#i swear i can animate it just depends on my motivation
louellaby · 9 months
「 With You Under It All 」
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When an animation attempt turned into an illustration...
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Hiii can I request karma akabane with a shy s/o who’s scared all the time and is usually alone they may be smart but their sensitive if you want to I mean you did get 131 requests so
Sure! I probably should've done his general concept first but oh well 🤷‍♀️ General concept may repeat some things when it comes out. Aged up as usual. I hope he isn't too OOC, still new to this anime and tried to do my research.
Yandere! Karma Akabane with Shy! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Manipulation, Obsessive behavior, Sadism, A bit of swearing, Possessive behavior, Violence, Attempted murder, PDA briefly mentioned, Clingy behavior, Karma is neglected by his parents in canon I think, Forced relationship implied.
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Karma has been neglected by his parents, as a result he's a rebellious and violent kid.
Even when he tried to use his violence for the right thing... he was punished for it.
Now that's landed him in Class E with a looming threat that the world will end soon.
That's when he meets you, a shy but smart student who didn't seem to deserve being here.
You were clever and smart in your own way but it still landed you in Class E, for a punishment or for other means.
Karma's attention isn't on you until after he mellows out in Class E.
By now he's quieter but still really mischievous and smart.
Karma could be considered a trickster who often misbehaves but usually with good motives.
Karma notices you and your nature the more Class E bonds.
You intrigue him... an outcast in a sea of outcasts.
You're quiet and always focusing on your work... yet really skilled in planning for Class E.
When he first talks to you he comes off as intimidating.
After all, you've been observing him from afar like the rest of your classmates...
He's clever, skilled in taking down opponents, willing to bend the rules and easily one of the strongest students in the class.
Him talking to you throws you for a loop.
Something about you intrigues him and makes him drawn to you.
You being so quiet and scared all the time makes him wonder why you were placed here of all places.
To put it simply... Karma wants to know more about you despite your reluctance.
Leading into his persistent and dangerous yandere behavior towards you.
Karma is Manipulative/Cunning, Obsessive, Sadistic, Impulsive, Jealous, yet also Empathetic and Laid-back.
Karma likes to mess with people.
He'd do the same to a timid and shy darling, liking your reactions.
The look he gives you when teasing you is smug and mischievous.
Karma's crush on you is under the radar except to those who know him well.
Even when Karma is just being playful towards you it feels demeaning or unnerving.
The closest the class gets is rumors but Karma isn't too happy about the idea of you knowing how he feels towards you yet.
It'll take time for Karma to get you to open up.
You tend to avoid him and shiver in your spot when he comes near.
Karma is patient with you and aims to be your closest friend.
You've been alone and prefer to stay away from your classmates...
Karma is determined to be the first one who's close to you.
Soon you two become friends for the most part after an agonizing amount of time.
It's an unlikely pair in the class but that doesn't change Karma's mind.
Karma seems to have enough charisma to get you to trust him.
He's so good at playing with other people's minds that he plans to make you forget your fear of him.
Your fear wasn't misplaced, however, as Karma is bad news.
Karma will make his darling depend on him.
He can be jealous towards his other classmates but usually hides it.
Although he's ruthless when he does use violence against others.
Your shy behavior makes you a target to those outside of Class E.
You may get pushed around and called a freak... which leads to a very pissed Karma.
Being in an assassination class means Karma could care less if he has to use violence as a yandere.
Could be just to injure others... could be to fatally wound them.
Karma goes insane over his darling.
If you're shy it just makes him want to 'play' with you.
Only Karma can tease your reclusive behavior, smiling at your flushed face and futile attempts to ignore him.
The second someone else does it, Karma is staring at them from across the room.
Which soon leads to a fight started by Karma.
When he does ask you out and you comply (by force or not) Karma can be possessive.
Karma normally isn't one for PDA but will try it to make a point.
To be honest, Karma probably struggles with healthy love due to being neglected when he was young.
This means he tends to cling to his darling and refuses to give you up.
Your shy behavior even makes Karma want to protect you as he is the most skilled.
Karma is not one to show mercy to those who try to take you from him.
He's empathetic towards you and your problems but keeps others away by threats and violence...
Karma knows his shy darling likes to be reclusive, so isn't he helping by isolating them?
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ace-touya · 9 months
Headcanons I Have For Some of 1-A
Not all of these are my own and some are very popular/common, but I thought of a lot of them myself too!
Izuku Midoriya
His mum taught him to crochet
His favourite fruit is apples
Before he got One For All he’d try to be a hero by doing cliche good guy things, like helping old people cross the road and getting cats out of trees
Mumbles hero facts in his sleep
Tells his mum about Ochaco all the time
As a child, because he knows his dad’s quirk was breathing fire, he once asked his mother of Endeavour was his dad
Autism and ADHD, heroes are his special interest
Shoto Todoroki
He’s autistic, this is barely a headcanon at this point it may as well be canon
Uses he/him, but doesn’t really care if people use other pronouns
He stimmed a lot as a child but was constantly told off for it until he stopped, now he can barely recognise his own emotions because his stims were different depending on how he felt
He only takes cold showers
When he started talking to them, he would ask Natsuo and Fuyumi to tell him stories about Touya
Katsuki Bakugo
He’s gay
Hard of hearing from his explosions, Class 1-A are trying to learn sign, Present Mic is helping because he’s also hoh from his own quirk
stole some of Izuku’s All Might merch when they were children because he was too embarrassed to ask for any
his favourite colour is pink
he’s genuinely scared of his mother
him and Ochaco have been close friends ever since the Sports Festival, but he won’t admit it
Has really bad ADHD posture
makes tiny explosions as visual stims
One of his ways to distress is by cleaning, but because of his ADHD he struggles to actually clean, so he continues to be stressed
Ochaco Uraraka
Before they moved into dorms, she used to save food from the cafeteria to take home to her parents
Can carry Izuku, Iida and Katsuki. Katsuki swears she’s using her quirk, but she isn’t
She has ADHD, and finds it really hard to think before she speaks, also tending to interrupt people a lot
Her attention span is non-existent, and in middle school she was always scared of telling her teachers she couldn’t focus or hadn’t been listening, but she finds it a lot easier to do that in UA
She plays Animal Crossing New Horizons on Izuku’s Nintendo Switch
Tenya Iida
Autistic as well
Talks really fast most of the time
Dresses up as his brother for Halloween almost every year
He made a group chat for class 1-A for important things but everyone just uses it to send memes that he doesn’t understand
Momo Yaoyorozu
Having her hair up helps her focus like Violet from a Series of Unfortunate Events
She’s autistic as well, and really struggles with social cues, especially flirting
make-up gives her sensory issues
Midnight was the only teacher Momo confided in about her low self esteem. The fact that Midnight believed in her helped her stay motivated when she didn’t believe in herself
She gives the best presents because she can buy expensive things and if she can’t find anything she thinks people will like she just makes them stuff
Tsuyu Asui
Uses she/they pronouns
Has synetshesia, and will randomly tell her classmates that their voice tastes like x, or their name is y colour. For example, Ochaco’s voice tastes like marshmallows and Katsuki’s name is yellow
Also autistic! She does t-rex arms all the time canonically
She likes styling the other 1-A girls hairs
Eijiro Kirishima
Wears eyeliner
made the Bakusquad group chat
He looks up to Mina and Fatgum even more than he looks up to Crimson Riot
He’s banned from the dorm room kitchen by Katsuki
ADHD! Executive Dysfunction has it out for this man and the rest of the class basically keep him alive
Kyouka Jiro
sensory overloads constantly
listens to music to help her sleep
she video calls her parents almost every day in the dorms
Exclusively drinks fizzy drinks
Takes a lot of photos of random things that her classmates do, and makes it into a photo album
Denki Kaminari
Trans masc
Pulls finger guns whenever he compliments anyone
Has a really wide range of music tastes
Tries his very best to keep Mineta in check
He loves just dance
Fumikage Tokoyami
Uses they/them pronouns
Their room is usually a mess. Clothes everywhere.
writes and reads poetry, their favourite is The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe
Chirps as a stim
Knows morse code. Nobody knows why
Yuga Aoyama
Attracted to men
Does yoga
Cheese is his comfort food
He’s autistic too. Nobody in this class is nuerotypical, not even their homeroom teacher
Knows how to braid hair
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that-left-turn · 14 days
I’m not the anon who mentioned the slightly racist behavior but I am an anon who just saw on Twitter that the actor who plays RJ’s parents saw the hate and racist edits people have made regarding him. Replacing him with a picture of a goat. Removing him from pictures and only leaving Judith. Calling him names. Questioning if he’s Rick’s. Calling Judith the last grimes when she’s biologically not one at all. Nothing is ever explicitly racist it’s the under tones and motives for why you attack a person or pick them apart. And then swearing you never saw any of that happen. This is why when Carylers want to holler about ageism and sexism but lean into racism no one hears us. All of the isms are bad. Not just the one that affects you.
Let me preface this by disclosing that I'm not on Twitter, so I haven't personally seen these things, BUT that doesn't make the behavior any less problematic. If someone reading this has said or done any of the things the anon mentions and isn't sure what the fuss is about, my post attempts to explain why and give some context.
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It's long (☕🛋️) with thoughts on racism, parenthood, female friendship and the writing of fictional children, touching on misogyny and sexism, with a foray into (in)fidelity and textual analysis. In other words, the kitchen sink on Michonne and Carol, and their found family. Bring snacks.
Saying things that imply someone isn't fully human (even if you think goats are adorable) isn't nice for obvious reasons, but if it's a person of color, it's also fraught with racist undertones:
During the abolitionist movement, there was debate on whether black people had souls and if they were even human. Abducted and trafficked or bred into the plantation system, slaves were property and in legal documents (slave rolls, wills, and censuses) of the time, they weren't listed by name. There were tick marks for male/female and approximate age. The Three-Fifths Compromise (1787) counts each slave as three-fifths of a person for state representation (in Congress and taxes), which basically means that white people got a bigger say in governance while the enslaved definitely weren't citizens and didn't enjoy equal protection under the law.
Take a moment to consider what that would do to your self-esteem, if you were told you're worth 60% of another human but only insofar as it guarantees their rights to self-determination? You’re just chattel. The 13th Amendment (1865) abolished slavery, i.e. humans could no longer be owned, the 14th (1868) afforded citizenship and the 15th (1870) protects the right to vote regardless of race, color or previous condition of servitude, but these amendments also gave rise to the vile Black Codes and Jim Crow laws. That's the context into which comments on a POC's physical resemblance to an animal or their feral/beastly nature slot.
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What's the preoccupation with biological procreation in fandom, especially when the concept of ‘found family’ is the core of the show?
Adopted children are 'real' children, stepparents are the ones who 'step up.' They make a choice to parent—to guide and protect—someone into adulthood. That's not a small challenge. Like Carol said when she and Daryl searched for Judith in the Commonwealth, "there's this person totally dependent on you and you have to hope you make the right choices." Anyone can father a child, but to be a good dad requires commitment and love for said child. Rick chose Judith, i.e. acknowledged paternity. She is a Grimes, regardless of genetic matter. Any other argument is underpinned by misogyny and sexism.
There's no reason to doubt that RJ is Rick's biological son. Michonne was bereft and out in the woods, searching for signs of Rick. Her only company was Daryl who's a brother(-in-law) to her. Grief makes you do some funky things, but this was not the first time these two scoured the countryside in the wake of someone's death. They searched for the Governor after Merle and Andrea's murders—this is how they mourn.
It's incredibly insulting to Michonne to assume that she would either cheat on Rick or sleep with someone else right after the bridge blew up. Remember how angry and determined early-season Michonne was in the wake of her oldest son's death? This is a woman who isolates and internalizes her grief. She's not someone who numbs her pain with sex, so assuming her infidelity—counter to what the narrative tells us about her personality—is extremely problematic.
If we go back to examine the slave system again, after the Atlantic slave trade closed (1808), the plantations had to become self-sustaining. Female slaves were bred, often by their masters or some other white man of influence on the plantation. When the plantation owner then sold that progeny, he sold off his own children. (Sit with that thought for a second, particularly if you think biology is what defines paternity.) Black women's bodies were a commodity. They didn't have a right to consent, or a choice in having their children taken from them.
With Lori, viewers were explicitly told biological paternity might be different, but we also saw a discussion between Rick and Lori where practical paternity was decided. In the case of RJ, we have not been shown any evidence that paternity is anything other than Rick’s. The narrative doesn’t support any such theories because Michonne has shown no sexual or romantic interest in anyone else.
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Michonne and Carol have far more in common than what sets them apart. They both lost biological children early in the apocalypse. They both assumed parental roles for other children and lost them. They became fierce and strategic warriors, leaders of the communities. They both saved Judith by killing one or many other children. They both went on a quest to find a man and bring him home.
There's no reason for fans to pit them on opposing sides. We only saw glimpses of their relationship to one another in S9-10, where they sometimes came to issues from different ends. Not unlike how 'real' family functions. Michonne told Daryl, more than once—before he went to meet Carol at the dock and again after the parlay with Alpha, that Carol's place is with them, that she belongs. Michonne was understandably concerned with Carol's lack of sleep, with taking pills and sneaking off on fishing boats, but she inquired about Carol's dreams and tried to communicate that she has to put her responsibility towards the community before Carol's need for revenge.
That's not unlike a negotiation/disagreement between sisters. It doesn’t mean Michonne doesn’t care for Carol. She has a role to play within the family dynamics and towards helping Carol land in a better place, mentally and emotionally. Daryl's role is one of unwavering support and unconditional love. He can't tell Carol home truths and set boundaries/expectations, so someone else has to fulfill that function. Who better than the other woman who has also lost children?
The show, for most of its run, dismissed women's friendships as trivial and they were marginalized to the point of onscreen nonexistence. The women have friendships with men and male friendships are well represented, but the portrayal of friendships between women vanished after Lori died. There was a brief interlude of Maggie and Sasha, but it isn't until we see the remaining trio of Georgia ladies have a conversation in 901 that we start getting regular little peeks at women's familial interactions.
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The problem with RJ is that he has no personality. I suspect that the writers' room bumped against the limitations of the actor, so what we see onscreen is an attempt at hiding that. That's why RJ is absorbed by his comics when little Anthony, quite literally, reads his lines. If you can't depend on a young actor to deliver for a story arc, their use becomes limited to 'cute prop' and the trouble with casting very young characters is that you never know how the acting will eventually turn out.
Writing kids/teens is also a skill and one at which I don't think TWDU is very adept. The kid characters have to service the greater storyline, but very often end up dumbed down or become the yoda of the show because the room can't figure out what their function is beyond "plot device." Baby Yoda is endearing because he's an alien and functions within established parameters of the narrative/setting. Hershel and Ginny in Dead City aren't and neither is the French Messiah, Laurent, because none of them feel like real teenagers. They're sullen and obstinate to suit the story engine, but have no character development of their own.
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firstdivisiongirl · 3 months
hii can i get a male match up please for tokyo revengers :) im a she/her - sorry if theres quite a bit here D:
- i like animals especially red pandas and i also like bugs too. i also sometimes like to read both manga and actual books, i like any theme but when it comes to manga i either like shonen or stories like goodnight punpun/ a girl on the shore
im very enthusiastic towards music, i listen to any genre. i can go from heavy mental and rock, to goth, to something like lana del ray where i feel like i need to be in the rain with red wine, to calm/ smthin indie, sole crushing, and then scene. theres a whole lot more i could add. lemme also add in midwest emo.
- i cant exactly pinpoint what i dislike aside from the wind because it messes up with my hair, i swear if the wind was a solid id have it knocked down immediately. though I also tend to get annoyed by people that don't use common sense.
- my hobies incule art, i have a lot of sketchbooks and majority of my lessons are done by doodling and getting told off by my the teacher cause i dont pay attention, but i still carry on. i also like to make jewelry such as bracelets/neclases, their mainly beaded but their still cute to wear and i like to make bracelets for close people
- (just for extra info here →) im mentaly unstable and have severe attached issues as well as issues with family on every aspect. id like to get better, however i just end up going down a loop hole so i cant/dont which makes everything much harder than it needs to be.
- my energy gets drained QUICK so im mostly a listener rather than a speaker when it comes to social interactions, however i do have my days where i can be jumpy and almost euthoric and talk like my life depends on it with a lot of excitement
- also i can get sudden motivation that i end up reorganising my room, one day it'd look that then after 4 months itd look like this. i tend to do spontanious little things here and there when im in a good mood and that includes in dying/cutting my hair. also ive pierced myself 6x with thumb tacks and their all healed very nicely. i have 9 ear piercings in total.
- never was much of an academic person in school, but i tend to be smart outside of it and i find enjoyment in observing people and using my own thoughts rather than finding sources
- i wont call myself shy, maybe at first sure but as i get comfortable i can go all out and i dont mind in making the first move as long as i get the same energy back, otherwise if that energy isn't given then ill forget all about them.
- i can be extremely clingy when i want to be, i hold back in latching onto someone on a daily basis. i wanna hold someone's hand, be on their back like a bag, and just overall connect soles. im touch starved and overall I can be very affectionate physically, though I'm awful at using my words for affection.
Hello! There isn’t too much. It’s actually a good thing. That means it’s easier to pick because I know more about you. It makes the match more accurate. So let’s go!
You Got…
Izana Kurokawa!!!!!
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Boy is all about loyalty and keeping those he loves around!! So you wanting to be clingy, is perfect!!!
He’s a leader so he would do all the talking for you
Very patient (we saw his like 8 year plan to take down Mikey lol) so if you are struggling with anything, he’s there for you.
Would play music for you on his guitar. I think indie rock probably.
Idk why but I also called him a human red panda. The reason his because he looks cute but is a menance like red pandas.
At home dates or concerts! I hope you like the matchup!!!
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natsarrownecklacx · 10 months
Commission Information
Why Commission Me For My Work?
➳ When commissioning me for a fic it becomes my top priority for writing, alone with any other commissioned fics. 
➳ I will spend more time on commissions making sure the quality is worth commission while also, by absolute magic I swear, getting it to you faster than regular requests. 
➳ It would also help out your local Amatur Author, aka me, while I try to save for college.
Types Of Commissions I’ll Be Doing:
➳ Character x Reader Fics.
➳ Character x Character Fics.
➳ “Open When” Type Fics.
➳ Continuation of any series or one shots I've already written for.
➳ The “Open When” fics are going to be letters from a character of your choice to you on a specific time that you request. 
➳ Examples of the “Open When” fics: 
   ➳ From Natasha, open when you can’t sleep.
   ➳ From Wanda, open when you feel sick.
   ➳ From Kate, open when you need motivation.
Prices For Commissions:
➳ I chose these prices for my commissions because I want them to be affordable for everyone who may want them, while also being able to benefit from them. 
➳ Prices for basic fics: 
     ➳ 100 - 900 words - 3 euro
     ➳ 1,000 words - 5 euro
     ➳ 1,500 words - 7 euro
     ➳ 2,000 words - 10 euro
     ➳ 2,500 words - 12 euro
     ➳ 3,000 words - 15 euro 
     ➳ 3,500 words - 20 euro 
➳ Anything over 3,500 words will have to be discussed privately depending on the length of the fic requested.
➳ When choosing the length of the fic you want please consider the amount of specific details you want in the fic, a lot of specifics may need a longer fic, though I will do my best to fit all requested details into requested fic length regardless of word count. 
➳ Prices for “Open When” fics: 
➳  1,000 words - 2 euro
➳ 2,000 words - 5 euro
➳ Anything over 2,000 words can be discussed privately.
➳ The prices on these fics are different to regular fics as I feel they would be requested mostly for comfort / times when you need to hear from your comfort character and I want that to be available for anyone who would need / want it. 
➳ These fics are not restricted to purely comfort letters from a character of your choice.
➳ If personal details are wanted in the fic, Eg. Favorite food, drink, movie, song, animal ect. or any other details please add that into the request. 
Who I Write For: 
➳ Romantically: 
   ➳ Natasha Romanoff
   ➳ Wanda Maximoff
   ➳ Carol Danvers
   ➳ Kate Bishop 
   ➳ Agatha Harkness
   ➳ Yelena Belova
   ➳ Jane Banner 
   ➳ Delilah Green 
   ➳ Leigh Shaw 
   ➳ The Thirteenth Doctor 
   ➳ Missy 
   ➳ I would also write for variants of the characters listed above Eg Vampire Natasha or Venom Wanda. If you want a variant of the characters listed above just add it to your commission request and I’ll let you know if I’d be comfy writing for that specific variant.
   ➳ If there are any characters not on the list that you would like to commission a fic for send me an anon or message me and I’ll let you know if I’d be comfortable writing for them. 
   ➳ I only write for female or non binary characters romantically. I do not and will not write romantic fics with male characters.
➳ Platonically: 
   ➳ All of the characters listed above in the “romantically” section.
   ➳ Tony Stark
   ➳ Clint Barton
   ➳ Peter Parker
   ➳ Shuri
   ➳ Okoye
   ➳ Bucky Barnes
   ➳ Kamala Khan
   ➳ Rocket
   ➳ Venom
   ➳ Miles Morales
   ➳ Jeff the land shark  
   ➳ If there are any characters not on the list that you would like to commission a fic for send me an anon or message me and I’ll let you know if I’d be comfortable writing for them. 
   ➳ I would also write for variants of the characters listed above Eg Vampire Natasha or Venom Wanda. If you want a variant of the characters listed above just add it to your commission request and I’ll let you know if I’d be comfy writing for that specific variant.
➳ Reader:
   ➳ Female Reader
   ➳ Gender Neutral / Non Binary Reader
   ➳ I will not write for male reader. 
What I Will Write For: 
➳ Fluff
➳ Smut 
➳ Hurt / Comfort
➳ Angst
➳ For Smut:
   ➳ Mommy Kink
   ➳ Daddy Kink
   ➳ Edging 
   ➳ Thigh Riding 
   ➳ Praise Kink
   ➳ Degrading Kink
   ➳ Orgasm Denial
   ➳ Overstimulation 
➳ Any questions don’t be afraid to ask me, I’m nice I swear :) 
➳ If there is a kink not on the list that you want to commission a fic on don’t be afraid to ask but please check what I won’t write for first to make sure its not there. 
What I Won't Write For: 
➳ Pedophilia.
➳ Incest.
➳ Necrophilia.
➳ Sexual Abuse.
➳ Graphic Violence.
➳ Male Character x Reader.
➳  If you want to commission a fic on something I haven’t listed in either the will write for or won’t write for section don’t be afraid to ask me and I’ll let you know if I’m comfortable writing for whatever it is :)
How To Commission Me:
➳ Message me directly, I’m nice I promise. That way we can talk about the length of the fic you want, what character / characters you want in the fic, the main storyline / what main points you want in the fic. 
➳ Commissions can be made through my buy me a coffee which I have linked in my navigation post.
➳ When you message me we can also talk about a realistic timeline for when you’ll get the fic.
➳ If you have any questions you want answered before making an official request my asks are always open. 
➳ Absolutely no one has permission to repost my work and claim it as their own, whether they have commissions me for the work or not. 
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nogenderbee · 1 month
No cause im feeling shitty rn🙁 like genuine💩 nevertheless, i still have time woohoo!!!
Im feeling devious😈🙏🏻 so 2 questions lolol so the first one is whats a trait you have or like something about you that you are ashamed off(if its too personal for you, pls do skip☹️) and the 2nd one would be, what kind of event in prsk you wish would happen?
For the 1st question, i dont like how i get angry easily and i like, instantly lash out🙁🙁 like today, i got mad at my sister so much that i sent her messages of telling her how useless she is... I dont really want to vent but i just needed to like... Let things out yknow? I really don't like that part abt myself☹️
For the second question, i really want a cowboy/cowgirl event!! Like maybe those characters visited an animal sanctuary or smth and the trained version of the cards is like.. riding horses? If they do have that event OMGG it better be akito, MEIKO, an, kanade, mizuki and tsukasa?(I just put random chrs there lol) I think it'd be
4★tsukasa, kanade(she dsrvs plenty of 4 stars!!) and akito
Also have you seen the new vbs event cards, i like how they changed an's hair color into black and red!! Ankoha fans are cheering but im not a ankoha shipper so idk how to feel🙁
-daily! Anon
Omg darl if you feel bad take breaks pls ToT and take care of yourself there!!
As for questions, I don't mind! I just think it might be a bit triggering?? Not sure-
But yeah, I relate to anger issues- like I have similar problem to be honest T-T But I don't wanna repeat so I'll also say something else!
So my trait I'm ashamed of is that I'm kinda disgusting?? Like- in saying I can not wash my hair or myself for 2 weeks just because it's vacation and I don't have a reason since I'm not going out either way- I'm trying not to but yeah- it's.. well it depends of a day I guess? But hair often gets to me so it's my motivator, so we're going somewhere I guess!
As for second question, I would LOVE a ghost event!! But like... characters are ghost! Or like Vocaloid-characters place switch! So characters are kinda "stuck" in SEKAI and Vocaloids struggle to find their true feelings! Tho that I feel like could be more of an April Fool's event...
Real one would be ghost! And half of squad would be ghost, the others maybe ghost hunters or detectives or so?
I dunno, I just think some paranormal au x pjsk could be interesting!
I swear I kicked my feet and was this 🤏 close to changing my pfp-
Like excuse me?!! An why you screaming at your girlfriend?!!! Why am I loving it?!
It's just so cool, I swear, can VBS have an event with An in gacha that I DON'T want to pull on? The answer is simple. No.
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writer59january13 · 1 year
I, A. Robbie - Ham guilty for gobbledygook...
and ruffling turkey feathers! An innocent A1 miss steak kin kith once, a former main lion resident
living social where Tigress and Euphrates
converge and pool into Lake Wobegone
necessitate extensible claws
to CAPTCHA unsuspecting top notch praise
omnipresent among cat skills
hidden from public scrutiny
iz cow herd vegetarian boar
hoof faux whatever reason explore ring beak homing hootie and the blowfish foo fighting beastie boy
regarding akin getting turned into transgender
goo goo doll, who doth newt practice, what he/she preaches
nevertheless please befriend me a (goofball - gipper generic and gallant
aging baby boomer and
long haired pencil necked geek i.e.) your
truly audacious, efficacious,
judicious, and perspicacious
wordsmith, who though married
thwarts egg gone eye zing hen pecking courtesy unnamed ruler of roost.
Mystery man battens down amply spacious (think webbed wide wolf gang proof)
lot for free roaming chickens, who as little chicks respond courtesy peep so cute, I vowed to become vegetarian disassembled cramped coop hatches, though impossible mission
to swear off being craving meat
even if juiced a braised animal morsel
whets appetite of carnivore
so... call me galore re: us hypocritical plant dependent chap, this honest to dog omnivore – more accurately said buzzfeeding primate - Homo sapiens, he whelk hams adieu after quick bonjour hears ear splitting donkey hote tee mockery
analogous feat cheering despondent eeyore nudging deaf finning stubbornness quite a chore to motivate Jenny, she finally relents
and distills mine genuine goodness
qua gentle prodding unable to ignore, especially sensing favorite treat
which carrot and stick ruse admits transgression,
and slyness teasing out desired objective,
similar to wily, totally tubular quirky logophile
employing double entendres,
now wonders wherefore whether thou art still game to read remaining adore
hub bull poetry of mine understandable if ye deplore such tongue in cheek
atrocious, egregious, ingenious, opprobrious...,
(just shy violating ethical core
puss regarding straying) against dietary herbivore
rudimentary eel lamb ants (chocolate covered my dear Watson)
boot fault in the starfish...por
favor mice elf can oxe plain twittering like plover
with reasonable rhyme for sure
don't get doggy dimples in bunch
cause to skewer me but... but before...
sending killing squad to slaughter - this puppy, aye kindly honour
my wish and don me noggin with pompadour
as fetching drag queen
torpedo sized bosom
squirting parti-color
milk as self defense mechanism
averting casus belli, thus amidst melee I abhor
find self on horns of dilemma
life story of this poor
cooked goose flambé
caught between rock and trapdoor
special cannibal Buddha delight
where madding crowd chants "send him back" accursed unconscionable roar
ring anger, but lurch for eats,
an impulsive reflex courtesy extempore
rain nee yes unforgivable poor craven impulse to up peas hunger uncontrollably craving regarding carnivore
pang additionally not further injure
ring innocent animals plus more
to this fishy tail than meats the Wawa birdseye.
0 notes
However, he was caught by the girl's guilty look on her face as she lowered her head, savoring her ice cream.
"Don't worry, I'm just kidding." He looked at her in disbelief. When I asked you to take a seat, I texted a friend my reasons why he wasn't going today.
"Did you tell him about me?"
—Well… Not exactly… I said something else as a reference to something that happened yesterday in class. Nervous at his comment, he went on to savor his ice cream.
-Something happened?
“N-Forget it, it's not important right now.
Boruto couldn't tell her about his painful moments from yesterday at his own school; from receiving all kinds of attacks by his sensei, falling ill to almost dying in the middle of the exam and as if that were not enough, his nurse was hinting at him.
Things like that he would prefer to leave to himself, and more to a girl he was barely getting to know.
—Continuing with what was before, this place is a huge city where there are only schools for all ages, depending on whether they have the necessary requirements.
"And those would be?"
—Well, the most normal ones are that you have an average of at least seventy points. In the greatest of cases better ninety points. She continued looking out the shop window.
Uzumaki never lacked average, since that was one of the qualities most highlighted by those who knew him. Those years in which his mother educated him at home served a lot, plus there was a season in which he felt bored and motivated after spending his 8 years.
"And what would be the other conditions?"
"The last condition to enter." He paused briefly, looking at some of the students passing by. That would be that you have managed to have your Gift .
"Your gift?" What's that?
—Basically, that you have passed through your Awakening stage , the moment in which you are getting your Gift , Those people who get to have it, are easily accepted and allow them to enter a school here much easier 'ttebasa.
"I understand." The girl seemed much more satisfied with Boruto's explanation, but her face returned to a worried one. But, I still don't know what your gift is...
"In easy terms, it would be supernatural abilities," Boruto said. But of course, they are not abilities that are created as if by magic or without explanation, but rather through the branch of science.
"So those abilities were given thanks to scientists by experiments?"
The young woman's speculations brought a smile to the Uzumaki's face, as if he was seeing a little girl fully understanding things more advanced for her brain.
He did not consider her to be a fool or naive, but since she was someone who did not remember much, several factors were integrated that she had to take into account when explaining. And now, here she was, believing in things beyond her capabilities.
"No, nothing like that." A small laugh began to form on her lips. It was a long time ago in an accident, in which nobody noticed it in time in this same city years ago. There were exposures to a phenomenon, which was the trigger for research with the genetic change that came and from there it was concluded that our entire body can develop abilities; such as telekinesis, throwing fireballs, generating heat by controlling your temperature, having superhuman strength, talking to animals, etc. It's all done with science. That is why that phenomenon is called as Awakening into which one enters. You awaken the new human evolution.
"Now I see it very complicated, but I think I already get it." He barely smiled, looking carefully at his ice cream and then looking at Boruto expectantly. Uzumaki-kun, what skill do you have? What is your gift?
As soon as he heard that, Uzumaki swears he missed something at that moment. He didn't know very well what it was, whether it was her pride, the girl's good impression —which he was about to lose—, her hopes, the patience of being with this girl, etc.
The only thing he would like now was nothing more than to go to his apartment and lie down in his bed to sleep. She hopefully she might wake up and find out that everything that's going on is just a bad dream.
He didn't hesitate to lower his ice cream to the table, while looking the other way with a gloomy look and sorrow without leaving aside his smile.
“I have no ability. -She said.
-Hey? How?
Just listening to the tone of the girl's voice, it was more than clear that his expectations had been lowered to such an extent that he doubted that he was still expecting something great from him.
—I said… that I don't have any Gift… —he kept looking away without looking at her face out of pity and annoyance.
That was all Boruto could hear from her after what she said. He was sure she meant to cheer him up, that awkward silence he introduced was an indication of that. However, what was clear was that it was better not to bring it up again for the rest of the day. He didn't want to be reminded of her worthlessness just yet, least of all in the presence of a girl he didn't know.
Since Uzumaki wasn't going to go to school today, he dedicated it to just being with the girl in some parts of the city that he frequented the most.
He wasn't sure if it had been a good idea, since it still wasn't fully resolved who had attacked her to end up in the garbage and with a serious injury.
She was afraid that the culprit would recognize her and then come for her to finish the job she didn't do. Although, it was lucky that none of that happened.
Both of them had spent their time seeing each of the parts of the city, even the uncontrollable stores that can be seen, but of course, nothing else to see and not touch, since if that were the case, Boruto's wallet would start screaming with bad feelings.
At the end of it all, Boruto's purpose in wanting to take a walk to many places with the mysterious girl Sumire, is to come up with a place that she has been and that would come to his mind once he saw them in person.
There was no result to his bad luck, but he kept doing it anyway.
In addition, he took advantage of this opportunity to teach him more about the surroundings and the city itself. She was definitely like a child with everything she saw, as if she was seeing it for the first time in her life.
She regretted that she couldn't buy him any other food like snow, but her economic status was in great danger right now.
At the end of it all he got some progress so that she wasn't so lost, but at the same time he didn't get anything on the subject of her amnesia. She knew that this was only going to be the beginning, but she didn't stop feeling it like an eternity.
They both arrived back at Boruto's apartment, however as soon as he arrived there was nothing but a wind and a temperature well below 15 degrees, this was too sudden for him.
"It can't be... I'm coming back?!"
In an unexpected way the light and everything electronic was working again, which was a great event for this day, however, his good mood ended when the questions began in his head; When did she come back? Had the weather been on for a long time? How much would you have to pay for it?
Again his trembling body was feeling not only the cold weather, but also the terror of the payment he would have to make now that everything was turned on.
He quickly started pacing around the apartment to turn off some things, and although there weren't many, he decided to do it because of the nerves he had right now.
In the end he managed to fall on his back in the room that was his bed that at the same time was his living room. Uzumaki was in an unfavorable and problematic experience that he wanted to end already.
On the other hand, the young Sumire was in the middle of the entrance of the apartment as she approached the worried boy. She had never seen him move at such a speed, which impressed her.
"Are you alright Uzumaki-kun?"
"I-I'm fine... You don't have to worry about anything..." Uzumaki answered between his ragged breaths. Although, the only bad thing is having to clean the whole place afterwards.
Now that he mentioned it, Uzumaki had never cleaned his room properly for two days due to distractions, and he followed him, but with the difference that his distraction is a girl. He didn't know if he should take that last as something good or bad, but whatever the answer, the result was going to be the same.
The best he could do was wait until tomorrow to clean up. She had experienced a very busy and troubled day, almost at the level of a babysitter, but at least she was able to survive.
"I guess I should get dinner ready." You must be very hungry by now, right?
"Well, I haven't eaten very well since you saved me," she said sadly, her head fixed on the bed. And where will you go to sleep? I guess you're going to sleep in your bed.
"That's the idea, but it wouldn't be the right thing to do in these situations." She looked at him with a smile. You can sleep in my bed, and I'll go to sleep on the floor.
Looking at her face, she didn't seem very happy with the decision he made regarding her sleeping place. As much as she would like to sleep in her bed, she had to be responsible for it, and that was in offering good comfort to a guest, and more so to one she saved from her.
—Don't look at me like that, remember that you are only going to be here for a little while until we know how to help you remember 'ttebasa.
“W-Well, that's true. Sumire said with her head lowered.
"Don't make that face anymore, okay?"
Right after that, Uzumaki grabbed the TV remote to turn it on to a channel he already had since before he had kept it on last time.
The astonished face of the young violet-haired girl reflected emotion and a good impression on the device they call television. Sometimes if she was very moved by the innocence of this girl who was in her apartment.
"By the way, forgive me in advance." He looked at her with a nervous smile, beginning to feel a certain contempt for her skills, which were so secondary in his life. I don't know how to make much more than just 'ttebasa curry.
His comment took the girl by surprise without looking away from him.
It could be said that it was something that she herself did not expect. Obviously, if a young man of more than acceptable years was living alone, he would have to at least know how to cook very well. But the reality was more than cruel for the Uzumaki.
“Hehe… It doesn't matter. I don't know what it is, but as long as it tastes good and made for you, you don't have to worry, Boruto-kun.
"So now you call me by my name and with an honorific…" He was very impressed by how much this girl was beginning to communicate well, despite the fact that they had only been meeting for a day. Don't you think you're being too trusting with a stranger?
"It's weird... I don't know very well." I don't know the concept of "Kun", but something tells me that I should speak that way… It's weird… —she said thoughtfully—. However, I don't care much, since you're the one who saved me.
He had once again commented on something interesting, however he didn't have the energy to dwell on this subject of honorifics.
On the other hand, she was right, that she had a lot of respect for him. Although, he saved her and she had reason to trust him, but also much more reason not to. He was just a stranger, so she shouldn't blindly trust someone just to be saved.
“Even if I saved you, it doesn't change the fact that we're still strangers who met today 'ttebasa. -She said.
"Well, maybe I want to say your name to gain more confidence."
"I wouldn't deny it, but I think you're taking quick, blind steps." Uzumaki looked at her carefully through closed eyes. He ended up sighing in defeat. We can start to get along very well when we know better who you are. Do you think it's OK?
There was no need for her to say a word. Just seeing her nod, Boruto decided to end the talk and continue to start making dinner.
Yes, there was a lot he didn't know about the girl, but that didn't mean that he really wanted to keep his distance from her, on the contrary, he wanted to be closer to this girl.
He wanted to be her friend and get along, but he couldn't just casually do it, since she might be anything but innocent now. Not until I know if she really is someone dangerous or not.
"Hm... I'm really hungry..."
He heard Sumire say it quietly, but he could hear her from the kitchen, which was very easy since she was stuck in the same room.
Glancing at her he managed a smile at the little quirk of his hungry stomach.
By now she understood that the only danger that she could present living here in her apartment, is nothing more than the fear that she might run out of food now that she will have to feed an extra mouth.
" I really wonder if I really made the right decision..."
To be continue…
A/N: Bringing another update, which I had time to post here today. I hope you liked this next chapter. This time I wanted to give a bit of context to how the world the characters are in is working. Sumire just said something very strange, maybe nobody noticed it, however it will be key for later. In addition, I also wanted to take this chapter as an introduction to certain things or concepts that she will give for later in the future.
That's all for now, and I'll know when I'll update the next chapter. I already have this arc finished, but I still need to review some things to get them out for you.
We read until next time!
Guardians of the Ninshū by BSmolerLOL
Anime » Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Rated: T, Spanish, Adventure & Fantasy, Boruto U., Inojin Y., Shikadai N., Sumire K., Words: 97k+, Favs: 2, Follows: 2, Published: May 18 Updated: Sep 2
2Chapter 5: Chapter 4: Guilt Made Karma
Chapter 4: Guilt Made Karma
Commonly when it is Saturday, one gets to feel all the weight that had accumulated throughout the week. At that point that weight is declining as soon as the whole stage of the morning passes, but on the other hand, Uzumaki did not get that feeling.
Despite the fact that only the morning hours had passed, I did not stop feeling all that accumulated weight, but not exactly because of the week that passed, but because of the last two days that had passed. Specifically it was more about finding the mystery girl he had in her apartment now.
I had no idea who he was or where he came from. The information from her couldn't even get it out of her, as she had amnesia issues. It was a dead end.
The only thing she could do now was just help him little by little to recover his memory. The only problem she had with that is not knowing what to do. The only thing she could do yesterday was just show him some places in the city, but nothing else.
Right now he was in a public telephone service on the street, waiting for the call to be answered. Once in a while he cast his eyes on the girl, who was sitting on a park bench.
She greeted him from afar, she seemed to be in a good mood today. Uzumaki sometimes took her for a carefree girl with little interest in things that would be involved with her. She supposed that maybe she was enjoying the moment.
The time to contemplate the girl sitting in the distance ended as soon as he heard the voice of the person who was answering his call on the other end.
—H-Hello mother, I am very happy to hear your beautiful voice 'ttebasa.
— What did you do?
-And me? She," she snapped at her mother's statement, while she tried to keep her calm a bit. I-I haven't done anything. I am very well and everything is very well.
“ If everything is fine, then there would be no reason to call me, right?
—N-It has nothing to do with the other…
“ Also, aren't you being nice?
"Haven't I always been?"
— More than usual, Boruto.
He knew very well that up to this point he could make a positive impression on his mother. There was no way to continue with the false innocence of his, and more through by call.
In the first place, she never thought of doing this to solve a part of her problems, but she needed to get out of this once and for all, and she couldn't think of any other way than to tell her mother directly.
"Yes, you're right…" he admitted with difficulty and sorrow, looking sideways at the girl who was sitting in the distance. To tell you the truth, I was wondering if you could help me with something that only you can 'ttebasa.
— Does it involve something serious?
"You could say so…" he laughed in between the conversation, scratching his head embarrassedly. More specific… Money.
" You don't have anything anymore?!
"It was for an emergency!"
Uzumaki confessed much more hastily, before sermons came out of his mother's mouth again that would be impossible to counter.
He had no choice but to spend what was left in his wallet, taking into account that the electricity was absent and he had no choice but to buy from outside.
—I had to use it a lot!… I had to use it to invite someone.
" Have you got a girlfriend yet?!"
-No, not that! He replied annoyed with a reddened face. She is a girl, yes. But he had to help her with a problem she was having, and it involved injuries… Now I'm on the pharmacy look, so…
" Huh... You really don't stop being the same Boruto, do you?"
— You always like to be the hero..., or think you are... You never stop getting into trouble just for that. For that very reason you never stopped wanting to want your Gift to manifest.
" Well, I guess it can't be helped that you're like that... You always wanted to be like your father, right?"
Boruto looked at the ground, thinking about his mother's words as he loosened his hand a little where he was holding the phone in the cabin. For a moment, his hand would regain its hardness, then hang up.
Something in him had wanted to go back again and take his own ways of doing things and solve everything.
No, right now he didn't want to let his proud side take over. He always held back from helping people, since he would rather solve them himself. But…, did he have the right to think about that?
Uzumaki Boruto had been yesterday about to let someone else manage to help the girl he had in the distance waiting for him. Perhaps a part of him was still doubting whether she was capable of good deeds.
He wondered if he doubted his ability because of the lack of his Gift. Could it be that if she had him, he would really help solve Sumire's problem? Saying and thinking was so simple, but she still didn't know if she could pull it off. She didn't even have a Quirk to help her.
He had no choice but to ask his mother for help with this. If there was anyone who had a big good heart, it was her mother.
-Can you help me? She asked trying to divert a little the subject that was being focused on by her mother.
There was a short silence after the other end of the call. Nothing out of the ordinary could be felt, but when a few seconds passed, a sigh was heard. It was more than clear that it belonged to his mother.
- Stop doing some things. Then I'll send you an amount of what you can occupy .
— Are you safe?
— You are my son, and the only thing I can do now is trust you and your judgment. I'm not going to judge you if you spend things to help someone, but try to be more careful in spending it.
-Yes that's fine. I understand.
She didn't think much about how things would turn out if her mother wasn't going to accept her help, as she was normally very strict about being more responsible.
It was all due to the above mentioned that she did. He wasn't quite sure how she must feel directly, but he more than agreed that he wasn't entirely comfortable with it.
A short time later, Uzumaki had managed to exchange a few more words with his mother, regarding how or where he would receive the money.
Fortunately, he received nothing but good wishes from her.
She wanted to pass the phone to her younger sister to talk to him, but she had had a bad time calling, since she hadn't been home. She had gone out with her friends, which made the Uzumaki a bit amused.
There was no deeper and less significant feeling than being unhappy not being able to talk to his sister. It's not like he'd end the world for not doing it, but he kind of wanted to, since she always bothered to text him almost every day.
His sweater really stunk a bit, and he was sure his sister's stunk too. For many things they were polar opposites, but sometimes like this the two were the same. They enjoyed it just as much when they lived together.
In the short time after, Boruto had already finished his business with his mother, not taking long to hang up the phone in the cabin and return to where the violet-haired girl was.
"How did it go?" She asked interested in the boy's response.
It had sounded very nosy to Boruto, but not so much as to take it as a bother.
—Everything went well. He told me that the money will come to me later in cash.
"Oh, that's good, isn't it?"
"Yeah, I guess." He debated it a bit, but he didn't complain much, since it didn't convince him that way. Anyway, why don't we go now?
-As soon? I thought we were going somewhere different than yesterday.
"Sorry, but in case you didn't know. Where I study they give us something that makes us waste time when we are on the weekend.
-Something? He thought for a while with a finger on his chin in an innocent and clueless way. Do they give you gifts?
—Could be considered gifts, if the Sensei who gave them was bad, but no.
Weekends at home become a holy blessing for believers in religion —whether for the word or something else in particular—, this was due to the long hours of rest that some highly prestigious student can have, yes, something prestige as many make them call.
As Boruto had recalled, in many of the most recognized schools of this great academy city, most of them have high levels of learning, which gives many days off for them, since they hardly need much to leave with homework for two days. of rest that supposes a weekend. Life makes it easy for them to have a Gift for anyone in those schools.
The misfortune of not having something like that in this city was something he didn't particularly like, so the part where he had to do chores for his Sensei wasn't too much of a problem for him.
Homework helped him take his mind off a lot of what was going on out there.
When he thought about that, Uzumaki wasn't aware of the change he had undergone now that he remembered it; he missed school one day and in such a regrettable way, his luck was affected until it became the situation he found himself in.
—How unlucky… Is my Sensei seriously upset for having missed only one day of class?
He didn't count on Senju Tsunade's anger for not going to class yesterday, giving him more work to do.
When he thought he had solved the problem with the money issue, which was possible thanks to his mother, but another one had come to take his place.
"So you're going to sit there the rest of the day doing homework?" the girl asked sadly.
"Yes, of course." Without taking his eyes off his writing in the notebook. We don't have much to do other than do what they tell us to pass.
"Is it difficult for you to solve it?"
"Sometimes yes, but most of the time it's easy," he answered, pausing for a moment for fear of the small trace of the hand for a cramp. I've already had a few years of home study after the age of 8, so I'm a bit more advanced 'ttebasa.
"Mmh... I guess that's what got you into Academy City, right?"
"Yes, that's right." The rhythm of his writing slowed down little by little until he was looking at his notebook. "Why did what she said just now make me seem somewhat less than almost everyone in this town?"
He'd had a bit of a problem with his self-esteem, but Uzumaki wouldn't go down too quickly. That's his way of thinking as he did what he was supposed to do, and he went on with what he was writing.
Sumire was already more than amazed by the Uzumaki's concentration on his schoolwork, so she decided to observe him for a period of time.
As the hours passed there was silence in the room, and then there was noise on the television that concentrated more on watching the girl. Not that it was too boring to see young Uzumaki doing his usual thing, but he wanted to know more about things through television.
He wanted to believe that some clue of who he was would be in some of the programs or in one of the many channels. Unfortunately there was nothing that I can recognize.
Boruto glanced at her once in a while for the silence she was giving, and he did the same for his tasks. He was content just to see her not say something to throw him off, yes, that's what he now admired about her, knowing when he shouldn't interrupt something.
As soon as 5 o'clock passed, he already took a breath to have enough energy to continue with the next thing, but he knew that if he took too long to rest, it would be very likely that he would drink more than he should until the end. point of doing nothing.
" Well, I guess I'll take about ten minutes." She psyched herself up, looking at the clock out of the corner of her eye.
It didn't make much difference when he'd last seen the time. Only about 23 minutes passed, but watching it too much would only feel like time slowed down a bit.
It had been a while since he hadn't heard anything from Sumire, however, as soon as he thought of checking on her to see how she was doing, she immediately stood up from the bed while having a slightly tired and lost look.
"Is something wrong, Sumire-san?"
"Er... Boruto-kun, can I come out?" She looked doubtfully into his eyes.
-Something happens? -I ask-. Is it that you were interested in buying something from television?
"N-No, nothing like that." Just... I'd like to take a walk, that's all. I think maybe it will refresh my memory. -She said.
—Well, I don't have a problem, but I don't know if you can have it 'ttebasa.
He had his doubts. She would be lying if she said that letting her walk calmly through the streets would be a good idea, since she wasn't sure if the person who had given her that injury was going to be there when she found her.
Also, she had amnesia. A girl with such a problem walking alone on the street is not something to be given up lightly.
Yet this, too, must be something he and she must take advantage of. If there's one thing the two of them should take into account, it's that she has to do things on her own. She wouldn't want Sumire to be depending on him all the time.
-Don't worry. I already familiarized myself with the route to get here,” Sumire commented with a proud smile. I will try to go to the places where there are people.
She looked at him with a smile. Boruto looked at her for a few moments, and although he noticed something strange in that face, he did not want to distrust the girl's words. If she said she was going to be careful, then she would be.
He was glad that she was becoming aware of the dangers that might be out there. Still, that concern was gone and she was still there.
He got up from the floor, walking to go to one of the drawers that had his bed underneath. In it he took out a small object which he handed to Sumire in her hand.
The girl's gaze was confused, but also shocked by what Boruto had given her. Although she was still more or less distant from the limited knowledge that she had right now about things, it was difficult for her to know what she gave him.
“This is a visitor's pass. They are used when a person from outside comes to Academy City 'ttebasa.
"And what do I do with this?" she asks without taking her eyes off the little card.
"You can use it to talk to a police officer if you have a problem," he commented, looking into her eyes. Give it to them and they'll call me here, since it has my phone number on the card.
-I understand, thank you very much.
He made a small bow towards Boruto until after turning around to go towards the door of the apartment.
He still had his doubts, Uzumaki, but trusts that she can stand on her own right now. She had to, or she was never going to get better at having the memories of her that she doesn't have.
As the door closed, silence returned in the apartment until only he was left, although apart from him, the little noise that there was was that of the television that was still on.
"Well, I guess I'll go eat one of the popsicles I bought the day before yesterday."
It had already hit 9 pm and he was already halfway through his school work.
Every time he thought about it, his hope was becoming more inflatable, but time was also beginning to slow down, so he wanted to concentrate on what he was doing with more pressure.
“Really, I definitely won't miss a day of school on the weekends again. The Uzumaki said with annoyance.
After having finished one of the many paragraphs he had made after finishing making a summary, he looked curiously at the television to find out what he was wearing, since nothing had changed from the last time he changed.
Of course, the person who had done it was Sumire. That same girl who had gone for a walk, but she still hadn't come back. This alerted Boruto a bit to the point of wanting to go out looking for her.
He had given her exact explanations of what he would do if he was in trouble, but there was no sign in the next few hours that passed after his departure, so he trusted her safety and that everything was fine.
However, worry continued to fan the flames in his chest; that guilt of leaving her alone while he continued with her things, however, he was not to blame for her. If she, someone else, or another judged him for it, he would be right with her.
Despite all he can say, the only person who would be judging him for not going out with her to help her and only being home to put his homework on top of a girl's safety, would be himself.
She had promised to help him, and as annoying as this was, he really meant to help. Although, he didn't know if it was because of his sense of justice in giving a hand to whoever needs it... Is it that he felt guilt for not accompanying her, or because he was betraying her ideas?
He began to doubt if he was really giving effort for someone he doesn't know just to help her, or if it was for him to feel good about himself.
What did he want to prove by helping that girl?
Her mother's conversation on the phone came to her mind. Some of her thoughts of hers had reflected in the words she had mentioned, and more regarding her father.
He leaned back on the table while he just sighed tiredly, looking at his cell phone out of the corner of his eye and finding out what time it was.
"Well, she mentioned that she was going to be where there were more people," he said to himself, trying to find a solution to the absence of any sign of the girl. Besides, she would go to the police if something happened out there 'ttebasa.
Suddenly the energy that he had had today had suddenly begun to waste. He couldn't take the weight of his eyelids that only forced him to close them.
The worry, the guilt, the homework, the money you got back, etc. Everything triggered the wear of the Uzumaki until he was forced to completely close his eyes. He no longer had anything else to wake him up, so only time ran with him and his dream world.
That night, Boruto had slept such a heavy sleep.
The next morning, the sun fell close to his face again, while his ears were only lent to listen to the birds singing outside the balcony.
His head was still leaning with his arms between him and the table.
His conscience was still groggy, blinking over and over again to accustom his eyesight. It was impossible for her to get up in seconds, but after waiting a couple of seconds, her body began to recover the strength that she had lost due to sleep.
Even with sleepy eyes, he was able to get a good look at the television that was still on, which made him annoyed with himself for forgetting to turn it off. This would increase the cost of his electricity payment, but now that he had received the money from his mother yesterday, he could pay it without a problem.
Uzumaki could feel great after that brief problem that he was able to solve. But he was still not fully awake.
It is then that he feels some weight, a little more than he has—in fact, no weight at all—on his back. He was covered by a blanket that covered his entire back. Reason enough to find out that he hadn't had a problem if he'd been cold at night.
He could only deduce who had put it. He was not an idiot. He understood very well, and even more so when he noticed another presence on the other side of the small round table.
He recognized her right away. After seeing that other presence, his sleepy eyes went like dust until he was fully awake from the shock.
It was already quite a surprise to see her there on the table and asleep. Boruto could barely control himself not to scream in fright, since she had entered without him noticing when he was asleep.
A person who did not know much entered his apartment as if nothing had happened; If someone says something like that I would also have a lot of things to say about it, but if you add the word girl, there would be a lot more problems.
Her name came out of his mouth, and although he wasn't used to calling her with such confidence, he did it anyway, without taking his eyes off the girl. He was still sleepy, but he woke up little by little until he looked up and saw his face full of surprise and confusion.
"Good morning, Boruto-kun. She whispered to him.
Unfortunately, he could only hear her name and good morning between cuts, after she dropped her head on the table. She could feel the pain of that fall.
"Oh, I woke up!" He panicked, not looking at the Uzumaki.
"Sumire-san, it's me." He straightened up looking at her face. When you came?
He didn't seem to have the Uzumaki's attention, at least now that it seems he was still looking sleepy.
He stood up immediately from his seat, and continued to the coffee pot in the kitchen until he had two cups of coffee. One for him and one for her who was talking in a whisper without a break.
-Are you okay? -Question-. Here, I brought you some coffee.
"What is coffee?"
" Don't you know what it is either?" He looked at her for a few seconds. Just drink, it's something that will make you wake up 'ttebasa.
Sumire saw him with the coffee and continued to drink from it, but it seems she didn't like it. It was a little bitter, but at least that would make her a little more awake.
Normally for his preference he does not drink coffee in the mornings. He only drank a glass of milk and ate breakfast, but when he had to, he drank coffee. He only did it in some cases when he was still sleepy.
Giving Sumire coffee will make her wake up a bit so she's not sleepy, so she'd have enough energy to talk to her.
"Are you awake yet?"
-I'm not?
—I mean, if you're already a little more so as not to be sleepy. She clarified.
He did not receive an answer, but he did receive a sign of affirmation from her. She nodded as soon as she went back to drinking coffee, which she still didn't get used to, and Boruto doubted that she would get used to it quickly..
As soon as he sat down, he looked at her out of the corner of his eye, and even saw that her clothes were still the same as always. The kimono of her speaking and detailed with black and purple lines. Her hair was still loose but she did not lose her beauty as always.
"Now tell me... where have you been?"
Sumire's lost gaze had been forming to an uneasy one and it would be. She kept her head down, playing with the cup that had the coffee in it.
"I got out like I said, but I think it took longer than I thought…" he said.
"More than you thought?"
"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to take so long," he spoke quickly without taking time to think about things without losing shame. Awawa… This is very painful…
There wasn't much to talk about from the looks of it, but Uzumaki was shocked when he saw her talk and confess her mistakes of being gone too long.
" Isn't he acting different?" He thought as he looked at her carefully, but without forgetting his surprise. "She didn't have that insecure personality when I last saw her."
It seemed like it was someone else. Another who could not know for sure if she was the same or not. However, she was definitely the same person, Boruto knew very well. He sensed it, and he felt it.
It had only been a short time since they met, but he knew very well how the personality of the violet-haired girl was going.
"Nobody attacked you?" He wanted to make sure of the most important thing.
No, no one did, but...
She was silent for a few moments with her head down, glancing at the television that was on.
Uzumaki didn't like that attitude very much, he didn't want to admit it, but his thoughts went to a scenario where she and some guys didn't attack him, but they treated her rudely while they were in an activity...
— "No, that's wrong!" He pressed his head hard with his hand. "Nothing happened to her, nor did that happen to her."
He was strong and observant to every single detail she had, but there didn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary.
However, he worries that his hair is a mess. What did she do to make her hair look like this? Could she have been running around?
She soon thought of the idea that she had been victimized by some boy, taking her to a motel where they did… that. The idea only disturbed him, worried that his thoughts were leading him to that conclusion. However, a part of him believed that she wasn't involved in something like that, since she doesn't seem to be red-faced, or at least she gave off a funny smell.
Again he regretted thinking about those things, and more towards a stranger who was so innocent because of her amnesia.
"Is something wrong, Boruto-kun?" He tilted his head innocently.
-Nothing at all! Forget it 'ttebasa.
He decided that later he should cool his head on that subject, but already forgetting and putting aside all that, he was sure that she was hiding something.
I didn't want to put pressure on her or something that would make her very uncomfortable, but I had to be more direct with her. She had just gone for a walk, and although she seemed like she wasn't a bad girl, she had her doubts, it was something that is normal in similar situations like this.
"Sumire-san... why were you late?"
She seemed ready to answer something that was not the case, but the Uzumaki's gaze was intense and concerned. A more than understandable look for someone who takes care of you without much in return.
She was tired, he understood it and it was really noticeable that she didn't want to talk about the things she was doing last night. He knew that Sumire meant to, but not this morning.
"I guess there's nothing wrong with saying it today…" he sighed.
The insistent look seemed to have had a great effect on the violet-haired girl, and although her doubts were evident, she seemed more sure than she was a few moments ago.
"Boruto-kun..." He looked up with a serious and calm expression. I… managed to recover my memories…
Will continue…
A/N: Well, I wanted to decide to give this final moment with Sumire having just recovered her memories, but leaving the intrigue for the next one to come. You will already know what she will tell in the next chapter of this story . Also, I made a mini participation of Hinata, wanting to give her a proper participation, but I have that reserved for a later arc.
There wasn't much here that I can say, more just to be satisfied with what was written, since this chapter has only been a small interval of half time before the next events that will come in this arc.
Well, I hope you enjoyed it a lot. Let me know what you think, it would help me a lot to give me much more inspiration. And I thank those who are reading it .
We read until next time!
Guardians of the Ninshū by BSmolerLOL
Anime » Boruto: Naruto Next Generations Rated: T, Spanish, Adventure & Fantasy, Boruto U., Inojin Y., Shikadai N., Sumire K., Words: 97k+, Favs: 2, Follows: 2, Published: May 18 Updated: Sep 2
2Chapter 6: Chapter 5: Nonsense Answers
Chapter 5: Nonsense Answers
The dream that he had prolonged in him for having waited a long time for the arrival of the young violet-haired girl was mean and tired, to the point that Boruto thought he had aged a couple of years by being very aware of her. He looked and acted like he was a father, one who adopted a girl almost the same age as her after picking her up in the garbage alley.
This whole situation without context hit very badly, whichever way you look. Only the part about picking her up from the alley wasn't at all necessary to bring to light.
He feared for his social stability towards the whole world if something like that was known. Of course she wouldn't say. I don't know he considered himself a criminal nor was he.
Now that he had gone through all that, he was nothing more than a caretaker, or rather, the caretaker of this girl in front of him and with the same silence that accompanied her throughout the apartment.
— "One problem after another..."
He could only keep thinking about all the problems that were piling up with her close to him. However, this whole act of helping her was nothing more than a simple feeling of satisfaction towards himself, or so Boruto might think.
For now he just wanted to talk to her having finished preparing breakfast for this Sunday, however, no one took the first bite, they were more focused on the topic they were about to talk about now.
After the Sumire girl had left the apartment yesterday and without showing any signs of life during her absence, she had reappeared until today with the news that she had been able to recover her memories.
This situation should be something good to celebrate, right?
Shouldn't you be happy?
Will it be the end of having her in his apartment and her being free?
Seeing her out of the corner of her eye, which was from the other side of the small table, she did not show herself with her gaze straight on. He seemed to be nervous about what he wanted to say or maybe he didn't know where he should start talking about how he was able to recover the memories of him.
"So..." He spoke first to break the tension and silence in the air. Are you going to tell me exactly who you are and where are you studying?
He still didn't respond. The worst thing about all this silence is that he had been asking the same question more than once and in a different way, but he still hadn't gotten any response from her.
It was clear that she wasn't ready to start talking. She possibly wasn't quite sure if he would accept whatever she was. If I said she's from that rich girls' school she wouldn't have a problem with it.
It will be a matter of whether she wanted to keep in touch with him. She wouldn't mind being friends with her, since they could also see each other being in the same city. She could also brag to her friends that she had a friend from that school without any hassles.
He looked at her again, and seemed to be a little more ready to speak. She had a certain calm and doubtful look on her face, but she noticed a little more seriousness in her expression, though not as strong one.
"Look... if you're having a hard time speaking it, don't worry about it." He patiently tried to calm her down. All in due time for her to want to speak 'ttebasa.
“No, I want to tell you. It's the least I can pay for helping me. Sumire said as she inhaled.
Now she did seem ready to take out everything that made her shut up without any problem. Although she thought that last thing that she had commented on was a little impolite. It was clear that he was not on good terms with her because of her unknown identity.
“Just take it easy. She said with a softer and more solid tone.
She was silent again, but with the difference that she had a much straighter and calmer gaze.
Of course she still wasn't comfortable with the subject she was about to discuss, neither of them thought it was something they could take lightly, much less her because of her current state. Everything he would do to help her would depend solely and solely on what she would talk about. He only needed personal information necessary enough to take her to where she studied or lived.
He continued to inhale and exhale. She did it over and over again until she was completely calm enough while directing a slightly doubtful look at Boruto, however, that did not also take away that serious expression that she began to show.
No one had cared anymore about the breakfast that had been prepared. They were much more nervous that they came to overshadow all the hunger they felt before. The churning in her stomach was no longer from the lack of food left to consume, but from the panic of where he could direct her actions after what she heard.
She was confident and calm. It was time for Sumire to speak, they both knew just by seeing how she stopped being a bit dense. Her eyes reflected the brightness of the early morning sun and the confidence that she was being present.
"First of all, I still don't really know what my full name is, so I apologize in advance. He bowed his head.
Seeking forgiveness that his early results were poor, he hoped that Boruto wouldn't feel a bit disappointed.
—N-Don't worry, you don't have to worry if you still don't know your name. She answered calmly as he tried to reassure the girl.
-In agreement...
He was glad that she did not lose the confidence to continue talking, but it was quite the opposite when she watched for a few moments the television and the weather forecast, which warned of a rainy day today.
It didn't take long for Sumire to look straight ahead where Boruto was, so she began to speak again.
—When I was walking outside, it had given me a memory of some things... They were nothing where I'm from, but when I saw some boys and girls interacting with some of those abilities they had, it was there that I was able to remember little by little some things that They were giving me an idea of ​​everything that is going on.
"About what's going on?" He asked, somewhat conflicted by the girl's words.
Sumire paused briefly. She wanted to make sure that Boruto was more than open to the words that she said. She looked at him confused, but still the young Uzumaki's expression told her to continue.
—The "gifts" you speak of, the people who interact with them, this city is made for all young people like you told me. Everything here made me remember one thing.
-One thing? He repeated the same words, but again turned her attention to the girl and her facets. What kind of thing?
His mind started having a little tracking trouble as soon as he heard a word he didn't understand or know. It was something that she didn't understand very well when she heard it, not even knowing what the violet-haired girl was talking about next.
“It's a word that came to mind. I didn't quite understand what it meant when I remembered it, but as soon as I knew it was something that popped into my head I wanted more answers, I needed to be able to remember more.
-And you did it? Uzumaki asked looking at him curiously.
There was no answer for a few moments or seconds, but already seeing the look of the girl he could sense that if he had achieved his goal, or at least what she could remember.
"All the people who use these "gifts" are what are called Ninshū ," he said. It's not like a skill or physical, but it's something that is more spiritual.
—Well, I'm not sure how to explain it, since I don't remember very well how it works. Although I can tell you that it is important in order to avoid threats that want to rob people of their connection to the Ninshū.
He paused briefly as he looked at the television again. She seemed a little calmer, but worried that the Uzumaki would not keep up with her conversation, since she was very continuous with the information that had come into her head.
—All the abilities that people possess is nothing more than the connection of their physical body with the Ninshū , and that was leading them to later have these "gifts" as they call it. This reaction between the strength of your physical body and the spiritual of what is Ninshū is called chakra. This reaction does nothing more than make it possible to use the abilities of the people's gifts that they possess.
—Besides, as I already told you, there are threats that want to steal people's Ninshū , and it is most likely that they will do it in this city. The safest thing is that almost all of them are white and in a matter of minutes they would affect everyone." He looked at Boruto with concern and showed him a painful and frowning expression. Boruto-kun, I think you should be careful. I wouldn't want something to happen to you!
If there was one word to describe all that Uzumaki Boruto had heard, it was none other than "insanity". Yes, it had possibly been the most reasonable of many, or the softest he could think of for the purplehead.
—Basically, you say that there is that kind of threat of good and evil, in which that evil wants to take away from people that spiritual energy that is managed to make a better world, am I wrong? Boruto asked expressionlessly.
-Yes it is.
"And what we use is just 'spiritual' skills like shamans use, right?"
—I don't know that they are shamans, but the first thing you said is true. Also, anyone can do many things. It is a supernatural event that many are unaware of and that must be taken into account. She spoke while smiling slightly.
Impossible to swallow that. If this was an ordinary person who strongly believes in magic, ghosts, spirits, or supernatural things, he would be screaming from the rooftops that he is in awe, but that was impossible.
The supernatural powers within this Academy City are quite normal, but with the difference that it is studied by science. Everything can be explained by her, so who can deny her existence?
It's not that he wouldn't like to disbelieve her. Only she can't do it. Everything sounded very fanciful, as if it were from a manga or light novel. Furthermore, for someone who only handles the knowledge of science, this was nothing more than a fantasy that came from a girl, a girl who had the body of a 15 or 16 year old.
"So... how do you think you ended up with that wound in the alley?"
He had decided to make a small diversion on the subject, while looking at the unhidden expressions of the violet-haired girl.
"I guess that's why they." They wanted to steal my connection to the Ninshū , but maybe they didn't, but they hurt me.
Uzumaki repeats this in a confused way. Is the "attacker" an organization? A group? Would that really be the case? His intrigue only grew the more he thought about it; all the possibilities, routes, options, results, etc. Everything was much more stressful than he was when he had met her these days.
"Are they some kind of people who are crazy in the head?" she asked out loud by accident.
"...Are you making fun of me?"
He felt the adversity and anger of the girl, keeping two cheeks slightly inflated by the offense they were giving him.
—...I'm sorry, it's just that what you're telling me is impossible for me. I really can't believe in the existence of spiritual things or also supernatural things without logic. Believe me I'm familiar with "strange powers" like pyrokinesis, magnetism, superhuman strength or psychic vision, but spiritual... I can't believe that.
"I really don't understand what you're talking about. She lowered her head in disappointment.
"You don't have to understand." She pressed her head against the slight pain that crept in. I'm simply saying that without a doubt super powers are real.
"Then why didn't what I said take into account that they have abilities...?" There is no doubt that it is real! the young woman exclaimed.
—I had already told you about how this whole city originated and why, or did you forget?
The girl's face had started to fade until her head was lowered as she only pressed herself hard when she started moving her chopsticks back and forth for lunch, but she didn't grab the food from the plate, she just drew circles on the table with them.
"Seriously, I'm telling you the truth. She — she started to sound a little desperate and head down.
Boruto noted that she really wanted him to acknowledge her words and wanted him to admit that he was telling the truth no matter what. He didn't want to make her feel too bad about what he had said, since he didn't want to be too rude when she told him her supposed memories of what she had forgotten.
He reconsidered for a moment if she was insane before he lost his memory and found her in the alley. It is possible that he had escaped from some aid center for her and ran away from her. However, that option was discarded when he remembered that her condition had been very serious, so he doubted that someone who worked in a place to help the people with the head would hurt her, even to the point of leaving someone close to death.
She was a good girl, he knew that well, and that was why it weighed heavily on him to see her as a weird and mentally unstable person in the head. Therefore, she decided to give him a chance so that she would not look like this.
"Okay, so tell me: Can you do a demo?" Can you do something that only that chakra or Ninshū can do and science can't? Try doing it in front of
me, and maybe I'll believe you.
Of course he had no answer or proof. She could say it, but it wouldn't be valid if it wasn't shown.
Honestly for Uzumaki everything Sumire had said was offensive to him. He had been waiting for many years for his gift to manifest to him, since until a certain age is when one begins to have it, but he was different and there has been no change in his body, even in his friends.
This whole talk about gifts being some kind of supernatural thing was something he couldn't be too cool about. As if everything was a lie. He didn't want to feel too excluded with this, and if what she said was true, then he didn't have anything that could be special like people, that made him feel more excluded from the world of his own generation.
He looked back at the girl and she seemed rather downcast, which put a little weight on the boy's heart. He could put up with anything, but making a girl cry was not something he wanted to be proud of.
His father always told him that you should never make a woman cry for anything in the world, whether she was a stranger or not. A man always had a duty to give them the right support.
He picked up his own chopsticks that he had in front of him and started making sounds with them as he grabbed his lunch, catching her attention as she looked at him with a bit of fear.
“For now let's forget everything you just told me. We'll know what to do with your memory later, so for now I'd like to have lunch, okay?
She didn't seem very convinced, as if she would really like to continue with the subject, but both she and he knew that it was not the best, for now.
His answer was short and hesitant, but he had understood Uzumaki's words very well, starting to do the same since he had also started to get his hunger back.
"And another thing, promise me you won't go somewhere else today, I wouldn't like you to be away for a long time again," Boruto commented with a frown. I'd like you to take a break today.
"Y-Yes, it's alright...
His gaze remained the same. The condolences that Boruto felt towards her about her lack of knowledge or state of mind. She was very disturbing, not to mention she was also disturbing, but still he had no doubt that she was a good girl.
"Listen, Sumire-san," he spoke to her sympathetically, flashing her a confident smile. I don't want to and you don't have to worry either. No matter what happens I will be here with you and never leave you if you have problems. That's something I'm serious about 'ttebasa.
It's the least I could do with her. She had no one who could help her, only him and no one else. He knew that he was not qualified to have the responsibility of caring for and helping a girl his own age, he couldn't even take care of himself in his normal economic conditions, but he still couldn't leave her alone to carry much on her own. .
Surely his father would have done the same under these circumstances. He would possibly tell her to do what he just did. He couldn't help but let a smile slip from his face.
He watched Sumire nod as she moved her lunch for no apparent reason, turning her gaze back to the blond-haired youth. As much as she had her concern about staying outside, he decided to listen to her. They were seen in her eyes full of guilt for having been away from her for a long time without warning her.
Boruto smiled at her as soon as he saw her take her first bites at breakfast, which made the boy happy, but as for the violet-haired girl, she was coughing a little because of the concentrated condiments that were in the food.
"I-I'm sorry, I made a very difficult breakfast again, didn't I?"
"N-No, no problem...
If there's one thing Uzumaki was disappointed in, it was his lousy cooking skills. He had already commented on it to her before; he only knew how to make curry. Decent, but nothing that was the most wonderful thing to eat.
In the worst case scenario where Sumire has to extend the length of her stay in her apartment, she will have no choice but to learn to cook.
"As always, I'm very surprised at how skilled you are, Boruto." Still, I don't want a simple injury or illness to beat you to not coming to class. Be a little more defensive in your system...
Right now Boruto was standing next to his teacher Senju Tsunade, who had been responsible for sending him that amount of homework for missing class, whether it was because he was sick or not. She never stopped being rude to all of her students, but this was clearly to help them improve themselves.
Fortunately, yesterday he had been able to finish all the homework he took as punishment, both him and his teacher. Not once had Sumire left the apartment, more than she alone had sat down to watch TV and read some of the books that her mother had given her when she started living in Academy City. They were just books of novels that she had had from her father and that she would surely have loved to read them, but she has never been able to take a look at them due to lack of time and courage.
It worried the girl for a few moments because of the look of doubt she had with the time that she was sitting there in her two activities that she had done yesterday, but she did not want to leave because of so much trouble thinking about it, more than just letting her be until feel more comfortable.
When she had to hurry to class today she had left curry for him to eat later. Sure, he locked her up so she wouldn't have anything troublesome happen to him and he can get past her.
He was still with his doubts about who or who had gone to attack the young woman, that was still the biggest mystery on the table that had to be pending, in addition to that story that she had commented on. It's not that she didn't want to believe what she had told, but it was something that she couldn't try to be too influenced by.
I needed more clues to know what the past is that this amnesiac girl hides. He would not want to be involved in something very dangerous that could involve a terrible terrorist group.
"Listen to me when I'm talking to you!"
Without blinking he had been pulled out of his thoughts by one of the older woman's monstrous punches until the Uzumaki was against the wall until it cracked. He just left the boy very still until he was unable to move, staying on the ground convulsing with pain.
The rest of the teachers came over to help him and others calmed down the very upset Senju who was still growling in anger at being ignored by her student when she was lecturing him.
Luckily, something much worse was avoided, that the wall was completely breaking in the process.
The pains in his face and all parts of his body continued to rumble as a strong current bristled him to the bone. Luckily they had told her that these were intact thanks to one of the healing abilities of a teacher, the rest had been taken care of as always by the one in charge of the school infirmary.
A little treatment was applied to him until he was expected to be back in good shape in a short time for his next classes. Luckily, the first two won't count her fault, at least she could take it as a sign of apology from her teacher.
Resting now was what was now in his grasp until he could move like he normally does. In addition, he had to continue to be vigilant so that he would not be an overexertion in wanting to go to her classroom.
"I am very surprised that you are so obedient."
Boruto heard how they spoke to him from the other side of the infirmary. He who looked from the window at some students in their physical education classes had put him at ease, however, he lost focus when he saw the woman who attended him with a neutral expression, but she looked surprised.
“Well, Ada-san did her best to keep it in good condition. I wouldn't want to undermine that effort by leaving 'ttebasa.
"I'm just doing my job, besides I was very surprised that you arrived today like this..." she commented strangely.
"I-It just happened." Haha.
"You never know what you're going to do next from time to time," he sighed. Sometimes I wished that the first thing you would do when you got to school would be to see me... but I didn't wish that way either.
"D-Don't say that... It makes me look like a jerk somehow." Boruto replied with a bitter and awkward smile.
The atmosphere began to feel uncomfortable, as well as embarrassing for the words that the woman said. He turned his gaze away again, looking for a way to move on to a next topic of conversation at least in front of Ada, but he couldn't think of anything at the moment, so he only sighed in response to her failed attempts.
"You seem to really like seeing girls in sports uniforms, don't you?"
"N-No, of course not!" She replied with a blush.
-You know? I don't mind trying something like that on if you want.” She bends her legs to sit better in her chair. Would you like it?
A common response to these kinds of situations where a man would have her in his presence would be a positive one. Of course he would like to live every man's dream to have a splendid view of an attractive woman in a sporty school uniform.
Would they play it if I said yes? What kind of consequences would occur if I were to have that agreement? Too many questions and all of them intriguing, as well as dangerous. Although, she couldn't help but think how provocative and tempting she was. She was in a dilemma whether or not to decline the offer.
He was a boy after all, so why not take advantage of the distance of every man's dream? He felt the urgency of having a reward after everything that had happened these days.
"Are you awake Boruto yet?" A voice was heard outside the infirmary.
Well, of course the opportunities had a period of time to be claimed.
They both looked at the door opening to see both Shikadai and Inojin calmly walking in as they glanced into the infirmary. They both looked at the Uzumaki out of the corner of their eyes, and soon after at the woman who looked at them calmly.
It only lasted a few seconds, but in that short time Uzumaki could see an upset and depressing sigh from Ada as she stood up from her chair until her hands were in the pockets of her white coat.
"Hey guys," he spoke sweetly to them with a smile. Uzumaki-kun will be ready to walk.
—Thank you very much for your work, Ada-sensei.
"Don't worry Nara-kun, it's the least I can do," he thanked. Although, what she did now Mrs. Tsunade was break the record of having a student brought to the infirmary. Even though she is a doctor.
"You know how he is, he can never control his temper." Inojin replied from the jet's side.
The conversation began to make all the strange and uncomfortable atmosphere dissipate around Boruto, until he had a much better relaxation from the bed he was sitting on.
"So... Guys, could you keep an eye on the place while I go out for a drink?"
"Of course, leave it to us." Inojin said.
Ada walked by her side as she headed out of the infirmary while looking at the boys and then doing the Uzumaki at the end. It was only a few milliseconds to notice how she winked at him as soon as she opened the door.
That gesture had managed to make the Uzumaki blush. It wasn't as if he was going to fall for the charms of a woman like that woman is —although really if she would do it in a very high percentage—, since that kind of feelings had them occupied in a certain way.
It is in these cases that I wish I was a little older to be his age, and only then would the story be totally different.
"Isn't it lovely that Ada-sensei gives us a job?" Inojin asked. Maybe we are his favorite students.
"I doubt it," Shikadai replied. She is like that with others, not to mention that she is not the kind of woman who is interested in men now.
"But you also wish you could at least have a chance with a woman like her, don't you?"
His silence said more than a thousand words. No wonder even her friends wanted something from her. Most of the men here do it for the sake of attractiveness, but it's not like it's a new novelty.
He checked the time on his cell phone and nothing had come up. She was at least reassured when she didn't see any calls from her apartment, indicating that Sumire was fine for now.
"Is something wrong, Boruto?" His jet-black friend asked as he approached.
He had been ignoring the Yamanaka for a few moments as he passed him until he reached the bed where Boruto was.
"Are you a little shaken by what happened to you?" she asked.
—N-No, nothing like that... although the truth was that it was very complicated. Boruto answered as he lowered his cell phone.
"Well, that's what you get for ignoring Tsunade-sensei," the blond-haired man spoke from the other side. What were you thinking that you didn't pay attention to him?
A question in question that is too dubious for what Uzumaki Boruto can handle.
Returning his attention to the problem of his affair with that girl he had in his apartment, he was thinking about what she had told him, that strange fantasy that he said was "real", in addition to the fact that they were part of his "memories" that were supposed to be that he had recovered.
"This is annoying...
"Hey, what's that about?" —Shikadai missed that tired behavior of his friend.
"Guys, can I ask you something?"
The other two looked strangely at the Uzumaki, but not before consulting each other where their gazes seemed very uneasy and curious because of their friend's tired and worried gaze. They nodded, waiting to hear what they would be asked.
"Have you ever heard of Ninshū or something called chakra ?" she asked.
“Sounds weird, I know, but I want to know if any of you have heard of it. He was taking into account how weird he sounded to himself.
He couldn't bear to see the look of his friends with indifference as they tried to find out what Boruto wanted to know. Of course it would cost them! He wasn't a fool, he was more or less like that when he heard it from Sumire, but a little less hurtful—although it didn't make much difference—so the guilt of hurting the girl for saying something close to disbelieving him was difficult for him. to load. Although he still had the same thought of not knowing if he believed her or not.
“To be honest, I've never heard of it. It is the first time I hear it. said the jet.
It was not surprising for Uzumaki, since it was not something that an ordinary person knows about, much less his friends.
"I haven't heard of that Nin either...what you said," Inojin spoke with difficulty as he thought about the name. Is it some kind of pun?
"S-Forget it, it's nothing... I only ask because I heard about it in a 'ttebasa book."
"Can you hear the books?" Shikadai looked at him with a frown.
-Stop bothering! Just saying!
"Well, if you say so, then the topic doesn't matter so much, does it?" added the Yamanaka.
Of course, if no one knew anything about those words then he had no more reason to continue insisting on the subject. It was only enough for him to further confirm the condition that Sumire is in mentally.
He will leave things up in the air for the moment, and then he would resume everything according to what the young violet-haired girl remembered over time.
In the end he has gotten nothing but just meaningless answers. She only hoped that the result would be totally different some other time. At the very least, she would try to talk to Sumire again and ask her more calmly about what she said.
However, the first thing of all was to take a rest in bed.
—« Tsunade-sensei's blows are really the worst thing to receive ...»
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naggingatlas · 2 years
for the ask game: 9, 25, 4 and 1
omg zero you flatter me u silly goose….. 9 (what are ur file name conventions): ok so now i mostly draw in clip studio in these huge military testing polygons of files that span like 60-100 layers depending on the canvas size and just. literally screenshot the finished pieces in them BUT when i worked in photosopp (aka pisi) which is tremendously laggy even on my giga gamer laptop sometimes i used to name the files after whatever i thought of/saw on the internet at the moment of saving the file. so i got some lyrics in there, some made up schizo words, a lot of russian swearing and references to defecation, star trek lines and chicago street names in the older ones. examples: kkkkorego, jepasse, noodledog!, BETTER HUMAN, volare, CHINSUE, invest fund, THE SHIT BROTHERS, док для говна, водкапиво and shit in the display toilet. 25 (something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by): a mix of lumpy touch's gameboy garfield horror and tin tin. yea idk either but i kinda get it 4 (fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw): harry du bois because hes just so. amalgamous in my head i can never get his face right tho ive been drawing him for years now he just never looks how i want him to feel like. its kinda depressing honestly i would produce so much more material featuring him if i were happy w how he looked when he comes out from under my pen 1 (art programs you have but don't use): toon boom………. it was a fucking 18 inch diameter metal pipe up the ass to pirate and install properly and im just keeping it till i have the time+motivation+courage to start animating 2d. eh. also verve painter so i can show the wonders of technology to my friends lol (it sucks i wanna pirate that one real paint simulator that holo-tape and all the cool kids use…)
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honeybunnybeez · 3 years
If you want to you could write some C! Dream being soft around reader?
Secluded Cabin's and Gentle Touches
♡Pairing: Dream x GN!Reader (with hints of platonic!GN!reader x Tommy and Tubbo)
♡Genre: Fluff
♡Format: Fanfiction
♡Summary: It's not uncommon for Tommy and Tubbo to bring people over to your place so you can help calm them down after a prank, but today they seemed to drag by a familiar face that you have yet to properly spend time with. Lucky for you, he seems to be longing to talk to you as well.
♡Au Setting: Au where the war never happens but tensions are still high.
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"Get back here!"
Despite the voice ordering them to stop, Tommy and Tubbo continued to run like their lives depended on it, and to be fair, it kinda did in this situation. Wet hands stained in different coloured dyes served as proof of their crimes and a green hooded man wearing an awfully smudged looking mask makes it clear who their latest prank victim was.
"What were we fucking thinking!?" but a laugh at the end of his yelling as he dodges Dream's outstretched hand makes it clear that Tommy doesn't regret his life choices at all.
"I don't know!" Tubbo on the otherhand, was starting to regret his involvement in the prank. His legs were starting to ache and his chest began to burn as he slowly became exhausted. A wild chase like this isn't exactly new to them but Dream's persistence really makes it hard for a person to catch a breather between runs. "Tommy, where are we even going!?"
Tommy opened his mouth to respond but a trail of scattered lanterns and torches answers Tubbo's question for him. Tubbo lets out a knowing, "ooooh!" And uses whatever remaining energy he can to keep up with Tommy, knowing exactly what his friend had in mind.
In the distance, they can see you sitting on your porch, playing with a parrot you had managed to tame while out searching for cocoa beans. Relief washes over them when you lock eyes with them and start jogging over with your bird in tow, a worried expression evident on your face.
They're quick to hide behind you when they get close enough, clutching the back of your shirt while trying to catch their breaths to answer your questions as to who they were running from this time and why.
"Dream-" is all Tommy can manage to wheeze out before he's coughing up a lung and swearing again.
"Ah," honestly, after knowing the pair for a good few years now, just mentioning a name gives you a pretty good idea of the type of prank they pulled and the danger they could be in. Thankfully, Dream wasn't a major threat, to you at least.
"Alright, alright, go hide in the house quickly and don't come out until I tell you guys to. If I die, make sure to take care of the farm animals and bees for me."
"Bless you, (y/n)."
"Your sacrifices won't be in vain, we promise!"
You give them a joking salute and urge them to go inside quickly, informing them that you can hear Dream approaching closer. Once the boys were safely inside, you tried your best to look as natural as possible with the limited time you had to adjust yourself. When Dream arrives, you can see that he's just as tired as the boys are thanks to the chase, though his stance continues to be tense as he frantically looks around for them, fists clenched tight until his knuckles turned ghost white.
"Fuck, where did they run off to?"
"Not gonna give a stranger a kind hello after walking onto their lawn with murderous intent?" You and Dream weren't really strangers per say, you had to meet up with him when you moved into the server after all, but due to conflicting schedules and how often Tommy and Tubbo dragged you away whenever he tried to make conversation, you two didn't know each other all that well. That doesn't mean that you didn't want to try though.
When Dream realizes where he was and who he was talking, he's quick to adjust his mask and hoodie to make himself look somewhat... presentable, as presentable as he can look with sweat marks and a messed up mask at least.
'Why did those two have to run up to your house out of all places,' Dream mentally whines to himself, clearing his throat and giving you a single awkward wave as he walks up to you.
"Hey, (y/n). I didn't know you lived in this part of the server," that was a lie. Dream did know where you live, he knew where everyone did but it would be a little creepy to just put that information out there, wouldn't it?
"It'd be a little weird if I just started screaming out my address to random people on the streets, wouldn't it?" You try to joke, earning a little laugh from Dream.
"Okay, yeah, you got me there."
You pat an empty spot beside you on your porch step, inviting Dream over for a bit of rest and he accepts your offer gratefully, practically slumping beside you as he suddenly feels just how tired he is.
"Love the new look you gave your mask by the way," Dream groans at your teasing and pulls at his hoodie strings, hoping to cover his whole mask with his hood. He's glad you can't see his face right now because he can feel his cheeks practically burning at the fact that when he finally gets a chance to talk and get close to you it's when he's a sweating tired mess who looks like a wreck at best.
"I'm going to kill those two when I find them," he mumbles under his breath.
The slam that follows within your home could not have been more terribly timed.
"What was that?"
"Must be my wolves," you lied through your teeth, knowing damn well that your actual wolves were sleeping in your bedroom, "they learned how to open doors recently, I think they're messing around at the moment."
While he's distracted, staring at your window to check what's going on inside of your home, you're quick to read through your most recent private messages on your communicator.
Tommy: HE'S HERE!
Tommy: Fuck this, we're hiding in the kitchen.
Tubbo: We're making a run for it through the back.
Tommy: We'll hide in your barn like runaway children.
Tubbo: Isn't that what we technically are right now?
Tommy: (y/n), we're making a fucking run for it if you don't answer us in 3 seconds.
Tommy: 3!
Tommy: 2!
"Yup," you pop your P a little at the end, annoyed yet amused at the string of frantic messages still continuing to pop up on your communicator as they make their escape, "definitely my wolves causing all of that chaos."
Dream knows that you're lying from the way you read through your messages but he doesn't say a word about it, choosing instead to take this golden opportunity to get closer to you without worrying about anyone getting in the way.
"Not really how you thought the day would go, huh?"
You can't help but laugh and shake your head, "Not at all, I thought it was just going to be another boring day with my bird, but hey, I'm glad you showed up to make it a little more special."
"Really?" Dream hates how happy he sounds to hear you say that, but he'll beat himself up over it another time.
"It's not everyday you see Mr. WasTaken himself visiting your humble home, now is it?" Oh, or maybe he won't.
"I guess not, that really should change, shouldn't it?" You can hear the little grin in his voice as he realizes the game your playing.
"It really should, but a quick heads up would be good, unless you'd like to deal with said 'wolves' I mentioned earlier."
He chuckles and shakes his head, mentioning how he's more than aware that those two 'wolves' of yours would probably rip him apart if he ever visited you unannounced.
It isn't long before you invite Dream inside, offering to help clean his mask as an apology on the boys's behalf. He claims that he doesn't mind but he would rather not take his mask off in front of you when he hasn't gotten to know you all that well.
"You don't have to remove it if you feel uncomfortable, I'll just wipe away whatever I can with a cloth, but if you're still hesitant, I'd understand."
He takes a moment to consider your offer, trying to see if you have any other ulterior motives. It's not that he doesn't want to trust you, he does, but sometimes you just have to be a little extra cautious even with people you like. Sensing no ill intent on your part though, he relaxes himself once more and accepts your help, letting his hood finally loosen and fall back to ease your process.
Your actions are incredibly comforting to Dream who can't help himself from leaning into your touches every once in a while. He watches you with his fullest attention as you wipe away the mess on his mask with a damp cloth. He loves how focused you look while doing so, taking in every little quirk you may have while you concentrate. His little crush on you that he's harboured ever since he saw you running around the server can't help but grow every second you give him your attention.
There's a certain draw to you that Dream can't fight off no matter how hard he tries, you just manage to hold a certain power over him and that was evident by the fact that he completely lost interest in continuing his hunt for Tommy and Tubbo even after finding out that they were still most likely on your property. Dream was a persistent man, he was never one to simply drop something with no proper reason at all. There was just this appeal to you that he couldn't describe and he was desperate to find out what it was about you that made him act differently than he normally would.
"Okay then, that's the last of it," he has to stop himself from letting out a whine when you pull your hands away from his mask, he wants to say something to try to get you to continue on longer but decides against it, not wanting to seem desperate. His eyes don't leave you even after you pull away, watching you rinse off the dirty cloth before throwing it into what seemed to be a bin filled with laundry. When you return to sit by his side, he can't help but swallow a bit of his pride to rest his head on your shoulder. It's a big risk to take, but at least he has an excuse for his actions if he ever needs it.
"Tired, Dream?"
"Mhmm," he feels himself melt when you let your fingers run through his slightly sweat damp hair, clearly unphased by the state of it much, to his joy.
"You wanna rest here for a while? I'm sure you could get a good nap in before leaving."
"That depends, can I still use you as my pillow?"
"Not like I have anything else to do for the rest of the day, knock yourself out."
"Then if you'll excuse me," his head is quick to leave your shoulder to instead rest in your lap and the blissful sigh he lets out escapes his lips before he can even stop himself. You just feel so comfortable to him. "I'm gonna drift off, wake me up in an hour or so, will you?"
You let out a hum in response and it isn't long before you start to see Dream's body go slack, his breathing now steady and deep as he slowly falls asleep. It's quite endearing seeing Dream act so affectionately towards you, something you certainly didn't expect from a guy who carries himself with a subtle wave of authority, but you definitely weren't complaining as you continued to play with his hair once again.
Dream would never tell a single soul about it, but this was quiet possible the best sleep he's gotten in years, if he even tried to sleep at all to begin with. The thought to just slow down and relax is never really on his mind, his head always spinning with things he has to do. However, with you, he's glad to know that he can look to you for comfort from now on, something he now realizes is rather hard to find on the server. It pains him to know that he'll have to leave in just a few moments but for now, he'll take what he can get from you and maybe, if you let him, he'll be sure to return your sweet gestures tenfold one day.
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A/N: Hello, everyone! I am so sorry for being absent recently, I know the writer's block excuse can only go so far but- yeah ^^' I'm so sorry again for everything and I'm sorry if this isn't what you were hoping for anon! Thank you so much for the rquest and feel free to request it again if you want me to remake this to hopefully suit what you wanted. Anyways, I hope you all have a good day and thank you so much for reading!
(Requests are open and anon is on!)
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queeriboh · 2 years
Okay then, what’s your Mokuba deep character analysis? 😗
Also, are you talking DM version or manga version or both lol. I’m assuming DM but idk
omg I definitely didn't expect anyone to actually ask wow!! okay! well personally and like, for my RPverse, I like to blend canon from the manga and anime. like prioritizing manga first and fleshing it out with anime details that dont directly contradict anything. I feel like the s0 manga sets up everyone's characters in such an integral way that without it, the anime versions of the characters all fall a little bit flat and some of their motivations aren't very clear.
but I specifically I was just thinking about Mokuba's character and development in the early manga and how its too important to ignore because it shows just how jaded and corrupted he was by Gouzaburou and Seto's hatred and how much he's willing to grow compared to his brother and step father. like he started out following his brother so closely and blindly that, as an actual child, he poisoned and watched Joey writhing in pain and just laughed, but by the end of the next year, he was going behind Seto's back to try and get help for Joey after he lost to Marik.
( which!! I'm absolutely obsessed with the headcanon of Joey becoming a better brotherly influence in Mokuba's life post canon. to the point I have a very strong headcanon about Mokuba using a Red Eyes centric deck but this post is already long so I won't over explain that rn ))
I think about how he was so ready to be cruel, to be vindictive just to hear his brother praise him once. how he wanted so badly to win their bet and outshine Seto, because that was the only way he could see worth in himself was by making his brother proud.
I 100% believe that Mokuba is the more intelligent Kaiba Brother. he is constantly out performing his brother on all intellectual, strategic, mechanical, and even social aspects for his age, but everyone is so impressed by Seto's new accomplishments that no one notices Mokuba growing and learning at a much faster rate.
I think that if Yami hadn't had his own moment of growth and decided to pull Mokuba out of Seto's holographic penalty game, Mokuba could have become just the most unhinged (and hilarious) villain. but I love that his change in attitude wasn't an immediate 180. like sure he instantly decided to do the right thing and go save Honda, and after Yugi won he told him their origin story and everything. but when they meet again at Duelist Kingdom, Mokuba swears he still hates Yugi, and points a lot of the blame for Pegasus getting the opportunity to even try his evil plan at the fact Yugi put Seto in a coma and, by the way, when IS he going to wake up, Yugi??? I like that he's still got that grudge months later, and that he does finally try and let it go after Yugi saves not only him, but Seto too.
and that kid has ?? so much trauma oh my god. these are all just headcanons but. he's claustrophobic from the capsule monsters penalty game. he thinks about how willing he was to kill someone, and spends nights wondering, what if I'd really done it? he sleeps with a light on after duelist kingdom because waking up in a dark room takes him right back to the dungeon.
okay I rambled a whole lot without really saying anything I think so I'm going to just cjejdjesbwj stop here but s0 makes Mokuba SUCH a fascinating character to me like he's just the perfect blend of unhinged, tragic, and unbelievably hilarious that I spend a lot of time at work thinking about how he's going to grow up. I have like 800 different post canon aus just depending on things like. if he takes over Kaiba Corp and finally focuses on building theme parks for underprivileged children instead of card games and revenge. or does he resent the corporate life eventually and sell the company? or does he destroy it completely?? how much of his own interests, goals, and personality did he sacrifice for his brother and how much of it can he ever get back???
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Some time seems to have passed between the end of the last lesson and the beginning of this one. Levi’s tired after pulling an all-nighter with Diavolo to finish a game and Mammon’s laughing at all the pictures Luke is sending him of all the desserts his making and the step by step process he’s following. Beel happily notes that Mammon & Luke have been chatting a lot lately. Mammon red in the face but smiling happily says it’s like he’s got a new minion who’s also fun to mess with, Asmo says it looks more like Mammon’s got a tiny little brother with the way Mammon’s being fawning over him (my heart this is so cute I need to write more fics with them interacting), Mammon denies it but Asmo says it holds no ground when Mammon can’t seem to stop smiling so happily. Lucifer has found an art book that Satan’s being looking everywhere desperately for and invites Satan to come take a look at it together, Satan postures a bit but agrees. Belphie says there’s a lot of strange friendships popping up lately, though Beel’s happy that Satan & Lucifer have been getting along better, Asmo thinks the way Satan’s being acting around Lucifer recently is strange and Belphie says it’s a sign of Armageddon. Asmo asks MC if they knew any reason behind the sudden change and they just say the two discovered new sides of each other which makes the other 3 more confused, with Asmo particularly lusting for the gossip. Belphie wonders if this means the anti-lucifer league would disband and Satan who hears this says that’s dumb cause he can take the chance to pull a prank of Lucifer when he goes to his room to check out the book. MC says they thought him and Lucifer were finally friends but satan says even the thought makes him sick, Asmo asks if he’s sure since the two seem like the best of friends recently. Satan quotes Sun Tzu saying “If you know your enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles”. A door bell rings and Lucifer tells MC to go get it. It’s Solomon & Barbatos and MC asks them what they’re doing here together. Solomon reveal’s it’s time for their sorcerer’s preliminary exams. (Did MC get all 7 stars already? Or 6 I guess if this exam gives the last star)
Ok so MC has 4 stars the preliminary is for the 5th star and final is for the 7th. Asmo has apparently filled the others on what’s gonna happen. Mammon asks for compensation, Beel wishes MC good luck, Lucifer tells them they should actually fill MC in, Asmo says Solomon had contacted him asking the brothers to help with the exam, MC says “cool what do I gotta do”, Solomon says they have to win a game of Tail Thieves and gets Barbatos to explain, Barbatos complains how Solomon always makes him explain things to people and I completely forgot that Solomon has a pact with Barbatos meaning they must be pretty close, meaning Asmo & Barbatos must be pretty close too and I need to see the dynamic between these 3 more. Solomon is going to use magic to give everyone animal tails and MC has to be the last one standing, if they lose their tail they fail the exam. (AND AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I’d love to see the animal event costumes being used in the main storyline and MC getting a tail? It’s have to be a sheep right?) To motivate the brothers to steal MC’s tail, stealing someone’s tail means they’re cursed to obey one command from you and sure that’s not gonna end in disaster. MC’S A SHEEP!!!!!! I’ve had this idea of what their costume would look like for a while ahhhh Also Barbatos is a bat? Do bat’s have tails? I feel like I should know this… (it apparently depends on the species of bat, given his colour lets just say Barbatos is a devildom bat). MC goes hey so this is 1 vs 8???? And Solomon says he’s giving them Asmo & Barbatos. Mammon brings up the fact that MC can just command them and Solomon says that’ll be against the rules. Barbatos asks if MC can use his or Asmo’s powers and Solomon says it’s fine as long as it’s a direct order from MC meaning they can’t use their powers themselves. MC brings up the fact that since they don’t have a pact with Barbatos they can’t use his powers and to make up for it Solomon gives MC Barbatos’ grimoire which will give the bearer full control over the demon who it belongs to even without a pact. MC has a flashback to the tomb under the HoL and the brothers’ grimoire, remembering that a command powered through a grimoire can overpower a command from a pact & that everything about a demon rides on their grimoire meaning they can never let it be stolen. Levi is absolutely stunned that Solomon has something so personal and precious and Barbatos reveals that he entrusted it to Solomon on his own free will and holy shit Barbatos & Solomon must be way closer than I realised… which even Levi says. Lucifer says if they steal MC’s tail and command them to hand over the grimoire they would be able to read it and Barbatos laughs and says that they’d find out everything about him and suddenly the whole game has become about reading Barbatos’ grimoire (even Asmo seems interested), which Solomon seems pleased about since it’s given all the brothers a more solid goal. Solomon starts the game.
The brothers all scatter to hide leaving MC, Asmo and Barbatos in the living room. Barbatos says the brother’s have probably left to find a place they can use to their advantage and that if they are able to figure out what that place would be for each brother they could make strategies to counteract them. Asmo swoons about how Barbatos is the whole package by being handsome and intelligent. Asmo says this makes him more interested in finding out more about Barbatos and he asks MC if he can take a teensy peek at the grimoire and they immediately shut him down. Barbatos thanks them for being a decent person (honestly the lowest bar to clear) and says because Solomon thought it was the best decision to give MC the grimoire he won’t object but also “we don’t really know each other at all so pls don’t use that it literally contains a record of my entire past” MC readily agrees because “the only conversations we’ve ever had is about tea we’re definitely not ready for any deep therapy sessions”. He’s grateful but emphasizes on it again and MC promises they won’t use it. Asmo complains about this, saying it’ll be impossible to beat the others while only using Asmo’s powers. Mammon hears that MC won’t be using the grimoire and reveals himself, Asmo says he was stupid for not finding a place where he’d have the advantage and MC says maybe this is that place for him, Asmo says that maybe cause this is where Lucifer always ties him up he thinks of this as his home turf. Mammon gets ready to fight Asmo & MC, Barbatos says “lol lemme take care of this and prove to you that I’m dangerous even without my powers”.
Barbatos manages to defeat Mammon and hang him from the ceiling using only hand to hand combat. Asmo tells Mammon if he can’t beat someone using only hand-to-hand combat MC might end up firing him, Mammon gets freaked out MC nods along and asks if they’re serious and they tell him not to worry cause they aren’t, he’s happy and calls MC the best, Asmo just sadly calls MC a simp. Asmo says that Barbatos has tied the ropes looser and that Lucifer ties them in a tight artful style. Whether MC pulls the tale off in one swift movement or gently it’ll tickle. He returns to normal and immediately starts yelling at MC to hurry up an give him an order and Asmo realises how scary Solomon’s curse really is. Asmo says even when Mammon is not cursed MC can get him to do pretty much anything by asking the right way cause Mammon’s whipped, so really they won’t be getting anything new or special. Barbatos provides a solution for this by telling them they can get him to admit something he usually wouldn’t. MC asks him; 1.) who his favourite brother is –  he says, “That’s easy! It’s Lucifer, of course. I’ve always loved him and I always will.” I like to think MC knew exactly what he was going to say and took out their phone to record it to later show Lucifer. 2.) If there’s a brother he’s keeping a secret from – He took clothes and shoes from Asmo’s cupboard and sold them. Asmo swears to kill Mammon once all this is over. 3.) If there’s anything he loves more than money – MC. He says there’s nothing and no one more important to him. He says he loves them and that he’d take them over money any day. Asmo who’s honestly MC and Mammon’s #1 shipper (remember the beach event, and the parfait devilgram and the chat where he got excited when MC smelt like Mammon) laughs and says “I knew it!”. For all 3 Mammon realises what he’s said and tries to take it back. They are later unable to find Lucifer – who would be the hardest to beat according to Barbatos - in the music room, Barbatos recalls Simeon telling him how Satan and Lucifer have started getting along and Asmo says he’s suddenly got a bad feeling.
they don’t find anyone in either Satan or Lucifer’s rooms, Asmo suggests MC using the grimoire to locate Lucifer, MC shuts it down and Barbatos thanks them and tells Asmo to drop it. Asmo asks MC why they have to be so serious despite him loving that part of them. Asmo asks MC if they know what Barbatos can do, how powerful he really is, they say he can see through time and Barbatos agrees with it but Asmo asks him to give MC a more detailed description of his powers since he anyway made them promise not to use his grimoire. He then says he has the power to create a portal to anywhere, including through time but creating portals through time has much more limitations than creating a normal portal to just a different place and that his control also becomes less stable. Asmo asks if that’s why Barbatos doesn’t let him go to the past or future no matter how much he begs. Barbatos says, “no that’s cause ik if I did you’d either fuck some powerful historical figure and mess up the entire timeline or you’d try to fuck yourself and the entire universe would implode”. Asmo calls him mean and Barbatos laughs but does say that since his control through time is not the best a person may end up skipping either backwards or forwards through time each time they pass through a doorway after they travel through his portal to the new time. He says that’s all he’s willing to tell MC. Asmo asks MC where they would go if they could go anywhere. If they say past Barbatos asks if there’s something they want to change or if there’s someone who’s past they want to spy on. If they say future Asmo says he’d love to go to the future to see how much more beautiful he’s become and to see how his and MC’s relationship has progressed. MC asks Barbatos where he’d like to go and he says nowhere, cause his place is by Diavolo’s side. MC asks him why he serves Diavolo and what he did before it – he says he’s not gonna answer cause he isn’t sure if it’s a good idea to trust MC the same way he trusts Solomon. Asmo giggles about how cold Barbatos is but says that’s one of the things he loves about him. Barbatos asks Asmo if he might know where Satan is and he says he has an idea.
They go to the home theatre where one of Satan’s favourite movies – about a deadly monster shark – is playing until suddenly everything goes dark. Someone wraps their arms around Asmo and he squeals telling MC they’re so naughty for wanting to do something here in the dark when Barbatos was with them, Satan tells him that he’s restraining Asmo not embracing him. The lights are off cause despite being brothers Asmo could charm them by looking into their eyes. Asmo complains but also loves the “roleplay” they’re doing and how Satan snuck up behind him and restrained him and now he needs a moment to get his boner down, Satan’s understandably very upset by this. Lucifer ends up sneaking behind MC and restraining them (despite it being dark Barbatos is able to see him coming and tries to warm MC), he’s impressed that they were able to recognise him but says they shouldn’t have left their back open. Barbatos asks why they left him free and Lucifer says he knows MC won’t use the grimoire, even if it’s their last option, cause it would upset Barbatos. Lucifer goes to remove MC’s tail but MC signals Barbatos with their eyes and he sees the remote next to him and grabs it & throws it to MC (so I guess this establishes that Barbatos can see in the dark). MC catches it and presses a quick combination of buttons that plays a movie about three cats going on a journey together. Satan obviously starts gushing about the cats and lets Asmo go, Lucifer calls him an idiot and MC commands Asmo. Satan initially doesn’t even notice Asmo cause of the cats which pisses him off but in the end the roleplay made him excited which made his charm more appealing. Lucifer had used every ounce of his willpower and just managed to escape but they take Satan’s tail.
In the twins’ room Asmo laughs about the face Satan made at whatever his order was and Barbatos says Satan making such a face could signify the end times and Asmo says it’s no joke if Barbatos is saying that. Belphie’s fast asleep in his bed and MC leaves him for later cause it wouldn’t be fair to take the tail now. Asmo wonders why Solomon made this MC’s exam when their final exam won’t give a shit if they’re good at tail thieves or not. MC says maybe he thought it’d be funny to see Barbatos disagrees with thar but Asmo says it’s natural to jump to their own conclusions when Solomon never answers questions and that Solomon hasn’t changed in that way since they first made their pact. MC asks for the story behind it Asmo says Solomon knew exactly what to say to get what he wanted from Asmo but could also dodge questions without making it obvious he was doing so. On the first night he’d met Solomon Asmo had been really depressed cause he’d spotted a cute human but the other people who were hanging around her had stated calling him “evil and wicked and other horrible things” and he couldn’t get close to her (so last yr someone told me the actual biblical story behind this and it’s FUCKED UP and I like to imagine that’s what actually happened in OM! too but Asmo is heavily censoring it for MC. Remember the pretty graphic description Asmo gave to MC about how he’d kill them in S1? Yeah I 100% believe he’s lying to MC about how things went down here). He’d been sitting in a tavern sulking when Solomon had started talking to him. He had listened to Asmo and had been so warm and caring Asmo had accidentally let it slip that he was Lucifer’s brother, they’d drunk the night away and when Asmo woke up the next day he had somehow made a pact with Solomon and HOLY SHIT this is so shady Solomon wtf. Barbatos says it probably wasn’t a coincidence he ran into Solomon and Solomon would have known who he was from the beginning (imagine how pissed off Lucifer must have been when Asmo came back with a pact). Asmo says Solomon and Barbatos meeting wasn’t a coincidence either and Barbatos agrees but says it happened long before Solomon and Asmo made a pact. Solomon had summoned Barbatos using a special incantation that he’d created himself and Asmo’s shocked that doing all that and summoning a demon as powerful as Barbatos hadn’t killed him. Barbatos said that Solomon had actually been on the verge of death when Barbatos arrived. MC asked why he’d risk it to summon Barbatos, Barbatos said that even back then there was something Solomon wanted even more than his own life and that the encounter made Barbatos curious and he wanted to learn more about Solomon and eventually this would lead to him forming a pact with Solomon (given how Barbatos is I’d imagine it took time for Solomon to form a pact with him because Barbatos would need to be able to trust him first). He says that though it’s hard to say what Solomon’s plans are he thinks highly of him enough to trust him with his grimoire. He says whether his decision is good or bad is up to them to judge but that their teacher is a genius unlike anyone else in the 3 worlds. Saying their break’s being long enough they head to the kitchen.
They find Beel eating and Asmo scolds him for using the ice cream maker without permission after Lucifer banned him cause last time he ate so much he got sick. Asmo uses this to blackmail Beel into giving up his tail. Removing it tickles a lot and as he’s handing it over Beel blushes and apologises for “the weird little shriek” he made at the end. Barbatos wonders why the fuck the seven of them are considered to be among the mot powerful demons in the Devildom when this is what they’re actually alike and Asmo says Barbatos should be disappointed in Beel and not the both of them. Asmo says that this whole exam seems pointless when this is what it’s like but when Beel starts begging for orders he tells MC to give one. They ask him what they would like for their final meal ever (the other two options are ‘let’s get romantic’ and for him to feed something to Barbatos) He says one of Simeon’s BLTs but then starts listing food from both the human world and Devildom before ending with apple pie….and isn’t apple pie the answer Beel’s VA gave for this same question? That’s really sweet that they added it.  Asmo says by the time he finished all that he’d have passed his death. Beel’s still begging for orders and they realise the curse is to follow the orders of the person who pulled the tail off and not MC. Asmo gets waaay to excited for this and Beel freaks out and uses puppy dog eyes to start pleading with MC for help, MC tells Asmo to cool it but Asmo says he’ll never get a chance like this again and Beel despairs. And that’s it. Beel’s doomed to his fate and we have no idea what happens.
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multiplefandomsblog · 3 years
Streaming Relationship HCS w/ Chiaki
request(s); omg ur requests are open???? AAAJDJAKFHW ok so this might sound weird but like- relationship hcs with chiaki and a s/o who stream together, like on twitch or some shit BAHAHDJAH
sorry if that’s really specific i just think it’s a really cute idea LMAO have an amazing day ily guys <333
paring(s); streamer! Chiaki x streamer! S/o, special appearance of Hajime x Komaeda (Platonic or romantic, depends on how you perceive it)
warnings(s); light cussing, unedited, tackling???? but not like in a fight or anything, smash bros if that’s a trigger- idrk how streams work and what type of games they play — but i tried watching one and it was pretty cool :000 am still confused if i wrote this right though;;; probably more relationship gaming hcs than streaming :’) but i tried!!!! anyway back to warnings, gender-neutral reader, teeth-rotting fluff, mention of chloroform(it’s not how you think i used it for tho, no one gets drugged dw), silent treatment, sugar rushes, simps lmfao wtf-
- mod chia
◊ Okay so, I think that during streams, Chiaki probably wouldn’t talk that much; and when she did, it was usually just small quiet, cute and questionable things that make you take a minute — and then die(of laughter).
The whole quiet thing is just a façade, isn’t it!? >:0
◊ If she ever loses a game, or loses some inventory, she won’t have that big of a reaction, but she’ll abruptly stop and tense. Her first instinct however, to calm herself down, is, well, you. So she’ll take a deep breath — only it’s in your chest,,, and she can’t breathe. She will just lean over to you, stuff her face in your chest and then- *SNIFFFF* 
◊ She’ll probably stay there for a while and just kind of… forget her loss, as well as forget she was on a stream(oops). 
◊ “Yeah, just give me a mmmm- minute… or more… I think.” Her voice would be muffled from the material of your shirt, and slightly drowsy — your scent is intoxicating, it’s almost like chloroform for her. One inhale, and she’s —
◊ “Chiaki...? Chiaki? W- we’re on a stream-” HAH Good luck waking her up, she’s out like a light — not only that, she will whine if you wake her up, better yet, she’ll climb further onto you until you almost fall off your gaming chair, or bean bag... bean bags are dope. *wait, i just got an idea- hol’ up
◊ It’s awkward as shit on the stream; especially when there’s people simping for your gamer girlfriend. 
◊ Right after Chiaki feels you give up on trying to rouse her, she’ll immediately take your moment of vulnerability to climb into our lap and bury her nose in your shoulder, getting comfortable before the soft snores start again. It’s so abrupt and on cue, that it makes you wonder if she was just faking her sleep, or if it was just pure muscle memory.
◊ Yes, muscle memory. 
◊ She’s done this so many times out of streams, and in, that it’s literally become instinct.
◊ You cannot start a stream without Chiaki knowing, she has your notifications on, so the moment you go live, you will hear a very silent, but full-of-emotion gasp in the other room — or even the other side of the planet depending on where you guys are located. 
◊ If you start a stream without her, she will give you the silent treatment for one hour. That’s right, one whole hour. So don’t betray her trust, one hour is longer than you think it is — you’d learn that the hard way.
◊ She may cave in after one hour, but she will definitely bring it up in a passive-aggressive way.
— “Chiaki? Are you going to order some food?” “Are you going to invite me to your next stream?” It’d be quiet, a near whisper, but you can still hear how whiny- furious she is. 
◊ If you two were streamers, it’d definitely be Chiaki who introduced you to it first, and invited you to her stream first too. Your relationship known to everyone else is kind of like,, Chiaki is player 1, and you’re player 2; if that makes sense...?
◊ Point is, everyone knows Chiaki better than you — but after some time, you two kind of become a team instead. And this was always her plan too! She always wanted to be a gaming team with you, so if you ever streamed or gamed without her, she will get mad. 
◊ — doesn’t mean she won’t play against you, however. 
◊ If you did get her mad, she will destroy you at street fighter. And at a shit ton of other games too; less merciful than usual. You swear you can see an almost terrifying fierceness in her eye as she jabs at the buttons loudly — everyone on the stream are just, nervously sweating for you.
◊ You guys probably have a cute, pastel themed gaming room with bean bags, and just shelves and shelves of imported snacks and instant noodles. The keyboard is pastel coloured, the computer, the bean bags*, everything is pastel themed and coloured; extremely soft to the eye, especially after gaming, it’s just very nice and soft for when your eyes get sore :)
◊ As mentioned earlier, you two are an unseparable team. Whenever you two are playing 2v2 against Komaeda and Hajime, you always end up in the same time — whether if it’s because you two chose to do so, or the game spinner chose for you.
◊ You suspect it’s probably because of Komaeda’s luck — but it’s nice to think that the universe ships you both together, right? 
◊ Chiaki definitely carries you, but she really doesn’t mind; it’s easy for her. And honestly, she’s just glad you’re playing with her. You being there is a huge supreme factor to her winning most of the games too. The motivation to win for her super hot partner, and to be the hero is very active when you’re sitting knee-to-knee to her.
◊ So yeah, she obliterates Hajime and Komaeda at Smash Bros because she wants to see you praise her and be impressed <33
◊ Praise her though. Seriously.
◊ Give her head pats, hug her(the favoured option), or cheer for her; all that really matters, is that she knows you’re proud of her — even if it’s live, and millions are watching, just shamelessly praise her. Your opinion matters a lot to her, so make sure to take care of that fact, take care of her.
◊ She’d definitely do the same for you!! >:000
◊ If she drank a lot of soda from the mini fridge(yes, you two have a mini fridge), and she’s super energetic from the sugar/caffeine rush, you will bet your sore ass(from sitting, get your mind out of the gutter), that she will tackle you to the ground and start squishing her forehead against yours as she stares you uncomfortably in the eye, “How did you do that!?” she’d be so proud of you, but mostly — she needed to know. How the hell. You did that.
◊ She’ll probably be vibrating from the energy, and when she gets up, she literally starts talking to everyone on the stream at a volume that may be too loud — but she doesn’t care so — “You guys saw that right...?!” through slurred speech and energy that had slowly been draining within each second, she’ll probably last on that sugar rush for a couple more seconds before clinging onto you and just. Sleeping.
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pyroclastic727 · 4 years
Luz and Amity have the same motives
Anyone who has seen The Owl House knows Luz and Amity’s dynamic. Not so much the fighting one, but the one that Eda refers to as “adorable banter which is literally making [her] sick.” They work together perfectly: two rivals who make peace. How do they do that, though? By finding similarity, mainly in motives.
Both Luz and Amity want to be witches.
However, they pursue this in different ways. Amity goes the traditional route. She enrolls in Hexside at a young age, dedicating her life to witchcraft. This is the only path she knows, and she sees it as a way towards success and (probably) pleasing her parents. Being a witch means proving that she is competent and skilled enough, something she doesn’t believe, as shown by how she points out other people’s incompetence and boasts about her own (this is a thing that insecure people do. I know from experience ^_^).
Luz travels a strange route, which you probably know. I mean, she finds the scrappiest, artificially-aged owl-witch antihero, who hates school and teaches her in a ragtag, reluctant fashion. Most of Luz’s learning is on her own. It’s very much the difference between an art student and someone who draws as a hobby; without pressure, Luz can be thirsty for information. However, information tends to be much harder to access, since a lack of pressure also means a lack of resources. (Thanks a lot, modern school system).
Both Luz and Amity want the other person to stop bullying them.
From Luz’s point of view, Amity starts as a bully, so much so that this YouTube video keeps popping up in my recommended, explaining why Amity is an excellent bully. It seems convincing from this point of view; I mean, their first meeting is comprised of Amity obsessively shaking Luz’s lifeless form. Sure, Luz is making a lot of mistakes and altogether shitting on the rules, but that’s what you do when you come from another world and aren’t even enrolled in the school. And as Luz sees, Amity repeatedly does things to insult Luz, someone she hardly knows. She specifically mentions Luz in her Instagram post, calling out humans as being not invited to her conjuring. It seems like she’s specifically targeting Luz, this person who just stumbled into the world and has had about three interactions with Amity. The other girl has really assumed the worst in Luz, which makes no sense at all, since Luz is, well...Luz. 
Meanwhile, Amity sees Luz as a bully. Remember Amity’s main motive: to become a witch and join the Emperor’s Coven so she can convince herself that she’s competent (which isn’t going to work, but that’s how us top-student types think). Luz has been destroying Amity’s plans. The first thing Luz did was help a student cheat on an assignment that Amity worked hard on, and then take Amity’s gold star, aka her symbol of competence, as a spoil of war. Then she challenges Luz to a duel and cheats on that. Amity has been working all her life to be perfect, and meanwhile Luz goes and cheats and lies and isn’t perfect, and gets what she wants. For Amity to accept that Luz’s actions aren’t bullying would mean to admit that perfection isn’t what Amity wants.
Both Luz and Amity want to enjoy fan content shamelessly.
For Luz, she is openly a fangirl at home. I mean, one of our first lines from her is an admission to making anime edits (what a weeb) and getting sucked into Feminist Harry Potter. She makes art and writes, and I would be surprised if she hasn’t written fanfiction. Yet her mom wants to send her to a camp to stifle her creativity. All the other people at school shun her for having weird interests (you’d think that would be unrealistic at this point). Her original motive for staying on the Boiling Isles was so she could be a creative fangirl in relative peace. Even on the Isles, she continues to be a fangirl, going so far as to cosplay Azura in front of Amity. (Luz is what would happen if Tumblr were a person, I swear).
For Amity, she wants to be a fangirl, too. She stans Azula, going so far as to own the first four books. The difference is, she’s closeted. I’m guessing that her parents put a lot of pressure on her to be perfect (or at least, that they used to). If not that, then there’s the embarrassment her siblings cause her, and her subsequent attempts to make her family name seem respectable. At least there’s a sense of sibling competition, since they’ll always be better than her, as long as they have more experience. All that has culminated in an internalized belief that Amity holds, that she has to be perfect and the top student. Would a top student read stupid books and sink into a fandom? No. A top student spends all her time studying and doing things to make the teachers favor her (wow look it’s my mantra from last year). Beneath Amity’s self-consciousness and low self-worth is the desire to simply enjoy things and be herself. Luz helps her get there, by cosplaying and lending her book. But she still has a long way to go, which probably includes standing up to her parents, and most importantly being vulnerable with herself.
Both Luz and Amity want to be valued.
This is at the base of each girl’s personality. I mean, Luz at home doesn’t seem very valued. Her mom is okay, but she is also willing to send her to a summer camp, and after A Lying Witch and a Warden, they don’t text at all. Her classmates don’t value her. When she comes to the Boiling Isles, part of the reason she’s so happy is because so many people value her: Eda, King, Willow, and Gus. She has a family and friends and is fairly content. Now all she needs is to become a real witch so people will value the part of her that loves magic. 
Amity has it way worse. For the most part, she isn’t really valued. Remember the scene where she’s sitting on her windowsill, staring out the window and brooding as her friends take selfies without her? She doesn’t feel any attachment to her friends, alone in any crowd she’s in. Her siblings, while they love her, are an annoyance to her. They don’t seem to see the real value in her, and if they do, they don’t express it. She would probably cry if one of her siblings said he or she was proud of her. Meanwhile, we don’t see much of her parents (I’m writing this after S1E12, for future viewers). Keeping in mind that Dana Terrace and Alex Hirsch also wrote on Gravity Falls, she probably has the parents that Pacifica Northwest has: a distant, cold nuclear family with high expectations and low tolerance for her. Without any love at home, she seeks some at school. We know that she once valued Willow, but lost her. (My guess is that she pushed Willow away). Her professors give her validation, but judging by how quickly they take it away, it seems more like a toxic dependency than a real relationship. By this point, Amity has spent so much of her life without being valued that when Luz extends kindness to her, she doesn’t even know how to respond.
This sets both girls up to learn from each other. 
Luz is excitable and reckless, and she can pick up some discipline and ambition from Amity. Amity is high-strung and repressed, so she can learn some self-indulgence and emotional freedom from Luz. Usually the best way to learn a lot from a peer and have them learn from you, in fiction, is to form a close bond with them and spend a lot of time together. Fortunately for Lumity, similarity breeds attraction.
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askaceattorney · 3 years
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(Previous Letter)
Dear dawsongfg,
Mod Edgeworth: It’s called a HEX code. It’s a code used to identify color. I swear, you cannot fix stupid.
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(Video in Letter)
Dear dawsongfg,
Mod Edgeworth: I think there should be an extended version of this and there isn’t any!
Co-Mod: I like this tune, but trying to imagine the Oldbag while listening to it is like drawing to imagine a shining field of wheat while listening to the Jaws theme.  Not exactly a good match.
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(Previous Post)
(Link in Letter)
Dear dawsongfh,
Mod Edgeworth: Using letters from nine years ago is not evidence. Even we don’t consider our letters canon.
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Dear Someone,
Mod Edgeworth: Dawsongfg hasn’t gone that far yet and I do see that they’re trying to calm themselves down. You’re only not seeing it, because the letters from Dawsongfg are from May and June. The ones released that were to us before were before we placed that rule in. You will see a difference in moment’s time. That, I can promise you.
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Dear Anthony,
Mod Edgeworth: Thank you. Much appreciated.
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(Sorry, I’m running low on Ace Attorney sprites for reacting to praise.)
I’m doin’ all right for the most part, and I hope the same (or better) can be said for you.  It’s always nice to hear some approval every now and then, even if it’s just from one person, so thanks a bunch!  It helps more than you know.
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Dear Anonymous,
Mod Edgeworth: I’ve only seen a Let’s Play of it, though I can’t remember the Let’s Player.
Co-Mod: I’m not too familiar with it, but I watched the trailer video.  The story looks...
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...interesting, but the controls make it look like the rage-quit-inducing sort of game.  I’m not too fond of those.
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(Link in Letter)
Dear Anonymous,
Mod Edgeworth: .......................................... I prefer Asougi Kazuma x Naruhodou Ryuunosuke.
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Dear dawsongfg,
Mod Edgeworth: You’re sorry about that and not the millions of other repetitive letters on Oldbag, threatening Iris and Phoenix to get together and insulting Apollo Justice? I hope you realize that those are more spamming than anything you wrote about Redd White and Grossberg.
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Dear sweetlaive3,
Co-Mod: Can do!  There’s no guarantee we’ll remember, though, so please inform us if we forget to make those changes.
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(Previous Letters)
Dear dawsongfg,
Mod Edgeworth: I suppose it depends on who is wearing it. Erm... I mean... it’s not like I...
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Take favoritism towards... 
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C-C-Cravat wearing men. I-I-I mean sure I might have a huge crush on two cravat wearing men, but... erm... I don’t have those feelings towards the other cravat wearers like... Manfred Von Karma and Barok Van Zieks.
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even if Manfred Von Karma is my favorite villain (and, let’s be real, he’s far too old for me anyways)...
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Kick me, baby! I mean..... okay, so I have a thing for hot anime men in cravats! So what?
Co-Mod: Keeping out of this one.
Mod Edgeworth:
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Dear Rogertheegg,
Mod Edgeworth: I have to disagree with that or else you’re mistaking Kristoph Gavin to Calisto Yew - a Defense Attorney who was a great concept with horrible execution. I find Kristoph Gavin to be ten times more evil and much more intimidating compared to Manfred Von Karma. Believe it or not, Kristoph Gavin is one of my top five favorite villains of AA. Manfred Von Karma is only my favorite villain, because he hits me on a personal level. If anyone can send me a character essay on Kristoph Gavin, I would totally do it. In fact, you can send me a character essay request, if you’re interested to know why I love Kristoph Gavin as a villain. 
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As for how I would do it, if I was to write a fan fiction with a Defense Attorney as the big bad, I would likely give the villain a personal connection with the main character, a motivation to make that villain a foil, use their job as a means of being that foil in a unique way, place them in a position of power higher than the main character and execute it in a way that makes them a terrifying villain that is a foil to the main character. That’s my basic blueprint. Since Kristoph Gavin was already done, I doubt I could do anything better than that. Mine would likely take inspiration from Calisto Yew, since she is a villain that was a great idea with bad execution.
Co-Mod: I’m mostly in agreement with Mod Edgeworth, but I just remembered another defense attorney who could potentially fit the category of the “Big Bad” if one were to add a few more details to his story -- Robert Hammond.  All we know about his career is that he decided to leave Grossberg’s office and start his own firm, and that he cared more about himself and his reputation than his clients.  He may have already received his comeuppance for it, but for all we know, Yanni Yogi was only one of several people who suffered injustice at his hands, so if we were to turn back the clock a bit, I imagine we’d have a good place to start for creating a bad guy defense attorney.
...That doesn’t count as cheating, does it?
-The Mods
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