#i swear this wasn't meant to be so deep but ah well
sarayu-sunrays · 1 year
what do you guys see when you imagine the word poetry in your head? reblog and add, i'll go first and do my best to explain:
i see a wide open, empty room (like a ballroom, grand and airy) filled with golden light and beautiful plants. in this room i can almost taste the heady aroma of what elegance seems like to me. in the centre is a woman, with dark brown hair and a golden gown, turned so i can almost see the tip of her nose. she has her arms outspread as if about to go into a curtsey, and i can nearly see a breeze flutter through, swishing her dress gently.
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luveline · 10 months
jade i am begging on my knees ….. any time you are up for it …… it would make me very greatly happy to see something with a bombshell!reader x hotch <33333
The office is hot today in the midst of a ninety degree summer, and your coworkers have been forced to strip down to their lightest layers, the women in linen blouses, men with their shirt sleeves rolled up high. Spencer has ditched his sweater vest reluctantly, cooling himself with a makeshift fan fashioned from printer paper, and Emily huffs next to you at her desk, overwhelmed. 
“How aren't you hot?” she demands to know. 
You lean back in your chair with a demure smile. “Mind over matter.”  
She rolls her eyes. “I shouldn't have asked.” 
Hotch's office door opens. You turn in your chair to watch him appear —even Unit Chief's get hot, apparently. He looks flustered in the heat, pink-cheeked and hair skewed ever so slightly, the most unmade you've ever seen him at work. 
You could get used to it. 
He feels you looking, narrowing his eyes. You'd like to think it was playful. For Hotch, it is. 
“Hot, handsome,” you say. 
“I'm fine.” 
“I wasn't asking.” You beam at him. 
“Enough. You know the rules.” 
He doesn't seem too mad, but he's right; you know the office rules. Don't flirt, don't start, and don't text him inside of work hours unless that text pertains to work itself. You'd started calling him instead —what are you wearing right now?— and he'd decided that text now meant any communication lest you find another loophole. You're pushing it. 
“Ah, the rules,” you say, throwing your arm across your eyes in mock distress, before peeking under it to see if he's watching. He always is. “You know rules aren't made for people like me, handsome.” 
“Stop it, final warning. Or I'll have you moved.” 
He makes being his girlfriend very difficult. You roll your shoulders and drop the act. “Hey, I need to talk to you about something.” 
“No, right now. Please? It's important, I swear.” 
He gestures for you to come up. You take the stairs and cross the landing to his office, where he's already stepped back inside to open the window even further on its hinge. There isn't much wind to breeze, but there is a palpable difference between his office and the bullpen. You join him at the window and let the barely cooler air fan your face. 
“What's wrong?” he asks. 
“Can you give me a quick kiss? It would really lift my spirits.” 
He laughs somewhere deep in his chest. “No, honey. Now tell me what you wanted to tell me.” 
“I have a doctor's appointment next week, on the 13th. It's a Wednesday. I was hoping for PTO, but I can take a sick day if that's not agreeable.” 
Hotch gives you the side eye, brows gently furrowed. “Everything okay?” 
“Wouldn't you like to know.” 
“I would, actually.” 
“Yeah, well, you'll have to beg for it. Not everything in life is free, Hotchner–” You break into laughter as he grabs your waist, not expecting it, your hips tender as he squeezes. “Ouch, you're kinda handsy, you know that?” 
You sound beautiful like this, laughing as you talk, so happy it lines every word. Hotch pulls your front to his, arms crossing casually behind your back, his eyes expectant. “Tell me,” he commands smoothly. 
“Because you asked so nicely, I'm just fine, but I've been feeling a little under the weather. I think I'm anaemic.” 
“And this is the first time I'm hearing about this because…” 
“Because I'm not allowed to talk to you at work!” 
He rolls his eyes as you drop a considerable amount of your weight against his arms. Usually, Hotch would meet your eyes and say, You're punishing me for a rule created out of necessity, or something to that effect, but, despite everything that might say otherwise, he really likes you. Loves you.
“I know, honey, I'm sorry. Maybe we can… allot you a few texts a day.” He analyses your expression. “One a day.” 
You squeeze his naked forearm and lift up to kiss his cheek. He stays completely still while you do it, beside the small stroke of his thumb where it rests on your back. “Thank you. I'll leave you alone now, or we might get caught fraternising with one another and lose our jobs. Oh, wait, that's not actually going to happen–” 
You burst out laughing as Hotch once again squeezes your waist in warning, the hint of a smile on his lips. 
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willsimpforanyone · 1 year
Hey! I was wondering if you could do a poly!solangelo x child of eros!reader smut? And there was this tiny bit of angst since reader is the child eros and well, ya know what happened last time nico saw eros/cupid? Thanks!!!!!!!!:D
i can do that, thank you for waiting so patiently! as per usual, everyone in this fic is in their 20s at least as they have their own apartment and no one below 25 can afford that shit
reader will use they/them pronouns and generally i don't refer to genitals unless the ask specifies them
hoo boy this got away from me
I draped myself over the back of the sofa, arms flung around Nico's neck. "Hey gorgeous, how're you?"
The flinch he gave, no matter how hidden, didn't go unnoticed. He didn't say anything and I immediately pulled away. I walked round to the front of the sofa, sitting at the end with a good two feet of space between me and my boyfriend.
"You okay? Do you not want to be touched?" Which I was fine with, it just meant I'd go and find Will to lean on- being a child of Eros meant I was somewhat touchy and that wasn't always okay with people.
Nico shifted uncomfortably, avoiding eye contact. "Hm? Yeah, y-yeah, I'm fine."
"Bullshit, what's wrong?"
He shot a glare at me and seemed to immediately regret it, curling in on himself and tucking his head into his hands. I hesitated, slowly getting off the sofa. "Alright, I'm going to get Will, because this looks like I've done something and I don't know how to get you to tell me."
I made it almost to the door when Nico sighed. "Wait, come back, I-" His voice was thick, like he was swallowing tears. "-I can tell you, you don't have to get Will, just... c'mere, okay?"
Carefully, I returned to my seat on the sofa, clasping my hands together to resist holding his. Nodding, I waited patiently for Nico to explain.
After a moment, he turned to face me. "It's not your fault, I know that, but sometimes... sometimes it sucks that I never... for fucks' sake!" Nico dragged his hands through his hair. Instinctively I reached out, only to pull my hand back. Nico liked touch on his terms, and I would be a really shitty partner if I didn't respect that.
Instead, I cleared my throat. "Neeks, not to push you, but you're not making much sense."
Nico nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I know, sorry, um." He took a deep breath.
"Do you know what day it is?"
"Yeah, it's-" Oh. Oh, shit, it's a real bad anniversary. "Oh, fuck, Nico, I totally forgot!" I jumped off the sofa and made to leave. "I'll- I don't know, go for a walk or go to someone's house, of course you don't want to be around me-"
Nico practically leapt across the sofa to stop me leaving. "No! No, don't go, I'm not mad at you, I'm not, I swear." My hand was tightly grasped in his and it took everything in me not to melt. I let myself be led back onto the sofa.
"I'm not mad, it's just a bit difficult when someone you love was created by a god who ruined your life, y'know?" He gave a watery laugh. "Well, one of the gods that ruined my life."
I gave a small smile. "I get it, Neeks, I do, but I need you to be honest with me, okay?" He nodded, and I continued. "Would it make it easier if I just... left, for today? Go over to to Piper's or something?"
Nico wiped at the tears welling in his eyes. "Please, don't go. I love you too much to let your dad get in the way."
There was a pause, and we both burst out laughing.
"Oh my gods, that's such a weird sentence!" I cackled, and Nico buried his face in his hands to hide his smile.
"Wow." His voice was muffled but sounded less like he was going to burst into tears.
"What happened?" Will's head poked round the door, sunny smile directed at the pair of us.
I shook my head. "Nah, just realising that my existence is awkward."
Nico half-heartedly slapped my leg. "Hey, no, your dad's existence is awkward." We began giggling again.
Will waltzed into the room, pressing kisses onto the tops of our heads. "Ah, I see, that time of year, huh?" Wow, he catches on quicker than I do, apparently.
Nodding, Nico slid over to me to make space for his other partner. "Yep, I shall be mourning the fact that I didn't get to come out on my own terms for the rest of the day, just so you know." Will flopped onto the sofa and I immediately reached out, grabbing his hand so I was touching both of them.
"Well," Will began. "Thanks for the warning, honey, but you don't have to do that."
"I will, though, it's not really my choice." Nico gave a small rueful smile.
Will looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "I mean, I've sort of had an idea hidden in the depths of my mind for a day such as this."
Both Nico and I perked up, curious. Nico shifted until he was facing Will, back leaning against my side. "Sounds dangerous, but go on."
Clearing his throat, Will played with my fingers. "It's sort of a... roleplaying... thing." I raised my eyebrows back at him, and he shrugged. "Look, just something to make Nico feel like he's just... experimenting, unsure of his sexuality and hasn't come out to anyone yet."
I couldn't judge Nico's expression, but he hadn't turned to stone which I took as a good sign. His ribs vibrated against me as he spoke. "I'm... curious, continue."
Will sat up straighter. "Okay, um, something like we'd picked you up from a bar or something, convinced you to come home with us, allowing you to experiment with us, have us experiment with you, just stuff that a closeted gay might be interested in but without any potentially toxic fallout."
Pretending to take home an innocent Nico and letting him explore exactly what he wants? I couldn't lie, that was a pretty good idea as long as Nico was into it.
Very carefully, I tuned into Nico's body language. One of the weird little gifts I had from Eros was being incredibly attuned to body language and what it meant for each person. Will had gone from somewhat nervous to more confident when Nico had said he was interested.
Nico's shoulders were loose, his fingers interwining with mine, his heart was pounding and there was a red flush creeping down his neck. Without seeing his face, I could fairly confidently say he was interested in this idea of Will's.
Fidgetting slightly, Nico swallowed. "Hypothetically, when would you want to do this?"
Will shrugged. "I mean, the point of this exercise is to distract you, give you positive memories of before you came out." There were air quotes around the last four words. "So, hypothetically, if you wanted, we could start now." He paused. "Obviously you'd be able to safeword out of it at any time, you know that, right?"
Nico was nodding before he could catch himself. "Y-yeah, Oedipus."
Will made eye contact with me. "Hey, you down for this?"
I grinned. "Oh, so very down, baby."
Lifting himself off the sofa, Will reached for me. "Okay, Neeks, we're going to go out to the kitchen, then we'll come back in after a minute or so and get started, alright?" I took Will's hand and together we left Nico on the sofa.
My skin was buzzing, but I let Will lead me into the kitchen.
"Hey, Will?"
"Yeah, honey?"
I swallowed. "Can I kiss you?"
Will grinned. "Feeling a little deprived of affection, are we?"
Rolling my eyes, I pulled him closer, letting his hand go in favour of wrapping my arms around his waist. "Please?"
In answer, Will pressed his lips against mine. I surged forward, delighting in finally being allowed to touch and kiss and feel someone against me. Will's hands cradled my head and I melted into him, transferring all the desire to touch Nico in the last twenty minutes or so onto Will.
He pulled away, laughing lightly at my whine, and pecked my nose. "I know, babe, but we have a baby gay out there, waiting to be shown the ropes, isn't he worth cutting this a little short?"
That sent a shiver down my spine. "Yeah, absolutely, come on." I dragged Will into the bedroom, the pair of us searching for a couple things to lay out on the bedside table before Will caught me in one last kiss.
The trip from the bedroom to the living room was the longest journey in the world. Nico was standing by the mantlepiece, pretending to admire the picture of me and Will on holiday. He'd strategically put all other photos with him in them to face down- he was into the game and I was delighted to see him invested.
Will strode forward. "Hey, you like our home?"
Nico nodded. "It's lovely." His eyes ran over the cheesy rainbow flag bunting we put up last year and never took down. "It's great that you're so open in who you are, too."
I slung an arm over Will's shoulders. "Thank you, hun." I took a slight risk. "You could be too, y'know."
Shaking his head, Nico folded in on himself. "Maybe. Not right now, though."
Sidling up to him, I nudged his shoulder. "No, of course not, it's just us right now." Nico leaned slightly into my side and I looked back at Will, as if to ask him something.
He came up on the other side of Nico. "So, me and my partner were wondering, of course you can say no, it's just a suggestion, but-"
I interrupted. "Get to the point, darling."
Will pretended to glare at me. "What am I supposed to do," he hissed, just loud enough for both Nico and me to hear. "Just tell him we want to fuck him? I have manners!"
Nico coughed lightly, and both Will and I froze as if we'd been caught.
"Y-you..." Nico swallowed, trying to keep the smile off his face. "You want to- fuck me?"
I sighed, gently turning Nico to face me. "I'm not gonna lie to you, we may have had an ulterior motive in offering you a place to stay for the night, but that doesn't mean you owe us anything, okay? If you don't want to, then we can order pizza, watch a movie and make up the sofa for you to crash on."
Will, careful not to spook Nico, wrapped his arms around his waist from behind. "But, if you want to, my partner and I would love to..." He paused, considering his words. "...make you feel good, darlin', in any way you'd like."
Nico took a shuddering breath, trying to hide how much this idea was affecting him. "I-I don't know what I'd like, I've never been with..."
"That's alright, honey." I reached up and tucked his dark curls behind his ear. "We can help you figure that out, if you'd like." He looked at me with such trust in his expression I almost caved. This was the innocence that was hidden from him, but was still there, it just needed a little coaxing to come out. "So, what do you say, handsome?"
Under the careful ministrations of both me and Will, Nico relaxed and nodded. "O-okay, yes, I'd like that."
A grin spread across my lips and I trailed my hand from his cheek, along his neck, down his arm and twisted my fingers in his. "Then come this way, we'll take care of you, we promise."
I led the three of us into the bedroom. We sat Nico down on the bed, and his eyes drifted to the things on the bedside table. Will explained the condoms and the lube and that there was a bunch of toys in the drawer below that we didn't need to use but were there in case he wanted to see what they did.
Slipping onto the sheets beside Nico, I rested a hand on the back of his neck as Will explained in a way he would to someone that had no idea what they were doing. This kept Nico grounded and meant I could feel his heartbeat, blood thumping through him and giving away how excited he was.
"Will, baby," I interrupted. "I think he gets the idea."
Will grinned sheepishly. "I just want him to know what could happen." He kneeled down, leaning a hand on Nico's knee. "You still okay with everything still?"
Nico nodded, and I guided his head to face me. "Hey, can I kiss you?"
Instead of a verbal answer, Nico pushed into my space, wrapping his arms around my neck and kissing me hard. I reciprocated with as much fervour, closing my eyes and enjoying the familiar experience of kissing one of my partners. My arms secured around his waist and I hoisted him into my lap, drinking the whine from his lips.
Will pulled gently on the hem of Nico's shirt, pulling it off only when Nico pulled away from me very briefly. I ran my hands over his bare torso, thrilled with the hitch of breath I got when I ghosted my fingers over his nipples. I dragged my nails over them again and was rewarded with Nico throwing his head back and moaning from deep in his chest.
His hips were shifting, clearly getting uncomfortable. I broke away from where I'd been nipping a lovely flower patch of red and purple into his skin to look at Will.
Eyes hungry and wanting, Will was also shirtless and hard in his sweatpants. I raised an eyebrow. "Nico, sweetheart, hop off me for a moment, will you?" It took a moment for him to respond, but he obediently wiggled off my lap.
I slipped off my trousers, exposing my legs and shuffled back until I had my back against the headboard, the pillows holding me at an angle. Beckoning for Nico to come back, he crawled over and I positioned him until his back was against my chest. Will fell on the bed, eyeing Nico like a predator does prey.
Breathing against Nico's ear, I shot a wicked grin Will's way. "You wanna get fucked, handsome?" Nico's back arched against me and I felt the desperate groan more than I heard it.
"F-fuck, yes-!"
Will stripped Nico of the rest of his clothes, licking his lips at the sight of Nico's cock, red and hard and drippy with precum. "I'm gonna prep you first, okay darlin'? You think you can handle that?"
Nico nodded frantically. I smoothed my hand along the planes of Nico's ribs and hips. "Be nice, Will, he's new to all this."
I delighted in the twin moans that drew from my partners. Carefully, I reached down and pulled Nico's legs apart, thighs exposing him and a delicious blush spreading down his chest.
Grabbing the lube, Will coated his fingers in the substance and kneeled between Nico's legs. He winked. "I'll be gentle, promise."
Nico keened as the first finger eased into him, body adjusting to the intrusion and relaxing as I pressed kisses into his hair and Will went slow and soft, keeping up the pretense that this wasn't an intimately familiar situation.
"So good for me," Will breathed as Nico took a second finger, then a third. "Such a good boy for us, Nico." Said 'good boy' preened under the attention, body limp and pliable against me.
It didn't take long for Will to withdraw his hand. Nico let out a broken cry of want, and I shushed him in his ear. "Shh, I know, baby, I know, but don't you want Will to fuck you? Be the first one to experience you like this?"
Nico dug his nails into my legs bracketing him and nodded frantically. "P-please, I need him, I-I need him to f-fuck me so bad-!"
I grinned, lazily drawing circles around his nipples. "Aww, so precious, baby, wanna be fucked so bad." I looked back to Will applying a condom and hissing as he jerked himself with lube. "Don't keep us waiting, honey, you heard him."
Will practically leapt on Nico, catching him in a heavy kiss, tongues moving lazily and I held my hips as still as I could, occasionally grinding up against Nico.
They broke apart and Will sat back, lifting Nico's hips up and massaging his hole with a thumb. "You want me to fuck you, huh?" Nico rolled his hips in a frankly obscene way, and Will could stand it no longer.
He guided his cock into Nico, and I had the pleasure of hearing their sighs and moans at finally, finally getting some relief. The jealous part of me reared its head for just a second before it was pushed down by the delicious sight of Will fucking into Nico at a slow, steady pace, cock dragging against insides with wonderful friction. They fit together so well, I was so lucky to know and love and be known and loved in return.
I felt my body rocking in tandem with Will's thrusts, my hands firmly on Nico's waist to stop him wriggling too much. Whimpers and moans sang in my ears and it became harder and harder to not reach down and touch myself to the sights and sounds and sensations.
Will's breathing got heavier and heavier. "I-I'm gonna come, darlin', feels so fuckin' good, my gorgeous boy..."
I reached down and wrapped a hand around Nico's cock, hardly moving as the force of Will's thrusts let Nico fuck my hand. Nico grasped at the sheets, eyes rolling back in his head. "Sh-shit...!"
Nico came with a broken cry, tears spilling over his cheeks and Will buried himself to the hilt inside Nico, spilling into the condom with a throaty groan and leaving red fingerprints on Nico's hips.
The moment was quiet, panting as the only noise.
Very gently, Will pulled out, kissing Nico's knees apologetically as he hissed in overstimulation. In the softest voice, Will murmured, "I'll be back, gimme a sec." He slipped off the bed, legs slightly shaky and wobbled to the bathroom.
With as much effort as he could master, Nico rolled off me, pulling me down to lay with him face to face. Eyelids low, fucked out expression on his face, he gave me a small smile. "You didn't come."
I shook my head. "It's fine, gorgeous, this was about you, remember?"
In response, Nico nudged his leg between mine, pushing his thigh against me as he threw an arm around my waist and moving as close to me as he could get. His voice was breathy and worn out and unbelieveably sexy. "Use me."
Still keyed up from the sight of my partners lost in pleasure and with Nico's thigh between my legs applying a delectable amount of pressure, I rolled my hips against him. "That's it," Nico tucked his face into my neck, laving his tongue over my pulse point. I shivered and felt him grin. "Use me, sweetheart, I know you want to, I wanna feel you come, please?"
Well, when he asked so nicely, what could I do but obey? I grinded against Nico's leg, breathing hard and letting my boyfriend trace shapes with his tongue against my skin. In a few minutes I was right on the edge. Nico reached his hand down and into my underwear and in the next few seconds I was coming, soaking my underwear and his hand and his thigh. "So good, fuck, you look so good when you come."
"Oh shut up." I blushed hard and Nico kissed my cheek.
"Absolutely not."
Will returned, accompanied with towels and the sound of a running bath behind him. "Come on, this isn't over, we're still taking care of you, Neeks."
Rolling his eyes, Nico bit gently into my neck and I squeaked. "Nico!"
He sat up, a shit-eating grin on his face. "I'll come be taken care of, but only if I get to make you come properly." His eyes burned into mine, and I was helpless.
"You get an attitude after sex, you know that?"
Nico grinned, then his eyes widened, looking between me and Will. "Hey, guys? I think I might be gay."
Will face-palmed as Nico cackled. "Just get in the bath, Neeks."
okay this took me like almost 2 hours to write so i am in Pain but i hope you enjoyed!!
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geonwooz · 1 year
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gunwoo x fem!reader | wc : 0.5k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, fluff, swearing, strangers to friends (?)
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“ah, fuck my life.”
you cursed your luck, sitting at the bus stop while contemplating your life decisions.
should've watched my step. you wondered, looking down at your arm, which was in a cast. but i could've sworn that step wasn't there before.
after a minor accident that resulted in your arm in a cast, you were informed you had an appointment for your passport picture.
and with your roommate away for the weekend, you had absolutely no one to help you. it took you all your effort to get your clothes prim and proper, but you forgot about your hair in the process.
upon seeing your phone's reflection, you realized you needed to be absolutely professional for the picture — and this meant having a proper hairstyle.
and as a last resort, you took a deep breath, turning towards the male beside you who was also waiting for the bus. he looks nice. you wondered, politely smiling.
“hi. i’m really sorry for disturbing you,” you apologized as you greeted him. “but could you please help me tie my hair?”
kim gunwoo seemed confused at first, wondering why you were asking him before he saw the cast on your arm.
“i, uh, haven’t really done this before,” he admitted honestly, feeling bad when he saw your mood deflate. “i could try, though.”
“that’d be much appreciated,” you thanked him. “i have to get my passport pictures done, and my roommate’s also not home. i’m really sorry for troubling you like this!”
you felt terrible, and weirdly enough, that brought a smile to gunwoo’s face. he knew you genuinely meant every word you spoke, and your politeness warmed his heart.
“i’ll touch your hair now,” he announced awkwardly, standing behind you as he gathered your hair in his hand. “is your fracture really bad? does it hurt?” he asked, trying to make some conversation as he tried to figure out what to do.
“it’s a minor one, but it hurts a lot more than i thought,” you replied, oddly feeling comfortable with this stranger. “i’m sorry about this, really.”
gunwoo chuckled, shaking his head, though you couldn’t see it. “it’s alright. if anything, i’m sorry if i’m doing anything wrong,” he apologized. “i don’t want you to ruin your picture because of me,” he muttered.
his touch on your hair was very gentle, and you could feel him trying his best, and you deeply appreciated that.
once he had tied your hair, gunwoo stood in front of you, taming your flyaways before taking out his phone and turning the camera towards you.
"wah!" you exclaimed, totally in awe. “you are really good at this! thank you very much!”
the male only smiled in response, relieved to hear his shoddy work of tying your hair was acceptable. “well, that’s a relief,” he muttered, nodding politely as he moved away.
“seriously, i mean it,” you commented, grateful for the help. “it came out so pretty. i can't believe you’ve never done this before!”
the raven-haired male shyly smiled as he looked at you, admiring the absolute golden retriever energy that was radiating off you.
for the first time in his life, kim gunwoo wanted to get to know someone, and the someone who pulled on his heartstrings was none other than you.
“ah, well, i’m glad i was able to pull off a pretty hairstyle for a pretty you.”
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applesaucesims · 4 months
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Niall had stayed at Franklin's for a bit longer, sobering up more before taking the car home. There, he was greeted by Emma who was getting ready for bed at the time. Something seemed to be on her mind, but Niall was too busy thinking about his own guilt to notice.
Remembering how much keeping secrets from his wife had been eating at him in the past, Niall knew immediately that he had to tell her about what had happened that afternoon at Franklin's place as soon as possible. The fact that she currently seemed to be in a good mood, too, made it harder to admit, but waiting would only make it worse.
So, with a sigh and a deep breath, Niall went ahead and recalled the worst of it, how he broke his sobriety, and worse yet, how he had ended up kissing his friend in a drunken haze. For a moment, Emma was just staring at him. Niall had been preparing for the worst kind of reaction, but what he got was much different than anything he imagined. Emma was expecting another baby, and Niall felt far from being the responsible parent he was meant to be now.
Niall: "Hi, Em."
Emma: "Niall, there you are! How are Laura and Franklin doing?"
Niall: "Laura wasn't home, actually. Franklin... he's alright, yes."
Niall: *sighs* "I wanted to... talk to you about something. About, uhm... Franklin's."
Emma: "Ah, really? Well, I ought to tell you something, too, but do go first!"
Niall: "We actually ended up having, uhm... one or two drinks. Maybe more."
Emma: "Wait, what? But you were doing so well, without the alcohol."
Niall: "I know, I know, and I feel terrible about it. But... actually, that isn't all of it."
Emma: "What do you mean?"
Niall: "I suppose... the alcohol did get to me a bit too much, and I'm so, so sorry."
Niall: (sighs) "I... kissed... Franklin. And I swear it didn't mean anything! He pushed me away immediately, too, so please do not blame him. I wish I had never done it, and I hope you can forgive me. Though I do understand if you won't."
Emma: "..."
Niall: "Say something?"
Emma: "I... I suppose this isn't the best time to tell you, but... I'm with child again."
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hwanchaesong · 1 year
Hard To Love
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Choi Beomgyu X Reader
genre & warnings: angst, fluff, kind of like soulmate au and university au, toxic relationship, cheating, cursing
word count: 2.1k
a/n: your order's up! i hope you'll like this 💚 to anyone who wants to request, please do check the rules. thank you so much~
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They say that when it's really meant for you, it will naturally come to you.
You met Beomgyu during your highschool. He was friendly and nice, loud and funny, everything that you wanted for a friend. Unfortunately, you have different friend groups, and you were in a relationship.
Yes, it's in the past and it has been years since that ugly break-up.
"It wasn't what it looked like. I swear." your soon to be ex-boyfriend, Jeonghan, tried to persuade you into staying with him but you are so done.
"Really now?" you scoffed, pulling your phone out and showing him more evidence of his cheating. "So you're telling me that your lips were suddenly glued to hers?"
"No." he choked, his brain working to make up some poor excuse that he could use, "That was an accident I swear."
"Whatever, go to her for all I care."
You rolled your eyes, getting ready to leave but your steps falter when you hear his next words, "This is why I can't tolerate you."
You turned to him, the tears that you tried to keep threatened to fall, "What did you say?" you whispered that for some reason he still heard.
"I said," he took a deep breath, "this is why I chose other girls instead of you."
Huh. Is he trying to put the blame on you?
"You're saying it's my fault?" you shakily asked.
"Of course, it fucking is." he laughed dryly, "You don't come with me to parties, you don't want to take photos with me, heck, you don't even hold hands with me in public."
You took a step back, not believing that he had the audacity to use your insecurities against you. He knew you were prone to social anxiety, that you think you don't look photogenic enough, and that if he's seen with you, then some people might think that he's too good to be with you.
"Well, now that's out in the open," he walked towards you, his hand moving under your chin to lift it up, allowing you to take a good look at his smug expression, "I'll gladly say that you're a good riddance, my love."
The way he said 'my love' that day was full of disgust, and thinking about it now made you shrink back.
But it has been three years since then. You're in college now and you can proudly say that you've been working on yourself after that.
You loved and took care of yourself. Your confidence soared and you took an oath (in the mirror) to not fall in love again because all men are crap.
You were too deep in thought that you didn't notice the figure in front of you, making you bump into it.
"Shit. I'm sorry."
"Oh no, I- Hey, you look familiar."
You glanced up when a voice that you were sure you had heard before resonated in your ears. He does look familiar as well.
The male was staring at you intently before a bright grin appeared on his face, "Ah! Y/N!"
You blinked, "Beomgyu? You know me?"
He chuckled at your question, "Of course I know you, we were classmates back in highschool."
"Right." you laughed awkwardly, not really knowing what to do.
"Seems like we both attend the same university. Come on." he gestured for you to walk with him, to which you gratefully accepted.
It was a few minutes of walk and you truly enjoyed his company. He was still the same old Beomgyu that you used to know. A sense of comfort washing over you, knowing that some people remain kind.
Shockingly, you both stopped in the same classroom.
"My room's right here." you told him, looking at him to say your goodbyes.
"What a coincidence, this is mine as well."
Bold of you to assume that he walked you to your classroom. Seriously, Y/N, get yourself together.
"Seems like we're classmates again," he grinned at you, "would it be okay then if I sit beside you."
You gave a small smile and shook your head, watching him occupy the seat beside you.
This wasn't so bad, maybe you can befriend him now since no one is stopping you from doing so.
It was uncanny to say the least, because everywhere you go, Choi Beomgyu was there.
You went to the library to borrow a book, but the said book was placed high on the shelves. As you tried your best to get it through your tiptoes, he was suddenly behind you, reaching for it with ease before handing it to you.
You want to go study in the campus coffee shop but it was full, no worries! Beomgyu is sitting all by himself, you can share the table with him.
Your favorite drink in the vending machine was not available anymore? What a tragedy! Good thing that your knight in shining armor, aka Beomgyu, bought one in the convenience store this morning.
Soon enough, Beomgyu's presence became permanent in your life. It's like you're always looking for him, missing him when he's not there and this is a dangerous game you're playing.
You convince yourself every night, that no, you're not growing feelings for your friend. That you will never, ever have feelings for him.
If you're going to be honest, Beomgyu is the definition of 'perfect boyfriend' in everyone's ideal type book. It's just that... you made a promise to yourself and your pride was way too sky-high to break that. Whenever you think about entering a relationship once more, it makes you want to throw up. The trauma and insecurities that you had successfully buried will be out in the open, and you won't risk it.
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"Yeonjun will be hosting a party this weekend, you should come." Beomgyu excitedly invites you while eating in the cafeteria.
"Can't. I have a lot to do."
Not particularly a lie, but even after all this time, parties are still not your thing.
"Why?!" he whined, "It'll be fun!"
"Beomgyu." you sternly said, and you kept your hands to yourself when he started throwing a tantrum like a kid.
"Stop it!" you held him, panicked eyes roaming around in fear that people might judge you if they saw the scenario.
"No! I will not stop, not unless you come with me!"
"Fine!" you said, exasperated at his antics but you couldn't help but smile at his small cheer of triumph.
Come Saturday night and you already want to punch Beomgyu. He went with you to the party and introduced you to his other friends (Yeonjun the host of the party, Soobin, Taehyun and Kai), then left to get some drinks.
What made your blood boil is that it's been thirty minutes now and he's still not back.
You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose, heaving through the crowd and walking towards the veranda for a breather.
Finally, some fresh air.
"Didn't know that you come to parties now, Y/N. You've changed."
Fuck it. You'll recognize that voice anywhere.
You closed your eyes, 'Okay, calm down. Don't look at him. Don't talk to him.'
"Ignoring me? Is that the effect that Beomgyu has on you? Being rude?"
Your will crumbled at the mention of your friend's name, spinning around and throwing a harsh glare to the person who keeps on bothering you, "Please keep your nose away from my business," your eyes narrowed, venom in your voice as you prepared to say his name, "Jeonghan."
"Woah!" the man held his hands up in defense, "That's some way to greet me, princess." he smirked, loving the way you get riled up because of him.
"Don't call me that. If you're not leaving, then I will." you said with finality, walking away from him but then his hand gripped your arm tightly.
"No. You're not going anywhere." he moved too fast, and within a mere seconds he had you pinned on the wall, his face too close for comfort.
"Let me go!" you yelled, anxiety spiking up as your heart started beating fast, "Jeonghan! I said let go or else!"
"Or wha-"
A loud thud echoed, followed by a grunt and the next thing you knew is that Jeonghan is slumping by the floor, a menacing gaze directed towards your friend.
You sighed in relief, "Beomgyu!"
"I'm here now." he glanced at you with a soft look, "You're safe."
"You have a lot of courage doing that to me, kid." Jeonghan ridiculed Beomgyu, but the latter didn't budge. Though his next move surprised you, his arm wrapped itself around your waist as he held you close to him.
"I'd do anything for my girlfriend."
What? What is happening right now?
You suddenly met with your ex. Then he had you in a compromising position when no one was looking. And then.. Beomgyu.
He called you his girlfriend?
No. This can't be happening.
Your world was spinning and you think that if you stayed there longer, you might do something that you'll regret in the future. So you ran, disregarding Beomgyu's call for you.
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"You seriously don't plan on sulking all week." your friend whom you met during a project last year, Ryujin, said on the other line as she tried to comfort you.
You groaned, tossing around your bed and replying to her tiredly, "Watch me."
You heard some shuffling in the background before she sighed, "You know what, lemme just go to you myself."
"Ryu! I am not in the mood for-!" the call ended before you could complete the sentence which made you groan once again. Ever the stubborn Ryujin, you supposed that you could use her company.
It has been a shitty week of avoiding Beomgyu, going as far as not attending your classes.
Beomgyu did his best to connect with you. Sending endless messages and calling you every now and then despite not answering. You did not have the heart to block him. He's still your friend, a precious someone that you don't want to lose but at the same time, you're still confused about everything.
You were pulled out of your daze when your doorbell rang. Willing yourself to get out of your bed and open it.
"Ryu, you didn't even let me get ready."
"No worries. I still think you're beautiful."
So this is what it feels like when your friend betrays you, huh? Ryujin probably told him to come here, she did a great job of setting this up.
You gulped, seeing the dilemma you're about to face in its physical form. You're tempted to shut the door but you were frozen at the spot.
When Beomgyu sees you standing still, he took this as an opportunity to explain himself, "I knew what happened to you and Jeonghan."
You grimaced at the mere mention of your ex's name, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude into your personal life. Just back then.. it was a huge issue, y'know?"
You nodded, staring at your feet like it's the most interesting thing in the world, not having any choice but to listen to him intently.
"I-I.. I'm sorry Y/N I know this is all too sudden but I really had the urge to protect you that night." he admits, balling his fists tightly, "I hated him, that man, what he did to you was fucked up."
"Beomgyu?" you finally glanced up at him, your heart wrenching at the sight of him looking so small.
It's now or never, you took a deep breath and asked him the dreaded question, "Why did you do that? Why do you feel like that?"
His answer was immediate, firm and his pretty brown orbs gazed at yours with determination, "I like you."
"Even if I'm like this?"
You did not need to elaborate further, he understood what you meant.
Even if you had a lot of baggage, even if you're not sure of yourself, even if you can't fully commit to him.
"Yes." Beomgyu walked towards you, engulfing you in his embrace, "I like you despite everything. I like you for who and what you are."
You closed your eyes, remembering what your grandparents used to tell you.
"They say that when it's really meant for you, it will naturally come to you."
You finally knew what that meant. Choi Beomgyu made you realize and feel what it really meant.
You may drive him insane, you might accidentally push him away and hurt him, but it's okay. As long as he can hold you like this, assure you that he'll always be there then all is well.
Loving you may be difficult, but he sure as hell made it look like it's easy.
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alohajun · 1 year
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junghwan x fem!reader | wc : 0.5k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, fluff, swearing, strangers to friends (?) | request — hiii :) can you write a fic for junghwan? tysm i love your writings 🥰
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"ah, fuck my life."
you cursed your luck, sitting at the bus stop while contemplating your life decisions.
should've watched my step. you wondered, looking down at your arm that was in a cast. but i could've sworn that step wasn't there before.
after a minor accident that resulted with your arm in a cast, you were informed you had an appointment for your passport picture.
and with your roommate away for the weekend, you had absolutely no one to help you. it took you all your effort to get your clothes prim and proper, but you forgot about your hair in the process.
upon seeing your phone's reflection, you realised you needed to be absolutely professional for the picture — and this meant having a proper hairstyle.
and as last resort, you took a deep breath, turning towards the male beside you who was also waiting for the bus. he looks nice. you wondered, politely smiling.
"hi. i'm really sorry for disturbing you," you apologised as you greeted him. "but could you please help me tie my hair?"
so junghwan seemed confused at first, wondering why you were asking him before he saw the cast on your arm.
"i, uh, haven't really done this before," he admitted honestly, feeling bad when he saw your mood deflate. "i could try, though."
"that'd be much appreciated," you thanked him. "i have to get my passport pictures done and my roommate's also not home. i'm really sorry for troubling you like this!"
you felt terrible and weirdly enough that brought a smile on junghwan's face. he knew you genuinely meant every word you spoke, and your politeness warmed his heart.
"i'll touch your hair now," he announced awkwardly, standing behind as he gathered your hair in his hand. "is your fracture really bad? does it hurt?" he asked, trying to make some conversation as he tried to figure out what to do.
"it's a minor one, but it hurts a lot more than i thought," you replied, oddly feeling comfortable with this stranger. "i'm sorry about this, really."
junghwan chuckled, shaking his head, though you couldn't see it. "it's alright. if anything, i'm sorry if i'm doing anything wrong," he apologised. "i don't want you to ruin your picture because of me," he muttered.
his touch on your hair was very gentle, and you could feel him trying his best and you deeply appreciated that.
once he had tied your hair, junghwan stood in front of you, taming your flyaways before taking out his phone and turning the camera towards you.
"wah," you exclaimed, totally in awe. "you are really good at this! thank you very much!"
the male only smiled in response, relieved to hear his shoddy work of tying your hair was acceptable. "well, that's a relief," he muttered, nodding politely as he moved away.
"seriously, i mean it," you commented, grateful for the help. "it came out exactly like i would do it. i can't believe you've never done this before!"
the raven-haired male shyly smiled as he looked at you, admiring the absolute golden retriever energy that was radiating off you.
for the time first time in his life, so junghwan wanted to get know to someone, and the someone who pulled on his heartstrings was none other than you.
"ah, well, i'm glad i was able to pull off a pretty hairstyle for a pretty you."
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taglist — @kflixnet @gyutendo @twntycm @heejojo @jaesvelvet @fightmegirl @koishua @lovethyfandoms2 @kpoprhia @woooooooosh8 @milkybonya @enhacolor @yunho-leeknow @candililac @willdieforbeidou @luvbrie @mui890mew @one16core @soobin-chois @odetoyeonjun @wonluvrbot @acciomylove @idkwatodoanymore @kyufilms @ily-cuz-i @acaiasahi @bobariki @kyuchanie @teuranghae @changmin-wrlds (to be added, please send an ask or dm!)
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azrielsshadows42 · 1 month
A Court of Scales and Fire III
Eris Vanserra x Female oc
A/n: so, chapter 3, uhhh, not much to say except there is not alot of Eris in this one, but more of the friendship between Cassian and Y/n, not alot of Everest either.
Note: I couldn't think of a way to integrate this naturally in the story so, Imma just say it here: Everest can increase and decrease in size. By how much? idk yet, we'll figure it out together.
Pronunciations: Eletheria-> El-leh-th-air-ree-ah, Remiel-> Reh-meal, Rajani-> Rah-jah-n-eye, Penitent-> Pen-ni-tint, Amari-> a-maar-ree
Warnings: swearing, mentions of utm, unedited
Word Count: 2.8k Chapter 2 Character Moodboards
Bold + Italics = Mind speak (colour will change depending on who is speaking)
Bold = Ancient language
---Y/n's Pov---
Cassian held me in his arms as he flew us across the forest of the middle. It had been about ten minutes since we'd first lifted off and we hadn't covered much ground. "So, you are from the Night Court, right? And that's where we're going?" I asked looking at him, he looked to be in deep thought, but my question brought him out of his head. "Yes, is that a problem?" Cassian questioned, sincerely wanting to know if that would work for me. For being my almost would be capturer, he's really nice. "No, just, remind me where that is, and perhaps an estimate of how long it will take us to get there, my mission is kinda time sensitive"
He nodded in understanding, then looked up in thought. "Well, the Night Court is the northern most territory of Prythian, so... a while?" I turned the information over in my head for a bit, if memory serves me right, he was telling the truth, but wasn't there this teleportation thing fae people could do here? What was it called? Willowing? Maybe not everyone could do it, or maybe you can only do it for yourself, like you can't take other people with you. "So, what is this mission of yours anyway?"
Cassian quizzed, more to pass the time then for actual interrogation, if his casual tone was anything to judge by. "Just, tracking some fae who made questionable life choices" I sort of side-stepped the question, more so I wouldn't have to repeat myself when we got to our destination. He chuckled at my answer. "Were you sent on this mission alone or-" "Yep" I interrupted him, and I almost winced, I said that way too fast. There was a long stretch of awkward silence between us, only his wing beats and the air whipping around us filled the void.
It started to become downright unpleasant, I needed to say something. "What are you?" I blurted out, Cauldrons what is wrong with me? "I'm an Illyrian" Cassian responds a little confusedly "No, no I meant like, what's your occupation, what do you do for a living?" He stays quiet for a bit, probably thinking how much he should reveal, understandable. "I'm the night court's general" I laughed, man that's funny. He just stared at me, not saying anything "I- What? ...Oh, you're serious? damn" He then laughs as well "Why is that so surprising?" he says with a smile "I think I'm quite intimidating"
"Well...." I trailed off in a high-pitched tone, he gasped in mock offence. "How dare you, I am very intimidating, and I embody the position of General, thank you very much" I stifled my laughter. "You've definitely got the build of a general, it's just, the authoritative tone that strikes fear into the soldiers that hear it is lacking" He huffed and turned his head away with a slight pout. At least he could take a joke, I was starting to like him more and more.
He opened his mouth, about to say some sort of light-hearted retort when he suddenly stopped and looked ahead again. "What's wrong?" what had happened in the three seconds between playful banter and rigid shoulders? Cassian doesn't answer, I go on high alert, if he drops me, I know Everest will be there waiting, she won't let me fall, but then he'd know of her existence, and I don't trust him enough for that.
He glances at me, like I'm something that's going to get him in trouble, and quickly looks ahead again. What the hell? after a few more seconds of silence, he speaks, "That was Rhysand checking in, he says he'll send Mor to come pick us up, get us to the Night Court a lot faster." I do not know who either of those people are, but the name Rhysand sounds familiar, like I definitely should remember it. "How?"
"Mor can winnow" Huh? she's a widow? How is that supposed to help us? He must have read the confusion on my face because he then clarified: "She's going to teleport us there" Ohhhh, she can Willow, that makes much more sense than she's a widow.
He slowly descends into the forest, though we seem to be on the outskirts seeing as the trees had thinned out significantly. Once we landed, Cassian gently put me down. Shadows appeared in front of us for a split second, then they were gone, and in their place stood an absolutely gorgeous high fae in a maroon dress and red lipstick, gold jewellery adorned her wrists and pointed ears. This female is so beautiful, I might just change my sexuality. Gold hair ran over her shoulders in waves. I am certain her hair is what mating bonds are made of.
"Rhysand told me we'd have a guest" she says, directed to Cassian, I knew I was staring, and it's rude, and I should definitely stop but holy shit, I wish I could pull that kind of dress off, the kind that hugs your curves with a slit up to your thigh. She then turns to me "Hi, I'm Morrigan, but just call me Mor, everyone does." I realise that now is the perfect time to break out of my staring "I'm Y/n" She smiles at me. "Well, Y/n, are you ready to see the Night Court" her eyes shone with pride at the mention of her home "Not in the slightest, lead the way!" I respond which earns a small giggle from her. "Cassian, c'mon, or we're leaving you" He makes his way toward us. "Fair warning, there's going to be a long drop" Cassian says to me. "I can handle it" They both look at each other with raised eyebrows but don't comment. "If you're sure"
---Cassian's Pov---Before landing---
"You've definitely got the build of a general, it's just, the authoritative tone that strikes fear into the soldiers that hear it is lacking" I incredulously huffed and turned my head away from her with a fake pout. I'm about to inform her that my voice most definitely does strike fear into any disrespectful soldiers when Rhysand's mental claws scraped down my shields.
It has been more than half an hour since you last checked in Cassian His voice invades my head, sounding a little peeved.
Aww, did you miss me? I could feel the mental eyeroll he sent to me, clearly annoyed by my lack of guilt for not updating him.
Have you found anything? I heard Y/n ask me something, but I didn't catch what, focusing on making sure Rhysand didn't get too frustrated with the results.
You could say that I replied, glancing at the female in my arms because yes, I had found something, it just was not what he was expecting.
Cassian, I don't like the sound of that, what are you trying to say? I could feel her body tense as I continued to ignore her questioning.
I'm saying you should expect some extra company. He sighed deeply.
I'm sending Mor to winnow you, and our new guest here, then I expect an explanation. His voice left my mind, and I turned towards Y/n, her jaw tense, eyes scanning my expression. "That was Rhysand checking in" I explained "He says he'll send Mor to come pick us up, get us to the Night Court a lot faster" I searched for a place to land, which was much easier to find now that we weren't in the heart of a forest. "How?" She inquired, her body relaxing slightly. "Mor can winnow" Y/n looked confused by that. "She's going to teleport us there" She nodded in understanding.
When I landed, Mor was already waiting for us, Y/n was gawking at her, quite obviously, and it took all my self-control to resist laughing. Mor's eyes fixed on me, a hint of amusement shone in them. "Rhysand told me we'd have a guest" I smiled at her a little guiltily and shrugged. They exchanged introductions, then prepared to winnow to the house of wind. "Cassian, c'mon, or we're leaving you" Mor waves me over, just as I get to them, I remember something. "Fair warning, there's going to be a long drop"
She shrugs one shoulder, casually responding "I can handle it". Mor and I regard each other sceptically before facing her again, eventually, Mor relents. "If you're sure"
She places a hand on both of our shoulders, then the world warped, and the stomach-turning sensation of winnowing overcame us. Quick flashes of the territories zoomed by as we went, reaching the house in a matter of seconds. I instinctively caught Mor before she fell, my wings flaring out to catch the wind and slow our descent. Y/n plummeted straight down, but she spread out her arms and legs, increasing her surface area, then transferred the gravitational energy to momentum once she hit the ground, seamlessly falling into a forward roll and standing up again like nothing happened. She turned on her heels toward us, a smile on her face, I had to say, I was impressed, not many could pull off something like that, especially not that smoothly, come to think of it, she also had no problems while we were flying despite how far she could have fallen, she must be used to hights.
Once Mor and I had joined her on the roof, we went inside. Everyone was right there waiting for us, Feyre sitting on the couch, Rhysand standing behind her, Nesta was on the other side, leg crossed over the other, her latest smut novel in hand, nose buried deep, and Azriel stood in the corner, shadows perched on his shoulders. Amren sat on the love seat, so short her head didn't even reach the top of the back rest
Feyre stood from her seat, Rhysand followed, only stopping once he was beside his mate. "Welcome to the Night Court, I am Rhysand, and this is my mate, Feyre" Feyre smiled kindly at Y/n. "That's Amren, my second in command, Azriel, my spymaster and Nesta, Cassian's mate" Rhysand introduced the rest of the inner circle, gesturing to each of them as he said their names. "Who are you?"
"I am Y/n, Y/n L/n"
"Well, Y/n, please follow me"
--- Time Skip ---
Rhysand brought us to the dining room, all of us took a seat, She sat at the edge of the table, I placed myself next to her while Mor sat opposite of her. There was some food placed on the table, light snacks to pick on, everyone else picked off of the plates occasionally, but after what happened I was starving, eating almost two entire platters by myself. Light conversation had been passed around the table, Y/n mostly stayed quite, just listening. Rhysand interlocked his fingers in front of him, leaning his fore arms on the table. The questioning was about to begin.
"Y/n, where are you from?" A nice easy question to start, nothing harsh, but will also tell us if she's from Hybern or one of their allies. "I'm from Eletheria" We all looked around at each other, none of us, not even Az or Amren, knew where that was. "It is a sub-territory of Rask" The atmosphere became tense, every one of us knew that well Rask hadn't joined Hybern in the war, they were inclined to do so. "Rumour of Hybern planning a war to gain humans as slaves again had been floating around for over a century, it created a divide within the population of Rask. Some believed that Hybern was right, and we should ally ourselves with him, others, including King Rajani's brother, disagreed. Decades of debates and small bouts of civil war resulted in the land being divided, Eletheria gained full independence just over six years ago, with his brother, Remiel, as King." she elaborated
The entire inner circle let out a discrete collective sigh of relief, they had not invited an enemy into their home. "If it gained independence over six years ago, why have we not heard of it?" Mor asked with nothing but curiosity, it seemed I'm not the only one who thinks we can trust her. "The King of Rask was not particularly pleased with having to give up some of his power and land, so he has kept quiet about it. More and more refugees are crossing the border, so King Remiel has been occupied with increasing good infrastructure for people to live in. He has not had time to concern himself with putting us on the official map, which is probably a good thing, as to not make Eletheria a target."
Rhysand nodded, agreeing with her statement. "Why are you here, in Prythian?" All eyes fixed upon Y/n, what he really wanted to ask was 'why were you under the mountain?' but this question was safer, in the event that she didn't know what had happened with Amarantha, we would have to explain the fifty years of chaos, and nobody wanted to do that. "I am on a mission for the King"
"What kind of mission?" Az asked, the first words he'd said since we'd arrived. "One of the most abundant gemstones in Eletheria is Opals, recently we have discovered a new vein of them, though these are no regular stones. They have properties, similar to that of the Illyrian siphons, they can store magic. Upon further research, two different types have been found, Amari, and Penitent. It has been revealed that Penitent opals become unstable once imbued, and after one took out half the research facility it was in, an order was sent out to collect them, so no more damage could be done. Most fae gave them over willingly, however an illegal group of weapon smugglers found out about the opals, about what they could do. They began hoarding and stealing any stock they could find. An informant told us that a shipment of opals was sent here. It's my job to find them and return all of the stolen opals back to the crown for safe keeping"
I guess that would explain why this was time sensitive. "Two days ago, in the south, between summer and autumn, there was a power surge, would you know anything about that?" Amren interrogated, piercing eyes locked on her like predator and prey. It sounded almost accusing, I almost wanted to wince at her tone.
Y/n, to her credit showed no signs of discomfort, she looked up thoughtfully, pondering the question. "When I first got here, I found one of the temporary camps I suspect they used, there was only one fae present left to cover their tracks. In his attempt to get rid of me, he set of one of the opals, that might have caused the short power surge you speak of" Amren did not look convinced but refrained from pushing the matter any further.
It was Feyre who spoke next "Mor will show you to your room for the night, feel free to make yourself at home, and don't be afraid to ask for anything" Mor and Y/n stood from the table "Thank you, High Lady" She dipped her head in respect. "Please, call me Feyre" She nodded, then followed Mor down the hall to the guest bedrooms. Once they were out of earshot, I asked "So, how are we gonna help?"
"I'm not sure we should" Azriel admitted, looking toward Cassian. "What do you mean? Of course we should help her!" My voice was filled with incredulity. It just makes sense to help her, so why wouldn't we? "I'm with Cassian on this this one, this could affect us to, dangerous weapons in the wrong hands is not something we need to deal with, we have enough on our plate, better to stop it now before it gets out of hand" Feyre added. She studied Rhysands face to see if he agreed with her statement.
Rhysand considered this for a moment. "Her story makes sense, and if she is telling the truth, then Feyre's right, but she could be lying, especially if she is from a place that's just gained independence, she might be here as a spy to find weaknesses should they ever need it."
I hated to admit that he had a point, but I just feel like we can trust her. I sighed "So what are we going to do?" My eyes fell on Rhysand's violet ones, but he didn't meet my gaze. "We keep an eye on her until we know for certain she is telling the truth, for now, be aware of what you say around her, try not to talk about anything that could be used against us." We dispersed to our respective places, Rhysand, Feyre and Amren returning to their homes, while Az and I went to our rooms, Nesta made her way from the table to the couch and continued reading.
A/n: So, this chapter was supposed to be twice as long as it is, but I need to post an update so, here you go.
Chapter 4
Tag List: @imma-too-many-fandoms , @rcarbo1
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happilychaengs · 2 years
Nayeon - Involved
warning: one swear word omg
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im nayeon. the it girl of the school. she was the one crowned to be queen and no one could ever take that away from her. if she wanted something, she got it and there was no exception. though her personality was extremely obnoxious and pretentious so no one was truly her friend. except you.
here you were at the lunch table, sitting next to nayeon as you stabbed your food with the fork. looking over, she was staring over at another table before blurting out, "i want her."
"you see that girl with the short hair?" she said as she kept signalling over to the table with her eyes.
it took you a while to spot her but you caught sight of her eventually, "uh... momo?" your tone unsure from if you were looking at the right girl. she was the runner up to nayeon. the only true competition she had.
"yes. her."
"are you sure?"
"yeah? why are you asking?" she asked as she looked at you quizzically. she wasn't used to you questioning her.
"doesn't she already have a significant other?"
"so?" she shrugged her shoulders as she looked back at her. "not like it matters. they broke up a week ago."
you stopped asking questions and just let her be as you took a bite of your food, occasionally sharing with nayeon. as the rest of the day went on, nayeon did her usual flirting with her girl of the week but this week was different. from the rumors already circling around, she was completely rejected. you had never seen her so angry when you were back at lunch the next day.
she slammed the table hard before looking at you with fury in her eyes, "how could that bitch do that to me?! she embarrassed me like that in front of everyone!"
you went back to your lunch before she shouted out your name, making you jump, "y/n!"
"i need you to help me do something to make her regret it."
"what are you going to do?"
"be mine."
"what?!" you shouted, completely taken off guard. with the heads turning to you, you immediatey apologized to the people nearby as you looked back to nayeon.
"i meant as in a fake couple." she corrected herself, "i need to show her what shes missing."
"ah..." you let out a sigh as you tried to calm your frantic heartbeat. "...what about anyone else? i think anyone would kill to be in a relationship with you. even if it was fake."
"that's exactly why. you wouldn't care but i know anyone else would come back to me on their knees once it's over. "
you really had to think about it but before you could say a word, you felt nayeon grab the back of your neck.
"she's looking over here. kiss me. quickly."
without a hint of approval from you, she immediately locked lips with you as you groaned into her mouth from the sudden movement. you saw everyone's heads turn back around as you heard murmurs surround you. you felt her bite your bottom lip, making you moan out loud for everyone to hear.
eventually she finally let go of you and backed off. your gaze was hazy but you could make out her eyes looking at you almost expectingly. "ill take that as a yes?"
you huffed out as you rubbed your lips with your fingers, "as if you'd let me choose anyway."
she let out a small giggle before smiling at you, "you know me too well."
as days passed by, you 'officially' became nayeon's. every moment momo passes by, she's always ready to kiss you again, your hip practically glued to hers. she even takes you out on dates insisting that "anyone could be watching any time. you have to make sure it looks real."
at the time, you didn't notice it but you were falling. falling in to the deep dark hole known as im nayeon. every kiss, every date, every intimate moment you shared. it was all piling up and you knew you were no where close to the bottom.
when she sprung on the sudden information that momo finally was interested, she was ecstatic. she kept on going on and on about how her plan finally worked and this and that but all you could hear was white noise when she said that your fake relationship was over.
for the next few days, all you could hear were the rumors about how nayeon broke your heart and moved on. in which your defense, wasn't far off from the truth but your stomach flipped when you saw her doing the exact same things with momo that she was doing with you. she was holding her how she used to with you. she kissed her like she did with you. was it all a game to her?
she eventually gave you a gift for helping her for so long to get with momo, your favorite book that you told her about a while back, but all you could think about was how long it would take for you to toss it in the nearest trash can. through every painstaking and heart-wrenching memory of her, you finally understood why.
why people said what they said.
"don't get involved with im nayeon."
i don't know if i should make a part 2 to this
this was originally a fluff but it morphed into whatever this was
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
11/14 with the twins?
11. Do I actually have to swear a blood pact for this?
There were many conversations one could have in the kitchen at half past two AM. Lots of heartful moments, a ton of weird, goofy, and maybe like, a smidge sexy times. Mostly, it's quiet words exchanged between the noise of a boiling teapot and the kitchen tap running as someone washed dishes. Mostly, there are no words, just company.
A few nights ago had not been that. A few nights ago, Taako tried to sleep for a total of five minutes before deciding that, actually, fuck this, and went to make himself some eggs. Lup didn't even move in her sleep as he hopped off the upper bunk and left the room. The kitchen light had already been turned on and Taako walked in on Magnus attempting to fix their microwave (it hadn't been broken).
Lots of conversations can happen at two AM. Taako was expecting a "hey" or a "what the fuck" or a momentary reenactment of that spiderman meme where two identical spiderman's pointed at each other. Instead, he cracked an egg open into a pan and was met with,
"Is it just me or has Lup been acting... strange?"
"Just you, homie," Taako had said.
"Ah," Magnus had said. That would have been a neat place to end the conversation, but instead, he continued with, "because like, we were hanging out and having fun and stuff, and then Barry came back from- from wherever the fuck he went with Lucretia-"
"Right, the library. And then Lup was like. Not... Lup-like. Y'know?"
"I do not, in fact, know," Taako said.
And then he spent the next thirty minutes, diving a little too deep into what Magnus had noticed about Lup's body language (Taako never wanted to hear an analysis of how he and his sister interacted with people again. But he supposed being stuck on a spaceship with six other people tends to put you through the mortifying act of being known much more than you would like.) and her word choice and all of that and all Taako really got from it was "Magnus is a fucking creep who likes to watch us like a fucked up science experiment".
But now that it had been pointed out? Yeah. Yeah. Lup was acting weird. She would stop halfway through a conversation if Barry came into the room. And she seemed to go out of her way to avoid interacting with him directly. One day, they had been making dinner, and Lup straight up left the kitchen when Barry came in for something. Either they had somehow had a fight without anyone noticing or Lup had caught a bad case of Feelings. And Taako was pretty sure he'd know if Lup had gotten Feelings for Barry, so it had to have been a fight.
So, like any good brother, that also meant Taako was now Against Barry. Did he know what the fight was about? No. Did he care? Maybe a little bit. Barry had seemed chill but now Taako wasn't sure. Like, they were nineteen years into this and that might seem like a lot for some people (cough cough, Magnus), but that wasn't even a tenth of Taako and Lup's lifespan before the mission. Yeah, sure, he liked them well enough, but he was ride or die with Lup. But hopefully the dying wouldn't happen too much.
It was two weeks after his conversation with Magnus in the kitchen when Lup approached him. Or rather, Taako walked into their room and Lup immediately said,
"What the hell has your problem been with Barry lately?"
Taako paused. He shut the door. And then he turned back to Lup, squinting at her.
"What's been your problem with Barry lately?" Taako asked, because he wasn't going to rise to whatever bait this was.
"What's my prob- I'm not the one avoiding him!" Lup said. "You're making him feel weird!"
"I'm avoiding him because you're avoiding him, doofus," Taako said, calmly, like an adult. He sat on his bunk (the bottom one this week, as scheduled) and crossed his legs. Lup was sitting on top of the desk that was shoved into the corner, holding a notepad in her hands.
"I- what?" Lup said. "Since when was I avoiding Barry?"
"Since like, two weeks ago," Taako said. "Three weeks?" How long has Magnus said again? "Three weeks now."
"I have not-"
"You leave the room whenever he's there," Taako said, holding up a finger to start counting. "You talk weirdly to him. You've stopped looking at him-"
"'Cause he's weird," Lup said.
"Yeah, but he's been weird for the last twenty years, bud!" Taako said. "He's not gotten any weirder this cycle! The only thing I've seen him do is fuck with the robot parts and we're all doing that. I don't know what kind of fight you had but obviously, if you don't wanna be around Barry anymore, then we're not gonna hang around Barry anymore. The world can end as many times as it wants but we're still gotta be a team about things, dumbass. It's bond science, or whatever the fuck."
"What fight have I had with Barry?" Lup asked, looking genuinely confused now. "Did he- did he say I had a fight with him?"
"He-" Taako paused. Closed his mouth. "...No. But your avoiding him, so like, cha'boy assumed-"
"Babe, I didn't have a fight with Barry," Lup said with a little nervous laugh. "I just- y'know. He's weird."
"Again, Barold has been weird for much longer than we've known him," Taako said. "So if you're not avoiding him for it, then there's really no other- oh, shit."
"Taako," Lup said warningly.
"Oh, shit," Taako said. He slammed his hands down on the bed. "You caught Feeling for Barry!"
"Shh!!" Lup said, gesturing for him to be quieter.
"You've got romantic feelings towards Barold J. Bluejeans," Taako said. "D'you hear those words I just said? Do you know how fucking ridiculous that sounds? Like, what the fuck would that couple name even be-"
"Taako," Lup groaned, sinking into a heap on the desk.
"Barup," Taako said. "Larry."
"Taako!" Lup was now sliding off the desk, her head in her hands. "Shut the fuck up!"
"I think this is the best day of my life," Taako said. "You've got feelings for the guy who keeps getting his fingers burned by the toaster."
"It's a hard toaster to navigate-" Lup started.
"Do you even hear yourself right now?" Taako said, absolutely delighted. "Lup, be honest, are you avoiding him because you've forgotten how to talk to him like a normal person? Does talking to the guy who dresses in the same stupid outfit every day make you embarrassed?"
"I hate your fucking guts," Lup said. "You can't tell anyone- I'm gonna make you take a blood pact-"
"Lup, I rolled a nineteen, you gotta tell me," Taako said, climbing off the bed to sit next to her on the floor. "It's important. What the hell about that man is attractive to you? I mean, the ass, obviously-"
"Gods, the ass," Lup sighed. "In those jeans."
"Lup," Taako begged, on the brink of laughter. "You gotta be goofing me. You gotta be."
"But you've seen the ass," Lup said, as if that explained everything. Maybe it did. "Like, you've seen the ass-"
"Too many times," Taako said. "I want my eyes removed from my skull."
"Yeah," Lup said dreamily. Taako was going to lord this over her for years. A crush on Barry Bluejeans, good gods. She's had space madness. Taako was going to ride this serotonin into cycle twenty.
"...Do I actually have to take a blood pact for this, though?" Taako asked. "Like, I'm not gonna tell everyone-" Just Magnus, to prove him wrong that they hadn't been fighting, thank you very much. And Davenport, for like, mission safety. And Lucretia, so she could accurately write their interaction down. And maybe Merle, too, actually-
Maybe Magnus had been right about this body language stuff. Taako had got to get more dets from him later.
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singlecrow · 10 months
For the fic meme! Any of these that you feel like answering I'd love to hear about! I saw in an earlier ask that one of your 'guilty pleasures' is miserable h/c and also I know you love your AUs so I'm following up on those by asking:
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
L: What’s the weirdest AU you’ve ever come up with?
and I swear I didn't just go down the alphabet in order on purpose but I'd also be very curious to know:
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
Hi Rosie! thank you for these excellent questions I like them a lot!
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
I tend to dither about angsty ideas and then go ahead and write them anyway. The angstiest story I have ever written (in modern times? I was much worse about this when I first started writing fic) is Samhain (when you hear the river rising). Hawkeye, in that one, turns out to (maybe?) be escaping within his mind from a horrible abusive reality. It's meant to be a scary story, but it came down on the angst as well as creepy sides. There's also a couple of apocalyse AUs in various fandoms, and this odd dystopian MASH AU though the notes say I wrote it for a friend so maybe it wasn't entirely my idea!
One thing I don't do even in angsty stories, though, is violence against women. It's a conscious decision which I've always stuck to. I'm not sure why that's different, but it feels like it.
Also, I am way in my Murderbot feels and I don't think that's a fandom you and I share but I hope you'll forgive me for manifesting an idea that is lingering at the back of my mind that I don't want to write! really don't! but is sticking with me anyway.
For the Murderbot folk then: on this reread I've been wondering about the canon divergence AU where Murderbot doesn't have the hacked governor module on the first PreservationAux survey. Everything goes wrong similarly, but without it, the PresAux gang don't escape. But, Mensah can't be killed by GreyCris because killing a major political leader will start a full-on war.
So this is a cheerful story that starts with Murderbot killing the rest of PresAux and then standing guard over Mensah while the corporates try and negotiate with her as a hostage. BUT. as we know, the governor module doesn't change an individual's personality, only their means of expressing it. So it's had the same experiences. it still loves her, it still wants to save her, it just... can't. And she has no idea that it's even a person rather than a faceless killing machine.
The thing is, I think this is a good story! That idea of a prisoner and a captive, Mensah as prisoner in body and Murderbot as prisoner in mind. But, ah. Angst. Maybe.
L: What’s the weirdest AU you’ve ever come up with?
Definitely the roller derby AU. And, I don't know if you'd call it an AU, but triple shot and extra hot raises the important question of what would happen if Starbucks opened an establishment on Deep Space Nine. What I like about that one is it absolutely follows the premise to its logical conclusion. Someone in the comments was like, I thought this was a joke and it was just a series of vignettes of various characters meeting in a cafe but no it's actual Starbucks on actual DS9. I was very proud of myself.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
I am trying to focus on my other work right now so don't have anything fanficcish that I'm working on (except my little project for your exchange). But I'm still really fascinated by the cis girl Hawkeye idea and I've actually got about 2000w of it stowed away. Here is a bit.
“Here,” BJ says, throwing Hawkeye a spare blanket. “Our stove unionised a couple of days back. Better to just wrap up before it goes out.”
Hawkeye grabs it. “Who are you writing to, your wife?”
“Yeah.” BJ pauses, then reaches behind him for another letter, with every inch covered with dense, narrow script. “Listen, what do you think that says?”
Hawkeye follows his pointing finger. “I’m taking Erin to Mom and Dad for a week,” she reads. “That way she’ll get some experience of— huh. Your wife is taking your kid to your in-laws for dysentery?“ 
“I thought diabetes,” BJ says. “Potter thought dressmaking.”
“Dystonia,” Hawkeye says thoughtfully. “Dreams. Dracula.”
“It’s definitely not a capital D,” BJ says. “Which is of course the only reason my wife isn’t taking my daughter to Ohio to meet the king of the vampires."
Hawkeye laughs. It’s warm in here, despite the stove withdrawing its labour, and she’s starting to relax a little as the nightmare lifts. “You settling in okay around here, then?” she asks. “I remember my first few weeks. They were brutal.”
“Yeah,” BJ says, holding up his hands. He’s looking at Hawkeye like he’s never seen her before: Hawkeye in bathrobe over pyjamas and sweatshirt. Hawkeye is average height for a woman, which makes her about a foot shorter than BJ, and keeps her hair tied back in plaits. She never eats enough because the food here tastes like used sanitary napkins, so she’s slighter and more angular than she was in civilian life. She knows that if she hadn’t met BJ off the transport plane; if she hadn’t been driven him across hostile country for forty miles while being shot at, he would think she was fragile.
“Hey,” BJ says gently. “How’d you end up doing this? If you don’t mind my asking.”
Hawkeye tilts her head. “If you mean, how does a woman end up doing this, then that’s what you should say.”
“You.” BJ is stubborn. “I figure, you and I are going to be working together a while. Why shouldn’t we get to know each other?”
“You’ve just got a ‘satiable curiosity, haven’t you, Dr Hunnicutt?” Hawkeye murmurs, worrying the frayed edge of her sleeve between two fingers.
“I have to,” BJ says. “Not like there’s much else to do, here on the banks of the great grey-green greasy Limpopo.”
So I would like to finish that! But it has a plot and stuff, which I don't have time for right now. In due course.
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maverickcalf · 6 months
mitch/rob + “Keep talking, your voice helps me sleep.”
Rivals AU. It just came to me!
He… he didn't just do what he thought he did, did he? He didn't just pass out in the middle of an important meeting. If he did that there was no way he would get the contract.
But as Rob blinked and the world came back into focus, he was surprised and frustrated because the man crouched down next to him, hand on his back, was his Rival.
Mitch McDeere. And he was even more handsome up close. 
He could see his stubble, had he not been shaving as much? It was a good look on him. Made him want to surge forward and cup his cheek and suck his tongue right there in the conference room.
Rob shook his head, damn, lack of sleep was making thoughts he tried to bury come rushing to the surface. Time to swing out that shovel and put them back into the ground.
His brain must be moving slowly because he was only now just registering that Mitch had helped him to his feet. 
Suddenly every voice in the room was speaking. Asking if he was alright, Rob tried to answer them but it didn't come out clearly.
“I… I am fine.” He had meant to be much more articulate.
His words didn't seem to reach any of them. They were all talking about postponing their decision until he was better.
Better, he was fine. Why wouldn't he be? He was young, he didn't need sleep, he had work to do.
It was then that Rob heard and felt Mitch speak, he was still holding him upright. Rob could smell his cologne. It was… pleasant.
Fuck, was his face red? Rob hoped it wasn't.
“Tomorrow afternoon is quite generous, Slolom, take it.”
Oh, he was whispering. Yeah, his face was burning at that.
Rob nodded slowly, “Thank you.”
The voices told him to get some rest and for some reason, Mitch was helping him out of the office, one arm supporting him, making sure he wasn't going to hit the carpet, the other holding both of their briefcases.
How is McDeere so strong? When he does have the time to stay in-
“Do these contracts really mean so much to you that you can forego all sleep?”
Ah. There it is. Mitch's frustrations. Rob's eyes shut in a flash, he didn't want to see Mitch's anger.
“Can we discuss this some other time? Already feeling pretty awful. Don't need you making things worse McDeere.”
Mitch went quiet before nodding, now speaking softly again. “We are almost to my car, you can rest there.”
Rob wasn't sure how Mitch got him into the passenger seat, but Rob was grateful for it.
And then Mitch began to speak, well, lecture him really. Talking about how reckless he was. How sealing the deal isn't worth it if he has to go to the hospital. And does money really mean that much to him?
And for some reason Rob finds it… soothing. For a bit, he can pretend that someone cares about him. Besides Mitch has a nice voice. Much nicer than most men he fucked around with. Mitch would make a nice boyfriend-
Rob's eyes shot open at that point. No, he didn't deserve that. Besides they were fighting… there is no way-
“Oh sorry. I-” Mitch stuttered, gripping the wheel tighter. “I didn't mean to wake you.”
There was a pause before Rob waved his hand in dismissal, “A bump in the road did that.” Rob lied.
Mitch nodded and both sat in silence for a moment too long.
But then Rob took a deep breath in and out before shutting his eyes, “Keep talking, your voice helps me sleep.”
He swears he can hear Mitch smile before he begins to ramble again.
But maybe that's just wishful thinking on Rob's part.
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lostnfounder · 1 year
[The following is a transcript of an audio interaction that took place between Ruth Shirbon and Chase Bonk.]
Ruth: Thanks for coming with me again, uhm. [She looks away.] I… It’s been a while since I’ve done this.
Chase: Oh, yeah, no problem man. [Slight pause.] Wait, but didn’t you do a stake-out, like... a few days ago??
Ruth: [Shifts uncomfortably.] Yeah, that’s… I meant it’s been a while since I’ve, uhm. Had someone hang around me for longer than about an hour. Regularly. This is a nice change of pace, recently.
Chase: [He furrows his brow.] That’s…
Ruth: [Quietly.] Yeah. 
[Pause detected. Time interval: 15 seconds.]
Chase: I mean, you did kind of…? Kidnap me…?
Ruth: [Snort.] Of course. [Slight pause.] Of... course, that’s the only way I could’ve… gotten someone to stick around.
Chase: I didn’t mean it like that.
Ruth: I know you didn’t. I just… [sigh.] It’s been years since I’ve had an actual friend. The last good one I had had to go back to the UK after his transfer thing was over.
Chase: Ohh, yeah. I know the feeling.
Ruth: [Suddenly sounds a bit curious.] Yeah?
Chase: ... I just kinda said that without thinking. I dunno.
Ruth: Oh.
[A pause, about six seconds.]
Chase: But maybe I do know. I... It's... My brain's all fuckin'... foggy, man.
Ruth: Yeeeeaaah, that's... not surprising.
Chase: Oh my god, don't bring me forgetting the mail for a week into this again-
Ruth: [Rustling as they raise their arms up defensively.] I didn't say it!
Chase: Uuuuggghhh, bro. This is what I get for trying to open up to you.
Ruth: What!!! No, no, you can- You can open up to me.
[A pause, about five seconds.]
Chase: ... I swear you just batted your eyelashes at me.
Ruth: WOW. I WOULD NEVER. OKAY. [Giggling.]
Chase: [Laughing.] Ohhh, my god. [He sighs, resuming a more serious tone.] But... It's like... when I go to think about my life before... streaming, it's... a blur.
Ruth: ... Streaming??
Chase: UHHHHH.
Ruth: What streaming?
Chase: Exactly! What streaming??? [Really, just, incredibly forced laughter.]
Ruth: Chase.
Chase: Uuuugh. Okay, fine. I... Have you ever heard of a guy called Slimecicle?
Ruth: Nah. Never been much of a... like, livestream viewer type of guy.
Chase: That... checks out.
Ruth: [Joking scoff.] What does that mean-
Chase: Lemme finish! Shh! [Quiet laughter.] But, ah. They had me... impersonate him. Uh. Take over for him. So I could... work weird hours because... demons don't really get... fatigued. The way humans do, I mean.
Ruth: By weird hours do you mean...
Chase: [Deep sigh.] All the fucking time, man, literally. I'd end one stream, and then- and then thirty fucking minutes later, 'Hey guys! It's me, Slimecicle, back with another goopy, gooey stream!!'
Ruth: Jesus.
Chase: I-I think I was their favorite. That's... I streamed the most, out of everyone there, I think. [More forced laughter, but it trails off.]
Ruth: That's awfu- Wait, there were others? How many others? Holy shit, are- are all livestreamers just demons?? Working for Showfall??
Chase: No.
Ruth: Oh.
Chase: Just the Twitch ones.
Ruth: Oh.
Chase: Uh, anyways, but. Yeah. Everything before that... is... nothing. That's the real reason I haven't been telling you anything.
Ruth: ... Thanks for trusting me with it, though, uhm. I know I haven't exactly been the most friendly to you.
Chase: What? No, no, you have.
Ruth: ... I kidnapped you.
Chase: Well, yeah, but. All things considered... Well, I could've left already if you made me want to, man.
Ruth: And get past my killer alert skills? Hah. Not likely.
Chase: Ruth. I'm a demon.
Ruth: ... Okay, yeah, true. You... got me there. [Slight rustling as she turns to look at him.] So you... want to stay?
Chase: [Puff of air being blown out.] Well, I'd rather my house wasn't literally right on Hell Incorporated's doorstep, but.
Ruth: [Snort.]
Chase: Yeah, man. I think I'm gonna stick around. [He smiled when he said this, I remember.]
Ruth: ... Oh. Uhm. Thank you.
Chase: Yeah, yeah. I'll be here for your questions, don't worry. [Lighthearted chuckle.]
Ruth: Right. Yep. That's what I want. That's... still the reason behind all of this.
[Silence, about 15 seconds.]
Chase: So in the wake of Slugmo's, uh, passing, right, I've been thinking: Slugmo Two.
Ruth: Chase I barely have enough money for groceries, I am not buying you another children's to-
[Rustling as the recording device is reached for and then shut off. Transcript end.]
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genderenvyninja · 2 years
"Espio, that's not fair!" Silver yelled "I know you're invisible and this is cheating!"
"It's against the rules to use your powers!" he looked behind the couch
"Even Sonic respected that!" he added while looking under the table
"I know you're a ninja, but ninjas don't disappear if you don't use their powers and- HA!" he opened the closet quickly only to find it empty "Oh come on!"
"We all want to go to a new match, it's Charmy's turn to be the seeker! Just turn yourself in and I won't tell anyone you're using the powers!"
The albino hedgehog groaned in annoyance, he didn't know the Wachowski house as well as his own, he wouldn't have known of some super secret hiding place Espio might be hiding in, he had looked literally everywhere! He was really running out of options now, a creaking sound of boards caught his attention and made him look back and…there was nothing, the noise was heard again and it made him spin again but there was nothing, that's when the noise was gone heard for the third time the psychic realized he was the source of the noise this made him rub his temples. He couldn't use his powers – even if Espio was clearly breaking the rules, he wouldn't stoop to that level – so all he had left was to trust his senses, the hedgehog took a deep breath and closed his eyes
Makes sense, he's a ninja, and ninjas don't make noise, but he can't hide his scent
Silver started to sniff the room for the scent of lavender that belonged to the chameleon's scarf, but the scent was infested in the room, Espio couldn't be everywhere! Or he can, he's very fast, the hedgehog pondered, but if he couldn't distinguish the chameleon's scent, couldn't hear it and couldn't see him, how the hell would he finish this game?! The psychic had already checked literally every corner of the house, but the chameleon was just nowhere to be found! This was a hopeless case, but Silver was too proud to give it up, not when he's this close! It was really getting hard to keep his psychokinesis to himself, it didn't like having to be stuck and was popping with irritation in his head, which the psychic thought was fair since he had been looking for the ninja for over twenty minutes! He had tried looking under the furniture, on the ceiling, in the Wachowski brothers' bedroom, in the attic of the house, in the backyard where everyone was waiting for him, outside the house, inside the closets, he had tried to be nice, he had tried to bribe him with the cookies he liked so much, hurt his honor as a ninja, but literally nothing worked! He didn't have much time to think of another strategy, as his thoughts were interrupted when his foot caught on something and his balance was lost, the psychic fell on something… soft? He opened his eyes quickly only to see that he was on top of a pillow
A pillow that wasn't there.
The couch was on the other side of the room, it was impossible for that pillow to have stopped there by accident and that only made his psychokinesis bubble up inside him "I knew it!" he yelled "You're using your powers, cheater!" Silver waved his arms trying to hit an invisible target, he awkwardly stood up still throwing his arms in every possible direction "If I catch you I swear I will-AH!" he stumbled once more, and once again the cushion appeared under him, but this time he had seen the origin of it
Silver got up quickly and went to the left, he was kicking the air now too, I have to hit at least one! The hedgehog didn't hit anything but this time there was no silence, a chuckle was heard, low enough that no one could hear it, but too loud to be Espio's laugh, and that meant… "Are you making fun of me?" he said offended as he kicked the air more angrily now, this only made the giggles increase slightly "You know what? I'm done being nice!" he bellowed and let his psychokinesis flow and in the blink of an eye the entire room was covered in bright cyan, including the invisible source of cute laughs "HA!" With his opponent found, he freed the environment except the chameleon, and zoomed in on the shape that was slowly returning to its usual magenta hue
"You found me" Espio said calmly
"Your cheater!" he growled "I can't believe you was invisible all this time!"
"Actually I wasn't" he shrugged his arms when he was freed from the psychic grip "I was hiding in the closets until you started saying I was invisible" he might have known Espio only for a while but he was sure there was a shit smile under the cloth that covered his snout "We can say you just gave me... a idea" he chuckled lightly at the offended face the psychic made "And you kick really bad even" Silver huffed and crossed his arms angrily, turning his head to the other side
"What to know? I'm mad at you" the hedgehog didn't even look at the chameleon
"Serious?" he said with a chuckle
"Yes! I'll tell the others that you were using your powers"
"You were too" the little shit hummed
"Yes, but it was to find you!"
"And it was fun" he said shrugging his shoulders
"I spent over twenty minutes looking for you!" your irritating giggle reached your ears again
"Speaking of which, I accept the cookie proposal" Silver huffed in offense
"No cookies for you!" he turned to go to the backyard path, the ninja followed him
"We can mix it with ice cream" he hummed
Tempting. Really tempting.
"And I can teach you to kick" the hedgehog glared at the ninja who kept his mocking eyes unwavering
"I will not fall for your bribe!" he stuck out his tongue and it made the other one laugh, not softly like he always did, this time he laughed much louder than anything he had ever heard from the chameleon, any anger inside the hedgehog must have probably dissipated by the unusual action , but it didn't last long until he stopped laughing and opened his mouth again
"I can teach you to kick and punch then, what do you think?"
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dcviated · 7 months
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@psychcdelica sent: Wylan's made the mistake of leaving his phone somewhere his wife can get to it. She's quick with changing the lack screen of his phone, certainly a picture he's going to appreciate.
Not to toot his horn more than it needs to be (i.e. never), but pulling a fast one on Wylan takes a certain care of execution. He is, after all, the self-proclaimed prince badass king emperor of mischief himself. And it was those accolades of atrocity that lead to him being so notable by Sae in the first place. It should prove no surprise that it would rub off on the lawyer. Somewhat.
Too much of this marriage and she might actually crack a joke in the court room. Like, could you imagine??
Wylan certainly does. The agent has actually had a variety of dreams that were tinted with similar notions. Among other things. That of course can be chalked up to the newlywed phase of said marriage. Only a year into it and he never imagined the wild sorts of events that would transpire. The room decor (praise Funyarinpa) and active lifestyles had brought so much liberation to the once sentenced man.
Sae had excellent timing on pulling off this trick. Wylan isn't protective of his phone (and the need to stay open given his history meant it wasn't kept under abundant security as before) but he's also not forgetful of it. Usually. Clever girl got it when he left to go grab something from the kitchen, didn't she.
Brrt brrt!!
It was close though. Not a moment after she managed the swaparoo does the phone sound off with a notification (work message).
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"Jiiiiin. I swear. If that grump keeps trying to argue that fucking case... it's 8pm on a Tuesday. I'll see him tomorrow." The grumbling is in good faith. But the clink of wine glasses is a little louder than need be as he snatches what he needs to bring back to the table. "This wine.... pairs with the cheese, right? ...gah, for all the parties I've gone to I never really paid much attention to it outside a script. Ah well!"
Coming back with the two cans of beer for them to enjoy with the plate of snacks that had been set out prior, he picks up the phone to read, but. Hello new lock screen?!?! Sae gets to see the reaction first hand. Wylan freezes in place, wide eyes poring over each pixel of the picture. Mouth hangs open and lascivious green gaze sliiiides off the picture and onto the woman herself.
You're not hiding your own smile, Sae. You may be thoroughly undressed in that photo but the same is being done right now by his eyes as you sit coyly on the sofa. Your time is numbered.
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"And what is this number? Hon hon hon..." The deep throated laughter is complimented by the slide of his tongue behind his lip as his brows dance. A heated exhale as a more plotting noise of amusement escapes his throat. "Oh. You're bad." A swig is taken of the wine before he sets it on the table, sliding over and on top of the woman. "Bad bad bad... so bad." There's a playful growl once he reaches her ear, straddled over Sae as she continues to feebly feign her innocence.
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"But I'm worse."
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colaloli · 1 year
A Bite of Happiness- Kasumi June Bride 2023 4☆ card story -part 2-
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(Break Area) 
Kasumi: Thanks for waiting! 
Saki: Good work today, Kasumi-san. 
Kasumi: I'd love to hear your impressions about the show, but first things first, it's our much awaited cake time~
I had them chilled in the kitchen….. Oh~ it looks so good~
Saki: Thank you for preparing the plates. 
Kasumi: This is a mob's job so don't mind it. 
Saki-san's is the Chocolate cake, and mine is the Shortcake. 
We better eat it before somebody sniffs it out. 
Saki: Fufu, you're right. Bon appetit. 
Kasumi: ...... Yum~ it's delicious! 
Having cake time with Saki-san after a show feels like a luxury~
I might get addicted to this. 
Saki: Sweets are good for a tired body, aren't they? The show was an absolute delight. 
Kasumi-san's 'angel' left a deep impact. 
Kasumi: If Saki-san says so, then the efforts I put into my role was all worth it. 
At first, it was quite confusing for me to make my presence known through my voice~
Saki: Is that so? 
Kasumi: But all those difficult moments were completely blown away when Saki-san praised me. 
Saki: I'm glad to hear that. 
Kasumi: On a different note, this cake is delicious. How is yours? 
Saki: It's also delicious. It makes me quite curious about the other flavors. 
Kasumi: Ohh~ well then, have a bite from mine~
Saki: Ehh? Is that okay?
Kasumi: Of course. If it's for Saki-san, I'll especially give you the best part of it.
Saki: Wah, thank you very much. Okay then, I'll have some. 
Kasumi: How is it? 
Saki: It's delicious! Well then, have a taste from my cake, too. 
Kasumi: Oh~ I'll take it without reservation then~
(Cg end) 
Kasumi: The chocolate cake is good, too. I'll have to check out that cake shop again in the near future. 
Ah. I just remembered, they do something like this at weddings, too. What was that thing called?
Saki: At weddings….?
Kasumi: I got it, The "first bite". It was very wedding-like just now, wasn't it? 
Saki: *startled* Ehh?! 
Kasumi: Ah—I'm sorry. I swear that wasn't meant to be sexual harassment! 
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