#i think actually i should be allowed to go live on a little island and cut off communications with everyone except the gays in my phone
dont-offend-the-bees · 7 months
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plutogist · 8 months
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i. part two: hang out with these characters (part one)
ii. gender neutral. reader | unedited version (lmk if I used any gendered terms!)
iii. cw: spoilers in manga (chrollo's part), mentions of death, massacre/slaughter, torture, trauma, and violence. stealing, fluff & semi-angst (?)
iv. characters: gon freecs, killua zoldyck, kurapika kurta, chrollo lucilfer, feitan portor.
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You hang out with the boy a lot as the two of you develop a rapport with one another and grow closer. The two of you would often be perched on top of a tree branch as he casts his fishing line into the middle of a swamp. He would ask you questions about your past, how you lived in YorkNew City, and even about yourself constantly while he was fishing.
Talking to Gon is comforting, although he is extremely enthusiastic. You might find yourself baffled as to how he appears to be fulfilled while not harboring any unwelcome feelings or thoughts. But naturally, that wasn't the only thing. He would take you around the town's outskirts. And to pass the time if you were in his place, you two would play a variety of board games.
When Gon wasn't allowed to practice Nen for two months because of his injudicious decision of fighting Gido, you and Killua trained together without Nen because Killua don't want Gon to be left behind. Since neither of you was particularly talkative throughout your training session-unlike Gon, who frequently emits a lot of commotion when the three of you are together-it was really awkward and silent.
You're just reluctant to approach him because you two weren't really close. But even so, he would give you advice on how to grow more powerful and tell you about what you should concentrate on. As an outcome, the more you two trained together over the course of the two months, the closer you two grew.
The two of you are hardly alone together unless it involves training, combat, etc. The three of you traveled to Whale Island after leaving Heaven's Arena to meet Mito Freecs, Gon's aunt, and Abe, his great-grandmother. They were quite friendly to you, and his great-grandmother told you and Killua plenty of stories about Gon. Gon once left the two of you because his aunt asked him to go get some supplies she needed to prepare later.
You offered your assistance to Aunt Mito with the laundry. Killua was watching you as you washed the clothes since he isn't really sure how he can help you or do things like that. He would speak about his experiences and escapades as an experienced assassin, a member of the notorious Zoldyck family, and the future heir to the family to keep you entertained. However, it wasn't all that entertaining to hear about how he was actually tortured as a baby.
You also shared your stories with him when you were younger. Being from your typical family, you didn't find it particularly interesting. To your surprise, Killua laughed and thought you were humorous when you were younger because of both your foolishness and your intrepid nature. You attempted tossing him your left slippers, but he deftly sidestepped it. Indeed, the day was enjoyable.
(Prior to the massacre of the Kurta Clan)
He would come and see you in your leisure time and encourage you to read in the neighborhood library with him. You would undoubtedly concur that it is Kurapika after all. You two would sit side by side on the couch in the serene library, and before starting a new book, he would offer that you execute an exchange. For instance, he may recommend a book to you and vice versa.
The majority of the novels he read are far more serious than you may think. He always recommends history or biographies of philosophers who lived a century ago, as well as crime, mystery, and science fiction, works. Despite how much you like it, you feel a little ashamed about the works you're recommending to him since they seem so plain to him. [Unless you have the same taste w/ him]
Most of your hangouts are just solitude and calm, but you like that tranquility. Along with Pairo, the three of you are going to stay in the forest as you three would for an adventurous hangout. You would capture fish or other creatures that are suitable for human consumption.
(After the massacre of the Kurta Clan)
You feel much closer to your childhood friend now that you've seen him again. He lost his positive outlook since, as you are aware, criminals killed the members of his clan. If you were in his position, you wouldn't have any optimism at all. Therefore, you are always at his side to lessen his sense of isolation and provide him with emotional support. A conversation with him may be quite intense and passionate. He would often speak to you late at night about his unsaid emotions, his grief, his trauma, his enmity, and the survivor's guilt.
He's still a huge book nerd, so you two would borrow books from the local library and read them together while relaxing in the calm setting. You are just brought back to the past by it.
(When you were still living in Meteor City)
Chrollo introduced you to Father Lisores, the owner of the church that you saw. (First chapter) And now, you're affiliated with him because you look like you're on the verge of death and he pities you. In exchange for your assistance with his charitable endeavors and your assistance each time there is a mass for children and other Meteor City residents, he provides you with a place to live, food, and other requirements.
Furthermore, you got to know some of Chrollo's friends. They all treated you well, but Chrollo is the one you get along with the best. Despite the difficulties of his life, he is bursting with positive energy. He frequently stops by the church and enjoys bringing you unusual items.
Most of your time together would be spent in the church's rear chamber, where he would show you other items and instruct you in speaking Gelman. (In the universe of Hunter x Hunter, probably English). His discoveries and his astute thinking never fail to captivate you. He frequently blushes when you praise him, but in all honesty, he kind of craves it since he wants to impress you.
Chrollo requested you, Sarasa, and Pakunoda to voice dub a Mighty Sweepin' Power Cleaners VHS tape into your mother tongue so that the kids in Meteor City could watch and understand the episode. It gave you an immense thrill to voice-dub the role that was given to you, and it warmed your heart to see the children moved and enthralled.
(Phantom Troupe / After the slaughter of Kurta Clan)
After Sarasa's death, Phantom Troupe was established with the intention of exacting retribution. You presently hold the fourth rank and are a member of the Phantom Troupe, a group of malevolent thieves. You two don't spend much time together since Chrollo is so busy keeping up his leadership role, looking for items that can be of great use to the group, or if he wants to steal a particular item. In fact, it only happens once in a blue moon.
But you can't blame him after all. Though when all of you are gathered up for a meeting, he would give you pieces of jewelry, books, and others that you love, which you presumably think that he stole, it feels nice that he's thinking about you.
While waiting for the remainder of the members to arrive, you would speak with them about significant topics and share what you had learned from your mission. His responses to you are brief since he is still engaged with the book he is reading. You feel sort of sad about it but chose to not complain.
While the troupe was in York New, he would pay you many visits at the gaming shop where you work, and would practically gaze at you as if you were a ghost or something - well, he's waiting for you to end your shift. You can't concentrate on your work due to his scary glances, and he physically stares at everyone that walks into the shop.
You would advise him to cease doing that after your shift, but he would act unaware even though he understood what you meant. You two would saunter through the Saloma Mall, only glancing at the merchandise in the storefront windows, not bothering to go inside because you're saving up your money.
But there was a time when you spotted a bracelet that piqued your curiosity, but it was so pricey that your wage wasn't sufficient to pay for it. Feitan was aware of this but remained silent. After dropping you off at your flat, he goes to the shop where you spotted the bracelet you like and snatches it violently.
He handed you the bracelet the next day. Unaware that he had stolen it, you were perplexed by how he was able to purchase it. When you questioned about how he was able to afford it, he just said that they were confidential.
Feitan isn't a particularly chatty person, and neither are you, but whenever he comes to see you while you're at work, you strike up a conversation with him, and honestly, talking to him is much more comfortable than talking to other people because he's direct and doesn't sugarcoat his words, which is what you like best.
He just listens to your rambling while paying attention to what you're saying, but he obviously won't be overt about it. The two of you would play video games in your flat after your shift. Because he has a strong sense of competition, he usually defeats you. He constantly invited Phinks and Shalnark as well.
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tyrantisterror · 7 months
Saw Godzilla Minus One again and yeah, just as good if not better than I felt it was the first time.
But it does have me thinking - well, honestly, I've been thinking about this for a while - about how often critics of this series have bandied the argument that only certain Godzilla movies are "true to the spirit of the original," and others are not and thus are trash. It's always used as a way to not just praise the movie in question the critic is talking about, but to still paint most of the Godzilla movies as disposable garbage - which is really to protect the critic's status as an authority by emphasizing they do not challenge the popular assumption that Godzilla movies are by and large garbage, and instead only think certain Godzilla movies - a rare and specific few - managed to rise above their station as garbage to be worth something.
Godzilla (1985) is the only Godzilla movie to hold true to the spirit of the original.
Shin Godzilla is the only Godzilla movie to hold true to the spirit of the original.
Godzilla Minus One is the only Godzilla movie to hold true to the spirit of the original.
And I have... too many thoughts on this to put in a normal tumblr post, I should probably organize them into, like, an essay (god it's been ages since I actually wrote one of those, nowadays I just let myself ramble with only a thin grasp of a point). But this is bullshit, right? This is a bullshit thing that critics and especially fans, so many Godzilla fans do this. It's so fucking cowardly and pretentious, the act of a person without the bravery to truly stand up for art they love, a person who'd rather cover their own ass than be bold enough to fight for what others have ignorantly deemed trash.
Like, my feelings on Shin Godzilla are not negative - they're lukewarm, a "well it's not really for me but I get what they're going for" feeling. But so many people for so many years have held it up high and said, "Finally, a Godzilla movie that's not trash like all the other sequels, one that FINALLY lives up to the SPIRIT of the first, FLAWLESS, PERFECT FILM!" that I can't help feeling resentment for it, a sort of petty envy at how it is constantly held up so the people praising it can shit down on all the others that preceded it. I think I've been more harshly critical of it than I have most Godzilla movies specifically because so many people feel the need to praise it as flawless while shitting on the Godzilla movies that I like more - as if I need to find flaw in Shin Godzilla to prove my love for the others.
Which is cowardly too, in all honesty. We shouldn't need to burn one movie to praise another.
I love Godzilla Minus One. Objectively (or as objective as any critique I make can be) I think it's the best movie since the original, maybe even surpassing it (unlike the 1954 Godzilla, Godzilla Minus One has not jump cuts or other glaring editing mistakes caused by a rushed production time that didn't allow for proper film coverage). And while it may well be impossible to overcome nostalgia and topple the Holy Trinity of Godzilla sequels in my personal rankings, it might manage to fight its way into my top five Godzilla movies. It's an excellent movie, one of the best for sure.
...but people are ALREADY doing the "It's the first Godzilla movie that's true to the spirit of the original!" bullshit already, and specifically using it to tear Shin Godzilla down. I'm at least a little guilty of it - I mean, it was just an honest expression of my preferences, but still, there wasn't a need for me to express my lukewarm feelings on Shin while praising Minus One - and fuck, man, I already regret that.
It's a coward move. Fight for what you love even if people say you're cringe or uncultured for it. Fuck 'em, be the atomic freak you were born to be. You can't find your monster island if you don't.
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gumnut-logic · 1 month
J Protocol
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The Protocols
This one is a long time coming and I've been staring at it for hours, so have no idea if it is good enough and it hasn't been read through by anyone but me, so I'm going in blind.
This is for @onereyofstarlight who has waited long enough ::hugs::
I hope you enjoy it.
John liked to be alone.
It allowed him to rest, to think, and to be himself. There were no demands on how he needed to act, what he was wearing or what he felt like saying.
Alone he could serenade the stars, karaoke dance to his ABBA collection, read without anyone commenting on what he was reading, and, hell, leave the bathroom door open if he wanted to. Being alone had its advantages.
But it also had its disadvantages.
Today had been an unpleasant one.
The fish brother in the back of his head cried foul and described it in much more colourful terms, in several different languages - did Gordon actually know how to speak Greek? All of the above would have had Grandma threatening to clean his mouth out with soap, but really, John couldn’t help but agree with the description.
Even the thought of his little brother had him smiling just a little as Thunderbird Five slowly grew larger.
He had been out in his exosuit, something he usually enjoyed when a rescue was close by. This had involved a couple of idiots in orbit who had done something very, very stupid.
And it cost them everything.
John had been fast, but space was faster and it took their lives.
Scott had been on comms at the time. His eldest brother had all the kind words amongst the command decisions, but a mission failure was still a failure and after the long shift before it, John was just tired and sad.
Returning home to Five was a relief, but there was part of him, a very small part of him, who missed the loud of home.
He liked being alone.
But he loved his family.
And today sucked all the ass.
Gordon, watch your language.
Talkin’ to yourself, bro.
Solitude also tended to promote conversations with himself.
“John, which airlock will you be using?”
But then, was he truly alone?
“The rear ‘lock, Eos. The suit needs some repairs and a good clean.”
“Should I alert Virgil?”
“No, I can manage.” But that would be an excuse to see his big brother. Virgil wasn’t a fan of space, but he would drop by at any hint of John needing help.
A glance in the direction of Tracy Island, in midnight darkness just like the whole half a planet beneath him.
John sighed as he slowed, firing reverse thrusters to kill off his velocity, to a smooth pacing of Five. Splattering himself across her solar panels would certainly be an undesirable end to an already shitty day.
Eos had the airlock open and waiting, enabling John to slip in quietly. Five crept around him with her protection. Being out in space was a raw experience. Beautiful, but raw. His ‘bird provided a sense of security with cahelium between him and the harsh environment.
The airlock sealed and the air pressure welled up, familiar in its reassuring caress. The inner door slipped open and he pushed off gently into the module he had left in such a hurry several hours earlier.
He ran through the disassembly routine for his exosuit, robotic arms pulling it gently from his body. For some reason he found himself leaning into that metallic touch.
Damn, maybe he had been away from Tracy Island for too long.
He would have to schedule some leave.
But he had that experiment running…and Auckland University were waiting for his write up on his comet. He could do the writing on Tracy Island - would his brothers give him the space?
The pun was ignored.
His brothers tried. He knew they tried. They respected his wishes as much as they could. Didn’t understand them, but respected them. They knew social interaction took energy he felt better spent elsewhere. They knew that what worked for them didn’t necessarily work for him.
They tried.
But he also knew they missed him.
And he loved them for it.
Returning to Earth added him to their lives in three dimensions and they often wanted to take advantage of that. Hell, he wanted to take advantage.
But there was transition time from space to Earth, and all the stuff he had up here, and…
God, he was tired.
The mechanics finished up, leaving him floating free in the centre of the module.
He let himself drift just a little.
Eos didn’t ask if he was okay, but the question was there anyway.
He sighed. “Stash the exosuit, I’ll do the repairs tomorrow.”
“Yes, John.” How did she put so much emotional inflection into those two words?
He refused to sigh again, simply reaching out to touch the wall and nudge himself towards the airlock leading into the central hub of Five.
The room lit up as he entered, the familiar map of the planet below spreading out across the spherical walls. The rescue indicators were clear for once in his life and he was quite happy to pass by the map and head for the gravity ring, aiming for his bathroom and the chance to clean off the sweat under his uniform.
The sudden appearance of a body blocking his path confused his exhausted brain and he was slow to connect the dots of green, blue and heavy lifting brother.
“Whoa, Johnny, take a breath.”
A hand steadied him where his reaction had sent him spinning just a little.
“Virgil? What? Eos, why didn’t you tell me?”
“Virgil asked me not to. You said I should listen to Virgil, so I did.”
John deflated, and sighed in exasperation. “Virgil, why? You scared the shit out of me.”
That earned him a raised eyebrow.
Okay, so plain, old boring swear words weren’t usually his thing, but he was tired.
That eyebrow twitched in his direction.
“Just dropping in for a home visit. That last situation was a rough one.”
“I’m fine, Virgil.” He pushed past his brother. “Just need some sleep.”
John rolled his eyes as he pushed himself out into the ring, his feet lightly landing in the low gravity environment. He strode across cahelium reinforced glass. “If you’re going to order me back to Tracy Island, I rather you didn’t.”
Virgil was obviously following him, the soft squeak of his specialised boots on the glass a not unfamiliar sound. “Haven’t even thought about it. Just wanted to drop by and see how you were going.”
“At two in the morning.”
“I’m a night owl.” He could feel his brother’s smile bounce off the back of his head.
John grunted as he reached the doors to his rooms. He turned to his brother standing behind him. “I’m going to get cleaned up. Back shortly.”
“Scott says debrief in the morning, but I would like to check you over before bed.”
“Really?” It was whiney and childish, and he earned that extra eyebrow arch, but damnit, he was tired.
“Really.” And there was just that touch of steel in Virgil’s voice. Not quite the same as Scott’s commander tone, but just as final. “Don’t make me come in there after you.”
“Fine.” He threw open the door and wished he could slam it behind him with all the petulance he felt right now.
Virgil didn’t answer, nor did he follow him.
It only took a moment or two for the guilt to sink in and John was faced with the fact that Virgil was worried about him. He climbed up into orbit, into space which he didn’t enjoy, to check on his little brother, only to encounter …John.
He let his head drop against the glass of his bedroom wall. Because of the lower gravity, his forehead did not hit with any of the thump he needed it to.
A sigh. He would apologise, but first he needed to get clean.
It was a bit longer than he had expected when he finally emerged from his rooms, but he felt just a little bit more human for the clean and new spacesuit.
Time also helped. His head had been caught up in rescue gone bad. Those few extra minutes helped him step back and breathe.
Virgil wasn’t outside his door, which, considering he’d likely left him with the impression he might have to hogtie John to get the readings he needed, was a surprise.
“Eos, where is Virgil?”
“In the infirmary. John, do you like pineapple?”
He frowned, heading in the direction of the small room set aside for medical needs on the gravity ring. “Yes, why?”
“Even if it is on pizza?”
“Uh, no. Pineapple should never be put on pizza.” He frowned as he slipped into the infirmary. “Have you been talking to Gordon?”
“Yes, and he is most emphatic that pizza should include pineapple in its toppings.”
“Gordon has issues.”
Virgil snorted. “That he does.” His brother looked up as John entered. Apparently, he was doing a medical supply inventory.
He had removed his baldric and harness, and was standing in his overalls-styled uniform without his usual green. It wasn’t right.
As if sensing John’s affronted senses, Virgil frowned. “You okay?”
John shrugged and sat down quietly, and obediently, on the small bed. “You need the green.”
Virgil looked down at himself, wrinkling his nose. “I do feel kind of naked.”
“So why did you take it off?”
“Didn’t need it. Need the suit for safety, but didn’t want to clink every time I moved.” He pulled the medscanner out of it protective sleeve on the bulkhead.
John held up a hand. “Sorry about before. I-“
Virgil put a hand on his arm. “Nothing. Been there, it’s not fun. Understandable.” And that was the end of that.
Virgil gently pushed John’s arm down to his side and began waving the scanner over John’s body.
Ten seconds later he turned off the scanner. “You’re good. Could do with some food, drink and sleep, but everything else is fine. You don’t even have any bruises.” A gentle smile. “You’re good, John.”
“Thank you.” There was a double meaning there, good in health and a compliment on a good job done. “And thank you for coming all the way up here. I could have saved you the trip.” He did know how to use the medscanner, after all.
“There is more to your health than what that scanner can tell me.” Virgil eyed him as he put the device away. “Besides, I like to see my all my brothers from time to time.”
“The time, Virgil. You should be in bed.”
Then as if to throw John completely out of whatever universe he was currently in, Alan bounded through the door. “Virg, it’s working. All ready to go.” His littlest brother looked up. “Oh, hey, John.” And he darted out as fast as he had entered.
“What?” The word burst out of his mouth. “How-?” He glared at Virgil. “What’s going on?”
But Virgil just straightened and smiled. “J Protocol.”
“You’re kidding.”
“Nope.” Virgil strode past him and pushed open the door. “Come with.”
John found his mouth open and had to shut it. “Virgil-“
“Nope.” His brother waved an arm towards the door. “C’mon.”
Instinctively, John knew that if he didn’t move, Virgil would start on more drastic transport options. After all, John had seen his heavy lifting brother throw Scott over his shoulder in exasperation.
Virgil always got his way eventually.
John let his shoulders drop and walked through the door.
This time he felt like stomping instead of slamming, but the same emotion was behind both.
“Virgil, I’m fine.”
His brother nudged him forward as he shut the door behind them. “Good. Keep it that way.”
A strong arm wrapped around his shoulders. “John, you need this.”
But his brother herded him through the airlock into the central hub of Thunderbird Five.
The sphere was full of brothers.
And pizza boxes.
Scott was sitting cross-legged like some kind of suspended Buddha, poking at his phone. Gordon was upside down chattering non-stop to Alan who was the right way up - there was no ‘up’ in space, but there definitely was an ‘up’ on Thunderbird Five, despite the lack of gravity in her central hub - and conversing with an ease that spoke of extensive space experience.
An irrational sense of pride of his littlest brother swelled John’s heart.
All at once the three brothers realised John was in the room.
“Johnny! Welcome to the party!”
Alan flipped midair in an obvious over-the-top move to land right next to John. “Hey, John, way until you see what we’ve done.”
John frowned. “What have you done?” They better not have messed with his ‘bird.
But Scott had unfolded and was narrowing in on John with a frown. He didn’t say anything, just glanced a question at Virgil who gave him a nod.
His two eldest brothers were irritating when they did that, especially when the non-verbal conversation was obviously about him.
Scott reached out and gently clasped John’s arm. “Good job out there today.”
Yesterday, technically. “What are you all doing up here?”
“Pizza party!” Gordon’s eyes were glowing with glee.
“At 2.30 in the morning?”
Scott shrugged. “Sometimes pizza is just needed.” And there was something in his big brother’s eyes.
Goddamnit, he was fine.
But then Scott gently pulled him into a hug. It wasn’t tight, just a wrap of his arms around John, his head resting, just touching John’s shoulder.
The room was oddly silent.
And John found himself leaning into the hug. His brother’s caring touch etching into his skin, drawing him in deeper, feeding a need he hadn’t realised he had.
His head fell quietly onto Scott’s shoulder. The moment it touched, his brother’s grip tightened just a fraction before loosening again…so, so gentle.
Oh god.
But then Scott was equally as gently pulling away, blue eyes eyeing him as if unsure how he would react. Perhaps gauging his next move.
A big hand landed on his back and its partner wrapped around Scott’s shoulder. “I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry.” Virgil nudged himself between them, aiming for the huge pile of floating boxes.
The moment snapped and the world started moving again. Gordon and Alan joined Virgil with the boxes, happily discussing toppings…which ultimately led to the ongoing war between yes-pineapple and no-pineapple on pizza.
Gordon was never going to win that one, outvoted four to one, but he was a determined fish and kept up the battle at every chance.
It was a familiar sound of home.
Blue eyes were still staring at him. Saying so much unsaid.
“Hey, Johnny, me and Virg set up something cool for you.” Alan was bouncing as much as he could in a zero-g environment.
It forced John to look away from Scott. “What have you done?”
“Virgil said he wanted to set you free, but keep you safe, so we did this.” Alan poked at his wrist control.
And the hub walls disappeared.
All his brothers, the stack of pizza, the random slice of pepperoni that chose that moment to drift through his eyeline - all of it, and them, was floating above the night side of Earth with nothing around them.
Thunderbird Five was gone.
His breath caught in his throat. “How?”
Virgil was smiling as he gazed at the view, pizza slice in hand. “A few more sensors on her hull, improved communication with the holoprojectors, and a little bit of programming by Alan, and you have your own space-themed holodeck.”
He stared at the lights of Auckland and Sydney. “You built me a holodeck?”
“Isn’t it cool?!” Alan was definitely bouncing.
John nodded. “Yeah, it’s cool.”
“This is the default view. It draws directly from Five’s exterior sensors. What you see here is what you’d see if we were outside. But I did add a few of my favourites for you and tweaked the input from your telescopes.”
Alan poked at his wrist control and Earth vanished.
It was replaced with a view of the Andromeda Galaxy. They were staring down at a sea of swirling stars surrounded by the deepest darkness.
“It’s not interactive, though. The processing power required for this resolution is huge and Five does have a much larger program it needs to keep safe.” He looked up for a moment, but when there was no response, Alan warily turned his attention back to John. “If you want to add more views, we’ll need to up Five’s storage. We should probably do that anyway. Never hurts to have more storage.”
“Says the video game addict.” Gordon snorted.
“Hey, your holos of fish take up more room than my games.”
“Are you kidding? Zombie death 16 pushed me onto external storage.”
“That was an accident.”
“I may have put it on the house servers twice.”
“What? Did you delete it?”
“Of course I did.”
“Guys?” Virgil’s voice was ever so tolerant.
Gordon and Alan glanced at John. “Sorry.” It was a chorus of the both of them.
No, this was fine. It really was.
Andromeda glowed beneath them.
His family was…being his family.
And there was pizza.
He let himself float and closed his eyes.
The smell of toasted cheese and tomato sauce, peppers, that unique pizza smell.
His brothers talking quietly - Gordon and Alan still at it, but desperately trying to be quiet about it. John would look at digital storage options both for Tracy Island and Thunderbird Five tomorrow.
At the moment…
A soft touch to his shoulder and Virgil was offering him a slice of cheeseburger pizza, his favourite.
Scott had gone back to being aTracy Industries Buddha…until Virgil coasted past, snatched his phone out of his hand, and smoothly replaced it with a slice of pepperoni and cheese.
Scott’s protest was muffled by Virgil’s glare.
John bit into his pizza slice surrounded by his family and an amazing projection of his second favourite galaxy.
Yes, he liked to be alone.
But he also loved his family.
And they loved him enough to follow him.
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whorefordean · 9 months
Hi if it's not to much trouble could you do unrequited love prompt 2 with JJ Mayback
just having fun || j.m
wc: 1.1k
warnings: jj gaslights, mentions of jj’s abuse, cursing
prompt: “it’s tiring. loving you while you love her.”
a/n: thank you for the request!! i did change the prompt a bit (“it’s tiring watching you fall in love with…”) um im not sure how i feel about this one but i do know that it took everything in me not to turn it into a rafe fic where reader somehow ends up with him… anyways i hope you enjoy.
you watched as jj doubled over laughing with kiara. the familiar ache that lived in your chest had been extremely active recently. jj and kiara had gotten a lot closer when you guys got stranded on the island. poguelandia, it had been deemed. it was meant to be your escape. your freedom. in reality, it had just been a hard fucking time.
there were some enjoyable moments. like when jj actually acted like he was your boyfriend instead of drooling over kiara. lately, it seemed like he’d forgotten that you were the one he claimed to be in love with.
you stood up from the log you had been sitting on and decided to go talk to sarah and cleo for advice. you approached the girls with a small smile and slowly sat down beside them.
“i need advice,” you blurted out. the girl’s looked at each other in confusion.
“we are on an island with no rules, no parents, and no worries. what’s got you so bothered?” sarah asked with concern. you sighed, shoulders slumped. you gave them the rundown, explaining how jj had been acting recently.
“i wanna say it’s because we’re stuck here, but it’s been like this for a while. i feel like i’ve been fighting for his attention our entire relationship,” you spoke truthfully. it was something you had just now come to terms with. his relationship with kie. they had always been close, and it didn’t bother you before. kie had always respected your relationship with jj, never pushing any boundaries that would make you uncomfortable.
“have you mentioned this to jj?” cleo asked, leaning back on her hands.
“once, a few weeks after we started getting serious. i asked if he had any feelings for kiara. he laughed and just shrugged it off. said i was looking too far into something that wasn’t there,” you shrugged, now realizing just how bad it sounded.
“can i be brutally honest?” sarah asked. you nodded, indicating for her to continue.
“i think you should just break up with him now. you need to make sure that you don’t get hurt any worse than you already have. if you stay with him, you’ll just get more attached and it’s gonna hurt worse later,” sarah voiced her opinions. cleo nodded along in agreement.
“honestly, it sounds like the love was never even there, and i hate to be so brutal about it. but if he cared, he would’ve listened the first time you told him you were uncomfortable,” cleo added, earning a hum of approval from sarah.
you sighed, feeling a little bit of relief that you weren’t crazy. you didn’t tell them that you were planning to break up with jj beforehand, not wanting to be talked out of it. But it was reassuring, you guess, hearing your feelings on such an unfortunate situation get validated.
you thanked the girls for listening and the advice, then excused yourself. you slowly made your way over to jj and kiara, who were still deep in conversation. you cleared your throat. kiara noticed you first, smiling brightly up at you in greeting. you returned the smile, genuinely, before gesturing towards jj.
“hey, can i steal you for a few minutes, jj,” it came out as a statement, leaving little room for jj to decline, though, he always had the option to walk away. he nodded and stood from his spot with kie before following into step behind you. he watched you curiously as you led him away from your friends to a more private area. the two of you walked in silence for a few minutes before you finally stopped and turned to face jj.
“i’m breaking up with you,” you spoke evenly, allowing no emotion to filter into your words. you stood with your shoulders squared and your head held high. he laughed. he fucking laughed. not just a small chuckle, either. full blown cackling.
you stared at him in disbelief as anger surged through your body.
“wow, okay. fuck you, jj,” you scoffed as you turned to walk away. jj composed himself, wiping the tears from his eyes.
“wait. are you serious?,” jj spoke, resting his hand on your arm.
“yeah, jj. it’s tiring watching you fall in love with kie, and i just-” you started to explain, shrugging his hand off of you.
“no, that’s not - you seriously thought we were dating?” jj asked, genuinely curious.
you stared at him in disbelief. your eyebrows furrowed, and your jaw dropped open just slightly. you exhaled sharply and crossed your arms over your chest. you bit the inside of your cheek as you tried to calm down.
“my mistake, jj. i thought it was safe to assume that when you told me you were in love with me that you were actually in love with me. trust me, i won’t make that mistake again,” you spewed angrily. you were embarrassed. you turned on your heel and walked away from your ex whatever. jj quickly rushed to catch up with you, not completely done with this conversation.
“how was i supposed to know that you thought we were exclusive?” jj asked while throwing his arms up. you stopped dead in your tracks, causing him to run into you.
“jj, what the fuck would you call this?” you questioned, gesturing between the two of you. your blood was boiling with rage, and you were about to explode.
“i thought we were just having fun with each other!” jj shouted back in annoyance.
“why would i introduce you as my boyfriend to my fucking parents if we were just having fun, jj,” you asked rhetorically. jj said nothing as he rolled his eyes at you and crossed him arms defensively over his chest.
“you’re a fucking joke, jj. jesus fucking christ. honestly, i shouldn’t be surprised. i forgot that the only role models you had growing up just taught you how to treat other people like shit,” you barked angrily. that was too far, you know, but you’re too far gone to give a damn. you’ll face the guilt later, but it feels good right now.
“what the fuck, y/n!” jj yelled at you in disgust. he had trusted not only you but the other pogues with the knowledge of how his father treated him, and you had trust betrayed him.
“feels like shit, huh? betrayal stings like a bitch,” you spat. you turned around and rushed away from him, lifting your hand in a silent fuck you to the man standing behind you.
you were so desperate to get off this island that you were half tempted to start swimming back to kildare. even if you didn’t last very long in the ocean, you were sure that sharks would’ve been better company than jj maybank.
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pacifymebby · 1 year
Modern!peaky blinders With reader who play animal crossing. Will they play the game with the reader, or would they just watch. Who will their islands look like
Hehehehe i love this <3 <3 <3 i love animal crossing so so much and B doesn't understand it at all
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🌿 Are you kidding, he's far too busy with all his caniving underground blackmarket business to sit around playing a video game designed for children...
🌿 That being said however, he loves that you have something that keeps you calm and happy, something that distracts you from all your worrying.
🌿 He doesn't ever admit it but he likes to watch you playing it because you're always so at peace and you have an adorable little smile on your face when you do. So he calls you into his study when he knows you're playing it and sneaks peaks at you whilst he works.
🌿 God he finds their stupid little animal voices incessant and annoying. Will not let you play it with the volume up.
🌿You tried to get him to play it just once but he wasn't having any of it so instead you made him a character to live on your island with you.
🌿It looks like this, you're very proud of it (for reals I'm very proud of it)
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🌿When you show it to him you're smiling and giddy excited about it but he's so baffled. Still he thinks it's sweet you did it, even if he can't understand why you did...
🌿 "love it looks nothing like me..." "What how can you say that it looks exactly like you!" "Y/N why in gods name am I blushing..." you shrugging your shoulders, "cause its cute, you're cute..."
🌿He admires how machiavelian you are when it comes to perfecting the aesthetic of your island and finds your plots to get rid of villagers you don't like very amusing.
🌿He really has a soft spot for brewster.
🐻 Whatever makes you happy he supposes. He doesnt understand these video games you "youngens" are into.
🐻 But honestly he would do anything to make you happy which includes making a character on your island and helping you make the big decisions about where things should go and who is allowed to move in.
🐻 You refuse to make any big decisions without consulting him and he thinks its adorable how serious you are about it.
🐻 When you remodel his charachter to look like this he can only laugh at you. "As if I'd ever wear somet that ugly y/n... And why habe you made me look so bloody grumpy and scruffy eh? Are you tryna tell me somet zieskiet?"
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🐻 Alfie doesn't trust Tom Nook at all amd you really have to argue with him about paying off your loans to expand your house because Alfie doesn't think you should have to give a single bell to that "parasite"
🐻 Doesnt understand why youd play a game in which you have to pay off a big loan.
🐻He likes it when you come and sit in his lap whilst playing it. Quite often when he's had a particularly stressful day he'll secretly be hoping you've been busy on your island and want to give him the tour of all the things you've been building.
🐻 Gets jealous of your favourite islander "you're never that exited to see me..."
🐻 When you ask him who his favourite islander is he always says you because he likes how you blush and have to pretend to be wound up saying "no I don't count!" to hide how much you like hearing him say that.
🐻 His other answer, if you push him is Blathers and he really likes when you show him around the museum. Makes some joke about how you "obviously have a thing for old fossils"
🍂 The only video games Arthur has ever played are games like Fifa and GTA, "mans games" so when you show him animal crossing he's so confused. He doesn't get it at all. "And you get your own island and theres these cute animals to make pals with and you can go fishing and bug catching and swimming and..."
"Right right I can see all that my darlin... But... Whats the point?"
"The point?" you frown, "the point is that its fun... And its relaxing too you should try it some time..."
🍂 You're joking but you would actually really like him to try it because he's always so stressed out and you're sure it would do him good. And you'll pay off all your loans much quicker if theres two of you playing...
🍂 But Arthur will not be seen dead playing a game thats for "girls and kids" he's worried if people find out it'll make him look weak.
🍂 But, he does like to watch you play it, he likes to sit on the sofa in front of the telly, him leaning back against your chest, your legs wrapped around his body so that he can lean back and relax whilst you play.
🍂 He really likes Redd and he doesn't like the fact that Redd isn't always there. He always reminds you to go and check for "that dodgy little boat"
🍂 He fucking hates Isabelle, he thinks she's incredibly annoying and he especially doesn't like it when she reads you negative reviews of your island or suggests improvments. "What the bloody hell would she know about style with her stupid fuckin topknot and her fucking..." "Arthur!" you gasp clamping your hand over his mouth, "be nice!"
🍂 Sometimes you log in and someones been teraforming your island or upsetting one of your neighbours, you know it must be arthur but you never confront him. You always look forward to seeing what he's gotten up to.
🍂 One day you make him a character and leave it there for him, someone starts leaving you little gifts burried in holes. At least you think he's leaving them on purpose? You're not entirely sure he knows how to play the game.
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🌼 John is kind of a big kid and he definitely has his own switch, but he usually plays more "exciting games" or at least ones that are competitive. He likes thrashing you on mario kart and smash bros etc.
🌼 And for ages he teases you for playing a game thats so "lame" and for "little girls" however... He's competitive isn't he...
🌼 When he sees your island he has to outdo you, so he gets it in secret and works away at it quietly for months! Suddenly he isn't so bothered about racing you and pushing you off rainbow road. Suddenly he's preocupied with something else and you're a little suspicious...
🌼 Then finally he crumbles and caves asking you for your friendcode because he NEEDS oranges. They're the only fruit he doesn't have and he NEEDS to have all of them to perfect his island.
🌼 But he swears you to secrecy, wrestles you to the floor because you won't stop teasing him "I thought you said it was a game for little girls!"
🌼 Pins you down on the carpet and makes you swear on your favourite islander that you won't tell a soul because he knows that if word got out among his brothers... Or worse rival gangs, his credibility as a dangerous criminal would be ruined.
🌼 When you see his little character you squeal cause he's SO cute! He gets embarrassed and "grumpy" telling you to shut up and swearing you to secrecy all over again.
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🌼 His island is actually very impressive, its surprisingly very aesthetically pleasing. He's made an outdoor movie theatre on the cliff and also built his own little version of the Garrison into the side of the cliff. Its really quite adorable.
🌼 From then on you're always competing to build the best places on your island. Then one day he shows you a waterfall he's made thats in the shape of a heart and theres a little sign next to it with y/n on it, he's he's named it after you.
🌼 After awhile he stops being so uptight about it and he doesnt really care who knows, if his brothers take the piss out of him he shrugs his shoulders and will play fight them to prove hes still "man" enough
☘️Modern au Bonnie gives me slight adhd vibes, this boys mind is always racing with several thoughts at once and he can't do sit still...
☘️ When he first sees you playing it he kine of assumes he'll get bored with it super quickly, he's not opposed to it and when you say he can make a character on your island he just shrugs and plays along
☘️ But then he doesn't touch it for ages... To be honest its not exactly "most famous boxer in the world" vibes adjacent
☘️Then suddenly this all changes and he gets sucked into a terraforming hole, like the boy has a vision and will not move from that console until he's seen it through. Not even to pee. You have to remind him to eat! You'll be talking to him and its like he can't even hear you...
☘️ Oh, this is the character you co-made together for him (as in he made himself so boring you had to login later and add a touch of cute)
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☘️He thinks Tom Nook is a capitalist villain. Tries to convince you not to pay your loans and not to buy into the whole Nook con.
☘️He thinks its sad the way Tom Nook takes a perfect, natural, island and ruins it for profit. He teases you and tells you that you're an ecoterrorist.
☘️ One day he sees you on a deserted island chopping down all the trees and hes HORRIFIED. "I can't believe my girlfriends such an evil capitalist! MARX DIDNT DIE FOR THIS Y/N!" "what would chomsky think of this?!"
☘️ Remember this article?
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Bonnie wrote it.
☘️ You will never get a 5 star island because he's always planting new trees, he wants the whole island to be a big forest and he just won't listen to reason.
☘️ "No you can't chop that one down he's my favourite!" "Theyre literally all the same!" "Yeah and?!" "Bon people are getting lost! In the woods!!!" "They should be grateful!!"
☘️ His favourite animals are the jocks, naturally.
🐀He claims to hate it, especially in front of the other lads, he'll take the piss out of you for wasting your time with a childrens game BUT
🐀"Where are the guns this is shit..."
🐀He has a character on your island that you made for him and he does occasionally play it...
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🐀You gave him little devil horns because he's an absolute menace!!
🐀If he isn't backseat driving when he's watching you play, always beung knitpicky about your aesthetics and telling you what to do...
🐀He is logging in and leaving pitfall seeds everywhere or terrorising your neighbours!!!
🐀Actually this game brings out his evil side, he will hit anyone and everyone with the net and he loves shoving them around too. The island bully tbh. You're constantly sending the animals apology gifts because he's upset them again.
🐀You squabble over your islands aesthetic like little children!
🐀 "saiah what the hell have you done to the allotment!" "Oh is that what that was supposed to be it looked like the bloody bins behind Tesco!" "Oh right cause you could do so much better!" "Yeah... If I was the sort of person who liked to waste their time on a childrens video game!"
🐀He's a little bitch about who can live on the island and if someone moves in who he doesn't like he targets them immediately!
🐀He's utter garbage at terraforming and he's always leaving the island a mess that you have to clean up... Which leads to more squabbling.
🐀Gets stung by a wasps nest once and falls out with the game, refuses to play it for a whole week because "its fucking stupid!" "You should be able to set fire to the fucking wasps!"
☘️He had wild world when he was a little boy and now he has ptsd from resetti...
☘️ And although now he's far too worried about what his cousins would think if he got new horizons, he does really like watching you play it... In fact thats why he bought it for you in the first place...
☘️Its nice, it lets his inner child (he was forced to leave his youth behind too soon) get a little joy and whenever an islander moves in that he remembers from when he was a kid he gets so nostalgic.
☘️ He'll tell you who his favourites were when he was young and he'll tell you who he hated and who he thinks you should avoid.
☘️But because of his nostalgia he's not a fan of the new stuff thats come with the updates... He misses pelly and phylis and the tortoise mayor...
☘️ One day he tells you Tom Nook is trying to make his own Jonestown and you can never look at the game in the same way ever again...
☘️ He remembers all the old tricks and he's always jumping to remind you to bury your daily money tree and to make sure you shake every tree and hit every rock.
☘️He won't buy it himself so he doesn't have his own island but you let him play on yours and you make him a little character to try and coax him into playing.
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☘️You'll have chill mornings when he doesn't have peaky business to do where you get to sit between his legs, napping against his chest whilst he plays animal crossing with his arms wrapped snug around you.
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mal3vol3nt · 2 months
What are ur thoughts on natla?
i definitely have…. thoughts lol
but let’s start with the positives first i guess
i really liked the special effects and cgi. i thought the bending looked pretty neat, particularly the earth and fire bending (which isn’t surprising considering hollywood has spent decades improving the realism behind fire and explosion effects). the water and air bending looked cool too, but definitely didn’t look as realistic in my opinion. which isn’t a bad thing. it didn’t break my submersion or anything. tbh i thought the air and water bending looked more like they came straight out of a really enhanced video game
i liked what they did with the 41st division plot line. having that division be the crew on zuko’s ship was a really nice change from the original and humanized zuko’s character even more in my opinion. though i find it hard to believe that ozai would’ve allowed a freshly banished zuko to travel in such close quarters with a division he literally saved (something something about soldier loyalty wavering and army coups blah blah blah)
the scene of kyoshi possessing aang and getting rid of the fire nation soldiers on her island was honestly… amazing to watch. one thing about me is i LOVE watching the avatars go full avatar mode and give it to people, so that scene had me jumping in my seat cause she looked so damn cool (but i also have other thoughts about that scene and everything that led up to it that aren’t entirely positive lmao so not a complete win)
the casting for aang made me so happy. it’s no secret that aang is my baby, so if they did him dirty in casting i wouldn’t have even made it past episode 1, but gordon actually did such a good job with what he was given and i really wish the writing would have given him the chance to actually be aang. cause he has aang’s adorableness and goofiness (that we see from bts) so idk why it wasn’t utilized, but this isn’t the section for me to start talking about that
aang sending zuko away on the boat after the blue spirit rescue was everything. idk but it was done so gently and in a way that was just so aang that it makes me wanna scream
koh the face stealer. i don’t even think i gotta explain this one, but they did good with koh
so now lemme talk about what i didn’t really fw about this live adaptation. the negatives, if you will
(disclaimer: i have no issue with adaptations straying away from the original source material to make some changes or add some twists. in fact, i love it when they do. but the changes should add to the story and characters, not take away from them!! and that’s a short lil synopsis of my issues with this show)
them getting rid of sokka’s sexism. the reason the show got rid of this was because the creatives didn’t understand that the og show never presented sokka’s sexism as a good thing. he was constantly and immediately humbled when he said something stupid, and his thought process made sense for his character because he’s a boy who has never ventured outside his tribe. all he knows are the gender roles within his own culture and we see that throughout the show as he mets other people, he starts to realize that way of thinking is wrong. them removing this aspect of his character also got rid of the tension between him and katara. sokka undermines katara a lot in the og and it’s clear that that kind of underestimation is one of the fuels firing the burning anger within her. and it’s that anger, provoked by sokka’s sexism, that leads her to releasing the avatar and driving the whole show in motion. because they got rid of this, sokka and katara don’t really have any huge issue to work through, so they had to add in this weak older sibling vs little sibling conflict instead. katara blowing up because he treats her like a little kid does NOT have the same punch as her blowing up because he treats her like she’s incapable. and it also muddies the real dynamic between the two considering they’re both constantly taking care of each other due to them BOTH having to grow up quickly
sokka and suki’s development was done DIRTYYYY. again, because they got rid of his sexism, they had nothing for suki to challenge. he never questioned her legitimacy as a warrior. instead, he was immediately impressed and felt a lil insecure at how skilled she was. and she just immediately liked him cause he’s attractive ig. the whole sequence of them training together (which he didn’t even wear the kyoshi warrior outfit during DINT GET ME STARTED-) is literally just a few long minutes of them stopping to catch their breaths every couple seconds cause they’re so insanely attracted to each other. that’s all it is. suki thinks he’s cute and eyes him up and down (????? literally why), and sokka does absolutely nothing but stand there to attract her to him. SUKI??? the insanely talented warrior who humbles him multiple times, and who sokka literally begs on hands and knees to train under so he can work for her respect, was watered down to “pretty girl who likes pretty boy”
katara. literally just katara. what did they do to my girl? HOW DO YOU MAKE THE KATARA OF THE SOUTHERN WATER TRIBE BORING?? first off, water bending is not a struggle for her?? aang just gives her a very confusing pep talk where he says basically nothing, and suddenly she’s able to make a perfect water sphere without even really trying. nevermind the fact that before aang got there and spewed nonsense at her, she could barely make a ripple in the water let alone pick it up. she was also just handed the waterbending scroll—literally handed—and got insanely good off of that. no master needed, she just picked it all up no problem. the og show makes it clear that while the scrolls can teach you the basics, they do not compare to a real master. in the og, katara fights tooth and nail to get her hands on the scroll and then to later get a master. she’s so determined and works so hard to perfect her element that when she finally reaches mastery level, it feels like a reward. it feels right. but in this show, she literally doesn’t have to work hard AT ALL and only needs to hear a few encouraging words from other characters to become a master. there’s no real development in her skill. one day, she can barely make a ripple. the next? she’s sending ice spears at pakku like it’s nobody’s business. where was the development? it wasn’t there. and because she’s so good at water bending already, she has no real motivation or purpose. she’s not driven by her desperate want to learn how to waterbend under a master. she doesn’t have any real reason to be driven by anger cause what is she so angry of? sokka doesn’t undermine her. she’s already insanely talented at bending with no real training. sure, pakku won’t let her fight but that’s a stupid conflict. a stupid conflict that’s the result of them making her too skilled for a master. cause instead of her frustrated that he won’t teach her, she wastes time trying to get him to let her fight in the upcoming battle. but why does she need his permission to do that in the first place? it’s not like he’s gonna try stopping her? he and everyone else will be too busy trying not to die to care if she’s out there slicing people with ice. so really, katara is just there. she has no drive, no personality, no reason. and it feels insane to even be saying that about katara cause she’s literally katara. but natla fucked up with her and i am not about to forgive them for that
aang. i could scream. natla aang is not aang. it’s literally identity theft. where is the joy? the whimsy? the child-like qualities that make aang aang? he’s so fucking serious all the damn time. he’s 12 years old, freshly out the ice, and already behaving like he’s been at this avatar gig his whole life. he doesn’t play around or get easily distracted like he does in the early books of the show. every pitstop they make on their way to the northern water tribe isn’t the result of aang wanting to have some fun, but because people are literally telling him “hey, you should go to *insert location* because they need help and you’re the avatar”. in fact, their whole reason for going to the northern water tribe isn’t because he or katara need to learn water bending (she’s already so good and he just doesn’t feel like learning??), but because kyoshi took his hand and explained to him that something bad was about to happen and he needed to be there. literally every decision he makes is the result of someone repeating exposition we already know and telling him what he needs to do. the show literally walks the audience through everything that happens. it literally even explains to us countless times that aang is a really goofy kid who likes playing airball with his friends, but we never see it?? he never goofs. he hardly even smiles im not gonna lie. he just introduces himself as a super goofy person and we’re supposed to just take his word for it. why is he already so intense, man? not even book 3 aang was that damn serious all the time. them eliminating his joy and optimism and childishness literally makes him a shell of a character and it PISSES ME OFF. not to mention his dialogue is written like he’s always on the brink of breaking out into song. no shit i thought this show was a musical for a good few seconds cause i fully expected him to start singing when he was venting to appa 😭
aang’s “running away” scene. don’t piss me off. this show was so afraid of giving their characters any actual flaws that they got rid of one of aang’s biggest sources of guilt: him intentionally running away from the air temple. no instead, he was just clearing his head up in the sky “where everything makes more sense” and just happened to get trapped in a storm
kyoshi yelling at aang. this one goes hand in hand with the previous one, but i’m giving it it’s own bullet point. in this scene, she yells at him for running away and tells him that he better not ever do something like that again because now the world’s gone to shit and needs its avatar more than ever, essentially placing blame on him for 1) something that literally isn’t even his fault—unless they get rid of roku admitting his involvement in the war beginning—and 2) didn’t even happen?? aang didn’t run away in this version of the story. he just went on a ride with appa and got caught up in a storm. so why is kyoshi acting like it was intentional when the show makes it clear that it wasn’t?
the death of the moon spirit. the plot point about kuruk’s knife was so stupid LMAO i’m sorry it was pointless to me. and why did nobody do anything while zhao was attempting to murder the moon spirit. everyone just stood there 🧍 like hello??? more importantly, why didn’t aang do anything?? in the cartoon, he tries talking zhao down and zhao plays along like it worked, setting the moon spirit back down into the spirit water before killing it anyways. in this version, zhao never pretends like he isn’t about to kill the koi fish. and nobody makes a move to do anything until after it happens im crying 😭
aang becoming the ocean spirit. my main gripe with this scene is that it’s framed in a way that’s all about vengeance and just pure rage more than anything. but aang becoming the ocean spirit has always been, to me at least, a depiction of grief. it’s pain that the ocean spirit is expressing as it washes away the fn soldiers and ships. it’s done in a way that is, yes brutal, but also graceful and conscious. the ocean spirit is mindful of what it’s doing. it’s intentional and emotional. it’s not just striking anything and everyone out of pure rage, which is how this scene was choreographed and shot in my opinion
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goddessofmischief · 8 months
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A/N: This is part of this series, which requests are open for! These fics are all one-shots, so they can be read separately. Also, I highly recommend listening to the song linked in the title while you read.
"I need your help," you told Buggy, standing outside of his cabin door during an afternoon in the summertime.
"Okay," said Buggy immediately, then, a moment later - "Did you ask Shanks?"
You shake your head. Whatever it is, whatever you wanted, Buggy is now in.
"No," you said. "...I didn't think he would understand."
Now Buggy is definitely in.
"Really?" Buggy asked skeptically, adjusting to find comfort on the satin chair he sat in. "Why am I the guy for this?"
"Because I don't have any other friends," you said, carrying armfuls of wedding dresses back to the dressing room where he sat.
"You have Shanks."
"He's different."
"Why is he different?"
"You're vainer than he is," you said, admiring yourself in the mirror.
"Please, that pretty boy? Are you kidding me?"
"You know colors, fabrics. Face it, Buggy, you're the resident fashion expert. And don't you wanna help me?"
Damn it, he did.
"Fine," he said, waving his hand. "Show me the first."
You pushed the curtain back, revealing yourself in a puffy pink dress. You gave a little twirl. Buggy burst out laughing.
"Oh, that's terrible. I think you should get that one."
You turned red, closing the curtain again. Buggy groaned.
"Okay, I'm sorry, that was a little mean-"
"A little?"
"A lot - show me the next one, I promise I'll be nice."
Some two-hundred dresses later, you tried on a smaller one - short, pure white.
"It's not bad," said Buggy, not wanting to admit to you or himself that it was the best you'd ever looked. "It's not terrible at all."
"You think so?" you said. "But - I can't twirl in it."
"Oh, right. Not that one, then."
"What would Mihawk want, you think?"
"Geez, I dunno. Black?"
"Black," you repeated, contemplatively. "I don't think I want black."
Buggy was suddenly reminded of the pink dress from earlier, and how happy you'd looked in it. Sure, it wasn't precisely to his taste, but that didn't matter. The color was still ghastly, though. Damn it - maybe he did know as much about fashion as you'd suggested.
"Say, doll - did they have that puffy one in another color?"
"Yeah," you said, thoughtfully. "White."
"Thanks for coming with me today," you mumbled, legs swinging off the side of the cliff. You and Buggy liked to sit there sometimes, whenever you were docked at this particular island, it was 'your spot.' It was the place you two talked about things that Shanks, Mihawk, Rayleigh and Roger couldn't understand (which was a lot.)
"It wasn't as bad as I thought, I guess," Buggy said, refusing to admit to you that it had been actually kind of fun. "But, uh - you seem kinda sad, doll. If I'm not - if I'm not overstepping."
"You're not," you assured him, with a sad smile. "You're not. I'm just... scared."
"What do you have to be scared of? I mean, c'mon, you're engaged to the best swordsman in the East Blue, you live with the king of the pirates, and then there's Shanks, who's no slouch, and then there's, um, me. You got me."
"It's not that kind of fear."
Buggy thought he might understand what you were saying. Maybe. He'd secretly suspected that there had been doubt in you for some time, but had thought maybe he was unable to separate what was really going on with you from what he wished were the case. He wanted you to doubt. He wanted you to walk away from Mihawk.
"...I don't want things to change."
Ah, so that's what it was.
"Neither do I. I mean, it sure would be great if we could just live together and sail together forever, huh? But that's not really how it works. People grow up. People... die," Buggy said, thinking about Roger with a pang. He knew he didn't have long. There was little doubt in his mind that some time after your wedding, Roger would allow himself to succumb to his illness, and Shanks would take everything that was left, and Buggy would be alone.
Your eyes welled up with tears, and you rested your head on Buggy's shoulder, staring out at the waves. You threaded your fingers through his gloved ones, as if you wanted something physical to tether you to the moment.
"I don't want to lose you, Bug," you whispered.
"You're not gonna lose me. We'll still be best friends, same as ever. I'll come visit you all the time. And if Mihawk ever gives you trouble - well, I'll just kill him."
You laughed.
"Come on, stop crying, okay? I hate it when you cry."
"Okay," said Buggy, almost mimicking your exact soft voice. He squeezed your hand. You raised your face up to fix your gaze on him, as if an essential thought had only just occurred to you.
"Swear we'll always be best friends, Buggy."
Buggy laughed. You stared at him, bottom lip trembling.
"Oh, you're serious?"
"Buggy," you scolded.
"I mean, I'd like to - I really would - but I really can't promise such a thing-"
"Swear to me," you repeated. "Swear to me."
Buggy searched your eyes - you were dead serious.
You couldn't lose him. You refused to do that. You could sacrifice everything else but you refused to lose Buggy.
"Okay," he agreed, hoarsely. "Okay."
You nodded, satisfied, and tucked your head into his shoulder again.
...He needed to stop this wedding.
taglist: @sawendel @twinklesnake @literaturewithliz @sordidmusings @foggyturtleknightangel @toertchen @96jnie @lunanight1021
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luimagines · 1 year
Can I request headcanons of the boys crushing on gn reader who can turn into a cat? And the more they turn into a cat the more they act like a cat. Sleeping,ignoring people, being annoyed at people etc. please and thank you!
Oh! That sounds delightful! Coming right up!
Headcanons you want and headcanons you shall receive.
Content under the cut!
He’s confused
How does that work?
But hey! He can make the same noises you can!
That being said he’s going to do as much research as he can on how cats behave and how they tick
He going to know so much
Wind’s going actually treat you like a cat
He’s trying his best, give him a break
Even if that were the case, Wind is also very protective by nature and will fight anyone who tries to wake you up from your mid morning nap
Wind might try to make the argument that he gets to keep you
His island is big enough and there’s lot of trees for you to climb on and avoid people if you wanted to
His home... also has a lot of water.... but that’s ok! Frankly it’s easy to avoid if you don’t go anywhere
The more you begin to act like a cat, the more he’s going to lean into it
Be prepared to have a lot of sounds thrown back at you 
Oh dear, literal cats and dogs
It would be harder to get along with each other in the beginning
He would want all of your attention and you would just want to be left alone and nap and not have any social interaction for at least eight hours
With time you both do find a common ground
Naps together are an essential part to the relationship and it’s the best Twilight can say that he’s slept in a really long time
He does try his best to meet you at your level
Literally and figuratively
But will also try his best to annoy you at random intervals because he thinks it’s funny and he has nothing better to do
Aside from saving the world but that can be ignored for a little bit, right?
But when you’re calm and chilling and in your animals forms it is the cutest interactions ever
Wild has so many pictures on his slate and he refuses to delete them
Will also let you ride on his back as long as the claws are in
Rides on Epona are also allowed in cat form- even if he’s willing to sneak a few in while in true form anyway just so he has an excuse to hold you for longer
Hello? Cuteness overload??
Sign him up
I’d think he’d be more of a cat person anyway so this is right up his alley
Warrior understands nearly every sentiment mentions
Sleeping? God he wishes he got more of it
Ignoring people? He can only do so much, let him do his paper work in peace... what do you mean he has another meeting to go to?
Being annoyed at people? Can you be his anger translator please? Some of the people he works with are actually idiots
Warrior would love moment where you’d be a cat and are simply curled up against him and asleep
He’d have to stay there- it’s the law- he can’t move now
But also just generally vibing more often than not because you’re the only one he can be next to and get some peace of mind
Wanting to stay in and relax instead of going out become the next big date night
He wants to settle down and live quietly and in peace
If he would have things his way, he’d also be a cat but this is good enough for him
Now some people are like cats and they get along with other cat people
This is not like that
He may like you a lot, but it’s like two cats that fight over territory
Lots of sass and hisses and maybe a smack of two
It takes the dogs like people to break you both up
That being said, he loves your cat form
You’re so cute, it should it illegal
His heart can’t take it
He probably wouldn’t even notice that you’re avoiding people because he does the exact same thing from time to time
Hissing at people? He still does it... but only when no one is paying attention to him
Flopping over people when they want attention? Do people not do that?
It might be the bunny showing through, but he’s not going realize that your cat like tendencies are connected to your behavior like of his bunny like tendencies
Meaning you might have to tell him and that’s going to be fun
His relationship with cats is a bit... tense to say the least
So his relationship with you would get a bit tense at times as well
It’s not that he dislikes them...
But after getting hunted by them time and time again does put a damper on the impression you can get from felines
He has no problem with you while you’re not a cat
It’s just... while you are one he tells you to keep some distance from the “mice” around the forge and his home
They are friends 
And sure you can handle that quite easily, but scaring them is out of the question
They smell you and get scurry away and Four becomes distraught when he gets wind of it
It’ll come to a head if someone gets hurt but hopefully it won’t come to that, right?
Maybe keep a bit of distance while you’re in cat form
For both your sakes... and for the “mice” of course
Oh boy- these two will never get up from a nap ever again
The only experience he has anywhere close to cats is with remlits
So to his genuine surprise and delight, kitty cats won’t try to kill him once the sun goes down
But Sky will more or less end up the mediator when you get into your hate people mode
Which is fine by him to be completely honest
It’s like a golden retriever puling away their cat friend by the scruff of their neck before they can get into a fight
Have you seen those videos? I’d say they’re fairly accurate to their dynamic when you’ve spent too much time as a cat
That being said, the whole fiasco is a bit... out of his comfort zone?
Not to say that it weirds him out- let’s be real, after seeing the surface for the first time, Sky is willing to believe and work with literally anything that is thrown at him
But he doesn’t really know anything else to compare it too so he feels a bit lost
Does this mean you’re more animal? You act like it
Are there others like you? Maybe? Has he met anyone else like that?
Sky is a bit intimated by how much he doesn’t know but when has that ever stopped him from diving head first into the unknown?
OH OH OH OH He can change into something small and cute too!
You can go on adventures together!
You can cuddle up together in small spaces where no one will find and disturb you!
He doesn’t care about the ginore people part
He’s so happy about this merely as a concept
Seeing it in person is a whole other thing that he’s 100% willing to put up with any side effects that might come with it
Hyrule might ask to ride your back at some point
Don’t be afraid to say no to him about this 
Because he has wings, why does he need a ride?
Is going to steal you away, cat form or otherwise for naps in the sun
That’s a thing cats need, right? That’s why they sleep all the time? 
Please don’t hunt him in fairy form
Yes, blinking lights and glowing balls sound fun to jump on and chew but it will scare him half to death XD
Oh you are the sweetest little thing he’s ever laid his eyes upon
In retrospect he’s not that different from being cat like himself, huh?
It’s not something he’s familiar with, not is it something he’s thought about too deeply, but without realizing it, he’s working with and around everything that might be thrown as him
It doesn’t even click that it might not be what most people would consider normal behavior
The hissing is new though, he can admit that
He adore your cat form and will lovingly let you sleep on his lap more often than not
Time is going to make sure that you have your space when you need it, happily directing everyone that might be asking for your attention to something else until you feel like you can socialize again
Time is going to try to keep your attention as a human though just so that you don’t change into a cat so often
Don’t get him wrong, he loves it
But he’s also needy for attention and it’s a lot harder talking to a cat that can’t talk back than just talking to you as it is
Time will let you ride on his shoulders while you’re in cat form though!
It’s a shame that he doesn’t also have a hood, he’d let you sleep there too if he had one
You can be in his hood as he rides around Hyrule!
Which is obviously his first thought
He wouldn’t mind it too much
In fact, I doubt he would even register it
Climb random things? Avoid people? Hiss?
Even if he wouldn’t do those things often, he can’t say that he hasn’t actually done it
So he’s in no position to judge
Maybe you just need a dark corner and some quiet time?
He can work with that
Some days are better than other but he’s also a huge cuddle bug
If you can spend some time just laying down next to him by the fire then he would be one very happy boy
Honestly, he might just need someone like this to calm him down as well
But how does he get close to you without being hissed at as well?
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xmo-rmon · 4 months
You know, I am by no means a fan of anything joe smith did, but I feel like, despite what he might have said or thought, his intentions were ultimately relatively small-scale because his con was entirely for immediate personal gain. ie: getting to do whatever he wanted with no consequence, mostly in the form of fucking as many women (and girls) as he wanted to while also claiming ownership of them. It was entirely about his own ego. I think mormons like to go “well he allowed a few black men to have the priesthood! he wasn’t racist!” No, he definitely was. He held no respect for black people, but he held no respect for anybody. You think a man who manipulates everyone around him into being his loyal followers is choosy about who can come and tell him he’s a good boy and back him up on the idea that he should get to do whatever he wants? That’s like saying “well he allowed women to be mormons, so he wasn’t misogynistic.” Uh-uh.
And I really do wonder, if things had gone differently, if he had not met the people he did, if he had lived out his life, if his little cult would have fizzled out or at least ended up very fringe today. Men like him start cults all the time. I mean look at jared leto and his harem island.
What I mean to say is, I wonder where the church would be if he never met brigham fucking young.
mormons love to either bury the horrendous things that man did or said, or even say “he said some things that would be considered racist today” and “we need to forgive past prophets for saying things that were normal at the time” and “the church as a whole can’t be represented by one man alone and it’s easy to understand what we truly believe.”
You absolute buffoons, the things he said and did were outrageously racist even for his time. He was a completely batshit mass-murdering maniac. Yes racist sentiments were common in his time but they were not universal, and even then, the average consensus was absolutely not “black people were cursed by god and the greatest blessing we could give them would be to kill them all.” Even in the speech where he says that he acknowledges that most people will not agree with him.
And you cannot create a system where one man is the king that speaks to god and go “well one man doesnt represent the church.” Yes he does, by your design. And no, it’s not easy to understand what you believe, because you’re so flowery and vague in order to avoid taking responsibility for anything. You worship joe smith for giving you the church as you know it today, but he fucking didn’t. You have the church as you know it today because a heartless, cruel man turned it into a colonizing force and literally called to exterminate the indigenous people that stood in his way. The church as you know it today was only made possible by mass fucking murder; you don’t get to go “well that’s not what the church is actually about”. If all that never should have happened then you are basically saying that there should be no mormon church. The very foundation of your institution was built on suffering and death.
“At some point the church stopped giving the priesthood to black men and we have no records as to why”
I wonder who you named your fucking university after then you fucking lying coward
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akimeowk · 4 months
Siren Goddess Reader Hcs
Y'all voted for this, sorry if it's bad
I don't write fanfiction often lol
Fem reader because i specified goddess and i don't think i'd be good at gender neutral
Warnings: some stalking, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of selling people, mentions of drowning
Before i get into reader and freminet, i feel like some info about my ideas on sirens should be shared
Sirens come in the following three forms:
Shallow water:
These are the smallest sirens. They tend to stick near the surface and around islands, often have tanner skin. They feast on small fish and land animals. They closely resemble mermaids, except with sharp teeth to eat meat.
Open water:
These ones are longer than shallow water sirens. They swim in to deeper waters and don't go near land often. A little more blue in skin tone than shallow sirens. They swim way more than shallow sirens, so they have more fins to help them swim quickly. The fastest of the sirens, they hunt larger fish.
Deep water:
These sirens are HUGE. Because they live in the depths of the ocean, they can grow to extreme lengths. They don't often go to the surface, because of this their skin is unnatural shades of blue. They often have claws. They don't chase their prey, they evolved to swim at consistent speeds for longer distances. Their color allows them to blend in, stalking their prey silently.
Y/n is most like a Deep water siren, however she's not actually a specific kind of siren. She's technically a mix of all three.
Also some backstory
Y/n was friends with Egeria (hydro archon) before the archon war. The sirens used to all live in the dark sea, but frequent hunting caused them to seek shelter in Fontaine.
When the archon war began, Y/n knew she wasn't strong enough to become an archon. But she couldn't allow her daughters to die. So she asked for help from Egeria.
Egeria agreed to help, and sealed off a large underwater cavern so that only Y/n could allow people to enter and exit. The sirens all hid, and haven't been seen since.
But even queens surrounded by their children get lonely, so Y/n finally decided to take a trip into Fontaine.
Freminet just wanted to go for a beachside walk. He didn't expect to come back with a clingy fish lady.
How Y/n and Freminet met:
Y/n had been seen by some people in her half siren form, and they were trying to capture her to sell her. She was perfectly capable of defending herself, and was about to, but Freminet stepped in, thinking she was in danger.
Freminet had recognized her from an old fairytale.
One about hideous monsters disguised as beautiful sea women that lure sailors to their deaths. She fit the description of them, except the tail. He thought that maybe the fairytale had some truth, and that she was an endangered species, hence why he decided to help her.
In awe of how a human could care enough about a creature like her to fight his own kind, she decided "he's adorable. He's mine now."
She fully planned on keeping him in her domain, but when she picked him up and started walking away, he freaked out (he thought he was gonna be eaten), and convinced her to let him go home.
They ran into each other by "coincidence" (Y/n stalked him until the perfect time to reveal herself) later and had an actual chat. Freminet learned that no, she didn't plan on eating him. Y/n learned that it's actually morally wrong to stalk people and very creepy, along with what kidnapping is.
Human customs are so strange.
Y/n is already infatuated with him right away, but Freminet doesn't quite like her like that yet. At most its a simple "she's really interesting, i wanna get to know her better" kind of thing.
Though that starts to change as Y/n makes an effort to court him with sea related gifts and cute dates.
Also, she can carry him.
I think he'd just swoon over a lady who can literally sweep him off of his feet.
He's always trying to be strong for other people, he needs someone to be strong for him so he can lower his guard for once.
And who better than a giant sea goddess who's head over heels for him?
He'd have a wonderful time in her domain.
So many sirens... if only the looks they were giving him weren't ones of hunger and bloodlust...
At least the caverns are gorgeous.
He wouldn't be able to explore her domain on his own for a while. Too many sirens that have been deprived of their favorite food for too long.
Once they start to understand how attached their queen is to this human, they back off.
Back to Y/n being in Fontaine
Freminet (obviously) can't stay in the caverns forever. So he has to leave for long periods of time.
But without her favorite human to occupy her, Y/n quickly finds that the caverns are too boring.
The sirens are all big girls. They can handle themselves! At least until Y/n gets back.
Of course, she has to go about it differently than last time (Freminet banned her from exiting the caverns without him unless she disguised herself.) She forgot that sirens are nothing but a myth to humans now, so showing up in her semi-siren form will only attract unwanted attention.
The solution? Human form!!!
I think it'd be funny if her human form was a little bit shorter than Freminet. Amongst other sirens she's HUGE. But if she was scaled down like other sirens, nope. Below average length. Which is why her human form is on the shorter side.
The sirens find it hilarious. Y/n, not so much.
Of course we can't forget about our favorite twins (wonderful transition i know), Lyney and Lynette!
As funny as the whole iCarly smoothie scene is, i don't think they'd meet Y/n in her semi-siren form or her full siren form right away.
The house of hearth is in the middle of fontaine, Y/n is NOT sneaking past that many people.
Freminet also wanted to wait a bit before letting his siblings meet her. Y/n isn't exactly... caught up on human culture.
After a month of dating though, the twins get suspicious of all the "walks" late at night that he's been taking.
They immediately figure out he's been going on dates with someone, just haven't figured out who.
At this point, Freminet deems Y/n educated enough on modern Fontaine to only be slightly strange.
So the twins finally meet her in her human form.
But they know something is off.
It's uncanny valley for them. She looks human, acts human, talks human, but you just get that feeling that something isn't right.
Freminet doesn't seem to notice their discomfort. Or maybe he does, and he's just praying that the months worth of lessons he gave Y/n didn't go in one ear and out there other.
Lyney puts up a front. He doesn't trust Y/n one bit. But he doesn't have any reason to start a commotion. So he acts friendly and observes for now.
Lynette i think would be a bit conflicted.
She's like Lyney in the sense that she doesn't trust Y/n. However, Freminet is smiling and chatting happily with somone who isnt from the house of hearth or the traveler. He's opening up to someone without the help of his siblings.
She decides that as long as Y/n doesn't hurt Freminet, then there's no issue with her being human or not.
It's still gonna take some work for them to fully trust her.
They'd find out shortly afterwards that Y/n is a siren.
Lyney, wanting to learn more about this strange girl who just showed up one day, suggests that they follow her home.
Lynette finds it ridiculous at first, but she can't help but be curious as well.
So they follow Y/n and Freminet from a far.
I honestly don't think they'd be that surprised when they see Y/n shift into her half-siren form.
"You mean the random girl who's never been seen around fontaine before, has no records of existing EVER and has a strange fascination with trying to drown fishermen, is a siren? How shocking. :|"
Like, they're not surprised that she's not human. But the siren thing? A little shocking. Actually, Freminet spends 80% of his days in the water diving. So maybe they shouldn't be that surprised.
Y/n knew Lyney and Lynette were following them. She doesn't care. She may not be able to win in the Archon war, but she damn sure can keep two human magicians silent.
Unfortunately, now things are awkward. Lyney and Lynette know that their brother is dating a sea monster. Y/n is too smug for her own good.
Freminet is struggling. How did he get into this mess?
Whenever Freminet leaves to hang out with Y/n, Lyney tells him to "not let her eat him alive"
Most people think it's a joke. Freminet knows it's genuine advice.
I think i'm running out of ideas.
Lyney and Lynette finding out that Y/n is a goddess would have to wait for another day
Feel free to request some things if you have any ideas! I think i'll only write for Freminet for now though
Thank you for reading and have a lovely day!!
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sea-owl · 9 months
I'm rewatching the first How to Train your Dragon movie for the first time in years and rewatching with adult eyes I can kinda see Stoick's side with his strained relationship with Hiccup.
Now, before I get into this, I do want to say that I do not agree with Stoick's actions and words during the whole 'you're not my son' fight. Nor do I agree with how he allowed the village's treatment of Hiccup. I can see where he was coming from, but I do not agree with it. I just kinda want to explore his side of the relationship since we have the whole movie for Hiccup's pov and his side has been discussed multiple times over the years.
Now I'm going off the movie itself first without the extra info the other movies, shows, and the deleted scenes give us.
We actually get a lot of Stoick's perspective from the first 10-30 minutes of the movie, we learn Stoick is the leader of his people, meaning their tribe's wellbeing rests on his shoulders. We know the island they live on has a problem with dragons. The vikings and dragons are in competition with one another over food and livestock. Plus, the village has been burned down so many times because of this competition, the vikings are constantly repairing and rebuilding. It is also hinted at that there is a food shortage which endangers the village with the upcoming winter where food would be even more scarce.
Being a leader is tough, and adding all that on Stoick's plate as well I'm not surprised he has this no nonsense attitude.
Then we add in Hiccup, Stoick's son and future chief of the tribe. Stock loves his son, you can see it even in the first movie, but Hiccup is also unintentionally a problem viking. Don't get me wrong, Hiccup is well meaning in his inventive way, but he still has caused issues for the tribe. Now this is inferred from a spefic scene. When Hiccup is trying to convince Stoick he shot down a night fury he tells Stoick "This isn't like the other times," and when Stoick is sending Hiccup back to their house he says in a sorta frustrated tone, "I have to clean up his mess again." This tells me a few things. One Hiccup's past actions has led Stoick to seeing Hiccup as childish and tells stories leading to goose chases. The second thing is Hiccup either does not take responsibility for the messes he has created in the past, not helping with the clean up of those messes, or if he has it has just led to, in Stoick's eyes at least, more problems.
Now let's add in Gobber, who is the middle man between father and son. We see him trying to reassure both of them. He takes in Hiccup like an uncle figure and teacher in the forge. He talks to Stoick like a brother and confidant, giving him advice. These talks with Gobber also highlight the communication issues and how little Stoick and Hiccup have been listening to one another.
Stoick's conversation with Gobber also has this one line that most would think is a throw away or an opening for a joke but I think actually is an example of why Stoick and Hiccup's relationship is strained at least from Stoick's perspective.
"I take him fishing and he goes hunting for trolls!"
Fishing is an act that can help provide. Bring food home to a family and a job basically. Hunting for trolls is seen as child's game, by the village at large, they don't believe they exist.
Stoick's main problem with his strained relationship with Hiccup is that in his eyes that Hiccup is not meeting or not taking seriously the duties he should have already started at least training for as heir to the tribe. This is further reinforced by how proud Stoick is by Hiccup's success in dragon training because in Stoick's point of view, Hiccup was finally growing up and taking his responsibilities seriously. This is also reinforced again during the battle with the Red Death when Stoick's pride seeing Hiccup lead the other riders.
Now, add deleted scenes and information we have learned throughout the series. We know Stoick and Hiccup had a better relationship when Hiccup was younger. They were more loving and soft with one another. This leads one to believe that their issues are a more recent development in the last 3 years at the earliest is my guess.
Now you might be thinking, but Hiccup is only 15! We gotta think back on viking times and culture. Hiccup is old enough to get married. I believe I remember reading most vikings, which were considered adults by 16. Not to mention, with the constant attacks, Stoick could unexpectedly die at any moment. Hiccup needs to know this information, and needs to take it seriously.
I think another big strain in their relationship is what the two represent. Stoick is old school, follows the traditional viking way. While Hiccup is the younger generation moving forward and adapting. It is gonna cause conflict, but as we see later on, when these two learn to communicate, talk and listen to one another, there is room for both.
Now Stoick is not without his faults and definitely has shares his portion of blame, but it is unfair to lay all the blame on him. He was trying with Hiccup and he did love his son. But he also did have responsibilities to the tribe as a whole that sadly was a higher priority to him.
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fanaticsnail · 9 days
So you asked me to tell you about my oc and I hope it`s fine if do that here? Just delete this if you meant dm`s.
A little warning first! I can understand english perfectly but never had an opportunity to actually speak or write in it. Grammar will be wrong and sentences will be weird. I am trying my best :)
Her name is Cassiopeia and yes, it`s kind of pretencious, but it has a reason to be. Cassiopeia is from the island on the Grand Line that is living by the religion based on belief that every person has a star watching them and these stars can affect peoples lives. People from this island think of the Sun as a traitor who took away most of the humans to itself and are calling nonbelievers blinded. There is also a a belief that there should always be someone born "under the unlucky star" and that who Cassiopeia is.
What it means is that she is very respected but is treated horrbly. Almost no human contact, abuse from the church higher-ups, limited space for life and the only things she was allowed to learn are religious texts and some basic knowlege about healing herbs and stuff like that. She was also taught to "understand the stars" and she, by her own words, can find anyones star on the sky and translate what is has to say. Whether this is true or not is open to interpretation.
She was rescued from that life by a mink pirate and it is A LOT to tell, and I am really trying to not make this a massive infodump, so I`ll just skip to the result of Cassiopeia living on the tropical island closer to the begining of the Grand Line with the same mink and that mink`s child.
In the following years Cassiopeia was adapting to living like a normal person (and that was a ride on it`s own because her caretaker is a lot like Garp but a pirate and her methods in parenting are... unique. You can spot the wheapons inspired by chakram on the picture and let`s just say Cassiopeia can spill a lot of blood with those and is was a big part of her training)
Cassiopeia also used her chance to reflex on her beliefs and to learn about medicine and flora of the island she now lives in.
And it was proven to be useful when the Kid pirates stopped by and like... immediately got a big part of the crew horrbly poisoned by a local plant. Heat fot the worse of it. In that condition they where found by the mink and she, as a rude and sly person she is, struck them a deal: pirates help her with the local bandits that where causing trouble for some time now, and in return Cassiopeia will save the poisoned.
The next part I will mostly skip too. Just know that my girl was helping to fight the bandits and it was meant to show Kid that she can fight.
Cassiopeia held her part of the deal and helped the pirates bonding with them a little in a process. Since Heat was in the worst contition she spent extra time with him. He liked her talk about how she can "understand the stars" and gave her the nickname Cas.
After that the mink straight up asked Kid to take Cas with him (she was waiting for the opportunity huh) since he clearly needed a doctor anyway and "the girl have to see the world". It took some time and talk but this is how Cas ended up on Victoria Punk.
Cas is very different from your Doc. She does not have a degree and all the knowlege and experience that comes with it, so not the most competent for the job. She also a rather calm person who is (pre-timeskip) has a long way to go to come out of her shell. She lacks a lot of random basic social knowlege too, so sometimes her actions are not the usual way of doing things. For example when she fell in love with Killer, she had no idea that usually this feeling is not openly shown before the "love confession" and just started treating Killer with a lot of attention and owerall showing her feelings, while not putting any pressure to receive any kind of answer.
(Now that I am writing that I realized that your Doc`s personality is way more like another oc of mine where the idea that she is overworked accountant but her office is Onigashima and her horrible boss is Kaidou)
There is a lot more to say about her like her frienship with Heat, why her hair is so long and why it will be cut after the timeskip, how she will obtain Snow-Snow Fruit after Monet`s death and so on... But there is only so much bad text a person can handle and I feel like I am already pushing the limit so I will stop here.
Thanks for reading, here is scetch of pre-timeskip Cas, I promice to draw something for Hey doc later, bye!
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Oh. My. Gosh.
Look at her. Cassiopeia is absolutely beautiful. I adore the time you took with the lore. The linking back to the unlucky star is just beautiful.
Makes me think about the constellation for Cassiopeia:
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I love her personality of leaping first without thinking about the consequences: favouritism with Killer before the "Of course I'm in love with you." There's something so special in that. I also love the infodump. Learning about people's OCs feels to me like learning about characters in the series itself.
Also, just gonna put this out there, your art style is absolutely gorgeous. The expression, her body language, the way the clothes and accessories are draped, the weapons! I'm melting. I adore her and your plot is incredibly thought out and spectacular. I hope you post more about her!
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soulsisterif · 4 days
Games of the Show
In the last post I was telling you I had written the part of the story where Dawn explains the show's mechanics. The relevant thing for this post is the games and their rewards. You'll have to win games to get rewarded in the show (getting dates, choosing group activities and so on) and I also wanted those games to help you learn about the ROs lives, interests and preferences. About themselves, in short.
That means conversational games are my main focus, even if they're silly, particularly if they can be used to discover what is it that they look for in a relationship: Orange Flag, Weird Words, Hot Takes, They're a 10 but...
Oh, I really want to involve the audience in some games, too. That'd be rad. And it would be a good way to put the How the Audience Views You stat to use, too.
I'm open to suggestions, as always. The only thing I refuse to change about this game is how the relationships among characters deepen through interaction. You can sleep around if you're shallow, but if you want to romance them, or even just have a genuine friendship with them, you have to actually get to know them. Now, in a normal, day-to-day dating environment that would mean deep chats and coffee dates, which you can get in the game, anyway. But this is a dating TV show, so there should be something else to it, and I have my take on how I'd like to do that.
I was a little against games involving kissing because I'm the kind of player that chooses one RO and sticks with them as faithful as a puppy for the whole playthrough (unless they screw me over. Looking at you Threxia from Soulless). Then I realised that I have to allow people to play the field, too, so they can be good for that.
The thing that I'm worried about is what I call the "Love Island ick". For reasons...
I'm not adding games like "kiss the hotest cotestant", "imitate a sex position with whoever", "give a lap dance to—". Nope. That's just... Nope. I might add some spicy games to play privately with your chosen RO later on, but as a group it just makes me cringe. A game of good ol' truth or dare, or two truths and a lie can be a fantastic way to get to know someone in a fun way, but if you write it in a super crass or childish way it's just painful to read. (watch me fail misserably for trash talking, hahaha)
Still, I did want to include those but turning them into a competition. For instance, imagine a game of Truth or Dare with scores. Like, if one dares MC to do something, the other contestants can bet on whether or not MC will do the dare or pass. If they're right they get a point. MC would only earn a point if she takes the dare and the person who issued the challenge can only earn a point if MC passes on it.
Contestants would pick easier and more relevant questions and dares if they are interested in someone, but go harder on those they don't fancy as much and try to win some points instead.
There's also follow-up scenarios with this game. Let's say someone flirty (*cough* Joanna *cough*) was into MC. Then they may be interested in asking something like"what is your favourite type of kiss?". That would be an opening for the RO give MC that kind of kiss. Or even have several ROs try out, to see who she likes better, maybe in exchange of one of your points?
There are a lot of ways to play it, but you get what I mean. You could always pass and refuse to answer the question or take the dare, of course.
This way you could both state your MCs romantic/physical predilections and also learn about the ROs'.
Damn, it's late, this got way too long and I just want to go to bed. So, to sum it up, I want conversational games, the audience involved sometimes, and you'd be rewarded for winning them.
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abubblingcandle · 4 months
How about heart, friend, noise and/or coffee (or tea) for the word WIP thing.
Ee thank you! Was focused on getting the Roommates AU started but these are a lovely treat for another train day! 🧡
Tea - from Where the Hell is the Karma Ch5
“You told me to do this Roy,” Ruth groaned, leaning on Roy’s counter with a truly obscene amount of paperwork in front of her and a cup of tea balanced loosely in her hands. “I didn’t want to but you played my ego like a fiddle and here we are,” she rolled her eyes as Roy smirked. “I wasn’t entirely lying. Jamie needs the best and you are the best,” Roy shrugged and then effortlessly dodged the football shaped stress ball that was launched at his head. “You played me and you know it. I don’t know how to do half of this shit and, the worst part of it, I’ve got to deal with you fucking daily,” she grumbled. “Wow, now that’s rude,” Roy grunted. “I love you but I don’t right now. The reason I’m here is purely professional. We need to get Jamie’s weight up, like seriously we need to,” Ruth slipped effortlessly back into doctor mode.
Heart - from God Forbid You Leave Me (like everybody else did)
His heart was pounding and he didn’t know how to make it stop. The real crazy thing was that Jamie was actually considering it. Well maybe not going to live with Higgins or whatever, but getting out of town for a bit. Jamie didn’t need to be in Manchester for his rehab initially, the doctors were saying at least a month until any return to physical activity. A month on a Greek island? Sun, sand, alcohol, that was just what Jamie needed. So why wasn’t he able to choke out the words to tell Higgins thanks for the offer but nah mate.
Friend - from the untitled Jamie is good with kids fic
“Hey there little buddy,” a familiar prick like voice laughed, and Roy thought this situation couldn’t get any worse. Jamie stood leaning against the doorframe with his patented smirk etched onto his face. “Piss off Tartt,” Roy growled, staring at the offending infant that was now gripping onto his trouser leg. It was staring up at him with those big Disney eyes and dopey smile. “Woah there Kent, language in front of the little one,” Jamie laughed but stepped in and swooped the toddler off the floor and into his arms in one effortless motion. Roy, for a moment, panicked. Jamie Tartt holding a baby, what if he fucking dropped it. What if his phone rang or something and he got distracted and the demon got hurt. “I don’t think Royo here wants to be your friend kiddo,” Jamie laughed, poking the kid on the nose and earning a little giggle for his troubles. Roy froze. The kid seemed … happy? With Tartt?
Noise (actually noises) - from The Richmond Job Ch3
Ted startled as he climbed the stairs and moved to unlock the door to the flat. It was late and everyone had gone home to rest up and continue the investigation tomorrow. Beard and Rebecca were on Sam Watch and all the others should be in bed. So why was Ted hearing noises from inside. The door was unlocked, even though Ted knew that he locked it before he left but at least that allowed Ted to inch it open to get a better idea of what he was walking into. Deep down some part of him still had the initial response of “we should call the police” but that was quickly laughed out by the devil on his shoulder that instead offered the suggestion of “we should call Roy” which was far more reasonable.
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I would be super interested in hearing more of your thoughts on the bedard athletic article... i read it just now and. hmm.
OK we’re back for Part II, the Bedard/Fantilli parenting part! (Part I here.)
I previously squawked about being jarred by the subhead in the Star: “But Connor Bedard’s story was always more about raising a happy and grounded child than a star.” But now that I’ve processed both articles, it’s not necessarily off-base. The Bedards clearly do very much care about raising a happy and grounded child. It’s just that their philosophy about how to accomplish that outcome seems to be focused around making sure Connor has everything that Connor thinks he needs.
There’s presumably a difference between everything that Connor thinks that he needs and everything Connor actually needs, just like there is with any teenager. So what really stands out to me in both of these articles is the many examples of how the Bedard parents seemingly do not ever go against Connor’s decisions around hockey, even when they’ve had (or arguably should have had) legitimate misgivings. Some examples from the Toronto Star article:
Melanie didn’t think Connor should apply for exceptional status, to the point where she was losing sleep over it. Connor “told her how upset he’d be if she blocked his goals,” and she caved. (The quote is from The Athletic but Melanie’s emotions get more attention in the Star.)
This quote from dad about little kid Connor going to open ice: “He’d stay there eight hours at a time,” says Tom. “More, sometimes. He’d come off, eat, go back on. His feet would be literally bleeding. I would go on once in a while, but normally I would just let him do his thing.” Like… maybe it’s time to make your kid take a break if his feet are literally bleeding????
Ah, the Hawaiian vacation, the trip that Connor refused to go on unless he could take his hockey gear and keep practicing. There’s a series of choices there as a parent. Not only are you acceding to your kid’s demands to play hockey in the midst of your one and only family vacation ever, you’re actively facilitating his demands by paying to check his goddamned gear bag and leaving your own relaxing lounge by the pool/on the beach to drive him to the only rink on the island (which I’m fairly confident was not walking distance from any resort they may have been staying at.) Like!!! That is such a series of choices!!! All made in the service of allowing your hockey-obsessed kid to have exactly what he wants, rather than deciding that perhaps it would be good for him and for your whole family to have a tiny little vacation from his life’s obsession!!! (Much of the information in this paragraph is based on the TSN spot, which has the most detail about this trip.)
I think it’s super interesting that the coach of the Pats says he’s tried to dial Connor back (making him take days off, against Connor’s wishes) but apparently his family never has.
This is not the Fantilli family shared decisonmaking model, where all four of them talk about collectively making every decision about what Adam’s path has been. (And also extol the importance of family vacations.) In the Bedard family, Connor is driving the bus and his parents have decided that their role is to support him as he decides how best to follow his dreams.
I was absolutely gobsmacked by this quote:
Melanie moved to Regina to be Connor’s billet the past two seasons, because nobody knew what it would be like for a kid of his calibre, and as Paddock puts it, “His whole preparations are based around perfection, and she’s the only one that knows it.” 
Moving because you don’t want your 15-year-old to live with strangers would be completely understandable. Moving because you are the only person who can possibly live up to your 15-year-old’s standards of perfection and you don’t want him to have to live a life where everything is not exactly perfect for him is FUCKING BANANAS.
Of course, there’s a Fantilli contrast here too. I’m thinking of the interview where Adam said his performance coach therapist helped him “turn rituals into routines.” Learning how to cope when it is not possible to have everything run exactly according to your standards of perfection seems like a fairly important life lesson for your kid to learn if you want him to be happy and grounded. (Most parents start teaching that around the time their two-year-old throws a tantrum because the purple cup is in the dishwasher so they have to drink their apple juice from the green cup.) But maybe it’s less important if your version of “happy” is that your kid gets everything he wants.
It’s interesting that there’s a common thread between the Bedards and Fantillis of some distaste for the minor hockey scene. (“Melanie had already started staying away from the games after experiencing the fierce currents of youth hockey on the moneyed North Shore.”) The Fantillis dealt with that by finding a different path that took their kids out of that system entirely, and the Bedards don’t even seem to have considered that option. Connor wanted exceptional status in the CHL and that’s what Connor got.
And maybe that’s connected to another interesting Bedard/Fantilli contrast. The Fantills, in describing their shared decisionmaking model, always seem to radiate confidence that they’ve made the right decisions, even when those decisions have been hard or haven’t been popular. See, e.g., Julia emphasizing in Adam’s TSN spot that “it was about making the right decision for each son,” or Giuliano evangelizing the prep school route in the Gulo Gulo article, or Adam explaining, “It’s probably about a week-long process for every decision that we make and I don’t think we’ve made a wrong decision so far.” But the Bedards, apparently, have some self-doubt about letting Connor drive the bus:
Bedard’s parents still worry. Melanie worries about school taking a relative back seat — in the room at the Brandt Centre, a chart of Hamlet’s characters is the only real indication it’s a classroom. Tom thinks about the kids of the people he works with, and how they’re growing up.
“Their kids play hockey, but they hunt, they fish, they motorcycle, they snowmobile and they’re good at all of them,” he says. “But they’re not great at any of them. But is that better in the long run? Maybe it is.”
sources: The Athletic, the Toronto Star, TSN, Gulo Gulo,
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