#i think at first hannibal was just curious what would happen if he fucked around like this
craqueluring · 2 years
i'll write a proper long post about this thats more detailed eventually, but another deliberate way hannibal manipulated will in s1 is by blurring the lines between their therapy sessions conversations about will's emotions and killers' emotions/motivations.
for example:
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will is frantic and traumatized by his hallucination of killing the girl that georgia madchen killed in 1x10. hannibal responds to that, then relates will's experience to the killers experience. uses the word delusion as a bridge. this prompts will to dig further into the killer's head. while he's responding, will is closing his eyes and staring off into the distance, as if he is seeing what the killer is seeing. then, using the word lonely as a bridge, he brings the subject back to will.
hannibal does this constantly.
even in episode two, the second time they had ever been alone in hannibal's office together, hannibal does this.
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will is frantic and traumatized from his hallucination of hobbs in the grave of one of the mushroom garden people. hannibal just barely talks him down from it, then instantly changes the subject to the killer. forcing will back into the killer's head. then changes the topic to will again. blurring the lines between them, again, and again, and again.
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sharpth1ng · 1 year
Times are getting tough, they gotta start eating the people they kill, man.
But still though imagine they chopping up a body or something and there’s just a whole lot of fresh meet right there for free? Tell me they won’t get curious. And with that hc that Stu gets good at cooking then why wouldn’t they? Hannibal is an inspirational cooking show to Stu I guess (But also why’d they make it look really fucking good to eat in Hannibal?). Also the amount of blood these guys have swallowed before already like yeah they gonna try cooking up a person. If Billy don’t like it then more for Stu I guess 🤷‍♂️ but they can always mask it with other flavours
Also middle-aged billy and stu in them murder suits 🤤🤤🤤
So first I love the suggestion that late stage capitalism leads to cannibalism, and honestly yeah it should, eat the rich, right now. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk alone are responsible for so much widespread death and suffering, cannibalizing them wouldn't even begin to tip the scales.
(Anyways. Moving along.)
I definitely agree that they would try it, but here's my thing: body disposal isn't the Ghostface M.O. They pose their victims, they like to leave a scene for the cops and the media, because at the end of the day they're attention whores and I don't see that changing. If anything I think the staging becomes more elaborate as they age. And if a body part is missing that changes the narrative for the media, that becomes a trophy which suggests attachment, emotional investment, and I think that Billy would care about that kind of thing. When this happens it's probably because Stu is hooked on the show and begging Billy to let him harvest something so he can recreate a recipe.
(and on that note, the food looks good because it's part of Hannibal's persona, he gets away with what he does by presenting himself as cultured and exotically european to the americans around him. Hannibal sees himself as better than everyone else, who he literally refers to as pigs, farm animals raised for slaughter, throughout the series. He sees himself as elevating the meat through cooking, which is an art. All of that, but also the show is interested in eroticizing the taboo, pulling the audience in the same way it pulls in Will Graham. )
So again, I think they would try this but I don't think it would become a habit, it's high effort and it changes the tone of their murders. And you're right, they've both swallowed a lot of blood, but mostly it's each others. There's something different about consuming your lover as compared to consuming a stranger, and I just don't think the stranger would have quite the same appeal (for Billy for sure).
Also despite the fact that Billy would be on strike with the WGA right now, I don't think they're desperate for money because I think they're making and selling snuff films on the side.
This is just my view based on the way I've written them in Debaser though, if you see them as regular people eaters don't let me stop you.
And yeaaaahhh.... middle aged Stuilly in murder suits 👍
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noxnephilim · 3 years
A/n: i accidentally deleted the other,and if I slightly change something it's because I don't remember what I wrote on the other.
Ft. Asa Emory, Bo Sinclair, Hannibal Lecter,Jesse Cromeans,Vincent Sinclair
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Let's face it,you weren't supposed to know. He spent years perfecting his crafted social persona,and yet you blew past those walls in mere seconds
Let's say you met Asa, just by looking at his eyes you read him like a book and you understood. He was the famed Collector.
Now,he discovered that years later after you got married. He found your sketch pad accidentally and found a note
Now he was curious,so he read that. To say he was left...stunned was something. And you managed to capture the reaction in a photo,great
Anyway,he approached you and asked you. How and since when did you know? He was a perfectionist,and no one, except Arkiin,but he dead now
"Asa,the eyes never lies,and I happen to know how to read yours". Oh really,did you now? But why didn't you.. " I'm not that innocent either,love. I'm not stupid enough to risk it".
You truly were something different,and for once he didn't mind it. He finally found his equal after all.
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He thought he was smart and shit,and that's his plan was full proofed. And yet you figured out the secret the first time you set foot there.
But,you waited years to actually tell him. It was funny because his reaction went from cocky to confused to shocked and finally,to surprised
So,you had known all along and you played the part well,so much that he didn't notice? Gadamm y/n, he knew you were something else
But he needed to ask how you did that? Not like him or his brothers had left a giant sign telling you "Ambrose is a fucking nut place with living statues"
And,you didn't tell him. It was to be a secret until you died. *Snorts*
God luck darling,he WILL get to the bottom of this. "Y/n, I swear to God,you have to tell me now,or you ain't gonna like what imma do next"
He probably tickled you until you spilled your beans, probably.
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Let's face it. He thought he was smart and shit,and he probably was,after all he fooled the FBI more than once,but he didn't know you were just like him
It happened the first time he offered you dinner,and you could already tell that the meat wasn't common. You also noticed how the organs and cut used matched those missing
And, yeah you practically solved a lot of cold case murders in just a few minutes. Seriously,Y/n, what are you?
Now, as for telling him...You busted him on the anniversary,cause you were waiting to wipe that smirk off his face
"Dear, next time choose another cut. This one was too fat to use. After all,this isn't some common meat that would pair well with fat"
Stunned. He stopped to look at you, while you continued to munch on some veggies. How?
"Cher,how long?" - " exactly 5 years, I figured it out the first time you invited me to dinner"
Well, his hubris may have made him a bit careless in the reading of the others. Cause he would have understood earlier if he wasn't so lost in your eyes
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He was going to tell you this the first time you started dating,but he was puzzled. Why weren't you reacting?
"Oh I already knew,but it's okay". Wait, what? You already knew,how is that possible. He was making sure to cover his tracks so that the police wasn't going to bite his ass
Years later,when he thought back about it,he was still left baffled,how the hell did you knew? You weren't working for the cops,so you couldn't have had access to the files about the recent murders
"Jesse, I can hear you thinking from over here. Seriously,you thought I wouldn't know by that mask you wear around? It just screamed murderer"
Oh, and you had the gall to also laugh? He was going to punish you for this.
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Poor Vincent here is shocked to see you down his basement. He wasn't gonna show you how the statues were done because he was scared
And yet you come down to tell him that one of his works had been damaged and that the person could be heard. You wanted to help him fix it
Legit a moment of confusion. The fuck you mean someone damaged the statue?
Second,why the hell aren't you running? He will sign to you that,cause he needs an answer sweetheart
Anyway,you told him that the first time you came Bo's act didn't exactly convince you,and then you saw the statues,and you know,you understood how the town worked
But you weren't concerned with that,you thought and still think it's cool. Yep, definitely not common,are you?
But please,for the love of God,next time don't give him an heart attack when he is working. He almost lost you to his carelessness
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The Cult Girl (Hannibal x Female!Reader) pt. 13
Hello friends we have come to the end of Cult Girl. Thank you all for hyping me up throughout this story and giving me the confidence to actually post my work. Y/n and Hannibal throw a dinner party.
The sunlight streamed in through the window, illuminating the entire kitchen in that homey mid-morning glow. You were enjoying your coffee and scrolling through an article on your phone.
"Senator Hatch reportedly coughed up his late wife's toe on the floor of the precinct." You read out loud. "Huh. Wonder how that could have happened."
You side-eyed Hannibal, who was contentedly sharpening his knives. Placing a rather large meat cleaver to the side, he met your gaze. "I have my ways."
You finished off your coffee and brought the mug to the sink. "There was no way Theresa was going to survive that night, was there?"
"Clever girl." Hannibal praised.
"You were going to kill her if I didn't, were you?" You felt a smile coming on. "Did everything turn out as expected?"
"Darling, this all went much better than I could have ever hoped for." He smirked. "See, I had the whole evening mapped out. I was hoping you'd be the one to deliver justice and kill her, but I had to prepare for the possibility that you wouldn't."
You folded your arms and leaned against the island. "Is that why I was so sick that day?"
You could have sworn you saw some hesitation in Hannibal's face. Maybe even a touch of regret. "Yes. You needed an alibi. It was as easy as removing a single birth control pill from your packet. You'd see it was missing and think you'd already taken your medicine-"
"So I'd neglect to take my focus meds." You cut in. "Yeah, I knew something was off."
"By the end of the day, you'd be experiencing full withdrawal symptoms." Hannibal nodded. "I don't take any pleasure in upsetting the delicate balance of your brain chemistry, and for that I am sorry. I did what I had to."
"Yeah, don't ever do that again." You ordered, no disarming smile in sight. "I need those meds to function."
"I promise you, darling," Hannibal said, sincerely. "I would never keep you from being anything but your very best. I was just looking after you."
"I suppose now that all this is out in the open, you won't need to pull any shit like that again." You muttered. "But I'm still going to keep my pills at my apartment."
"That reminds me." He said. "Would you like to invite your roommates for dinner tonight? I've prepared a wonderful Spanish-inspired menu that's perfect for entertaining."
"I'd love for you to meet my friends, but, they all keep such weird hours I doubt they'll all be free tonight." You shrugged. "I'll give them a call though."
"Wonderful." He smiled. "You make arrangements while I prepare the kitchen."
You stepped into the office and called up Pilar. She answered within the minute.
"[F/N]!" She near shouted. "Holy fuck, how are you doing?"
"I'm actually doing..." you looked back into the kitchen, watching your beloved Hannibal in his element. "Really well."
"I heard about your cousin." Pilar cut in. "One down, two to go."
You snorted. "No fucking shit."
"Sorry, was that okay for me to say?" She apologized. "I know you said Theresa was a bitch, but it's your trauma and I-"
"No, you're fine." You laughed. "She was a bitch. Hey, do you have any plans tonight?"
"Uh, no. I don't think so." She answered. "Why?"
"Hannibal wants to invite you all for dinner tonight." You said with an audible smile. "Y'know, to celebrate the bitch's death."
"Yo! Steph!" Pilar shouted across the room. "Wake Randy up! We're having dinner at [F/N]'s rich boyfriend's house!"
You could make out Stephanie's voice in the background. "It's about damn time. We've been waiting for her to redistribute the wealth."
"She means thank you for the invitation." Pilar corrected.
"It's not like I had to twist his arm or anything. It was his idea." You chuckled. "He loves having guests. And excuses to dress up."
"Oh so we're getting fancy, huh?" Pilar's voice turned up in excitement.
"Hey [F/N]!" Randy snatched the phone from Pilar. "Text me the menu for tonight. My girlfriend'll steal a nice bottle of wine to pair. She's a pro, she works over at Cavatappi's wine and spirits."
"Much obliged, Randy." You said. "I'll see you guys at seven."
You returned to the kitchen with a smile. "They're coming."
"Well, we don’t have a moment to lose, then." Hannibal placed something wrapped in butcher paper on the counter. "Come now. Let me show you how to properly prepare a heart.
You and Hannibal spent the rest of the morning and the whole afternoon preparing a bountiful meal. You reveled in the irony of finally finding a space for Theresa in your life. That space just so happened to be on the stove.
Seven came far too quickly, but your friends were always a welcome sight. You greeted them at the door with hugs, Hannibal watching with stoic adoration.
"Guys, this is Hannibal Lecter, my partner." You introduced. "Hannibal, this is Pilar, Stephanie and Miranda."
"It is a pleasure to meet you, ladies." Hannibal greeted. “Please, make yourselves comfortable.”
"Here you go, Dr. Lecter." Randy handed him a bottle of wine. "Thank you for inviting us."
Hannibal examined the bottle. "Yes, this will pair quite nicely with our meal. Thank you very much. [F/N], could you show our guests to the dining room?"
You nodded and accepted the bottle, given the extra responsibility of pouring. You led your friends to the dining room and wasted no time distributing the alcohol.
"A toast." Stephanie rose her glass. "Too many of history's worst have had the privilege of dying on their own terms. Today, we celebrate the death of one who didn't: Theresa [L/N]."
"She will join her sisters Nancy Reagan and Madame Nhu in hell tonight." You concurred, tapping your glasses together with a series of satisfying clinks.
"Okay, you need to spill." Randy scooted her chair up and leaned towards you. "How the hell did you get away with it?"
"Well, it helped a lot that her husband was already a felon." You teased. "If I didn't kill her, he was going to eventually."
Pilar made a face. "I can't believe it took actual murder to get that latter-day lump thrown in prison."
"Well, the LDS church is a very influential organization with a stronghold on all of Utah." You explained. "There's a long history of legitimizing sex abuse there."
"We know, cult girl." Stephanie laughed. "You remind us every time your pedophile cousin-in-law comes up. Relax and take your victories where you can get them.” 
“Ladies,” Hannibal entered. You rushed to his side to help him with the dinner plates. “Have we ever tried organ meat before?” 
Everyone’s eyes found Pilar. 
“Braised liver is delicious and you guys are just cowards.” Pilar protested. “I will die on this hill.” 
Hannibal smiled and presented your friends with their plates. “You are a woman of good tastes, Pilar. Our first course is Riñones al Jerez.” 
“Kidneys.” Randy translated. “Who’s kidneys are we eating today, Dr. Lecter?” 
He tilted his head. “Theresa’s, of course.” 
“I don’t care whose organs you harvested.” Stephanie said, her eyes rolling back into her head. “This is delicious.” 
You and Hannibal shared a glance and a smile. 
You and your roommates devoured the Riñones al Jerez, then dug into the next serving of heart stewed with chickpeas and olives. You finished off the evening with natillas de leche and a bottle of Sauternes Hannibal just happened to have lying around. 
“This is the first time since like, Keith Raniere got sentenced that I’ve seen [F/N] happy-drunk.” Stephanie observed.
“Or even just... happy." Pilar said, looking at Hannibal. "I'll have some of whatever she's having, please."
"My pleasure." Hannibal poured her another glass of wine.
Your phone began to buzz on the table, capturing the attention of your guests. You didn't even need to look at the caller ID to know who it was. Nobody else in the world had such horrid timing.
"Shit, you've got to answer it here!" Stephanie pleaded. "So we can all give her a piece of our mind!"
You looked over to Hannibal, who you knew was just as curious.
You dragged the answer icon across the screen and put it on speaker. You gestured for your friends to be quiet. "Yeah?"
"Well look who finally decided to pick up." Grandma said. "Thank you for gracing me with your attention. I know you have so much going on right now, you're just too busy to pick up the phone and talk to your grieving grandmother."
"For your information..." you stumbled over your words. "I was interrogated by the police yesterday. I think that counts as having something going on."
"Are you drunk?" Her voice was laced with a disproportionate level of disgust.
"I'm grieving too, Beatrice." You counter. "What, suddenly you're the only one who can drink the pain away? That's not very democratic of you."
"In your state, you shouldn't even be thinking of alcohol!" Grandma scolded. "You of all people should know the effects alcohol has on an unborn baby."
You smacked yourself on the head. Of course Theresa would plant a seed to fuck you over one last time. "Did Theresa actually tell you I was pregnant?"
"It was her last message to me, actually. Anyway, you're coming home." Grandma said, without so much as waiting for a response. "I won't have my great grandchild living in that dangerous city that your cousin was killed in."
You exchanged looks with your friends, who were going through the same combination of emotions as you were. Grandma's words just seemed to fade out as you shared an entire nonverbal conversation with the people around you.
"And you're leaving that terrible, terrible man."
Hannibal raised an eyebrow and looked at you, waiting to see how you'd respond. You knew what you had to do. It was finally time. You did something you should have done a long time ago.
"No." You said, your nerves loosened by the wine.
"No. And I mean it." A big smile crossed your lips. "Theresa lied to you. I'm not pregnant. And you have to live with the fact that your granddaughter's last words to you were a blatant lie."
Hannibal looked at you with pride and your friends began to silently gas you up with encouraging gestures. "
"...And that you're the only one to blame for her deception." You continued. "You raised her in your own image."
"This is why I refuse to let you raise my great grandchild with that man!" She wailed. "He's twisted your mind against me! He's made you cruel!"
"Hannibal made me see clearly that you made me cruel." You said with absolute certainty. "You'll never see me again."
"Don't be like your mother, [F/N]." Grandma snarled. "Don't cut people out for trying to help."
"You'll never see me again." You repeated and decided to leave it at that. You ended the call and blocked the number, joined by an eruption of excitement from your friends.
It was finally over. Your life could truly begin.
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Not me rewriting the ending to Mizumono only to have a much better idea halfway through so as soon as I finished the first one I started on the second
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Hannibal (TV)
Relationship: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Characters: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Abigail Hobbs
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Episode: s02e13 Mizumono, Smut, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Mild Blood, Rough Sex, Coming Untouched, Not Beta Read, Dark Will Graham
Language: English
Summary: “I need him to know.” Will looked into Hannibal’s eyes then, searching for the desperation he could hear in his words. “If I confessed to Jack Crawford now, you think he would forgive me?”
“I would forgive you.” It’s clear that Hannibal’s not talking about the murder, but the betrayal. He would still forgive Will for conspiring against him. “If Jack were to tell you all is forgiven, Will, would you accept his forgiveness?” The double meaning is apparent. Hannibal was asking Will if he would go with him knowing that Hannibal would forgive him. It’s an invitation. One that Will wasn’t sure he wanted to decline.
“Jack isn't offering forgiveness.” Hannibal wanted to say “I am”, but he didn't. “He wants justice. He wants to see you. See who you are. See who I've become. Know the truth.” Will takes another sip of his wine and Hannibal accepts his defeat. He really hadn’t wanted to hurt Will, but it seemed that it would be the only option.
“Still, I suppose we don’t owe Jack that do we?” Will spoke again.
Notes: Okay, I know I rewrote the ending of Mizumono yesterday, but I had this idea while I wrote it and I couldn't help myself.
“Do you know what an imago is, Will?” Hannibal asked.
“It's a flying insect,” Will replied.
“It's the final stage of a transformation. Maturity.”
“When you become who you will be,” Will said, catching on to the point Hannibal was making.
“It's also a term from the dead religion of psychoanalysis. An imago is an image of a loved one buried in the unconscious, carried with us all our lives.”
“An ideal.”
“The concept of an ideal always searching for an objective reality to match. I have a concept of you just as you have a concept of me.”
“Neither of us are ideal,” Will says after taking a long drink of his wine. Hannibal considered what Will had just said for a moment. He had nearly trusted an ideal. He thought that Will would leave with him until he smelled Freddie Lounds on him. Perhaps Will was right, neither of them were ideal.
“We are both too curious about too many things for any ideals.” Hannibal paused a moment, feeling a twinge of hesitation for what he was about to ask. It was completely out of character for Hannibal to grovel, but in recent weeks he had grown accustomed to the idea of running away with Will, and he wasn’t quite ready to give the fantasy up. “Is it ideal that Jack die?”
Will matched Hannibal’s pause. Most would not even notice the hesitation, but Hannibal did.
“It's necessary. What happens to Jack has been preordained.” Will’s voice was cold, free from any emotion. In any other circumstance Hannibal would be proud of how well he schooled his expression, but now it just frustrated him.
“We could disappear now. Tonight. Feed your dogs. Leave a note for Dr. Bloom, never see her or Jack Crawford again. Almost polite,” Hannibal was nearly begging now and Will knew it. Their eyes locked and at once Will understood. Hannibal knew and he was willing to forgive.
“That'd make this our last supper,” Will said, considering Hannibal’s offer. Now, just days away from the sting that he and Jack had planned, Will still wasn’t sure whose side he was really on. Part of him wanted to be good, he wanted to atone for his sins and clear his name for good, because even though he had been acquitted, there were still those who believed he had actually killed all those people.
The other part of him wanted to become what everyone thought him to be. Though he hated to admit it, he had felt a thrill as he killed and mutilated Randall Tier. Even worse was that now thinking about that feeling didn’t make him feel guilty or sick, only enhanced the adrenaline.
If he was being completely honest, half of the thrill was seeing how Hannibal looked at him when he knew what Will had done. The subtle adoration and pride that he was no doubt allowing Will to see. Hannibal’s gaze made Will feel things, things that he had never felt with anyone before, and he wanted to chase that feeling.
“Of this life. I am serving lamb.”
“Sacrificial? Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” Will snorted.
“I freely claim my sin. I don't need a sacrifice. Do you?”
“I need him to know.” Will looked into Hannibal’s eyes then, searching for the desperation he could hear in his words. “If I confessed to Jack Crawford now, you think he would forgive me?”
“I would forgive you.” It’s clear that Hannibal’s not talking about the murder, but the betrayal. He would still forgive Will for conspiring against him. “If Jack were to tell you all is forgiven, Will, would you accept his forgiveness?” The double meaning was apparent. Hannibal was asking Will if he would go with him knowing that Hannibal would forgive him. It’s an invitation. One that Will wasn’t sure he wanted to decline.
“Jack isn't offering forgiveness.” Hannibal wanted to say “I am”, but he didn't. “He wants justice. He wants to see you. See who you are. See who I've become. Know the truth.” Will takes another sip of his wine and Hannibal accepts his defeat. He really hadn’t wanted to hurt Will, but it seemed that it would be the only option.
“Still, I suppose we don’t owe Jack that do we?” Will spoke again. Hannibal perked up almost imperceptibly.
“Perhaps a note will be sufficient. I didn’t want to leave the dogs alone, but they’ll be fine for a while. Knowing Jack he’ll send a cruiser to my place within an hour after I don’t show up in the morning.”
“Let us prepare then. I would like to be out of the country before Jack realizes that you are no longer his man on the inside.” Hannibal stood and began gathering plates to bring to the kitchen because of course he would want to leave the house spotless. Will helped him with the dishes and wiping everything down. They caught eyes several times, both revving with the anticipation of what was to come. Will considered apologizing for his conspiracy, but when he looked into Hannibal’s eyes he knew he was already forgiven.
It was a little intoxicating to know that he had this kind of control over hannibal. To know that he made Hannibal beg. He wondered how else he could compel him to beg. That was, once they stopped dancing around the physical aspect of their relationship and finally just fucked like they both wanted to.
Once they were finished they retired to the study to write a note. Hannibal wandered around, collecting particular books and knick knacks that he wanted to bring while Will drafted a note. After much thinking and many balled up pieces of paper, Will finally got it right. When he finished, he handed it to Hannibal to read.
“This will do nicely,” Hannibal said. He slipped the letter into an envelope and sealed it with blood red wax and a stamp that bore his initials.
Will watched as the wax dripped. The flow of the thick liquid was giving him all sorts of dirty thoughts. Thoughts of Hannibal pouring that warm liquid all over his body. Thoughts of being covered in other kinds of red liquid. Will had to take a deep breath to steady himself and bring some blood back up to his head.
When the wax had dried, Hannibal handed the letter to Will, fingers brushing against Will’s skin tenderly.
“I have a surprise for you,” Hannibal said, hand coming to grip Will’s wrist.
“Oh?” Will replied.
“Come with me.” Hannibal led Will upstairs, never letting go of his wrist. Will had only been to the upper floor of Hannibal’s house a few times, and never in the dark, so he didn’t really know where they were going. He had two ideas, one much more enticing than the other, but both equally likely.
As it turned out, neither of his assumptions were correct. Hannibal led him to a closed door at the end of the hallway and knocked.
“May we come in?” He asked. Will didn’t even have time to question who was in there before the door was being opened from the inside. Standing in the doorway was none other than Abigail Hobbs.
“Hi Will,” She said, a small smile playing on her chapped lips.
“Abigail?” Will asked, voice barely audible. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Had Hannibal drugged him? Was he hallucinating?
“How are you here? You’re dead,” Will said.
“Not dead, just misplaced,” Hannibal replied, “they never found a body, well, not a whole body at least. It was merely a charade.”
Abigail tucked her hair back to show Will the flesh where her ear had been. It was healed over by now, but it still brought a wave of bile up in Will’s throat.
“You’ve been here this whole time?” Will asked, choking down the anger that was building in him. There was no sense getting angry now, especially when he was teetering on the edge of a new beginning.
“I’m sorry,” Abigail said, tears welling in her eyes.
“I forgive you,” Will said. Abigail took two big steps forward and wrapped her arms around Will’s middle, burying her tears in his shirt. He brought a hand to her hair and stroked, both soothing her and assuring himself that she was really there and really alive.
“Thank you,” Will whispered to Hannibal. He wasn’t sure what he was thanking him for. Maybe for keeping Abigail alive, maybe for bringing him to her, maybe just because he didn’t know what else to say.
Hannibal’s hand came to rest between Will’s shoulder blades, fingertips shooting electricity down his spine.
“I do not wish to rush you two, but we must be going,” Hannibal said, “there is still much for us to do and little time to do it.”
Abigail pulled back from Will and wiped her eyes on her sleeve, sniffling a few times.
“Will, would you care to help me pack?” Hannibal asked.
“Yeah, sure.” Will cast one last glance at Abigail before following Hannibal to his bedroom.
“Everything in that top drawer must come,” Hannibal said as he set a large suitcase on the bed. Will began transferring the carefully folded garments from the dresser to the suitcase while Hannibal sorted through his suits to find the ones he liked best.
Will and Hannibal's hands brushed for what felt like the 500th time that night as they both attempted to place clothing in the suitcase at the same time. Their eyes met and there was a moment of contemplation before they pounced.
Will dragged Hannibal to the floor and straddled him, hands balling up around fistfulls of Hannibal’s jacket as he pressed their lips together. Hannibal kissed back with equal fervour, hands sliding back to cup Will’s ass. Will moaned into the kiss and rutted his hips against Hannibals. Hannibal bit Will’s lip, not stopping until he drew blood.
They broke away, panting and breathing each other in. Hannibal brought one hand to Will’s cheek and stroked, the pad of his thumb brushing over Will’s parted lips. Will sucked the digit into his mouth, tongue lapping at the sensitive skin.
Will ground his hips down, ass rubbing against Hannibal’s rapidly hardening cock. The older man stared up at him in wonder, lips parted and eyes blown wide. He withdrew his hand, swiping his thumb along the bleeding cut on Will’s lip until the skin was stained red. Then he brought it to his own mouth, his eyes rolling back as he savored the metallic taste of his lover’s blood.
“You taste divine Will,” Hannibal said, deep voice sending tremors through Will’s body. That was it, that was the breaking point for Will.
“Take your fucking clothes off,” He demanded as he scrambled off of Hannibal to remove his own clothes.
“Such crass language,” Hannibal scolded, clicking his tongue disapprovingly, “whatever should I do about that?”
Hannibal was trying his best to regain some of the power he had lost in this exchange. Will would let him believe that he did, if only to sate his ego, but Will knew deep down that he was in control. He had known since before Hannibal had pleaded with him that he was in control here. Hannibal had several layers to his persona. The first was the polite, yet slightly eccentric doctor who loved good food and opera, behind that was the calculating psychopath cold, and emotionless. His true personality was hidden deep within himself, but Will was able to see it, after all, he had not yet met a person he couldn’t read.
The person that Hannibal truly was was driven by his emotions. Anger and hurt bubbled under his skin, suppressed by years of burying everything akin to a feeling deep below the surface. He was intensely narcissistic and hedonistic. Everything he did was to fulfill his desires. He ate to satiate his hunger, he killed to assuage a compulsion. He acted solely in his own self interests, and right now Will was his interest. That gave Will ultimate power over Hannibal. He wanted Will in every sense of the word, and would do nearly everything to have him.
Perhaps what solidified Will’s control was the fact that he was aware of this while Hannibal wasn’t. Hannibal had spent so much effort repressing feelings that he genuinely believed that they were never there in the first place. Will knew about Hannibal’s nature, not from the beginning, no he was fooled like everyone else at first, but certainly longer than he let on. He only raised the issue with Jack when he was in danger.
Will put on the facade of being overly emotional, of being unstable, but deep down he was something different entirely. That’s why he was so good at “faking” the coldness he showed with Hannibal, it was never fake, the emotions were fake, and Hannibal was none the wiser. This was Will’s game and Hannibal was barely aware he was playing.
“Will?” Hannibal asked, pulling Will from his thoughts. He kneeled in front of him, now fully nude, his erection jutting out proudly from a bed of well trimmed blonde curls.
“Fuck me,” Will insisted, trying to pass his momentary spacyness off as fascination with the admittedly impressive cock that hung between Hannibal’s legs.
“As you wish.” Yes, as Will wishes. Hannibal will do exactly as Will wishes.
Will doesn’t wait for any more negotiations. He turns around and sinks to his elbows, thighs spread wide to accommodate Hannibal. He heard the older man’s breath catch as Will displayed himself.
“Oh Will, you truly are exquisite. Beauty incarnate.” Hannibal mused. Will watched between his legs as Hannibal reached into the bedside table for a bottle of lube. Hannibal poured the lube onto his fingers, then pressed them to Will’s hole, tracing the rim to get it nice and wet.
Will buried his face in his crossed arms to stifle a moan. The last thing he needed was for Hannibal to know exactly how sensitive he actually was and to exploit that fact. They didn’t have much time and Will was really just looking to be fucked.
Finally, one finger breached Will. It slid in with little resistance and Hannibal added a second. His thumb came to press against Will’s perineum as he scissored his fingers. Will let out a choked sob when Hannibal’s other hand tangled in his hair and pulled his head up sharply.
“I want to hear you Will. I want to hear exactly how much you like this.”
“God, just fuck me already Hannibal,” Will begged, “I’m ready, just get in me.”
Hannibal withdrew his fingers at once. Will didn’t even have a chance to get a word out before Hannibal was pressing his cock inside.
“There you go sweet boy, taking my cock so well, like you were made for it. Like you were born to take me.”
Will had never heard Hannibal speak so lewdly before, but he liked it more than he would ever care to admit. Not that he even could right now with Hannibal thrusting into him with punishing force, hitting his prostate every time.
Hannibal still had one hand in Will’s hair. The other was gripping his hip so tight he would undoubtedly have finger shaped bruises in the morning. He brought his lips down to Will’s shoulder, placing a few gentle kisses there, and that would simply not do. Will needed him to be rough, he needed to be fucked hard.
“Harder,” Will grunted, “come on Hannibal, you can do better than that. Do it like I know you want to. Hurt me.”
“Are you sure you can handle it?” Hannibal panted.
“Fuck yes, give it to be Hannibal, fucking ruin me.”
Hannibal complied immediately, using all of the force he could to pound into Will like he was trying to split him clean in half. He bit down hard on Will’s shoulder, just short of drawing blood.
Will rocked back to meet every thrust, letting out a litany of pathetic noises that he probably should have been embarrassed about. Hannibal was groaning now too, grunting like a beast in Will’s ear as he shoved in impossibly deeper.
Will’s orgasm was so sudden, he didn’t even feel it coming. In an instant his body went rigid as white hot pleasure coiled in his abdomen and he came completely untouched.
After coming for what felt like hours, he dropped to the floor, thighs shaking too hard to support himself any longer.
Once he had caught his breath, Will rolled over onto his back and spread his legs.
“Keep going,” he told Hannibal, “I want you to use me to make yourself come.”
Hannibal didn’t need to be told twice before sliding back into Will. He hoisted the younger man’s knees up over his shoulders to get a better angle as he slammed in over and over again.
At last, Hannibal gave a final hard thrust and spilled inside Will, coating his insides with his seed. He pulled out and laid on the floor next to him, breathing hard and trembling.
“I would have run away with you a long time ago if I had known that was in store for me,” Will panted, struggling to sit up.
“If I saw you every day, forever, Will, I would remember this time,” Hannibal said, reaching over to brush a lock of curly hair behind his ear.
Will smiled and kissed Hannibal again. It was softer this time, full of much more affection, especially on Hannibal’s behalf.
“I would sit here with you for eternity Will, but I fear that we must leave soon. We would not want to keep Abigail waiting.” Hannibal said when they pulled away.
“Of course, but first will you promise me something?”
“What is it that you desire?”
“Do that again as soon as we get to wherever we’re going.” Hannibal grinned and cupped Will’s cheek.
“I would gladly have you every day, my dear Will.”
Notes: Listen, we all know who's actually in control and this relationship and it's not Hannibal "Simp" Lecter.
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luci-cunt · 4 years
Hannigram??? Works???
aka: Hannibal and Will’s relationship isn’t healthy but at the end of the series its sort of has the potential to be? Or: a very long and rambly analysis of idiot gay cannibals and the power of equal standing in relationships
(1.5k words because I murder brevity with my teeth)
Trigger/ Spoiler warning for: Hannibal
Ok I said they have the potential to be healthy and not that they are healthy because--lol, they’re not. 
In the first season they’re “friends” but Hannibal’s also gaslighting the hell out of Will/ keeping a life threatening disease diagnosis from him/ framing him for murder/ shoving their daughters ear down his throat.
In the second season they’re almost enemies? but not really? Because Will is just as fucked up as Hannibal is so he doesn’t actually consider Hannibal to be his enemy, he just realizes he has Hannibal twisted around his finger and starts jerking the fucker around and it takes Hannibal all the way up to the finale to realize he’s not the one in control anymore.
In the third season they’re struggling because they don’t know how to be equals, they’re both fucked up and don’t know how to have normal, stable relationships so they’re jsut kind of feeling in the dark, falling back on old habits (eating your problems, murdering your problems, running away from your problems, etc) when things get uncomfortable. It’s--again--not until the season finale that they both realize that’s what they’re BOTH doing and find a comfort in realizing they’re both trying, but not succeeding.
When Hannibal finds people interesting he “fosters codependency” so they cannot leave him (Abigail with the Boyle murder cover-up, Bedelia with getting eaten, Will with literally all the first season). Meanwhile Will just doesn’t do close relationships. Alana is the only person he considers to be his friend but she’s constantly fighting to keep that title, same with Beverly actually. Will himself doesn’t put any effort into keeping those friendships, he leaves it entirely up to them.
But Hannibal and Will’s bond forms so easily that it surprises both of them--and then when Hannibal defaults to his need to make Will dependent on him so he can’t leave, Will defaults to his rejection of dependency and points out that’s what Hannibal’s doing but also goes along with it because he finds himself almost wanting to be closer to the man.
This--the fact that Hannibal’s attempt at closeness is recognized and accepted, and that Will is allowing himself to be open with someone--is new to both of them. Equally.
(By the way this is in the form of Abigail, Hannibal fosters codependency by putting the responsibility of Abigail on both his and Will’s shoulders and Will allows this by recognizing it, pointing it out [”You’re fostering codependency doctor.”], and then still allowing it [going along with the Boyle cover up].)
Just--ok think about Dolce. (The ep where they reunite in the third season and Will tries to kill Hannibal only to get shot by Chiyoh and then for Hannibal to decide he’s going to eat Will’s brain before the Italian’s show up and kidnap them both.)
Will finding Hannibal is big for both of them: because it means that Will looked for Hannibal--actively sought him out by reflecting on past conversations they’ve had--and it also means that Hannibal was where Will could find him. It’s a shaky apology on both sides because they aren’t willing to actually apologize for any of their actions but they recognize the pain they’ve caused on another.
However, Will tries to murder Hannibal because he doesn’t know what he’s doing. I mean--he does--what I mean is that this relationship is such unexplored territory for both of them that it’s uncomfortable at first, and Will doesn’t trust Hannibal to be waiting on the other side while he stumbles thru the dark rn, so he falls back on old habits and tries murdering the problem.
Hannibal tries to eat Will’s brain because he’s also falling back on old habits (eating his problems) because he’s also uncomfortable with the new territory. He’s just more open to fumbling, but he’s hypersensitive to rejection (Mizumono, Dolce, getting himself arrested when Will tells him to get gone, that “Was it good to see me Will?” scene, etc.), and he takes Will’s stabbing attempt as rejection. At least until he drags him away and they have their “you forgive like god does Will--would you have made it quick? Or would you have stopped to gloat?” “Does god gloat?” “Often.” Conversation, and he realizes he’s not being rejected BUT he reminded that he’s still terrified OF the rejection so--boop eat the man.
(Oh also Will running away from the problem by letting Hannibal kill him--which, yes, is what was happening. He could have warned Jack that Hannibal was under the table as SOON as Jack came in the door but instead he waits until the last possible second. Also you can’t blame it on the drugs either if he can complain about Hannibal’s soup and keep up with this idiots waxing poetic ramblings he can tell that Jack came in. Also also also: Hannibal told him Jack was coming and also got under the table literally there was no reason for Will to NOT call out to Jack when he came in except that he didn’t want Jack to stop Hannibal.)
I guess what I’m trying to say is that in season one the power balance is in Hannibal’s court--and season two it’s in Will’s--and then in season three it’s wildly rocking back and forth between both of them before someone hits a metaphorical pause button--aka the “this is all I’ve ever wanted for you--for us.” “It’s beautiful.” scene.
Fundamentally I think this show is about Hannibal and Will’s relationship. The cliff scene is as much an ending as it is a beginning. That “it’s beautiful” exchange is both of them realizing they’re EQUALLY having trouble finding footing in their relationship, they’re realizing they’re BOTH uncomfortable to a certain degree with the new territory and that it’s just that for both of them--new territory.
Idk, you know when you’re taking a test and you have no idea what the answer to some question is so you’re slyly trying to look around to figure out if you’re the only one being stupid or if it’s just a hard test? And you don’t see anyone else looking around so you just miserably try your best but it’s not your best becasue you’re already in the mindset that you’re an idiot? And it’s not until after the test at lunch when you hear everyone else talking about how difficult it was that you realize you weren’t the only one struggling?
THATS this.
Hannibal and Will are both extremely lonely people becasue they’re fucked up. No one can know Hannibal entirely because he’s a serial cannibal, and no one can know Will entirely because his boredom with other peoples mortality scares them. Neither of them have been seen entirely until the other came into their lives, but they’re not used to being seen so it’s scary.
Both of them react to one another hostilely first--Will blatantly being an asshole at the prospect of Hannibal psychoanalyzing him and then Hannibal putting on this guise of “I’m completely removed from the situation and just curious to wind this man up and watch him go” but he’s not removed.
Honestly to me it feels like it was originally Hannibal’s plan to just leave Will in jail taking the blame for his murders, but actually misses Will, because being seen was scary but the other option is so lonely.
Will’s going through something similar, but he’s less inflammatory. Hannibal is all action, present--Will is getting too close? Get rid of him. He starts missing Will? Get him back. He has a problem and he acts on it immediately.
Will is patient and willing to wait and watch--Hannibal frames him for murder? Set up an elaborate series of events that will end in Hannibal losing something he holds more dear than his own life--his freedom. Mason kills his unborn child? Convince Mason to kill Hannibal so that Hannibal will torture Mason for Will.
Hannibal is dramatic and Will is apathetic, they’re both danger but different brands.
If the first two seasons are them trading power, then the third is them wildly grabbing for it despite the fact that they don’t want power over one another, and that final episode--that final scene--is them realizing this.
I said it was a beginning as much as an ending because it’s now that their relationship can finally actually advance, but it’s also the conclusion of them working separately, and instead embracing the idea of fumbling together.
I honestly don’t know where people get the idea that the show is about Hannibal “corrupting” Will. If that’s the case then this final episode makes this show a tragedy. Good succumbing to evil.
But--motherfuckers its not!!!
Will isn’t good, he tells us from the first episode he enjoyed killing Hobbes, that the reason he stopped being a cop was because he knew once he started killing he wouldn’t be able to stop. He manipulates people constantly, he got Abel killed, tried to get Chilton murdered, and then a season later he gets Chilton burned alive. He’s not good, he’s fucked up!!!
This show isn’t about corruption--it’s about realization!!!
Idk I love them, I hate them, and I love them.
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i-am-just-a-kiddo · 3 years
ok so I tried to come up with three characters like you did for me but this was very difficult. so feel free to ignore some if you don't like it or feel like talking about someone else :'D but the beauty ghost/liu qianqiao (word of honor), yu tangchun (killer and healer, bc i know you like our opera boy) and seo moonjo (strangers from hell, bc i am always curious about you and this dentist lol)
Aaaah thanks for these! 💗 It’s been a joy to answer them, so I hope you can get through my ramblings about them. 
Referring to Give Me A Character
and I’ll break their ass down:
How I feel about this character
All the people I ship romantically with this character
My non-romantic OTP for this character
My unpopular opinion about this character
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
My answers under the cut: 
Liu Qian Qiao/ Beauty Ghost (Word of Honor) 
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How I feel about her: I love her and she deserves better. I’ve not finished the drama yet and I know surprisingly little spoilers about her. I just love to see her acting on her own accord, standing up for the person she loves. Being protective and so caring of Luo Fu Meng, it breaks my heart. From what I’ve seen, she’s gotten on my radar only recently - after they saved Luo Fu Meng from the prison, I got really excited to see more of her and them in general. 
I think she deserves better than that pathetic man whose name I don’t bother to remember. I’m scared of what the show will do to her but I’m so excited to see more, especially now that Scorpion got them in his clutches? She’s on par with him and I’m curious which direction this will go. However, as with many C-dramas unfortunately, she does not really feel tangible to me? There is always something missing, just a small piece that will make her feel more true to me. Maybe the drama will deliver on that? I’m not sure what to expect. 
All the people I ship romantically with her: Luo Fu Meng!!! Lesbian ghosts rights!!! Their recent scenes have been breaking me and I just want to see more of them. I want to know more about their past together, about their dynamic. Luo Fu Meng is her master but right now, Liu Qian Qiao is the one guiding and caring for her. It shows how equal they actually are, even if not in their title. Liu Qian Qiao’s devotion to her feels so burning and determined - whatever she has going on with that man just pales in contrast. She was ready to risk it all for her and she would never abandon her. She’s willing to do anything and I’m just praying for their lives - please don’t fuck it up, @ show writers. 
In short, I just need more of them. Please. 
My non-romantic OTP for her: I loved her interaction with A-Xiang a lot - she truly seems like an older sibling to her and it’s precious to see. I can see them being easily annoyed with each other but also fiercely protective of the other. I can see A-xiang being an unstoppable whirlwind and Qian Qiao trying to ground her, while being incredibly fond. I can also see A-xiang pulling her older sister out of her own head, grounding her and validating her? Tell her that she is more than she thinks of herself, and that she deserves a lot more than she allows for herself. I need more of their interaction because I’m weak for found family tropes and I need more of the ladies doing their own thing outside of Wen Kexing’s or someone else’s periphery. 
Also I want more interaction with her and the Evil Bodhisattva???? The potential that friendship has? Please gimme. 
My unpopular opinion: I don’t know any opinions? I’ve not yet dived deeply into the WOH fandom because I’m not done with the drama yet. I’ve generally seen little content about her and the other ghost ladies, which is a pity. Once I get there, I’m excited to dive into all the fandom has to offer. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I’m on episode 24, so I can’t really judge what the show is gonna do to her, but so far I wish for more depth. Less of that horrible man being affiliated with her. Less of her being subjected to violence. More agency. More of her and Fu Meng interacting, caring for each other, being in each other’s space. I hope her to survive and not be killed, so I’m crossing fingers. 
Yu Tangchun (Killer and Healer)
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How I feel about this character: OH BOY. I have freshly baked feelings about him, get ready. Warning for spoilers:
First of all, I always felt the drama did not dive into him as deeply as I had wished. Something was always missing there, but I can’t really name what. Maybe more depth, other than just being sick and out for revenge? He had more potential and I will get to it later. But from all I’ve gotten from him, I love how strong he is, and how much bravery there is in such a small body. He has his own mind and own agenda and doesn’t allow people pushing him around - I also love how deceiving he can be, even to his friends (namely Chen Yuzhi when he asked for that drug). He is a clever fox and I love that for him. Which also made him incredibly unpredictable to me in the beginning - I just couldn’t quite place him? 
In the end, am just incredibly fond and he deserved so so much better than the show ever gave him. 
All the people I ship romantically with him: Zhan Junbai, with all its flaws. From the first moment on, their tension just made me go ???????? the whole time. It was amazing and unsettling to watch, see its development and knowing this could not end well. A very delicious dynamic that always treaded the line of will they or won’t they (whether that refers to killing each other or otherwise). At some point I felt a little more invested into their plotline simply because it was so interesting and unpredictable. The mutual attraction is undeniable, which made what happened later even more heartbreaking and fucked up.
It could have never worked, even if Zhan Zhunbai had been less of a dick. They deserved a different ending - at least Yu Tangchun should have been the one to kill him, or at least they should have had a proper showdown together. After all - they were more than friends at this point. 
My non-romantic OTP: I loved his friendship with Chen Yuzhi, but I must say I would have loved to see him more with Chu Ran! If we imagine a different ending, they could have bonded together so much over what Zhan Junbai did to the both of them. They are both so gentle and headstrong, I wish we had gotten more of them together. It could be relaxing and freeing for the both of them. 
Also I’ve always wondered how exactly Yu Tangchun’s friendship with Jiang Yuelou worked? I think this got way too little spotlight. 
My unpopular opinion about him: I have no idea what is popular and what isn’t? Maybe that I sort of enjoyed the idea of Yu Tangchun joining Zhan Junbai, even though I knew it wouldn’t happen. Let me dream, that could have been a different level of conflict. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Oh boy. Oh boy. SO MUCH. Spoilers ahead if you haven’t finished the show: 
First of all, his ending?? It felt way too rushed and while not out of character, he deserved so much more than his death being an afterthought to the plot and a few sad gay flashbacks. The entire ending felt rushed and oh boy, could I rant about it here, but I will try and focus on Yu Tangchun. So yes, give him the respect he deserves. 
Another thing which I have mentioned above is that I wished they had given him more depth? Just a little bit more other than the trauma and agony he went through. I also wish I had seen more of his opera and his story with it - how he got there, how he thinks about it. We only ever got glimpses and I get that a show can only focus on so much, but still. 
I also wish his ending with Zhan Junbai had been different - in a sense that I wanted him to break Zhan Junbai, lure some genuine emotions on his face other than anger. I wish they had gotten more….closure? I don’t even know. It didn’t feel satisfactory at all. Zhan Junbai went through so much trouble to keep him and then suddenly he let’s him go and then he dies? It just went too quickly. If at least Yu Tangchun had been there to kill him in the end, or at least get some sort of closure. I’m rambling now because I don’t know what I wanted for them but it was certainly more than what the show gave me. I am so frustrated about the ending of the show, help me. 
Seo Moonjo (Strangers from Hell)
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How I feel about this character: Conflicted. That is the short answer to that, but of course I’m not here to give a short answer. Do I have to clarify that I do not condone the actions of a cannibalistic serial killer in real life? I hope not. Okay, let’s get to it then. 
Seo Moonjo (or Mr. Dentist, as I lovingly call him) to me is incredibly intimidating. Part of it is that Lee Dong Wook does an incredible job at depicting him as charming and terribly unsettling at the same time. From the first second he shows up on screen, you feel this presence - and you feel intrigue and fear. Which is what Seo Moonjo wants, it’s what he preys on. 
So when I think about how I feel about him, I think he is one of the best villains I’ve encountered recently, simply because he makes me feel the same way he makes Jongwoo feel. I’m very fascinated? I feel Seo Moonjo is a very lonely person, lost in his own ideals and morals. He has absolutely no sense of social propriety and does not intend to learn them. He’s so caught up in his own art and his desire for a certain life, it’s almost pitiful how much he desires it. But of course, once I feel a sliver of pity, he reminds me that he is - indeed - hell personified. I am still lowkey mad that he charmed me (why is being a villain so sexy smh).
Summing up, I love and hate him. What a creepy bastard.
All the people I ship romantically with him: Yoon Jongwoo, despite all the cruelty of it. I think comparing this show to NBC’s Hannibal is very valid, even though these two never got a proper development of their relationship like Will and Hannibal did. I absolutely think that Seo Moonjo is in love with Jongwoo and wants him to be his, wants to wrap him up in his life and make him the ‘perfect art-piece’ he had always wanted in his collection. No matter how sick it is, this obsession is probably the closest Seo Moonjo can get to feeling love - he does not know how else to love. 
So what do I want for them? I want Jongwoo to get his revenge, to make Seo Moonjo suffer as much as he did. I want Jongwoo to see eye to eye with him so they can walk with equal footing. I want Seo Moonjo to realise that Jongwoo has as much power over him as he thinks he has over the other. After this, they can be murder husbands for all I care, in true Hannibal-esque fashion. The emancipation of Jongwoo needs to happen first, and Seo Moonjo needs to realise that he is not the invincible one in this relationship. After that, they can have a good time together, no matter how fucked up that time may look like. 
Also, I am convinced that he ‘dated’ Yoo Gihyeok in a twisted way, before he went and fucked up his plans; and before Jongwoo came to cath his eye.
My non-romantic OTP: As mentioned above - Seo Moonjo is a lone wolf. Yes he had his pack and someone that guided him on this path, but none of them ever come close to him to see his heart. The show itself doesn’t give him much space to see a potential friendship except the one he has with Jongwoo. Jongwoo would be the answer for this as well. (also to be fair, I don’t wish anyone to be friends with him damn)
However, if I could explore more dynamics he has with other people, I would love to see it with Officer So. I think she is an incredibly interesting and strong character and the few scenes they had together were fascinating - she came as his patient and ended up being his enemy. In another installment of this show, I would’ve loved to see more interaction like that and see the development of them being pleasant acquaintances (and maybe Seo Moonjo realising that she too is worth his attention) to enemies. I want Seo Moonjo to find respect for her.
My unpopular opinion: I’m not into depicting him as fancy rich, as many do in fics. Yes he’s a dentist and surely has a ton of money, but I like the idea that despite this wealth, he would always be a shabby sort of person. Not decked out with a luxurious rooftop apartment and wearing dress-shirts every day and expensive watches; but rather using his wealth to make himself safe from detection, finding remote areas, buying utensils and appliances for his ‘art’. So no, I reject the vision of him lounging on the highest building in Seoul with a minimalist empty apartment. I see him in a ratty rundown but expensive old mansion/house that has many corners for his artistic endeavours. I’ve already picked the perfect house for him in Busan, on the top of a hill overseeing the city and the harbour. 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I’ve mentioned it above, but I wish Seo Moonjo had gotten to feel more pain. We got Jongwoo’s liberation and Moonjo being proud of his ‘artwork’ while Jongwoo kills him, but that was not the revenge Jongwoo needed. In the end, Moonjo still lingers with him, as a constant presence, and he never got a taste of his own medicine. While watching this show, all I wanted was Jongwoo to break Moonjo’s heart. This would not make up the suffering Moonjo put him through but at least they would be equal. So I have my own revenge fantasy with this character that is more than ‘merely’ killing him. Being killed by Jongwoo just felt like an honour to Seo Moonjo and I’m not satisfied with that. 
Phew okay I’m done! Thank you for giving me something to ramble about, it was a joy!! 
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afreakingdork · 3 years
Review: Hannibal
This show has been a rollercoaster and not in a good way. I’ll come right out and say it: I hate this show. I came into it totally fresh; I had heard people liked it and knew absolutely zero about it. I haven’t even seen Silence of the Lambs. I’m fresh off Death Stranding so I was getting really curious about Mads Mikkelsen and I can totally see the influence. Some of the scenes where Mads is slicked up with inky black liquid look straight out of the game. The story however is a total mess. Now, whether this is because Bryan Fuller’s intentions were dashed (the whole 5 seasons thing) or if there was something else at play. I can’t be sure, but what I do know is that even if you can’t fulfil your vision, that doesn’t mean you just do whatever and throw caution to the wind. You’re still telling a narrative and if you go rogue then everyone will know it. 
So let’s start back with season 1. Probably the most classic of the show. I started by, of course, watching the pilot. Instead of reshooting the first episode, Hannibal decides to go straight from it’s pilot to the show. Which in and of itself isn’t a problem, except there are quite a few inconsistencies that just aren’t addressed. Will’s classroom and the design of Hannbal’s office are notable examples. Also, they flat out say Will has Asperger's which the show ultimately sweeps under the rug for whatever reason. The story plays out pretty cleanly in season 1. Now, I wanted to quit watching after the first few episodes because it was too high art.  The imagery didn’t make much sense and this wasn’t really my type of show. Seeing Will fall for Hannibal’s tricks and getting placed in jail in season 2 really started to peak my interest and I proclaimed that it finally had my attention. Unfortunately, half way through season 2, Will is released from jail and the show completely spins wildly out of control from that point on. After Will works with another serial killer to get Hannibal killed while in jail, he is suddenly befriending Hannibal once he gets out. We learn that he has a big plan to try to ensnare Hannibal, but it all feels empty and even as a viewer, I simply know that it is just a shit plan. All reason goes out the window as the show tries to tell me that careful Hannibal who tortured Will and put him in jail through season 1 and most of 2 is now just spilling his guts to his protégé. Also, the show wants me to believe that Will is considering running away with big H because he is just as enamored, as if I didn’t see this man struggle with every fiber of his tortured soul to not become Garrett Jacob Hobbs. 
All of this leads up to the blood match of the century at Hannibal’s house where the plan, duh, goes awry. This is where the worst season of all, season 3, certified fresh 98% on Rotten Tomatoes comes in like a flaming pile of garbage on a train. We whisk away to Europe and don’t give a fuck about following up on all our bloodied main characters we’ve grown to care about in two seasons. Suddenly the few ‘smart’ characters who speak in riddles multiplies to the point where not a single character isn’t speaking in code when talking to one another. Alana even gets this fucking insane line where she says bone marrow got in her blood stream so now she thinks differently. It’s insane. The only saving grace is Jack and that’s only because he’s the only consistent character throughout the show. He has a clean narrative and understandable motives. He’s the only character the script didn’t treat like an amorphous blob that changes on it’s whim as if it were Zeus having a bad hair day. After Hannibal is captured, the show dips down to a slow descent to it’s ending. It once again tries to make me question Will’s loyalty while simultaneously giving me no plot to support any major changes and just telling me that he’s changed right before he does. It’s totally asinine. I had pretty much shut completely down by the last 3 episodes. I think it’s borderline hilarious that the show honestly wants me to think that baiting the Dragon with Hannibal is the ONLY viable option to catch him. They don’t even consider any other possibilities. It’s just lazy. Let the whole show go over the cliff for all I care.
And all of this isn’t even getting in to how atrociously this show treats women. Alana Bloom starts as being the only person in Will’s corner who they force to be his love interest in one of the most un-sexually charged scenarios I’ve ever seen. They then, completely against character, make her Hannibal’s love interest for what I thought was an alibi, but I guess was genuine and again, not set up in the slightest. As previously mentioned, she does a 180 due to some bone marrow and is then a lesbian for another grotesque sex sequence that they just seem to love making her star in for pseudo prime time pornography. I mean, I guess I’m happy she ends up married with a kid? Beverly Katz is separated and pinned up like a museum display because she just happened to be smart. Every character hates Freddie Lounds and the show obviously wants you to hate her too, but when you think about it, why? What has she done other than be a strong independent woman who is chasing a career in the gruesome and trying to tell what she believes is the truth when other’s sweep the severity under the rug. The show hates her so much that if you start to break it down and remove her character from the show, the plot literally doesn’t change. She exists to be a punching bag. The only saving grace about Bella is the fact that her passing doesn’t push Jack’s story along at all, but her choice of passing was not only taken away by a man, it was then decided on a date not of her choosing by another. She has not a single bit of autonomy, even while being presented as a strong woman. Abigail Hobbs seems interesting enough, but in reality she’s nothing more than a way for Will and Hannibal to process their emotions and surrogate dad feelings onto. She is then “killed” off and, surprise, brought back only to be killed off again, only to BE BROUGHT BACK to find out she was a dead figment of Will’s fucked up imagination. Margot Verger is one of the most appalling examples of how this show treats women in the fact that she is not only sexually and physically abused, but she is also sterilized. Then, in season 2, when you think she finally can exact her revenge on her brother since he is rendered invalid, you find in season 3 that she did none of that, continued to let him torture her until someone else come’s down like a savior angel, Hannibal, and gives her the way she absolutely could have done herself to give her an out. The show literally wants me to believe that both Margot and Alana could not have considered the path to freedom without Hannibal’s help. They want you to believe these are not capable women because the show doesn’t believe women are. Unless it’s plot necessary, but only for that long. Du Maurier was smart enough to leave before Hannibal went to kill her in season 2, but for some reason in season 3 she comes back willingly to let him take her and torture her. Then she, I GUESS, cooks her leg up for him to visit as one of the final scenes of the show!?!!? Chiyoh was locked up for 20 years, supposedly, because she couldn’t leave behind the man who killed Hannibal’s sister, and when she is finally free, her whole character revolves around her being a good shot and wanting to help Hannibal because ??????? It makes absolutely no sense. Then, season 3 went ahead and went we need a woman who is blind to the fact that her partner is a serial killer, might as well make her blind for real. It’s repulsive, disgusting, and I don’t know why anyone enjoys this drivel. 
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P.S. my favorite character is Chilton. He’s one of the two consistent characters (hey, Jack!) and the fact that he just keeps getting brutally mutilated,  but can’t stay away from serial killers is downright pathological. He also shined so brightly in the scene just before he gets shot through the mouth in the interrogation room. I never would have guessed I’d be rooting for him. I was actually worried when the Dragon caught him, but there’s no squashing that cockroach of a man! 
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laynavile · 4 years
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Memories That I'd Blackout (If You Were Mine)
Pairing : Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham
Warnings : Mentions of murder and blood
Rating : M (because it's Hannibal--there's murdery things mentioned, and sex is implied)
Word count : 1k+
Hannibal and Will think back to their first kiss. But wait, that's not what happened.
Their first kiss doesn't actually happen--at least not the way Will remembers it.
Tobias lay dead in the middle of Hannibal's office--he'd come to kill Hannibal after attacking Will. Hannibal had killed him, not to save his own life, but because Hannibal believed he'd taken Will's life. Hannibal had killed for him. He was so upset when he thought Will was dead, the look of pure relief and elation on Hannibal's face when he saw Will walk through the door, alive, was just what Will needed to recognize and begin to understand his feelings towards Hannibal.
"Mr. Budge said he was questioned by the FBI and he murdered two men. I was worried you were dead."
Will holds up his arm to show Hannibal the bandages.
"You had reason to worry."
"Tobias Budge kills two Baltimore police officers, nearly kills an FBI special agent, and after all that his first stop is your office." Jack sounds angry, but curious.
"He came to kill my patient."  Hannibal speaks steadily.
"Hannibal's patient told him he suspected a friend was involved with the murder at the symphony. Hannibal told me and I investigated. I got him involved." He looks to Hannibal, "Your patient. Is that who Tobias Budge was serenading?"
"I don't know. Franklyn knew more than he was telling me. He told Mr. Budge he didn't have to kill anymore. Then he broke Franklyn's neck. Then he attacked me." Hannibal says.
"And you killed him." Jack says, his tone full of accusations--suspicion.
Their eyes are drawn to Franklyn's corpse as it's placed into a body bag and lifted onto a gurney to be removed from Hannibal's office.
"Could your patient've been involved with any of what Budge was doing?"
"I thought this was a simple matter of poor choice in friends."
Jack stares at Hannibal for a moment, as if trying to catch him, he turns away and focuses on the crime scene.
"I feel like I've dragged you into my world." Will felt as if this was all his fault, he'd turned Hannibal into a killer.
"I got here on my own. But I appreciate the company."
Will rounds the desk, not caring that they have an audience nor the blood on Hannibal's mouth, he leans down and presses their lips together.
The kiss doesn't last long, barely any pressure, their lips don't move against each other, tongues do not touch, but it's their first kiss and Will wouldn't have it any other way. He presses his forehead against Hannibal's. "I'll gladly keep you company."
"Would you like to join me for dinner later tonight, Will?"
"To celebrate?" Will asks, tongue swiping across his lips, tasting Hannibal's blood.
"To celebrate that we are still living or perhaps that there is one less killer in the world."
Will smiles--of course Hannibal would know exactly what he was thinking. "What time would you like me to be there?"
Hannibal glances at his watch, "Seven would be sufficient."
"I will see you then." Will smiles before turning away to access the crime scene with Jack.
Except that's not what happened, not according to Hannibal anyway. They did have their first kiss after Hannibal had killed Tobias, but not like that.
Tobias lay dead in the middle of Hannibal's office--he'd come to kill Hannibal after attacking Will. Hannibal had killed him, not to save his own life, but to avenge Will. Hannibal had killed for Will. He was so upset when he thought Will was dead--he would've murdered the entire FBI unit Will worked with for not protecting Will. But then Jack Crawford stepped into his office, with a very much alive Will barely a step behind him. Relief and happiness flood Hannibal's system--Will is a fighter, he is going to be okay.
"Mr. Budge said he was questioned by the FBI and he murdered two men. I was worried you were dead."
Will holds up his arm to show Hannibal the bandages.
"You had reason to worry."
"Tobias Budge kills two Baltimore police officers, nearly kills an FBI special agent, and after all that his first stop is your office." Jack sounds angry, but curious.
"He came to kill my patient."  Hannibal speaks steadily, not wanting to give anything away.
"Hannibal's patient told him he suspected a friend was involved with the murder at the symphony. Hannibal told me and I investigated. I got him involved." He looks to Hannibal, "Your patient. Is that who Tobias Budge was serenading?"
"I don't know. Franklyn knew more than he was telling me. He told Mr. Budge he didn't have to kill anymore. Then he broke Franklyn's neck. Then he attacked me." Hannibal lies.
"And you killed him." Jack says, his tone full of accusations--suspicion.
Their eyes are drawn to Franklyn's corpse as it's placed into a body bag and lifted onto a gurney to be removed from Hannibal's office.
"Yes." Hannibal says easily, it's plain to see that Hannibal killed Tobias, and it's easy for him to lie and claim self defense and innocence where Frankly is concerned.
"Could your patient've been involved with any of what Budge was doing?"
"I thought this was a simple matter of poor choice in friends." Hannibal feigns regret and sadness.
Jack stares at Hannibal for a moment, as if trying to catch him, he turns away and focuses on the crime scene.
"I feel like I've dragged you into my world." Will sounds upset--Hannibal wishes to rectify that.
"I got here on my own. But I appreciate the company." Hannibal stands, walks around the desk, and steps up to Will, "Would you like to join me for dinner later tonight, Will?"
"To celebrate?" Will asks.
"To celebrate that we are still living or perhaps that there is one less killer in the world."
"What time would you like me to be there?"
Hannibal glances at his watch, "Seven would be sufficient."
"I will see you then." Will smiles before turning away to assess the crime scene with Jack.
Later that evening Hannibal--sore and tired from his fight--cooks them a simple but delicious meal.
They eat in relative silence, though it's not uncomfortable. They finish eating and go to the kitchen together Will leans against the cabinets as Hannibal rinses the dishes.
Will swallows harshly--as if he's nervous or doesn't want to say what he is about to say. "Did you enjoy it?"
"Enjoy what?"
Hannibal tilts his head slightly, "Why do you ask?"
"I've told you before, I felt powerful killing Hobbs, I liked it. So, did you enjoy it?"
"Killing is not enjoyable, Will. Though I did feel powerful--not because I took his life, but because I felt as if I had righted a wrong."
"Because you killed a bad man?" Will says before picking his glass up from the counter and taking another sip of wine.
"No, not because I'd killed a bad man, I felt as if I had avenged you, your life ending too soon would be a grave injustice. Killing him could not have brought you back, but in his death it was ensured that he could not hurt anyone else the way he had hurt you."
"You wanted to avenge me?"
Hannibal nods. "Yes."
"You know I would've done the same had our roles been reversed."
"I did not, but knowing you as I do, I would expect nothing less."
It's unsure who leans in first, but suddenly their lips are pressed together, moving hurriedly, licking into each other's mouths, teeth clack together and Will's fingers tangle in Hannibal's hair.
Their first kiss is rushed, ferocious and passionate.
"Hannibal?" Will's voice is soft in the dark, quiet room.
"What is it, Will?"
Will's fingertips trail across Hannibal's chest, "Do you remember our first kiss?"
"Of course I do. It happened in my kitchen, the night Tobias Budge attacked me."
"I remember that, I promise I do, but that was not our first kiss. I kissed you in your office in front of everyone. I remember it."
"Mylimasis, perhaps you just imagined it, you wanted to kiss me then, but we're too afraid."
"Jack was there, let's ask him."
"I would rather not call him now, keep Jack Crawford out of our bed, please."
"No, I know I kissed you, and then you invited me to dinner, our foreheads were touching, and your blood was on my lips."
"That sounds lovely, Will, but it simply did not happen that way."
"But I remember it, I remember how it felt."
"Mylimasis, please, do not stress over this. If you remember kissing me, then you kissed me."
"But you don't believe me."
"I believe you, Will." Hannibal nuzzles Will's sweaty hair, "I remember it now, the trauma of the afternoon must've clouded my memory."
"I know you're just saying that to placate me, but I'll let it slide, if you fuck me again." Will's fingers slide down Hannibal's chest towards his soft, sensitive, spent, well satisfied cock.
"You are insatiable."
"You love me though."
"That I do." Hannibal kisses him, and silently begs his own biology to cooperate, so that he may sate Will's hunger, again.
My first ever bingo fill, I am so excited to be participating, I've never been confident enough to try, so thank you @hannibalbingo for creating this event.
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rayshippouuchiha · 6 years
Hey Ray- I love your writing, and you reblogged something on older men with teens being always wrong- what's your thoughts on adult fans shipping Steter, with the frame of Stiles being a teenage boy and Peter (and Derek) MUCH older men? I know people lose their shit over Starker, and just wanted your well thought out take on shipping as a point to factor in on the debate.
I’ve talked about this before in pieces but I don’t mind giving you my opinion on the issue darling and we can use Steter and Starker as examples. Also this got long so watch the readmore.
And before I start I’d like to say that I am in no way trying to down play any experience anyone might have had with a relationship with an abusive age difference, including things like assault/abuse/incest/pedophilia/etc.  I am aware that victims of these horrible crimes can find ships and media with age differences triggering and to that I can only say that I am sorry that you’ve suffered and you have the right to curate your own media/fandom experience.  If something is a hard no for you then take the steps to filter it out.  There is no shame in that and you deserve to be safe in every single way you can.
Okay, now to move on to the topic at hand, first of all there has to be a line drawn between fiction and reality.  I know Tumblr over the past few years has leaned the way of not acknowledging this but it needs to be said. 
Fiction is not reality.  Yes the two can and do influence each other a great deal but they are, at the end of the day, two separate things.
There are things I read/watch/write in fiction that I would never in any way approve of, take part in, or even want to see happen in real life.  Some of these things are cathartic to me when dealing with my own issues.  Sometimes I’m curious.  Sometimes it was cathartic to the author.  Maybe it’s a safe way to explore an issue without anyone ever getting hurt.  Maybe it helps them deal with a similar sort of trauma. Etc etc.  There’s a lot of different reasons why people create/consume less that pure content.  Not all of those reasons are as good intentioned as the ones above but not all of them are evil either.
An example I’ve used before is that I love Hannibal but you don’t see me going in for real life cannibalistic serial killers.  I love horror movies and angst fics but I’m not going out murdering people or abusing people either.  Sometimes darker media is a release valve.
And the odds are that people who commit these kinds of crimes were going to do them regardless and them watching Halloween or reading a dark fanfic didn’t make them do it.
So fiction and reality can and do impact each other, but there is and should be a distinct separation between the two for most people.
Now to get back around to the issue of age gaps, while I might ship certain age differences in fiction I will always have a problem with, for example, a real life 35 year old adult trying to have a “relationship” with a 16 year old child.  That’s not a relationship, that’s abuse.
That’s an adult influencing and grooming a child into a relationship that will always be unbalanced and unhealthy.
Another thing is that it’s not even the size of the age gap that’s the true problem, it’s the placement of it.  Give that same couple 20 years?  Make that 16 year old 36 and that 35 year old 55 when they meet?  I’ve got no problem with that in real life.  Yeah the gap is large but that’s two consenting adults in that relationship.  They can do what they want.
Now, that being said, this is where the separation between fiction and reality comes in yet again.
In fiction age differences can get ... tricky.  Especially if you add things like the supernatural to the situation.
I mean on one hand we have fandom police screaming over Starker but they have no problem with an age difference along the lines of say Bella/Edward (Twilight) or Kagome/Sesshomaru (from the anime InuYasha) or any other human/immortal-slow aging creature pairing I could think of.  A supernatural influence can skew people’s opinions on age differences.
So when it comes to age differences I, personally, tend to judge based on dynamics.
Take Starker for example.
With MCU Starker specifically, there is an extreme age difference without any sort of supernatural influence
Tony is 30+ years older than Peter.
Peter Parker is an actual child in universe at 15-ish and is portrayed as such.
There is very very much a relationship dynamic of father/child - mentor/student etc etc between them imo.  There is no chance, not even remotely, of equality between Peter and Tony on any level.  There will always be an unfair power dynamic between them and it feels more like incest and/or abuse than a traditional May/December kind of relationship.
Physically Peter might be able to overpower Tony but emotionally? mentally? maturity wise?  No.  It’s too uneven and unhealthy.  There is no common ground.
Now Steter on the other hand?
Yeah there’s a age difference but, in my opinion, you can first subtract 6 years off of Peter’s age because his time in a coma should not count.
Plus there’s the fact that the ages of the Hale family are notoriously fucked up. Jeff Davis couldn’t make up his mind about his own canon or his characters and as such so much doesn’t make sense. Thus we don’t really know how old Peter really and truly is.
And when it comes to him and Stiles, well there’s a tension between the two that is very very easy to read as sexual/seductive, at least on Peter’s part in season 1.  So there’s a basis of interest on which to grow.
Peter’s also one of the only characters to never underestimate Stiles. And there is, of course, the fact that Stiles would absolutely murder Peter if pushed too far.  He did in fact have a hand in murdering Peter once before, proving that Stiles has hard lines and boundaries in place that he won’t allow Peter to cross.
There is a sense of equality between Stiles and Peter, or at least the promise of it.  There is a respect between the two, a sort of meeting of eyes that says ‘we’re both dangerous’.
This lends their dynamic a much more equal footing.  It feels like a partnership could be possible between them and they play well off of one another.
So I enjoy Steter but don’t ship/enjoy Starker on this basis.
And if we loop back around to reality again there’s also this fact:
There is a difference between shipping a teenage character who is played by a 20+ year old actor with an adult character played by an adult actor and approving of a real life child being preyed upon by an adult.
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crescentmoonrider · 5 years
Fics I sorta want to write, sorta don’t want to, probably never will (a non-exhaustive list)
Of the inequality of palindromes
What it is : A canon divergence in which Noatak and Tarrlok leave together, build the Equalists much earlier, and the world once more descends into war. Avatar Aang is killed, Equalists occupy most of Earth Kingdom and spread the mercy of the Spirits-sent brothers who will make all equal, and a young Korra is raised behind the walls of the Northern Water Tribe. Also Jet is here, somehow, and would probably be one of the PoV characters, maybe along with Tarrlok ?
Why I want to write it : Lots of potential here for a lot of stuff, I’ve always loved Tarrlok and Noatak’s story, I already made a few sketches after the inciting dream and I kind of like what this all looks like. Lots of situations, lots of characters, lots of trauma. I feel like it could work with a non-chronological storytelling - or at least less chronological than A viper-lizard’s tales - and I’m curious to see how I would go about structuring that.
Why I don’t want to : The Timeline Is Fucked !!! I seriously have no idea what would be going on with the dates and ages of most characters and just trying to figure out and make sense of that stuff is killing me. Also, it would be Long, and Viper-lizard will probably have exhausted me by the time I finish it, so starting another long fic would be. HHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Ace Attorney
I will fill your thermos with Worcester sauce or so help me
What it is : A canon divergence in which bratty prosecutor Miles Edgeworth and Diego “I think I am a good person but I’m barely there” Armando somehow join forces to take down Dahlia. They’re both douchebags who despise each other. It’s a great collaboration. They meet one young and innocent Phoenix Wright at the legal library and it’s all downhill from there.
Why I want to write it : Douchebag duo !! Reluctantly working together !! I want these two to interact and to barely resist kicking each other in the shins like the little brats they are. And well, I’ve already made Content(TM) for this, so I’d say it speaks to how much I like the idea. There is a scenario somewhere in my mind and in the sketches I did.
Why I don’t want to : I’m barely in this fandom anymore (if I ever really was) and I don’t like research. What the fuck is a legalese and do I need to know it to write about lawyers ? Whatever the answer may be, I’ll have to look shit up, and it will take time, and I’ll get distracted, and the fic will never write itself.
Hannibal (NBC)
Ode au pêcheur (long ver.)
What it is : A role-reversal AU, in which Hannibal is not a cannibal but still a psychiatrist, and Will is a teacher and profiler with a, uh, taste for uncommon meats. They still meet during the Shrike case, which is what the current Ode au pêcheur is about, and this would be the following events.
Why I want to write it : For one, I already wrote a short piece for this verse, so jot that down. But also I want to explore the change in dynamics, and also Hannibal being completely fucked up but in a different way. And writing Will as this kind of mysterious and fascinating being through Hannibal’s eyes... yeah, that’d be good.
Why I don’t want to : I spent hours reading the scripts, deciding what I would and would not keep, how to phrase it, for a 878 words standalone. I do Not want to know what I’d do with a long fic.
Six Sibylline Books (oracles willfully blind)
What it is : A Psycho Pass AU, with Will as an Enforcer specializing in profiling, having been declared a Latent Criminal since he was 6, because of his high empathy. He lives in fear of the day his Coefficient will reach 300. Hannibal is, of course, criminally asymptomatic, and working as a therapist for the government.
Why I want to write it : Let’s be honest, these two in the Sibyl System would be a fucking mess, and I for one am here for it. Mostly I want to see Will struggle with his place in this world, and watch what his Becoming would be like. Hannibal as a worse version of Makishima who just does shit for fun is terrible too, I love it. He probably wouldn’t even try to do a revolution and pretend to help people, the asshole.
Why I don’t want to : I Would Die. Two very complicated shows with literary references and philosophy mixed in just about every sentence, and a very well-rounded world as the setting ? Instant death. Or a very slow one, induced by the constant need to reference every little detail.
Kekkai Sensen
Fallen Hellsalem
What it is : A noir AU in which Daniel Law is a hardboiled detective who has been looking for answers regarding the disappearance of his younger twin brother for the past three years. A two-parters (by which I mean, two fics of consequent length, or a Huge fic with two very long main arcs), with the first case introducing the world through Steven A Starphase being accused of murder and needing Daniel’s help to find the real culprit. Turns out he didn’t do This murder but is also a crime lord involved in the disappearance of many other people, reigniting Daniel’s quest for answers. The second case is actually much more focused on the actual investigation surrounding Marcus’ disappearance, with Daniel gaining an apprentice in the person of Leonardo Watch, and learning to let go of the past a little.
Why I want to write it : I made a 5 page comic of the very first scene in 20 days. I just really like the noir aesthetics, and also Daniel. I have something resembling the beginning of an actual plot. I love Daniel. Did I mention I love Daniel ? It would be very interesting to have to actually think things in advance and build a case that makes sense.
Why I don’t want to : It would be so much work !! Two parts ?? Two fics for one story ? Or even just a Mega Fic - I would just fucking die. Also, while having to figure out how to build a case that makes sense is a fine challenge, it’s also a Lot of work, especially when I’m more the type of writer to figure stuff out as it comes, or to plan for Big Emotional moments and then turn the plot around it so that it all works organically. I’m not really a planner of plots, more of scenes. Plots kinda just happen. And that doesn’t fly for detective stories if you want it to be decent.
Psycho Pass
The blind Sibylla (long ver.)
What it is : A canon divergence directly following the events of The blind Sibylla (in which Akane shot Makishima during episode 11). Makishima didn’t die but is injured, still somehow escapes ; meanwhile Akane is kind of scouted by Sibyl because she shot a guy with the intention to kill him and her Crime Coefficient didn’t rise, and she considers the offer. Kogami gets a phone call that leaves him sick to his stomach, and he too has to make a choice.
Why I want to write it : I mean, I already wrote two short chapters on impulse, so it’s more of “why I want to continue it”. Anyway the answer is that I’ve got ideas and I want to see where they go. Also if I can get Kagari and Choe Gu Sung to stay alive that would be swell.
Why I don’t want to : Psycho Pass Is Complicated. The worldbuilding is on point, but that also means fucking it up is incredibly easy. Also the literary references. It would be a lot more work than I am used to putting into my writing and I really don’t feel like memorizing the wiki and constantly rewatching the series just to get everything as accurate as possible.
The illusion of love and the reality of hate
What it is : A TYL 186918 story about Hibari and Mukuro navigating their hate-relationship and trying to make it work. Especially after Mukuro was thought to have been killed by Byakuran. Would involve Mukuro asking Ryohei for advice because he is literally the only person in a stable relationship who has any idea what he’s doing, and also he knows what Hibari is like. A contract is drafted. I’m not saying Mukuro and Hibari get hate-married but. They get hate-married. Kind of.
Why I want to write it : I’ve wanted to explore a full-blown, healthy blackrom for a while now, and these two are one of my oldest ships, and also one I’ve written a lot for in the past. Love me a good mix of fucked up shit and humor. And boy would there be fucked up shit between these two.
Why I don’t want to : Two words : Sex Scenes. I can’t imagine this story (or this relationship, for that matter) without sex, as it would be one of the most primal way they have of communicating with each other, along with fighting. But I’ve never written smut in my life. Also I barely remember the TYL arc (better than the later ones, but not by much) so I’d have to look that up again, and probably more (likely re-reading the whole thing), but that’s a minor issue.
Red Raven
Cave Canem
What it is : An early canon divergence in which Ricardo gets lost in the panic of the five days of blood and is believed to be dead, while Walter meets Calogero at Castor Arte and decides to follow him around out of a mutual hatred of the Scaggs. Anyway Ricardo joins the Red Ravens because he believes he was abandoned and can’t trust the mafia anymore, while Walter more or less gets adopted by Calogero and becomes Laura’s right hand.
Why I want to write it : I just. I love this manga so goddamn much,,,,,,, Also Walter and Ricardo are very similar while being pretty different, and the changes in dynamics a switch would make are. Pretty darn interesting. I made sketches. I want to see what would stay the same and what would go differently. I want to send more Red Raven content into this world.
Why I don’t want to : This fandom is comprised of three people and a crow, and I know myself well enough to be certain I’ll have trouble staying motivated in these conditions. Also this would be Long, I can feel it. And I don’t really have a scenario planned, so that’s that.
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Snow blossoms
What it is : A canon divergence (?) in which Fai (the dead one, not our Fye) is a dream-walker and meets child Kurogane a few times this way. At one point, Kurogane promises to find Fai and Yui and to help them, no matter what. Later, the then grown Kurogane is eternally confused by Fye’s presence for one more reason.
Why I want to write it : It’s an old headcanon of mine that Fai is a dream-walker, I figured I might as well do something with it. Also I want to write this kid !! Give him some life !! And of course the KuroFye angst might just triple from this. Also, the truth is that I started this one (in January 2018...), and it looks promising. I already have a structure for the first arc, so that’s neat.
Why I don’t want to : For one, it would be Long, and as mentioned earlier in this post, I don’t think I’d have the strength to go through this again. For two, TRC is a cool story that I like a lot, but I hardly think about it anymore most of the time.
Whispers under my skin
What it is : A canon divergence in which Cedric (still in his kind librarian skin) seduces Matt as a way to get to Will, and it backfires horribly when he realizes he is loved by this human and Phobos will never love him like that, and he will never get what he really wants. So at the final battle in Meridian, instead of going full Super Saiyan Lizard, he betrays Phobos. He gets badly injured, but he also gains a half-freedom as thanks from Kandrakar, in the way of a human life (plus some minor magic if the girls allow him to) and a duty to help the Guardians in their mission.
Why I want to write it : Like many of my dream-inspired things, it is very weird, and for once I think it’s a very good thing. Yes I had a dream in which Matt and Cedric had A Thing, no don’t ask me how that happened I don’t control my brain. Anyway, I’ve always liked Cedric and I want to explore his character, and the dynamics he could form with the girls in such different circumstances. Also, I’d get to play around with the magic system, which is very cool.
Why I don’t want to : I re-read my w.i.t.c.h. comics maybe once every two years, and while some of them still make me cry (why did you have to die you filthy lizard man), it’s probably not enough of a basis to start a Long Fic. Also it would be Long and I am tired. And ! I don’t have nearly enough references at home and that means I’d have to look shit up, and the wiki is Not Great, from what I’ve seen.
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maydei · 6 years
What is it about Hannibal (the show + person) and his relationship with will that you absolutely love about? They do seem like an interesting couple (I haven’t seen the movie so I cannot relate much) but what about them? I genuinely curious and am interested with your thoughts and opinions.
Hi Anon!! This is a really big question, but I’ll do my best to answer it. I’m definitely gonna put most of this under a cut, because it got really, really long.
First of all, the relationship that I love in regards to the Will//Hannibal dynamic comes from the TV show Hannibal, which was written by Bryan Fuller and ran on NBC from 2013-2015. It was an extraordinarily unique and in-depth take on the Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham friendship that was based on the books, insofar that Will Graham was one of the few who deeply understood Hannibal Lecter prior to the revelation that he was a cannibal. Of course, Bryan took that concept several steps further.
My first suggestion? If you can stomach any kind of horror or gore, watch Hannibal. It is without a doubt the best television show I’ve ever seen, if only because it is visually beautiful, every character is complex and has clearly outlined motivations of their own, and is a really deeply intellectual piece of media. It’s not an easy watch, and I don’t mean that because of content. The story itself, the character drives, even the dialogue will challenge you. It’s not something you just sit down and understand, it really did take a lot of work for me to grasp the full spectrum of what was going on at any given time during my first watch. I’d never encountered something that pushed me that hard before, and even with a week between episodes or more (since I watched when it was originally airing), I was often left like ?????. Think of it like Black Mirror, except every episode is tied together. It’s gonna screw with you a little, so you’ll want to be prepared. 
The thing other than the fantastic writing that brings this show and these characters to life: the actors. Mads Mikkelsen as Hannibal Lecter presents a character that you better not take your eyes off even once. Hannibal says things so smoothly and with such conviction, but it’s only if you watch his face at all times that you will see the micro-expressions of what he is actually thinking and feeling. There’s a reason he’s often referred to as the Devil, as smoke. 
Hugh Dancy as Will Graham presents a man who is haunted by his own desires from empathizing too closely with killers. He can feel what murderers feel, and that gives him a unique perspective. He puts himself inside their minds to recreate their thought processes as they kill, and that gets to him. It haunts him, and sticks with him. It puts him in the position of needing someone to help him find his way back to himself when he gets in too deep.
It’s such a unique dynamic. I really couldn’t tear myself away. And that’s only where their story begins.
It starts as a sense of curiosity. Hannibal by nature and necessity is a solitary creature, and he has been pretty damn happy that way. When Jack Crawford asks him to profile Will Graham and clear him for field work, it is a unique opportunity for him as an already-established killer to see inside the workings of the FBI. That’s advantageous for him, of course. He can then keep tabs on the investigation against him. But in the process, he discovers Will, who thinks like a killer. Will, who has forcibly shoved his own personality into a very safe box of isolation and rescued dogs and fly fishing, things that require control and perfection. Will uses these constructs as shields to keep the darkness inside him at bay. He absorbs killers to gain their insights, but once they are inside, he has a really hard time getting rid of them. 
It may seem backwards, but despite Hannibal meeting other killers who are very much like him, he ultimately rejects them because he doesn’t want someone exactly like himself. He wants Will because he is so incredibly human, but trying so hard to restrain his own darkness. What Hannibal wants above all is to set him free, come hell or high water. And fundamental transformations can be exquisitely painful, even in their beauty. Hannibal wants to see what will happen.
The Hannibal/Will relationship doesn’t stay stagnant, ever. There is a constantly shifting dynamic of power once we reach S2 and Will is aware of Hannibal’s nature. Will puts himself in a position to learn more about Hannibal, and in doing so, finds himself feeling the pull that Hannibal described, discovering the ways in which they are so alike. And the tension in these scenes is indescribable. If you’ve seen any of the gifsets I’ve reblogged, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Every molecule of space between them is charged with intent. Every word is carefully weighted. Every glance is measured to not be too soon or too late, hoping to glimpse beneath the other’s veneer of civility and see the creature inside. They are so cruel to each other as they learn one another, but in their cruelty, they push each other to higher heights, and the friendship never quite fractures. 
In a word, they get close. There are moments standing in firelight and shadow, genuine smiles shared, tension that builds and grows until every inch of darkness between them is thick with it. Flirtatious glances. Familiar, intimate touches that hold such rich subtext. They understand each other like no one else does. They stand on the very edge of becoming something more, becoming family, when everything collapses, and they are both devastated by it.
Their relationship is the very definition of “can’t live with him, can’t live without him”. They are described by others as being “identically different”, as being “nakama [friends, but more like… family. like a group of people tied together by life and circumstance who would not easily be broken apart]”. 
Hannibal’s revelation of love for Will Graham comes in their separation. It hits him like a train, to be honest. It’s the first time the viewer realizes that underneath the very polite and elegant and put-together man that covers the vicious killer, he really does crave companionship. Even in his solitary life, Hannibal has never been actually solitary. He fills the gaps in with friends and acquaintances, people he cares for to an extent, but mostly people he uses for their advantageous nature. Will is the first person who really sees Hannibal down to his bones, and the loss of him, and the loss of their mutual potential, deeply wounds him. 
Like. I can’t even fully explain all the things about these characters that get to me. I think the thing I like most is that, even as a serial killer, Hannibal is still so very human. He finds pleasure in art and architecture. He enjoys history and philosophy and educational pursuits. He’s a talented artist and musician and chef. He gets annoyed by rude people the same as the rest of us. The main difference is that he eats them. 
This show is visceral. It’s a game of cat and mouse, a chessboard of intellectual bad decisions, but every choice is born from emotional need. And the best thing about it is that Bryan Fuller fully accepts, welcomes, and acknowledges the love between Hannibal and Will canonically in the show. Not just “haha that’s gay” jokes. Everyone else can see it. Everyone has some sort of parting shot about it. But in the end, even Will is faced with the point-blank realization that, yes, Hannibal is in love with him, and has the question turned back on him: but do you ache for him?
By the end, there is no doubt that the call has been heard, and the draw between them culminates in what Hannibal has really desired all along: he and Will hunting together, fighting together. Achilles and Patroclus, as they have been described by Hannibal himself. 
This show is a masterpiece, honestly. It unfolds the confines of civility and sees predators set free. It sees them together, reunited. It sees them in love. It sees them from beginning to end, where even the end is not really the end. 
I dearly, desperately hope for a season four of this show. I’m comforted by the fact that all the writers, producers, and actors have voiced their support of doing so, if they can find a production company to pick them up and get the rights of the other Hannibal characters [re: SotL] the way Bryan desires.
The fandom is incredible. Everyone is a little bit older than my prior fandoms, and people tend to be well-seasoned to the concept of reading what they enjoy and silently passing over things that are not to their tastes. There’s… not really any fighting the way there is in other fandoms. Those who disagree have civilized discussions, because the first and foremost rule of the fandom is the first and foremost rule of understanding Hannibal Lecter: “Whenever possible, one should always try to eat the rude.” 
And the fandom is alive!! It’s actively creating new art and new gifsets and new fics and new everything every day, and not on a small scale, either. There are thousands of people still out here eagerly awaiting the revival of a truly groundbreaking show that showcased LGBT relationships (not just Hannibal and Will, mind you. Margot/Alana is real and alive and nourishes my soul to this day), a diverse cast, riveting and powerful female characters, and the kind of plotline and visual storytelling that the ancients would weep if they could see. 
TLDR:  I love this fandom. I love these characters. I love these monsters, and I see myself inside them in ways that is absolutely concerning to polite society. I love the imagery, the depth of morality. I love that it’s feasible for me to write a fic in which the characters can love each other and are constantly working around one another to achieve their own ends, and that every fic I read by everyone else has a different insight to their relationship. That every fic I read is a fucking masterpiece, seriously, oh my god, the quality of fiction in this fandom is so high, it’s amazing. 
Join us, Anon. The Atlantic is a little chilly this time of year, but you’ll get used to it, I promise.
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Discovery of Witches Season 1 Episode 1
Yes, this is the TV series based off of that horrible book trilogy. People who follow my book blog will remember that I snarked it and had the absolute worst time.
Forget the Fifty Shades... sextet (It's a sextet now, not a trilogy). The All Souls Trilogy is, hands down, the absolute worst thing that I have ever had the misfortune to read.
But Ravenclaw, if you hated the book so much, why did you watch even one episode of the TV series?
All me curious, I suppose.
Going into the episode, my opinion is already pretty rock bottom. I'm expecting a lot of padding, if only because the book was 90% unnecessary bullshit that literally anybody should have told Harkness to cut out.
When they first announced that they were making the series, I joked with my friends that half of the TV show was just going to be Diana disassociating for half an hour as she stared at a sconce and explained how this light fixture once belonged to Henry VIII or whatever. BECUASE THAT'S HOW IT HAPPENS IN THE BOOK.
However, the TV series, as you might imagine, takes some... er... liberties. Already in the first episode, characters are introduced differently, and new POVs are introduced as well. If only because... No, Harkness. We don't want to see Diana dramatically pushing down the lever on the toaster. JFC why.
The show starts off pretty much like in the book: Meet Diana Bishop, who has a doctorate in magical history. She's a witch, but she's not very good at it.
In the book, especially right in the beginning before Harkness figured out what the fuck she was doing, Diana's magic waffled between “I WANT TO BE HUMAN SO I REFUSE TO USE MAGIC!!” and “I AM SHIT AT MAGIC SO I TRY TO AVOID DOING IT WHENEVER POSSIBLE.”
However, right off the bat, Diana talks with her friend, Jillian, and says that she has a lot of lingering PTSD from her parents being murdered because of their magic. Which is fair.
And it's also way more character development than Diana got in literally 15000 pages of trash Harkness wrote.
Diana calls up the famed Ashmole 742 (or as I took to calling it “Asshole 747”), of which the entire series revolves around.
See, literally every magical creature thinks that this book is somehow the answer to all of their problems. They all want it because they think that it's going to share the secrets of how they came to be. And they don't want the other magical species to get their hands on it because they think that the secrets inside will tell the other species how to destroy them.
And as I write this, I think to myself “There can be no winners in a scenario like this. Just mutual destruction over a fucking book.” But whatever.
Oh, and in case you need to be caught up, there are three magical species: witches, vampires, and daemons. I'm using the spelling from the book, because, in my mind, they were not the same thing as “demons”. In fact, I'm pretty sure that the book went out of its way to assure us that “daemons” had not crawled up from hell, etc etc. In fact, I even pronounced it like “day-mons”. The series, however, seems to think that “daemon” and “demon” would be too confusing, and has resorted back to just plain old demon.
First off... let me express my discomfort over the entire library scene. Diana goes in, tells the guy at the desk that she wants such and such books and gives him the call slips. He sends the slips down to where the really old books are stored. And it's interesting to see. But then the lady goes and she just... “Lol, here's this book! And let me grab this other book.” She stacks them up on her chest like they weren't four-plus centuries old. And if we were talking about copies of Harry Potter or whatever, I don't think that I would give two shits. BUT THESE ARE OLD, PRICELESS, ONE OF A KIND BOOKS. AND SHE'S TREATING THEM LIKE THEY'RE 98TH EDITIONS OF HARRY POTTER.
And then the guy goes over to give them to Diana, and he's like “Well, here you go.” and just kind of... tosses them onto her workspace. And Diana starts to look at the Asshole 747.
And not a single person handles any of these books with gloves, either. Diana even touches these old pages with her bare hands, which can't possibly be good for the pages or ink. And in one scene, she even forcefully rips a page apart from the one below it, which had sort of become stuck with the ink.
Anyway, as Diana actually looks at the book, it's a very interesting special effect as all of the words swirl around on the page.
However, true to the book, Diana freaks out and quickly returns the book. However, unlike in the book, Diana thinks that she sees her father, and she has a complete and utter panic attack over the entire thing.
She later calls her aunt, who is more angry that Diana returned what is clearly a dangerous magical item rather than to investigate further... Rather than the obvious fact that it's clear that Diana is spiraling into some kind of psychosis what with seeing her father and having nightterrors.
Because priorities.
Also much like in the book, all of the magical species in the area were somehow alerted to Diana calling up the book. And I'm willing to let it slide, if only because MAGIC.
Jillian kicks off her subplot by her telling the head of the local coven about this. The head then calls up the witchy president, who's some old fat guy and I cannot remember his name for the life of me. He also brings along Satu. We were rather rudely introduced to Satu as old fat guy went to get her in Finland. And she murdered the random human that the old fat guy brought along with him.
However, as this is likely going to be a long series (if it goes the full length of the books and isn't canceled in the meantime, which maybe it will be if the rest of the episodes are this awkward with clunky dialogue as this first episode), then Jillian's plot is just kicking off. We don't spend much time on it.
However, we do introduce Marcus, who is Matthew's vampire son. (Not to be confused with a biological son. They're vampires, for fuck's sake.) Marcus's friend was hit by a car, and he died almost instantly. Marcus felt bad about the entire thing and tried to turn his friend, only for the vampire mojo to not work at all.
Later, Matthew picks Marcus up from the police station, and completely reams Marcus out for... trying to help his friend. It's a head scratcher, but don't linger too much on it.
Matthew is, however, insanely insistent that the answers to why they suddenly cannot create any new vampires lies in Asshole 747.
So, he starts to literally stalk Diana. And, granted. This is very accurate to how things were in the book. Except, Diana was kind of like “Oh no, he's hot!” about the entire thing. We never saw what Matthew was thinking, because the books were written from Diana's first person POV. But... in the TV series, he comes off less like a smarter and more mature Edward Cullen and more like... Hannibal Lecter. Yeah, you trust him a little if only because he's good looking and smart. But at the same time, you're getting some seriously creepy “He's going to cut out my spleen and put it in soup and feed me the soup before he kills me for real.” vibes from him. Ugh.
It's the complete opposite of romantic, if you ask me. At least the Twilight movies tried to make Edward look like not the kind of person who breaks into a girl's bedroom to watch her sleep. With Discovery of Witches, no such attempt to de-creep-ify Matthew is ever made.
All in all, the episode seemed to drag on forever. Too many subplots were introduced too quickly. The dialogue was clunky and it felt overly forced. Especially from Diana. The actual academic side of the episode was so cringy that I literally wanted to cry and write an angry letter to whoever the fuck wrote this bullshit.
But, the simple fact that it's really, REALLY hard to talk about a pencil for three pages or bricks or the dorm where Diana's staying or her fucking hairbrush means that half of what made the All Souls Trilogy so unbelievably unbearable is instantly cut for more actual plot.
It wasn't nearly as horrible as I was expecting. And I'm as surprised as you are. I've seen way worse things. And the fact that I kind of want to see the second episode just to see where they're going to take this vs how the book was is always a good sign for a show.
Especially one as awful as All Souls Trilogy was.  
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victorineb · 7 years
I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day, Forever
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My (slightly late) Christmas gift to my dear friends who are kind enough to put up with my whining. I love you @desperatelyseekingcannibals​ @slashyrogue​ @hotsauce418​ @hotmolasses​ @tcbook​ @drjlecter​ @kateera​ @devereauxsdisease​ @redfivewritingby​ @fragile-teacup​ @wraithsonwingsposts​ @jadegreenworks​ @thisismydesignhannibal​ @thesilverqueenlady​ @chronicopheliac​ @pragnificent​
Also for @radiance-anthology​‘s First Kiss Challenge. Thank you to the Radiance team for all your hard work and patience, and for the amazing book that was the result.
Also on AO3.
Will was never sure, looking back, what alerted him to the presence of an intruder climbing his front steps. A shift in the air, perhaps. A noise on the edge of hearing. Certainly not his dogs, most of whom hadn’t moved an inch; though that was perhaps unsurprising, since he’d given them their traditional Christmas Eve treat – ground turkey cut with cranberries – and they would be in a food coma until morning, at least. But even Buster – who could not be stopped by a mere overstuffed belly – only lifted his head, cracked an eye and then flumped back down with a sigh.
Which meant that whoever was creeping around on Will’s porch at past two am on Christmas morning was someone the dogs knew and trusted.
And that left really only two options since Alana barely showed up even during the day anymore, and Jack would simply have pounded on the door until either it splintered or Will answered.
It was either Santa, or Hannibal fucking Lecter.
Will opened his front door, letting it bang as he did so in hopes of surprising the creepy bastard of an actual serial killer now making his way back along Will’s snow-dusted driveway. Of course Hannibal, being Hannibal, showed absolutely no signs of fright, halting his steps and pivoting smoothly to face Will with a placid expression.
It was utterly unfair, really, Will reflected, the way Hannibal looked. Soft flakes of snow fell to rest in his loosened hair, quite silver in the moonlight, and his eyes seemed to glitter like frost. If Will had been forced to reach for an adjective at that precise moment, the only one that would have fit was angelic. A fallen angel, to be sure, but still breathtaking in his beauty. It made something deep inside Will ache to see him that way.
“Good evening, Will,” Hannibal said, eyes flicking for the barest moment over Will’s half-dressed form and then back to his face. “My apologies, I had hoped to complete my errand without disturbing you.”
“I suspect you rather enjoy disturbing me, Doctor,” Will shot back, at a loss as to what Hannibal meant by the word errand. “Not a social call, then?”
“Those I pay a call to in the wee hours tend not to be my friends, Will.” Hannibal smirked and Will – dammit all – could not help but return it. Apparently Hannibal took this as a sign to take a few steps towards Will, and he decided to allow it. He had nothing to fear from Hannibal – whatever their ending was to be, it wouldn’t be this bizarre, dreamlike meeting in the quiet of a frosted night – and he was curious to find out just what the man was up to.
“And we are friends, aren’t we, Doctor?” Will asked, letting the words drag slow and teasing from him.
“Indeed, Will. You are dear to me in ways I do not imagine you fully understand.”
Will cocked an eyebrow at this, but didn’t ask Hannibal to elaborate. He was pretty certain madness lay on the other side of letting Hannibal explain just what Will meant to him. Instead, he tilted his head and looked down on Hannibal with a small smile. “And yet here you are, during just those wee hours, acting suspiciously on my property. Convince me that I shouldn’t call the police and inform them I have a trespasser.”
Hannibal’s smile broadened from polite to delighted, and he took another couple of steps towards Will, until he could set one foot on the bottom step.
“Close enough,” Will told him, holding up a hand.
“As you wish.” Hannibal gave a small nod in acquiescence and remained where he was. “In that case, I will have to point you in the direction of my purpose,” he added, and gestured for Will to look to his left. There, resting on the seat Will had forgotten to bring in earlier, was a huge hamper, full to bursting, and tied with a ribbon that might have been red and might have been black; Will couldn’t tell in the moonlight.
Will stared at it, unmoving, for a good minute. The cold was beginning to make him shiver – he was sure it was the cold – but he couldn’t quite bring himself to go inside, to move, to look away from Hannibal’s gift. A suspicion began to form in his mind.
“Couldn’t have me missing out on your unique culinary tastes over the festive period?” he growled, finally snapping his eyes over to Hannibal, who met them with a strangely wounded, resigned expression.
“A gift should never be designed to satisfy the giver, Will. That would defeat its purpose.”
Will’s eyes narrowed at the endearment. “And what is your design, Doctor?”
“Can you not see it, dear Will?”
Will studied Hannibal’s face. He would never be able to instantly understand Hannibal’s motives or emotions the way he could most people’s, but he had learned much about how to read the man over the past few months. There was doubtless some ulterior motive or three he was missing, lurking under Hannibal’s beneficent exterior, but Will could see nothing but a yearning sincerity in either his face or his words. Words he could choose to believe or reject – it didn’t really matter what was in that hamper, what mattered was how Will reacted to it.
“So, what, a ceasefire for the holidays?” he asked incredulously.
“A truce, yes. A moment in which we may relax with each other, without our masks or person suits.”
“Just like the old days, huh?” Will considered the offer. “I’m cold,” he said, eventually.
“Once again, my apologies, Will, I should not have kept you out here in the snow.” He began to turn away, saying, “I will leave you in peace now, my car is just-”
“No,” Will interrupted him, receiving a look of confusion in return. He took a deep breath and continued, “Come up here.”
This time, Hannibal gave a genuine look of surprise – reflexively and effectively covered up, of course, but plain for Will to see. He hesitated for a moment, and then began slowly climbing the stairs, with something approaching awe on his face. Will stood, unmoving, patiently waiting for Hannibal to reach him, and when he did, Will reached for Hannibal in return, bringing his warm body against Will’s cold one. Hannibal stiffened for a moment, apparently stunned by this turn of events, and then gently pushed Will away a little.
The sting of hurt that lashed through Will was breathtaking, and he was about to shove Hannibal back down the steps and return to his bed, humiliated, when Hannibal breathed out, “Wait,” in such a pleading tone that Will was stayed by it. Then Hannibal began unbuttoning his coat, and Will felt a flutter at what he seemed to intend.
Hannibal kept eye contact the whole time he was unbuttoning, time seeming to slow to a crawl as his strong fingers deftly worked each one. And then, finally, he was finished and stepping forward, drawing Will back to him and wrapping the heavy, warm fabric around both of them. His arms remained tight around Will, and Will found himself returning the movement before he was even aware of it, shocked somewhere in a distant part of his mind at how easily they fit together. It was simply a natural progression to then tip his face up towards Hannibal and let their mouths fit together too.
The kiss wasn’t passionate or heated, but soft and sweet. Languid, even, as if they had all the time in the world to press their lips together, to each learn how the other moved, the sounds they made, the way they tasted. Will let himself fall into it while he could, let himself fall into the fantasy that this could ever be more than a moment, frozen crisp and clear under the light of the moon.
And then he made himself stop.
The tiny whine that Hannibal made as he pulled away was almost enough to convince Will to lean in and kiss him again. Only almost. Instead, he extricated himself from Hannibal’s coat, and pulled it back around, straightening his lapels as an excuse not to meet his eyes. “Thank you for the gift,” he said, his voice a little husky. When Hannibal didn’t answer, he finally forced himself to look into his face, finding his controlled mask had been put back in place.
“It was entirely my pleasure, Will,” Hannibal said, tone blandly warm and friendly. It might have been cruel, Will thought, for anybody else to make so clear how little affected they were by his impulsive gesture. But how could he expect anything else from Hannibal?
“Not entirely,” Will told him, with a small smile, and then stepped back to separate himself completely. “You should go.”
“Indeed,” Hannibal said, “I should not have kept you out in the cold, it was unforgivably rude of me.”
Will snorted gently. “Of all things, Hannibal, I think that’s one I won’t hold against you. Besides, cease-fire, right? No harm, no foul.”
“Simply slip back into our roles as though nothing had happened. Just keep things… professional?”
Will shot another smile he couldn’t help at Hannibal. “God forbid we do any adult socialising.”
They held each other’s gaze for a moment, wry smiles plastered over flickers of pain. Then Hannibal nodded at Will and made his way down the stairs once again, leaving Will with the cold seeping back into his flesh. For a moment he wondered if he would remain in that spot, unmoving, slowly freezing, a monument to dashed hopes and wrong decisions.
“Hannibal?” Will asked the retreating figure, which stopped and turned once again at his words.
“Yes, Will?”
“I really don’t want to be this cheesy but, if this is what relaxing with you is like then… I wish it could be Christmas every day.”
Hannibal held his gaze for a moment, no discernible emotion on his face. And then he was stalking towards Will, who was running down the stairs to meet him at the bottom, crashing into each other, kissing and clutching and desperate. Hannibal hitched Will’s legs up around his waist, apparently mindful of the snow and Will’s bare feet, and they clung to each other as he walked them back to the porch, kissing too deeply to pause for breath.
“It could be, it could be, Will,” Hannibal burst out, stroking a hand through Will’s dishevelled curls. “It could be just this, forever.”
“Hannibal… no, I… it’s not possible. There’s too much – how could I trust you? How could you trust me?”
“I have and will always trust you, mylimasis. I will put my life in your hands if only you ask. Let me prove to you that you may do the same.”
“How, Hannibal?”
Hannibal paused for a moment, not, it seemed to Will, to think, but simply to appreciate the moment of possibility hanging between them. Then he let his hand drift down to cradle Will’s cheek and asked, “Would you come with me? For only a little while; I can have you back to your dogs before they ever know you are gone.”
“Where? Why?” Will asked, not even attempting to mask the trace of desperation in his voice.
“Up the coast, I have a property. There is something hidden there I would like to give you. Something precious but thought lost. A true Christmas gift.”
Will knew he should consider. No, he knew he should just decline, go back into his house, back into real life. But echoing in his head was that tiny noise Hannibal had made when he pulled away from their first kiss. That chink in his armour that showed he was just as lost, just as vulnerable to this as Will. Just as liable to be hurt if it went wrong.
“Show me.”
One Year Later
Alana stared down at the note in her hand, countless emotions warring in her mind. A year since they disappeared. A year of wondering, searching, hoping for good news and – on her worse days – bad, and now this. An unmarked envelope, a single sheet of paper, and a photograph.
Dear Alana,
We hope that the festive season finds you in good health and good spirits. We should have loved to pay you a visit in person but, alas, circumstances prevent such a happy event. Please accept our thanks, in absentia, for your kindness in taking care of Will’s dogs, and our apologies for our rudeness in leaving without saying goodbye. Perhaps you will understand, though, that one’s ideals must sometimes be sacrificed for something of greater importance.
With best wishes from all our family,
Hannibal and Will Lecter-Graham
The photograph was of a nondescript but beautiful beach, pinks and golds staining the sky; though whether it was dawn or dusk, Alana couldn’t tell. In the distance, their backs to the camera, were three figures, making their way along the shoreline. The two men, one slightly shorter than the other, were holding hands, leaning into each other as they watched the third member of their group, whose appearance had caused Alana’s breath to hitch and her hands to shake.
It was a young woman, slim but strong-looking, her dark hair streaming behind her as she chased a familiar pair of dogs through the surf. She looked full of joy, her face turned just far enough to show the smile she was giving to the men with her.
From all our family…
Alana gazed at the photo for long minutes, letting silent tears fall onto the letter on her lap. Eventually, she gathered herself together and went to get her phone. It took a few rings but eventually Jack picked up, sounding exhausted. Bella’s condition had worsened badly in the last couple of months, and Alana suspected between caring for her and his job, he rarely slept anymore.
“Hello, Alana. You ok?”
Alana looked at the photo once again. It really was beautiful.
“Fine, Jack, just calling to wish you Merry Christmas. How’s Bella?” she asked, throwing the photo into her fireplace, followed by the note. She watched them curl up and turn to ash, as Jack told her that Bella’s health had rallied a little, and they made small talk about their plans for the day.
It was the season of forgiveness, after all.
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lindstrxm · 7 years
I’m sure this has been discussed on here before but I’m wondering what would’ve happened at the end of Dolce if the ”polizia” hadn’t interrupted Hannibal from cracking open a cold one with the boys getting into Will’s head. How far would he have gone?
Would he actually have eaten Will’s brain and fed some to Jack (and Will himself)? Would he have proceeded to consume the rest of Will? Would he have regretted it? Would he end up moping around again like he did in the first part of season 3, now knowing he’d never physically meet or see Will again? Would he be confident in his choice, feeling more powerful than ever?
Would he have stopped, realizing what the fuck he was doing? Like yea it would have been nice to consume Will and have him with him in his gut but also… eating Will kind of you know.. ends him. Would it get awkward as Hannibal came to this realization? Would he have been like ”jk jk jk I’m just going to put this bone saw down, let’s pretend I wasn’t about to actually eat your brains like a fucking zombie”?
I couldn’t imagine that last part actually happening (though it would’ve been hilarious) but I’m not sure if he would go through with it. Then again Hannibal did seem fairly determined and certain in what he was doing.
Add your thoughts, write a thing if you want. I’m curious to hear what you think.
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eldbitch-horror · 7 years
Baby I’m Not A Monster: Chapter 2, Thought Crimes
Can also be read here. Likes and comments appreciated! Smutty stuff near the end. made for @wolftrapqueen27 tagging @hannigram-a-b-o-library  if they feel inclined to reblog! 
Will suspects Hannibal of being unfaithful, after all he’s been disappearing in the night. 
Wind whipped snow drifts into the seedy alleyways. Lantern light didn’t even touch these places. Dark catacombs of depravity, the smell of opium burning in the air, and a certain musk that told the tale of someone’s love being bought and sold. A dark figure hovered near a doorway to a whore house, a bandana and top hat concealing most discernible features. It waited, until the door opened, and a sated man stepped out. Before he could take a breath of the frigid air, a thin wire wrapped itself about his throat. Like a hungry snake it quickly constricted his airways, silencing any cry he might have made. The wire led back to the figure, a bronze gun in his hand, whirring quietly as its gears turned. It began eating the wire back into it, dragging the man to the predator. Quickly he was whisked deeper into the darkness, but not before moonlight struck sharp cheekbones.
 Will set the newspaper down with a heavy sigh, and scratched at his beard. Crime was common in the nasty parts of town, everyone knew that. It was however not so common to have people being killed and their limbs and organs being removed. It was the third victim in as many weeks. There were no clues besides the murder weapon. A Pulley, created originally for retrieving objects far away. A rather small gun that used a complex lever system and a thin cable. Specifically made to wrap, constrict, and pull, usually used for machinery and fisheries. It was certainly not made to brutally murder and maim. What worried Will was that the murders were coming closer to their neighborhood. Not by a lot, but it was noticeable. Or perhaps Will was just paranoid. Either way, he wasn’t going to be doing anything at night without Hannibal.
Hannibal was another worry. There was something different. He was withholding something from him, or… Well he wasn’t sure. He did know for sure that something wasn’t right. He came home, and gave him his kisses and sweet nothings. After that though, when things got quiet and dinner was finished, he became antsy. Of course in his own dignified way. It wasn’t as if Lecter was pacing back and forth and worrying at his lips. No, he sat staring at their meager fire and stroking his thumb along a jutting top lip. His eyes were what gave him away. They stormed, a sea of wine caught in a gale. The only eyes Will dared to look into, and they were so troubled. When he inquired for explanation he got a grunt, and then a farse smile of reassurance. Another thing that was both surprising and troubling, Hannibal was a lot more interested in sex than usual. It only made sense that a man who worked so vigorously would be too tired to exert himself further. Yet now almost every night they had no problem keeping warm with their activities. Will was certainly not complaining. It was still unusual. A nightly routine was usually reserved for heat cycles. This was what planted a nasty seed in Will’s mind. Was Hannibal lusting for another?
Perhaps it was a drama reserved for books and the play house. Yet he had heard of others talking about such a dilemma before. Their mate or partner finds someone who they find attractive, and before taking any physical action, they take action with their minds. He worried that he was a vessel for Hannibal to let out his sexual frustration. Who was it? Perhaps a beta, or another alpha. Someone better than him.
He knew it would probably happen eventually. He knew he wasn’t much of anything. Rather plain and a bit odd. Morbidly curious about death. When he was young and naive he wanted to be a detective, before he understood the social divides. So perhaps it only made sense that Hannibal would find another. The thought of it brought tears stinging his eyes, and he grit his teeth. Without Hannibal, he would have nothing. Both financially, but emotionally. Spiritually even. The scar from Hannibal’s bite of possession, their bond, was a ridged fault line on the nape of his neck. His fingers felt along it idly, his imagination setting the scar aglow in his mind’s eye. Despite his best efforts not to entertain the horrid idea, it was there, and growing cancerously.
Making matters worse the night before, after a nightmare woke him he found the space beside him empty and cold. Hannibal was gone. Will bundled himself up in the blankets, and allowed himself a moment to cry. He did so until he fell back to sleep, unaware when Hannibal slipped back into bed an hour later. Whoever it was, he hoped they were special. It left a more bitter taste thinking some common whore had enwrapped his mate.
 Will didn’t realize he was ruining the paper and ink sitting on the table before him, and he quickly wiped the tears away when he finally noticed. Hannibal would be home soon, and he hadn’t even begun dinner. He rose, and began making the usual. He had made a few pennies enough to get some ginger root, which at the time he had hoped would please his mates pallet. Now he was hoping he might burn it and make it taste as bitter as he was feeling. He was a good ‘wife’ though, and made sure that dinner would be tasty. Tasty enough at least. Perhaps his new lover could cook better than he, or had better ingredients. What a stupid thought.
Hannibal came home at the same time as usual, and dinner was already served. In fact, Will was already eating. Which was odd, as he usually waited for him. Hannibal  could near taste the tension in the air. Despite the smile that stretched Will’s lips, he knew he was in some sort of trouble.
“Hello, darling.” He greeted carefully, and Will nodded and smiled,
“Hello, love.” He replied in an eerily sweet tone. He could see that Hannibal was feeling uneasy from it. He sat down after shedding his coat, and stared at the food. It didn’t smell poisoned, so he began to eat. There was a long moment of silence, the only noise being silverware scraping against bowls. Finally, Hannibal broke it with a long sigh.
“What, pray tell, have I done to suffer your wrath?” He didn’t recall doing anything wrong. Anything that Will knew of anyways.
“Why would you think you were in trouble?” Will’s tone played with the idea that Hannibal had just tried and convicted himself with those words. This didn’t sit well with Hannibal. His body shifted back, arms crossing as he abandoned dinner,
“I don’t know. That is why I asked.” He sniped. Will almost lost his cool demeanor, but held it a bit longer,
“Who is it?” He asked it as calmly as possible, but the shake in his voice spoke volumes. Hannibal just stared at him like he had just pulled a gun on him.
“Who is what?” The butcher? The meat?
“You’ve been more interested in physical contact, you’ve been slipping away at night. So who is it? Who has caught your fancy. Entrapped your mind so much. That you will come home. And fuck me. In their stead.” That didn’t come out quite as eloquently as first planned, but Hannibal could surely get the gist of what he was getting at.
Hannibal’s mouth was agape, truly in shock. Will suddenly felt smug. Gotcha. He was waiting for a fumbled explanation, or perhaps a plea for forgiveness. Silence greeted him, and then Hannibal’s jaw set.
It was one fluid movement. Hannibal was up, around the table, and leaning into Will’s personal bubble. A hand on each of Will’s, which were rested on the arms of the chair. It was an uncomfortable hold, but not painful. Hannibal was always so calculated. “Where is your proof?” It was a false calm, Will could feel his anger washing over him in uncomfortable waves of heat. He didn’t give him a response, and even when he dipped his head away, Hannibal’s followed. “Look into my eyes, William.” He demanded in a tone he never took with him. Authoritative. Angry. It brought the Omega out in him, and he submitted. He tilted his head up to meet his eyes, and in turn exposed his neck. His teeth clacked faintly, a sign of defeat. Hannibal didn’t soften though. His grip stayed tight, digging Will’s wrists into the wood. “Do not, ever. Accuse me of that. Never. I have always been loyal to you. My eyes have never wandered, my mind has never touched another. You are mine.” Will let out a soft whine, and Hannibal’s hold relaxed, his voice becoming softer. “And I am yours, do you understand? I have never been untrue to you, or our love. Or to this.” He freed Will’s wrists and moved to touch the scar on the nape of his neck. Again it glowed in Will’s mind, brighter this time. It made him sigh gently, his demeanor relaxing. He felt foolish, but before he could apologize Hannibal kissed him roughly. His tongue pushed into his lips, and Will reflexively opened for him. Hannibal’s hands became busy undressing his lover out of his rags. It was something he was skillful with, plenty of practice in doing so. Once he had him naked, he broke from kissing his lips, to begin kissing down his jaw, then his neck. Trailing down his collar bone, dipping into the hollows there, then down each arm. His torso, and then to his chubby little cock. He spent a little extra time there.
His tongue dragged along the fattening shaft, and lingered at the head, revelling in the taste of his pre. He then drifted further down. Will’s pussy was cleanly shaven, as Hannibal always enjoyed. He pushed his tongue into his folds, a slow stroke from the bottom to the clit. Will arched in response, and panted with soft noises of arousal. To Will’s disappointment though, he continued down to kissing each leg, each foot, and each toe. It was horrible, but wonderful. Finally, Hannibal relented, and took a single pace back to start disrobing.
Will watched with soft eyes, and while he had the chance, he whispered a sorry. Hannibal, now just as naked as Will, approached him. In an uncharacteristic show of unruliness, he shoved the bowls and other items off the table, then scooped Will up and laid him on it. “You, are mine. There is no other for me.” He reassured, his thumb stroking over his clit while the head of his cock teased the entrance. Will clenched rhythmically, eager for him. Panting and arching, hips jerking. Hannibal didn’t torture him further, and pushed into him. Will whined and his toes curled,
“Y-yes…” Hannibal smiled gently at his approval, his hips beginning to thrust. Will gripped the edges of the table, while Hannibal’s hands were busy, one using two fingers to stroke his clit, the other to stroke his cock. It was blissful, and Will voiced it adamantly. “Oh, Hannibal, fuck…” The only time Hannibal didn’t detest such crass wording. Each push made him feel more desperate, more hungry for whatever his Alpha would give him. He fixed his eyes on Hannibal, loving to watch his face twist in pleasure as he grunted.
“More, please more.” That was what Hannibal needed to hear. He always waited until Will was ready. His hips began snapping into him, the sound of their flesh smacking together becoming a song. Will was arching and squirming, lips parted in pathetic moans and pleas. Hannibal was all too eager to give him what he wanted. He leaned to kiss him, and Will feebly returned the action. Will wailed and fell back as he clamped around Hannibal, eyes rolling. Hannibal pushed as deep as he could, his knot pushing into him with a tight fit, spilling his seed into him. Will being the greedy boy he was, continued arching and rocking his hips, wanting to feel more. Hannibal pushed his hips into him for a few moments, his guttural moans primal and wonderfully lewd.
 Still knotted to Hannibal, both of them catching their breath, Will staring up at him adoringly, his questions slowly started coming back into his mind. “So if you aren’t slipping off to be with someone else, then what are you doing?” Of course Hannibal let out a long sigh at that, and kissed his nose,
“It is how I am getting the meat. It’s extra work, but it is worth it.” Will stared into his eyes as he spoke, and cupped his cheeks,
“Please, don’t wear yourself out. I need you.” This made Hannibal smile, and he kissed Will’s wrist,
“I promise, I’ll be okay.” he reassured.
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