skin sticking to yours from where he was still drying, but you didn’t give a shit. You just wanted to hold him, hands roaming over his tense back, stopping on his shoulder blades and using your grip to pull him closer.
“Let’s go back to bed,” you said. “Just for a little while.”
He didn’t resist as you took his hand, tangling your fingers together and leading him back to the bedroom. Matt was hot on your heels, like a lost puppy now, and there was barely a second between you falling back first onto the bed and him following you. His entire body was on yours, legs tangling into a web and arms digging underneath your torso to hug you, head buried in your shoulder. He was limp – almost completely void of emotion.
Whatever barrier Matt had been putting up was gone, because as soon as you tangled a hand in his hair you could feel his hot tears on your skin. He’d only cried in front of you once before and that had been when you’d nearly died after a minor mishap (though he’d argue it was probably more). That meant that whatever had happened on patrol last night must have fucked him up a little – you didn’t want to ask, but you didn’t want to him to think he couldn’t talk about it.
“I’m here if you need,” you murmured, pressing a kiss to his forehead. “If you just wanna lay here or you just wanna talk, I’m right here.”
“Thank you,” his voice was still quiet. “I’m sorry about last night.”
“Don’t apologise,” you shook your head. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he replied.
You tightened your grip on him and he tried to shuffle closer, even though it wasn’t physically possible. You were completely skin to skin and chest to chest, his forehead flush with your collarbone. It was raining outside now, the sound of water hitting the window filling the room with where tension used to be. That was gone now – maybe it hadn’t been there at all, just a figment of your anxiety.
You felt Matt’s eyelashes brush against your skin as he closed your eyes. Sleep was good. It was probably what you both needed, and with his warm, heavy body on yours, it was also hard to resist.
(All you could do was hope that you didn’t need to pee any time soon).
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7ndipity · 10 months
I thought about something and I can't help but laugh 😆
I'm absolutely terrified with spiders and I really hate wasps. Sometimes, when I see a spider on me, I slap it away with a hysterical scream. So imagine if the spider lands on one of the members!🤣 our poor Hobi🤣🤣 he would be sooo terrified!🤣
I know it's not nice to do that but I'm really scared whenever I see a spider. Sometimes, I even cry and can't breathe correctly. I've panic attack if the spider is bigger than a nail. It's weird but I can't control my fear. So sometimes, I just slap them away to protect myself.
Spider Landing on Them
Warnings: Mentions of spiders(obvi), just crack
A/N: I was the same way when I was younger(still kinda am, tbh). Like I can appreciate them for their design/role in nature and all, but I really don’t want them on me.(Also, I wrote this as a crack post, cause we need a laugh.)
Jin: He would be screaming and flailing all over the place, you’re risking your own safety trying to get close enough to help him.
Yoongi: I feel like he’d be pretty chill about it, just knocks it off or moves it to a plant like it’s no big deal. Uses it as a metaphor on the next album.
Hobi: He’s flipping the fuck out just like Jin, screaming so loud that he’s setting off car alarms. Needs about three days to recover.
Namjoon: If it's just a lil guy, he’ll be cool and move it to a plant or smth. If it’s big tho, he’s swatting and cursing all over the place, probably breaks a lamp.
Jimin: He goes through about fifty ideas of how to get it off him(a few including a flame thrower), before just swatting it and running.
Taehyung: Legit fakes a heart attack and plays dead in hopes it’ll run away in shame. If that doesn’t work, he just swats it.
Jungkook: He kinda likes bugs, so I think he’d be calm. Gives it a name, takes it to dinner and drops it back at home. They’re going out again on Friday.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Gooooood day to you wonderful author! I hope you’re having a swell time and that those pesky wasps called negativity are swatted and shooed away. I’ve scrolled your work and have thoroughly enjoyed your stories and thoughts, so maybe if you would be so kind as to hear me out, I’d gladly pay you a penny for my thoughts!
The TADC work is brilliant, and thus I had an idea! What if this rambunctious crew, met a their S/O who is rather cartoony in nature and take to the world of the circus rather well, being bouncy, stretchy and all around a ball of joy as they embrace this toon power they’ve been given.
The idea came to me when I was fiddling with a sticky hand, whilst rewatching the pilot, and thought how amusing it would be to see someone embrace these looney toon abilities.
TADC cast x cartoony!reader !
yahoo i now have some down time to take a crack at requests today! im making gingerbread cookies, peppermint macarons w/ white chocolate ganache, and double chocolate macarons! all for a friend as a christmas gift! yahoo!! waiting for the first bath of macarons to dry out before baking; cant do both since i only have one decent sized pan that can pit my silicone mat without it bending... bent macarons..... thinks also dullahan by worthikids has me in a death grip rn so im playing that on loop while i tackle these requests i am going to go insane!
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oh this man fully embraces it... in fact he even encourages it, i think! i mean caine himself is pretty whacky and cartoony, it only makes sense thats hes going to really enjoy you. i think his approval may lead to you being a little more rowdy than you normally would be with anyone else... likes to use IHAs to see how far your funny physics can go... bonus if you get those little... emote things when you're feeling an emotion particularly strongly (ex. hearts for adoration, the red vein for anger or annoyance, the blue line things to express sadness or disgust and the like. stuff like that idk i just think that would be neat). you guys get outright silly with it, totally funky, completely strange you know? whimsical, even! plus i like to think that caine has a touch more "cartoon physics" than the others but thats just admin being silly
obligatory "pomni is put off by it at first thanks to her being new and having to adjust to the physics of this new digital world.... well adjust to the digital world as a whole" so without a doubt, shes going to look mildly uncomfortable or confused when you just fully embrace to funky cartoon physics of the world. in fact it even looks like your physics are even more cartoony than everyone else's... odd.... i think it would take her some time to get used to it, but she wouldnt try to be rude about it or make you feel bad for her surprise discomfort, you know? doesnt like when your rambunctiousness makes you a little reckless, though, but thats just her care for you showing! you can be a little overwhelming for her, sometimes, by being all... bouncing off the walls... literally and physically... communication is key here if you guys want a decent relationship; be it romantic or platonic
for the most part she loves you for who you are, and your randomness and shenanigans do put a smile on her face more often than not. she just finds you so endearing, and finds your funky physics to be just as cute! buuuuut.... sometimes you can get overwhelming... ragatha already has so much on her plate, with being this beacon of optimism for herself and others, the IHAs, having to make sure no one is at each others throats.. i mean i know we only have the pilot to work off thus far but ragatha gives me mediator vibes. so getting back on topic, i do think that sometimes she needs to be firm and let you know to tone it down, or to let her have a moment to herself because the last thing she wants to do is make you feel bad if she gets too irritated... holds
another obligatory thing but you can stretch and squash hes going to try to find a way to tie that in with a prank or one of his jokes. now if youre teaming up with him or the one being pranked really depends on how jax feels; because i think even his "partner in crime" wouldnt be immune to his bullshit. but consider, given the readers personality, what if theyre a little bit of a prankster themselves and they utilize their extra bounciness for pranks; effectively starting a prank war with jax. like imagine the chaos that would spew from something like that. i could go on a tangent for that, but the admin has a pea brain rn TToTT
has probably crushed you down into a ball shape and used you as a bowling ball. throws you. au where reader is in the circus but theyre the bowling ball jax throws at kinger
honestly he might mistake you for an npc at first and be wary of getting close to you because... well you arent real... except you are..! it takes him a while to realize that, he didnt know someone as whacky as you could exist, and hes been here for a long while! that said when you guys do befriend each other. please try to tone down any recklessness that may come with your rambunctiousness, this poor old man is already stressing out enough about things...! dont give him a heart attack,..! though i guess the bonus of having funky whacky body physics is that you give good hugs and/or cuddles since you can easily and comfortably wrap yourself around the other person.... ponders... so you know what, at least hes comforted via that
easily irritated so you guys are going to have to work together to make things word; so zooble doesnt too overstimulated and so you dont have to change or greatly suppress yourself. say it with me: communication is key, baby!!! definitely takes a lot of time to make something work.... stealing this idea from jax's part, but if youre in the middle of a prank war with jax, where its just you and him going at each other zooble is going to be sliding you ideas and perhaps might come up with ideas to utilize your weird anatomy... very evil, they just want to see jax get karma, i think...
also can get easily overwhelmed with your wild personality, but not so much in an "overstimulated" way and more so a... wait no i guess thats the best wording for it? plus gangle seems to be the type of person to enjoy her calm and quiet peaceful time, when shes not thrust into the chaos of an IHA... so similar to zooble, you guys are going to have to do a lot of communication and teamwork if you want a good relationship. gangle DOES feel bad, though, like she is inconveniencing you... please reassure her... not many ideas for the whacky physics thing here, simply because i dont think she would have any special thoughts about anyone's looks or bodies if that makes sense
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The Wasp Saga, or, How I Wasted Half my Lunch Break
(Note: If you are rude about wasps on this post you will be blocked. We respect them as important ecosystem members here.)
Yesterday it was super warm, like three months out of season warm, and in order to stave off the climate anxiety I decided to walk to the corner grocery store for lunch, eat outside, and get some rare February vitamin D. In a rare W the grocery counter Chinese food was freshly made, way better quality than usual, and ON SALE so I was riding that high. I ate, I enjoyed the weather. As I was starting to consider saving the rest for the next day's lunch a wasp buzzed up to me and landed. on my leg.
Now one thing about me is that I am trying very hard to overcome a crippling phobia of bees and wasps. From when I was a child through my early 20's I was frequently trapped inside or outside buildings because a wasp was hanging out near the door frame and I would refuse to go within 20 feet of it. Please read the following as if it required the courage of a knight and the patience of a saint.
This wasp was likely a queen that had woken up from hibernation a couple months early and was looking for a place to build a new hive. I respect wasps as important members of the ecosystem despite my deep seated fear and did not wish to kill her. She was the least flappable, most chill wasp I have ever encountered. This worked against me.
You see, she was quite happy to be on my leg. Started meandering down my khakis towards my shoe as if she didn't have a care in the world. As if I wasn't shaking my leg, walking around, stomping my foot, jerking back and forth, and jumping up and down to try and dislodge her. Eventually she walked onto my shoe and I did NOT want her do decide the inside of my pants was an attractive option here. So I bent down and blew on her, which finally bothered her enough to get off this ride. She buzzed away and landed.
On the edge of my lunch.
Now if this were any other day, I might have let her have it. Being on the wrong side of an angry wasp is not pleasant. But today the chinese food was good, and I wanted those leftovers as much as she did. So I decided to fight for it.
Let me set the scene: I am sitting on a concrete ledge, about knee-high. My lunch is inside a container, and the container is still nestled in the plastic bag from the grocery store. The container has a lid, which I managed to get over the food before the wasp could climb onto it. The wasp was on the plastic container, somewhat nestled inside the plastic bag.
Now if this wasp was content on my leg, she was downright ecstatic here on my lunch. She has just discovered a heaven of meat and fat and sugar. Her daughters will feast their whole lifetimes. She is not letting go.
I am trying to figure out how to bother this blissed-out wasp enough that she decides to abandon this nirvana, but not enough for her to decide I am a threat that must be eliminated. The next few minutes are spent nudging and prodding and shifting the container. Not a move. I move the bag. She folds up her wings. I blow on her. Frequently, often, from multiple angles. She's not falling for that trick again.
I try to nudge her off with a fork. Twice. She doesn't even move a leg, just sways sideways. I decide to take more drastic measures. I get up on the seat, take off my overshirt, and gently start flailing it at the bag, hoping to brush her off or make her think she's being swatted.
At this point a dog walker comes by and notices me standing up on a concrete wall, gingerly flapping my henley at a Monday orange chicken special. "Wasp stole my lunch," I explain. She sympathizes and moves on. I realize the wasp also stole my dignity a long while ago.
A gust of wind hits and the wasp seeks shelter under the lip of the container. My lunch break is very nearly over. I seriously begin to consider that I may lose. I realize that leaving my lunch here would be littering, and wildly against my morals. I press on.
I pick up the container out of the bag, wasp and all. I swing it left and right. I shake it up and down. She doesn't even care. I seriously wonder if I should just bring her inside and go about my day. Maybe if I put her in the fridge she would get sleepy enough to capture and release. Or maybe I'd be the idiot who let a wasp loose in the building because they brought it inside on purpose. It's a long walk from the door to the fridge.
I get to the door. Now or never. One last idea. I drop it a few inches. This is the move: Precisely enough to make her lose her grip on the container. My last view of her is on her back, wings not even buzzing, legs flailing as she tries to stand up. I snatch what is now mine by right of combat and flee indoors.
It was 76 degrees that day, yesterday afternoon. Tonight it will get down to 12. That's a normal temperature for February. She should not have been awake yet. I hope that despite all the grief and indignity she caused me, that she found somewhere safe and warm to hide, and that she finds somewhere just as good as my container of chinese food to build a nest.
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fallenclan · 5 months
Paper Wasps (your pookie dice anon)
A hive buzzes.
Thick with paper pulp;
It grows larger with each breath.
It heaves and beats
Like a heart.
Each buzz is a single idea
That has come together to create a home.
The bowels of the hive are filled with larvae.
Eyes turn upon them as they buzz from the heart.
Death covers the outside.
Birds fly low.
Their beaks are death incarnate.
They swoop–
Thick, labored breaths.
A soft buzz from above.
She turns her gaze to the sky 
And sees her namesake.
Adrenaline pumps through her head.
She raises a paw.
Tearing and Bleeding.
Their jaws are coated in a slimy and thick sanguine.
She faces death.
It has a sweet aftertaste.
Her body does not feel her own.
She turns–
The sharp sting of a wasp in her paw.
She yelps back, recoiling.
“Waspkit!” Moosekit yelps.
It hurts.
Moosekit frets.
Waspkit looks and wonders if she could sting herself again.
Maybe it would–
–save her soul.
Her lungs are filled with fluid.
She never knew how to cope with death
But she wants to.
Everything feels fuzzy.
She remembers a wasp’s nest in the forest.
She remembers pain in her paw.
She remembers–
Shrewkit grins happily.
The hive pulses.
It beats and hums and sings.
Moosekit laughs, happy before–
Tears fill her eyes.
Her hive is broken and dead.
The paper walls have torn.
The heartbeat of life stills.
She faces death.
It tastes of pure failure.
A bird’s beak closes around her throat.
It rips and rends.
She was always one to not question,
So she does not question her death.
She tried to run from death
And her legs could not handle
The weight of that fear.
She watches Moosefall.
A wasp buzzes nearby her sister’s ear.
Waspflight swats it away for her.
Honey drips from an apprentice’s eyes.
Waspflight weeps.
She is witnessed
But not by the one who she needs to see the most
So close, and yet–
“–too far, Waspkit!” Shrewkit squeaks weakly.
Waspkit lets up, letting her sibling go.
“Oh, I’m sorry!”
“It’s fine, I know it was a– a- a big- bad! It was not on…”
“Yes! Thank you!”
Waspkit grins. 
A bird circles above, eyes silent.
A reminder of the pain that claims them all.
A hive buzzes,
But soon, it will cease.
Its heartbeat slowed and lungs unmoving.
Waspflight is dead.
It has the taste of tears unshed.
[ signed 🎲! This has been in my google docs for like a week! shoutout to lollipop anon for helping me characterize this characterless-character. I super appreciate it!]
(beetle note: HELL YES!!! i love when people give more character to the ones i didnt have time to explore,,, this goes hard)
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byfulcrums · 5 months
mark and wasp are the same height, and they hate it almost as much as they hate each other. even if wasp is older than mark (read somewhere he could be 20, not sure tho), he'd still look 17 bc of the weird viltrumite aging thing
so basically they'll stay the same size for about 500 years. this is what nolan meant when he said mark would suffer...
ANYWAY. That thing abt them wanting to be taller than the other made me laugh and reminded me of a shadowpeach hc i posted on 2022(? LMAO
gonna use the same hc w them too
so. they're out as invincible (they still haven't decided on a name yet. wasp says he's stronger and therefore should be called invincible, but mark points out that he's the one in charge and also that this dimension is his. mark gets to keep it. they're still arguing about what to name wasp) ("why don't you just go by "vincible"?" "no.")
mark is talking to some gda agent or a cop or smth, when he notices that wasp (who is looking at the sky w the most bored expression he can muster, bc he genuinely doesn't understand why they have to talk to such inferior beings) seems to be just, a few milimeters taller than him (he may be shit at schoolwork, but if you hate someone enough you can notice the smallest details about them)
he, w/o stopping the conversation, answers to this by floating just a little higher, barely noticeable to the human eye
ofc, i said "human" eye
wasp notices. he flies higher
mark flies higher too
eventually he's screaming instead of talking bc of how far down the cop is
wasp laughs. now mark is screaming at him
they fight
most normal ppl r used to mark working alone as invincible. so since wasp really doesn't do interviews and he's usually too fast to see when he fights, no one really knows what his name even is
and everyone is used to invincible being. well. invincible. sure, the news say that when he's around this guy he gets a little meaner, but it can't be that bad!
it is that bad
wasp says smth mean n sarcastic. everyone expects invincible to answer w something equally sarcastic, but not as mean (maybe making fun of how his suit looks). they do not expect invincible to just fucking bite him after 8 of those comments
wasp keeps trying to kill This One Kid, who is either super brave or super stupid and won't stop asking him questions (they go from "what's your name?" to "what underwear do you have? do you even need underwear?" in a matter of seconds) for his weird school diary thingy
he can't get close, bc mark starts pulling the other way. besides, they're stuck together, and killing people would seem awfully annoying if it's with this guy
they can't punch each other, so wasp bites him. they bite each other a lot bc of the "no punching (or kicking)" thing
"Wasp throws a car at Mark which Mark instinctively swats away and then goes flying after it to prevent it from slamming into a building. Wasp cackles so hard it gets hit by a laser beam to the throat by some other bad guy." ASJDSAJDHDSJFAH YES THAT'S SO FUNNY
they mess w each other sm
it's funny bc they do the same things to annoy each other (wasp throwing a car at mark, mark hitting him with a tree, etc) , but lose their shit when the other does it to them
they're basically this:
mark, sleep deprived, flies straight into a lamp post
wasp laughs at him. he actually laughs so hard he runs into the same lamp post
there are a lot of compilations on youtube that is just them laughing at each other mid fight and running into things or being hit w stuff the other throws at them
they grow more wild every time
it goes from throwing cars, to throwing real life dinosaurs (mark doesn't want to talk about it) (wasp absolutely does)
"Cecil remarks Mark handled something well and he looks like Cecil just told him his entire family got slaughtered."
"you did well today. hella efficient, quick and straight to the point. who taught you that?"
mark: D:
and also,
"oh, wow. you saved an entire family and their cat from a villain that wanted to turn them into zombies while mark was off fighting the bad guys? that's great!"
and wasp. cries
"oh no, no, you think I'm gonna help you?" THIS TISHTISHTSIHIST
this really feels like smth he'd say in canon. he'd say it w a smile, half-shocked half just pretending out of amusement
he'd laugh too
it's the same type of cocky tone of voice sinister mark/wasp used when teasing angstrom
"I gotta imagine if they tackle things separately, they are also allowing each other to do they want and like to do?" YEAH!!
it's hard 'cause wasp always wants to take the bad guys on alone, but mark also likes to fight (just not w the same brutality) and he doesn't want to be just a lifeguard
it takes wasp a while (a LONG while) to stop tackling mark when he's about to attack to get to the enemy himself, or to kick mark into the next country, etc etc etc
but eventually they settle on mark getting everyone to safety while wasp stalls the bad guy. then, after he's sure no one's here anymore, they both fight the villain together
or uh. they try. sometimes they'll start fighting each other too so it's less of a 1 v 2 fight and more of a... 1v1 V another 1 fight lol
"Mark's own reaction that truly confirms it to be true"
he gets the episode 8 levels of anger and anguish
wasp is talking shit on tv and he just loses it
he immediatly flies off and tackles wasp into fucking space
i mean, they do say that actions say more than words, right?
mark is usually making the typical superhero noises when he's fighting, but now? he's just focusing all of his anger into This One Motherfucker
wasp loves it
it's a "see? i knew you had it in you!" type of moment
he's been longing for a real fight for a WHILE
they don't kill each other but it comes close
see, the things is. they are the same person. it's easy to start viewing them as two separate beings, but they're really. not
they're evenly matched in everything
this is why wasp likes fighting mark
this is why mark doesn't like fighting wasp (never ending battles are boring to him) ( he likes to win more than to fight. i mean it's not like he enjoys getting beat up)
we could dive deeper and start talking about the self-destructive tendency these two have to getting beat up. i mean, wasp's idea of a real, actually enjoyable fight is when the other is either able to beat him, or when he can kill ppl. and mark spends sm time out as invincible, neglecting his social life and mental health to the point he quits college, and he gets beat up a lot while doing it. so yeah--
self-destructive tendencies
"-having to confront he sees the exact thing in Wasp to a slightly different degree" i will ALWAYS love making them deal with the constant reminders that they're the same person
they deal w stuff in similar ways but to different degrees and realizing that gives them psychic damage like that magic squirrel in mca so they just preted they don't exist
unless it's to like. bring the other to their side
"you like fighting too. violence is in you, it's part of you. you're always covered in blood. all that's left, would be your hands" VS "you're me, and i'm you. we have similar thoughts, and that means i- y'know. but it means you are, too. you have a chance. and get that blood off you-- you need a shower"
because it is, in a way, his world too
he grew up in it. raised differently, yes, but still on earth
he was always different from the rest, getting his powers at an early age and all, but it's still the place he grew up in
not all the memories from it can be bad, right?
ANDDDDD... wasp reminding ppl of how strong he is regularly
"i could pull out your spine in a second." he says that out of nowhere, in a conversation that would've seemed normal to literally anyone else. he says it like it's nothing much. "i could kill you." you know he could, but you still wonder
would he? with how he is, with his inability to escape --- would he?
also he has fun when he watches the color drain from their faces
"Rudy has psychological profiles on all his friends he regularly updates like a diary, and he has one for himself too." NO BUT THIS IS SO IN CHARACTER FOR HIM
wasp talks shit about mark to anyone avaliable and rudy is no exception. even tho he finds him deeply annoying
honestly wasp is capable of doing p much anything to mess with mark
the self-hatred is strong with this one too master!!! (sw ref again lol)
wasp saying mark breathes annoyingly is such a sibling thing tho. "why are you chewing like that" "stop biting your stupid fork" "the way you cut your food is so weird" "your handwriting sucks, don't hold the pencil like that" etc etc etc
ANDD "he knew what wasp was going to say" DUDE YES??
he's talking and he gets. a feeling. and he turns to wasp, who is opening his mouth, and says "don't you fucking dare"
same w wasp. mark is annoying little shit too sometimes, he's also a teenager. so he infuriates wasp too
mark calls him a hypocrite
imagine if ppl actually start calling them that tho
one day wasp calls mark to their? his? room and is like, "holy shit look at this" and shows him their? his computer
mark doesn't understand, until he sees the title and image of the video
"the twin terrors of heroism, terrorizing the terrorists once again" and its a picture of them kicking ass
"twin terrors of-- oh, come on, really?" "yes" "they couldnt have at least called us the invincibles or something?" "that'd be even worse" "...alright, i'll give you that" "..." "...." "they think we're like the fucking mauler twins" "oh you have got to be--"
ALSO this is so funny, them being like "mark/wasp" when they show up hurt or smth. everyone just learning to accept it. i mean what are they going to do. fight against two gods??
AND YES YES YES DO TAG ME IN IT!!!! if i make anything about this au (posts, fics, drawings, u name it) i will tag u too
alcohol doesn't really affect viltrumites i think, but there has got to be something that gets them drunk
nolan could've taught wasp how to make it. if the ingredients are on earth, then he would maybe try to prepare it on mark's earth. mark shows up and sees that he's drunk. he goes "nope" and gets drunk too, maybe on accident maybe not. debbie shows up and sees her two superpowered sons sobbing over a bowl of popcorn
alternate version: gasoline gets them drunk
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persnicketypomelo · 2 years
Yoooooo, @persnicketykumquat, this is me again, lol!! I ask of ur amazingness if u may... If u want to, by any chance, may u please do a headcanon of James Norrington if he fell for a pirate, please! We appreciate u!!!!🩵💙🩵~~~~☁️
He is actually my favorite character of all the movies, so it's funny you asked!
I ended up describing a female reader more, just inherently because the structure of your life was different based on gender in this time, and it's very hard to stay gender neutral
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Yandere James Norrington Pursuing a Pirate
There are many reasons you may have chosen a life of piracy
Perhaps, born into poverty, you seek out a crew to plunder valuables with as an escape from a life of scarcity
Or perhaps, born to a relatively affluent shopkeeper, you save funds to purchase a hefty ship in hopes of exploration: to see a world beyond England
Maybe you are fortunate enough to be born wealthy, but wishing for the thrill of adventure, you steal your dowry, or other funds of money from your family, to buy a ship and sail away
I think all these different situations would alter the way Norrington develops an obsession with you
If you are already born into privilege, as the child to a title-bearing, land-owning father, you would likely have made James Norrington's acquaintance after debuting into society
Since he laid eyes on you, he fell besotted with your appearance
Being from a family with prestigious name would amplify his obsession with you from the start, as he can marry you both to satisfy own infatuation, and for your well-known family name
Even if you were from a well-to-do merchant or member of the gentry, it wouldn't be far out-of-place for someone of his social rank to marry you
However, being born into poverty or as a member of the yeomanry, I don't think he would have a reason to meet you before chasing you as a pirate
Once you commit to a life of piracy, he would begin to take notice of you
You and your crew become a real thorn in the side of the East India Trading Company, plundering cargo ships and stealing their goods
At first your skills in looting and making a quick escape are a nuisance only worthy of "wanted" posters that send scrappy bounty hunters after you
These bounty hunters have the tendency to end up at the bottom of the ocean, however
Soon it is clear that you're no longer a fly that needs swatting, but rather a wasp that needs to be exterminated
Your piracy has become a real detriment to the East India Company's profits
Norrington, either voluntarily or under orders, takes a ship and seeks out you and your crew
Even if he knew you before, he would have no way of knowing you were to become a dreaded pirate
All he knows is that you had disappeared, and were presumably kidnapped, or worse, dead
No matter how elusive you may be, Norrington has years of experience in catching pirates
Talent and luck can't equate to experience--he's been at this far longer than you've been a pirate
So when he eventually ambushes your ship, you're woefully unequipped to prevent the grappling hooks from chipping into the side of your ships, and hopelessly outnumbered by navy officers
If he recognizes you from before your days of piracy, his heart might as well stop in his chest once he sees you now
He would be far more merciful towards you if he knew you before, believing himself capable of reforming you from your ways
Otherwise, he feels that his attraction towards you is a betrayal to his values, but at the same time it would crush him to dispose of you as he does with other pirates
As he gets to know you, he might twist it into his head that you are a victim and that he can save you and show you the error in your ways, specifically if you grew up from a poor background
And if you manage to escape...
He's done foolish things to take down pirates he hates, but for someone he loves...you'd best believe he would chase you to the ends of the world to capture you again
Overall, I think he would be much more lenient towards you if he knew you before you turned into a pirate
He believes that you must have been led astray by some evil influence, or forced into your lifestyle
Whereas if he didn't know you before, he may be harsher towards you in combating his own inner turmoil of having feelings for you
He may feel he has to make an example of you, not just for others, but for himself
You're not someone he can marry...so how have you gotten him so wrapped around your finger?
Either way, you don't want to face the wrath of this navy officer
I'd suggest you make haste now in escaping, as he won't be giving you a head start
He'd travel through hell to get you back in his grasp
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onenicebugperday · 1 year
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Bug haul: Some very nice shlugs, some beetle, a freshly baked cicada and hopper of sorts
And I caught a beedrill! :) (He gave me a heart attack) (he landed on my hand at first) (im so glad I didn’t immediately swat him away when I felt smth land on me, he was very polite and nice)
I wonder if the reason why there’s so many slugs in our yard at night is because they like eating the fallen flowers? I see them, on the flowers specifically, all the time.
Anyways the baby shluggies
All found in PA
Quite possibly! Slugs are big fans of all sorts of delicious foliage. And I too am glad you didn't swat the polite wasp lady! These are all delightful friends :)
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