#i swear that Yang post has been in the works for a while
Random Fengqing headcanons:
Fengqing both have pets in their palaces (pets they've granted immortality) that remind them of each other. Mu Qing has a dog, a Shanxi Xigou named Jinfeng (gold wind). He is loyal and affectionate and protective of Mu Qing. He is the period equivalent of a titled purebred. He is a yellow colour and was an offering as a thank you. From a very devoted believer who happened to breed them. Mu Qing didn't know what he was supposed to do with a puppy, but he kept and doted on him. He sleeps in Mu Qing's bed even though he has his own.
Feng Xin has a cat, a pretty blue grey one with light green eyes. Her name is Zhenzhen. She was only a kitten living on the street when Feng Xin found her while looking for Xie Lian. She brought him luck on a side mission he was on so he decided to keep her. She's terribly spoiled and fickle because of it (to the point his subordinates nickname her "Nan Yang Furen" and say she truly rules the palace) she is, however very attached to Feng Xin and is very loving towards him.
FX fell first. MQ didn't know how to feel. I think FX could have attempted to confess once, back when they were mortal, but MQ thought he was being mocked.
MQ is worshipped as a god of children (a la this post)
Silver haired MQ rights!
FX is actually a total sweetheart when in a relationship! He's very much the pet name type (Qing-er and Baobei are most common) and his love languages are Acts of Service and Words of Affirmation. (Yes he swears while saying sweet things lmao. "You're so fucking beautiful" "You've been working your ass off, let me handle it" that sort of thing)
Mu Qing's are Quality Time and Physical Touch (I feel this in my bones. Mu Qing's gently touching people he loves and cares for. Fussing over hair and clothes is a very MQ show of affection. Unfortunately I feel like one time, after the fall of Xianle he fussed over Xie Lian and FX made fun of him for it because he was a servant before so he restrained himself, but when he's truly comfortable he will do it)
(can't think of anything else rn maybe I'll edit with more)
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filmofhybe · 8 months
PROFILE - the 7 tall dwarfs
> pairing : Nishimura Riki x Female Reader
> genre : college student AU! , Pool Lifeguard AU! , smau , fluff
> warnings : SLOW BURN!! , swearing , bad humor jokes , kys jokes (die etc) , kissing , semi verbal bullying (no violence) , reader! injuring herself by accident , missing parent figure
> synopsis : Excited to become the new lifeguard in the campus as your part time job to pay off your rent. Until you noticed one particular person who keeps coming during your shifts and stay until it ends - Nishimura Riki. Non of you exchanged words but it all starts with mini smiles and eye contacts. Will both of you remain trapped in your silent world? Or to find the courage to talk to each other, that would lead to more than just unspoken interactions.
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NISHIMURA RIKI - a second year college student that is studying Dance and performance. A boy filled with Curiosity when it comes to new people. Has a massive crush on y/n after seeing her once. A absolutely menace. The youngest in the tall 7 dwarfs (and the tallest). Known all the others since middle & high school.
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Yang Jungwon & Kim Sunoo - the pocketz. A Duo you would never seen without each other. Like they are 4life. They are both third year students, jungwon studying mathematics and finance, while sunoo is studying psychology and media. Jungwon is the leader of the tall 7 dwarfs as he is really organized and responsible, while sunoo is a bit playful but is mostly the one to bring up the energy in the group. They’ve been friends since High school with Niki. Went to the same primary school as y/n but was never really that close with her.
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Park Sunghoon & Park Jeongseong - the parks and the visuals. Well I have nothing to say for these both. They are both the campus visuals and I mean they are just handsome man. Both studying Finance and Marketing. Never gonna see these two leave each other alone. They’ve known each other since High school. But has always stuck with Niki as they consider him as their little brother. Doesn’t know about y/n until heeseung & jake mentioned her in one of their group conversations in high school.
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Lee heeseung & Sim Jaehyun - the childhood duo. The duo that has been together since the beginning of time. Both known y/n since she was in her mother’s womb. Technically y/n’s older brothers. Heeseung is studying Marketing and engineering while Jake is studying engineering and physics. Both really smart and A star students.
a/n: will be tagging everyone when the first chapter is out :) so please be patient with me!! If you also want to be tagged on my other works you can submit the taglist application form in my navigation post :)
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tkblythofficial · 4 months
I know nothing about tarot so I’ll take yours’ words for it but If their chemistry dies, mama, I will cry. I swear. Their heat and intensity is so perfect for it to amount to nothing: not even another film? :(   Like shut the front door!
So, I’ll add my 3 benjamins to the tarot stuff from my own brief googling. Plz correct me if I’m going south.
Taurus and Aquarius are polar opposites but make good intimate friends
J is certainly just coasting along here. I think it helps that he’s also from a theater background and maybe even a similar home life background to R.
Tom, I think likes BB’s low maintenance. I get that vibe of her. 
Hol’ up! T and R almost kissed! What was the context? To be a fly on the wall. OMG! This must’ve been during the reshoots? Because there’s no other way for it to have happened. That might also explain R’s little coded tweets and posts OMG
T is an obvious tease who wants R, but knows he can’t cross it too much. I’ll amend something a little though. I think for R, T is a safe option to explore herself in that way. She feels he’s a safe bet to flirt with because T won’t take advantage and will be very patient and accommodating of  her. She appears to clam up when T responds too strong.
Oh boy, it does seem likely she cried over missing him too. Rs likes are a clear indication of that. She liked that loneliness quote from little women at one point too.
I think bodies will become legit entangled if they work together again.
I don’t think chemistry like theirs can die actually! It will always be there even if they don’t talk / see each other for a while. There will always be sparks, ya know?
1. T and R are definitely opposites but in a good way. T said they are yin and yang which is why their friendship works so well. I think they balance each other out a lot.
2. True! J seems to be coasting and has a similar lifestyle to R which is why she’s very comfortable with him :(
3. I get the same vibe. BB has her own thing and doesn’t distract him from his career so they have a familiarity to their routine that works for them now
4. I was thinking it was during reshoots too. I don’t think R and T hang out too much without J unless it was during filming. Wait - R’s coded tweets and posts? Please share! 👀
5. I agree with this! R enjoys his teasing but freezes when T does something very flirtatious that she’s not prepared for. A forbidden fruit almost.
7. I think R gets lonely a lot and it’s worse because of the hate train :( She probably cried because she misses being around T daily. He was around her for nearly 2 years so it’s tough not seeing him as often.
8. LOL @ bodies will become entangled. That’s a real possibility. My friend said “hell will break loose” if they do another project.
Thank you for sharing! :)
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constantvariations · 1 year
Here it is, folks. Season finale of the worst RWBY season to ever be made. Yee to the haw
Post Ep: nowhere near as offensive as what I was expecting but holy exposition dump Batman
Noticing this one is 26 minutes long as opposed to last ep’s 16. Thank fuck, I was genuinely worried the finale was going to be bite sized
I swear on every god ever made that if I hear that damn question again I Will Find People
Having this flashback right after the numerous cliffhangers of the last episode is really strange. Unless this is something Ruby is seeing after touching the axe, then this should not be front and center
Is Summer’s hair even long enough to pull off that rose knot? As the y/n protagonist always throwing their hair in a messy bun, I’m no expert on hairstyles, but every time I’ve seen a hair design like that, it’s always been with hair down to the shoulder blades at least
What the hell is that line “I always prefer discretion”? It sounds so unnatural coming from these people and that awkward chuckle afterword cringed my spine into a pretzel. This couple with a child and possible marriage feel like awkward dates at the prom
Why are the mouth animations for smiles this season so damn weird? I wouldn’t be surprised if the animators forgot what a smile looks like considering their circumstances Also does Raven look off to anyone else? I can’t put my finger on it but it’s not quite the same as her V5 model Also also, this makes it really fucking stupid that Yang’s original purpose to finding Raven was to get information on Summer and IT WAS NEVER FOLLOWED THROUGH
OKAY Ruby was seeing it! Thank fuck they got SOMETHING right
Someone put some damn captions on this bitch. I should not be hearing the kits messing with the recycling more than the dialogue
Ruby hasn’t been violent when upset since Weiss and the tree in V1 iirc. Strange trait to bring back now, but aight Also, how the fuck do you get “give up” from “maybe you ain’t the only bitch with this problem.” That’s some Reed Richards stretching right there
Aaaaaaaand back to fucking Jaune. It amuses me that characters who ire me intensely get “fucking” added to their name like an honorific
Alyx’s hair straight up looks like the dusters I use to clean fiber out of the machines at work
Blake straight up did nothing for the solid ten seconds Nyeo attacked her lmaooo
Hey, look! Team attacks! When the fuck did those get strategized?
Listen, I genuinely feel bad for Neo here. I don’t care about the bullshit of last episode; no one deserves to have their body violated like that
Holy fuck that is a visual monstrosity my eyes are fucking burning
“Your time is running out” bitch the caterpillar got a whole day or two, why does Ruby get like. 2 hours max?
God can they stop with the bees we get it theyre canon stop the fucking bees I’m developing a goddamn allergy at this point
Hey, Weiss ain’t the first one to have her aura broken for once!
Feels stupid cheap to have Ruby choose herself because of a thing her mom said while she was asleep a decade ago instead of Ruby actually going through options and debating until she realizes that she can’t/doesn’t want to be anyone else Like. Nothing really happened to make her switch from suicidal to accepting? She saw a flashback, had a vague conversation with the blacksmith, and looked at some weapons. Where is the development? Why is she suddenly okay with being Ruby Rose again when five minutes ago she drank the tea? The biggest thing so far is the flashback, but that’s stupid. Her mother’s impact should NOT be that great considering she a) hasn’t been around for the majority of Ruby’s life, therefore the only tie between them is blood relations and b) was JUST revealed to have left the family willingly for secret reasons
The music is dope though. Red Like Roses has always been one of my favorites
The “We Love Ruby! <3″ lines delivered one by one is so damn awkward. Is this an after school special? Weren’t these the exact kinds of lines that Weiss said LAST EPISODE were unhelpful to Ruby due to the pressure they inadvertently put on her?
Once again, I am asking what the fuck the Neojabbers are since her semblance is MIRROR ILLUSIONS not PHYSICAL TRANSFORMATION. Like, glad that even the heroes are horrified by someone being eaten alive, but it still doesn’t make any sense Also what’s going to happen to Wonderland without Curious as its monitor or whatever? How are the folks who can’t reach the tree without help going to ascend? Is this a good thing or is it going to send Wonderland into an unbalanced nightmare?
“[Neo] will find herself.” Uh huh. Sure MKEK. That’s the reason Neo’s staying in Wonderland instead of charging after Cinder with the force of a thousand suns. Y’all really dragged my dead gay son into this mess for this horseshit
“I like to think we did at least a little good.” Exactly when did you guys help anybody? All I can think of is that stupid cheese root from the first episode
If Little follows them into Remnant I’m throwing RT into the ocean. Especially if they don’t let Juniper come along. That dude is the only mf in this season that didn’t get fucked over
Is this one-by-one dialogue about another character’s traits going to be a thing? I’m already sick of it
Somewhat. That’s the new name. Why couldn’t they go with the standard Socks or Blue or Kai or insert other silly common nb name here. Do you know how difficult it’s going to be making that sound natural?
I genuinely am uncomfortable at this reunion. Ruby’s incredibly emotional but Somewhat is just kinda there. Reminds me way too much of meeting someone who knew me as a kid and get way too intimate because of that (it happened a lot since my grams raised like. half the town back in the day) Did they really just throw this in to throw it in? What’s the point of this deeply creepy scene other than answering the question of “what happened to Little?”
Nooo bring Juniper with you!!! They’re the only good character!!!
Hold hands and jump at the same time. Reach the ground at different times. Aight
So the gods were originally Afterans? “The tree’s earliest blossoms.” That raises so many fucking questions: how did Remnant come to be if it’s an entirely separate dimension(?) from Wonderland? What connects the two? Are the entities in the relics Afterans as well? If so, are they in the relics willingly? Were they created by the brothers or the tree? Does this make the tree the source of all life as they know it? What powers the tree? If Wonderland goes to shit, will that affect Remnant and any other playgrounds the brothers or other gods might have made?
These mfs really using Mr Monty’s words to justify their shitty god tier writing?
Why did the brothers build modern human houses for the animal creatures instead of creature specific housing (a dam for beavers, a nest for birds, etc)? This seems to be early stages of life so I don’t think you need to delve straight into Craftsman architecture
The jabber origin is so dumb. These idiot brothers tried to design a lawnmower and made Jason Voorhees Also, that doesn’t even make sense. Wonderland is a self contained ecosystem where all energy essentially gets recycled. The jabber disrupts that by permanently ending whoever it gets its chompers on. This would make more sense if we saw new life coming in, but so far it seems like all the tree creations happened back in the day and everything now is a brother creation. Since we’ve yet to see any evidence of their return, this means that there is a finite amount of life in Wonderland, meaning that the jabber, given enough time, could end all life within because it has no other purpose and no counterbalancing force Though, since Neo killed(?) the jabber, does this mean there is no force working for or against the living in Wonderland? Seriously, what the fuck is going to happen here?
“True balance requires only love and the patience to see things through to the end.” Tell me you’re begging for a v10 greenlight without telling me you’re begging for a v10 greenlight That’s not even remotely true because balance, especially among the sentient, requires EFFORT and COOPERATION. Or did y’all already forget your “trust in love” season got people murdered?
Jaune is young again. Many shocking. Much wow
“When you are needed most.” It better be in that fucking desert y’all dumped two whole ass cities in with only like. 4 trained warriors against a horde of grimm in a sandstorm
Nope! That would’ve been too straining on the budget much of a downer to end on. Still shot of Sepia - I mean, Vacuo and that’s it! Show’s over, folks!
I can’t discern a single word but I like the ending song lol
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missguomeiyun · 5 months
Spirit Bistro deliveries
Tried more items from Spirit Bistro bcos each order met or exceeded our expectations :D We've ordered several times over the past 3 months so I decided to combined everything into 1 post.
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Left: Singaporean noodles; Right: chicken + salted fish fried rice
I'll start with the noodles 1st. 9.2/10! Very tasty! Had a nice kick to it & flavour was good. I would say it was lacking in some protein (the bbq pork/cha siu pieces) but again, generous portion size.
The rice was alright; not as good as the noodles but still, I'd give it a 8.1/10. I prefer another type of salted fish - the softer/mushy ones. They used the harder shred-ier kind. I find this latter kind doesn't have as much depth as the kind that I like. Would have been better if they added more.
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Over $35 gets you 2 free spring rolls. They were okay; typical spring roll (vegetarian).
The entree we got was the curry beef brisket. Not an item my family gets usually. .. but SO YUMMY!!
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Mom's fav~ They have been consistant with this dish so we are very happy!
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Th yin-yang rice. This 1 dish came in 3 separate containers: 1 large box for the rice, & 2 smaller containers for the 2 different topping sauces. The white 'cream' one has shrimp & green peas in a savoury egg sauce. The red one has chicken breast & onion. The colour of the red sauce was sketchy NGL. Usually it's a bright red tomato red - almost like pasta sauce. But this was like a dark sick-pink. It was weird o_O However, the red sauce one (kinda like the sauce fr sweet & sour pork) actually tasted better! haha the egg cream one was kind of bland & a little too watery.
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Peach & shrimp .. . nope. Peaches & chicken! I have not seen this dish on other menus before... or maybe bcos I keep eating from the same Chinese restaurants lol but yeah, a variation of the classic peaches & shrimp. The chicken was decent but there wasn't much chicken in it, mostly batter. But if you're craving some crunch, I would recommend. The sauce was also good. I don't like having the sauce all mixed in with the fried items usually so when I re-assembled this dish, I only poured a little bit of sauce on top for a slight glaze. The rest of the sauce was left in the small sauce container for dipping (team dip right here *arm up*)
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Braised beef brisket. WOW! It may seem there's not much meat / you may assume it's a whole layer of broccoli on the bottom; however, the portion was very generous, so there was actually a lot of beef! Some pieces were fully fat, which I don't eat so I did toss out some pieces. But otherwise, there was a lot. Very well cooked - the brisket was soft & very flavourful. It wasn't too salty & the sauce was very good on rice, even though I'm not a rice person. & broccoli was broccoli haha
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The Spirit Rice Noodles. Honestly did not know what to expect for their house fried noodle dish but this was what we got. Thin rice vermicelli noodles with onion, bean sprouts, scant pieces of celery, cha-siu (Cantonese-style bbq pork), baby shrimps, & small pieces of pork. It was slightly spicy & had a good amount of wok-smokiness. It was decent!
**PS: I'm working hard on posts, I swear! My laptop is dying. .. it is so slow. I tried editing on my phone but once in a while, the app crashes & what I wrote didn't save so it is useless. SAWRY
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kathyprior4200 · 11 months
Helluva Boss S2: E5: Unhappy Campers
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Part One: Millie Finds Her Way
 Blitzo shoved open the door to the I.M.P. office, a grumpy look on his face. His face was muddy and his clothes were dirty and torn, with lavender-colored leaves from bushes. Moxxie and Millie had been talking to a client at their desk when all three froze to stare at Blitzo.
 “Sir, what happened to you?” Millie wondered out loud.
 Blitzo slouched past the Hel-9000 fax machine printer and past the picture with a stick figure Blitzo with a gun and a pink pony.
 Moxxie stood up. “Sir! There’s a client here who wants to…”
 Blitzo ignored him and stomped straight into his office, slamming the door.
 Millie chuckled nervously, turning to the visitor. “I’m sorry, you were saying?”
 Their client was a tall aquatic sinner demon with a torn short white shirt and a green piece of a yin-yang symbol as a necklace. He had gray skin, finned fingers, and dark-teal long hair that looked like seaweed. He had dark long pants, dark shoes and his chest glowed teal blue and watery. One of his eyes glowed neon green, his teeth sharp. Formerly on Earth, he had been a regular man with white skin and long dark hair.
 “Well, it’s just that I’m sure one of the other camp counselors killed me. I’m just not sure which one,” he said with a shrug, hands out.
 “How could you not know?” Moxxie asked, raising an eyebrow.
 The aquatic demon continued. “I was out on the lake when my boat started to sink. Someone had drilled holes in it. The counselors are the only ones with keys to the boathouse, and they’re the only ones who knew I couldn’t swim. It had to be them.”
 “Hmm, we don’t typically do investigations,” said Moxxie, “I’ll have to check with the boss.”
 Moxxie opened Blitzo’s door. “Uh, pardon moi, sir.”
 Blitzo glared at Moxxie as he flipped through address files on a rotary.
 “Not now, Mox.”
 “Sir, there’s client that needs us to investigate his death and we don’t usually…”
 “No tiiime,” Blitzo replied.
 Moxxie rubbed his neck. “But sir, we really need the cashflow, and I was thinking maybe…”
  “What part of ‘NO. FUCKING. TIIIIIME.’ do you not understand?!” Blitzo yelled, facing Moxxie. “Just handle it yourself.”
 “You want me to lead? On a hit?”
 Blitzo seethed and slammed his hands on the desk. “I swear on all that is evil, Mox, if you aren’t out of my office in negative three seconds…”
 “Yooou GOT IT, SIR!”
 Moxxie slammed the door and then turned back around to Millie and the client.
 “We’ll take the case!” he beamed. “And I’ll be handling this investigation personally!” He jabbed a thumb to himself.
 “Honey, are you sure? What about Blitz?” asked Millie, gesturing to the door.
 “Honey, honey, please. Blitz put me in charge this time.”
 “He did?!”
 Moxxie narrowed his eyes and Millie quickly added, “Oh! I mean, he…HE DID!”
 “Right!” said Moxxie to the client. “And this is going to be the cleanest, most well-prepped, most surgical hit we’ve ever had! Don’t worry, sir! We’ll find your killer and give him what’s coming to him. And/or her…or they.”
 Moxxie and Millie later stood by a police investigation whiteboard where Moxxie had posted up pictures of fliers, boat outlines, and strings leading to different pictures around the white board and the walls. Moxxie peered closely at his work while holding an I.M.P. file folder. One flier had a picture of a magnifying glass and black footprints.
 “Mox…” Millie began. “Are you sure this isn’t a little…much?”
 “It’s my first lead, Mils, it has to be…perfect.” Moxxie said “perfect” in an accent. “Now in front of you, you’ll find a comprehensive guide to your cover persona. Memorize it, we’ve got a lot of work to do.”
 They used the grimoire to make a portal to enter Earth.
  0 0 0
 Near a cabin in the woods, several kids were running around, laughing as they squirted each other with water guns. A fat boy walked holding a bag and wore the camp t-shirt with a “C” in a green triangle as the logo. Three preteen girls were sitting at a wooden picnic table. A camp counselor lady with brown hair stood wearing green shorts and a shirt with a whistle around her neck. On a wooden sign with wooden mountains on the top was “CAMP IVANNAKUMMORE.”
 Millie and Moxxie stood off to the side with their human disguises. Moxxie wore a short dark blue tube top, torn pink pants, a heart collar, and magenta high boots. He had fake eyelashes and a wig of white ponytails covering his horns. Millie wore shoes, dark gray pants, fingerless gloves, a black shirt with a yellow lightning bolt and a circle on it, plus a wig of long dark hair and a yellow beanie hat.
 “Okay, Millie, one last time for safety,” Moxxie said. He straightened up and pulled back his top, his claws covered by fake pink nails.
 Moxxie spoke in a girly teenage voice, “I’m Moxxine, the hottest, most popular girl at my school, and you are?” He examined his nails.
 Millie spoke in a low voice. “Your boyfriend Millerd, I like sports and fucking bitches!” Millie made thrusting movements.
 “Hmm, you know these kids are a bit younger than I was expecting. Maybe lose that last part,” Moxxie mentioned.
 “Check!” Millie said in her boyish voice.
 “Alright, I think we’re ready,” said Moxxie.
 “Hey, Mox!” Millie spoke, pointing ahead. “Check out that shady looking fella over there.”
 Moxxie and Millie spied a blonde man with glasses glancing around by the log cabins. He side-walked near the bushes.
 “I think that’s our guy.”
 “Ahem, Millie,” said Moxxie in a girlish voice, “I hardly think pointing out the first guy you see is the proper way to conduct an…”
 Millie peered through her binoculars. “No that’s definitely him. That bag’s full of money and drugs and what looks like a drill one would use to poke holes in a boat.”
 Sure enough, the man scooped up the fallen money and needles and hurried off, a drill in his hand.
 “But-but that’s all circumstantial at best! We need to methodically eliminate all suspects until we can be sure…”
 “Now he’s looking around and heading into that locked boathouse we heard about!” Millie declared.
 The man headed inside, peering around to make sure no one was there. Next to him were missing posters of the drowned counselor. “Missing: last seen next to the lake. If you have information please call (xxx) xxx-xxxx.” Another set of red eyes in the cabin glared outside.
 “That would be the perfect place to…”
 She glanced at Mox before sighing. “Fine, Mox, we’ll do it your way.”
 Moxxie grinned. “With my sleuthing skills and your killer eye, we should have this wrapped up in no time. Now we just have to find the kids with the most influence.”
 Moxxie spotted the three teen girls sitting at the picnic table.
 “Oh, target acquired,” he said in a girly voice. He headed off.
 The girl with long orange hair began, “So he snorted a whole line of ground up mints, and tried to convince us he was high. Can you even believe him?”
 The girls laughed and Moxxie walked toward them.
 “Ground up mints, you say? Derek must be a riot.”
 “Who the fuck are you?” asked the leader girl.
 “I’m Moxxine, the prettiest girl at my school. A more mature preteen who likes boys, hot cars, fancy jewelry…”
 Another girl scoffed, “You call yourself the prettiest when you probably spent three years in a tanning bed.”
 “It’s uh, natural?” Moxxie added.
 “Yeah, you wish,” said the orange-haired girl. “That botch job looks like it cost five bucks in an alley behind Walmart.”
 The other girls snickered.
 “Have you seen anyone doing drugs around here?” Moxxie asked.
 “Other than you maybe? I don’t think so,” said another girl.
 “Get lost you fucking freak!” they all said, pointing off to the left. Moxxie slouched off.
   Meanwhile, a volleyball rolled and stopped in front of Millie.
 “Hey!” waved a blonde girl to Millie at a volleyball court near the lake.
 Millie smiled and decided to play along. She carried the volleyball in her hands and headed down to the campers.  
 The girls at the picnic table watched as Millie passed the ball to her teammate, a dark-skinned boy.
 “Oh my god! Who is that?!”
 “Look how beautifully tan he is!” said the leader. The dark-skinned girl blew bubblegum and stood up to get a closer look.
 “What?!” Moxxie called in disbelief.
 The boy bounced the ball in the air.
 “I got it!” called Millie in her boyish voice. She leaped into the air and spiked the ball over the net…
 …hitting a blonde boy in the face and sending him crashing to the ground. Everyone gasped as the boy lay in a crumpled Yamcha-like pose in a cracked crater. The coach jumped from his stand and held the wounded boy in his arms.
 “That was...” he began…
 “…the best spike I’ve ever seen!” Tears were in his eyes.
 The kids cheered and lifted Millie into the air.
 “Please, I need medical attention…” the boy began.
 “First Aid is for WINNERS!” the coach mocked.
 All the girls admired Millie.
 “Oh my god, he is so fucking HOT!” sighed the red-haired leader girl.
 “Oh! Ya know he’s my boyfriend…” Moxxie began.
 “FUCK OFF, TROLL!” another girl barked before the girls walked off.
 Later, Millie happily leaped from a cliff and jumped from side to side onto wooden boards. She leaped onto a wooden high bar- twirled at rapid speed and shot into the air…
 And in a fiery comet, smashed the blonde boy into the ground. Everyone cheered louder.
 “Mox! Did you see? I broke the record on the course!”
 “Mhmm. I saw.” Moxxie smiled forcefully.
 “Can you believe this? Everyone LOVES me, they’re cheering, they even posted videos of me online! Look!”
 Heart emojis popped up on her phone after the replay of Millie smashing the kid into the ground. Millie’s phone was red with flame designs on it.
  A Millie icon appeared over the bold white lyrics as Millie sang karaoke style, amazed and also unsure of all the rockstar fame she was getting.
 Millie smiled as she got into a group photo. The campers held out their phones for selfies around her. Millie danced with a girl with red hair.
 A blonde girl came up close to Millie, wearing a cap with her face on it, a shirt with her face on it and a “MIL #1” orange cardboard glove showing a pointed finger on a hand.
 Her eyes bulged and her mouth foamed.
 The crowd followed Millie and held up a banner that read “Millerd!” on it as they strolled by the cabins. One blonde boy replaced the American flag with a white flag with Millie’s disguised face on it. Millie posed on a picnic table.
 Millie paddled a canoe and two girls stared admiringly at her. (Moxxie’s canoe tipped over and sunk).
 Millie led a hike and stood on a log, pointing forward. (Moxxie fell into a pit.)
 Millie happily sat with two girls by a campfire. (Moxxie’s s’more stick caught on fire and he frantically smashed it around on the ground.)
 Millie smiled as she wore gold sunglasses, a white Greek-style outfit and a golden laurel on her head. She relaxed on a lounge chair as girls fanned her with leaves. One fed her purple grapes.
 Even the blonde naked man in the picture stretched out to kiss her, much to her disgust.
 The comments appeared in the eight million + viewer video of Millie being awarded seven gold star medals, a trophy, and a Grammy award.
 (Flame emojis)
 “millerd is the best uwu”
 “HE ATE!”
 “Sub 2 my channel”
 “Hermoso” (heart emoji)
 “he’s so hottt”
 “I love him, I LOVE HIM”
 “MILLERD: Sub 2 me pls”
 “SLAY KING” (crown emoji)
 The blonde super fan girl leaned over and yelled,
“BUT MILLERD, OVER HERE! I BAKED A CAKE FOR YOU!” She held a brown, orange, and white cake with a figure of Millie in her guy disguise on top.
 Later as the sun set, an airplane flew overhead with a flag of Millie’s face on it. Her face was also on several blimps in the sky. With a microphone, Millie sang on stage under a large “MILLERD!” banner and more campers took selfies and videos on their phones.
 “OH MILLERD! LOVE YOU, MILLERD!” called the blonde fan girl.
 Millie stood proudly on stage, glad to feel appreciated after feeling in competition with her brothers and sister.
  0 0 0
 TUESDAY: Moxxie climbed to the top of a pine tree, looking for the drug counselor through binoculars. He got hit with a volleyball and fell down from a tree.
 WEDNESDAY: Millie led a team of campers canoeing across the lake. Moxxie searched for the suspect, wearing a mask and snorkel. Unfortunately, he got thrashed around by a shark similar to the one from the Harvest Moon Festival.
 THURSDAY: Millie successfully shot her arrow through a red apple on a boy’s head as the sky turned a beautiful pink and purple. Moxxie peered through binoculars in a bush, dodging the arrow…but soon screamed as he was being attacked by a black angry bear.
 FRIDAY: Posters were passed around, reading, “MILLERD: CAMP IVANNAKUMMORE, July 17th at 7PM.” The coach/lifeguard handed Millie the poster and he winked at her with a finger snap gesture. Millie beamed in excitement.
 0 0 0
 “OHH MOXXIE! THAT WAS SO FUN! No wonder you sing all the time!”
 Millie twirled and laughed as she held a golden bouquet of white daisies in her hands.
 “Not exactly a low profile…” Moxxie leaned against a cabin wall, eyes downcast.
 “I know…but it’s kinda nice having people cheer for me for once, ya know? Instead of…”
 She dramatically ripped the bouquet and opened her jaws, “…screaming in PAIN and HORROR!”
 “Don’t forget what we’re here to do, Millie,” Moxxie reminded her, clapping a fist against his other hand.
 “I haven’t. I’m just waitin’ until you’re ready. Have you been able to eliminate any suspects?”
 Millie held up two worn daggers. “If you want, we can off the guy right now! I think he’s alone in the cabin…”
 She wandered forward.
 “No!” Moxxie pulled her back. “I have to do this right.”
 Moxxie swore under his breath as “BITCH” was spray-painted in black on his tent nearby.
 0 0 0
 Later that night by the campfire, Millie did an epic banjo solo. She leaped over the fire and posed on her knees as everyone cheered.
 Moxxie raced off and cried in an outhouse. Millie walked in the dark to the outhouse. Moxxie pulled out stickers and thorns in his pants.
 “Moxxie? You okay?”
 “GO AWAY!” Moxxie sobbed.
 “Moxxie, what’s going on?”
 “I’ve been having the worst luck imaginable! First, I try to eliminate any suspects and make it a perfect methodical mission. But everything is going wrong. I can’t find the guy! And all the girls hate me…and they all love you!”
 “What’s wrong with that?”
 Moxxie cried.
 “Hey, you’re the best assassin/musician/preteen girl I know,” Millie encouraged.
 “And investigator?”
 “And investigator.”
 Millie reached through the crescent moon window and touched Moxxie’s nails. “I know it’s been tough. Just keep playing to your strengths.”
 “Okay,” said Moxxie. “Thank you.” Moxxie came out of the outhouse, facing Millie. Millie smiled.
 “I have good news! Look Mox!” She held the poster in her hands, showing it to him. “They want me to perform on stage tomorrow tonight for the local news! These videos have made me some kind of human celebrity!” A pink bird flew happily around Millie’s head. Millie then gasped as several red-eyed crows attacked Moxxie around his head. He swatted the cawing birds away until they flew off.
 Moxxie’s anger and frustration finally bubbled to the surface. “I’ve heard enough from you! And I’ve had enough of this place! Most of all, the attention you’re getting all the time is annoying!”
 “Mox, what are you talking about? There’s no reason to be jealous of me!”
 “Well, I am, alright?!” Moxxie sobbed again. “Being the son of a mob boss, you get used to the attention. And instead of focusing on the mission, you get distracted by swooning fangirls and dance for views!”
 “What?! I only let the mission go this long, so I could do it YOUR WAY!” Millie retorted. “We could’ve completed this mission faster if you had just listened to me and let me finish off the guy in the beginning!”
 “It was my first lead mission! I wanted it to be perfect!” Moxxie spat back.
 Millie stomped toward him. “Well don’t blame me for it! It doesn’t matter how many views I get. What matters is how I feel about myself!”
 She wiped tears from her eyes. “And for once, I feel like I’m…I’m important! Like I’m someone to be proud of! Not just some country girl blending in with her siblings.”
 She stomped forward. “And I had hoped that my husband would support me better HALF as much as I’ve supported HIM this week! I’m not just your momma, you know!”
 “Millie…I didn’t mean…”
 “SAVE IT, MOX! Finish the job, go home if you want, I’m having my moment to shine, with or without you!”
 Millie raced off in the dark, the Millerd flier floating to the ground.
 “Oh crumbs…”
  0 0 0
  Later that night, the same night Blitzo entered the human world…
 Millie peered through the red curtains at the crowd cheering for her.
 “You ready to go on, champ?” asked the coach/lifeguard, holding a clipboard and holding out his pen.
 “I guess…”
 “Great, now get out there and put Camp IVANNAKUMMORE on the MAP!”
 He lowered his sunglasses over his eyes and posed. More campers and kids cheered, wearing merchandise shirts and hats. The blonde super fan girl held a sign that read “MARRY ME, MILLERD!”
 Millie took a breath and stepped onto the stage. More fans cheered, two of them were crying and hugging each other, waving a Millerd flag. A cameraman stood near the top off to the side. Millie flinched as a spotlight shone on her.
 “Ladies and gentlemen! Boys and girls!” called a girlish voice. Moxxie rose up onto the stage from the floor and held a microphone. “ARE YOU READY FOR A SHOOOOOW?!”
 The crowed booed and an African American girl yelled, “GET THE FUCK OFF THE STAGE!” Another girl flipped him the bird on both hands. Another yelled, “KILL YOURSELF, NERD!”
 Moxxie continued. “I am very proud to introduce to you…someone with abilities never before seen on this Earth…”
 Millie held her hands to her heart, smiling at Moxxie.
 “Someone with the raw athletic skill of an Olympian…” Moxxie looked at her and smiled. “The voice of an angel…the acrobatic techniques of an indentured twelve-year old Russian ballerina…”
 Millie waved her hands, saying “enough!”
 “And a body that JUST. DOESN’T. QUIT.”
 A few boys looked at each other, confused and disgusted at Moxxie’s butt.
 Moxxie turned around and cleared his throat nervously. “The best and most supportive person I’ve ever known, and the love of my life. My wife…uhhhh boyfriend….Millerd!”
 Millie sighed in relief as Moxxie headed her the microphone.
 “Thank you,” said Millie.
 “Knock’em dead, baby,” Moxxie grinned.
 “Speaking of…” Millie added, as she spotted two figures heading toward a cabin with a bag.
 “You sure?” Moxxie asked.
 “Go get’em baby,” Millie smiled. They touched their heads and nuzzled.
 Moxxie smiled as he pushed his way through the crowd, who glared at him. Millie did a Squidward/sexy look with her face and the crowd exploded with cheers. The show began.
 Millie juggled four axes in her hands, much to the crowd’s amusement. She threw an ax into a target. Another ax hit a tree, which sent a beehive falling…
 …into the blonde boy in the ground, who screamed in futility.
 Millie then sat on a stool, holding a red triangular electric guitar in her hands. She began her song and stood up in a pose. She did a “rocker” hand signal as columns of sparks blasted upwards from the front of the stage.
 Millie began her 80’s style rock anthem.
 Millie played a set of red drums, then yelled “YEAH!” as she strummed her guitar.
 She slammed the guitar down on the stage as white fireworks boomed.
 She then spun black nun chucks in her hands.
 Millie did a fighting pose as an explosion boomed behind her. A girl screamed as her hair caught on fire as the crowd did rocker signs and cheered.
 Millie breathed fire to light a torch and held a sword in her other hand. She swallowed the sword and it went down her throat point-first. She dropped her torch and dive-bombed into the crowd of kids. They all held her in the air as she strummed her guitar again.
  Millie jumped back on stage.
 “OOOOH! YOU’VE GOT THE POWER!” Two streams of fire shot off to the left of Millie as she played. “WOAH!”
 The coach smiled with his arms folded…until he got incinerated by the flames.
 More fireworks shot into the air and a red and yellow rocket flew off into the distance.
 Millie smiled and posed on the stage, arms outstretched as the audience applauded. She bowed, before she saw Moxxie walk up to the stage, blood staining his wig. She walked over to him.
 “Looks like you did it,” she said, referring to the death of the drug counselor killer.
 “No…you did it,” Moxxie added, lifting her hands into his.
 “I’m so proud of you, Millie,” Moxxie smiled. He looked to the side. “And I’m sorry I let you down.”
Millie picked him up in a hug and twirled him around. “Just don’t do it again, dummy!”
 They kissed hard on stage until someone shouted, “Get a fucking room, high school sweethearts!”
 Moxxie and Millie laughed and raced off into the bushes for some sexual privacy. The last thing they needed was to be infamous online for a scandalous public display of what many would assume to be incest.
  0 0 0
 Back at the I.M.P office, the whiteboard was covered in various drawings. “DIE” was written over a drawing of Loona killing the goat demon who had given her the shot at the vet’s office. “Days since last fuck up: 0” was written near small pony drawings. “Productivity brainstorm: CUM” was written off to the side.
 “Gonna be honest, Moxxie,” said Blitzo, not too bad for your first solo mission.” He sipped hot coffee from a blood-stained white mug with “BOSS BITCH” on it.
 Moxxie’s eyes sparkled and he gasped. “Reeeeally siiiir?”
 “Nooo, no not really,” Blitzo deadpanned. “You’re a fucking disgrace.”
 Moxxie slumped in disappointment as Millie glared at Blitzo. Loona was fast asleep on the table.
             Part Two: Meet Barbie Wire
   Back in the Sloth Ring, the sky a pale pink, Blitzo peered around a corner of the St. Ann’s (Satan’s) hospital. A thick canopy tree with giant yellow eyes in the leaves and a wavy purple trunk stood in the background. Seeing the coast was clear, he darted past a window. He wore his usual work outfit with a dark suit, dark boots and a torn dark blue cape trailing behind him. He raced across the grounds and climbed up a white downspout and inched his way, carefully sideways to the windows on the second floor. In the sky were floating trees on rocks and a few buildings. Blitzo peered inside and spotted silver Venus fly trap plants.
 He lifted up the window, straining to get his horns through it…
 “Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on…”
 He rolled haphazardly inside…
 “Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!”
 …and landed on a heap on the tile floor. A poster with a happy cloud on it with a thumbs-up read “Enjoy your stay!” There was a nearby bookshelf, a pool table, a few red cloud-shaped couches, and Venus fly trap plants filled the room. Overhead was a chandelier of glowing lavender orbs, the lights producing a soothing atmosphere.
 Blitzo was hoisting himself up when…
 With a yell, the imp got tasered in the back. His butt stood up in the air.
 “Well, if it isn’t the deadbeat,” scoffed a voice from behind him.
 Blitzo stood up, brushing himself off. “Well, if it isn’t nurse pussy-face,” he responded.
 The demon nurse stood with a hand on her hip, wearing a teal uniform. She had a nametag, and a pocket with the upside-down cross logo on it with a heart pencil and pen inside. She was heavyset, with floppy ears, pink skin, short dark hair and pointed black horns with white stripes. Her eyes were teal, her eyebrow thick and she had lipstick and a sideways mouth with sharp teeth. Like other denizens in Sloth, she had a candle at the top of her head and a pointed tail.
 “You ain’t gettin’ in here,” she said to Blitzo, folding her arms. “How many times do I have to sodomize you with a taser before you take a hint?”
 “As many as it takes to get me off, now enough with this foreplay, where’s Barb?”
 “She checked out months ago, but that ain’t none of your business,” said the nurse.
 “Wait, what?” Blitzo asked in shock. “How? This is…wh-where the fuck did she go?”
 “Yeah, like I’m gonna tell you, ass clown,” she barked, holding up the taser in warning.
 “You know I kill people for a living, right bitch?”
 “Oh, I’m so FUCKIN’ scared,” she sarcastically responded.
 “Ugh, fine,” Blitzo scoffed, stomping over toward the window.
 “Blitz, she’s got a job now, a life,” mentioned the nurse. “Don’t fuck it up by finding her.”
 Blitzo rolled his eyes as he climbed out the window. “Oh, that’s nice, why don’t you take that advice and shove it right between your pussy liiiipppps!”
 Blitzo screamed as he fell to the ground. Amazingly, he survived.
 0 0 0
 Blitzo stomped in frustration into his office at I.M.P Headquarters, ignoring his employees. At his desk, Blitzo was talking on his cellphone and browsing on his red laptop. The logo on the laptop was a glowing white demon head. “RIDE ME” was written on Blitzo’s cellphone cover. There were two ads on the screen: one showed a pink succubus with her bare butt showing over blue flames. “Lusttinder (Tinder page for the Lust Ring, an app made by Asmodeus), “You’re right, your husband’s cock IS too small, find a bigger one NOW!"
 Blitzo spotted Barbie Wire’s profile page. It had no profile picture and it read: “BARBIE WIRE: currently looking for work! Just got outta rehab. Previous Experience in a circus (performer). 217 followers. Barbie hasn’t posted recently. Experience: Acrobatics, Endurance, Stealth, Improv, Labor.”
 “Why the fuck wouldn’t she tell you where she was going?! I mean did you even ask?! Wait hold on, I’m getting another call…hellooooo!” He paused. “Oh good, did you find…really? Where? Thanks, and I promise if we ever get a contract on your children, we’ll make it quick and painless…BYEEEE!”
 Blitzo raced past his employees.
  Meanwhile, In the Sloth Ring, Blitzo entered a room where pill bottles were stored on shelves. The wallpaper was pink and decorated with designs of hearts, pills, and health crosses. The double glass doors had a pill icon on them. The white-haired incubus was scrolling on his phone when Blitzo slipped up to the desk. He held out his phone with a picture of his sister on it.
 “Hi, I’m looking for one of your employees. Her name is Barbie. Does she work here?”
 “Wait, what? Who are you?” the incubus glared.
 Blitzo grabbed him by his shirt and slammed him against the wall.
 “Someone who’s gonna get reeeal creative if you don’t tell him what he wants!” Blitzo barked. He slapped the incubus on the face with his pointed tail. “Where is she, fucknut?”
 Blitzo pressed harder. “I know you know! It only gets worse from here, asshole!”
 The incubus raised his white hands. “Okay! Okay! She’s out on a pickup!”
 Blitzo lowered him. “Where?”
 “In the Lust Ring!”
 So Blitzo traveled to the Lust Ring and slammed a smaller incubus against an alley wall. “Have a Robo Fizz personal companion!” was advertised on a flier. Another poster read in neon pink letters, “Welcome to the LUST RING! Have an eXXXtraordinary stay!”
 “It’s here man, I swear!” cried the small incubus to Blitzo.
 Blitzo raised his flintlock pistol threateningly and held it under his chin. “Open it!”
 The long black-haired incubus raised his hands and pulled out a large crystal on a ring. It was a magical Asmodean crystal, used by succubi and incubi under Asmodeus to travel to Earth to torment humans. The incubus pointed the crystal and a diamond shimmering portal appeared to a forest on Earth.
 “Thanks, chump,” Blitzo grinned. He tossed the incubus away (he fell into a dumpster) and jumped through the portal.
 0 0 0
 Moxxie peered over the bushes and spied on two figures entering the cabin and closing the door. Moxxie turned around and made his way through them. He stumbled downward and landed on…
 “What in the…SIR?!”
 …the back of his boss.
 Blitzo shoved Moxxie off him.
 “MOXXIE?! What the fuck are you doing here?!”
 “Trying to finish the job you gave me,” Moxxie replied.
 “Christ on a stick, you’re still working on that? It’s been like a fucking week. THIS is why I don’t trust you with dick, Mox,” Blitzo remarked.
 Moxxie followed Blitzo and both of them snuck up to the cabin. They pressed their back against the wall.
 “And what exactly are you doing here, sir?”
 “Apparently helping finish your botched job,” Blitzo glared. “But mostly I’m looking for my sister…”
 Knowing the killer camp counselor lurked inside, Blitzo kicked down the door. There was a small green boat in the middle of the water. Near the “Missing” fliers were packs of drugs stacked on top of each other off to the side. Sunlight shone through the holes in a cloth over an opening.
 Sure enough, the counselor was there, looking like a surprised innocent white nerd. He had dirty blonde short hair, glasses, a small beard, and wore a camp cap, brown shorts, brown boots, and a green shirt.
 But he was not alone. A slender woman stood behind him, wearing a short torn black sleeveless jacket and a torn dress with red and white stripes on it. She wore dark tall boots and a gold watch on her right wrist. Her fingers were claws and some white lines and Xs scarred her light brown arms. The woman’s hair was a reddish brown with two large ponytails that curled inward like horns. Blitzo spotted the black Mammon circus mark on her forehead, crossed out by a white X. It was the same mark that Blitzo, Fizzarolli and his family had on their foreheads.
 As soon as he spotted the crossed-out mark, he knew who it was.
 “BARBIE?!” Blitzo asked in shock.
 “BLITZ?!” Barbie Wire cried, equally surprised.
 “You know her?” Moxxie asked.
 “Do I know her? That’s my sister, fuckface!” Blitzo replied.
 “What the fuck are you doing here, shithead?!” Barbie barked.
 “I should be asking you the same thing!” Blitzo fired back. “You check yourself out of rehab, no call, no note…and I have to track you down to this shithole with…” he paused, looking at the man. “…who the fuck is this?”
 Barbie put a hand over his face. “No one, he works for me. And who’s the little twink here?” She looked at Moxxie.
 Blitzo covered Moxxie’s face with his hand. “No one…he works for me.”
 “Sir! That guy’s the target!” Moxxie called.
 Blitzo smirked and folded his arms. “Oh shit, Barb! Looks like your little boy toy got himself into some trouble.”
 “The fuck are you talking about?” Barbie asked.
 “He killed our client and now our client wants to kill him back,” Moxxie explained. Blitzo nodded.
 Barbie turned to the man in anger. “You fucking WHAT?!”
 The man shrugged. “He found out about your drugs.”
 Barbie waved a hand. “I don’t want to fucking hear it, kid!” She turned to Blitzo and Moxxie, pointing. “Look, you’re not killing my supplier!”
 Blitzo put a hand to his head. “Oh fuck…supplier of what? You’re not back on that H-8 are you?” Blitzo pointed an accusing finger. Moxxie pulled out a worn dagger.
 Barbie rolled her eyes. “FUCK NO, it’s just heroin!”
 “Oh thank, Satan,” Blitzo sighed. “So now you’re peddling heroin? What’s the point? That shit barely gets rid of a headache.”
 The three individuals stepped closer toward the middle of the space, save for the man who hid behind the drugs.
 “It’s honest work, okay?” Barbie said. “And I thought it would be sure to keep me as far away from you as possible.”
 Moxxie waved his knife. “And you teamed up with genius here because…?”
 “Do you have any idea how easy teenage humans are to manipulate?” Barbie smirked, mentioning to her partner.
 “Heeey! No, I’m not!” the man protested.
 Barbie turned to him, widening her eyes. She moved her butt seductively, showing her black underwear, and spoke in a babyish voice.
 “Oh Jimmy-wimmy, can you pwease keep loading up deez druggie-wuggies for me?”
 Jimmy blushed, raising his eyebrows. “Heh, sure Barb. Whatever you say.”
 “Sir…” Moxxie fumed to Blitzo. “I’ve spent a week on this…” He held up his knife. “I’m finishing it, one way or another…”
 Barbie stepped forward, sharp teeth bared, her eyes briefly glowing white. “DON’T YOU DARE!”
 The four of them then got into a brawl. After briefly noticing the fireworks outside, Moxxie growled and leaped toward Jimmy with his weapon. Jimmy flinched as Moxxie was thrown into the water by Barbie’s long pointed tail. Barbie pressed a button on her Asmodean Crystal and she morphed into her demon imp form. Her skin was red and her horns were black and curved with small white stripes.
 “Come on Blitzo,” she mocked, using the “o” in his name on purpose to annoy him, “…Haven’t you fucked my life up enough already?!”
 Moxxie reached out a hand and crawled out of the water toward Jimmy. Barbie pulled him back with her tail and he fell into her. He landed some fists near her face. The frightened Jimmy hoped over the drugs and raced toward the door. He frantically pulled on the knot holding the cloth and flinched back as Moxxie’s dagger hit the spot where he had been.
 Barbie was chocking Moxxie and Blitzo was choking Barbie as they struggled to free themselves. Moxxie fell to the ground and Barbie held him down with a hand. She punched his head before Blitzo removed her hand. Moxxie crawled away from Barbie and raced toward Jimmy. He leaped off the boat and lunged for him. He punched him in the face before Barbie raced over and attempted to start the boat. Moxxie knocked her off to the side and moved Jimmy’s head toward the deadly motor blades of the boat. Barbie knocked Moxxie down with a hard punch to his head. Blitzo retaliated by pulling his sister up in a headlock.
 Moxxie attempted to catch Jimmy again, the man screaming in fear. Barbie tackled Moxxie to the ground in midair. Moxxie stood up, accidentally stepping onto Blitzo’s head. Barbie leaned back and pulled hard at Moxxie’s wig. Jimmy shivered with fear further back. Blitzo’s eyes were swollen and he took tired breaths. Moxxie choked Jimmy again as Barbie growled and jabbed him in the face with her elbow. Eventually, Moxxie was thrown against the wall, eye makeup melting around his eyes. He pulled his knife from the wall and stalked toward Jimmy once again, teeth barred.  As Jimmy stepped back, Barbie cut in front of Moxxie, landing punches of her own while dodging his knife. She also shoved Jimmy aside. She punched Moxxie in the face, holding his wrist and he jabbed her in the abdomen. The knife fell and he grabbed it. Moxxie was about to grab him when Barbie tackled him from behind. Barbie held Moxxie down as Blitzo shoved Jimmy into the water.
 Not too long after, Barbie choked Blitzo near the steps. Moxxie had a cut on his forehead, staring with menace at Jimmy. With a bloodied mouth, Jimmy pleaded for mercy. Barbie tackled Moxxie again before he could reach him. All three imps growled and tugged at each other, while Jimmy crept up the steps. He grabbed a package of heroin and threw it into the imps. Their eyes turned black and they roared primal roars. Jimmy stood on the boat in fear. In a split second he spotted the firework rocket heading toward him through a window…
 Jimmy’s head exploded and the imps got rained in blood.
 “SATAN FUCKING DAMMIT!” Barbie bellowed in rage. “Thanks a lot, Blitzo, I’m out of a job! FUCK!”
 She stomped off.
 “Barb, wait!” Blitzo cried, wanting to make amends. “I want to help you…let me help you. Please? You’re clean now, right? Let’s grab dinner, we’ll catch up and we’ll talk about…”
 Barbie let out a forced laugh and turned back to her brother. “You don’t fucking GET IT!” She jabbed her finger into his chest. “Just cause I’m outta rehab, doesn’t mean I wanna see you. I NEVER WANNA see you EVER!”
 Barbie marched off and pressed her Asmodean Crystal. A shimmering diamond portal appeared, leading back to the Sloth Ring. She stepped through it and peered out.
 “Next time you wanna find me Blitzo…DON’T!”
 She vanished and the portal closed. Blitzo stood heartbroken and Moxxie had his head in his hands. Blood covered the floors, walls, and the imps. Blitzo couldn’t believe after all the time he spent searching for her, she had vanished again. What had he done to hurt her so horribly?
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manlyquail · 1 year
Oh, so many updates...
One of these posts I swear won’t be several months since the last one talking about my recommitment to social media, but anyways...
At the very least I feel like I’ve found a lot of my rhythm again. As ambitious as it is I’ve currently got three stories in the works that I’ve actually been updating fairly regularly.
The first story, Atlesian Ball (https://archiveofourown.org/works/24407611/chapters/58879495) was one I’d been working on for quite a while until I fell off the wagon, but have gotten back into more consistent updates and is even nearing the end!
The second story, a story that much like most I write I’ve lost all control over, is an NSFW story called “The Pond” (https://archiveofourown.org/works/43155552/chapters/108459693) about Blake exploring her own tastes and fancies, learning about and experiencing Polyamory, and a few other things with Ilia, Yang, and a few other characters as time goes on! It’s actually been a super fun write and I’ve blown through 100,000 words (easily my longest story) by having a more relaxed writing style and worrying less about edits. Hopefully that hasn’t hurt the content but it’s still fun to write!
Lastly is the posting of the first chapter of my Pyrrha / Blake story, taking place post V3 if Pyrrha hadn’t died and instead had joined Blake on her quest to try and right the wrongs of her past. “The Burden of Destiny” (https://archiveofourown.org/works/46015255/chapters/115830019). This is a story I’ve had in my reserve for quite some time and finally started to work on. With (hopefully) weekly releases of chapters for this story I hope to maintain a bit of discipline this time around versus my more spontaneous updates with other stories.
With that said, I also plan on trying to participate more in the various events that happen! I’m always trying to apply to zines and stuff, as the idea of having something physically published is a dream, but I plan on jumping into @white-rose-week in the future. I admit that seeing ‘Atlas Ball’ as one of the prompts has me a little giddy, I know some of my ships are a little strange so I’m sure there would’ve been a huge flow of interest if my Atlesian Ball had White Rose as opposed to Prismatic Ponytails and Nuts & Dolts, so here’s a chance to right that wrong :P
Bit of a blob of an update post but this new volume admittedly has given a somewhat refreshing charge to my RWBY passions, so here’s hoping it keeps on going!
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luimnigh · 5 years
Common Misconceptions In The RWBY Fandom
Because this kinda needs to be made. There’s a lot of lines in this show that have been interpreted in strange and weird ways that I feel we need to clear up the misconceptions about. So instead of scattering them through various meta-posts, let’s clear them all up at the same time. So, if you’re willing to come along, let’s begin:
“Bad Father Taiyang” Part 1: Yang raised Ruby
The Misconception:
Now, this is probably the top one I see around the place. And I’m not trying to take anything away from Yang here, she definitely took on a Mothering role in Ruby’s life, a lot of people take this to an extreme. I’ve seen people thinking that Yang would “obviously be good at cooking, having to cook for herself and Ruby” and various statements to that effect.
To put it simply, when Yang says that Taiyang “shut down” in Burning The Candle, they think it meant a full-on, Apathy-like cessation of willpower. That Yang had to take on primary caregiver role.
The Proof Against It:
But that’s disproven only a few lines later. When Yang left the house with Ruby to find her mother, she explicitly says that she “waited for Dad [Taiyang] to leave the house”. Taiyang was still clearly taking care of them, physically at very least.
And even beyond that, Yang and Ruby hold no ill-will against Taiyang. Their relationship is clearly a loving one, with Taiyang falling asleep at Ruby’s beside in Volume 3. And before anyone says that this is a Retcon, in the latter half of Volume 2, we’re shown this good relationship when the girls speak of him after he sends them Zwei in the mail. A package from him is considered something to “cheer her [Ruby] up”.
Do you really think they’d have such a relationship if he was emotionally or caregiving-ly absent? No, because that would be an abusive relationship, which is kind’ve RWBY’s speciality in recognizing.
Even on a meta-level, they cast Burnie Burns, a man who epitomizes a “good father” to the RT community and to the company itself as Taiyang. That doesn’t seem like the casting they’d do for a bad father.
What The Line Really Meant:
For a period of time, Taiyang shut down emotionally. He became depressed. While he cared for his children’s physical needs, he neglected their emotional needs. This is something that clearly has affected Yang, putting the burden of Ruby’s emotional needs on her (a burden she has still helped shoulder since then, though is clearly learning to let go of recently), but not really affected the two girls’ relationship with their father. Taiyang recovered from his depression, and has been an admirable father since then. Like every parent in RWBY, he’s a person, and he’s made mistakes in his parenting, but that doesn’t make him a bad parent.
Yang was Retconned!
The Misconception:
This, technically, can also fall under “Bad Father Taiyang”, but is usually mostly addressed at Miles and Kerry.
I’ve seen people saying that Yang’s fighting ability was retconned into “uses her semblance too much” and “dumb fighter who relies on her power”. People dissecting the pre-Volume 4 fight scenes for evidence of Yang being a smart fighter. Calling this a “retcon” (Retroactive Continuity: when a previous established fact is altered by the writer later in the story).
This all stems from a conversation Yang had with Taiyang, in which he says “Do you realize that you used your semblance to win every fight after the qualifiers?”
The Proof Against It:
Holy crap is this taking Taiyang out context.
Straight up, the lines directly before this were:
Yang: “Let me guess: ‘I was sloppy.’”
Taiyang: “-laughs- No. You were predictable. And stubborn. And maybe a little boneheaded.”
It’s pretty clear from the preceding lines that Taiyang isn’t talking about her fighting style. After some talk about her semblance, and how it won’t always save her, the conversation shifts into one about Raven, her stubbornness, and her similarities with Yang.
During which, Taiyang says that “You both act like the easiest way to tackle an obstacle is through it. That strength is all that matters in a fight.”
Which leads us to:
What The Line Really Meant:
I plan on making a post about this, but Strength is at the core of Yang’s character arc. Not just physical strength at that, but the word that  most people would use here is Power.
Yang is person who was born strong. Not just physically, even. Her core character trait, beyond anything else, is that Yang Xiao Long might get knocked down, but she’ll rise stronger than before. It’s her semblance; her connection to fire is evocative of phoenix motifs; hell the song “I Burn” calls her a Super Saiyan, who have “get stronger from being beaten down” as actual trait of their species.
But Strength, Power isn’t everything. We hear this in one of the first lines of the show, from Salem herself: There Will Be No Victory In Strength.
And that’s the point of the conversation with Taiyang. He explicitly compares her to Raven, who thinks Strength, not just physical and magical but also strength in skill and intelligence, is everything. And Yang has kinda been following that philosophy. She’s been using her strength to try and brute-force situations. We see this in the Yellow Trailer, as she grabs Junior by the balls in order to try extract information from him. We see this in the fight with Neo, when she switches up her fighting style multiple times, but can’t actually beat her. We see this in the fight with Mercury, where Cinder predicted she’d counter Mercury’s fake attack rather than dodge or block.
But this is where Taiyang hammers home the point that Yang’s strength isn’t everything. There are times to use strength, and times to find alternate solutions. And Yang has taken that to heart. The point of the Bandit fight is that while she predicts it, she doesn’t start it, giving her opponents the option to walk away. When Mercury grabs her arm, rather than attack him and get caught up fighting, she lets it go. When she arrives down in the Vauilt, she deconstructs Raven’s motivations so completely that by the time she shoulder-checks her mom on the way past, Raven’s already been defeated.
And when she goes up against Adam, someone who believes in strength just as much as Raven, she ultimately beats him by not using her strength until she’s taken away his.
“Bad Father Taiyang” Part 2: Moping
The Misconception:
Taiyang tells Yang to “stop moping”. This means he isn’t taking her PTSD seriously/he doesn’t understand her true problem/he’s a bad father/Miles and Kerry think PTSD is just moping.
The Proof Against It: See my first point on why Taiyang isn’t a bad father and why he wouldn’t be given such a harsh line unless there was some truth to it.
But on the Miles and Kerry interpretation, they have honestly been doing a fantastic job at portraying what PTSD is actually like. Some credit goes to Barbara as well, but PTSD in RWBY is portrayed as something you have to learn to live with, not overcome or “get better” from. Sure, you can mitigate it, but it’ll unfortunately always be with you.
Yang didn’t “get over” her PTSD by being told to stop moping. Because Taiyang was not referring to her PTSD.
What The Line Actually Meant:
Yang was moping.
See, Yang’s not just suffering from PTSD in Volume 4. She’s also suffering from heartbreak.
Her best friend, the person she was closest to outside of her family, the person she may even have realized that she was in love with, had just left her like Yang feared she would.
Like we’ve established, Yang is all about getting up when she gets knocked down. That’s at the core of her character. I honestly don’t think the missing arm and the PTSD would have kept her back home as long as it did on it’s own. Because we all know how a Xiao Long reacts to heartbreak (See: Taiyang “shutting down”).
But also because Adam straight-up told us that Blake leaving hurt more than losing an arm did.
What do I mean by that?
See, the whole point of the Adam fight is to explain to Blake what Yang wants to say but knows she can’t. The person Adam pretended to be is Yang, even if he doesn’t know it. Every line he says after he takes off the mask is something that actually applies to Yang’s feelings towards Blake.
“People hurt me long before we met” = Raven’s abandonment, Summer’s death
“But no-one hurt me quite like you. You didn’t leave scars, you just left me alone” = Blake left Yang after someone else had left her a scar (the arm)
“She made a promise to me once” = Literally paralleling the promises Blake has made to both people
Blake knows Yang and Pretend!Adam are alike. In semblance, in personality, it’s why she fears Yang going bad at the Vytal Tournament. And it’s why Adam saying that “no-one hurt me quite like you” triggers Blake’s realisation of why Yang doesn’t want Blake to protect her. Because it would leave her alone.
Yang can handle anything life throws at her besides Blake leaving. So when Yang was left moping after being left behind by the woman she loves, who better to point out she was moping than the person who’s been through the same thing twice?
The Birds
The Misconception:
And finally, the subject that began this rant of mine. The revelation to our heroes that Raven and Qrow can turn into birds.
People, quite confusing, take this to mean that our heroes are rendered suspicious of Ozpin because… he gave Qrow and Raven magical powers? They decry it as not really making sense, a false way to create tension between our heroes and Ozpin.
But maybe there’s a reason why it doesn’t make sense?
What The Line Really Meant:
Just look at the wording people. "What you did to Qrow and my mother", "What Oz did to my brother and me".
Raven implied that Ozpin gave them magic, placed this burden on them, without their consent. And Yang was rightfully pissed at the idea of such a thing. The rest of the group are taken aback at such an idea, because if it can happen to Ozpin’s previous generation of followers, it could happen to them.
You see Yang only reacts when Qrow firmly states that "We made a choice, we wanted this". It’s a look of shock. Raven lied to her.
And that’s why she tells Ozpin “No more lies, no more half-truths”. Raven has placed doubt in her mind, but both sides have lied to her at this stage. The only way to make sure she’s on the right side is if one of them isn’t lying to her, feeding her half-truths and lies of omission.
Which is why she takes it so hard when he omits the truth again. Down in the Vault, Yang made her choice. She chose Ozpin over her mother, permanently. There’s no going back from what Yang said to her. And then Ozpin omits the truth again, about the Relic, and this not only makes Yang question if she made the right choice, but reminds her that if she’s made the wrong one, she can’t go back on it. That’s she’s sacrificed any hope of a relationship with her mother for Ozpin, a man who can’t stop lying to her.
I hope I’ve helped clear up some misconceptions for you guys, and made your RWBY-watching experience less confusing and misinformed. If you liked this, please reblog and share these corrections, so that the fandom no longer gets caught up on these moments.
These are just the misconceptions that I’ve been to dredge up from my memory on a Sunday night, so if I spot any more I’ll add them in later reblogs.
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gyuphorias · 2 years
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mixtape: on track — y. jeongin
synopsis → you've been yang jeongin's best friend for your entire life until you confess your feelings for him in your senior year of high school and he rejects you, leaving you devastated. in an attempt to move on, you agree to help your mutual friend kim seungmin with his student film, even though you know jeongin is involved in the project too. jeongin might swear up and down the wall that he's not jealous of how close you're getting with seungmin, but everyone else knows the truth.
pairing → yang jeongin/gn!reader/kim seungmin
genres → angst, fluff, hurt-comfort, high school au, love triangle au, unrequited love au, best friends to enemies to friends au
warnings → jealousy, swearing, crying
word count → 6.7k
note → thank you all for being so patient with me while i worked to release this fic for you guys. i posted the teaser several months ago, incredibly proud of the fact that i'd cranked out 4k words in less than two hours. however, afterwards, i was feeling burnt out and busy with school, spring break, and life. i couldn't bring myself to write anymore and the draft has sat in my drive since february. it's finished now, though, and i'm really excited to release it. i hope you enjoy it and think that it was well worth the wait because i do.
this is part of @planetdream and @hwaflms' universe collab!
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KIM SEUNGMIN IS UNDENIABLY the sweetest person you’ve ever met in your entire life. he’s funny and kind and incredibly thoughtful, one of the best classmates you’ve ever had in any of your years at school. truthfully, he’s the first person you’ve really let into your life in a while and he hasn’t made you regret it (at least so far). in fact, he proves every day that he’s worthy of being in your life, even if he doesn’t know it, even if he’s completely unaware of the falling out you had with one of his friends, yang jeongin, months ago.
jeongin had been your best friend for years, the only thing from your childhood kept intact as you grew up and changed. you’ve been neighbors your whole life, your mothers are best friends, so it naturally followed that you and jeongin would be best friends too. and you had been from the time you could talk up until… well… recently.
you remember the exact day you’d realized that you had feelings for yang jeongin, real romantic feelings, and what he’d done to make you realize them because you’d written it down in your journal after you’d gotten home from school that day. it’d been a tuesday in april right after you’d started your first year of high school and you’d stayed after school to help clean up the classroom and as you were heading out, you realized it had started raining. there’d been nothing in the forecast about rain that morning, so you hadn’t brought an umbrella or anything. about to resign yourself to waiting for the rain to stop, jeongin, braces and all, bounded up to you, an umbrella in hand.
“crazy random storm, huh?” he’d asked, looking down at you, a goofy smile on his face. “anyways… you wanna walk home together?”
you’d told him that it was fine, that you’d wait out the storm, but he’d insisted. there was no telling when the storm would end and he didn’t want you getting home super late, especially in the dark. so, like a scene straight out of one of your favorite dramas, he’d opened the umbrella and held it up between the two of you, shielding the both of you from the rain. you’d looked up at him at one point and taken in his profile: his sharpening jaw, the easy slope of his nose, the soft expanse of his cheek. in the milky, paling sun, his skin glowed, blended into the background, made him look like he could have just walked straight out of a renaissance painting. it was the first time you’d thought that yang jeongin was absolutely gorgeous.
more so than that, you remember the exact day and the exact moment that you’d promised yourself that you would never again in your life call him your friend. you’d put off telling him your feelings until just a few months ago, halfway through your final year of school, because you were worried it would change everything between you; for better or worse, it didn’t matter. but you’d gotten to the point where you couldn’t hide it anymore: your heart ached when you were around him, your fingers itched to feel his own between them. you wanted so desperately to know what it was like to call him yours.
you’d accidentally confessed to him on a monday during your lunch break, lounging in the sun on the rooftop, your own private little paradise. it had been the rooftop where he’d comforted you through your first breakup, though he hadn’t known that you’d been dating the person in an attempt to get over him. it had been the rooftop where he’d held you for days on end as you struggled through personal issues, through academic stress, through just about everything. and vice versa, both of you unwilling to let the other suffer alone.
and it had been the rooftop where your relationship with jeongin had come to its untimely, explosive demise. unable to hold back any longer, you’d simply blurted it out during a stretch of silence, your eyes fixed unwaveringly on your food, refusing to spare him even the smallest glance. he’d choked a bit on his drink and had to take a few seconds to recover, coughing loudly, but when he’d finally started breathing properly again, you’d heard him as he turned to look at you, the uncomfortable sound of fabric sliding against fabric.
“you… what?” he’d asked and you could tell then and there that this was not going to turn out well. you didn’t have to repeat yourself and he didn’t need to say anything else because it was all right there in his voice, in the way he’d spoken to you just then.
“nothing… never mind,” you’d mumbled, picking at your food. “forget about it.”
“no,” he’d replied, turning entirely towards you, a hand coming out to grab your shoulder. “you don’t just get to drop something like that and then take it back.”
“okay, well i am, jeongin, so just forget it.”
when you finally turned to look at him, you couldn’t figure out why he looked so mad. was it because you liked him or was it because you were taking it back and closing off the subject, not willing to have a conversation? but did it really matter? he was angry regardless of the reason and you really didn’t want to find out.
“how the fuck am i supposed to just forget that my best friend just confessed to having feelings for me?”
you refused to say a single word, instead moving to gather up your things and leave. your stomach was turning something awful, the uncomfortable, chilly feeling of dread creeping into your veins. you needed to get out of there and fast, not prepared to deal with the situation that you’d caused.
“i don’t know, but figure it out,” you’d replied, voice quiet and faltering with the beginnings of tears. “i know you don’t like me back anyways and that’s fine, so just… just forget it. seriously.”
his hand closed around your upper arm and turned you to face him, his fingers twisted up in the sleeve of your blazer. his eyes were burning fiercely and you swear you’ve never seen him look so wild and upset about something before.
“how do you know that? you didn’t even give me a chance to respond.”
you shook your head, trying to pull yourself out of his grasp. “i didn’t need to. your voice gave it away and you basically just admitted it. just let me go, jeongin. please.”
you could tell you’d backed him into a corner, that you really had picked up on the final word in his last question, the damning that. he’d let your arm go, his jaw set and his eyes darkening into something akin to boredom. he didn’t need to say anything else because, like you’d said, it was plainly written on his face; whatever the reason was, you just weren’t ever going to be his.
you’d gone through the rest of your day practically comatose, having spent your remaining energy crying in a bathroom stall for the rest of the lunch period. your friends (bless them) had tried desperately to figure out what was wrong with you, why your face was swollen and your eyes red, but your muted mutter of “nothing” was enough. they’d told you he didn’t deserve you anyways because you were destined for someone better and he didn’t know what he was missing out on.
except that he did know and he’d known for years. you’d spent the most formative parts of your lives attached at the hip and he knew every little secret, every tiny dream, every minuscule thing about you. he knew you more intimately than anyone had ever known you before and now, that was ruined. he was no longer yours to call best friend, no longer yours to meet up with on the roof to have lunch, to hold and comfort through terrible times.
and still yet, you’d forget what had happened, that jeongin was the one you’d had a falling out with, and you’d find yourself wanting to reach out to him, missing the warmth of his arms around you as you cried. you’d find yourself with the beginnings of his name or the nicknames you’d given him on the tip of your tongue. and then you’d remember and it would come flooding back again, the pain renewed and the wounds reopened.
and no matter how much your other friends tried, they would never replace the hole left in your life. you loved them, but they weren’t him and they never would be him.
but now you have seungmin, or at least, you’d like to think you do. he makes you laugh and you love the way he smiles, his eyes aglow. he waits for you before and after school at the front gate so you can walk to and from school together, as far as your paths will allow. he buys you snacks and makes sure you’re drinking water throughout the day. perhaps most importantly, he’s become your designated lunch buddy, shacking up in an empty classroom to chat and laugh and share meals. 
presently, you’re sitting together, sharing the lunch that his mom packed for him today, and he’s reading the synopsis of the short film he’s working on. he’s told you before that he’s always wanted to make a short film during his final year of high school, like a send-off for him and his friends, and now he’s in the works to accomplish that dream. he’s in the process of finalizing the script and he’s already got his other friends involved.
“so minho’s character has a crush on this girl and jeongin’s character is getting left behind by him.”
he keeps talking, but when you hear jeongin’s name mentioned, you freeze. it’s been months since you’ve spoken a word to him, but you think about him every single day. you almost forgot that you’re no longer friends and haven’t been for at least two months, and you definitely glossed over the fact that seungmin is still friends with him. that entire group is.
but because seungmin shows no reaction to the way you react, probably too caught up in his explanation of plot details and breaking off into a tangent, you’re sure that he still has no idea. why would he? jeongin introduced you to his group of friends and after you had that fight, you still hung out with them like there wasn’t any issue at all. and because there’s never been any mention of it, you assume that he never told them and you definitely haven’t because you like his friends a lot and you’re worried that admitting to it means they’ll take jeongin’s side and stop hanging out with you.
“anyways, i was wondering if you’d wanna help out with it,” seungmin says, breaking you out of your reverie. “most of the roles are covered, but… i don’t know. you don’t come around as much as you used to and it’d be fun to hang out again, all nine of us. you could be my personal assistant or something. we can find something for you to do.”
when you look up at him, you’re met with his eyes, deep and dark and so, so soft. he’s looking at you and if you were stupid, you’d think he’s looking at you a little hopefully. there’s some part of you that thinks it’s just as he says: he wants the group to hang out again like you used to just a few months ago. but there’s another part of you that desperately wants to believe that he wants to spend more time with you personally.
“are you sure? i don’t really have any experience with film and stuff. i wouldn’t want to be stepping on anyone’s feet or ruin the project…”
seungmin shakes his head, a comforting smile on his face. “we’re all amateurs and we’re all learning, so you wouldn’t even have to worry about it. jisung’s still struggling with working lights and stuff. really, i’d love for you to join the team. we all would.”
he looks at you so earnestly, his doe eyes bright and round and (you’re still thinking) hopeful, and you can’t find it in yourself to deny him. you’re apprehensive, of course, but with seungmin seemingly so excited about the idea of getting to spend time with you again, you don’t want to say no. out of everyone from that group, you’ve definitely missed him the most. with him being jeongin’s closest friend (once having been second only to you), you just couldn’t bring yourself to be around him, knowing that you’d have to see jeongin too.
calming yourself with the idea that you won’t have to spend any one-on-one time with jeongin, you smile back at seungmin and nod. “it sounds like a fun time, minnie. i’m in.”
“JEONGIN, STOP PEEKING THROUGH the window like that. you look like a creep,” hyunjin scolds, leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the hall. he’s too entranced with his phone, not even bothering to look up at his friend. he doesn’t need to though because he knows exactly what jeongin’s doing.
“when did seungmin and [name] get so close?” the younger one asks, stepping away from the door and leaning on the wall next to it. he tilts his head back against the cinderblock and closes his eyes, trying to clear his mind. “i mean, really. we stop being best friends, so they move onto my next closest friend? it’s like… what the hell, you know?”
“he asked them to help on the film as his personal assistant. of course they’re getting close,” hyunjin answers, though not at all rudely. rather, his voice carries more of a matter-of-fact tone. “besides, you guys stopped being friends months ago and you haven’t tried to reach out since then. i don’t really think you have the right to be jealous.”
“how many times do i have to tell you i’m not jealous, hyunjin?” jeongin questions, his voice carrying some bitter heat. “i’m just feeling a little… i don’t know! it’s just not fair that they’re spending all their time together.”
hyunjin finally looks up, but jeongin wishes he hadn’t because he’s raised one of his eyebrows and his eyes hold some of that all-knowingness. hyunjin is too smart to let jeongin pull the shade over his eyes and make him believe his lies, no matter how small they might be. he catches onto all the little meanings of things, a lot more observant than people tend to give him credit for.
“i hate to break it to you, kid, but that sounds a lot like jealousy to me.”
jeongin groans and tips his head forward, burying his face in his hands. he knows hyunjin is right because hyunjin is always right, most times almost infuriatingly so. however, hyunjin is the only one who he’s explicitly told what happened, but only because he’d picked up on the tension between you two and had questioned him about it. he’s also the only one who knows that since you stopped being friends, jeongin has come to realize a lot about himself and the role you play in his life, how he’s been hollow since you left him alone on that rooftop.
“you’re right, i know. i just… i don’t know how i can get them back. they’re moving on with seungmin and maybe that’s for the best. he’d treat them better than i ever could, than i did.”
his friend crosses the narrow hall in three long strides and rests a hand on his shoulder, fingers curling almost comfortingly into his arm. “this is the perfect opportunity to at least try. it might be your only opportunity. if you want them back that bad, then you’ll make it work, but you’re going to have to prove it to them.”
jeongin nods, looking down at his feet, scuffing the heel of his sneaker against the floor. once again, like always, hyunjin is undoubtedly, entirely correct. he thanks hyunjin for the advice and then they turn to head down the hallway together. as they round the corner, the classroom door slides open, and you and seungmin walk out together, his arm slung over your shoulders as you laugh at something he said. jeongin stops for a moment, watching you wistfully as you look up at your new best friend like you used to look at him. he starts moving only because hyunjin tugs on his sleeve.
when you left jeongin on that rooftop just a few months ago, he’d been angry with you at first. who knew how long you’d been harboring feelings for him, how long you’d been hiding them. you were his best friend, for fuck’s sake. you had always told each other everything, so for you to hide something that big from him for so long was… upsetting, to say the least. he didn’t return your feelings (at least, not then), but for you to drop such a secret on him and then refuse to have a rational conversation with him about it… how else was he supposed to feel?
and for a long time after that, he’d held a grudge against you. but eventually, anger melted into melancholy and then into desolation. his mornings and afternoons felt empty because you weren’t there with him, laughing at his jokes and playfully bickering with him about which street vendor sold better tteokbokki. he missed your texts in the middle of class when you couldn’t focus and in the middle of the night when you couldn’t sleep. and what it all boiled down to was the fact that he just missed you. he missed everything about you and when he caught himself thinking about how much he missed your laugh and your smile and your carefully placed attention, he realized that he was suddenly returning those feelings and it had taken your sudden departure for him to realize how much you really meant to him.
but he’d been too proud weeks ago to reach out to you and ask to talk about things. you’d really hurt his ego and he wasn’t looking to start another fight because he’d also come to realize that he hated fighting with you too. it took a lot of self reflection to come to the fact that he had probably hurt you way worse than you had hurt him. 
and then seungmin had announced that you’d be joining the team for his short film and jeongin’s heart had just about stopped. he was literally being handed the opportunity to make up with you and confess his feelings, but the idea of being face to face with you again after months of radio silence was daunting. still, he wanted to talk to you, but every chance seemed to slip through his fingers because you’d dash away the second he started approaching or seungmin would call you over for help with something.
now, having conducted some spy work, he’s got the reason why: you’re moving on or seem to be, at the very least. he should be glad that you are because you were sad for so long after your falling out and he knows that seungmin is a good guy, that he’d take such good care of you. but there’s some part of him that just can’t get behind the idea because he likes you and you liked him before you liked seungmin. 
all he knows is that before this project wraps, he has to get you back.
THE SUNLIGHT IS PALE, a product of the sun setting as afternoon fades into evening. school let out about an hour ago, but you’re still on campus, helping seungmin with the to-do list you’d helped him put together during lunch. it’s long, taking up almost the entire memo pad you’d written it on. most of it is gibberish to you because you don’t know many film terms, but it’s completely decipherable to seungmin, so you don’t question it.
instead, you let him direct you on where to go, what to do. you know you’re not well-versed in this kind of work, not like he is or chan and changbin are, but he’s gentle with you, something adjacent to sweet and doting. his voice is even and kind, spelling things out for you in a way that doesn’t make it seem like he’s being condescending, just helpful. with a comforting hand on your shoulder, he tells you that you can always ask him or anyone else for help if you need it, to not be afraid of it because he knows it can be overwhelming.
“it’s nothing super intensive or anything, i promise,” seungmin says, looking over at you. he’s spent the better half of the last few minutes explaining how a gimbal camera stabilizer works. “all you really need to do is make absolutely sure that the camera is secure so that when hyunjin uses it later, there isn’t any chance of it falling or something. also, once i’m done going over the lines with minho and chaewon, would you mind blocking the scene with me? just kind of show them how i want them to move in this scene. words can only do so much, you know?”
with his big, shining brown eyes and his pretty, bright smile, all of his attention focused solely on you, you can’t bring yourself to deny him. even if you weren’t starstruck by how genuinely adorable he is, you wouldn’t say no to him. you’ve really enjoyed working closely with seungmin like this and his love for film has almost rubbed off on you, so any chance to learn a little more (or more a very thinly veiled chance to spend just a moment more alongside him) is welcomed with widely opened arms.
“yeah, of course! no problem, min,” you reply, returning his smile and hoping it is just as bright and pretty as his is.
if at all possible, his smile gets even wider and he reaches a hand up to give you a head pat. before you can protest or try to give him a taste of his own medicine, he dashes away, giggling a little and trying hard to not trip over the cords for the lights and boom mic, glancing back over his shoulder once he reaches minho and chaewon. you’re left in his wake, stifling a giggle behind your hand and rolling your eyes, knowing he can see you.
when you finally turn to the gimbal stabilizer to follow through on what seungmin asked you to do, you can feel a gaze searing into the back of your shoulder. if looks could kill, you’d have been dead weeks ago, all at the demand of yang jeongin. when you agreed to become seungmin’s p.a., you knew it would entail spending extended time around jeongin, someone you hadn’t actively been around for the last couple of months; however, it also meant you would get to spend an extended time around seungmin (and of course, the rest of the friend group that you hadn’t really been around for a while). you didn’t care about how incensed jeongin was about you joining the team; it wasn’t his project, so he couldn’t call the shots and if he was mad about seungmin’s decision to bring you on, then he could complain about it as much as he wanted.
from the very first shooting session you were on, you could see how he was always eyeing you, though the emotion there was indistinct, unclear. you had always made a concerted effort to keep your distance from him. agreeing to be on the team meant that you were going to have to be around him, but it didn’t mean you had to torture yourself by giving him your time of day outside of the singular interactions seungmin asked you to have with him. you never got closer than you needed, never spoke more than you had to, never purposefully looked longer outside of obligatory eye contact and accidental glances. as such, you’ve relegated yourself to becoming used to the glares and the near constant feeling of jeongin’s gaze; as long as he wasn’t trying to speak to you outside of those necessary actions, then you could deal with him.
you check one, two, three, four times that the camera is secure on the stabilizer, knowing you can never be too sure that something is safe and secure (at the beginning of your time as seungmin’s p.a., jisung had looked away for just a couple of seconds and his lighting setup had been knocked over, which you’d helped clean up and fix). as you’re carefully setting the camera back down, you hear the telltale sound of footsteps approaching. you stay hunched over the camera, unwilling to come face to face with jeongin; you know it’s him because he’s tried to approach you several times and you’ve always refused to entertain him and his attention. whatever he has to say, he had the chance to say it in the weeks following your fall out, when you would stay up late just hoping for a text message from him; now, the idea of making up with him just leaves a sour taste in your mouth, either out of anger, spite, or still burning sadness that things with him will never go back to what they were before.
just as he begins the first syllable of your name, seungmin calls you. when you look up, the boy is waving you over to him, minho, and chaewon, no doubt ready to block out the scene with them to make sure his vision was captured perfectly. you smile and stand to your full height, rolling your shoulders back to work the tension out. jeongin attempts to say your name again, but you’re already moving away from him, glancing minutely over your shoulder to see that he was reaching out a hand towards you.
there’s a part of you that wants to make up with him, sure. ever since you walked away from him, there’s been a strange hollowness in your life, unable to be filled by anyone or anything else. you miss him and the things he brought to your life, and you want him and that life back. but you’re also still angry at him for the way he’d treated you, like you’d done something so much worse than just having a crush on him. regardless, the whole thing was irreversible; you’d made a decision (albeit an unconscious one) and you’d blown it all to hell. even if there was a chance at redemption, it was long passed now, a choice that was no longer on the table because of inaction and pride.
the whole time you help seungmin block the scene for the two leads, you’re distracted by jeongin. you can’t even enjoy the feeling of seungmin’s hand resting in your own.
“HEY! COULD YOU WAIT UP for a minute? i wanted to talk to you about something,” seungmin calls after you as you’re walking down the front drive of the school grounds, your backpack slung over your shoulder and your mind deadset on going home and watching some netflix before you get some studying done.
you stop and turn to look at him, watching as he jogs down the brick pavement to catch up. the sun is setting behind the treeline and the way the dying golden rays are hitting him make him look iridescent, like he’s sparkling from the inside out, already gorgeous skin now gilded by the sun. kim seungmin looks absolutely beautiful right now and you’re completely taken by him.
you bring a hand up to fidget with your backpack strap as he finally approaches, his jog slowed into long, easy strides. you finally answer his question. “sure, what’s up?”
the boy scratches the back of his neck and looks down at his shoes as you continue strolling down the walkway together. he’s a nervous guy, but you’ve never seen him quite so on edge and you wonder what’s got him all wound up. though, when you start to wonder if you should as him if he’s alright, he speaks, a jumble of words that takes you a few moments to parse through and unscramble.
“listen, i was thinking… and it’s alright if you don’t feel the same way, i promise… but, i was thinking that since we’ve, y’know… started spending so much time together, maybe we could hang out… without the movie and the others. just the two of us.”
you stop walking and your stomach lurches, completely taken aback by his words. if you read anymore into it, you’d think that-
“it’s just that i really, really like you and i have for a while and i’d really like to take you out on a date some time. but like i said, it’s completely fine if you don’t feel the same way. i won’t be upset or anything.”
there’s some little part of you that feels guilty because seungmin is still jeongin’s friend and it feels a little wrong to agree to go out on a date with him, but still, there’s a bigger piece that likes seungmin so much, that always kind of has liked seungmin. and here he is, confessing his feelings to you, his eyes warring between hope and despair as he waits for you to give him an answer, his fingers fidgeting with the hem of his sweater vest.
you give him your answer.
you turn to leave.
and jeongin is standing at the front gate, his eyes trained on you. 
“WHAT WERE YOU AND SEUNGMIN talking about?” jeongin asks as you approach him, his voice light and airy. it sounds too carefree, too easy, like you didn’t stop being friends nearly five months ago. 
“why’s that any of your business?” you ask, not even bothering to stop so he can walk beside you. he doesn’t deserve the honor of waiting for him to catch up like you’d bestowed upon seungmin just a few minutes ago.
“uh… because you’re both my friends and i’m nosy.”
it takes everything in you not to round on him right there and give him the shake down. friends? what the fuck is he talking about? you stopped calling jeongin your friend five months ago and he hasn’t so much as tried to contact you since then. why is he acting and talking like you’re still partners in crime?
“since when were we friends again, yang?” you question, voice laced with as much malice as you can manage. you’re sounding bold, but you feel like you could cry, so many feelings taking over your chest that you feel overwhelmed and nervous. he hurt you bad and he knows that, so why is he trying to slide his way back into your life like nothing fucking happened, especially when he knows how you felt about him? doesn’t that mean anything to him? “we stopped talking months ago and you haven’t tried to even do so much as say hi to me in the hallway.”
you hear him mutter to himself, something along the lines of “i can’t do this anymore,” before he’s grabbing at your arm like he did all those months ago and turning you to face him. the expression he wears is just as wild as it was when you confessed, but this time it’s more desperate than mad. it’s not a look you’ve seen on him in all of your years of knowing him because he’s never been desperate for anything.
“listen, i know… i know you’re still mad at me and i know that i really, really fucked things up that day and then every day after by not reaching out, but… god, my life is so dull without you in it and i should have figured this out a long time ago, but i like you. and i am so sorry about what happened and i should have come to apologize once i’d calmed down, but i didn’t and i’m so fucking stupid for that, i know.”
jeongin’s eyes have gone from desperate to downright sad, tears pooling so much that his eyes have gone glassy. and with the way your vision is going blurry too, you assume you must look the same.
“so just… please tell me i’m not too late… for anything at this point. please. if you’re going to date seungmin, that’s fine. i just need to know that i’m not too late to make things up to you because i need you back in my life. you’re… you’re still my best friend.”
you’re hugging jeongin before you can even realize that the idea had crossed your mind, your arms going tight around his neck as you pull yourself into him. it feels like it takes no time at all for him to return the favor, his own arms wrapping around your back, pressing you against him as one hand comes to cradle the back of your head. his fingers twist into your hair and you feel him sob against your shoulder.
“i told him i’d think about it,” you say, your voice raspy and thick with tears. it’s a struggle to get the words out. “i told him that even though i liked him, i still had feelings for someone else that i needed to work through. he’ll be expecting an answer from me.”
jeongin sobs again, but this time, it sounds more like a laugh than anything. you don’t really care what it actually is because you have him back after months of not talking to him. his arms tighten around you and you rub the space between his shoulder blades, pressing warm lines into him in the hope that it calms him down.
“i’m sorry,” he says eventually, still holding you against him.
“i’m sorry too,” you respond, leaning your head against his before pulling away to look at him. with your vision clear once more, you can tell just how much of a mess your friend looks and you can’t help but laugh a little tearfully, moving your hands to wipe clumsily at his cheeks. “i shouldn’t have hidden my feelings from you and i shouldn’t have left the rooftop like that. i’m really, really sorry, jeongin.”
he shakes his head and mimics your behavior from just a few moments ago, smiling as he wipes your own tears away, his thumbs gently brushing them from your eyelashes. “i shouldn’t have gotten mad at you like that and i definitely shouldn’t have ignored you afterwards. if i could change everything i did that day, i would.”
you nod in agreement, letting your head fall forward to rest against his collarbone, completely exhausted from the amount of emotional turmoil you’ve been through in the last five minutes or so. having feelings for people is so tiring, you conclude, but maybe this is the start of things going back to normal. you’ve missed jeongin so much and even though you’re still very much upset with him, you can begin to feel it ebb away.
“i’m still mad at you.”
he chuckles and your head shakes a little, in tandem with his shoulders as he laughs. one of his hands rubs lines into your back. “i know, but i wanna fix it… if you’ll let me.”
you nod and draw a deep breath, backing away from him a few steps. you can see the way his eyes alight in a fearful way and then soften immediately as you reach up to push his shoulder with one hand while you wipe at more tears with your other, he catches your hand in his, laughing that cute, dopey little laugh of his as he closes his fingers around your palm.
“i don’t know think we can go back to the way things were, but… start by buying me tteokbokki?” you ask, curling your own fingers against his hand and turning, tugging him along behind you. you can hear him laugh a little and you can picture the way he rolls his eyes because he knows you’re going to really play up this “making it up to you” thing.
“i don’t know if it’s worth all of that…” he remarks playfully, finally falling in step beside you. when you look at him, he pointedly turns his head away like he’s upset you even considered the idea that he’d buy you a snack, but you can see the smile he wears, the way the corner of his lips curl upwards. you missed that way more than you’d ever admit.
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“are you going to go on that date with seungmin?” jeongin asks as you sit at a table across from each other. he pushes a couple of pieces of tteokbokki in the dish towards you. 
his tone is a little indiscernible, wavering strangely between sadness and friendliness. when you said you weren’t sure if things would go back to the way they were, your feelings for each other were included: while time away from each other hadn’t dulled them, you wanted to focus on being friends with him again rather than jump into a relationship. plus, you deserved a chance to see how things could go with seungmin; you had come to like him a lot in the months of jeongin’s absence.
“maybe… i’m not sure yet,” you answer, munching indifferently on the snack he’d treated you to. “do you think i should?”
“as the guy who has a crush on you or as your best friend?”
“both,” you reply, even though you know what he’ll say in both roles. you just want to hear him say it.
jeongin sighs, almost as if he’s deep in thought and pondering his answers. it’s the kind of playfulness you missed in the wake of his (temporary) departure from your life. as upset as he had made you months ago, he had apologized for everything and expressed serious, genuine interest in making things right. when you’d missed him so much, you found that there wasn’t much resistance in inviting him back into your life.
“well, as the guy who likes you, i’d obviously say no because i want the chance to go on a date with you instead, but… as your best friend, i know seungmin likes you and i know he could treat you well. and i know that i don’t really deserve that chance after everything that’s happened, at least not right now, so… i think you should do it.” he pauses, once again playing up the expression of deep thought. “besides i have some insider info.”
you stop midchew, looking up at him so fast, you almost give yourself whiplash. your eyes narrow at him as you stare him down. he has that dumb, shiteating grin on his face.
“what do you mean, insider info?” you ask once you swallow your food.
he turns his nose up and looks away, crossing his arms over his chest. he’s trying so hard to make it seem like he’s not divulging any secrets that seungmin may or may not have told him.
“yang jeongin, so help me god…” you say, lightly kicking his shin under the table.
before you know it, he’s standing up, grabbing his backpack from the ground beside his chair, and taking off. when the hell did he get so fast? you struggle to get up, but eventually, you do and you begin to chase after him. he’s stopped at the corner of the road, waiting for you to catch up to him. your backpack bumps wildly against your side as you run to get him.
“jeongin, what did seungmin say to you!” you call as you close in on him, determined to get the information. instead of answering, jeongin laughs and turns away, once again bolting down the sidewalk.
“if you wanna know, you’ll have to catch me!”
as annoying as he can be, you did truly miss jeongin and the oddly timed spontaneity he brings to your life. even though your chest is heaving and your legs burn with the effort of running, you laugh in spite of it all, glad to have this back, have him back. your life really wasn’t complete without him.
and maybe there is a universe where you remain friends with jeongin and become lovers with seungmin, living the rest of your life in perfect harmony. but that isn’t this universe, you’re sure of it.
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© gyuphorias 2022 | do not copy, translate, or repost/reuse my work
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enluv · 2 years
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Synopsis: Being an idol can be hard but being an idol in a relationship is way harder, not only do you have to deal with tight schedules that clash every week but also media outlets that don't respect privacy and fans who are too quick witted to NOT notice what's going on between you and your lover, so what do you do when Valentine's Day comes around and you're BOTH off? Well, you spend the day together of course! But make sure to not get caught! Your careers may be on the line.
coco's ♡ note: I want to start this off by saying a big thank you to all the writers who joined my collab, it means so much to me and I appreciate you all taking time and writing a fic for it <3 To the readers - below you will find the links to all fics created for this collab. Members of a group have two stories (some may not), one depicting the reader x idol NOT being caught in a relationship and the other is when the reader x idol DO get caught. Feel free to read them all and send some love to the writers who worked hard on this collab event with me! Thank you all once again. - Coco ♡
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NO PLACE LIKE HOME - @bloom-bloom-pow
SYNOPSIS: Heeseung never intended to break the rules and ask out his childhood best friend the next day after signing his no dating contract for the next seven years. He decided that long distance wasn't for him, so he took a the week off before his debut to visit the love of his life.
PERMISSION TO LOVE - @bloom-bloom-pow
SYNOPSIS: Ever since meeting you, Heeseung has slowly started to become like you— mainly giving you updates about his day. He and you have matching apps, where you send selfies and little drawings to each other throughout the day, and it keeps the two of you happy, but what happens when Heeseung accidentally uploads a pic meant for you to twitter instead?
LOST AND FOUND - @bloom-bloom-pow
SYNOPSIS: Maybe because none of Jay’s friends have dates for Valentine’s ’s Day, but jay swears to treat you like a queen on Valentines Day. He’s been saving up so he can say “yes” to all of your absurd requests because he loves you so dearly, butt the morning of the 14th, Jay realizes he can’t fulfill any of the promises he made because his wallet has been stolen.
Synopsis: Jay is determined to give you the Valentine's Day date you deserve, and although a few bumps in the road may come your way, neither of you will let them ruin your day together, especially when you've already gone through so much trouble to get only a handful of hours together.
AT HOME - @scented-morker
SYNOPSIS: It’s finally Valentine’s Day, and Jake is excited to spend all day just the two of you at home.. until you have to keep leaving.
SEE YOU AGAIN - snccps
SYNOPSIS: As enhypens tour ends, Jake is able to make it home to you just in time for Valentine's Day. As much as he would love to go out, the both of you have to find a way to avoid the post-concert fans and cameras.
ISN'T IT ROMANTIC? – @ughopewrld
SYNOPSIS: A secret date, a closet, and nosy members —when you and your boyfriend plan to sneak away from work to spend valentines day together, what could possibly go wrong?
SNOW AND ROSES – @atrirose
DEAR CLASS PRESIDENT - @bloom-bloom-pow
SYNOPSIS: Maybe the entire school body wouldn't have dropped their jaws if Kim smSunoo wasn't so unpredictable, but somehow, a stupid man was about to become your stupid man due to a technical "glitch."
I LIKE YOU, A LATTE - @bloom-bloom-pow
SYNOPSIS: When the new barista happens to be your hallway crush, you keep on messing up while showing him the ropes. Burning yourself with hot coffee, forgetting to wear mitts when opening an oven, and messing up every customer’s change due to a broken cash register— you feel like a mess, but Jungwon thinks it’s kinda cute.
SYNOPSIS: Jungwon is a planner. From the time the sun rises until the stars twinkle, he has carefully orchestrated the 14th of February — he’s been rehearsing it in his head since Valentine's Day last year. He expected to go to an art museum, eat at a cafe, and walk hand in hand towards the sunset. Things he didn't expect to happen? Him in jail. Bailing you out, to be exact.
NOT NORMAL - @sbnchaos
SYNOPSIS: riki's weird date idea for Valentine's Day!
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SYNOPSIS: Notorious for breaking all the rules, Choi Yeonjun is told on a dreary monday afternoon that if he does not pass his calculus class, he will not be able to graduate. If only you knew you were the partly the reason he'd been struggling—but who knows, maybe you're the reason he succeeds.
LET ME IN - @hyukaas
SYNOPSIS: Yeonjun was just trying to be romantic, climbing up the back of your apartment. It's only after the sound of cameras flashing below him that he realises he didn't think of a way to get in.
SYNOPSIS: You and Soobin’s first ever outdoor date! With the both of you as public figures hiding your current relationship from the world… nothing bad is going to happen...right?
SYNOPSIS: Valentines day, a day that you should spend with your beloved ones, going out to romantic dates, holding hands on the streets or even posting pictures on your social medias! Sadly for reader and Beomgyu they couldn't pass the holiday like that.
SYNOPSIS: Beomgyu hopes to have one normal day out with you for Valentine's Day, but sneaky fan's just can't seem to leave you guys alone.
0205 - @bloom-bloom-pow
SYNOPSIS: Kang Taehyun is completely captivated with you. Every morning, he makes it a point to be at school early and leave you a note, but since it's Valentine's Day, he's decided to step it up a notch and bring chocolates and flowers as well. What happens when his crush's locker door is ajar and just a diary is inside?
SYNOPSIS: Avoiding the paparazzis, and the fans was a game both you and Kang Taehyun had gotten good at. Having been together for nearly a year, you two had your fair share of masked dates and oversized fits out in the public. This year for Valentine’s day, Taehyun really wanted to take you to an amusement park as you had been saying that, that was your ideal date since you started dating. But what happens when the two of you get caught and Taehyun denies your relationship in front of, well, nearly the whole amusement park?
SYNOPSIS: Hueningkai and gn!reader go out together for the first time for Valentine's Day with the permission from their management, with the condition that they must stay on the low.
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coco's ♡ note: hello again! thank you once more to all the amazing writers who helped me with this collab, I know it was a bit messy as it was my first collab but if you stuck through to the end, thank you so much! and to our lovely readers, thank you for giving us a platform where we are able to write and produce content for you all <3
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crystalcow · 3 years
𝑆𝑎𝑝𝑛𝑎𝑝𝑠 𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑//𝑆𝑎𝑝𝑛𝑎𝑝 𝑝𝑡 4
Masterlist // child reader ML //
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Sapnap x reader !p !child reader
Pronouns used: none specified!
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, casinos
𝐊𝐢𝐧𝗼𝐤𝗼 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐧𝗼𝐰??
Quackity was telling you all of his plans
He rambled on for hours of his ideas for casinos and how he was going to marry Karl and sapnap
It sounded great
He had his whole plan set up! He even had Sam helping him with the building
But then he left
Just like everyone else
But that was fine! You were just with sapnap
Before Karl came running over rambling on about needed to move his library
He had a library?
“[Redacted] you need to stay close, please”
You looked at him weirdly
Who the fuck was [redacted]
“Karl my names Y/n you idiot” “flame..” “sorry”
He didn’t even notice it and then you had to spend the next couple days hauling over 100 books
“Oo hey what are these! The covers look really weird”
You had found his time travel books
That man raced over and in the kindest way possible, snatched it from your hands
“Don’t touch those, they are my special books”
You just shrugged and let him be, he freaks you out enough
So you all traveled to this area in the spruce forest and built a really ugly mushroom hut
But hey it’s fine! Foolish thankfully came around later that day and made everything better
So you stuck around
Maybe you needed this, this new start
Oh but prime knows that wouldnt last long
Karl started forgetting
At first it was simple things as just forgetting where he was or little stumbles with names
But eventually he was going away longer and longer
He started calling you by these strange names, some that sound Victorian and western and others that are unlike you
One day he didn’t call you by your name at all
You were hanging around the Sakura trees and the big yin Yang pond waiting for sapnap to come back with George
Then you saw Karl exit the library, running up to him for a hug
It’s been two months since you’ve seen him
You fucking hated it but you couldn’t help but consider him another parental figure
He loved it
But he just stood there as you wrapped your arms around him
Expecting the usual “[reda]- Y/n, I’ve missed you so much my sweet flame!”
But there was nothing just a sad one sided hug
“Hello? I’m sorry but do I know you?”
You were ready to cry
“I’m sorry, I uh must’ve mistaken you for the wrong person” “No that’s fine! Hugs are nice?”
So you left and ran into the library
Scouring throughout all of the books until you found them
The same 8 books you shrugged away
You read through all of them along with Karl’s other journals
You didn’t like going through his stuff especially, a whole invasion of privacy
The more you read the worse it got
What were you gonna tell Sapnap?
Who the hell is James, and [redacted]?
And why couldn’t he stop
It’s no use anymore
You were simply just forgotten
𝐋𝗼𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐬
The closer you got to the large building, the sicker you got
Kinoko Kingdom was supposed to be your free pass
But somehow you always end up here
You called for Sam on the comms waiting for the beep
The inside looked great to say the least
“What are your past relationships with the prisoner?” “No answer.”
“Where are you currently resided?” “No answer”
“Do you believe the prisoner deserves his sentence?” “Maybe”
You put all your shit in the locker and followed him through all the safety checks
“I’m glad you didn’t bring anything with you”
You stood on the platform heart racing as the lava went down
It was like a ticking time bomb
The small squeaks and scratches of the hovering bridge
He just stared at you
That sick stupid mask was broken by tommy that day in the black stone room
So you had to look into his face
Lets just say he looks good in Orange
“Barrier up or down?” “Down”
He backed up into the corner as you stepped in
Once the lava cascaded down your smile turned into a sick frown
“Hello” is that all he had to fucking say?
“Screw you. Fuck you. Damn you”
He just looked you a small chuckle escaping from his lips
“Those all mean the same thing.” “Well I’ve been living in cinnamon town for the past couple months, and I’m ready to fucking burn some buns”
Yeah he just laughed
“I’ve missed you Hot shot”
“You ruined our damn life!”
Someone went quiet
“If you didn’t have to have a petty little war, or criminalize children we could’ve been fine! It could’ve just been you, dad, me, and George.”
You were pissed, everyone just kept leaving you.
Tommy and Tubbo, Quackity, Karl, Dream, and hell even Wilbur
“You come and visit me, after not having seen me for months and you just yell? Not a hello or ‘how are you dream?’ ‘How’s prison dream’ ‘how can I help you get out of this damn place’ “
You just sat down ready to just walk out into the lava
“I’ve been stuck here for months! None of you even cared enough to visit me, hell even Tommy came around.”
You might have felt a little bad after leaving him
The prison was cold even tho lava was flowing right there
“Why would you leave the discs alone..” “Because I had to end it.”
What were you doing here
What were you planning on saying?
“So, what do you do in prison”
“I have a clock.”
You got up to go look at the pretty clock
Then threw it at his face
“Ow” “deal with it bitch”
The longer you stayed the worse the feeling in your stomach got
so you buzzed for Sam waving goodbye
“Wait.. Do they miss me?” “Can’t say, but I think this may be for the best.”
He wanted his best friends
But he just got the annoying teenager
Oh but that wouldn’t be the last
𝐋𝐚𝐬 𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐬
You got a letter in the mail one day
Who the hell uses letters??
You were shocked to see the address and the small post card
“Come around some time”-Quackity
Ans on the back it had the cords
Oh well what did you have to loose? Sapnap was focused on Karl
and well Karl didn’t even know you
So you set off
It took you a couple hours travel by horse to get to the desert area
The large sign blaring in the red text
You gotta admit the place looked beautiful
There was a giant dick and different shops
You were shocked to see this random un human like guy
“Hello, I am Charlie a totally human guy!”
Yeah totally not slime
“I’m uh, Y/n?” He reached out for a handshake sort of thing
“Dap me up!” “Another time Charlie”
Maybe when you had hand sanitizer
“Ohh so your Y/n! Mister Quackity talks about you all the time, come on in!”
You were skeptical but followed anyways
Stopping in your tracks when you saw Fundy
“Furry?” “Fire shit?”
You went over to give him a side hug, ruffling his fur
“What the hell are you doing here ginger boy!” “Oh you know, just escaping nightmares”
You were confused then just let him be
You walked to the entry way of the place
A beautiful pond with flowers and an arch
“Did what the place where Mr. Quackity was going to propose!”
Going to?
You shrugged it off following inside
You hated to admit it, but you were excited to see him
Yeah you really needed a parental figure in your life at the moment
So when you saw him, he immediately pick you up in a hug
You didn’t fail to notice his change in appearance
That beanie stayed the same tho
Thank god
“Hey hey! Let me show you around the place, we can also go for lunch and talk.”
The casino looked great to say the least
Loud music booming from the speakers, along with the live jazz band on the side
Slot machines were going off every minute
“Have a chip, something to remember this by”
He handed you a red poker chip
It was a cool one tho, in the middle has a blocky sort of smile
Creepy and dopey.. sick!
So you put it around a spare silver chain
“So how have you been kid? ‘Ts been a while hasn’t it.” “Could be better..”
You both walked around the city in silence, offering to go in the super model shop
“No” “why not” “keep walking”
On your way to lunch you had to squint at what you were seeing
“Oh my goodness you’re still alive?!” “You’re alive!?”
You and revivebur just stared at one another
“Yeah he came back after I died!” “you what now-“
You just stared at Tommy and back to Wilbur
Oh god those shrooms were messing with your head
You should’ve gotten out of there a while ago
Quackity came over placing his hands on your shoulders
“Do I have to execute you both? Get off my damn property”
“Sorry Q. Say, Y/n wanna join Lmanburg 2.0?”
You back away holding your hands up
“I denied that offer once, and I’ll do it again. Fucking zombie freaks”
You obviously muttered the last part
Why the fuck did dream revive those two shits??
When did Tommy even die??
Your visit here has just gotten weirder and weirder
𝐌𝗼𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬
Quackity got you away from the brits as quick as he could
So he brought you over to his office
“So kid, how’s your dad..”
Ah you expected this question
“How the fuck am I supposed to know. He’s living his life, Karl’s time traveling! Oh yeah did I mention he doesn’t even remember me.”
He looked at you with wide eyes
“So I’m not the only one they forgot..”
You slammed you hands on the fable dramatizing the situation
“How would you feel about moving here? I mean you could work for me in the casino!”
You thought about it for a second
You have two options
1. Live in shroom town with bubbles
2. Move to las Nevada’s with Quackity
You were sure Sapnap wouldn’t mind
I mean would he even care?
He hasn’t for the past couple months!
“You feel abandoned there, over here there are hundreds of people. You’ll have the time of your life”
You thought about it for a sec
“Alright hand me a contract”
So you signed
Making deals with the devil huh
Little did you know it would cost you your life
Devils little soul
and this is the finale! I will take requests for sapnaps child, and I’ll do some shit with Quackity and the casino and go in more depth if wanted!
As always request and ask anything! And ask if you want to be on a taglist (child reader or general)
For those on the taglist I don’t know if you wanted to be tagged for all child reader shit or just dreams child.. so please tell me :)
@creatorofstars @georgenctfound @samistheidiot @smolbox-png @ghostlysenses @stellarinstigator @bobaducky
461 notes · View notes
itsclydebitches · 3 years
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Hi, everyone! I’m taking this post seriously, I swear. Given everything that’s gone down on YouTube, Reddit, and here on Tumblr the last two days, I wanted to take a quick break from my “The Indecisive King” recap to comment on Twinns’ video. From what I’ve seen thus far, reactions have focused primarily on Twiins’ tone and the “Get over it” message, which is no surprise given that those topics have the most impact on the community at large. Putting forth an analysis that many others don’t agree with is just inevitable—especially for those of us who post fairly frequently—but responding to that disagreement in a deliberately insulting, dismissive manner is precisely the sort of behavior everyone in the RWBY fandom should be trying to work past, whether they’re critical of the show or not. Frankly, at this point I can’t say anything that others haven’t already explained more eloquently. I agree that any of us who can’t “get over” specific characters or plot points have no right to demand that others do the same. I also agree that “get over it” is an unproductive take for an ongoing webseries. Even putting aside both the need to look at the show as a whole and the fact that not everyone has been having these discussions for 2+ years (I often see new fans voicing “outdated” opinions), we’re still left with the racism and White Fang (supposedly) being a major part of the franchise. Blake is still relevant as a central character. As is Yang. As is Weiss. Adam’s impact extends far past his literal, living presence on screen. Or at least it should.
So I agree that telling fans to get over things we’re personally not interested in, assuming that any part of RWBY has a storytelling sell by date, and generally approaching online discussions with an antagonistic attitude are all things we should strive to avoid. I’ve spoken out against cancel culture in the past and I hope to emulate that perspective here: while I fully understand and support anyone who needs to just block and move on, I hope that as a community we can peacefully move past this, whatever that might look like.
That’s my “Gotta reference the major points” intro. As said though, this has already been covered extensively the last 48 hours. Rather, what I’d like to do here is to bypass the drama and look at the actual analysis Twiins has put out. I’m a fan who never particularly liked Adam, but I do understand others’ severe disappointment in his character because I’ve felt that for the characters I am invested in. These questions of if and when he changed—and potentially why—are questions I’m interested in by default, even if they’re applied to a character that’s far from a fave. So I’d like to add a few arguments into the “What’s up with Adam?” conversation.
And yes, I’m excruciatingly aware that a video about getting over Adam has reignited numerous debates about Adam. I’m just gonna set the irony aside for another day…
My thoughts are far from organized here, but something I wanted to begin with, that Twiins doesn’t include in her vid, is the implied age difference between Adam and Blake. We’ve established that he doesn’t have much of a character prior to appearing in Volume 3, but that’s not the same thing as having no character at all. I agree entirely that all we get are tiny bits and pieces, but audiences will inevitably latch onto those pieces to try and get a sense of the character prior to them becoming more relevant to the plot. It’s the writer’s responsibility to ensure that those details accurately represent the character (unless you’re tricking your audience) and the viewers following the logic of those implications isn’t the same thing as full-on headcanoning. If anything, the little we get of Adam pre-Volume 3 holds more weight than, say, any random thing a member of Team RWBY does in a given episode. That’s because we have the expectation that, as someone with very little screen time, everything Adam does and says is put there to make the most of his quick appearance. The character with 100 lines of dialogue can throw out 10 lines that don’t amount to much, or are even a bit OOC sounding, without raising an eyebrow because hey, we already know them so well. The character with 2 lines of dialogue had better make them count and no viewer expects to later hear, “Those lines, that very little you had to go on for years, are actually meaningless.”
So to get back to the point at hand, something as simple as the presumed difference in age carries weight for our understanding of Adam pre-Volume 3. I can only speak for myself, but hearing Blake call him a “mentor” combined with that gap implied a non-romantic relationship to me. I certainly don’t mean that a couple years gap is impossible, I’m only highlighting that Blake is 17 and Adam is in his early 20s. Adam is head of a civil rights movement and Blake, when she leaves, goes off to school. We understand now that Beacon is closer to a college than the normal, shonen high school, but the very early Volumes nevertheless capitalized on those tropes. The girls wear goofy pajamas, have food fights, put up boy band posters, are explicitly called “children” by Ozpin… paired next to the older, more sophisticated Adam out in the “real world,” yeah, Blake feels like a kid to me, actual ages notwithstanding. Add in her “mentor” comment and I more readily assume she was Adam’s partner in the platonic battle sense, rather than his girlfriend.
I’m also not persuaded by the moments that Twiins interprets as romantic. In examining the Black Trailer, she argues that they’re likely in a relationship because “They’re clearly comfortable around each other.” But by that logic, all of RWBYJNOR are in relationships with each other too. The familiarity needed to pull of something like a team attack is just a necessary part of having a partner in battle, perhaps even more necessary outside of the Kingdoms if we believe Blake’s comments about how dangerous it is. We could perhaps read something into Adam briefly carrying her, but that’s also not a move given solely to romantic couples. If Adam is dating Blake because he bridal carried her to safety in the middle of a fight, then Ruby is also dating Weiss.
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I mean, the White Rose shippers would be thrilled, myself included, but that’s not the point of this post!
Other details that Twiins highlights likewise aren’t persuasive to me. The “sad piano music” that plays when Blake leaves is, imo, fitting for two long-time partners splitting in such a sudden, regretful manner. And yes, I can actually picture someone saying that a non-romantic partner is “very dear” to them. Give Penny the line, “Oh yes, I love Ruby. She is very dear to me!” and I wouldn’t bat an eye. Earlier, in reference to the train scene, Twiins argues that you don’t give that kind of emotional goodbye to someone who is “just your teacher,” but this line of thinking precludes the possibility of a relationship existing between “Teacher” and “Boyfriend.” Quite obviously, a plethora of relationships do exist. You can love someone without being in love with them and, more importantly for this conversation, not being in an established relationship. Do we really believe that no one else in the cast would give an emotional goodbye to their combat partners/friends accompanied by sad, heartfelt music? In Volume 8 we see Qrow cry-yelling his nieces’ names, Jaune crying over Penny, and Blake crying as Yang falls, but only one of those is presumed to be romantic. Love abounds in RWBY.
The rest of Blake’s speech here, from Volume 3’s “Destiny,” Twiins reads as referencing the abuse:
“I had someone very dear to me change. It wasn't in an instant, it was gradual—little choices that began to pile up. He told me not to worry. At first, they were accidents. Then it was self-defense. Before long, even I began to think he was right. This is all just... very familiar.”
The problem for me is that Blake is comparing Adam to Yang and here, the accusations against Yang has nothing to do with domestic abuse. If Blake had compared them during Volume 2 when Yang shoved her? Yeah, then we’d have a strong case for saying that Yang’s physical violence against Blake, something she would likely excuse as just her trying to snap Blake out of her funk, a meaningless mistake, feels “very familiar.” But Yang has been accused of using excessive force against an opponent—or an enemy within the bounds of the tournament. That doesn’t sound like a reference to Adam abusing Blake, but rather Adam taking violent action against humans; a political approach that says more about his rhetoric than it does his personal life. Indeed, we’ll see this exact scenario in the flashback of Adam’s short. Ghira says that, “There’s no need for violence” and then Adam immediately takes out the entire band of humans, finishing by killing one.
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After the other White Fang members cheer at his “heroic” deeds, we cut to him and Blake post-mission where he says: “Blake, I’m sorry. I told you it was an accident.”
“At first, they were accidents.”
I think it’s pretty clear that Yang’s actions are making Blake think of how her partner’s civil rights approach turned deadly, not how her romantic partner used to physically harm or stalk her. Even the short doesn’t give us anything explicitly romantic between them. Again, if Blake putting her hand on Adam’s shoulder in an effort to comfort him is romantic, then Ruby is dating Jaune as well as Weiss.
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Twiins is absolutely right that all these details could be read as romantic, but they also could just as easily be platonic. It’s when you combine them with additional details that they lean towards the latter for me. Like, for example, how everything else about Adam in Volumes 1-3 surrounds his civil rights obsession, giving no indication that there’s a Blake obsession to go along with it. Twiins dismisses the scenes with Cinder because they don’t mention Blake, saying that, “There is no character here.” But that’s working under the assumption that Adam’s character is, inherently, all about Blake. The fact that his early scenes aren’t about her is the very thing that works against the later, single-minded focus on Blake that he adopts, making it feel like it came out of nowhere. Those moments, though brief, still paint a picture of his character, one in which he is a leader of the White Fang, with enough power and influence to attract our villains, and—as others have already pointed out—someone who treats Blake as a side-mission at best. When told by his subordinates that they’ll find her he goes, “Forget it!” That is not a moment that sets up the kind of obsession we see later in the series. 
The best evidence I think Twiins gives for the relationship is the Beauty and the Beast allusion as well as pointing out that RWBY has a long history of making their villains abusive. In regards to the first point, however, Twiins herself acknowledges that Blake is meant to be Beauty and the Beast, simultaneously. Yes, Adam as Prince Adam is very much a thing too, but making Blake both characters warps the parallel from the start. More importantly, if we take the allusion at face value anyway, that implies that they would later become a couple, not that they were a couple in the past. Beauty and the Beast is the story of a cursed man who has grown violent in his isolation and needs to learn from Belle how to be kind again. There’s even a moment when Belle runs away from him in fear, only to be saved by the Beast and reconsider her feelings for him. If someone threw me back to the Volume 1-2 days and told me that this fairy tale was absolutely crucial to Blake and Adam’s future plot, then I’d go, “Okay, so Blake is likewise going to be saved by Adam at some point, reconsider her choice to leave, and over time teach him how to approach their movement in a less murder-y fashion.” The implication I wouldn’t pull is, “They were in a relationship before the story even started, an abusive one, and it’s only going to get worse moving forward.”
As for the abusive villains, yeah, it’s absolutely a trend. I’ve commented on it myself with a fair amount of frustration. The thing is though, no one is arguing that Adam isn’t abusive. They’re arguing that he unexpectedly became abusive in Volume 3. Twiins equates his other villainous acts, such as leaving the people on the train for dead, with abuse more broadly, but they’re not the same thing. Arguably all abusers are villains, but not all villains are abusers. That’s a particular type of villainy that, as discussed, Adam doesn’t display until the Beacon fight. So the criticism is asking why that suddenly showed up with, for many, little to no setup. 
Minutes before his death, Blake will yell at Adam for stalking her across Anima and I think fans are right to wonder where that kind of obsession came from when, previously, Adam was the man who told his men to forget her. Yes, all we had early on were clues, but what do those clues amount to? An older man whom Blake calls a mentor, who is singularly focused on his mission to free his people, and who treats getting Blake to re-join the cause as a potential bonus, not a priority. Given that, I can absolutely see why so many fans were thrown by the “Hello, my darling” and have argued that a version of Adam was erased to make room for that. It wasn’t a particularly detailed version, but it wasn’t non-existent either. Fans didn’t headcanon in the sense of blatantly ignoring major parts of the canon to come to their preferred conclusion, or simply make up something off the top of their heads. They had a show giving them scraps about a character for three years and rightly assumed that these scraps held meaning; that what little we got would eventually piece together into a character that felt consistent across the series. Instead, it felt like a very distinct swerve into a new characterization. If the abuse was written badly, which Twiins admits frequently that it was, that can—and I think does—include a lack of setup for the abuse at all. If we agree that RWBY is horrifically inconsistent in its writing, why is Adam the one time it’s supposedly not? Taking a character, giving them one personality, only to drop that and transplant a new one, is a standard RWBY move. As Twiins likewise points out, it often happens in the same scene. If RT can’t keep track of their characterization across a few minutes, it’s hard to say they kept Adam consistent between his early appearances and the Battle of Beacon. 
In the end, that swerve might not be so bad if RWBY had done something with it, but we lost the potential of that vague Volumes 1-3 Adam and likewise got a terribly written abuse plotline in its place. Twiins says that it “Doesn’t change anything” if Adam wasn’t conceived to be abusive from the start, but I think it changes a lot. Putting aside the fact that it potentially changes our understanding of him for the first three years of the show, fans are primarily mad because that focus on abuse left no room for the original civil rights narrative. RWBY wasn’t able to manage both and in choosing what can be read as the new and sudden characterization, everyone who was invested in Adam’s role as a freedom fighter lost out on that story. Normally yes, some part of me would agree that it’s solely the writer’s story to tell. So what if it didn’t go in the direction we wanted? It’s not our story. But in this particular case, RWBY was playing with themes mirroring real world concerns, deliberately capitalizing on the emotional investment of people seeing themselves and their struggle reflected in the faunus plotline. That’s more than just taking the story in a direction fans didn’t want, that’s trivializing a very personal and sensitive topic. You don’t just get to drop that like Ruby’s weapon obsession. Racism plotlines are not a cool personality quirk to forget about when you get bored writing it. Or if you do drop it, expect fans to still be angry about it years later. 
Ultimately, I don’t agree that Adam was an inherently boring character without having Blake to stalk. I think RWBY failed to write him in a compelling manner outside of those interactions—Twiins points out the huge failure that was Volume 5—but that’s not the same thing as the concepts themselves being worthless. That’s like saying Ruby, as a character in an action show, shouldn’t be a part of the war because look, all she did for that fight was sit in a mansion. The writers’ inability to execute these ideas well doesn’t mean the ideas themselves—Ruby being a part of the fight against Salem, Adam being a violent civil rights activist—are duds. This is a character who, in his final moments, reveals a SDC brand across his face. I know supplemental material says something about an accident, but we’re not talking about the supplemental material here. We’re talking about the webseries. So the webseries keeps this man’s face covered for six years and then finally reveals the brand of a title hero’s family logo, heavily implying (whether it’s intentional or not) that he was their slave. As Weiss fights a military official to get back into her own Kingdom and leverage her family’s wealth in this war, the minority character her family potentially enslaved for that wealth finally reveals his personal connection to the discrimination he’s been fighting since his introduction.
What’s not interesting about that? 
That’s the character we might have had if Adam had been more than just Blake’s stalker post-Volume 3; if he’d been allowed to be both. Even overlooking everything else I’ve discussed, that brand on its own obliterates the idea that Adam was only interesting because of his history with Blake. Or because fans supposedly only see him as some personal fantasy. I can assure you, nothing about Adam is my fantasy, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t aspects to his character—aspects that the Battle of Beacon arguably pushed to the side—which could have really benefited the story and been intriguing to watch unfold.  
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dragonking10 · 3 years
Team RWBY finds Jaune’s Scroll
Weiss: What is it this time Yang *annoyed that she was interrupted from her studies*
Ruby: Is it cookies?
Blake: *annoyed that she was interrupted of her fantasy of her favorite book*
Yang: Even better *pulls out Jaune’s scroll*
Ruby: Isn’t that Jaune’s scroll?
Yang: Yep
Weiss: Why do you have his scroll?
Yang: I took it while he was working out in the Gym.
Blake: That still doesn’t explain why you have it
Yang: Come on don’t you guys wanna see what to know what he’s been hiding in his scroll?
Ruby: Wouldn’t that invade his privacy?
Yang: Eh he won’t know *looks through Jaune’s scroll and stops at video which shows Jaune with his guitar* hey guys come check this out Vomit Boy has a music video
Ruby: ooh really?
Weiss: oh please like he can sing
Ruby: *slowly turns to Weiss with her trusty Crescent Rose with a look in her eyes that screams bloody murder* Wanna repeat that bitch?
Weiss felt like was staring at Death itself and felt her heart dropped in fear
Yang: woah I know you’re dating him and all but calm down sis
Blake: Let’s just watch this video before it turns into a bloodbath
Yang: ok *clicks the video*
“Italic” is Jaune singing
Jaune: I dedicate this song to my lovely girlfriend Ruby, I love you hun.
Ruby blushes like a tomato
It started with Jaune sitting on a stool playing guitar
Jaune:  It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
RWBY shocked at his manly singing voice
Yang: Holy shit
Blake: Huh didn’t expect that
Weiss is just shocked and Ruby is in a blushing mess
Without saying a word you can light up the dark Try as I may I could never explain What I hear when you don't say a thing
Ruby started to sigh dreamly as she starts to imagine scenarios with her and her man
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me A touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall Yeah, you say it best When you say nothing at all
Yang: Wow how cheesy
Blake: But effective *she points to Ruby*
Ruby is staring at the screen with a huge smile on her face and they swear they could see hearts in her eyes and hearts floating around her
Ruby’s mind: I’m gonna rock his world so hard he won’t feel his pelvis for months as soon as this video is over.
Weiss is still in denial of Jaune’s talent
All day long I can hear people talking out loud But when you hold me near you drown out the crowd
Ruby suddenly remembered on their walk how people was talking crap about him and calling him a failure and remembered that frown that should NEVER be on her man’s face so held him closely and noticed a smile on his face and it made her happy
Oh Doctor Oobleck could never define What's being said between your heart and mine
Dr. Oobleck: Achoo *sniffs* strange is someone talking about me?
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me A touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall Yeah, you say it best When you say nothing at all
Jaune doing his guitar solo
Ruby could hear him sing and play his guitar all day and she could never get tired of it
The smile on your face lets me know that you need me There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me A touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall Yeah, you say it best When you say nothing at all
Videos Ends
Yang: Huh well that was something
Blake: Yeah who knew he could sing so well
Weiss: Despite how cheesy the song was he actually sounded pretty well
Yang: Wow Weiss is complimenting people never thought I’d see the day
Weiss: Don’t push it Yang
Yang: What about you Ruby .... Ruby? *she looks at Ruby*
Ruby’s body suddenly turn red that is the same shade as her cape
Ruby: Where did you say he was at?
Yang: Working out in the Gy-
Jaune walking in RWBY’s Dorm Room: Hey guys have you seen my scroll anywhe- OOF *gets tackled by Ruby*
Ruby uses her Semblance taking both her and Jaune to JNPR’s Dorm Room quickly kicking out Nora, Ren and Pyrrha
Nora: What the fuck
Ren: O_O
Pyrrha: What just happened
They tried to open their door but it was locked but what stopped them from trying again is hearing moans and kissing in their room
Yang: I think we should leave them alone for the day
Blake: Agreed
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lady-of-the-lotus · 3 years
Xuexiao Goes to the DMV
Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen go to the DMV (aka Where Hope Goes To Die) and share a kiss.
That’s it. That’s the fic.
Xuexiao - T (just for some cursing) - Read on AO3!
“If you hear about someone going berserk in a DMV on the news, that’ll be me,” the mechanical text-to-speech voice reads aloud, and Xiao Xingchen turns to Xue Yang questioningly.
Xue Yang reaches over and turns the volume down on Xingchen’s phone. “Meant to send that to A-Qing.”
“Are we going to be escorted out? Again?”
Xue Yang grins and looks around the room. They’ve already been at the DMV for over an hour. Dozens of people are draped limply over the hard orange seats, eyes glazed, going down for the third time in a sea of government bureaucracy.
“Ticket 4352, now being served at window thirty-three,” announces the robotic voice over the loudspeaker.
“It would take an alien invasion to wake these people up,” Xue Yang says as a man in overalls shuffles past. “You should see these people. This must be what a lobotomy post-op recovery room looks like.”
“Like the world’s most incompetent deli, filled with zombie customers waiting to eat the brains of whatever the opposite of employee of the month is. Well, ‘brains.’ They work at the DMV, after all.”
Xiao Xingchen adjusts his sunglasses. “Let's not be mean.”
“And we can all hear you,” adds a woman on his left. “Not that it made much sense.”
Xue Yang makes a face at her and turns back to Xingchen. “If they make me come back a third time, I’m going to go postal. You know, going postal should be called ‘going DMV.’ It’s catchier, for one thing, and I’ve never so much as stepped foot in a post office—”
“I’m keeping you far away from post offices. Those poor people have suffered enough.”
“How so?”
“Well, there must be a reason they go postal, right?”
Xue Yang rolls his eyes. “If the post office has the same taste in music as the DMV, I don’t blame them. Who picked this station? If it’s not Justin Bieber it’s whoever inflicted ‘Kiss Me Through the Phone’ on the world. I’d like to do something to them through the phone, and it won’t be a kiss, I can tell you that much.”
Xiao Xingchen takes a Snickers bar out of the fanny pack Xue Yang has vainly begged him not to wear. “According to the television commercials, this will improve your mood.”
“My mood?” Xue Yang takes a bite. “If I have to hear ‘Baby’ one more time—”
“Ticket 9753, now being served at window fourteen.”
“ ‘Served.’ Ha. As if.”
Xiao Xingchen feels around for another Snickers bar but comes up empty. He should have planned this better. He’d sensed Xue Yang’s mood coming on last night as Xue Yang went through his documents. He’d been cheerful enough until he found his birth certificate in the bundle of papers he’d been given after leaving his last group home.
Then he’d grown strangely quiet, and wandered aimlessly around their apartment for an hour, carrying his phone around with him and switching between a half-dozen different YouTube videos before deciding to bake brownies at 1am and burning them when he got distracted playing video games. He wasn’t paying much attention to the video game, either, going by his cursing as he got repeatedly blown up by what Xingchen suspects was a twelve-year old somewhere in Japan, and eventually gave that up to go take apart their toaster in the interest of “fixing” it.
Now he sits beside Xingchen, jiggling his leg. Xiao Xingchen wants to ask him about his birth certificate, but he hadn't dared to last night, and doesn’t dare now.
“Ticket 9755, now being served at Window 26.”
“Weren’t you 9754?” he asks Xue Yang.
“Oh, crap—” Xue Yang jumps to his feet and rushes to Window 26, brushing past a mohawked man holding a ticket marked 9755. “I’m 9754.”
The woman behind the glass may as well have been carved from wood. “You missed your number.”
“There was no announcement!”
“Or your number isn’t working. It’s not showing up on my computer.”
“What the hell does that mean? I’m on the screen! Look!” Xue Yang jabs a finger at the screen above the booth. At the bottom of the list it reads Ticket 9754 – Window 26. “9754! Window 26! All you need to do is take my picture—”
“Get back in line. Get a new ticket. Window 13.”
“Get back in line?” He looks over at the line for Window 13. It wraps around the entire room. “I already have a number! I’m on the screen!”
“Back. In. Line.”
“Just take the damn photo—”
Xingchen lays a hand on his arm. “Thank you, ma’am. We’ll get back in line.”
“Like hell we will! I’ve been here since 5 o’clock—I made an appointment! I even brought my own pen! You ever watch Monsters Inc.? You know Roz? Are you her evil older sister? Because you look exactly like—”
“Back of the line.”
“Younger sister, then. Happy?”
The woman doesn’t bother shrugging. “You’re blocking traffic.”
Xingchen begins to move, heading in the wrong direction. Xue Yang has no choice but to follow or else let him walk into a column plastered with posters emblazoned with, Make your visit easy - download the forms at dmv.gov! , Streamline your visit - make an appointment online today!, and We’re here to help!
“Let’s just go home,” says Xue Yang. “The gray, water stained walls are starting to close in. At any second I expect a giant ball to roll towards us. Well, wrong movie—whatever. I’m sick of this place. It’s cursed.”
“We’re just going to have to come back, and you’ll have wasted the hour we already spent here.”
Xue Yang groans and gets in line behind a woman with three small screaming children. “This whole thing is stupid. We can barely afford rent, let alone a car."
"We will, one day. Besides, it's good to have a license."
"We’ll just take trains and buses everywhere, or you can learn to drive. We'll fudge the vision test."
Xingchen laughs. Xue Yang relaxes slightly at the sound. After a moment, Xingchen slips his hand in his. He’s not one for public displays of affection, but there’s an edge in Xue Yang’s voice that has nothing to do with his return to Window 13.
Xue Yang’s hand tightens in his, and Xingchen rubs it reassuringly with his thumb.
“You again?” says the woman at Window 13 when they finally make it there, twenty minutes later.
“That power-mad dictator at Window 26 wouldn’t take my picture.”
The woman tilts her head at Xue Yang. “She wouldn’t?”
Xue Yang tilts his head back at her, as if to say, I know! Who wouldn’t want to photograph me ?
She smiles, a synthetic smile that reminds Xue Yang of his friend Lan Xichen’s dimpled little fiance. “Strange.”
“ ‘Strange’? I knew she could have just done it had she wanted to—”
The woman blinks at him, her smile growing faker by the minute. “I’m sure what she told you was accurate.”
“Sure, and there is no war in Ba-Sing-Se—”
Xiao Xingchen squeezes his hand, and Xue Yang stops talking and passes her his form. She stamps it a second time and hands him another ticket.
He and Xingchen return to the waiting area. Xue Yang puts his boots up on the seat next to him, resting his head on Xingchen’s shoulder.
“Describe the room to me again,” Xingchen says, trying to distract him from his brooding and, with any luck, keep him from taking out his Swiss army knife and carving his initials into the seat and get them kicked out again. Xue Yang has a talent for describing things, and Xingchen has been trying to encourage him to start writing.
Xue Yang begins to play with his long sleek ponytail. “Purgatory’s antechamber. Humanity’s lost-and-found. A void where time has no meaning. Pit of despair and industrial cleaner.”
Xingchen chuckles, making sure it’s loud enough for Xue Yang to hear.
“If their posters were honest, they’d all be in Comic Sans font, with things like, Where hope goes to die; This is your home now; Nothing escapes our pull, not even time; Human sacrifices while you wait—”
“Human sacrifices?”
"Yeah, I think so."
A crackle of static over the speaker as a new song comes on. “You know you love me, I know you care...Just shout whenever and I'll be there….”
Xue Yang starts up violently, but Xiao Xingchen gently pulls him back down beside him. “Some kind of cannibal conspiracy?” he asks, hoping Xue Yang’s knife has remained in his pocket and is not seconds away from being embedded in a blaring loudspeaker.
Xue Yang settles back against his shoulder. “I’m positive Overalls Guy never returned from Window 17. He’s probably in the office barbecue pit.”
“This must go all the way to the top. Shift supervisor too, I’d guess.”
“Baby, baby, baby oh….Like baby, baby, baby no….”
Xue Yang stops playing with his hair and starts picking at his black nail polish. He’s feeling a bit better, Xingchen’s shoulder warm and solid. “I swear that Roz lady put a curse on me. They all probably dance in a circle around a stack of burning Social Security cards every night, chanting.” He squirms, suddenly bored. “You got any more food? I’m starving.”
Xingchen rummages in his fanny pack. “Just a burned brownie.”
“I swear I set a timer!"
The timer had gone off while Xingchen was in the shower last night. Xue Yang had simply ignored it, too absorbed in trying to virtually blow up his twelve-year-old nemesis. He tends to ignore timers while cooking, usually followed by a mad rush to the kitchen to salvage dinner. “You know dinner is ready when the smoke detector goes off,” he likes to say.
Xue Yang sniffs the crumpled foil surrounding the charred black brownie chunk. “Is this the same foil I wrapped your tuna sandwich in yesterday?”
“We only have one earth!”
“Xingchen, I swear—” Xue Yang stops, rolling his eyes fondly. He’s never met anyone who can be so annoying and endearing at the same time.
Xingchen takes the brownie back. “I'll eat it. I like the burned bits.”
"It's all burned bits."
"Exactly. Perfect."
“She knows she's got me dazing, 'cause she was so amazin'....And now my heart is breakin', but I just keep on sayin'....”
“Who wrote this? I swear I won’t hurt them. I just want their address.”
Xingchen knows he shouldn’t laugh at that, but he can’t help it.
They sit there for another half hour, talking. Xue Yang has succeeded in denuding the nails of his left hand when his number is finally called. He gets his photo taken by a man with glazed eyes and no chin, and is shuffled off to the next waiting area.
“They refused to show me my photo,” he says as they settle back down. “I swear the camera stole my soul and is using it to power the fluorescent lights. I feel at peace now. Kind of floating.” He discovers a piece of gum in his jeans pocket and begins to loudly blow bubbles, making full eye contact with the annoyed Bluetooth Guy and irritated Woman With Facial Tattoo Of Bugs Bunny. “I am one with the DMV demigods, part of something larger than myself.”
“Like joining the army.”
“Or drowning in the ocean.” He lays down with his head in Xingchen’s lap, boots on the edge of Bluetooth Guy’s seat. “Why does your fanny pack smell like patchouli? Have you been burning weird hippie incense again? You promised you’d stop after you set fire to your curtains.”
Xingchen would rather Xue Yang didn’t semi-cuddle him in public, but Xue Yang’s energy is calmer when he’s touching Xingchen, and he lets him stay. “It’s that new candle you bought me, remember?”
“Right. Bought you.”
“What do you—”
“I thought it was peppermint.”
Xingchen bites his lip. Xue Yang is…well, he can read well enough to pass a driving test, but his education was…slipshod at best. Next on Xingchen’s list is encouraging Xue Yang to get his GED.
“You smell like a music festival,” says Xue Yang. “I must have grabbed the wrong one in the store. I sniffed all of them. My picture is probably hanging beside the register of every Bath & Body Works in town: ‘Beware the Candle Perv’—”
“At least someone was willing to take your picture.”
Xue Yang laughs. Xingchen rests a hand on his chest, heedless of the people around them. He likes how Xue Yang feels when he laughs, his whole body shaking, making no attempt to hide his feelings. Xue Yang makes him laugh so often, it’s a special joy for him to return the favor.
They’ve been there almost two and a half hours when Xue Yang’s number is finally called. As if the DMV curse is kicking in again, the loudspeakers creep up another few decibels.
“Like baby, baby, baby no, like baby, baby, baby oh, thought you'd always be mine, mine….”
“Xue Yang—” Xingchen starts before Xue Yang can say anything.
“I know, I know. This is penance for my putting that egg in Song Lan’s shoe last week. The DMV knows all. The DMV was here before us, and will be here after we are gone. The DMV—”
“—The DMV will make us wait in line again, if we don’t hurry.”
Together they go to Window 10, where a drab little man sifts through Xue Yang’s documents. “Fifties, balding, completely dead inside,” Xue Yang whispers to Xingchen.
“I’m thirty-nine,” says the man in a monotone, not looking up, “and you’re missing a birth certificate. And what’s this stain on your Social Security card?”
“Definitely not blood.”
The man stares at him with eyes that, had his life force not already been sucked out of Xue Yang by an afternoon at the DMV, would have done the job. “Current passport, or birth certificate.”
Xue Yang hesitates, then slips a folded piece of pink paper under the glass partition.
The man unfolds it with the sterling speed of a drugged snail and spreads it over the counter. He lines up Xue Yang’s Social Security card, bank statement, and birth certificate, and examines them line by line as if he’s a Bletchley Circle analyst and Xue Yang’s documents are intercepted enemy transmissions.
He looks up at Xue Yang. “Is this a valid birth certificate? There are no parent names listed, and the date of birth has an asterisk—”
“I know what it has!”
“What’s your date of birth?” The man slowly pushes his chair back. “I’m going to have to get a supervisor—”
Xue Yang slams the counter. Xingchen lays a hand on his arm. It’s a miracle Xue Yang’s knife isn’t out. “Don’t you fucking dare! This is what they do when—just Google it, okay? I don’t know what day I was born, they just put whatever date they thought was accurate—”
Xingchen swallows hard.
He had known Xue Yang had grown up in foster care, but had assumed he had been given up by his parents as a child when they could no longer take care of him.
Not—not abandoned as an infant—
“And change the fucking station!” Xue Yang adds. “If I have to hear that stupid fucking song one more time I will go fucking berserk —”
The man’s dead-eyed stare intensifies. “Sign here,” he says after a moment, pushing a slip of paper at Xue Yang.
“You want my love, you want my heart….And we will never, ever, ever be apart…”
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Xingchen asks as they step outside. The words sound hollow, and he wishes he had simply remained silent.
Xue Yang takes a deep breath. It’s almost cool out, a welcome change from the week’s heat. “Well, we escaped. Now we just have to get help for the others. Or do we abandon them to their fates? I vote we abandon them. You should have seen some of the looks I got. It’s like they never saw someone threaten a DMV employee before, something I’m willing to bet happens a dozen times an hour.”
Xingchen takes his arm as he begins to walk. It’s easier than using his stick in the crowded city. “Xue Yang…”
Xue Yang’s muscles tense beneath his arm. “What?”
“Nothing.” He bites his lip. He’ll have Xue Yang feeling better soon enough. “What street are we on? Turn in on 33rd.”
“What’s on 33rd?”
“Just let me know when we’re there. 33rd and 7th.”
“The train’s on 36th.”
“But the restaurant’s on 33rd.”
“The what?”
Xingchen wants to smile, but is afraid Xue Yang might take it the wrong way after what happened at the DMV. For someone who does his best to project an I-don’t-care attitude, Xue Yang is surprisingly sensitive.
“What’s today’s date?” He already knows the date, of course. It’s been on his mind for weeks now.
Xue Yang’s arm grows even stiffer. “Is this a ‘you-don’t-know-when-your-birthday-is-so-every-day-is-your-birthday’ thing? Because—”
“Not at all… Remember the day we met? You made fun of my shirt—”
Xue Yang frowns at this sudden change of subject, but goes along with it. Better than talking about that damn birth certificate. “It was white, and ruffled. You looked like an escapee from a high school production of Hamlet. What was I supposed to do?”
“You crashed a motorcycle not three feet from me. An unregistered motorcycle with stolen plates.”
"I bought you coffee to make up for it, didn’t I?”
“You had them put four sugars in my cappuccino. It was undrinkable.”
“One was a Splenda, and anyway I took you to dinner to make up for the coffee, didn’t I?”
“Pizza at one of those dollar-a-slice places you have to stand at a counter to eat. I paid for it.”
“And I paid for your kombucha, whatever the heck that is.”
“And I paid for the band-aids we had to go buy after you cut yourself after playing catch with your knife.”
“You were distracting me!”
“I was quietly eating my pizza.”
“The light reflecting off your shirt ruffles got in my eyes.”
“Four dollars for the band-aids. You insisted on Hello Kitty.”
“Spongebob was also on the table." He wrinkles his nose. "I've got about three-fifty in my pocket, if you want it. But what’s your point, exactly?'
Xingchen smiles. He enjoys winding up Xue Yang, and it’s by far the most effective way to distract him when he’s in a dark mood. “Just that you better not put extra sugar in the fondue.”
“The what?”
“A-Qing read me the dessert menu. Chocolate fondue with bananas, blueberries, pineapple, and cherries. Strawberries, too, I think, and marshmallows, maybe even non-charred brownies—”
Xue Yang stops walking. “Xingchen—”
Xingchen lets go of Xue Yang’s arm, takes his hand instead. Kisses him soundly, right there on Sixth Avenue.
“Forget your birthday," he says. "We have a new date to celebrate every year." He gives Xue Yang's hand a little squeeze and kisses him again. “Happy anniversary, Xue Yang.”
Liked it? AO3 👉👈
Ruffle shirt reference
Obviously, Xue Yang was simply distracted by how pretty Xingchen was.
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lihikainanea · 3 years
i’m shy and get embarrassed easily, so i have NEVER SAID WHAT IVE WANTED but i can’t hold back anymore, I’LL TELL YOU WHAT I WANT. actually, it’s not a want, it’s a need.
i need a really sub tiger (whimpering, spaced out look, needy, sucking on his fingers, etc) and daddy bill. sweet nani. TIGER call him daddy. i need big protector and provider vibes from bill.
also, i’ve read every single one of your posts ATLEAST 15 times. this page right here, feels like a safe space.
much love
ohhhhhhhh thank you bb! I love messages like this <3 I'm glad you submitted an ask, that's a big step--I'm proud of you, boo. This space is open and safe for everyone, it's all I've ever wanted to create, so to hear you say it--to know that you felt comfortable submitting an ask--bubs, that makes me so happy <3
I'm feelin soff and subby tiger these days. Not only because of this deadly heatwave that has been sweeping the entire fucking continent, not only because work has been hell on earth, not only because I'm finally on vacation next week after not taking time off for a year and I feel like I'm crawling towards the finish line, bruised and battered, on all fours pleading for mercy.
Oh wait, that's exactly why I'm feeling soff and subby tiger these days, so small and where she can just disappear into her bubble of safety and just know that she'll be taken care of.
If you’ll allow me to self-project for awhile, as I’m wont to do rather frequently--maybe tiger has had to be Boss Bitch for awhile. She’s not having a hard time at work--no no, quite the opposite actually. She’s killing it. Stepping up when she has to, working long hours. Maybe her boss quit all of a sudden (hello, self-projection again!) and tiger is just stepping in and getting shit done. And ike a Queen, that ‘tude is bleeding into other aspects of life. Bill has a wonky shelf that needs fixing and while he’s usually quick to fix those things, it’s lagging and tiger just thinks--fuck it, and fuck you too. Bill comes home and she’s power drilling the thing back in place. Changing the light bulbs. Replacing the battery in her smoke alarm. Doing all the groceries. Cooking. Working late into the night. Picking up his dry cleaning. Her friend is going through a bad break up--tiger is there, packing her shit up with her, finding her a new apartment.
Tiger can sometimes be a bit of a procrastinator--which Bill likes, because then he gets to step in and do things for her and he loves the smile she gives him when he does that--but lately? Bill can’t get there fast enough. Tiger is handling it all, knocking it out of the park, and making it look easy.
The problem is she also kind of works herself into a tizzy--because tiger doesn’t like having too much control. She can absolutely do everything herself, but part of what she enjoys so much in her dynamic with Bill is that she doesn’t have to. She doesn’t have to be in control, or have all the power. She can give that to him, and she can just float in that place free from all burdens and responsibility and know that she’ll be taken care of. There’s an immense power in relinquishing control. And like everything, tiger swings violently from one extreme to the other--she has all of the control, she’s handling shit, she’s handling shit like a boss--until she gets real small, because she doesn’t WANT to handle this much, she doesn’t want to be the boss bitch anymore, she needs a balance where she can be ballsy and courageous in her professional life but that balance comes from being able to be subby with Bill, being able to be put on her knees and be his good girl.
Yin and yang.
And Bill senses it. He probably knows by the crazy twitch in her eye, her subtle irritability, the way a problem no sooner arises that tiger is throwing some power tool, some 7-step coaching programme, some advice from years of therapy--just something at it. Bill barely has time to mention that something in the house needs fixing, let alone fix it himself--because tiger is all over it and then some.
Bill knows the pendulum is swinging just a leeeeeeeetle too far one way.
And maybe the next day when tiger gets in from work--she has a list of shit she needs to get done tonight, and she’s still tapping away more on her phone: bake brownies for a work potluck, fix the chain on the toilet, scrub the bath tub, build the IKEA shoe cabinet she bought, give Bill head because it’s been awhile, put the final tweaks on a presentation. And her nose is in her phone when she walks in the door, so she doesn’t see Bill standing there in the hallway--doesn’t see the way he has his arms crossed, the authoritative set to his jaw, his pinched eyebrows.
“Hiiiiiii,” she calls out blindly down the hallway as she toes off her shoes, drops her purse on the floor.
Bill doesn’t respond. Her eyes are still on her phone, her thumbs going a mile a minute.
“Did you get the drill bits I need?” she’s still yelling because she hasn’t seen him yet, “That fucking IKEA cabinet Allan key bullshit won’t--oof.”
She walks right into his chest, stumbling back a step or two as she startles. And then she notices--notices how tall he’s standing, notices the set in his eyes, his clenched jaw. His crossed arms.
“Hi,” he says simply, lowly.
“Hi,” she stammers, “I uh, didn’t see you there.”
“I know,” he says--and then he reaches out, takes her phone from her hands. He puts it in his back pocket and crosses his arms again.
“On your knees,” he says.
“Why?” she mumbles it before she can stop, and it’s just automatic when she’s been like this--question everything, oppose everything, demand answers. But Bill just cocks his eyebrow, bends a little at the waist and gets his face in close to hers.
“You don’t get to ask questions tonight,” he whispers, and it’s soft but deliciously menacing and threatening. Tiger bites her lip, and she’s so mesmerized by him, already so turned on, that she’s rooted to the spot and she doesn’t move.
“Tiger,” he says harshly, “I won’t repeat myself.”
“Oh,” she snaps to her senses, shaking the fog from her brain. She drops to her knees. “Sorry,” she mumbles.
“Do you like all of this, tiger?” he weaves a hand in her hair, gently tugging it so her eyes are on him, “All of this control? All of this power?”
“I don’t know.”
“Try again,” he says, “All of this responsibility, fighting everybody’s battles. Taking care of everyone else--but who is taking care of you, hmm? Who’s taking care of my sweet girl?”
And her walls are starting to come down, that pendulum is starting to swing back ever so slowly in the natural direction.
“I am,” her voice cracks, and she says it so lowly he barely heard it.
“What’s that?”
“I am,” she says again, just a twinge louder but even then it’s barely a whisper.
“You are,” he says, “Just handling everything like a big girl. And do you like that? Not letting me take care of you? Not needing me?”
“No,” she admits.
“And is that part of our deal?”
“No,” she says again, leaning forward and bunching his pant leg in her fist. She just wants to touch him, wants to be close to him, and Bill would never stop her from doing so in moments like these. He presses his thumb to her lips, easing it inside. She sighs and her shoulders sag with relief.
“Then I think we need to fix that, don’t we?” he asks, “I miss my sweet girl.”
She whimpers around his thumb, inching on her knees closer to him and resting her forehead on his thigh.
“Do you want me to fix it sweet girl?” he murmurs, “Get you back right again?”
She nods, but he snaps his fingers and he swears that she moaned a little.
“Yes,” she says immediately, “Please, Bill.”
“Oh, I like the sound of that,” he says, and he withdraws his thumb from her mouth, closing his hands around her shoulders and lifting her so she’s standing in front of him, “I think I need to hear that a little more.”
She whines, but he slams his lips to hers. He kisses the hell out of her, all tongues and teeth, pulling away as she gasps for breath.
“If you want me to fix it kid,” he purrs, “Then you’re going to beg for it.”
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veliseraptor · 4 years
CQL Characters Rated by Their Stress Levels
On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being “Lan Wangji smiling at Wei Wuxian” and 10 being “Lan Xichen at Guanyin Temple.”
Lan Wangji: Varies wildly over the course of the series; see @howpeacefulislwj for detailed rundown. The roundup post averages his peacefulness at 4.2/10. Generally speaking, stress levels middling, between 3/10 and 5/10 with some extreme highs, pretty much all Wei Wuxian related.
Wei Wuxian: One of those people where you’re like “god I hate him, everything’s so easy for him and he can do everything better than me, it’s the worst, how the fuck does he do it” and then years later you find out that he had an epic burnout and dropped off the face of the earth for sixteen years because actually it wasn’t that easy he just made it look that way. 
I mean, he starts the series at about a 5/10 general state (he’s managing a lot but handling it okay) and basically escalates to a relatively consistent 9 or 10/10 for most of the stretch from the Burial Mounds through to his dying. Someone should make a @howpeacefuliswwx chart, I’d be curious to see his average.
Jiang Cheng: Has been existing in a constant low-level state of stress since late childhood and only grows over time. The calmest I think we ever see him is when he’s holding a bunny and other than that it’s mostly downhill. I worry about him getting ulcers sometimes. 8/10.
Jiang Yanli: Jiang Yanli is so used to being stressed that she barely even registers it any more. What do you mean, most people don’t raise two other children when they are also a child? What do you mean, most people take breaks from supporting others to help themselves? Weird. If she was thinking about it she’d be at a 8 or 9/10 but since she’s so accustomed to this way of life that it just feels totally normal she’s more like a 4 or a 5. 
Jiang Fengmian: Avoids being more stressed by generally avoiding his problems, which is one way to deal with it but doesn’t really end up working out most of the time. 3/10.
Yu Ziyuan: Resides somewhere in the vicinity of 5/10 stress levels, 11/10 rage levels, and when the stress levels get above 5 then everyone else’s stress levels better be hitting the roof.
Lan Xichen: Lan Xichen would probably be relatively unstressed if life didn’t consistently come crashing through his relatively chill vibes. Lan Xichen on a good day is, like, 3/10, handling pretty well, but when things start going wrong around him then he pretty quickly hits critical stress levels and will do drastic things to resolve that, such as convincing Nie Mingjue and Jin Guangyao to set aside their near-murder differences and swear brotherhood, which will definitely work out absolutely fine. Ends up averaging closer to 8/10 because things keep going wrong around him.
Lan Qiren: He’d be fine if his entire family didn’t insist on causing him problems, constantly. Handling it surprisingly well, all things considered. Still 6/10 though.
Nie Mingjue: I mean, does spend a large chunk of time steadily inching toward a qi deviation? That on its own is pretty stressful and also he just seems like generally a high blood pressure sort of person. But the qi deviation inducing saber is definitely not, like, helping. Putting him at a roughly 6 or 7/10 with a median level that just keeps inching slowly upward.
Nie Huaisang: Actually less stressed than you’d expect given how flighty he seems to be! Even when plotting revenge is less “stressed” than “determined.” Pretty good at keeping himself calm most of the time. Generally sits at a stress level of 4/10 or so with a few significant exceptions.
Jin Guangyao: Very stressed all of the time. He has a lot to be stressed about! Between the various complexes and the tendency toward paranoia, Jin Guangyao is definitely among the most stressed in a room at any given time, while doing his best to convey otherwise. But seriously, look at this smile. Does that look like the smile of a serene man to you? 10/10.
Jin Zixuan: You know those high-strung racehorses that sometimes get spooked by, like, a shadow on the ground? That’s Jin Zixuan. Mostly manages to mask his constant low-level “AHHHHH” with a layer of arrogance and/or social awkwardness that looks like arrogance, but it’s there, in the background. 7/10.
Jin Zixun: Shielded from the general Jin neuroses by being an asshole. It’s not fair, but there you are. 3/10 because he does seem to have some inferiority complex issues going on, but that’s not the same thing as stress.
Jin Guangshan: Deserves to be a lot more stressed than he is. Alas, is confident enough to not be terribly stressed. 2/10.
Mianmian: So you know how cheetahs are very panicky animals and so they often in zoos get paired with dogs who will help them figure out that this situation is safe and they don’t need to panic? I feel like Mianmian is Jin Zixuan’s stress meter in their friendship. She will let him know when to be stressed! Because she is not going to spook at her own shadow. Has a sense of reasonable responses to stressors and knows how to remove herself from a bad situation when necessary. Generally a 5/10 because the inherent stress of existing in the Jin Sect is a real thing. 
Wen Qing: It’s hard to be the most competent person in the room most of the time who spends most of her time in very politically precarious positions and with her or her brother’s life at least sort of in danger! Pretty up there for “most stressed” candidates. She’s really having a time of it. Generally hovers around an 8/10.
Wen Ning: Generally not stressed, at least not in the traditional way. Is distressed a lot, but not so much stressed. Ends up at roughly 4/10.
Wen Chao: Like Jin Zixun, gets somewhat shielded from stress by being an unrepentant asshole, though his end of life 11/10 stress via Wei Wuxian kind of makes up for the rest. Averages more of a 2/10 most of the time, though? I don’t think we can let that relatively brief period skew the scale too much.
Wen Ruohan: Does “magic induced losing your mind” count as stress? I mean, he has a pretty stressful job even before that, but he doesn’t project “stress” so much as “incipient madness” during the period where we actually see him doing things. Not sure what rating to give here. It seems like he’s kind of on a different scale.
Wang Lingjao: For the most part seems to manage to get by relatively stress-free, up until things start going completely to shit and she gets haunted to death. Generally closer to a 2 or 3/10, because life as a servant ascended to mistress in a strictly hierarchical society is inherently a wee bit stressful.
Wen Zhuliu: Too sick of this shit and not getting paid enough to really stress out about it. 1/10.
Lan Sizhui: One of those people who manages to appear serene and calm all the time but mostly has just gotten used to functioning at a higher level of stress and therefore can pass for calm even when he is having an Experience of it, which makes his stress levels kind of hard to gauge. But I’d put him at a relatively consistent 6/10.
Lan Jingyi: Wouldn’t call him stressed exactly but he’s definitely very high energy. Kind of gives off the vibes of a very energetic dog who would be stressed if you didn’t keep him busy, but mostly (because I feel like Gusu Lan Sect is pretty good at keeping him busy) hovers around a 2 or 3/10. 
Jin Ling: I feel like Jin Ling isn’t stressed most of the time up until the actual events of CQL itself, where he is both very stressed and very confused almost constantly from the time he first runs into Wei Xuanyu, and it only goes downhill from there. So covering the events of the show I’m going to put him at a 7/10, because he does manage to deal with some wild things with some equanamity and makes it all the way to episode forty-five without breaking down sobbing.
Ouyang Zizhen: Seems like a sensitive soul but doesn’t give off the impression of carrying around a lot of stress, at least not from what we see of him. Probably the chillest of the junior quartet, tbh. Gonna give him a 2/10.
Xiao Xingchen: For most of his life Xiao Xingchen manages his stress very well! He’s actually surprisingly chill. Gets significantly more stressed, understandably, after Xue Yang engineers his no good very bad breakup (the first one) with Song Lan. But in general not that stressed! It is actually part of why he doesn’t handle the stress when it comes very well. He’s not used to it and he only had one pair of eyes to sacrifice. In general a 3/10.
Song Lan: Makes up for Xiao Xingchen’s relatively low stress levels by picking up on the stress for both of them. Still chiller than a lot of people on this list, though, but there’s a lot of very stressed people in this show, so. 5/10.
Xue Yang: Manages his stress by making everyone else very stressed, on purpose. If he’s having a bad day he’ll go and make someone else have a worse day and it helps. At least until there’s a dead Xiao Xingchen and then nothing helps! But as a rule exists at a general 2/10 and honestly he deserves it.
A-Qing: Her life is inherently stressful because she is a street kid trying to make it in a world that is not very friendly to people with no structure supporting them, but she manages to bear it pretty well on the whole. Still, it’s hard being a-Qing. She just makes it look easy. Probably a 4 or 5/10.
Sect Leader Yao: He’s not stressed, but he’s very good at making everyone around him stressed every time he opens his mouth. His presence is a +2 to stress for everyone in his vicinity with the exception of Sect Leader Ouyang, who is for some reason immune. 0/10.
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