#i swear to god that the girls they have on the phone dont exist because they literally only do something 1/15 of the time
chewablepebbles · 1 year
No matter what the tests say on Monday I'm going to be fine. I'm going to be so kick ass. I just need to know. I feel like I'm going to throw up.
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d3stinyist1red · 26 days
ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ʟɪɢʜᴛ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴘᴀʀᴛ 𝟸
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yan light who is the sassiest man you've ever met
yan light who literally looks at Misa up and down in such disgust, it literally its like a popular mean girl looking at a nerd like damn hoe
yan light who wraps his arms around you, and literally says the sweetest things to you but then when it's Misa, he acts like she doesnt even exist
yan light who tells you he has to pretend to be misa's bf crying, like he's actually crying tears, blood, sweat, and everything
"b-babbyyy!! I d-dont wanna be wit-with that g-girl, I pro-promise!!"
"wife, does this mean I'm free?"
"Y/n L/n, leave me and I swear to God, i will roam the fucking earth searching for you."
yan light who even a complete stranger could tell he doesn't like Misa at all compared to you, he literally hugs you in public, kiss your jaw, hold your arm, hand, meanwhile with Misa, the farthest thing he has ever done was pat her shoulder 💀
yan light who in college, spends all his free time searching for you to hang out
yan light who memorizes your schedule, waiting outside your class whenever the bell rings
yan light who now sleep over at your house because he loves searching through your closet, searching for a hoodie that smells the most like you
yan light who literally thinks of ways to absolutely destroy ur TV and phone, he's quite literally only in some tight black shorts and ur hoodie and u don't wanna devour him??? Why tf are you tryna watch Tom and friends when he's literally there suggesting sex
yan light who you don't pay attention to all night, watching some Tom and friends cuz that shit mad entertaining, and light is over here rubbing his thighs together, glaring at the TV
Yan light who grabs you hand and puts it on his thighs, making your hand grip them.
Yan light who looks at you for a reaction, but you were STILL not bothering to look at him,
yan light who was pissed and sassy at you the whole night, turning his back to you and huffing, furrowed eyebrows
"hey, aren't ya gonna hug me? im cold"
Yan light who scoffs but turns around and begins to cuddle you, head between your boobies, forgetting why he was mad in the first place
yan light who wants to cut handcuffs on both you and him so you'll NEVER be seprated from him, literally wanting to bawl and cry at the thought of him without you
yan light who feels like he cant breath without you
yan light who literally thinks about the worst thing happening to you when you dont answer his call or text within a minute, about to start pulling at his hair and chewing on his nails with a crazy look on his face
yan light who memorizes your voice, the way you walk, the way you eat, the way you clean and everything just because hes that obsessed over you
yan light who is so close to using his death note on misa just because she managed to small talk you, glaring at her with such hatred you would think she killed his dog or sum
yan light who always making sure he holds the door open for your and giving you snacks when you dont have any
yan light who buys you things you've been recently talking about, telling you he deserves a kiss for what he did for u
yan light who is ur jealous lil wife <333
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twst-random · 2 years
Ace is definitely that one friend that defends his friends when they’re being made fun of
“Epel, are these the guys?” Ace asked
“Ace— It’s fine really, you don’t have to do anything-“ Epel tried
“Nono, I just want to talk to them 😇” Ace innocently said
Epel knowing that innocent tone tried to stop Ace
Epel couldn’t do anything to stop Ace
“Uhh.. what’s happening here??” Deuce asked confused on why Ace was yelling at 3 second years
“Apparently Epel got insulted by those guys and now Ace is going off on them” Jack replied while eating popcorn
“Oh okay”
“Yeah, but they deserve it tbh” Answered Jack
“Oh? What’s happening and why is Ace yelling at those 3?” Vil suddenly approached as he happened to walk by
Deuce yelped as he heard the pretty mans voice
“Oh uh- uhm.. mm…—“ Deuce tried replying but got interrupted by Aces shouting
“Hmm.. all because of my sweet potato? Interesting..” Vil mumbled
They then immediately switched their attention to Ace violating the 3 second years
One of the second years was about to open their mouth to defend themselves but quickly got silenced by Ace
“NUH-UH, YOU DONT GET TO SPEAK. Oh you… you were the one who told Epel he’s girl and will never be a boy.😐”
Epel looked down when Ace said that. Some people would make fun of him for being trans and pick on him for that reason
“Since you can’t shut your transphobic mouth i’ll fucking super glue it. If i hear your mouth ONE MORE FUCKING TIME I WILL LITERALLY PUNCH YOU.” Ace angrily said
“Well my bad I wanted to point out that shes a girl pretending to be a boy!” One of the second year yelled
Ace got real mad after hearing that.
“shut yo skin tone chicken bone google chrome no home flip phone disowned ice cream cone garden gnome extra chromosome metronome dimmadome genome full blown monochrome student loan indiana Jones overgrown flintstone x and y hormone friend zone sylvester stallone sierra lain autozone professionally men silver patrone suck my ding dong head ass pubg fortnite flip phone remote control dreilly auto parts silver bronze ash amiibo uv light pen sushi ramen harrison ford gamer bitch ass virgin lamp thermometor lean mean string bean charlie sheen limousine canteen trampoline serpentine antihistamine wolverine submarine unclean nectarine broken gene halloween defective spleen smokescreen lames dean putting green tiny peen anti vaccine aquamarine eugene extra green nicotine vamline jellybean magazine protein lightnings mcqueen vending machine wharchu mean Ocean Man by Ween head ass with hisuglybass snag a toothass bitch fucking rat ass bitch breath smell like fucking metal and toxic gas fuckign uglybass hoe bitch get yp and make tour own sandwich im toed of this bitch looking like a fucking lob chopper with hs ugly ass you fucking ugly ass coco nut ass built bitch you fucking iphone 11 built like ass hoe built like a stuffed fucking purse fat ass bitch looking like a white little boys fucking hairline fucking annoying ass bitch, looking like that bitch Rom ratatouille ugly ass bitch you fucking no for nothing ass bitch smelling like fucking acid dirty ass bullet bag ass hoe built like my none existent ass bitch BUILT LIKE A WHOLE MCDONALDS MENU BOARD IN THE DRIVE THRU CUBE ASS BITCH UR BUILT LIKE AN !PHONE 11 CRACKED BITCH ASS BROKEN PHONE ASS BITCH LOOKIN ASS BITCH LOOK LIKE THAT MONA LISA ASS BITCH FROM RATA-RC/UWE BITCH LOOKING LIKE A MONA LISA GONE WRONG U LOOK LIKE KIRA WHEN HE GOT RAN OVER STUPID BITCH ASS LOOKIN LIKE ASS OF UP BEFORE I WILL PERSONALLY SEND MY FUCKING FISTS TO YOUR FACE. And i swear to FUCKING god why the fuck is your bubble gum dum dum belt buckle banana truphle Huned Knuckle knuckle Jones underground flint stone x and y friend zoned Sylvester Stallone Sierra Leone auto zone professionally seen silver Patrons stone cheek bone alone cyclone homegrown jawbone postpone unknown megaphone un grown hydrozone moricone muscle tone safety stone microphone progesterone mountain anemone bone grown allophone cyclone ankle bone leave me alone tik tok knock knock 12 O'Clock Plug walk Millie walk night hawk peacock moon walk engine block interlock penny stalk after talk alarm clock interspawk sour dock down the block poison hemlock jay walk chalk walk hawk squawk electrical shock metamorphic rock sedimentary rock my glock has a lock lack sack six pack lack around the track pack the snack in a crack Kodak black backpack feedback attack a kodiak asma attack in my back data track maniac telephone rack in my stack bushwhack dentist plaque bumper track heart attack hack tac quack quack flack pack in rack tippy tap slap the baseball cap frap trap crap nap gap zap trap lap whack back lap tap handicap weather map hair air sac track comeback halfback knickknack bounce back hatchback look back extra tax macaque pack back unstuck clack lunch snack or treat smell rycovenantmustdie feet tweet tweet on the street so fucking annoying. 😐😐” Ace finished his 5 page 20 paragraph per page, and he said that in ONE breath gawh lord lordy
“Ace I understand that you wanted to defend your friends, but did you really have to say that?” Riddle scolded his favorite dorm mate
“They had it coming smh”
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I am literally cryingI WROTE THIS AT 3:43am and i have school RUHGAHHHJAJAJ
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jenlvr01 · 3 years
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Pairing : Jaehyun x Reader
Genre : Greek God Mafia Au !
Warnings : Cursing , mention of drugs and violence.
Summary : Jaehyun Or in The underworld He is Known As The King or people would call him Hades. Ruthless, Cold and a selfish Bastard. One day Everything changed when He laid His Eyes On the most beautiful maiden he has ever seen but The problem is...he doesn’t wanna fall in love.
Notes: Yall i suggest you listen to Bad romance by Lady gaga While Reading this! And also this is my first time posting something on tumblr hehehejais sorry if there is any grammar errors english is not my first language T^T                                                                                                                                             
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  “Damn where the fuck is Jeno” Jaehyun Sighed as He sat on his Gold throne inside the biggest and darkest castle in the underworld. Everybody feared him and would tremble at the mention of his name.
“Hello Your grumpy Highness” Jeno Rolled his Eyes At him as He handed Him a Letter. Jaehyun Looked at Jeno and shook his head.
“You do know i can Take your life right at this very moment if you keep up that attitude of yours” Jaehyun Glared at The poor boy and Jeno just bowed and walked away.
There are Three worlds that exists. The first one is Heaven where all the Gods And Goddesses live. Second Earth where Humans And Some demi Gods Live and Lastly the Underworld Ruled By Jaehyun Where he punishes all the bad people and The Corrupt Gods And Goddesses are thrown.
Jaehyun opened the letter for it to be an invitation to the Heavenly Ball. Jaehyun receives one every year but he never once attended these kind of gatherings and he is always labeled as A VIP guest . He just thinks its a waste of time and silly but this year he wanted to Go For a change
“Hey Mark” he called Mark His Guard and Personal Assistant “Yes Your Highness” he Bowed slightly and was preparing to throw the invitation “Get dressed in The finest suit you Have..we are going to this damn Ball” He stood up and left Mark with a confused Look. “Your highness why are you going?” He asked afraid and was sweating cold sweats
“I wanted to go for a change..besides i wanna see my brothers ” he smirked as he opened the main door.
He dressed in the finest Suit that he had and his slick back hair that made him look 10x more intimidating.
Mark drove him to the venue also looking as dashing as ever. When they arrived at the venue it looked like everybody saw a ghost except for his 3 brothers ofcourse. Mark Followed Jaehyun Quietly at a distance
“FINALLY SOMEONE WENT OUT OF THAT DAMN HELL HOLE AFTER A LONG TIME” Taeyong Screamed Happily while approaching his Brother. Taeyong The God of The sky and Thunder happily approached his brother with champagne. Winwin Just sighed at the sight of Taeyong screaming so loud to the point where everybody had their eyes on them.
“Taeyong I swear to God lower your damn voice” he smacked his Brother at the back of his head
“So What made you attend this event this year My dear brother” he casually approached his brother and took a sip of his champagne.
All the Goddesses had their eyes on Him. Whispering endless thoughts and probably thirsting about how hot he is. Meanwhile all of the Gods Are starting to Fume with anger because all of the Women’s eyes were on him.
“I also dont know i felt like i needed to go here for a change” he took a sip of his champagne.
Johnny The God Of the Sun Approached Jaehyun and His Brothers
“Jaehyun im surprised to see you here my friend” he looked at him with disbelief.
Johnny and Jaehyun along with his brothers are Good Friends And they also run a business along with a few friends In The Underworld.
“Yeah i just went here for an appearance i really cant believe You attend something like this every year” he tsked and looked around the place as His brothers continue chatting With Johnny
Whispers and loud chattering can be heard. Loud music can Be Heard and the sight of Gods And Goddesses Flirting can be seen. The thought of love and flirting has never crossed Jaehyun’s mind. He had too much On his plate to be Even thinking about matters like those.
Jaehyun’s one and only rule? Never fall in Love For It will destroy you. Jaehyun saw what love did to humans and other Gods and Goddesses and he thought it was Stupid.
“Im Gonna go Out Where is The garden?” Jaehyun asked Taeyong and he answered with a smile “go straight then turn left you’ll see a glass door” jaehyun nodded and Mark followed with a glass of wine in his hands.
“Sooo are you enjoying this party your highness?” Mark asked with wiggly eyes brows
“Fuck no This was a wrong decision to come here..How are the transport on the drugs?”
“Its alright the same as usual no need to worry”  as he looked up and saw bright colors and expensive gold on the ground and walls “Good Make sure Nothing Goes Wrong. Tell Jeno To Gather The Team to Monitor the transport we need to be careful this is a huge amount make sure it doesn’t Get stolen” Mark Does a bow and said “yes Your Highness” Jaehyun nodded and dismissed Mark.        He Was faced With A very elegant Glass door The doorknobs made with diamonds and rubies. Slowly he Opened The Door to be greeted by The scent of Hyacinths. He slowly walked over the stone path. He Never really gets to see flowers back in The Underworld because no living thing can survive in the underworld.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 “oh My God What happened to You. You  poor thing let me fix You Up real quick”  You said in a concern voice looking at the dead flowers in the Garden. You placed your hand on top of the flower and used a tiny bit of your powers to heal the flowers. You smiled and giggled at the sight of healthy flowers. Yes You are the Goddess of vegetation and Fertility.                                                                                                                                                                                             You never really wanted to attend these kind of Parties. You Just feel so out of place and uncomfortable with all the people surrounding you and all. The thought of it makes you sick. You sighed as You drank Wine and slowly leaned back onto the tree. It was a nice view. The garden was filled with  many green and colorful Plants. You'd really Rather spend your day here rather than talking to people.                                                                                                                  You Fished out your phone from your Pocket To call Jisung the cupid and Your bestfriend ofc.                                                                                                          “Jisung are you really not gonna attend this event? I have no friends here seriously i was forced By Naeun That's why I'm here” You groaned when you heard Him laugh " I told You You need to stay away from that girl" He laughed even harder when he heard How annoyed You were “ Let me Guess You are either at some random room in the mansion or you are at the garden ”You did a little snap and said “BINGO! I'm at the garden " You chuckled “anyways i need to go get more wine please pick me up later" you can feel him smiling through the phone and said “okay okay ill pick u up bye” he suddenly ended the call and all you could do was stare at the phone with disbelief. "Woah I cant believe this man He suddenly - “ You suddenly turned to your side and bumped into a God...well probably the most handsome God You have ever laid your Eyes on. He shut his eyes shut and sighed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           “Oh my God I'm So sorry" You panicked because he seemed like he was having a bad day and he looked so pissed at the sight of wine staining his Suit  “damn Woman watch where Your Going.” As He opened his eyes you could feel his hot gaze pierce through you skull. “ I'm really so sorry about this......’’ You looked at him and gave him the “what's your name??” Kind of look.                                                                                                                                                       “ You don't know me??” Jaehyun asked because he couldn’t believe it.                “yeah I don't know you so I uh...may I know your name??’’                                                                                                                                                                       he smirked and leaned down to whisper in her ears                                                                                                                                                                        “My name is Jaehyun”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Oh God
TimeTraveler!Son x Haikyuu!! Part 2
a/n: hehe i wouldnt put ‘x haikyuu’ if manager y/n ends up with that certain character. youll just have to,,,, wait for the end 😏
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he didnt want to lie but he had to so he could survive
hinata offered his hand to help him up and natsu winced at the scratches and the slight headache as he stood on his two feet
‘you okay?’
hinata asked and natsu nodded
‘yea, just a headache’
natsu tried to play it off as cooly as he could bc this must’ve been from the car hit before and he couldnt just say he got ran over by a damn car
‘where do you live? i can go and treat your wounds there’
natsu was about to respond but he remembers hes not in tokyo anymore and he cant just spout out his address
so he did the thing his mom told him to do whenever it was necessary
he lied
he fumbled for an excuse but he sighed to maintain the act
‘i got kicked out’
he mumbled and hinata had to make him repeat it twice because he said it so quietly
the tangerine boy gasped and held his arms
‘what?! why?!’
natsu sniffled
‘my dad,,,, he just,,, doesnt want me’
well, that was actually true
so a true statement could equal that lie, right?
thankfully, hinata bought it and he grabbed his arm to walk forward while his other was pushing his bike
‘i hit you with my bike so the least i could do is take you to my house and treat you!’
and that was what they did
natsu’s phone was dead even though he was sure he charged it from denki’s powerbank during practice but it remained its black screen no matter how many times he hit the power button
his surroundings was also something unfamiliar
his mother only kept him in tokyo and never took him to go visit her family because she was kicked out and had to go live with her auntie when she found out about him and his father refused to help her
‘so, sendai, huh?’
he mumbled and hinata looked at him confused
‘sounds like youre not from around here. where you from?’
he replied and saw hinata’s eyes brighten
‘oh?! you look like youre my age so you must have been in a high school in tokyo, right? what school?’
‘hah?! yuuei?! what is that?!’
natsu rolled his eyes and shrugged
‘a school’
hinata persisted though
‘do you know other schools?! any other school friends?! like nekoma?! or fukurodani?!’
natsu shook his head and he was supposed to be happy that he got to meet, even talk, to his idol yet his younger self was much more hyper than his mellowed out behavior on tv
‘i stick to my friends from yuuei’
‘but what are you doing all the way here?’
natsu’s throat dried up and he watched his feet kick the pebbles to distract him of his urge to just whine and throw a tantrum with the confusion from this mess
‘i dont know’
he choked out and he was so tired and confused and all he wants to do is cry in his mother’s arms like he used to but she doesnt even know he exists
hinata sensed the tension and sadness from the boy beside him and tried his best to stay quiet until they get home
to say his mom was angry was an understatement
‘kaa-san i was so angry and bakageyama was yelling at me and hit me and-’
natsu sat there on their couch awkwardly watching the black-haired woman yell at the human tangerine
he coughed in impulse and she turned away from her son and went to sit next to the h/c boy
‘dear, im so sorry for my son and his terrible biking. i didnt catch your name when you entered, what is it?’
even hinata forgot to ask his name but thats such a hinata thing to do though
natsu froze
if he was to say his mother’s last name, it would raise suspicion that he might know her in this time period and izuku has shown him enough doctor who to show him what happens when he messes up in time
again, he lied
‘kiri,,,shima,,, natsu. kirishima natsu’
he inwardly apologized to eijirou for using his last name
mrs. hinata raised a hand to her mouth with a surprised gasp
‘oh! my daughter’s name is also natsu! natsu, dear! can you come here for a second?’
natsu heard soft sounds from the stairs and she shyly walked down 
‘come say hi’
she softly urged her daughter to come closer and the little girl ran to hide behind her older brother who gently smiled and held her hand
‘well, thats her. she just turned 10 a few days ago. look dear, kirishima-kun has the same name as you!’
she waved slightly and natsu felt his heart swell at the sight of the adorable little girl
his mother never really had time for relationships so he was an only child and never got to experience a sibling, only hearing the experience of having siblings from his friend, shouto
mrs. hinata placed a gentle hand on his arm to revert his attention back to her
‘shoyo told me what happened and im sorry that this is all happening to you’
he felt guilty at the sight of her sad eyes because this was all a lie but he knew if he told them the real reason, they wouldnt believe him
so he had to continue with the lie
‘everything was falling apart and i wanted to leave everything behind. so i just took the shinkansen to nowhere and ended up here’
mrs. hinata felt her heart tug because he was just a little boy and he was too young to experience this so she offered him something he shouldnt have agreed to but again, survival
‘you can stay with us in the mean time. our guest room has been collecting dust so you can live here’
‘what? no! i can’t!’
natsu instinctually turned it down because he hated people giving him charity
but the woman squeezed his arm to give him a smile
‘i will not allow a child to live in the streets because of something he couldnt help’
‘arent you worried youre inviting a total stranger in your home?’
but she gave him a knowing smile
‘im a mother. i can trust you, boy’
in exchange for board and food, he promised to get a part time job so he could pay her back and get out of their house as quickly as he could
shoyo led him to the bathroom upstairs so he could treat the wounds from the ground
natsu sat on the closed toilet seat while his literal idol was putting cream on his boo-boos
he still cant wrap his head with everything
maybe it was because he was so busy trying to come up with lies that he wasnt able to fully sit down and think about the fact that he just TRAVELED BACK IN TIME and could accidentally change it
‘shoyo, what year is it?’
he mumbled
he answered and natsu sighed but his head perked up
oh god
thats a year away from 2013
the year he was born
that meant shoyo’s team manager was going to give birth to him next year
‘why? did you hit your head so far that you forgot?’
hinata joked but he paled when natsu didnt laugh
natsu shouted, equally surprised
‘whew, thank god. again, im so sorry i hit you’
‘shoyo, dont worry about it, okay? im fine, i swear’
during dinner, mrs. hinata told him about his school situation
‘you can go to karasuno with shoyo. what year were you in?’
‘perfect! shoyo is too so he could easily help you around the school!’
natsu nodded quietly, still out of it and his brain finally starting to accept this impossible reality
‘but i dont think i could help you with the entrance exams. im not the most-um-smartest, per se’
shoyo apologized but natsu already knew that
he was no extreme fanatic but he knew quite a lot about hinata shoyo, the player he watched during the 2021 olympics and the reason he started playing volleyball
natsu dreamed to join the msby jackals just like his idol did and eventually reach the national team like hinata did
it was during the olympics of 2021, he knew he wanted to be like him
this boy who sat next to him was the reason he came to love volleyball along with his other idol, oikawa tooru, from the argentina volleyball team after seeing that legendary match 
when oikawa hit that service ace, natsu wanted to be able to receive that
he was merely 8 and his neighbor, midoriya inko, was babysitting him and she placed him and her son who was his friend, izuku, in front of the tv where they watched the olympics match
‘someday, ill be someone great. ill be great like him’
he promised and from then on, he worked to achieve that goal 
‘natsu? hello?’
he was shaken from his thoughts as shoyo nudged him back to reality
mrs. hinata laughed
‘maybe you should head to bed early, dear. you must be tired after having a hard journey’
he nodded and was about to go and wash his dishes when she stopped him
‘no. go and sleep, ill take care of this’
‘i have to do my part in here, hinata-san. please, let me do this’
she finally agreed and he was scrubbing the plates when his mind wandered over to possible solutions on how he could go back
there was an episode that he watched with izuku that the character had to do something to go back
and he had a feeling that he would have to do the same thing
but what would that something be?
there had to be a reason he was thrown all the way in this time and it couldnt just be a coincidence that supposedly, this would be around the same time his mother would get pregnant
but who would it be?
he finished putting the plates on the drying rack and he felt really thirsty suddenly
opening the fridge, he found no water bottles and natsu had a very sensitive stomach so he couldnt drink tap water
his next favorite beverage was there and he pulled a glass from the cabinet
‘hinata-san, is it okay if i can have some milk?’
he called out and she shouted that it was okay
natsu poured the drink on his glass and started drinking it when hinata entered the kitchen and snickered at him
‘yknow, you remind me of my idiot teammate. none of my other friends drink straight milk except for him’
natsu placed the glass down and wiped his lips
‘chocolate milk make me sick and i hate the taste of flavoring in milk. but i just hate flavoring in general. except for gari gari popsicles, those are good’
natsu reasoned, watching hinata move across the room to get an apple
‘still ew. but come on! lets go to bed so i can show you around school early before practice tomorrow!’
natsu noticed his excitement by the way he bounced in place and he chuckled
it reminded him of his friends mina and denki
hinata led them both to his room so he could check his wounds again just to make sure
then something caught his eye
‘kirishima-kun you like volleyball?!’
that threw him off
partly because he wasnt used to being called by his friend’s last name
but also because of the question
‘huh? how do you know that?’
natsu asked, almost defensively
hinata shrugged
‘i saw your volleyball shoes in your bag’
hinata reasoned and excitedly pointed at them
‘you should play for us! im part of the team too! oh oh! what position do you play?!’
natsu stuttered out, slightly overwhelmed by hinata’s energy
hinata started circling him, inspecting his height and looking at him up and down
‘yanno, kirishima-kun, youre really tall. like much taller than the rest of my club. maybe not saltyshima but really!! youre so tall!!’
hinata whined in envy and natsu laughed
‘blame it on the paternal side of the family. my ma isnt really tall’
he laughs but then memories of his mother resurfaced and he suddenly felt gloomy, guilty, even, bc he doesnt know if time stopped there or it kept going and if so, shes probably worried sick
and he knew she was always one who blamed herself
hinata noticed his downcast expression and thought he probably remembers his dad and got sad since he got kicked out
so our baby sunshine freaked out and he frantically waved his hands around
‘oh no! gomen kiri-kun! gomen! i really didnt mean to make you think about him! gomen!!!’
he even bowed which surprised the h/c boy and made him stand back up
‘o-oi shoyo! dont! you didnt because i wasnt thinking about him!’
he fussed and patted hinata’s hair
‘i dont care about him. to be honest, there isnt much to think about’
he didnt think about what he said until he heard himself
natsu’s eyes widened, fearful of how hinata could take it but he flinched when the orange-haired boy’s eyes were filled with his own tears
then launched another series of apologies and natsu had to calm him down
oh dear
it was early in the morning like 5 when hinata bursted into natsu’s room
the loud shout of shoyo made his eyes blink open and he groaned before turning to the side
‘come on, kiri-kun! we need to go to take your exam!’
it was quite a battle for hinata to even just get natsu out of bed but he managed to bribe the latter with some milk bread from the bakery down the street
natsu showed his two fingers and hinata sighed before nodding
‘yes. now go hurry so we can leave!’
dressed in his grey sweatpants and a yuuei sweatshirt, natsu cursed as he only has clothes good for 2 days and he didnt want to bother the hinatas so he was at a loss
mrs hinata bid the two boys good bye and natsu was yawning and dragging his body to walk while hinata was skipping over to his bike
then he finally realized the problem
he nervously looked at natsu and the taller boy didnt understand why he was looking at him that way
shoyo pointed at the bike and awkwardly smiled
‘uh,,, you see,,, i dont think youd,,, fit,,, at the back seat’
natsu shrugged
‘then ill bike. ive done it before’
he sauntered over to the bike and swiftly lifted his leg before testing out the brake handles
‘its good and better than mine back home’
‘a-are you-’
‘sit down, sho’
hinata gripped on to the back of natsu’s sweatshirt as he told him the directions to how to get to the school
natsu remembered watching an interview of hinata talking about his high-school life and he remembered the star player talking about his dedication to go to karasuno everyday for volleyball
and the boy couldn’t believe hes doing that right now, with his idol literally behind him, and driving to the legendary karasuno high school
from the jackals to the adlers and even some other teams like the frogs, natsu cheered for them
there was a memory of his mother sitting with him on their couch during one of her rare day offs as they rewatched the recorded copy of the olympics
it has become natsu’s favorite thing to watch
‘with great talent comes great hardships. people don’t become good overnight and i watched those people suffer through it all but look where they are now’
natsu was snapped out of his thoughts at hinata’s shout
then it morphed into pure and utter confusion
shoyo laughed
‘since youre from the city, this must be a weird sight for you, huh? well, in the countryside, this happens a lot!’
but natsu didnt mind
in fact, he loved cows
he loved any farm animal in general
maybe it was his upbringing in the hustle and bustle of the city that he grew to love the countryside
shoto took him with his family to a trip to the country once and he remembered loving the smell of grass
they were able to do an activity in a farm where they worked in a rice farm and the peace and serenity was something he will always remember
his mother was lucky she grew up in a place like this
‘kiri-kun, ive been wanting to ask, how is your volleyball team in the city? are you a powerhouse?’
natsu felt pride bubble up in his chest
‘of course! we got second place in nationals!’
he boasted and blurted out before he could stop himself
then he felt fear
he shouldnt have said that because for all he knows, yuuei probably doesn’t exist at this time period
hinata had a different reaction and his eyes shone
natsu didnt know what to say because he had a feeling he definitely just did an oopsie
so he switched topics really quick to divert the attention away from his past
‘o-oi sho, once youre done being a pro volleyball player and stuff, we should have our own rice farm’
of course it was such a random idea but it distracted the orange boy
hinata shrugged
‘i mean,,, i have to be a pro first but i guess we can!’
‘hmm,,,, i dont think you have to worry about that’
@hartbeat-art​ @yakus-yakult​ @nerdyphantomlady​ @jollycowboysaladhero​ @cynicallychaotic​ 
a/n: oh god this sat in my drafts for so long and i really dont know what im doing like i kinda have a rough outline of what im doing but im just going with the flow but i dont think the flow is quite flowy 
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partiallysame · 4 years
League of Villains Imagine
Title: Can I Join Your Club?
Summary: y/n wants to join the LOV and unexpectedly shows up at their hideout
Pairing: Slight Dabi x reader but more just interactions with the LOV members
Word Count: 1.9K
Warnings: Language, mentioned sexual relations, slight gore (small part and not very detailed)
Note: Inspired by the song Cry by Ashniko ft. Grimes, lyrics will be in bold
Shigaraki, Toga, Kurogiri, Twice and Dabi were all in their abandoned warehouse hideout trying to plan their next move. Tomura and Kurogiri were sitting at a table across from Toga who was sharpening her knives. Dabi was across the room smoking with Twice. The conversation was more casual than constructive and the room was relaxed until a random voice appeared.
“Hi there” y/n spoke up, her voice cheery and kind. No one knew she was even in the room let alone how the fuck she got there. As soon as she spoke everyone tensed, Shigaraki and Kurogiri were on their feet.
“Y/n” Dabi said as he dropped his cigarette and put it out with his foot, his voice a mixture of surprise and slight annoyance. Twice’s head snapped towards him, confused as to how he knew this stranger. Almost as soon as Dabi said her name she spoke again.
“Dabi, you Fucking Fuckboy dont fuck up my plans,” she snapped at the man with the fire quirk, her voice clearly irritated and angry.
“Stop. Who are you and what do you want?” The group’s leader finally spoke up, now standing a few feet away from the intruder. He was staring at her through Father, her hair half up/half down, a skirt similar to Toga’s and an unbelievable amount of cleavage spilling from her shirt. She didn’t look dangerous, and definitely didn’t look like she belonged here. 
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry where were my manners? Hi, I’m y/n and I would like to join the League of Villains” The anger that was in her voice just a moment ago had dissipated and it was once again cheerful and kind. She was rocking back and forth on her toes while she spoke and her arms slightly swinging until she raised one up in an attempt to shake Shigaraki’s hand. Not a fan of the action Tomura grabbed the girl’s wrist and she tensed. Toga hadn’t been too interested in the situation until now and she sat up in her chair.
“Shigaraki” Dabi interrupted the interaction with a warning tone of voice, knowing what was about to happen. He could sense Kurogiri’s hesitation about the situation but Dabi knew Kurogiri was worried about the wrong person using their quirk. 
“Who do you think you are to walk in here with so much confidence, you clearly don’t know what you are up against girl.” the words were being spat out of Shigaraki’s mouth and he tightened his grip on her wrist as a warning sign, until his fingers lost their grip on her and his hand closed into a fist. Wait what he thought as he looked where the intruder used to be. Did she just disappear, he was snapped out of his thought by the feeling of a blade on his neck and his arm being pulled out to the side by someone behind him, another blade resting on his wrist.
“Lay another finger on me, you could lose a hand” her voice aggressive and right against his ear. Tomura shuddered and he wasn’t sure if it was because he believed her or because her breath was ghosting around his neck. Toga and Twice, clearly stunned and unsure of what to do, looked towards Kurogiri who was already looking at Dabi. Kurogiri was smart enough to figure out that the two knew each other and maybe Dabi knew more about what to do in this situation. Dabi just waved his hand at the warp villain as if saying “don’t worry, no big deal”.
“y/n why are you always so god damn dramatic” Dabi said to the girl while pulling a cigarette from the frozen Twice’s two fingers that he had clearly forgotten about. Y/n sucked in a breath clearly affected by the words and tightened the knives' contact points on the group’s leader. Shigaraki was gonna kill Dabi when this was over.
“Bitch are you trying to make me cry,” her eyes widened looking at Dabi and her voice quivered slightly until she let out a small giggle. She released Tomura’s arm which fell down to his side. She twirled the knife in her hand before pointing it at Dabi.
“Or are you trying to make me lose it?” The words came out of her mouth surrounded by little laughs as if someone had just told a joke. Her tone was teasing and happy. She lowered the knife before gently running it up Tomura’s arm, she blew into his ear and nibbled on his earlobe before disappearing and reappearing in front of Shigaraki like she was before. The entire ordeal only lasted about a minute.
“Whoops haha sorry about that” y/n waved her hand in a “my bad” motion. 
“So can I join your club?” she was right back to her casual demeanor once again.
Tomura was livid and his body language showed it, slightly hunched, scratching at his neck and puffing out breaths but before he could respond in any way, a noise went off. Her phone.
“Oops its time for my nail appointment” She was already turning on her heels to leave, hand stretched out to look at her nails. Y/n turned her head to look back at the group.
“I’ll come back tomorrow for your answer. How about the same time as today? Ooooh I hope you say yes” Her voice sounded so innocent and sincere. But Tomura wasn’t going to let her just walk away after what she did.
“Kurogiri” Shigaraki yelled and one of his warps opened where she was walking.
“Oh no thank you that looks scary” and with that she disappeared. The second she left Twice was jumping up and down. 
“ I like her!! Did she bite your ear? That's weird. No that's hot.” the words spilled out of his mouth while he wiggled around a little bit. No one listened though all eyes were on Dabi who had taken a seat at the table.
“Are you going to give us an explanation? Shigaraki huffed out at Dabi.
“That's Y/n. Her quirk is teleportation, skills are a mix between Toga and Kurogiri but her personality is a little more like Twice” 
“Oh I knew I was in love” Twice interrupted, his hands clasped together by his face.
“Anyway” Dabi continued, “Honestly she’d be a really good addition. She’s pretty loyal and none of the Heroes knows she exists” 
“Have you worked with her?” Toga asked.
“Nope.” Dabi’s answer confused the group until Twice started laughing and then crying and then laughing again.
“Come on man how long have you been sleeping with her? Does that mean she's off the market? Oh no you said loyal. Does that mean loyal to you?” his crying continued.
“Enough! I am not letting one of your nobody girlfriends join the League of Villains” Shigaraki was annoyed Dabi was on her side in this.
“Tomura her skills do seem like they could be useful, you should think more about it” Kurogiri added, always needing to be the voice of reason. 
“When she comes back tomorrow give her a task to do and let her prove herself” Dabi offered.
“Fine” Shigaraki was tired of this.
“Hi there” once again her voice came out of nowhere, startling the group. Twice did not hesitate to get closer to her today.
“So can I join your cool club?” the question came out so fast and eager while she played with her fingers, she was clearly a little nervous that they might say no. 
Dabi couldn’t lie, he liked seeing her here, seeing her fun little outfit again. Yes they sleep together but it's on her schedule, not his so it wasn’t ever as often as he would have liked. Dabi liked seeing her but definitely didn’t like Twice trying to worm his way next to her. Dabi strutted up to his fuck buddy who reached out her newly manicured hand out to grab the collar of his shirt once he was close enough and pulled his face close to hers. Not expecting the sudden motion, Dabi stumbled a little bit. She put her lips next to his ear.
“I swear to god if you said anything bad about me or claimed me in any sort of way, I will nail you to the wall. Shigaraki is hot and I will not have you messing up my chance with him or Mr. Bodysuit” she said referring to Twice and surprising Dabi with the confession. “Now if I don’t get let in and it’s your fault, you will never see me again.” her voice was harsh in his ear (he kind of liked it). “You got that baby boy?” the last words of her warning came out breathy, almost a slight moan in one of her quick mood shifts before she lightly bit his neck and pushed him away. The wide eyed patchwork man backed up as she stepped close enough to Twice that their shoulders were touching. Twice thought he was going to faint.
“Are you done?” Tomura asked, referring to her encounter with Dabi. She nodded.
“Good. Before you are considered I need to see what you can do” Shigaraki began explaining that recently a small gang has been bothering some of their transports and that he wanted her to take their boss out of commission, any way she wanted. 
“Oh is that all?” y/n asked, sounding genuinely confused. “Oh you’re probably going to set a timer or something like that.” She was trying to reason why his task for her was so easy and Shigaraki was trying to figure out what she meant by a timer. 
‘Ready Set GO” Twice yelled, he liked the excitement. As soon as the words left his mouth she was gone. 
Shigaraki and Dabi had been playing cards before she arrived and neither of them had the chance to sit back down before they heard someone scream. Wait not just one scream? Two? The two men turned to see two of the gang members tied up, sitting against the wall, each with a knife still sticking out of their thigh. Before they could think Y/n showed up with a third man, disappeared and then showed up with a fourth before disappearing once again. She was gone for longer this time. Everyone was staring at the four men who looked absolutely terrified. Dabi began to laugh a little. He knew she was good but this was wild. A loud thump from behind them got their attention. The group turned to see the severed head of the gang’s boss sitting on their table.
“Time!” Y/n yelled “how long was that” she asked slightly out of breath, wiping the blood of her knife onto her skirt. She then lifted her skirt slightly to put the knife back into her thigh harness, very clearly unaffected by the murder and decapitation she just took part in.
“6 minutes and 32 seconds” Kurogiri said from behind them, genuinely shocked. Y/n ran over to Twice and high fived him.
“Am I in? Was that good? I can do better if not.” All of her words tumbled out like a child who just asked their mother to time how fast they can run.
“Um, ya you’re in” Shigaraki said scratching the back of his head in almost a daze at what just happened. 
“Sweet! See ya tomorrow!” y/n yelled before disappearing again but she didn’t come back this time. The group stared at each other in disbelief, completely ignoring the four men tied up next to them.
“Ya she’s a little..” Dabi started only to be interrupted by Toga.
“Homicidal!” The young girl yelled excitedly
“I mean I was gonna say Volatile but that works too” 
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yikeswtfmate · 5 years
(1) New Message from Unknown Number
main masterlist // (1) New Message Masterlist // next part
Summary: Y/N is drunk and can’t remember her ex’s number.
A/N: Hello, it is I, the idiot who writes Social Media AUs when she’s drunk but is too lazy to put them in the proper format and just leaves them to die somewhere on her laptop
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (Social Media AU - that’s a lie, it’s actually just texts in Word format 🤡)
Warnings: swearing, dumbassery
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Unknown Number: Hey asshat so listen
Unknown Number: I kno we hvnt spoken since like
Unknown Number: High school but whateve idc
Unknown Number: U’re an asshle so I dnt even care that its like…
Unknown Number: 3 in the morning nvrmd
Unknown Number: Ive ben dared to txt my hottest ex by these evil witchS so
Unknown Number: Here u go
Unknown Number: At least u had decent abs so congrats on tht jfc
Unknown Number:  also u dnt get to complain abt this txt bc like
Unknown Number: u dated me for 6 months on a dare so U KNOW WHat this shuold feel like ya
Unknown Number: Wow dude that sounds like a dick move
Unknown Number: Seriously who the hell dates someone for 6 months on a dare?
Unknown Number: Doesn’t that only happen in movies though?
Unknown Number: hey bitchass dont act like u don’t kno what im talkinG abt
Unknown Number: Oh shit yeah, sorry. I don’t know who this asshole of an ex is but I sure as hell am not him
Unknown Number: Dude sounds like a complete waste of human space
Unknown Number: And I think I wouldn’t get to live it down if my friends would hear I did something that shitty
Unknown Number: Wait lemme ask Sam
Unknown Number: Nah, he says Steve would’ve beaten my ass if I were to do that so there u go
Unknown Number: m sorry who tf are u
Unknown Number: Bucky
Unknown Number: what kind of stupid name is bucky
Unknown Number: Shit man, u’re the one blowing up my phone at 3 in the morning, sending me weird ass messages when I don’t even know u and u dare say my name is stupid???
Unknown Number: Sheit srry
Unknown Number: Is been A long night
Unknown Number: nd week
Unknown Number: Actlly make thAt the whle entire fuckin month
Girl with asshole ex: Srry fr bothering u
Unknown Number: It‘s cool
Girl with asshole ex: Hey the witches ask if ure hot
Bonky: Yeah
Bonky: U wanted me to lie?
Girl with asshole ex: Fair point
Girl with asshole ex: They wnt a pic
Girl with asshole ex: Pic or it didn’t happen punk
Girl with asshole ex: Tht was nat
Bonky: What kind of party are u at that you can constantly text me?
Girl with asshole ex: Wanda’s place
Girl with asshole ex: Girls night
Girl with asshole ex: Getting hammered on wine BITCH
Girl with asshole ex: Also dnt change the subject
Bonky: I don’t even know your name
Girl with asshole ex: Why would I tell u my name I just want to see a suppsdly hot asssd
Bonky: You know mine and now you want me to send u a pic of me
Bonky: Bit of a disadvantage here babe
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: BABE?
Girl with asshole ex: Fine
Girl with asshole ex: BABE if I tell u my name will u send a pic of u so we kno u arnt a 60yr old perv
Bonky: I’ll think about it
Girl with asshole ex: Hey fuck u
Girl with asshole ex: Not fair
Bonky: How do I know you’re not the 60yr old perv?
Girl with asshole ex: Cuz she got big tiddies to prove
Girl with asshole ex: And that was wanda
Girl with asshole ex: So now u know my fridsn
Bonky: Still don’t know your name tho babe
Bonky: Also tell Wanda she shouldn’t give out this type of info to strangers
Girl with asshole ex: ure not a stranger anymore bonky
Girl with asshole ex: ure my babe nao
Bonky: I’m going to let that Bonky slide just bc u’re cute
Bonky: But I’m also going to stop replying until you tell me your name
Girl with asshole ex: U think im cute?
Girl with asshole ex: 
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Girl with asshole ex: I mean u havnt even seen me but thats fair
Girl with asshole ex: Wand and nat say its true so ill believe u rnt lying to me rn
Girl with asshole ex: But I wanna see if ure cute
Girl with asshole ex: Wait why r u up st 3 in the mrng I mean we re drunk but wht r u doing
Girl with asshole ex: Babe u need to take better care of urself
Girl with asshole ex: Babe
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: BABE?
Girl with asshole ex: Ph shit ure actually ignoring me
Girl with asshole ex: I dont like this
Girl with asshole ex: I actually like talking to u
Girl with asshole ex: Pls stop ignoring me
Girl with asshole ex: COME BACK AND LOBE ME
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: Fine
Girl with asshole ex: It’s Y/N
Bonky: Now, that wasn’t so hard was it? 
Babe: fcuk u
Bonky: I’m up at 3 bc we ordered pizza and decided it’s time to beat Sam’s ass in Mario Kart once and for all
Babe: Nd how’s that going for ya?
Bonky: Bitch has been beating us for the past 3 hours
Bonky: Thor is the only one getting at least close to him now so we’re about to give up
Babe: Wait shit how r u replying so fast if ure playing Mario kart tho
Bonky: I gave up two hours ago
Babe: Quitter
Bonky: Just gotta know which fights to pick babe
Babe: Heads up I might be fallin asleep soon
Bonky: Drink some water before that, maybe get some food in u as well to soak up all the alcohol and have an advil close for tomorrow
Babe: Ok MOM
Bonky: Hey Wanda willingly told me you have “big tiddies” so your friends don’t seem to be doing a good job of taking care of you
Bonky: Might as well let me do it so you don’t die tmrw
Babe: Ohhhh so u careeeee babe im touched
Babe: Kkkkkk Ill talk tu u tmrw ill be dead soon
Babe: Nd I do have big tiddies
Bonky: Good night babe
Babe: What the shit
Bonky: I see you survived
Babe: Barely
Babe: My head might explode soon and I feel like I’ve vomited for an entire lifetime
Babe: TMI sorry
Bonky: I’d like to point out I’m glad I don’t have to decipher your texts anymore and that you can actually spell properly
Babe: Fuck you Buckaroo
Bonky: I would also like to remind you that I have on good authority that you have “big tiddies” so don’t make me use that against you
Babe: I am going to kill Wanda
Babe:Ugh I need coffee
Babe: I’ll talk to you later
Bonky: I’ll be waiting for you babe
Babe: So
Babe: BABE
Bonky: Yes baby?
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Bonky: Nah, you love it
Babe: Fine
Babe: You still haven’t sent a pic of you though. I might be able to rise Nat and Wanda from the dead if you do
Bonky: What do I get in return?
Babe: The promise that I will keep replying even though you might turn out to be an ugly orc?
Bonky: Not enough
Babe: Fine. I’ll keep talking to you until you want me to stop. Or until I get bored of you
Bonky: Eh, you can do better
Babe: What do you WANT?
Bonky: A pic of you in return
Babe: I’m not sending you nudes, perv
Bonky: If I wanted to see you naked and be a dick about it, I could’ve asked last night, don’t worry
Bonky: But if you’ll know how I look it’s only fair I should know how you look
Babe: That sounds reasonable
Bonky: I’d say it’s a fair exchange
Babe: Fine, you first then
Bonky: If you don’t send me a pic of you afterwards babe I will stop replying, just so you know
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Babe: Did you type super hot guy with the most beautiful eyes in the world in Google or something?
Bonky: I’m touched but no. Sam took that photo at a work event
Babe: Bitch do you really expect me to believe this is you? That looks like a guy who just stepped out of a magazine, I highly doubt I would have the luck to text him instead of my ex when drunk
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Bonky: Are you always this annoying?
Babe: …
Bonky: What? Do you want me to take a selfie with the fucking newspaper now? I read the news online babe, I’m not getting off of this couch just so I can buy a stupid newspaper to prove it’s me
Babe: Do you have one in a suit?
Bonky: …why am I putting up with this?
Bonky: Hold on
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Bonky: It’s been 5 minutes, are you going to reply?
Bonky: You still have to send me a picture of you though, a deal is a deal you know
Bonky: Fine, I warned you
Babe: Shit sorry
Babe: Hi Bucky, this is Natasha
Bonky: Hi Natasha. Is Y/N alright?
Babe: Uhm how should I put this?
Babe: Y/N is crying right now and she can’t reply herself
Bonky: What? What happened? Is she okay?
Babe: Oh yeah
Babe: She’s just crying because (and I’m quoting here) you’re “so beautiful, it’s like all my wet dreams and fantasies have come together. I swear this is some cosmic joke, this is not happening”
Babe: I’m not sure if she’s laughing or crying now
Babe: But she keeps yelling at me that I have to send you the most perfect picture of herself that has ever existed or you will stop talking to her
Babe: I think she started crying again because “I will never live up to that level of perfection, he told me that I have to know which fights to pick”
Babe: Uh yeah so here
Babe: 1 Photo Attached
Bonky: Hey Nat, could you tell Y/N that I would like to talk to her now?
Babe: Sure
Babe: Hey
Bonky: Baby?
Babe: Yeah?
Bonky: You picked the wrong fight if you think “you will never live up to this level of perfection”
Babe: Oh God
Bonky: Stop being an idiot
Bonky: And listen to me
Bonky: I would really like to keep talking to you. Mainly because you’re an idiot who makes me laugh, but it’s also the fact that you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my entire life
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hwajin · 4 years
disclaimers: this is f!reader angst, expect nothing from me i have bad grammar and im mentally drained. tnx -lorelei/🥟
* minho made an update as i was writing.
心做し (224) ft. 이민호
day 1
to say the least, you were annoyed. too annoyed at the fact you couldn't concentrate in the first day of class. "you should really talk it out with him." jeongin said at you with a concerned look. "i'm not angry i just, hate being second all the time. c'mon ayen, you know that since the first day we became friends."
you were once y/n, the transferee girl. you sat beside jeongin on your first day, who thought you looked cute on your first day.
coincidentally, you liked his friend. a senior who was named minho. assuring to yourself and jeongin that it was nothing more than a crush was the hardest part. being drunk at a party and confessing to him had become what you quote "the best thing i've ever did".
after class ended, you decided to stick with jeongin who became class president and now is tasked to clean the classroom. why were you there? you really trusted him, a lot and as a friend.
"hyung!" jeongin called out to your supposed boyfriend who was walking toward your classroom.
"y/n-ah, bubs, cutie" he said, ignoring the male and rushing to give you a warm hug. "if you feel less, remember i love you so much. today tomorrow forever, remember?" he told you and you just stood there, uncertain how to react.
"y/n you should go home, i'll be waiting for seungmin too." jeongin said with a warm smile, looking at your annoyed face that contrasts minho's neutral face.
for some reason, you and minho walked home not even talking. "i'm-" "please dont remind me again." you coldly said. "i'll make it up to you. iced coffee?" he asked as you shrugged, thinking of your answer but your heart said yes after a second he asked the question.
"i'm super sorry i've been insecure." you muttered while intertwining both your arms. "no big deal. remember that she's a friend." he said as he rubbed your fingers.
you've never really been anyone's first choice, in middle school you never really had a permanent set of friends that treated you like a friend. you were always rejected and your parents never really cared for you as much as other parents do. you knew you grew up quickly, and you're trying to fix yourself as much as you can.
"oh look, the theme park is open today." he said, pointing outside to the moving ferris wheel. "come on, we are fixing the blue, making it color yellow." he said while dragging you outside the coffee shop as you silently drink your coffee.
he put your bangs down slightly, smiling at what he did and ruffles your hair softly. "my y/n is so cute. she's pretty, nice and she is the first person in my mind. "
"minho?" there she was, the girl you hate the most. minho's first love. his family loves her that sometimes you get compared to her. you knew of her existence, unsure if she knew yours though. "ah this must be your new girlfriend!"
noticing your uneasy gazes, minho spoke up. "hi, yeah and we're leaving." he said. "i really don't know where the entrance is, can i come with you? i'm meeting up with my friends." she pouted as you nodded.
"yeah, you're y/n, super cute. minho and you were together since last year? congrats!" she asked and minho was the one to answer. "yeah, here's the entrance to the theme park." he scoffed and held your hand tighter while you walked towards the ferris wheel.
day 2
the next day, you had to bring it up to jeongin and seungmin, people you trusted the most. "yeah its kinda like in a teasing way, i absolutely hate it. its like she wants to punch me in the face and move me out of her way!"
"oh my god, never be a punch bag you can move around." jeongin said. "i'm not a punchbag!" you said in an enthusiasic tone "Y/N ISNT A PUNCHBAG." seungmin accidentally said too loudly, causing the librarian to look and he bowed his head to say sorry. "my bad." he said and the three of you laughed quietly.
day 94
and, you knew it was coming.
after months, she always found a way to be closer to him. after all, she did know him better. while losing time for you, he remembered all the points on why she was his first love after all.
"minho... please dont hurt me anymore mentally. if you want to break up with me, im sorry. i dont know. i just feel too conflicted. i... hate this so much. i want to die. " was the first words you said as he opened up to your door. "i love you y/n." "its always i love you y/n, i love you y/n, fuck do you even mean them?! words aint enough, atleast spend some time with me. i... absolutely hate this."
collapsing to his arms, he felt his tears rushing down his cheeks. "i never knew you felt like that." he said as he caressed your hair. "now you know." you said, as he kissed your tears away. "can we move somewhere else?" he asked, talking about the awkward position you have on the doorway that made you smile.
day 156
"wow, it's snowing!" you said as you tugged minho's arm. "babe, please pay attention to me." you say to your boyfriend over and over again, who has been focusing on his project. you knew it was hard for him, but it was a sunday. and it was a group project. "you done your part yesterday-" "let me finish this first." he said with a scary tone, realizing what he said he decided to let it be for a few moments.
why am i being like this? he asked himself, looking at his girlfriend. his girlfriend, he reminded himself. perhaps he forgot? is his first love comig back to his life?
day 183
"and... thats what i knew. " you said over and over again. "y/n..." "stop messing around with me! you knew i couldve told hwang hyunjin from class c that! i couldve told your friend jisung, i had a crush on them too, but i chose you, and i never regretted it for, one and a half year. you dont even remember our anniversary? could you just ever..." you said, walking away.
"but i wasn't your first choice either." he spit out, and that made you get very angry. "what about now? who is your first choice now, my first choice now would be you. after that day i confessed it became you, i didnt even force myself to. it was because, you were minho i loved. can i... get him back. but fuck no, you played me." you said, and he breathed in and out.
after hours of silence, you left your phone, he noticed. opening the chats and backreading everything, that was the time where indeed he was wrong, he was wrong in all aspects. he never says sorry, its always her. and his phone rang, it was the girl again. he felt a jolt in his heart reading her name, butterflies in his stomach, but he knew there was y/n.
"ah fuck, this is all my fault."
day 192
a week or so since you havent gone to school, thats when you realized your mom cared and told you advice, went online shopping with you. its just that you always view everything negatively.
"someone wants to see you." she said, you hoped it was minho who would tell you sorry.
"y/n... its jeongin and seungmin. i have notes here compiled, even though im from another class. jeongin has english here, are you fine? " they asked while you explained everything.
day 194
deciding to go to school although minho was there was a bad thing. the day consisted of you being mentally unstable, and that wasnt the cherry on top.
"why are you here?" you said once you went out the school campus. "because, i want to. iced coffee?" again, blindly saying yes.
day 200
if you love her, dont be nice anymore. chanted in your head, but cant be said.
" why are you so nice, i know you've fallen out of love. " and he smiled as he looked again at the movie.
"minho. please, give me closure. stop being nice. treat me like a servant. swear at me. tell me im a bitch, whore, i dont know degrade me! please leave my heart alone, i cant cry anymore."
and so he thought for a moment, i cant do that.
day 210
holding you close again while you violently react, he caressed your face softly. tracing each feature and wiping your tears.
screaming, crying, like the storm. but he still held you up, like how he does to you everytime. "it's fine now."
day 224
"if i had a hole in my heart, how do i fix it?" she asked him, the man who she hasnt talked to in 2 weeks. "you've known what it is." he replied subtly.
"its not today tomorrow forever anymore huh. two day, two morrow and four ever. and its feb 24. fucking want to collapse or you just hit me and degrade me like what i said." and you watched him shake his head. "you cant split a heart into two and think it would still work, cant you?"
"but, you can break one into pieces and then they'd pretend its fine." she says with a bitter smile. "please be happy." and those words, those simple words were the confirmation. it was such a bitersweet love, everyone finds their way out of this somehow.
oof wait a minute i gotta read this later I DON'T HAVE TIME RN BUT EVERYONE GO READ
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amphii-writes · 4 years
How Nekoma And I would Interact Head cannons
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Hey! this is just how I think I would interact with the team because I know myself better than I know you, the reader! so i’m sorry if these are a bit boring :,)
warnings: swearing, mentions of violence(?)
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If anything i’d meet kenma through school, he’d be a seatmate of mine and id ask him about videogames and we’d hit it off right away
I feel like we’d have midnight convos about videogame lore and we’d gush about our favorite games to each other and bond over nerdy shit like pokemon
With this, Kuroo would absolutely know about my existence, and god he’d tease kenma about having a “girlfriend” rip kenma
With this, kenma would be tired of kuroo’s bullshit and just ask me if i could go to a practice so he could get kuroo to finally stfu and of course id go because i wanna support a homie
Kuroo would be confused because 1. I am out of kenma’s league and 2. How the fuck did he “bag” me?
This would cause kuroo to be absolutely idiotic towards be and he’d ask me if i need a chem tutor, no i dont but ty for being so kind. This would spark a fucking dellemia in him, im cute, im nice, what the f  uc kckkk
With this, the other members would for sure notice their dumbass of a captain short-circuiting and me standing next to a cringing kenma and investigate
Lev gives me the Im-gonna-run-full-force-and-tackle-hug-you vibe so rip me :,)
Yaku and kenma would flip their shit and scream at lev because he just assulted me what the fuck dude
Man’d be like whoopsies i got excited :b
Inuoka would also be screaming cause it's inuoka, what else would he be doing, Fukunaga would be chillin, just staring at me like 0-0
Now this is where it gets good, yamamoto is late to practice by a little bit and he sees f e m a l e
After training camp and everything i feel like the team would be comfortable enough with me to add me into their group chat
Kenma, yaku, and i would absolutely shit-talk everyone and have a mini groupchat where we send memes and talk about dumb shit together
I feel like the name would be like “Bruh moments” while the actual main group chat would be “Nekoma Nekonya” and that- that also pains me tbh
That group chat would be cursed as well, like any teenage group chat is but this one,,, for sure.
Kuroo would send cursed images and yaku would give him a therapists phone number and ask him if he wants to schedule an appointment after he sent a salad fingers meme
Inuoka def sends those like- fuckboy 🥶🥶🥶 cishet boy “I hate women but want pussy” memes and wears highlighter clothing i'm so sorry it hurts me too
I feel like as a reward i jokingly said i would wear a cat-girl maid outfit and these motherfuckers did a mini-fundraser for it and gOT ENOUGH FUCKING MONEY FOR IT
And the catcher is- that id wear it tO A FUCKING GAME AGAINST FUKURODANI
I would indeed cry out of embarrassment before the game but the team would for sure say i look cute as shit and they’d be right, a hoe can pull off some cat ears
I would cause half the team to short circuit
God,, i would walk around and the bells would jingle and im- god i hate that
One doesn’t simply just walk around during a fucking high-school volleyball game like that and not get attentioin
Bokuto would probably yell something about it too and that also brings me pain
Well because of this- nekoma won and asked if i could wear that to all their games
Finally got them to let me just wear the ears and tail so poggers
But here's the kicker, next match is against Nohebi
That means daisho and kuroo get to have their moment of absolute fucking beef 
So I walked in, wearing cat ears and a tail. Daisho is newly single, you get where this is going.
Id be with my team and they’d ask me to do the neko pose and i would because i wanna make them excited for the game
With this newfound hate and love for nekoma, he has a new objective: fuck the nekoma manager in the cat ears and tail
After the game he’d walk up to me and flirt and id just be so tired like dude,,, im in cat ears and chugging a monster please give me fucking mercy
But of course, Kuroo finds me in time to see him kabedon me, his precious neko manager?? Aha n o .
Fighting ensues and i have to break it up, i give daisho my number so he gets the fuck away from kuroo, and kuroo gets to see me do a new neko pose or whatever
Crisis averted
Well until daisho texts me anyways
Then its “Kenma,,, you gotta help me”
Poor kenma he doesnt wanna deal with that snake bastard
Probably just brushes me off lmfao
After that yaku decided to have me stick by him when they play nohebi because and i quote “YoUR GONNA GET KIDNAPPED BY THE FUCKING SNAKE MAN” and i dont wanna worry yaku
Daisho also has make a rumor about fucking me to his team and they believe it-
Awkward matches after that
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thequeenb · 5 years
A Deal With The Devil
Pairings: KamilahxMC
New York. The city where everyone dream to visit and admire its beauty. The busy streets overpower the voices in your head, the thousands of people walking by dont care who you are and the skyscrapers were higher than my hopes.
It was the perfect city for me. My parents got divorced five months ago and i needed a fresh start, a place to be who i always wanted to be. But how responsible can a 20 year's old girl can be?
I was naive enough to leave as soon as i could. My mother's words echoed through my mind "This city hides its danger behind its beauty" but back then i just laughed it off thinking it was her way to keep me close to her.
I am not from a big city. We lived in a barn a couple of miles away from humanity. I wasn't experienced in working but i helped my father with his finances enough to know what i love to do.
When i laid my foot in New York my breath was taken away from me. The skyscrapers covered the sun, the one higher than the other. People didn't give second glance at you because they were to busy to care. Back home everyone knew who i am, a shadow of my parents.
This was my chance to find myself and start over, no rules, no yelling, no stress. At least that's what i thought. Young me didn't knew that finding a job in a city this big was hard. My applications got passed to every possible place i could work in until i settled to a coffee shop near my apartment.
Luckily for me Lily was looking for a roommate and we loved eachother since we exchanged glances. She lived in a small place but we made it ours. She was usually playing video games in the living room when i was coming home and we always ate leftover pizza trying to beat eachother in Mario kart.
3 years ago I wasn't sure what life had in store for me, but be sure i didn't knew it would turn out this way.
It was a quite evening and me and my friend from work Lucy were about to close the shop when we heard the door bell ring, an elegant woman approaching. I sighed trying to put on my best smile trying not to give reasons for my boss to fire me.
She was on her phone texting god knows who but she was so consumed that she didn't even look me in the eyes when she ordered.
"One black coffee, and make it quick" she spoke like she owned the world, and i knew right away that i hate this person, at least thats what i thought at the time.
"I am sorry but we dont serve attitude" i responded quite proud of myself because my words were enough for her to get her eyes off her phone.
She smirked mischievously making me question if i should be scared but her eyes were so intense that everything slipped off my mind. They were caramel and bright. Her suit looked expensive and so did the neckless that hanged beautifully on her open blouse
"You don't know who you talk to do you?" She said not breaking eye contact
And that's when Lucy came to save me "Here's your coffee" she said handing her the cup but she didn't bother to look at her, she was to busy eating me with her eyes
"Why thank you, try to be more like her, at least she knows her place" and like that she flipped her perfect brown hair and left the store
"Ugh who does she think she is?" I rolled my eyes
Lucy looked surprised and i could tell but when she was about to say anything our boss came from her office furious
"I dont pay you two to chat, now go clean the counter before i think twice about keeping you here" she was a bitch if you couldn't tell yet but i needed the money.
Two weeks had passed since i was fired. I couldn't help but put my boss into her place. I knew i risked my job but my days haven't been the best. Each night i see weird dreams of people screaming of people dying, of blood being spilled.
Lily said it was all the horror movies we watch on the weekends and i believed it trying to avoid the reality that they felt to real to be just nightmares.
Losing my job was a slap on my face waking me up. I wanted to be more than a girl who worked on a coffee shop. Back when i was younger i was always handling my father's finances and i was quite good at it.
Maybe i am stupid to even send an application in one of the biggest Financial companies but i was desperate to prove anyone who doubt me wrong, let alone the payment was better than any other job
I honestly didn't believe that i would even get an interview but i did and it was today.
"Girl relax, its just a job interview" Lily tried to reassure me but i was to anxious to calm down, i really needed this job
"Yes, with one of the biggest companies that exist, honestly maybe i should cancel and--"
"Hey hey hey, calm down i am sure you will kick ass" she said smiling "but not literally"
I cracked a smile appreciating the effort but i just grabbed my coat and left not wanting to be late and make a bad impression
"I will call you when i am done Lil, Love you!"
As soon as i stepped out of the taxi my stomach turned. I was a nobody trying to be someone in the wrong place. I am sure qualified people from all around the world would kill the have this position but here i am outside of the big building scared to even enter
A kind gentleman opened the door for me and as soon as i got in i was greeted by a woman
"Are you Miss Parker?" she asked kindly
"Yes i am here for my interview" i said trying not to panic at the thought that in some minutes i will be talking to the most successful woman in the finance industry
"Well Miss Sayeed is having a meeting right now but it wont take long, please have a seat"
As i sat down i immediately relaxed. This sofa was better than my bed. Miss Sayeed sure had an expensive taste considering the lobby decoration, i wonder how her office looks like
And then it hit me, i didn't even looked up to see who this woman is and now i am sure i will fail miserably and--
"Miss Sayeed is waiting for you, the office is on the 100th floor, good luck" she said looking at me pitifully like she could read my thoughts.
The elevator was going fast yet slow, enough for me to try to think of an escape but it finally came to a stop and the weight of the situation sank in my stomach
There was a long hallway and on the end of it there were two big wooden doors. Surprisingly there wasn't any secretary desk or anything, just an empty bright hallway.
My heels clicked on the expensive marble floor and with every click that echoed on my mind my anxiety was becoming worse. When i reached the door I wasn't sure if i should knock but i did even though she was expecting me
"Come in!" I hear from the other side, and i could swear that voice sounded familiar.
I opened the heavy door as my heart was racing. The office wasn't as i expected it to be. Everything about it was unique and beautiful. There were artifacts everywhere accompanied by expensive vases and a desk in the middle of it all
The papers she was holding were hiding her face but she somehow sensed my hesitation and gestured at me to sit down
I sat on one of the leather chairs that were Infront of her desk and i could feel my heart beating fast on every part of my body.
She finally let the papers down and my breath was caught "No way" i managed to say looking stunned
"Oh my! I know you from somewhere" she said looking skeptical
I wanted the earth to swallow me whole the moment i looked into those familiar caramel eyes
"That's right, you are the girl from the coffee shop" she smiled but it was anything else than genuine
"I- yes i am.. i am Amy Parker" i said folding my hands trying to look as professional as i could. But it wouldn't matter, she saw me with a pathetic outfit on a coffee shop that i didn't even treat her good at.
I sighed but then i saw the amusement in her eyes, something that made my blood boil
"Well this should be fun, why don't you tell me what are you doing here, you couldn't get enough of me?"
I smiled sarcastically, god she was so cocky and it only had been three minutes
"If i knew you are this CEO everyone talks about trust me i wouldn't even send an application here" i said rolling my eyes but she didn't look mad, just curious
"On a serious note, why do you think you deserve a place in my company" she suddenly turned to serious in a blink of an eye
"I- um i am not as experienced as anyone here but i helped my father back home with the finances and i managed fine" i said proudly sitting straight to the chair
But her serious face broke as she started laughing "Oh wow you made my day, you think handling a small business and the world's biggest company is the same?"
My heart stopped at the sight. She was actually making fun of me and it felt familiar considering the opinion my parents had for me. Without realising it i frowned looking at the floor and Kamilah noticed
"I am--"
"Save it, i knew coming here was a mistake but thank you for confirming it" i said getting up in hurry, putting my coat on. I don't know why i even bothered dressing up for someone to insult me in my face.
"You think everyone is below you just because you have a company?" I crossed my arms as she looked at me surprised, like nobody ever questioned her words
"Excuse me?" She now stood up reminding me that she is much taller than me
"Excuse you yes, i heard all kinds of things about you but i never bothered to look who you were, and guess what they were right you are cold, heartless and so damn cocky"
These words came out of nowhere and i quickly covered my mouth scared that i would say worse things
She gazed at me with her intense eyes never leaving mine "Is that right? And you believe everything you hear?"
"I just saw it in the way you talked about me, forget it i dont belong here" and like that i walked towards the elevator only for four words to make me stop my tracks
"What about a deal?"
I turn around only to see her approaching me dangerously close "I will hire you, and if you prove me you are worthy i will take back everything i said"
How could she even make this a deal? Maybe this is how business people apologize but maybe just maybe this was my opportunity to show everyone my worth.
Her hand was extended studying my features to find any hint of hesitation but i took it in mine shaking it hard
"Game on Sayeed" i said with determination in my eyes
Tag list: @scarlet-letter-a0114 @sayeedbound @wildsayeed @amorettemcsky @trouble-with-the-curve @littlemissgreen97 @nydeiri @gavryllo @ilovetaylor13m @vonda-b-real @la-guera-69 @blackphenix9527 @potato-kai-mona-sayeed @thepotatobleh @mrskamilxh
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clementineesotsm · 4 years
THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH EP 5, My Appreciation and How It Made Me Feel
1 of the charm i found in this series was the acting of all actors. I have been in theater before and learn acting from my teacher who seems to teach us Stanilavski’s System of acting. I found it in each leads, they shows us this method and leads to a nice subtle acting which you will missed if you are not a person who likes to pay attention to detail. And also why for me, i falls deep into the characters, because they are so damn natural. As if i watching them not really as an actor, but as them. Very good.
For example with this particular scene where JTE was following Gon to basketball ceremony. You can see JTE actually impressed here but trying to keep her cool. Slight eyebrows movements and slight smile there, i saw 💕
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I love startled JTE and playful Gon here. They make me feel butterfly as a watcher
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As the series goes, the editing was getting better, i appreciate the effort to make the connected transition between 1 scene to another like when Gon are looking at his search history, he found out JTE was reading about Lee Rim and she knows Gon history now. The camera zoom in to the search page then moved to Lee Rim whicn now we can see him recruiting people that will benefit him for his plan. I swear to god i love Lee Rim, he is so creepy. He gave you offer you cannot refuse. The only thing you need to do is kills your other self. And this line of him is one of my fav, and damn scary with the music while throwing the 2G phone
Lee Rim “연락은 내가 합니다” (i’ll be the one who contact you)
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Appreciation for PM flashback because they made it aesthetic. PM walking passing the pictures of her inauguration as PM by the King. I love how the make the transition. Smart.
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JTE is roaming around Corea alone and found out many thing, like the rare mineral that Gon owns, yi sun sin statue in Busan, we get a glimpse of her being same face with Luna and JY knows, she saw PM on the street, she goes to police station (this scene shows how she acts inline with her detective background, the method that she use to prove that this is paralel world was practical, she is better than Gon. and also shows she was actually a soft person. Eventhough she knows every familiar faces here are a different person, she still have the same feelings and amount of respect to them) , last but not least what a cool scene where JTE and KSJ being in 1 place and time but different world
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She basically run out of money and calling Gon, kind of cute. Its like real stuff you do with your boyfriend and probably because she only knows him in this world. I love the piano bgm everytime they are being lovey dovey 🥰 and the fact that Gon changeing direction to pick her up, makes me blushed 💕 i love how they shot JTE from below the building looking up and saw the helicopter.
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I also love JTE and JY bickering here. Both are cute and i love protective JY, he is so cool.
This conversation in front of KU building also shows a good acting by KGE, as Gon asking who is Ahn Bong Hui, she explain it with smile but holding her tears, makes Gon feels and saw her so softly, call the ambulance because im dead. Here is my fav JTE line after Gon asking him who is the person that she looking for in this world
JTE “우리 엄마. 여기가 평행 세계면, 나리도 있고 은섭이도 있으니까, 난 없더라도 우리 엄마는 살아 계실지도 모르니까, 몰론 다른 사람인 건 알지만 여기서는 안 아프길 바랐고 나는 다섯 살 때 기억밖에 없으니까 그냥 먼발치에서라도 잠깐.. 그래서 와 봤지” (my mother. If this is a parallel world, Nari and Eun Seob exist here, although i might not exist, my mother could still be alive. I know she is someone else, but i didnt want her to be sick in this world. I only have memories of her from when i was five. So i just wanter to watch her from afar. Thats why i came here”
This girl is seriously pretty here
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Gon brought the topic about what he found in a searching page and teased JTE who look for his ex gf and PM. And JTE says “why you read that? Thats cheating” girl is definitely falling for him and very honest. I love her. And Gons smile as he looking at JTE panic face is everything
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Then comes the trouble. PM is here because he saw Gon landed in seoul. I love how Gon describe his relation with PM as “금요일마다 보는 사이” (i think netflix did not translate it nicely, i dont know how to translate it either) and JTE refer her as IU 🤣 i love this line.
PM is a cool woman and very professional, i love her choices of fashion, i love her character. I actually hoping she is somehow will becomes allies. But ..
How it made me feel:
Happy. Most of the times, smile from ear to ear. As i said earlier, the main character of this episode is JTE. Here we can see her feelings grow fonder to Gon. I dont agree if people said that JTE only loves Gon because he is rich. Not at all. Even before coming to Corea she already missed his existence, and left marked in her heart, also if she did not slightly believe in Gon, she will not going to go to Corea with him. And arriving in Corea seeing how Gon is very affectionate towards her and took good care of her, also he is cool at work, makes her fall deeper. Its like crushing back to the person who had crush on you. Very normal.
The other thing i got from this episode is about Lee Rim recruiting people to be on his side by killing their doppelgänger. He inform us that up until now, nobody have ever refuse him. Lee Rim act as a devil who seduces human to be evil by pretending as God that helps them coming out from their problem instantly. Many people lives in an unbearable life they wanted to change it so badly and sometimes took a wrong way. Also here we were shown that greed is a common emotion that human has. Even JTE which we know is a good girl, has it. She is looking for her mother, she might be saying that she will just going to look for her from afar. But i bet, seeing her personality, she will probably hug or talk to her if she really exist in Corea. Probably will not let her go so easily. Just my assumption though.
I hope my eyes did not wrongly see, but i feel like they use a different camera filter for Korea and Corea. In Corea im feeling a sense of like being in the past. It gives an antique feeling. And Korea gave more modern feels. If this is true i appreciate it even more 💕
Last but not least, so far until episode 5, despite being a fantasy genre, i found real emotions and events related to real life here. Appreciate it so much 💕💕
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plainvanillapotato · 4 years
the 100 diaries S2 E8
quarantine diaries: may 29 2020
season 2 episode 8: “spacewalker”
yeah with this title, finns gonna die this episode isnt he? sooo looong spacewalker 
ooo and with these two grounders? this is not a good sign for finn. they are coming for you finn. they want you.
blood for blood. hey its 18 for 1 that ain’t so bad
also why did clarke say this out in the open?? she really could have told her mom in private and just avoid this whole public uproar. how is it that clarke can be so smart sometimes but then be such a dumbass
yess raven. standing up for your friend even if hes been a dick and a thirsty boi. homegirl is loyal.
flashback...this is a bad omen. yep finn is definitely going to die.
ooh its the necklace. is that really a raven tho. i did get that. i thought was just a crane
yes they really are screwed if murphy has a gun
side note: no matter how much i hate finn rn. kudos to the actor like this finn is completely different person then when we first met finn. 
clarke be spitting fire murphy. but he just spit some fire back. ok  
lincoln....suffer the death of 18...like i agree but can we just hold the phone for a moment. lincoln was literally feasting on one the guardsman in the last episode and yet here he is. y’all could argue that lincoln wasnt lincoln when he did this. but you could argue the same for finn. yet no repercussion for him???? these people cant just pick and choose who has to face consequences. i really hate how inconsistent this show is sometimes
“that was another time. that was another chancellor.” speak abby speak. 
honestly let finn go. let him redeem himself.
“im in love with you.” wow really be making him crazy. but at least he admits it. 
“say something”...im giving up on you
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“they’re trying to scare us.” well its working. but i do like clarkes fake it until you make it tactic because i can relate
kane of all the times to come back. also abby and kane? another ship?
abby said im keeping the leader. im still the leader. feminism
“its a strong possibility.” lol ok thats verrrry reassuring kane
if finn is going to be executed it better be clarke humming over him and then just stabs him in the neck. y’all know that would be his dream death
like i knew raven was smart but wow im so proud. i also gotta say you guys already know my hc for raven and high school musical. well i like to think that one of the reason she was so insistent on studying because the home girl gabriella montez. 
also this is raven talking about her pre-existing condition. i love this meme too much. because it wasnt even created specifically for raven yet it fits so perfectly as her pre-existing condition = no spacewalk/no helmet and with this whole spacewalker/skywalker episode.
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bellamy is such a loyal king. yes bellamy protect your people. i love this found family trope. i also love how even tho the ark came down there is still a separation between the ark and the 100 + raven cuz the 100 just really had to bond if they were to survive.
what if the finns gift was really just ravens name on tape tho. how made would raven be? but dont lie thats a better gift than killing 18 people.
ooh ravens the reason why hes in prison wonder she so loyal. but really finn threw this whole relationship for clarke a girl he just met. wooooooow. i honestly dont get it. 
“if death has no cost, life has no worth”-lincoln. ok lincoln the philosopher 
the fact that they’re not cutting back to monty and jaspers pov in mount weather means that shit is real. finn is definitely going to die. and he is going to die soon 
wow character growth. finn not wanting to shoot a person for clarke. i applaud thee. but a little too late my dood
ofc they throw murphy in here. ugh.
raven’s face in that astronaut suite looks terrible. she looks like mr. electric from sharkboy and lavagirl. like editors really did her dirty. 
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‘when you need a healer, but your people only have one healer, and that healer is you’. oooh that look that finn gave to clarke. yeah hes gonna turn himself in isnt he?
now is not the time to be saying ‘thats what she said” finn. this is serious business  
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“i never meant to hurt you.” - finn. another high school musical 2 reference?? yep im convinced that these two watched HSM 2. but i gotta be honest raven and finn will never be able to live up to troy and gabriella
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“always”-finn. they’re harry potter fans too. please give finn more original lines. please. now that i look at it. snape and finn have similar haircuts
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“finn wasnt the only one at the village.” fuck yes raven. say it louder!!! raven is big brain. 
ofc finn would turn himself in. i cant believes hes actually getting redeemed. but i shouldnt be surprised bc the writers really like to redeem their characters right before they kill them
raven, bellamy, clarke, or even murphy should have shot him tbh instead of letting him go with the grounders.
kane said “son” im still convinced that kane is bellamys father idc what you guys say
clarke gave bellamy the look. but also this is the dumbest idea i have ever heard. there are thousands. i know that raven is smart. but thats a big ask and a dumb idea
clarke walked into the spear literally what. soooooo unnecessary. who tf fuck walks into a spear?! but i guess clarke knows that her plot armor is strong af
“you bleed for nothing”-lexa  literally!!! haha
that look that finn had when he saw clarke is was saying “you shouldnt be here but woooow clarke really looves me tho”
“i love you too” !!!!! oohmygosh! i was actually right about clarke killing finn?! (like i swear to god i swear to god i wrote down that prediction down before i saw his death and i wrote it as a joke wtf) this is the kind of death that finn would want bc ofc they give finn a romantic tragic death
wow so basically finns whole character was all just for clarkes development. 
side note:  is finn Clarke’s first boyfriend? cuz this a lottt. like the only other possibility ive seen up to this point is wells it was made pretty clear that they were never a real thing. like imagine if this show was marketed to be about teens coming of age and first loves then the show gives out this shit. but in general what is this shooow? like i know sokka’s first girlfriend turned into the moon but this. this is ‘thats rough buddy’
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jimindraft · 5 years
mint choco | csb
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© morethanblue
ㆍsummary; you had the biggest crush on your friend’s friend because he was the cutes... wait, did he just say mint choco is the same as toothpaste?
ㆍgenre; fluff?
ㆍword count; 1.5K.
ㆍ warnings; swearing.
ㆍtag; alternative universe, college!soobin and college!reader
17:05 pm. Crap. If I was given a dollar for everytime I was late I... maybe wouldn't even get there in time. I was late for my last class of the semester and I really promised I wouldn't be but the world loves conspiring against me and make the line in the coffee shop twice as big as it would be any other day. I didn't need coffee that desperately but I zoned out until it was almost my turn and I was already late.
Class started ten minutes before I got there, and the back door made this shrieking noise everytime it was opened so I knew that if I went inside I would interrupt everything so I opted on staying outside until my anxiety calmed down and I could think straight.
Since I was in college I knew no teacher would kill me for being ten minutes late but just the thought of everyone looking at me and my face heating up and having to find an empty seat while my heart was beating so fast… It’s the last class anyway.
I sat on the floor putting my backpack right beside me and took out my phone. Beomgyu had texted me 11 times. What a clingy kid.
16:45 omw to class pls b ther 16:47 or maybe dont lmao i dont wanna see ur face 16:51 wait i wasnt serious 16:51 girl answer me 16:52 u ded 16:53 the teacher came in i hate being alone pls get here 16:53 bitch wya 16:54 if your getting coffee istg 16:54 this is literally the last class 16:54 you had one (1) job 16:55 fuck you
As I was gonna text him back I looked up to see a group of boys walking in silence.
I first recognized Felix and almost stood up to say hi, which made them all look at me which made me realize who was there. Choi Soobin.
My crush on him started when Felix posted an instagram story with him, the video showed Soobin laughing and I remember thinking, wow, that’s the cutest thing i’ve ever seen. I was too shy to ask who he was but I started following his account a few days after when I gathered the courage. My biggest mistake was telling Beomgyu there was someone that caught my eye, since he was obsessed with me getting a boyfriend so he could get away from me. What a child.
‘’Is he our age? What’s his name? Where did you meet him?’’ Beomgyu had gone crazy with questions.
The fact that I only knew his name and the fact that he was in one of Felix’s classes felt kind of pathetic when I told my best friend but he promised he would find more information on Soobin. Before I could tell him I wasn’t even that into him, things had escalated too quickly and five months later I found myself more interested in the tall boy.
I had never actually talked to him, I don’t even think I had seen him this close.
‘’Why aren’t you in class?’’ Felix questioned me and I was too flustered to think of something.
I stood up to look at them from… well, they are taller than me so even standing up I still have to look up to see their faces. I don’t think I could look at Soobin, though. I might die trying.
‘’I… I’m just waiting for Beomgyu’’ You were, in fact, waiting for him, so it wasn’t completely a lie.
‘’Right. They’re dating.’’ Felix said looking to his right, where Soobin was.
I panicked. I really didn’t want him thinking I’m dating my best friend. God, no. I looked at him and saw a tall boy with his big curious eyes looking at me shyly. His hands were in front of him, his fingers intertwined. Do you see why I’m so whipped? He's too cute.
‘’I’m just kidding!’’ Felix said as he saw how altered I was. ‘’Ah, by the way, we’re hanging out at Cracker’s later. You should come.’’
I dared to look once more in Soobin’s direction. Shit. This was the first time he’d ever seen me and I didn’t make the best first impression. I mean, I could’ve done better. Our eyes met and I felt like dying from embarrassment.
As soon as they left I saw the class door open and the first one to run out of the room was obviously my crackhead friend Beomgyu.
‘’You fucking bitch.’’ he continued to curse me all the way back to the dorms where we stayed.
‘’By the way, Felix invited me to hang out later. He said to invite you’’
His eyes showed interest and his gaze turned into a playful one.
‘’We should totally go, you know who might come.’’ He said and giggled. I barely had energy to roll my eyes.
I mean, yes I wanted to see his bunny face as much as possible but I didn’t know if I could handle being near him for too much, and I was afraid that purely my existence would be too embarrassing.
‘’Yeah, he was with him earlier’’ I sounded distressed and was even more ashamed when my best friend asked me what I had said to him. ‘’Nothing? I mean there wasn’t anything I could say to him, right? Was I supposed to?’’
He sighed. ‘’You’re so stupid. I honestly can’t stand you.’’ You hit his arm with all your strength and he winced in pain, exaggerating of course since you had noodles as arms.
Your heart pounded on your chest as Beomgyu opened the door to Cracker’s without hesitating. You suddenly felt like running away or at least clinging into his arm but decided against it, since it may have been weird to see you both entering like that. Everyone already suspected you were a couple but you honestly could never see each other that way. You loved him of course, since he was great and you would never deny he’s really good looking but he just really wasn’t your type.
You looked around to find Felix but your best friend found him faster and dragged you to the table where he was sitting. Alone.
‘’Where’s everyone?’’ You asked trying to hide your disappointment.
‘’They’re asses. Everyone was busy apparently’’ he said pouting and Beomgyu went to his side of the booth and sat next to him while fake crying trying to comfort the guy. You loved seeing them joke that way with each other.
You sat alone in front of Felix and shamelessly grabbed his milkshake to try it. As the strong flavor hit you, you noticed a black jacket on your side that was way too big to be Felix’s. As you were about to ask him, a tall figure approached your table leaving you frozen with the straw on your lips.
‘’Oh, Soobin, hi!’’ Beomgyu said cheerfully, as always and with your best effort you gave him a small smile.
‘’Hi!’’ he said back cutely and you noticed a pink milkshake in his hand. He seemed to think for a moment and ended up sitting next to you, since there was no space next to Beomgyu and Felix. Was this place always so small?
You felt so small next to him, and his arm was only a couple centimeters away from yours so you could feel his warmth and that made your heart flutter. Ok, maybe your crush on the boy was really strong. You didn't even feel so nervous when you had your first kiss or last week when you had to give a presentation in front of your class.
‘’... and what do you want?’’ Beomgyu asked you which made you realize you were completely absorbed in your thoughts and he didn’t miss the opportunity to tease you. ‘’Are you okay? Your face is a little flushed. Are you hot? Oh, but it’s winter…’’ You were gonna kill him.
‘’A mint chocolate milkshake, you ass’’ You told him with a cold glare and murmuring the last part.
What caught your attention next was a noise wight next to you. An ‘’ugh’’ had left Soobin’s lips and you looked at him in disbelief.
‘’Please don’t tell me you’re a mint chocolate hater too.’’ you sighed, leaving almost all nervousness behind. ‘’ You and Taehyun, god, what did the poor flavor do to you?’’
‘’I can’t believe you out of all people would like it. Ugh, it’s just not good’’ Before you could say something he kept going. ‘’Beomgyu bring her toothpaste in a glass, it’s the same thing.’’ You both looked in front of you and were shocked to see you were left alone.
You crossed your arms in front of you and looked at the tall boy do the exact same and look at you defyingly. Your heart did something right there in that moment.
did i hear part two? nah, must’ve been the wind.
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imagine-loki · 5 years
Two Hot Chocolates, A Brownie and A Norse God of Mischief
TITLE: Two Hot Chocolates, A Brownie and a Norse God Of Mischief
AUTHOR: Inspired-snowflace
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: imagine that you are really interested in MARVEL and you and your friend are always like quoting the movies and so one day ur in a cafe and u say a Loki quote and then someone behind u finishes the quote ur saying and it sounds hella like Loki so u turn around to be like whoa great impression but when you turn around it’s actually Loki and he’s like nice impression and ur like dead and just fangirling and Loki is just loving being adored so much and so u two end up hanging out and fall in love
NOTES/WARNINGS: I haven’t written anything in the past 3 months. So this is my attempt to get back to writing. I am sorry if it isn’t good, but I tried real hard. I am sorry it I disappointed the original imagine writer due to not putting the same ending. (And not to mention half of it iust got deleted by itself)
"When you said you were opening Wakanda to the world, this is not what I imagined."
“Well, what did you imagine?”
“The Olympics, a starbucks maybe?”
That was it. That was all your crazy friend had to say to lead to this moment. You had shifted to a new place and this was the first time your friend was visiting you. You took her to the nearby Starbucks, because Olympics wasn’t really your cup of tea. As you entered the store, the only noise was the small bell on the door. Well, that you and your friend were here, not anymore.
“I am Loki of Asgard and I am burdened with glorious purpose" Your friend screamed, testimony to the statement that you both quoted the movies so much that you wont notice even if you came face to face with the real avengers.
You looked inside to see a couple sitting and a man with his back turned to you. Hm.. Didn’t look like the kind of people who would call an ambulance on you guys to take you to the mental hospital.
You liked this branch because it was cosier as compared to the others, with a very few people. The shop had mahogany furniture which mingled beautifully with the smell of freshly brewed coffee and hints of vanilla. You went to place the order while your friend picked a seat.
“Is that your friend?” The barista asked you sceptically. He didn’t think you mad and you attributed that painful fact to the inability to scream quotes when you were alone.
“Loki is beyond reason but he is of Asgard and he is my brother.”
He stared at you blankly. Ahhh... not a fan. Probable candidate of calling the ambulance.
“I would like two hot chocolates, a brownie and a Norse God of Mischief please.” You placed your order.
“Hot chocolates- 2, Brownie-1 and... what was your last request?”
“Never mind.. you guys don’t have it on the menu” You wish you knew how wrong you were at the moment.
“That will be 12.50.”
You paid and waited for your order. When it arrived, you picked it daintily and turned around. You saw her sitting ahead of the man. Yet, she took matters in her own hands.
“Cap, On your left.” She turned and waved as if there were a hundred occupied tables instead of just three. She was sitting on the table ahead of the man, which were the only two tables on the left. She had purposely chosen that table. Cheeky girl!! A+ for the effort.
Placing the order down you sat opposite to her your back to the man. Immediately, she picked the cup with your name on it.
“He spelt your name wrong!!! He had one job!! Just the one!!”
Well, you had corrected the man the last time you were here. But people spelt it wrong so often that you stopped correcting them. It wasn’t exactly new for you.
“If it’s all the same to you, I will have that drink now.”
You friend turned to look at the barista and scream some Tony, or better yet, Falcon quote. Instead she turned back without screaming and said, “Oh God!! He is cute!!”
Trust your friend to fall in love with someone who is minutes away from calling the ambulance on you guys.
“There is only one God ma’am, and I am pretty sure he does not dress like that.”
“Loki.” You both said at once, laughing and high-fiving.
“I swear he exists only to raise my expectations in men. Normal men- yeah! They will never be God.” You added.
“Your world on the balance and you bargain for one man?”
“Any day... If you are talking about Loki, that is.”
There was a few minutes of silence where you both savoured your hot chocolates and the brownie. You hear footsteps and saw the couple leave.
“I wanted to tell you something..” Your friend said, interrupting the peace.
“I was having 12 percent of the moment.” You added closely after, “I am listening.”
“I understood that reference.” She said pointing out like Steve.
She continued, “Since you have given the breakfast treat, allow me to take you lunch. There is a Shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don’t know what it is, but I want to try it.”
“Why do you wanna take me to lunch? Tell me!!” You whisper screamed.
“Its really not that complicated. I got red on my ledger, I'd like to wipe it out.”
The next dialogue was more malicious, but cursed be you if you allowed a chance to say Loki’s dialogue slip. So you steeled yourself and began, “Can you?”
“Can you wipe out that much red? Dreykov's daughter, Sao Paulo, the hospital fire? Barton told me everything.” Came a voice from behind you, nailing the dialogue, the British accent and the snark down to a T. You literally froze, a chill went down your spine as you understood the dread that must have sparked in Agent Romanoff. However, it died as soon as the dialogue ended. Not for your friend though, she sat with her jaw hanging as if she had just seen a ghost.
“Umm.. wow man!! That was flawless. You nailed it down perfectly.” Under normal circumstances, you would have quoted the movies but all flew out of your head when he spoke.
Your voice seemed to snap your friend out of the daze she was stuck in. Her eyes widened and she pointed the space behind you. She tried to speak but no words came out. Her eyes were unblinking as if she feared that a blink will turn it into a dream.
“Cap, to your left” She finally said, but you figured her words from reading her lips rather than what she said, for her voice was completely inaudible.
You turned around.
No. No way.
Sitting there was a man, with a chiselled marble face, framed by night black hair, his bluish-green eyes seemed so deep that you could not look away. It seemed like the sea had engulfed you with its beauty. But your focus was stolen by the smile. Despite the mean comment, the smile was hopeful, was genuine.
You had argued with you friend that the first thing you would do if you ever saw Loki would be to scream, jump up and down no matter the situation. But even as you tried to say his name, your voice got stuck with the various emotions having a party in your throat. This time your friend snapped you out of the temporary muteness by whisper screaming.
“This is madness!!”
“Is it?” His eyes softened as he looked at you, “Is it?”
“OhMyGodLokiThisIsUnbelievableIAmAHugeFan!!” You squealed in an incoherent language.
“Darling, I am pretty sure even allspeak cant translate that.” He said with a laugh.
“Oh my gosh!!! Can we get a hug?” Finally, all the quotes flew out of your friend’s mind.
He had such an innocent smile on his face that it seemed impossible that this guy had tried to attack New York. He stood up and green light shimmered around him, changing his coat into the costume from the avengers. He held his arms open calling you both for a hug.
You were quicker to respond. “Mmmm.. Brother, you look ravishing.” And proceeded to throw your arms around him and bear hugged with as much love as your body could muster, making sure to convey the love and make your tumblr friends proud. Behind you, your friend had completely lost her mind at the change of outfit.
“Dont faint. Don’t faint. Don’t faint....” She repeated like a mantra while pressing her fingers into her temples as if that would keep her alive.
“Does she do this often?” Loki asked you amused at the effect he had on your friend.
“Only when she meets incredibly hot Gods of Mischief in their armour.” You said with a smirk.
You nervously glanced at the counter because it was about time for the ambulance to be called. He was busy cleaning the counter, leaving you guys to your own shenanigans. Phew!! No ambulance.
Then you noticed the mischievous glint in Loki's eyes with the words, “Just a bit of illusion magic dear.”
Meanwhile, you saw that your friend was crushing Loki in a bear hug so tightly that you doubted he was able to breathe but he didn’t say anything, happy for the love and attention he was getting.
“Now, now, darling, even if I am a God, an occasional breath of oxygen would be nice.” Your friend loosened ever so slightly, taking his words ‘occasional breath of oxygen’ too literally.
“Hey!! Get off him!! Get yourself your own Loki. He is my God of Mischief!!” You pouted and started playfully hitting your friend, urging her to stop hugging him so that you could be in his embrace again. After all, how many people are luck enough to hug their fictional crush.
Loki threw his head back and laughed and opened his arm, “Well, I can definitely handle two mortals crushing me.” You threw yourself into his open waiting arm after poking your friend a bit so that you could squish your cheek against his armour.
“I must say; it was easier to breathe with Thor's hammer on my chest. You mortals are pretty strong.”
“You have an army.” Your friend’s muffled voice came and then added, “And we will most certainly kneel.” Loki laughed at that though his cheeks were sprinkled pink.
“How about my beautiful ladies stop crushing me like a bilgesnipe its prey, and then perhaps we talk and exchange, what do they call it, phone numbers?”
“Deal!!” You promptly screamed. Your friend promptly fainted.
“I am honoured?” He questioned, winking at you.
“Oh don’t worry about her”, you dismissed. “She wouldn’t want to miss your phone number.” You said while facing your friend.
“Of course I will not!!” your friend said while keeping her fainted pretence. “Haven’t you seen enough movies to know that this is the cliché where he falls in love with me?”
You all laughed.
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multiphandomunnies · 5 years
remnants of happiness | im nayeon
requested: nopers admin: mirae authors note: im not so sure im fully happy with this. also I wish i could make fics like these a surprise and have you discover its angst and not fluff but i needa add the warnings for people, i dont anyone gettin hurt cause of me  authors note #2: if you find any mistakes please let me know! genre: angst warnings: abuse, mental and physical  word count: 1.4k
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Monday, 6:23pm, Week 1 
Your hands typed away furiously at the keyboard, eye barely even glancing down to double-check your typing or spelling. Your eyes have been hyper-focused on the girl in front of you, Im Nayeon, you don't believe in gods or goddess but something within your mind told you that they were real and Nayeon was one of them. 
She gently brushed her hair behind her ear, head slightly turning in your direction. For the split second that your eyes locked with hers, you felt your heart 20 floors and your stomach practice gymnastics. That smile, that sweet bunny-like smile, had to have been one of the cutest things you'd ever seen. 
Turning back to her friend, you couldn't remember her name but you had seen them together many times, Nayeon went back to talking to her as if she didn't just take another piece of your heart. Maybe someday, you'd get the guts to actually talk to her and not stare at her like a creep in the coffee shop. Despite giving yourself the little bumps of encouragement you knew you'd probably never be able to do it. 
You weren't like your friends, you couldn't just strike up a conversation with any given stranger. Even though Nayeon wasn't a stranger, you had her in your econ class and had talked to her a few times, so at this point, she was an acquaintance. An acquaintance that you happened to be madly infatuated with. 
Looking back down at your work your cheeks burned up in embarrassment, you hadn't been typing about the difference in healthcare between America, Germany, and China, you had been typing your nonsense thoughts Quickly backtracking you deleted everything your autopilot brain at typed and attempted to work on your assignment once more. You couldn't keep letting Nayeon distract you like this. 
It felt like hours had passed, hours spent wasting your life away studying for a degree you wouldn't even get a job, A light tap causes your eye to snap up at the source of the sound. 
There she stood, light shining down around her beautifully. 
“Hi,,, may I help you?”, you asked quietly, mentally cursing yourself for sounding so rude. Nayeon didn't seem to take offense to your tone as she simply giggled. 
“This probably sounds extremely stupid and I know what you're gonna say so I've already prepared myself. I was wondering if I could have your number?” Nayeon always had been good at one thing, confidence, or at least faking confidence, you'd never seen her look nervous, worried, and tired. She always had her shoulders back and a smile on her face. There she stood in front of you, voice wavering and fingers fiddling with her hair. 
“O,, Of course-” you shake your head at your own stutter, hands reaching for a spare piece of paper to write it down on “-here you go,” handing her the paper your hands brushed a little sending a shock to your heart.
 “Thank you Y/n,, I'll text you later,” Nayeon spun around on her heels giggling with her friend as they left the shop. 
You stared blankly at your computer, confused by what had just happened. Thee Im Nayeon was nervous because she was asking for your number.
Friday, 9:56pm, Week 5
Dating Nayeon had been one of the most amazing experiences of your life. She was the perfect girlfriend, you couldn't have asked for a better person in your life. It felt like you two had been made for each other, despite only dating for a little over a month, it felt like you had been dating for years. Dropping the box on the floor you huffed and smiled as you gently rubbed your back. 
“That's it, the last box,” you said proudly to Nayeon.
 She was moving in with you, despite her friends thinking it was a bad idea. Some would say that you were moving to fast but you didn't care, ou just knew that you and Nayeon were meant to be together. 
She giggled and tapped your nose “I think it's time we have a snack, we deserve it after all this heavy lifting,” her voice was the most calming and relaxing thing you'd ever heard before. 
“Ah, you're a smart one aren't ya? I think you're correct, we deserve a snack,” you slung your arm over her shoulder and lead her in the direction of your small and cramped kitchen. 
“Now we have to figure out if we want to cook something or order something,” you say as you stared at your practically empty fridge.
 Nayeon looked at you then back at the fridge “How about we order some Chinese,” she suggested with a laugh at how empty your cabinets were also. Nodding your head in the agreement you reached for the phone and began putting in your guys' orders. 
Within 35 minutes the Chinese had arrived and you and Nayeon laid on the couch and watched TV as you stuffed your face with the extremely greasy and unhealthy food.
Tuesday, 3:12pm, Week 8
You knew you knew you should have listened to what everyone was saying. You were blind, blind by a love that was never there and never existed in the first place. Nayeon wasn't some goddess sent from the heavens just for you, no she was a demon sent to make your life a living hell and she was succeeding. 
Throwing the pillow on the couch Nayeon screamed “I wasn't cheating on you, babe. I swear I was out having a few drinks with my friend Jeongyeon then we went back to her place, you could even ask her,” Nayeon had tears in her eyes, she tried to hold them back but they threatened to spill overboard. 
“You know what you are? Pathetic, you're a pathetic excuse of a human being. Why the fuck would I call Nayeon when I know she’d lie to cover up for the fact that her best friend is a dirty little lying whore,” you spat your words at her like venom, causing the tears she so strongly attempting to hold back to spill over. 
Nayeon sobbed, loudly. Hearing it made your heartbreak, maybe you were wrong to judge and accuse her, maybe she really had been telling the truth. “,,,, Is what I would've said If I didn't believe you, I believe you bae I'm sorry for getting mad,” you tried to cover up your outburst.
 Walking over to her you got angry when she flinched away from your touch “Babe,” you said in your most stern voice “I love you so much and id never do anything to hurt you, never, but you know who would hurt you? The other people, other people will try to hurt you but I won't because I love you,” you roughly pulled her into you. Enjoying the feeling of her trembling body pressed against yours. Smelling her hair the scent of cherry and jasmine soothed your heart. 
You loved Nayeon, she was perfect in every single way. She was yours, and you wouldn't let anyone else have you. They weren't right for her but you were. You were perfect for the perfect girl.
Sunday, 11:38pm, Week 12
Liar, liar, liar, liar, that's all she was. She lied, constantly. Constantly lied and broke you apart, she wasn't perfect nor had she ever been. She had always been a dirty little slut, who loved to play games with people's hearts, hearts like yours that were so caring would get ripped apart by her vicious claws. 
Despite all that, all her lies, you loved her more than words could even begin to describe, She was incredible, beautiful, amazing. She lifted you up when you were down. Every second with her was euphoric like you were high on love, and it felt beyond amazing. Staring at her figure, curled up on the ground you smiled sinisterly. 
“I love you Nayeon,-” brushing some of her sweaty hair off her forehead you continued “-and no one will ever be able to love a slut like you, except for me,” you finished, hand slapping across her face to get her attention. “Do you love me, Nayeon?’ you asked voice cracking. 
Nayeon whimpered and nodded her head “I do, I love you. I ever cheated on you baby and I promise I never will,’ she cried out, hands attempting to free themselves from the shackles you bound them too. 
“I can't trust you, baby, I just can't. Until you can gain my trust back I need you to stay here where it's safe,” you said. Standing up you cracked your neck and headed to the door of the storage room far out from the nearest city. 
“Goodbye Nayeon, I left you some food and water, I'll be back tomorrow to check up on you.”
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willybillyme · 4 years
today was a pretty good day
breakfast: 0 kcal
lunch : 488 kcal
dinner: 325 kcal
calories consumed: 813 kcal
i did 500 climbers and 1 min plank and apparently i did 893 steps (but i still dont walk with my phone all the time) so i burned: 108 kcal
total calorie intake: 705 kcal
tomrw i will keep my phone on my pocket the whole day, so i can know how much steps i take in a normal day.
i used to walk 6000~7000 steps a day(half way home) and 11 000 steps if i walk from my school to my house , i missed that time. i used to run 3×30 min each week ,i really missed that. and all of that with with only 400 kcal in my stomach. (friday was a cheat day for me , it really helps, i used to had 2500 kcal !! a lot of bloating after it but really really worth it!!)
plz stay safe ! and lose weight in a smart way! we're living in a pandemic and so, don't go harsh on yourslef no one is gonna blame you for gaining weight !! it's normal and okay. look i increased my calories limit because i know i won't regret it! and you should too.
if you're craving bad and junk food that's normale, fiber and vitamine can't do much without the sun... like the vitamine D who is not GIVEN by the sun but ACTIVATED by the sun, it's not the same thing. your body knows what food is better for you ! also when you bloat you burn more calories ,and it's because your stomach is working hard!
exercising and intermittent fasting is the best way to keep your weightloss (working out 30 mim just before breaking your fast) or your weightmaintain/grow muscles. (working out 2h after breaking your fast).
our body are all different and no one knows how your body is gonna react to a workout! u can workout after a meal and lose weight!
also remember that fast or low metabolism, doesnt really exist but what does is your standard weight that you body already setted up before you were born! he will always fight to have that one weight he wants and that you don't know. if you lose to much weight he'll try to gain as much weight to go back to it and if you gain weight he'll quickly lose it ! love your body,he is always the best he can even when you're at your worst.
i know that my standard weight is 51kg(112lbd) i've been maintaining it for almost 5 mounths even tho i had a lot of cheat days , i gained weight but i've quickly lost it, i also know that i genuinely can't go under 50 kgs (109lbs) my body will do anything to gain weight until i'm 51kgs (112)again .
plz stay safe ! I'm not trying to spread any negativity in this account we can have an ed and love the way we're .
i have an ed, body dysmorphia and bipolarity but i'm still happy with who i am.
i wanna try and have 45kg (99lbs) so i can see if i like the "skinny me" or not.
i of course struggle with eating too much food, even tho there's not something such as to much food, i still remember that it's okay and my body needed it.
i can't reach my UGW this year because my neighborhood lost her daughter 2 years ago because of anorexia nervosa. she was 12 y.o ! and the only girl she had, i swear to god that almost every night she cries and sometimes i feel bad for having an ed. whenever i meet her she hugs me for 30min and start noticing my weightloss "ah you lost weight"; "really? it's just school and a lot of work i swear" i felt like someone took my heart and played ping pong with it.
i liked her daughter , she was always the first in her class no matter what ,the day before she died she bought a cake and no one visited her . if she had an account here i wish to visit it . she was so sweet but her mom tried everything for her but nothing worked. she was at this point if she doesnt eat she dies and she does she dies. even an operation was impossible. it was the sadest end i've ever seen in real life . i dreamed about her one night and she was at my house taking my hand and forcing me to go outside and play with the other girls. i woke up , remembered and cried . she looked healthy.
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